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PMC3868388 | Environment and Scheduling Effects on Sprint and
Middle Distance Running Performances
Amal Haı¨da1,2*, Fre´de´ric Dor1, Marion Guillaume1, Laurent Quinquis1, Andy Marc1,
Laurie-Anne Marquet1, Juliana Antero-Jacquemin1, Claire Tourny-Chollet2, Franc¸ois Desgorces1,3,
Geoffroy Berthelot1,3, Jean-Franc¸ois Toussaint1,3,4
1 IRMES (biomedical Research Institute of Sports Epidemiology, Paris, France), INSEP (Institut National du Sport de l’Expertise et de la Performance), Paris, France,
2 Universite´ de Rouen, Faculte´ des Sciences du Sport et de l’Education Physique CETAPS (Centre d’Etude Transformations des Activite´s Physiques et Sportives), Mont-
Saint-Aignan, France, 3 Paris Descartes University, Sorbonne, Paris Cite´, Paris, France, 4 Hoˆtel-Dieu Hospital, CIMS (Centre d’Investigations en Me´decine du Sport), AP-HP
(Assistance Publique-Hoˆpitaux de Paris), Paris, France
Purpose: Achievement of athletes’ performances is related to several factors including physiological, environmental and
institutional cycles where physical characteristics are involved. The objective of this study is to analyse the performance
achieved in professional sprint and middle-distance running events (100 m to 1500 m) depending on the organization of
the annual calendar of track events and their environmental conditions.
Methods: From 2002 to 2008, all performances of the Top 50 international athletes in the 100 m to 1500 m races (men and
women) are collected. The historical series of world records and the 10 best annual performances in these events, amounted
to a total of 26,544 performances, are also included in the study.
Results: Two periods with a higher frequency of peak performances are observed. The first peak occurs around the 27.15th
60.21 week (first week of July) and the second peak around 34.75th 60.14 week (fourth week of August). The second peak
tends to be the time of major international competitions (Olympic Games, World Championships, and European
Championships) and could be characterized as an institutional moment. The first one, however, corresponds to an
environmental optimum as measured by the narrowing of the temperature range at the highest performance around
Conclusions: This is the first study to demonstrate that there are two performance peaks at a specific time of year (27th and
34th weeks) in sprint and middle distance. Both institutional and ecophysiological aspects contribute to performance in the
100 m to 1500 m best performances and define the contours of human possibilities. Sport institutions may take this into
account in order to provide ideal conditions to improve the next records.
Citation: Haı¨da A, Dor F, Guillaume M, Quinquis L, Marc A, et al. (2013) Environment and Scheduling Effects on Sprint and Middle Distance Running
Performances. PLoS ONE 8(11): e79548. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079548
Editor: Alejandro Lucia, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
Received July 19, 2013; Accepted September 23, 2013; Published November 20, 2013
Copyright: 2013 Haı¨da et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The authors thank the Centre National de De´veloppement du sport and the Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports for financial assistance. The funders
had no role in study design, data gathering, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The corresponding author had full
access to all data in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]
Since the beginning of the modern Olympic era (1896), the best
performance (BP) are in a process of exponential growth which
now seems to have reached its limits [1]. Performance is often
understood as a very broad term which involves many components
such as : psychomotor abilities, flexibility and joint stiffness, muscle
strength and power [2]. Athletes, like any living organism, depend
on physiological regulations that respect the nycthemeral, seasonal
or vital cycles [3]. There are variations in physiological factors
such as maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) or concentra-
tions of melatonin on the basis of seasonal rhythms [4]. This
seasonal rhythmicity has been demonstrated for certain factors
such as mood [5], lung function [6] and the core body
temperature. It is also observed in the physical activity of the
general population, which tends to be higher during summer [7–
9]. Chan and colleagues (2006) [9] found a significant change in
physical activity in the general population, as number of steps
walked per day being related to temperature, precipitation and
wind speed.
There is a limited amount of research that has investigated
effects of seasonality in sports on sprint athletes’ performances.
Yet the annual schedule of events seems to be a contributing
factor to performance. Comparison of track and field world
records (WR) shows that performance prevails in summertime.
performance [10,11]. Marathon optimal performances are set
at a temperature around 10u. This performance dependency on
November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e79548
temperature occurs not only for elite-standard athletes but for
all participants also [12–14].
The objective of this study is to compare the date and
temperature of the BP in sprint and middle distance races
(100 m to 1500 m) for men and women during the annual
calendar of international competitions, and observe their evolution
over the Olympic era in order to assess the environment and
Data Collection
international athletes in running events ranging from 100 m to
1500 m races for men and women were collected from the official
website of the International Association of Athletics Federations
(IAAF) [15]. For each event, data collection includes: full name of
the athlete, the completion date and place of the competition:
23,746 performances are collected, 11,813 from males and 11,933
from females. Performances are divided into five categories
defining the performance as a percentage in relation to the BP
obtained at the event. The percent categories (PC) used were: [95–
96%], [96–97%[, [97–98%[, [98–99%], [99–100%]. Within each
group, performances were collected according to the competition
type: (i) major competitions (the Olympic Games (OG), World
Championships (WC), European Championships (EC) and Amer-
ican selections (US)), (ii) the international circuit represented by
the Golden League and (iii) other meetings.
Date, place and name of the athlete when WR were set for the
same distances between 1952 and 2010 are collected (181 WR)
and the performances of the top 10 male and female 100 m race
are gathered from 1891 to 2008, representing 2,617 performances.
Temperatures for each city, at the time of the competition, are
recorded from 97 to 100 PC in 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m and
1500 m. In order to improve resolution, half PC are defined to
study temperature density: [97–97.5%], [97.5–98%], [98–98.5%],
[98.5–99%], [99–99.5%], [99.5–100%]. Temperature data are
collected from the weather underground website [16].
The total number of performances collected for this study is
Statistical Analysis
Distribution of performance by PC.
The performance
data from 2002 to 2008 is based on the distribution of
performance per week of the year depending on the PC and the
type of competition: mathematical analysis and modeling are done
using Matlab. To estimate the two dates when the greatest
numbers of performances occur, two functions are adjusted using
the least squares method: the double Gaussian and double
Lorentzian functions. For each PC, the best-fitted function is
selected on the basis of adjusted R2 and the mean square error
(RMSE) (See Materials and Methods S1, Figure S1, Tables S1 and
S2). The two dates of peak performance are estimated using the
elected model for each PC (Inert Figure 1). The proportion of
performances in the two peaks is estimated by computing the area
under the curve (proportion of performances) of each elected
model and for each PC (See Materials and Methods S1, Figure S2,
Table S2).
Distribution of WR
Effect size for One-Way ANOVA is Cohen’s d and is evaluated
with Cohen’s conventional criteria [17]. It is used to study the
stability of the WR mean date by decades (1952–1959, 1960–
1969, 1970–1979, 1980–1989, 1990–1999, 2000–2010). Statistical
significance is considered at p,0.05.
For the temperature, the statistical analyses are done on R,
Version 3.0.0 (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria, 2013) and results
are expressed as a mean 6 standard deviation. Fisher test is used
to compare the dispersions between the different PC with a value
of p,0.05 considered significant.
We estimate the density of temperature degrees for each of the
PC over a homogeneous mesh of 5*6 nodes. The resolution used is
of 7.5uC in the x-axis (temperature) and 0.59 percent in the y-axis
Distribution of Performance by PC and Competition
The distribution of weekly performances for each PC (95 to
100 PC) over the competition calendar shows two high frequency
periods (Figure 1). The estimated dates of the two peak
performances are constant within all PC (on mean 27.15th
60.21 week for peak 1 and 34.75th 60.14 for peak 2) (Figure 1,
Reaching the highest level, the areas under the curves of both
peaks converge toward the same 50% value (See Figure S2).
The number of performances during major competitions (OG/
WC/US/EC) increases from 16.7% for the 95 PC to 25.7% for
the 99 PC. The performances recorded during the Golden League
increase from 7.7% for the 95 PC to 29.1% for the 99 PC.
Conversely, the number of performances in the other competitions
decreases from 75.6% to 45.1% (Figure 1) (See Table S3).
Distribution of WR
The mean distribution of WR date by decade from 1952 to
2010 is concentrated at the 206.09th day 646.17. The variability
of WR date decreases considerably. In the first period (1952–
1959), SD is 64.34, in the last period (2000–2010), SD is 35.09.
However the mean day remains stable throughout the period
(p = 0.29) (Figure 2), with a large effect size (d = 0.98).
Influence of Temperature on Performance
The analysis of the distribution of PC according to temperature
shows a restriction in the thermal interval when reaching the
highest performance level. This interval narrows from 10–32uC at
97 PC of the BP to 20–27uC for the 100 PC with a mean
temperature of 23.2364.75uC. Subdividing the data into PC, the
mean temperature is 23.1364.80uC for the PC [97 to 97.5[,
23.4964.88uC for the PC [97.5 to 98[, 23.2364.92uC for the PC
22.6363.72uC for the PC [99 to 99.5[and 23.2563.26uC for
the BP [99.5 to 100]. Figure 3 highlights the narrowing of the
temperature range at the BP interval. The peak value of the
density mesh is 362 temperature values at 23uC and at 97.59%.
The density decreases in both dimensions (temperature and PC)
from this point confirming the mean temperature value stated
above (Inset, Figure 3).
Top 10 Sprinters from 1891 to 2008
There is no evolutionary trend in the completion date on the
100 m performances throughout the modern Olympic era. Since
1891, men accomplish their best performance around July 10th
(650 days) id est during the 28th week and since 1921, women
perform best around July 20th (644 days) id est during the 29th
week (Figure 4).
Environment and Scheduling in Track Races
November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e79548
Our study is the first to our knowledge to analyze the
exhaustiveness of the best performers in sprint and middle distance
races in relation to temperature.
Previous studies have mostly analysed seasonality in the rhythms
of daily life [2,18] or in marathon runners [12] but no studies have
demonstrated effects of seasonality through environmental or
institutional conditions on performance in sprint.
Two yearly performance peaks are observed for all levels in this
study. The first peak corresponds to the 27th week of the year (first
week of July) suggesting an environmental optimum for sprint
events. The second peak occurs at the 34th week (fourth week of
August), which is related to the main sporting events such as:
Olympic Games, European and World Championships. As seen in
Figure 1, both peak dates are stable throughout all performance
Cultural Peak at the 34th Week
The impact of major international competitions corresponds to
the performance peak in August. The calendar scheduling for
world championships or Olympic Games can be considered as an
institutional attractor. IAAF hosts competitions taking place
outdoor between February and October. Major competitions
such as the World Championships, European championships and
Olympic Games are usually scheduled in August whereas the
international circuit of the Golden League covers the whole period
between June and September. National federations plan their own
schedules proposing competitions that allow their athletes to
qualify for the major competitions.
This study highlights the existence of a cultural peak (second
peak) occurring at the same times as the major international
events. Globally, top athletes focus on the same goal: to be the
most physically and mentally fit for this time of the year (Figure 1).
This second peak corresponds to the athlete’s own planning for
major competitions, which is a result of long term training,
Figure 1. Number of performances per week and per percent category (PC) by (i) major competitions (Olympic Games (OG), World
Championships (WC), American selections (US), European championships (EC)), (ii) Golden League and the others meetings (iii).
INSET: Dates (week) of peaks performance modeling by PC.
Figure 2. A. Distribution of world records (WR) date (day) in 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m running events from 1952 to
2010. B. Mean distribution of world records (WR) date (day) in 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m running events by decade from 1952 to
2010. The mean date is: 206,09 th day.
Environment and Scheduling in Track Races
November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e79548
technical analysis, strategic choice, awareness of physical and
psychological limits [19–21].
Although, training and preparation are essential to reach a BP
at a specific moment, environmental factors will allow the
achievement of the highest level of performance.
Thermal Peak at the 27th Week
The analysis of WR (Figure 2) and the top 10 BP in 100 m
sprint (men and women) illustrates this first peak (Figure 4).
Numerous studies have demonstrated effects of environmental
conditions on the performance of marathon runners [22,23].
Marathon requires a number of appropriate environmental
conditions for thermoregulation of any runner, elite or amateur.
The humidity, barometric pressure, dew point, and temperature
are all essential in the quest of achieving optimal performance
A recent study analysed the impact of environmental param-
eters on the performance of marathon running. It established a
distribution of performances depending on temperature, observed
regardless of the athlete’s level. This distribution function defines
the field limits of the human possibilities [12]. The impact of
temperature and season on biological parameters is largely
documented in the literature [24–26].
In this present study, the results show a distribution for top
performance in sprint and middle-sprint where the effective
temperature range decreases with performance level (10–32uC at
the bottom (97 PC of the BP); 20–27uC at the top (100 PC of the
BP)) (Figure 3). Competitions are mainly organized in the northern
hemisphere. The range of temperatures collected from the
different host cities was large: ranging from 10 to 38uC but the
mean temperature when achieving the BP is 23.2364.75uC.
The standard deviations decrease progressively with increasing
level, but all categories remain centered on the 23.23uC value.
This suggests a very regulated process at all performance levels.
The effects of temperature on biological parameters.
biological structures and processes (human or not) are affected
by temperature in thermodynamical regulations [27]. Perfor-
mance depends on physiological responses to exercise perfor-
environmental temperature [26]. Performance decreases pro-
gressively as the environmental heat stress increases [25]. As
with other biological rate processes, muscle function is strongly
influenced by temperature. Specifically, muscle contraction rates
accelerated by an increase in temperature in both invertebrates
and vertebrates [28,29]. Fundamental biological functions like
metabolic activity synchronize with the rhythmic phases of
intensity increasing aerobic exercise the plasma concentration
of certain ions (K+, Ca2+) and lactic acids appear differently
when muscular exercise takes place at thermal neutrality (21uC)
in comparison to exercise performed at 0uC [30].
At the favorable season, body temperature and metabolic rates
increase and so does growth rate. Mammal growth depends on
Figure 3. Percent category (PC) depending on temperature: comparison of temperature at different level from 97 PC to 100 PC in
100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m. Respectively, in each half PC the mean are 23.12uC, 23.49uC, 23.23uC, 22.89uC, 22.63uC and 23.25uC
and the median are 23.00uC, 23.00uC, 22.00uC, 22.00uC, 21.00uC and 22.50uC. INSET: Temperature density (ie. number of recorded temperatures) per
PC computed over a mesh. The maximal density is computed at 23uC and 97.59% and progressively decreases as PC increase (due to the decrease in
performance number). The density decreases as temperature increases or decreases from the maximal density (due to the effect of temperature on
Environment and Scheduling in Track Races
November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e79548
Figure 4. Relation between day of the performance and year in men and women. A. Average day of the achievement of the performance
in the top 10 at the 100 m men since 1891. For all years combined, the average day is the 192.76th 649.77. B. Average day of the achievement of the
performance in the top 10 at the 100 m women since 1921. For all years combined, the average day is the 202.52th644.0.
Environment and Scheduling in Track Races
November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e79548
seasonal variation even for their bones structure [31]. Climates
and seasons have a marked influence on human biology [18]
including mental abilities [32], sexual activity [33] or territorial
conflicts [34].
Temperature and mortality.
Many chronobiological health
aspects depend on season and temperature cycles. Affective
disorders show a predictable onset in the fall/winter months
and, reversely, a reduction in the spring/summer period [32].
Large-scale population studies have shown seasonal variations in
mortality rates in different parts of the world peaking during the
cold winter months [35,36]. Relations between mortality and
cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the winter months have been
reported for many countries and might be partly explained by
seasonal changes of risk factors. Cardiac death also depend on the
season even after adjustment for age, cholesterol, blood pressure,
and body mass index [36,37]. Several studies have reported the
existence of optimal ranges of air temperatures [38,39]. Specifi-
cally, cold weather has been reported to be associated with
increased risk of death from cardiovascular causes and respiratory
infections [39–41]. The mortality rate is lower on days in which
the maximum temperatures range between 20–25uC [38]. This
means that survival rate is highest at this temperature range.
Our results show a mean temperature of 23.2364.75uC for the
BP which is converging with the temperature of the lowest
mortality rates. Therefore, both survival capability and physiolog-
ical capacities of the human are optimal at 20–25uC.
The two peaks of performance change its distribution in
function of the performance level (See Figures S1 and S2).
However, the first peak which corresponds to a ‘‘thermal peak’’
persists even at the highest level of competition. This demonstrates
that despite the presence of an institutional attractor, represented
by the major competitions, the environmental attractor remains
omnipresent with an ideal temperature period for maximal
performance. The adequacy of the thermal peak is as important
as the cultural peak at the highest level.
The range of possible combinations of environmental and
institutional components is narrowed for the top performers. For
sprint and middle-sprint races, when progressing toward the
highest levels of performance, the importance of the institutional
component regularly increases with a balanced effect for the top
The novelty of this study is that, environmental conditions must
be taken into account in order to achieve maximal speed. This
field of possibilities reveals an ideal temperature to achieve optimal
Calendars for major competitions should take this into account
in order to increase the probability of breaking the next records.
Supporting Information
Figure S1
Date of peak performance modeling for 95%
to 99% categories. The Double Lorentzian (continuous line)
and Double Gaussian functions (broken line) are adjusted to each
percent category. Although the two models differ in the estimate of
the tails, they roughly provide the same estimates of x01 and x02
(maximum difference is around 0.5 week).
Figure S2
Area under the curve (AUC) for the elected
functions and both peaks in each PC. Equations (10) and
(11) are used to estimate p1 and p2. The AUC of both peaks
converge toward a unique value as the PC increase (50%). The
proportion of performances: The estimation of the area
under the curve for the two peaks shows that, when increasing the
PC, the proportion of performances in each peak progressively
converge to the same value, from 93.67% (peak 1) vs. 6.33% (peak
2) for PC = 95% to 50.65% (peak1) vs. 49.35% (peak2) with
PC = 99% (Figure S2).
Table S1
Statistics of the two models. For each percent
category, the adjusted R2, rMSE and sse are given. Statistics of the
elected function are mentioned in bold.
Table S2
Results of the two models. For percent category
and model, the estimated date of peak (x01, x02), value of peak
(f(x01), f(x02)), the total proportion of performance (area under the
curve), and p1, p2 are given. Results of elected function are given
in bold.
Table S3
Number of performances per depending on
the type of competition and the percent category. N is the
number for different percent category (PC) and its equivalent
percentage. On the overall performance analyzed, 2,347 were
conducted during major competitions and 2,093 during the
Golden League. The other 8,079 performances were done in other
competitions (OG: Olympic Games; WC: World championships;
US: American selections; EC: European Championships).
Materials and Methods S1
The two models (double
Gaussian and double Lorentzian functions) are present-
ed. The methods for estimating the dates of the two peaks and the
area under the curve are described.
We thank the Centre National de De´veloppement du sport and the
Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports for financial assistance. We thank the
National Institute of Sports Expertise and Performance teams for their full
support. We thank Mrs Katrine Okholm Kryger and Ms Maya Dorsey for
their helpful comments for their critical reading of the Article.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: JFT AH F. Dor GB LQ F.
Desgorces. Analyzed the data: F. Dor MG GB AH AM. Wrote the paper:
AH F. Dor GB JFT. Reviewed the paper: KOK MD LAM JAJ CTC JFT.
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Environment and Scheduling in Track Races
November 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 11 | e79548
| Environment and scheduling effects on sprint and middle distance running performances. | 11-20-2013 | Haïda, Amal,Dor, Frédéric,Guillaume, Marion,Quinquis, Laurent,Marc, Andy,Marquet, Laurie-Anne,Antero-Jacquemin, Juliana,Tourny-Chollet, Claire,Desgorces, François,Berthelot, Geoffroy,Toussaint, Jean-François | eng |
PMC7068447 | International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Brief Report
Race Analysis of the World’s Best Female and Male
Marathon Runners
Véronique Billat 1,2,*,†
, Damien Vitiello 1,†, Florent Palacin 1, Matthieu Correa 1 and
Jean Renaud Pycke 1,3
Université de Paris, EA3625-Institut des Sciences du Sport Santé de Paris (I3SP), 75015 Paris, France;
[email protected] (D.V.); palacinfl[email protected] (F.P.);
[email protected] (M.C.); [email protected] (J.R.P.)
Véronique Billat, Université de Paris, EA 3625-Institut des Sciences du Sport Santé de Paris (I3SP), 1 rue
Lacretelle, 75015 Paris, France
Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne, UMR8071—CNRS-Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Modélisation
d’Evry (LaMME), 91037 Evry, France
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +33-(0)786117308
Equally contributing authors.
Received: 23 December 2019; Accepted: 9 February 2020; Published: 13 February 2020
Abstract: Background: Beyond the difference in marathon performance when comparing female
and male runners, we tested the hypothesis that running strategy does not different according to
sex. The goal of the present study is to compare the running strategy between the best female and
male marathon performances achieved in the last two years. Methods: Two aspects of the races were
analyzed: (i) average speed relative to runner critical speed (CS) with its coefficient of variation and (ii)
asymmetry and global tendency of race speed (i.e., the race’s Kendall τ). Results: The females’ best
marathons were run at 97.6% ± 3% of CS for the new record (Brigid Kosgei, 2019) and at 96.1% ± 4.4%
for the previous record (Paula Radcliffe, 2003). The best male performances (Eliud Kipchoge, 2018
and 2019) were achieved at a lower fraction of CS (94.7% ± 1.7% and 94.1% ± 2.3% in 2018 and 2019,
respectively). Eliud Kipchoge (EK) achieved a significant negative split race considering the positive
Kendall’s τ of pacing (i.e., time over 1 km) (τ = 0.30; p = 0.007). Furthermore, EK ran more of the
average distance below average speed (54% and 55% in 2018 and 2019, respectively), while female
runners ran only at 46% below their average speed. Conclusions: The best female and male marathon
performances were run differently considering speed time course (i.e., tendency and asymmetry), and
fractional use of CS. In addition, this study shows a robust running strategy (or signature) used by
EK in two different marathons. Improvement in marathon performance might depend on negative
split and asymmetry for female runners, and on higher fractional utilization of CS for male runners.
Keywords: running strategy; critical speed; endurance; performance; health
1. Introduction
For 20 years, marathon racing has gained popularity given that it is one of the rare sporting
events in which elite and non-elite runners compete at the same time, despite some athletes completing
the race in twice the time of others. Although males are nearly able to finish the race in under two
hours (Eliud Kipchoge (EK): 2 h 01 min 39 s in Berlin, 2018, and 2 h 02 min 37 s in London, 2019), the
milestone for female runners of 2 h 15 min was broken by Brigid Kosgei (BK) (2 h 14 min 04 s) in 2019
during the Chicago marathon, 16 years after the previous world record of Paula Radcliffe (PR) at the
London marathon in 2003.
Beyond speculation on the future of performance or on the comparison of relative performance
in males and females [1,2], the goal of this study is to test the hypothesis that running strategy does
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not differ according to sex. We consider that both female and male marathoners might benefit from a
training program based on their perception to improve their performance. Indeed, this may allow
them to have a more positive asymmetry, a lower coefficient of variation of speed, and to run at a
higher percentage of their critical speed (CS) during the entire race. Therefore, this study analyzed two
aspects of the races: (i) the average runner’s speed relative to their CS [3–5], with the coefficient of
variation and (ii) the tendency of the pace and its asymmetry [6].
2. Materials and Methods
To achieve this study, pacing (i.e., time per distance) run by EK (35 years old, Berlin 2018 and
London 2019), BK (25 years old, Chicago 2019) and PR (29 years old, London 2003) were examined.
Data were retrieved from the World Athletics website on 14th October 2019. A computation of the
average speed per distance was achieved by dividing distance per time unit.
2.1. Critical Speeds (CS)
The average speed relative to runner CS, with the coefficient of variation, was calculated. CS was
calculated from the runner’s personal best performances in the 3000 m and half marathon (run in less
than 1h for EK, and 1 h 04 min 28 s and 1 h 05 min 40 s for BK and PR, respectively).
The CS was calculated using the following equation [7]:
Dlim = α + β tlim
Dlim = distance; α = constant reserve; β = critical speed; tlim = record time.
2.2. Global Tendency of Pace and Its Asymmetry
Here, the trend in speed time series (i.e., Kendall’s τ non-parametric rank correlation coefficient) [8]
and the pacing design (i.e., asymmetry characteristics of the race) [6] were compared. Here is the
equation of Kendall’s τ:
τ = 2 / n(n − 1)
K(vi, vj)
vi = ith value of a speed; vj = jth value of a speed; i < j = i indicates a period of time prior to j; sum
being performed over the n(n − 1)/2 distinct unordered couples of indices {i, j}, so that τ takes values in
between −1 and 1.
We sought to establish running strategy or signature in real race format for the same runner (EK),
and for male and female official best marathon performances.
3. Results
3.1. Average Marathon Speed Relative to Marathoners’ Critical Speed and Coefficient of Speed Variation
The male and female marathon races were run at different percentages of the CS (Table 1).
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Table 1. Average marathon speed relative to male and female marathoners’ critical speed and coefficient
of speed variation.
Speed (% Critical Speed)
(% km
Pace / Trend
Place /
Kendall’s t
2 h 02 min
37 s
2 h 01 min
39 s
2 h 15 min
25 s
B. Kosgei
2 h 14 min
04 s
Data are presented in means ± SD and percentages.
Indeed, the best female marathon performances were run at 97.6% ± 3% of CS for the new record
(BK, 2019) and 96.1% ± 4.4% for the previous record (PR, 2003), while the best male performance (i.e.,
EK, Berlin 2018) was run at a lower fraction of CS (94.7% ± 1.7%).
3.2. Speed Trend and Asymmetry Characteristics
EK (male athlete) achieved a large negative split race considering pace with a positive Kendall’s
τ (0.30; p = 0.007) and ran more of the average distance below average speed (Figure 1) (54%). By
contrast, there were no trends in previous and current marathon world records of BK and PR (female
athletes) (Figure 2). Their races were not optimal in regard to speed asymmetry as BK (66%) and PR
ran 46% of the distance above their average speed.
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Table 1. Average marathon speed relative to male and female marathoners’ critical speed and
coefficient of speed variation.
Speed (% Critical
(% km
Pace / Trend
Place / Year
s t
London /
Berlin /
London /
B. Kosgei
Chicago /
Data are presented in means ± SD and percentages.
3.2. Speed Trend and Asymmetry Characteristics
EK (male athlete) achieved a large negative split race considering pace with a positive Kendall’s
τ (0.30; p = 0.007) and ran more of the average distance below average speed (Figure 1) (54%). By
contrast, there were no trends in previous and current marathon world records of BK and PR (female
athletes) (Figure 2). Their races were not optimal in regard to speed asymmetry as BK (66%) and PR
ran 46% of the distance above their average speed.
Figure 1. Speed trend and asymmetry characteristics in the world’s fastest male marathoner. The
curve (dotted line) represents the time course of Eliud Kipchoge’s running speed during the London
marathon in 2019. The curve (dashed line) represents the time course of his running speed during the
Berlin marathon in 2018. These curves represent the percentage of the mean speed achieved in each
distance unit during the entire marathon.
Figure 1. Speed trend and asymmetry characteristics in the world’s fastest male marathoner. The curve
(dotted line) represents the time course of Eliud Kipchoge’s running speed during the London marathon
in 2019. The curve (dashed line) represents the time course of his running speed during the Berlin
marathon in 2018. These curves represent the percentage of the mean speed achieved in each distance
unit during the entire marathon.
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Figure 2. Speed trend and asymmetry characteristics in the world’s fastest female marathoners. The
curve (solid line) represents the time course of running speed during the previous world record
marathon reached by Paula Radcliffe during the London marathon in 2003. The curve (dotted line)
represents the time course of running speed during the new world record reached by Brigid Kosgei
during the Chicago marathon in 2019. These curves represent the percentage of the mean speed
achieved in each distance unit during the entire marathon.
4. Discussion
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to compare the running strategy between the
best male and female marathoners, based on a previous statistical analysis jointly using the trend and
asymmetry of the race [6]. In this study, it was demonstrated that EK, PR, and BK (i) did not use the
same running strategy and (ii) did not use the same fraction of their respective CS. Finally, EK
achieved his two best performances using the same running signature on two different marathon
routes (2 h 01 min 39 s in Berlin 2018, and 2 h 02 min 37 s in London 2019).
This study demonstrated that females ran at a constant pace considering their Kendall’s τ was
between −0.05 and 0.05 [6]. It was also highlighted that world records are broken using a running
strategy based on running speeds below median speed, unlike popular marathoners who run more
distance at speeds above the median [9]. This may be due to the fact that lower level runners (>2 h 20
min) run at too high a target that they cannot maintain beyond the 26th km, where the average speed
(i.e., final performance) is reduced and is therefore lower than the median speed. These results may
ask questions of the perception of physiological load, the plan of action to produce speed variations
(or not), and the strategy of the U-race, which is conducive to performance but which requires a high
reserve of power. This latter point may imply training protocols based on running acceleration and
deceleration [10]. Therefore, high intensity interval training using both positive and negative
acceleration to attain VO2max at a wide range of speeds may allow an increase of endurance capacity
and anaerobic power, which are required to achieve top performances in the marathon [11–13].
The present work also examined the newly established marathon world records (in 2019, for
both EK and BK) using an assessment of the race speed asymmetry [6]. We also examined pacing
variability and confirmed that this was run at and below 3% in marathons [14]. The speed coefficient
of variation of EK was within 1.7%, indicating a relative pacing strategy. In addition, the asymmetry
of the speed time series of the runners was also analyzed. Our results suggest the possibility of
Figure 2. Speed trend and asymmetry characteristics in the world’s fastest female marathoners.
The curve (solid line) represents the time course of running speed during the previous world record
marathon reached by Paula Radcliffe during the London marathon in 2003. The curve (dotted line)
represents the time course of running speed during the new world record reached by Brigid Kosgei
during the Chicago marathon in 2019. These curves represent the percentage of the mean speed
achieved in each distance unit during the entire marathon.
4. Discussion
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to compare the running strategy between the
best male and female marathoners, based on a previous statistical analysis jointly using the trend and
asymmetry of the race [6]. In this study, it was demonstrated that EK, PR, and BK (i) did not use the
same running strategy and (ii) did not use the same fraction of their respective CS. Finally, EK achieved
his two best performances using the same running signature on two different marathon routes (2 h
01 min 39 s in Berlin 2018, and 2 h 02 min 37 s in London 2019).
This study demonstrated that females ran at a constant pace considering their Kendall’s τ was
between −0.05 and 0.05 [6]. It was also highlighted that world records are broken using a running
strategy based on running speeds below median speed, unlike popular marathoners who run more
distance at speeds above the median [9]. This may be due to the fact that lower level runners (>2 h
20 min) run at too high a target that they cannot maintain beyond the 26th km, where the average speed
(i.e., final performance) is reduced and is therefore lower than the median speed. These results may
ask questions of the perception of physiological load, the plan of action to produce speed variations
(or not), and the strategy of the U-race, which is conducive to performance but which requires a
high reserve of power. This latter point may imply training protocols based on running acceleration
and deceleration [10]. Therefore, high intensity interval training using both positive and negative
acceleration to attain VO2max at a wide range of speeds may allow an increase of endurance capacity
and anaerobic power, which are required to achieve top performances in the marathon [11–13].
The present work also examined the newly established marathon world records (in 2019, for both
EK and BK) using an assessment of the race speed asymmetry [6]. We also examined pacing variability
and confirmed that this was run at and below 3% in marathons [14]. The speed coefficient of variation
of EK was within 1.7%, indicating a relative pacing strategy. In addition, the asymmetry of the speed
time series of the runners was also analyzed. Our results suggest the possibility of establishing a world
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record (i.e., Berlin 2018) by running below the average pace, thanks to a very fast start and finish, in
the classical format of the marathon.
Finally, the marathon should not be a constant speed race [15] and new strategies of running must
be addressed to allow better performance in the future. As VO2max is not sufficient to distinguish
high level marathon runners (2 h 11 min–2 h 16 min) from elite marathon runners (less than 2 h
11 min) [16], this parameter may be used in parallel with average running speed and CS to propose a
new pacing strategy adapted to the level of marathoners. Indeed, this study highlighted that average
speed represents 94% of CS. The value is close to personal best one-hour record, meaning that the
runner might be able to double his time limit just by decreasing his speed by 5%. Finally, another way
of optimizing the running strategy might be the development of runners’ anaerobic capacity and their
ability to use a higher fraction of their CS during the marathon.
5. Practical Applications
A new training program based on athletes’ perception could be introduced to better adapt their
speed while running a marathon.
New training methods in marathon running could optimize the running strategy to allow the
marathoner to have a positive asymmetry and a lower coefficient of variation of speed during
the race.
The CS is a crucial parameter that might be improved by new training methods since a high
fraction of the CS is achieved in both female and male marathon world records.
A performance target for coaches and athletes should be the maintenance of constant pace just
below average pace and at 95% of the CS.
6. Conclusions
Due to the already high fraction of CS achieved in marathons by females and also for the world’s
best performance by EK, this parameter and the average speed achieved in each km might be two
parameters to consider in elaborating a new running strategy to improve performance in marathon
and short events, as already reported [16]. In addition, optimizing the running strategy with positive
asymmetry and lower coefficient of variation of speed might allow marathoners to run more slowly at
almost a constant pace, just below the average pace, and at 95% of CS in accordance with their higher
speed reserve. However, future research on other marathoners is necessary to confirm difference in
running strategy between females and males and to verify consistency of running signature for a
single marathon.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.V., V.B.; Methodology, D.V., J.R.P., V.B.; Software, M.C., F.P.;
Validation, D.V., V.B.; Formal Analysis, M.C., J.R.P.; Investigation, M.C., F.P.; Resources, V.B.; Data Curation, F.P.;
Writing—Original Draft Preparation, D.V., M.C., V.B.; Writing—Review & Editing, D.V.; Visualization, M.C., J.R.P.;
Supervision, D.V., V.B.; Project Administration, D.V., V.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The research team would like to thank our Australian, Eddy C., for his proofreading of
the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Race Analysis of the World's Best Female and Male Marathon Runners. | 02-13-2020 | Billat, Véronique,Vitiello, Damien,Palacin, Florent,Correa, Matthieu,Pycke, Jean Renaud | eng |
PMC6040767 |
Código de Proyecto: Fecha de Presentación/Versión:
A completar por CEI-UCJC
Datos del Investigador Principal
Nombre Carlos Balsalobre Fernández
Facultad/Escuela Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Departamento Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana
Datos contacto [email protected]
Datos del Estudio de Investigación
Título del Proyecto
The effects of nitrate supplementation via beetroot juice on the
running economy, neuromuscular performance and running
mechanics in elite middle and long distance runners / Los efectos de
la suplementación de nitratos a través del zumo de remolacha en la
economía de carrera, el rendimiento neuromuscular y la mecánica de
carrera en corredores de media y larga distancia de élite
La investigación incluye:
Apartado a completar
Solo seres humanos
Apartado A
Muestras biológicas
Apartado B
Organismos modificados genéticamente
Apartado C
Animales de experimentación
Apartado D
Documentación que se adjunta:
Formulario solicitud de evaluación
Apartados A – B – C – D (tachar los que no procedan)
Hoja de información a los participantes
Consentimiento informado a emplear
Compromiso escrito del Investigador Responsable
Código de Proyecto: Fecha de Presentación/Versión:
A completar por CEI-UCJC
Apartado A. Investigación en seres humanos sin toma de muestras biológicas
¿Qué grupos de participantes se han establecido? (indicar todos: enfermos, controles sanos
menores, discapacitados…)
Adultos sanos
Adultos enfermos
Niños sanos
Niños enfermos
Mujeres embarazadas
Mujeres lactantes
Población en riesgo de exclusión social
Otras poblaciones incapaces de expresar su
Grupos étnicos
¿Por qué se han seleccionado dichos grupos?
Porque la investigación tiene como objetivo analizar un determinado tipo de suplementación
nutricional (mediante zumos de remolacha) en el rendimiento en un grupo de corredores de
¿Qué método de disociación de datos se va a utilizar? (según Ley 14/2007 de investigación
Seleccionar el que proceda
Codificación (disociación reversible)
Anonimización (disociación irreversible)
Describir brevemente el procedimiento empleado para llevar a cabo dicha disociación
Los deportistas se numerarán de menor a mayor por orden alfabético. Posteriormente, cada
variable que se mida tendrá un acrónimo, y en función de si dicha variable se ha medido en el
momento pre o post intervención, se utilizarán las siglas PRE o POST. Por ejemplo, para
identificar el valor de consumo de oxígeno pre-intervención del deportista ordenado en la
lista en la posición 11, se utilizará el término “VO.11.Pre”
Código de Proyecto: Fecha de Presentación/Versión:
A completar por CEI-UCJC
¿Se van a aplicar métodos invasivos para la toma de datos? En caso afirmativo, describa
brevemente como se va a llevar a cabo dicho procedimiento estableciendo claramente las
medidas relacionadas con la evitación del daño y la cualificación del personal que va a
llevarlo a cabo.
NO PROCEDE. No se usarán métodos invasivos
En caso de producirse daño, ¿qué procedimiento paliativo/curativo se prevé realizar? ¿se
cuenta con algún tipo de aseguramiento/compensación del daño? ¿Cuál? Si es que no
explicar por qué no se ha establecido.
NO PROCEDE. No se usará métodos invasivos
¿Se ofrecen incentivos o compensaciones a los sujetos por su participación en los
experimentos? Indique su naturaleza y cuantía.
Código de Proyecto: Fecha de Presentación/Versión:
A completar por CEI-UCJC
NAME Carlos Balsalobre Fernández
FACULTY Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Departament Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana
CONTACT INFORMATION [email protected]
The effects of nitrate supplementation via beetroot juice on the
running economy, neuromuscular performance and running
mechanics in elite middle and long distance runners / Los efectos de
la suplementación de nitratos a través del zumo de remolacha en la
economía de carrera, el rendimiento neuromuscular y la mecánica de
carrera en corredores de media y larga distancia de élite
Código de Proyecto: Fecha de Presentación/Versión:
A completar por CEI-UCJC
Because the trial aims to analyze certain supplementation (beetroot juice) in the
performance of elite runners
CODIFICATION (reversible)
ANONIMATION (irreversible)
Athletes will be labeled with increasing numbers in an alphabetic order. Then, each variable
will have an acronym, with PRE or POST depending of the moment at which it was measured.
For example, to identify the pre-intervention VO2max of the athlete number 11, the term
VO2Max.11.PRE will be used.
Código de Proyecto: Fecha de Presentación/Versión:
A completar por CEI-UCJC
N/A. No invasive methods will be used
| The effects of beetroot juice supplementation on exercise economy, rating of perceived exertion and running mechanics in elite distance runners: A double-blinded, randomized study. | 07-11-2018 | Balsalobre-Fernández, Carlos,Romero-Moraleda, Blanca,Cupeiro, Rocío,Peinado, Ana Belén,Butragueño, Javier,Benito, Pedro J | eng |
Diagnoses and time to recovery among
injured recreational runners in the RUN
CLEVER trial
Benjamin Mulvad1, Rasmus Oestergaard NielsenID2*, Martin Lind1, Daniel Ramskov2,3
1 Division of Sports Traumatology, Department of Orthopedics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus,
Denmark, 2 Section for Sports Science, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark,
3 Department of Physiotherapy, University College of Northern Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark
* [email protected]
The purpose of the present study was to describe the incidence proportion of different types
of running-related injuries (RRI) among recreational runners and to determine their time to
A sub-analysis of the injured runners included in the 839-person, 24-week randomized trial
named Run Clever. During follow-up, the participants reported levels of pain in different ana-
tomical areas on a weekly basis. In case injured, runners attended a clinical examination at
a physiotherapist, who provided a diagnosis, e.g., medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS),
Achilles tendinopathy (AT), patellofemoral pain (PFP), iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) and
plantar fasciopathy (PF). The diagnose-specific injury proportions (IP) and 95% confidence
intervals (CI) were calculated using descriptive statistics. The time to recovery was defined
as the time from the first registration of pain until total pain relief in the same anatomical
area. It was reported as medians and interquartile range (IQR) if possible.
A total of 140 runners were injured at least once leading to a 24-week cumulative injury pro-
portion of 32% [95% CI: 26%; 37%]. The diagnoses with the highest incidence proportion
were MTSS (IP = 16% [95% CI: 9.3%; 22.9%], AT (IP = 8.9% [95% CI: 3.6%; 14.2%], PFP
(IP = 8% [95% CI: 3.0%; 13.1%]. The median time to recovery for all types of injuries was 56
days (IQR = 70 days). Diagnose-specific time-to-recoveries included 70 days (IQR = 89
days) for MTSS, 56 days (IQR = 165 days) for AT, 49 days (IQR = 63 days) for PFP.
The most common running injuries among recreational runners were MTSS followed by AT,
PFP, ITBS and PF. In total, 77 injured participants recovered their RRI and the median time
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Citation: Mulvad B, Nielsen RO, Lind M, Ramskov
D (2018) Diagnoses and time to recovery among
injured recreational runners in the RUN CLEVER
trial. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0204742.
Editor: Manoj Srinivasan, The Ohio State
Received: December 11, 2017
Accepted: September 13, 2018
Published: October 12, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Mulvad et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: Data are from the
RUN CLEVER study whose authors may be
contacted at [email protected] and relevant data from
the injured participants can be found in the
supplementary files.
Funding: The Danish Rheumatism Association
( provided a DKK
75.000 grant for this study. The funder had no role
in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the
to recovery for all types of injuries was 56 days and MTSS was the diagnosis with the lon-
gest median time to recovery, 70 days.
Running is a very popular type of exercise and the number of runners worldwide has grown
over the past decades [1]. Among recreational runners, the most supported motives are to
keep healthy, to maintain stamina and to reduce weight or avoid increasing their weight [2].
Running contributes to a range of health-related benefits such as lowering overall body fat,
optimizing the composition of fat molecules in the blood, lowering the resting heart rate and
improving the overall cardiovascular fitness [3]. In general, runners have a 25–40% reduced
risk of premature mortality and live approximately 3 years longer than non-runners [4].
Owing to the health benefits and because of the considerable interest in running illuminating
barriers to continued running deserves to be a key public health priority.
In Denmark, it has been estimated that 5% of the adult population, equivalent to 260,000
individuals, suffer from a running-related injury (RRI) on a yearly basis [5]. Running is hence
the sports activity that contributes with most annual sports injuries in Denmark. When evalu-
ated in a population of runners, 1-year injury incidence proportions have been reported in the
range from 43.2% to 84.9% in different types of runners [6]. Running injuries were the most
common reason for permanently dropping out of a running regime among males, and the
third-most common reason among females according to a 10-year prospective cohort study
[7]. Direct economic costs of running-related injuries range from 0.3% to 4.6% of national
healthcare expenditure [8]; and some injured runners come to suffer from permanent physical
disability making them unable to exercise due to pain or discomfort [9,10]. Indeed, the combi-
nation of mental and physical consequences increases the likelihood of lapsing into a sedentary
lifestyle during and after injury recovery.
Running-related injuries usually occur in the lower extremity [11]. Some of the most fre-
quent diagnoses amongst runners are patellofemoral pain (PFP), iliotibial band syndrome
(ITBS) and plantar fasciosis (PF), with proportions in relation to all injuries ranging between
10–17%, 4–8%, and 5–8%, respectively [12,13]. Commonly, runners receive a referral to a
physiotherapist for treatment purposes [14]. Here, many runners are concerned with the time
to recovery. To provide answers, insights into diagnose-specific time-to-recoveries are needed.
Unfortunately, there is a literature gap concerning the time to recovery for classical running-
related injuries such as PFP, ITBS and PF. Among novice runners, the median time to recovery
of all types of RRIs has been estimated to approximately 10 weeks with diagnose-specific recov-
eries ranging between 26 days to 174 days [13]. Still, no study has investigated the time to
recovery among injured recreational runners. Consequently, the purposes of the present study
were to describe the incidence proportion of different types of running-related injuries among
recreational runners, engaged in the Run Clever trial [15], and to determine their time to
recovery measured in days.
Materials and methods
The present paper presents a sub-analysis of the injured participants from the Run Clever trial.
The Run Clever trial was a randomized 24-week follow-up intervention study including recre-
ational runners. The intervention was two different running schedules, the main outcome was
RRIs and the participants were followed by weekly questionnaires. The two running schedules
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Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
were founded on the same framework, 3 running sessions per week, and an identical 8 weeks
preconditioning period followed by 16 weeks of intervention. The intervention training period
was organized in cycles of 4 weeks with progression. One group, the intensity training group,
had a fixed running volume but the amount of hard pace was increased during the cycles of
progression. The other group, the volume training group, focused on increasing the total run-
ning volume per week but only performed at an easy or moderate pace. The original purpose
was to compare overall risk of injury between progression in running intensity and running
volume [15]. The Run Clever trial was approved by The Ethics Committee Northern Denmark
and the Danish Data Protection Agency (N-20140069). Prior to recruitment, on January 23rd
2015, the trial was registered at under registration number: NCT02349373.
Healthy persons between 18 and 65 years of age were eligible for inclusion in the Run
Clever trial. They had to be recreational runners free of injury in their lower extremities in the
past 6 months. A recreational runner was defined as a person who had been running 1 to 3
weekly sessions for at least 6 months. The approach of recruiting participants and further crite-
rions for inclusion or exclusion of the Run Clever trial are described in detail elsewhere [15].
The sub-sample included in the present study, were participants included in the Run Clever
trial who sustained at least one RRI during the follow-up period.
At baseline, each participant was provided access to an internet-based training diary. After
being registered in the diary, the participants received weekly automated e-mails including a
link to an online questionnaire on injury-related pain. The questionnaire contained questions
regarding symptoms of overuse or injuries based on the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center
Questionnaire (OSTRC) [16]. The OSTRC was modified with two additional questions and an
additional option of answers to adapt it for the Run Clever Trial. When discomfort or an injury
was registered in the OSTRC questionnaire, the participant informed on their pain in different
anatomical areas, and the options were the “foot”, “ankle”, “front of lower leg”, “calf”, “knee”,
“thigh”, “hamstrings”, “groin”, “glutes”, “hip” and “lower back”. The questionnaires were dis-
tributed as e-mails every Sunday to the participants’ e-mail address. The participants had to
complete it whether or not suffering an injury, hereby getting information of any experienced
pain the previous week. In case no response was received during the Sunday, a reminder e-
mail was sent to the participant the following Monday (the day after).
In line with most recent scientific work, a RRI was defined as any physical pain or com-
plaints from muscles, joints, bones or tendons of the lower extremities or back as a result of
running [17]. It had to reduce the training performance such as distance, frequency, intensity
or pace for at least 7 days [18]. When a participant reported a RRI via the weekly injury-ques-
tionnaire, an appointment with a certified physiotherapist, who was part of a study-specific
diagnostic team, was made. The physiotherapist performed the clinical examinations in their
respective clinics, generally within a week, and used a standardized examination procedure
[13]. The physiotherapist made the standardized examination of the foot, ankle, lower leg,
knee, thigh, hip or back and compared their findings with standardized, non-validated diag-
nostic criterions for different diagnoses [13]. The diagnosis was based on the medical history
and objective findings. When the physiotherapist had completed an examination, the diagno-
sis (e.g., medial tibias stress syndrome (MTSS), Achilles tendinopathy (AT)) and date of exam-
ination was registered and reported to the database. No treatment or plans of rehabilitation
was delivered, only a few pieces of advice at the most. However, the participant was allowed to
search for treatment and receive treatment elsewhere.
The definition of time to recovery was based on the responses in the weekly OSTRC-scores
on pain as well as the diagnostic examination by the physiotherapist. The date of examination
and diagnosis provided by the physiotherapist were compared to the responses from the
weekly OSTRC-scores to identify if pain reported via the OSTRC in the affected anatomical
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site corresponded with the anatomical location of the diagnosis provided by the physiothera-
pists. Based on this, the time to recovery was defined as the time from the first registered pain
in a specific anatomical area until total pain relief in the same anatomical area. Date of recov-
ery was defined as the date total pain relief occurred, which, then, was followed by at least
three weeks without pain in the relevant anatomical site. If a participant was pain-free for a
week but reported pain the following two weeks in the same anatomical location, the partici-
pant was still classified as being injured. However, if new pain arose in the same anatomical
site after three weeks without pain, it was considered as a new injury. If a participant sustained
two different RRIs or more during the follow-up period, only the first injury was included in
the analysis.
The injured runners were excluded from the analyses on time to recovery if they did not
meet the following eligibility criteria: (i) the injury had to recover before at end of 24-week fol-
low-up, (ii) they had to answer at least ten of the weekly administered questionnaires, (iii)
their pain had to be registered in the same anatomical location as the one registered by the
physiotherapist, (iv) they needed to register pain (e.g., in some cases, no pain was registered at
all), (v) they had to register a date of injury occurrence or (vi) the time to recovery had to be
plausible compared to the diagnosis (e.g., we found pain for one week following a broken leg
The Kaplan-Meier estimator was used to calculate the proportion of injury-free Run Clever
participants as a function of weeks. As these methods takes into account censoring, the propor-
tion of injured participants after 24-week follow-up is not number of injured runners divided
by the total sample size as the latter approach assumes complete follow-up for all runners.
Data on time to recovery was evaluated using histograms and 95% prediction intervals to
decide if it was normally distributed. As this was not the case, non-parametric statistics were
used to present time to recovery as medians and IQRs. At least five recovered injuries were
required to include these calculations. The data-management and analyses presented are per-
formed using STATA/SE version 14 and Microsoft Excel 2010.
A total of 839 runners participated the Run Clever Trial of whom 521 (62%) were female and
318 (38%) were male. The mean age was 39.2 (±10.0) years. 140 sustained at least one RRI dur-
ing the follow-up period. A Kaplan-Meier graph visualizing the proportion of injury-free run-
ners as a function of follow-up time is presented in Fig 1 showing that 32% [95% CI: 26; 37] of
the population sustain injury over the 24 weeks. Of these, 28 injured runners were excluded
since they did not meet the requirements for inclusion to the analyses (Fig 2). Among the
remaining 112 injured runners, 82 (73%) were female and 30 (27%) were male, and their mean
age was 41.4 years (minimum: 21 years, maximum: 63 years). A total of 1225 injury question-
naires were distributed to injured participants of which 1064 (87%) were returned successfully.
The most common RRI was MTSS reported among 18 incident cases (16% [95% CI: 9.3;
22.9]). This was followed by AT (n = 10; 8.9% [95% CI: 3.6; 14.2]), PFP (n = 9; 8% [95% CI:
3.0; 13.1]), ITBS (n = 8; 7.1% [95% CI: 2.4; 11.9] and PF (n = 8; 7.1% [95% CI: 2.4; 11.9]. In
total, these five diagnoses account for 47% of the injuries. The remaining incident cases were
classified within 20 other diagnosis-groups (Table 1).
At the end of follow-up 35 participants remained injured. Therefore, a total of 77 incident
cases recovered from their RRIs before the end of follow-up and were included in the analyses
on time to recovery (Table 2). The overall median time to recovery was 56 days (IQR = 70)
regardless the injury diagnoses. In the diagnose-specific recoveries, the shortest median time
to recovery was observed among participants sustaining PF with 35 days (IQR = 70). As
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opposed to this, MTSS had the longest median time to recovery with 70 days (IQR = 89). Eight
participants suffered two running-related injuries, and none suffered from three or more inju-
ries during follow-up.
During the 24-week follow-up in the Run Clever trial, 32% of the recreational runners sus-
tained at least one RRI. Compared with previous research this seems similar to the incidence
proportion 25.9% of the novice runners in a study by Buist et al. suffering from a RRI during
the 8-week observation period [19]. Moreover, Taunton et al. found an incidence proportion
of RRI to be 29.5% during the 13-week training protocol before the Vancouver Sun Run [20].
Finally, in a systematic review on injuries among different types of runners, incidence propor-
tions of RRIs were reported in the range between 20% to 80% [6]. However, these differences
should be interpreted with caution because of different injury definitions and different dura-
tions of follow-up across studies. The overall median time to recovery across RRI diagnoses
Fig 1. Kaplan-Meier graph. Kaplan-Meier graph visualizing the proportion of injury-free runners as a function of follow-up time. The results revealed 32% [95% CI: 26;
37] of the runners sustained injury over the 24 weeks.
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was 56 days among the recreational runners analyzed. Previously, the median time to recovery
among novice runners has been found to exceed 70 days [13].
MTSS was the RRI diagnosis with the highest incidence proportion followed by AT, PFP,
ITBS, and PF. Interestingly, these diagnoses are also among the five most common diagnoses
found in previous research [12, 13, 21]. Collectively, the five diagnoses accounted for almost
half the injuries sustained (47%) in the present study. This is also similar to previous studies
revealing these injuries to target 42.6%, 51.8% and 41% of the injured runners, respectively
[12,13,21]. Consequently, across various studies it is not uncommon that almost half the RRIs
are distributed between these five diagnoses. The RRI diagnosis with the longest recovery time
was medial meniscus injury followed by hamstring injury. However, the most incident RRI
diagnoses, MTSS, AT, PFP, ITBS and PF in the present study were also among the top 10 RRI
with the longest recovery time.
A strength of the present study is the weekly status updates, which reduced the risk of recall
bias and information problems. Furthermore, the diagnostic approach, encompassing a
Fig 2. Flowchart. Flowchart visualizing the flow of runners sustaining injuries during the Run Clever trial.
Table 1. Incident cases, incidence proportion, and characteristics of the 25 different diagnoses of running-related injuries. Injuries are presented in descending
order starting with the most frequent. n = number. The total count is presented. Non-recovered injuries are the number of RRIs still sustained at the end of follow-up. The
incidence proportion of the injuries and their related confidence interval, CI 95%, are presented in percentages. The distribution of gender is presented as the number of
females with each diagnosis. y = years. Furthermore, the mean age, stated in years.
Incident cases, n
(Non-recovered injuries, n)
Incidence proportion in % (95%CI)
Gender female (n)
Mean Age (y)
Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS)
18 (5)
16.07 (9.3; 22.9)
Achilles tendinopathy (AT)
10 (3)
8.93 (3.6; 14.2)
Patellofemoral pain (PFP)
9 (2)
8.04 (3.0; 13.1)
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITB)
8 (2)
7.14 (2.4; 11.9)
Plantar fasciopathy (PF)
8 (3)
7.14 (2.4; 11.9)
Gastrocnemius injury
8 (1)
7.14 (2.4; 11.9)
Gluteus medius tendinopathy
7 (2)
6.25 (1.8; 10.7)
Medial meniscus injury
7 (4)
6.25 (1.8; 10.7)
Hamstring injury
6 (2)
5.36 (1.2; 9.5)
Soleus injury
5 (0)
4.46 (0.6; 8.3)
Ankle distortion
3 (1)
Greater Trochanter Bursitis
3 (1)
Patellar tendinopathy
3 (1)
Quadriceps injury
3 (1)
Psoas major injury
2 (1)
Peroneus tendinopathy
2 (2)
Pes anserine injury
2 (2)
Adductor injury
1 (0)
External coxa saltans
1 (0)
Flexor hallucis longus tendinitis
1 (0)
Hallux valgus
1 (0)
Mortons neurom
1 (0)
Sacroiliac joint injury
1 (0)
Lower back injury
1 (1)
Stress fracture collum femoris
1 (1)
112 (35)
Running-related injuries
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standardized physical examination performed by a study-specific diagnostic team of physio-
therapists, ensured a greater certainty of accurate injury diagnosis as well as exact date of injury
Very few comparable studies exist, but an interesting finding is the time to recovery among
the recreational runners sustaining MTSS of median 70 days. Since, comparable recovery
times of 72 days in a study on novice runners [13], 82 days among infantry recruits in the Brit-
ish army [22], and 58 days among 15 military recruits from the Royal Dutch army [23] have
been reported.
However, differences in the populations investigated and definitions of recovery should be
considered. The main reason for the discrepancy in definition of injury recovery between the
present study and the previous DANORUN study also including runners by Nielsen et. al,
stems from the different ways the data was collected [13]. The electronical database facilitated
more frequent and standardized follow-up in the Run Clever trial allowing for a better evalua-
tion of the levels of pain and symptoms. Furthermore, the altered definition of injury recovery
enabled to avoid runners being labeled injury-free though they participated in running with
Table 2. Incident cases recovered and their time to recovery. Diagnoses related to median time to recovery presented in decreasing order. When no median time to
recovery is available, number of incident cases recovered is listed in decreasing order. Only recovered injuries are included in the table and the total count of recovered
RRIs is presented. Min = minimum time to recovery. Max = maximum time to recovery. Q1 = 25th percentile of time to recovery. Q3 = 75th percentile of time to recovery.
Interquartile ranges are presented with minimum and maximum time to recovery as well as breakdown points of 25%; all numbers are represented in days. For diagnosis
with only one incident case present, the time to recovery is listed in the “min” category. = mean time (instead of median time) to recovery presented.
Incident cases
recovered, n
Median time to recovery in days
Medial meniscus injury
Hamstring injury
Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS)
Gluteus medius tendinopathy
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITB)
Achilles tendinopathy (AT)
Patellofemoral pain (PFP)
Soleus injury
Gastrocnemius injury
Plantar faschiopathy (PF)
Ankle distortion
Quadriceps injury
Greater Trochanter Bursitis
Patellar tendinopathy
Psoas major injury
Sacroiliac joint injury
Flexor hallucis longus tendinitis
External Coxa saltans
Hallux valgus
Mortons neurom
Adductor injury
Peroneus tendinopathy
Pes anserine injury
Lower back injury
Stress fracture collum femoris
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Still, some limitations exist. Firstly, in total, 35 participants did not recover their RRIs
before the end of follow-up. For instance, only 3 of the 7 runners with medial meniscal
injured recovered. For these three runners, the median time-to-recovery was 89 days. How-
ever, if the remaining four runners had been followed until recovery it is likely the case that
the median time-to-recovery would have been longer. This underestimation targets many
diagnose-specific recovery-times as the proportion of individuals with medial meniscus
injury, MTSS, ITB and AT who became injury-free ranged from 42.3%–70%, respectively.
Further, comparing time to recovery in the current study, to recovery times from the study
by Nielsen et al. [13] a considerable difference in the diagnoses specific maximum values
reported becomes evident. A reason for this may be the definition of recovery in the current
study including a margin of three consecutive pain-free weeks was different that the one
used in other studies. Consequently, an extended follow-up time would have been preferred
to reduce the loss of data.
Secondly, the diagnostic approach was standardized to reduce the risk of subjective infor-
mation bias regarding the diagnosing for which reason every injury was diagnosed on the
basis of a physical examination and the injured runner’s anamnesis. Making a diagnosis adher-
ing to the guidelines was not always possible, which makes the objectivity less solid. Thirdly,
the definition of recovery is complex. The RRI was deemed to be recovered after three succes-
sive weeks without any pain during running in the related anatomical site, but no physical
examination or test was performed to make sure full recovery was attained. Moreover, the
experience of pain might be diverse in different injuries so that the three-week distinction
might be undiscriminating.
Despite various limitations in the present study, the results may be of interest for both
researchers and clinicians dealing with RRIs. The present study is a prospective analysis of
data obtained from the Run Clever trial in which information on new injury onset and exact
diagnosing were very important and as proper as possible. However, a major drawback was
the lack of continually follow-up on the accuracy on the information submitted by the injured
The cumulative incidence proportion of injured participants in the Run Clever trial was 32%.
The injuries were classified across 25 different diagnoses with MTSS, AT, PFP, ITBS and PF as
the most frequent ones. Altogether, these five diagnoses accounted for 47% of all injuries. The
median time to recovery for all types of injuries was 56 days. MTSS was the diagnosis with the
longest median time to recovery of 70 days.
Supporting information
S1 Dataset. A STATA.dta file.
The authors wish to acknowledge the physiotherapists who made a priceless contribution by
willingly and free of charge, diagnosing injured participants. The Danish Rheumatism Associ-
ation ( provided a DKK 75.000 grant for this study. The
funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or prepa-
ration of the manuscript.
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Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen, Daniel Ramskov.
Data curation: Benjamin Mulvad, Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen, Martin Lind, Daniel
Formal analysis: Benjamin Mulvad, Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen.
Funding acquisition: Daniel Ramskov.
Investigation: Martin Lind.
Methodology: Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen.
Project administration: Daniel Ramskov.
Software: Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen.
Supervision: Martin Lind.
Writing – original draft: Benjamin Mulvad.
Writing – review & editing: Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen, Martin Lind, Daniel Ramskov.
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| Diagnoses and time to recovery among injured recreational runners in the RUN CLEVER trial. | 10-12-2018 | Mulvad, Benjamin,Nielsen, Rasmus Oestergaard,Lind, Martin,Ramskov, Daniel | eng |
PMC7826783 | International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Can an Incremental Step Test Be Used for Maximal Lactate
Steady State Determination in Swimming? Clues for Practice
Mário C. Espada 1,2, Francisco B. Alves 3,4, Dália Curto 3, Cátia C. Ferreira 1,5, Fernando J. Santos 1,2,3
Dalton M. Pessôa-Filho 6,7
and Joana F. Reis 3,4,*
Citation: Espada, M.C.; Alves, F.B.;
Curto, D.; Ferreira, C.C.; Santos, F.J.;
Pessôa-Filho, D.M.; Reis, J.F. Can an
Incremental Step Test Be Used for
Maximal Lactate Steady State
Determination in Swimming? Clues
for Practice. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public
Health 2021, 18, 477.
Received: 11 December 2020
Accepted: 3 January 2021
Published: 8 January 2021
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Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Department of Science and Technology, 2914-514 Setubal, Portugal;
[email protected] (M.C.E.); [email protected] (C.C.F.); [email protected] (F.J.S.)
Quality of Life Research Centre, 2040-413 Rio Maior, Portugal
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa, 1499-002 Cruz Quebrada-Dafundo, Portugal;
[email protected] (F.B.A.); [email protected] (D.C.)
Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Human Performance (CIPER), Faculdade de Motricidade Humana,
Universidade de Lisboa, 1499-002 Cruz Quebrada-Dafundo, Portugal
Training Optimization and Sports Performance Research Group (GOERD), Faculty of Sport Science,
University of Extremadura, 10003 Cáceres, Spain
Department of Physical Education, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Bauru 17033-360, Brazil;
dalton.pessoa-fi[email protected]
Institute of Bioscience, Graduate Program in Human Development and Technology, São Paulo State
University (UNESP), Rio Claro 13506-900, Brazil
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +351-21-414-9100
Abstract: We aimed to compare the velocity, physiological responses, and stroke mechanics between
the lactate parameters determined in an incremental step test (IST) and maximal lactate steady state
(MLSS). Fourteen well-trained male swimmers (16.8 ± 2.8 years) were timed for 400 m and 200 m
(T200). Afterwards, a 7 × 200-m front-crawl IST was performed. Swimming velocity, heart rate
(HR), blood lactate concentration (BLC), stroke mechanics, and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were
measured throughout the IST and in the 30-min continuous test (CT) bouts for MLSS determination.
Swimming velocities at lactate threshold determined with log-log methodology (1.34 ± 0.06 m·s−1)
and Dmax methodology (1.40 ± 0.06 m·s−1); and also, the velocity at BLC of 4 mmol·L−1 (1.36 ± 0.07)
were not significantly different from MLSSv, however, Bland–Altman analysis showed wide limits of
agreement and the concordance correlation coefficient showed poor strength of agreement between
the aforementioned parameters which precludes their interchangeable use. Stroke mechanics, HR,
RPE, and BLC in MLSSv were not significantly different from the fourth repetition of IST (85%
of T200), which by itself can provide useful support to daily practice of well-trained swimmers.
Nevertheless, the determination of MLSSv, based on a CT, remains more accurate for exercise
evaluation and prescription.
Keywords: well-trained swimmers; maximal lactate steady state; lactate threshold; continuous test;
incremental test; performance markers
1. Introduction
Performance enhancement in sport is closely and decisively related to accuracy in
identifying exercise intensities domains toward the optimization of daily training. Specifi-
cally, the determination of the boundaries (thresholds) that separate the individual training
zones can induce optimal adaptations in athletes and should be periodically assessed
to evaluate training effects [1]. Over the years, this has been challenging for athletes,
coaches, and researchers largely because the time spent in testing procedures may interfere
with the training routines, and fundamentally, the high costs with equipment prevents its
widespread use. Nevertheless, the combination of high accuracy with less time demanding
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or invasive procedures sustains the drive for continuing research on the applied physiology
of sports training [2].
Lactate threshold (LT) was originally defined as the onset of blood lactate above
resting values from a blood lactate velocity curve obtained in an incremental step test
(IST) [3]. It represents the first increase of a metabolic acidosis and oxidative capacity
of athletes and is a strong determinant of performance within populations of similar
maximum oxygen uptake [4]. It is also an important reference point when setting training
intensities for endurance athletes, having previously been considered by some researchers
as a good surrogate of maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) [5], which by itself represents
not only a boundary intensity between the heavy and severe intensity domains but also
a biomechanical boundary beyond which stoke length (SL) becomes compromised over
time [6]. However, multiple definitions and methods to determine LT have arisen in
the literature. It has been considered as the initial rise in BLC above rest, the onset of a
fixed blood lactate accumulation ranging from 2.0 to 4.0 mmol L−1, or with curve fitting
procedures [7]. These methods seem to be correlated, but their relationship with the
boundaries that separate the intensity domains are affected by the methodology chosen,
without a clear physiological support for the preference of one of them [8].
The swimming velocity at LT (vLT) is one of the most frequently used indices to
assess the swimming endurance capacity [9,10] and several methods are utilized for its
calculation [11]. More specifically, the log-log methodology (vLTlog-log), the velocity at
which lactate increased exponentially when the log blood lactate concentration (BLC)
is plotted against the log swimming velocity [12], Dmax methodology (vLTDmax) as the
maximal perpendicular distance of the lactate curve from the line connecting the start with
the endpoint of the lactate curve [13]. On the other hand, V4 is the the swimming velocity
eliciting a lactate concentration of 4 mmol.L−1 through linear interpolation and has been
associated with the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) [14]. More specifically,
a 7 × 200-m IST is used to identify aerobic training intensity domains and subsequent
changes during a year-round training plan [15].
Heck et al. [5] were pioneers with respect to the MLSS concept, first considered to
occur at a fixed BLC of 2.2 mmol L−1 [16], but more often to 4 mmol L−1, or defined as
OBLA [5]. Later, it was observed that the absolute BLC at MLSS velocity (MLSSv) varied
considerably between individuals and between exercise modalities [17]. However, it is
considered to be the best predictor of aerobic endurance performance [18], defined as the
highest constant exercise intensity that can be sustained while maintaining equilibrium
between the processes of blood lactate accumulation and elimination [1]. It is noteworthy
that very recently Jones et al. [19] outlined concerns with the arbitrariness of the definition
of, and the procedures for evaluating MLSS, indicating that progress in these fields has
been slowed by the disagreement over definitions and procedures, and by a fixation with
the behavior of a single biomarker, BLC.
The methodology associated with MLSS determination separates it from most other
lactate parameters. The major methodological difference is that it requires several exercise
bouts of longer duration (30-min) to be performed in different days at a constant exercise
intensity, a constant intensity test (CT), a method that is very time-consuming and demand-
ing. MLSS is attained when, in a CT lasting at least 30-min, the BLC does not increase
more than 1.0 mmol L−1 after the 10th testing minute [20] and Billat et al. [18] stated that
to achieve a true MLSS it is necessary to have four or five prolonged exercise sessions of up
to 30-min duration.
Over the last 10 years, studies related to MLSS in swimming are scarce, namely those
using unimpeded swimming (without oxygen uptake breath by breath apparatus), and
the large majority present MLSSv below 1.30 m·s−1, which can preclude the application
of those results to well-trained or high-level swimmers. Some examples are studies with
twelve adult middle-distance and long-distance male swimmers which found a MLSSv
of 1.22 ± 0.05 m·s−1 [6], with ten male swimmers and a MLSSv of 1.17 ± 0.11 m·s−1 [21]
and with seventeen long-distance swimmers with a MLSSv of 1.09 ± 0.14 m·s−1 [9]. More
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recently, evaluating twenty well-trained competitive swimmers MLSSv was determined
at 1.29 ± 0.05 m·s−1 [22] and Nikitakis et al. [23] observed that MLSSv was higher in
adolescents compared to children (1.297 ± 0.056 m·s−1 vs. 1.083 ± 0.065 m·s−1).
To overtake the time-consuming limitations of the CT, researchers developed an at-
tempt to determine MLSS from a BLC curve obtained during a swimming IST [11,24] fact
that is somewhat controversial in the scientific community, namely the interchangeably use
of ISTs and CTs to provide useful indexes of aerobic potential [25]. Despite LT and MLSS
being regularly considered fundamental physiological concepts in sport [17] most of the
studies were conducted in the laboratory using ergometers in the context of running and
cycling [26]. Therefore, research in swimming is scarce compared to other sports because
of the swimming pool constrains. In an individual sport where results and medals are
regularly decided by hundredths of a second, the accuracy of training prescription becomes
extremely relevant. Additionally, from a practical point of view, swim coaches and sport sci-
entists require accurate methods that allow them to evaluate the progress of their swimmers
and to fine point the training prescription with minimal training time interference. Thus,
it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of assessment protocols and associated
swimmer responses, namely from a physiological and stroke mechanics perspective in
order to select the most suitable evaluation protocols and interpret their results.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine if the velocities associated with the
lactate parameters determined from a single IST is equivalent to MLSSv determined from
several CT. Additionally, we intent to ascertain if the stroke and physiological parameters,
representative of MLSS, are similar to those obtained during the IST.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
Athletes performed a total of four visits to the water training facility within a 10-day
period. On the first visit, all athletes provided written consent to participate in this study,
as well as performed an anthropometric and body composition evaluation. Afterwards, the
athletes performed a maximal 400-m front crawl (T400) in order to use the average velocity
between 50 and the 350 m as an estimate of the maximal aerobic velocity (MAV) [27]. After
one week, swimmers performed the IST. In days 3 and 4, the continuous swimming velocity
MLSS tests (CT) were completed, first at 90% of MAV and in day 4 at 95% of MAV. Figure 1
illustrates the experimental protocol.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the experimental protocol. IST, incremental step test; MLSS,
maximal lactate steady state test (continuous test); MAV, maximal aerobic velocity.
2.2. Participants
Fourteen male competitive swimmers volunteered for this study (mean ± SD;
16.8 ± 2.8 years, 1.78 ± 0.05 m, 66.5 ± 7.2 kg and 10.2 ± 2.6% of body fat). The in-
clusion criteria were: (1) regularly competing at national level for at least three years and
(2) time in 400-m front crawl below 4:35-s. The exclusion criteria were: (1) swimmers with
<14 years of age; and (2) swimmers injured three months before experimental protocol.
Subjects trained regularly at competitive level for at least eight years (seven to eight swim
sessions and 3–4 gym sessions per week the months before data collection with a mean
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swimming volume of 40-km per week) and took no drugs or medicine during the study.
Mean performance in 400-m front crawl swimming was determined the week before testing
(4:22 ± 0:11-s), corresponding to 81% of the short course world record. All swimmers
were familiar with the swimming pool exercise testing procedures. The swimmers were
instructed to refrain from intense training sessions at least 24 h before the experimental ses-
sions and to retain their normal nutritional habits. All subjects or their parents/guardians
(when appropriate) signed an informed consent form prior to participation in the research.
The study was approved by the local University Ethical Committee in Human Research
from São Paulo State University (UNESP—CAAE:02402512.7.0000.5398) and conducted in
accordance with the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki.
2.3. Procedures
Tests were conducted at similar time of the day (±2 h) for each swimmer in order
to minimize the circadian effect on performance [28] and in separate days (with at least
24 h of rest between tests) in a 25-m swimming pool with the water temperature at 28.2 ◦C.
Body composition was assessed with Tanita BC-543 (Tokyo, Japan) and all tests were swum
in front crawl. A standardize warm-up of 600-m aerobic swim of low to moderate intensity
was completed in every testing session. During the IST and CT, swimming velocity was
controlled through a visual pacer (TAR. 1.1, GBK-electronics, Aveiro, Portugal), with
flashing lights on the bottom of the pool, helping swimmers to keep up the predetermined
swimming velocity. Split times over 50-m were determined and used by two investigators
positioned at 7.5 and 17.5-m of the swimming pool to control athletes’ swimming pace.
Within a 10-day period, each subject was asked to complete the following tests.
2.3.1. Maximal Lactate Steady State
Subjects performed, in different days, 30 min constant swimming velocity at 90 and
95% of MAV. Each swimmer was asked to maintain the pre-established swim pace for as
long as possible. The test was interrupted when the swimmer could no longer match the
required swimming velocity. Each subject was stopped 30-sec every 400-m for blood sample
collection determined in fingertip using the Lactate Pro portable analyzer (Arkray, Kyoto,
Japan). MLSS was defined as the highest BLC that increased by no more than 1 mmol.L−1
during the final 20-min of a 30-min CT [29]. When this criterion was not accomplished, the
test was stopped. MLSSv was the swimming velocity associated with MLSS.
Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was determined in a 6 to 20 scale [30] by verbal
indication of the swimmers in the 30-sec stop every 400-m, while blood sample was
being collected.
According to the proposal of Craig and Pendergast [31], stroke rate (SR) was cal-
culated for each cycle using the equation (SR = 60/stroke duration) and expressed in
cycles per minute (cycles min−1). Stroke length (SL) was determined with the equation
(SL = V/SR/60) and expressed in meters per cycle (m-cycle−1).
SR was measured from three stroke cycles taken in the middle of the pool for every
50 m, SR was measured from three stroke cycles taken in the middle of the pool for every
50 m and averaged based on 100-m distance during the last 20-min swim for the CT tests
and the last 100 m of each step for the IST.
The average of heart rate (HR) values collected during the last 20 min of MLSS were
determined with Polar Sport Tester (S410), with frequency every 5 s during tests.
2.3.2. Incremental Step Test
Swimmers T200 (performance time in 200-m front crawl) was assessed in formal com-
petition with a maximum distance of 2 months for the determination of the IST swimming
velocities. Afterwards, in a separate session, swimmers completed 7 × 200-m front crawl
IST [10]. All steps started each 5-min, the first one at 70% of T200 and the subsequent with
a 5% increment. At rest, immediately after each step and at the end of the tests, RPE and
BLC were recorded. HR, SR, and SL were measured throughout the test.
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The BLC values were registered, and the results were plotted against the respective
swimming velocities using Lactate-E software [32]. LT was determined according to the
log-log methodology (LTlog-log), the velocity at which lactate increased exponentially when
the log BLC is plotted against the log swimming velocity [12]. LT was also measured
according to Dmax methodology (LTDmax) as the maximal perpendicular distance of the
lactate curve from the line connecting the start with the endpoint of the lactate curve [13].
vLTDmax and vLTlog-log were the swimming velocities associated to both LT method-
ologies. V4 was considered as the swimming velocity eliciting a lactate concentration
of 4 mmol L−1 through linear interpolation [14]. Vmax was assumed as the swimming
velocity performed in the last repetition of the IST (100% T200).
2.4. Statistical Analysis
The data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (SD). The normality of the
distributions was assessed with the Shapiro–Wilk test, parametric statistical procedures
were selected. Linear regression models between swimming velocities in continuous
test (MLSSv) and IST (V4, vLTDmax and vLTlog-log) were computed. Trendline equation,
determination coefficient (R2), and standard error of estimation (SEE) were calculated.
Comparisons of swimming velocities were evaluated using standardized differences with
combined variance, derived from the M and SD of each variable, with 95% confidence
intervals. Paired-samples t-test was used to compare swimming performance markers
using standardized differences with combined variance, derived from the M and SD of
each variable, with 95% confidence intervals. The statistical limits for the effect sizes
Cohen’s d [33] were trivial (0–0.2), small (0.2–0.6), moderate (0.6–1.2), large (1.2–2), very
large (2–4), and extremely large (>4) [34]. The variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to
verify the differences between swimming velocities, the magnitude of the differences was
evaluated by eta square (small 0.01 ≤ η2
p < 0.06), moderate (0.06 ≤ η2
p < 0.15), or large
p ≥ 0.15) [33]. The post-hoc Bonferroni test was also performed in order to verify which
pairs of means were significantly different (p < 0.05). Bland–Altman plot [35] was used
to assess the agreement between MLSSv, vLTlog-log, vLTDmax, and V4 showing the bias
and the limits of agreement. Also, the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) was
performed using the Lin [36] approach with MedCalc® v11.1.1.0 (2009) software. The CCC
(ρc) contains a measurement of precision ρ and accuracy (ρc = ρ Cb): where ρ is the Pearson
correlation coefficient, which measures how far each observation deviates from the line
of best-fit and is a measure of precision, and Cb is a bias correction factor that measures
how far the best-fit line deviates from the 45◦ line through the origin and is a measure of
accuracy. Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS 25.0, SPSS. Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
3. Results
All the fourteen swimmers were able to perform the 30-min constant swimming at
90% of MAV within the criteria established to assume the MLSS and stopped their CTs
at an intensity equal to 95% of MAV because of exhaustion. MLSSv (1.36 ± 0.06 m·s−1),
was significantly lower compared to Vmax (1.53 ± 0.07 m·s−1; 112% MLSSv) and MAV
(1.51 ± 0.07 m·s−1; 111% MLSSv). Vmax and MAV were not significantly different (p > 0.05).
vLTDmax (1.40 ± 0.06 m·s−1; 103% MLSSv), V4 (1.36 ± 0.07 m·s−1; 100% MLSSv), and
vLTlog-log (1.34 ± 0.06 m·s−1; 99% MLSSv) were not significantly different to MLSSv. In
Table 1 is presented the comparative analysis between the different swimming velocities.
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Table 1. Comparative analysis between different swimming velocities.
Anova One-way
M ± SD
Post-Hoc Test Bonferroni
Vmax (m·s−1)
1.53 ± 0.07
MAV (1.000); vLTDmax (0.000); MLSSv
(0.000); V4 (0.000); vLTlog-log (0.000)
MAV (m·s−1)
1.51 ± 0.07
Vmax (1.000); vLTDmax (0.000); MLSSv
(0.000); V4 (0.000); vLTlog-log (0.000)
vLTDmax (m·s−1)
1.40 ± 0.06
Vmax (0.000); MAV (0.000); MLSSv
(1.000); V4 (1.000); vLTlog-log (0.452)
MLSSv (m·s−1)
1.36 ± 0.06
Vmax (0.000); MAV (0.000); vLTDmax
(1.000); V4 (1.000); vLTlog-log (1.000)
V4 (m·s−1)
1.36 ± 0.07
Vmax (0.000); MAV (0.000); vLTDmax
(1.000) MLSSv (1.000); vLTlog-log (1.000)
vLTlog-log (m·s−1)
1.34 ± 0.06
Vmax (0.000); MAV (0.000); vLTDmax
(0.452) MLSSv (1.000); V4 (1.000)
M ± SD, mean ± standard deviation; Vmax, swimming velocity performed in the last repetition of the incremental step test; MAV, maximal
aerobic velocity; vLTDmax, swimming velocity associated to lactate threshold determined from Dmax methodology; MLSSv, swimming
velocity associated to maximal lactate steady state; V4, swimming velocity eliciting a lactate concentration of 4 mmol.L−1; vLTlog-log,
swimming velocity associated to lactate threshold determined from log-log methodology. Note: Anova one-way F, p and η2
p related to all
swimming velocities. Significant differences between swimming velocities (p < 0.05) are observed with post-hoc test.
Regression analysis between MLSSv and V4 revealed adjusted r2 value of 0.81 with
a SEE of 0.027, in spite of standardized residuals remaining within the 95% confidence
interval limits, indicating a fairly good estimation model. The linear regressions with r2
and SEE values between MLSSv, V4, vLTlog-log, and vLTDmax are presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Linear regression of MLSSv on V4, vLTlog-log, and vLTDmax with standard error of estimate (SEE).
The agreement between MLSSv and V4 is shown in Figure 3. The 95% limits of
agreement (Loa) ranged from −0.059 to 0.066. Although the bias was 0.004 and there was
no relation between the difference and the mean of the parameters there were somewhat
wide limits of agreement (±5.1%). The bias between MLSSv and vLTlog-log was −0.016 and
the Loa ranged between −0.039 and 0.072, representing a variation of ±4.1% of MLSSv.
There was not a significant trend between the difference and the mean of the two measures.
The MLSSv was overestimated by the vLTDmax with a bias of −0.038 with somewhat wide
Loa ranging between −0.092 and 0.017, representing a variation of ±4.1% of MLSSv. There
was not a significant trend between the difference and the mean of the two measures.
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Figure 3. Bland-Altman plot showing the bias and limits of agreement between MLSSv, vLTDmax, and vLTlog-log.
CCC of the methods are shown in Table 2, where <0.90 indicates a poor strength of
agreement between the methods.
Table 2. Concordance correlation coefficient between MLSSv and the three lactate indexes determined
in the incremental step test.
V4 (m·s−1)
vLTlog-log (m·s−1)
vLTDmax (m·s−1)
CCC, concordance correlation coefficient; V4, swimming velocity eliciting a lactate concentration of 4 mmol.L−1;
vLTlog-log, swimming velocity associated to lactate threshold determined from log-log methodology; vLTDmax,
swimming velocity associated to lactate threshold determined from Dmax methodology.
In IST, it was observed that swimmers tend to neglect SL with the purpose of
maintaining the pre-establish swimming velocity throughout all the 7 × 200-m repeti-
tions. Above 85% T200, a stroking efficiency breakpoint was observed in all well-trained
swimmers, SR and SL in the fourth repetition in the IST (85% of T200) (respectively
33.88 ± 3.89 cycles min−1 and 2.50 ± 0.32 m cycle−1) were significantly different (p < 0.01)
compared to the fifth repetition, at 90% T200 (respectively 36.77 ± 3.20 cycles min−1 and
2.40 ± 0.23 m cycle−1). SL in the third IST repetition (80% of T200 = 2.59 ± 0.31 m cycle−1)
was significantly higher compared to the fourth and also SL at MLSSv (2.54 ± 0.33 m cycle−1;
p < 0.01). 85% T200 (1.36 ± 0.05 m·s−1) was not significantly different from MLSSv (p > 0.05),
ES was trivial (0.07), and a close relationship between stroke and physiological markers
was observed between both, presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Mean and standard deviation of performance markers during MLSS test and fourth repetition
in the incremental step test, at 85% T200.
85% T200
Cohen’s d
HR (beats.min−1)
174.2 ± 7.0
169.5 ± 6.2
SR (cycles.min−1)
32.76 ± 4.07
33.88 ± 3.89
SL (m.cycle−1)
2.54 ± 0.33
2.50 ± 0.32
BLC (mmol.L−1)
4.84 ± 1.53
4.83 ± 0.94
RPE (6–20 scale)
13.50 ± 1.50
13.28 ± 0.72
MLSSv, swimming velocity associated to maximal lactate steady state; T200, performance time in 200-m front
crawl; HR, heart rate; SR, stroke rate; SL, stroke length; BLC, blood lactate concentration; RPE, rate of perceived
exertion. ES are considered trivial (0–0.2), small (0.2–0.6), moderate (0.6–1.2), large (1.2–2), very large (2–4) and
extremely large (>4) (Cohen’s d). In all cases p > 0.05 represent no significant statistical differences.
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Although not significantly different, in HR the p value and Cohen’s d revealed values
close to significant differences. MLSS ranged between 2.6 and 7.1 mmol L−1 and mean
LTD-max (5.1 ± 0.7 mmol L−1; range 3.9 and 6.2) was not significantly different from MLSS,
however, LTlog-log (3.8 ± 0.7 mmol.L−1; range 2.6 and 4.5) was lower (p < 0.01). Mean RPE
during MLSS test was 13.5 ± 1.5, associated to “somewhat hard” with values ranging from
11 to 16 and in the fourth repetition in IT (85% of T200) from 12 to 15.
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to determine if the velocities associated with different
lactate parameters determined from IST are equivalent to MLSSv determined from a CT.
Additionally, we intent to ascertain if the stroke and physiological parameters, represen-
tative of MLSS, are similar to those obtained during the IST. The first main finding in
the present study was that MLSS can be determined in well-trained swimmers with only
two to three attempts of 30-min constant swimming velocity performed in different days
assuming the first swimming test at 90% MAV, the swimming velocity at which athletes
participating in our study achieved the MLSS. Second, although it is interesting to speculate
if an IST provides reliable indicators of MLSS, we verified that from a practical perspective,
daily training, some outputs may be useful for swimmers and coaches, but an accurate
evaluation of MLSS is only possible through the traditional methodology, a CT.
Although there was not a significant statistical difference between MLSSv, V4,
vLTlog-log, and vLTDmax, there was a poor CCC (<0.90) between the MLSSv and the other
three lactate indexes, which precludes the use of these measures interchangeably. V4 did not
present a bias when compared with MLSSv determined in a CT, however, Bland–Altman
analysis showed somewhat wide limits of agreement (±5.1%), which in a practical point
of view can represent meaningful differences. For example, a swimmer with a MLSSv
of 1.36 m·s−1 can have a V4 of 1.41 or 1.32 m·s−1, which represents a difference of 4 sec
each 100 m. Regarding vLTlog-log, it underestimated MLSSv by 0.02 m·s−1 with limits
of agreement of ±4.1%. Conversely vLTDmax was consistently higher than MLSSv by
0.04 m·s−1, with Bland–Altman analysis also showing limits of agreement of ±4.1%.
Previously, a MLSSv of 1.22 ± 0.09 m·s−1, representing 88.9 ± 3.3% of MAV, was found
in eleven male well-trained competitive swimmers [37]. Also, Baron et al. [29] in ten well-
trained competitive swimmers showed that MLSS corresponded to the velocity a swimmer
spontaneously chooses during the first 15 min of a 2-h test. These authors also observed
a MLSSv of 1.22 ± 0.14 m·s−1, corresponding to 86.5 ± 5.1% of MAV (1.41 ± 0.12 m·s−1).
Later, Espada, and Alves [38] also observed a MLSSv of 1.34 ± 0.06 m·s−1 corresponding
to 89.7 ± 1.7% of MAV. However, another study conducted with twelve middle-distance
and long-distance male swimmers showed that the stroke parameters and BLC were
significantly different between MLSSv (1.22 ± 0.05 m·s−1; 88.6 ± 1.1% of MAV) and 102.5%
MLSSv (1.25 ± 0.04 m·s−1; 91.3 ± 1.1% MAV) [6].
In the present study, swimmers were able to perform 30-min at 90% of MAV, which
can be related with the level of the swimmers participating in our study since to our best
knowledge this is the first study to compare the speed, physiological and stroke parameters
determined from the IST and CT methods in well-trained swimmers with MLSSv above
1.35 m·s−1. However, in previous research some swimmers were able to complete 30-min
at 90% MAV, although, without meeting MLSS criteria. For example Dekerle et al. [37]
reported that five swimmers could complete the 30-min swim but increased their BLC
values by more than 1 mmol L−1 between the 10th min (4.4 ± 1.6 mmol L−1) and the
30th min (5.9 ± 1.9 mmol L−1) and in Pelarigo et al. [6] study, the 102.5% MLSS intensity
was maintained without exhaustion in the 30-min test but the criteria to be considered
MLSS was also not accomplished.
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Lower MLSS values were found in studies conducted with swimmers, which can be
attributed to the lower MLSSv values compared to our study. Also lower values were
evident in rowers (3.1 ± 0.5 mmol L−1) but higher in cyclists (5.4 ± 1.0 mmol L−1) and
speed skaters (6.6 ± 0.9 mmol L−1) [17]. In cycling, Van Schuylenbergh et al. [39] found
a significant correlation between MLSS workload and V4, which led to the indication
that LT (determined from Dmax methodology) was closely correlated with MLSS power
(r = 0.72). Though, these authors point out that the validity of MLSS predicted from an
IST must be verified by a 30-min constant load test. In swimming, a significant correla-
tion between LT and V4 (r = 0.90; p < 0.01) [40] was found and a study conducted with
five male long-distance swimmers and eight triathletes showed that vLT (determined
from Dmax methodology), although higher, was not significantly different than MLSSv
(1.18 ± 0.08 m·s−1 and 1.13 ± 0.08 m·s−1, respectively) [41]. Conversely, Fernandes et al. [9]
determined V4 and V8 (swimming velocity at 8 mmol.L−1) by linear interpolation or ex-
trapolation of the lactate BLC vs. velocity curve in a IST (respectively 1.20 ± 0.15 and
1.30 ± 0.17 m·s−1), with both being significantly higher than MLSSv (1.09 ± 0.14 m·s−1) in
seventeen long-distance swimmers. Although previous research reported that the 7 × 200
protocol is sensible to different training regimens [42] our results seem to confirm that the
parameters derived from this protocol cannot be used interchangeably with the MLSS gold
standard determination protocol.
Furthermore, our results also confirm that it is impossible to link the true MLSS
to a fixed lactate concentration as it was previously pointed [5], because MLSS ranged
from 2.6 to 7.1 mmol.L−1. It should be noted that MLSS in swimming is affected by brief
interruptions in exercise that are necessary for blood sampling. On the other hand, it
was recently indicated that 30 to 45-sec passive recovery between 10 × 200-m swimming
repetitions enables steady BLC, oxygen uptake and HR similar to MLSS [23]. However,
we must acknowledge that the dynamic interaction between the rates of muscle lactate
production, lactate efflux from muscle to blood, and lactate clearance/metabolism both
within muscle and from the blood by other organs [43], means that a steady-state in
BLC need not imply the existence of a bioenergetic steady-state in contracting skeletal
muscle [19]. These authors indicated that BLC per se, is neither an appropriate nor a
sufficiently sensitive metric to enable a confident assessment of whether a specific velocity
or power output may be sustainable in a metabolic steady-state muscle.
Pelarigo et al. [6], found a MLSSv of 1.22 ± 0.05 m·s−1 and a T200 of 1.45 ± 0.05 m·s−1
which means that MLSSv corresponded to around 84% of T200. Additionally, another study
indicated that the decrease in SL started above 85% of MAV [37] and Fernandes et al. [9]
observed that SR was different across the 7 × 200-m particularly after the 4th repetition.
It was previously stressed that MLSS could represent an intensity to develop aerobic
endurance and perform technical work of very-high-standard quality [29,37], fact that
was confirmed by Pelarigo et al. [6] research where the MLSS (3.28 ± 0.97 mmol.L−1) was
significantly lower than BLC at 102.5% MLSSv (4.59 ± 1.36 mmol.L−1) and the SR was
maintained in MLSSv between 10th and 30th minute and significantly increased at 102.5%
MLSS, contrary to SL, maintained during the 30 min swam at MLSS but significantly
decreased at 102.5% MLSSv.
Our study revealed that during IST, the SR and SL at 85% of T200, the fourth repetition,
were closely related to those observed at MLSS throughout the 30 min CT and tend to repre-
sent a boundary of the swimming efficiency, showing that the transition from the heavy to
the severe intensity domain is not only related to swimming velocity, RPE and BLC, but also
to stroke parameters. The values we measured in MLSS (SR 32.8 ± 4.1 cycles.min−1/SL
2.54 ± 0.33 m.cycle−1) in well-trained swimmers were also higher compared to previous
studies, such as Dekerle et al. [37] (27.7 ± 2.2 cycles.min−1; 2.64 ± 0.32 m.cycle−1) or
Pelarigo et al. [6] (30.9 ± 3.4 cycles.min−1; 2.47 ± 0.2 m.cycle−1), fact that we consider
associated to the level of swimmers participating in the different studies.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 477
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Baron et al. [44] verified that during exercise performed at MLSS, exhaustion occurred
while physiological reserve capacity still existed, but in association with an increase in the
RPE, as predicted by the central governor model. This research team added that exercise
termination may be induced by an integrative homoeostatic control of the peripheral phys-
iological system specifically to ensure the maintenance of homeostasis. Demello et al. [45]
indicated that LT occurs at a feeling of “somewhat hard” and “hard” from the RPE per-
spective, with values ranging from 12.9 to 13.6. Our results are in line with these previous
observations, although the CT values ranged from 11 to 16 and in the 4th repetition, in IST
(85% of T200) from 12 to 15, fact that led us to agree with previous literature stating that the
use of an absolute RPE value to prescribe exercise intensity is unwise [46] because of the
fairly large between-subject variability. Also, Potteiger and Weber [47] investigated RPE
during incremental and constant intensity exercise and concluded that RPE cannot be used
as a particularly accurate marker of exercise intensity.
This study presents some limitations since we did not consider the maturation of the
swimmers or their distance specialty, which may be relevant to the training methodological
framework. We also did not evaluate the potential differences regarding sexes since we
only tested male athletes, neither compared results in short- and long-course swimming
pools, factors that make it impossible to generalize our results to the whole swimming
community. Tracking individual responses during the swimming process is crucial for
training prescription and adjustments as inter-individual differences are significant in well-
trained athletes. Future research should consider different swimmers’ level, gender, and the
comparison between CT and IST in long-course swimming pool (50-m), with swimming
velocities increment of 2.5%, as implemented by Pessôa-Filho et al. [48]. The possible
measurement of gas exchange could be useful to better understand the physiological,
metabolic, and stroke parameters pathways associated to CT and IST, as well as more
accurately measure LT and MLSS, understanding the athletes holistic fatigue associated to
the gold standard, not only from the BLC perspective.
5. Conclusions
From a practical application perspective, the main findings of this study show that
in well-trained swimmers MLSSv can be estimated with a maximum two to three 30-min
constant swimming bouts performed in different days starting at 90% of MAV and elevating
or decreasing that exercise intensity in subsequent bouts. This procedure is more practical
and less time consuming than protocols previously suggested which could be important
for coaches and athletes in daily swimming practice.
Moreover, the 90% of MAV or 85% of T200 may be considered aerobic power zones,
where high-quality technique training may occur. In fact, stroke parameters achieved
during MLSSv are very closely related to the fourth repetition of the IST and represent not
only a physiological, but a mechanical boundary above which athletes achieve fatigue and
the swimming technique starts to deteriorate.
Performing an IST in well-trained swimmers can be very useful for practice because it
provides several useful indicators, nevertheless, this methodology should be used with
caution. Also, the level of the swimmers seems to decisively influence the obtained results,
this fact should be carefully examined in future research.
V4, vLTDmax, and vLTlog-log were not statistically different from MLSSv, nevertheless,
it is our understanding that both the IST and CT in well-trained swimmers provide useful
indexes of aerobic potential, but they cannot be used interchangeably for MLSSv determi-
nation. The direct determination of MLSSv, with CT testing procedure, remains the more
accurate for evaluation and prescription of swimming training and for research purposes.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 477
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Author Contributions: Conceptualization: M.C.E., J.F.R. and F.B.A.; methodology: M.C.E., J.F.R.
and F.B.A.; formal analysis, F.B.A.; investigation, M.C.E., J.F.R. and F.B.A.; supervision: F.B.A. and
J.F.R.; data curation: M.C.E., D.C., J.F.R., C.C.F. and F.J.S.; writing—original draft preparation: M.C.E.,
J.F.R., C.C.F. and D.M.P.-F.; writing—review and editing: M.C.E., D.C., J.F.R., C.C.F. and D.M.P.-F.;
visualization: F.B.A.; funding acquisition: M.C.E., F.J.S. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., Grant/Award
NumberUIDB/04748/2020. M.C.E. also acknowledge the financial support from Polytechnic Institute
of Setúbal. D.M.P.F. would like to thank São Paulo Research Foundation—FAPESP (PROCESS
2016/04544-3) for the partial support.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the local University Ethical Committee in Human Research
from São Paulo State University (UNESP—CAAE:02402512.7.0000.5398/2013).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects or their parents/
guardians (when appropriate) involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from
the corresponding and first authors ([email protected] and [email protected]), upon
reasonable request.
Acknowledgments: We would like to express our gratitude to the swimmers for their time and effort
and the swimming teams for making both their infrastructures and staff available for the study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Can an Incremental Step Test Be Used for Maximal Lactate Steady State Determination in Swimming? Clues for Practice. | 01-08-2021 | Espada, Mário C,Alves, Francisco B,Curto, Dália,Ferreira, Cátia C,Santos, Fernando J,Pessôa-Filho, Dalton M,Reis, Joana F | eng |
PMC4892259 |
Cite this article: Rankin JW, Rubenson J,
Hutchinson JR. 2016 Inferring muscle
functional roles of the ostrich pelvic limb
during walking and running using computer
optimization. J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035.
Received: 14 January 2016
Accepted: 7 April 2016
Subject Category:
Life Sciences–Engineering interface
Subject Areas:
musculoskeletal model, inverse dynamics,
forward dynamics, OpenSim, static
optimization, computed muscle control
Author for correspondence:
Jeffery W. Rankin
e-mail: [email protected]
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Inferring muscle functional roles of the
ostrich pelvic limb during walking and
running using computer optimization
Jeffery W. Rankin1, Jonas Rubenson2,3 and John R. Hutchinson1
1Structure and Motion Laboratory, Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences, The Royal Veterinary
College, Hawkshead Lane, Hatfield, Herts, UK
2Department of Kinesiology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
3School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia,
JWR, 0000-0002-6639-8280; JRH, 0000-0002-6767-7038
Owing to their cursorial background, ostriches (Struthio camelus) walk and
run with high metabolic economy, can reach very fast running speeds and
quickly execute cutting manoeuvres. These capabilities are believed to be
a result of their ability to coordinate muscles to take advantage of specialized
passive limb structures. This study aimed to infer the functional roles of
ostrich pelvic limb muscles during gait. Existing gait data were combined
with a newly developed musculoskeletal model to generate simulations of
ostrich walking and running that predict muscle excitations, force and mech-
anical work. Consistent with previous avian electromyography studies,
predicted excitation patterns showed that individual muscles tended to be
excited primarily during only stance or swing. Work and force estimates
show that ostrich gaits are partially hip-driven with the bi-articular hip–
knee muscles driving stance mechanics. Conversely, the knee extensors
acted as brakes, absorbing energy. The digital extensors generated large
amounts of both negative and positive mechanical work, with increased
magnitudes during running, providing further evidence that ostriches
make extensive use of tendinous elastic energy storage to improve economy.
The simulations also highlight the need to carefully consider non-muscular
soft tissues that may play a role in ostrich gait.
1. Introduction
Ostriches (Struthio camelus) walk and run with high metabolic economy [1–3],
can reach very fast running speeds [4,5], and quickly execute cutting (turning)
manoeuvres [6]. The ability to achieve such impressive performance is thought
to largely arise from morphological specializations within the pelvic limbs as
result of their cursorial and secondarily flightless evolutionary background.
Like other birds, ostriches use three-dimensional limb joint motions during
locomotion [6–8] and have specialized passive structures at the hip, including
bony stops (e.g. the antitrochanter), which play an unclear role during move-
ment [9–14]. The distal limb muscles are also highly specialized, consisting
of extremely long tendons that cross mobile metatarsophalangeal (MTP)
joints. Experimental studies of these features in ostriches and other birds
support the inference that they improve gait performance and economy
[2,15–18]. However, these adaptations also contribute to the extremely complex
ostrich pelvic limb musculoskeletal structure, which consists of more than
30 muscles—the majority of which are multiarticular—that cross joints with
multiple degrees of freedom (DOF). As a result, little can be intuitively inferred
about specific functional roles that individual pelvic limb muscles perform in
ostriches (or many other birds) during gait. Obtaining the data required to
& 2016 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original
author and source are credited.
determine muscle function is further limited owing to the
numerous challenges associated with the required experimental
techniques (e.g. electromyography (EMG), sonomicrometry,
tendon buckles). To date, these factors have obscured how
ostriches and other birds successfully meet the biomechanical
demands of walking and running.
During a movement, the functional role of a muscle–
tendon unit (MTU) can be established based on a combination
of muscular force generation and muscle and tendon length
trajectories [19–21]. If an MTU generates high force and posi-
tive power (concentric contraction) during the movement,
then energy is added to the system and the MTU can be classi-
fied as a ‘motor’. In contrast, an MTU that generates high force
but negative power (eccentric contraction) removes energy
from the system and acts as a ‘brake’. In some cases, an
MTU may generate high forces but produce very little positive
or negative power (i.e. no length change) during the move-
ment. In this case, the MTU has not added or removed
energy from the system and acts as a joint stabilizer or ‘strut’.
Last, an MTU may generate high force and switch from nega-
tive to positive power production. In this case, the net energy
provided to the system is again near zero. However, the
MTU has undergone a systematic change in length and likely
acts as a ‘spring’, storing energy from an earlier portion of
the movement that can be released later. To define an MTU’s
functional role(s) in this study, muscle excitation timing is
first used to classify whether or not a muscle primarily contrib-
utes to ‘stance’ (i.e. when the foot is in contact with the ground)
or ‘swing’ (i.e. no foot–ground contact) movements, when
possible [22,23]. Following this classification, specific muscle
roles (i.e. motor, brake, strut or spring) during stance and
swing are then determined using MTU force and length.
These roles can then be used to infer how individual muscles
contribute to the overall mechanical energy flow during gait.
Because the aforementioned difficulties associated with
experimental approaches limit their usefulness, an alternative
approach is to use realistic, detailed musculoskeletal models
and simulations. The first simple ostrich model was developed
over 35 years ago by Alexander et al. [4] to estimate muscle and
bone stress during running. More recently, two-dimensional
ostrich models have been developed to investigate postural
effects on running joint mechanics [5] and to validate running
posture [24] and maximal speed [25] predictions for various
extinct taxa. Until very recently, only a single model of loco-
motion has included muscle geometry, which was limited to
six muscles [25]. However, we have just published a highly
detailed musculoskeletal model of an ostrich’s pelvic limbs,
building on prior efforts [26]. Similar approaches have been
successfully used to address many questions in human
gait: providing insights into muscle function [27–29] and
form–function relationships [30,31].
Like most animal musculoskeletal systems, the ostrich pelvic
limb has many more muscles than DOF. As a result, multiple
muscle excitation patterns exist to produce identical joint mech-
anics. Knowing how to correctly ‘parse’ the different muscle
contributions to the net joint mechanics during movement is
critical to understanding muscle functional roles. Two distinct
approaches have been used to overcome this major challenge:
static and dynamic optimization [32–34]. Static optimization
(SO) addresses each instant in time as an independent data
point, reducing computational cost but ignoring time-dependent
quantities such as activation–deactivation dynamics and tendon
strain energy. Dynamic optimization techniques can account for
these time-dependent quantities, but incur a high computational
cost. There remains considerable debate over which (if either) is
more suitable than another for studying muscle function during
movement, in large part because a gold standard (i.e. empirical
dataset) is not readily available for comparison. For example,
Anderson & Pandy [35], after simulating half-gait cycles of
human walking, suggested that static and dynamic optimization
solutions were ‘practically equivalent’, but qualified their state-
ment and provided scenarios in which dynamic optimization
may be necessary. Later comparisons between the two
approaches in other human movements have been inconclusive
in determining a preferred technique for predicting muscle
activity [36–38]. Because of the large number of differences
that exist between humans and ostriches in both limb mor-
phology and gait mechanics [2], determining how sensitive
muscle functional roles (and by extension structure–function
relationships) between these two techniques during ostrich
gait could help future comparative research focused on
movement in different species.
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the
functional roles that individual pelvic limb muscles have in
ostriches during walking and running. Existing biomechanical
data were combined with a newly developed, detailed ostrich
musculoskeletal model [39] to generate computer simulations
that estimate MTU excitation, length and force during the
two gaits. A secondary purpose was to assess how sensitive
muscle functional roles are to choice of optimization approach
(static versus dynamic) using a model that widely diverges in
morphology from humans and a higher speed movement than
those investigated previously. These two purposes are linked,
because methodological assumptions of static versus dynamic
analysis [5,25,35] might influence biological conclusions about
the functions of particular muscles, which can be tested by
achieving these two major aims.
2. Methods
A detailed musculoskeletal model of the ostrich pelvic limb [39]
was combined with experimental data obtained from a represen-
tative walking and running trial [2,8,39] within OpenSim [40] to
generate six different simulations (three for each motion, table 1).
Two simulations (WSO, RSO) were performed using OpenSim’s
SO routine [41]. Two additional simulations (WCMCC, RCMCC)
were then generated using OpenSim’s computed muscle control
(CMC) routine [42]. The final two simulations (WCMCR, RCMCR)
were generated using CMC, but tendons were constrained to
be rigid in order to provide a direct comparison with the SO sol-
ution, which did not incorporate tendon dynamics, whereas the
other two CMC simulations (WCMCC, RCMCC) did. The simulations
estimated MTU excitation patterns, force and length, which
were used to infer muscle function. Details of the musculo-
skeletal model, optimization framework and experimental data
are given below.
2.1. Musculoskeletal model
The original musculoskeletal model was created using muscle
and tendon architecture, digitized muscle paths and computed
tomography (CT) scan data collected via dissection [39]. The
left pelvic limb was generated by mirroring the right-side
segments, joint definitions and muscle tendon paths about the
sagittal plane. The model consisted of nine rigid body segments
representing the pelvis and left and right-side femur, tibiotarsus,
tarsometatarsus and pes (figure 1). The original model’s segment
mass and inertia values were scaled using the original ostrich’s
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
body mass (65.3 kg) and mass of the bird that provided the
experimental data (78.7 kg; see §2.3).
Each pelvic limb had 8 DOF representing the hip (3 DOF),
knee (3 DOF), ankle (1 DOF) and MTP (1 DOF) joints. In the orig-
inal model, both the ankle and MTP joints were modelled as
3 DOF (ball-and-socket) joints. However, minimal long axis
rotation and ad/abduction have been observed in the avian
ankle and MTP during walking and running [7,8,43,44] and
these DOFs were constrained to match experimental mid-stance
values. The pelvis moved freely relative to the ground (i.e. three
translational and three rotational DOFs).
Model segments were driven by a combination of musculo-
tendon and idealized joint (coordinate) actuators (figure 1).
Thirty-four of the 35 musculotendon actuators from the original
model were retained on the right side, which represented the
major muscles in the ostrich pelvic limb (FCLA was removed
due to its very low maximum force [39]). Musculotendon actua-
tors were modelled using a Hill-type model that included
intrinsic force–length–velocity relationships [45]. Because walking
and running are everyday activities and critical to survival, it
is likely that MTU properties are tuned so force and power gener-
ation are near optimal during these movements [46,47]. However,
many muscles in the original model did not reflect this, with nor-
malized fibre lengths exceeding the physiological operating range
of 0.5–1.5 optimal fibre lengths in some postures. In the original
model, tendon slack lengths (Ltsl) were estimated based on joint
range of motion [39,48], which may not reflect tuning for major
activities like gait. To correct for this inconsistency, the original
model’s Ltsl were systematically adjusted, so that muscle fibre
lengths operated over a more optimal range (i.e. 0.75–1.25 optimal
fibre length) in the joint ranges of motion defined by the exper-
imental gait kinematics. New Ltsl were within 10% of the
original model values for all actuators except for M. iliotibialis
(ILa, ILp, 19%) and M. femorotibialis intermedius (FMTIM,
19%). Maximum isometric forces were scaled using the mass
ratio between the original model and experimental subject
(table 2). For all musculotendon actuators, maximum contraction
velocity was set to 14 Lfopts21 [49]. Excitation–activation dynamics
were represented by a first-order differential equation with acti-
vation and deactivation time constants of 10 and 15 ms. As the
left side’s movement was assumed to be symmetric with the
right side (see §2.3 Experimental data), the model was simplified
by having the left side’s joints actuated by eight idealized torque
actuators—one for each DOF.
Six additional actuators were used to compensate for residual
forces and moments at the pelvis during the motion and eight
torque actuators—one for each DOF in the right limb—were
used to compensate for mechanical work that could not be satis-
fied by the muscles alone (reserve actuators). Each optimization
was tasked with minimizing the use of these reserve actuators,
ensuring that, at each joint, the required joint moments were
satisfied primarily through muscle force.
2.2. Simulations
Three simulations were generated from the experimental walking
data. Each simulation used the same experimental data and mus-
culoskeletal model as inputs, but used a different optimization
framework to estimate MTU excitation, force and length changes.
Three additional simulations were then generated from the exper-
imental running data using the same model and optimization
frameworks (table 1).
Simulations were first generated using the SO routine
included in OpenSim. SO determines MTU excitation patterns
by optimizing a predetermined objective criterion subject to the
biomechanical constraints associated with the motion. The objec-
tive criterion used here minimized muscle activation squared,
Figure 1. Musculoskeletal model at mid-stance during running. The arrow (blue) indicates the direction and location (centre of pressure) of the ground reaction
force. Muscle–tendon actuators (red lines) of the left limb were replaced by idealized joint actuators. (a) Sagittal view. (b) Frontal view.
Table 1. Names and description of the six simulations performed.
Simulations were performed for either a walking or running motion (rows)
using three different optimization frameworks (columns).
control (rigid
muscle control
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
Table 2. Muscle–tendon actuator properties. Optimal fibre lengths and pennation angles are from the original model by Hutchinson et al. [39] but provided
for reference.
muscle name
maximum isometric
force (Fiso, N)
optimal fibre
length (Lfopt, m)
tendon slack
length (Ltsl, m)
angle (88888)
M. iliotibialis cranialis
M. iliotibialis lateralis (cranial part)
M. iliotibialis lateralis (caudal part)
M. ambiens, ventral (pubic) head
M. ambiens, dorsal (iliac) head
M. femorotibialis lateralis
M. femorotibialis intermedius
M. femorotibialis medialis
M. iliofibularis (cranial part)
M. iliofibularis (caudal part)
M. iliotrochantericus caudalis
(cranial part)
M. iliotrochantericus caudalis
(caudal part)
M. iliofemoralis externus
M. iliotrochantericus medius
M. iliotrochantericus cranialis
M. iliofemoralis internus
M. flexor cruris medialis
M. flexor cruris lateralis
pars pelvica
M. ischiofemoralis
M. puboischiofemorales
medialis þ lateralis
M. obturatorius medialis
M. caudofemoralis pars pelvica
(et caudalis)
M. gastrocnemius pars lateralis
M. gastrocnemius pars intermedius
M. gastrocnemius pars medialis
M. fibularis longus
M. flexor digitorum longus
M. flexor perforans et perforatus
digitorum 3
M. flexor perforans digitorum 3
M. flexor perforans digitorum 4
M. flexor hallucis longus
M. extensor digitorum longus
M. tibialis cranialis
(femoral head)
M. tibialis cranialis
(tibial head)
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
summed across all muscles at each time step [33]
J ¼ min
where am is the activation level of the mth muscle. The time step
was set to 0.005 s and MTU excitation, force and length time his-
tories were obtained over the gait cycle. MTU force calculations
included intrinsic muscle force–length–velocity relationships
[45]. Because each time step is solved independently within the
SO framework, there is neither energy transfer between time
steps (e.g. tendon energy storage and return) nor muscle
excitation–activation dynamics. Passive fibre force generation is
also ignored, and tendons are assumed rigid with all MTU
length changes occurring in the muscle fibres.
The second optimization framework used to generate simu-
lations was OpenSim’s CMC routine [42]. CMC is a hybrid
forward–inverse approach, with muscle excitations for each
time step determined using the same objective criterion as the
SO routine. However, like purely forward dynamic simulations,
the model state from a previous time step (e.g. joint angles,
muscle activation level, tendon strain) influences the optimal
solution for the current step. Because time steps are linked, this
approach incorporates muscle excitation–activation dynamics
and non-rigid tendon characteristics. Passive muscle fibre force
generation is also accounted for.
In order to reduce the potentially confounding factors of differ-
ent tendon and muscle models when directly comparing between
SO and CMC, a third optimization framework was implemented.
This approach was identical to the previous CMC framework, with
the exception that, like SO, a rigid tendon model was implemented,
and muscle passive force generation was removed. Using rigid
tendons eliminates tendon–muscle fibre dynamics and partially
negates the ability of a forward dynamics optimization to account
for time-dependent muscle interactions (e.g. tendon energy storage
and return). As a result, using this framework would not be a realistic
choice under normal circumstances. However, eliminating these
potentially confounding factors allows for a more direct comparison
between the SO and CMC frameworks.
2.3. Experimental data
Experimental data for a representative walking (1.2 ms21; 0.66
duty factor) and running trial (3.5 ms21; 0.40 duty factor) were
taken from a single adult bird (78.7 kg) of a previously collected
dataset [2,8,39]. Three-dimensional segment and joint kinematics
were calculated from retro-reflective marker clusters located on
the pelvis, right-side femur, tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus, and
a single marker on digit III. Marker locations were recorded at
200 Hz using high-speed video (Peak Performance; Centennial,
CO). Ground reaction forces were simultaneously collected
using a Kistler force plate (model 9865E, Kistler, Winterthur,
Switzerland). Data were filtered in OpenSim using a low-pass fre-
quency of 10 Hz. Because only right-side data were collected
experimentally, left-side motion and force data were estimated
by mirroring the right-side data about the sagittal plane and
phase-shifting the data 1808 to generate a complete gait cycle.
2.4. Analysis
In each simulation, muscle excitation onset and offset timings
were determined from the predicted muscle excitation patterns,
with muscles considered to be excited when the values exceeded
a 0.1 (i.e. 10% of maximum excitation) threshold. A period of
excitation was then determined by first identifying the onset
time as the closest previous time step where excitation fell
below 0.05. Offset time was then identified as the first subsequent
point that excitation fell below 0.05. Stance (i.e. foot in contact
with the ground) and swing phases were identified and timing
values were used to group muscles into ‘stance’ or ‘swing’
groups. Predicted muscle excitation onset and offset times were
then normalized to the entire gait cycle and compared with
existing avian EMG data [22,23] as a form of indirect validation.
MTU force and length time histories were used to generate com-
parisons among the six simulations. First, average muscle forces
were calculated as the mean force value during stance and swing.
An ‘integrated activation’ (iAct) value was also calculated for the
two phases. To calculate iAct, the stance and swing phases were
first normalized to per cent phase. The activation trajectory was
then integrated over the entire phase to generate a single activity
value ranging from 0 (no activity) to 100 (maximally active over
the entire phase). Net MTU work was calculated for each muscle
from the instantaneous MTU force and velocity values over the
entire gait cycle. Positive and negative work were calculated for
stance and swing by integrating only the positive and negative por-
tions of the power curves of each MTU within each phase. Muscles
were grouped based on anatomical location, creating seven distinct
groups: (i) hip rotators (ITCa, ITCp, ITCR, ITM), (ii) biarticular
hip–knee (ILa, ILp, ILFBa, ILFBp, FCLP, FCM), (iii) knee extensors
(FMTL, FMTIM, FMTM), (iv) gastrocnemius (GL, GIM, GM), (v)
digital flexors (FDL, FHL, FL, FPPD3, FPD3, FPD4), (vi) ankle flexors
(EDL, TCf, TCt) and (vii) other (proximal) muscles (OM, IFE, IFI, ISF,
To evaluate the influence that reserve actuators may have had
on simulation results, average and peak reserve actuator values
were compared with the peak net joint torques (obtained via
OpenSim’s inverse dynamics analysis). Reserve actuator work
was also calculated from the actuator torque and joint angle trajec-
tories, analysed in the same manner as MTU work and then
compared with the total amount of mechanical work generated
by the muscles in each corresponding simulation. In addition,
for the CMC simulations, which were not explicitly constrained
to follow the experimental joint kinematics, root mean square
(RMS) differences between the experimental and simulation joint
kinematics were calculated for the entire movement.
3. Results
The three optimization frameworks were able to successfully
generate simulations of walking and running, with all six
simulations generating a solution. In the CMC simulations,
peak errors in simulated joint trajectories were within 28
of experimental angles and RMS errors well below 0.18 (see
electronic supplementary material, table S1).
3.1. Reserve actuators
In all six simulations, average reserve actuator values remained
below 10% of the inverse dynamics moment with the exception
of hip ad–abduction, knee ad–abduction and ankle flexion–
extension (table 3, average reserve torque). Knee ad–abduction
was below 10% for all simulations but WCMCC (15%). Hip ad–
abduction had by far the highest average reserve actuator
values, accounting for up to 90% of the inverse dynamics
moment. Average ankle flexion–extension moments were con-
sistent between all simulations, ranging from 9.1 to 16.3%.
Peak reserve actuator values were more variable across the
different simulations. Peak knee rotation and knee flexion–
extension reserve values fell below 10% of the inverse dynamics
torques in all simulations except for WCMCC. Peak hip flexion–
extension reserve values were below 10% in all but RSO (12%)
and RCMCR (15%). Peak hip rotation reserve actuator values all
fell below 15%. Ankle flexion–extension and MTP flexion–
extension peak reserve values were high in most of the
simulations. The hip ad–abduction reserve actuator was highest
in all six simulations (table 3).
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
Even though the hip ad–abduction reserve actuator had
the highest average and peak reserve actuator values, its con-
tribution to limb mechanical work over the gait cycle was
small (less than 6% of total muscle work) in all simulations
(table 3 and figure 2). Knee ad–abduction reserve actuator
work was consistently positive, with values ranging from
2.89 (2%; WCMCR, WSO) to 18.09 J (13%; WCMCC). The highest
net values were generated by the ankle and MTP reserve
actuators, with magnitudes reaching 31.71 J (24%; table 3
and figure 2). The other reserve actuators had low net
mechanical work (less than 5%) over the simulation.
3.2. Muscle excitation and activation
Muscle timing data were similar across all six simulations, with
the majority of muscles having a single excitation period that
occurred primarily in either stance or swing (figure 3).
The major hip, knee and ankle extensors (e.g. M. flexor cruris
lateralis pars pelvica, FCLP; M. femorotibialis, FMTIM;
M. gastrocnemius, GL), many hip rotators (e.g. Mm. iliotrochan-
tericus, ITCp, ITCr) and the digital flexors (M. flexor digitorum
longus, FDL) were primarily excited during stance. The uniarti-
cular hip extensors, M. caudofemoralis pars pelvica (CFP) and
M. puboischiofemoralis (PIFML) were excited from mid-
to-late swing through mid-stance. Owing to their large origin
sites, the M. iliotibialis lateralis and M. iliofibularis were parti-
tioned into cranial and caudal regions in the model. In both
muscles, the caudal portions (ILp, ILFBp) tended to be excited
during stance whereas the cranial portions (Ila, ILFBa) were
excited during swing (figure 3). The hip and ankle flexors
(e.g. M. iliotibialis cranialis, IC; M. tibiocranialis, TC) were
primarily excited during swing. In both running and walking
ISF is not excited. IFE, IFI and FHL are only excited during
the running simulations.
Although no ostrich EMG data are available for direct com-
parison, simulation results compare favourably to previous
Table 3. Average and peak moments as well as net mechanical work generated by the reserve actuators for each of the six simulations. Shaded columns are
for the three walking simulations. Moment values are presented in Nm and parenthetical values indicate the per cent of the inverse dynamic analysis joint
torque. Work values are presented in joules (J) and parenthetical values are percentages relative to the total muscle–tendon unit mechanical work generated in
each simulation. Positive values indicate hip/knee extension, adduction and medial rotation, and ankle/MTP flexion moments. Positive/negative mechanical work
indicates energy being added/removed from the limb.
degree of freedom
average reserve torque in Nm (%)
hip flexion–extension
20.8 (,1)
20.9 (,1)
22.6 (2)
23.7 (1)
24.3 (2)
21.8 (,1)
hip ad–abduction
47.7 (77)
43.7 (71)
57.9 (94)
37.1 (77)
32.7 (68)
28.4 (59)
hip rotation
3.8 (4)
3.2 (3)
3.3 (3)
20.3 (,1)
0.2 (,1)
1.0 (,1)
knee flexion–extension
0.5 (,1)
0.8 (,1)
11.3 (9)
0.5 (,1)
1.0 (,1)
1.8 (1)
knee ad–abduction
0.1 (,1)
1.1 (,1)
18.8 (15)
24.2 (2)
25.6 (2)
4.3 (2)
knee rotation
20.5 (1)
20.5 (1)
22.0 (5)
20.5 (,1)
20.1 (,1)
0.3 (,1)
ankle flexion–extension
9.4 (14)
6.5 (10)
6.1 (9)
11.2 (16)
9.2 (13)
9.6 (14)
MTP flexion–extension
23.1 (4)
22.1 (3)
4.0 (5)
29.4 (6)
212.5 (8)
27.0 (4)
peak reserve torque in Nm (%)
hip flexion–extension
23.1 (3)
23.7 (3)
28.0 (7)
232.9 (12)
239.1 (15)
210.9 (4)
hip ad–abduction
130.7 (212)
138 (224)
133.5 (217)
170.3 (353)
127.4 (263)
112.4 (233)
hip rotation
13.5 (14)
13.4 (14)
10.9 (11)
29.3 (5)
14.6 (8)
12.0 (6)
knee flexion–extension
2.4 (2)
2.9 (2)
86.0 (69)
8.9 (5)
12.2 (7)
8.7 (5)
knee ad–abduction
12.3 (10)
13.7 (11)
129.2 (104)
243.4 (16)
277.3 (29)
27.0 (10)
knee rotation
1.8 (4)
21.8 (4)
219.1 (43)
25.7 (10)
22.9 (5)
2.2 (4)
ankle flexion–extension
32.7 (49)
29.5 (44)
19.4 (29)
66.7 (97)
66.9 (97)
46.8 (68)
MTP flexion–extension
211.7 (15)
29.2 (12)
45.1 (57)
267.9 (43)
291.0 (58)
256.3 (36)
net mechanical work (J)
hip flexion–extension
0.44 (,1)
0.27 (,1)
20.28 (,1)
0.91 (,1)
0.39 (,1)
20.19 (,1)
hip ad–abduction
7.50 (6)
5.08 (4)
27.32 (5)
22.65 (1)
26.05 (3)
24.96 (3)
hip rotation
0.83 (,1)
0.12 (,1)
0.18 (,1)
0.45 (,1)
0.01 (,1)
20.49 (,1)
knee flexion–extension
20.03 (,1)
20.25 (,1)
6.11 (5)
22.51 (1)
23.61 (2)
0.48 (,1)
knee ad–abduction
2.89 (2)
2.89 (2)
18.09 (13)
6.16 (2.8)
7.67 (3.5)
4.89 (3)
knee rotation
20.06 (,1)
20.14 (,1)
21.37 (1)
0.26 (,1)
0.16 (,1)
0.16 (,1)
ankle flexion–extension
14.71 (11)
7.30 (5)
28.34 (6)
22.31 (10)
12.13 (6)
8.36 (5)
MTP flexion–extension
2.50 (2)
0.80 (,1)
31.71 (24)
16.06 (7)
18.7 (8.5)
26.8 (4)
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
comprehensive studies of guinea fowl limb muscle activity
(figure 3; [22,23]). Except for small timing changes that are to
be expected owing to comparisons being performed between
different avian species, the simulated muscle excitation pat-
terns were consistent with the empirical data: most muscles
had a single period of EMG activity in either the stance or
swing phase. Nonetheless, there were a few notable exceptions.
Similar to EMG recordings [23], CFP was excited during mid-
stance. However, either an additional period of excitation or
an extended single period occurred during late swing in the
simulations that was not evident in the EMG data. The CFP
may have been preferentially used to slow down hip flexion
and assist in hip extension prior to foot strike. Digital flexor
and ankle extensor onset times occurred in early stance in the
simulations, but EMG recordings suggest an earlier onset
during late swing (e.g. FPD4, FDL, GL). Last, EMG recordings
for the ITCR suggest that this muscle is excited during swing.
However, the simulations consistently excited ITCR during
mid-stance, likely to oppose the high hip lateral rotation
moment. Instead, ITCp was excited during both mid-swing
and stance in the simulations, whereas EMG data indicate
that this muscle only has a single excitation period beginning
in late-swing through stance. The ITCa, ITCR and ITCp are
all medial hip rotators and discrepancies could be owing to
comparing different species. This will remain uncertain until
ostrich EMG data become available, even though EMG patterns
in avians measured to date generally are conservative [23,50].
When averaged across all muscles, iAct was always
greater during stance than swing in both gaits, with the smal-
lest difference occurring in WCMCC (21.2 versus 16.7). The
running simulations also consistently required more muscle
activity than during walking (e.g. RCMCC, 21.5; WCMCC,
19.6). In both gaits, the PIFML and CFP muscles were
active during both phases. However, stance phase iAct was
much larger during running than walking (figure 4). The
medial hip rotators ITCa, ITCp, ITCR and ITM and the lateral
hip rotator OM had similar activity levels in all simulations,
with the medial rotators primarily active during stance and
OM active during swing. Conversely, many of the biarticular
muscles crossing the hip and knee (i.e. ILp, ILFBp, FCLP,
FCM) had noteworthy changes in iAct between the two
gaits (figure 5). Even though muscle activity primarily
occurred during stance for both gaits, iAct values for
ILFBp, FCLP and FCM were markedly lower in the walking
motion. Similar to their excitation patterns, ILa and ILFBa
had notable iAct values during both the stance and swing
phases in running (figure 5). AMB1 and AMB2 had similar
activity levels during swing in both gaits, but had increased
activity during stance in running. The IC, a hip flexor
and knee extensor, had consistent iAct values across all
simulations, which were highest during swing.
In both gaits, the uniarticular knee extensors FMTL and
FMTIM had larger iAct values during stance than swing,
whereas the converse was true for FMTM (figure 6). Knee
extensor iAct values differed greatly between simulations,
with the CMC compliant tendon simulations (i.e. WCMCC
and RCMCC) producing higher values during swing com-
pared with the other four simulations. The major ankle
extensors (Mm. gastrocnemius: GL, GIM, GM) had higher
integrated muscle activity during stance in the running simu-
lations. Ankle flexor (TCf, TCt) iAct was comparable between
running and walking (e.g. figure 6, TCf: WSO versus RSO).
higher overall ankle flexor activity than the SO simulations,
with the greatest differences occurring during swing in the
FPD3, FPD4, FDL) muscle activity occurred almost exclu-
sively during stance (figure 7). Differences in FPPD3, FPD3
gait cycle
negative work (J)
positive work (J)
net work (J)
hip extension
hip abduction
hip rotation
knee extension
knee abduction
knee rotation
ankle extension
MTP extension
hip extension
hip abduction
hip rotation
knee extension
knee abduction
knee rotation
ankle extension
MTP extension
hip extension
hip abduction
hip rotation
knee extension
knee abduction
knee rotation
ankle extension
MTP extension
negative work (J)
positive work (J)
net work (J)
hip extension
hip abduction
hip rotation
knee extension
knee abduction
knee rotation
ankle extension
MTP extension
hip extension
hip abduction
hip rotation
knee extension
knee abduction
knee rotation
ankle extension
MTP extension
hip extension
hip abduction
hip rotation
knee extension
knee abduction
knee rotation
ankle extension
MTP extension
Figure 2. Positive, negative and net mechanical work generated by the reserve actuators in each simulation. Positive/negative work indicates energy ( joules) added
to/removed from the limb during the movement. Sum: total of all reserve actuators.
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
and FPD integrated activity occurred between the two gaits,
with running simulations consistently having higher values.
The digital extensor EDL was primarily active during
swing but did have a small amount of activity during stance.
3.3. Muscle force and work
Average muscle forces tended to follow the same trends as
activation, but there was higher variability between optimiz-
ation frameworks, with the compliant tendon simulations
using CMC (RCMCC, WCMCC) regularly generating larger
forces than the other simulations (figures 8–11). Among all
the uniarticular hip muscles, the medial hip rotators and
the hip extensors (PIFML, CFP) had the greatest forces
during stance (figure 8). During swing, the PIFML and CFP
had large forces in the compliant tendon CMC simulations.
The lateral hip rotator OM consistently had larger forces in
running. Except for the AMB1 and AMB2 muscles—which
clearly generated more force during running—the biarticular
hip–knee muscles had similar amounts of force in both gaits
(figure 9). Swing phase forces were consistent across simu-
lations and movements, with the IC, AMB1 and AMB2
muscles generating the largest average forces. The uniarticu-
lar knee extensors FMTL and FMTIM and the digital flexor
FL had the greatest forces during stance (figures 10 and 11).
The GM and GL had large average stance forces in running,
but much lower values in walking. The ankle flexors (TCf,
TCt) had small forces during both stance and swing in the
per cent gait cycle
Figure 3. Example simulated muscle excitation timings during running. Blue (dark grey) and green (light grey) bars indicate periods of excitation for the RSO and
RCMCC solutions, respectively. For comparison, onset and offset timing obtained from EMG studies of guinea fowl during slower [20] (Gatesy, 1.0 m s21, hatched
bars) and faster [21] (Marsh, 1.5 m s21, striped bars) running are provided. Owing to differences in stance and swing times between the studies, stance and swing
phases were normalized to 50% of the gait cycle. Zero per cent (0%) of gait cycle indicates the beginning of the stance phase. The other four simulations had
similar excitation patterns.
integrated activation (iAct)
integrated activation (iAct)
Figure 4. Integrated muscle activation values of the uniarticular hip muscles during the swing and stance phases for each of the six simulations. Solid bars, running
simulations; striped bars, walking simulations.
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
CMC simulations, with the compliant tendon simulations
generating the highest average forces (figure 10). Digital
flexor muscles’ forces had a clear distinction between stance
and swing, with much smaller swing forces compared
with stance (figure 10). The digital extensor EDL primarily
generated force during swing.
Total MTU mechanical work had similar patterns between
walking and running (figure 12). The hip rotators (ITCa and
ITCp), knee extensors (FMTL and FMTIM), AMB2, FL and
FPPD3 consistently produced negative work, whereas many
of the biarticular hip extensors (e.g. ILFB, FCLP, FCM), the
hip flexor IC, and ankle extensor (GL) generated positive
work in the simulations. In contrast, the mechanical work gen-
erated by the ankle flexors TCf and TCt varied greatly between
simulations, with no clear pattern. The remaining muscles
tended to generate little positive or negative net mechanical
work (figure 12).
The total amount of positive and negative muscle work
generated during swing was much lower than that genera-
ted during stance (figure 13). There were increases in both
positive and negative mechanical work generated by the
M. gastrocnemius, digital flexors and ankle flexors in
WCMCC and RCMCC relative to the other simulations. During
stance, the biarticular hip–knee muscles generated the
majority of the positive work in both gaits, amounting to
more than twice their negative work (figure 13). The digital
flexors generated large amounts of both positive and negative
work, with similar amounts of negative work predicted by
all six simulations. However, the amount of positive work
generated by the digital flexors increased dramatically in
integrated activation (iAct)
integrated activation (iAct)
Figure 5. Integrated muscle activation values of the biarticular muscles crossing the hip and knee during the swing and stance phases for each of the six
simulations. Solid bars, running simulations; striped bars, walking simulations.
integrated activation (iAct)
integrated activation (iAct)
Figure 6. Integrated muscle activation values for the uniarticular and biarticular knee and ankle muscles during the swing and stance phases for each of the six
simulations. Solid bars, running simulations; striped bars, walking simulations.
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
RCMCC and WCMCC simulations. On the other hand, the knee
extensors generated a large amount of negative work and
very little positive work. The gastrocnemius group generated
very little work in walking, but consistently produced a small
amount of positive work in running.
3.4. Muscle functional roles
To act as a motor that drives motion, muscles must produce
force during concentric contractions and generate positive
work. In both gaits, the muscles identified as motors were
the same (table 4). The IC and AMB2 provided much of the
energy required during swing, whereas the biarticular hip
and knee muscles (ILFBa, ILFBp, FCM, FCLP) and lateral gas-
trocnemius (GL) provided energy during stance (figures 11
and 12 and table 3). In contrast, the hip rotators (ITCa, ITCp,
ITM, ITCR), FMTM, AMB1, ankle flexors (TCf, TCt, EDL)
and uniarticular hip extensors (PIFML, CFP) all acted as
struts, generating moderate to high forces but little positive
or negative work. Furthermore, the digital flexors acted
primarily as springs during stance, first absorbing energy
(negative work) in early stance and then generating positive
work during late stance (figure 13 and table 4). Finally, the
FDL also generated force during an eccentric contraction in
early stance, resulting in net negative limb work (i.e. a
brake). Likewise, the knee extensors FMTM and FMTL acted
as brakes, absorbing energy from the limb during stance
(figure 13 and table 4). A few differences in functional roles
between gaits were evident. During walking, the IL and GM
acted as brakes and absorbed energy from the limb during
integrated activation (iAct)
integrated activation (iAct)
Figure 7. Integrated muscle activation values for the muscles crossing the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint during the swing and stance phases for each of the six
simulations. All of these muscles are either biarticular (ankle–MTP) or multiarticular (knee–ankle–MTP). Solid bars, running simulations; striped bars, walking
average force (N)
average force (N)
Figure 8. Average muscle force values of the uniarticular hip muscles during the swing and stance phases for each of the six simulations. Solid bars, running
simulations; striped bars, walking simulations.
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
stance. However, these muscles acted primarily as struts
during running, generating force but very little work. Muscles
with a second excitation period during running did not alter
the functional roles of the comparable excitation periods
between the two gaits. Instead, the additional excitation
periods added an additional role to the muscle during the
movement. The AMB1 and AMB2 had additional roles as a
strut and brake, respectively, during stance in running,
whereas the ITCa and ILFBa had additional roles of strut
and brake, respectively, during swing.
4. Discussion
Combining detailed musculoskeletal models and simulations
with empirical data allows for the estimation of quantities that
can greatly enhance our understanding of specific functional
roles during dynamic movements [28,29,51]. Although anatom-
ical and EMG studies can provide insight into muscle
classification relative to gait events (e.g. stance versus swing
phase), a detailed understanding of a muscle’s functional
role(s) requires additional quantities that are not readilyobtained
using experimental techniques. The musculotendon force and
mechanical work data generated in this study enable the deter-
mination of specific muscle mechanical roles such as motor,
brake, strut or spring during gait [19–21]. These roles provide
important information regarding how energy flows through
the limb and generates the required external work during move-
ment. Muscle functional roles were also mainly insensitive to
optimization approach or gait type (table 4).
However, there were some subtle differences between the
SO and computed muscle control compliant tendon (CMCC)
simulations, especially among muscles with long tendons
that were classified as mechanical springs (table 4). These
average force (N)
average force (N)
Figure 9. Average muscle force values of the biarticular muscles crossing the hip and knee during the swing and stance phases for each of the six simulations.
Solid bars, running simulations; striped bars, walking simulations.
average force (N)
average force (N)
Figure 10. Average muscle force values for the uniarticular and biarticular knee and ankle muscles during the swing and stance phases for each of the six simu-
lations. Solid bars, running simulations; striped bars, walking simulations.
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
differences were most evident in the digital flexors (FL,
FPPD3, FPD3, FPD4) during running, where the magnitude
of the net mechanical work produced by these muscles was
lower in CMCC than SO (figure 12). On the other hand, the
amount of negative and positive work generated by these
muscles in CMCC was higher than SO (figure 13). Ideal
mechanical springs have zero net mechanical work; all
absorbed energy is stored and returned. An MTU acting in a
spring-like fashion will exhibit high amounts of positive and
negative work but have a low net mechanical work. Although
the digital flexors exhibited these spring-like characteristics in
both optimization approaches, the CMCC simulations more
clearly indicated that the muscles were acting as springs.
Using CMCC may be more helpful in other situations, where
functional roles are not as easily identified.
For example, the ankle flexor group produced close to
zero net mechanical work during stance in all simulations
(figure 13). The total negative and positive mechanical
work varied greatly between simulations, however. Positive
and negative mechanical work were near zero in the SO
simulations, defining these muscles as struts during stance.
However, the positive and negative values were many
times greater in the CMCC simulations, resulting in a func-
tional role of a spring for these muscles (figure 13). Based
on their anatomical features (i.e. short muscle fibres and
long tendons), it is likely that the ankle extensor MTUs
truly do act as springs as suggested by the CMCC simu-
simulations incorporating a rigid tendon (CMCR) generated
results similar to the SO simulations. Thus, the incorporation
average force (N)
average force (N)
Figure 11. Average muscle force values for the muscles crossing the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint during the swing and stance phases for each of the six
simulations. All of these muscles are either biarticular (ankle–MTP) or multiarticular (knee–ankle–MTP). Solid bars, running simulations; striped bars, walking
net work (J)
net work (J)
Figure 12. Net mechanical work for each musculotendon unit over an entire gait cycle. Positive/negative work indicates work added/removed from the bio-
mechanical system. Solid bars, running simulations; striped bars, walking simulations.
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
of both (i) a flexible tendon and (ii) the ability to account for
energy storage and return may be important when inferring
whether a muscle acts as a strut or spring.
Relative to the hip, the knee undergoes greater joint
excursions during walking and running in birds. As a
result, studies of avian gait have historically characterized
muscles crossing the knee as critical to driving movement
[52]. On the other hand, models of human walking and run-
ning have found muscles crossing the knee to primarily act as
brakes, absorbing energy during stance [53,54]. Ostriches are
uniquely situated—as birds they likely use similar mechanics
to smaller cursorial birds but are larger in size and thus may
require similar mechanics to larger bipedal animals such as
humans. An examination of muscular roles provides evi-
dence that ostrich gait is at least partly hip-driven, with the
major biarticular hip-to-knee muscles acting as motors and
generating much of the positive work in both gaits (table 4
and figure 12: ILFB, FCLP, FCM). Bi-articular muscles
are thought to act primarily to transfer energy across joints
(i.e. as a strut) and the function of the ostrich bi-articular
hip extensors as a motor may be greater than previously
inferred. In contrast, despite generating large forces, the uni-
articular hip extensors (PIFML, CFP) had mechanical work
values near zero and acted as struts. This result is consistent
with previous inverse dynamics analyses (i.e. joint-level ana-
lyses) that predict little hip joint work [2]. However the
muscle-level analysis performed here, which includes work
done by multi-joint muscles, shows that total hip muscle
work may be disproportionate to joint-level estimates and
suggests that ostriches may use more complex hip–knee
interactions than humans to drive their limbs. The major
knee extensors (FMTL, FMTIM) acted as brakes during
stance, suggesting that ostriches, like humans, employ these
muscles to assist in maintaining whole-body stability. Of
the muscles active in swing, only IC and AMB2 acted as
motors, indicating that these muscles are the key drivers of
swing phase mechanics, especially limb protraction.
Avian distal limb muscles are remarkably specialized, con-
sisting of extremely long tendons that have high energy storage
and return potential [2,15,17,18]. In this study, regardless of the
type of simulation, the lateral gastrocnemius (GL) and digital
flexors generated large but nearly equal amounts of negative
and positive work, resulting in near zero net mechanical work
in both gaits (figures 7 and 11–13). These muscles acted as
springs, first absorbing energy during early stance and then
returning this energy during late stance. The magnitudes of
negative work (J)
positive work (J)
positive work (J)
negative work (J)
Figure 13. Positive and negative musculotendon work generated by different muscle groups over the stance and swing phases of a gait cycle. Positive/negative
work indicates work added/removed from limb and were calculated from the corresponding portion of the power curves. Muscles were grouped as either hip rotators
(ITCa, ITCp, ITCR, ITM), biarticular hip/knee (ILa, ILp, ILFBa, ILFBp, FCLP, FCM), knee extensors (FMTL, FMTIM, FMTM), gastrocnemius (GL, GIM, GM), digital flexors
(FDL, FHL, FL, FPPD3, FPD3, FPD4), ankle flexors (EDL, TCf, TCt) or other muscles (OM, IFE, IFI, ISF, PIFML, CFP, AMB1, AMB2, IC). Solid bars, running simulations;
striped bars, walking simulations.
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
positive and negative work generated by these MTUs were also
greater during running than walking (e.g. 266.5 versus 237.8 J
and 49.6 versus 44.0 J; RCMCC versus WCMCC), congruent with
the notion that these MTUs are acting as springs that use
tendon energy storage and return (figure 13). The increased
distal limb muscle activity and work observed in the running
simulations is consistent with the widely held notion that
ostriches increase their reliance on these specialized elastic
structures during higher speed movements to improve running
economy [2,17].
In both gaits, individual muscle excitation timing and
integrated muscle activity occurred primarily during either
stance or swing, suggesting that primary muscle functional
roles may be associated with gait phases (figures 3–7).
These data allowed for general muscle classification, which
was found to be insensitive to simulation type and generally
Table 4. Muscle functional roles based on muscle–tendon unit excitation, force and mechanical work. Differences in roles between walking and running are
shown in italics. Muscles performing roles in both swing and stance have roles that are separated by a colon (:) with their role in swing first (e.g. AMB2 acts
as a motor during swing, then acts as a brake during stance).
primary role
M. iliotibialis cranialis
M. iliotibialis lateralis (cranial part)
M. iliotibialis lateralis (caudal part)
M. ambiens, ventral (pubic) head
strut : strut
M. ambiens, dorsal (iliac) head
motor : brake
M. femorotibialis lateralis
M. femorotibialis intermedius
M. femorotibialis medialis
M. iliofibularis (cranial part)
brake : motor
M. iliofibularis (caudal part)
M. iliotrochantericus caudalis (cranial part)
M. iliotrochantericus caudalis (caudal part)
strut : strut
M. iliofemoralis externus
M. iliotrochantericus medius
M. iliotrochantericus cranialis
M. iliofemoralis internus
M. flexor cruris medialis
M. flexor cruris lateralis pars pelvica
M. ischiofemoralis
M. puboischiofemorales medialis þ lateralis
M. obturatorius medialis
M. caudofemoralis pars pelvica (et caudalis)
M. gastrocnemius pars lateralis
M. gastrocnemius pars intermedius
M. gastrocnemius pars medialis
M. fibularis longus
M. flexor digitorum longus
M. flexor perforans et perforatus digitorum 3
M. flexor perforans digitorum 3
M. flexor perforans digitorum 4
M. flexor hallucis longus
M. extensor digitorum longus
M. tibialis cranialis (femoral head)
M. tibialis cranialis (tibial head)
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
consistent between the two gaits; only seven of the 34 muscle
actuators had gait-specific classifications (table 4). In all seven
muscles with gait-specific classifications, the running gaits
had additional excitation periods that were not observed in
the walking simulations. For example, AMB1 was excited
during swing in both gaits. In running, AMB1 also had an
additional excitation period during stance (figure 5). These
findings may be due to the higher mechanical demands
associated with running and muscles may take on additional
roles to assist with meeting these demands.
Although a broad division based on gait phases could be
identified for individual muscles, this division did not scale
to anatomical groups. For example, within the femorotibialis
muscle group, FMTM and FMTL were classified as stance
phase muscles but FMTIM was classified as a swing phase
muscle based on excitation timing. Similarly, the cranial por-
tions of M. iliofibularis (ILFBa) and M. iliotibialis lateralis
(ILa) had different classifications from the caudal portions
(ILFBp, ILp) during running (table 4). Previous EMG studies
have also suggested that muscles within anatomical groups
are differentially excited. Marsh et al. [22] showed that the
Mm. femorotibialis and M. iliofibularis usually had two exci-
tation periods during running—one during stance and a
second during swing. Gatesy [23] also found the cranial
and caudal compartments of the M. iliotibialis lateralis to
have distinct activity patterns. Our study, combined with
the previous EMG work, highlights the need to exercise cau-
tion when assuming that anatomically similar muscles also
have similar functions during movement. In addition, the
present results further suggest that even general classification
of muscles based solely on excitation relative to stance or
swing phase mechanics may be too simplistic. For example,
despite their primary activity being clearly associated with
either stance or swing, many limb muscles in this study
also had small amounts of excitation over transition regions
(e.g. late stance to early swing) [22,43]. The reasons for this
low level excitation are less clear: activity may be associated
with a secondary minor functional role or may be a result
of time delays between muscle activity and force gener-
ation—future work directed at resolving this uncertainty
(e.g. combining simulations with induced acceleration and/
or segment power analyses [55–57]) is warranted.
When constructing optimizations designed to reproduce
experimental data, OpenSim allows the user to apply ‘reserve
actuators’ to each joint in the model to compensate for any
mechanical forces that could not be satisfied by the muscles
alone. Because the optimization framework only uses these
actuators when muscle forces are insufficient, the actuator
values can provide a rough estimate of how experimental
data and musculoskeletal model inaccuracies influence a simu-
lation. During human movements, a threshold value of 5% of
the net joint moments for reserve actuator values (average and
peak) has been suggested as one indicator of a high-quality
simulation [58]. In this study, average reserve actuators fell
below 10% of net joint moments in 37 of the 48 cases
(table 3, average). The most notable exception occurred in
the average hip ad–abduction moment, which exceeded 50%
in all six simulations. Peak values were more variable but
hip ad–abduction, ankle and MTP flexion–extension reserve
actuators were high in most of the simulations (table 3). One
plausible reason for the high average and peak reserve actua-
tor values is that they are compensating for unmodelled
passive tissues and structures. Functionally, passive tissues
act primarily as struts or springs, generating high forces but
little mechanical work. To further assess whether the reserve
actuators represent unmodelled passive structures, the posi-
tive, negative and net mechanical work generated by each
actuator was calculated. Except for ankle and MTP flexion–
extension, net mechanical work was generally low (i.e. less
than 5% of the 134.7–224 J in total muscle work; table 3 and
figures 2 and 12), suggesting that most reserve actuators
likely represented passive structures.
Ostriches, like most birds, have remarkably few hip adduc-
tor muscles [9,59]. This is not surprising, because inverse
dynamics analyses have shown that the intersegmental hip
abduction moment is less than half the hip extension
moment during stance in running [2]. However, many of the
biarticular hip extensors and knee flexors, which are the
main drivers during gait (table 4 and figure 13), also have
large hip abduction moment arms. Therefore, these muscles
generate a very large hip abduction moment during stance
that cannot be counteracted by adductor muscles alone.
Instead, passive mechanisms, such as bony contact between
the femur and antitrochanter and strong ligaments [12–14]
likely oppose this abduction moment. In our study, the hip
ad–abduction reserve actuator was used to represent these
passive mechanisms that are not explicitly modelled. Both the
net mechanical work generated and the pattern of work gener-
ation exhibited by this reserve actuator were consistent with it
representing passive tissues. During stance, this actuator gener-
ates an equal amount of negative and positive work, resulting
in little net mechanical work during the modelled motions. In
addition, the negative work associated with the hip ab–
adduction actuator was generated during early stance and the
positive work was generated during mid-to-late stance, consist-
ent with the expected energetics of a passive structure that can
stretch to absorb and then return energy (table 3 and figure 2).
To further test if the hip ad–abduction reserve actuator
represented unmodelled passive tissues and better under-
stand how these tissues may influence muscle coordination,
a series of post hoc simulations using CMCC were generated
in which the hip adduction reserve actuator was systemati-
cally reduced (i.e. reducing passive tissue contributions). As
passive force contributions decreased, the muscle IC, despite
acting as a hip flexor, was increasingly recruited during
stance owing to its small hip adduction moment. After
IC was maximally recruited, hip extension muscle activity
moment by these muscles, replaced by increasing the
torque generated by the hip extension reserve actuator.
Both the recruitment of IC during stance, which has been
found to be active exclusively during swing in other birds
[22,23], and the increased reliance on the hip extension
reserve actuator to power the motion suggest that passive
hip structures are important during ostrich gait. The avian
hip is an excellent example of a joint where non-muscular
soft tissues and bony stops deserve careful consideration in
dynamic analyses of locomotion.
However, rigorously implementing sufficiently accurate
passive structures introduces additional challenges when
models exist that could be implemented to model bony
models is difficult as detailed information of both the under-
lying contact geometry and detailed joint motion data are
necessary (i.e. subject-specific models), which are rarely
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
available. In addition, contact models can be computationally
expensive, especially when implemented at multiple joints,
further increasing the time required to generate an optimal
simulation. Similar constraints and limitations are associated
with modelling other non-muscular passive tissues, where
detailed knowledge of joint and tissue geometry is necessary.
One alternative approach that has been used successfully in
numerous human studies is to quantify the total passive
behaviour of a joint using regression equations [64–66].
These equations are usually generated in the form of a net
passive torque as a function of a single joint angle. However,
creating these characteristic regression functions requires
extensive cadaver-based work, especially when trying to
characterize how the tissues interact between multiple DOF
at a joint.
On the other hand, the ankle and MTP reserve actuators
generated a substantial amount of positive work, suggesting
that they did not represent passive structures but were
compensating for muscle deficiencies. Peak MTP reserve
actuator values occurred during mid-stance to assist the digi-
tal flexors, whereas peak ankle reserve values occurred
during mid-swing to assist the ankle flexors. To confirm
that muscle weakness was responsible for the simulations
requiring these reserve actuators, an additional RCMCC run-
ning simulation was performed in which the maximum
isometric force of the digital flexors and ankle flexors was
doubled. Doubling the strength of the digital flexors elimi-
nated the need for the MTP reserve actuator, confirming
that these muscles appear to be weak relative to the motion
requirements. This result is consistent with findings in pre-
vious human running studies, where models of the plantar
torque to overcome the mechanical demands at the ankle
joint [5,67]. Surprisingly, doubling the maximum isometric
force of the ankle muscles did not reduce the required
ankle flexion reserve torque—in fact, the required reserve
torque was higher in this simulation. Further inspection
revealed that the antagonistic digital flexors were passively
generating force during mid-swing owing to muscle fibres
operating at fibre lengths greater than the optimal fibre
length. In the model, the ankle flexors cannot counteract
these passive muscle forces using the current force ratio
between the two muscle groups. In general, muscle fibre
excursions tended to be larger than might be expected
empirically, especially over regions where the joints also
underwent large angle changes such as those found in
muscle model used here, tend to overestimate fibre excur-
sions, which may explain why the digital flexors produce
passive force during swing [45,68].
Despite these model inconsistences, all six simulations
predicted overall muscle coordination patterns consistent
with previously collected guinea fowl EMG data (figure 3,
[20,21]). In addition, the percentage of muscle activity
that occurs during swing (13.9–38.6%; see electronic sup-
plementary material, table S2) compares favourably with
previous muscle blood flow data suggesting that one quarter
of the energetic cost of running occurs during swing
in guinea fowl [22]. Combined with the good excitation
timing comparisons in the vast majority of the muscles,
these data indicate that the excitation patterns predicted by
the simulations in this study are, in general, biologically
reasonable and realistic. The high level of similarity bet-
ween the predicted ostrich muscle coordination patterns
and those of smaller cursorial birds also suggests that,
appear to have conserved a gait coordination pattern inher-
ited from a common avian ancestor, which is unsurprising
given the apparent conservatism in avian pelvic limb
muscle activity [23,50].
Although muscle functional roles were found to be insen-
sitive to the three different optimization frameworks, there
were some subtle differences in muscle quantities. During
both walking and running, total muscle activity was consist-
ently lower in the SO simulations than in both CMC
simulations. This is most likely a direct result of the CMC
simulations including excitation–activation dynamics, which
can increase muscle co-contraction. The CMCC simulations
also generated greater muscle forces despite having similar
iAct values to the other simulations (e.g. figures 5 and 9;
TCf, TCt), with differences likely due to the incorporation of
fibre–tendon dynamics that create substantial changes in the
force generation properties of muscle. Caution should be
taken when eliminating muscle–tendon dynamics from bio-
mechanical analyses, especially when investigating specific
muscle quantities, motions that require large changes in joint
motion, or muscles with relatively long tendons. Further
tests against a gold standard (i.e. muscle fibre length measure-
measurements via tendon buckles) should provide additional
insight into how sensitive specific muscle quantities may be
to muscle–tendon dynamics and optimization approach.
Our study shows how combining detailed musculoskeletal
models with optimization techniques can provide a rich and
varied dataset that complements and enhances existing
research. Similar to reductionist models [69,70], these models
are well suited to theoretical studies that can elucidate under-
example, this study has generated estimates of muscle exci-
tation, force and musculotendon work during walking and
running in an ostrich, which were used to identify muscle
functional roles. Muscle roles were found to be insensitive to
optimization approach, with the bi-articular hip and knee
muscles acting as motors and digital flexors acting as springs
during stance. The IC and AMB2 were the main drivers of the
swing motion. Passive tissues at the hip also appear to play an
important role in ostrich running, acting as a strut to prevent
excessive hip abduction. Future models should incorporate
non-muscular soft tissues and bony stops, which also deserve
careful consideration when modelling or performing dynamic
analyses of locomotion of fossil taxa.
Data accessibility. The musculoskeletal model and motion data used in
this study are available via Dryad at
Author contributions.
J.W.R. modified the original musculoskeletal
model, ran computer simulations, performed the analyses and
drafted the manuscript. J.R. and J.R.H. assisted in study conception
and design, helped interpret the study findings, and provided
comments on manuscript drafts. All authors gave final approval for
Competing interests. We have no competing interests.
Funding. This project was partially supported by BBSRC and NERC
grants (grant no. BB/I02204X/1 and NE/K004751/1 to J.R.H.) and
fellowships from the NSF (to J.R.H.) and the Vice Principal of
Research at the Royal Veterinary College (to J.W.R.).
J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
Acknowledgements. We thank Thor Besier, David Lloyd, Paul Fornier
and Denham Heliams for their contribution to ostrich gait data
collection and the two anonymous reviewers who provided very
helpful suggestions during the review process.
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J. R. Soc. Interface 13: 20160035
| Inferring muscle functional roles of the ostrich pelvic limb during walking and running using computer optimization. | [] | Rankin, Jeffery W,Rubenson, Jonas,Hutchinson, John R | eng |
PMC3503441 | Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Pulmonary Medicine
Volume 2012, Article ID 542402, 10 pages
Research Article
Determination of Best Criteria to Determine Final and Initial
Speeds within Ramp Exercise Testing Protocols
Sidney C. da Silva,1 Walace D. Monteiro,2, 3 Felipe A. Cunha,2, 4
Jonathan Myers,5 and Paulo T. V. Farinatti2, 3
1Department of Sports Science, Brazilian Olympic Committee, Avenida das Am´ericas 899, 22631-000 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
2Laboratory of Physical Activity and Health Promotion, Rio de Janeiro State University, Rua S˜ao Francisco Xavier 524, Sala 8121F,
20550-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
3Graduate Program in Sciences of Physical Activity, Salgado de Oliveira University, Rua Marechal Deodoro 217, No. 2 Andar,
24030-060 Niteroi, RJ, Brazil
4Graduate Program in Medical Sciences, Rio de Janeiro State University, Avenida Professor Manoel de Abreu, 444/No. 2 Andar,
Vila Isabel, 20550-170 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
5Cardiology Division, Palo Alto VA Health Care System, Cardiology 111C, 3801 Miranda Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Paulo T. V. Farinatti, [email protected]
Received 20 May 2012; Revised 25 September 2012; Accepted 25 September 2012
Academic Editor: Darcy D. Marciniuk
Copyright © 2012 Sidney C. da Silva et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
This study compared strategies to define final and initial speeds for designing ramp protocols. VO2 max was directly assessed in
117 subjects (29 ± 8 yrs) and estimated by three nonexercise models: (1) Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ); (2)
Rating of Perceived Capacity (RPC); (3) Questionnaire of Cardiorespiratory Fitness (CRF). Thirty seven subjects (30 ± 9 yrs)
performed three additional tests with initial speeds corresponding to 50% of estimated VO2 max and 50% and 60% of measured
VO2 max. Significant differences (P < 0.001) were found between VO2 max measured (41.5 ± 6.6 mL·kg−1·min−1) and estimated by
VSAQ (36.6±6.6 mL·kg−1·min−1) and CRF (45.0±5.3 mL·kg−1·min−1), but not RPC (41.3±6.2 mL·kg−1·min−1). The CRF had
the highest ICC, the lowest SEE, and better limits of agreement with VO2 max compared to the other instruments. Initial speeds from
50%–60% VO2 max estimated by CRF or measured produced similar VO2 max (40.7±5.9; 40.0±5.6; 40.3±5.5 mL·kg−1·min−1 resp.,
P = 0.14). The closest relationship to identity line was found in tests beginning at 50% VO2 max estimated by CRF. In conclusion,
CRF was the best option to estimate VO2 max and therefore to define the final speed for ramp protocols. The measured VO2 max was
independent of initial speeds, but speeds higher than 50% VO2 max produced poorer submaximal relationships between workload
and VO2.
1. Introduction
Exercise capacity is an independent predictor of risk for car-
diovascular disease and mortality among asymptomatic and
symptomatic individuals [1–3]. Hence the determination of
maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) is considered to be one of
the most important health-related parameters and has been
widely used to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness in health
and illness [4–7].
However, the determination of exercise capacity is closely
related to the test protocol employed [8]. An extensive body
of evidence has shown that ramp exercise protocols offer
advantages over traditional protocols, because the increase in
external work occurs in a constant and continuous fashion,
and when designing the protocol the rate of increase in
workload can be individualized by a previous estimate of
maximal exercise capacity [7, 9–12]. This is associated with
greater linearity between VO2 and work rate compared to
Pulmonary Medicine
traditional protocols with large and disproportionate work
rate increments [9, 11, 13]. Moreover, ramp protocols induce
more uniform hemodynamic and respiratory responses,
facilitating the acquisition of information at submaximal
intensities, such as the ventilatory threshold [9, 13].
Despite the apparent advantages over traditional exercise
testing, standardized criteria to guide the application of ramp
protocols remain sparse. For instance, a limitation of ramp
protocols is the requirement to estimate maximal exercise
capacity from an activity scale and then adjust the ramp
rate accordingly [14]. In practical terms, an underestimation
of maximal exercise capacity will result in a prolonged
total test duration, while an overestimation will result in
premature test termination and, therefore, inappropriate test
protocol for eliciting a true VO2 max [15]. However, there is
no consensus in the literature concerning this issue. Available
recommendations are generally vague and largely limited
to the premise that tests should last between 8 and 12 min
[4, 7, 14–17]. The same occurs with regard to the initial work
rate of the test—actually we could not find recommendations
of standard procedures for its determination [18].
Thus, the first objective of the present study was to
compare three nonexercise models to predict maximal
exercise capacity as criteria to determine the final speed of
maximal treadmill ramp protocols. A second purpose was
to investigate how different initial speeds calculated from
%VO2 max influenced the VO2 max measured in the tests.
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Subjects. A group of 117 subjects (47 women) aged
between 18 and 51 years (mean: 29.1 ± 7.6 yrs), with no
previous experience in high performance physical training,
volunteered for the study. Exclusion criteria included a
clinical diagnosis of any clinical condition that could limit
exercise performance and the use of any medication with
potential cardiovascular influence. All participants were fully
informed about the procedures and potential risks before
giving written consent to take part in the study, which
was approved by the local Institutional Research Ethics
2.2. Procedures. A flowchart of the 1st and 2nd studies is
presented in Figure 1, detailing the procedures adopted to
determine the workload increments using the nonexercise
models (1st study—final speed) and different percent VO2 max
intensities (2nd study—initial speed).
All 117 subjects enrolled in the first study. After
signing the informed consent, the subjects performed the
following procedures in a single visit to the laboratory:
(a) anthropometric measurements; (b) application of three
nonexercise models to estimate VO2 max (Veterans Specific
Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ), [19, 20]; Rating of Perceived
Capacity (RPC) [21]; Questionnaire of Cardio-respiratory
Fitness (CRF) [22]); (c) cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
The VSAQ was originally developed by Myers et al.
[19, 20] with the specific purpose of individualizing ramp
protocols. The VSAQ includes a list of physical activities
with scores ranging from 1 to 13. The responder indicates
which of the listed activities would cause fatigue or shortness
of breath. Subjects evaluated in the initial studies with
the VSAQ had low cardiorespiratory fitness and a high
prevalence of overweight/obesity, hypertension, or coronary
disease. Even though further studies have demonstrated
that the instrument also provided adequate estimation of
VO2 max in healthy active populations [5, 8], there is a lack of
research specifically designed to assess its validity within the
application of ramp protocols in healthy subjects. The RPC
may be considered a variation of the VSAQ [21], presenting
different maximal MET levels (ranging from 1 to 20), which
are linked to physical activities of several intensities. Subjects
rate their perceived capacity by choosing the most strenuous
activity they could sustain for 30 min. However, the RPC has
been not validated through direct comparison with exercise
capacity using cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The CRF
was not specifically developed to design ramp protocols,
but it has been extensively applied as a nonexercise model
to estimate the maximal cardiorespiratory capacity [22]. It
is a progressive scale with scores for the intensity of the
activities ranging from 0 to 7. The subjects must select the
most appropriate score according to the physical activities
performed in the last 30 days. The CRF was selected because
of the unusual methodological meticulousness applied to
its development. A large sample (N = 799) of men and
women aged 19 to 79 years was tested. The estimated
VO2 max was compared to directly measured data, and the
questionnaire was cross-validated with another population,
which is uncommon in studies assessing such instruments
[23, 24].
In the first study, the increase in work rate within the
cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET1) was individualized
to elicit each subject’s limit of tolerance in 10 min, and
treadmill grade was set at 0%. Final and initial speeds were
determined using ACSM equations for treadmill running
[7], considering the intensities corresponding to the highest
VO2 max estimated by the non-exercise models (final speed)
and 50% of this value (initial speed). The choice of 50%
of the estimated VO2 max to determine the initial speed was
based on a previous pilot study involving 35 subjects. In
this pilot study, the initial speed was set at 1/3 of the
estimated VO2 max, which corresponded to a mean speed of
4.3 km·h−1 and a work rate increase of 0.88 km·h−1 each
minute. The protocols lasted approximately 12 min (11.3 ±
2.2 min) and subjects remained walking, for about 4 min.
Thus, an intensity of 50% VO2 max would probably shorten
the test and increase the time in which the subjects would be
actually running.
A subgroup of 37 subjects (17 women; age: 29.1±7.6 yrs)
was randomly selected to participate in the second study.
These subjects performed three additional cardiopulmonary
exercise tests, separated by 72 to 120 h intervals. The increase
in work rate and treadmill grade were the same applied in
CPET1. In the first test (CPET1bis), the final speed was
determined using the best non-exercise model as defined
in the first study, and the initial speed set at 50% of this
value. The other tests (CPET2 and CPET3) were then per-
formed using the results of CPET1bis as reference. In brief,
Pulmonary Medicine
• Final speed calculated from the
the three questionnaires
(VSAQ, RPC ,and CRF).
• Initial speed calculated from
50% of the estimated value.
• Final speed calculated from
• Initial speed calculated from
50% of the estimated value.
• Final speed calculated from
• Initial speed calculated from
50% of the measured value.
• Final speed calculated from
• Initial speed calculated from
60% of the measured value.
1st study
2nd study
• Anthropometric measurements.
is reported as mL·kg−1·min−1
• Speed in m·min−1 (converted to km·h−1)
• G = grade expressed in decimal form
(ii) Speedinitial = speedfinal × percentage
(iii) Increment ratio = (speedfinal − speedinitial)/10 minutes
Stages for determining the final and initial test speeds
(i) Speedfinal = (
− 3.5) × 100%/(0.2 + 0.9 × G)
(N = 117)
(N = 37)
estimated by
estimated by
measured during
VO2 max
VO2 max
VO2 max
VO2 max measured during
VO2 max
Figure 1: Flowchart of the 1st and 2nd studies including the procedures adopted to determine the workload increments, using nonexercise
models to estimate VO2 max and ACSM running equation to calculate the treadmill speeds. VO2 max: maximal oxygen uptake; CPET:
cardiopulmonary exercise test; VSAQ: Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire; RPC: Rating of Perceived Capacity; CRF: Questionnaire
of Cardiorespiratory Fitness.
the final speed in CPET1bis was estimated from the maximal
exercise capacity provided by CRF, whereas in both CPET2
and CPET3 it corresponded to the speed associated with
the VO2 max assessed in CPET1bis. The initial speeds corre-
sponded to 50% VO2 max estimated (CPET1bis), 50% VO2 max
measured (CPET2), and 60% VO2 max measured (CPET3).
This approach allowed to observe whether initial speeds
ranging from 50 to 60% VO2 max (estimated or measured)
influenced the results of the tests.
In the first study the CPET1 was applied by a researcher
blinded for the results of the non-exercise models. In
the second study, the sequence of tests was defined by
a counterbalanced crossover design. The participants were
blinded for the %VO2 used to establish the initial speeds,
and the evaluator was blinded for the purposes of the
The cardiopulmonary exercise test protocols were per-
formed using a super-ATL treadmill (Inbramed, Florianop-
olis, SC, Brazil), and VO2 was averaged and recorded every
30 s. The 30 s time average provided a good compromise
between removing noise from VO2 data while maintain-
ing the underlying trend [25]. Data was assessed using
a mouthpiece and noseclip. Gas exchange was assessed
using a VO2000 analyzer (Medical Graphics, Saint Louis,
MO, USA), which was calibrated with a certified standard
mixture of oxygen (17.01%) and carbon dioxide (5.00%),
balanced with nitrogen. The flows and volumes for the
pneumotachograph were calibrated with a 3 L syringe (Hans
Rudolph, Kansas, MO, USA). Heart rate was monitored
using a Polar S-810 device (Polar, Kempele, Finland). Mean
ambient temperature and relative humidity during testing
were 22.4 ± 1.8◦C (range 18–23) and 62.5 ± 4.1% (range 50–
75%), respectively.
The criteria for test interruption followed the recom-
mendations of the American College of Sports Medicine [7].
The test was considered to achieve peak capacity when at
least three of the following criteria were observed [26]: (a)
maximum voluntary exhaustion as reflected by a score of
10 on the Borg CR-10 scale; (b) ≥95% predicted HR max
(220—age) or presence of an HR plateau (ΔHR between
two consecutive work rates ≤4 beats·min−1); (c) presence
of a VO2 plateau (ΔVO2 between two consecutive work rates
<2.1 mL·kg−1·min−1); (d) respiratory exchange ratio > 1.15.
Participants were verbally encouraged to achieve maximal
effort. Holding onto the side or front rails of the treadmill
was not permitted.
2.3. Statistical Analyses. Data normality was confirmed by
univariate analysis. Therefore the intraclass correlation coef-
ficient (ICC) was used to verify the concordance between
the VO2 max assessed in CPET1 and the VO2 max estimated by
the non-exercise models. Limits of agreement and bias for
measured and estimated VO2 max were determined according
to the Bland and Altman method [27]. Intraclass correlation
(ICC), R-square coefficients (r2), and standard errors of
estimate (SEE) between actual and estimated VO2 max were
also calculated.
The VO2 max values obtained in CPET1bis, CPET2, and
CPET3 were compared by repeated measures ANOVA.
Pulmonary Medicine
Additionally, linear regression was performed for each sub-
ject on each protocol in order to compare the relationships
between workload and VO2, considering data in every 30 s
of exercise. Mean ± SD values of intercepts and slopes
were determined for each linear regression model. Student
t-tests for paired samples were used to test whether the
intercepts and slopes were significantly different from 0 and
1, respectively [12], and to test possible differences between
the regression lines, as described in detail elsewhere [28].
The r2 and SEE for the regression models obtained in all
tests were calculated as supplementary criteria to define the
best initial speed. Two-tailed statistical significance for all
tests was accepted as P ≤ 0.05. All statistical analyses were
performed using Statistica 7.0 (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK, USA)
and SPSS 8.0 (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA) statistical analysis
3. Results
An achieved statistical power of 0.96 for an effect size of
0.25 was obtained by performing a post hoc power analysis
(GPower version 3.0.10, Kiel, University of Kiel, Germany)
based on the sample size, P value, number of repeated
measures, and groups. Table 1 presents the characteristics
of the samples comparing strategies to define final and
initial speeds. Table 2 presents values for the assessed VO2 max
(mL·kg−1·min−1) by age and sex groups.
In the first study, mean duration of CPET1 was 13.3 ±
2.1 min for initial and final speeds of 5.9 ± 0.9 km·h−1
and 14.7 ± 2.1 km·h−1, respectively. Significant differences
were detected between VO2 max assessed in CPET1 (41.5 ±
6.6 mL·kg−1·min−1) and VO2 max estimated from VSAQ and
CRF (VO2 max VSAQ = 36.6±6.6 mL·kg−1·min−1, P < 0.0001;
VO2 max CRF = 45.0 ± 5.3 mL·kg−1·min−1; P < 0.0001), but
not from RPC (VO2 max RPC = 41.3 ± 6.2 mL·kg−1·min−1,
P = 0.99).
Figure 2 shows the Bland-Altman analysis, including the
limits of agreement for estimated and measured VO2 max.
Table 3 presents values for R-square, SEE, and ICC between
VO2 max measured and estimated by the questionnaires.
The RPC provided the lowest mean difference between
VO2 max directly assessed in CPET1 and estimated from
the questionnaires (RPC = 0.24 mL·kg−1·min−1; CRF =
−3.54 mL·kg−1·min−1; VSAQ
4.94 mL·kg−1·min−1;
0.05). However, the CRF exhibited better limits
of agreement compared to the other instruments. The
higher values obtained for CRF with regard to R-square
and ICC were consistent with the results of the Bland-
Altman analysis. The SEE between assessed and estimated
VO2 max was also lower in CRF compared to VSAQ and
Table 4 shows the distribution of VO2 max assessed in
CPET1 according to tertiles, as well the percent agreement
between estimated and measured VO2 max in each tertile. The
nonparametric Kendall’s tau-b correlation between tertiles
was similar across the three questionnaires and measured
VO2 max. However the correlation using the CRF was higher
over RPC and VSAQ—the proportion of subjects assigned
in the same tertile category was superior for CRF compared
to the other questionnaires, and the distribution was more
With regard to the second study, mean durations of
CPET1bis, CPET2, and CPET3 were 13.7 ± 1.8 min, 10.7 ±
1.9 min, and 10.6 ± 0.9 min, respectively. No differences
were detected between VO2 max assessed in CPET1bis (used
as reference to define final and initial speeds in CPET2
and CPET3), CPET2, and CPET3 (CPET1bis = 40.7 ±
5.9 mL·kg−1·min−1; CPET2 = 39.8 ± 5.6 mL·kg−1·min−1;
CPET3 = 40.3 ± 5.5 mL·kg−1·min−1; P = 0.142). Mean
initial speeds applied in CPET1bis, CPET2, and CPET3 were
5.7 ± 0.8 km·h−1, 8.1 ± 0.9 km·h−1, and 9.1 ± 1.1 km·h−1,
respectively. Table 5 shows the relationships between work-
load and VO2 in the ramp test protocols initiating with speeds
corresponding to 50% and 60% VO2 max either measured or
estimated (slopes, intercepts, R-square, and SEE). CPET1bis
showed the closest relationship with the theoretical identity
line (slope = 1 and intercept = 0), with the highest R-square
and lowest SEE in comparison with CPET2 and CPET3.
4. Discussion
The present study aimed to compare different strategies to
define final and initial speeds when designing ramp exercise
testing protocols for healthy young populations. Three
nonexercise models were employed to estimate maximal
cardiorespiratory capacity and therefore the final speed. The
choice of VSAQ, RPC, and CRF to estimate the VO2 max was
due to the fact that these instruments have been frequently
applied in previous studies and have been shown to have
good potential to estimate the maximal cardiorespiratory
capacity in different populations [23, 24]. Two relative
intensities (%VO2 max) using different initial treadmill speeds
were tested.
The values obtained for the VO2 max assessed in CPET1
are consistent with reference values reported by previous
research [4, 7, 14, 16]. Our findings on the ICC, R-square,
SEE, and dispersion in the Bland-Altman plot (see Figure 2)
suggest that there are advantages in using the CRF to
determine the final speed, in comparison with the other
instruments. In contrast, the VSAQ had the poorest precision
and highest variability with respect to VO2 max estimation. In
their original study, Myers et al. [19] reported a stronger
association between estimated and achieved cardiorespira-
tory capacity over the present data (r
0.79; SEE =
4.97 mL·kg−1·min−1; P = 0.001 versus r = 0.40; SEE =
7.63 mL·kg−1·min−1; P = 0.0001, resp.). However, subjects
in the two studies differed considerably in terms of clinical
and fitness status, which may have contributed to such
discrepancy, since poor conditioned individuals are more
likely to interrupt earlier the test due to peripheral fatigue.
Moreover, Myers et al. [19] did not directly assess the VO2 max
in their original research. In a later study, these investigators
[20] validated the VSAQ measuring VO2 max directly in a
larger sample (n = 337). Subjects had similar characteristics
as those in the original study, but the results were more
Pulmonary Medicine
Table 1: Characteristics of the subjects participating in the comparisons regarding the final (N = 117) and initial (N = 37) speeds.
Age (years)
Body mass (kg)
Height (cm)
Body fat (%)
VO2 max (mL·kg−1·min−1)
G: total sample (n = 117); M: males (n = 70); F: females (n = 47); G2: subgroup for initial speed comparison (n = 37).
Pulmonary Medicine
Table 2: Descriptive values for VO2 max (mL·kg−1·min−1) by age and sex groups.
Age (years)
Males (N = 70)
Females (N = 47)
18–29 (N = 39)
30–39 (N = 20)
>40 (N = 11)
18–29 (N = 32)
30–39 (N = 10)
>40 (N = 5)
Table 3: Mean difference (mL·kg−1·min−1), R-square coefficient, standard error of estimate, and intraclass correlation between VO2 max
assessed and estimated by three non-exercise models (N = 117).
Total (N = 117)
Males (N = 70)
Females (N = 47)
VO2 max
VO2 max
VO2 max
Mean difference
Mean difference
Mean difference
VSAQ 4.94 (11.9%)
0.16 7.63 0.57 <0.0001
−1.81 (−4.1%) 0.05 7.92 0.36 <0.0317
−1.24 (−3.3%) 0.07 7.17 0.42
0.24 (1.0%)
0.09 7.60 0.46
3.22 (7.3%)
0.17 1.70 0.58 <0.0001
−3.49 (−9.2%) 0.07 8.35 0.42
−3.54 (−8.5%) 0.53 5.75 0.83 <0.0001
−3.89 (−8.9%) 0.37 6.01 0.76 <0.0001
−2.90 (−7.7%) 0.47 5.36 0.81 <0.0001
VSAQ: Veteran Specific Activity Questionnaire using the following equation: VO2 (mL·kg−1·min−1) = (4.7 + 0.97 (VSAQ) − 0.06 (age) × 3.5); for women
this value was multiplied by 0.85 [8]; RPC: Rating of Perceived Capacity; CRF: Cardiorespiratory Fitness.
similar to our findings (r = 0.42; SEE = 9.1 mL·kg−1·min−1;
P = 0.001).
Maeder et al. [5] compared the VO2 max obtained in
tests using cycle ergometer and treadmill with the exercise
capacity estimated by the VSAQ in healthy subjects. The cor-
relations were similar to our data (cycle ergometer: r = 0.46
and treadmill: r = 0.50; P < 0.0001). More recently, Maeder
et al. [8] used the VSAQ to select the optimal treadmill
ramp protocol in highly trained individuals and reported a
similar correlation between estimated and measured VO2 max
(r = 0.47), even when using the VSAQ modified nomogram
(r = 0.56).
Although the VSAQ was developed to facilitate the
individualization of ramp protocols, previous research has
not ratified this purpose in all populations. Actually, the
available evidence does not support its use in determining
the final speed within ramp protocols in healthy and well-
conditioned populations. Actually the VSAQ has been shown
to be more appropriate to estimate the VO2 max in unfit
individuals [20, 29]. The present results confirm this idea.
Precision using the VSAQ was lower compared to the other
instruments, and the same categorization was obtained in
less than 40% of cases. Furthermore, the Bland-Altman plots
suggested that in our sample the VO2 max was systematically
overestimated by the VSAQ.
The RPC closely paralleled VO2 max assessed in CPET1
(mean difference of 0.24 mL·kg−1·min−1 or 1%), but exhib-
ited high variability, as evidenced by the Bland-Altman
method and SEE (7.60 mL·kg−1·min−1). This variation
accounted for the relatively low ICC and R-square values. It is
noteworthy that RPC was developed in a sample of 87 young,
healthy women (age = 48.4 ± 17.4 years) [21]. However, our
experience with this method suggests that strong agreement
between estimated and actual VO2 max can be also obtained in
men. Interestingly, although our sample consisted of young
women (age = 28.2 ± 7.0 years), the comparison between
VO2 max directly measured and estimated by RPC showed
greater concordance (ICC) and lower variation (SEE) among
men versus women (ICC = 0.58 versus 0.42 and SEE =
1.70 mL·kg−1·min−1 versus 8.35 mL·kg−1·min−1, resp.). A
possible explanation for this is that in the original RPC
study the VO2 max was estimated from the work performed on
cycle ergometer, and not directly measured. The VO2 max was
estimated using maximal work and body mass, assuming as
constants the amount of oxygen required for each Watt of
power during ramp cycling (10.93 mL·min−1·W−1) and VO2
at rest when sitting on the cycle (4.3 mL·min−1). However
these unpublished data have been previously determined in a
group of healthy men [21], and no information was provided
with regard to their possible application in females.
The CRF has been widely used to estimate maximal
cardiorespiratory capacity [12, 30–35]. Although it was not
originally developed to help designing ramp protocols, our
results indicate that it works well for this purpose. The
original study by Matthews et al. [22] showed a higher
correlation between VO2 max measured and estimated from
CRF than the present study, in a sample of 390 men (r =
0.82 versus r = 0.61, resp.) and 409 women (r = 0.83
versus r
= 0.69, resp.). However, the SEEs in the total
sample (5.7 mL·kg−1·min−1
versus 5.8 mL·kg−1·min−1)
and in gender subgroups (men: 6.3 mL·kg−1·min−1 ver-
sus 6.0 mL·kg−1·min−1; women: 5.0 mL·kg−1·min−1 ver-
sus 5.4 mL·kg−1·min−1) were similar in the two studies.
The Bland-Altman analysis showed limits of agreement
higher over VSAQ and comparable to RPC, but the CRF
had the greatest ICC. In addition, the tertile classifications
obtained from CRF were more accurate compared to the
other nonexercise models.
Overall, CRF showed higher concordance with measured
VO2 max, lower dispersion, and better capacity to discriminate
Pulmonary Medicine
difference (mL·kg−1·min−1)
difference (mL·kg−1·min−1)
difference (mL·kg−1·min−1)
Figure 2: Bland-Altman plot for the individual differences between VO2 max assessed in CPET1 and VO2 max estimated by VSAQ (a), RPC (b),
and CRF (c). The first and third horizontal dashed lines in each graph represent the 95% limits of agreement for VSAQ, RPC, CRF, and
VSAQ, corresponding, respectively, to −12.1 to 22.0 (−29.1 to 53.0%); −14.7 to 15.2 (−35.5 to 36.6%); −12.5 to 5.4 (−30,0% to 13,0%). Sd:
standard deviation of the differences.
Table 4: Percentage of participants ranked in the same tertile, percentage of total agreement, tau-b correlation coefficients between VO2 max
measured and estimated by three non-exercise models (VSAQ, RPC, and CRF) (N = 117).
1st Tertile (n = 39)
2nd Tertile (n = 39)
3rd Tertile (n = 39)
Total (N = 117)
R (tau-b)
VO2 max versus VSAQ
66.66% (26)
5.12% (2)
38.46% (15)
36.75% (43)
VO2 max versus RPC
43.58% (17)
25.64% (10)
43.58% (17)
37.60% (44)
VO2 max versus CRF
69.23% (27)
41.02% (16)
58.97% (23)
56.41% (66)
VSAQ: Veteran Specific Activity Questionnaire; RPC: Rating of Perceived Capacity; CRF: Questionnaire of Cardiorespiratory Fitness.
subjects with high and low cardio-respiratory capacity in
comparison to VSAQ and RPC. Notably, the CRF may be
limited when assessing cardiorespiratory capacity in subjects
with VO2 max > 55.0 mL·kg−1·min−1 [29], which could be
a problem when designing ramp protocols in highly fit
individuals. However, fewer than 20% of ordinary healthy
individuals achieve this level [7]. It therefore seems unlikely
that the final speed would be wrongly determined from
inaccurate estimation of VO2 max estimation, at least in most
healthy nonathletic subjects.
In what concerns the second study, the literature is
mixed regarding criteria to determine the initial speed
for ramp testing [9, 11]. Recommendations from different
expert panels are also ambiguous with regard to this issue
Pulmonary Medicine
Table 5: Intercept, slope, R-square (r2), and standard error of estimate (SEE) for the regression models obtained in ramp protocols initiating
with speeds corresponding to 50% of the estimated VO2 max (CPET1bis), 50% of the measured VO2 max (CPET2), and 60% of the measure
VO2 max (CPET3).
Y intercept
SEE (mL·kg−1·min−1)
VO2versus speed in CPET1bis
−4.882 ± 2.696∗
0.96 ± 0.027§
0.93 ± 0.050
2.14 ± 0.67
VO2versus speed in CPET2
−8.270 ± 6.312∗
0.94 ± 0.029§
0.89 ± 0.054
2.19 ± 0.55
VO2versus speed in CPET3
−14.666 ± 8.958∗
0.92 ± 0.036§
0.86 ± 0.065
2.48 ± 0.67
∗Intercept significantly different from zero (P < 0.0001).
§Slope significantly different from 1.0 (P < 0.0001).
[4, 7, 14, 15], and no formal criteria are available on this
important aspect of ramp protocols. Our findings suggested
that initial speeds within the range corresponding to 50% to
60% VO2 max influenced the duration of the test (CPET1bis
= 13.7 ± 1.8 min > CPET2 = 10.7 ± 0.9 min ∼= CPET3 =
10.6 ± 0.9 min, P < 0.0001), but not the achieved VO2 max
(CPET1bis = 40.7 ± 5.9 mL·kg−1·min−1 ∼= CPET2 = 40.0 ±
5.6 mL·kg−1·min−1 ∼= CPET3 = 40.3 ± 5.5 mL·kg−1·min−1,
= 0.14). From these results, any initial speed within
this range would be appropriate for performing ramp tests.
In contrast, the relationship between workload and VO2
among the tests was affected by the initial speed. Considering
the identity line as a reference for the ideal regression
between workload and VO2, the current results suggest
that higher initial speed produced the lowest R-squares
(e.g., poorest adjustment to the identity line) (CPET3—
60% VO2 max < CPET2—50% VO2 max < CPET1bis—50%
VO2 max).
Early research confirms the concept that the initial
speed applied does not influence measured VO2 max. Kang
et al. compared three incremental treadmill protocols
( ˚Astrand, Bruce, and Costill/Fox) in 25 sedentary sub-
jects (10 women) [36]. The protocols began with speeds
of 9.7 km·h−1, 2.5 km·h−1, and 14.4 km·h−1, respectively,
and no differences in VO2 max were detected. The rela-
tionship between workload and VO2 was not specifically
addressed, but the authors considered that this could have
been good, at least in the Costill/Fox protocol. The high
initial speed significantly shortened the tests (to about
5 min) and precluded the identification of the ventilatory
In 1991, Myers et al. compared VO2 max obtained during
ramp and conventional staged protocols (Bruce and Balke
modified), which were very different with regard to the
combination of initial speed, treadmill grade, and workload
increment. The duration of tests was significantly different
(Bruce: 6.6 ±1.5 min versus Balke: 10.4 ±3.4 min and Ramp:
9.1 ± 1.4 min, P < 0.05), with little impact on VO2 max
(Bruce: 22.3 ± 8.0 mL·kg−1·min−1 versus Balke: 21.1 ±
8.0 mL·kg−1·min−1 and Ramp: 21.0 ± 8.0 mL·kg−1·min−1,
0.05). However, slopes and SEE for the regres-
sion curves between workload and VO2 showed more
linear relationships in the ramp protocol (Bruce: slope =
0.62 and SEE = 4.0 mL·kg−1·min−1; Balke: Slope = 0.79
and SEE = 3.4 mL·kg−1·min−1; Ramp: Slope = 0.80 and
SEE = 2.5 mL·kg−1·min−1). In other words, differences
in the protocol design may reflect on physiological rela-
tionships in submaximal workloads, but not necessarily
on the assessed VO2 max. Our findings seem to ratify this
In conclusion, CRF was superior in comparison with
RPC and VSAQ to estimate maximal cardio-respiratory
capacity and should be preferred when attempting to deter-
mine an appropriate speed for ramp testing. Initial speeds
within the range corresponding to 50–60% VO2 max estimated
or measured did not affect assessed VO2 max. Nevertheless,
speeds higher than 50% VO2 max may influence the quality
of submaximal relationships between work rate and VO2.
Moreover, higher speeds applied at the beginning of ramp
protocols may hinder the performance of subjects with poor
fitness levels and compromise test results. This information
should be considered when data from exercise testing is
used to establish relative exercise intensities for exercise
This paper was supported by grants from FAPERJ (Carlos
Chagas Foundation for the Research Support in the State of
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and CNPq (Brazilian
Council for the Technological and Scientifical Development,
Bras´ılia, Brazil).
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| Determination of Best Criteria to Determine Final and Initial Speeds within Ramp Exercise Testing Protocols. | 11-01-2012 | da Silva, Sidney C,Monteiro, Walace D,Cunha, Felipe A,Myers, Jonathan,Farinatti, Paulo T V | eng |
PMC7432299 | International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Decreased Blood Glucose and Lactate: Is a Useful
Indicator of Recovery Ability in Athletes?
Woo-Hwi Yang 1,*
, Hyuntae Park 2,*
, Marijke Grau 3 and Oliver Heine 4
Graduate School of Sports Medicine, CHA University, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 13503, Korea
Department of Health Care and Science, College of Health Science, Dong-A University, Busan 49315, Korea
Department of Molecular and Cellular Sports Medicine, Institute of Cardiovascular Research and Sports
Medicine, German Sport University Cologne, 50933 Cologne, Germany; [email protected]
Olympic Training Centre Rhineland, 50933 Cologne, Germany; [email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected] (W.-H.Y.); [email protected] (H.P.)
Received: 9 July 2020; Accepted: 28 July 2020; Published: 29 July 2020
Abstract: During low-intensity exercise stages of the lactate threshold test, blood lactate concentrations
gradually diminish due to the predominant utilization of total fat oxidation. However, it is unclear
why blood glucose is also reduced in well-trained athletes who also exhibit decreased lactate
concentrations. This review focuses on decreased glucose and lactate concentrations at low-exercise
intensity performed in well-trained athletes. During low-intensity exercise, the accrued resting lactate
may predominantly be transported via blood from the muscle cell to the liver/kidney. Accordingly,
there is increased hepatic blood flow with relatively more hepatic glucose output than skeletal muscle
glucose output. Hepatic lactate uptake and lactate output of skeletal muscle during recovery time
remained similar which may support a predominant Cori cycle (re-synthesis). However, this pathway
may be insufficient to produce the necessary glucose level because of the low concentration of lactate
and the large energy source from fat. Furthermore, fatty acid oxidation activates key enzymes
and hormonal responses of gluconeogenesis while glycolysis-related enzymes such as pyruvate
dehydrogenase are allosterically inhibited. Decreased blood lactate and glucose in low-intensity
exercise stages may be an indicator of recovery ability in well-trained athletes. Athletes of intermittent
sports may need this recovery ability to successfully perform during competition.
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; pyruvate dehydrogenase
1. Introduction
Clinical physicians and sports scientists have used lactate threshold (LT) tests for over fifty years
because their application is considered extremely useful for recommendations on individual exercise
intensity in cardiac patients and trained athletes [1,2]. Endurance athletes regularly undergo these tests
in order to control individual exercise intensity during endurance training [1,3–6]. Both respiratory
and metabolic parameters are commonly utilized to identify the anaerobic threshold [1] and oxygen
uptake (VO2) during exercise performance influenced by the percentage of maximal oxygen uptake
(VO2max) at LT. The workout test is performed either on a bicycle ergometer or on a treadmill applying
different steps [1,7].
The ramp test is applied to determine VO2max and lactate values at each step in order to
analyze the metabolic system and physiological performance [8]. The number of scientific studies
on LT has increased enormously and among the diagnostics of endurance performance in sports,
submaximal exercise is probably one of the most relevant [1,2,5,9–13]. For instance, increased exercise
intensity at four millimoles per liter lactate was commonly observed as the lactate threshold in
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endurance-trained athletes, and this value is highly associated with the potential maximal lactate
steady state level (MLSS) [4,14,15]. A rightward shift of the exponential lactate curve can generally be
interpreted as improved endurance capacity [2,16–18]. Furthermore, validated LT concepts such as
aerobic-anaerobic transition using lactate and gas exchange parameters were applied and refined by
several scientists [2,4,10,12,18–24].
To measure the exercise capacity, numerous studies have been focused on altered blood glucose
concentrations following moderate-to-high-intensity exercise in LT tests. The metabolic changes in blood
glucose concentration during low-intensity exercise in LT test are not analyzed [2,4,14,15,18–23,25–33].
Glucose 6-phosphate, supplied through breakdown of muscle glycogen and blood glucose, is metabolized
to lactate and re-synthesized to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by substrate-level phosphorylation
reactions [34]. The blood glucose of endurance-trained athletes is decreased during the early stages of LT
testing while blood lactate concentration (below lactate baseline concentration; LTAer or < two millimoles
per liter) is also reduced. This exercise area is commonly referred to as regenerative endurance training [2].
In these low exercise stages, it seems likely that blood lactate concentrations gradually decrease as a result
of the predominance of total fat oxidation [2,14,25–27]. In terms of energy metabolism, fat is also used as
an energy source and represents the main energy source in moderate exercise under aerobic conditions.
However, fat oxidation cannot predominantly be used to meet the energy demand during high-intensity
exercise. Under this condition, carbohydrate oxidation represents the primary source of energy [25,35].
In turn, at low-intensity, triglycerides in adipocytes are hydrolyzed into glycerol and free fatty acids
(lipolysis) which are then converted into acetyl-CoA by ß-oxidation in the mitochondria. At low-intensity
exercise levels of 25% VO2max, plasma fatty acids are delivered for energy production [25,36]. In light of
this, it is understandable why lactate values in blood begin to decrease at this exercise intensity as more
pyruvate and lactate are used aerobically than are generated via anaerobic glycolysis [14]. However,
the reduction in blood glucose during low-intensity exercise is difficult to explain. Blood glucose
concentrations are usually increased incrementally with exercise from low to high intensity because
carbohydrate metabolism partly contributes to aerobic glycolysis during low-intensity exercise [14,25].
The aim of this literature review was to describe possible relationships between exercise intensity,
glucose and lactate at the low-intensity exercise stages of the LT test. To date, it is unclear why blood
glucose is reduced while lactate values are also decreased during low-intensity exercise. Therefore,
comprehensive aspects of the underlying physiological and molecular biologic background are
considered. We suggest that decreased blood glucose and lactate at low-intensity exercise (LT test) are
relevant signals for the recovery ability of well-trained athletes in intermittent and endurance sports.
2. Materials and Methods
Literature studies were performed using online data bases including Scopus, PubMed (Medline)
and Web of Science and published articles were retrieved (1929–2019).
Major keywords regarding lactate threshold test (“LT”, “lactate threshold”, “MLSS”, “endurance”,
“aerobic”, “anaerobic” and “recovery”) and physiological and biochemical reactions occurring during
low-intensity exercise (“glycolysis”, “gluconeogenesis”, “glycogenesis”, “lactate metabolism”, “glucose
metabolism”, “MCT”, “fat oxidation”, “oxaloacetate”, “pyruvate”, “AMPK”, “hepatic blood flow”,
“skeletal muscle blood flow”, “skeletal muscle lactate output” and “hepatic lactate uptake”) were
used in diverse combinations. Original full-text articles and reviews in English language published
in scientific journals were included. Articles describing human and animal species were included.
Conference articles, posters and studies with information overlapping with another publication were
excluded. Based on a review of overlapping articles, the most recent or the most comprehensive articles
were selected.
After the initial searches identified articles, of which 167 were screened from the aforementioned
databases. 30 articles were excluded because of unavailable full-text articles (11) and absence of specific
data related to blood glucose and lactate without exercise (19). Of these, 115 articles were screened
for eligibility, while 22 were excluded due to lack of useful data related to exercise physiology and
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clinical features (Figure 1). One author (W.-H.Y.) reviewed the titles and abstracts of studies and the
remaining 167 articles using the foregoing search strategy. Another author (H.P.) reviewed the article
inclusion/exclusion criteria. Eligible articles were retrieved and independently assessed by two authors
(W.-H.Y. and H.P.). The disagreement between authors over the eligibility of remaining articles was
resolved through discussion with other collaborating authors (M.G. and O.H.). Furthermore, two
authors (W.-H.Y. and H.P.) independently extracted data from articles based on study features and
populations, type of intervention, measurement procedure and outcomes.
Figure 1. Flow chart outlining the literature search strategy.
3. Utilization of Fat Oxidation During Low-Intensity Exercise
The entire energy system, including phosphagens, glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, is
simultaneously used during all levels of exercise intensity. In general, it seems important which energy
system is predominantly used during different exercise intensities and exercise volumes. The energy
storage of human fat is effectively unlimited during exercise [37]. Accordingly, one gram of fat provides
about 40.79 kJ of energy. Very lean individuals of 70 kg and 10% body fat approximately have 285.56
kJ of endogenous fat energy [38]. With regard to low-intensity exercise, the oxidative metabolism
from carbohydrate and fat is predominant. Adipocytes store large amounts of energy in the form of
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triglycerides which amount to 200–625 Megajoule (MJ) in humans with normal body compositions
of 10–30% body fat [25,36]. The energy expenditure derived from fat comes from various sources
including plasma fatty acids from lipolysis in adipose tissue, fatty acids liberated from hydrolysis
of circulating very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-triacylglycerol and fatty acids from lipolysis of
triacylglycerol located in lipid droplets in the skeletal muscle [39]. Plasma triglycerides are used as
a crucial energy source in the muscle. However, when triglyceride in muscle cells are catalyzed by
lipoprotein lipase, their contribution to energy demands during high-intensity exercise is limited [40].
During low-intensity exercise (25% VO2max), overall energy is obtained from plasma fatty acids
with an additional small contribution from blood glucose. The rate of plasma fatty acid oxidation
is similar to the rate of fatty acid oxidation (26 µmol·kg−1·min−1) in endurance-trained athletes.
Furthermore, an increase in exercise intensity from 25% to 85% VO2max resulted in a progressive decline
of fatty acid oxidation along with a proportional reduction of its concentration in blood [25]. This was
due to insufficient transport of outflowing blood and albumin from adipose tissue into the systemic
circulation [36,41].
4. Lactate, Glucose, Enzymatic Responses and Cori Cycle During Exercise
Lactate is produced during glycolysis, which is one of the metabolic pathways through which
glucose can be utilized to provide energy. Lactate production from glycolysis occurs in muscle when
exercise intensity increased [27]. Anaerobic conditions were not essential for the production of lactate
in animal experiments (tail shaker muscle; western diamondback rattlesnake) [42] thus indicating
that energy systems (phosphagen, glycolytic and oxidative) started to work simultaneously while the
dissociation between lactate and hypoxic or anoxic conditions was orderly conformed [27]. Another
study using the same model in ischemic and normoxic situations showed that increased rates of
glycolysis could occur independently of O2 [43]. Such muscle conditions indicated the capability for
exercise without fatigue [27] because of high blood flow rates that allowed the rapid turnover of H+ and
lactate within the cell (and also other metabolites that may be involved in the fatigue process) [27,44].
These results indicated that, in addition to lactate production during anoxic or hypoxic situations,
lactate was also produced as a metabolite due to adequate oxygenation [27].
Formerly, the understanding of lactate physiology was that lactate transport took place through
simple diffusion (e.g., in the bloodstream) from cellular compartments to the blood. Increased lactate
concentrations were believed to be a consequence of glycolytic flux rates [45–48]. In addition, previous
studies had shown that three pathways were involved in lactate transport in red blood cells (RBC)—(i)
H+ coupled transporter, (ii) band 3 protein Cl−/HCO3- mediated exchange with inorganic anions and
(iii) passive diffusion of lactate across the lipid bilayer [49–51].
Nowadays, monocarboxylate transport (MCT) proteins (14 isoforms in total) are known to play
critical roles in lactate transport. Cluster of differentiation 147 (CD147) functions as an ancillary protein
that chaperones MCT1 and MCT4 to the cell membrane (muscle, red blood cell and liver). Human,
rat and horse muscles express MCTl and MCT4. Both MCT1 and MCT4 need of an ancillary protein
CD147 for their activity [52–54]. MCT1 and 4 are the predominant MCT transporters in human skeletal
muscle while MCT2 is prominently expressed in the liver and brain [55,56]. MCT1 is coordinately
expressed with isoforms of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). High levels of MCT1 and LDH are found in
oxidative muscle fibers [57]. In addition, MCT1 is the most important protein for lactate transport
into or out of RBC [58,59]. In contrast, the low affinity transporter MCT4 was shown to be relevant
for the net export of lactate from the cell which was predominantly expressed in glycolytic type IIA
fibers [60]. MCTs transfer lactate into and out of cells and other organs such as liver, kidney, heart and
brain [61,62]. These are now known as lactate shuttle mechanisms. The intracellular lactate shuttle
mechanism is based on mitochondria-localized LDH (mLDH) for the re-synthesis between lactate
and pyruvate [63]. During lactate production at rest and during submaximal exercise, pyruvate is
converted to lactate by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH and mLDH) reaction. In addition, lactate can be
reversibly converted to pyruvate by the intracellular lactate shuttle mechanisms [27,61,64].
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The liver is capable of eliminating lactate during exercise [65,66]. The Cori cycle, refers to the
metabolic pathway of lactate-produced by anaerobic glycolysis in the muscle cells-moved to the liver
and converted to glucose in order to ultimately return to the muscles [67]. Intensive exercise may
impair the Cori cycle resulting in increased blood lactate concentrations which can be affected by
decreased hepatosplanchnic blood flow [68]. Nielsen et al. [69] reported that arterial lactate was
decreased because of reductions in lactate release from the working muscles during prolonged exercise
(2 h and ~70% of VO2max, respectively). In contrast, liver clearance of lactate was maintained during a
2 h exercise phase. Lactate release by legs was significantly increased with increased work rate (~90%
of VO2max during 20 min). However, the uptake of hepatic lactate constituted only one-tenth of the
leg lactate production compared with 25% during prolonged exercise, while hepatic blood flow was
markedly decreased, and leg blood flow increased. This reduction in hepatic extraction ratio may
influence the rise in arterial lactate concentrations when exercise intensity is increased. On the other
hand, leg lactate output and hepatic lactate uptake were similar (0.5 ± 0.3 and 0.55 ± 0.25 mmol·min−1,
respectively) and the hepatic blood flow was accordingly increased during a recovery period (20 min)
between exercises [69]. This study result showed that a two-third reduction in hepatic blood flow was
among the most distinct changes during high-intensity exercise. With more intensive sympathetic
activation and a cardiac output of more than 30 L·min−1, indocyanine green dye (ICG) eliminations
may even approximate zero [70]. Therefore, a reciprocal relationship existed between liver and leg
blood flow. During resting condition, hepatic blood flow was 19% of cardiac output which decreased
to 2% during high-intensity exercise. This indicates that splanchnic organs contribute as a “blood
donor” to the systemic circulation [69,71].
Glucose utilization and total glucose production are balanced by the concentration of glucose in
arterial blood. As described above, the Cori cycle is responsible for lactate to glucose conversion in the
liver [67]. However, if the hepatosplanchnic blood flow reaches a minimum, resulting in a reduction in
hepatic venous O2 saturation to 6%, the contribution of the Cori cycle to glucose production appears to
decrease during exercise [68]. During prolonged exercise, relative hypoglycemia may emerge although
the rate of glucose appearance is significantly increased [72–75]. Therefore, muscle glucose uptake can
be increased with time during prolonged exercise [65,69]. During high-intensity exercise, leg glucose
uptake was increased while hepatic glucose output was significantly decreased (6.2 ± 1.3 and 1.9 ± 0.41
mmol·min−1, respectively). Furthermore, another study outcome showed that when exercise intensity
was higher than 50% of VO2max the rate of gluconeogenesis was decreased because of the reduced
hepatic blood flow [45]. In comparison to these levels, leg glucose uptake was markedly lower than
hepatic glucose output during rest and recovery times (0.3 ± 0.1, 1.9 ± 0.5 and 1.55 ± 0.23, 2.34 ± 0.75
mmol·min−1, respectively) [69]. During recovery, despite hepatic blood flow being relatively increased,
the Cori cycle (gluconeogenesis) may be insufficient to provide the needed glucose for maintaining
blood glucose concentrations.
The mechanism of attenuation of gluconeogenesis by sympathetic nervous system and
upregulation of glycogenolysis still remains unclear [76,77]. The hepatic artery is sustained with
α- and β-receptors [78,79]. A high level of epinephrine could cause an increase in hepatic glucose
production, partly owing to an increased supply of gluconeogenic substrates such as alanine—and
partly associated with a direct action on the liver cells [80]. In contrast, exercise with β-receptor
blockade led to decreased hepatic uptake of gluconeogenic precursors, decreased lactate uptake and
increased glucose output [76]. Furthermore, interleukins were released from active muscle during
exercise and these are relevant for hepatic glucose production [77].
Decreased hepatosplanchnic blood flow may reduce the available number of hepatic sinusoids.
Norepinephrine decreases the hepatic blood volume—even the plasma volume in hepatic sinusoids
may be influenced [81]. Blood flow reductions of 30–40% during hemorrhage in the pig resulted
in a reduction of hepatic norepinephrine uptake which induced a partial sinusoidal collapse [82].
In addition, Nielsen et al. [68] showed that a decreased intrinsic hepatic elimination of ICG during
exercise caused a reduction of active sinusoidal area in human.
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According to the aspects described above, lactate and glucose concentrations in well-trained
endurance athletes gradually decreases during low-intensity exercise. As a large part of gluconeogenesis,
accumulating lactate may be predominantly oxidized during rest or low-intensity exercise in the liver.
However, this may be insufficient to produce appropriate glucose concentrations because of the low
concentration of lactate and in addition the large energy source derived from fat between rest and
low-intensity exercise. Further assumptions and available evidence are discussed in upcoming sections.
5. Allosteric Regulation between Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
Allosteric regulation between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis can depend on the release of insulin,
glucagon and cortisol. The role of glucagon and cortisol is to increase the concentration of blood
glucose, while in opposition, insulin decreases blood glucose [83–85].
Hormonal regulation of metabolic reactions in the liver occurs by two major mechanisms. First,
glucagon and β-adrenergic agonists interact with plasma membrane receptors which are associated
with adenylate cyclase. The activity of these membrane-bound receptors increases intracellular cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) which drives the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase
and catalyzes the phosphorylation of many protein substrates. Finally, these cascading events induce
the activation of gluconeogenesis and inhibit glycolysis [86,87].
Second, those hormones act via alterations in intracellular calcium ion (Ca2+) concentration
levels. Alpha-adrenergic agonists, vasopressin and angiotensin interact with their specific plasma
membrane receptors to induce two intracellular messengers, myoinositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate and
1,2-diacylglycerol [88]. These increase intracellular Ca2+, which in combination with calmodulin or other
effectors, stimulates a number of Ca2+-associated protein kinases including Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent
protein kinase, phosphorylase kinase and protein kinase C. Furthermore, protein kinase catalyzes
phosphorylation of many protein substrates which lead to alterations in gluconeogenic and glycolytic
flux [86].
Phosphoenolpyruvate is partly recycled to pyruvate (for short-term hormonal regulation), during
gluconeogenesis in perfused liver and isolated hepatocytes [89–92]. This flux is strongly inhibited by
glucagon and cAMP. Liver-pyruvate kinase (PK), an allosteric enzyme, inhibits sigmoidal kinetics
with regard to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). This enzyme is allosterically activated by fructose 1,
6-bisphosphate (Fru-1, 6-P2) and repressed by alanine and ATP. The in vitro studies of physiological
concentrations of alanine, ATP and PEP, showed that these enzymes would be inhibited if they are not
activated by Fru-1, 6-P2 [93,94].
From rest through moderate intensity exercise, ATP is primarily generated from fat oxidation [27].
The increased plasma/blood glucose concentration inhibits non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) released
by adipose tissue, by secreting insulin. In turn, elevated NEFA can decrease insulin and glucose
concentrations and fatty acids are predominantly released and oxidized [95]. Moreover, Khani et al. [84]
suggested that the infusion of cortisol increased NEFA. Therefore, it is important to recognize that
cortisol increases lipolysis and NEFA concentrations. They also found moderate correlations between
NEFA and gluconeogenesis in different observed groups (r = 0.599–0.665). These results do not indicate
cause and influence. However, associations between NEFA and the rate of gluconeogenesis suggested
existence of a relationship [96–98]. Mitochondrial acetyl-CoA acts as a key allosteric activator of
pyruvate carboxylase (PC) which is activated from increased fatty acid. This allosteric activator leads
to increased production of oxaloacetate for gluconeogenesis oxidation [99].
6. Regulation of AMPK in Energy Metabolism
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key regulator of physiological energy dynamics and
functions by limiting anabolic, while facilitating catabolic pathways. AMPK is a heterotrimer and
possesses an α (α1 and α2)-catalytic subunit and β (β1 and β2) and γ (γ1 and γ2 and γ3)-catalytic
subunits. Three subunit combinations exist in human skeletal muscle. These are α1/β2/γ1, α2/β2/γ1
and α2/β2/γ3 [100]. γ3 is expressed predominantly in glycolytic skeletal muscle while there is very low
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level of γ3 expression in oxidative muscles. The role of α1, α2 and γ3, during contraction of skeletal
muscle or while exercising, in glucose metabolism has been broadly investigated [100,101].
The function of AMPK is to be a sensor in most tissues and organs including liver, skeletal muscle,
heart, hypothalamus and adipose tissue. AMPK works by influencing enzymatic activities directly
and is involved in biosynthesis of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. AMPK regulates glucose and
lipid metabolism and activates hepatic AMPK causing increased fatty acid oxidation [102]. AMPK
is activated by a variety of exercise stresses. These typically alter cellular AMP: ATP ratio, either
by increasing ATP or decreasing ATP production due to hypoxia, glucose deprivation or inhibition
of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation [103]. There are conflicting results related to fatty acid
oxidation induced by exercise. The concentration of AMPK induces fatty acid oxidation by utilizing
an AMPK activator, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR). In common
with exercise, in skeletal muscles, AICAR affects the phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2
(ACC2) which is an isoform of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). AICAR increases the rate of uptake of
long-chain fatty acids in cardiac myocytes via translocation of fatty acid translocase (FAT)/CD36 to
the sarcolemma [104]. This mechanism reduces the level of malonyl-CoA and releases the inhibition
of fatty acids uptake into mitochondria via carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1, resulting in fatty acid
oxidation [101,105].
However, α2-AMPK activation is unnecessary for increasing fatty acid oxidation during exercise
of low-intensity [101]. Miura et al. [101] suggested that in skeletal muscle, α2-AMPK may not have
a major role in the shift to fatty acid oxidation from glucose oxidation while fasting, because the
respiratory quotient ratio and utilization of oxygen during the fasting state remained constant between
α1-AMPK -dominant-negative transgenic mice and wild-type littermates. Peripheral lipolysis can be
maximally stimulated at the lowest exercise intensity in humans as well as at 25% of VO2max, whereas
uptake of plasma glucose and oxidation of muscle glycogen increases with exercise intensity [106].
At 30% of VO2max, such as during prolonged low-intensity exercise, free fatty acid oxidation increases
progressively while glucose oxidation is decreased [107]. Nevertheless, the increased activity of
α2-AMPK is not necessary for increases in oxidation of fatty acid in skeletal muscle during endurance
performance [101].
7. Fat Oxidation Stimulates Gluconeogenesis and Can Decrease Glucose in Blood
Low-intensity exercise causes fat oxidation that increases gluconeogenesis which occurs mostly in
the liver and kidney [25,36,108–113]. In both, the liver and kidney, glycerol can be converted directly
to glycerol 3-phosphate by glycerol kinase when glycerol is plentiful. Glycerol 3-phosphate is further
converted to dihydroxyacetone phosphate by glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase for gluconeogenesis.
The direct conversion to glycerol 3-phosphate from free glycerol is believed to be trivial in skeletal
muscle as well as in adipose tissue due to lower activity of glycerol kinase [114–117]. However,
Guo et al. [118] suggested that the capacity for using blood glycerol for intracellular triacylglycerol (TG)
synthesis in skeletal muscle is greater than was seen in previous studies [114–117]. Indeed, glucose
was a constitutive substrate for muscle TG glycerol synthesis which may have provided TG derived
glycerol with carbons [118]. The almost complete loss of 3H label in relation to 14C from blood glucose
in muscle TG glycerol suggests (calculation of 3H label from glucose) that glucose passed through PC
catabolized reactions and thus gluconeogenic precursors may also have paved their way to triglyceride
glycerol [118,119]. Consequently, a pattern of preference to blood glycerol via blood glucose for TG
glycerol synthesis in type 1 fiber-rich muscle was observed and its glycerol kinase activity was higher
than in other types of muscle. Blood glycerol for intramuscular synthesis of TG glycerol is associated
with the capacity of muscle to oxidize as well as store fatty acids [115,118].
Fatty acid availability is increased by mobilization of triglycerides in liver and adipose tissue.
Increased fatty acid oxidation induces an increased rate of ketone-body formation and increased tissue
concentrations of acetyl-Coenzyme A (CoA), fatty acyl-CoA and reduced NAD+ [108]. The oxidation
of pyruvate is decreased due to inhibition of pyruvate oxidase by acetyl-CoA or competitive CoA
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between pyruvate oxidase and the fatty acid oxidation system [120,121]. Accordingly, the complex
mechanisms of pyruvate dehydrogenase include inhibition of end products by increases in concentration
of mitochondrial acetyl-CoA, NADH and ATP. These can originate from fatty acid oxidation as
well [122,123]. Pyruvate is converted to acetyl-CoA by pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH). However,
increased mitochondrial acetyl-CoA from fatty acid ß-oxidation activates pyruvate dehydrogenase
kinases (PDHKs 1–4) and PC, which results in inhibition of PDH [108,124]. This enables the entrance
of acetyl-CoA, derived from fatty acid oxidation in the first span of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle,
to generate citrate. However, employment of the second span of the TCA cycle becomes reliant on
NADH and FADH2 re-oxidation originating from fatty acid ß-oxidation [125].
Fatty acid oxidation can involve increased acetyl-CoA and inhibition of PDH. The TCA cycle must
be substituted to allow continued function (anaplerosis) if its anions are removed. Due to inhibited
PDH, PC is the major anaplerotic enzyme which immediately synthesizes oxaloacetate from pyruvate
in the mitochondria [126]. During stimulated gluconeogenesis, the oxaloacetate concentration can fall
due to increased PC activity. This can be explained by conversion of pyruvate into oxaloacetate that is
still formed to malate. Thus, the metabolic production of the pyruvate carboxylase reaction may be
related to the sum of malate and oxaloacetate [108,127,128]. In many tissues, the activity of PC is high
(e.g., 10 to 12 units per gram in liver) and acetyl-CoA plays a role as a positive allosteric regulator of
the enzyme, respectively [126].
This anaplerotic mechanism is mandatory during gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis when the
reversible reaction from oxaloacetate to malate in the cytosol takes place with the aid of the
malate–aspartate shuttle for gluconeogenesis or citrate for lipogenesis (oxaloacetate to cytosol,
acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA) which exists in mitochondria and is still metabolized from glucose or
fatty acids. Therefore, malate, but not oxaloacetate can traverse the inner membrane of mitochondria.
Additionally, formation of malate is promoted by increased delivery of NADH from fatty acid
oxidation [129].
Aspartate is converted to oxaloacetate to recruit cytosolic oxaloacetate by cytosolic aspartate
aminotransferase. Hence, the effect of net redox-reaction of malate–aspartate shuttle is the oxidation of
NADH to NAD+ in cytosol and reduction to NADH in the matrix. Accordingly, malate, aspartate and
citrate are transferred precursors for oxaloacetate to gluconeogenesis [125,126].
It is equally relevant to remove TCA cycle intermediates and to avoid accumulated anions
in the mitochondrial matrix. Cataplerotic reactions relate to disposal of TCA cycle intermediates.
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), which highly important in cataplerosis, generates PEP
from oxaloacetate to be utilized for gluconeogenesis in the liver and kidney. Pyruvate is transported
into the mitochondria where it is then converted into oxaloacetate or acetyl-CoA, respectively by
PC and PDH. Mitochondrial oxaloacetate depends largely upon the distribution of PEPCK between
cytosol and mitochondria [130]. The increase in phosphoenolpyruvate concentration is associated with
decreased oxaloacetate concentration which may indicate activation of PEPCK [108,131]. The PEP from
glycolysis otherwise can be converted to pyruvate that is decarboxylated to acetyl-CoA for ensuing
oxidation to carbon dioxide (CO2) in the TCA cycle of muscle [126,132].
From muscle, glutamine can be transported to the kidney where ammonia is formed by utilization
of the amino and amide groups. For generation of ammonia, glutamine goes through anaplerotic
reactions to build α-ketoglutarate which joins the TCA cycle and is consequently metabolized to
malate. Malate is further oxidized in the cytosol to oxaloacetate and to PEP and then to glucose [126].
The gluconeogenic pathway in liver and kidney is as follows: PEP, 2 phosphoglycerate, 3 phosphoglycerate,
1.3-bisphosphoglycerate, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) ↔ dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP),
fructose 1.6-bisphosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate and glucose [126].
Subsequently, reduced blood glucose concentration at the initial stages of low-intensity exercise
(LT test) may occur because the glucose, through gluconeogenesis, seems to be transported to muscle
cells via blood as an ongoing process and may be used as substrate for muscle TG glycerol synthesis.
However, it is unclear whether this transferred blood glucose enters glycolysis or glycogenesis in
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muscles. The enzyme activity in human is similar to animals like the rat. Earlier studies were conducted
by investigations using isotope tracers and arterial-venous difference. Although outstanding studies of
gluconeogenesis were developed, phenomena in humans were never investigated because of technical
limitations such as gluconeogenesis from lactate [64]. The factors mentioned above are summarized in
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Summarized illustration of all described factors for decreased blood glucose and
lactate values during the initial stages of lactate threshold test.
ADP—adenosine diphosphate;
ATP—adenosine triphosphate; ASAT—aspartate transaminase; DHAP—dihydroxyacetone phosphate;
ETC;—electron transport chain; FAD—flavin adenine dinucleotide; F 1;6-B—fructose 1;6-bisphosphate;
F 6-P—fructose 6-phosphate; G3P—glyceraldehyde 3-phasphate; G 6-P—glucose 6-phosphate;
LDH—lactate dehydrogenase;
PDH—pyruvate dehydrogenase;
Pi—inorganic phosphate;
MCT—monocarboxylate transporter;
NAD—nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide; 1;3-BG—1;3-bisphosphoglycerate; 2-PG—2 Phosphoglycerate 3-PG—3 phosphoglycerate.
8. Conclusions
It is already known that fat oxidation is predominantly utilized to perform low-intensity exercise.
This exercise area is crucial for estimating the recovery ability of athletes. During the low-intensity
exercise, the accrued resting lactate may predominantly be transported via blood from muscle cells to
the liver/kidney (ongoing moment) while lactate from muscle cells is less oxidized by the intracellular
lactate shuttle mechanism [45,64]. Furthermore, increased hepatic blood flow according to relatively
more hepatic glucose output than glucose output of skeletal muscle and similar remained hepatic
lactate uptake and lactate output of skeletal muscle during recovery time may support aspects of the
predominant activation of gluconeogenesis (Cori cycle). However, it may be insufficient to induce the
production of needed glucose because of the low concentration of lactate and the large energy source
from fat between rest and low-intensity exercise. Insufficient sympathetic drive also may influence
blood glucose and lactate concentrations [68,69,133,134].
Fatty acid oxidation activates key enzymes and hormonal responses of gluconeogenesis such as
PK, PC, PEPCK, glucagon, cortisol and other associated regulators such as cAMP and intracellular Ca+,
while glycolysis-related enzyme such as PDH are allosterically inhibited [93,94,99,108,126–128,130–132].
The efficient use of fat oxidation during low-intensity exercise and its effect during LT test
exhibited a rightward shift of the exponential lactate curve. This can be interpreted as improved
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regenerative ability, lactate threshold and endurance capacity [2,16–18]. Hence, decreased blood lactate
and glucose may be a signal of efficient utilization of fat oxidation and improved recovery during
low-intensity exercise. In particular, athletes of intermittent sports may need this recovery ability to
improve performance in competition. The efficiency of fat oxidation during low-intensity exercise in
athletes may be important to improve the regeneration of exercise performance between and during
competition after highly intensive exercise load. In addition, strength athletes such as weight lifter
may need this recovery ability to optimize the repeated high intensity training session because of the
need for ATP re-synthesis.
Athletes with a relatively poor endurance capability and the general population may show
increased blood glucose concentrations during low-intensity exercise. It indicates that they also use
significant amounts of glucose to perform low-intensity exercise. Athletes and the general population
need to low-intensity exercises which activate the corresponding enzymes via fat oxidation resulting
in enhanced endurance and recovery.
Studies and findings of above-mentioned review were actively investigated and this review can
be a first step toward identifying the associations between exercise intensity, blood glucose and lactate
at the low-intensity exercise stages of LT test. Further studies are expected to investigate how these
key enzymes and hormonal responses during low-intensity exercise are actually activated in humans
with regard to gluconeogenesis.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.-H.Y., M.G. and O.H.; methodology, W.-H.Y., H.P., M.G. and O.H.;
writing—original draft preparation, W.-H.Y.; writing—review and editing, W.-H.Y., H.P. and M.G.; visualization,
W.-H.Y. and H.P.; project administration, W.-H.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: This study was supported by Dong-A University research grant.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Adenosine triphosphate
Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase
Calcium ions
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
Flavin adenine dinucleotide
Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
Indocyanine green dye
Lactate threshold
Mitochondria-localized lactate dehydrogenase
Monocarboxylate transport
Maximal lactate steady state
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
Non-esterified fatty acid
Pyruvate dehydrogenase
Pyruvate carboxylase
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
Pyruvate kinase
Squamous cell carcinoma
Tricarboxylic acid
Oxygen uptake
Maximal oxygen uptake
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| Decreased Blood Glucose and Lactate: Is a Useful Indicator of Recovery Ability in Athletes? | 07-29-2020 | Yang, Woo-Hwi,Park, Hyuntae,Grau, Marijke,Heine, Oliver | eng |
PMC9781885 | Citation: Skoki, A.; Rossi, A.; Cintia,
P.; Pappalardo, L.; Štajduhar, I.
Extended Energy-Expenditure Model
in Soccer: Evaluating Player
Performance in the Context of the
Game. Sensors 2022, 22, 9842.
Academic Editor: Michael E. Hahn
Received: 18 October 2022
Accepted: 12 December 2022
Published: 14 December 2022
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Extended Energy-Expenditure Model in Soccer: Evaluating
Player Performance in the Context of the Game
Arian Skoki 1
, Alessio Rossi 2,3,*
, Paolo Cintia 2
, Luca Pappalardo 2,3
and Ivan Štajduhar 1,4
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Vukovarska 58,
51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy
Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), National Research Council of Italy (CNR),
Giuseppe Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, University of Rijeka, R. Matejcic 2, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Every soccer game influences each player’s performance differently. Many studies have
tried to explain the influence of different parameters on the game; however, none went deeper into
the core and examined it minute-by-minute. The goal of this study is to use data derived from
GPS wearable devices to present a new framework for performance analysis. A player’s energy
expenditure is analyzed using data analytics and K-means clustering of low-, middle-, and high-
intensity periods distributed in 1 min segments. Our framework exhibits a higher explanatory power
compared to usual game metrics (e.g., high-speed running and sprinting), explaining 45.91% of the
coefficient of variation vs. 21.32% for high-, 30.66% vs. 16.82% for middle-, and 24.41% vs. 19.12% for
low-intensity periods. The proposed methods enable deeper game analysis, which can help strength
and conditioning coaches and managers in gaining better insights into the players’ responses to
various game situations.
Keywords: game intensity; clustering; machine learning; fatigue; fitness tracking
1. Introduction
The intensity of a soccer game is dependent on a wide range of factors: quality of the
opposition, period of the season, weather, team form, game status, etc. There is a lot of
work dealing with the influence of various parameters on said factors—such as location,
opponent quality, and game outcome—by using the most important metrics derived from
wearable sensors (e.g., total distance, accelerations, and decelerations). However, one
of the most dominant factors in soccer is the quality of the opposition. Higher-quality
opponents usually require higher physical demands during the game, which, in turn,
results in increased values of the total distance (TD), maximal speed, average speed,
frequency of high-intensity actions (HIAs) [1], and events related to changes in velocity
(accelerations and decelerations) [2]. This is not always true, because it heavily depends
on the context and the play styles of each team. According to Garcıa-Unanue et al. [3],
away games accumulate significantly more TD (+230.65 m, 95% IC: 21.94 to 438.19, ES: 0.46,
p = 0.031), but there were no differences found that depended on the opponent quality.
However, an analysis between the first and second half revealed a significant reduction in
TD covered by the players against lower-level teams (−290.42 m, 95% CI: −557.82 to −23.01,
ES: 0.72, p = 0.033) and medium-level teams (−374.56 m, 95% CI: −549.21 to −199.70, ES:
0.71, p < 0.001). Congested periods can also have a great impact on player performance
and reduce the number of HIAs that a player can sustain [4]. Differences in intensities
are present across playing positions [5]. Therefore, central midfielders (CM) and wide
midfielders (WM) cover greater TD and have higher average speed, whereas WMs and
fullbacks (FB) cover higher distances at high-speed running (HSR) and sprinting [6]. Center
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backs (CB) and forwards (FW) usually cover the smallest distances [7], but FWs cover more
HSR distance than CMs [6]. Concerning the game outcome, recent work reported higher
workloads in won games compared to losses and draws, higher TD and HSR distance
in the second half of defeats, and lower average speed in wins compared to draws and
losses [8]. When looking at score change influence on the game demands, there have been
reports that CMs, WMs, and FWs have increased TD while winning, but CBs and WBs
have higher TD and HSR while losing [9,10]. Interpretation of scoreline influence needs
to be done carefully, because there is a need for a clear scoreline definition for which to
consider scoreline effects [11].
Several studies [3,6,7,11,12] have described various context situations and their effects
on the wearable-derived metrics. Nevertheless, there were no attempts to increase the
level of data sampling and examine physical demand change in a game on a minute-by-
minute basis. Another problem is the usage of different GPS providers, which have various
thresholds for determining sprint distance, HSR distance, number of sprints, number of
detected acceleration and deceleration phases, etc.; hence, the concept cannot be easily
transferred. Nowadays, most providers allow users to set their own preferred thresholds.
However, this invokes other problems, such as many different thresholds used for the same
parameters (no consensus). In addition, accumulated values (which are the most-used
ones) provide an overall image, but often that is not particularly useful as it represents
an average of the game. A team can play an average-intensity game overall but actually
perform a very intensive first half and a less-intensive second half of the game [8]. This
information is very important, along with individual analysis of a particular player’s effort
within the game. Intensity inspection within the context of scored and conceded goals can
provide information about which player could be a better substitute depending on the game
scoreline. Not every game is the same—each one provides unique demands [13]. Therefore,
the training load in the preceding week should be adjusted according to expenditure in the
previous game, and player fitness needs to be tracked regularly to evaluate season meso-
and macro- cycles [14]. For this purpose, better methods for game analysis are needed than
the ones that are currently used.
Hence, the aim of this study is to minimize the effect of various GPS provider thresh-
olds by taking an energy expenditure approach. The study shows how to develop a
framework of data analytics for evaluating workload intensity as the game goes on. In
particular, this enables a detailed examination of the workload throughout the game and
provides a baseline for better understanding of the game demands depending on the
context. Moreover, methods proposed in this study can be used for objective tracking of
the players through meso- and macro-cycles of the season.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
The data were acquired during official and preseason games of a professional soccer
club. The process of data collection was executed by using GPS wearable sensors, GPexe
pro2 (Exelio Srl, Udine, Italy), with a sampling rate of 18 Hz. According to position, the
players were divided into five categories: center back (CB), wing back (WB), midfielder
(MF), wide forward (WF), and forward (FW). The sensor provider enabled the usage of
two types of data: (1) GM-5MIN (GPS metrics of expenditure through 5 min intervals) and
(2) metabolic power events (MPEs), (HIAs, which occur throughout the whole course of
a game).
2.2. Subjects
In total, there were 38 male soccer players (age 25 ± 3 years; height 1.81 ± 0.06 m;
weight 76 ± 5 kg) that played at least one game during the acquisition period. The goal-
keeper (GK) position was not recorded and therefore it was not used for analysis. All the
players that were wearing the sensor during the games were included in the dataset. This
applies to the substitute players, too. Playing positions counted 11 CBs, 7 WBs, 8 MFs, 3
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WFs, and 9 FWs. The club allowed the research team to access players’ data, and informed
consent was provided.
2.3. Data Acquisition
The data collection process started in January 2021 and ended in March 2022, which
rounded a period of two half-seasons (including preseasons) and included 80 games. The
game data were acquired using GPexe pro2 devices that collected all of the standard
parameters for analysis [15] with the addition of metabolic expenditure features [16].
Furthermore, GPS metrics derived from the whole game (90 min data) were used as a
baseline for explaining and validating the descriptive power of the proposed clustering
methods. In the rest of the paper, we refer to this data type as GM-GAME.
2.4. Procedures and Variables
Before each game, players would put on the GPexe pro2 device, which was located
in a wearable vest. The sensor notified the wearer with a red blinking light when there
was a need for re-calibration. This was done very easily by spinning the device for a
couple of seconds. After the match, collected data were downloaded from the device and
uploaded to the manufacturer’s platform using the GPexe bridge application (version 8.3.6).
The online web application (version 7.4.46) computed all the metrics in a 5 min sampling
window. In order to minimize problems due to different thresholds and varying results,
only energy-based metrics and TD were used in the analysis. This included: total time
played (min), distance (m), average metabolic power (W/kg), energy (J/kg), anaerobic
energy (J/kg), MPE count, MPE average recovery time (s), MPE average recovery power
(W/kg), walk distance (m), running distance (m), walk energy (J/kg), and running energy
Average metabolic power was calculated by multiplying speed and energy cost (the
description of parameter calculation was taken from the GPexe dictionary for athletic
performance monitoring, which is an internal document accessible only to their users),
which has been thoroughly described by di Prampero et al. [16]. The energy variable is an
estimation of both the energy required to cover a given distance at a constant speed and
the energy needed to perform speed variations. The same is true for calculating anaerobic
energy, with a difference of taking into account the player’s maximal VO2 as a measurement
threshold [17]. The MPEs are defined as phases during the exercise (or a game) based
on a difference between the estimated metabolic power and oxygen consumption (the
description of parameter calculation was taken from the GPexe dictionary for athletic
performance monitoring, which is an internal document accessible only to their users).
Since the maximal VO2 of each athlete can be directly or indirectly assessed, this value
allows individual analysis and overcomes limitations of other models that are based on
specific speed or acceleration thresholds. The MPE recovery (power and time) is detected
by the power decrease that happens in order to repay previously contracted oxygen debt
(the description of parameter calculation was taken from the GPexe dictionary for athletic
performance monitoring, which is an internal document accessible only to their users). The
features regarding walking and running are not defined by a fixed speed threshold but
depend rather on different combinations of speed and acceleration [16].
All the presented features are shown in Table 1. Many of them were related to
metabolic power for the reason of avoiding difficulties involving speed, acceleration, and
deceleration threshold values [17]. The accounted features were aggregated and derived
from GM-5MIN and MPE data, which are described thoroughly in the following sections.
2.4.1. MPE Data
A special feature of GPexe wearables is the focus on metabolic expenditure using MPE.
The main difference and benefit of the approach using MPE is that it does not take into
account only acceleration and deceleration for detecting HIA [16], but instead it is focused
on energy expenditure; thus, the problem of setting the threshold is avoided. An issue
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regarding the acceleration approach lies in setting up a threshold for detecting these events,
which heavily influences the resulting values. Moreover, there exists a lack of agreement
and information regarding the choice of methods for acceleration filtering [18]. Instead,
the alternative approach proposed by di Prampero et al. in 2005 is used [19], which sets
the standard for calculating MPE. This approach assumes that accelerated running on
flat terrain is equivalent to constant running uphill at a constant speed at a certain angle.
Power events happen often in the game, and they are the most important factor in energy
expenditure. In the full game, there are more than 100 MPEs per player, which differ in
duration and power. An example of the data for one player and a single game can be seen
in Figure 1. The MPE dataset contained information about the start and end timestamp
of an event, duration in seconds, maximal speed, and average power spent. The energy
expenditure of an MPE was calculated by multiplying the average power and duration of
the event, which is shown in Equation (1).
EMPE = Pavg ∗ t
Figure 1. MPE in-game distribution for a single player.
This could be done because most of the events are short in duration, up to 20 s, with a
median value of 5.8, a mean value of 6.5, and a standard deviation of 3.35 s. The distribution
of event duration can be seen in Figure 2. The described data provide information about
the peak energy expenditure. However, this is not enough for a complete understanding of
expenditure within a game because there are no data about the period in which a player
was recovering (see Figure 3). Data regarding what is happening in the recovery period
are lacking; therefore, if one would use only MPE data, then only the information about
the HIA would be considered. The reality is that recovery can be passive or active: a
player can stand, walk, jog or run. This information is crucial for understanding in-game
player recovery.
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Figure 2. MPE duration histogram. The distribution median value is 5.8, the mean is 6.5, and the
standard deviation is 3.35.
Figure 3. Recovery time within the power events (blue) in a 60 s time frame.
2.4.2. GM-5MIN Data
MPE data occurrence is discrete across the whole game. That means that these events
(short in duration) are always separated by periods of recovery. The energy that is spent
during MPEs is equivalent to 30% of the total energy consumption (the description of
parameter calculation was taken from the GPexe dictionary for athletic performance moni-
toring, which is an internal document accessible only to their users), which can be seen in
Figure 4. The remaining 70% of energy expenditure is ignored by this type of data. The
lack of information about a player’s expenditure during the recovery periods is addressed
with the introduction of GM-5MIN data, which contains an average of values in a given
5 min period. All the events within the 5 min interval were hence taken into consideration,
including walking, jogging, running, sprinting, TD, energy, etc. This enabled the acqui-
sition of the full 100% of energy expenditure within the observed period. An example
of the GM-5MIN and MPE energy expenditure for one player and a game can be seen in
Figure 4. Ideally, one would like to have these values in the 1 min interval and thus have a
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detailed image of expenditure. Unfortunately, due to the intrinsic limits of the GPS tracking
device, the processing time for shorter intervals exponentially increases with regard to the
duration of the interval and could not be extracted in a reasonable time. This is the reason
for settling on a 5 min period: it is short enough to capture game details but also long
enough for calculating accumulation metrics such as average metabolic power, average
recovery power, etc.
Figure 4. GM-5MIN vs. MPE expenditure across 90 min. Blue bar charts represent GM-5MIN across
the 90 min of the game. Orange bars represent the energy expenditure of MPEs.
2.5. Data Preprocessing
To fully describe the intensity of a game, the MPE and GM-5MIN parameters needed
to be combined together. This was done by iterating through each game for all the players.
As the exact times and durations of both MPEs and GM-5MIN were known, they could
be combined. The process consisted of merging three main data sources, which included:
(1) GM-5MIN features in the preceding 5 min period (GM-5MIN-PRIOR), (2) MPE features
in the preceding 3 and 5 min periods (MPE-PRIOR), and (3) MPE features in the observed
minute (MPE-CURRENT). The entire processing workflow is shown in Figure 5.
The resulting dataset counted 25 parameters, which are described in Table 1. The
process to create GM-5MIN-PRIOR consisted of using the GM-5MIN data of a 5 min
period that preceded the current processing minute. The aim of this was to measure the
overall expenditure just before the observed minute. The second step was adding MPE-
PRIOR features, which gave information about the peak intensity in the period preceding
the observed minute. Finally, information about the observed minute was added by the
introduction of MPE-CURRENT features.
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Figure 5. Preprocessing and clustering flowchart is divided into 3 parts. The first step shows how
GM-5MIN-PRIOR, MPE-PRIOR, and MPE-CURRENT are combined. Next, dimensionality reduction
using PCA is performed to prepare the data for K-means clustering. The final step consists of using
the clustering algorithm to obtain low-, middle-, and high-intensity events throughout the game and
to perform MFit analysis on the players.
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Table 1. A list and description of features used for clustering. Features are divided into 3 categories
depending on the data source: GM-5MIN-PRIOR, MPE-PRIOR, and MPE-CURRENT.
Feature Name
Distance (m)
Distance covered in the last 5 min.
MPE count
Number of MPEs in the last 5 min
Anaerobic energy (J/kg)
Anaerobic energy spent in the last 5 min
Average metabolic power (W/kg)
Average metabolic power spent in the last 5 min
Average MPE time (s)
Average MPE duration in the last 5 min
Average MPE recovery time (s)
Average recovery time in the last 5 min
Average MPE recovery power (W/kg)
Average recovery power in the last 5 min
Walk energy (J/kg)
Energy spent walking in the last 5 min
Running energy (J/kg)
Energy spent running in the last 5 min
General energy (J/kg)
Energy spent on all activities in the last 5 min
Total number of MPEs
Number of MPEs up to that moment in the game
Total energy spent (J/kg)
Energy spent up to that moment in the game
MPE energy (3 min)
Energy spent on MPEs in the last 3 min
MPE energy (5 min)
Energy spent on MPEs in the last 5 min
MPE count (3 min)
Number of MPEs in the last 3 min
MPE count (5 min)
Number of MPEs in the last 5 min
Recovery time (s) (3 min)
Recovery time (s) in the last 3 min
Recovery time (s) (5 min)
Recovery time (s) in the last 5 min
Average recovery time (s) (3 min)
Average recovery time (s) in the last 3 min
Average recovery time (s) (5 min)
Average recovery time (s) in the last 5 min
Total recovery time (s)
Recovery time up to that moment in the game
MPE energy spent (J/kg)
Energy spent on MPEs in the observed minute
Event count
Number of MPEs in the observed minute
Average recovery time (s)
Average recovery time in the observed minute
Recovery time (s)
Recovery time in the observed minute
On top of described variables in Section 2.4, additional ones were derived from these
data and incorporated into the feature set. In order to keep information about the duration
of the game and the influence of fatigue, cumulative (total) features were created. This
group of features comprised: the total number of MPEs, total energy spent (J/kg), and total
recovery time (s). Information about MPE average recovery time was only available for a
5 min period preceding the observed minute. To get information about the average recovery
time in the 3 min preceding and the observed minute, a new metric was derived from MPE
data. The metric represents absolute recovery time in seconds (within the observed period)
divided by the number of events in that period. An example is shown in Figure 3, where
there are 4 MPEs and 5 recovery periods, which gives 18 s of work and 42 s of recovery. An
average recovery time is thus equal to Equation (2), which gives an average of 8.4 s for the
observed example.
tavg_recovery =
NMPE + 1
The MPE features were used to explain the work done in the current processing
minute and also the last 3 and 5 min periods. Combined with GM-5MIN, the dataset had
information about (1) overall energy consumption and recovery time in the preceding
5 min, (2) MPE energy consumption and recovery time in the preceding period of 3 and
5 min, and (3) MPE energy consumption and recovery time in the current minute. After all
the players and games were processed, extreme values for every feature were limited to fit
the ceiling value in order to denoise the data. This value was determined by calculating
the threshold at which 99.5% of the data would fit in that range. All the values that were
higher than the ceiling threshold were limited to that threshold.
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2.6. Clustering Analysis
To account for the scarcity of data instances (limited number of games and players)
and to suppress overfitting, the number of features was reduced to successfully apply the
clustering algorithm. We used principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality
reduction. Before that, each feature was normalized by applying a min–max normalization.
The next step was to divide the resulting data points (after min–max normalization) into
different categories. As this was a new approach and the labels were unknown beforehand,
an unsupervised clustering algorithm had to be used. For this purpose, K-means was
selected to evaluate how many intensity zones were present in the dataset. Before fitting
centroids on the data, halftime and the start of the game needed to be excluded from
training. By analyzing the data, a threshold of 200 m was set as the minimum distance;
thus, all the instances that were lower than that value were ignored. Inspection showed
that these outlier distance values were part of the halftime recovery and the first 5 min of
the game (lacking information about the energy expenditure in the 5 min that preceded).
The chosen threshold of 200 m enabled the exclusion of all the outlier values. Failure to do
so would have heavily affected the results for the low-intensity zone, which is described
later in Section 3.2. The K-means algorithm was tested for k ∈ [2, 3, 4, . . . , 15] clusters
using the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS). The best number of clusters was defined
through the elbow method on WCSS values. Clustering analysis is a prerequisite for
better understanding the physical demands of the game and for future research about the
influence of various game context variables on players’ physical behavior.
2.7. Clustering Application
After the dataset had been created (see Figure 5), we clustered intensity profiles
(groups) that enabled assessment of the effort performed by the players as the game
goes on. Moreover, a Markov chain analysis was conducted in order to estimate players’
capabilities of intensity shifts during a game. This part of the paper may be more interesting
for specific readers; therefore, a detailed description of the methods used and the newly
created MFit index can be found in the Supplementary Materials. Section S1 explains the
process of creating an MFit index, while Section S2 shows the results of such analysis by
tracking the players’ fitness through meso- and macro- cycles of the season.
3. Results
In this section, we explain how the proposed clustering method can be used for
detailed minute-by-minute game analysis that can be performed both individually or on a
team basis. It also provides an example of game load comparison in Section 3.3, with the
premise that each game has unique physical demands.
3.1. Clustering Analysis Results
PCA analysis showed that the optimal number of components for dimensionality
reduction is seven, preserving 92.8% of data variance (see Figure 6). Table 2 presents the
most important features of every component, with the minimal importance of a single
feature being 0.3 (explaining 30% of the data). Based on these seven principal components,
the elbow of the score was obtained by analyzing a different number of classes by the K-
means algorithm. We determined that the optimal number of clusters was three (Figure 6),
corresponding to low, middle, and high intensities in the game. The most important
features and their distributions across clusters are shown in Table 3.
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Figure 6. Analysis of K-means clustering with WCSS method and PCA component inspection. The
optimal number of clusters is chosen using an elbow method. The resulting cluster number is 3, with
the number of PCA components being 7, which corresponds to 92.8% of the original data variance.
Table 2. The most important features (above 0.3) for every PCA component.
Distance (m)
MPE count
Anaerobic energy (J/kg)
Average metabolic power (W/kg)
Average MPE time (s)
Average MPE recovery time (s)
Walk energy (J/kg)
Running energy (J/kg)
General energy (J/kg)
Total event count
Total energy spent (J/kg)
MPE energy (3 min)
MPE energy (5 min)
Average recovery time (s) (3 min)
Average recovery time (s) (5 min)
Total recovery time (s)
MPE energy spent (J/kg)
Event count
Average recovery time (s)
The K-means algorithm assigns each particular minute in the game to one of the three
possible groups. It is expected that higher intensity causes more energy consumption and
an increased number of MPEs but less time spent in recovery. To distinguish between low,
middle, and high intensity, the groups needed to be examined in more detail. For this
purpose, each feature distribution across classes was inspected by calculating the mean
Sensors 2022, 22, 9842
11 of 16
and standard deviation. As described in Section 2.5, clustering features were divided
into three groups: (1) MPE-CURRENT, (2) MPE-PRIOR, and (3) GM-5MIN-PRIOR. The
first one gives information about the current intensity, while the latter two explain what
actually caused the current state. It can be seen that the low-intensity group does not
contain any MPEs, but at the same time, it has the highest energy consumption in the last 5
min (GM-5MIN features—Energy (J)). The low-intensity group is a result of higher energy
consumption in the preceding period and can be characterized as an active recovery period
for the player.
Table 3. Clustering group results. Darker background color represents higher intensity. The low-
intensity group shows no MPE activity in the observed minute, but this is likely a result of very
high expenditure in the 5 min period that preceded it. The middle-intensity group exhibits higher
expenditure according to MPE features but shows lower values of GM-5MIN in 5 min prior. The
high-intensity group produces the highest expenditure in all types of features.
Parameter Name
Low Group
Middle Group
High Group
MPE features (1 min)
Energy (J)
Event count
Average recovery time (s)
MPE features (3 min before)
Energy (J/kg) 3 min
MPE count (3 min)
Recovery time (s) (3 min)
GM-5MIN features (5 min before)
Energy (J/kg)
MPE count
Anaerobic energy (J/kg)
Avg. MPE recovery time (s)
Running energy (J/kg)
3.2. In-Depth Game Visualization
Every game is unique to each player. Therefore, a visual representation of intensity
zones throughout the game for a single player in a particular game is shown in Figure 7.
It can be clearly seen that a player needs to make a stop after a certain number of high-
intensity actions. The period following (middle and low intensity) could be a recovery
period; however, the reader should note that it is dependent on the game context (e.g.,
penalty, set-piece, video-assisted referee decision). Scoring minutes are shown in order to
better visualize the potential effect of scored and conceded goals on the game tempo. The
distribution of the intensity zones across the span of the game is shown in Figure 8. It can
be clearly seen that the high-intensity periods decrease as the game goes toward the end. At
the same time, middle intensity periods start high and then slowly increase from the 10th
min. Low intensity periods stay stable and slightly increase towards the end. This is mostly
due to the effect of fatigue. The same inspection can be made for the whole team, but this
requires additional analysis. Average minute-by-minute intensity can be aggregated by
grouping playing positions and showing their average minute-by-minute intensity values
for each position or by taking an average intensity for each minute using all the players in
the team. It should be noted that this kind of analysis is inferior to individual inspection,
and a lot of information can be lost in the aggregation.
Sensors 2022, 22, 9842
12 of 16
Figure 7. Intensity clusters across a 90-min period with the score-change timestamps for a single
player in a particular game. High intensity is represented with brown–red, middle with yellow–
orange, and low intensity with blue. Vertical discontinued red lines are goals conceded, and green
ones are goals scored.
Figure 8. High-, middle-, and low-intensity cluster distribution across a period of a game in 5 min
3.3. Evaluation through Game Load
To show the effect and benefits of the proposed clustering approach, the results are
compared with the GM-GAME data (each GPS feature separately) that is regularly used for
athlete load monitoring. The premise that each game is unique was tested by looking at the
distribution of high-, middle-, and low-intensity minutes for the whole team. The clustering
algorithm provides information about the three groups (i.e., high, middle, and low), and
the same thing needs to be done for GM-GAME data to enable comparison. Currently,
by using GM-GAME data, there exists no consensus on how one could measure intensity
using particular parameters. In order to compare the approach presented in this study with
GM-GAME data, we need to draw parallels between the intensity clusters and a single
GM-GAME feature. Therefore, the assumption was that GM-GAME data equivalents for
Sensors 2022, 22, 9842
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the high-intensity group would be the distance covered above 20 km/h; for low intensity,
it would be equal to walking distance (m); and for middle intensity, it would be equal to
running distance (<20 km/h, walking excluded).
Table 4 provides the percentage of intensity groups in both the clustering algorithm
and GM-GAME features. To compare the variability of each group, the coefficient of
variation (CV) was calculated for each column. The results (row CV) show the variance in
% for the particular column. The aim of this was to assess between-game variability and the
potential for describing each game’s unique demands. Clearly, the clustering approach has
superior CV results with the additional capability of detailed in-game inspection. Further,
the distribution of values is more natural–mostly middle- and high-intensity clusters and a
smaller numer of low-intensity clusters, which is a reasonably competitive game-demand
distribution. On the other hand, GM-GAME puts focus on middle- and low-, with very
little influence due to high-intensity. According to this, soccer players are not giving their
maximal effort very often in competitive games, which is hard to believe. This confirms that
tracking the intensity of the game is not a trivial problem, and that it is very hard to explain
game intensity by using a single GPS parameter. Hence, based on these results and using
only GM-GAME, we can speculate that there is no distinction between scoreline change,
quality of the opponent, or some other context of the game. This shows the limitation of
GM-GAME data and a need for better methods for intensity evaluation. A comparison
of the MFit index approach (mentioned in Section 2.7) and GM-GAME parameters can be
seen in Figure S5 of the Supplementary Materials.
Table 4. Comparison of clustering algorithm and GM-GAME data for describing game load (63 games)
based on CV. Bolded values mark higher explanatory power for a particular cluster.
Game Id
Clustering with K-Means
µ ± σ
0.31 ± 0.14
0.51 ± 0.16
0.20 ± 0.05
0.07 ± 0.01
0.57 ± 0.1
0.42 ± 0.08
4. Discussion
This study provides a deep dive into game intensity in soccer by using data ac-
quired from wearable sensors. Every game is unique and, therefore, should be treated
independently. In the literature, a lot of work has analyzed the intensity concerning the
scoreline [9,11,12,20]. This was done by comparing relevant metrics (e.g., HSR, distance,
and sprint distance) depending on the score and also the quality of the opponent. However,
all of the research was only focused on comparing the GM-GAME data from wearable
sensors, which give overall information about the game. There have been no attempts to
understand how players perform on a minute-to-minute basis and how fatigue influences
the final minutes of the game.
To go deep into the game intensity, the proposed analytical approach takes into
consideration two data sources (GM-5MIN and MPE data) as the game goes by. Surely,
the possibility of including 1 min periods instead of 5 min periods would yield a better
representation of the game. On the other hand, by using smaller periods of the game,
accumulation error would go up, and this amount would vary between the providers [21].
Moreover, processing smaller intervals would be very long or even impossible with state-
of-the-art tracking devices. To account for this, the framework of data analytics provided
in this study enabled a detailed inspection of the game. In particular, the intensity of the
Sensors 2022, 22, 9842
14 of 16
game could be grouped into three main zones, i.e., low-, middle-, and high-intensity. As
shown in Table 3, in low-intensity actions, players do not engage in any activity (recovery
period), but this was a result of the preceding 5 min intense period. Differently, the middle-
and high-intensity groups show medium and strong MPE activity, respectively, and shorter
periods of recovery. However, the middle-intensity group shows low-intensity actions 5
min prior, while the high-intensity group is preceded by strong GM-5MIN expenditure.
These groups enable us to analyze player status as the game goes on. As a matter of fact,
Figures 7 and 8 show intensity groups of a single player for the entire game. The figures
suggest that there are several high-intensity periods in the starting part of the game, which
recedes as the game goes by, indicating the fatigue status of the player or a change in the
game intensity. Moreover, based on Figure 7, the game score seems to have no correlation
with the intensity period. However, more research is needed to assess the effect of different
intensity patterns on game scoring status, the tactical approach of a team, the roles of the
players, and other game events.
The proposed framework provides a basis for additional analysis of the game con-
text. This includes the changes in intensity cluster distribution depending on: the team’s
possession style, the quality of the opponent, or the change of scoreline. By using more
seasons and acquiring more data about the substitute players, a better analysis of their
energy expenditure can be made. Currently, there are not enough substitute players with
similar playing time and the same playing position. Further, with the addition of multiple
teams with different playing styles, the model can be adapted according to e.g., possession
or counter-attacking football. This, however, needs further investigation and is out of the
scope of this study.
The applicability of the model was shown using in-game visualization of the player’s
low-, middle-, and high- intensity clusters. The ability to provide better information about
the game intensity compared to GM-GAME parameters was shown by calculating the CV
of each cluster. The results proved that tracking the game intensity is not a trivial task,
i.e., it cannot be observed from the aggregation level. However, the approach proposed in
this study gives promising results because it takes into account minute-by-minute changes
in energy expenditure. However, the reader should note that all of these analyses can
be affected by the game characteristics, which can influence intensity and, consequently,
physical demands.
The main limitation of this study is that only one team was used in the analysis.
Therefore, we should inspect this on more teams to provide information about the accuracy
and validity of this approach. However, in this study, we present a new approach for
analyzing real-time intensity during a game that could be applied to each team. Hence,
every team could create its own personalized model in accordance with individual players’
characteristics by applying our analytical approach.
5. Conclusions
This study is focused on diving deeper into players’ energy expenditure throughout
the full length of a soccer game. It provides procedures for processing and clustering
the data for the purpose of inspecting the physical game performance of the players on
a minute-by-minute basis. This approach can help practitioners to better understand the
specific context of the game (i.e., when the team decreases physical performance) but also
provide ground for further inspection of fatigue, match context, and how the energy of the
players is spent through the course of a game.
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15 of 16
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//, Section S1. MFit Methodology; Section S2. MFit
Analysis: Tracking Players’ Fitness Status. Figure S1: Maximum high-intensity repetitions per game
for a particular player; Figure S2: Transition probability matrix used in MFit analysis for the example
shown in Figure 7 of the main paper. The player has a very high possibility (83.33%) of remaining
in the high-intensity zone given that he is already performing in the high-intensity zone; Figure S3:
MFit-5 through the season, made with a 5-min high-intensity repetition probability. An example is
provided for each role, based on a single player. The red dotted line refers to the probability repetition
average of all the players in the dataset; Figure S4: MFit-10 through the season, made with a 10-min
high-intensity repetition probability. An example is provided for each role, based on a single player.
The red dotted line refers to the probability repetition average of all the players in the dataset; Figure
S5: Analytical comparison between widely used GM-GAME and a MFit-10 for a player in CB position.
GM-GAME features show very low variability and, therefore, an inability to express player physical
effort differences on a game-to-game basis. Reference [22] is cited in the Supplementary Materials.
Author Contributions: A.S. carried out data collection, analysis, and interpretation. A.R. and P.C.
made substantial contributions to the concept and design. A.S. and A.R. wrote the first manuscript
draft, and all the authors were involved in revising it critically. L.P. and I.Š. did supervision of the
work done as well as in-depth revision and editing of the manuscript. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Horizon 2020 project EuroCC 951732 National Competence
Centres in the Framework of EuroHPC and by the University of Rijeka, Croatia, grant number
uniri-tehnic-18-15. Moreover, this work was also supported by the European Community’s H2020
Program under the funding scheme INFRAIA-2019-1: Research Infrastructures grant agreement
871042,, SoBigData. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the Transnational Access program of SoBigData++ for
their support, which permitted meeting between the researchers authoring this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest relevant to the content
of this article.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
Global Positioning System
Total Distance
High-Speed Running
Metabolic Power Event
High Intensity Action
Center Back
Full Back
Wing Back
Wide Midfielder
Wide Forward
Principal Component Analysis
Within-Cluster Sum of Squares
Coefficient of Variation
Markov Fitness
GPS Metrics
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| Extended Energy-Expenditure Model in Soccer: Evaluating Player Performance in the Context of the Game. | 12-14-2022 | Skoki, Arian,Rossi, Alessio,Cintia, Paolo,Pappalardo, Luca,Štajduhar, Ivan | eng |
PMC10651037 | Table 1S. Number of people in each category by age group. Significant trend toward
younger individuals reporting higher running volume, with more than 75% of the elite group
falling between the ages of 18 and 35.
S1 Table.
Table 2S. Full running volume vs. blood biomarker results
Biomarker ANOVA p-value
Trend p-value
lowest mean
highest mean
Biomarker ANOVA p-value
Trend p-value
lowest mean
highest mean
S2 Table.
Table 3S. 2S-MR results with BMI as the exposure and select biomarkers as
S3 Table.
Table 4S. 2S-MR results with BMI with biomarkers as exposures and BMI as outcome
to assess reverse causality
id.outcome outcome
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Basophil percentage of white cells
|| id:ebi-a-GCST004631
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Basophil percentage of white cells
|| id:ebi-a-GCST004631
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Basophil percentage of white cells
|| id:ebi-a-GCST004631
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Basophil percentage of white cells
|| id:ebi-a-GCST004631
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Basophil percentage of white cells
|| id:ebi-a-GCST004631
Weighted mode 55
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Plasma cortisol || id:ieu-a-1012
Wald ratio
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Weighted mode 4
S4 Table.
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
Folate || id:ukb-b-
Wald ratio
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Fasting glucose ||
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Fasting glucose ||
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Fasting glucose ||
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Fasting glucose ||
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Fasting glucose ||
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
concentration ||
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
concentration ||
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
concentration ||
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
concentration ||
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
concentration ||
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
HbA1C || id:ieu-b-
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
HbA1C || id:ieu-b-
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
HbA1C || id:ieu-b-
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
HbA1C || id:ieu-b-
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
HbA1C || id:ieu-b-
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
Weighted mode
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
LDL cholesterol ||
MR Egger
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
LDL cholesterol ||
Weighted median
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
LDL cholesterol ||
Inverse variance weighted
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
LDL cholesterol ||
Simple mode
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
LDL cholesterol ||
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Mean corpuscular
volume || id:ebi-a-
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Mean corpuscular
volume || id:ebi-a-
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Mean corpuscular
volume || id:ebi-a-
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Mean corpuscular
volume || id:ebi-a-
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Mean corpuscular
volume || id:ebi-a-
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Platelet count ||
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Platelet count ||
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Platelet count ||
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Platelet count ||
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Platelet count ||
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red blood cell count
|| id:ieu-a-275
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red cell distribution
width || id:ebi-a-
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red cell distribution
width || id:ebi-a-
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red cell distribution
width || id:ebi-a-
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red cell distribution
width || id:ebi-a-
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Red cell distribution
width || id:ebi-a-
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Triglycerides ||
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Triglycerides ||
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Triglycerides ||
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Triglycerides ||
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
Triglycerides ||
Weighted mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
white blood cell
count || id:ieu-b-30
MR Egger
Body mass index (BMI) ||
white blood cell
count || id:ieu-b-30
Weighted median
Body mass index (BMI) ||
white blood cell
count || id:ieu-b-30
Inverse variance weighted
Body mass index (BMI) ||
white blood cell
count || id:ieu-b-30
Simple mode
Body mass index (BMI) ||
white blood cell
count || id:ieu-b-30
Weighted mode
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
SHBG || id:ukb-d-
MR Egger
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
SHBG || id:ukb-d-
Weighted median
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
SHBG || id:ukb-d-
Inverse variance weighted
body mass index || id:ieu-b-
SHBG || id:ukb-d-
Simple mode
LDL cholesterol || id:ebi-a-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
MR Egger
LDL cholesterol || id:ebi-a-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted median
LDL cholesterol || id:ebi-a-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Inverse variance weighted
LDL cholesterol || id:ebi-a-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Simple mode
LDL cholesterol || id:ebi-a-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted mode
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
MR Egger
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted median
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Inverse variance weighted
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Simple mode
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted mode
Triglycerides || id:ieu-a-302
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
MR Egger
Triglycerides || id:ieu-a-302
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted median
Triglycerides || id:ieu-a-302
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Inverse variance weighted
Triglycerides || id:ieu-a-302
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Simple mode
Triglycerides || id:ieu-a-302
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted mode
Folate || id:ukb-b-11349
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
MR Egger
Folate || id:ukb-b-11349
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted median
Folate || id:ukb-b-11349
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Inverse variance weighted
Folate || id:ukb-b-11349
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Simple mode
Folate || id:ukb-b-11349
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted mode
Table 5S. 2S-MR results with vigorous physical activity as exposure and blood biomarkers as outcomes
S5 Table.
Red blood cell (erythrocyte)
distribution width || id:ukb-d-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
MR Egger
Red blood cell (erythrocyte)
distribution width || id:ukb-d-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted median
Red blood cell (erythrocyte)
distribution width || id:ukb-d-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Inverse variance weighted
Red blood cell (erythrocyte)
distribution width || id:ukb-d-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Simple mode
Red blood cell (erythrocyte)
distribution width || id:ukb-d-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted mode
SHBG || id:ukb-d-30830_irnt
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
MR Egger
SHBG || id:ukb-d-30830_irnt
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted median
SHBG || id:ukb-d-30830_irnt
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Inverse variance weighted
SHBG || id:ukb-d-30830_irnt
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Simple mode
SHBG || id:ukb-d-30830_irnt
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Weighted mode
Egger intercept se
LDL cholesterol || id:ebi-a-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Ferritin || id:ieu-a-1050
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Triglycerides || id:ieu-a-302
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Folate || id:ukb-b-11349
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Red blood cell (erythrocyte)
distribution width || id:ukb-d-
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
SHBG || id:ukb-d-30830_irnt
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Tests for horizontal pleiotropy
Sweets intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
MR Egger
Sweets intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Weighted median
Sweets intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Inverse variance weighted
Sweets intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Simple mode
Sweets intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Weighted mode
Type of special diet
followed: Vegetarian ||
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
MR Egger
Type of special diet
followed: Vegetarian ||
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Weighted median
Type of special diet
followed: Vegetarian ||
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Inverse variance weighted
Type of special diet
followed: Vegetarian ||
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Simple mode
Type of special diet
followed: Vegetarian ||
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Weighted mode
Salad / raw vegetable
intake || id:ukb-b-1996
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
MR Egger
Salad / raw vegetable
intake || id:ukb-b-1996
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Weighted median
Salad / raw vegetable
intake || id:ukb-b-1996
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Inverse variance weighted
Salad / raw vegetable
intake || id:ukb-b-1996
Vigorous physical activity || id:ebi-
Simple mode
Table 6S. 2S-MR results with vigorous physical activity as exposure and blood biomarkers as outcomes
t lifestyle habits
S6 Table.
Salad / raw vegetable
intake || id:ukb-b-1996
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted mode
Oily fish intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
MR Egger
Oily fish intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted median
Oily fish intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Inverse variance weighted
Oily fish intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Simple mode
Oily fish intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted mode
Fresh fruit intake || id:ukb-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
MR Egger
Fresh fruit intake || id:ukb-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted median
Fresh fruit intake || id:ukb-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Inverse variance weighted
Fresh fruit intake || id:ukb-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Simple mode
Fresh fruit intake || id:ukb-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted mode
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
MR Egger
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted median
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Inverse variance weighted
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Simple mode
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted mode
Processed meat intake ||
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
MR Egger
Processed meat intake ||
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted median
Processed meat intake ||
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Inverse variance weighted
Processed meat intake ||
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Simple mode
Processed meat intake ||
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Weighted mode
Egger intercept se
Sweets intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Type of special diet
followed: Vegetarian ||
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Salad / raw vegetable intake
|| id:ukb-b-1996
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Oily fish intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Fresh fruit intake || id:ukb-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Processed meat intake ||
Vigorous physical
activity || id:ebi-a-
Tests for horizontal pleiotropy
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Salad / raw vegetable intake ||
MR Egger
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Salad / raw vegetable intake ||
Weighted median
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Salad / raw vegetable intake ||
Inverse variance weighted
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Salad / raw vegetable intake ||
Simple mode
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Salad / raw vegetable intake ||
Weighted mode
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Processed meat intake || id:ukb-b-
MR Egger
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Processed meat intake || id:ukb-b-
Weighted median
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Processed meat intake || id:ukb-b-
Inverse variance weighted
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Processed meat intake || id:ukb-b-
Simple mode
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Processed meat intake || id:ukb-b-
Weighted mode
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-4616
MR Egger
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-4616
Weighted median
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-4616
Inverse variance weighted
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-4616
Simple mode
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Nap during day || id:ukb-b-4616
Weighted mode
Vigorous physical activity
|| id:ebi-a-GCST006098
Fresh fruit intake || id:ukb-b-3881
MR Egger
Table 7S. 2S-MR with healthy/unhealthy dietary habits as exposures and vigorous physical activity as outcome to assess
reverse causality
S7 Table.
Vigorous physical activity ||
Fresh fruit intake ||
Weighted median
Vigorous physical activity ||
Fresh fruit intake ||
Inverse variance weighted
Vigorous physical activity ||
Fresh fruit intake ||
Simple mode
Vigorous physical activity ||
Fresh fruit intake ||
Weighted mode
Egger intercept se
Vigorous physical activity ||
Salad / raw vegetable
intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical activity ||
Processed meat
intake || id:ukb-b-
Vigorous physical activity ||
Nap during day ||
Vigorous physical activity ||
Fresh fruit intake ||
Tests for horizontal pleiotropy
Figure 1S. Assumptions of Mendelian randomization: (1) the genetic instrument is associated with
the exposure. (2) the genetic instrument should not associate with a confounder. (3) the genetic
instrument should affect the outcome only via the exposure.
S1 Fig.
Figure 2S. Blood biomarker levels with respect to self-reported running volume and professional
athletes in males (m) and females (f).
Fig. S2.
S2 Fig.
Figure 3S. 2S-MR scatter plot showing effects of vigorous physical activity as the exposure on (A)
SHBG (B) Red blood cell count (C) Folate (D) Triglycerides (E) Ferritin (F) LDL as outcomes (see Table
5S for statistical significance).
Fig. S3.
S3 Fig.
Figure 4S. 2S-MR scatter plot showing effects of vigorous physical activity as the exposure on (A) oily
fish consumption (B) salad intake(C) fresh fruit intake (D) processed meat intake (E) daytime
napping (F) sweets intake (G) vegetarian diet (see Table 6S for statistical significance).
Fig. S4.
S4 Fig.
Figure 5S. 2S-MR scatter plot showing effects of dietary behaviors as the exposures on vigorous
physical activity: (A) salad intake (B) processed meat intake (C) daytime napping (D) fresh fruit intake
(see Table 7S for statistical significance).
S5 Fig.
| Dose response of running on blood biomarkers of wellness in generally healthy individuals. | 11-15-2023 | Nogal, Bartek,Vinogradova, Svetlana,Jorge, Milena,Torkamani, Ali,Fabian, Paul,Blander, Gil | eng |
Is There an Economical Running Technique? A Review
of Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting Running Economy
Isabel S. Moore1
Published online: 27 January 2016
The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at
Running economy (RE) has a strong relation-
ship with running performance, and modifiable running
biomechanics are a determining factor of RE. The purposes
of this review were to (1) examine the intrinsic and
extrinsic modifiable biomechanical factors affecting RE;
(2) assess training-induced changes in RE and running
biomechanics; (3) evaluate whether an economical running
technique can be recommended and; (4) discuss potential
areas for future research. Based on current evidence, the
intrinsic factors that appeared beneficial for RE were using
a preferred stride length range, which allows for stride
length deviations up to 3 % shorter than preferred stride
length; lower vertical oscillation; greater leg stiffness; low
lower limb moment of inertia; less leg extension at toe-off;
larger stride angles; alignment of the ground reaction force
and leg axis during propulsion; maintaining arm swing;
low thigh antagonist–agonist muscular coactivation; and
low activation of lower limb muscles during propulsion.
Extrinsic factors associated with a better RE were a firm,
compliant shoe–surface interaction and being barefoot or
biomechanical factors presented inconsistent relationships
with RE. Running biomechanics during ground contact
appeared to play an important role, specifically those dur-
ing propulsion. Therefore, this phase has the strongest
direct links with RE. Recurring methodological problems
exist within the literature, such as cross-comparisons,
assessing variables in isolation, and acute to short-term
economical running technique should be approached with
caution. Future work should focus on interdisciplinary
longitudinal investigations combining RE, kinematics,
kinetics, and neuromuscular and anatomical aspects, as
well as applying a synergistic approach to understanding
the role of kinetics.
Key Points
Running biomechanics during ground contact,
particularly those related to propulsion, such as less
leg extension at toe-off, larger stride angles,
alignment of the ground reaction force and leg axis,
and low activation of the lower limb muscles, appear
to have the strongest direct links with running
Inconsistent findings and limited understanding still
exist for several spatiotemporal, kinematic, kinetic,
and neuromuscular factors and how they relate to
running economy.
1 Introduction
For competitive runners, decreasing the time needed to
complete a race distance is crucial. Consequently, there is a
need to understand the determinants of running perfor-
mance. Several physiological determinants have been
identified, which include a high maximal oxygen uptake
( _VO2max) [1, 2], lactate threshold [3, 4], and running
economy (RE) [5, 6].
& Isabel S. Moore
[email protected]
Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University,
Cardiff CF23 6XD, Wales, UK
Sports Med (2016) 46:793–807
DOI 10.1007/s40279-016-0474-4
In a heterogeneous group of runners, _VO2max is strongly
related to running performance [7]. However, in a group of
runners with a similar _VO2max, _VO2max cannot be used to
discern between those who out-perform others [6]. A
measure that can distinguish between good and poor run-
ning performers is the rate of oxygen consumed at a given
submaximal running velocity, termed RE [5, 8, 9], with
lower oxygen consumption ( _VO2) indicating better RE
during steady-state running. For a group of runners with a
similar _VO2max, RE can differ by as much as 30 % and is a
better predictor of running performance than _VO2max [6, 8,
10]. Several researchers have reported strong associations
between RE and running performance [5, 7, 11, 12].
Additionally, RE differs substantially between elite, trained
(recreational), and untrained runners and also between
males and females [13–17]. Saunders et al. [18] proposed
the following determinants of RE: training, environment,
physiology, anthropometry, and running biomechanics.
improved [19], meaning it is a ‘trainable’ parameter [20].
Improvements in RE have ranged from 2 to 8 % using
various short-term training modes, such as plyometric [21–
23], strength and resistance [24–27], whole-body vibration
[28], interval [29–31], altitude [32, 33], and endurance
running [34, 35]. In comparison, long-term physiological
training can improve RE by 15 % [12]. Jones [12] reported
that such an improvement over 9 years was probably a
crucial factor in the elite marathon runner’s continued
improvement in running performance. For intervention
studies concerned with improving RE, the initial fitness
level of participants is particularly important [18], with a
high initial fitness level perhaps explaining why not all
interventions have successfully improved RE [36–39].
Nevertheless, the trainability of RE suggests certain factors
affecting RE can be modified. One such factor that can
influence RE is an individual’s running biomechanics.
Understanding what constitutes an economical running
technique has been the focus of much research. Specific
factors include spatiotemporal factors [40, 41], lower limb
kinematics [34, 42], kinetics [9, 43, 44], neuromuscular
factors [45–48], the shoe–surface interaction [49–54], and
trunk and upper limb biomechanics [55–57]. Synthesizing
the literature within this field of research has received
limited attention, with some still drawing upon descriptors
provided up to 20 years ago [18, 58]. Much research has
been conducted since, in an attempt to answer the question:
is there an economical running technique? Therefore, the
purposes of this review are to (1) examine the intrinsic and
extrinsic modifiable biomechanical factors affecting RE;
(2) assess training-induced changes in RE and running
biomechanics; (3) evaluate whether an economical running
technique can be recommended; and (4) discuss potential
areas for future research directions.
2 Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting
Running Economy
Several modifiable biomechanical factors may affect RE.
Each factor can be considered either intrinsic (internal) or
extrinsic (external). Intrinsic factors refer to an individual’s
running biomechanics. These factors can be further cate-
gorised as spatiotemporal (parameters relating to changes
in and/or phases of the gait cycle, such as ground contact
time and stride length); kinematics (the movement patterns,
such as lower limb joint angles); kinetics (the forces that
cause motion, such as ground reaction force [GRF]); and
neuromuscular (the nerves and muscles, such as the acti-
vation and coactivation of muscles). The extrinsic factors
covered in this review relate to the shoe–surface interaction
and focus on footwear, orthotics, and running surface.
Evidence for how each factor affects RE is reviewed and
3 Spatiotemporal Factors
Stride frequency and stride length are mutually dependent
and define running speed. If running speed is kept constant,
increasing either stride frequency or stride length will
result in a decrease of the other. Runners appear to natu-
rally choose a stride frequency or stride length that is
economically optimal, or at least very near to being eco-
nomically optimal. This innate, subconscious fine-tuning of
running biomechanics is referred to as self-optimization
[34, 42]. Studies supporting this self-optimizing theory
generally use acute manipulations of stride frequency or
stride length and mathematical curve-fitting procedures to
derive the most economical stride frequency and length
[40, 59–61].
Interestingly, a trained runner’s mathematical optimal
stride frequency or stride length is, on average, 3 % faster
or 3 % shorter than their preferred frequency or length [40,
59, 61]. Acute and short-term manipulations whereby stride
length has been shortened by 3 % show RE to be unaf-
fected [50, 62], whereas stride length deviations greater
than 6 % are detrimental to RE [59]. Collectively, these
results suggest there is an optimal stride length ‘range’ that
trained runners can acutely adopt without compromising
their RE. This range appears to be the preferred stride
length minus 3 % to the preferred stride length. Impor-
tantly, even in a fatigued state, trained runners reduce their
stride frequency compared with a non-fatigued state and
I. S. Moore
produce a preferred stride frequency that is similar to their
optimal stride frequency achieved in a fatigued state [60].
These results imply that trained runners can dynamically
self-optimize their running biomechanics in response to
their physiological state. For novice runners, the difference
between preferred and mathematically optimal stride fre-
quencies is greater than for trained runners (8 vs. 3 %) [59]
(Fig. 1). Therefore, generalizing the principle of an optimal
stride length range to all runners should be done with
caution, as self-optimization appears to be a physiological
adaptation resulting from greater running experience.
Similar to stride frequency and stride length, vertical
oscillation can be altered. Acute interventions have shown
that increasing vertical oscillation leads to increases in _VO2
[41, 63]. Additionally, vertical oscillation increases when
running to exhaustion. However, vertical oscillation chan-
ges are minimal and increases in _VO2 are large [64, 65],
meaning several other physiological and biomechanical
factors contribute to increases in _VO2 during fatigue [66,
67]. Furthermore, decreases in vertical oscillation have
been shown when individuals run barefoot and their RE
improves [50], probably due to a smaller vertical dis-
placement during stance [52]. Yet, it must be noted that
shoe mass and other biomechanical changes associated
with barefoot running also influence such RE improve-
ments (see Sect. 3.4). Another study has shown that
decreasing vertical oscillation can slightly improve RE, but
only if the absolute height of the body’s center of mass
(CoM) is not changed [68]. Collectively, these results
imply that reducing the magnitude of vertical displacement
should be encouraged. It is possible that reducing vertical
displacement improves RE by reducing the metabolic cost
associated with supporting body weight, as a smaller ver-
tical impulse would be produced [69]. Additionally, it
could make a runner more mechanically efficient, as a low
displacement of the body’s CoM produces a low mechan-
ical energy cost, since the body is performing less work
against gravity [70].
Notwithstanding these encouraging results, findings
show that female runners have a lower vertical oscillation
than their male counterparts, but findings are conflicting
regarding whether females are more or less economical
than males [13, 16, 71]. Eriksson et al. [72] demonstrated
that vertical oscillation could be successfully lowered using
visual and auditory feedback, and that runners found it
more natural to change vertical oscillation than step fre-
quency. However, to date, only one study has assessed the
effect of specifically decreasing a runner’s vertical oscil-
lation. This means research has not tried to manipulate
vertical oscillation, in a similar manner to stride frequency
and stride length, to determine whether runners have an
optimal magnitude of vertical oscillation or whether run-
ners would simply benefit from lowering their vertical
oscillation to improve RE.
The time the foot spends in contact with the ground has
equivocal results regarding its association with RE. Several
studies have failed to find any relationship between ground
contact time and RE [9, 42, 73, 74], whilst some have
observed a better RE to be associated with longer contact
times [75, 76] and others have found the opposite to be true
[11, 77]. It is suggested that short ground-contact times
incur a high metabolic cost because faster force production
is required, meaning metabolically expensive fast twitch
muscle fibers are recruited [78, 79]. Conversely, long
ground-contact times may incur a high metabolic cost
because force is produced slowly, meaning longer braking
phases when runners undergo deceleration [77]. Whilst
both arguments appear plausible, it has been argued that
being able to reduce the amount of speed lost during
ground contact is the most important aspect rather than the
time in contact with it [77, 80–82]. Combining this with
evidence that individuals can produce shorter ground-
contact times, but similar deceleration times and RE when
forefoot striking compared with rearfoot striking [83],
suggests that the time spent decelerating may influence RE.
Another factor that may affect the body’s deceleration is
how far ahead of the body the foot strikes the ground.
Fig. 1 Individual differences (selected-optimal) in stride frequency
(a) and running cost (b) for novice (left) and trained runners (right) on
day 1 (black bars) and day 2 (grey bars). 2 test days were used to
assess the reliability of measures and were separated by at least 48 h.
RCopt running cost of optimal stride frequency, RCsel running cost of
self-selected stride frequency, SFopt optimal stride frequency based
on minimal running cost, SFsel self-selected stride frequency.
X denotes that optimal stride frequency and, consequently, optimal
running cost could not be established in these five trials. Reproduced
from de Ruiter et al. [59] by permission of Taylor & Francis Ltd,
Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting Running Economy
Evidence from step rate manipulation investigations and
global gait re-training studies instructing runners to adopt a
Pose running method, suggest that significantly decreasing
the horizontal distance between the body’s CoM and foot at
initial ground contact reduces peak braking and propulsive
forces [84, 85] and braking impulses (less speed lost)
applied by the runner [86, 87]. Yet, both performance and
RE were unaffected during the gait re-training [85],
potentially because too many running biomechanics were
modified at once. Others have suggested that a runner’s
optimal stride frequency is a trade-off between the meta-
bolic cost associated with braking impulses and those
associated with swinging the leg [87]. Further work into
this braking strategy is required to understand the impli-
cations for RE.
Increasing the absolute time spent in the swing phase
has been associated with better RE by several researchers
[11, 42, 43]. However, others have failed to find any
relationship between the two [43, 71]. Findings from
Barnes et al. [43] suggest that sex also affects this rela-
tionship; however, this has not been corroborated by others
[11, 71]. It is conceivable that a longer absolute swing time
means runners spend a smaller proportion of the gait cycle
in contact with the ground, which is believed to be the
metabolically expensive phase of the cycle. It is important
to note that the swing and ground contact times will impact
the stride frequency and stride length of a runner, and it is
perhaps the relationship between all these aspects that
should be considered.
3.1 Lower Limb Kinematic Factors
Various kinematic parameters have been identified as being
associated with better RE in cross-comparison studies;
greater plantarflexion velocity [75], greater horizontal heel
velocity at initial contact [75], greater maximal thigh
extension angle with the vertical [75], greater knee flexion
during stance [42], reduced knee range of motion during
stance [88], reduced peak hip flexion during braking [88],
slower knee flexion velocity during swing [42, 71], greater
dorsiflexion and faster dorsiflexion velocity during stance
[71], slower dorsiflexion velocity during stance [88], and
greater shank angle at initial contact [42]. Intra-individual
comparisons have identified later occurrence of peak dor-
siflexion, slower eversion velocity at initial contact, and
less knee flexion at push-off as being associated with
improved RE [34].
One of the few kinematic variables to have strong support
from both cross- and intra-individual comparisons as being
beneficial for RE is a less extended leg at toe-off [34, 42, 50,
71, 75, 89]. Evidence has shown that this can be achieved
through less plantarflexion and/or less knee extension as the
runner pushes off the ground (Fig. 2). Hip extension is also
likely to contribute, but studies have typically focused on the
knee and ankle angles. Less leg extension could produce
greater propulsive force, as identified by Moore et al. [34], by
potentially allowing the leg extensor muscles to operate at a
more favorable position on the force–length curve and higher
gear ratios (GRF moment arm to muscle–tendon moment
arm) being obtained. Both strategies could maximize force
production [90, 91]. Additionally, less leg extension would
reduce the amount of flexion needed during swing by already
being partially flexed and potentially reduce the leg’s
moment of inertia, lowering the energy required to flex the
leg during the swing phase. Previous research has shown that
reduced leg moment of inertia lowers the leg’s mechanical
demand during the swing phase, as well as the metabolic
demand, of walking [92]. Therefore, it is conceivable that a
similar relationship exists when running, but this needs
Another kinematic during the push-off phase that has
been associated with better RE is stride angle, which is
defined as the angle of the parable tangent of the CoM at
toe-off [11, 93, 94]. Larger stride angles appear to be
beneficial for lowering _VO2 and can be achieved by either
increasing swing time or decreasing stride length. How-
ever, the system (Optojump Next) used by each study [11,
93, 94] only tracks the foot during ground contact and not
-25º -19º
Fig. 2 Differences in knee angle (top) and ankle angle (bottom) at
toe-off between pre and post measurements. Pre refers to baseline
running biomechanics and post refers to running biomechanics after
10 weeks of running whereby beginner runners improved their
running economy and altered their running technique. Reproduced
from Moore et al. [34], with permission
I. S. Moore
regarding the trajectory angle of the CoM and other pos-
sible kinematic changes. Future work focusing on the push-
off phase should assess CoM trajectory in relation to
kinematics and kinetics, as increasing swing time would
also increase the vertical displacement of the CoM based
on previous calculations [11, 93, 94] and observations [95].
Crucially, research suggests that increases to these spa-
tiotemporal parameters appear to have contradictory rela-
tionships with RE [11, 41–43, 63].
Foot strike patterns have been implicated as a modifiable
factor affecting RE [96], with some researchers arguing
that the most economical strike pattern is forefoot striking,
even when RE is not assessed [97–99]. However, empirical
evidence refutes this claim. Findings shows no difference
in RE between rearfoot and forefoot striking at slow
(B3 ms-1) [51, 83, 100, 101], medium (3.1–3.9 ms-1)
[83, 100, 101], and fast speeds (C4.0 ms-1) [83, 100] or
rearfoot and midfoot striking at medium speeds [76].
However, others have shown rearfoot striking to be more
economical than midfoot striking at slow running speeds
[102]. Interestingly, habitual forefoot strikers can change to
a rearfoot strike without detrimental consequences to RE,
while an imposed forefoot strike in habitual rearfoot
strikers produces worse RE at slow and medium speeds
[100]. Based on the current literature, foot strike appears to
have a negligible effect upon RE, with only habitual
rearfoot strikers likely to experience a worsening of RE by
switching foot strike patterns.
3.2 Kinetic Factors
Early research reported that RE was proportional to the
vertical component of GRF (e.g., force required to support
body weight) and was termed the ‘cost of generating force’
hypothesis [79, 103, 104]. However, later investigations
have used a task-by-task approach to partition RE into
individual biomechanical tasks [105]. Such work has
demonstrated that braking (decelerating the body) and
propulsive (accelerating the body) forces also incur meta-
bolic costs [105]. Typically, the three components of GRF
(anterior-posterior, medial–lateral, and vertical) have been
independently assessed, with evidence suggesting lower
vertical impact force [42], lower peak medial–lateral force
[42, 75], lower anterior–posterior braking force [73], and
higher anterior–posterior propulsive force [34] are eco-
nomical. However, numerous studies have also failed to
identify similar associations between RE and individual
GRF components [26, 73, 74].
To understand the metabolic costs incurred during
running Arellano and Kram [106] advocate using a syn-
ergistic approach, rather than the ‘cost of generating
force’ hypothesis or task-by-task approach. Using this
approach, the vertical force (supporting body weight) and
forward propulsive force (accelerating the body) incur the
greatest metabolic cost (Fig. 3). However, very few
biomechanical studies have utilized such an approach.
Storen et al. [74] demonstrated that it could be usefully
applied as they found significant relationships between
the summation of peak vertical and anterior–posterior
forces and 3-km performance (r = -0.71) and RE (r = -
0.66). Their findings show that lower forces were asso-
ciated with a better running performance and RE. Addi-
alignment of the angle of the resultant GRF vector (all
three components) with the angle of the longitudinal leg
axis vector during propulsion when novice runners
improved their RE. This change in alignment was asso-
ciated with a change in RE (rs = 0.88), suggesting that
minimizing the muscular effort of generating force during
propulsion is beneficial to RE [107].
Associations have also been found between GRF
impulses and RE, with lower braking [87], total, and net
vertical impulses related to a better RE [9]. However, this
finding is not consistent in the literature [77]. Through
collectively considering the deceleration and acceleration
momentum can be determined. One pilot study has utilized
this technique, but reported similar changes in momentum
pre and post a 10-week running program that improved RE
[107]. The authors suggested that such a short-term training
program might not have been long enough to induce
modifications in momentum [107]. It is also conceivable
that a synergistic approach should be applied to momentum
and speed lost during braking.
The magnitude of the GRF during running has a linear
relationship with the body’s vertical displacement [108],
suggesting the leg acts like a spring during ground contact
[44]. Therefore, use of the spring-mass model to describe
the body’s bounce during the support phase of running has
been widespread. The springs’ stiffness is the ratio of
deformation (vertical displacement) to the force applied to
it (vertical GRF) and therefore represents the stiffness of
the whole body’s musculoskeletal system [109]. Leg
stiffness represents the ratio of maximal vertical force to
maximal vertical leg spring compression [110]. Greater leg
stiffness has been associated with a better RE [44], whilst
fatiguing runs to volitional exhaustion have led to reduc-
tions in leg stiffness [64, 65]. Furthermore, alterations to
extrinsic factors, such as increasing surface compliance,
can lead to decreases in leg stiffness, resulting in a worse
RE [111]. Running in minimalist footwear can increase leg
stiffness and improve RE compared with traditional and
cushioned footwear [112, 113]. Interestingly, leg stiffness
is predominately associated with ground-contact time
rather than step frequency [114]. Thus, to try and increase
leg stiffness, runners are advised to focus on shortening
Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting Running Economy
ground-contact time rather than increasing step frequency.
Such an approach may be beneficial for RE improvements.
As leg stiffness represents the stiffness of the whole
musculoskeletal system, several factors relating to stiffness
are unmodifiable, such as muscle crossbridges and tendon
stiffness. However, neuromuscular activation is a modifi-
able characteristic that can modulate stiffness.
3.3 Neuromuscular Factors
The preactivation of muscles prior to ground contact, ter-
med muscle tuning, is believed to increase muscle–tendon
stiffness [77], potentially enhance muscular force genera-
tion via the stretch–shortening cycle (SSC) [115], and
affect leg geometry at initial ground contact [116–118].
Nigg et al. [119] studied the effect of shoe midsole char-
acteristics on RE and preactivation, and, whilst no overall
shoe-dependent changes were found in either variable,
systematic individual changes in vastus medialis preacti-
vation were evident. Runners who produced higher vastus
medialis preactivation independent of shoe condition also
had a higher _VO2 [119]. However, given the small changes
in RE (\2 %) the differences may be due to test–retest
measurement error and are unlikely to represent a mean-
ingful change in RE [120].
Greater muscular activity of the lower limbs has been
reported as a potential mechanism behind increasing _VO2
and thus is seen as detrimental to RE [73]. The intuitive
link between muscle activity and RE stems from muscles
needing to utilize oxygen to activate, and thereby, control
movement patterns and stabilize joints. Therefore, greater
muscle activation, as typically measured using surface
electromyography (EMG), is thought to require a higher
_VO2 and lead to a worsening of RE. In line with this,
findings have shown a higher activation of the gastrocne-
mius during propulsion and of the biceps femoris during
braking and propulsion to be associated with higher _VO2
[73]. Additionally, Abe et al. [45] found an increase in _VO2
during a prolonged run was associated with a decrease in
the ratio of eccentric–concentric vastus lateralis activity.
This change in eccentric–concentric ratio was due to an
increase in activity during propulsion (concentric phase).
Collectively, these findings suggest that needing to utilize
greater muscle activation to propel the runner forwards,
possibly due to a reduced efficiency of the SSC, is detri-
mental to RE.
Bourdin et al. [121] support this notion, as they found
lower eccentric–concentric ratios of vastus lateralis activity
were associated with a higher energetic cost of running.
Importantly, however, this relationship was more promi-
nent when inter-individual differences were being assessed
and was weaker when intra-individual differences were
considered. Sinclair et al. [88] also found a higher activity
of the vastus medialis to be related to a worse RE when
comparing different runners. Conversely, Pinnington and
colleagues [122, 123] have suggested that intra-individual
increases in _VO2 associated with running on sand com-
pared with on a firm surface are partially due to increased
activation of the quadriceps and hamstrings muscles
involved in greater hip and knee range of motion.
Fig. 3 The a cost of generating force, b individual task-by-task, and
c synergistic task-by-task approach partition the net metabolic cost of
human running into its biomechanical constituents. The cost of
generating force approach and the individual task-by-task approach
both illustrate that body weight support is the primary determinant of
the net metabolic cost of human running. In the individual task-by-task
approach, forward propulsion represents the second largest determi-
nant. The individual task-by-task approach leads to an overestimation,
while the synergistic task-by-task approach suggests that the synergistic
tasks of body weight support and forward propulsion are the primary
determinants of the net metabolic cost of human running. Note that leg
swing and lateral balance exact a relatively small net metabolic cost. If
we sum all the biomechanical tasks, the synergistic task-by-task
approach accounts for 89 % of the net metabolic cost of human
running, leaving 11 % of unexplained metabolic cost, and the cost of
generating force accounts for 80 %, leaving 20 % of unexplained
metabolic cost. Reproduced from Arellano and Kram [106], with
permission from Oxford University Press
I. S. Moore
However, as _VO2 and EMG data were collected in separate
studies, causal interpretations should be made with caution.
Larger intra- and inter-individual variations in lower limb
muscle activity duration and timing of peak activation have
been reported in novice compared with experienced run-
ners [124], suggesting that greater running exposure may
alter neuromuscular control. However, longitudinal inves-
tigations are needed to confirm this.
Conflicting results have also been reported for the role
of muscular coactivation in relation to RE [46–48],
whereby muscular coactivation is defined as the simulta-
neous activation of two muscles. Heise et al. [47] found a
negative relationship between RE and the coactivation of
the rectus femoris and gastrocnemius, suggesting coacti-
vation of biarticular muscles is economical, whereas Moore
et al. [48] reported a positive relationship. Furthermore,
muscular coactivation of the proximal agonist–antagonist
leg muscles, rectus femoris and biceps femoris, has also
been shown to have a positive association with RE,
meaning such coactivation is detrimental to RE [46, 48].
Coactivation of the proximal thigh antagonist–agonist
muscles occurs during the loading phase of stance as the
knee flexes. Without such coactivation, it is likely that the
leg would collapse [125], but essentially the muscles are
performing opposing movements. Using two muscles to
control such a movement would therefore incur a greater
decreasing the efficiency of the SSC.
Investigations into the effect of orthotics on muscular
activation during ground contact and RE have provided
inconsistent findings. Kelly et al. [126] reported that alter-
ations to muscular activity when wearing orthotics during a
1-h run were not accompanied by changes in RE. Con-
trastingly, Burke and Papuga [127] observed improvements
in RE when runners ran in custom-made orthotics rather
than shoe-fitted insoles, yet there were no changes in lower
limb muscular activity. However, the mass of the different
orthotics used by Burke and Papuga [127], and the potential
effect the orthotics had on running biomechanics, were not
assessed and may have influenced their findings.
3.4 Shoe–Surface Interaction Factors
There is a general consensus that running in traditional
running trainers is detrimental to RE compared with run-
ning barefoot or in lightweight, minimalist trainers, due to
the added shoe mass [49–52, 128, 129]. A recent meta-
analysis suggested that a shoe mass (per pair) of less than
440 g does not affect RE, but a shoe mass greater than
440 g negatively affects RE [129]. However, when shoe
mass is taken into account, evidence regarding footwear
effects on RE is equivocal due to different methodologies
used. Mathematically correcting for different footwear
mass when expressing _VO2 in relative terms supports the
above statement that running in traditional trainers is
detrimental to RE compared with barefoot or minimalist
footwear running [50]. However, strapping weights equal
to the mass of a shoe to participants’ feet results in either
similar RE [52] or worse RE when barefoot compared with
shod [49]. One reason for this discrepancy is that mathe-
matically adjusting
_VO2 technically adjusts the whole
body’s mass rather than the foot’s mass and does not take
into account the decrease in lower limb moment of inertia.
When the foot’s CoM is altered (weights strapped to the
top of foot) _VO2 is worse when barefoot [49], but when the
foot’s CoM is unchanged (weights evenly distributed on
the foot), _VO2 is similar between barefoot and shod con-
ditions [52]. Therefore, changes to lower limb moment of
inertia, and not just shoe mass, appear to affect RE.
Findings from Scholz et al. [130] support this notion by
showing greater lower limb moment of inertia was asso-
ciated with higher _VO2. Other shoe characteristics, such as
stiffness [131], comfort [132], and cushioning [133], are
likely to effect RE and thus, may have also contributed to
the equivocal findings regarding footwear effects on RE
when shoe mass is taken into account. However, if shoe
mass is not adjusted for, running barefoot or in lightweight,
minimalist trainers improves RE compared with traditional
running trainers (shoe mass [440 g).
Changing footwear can also change the level of cush-
ioning underfoot. Frederick et al. [134] proposed the ‘cost
of cushioning’ hypothesis, stating that actively cushioning
the body whilst running may incur a metabolic cost.
Therefore, shoes with limited cushioning or no cushioning
(such as being barefoot) would result in an individual
having to actively cushion the body using the lower limb
muscles [117] and lead to an increase in _VO2. Some evi-
dence to support this claim is provided by Franz et al. [49],
who found that running in shoes with increasing mass had a
lower metabolic power demand than running barefoot with
increasing mass strapped to their feet. These results
therefore show that running without cushioning has a
higher metabolic demand than running with cushioning,
even when added shoe mass is similar. However, results
from Divert et al. [52] suggest it may be mechanical energy
that is increased rather than
_VO2 when barefoot. This
means that barefoot running leads to mechanical efficiency
improvements due to greater work being done for the same
_VO2 compared with shod running.
Further, it appears there is an ‘optimal’ level of surface
cushioning for good RE. When running barefoot on a
treadmill, 10 mm of surface cushioning was more benefi-
cial for RE than no surface cushioning and 20 mm of
surface cushioning [53]. When considering natural running
Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting Running Economy
terrain, Pinnington and Dawson [122] found running on
grass elicited a lower _VO2 than running on sand. This is
likely due to the damping effects of sand, leading to an
increase in mechanical work done during stance [135].
Therefore, a firmer surface that returns the energy it
absorbs will benefit a runner’s RE. Moreover, a firm sur-
face with reduced stiffness, and thus greater compliance,
will return more energy due to the surface’s elastic rebound
and improve RE [111].
This theory can also be applied to running shoes, as
Worobets et al. [54] showed that a softer shoe, which was
more compliant and lost less energy during impact than a
control shoe, improved RE. Additionally, shoes with a high
forefoot bending elasticity can increase propulsive force and
reduce contact time and gastrocnemius muscle activation
during slow (\3 ms-1), but not medium (3.1–3.9 ms-1),
running speeds compared with a flexible forefoot region
[136]. Such shoes may therefore improve RE due to
enhancing propulsion; however, no _VO2 data were gathered
during the study, so direct associations cannot be made.
Consequently, it is likely that a medium level of cushioning,
that returns energy, is beneficial for RE compared with the
shoe–surface cushioning being too compliant or too hard.
Footwear (or lack of) can also affect running biome-
chanics. Several modifications to running biomechanics may
potentially benefit RE, whilst others may not. For example,
in comparison with shod running, barefoot running can
shorten ground contact time and stride length [49–52, 128,
137–140], increase knee flexion at initial contact [139],
increase leg stiffness [52, 139, 141, 142], decrease vertical
oscillation [50, 138], increase propulsive force [143], and
reduce plantarflexion at toe-off [50, 139]. The most com-
monly cited change when running barefoot is a more ante-
rior foot strike pattern brought about by a flatter foot, such as
switching from a rearfoot to a forefoot strike pattern [50, 98,
137, 139, 140, 142, 144]. However, evidence shows many
confounding variables affect foot strike, including speed [97,
145], surface stiffness [146], stride length [50], and famil-
iarization with barefoot running [147]. Therefore, footwear
(or lack of) alone cannot explain changes in foot strike.
Based on the several findings above, it can be suggested that
acute exposure to running barefoot may be beneficial for
RE, especially if performed on a surface with a medium
level of cushioning. Aside from acute exposure, the effect of
individual adaptations due to short- and long-term exposure
to barefoot running on RE and running biomechanics is
currently unknown.
3.5 Trunk and Upper Limb Biomechanical Factors
The relationship between RE and trunk and upper body
biomechanics has received limited research attention
compared with lower limb biomechanics. Swinging the
arms during running plays an important role as it con-
tributes to vertical oscillation [55, 56]; counters vertical
angular momentum of the lower limbs [148]; and mini-
mizes head, shoulder, and torso rotation [149, 150].
Eliminating arm swing by placing the hands on top of the
head can be detrimental to RE [41, 149], whilst placing the
hands behind the back or across the chest has provided
inconsistent findings [41, 56, 63, 149, 150]. However, there
is no evidence to suggest that individuals can alter arm
kinematics to improve RE and thus, running performance.
Therefore, based on current evidence, individuals are
encouraged to maintain their natural arm swing whilst
Suppressing arm swing can alter several lower limb
biomechanics and kinetics. For example, restraining the
arms behind the back and across the chest decreases peak
vertical force, increases peak hip and knee flexion angles
during stance, and reduces knee adduction during stance
[151]. These biomechanical changes appear to be due to
the loss of arm motion rather than the body’s CoM moving
position [151], suggesting that arm motion plays an integral
role in an individual’s running technique. Further, the
greater knee flexion and reduced peak vertical force
observed when arm swing is suppressed suggests that leg
stiffness decreases, which may explain the change in RE
found in some studies [41, 56, 149]. However, currently,
the relationship between leg stiffness and arm motion
during running is unknown.
It has been suggested that a forward trunk lean during
running improves RE [58], based on findings from Wil-
liams and Cavanagh [42]. Yet, a forward lean has also been
implicated as detrimental to RE. Hausswirth et al. [57]
compared the _VO2 during a marathon run (2 h, 15 min)
with that during a 45-minute run and found the marathon
run had a higher
_VO2 and greater forward trunk lean.
However, this finding should be interpreted in light of the
other modifications to running biomechanics when com-
paring the marathon run with the 45-min run, such as the
13 % shorter stride lengths. It is possible that shortening
the stride lengths by this amount incurred the highest _VO2
rather than the forward lean. Additionally, the biome-
chanical changes could be due to muscular fatigue resulting
from the difference in running time between the two con-
ditions (1 h, 30 min), meaning muscular fatigue could have
led to increases in _VO2.
For women runners, breast kinematics also have the
potential to affect RE and running biomechanics. Evidence
shows that breast kinematics can affect running kinetics
[152], trunk lean via changes in breast support [153], and
lower limb biomechanics, in particular knee angle and step
length [154]. These findings imply there may be alterations
I. S. Moore
to RE, particularly if the changes in step length are greater
than 3 % of the preferred step length. Further work that
simultaneously assesses RE, breast kinematics, breast
support, and lower limb biomechanics is warranted to
assess whether there is a direct association between the
4 Simultaneously Modifying Running
Biomechanics and Running Economy Through
Short- and mid-term training interventions (3–12 weeks)
have been conducted to assess relationships between run-
ning biomechanics and RE. But to date, no long-term
training interventions have been performed. Early inter-
ventions primarily focused on spatiotemporal factors, with
Morgan et al. [155] showing that trained runners with
uneconomical stride lengths could be retrained using
audio-feedback over 3 weeks to produce mathematically
derived optimal stride lengths and improved RE. In con-
trast, Messier and Cirillo [95] failed to find improvements
in RE when using verbal and visual feedback for 5 weeks
to change specific running biomechanics, such as longer
stride lengths, shorter ground-contact time, and reduced
vertical oscillation. However, optimal stride length was not
meaning suitable procedures were not used and several
running biomechanics either were not modified or, in the
case of vertical oscillation, actually increased after the
intervention. Bailey and Messier [156] also found that if
runners were able to freely choose their stride length over
7 weeks, there was no change in RE. Similarly, if runners
were restricted to their initial freely chosen stride length
over 7 weeks, RE was unaffected [156].
Interventions concerned with instructing runners to
retrain their running biomechanics towards a specific glo-
bal running technique, such as Pose, Chi and midstance to
midstance running, has generally resulted in either no
improvement in RE [62, 85] or a worsening of RE [157].
Whilst these techniques are often advocated as efficient
forms of running [157, 158], and all the interventions led to
modified running biomechanics, currently there appears to
be no evidence to substantiate the claims that they benefit
RE. It is conceivable that the failure of global running
techniques to improve RE is because they are not targeting
the right running biomechanics or because they are trying
to change too many at the same time.
Running gait retraining has also focused on reducing
injury risk [159–162], but only one study has assessed the
effect of such retraining on RE as well [163]. Clansey et al.
[163] provided trained runners with gait re-training using
real-time visual feedback over 3 weeks to modify impact-
loading variables associated with tibial stress fracture risk.
Runners reduced peak tibial acceleration and loading rates
without changing RE. Thus, gait re-training to reduce
injury risk can be performed without necessarily affecting
running performance. This is possibly because the gait
alterations were predominantly during the impact phase
and have minimal effect on RE, as individuals increased
plantarflexion at initial contact and exhibited a more
anterior foot strike.
Moore et al. [34] reported that novice runners could self-
optimize their running gait over 10 weeks of running
training, with 94 % of the variance of change in RE
explained by less knee extension at toe-off, a later occur-
rence of peak dorsiflexion, and slower eversion velocity at
initial contact. Furthermore, trained, habitually shod run-
ners can improve their RE when running in minimalist
footwear after a 4-week intervention exposing them to
running in minimalist footwear [96]. Although very few
running gait parameters were assessed by Warne and
Warrington [96], runners did exhibit a more anterior foot
strike when more economical. Whilst collectively these
results support short-term biomechanical self-optimization
to running training, a previous investigation failed to find
RE improvements and biomechanical changes in trained
runners after 6 weeks of running [36]. Consequently,
novice runners may be more responsive to self-optimiza-
tion in the short-term than trained runners; however pro-
viding trained runners with a novel stimulus, such as
different footwear, can lead to short-term self-optimization.
Thus, self-optimization is a physiological adaptation to
running acquired through greater experience of the stimu-
lus. For trained runners, the majority of this physiological
adaptation may have already occurred. A summary of how
training interventions have affected RE is presented in
Fig. 4.
5 Is there an Economical Running Technique?
Based on the literature, several modifiable factors that can
potentially improve RE have been identified, as well as
factors that have conflicting or limited findings regarding
their relationship with RE (Table 1). From this summary, it
is clear that biomechanics during ground contact play an
important role. Furthermore, evidence shows that many of
the running biomechanics identified occur during propul-
sion, suggesting that this phase has the strongest direct
links with RE. However, theoretical deceleration strategies,
such as short braking times and minimizing the speed lost
during braking, may translate to more economical strate-
gies in the propulsive phase and mediate the relationship
between propulsion and RE. Therefore, utilizing the prin-
ciples of the SSC is encouraged.
Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting Running Economy
Considering the empirical evidence, one economical
running strategy could be aiming to shorten ground-contact
times whilst maintaining stride frequency, which may
facilitate greater leg stiffness, larger stride angles, and
longer swing times. However, such a strategy may increase
vertical oscillation and encourage greater muscular activity
during propulsion. Another strategy could involve aligning
the resultant GRF more closely with the leg axis during
propulsion. This may help minimize muscular activity and
agonist–antagonist coactivation and could be produced as a
result of reducing leg extension at toe-off.
An experienced runner’s naturally chosen stride length
is self-optimized to within 3 % of the mathematically
derived optimal. Deviating between naturally chosen and
mathematically optimal will only have a negligible effect
on RE. However, novice runners have not acquired the
running experience necessary to self-optimize as effec-
tively. Therefore, a short-term running training program for
novice runners can lead to running biomechanics being
modified to benefit RE. However, long-term running
training has seldom been investigated. Consequently,
longitudinal investigations assessing the development of
running biomechanics in both novice runners and experi-
enced runners are required to better understand self-opti-
mization for RE improvements.
affecting RE, prescribing an economical way of running
has its limitations based on the current empirical evidence.
The majority of studies have used cross-comparison
methodologies or are restricted to one running population.
Additionally, it is evident from the numerous studies ana-
lyzing intra-individual changes that group differences,
which statistically hold more power, provide limited con-
clusions of modifications to running biomechanics [88,
119, 164]. Also, very few studies have assessed running
biomechanics during the swing phase, even though current
findings indicate the position of the CoM and leg during
this phase may be crucial to conserving energy and
_VO2. Exploring running biomechanics during
swing and the interaction with stance-phase biomechanics
is recommended in future work. Furthermore, the role of
unmodifiable factors and how they may interact with
Was the training
programme < 13 weeks?
Did the training programme focus on
changing specific running biomechanics?
Was stride length or stride
frequency manipulated?
Were participants exposed
to a novel stimulus?
RE unchanged
Optimal stride
length/ frequency
not mathematically
determined [95]
No studies
RE improved
Optimal stride
length/ frequency
determined [155]
Was the training programme focused on
achieving a global running technique?
RE unchanged
Tibial acceleration
reduced [163]
RE improved
Novice runners
increased running
volume [34]
RE improved
runners exposed
to novel footwear [96]
RE worsened
Pose running
technique [157]
RE unchanged
Pose and midstance
to midstance running
technique [62, 85]
RE worsened
Recreational runners
increased running
volume [36]
Fig. 4 Summary of the training
programs that have
simultaneously measured
running economy and running
biomechanics. The effect on
running economy is denoted in
bold. RE running economy
I. S. Moore
modifiable factors is an area requiring investigation. For
example, Cavanagh and Williams [40] reported that indi-
viduals with long legs had a larger increase in _VO2 when
shortening their strides compared with lengthening them.
In contrast, individuals with shorter legs had a larger
increase in _VO2 when lengthening their stride than when
shortening it.
Biomechanical case studies of economical runners have
not been published, but could provide interesting findings if
an in-depth runner profile was provided. Such a profile
would need to encompass factors such as running biome-
chanics, anatomical structures, functional capacity (e.g.,
flexibility, muscular strength, and stiffness), shoe degra-
dation, injury history, and training protocols [165]. Whilst
only the former have been discussed here, the interaction
between an individual’s anatomical structures—such as
foot morphology, leg length, and tendon stiffness—and
their running biomechanics is likely to be influential upon
RE. This is certainly a direction for future research to
pursue, as it could identify novel relationships and inter-
actions that inform larger, cohort studies.
6 Conclusion
One of the determining factors of running performance is
RE. Modifiable running biomechanical factors that affect
RE include spatiotemporal factors, lower limb kinematics,
kinetics, neuromuscular factors, shoe–surface interac-
tions, and trunk and upper limb biomechanics. Several
intrinsic factors that appear to benefit RE are a self-
selected stride length with a 3 % shorter stride length
range, lower vertical oscillation, greater leg stiffness, low
lower limb moment of inertia, alignment of the GRF and
leg axis vectors, less leg extension at toe-off, larger stride
angles, maintaining arm swing, low muscle activation
during propulsion, and low antagonist–agonist thigh
coactivation. In regards to extrinsic factors, better RE was
found to be associated with a firm, compliant shoe-surface
interaction and being barefoot or wearing lightweight
shoes. Other modifiable biomechanical factors, such as
ground contact time, impact force, anterior–posterior
forces, trunk lean, lower limb biarticular muscle coacti-
vation, and orthotics, presented inconsistent relationships
with RE. Collectively, the evidence shows that many of
propulsion, suggesting that this phase has the strongest
direct links with RE. However, recurring methodological
problems exist within the literature, such as cross-com-
parisons, assessing variables in isolation, and acute to
short-term interventions. Further, intra-individual differ-
ences due to unmodifiable factors limit the findings of
cross-comparisons, and future research should look to
investigate longitudinal interventions and assess runners
on an individual basis. Consequently, recommending an
economical running technique should be approached with
caution. Directions for further work within the field
should focus on a synergistic approach to assessing
kinetics as well as integrated approaches combining _VO2,
kinematics, kinetics, and neuromuscular and anatomical
aspects to increase our understanding of economical
running technique.
Table 1 Modifiable intrinsic and extrinsic running biomechanics and their effect on running economy
effect on RE
Self-selected stride length (minus
3 %)
Greater leg stiffness
Less leg
extension at
Low muscle
activation during
Firm, compliant
Low vertical oscillation
Alignment of GRF and leg
axis during propulsion
Large stride
Low agonist–
Barefoot or
lightweight shoes
(\440 g)
Low lower limb moment
of inertia
Maintain arm
Ground contact time
Impact force
Trunk lean
Swing time
Anterior–posterior forces
Limited or
Horizontal distance between the
foot and CoM at initial contact
Swing phase
Vastus medialis
Braking/deceleration time
Speed lost during ground contact
CoM centre of mass, GRF ground reaction force, RE running economy
Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting Running Economy
The author would like to thank Professor
Andrew Jones and Dr. Victoria Stiles for their critical comments on
earlier versions of the manuscript.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
No sources of funding were used to assist in the prepa-
ration of this article.
Conflicts of interest
Isabel Moore declares she has no conflicts of
interest relevant to the content of this review.
Open Access
This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
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Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting Running Economy
| Is There an Economical Running Technique? A Review of Modifiable Biomechanical Factors Affecting Running Economy. | [] | Moore, Isabel S | eng |
PMC3826314 | Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Scientific World Journal
Volume 2013, Article ID 680326, 4 pages
Research Article
Oxygen Uptake in Maximal Effort Constant Rate and
Interval Running
Daniel Pratt, Brendan J. O’Brien, and Bradley Clark
School of Health Sciences, University of Ballarat, Mt Helen, Ballarat, VIC 3353, Australia
Correspondence should be addressed to Brendan J. O’Brien; [email protected]
Received 30 June 2013; Accepted 30 July 2013
Academic Editors: N. Berretta and R. Inoue
Copyright © 2013 Daniel Pratt et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study investigated differences in average
̇VO2 of maximal effort interval running to maximal effort constant rate running
at lactate threshold matched for time. The average
̇VO2 and distance covered of 10 recreational male runners ( ̇VO2 max: 4158 ±
390 mL⋅min−1) were compared between a maximal effort constant-rate run at lactate threshold (CRLT), a maximal effort interval
run (INT) consisting of 2 min at
̇VO2 max speed with 2 minutes at 50% of
̇VO2 repeated 5 times, and a run at the average speed
sustained during the interval run (CR submax). Data are presented as mean and 95% confidence intervals. The average ̇VO2 for INT,
3451 (3269–3633) mL⋅min−1, 83%
̇VO2 max, was not significantly different to CRLT, 3464 (3285–3643) mL⋅min−1, 84%
̇VO2 max, but
both were significantly higher than CR sub-max, 3464 (3285–3643) mL⋅min−1, 76% ̇VO2 max. The distance covered was significantly
greater in CLRT, 4431 (4202–3731) metres, compared to INT and CR sub-max, 4070 (3831–4309) metres. The novel finding was that
a 20-minute maximal effort constant rate run uses similar amounts of oxygen as a 20-minute maximal effort interval run despite
the greater distance covered in the maximal effort constant-rate run.
1. Introduction
The principal objective of endurance training is to evoke
supracompensation in the physiological systems restraining
the maximal sustainable competition speed. The physio-
logical systems most noted for regulating the speed of an
endurance runner are the convective supply of oxygen to the
muscles and the rate at which oxygen can be metabolized
in the muscles to resynthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
[1]. It is proposed that the training strategy that sustains
the highest oxygen use ( ̇VO2) for the longest is the most
effective strategy to improve running performance [2].
is typically assessed by the minute rate of pulmonary oxygen
uptake during running [3]. The training strategies used by
athletes can be broadly classed into constant rate running
or interval running, where interval involves higher speeds of
running interspersed with slower “recovery” speeds.
Interval running evokes a greater total ̇VO2 than constant
rate running [4] when the average speed of the treatments
is controlled. Additionally, Daussin et al. [5] revealed that
interval training over several weeks’ results in greater gains
in cycling performance, metabolic, and cardiorespiratory
adaptation. However, any assumption interval training is
superior to constant rate training may be erroneous and
an artefact of the research design. Generally, the work (run
speed or cycle wattage) completed in a specific time frame
has been controlled in the experimental treatments to ensure
that comparisons in training adaptation are not biased by
differences in work of the training strategies. However, by
controlling work in the constant rate to interval training,
the sustainable constant rate speed/wattage is less than the
maximal sustainable speed (i.e., the constant rate training
is still “submaximal”). For example, in O’Brien et al.’s [4]
investigation, it was reported that interval running used more
oxygen than constant rate running; however, the participants
performed the constant rate run at a speed equivalent to
the interval running mean speed, estimated to be only
̇VO2 max, which was most likely below the lactate thresh-
old or the fastest speed able to be sustained continuously
by the runner. Consequently, equalising speed or work of
the interval or constant rate runs may mask the optimal
training strategy for athletes, and for all practical purposes,
The Scientific World Journal
matching maximal effort over a duration recommended to
improve cardiorespiratory fitness is more appropriate. The
ACSM currently recommends that 20 minutes of exercise is
required to improve cardiorespiratory fitness [6]. Therefore,
we aim to compare the total ̇VO2 of a maximal effort interval
run to a maximal effort constant rate run, matched for time,
20 minutes.
2. Methods
2.1. General Design of Study. This study is a quantitative
study with a crossover design where participants in ran-
dom sequence completed constant rate and interval training
treadmill running at their individual-perceived maximal
effort speed to investigate which strategy results in greater
pulmonary oxygen uptake per minute ( ̇VO2).
Participants. Ten
( ̇VO2 max 4158
390 mL⋅min−1) were tested through recruitment via the
university and personal contacts. The participants were aged
from 18 to 40 years old.
2.3. Experimental Protocol. Each participant included com-
peted two preliminary running tests and three experimental
runs which were compared.
Preliminary test 1: an initial maximal treadmill test
to establish
̇VO2 max and the speed at which it is
Preliminary test 2: a 5 km run time trial to estimate the
maximal constant-rate speed approximating lactate
Experimental test 1: a maximal effort interval tread-
mill run consisting of 5 × 2 minute intervals at the
speed corresponding to
̇VO2 max (s ̇VO2 max) during
the high periods and 5 × 2 minute intervals at 0.5
s ̇VO2 max.
Experimental test 2: a maximal effort constant rate
treadmill run at the highest velocity that could be
sustainable speed over 20 minutes (constant rate
approximating lactate threshold run). This was deter-
mined from the speed calculated from a 5 km time
trial performed on a public park.
Experimental test 3: a constant rate treadmill run at
a speed determined from the average speed of the
interval protocol used in Experimental test 1.
2.4. Experimental Procedure. The initial preliminary test of
̇VO2 max and its corresponding speed was conducted in an
exercise physiology laboratory. Prior to the
̇VO2 max test,
participants were fitted with a two-way breathing valve
(Hans Rudolph, USA), and expired air was collected into
an online metabolic system (Moxus, USA) to analyse
The metabolic system was calibrated before each test using
ambient air and gas of known composition. The ̇VO2 max test
commenced at 9 km⋅h−1at a gradient of 1%, and treadmill
speed was increased by 1 km⋅h−1 every 2 minutes until
volitional exhaustion. ̇VO2 max was determined as the highest
̇VO2 value recorded during the test. Within a
week of
̇VO2 max determination, the 5 km time trial test was
performed on flat terrain at a public park.
After the two preliminary tests, the participants com-
pleted the interval and the constant rate runs on the exercise
physiology laboratory treadmill on separate days in random
sequence. The experimental runs were preceded by a stan-
dardized 5-minute warm-up run on the treadmill at 60% of
̇VO2 max followed by 2-minute rest. To control the confound-
ing variables of diet, hydration, and fatigue, the participants
were asked to consume 8–10 g of carbohydrate per kg of body
weight, drink adequate fluid to maintain hydration, and sleep
a minimum of 7 hours the night prior to testing.
During all experimental treadmill runs, expired air was
collected for metabolic analysis as per the initial maximal test.
̇VO2 was recorded continuously in 30-second segments
during each 20-minute run to determine the average
To confirm if the runs were the highest sustainable perceived
effort for 20 minutes, each participant initially ran at the
speed determined from the preliminary tests. The constant-
rate run at lactate threshold was initially attempted by all
participants at the speed determined from the 5 km time
trial performed at the public park. The interval run on the
treadmill was initially attempted at the final treadmill speed
from the
̇VO2 max test, with the recovery periods set at 50%
of the final treadmill speed. If the participant completed the
20 minutes in either the interval or constant rate run at
lactate threshold, they undertook the run on another day at
a higher speed. If the participant could not complete the 20-
minute run, they ran on another day at a lower speed. The
increase or decrease in speed was subjectively determined
by the participant to their projected perception of what
they felt could be a maximal effort. Originally, we planned
to alter increments or decrements in speed by 0.2 km⋅h−1,
although it quickly became apparent that some individuals
felt 0.2 km⋅h−1 changes would be too “easy” or “not enough,”
so we decided it was more appropriate for the individual
to determine their own speed adjustments to establish a
maximal perceived effort. The number of runs to determine
a maximal effort was capped at three attempts for ethical and
time constraints. The fastest speed able to be sustained for 20
minutes by the participant was used in the statistical analysis.
The mean final treadmill speed from the initial ̇VO2 max test
was 16.1 km⋅h−1, and the mean final effort sustainable interval
speed was 16.3/8.15 km⋅h−1. The mean time of the 5 km time
was 14 km⋅h−1 although this was not tolerated well on the
laboratory treadmill by the majority of participants, with the
mean maximal effort speed being 13.4 km⋅h−1.
2.5. Statistical Analyses. Differences in average
̇VO2 and
mean distance covered between the three run protocols
were analysed using linear mixed models (LMMs), with
“type” as a fixed effect. Two error covariance structures were
tested—independence (zero covariance) and repeated mea-
sures structures (compound symmetry—constant covari-
ance between each pair of types). Models were compared
The Scientific World Journal
Table 1: Mean average
̇VO2 (mL⋅min−1),
̇VO2/ ̇VO2 max (%), and distance covered (metres) for the three treatments with 95% confidence
Submaximal constant rate
Constant rate at lactate threshold
Mean average ̇VO2
3451 (3269, 3633)†
3141 (2969, 3314)∗∧
3464 (3285, 3643)†
̇VO2/ ̇VO2max (%)
83 (79, 88)†
76 (72, 80)∗∧
84 (80, 89)†
Distance covered (metres)
4070 (3831, 4309)
4070 (3831, 4309)
4470 (4202, 4737)∗†
∗P < 0.05 versus respective value in the interval run.
†𝑃 < 0.05 versus respective value in submaximal constant rate run.
∧P < 0.05 versus respective value in constant rate at lactate threshold run.
using likelihood ratio tests, which confirmed the compound
symmetry structure. Paired 𝑡-tests with Bonferroni correc-
tion were conducted to determine the significance of pairwise
differences. Assumptions of normality and homogeneous
variance of errors were tested by graphical display and
analysis of residuals and found to be normally distributed.
Significance was assumed at the 5% level. All statistical
analyses were carried out using SPSS Version 19.
3. Results
The mean
̇VO2 of the three running protocols is presented in
Table 1.
The mean
̇VO2 and
̇VO2/ ̇VO2 max (%) were similar
between the interval and constant rate at lactate threshold
runs but were significantly greater in both maximal effort
runs compared to submaximal constant rate run. The dis-
tance covered during the constant rate at lactate threshold run
was significantly greater (𝑃 < 0.05) than the distance covered
during the maximal Interval and submaximal constant rate
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study is to elucidate whether constant-
rate running has the potential to equal or exceed the oxygen
uptake of maximal effort interval training by comparing the
̇VO2 between maximal interval and constant rate run efforts,
matched for duration of running, 20 minutes. The major
finding of this study is that interval running and constant-
rate running use similar amounts of oxygen when performed
at the maximal sustainable speed for an individual.
Both maximal interval and the constant rate at lactate
threshold run resulted in a significantly greater (𝑃 < 0.05)
̇VO2 consumption compared to the submaximal con-
stant rate run (3451 and 3434 versus 3141 mL⋅min−1). This
difference can be explained by the higher average relative
intensity of the exercise of the maximal interval and the
constant rate at lactate threshold runs compared to the
submaximal constant rate run (83% and 84% versus 76%
̇VO2/ ̇VO2 max (%)). The similar oxygen requirement of both
maximal running strategies challenges the assumption that
interval training is a superior form of training to maximal
effort constant rate training. Previous studies report interval
training results in greater total
̇VO2 of a workout compared
to constant-rate training [2, 4, 7, 8] and Daussin et al. [5]
clearly showed physiological adaptations were superior after
interval training. However, Billat et al. [2] and Demarie
et al. [7] used a very high intensity for the constant rate
run (approximately 92% of v ̇VO2 max) that did not allow
exercise to be sustained for a duration from (eight to ten
minutes) normally sustained in typical endurance athlete
training (at least 20 minutes). On the other hand, the studies
by O’Brien et al. [4] and Daussin et al. [5] performed the
constant rate run at a submaximal intensity (72% ̇VO2 max and
approximately at 60% ̇VO2 max, resp.) that does not drive ̇VO2
̇VO2 max. The significance of our finding is that when
matched for duration, constant rate approximating lactate
threshold training places similar aerobic “load” as maximal
interval training and therefore may be equally effective in
enhancing running performance. Future research is required
to compare a constant rate at lactate threshold training versus
maximal effort interval training performed over several
weeks to determine if any has a superior outcome on time
trial performance. Interestingly, the constant rate at lactate
threshold running resulted in a significantly greater distance
being covered than interval running (4470 versus 4070 m),
despite using similar amounts of oxygen. Consequently,
maximal effort constant-rate running is a more effective and
more economic strategy to cover a set distance in 20 minutes.
The most likely explanation of the greater oxygen use in
interval running is the excess postoxygen consumption that
accumulates after each of the 2 min high intensity efforts. The
excess post oxygen consumption is attributable to a number
of factors but most likely is consequential to greater need
for phosphate creatine restoration [9] and sodium/potassium
regulation associated with repeated high intensity efforts that
have a high anaerobic reliance [10].
4.1. Limitations. A limitation of this study was the determi-
nation of maximal effort that was capped at three attempts
for each of the interval and constant-rate at lactate threshold
runs. In the ideal experimental model, we would have
requested participants to report more frequently to the
laboratory to pinpoint maximal effort more precisely (i.e.,
any further increase in treadmill speed would lead to failure
to complete the 20-minute run). Our treadmills minimum
increment capability is 0.1 km⋅h−1. However for logistical
and ethical reasons, volunteers subjectively nominated the
treadmill running speed they perceived approximated their
personal maximal tolerable effort, with the knowledge the
third and final effort was the last opportunity to determine a
“maximal” effort. The initial speeds were based on the initial
speeds they ran at, which were based on the 5 km time trial
The Scientific World Journal
and final speed of the
̇VO2 max test. Unfortunately due to
technical malfunction, blood lactate concentration changes
during the incremental test to determine lactate threshold
could not be analysed, although we believe the best gauge of
maximal constant-rate effort is ultimately determined from
actual time trial performance. Hence, 5 km was chosen as
the time trial distance as it was estimated to be completed in
approximately 20 minutes. The mean time of the 5 km time
trial completed was 21 min and 24 seconds.
5. Conclusion
The primary aim of this paper is to contribute to the
knowledge of the most effective training regimens athletes
should embrace to optimise improvements in 5 km run per-
formance. It is acknowledged to address this question further
research needs to compare the effects of training strategies
over time. Our data indicates that constant-rate running at
lactate threshold should be considered worthy of inclusion
in investigations as it imposes an identical aerobic metabolic
load as interval running over the duration of a time-matched
training bout. Another interesting finding is that constant-
rate running at lactate threshold allows more distance to be
covered and is therefore a more economic training strategy if
covering distance is the goal.
5.1. Practical Applications
(i) The similar mean ̇VO2 between constant rate at lactate
threshold and interval runs indicates that both train-
ing strategies may be equally effective in stimulating
physiological adaptation and enhancing run perfor-
(ii) Constant rate at lactate threshold running will allow
athletes to cover 10% further distance in 20 minutes
compared to interval running.
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
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than intense but submaximal runs,” European Journal of Applied
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[3] T. Hale, “History of developments in sport and exercise phys-
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[4] B. J. O’Brien, J. Wibskov, W. L. Knez, C. D. Paton, and
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[5] F. N. Daussin, J. Zoll, S. P. Dufour et al., “Effect of interval versus
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[6] S. S. Morey, “ACSM revises guidelines for exercise to maintain
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[7] S. Demarie, J. P. Koralsztein, and V. Billat, “Time limit and time
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| Oxygen uptake in maximal effort constant rate and interval running. | 09-01-2013 | Pratt, Daniel,O'Brien, Brendan J,Clark, Bradley | eng |
PMC3989295 | The Positive Effects of Priming Exercise on Oxygen
Uptake Kinetics and High-Intensity Exercise Performance
Are Not Magnified by a Fast-Start Pacing Strategy in
Trained Cyclists
Renato Aparecido Correˆa Carita´, Camila Coelho Greco*, Benedito Se´rgio Denadai
Human Performance Laboratory, IB – UNESP, Rio Claro, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
The purpose of this study was to determine both the independent and additive effects of prior heavy-intensity exercise and
pacing strategies on the VO2 kinetics and performance during high-intensity exercise. Fourteen endurance cyclists (VO2max
= 62.868.5 mL.kg21.min21) volunteered to participate in the present study with the following protocols: 1) incremental test
to determine lactate threshold and VO2max; 2) four maximal constant-load tests to estimate critical power; 3) six bouts of
exercise, using a fast-start (FS), even-start (ES) or slow-start (SS) pacing strategy, with and without a preceding heavy-
intensity exercise session (i.e., 90% critical power). In all conditions, the subjects completed an all-out sprint during the final
60 s of the test as a measure of the performance. For the control condition, the mean response time was significantly
shorter (p,0.001) for FS (2764 s) than for ES (3265 s) and SS (3266 s). After the prior exercise, the mean response time
was not significantly different among the paced conditions (FS = 2465 s; ES = 2565 s; SS = 2665 s). The end-sprint
performance (i.e., mean power output) was only improved (,3.2%, p,0.01) by prior exercise. Thus, in trained endurance
cyclists, an FS pacing strategy does not magnify the positive effects of priming exercise on the overall VO2 kinetics and
short-term high-intensity performance.
Citation: Carita´ RAC, Greco CC, Denadai BS (2014) The Positive Effects of Priming Exercise on Oxygen Uptake Kinetics and High-Intensity Exercise Performance
Are Not Magnified by a Fast-Start Pacing Strategy in Trained Cyclists. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95202. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095202
Editor: Maria` Alemany, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Biology, Spain
Received February 11, 2014; Accepted March 24, 2014; Published April 16, 2014
Copyright: 2014 Carita´ et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This research was supported by grants from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnolo´gico and Fundac¸a˜o de Amparo a` Pesquisa do
Estado de Sa˜o Paulo. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]
Exercise intensity domains (i.e., moderate, heavy and severe) are
defined according to the blood lactate and oxygen uptake (VO2)
responses obtained during constant-work-rate exercise [1]. Critical
power (CP – the asymptote of the power-time relationship) is
considered the lower boundary of the severe-intensity domain [2].
Indeed, during constant-work-rate exercise performed within the
severe domain, the VO2 rises inexorably (as the slow component of
the VO2 kinetics increases) to the maximal oxygen uptake
(VO2max). Exercise tolerance within the severe domain can be
predicted and is defined by the curvature constant of the power–
time relationship (W9) [3]. Several lines of evidence indicate that
the interaction between VO2 kinetics, W’ and the attainment of
VO2max can contribute to exercise intolerance during exercise
performed in the severe-intensity domain [4]. Some interventions
(e.g., pacing, priming exercise and nitrate supplementation) that
are used to improve VO2 kinetics (i.e., t – the time taken to reach
63% of the increase in VO2 above baseline and/or the slow
component of VO2 kinetics) can reduce the W’ utilization during
the initial phase of exercise, improving performance [5] and
exercise tolerance [6] during severe-intensity exercise.
Pacing strategy (i.e., the pattern of the rate of energy
expenditure) has important effects on exercise tolerance [7] and
performance [5]. The self-selected pacing strategy adopted during
a time trial is controlled by a complex regulatory system, in which
integrated neural control regulates exercise intensity to prevent
homeostatic disturbances that might cause injury [8]. Factors such
as exercise modality, event duration and performance level can
influence the self-selected pacing strategy [9,10]. Some studies
have demonstrated that a fast-start pacing strategy has a positive
effect on performance during sports events of up to approximately
2–3 min in duration [11,12]; in these events, energy is provided by
both aerobic and anaerobic pathways [13]. In these conditions, the
VO2 kinetics is significantly faster, sparing W’ utilization during
the initial phase of exercise [5,7]. Interestingly, Jones et al. [7]
found that the percentage reduction in the mean response time of
VO2 was significantly correlated (r = 0.85, p,0.05) with the
percentage improvement in exercise tolerance when a fast start
was compared with an even-paced exercise.
Warm-up exercise has been extensively performed by athletes
before their participation in subsequent vigorous exercise. Indeed,
priming exercise performed at heavy or severe intensities domain
can improve exercise tolerance during severe-intensity exercise
(submaximal and perimaximal) [6,14]. These positive alterations
have been attributed, at least in part, to enhancement of the
overall VO2 kinetics [6,15]. Gerbino et al. [16] and MacDonald et
al. [17] demonstrated that prior heavy exercise accelerated the
April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e95202
monoexponential kinetics (i.e., mean response time) during a
second bout of heavy exercise performed 6 min after the first bout.
Later, studies using a more comprehensive model (two or three
components) to analyze VO2 kinetics [6,18] demonstrated that this
overall acceleration could be attributed to the increased amplitude
of the primary component and the reduced amplitude of the slow
component, with the time constant of the primary component (i.e.,
t) remaining unaffected. A similar response (i.e., increased
amplitude of the primary component and unchanged t) was
found for exercise that was performed at perimaximal intensities
(100%, 110% and 120% of VO2max) after prior heavy exercise
Thus, the interventions discussed above (i.e., priming exercise
and pacing) seem to have different effects on the VO2 kinetics
during severe-intensity exercise. The mechanism that underpins
these effects is unclear. However, it is possible that different factors
contribute to the VO2 response profile under these conditions
(pacing vs. priming exercise). Priming exercise seems to increase
blood flow, oxygenation, oxidative enzyme activity and electro-
myographic activity, thus accelerating the overall VO2 response to
severe exercise [15]. A positive pacing strategy, which causes a
higher initial rate of muscle ATP hydrolysis, can magnify the VO2
‘‘error signal’’, i.e., the difference between the instantaneous
supply and the required rates of oxidative phosphorylation [5].
The absolute rate at which VO2 increases after the onset of
exercise is a positive function of the ‘‘error signal’’ [19]; therefore,
a fast-start pacing strategy results in faster VO2 kinetics [5,7].
Given this scenario, it is possible that priming exercise can amplify
the positive effect of a fast-start pacing strategy on VO2 kinetics
and exercise tolerance/performance during high-intensity exer-
cise. However, the possible additive effects of priming exercise and
pacing strategy on these variables are unknown.
The purpose of this study was to determine the independent and
additive effects of prior heavy-intensity exercise and pacing
strategies on VO2 kinetics and performance during high-intensity
exercise. The following hypotheses were proposed: 1) A fast-start
pacing strategy would shorten the mean response time, and
increase peak power output and mean power output during short-
term high-intensity exercise; and 2) Priming exercise would
shorten the mean response time, and increase peak power output
and mean power output during short-term high-intensity exercise
irrespectively of the utilized pacing strategy.
Materials and Methods
Ethics statement
The present study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
Biosciences Institute – Rio Claro of Sa˜o Paulo State University,
and all subjects provided written informed consent prior to
participation. The study was performed in accordance with the
declaration of Helsinki.
Fourteen endurance cyclists (2665 years; 7169 kg; 17568 cm)
with at least 5 years of experience in the modality volunteered to
participate in the present study; these athletes were competing in
regional- to national-level meets. The subjects were familiar with
the laboratory testing procedures, as they were previously involved
in similar evaluations. The subjects were instructed to be fully
rested and hydrated at least 3 h postprandially when reporting to
the laboratory and to refrain from using caffeine-containing food
or beverages, drugs, alcohol, cigarette, or any form of nicotine
24 h before testing. Each subject was tested in a climate-controlled
(21–22uC) laboratory at the same time of day (62 h) to minimize
the effects of diurnal biological variation.
Experimental design
The subjects were required to visit the laboratory on 11 different
occasions, separated by at least 24 h, within a period of three
weeks. The first visit to the laboratory was to undergo an
incremental test to determine the lactate threshold, VO2max and
the power output at VO2max (PVO2max). On the following four
visits, the subjects underwent four constant-load tests (75%, 80%,
85% and 100% of PVO2max) to exhaustion, in random order, to
determine the parameters of the power-duration relationship (i.e.,
CP and W9). The CP model was used to estimate the workload
that would be expected to lead to exhaustion in 3 min (P3-min).
From the 6th to the 11th visit, the subjects performed three
different pacing strategies (fast start, even start, and slow start) with
and without a preceding heavy-intensity exercise session.
Incremental protocol
The incremental protocol was performed on a cycle ergometer
(Lode Excalibur Sport, Lode BC, Groningen, Netherlands) with
the subjects pedaling at a constant self-selected pedal rate (between
70 and 90 rpm). The chosen pedal rate along with saddle and
handle bar height and configuration was recorded and reproduced
in subsequent tests. The initial power output was 120 W for 3 min
and was then increased by 20 W every 3 min. Capillary blood
samples were collected within the final 20 s of each stage for the
determination of the blood lactate concentration ([La]). The [La]
were determined (YSI 2300, Yellow Springs, Ohio, USA)
immediately and the test was stopped when the [La] rose above
4 mM. Plots of [La] against the power output were provided by
two independent reviewers, who determined the lactate threshold
as the first sudden and sustained increase in blood lactate above
resting concentrations [20]. After a rest period of 30 min, the
participants performed a fast ramp test. The test began with an
initial 5 min of cycling at 25 W below their previously determined
lactate threshold, and the power was subsequently increased by
5 W every 12 s until voluntary exhaustion. The protocol was
terminated when a drop of more than 5 rpm of their self-selected
cadence occurred for more than 5 seconds despite strong verbal
encouragement. VO2max was defined as the highest average 15-s
VO2 value recorded during the incremental test. Pulmonary gas
exchange was measured continuously using a breath-by-breath
analyzer (Cosmed Quark PFTergo, Rome, Italy). Before each test,
the O2 and CO2 analysis systems were calibrated using ambient
air and a gas of known O2 and CO2 concentration according to
the manufacturer’s instructions, while the gas analyzer turbine
flowmeter was calibrated using a 3-L syringe. The heart rate was
also monitored throughout the tests (Polar, Kempele, Finland).
The PVO2max was defined as the power output at which
VO2max occurred. The work rate that would require 50%D (work
rate at the lactate threshold plus 50% of the difference between the
work rate at the lactate threshold and VO2max) was subsequently
Determination of the power–duration relationship
The exercise protocol began with a 10 min warm-up at lactate
threshold, followed by 5 min of rest prior to the commencement of
the exhaustive trial [21]. Thereafter, the subjects exercised for
3 min at 20 W followed by a constant-workload test (75%, 80%,
85% and 100% of PVO2max) to voluntary exhaustion or until the
subject could not maintain the required cadence (i.e., a cadence
,5 rpm of the preferred cadence) despite verbal encouragement
[21]. These tests were conducted at the same cadence as the
Priming Exercise, Pacing Strategy and Short-Term Performance
April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e95202
incremental test. During these testing sessions, the participants
were not informed of the imposed work rate, their performance
times or their heart rate. The exercise tolerance (tlim) was
measured to the nearest second. The three equivalents of the 2-
[P = (W9/tlim)+CP;
= W9/(P-CP);
W = CP?tlim+W9] were used to fit the data and estimate CP and
W9 [22] using an iterative nonlinear regression procedure
(Microcal Origin 7.5; Northampton, MA, USA) for each subject.
The CP and W9 estimates from the 3 equations were compared to
select the best fit using the model associated with the lowest
standard error for CP (SEE) [23,24].
Experimental sessions
The exercise protocol began with a 5 min warm-up at lactate
threshold, followed by 7 min of rest. Thereafter, the subjects
performed 3 min at 20 W before the experimental conditions. In
the even-start (ES) condition, the athletes performed 2 min of
constant-load exercise at P3-min, followed by a 1-min all-out
exercise period. In the fast-start (FS) condition, the first 90 s of
exercise was performed as the work rate was reduced linearly from
110% to 90% of P3-min, followed by a 1-min all-out exercise
period. In the slow-start (SS) condition, the first 90 s of exercise
was performed as the work rate was increased linearly from 90%
to 110% of P3-min, followed by a 1-min all-out exercise period.
The last 30 s of the FS and SS conditions was performed at P3-
min [5]. During the first 2 min of exercise, a hyperbolic mode was
used (fixed power), which was immediately changed to a linear
mode (power dependent on the cadence) during the all-out
exercise. These experimental conditions were performed in
random order with and without previous exercise (Figure 1).
1-min all-out exercise
Following the 2-min pacing exercises, the athletes performed
1 min of all-out exercise. They were required to reach the peak
power as quickly as possible and to exert maximal effort during the
whole test. Throughout the 1-min test, the athletes were given
verbal encouragement but were not informed of time elapsed. The
VO2 was measured breath-by-breath during the exercise, and the
data were reduced to 15-s stationary averages. The resistance to
pedaling was calculated using the preferred cadence obtained
during the incremental test and the workload corresponding to
1 min resis tan ce~50%D=preferred cadence2
The following performance data were obtained from the all-out
test: peak power output, time to peak power output and mean
power output.
Prior exercise
The prior exercise conditions involved participants performing
3 min of baseline cycling at 20 W, followed by a square-wave
transition to a work rate requiring 90% CP (i.e., heavy-intensity
exercise). At 6 min, the subjects were allowed to ‘‘spin down’’
against zero resistance for 1 min and then rested passively for
6 min before remounting the ergometer and pedaling for 3 min at
20 W. After this 3-min period, one of the three pacing conditions
was immediately imposed as described above. One minute before
and immediately after these exercise bouts, a fingertip capillary
blood sample was taken to determine the blood [La]. The subjects
repeated this process on separate days and in a randomized order
until all experimental trials were completed.
VO2 kinetics
The breath-by-breath data from each exercise test were filtered
manually to remove outlying breaths, which were defined as
breaths deviating by more than four standard deviations from the
preceding five breaths. The breath-by-breath data were subse-
quently linearly interpolated to provide second-by-second values
and aligned by time to the start of the exercise, and a nonlinear
least squares algorithm was used to fit the data thereafter. A single-
exponential model without a time delay and with a fitting window
commencing at t = 0 s (equivalent to the mean response time) was
used to characterize the kinetics of the overall VO2 response
during initial phase (i.e., 90 s) of the different pacing strategies for
all subjects. The following equation describes this model:
where VO2(t) represents the absolute VO2 at a given time t,
VO2baseline represents the mean VO2 measured over the final
60 s of baseline pedaling, and A and t represent the amplitude and
time constant, respectively, which describe the overall increase in
VO2 above the baseline. The oxygen deficit was also calculated for
the same time period (i.e., 90 s) by multiplying the mean response
time and the DVO2.
Statistical analysis
The data are reported as the means 6SD. The normality of
data was checked by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The data were
analyzed using two-way ANOVA (prior exercise vs. pacing
strategy), with Fisher’s LSD test where appropriate. For all
statistics, the significance level was set at p#0.05.
During the ramped incremental test, the subjects attained a
peak work rate (i.e., PVO2max) of 411645 W, a VO2max of
4.4360.47 L.min21, a peak [La] of 8.661.6 mM and a maximal
heart rate of 19368 bpm. The CP and the W9 were 283635 W
and 2266 kJ, respectively. The P3-min was calculated to be
407647 W. The goodness-of-fit of the power-time relationship
was R2 = 0.98. The SEE of the CP estimation was 7.066.6 W.
The parameters of the VO2 kinetics during the paced exercise
trials (FS, ES and SS) with and without prior exercise are
presented in table 1. The measurements of VO2 amplitude (i.e., A)
revealed a main effect of prior exercise (F = 37.95; p,0.001), but
no interaction was detected (F = 1.62; p = 0.212). Similarly, the
absolute VO2 (i.e., A+ VO2baseline) of the pacing exercises
revealed a main effect of prior exercise, but no interaction was
detected (F = 0.81; p = 0.452). The analysis of the O2 deficit values
revealed a significant interaction (F = 3.95; p = 0.028), indicating
that the effect from previous exercise occurred only for the ES and
SS conditions. Post hoc analyses revealed a significant reduction in
the O2 deficit only for the SS (p = 0.003) and ES (p,0.001)
conditions after prior exercise. The effect of the pacing strategy
was only significant when comparing SS with FS (p = 0.002) and
ES with FS (p,0.001) during the control condition. The analysis
of the mean response time values revealed a significant interaction
(F = 3.59; p = 0.037), indicating that the effect of previous exercise
occurred only for the ES and SS conditions. Post hoc analyses
revealed a significant reduction in mean response time for the SS
(p,0.001) and ES (p,0.001) conditions after prior exercise. The
effect of the pacing strategy was only significant when comparing
SS with FS (p,0.001) and ES with FS (p,0.001) in the control
condition. Figure 2 shows the VO2 responses during the paced
Priming Exercise, Pacing Strategy and Short-Term Performance
April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e95202
exercise trials (FS, ES and SS) with and without prior exercise in a
representative subject.
The VO2peak attained during the sprint for the FS, ES and SS
conditions was significantly lower than VO2max, both with
(FS = 4.1960.35, ES = 4.1460.33 and SS = 4.0360.32 L.min21;
F = 5.678,
p = 0.002)
(FS = 3.9060.32,
ES = 4.0160.30
SS = 3.9960.73 L.min21;
F = 5.678,
p = 0.002) a prior exercise session. The VO2peak attained during
the sprint for the FS, ES and SS conditions was unaffected by the
prior exercise and pacing strategies (p.0.05).
The parameters of exercise performance during the paced
exercise trials (FS, ES and SS) with and without prior exercise are
presented in table 2. The measurements of peak power output
revealed a main effect of prior exercise (F = 61.72; p,0.001), but
no interaction was detected (F = 2.28; p = 0.116). Similarly, the
measurements of mean power output revealed a main effect of
prior exercise (F = 6.54; p = 0.015), but no interaction was detected
(F = 0.14; p = 0.873). The analysis of the time to peak power
(F = 0.52;
p = 0.598), and no significant main effect of prior exercise
(F = 0.59; p = 0.447) and pacing strategy (F = 2.38; p = 0.106).
Figure 1. Study design for the six separate exercises conditions for a representative individual. Panels A, B and C - Paced exercises in the
control condition, using slow start, even start and fast start, respectively. Panels D, E and F - Paced exercise preceded by previous heavy exercise
(PHE), using slow start, even start and fast start, respectively.
Priming Exercise, Pacing Strategy and Short-Term Performance
April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e95202
Figure 3 shows the power output during the paced exercise trials
(FS, ES and SS) with and without prior exercise in a representative
The measurements of the [La] values before the paced exercises
revealed a main effect of prior exercise (F = 58.77; p,0.001), but
no interaction was detected (F = 0.01; p = 0.992). The mean [La]
values after prior exercise for the FS, ES and SS conditions were
1.8760.50, 1.7860.61 and 1.7360.74 mM, respectively. The
mean control [La] values for the FS, ES and SS conditions were
1.1460.41, 1.0160.18 and 0.9860.24 mM, respectively. The
analysis of the [La] values after the sprint revealed no significant
interaction (F = 2.00; p = 0.149), with no significant main effect of
prior exercise (F = 0.79; p = 0.381) and pacing strategy (F = 1.15;
p = 0.329). The mean [La] values after prior exercise for the FS,
10.162.32 mM, respectively. The mean control [La] values for
the FS, ES and SS conditions were 11.363.11, 9.4662.15 and
10.262.28 mM, respectively.
The purpose of this study was to determine the independent and
additive effects of prior heavy-intensity exercise and pacing
strategies on VO2 kinetics and performance during high-intensity
exercise. Similar to previous studies, we have demonstrated that
both priming exercise [6] and pacing strategies (i.e., FS) [5,7]
accelerated the overall VO2 kinetics (i.e., mean response time).
However, our study reveals, for the first time, that an FS pacing
strategy does not magnify the positive effects of prior heavy-
intensity exercise on the overall VO2 kinetics. Moreover, the
performance during high-intensity exercise (i.e., peak power
output and mean power output) was enhanced only by prior
heavy-intensity exercise. These data confirm and extend the
proposal that the changes (i.e., speeding/slowing) in the VO2
kinetics during the initial phase of different pacing strategies (FS,
ES and SS) are not necessarily associated with the changes in
performance during short-term high-intensity exercise [5].
Some studies have found that the overall VO2 kinetics is
accelerated by an FS pacing strategy when compared with ES and
SS strategies [5,7]. Factors such as exercise modality [5,11] and
aerobic performance level [6] do not appear to influence the
effects of the FS pacing strategy on the overall VO2 kinetics. Thus,
our data confirm that an FS pacing strategy can improve the
overall VO2 kinetics during high-intensity exercise in trained
endurance cyclists. Studies have shown a direct proportionality
between the products of PCr splitting and muscle or pulmonary
VO2 [19]. An FS pacing strategy requires a greater initial rate of
muscle ATP hydrolysis, resulting in a greater initial D [PCr]/D
time. Thus, a more rapid accumulation of the metabolites (ADP,
Pi and Ca2+) that stimulate oxidative phosphorylation would be
Figure 2. Oxygen uptake (VO2) responses during the pacing
exercise conditions in a representative subject. The horizontal
line superimposed on each panel indicates the subject’s VO2max. Panels
A, B and C - slow start, even start and fast start pacing conditions,
respectively. Grey circles and black circles - paced exercise trials, with
and without prior exercise, respectively. Notice that the VO2 response is
speeded using the fast start pacing strategy only in the control
condition. Thus, the fast start pacing strategy does not magnify the
positive effects of prior heavy-intensity exercise on overall VO2
Table 1. Parameters of the oxygen uptake (VO2) kinetics
during paced exercise trials (FS, ES and SS), with and without
prior exercise.
After heavy
VO2b (L.min21)
A (L.min21)
*F = 37.95
Absolute VO2 (L.min21)
*F = 12.86
p = 0.001
MRT (s)
{F = 3.59
P = 0.037
CI 95 (s)
O2 deficit (L)
{F = 3.95
0.27N 0.38N 0.40
P = 0.028
Data are the mean +SD. N = 14.
VO2b, baseline oxygen uptake; A, amplitude; Absolute VO2, VO2b+A; MRT, mean
response time; CI 95, 95% confidence interval for MRT estimation. FS, fast start;
ES, even start; SS, slow start.
*Main effect of previous exercise;
{Prior vs. pacing interaction;
`p,0.05 relative to the control condition;
Np,0.05 relative to the FS condition.
Priming Exercise, Pacing Strategy and Short-Term Performance
April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e95202
observed during an FS pacing strategy. Accordingly, Bailey et al.
[5] used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to verify that FS
strategies might be linked to increased muscle O2 extraction.
The classic experiments of Gerbino et al. [16] demonstrated
that prior heavy exercise accelerated the monoexponential kinetics
(i.e., mean response time) during a second bout of heavy exercise
performed 6 min after the first. Later, studies using different
experimental designs (e.g., intensities, durations of recovery time
and age group) [6,25] confirmed the seminal results obtained by
Gerbino et al. [16]. Our experimental results revealed that both
the mean response time and VO2 amplitude (the overall increase
in VO2 above the baseline) were modified by previous heavy
exercise. The increased VO2 amplitude during a second bout of
severe exercise has been considered important for exercise
tolerance/performance, because the slow component of the VO2
kinetics, the change in blood lactate concentration and the aerobic
contribution are positively modified during the second bout of
exercise. Central (increases in bulk O2 delivery) and peripheral
(convective O2 delivery and increased activity of mitochondrial
enzymes) factors are possible explanations for this altered VO2
response profile during the second bout of exercise [15].
To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to determine
the possible additive effects of priming exercise and pacing strategy
on VO2 kinetics during severe-intensity exercise. We have
demonstrated that previous heavy-intensity exercise accelerated
the overall VO2 kinetics only during SS and ES pacing strategies.
Moreover, there was no significant difference among the FS, ES
and SS preceded by previous heavy-intensity exercise. Thus, the
effects of priming exercise on VO2 kinetics during severe-intensity
exercise are dependent on pacing strategy. Moreover, these effects
do not appear to be magnified by an FS pacing strategy. Together,
these results suggest that previous exercise has great potential to
enhance the overall VO2 kinetics and that an FS pacing strategy
does not amplify its effects.
In the present study, we did not use a biexponential model to
characterize the VO2 kinetics because we were unable to repeat
each trial to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the VO2 responses
(see below). Thus, the parameters of the VO2 kinetics were not
characterized. However, the exercise intensity used during the
different pacing strategies was similar to PVO2max; therefore, the
VO2 slow component, that elevates the VO2 above the steady-
state value predicted from the sub-lactate threshold VO2-work rate
relationship [26], cannot be detected under these circumstances.
Thus, in line with other studies, the previous exercise may have
only enhanced the VO2 amplitude [15], while the pacing strategy
enhanced the time constant of the primary component of the VO2
response [5,7]. Nevertheless, previous heavy-intensity exercise
blunted the effects of the FS pacing strategy on the overall VO2
kinetics. Therefore, the alterations caused by previous exercise
(available O2, convective O2 delivery, activity of mitochondrial
enzymes and motor unit recruitment) appear to prevent the effects
of an FS pacing strategy on the VO2 response. In line with this
statement, Rossiter et al. [27] have found that prior high-intensity
exercise reduced the amplitude of the [PCr] response, with the
initial rate of [PCr] change (d[PCr]/dt) remaining unaffected
during a second bout of heavy exercise. These alterations are
suggestive of a reduced t[PCr] during primed exercise [27],
although the difference between conditions (i.e., control, 34 s vs.
primed exercise, 32 s) did not reach statistical significance.
Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the intramuscular
enzyme activity status (i.e., pyruvate dehydrogenase complex -
PDC), can allow a greater flux of acetyl groups into the
mitochondria for oxidation [28]. An increased activation of
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex might reduce both substrate-
level phosphorylation (i.e., glycolysis and the creatine kinase and
adenylate kinase reactions) [28] and the primary component time
Figure 3. Power output during the pacing exercise conditions
in a representative subject. Panels A, B and C - slow start, even start
and fast start pacing conditions, respectively. Grey lozenges and black
squares - paced exercise trials, with and without prior exercise,
respectively. Notice the effect of prior exercise on performance,
irrespectively of the pacing strategy used.
Table 2. Parameters of exercise performance during paced
exercise trials (FS, ES and SS), with and without prior exercise.
After heavy exercise
PP (W)
*F = 61.72
TPP (s)
*F = 6.54
p = 0.015
Data are the mean +SD. N = 14.
PP, peak power output; TPP, time to peak power output; MPO, mean power
output. FS, fast start; ES, even start; SS, slow start;
*Main effect of previous exercise.
Priming Exercise, Pacing Strategy and Short-Term Performance
April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e95202
constant [29]. Thus, these mechanisms (altered [PCr] kinetics
and/or increased PDC activity) might have blunted the effects of
an FS pacing strategy on the VO2 response (i.e., VO2 ‘‘error
signal’’). However, future studies, with appropriated experimental
design, should be conducted to confirm (or not) these hypotheses.
Previous heavy- or severe-intensity exercises have been shown to
improve exercise tolerance during both submaximal [6] and
perimaximal exercise [14]. This positive effect seems to be
influenced by an optimal interaction between prior exercise
intensity and recovery duration [6]. We have provided the first
demonstration that prior heavy-intensity exercise enhances per-
formance (peak power output and mean power output), and this
increase occurs independently of the chosen pacing strategy.
Improved exercise tolerance during submaximal intensity has been
observed when the amplitude of the slow component of the VO2
kinetics decreased and the overall VO2 kinetics were faster [6].
Indeed, we have observed that the overall VO2 kinetics was faster
and the VO2 amplitude increased (and thus the magnitude of the
O2 deficit was reduced) after heavy-intensity exercise. Thus,
previous heavy-intensity exercise can reduce the W9 utilization
during the initial phase of exercise, improving performance during
short-term high-intensity exercise.
It has been proposed that the mild lactic acidosis caused by
prior heavy exercise might increase oxygen delivery by stimulating
vasodilatation and a rightward shift in the oxyhaemoglobin
dissociation curve (i.e. the Bohr effect) [16]. Based on data
obtained in active subjects (VO2max,50 mL.kg21.min21), some
studies have suggested that a baseline blood lactate concentration
of ,3 mM results in an increased time to exhaustion during
subsequent high-intensity exercise [6,14]. Moderate-intensity prior
exercise, which did not alter the baseline blood lactate concen-
tration, does not enhance VO2 kinetics or exercise tolerance
during subsequent high-intensity exercise performed by active
subjects [16]. Similarly, Bailey et al. [6] have shown that the effect
of prior heavy exercise on VO2 kinetics is prevented when baseline
blood [lactate] recovers to ,2 mM. However, we have verified
that a baseline blood lactate concentration of ,1.8 mM has
enhanced both overall VO2 kinetics and short-term high-intensity
performance in trained endurance cyclists. The low blood lactate
concentration found 9 min after heavy intensity exercise can be
explained, at least in part, by increased rate of blood lactate
removal found in aerobic trained athletes [30]. Interestingly,
Burnley et al. [31] have found that moderate-intensity prior
exercise enhanced both primary VO2 amplitude and exercise
,58 mL.kg21.min21). Thus, in aerobic trained cyclists, it seems
that the presence of an elevated blood lactate concentration is not
a sine qua non condition for improving VO2 kinetics and short-term
high-intensity performance after prior exercise.
Some studies found that an FS pacing strategy can improve
exercise tolerance [7] and performance [5] during short-term
high-intensity exercise. In the present study, the pacing strategy
did not significantly influence the exercise performance, although
the overall VO2 kinetics was improved by the FS pacing strategy.
Some interventions (priming exercise and pacing) have shown
similar results [5,6], indicating that changes in the overall VO2
kinetics will not necessarily enhance exercise tolerance/perfor-
mance during subsequent high-intensity exercise. Interestingly,
Bailey et al. [5] reported that utilizing an FS pacing strategy with
active individuals (VO2max ,52 mL.kg21.min21) improved both
the overall VO2 kinetics and exercise performance during
subsequent high-intensity exercise. In the present study, we
analyzed trained endurance cyclists (VO2max = 62 mL.kg21.-
min21). Thus, differences in aerobic fitness might explain, at least
in part, these different results. Bailey et al. [5] proposed that the
attainment of VO2max during high-intensity exercise bouts, when
this is ordinarily not possible, is essential for improving exercise
performance. Given the finite speed of the VO2 response, the
exercise durations at the extreme domain [32] would be too short
to permit attainment of VO2max [21]. Thus, the attainment of
VO2max would allow a more complete depletion of W9 and
consequently allow better exercise performance [5]. Indeed, we
have verified that VO2max was not attained during the FS pacing
strategy. However, future studies using different experimental
designs should be conducted to test this relationship.
Because of the nature of the present experiments, certain
limitations of the study should be considered when interpreting its
findings. The determination of the VO2 response parameters in
the heavy- and severe-intensity domain using only one transition
can have potential limitations (i.e., low confidence in the response
parameters). Repeated bouts have traditionally been averaged to
improve the signal-to-noise ratio of data [33]. However, due to the
extremely demanding nature of the exercise testing and the
frequent laboratory visits (11), only one trial was conducted for
each experimental condition. Although we only measured one
transition, the signal-to-noise ratio of the data can be improved by
using higher VO2 amplitudes [33]. Therefore, higher VO2
amplitudes, as utilized in the present study, correspond to smaller
confidence intervals. Indeed, the 95% confidence interval for the
estimation of mean response time was ,3 s for all conditions
(Table 1).
In summary, we have demonstrated in trained endurance
cyclists that priming heavy-intensity exercise has a positive effect
on both overall VO2 kinetics and short-term high-intensity
performance. However, the FS pacing strategy only modified the
overall VO2 kinetics. This finding suggests that faster overall VO2
kinetics does not, per se, determine the performance (i.e., peak
power output and mean power output) during high-intensity
exercise. The FS pacing strategy does not magnify the positive
effects of prior heavy-intensity exercise on the overall VO2
kinetics. Thus, the modifications caused by priming exercise
preclude the effects of the FS pacing strategy on the overall VO2
kinetics. Finally, priming exercise seems to have greater potential
than FS pacing strategies to enhance both overall VO2 kinetics
and short-term high-intensity performance in trained endurance
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: CCG BSD. Performed the
experiments: RACC CCG. Analyzed the data: RACC CCG BSD.
Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: RACC CCG BSD. Wrote
the paper: RACC CCG BSD.
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Priming Exercise, Pacing Strategy and Short-Term Performance
April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e95202
| The positive effects of priming exercise on oxygen uptake kinetics and high-intensity exercise performance are not magnified by a fast-start pacing strategy in trained cyclists. | 04-16-2014 | Caritá, Renato Aparecido Corrêa,Greco, Camila Coelho,Denadai, Benedito Sérgio | eng |
PMC8863837 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981
Explaining the differences
of gait patterns between high
and low‑mileage runners
with machine learning
Datao Xu1, Wenjing Quan1,2,3, Huiyu Zhou1,4, Dong Sun1, Julien S. Baker5* & Yaodong Gu1*
Running gait patterns have implications for revealing the causes of injuries between higher‑mileage
runners and low‑mileage runners. However, there is limited research on the possible relationships
between running gait patterns and weekly running mileages. In recent years, machine learning
algorithms have been used for pattern recognition and classification of gait features to emphasize
the uniqueness of gait patterns. However, they all have a representative problem of being a black box
that often lacks the interpretability of the predicted results of the classifier. Therefore, this study was
conducted using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) model and Layer‑wise Relevance Propagation (LRP)
technology to investigate the differences in running gait patterns between higher‑mileage runners
and low‑mileage runners. It was found that the ankle and knee provide considerable information
to recognize gait features, especially in the sagittal and transverse planes. This may be the reason
why high‑mileage and low‑mileage runners have different injury patterns due to their different gait
patterns. The early stages of stance are very important in gait pattern recognition because the pattern
contains effective information related to gait. The findings of the study noted that LRP completes a
feasible interpretation of the predicted results of the model, thus providing more interesting insights
and more effective information for analyzing gait patterns.
With an increase of the number of recreational runners, the injuries caused by overuse running are increasing1,2.
The etiology of excessive use of running injuries is multifactorial, which may result from the interaction of many
factors of external uncertainties (e.g., weekly running days, weekly running mileages, running environment,
footwear) and internal risk (e.g., biomechanics factors, foot strike pattern, anatomic factors, age, gender)3. The
injury rate among recreational runners has been recorded as high as 29.4%, with overuse knee injuries (e.g.,
knee anterior pain and iliotibial band syndrome) being the most reported4. Previous studies have shown that
weekly running mileage is a major risk factor related to running injuries1,5, and there are significant differences
in injuries between higher-mileage runners (self-reported running more than 32 km per week) and low-mileage
runners (self-reported running less than 25 km per week)6. The higher-mileage weekly runners show higher rates
of hip and hamstring injuries7, while the low-mileage weekly runners show higher rates of knee injuries8. Gait
patterns are an important factor in decoding gait characteristics, which is related to revealing motor injuries and
gait recognition9,10. Therefore, running gait patterns have implications for understanding the causes of injuries
between higher-mileage runners and low-mileage runners. However, there is limited research on the possible
relationship between running gait patterns and weekly running mileages.
Biomechanical analysis of higher-mileage and low-mileage runners may be useful in order to better under-
stand the potential relationship between running mileage and specific types of injuries. However, current research
on the biomechanical performance of running gait of high-mileage and low-mileage runners mainly focuses
on kinematics. Boyer et al. used the principal component analysis found that there were recognizable differ-
ences in the kinematics of the sagittal and frontal planes of the ankle, the frontal plane of the knee, the frontal
and transverse plane of the hip in the stance phase between high-mileage and low-mileage runners11. Clermont
et al. then combined the methods of principal component analysis with support vector machines with kinematic
1Faculty of Sports Science, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China. 2Faculty of Engineering, University
of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary. 3Savaria Institute of Technology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,
Hungary. 4School of Health and Life Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow G72 0LH, Scotland,
UK. 5Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong 999077,
China. *email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
data to classify runners based on mileage, and found that the classification performance of gait kinematics of
high-mileage and low-mileage runners had high accuracy, which means there was high identifiability in the
gait kinematics between high-mileage and low-mileage runners12. However, the kinetics (joint moments) of
biomechanical parameters also play an important role in identifying damage patterns, especially in revealing
the stresses on the major joints13,14. Therefore, both kinematics and kinetics should be considered to improve
the recognition of gait patterns and reveal the pattern characteristics in a more detailed way when recognizing
the running gait patterns of high-mileage and low-mileage runners.
When analyzing variables related to gait patterns, the previous method mainly examines the influence of
single-time discrete gait variables. Previous methods have successfully addressed many important clinical and
scientific questions related to human gait, but there are some inherent limitations. For example, when discrete
variables are extracted from time-series variables, a large amount of data is lost 10. In addition, a single pre-
selected gait variable may miss potentially meaningful information represented by other unselected variables
and correlated variables. Therefore, given the shortcomings of traditional methods, machine learning techniques
(such as hierarchical clustering analysis, support vector machines, artificial neural networks, etc.) and multivari-
able statistical analysis have been used to examine and analyze human motion based on time-series gait patterns
in recent years9,12,15–17. The progressive development of advanced motion capture equipment makes it possible
to collect a large amount of clinical biomechanics data, which results in the increasing application of machine
learning in clinical biomechanics16,18,19. For example, artificial neural networks and support vector machines are
used for pattern recognition and classification of gait features to emphasize the uniqueness of gait patterns9,10,12.
Machine learning approaches can be very successful in solving many clinical biomechanical problems related
to classification systems and providing new insights from complex model systems. However, they all have the
same problem of being a black box that doesn’t provide any information about what makes the decisions20,21.
In other words, these models often lack the interpretability of the predicted results of the classifier22. The main
reason for this lack of interpretability is the nonlinearity of various mappings that process the original data set
(such as gait patterns) to their characteristic representation and then to the classifier function. In gait pattern
recognition, this prevents experts in the relevant fields from carefully verifying classification decisions, because
simple answers of "yes" or "no" sometimes have little or limited value. Therefore, Layer-wise Relevance Propaga-
tion (LRP) technology is proposed to solve the problem of lack of interpretability22. LRP is a technology used to
identify important relevance (that is, by measuring the contribution of each input variable to the overall predict
outcomes) through backward propagation in neural networks22,23. LRP has been successfully applied to classifica-
tion recognition tasks in many scenarios, such as text, image, and even gait pattern recognition9,10,24. Therefore,
the application of LPR in running gait pattern recognition can improve the overall transparency of the classifier
and make the classification results interpretable, thus providing reliable clinical biomechanical diagnostic results.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in running gait patterns between
higher-mileage runners and low-mileage runners. Specifically, the aim of this study was: (1) To train a deep
neural network (DNN) model by using the kinematics and kinetics data of runners with different weekly running
mileages as input variables to classify and recognize the gait characteristics of runners with higher-mileage and
low-mileage runners. (2) To evaluate the classifier performance of DNN classification models based on different
input variables (separate kinematic inputs; separate kinetic inputs; kinematic and kinetic inputs together). (3) To
identify the relevance of relevant variables and time points between higher-mileage and low-mileage runners by
using LRP technology. (4) To explore LRP as a method for data reduction and explain the classification decision
of the DNN classifier model based on the high relevant variables.
Performance of deep neural network classification models.
For the matrices M , 75 TP, 5 FN, 77
TN and 3 FP were obtained by DNN classifier. For the matrices Mkinematics , 75 TP, 5 FN, 69 TN and 11 FP were
obtained by DNN classifier. For the matrices Mkinetics , 70 TP, 10 FN, 77 TN and 3 FP were obtained by DNN
classifier. All classification performance parameters are presented in Fig. 1. For the classifier of the DNN models
based on the matrices M (Fig. 1A), the model showed the higher accuracy rate (accuracy rate: 95%) than the
matrices Mkinematics (accuracy rate: 90.00%) and matrices Mkinetics (accuracy rate: 91.88%). In general, the clas-
sifier of the DNN models based on the matrices M presented a perfect accuracy rate, specificity rate, as well as
precision rate compared to separate matrices Mkinematics and Mkinetics . At the same time, the classifier of the DNN
models based on the matrices M showed the higher F1 − score (0.9494) and MCC (0.9003) than the matrices
Mkinematics and matrices Mkinetics (Fig. 1C). Overall, the classifier performance based on the matrices M achieved
an F1 − score and MCC score of very strong relationships.
The ROC curves are showed in Fig. 1, the ROC curves of the classifier of the DNN models based on the
matrices M (Fig. 1A) presented a good classification performance during the overall area. However, the ROC
curves based on the matrices Mkinematics (Fig. 1B) show the worse classification performance during the about
(0FPR−0.1FPR) ∗ (0.4FPR−1FPR) area, and the matrices Mkinetics (Fig. 1C) show the worse classification perfor-
mance during the about (0FPR−0.7FPR) ∗ (0.9FPR−1FPR) area. The classifier of the DNN models based on the
matrices M show the higher AUC (0.9427) than the matrices Mkinematics (AUC: 0.8981) and matrices Mkinetics
(AUC: 0.9097). Overall, the classifier of the DNN models based on the matrices M has a good performance from
the perspective of overall indicators.
Results of LPR.
The relative contribution of variables during the overall stance phase are showed in Fig. 2A,
the variables recorded at every 1% of the stance interval are related to successfully matching the stride pat-
tern between the higher-mileage runners and lower-mileage runners. The contribution of variables during the
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
1%-47% stance phase (contribution: 52.54%) was higher than the contribution of variables during the 48%-100%
stance phase (contribution: 47.46%) to the successful classification.
The summed contribution of the relevance score of each joint (ankle, knee, hip) of each plane (sagittal,
frontal, transverse) of kinematics (joint angle) and kinetics (joint moment) trajectories are showed in Fig. 2C.
The summed contribution rate of the relevance score of the ankle, knee, hip was 43.16%, 35.98%, 20.86%,
respectively. The summed contribution rate of the relevance score of the sagittal, frontal, transverse was 39.90%,
32.24%, 27.86%, respectively. The most relevant trajectory variables were the ankle dorsiflexion-plantarflexion
angle (9.69%), the knee internal–external rotation angle (9.59%), the ankle dorsiflexion-plantarflexion moment
(9.37%), and the knee flexion–extension moment (9.39%). Secondly, the relevant trajectory variables were the
knee flexion–extension angle (7.19%), the hip abduction–adduction angle (8.64%), and the ankle inversion-
eversion moment (7.93%). However, there was little relevance score in the variables of knee abduction–adduc-
tion angle (1.93%), hip flexion–extension angle (1.90%), hip internal–external rotation angle (1.85%), ankle
internal–external rotation moment (2.99%), knee abduction–adduction moment (1.70%), hip flexion–extension
moment (2.36%), hip internal–external rotation moment (1.18%).
The detailed distribution of relevance score during each joint (ankle, knee, hip) of each plane (sagittal, frontal,
transverse) of kinematics (joint angle) and kinetics (joint moment) are showed in Fig. 2B. There were revealing
Figure 1. The classifier of the DNN models based on the matrices M , Mkinematics , Mkinetics . (A) The classifier
of the DNN models based on the matrices M . (B) The classifier of the DNN models based on the matrices
Mkinematics . (C) The classifier of the DNN models based on the matrices Mkinetics . ROC: Receiver Operating
Characteristic; AUC: Area Under the ROC Curve; MCC: Matthews Correlation Coefficient; TPR: True Positive
Rate; FPR: False Positive Rate.
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
findings contributing to distribution of the variables on time points between the higher-mileage runners and
lower-mileage runners during the overground running movement patterns.
Notable highly relevant variables (the top 200 variables with the highest correlation relevance, all of them
had a relevance score of over 0.7) during the stance are showed in Fig. 3. For the kinematics of the ankle, there
was high relevance score in dorsiflexion-plantarflexion angle during the 1%–18%, 47%–51%, 88%–95% stance
phase; in inversion-eversion angle during the 69%–72%, 98%–99% stance phase; in internal–external rotation
Figure 2. The LPR results in the average absolute relevance score of every variable in a stride pattern. (A) The
relative contribution of variables during the overall stance phase (0%–100%). (B) The detailed distribution of
relevance score during each joint (ankle, knee, hip) of each plane (sagittal, frontal, transverse) of kinematics
(joint angle) and kinetics (joint moment). The darker colors mean high relevance variables, the lighter colors
mean low relevance variables. The model relied more on darker color variables; the lighter colors variables had
less relevance with correctly classified gait patterns. (C) The summed contribution of the relevance score of each
joint (ankle, knee, hip) of each plane (sagittal, frontal, transverse) of kinematics (joint angle) and kinetics (joint
moment) trajectories.
Figure 3. Notable highly relevant variable during each joint (ankle, knee, hip) of each plane (sagittal, frontal,
transverse) of kinematics (joint angle) and kinetics (joint moment). The top 200 variables with the highest
correlation relevance, all of them had a relevance score of over 0.7.
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
angle during the 19%–34% stance phase. For the kinematics of the knee, there was high relevance score in
flexion–extension angle during the 3%-21% stance phase; in internal–external rotation angle during the 6%,
11%–34%, 37%–41%, 81%–88% stance phase. For the kinematics of the hip, there was high relevance score in
abduction–adduction angle during the 10%–14%, 68%, 77%–83% stance phase.
For the kinetics of the ankle, there was high relevance score in the dorsiflexion-plantarflexion moment during
the 2%–4%, 9%–11%, 13%–21%, 28%–34%, 95%–97% stance phase; in the inversion-eversion moment during
the 32%–35% stance phase. For the kinetics of the knee, there was high relevance score in the flexion–extension
moment during the 3%–11%, 14%–33%, 69%–70% stance phase; in internal–external rotation moment during
the 26%–34% stance phase. For the kinetics of the hip, there was high relevance score in the abduction–adduc-
tion moment during the 37%–44% stance phase.
This study aimed to investigate the differences in running gait patterns between higher-mileage runners and low-
mileage runners. The objectives were to firstly train the DNN model by using the running gait kinematics (joint
angle) and kinetics (joint moment) dataset as input variables to classify and recognize the gait characteristics
of runners with higher-mileage and low-mileage runners. Secondly, to evaluate the classifier performance of
DNN classification models based on different input variables (separate kinematic inputs; separate kinetic inputs;
kinematic and kinetic inputs together). Finally, to use LRP to identify the relevance of relevant variables and
time points between higher-mileage and low-mileage runners, and explain the classification decision of DNN
classifier model based on those high relevant variables.
According to our research results, higher-mileage and low-mileage runners have discernable differences in
gait characteristics, independently in relation to the perspective of kinematics or kinetics variables. When the
classifier of the DNN models is only based on the kinematics as the input variables, the model shows good clas-
sification performance (Fig. 1A: accuracy rate is 90.00%). This supports previous findings of Clermont et al., who
successfully classified higher- and low-mileage runners with 92.59% accuracy, showing that there are discernible
differences in running gait kinematics between higher-mileage and low-mileage runners12. At the same time,
when the classifier of the DNN models is only based on the kinetics as the input variables, the model accuracy
rate is 91.88%, but when combining kinematics and kinetics as input variables, the model accuracy rate reaches
95%. In our study, the F1−score and MCC were used to evaluate the performance of the classifier, which can
provide a good evaluation of the performance of the classifier34,35. In our results, the classifier of combining
kinematics and kinetics as input variables obtained a higher F1−score (0.9494) and MCC (0.9003), as well as a
higher AUC (0.9427). These results show that running gait kinetics data can increase the pattern recognition
rate of gait characteristics between higher-mileage and low-mileage runners, at least in terms of classifier model
performance. Therefore, the relevant research should consider the combination of kinematics and kinetics data
sets rather than only simply kinematics when analyzing gait characteristics, if it is possible. It can provide more
effective gait pattern information for the field of medical biomechanics. Of course, compared to only collecting
kinematics data, both collecting kinematics and kinetics increase the difficulty of collection, especially in the
absence of relevant equipment.
In the research of gait pattern recognition, it is often necessary to record a large amount of data in order
to better recognize gait patterns36, which makes it difficult to complete an accurate interpretation of gait pat-
tern recognition results with few variables as possible. In this study, the variables were imported into the DNN
model for training, and then the relevance score of each variable’s contribution to the gait pattern recognition
results was obtained through LRP. The results of gait pattern recognition can be accurately interpreted by using
highly correlated variables, which undoubtedly provides more important and effective information for gait pat-
tern recognition. As shown in Fig. 2, not all variables contribute significantly to identifying the gait patterns of
higher-mileage and low-mileage runners. The contribution of variables during the 1%–47% stance phase was
higher than the contribution of variables during the 48%–100% stance phase to the successful recognize gait
pattern (as shown in Fig. 2A). In other words, the early stage of the stance phase covers the interpretability of
higher-mileage and low-mileage runners in gait pattern recognition. Horst et al. found that the most significant
individual gait characteristics appeared in the early stage of the stance phase when they analyzed individual gait
patterns in barefoot walking using LRP10. At the same time, Hoitz et al. found that the early stage of stance phase
(1%–30%) has a more significant contribution to gait pattern recognition than the late stage of the stance phase9.
The differences in foot strike patterns (from rearfoot strikes to forefoot strikes) are more readily observed in the
early stages of stance37. These results seem to suggest that the early stages of stance may play a more important
and meaningful role in identifying gait patterns. It also provides insights for other researchers who should focus
on the early stages of stance when investigating gait patterns, at least for now the evidence suggests that early
stages of stance contain more meaningful information about gait patterns.
In addition to showing a more significant contribution during the early stages of stance, the summed contribu-
tion of the relevance score of each joint of each plane of kinematics and kinetics trajectories are also inconsistent.
As shown in Fig. 2C, our results show that the most relevant trajectory variables were the ankle dorsiflexion-
plantarflexion angle, the knee internal–external rotation angle, the ankle dorsiflexion-plantarflexion moment,
and the knee flexion–extension moment. The sagittal plane of the ankle and knee plays an important role in
recognition gait patterns between high-milage and low-milage runners, which also confirms previous findings
that the sagittal plane should be considered11. The hip appears to play a small role in identifying the gait patterns
of higher-mileage and low-mileage runners, no matter from the perspective of kinematics or kinetics. However,
when the top 200 variables with the highest correlation relevance score (as shown in Fig. 3, all of them had a
relevance score of over 0.7) were extracted9, the high relevance score was shown in the abduction–adduction
angle (moment) during the 10%–14%, 68%, 77%–83% (37%–44%) stance phase. Previous studies have shown
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
that high-mileage runners exhibit larger hip adduction and have a higher risk of hip injury compared to low-
mileage runners7,11. Therefore, it is permissible to use the gait characteristic of the hip frontal plane to identify
gait patterns in higher-mileage and low-mileage runners, which can provide more information about injuries and
individual characteristics. At the same time, the ankle and knee provide considerable information to recognize
gait features, especially in the sagittal and transverse planes. It also suggests that runners adjust their gait pat-
terns during the running gait stance phase, leading to more flexion of the knee and more valgus of the foot12,38.
Therefore, the high-mileage runners show higher rates of hip and hamstring injuries and low-mileage runners
show higher rates of knee injuries may be due to their different gait patterns.
In general, LRP completes a feasible interpretation of the predicted results of the model, thus providing more
interesting insights and more effective information for analyzing gait patterns. The relevance score results of LRP
output enable machine learning algorithms (such as artificial neural networks) to predict and analyze multiple
variables of the gait cycle from different time points. Compared with traditional gait analysis methods (based
on a single pre-selected variable), machine learning algorithms in the field of medical biomechanics seem to
be better able to correlate human movement with related injuries and diseases in multiple dimensions16,39. At
the same time, the explainable relevance score results of gait pattern recognition show that the variables related
to a particular gait pattern recognition are not confined to a single gait feature, nor are they evenly distributed
across all gait features. In summary, the results of LRP demonstrate its applicability to the understanding and
interpretation of machine learning prediction results in clinical (biomechanical) gait analysis. In other words,
the application of machine learning in gait analysis combined with LRP is well worth considering by research-
ers, which also provides some references for future clinical (biomechanical) analysis and diagnostic research.
The current study has some limitations. First of all, only male runners were included in this study, so the
results of this study apply only to male runners. In the future, female runners can be combined to explore the
differences in gait patterns among different mileage runners. Secondly, the current study used uniform runners’
running speeds (3.3 m/s ± 10%) to minimize the biomechanical differences due to different running speeds40.
Because of the differences in training levels and running habits between high-mileage and low-mileage runners,
there may be a small number of runners not showing the most realistic gait pattern. In general, however, the
subjects were given enough time to familiarize themselves to the uniform speed prior to formal experimental
data collection, which compensated for any possible errors outlined.
Considering the combination of kinematics and kinetics data sets rather than only simply kinematics when
analyzing gait characteristics can increase the pattern recognition rate of gait characteristics between higher-
mileage and low-mileage runners, as well as providing more effective and efficient gait pattern information. The
ankle and knee provide considerable information that can help recognize gait features, especially in the sagittal
and transverse planes. This may be the reason why high-mileage and low-mileage runners have different injury
patterns due to their different gait patterns. The early stages of the stance are also very important in the term
of gait pattern recognition because it contains more effective information about gait patterns. LRP completes a
feasible interpretation of the predicted results of the model, thus providing more interesting insights and more
effective information for analyzing gait patterns. Thus, researchers should consider combining LRP when they
apply machine learning in gait analysis.
This study recruited 80 male healthy runners: 40 higher-mileage runners (age: 35.51 ± 10.32
y, height: 172.30 ± 8.13 cm, body mass: 65.33 ± 7.46 kg, running experience: 8.56 ± 7.74, weekly mile-
age: 44.31 ± 13.67 km), 40 lower-mileage runners (age: 33.90 ± 9.74 y, height: 173.40 ± 6.96 cm, body mass:
68.58 ± 8.20 kg, running experience: 4.71 ± 3.19, weekly mileage: 15.28 ± 5.30 km). The criteria for inclusion were
no serious lower extremity musculoskeletal injury, no history of major lower extremity surgery, or any other
injury factors that might interfere with the study in the previous 6 months. According to previous studies11,12,
“lower-mileage” runners were defined as those who self-reported running less than 25 km per week, while
“higher-mileage” runners were defined as those who ran more than 32 km per week. Participants were informed
of the purpose, requirements, and procedures of the experiment. This study was performed in accordance with
the Declaration of Helsinki, the study protocol was approved (Approval Number: RAGH20210326) by the Eth-
ics Committee of Ningbo University, and the written informed consent was provided and signed by all subjects.
Experimental protocol and procedures.
The experiment was conducted in the biomechanics labora-
tory at the Research Academy of Grand Health, Ningbo University. Three-dimensional lower limb joint kinemat-
ics data were collected at 200 Hz using a Vicon (Vicon Metrics Ltd., United Kingdom) motion capture system
(eight Infrared cameras). In an identical time frame, the ground reaction force (GRF) data were synchronously
collected using a 1000 Hz in-ground AMTI force plate (AMTI, Watertown, United States). Vicon motion capture
system and AMTI force plate are connected through Vicon Nexus 1.8.6 software to achieve the synchronous
collection. This study selected the right leg as the analytical limb, so the 12.5 mm diameter standard reflective
marker was attached to the pelvis and right lower limb25: right anterior superior iliac spine, left anterior superior
iliac spine, right posterior superior iliac spine, left posterior superior iliac spine, right medial condyle, right
lateral condyle, right medial malleolus, right lateral malleolus, right first metatarsal head, right fifth metatarsal
head, right distal interphalangeal joint of the second toe. At the same time, three tracking clusters were labeled
on the right middle and lateral thigh, right middle and lateral shank, right heel. A stadiometer and a calibrated
scale were used to measure the subject’s body mass and height respectively.
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
All subjects were asked to wear leggings and tights and uniform standard running shoes (Anta Flashedge,
China). All runners were heel strikers. Prior to the formal experiment, subjects warmed up by jogging for 10 min
in the laboratory environment at a self-selected speed. Following warm up, they then familiarized themselves
with the experiment process and conducted preliminary experimental data collection. The infrared timers were
placed on either side of the 20-m track to measure the participants’ running speed (specific location: 4-m behind/
in front of the force plate). The subjects were asked to run naturally across the track at a speed of 3.3 ± 10%
meters per second and land with their right foot on the force plate in a natural unconsciousness way26. The test
was considered valid when the subject was observed and measured to run at the correct speed and in a natural
manner. A total of 10 recordings of valid data were collected for each subject.
Data collection and processing
Based on the study of Xu et al.27, the initial contact force point was determined as the vertical GRF greater than
10 N. The stance phase was defined as the force plate from the initial contact force point to the right lower limb
leaving the force plate (force value to zero). The whole data set was preprocessed using Vicon Nexus 1.8.6 soft-
ware. Firstly, the data of the reflective marker trajectory coordinates and the GRF data are exported from Vicon
Nexus into C3D format file, and then the C3D format file is imported into Visual 3-D software (version 6.7.3,
C-Motion Inc., Germantown, United States) for modeling and further processing. According to Winter’s study
in relation to the filter selected frequency, the most appropriate signal-to-noise ratio was selected by carrying
out residual analysis of the data of subsets28. Finally, fourth-order zero-phase lag Butterworth low-pass filters
were selected to filter the data (Filter frequency, kinematics data: 10 Hz, kinetic data: 20 Hz). The pelvis model
was developed according to the CODA model, and the hip joint center location was defined by regression Eqs. 29.
The right hip joint center (RHJC) according to Eq. (1) and left hip joint center (LHJC) according to Eq. (2) was
identified by the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS):
The center position of each segment was determined by the coordinates of the reflective markers, and then
the joint angles of each segment were calculated. Finally, the joint kinetics (joint moment) was calculated by the
inverse kinetics algorithm in Visual 3-D software. All joint kinematics and joint kinetics data were then imported
into MATLAB R2019a (Visual R2019a, MathWorks, United States) to process further. For each joint (ankle,
knee, hip) of each plane (sagittal, frontal, transverse) of kinematics (joint angle) and kinetics (joint moment)
data, all were extracted to expand into 100 data point curves by custom MATLAB script. Finally, two matrices
can be obtained:
Data analysis
Neural networks are widely parallel networks of adaptive simple units whose organization can simulate the
interactions of biological nervous systems to real-world objects30. Neural networks with more than two hid-
den layers are defined as deep neural networks, and deep neural network (DNN) is generally considered to
improve the accuracy of the whole model31. The application of the DNN model in this study was mainly biased
to improve the accuracy of the model, so a DNN model with ten hidden layers was designed under the condition
of repeated model training and adjustment according to the actual data. The matrices Mkinematics , Mkinetics , and
M = Mkinematics + Mkinetics was conducted using Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) respectively. Firstly,
a deep neural network (DNN) was established that included one input layer, ten hidden layers, and one output
layers, and the per layer nodes were determined by the input data shape32. Therefore, for the dataset Mkinematics
and Mkinetics , the nodes of the input layer, hidden layers, and output layer were 900, 1800, and 2. For the dataset
M , the nodes of the input layer, hidden layers, and output layer were 1800, 3600, and 2. As shown in Fig. 4A, the
layers of the neural network are fully connected, which means the neuron of the n-th layers must be connected
to the neuron of the (n + 1) -t h layer. A linear relation function and an activation function were used to calculate
the new values between layers, and the linear relationship function of the model constructed in this study was
The wi is the connection weight of the i-th neuron, and the xi is the input from the i-th neuron. The hidden
layer activation function was used the hyperbolic tangent function
The batch size was set 25, and the epoch limit was set 3000. At the same time, the data of the higher-mileage
runner was set at positive class, and the data of the lower-mileage runner was set to negative class. Before the
RHJC = (0.36 ∗ ASISDistance, −0.19 ∗ ASISDistance, −0.3 ∗ ASIS_Distance)
LHJC = (−0.36 ∗ ASISDistance, −0.19 ∗ ASISDistance, −0.3 ∗ ASIS_Distance)
Mkinematics = 800
80 subjects ∗ 10 trials
∗ 900
3 joint ∗ 3 plane ∗ 100 data points
Mkinetics = 800
80 subjects ∗ 10 trials
∗ 900
3 joint ∗ 3plane ∗ 100 data points
z =
wixi + b
gx = ex − e−x
ex + e−x
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
data training, the 10 data sets of successful trials for each subject were taken as a whole, and then randomly
extracted the data sets of 32 higher-mileage and 32 lower-mileage runners as training sets (a total of 640 sample
data sets), the remaining data sets of 8 higher-mileage and 8 lower-mileage runners as test sets (a total of 160
sample data sets). Following DNN training, the relevance score was calculated by the LRP, and the performance
of the classifier was evaluated by the accuracy achieved and other parameters.
Layer‑wise relevance propagation.
Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) is technology used to
identify important relevance through backward propagation in neural networks. Backward propagation is a
conservative relevance redistribution process in which the neurons that contribute the most to the upper layer
receive the most relevance from the upper layer. In general, LRP aims to narrow the gap between the classifica-
tion and interpretability of multi-layer neural networks on nonlinear cores22,23.
The overall idea is to understand the contribution of a single feature of dataset x to the prediction f (x) made
by the classifier f in pattern recognition and classification tasks. That is, the positive or negative contribution of
each feature to the classification result for dataset x can be calculated, and the degree of such contribution can
be accurately measured to a certain extent (The contribution of each input feature x(d) to a particular predic-
tion f (x) . In the setting of the classifier is a mapping f : Rv → R1 , f (x) > 0 indicates the existence of a learning
structure. The constraint of classification is to find the differential contribution relative to the most uncertain
state of the classification, which is then represented by the root point f (x0) = 0 . By factoring the prediction f (x)
into the sum of the individual input feature x(d):
In the classifier, whether for nonlinear support vector machines or neural networks, the first layer is the input
features, and the last layer is the predicted output of the classifier. Meanwhile, each layer is part of the features
extracted from the dataset x after running the classification algorithm. The l-th layer is modeled as a vector
z =
d=1 with dimensionality V(l) . LRP has a relevance score R(l+1)
for each dimension z(l+1)
of vector z
f (x) =
Figure 4. (A) A description of the neurons and weight connections of the DNN by the interpretation of the
different variables and indices from multilayers. Left is the process of establishing f (x) by forward pass of DNN.
Right is the process of calculating relevance score R(1)
d by LRP back pass. On the upper right side is the algorithm
summary about the complete LRP procedure for DNN. (B) A description of the confusion matrix of binary
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
at layer l + 1 . A relevance score R(l)
d is found in each dimension zl
d of vector z near the next layer l of the input
layer, as shown in the following formula:
The inter-hierarchical relevance is represented by the message Rl,l+1
i←j between neuron i and j , and these mes-
sages can be sent along with each connection. As shown in Fig. 4A, the output f (x) is then passed from one
neuron to the next by backward propagation. The relevance of neurons is defined as the sum of incoming mes-
sages, then the sum runs over the sinks at layer l + 1 for a fixed neuron i at a layer l.
The Input of the next neuron in the direction defined during classification, then the sum runs over the sources
at layer l for a fixed neuron k at layer l + 1 . In general, this can be expressed as:
The relevance of each layer is calculated by backward propagation: the relevance R(l)
i is expressed as a func-
tion of the upper relevance R(l+1)
, and back propagates the relevance until the input feature is reached. As
shown in Fig. 4A, through the relevance of the neuron R(l+1)
to the classification decision f (x) , the relevance is
then decomposed according to the message Ri←j sent to the upper layer of neurons. Holding the conservation
For the linear network f (x) =
zij , the relevance is Rj = f (x) , and the decomposition directly by Ri←j = zij .
Through hyperbolic tangent function and rectification function two monotone increasing functions, the pre-
activation function zij provides a reasonable way to measure the relative contribution of xi to Rj for each neuron.
Based on the proportion of local pre-activation and global pre-activation, the selection of association decomposi-
tion is obtained:
The relevance Ri←j are shown in:
Multiplier accounts represent the relevance absorbed by the bias term, and the residual bias correlations can
be reassigned to each neuron xi . According to the determined rule (Eq. 10), through adding up the correlations
of all neurons in the upper layer i (combined Eqs. (7) and (8)), the overall relevance of all neurons in the next
layer j can be obtained:
The relevance propagates from one layer to another until it reaches the input feature x(d) , where the relevance
d provides the hierarchical eigen-decomposition required for the decision f (x) . The upper right side of Fig. 4A
summarized the algorithm of the complete LRP procedure for DNN. More details can be found by referring to
Lapuschkin et al22. All algorithms were run in MATLAB R2019a (Natick, Massachusetts: The MathWorks Inc.),
through self-written scripts according to the layer-wise relevance propagation toolbox33.
The relevance of correctly classified gait patterns was extracted by defining logical variables, and then a rel-
evance score was assigned to each input variable. LRP determines the correlation between each variable and the
predicted results of the model, and normalizes the LRP-derived association patterns to their respective maximum
values for comparison. After then, the average of all relevant patterns was determined and the error was rectified.
The rectified average was smoothed, whereby the present point was weighted with 50%, and the previous and
following points were weighted with 25%. For the smoothing process, the weighted values were set such that
their total equaled 1 and a repetition of the procedure would approximate a Gaussian filter. Each of these steps
was performed three times to get the desired result. Finally, the smoothed correlation pattern was rescaled from
0 (no correlation) to 1 (the highest correlation)9. Since the input variables are collected in the time domain, and
the adjacent values are interdependent, the fluctuation of the relevance score can be reduced by smoothing.
To explore the influence of different variables on the accuracy of model classification, all variables were sorted
according to the correlation between variables, and then the top 200 variables with the highest relevance scores
were selected to explain and analyze the gait pattern.
f (x) = · · · =
d = · · · =
k:i is input for neuron k
i←k (7)
i:i is input for neuron k
= R(l+1)
i←j = zij
∗ Rl+1
= R(l+1)
1 − bj
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
Evaluate the performance of the classifier.
Combine the results of the classification model into a 2 ∗ 2
table called confusion matrix m =
(more details are shown in Fig. 4B) which fully describes the
results of the classification task34. Then, the following indicators were calculated to evaluate the performance of
the classifier.
1. The accuracy of a classifier on a given set of tests is the percentage of tuples that are correctly classified by
the classifier:
2. The sensitivity (also called recall) is the true positive cases recognition rate, which means the percentage of
positive tuples correctly identified:
3. The specificity is the true positive cases recognition rate, which means the percentage of negative tuples
correctly identified:
4. The precision is a measure of accuracy, which means the percentage of tuples marked as positive that are
actually positive:
5. F1 − score is the harmonic average of accuracy and recall rate, which means the recall rate is weighted once
as much as the precision:
6. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves is a useful visual tool for comparing classifier models, which
can provide objective and neutral advice regardless of cost/benefit when making decisions. The ROC curve
shows the tradeoff between the true positive rate (TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR) for the classifier
model. The increase in TPR comes at the expense of the increase in FPR:
The Y-axis of the ROC curve represents TPR and the X-axis represents FPR, and the area under the ROC
curve ( AUC ) is a measure of model accuracy:
7. Matthew’s correlation coefficient (MCC) is a contingency matrix method34. MCC can be used to calculate
the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient 35 between the actual value and the predicted value:
Received: 19 September 2021; Accepted: 8 February 2022
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Author contributions
Conception: D.X., Y.G. Design and perform the experiment: D.X., W.Q., H.Z. Critical interpretation of the data:
all authors. Manuscript drafting, critical revision prior to the submission: all authors.
This study was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81772423), Key Project of
the National Social Science Foundation of China (19ZDA352), Key R&D Program of Zhejiang Province China
(2021C03130), and K. C. WongMagna Fund in Ningbo University.
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:2981 |
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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| Explaining the differences of gait patterns between high and low-mileage runners with machine learning. | 02-22-2022 | Xu, Datao,Quan, Wenjing,Zhou, Huiyu,Sun, Dong,Baker, Julien S,Gu, Yaodong | eng |
Effects of short-term in-season break
detraining on repeated-sprint ability and
intermittent endurance according to initial
performance of soccer player
Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez1,2,3, Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez1,3, Rodrigo Ramirez-
Campillo3,4, Jose´ Antonio Rodrı´guez-Marroyo1, Jose´ Gerardo Villa Vicente1,3, Fabio
Yuzo Nakamura3,5,6*
1 Institute of Biomedicine (IBIOMED), Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Leo´n,
Leo´n, Spain, 2 Faculty of Physical Activity Sciences and Sports, University Isabel I, Burgos, Spain, 3 Unit
Assessment and Planning of Sports Training, Faculty of Education, Pontifical University of Salamanca,
Salamanca, Spain, 4 Department of Physical Activity Sciences, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile,
5 Department of Medicine and Aging Sciences “G. d´Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy,
6 The College of Healthcare Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
* [email protected]
To better understand the detraining effects in soccer, the purpose of the study was to ana-
lyse if performance level of soccer players modulate repeated-sprint ability (RSA) and inter-
mittent endurance changes during 2-weeks of detraining (i.e., in-season break). Seventeen
professional and sixteen young elite soccer players of two different teams performed, before
and after 2-weeks of detraining, the RSA test and the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test,
level 1 (YYIR1). Before detraining, professional players perform better (p < 0.05) RSA best
time (RSAbest) than young players. A decrease (p < 0.05) in RSAbest, RSA total time
(RSAtotal) and mean time (RSAmean) performance was observed in both teams, without
changes in RSA fatigue index (Sdec). No significant changes in distance covered during
YYIR1 was observed in any team. Before detraining, faster players from both teams (FG)
(following the median split technique, soccer players with RSAbest 3.95 s) performed bet-
ter (p < 0.01) in RSAtotal, RSAmean and RSAbest, but worse (p < 0.01) in Sdec. Although FG
and the slower players (SG, RSAbest > 3.95 s) showed a worse (p < 0.05) RSAtotal, RSAbest
and RSAmean performance after detraining (ES = 1.5, 1.4 and 2.9; ES = 0.6, 1.2 and 0.6; for
FG and SG, respectively), the deterioration was greater in the FG for RSAbest (p < 0.05) and
RSAtotal (ES = 1.46). After detraining, FG improved (p < 0.05) Sdec performance. In conclu-
sion, a 2-week in-season break (detraining) period induced a worse RSA, with no effect on
intermittent endurance in professional and elite young soccer players, with greater detrimen-
tal effects on RSAtotal and RSAbest in FG. In addition, Sdec does not seem to be sensitive to
changes in RSA after a 2-week in-season break.
August 15, 2018
1 / 10
Citation: Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez A, Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez
J, Ramirez-Campillo R, Rodrı´guez-Marroyo JA,
Villa Vicente JG, Nakamura FY (2018) Effects of
short-term in-season break detraining on repeated-
sprint ability and intermittent endurance according
to initial performance of soccer player. PLoS ONE
13(8): e0201111.
Editor: Johnny Padulo, National Center of Medicine
and Science in Sport, TUNISIA
Received: August 8, 2017
Accepted: June 11, 2018
Published: August 15, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez et al. This
is an open access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
The ability to perform short-duration multiple sprints interspersed with short recovery times
has been termed “repeated-sprint ability” (RSA) [1]. Although debate exists regarding the
main factors determining soccer performance [2], the importance of RSA is recognized [3,4].
For instance, significant correlation exists between very-high intensity running distances cov-
ered during matches and mean sprint time on a RSA test [5]. Besides this, single and repeated-
sprint efforts are frequently involved in crucial moments of match-play [6], including creation
of goal scoring opportunities. Therefore, constant evaluation of RSA throughout the season
can provide valuable information to coaches and athletes.
In addition to RSA, intermittent high-intensity endurance is also considered crucial to
performance in soccer [7]. Although the importance of total running distance covered at
high-intensity in soccer could be masked by the technical-tactical level of a team [8], players
at a higher standard of competition tend to perform significantly more high-intensity run-
ning than those at a lower standard [9], and this ability can be assessed by the Yo-Yo inter-
mittent recovery test, level 1 (YYIR1) [10]. Previous studies have shown no effects of
detraining after one week in the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test, level 2 [11]. However,
significant (p < 0.01) detrimental effects of ~5 and ~22% after three days and 2-weeks of
inactivity, respectively, was reported in a study [12]. Aside from the lack of agreement
across studies, to our knowledge, no study has analyzed the effects of short-term detraining
after an in-season break using the YYIR1 as a marker of performance. Despite YYIR1 and
YYIR2 test performances correlate very largely [13], the lower level of speed effort required
by the YYIR1 might better detect changes in aerobic fitness of players after a detraining
The effects of different training programs on RSA have been assessed in soccer players [14–
17]. However, the impact of in-season unloading or detraining on RSA in soccer players
remains unresolved. For instance, previous studies have analyzed the effects of 1- [11] or
2-week [12,18] off-season detraining periods on RSA (complete interruption of training),
showing detrimental effects of ~2% after two weeks for RSA total time and ~3% for sprinting
speed in the last five repetitions during a 20-m RSA test with a total of 10 repetitions [18].
However, RSA best time and RSA fatigue index were not affected after 2-weeks of inactivity
[12,18]. Possibly, the loading pattern (e.g., deliberate overload leading to overreaching) and
the athlete’s performance level previous to detraining might modulate such changes. A better
understanding of this phenomenon is relevant since most soccer leagues encompass a period
without competitive matches [19] or in-season break detraining period.
Similar to off-season breaks, in-season breaks can also lead to short-term detraining
[12,18,20]. This may induce cardiovascular and neuromuscular deconditioning [21], which
can potentially impair RSA. Notably, RSA is related to chronological age [1], competitive level
[4] and intermittent high-intensity endurance [22]. However, the interaction between detrain-
ing, RSA, age, competitive level, and intermittent high-intensity endurance is unknown and
needs to be clarified.
RSA is usually assessed by the total time (RSAtotal) [23], mean time (RSAmean) [4,24], best
time (RSAbest) [14], and fatigue index or the percentage decrement score (Sdec) [25]. Although
Sdec is considered a reliable RSA marker [26], recent research has suggested that “absolute”
performance values (i.e., total, mean and best times) can be more reliable and sensitive to
training effects [4,27]. In response to detraining Sdec showed contradictory results, with signif-
icant (p = 0.04) detrimental changes (5.8 ± 2.8% to 7.8 ± 3.2%) [11] or no significant changes
(5.9 ± 2.3% to 7.6 ± 2.8%) [12] after 1 or 2-week of detraining, respectively. The knowledge of
the extent of RSA responses to a short-term detraining period can help physical trainers to
Effects of detraining on repeated-sprint ability and intermittent endurance
August 15, 2018
2 / 10
foresee eventual changes during the in-season breaks, and to implement adequate training
strategies to optimize fitness levels and training time after returning from the break.
Therefore, the main aim of the study was to analyse if initial performance level (sprinting
speed) of soccer players modulates repeated-sprint ability (RSA) and intermittent endurance
changes during 2-weeks of detraining (i.e., in-season break). A substantial detraining effect for
both professional senior and young elite soccer players and the influence of “baseline” fitness
level (pre-detraining) on this effect were assumed as the working hypotheses of this study.
Material and methods
Study design
The 2-week in-season break period took place during the mid-phase of the season (i.e., Christ-
mas holidays), with players not involved in any competitive game or training session (team or
individual session) during this period. Specifically, players were asked to refrain for any type of
physical activity training (other than daily life physical activity) during the in-season break.
After the break, players were individually interviewed to assess the level of accomplishment of
the aforementioned requirement. In addition, players were asked to reduce meaningful
changes in their diet, although this was not controlled. The same training week was repro-
duced before and after the 2-week Christmas break (Table 1). The tests were imbedded into
the training sessions, so that there was no disturbance to the training plan. During day one,
anthropometry (ISAK procedure) and RSA test were performed (16:30 to 18:30 pm) and, dur-
ing day two, the YYIR1 was completed (16:30 pm) and used to estimate VO2max of soccer
players [13]. Prior to the two exercise tests, soccer players performed the same warm-up (i.e.,
low-intensity running, dynamic flexibility, 20-m run-ups). Participants were fully familiarized
with testing protocols, which were routinely performed in the respective investigated clubs.
Athletes refrained from vigorous high-intensity exercise 24 hours before testing sessions and
were instructed to maintain normal daily food and water intake and to avoid any leisure sport
activity or self-administered exercise throughout the study period. Players were required to
wear their usual training uniforms and football boots during the tests, performed in their
respective habitual training venues.
Male professional senior (n = 17, PT; age: 24.0 ± 2.8 years; height: 179.6 ± 1.8 cm; body mass:
74.5 ± 4.6 kg; VO2max: 58.29 ± 3.0 mlkg-1min-1) and young soccer players (n = 16, YT;
age: 18.3 ± 0.8 years; height: 173.5 ± 9.9 cm; body mass: 65.4 ± 1.3 kg; VO2max: 54.65 ± 2.1
mlkg-1min-1) volunteered for the investigation. Players from both teams had a minimum soc-
cer experience of 7 years at the commencement of the study. Bout groups performed three
(YT) to four (PT) training sessions and one national-level match per week, in the three months
preceding this study. Written informed consent was signed by all players (and their parents or
Table 1. Schematic representation of a training week before the intervention period in young (YT) and professional (PT) soccer players.
Strength/power and
injury prevention
RSA test, small sided games (4 vs 4 to
6 vs 6), aerobic power and tactical
Yo-Yo test, speed/reaction
soccer and tactical work
Strength/power and
injury prevention
RSA test, small sided games (4 vs 4 to
6 vs 6), aerobic power and tactical
Strength/power and tactical
work game (match simulation)
Yo-Yo test, speed/reaction
soccer and strategy drills
RSA: repeated-sprint ability
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guardians for under 18 years of age athletes) after a brief but detailed explanation about the
aims, benefits, and risks involved with this investigation. The study was conducted according
to the Declaration of Helsinki and the Institutional Research Ethics Committee (Universidad
Isabel I) granted approval for the study.
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test
Athletes completed the YYIR1 test as previously described [26]. Running speed was set through
an acoustic signal amplified by speakers (SONY-ENG2031, Japan), connected to a notebook
(Acer TravelMater 57201, Taiwan). Maximal heart rate was measured with a heart rate moni-
tor (Polar Team Sport System1, Polar Electro Oy, Finland) and total distance was recorded by
the number of runs. The test was finished when i) subjects were unable to complete two conse-
cutive 20-m runs at the pace dictated by the acoustic signal, or ii) when athletes achieved voli-
tional exhaustion [28]. Subjects were instructed and motivated to achieve maximal effort
during testing (validated by the achievement of ±10% of predicted maximal heart rate).
Repeated-sprint ability test
The RSA test involved eight maximal 30-m sprints, separated by 25 seconds of active recovery
between sprints. Approximately two seconds before each sprint subjects assumed the start
position [14] with the front foot placed 0.5 m behind the first photocell (DSD Laser System1,
Leon, Spain), as previously described [23]. Immediately after the warm-up, each player com-
pleted a single criterion-reference sprint and this trial was used as the criterion score during the
subsequent sprints [4]. Then, athletes rested for 5 minutes before commencement of the RSA
test. If the first sprint-time of the RSA test was 2.5% greater (i.e., worse) than the criterion-refer-
ence sprint time, subjects were requested to rest for further 5 minutes and then restart the test.
The RSAbest, RSAmean, RSAtotal and Sdec [4,5,14] were determined. The Sdec was calculated as
(RSAtotal/(RSAbest × total number of sprints) × 100)– 100 [26].
Statistical analyses
The results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The change in tests performance
is presented as percentage (Δ = [after value—before value] / before value). In addition to the
comparison between PT and YT, the median split technique was used to divide the pooled par-
ticipants into fast (FG) and slow (SG) performers, according to the median value calculated to
RSAbest [5,27]. Normal distribution of data was confirmed by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
and normal probability plot. A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures on time [before vs.
after intervention] × team [professional vs. young players]) and time [before vs. after interven-
tion] × group [fast vs. slow players] was used to analyse results. When a significant F value was
found, Bonferroni’s post hoc test was applied to establish differences between means. Cohen’s
d effect size (ES) was calculated and qualitatively assessed as trivial (0–0.19), small (0.20–0.49),
medium (0.50–0.79) and large (0.80 and greater) [28]. The p<0.05 criterion was used to estab-
lish statistical significance. Analyses were performed using standard statistical software (SPSS,
v.17.0, Chicago, Illinois, USA).
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test
The YYIR1 performance was not significantly affected (p > 0.05) by the in-season break (PT:
before 2,368 ± 265 m, after 2,256 ± 283 m ES = 0.42; YT: before 2,054 ± 289 m, after 1,986 ±
321 m ES = 0.23).
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Repeated-sprint ability test
Regarding the effects of in-season break according to playing level, before detraining, PT
showed significantly (p < 0.05) better RSAbest than YT (~ 2.8%) (Table 2). The RSAbest,
RSAmean and RSAtotal performance was worsened after the in-season break in both YT
(p < 0.05) and PT (p < 0.01) (Table 2), with no difference between PT and YT.
Regarding the effects of in-season break according to baseline RSA performance, the
median of the RSAbest was 3.95 s (27.3 kmh-1), categorizing players into FG (< 3.95 s) and SG
( 3.95 s) (Table 3). The FG group (n = 14) was composed of 8 professional and 6 young soc-
cer players. The SG (n = 19) was composed of 9 professional and 10 young soccer players.
Before detraining, the FG showed better performances in RSAbest (~ 6.8%), RSAmean (~ 4.1%),
and RSAtotal (~ 4.1%), (p < 0.01; Table 3), confirming the appropriateness of the median split
technique. The players from the FG showed a greater impairment in the RSAbest (ES = 2.09),
RSAmean (ES = 1.04) and RSAtotal (ES = 1.46) than the players from the SG (ES = 0.56, 1.02,
0.58, respectively) (Table 3).
Table 2. RSA in professional (PT; n = 17) and young elite (YT; n = 16) soccer players.
RSAbest (s)
4.03 ± 0.15
4.11 ± 0.14
1.9 ± 3.0
1.03 (large)
3.92 ± 0.11 †
4.04 ± 0.13
3.0 ± 2.7
1.03 (large)
RSAmean (s)
4.19 ± 0.12
4.26 ± 0.17
1.7 ± 2.6
0.65 (medium)
4.12 ± 0.12
4.22 ± 0.12
2.3 ± 2.6
1.03 (large)
RSAtotal (s)
33.52 ± 0.97
34.12 ± 1.40
1.7 ± 2.6
0.51 (medium)
32.91 ± 0.91
33.80 ± 0.94
2.3 ± 2.6
1.03 (large)
Sdec (%)
3.90 ± 1.65
3.69 ± 1.61
-0.21 ± 2.2
0.13 (trivial)
5.21 ± 1.91
4.48 ± 2.14
-0.73 ± 2.4
0.36 (small)
RSA: repeated sprint ability; RSAbest, RSAmean and RSAtotal: best, mean and total time in the RSA test, respectively; Sdec: percentage decrement score; Δ: percentage
change; ES: effect size.
, : denote difference compared with before values (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively);
†: denote difference between teams (p < 0.05).
Table 3. RSA in slow (SG, n = 19) and fast (FG, n = 14) performers€.
RSAbest (s)
4.08 ± 0.02
4.14 ± 0.03
1.5 ± 2.6
0.56 (medium)
3.82 ± 0.02 ††
3.98 ± 0.04
4.0 ± 2.5 †
2.09 (large)
RSAmean (s)
4.23 ± 0.02
4.31 ± 0.03
2.0 ± 2.6
1.02 (large)
4.06 ± 0.03 ††
4.16 ± 0.04
2.2 ± 2.5
1.04 (large)
RSAtotal (s)
33.81 ± 0.19
34.49 ± 0.26
2.0 ± 2.6
0.58 (medium)
32.45 ± 0.7 ††
33.21 ± 0.29
2.2 ± 2.5
1.46 (large)
Sdec (%)
3.64 ± 0.52
4.25 ± 2.01
0.5 ± 1.9
0.29 (small)
5.91 ± 1.92 ††
3.93 ± 1.84
-2.0 ± 2.2 †
1.13 (large)
€: the median split technique was used to divide subjects into FG and SG performers, according to median RSAbest of 3.95 s; RSA: repeated sprint ability; RSAbest,
RSAmean and RSAtotal: best, mean and total time in the RSA test, respectively; Sdec: percentage decrement score; Δ: percentage change; ES: effect size.
, : denote difference compared with before values (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively);
†, ††: denote difference between SG and FG (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively).
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The main aim of the study was to analyse if initial performance level (sprinting speed) of soc-
cer players can modulate repeated-sprint ability (RSA) and intermittent endurance changes
during 2-weeks of detraining (i.e., in-season break). The major findings showed detrimental
changes in RSA, but not intermittent endurance performance, in both PT and YT. Also,
RSAbest was greatly impaired in FG compared to SG players (p<0.05, with a large 2.09 ES ver-
sus medium 0.56 ES), as well as RSAtotal (large 1.46 ES versus medium 0.58 ES).
To our knowledge, this is the first controlled study showing the response of YYIR1 and
RSA performance after an in-season break. However, a previous study [29] analysed the effects
of a 2-weeks in-season break on male professional (age, 24.3 ± 4.2 years) Australian Football
player’s fitness, including skinfolds, and heart rate plus rating of perceived exertion while
plyers performed submaximal running velocity (12 kmh-1), high-intensity intermittent run-
ning exercise, and a standardized handball game. The aforementioned study showed increased
levels of strength and cardiorespiratory fitness, despite a small increase in skinfold thickness.
However, the athletes did not fully stop training, contrary to our study where soccer players
interrupted training completely. In addition, in the aforementioned study, the authors did not
control the training that athletes completed during the break. It is possible that the break
allowed players to come back in January well recovered with preserved or even increased levels
of strength and cardiorespiratory fitness.
According to our results, a complete reduction of training during 2-weeks of in-season
break did not affect YYIR1 performance in PG or YG. Accordingly, high-intensity intermittent
endurance performance might be more resilient to detraining [30] than some of its physiologi-
cal correlates, such as maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) [31], and other factors affecting
high-intensity intermittent endurance performance [13].
Of note, FG players showed greater impairment in RSAbest performance after detraining
compared to SG players. Due to their greater initial performance level, FG players may have
experienced greater detraining effects [31], with increased negative effects on fast-twitch mus-
cle fibers [32], the ability to use ATP and phosphocreatine [33], accompanied with greater pro-
duction of metabolic by-products [34], which may negatively affect motor units recruitment
and synchronization [35], and thus RSA [36]. In a similar study, faster futsal players assessed
at the beginning of the pre-season also lost more of their sprinting speed than their slower
peers [37]. In summary, independent from age, compared to slower players, faster players
seem to be more negatively affected in their RSA by detraining. Therefore, fast team sports
players may need more attention from technical staffs due to their tendency to lose their sprint
quality in several phases of the preparation.
The FG players showed an enhanced Sdec performance after detraining. Although tapering
effects may help explain this result [38], no other RSA value was improved after detraining.
Previous studies have found worsening (5.8 ± 2.8% vs 7.8 ± 3.2%, p = 0.04) or maintenance
(5.9 ± 2.3% vs 7.6 ± 2.8%) of Sdec after one [11] or two [12] weeks of detraining, respectively.
Rapid RSA impairment with detraining might be related to reductions in resting phosphoryla-
tion status of the Na+-K+ pump [18]. The different RSA testing protocols used between studies
may partially help to explain the relatively different results. However, the relationship between
Sdec and the performance achieved in the first sprint may also contribute to the different
results. In this sense, a slower first sprint (i.e., impaired sprint performance after detraining)
will induce a reduction in Sdec values[39], which is translated into a false-positive improvement
of Sdec. Thus, a more probable explanation stems on the poor validity and sensitivity of Sdec to
detect actual performance impairment during RSA test and negative changes expected in
response to short-term detraining. Although Sdec have been presented as a reliable marker of
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RSA performance [26], its use have been questioned, given that Sdec is the least reliable param-
eter calculated from RSA tests [4]. In fact, Sdec have showed poor sensitivity to training [3].
Hence, it appears that Sdec is a poor indicator of RSA performance changes in response to an
in-season break period in soccer. It is possible that, for a better assessment of Sdec, the ideal
sprint performance at the moment of RSA measurement should not be considered, but to take
into account the better sprint of the athlete for the given sprint distance.
One potential limitation of this study was the estimation of VO2max through the YYIR1
test, since it could not be determined during laboratory-based maximal graded test. The direct
measurement of VO2max (and metabolic thresholds) could offer more physiological informa-
tion regarding the effects of detraining in soccer.
A 2-week in-season break (detraining) period impaired RSA, with no effect on intermittent
endurance in professional and elite young soccer players, with greater impairment of RSAtotal
and RSAbest in faster players, independent of their age category. In addition, Sdec does not
seem to be sensitive to changes in RSA after a 2-week in-season break. Coaches should take
these findings into consideration for appropriate training schedule after in-season break in
order to regain the performance indices lost during the break.
Practical applications
According to our results (poorer RSA after a 2-weeks in-season break), coaches and practition-
ers should considered an individualization of training loads during such periods, considering
principles such as the minimal-effective dose, especially for players with greater fitness level, as
these may be negatively affected to a greater magnitude by short-detraining periods.
Supporting information
S1 File. DatosGlobal.
S2 File. Datos.
S1 Dataset. DataSet.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez, Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez, Rodrigo
Ramirez-Campillo, Jose´ Antonio Rodrı´guez-Marroyo, Jose´ Gerardo Villa Vicente, Fabio
Yuzo Nakamura.
Formal analysis: Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez, Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez, Jose´ Antonio
Investigation: Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez, Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez.
Methodology: Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez, Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez, Rodrigo Ramirez-
Campillo, Jose´ Antonio Rodrı´guez-Marroyo, Jose´ Gerardo Villa Vicente, Fabio Yuzo
Project administration: Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez, Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez.
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Resources: Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez.
Supervision: Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez.
Writing – original draft: Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez, Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez, Rodrigo
Ramirez-Campillo, Fabio Yuzo Nakamura.
Writing – review & editing: Alejandro Rodrı´guez-Ferna´ndez, Javier Sa´nchez-Sa´nchez,
Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Jose´ Antonio Rodrı´guez-Marroyo, Jose´ Gerardo Villa Vicente,
Fabio Yuzo Nakamura.
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| Effects of short-term in-season break detraining on repeated-sprint ability and intermittent endurance according to initial performance of soccer player. | 08-15-2018 | Rodríguez-Fernández, Alejandro,Sánchez-Sánchez, Javier,Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo,Rodríguez-Marroyo, José Antonio,Villa Vicente, José Gerardo,Nakamura, Fabio Yuzo | eng |
Repeatability and predictive value of lactate
threshold concepts in endurance sports
Jules A. A. C. HeubergerID1*, Pim Gal1, Frederik E. StuurmanID1, Wouter A. S. de Muinck
KeizerID1,2, Yuri Mejia Miranda1, Adam F. Cohen1,3
1 Centre for Human Drug Research, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2 Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, 3 Department of Internal Medicine, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, the
* [email protected]
Blood lactate concentration rises exponentially during graded exercise when muscles pro-
duce more lactate than the body can remove, and the blood lactate-related thresholds are
parameters based on this curve used to evaluate performance level and help athletes opti-
mize training. Many different concepts of describing such a threshold have been published.
This study aims to compare concepts for their repeatability and predictive properties of
endurance performance.
Forty-eight well-trained male cyclists aged 18–50 performed 5 maximal graded exercise
tests each separated by two weeks. Blood lactate-related thresholds were calculated using
eight different representative concepts. Repeatability of each concept was assessed using
Cronbach’s alpha and intra-subject CV and predictive value with 45 minute time trial tests
and a road race to the top of Mont Ventoux was evaluated using Pearson correlations.
Repeatability of all concepts was good to excellent (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.89–0.96), intra-
subject CVs were low with 3.4–8.1%. Predictive value for performance in the time trial tests
and road race showed significant correlations ranging from 0.65–0.94 and 0.53–0.76,
All evaluated concepts performed adequate, but there were differences between concepts.
One concept had both the highest repeatability and the highest predictability of cycling per-
formance, and is therefore recommended to be used: the Dmax modified method. As an
easier to apply alternative, the lactate threshold with a fixed value of 4 mmol/L could be used
as it performed almost as well.
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Citation: Heuberger JAAC, Gal P, Stuurman FE, de
Muinck Keizer WAS, Mejia Miranda Y, Cohen AF
(2018) Repeatability and predictive value of lactate
threshold concepts in endurance sports. PLoS ONE
13(11): e0206846.
Editor: Laurent Mourot, University of Bourgogne
France Comte´, FRANCE
Received: August 18, 2018
Accepted: October 19, 2018
Published: November 14, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Heuberger et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All data files are
available from the figshare database (DOI: 10.
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Trial registration
Dutch Trial Registry NTR5643
The measurement of blood lactate is extensively used in sports medicine, although there is
debate on how lactate affects fatigue in endurance athletes. [1] Nevertheless, the concentration
of lactate in the blood relative to the exercise intensity is a relevant marker of endurance per-
formance. [2–5] This can be visualized in a blood lactate curve (BLC) using a maximal graded
exercise test (GXT): as the workload on the athlete increases over time, blood lactate concen-
trations (bLa) are measured at defined intervals. During high intensity contractions lactate is
formed along with H+ in the muscles, [6] followed by an increased elimination of lactate from
plasma. [7, 8] When elimination becomes saturated, bLa will start to rise when production
exceeds clearance. This (exponential) rise in bLa in the BLC is of importance, as the corre-
sponding exercise intensity is associated with endurance performance since it correlates with
the transition from aerobic to anaerobic workout. [9] Since the 1960’s BLCs have been ana-
lysed trying to accurately determine a point in this curve that predicts endurance performance.
Although many terms have been used for this point, in this work they will be termed lactate
threshold (LT) concepts. BLCs and LT concepts can be used to assess ‘endurance fitness’ in
athletes, [10] and to evaluate the effects of and to prescribe training exercises for individual
athletes. [4, 5] Therefore these measures are relevant in sports medicine, both in amateur
and professional sports. But as LT is based on a maximal exercise test protocol that does not
directly mimic endurance exercise, finding a single point in the resulting BLC that has a strong
relation to endurance performance is challenging. Moreover, determining where this single
point lies in the relatively smooth curve, that is the result of a complex system of factors, can
prove difficult as well. On the other hand, the more accurate method of determining maxi-
mum lactate steady state (MLSS), using several sessions with different workloads takes more
time, which is the reason why an approximation of MLSS using lactate threshold concepts was
developed. [11]
A previous literature review showed that there are many methods used to analyse the BLCs,
with approximately 25 different concepts identified in literature to describe some form of LT.
[9] These different concepts are used interchangeably throughout scientific studies and in
sports and show variable repeatability and predictive value. Moreover, populations that were
included in different studies often differed in training status, age and category of sport. For
these reasons there is debate about these LT concepts. [9] The aim of this study is to evaluate
the repeatability and predictive value of representative concepts using a large dataset of BLCs
from a group of well-trained cyclists who performed multiple GXTs, time trials and an uphill
road race in the setting of a clinical study.
Materials and methods
Study design and participants
Blood lactate curve data in this paper were generated in a previously published study. [12]
Briefly, the study was a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, parallel, single centre
trial to evaluate the effects of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) in forty-eight
healthy male cyclists aged 18 to 50. Informed consent was obtained from all individual
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participants included in the study. The study was approved by the Independent Ethics Com-
mittee of the Foundation Evaluation of Ethics in Biomedical Research (Stichting Beoordeling
Ethiek Biomedisch Onderzoek, Assen, Netherlands). The study is registered in the Dutch Trial
Registry (Nederlands Trial Register), number NTR5643. For inclusion, participants had to be
well-trained, as evaluated by a maximum power-to-weight ratio during the GXT at screening
that should exceed 4 W/kg. During the eleven week study duration, twenty-four participants
received weekly rHuEPO injections and twenty-four received placebo injections for eight
weeks. Participants had to maintain their regular training schedule during the study.
Maximal exercise tests.
Five GXTs were performed on a Monark LC4r ergometer
(COSMED, Rome, Italy) with approximately 2-week intervals between each test, see Fig 1.
After a two-minute warm-up at 75 Watts, the GXT dictated an increase in pedalling resistance
to 175 Watts, which increased by an additional 25 Watts every five minutes. Between 4:15 and
4:45 into each step and immediately after termination of the exercise test, blood was drawn to
measure bLa. Gas exchange was measured using a Quark CPET system (COSMED, Rome,
Italy) and breath-by-breath sampling technology. During the test cadence had to be main-
tained between 70 and 90 rpm. The test terminated when cadence could not be maintained
above 70 rpm or when a participant stopped the test.
Lactate determination.
During the GXTs blood for lactate determination was drawn via
an IV cannula (Venflon 7 Pro Safety, BD, Switzerland) with a 30 cm extension set between the
cannula and a three way stopcock for blood sampling in the antecubital vein. Before the first
and after every sampling the stopcock and extension set were flushed with 2 mL saline. Before
blood sampling 0.5 mL was withdrawn from the stopcock to remove any remaining saline.
Next, 1 mL of blood was taken from the stopcock. Within ten seconds from withdrawal the
blood was placed on the Lactate Pro 2 (Arkray, Kyoto, Japan) strip which was then inserted in
the Lactate Pro 2 device. The same device was used throughout the whole study and was given
at least 20 minutes to adjust to the room temperature before sampling.
Time trial tests.
The time trial tests were performed twice on the same ergometer used
for the GXT, with the first (TT1) 3–8 days after the first GXT and the second (TT2) one week
after GXT four. Participants were instructed to produce the highest mean power output during
a 45-minute period at a cadence of 70–90 rpm, attempting to mimic competitive cycling time
trials. At the start of the test pedalling resistance was set at 80% of the maximal power reached
during GXT1. Participants could adjust the power by indicating to increase or decrease in
power by steps of 10 Watts. They were informed of the remaining time on a regular basis dur-
ing the test.
Mont Ventoux race.
Approximately one week after the last GXT participants competi-
tively climbed the Mont Ventoux (Vaucluse de´partement, France) via Be´doin, a climb of
approximately 21.5 km with an average gradient of 7.5%. The race was preceded by a stage of
110 km in the French Provence (total elevation gain 1524 m) that was completed collectively.
Fig 1. Study design. Study design showing timing of different tests. Time point 0 weeks indicates start of treatment
(rHuEPO or placebo) for all participants. GXT, graded exercise test; TT, time trial test; RR, road race.
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Racing bikes of participants were equipped with a Single Leg Power Meter SGY-PM910H2
(Pioneer Europe, Antwerp, Belgium) with Shimano Ultegra 6800 crank (Shimano, Osaka,
Japan) to log power data on the bicycle during the race. Data were uploaded to the dedicated
database Cyclo-Sphere.
Lactate threshold concepts.
The BLCs from the GXTs were then used to calculate several
representative LT concepts. Concepts were selected as follows: First, published concepts were
retrieved from a review by Faude et al. [9] and by a literature research within the PubMed
database. The database was searched for the search terms ‘lactate threshold’, ‘aerobic thresh-
old’, ‘anaerobic threshold’, ‘endurance performance’ or ‘maximal lactate steady state’ or similar
terms in different combinations. The references of the selected articles were searched for fur-
ther relevant articles. Secondly, retrieved concepts were divided into seven different categories,
see S1 Table. A few retrieved concepts could not be implemented, reasons being lacking lactate
concentrations in the recovery phase after exercise and no availability of the full text article
describing the method of the concept despite various efforts obtaining it. (S1 Table, listed
under “not selected categories”). From each remaining category, concepts that were represen-
tative and were used frequently in other research were selected. If there were multiple concepts
in one category that were commonly used and fundamentally different in methodology, more
than one concept of that category was included in the analysis. Selecting multiple commonly
used, but very similar concepts from one category was not deemed useful for the purpose of
this study. This resulted in a final selection of eight concepts from the five implementable cate-
gories for analysis in our study.
Implementation of lactate threshold concepts.
All selected concepts were implemented
according to the articles that described the concept (S1 Table). When exact reproduction of
the method was not feasible due to the use of different parameters (e.g. running velocity was
used), we approximated the description as close as possible (e.g. we used power output). For
concepts that required data fitting of the blood lactate curve a third-order polynomial was cho-
sen, based on the shape of the blood lactate curve data and given that it is a proven method,
although there is no generally accepted method for data fitting. [9] An example of a blood lac-
tate curve with a depiction of all lactate threshold concepts is shown in Fig 2.
Similar to what Tanaka described [13] we plotted bLa (mmol/L) versus power (W).
Three authors (JH, WdMK and PG) were asked to independently select the first point in the
BLC that marks a substantial increase above resting level. LT1 was defined as the power value
corresponding to the point selected by at least two researchers, or in cases without consensus,
the three researchers discussed until consensus was reached.
Coyle et al. [14] determined LT as 1 mmol/L above a visually determined baseline in
the BLC. We took the lactate measurement chosen as LT1 and calculated the mean of the mea-
surements preceding this point to create an average baseline value. The power value belonging
to the first measured lactate value after baseline that supersedes the baseline value plus 1
mmol/L was considered LT2.
As Dickhuth et al., [15] we determined the minimum lactate equivalent (the lowest
value when bLa is divided by work intensity) using third-order polynomial fitting and added
1.5 mmol/L to the corresponding bLa, termed individual anaerobic threshold in the paper, to
find the power value on the fitted polynomial of the BLC and termed it LT3.
As described by Amann et al., [16] we calculated the first rise of 1 mmol/L or more
between two bLa measurements where the next rise was similar or larger than 1 mmol/L. The
measurement that preceded this first increase was considered LT4.
Based on the method described by Dickhuth et al., [17] we divided bLa (mmol/L) by
the 30 second average VO2 (mL/min/kg) and plotted it against power. These values were
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interpolated with a third-order polynomial and the power value at the lowest point in this
curve was considered LT5.
A widely used concept is the LT-4mmol method, as described for example by
Sjodin et al. [18] The power in the interpolated third-order polynomial BLC that corresponds
to a bLa of 4 mmol/L was considered LT-4mmol.
Dmax and Dmax modified.
Similar to the method proposed by Cheng et al., [19] we plot-
ted bLa versus power, interpolated with a third-order polynomial and plotted a line from the
first measurement to the last measurement. The point in the interpolated BLC that has the
maximum perpendicular distance with that line was considered Dmax. A modified version as
Fig 2. Graphical representation of lactate threshold concepts. Example of a blood lactate curve with the location of the different lactate threshold
concepts for this particular curve. Open circles: observed blood lactate values at each exercise intensity; Black curve: third-order polynomial; Grey
dashed line: baseline; Green circle and arrow: LT1, observer-determined first rise in blood lactate; Yellow circle and arrow: LT2, first observed blood
lactate value more than 1 mmol/L above baseline; Pink circle and arrow: LT3, minimum lactate equivalent (blood lactate divided by power) plus 1.5
mmol/L; Purple circle and arrow: LT4, first blood lactate value that shows an increase of at least 1 mmol/L; Orange circle and arrow: LT5, minimum
lactate equivalent (blood lactate divided by VO2); Brown circle and arrow and dashed line: LT-4mmol, value at 4 mmol/L; Red circle and arrow and
dashed line: Dmax, value with the maximum perpendicular distance to the polynomial from the dashed line; Blue circle and arrow and dashed line:
Dmax-mod, value with the maximum perpendicular distance to the polynomial from the dashed line.
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described by Bishop et al., [20] uses the measurement that precedes an increase of at least 0.4
mmol/L instead of the first bLa measurement to draw the line to the last measurement, which
is termed Dmax modified (Dmax-mod).
Data management
Data was stored in a validated database system (Promasys, Omnicomm Inc., Fort Lauderdale,
USA) and checked for accuracy and completeness. Blinded data review before code-breaking
and analysis was performed according to a standard procedure at our unit. This included eval-
uating whether the GXT was performed to maximal ability, which was based on power, VO2
and bLa values and report by the subject.
Statistical analysis
We used statistical software R version 3.4.0 [21] to plot measurements, calculate the third-
order polynomial that best fits the data using polynomial regression with the R-function lm
(y~poly(3)), implement the LT concepts and perform the statistical testing. R was used with
the following packages: dplyr 0.5.0, [22] psych 1.7.5, [23] tidyr 0.6.3. [24] Data of all subjects
enrolled in the study were used in the analysis.
To measure repeatability we determined the weighted intra-subject coeffi-
cient of variation (CV) and the Cronbach’s alpha based on the five GXT results for each LT
concept. Weighted intra-subject CV was calculated correcting for missing values (CV based
on the sum of the variance per subject multiplied by the amount of measurements, divided by
the total amount of measurements). Both the weighted intra-subject CV and Cronbach’s alpha
were calculated only using data from participants receiving placebo, as there might have been
longitudinal effects of rHuEPO treatment on the GXTs.
Predictive properties.
For the predictive properties we calculated the Pearson correlation
between each LT concept and the mean power of the corresponding relevant endurance
parameter. The LT concept from the GXT closest in time to the endurance tests TT1 and TT2
and road race (see Fig 1), namely GXT 1, 4 and 5 respectively, were used for correlations
between the LT concept and corresponding average power output. In addition, the difference
between each measurement pair was calculated and averaged to create the mean difference
between the LT concept and endurance test power. This value indicates how the power at the
LT concept translates to average endurance power in a time trial or race. For these Pearson
correlation and mean difference analyses both subjects receiving rHuEPO and placebo were
included. This was done as LT concepts are designed to be a predictive parameter for endur-
ance exercise, which should be irrespective of a subject being treated with rHuEPO or not. In
addition, given that the measurements of each pair are at most a week apart, no changes in the
LT concept or endurance performance are expected due to rHuEPO. Moreover, GXT1 and
TT1 were performed before starting the treatment period, and no rHuEPO administrations
took place between GXT5 and the race. For these analyses therefore no treatment effect was
expected and pooling was considered appropriate.
In total 49 subjects entered the study, of which 47 were completers (Fig 3); one subject dropped
out after having performed the first GXT and time trial test and was replaced. One other sub-
ject dropped out after completing two GXTs and one time trial test and was not replaced. Sub-
ject characteristics can be found in Table 1. Of the remaining 238 planned GXTs, five were not
performed due to illness or injury. An additional 22 were excluded from analysis, five due to
having less than four bLa samples for the GXT, most others due to the fact that subjects
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Fig 3. CONSORT flowchart.
Table 1. Subject disposition.
All subjects
Placebo subjects
Age (years)
33.6 (20.0–50.0)
33.8 (20.0–50.0)
Weight (kg)
76.9 (9.0; 59.2–95.6)
76.9 (8.9; 59.2–95.6)
Height (cm)
186 (7.3; 172–203)
186 (6.7; 174–203)
Maximal Power output per kg (W/kg)
4.36 (4.03–5.18)
4.36 (4.03–4.94)
VO2,max (mL/min/kg)
55.7 (4.6; 45.3–67.5)
56.0 (4.1; 47.0–62.8)
Values are presented as mean (standard deviation (SD) where appropriate; range where). VO2,max: maximal oxygen
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indicated having physical problems (e.g. illness/injury, sore legs from recent exercise) poten-
tially affecting test results, leaving 211 GXTs (of which 109 from placebo subjects) with analy-
sable lactate threshold data. A total of 96 time trial tests were performed and used in the
analysis, and power data of 37 subjects was available for the road race. Out of the 47 subjects
that completed the study, three could not participate in the road race, four did not reach the
finish line due to exhaustion, and three did not have a power meter on their bike, therefore
lacking power data for the road race.
Lactate threshold concepts and endurance
All eight LT concepts were successfully implemented on the GXT data; for LT1 which was
determined visually by three researchers, a unanimous decision about the lactate threshold
was reached in 56.8% of the tests, in 40.0% of the cases two out of three researchers agreed
and there was originally no consensus in 3.2% of the tests. Several concepts were based on the
third-order polynomial data fitting, mean r-squared values of all individual curves were 0.978
(SD = 0.032, range 0.716–1.000). Mean values for each LT concept of the placebo group can be
found in Table 2. Mean (SD) power output for TT1 was 268 W (28 W) in the placebo group
and 271 W (29 W) in the rHuEPO group, and estimated mean for TT2 was 277 W and 283 W
for the placebo and rHuEPO groups respectively. Estimated mean power during RR were 266
W and 257 W for the two groups, during a mean race time of 1 h 37 min 45 s (SD = 12 min 40
s) and 1 h 38 min 23 s (SD = 14 min 9 s), respectively.
The overall intra-subject CV of each LT concept is indicated in Table 2, and shows some
minor differences between concepts, with LT3, LT-4mmol, Dmax and Dmax-mod having
CVs < 5% and LT5 having the highest intra-subject CV with 8.1%. The Cronbach’s alpha val-
ues for all LT concepts in the placebo group are between 0.89 and 0.97 and although 95% CIs
largely overlap, the same four concepts as observed for intra-subject CVs perform best with
Cronbach’s alpha values >0.95 (Table 3).
Predictive properties
Pearson correlation coefficients and the mean difference between each correlation pair are
listed in Table 4. All correlations are highly significant (p<0.0002), indicating the null
Table 2. Mean lactate threshold concept power output.
LT1 (W)
LT2 (W)
LT3 (W)
LT4 (W)
LT5 (W)
LT-4mmol (W)
Dmax (W)
Dmax-mod (W)
283.3 (29.9; 225–
292.9 (37.2; 250–
286.1 (32.9; 219–
275.0 (41.1; 200–
225.0 (31.2; 175–
301.8 (41.0; 222–
275.7 (24.6; 222–
299.5 (35.3; 225–
283.0 (22.3; 225–
293.2 (31.0; 250–
288.7 (29.2; 231–
276.1 (34.0; 175–
231.8 (25.7; 175–
305.0 (33.0; 234–
280.0 (23.6; 233–
301.2 (28.7; 237–
281.0 (29.5; 225–
290.5 (27.9; 250–
285.7 (26.3; 240–
272.6 (33.5; 225–
224.5 (29.5; 175–
300.8 (28.9; 253–
278.7 (20.9; 250–
297.5 (29.6; 257–
283.7 (35.8; 225–
292.4 (38.0; 225–
291.6 (29.1; 240–
272.8 (36.9; 200–
229.8 (29.5; 175–
307.0 (34.2; 249–
284.0 (22.7; 232–
308.7 (35.6; 251–
278.3 (28.5; 225–
290.2 (37.5; 225–
285.0 (31.6; 216–
271.7 (37.9; 200–
230.4 (30.5; 175–
297.2 (38.9; 204–
280.3 (20.3; 245–
298.9 (29.2; 253–
282.1 (5.7%)
292.2 (5.0%)
287.7 (3.6%)
274.1 (5.6%)
228.4 (8.1%)
302.7 (3.8%)
280.0 (3.4%)
301.5 (4.3%)
Weighted mean power output (SD; range) for the placebo group at every exercise test. Overall combined (based on 109 GXTs) for each lactate threshold concept (CV).
CV is weighted intra-subject CV.
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hypothesis that the correlation is equal to zero can be rejected. The strength of the relationship
differs for different concepts. Correlation with TT1 was very strong for Dmax-mod and strong
for all other concepts except LT5, which showed a moderate correlation. Correlation with TT2
was strong for all concepts except LT5, which showed a moderate correlation. Correlation
with RR was strong for Dmax and Dmax-mod, and moderate for all other concepts. Dmax-
mod has the highest correlation with time trial test 1 (r = 0.94), LT-4mmol with time trial test
2 (r = 0.85) and Dmax-mod with road race power (r = 0.76). The mean difference with the
endurance parameters differs substantially between concepts, ranging from the lactate thresh-
old on average being up to 45.3 W lower than the related endurance parameter for LT5 to 36.6
W higher for LT-4mmol. Linear regression between each LT concept and average race power,
including accompanying r2 values, is plotted in Fig 4.
All LT concepts that were included in this analysis performed good on repeatability and rea-
sonable to good on predicting a lab-based time trial and a real-life road race. Nevertheless, this
Table 3. Cronbach’s alpha for each lactate threshold concept.
Lactate threshold concept
Cronbach’s alpha
Lower 95% CI
Upper 95% CI
LT 4_mmol
Cronbach’s alpha for the placebo group for each lactate threshold concept with 95% confidence interval (CI).
Table 4. Predictive value of lactate threshold concepts.
Lactate threshold concept
Pearson correlation
Mean difference (SD)
n = 42
n = 46a
n = 34b
n = 42
n = 46a
n = 34b
-11.3 (18.3)
-8.7 (22.1)
-9.8 (37.2)
-23.2 (16.0)
-18.5 (19.3)
-27.4 (39.3)
-16.2 (14.3)
-16.1 (18.1)
-21.9 (33.8)
-3.5 (23.7)
-0.6 (26.2)
-13.5 (36.1)
43.7 (21.7)
45.3 (23.5)
39.1 (35.9)
-31.7 (19.4)
-32.3 (23.0)
-36.6 (36.1)
-4.4 (12.1)
-3.8 (15.8)
-13.4 (32.4)
-27.3 (11.8)
-29.9 (16.6)
-33.7 (29.1)
Pearson correlation between each lactate threshold concept in GXT 1 and time trial test 1 (TT1), GXT 4 and time trial test 2 (TT2) and GXT 5 and average road race
(RR) power for all subjects combined. All correlations are significant (p<0.0002). To determine potential differences in power output between the LT concept and time
trial power or race power, mean difference (SD) between each measurement pair is calculated. Negative values indicate lactate threshold power is higher than exercise
test average power.
a For LT5 n = 44;
b for LT5 n = 32.
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study identified several LT concepts that outperformed the others in the setting of this trial.
The best method being Dmax-mod, but Dmax, LT-4mmol and LT3 performed well too.
The design of the exercise protocol, for example stage duration, is known to impact blood
lactate curves. [25, 26] We selected an exercise protocol with five minute stages and 25 W
increments because it takes 3–4 minutes for the body to reach steady state and lactate accom-
panying that effort level can be measured accurately. [27] In addition, longer protocols may be
more sensitive to performance changes. [25] As described in more detail elsewhere, [12] GXT
results show our subjects were well-trained with maximal power output and VO2 max values
comparable to elite cyclists and triathletes when using longer exercise protocols. [28, 29] All
evaluated concepts were applied to data from the same exercise tests, with the same sampling
and assay method, and the same fitting procedure was used for those applicable concepts. As a
result such factors could not have affected the comparison between concepts within this study.
The current study was designed in that way to give the most accurate estimate of performance
parameters and its controlled set-up seems to be the most robust and valuable way to deter-
mine differences between concepts. Nevertheless, when any of these factors are changed (e.g.
using a different exercise test protocol) it is possible the outcomes might not translate perfectly.
With regards to data fitting, the third-order polynomial in the applicable concepts performed
well given the high mean r-squared values observed.
Selection of concepts
After inspection of all identified lactate concepts, it became clear that there were similarities
between quite some of them. For this reason, the concepts were grouped into categories, and a
selection was made of concepts to be analysed to have at least one representative per category
Fig 4. Linear regression lactate threshold concept power and average race power. Linear regression of lactate threshold power and average race power per LT
concept for all subjects depicting linear regression line (solid line) and 95% confidence interval (dotted lines). r2: R-squared or coefficient of determination is the
proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable.
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and thereby ensuring that results from this study would be informative for all regularly used
lactate concepts. The selection includes concepts such as a fixed lactate value (usually at 4
mmol/L) and the visually determined LT concepts that have been used since the conception of
the LT, and more recent concepts such as LT3, LT4 and Dmax and Dmax-mod. [9]
Mean threshold
The mean power output (Table 2) is relatively constant over time for each concept. These
results confirm there was no placebo-effect on any of the LT concepts, although such an
impact would already theoretically be improbable. What can also be seen is that not all con-
cepts seem to identify the same point in the blood lactate curve: LT5 gives the lowest estimate
of LT (228.4 W), much lower than other concepts (274.1–302.7 W). LT-4mmol and Dmax-
mod have the highest estimates (302.7 and 301.5 W), indicating these concepts identify differ-
ent intensities of performance and have different physiological meanings. Applying the termi-
nology as described in Faude et al, [9] based on mean threshold and mean difference with TT
and RR (Table 4), some concepts seem to be more related to the aerobic threshold (LT5), oth-
ers to the aerobic/anaerobic transition (e.g. LT1, LT4, Dmax) or the anaerobic threshold (LT-
4mmol, Dmax-mod).
Intra-subject CV’s over all five measurements were low (3.4–8.1%) and Cronbach’s alphas
high (0.89–0.97), indicating repeatability of all concepts over the study period of approximately
8 weeks was good. This corresponds well to previous findings of repeatability for power or
speed at different lactate concepts, both in terms of CV, determined at 1.3–5.9% in a meta-ana-
lytic review, [30] and in terms of Pearson correlations 0.88–0.96 [31, 32] or ICC 0.98–0.99.
[33] One study applied different LT concepts to the same dataset from two exercise tests and
showed that intra-subject CV’s and correlation was good for LT2, LT-4mmol and a concept
similar to LT4 (CV 3–4% and r 0.85), but not for Dmax (10.3% and 0.57). [34] Our data,
based on more subjects (24 versus 14) and more measurements per subject (5 versus 2), dis-
putes this relatively poor repeatability for Dmax. However, our study does show differences
between concepts, with LT3, LT-4mmol, Dmax and Dmax-mod having the lowest intra-sub-
ject CV (<5%) and the highest Cronbach’s alpha (>0.95).
Correlation with performance
As we have established that CV and repeatability for all LT concepts was good, the most rele-
vant question is whether these concepts correlate to actual endurance performance. As previ-
ously indicated, it is highly unlikely that the rHuEPO treatment impacted this particular
correlation analysis. When analysing the groups separately, some differences in correlation
coefficients could be observed between the two groups (data not shown), but these differences
were already present for the correlation between GXT1 and TT1 when treatment had not yet
started, indicating that this was not due to rHuEPO treatment. Because combining all subjects
generates more informative and robust results being based on a bigger population, pooling the
groups was considered justified.
Data in Table 4 show that for all concepts correlations with time trial tests were higher com-
pared to the road race (based on all subjects median of all concepts r = 0.875 for TT1 and 0.82
for TT2, versus 0.61 for RR). This is most likely partly due to additional variability in the road
race due to the circumstances (e.g. weather, uphill racing with changes in steepness over the
course, and differences in race duration (range 72–126 minutes)). Possibly there was also a
minor impact of using different equipment for power measurement during the RR, as it was
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not measured on the ergometer but on the subjects’ bike. What can also be seen is that correla-
tion of the LT concepts with TT1 in general is slightly higher than with TT2. More importantly
however, correlation for both time trials show that the ranking among different concepts is
very similar, confirming the results are robust. It seems that in general, using a technique of
interpolation for the BLC has superior performance, as LT concepts that were based on the
third-order polynomial derived from the individual lactate concentration measurements (LT3,
LT5, LT-4mmol, Dmax, Dmax-mod) performed better than the ones that used actual mea-
sured bLa values without interpolation (LT1, LT2 and LT4), with the exception of LT5. This
poor performance of LT5 is most likely due to the fact that it is conceptually different from the
other concepts; it is the power at the minimum lactate equivalent, in this case the lowest value
for the lactate-VO2 ratio. In contrast, LT3 also uses a form of the minimum lactate equivalent,
but it adds 1.5 mmol/L to this value. As can be seen in Table 2 and Fig 2, this leads to LT5 on
average determining a point even before the first rise in lactate concentration as determined
by LT1. This concept therefore relates to much lower (aerobic) work intensities than the other
concepts. Additionally it is less repeatable (see Table 3). From all tested concepts LT5 corre-
lates least with 45 min TT performance, but for the longer RR performance relative to the
other concepts it performs somewhat better than for TT. This could mean that is this concept
is more related to long-term exercise efforts.
Many studies previously evaluated correlations of LT concepts with endurance perfor-
mance, of which most used running performance. An overview of these studies by Faude et al
shows a median r = 0.84–0.92 for several different LT concepts for endurance distances
(>5km), [9] comparable to our results. There are fewer studies that have compared LT con-
cepts and their correlation with different types of cycling endurance performance, [16, 20, 26,
35–38] but correlation with endurance performances (30–90 minutes) for each concept seem
to vary between these studies, see Table 5. In addition, the comparison between concepts
within these studies shows varying conclusions about which is the best concept. This could
partially be due to differences between studies, for example study populations differ (mean
VO2max ranges from 48 to 68 mL/kg/min, and some studying female, others male cyclists
and/or triathletes). However, they are more or less as heterogeneous as our population with an
SD of 4–8 mL/kg/min on VO2max. The applied exercise protocols all used long stages similar
to ours (3–5 minutes), although the increases in workload differ (20-50W). Finally, correlation
to endurance exercise was based on time trials that lasted between approximately 30 to 90 min-
utes (our TT of 45 min at the lower end and RR of on average 98 min at the higher end), a dif-
ference that might impact the correlation to different LT concepts. Nevertheless, taking these
differences into account, comparison is possible, albeit with some caution. Moreover, a robust
Table 5. Reported correlations between LT concepts and endurance performance.
Correlation reported in publication
Lactate threshold concept
Amann [16]
Bentley [37]
Bishop [20]
Borszcz [35]
McNaughton [38]
Nichols [36]
Literature data for LT concepts and correlation with 30–90 minute-during performances. LTlog: the power output at which bLa starts to increase when log(bLa) is
plotted against log(power output).
Lactate threshold concepts in endurance exercise
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and valid LT concept should perform well in any of these datasets. What can be observed is
that all these concepts except LT1, Dmax and Dmax-mod have shown correlations below 0.75,
and that in all four direct comparisons that evaluated both Dmax and LT-4mmol, Dmax
showed a higher correlation. This latter finding could be due to the fact that LT-4mmol is
less robust to changes in settings such as exercise protocol duration, sampling site and lactate
analyser because of its fixed nature. Our study expands on this information, and compared to
previous studies as reviewed in Table 5, is based on approximately 2–4 times more subjects,
therefore allowing for more robust conclusions. This is especially true since our population is a
heterogeneous well-trained, and therefore relevant, group (range maximal power output at
baseline 256–425 W). Similar to what can be extracted from the literature, our study too shows
that Dmax and Dmax-mod have highest correlations with time trial performance, although
LT-4mmol and LT3 show a similarly high correlation in our study. For the correlation with
RR, there are slightly larger differences between concepts. Correlation is highest for Dmax and
Dmax-mod, mainly because for the other concepts correlation for a few subjects is very poor,
as visualized in Fig 4 (e.g. for LT-4mmol). These findings combined, we conclude that Dmax,
and even more so Dmax-mod, have the best correlation with endurance performance. One
recent study evaluated correlation between MLSS, which could be considered to be the gold
standard for the physiological endurance threshold, and different LT concepts generated from
GXTs with different protocol durations. [26] This study concluded that for a GXT with 4-min-
ute steps (most similar to our GXT), correlation was high for many of the concepts, but validity
was highest for LT-2.5mmol, Dmax-mod, and two modified versions of Dmax-mod. In con-
trast, LT2, LT-4mmol and Dmax showed much higher mean differences with MLSS and there-
fore were designated as invalid estimates of MLSS. Combining these findings with our own
results, Dmax-mod determined in a GXT with approximately 5-minute stages is both a valid
estimate of MLSS and has a high correlation with actual endurance performance.
Absolute power difference
The mean difference of each concept with the endurance parameter gives an indication of how
the absolute power of the LT concept corresponds to the average power produced during TT
and RR. On average, power is higher compared to the endurance test for each concept (except
the poorest performing concept LT5). This difference in power between LT concepts and
endurance test is possibly due to having to sustain the power for a much longer time during
the endurance tests, needing a systematic lower power in order to cope with the effort. Inter-
estingly, Dmax-mod and LT-4mmol, concepts that show among the highest correlations, have
the largest difference in absolute power (approximately 30 W). Given the high correlation with
performance this should not disqualify these concepts, but one should take into account that
there is a systematic difference with endurance performance of approximately 30 W.
LT concepts are correlated with endurance performance, but a review showed that many dif-
ferent concepts are used in literature, which is undesirable. [9] Also for cycling performance,
there is no consensus on which LT concept should be applied and results vary highly. [16, 20,
35–38] In this study we compared eight different representative LT concepts on the same large
cycling performance dataset to evaluate repeatability and predictive properties. All concepts
showed high repeatability, and correlated with endurance performance. However, LT3, LT-
4mmol, Dmax and Dmax-mod showed the best repeatability, and had the highest correlation
with time trial performance. As correlation with performance was consistently high for Dmax
and Dmax-mod, also with the uphill road race, the latter performing slightly better on each
Lactate threshold concepts in endurance exercise
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criterion, and because Dmax-mod was previously shown to be a valid estimate of MLSS, we
would recommend using Dmax-mod when analyzing the blood lactate curve.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Lactate threshold concept categories.
S1 Protocol. Study protocol CHDR1514.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Jules A. A. C. Heuberger, Adam F. Cohen.
Data curation: Jules A. A. C. Heuberger, Pim Gal, Frederik E. Stuurman.
Formal analysis: Jules A. A. C. Heuberger, Wouter A. S. de Muinck Keizer, Yuri Mejia
Investigation: Jules A. A. C. Heuberger, Pim Gal, Frederik E. Stuurman.
Methodology: Jules A. A. C. Heuberger.
Supervision: Jules A. A. C. Heuberger, Adam F. Cohen.
Writing – original draft: Jules A. A. C. Heuberger.
Writing – review & editing: Pim Gal, Frederik E. Stuurman, Wouter A. S. de Muinck Keizer,
Yuri Mejia Miranda, Adam F. Cohen.
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| Repeatability and predictive value of lactate threshold concepts in endurance sports. | 11-14-2018 | Heuberger, Jules A A C,Gal, Pim,Stuurman, Frederik E,de Muinck Keizer, Wouter A S,Mejia Miranda, Yuri,Cohen, Adam F | eng |
PMC9268959 | Citation: Jaén-Carrillo, D.;
Roche-Seruendo, L.E.;
Molina-Molina, A.; Cardiel-Sánchez,
S.; Cartón-Llorente, A.;
García-Pinillos, F. Influence of the
Shod Condition on Running Power
Output: An Analysis in
Recreationally Active Endurance
Runners. Sensors 2022, 22, 4828.
Academic Editors: Robert Crowther
and Carlo Ricciardi
Received: 2 June 2022
Accepted: 23 June 2022
Published: 26 June 2022
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Influence of the Shod Condition on Running Power Output:
An Analysis in Recreationally Active Endurance Runners
Diego Jaén-Carrillo 1
, Luis E. Roche-Seruendo 1
, Alejandro Molina-Molina 1,2,*
, Silvia Cardiel-Sánchez 1,
Antonio Cartón-Llorente 1
and Felipe García-Pinillos 2,3
Campus Universitario, Universidad San Jorge, Autov A23 km 299, Villanueva de Gállego,
50830 Zaragoza, Spain; [email protected] (D.J.-C.); [email protected] (L.E.R.-S.); [email protected] (S.C.-S.);
[email protected] (A.C.-L.)
Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Granada, 18016 Granada, Spain;
[email protected]
Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco 4780000, Chile
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-625538520
Abstract: Several studies have already analysed power output in running or the relation between
VO2max and power production as factors related to running economy; however, there are no studies
assessing the difference in power output between shod and barefoot running. This study aims to
identify the effect of footwear on the power output endurance runner. Forty-one endurance runners
(16 female) were evaluated at shod and barefoot running over a one-session running protocol at
their preferred comfortable velocity (11.71 ± 1.07 km·h−1). The mean power output (MPO) and
normalized MPO (MPOnorm), form power, vertical oscillation, leg stiffness, running effectiveness
and spatiotemporal parameters were obtained using the Stryd™ foot pod system. Additionally,
footstrike patterns were measured using high-speed video at 240 Hz. No differences were noted in
MPO (p = 0.582) and MPOnorm (p = 0.568), whereas significant differences were found in form power,
in both absolute (p = 0.001) and relative values (p < 0.001), running effectiveness (p = 0.006), stiffness
(p = 0.002) and vertical oscillation (p < 0.001). By running barefoot, lower values for contact time
(p < 0.001) and step length (p = 0.003) were obtained with greater step frequency (p < 0.001), compared
to shod running. The prevalence of footstrike pattern significantly differs between conditions, with
19.5% of runners showing a rearfoot strike, whereas no runners showed a rearfoot strike during
barefoot running. Running barefoot showed greater running effectiveness in comparison with shod
running, and was consistent with lower values in form power and lower vertical oscillation. From a
practical perspective, the long-term effect of barefoot running drills might lead to increased running
efficiency and leg stiffness in endurance runners, affecting running economy.
Keywords: barefoot; footstrike; stiffness; sensor; wearable
1. Introduction
Endurance running events range from 3000 m to over 160 km in ultra-marathons.
Nowadays, both the number of runners in endurance races and the number of organised
races have increased. For example, 19,076 runners (19.51% women) finished the half
marathon in Valencia in 2020 (Spain). The lower limb muscles execute three distinctive
functions during such events: (i) force and power generation; (ii) shock absorption; and
(iii) store and release elastic energy [1], thus compromising running economy. Endurance
runners experienced improvements in muscle strength and power, among others, after an
8-week training intervention directly affecting running economy and, thus, performance [2].
The novel appearance of wearable devices capable of obtaining kinetic and kinematic data
during running offers sports practitioners a new way to quantify workload by acquiring
valuable metrics such as spatiotemporal parameters, power, and leg stiffness.
Sensors 2022, 22, 4828.
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Although a wide range of endurance runners tend to collide with the ground first with
the heel when shod [3], the switch from shod to barefoot running implies a tendency toward
a midfoot (MFS) or forefoot strike pattern (FFS), influencing factors such as contact (CT) and
flight time (FT), step frequency (SF), step length (SL), loading rate and leg compliance [4–7].
While leg stiffness increases with barefoot running in comparison to shod running [8], a
significant reduction in running dynamic stability was found when changing from shod
to barefoot conditions [9]. Moreover, greater activation levels in the intrinsic muscles of
the foot have been found with the stance phase in barefoot running, in comparison with
shod running, producing adjustment during the compression of the longitudinal arch. This
results in a greater ability to recoil elastic energy when running barefoot [10,11].
The recent appearance of wearable power meters on the running scene may change
training and competition by providing power output values for endurance runners. These
sensors may allow us to monitor and quantify workload from a fair and objective perspec-
tive with accurate replication, as they already do in cycling [12]. Velocity and both the
body height and weight of a runner, as well as external conditions such as slope and wind,
may influence power output in running [13,14]. Although the level of agreement between
power meter systems in running and two theoretical models for power output analysis
has been assessed [15], the lack of scientific evidence for the use and interpretation of such
metrics in endurance runners may prevent sport practitioners from adopting them as a
means to monitor and assess running performance. A recent wearable system (i.e., Stryd™)
calculates power production while running, separating this metric into two parts: power
and form power. Apparently, power reflects the power output associated with changes in
the athlete’s horizontal movement. Form power, however, represents the power output
production caused by the combination of the oscillatory up and down movements of the
centre of mass and lateral power when the athlete moves forward. This system employs
mathematical calculations to estimate these two parameters from kinematic data collected
from the described movements executed by the runner’s foot [16]. In addition, in a recent
review [17], the Stryd foot pod was noted for its reliability and compatibility with metabolic
power, compared to other commercially available portable running power devices.
While several studies have already analysed power output in running [18,19] and
others have investigated the relation between VO2max and power production [16,20], to
the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no studies assessing the difference in power
output between shod and barefoot running. In order to bridge this gap, this study aims to
identify the effect of footwear on power output in endurance runners. It is hypothesised
that increased effectiveness, leg stiffness and power production would be identified in
barefoot running.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects
Forty-one recreationally active endurance runners (25 males; age = 28.5 ± 6.9 years;
height = 1.73 ± 0.08 m; body mass = 68.2 ± 11.6 kg), recruited by convenience, volunteered
to take part in this study. All the participants were 18 years of age or older, capable of
running 10,000 m in under 50 min (44.02 ± 4.22 min), injury-free for the last 6 months
and were completing no fewer than 2 running sessions per week, therefore meeting the
inclusion criteria. Every participant signed a formal consent form, aligned with the bioethics
of the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki (2013). Once the objectives and
procedures of the study were explained, participants were assured that they were free to
leave the study at any time. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of San Jorge
University (009-18/19), from which sport sciences students were recruited.
2.2. Procedures
Participants completed two testing trials over a one-session running protocol at their
preferred comfortable velocity (11.71 ± 1.07 km·h−1) for data collection at the San Jorge
University Biomechanics Laboratory (Zaragoza, Spain) in April 2019. Both trials were
Sensors 2022, 22, 4828
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completed on a motorised treadmill with a slope maintained at 0% (HP cosmos Pulsar
4P; HP cosmos Sports & Medical, Gmbh, Nußdorf, Germany). Participants warmed up
for 5 min on the treadmill where the velocity was increased and decreased several times
until a comfortable velocity was achieved [21]. For each trial, participants completed two
successive 3 min running bouts (i.e., shod for the first and barefoot for the latter), separated
by a 2 min period to change from shod to barefoot condition. Since power output [19] and
spatiotemporal parameters [22] reach a steady state in less than 2 min, data were recorded
during both running trials and 6–8 strides were analysed [23].
2.3. Materials and Testing
Both body weight and height were measured for each participant, utilising a weigh-
ing scale (Tanita BC-601; TANITA Corp., Maeno-Cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan) and a
stadiometer (SECA 222; SECA Corp., Hamburg, Germany), respectively.
For this study, a commercially available wearable power meter, Stryd™ (Stryd Summit
Powermeter; Stryd, Inc., Boulder, CO, USA), was clipped on the laces of the runner’s
shoe when running shod and placed and secured with tape on the runner’s instep during
barefoot running (Figure 1). This lightweight, reinforced carbon-fibre foot pod (weight:
9.1 g) is based on a 6-axis inertial motion sensor (3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer)
and provides kinetic and kinematic data. During barefoot running, participants ran with
socks to avoid friction injuries to the soles of their feet caused by the treadmill belt. When
running shod, participants wore their traditional training shoes. The power meter was
linked to the manufacturer’s mobile application (StrydApp, version 5.13), downloaded on
a smartphone (iPhone 8, Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA), for recording data.
Sensors 2022, 22, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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University Biomechanics Laboratory (Zaragoza, Spain) in April 2019. Both trials were
completed on a motorised treadmill with a slope maintained at 0% (HP cosmos Pulsar 4P;
HP cosmos Sports & Medical, Gmbh, Nußdorf, Germany). Participants warmed up for 5
min on the treadmill where the velocity was increased and decreased several times until
a comfortable velocity was achieved [21]. For each trial, participants completed two suc-
cessive 3 min running bouts (i.e., shod for the first and barefoot for the latter), separated
by a 2 min period to change from shod to barefoot condition. Since power output [19] and
spatiotemporal parameters [22] reach a steady state in less than 2 min, data were recorded
during both running trials and 6–8 strides were analysed [23].
2.3. Materials and Testing
Both body weight and height were measured for each participant, utilising a weigh-
ing scale (Tanita BC-601; TANITA Corp., Maeno-Cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan) and a
stadiometer (SECA 222; SECA Corp., Hamburg, Germany), respectively.
For this study, a commercially available wearable power meter, Stryd™ (Stryd Sum-
mit Powermeter; Stryd, Inc., Boulder, CO, USA), was clipped on the laces of the runner’s
shoe when running shod and placed and secured with tape on the runner’s instep during
barefoot running (Figure 1). This lightweight, reinforced carbon-fibre foot pod (weight:
9.1 g) is based on a 6-axis inertial motion sensor (3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer)
and provides kinetic and kinematic data. During barefoot running, participants ran with
socks to avoid friction injuries to the soles of their feet caused by the treadmill belt. When
running shod, participants wore their traditional training shoes. The power meter was
linked to the manufacturer’s mobile application (StrydApp, version 5.13), downloaded on
a smartphone (iPhone 8, Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA), for recording data.
Figure 1. Representation for the placement of the Stryd™ power meter clipped on the laces of the
runner’s shoe (left picture) and placed and secured with tape on the runner’s instep during barefoot
running (central and right picture).
Average power output (w; ratio of total of watts generated to total run time), form
power (w; previously described), mean power output (w (MPO)), normalised MPO (w/kg
(MPOnorm)), vertical oscillation (cm; quantity of up and down movement generated dur-
ing running), leg stiffness (kN/m; ratio of the maximal force at the initial touchdown to
the maximum leg compression at the middle of the stance phase) and running effective-
ness (kg/N; ratio of speed to power) were obtained using the Stryd™ power meter.
Additionally, the running spatiotemporal parameters of contact time (time the foot
spends in contact with the ground (CT)), flight time (time from toes-off to initial contact
of the same foot (FT)), step length (distance covered between initial contact of one foot
and the initial contact of the other foot (SL)) and step frequency (number of ground con-
tacts that occurred in a minute (SF)) were also measured utilising the Stryd™ system,
which has been previously validated for such purposes [18].
The foot strike pattern (FSP) exhibited by the participants was recorded using high-
speed video at 240 Hz (Imaging Source DFK 33UX174, The Imaging Source Europe
Figure 1. Representation for the placement of the Stryd™ power meter clipped on the laces of the
runner’s shoe (left picture) and placed and secured with tape on the runner’s instep during barefoot
running (central and right picture).
Average power output (w; ratio of total of watts generated to total run time), form
power (w; previously described), mean power output (w (MPO)), normalised MPO (w/kg
(MPOnorm)), vertical oscillation (cm; quantity of up and down movement generated
during running), leg stiffness (kN/m; ratio of the maximal force at the initial touchdown to
the maximum leg compression at the middle of the stance phase) and running effectiveness
(kg/N; ratio of speed to power) were obtained using the Stryd™ power meter.
Additionally, the running spatiotemporal parameters of contact time (time the foot
spends in contact with the ground (CT)), flight time (time from toes-off to initial contact of
the same foot (FT)), step length (distance covered between initial contact of one foot and
the initial contact of the other foot (SL)) and step frequency (number of ground contacts
that occurred in a minute (SF)) were also measured utilising the Stryd™ system, which has
been previously validated for such purposes [18].
The foot strike pattern (FSP) exhibited by the participants was recorded using high-
speed video at 240 Hz (Imaging Source DFK 33UX174, The Imaging Source Europe GmbH;
Bremen, Germany). The camera was placed perpendicular to the treadmill from a sagittal
Sensors 2022, 22, 4828
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view at 2 m from the centre of the treadmill and at a height of 0.30 m, which has been
previously validated for such a purpose [24]. Three different FSP were identified in the
present study [4]: rearfoot strike pattern (RFS), where the heel contacts the ground first;
MFS, in which the outside edge of the foot contacts the ground first; and FFS, where the
forefoot touches down first.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
Descriptive data are shown as mean (±SD), frequency and percentage. To determine
the differences between nominal variables, McNemar’s test was used. The mean differences
between values were analysed via pairwise mean comparisons (t-test) and the magnitude
of the differences was expressed by means of the Cohen’s d effect size (ES) and interpreted
as trivial (<0.19), small (0.2–0.49), medium (0.5–0.79) and large (≥0.8) [25]. All statistical
analyses were performed using SPSS (version 25, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and statistical
significance was accepted at α = 0.05.
3. Results
Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in spatiotemporal gait characteristics
during running when comparing shod and barefoot conditions (Table 1). When running
barefoot, lower values for CT (p < 0.001, ES = 0.46) and SL (p = 0.003, ES = 0.13) were
obtained with greater SF (p < 0.001, ES = 0.59), compared to those reported during shod
running at the same comfortable velocity. The prevalence of FSP significantly differs
(p < 0.034) between conditions, with 19.5% of runners showing RF, 56.1% MF and 24.4% FF
during the shod condition, whereas no runners showed RF during barefoot running, with
31.8% and 68.2% showing MF and FF, respectively.
Table 1. Spatiotemporal gait characteristics during running shod and barefoot at comfortable velocity.
Shod Condition
Barefoot Condition
p-Value (d)
FSP (n, %) ˆ
8 (19.5)
0 (0)
23 (56.1)
13 (31.8)
10 (24.4)
28 (68.2)
CT (s)
0.261 (0.020)
0.252 (0.019)
<0.001 (0.46)
FT (s)
0.111 (0.018)
0.108 (0.017)
0.053 (0.17)
SL (m)
1.11 (0.15)
1.09 (0.15)
0.003 (0.13)
SF (spm)
162.06 (8.06)
166.99 (8.22)
<0.001 (0.59)
ˆ indicates that a McNemar test was conducted to compare frequencies; d: Cohen’s d effect size; FSP: foot strike
pattern; RF: rearfoot; MF: midfoot; FF: forefoot; CT: ground contact time; FT: flight time; SL: step length; SF: step
The comparisons between conditions (i.e., shod vs. barefoot) revealed no differences
in MPO (p = 0.582, ES = 0.02) and MPOnorm (p = 0.568, ES = 0.03), whereas significant
differences were found in form power, in both absolute (p = 0.001, ES = 0.14) and relative
values (p < 0.001, ES = 0.33), running effectiveness (p = 0.006, ES = 0.36), stiffness (p = 0.002,
ES = 0.20) and vertical oscillation (p < 0.001, ES = 0.48) (Table 2).
Table 2. Power output and related parameters during running shod and barefoot at comfortable
Shod Condition
Barefoot Condition
p-Value (d)
210.05 (44.16)
210.73 (44.24)
0.582 (0.02)
MPOnorm (W/kg)
3.07 (0.32)
3.08 (0.32)
0.568 (0.03)
Form power (W)
69.95 (12.51)
68.28 (12.19)
0.001 (0.14)
Form power (%)
33.6 (2.8)
32.7 (2.7)
<0.001 (0.33)
Running effectiveness
0.95 (0.05)
0.97 (0.06)
0.006 (0.36)
Leg Stiffness (kN/m)
10.26 (1.86)
10.65 (1.93)
0.002 (0.20)
Vertical oscillation (cm)
7.93 (0.98)
7.48 (0.90)
<0.001 (0.48)
d: Cohen’s d effect size; MPO: mean power output; MPOnorm: normalised mean power output.
Sensors 2022, 22, 4828
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4. Discussion
This study sought to determine the effect of footwear on power output in long distance
runners, comparing data collected by the Stryd™ system during both shod and barefoot
running. The main finding of this study was that endurance runners showed greater
running effectiveness when running barefoot in comparison with shod running, being
consistent with lower values in form power and lower vertical oscillation. Additionally, our
findings support those by previous studies reporting biomechanical alterations in runners
who changed from traditional shoes to barefoot while running, such as the adoption of MFS
or FFS, higher SF, and both shorter CT and SL [4–7]. Given the novelty of power output
in endurance running, there is a lack of scientific evidence regarding this metric and, in
particular, with power output in barefoot running, making this discussion challenging.
From a biomechanical standpoint, the tendency towards the runner’s adoption of
MF or FF when switching from traditional running shoes to barefoot is supported by
Lieberman and colleagues, as they stated that habitually shod runners adopted flatter foot
positions at the initial contact when barefoot running [4]. In the same line, the runner’s
showed significantly higher SF (3%) when running barefoot (166.99 ± 8.22 spm, p < 0.001)
during the present study; this reinforces previous works [5,6], which found that habitually
shod runners significantly increased their SF when barefoot running [5] and as velocity
increased [6]. Likewise, Cochrum and colleagues reported that barefoot running at 50%
VO2max resulted in a 2.4% shorter SL in comparison with shod running conditions [6],
endorsing the findings reported here, where SL is significantly shorter in barefoot running
(1.83%) in comparison with running in shod conditions (1.09 ± 0.15 m and 1.11 ± 0.15 m,
respectively; p < 0.05) at a comfortable velocity.
Significantly smaller CT was also reported in barefoot running (0.252 ± 0.019 s,
p < 0.001), supporting previous studies [5,7]. Divert and colleagues [5] reported that CT
significantly increased in shod running, and Lussiana and colleagues [7] found shorter CT
when comparing minimalist to traditional shoes. Although all these studies share shod–
barefoot comparison in their procedures, the slight differences may be due to their different
methodologies. While our participants completed one single, steady-state, comfortable
velocity testing session on a motorised treadmill at a maintained slope of 0%, the studies
discussed above are based on an incremental gradient protocol [7], a two-session protocol
made up of six running bouts of 4 min [5], and four treadmill running testing sessions [6]. It
should also be noted that none of those studies utilised the Stryd™ power meter to analyse
the spatiotemporal parameters, in either the shod or barefoot condition.
Considering that it has been proposed that the addition of 100 g to the foot reduces
running economy by 1% [5,26], barefoot running would optimise the stretch-shortening
cycle behaviour, buffering and releasing elastic energy [27] and increasing leg stiffness by
the adoption of a plyometric movement pattern [28]. Moreover, as the foot’s core muscle
system produces an adaptation during compression of the longitudinal arch, which results
in increased ability to recoil elastic energy over the stance phase [10,11], one might expect
greater power output in barefoot running compared to running in the shod condition. It
should be noted that the footwear condition does not influence MPO or MPOnorm, but
it does significantly influence form power (watts and percent), running effectiveness, leg
stiffness and vertical oscillation in endurance runners.
Given that power can be defined as the product of force and velocity [29], and that in
the present study both running bouts (i.e., shod and barefoot) were executed at the same
comfortable velocity for every participant, it seems reasonable that MPO and MPOnorm
remained stable under both footwear conditions. The power output values reported in the
present study during shod running (210.05 ± 44.16 W) are supported by those found by
previous works using the Stryd™ power meter at the same running velocity [15,19].
From a practical application of MPO in endurance runners, the Functional Threshold
Power is a performance index referring to the highest MPO maintained for around 60 min
running without the onset of fatigue [30], commonly used to determine training intensities
(i.e., training zones) and quantify athletes’ responses to training stimuli [30,31]. In a recent
Sensors 2022, 22, 4828
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study, MPO and MPOnorm have shown a strong relationship with the Functional Threshold
Power at submaximal running from 10 min to 30 min [32]. Our results have shown no
significant differences for MPO and MPOnorm between the shod and barefoot running
conditions, suggesting no changes in load intensities between the two footwear conditions.
Thus, a runner could maintain their training loads based on watts. However, the authors
recommend being cautious with this information as intra-articular loads could be different
due to biomechanical changes caused by barefoot running, such as the change in FSP from
RFS to FFS, greater ankle stiffness, lower impact load and brake load, greater knee flexion
at ground contact, and reduced tibialis anterior muscle activity, among other factors [33].
Regarding form power, and according to the manufacturer’s manual (https://www. (accessed on 1 June 2022)), most athletes would exhibit form power
ranging from 30 to 100 W. The findings reported in our study show significant differences
between both running conditions (69.95 ± 12.51 W when shod, 68.28 ± 12.19 W when
barefoot) and seem to align with the manufacturer’s statement. It can be argued that form
power relates to leg stiffness and vertical oscillation in endurance running in different ways.
It is known that lower-limb stiffness varies across footwear conditions, resulting in increased
leg stiffness when barefoot in comparison to shod running [5,7,8,10,27]. This statement is
supported in the present study as the leg stiffness values are significantly greater in barefoot
running (10.65 ± 1.93 kN/m). Since increased leg stiffness optimizes elastic energy recoil
and enhances running economy [34], it is reasonable to find lower values of form power
and increased leg stiffness in barefoot running, making the reverse equally valid in shod
running. The values for vertical oscillation exhibit significant differences between shod
(7.93 ± 0.98 cm) and barefoot running (7.48 ± 0.9 cm). The significantly lower values found
in barefoot running demonstrate that runners show less vertical oscillation as they run,
positively affecting running economy [35,36], which is also associated with the increased
leg stiffness found under this footwear condition [7], consequently producing lower form
power under this footwear condition.
The Stryd™ system also offers a running effectiveness metric. This novel metric
is referred to as the ratio of running velocity to power (https://www.trainingpeaks.
com/blog/wko4-new-metrics-for-running-with-power/ (accessed on 1 June 2022)). The
findings reported here align with the proposed values for this value (i.e., ~1 kg/N),
showing significantly higher effectiveness (p < 0.005) in barefoot running (0.97 ± 0.06
kg/N). Although it has not been reported before, this metric might be useful for coaches
and practitioners as white papers have stated that the closer the running effectiveness
value to 1 kg/N, the more effective runners are at transforming external power into ve-
locity (
cVOQpzzKcWNF6VEX271s-QGYFHjwMgyLhhmu5i21-1_CaC3eL0B817rQo8k/pub (ac-
cessed on 1 June 2022)). This metric must not be used interchangeably with running
economy as they are completely different parameters. However, following the statements
of the aforementioned white papers, running effectiveness might represent running econ-
omy from a mechanical standpoint.
Regarding running economy, referred to as the energy required to maintain submax-
imal velocity efforts [37], several studies have not found significant differences between
shod and barefoot running [38,39]. These studies did not control FSP, which may influ-
ence these comparisons [5]. Of note, after controlling for maximal oxygen consumption
(VO2max) and footwear conditions (i.e., barefoot, minimal, and traditional running shoes),
Cochrum et al. [6] stated that barefoot running provides less metabolic benefit over cush-
ioned shoes. This finding is supported by previous work, whose authors suggested that
the design of cushioned shoes offers metabolic savings compared to barefoot running [28].
Our results, in contrast, provide evidence that barefoot running can be more metabolically
beneficial than running in shoes. In addition, we believe that the transition from running in
traditional shoes to less cushioned shoes, minimalist or barefoot running should be carried
out gradually, as has already been recently proposed in a 10-week pain and injury free
retraining program [40].
Sensors 2022, 22, 4828
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The findings described here are based on entirely mechanical parameters; therefore,
they should not be transferred to physiological terms. These findings should also not be
extrapolated to injury management or competition, as we detailed the changes that occur
in shod and barefoot running regarding kinetic and kinematics parameters.
Finally, there are some limitations to consider. Firstly, the protocol was completed on a
motorised treadmill at a comfortable velocity, preventing the readers from extrapolating
these findings to other velocities. The participants wore their own running shoes in shod
running, therefore increasing the ecological validity of the study. It would be of interest for
the research community to assess running power output and related metrics considering
different types of footwear, given the current revolution in the design of running shoes.
The participants were habitually shod runners; therefore, the novelty of the task might
influence the outcomes of barefoot running. Ultimately, the lack of scientific evidence on
this topic made the discussion section especially complex. However, notwithstanding the
aforementioned limitations, the present study offers new insights into the power production
in endurance running, as well as the use of power meters and the interpretation of the
metrics they provide, which might be of high value for clinicians, coaches and athletes who
aim to introduce this metric into training and competition.
5. Conclusions
The results obtained show that, besides the already known spatiotemporal gait char-
acteristic adaptations, barefoot running reported greater values in running effectiveness
in comparison with shod running, being consistent with lower values in form power and
lower vertical oscillation related to running economics. Future studies are needed to exam-
ine whether the long-term effect of short periods of barefoot running might contribute to
increased running efficiency and leg stiffness in endurance runners, which would affect
running economy.
Author Contributions: D.J.-C., L.E.R.-S. and F.G.-P. defined the experimental design and conceptual-
ized the approach. D.J.-C., A.M.-M., S.C.-S. and A.C.-L. collected the data. D.J.-C. and F.G.-P. carried
out the statistical analysis. D.J.-C. wrote the paper. All authors reviewed the manuscript for scientific
content. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of San Jorge University (009-18/19).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the study participants involved in
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Influence of the Shod Condition on Running Power Output: An Analysis in Recreationally Active Endurance Runners. | 06-26-2022 | Jaén-Carrillo, Diego,Roche-Seruendo, Luis E,Molina-Molina, Alejandro,Cardiel-Sánchez, Silvia,Cartón-Llorente, Antonio,García-Pinillos, Felipe | eng |
PMC4552464 | Additional file 1: Online Survey Dam tot Damloop
File format: pdf
Online Survey Dam tot Damloop 2014
The aim of this study is to gain insight in the positive and negative effects of training for the Dam tot
Damloop on participants.
This study is conducted by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. You are invited to participate
in this study, because you are registered for the Dam tot Damloop 2014.
Your participation to this study is voluntarily. You can decide if you want to participate and you are
allowed to quit at any time.
For this study, we ask you to fill in an online survey, this will take approximately 15 minutes. After 6
months we will send you another survey. By then, you can decide if you want to participate in this
follow-up survey.
Your answers will be kept strictly confidential.
If you have questions about this study, please contact Dr. Marije Baart de la Faille – Deutekom
([email protected]).
Please indicate if you would like to participate in this research. If you do not want to participate, click on
“no”. If you mark “yes” this means you:
have read the information described above
participate voluntarily
are 18 years or older
For which distance did you subscribe?
16 KM (10 EM)
6.4 KM (4 EM)
Other (please give further information) …
How often did you participate in the Dam tot Damloop?
This was the first time
This was the second time
This was the third time
This was the fourth time
This was the fifth time
This was the sixth time or more often
Do not know / no answer
Did you actually participate in the Dam tot Damloop?
What was the reason for not starting?
Being sick
I did not want to start
Weather conditions
Family or personal circumstances
Other, namely …
Did you train for the Dam tot Damloop?
Did you finish the Dam tot Damloop?
What was your time at the Dam tot Damloop?
… hours
… minutes
Do you usually take your phone with you during running?
Did you use an app for exercising?
Which app did you use during training for the Dam tot Damloop?
Dam tot Damloop 2014 app
Adidas miCoach
Get Runningapp
Nike + iPod / I Phone app
App with Renate Wennemars: Running Coach powered by the athletics union
Could you indicate what the duration of the period of training was for the Dam tot Damloop?
Did not train or barely
Trained 1-5 weeks
Trained 6-11 weeks
Trained 12 weeks or more
No separate training period (I exercise throughout the whole year)
Do not know / no answer
We are interested in the consequence of your participation in the Dam tot Damloop on amount of
physical exercise.
How much
kilometres did
you train per
week prior to
your training
period for the
Dam tot
Less than 5 km
per week
5-10 km per
10-20 km
per week
20-30 km
per week
More than
30 km per
Do not
know / no
How much
kilometres did
you train per
week during
your training
period for the
Dam tot
Less than 5 km
per week
5-10 km per
10-20 km
per week
20-30 km
per week
More than
30 km per
Do not
know / no
Do you think that training for the Dam tot Damloop had an effect your health?
No effect
Yes, I feel much healthier
Yes, I feel healthier
Yes, I feel less healthy
Yes, I feel much less healthy
In total, how many times did you perform sports during the last 12 months?
If you do not know the exact number, please give an estimation that is as accurate as possible.
… times
We are interested in the effect of your participation in the Dam tot Damloop on the behaviour that
influences your health.
Previously, questions about sports and exercise have been asked. That is why we, in the next section,
ask for other aspects of behaviour that may have been influenced by the Dam tot Damloop.
Alcohol consumption
On average,
how many
glasses of
alcohol did you
drink per week
prior to your
training period
for the Dam tot
1-3 glasses
per week
4-7 glasses
per week
8-14 glasses
per week
More than
14 glasses
per week
Do not
know / no
On average,
how many
glasses of
alcohol did you
drink per week
during your
training period
for the Dam tot
1-3 glasses
per week
4-7 glasses
per week
8-14 glasses
per week
More than
14 glasses
per week
Do not
know / no
Smoking behaviour
How often did
you smoke
prior to your
training period
for the Dam
tot Damloop?
Occasionally 1-3 pieces a
4-10 pieces
a day
More than
10 pieces a
Do not
know / no
How often did
you smoke
during your
training period
for the Dam
tot Damloop?
Occasionally 1-3 pieces a
4-10 pieces
a day
More than
10 pieces a
Do not
know / no
To what extent do you agree with the following theses in relation to the training for the Dam tot
I eat healthier.
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
I feel more
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
I know that
sports is not my
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
The chance is
high that I will
keep on
sports on the
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
I feel better
about myself.
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
I see myself
more as an
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
I did not change
anything in my
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
I encouraged
others in my
surrounding to
perform sports.
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
I lost weight.
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
I feel tired more
Totally agree
Do not agree
Totally do not
Are you a man or a woman?
Wat Is your body height in centimetres at this moment?
… cm
What is your body weight in kilogrammes at this moment?
… kg
What is your year of birth?
| App use, physical activity and healthy lifestyle: a cross sectional study. | 08-28-2015 | Dallinga, Joan Martine,Mennes, Matthijs,Alpay, Laurence,Bijwaard, Harmen,Baart de la Faille-Deutekom, Marije | eng |
PMC9012714 | Vol.:(0123456789)
1 3
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2022) 122:1179–1187
Acute intense fatigue does not modify the effect of EVA and TPU
custom foot orthoses on running mechanics, running economy
and perceived comfort
Ken Van Alsenoy1,2 · Joong Hyun Ryu3 · Olivier Girard1,4
Received: 23 August 2021 / Accepted: 29 January 2022 / Published online: 24 February 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
We determined whether fatigue modifies the effect of custom foot orthoses manufactured from ethyl-vinyl acetate (EVA)
and expanded thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) materials, both compared to standardized footwear (CON), on running
mechanics, running economy, and perceived comfort. Eighteen well-trained, males ran on an instrumented treadmill for
6 min at the speed corresponding to their first ventilatory threshold (13.8 ± 1.1 km/h) in three footwear conditions (CON,
EVA, and TPU). Immediately after completion of a repeated-sprints exercise (8 × 5 s treadmill sprints, rest = 25 s), these run
tests were replicated. Running mechanics, running economy and perceived comfort were determined. Two-way repeated
measures ANOVA [condition (CON, EVA, and TPU) × fatigue (fresh and fatigued)] were conducted. Flight time shortened
(P = 0.026), peak braking (P = 0.016) and push-off (P = 0.032) forces decreased and vertical stiffness increased (P = 0.014)
from before to after the repeated-sprint exercise, independent of footwear condition. There was a global fatigue-induced
deterioration in running economy (− 1.6 ± 0.4%; P < 0.001). There was no significant condition × fatigue [except mean
loading rate (P = 0.046)] for the large majority of biomechanical, cardio-respiratory [except minute ventilation (P = 0.020)
and breathing frequency (P = 0.019)] and perceived comfort variables. Acute intense fatigue does not modify the effect of
custom foot orthoses with different resilience characteristics on running mechanics, running economy and perceived comfort.
Keywords Fatigue · Orthotics · Material resilience · Stride pattern · Economy of locomotion · Footwear comfort
ANOVA Repeated-measures analysis of variance
Custom foot orthotics
Control condition
Ethyl-vinyl acetate
Ground reaction force
Running economy
Ratings of perceived exertion
Thermoplastic polyurethane
Custom foot orthoses (CFOs), which refer to shoe inserts
built from a three-dimensional representation of the ath-
lete’s feet, have become a contemporary topic in footwear
biomechanics literature. Wearing CFOs is used to provide
foot support and shock absorption during ground contact
through re-distribution of plantar loading and a better
maintenance of foot stability (Crago et al. 2019). Prior
studies investigating CFOs effects on key biomechani-
cal indicators have reported mixed results with beneficial
(Worobets et al. 2014; Wilkinson et al. 2018) or unchanged
(Lewinson et al. 2013) adjustments in stride pattern. Dis-
crepant findings may relate to intrinsic properties (i.e.,
energy return and longitudinal bending stiffness) of tested
insoles provoking specific biomechanical modifications
Communicated by Jean -Rene Lacour.
* Ken Van Alsenoy
[email protected]
* Olivier Girard
[email protected]
Aspetar, Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, FIFA
Medical Centre of Excellence, Doha, Qatar
Centre for Health, Activity and Rehabilitation Research
(CHEARR), Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK
Sports Science Department, Aspire Academy, Doha, Qatar
School of Human Sciences (Exercise and Sport Science), The
University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2022) 122:1179–1187
1 3
in running gait (Sinclair et al. 2016). Quantifying stride
mechanical adjustments in response to CFOs is crucial to
better understand how footwear features may eventually
influence the energetic cost of running (Moore 2016).
Running economy (RE), the steady-state oxygen uptake
at a constant submaximal speed, is considered a key physi-
ological measure for distance runners (Barnes and Kilding
2015). The effect of inserts (foot orthoses and sock absorb-
ing insoles) on RE in distance runners has produced incon-
sistent results (Crago et al. 2019). In a study by Burke
and Papuga (2012), six recreational athletes consumed at
least 3% less oxygen while running with CFOs compared
to their shoe-fitted insoles. In contrast, the effect of wear-
ing CFOs manufactured from ethyl-vinyl acetate (EVA)
and expanded thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) materi-
als, both compared to standardized (shoe only), on RE
was considered negligible and marginally improved (albeit
not significantly), respectively (Van Alsenoy et al. 2019).
Additionally, it is known that the amount of cushioning
material in the shoe can influence RE (Tung et al. 2014),
and that these effects might be mediated by comfort per-
ception (Mundermann et al. 2003).
Footwear comfort is paramount since it largely influ-
ences the adherence to ongoing use of CFOs. The percep-
tion of load attenuation (i.e., perceived comfort), result-
ing from the level of somatosensory feedback experienced
(Robbins and Hanna 1987), has been related to RE (Luo
et al. 2009; Lindorfer et al. 2020). Comfort-induced
changes, as a result of load attenuation on certain anatomi-
cal foot structures, potentially contribute to reduction in
metabolic demands via more economical stride character-
istics (Moore et al. 2014). Analyzing the runner’s percep-
tion of the CFOs’ cushioning properties and the associated
biomechanical adjustments induced by different inserts
features (yet with identical geometry) may also help to
better elucidate their effectiveness at protecting against
fatigue effects (Hintzy et al. 2015).
Tolerance to ground impact is often compromised as
fatigue appears, which in turn may limit performance and/or
increase injury risk, notably by increasing the magnitude and
rate of loading (Li et al. 2020). To date, little attention has
been paid to the effectiveness of CFOs at reducing impact
loading in situations of intense fatigue (i.e., repeated ‘all out’
efforts; Girard et al. 2020), with participants typically tested
in ‘fresh’ conditions only. Reportedly, CFOs reduced plantar
loading under the hallux, medial midfoot, and lateral midfoot
compared to prefabricated insoles by ~ 30–35% post-fatigue
(12 min at treadmill speed of ~ 14.4 km/h) (Lucas-Ceuvas
et al. 2014). It is therefore plausible that the use of CFOs
may become a more important protective mechanism for
excessive mechanical constraints in the lower extremities
once runners become fatigued. Because increased fatigue
differently affects the biomechanical pattern of running
(Brocherie et al. 2016), assessing the effects of CFOs for
spatio-temporal, spring-mass model and antero-posterior
variables is relevant.
This study determined whether acute intense fatigue
modifies the effect of CFOs manufactured from ethyl-vinyl
acetate (EVA) and expanded thermoplastic polyurethane
(TPU) materials, both compared to standardized footwear
(CON), on running mechanics, RE, and perceived comfort.
Eighteen male well-trained athletes (mean ± SD age,
38.9 ± 5.1 years; body height, 175.3 ± 5.8 cm; body mass
74.9 ± 7.7 kg; maximal oxygen uptake, 49.1 ± 6.6 mL/min/
kg; maximal aerobic speed, 18.4 ± 1.6 km/h) were recruited
for this study. They trained on average 8.8 ± 3.7 h per week
in the 3 months leading up to the data collection with an
average weekly running distance of 37.6 ± 26.7 km. Thirteen
were rear-foot strikers, one was a midfoot striker and four
were forefoot strikers at 10 km/h. Written informed consent
was obtained from participants, and the study was approved
by Anti-Doping Laboratory Ethics Committee in Qatar (IRB
Application Number 2017000201) and conducted according
to the Declaration of Helsinki.
Study design
About 1 week before testing, participants undertook a pre-
liminary session. They completed a continuous, maximal
incremental running test where the individual ventilatory
threshold, and corresponding running speed that was used
for the three following intervention sessions, were deter-
mined. Briefly, participants started running at 9 km/h with
speed increases of 0.5 km/h every 30 s. The test ended with
voluntary exhaustion of the participants. Verbal encourage-
ment was only given by the researcher guiding the runners
throughout the session. Ventilatory threshold was deter-
mined using the criteria of an increase in minute ventila-
tion/oxygen uptake with no increase in minute ventilation/
carbon dioxide and the departure from linearity of minute
ventilation (Davis 1985).
On three occasions, participants performed (in a counter-
balanced randomized crossover design), at the same time
of day (± 1 h) and 4–5 days apart, an exercise protocol (see
below) in different footwear conditions: a control session
where participants ran with standardized (i.e., only shoe
liner inserted) footwear, CFOs made of EVA and TPU. After
arrival to the laboratory, CFOs were inserted bilaterally in
participants’ shoes. The participants and the researcher who
was directly involved in guiding the session were visually
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2022) 122:1179–1187
1 3
blinded from the CFO materials. Participants were asked
to avoid strenuous exercise in the 12 h, as well as refrain
from food and caffeine for 4 h preceding their visits to the
laboratory and were encouraged to replicate their diet and
training pattern for all visits. Laboratory conditions were
similar throughout all running sessions (mean ± SD tempera-
ture 20.7 ± 0.2 °C, relative humidity 60.4 ± 0.6%). Time of
day was standardized for each participant over all sessions.
Exercise protocol
After a 10 min warm-up at 10 km/h, followed by a 3 min
break used to put on the mask to collect expired gases, par-
ticipants ran for 6 min at the speed associated with their
first ventilatory threshold (13.8 ± 1.1 km/h) whereby run-
ning mechanics, RE and perceived comfort were evaluated.
Participants were then allowed 5 min to rest in a standing
position prior to undertaking a fatiguing task that consisted
of performing eight, 5 s sprints separated by 25 s of rest
(Girard et al. 2020). Lastly, 2 min after the termination of
the fatiguing task, participants repeated the 6 min run trial.
The complete timing sequence from warm-up to finish was
strictly controlled and guided by visual and verbal cues.
During all running, the participants used neutral-like run-
ning shoes (Pearl Izumi N2v2, Colorado, US) with an
average European shoe size of 43.6 ± 1.6, a stack height
of 23–24 mm and a heel drop of 4 mm. The two pairs of
CFOs used by participants were based on an individual non-
weight-bearing 3D scan of the foot using a Delcam iCube
scanner (Elinvision, Karmėlava, Lithuania). CFOs were
designed by a sport podiatrist with nearly 20 years of expe-
rience, using the Orthomodel Pro CAD software (Autodesk,
California, USA). Briefly, scans were imported into the soft-
ware, markers were placed over the heel, first- and fifth met-
atarsal and medial arch. A base model surface was adjusted
to match the contour of the foot using cross-sectional views
from the heel to the forefoot. The thickness of the orthotic
was arbitrary set to 8 mm in an attempt to maximize the
potential of the TPU beats inside the Infinergy® material
(BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany). All CFOs were direct-
milled out of EVA and TPU materials and manually fin-
ished to fit inside the shoes. Wear-in time between the first
and second intervention session was 4.5 ± 2.5 days and
4.6 ± 2.8 days between the second and last intervention ses-
sion. The mass of the three footwear conditions was on aver-
age 600.3 ± 32.0 g, 647.3 ± 36.0 g and 681.1 ± 35.7 g for the
shoes with its original liners (CON), with the custom EVA
orthoses (EVA) and with the custom TPU orthoses (TPU),
Running mechanics
An instrumented treadmill [ADAL3D-WR, Medical Devel-
opment—HEF Tecmachine, France; for details, see Belli
et al. (2001)] was used for all running conditions. Briefly,
it is mounted on a highly rigid metal frame, set at 0°grade
incline, fixed to the ground through four piezoelectric force
transducers (KI 9077b; Kistler, Winterthur, Switzerland) and
installed on a specially engineered concrete slab to ensure
maximal rigidity of the supporting ground (Girard et al
2017). In this study, the treadmill function was switched
to either constant speed mode (i.e., to measure the constant
speed running pattern with direct ground reaction force
measurement) or constant motor torque mode (i.e., to allow
participants to perform sprints; Morin et al. 2010).
Over the last 2 minutes of each 6 min run, three-dimen-
sional ground reaction force was continuously sampled
at 1000 Hz. Ten consecutive steps recorded after running
for ~ 4 min 15 s, ~ 4 min 45 s, ~ 5 min 15 s and ~ 5 min 45 s
were subsequently averaged for final analysis. After appro-
priate filtering (Butterworth-type 30 Hz low-pass filter),
instantaneous data of vertical and antero-posterior ground
reaction forces were averaged for each support phase when
the vertical force was above 30 N. These data were deter-
mined by measurement of the main spatio-temporal varia-
bles: contact time (s), flight time (s) and step frequency (Hz)
were reported. Peak braking and peak push-off forces (BW)
along with duration of braking and push-off phases (s) were
determined. Finally, average vertical loading rate (BW/s)
was calculated as the mean value of the time-derivate of
vertical force signal within the first 50 ms of the support
phase (Li et al. 2020).
A linear spring-mass model paradigm was used to inves-
tigate the main mechanical integrative variables character-
izing the lower limb behavior during running (McMahon
and Cheng 1990). Vertical stiffness (kN/m) was calculated
as the ratio of peak vertical forces (N) to the maximal verti-
cal downward displacement of center of mass (m), which
was determined by double integration of vertical accel-
eration of center of mass over time during ground con-
tact (Cavagna 1975). Leg stiffness (kN/m) was calculated
as the ratio of peak vertical forces to the maximum leg
spring compression [maximal vertical downward displace-
ment + L0-√L0
2–(0.5 × running speed × contact time)2, in
m], both occurring at mid-stance (Morin et al. 2005). Initial
leg length (L0, great trochanter to ground distance in a stand-
ing position) was determined from participant’s stature as
L0 = 0.53 × stature (Morin et al. 2005).
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2022) 122:1179–1187
1 3
Cardio‑respiratory variables
Expired gases were collected by a metabolic cart (Jeager™
Oxycon Mobile, Carefusion, Hoechberg, Germany). Prior
to each session, calibration of gas sensor was completed
for ambient air and a known gas mixture (16% oxygen,
5% carbon dioxide). Turbine was calibrated using a 3 Liter
(± 0.4%) syringe and automated high and low flow ventila-
tion. Breath-by-breath gas samples were first averaged every
15 s and subsequently expressed as the average of the last
2 minutes of each 6 min run. Oxygen uptake expressed in
both absolute (mL/min) and relative (mL/kg/min) terms,
minute ventilation (L/min), breathing frequency (breaths/
min), tidal volume (L) were determined. Heart rate (beats/
min) was continuously measured by short-range telemetry
(Polar, Kempele, Finland). RE was calculated as the oxygen
uptake per body mass over speed, expressed in milliliters of
oxygen consumed per kilogram per kilometer (mL/kg/km).
The metabolic cart was suspended from the ceiling next to
participants, so they did not have to support the additional
weight of the system when running.
Perceptual and comfort measures
Within the first minute after finishing low-speed and high-
speed runs, a global (6 min run) rating of perceived exertion
value was collected using the 6–20 Borg scale. A modified
version of the footwear comfort assessment tool, developed
and tested on reliability by Mundermann (2002), was used
to assess comfort associated with wearing each footwear
condition using an iPad mini (Apple, California, US). This
scale was used in previous studies to assess perceived com-
fort (McPoil et al. 2011; Burke and Papuga 2012). For this
study, only six of the nine items (‘overall comfort’, ‘heel
cushioning’, ‘forefoot cushioning’, ‘medio-lateral control’,
‘arch height’ and ‘heel cup fit’) were scored on a digital,
150 mm visual analogic scale where 0 was defined as ‘not
comfortable at all’ and 150 ‘most comfortable condition
Statistical analysis
Values are presented as mean ± SD. Two-way repeated
measures analysis of variance (ANOVAs) [Condition (CON,
EVA, TPU) × Fatigue (fresh and fatigued)] were used to
compare investigated variables. To assess assumptions of
variance, Mauchly’s test of sphericity was performed using
all ANOVA results. A Greenhouse–Geisser correction was
performed to adjust the degree of freedom if an assumption
was violated, while post hoc pairwise-comparisons with
Bonferroni-adjusted P values were performed if a signifi-
cant main effect was observed. Partial eta-squared (ηp
2, with
2 ≥ 0.06 representing a moderate effect and ηp
2 ≥ 0.14 a
large effect) values were calculated. All statistical calcula-
tions were performed using SPSS statistical software V.26.0
(IBM Corp., Armonk, USA). The significance level was set
at P < 0.05.
Running mechanics (Table 1)
There was a significant main condition effect for mean
loading rate, push-off duration and push-off peak force (all
P ≤ 0.017; 0.27 ≤ ηp
2 ≤ 0.47). A significant main fatigue
effect was noted for four out of nine variables studied:
flight time, vertical stiffness, as well as braking and push-
off durations (all P ≤ 0.032; 0.26 ≤ ηp
2 ≤ 0.32). There was
no significant condition × fatigue [except mean loading
rate (P = 0.046; ηp
2 = 0.19)] interactions for any stride
mechanical variable.
Cardio‑respiratory variables (Table 2)
There was a significant main condition effect for heart rate
(P = 0.027; ηp
2 = 0.19) only. All examined cardiorespira-
tory variables changed significantly from fresh to fatigued
state (all P ≤ 0.021; 0.28 ≤ ηp
2 ≤ 0.83), except tidal volume
(P = 0.507; ηp
2 = 0.03). Only minute ventilation (P = 0.020;
2 = 0.21) and breathing frequency (P = 0.019; ηp
2 = 0.21)
displayed significant condition × fatigue interactions.
Perceptual and Comfort measures (Table 3)
There was a significant main condition effect for
medio-lateral control and arch height (all P ≤ 0.027;
0.20 ≤ ηp
2 ≤ 0.30). Increased ratings of perceived exertion
(P < 0.001; ηp
2 = 0.71) occurred under fatigue, while heel
cushioning (P = 0.021; ηp
2 = 0.29) was also rated as more
Running mechanics
One strength of our study is that running mechanics dur-
ing constant submaximal runs were derived from direct
ground reaction forces’ recording in both vertical and
antero-posterior directions, as opposed to previous studies
using tri-axial accelerometers to assess the effects of CFOs
before and after an intense run (Lucas-Cuevas et al. 2014;
Lucas-Cuevas et al. 2017). Lower mean loading rates were
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2022) 122:1179–1187
1 3
recorded while wearing CFO made of TPU compared to
EVA or no insert (CON), likely due to the higher resilience
material properties (not measured). Contrary to the present
study, previous studies observed lower loading rates in
stiffer shoes (Henning et al. 1996; Milani et al. 1997). The
often-used statement that, based upon their perception,
runners adapt their technique with stiffer footwear to avoid
high impact rates over the heel by cushioning the ground
is not supported.
Biomechanical manifestation of fatigue resulting from
completion of a repeated-sprint treadmill exercise was gen-
erally not modified by inserts. Out of nine biomechanical
variables, only contact time, mean loading rate and brak-
ing phase duration displayed statistically significant con-
dition × fatigue interactions, with no systematic advantage
of one or the other CFO condition. With fatigue, however,
wearing CFOs (EVA or TPU) only generated subtle kinetic
(mean loading rate: 1–2 BW/s) and kinematic (contact time
and braking phase duration: 1–3 ms) adjustments compared
to CON. It must therefore be questioned whether such small
fatigue-related differences between footwear conditions are
clinically relevant. Despite different resilience character-
istics but similar configuration of tested CFOs, our novel
findings indicate that participants who wore CFOs, either
Table 1 Changes in
biomechanical parameters
for shoe only (CON), shoe
with Ethyl-Vinyl Acetate
orthotic (EVA), and shoe with
Thermoplastic Poly-Urethane
orthotic (TPU) conditions
before (Fresh) and after
(Fatigued) the completion of
a repeated-sprint treadmill
Bold values indicate statistically significant ANOVA P values (P < 0.05)
Values are mean ± SD. C and F, respectively, refer to ANOVA main effects of condition and fatigue and
interaction between these two factors with P value and partial eta-squared (η2) in parentheses. Bold values
indicate statistically significant findings
† Significantly different from TPU, P < 0.05
*Significantly different from Fresh, P < 0.05
ANOVA P value (η2)
C × F
Contact time (ms)
223 ± 17
225 ± 17
226 ± 17
225 ± 18
225 ± 18
226 ± 17
Flight time (ms)
117 ± 18
116 ± 19
117 ± 17
112 ± 18*
113 ± 17*
115 ± 17*
Step frequency (Hz)
2.97 ± 0.15
2.96 ± 0.14
2.94 ± 0.14
2.95 ± 0.15
2.94 ± 0.12
2.94 ± 0.12
Mean loading rate (BW/s)
62.3 ± 13.8†
62.4 ± 14.0†
55.0 ± 10.6
< 0.001
60.4 ± 14.1†*
62.2 ± 14.6†
56.1 ± 12.3
Vertical stiffness (kN/m)
34.8 ± 4.5
35.5 ± 4.3
35.2 ± 4.6
36.0 ± 5.3*
36.4 ± 4.5*
36.4 ± 5.0*
Leg stiffness (kN/m)
15.7 ± 2.5
15.6 ± 2.2
15.5 ± 2.2
15.4 ± 2.1
15.5 ± 2.1
15.7 ± 1.9
Braking phase duration (ms)
109 ± 9
109 ± 8
110 ± 8
110 ± 9
110 ± 8
109 ± 7
Push-off phase duration (ms)
114 ± 11†
115 ± 12
116 ± 12
115 ± 12†
115 ± 13
117 ± 12
Peak braking force (kN)
0.59 ± 0.11
0.58 ± 0.13
0.60 ± 0.11
0.58 ± 0.11*
0.57 ± 0.13*
0.59 ± 0.11*
Peak push-off force (kN)
0.41 ± 0.06†
0.39 ± 0.07
0.39 ± 0.06
0.40 ± 0.06†*
0.39 ± 0.06*
0.38 ± 0.06*
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2022) 122:1179–1187
1 3
made of EVA or TPU materials, produced essentially similar
fatigue-induced adjustments in their stride pattern at con-
stant treadmill speed.
Inspection of changes in biomechanical variables induced
by the repeated-sprint treadmill exercise indicates that glob-
ally running technique is not profoundly modified under
acute intense fatigue. Regardless of footwear condition,
the runners mainly reduced their flight time and increased
their vertical stiffness to maintain treadmill speed constant,
while the magnitude of these adjustments also did not dif-
fer between the two running speeds. Previously, both low
(10 km/h) and high (20 km/h) constant speed running pat-
terns were found unchanged from before to ~ 3 min after
repeated-sprint exercises [four sets of five, 6 s sprints with
24 s recovery and 3 min between sets (Morin et al. 2012);
three sets of five, 5 s sprints with 25 s recovery and 3 min
between sets (Girard et al. 2017)] using the ADAL treadmill.
Despite exacerbated cardio-respiratory and perceptual (rat-
ing of perceived exertion) responses occurring after sprint-
ing repeatedly, tested individuals may have not reached
exertion levels where biomechanical manifestation of fatigue
would cause more stressful ground impacts.
Cardio‑respiratory variables
As expected, physiological responses were elevated between
before and after the fatiguing exercise. No significant inter-
action was found between fatigue and footwear condi-
tions for key cardio-respiratory variables (i.e., heart rate,
oxygen uptake). This finding provides evidence that both
types of CFOs (TPU and EVA materials) were not able
to protect against fatigue-related deterioration in RE and/
or elevations in physiological strain compared to the shoe
only (CON) condition. This may not be surprising since no
fatigue-induced differences in mechanical variables could
be detected across footwear conditions. Similarly, wearing
CFOs that alters neuromuscular control during a submaxi-
mal 1 h treadmill run was found ineffective to reduce the
aerobic cost of running (Kelly et al. 2011). In our study,
the biomechanical effect of wearing CFOs with or without
fatigue was probably too small to induce meaningful differ-
ences in physiological variables (expect minute ventilation
that was lower in TPU compared to CON and to a lower
extent EVA) across conditions.
Another interesting observation was that RE at a speed
corresponding to the first ventilatory threshold deterio-
rated by ~ 1.7% with fatigue. Results from Day and Hahn
Table 2 Changes in cardio-
respiratory parameters for shoe
only (CON), shoe with Ethyl-
Vinyl Acetate orthotic (EVA),
and shoe with Thermoplastic
Poly-Urethane orthotic (TPU)
conditions before (Fresh) and
after (Fatigued) the completion
of a repeated-sprint treadmill
Bold values indicate statistically significant ANOVA P values (P < 0.05)
Values are mean ± SD. C and F, respectively, refer to ANOVA main effects of condition and fatigue and
interaction between these two factors with P value and partial eta-squared (η2) in parentheses. Bold values
indicate statistically significant findings
† Significantly different from TPU, P < 0.05
*Significantly different from Fresh, P < 0.05
ANOVA P value (η2)
C × F
Heart rate (bpm)
164 ± 13†
163 ± 13
162 ± 13
< 0.001
172 ± 13†*
171 ± 12*
170 ± 13*
Running economy (mL/kg/km)
190 ± 11
185 ± 14
188 ± 11
193 ± 12*
189 ± 14*
191 ± 13*
Oxygen uptake (mL/kg/min)
43.7 ± 4.0
42.5 ± 4.5
43.4 ± 5.0
44.4 ± 4.8*
43.4 ± 4.5*
44.0 ± 5.5*
Minute ventilation (L/min)
101 ± 16
101 ± 16
100 ± 15
< 0.001
119 ± 20†*
116 ± 21†*
112 ± 19*
Breathing frequency (breath/min)
42.6 ± 6.8
44.9 ± 10.7
44.5 ± 8.6
< 0.001
50.9 ± 8.4†*
50.2 ± 8.9*
49.0 ± 8.3*
Tidal volume (L)
2.39 ± 0.43
2.31 ± 0.57
2.30 ± 0.48
2.37 ± 0.50
2.35 ± 0.56
2.33 ± 0.51
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2022) 122:1179–1187
1 3
(2019) suggest that optimal footwear longitudinal bend-
ing stiffness to improve RE in fresh conditions is speed
dependent. Whereas most participants running at 14 km/h
elicited a minimum metabolic rate in the normal shoe, an
increased number of participants were more economical in
the stiff shoe (despite it weighing an extra 50 g compared
to the normal shoe) at 17 km/h. In our study, EVA and TPU
were ~ 50 g (+ 8%) and ~ 80 g (+ 14%) heavier compared to
CON, respectively. The relationship between shoe mass and
energy cost suggests that energy demands during running
are greater as shoe mass is increased (i.e., + 1% for every
added 100 g per shoe; Frederick 1984). Consequently, we
cannot exclude that the additional weight of inserts may
have confounded any protective effect of CFOs on RE when
fatigue sets in. While our approach did not account for dif-
ferent footwear mass, imposing running speeds relative to
our participants’ physiological capacity rather than absolute
speeds, as commonly done in the CFO-related literature on
RE (Crago et al. 2019), was a strength.
Comfort measures
Significantly improved perceived comfort for medio-lateral
control (∼20%) and arch height (∼25%) was reported for
both EVA and TPU, yet with no difference between the two
inserts, compared to CON. Despite statistical significance
was not reached, other perceived comfort-related metrics
(heel and forefoot cushioning, heel cup fit) displayed simi-
lar trends. However, the presumably greater levels of rigid-
ity of the sole of the EVA insert did not generate greater
discomfort for the runners, also with similar or improved
(e.g., lower loading rates) running biomechanics. Overall,
in line with previous research in fresh conditions (Lindorfer
et al. 2020), increase in comfort at the foot/shoe interface
did not lead to improved RE and meaningful changes in
biomechanical variables. Perhaps functional biomechanical
variables that were not measured in this study (i.e., plantar
pressure distribution, muscle activity, ankle and knee joint
moments), known to be influenced by perceived comfort,
Table 3 Changes in rating of
perceived exertion (RPE) and
comfort parameters for shoe
only (CON), shoe with Ethyl-
Vinyl Acetate orthotic (EVA),
and shoe with Thermoplastic
Poly-Urethane orthotic (TPU)
conditions before (Fresh) and
after (Fatigued) the completion
of a repeated-sprint treadmill
Bold values indicate statistically significant ANOVA P values (P < 0.05)
RPE was assessed using a 6–20 Borg scale and other comfort parameters were measures using a Visual
Analog Scale (0–150 mm); Values are mean ± SD. Values are mean ± SD. C and F, respectively, refer to
ANOVA main effects of condition and fatigue and interaction between these two factors with P value and
partial eta-squared (η2) in parentheses. Bold values indicate statistically significant findings
# Significantly different from EVA, P < 0.05
† Significantly different from TPU, P < 0.05
*Significantly different from Fresh, P < 0.05
ANOVA P value (η2)
C × F
12.7 ± 3.1
13.2 ± 3.1
13.0 ± 3.0
< 0.001
14.7 ± 4.2*
15.1 ± 3.1*
13.7 ± 3.1*
Overall comfort
86 ± 32
93 ± 31
97 ± 25
81 ± 31
105 ± 21
101 ± 23
Heel cushioning
83 ± 33
96 ± 23
89 ± 25
85 ± 27*
102 ± 22*
93 ± 26*
Forefoot cushioning
88 ± 34
96 ± 28
102 ± 23
84 ± 29
105 ± 24
104 ± 22
Medio-lateral control
83 ± 32#†
98 ± 26
101 ± 25
84 ± 30#†
107 ± 22
100 ± 24
Arch height
74 ± 36#†
92 ± 33
96 ± 24
72 ± 32#†
102 ± 28
95 ± 26
Heel cup fit
86 ± 29
95 ± 23
88 ± 29
85 ± 29
102 ± 22
93 ± 26
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2022) 122:1179–1187
1 3
could explain observed differences between footwear con-
ditions (Dinato et al. 2015). While ground reaction forces
are commonly (similar to current approach) used as proxy
measurements to reflect biomechanical loads imposed on the
lower extremities as a whole, directly quantifying tissue and/
or structure-specific strain (i.e., longitudinal arch, Achilles’
tendon) remains a challenge (Verheul et al. 2020).
Unexpectedly, perceived comfort ratings in different
regions of the foot were in fact improved after completion
of the repeated-sprint treadmill exercise. While the condi-
tion × fatigue interaction was not significant, there was a
trend for the two CFOs conditions to become more com-
fortable in the fatigued state compared to CON. Contrast-
ingly, during a 13 km run, decrement in perceived overall
footwear comfort became significant only after 44 min of
exercise (~ 7.8 km) (Hintzy et al. 2015). Discrepant findings
between our results (i.e., assessment before and after a short
and intense fatigue protocol) and previous studies (i.e., regu-
lar assessments during prolonged running at lower inten-
sity; Hintzy et al. 2015; Jimenez-Perez et al. 2021) could be
explained by the methodology used for measuring biome-
chanical manifestation of fatigue and the nature/degree of
fatigue attained by participants. The clinical implication of
our findings is that well-trained runners wearing CFOs made
of either EVA or TPU materials should not fear deteriorated
comfort ratings with acute intense fatigue.
Several limitations must be considered. First, the inclusion
of only male runners who were mainly habitual rear-foot
strikers (~ 70%). Our findings may not be generalizable to
runners with habitual midfoot/forefoot strike patterns and
female population since biomechanical variables may dif-
fer across various foot strikes and between genders (Moore
2016). Whereas the foot strike pattern of tested athletes was
determined, our sample size of 18 participants (with only
one and four forefoot and midfoot strikers) was too small
to allow meaningful comparisons between groups. Addi-
tionally, to reflect ecological situations, participants should
undertake over-ground runs with their foot strikes recorded
by a number of force plates laid in series. Because inher-
ent characteristics of running shoes per se can alter running
mechanics and/or RE (Hoogkamer et al. 2018), participants
were not allowed to use their own running shoes. Standardi-
zation of footwear conditions across participants (also with
the use of personalized inserts) is a strength of our study
from a methodological standpoint. Nonetheless, one could
speculate that any protective effect of fatigue may have more
apparent if individuals were wearing their habitual footwear
or other types of foot orthoses.
Acute intense fatigue does not modify the effect of custom
foot orthoses with different resilience characteristics (EVA
or TPU materials both compared to standardized footwear)
on running mechanics, running economy and perceived
comfort. When facing acute intense fatigue, well-trained
runners should not expect any protective effects from wear-
ing CFOs.
Acknowledgements The authors also thank Pr. Jean-Benoit Morin
from the Université of Lyon, Saint Étienne, France, for his comment
on our draft and help in providing the running mechanics data process-
ing custom software.
Author contributions OG and KVA conceived and designed research.
OG and KVA conducted experiments. All authors analyzed data and
interpreted results of experiments. OG and KVA drafted manuscript
and prepared tables. All authors edited and revised manuscript. All
authors approved final version of manuscript.
Funding Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.
Data were collected using an instrumented treadmill funded by a QNRF
grant (NPRP 4–760-3–217).
Conflict of interest No potential conflict of interest was reported by
the authors.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http:// creat iveco mmons. org/ licen ses/ by/4. 0/.
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Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
| Acute intense fatigue does not modify the effect of EVA and TPU custom foot orthoses on running mechanics, running economy and perceived comfort. | 02-24-2022 | Van Alsenoy, Ken,Ryu, Joong Hyun,Girard, Olivier | eng |
PMC8085187 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:9260
Track distance runners exhibit
bilateral differences in the plantar
fascia stiffness
Hiroto Shiotani1,2, Ryo Yamashita3, Tomohiro Mizokuchi3, Natsuki Sado4,
Munekazu Naito2,5 & Yasuo Kawakami1,2*
Human steady-state locomotion modes are symmetrical, leading to symmetric mechanical function
of human feet in general; however, track distance running in a counterclockwise direction exposes
the runner’s feet to asymmetrical stress. This may induce asymmetrical adaptation in the runners’
foot arch functions, but this has not been experimentally tested. Here, we show that the plantar
fascia (PF), a primary structure of the foot arch elasticity, is stiffer for the left than the right foot
as a characteristic of runners, via a cross-sectional study on 10 track distance runners and 10
untrained individuals. Shear wave velocity (index of tissue stiffness: SWV) and thickness of PF and
foot dimensions were compared between sides and groups. Runners showed higher PF SWV in their
left (9.4 ± 1.0 m/s) than right (8.9 ± 0.9 m/s) feet, whereas untrained individuals showed no bilateral
differences (8.5 ± 1.5 m/s and 8.6 ± 1.7 m/s, respectively). Additionally, runners showed higher left to
right (L/R) ratio of PF SWV than untrained men (105.1% and 97.7%, respectively). PF thickness and
foot dimensions were not significantly different between sides or groups. These results demonstrate
stiffer PF in the left feet of runners, which may reflect adaptation to their running-specific training that
involves asymmetrical mechanical loading.
During human locomotion, the medial longitudinal arch of the foot is lowered while being stretched out in
response to weight-bearing, and then recoils as the load is removed. Such a spring-like property of the foot arch
helps to attenuate impact forces and store/release elastic strain energy leading to energy saving in running1,2.
Previous studies indicate that the foot arch elasticity is attributed to the plantar fascia (PF)1,3,4. PF behaves vis-
coelastically under load5,6, and its resistive tension helps to prevent the lengthening and lowering of the foot
arch. During each foot contact of running, PF is repetitively loaded with the tension reaching as high as 0.6–3.7
times bodyweight with its longitudinal strain up to 6%7–10. Such sizable stress concentrates around the proximal
site of PF11–13, which may be associated with the heterogeneity of mechanical and morphological properties (e.g.,
stiffness and thickness) of PF14–16 as well as the occurrence of plantar fasciitis17,18.
The localized stiffness of PF can be quantitatively assessed as the shear wave velocity (SWV) in vivo14–16. PF
has higher SWV (i.e., stiffer) at the proximal site than middle and distal sites14,16. Additionally, long-distance
running induced a transient decrease of SWV at the proximal site of PF while long-distance runners showing
smaller changes in SWV than untrained individuals15, suggesting that runners had built up a more resilient
PF. These findings are evidence of PF adaptability to site-specific and chronic mechanical stress, which can be
reflected in its stiffness and morphology.
Human steady-state locomotion modes are symmetrical, leading to symmetric mechanical function of human
feet in general; however, track distance running is performed always in a counterclockwise direction, i.e., the left
leg being inside during curve running. In this phase, runners are required to generate greater forces with their
left legs19,20 to exert centripetal force21. This is associated with the greater load on the left foot, resulting in the
lowering of the left foot arch, and thus leading to an increase of mechanical stress to PF. Therefore, runners’ feet
can be exposed to asymmetrical stress during running. This may induce asymmetrical adaptation in runners’ PF
stiffness and morphology. Although PF SWV and thickness, and the foot dimensions were comparable between
left and right sides in a healthy and untrained population14, this may not be true for track distance runners. If
1Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University, Saitama, Japan. 2Human Performance Laboratory, Comprehensive
Research Organization, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. 3School of Sport Sciences, Waseda University, Saitama,
Japan. 4Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. 5Department of Anatomy, Aichi
Medical University, Aichi, Japan. *email: [email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:9260 |
the bilateral differences in runner’s feet can be confirmed, this provides an indication of a threshold of mechani-
cal stress that causes adaptation of PF and foot arch functions. A profound understanding of PF adaptability is
essential for improvements in their performance as well as prevention of plantar fasciitis.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the bilateral differences in mechanical and morpho-
logical properties of PF and foot dimensions in track distance runners, as contrasted to untrained individuals.
We hypothesized that track distance runners have bilateral differences in PF SWV, thickness, and the foot arch
height, and that runners show sizable differences in the left to right (L/R) ratios of measured variables as com-
pared to untrained individuals.
In runners, SWV at the proximal site was significantly higher in left (9.4 ± 1.0 m/s) than right foot (8.9 ± 0.9 m/s)
(p = 0.021, d = 0.813), but not at the middle (p = 0.782, d = 0.073) or distal sites (p = 0.554, d = 0.138) (Fig. 1). Even
in a lefty runner (n = 1), PF SWV at the proximal site was higher for his left (10.0 m/s) than right foot (9.1 m/s).
PF SWV at the proximal site was also higher for the left than the right feet both in rearfoot strike (n = 7, left:
9.0 ± 1.0 m/s and right: 8.6 ± 0.8 m/s, respectively) and forefoot strike runners (n = 3, left: 10.2 ± 0.3 m/s and right:
9.6 ± 0.5 m/s, respectively). In untrained men, SWV at each measurement site was not significantly different
between left and right feet (p ≥ 0.222, d ≤ 0.264). PF thickness at each measurement site was not significantly dif-
ferent between left and right feet in runners (p ≥ 0.327, d ≤ 0.141) or untrained men (p ≥ 0.411, d ≤ 0.305) (Fig. 1).
Foot dimensions were not significantly different between left and right feet in either of runners or untrained
men (Table 1).
The L/R ratio of SWV at the proximal site was significantly higher in runners than untrained men (p = 0.027,
d = 1.076), but not at the middle (p = 0.815, d = 0.107) or distal sites (p = 0.421, d = 0.369). The L/R ratios of thick-
ness at any of the measurement sites or foot dimensions were not significantly different between groups (Table 2).
Age, body height, body mass, BMI, and fractions of leg dominance and foot strike pattern were not signifi-
cantly different between runners and untrained men (Table 3). All participants were healthy and free from injury
of the lower extremity in the past 12 months and had no present or past history of plantar fasciitis. The runners
had kept habitual running of at least 10 km/week for the past year, mainly on a running track, and their running
experiences ranged between 9 and 16 years. Their personal best time of 5000 m ranged from 14′ 15 to 15′ 30.
The untrained participants were either sedentary or lightly active, and none of them had been involved in any
structured training program or continuous sports participation at least 12 months before the measurements. All
participants used conventional running shoes rather than minimalist, high cushion, or high motion control shoes.
Figure 1. Bilateral differences in SWV and thickness of runners and untrained men. Data are shown as
means ± SD.
Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:9260 |
Table 1. Bilateral differences in foot dimensions of runners and untrained men. Data are shown as
means ± SD.
Runners (n = 10)
Untrained men (n = 10)
p value
Cohen’s d
p value
Cohen’s d
Foot length (mm)
245.3 ± 7.3
245.9 ± 8.6
p = 0.520
247.4 ± 8.7
248.2 ± 8.1
p = 0.445
d = 0.075
d = 0.107
Dorsal height (mm)
61.1 ± 4.4
60.8 ± 4.2
p = 0.760
60.5 ± 5.5
61.1 ± 4.0
p = 0.671
d = 0.070
d = 0.125
Navicular height (mm)
43.3 ± 6.2
41.9 ± 6.8
p = 0.080
41.3 ± 4.8
40.9 ± 5.4
p = 0.507
d = 0.215
d = 0.078
Arch height ratio (%)
17.7 ± 2.7
17.1 ± 3.0
p = 0.064
16.7 ± 1.8
16.4 ± 1.9
p = 0.400
d = 0.210
d = 0.162
Table 2. Left/right ratios (%) of individual parameters in runners and untrained men. Data are shown as
means ± SD. Bold fonts indicate significant difference between runners and untrained men (p < 0.05) with a
“large” effect size (d ≥ 0.8).
Untrained men
p value
Cohen’s d
Shear wave velocity
105.1 ± 6.2
97.7 ± 7.6
p = 0.027
d = 1.076
101.8 ± 12.9
100.2 ± 17.2
p = 0.815
d = 0.107
104.6 ± 13.7
99.7 ± 12.8
p = 0.421
d = 0.360
101.3 ± 6.4
99.6 ± 8.0
p = 0.610
d = 0.232
97.8 ± 5.9
98.8 ± 8.7
p = 0.756
d = 0.141
102.3 ± 14.1
97.6 ± 11.7
p = 0.429
d = 0.362
Foot length
99.8 ± 1.1
99.7 ± 1.3
p = 0.843
d = 0.083
Dorsal height
100.5 ± 3.9
99.1 ± 6.3
p = 0.583
d = 0.267
Navicular height
103.9 ± 5.8
101.2 ± 4.4
p = 0.270
d = 0.525
Arch height ratio
104.1 ± 6.0
101.6 ± 5.1
p = 0.329
d = 0.449
Table 3. Physical characteristics of participants. Data are shown as means ± SD. BMI body mass index, RFS
rear foot strikers, FFS forefoot strikers. Age, body height, body mass, BMI, and fractions of leg dominance and
foot strike pattern were not significantly different between runners and untrained men.
Untrained men
p value
Age (years)
22.0 ± 0.7
22.5 ± 1.4
Body height (m)
1.68 ± 0.04
1.70 ± 0.05
Body mass (kg)
55.5 ± 4.2
58.4 ± 5.6
BMI (kg/m2)
19.6 ± 1.2
20.3 ± 1.7
Dominant leg (Lefty:Righty)
Foot strike pattern (RFS:FFS)
Running experience (years)
11.0 ± 2.2
Running distance (km/week)
43.7 ± 35.4
Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:9260 |
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate bilateral differences in the mechanical and
morphological properties of PF in track distance runners. The most striking finding of the present study was
that track distance runners showed stiffer PF at the proximal site in their left than the right feet, unlike the
untrained participants. A number of previous studies addressing running mechanics22,23 and mechanical and
morphological properties of the musculotendinous and fascial tissues15,24 in runners have focused on unilateral
leg by assuming bilateral symmetry. Our findings however suggest that asymmetry in runners is the major issue
that needs to be carefully considered.
The greater load on the left foot during curve running19,20 can induce an increase of mechanical stress on
PF. We previously revealed that running causes a decrease in PF SWV at its proximal site15, and this coincides
with the simulation of stress distribution along PF11–13. The bilateral differences in PF stiffness at the proximal
site in runners may reflect the adaptation to such stress accumulation in this region of the left foot during track
running, regardless of the lateral dominance or foot strike patterns. The fact that PF stiffness in the right feet of
runners was comparable to that of both feet in untrained individuals suggests a threshold of mechanical stress
that causes adaptation of PF stiffness, which is side-specific for track runners. The finding that PF can be stiffened
in response to a sufficient load is valuable for the general population toward injury prevention and rehabilitation
as well as improvements in human locomotor performance.
Since the runners in this study had no history of plantar fasciitis, they might have been successful examples
who had been optimally adapted to their running-specific training. However, plantar fasciitis is one of the most
common injuries in long-distance runners, regardless of their performance levels25,26. This injury frequently
occurs around the proximal site of PF17,18 where the mechanical stress is concentrated11–13. Thus, there is a clinical
implication that the left foot of track runners can suffer from a higher incidence of this injury if their training
adaptation does not work well. The bilateral imbalances in strength, morphology, and running mechanics are
considered to be risk factors for injury of runners27,28. Interactions between these factors for the occurrence of
plantar fasciitis are worth examining in future studies.
No bilateral differences in PF thickness of runners and untrained individuals are consistent with previous
findings that PF thickness was not different between recreational runners and untrained individuals15, and that
PF thickness was not influenced by physical activity29. These results, together with our findings, discard the pos-
sibility of PF adaptability in terms of its thickness for reducing mechanical stress induced by distance running.
No bilateral difference in the foot arch dimensions suggests that the arches of both feet of runners can fulfill their
imposed roles through different mechanical properties with comparable morphology.
We could not obtain the running mechanics and the foot arch deformation during running. This is one of the
limitations of the present study. As our findings suggest a threshold of mechanical stress that causes adaptation of
PF stiffness, quantifying the mechanical stress applied to bilateral feet during track running will lead to a better
understanding of the nature of PF adaptability. Additionally, the runners who participated in the present study
can be categorized as recreational level30. Runners of different performance levels (e.g., competitive and elite
runners) show different running mechanics31,32 and fatigue responses33,34. Thus, competitive and elite runners
have the possibility to exhibit different signs of adaptation in PF and foot morphology. Comparisons between
runners in different performance levels should be incorporated in these future studies. Moreover, there is a vari-
ation in the training volume of runners (Table 3). As we previously reported that long-distance running induced
transient decreases of PF SWV15, the training volume can be a potential factor that affects PF properties and their
adaptation. In addition, the material and mechanical properties of the running surface (e.g., rubber, asphalt,
or grass) as well as shoe sole have the possibility to affect the magnitude of stress to the foot35–38. Future studies
addressing the chronic effects of training volume and environment on PF adaptation as well as foot arch functions
are needed. Lastly, it can be assumed that sprinters, participating in the event of 200 and 400 m in particular, and
long/high jumpers may also apply asymmetrical stress to their feet with a greater magnitude of stress compared
to distance runners. Further investigation of bilateral differences in PF characteristics and foot dimensions in
other events and sports athletes can be an option of the future theme in understanding PF adaptability.
In conclusion, this study showed bilateral differences in the mechanical but not in the morphological proper-
ties of PF and foot arch dimensions in track distance runners as compared to untrained individuals. PF SWV at
the proximal site was higher in the left feet of track distance runners while their right feet showing comparable
values to that of untrained individuals. These results demonstrate stiffer proximal PF in the left feet of runners,
which may reflect adaptation to their running-specific training that involves asymmetrical mechanical loading.
Study design and participants.
A cross-sectional study was conducted at Waseda University (Tokoro-
zawa campus) in Japan from August to November 2017. This study was approved by the Human Research Ethics
Committee of Waseda University (reference number: 2016-310) and was carried out in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants before data collection.
The necessary sample size was calculated from our preliminary results (n = 6 in each group; total = 12). A
priori power analysis (G*Power v3.1, Heinrich Heine-Universität Dusseldorf, Germany) with an assumed type
1 error of 0.05 and a statistical power of 0.80 was conducted to find significant differences in PF SWV between
left and right feet of runners and between groups, respectively. The critical sample sizes were estimated to be
at least 7 runners and 9 in each group (total = 18), respectively. Thus, 10 track distance male runners and 10
untrained men were recruited in this study (Table 1). Twelve runners were eligible for participation in this study.
Of these, 2 runners met the exclusion criteria of history of plantar fasciitis and operative treatment of the lower
limb (Fig. 2). Finally, 10 runners and 10 untrained men who matched the baseline physical characteristics with
those of runners were successfully recruited in this study.
Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:9260 |
Before the main measurements, the profiles including age, body height, body mass, dominant leg, athletic
experiences, exercise habits for the past year, foot strike pattern, history of injuries and operative treatment, and
model of their running shoes were collected from all participants. The dominant leg was determined according
to the participant’s favorite leg for kicking a ball. The foot strike pattern (rearfoot or forefoot strikers) of partici-
pants was visually confirmed on another occasion15. Additionally, the training environment (e.g., affiliation and
running surfaces), personal best time of 5000 m, and running volume/week for the year were asked for runners.
To avoid any confounding factors, we recruited participants attending the same university, and attempted to
match the baseline physical characteristics of untrained participants with those of runners. Participants were
not allowed to perform any strenuous exercises for at least 24 h before the measurement.
Ultrasound measurements.
The supersonic shear imaging (SSI) and B-mode ultrasonography techniques
with an Aixplorer ultrasound scanner (version 6.4, Supersonic Imagine, Aix-en-Provence, France) and a linear
array probe (SL 15-4, Supersonic Imagine, Aix-en-Provence, France) were used to measure the mechanical and
morphological properties of PF. SSI is a valid and reliable technique to evaluate the stiffness of skeletal muscles,
tendons, and fasciae in vivo14,39–41. In principle, SSI uses multiple push pulses to generate the shear waves propa-
gating within the soft tissues and measures their velocity (i.e., SWV). Since SWV is related to Young’s modulus
and shear modulus of the soft tissues, it can be used as an index of stiffness42,43.
Details of SSI measurement and data processing were based on our previous published work14,15. During
ultrasound measurements, participants were requested to rest in a supine position on the examination bed with
their knee fully extended. Additionally, their ankle and toe digits were secured to a custom-made fixture at the
neutral position. PF was scanned at three different sites along the longitudinal line between the medial calcaneal
tubercle and the second toe. The locations of measurement sites were that at the proximal (in the proximity to
the calcaneus), middle (the level of navicular tuberosity), and distal (proximity to the second metatarsal head)
(Fig. 3). The longitudinal line of the foot and the locations of the transducer were marked on the skin surface
using a waterproof marker. The scanning head of the probe was coated with transmission gel. An acoustic standoff
pad (Gelpad for StatUS, Enraf–Nonius, Rotterdam, Netherland) was used to avoid applying excessive compres-
sion on the skin surface. Three images were obtained at each measurement site, and used for further analysis.
After data collection, SWV at each measurement site was measured as the mean value within the region of
interest (ROI) which was manually traced over the fascial boundaries of PF using a measurement tool included
in the Aixplorer software (i.e., Q-box Trace). PF thickness at each measurement site was measured the distance
between the superficial and deep fascial boundaries was measured to determine thickness using a measurement
Figure 2. Flow diagram depicting participant selection. 12 runners were eligible for participation in this study.
Two runners met the exclusion criteria of history of plantar fasciitis and operative treatment of the lower limb.
Thus, 10 runners and 10 untrained men who matched the baseline physical characteristics with those of runners
were included in this study.
Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:9260 |
tool (i.e., Distance). For SWV and thickness at each measurement site, three images were analyzed at each meas-
urement site, then the three values were averaged to obtain the representative value.
Measurements of the foot dimensions.
A foot scanner (JMS-2100CU, Dream GP, Osaka, Japan) was
used to obtain three-dimensional foot shape data. Details of measurement and data processing were based on
our previous study using the same system15. Participants were requested to stand in a relaxed position with their
feet approximately shoulder-width apart. The longitudinal axis of their feet, which is the line connecting between
the most posterior point of the heel and the head of the second toe, aligned parallel with the guidelines drawn
on the footplate in the foot scanner. A laser scanner moved around the foot in an oval trajectory, measuring the
foot dimensions and the anatomical marker positions based on laser line triangulation. After the scanning, foot
length, dorsal height, and navicular height were measured. The foot length was defined as the length projected
on the longitudinal axis between the most posterior point of the heel and the head of the first or second toe,
whichever was longer. The dorsal height was defined as the height of the highest point from the floor at 55%
of the length of the foot from the heel. The navicular height was defined as the height of the most medial point
of the navicular bone from the floor. Additionally, the arch height ratio was calculated as the navicular height
normalized to the foot length.
Statistical analysis.
The normality of the data was assessed using a Shapiro–Wilk test. After the normal-
ity was confirmed, the difference in physical characteristics between groups were compared using an unpaired
t-test. The fraction of dominant legs within each group was compared with a Pearson chi-squared test. Com-
parisons of measured variables between left and right feet in each group were performed using a paired t-test.
The L/R ratios were calculated for the measured variables, and were compared using an unpaired t-test between
groups. Cohen’s d was calculated as a measure of effect size. For the within-subject factor, it was corrected for
dependence between mean values using the following equation: d = Mdiff/SDpooled
√2(1 − r) , where Mdiff is
mean difference between conditions, SDpooled is pooled SD, and r is correlation between mean values44. Effect
size is interpreted as trivial (d < 0.2), small (0.2 ≤ d < 0.5), medium (0.5 ≤ d < 0.8) and large effect (d ≥ 0.8)45. Sta-
tistical significance was set at α = 0.05. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (SPSS Statistics 25,
IBM, Armonk, USA).
Received: 17 November 2020; Accepted: 19 April 2021
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This study was part of research activities of the Human Performance Laboratory, Comprehensive Research
Organization, Waseda University. This study was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 19J14912 and
16H01870. The authors express their gratitude to Dr. Pavlos Evangelidis, Dr. Takaki Yamagishi and Mr. Hidetaka
Hayashi for grammatical corrections of the manuscript.
Author contributions
H.S., R.Y., T.M. and Y.K. designed the research. H.S., R.Y. and T.M. corrected the data. H.S. analyzed the data.
H.S., R.Y., T.M., N.S., M.N. and Y.K. interpreted the results of experiments. H.S. wrote the main manuscript
text and prepared Figures and Tables. H.S., N.S., M.N. and Y.K. revised the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final version of the manuscript.
Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:9260 |
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.K.
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| Track distance runners exhibit bilateral differences in the plantar fascia stiffness. | 04-29-2021 | Shiotani, Hiroto,Yamashita, Ryo,Mizokuchi, Tomohiro,Sado, Natsuki,Naito, Munekazu,Kawakami, Yasuo | eng |
Effects of acute wearable resistance loading
on overground running lower body
Karl M. TrounsonID1,2☯*, Aglaja Busch3‡, Neil French Collier1‡, Sam RobertsonID1‡
1 Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University, Footscray, Victoria, Australia, 2 Western Bulldogs
Football Club, Footscray, Victoria, Australia, 3 University Outpatient Clinic, Sports Medicine & Sports
Orthopedics, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.
‡ These authors also contributed equally to this work.
* [email protected]
Field-based sports require athletes to run sub-maximally over significant distances, often
while contending with dynamic perturbations to preferred coordination patterns. The ability
to adapt movement to maintain performance under such perturbations appears to be train-
able through exposure to task variability, which encourages movement variability. The aim
of the present study was to investigate the extent to which various wearable resistance load-
ing magnitudes alter coordination and induce movement variability during running. To inves-
tigate this, 14 participants (three female and 11 male) performed 10 sub-maximal velocity
shuttle runs with either no weight, 1%, 3%, or 5% of body weight attached to the lower limbs.
Sagittal plane lower limb joint kinematics from one complete stride cycle in each run were
assessed using functional data analysis techniques, both across the participant group and
within-individuals. At the group-level, decreases in ankle plantarflexion following toe-off
were evident in the 3% and 5% conditions, while increased knee flexion occurred during
weight acceptance in the 5% condition compared with unloaded running. At the individual-
level, between-run joint angle profiles varied, with six participants exhibiting increased joint
angle variability in one or more loading conditions compared with unloaded running. Loading
of 5% decreased between-run ankle joint variability among two individuals, likely in accor-
dance with the need to manage increased system load or the novelty of the task. In terms of
joint coordination, the most considerable alterations to coordination occurred in the 5% load-
ing condition at the hip-knee joint pair, however, only a minority of participants exhibited this
tendency. Coaches should prescribe wearable resistance individually to perturb preferred
coordination patterns and encourage movement variability without loading to the extent that
movement options become limited.
December 28, 2020
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Citation: Trounson KM, Busch A, French Collier N,
Robertson S (2020) Effects of acute wearable
resistance loading on overground running lower
body kinematics. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244361.
Editor: Elena Bergamini, University of Rome, ITALY
Received: July 19, 2020
Accepted: December 8, 2020
Published: December 28, 2020
Copyright: © 2020 Trounson et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: The data underlying
this study are available on Dryad (doi:10.5061/
Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Across many field-based sports, athletes must be capable of running long distances throughout
a match [1–3]. Depending on the sport, total running distance can range from an average of 6
km in rugby league to 12 km in Australian Rules football [1]. In Australian Rules football, soc-
cer, rugby league, and rugby sevens, most of the distance covered during match play can be
classified as “low-intensity activity”, i.e., occurring at velocities <5.4 m.s-1 [1, 3]. While high-
intensity efforts are often associated with significant match events, adequate sub-maximal run-
ning capabilities are also important for effective opponent tracking and retention of team for-
mations during different phases of play throughout a match [4]. As such, training aimed at
developing sub-maximal overground running performance is evidently worthwhile.
Development of sub-maximal running performance for field-based athletes is a multifacto-
rial proposition and requires training of aerobic capacity, biomechanical factors for superior
economy, and muscular strength [5–8]. Coaches should address these factors in training pre-
scription and, in addition, athletes’ ability to adapt their running coordination patterns in
accordance with the dynamic constraints of the sport [9, 10]. The capacity to exhibit “adapt-
ability” in this sense allows for greater maintenance of performance in varied contexts and is a
hallmark of higher performing athletes in many sports [10–13]. In field-based sport, organis-
mic constraints in the form of local metabolite accumulation from intermittent anaerobic
efforts [14, 15], muscle damage arising from high force eccentric contractions during decelera-
tions [16], and muscular contusion from compressive force impacts [17], all present scenarios
in which there is a challenge to an athlete’s preferred running coordinative structure, which
must be adapted to.
Critically, the implementation of a training intervention aimed at encouraging movement
variability in diving [10] suggests that the capacity for athletes to harness movement system
degeneracy to maintain a performance outcome is trainable. This notion is further supported
by nonlinear pedagogical training interventions in youth tennis [18]. Individuals exposed to
greater task variability during training displayed a greater number of unique movement clus-
ters, indicating the presence of degeneracy, during performance tasks. Exposure to task vari-
ability drives exploration of alternate movement strategies, or movement variability, as
movement is adjusted to satisfy novel task demands [19]. Training in this way affords individ-
uals the ability to adapt movement to maintain task performance under the varied constraints
occurring in the dynamic sporting environment [10, 18, 20].
In the context of sub-maximal running kinematics, the effects of deliberately induced task
variability through perturbation have been explored in research using elastic tubes attached
from the hips to the ankles [21–23]. This intervention increases joint kinematic variability
acutely, after which there is relatively rapid stabilisation around a slightly shifted coordinative
structure [21, 23]. Although no post-training running test under novel conditions was under-
taken, the performance benefits associated with exposure to constraints, which encourage
movement variability in this way, are widely reported [24–28].
It is also worth noting that analyses of kinematic variability induced by constraint imple-
mentation to date have typically focussed on group-level changes [21, 29, 30]. Increasingly,
there is support for individual-level consideration given that intrinsic behavioural dynamics
and baseline kinematic characteristics alter the extent to which a particular constraint is expe-
rienced as a perturbation to the system [31–33]. Kinematic changes may vary markedly
between individuals, which may not be clear when considering generalised responses, yet is
important in a practical setting [34–36].
Lightweight wearable resistance (WR) may be a useful training tool for encouraging explo-
ration of movement system degeneracy through movement variability. WR involves
Effects of wearable resistance on running kinematics
December 28, 2020
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attachment of small weights to particular body segments, such as the trunk, arms, thighs, and
shanks [37]. To date, research has considered WR in its capacity as a movement specific over-
load stimulus [38, 39], however, WR also presents a perturbation to coordination, which may
induce movement variability. WR application alters segment inertial properties and as such
can be considered an organismic constraint [40, 41]. Exposure to WR may ultimately be a use-
ful stimulus for developing adaptable movement behaviours among athletes in preparation for
changing organismic constraints faced during match play. This study aimed to describe the
extent to which different acute lower limb WR loadings (1%, 3%, and 5% of body weight) alter
coordination and induce movement variability during sub-maximal overground running. By
considering both group- and individual-level responses, findings will provide context for
coaches seeking to promote movement variability without imposing an excessive perturbation
that limits movement options.
Materials and methods
Fourteen participants (three female and 11 male; mean ± SD: age 28.3 ± 4.4 years; height:
179.9 ± 7.6 cm; body mass: 76.8 ± 6.1 kg) volunteered to participate in this study. Participants
were included on the basis that they were currently undertaking, or had recent previous expe-
rience (past year), in structured field-based sport competition. Participants in the study had no
prior experience with WR. All participants provided written informed consent and were free
from injury at the time of testing. All procedures used in this study complied with the criteria
of the declaration of Helsinki and the ethical approval granted by the Victoria University
Human Research Ethics Committee.
Data collection apparatus.
A 10-camera VICON motion analysis system (T-40 series,
Vicon Nexus v2, Oxford, UK) sampling at 250 Hz was used for collection of kinematic data. A
total of thirty-six reflective markers with 14mm diameter were attached to lower body land-
marks on the pelvis, thighs, shanks, and feet according to the Plug-In-Gait model (Plug-In-
Gait Marker Set, Vicon Peak, Oxford, UK) (Fig 1).
Wearable resistance.
Throughout testing, participants wore LilaTM ExogenTM (Sportbo-
leh Sdh Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) compression shorts and calf sleeves. During WR expo-
sure trials, a combination of 50, 100, and 200g fusiform shaped loads (with Velcro backing)
totalling the required proportion of participants’ body weights were attached to the compres-
sion garments (Fig 2). Loads were distributed in a 2:1 thigh:shank ratio about the centre of
mass of each segment [42]. The required loads were added in an alternating fashion between
the anterior and posterior surfaces, and between a proximal-dominant and distal-dominant
orientation, in order to avoid a large shift in the centre of mass of each segment.
Experimental setup.
Testing was undertaken on a 20 m section of the Biomechanics Lab-
oratory at Victoria University. Motion analysis cameras were arranged around the 10 m mark
of the 20 m section and the approximate capture volume was 6.0 m long, 2.5 m high, and 3.0
m, wide.
Data collection.
Following application of compression garments and attachment of
reflective markers, participants undertook an initial warm-up in which they ran back and
forth along the 20 m section in a “shuttle” fashion for 2 min. Running velocity was dictated
through the use of an audible metronome, which counted each second from 1–9, before
repeating for every subsequent shuttle. Participants underwent a 2 min rest period following
the first warm-up run before performing a second warm-up run for 1 min at an increased
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Fig 1. Lower body Plug-In-Gait model. Blue markers define the required anatomical landmarks, red markers are
used for tracking segments.
Fig 2. Lila™ Exogen™ compression shorts and calf sleeves with thigh and shank loading.
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velocity defined by 6 s shuttle efforts. Owing to the requirement of 180˚ changes of direction
after each shuttle, running velocities achieved through the capture area were greater than the
theoretical straight-line velocity of 3.3 m.s-1. Analysis of pilot data showed mean ± SD veloci-
ties of 4.16 ± 0.36 m.s-1 through the capture area. Such velocities are commonly described as
“striding” or “running” in field based sports, but fall below the “high-intensity” classification,
often defined as >5.4 m.s-1 [43, 44]. The first trial was performed with body weight only (BW),
and participants completed 2 min worth of 20 m shuttles with the 6 s pacing speed per shuttle.
Captures were taken each time participants passed through the 10 m mark capture area during
runs from the start point to the 20 m mark only. Captures were not performed on the return
shuttles. This process yielded capture of 10 complete strides across the 2 min trial.
Participants performed three subsequent 2 min running trials in which they were allocated
WR loading of 1%, 3%, and 5% of body weight in a randomised order. Each trial was inter-
spersed with a 3 min rest period. The result of this protocol was 10 complete overground run-
ning strides per condition, per participant.
Data processing
Visual 3D software (C-motion, Rockville, MD, USA) was used to construct a four segment
model (pelvis, thigh, shank, and foot) for each participant. Within each participant, the leg on
which most complete strides were successfully captured was used for analysis. This approach
maximised available data given that individual stride characteristics tended to allow one side
to be captured more consistently within the bounds of the 6 m capture area (see S1 Table for
the leg used for each participant). Runs in which several marker trajectories were lost or accu-
rate model construction could not be satisfied were excluded from analysis. Out of a possible
560 runs per-joint, 510 were successfully reconstructed for the hip, 530 for the knee, and 521
for the ankle. For a record of excluded runs and the participants and runs to which these per-
tained, see S1 Table. For successfully reconstructed runs, marker trajectories were smoothed
via a fourth order low-pass Butterworth filter with 10 Hz cut-off frequency, based on mean
residual amplitudes [45]. Each run was trimmed to one complete stride cycle, which was
defined as the period between two consecutive toe-off events on the same limb. Toe-off was
defined by the initial rise in vertical displacement of the toe marker proceeding its lowest point
at the end of the support phase [46, 47]. Time-continuous sagittal plane joint angles for the
hip, knee, and ankle (o) were normalised to 100% of the stride cycle for further analysis. Posi-
tive and negative joint angles were defined relative to the positions of joints in upright stand-
ing. Positive joint angles indicate positions of hip flexion, knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion
relative to standing, while negative joint angles indicate positions of hip extension, knee exten-
sion, and ankle plantarflexion relative to standing.
Data analysis
Running velocity was compared across different loading conditions using a one-way repeated
measures ANOVA with Bonferroni correction applied to post-hoc pairwise comparisons. A
significance level of α = 0.05 was used.
Statistical parametric mapping t-test.
Comparisons between continuous joint angle
kinematic data in the BW condition and each loading condition were performed across the
group, including participants of both sexes, to identify global effects of loading. Statistical
parametric mapping (SPM) t-tests were used in each instance with α = 0.05, as previously
described [48, 49]. Kinematic data were estimated as functions using B-splines. A smoothing
parameter of 0.01 was used in the fitting procedure. A t-statistic trajectory was created across
the gait cycle and assessed in relation to a critical t-statistic, which was determined using a
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permutation test by randomly shuffling the labels of the curves and recalculating the maximum
t-statistic using these new labels. The analysis was done using R (version 3.6.0) and code used
can be accessed at
Generalised additive model. Generalised additive models (GAMs) were fit to continuous
joint angle data, with separate GAMs for each joint. In each case, data was modelled as a func-
tion of the percentage of the stride cycle. Cyclic cubic regression splines were used to generate
basis functions for each condition and smoothing was achieved using the restricted maximum
likelihood method. Cubic regression splines are more appropriate for functional data that rep-
resent repeated cycles of the same event [50]. The number of knots was increased until the
maximum deviance explained by the model was reached.
For visualisation of joint kinematic trends and between-run variability on an individual
basis, runs from each participant were treated as random effects. The random effects estimates
were plotted as a function of condition within each participant. Female participants are
labelled F1-F3 and male participants are labelled M1-M11. All GAM code is provided at
Bivariate functional principal component analysis. Bivariate functional principal com-
ponent analysis (bfPCA) applied to angle-angle kinematic data allows for the dominant modes
of variation to be estimated. bfPCA was used to analyse concurrent hip-knee and knee-ankle
kinematics using B-spline basis functions [51–53]. The smoothing parameter was selected
using a generalised cross validation procedure and was set at 0.1 and 0.18 for the hip-knee and
knee-ankle data, respectively. bfPCs were derived from the smoothed curves. Each bfPC was
varimax rotated to assist with interpretation of results. The occurrence and magnitude of
angle-angle variability was graphically represented by the first two bfPCs on individual plots
containing the ensemble mean of curves along with two additional curves representing +/-
2SD of the bfPC scores for each bfPC. bfPCA was performed in R with code available at
Individual-based 2D plots were generated in which mean bfPC scores for each condition
were mapped along the first two bfPCs for each joint pairing. Positive scores along a dimension
indicate that, on average, runs within this condition resembled more closely the characteristics
of the ‘+’ curve, while negative scores indicate a closer resemblance to the ‘-’ curve.
Mean running velocities across participants in each condition are included in Table 1. A signif-
icant main effect of condition was evident (F = 4.77, p = 0.003). Post-hoc analysis showed
slower running velocities in the 5% loading condition compared with all other conditions.
SPM t-test
Continuous ensemble means per-joint and per-condition with associated standard devia-
tions are presented in Fig 3. Sections of significant difference between the BW condition and
Table 1. Mean ± SD running velocities in each condition with post-hoc pairwise comparisons.
Running velocity (m.s-1)
p-value vs. 1%
p-value vs. 3%
p-value vs. 5%
4.25 ± 0.43
4.25 ± 0.47
4.25 ± 0.48
4.18 ± 0.44
BW, body weight; 1%, 1% of body weight WR loading; 3%, 3% of body weight WR loading; 5%, 5% of body weight WR loading.
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each loading condition according to SPM t-tests are indicated. WR loading of 1% of body
weight led to greater hip extension at 97–99% of the gait cycle (just prior to toe-off) com-
pared with BW (P = 0.045). Loading of 3% of body weight resulted in less ankle plantarflex-
ion from 12–18% of the gait cycle (during heel recovery) compared with BW (P = 0.035).
Loading of 5% of body weight resulted in greater knee flexion from 66–81% of the gait cycle
(during weight acceptance) (P < 0.001) and less ankle plantarflexion from 9–30% of the gait
cycle (during heel recovery) compared with BW (P < 0.001). Pointwise t-statistics and the
maximum critical value for a significance level of 0.05 for each set of curves are provided in
S2 Table.
Fig 3. SPM t-test per-joint and per-condition versus BW. (A) Hip joint BW versus 1%. (B) Hip joint BW versus 3%. (C) Hip joint BW versus 5%. (D) Knee joint BW
versus 1%. (E) Knee joint BW versus 3%. (F) Knee joint BW versus 5%. (G) Ankle joint BW versus 1%. (H) Ankle joint BW versus 3%. (I) Ankle joint BW versus 5%.
Solid lines represent ensemble means and accompanying shaded regions represent ± 1 SD. Grey shaded regions indicate regions of significant difference between
curve sets.
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The summary statistics of each joint GAM are shown in Table 2. For BW, the estimate indi-
cates the mean joint angle across the stride cycle. For loading conditions, estimates indicate
the difference in mean joint angle across the stride cycle versus BW. Estimated degrees of free-
dom reflect the number of basis functions used to generate the smooths and therefore a higher
number of estimated degrees of freedom suggests more variable data. For loading conditions,
estimated degrees of freedom are in addition to those listed for BW.
The GAM random effects estimates per-run are shown in Fig 4. Random effects estimates
reflect the prevailing flexion-extension bias throughout the stride cycle relative to the group
mean. The distribution of random effects estimates appeared to be more strongly driven by
the participant in question than within-participant responses to WR loading. However, indi-
vidual-level responses of note include instances in which loading increased between-run vari-
ability, such as at the ankle in the 5% condition for F1, the knee in the 5% condition for M1,
the knee in the 1% condition for M2, the knee in all loading conditions for M3, the hip and
ankle in the 3% condition for F2, and the hip in the 5% condition for M7. Conversely,
decreased between-run variability was evident at the ankle in the 3% condition for M1, the
ankle in the 3% and 5% conditions for M2, the hip in the 5% condition for M5, the ankle in the
5% condition for F2 and M6, and the ankle in the 1% condition for F3. Shifts in the prevailing
random effects estimates on the basis of loading appeared evident at the ankle in the 1% and
3% conditions for M2, the hip in the 3% condition for M3 and F2, the ankle in the 5% condi-
tion for M6, the hip in the 3% and 5% conditions for M7, the hip in the 1% condition for F3,
and the hip in the 1% and 3% conditions for M11.
For hip-knee joint coupling, bfPC1 explained 41.1% of the variability in the group data (Fig 5).
Positive scorers on bfPC1 exhibited less knee flexion during the swing phase, while negative
scorers exhibited greater knee flexion. bfPC2 explained 23.3% of the variability in the group
data. Positive scorers on bfPC2 exhibited greater hip flexion during the swing phase, while neg-
ative scorers exhibited less hip flexion and hip flexion was delayed compared with positive
scorers. For knee-ankle joint coupling, bfPC1 explained 45.6% of the variability in the group
Table 2. Generalised additive model summary statistics per-joint.
Parametric coefficients
Smooth terms
Standard error
BW (intercept)
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
BW (intercept)
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
BW (intercept)
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
> 0.001
EDF, estimated degrees of freedom; BW, body weight; 1%, 1% of body weight WR loading; 3%, 3% of body weight WR loading; 5%, 5% of body weight WR loading.
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data. Positive scorers exhibited less knee flexion during the swing phase and negative scorers
exhibited greater knee flexion. bfPC2 explained 16.8% of the variability in the group data. Posi-
tive scorers on bfPC2 exhibited less ankle plantarflexion, particularly at touchdown, while neg-
ative scorers exhibited greater ankle plantarflexion during late swing and touchdown.
Mean individual bfPC scores along both bfPCs for hip-knee and knee-ankle joint pairs
across runs in each condition are shown in Fig 6. Participants appeared to have mostly distinct
joint coupling profiles and there was some impact of WR loading within-individuals. There
was generally agreement between observations of condition-based shifts in random effects esti-
mates from GAM analysis and differences in mean bfPC scores, including in the knee-ankle
joint couple in the 3% condition for M2, the hip-knee joint couple in the 3% condition for M3
and F2, the knee-ankle joint couple in the 5% condition for M6, the hip-knee joint couple in
the 3% and 5% conditions for M7, and the hip-knee joint couple in the 1% condition for F3
and M11. Additional condition-based shifts apparent from bfPCs included the hip-knee joint
couple in the 1% condition in M2, the hip-knee joint couple in the 5% condition for M3, M6,
M8, and M10, and the knee-ankle joint couple in the 1% condition for M11. Shifts that were
identified from GAM analysis but that appeared to be minimal based on bfPC plots included
the knee-ankle joint couple in the 1% condition for M3 and the hip-knee joint couple in the
3% condition for M11.
Fig 4. GAM random effects estimates per-run, per-individual. Each major panel relates to a given participant, as denoted by labels. Joints are separated by the
three minor panels within each participant plot. Conditions are expressed as categories within each joint and associated colours have been included for clarity.
Positive estimates indicate greater hip flexion, knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion relative to the group mean. Negative estimates indicate greater hip extension,
knee extension, and ankle plantarflexion. Thicker regions of coloured portions reflect a greater concentration of runs with similar random effects estimates.
Fig 5. bfPCA of hip-knee and knee-ankle joint couples throughout stride cycle. First two bfPCs from hip-knee and
knee-ankle bfPCA with the percentage of group variability explained. Solid line represents the mean angle-angle curve.
‘+’ line represents positive scorers +2SD from the mean function. ‘-’ line represents negative scorers -2SD from the
mean function.
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This study examined the effects of lower limb WR loading on coordination tendencies during
sub-maximal overground running. Specifically, the study sought to describe the effects of vari-
ous WR magnitudes (1%, 3%, and 5% of body weight) on lower limb sagittal plane joint kine-
matics at a group- and individual-level, both in terms of continuous gait cycle kinematics and
between-run movement variability. The main findings at a group-level were that 3% and 5%
loading decreased ankle plantarflexion during heel recovery, while 5% loading also increased
knee flexion during weight acceptance, compared with BW running. In terms of joint cou-
pling, 5% loading brought about the largest changes in coordination at the hip-knee joint pair.
At an individual-level, six of the fourteen participants clearly exhibited increased between-run
joint angle variability at one or more joints in one or more loading conditions compared with
Running velocity was slower in the 5% condition compared with all other conditions, how-
ever, the magnitude of this difference was minimal at just 0.07 m.s-1. All participants main-
tained speeds sufficient to successfully complete all shuttles within the allotted time frames in
all conditions.
In terms of kinematics at the group-level, slight decreases in ankle plantarflexion during
heel recovery occurred with 3% loading compared with BW running. The 5% loading condi-
tion led to more substantial decreases in ankle plantarflexion during heel recovery, as well as
increased knee flexion during weight acceptance. The exhibition of greater knee flexion was
likely a mechanism to mitigate increased peak ground reaction force arising from the greater
system load [54, 55]. Explanations for less plantarflexion during heel recovery are more specu-
lative. One possibility is that participants subconsciously attempted to offset the greater
moment of inertia at the thigh by dorsiflexing the ankle to create a mechanical advantage dur-
ing swing leg recovery [56, 57]. Alternatively, or perhaps in addition, heavier loading likely led
to increased co-contraction of muscles around the ankle joint during stance for maintenance
of stiffness and stability [55, 58]. Such alterations in motor unit recruitment and temporal
sequencing of lower leg muscles may constrain the action of this joint during the subsequent
propulsion and swing phase, with the joint returning to a relatively more neutral position
more readily [59, 60]. The impact of coordination dynamics should also be considered. Indi-
viduals performing novel motor tasks often exhibit freezing of distal biomechanical degrees of
freedom to reduce coordinative complexity [61–63]. To the extent that running with an extra
5% of body weight on the lower limbs was perceived as a novel task, there may have been a ten-
dency for participants to return to a more neutral ankle position following toe-off. Given these
factors, 5% loading, and to a lesser extent 3% loading, may be excessive as a means of promot-
ing movement variability for some individuals in the first instance. The group-level changes
suggest a degree of convergence toward a common adaptation strategy and appear consistent
with movement options being limited by task novelty and/or the need to manage high loads.
Coaches should take this into consideration if prescribing WR for multiple athletes without
individualisation [64].
Despite group-level trends, individual responses varied. The practical utility of WR for
inducing movement variability is therefore likely to also be individual-dependent. Coaches
should appreciate the range of individual responses and use the present findings as signposts
to guide individual WR prescription in the field.
Fig 6. Individual mean hip-knee and knee-ankle bfPC1 and bfPC2 scores per-condition. Each panel relates to a given participant, as denoted by labels. Mean hip-
knee bfPC scores across runs within a condition are denoted by circle labels. Mean knee-ankle bfPC scores across runs within a condition are denoted by triangle
labels. Separate conditions are indicated by distinct colours.
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Participants F1, M1, M2, M3, F2, and M7 all exhibited increased between-run variability in
mean angles at one or more joints in one or more loading conditions compared with BW.
These high variability instances suggest that there was no readily accessible adaptive mode to
satisfy the task goal in the presence of WR and instead a period of search and refinement of
individuals’ preferred coordinative structures was required [65, 66]. WR in this context there-
fore provides an opportunity to explore movement system degeneracy. For these individuals,
exposure to WR over a training period may facilitate development of movement adaptability
and allow running performance to be more readily maintained when perturbations arise
in competition [10, 67]. The propensity for individuals to exhibit greater variability at
one loading condition over another is largely a function of intrinsic behavioural dynamics,
which dictate system tendencies such as attractor state stability and behavioural meta-stability
[68, 69].
A definitive reduction in between-run variability was present in participants F2 and M6 at
the ankle joint in the 5% loading condition. This may align with the proposed group-level
hypothesis of distal joint freezing in this condition. While established literature tends to define
freezing degrees of freedom as restricted movement of a joint within-trials, low between-trial
variability is also indicative of constrained movement [20, 70]. Among these individuals, the
perturbation of 5% loading may have been managed by increasing co-contractions and stiffen-
ing muscles of the lower limbs, as occurs in the early stages of skill acquisition [61]. Interest-
ingly, this can be considered an adaptive strategy in itself, particularly since performance of
shuttle runs was successfully maintained. This therefore raises the need to clarify the benefit of
perturbations that encourage movement variability during training versus those that limit
movement variability. Findings from balance beam walking with different perturbation mag-
nitudes demonstrate that learning under conditions in which sacral movement variability is
maximised leads to superior learning and subsequent task performance post-training [71].
Substantially increasing the level of perturbation through an error augmenting device
decreases movement variability in line with individuals attempting to maintain control of
movement, and has suboptimal outcomes for post-training performance [71]. Separately,
Chmielewski et al. [60] argue that increased co-contractions as a means of adapting to an ACL
rupture reflect a suboptimal compensation pattern wherein the capacity to dynamically stabi-
lise the injured knee without compromising knee motion has not yet been developed. Taken
together, these findings highlight that large magnitude perturbations may be adapted to by
reducing movement variability, however, skill acquisition is not facilitated under these condi-
tions. Reduced movement variability affords fewer opportunities for internal models of limb
dynamics to be updated, which may limit the extent to which adaptability is trained [72].
Among high performing field-based athletes, some individuals are likely to already have
well developed functional movement adaptability [11, 12]. This is typified by an appropriate
mix of movement pattern flexibility and stability, such that coordination can be readily
adjusted in response to a perturbation and movement variability levels remain similar to those
at baseline [10, 73]. Potential exemplars of this in the present study include participant M10 in
all loading conditions and participant M7 in the 3% loading condition.
Participants M4 and M9 exhibited no discernable joint kinematic changes at any loading
magnitude. Between-run variability also appeared consistent across loading. For these individ-
uals, loading even up to 5% of body weight may not have required additional exploitation of
movement system degeneracy to satisfy the task goal [74]. As part of their intrinsic behavioural
dynamics, these individuals likely defer to highly stable movement attractor states in the pres-
ence of manageable perturbations [65, 75]. Practically, WR may not be appropriate to chal-
lenge running coordination among such individuals, as loading beyond 5% of body weight on
the lower limbs presents logistical difficulties due to load placement space limitations.
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Lastly, it is interesting to note that participants M2 and M11 appeared to demonstrate multi-
stability about the ankle joint. There appeared to be two dominant kinematic modes expressed
with apparent condition dependence in M2 but not in M11. Coaches should appreciate that ath-
letes may exhibit multi-stability, wherein two or more patterns of coordination are stable [68].
A limitation of the present study is that only sagittal plane kinematics were considered.
Consequential alterations to kinematics may have also occurred in the transverse and frontal
planes, or in trunk or upper body segments. In terms of the WR, an exactly equal distribution
of load between the anterior and posterior segment surfaces could not always be guaranteed.
In these instances, one surface of each segment experienced 50 g more loading, which although
minimal, may have impacted ensuing running kinematics. In relation to data processing, it is
important to acknowledge that although the initial rise in vertical displacement of the toe
marker has previously been used to define toe-off during running actions [46, 47, 76], valida-
tion of this detection method against force plate measures under the specific running velocities
and floor surface conditions of the present study has not been performed. Lastly, despite the 3
min rest period allowed between running trials, residual after-effects following heavier loading
conditions could have briefly impacted on the kinematics observed during lighter conditions
[77]. When SPM t-tests were repeated with participants separated on the basis of having com-
pleted the 1% condition immediately following the 5% condition as part of their randomisa-
tion, it was evident that the group-level differences in hip extension between the 1% condition
and BW were driven by these participants (S1 Fig). A larger sample size would provide clarity
on this point by enabling direct statistical comparisons between participants who experienced
the 1% condition immediately following the 5% condition, and those that did not. If this type
of loading contrast was an effectual factor, fidelity could be improved by allowing participants
to rest for longer or briefly run without loading in between trials to “re-establish” an unloaded
Future research should specifically consider the effects of unloaded running immediately
following a period of loading to clarify the propensity for acute coordinative changes to be
retained following the removal of perturbation. Investigation into the impact of asymmetrical
WR loading on coordination would also be worthwhile given the challenge to the movement
system that such an intervention would pose. As understanding of the effects of WR loading
develops, researchers and/or coaches should consider situating tasks such as loaded running in
a representative, field-based environment. WR coupled with the inherent movement variabil-
ity induced by dynamic constraints and affordances in this environment would present a fur-
ther, more contextual, challenge to coordination [78].
Exposure to WR of 5% of body weight increased knee flexion during weight acceptance and
decreased ankle plantarflexion during heel recovery at the group-level. This appeared to be
due to the high load and novelty of this condition. Among individuals that reflected group-
level trends and exhibited decreased between-run variability at one or more joints, 5% loading
may be an excessive perturbation, as exploration of alternate movement states is limited. Sev-
eral participants exhibited increased between-run joint angle variability in one or more load-
ing conditions compared with BW, suggesting exploration and refinement of coordinative
structures under these conditions. The loading magnitudes at which these increases were elic-
ited, however, varied between individuals. WR therefore appears to show utility for the pur-
pose of perturbing coordination to encourage movement variability among certain
individuals, though the loading magnitudes used should be determined on a case-by-case
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Supporting information
S1 Table. List of legs analysed and joint angles unable to be reconstructed for analysis.
Joint angle data that could not be reconstructed is highlighted in red.
S2 Table. Pointwise t-statistics and maximum critical values for SPM t-tests.
S1 Fig. Hip joint SPM t-test BW versus 1% separated based on condition order. (A) Hip
joint BW versus 1% for participants in which 1% condition did not immediately proceed 5%
condition. (B) Hip joint BW versus 1% for participants in which 1% condition immediately
proceeded 5% condition. Solid lines represent ensemble means and accompanying shaded
regions represent ± 1 SD. Grey shaded regions indicate regions of significant difference
between curve sets.
The authors would like to acknowledge the research participants for their involvement in this
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Karl M. Trounson, Aglaja Busch, Sam Robertson.
Data curation: Karl M. Trounson, Aglaja Busch, Neil French Collier.
Formal analysis: Karl M. Trounson, Neil French Collier.
Investigation: Karl M. Trounson, Aglaja Busch.
Methodology: Karl M. Trounson, Aglaja Busch, Sam Robertson.
Supervision: Sam Robertson.
Visualization: Karl M. Trounson, Neil French Collier.
Writing – original draft: Karl M. Trounson.
Writing – review & editing: Karl M. Trounson, Neil French Collier, Sam Robertson.
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| Effects of acute wearable resistance loading on overground running lower body kinematics. | 12-28-2020 | Trounson, Karl M,Busch, Aglaja,French Collier, Neil,Robertson, Sam | eng |
PMC10403529 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649
Reliability of threshold
determination using
portable muscle oxygenation
monitors during exercise
testing: a systematic review
and meta‑analysis
Carlos Sendra‑Pérez
1, Jose Luis Sanchez‑Jimenez
1, Joaquín Martín Marzano‑Felisatti
Alberto Encarnación‑Martínez
1,2, Rosario Salvador‑Palmer
2,3 & Jose I. Priego‑Quesada
Over the last few years, portable Near‑Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) technology has been suggested
for determining metabolic/ventilator thresholds. This systematic review and meta‑analysis aimed
to assess the reliability of a portable muscle oxygenation monitor for determining thresholds during
exercise testing. The proposed PICO question was: Is the exercise intensity of muscle oxygenation
thresholds, using portable NIRS, reliable compared with lactate and ventilatory thresholds for
exercise intensity determined in athletes? A search of Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science was
undertaken and the review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines. Fifteen articles were
included. The domains which presented the highest biases were confounders (93% with moderate
or high risk) and participant selection (100% with moderate or high risk). The intra‑class correlation
coefficient between exercise intensity of the first ventilatory or lactate threshold and the first muscle
oxygenation threshold was 0.53 (obtained with data from only 3 studies), whereas the second
threshold was 0.80. The present work shows that although a portable muscle oxygenation monitor
has moderate to good reliability for determining the second ventilatory and lactate thresholds, further
research is necessary to investigate the mathematical methods of detection, the capacity to detect
the first threshold, the detection in multiple regions, and the effect of sex, performance level and
adipose tissue in determining thresholds.
In many sports, various methods of exercise testing are performed for detecting metabolic/ventilatory thresh-
olds. These zones or points are characterized by nonlinear increases of physiological outcomes (e.g., dot(V),
oxygen volume (VO2), blood lactate, heart rate, etc.) so determining two physiological breakpoints that allow the
three-phase model of intensities to be applied1–3. These data are important to trainers and athletes for assessing
physical condition and programming intensities to optimize training and improving cardiovascular fitness and
endurance4,5. Therefore, it is of great importance to have a reliable method for threshold detection6.
The ventilatory or metabolic threshold is usually determined by gas exchange or blood lactate data respec-
tively, obtained during incremental tests4,7. Gas exchange is one of the most commonly used methods for assess-
ing the evolution of gas exchange measurements (dot(V), VO2, carbon dioxide volume (VCO2) and minute
ventilation (VE)) that allow detection of the respiratory compensation point (also referred to as ventilatory
1Research Group in Sports Biomechanics (GIBD), Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Physical
Activity and Sport Sciences, Universitat de València, C/Gascó Oliag, 3, 46010 Valencia, Spain. 2Red Española
de Investigación del Rendimiento Deportivo en Ciclismo y Mujer (REDICYM), Consejo Superior de Deportes
(CSD), Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, Campus d’Ontinyent, Laboratorio Biomecánica,
Avda. Conde de Torrefiel n° 22, 46870 Ontinyent, Spain. 3Biophysics and Medical Physics Group, Department of
Physiology, Universitat de València, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology, Avd. Blasco Ibañez 15, 46010 Valencia,
Spain. *email: [email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
threshold (VT))8. For example, one method that is often used is the ventilatory method consists of determining
the first and second ventilatory thresholds by detecting nonlinear increases in minute ventilation, the ventila-
tory equivalent for oxygen, the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide, oxygen uptake, and carbon dioxide
production9. Another widely used method is the blood lactate measurement10. In contemporary physiology,
lactate is considered a major metabolic intermediate that has a wide-ranging impact on energy substrate utiliza-
tion, cell signaling, and adaptation11. It is also important for the mitochondria since lactate is the end product
of glycolysis and plays a role in connecting oxygen-independent and oxygen-dependent energy production, as
a major energy source for mitochondrial respiration4,11. Hence, lactate enters the mitochondrial reticulum to
support cell energy homeostasis by oxidative phosphorylation, and this process helps lactate disposal11. Threshold
determination using blood lactate concentration can be obtained from values fixed (e.g., 2 or 4 mmol L−1)12 to
mathematical models13,14.
However, both methods have associated limitations such as the economic cost of gas exchange, and the neces-
sity to extract a drop of blood or its incapacity to measure continuously for lactate15, all of which makes it inter-
esting to explore new methodologies. Moreover, it has been suggested that determining thresholds using muscle
oxygen saturation (SmO2) could be a valid alternative to pulmonary gas exchange or blood lactate methods16,17.
Muscle oxygenation based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive technology that was
described for the first time by Jöbsis in 1977, for monitoring in vivo cerebral oxygenation18. Nowadays, it is
becoming very popular in the sports training field, thanks to the appearance of more affordable, easy to apply, and
portable measuring devices19,20. Currently, NIRS technology is based on the modified Beer-Lambert’s law, which
considers the dispersion of the nature of the tissues and their geometry21,22 (Eq. 1). NIRS technology detects the
oxyhemoglobin ([O2Hb]) or deoxyhemoglobin ([HHb]) depending on light absorption, but in both cases, hemo-
globin or myoglobin are referenced, since NIRS technology does not differentiate between chromophores (Eq. 2).
Modified Beer-Lambert’s law Eq. (1), where “A” is the absorption, “I” is the luminous intensity (lm sr−1),
“ ε ” is the extinction coefficient for the light absorbing compound of interest, “[C]” is the concentration of the
compound of interest (e.g. [Hb], [Mb] and/or [cytox]), “L” is the source-detector distance (mm), “DPF” the dif-
ferential path length factor and “G” is the factor reflecting non-absorption.
Equation for calculating muscle oxygen saturation (SmO2) by the oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb) and deoxyhemo-
globin (HHb) measured.
NIRS technology in the sports field is being used to observe changes in the muscle metabolism of different
muscles19. This has allowed us to measure local muscle performance during exercise, determining whether the
muscles work optimally and if there is deoxygenation depending on exercise intensity20,23,24. Moreover, although
several studies have suggested that portable NIRS technology can be used for determining muscle oxygenation
thresholds17,25,26, and many studies have been published over the last few years, as far as the author knows, no
systematic reviews and meta-analyses that validate the use of NIRS technology to detect thresholds have been
Therefore, the aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the reliability of determining
the exercise intensity of the muscle oxygenation threshold (using the portable NIRS) compared with detection,
using a gold standard method during laboratory and field tests.
Literature search methodology.
This systematic review and meta-analysis was carried out following
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement27. The proposed
PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcomes of an article) question was: Is the exercise intensity
of muscle oxygenation thresholds, using portable NIRS, reliable compared with lactate and ventilatory thresh-
olds for exercise intensity determined in athletes? Three databases (PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science) were
electronically searched on the 15th of June of 2023 using the following terms: “NIRS” OR “Near Infrared Spec-
troscopy” OR “muscle oxygenation” OR “oximetry” AND with the terms and synonyms “threshold” OR “break-
point” OR “inflection point”. Additionally, (AND) different terms such as “exercise” OR “sport” OR “physical
activity” OR “running” OR “cycling” OR “swimming” were used. Every database employed its own term map-
ping. The results were screened to identify relevant studies, first by abstract and finally by full text. Full texts
underwent a thorough screening process to determine their eligibility for inclusion in the review. Only those
texts that fulfilled all the predetermined criteria were considered for inclusion.
The articles obtained were exported to Zotero (version 6.0.15, Corporation for Digital Scholarship, Vienna,
USA) to eliminate duplicates, and the abstracts were uploaded to JBI SUMARI (The University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, Australia) to carry out the first screening.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The inclusion criteria established for the systematic review were as fol-
lows: (1) Only studies written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, (2) studies using a portable and commercial
NIRS for muscle oxygenation threshold detection, (3) studies using a gold standard (gas exchange or blood lac-
tate methods) in addition to muscle oxygenation for thresholds detection, (4) studies with a healthy population
between 18 and 65 years of age, and (5) experimental and quasi-experimental studies.
A = log I
= ε[C]L ∗ DPF + G
SmO2 =
O2Hb + HHb × 100
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
Study selection and data extraction.
The first screening was performed by reviewing the abstracts of
articles, after removing duplicates. Then, the selected articles were fully read to reach a decision. The entire
process was carried out by two reviewers. When there was a disagreement on an abstract or article, it was sub-
sequently discussed until a consensus was reached. For each study, the extracted data were: the authors and the
year, the participants, a short description of the protocol, the thresholds calculated, the NIRS brand, the NIRS
location, and the results. The data from each included article were extracted by two reviewers and confirmed by
a third. Participants were categorized as elite, highly trained, trained and recreationally active following previous
Risk of bias and quality of evidence assessment.
The quality of the quasi-experimental studies
included in the systematic review was assessed by two reviewers working independently using the ROBINS-I
Scale. The ROBINS-I Scale evaluates risk of bias across 7 domains: confounding, selection of participants, clas-
sification of interventions, deviations from intended interventions, missing data, measurement of outcomes and
the selection of the reported results30. For each domain, the risk of bias assessment was categorized: no informa-
tion, critical, serious, moderate or low30. When there was a disagreement between the reviewers a third reviewer
was consulted.
A separate meta-analysis was performed to examine the reliability in determining intensity
at each threshold using NIRS and the gold standard method (gas exchange and/or blood lactate). The intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC) and sample size were extracted for each study. For the studies that did not provide
ICC values, the ICC value was calculated from obtaining the data from the datasets, tables and figures of the
article, or on request from the authors. In the case of figures, data was extracted from scatter plots using the plot
digitizer application31. If the data were not provided by the authors, the study was excluded from the analysis.
ICC values were calculated based on a single rater-measurement, absolute-agreement, and 2-way random-effects
model. For studies where it was possible to obtain more than one ICC value (e.g., because the intensity at the
threshold was extracted using different automatic methods), these ICC values were averaged, using only one
ICC value for each study to avoid statistical dependence31,32. ICC values were transformed to Fisher’s z scale and
a random-effects model with Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimation was used for the analysis33, assessing
the type of gold standard compared (gas exchange or blood lactate) as a possible moderator. Q and I2 statistics
were used for the homogeneity analysis. I2 values of around 25%, 50%, and 75% denoted low, moderate, and
large heterogeneity, respectively. To assess the publication bias, funnel plot with Duval and Tweedie’s trim-and-
fill method for imputing missing data and the Egger’s test were performed34,35. To facilitate the interpretation
of the data, Fisher’s z values were then converted back to ICC values after completing the meta-analyses33. The
ICC and associated 95% confidence intervals were interpreted as: poor (0.00–0.25), fair (0.26–0.50), moderate
(0.51–0.75) and good (0.76–1.00)36. Statistical significance was established at p < 0.05. A meta-analysis was per-
formed with the “metafor” package (version 4.2-0)37 in RSTUDIO (version 2023.06.0)38.
Study selection.
A total of 1,131 articles from databases of PubMed (237), Web of Science (507), and Sco-
pus (387) were included, and 559 articles remained after removing duplicates. Finally, after selecting studies by
their abstracts, 129 full articles were reviewed, of which 15 were included in the systematic review (Fig. 1).
Participants characteristics.
The systematic review included a sample of 344 participants (216 males and
128 females). Among these participants 33 were elite athletes, 208 highly trained athletes, 31 trained athletes and
72 recreationally active athletes. Moreover, athletes from various sports were included (soccer, cycling, running,
triathlon and rowing) with laboratory protocols, since there are currently no studies carried out in field tests. The
study characteristics and the main findings are summarized in Table 1.
Methods used for determining muscle oxygenation threshold.
The studies selected had deter-
mined both muscle oxygenation threshold (MOT) (first and second) using different methods (Table 2). Most of
the studies used the regression double linear representing 42% and wearable lactate threshold (WLT) was used in
25% of the studies included in the systematic review. Together, these two methods represented 67% of the studies
included in the systematic review. However, visual identification was also used in two studies (17%).
Risk of bias evaluation.
The domains which presented the highest bias were due to confounding (7% with
critical risk, 33% with serious risk and 53% with moderate risk), due to the selection of the participants (20%
with serious risk and 80% with moderate risk), and due to the selection of the reported results (40% with moder-
ate risk) (Figs. 2 and 3). For the other domains, most of the studies presented a low risk of bias (> 85%).
Of the 15 articles included in this review, the ICCs of 13 of them were obtained from the
meta-analysis (Table 3). Of these 13 articles, the ICC was provided in the article itself in 3, was calculated from
the data obtained in a dataset, table or figure in 8, and in 2 the ICC was provided directly by the authors (Table 3).
A test of moderators was not performed for the first threshold due to the low number of studies (n = 3,
Table 3). The Q test was not significant (Q(df = 2) = 1.01, p-val = 0.60) and the I2 was 0%, showing a low hetero-
geneity. The Trim-and-fill method estimated 0 missing studies and Egger’s test was not significant (p = 0.46). The
ICC of the first threshold was moderate (ICC = 0.53) but with a wide 95%CI[0.31, 0.69] (Fig. 4A).
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
For the second threshold, no effect of moderators was observed (p = 0.94) at first. Therefore, a meta-analysis
was performed without differentiating between the ICC obtained compared with lactate or gas exchange. The Q
test was not significant (Q(df = 13) = 99.17, p < 0.001) and the I2 was of 86%, showing a large heterogeneity. The
Trim-and-fill method estimated 0 missing studies and Egger’s test was not significant (p = 0.54). The ICC of the
second threshold was good (ICC = 0.80, 95%CI[0.65, 0.89] (Fig. 4B).
The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the reliability of determining exercise inten-
sity using the muscle oxygenation threshold (with the portable NIRS) compared with a gold standard detection
method during laboratory tests. The results of the review show that the methods mostly used to determine muscle
oxygenation thresholds were regression double linear (46%), WLT (20%), and visual identification (20%). The
meta-analysis revealed that of the 13 studies where ICC was obtained, only 3 studies assessed the first threshold,
the mean ICC of 0.53 being observed between the exercise intensity obtained at the first muscle oxygenation
threshold (MOT1) and first lactate threshold (LT1) or first ventilatory threshold (VT1). The mean ICC between
second muscle oxygenation threshold (MOT2) and second lactate threshold (LT2) or second ventilatory threshold
(VT2) was 0.80.
Our meta-analyses were focused on showing whether the exercise intensity where the first and second thresh-
olds were detected using the portable NIRS was more reliable than the gold standards methods (gas exchange
and blood lactate). Table 1 shows how the relationship between MOT and VT was analyzed in 7 studies16,25,39–43
and in 9 studies for LT17,26,41,44–49.
Figure 1. Study selection from the systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA).
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
Study (year)
NIRS device
NIRS location
Batterson et al.44
N = 10 (M)
Soccer players
3-min work + 30 s rest
9.0 km·h−1 W-UP
↑ 1.8 km·h−1 every 180 s
LT2, LT1
MOT1 and MOT2 showed
similar that LT1 and LT2 in all
muscles analyzed. This show
that SmO2 is useful for coaches
Borges and Driller45
N = 7 (M); 7 (F)
Highly trained athletes
3-min W-UP (4.8 km·h−1)
3-min (9.3–11.7 km·h−1)
↑ 0.3–1.1 km·h−1 every 180 s
BSX Insight
MOT2 showed a high cor-
relation. The wearable lactate
threshold sensor could be
implemented by coaches and
Cayot et al.46
N = 9 (M); 5 (F)
2 × GXT
(separated by 7–10 days)
5-min W-UP (25 W)
↑ 25 W every 180 s
*Cycle ergometer
MOT2 detection was moderately
correlated with the LT2 and the
heart rate. The results do not
support the use of two different
mathematical methods for
MOT2 determination
Contreras-Briceño et al.39
N = 8 (M); 7 (F)
Highly trained triathletes
2-min rest
3-min W-UP (100 W)
↑ 20 W every 80 s
*Bike on a cycle ergometer
7th IC
A good-to-excellent correlation
was obtained between MOT2
and VT2 for each variable of all
analyses in the 7th IC, muscle
Driller et al.47
N = 10 (M); 5 (F)
Highly Trained Cyclists
3-min 80–120 W
↑ 20 W every 180 s
*Bicycle on an ergometer
BSX Insight
LT2 determination through
MOT2 showed an excellent
correlation during cycling.
These results were shown in all
methods for LT2 detection
Farzam et al.48
N = 15 (M); 3 (F)
4-min 30 W
↑30 W every 240 s
*Cycle ergometer
Humon Hex,
MOT2 determination showed
good agreements with LT2
NIRS portable and NIRS
non-portable showed a good
correlation during the exercise.
A low-cost, wireless, wearable
NIRS is a good predictor of the
Feldmann et al.16
N = 6 (M); 4 (F)
Recreationally cyclists and
Run test:
5-min W-UP (3.0–3.5 km·h−1)
↑0.5 km·h−1 every 30 s
Cycling test:
5-min W-UP (50–100W)
↑25W every 25 s
*Cycle ergometer
VT1, VT2
NIRS technology is suitable for
determining VT1 and VT2.
Additionally, SmO2min is a good
indicator of cardiorespiratory
fitness, as it correlated with
VO2peak. Furthermore, no matter
in which lateral vastus (right or
left) the NIRS device was placed
and the modality (cycling or
running) it detected the MOT
McMorries et al.49
N = 7 (M); 14 (F)
↑ 12–18 s per km every 180 s
BSX Insight
MOT2 showed similar values to
LT2, when the thresholds were
compareted using the heart rate
Raleigh et al.41
N = 31 (M)
Highly trained cyclist/triathletes
15-min W-UP (120 W)
3-min (100 W)
↑ 25 W every 180 s
*Cycle Ergometer
LT2, VT2
MOT2, LT2 and VT2 were not
different, but a poor correlation
was obtained between them
A good correlation was identi-
fied between VT1 and LT1
Rodrigo-Carranza et al.25
N = 5 (M); 5 (F)
Highly trained runners
5-min W-Up (9 km·h−1)
↑ 1 km·h−1 every 60 s
Humon Hex
VT2 and MOT2 were positively
correlated during running.
Thus, the device presented a
good predictor of the second
Osmani et al.40
N = 16 (M); 5 (F)
3-min work + 30 s rest
8.0 km h−1 W-UP
↑ 1.2 km h−1 every 180 s
Humon Hex
SmO2 data alone were not
enough to determine the VT2
Also, SmO2 values of this device
(Humon) do not correlate with
other variables (blood lactate,
RPE, HR and running power)
Salas-Montoro et al.17
N = 32 (M); 58 (F)
23 Elite
67 Highly trained
5-min W-Up
(15–20% of FTP)
↑ 25 W every 60 s
*Cycle ergometer
Humon Hex
LT2 was excellently correlated
with MOT2 when compared
using power output, percentage
of maximal aerobic power, heart
rate and percentage of maxi-
mum heart rate to MOT. The
reliability of methods showed
very good or excellent values in
all cases (0.74–0.99)
NIRS portable device can be an
interesting tool for threshold
detection for coaches without
performing an on-site lactate
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
The studies of Feldmann et al.16 and Van der Zwaard et al.42 compared the VT1 and LT1 with MOT1 in cycling
and found ICC values (ICC = 0.56–0.65). These results are in line with other studies that determined thresh-
olds with non-portable NIRS in cycling50. Moreover, a fair ICC in running was shown (ICC = 0.23–0.49)16,44.
28/07/2023 17:06:00 A lower number of studies assessed the first threshold compared with the second one (3 vs.
12 studies), maybe due to the difficulty of determining the MOT1, since the slope changes very slightly and the
ICC value is not as good as the second threshold42.
The second threshold was determined using the blood lactate concentration and muscle oxygenation in
different sports such as cycling16,17,46–48, running44,45,49 and rowing26. ICC values showed a certain disparity and
were fair, moderate or good (ICC = 0.29–0.90) in studies of running, although cycling studies showed a good
ICC (ICC = 0.91–0.94). However, the ICC value of two studies were not obtained46,48. The remaining studies also
Table 1. Summary of selected studies. W: watts; M: male; F: female; GXT: graded exercise test; W-UP: warm
up; R: recovery; LT1: first lactate threshold; LT2: second lactate threshold; VT1: first ventilatory threshold; VT2:
second ventilatory threshold; BF: biceps femoris; LD: lateral deltoid; IC: intercostal; RF: rectus femoris; VL:
vastus lateralis; GC: gastrocnemius; RCP: respiratory compensation point; MOT1: first muscle oxygenation
threshold; MOT2: second muscle oxygenation threshold. a Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.
*Non-portable NIRS.
Study (year)
NIRS device
NIRS location
Turnes et al.26
N = 13 (M)
Highly trained rowers
(1) GXT
3-min (130 W)
↑30 W every 180 s//R 30″
(2) 10-min W-Up + 5-rest
2000 m test
*Rowing ergometer
LT2 was moderately related to
MOT2 during the rowing incre-
mental test. However, the SmO2
in the VL presented a large vari-
ability between participants
Van der Zwaard et al.42
N = 30 (M); 10 (F)
9 Recreationally
10 Trained
21 Highly trained
Cyclist and endurance trained
3-min 1.5 W·kg−1 (85–145 W)
↑ 0.5 W·kg−1 (30–50 W) every
180 s
*Cycle ergometer
VT1, VT2
VT1 and VT2 were moderately
related to MOT. The relation-
ship increased in trained cyclists
(0.68–0.84) compared with
recreationally trained males
VT differed across sexes and
training status, whereas MOT
differed only across sexes
Yogev et al.43
N = 17 (M); 5 (F)
Highly trained
6-min W-Up (110–140 W)
4-min (70–100 W)
↑1 W every 2 s
*Stationary bicycle trainer
VT2 and MOT2 showed a
moderate relationship in both
The athletes and trainers could
use portable NIRS to detect
Table 2. Methods for determining the muscle oxygenation threshold in the studies selected. MOT1: first
muscle oxygenation threshold, MOT2: second muscle oxygenation threshold. a Also visually checked.
b Inflection point at SmO2 values at the same point as the VT2.
Methods for determining the MOT
Regression double linear
Wearable lactate threshold (WLT)
Visual identification (decrease of more than 15%)
Application Humon Beta
D-max or modified D-max
Figure 2. Risk of bias summary. Created with ‘robvis’ application54.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
compared gas exchange with muscle oxygenation in the second threshold in cycling16,39,42,43 and running16,40. The
results of the different studies suggest that the relationship between both methods in threshold determination is
affected by the region assessed by the NIRS device, as good values (ICC = 0.92–0.97) were observed on assessing
the intercostalis during cycling39. Moreover, the vastus lateralis presented moderate or good ICC in different
investigations25,42, so the test or determination method chosen may also be critical.
Different methods were developed to determine the thresholds in blood lactate concentration and gas
exchange, which are commonly combined by users to find the most optimal inflection point51. Despite recent
research into the application of NIRS technology for the purpose of obtaining thresholds, there is a lack of
research on its methods of determination. The articles included in this systematic review use different methods
for determining thresholds: BSX Insight (20%, N = 3)45,47,49, double linear regression (46%, N = 7)16,26,39,41–44, visual
method17,25,40, Dmax or modified Dmax46 and applications of devices Humon Beta48.
BSX Insight, which determines the threshold by making a comparison with blood lactate concentration,
presented good values of ICC, although this used a patented method to determine MOT based on the inflection
point of SmO2 during incremental testing45. However, as this system is commercial and patented, specific details
of the algorithm used for said detection are unknown. Another important method is visual, which could be the
most accurate for detecting the thresholds17 but with associated human error, or complementary to the previous
one as was performed by Turnes et al.26 We recommend that future studies explore different methods to analyze
thresholds using NIRS technology, to provide evidence on which are optimal, if several should be combined, or
if some are more suitable for certain populations or sports.
Figure 3. The risk of bias for each study. Created with ‘robvis’ application54.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
The muscles analyzed with NIRS portable had previously been studied by Perrey & Ferrari19, who showed
that SmO2 was determined among different muscles (vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis, intercostal, triceps
brachii) and many sports (swimming, strength, skiing, speed skating, sailing, running, rugby, climbing, handball,
cycling, kayak, judo, rowing, football, alpine skiing). Vastus lateralis was the muscle most assessed16,25,26,40–44,46,
although other muscles such as gastrocnemius44,45,47,49, rectus femoris17, biceps femoris44, lateral deltoid43 or
intercostal39 were also evaluated. Moreover, the muscles analyzed in each study depend on the sports performed
in the testing, the main muscles involved in that activity being selected. For example, in cycling the muscle most
assessed was the vastus lateralis as it is the main muscle contributing to power output production. However,
some studies explored other regions during cycling which could affect the determination of the threshold17,47,
although the rectus femoris is also a power output producer in this area where there could be a higher proportion
of adipose tissue52 or because its neuromuscular activation is not affected by the increase in workload during
the test (e.g., gastrocnemius)53.
The systematic review also focused on exercise testing to determine whether the thresholds in the mus-
cles (local thresholds) were analyzed or whether they are major exercise muscle. The articles included in this
Table 3. The intraclass correlations (ICC) for the exercise intensity of muscle oxygenation threshold and
the gold standard. ICC values used for the meta-analysis are in bold letters. MOT1: first muscle oxygenation
threshold; MOT2: second muscle oxygenation threshold; LT1: first lactate threshold; LT2: second lactate
threshold; VT1: first ventilatory threshold; VT2: second ventilatory threshold; mDmax: modified Dmax; VL:
vastus lateralis; LD: lateral deltoid. Values used for the meta-analyses are in bold/italic.
MOT method
Gold standard method
ICC source
Batterson et al.44
Segmented linear regression model
LT1 and LT2 was determined using a
Provided by the authors
LT1 right VL: 0.38
LT1 left VL: 0.08
LT1 ICCmean: 0.23
LT2 right VL: 0.54
LT2 right VL: 0.60
LT2 ICCmean: 0.57
Borges and Driller45
Wearable lactate threshold sensor (WLT)
LT2 was determined using the follow-
ing methods: LSF, Dmax, mDmax,
4 mmol·L−1 and an increase greater than
1 mmol·L−1
LSF: 0.91
Dmax: 0.8
mDmax: 0.89
4mmoL: 0.98
1mmoL: 0.92
ICCmean: 0.90
Contreras-Briceño et al.39
Segmented linear regression model
VT2 was determined with the visual
method by two blinded researchers
Calculated from data obtained from the
Fig. 4 of the article
ICC: 0.97
Cayot et al.46
Dmax and modified Dmax
LT2 was determined using a Dmax and
Authors did not provide the dataset after
Driller et al.47
Wearable lactate threshold sensor (WLT)
LT2 was determined using: TradLT, Dmax,
mDmax and OBLA
Calculated from data obtained from the
Fig. 2 of the article
TradLT: 0.96
Dmax: 0.88
mDmax: 0.97
OBLA: 0.96
ICCmean: 0.94
Farzam et al.48
Application Humon Beta
LT2 was determined using the value of
4 mmol·L−1 lactate
Authors did not provide the dataset after
Feldmann et al.16
Segmented linear regression model
VT1 and VT2 were detected with a seg-
mented regression analysis
Provided by the authors
LT1 running: 0.49
LT1 cycling: 0.65
ICCmean: 0.57
LT2 running: 0.92
LT2 cycling: 0.92
ICCmean: 0.92
McMorries et al.49
Wearable lactate threshold sensor (WLT)
LT2 was determined using the value of
4 mmol·L−1 lactate and an increase greater
than 1 mmol·L−1
Calculated from data obtained from the
Figure 6 of the article
ICC: 0.29
Osmani et al.40
Visual identification
VT2 was determined observing an inflec-
tion point
Calculated from data obtained from the
Tables 1 and 2 of the article
ICC: 0.23
Raleigh et al.41
Segmented linear regression model
VT2 and LT2 were detected with a seg-
mented regression analysis. The intersec-
tion of two linear segments was defined as
the threshold
LT2: 0.54
VT2: 0.36
Rodrigo-Carranza et al.25
Visual identification
VT2 was identified by the nonlinear
Calculated from data obtained from the
Table 1 of the article
ICC: 0.84
Salas-Montoro et al.17
Visual identification
LT2 was determined in an increase of at
least 2 mmol·L−1 above baseline measure-
ICC: 0.91
Turnes et al.26
Regression double linear and a visual
LT was determined by linear interpola-
tion given a fixed concentration of
3.5 mmol·L−1
Calculated from data obtained from the
Table 2 of the article
ICC: 0.65
Yogev et al.43
Regression double linear
Regression double linear was used to
detect the threshold with WKO5. This is
similar to the V-slope method
Calculated from dataset provided by the
VT2 VL: 0.73
VT2 LD: 0.79
ICCmean: 0.76
Van der Zwaard et al.42
Intercept of two congregating regression
VT detection method was the same as in
MOT detection
Calculated from the dataset (supporting
files) of the study
ICC VT1: 0.56
ICC VT2: 0.38
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
systematic review analyzed 1 or 3 muscles at most at the same time. Moreover, most of these studies were focused
on correlating the main muscles of exercise with blood lactate concentration or gas exchange, and it is impor-
tant to take into account that lactate and gas exchange determine systemic changes, while NIRS technology can
be used for determining a more local response. For this reason, further studies that analyze different muscles
simultaneously would be interesting in order to understand what is happening in each muscle during exercise
testing, and how some may be more related to systemic changes while others have more specific alterations.
It is important to consider that the present meta-analysis is limited to only one measure of reliability (ICC),
and more statistics are desirable (e.g., bias between methods) to improve the interpretation and application of
the present results. Bias was not included due to the low number of studies that reported this data, and the dif-
ferent units used (W, km·h−1or percentage) also posed a challenge. This point should be regarded as a limitation
of the present work, and future meta-analysis with a higher number of studies should incorporate more reliable
statistics. Some of the articles included in this review demonstrate mean bias between MOT2 and LT2 or VT2
ranging from 0.01 and 0.4 km·h−125,44,45,49, between 3.9 and 15.4 W39,41, 0.05 W·kg−117 and 10.7% of the power
output26. However, Batterson et al.44 showed a higher mean bias for MOT and LT1 (1.1–1.2 km·h−1), and Driller
et al.47 also demonstrated how the method of determination could affect the bias, with the lowest being for the
Dmax method (17 W) and the highest for the OBLA method (37 W). Finally, the study of Feldmann et al.16 stated
that in terms of power or speed, the bias represents one performance step (for this particular study, it was 25 W
for cycling and 0.5 km·h−1 for running).
Although the studies included present low risk of bias in most of the domains assessed, the analysis performed
suggests that two domains presented a considerable risk of bias: confounders and the selection of the partici-
pants. The main issues related to the confounding domain were the studies that did not consider the effect of
Figure 4. Forest plots of the meta-analysis was performed for the intraclass correlation (ICC) of the exercise
intensity obtained at the first (A) and second (B) threshold determination using NIRS and the gold standard
(gas exchange or blood lactate).
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:12649 |
the training level of participants, prior activity or sex in their results. In some cases, only the value of correlation
or intraclass correlation coefficient without the confidence interval appear in the reported results. However, the
majority of studies had a missing data count bias and bias in measurement outcomes. Future studies should
take into account these aspects, so as to control them as much as possible, to improve their quality and reduce
their biases. Moreover, these aspects are possible sources of the high heterogeneity found in the meta-analysis.
The main limitation of the present work is the small number of studies included in the meta-analysis
(N = 13). In future, a higher number of studies incorporated into the current analysis could corroborate the
results obtained. Moreover, there was a high heterogeneity between the different studies included. Regarding
the methodology, the regions or the sample assessed, with participants ranging from national and international
level competitors17 to recreational ones42, could affect the results of the metanalysis.
Considering all the analyses carried out, we think that the following lines of research should be prioritized in
this area: exploring which are the most appropriate mathematical detection methods depending on the sports or
populations for NIRS, investigating whether it is possible to detect the first threshold, analyzing multiple regions
at the same time to find out which ones are most related to systemic thresholds and which have a more specific
behavior of the muscle itself, and understanding the differences in the detection of thresholds depending on sex,
performance level, amount of adipose tissue or the changing of muscle length during exercise.
The present systematic review and meta-analysis shows that, although using a portable muscle oxygenation
monitor has moderate to good reliability for determining the second threshold, further research is necessary to
investigate the mathematical methods of detection, the capacity to detect the first threshold, detection in multiple
regions, and the effect of sex, performance level and adipose tissue on threshold determination.
Data availability
The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study available from the corresponding author on reason-
able request.
Received: 5 May 2023; Accepted: 28 July 2023
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JM-F contribution was funded by a PhD fellowship (ref. FPU20/01060) from the Ministry of Universities of Spain.
Author contributions
C.S.P. and J.I.P.Q. had the conceptualization of the idea. All the authors contributed to the design of the study.
C.S., J.S.J. and J.M.F. worked in the data curation. C.S.P. and J.I.P.Q. performed the statistical analysis and the data
visualization. R.S.P., A.E.M. and J.I.P.Q. supervised the project. C.S.P. wrote the original draft of the manuscript,
and all authors reviewed, edited, and agreed to the final version of the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.I.P.-Q.
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| Reliability of threshold determination using portable muscle oxygenation monitors during exercise testing: a systematic review and meta-analysis. | 08-04-2023 | Sendra-Pérez, Carlos,Sanchez-Jimenez, Jose Luis,Marzano-Felisatti, Joaquín Martín,Encarnación-Martínez, Alberto,Salvador-Palmer, Rosario,Priego-Quesada, Jose I | eng |
Understanding the Agility of Running Birds: Sensorimotor and
Mechanical Factors in Avian Bipedal Locomotion
Monica A. Daley1
Structure and Motion Lab, Royal Veterinary College, Hawkshead Lane, Hertfordshire, AL9 7TA, UK
From the symposium “Sensory Feedback and Animal Locomotion: Perspectives from Biology and Biorobotics” presented
at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3–7, 2018 at San Francisco,
1E-mail: [email protected]
Synopsis Birds are a diverse and agile lineage of vertebrates that all use bipedal locomotion for at least part of their life.
Thus birds provide a valuable opportunity to investigate how biomechanics and sensorimotor control are integrated for
agile bipedal locomotion. This review summarizes recent work using terrain perturbations to reveal neuromechanical
control strategies used by ground birds to achieve robust, stable, and agile running. Early experiments in running guinea
fowl aimed to reveal the immediate intrinsic mechanical response to an unexpected drop (“pothole”) in terrain. When
navigating the pothole, guinea fowl experience large changes in leg posture in the perturbed step, which correlates
strongly with leg loading and perturbation recovery. Analysis of simple theoretical models of running has further
confirmed the crucial role of swing-leg trajectory control for regulating foot contact timing and leg loading in uneven
terrain. Coupling between body and leg dynamics results in an inherent trade-off in swing leg retraction rate for fall
avoidance versus injury avoidance. Fast leg retraction minimizes injury risk, but slow leg retraction minimizes fall risk.
Subsequent experiments have investigated how birds optimize their control strategies depending on the type of pertur-
bation (pothole, step, obstacle), visibility of terrain, and with ample practice negotiating terrain features. Birds use several
control strategies consistently across terrain contexts: (1) independent control of leg angular cycling and leg length
actuation, which facilitates dynamic stability through simple control mechanisms, (2) feedforward regulation of leg
cycling rate, which tunes foot-contact timing to maintain consistent leg loading in uneven terrain (minimizing fall
and injury risks), (3) load-dependent muscle actuation, which rapidly adjusts stance push-off and stabilizes body me-
chanical energy, and (4) multi-step recovery strategies that allow body dynamics to transiently vary while tightly reg-
ulating leg loading to minimize risks of fall and injury. In future work, it will be interesting to investigate the learning
and adaptation processes that allow animals to adjust neuromechanical control mechanisms over short and long
Birds as an animal model for agile
bipedal locomotion
Birds are diverse and agile vertebrates capable of
many combinations of aerial, terrestrial, and aquatic
locomotion. Living birds vary in size from hum-
mingbirds to ostriches, and exhibit diversity in the
length and mass proportions of the wings and legs,
reflecting adaptation for different locomotor ecolo-
gies (Gatesy and Middleton 1997; Zeffer et al. 2003;
Heers and Dial 2015). While wings and flight are a
defining locomotor innovation of birds, many living
bird species are impressive bipedal terrestrial athletes,
and all birds use bipedal movement for at least some
part of their lives (Abourachid and Ho¨fling 2012;
Heers and Dial 2015). Birds inherited bipedalism
and many hindlimb morphological features from
theropod dinosaurs, an ancient lineage that first
appeared around 230 million years ago (Gatesy and
Middleton 1997). This diversity and bipedal legacy
makes birds a valuable study system for investigating
how morphology, biomechanics, and sensorimotor
control are integrated for agile bipedal locomotion.
Advance Access publication June 12, 2018
The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Integrative and Comparative Biology
Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 58, number 5, pp. 884–893
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
What are the challenges in achieving
agile bipedal locomotion?
Legged locomotion is complex and dynamic, involv-
ing abrupt foot-contact transitions and uncertainty
due to variable terrain and sensorimotor errors.
Animals must precisely control limb dynamics to
move effectively over varied and uncertain terrain
while avoiding falls, collisions, and injury (Daley
2016). It remains poorly understood how the sen-
sory, neural, and mechanical components of control
are integrated to achieve robust, stable, and agile
locomotion. Here, robustness refers to how large a
disturbance an animal can tolerate while still meeting
the functional demands of the task, such as forward
movement at an acceptable speed (Daley 2016).
Disturbances can arise externally from the environ-
ment, internally from sensorimotor noise (such as
errors in motor commands), or from inaccurate sen-
sory information (such as lack of visibility or conflict
between sensory modalities). Stability quantifies how
rapidly the system attenuates perturbations from
steady-state locomotion, and agility refers to the
ability to rapidly adjust locomotor dynamics to
meet changing task demands (such as a rapid exten-
sion of the leg to leap over an obstacle) (Daley 2016;
Duperret et al. 2016). Locomotion must be robust,
stable, and agile for effective locomotion in natural
Avoiding slip, fall, and injury requires precise reg-
ulation of foot-contact timing and leg-substrate in-
teraction forces (Alexander 2002; Clark and Higham
2011; Birn-Jeffery and Daley 2012; Daley 2016). Yet,
inherent uncertainty due to terrain variability, sen-
sorimotor noise, and sensing errors mean that the
system dynamics cannot be perfectly sensed or pre-
dicted. Considering these challenges, the agility and
robust stability of terrestrial animals is truly remark-
able. Bipedal animals face the additional challenge
that they have fewer legs to support the body com-
pared to quadrupeds and other many-legged ani-
mals. Quadrupeds can redistribute loads among the
legs in response to perturbations—a strategy not
available to a rapidly running biped. This likely
makes the challenges for dynamic balance control,
especially acute for bipedal animals.
One inherent challenge of animal systems is sen-
sorimotor delay that limits feedback response times
(More et al. 2010; 2013). Sensorimotor delays in-
clude delays from sensing, nerve transmission, syn-
Delays necessitate the use of predictive feedforward
control, because motor commands must be issued in
Reactive feedback control is also crucial to modulate
and update motor commands to correct for devia-
tions between predicted and actual dynamics. Thus,
sensorimotor delay necessitates that animals effec-
tively integrate both predictive (feedforward) and re-
mediated) sensorimotor
et al. 2006; Ijspeert 2018).
Nerve transmission delays increase with the ana-
tomical distances of neural pathways. This physical
constraint creates a direct link between neuroanat-
omy and temporal scaling of control processes
(Fig. 1). Considering this, delay has probably been
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the hierarchical organization of
vertebrate neuromechanical control. Transmission delays lead to
a temporal scaling of sensorimotor processes that relate to the
anatomical distances between sensors, neural networks and
effectors. Consequently, central, peripheral and mechanical
mechanisms must be integrated over short and long timescales.
The fastest responses occur in the periphery, through intrinsic
mechanics, intermediate responses occur through short-latency
spinal reflexes, and slower responses involve processing and
planning in higher brain centers.
Agility of running birds
a selective factor in the evolution of a hierarchical
organization of the nervous system. The fastest
possible reactions occur locally, through intrinsic-
mechanical responses to altered limb-substrate inter-
actions (Brown and Loeb 2000; Daley and Biewener
2006; Daley et al. 2006; 2009). The shortest sensori-
motor loops and fastest neural responses occur
through monosynaptic spinal reflexes, and the lon-
gest delays are associated with processing and pre-
dictive planning in higher brain centers (Fig. 1)
(Rossignol et al. 2006; Grillner et al. 2008; McCrea
and Rybak 2008; McLean and Dougherty 2015;
Kiehn 2016). This suggests the natural emergence
of temporal scaling of sensorimotor control that
relates to neuroanatomical organization. While the
components of vertebrate sensorimotor systems are
increasingly well understood, it remains unclear how
these mechanisms are integrated over varying time-
scales to achieve robust, stable, and agile locomotion
in natural terrain contexts.
The phrase “passive-dynamics” has often been
used to refer to the intrinsic mechanical response
of the locomotor system. However, this phrase can
be somewhat misleading, because the intrinsic me-
chanical response is actively tuned by the selection of
a specific muscle activation pattern from the possible
solutions that could meet the mechanical require-
ments of the task (Brown and Loeb 2000). Each
muscle activation solution will confer a unique set
of characteristics in terms of muscle–tendon dynam-
ics, impedance response, stability, robustness and
sensitivity to perturbations, directional tuning, and
energy cost (Brown and Loeb 2000; Inouye and
Valero-Cuevas 2016; Valero-Cuevas 2016). Thus, in-
trinsic mechanical responses are under some active
control, because feedforward muscle activation pat-
terns can be tuned through learning and experience
to enable robust, stable, and agile performance.
However, the processes and timescales of such tun-
ing between intrinsic mechanics and muscle activa-
tion patterns remain unclear.
Terrain perturbation approaches help
reveal neuromechanical control
Terrain perturbations are ubiquitous in nature and
substrate interactions, requiring transient locomotor
responses to recover from disturbances. Understanding
transient locomotor dynamics is important for reveal-
ing natural locomotor behaviors, and for understand-
ing the specific mechanical demands and constraints
that have shaped animal locomotor control.
Birds are particularly useful for such studies of
transient locomotor dynamics, because it is possible
to simultaneously measure in vivo muscle force–
length dynamics, body dynamics, leg–substrate in-
teraction forces, and joint mechanics during loco-
motion (Daley and Biewener 2006; Daley et al.
2007, 2009). This facilitates integrated understand-
ing of neuromechanical function. Considering the
complex nature of neuromechanical control, it is
useful to start by investigating the response to
very simple terrain perturbation features, to mini-
mize the number of confounding factors in the
Initial terrain perturbation experiments in running
guinea fowl aimed to reveal the immediate intrinsic
mechanical response to an unexpected perturbation,
in the time before a sensorimotor feedback response
is possible (Daley and Biewener 2006; Daley et al.
2007, 2009). This work was inspired by earlier
work in rapidly running cockroaches recovering
from an impulsive perturbation (Jindrich and Full
2002) and studies of humans recovering from sud-
den changes in terrain stiffness (Ferris et al. 1999;
Moritz and Farley 2004). In the guinea fowl experi-
ments, birds encountered a simple camouflaged pot-
hole step, 8 cm deep (40% of leg length), covered by
opaque tissue paper stretched across the gap (Daley
et al. 2006). When navigating the unexpected drop,
guinea fowl showed large changes in leg posture in
the perturbed stance, which correlated strongly with
leg loading and perturbation recovery. These findings
highlighted the role of leg angular trajectory control
for regulating foot contact timing and leg loading
(Daley and Biewener 2006), which has also been
found to be important in humans (Seyfarth et al.
2003; Daley and Biewener 2006). The dynamics fol-
lowing a drop in terrain can be explained by the
(SLIP) model with very simple swing leg control,
in which the leg follows a sinusoidal, clock-like an-
gular trajectory, retracting backwards toward the
(Fig. 2; Seyfarth et al. 2003; Daley and Biewener
2006; Blum et al. 2014). In this model, contact angle
depends on the duration of the ballistic flight time
(Daley and Biewener 2006; Daley and Usherwood
2010; Blum et al. 2014). Although this is an ex-
tremely simplistic model of running, it is sufficient
to generate robustly stable gait dynamics (Seyfarth
et al. 2003; Blum et al. 2014).
Such model-based analyses of the coupling of
body dynamics and leg angular cycling during run-
ning over terrain perturbations have revealed an in-
M. A. Daley
robustness and injury avoidance (Fig. 2; Daley and
Usherwood 2010; Blum et al. 2014). Drops in terrain
result in a delay of ground contact, longer fall time,
and greater downward vertical velocity at contact.
However, the specific dynamics of the response
depends on how fast the leg is retracted during the
falling phase, just before the swing-stance transition
(Daley and Usherwood 2010). Fast leg retraction
results in a large change in leg angle in response to
a given change in terrain height, and earlier ground
contact. This results in smaller fluctuations in verti-
cal velocity and leg loading in response to terrain
perturbations (Daley and Usherwood 2010; Blum
decreases the maximum terrain drop the animal
can safely negotiate, a measure of robustness, and
increases the risk that the leg will miss contact en-
Usherwood 2010; Blum et al. 2014). In contrast,
slow leg retraction results in small changes in leg
angle for a given terrain drop, ensuring foot contact
even for large terrain perturbations, reducing risk of
fall; however, this leads to larger increases in vertical
velocity and leg loading in the stance following the
drop, increasing risk of overload injury (Fig. 2C).
Subsequent experiments have investigated how leg
control strategies vary depending on the type of per-
turbation (pothole, step, obstacle), and with ample
practice negotiating visible terrain features. In com-
paring locomotor control strategies between hidden
and visible potholes, guinea fowl slow down in an-
ticipation of visible potholes when they encounter
them for the first time, and actually stumble more
Biewener 2006). Although the high-speed intrinsic-
mechanical response to an unexpected drop is ro-
bustly stable, birds may not always choose this strat-
egy when they first encounter novel, visible terrain
features, perhaps to minimize risk of injury.
Blum and colleagues (2014) explored how animals
manage the trade-off between terrain robustness and
injury avoidance in leg angular control when given
ample practice negotiating a visible drop in terrain.
Under these conditions, guinea fowl converge upon a
strategy similar to the hidden pothole strategy—they
maintain high speeds and allow intrinsic leg mechan-
ics to mediate the perturbation response (Blum et al.
measures to SLIP-model predictions with swing leg
angular control optimized for disturbance rejection
(robustness) versus load regulation (injury avoid-
ance). The guinea fowl used a strategy that allowed
body dynamics to transiently vary, with swing leg
control optimized to maintain consistent leg loading
in uneven terrain, which avoids both fall and injury
conditions. Model analysis revealed that leg control
optimized for disturbance rejection, to maintain
Fig. 2. A trade-off in control of leg retraction rate for terrain
robustness versus injury avoidance, illustrated by two boundary
conditions. (A) Running dynamics modeled as a SLIP with the
swing leg retracted toward the ground just before stance. Leg
retraction rate influences the mechanical response in uneven
terrain: (B) Fast leg retraction results in steeper leg contact
angles and minimizes fluctuations in leg loading, but if leg loading
angle (bTD) reaches 90-degrees, the leg will miss stance, risking a
fall. Maximum terrain drop before a fall decreases with increasing
rate of leg retraction. (C) Slow leg retraction ensures leg contact,
minimizing fall risk, but incurs higher fluctuations in leg loading.
Evidence suggests that birds optimize their leg retraction rate to
minimize fluctuations in leg-loading (Blum et al. 2014), using in-
termediate leg retraction rates that ensure contact while avoiding
overload injury.
Agility of running birds
steady body dynamics, demanded dramatic increases
in leg loading, suggesting increased injury risk. This
study also revealed that birds showed very little stride-
to-stride variance in leg angular cycling rate in uneven
terrain. In contrast, leg length actuation rapidly
changed in response to altered leg posture and load-
ing, resulting in rapid adjustment of stance push-off
to stabilize body mechanical energy in the 1–2 steps
following the perturbation (Blum et al. 2014). These
studies have revealed optimization of leg angular cy-
cling rate as an effective control strategy for locomo-
tion in uneven terrain, allowing maintenance of
loading and high running
(Seyfarth et al. 2003; Daley and Biewener 2006;
Daley and Usherwood 2010; Blum et al. 2011, 2014).
In another series of experiments, Birn-Jeffery and
colleagues investigated control strategies used by
ground birds when negotiating visible obstacles, to
investigate potential trade-offs in stance leg function
(Birn-Jeffery and Daley 2012; Birn-Jeffery et al.
2014). Similar to the studies on terrain drops, the
birds exhibited independent control of leg angular
cycling and leg length trajectory, with higher stride-
to-stride variance in leg length in uneven terrain
(Fig. 3) When running over a visible obstacle, birds
use a three-step negotiation strategy, with clear evi-
dence of feedforward, predictive adjustments in the
step preceding the obstacle (Fig. 3). Model-based
analyses suggest that the strategy used by birds is
most consistent with models optimized to regulate
leg loading in uneven terrain, not to maintain steady
body dynamics (Birn-Jeffery et al. 2014).
Regulation of leg cycling rate can be viewed as a
combined feedforward plus ‘preflexive’ control strat-
egy that minimizes the need for reactive adjustments
by exploiting the intrinsic mechanical coupling be-
Experimental evidence from both humans and birds
running over a range of terrain perturbations are con-
sistent with leg angular trajectory as a key target of
neural control (Seyfarth et al. 2003; Blum et al. 2011;
Mu¨ller et al. 2016). Humans and birds allow body
dynamics to transiently vary, but exhibit tight cou-
pling between leg contact angle and leg loading across
many different terrain contexts (Grimmer et al. 2008;
Birn-Jeffery and Daley 2012; Birn-Jeffery et al. 2014;
Blum et al. 2014; Mu¨ller et al. 2016). Empirical evi-
dence from birds running over a range of terrain
perturbations, including visible overground obstacles,
treadmill obstacles, visible drops, visible and invisible
potholes, all suggest that leg angular trajectory is: (1)
relatively insensitive to perturbations and (2) adjusted
subtly over longer time-scales. This suggests a context-
dependent feedforward optimization of leg angular
trajectory at higher levels in the control hierarchy to
enable robust and stable locomotion with minimal
control intervention (Birn-Jeffery and Daley 2012;
Birn-Jeffery et al. 2014).
Whereas leg angular trajectory appears insensitive to
perturbations and adjusted over longer timescales, leg-
length actuation shows high stride-to-stride variance,
suggesting both predictive (feedforward) and reactive
(feedback) adjustment in uneven terrain (Fig. 3; Birn-
Jeffery and Daley 2012; Birn-Jeffery et al. 2014; Blum
et al. 2014). Leg length actuation is sensitive to altered
landing conditions, such that stance push-off is rapidly
adjusted to stabilize the total mechanical energy of the
body in uneven terrain. (Daley and Biewener 2006;
Birn-Jeffery and Daley 2012; Birn-Jeffery et al. 2014;
Fig. 3. Leg length and leg angular trajectories of pheasants ne-
gotiating visible obstacles, illustrating a typical three-step strategy.
At top, schematic illustration of the landing and take-off condi-
tions of the bird during the step preceding (Step 1), the step on
the obstacle (Step 0), and the obstacle dismount (Step þ1).
Below, leg trajectory (length and angle) during running on level
terrain (thin black lines, mean and 95% confidence intervals) and
over an obstacle height of 30% leg length (thicker gray lines).
Upward triangles indicate foot take-off at the end of stance. Leg
length exhibits high stride-to-stride variance in uneven terrain,
whereas leg angular trajectory follows a relatively consistent si-
nusoidal trajectory, with only subtle changes in rate in anticipa-
tion of terrain height changes. Data from Birn-Jeffery and Daley
M. A. Daley
Blum et al. 2014). These findings suggest modular
control of leg angular trajectory and leg-length
While modular control of leg angular trajectory and
leg-length actuation have emerged as consistent control
strategies for robustly stable running, it remains less
clear whether, and under what circumstances, leg stiff-
ness serves as a direct target of control. Research on
humans running over soft and hard surfaces suggests
that humans regulate leg stiffness to maintain steady
body trajectory (Ferris et al. 1999). However, the spe-
cific terrain conditions used, soft and hard surfaces, did
not allow a clear distinction between control priority
for steady body trajectory versus consistent leg forces,
because both were maintained. Humans running over
visible downward steps exhibit anticipatory shifts in leg
stiffness before a perturbation, but do not adjust leg
stiffness within perturbed steps (Mu¨ller et al. 2012). In
instructed to maintain constant running speed. In con-
trast, birds negotiating terrain drops exhibit high var-
iance in leg stiffness while allowing speed to transiently
vary (Daley et al. 2007; Blum et al. 2011; Mu¨ller et al.
2016). Whether or not leg stiffness is directly regulated
may depend on the context-dependent constraints on
the locomotor task.
Differences between birds and humans in stiffness
regulation could also relate to leg morphology. Birds
have a more crouched leg posture with four seg-
ments, in contrast to the vertically oriented three-
segment leg configuration of humans. The limb
morphology of birds may allow more flexible adjust-
ment of leg posture to accommodate terrain varia-
tion, minimizing the need for active regulation of leg
stiffness. This idea is supported by evidence from a
study that directly compared control strategies in
humans and birds from a model-based perspective
(Blum et al. 2011). Birds exhibited a wider range of
stable control solutions without adjusting leg stiff-
ness, whereas humans are required to adjust leg stiff-
ness to remain in the stable solution space (Blum
et al. 2011). Additionally, this study showed that
birds exhibited higher robustness to terrain height
variation than humans, consistent with the more
crouched posture enabling postural adjustments to
minimize disturbances.
In vivo muscle recordings reveal
neuromuscular mechanisms underlying
robust, stable, and agile locomotion
While external measures of body and limb mechan-
ics can help reveal task-level locomotor control strat-
egies, these measures do not reveal the underlying
neuromuscular mechanisms. In vivo recordings of
muscle force, length, and activation dynamics during
perturbed locomotion can help reveal the relative
contributions of intrinsic mechanical, feedback, and
feedforward control mechanisms. These studies also
help reveal how neuromechanics of locomotion are
integrated across levels of organization, from indi-
vidual muscle–tendon dynamics to joint, whole
limb, and body dynamics. The relationship between
muscle activation and mechanical output is known
to be nonlinear and dynamically variable, depending
on instantaneous fascicle length, velocity and recent
strain history (Askew and Marsh 1998; Josephson
1999; Edman 2012; Herzog 2014). In vivo measures
of muscle function during steady-state locomotor
behaviors have revealed muscle–tendon mechanisms
for economic bipedal locomotion (Biewener and
Baudinette 1995; Roberts et al. 1997; Daley and
Biewener 2003), but do not reveal the mechanisms
underlying robustness, stability, and agility in non-
steady behaviors.
In vivo recordings of distal hindlimb muscles of
the guinea fowl during negotiation of uneven terrain
has shown that these muscles exhibit rapid changes
in force and work in response to altered foot–
substrate interactions, contributing to the intrinsic
stability of locomotion. During negotiation of unex-
pected potholes, the peak force of the lateral gastroc-
nemius muscle (LG) during stance decreases by 81%
during perturbed steps compared to steady strides,
(EMG) activation levels (Fig. 4; Daley et al. 2009).
The muscle shortens rapidly during the initial per-
turbation period, when the foot contacts and breaks
through the false floor (tissue paper) and extends
toward the true ground below (Fig. 4). In the sub-
sequent stance period, peak muscle force is reduced,
but peak ground reaction force is similar, and the
muscle is stretched, resulting in energy absorption
(Daley and Biewener 2006; Daley et al. 2009). This
has a stabilizing effect on the body mechanical en-
ergy, offsetting the increase in kinetic energy gained
through exchange of gravitational potential energy
during the fall (Daley and Biewener 2006; Daley
et al. 2009). A similar but converse response is ob-
served in upward steps and obstacles, in which in-
development during a step onto an obstacle results
in higher force production and work output, increas-
ing mechanical energy of the body (Daley and
Biewener 2011; Fig. 5). These studies revealed that
LG force–length dynamics rapidly adjust the degree
of stance push-off in response to altered foot–sub-
strate interactions. This load-dependent actuation
Agility of running birds
response of distal hindlimb muscles provides rapid
stabilization of body mechanical energy in uneven
terrain, and is consistent with observed whole-body
and leg dynamics. Subsequent modelling studies have
increases robustness and stability of running dynam-
ics (Schmitt and Clark 2009).
Load- and posture-dependent shifts in muscle
force and work occur without shifts in total muscle
EMG activity during unexpected drop perturbations,
revealing that intrinsic mechanisms play an impor-
tant role in the response (Daley et al. 2009).
However, increased EMG activity does contribute to
the response during obstacle steps, likely mediated
through short-latency proprioceptive reflexes (Daley
and Biewener 2011). Interestingly, the qualitative pat-
terns of muscle force–length dynamics remain similar
in both unexpected and anticipated obstacle condi-
tions (Daley et al. 2009; Daley and Biewener 2011).
Nonetheless, while the overall force–length dynamics
of the muscles remain similar across contexts, there is
clear evidence of shifts in the relative contribution of
intrinsic and neurally-mediated mechanisms of con-
trol, depending on the sensory context.
In a more recent study, Gordon and colleagues
(2015) investigated context dependent shifts in sen-
sorimotor control by comparing muscle activation
patterns during obstacle negotiation at low and
obstacles. In slower speed obstacle negotiation, an-
ticipatory increases in muscle activity are apparent in
Fig. 4. LG muscle length, force, and activation during the im-
mediate response to a hidden pothole perturbation. Figure
modified from Daley et al. (2009). At top, the guinea fowl is
pictured at the time of ground contact after breaking through the
false-floor of tissue paper. Below, thin lines indicate the mean and
95% confidence intervals for steady level running, and thick lines
illustrate a perturbed drop step. Force and length are rapidly
altered in response to the perturbation, although muscle activa-
tion (EMG) remains similar to the level terrain condition.
Fig. 5. Load- and posture-dependent actuation of the LG muscle
during negotiation of uneven terrain. When leg posture is altered
at the time of foot contact, altering the balance between muscle
and external forces, muscle length during force development
(Lt50) varies. Lt50 is the largest predictor of the force and total
work output of the muscle (Wnet) ( Daley et al. 2009, Daley and
Biewener 2011 ). This posture-dependent response is similar
between unexpected perturbations and repeating obstacles. This
suggests similar task-level control strategies across context, de-
spite potential for differing contributions of intrinsic mechanical,
feedforward, and feedback control mechanisms to the response.
M. A. Daley
the steps preceding obstacles. At higher running
speeds, the neuromuscular response is largely reac-
tive, occurring after foot contact with the obstacle
(Fig. 6; Gordon et al. 2015). Anticipatory increases
in muscle activity are larger when the obstacles are
more easily visible (higher contrast to surrounding
terrain), but mainly in slower speed obstacle negoti-
ation. In the higher speed condition, the response
remains mainly reactive, despite increased obstacle
visibility (Gordon et al. 2015). This likely relates to
the sensorimotor delays involved in visual contribu-
tions to path planning and navigation in higher
brain centers. The results are consistent with a shift
in sensorimotor control mechanisms with speed,
with greater reliance on vision and anticipatory
adjustments at slower speeds, and greater reliance
on intrinsic mechanics and reactive feedback mech-
anisms at high speeds. Thus, the regulation of mus-
coordinated contributions from intrinsic mechanical,
feedback, and feedforward mechanisms.
involves a complex interplay of mechanical and sen-
sorimotor mechanisms, studies of running birds have
revealed several strategies for robust, stable, and agile
bipedal locomotion that are consistent across terrain
contexts: (1) independent control of leg angular cy-
cling and leg length actuation, which facilitates dy-
namic stability through simple control mechanisms,
(2) feedforward regulation of leg cycling rate to
maintain consistent leg loading in uneven terrain,
(3) load-dependent muscle actuation to stabilize
body mechanical energy in response to disturbances,
and (4) multi-step recovery strategies that allow
body dynamics to transiently vary while tightly reg-
ulating leg loading to minimize risks of fall and in-
jury. Muscle proprioceptive feedback arising from
non-steady force–length dynamics likely plays im-
portant roles in effective tuning of perturbation
responses over time, as well as maintaining accurate
state estimates for internal models, path planning,
and navigation in higher brain centers. However, it
remains unclear how sensory feedback is integrated
with spinal neural circuits and higher brain centers
to adjust locomotor control over short and long
time-scales. In future work, it will be interesting to
investigate the learning and adaptation of neurome-
chanical control mechanisms through repeated expo-
sure to perturbations in controlled conditions.
Thanks to the past students, postdoctoral researchers
and collaborators who have contributed to the work
reviewed here, including Aleksandra Birn-Jeffery,
Yvonne Blum, Christian Hubicki, Hamid Vejdani,
The work reviewed here was supported by grants
from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council of the UK (BB/H005838/1) and
the Human Frontier Science Program (RGY0062/
2010). Support for participation in this symposium
was provided by Photron (, the
Company of Biologists, the Society for Comparative
and Integrative Biology (Divisions of Comparative
Behavior, and NNSB), the Air Force Office of
Fig. 6. Context dependent-shifts in the contribution of predictive
and reactive modulation of LG activity during obstacle negotia-
tion. Guinea fowl running over obstacles on a treadmill en-
countered a single footfall on an obstacle (black box)
approximately once in 5–7 steps. Step ID corresponds to the
sequence of steps with the obstacle encounter at step zero. LG
exhibits predictive increases in muscle activity at slower walking
speeds (0.7 m/s). Predictive shifts are larger when the obstacles
are more visible (higher contrast) relative to the level terrain. At
higher speeds (1.3 m/s) guinea fowl use a reactive strategy, with
increases in LG activity occurring after foot contact with the
obstacle. The influence of high versus low contrast terrain is
greater at slower speeds, when the bird has a longer time to
process visual information to modulate muscle activity.
Agility of running birds
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Agility of running birds
| Understanding the Agility of Running Birds: Sensorimotor and Mechanical Factors in Avian Bipedal Locomotion. | [] | Daley, Monica A | eng |
PMC4076256 | Swing-Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl Suggests
Task-Level Priority of Force Regulation Rather than
Disturbance Rejection
Yvonne Blum1, Hamid R. Vejdani2, Aleksandra V. Birn-Jeffery1,3, Christian M. Hubicki2,
Jonathan W. Hurst2, Monica A. Daley1*
1 Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, 2 Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, United States of America, 3 Department of Biology, University of California Riverside, Riverside, California, United
States of America
To achieve robust and stable legged locomotion in uneven terrain, animals must effectively coordinate limb swing and
stance phases, which involve distinct yet coupled dynamics. Recent theoretical studies have highlighted the critical
influence of swing-leg trajectory on stability, disturbance rejection, leg loading and economy of walking and running. Yet,
simulations suggest that not all these factors can be simultaneously optimized. A potential trade-off arises between the
optimal swing-leg trajectory for disturbance rejection (to maintain steady gait) versus regulation of leg loading (for injury
avoidance and economy). Here we investigate how running guinea fowl manage this potential trade-off by comparing
experimental data to predictions of hypothesis-based simulations of running over a terrain drop perturbation. We use a
simple model to predict swing-leg trajectory and running dynamics. In simulations, we generate optimized swing-leg
trajectories based upon specific hypotheses for task-level control priorities. We optimized swing trajectories to achieve i)
constant peak force, ii) constant axial impulse, or iii) perfect disturbance rejection (steady gait) in the stance following a
terrain drop. We compare simulation predictions to experimental data on guinea fowl running over a visible step down.
Swing and stance dynamics of running guinea fowl closely match simulations optimized to regulate leg loading (priorities i
and ii), and do not match the simulations optimized for disturbance rejection (priority iii). The simulations reinforce previous
findings that swing-leg trajectory targeting disturbance rejection demands large increases in stance leg force following a
terrain drop. Guinea fowl negotiate a downward step using unsteady dynamics with forward acceleration, and recover to
steady gait in subsequent steps. Our results suggest that guinea fowl use swing-leg trajectory consistent with priority for
load regulation, and not for steadiness of gait. Swing-leg trajectory optimized for load regulation may facilitate economy
and injury avoidance in uneven terrain.
Citation: Blum Y, Vejdani HR, Birn-Jeffery AV, Hubicki CM, Hurst JW, et al. (2014) Swing-Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl Suggests Task-Level Priority of
Force Regulation Rather than Disturbance Rejection. PLoS ONE 9(6): e100399. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100399
Editor: Amir A. Zadpoor, Delft University of Technology (TUDelft), Netherlands
Received January 24, 2014; Accepted May 27, 2014; Published June 30, 2014
Copyright: 2014 Blum et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This study was funded by grant RGY0062/2010 of the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP). The funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* Email: [email protected]
Legged locomotion involves coordination of limb swing and
stance phases with distinct yet tightly coupled dynamics. Studies of
legged locomotion often focus primarily on the dynamics of the
stance phase, during which an animal’s legs experience the
greatest demands for force and power [1–8]. Yet, recent research
highlights the critical role of swing-leg trajectory on locomotor
dynamics—experimental evidence shows that leg loading is
critically sensitive to the initial landing conditions (leg angle, leg
length and body velocity) at the swing-stance transition [9–11],
which are influenced by swing-leg trajectory. Running animals
must effectively coordinate the interplay of swing-leg trajectory,
landing conditions and stance leg loading [12–16]. For example,
when running guinea fowl encounter an unexpected pothole, late-
swing leg retraction leads to variation in leg contact angle, which
explains 80% of the variance in stance leg impulse [17]. Thus, the
swing-leg trajectory is a critical factor in the dynamics of legged
locomotion, particularly during movement over uneven terrain.
Recent theoretical studies have highlighted inherent trade-offs
in swing-leg trajectory for walking and running in uneven terrain.
Simple walking and running models have revealed that swing-leg
velocity just before the stance transition influences numerous
aspects of locomotor dynamics, including stability [14–16,18],
robustness [19], leg work [19,20], disturbance rejection and
collision impact energy losses [18]. Previous studies suggest these
factors cannot be simultaneously optimized—resulting in a trade-
off between two families of performance objectives: swing-leg
velocity can be optimized to minimize peak forces, work and
collision impacts [16,18–20], or to provide stability, disturbance
rejection and robustness of body centre of mass (CoM) dynamics
[15,16,18–20], but not all simultaneously. Thus, a potential trade-
off has emerged between optimal swing-leg trajectory to regulate
leg loading for injury avoidance, or alternatively, to facilitate steady
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
gait through disturbance rejection. Yet, while theoretical studies
suggest such a trade-off, there is no experimental data on how
running animals optimize swing-leg trajectory for non-steady
Do running animals favor one end of this trade-off, or
alternatively, find a compromise solution? Both disturbance
rejection and injury avoidance have potential to be important
task-level priorities for running animals. Disturbance rejection
refers to minimizing the effect of perturbations on the body center
of mass (CoM) trajectory [21]. Buffering the CoM motion against
disturbances reduces the risk of fall, and may minimize need for
active control intervention [22,23]. Furthermore, some experi-
mental evidence has suggested steady CoM dynamics as an
important task-level goal in legged locomotion [9,24]. However,
minimizing leg impacts and peak forces may also be critical,
because animal legs have relatively constant safety factors in
musculoskeletal structures around 2–46 the peak forces of steady
locomotion [25,26]. Perfect disturbance rejection can demand
large leg forces [18–20], which could lead to musculoskeletal
injury. Building legs to withstand very large forces would require
carrying extra weight, so limited safety factors in animal legs may
reflect a compromise between safety and economy. Specialized
runners like cursorial ground birds appear to have a structure that
is more optimized for economy, with relatively light legs and thin
tendons, which could inherently limit safety factors [6,26,27],
making them prone to injury [28,29]. Based on these consider-
ations, we reason that both disturbance rejection and injury
conflicting, task-level priorities in animal locomotion.
In this paper, we test the hypothesis that running guinea fowl
(reflecting priority for injury avoidance), against an alternative
hypothesis that they use swing-leg trajectory optimized for
disturbance rejection (reflecting priority for steady body dynam-
ics). These hypotheses represent the two ends of the theoretical
trade-off in swing-leg trajectory described above, providing useful
points of comparison to animal behavior. In reality, animal swing-
leg trajectory could reflect an intermediate compromise solution,
which can be revealed by comparing experimentally observed
swing trajectories to simulation predictions for the two hypothet-
ical extremes. We experimentally measured swing-leg trajectory
and stance dynamics of guinea fowl running over a visible step
down in terrain, when given ample practice, distance and time to
anticipate the drop. This contrasts with previous studies of the
intrinsic-dynamic response to an unexpected terrain drop [10,17].
Here, we are focused on understanding the task-level priorities
reflected in the ‘optimized’ locomotor behavior.
To generate simulation predictions, we use a simple approach
with swing-leg geometry that evolves as a function of time during
the flight phase, according to a prescribed trajectory optimized to
meet a specific performance objective [20,30]. The swing-leg
trajectory determines the landing conditions at the swing-stance
transition, and the landing conditions are used to predict stance
dynamics based on a simple running model (see methods for
model details). We generate simulations with swing-leg trajectory
optimized for three specific performance objectives, the first two
reflecting a priority to regulate leg loading, and the third reflecting
a priority for disturbance rejection. Specifically, we optimize swing
trajectory to achieve i) constant peak force, ii) constant axial
impulse, or iii) perfect disturbance rejection (steady gait) in the step
immediately following a downward step in terrain. Similar swing-
leg control policies have been investigated previously in simula-
swing-leg trajectory
optimized to target steady gait (constant speed and bounce
height), to provide disturbance rejection in uneven terrain [30],
and Vejdani and colleagues compared several possible priorities in
simulation, including steady gait, constant leg work and constant
leg loading [20]. Here we directly compare simulation predictions
to new experimental data on guinea fowl running over a visible
step down, to understand how task-level priorities influence swing-
leg control in running birds.
Optimization of swing-leg trajectory to achieve well-defined
intrinsic-dynamic characteristics could be particularly important
for animal locomotion because neuromuscular delays limit the rate
of feedback-mediated responses to perturbations, and terrain
conditions are not often perfectly known. Neuromuscular delays
(synaptic, conduction, electromechanical and force development)
can represent a large fraction of the step cycle in animals [10,31],
and therefore limit the rate of feedback in both stance and swing.
These neural delays are likely to be especially problematic at the
swing-stance transition, when small changes in landing conditions
have large influence on stance leg loading and body dynamics [9–
11]. If the animal’s knowledge of the terrain is imperfect, variation
in terrain height leads to a disturbance, with the immediate
response determined by feed-forward muscle activation and the
system’s intrinsic dynamics [9,10,17]. Application of a prescribed
swing-leg trajectory can provide well-defined intrinsic-dynamic
response in terms of stability, disturbance rejection and leg loading
characteristics, bridging neuromuscular delays and minimizing
need for rapid neural feedback. The focus of this paper is to
understand the task-level mechanical priorities reflected in the
swing-leg trajectory used by running animals.
1 Experiments
Avian running trials were conducted on a 0:6|4:5 m runway.
Five 0:6|0:9 m force plates (model 9287B, Kistler, Winterthur,
Switzerland) were arranged in a row to record the ground reaction
forces (sampling frequency 500 Hz). A camera system (Qualisys,
Gothenburg, Sweden), consisting of eight high speed infrared
cameras, was used to capture body kinematics (sampling frequency
of 250 Hz). For further analysis, both force data and kinematic
data were interpolated to a frequency of 500 Hz. We used three
experimental terrain conditions: a level runway, a runway with a
4 cm drop and a runway with a 6 cm drop (figure 1(A)).
m~1:39+0:24 kg, touch down (TD) leg length during level
running LTD,Level~0:21+0:02 m) were encouraged to run from
one end of the runway to the other (running the step down). We
wanted to understand the birds’ optimized strategy, as opposed to
an unexpected perturbation response, so we trained the birds for a
week before data collection. Before data collection, the birds were
accustomed both to the task and to being handled by humans.
Trials for each terrain condition (level, 4 cm drop, 6 cm drop)
were collected in a single block (not randomized), to allow the
birds to correctly anticipate the terrain. We collected 10 steady
running trials per bird per condition, in which the approach up to
the ‘22 step’ (before the middle of the runway) was in straight-line
and approximately steady. Since we could not control the birds’
running speed, we also analyzed their velocity and acceleration
during post-processing, as explained in further detail in 2. Neither
surgery or anesthesia were used in this study because no invasive
procedures were involved. The Royal Veterinary College Ethics
and Welfare Committee approved all of the animal experiment
protocols under the project title ‘Kinematics and kinetics in birds
running over an uneven terrain’.
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
To approximate the CoM position and the foot point, two
markers were attached to the birds’ back (cranial and caudal), one
at digit III and one at the tarsometatarsophalangeal joint. The
marker placement and techniques used to estimate the initial
position and velocity of the CoM were the same as reported in
[13]. The initial position of the CoM was determined by the
average of the cranial and caudal marker position, and the initial
velocity condition was derived from kinematics using the path-
match optimization technique as described by [17]. We further
corrected the initial position estimate based on the assumption that
the birds’ pitch angular momentum during level running should be
minimized (the body should not pitch forward or backward during
steady running). This optimization led to an estimate of the true
CoM location as positional offsets from the original markers placed
on the birds back (horizontal offset xoffset~0:032+0:015 m,
vertical offset yoffset~{0:040+0:016 m) [13]. We then calculated
the CoM position trajectories by integrating the ground reaction
forces twice.
The following variables were extracted from the experimental
data for further analysis: the length of the virtual leg L, which is
defined as the distance between the CoM and the foot point, and
its derivative, leg length velocity _L (figure 1(B)), the virtual leg
angle a, which is measured anti-clockwise with respect to the
horizontal, and its derivative, leg angular velocity
_a, their
corresponding TD conditions LTD and _LTD, aTD, _aTD, the axial
(directed along the virtual leg) and fore-aft horizontal ground
reaction force Faxial and Fx, respectively, the axial peak force
Faxial,max, the axial and fore-aft impulse Iaxial and Ix, respectively,
which are calculated by integrating the corresponding force
trajectories over stance time, and the net CoM work DECoM,
which is the net change in CoM Energy over the course of stance.
2 Statistical Analysis
We made all parameters non-dimensional by normalizing them
with respect to body mass m, gravitational acceleration g, body
weight BW~mg, average TD leg length during level running
L0~LTD,Level and periodic time of a pendulum T~
. The
steps were categorized into four step types: level running (Level),
two steps before drop (step 22), the pre-drop step (step 21), the
drop step itself (step 0) and the first post-drop step (step +1). Since
we could not control the birds’ running speed, we analyzed the
fore-aft impulse of step 22 during post-processing and selected
steady trials (i.e. DIxDƒ0:15 BW T, which corresponds to a change
in fore-aft velocity of less than 0:22 m=s) [13]. Step 22 was used
only to assess steadiness of the approach, and not further analyzed.
We analyzed a total of 367 running steps at speeds between
_x~½1:64,4:07m=s with following sample sizes: Level = 167, Step
21 = 73, Step 0 = 70, and Step +1 = 57.
The statistical analysis of the experimental data was performed
in Matlab (R2012a, Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). We ran a
mixed model multi-way ANOVA on the entire dataset with fixed
effects ‘step type’ nested within ‘drop height’, ‘individual’ as a
random effect and ‘speed’ as a continuous effect (table 1). We then
performed post-hoc pair-wise t-tests for the differences between
the level mean values and the three step types (21, 0, and +1),
separated into the two drop height conditions (4 cm, 6 cm)
(table 2).
As expected, some parameters of gait dynamics were signifi-
cantly influenced by forward speed _x [32,33] (table 1). For
comparison to simulation results, we were interested in under-
standing the effect of the drop perturbation independent from
variance in speed. For the factors that exhibited significant speed
effect in the mixed model ANOVA, we further analyzed the speed
effect using a simple regression analysis. We pooled the normalized
data together (all birds, all trials and all step categories) and
calculated each parameter’s linear regression with respect to _x,
after confirming that the residuals from this regression were
approximately normally distributed. If this analysis revealed a
substantial speed effect by the criteria R2w0:15 and pv0:01, we
recalculated the corresponding parameter (here, we use Y as a
placeholder) by taking the residuals of the linear speed-regression
(YRes) and adding the mean value of level running ( YLevel):
^Y~YResz YLevel:
Based on these results, for further analysis we used the speed-
corrected leg length velocity ^_L_LTD (R2~0:43, pv0:001) and the
speed-corrected axial peak force ^Faxial,max (R2~0:29, pv0:001).
3 Model
We used the passive, planar spring-loaded inverted pendulum
(SLIP) as a reduced-order representation of whole-body dynamics
of animal locomotion. This model is based on the observation that
animals move with bouncing, spring-like gaits, with ground
reaction forces approximated by a model with a point mass body
and massless legs that resist only compressive loads [34–37]. This
model has been widely used in biomechanics and robotics [38],
because it qualitatively reproduces the dynamics of both walking
[37] and running [34,35]. The SLIP model is a passive, energy
conservative dynamic template of locomotion [39]. While active
stance models have also been suggested as templates for legged
locomotion [40–45], the most appropriate choice of active stance
model for running animals remains unclear. In this study, we are
focused specifically on the influence of swing-leg trajectory on
landing conditions and, consequently, the peak force and impulse
of the leg during stance. The passive SLIP model provides good
prediction of the stance peak force, impulse and overall body
dynamics given specified landing conditions [5,17,34,35,37].
Consequently, the SLIP model is the most appropriate dynamic
template for this study, because it allows us to focus specifically on
the effects of swing-leg trajectory on running dynamics.
Figure 1. Illustration of experiment and modeling approach. A
guinea fowl running a step down (A), and schematic drawing of the
spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) model with swing-leg trajec-
tory control applied as a function of fall time (B). The gray areas indicate
the stance phases, and the line represents the body centre of mass
(CoM) trajectory. The green dotted line indicates the time between
apex and touch down (TD) during which the leg angle of the SLIP is
adjusted according to the applied control strategy (see Methods).
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
The SLIP model has a multitude of possible solutions,
depending on initial conditions (body position and velocity) and
leg parameters (leg stiffness and leg length). In this model, the body
is represented by a point mass m supported by a linear leg spring
of stiffness k and resting leg length L0, touching the ground with
the angle of attack aTD (figure 1(B)). During flight phase the CoM
follows a ballistic curve, determined by the acceleration of gravity.
The transition from flight to stance occurs when the landing
condition y~L0 sin(aTD) is fulfilled. During stance phase the
equation of motion is given by
m€r~k L0
r {1
with r~(x,y)T being the position of the point mass with respect to
the foot point, r its absolute value and g~(0,g)T the gravitational
acceleration, with g~9:81 m=s2. Take off occurs when the leg
length (distance between the CoM and toe) exceeds the resting leg
length L0. Since the system is energetically conservative, its state is
fully described by the apex condition (y0, _x0
ÞT, with x0~0 and
_y0~0 (the apex is the highest point of the CoM trajectory).
To estimate appropriate SLIP model leg stiffness k and TD
angle of the virtual leg aTD,SLIP, we optimized these model leg
parameters to match the experimentally observed average ‘steady
gait’ values for forward velocity, apex height, peak axial leg force
and total axial leg impulse. As noted earlier, the peak force,
impulse and body CoM dynamics of animal locomotion can be
well approximated by the SLIP model [5,17,34,35,37]. In level
terrain, all steady steps were included in the average used to fit a
reference steady SLIP model. For the simulations in uneven
terrain (4 cm and 6 cm drop), we used the step prior to the
disturbance (step 21) to generate the reference steady gait,
optimizing the leg parameters to match the peak force, axial
impulse, apex height and forward velocity of this step. The model
leg stiffness remained fixed within a terrain condition, and was
therefore unchanged between step 21 and step 0, but was allowed
to vary between terrains (level versus 4 cm, 6 cm drop runways),
reflecting potential shifts in the reference ‘steady’ gait. The model
was implemented in Matlab (R2012a, Mathworks Inc., Natick,
4 Running Simulations with Swing-Leg Trajectory
To simulate running, we used the SLIP model with initial
conditions and parameters of the reference steady gait (see above),
and applied a prescribed swing-leg trajectory as a function of fall
time during the flight phase to control TD conditions at the swing-
stance transition. We assume our model has an anticipated time of
ground contact for the nominal steady gait at a given speed, but no
specific information about the terrain, including the size and
location of the drop. We prescribe a continuous evolution of
swing-leg angle as a function of time during the flight phase, from
the instant of apex until the actual ground contact (figure 1). This
means that if the ground is contacted early or late compared to the
reference steady gait, the TD conditions are altered.
During stance, no control was applied, and stance dynamics
were solely determined by the TD conditions applied to the
passive SLIP model. Thus, the only control applied to the model
was the swing-leg trajectory as a function of fall time. We used the
apex to initialize the swing-leg trajectory because it is a unique
event that can be easily detected. Note, we do not assume any
specific mechanisms of control to be analogous between the model
and experiment. We are focused specifically on understanding
how different swing-leg trajectories influence dynamics following a
drop perturbation. A specified swing-leg trajectory could be
achieved through a number of different control mechanisms,
which are not the focus of the current study.
We generated optimized swing-leg trajectories based on three
different objective functions for the subsequent SLIP-modeled
stance phase: i) constant peak force, ii) constant axial impulse, or
iii) equilibrium (steady) gait. For each proposed objective function,
we solved for a swing-leg trajectory as a function of fall time based
on the relationship between landing conditions and predicted
stance phase dynamics using the SLIP model. We focused our
attention specifically on the effects of swing-leg trajectory because
previous experimental studies have suggested leg geometry at
contact as a primary control target in running [5,14,16,17,46].
We performed an initial simulation analysis to reveal the
consequences of simultaneous adjustment of swing-leg length and
angle on the predicted stance peak force and axial impulse of the
SLIP running model. Figure 2 shows the contour lines of constant
peak force (solid lines) and axial impulse (dashed lines) as a
function of TD leg angle and TD leg length, predicted by the SLIP
model for a single forward speed _x~2:84 m=s (average experi-
mentally observed level running speed). Within the region of
Table 1. Experimental Data.
Drop Height(Step Type)
[BW T]
[BW T]
[BW L0]
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with four factors: Step type nested within drop height, individual as a random effect, and speed as a continuous effect. N = 367 steps.
Significant differences (pƒ0:05) are indicated by asterisks.
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
Table 2. Experimental Data.
Level Mean (s.d.)
Step Type Mean - Level Mean (s.d.)
4 cm
6 cm
4 cm
6 cm
4 cm
6 cm
4 cm
6 cm
4 cm
6 cm
4 cm
6 cm
[BW T]
4 cm
6 cm
[BW T]
4 cm
6 cm
[BW L0]
4 cm
6 cm
Post-hoc t-test to compare the three step types 21, 0, and +1 to level running. Significant differences (pƒ0:05) are indicated by asterisks.
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
experimentally observed TD leg postures (gray square), the force
and impulse contour lines are nearly vertically oriented (figure 2).
This reveals that peak force and axial impulse are strongly
influenced by leg angle at TD, whereas leg length at TD has a
relatively small influence on SLIP-predicted stance leg loading.
These observations suggest leg angle is the more effective target for
swing-leg control of a SLIP running model. Furthermore,
experimentally observed variation in leg length at touchdown is
small in magnitude [17]. Animals tend to run with a consistent leg
posture because variation in leg length influences gearing and
muscle dynamics [10,25]. Consequently, for simplicity, we focused
our predictions on simulations of leg angle adjustment only,
without changes in leg length.
Leg stiffness can also be adjusted as a function of fall time, as a
potential control strategy for running [15]. However, leg stiffness is
a stance parameter, and not a component of the ‘swing-leg
trajectory’ per se. Although we did not directly investigate
adjustment of leg stiffness as a function of fall time, we did
nonetheless account for between-terrain shifts in leg stiffness, by
fitting the nominal steady gait that observed in the ‘21 step’
position on the runway (see Methods section 3). This allowed the
nominal steady gait to change between terrains, but not from step-
to-step. We did, however, measure the experimentally observed
step-by-step variance in effective leg stiffness (see Results and
In the ‘constant peak force policy’, we optimized the leg angle as
a function of fall time such that the resulting peak force during
stance remains constant for all steps. Specifically, we solve for a
trajectory such that if the foot contacts the ground after apex, the
landing conditions lead to a specified SLIP-modeled peak leg
force. When this swing trajectory is applied to the model in the
presence of a drop perturbation, the leg angle evolves until foot
contact, and the peak force of the perturbed step (0) matches the
peak force of the previous step (21).
In the ‘constant axial impulse policy’, we regulate axial leg
impulse rather than peak force, following similar methods. We
solve for a swing-leg angular trajectory as a function of fall time to
maintain a specific constant axial leg impulse achieved by the
SLIP model. When this swing trajectory is applied to the model in
the presence of a drop perturbation, the axial impulse of the
perturbed step (0) matches that of the previous step (21).
The ‘equilibrium gait policy’ has been suggested in theoretical
literature as a method for achieving perfect disturbance rejection
in uneven terrain [20,30,47]. This strategy ensures that the model
achieves a steady gait (constant velocity and bounce height from
apex to apex), with a symmetric CoM trajectories with respect to
the vertical axis defined by mid-stance (TD and take off conditions
are symmetrical). By choosing the appropriate TD leg angle for
each velocity vector during the ballistic flight phase _r~(_x,_y)T, an
equilibrium gait is obtained regardless of when the foot contacts
the ground. We used this relationship to solve for a leg angle
trajectory as a function of fall time to ensure steady gait of the
SLIP model. While birds may not use a perfect equilibrium gait
running, we consider the possible strategy that they optimize
swing-leg trajectory to minimize deviations from an equilibrium
gait for disturbance rejection.
Figure 2. Swing-leg control strategy simulations of leg angle and leg length adjustment. Contours lines of constant peak force (blue solid
lines) and constant axial impulse (green dashed lines) as a function of TD leg angle and TD leg length, predicted by the model simulations for one
forward speed _x~2:84 m=s (experimentally observed average forward speed for level running). The gray square highlights the area of experimentally
observed TD leg angles and TD leg lengths (lower and upper quartile). The slope of the contour lines reveals that TD leg angle has a much higher
influence on both peak force and axial impulse than TD leg length. We subsequently focused our swing-leg control policies on leg angle adjustment
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
Further analysis of simulations using the methods above, as well
as discussion of stability implications, can be found in Vejdani et
al. 2013 [20].
We first report the experimentally observed changes in running
dynamics (section 1), followed by a description of the simulation
predictions (section 2), and comparison between experimental
results and simulation predictions (section 3).
1 Experimental Data
When guinea fowl negotiate an anticipated drop step, the
trajectories over time of leg angle and axial leg force remain
remarkably similar to level terrain locomotion. Figure 3 shows the
measured trajectories over time of the birds’ leg angle (A), leg
length (B), and leg force (C) for the different step types (Level, 21,
0, +1). Notable shifts occur in the stance fore-aft impulse and leg
length trajectory of step 0 (figure 3). The results of the ANOVA for
experimentally measured variables are listed in table 1, with post-
hoc pairwise comparisons in table 2 and boxplots of data in
figures 4 and 5. These findings are summarized below.
Swing-Leg Kinematics in the Drop Step.
The leg angle
follows a consistent sinusoidal trajectory (figure 3(A), blue: stance
leg, green: swing-leg), with little apparent change during negoti-
ation of the drop step. Nonetheless, landing conditions vary in the
drop step due to the extension of the ballistic flight phase at the
transition between steps 21 and step 0. In the elongated flight
phase, continuing leg retraction causes the bird to land with a
steeper leg angle aTD at step 0 compared to level running (table 1).
The leg length trajectory (figure 3(B), green line) also shows a
relatively consistent trajectory across the the step types, but with a
slowed rate of lengthening during the elongated flight phase. This
results in a small but significant increase in leg length LTD, but a
decrease in leg velocity ^_L_LTD at touchdown in step 0 compared to
level running.
Anticipatory Changes in Step 21.
In step 21, preceding
the drop, the leg length LTD, leg angular velocity ^_a_aTD and leg
length velocity ^_L_LTD differ slightly but significantly from level
terrain running (figure 4 and table 2). These findings suggest the
birds tune their gait in anticipation of the drop step, which has also
Figure 3. Experimental data: trajectories over time. Mean values (solid lines) and standard deviation (colored area) of leg angle (A), and leg
length (B) (stance leg in blue, swing leg in green), and leg force (C) (axial force in red, fore-aft force in black) against step time for level running and
the three step types 21, 0, and +1. The gray areas indicate the stance phases. The leg angle of both stance and swing leg follows a sinusoidal
trajectory (A). Compared to the other step types, the compression of the stance leg is lower during the drop step (step 0) (B). In the drop step (step 0),
the axial peak force is not significantly different from the previous step (step 21) or level running, but the fore-aft force indicates an acceleration (C).
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
been observed during negotiation of visible obstacles [13]. In step
21, the birds reduced leg retraction speed, adopted a 1–2% more
crouched leg posture, and increased effective leg stiffness. The
increase in leg stiffness was maintained across all three steps of the
drop terrain (steps 21,0,+1), whereas the other leg parameters
varied between steps (table 2) across the drop terrain. Nonetheless,
the swing-leg trajectories remain very similar to level running
(figure 3), suggesting that the overall task-level swing-leg control
strategy may be maintained across step types within each terrain,
with variation in the timing of ground contact causing step-by-step
variations in landing conditions.
dynamics during negotiation of the drop (step 0) are very similar
to those observed by guinea fowl negotiating an unexpected
pothole [17]. The axial peak force remains consistent in the step
preceding (step 21) and during the perturbation (step 0), with no
statistically significant change until step +1 (figure 3(C), and
table 2). The total axial impulse ^Iaxial (integral of force over time)
does not change in step 21, but decreases slightly in step 0, due to
reduced stance duration. The net fore-aft impulse indicates
acceleration in step 0 (figure 5 and table 2), but DECoM does not
differ significantly from level terrain. This indicates that gravita-
tional potential energy of the drop is passively converted to
forward kinetic energy, increasing velocity, similar to unexpected
pothole experiments [17]. The increased velocity is not main-
tained, because the negative fore-aft impulse Ix and the negative
net CoM work DECoM in the subsequent step (step +1) indicate
that the bird actively absorbs energy, slowing down (table 2).
In the step preceding the drop (step 21), the net fore-aft impulse
Ix indicates slight deceleration, and the net change in body CoM
energy DECoM is slightly negative (figure 5 and table 2). Thus, the
results indicate a small active deceleration in anticipation of the
2 Simulation Results
We generated optimized swing-leg trajectories based upon three
hypothesized task-level priorities: i) constant peak force, (ii)
constant impulse, and iii) equilibrium (steady) gait. The optimized
swing-leg trajectories were applied to a simple running model (see
Methods section 3) to predict the swing and stance dynamics in
‘step 0’ of the drop perturbation.
The simulations of swing-leg trajectory targeting constant peak
force and constant impulse predict relatively similar dynamics
during the drop step (table 3 and figure 5). As an illustration of the
simulation results for a drop perturbation, figure 6 shows the CoM
trajectories (A) and force profiles (B) of the SLIP model with two
swing-leg control strategies—constant peak force (solid lines), and
equilibrium gait (dashed lines). During level running the CoM
trajectories and force profiles are identical, but when the flight
phase duration differs from the expected nominal steady gait, the
predictions of the two control strategies diverge. The predicted
Figure 4. Experimental data: landing conditions. Boxplots of five
TD parameters leg angle aTD (A), leg angular velocity _aTD (B), leg length
LTD (C), speed-corrected leg length velocity ^_L_LTD (D), and leg stiffness
kLeg (E) for level running and the three step types 21, 0, and +1. The
boxes indicate the median (black line) and the range between the lower
quartile (Q1) and the upper quartile (Q3). The whiskers show the range
between the lowest and the highest value still within 1.56 IQR (inter
quartile range IQR = Q3 - Q1). For simplicity, individuals and drop
heights have been pooled together (see table 2 for more detailed
information). Asterisks indicate a significant difference (pƒ0:05)
compared to level running (post-hoc t-test). The drop step (step 0)
differs significantly from level running for all five variables.
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
peak force and axial impulse in the drop step increase drastically
for the equilibrium gait strategy. This lends further evidence to the
trade-off suggested from previous theoretical studies (see Intro-
duction). The constant peak force and constant impulse control
strategies both result in a non-steady stance in the drop step,
indicated by a positive fore-aft impulse (figure 5, green and blue
perturbation is converted into horizontal kinetic energy, and the
running model accelerates. This forward acceleration is in
agreement with the experimentally observed dynamics (figure 5C).
3 Comparison between Experimental Data and
Simulation Results
Simulations of constant peak force or constant impulse policies
both result in a reasonably good match between measured and
predicted dynamics. The constant peak force policy provides a
slightly better match to median peak forces and axial impulse;
however analysis of simulation fits across all drop perturbation
trials suggest these two policies are equally good at predicting
changes in landing conditions (table 3, figure 7). Consequently, we
cannot conclusively distinguish between them.
To quantitatively compare simulation predictions to experi-
mental data, the most relevant parameters are TD leg angle in step
0 and the predicted changes in stance dynamics resulting from the
altered landing conditions. The TD leg angle is predicted by
applying the optimized swing-leg angular trajectory during the
ballistic flight phase. The simulations allow us to evaluate the
interaction between swing and stance dynamics, and identify
aspects of bird running that match and deviate from the model
predictions. To determine which swing-leg control policy was most
consistent with guinea fowl behavior, we ran a simulation for each
running trial, predicting the drop step dynamics by applying the
three control policies to the SLIP model as described in the
methods (Methods section 4). For each control policy, table 3
reports the average differences DaTD and root mean squared
errors (RMSE) between the predicted touchdown virtual leg angle
aTD,Policy and experimentally measured aTD (Methods section 3).
Compared to equilibrium gait, both constant peak force and
constant axial impulse control result in smaller deviations between
predicted and measured TD leg angle DaTD and smaller RMSE,
suggesting a more accurate prediction of the TD leg angle across
all three step types simulated (level, 21 and 0).
Stance phase peak force Faxial,max, axial impulse Iaxial, and fore-
aft impulse Ix were simulated by applying the TD conditions
resulting from each swing-leg control policy to the SLIP model
(table 3). The simulation predictions are compared to experimen-
tal data in figure 5, with boxplots showing the distribution of
experimental data and colored lines indicating predictions of each
control strategy. Simulations of the equilibrium gait policy predict
considerable increases in ^Faxial,max and Iaxial during the drop step
(step 0), which is not experimentally observed (figure 5).
To further illustrate the divergence between the force and
equilibrium gait policies, figure 7 shows the swing-leg trajectories
predicted by the different control strategies for one constant
forward speed _x~2:84 m=s (average experimentally observed
forward speed). Contour lines of constant peak force (blue lines)
and constant axial impulse (green lines) are plotted as a function of
TD leg angle (y-axis) and fall time (x-axis), indicating the
trajectories for each control policy (a single predicted swing-leg
trajectory follows a single contour line). The red line indicates the
leg angle trajectory that leads to equilibrium gait (here indicating
swing-leg protraction as a function of fall time). The experimen-
tally measured TD leg angles are shown for level running (white
circle), 4 cm drop (gray circle) and 6 cm drop (black circle). The
experimentally observed TD conditions lie between contour lines
for constant peak force (blue) and constant axial impulse (green),
Figure 5. Experimental measures of stance dynamics, overlaid
with simulation predictions. Boxplots of three stance measures
from the running birds: speed corrected axial peak force ^Faxial,max (A),
axial impulse Iaxial (B), and fore-aft impulse Ix for level running and the
three step types 21, 0, and +1. Asterisks indicate a significant difference
(pƒ0:05) compared to level running. See tables 1 and 2 for more
detailed statistical results. The colored lines show the simulation
predictions for the three swing-leg control policies applied to the drop
step: constant peak force (blue), constant impulse (green), and
equilibrium gait (red). Swing-leg trajectories optimized for equilibrium
gait predict higher ^Faxial,max (A) and Iaxial (B) during the drop step (step
0), which is not experimentally observed. Swing-leg trajectories
optimized for constant peak force or constant impulse both result in
a good match between measured and predicted dynamics. Analysis of
simulation fits across all drop perturbation trials suggest these two
policies are equally good at predicting changes in landing conditions
(table 3, figure 7).
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
but differ markedly from the predictions of equilibrium gait. The
approximate linearity of the contour lines for constant peak force
and constant axial impulse indicate that these policies can be
closely approximated by retracting the leg with a constant angular
velocity (_a&28 deg=T for peak force control, and _a&26 deg=T for
impulse control at the representative forward velocity shown).
For the equilibrium gait policy, the simulation predicted swing-
leg angular trajectory varies between late-swing retraction and
protraction, depending on forward speed. Figure 8 shows the
simulation predicted swing-leg angle trajectories resulting in
equilibrium gait for forward speeds between _x~½0:5,3:5m=s,
with constant leg length and leg stiffness. The simulations predict
late-swing retraction for low speeds (_xv1:68 m=s), and protraction
for higher speeds(_xw1:68 m=s). For a system with the body mass
and virtual leg length of a guinea fowl, running at a forward speed
of _x~1:68 m=s, an equilibrium gait can be achieved with a
constant leg angle (a~120:1 deg), without adjusting the leg angle
during swing (_a~0). Within the observed speed range of guinea
fowl, the equilibrium gait policy predicts late-swing protraction.
Yet, experimental data show that birds consistently retract their
legs in late swing (table 1 and figure 4) across all speeds and step
Although experimentally observed TD leg angles for steady
level running (white circle) lie close to equilibrium gait predictions
Table 3. Simulated control strategies compared to experimental data.
Control Policy
DaTD [deg]
RMSE [deg]
^Faxial,max [BW]
Iaxial [BW T]
Ix [BW T]
Constant Peak Force
Constant Impulse
Equilibrium Gait
Step 21
Constant Peak Force
Constant Impulse
Equilibrium Gait
Step 0
Constant Peak Force
Constant Impulse
Equilibrium Gait
Difference DaTD and root mean squared error (RMSE) of the predicted virtual leg angle at TD aTD,Policy and the experimentally measured virtual leg angle at TD aTD.
Axial peak force ^Faxial,max, axial impulse Iaxial, and fore-aft impulse Ix are the predicted values of the corresponding control strategies. Compared to the equilibrium gait
strategy, the RMSE suggest that both constant peak force and constant impulse control predict the TD leg angle more accurately.
Figure 6. Representative simulations illustrating the divergence between equilibrium gait (steady gait) and constant peak force
control strategies. CoM trajectories (A) and force profiles (B) of the simulation results for two swing-leg control strategies: constant peak force (blue
solid lines) and equilibrium gait (red dashed lines). The equilibrium gait strategy achieves steady dynamics but demands high forces; whereas the
constant peak force strategy results in non-steady dynamics in the drop step, and requires adjustment in subsequent steps to return to a steady gait.
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
(red line), there is no evidence that the swing-leg trajectory directly
targets equilibrium gait, because the drop perturbations lead to a
sharp deviation from equilibrium gait predictions. Instead, the
results suggest that the guinea fowl behavior more closely match
predictions of swing-leg trajectory optimized to maintain constant
peak leg force or constant leg impulse.
Perturbation experiments [13,17] and theoretical models of
walking and running [14–16,18–20,22] have suggested swing-leg
trajectory as a critical target of control for legged locomotion
because stance dynamics are highly sensitive to landing conditions.
Swing-leg trajectory influences the timing of ground contact, the
landing leg posture and body velocity at contact. These landing
conditions, in turn, influence stability [14–16,18], robustness [19],
leg work [19,20], disturbance rejection and collision impact energy
losses [18]. Swing-leg trajectory can be optimised for consistent leg
loading and economy, or alternatively, for steady body dynamics,
but not all of these simultaneously [15,16,18–20]. We investigated
how running guinea fowl manage this potential trade-off by
measuring their ‘optimized’ locomotor strategy for negotiating a
visible and well-practiced step down in terrain. The simulation
results in figures 6 and 5 provide further evidence of the suggested
trade-off in swing-leg trajectory. The specific swing-leg angular
trajectory used by running guinea fowl is consistent with task-level
priority to regulate leg loading (limiting fluctuations in peak force
and impulse), rather than priority to maintain steady body
dynamics. The birds’ swing-leg angular trajectory is consistent
with both the constant peak force and constant impulse policies,
but clearly deviates from the predictions of the equilibrium gait
The constant peak force and constant leg axial impulse policies
both predict leg retraction in late swing with nearly constant
angular velocity (figure 7). Previous studies have shown that
running animals tend to retract the leg in late swing [14,17,48];
however, these studies could not explain the specific leg retraction
velocities used by animals, because a wide range of retraction
velocities can provide stability [14–16]. ‘Stability’ simply refers to
whether or not the system recovers—whether a deviation in body
dynamics decays (stable) or grows (unstable) over time [49,50].
Priority for stability alone is not sufficient to predict a specific leg
angular trajectory. The equilibrium gait policy predicts a specific
Figure 7. Model predicted late-swing leg angular trajectories, in comparison with experimental data. Predicted swing-leg trajectories,
shown as leg angle against fall time (time from apex until TD), derived from SLIP simulations to achieve constant peak force (blue solid lines),
constant axial impulse (green dashed lines), or equilibrium gait (red line) at touchdown. Predictions are for a single forward speed _x~2:84 m=s. The
thick peak force (blue) and impulse (green dashed) contours indicate the predicted swing-leg trajectories, with thinner contours illustrating the
gradient in force and impulse as the trajectory deviates from this. The mean measured leg trajectory is overlaid (dotted black line), along with the
mean TD conditions for level running (white circle), 4 cm drop (gray circle) and 6 cm drop (black circle). The equilibrium gait trajectory (red) crosses
loading contours, leading to increased force and impulse. The linearity of the constant peak force and impulse contours indicates that these
strategies can be approximated by leg retraction with a constant angular velocity, whereas equilibrium gait requires leg protraction. The
experimental data follows constant loading contours, suggest that guinea fowl do not use swing-leg trajectory to target equilibrium gait.
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
leg angular trajectory by targeting a perfectly steady gait, which
can theoretically provide perfect disturbance rejection in the face
of terrain height variation [20,47]. However, this policy can
demand large increases in force and impulse in the stance phase.
Furthermore, the equilibrium gait policy can predict either leg
protraction or retraction of the leg in late swing (figure 8). While
stable spring mass running with swing-leg protraction is possible
(with appropriately tuned leg stiffness) [16], this strategy would
result in higher leg impacts due to increased velocity of the foot
with respect to the ground [15] (e.g., the opposite of ‘ground speed
matching’, [48]). This might explain why, to our knowledge, only
swing-leg retraction, never protraction, has been experimentally
observed in bipedal locomotion of humans [51] and birds
We found that stance dynamics immediately following the drop
perturbation (step 0) are consistent with a passive energy-
conservative leg model, albeit with a non-steady response in
which gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy,
causing forward acceleration. In fact, the overall body dynamics of
step 0 are remarkably similar to those of an unexpected drop step
[17], despite evidence of anticipatory changes to gait in the drop
terrain. The anticipatory adjustments include small but significant
changes in the nominal gait of step 21 preceding the drop (table 2),
and an increase in effective leg stiffness across all steps in the drop
terrain (figure 4). These findings suggest that guinea fowl tune gait
dynamics depending on context including the anticipated ‘rough-
ness’ of terrain.
Nonetheless, leg angular trajectory remains remarkably con-
stant and rhythmic across steps within each terrain (figure 3),
suggesting that birds target a consistent optimized trajectory within
a terrain context and avoid step-by-step adjustments. A prescribed
swing-leg trajectory has potential to be implemented through feed-
forward control, with minimal feedback, circumventing neuro-
muscular delays. However, our results do not reveal the underlying
neural control mechanisms used to achieve the observed swing-leg
trajectory. A consistent leg angular trajectory could be achieved
through a combination of feedforward and feedback mechanisms,
making use of internal models of dynamics as well as vestibular,
visual and proprioceptive sensory information. Whatever the
underlying control mechanisms, our findings are consistent with
the idea that animals optimize swing-leg trajectory to achieve well-
defined intrinsic-dynamic characteristics at the swing-stance
transition, to bridge neuromuscular delays and minimize the need
for rapid neural modulation.
Although the results confirm that step 0 dynamics can be well
approximated by a passive, energetically conservative leg model,
the dynamics of the 2nd stance (step +1) clearly indicate net energy
absorption, which cannot be achieved with a passive model.
Consequently, a full dynamic model of the birds’ recovery over
several steps requires a more sophisticated stance leg model that
includes actuation. It will be interesting in future work to further
investigate alternative task-level templates of running that allow for
non-conservative stance dynamics following terrain perturbations.
Actuated template models have been proposed and analyzed from
a theoretical perspective [40–45], but it is not yet clear which of
these is most appropriate for animal legged locomotion. Elabora-
tions of stance models were not considered here because we were
primarily focused on the effects of swing-leg trajectory on the
swing-stance transition. Non-conservative stance models would
have confounded the interpretation of swing-leg trajectories. The
initial step down response (step 0) is energetically conservative and
matches well with SLIP leg loading predictions, so we concluded
that a more complex model was not justified for the current study.
Nonetheless, future work should investigate more complex stance
models to further explore the interactions between swing and
stance dynamics in non-steady locomotion, in particular to
understand the full time course of recovery from a perturbation.
Additionally, we observed asymmetry in the force trajectory
across all running conditions—which has also been noted
previously [52] and likely reflects the complex underlying
musculoskeletal structure and dynamics of animal legs. The
passive SLIP model does not predict the precise shape of the
biologically observed leg force trajectory, because it is also
influenced by factors such as damping in tissues, muscle contractile
properties and musculoskeletal gearing effects. The SLIP model
serves only as a general ‘template’ of the overall body dynamics of
running gaits [39], and does not reflect the specific underlying
neuromuscular and musculoskeletal mechanisms. Nonetheless,
template models such as SLIP provide a convenient approxima-
tion of legged locomotion because animals tend to use periodic
gaits with ground reaction forces and body dynamics that can be
approximated by a point mass body with massless legs that resist
only compressive loads [34–37]. The SLIP model is not the only
model that provides a reductionist approximation of locomotor
dynamics [40–45,49,53–56]; however, it is the most widely
validated choice for simulations of running (see Methods section
3). These caveats aside, we have found that a simple reductionist
model can reproduce many aspects of avian running dynamics
during negotiation of a drop in terrain, by optimizing swing-leg
angular trajectory to target landing conditions that meet the
specific task-level priority of regulating stance leg loading.
The observed strategy of minimizing fluctuations in peak force
and impulse may also minimize energy cost of transport. Cost of
transport is influenced by both muscular force and work [6,56],
which is therefore strongly related to ground reaction force [57].
Additionally, a separate simulation study has compared swing-leg
trajectories optimized for force, impulse and leg work, and found
that all three of these policies predict similar swing-leg trajectories,
yet diverge from the predictions of an equilibrium gait policy [20].
Thus, it appears that load regulation and economy are closely
aligned priorities. A swing-leg trajectory optimized to regulate leg
loading may have the dual benefits of minimizing injury risk and
maximizing economy of uneven terrain locomotion.
Figure 8. Late-swing leg angular trajectories predicted for the
equilibrium gait policy, targeting steady gait. The equilibrium
gait policy predicts a shift from late-swing retraction to protraction with
increasing speed. Shown are the swing-leg angle trajectories predicted
from simulations optimized for equilibrium gait, for a range of speeds
_x~½0:5,3:5m=s. The simulations predict late-swing leg retraction for
low speeds ( _xv1:68 m=s), and protraction for higher speeds
(_xw1:68 m=s).
Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
The majority of animal locomotion studies have focused on
steady-state locomotion, and many studies either implicitly or
explicitly assumed that steady gait is an overriding priority and
therefore a direct target of active control. While animals must
avoid falling in uneven terrain, ‘stability’ and ‘disturbance
rejection’ or ‘steadiness’ of gait may not be exceptionally pressing
priorities for the control of swing-leg trajectory compared to other
task-level demands, such as injury avoidance and economy.
Applying a swing-leg trajectory that enforces a steady gait could
dramatically increase the peak force and impulse experienced by
the leg in the presence of a terrain drop. These forces could easily
exceed the safety factors of animal musculoskeletal tissues, which
are around 2–46 peak force of steady locomotion [25,26].
Therefore, minimizing fluctuations in peak force and impulse to
prevent damage to musculoskeletal structures might be a more
pressing priority than immediate recovery to a nominal steady gait
following perturbations.
Nonetheless, disturbance rejection is likely an important priority
over slightly longer timescales. This conclusion is supported by the
experimental finding that guinea fowl consistently recover from
terrain perturbations within about 2–3 strides [10,11,13], but do
not exhibit perfect, immediate disturbance rejection, even for
small terrain perturbations [13]. We suggest that the immediate
imperatives of swing-leg control in animal legged locomotion are
stabilization to a nominal steady gait, while stance phase
mechanisms (e.g., energy absorption/insertion) facilitate recovery
to steady gait over multiple steps.
Our simulations suggest a simple method for generating target
swing-leg trajectories for implementation in legged robots to
achieve performances similar to that of running animals. The
‘equilibrium gait’ policy has been suggested for legged robots for
its disturbance rejection properties [30,47]; however, we suggest
that it may be undesirable for systems with significant force
limitations. A separate recent paper explores in more detail
simulations of running dynamics with multiple alternative swing-
leg control policies [20], and this paper also further discusses
potential implications for bio-inspired robots. This systematic
approach of comparing predictions based on multiple potential
task-level priorities could help engineers design and control robots
to benefit from passive-dynamic structures, minimize actuator
demands and minimize control effort.
We have presented a novel approach combining simulations
and experiment that allows us to investigate the task-level priorities
in non-steady animal locomotion, including disturbance rejection,
injury avoidance and economy. Guinea fowl negotiate a down-
ward step using unsteady dynamics with forward acceleration, and
recover to steady gait in subsequent steps. ‘Steadiness’ of gait does
not appear to be the direct or immediate priority governing swing-
leg trajectory used by running animals. Our results suggest,
instead, that guinea fowl use swing-leg trajectories that reflect
priority for load regulation, which may facilitate injury avoidance
and economy in uneven terrain.
Supporting Information
Text S1
List of symbols, terms and definitions.
The authors thank D. Renjewski, S. D. Wilshin and J. Gordon for fruitful
discussions and feedback on the manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: MAD JWH. Performed the
experiments: YB ABJ. Analyzed the data: YB HRV MAD. Contributed
reagents/materials/analysis tools: ABJ HRV. Wrote the paper: YB HRV
MAD JWH. Discussed and interpreted data: YB HRV ABJ CMH MAD
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Swing Leg Trajectory of Running Guinea Fowl
June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100399
| Swing-leg trajectory of running guinea fowl suggests task-level priority of force regulation rather than disturbance rejection. | 06-30-2014 | Blum, Yvonne,Vejdani, Hamid R,Birn-Jeffery, Aleksandra V,Hubicki, Christian M,Hurst, Jonathan W,Daley, Monica A | eng |
PMC3782489 | Anatomically Asymmetrical Runners Move More
Asymmetrically at the Same Metabolic Cost
Elena Seminati1*, Francesca Nardello2, Paola Zamparo2, Luca P. Ardigo` 2, Niccolo` Faccioli3,
Alberto E. Minetti1
1 Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Milan, Milan, Italy, 2 Department of Neurological and Movement Sciences,
School of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 3 Department of Pathology and Diagnostics, Section of Radiology, University of Verona, Verona,
We hypothesized that, as occurring in cars, body structural asymmetries could generate asymmetry in the kinematics/
dynamics of locomotion, ending up in a higher metabolic cost of transport, i.e. more ‘fuel’ needed to travel a given distance.
Previous studies found the asymmetries in horses’ body negatively correlated with galloping performance. In this
investigation, we analyzed anatomical differences between the left and right lower limbs as a whole by performing 3D
cross-correlation of Magnetic Resonance Images of 19 male runners, clustered as Untrained Runners, Occasional Runners
and Skilled Runners. Running kinematics of their body centre of mass were obtained from the body segments coordinates
measured by a 3D motion capture system at incremental running velocities on a treadmill. A recent mathematical
procedure quantified the asymmetry of the body centre of mass trajectory between the left and right steps. During the
same sessions, runners’ metabolic consumption was measured and the cost of transport was calculated. No correlations
were found between anatomical/kinematic variables and the metabolic cost of transport, regardless of the training
experience. However, anatomical symmetry significant correlated to the kinematic symmetry, and the most trained subjects
showed the highest level of kinematic symmetry during running. Results suggest that despite the significant effects of
anatomical asymmetry on kinematics, either those changes are too small to affect economy or some plastic compensation
in the locomotor system mitigates the hypothesized change in energy expenditure of running.
Citation: Seminati E, Nardello F, Zamparo P, Ardigo` LP, Faccioli N, et al. (2013) Anatomically Asymmetrical Runners Move More Asymmetrically at the Same
Metabolic Cost. PLoS ONE 8(9): e74134. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074134
Editor: David Carrier, University of Utah, United States of America
Received March 20, 2013; Accepted July 27, 2013; Published September 24, 2013
Copyright: 2013 Seminati et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The project was supported by the Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation -Human Physiology section- University of Milan. The funders
had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]
The symmetry between the left and right sides of the body plays
an important role in legged locomotion. The symmetrical
behaviour of lower limbs during gait has often been taken for
granted, mainly for simplicity in data collection and analysis, while
the lack of it was frequently considered as an indicator of gait
pathology [1]. Differently from what expected, healthy human gait
is rather asymmetrical [2,3]. This seems to reflect a functional
difference inherently associated to the laterality of the dominant
side characterising each individual [4,5]. This topic was intro-
duced more than 80 years ago by Lund [6] who showed the effects
of structural/anatomical asymmetry on lateral drift in human
locomotion. The same experiments were recently repeated and
supported the hypothesis of a relationship between leg length
inequality and asymmetry in locomotion [7–9].
Body symmetry can be further modulated in sports: depending
different (tennis, fencing, throwing, etc.), or they are required to
reach similar hypertrophy (ice-skating, downhill skiing, front
crawl, etc.) on the two sides of the sagittal plane. Thus, body
changes towards or from symmetry are not just the consequence of
genetics and laterality, being also caused by specific training
As the concept of symmetry has an important influence in
human locomotion, it plays a key role in the design and
maintenance of vehicles, which are periodically inspected and
serviced to guarantee wheel balance and homogeneous tyre
wearing, in order to reduce fuel consumption and ensure a safe
drive. Would it be the same for human running? Can an
anatomical/structural asymmetry of the human body cause
kinematic/dynamic asymmetry of locomotion? Also, can structural
or functional asymmetries be related to some increase of the
metabolic cost of transport?
Several authors studied symmetry in locomotion in humans [1–
4,10,11] and also in animals [12], but only few of them
investigated the possible interaction between symmetry and energy
saving. Manning and collaborators found negative correlations
between anatomical symmetry and race time during competitions,
both in human running and in galloping horses [13,14]. These
preliminary findings encouraged us to study the possible interac-
tions between different kinds of symmetry (anatomical and
dynamical) and the human running performance, not only in
term of race time, but also of energy saving. In the present study,
we investigate the relationship between the cost of transport (C)
September 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 9 | e74134
while running at different increasing velocities and individual
anatomical and dynamical symmetries in three differently trained
groups of subjects, with the idea that ‘race cars’ should more
strongly rely on symmetry than ordinary ‘automobiles’.
Materials and Methods
Nineteen healthy male subjects volunteered to participate this
investigation. Exclusion criteria included neurological or muscu-
loskeletal pathologies affecting running ability. The institutional
ethics committee of the University of Milano had approved all
methods and procedures, and subjects gave their written informed
consent (approved by the same committee) prior to the start of
testing. We clustered participants into three different groups, based
on their specific running ability:
N group 1, (n = 7): Untrained Runners (UR), who practiced sport
(not specifically running) 3 times per week (less than 2 hours per
N group 2, (n = 7): Occasional Runners (OR), fit athletes, who
trained more than 3 times per week, (between 2 and 6 hours per
week). Each of them had previously participated in a national
competition (half marathon or 10 km competition)
N group 3, (n = 5): Skilled Runners (SR), master athletes who
trained more than 3 times per week (at least 6 hours per week);
they were marathon runners, with a mean performance time of
2 h 44 min 24 s 610 min 12 s standard deviation (SD).
Anthropometric characteristic of the different subject groups are
shown in Table 1.
MR Dataset and 3D Images Processing
In order to evaluate the anatomical symmetries, each partici-
pant underwent Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging. Subjects
were adjusted in a supine position as to preserve the maximal body
symmetry in the sagittal plane.
MR scans were performed with a 1.5-T superconductive
magnet (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). In all subjects multiplanar
T1-weighted Spin-echo sequences were obtained (TE 11, TR 565,
flip angle 90u), on a coronal plane for three different anatomical
districts: Pelvis district (PD), Upper-Leg district (UD), including
thigh and knee, Lower-Leg district (LD), including calf and ankle,
with slice thickness of 4 mm. The matrix was 3206320 and the
field of view (FOV) was 4606460. Total examination time was less
than 7 minutes (36 coronal slices for each district).
All the recorded images (saved in DICOM format) were
subsequently analyzed with a custom, ad hoc program written in
LabVIEW 8.6 (National Instrument, Austin, Texas, USA). The
procedure we implemented exports, for each districts, 36 MR
images (slices) as two-dimensional matrix of 3206320 pixels, each
of which 1.4461.44 mm, and includes several post-processing
steps, as shown in Figure 1.
The 36 coronal slices, for every district, assembled together, re-
create a three-dimensional (3D) volume, whose elements (voxel)
are values corresponding to a grey level intensity (8 bit scale),
reflecting proton density, (Figure 1a). In order to compare the
subject’s left lower limb with the right one, firstly, the initial 3D
volume has to be split in two separated volumes, right volume (Rv)
and left volume (Lv), (Figure 1b). Successively the Lv is specularly
reflected, with respect to the sagittal plane (Figure 1c), whilst the
Rv is bordered by zero intensity voxel (Figure 1d), through a zero-
padding operation, so that the left reflected volume (Lrv) can be
virtually superimposed on the Rv (Figure 1e), and moved along the
three axes in order to find the best matching overlap and to
evaluate the ‘overall’ similarity (i.e. symmetry) between the two
limbs. To achieve this aim the algorithm performs a 3D
correlation between the contents of the two respective anatomical
Table 1. Subject characteristics.
Participants (n)
Age (years)
Body Mass (kg)
Height (cm)
Right leg length (cm)
Left leg length (cm)
Leg length discrepancy (cm)
Number of participants, mean 6 SD for age (yrs), body mass (kg), height (cm),
right and left leg length (cm), and leg length discrepancy (LLD) (cm) for the 3
different groups of subjects: Untrained runners (UR), Occasional runners (OR)
and Skilled runners (SR).
Figure 1. Principal steps involved in the 3D cross-correlation
algorithm. a) The 36 slices of the MR sequence, create a 3D volume
whose sizes are laterally indicated, b) right volume (Rv) and left volumes
(Lv) separated, c) left reflected volume (Lrv) on the sagittal plane (in the
mirror), d) zero-padding operation around right volume, e) Lrv
superimposed to Rv in order to find the position that maximize the
cross-correlation value.
Anatomical Asymmetries & Running Dynamics/Economy
September 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 9 | e74134
The correlation between two signals (cross-correlation) is a
standard approach for signal processing and it has been recently
designed in 3D in order to consider simultaneously the full
anatomical volume information, to assist radiologists in providing
correct diagnosis of metastases within the lungs [15,16] or brain
[17], for instance.
Following Lewis’ approach [18], a normalised cross-correlation
coefficient (ri,j,k), was adopted to identify the symmetry degree
between the 3D split volumes:
x,y,z Rv(x,y,z){Rvi,j,k
: Lrv(x{i,y{j,z{k){Lrv
x,y,z Rv(x,y,z){Rvi,j,k
2: P
x,y,z Lrv(x{i,y{j,z{k){Lrv
where Lrv and Rvi,j,k are the voxel mean value of the left reflected
volume and the right volume, respectively. The two volumes are
virtually superimposed at coordinates i, j and k, and calculations
are performed for all pairs of corresponding voxels along x, y and z
For every subject and each anatomical district we evaluated the
maximal cross correlation value (rmax) (i.e. the value corresponding
to the best overlap between right and left reflected volumes). This
coefficient can assume a range of values between 21 and 1,
depending upon the similarity of the 3D analyzed volumes, where
a value of 1 indicates an exact matching of the Lrv with the Rv, a
value of 21 indicates opposite grey values for voxels in Lrv with
respect to Rv, and a value of 0 indicates no correlation between the
two volumes.
Figure 2. Examples of obtained cross-correlation values plotted versus iterations. Cross correlation values (r) of all iterations (134,400
overlap positions = 28 (i)660 (j)680 (k), between right volume and left reflected volume); a) comparison between two bottles, filled with the same
volume of water (rmax =0.99); b) comparison between the right upper leg of a subject and the left upper leg of a different subject (rmax =0.51); c)
comparison between right and left upper legs of the same subject. Inset: enlargement of cross correlation pattern showing the inner processing loop
(i coordinates).
Anatomical Asymmetries & Running Dynamics/Economy
September 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 9 | e74134
Software reliability and accuracy were validated by comparing
two identical bottles filled up with water (see Figure 2a), resulting
in a maximal cross correlation value of rmax = 0.99. The algorithm
provided a value of rmax = 1 only when the right volume of a
specific subject was compared with itself, while the lowest value of
rmax was obtained when the right volume of a specific subject was
compared with the left reflected volume of an other different
subject (rmax = 0.51, as shown in Figure 2b).
We evaluated for every subject a single maximal cross
correlation value (rmax) for each district, (rmax(PD) for Pelvis
district, rmax(UD) for Upper-Leg district and rmax (LD) for Lower-
Leg district) and secondly a ‘global’ anatomical cross correlation
value (rmax) as the mean of the three districts:
rmax~ rmax(PD)zrmax(UD)zrmax(LD)
In order to capture kinematic functional symmetries on many
steps, all the subjects performed level shod running on a treadmill
(h/p/Cosmos Saturn 4.0, Germany).
Human body has been modelled as a series of linked, rigid
segments: 18 reflective markers were placed bilaterally on
anatomical landmark points (immediately anterior to ear tragus,
shoulder, elbow, wrist, greater trochanter, lateral epicondyle of
femur, lateral malleolus, calcaneus, and 5th metatarsal head) and
their 3D position was captured at 100 Hz, using an eight-camera
Vicon MX optoelectronic system (Vicon, Oxford, UK). In this
way, 12 body segments were defined [19].
After a brief period of familiarization on the treadmill, each
subject ran at six different incremental speeds: from 2.22 m/s to
5 m/s, step 0.56 m/s. Each speed was maintained for at least
5 min, with a rest period of at least 5 min between successive
The 3D recorded coordinates of the 12 segments, together with
the anthropometric tables [20,21], were used to compute the
experimental trajectory of the Body Centre of Mass (BCOM).
Successively, we adopted a recent mathematical method [22,23]
simultaneously capturing the spatial and dynamical features of that
3D BCoM trajectory, which allows to quantify dynamical
symmetry indices of locomotion in the 3 spatial axes; by having
sampled the body motion on a treadmill, the trajectory of the
BCOM can be represented by a closed 3D loops (Lissajous contours),
representing its displacement with respect to the average position.
The 3D trajectory is mathematically defined by a 6-harmonic
Fourier series, whose coefficients are used to calculate the
Dynamical Symmetry Indices SIx (for progression axis), SIy (for
vertical axis) and SIz (for lateral axis). The motion of the BCOM is
expected to exhibit perfect right–left symmetry if it contained just
even harmonics in the progression and y vertical directions, and
just odd harmonics in the lateral direction, as within a stride it
oscillates twice in the sagittal (y–x) plane and only once in the
horizontal (x–z) plane. Dynamical Symmetry indices are then
averaged among the strides number (n) as to obtain for each
velocity and each subject:
j~1 SIx
j~1 SIy
j~1 SIz
Table 2. Statistical correlation matrix results between variable pairs.
Anatomical Symmetry
Dynamical Symmetry
rmax (PD)
rmax (UD)
rmax (LD)
rmax (PD)
rmax (UD)
rmax (LD)
Pearson Correlation coefficient is presented together with the relative p-value for the following parameters: maximal cross correlation values for each anatomical district
(rmax(PD), rmax(UD) and rmax(LD)), global anatomical cross correlation value (rmax), dynamical symmetry indices for each direction (SIx, SIy and SIz), Global Symmetry
Index (GI) averaged among the different running speeds for each subject and metabolic Cost of transport (C). Values in bold indicate significant correlations (* = p,0.05,
** = p,0.01).
Anatomical Asymmetries & Running Dynamics/Economy
September 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 9 | e74134
(SI, 0: no symmetry between right and left steps, 1: complete
Successively, the three mean dynamic indices (SIx, SIy, SIz)
are weighted according to the ‘real’ maximum displacement range
of the BCOM, i.e. dx ( = running speedXstride frequency), dy and dz,
respectively, and a Global symmetry Index (GI) is calculated as
GI~ dx:SIxzdy:SIyzdz:SIz
(GI, 0: no symmetry between right and left steps, 1: complete
Energy Cost Measurement
Oxygen consumption ( _VO2) of running was measured with a
breath-by-breath gas analyzer (Cosmed K4b2, Rome, Italy). Data,
including heart rate (HR), were recorded at each progression
speed, after the metabolic steady state had been achieved (3 min),
for further 2 minutes. 5 minutes of testing was performed at each
speed. Resting _VO2 was measured while standing. Respiratory
Exchange Ratio (RER) was monitored in order to check for
aerobic conditions (RER,1). We expressed the metabolic Cost of
Transport (C), i.e. the oxygen consumed to move 1 kg of body
mass 1 m distance, in J (kg m)21 by dividing the net
[measured - resting, [ml O2 (Kg min)21] by the progression speed
(m min21), and by assuming an energy equivalent of 20.9 J ml
Statistical Analysis
Relationships between variable pairs were investigated using
Pearson’s correlation coefficient. To compare speed dependent
variables (C, HR, SIx, SIy, SIz and GI), differences were analyzed
(rmax(PD), rmax(UD) and rmax(LD)), we performed a one-way
ANOVA for repeated measures in order to detect difference
among districts. Furthermore, Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) was performed on the three anatomical indices, in order
to estimate their relative contribution to the total variance.
Statistical significance was accepted when p,0.05.
Since only five OR and five SR subjects were able to complete
all the running protocols up to 5.0 m/s, and UR subjects stopped
at the speed of 4.44 m/s, we did not consider in the statistical
analysis the highest speed level.
Anatomical Symmetries
Anatomical symmetries are described by the maximal cross-
rmax(LD)), and by the global anatomical cross correlation value
(rmax). These values are limited to only 17 subjects, because two
MR tests (one for the UR and one for the SR) had to be discarded
due to technical problems.
One-way ANOVA between the three groups of subject didn’t
show any difference between UR, OR and SR for the cross-
correlation values, while we found significantly lower values of
anatomical symmetry for pelvis district, compared to the upper
(p,0.05) and lower leg district (p,0.01) (rmax(PD) = 0.7760.09,
rmax(UD) = 0.8260.05 and rmax(LD) = 0.8360.05). PCA showed
that 65.8% of the total variance was explained by the first
principal component, where the three considered parameters
(rmax(LD), rmax(UD) and rmax(PD)) had almost the same weight.
However UD seems to give the greatest contribution to the first
principal component, with respect to the other two districts.
Results regarding pairwise correlations between variables are
summarized in Table 2: rmax(UD) is significantly correlated with
rmax(PD) and rmax(LD) (p,0.05), also rmax(PD) and rmax(LD) seem
to be positively correlated even if not significantly (p = 0.087).
Significant results were found also between anatomical symme-
tries and kinematics (mean values for the Global Symmetry
Index (GI) were evaluated starting from the single values of
SIx, SIy and SIz and averaged within each group of speeds for
each subject); in particular rmax(PD) is positively correlated with
Figure 3. Regression of the mean dynamic Global Symmetry
Index (GI) versus the global anatomical cross correlation value
(rmax). Each point represents the mean Global Symmetry Index
averaged among the different running speeds for each subject;
Untrained Runners (UR), Occasional Runners (OR) and Skilled Runners
(SR) (r = 0.473; p = 0.055).
Figure 4. Mean values for the dynamic Global Symmetry Index
(GI) plotted against running speed. Mean values for the dynamic
Global Symmetry Index (GI) are evaluated starting from the single
values of SIx, SIy and SIz and averaged within each group of subjects,
6 SD, in untrained runners (UR), occasional runners (OR) and skilled
runners (SR). Two-way ANOVA (group6running speed) show that the
group of UR had a mean GI always lower compared to the OR and SR,
(* = p,0.01), independently from the running speed.
Anatomical Asymmetries & Running Dynamics/Economy
September 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 9 | e74134
SIx (p,0.01) and GI (p,0.05) and also rmax is positively and
significantly correlated with SIx (p,0.05), while we observed a
positive trend between rmax and GI, even if not significantly
(p = 0.055) (see Figure 3).
Mean values for the Global Symmetry Index (GI), evaluated
starting from the single values of SIx, SIy and SIz and averaged
within each group of subjects, 6 SD, are shown in Figure 4. We
performed a two-ways ANOVA, where independent variables
were running speed and subject group and the dependent variable
was GI. Results show that UR have a GI significantly lower than
both OR and SR at each velocity (p,0.01). Also, GI for UR seems
velocity, even
significantly. Statistical analysis did not show any difference
between UR, OR and SR for the single kinematic symmetry
indices, while one-way ANOVA for repeated measure shown
significantly lower values for SIx, (0.7260.06) compared to SIy
(0.8860.04) and SIz (0.8560.05), (p,0.01).
Cost of Transport
Results for the metabolic cost C and HR are presented in
Figure 5. C is confirmed to be independent of speed, with no
differences among running groups. At the same speed, HR
decreased as runners’ ability increased, with values for SR
significantly lower than for OR and UR. No significant correlation
was found between the C and the previously analysed parameters,
both for kinematics and for anatomical values (Table 2).
The main aim of this project was to investigate the relationship
among the anatomical/structural symmetry of the lower limbs, the
dynamical symmetry of the 3D BCOM displacement and the
metabolic cost of human running. C has been considered as an
indirect index of running performance: at the same sustainable
fraction of maximal
_VO2, the lower the cost the higher the
average speed [24]. While being aware of the speed and training
level independency of C, as debated and reported in the literature
[25229], our hypothesis was that more asymmetrical limbs, in
subjects committed to run with symmetrical steps, would have
involved a higher C. In other words, part of the inter-subject C
anatomical asymmetry.
Differently from previous studies dealing with gross morpho-
logical features (bones length [5,8], human face [13] and horse
muzzle [14] landmarks) and isolated gait parameters (stride length
and frequency [30,31], joint angles [3] and ground reaction forces
[10]), we analysed the symmetry of the ‘whole’ (left and right)
lower limb anatomy and of the global running kinematics (3D
trajectory of BCOM), in three groups of differently trained
athletes. Our hypothesis, inspired by the engineering of motor
vehicles, was not completely verified. C was not significantly
correlated either with anatomical symmetries or with dynamical
symmetries in running, while we found significant correlations
between the anatomical and dynamical symmetries indices
(Table 2). This indicates that the more anatomically symmetrical
are the subjects, the more symmetrical is their running gait
(especially in the forward (x) direction).
Figure 5. Mean values ± SD for the cost of transport (C) (lower curves) and for the heart rate (HR) (upper curves). C and HR are plotted
against running speed for untrained runners (UR), occasional runners (OR) and skilled runners (SR). Results obtained with the two-way ANOVA
(group6running speed) show no significant difference among groups of subjects across velocity for C, which results to be independent of the
running speed. HR increased significantly with the running speed for all the three group of subjects. Furthermore we obtained significantly higher HR
values for UR compared to OR and SR (* = p,0.01).
Anatomical Asymmetries & Running Dynamics/Economy
September 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 9 | e74134
This finding is in accordance with the recent literature, where
high level of leg length discrepancy (LLD) is correlated with low
symmetrical gait coefficients [7] in walking. In our work,
individual LLD was always lower than 2 cm (Table 1), and had
no effect on C, according to the studies of Gurney [32].
It is possible that some physiological adaptations of the human
machinery compensate for small asymmetries typical of the
mechanics of our legged system [1,2], with no influence on C.
Rather, larger anatomical discrepancies, like a LLD higher than
2 cm [32] or a body mass not uniformly distributed [33,11], could
influence economy. Similar adaptations behaviours might have
occurred in runners wearing new and worn shoes [34], or on
surfaces of different stiffness [35]. Despite of the changed
properties of materials, runners modified their motion pattern as
to retain their original dynamics of running.
This could occur also in the subjects of this study, who seem to
compensate their anatomical body asymmetries and minimize C, a
strategy frequently adopted by animals [36]. With the main
propulsive muscles operating close to isometric in running [37],
tendons can store (stretching) and release (shortening) variable
amounts of elastic energy during each step, in the attempt to adapt
to different anatomical asymmetries. In this way the metabolic cost
can be potentially kept unchanged.
In addition, although HR results (Figure 5) witness the
appropriateness of clustering subjects according to the different
training status (most skilled runners reported the lowest HR, at the
same speed, p,0.01), the almost speed-independent C values seem
not to be influenced by the different fitness level, as also found by
other investigators [27,29].
As also indicated in previous studies, training and experience
seem to be important elements in the lower limb joint angle
symmetry and in the stride variability of running, even at no
apparent metabolic benefit [29231]. The most experienced and
high performance athletes can maintain, even at high velocities,
higher dynamical symmetry than untrained runners (Figure 4). As
step frequency and muscles effort increase, the higher physical
demand and peripheral fatigue could impair the maintenance of a
symmetrical gait and a consistent locomotion pattern, as seen for
the UR group.
Furthermore, MRI measurements showed that the anatomical
symmetry does not depend on the investigated district. PCA and
correlation among lower limb districts could have been caused by
misalignments of the two limbs during MRI test. However, due to
the use of alignment tools during the tests, we feel confident that
the intra-subject symmetry correlation among districts is not a
measurement artefact. Similar eigenvalues from PCA suggest that
the total variance of symmetry is equally explained by the three
This work brings developments in the study of locomotion
symmetry, also by means of newly introduced methodologies
(BCOM 3D trajectory analysis and 3D cross-correlation between
‘whole’ limb MRI voxels). Differently from the original hypothesis,
asymmetrical limbs generate asymmetrical body running at no
apparent additional metabolic cost. This suggests some plasticity of
the human body in coping with structural changes, with the final
result of preserving locomotion economy. Deeper insights have
been obtained regarding the relationship between the symmetries
correlation residuals and the cost of transport, with the idea that
subjects would be less economic when their anatomical and
dynamical symmetry values do not match. Supplemental analysis
and discussion regarding this hypothesis have been reported in the
Appendix S1. Even if statistical results in this perspective are weak,
possibly due to the relatively small sample size and low asymmetry
level, there are some hints suggesting that only the runners who fail
to match their anatomy and dynamics features have an increased
cost of locomotion. Therefore, the initial hypothesis embedded in
the title ‘‘anatomically asymmetrical runners move more asym-
metrically at the same metabolic cost’’ is still valid (i.e. the cost
would increase when an anatomically asymmetrical runner
attempts to move in a symmetrical way). Further studies focusing
on adaptations of the muscle-tendon interplay could reveal how
human machine compensate the small structural asymmetries that
characterize our legged system. The anatomical asymmetry
threshold, above which the now expected asymmetrical gait will
also involve an increase in running cost, is the challenge for future
The authors would like to thank all the subjects for their
participation in the study, and the Technician Lauro Dalla Chiara
for his help during the MR scans performed at the University
Hospital Polyclinic ‘‘Borgo Roma’’ in Verona (Italy). Statistical
support from Carlo M. Biancardi is also greatly appreciated.
Supporting Information
Figure S1
Examples of univariate and bivariate regres-
sions. Four different types of linear regressions are presented as
examples of correlation between Dynamical Symmetry index in
forward direction (SIx) and maximal cross-correlation value for
Pelvis District (rmax(PD)): a) Univariate regression, b) Univariate
regression with intercept forced to be equal to 0, c) Bivariate
regression, d) Bivariate regression with intercept forced to be equal
to 0. Untrained Runners (UR), Occasional Runners (OR) and
Skilled Runners (SR) symbols as in Figure 3. N.B. The
determination coefficient in regressions lines forced through the
origin, differently from the general model, does not reflect the
fraction of the variability in the dependent variable explained by
the independent variable. This makes R2 values unrealistically
high and not comparable with the ones obtained in the general
Appendix S1
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: AEM LPA PZ. Performed the
experiments: ES FN NF LPA PZ. Analyzed the data: ES FN AEM.
Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: NF. Wrote the paper: ES
AEM. Designed the software used in analysis: AEM ES. Final approval of
the paper version to be published: ES FN PZ LPA NF AEM.
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Anatomical Asymmetries & Running Dynamics/Economy
September 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 9 | e74134
| Anatomically asymmetrical runners move more asymmetrically at the same metabolic cost. | 09-24-2013 | Seminati, Elena,Nardello, Francesca,Zamparo, Paola,Ardigò, Luca P,Faccioli, Niccolò,Minetti, Alberto E | eng |
A comparison of match-physical demands
between different tactical systems: 1-4-5-1 vs
Ivan BaptistaID1*, Dag Johansen2, Pedro Figueiredo3,4, Anto´nio RebeloID5, Svein
Arne Pettersen1
1 School of Sport Sciences, University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway,
2 Computer Science Department, University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway,
3 Portugal Football School, Portuguese Football Federation, Lisboa, Portugal, 4 Research Center in Sports
Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development, CIDESD, University Institute of Maia, ISMAI, Maia,
Portugal, 5 Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
* [email protected]
The team tactical system and distribution of the football players on the pitch is considered
fundamental in team performance. The present study used time-motion analysis and triax-
ial-accelerometers to obtain new insights about the impact of different tactical systems (1-4-
5-1 and 1-3-5-2) on physical performance, across different playing positions, in a profes-
sional football team. Player performance data in fifteen official home matches was collected
for analysis. The sample included twenty-two players from five playing positions (centre
backs: n = 4; full-back/wide midfielder/ wing-back: n = 9; centre midfielder: n = 6 and centre
forward: n = 3), making a total of 108 match observations. A novel finding was that general
match physical demands do not differ considerably between these tactical formations, prob-
ably because match-to-match variability (variation of players’ running profile from match-to-
match) might be higher than the differences in physical performance between tactical sys-
tems. However, change of formation had a different impact across playing positions, with
centre backs playing in 1-4-5-1 performing significant more HIRcounts than in 1-3-5-2 (p =
0.031). Furthermore, a medium effect size (r = 0.33) was observed in HIRdist, with wide
players covering higher distances when playing in 1-3-5-2 than in 1-4-5-1. These findings
may help coaches to develop individualised training programs to meet the demands of each
playing position according to the tactical system adopted.
To better understand the constraints correlated with sporting success, match analysis has
become an important tool in team sports. Nowadays it is well accepted among coaches and
sport scientists that the match performance of a football team is, basically, based on four fac-
tors: physical, technical, tactical and mental [1]. Even though, the majority of research has
been executed within the physical and technical performance domain, previous studies have
April 4, 2019
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Citation: Baptista I, Johansen D, Figueiredo P,
Rebelo A, Pettersen SA (2019) A comparison of
match-physical demands between different tactical
systems: 1-4-5-1 vs 1-3-5-2. PLoS ONE 14(4):
Editor: Luca Paolo Ardigò, Universita degli Studi di
Verona, ITALY
Received: November 23, 2018
Accepted: March 22, 2019
Published: April 4, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Baptista et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
started to establish connections between physiological demands and tactical behaviour in elite
football [2–5].
The lack of research and information about this field can be observed in a systematic review
(2012–2016) on match analysis in adult male football [6], where the contextual variables of
research analysed (match half, quality of opposition, match location, scoring first, group stage
vs knockout phase, substitutions, competitive level and different competitions) did not include
the tactical systems used by teams.
The team tactical system and the positioning and distribution of the players on the pitch is
considered one of the most important strategic decisions in football [5, 7, 8] and, it is evident
that player match-load is influenced by different factors, such as the playing position [2, 9, 10]
and the tactical system [11]. This highlights the importance of understanding how physical
demands may be affected by playing position in various tactical systems [6]. Despite some pre-
vious research [12, 13] addressing the team global positioning on the field, using the measures
of centre and dispersion, the role of the tactical system regarding the players’ physical perfor-
mance, has not been fully described.
Previous studies have concluded that the manipulation of playing formations in small sided
games promotes changes in physical performance of teams and players in training [14]. Also,
the success of different tactics and strategies depend on the capacities and abilities of the play-
ers to perform specific actions during the match. Consequently, players must fulfil the neces-
sary physiological requirements of their playing position inside the tactical system adopted [5,
15, 16].
Previous research has investigated the influence of opposition tactical formation on physio-
logical performance variables and reported higher running distances when playing against a 1-
4-2-3-1 formation compared to a 1-4-4-2 formation [17]. In opposition, other studies [11, 18]
using various teams and/or different players across different seasons have concluded that tacti-
cal systems do not influence the match activity profiles of players. A pilot study with youth
players [19] reported no correlation between physical/technical levels and tactical prominence
in football matches. However, the identification of the tactical system adopted by a particular
team is not a trivial step and previous studies have subjectively defined the tactical formations
analysed by using qualified coaches to identify the different formations, as well as to verify if
those formations were consistent throughout the game [17, 20]. To the best of our knowledge,
no other study has examined the effect of playing formation on player load by position within
the same team, in one full season.
An in-depth analysis of match physical performance across playing positions, in different
tactical formations, could provide a better understanding of position-specific demands and
provide an useful insight to optimize training programs [11]. Therefore, the present study
aimed to analyse how tactical systems affect the physical performance of a professional football
team across different playing positions in all official home matches during one season. We
hypothesize that, despite playing in their specific position, players will accumulate different
external workload in matches, depending on the tactical formation deployed.
Participants and match analysis
With institutional ethics approval from UiT The Arctic University of Norway Institutional
Review Board, written informed consent from players and approval from the Norwegian Cen-
tre for Research Data, data on performance in 15 official home matches from the professional
team of a Norwegian elite football club, during one season (2017), was collected for analysis.
The matches were all played on artificial grass surface, as described in detail previously [10].
Match-physical demands across tactical systems
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The sample included 22 players (25.2 ± 4.4 years of age; 76.2 ± 6.4 kg of body mass; and,
181.6 ± 5.6 cm of height) across four different playing positions: centre back, CB (n = 4, obser-
vations[obs] = 37), full-back/wide midfielder/ wing-back, FB/WM/WB (n = 9, obs = 31), cen-
tre midfielder, CM (n = 6, obs = 26), and centre forward, CF (n = 3, obs = 14), making a total
of 139 match observations (Table 1). Playing-positions were chosen according to the two tacti-
cal formations used by the team and previous research [9, 21, 22]. Team tactical systems and
playing positions were determined by two UEFA-qualified coaches (one from the coaching
staff of the team analysed) after visualizing video recordings of the sampled matches [17, 20].
These observers subjectively determined the tactical systems used at the beginning of the
match and verified if the formations were consistent throughout the matches [17]. Further-
more, 1-4-5-1 and 1-4-3-3 formations were combined, as well as 1-3-5-2 and 1-5-3-2. This
procedure was applied due to difficulties in establishing specific differences between similar
playing formations when in attacking and defending. When analysing the 1-3-5-2 formation
the observers realized that the team often played in 1-5-3-2 formation when not in ball posses-
sion (defending) and in 1-3-5-2 with ball possession (attacking). On the other hand, when
observing the 1-4-5-1 formation, the observers concluded that the team played in 1-4-5-1
when defending and in 1-4-3-3 when attacking [11, 17]. No other changes in formations
throughout the matches were noticed by the observers, therefor no matches were excluded
from the analysis.
Data was analysed only if: (a) players completed the full match (90 minutes), (b) the player
played in the same position during all the match and (c) the team used 1-4-5-1 (1 goalkeeper; 2
CB + 2 FB; 3 CM + 2 WM; 1 CF) or 1-3-5-2 (1 goalkeeper; 3 CB; 3 CM + 2 WB; 2 CF) tactical
formations during the entire match.
To ensure players confidentiality, all data was anonymized before analyses.
A stationary radio wave-based Local Positioning Measurement (LPM) tracking system (ZXY
Sport Tracking System, Trondheim, Norway), with a default resolution of 20Hz, was used to
characterize match activity profiles within the team. Each player wore a specially designed belt,
wrapped tightly around the waist, with an electronic sensor system at the player’s lumbar
spine, as reported previously [10]. At the stadium, where the matches occurred, there are 6
RadioEyes for optimal coverage, resulting in practically zero packet loss for transponders on
the field. If packet loss occurred, the data was linearly interpolated. The accuracy and reliability
of the system in measuring player movements in elite soccer competitions have been described
in more detail in previous studies [23–25].
Physical performance variables
Physical parameters analysed included: total distance (TotDist) number of accelerations
(acccounts), acceleration distance (accdist), number of decelerations (deccounts), deceleration
Table 1. Number of match observations per player and tactical system.
Observations per tactical system
Total observations
Match-physical demands across tactical systems
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distance (decdist), number of HIR (HIRcounts), HIR distance (HIRdist), number of sprints
(sprintcounts), sprint distance (sprintdist) and turns.
The HIR (19.8 kmh−1) and sprinting (25.2 kmh−1) speed thresholds are similar to
those reported in previous research [10, 22, 24, 26].
According to the ZXY Sport Tracking system accelerations were quantified through numer-
ical derivation from positional data with a sampling frequency of 20Hz [25]. Furthermore,
accelerations are defined by four event markers: (a) the start of the acceleration event is
marked by the acceleration reaching the minimum limit of 1 ms −2, (b) the acceleration
reaches the acceleration limit of 2 ms −2, (c) the acceleration remains above the 2 ms −2 for at
least 0.5 seconds and (d) the duration of the acceleration ends when it decreases below the
minimum acceleration limit (1 ms −2).
Turns were counted only if the player performed a continuous and significant body rota-
tion of more than 90˚ in one direction (derived from gyroscope and compass data). The end of
a turn and the start of another occurs when a rotation in the opposite direction is measured.
The angle threshold used by ZXY Sport Tracking system allowed us to analyse only angles
Statistical analysis
The results are presented as mean and 95% confidence interval, unless otherwise stated. A lin-
ear mixed-effects model with restricted maximum likelihood estimations was used to examine
differences in Local Positioning Measurement-derived variables and match duration between
1-3-5-2 and 1-4-5-1 formations. Mixed models can account for unbalanced repeats per player
and thus used to model the data. Tactical formation, playing position and their interaction was
modelled as fixed effects (effects describing the association between the dependent variable
and covariates), while ‘athlete ID’ was included as a random effect (effects generally represent-
ing random deviations from the relationships of the fixed part of the model). An α-level of
0.05 was used as level of significance for statistical comparisons. Furthermore, multiple com-
parisons were adjusted using the Tukey method. The t statistics from the mixed models were
converted to effect size correlations [27]. Effect sizes were interpreted as <0.1, trivial; 0.1–0.3,
small; 0.3–0.5, moderate; 0.5–0.7, large; 0.7–0.9, very large; 0.9–0.99, almost perfect; 1.0, perfect
[28]. All statistical analyses were conducted using the lme4, lsmeans and psychometric pack-
ages in R statistical software (version 3.4.1, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna,
Slightly higher values, though not statistically significant, were found in HIRdist, Acc and Dec
(counts and distance), sprintcounts and turns when playing in 1-4-5-1 compared to 1-3-5-2 for-
mation (Table 2). Furthermore, CB playing in 1-4-5-1 were observed to perform significant
more HIRcounts (36.1 ± 3.5) than in 1-3-5-2 (28.2 ± 3.5) (p = 0.008), with a correspondent
medium effect size (r = 0.37).
Wide positions
No significant differences were observed between the tactical formations analysed from players
playing in wide positions (Table 3). However, higher values in HIRdist (r = 0.19) and sprintdist
(r = 0.16) were found when playing with 1-3-5-2 (977.2 ± 73.7; 236.9 ± 26.8) compared to 1-4-
5-1 (838.9 ± 62.5; 195.3 ± 22.7) formation.
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Centre midfielders
Small effect sizes were observed in HIRcounts (r = 0.12) and Acccounts (r = 0.14) (Table 4), with
higher values being observed when playing in 1-4-5-1 (38.5 ± 3.2; 62.3 ± 5.5) than in 1-3-5-2
(35.7 ± 3.4; 55.9 ± 5.9). A similar effect size was also observed in turns (r = 0.15), with CM per-
forming more turns when playing in 1-3-5-2 (40.3 ± 3.7) than in 1-4-5-1 (34.7 ± 3.4).
Centre forwards
No significant differences were found regarding any parameter analysed. However, higher val-
ues, though with a trivial effect size, in HIRdist and sprintdist can be observed (Table 5) when
playing in 1-3-5-2.
Tactical system
Significant differences were found in various parameters when comparing the physical perfor-
mance of the whole team when playing with different tactical systems (Table 6). Significant
higher values were observed in HIRcounts (r = 0.25) and sprintcounts (r = 0.22) when playing in
Table 2. Mean and 95% confidence interval estimates of different physical parameters from centre backs, analysed according to the tactical system used, and respec-
tive p-value and effect size of differences observed (n = 4; observations = 37).
Effect Size (r)
TotDist (m)
10865.0 (227.6)
10591.8 (224.0)
HIR counts
36.1 (3.5)
28.2 (3.5)
HIR dist (m)
512.0 (81.5)
431.0 (81.3)
Sprint counts
6.6 (1.9)
5.4 (1.9)
Sprint dist (m)
64.4 (29.6)
74.2 (29.5)
Acc dist (m)
325.6 (37.6)
306.9 (37.6)
Acc counts
63.2 (6.1)
59.7 (6.1)
Dec dist (m)
321.2 (41.7)
278.5 (41.6)
Dec counts
60.3 (6.9)
53.6 (6.9)
32.2 (3.5)
25.8 (3.4)
Table 3. Mean and 95% confidence interval estimates of different physical parameters from full-backs, wide midfielders and wing-backs analysed according to the
tactical system used, and respective p-value and effect size of differences observed (n = 9; observations = 31).
Effect Size (r)
10842.6 (188.8)
11143.0 (233.0)
HIR counts
45.9 (2.7)
46.9 (3.2)
HIR dist
838.9 (62.5)
977.2 (73.7)
Sprint counts
14.1 (1.4)
14.0 (1.6)
Sprint dist
195.3 (22.7)
236.9 (26.8)
Acc dist
462.2 (28.5)
447.1 (33.2)
Acc counts
83.2 (4.7)
76.8 (5.7)
Dec dist
501.2 (31.5)
505.4 (36.9)
Dec counts
86.9 (5.3)
86.1 (6.2)
42.1 (2.9)
38.8 (3.7)
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1-4-5-1 (43.6 ± 1.9; 11.4 ± 1.1) compared with 1-3-5-2 (40.0 ± 2.0; 10.0 ± 1.1) (p = 0.005 and
p = 0.015, respectively). Furthermore, when playing in 1-4-5-1, the team was observed to per-
form more Acccounts (75.8 ± 3.2) and Deccounts (77.8 ± 3.5), as well as covering higher distances
in Decdist (440.3 ± 23.3) than when playing in 1-3-5-2 (71.1 ± 3.4; 72.5 ± 3.6; 413.7 ± 24.2; for
Acccounts, Deccounts and Decdist) (p = 0.022; p = 0.014 and p = 0.032, respectively).
The present study provides new insights into the physical demands of two common tactical
formations, in elite football players across different playing positions. The context of this study
appeared with the change of the head-coach, and consequently, the tactical formation and
style of play used of the professional football team analysed. Since this replacement happened
in the middle of the season, both tactical formations analysed were composed by an almost
equal number of matches (7 and 8 home matches each). It is also important to refer that the
change of head-coach led not only to a simple switch of the tactical structure used, but also to a
change to a more complex style of play. A more possession and position-oriented style of play
Table 4. Mean and 95% confidence interval estimates of different physical parameters from centre midfielders, analysed according to the tactical system used, and
respective p-value and effect size of differences observed (n = 6; observations = 26).
Effect Size (r)
12009.0 (218.5)
11820.8 (238.7)
HIR counts
38.5 (3.2)
35.7 (3.4)
HIR dist
643.2 (73.1)
610.9 (78.1)
Sprint counts
7.0 (1.6)
7.0 (1.7)
Sprint dist
101.4 (26.6)
94.8 (28.4)
Acc dist
313.3 (33.4)
289.6 (35.5)
Acc counts
62.3 (5.5)
55.9 (5.9)
Dec dist
358.3 (37.0)
326.0 (39.4)
Dec counts
69.4 (6.2)
64.2 (6.6)
34.7 (3.4)
40.3 (3.7)
Table 5. Mean and 95% confidence interval estimates of different physical parameters from centre forwards, analysed according to the tactical system used, and
respective p-value and effect size of differences observed (n = 3; observations = 14).
Effect Size (r)
10724.4 (328.6)
10732.8 (328.6)
HIR counts
48.6 (4.7)
47.1 (4.7)
HIR dist
835.2 (108.5)
930.5 (108.5)
Sprint counts
11.7 (2.4)
12.8 (2.4)
Sprint dist
164.5 (39.5)
208.5 (39.5)
Acc dist
483.4 (49.4)
477.7 (49.4)
Acc counts
82.9 (8.2)
80.2 (8.2)
Dec dist
461.4 (54.8)
470.8 (54.8)
Dec counts
78.3 (9.2)
73.4 (9.2)
36.8 (5.1)
29.7 (5.1)
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were adopted (1-3-5-2) instead of the more direct play and counter-attack strategy used in the
first half of the season (1-4-5-1). However, even with all these changes, the context remained
the same (same players with similar physical capacities).
Comparison according to playing position
The results suggest that general match physical demands do not differ considerably between
these two tactical formations when compared by playing position. Independent of formation
and with few exceptions, players presented similar profiles in all the physical parameters ana-
lysed. The most relevant exceptions were the higher HIRcounts in CB (1-4-5-1) and longer HIRdist
in FB/WM/WB (1-3-5-2), with a medium and small effect size, respectively.
CB playing in 1-4-5-1 performed more HIRcounts, probably due to the larger area they
needed to cover when compared to the area covered by the three CBs when playing in 1-3-5-2.
When in defensive organisation (without ball possession), the defensive line of three CBs
became most of the time a defensive line composed by 5 players (three CBs and two WBs).
The increased number of players playing in the defensive line leads to less m2 per player to
Players in wide positions covered more HIRdist when playing in 1-3-5-2 most likely because
in this formation the team played with only two wide players (WB), and they needed to cover
all the flank, while with 1-4-5-1 formation, those flanks were covered by a total of four players
(two on each side).
It has been speculated that match physical demands are higher for CF when playing “alone”
in the offensive line (e.g. 1-4-5-1; 1-5-4-1), as they are very often isolated and marked by sev-
eral opponents [29]. However, the results of the present study are slightly different, since
higher, though not significant, values were found in HIRdist and sprintdist for CF, when playing
with two attackers (1-3-5-2) compared with playing with only one (1-4-5-1).
Furthermore, no differences in playing time (substitutions) were observed in any playing
position between the two tactical systems analysed.
Comparison according to team workload
When playing position was not taken into consideration and the work-load of the whole team
was analysed, the physical workload in some variables was significantly different between tacti-
cal systems used. Small significant differences were observed in HIRcounts and sprintcounts, with
the team performing more runs (>19,8 km/h) when playing in 1-4-5-1. The number of Acc
Table 6. Mean and 95% confidence interval estimates of different physical parameters from the whole team, analysed according to the tactical system used, and
respective p-value and effect size of differences observed.
Tactical system
Effect Size (r)
11048.5 (140.2)
11091.2 (149.5)
HIR counts
43.6 (1.9)
40.0 (2.0)
HIR dist
779.9 (50.9)
762.8 (52.7)
Sprint counts
11.4 (1.1)
10.0 (1.1)
Sprint dist
156.9 (19.1)
158.6 (19.8)
Acc dist
420.7 (23.1)
401.1 (23.8)
Acc counts
75.8 (3.2)
71.1 (3.4)
Dec dist
440.3 (23.3)
413.7 (24.2)
Dec counts
77.8 (3.5)
72.5 (3.6)
36.9 (1.9)
33.5 (2.0)
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and Dec was also higher when the 1-4-5-1 system was used. In general, almost all variables ana-
lysed presented higher values during the first period of the season (1-4-5-1) than in the second
Previous research [30, 31] has suggested that teams who are winning the match tend to
relax and decrease their work-rate. Alternatively, although teams who are losing the match
may increase their work-rate during a specified period [32, 33], they may quickly lose the moti-
vation to keep the elevated work rate, which may be especially evident when the goal difference
increases negatively (conceding more goals) [34]. In fact, the differences observed between
these two tactical systems might be, in part, justified by the significant discrepancy between
the score line and match final results achieved during the first and second part of the season.
While playing in 1-4-5-1 the team achieved one victory, four draws and three defeats in the
eight home matches played. On the other hand, while playing in 1-3-5-2, the team had better
results, with five victories, one draw and one defeat in the last seven home matches played.
The match results (considerably more draws) and the differences in style of play may therefore,
partly justify the higher work-rate of the 1-4-5-1 tactical system.
Our initial hypothesis was that, despite playing in their specific positions, players would accumu-
late different external workload in matches, depending on the preferred tactical formation. How-
ever, the results presented in this study do not fully support the hypothesis, probably because the
match-to-match variability might be larger than the differences in physical performance between
tactical systems. Like most of the measures in team sports performance, the physical variables
used in this study are not stable and are subject to a high variation between successive matches
[35]. Furthermore, it has been proved that within-subject (player) and between-match variation
in physical performance across the season might be experienced due to changes in the physical
condition of the player [36, 37] and environmental conditions [38]. Previous studies have shown
that match-to-match variability in performance characteristics of elite soccer players is high [35,
39, 40] and that future research based in match performance requires large sample sizes to iden-
tify true systematic changes in workload. In fact, the sample size (22 players/108 observations)
might be of such small numbers that true differences can be masked due to a statistical type 2
error, and such a consequence cannot be conclusively ruled out. Previous similar studies have
analysed more matches [17] or used considerably larger sample sizes [11] than in the present
study. However, they have not compared the physical demands of different tactical systems
within the same players in the same context (same team and season) and to do so, a larger sample
size than the one used in the present study becomes a difficult task to fulfil.
Even though, the methodology used to determine the team formations is in line with previ-
ous studies [11, 14, 17, 20, 41, 42], the process of defining team formations and controlling
their consistency throughout the matches was based on the subjective assessment of observers.
Further research is needed to attempt to define objectively team formations and to identify
when changes occur [17].
Goalkeepers were not included in the present study, however their match activity profiles
might be useful and interesting to analyse in different tactical systems and styles of play in
future research. All these limitations should be taken into consideration when designing future
Perspectives and practical application
Since previous research has shown that the players’ physical demands in matches are highly
dependent on their positional role in the team [43, 44], analytics, in general, have become a
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crucial component of team organization and content of training, to meet the position-specific
requirements of physical conditioning [45]. This study goes beyond the individualization of
training demands according to playing position, also suggesting that the change of tactical sys-
tem might influence, specific variables of the team’s overall match activity profile, and those
differences should be taken into consideration when designing training programs. On the
other hand, differences are not notable in all playing positions and these findings should be
interpreted with caution, as differences might be team dependent since other teams using the
same tactical systems, probably appear with different styles of play.
Change of formation had a different impact on different playing positions, with CB and
wide positions presenting more substantial differences than CM and CF. As previously men-
tioned, the present study and its findings may provide useful and novel insights for coaches on
physical performance demands in different tactical formations across playing positions. The
information provided should be taken into consideration when designing and implementing
training program cycles, according to players’ playing position, the team’s tactical formation
and style of play. The individualization and specialization of the training should, therefore, be
a matter of reflection and analysis from practitioners.
Supporting information
S1 File. Data review.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Ivan Baptista.
Data curation: Pedro Figueiredo.
Formal analysis: Pedro Figueiredo.
Investigation: Ivan Baptista.
Methodology: Ivan Baptista, Anto´nio Rebelo, Svein Arne Pettersen.
Project administration: Svein Arne Pettersen.
Supervision: Dag Johansen, Svein Arne Pettersen.
Visualization: Ivan Baptista.
Writing – original draft: Ivan Baptista.
Writing – review & editing: Dag Johansen, Pedro Figueiredo, Anto´nio Rebelo, Svein Arne
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Match-physical demands across tactical systems
April 4, 2019
12 / 12
| A comparison of match-physical demands between different tactical systems: 1-4-5-1 vs 1-3-5-2. | 04-04-2019 | Baptista, Ivan,Johansen, Dag,Figueiredo, Pedro,Rebelo, António,Pettersen, Svein Arne | eng |
PMC9601160 | Citation: Cuenca-Martínez, F.;
Sempere-Rubio, N.; Varangot-Reille,
C.; Fernández-Carnero, J.; Suso-Martí,
L.; Alba-Quesada, P.; Touche, R.L.
Effects of High-Intensity Interval
Training (HIIT) on Patients with
Musculoskeletal Disorders:
A Systematic Review and Meta-
Analysis with a Meta-Regression and
Mapping Report. Diagnostics 2022, 12,
Academic Editor: Koichi Nishimura
Received: 26 September 2022
Accepted: 13 October 2022
Published: 19 October 2022
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Systematic Review
Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Patients
with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis with a Meta-Regression and Mapping Report
Ferran Cuenca-Martínez 1,†
, Núria Sempere-Rubio 2,†
, Clovis Varangot-Reille 1
Josué Fernández-Carnero 3,4,*
, Luis Suso-Martí 1,*
, Patricio Alba-Quesada 1 and Roy La Touche 4,5,6
Exercise Intervention for Health Research Group (EXINH-RG), Department of Physiotherapy,
University of Valencia, 46022 Valencia, Spain
UBIC, Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universitat de València, 46010 Valencia, Spain
Department of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine,
Rey Juan Carlos University, 28933 Madrid, Spain
Motion in Brains Research Group, Institute of Neuroscience and Sciences of the Movement (INCIMOV),
Centro Superior de Estudios Universitarios La Salle, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Fisioterapia, Centro Superior de Estudios Universitarios La Salle, Universidad Autónoma
de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain
Instituto de Neurociencia y Dolor Craneofacial (INDCRAN), 28003 Madrid, Spain
Correspondence: [email protected] (J.F.-C.); [email protected] (L.S.-M.);
Tel.: +34-914-88-88-00 (J.F.-C.); +34-963-98-38-55 (L.S.-M.)
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: The aim was to assess the impact of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on patients
with musculoskeletal disorders. We conducted a search of Medline, Embase, PEDro, and Google
Scholar. We conducted a meta-analysis to determine the effectiveness of HIIT on pain intensity,
maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max), disability, and quality of life (QoL). We employed the
GRADE and PEDro scales to rate the quality, certainty, and applicability of the evidence. Results
showed significant differences in pain intensity, with a moderate clinical-effect (SMD = −0.73; 95%
CI: −1.40–−0.06), and in VO2 max, with a moderate clinical-effect (SMD = 0.69; 95% CI: 0.42–0.97).
However, the meta-analysis showed no statistically significant results for disability (SMD = −0.34;
95% CI: −0.92–0.24) and QoL (SMD = 0.40; 95% CI: −0.80–1.60). We compared HIIT against other
exercise models for reducing pain intensity and increasing VO2 max. The meta-analysis showed no
significant differences in favour of HIIT. Meta-regression analysis revealed that pain intensity scores
were negatively associated with VO2 max (R2 = 82.99%, p = 0.003). There is low-moderate evidence
that the HIIT intervention for patients with musculoskeletal disorders can reduce pain intensity and
increase VO2 max but has no effect on disability and QoL. Results also showed that HIIT was not
superior to other exercise models in reducing pain intensity and increasing VO2 max.
Keywords: high-intensity interval training; musculoskeletal pain; pain intensity; VO2 max; disability;
quality of life
1. Introduction
Musculoskeletal pain is an important public health issue because of its impact on
quality of life (QoL) and the disability it can represent [1]. More than 20% of the world’s
population is affected by painful conditions, contributing to the high consumption of health-
care resources [2]. Pain management can be approached from several perspectives, both
pharmacological and non-pharmacological, the latter of which includes physical agents,
manual therapy, psychosocial interventions, patient education, and exercise training [3,4].
Exercise therapy has been reported to be highly effective in managing patients with
musculoskeletal pain [5] and has been shown to produce hypoalgesia by releasing beta-
endorphins or endocannabinoids [6–8]. Exercise therapy also interacts with the autonomic,
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532.
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cognitive, and affective aspects of pain [9,10]. For example, a recent meta-analysis found
that aerobic exercise led to reduced pain intensity, duration, and frequency as well as
improved QoL for patients with migraines [11].
The effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on pain tolerance and threshold
have sparked interest among the scientific community concerned with pain [12,13]. As
described by Andreato, HIIT is a form of training that alternates high-intensity exercises
at 90% or more of the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) (or ≥80% VO2 max for
the clinical population) with recovery periods, repeating the exercise several times [14].
A number of articles have recently shown that HIIT could improve pain-related clinical
variables in patients with musculoskeletal disorders [15–17]. To date, systematic reviews
on HIIT have mainly focused on patients with cardiovascular diseases, cancer, or obesity,
where HIIT has shown great effectiveness in modifying cardiorespiratory variables [18–20].
Picavet et al. found that disability and quality of life are commonly affected in patients
with musculoskeletal disorders [1]. This work prompted us to include these two variables
in our study, with the objective of evaluating the role of this therapeutic exercise model on
this clinical population of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. In addition to this, we
wanted to include the pain intensity variable because almost 1/5 of the world’s population
lives with clinical conditions that involve pain [2]. Finally, we also wanted to include
the variable VO2 max because it is an objective variable and, in addition, it is the gold
standard for assessing cardiorespiratory fitness, which seems to be affected in patients
with musculoskeletal disorders with associated pain [21]. As far as we know, no published
review has assessed the effects of HIIT on clinical and cardiorespiratory variables in patients
with musculoskeletal disorders and pain.
Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to develop a systematic review and
meta-analysis to assess the effectiveness of HIIT on pain intensity, maximal oxygen con-
sumption, disability, and health-related QoL for patients with musculoskeletal disorders.
2. Materials and Methods
This systematic review and the meta-analysis were performed according to the Pre-
ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines
described by Moher [22]. The protocol of this systematic review and meta-analysis was reg-
istered in an international registry prior to starting the review (Prospero: CRD42020216298
(5 November 2020)).
2.1. Inclusion Criteria
The selection criteria used in this systematic review and meta-analysis were based
on methodological and clinical factors, such as the Population, Intervention, Control,
Outcomes, and Study Design (PICOS) described by Stone [23].
2.1.1. Population
The participants selected for the studies were patients older than 18 years with any
kind of musculoskeletal disorder. The participants’ gender was irrelevant.
2.1.2. Intervention and Control
The intervention was the HIIT exercise modality, which could be given as an indepen-
dent treatment, added to an existing intervention, or embedded in an existing intervention
(e.g., usual care and treatment). For the control group, the comparators were minimal
intervention, no intervention, and usual care (e.g., maintenance of the habitual daily physi-
cal activity profile, standard physical activity recommendations, physical exercise habits,
and exercise intervention [excluding HIIT modality]) in combination or not with placebo
interventions. In addition, we performed a sub-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of
HIIT compared with other therapeutic exercise models (e.g., moderate-intensity exercise,
high-intensity continuous training, and home exercises) in those articles that, in addition
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to a control or comparator with no intervention or minimal intervention, presented an
additional group that performed an exercise model.
2.1.3. Outcomes
The measures used to assess the results and effects were pain intensity, VO2 max,
disability, and health-related QoL.
2.1.4. Study Design
We selected randomised controlled trials (RCTs), randomised parallel-design con-
trolled trials, randomised cross-over trials, and prospective controlled clinical trials.
2.2. Search Strategy
The search for studies was performed using Medline (PubMed) (1950–2020), Embase
(1950–2020), PEDro (1950–2020), and Google Scholar. The first search was run on the
8 November 2020 (however, the search was updated on 31 January 2022). We used a
validated search filter for retrieving studies on measurement properties in PubMed; the
same filter was adapted for all other databases [24]. In addition, the search was adapted
and performed in Google Scholar due to its capacity to search for relevant articles and grey
literature [25,26]. No restrictions were applied to any specific language as recommended
by the international criteria [27]. The search strategy combined medical subject headings
(MeSH) and non-MeSH terms, adding a Boolean operator (OR and/or AND) to combine
them. The terms were as follows: “Hig- Intensity Interval Training”, “High-Intensity Inter-
val Trainings”, “Interval Training, High-Intensity”, “Interval Trainings, High Intensity”,
“Training, High-Intensity Interval”, “Trainings, High-Intensity Interval”, “High-Intensity
Intermittent Exercise”, “Exercise, High-Intensity Intermittent”, “Exercises, High-Intensity
Intermittent”, “High-Intensity Intermittent Exercises”, “Sprint Interval Training”, “Sprint
Interval Trainings”, “Pain”, “Chronic Pain”, “Musculoskeletal Pain”, “Pain intensity”, “Dis-
ability”, “Quality of Life”, “VO2 max”, “Maximal Oxygen Consumption”, and “Maximal
Oxygen Uptake”.
Two independent reviewers (F.C.-M. and J.F.-C.) conducted the search using the same
methodology, and the differences were resolved by consensus. Additionally, meticulous
manual searches were performed, including journals that have published articles related
to the topic of this review as well as reference lists of the included studies. The reference
sections of the original studies were screened manually. To remove duplicates, we employed
the citation management software Mendeley (Mendeley desktop v1.17.4, Elsevier, New
York, NY, USA) and hand-checked the citations [28].
2.3. Selection Criteria and Data Extraction
First, two independent reviewers (F.C.M. and L.S.M.), who assessed the relevance
of the RCTs regarding the study questions and aims, performed a data analysis, which
was performed based on information from the title, abstract, and keywords of each study.
If there was no consensus or the abstracts did not contain sufficient information, the full
text was reviewed. In the second phase of the analysis, the full text was used to assess
whether the studies met all the inclusion criteria. Differences between the two independent
reviewers were resolved by a consensus process moderated by a third reviewer [29]. Data
described in the results were extracted by means of a structured protocol that ensured that
the most relevant information was obtained from each study [30].
2.4. Methodological Quality Assessment
We used the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions version
5.1.0 to assess the risk of bias in the included studies [30]. The assessment tool covers a total
of 7 domains: (1) random sequence generation (selection bias), (2) allocation concealment
(selection bias), (3) blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias), (4) blinding
of outcome assessments (detection bias), (5) incomplete outcome data (attrition bias),
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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(6) selective reporting (reporting bias), and (7) other biases. Bias was assessed as low risk,
high risk, or unclear risk.
The studies’ methodological quality was assessed using the PEDro scale [31], which
assesses the internal and external validity of a study and consists of 11 criteria: (1) spec-
ified study eligibility criteria, (2) random allocation of patients, (3) concealed allocation,
(4) measure of similarity between groups at baseline, (5) patient blinding, (6) therapist
blinding, (7) assessor blinding, (8) fewer than 15% dropouts, (9) intention-to-treat analysis,
10) intergroup statistical comparisons, and 11) point measures and variability data. The
methodological criteria were scored as follows: yes (1 point), no (0 points), or do not
know (0 points). The PEDro score for each selected study provided an indicator of the
methodological quality (9–10 = excellent; 6–8 = good; 4–5 = fair; 3–0 = poor) [32]. We used
the data obtained from the PEDro scale to map the results of the quantitative analyses.
Two independent reviewers (F.C.-M. and L.S.-M.) examined the quality of all the
selected studies using the same methodology. Disagreements between the reviewers were
resolved by consensus with a third reviewer. The concordance between the results (inter-
rater reliability) was measured using Cohen’s kappa coefficient (κ) as follows: (1) κ > 0.7
indicated a high level of agreement between assessors; (2) κ = 0.5–0.7 indicated a moderate
level of agreement; and (3) κ < 0.5 indicated a low level of agreement) [33].
2.5. Evidence Map
We created a visual map of the scientific evidence for each article to visually display
the information as a bubble plot. The review information is based on 3 dimensions:
Type of outcome measure (bubble colour): The bubble colour represents the variables
(pain intensity, blue; VO2 max, violet; disability, green; QoL, black).
Variable (x-axis): We employed the calculation of effect sizes.
Effect (y-axis): Each of the reviews was classified according to its methodological
quality using the PEDro scale.
Statistically significant differences: Articles with statistically significant differences
were marked with white dots.
2.6. Certainty of Evidence
The certainty of evidence analysis was based on classifying the results into levels
of evidence according to the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development,
and Evaluation (GRADE) framework, which is based on five domains: study design,
imprecision, indirectness, inconsistency, and publication bias [34]. The assessment of the
five domains was conducted according to GRADE criteria [35,36]. Evidence was categorised
into the following four levels accordingly: (a) High quality. Further research is very unlikely
to change our confidence in the effect estimate. All five domains are also met; (b) Moderate
quality. Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the effect
estimate and might change the effect estimate. One of the five domains is not met; (c) Low
quality. Further research is very likely to have a significant impact on our confidence in the
effect estimate and is likely to change the estimate. Two of the five domains are not met;
and, finally, (d) Very low quality. Any effect estimates are highly uncertain. Three of the
five domains are not met [35,36].
For the study design domain, the recommendations were downgraded one level
in the event there was an uncertain or high risk of bias and serious limitations in the
effect estimate (more than 25% of the participants were from studies with fair or poor
methodological quality, as measured by the PEDro scale). In terms of inconsistency, the rec-
ommendations were downgraded one level when the point estimates varied widely among
studies, the confidence intervals showed minimal overlap, or when the I2 was substantial
or large (greater than 50%). At indirectness domain recommendations were downgraded
when severe differences in interventions, study populations or outcomes were found (the
recommendations were downgraded in the absence of direct comparisons between the
interventions of interest or when there are no key outcomes, and the recommendation is
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based only on intermediate outcomes or if more than 50% of the participants were outside
the target group). For the imprecision domain, the recommendations were downgraded by
one level if there were fewer than 300 participants for the continuous data [37].
2.7. Data Synthesis and Analysis
The statistical analysis was conducted using MetaXL software (version 5.3 (EpiGear
International, Sunrise Beach, Queensland, Australia) [38]. To compare the outcomes re-
ported by the studies, we calculated the standardised mean difference (SMD) over time
and the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) for the continuous variables. The
statistical significance of the pooled SMD was examined as Hedges’ g to account for a
possible overestimation of the true population effect size in the small studies [39].
We used the same inclusion criteria for the systematic review and the meta-analysis
and included three additional criteria: (1) In the results, there was detailed information
regarding the comparative statistical data of the exposure factors, therapeutic interventions,
and treatment responses; (2) the intervention was compared with a similar control group;
and (3) data on the analysed variables were represented in at least three studies.
The estimated SMDs were interpreted as described by Hopkins et al. [40], that is,
we considered that an SMD of 4.0 represented an extremely large clinical effect, 2.0–4.0
represented a very large effect, 1.2–2.0 represented a large effect, 0.6–1.2 represented a
moderate effect, 0.2–0.6 represented a small effect, and 0.0–0.2 represented a trivial effect.
We estimated the degree of heterogeneity among the studies using Cochran’s Q statistic
test (a p-value < 0.05 was considered significant) and the inconsistency index (I2) [40].
We considered that an I2 > 25% represented small heterogeneity, I2 > 50% represented
medium heterogeneity, and I2 > 75% represented large heterogeneity [41]. The I2 index is a
complement to the Q test, although it has the same problems of power with a small number
of studies [41]. When the Q-test was significant (p < 0.1) and/or the result of I2 was >75%,
there was heterogeneity among the studies, and the random-effects model was conducted
in the meta-analysis. To detect publication bias and to test the influence of each individual
study, we performed a visual evaluation of the Doi plot [42], seeking asymmetry. We also
performed a quantitative measure of the Luis Furuya-Kanamori (LFK) index, which has
been shown to be more sensitive than the Egger test in detecting publication bias in a meta-
analysis of a low number of studies [43]. An LFK index within ±1 represents no asymmetry,
exceeding ±1 but within ±2 represents minor asymmetry, and exceeding ±2 involves
major asymmetry. To test each study’s influence, we visually examined the forest plot and
performed an exclusion sensitivity analysis. Lastly, we applied a meta-regression analysis
to analyse the relationship between pain intensity and VO2 max variables using a random
effects model employing the effect size statistic (Hedges’ g) of the pain intensity scores to
correlate with the VO2 max scores [44].
3. Results
The study search strategy was presented in the form of a flow diagram (Figure 1).
3.1. Characteristics of the Included Studies
The patients were diagnosed with a persistent musculoskeletal pain condition [2 knee
osteoarthritis studies [45,46], two axial spondylarthritis studies [16,47], three studies on
chronic nonspecific low back pain [17,48,49], one study on episodic migraineurs [50], one
study on fibromyalgia [15], one study on subacromial pain syndrome [51], one study
on rheumatoid arthritis and adult-juvenile idiopathic arthritis [52], and one study on
general persistent pain condition with previous trauma [53], and all of them evaluated
pain intensity, VO2 max, disability, and health-related QoL. Table 1 lists the descriptive
characteristics of the included studies.
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3.2. Interventions
In all groups, HIIT was compared to other types of training or interventions (including
controls and no interventions), with the exception of Bressel et al. [45], which studied a
single HIIT and balance training group, and Sveaas et al. (2014 & 2019) [16,47], which
included an HIIT and moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) group and another
no exercise group. Of the studies referred to above, three had two groups: one HIIT group
and one MICT group [15,17,46]. Atan and Karavelio˘glu [15] included a third standard
care group. Two other studies had only one HIIT and one standard care group [48,51].
Two studies had an HIIT group and another group that maintained the activities of daily
living [52] and their usual physical activity [54]. Flehr et al. [53] had one HIIT group and
one yoga group, while Verbrugghe et al. [49] studied four groups with different types of
HIIT. The total duration of the intervention ranged from 6 to 12 weeks, with most studies
having a frequency of two to three times per week, except for Keogh et al. [46] and Atan
and Karavelio˘glu [15], which had frequencies of four and five times per week, respectively.
Table 2 presents extensive details on the intervention characteristics of the included studies.
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Figure 1. PRISMA Flowchart for selecting studies.
3.1. Characteristics of the Included Studies
The patients were diagnosed with a persistent musculoskeletal pain condition [2
knee osteoarthritis studies [45,46], two axial spondylarthritis studies [16,47], three studies
on chronic nonspecific low back pain [17,48,49], one study on episodic migraineurs [50],
Figure 1. PRISMA Flowchart for selecting studies.
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Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies.
Author, Year
Age (Years)
Sex (%)
Diagnostic Criteria
Disease Duration (Years)
Study Design—Duration
Intervention(s) and Control Group
Outcome Measured
Atan et al., 2020 [15]
(n = 55)
Age, 48.7 ± 9.1 y
100% F
American College of Rheumatology 2016
diagnostic criteria
Duration, 2.5 ± 1.6 y
Pilot ROT—6 weeks
- HIIT (n = 19)
- MICT (n = 19)
Usual care (n = 17)
- Pain Intensity (VAS)
- HRQoL (SF-36 PF, PRL, Pain, GH, V, SF,
- VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
HIIT showed significant differences
compared with a control group on pain
intensity, VO2 max, and SF-36 PF, PRL, ER,
E/F, EWB, GH, and HC (p < 0.05) but no
significant difference compared with MCT.
Berg et al., 2020 [50]
Chronic SAPS
(n = 21)
Age, 48.1 ± 12.5 y
48% F/52% M
Clinical criteria
Duration, 3.5 ± 4.8 y
RCT—8 weeks
HIIT + Home-exercise (n = 13)
Home-exercise (n = 8)
- Pain intensity (NPA)
- Disability (SPADI)
HIIT showed significant intragroup (p < 0.05)
and intergroup differences (p < 0.05)
compared with a control group in terms of
disability but no significant difference in
pain intensity.
Bressel et al., 2014 [44]
United States
Knee OA
(n = 18)
Age, 64.5 ± 10.2 y
89% F/11% M
Clinical and radiological criteria
Duration, 6.8 ± 7.4 y
Pre-post study—6 weeks
- HIIT + Balance training (n = 18)
No intervention (n = 18)
Pain Intensity (VAS)
HIIT showed a significant improvement in
pain intensity (p < 0.05).
Flehr et al., 2019 [52]
Persistent pain condition
(n = 32)
Age, 30.2 ± 8 y
100% F
Duration, More than 12 months
RCT—8 weeks
HIIT (n = 15)
Bikram Yoga (n = 17)
- Pain Intensity (BPI)
- HRQoL (SF-36 PF, PRL, Pain, GH, V, SF,
No significant difference between HIIT and
Bikram Yoga in pain intensity. There was a
significant intergroup difference on quality
of life (SF-36 PF: p = 0.019; SF-36 MH:
p = 0.005), with yoga showing higher
improvement (SF-36 PF: M = 80.91; SF-36
MH: M= 63.94).
Hanssen et al., 2018 [49]
Episodic migraine without aura
(n= 36)
Age, 36.8 ± 10.3 y
81% F/19% M
International classification of headache disorders,
3rd ed.
Duration, N/R
RCT—12 weeks
- HIIT (n = 13)
- MICT (n = 11)
Control Group
No intervention (n = 12)
VO2 max
No group × time interaction between the
three groups (p = 0.14).
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Table 1. Cont.
Author, Year
Age (Years)
Sex (%)
Diagnostic Criteria
Disease Duration (Years)
Study Design—Duration
Intervention(s) and Control Group
Outcome Measured
Keogh et al., 2018 [45]
Knee OA
(n = 17)
Age, 62.4 ± 8.3 y
76% F/24% M
Diagnosis by an orthopaedic surgeon
Duration, 4.7 ± 4.6 y
Pilot RCT—8 weeks
HIIT (n = 9)
MICT (n = 8)
- Disability (WOMAC, Lequesne Index)
Both interventions demonstrated significant
benefits on the WOMAC (HIIT: p = 0.05;
MICT: p = 0.006) but without intergroup
differences. No patient had significant
improvement in the Lequesne index.
Sandstad et al., 2015 [51]
RA and JIA
(n = 27)
Age, 33.0 ± 8.1 y
100% F
Diagnosis by a rheumatologist
Duration, N/R
Cross-over trial—10 weeks
HIIT (n = 12)
No intervention (n = 15)
- Pain Intensity (VAS)
- Disability (MHAQ)
- VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
HIIT had a significant improvement in
VO2 max (p < 0.001) but no difference in pain
intensity and disability.
Sveaas et al., 2014 [49]
(n = 24)
Age, 48.5 ± 12.0 y
50% F/50% M
Spondyloarthritis International Society criteria
Duration, 24.9 ± 15.8 y
Pilot RCT—12 weeks
HIIT (n = 10)
Usual care (n = 14)
VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
HIIT had a significantly higher VO2 max at
12 weeks than the control group (p < 0.001)
Sveaas et al., 2019 [16]
(n = 97)
Age, 46.2 ± N/R y
53% F/47% M
Spondyloarthritis International Society criteria
Duration, N/R
RCT—12 weeks
HIIT (n = 48)
No intervention (n = 49)
- Pain intensity (BASDAI neck/back/hip
and peripheral pain)
- VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
HIIT significantly improves the
neck/back/hips, and peripheral pain
intensity, and the VO2 max more than the
control group (p < 0.001; p = 0.016; p < 0.001).
Thomsen et al., 2019 [53]
(n = 67)
Age, 48.0 ± 11.5 y
64% F/36% M
Classification of psoriatic arthritis
Study group criteria
Duration, N/R
RCT—11 weeks
HIIT (n = 32)
No intervention (n = 35)
- Pain Intensity (VAS)
HIIT showed no clear effect on pain intensity
at the end of the intervention and at
9 months of follow-up.
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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Table 1. Cont.
Author, Year
Age (Years)
Sex (%)
Diagnostic Criteria
Disease Duration (Years)
Study Design—Duration
Intervention(s) and Control Group
Outcome Measured
Verbrugghe et al., 2018
Nonspecific Chronic LBP
(n = 20)
Age, N/R
55% F/45% M
Clinical criteria
Duration, N/R
CCT—6 weeks
HIIT (n = 10)
Usual care (n = 10)
- Pain Intensity (NPRS)
- Disability (RMDQ)
- HRQoL (SF-36 PF, PRL, ER, E/F, EWB,
SF, Pain, GH)
- VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
Both groups had a reduction in disability
(p < 0.05) with no intergroup difference. HIIT
improved significantly HRQoL (SF-36 PRL,
ER, SF, and Pain) (p < 0.05) but with no
intergroup differences.
Verbrugghe et al., 2019
Nonspecific Chronic LBP
(n = 36)
Age, 44.2 ± 9.8 y
68% F/32% M
Clinical criteria
Duration, 11.1 ± 7.7 y
RCT—12 weeks
HIIT (n = 18)
MIT (n = 18)
- Pain Intensity (NPRS)
- Disability (MODI)
- VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
HIIT significantly improved disability and
VO2 max more than MIT (p < 0.05). HIIT
significantly reduced pain intensity (p < 0.05)
but with no significant differences with MIT.
Verbrugghe et al., 2020
Nonspecific chronic LBP
(n = 80)
Age, 44.1 ± 9.7 y
58% F/42% M
Clinical criteria
Duration, 13.4 ± 9.1 y
RCT—12 weeks
- HITCOM (n = 19)
- HITSTRE (n = 21)
- HITSTAB (n = 20)
- HITMOB (n = 20)
- Pain Intensity (NPRS)
- Disability (MODI)
- VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
All four HIIT groups significantly reduced
pain intensity and disability and increased
VO2 max (p < 0.05), with no intergroup
axSpA, axial spondyloarthritis; BPI, Brief Pain Inventory; CCT, Controlled clinical trial; E/F, energy/fatigue; ER, emotional role limitation; EWB, emotional well-being; GH, general
health; HC, health change; HIIT, high-intensity interval training; HITCOM, high-intensity general resistance training, and high-intensity core strength training; HITMOB, trunk mobility
exercises; HITSTAB, high-intensity core strength training; HITSTRE, high-intensity general resistance training; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; JIA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis;
LBP, low back pain; MCT, moderate continuous training; MH, mental health; MHAQ, Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire; MICT, moderate-intensity continuous training;
MIT, moderate-intensity training; MODI, Modified Oswestry Index; MPQ, McGill Pain Questionnaire; N/R, not reported; NPRS, Numeric Pain Rating Scale; OA, osteoarthritis; ODI,
Oswestry Disability Index; PF, physical functioning; PRL, physical role limitation; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RCT, randomised control trial; RMDQ, Roland-Morris
Disability Questionnaire; SF-36, Short Form-36 Health Survey; SAPS, subacromial pain syndrome; SF, social functioning; SPADI, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index; V, vitality; VAS,
visual analogue scale; WOMAC, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index.
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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Table 2. Prescription parameters extracted from each included study.
Exercise Protocol
(Distribution and Exercise Type)
(Pain Control during Training)
and Duration
Exercise Testing
Atan et al.,
2020 [15]
HIIT (AerT) + StrT +
Total exercise duration: 35 min
Warmup and cooldown: 5 min stationary cycling.
HIIT protocol: 4 × 4 min of high-intensity stationary cycling interval alternating
with 3 min cycling recovery periods.
Work/rest ratio: [1:0.75]
Followed by 10 min full body (shoulder, arm, leg, and hip) StrT, using 1–3-kg
weights (1 × 8–10 rep) and 5 min stretching (4–5 × 20–30 s for each muscle group).
Measurement: HRmax (Monitorisation:
Warmup and cooldown: 50% HRmax
Interval: 80–95% HRmax
Active Rest: 70% HRmax
StrT: N/R
Pain: N/R
6 weeks
cardiopulmonary test on
a cycloergometer at
baseline and follow-up.
HRmax, VO2 max, BP,
workload, MET and
duration-of-test were
MICT (AerT) + StrT
+ Stretching
Total exercise duration: 55 min.
Warmup and cooldown: 5 min stationary cycling.
MICT protocol: 45 min continuous stationary cycling
Followed by 10 min full body (shoulder, arm, leg, and hip) StrT, using 1–3-kg
weights (1 × 8–10 rep) and 5 min stretching (4–5 × 20–30 s for each muscle group).
Measurement: HRmax (Monitorisation:
Warmup and cooldown: 50% HRmax
MICT: 65–70% HRmax
StrT: N/R
Pain: N/R
Usual Care
Recommendations regarding exercise for fibromyalgia.
Berg et al.,
2020 [50]
HIIT (StrT) + Usual
HIIT protocol: 4 × 4 min shoulder abduction-adduction at 2 Hz intervals alternating
with 3 min walking rest periods
Work/Rest Ratio: [1:0.75]
If the patient was able to continue the final interval for one additional minute, the
workload was increased by 250 g in the following session.
Home-based exercises: Scapular stabilising, rotator cuff, and pain-free ROM exercises.
Measurement: WRmax
Interval: 80% WRmax
Rest: N/R
Pain: When pain exceeds 5/10, session
was ended.
8 weeks
Time to exhaustion test
during shoulder
WRmax was recorded.
Usual Care
Home-based exercises: Scapular stabilising, rotator cuff, and pain-free ROM exercises.
Bressel et al.,
2014 [44]
BalanceT +
Balance training: Perturbations with water jets.
Followed by: HIIT protocol: (Progressive increase from 1st to 6th week) 3 to 6 × 0.5
to 2.5 min walking (1.3 to 2.1 m/s) on an underwater treadmill interval alternating
with 1 to 2.5 min walking (1.3 to 1.8 m/s) rest periods. (depth: xiphoid process)
Work/rest ratio: [1:2; 1:1.3; 1:1; 1:1; 1:1; 1:1]
Measurement: RPE (Borg Scale/20)
Progressive increase (from 1st to 6th
week) from 11 to 18/20.
Interval: Progressive increase (from 1st
to 6th week) from 13 to 19/20.
Rest: 10/20.
Pain: N/R
6 weeks
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
11 of 31
Table 2. Cont.
Exercise Protocol
(Distribution and Exercise Type)
(Pain Control during Training)
and Duration
Exercise Testing
Flehr et al.,
2019 [52]
HIIT (StrT + AerT)
45 min functional training incorporating running, throwing, standing from a seated
position, placing items overhead, and picking items up.
Warmup and demonstration: 15 min.
Movement learning: 15 min
HIIT protocol: 15 min reproduction of the movement at high intensity. Four formats
possible: As fast as possible, 8-exercises Tabata intervallic training followed by
AerT, Maximum reps or load in a set time, or as many rounds as possible in 12 min
followed by AerT
Interval: N/R
Rest: N/R
Pain: N/R
8 weeks
90 min Bikram Yoga class (Room at 40 ◦C and 40% humidity): Deep breathing, 45 to
50 min standing, stretching, and relaxation postures.
Light to moderate (according to ACSM)
and sometimes vigorous.
Pain: N/R
Hanssen et al.,
2018 [49]
Warmup: 400 m of light running on a treadmill and 2 skipping exercises
HIIT protocol: 4 × 4 min high-intensity running on a treadmill, interval alternating
with 3 min running recovery periods.
Work/rest ratio: [1:0.75]
Cooldown: 400 m of light running and stretching
Measurement: HRmax (HR checked
using HR monitor)
Interval: 90% to 95% HRmax (±5 bpm)
Rest: 70% of HRmax
Pain: N/R
12 weeks
Cardiopulmonary test on
a treadmill. Anaerobic
lactate-threshold, HRmax,
RPE, and VO2 max were
Warmup: 400 m of light running on a treadmill and 2 skipping exercises
MICT protocol: 45 min continuous running on a treadmill.
Cooldown: 400 m of light running and stretching
Measurement: HRmax (HR checked
using HR monitor)
MICT: 70% HRmax (± 5 bpm)
Pain: N/R
Maintain their
habitual daily
physical activity
Keogh et al.,
2018 [45]
Warmup: 7 min stationary cycling, with progressively increasing intensity
HIIT protocol: 5 × 45 s high-cadence stationary cycling interval alternating with 90 s
low-intensity recovery cycling.
Work/Rest Ratio: [1:2]
Cooldown: 6–7 min of light to moderate cycling.
Interval: 110 rpm with a resistance
similar or slightly higher than the rest.
Intensity was defined as “an intensity
at which you felt it was quite difficult to
complete sentences during the
Rest: ∼70 rpm
To avoid pain, progressive increase in
initial sessions.
8 weeks
Warmup and cooldown: Light intensity cycling for 3 min and 2 min, respectively.
MICT protocol: 20 min continuous cycling.
MICT: 60–80 rpm. Intensity was
defined as “An intensity at which you
are able to speak in complete sentences
during the exercise”.
To avoid pain, progressive increase in
initial sessions
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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Table 2. Cont.
Exercise Protocol
(Distribution and Exercise Type)
(Pain Control during Training)
and Duration
Exercise Testing
Sandstad et al.,
2015 [51]
Warmup: 10 min stationary cycling at moderate intensity
HIIT protocol: 4 × 4 min high-intensity stationary cycling interval alternating with
3 min cycling recovery periods.
The speed and workload were adjusted continuously.
Measurement: HRmax (HR checked
using HR monitor)
Warmup: ~70%
Interval: 85–95% of HRmax
Rest: ~70% of HRmax
Pain: N/R
10 weeks
cardiopulmonary test on
a bike.
VO2 max and HRmax
(defined as the highest
HR during the test plus
5 bpm).
Maintain daily life
Sveaas et al.,
2014 and 2019
HIIT (AerT) + StrT +
Twice a week, supervised HIIT and StrT:
- HIIT protocol: 4 × 4 min walking/running on a treadmill interval alternating with
3 min of active resting.
- StrT protocol: 20 min with external load (2–3 × 8–10 rep): Bench press or chest
press machine, weighted squat or leg press machine, rowing with weights, triceps
and biceps machine, and abdominal bridge.
Once a week, individual interval training or MICT: 40 min of either interval
training or MICT.
Measurement: HRmax (HR checked
using HR monitor)
Interval: 90–95% HRmax
Rest: 70% HRmax
MICT intensity:
>70% HRmax
Pain: Exercises were adapted if pain
was ≥ 5/10
12 weeks
Cardiopulmonary test on
a walking treadmill
(modified Balke
VO2 max and HRmax
were recorded.
Asked to not start
Thomsen et al.,
2019 [53]
Warmup: 10 min.
HIIT protocol: 4 × 4 min high-intensity stationary cycling interval alternating with a
3 min cycling recovery period.
Work/rest ratio: [1:0.75]
Supervised twice a week and individually once a week. Participants were
instructed in using the HIIT concept by, for example, running, bicycling, or walking
Measurement: HRmax (HR checked
using HR monitor)
Interval: 85–95% HRmax
Rest: 70% HRmax
Pain: N/R
11 weeks
cardiopulmonary test on
a bike.
VO2 max and HRmax
(defined as the highest
HR during the test more
5 bpm).
Maintain daily
physical activity
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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Table 2. Cont.
Exercise Protocol
(Distribution and Exercise Type)
(Pain Control during Training)
and Duration
Exercise Testing
et al., 2018 [47]
HIIT (AerT) + High
Intensity StrT
HIIT protocol:
-Warmup: 5 min
-Followed by HIIT training: 5 × 1 min high-intensity stationary cycling interval
alternating with 1 min of rest. Weekly increase of interval duration by 10 s until
week 6.
Work/rest ratio: [1:1; 1.2:1; 1.3:1; 1.5:1; 1.7:1; 1.8:1]
High load whole body StrT training protocol:
3 upper body (pulley biceps curl, pulley chest press, and pulley vertical traction
behind the neck) and 3 lower body exercises (leg press, leg extension, and leg curl)
with external load: 1 to 2 × 8–12 rep.
Measurement: VO2 max and 1RM
(Monitorisation: N/R)
Interval: VO2 max workload
Rest: N/R
StrT: 80% 1RM
Pain: N/R
6 weeks
cardiopulmonary testing
(Graded exercise test) on
a bike. VO2 max,
expiratory volume,
respiratory exchange
ratio, and HR were
A 1RM test was
performed for every
Usual Physiotherapy
MICT protocol: 50 min continuous cycling, cross-training, and/or treadmill walking.
Control motor exercise: Addressing lumbopelvic motor control impairments.
Trunk StrT: Unstable posture corrections, plank, and bridge variations
Measurement: HRmax (Monitorisation:
MICT: 60–65% HRmax
Pain: N/R
et al., 2019 [17]
HIIT (AerT) +
Global and Core StrT
HIIT protocol:
-Warmup: 5 min cycling
-HIIT Training: 5 × 1 min high-intensity cycling interval alternating with a 1 min
cycling recovery period. Weekly increase of interval duration of 10 s until week 6.
Work/rest ratio: [1:1; 1.2:1; 1.3:1; 1.5:1; 1.7:1; 1.8:1]
High-intensity StrT: 3 upper body (vertical
traction, chest press, arm curl) and 3 lower body exercises (leg curl, leg press, leg
extension) executed with external load on machines: 1 × maximum 12 rep
Core muscle training: 6 static core exercises
[glute bridge, resistance band glute clam, lying diagonal back extension, adapted
knee plank, adapted knee side plank, elastic band shoulder retraction with hip
hinge): 1 × 10 rep of a 10 s static hold.
Measurement: % VO2 max, %1RM and
%MVC (Monitorisation: N/R)
Interval: 110 rpm at 100% VO2 max
Rest: 75 rpm at 50% VO2 max workload
StrT: 80% 1RM
5% workload increase when the
participant was able to perform more
than 10 reps on 2 consecutive sessions.
Core: Between 17% and 100% MVC of
m. transversus abdominis, m.
multifidus, m. gluteus. Progressive
increase of time and load (body weight
bearing, elastic or weights).
Pain: N/R
12 weeks
test on a bicycle.
VO2 max, Maximal
workload, LA, and HR
were recorded.
Workload was updated,
with a complementary
cardiopulmonary test,
for the last 6 weeks.
1RM testing was
performed for every
MICT (AerT) +
Moderate intensity
Global and Core
MICT protocol: Cycling on a cycle ergometer.
- Warmup: 5 min.
- MICT: Continuous 14 min cycling at moderate intensity. Duration increased by
100 s every 2 sessions up to 22 min 40 s.
Moderate intensity Global StrT: Same exercises as above, but at moderate intensity:
1 × 15 rep.
Moderate intensity core training: Same exercises as above but at moderate intensity:
1 × 10 repetitions of a 10 s static hold.
Measurement: % VO2 max, %1RM and
%MVC (Monitorisation: N/R)
MICT: 90 rpm at 60% VO2 max
StrT: 60% of 1RM
Core training:
Pain: N/R
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
14 of 31
Table 2. Cont.
Exercise Protocol
(Distribution and Exercise Type)
(Pain Control during Training)
and Duration
Exercise Testing
et al., 2020 [48]
HIIT (AerT) + Global
HIIT protocol:
- Warmup: 5 min cycling
- HIIT Training: 5 × 1 min high-intensity cycling interval alternating with a 1 min
cycling recovery period. Weekly increase of interval duration, of 10 s, until week 6.
Work/rest ratio: [1:1; 1.2:1; 1.3:1; 1.5:1; 1.7:1; 1.8:1]
High-intensity StrT: 3 upper body (vertical traction, chest press, arm curl) and 3
lower body exercises (leg curl, leg press, leg extension) executed with external load
on machines: 2 × maximum 12 rep
Measurement: % VO2 max and %1RM
(Monitorisation: N/R)
Interval: 110 rpm at 100% VO2 max
Rest: 75 rpm at 50% VO2 max workload
StrT: 80% 1 RM
Weight was increased when the
participant was able to perform more
than 10 reps on 2 consecutive sessions.
Pain: N/R
12 weeks
cardiopulmonary test on
a bicycle. VO2 max,
expiratory volume,
respiratory exchange
ratio, and HR were
recorded. Parameters
were adapted at 6 weeks
with another
cardiopulmonary test.
1RM testing was
performed for every
HIIT (AerT) + Core
HIIT protocol: Same HIIT protocol as above.
Core muscle training: 6 static core exercises
[glute bridge, resistance band glute clam, lying diagonal back extension, adapted
knee plank, adapted knee side plank, elastic band shoulder retraction with hip
hinge): 2 × 10 rep of a 10 s static hold.
Measurement: % VO2 max and %MVC
(Monitorisation: N/R)
Interval: 110 rpm at 100% VO2 max
Rest: 75 rpm at 50% VO2 max workload
Core: 40–60% of the MVC of m.
transversus abdominis, m. multifidus,
m. gluteus. Progressive increase of time
and load.
Pain: N/R
HIIT (AerT)+ Global
and Core StrT
HIIT protocol: Same HIIT protocol as above.
High intensity StrT: Same exercise as above: 1 × maximum 12 rep
Core muscle training: Same exercise as above: 1 × 10 rep of a 10 s static hold.
Measurement: % VO2 max, %1RM and
%MVC (Monitorisation: N/R)
Interval: 110 rpm at 100% VO2 max
Rest: 75 rpm at 50% VO2 max workload
StrT: 80% 1 RM
Weight was increased when the
participant was able to perform more
than 10 reps on 2 consecutive sessions.
Core: 40–60% of the MVC of m.
transversus abdominis, m. multifidus,
m. gluteus. Progressive increase in time
and load
Pain: N/R
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
15 of 31
Table 2. Cont.
Exercise Protocol
(Distribution and Exercise Type)
(Pain Control during Training)
and Duration
Exercise Testing
HIIT (AerT)+
HIIT protocol: Same HIIT protocol as above.
Mobility Training: 6 mobility exercises (hamstrings stretch, gluteus medius stretch,
lower back rotation mobilisation, back extension stretch, hip flexor stretch, and
mid-back extension mobilisation): Stretches were held on each side 2 × 30 s, and
mobilisations were performed 2 × 10 rep.
Interval: 110 rpm at 100% VO2 max
Rest: 75 rpm at 50% VO2 max workload
Pain: N/R
1RM, one-repetition maximum; ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine; AerT, aerobic training; BalanceT, balance training; bpm, beats per min; HIIT, high-intensity interval
training; HR, heart rate; HRmax, maximal heart rate; HRR, heart rate reserve; LA, lactate level; MICT, moderate-intensity continuous training; MVC, maximal voluntary contraction; N/A,
not applicable; N/R, not reported; RPE, rating of perceived exertion; rpm, revolutions per minute; StrT, strength training; VO2 max, maximal oxygen uptake; WRmax, highest work rate.
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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3.3. Methodological Quality Results
We evaluated the studies’ quality with the Cochrane assessment tool. Most of the
studies had a low risk of selective reporting bias. The domain with the highest percentage of
studies with a high risk of bias was the blinding of participants and personnel (performance
bias). Figure 2 shows the risk of bias summary and risk of bias graph. The inter-rater
reliability of the methodological quality assessment was high (κ = 0.787). All of the studies
had an excellent or good methodological quality, except the one by Bressel et al. [45] Due to
the nature of the interventions, none of the studies performed blinding of the patients or
evaluators. Table 3 lists the PEDro scores for each study. The inter-rater reliability of the
methodological quality assessment between assessors was high (κ = 0.815).
Diagnostics 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
17 of 32
3.3. Methodological Quality Results
We evaluated the studies’ quality with the Cochrane assessment tool. Most of the
studies had a low risk of selective reporting bias. The domain with the highest percentage
of studies with a high risk of bias was the blinding of participants and personnel (perfor-
mance bias). Figure 2 shows the risk of bias summary and risk of bias graph. The inter-
rater reliability of the methodological quality assessment was high (κ = 0.787). All of the
studies had an excellent or good methodological quality, except the one by Bressel et al.
[45] Due to the nature of the interventions, none of the studies performed blinding of the
patients or evaluators. Table 3 lists the PEDro scores for each study. The inter-rater relia-
bility of the methodological quality assessment between assessors was high (κ = 0.815).
Figure 2. Risk of bias summary. Review authors’ judgements about each risk of bias item for each
included study (Risk of Bias scale) and risk of bias graph. Review authors’ judgements about each
risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies (Risk of Bias scale).
Table 3. Assessment of the studies’ quality based on the PEDro Scale.
Atan et al., 2020 [15]
Berg et al., 2020 [50]
Bressel et al., 2014 [44]
Flehr et al., 2019 [52]
Hanssen et al., 2018 [49]
Keogh et al., 2018 [45]
Sandstad et al., 2015 [51]
Figure 2. Risk of bias summary. Review authors’ judgements about each risk of bias item for each
included study (Risk of Bias scale) and risk of bias graph. Review authors’ judgements about each
risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies (Risk of Bias scale).
Table 3. Assessment of the studies’ quality based on the PEDro Scale.
Atan et al., 2020 [15]
Berg et al., 2020 [50]
Bressel et al., 2014 [44]
Flehr et al., 2019 [52]
Hanssen et al., 2018 [49]
Keogh et al., 2018 [45]
Sandstad et al., 2015 [51]
Sveas et al., 2014 [16]
Sveas et al., 2019 [49]
Thomsen et al., 2019 [53]
Verbrugghe et al., 2018 [47]
Verbrugghe et al., 2019 [17]
Verbrugghe et al., 2020 [48]
1, patient choice criteria are specified; 2, random assignment of patients to groups; 3, hidden assignment; 4, groups
were similar at baseline; 5, all patients were blinded; 6, all therapists were blinded; 7, all evaluators were blinded;
8, measures of at least one of the key outcomes were obtained from more than 85% of baseline patients; 9, intention-
to-treat analysis was performed; 10, results from statistical intergroup comparisons were reported for at least one
key outcome; 11, the study provides point and variability measures for at least one key outcome.
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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3.4. Evidence Map
Figure 3 presents the results of the evidence map for the included studies.
Verbrugghe et al., 2020 [48] 1
1, patient choice criteria are specified; 2, random assignment of patients to groups; 3, hidden assign-
ment; 4, groups were similar at baseline; 5, all patients were blinded; 6, all therapists were blinded;
7, all evaluators were blinded; 8, measures of at least one of the key outcomes were obtained from
more than 85% of baseline patients; 9, intention-to-treat analysis was performed; 10, results from
statistical intergroup comparisons were reported for at least one key outcome; 11, the study pro-
vides point and variability measures for at least one key outcome.
3.4. Evidence Map
Figure 3 presents the results of the evidence map for the included studies.
Figure 3. A mapping of included studies based on effect size. Blue, Pain intensity; Violet, VO2 max;
Green, Disability; Black, Quality of Life. Bubbles marked with white dots indicate statistically sig-
nificant differences (p < 0.05).
3.5. Meta-Analysis Results
3.5.1. Pain Intensity
The meta-analysis showed statistically significant differences for the HIIT interven-
tion, with a moderate clinical effect in seven studies (SMD: −0.73; 95% CI −1.40–−0.06; p <
0.05) but with evidence of significant heterogeneity (Q = 32.57, p < 0.001, I2 = 82%). The
shape of the funnel and DOI plot did not present asymmetry, and the LFK index showed
minor asymmetry (LFK, −1.73) indicating a low risk of publication bias (Figures 4A and
Figure 3. A mapping of included studies based on effect size. Blue, Pain intensity; Violet, VO2 max;
Green, Disability; Black, Quality of Life. Bubbles marked with white dots indicate statistically
significant differences (p < 0.05).
3.5. Meta-Analysis Results
3.5.1. Pain Intensity
The meta-analysis showed statistically significant differences for the HIIT intervention,
with a moderate clinical effect in seven studies (SMD: −0.73; 95% CI −1.40–−0.06; p < 0.05)
but with evidence of significant heterogeneity (Q = 32.57, p < 0.001, I2 = 82%). The shape
of the funnel and DOI plot did not present asymmetry, and the LFK index showed minor
asymmetry (LFK, −1.73) indicating a low risk of publication bias (Figures 4A and A1). The
certainty of the evidence was low, showing that HIIT likely decreases pain intensity, having
been downgraded due to imprecision (sample size < 300) and inconsistency (I2 = 82%)
(Table 4).
Regarding the sub-analysis comparing HIIT against other therapeutic exercise models,
the meta-analysis showed no significant differences for the HIIT intervention in 3 studies
(SMD: −0.35; 95% CI −0.76–0.06, p ≥ 0.05) with no evidence of significant heterogeneity
(Q = 1.37, p = 0.5, I2 = 0%). The shape of the funnel and DOI plot did not present asym-
metry, and the LFK index showed no asymmetry (LFK, 0.67) indicating a very low risk of
publication bias (Figures 4B and A2).
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
18 of 31
Disability (4)
Not serious
ate (+)
(+) (+)
Quality of life (4) RCT
Not seri-
(+) (+)
* CI, confidence interval; RCT, randomised controlled trial.
Figure 4. Synthesis forest plot of pain intensity variable. The forest plot summarises the results of
the included studies (sample size, standardised mean differences [SMDs], and weight). The small
boxes with the squares represent the point estimate of the effect size and sample size. The lines on
either side of the box represent a 95% confidence interval (CI).
Figure 4. Synthesis forest plot of pain intensity variable. The forest plot summarises the results of the
included studies (sample size, standardised mean differences [SMDs], and weight). The small boxes
with the squares represent the point estimate of the effect size and sample size. The lines on either
side of the box represent a 95% confidence interval (CI).
Table 4. Summary of findings and quality of evidence (GRADE).
Certainty Assessment
No. of
(No. of
Risk of
(95% CI)
Not serious
(+) (+)
VO2 max
Not serious
Not serious
(+) (+) (+)
Not serious
Not serious
(+) (+) (+)
Quality of
life (4)
Not serious
(+) (+)
CI, confidence interval; RCT, randomised controlled trial.
3.5.2. VO2 max
The meta-analysis showed significant differences for the HIIT intervention, with a
moderate clinical effect in six studies (SMD: 0.69; 95% CI 0.42–0.97, p < 0.05), with no
evidence of significant heterogeneity (Q = 4.06, p = 0.54, I2 = 0%). The shape of the funnel
and DOI plot did not present asymmetry, and the LFK index showed minor asymmetry
(LFK, 1.33) indicating a low risk of publication bias (Figures 5A and A2). The certainty of
the evidence was moderate, showing that HIIT probably increases VO2 max, having been
downgraded due to imprecision (sample size < 300) (Table 4).
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
19 of 31
dence of significant heterogeneity (Q = 4.06, p = 0.54, I2 = 0%). The shape of the funnel a
DOI plot did not present asymmetry, and the LFK index showed minor asymmetry (LF
1.33) indicating a low risk of publication bias (Figures 5A and A2). The certainty of
evidence was moderate, showing that HIIT probably increases VO2 max, having be
downgraded due to imprecision (sample size < 300) (Table 4).
Figure 5. Synthesis forest plot of VO2 max variable. The forest plot summarises the results of
included studies (sample size, standardised mean differences [SMDs], and weight). The small bo
with the squares represent the point estimate of the effect size and sample size. The lines on eit
side of the box represent a 95% confidence interval (CI).
Regarding the subanalysis comparing HIIT against other therapeutic exercise mo
els, the meta-analysis showed no statistically significant differences for the HIIT interv
tion in three studies (SMD: 0.28; 95% CI −0.31–0.87, p ≥ 0.05), with no evidence of sign
cant heterogeneity (Q = 4.16, p = 0.13, I2 = 52%). The shape of the funnel and DOI plot d
not present asymmetry, and the LFK index showed no asymmetry (LFK, −0.31) indicati
a very low risk of publication bias (Figures 5B and A2).
Figure 5. Synthesis forest plot of VO2 max variable. The forest plot summarises the results of the
included studies (sample size, standardised mean differences [SMDs], and weight). The small boxes
with the squares represent the point estimate of the effect size and sample size. The lines on either
side of the box represent a 95% confidence interval (CI).
Regarding the subanalysis comparing HIIT against other therapeutic exercise models,
the meta-analysis showed no statistically significant differences for the HIIT intervention
in three studies (SMD: 0.28; 95% CI −0.31–0.87, p ≥ 0.05), with no evidence of significant
heterogeneity (Q = 4.16, p = 0.13, I2 = 52%). The shape of the funnel and DOI plot did not
present asymmetry, and the LFK index showed no asymmetry (LFK, −0.31) indicating a
very low risk of publication bias (Figures 5B and A2).
3.5.3. Disability
The meta-analysis showed no statistically significant differences for the HIIT inter-
vention in three studies (SMD: −0.34; 95% CI −0.92–0.24, p ≥ 0.05), with no evidence of
significant heterogeneity (Q = 4.55, p = 0.21, I2 = 34%). The shape of the funnel and DOI
plot did not present asymmetry, and the LFK index showed minor asymmetry (LFK, −1.68)
indicating a low risk of publication bias (Figures 6A and A3). The certainty of the evidence
was moderate, showing that HIIT probably does not decrease disability, being downgraded
due to imprecision (sample size <300) (Table 4).
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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significant heterogeneity (Q = 4.55, p = 0.21, I2 = 34%). The shape of the funnel and DOI
plot did not present asymmetry, and the LFK index showed minor asymmetry (LFK,
−1.68) indicating a low risk of publication bias (Figures 6A and A3). The certainty of the
evidence was moderate, showing that HIIT probably does not decrease disability, being
downgraded due to imprecision (sample size <300) (Table 4).
Figure 6. Synthesis forest plot of disability and quality-of-life variables. The forest plot summarises
the results of the included studies (sample size, standardised mean differences [SMDs], and weight).
The small boxes with the squares represent the point estimate of the effect size and sample size. The
lines on either side of the box represent a 95% confidence interval (CI).
3.5.4. Quality of Life
The meta-analysis showed no significant differences for the HIIT intervention in 4
studies (SMD: 0.40; 95% CI −0.80–1.60, p ≥ 0.05), with evidence of significant heterogeneity
(Q = 24.01, p < 0.001, I2 = 88%). The shape of the funnel and DOI plot did not present asym-
metry, and the LFK index showed minor asymmetry (LFK, 1.43), indicating a low risk of
publication bias (Figures 6B and A3). The certainty of the evidence was low, showing that
HIIT likely does not increase QoL, being downgraded due to imprecision (sample size <
300) and inconsistency (I2 = 88%) (Table 4).
3.6. Meta-Regression Analysis
In the meta-regression analysis, we explored the role of pain intensity scores in im-
proving VO2 max function. The results showed that pain intensity was significantly and
negatively correlated with VO2 max (β = −0.91; Z = −3.02; p = 0.003 and R2 = 82.99%) (Figure
Figure 6. Synthesis forest plot of disability and quality-of-life variables. The forest plot summarises
the results of the included studies (sample size, standardised mean differences [SMDs], and weight).
The small boxes with the squares represent the point estimate of the effect size and sample size. The
lines on either side of the box represent a 95% confidence interval (CI).
3.5.4. Quality of Life
The meta-analysis showed no significant differences for the HIIT intervention in 4 stud-
ies (SMD: 0.40; 95% CI −0.80–1.60, p ≥ 0.05), with evidence of significant heterogeneity
(Q = 24.01, p < 0.001, I2 = 88%). The shape of the funnel and DOI plot did not present
asymmetry, and the LFK index showed minor asymmetry (LFK, 1.43), indicating a low risk
of publication bias (Figures 6B and A3). The certainty of the evidence was low, showing
that HIIT likely does not increase QoL, being downgraded due to imprecision (sample
size < 300) and inconsistency (I2 = 88%) (Table 4).
3.6. Meta-Regression Analysis
In the meta-regression analysis, we explored the role of pain intensity scores in im-
proving VO2 max function. The results showed that pain intensity was significantly and
negatively correlated with VO2 max (β = −0.91; Z = −3.02; p = 0.003 and R2 = 82.99%)
(Figure 7).
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Figure 7. Meta-regression of pain intensity and VO2 max scores. The meta-regression approach uses
regression analysis to determine the influence of selected variables (the independent variables) on
the effect size (the dependent variable). The large bubbles, together with the line, indicate the rela-
tionship of our model, and the small bubbles indicate their position, the relationship in the map of
the effect size on the decrease in pain, on the score in the variable of maximal oxygen consumption.
4. Discussion
Our main goal was to analyse the effect of HIIT on the VO2 max, pain intensity, disa-
bility, and QoL of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Our results suggest that HIIT
has a significant moderate effect size on VO2 max and pain intensity but does not seem to
improve the disability and QoL of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. We also found
that pain intensity was negatively associated with VO2 max.
We found a moderate certainty of evidence of a moderate effect size of HIIT on VO2
max when compared with no intervention. Several authors also found that HIIT was supe-
rior to usual care or no intervention in improving VO2 max among patients with cardiovas-
cular disorders or cancer [18,19,55]. We did not find that HIIT was superior to another
exercise intervention on VO2 max; however, the results across systematic reviews differ
[19,56,57]. It has been previously reported that HIIT induces muscular adaptations, such
as mitochondrial biogenesis and increased intramuscular capillarisation [58,59] vascular
adaptations, such as increased blood cell volume [60], and cardiac adaptations, such as
increased cardiac output and contractility [59,61]. All of these mechanisms have been
shown to play a role in VO2 max [62].
We found that the patients’ pain intensity scores were negatively associated with VO2
max, which is an important predictor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease
[63,64]. It should be noted that patients with chronic pain and musculoskeletal disorders
have shown an increased risk of cardiovascular and chronic disease and an increased risk
of mortality due to cardiac disease [65,66]. An improvement in cardiorespiratory capacity
has been shown to decrease the mortality risk by up to 16% [67,68]. HIIT appears to be an
effective solution for improving patients’ cardiorespiratory capacity.
We found a low certainty of evidence of a moderate effect size of HIIT on pain inten-
sity compared with no intervention. Geneen et al. found that physical activity appears to
Figure 7. Meta-regression of pain intensity and VO2 max scores. The meta-regression approach uses
regression analysis to determine the influence of selected variables (the independent variables) on the
effect size (the dependent variable). The large bubbles, together with the line, indicate the relationship
of our model, and the small bubbles indicate their position, the relationship in the map of the effect
size on the decrease in pain, on the score in the variable of maximal oxygen consumption.
4. Discussion
Our main goal was to analyse the effect of HIIT on the VO2 max, pain intensity, dis-
ability, and QoL of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Our results suggest that HIIT
has a significant moderate effect size on VO2 max and pain intensity but does not seem to
improve the disability and QoL of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. We also found
that pain intensity was negatively associated with VO2 max.
We found a moderate certainty of evidence of a moderate effect size of HIIT on VO2 max
when compared with no intervention. Several authors also found that HIIT was superior
to usual care or no intervention in improving VO2 max among patients with cardiovascular
disorders or cancer [18,19,55]. We did not find that HIIT was superior to another exercise
intervention on VO2 max; however, the results across systematic reviews differ [19,56,57].
It has been previously reported that HIIT induces muscular adaptations, such as mitochon-
drial biogenesis and increased intramuscular capillarisation [58,59] vascular adaptations,
such as increased blood cell volume [60], and cardiac adaptations, such as increased cardiac
output and contractility [59,61]. All of these mechanisms have been shown to play a role in
VO2 max [62].
We found that the patients’ pain intensity scores were negatively associated with
VO2 max, which is an important predictor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular dis-
ease [63,64]. It should be noted that patients with chronic pain and musculoskeletal
disorders have shown an increased risk of cardiovascular and chronic disease and an
increased risk of mortality due to cardiac disease [65,66]. An improvement in cardiorespi-
ratory capacity has been shown to decrease the mortality risk by up to 16% [67,68]. HIIT
appears to be an effective solution for improving patients’ cardiorespiratory capacity.
We found a low certainty of evidence of a moderate effect size of HIIT on pain intensity
compared with no intervention. Geneen et al. found that physical activity appears to
induce exercise-induced hypoalgesia in patients with chronic pain; however, the results
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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were inconsistent across the various exercise modalities [69]. When compared with another
exercise intervention, HIIT did not show a greater effect. It has been shown that exercise-
induced hypoalgesia acts through the activation of nociceptive inhibitory pathways that
release endogenous opioids and endocannabinoids [70]; however, populations with chronic
pain often have exercise-induced hypoalgesia dysfunction [70,71]. Nonetheless, we found
that HIIT appeared to be an effective modality for decreasing pain intensity. Patients with
musculoskeletal disorders often present central sensitisation, a facilitation of the nociceptive
signal in the central nervous system [72]. Quantitative sensory testing is employed to
evaluate central nervous system nociceptive modulation [72]. HIIT has shown an intensity-
dependent [12,13] positive effect on pain tolerance [13] and pain thresholds [12,73]. In
certain conditions, the presence of an inflammatory state can increase nociceptor activity
and has been associated with pain intensity [71,74–76]. After performing HIIT, a number of
authors have found a decrease in inflammatory markers [77–79], such as C-reactive protein,
tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 (IL-6), and a release of anti-inflammatory
cytokines, such as IL-10 [79]. In contrast, other authors have found that HIIT induced an
acute increase in IL-6 levels [80,81]; however, Pedersen proposed that this acute liberation
will then induce an anti-inflammatory response [82]. Shanaki et al. observed a decrease
in pro-inflammatory M1-macrophage markers and an increase in anti-inflammatory M2-
macrophage markers in mice after HIIT [83]. However, not all musculoskeletal conditions
show reduced pain intensity in parallel with a decrease in pro-nociceptive or inflammatory
serum markers [76,84], and not all musculoskeletal conditions progress with an increased
inflammatory state [76].
We found a low level of evidence of no significant effect of HIIT on QoL compared
with no intervention or usual care. Mugele et al. systematically reviewed the effect of HIIT
on QoL, compared with usual care, and found unclear results [19]. QoL appears to be
more closely related to interpretation and catastrophising than pain intensity [85], which
might explain why we observed a decrease in pain intensity with no improvement in QoL.
Monticone et al. found that a multidisciplinary treatment involving cognitive-behavioural
therapy and exercise results in a significant improvement in QoL, while exercise alone
resulted in little change [86]. We also found moderate certainty evidence of no significant
effect of HIIT on disability compared with no intervention or usual care. Kamper et al.
found that a treatment involving a physical and a psychological or social component had a
greater effect on disability than physical therapy alone for patients with chronic low back
pain. HIIT alone might be insufficient for improving disability or QoL in musculoskeletal
disorders [87].
Time constraints and pain are two of the main barriers to physical activity for patients
with musculoskeletal disorders [88–90]. Despite similar effects on VO2 max and pain inten-
sity with other exercise types, HIIT requires less training volume to achieve similar effects
in the included studies that provide the control group’s training duration [15,50]. Wewege
et al. found that the most common adverse effects in patients with cardiovascular disease
were musculoskeletal complaints; however, we observed that HIIT presented similar or
almost no additional major or minor adverse events or pain flare-ups than no intervention
or other exercise modalities [91]. Major cardiac adverse events during HIIT appear at a rate
of 1 per 11,333 HIIT h in patients with cardiovascular disease [91] but with no significant
difference in the overall adverse events rate between HIIT and MICT [91]. As recommended
by Weston et al. if health professionals want to implement HIIT, they should evaluate
patients on a case-by-case basis depending on their cardiac history [20]. Heisz et al. found
that participants rated HIIT more enjoyable than MICT and that enjoyment increased with
repeated HIIT when it remained constant with repeated MICT [92]. Health professionals
should include HIIT in the management of musculoskeletal disorders, given that HIIT
is a time-efficient, enjoyable, effective, and safe form of exercise. Finally, it is relevant to
stress that it is important to prescribe exercise specifically for each patient and for each
clinical condition, although in this work it has been grouped by variables, rather than by
Diagnostics 2022, 12, 2532
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We found low-to-moderate quality evidence for our results. Further studies are needed
on the effects of HIIT on musculoskeletal disorders to confirm our results. The sample sizes
of the included studies were often very small. Future studies should include larger sample
sizes to improve the quality of the evidence. Due to the lack of sufficient data and the
heterogeneity among the interventions (e.g., frequency, intervention duration), we could
not establish the specific effect on each musculoskeletal disorder and the optimal HIIT
parameters. Due to the small number of trials, we pooled the aerobic and anaerobic HIIT
training studies; future systematic reviews should evaluate them separately. Only a few
studies compared the effect of HIIT against high-intensity continuous training or other
types of exercise; future studies should include this type of high-intensity training.
As recommended by the American Thoracic Society/American College of Chest
Physicians Statement on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, we included VO2 peak and
VO2 max and used them interchangeably [93]. Quantitative sensory testing (e.g., pain
pressure or thermal threshold, conditioned pain modulation, and temporal summation) is
essential in pain research; future studies evaluating the effects of HIIT on musculoskeletal
disorders should include these variables. In addition, no further meta-regression analysis
could be performed due to the small number of articles sharing the outcomes of interest.
Lastly, it is important to stress that there were 3 studies where HIIT was embedded in other
exercise interventions such as balance exercise and continuous exercise. This is a clear
limitation that should be considered when extrapolating the results [16,45,47].
5. Conclusions
There is low to moderate quality evidence that the HIIT intervention for patients with
musculoskeletal disorders can improve pain intensity and VO2 max but not disability and
QoL. The results of the subanalyses showed that HIIT was not superior to other exercise
models in improving pain intensity and VO2 max. Clinically, this tells us that we can
implement high-intensity interval exercise models if our goal is to improve pain intensity
or increase cardiorespiratory fitness through maximal oxygen consumption. However, it is
important to keep in mind two aspects: changes in pain intensity may not be accompanied
by improvements in the subjective perception of quality of life or disability, at least, based
on the data we currently have, and second, that this exercise model was not superior
to other exercise models with respect to eliciting these clinical changes. This should be
considered clinically. Low sample sizes and lack of prescription parameters emphasise the
need for further research on HIIT in musculoskeletal disorders for its implementation in a
clinical context.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.C.-M.; methodology, F.C.-M., N.S.-R., C.V.-R. and R.L.T.;
software, F.C.-M. and R.L.T.; validation, N.S.-R., L.S.-M., P.A.-Q. and J.F.-C.; formal analysis, F.C.-M.
and R.L.T.; investigation, all authors; resources, J.F.-C.; data curation, F.C.-M., C.V.-R. and R.L.T.;
writing—original draft preparation, all authors; writing—review and editing, all authors; visualiza-
tion, all authors; supervision, F.C.-M.; project administration, F.C.-M. and N.S.-R.; funding acquisition,
not applicable. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the CSEU La Salle for its services in editing
this manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Appendix A
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Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the CSEU La Salle for its services in editing
this manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Appendix A
(a) HIIT vs. control
Figure A1. Cont.
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(b) HIIT vs. Other therapeutic exercise models
Figure A1. Synthesis funnel and Doi plot (LFK index) for pain intensity to assess the presence of
publication bias.
Appendix B
Figure A1. Synthesis funnel and Doi plot (LFK index) for pain intensity to assess the presence of
publication bias.
Appendix B
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(b) HIIT vs. Other therapeutic exercise models
Figure A1. Synthesis funnel and Doi plot (LFK index) for pain intensity to assess the presence of
publication bias.
Appendix B
Figure A2. Cont.
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(a) HIIT vs. control
(b) HIIT vs. other therapeutic exercise models
Figure A2. Synthesis funnel and Doi plot (LFK index) for VO2 max to assess the presence of
publication bias.
Figure A2. Synthesis funnel and Doi plot (LFK index) for VO2 max to assess the presence of
publication bias.
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Appendix C
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Appendix C
(a) HIIT vs. control (disability)
Figure A3. Cont.
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Diagnostics 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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(b) HIIT vs. control (quality of life)
Figure A3. Synthesis Funnel and Doi plot (LFK index) for disability and quality-of-life variables to
assess the presence of publication bias.
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Wright, A.; Sluka, K.A. Nonpharmacological Treatments for Musculoskeletal Pain. Clin. J. Pain 2001, 17, 33–46.
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musculoskeletal pain in primary care: A systematic overview of current evidence. PLoS ONE 2017, 12.
Dietrich, A. Endocannabinoids and exercise. Br. J. Sports Med. 2004, 38, 536–541.
Goldfarb, A.H.; Jamurtas, A.Z. Beta-Endorphin Response to Exercise—An update. Sports Med. 1997, 24, 8–16.
Naugle, K.M.; Fillingim, R.B.; Riley, J.L., III. A meta-analytic review of the hypoalgesic effects of exercise. J. Pain 2012, 13, 1139–
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challenging existing paradigms and introducing new. Br. J. Sports Med. 2019, 53, 907–912.
11. La Touche, R.; Fernández Pérez, J.J.; Proy Acosta, A.; González Campodónico, L.; Martínez García, S.; Adraos Juárez, D.; Serrano
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Intensity-dependent effects of aerobic training on pressure pain threshold in overweight men: A randomized trial. Eur. J. Pain
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13. O’Leary, T.J.; Collett, J.; Howells, K.; Morris, M.G. High but not moderate-intensity endurance training increases pain tolerance:
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14. Andreato, L.V. High-Intensity Interval Training: Methodological Considerations for Interpreting Results and Conducting
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health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies. Br. J. Sports Med. 2017, 51, 494–503.
Figure A3. Synthesis Funnel and Doi plot (LFK index) for disability and quality-of-life variables to
assess the presence of publication bias.
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| Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with a Meta-Regression and Mapping Report. | 10-19-2022 | Cuenca-Martínez, Ferran,Sempere-Rubio, Núria,Varangot-Reille, Clovis,Fernández-Carnero, Josué,Suso-Martí, Luis,Alba-Quesada, Patricio,Touche, Roy La | eng |
Inter-Individual Variability in the Adaptive
Responses to Endurance and Sprint Interval
Training: A Randomized Crossover Study
Jacob T. Bonafiglia1, Mario P. Rotundo1, Jonathan P. Whittall1, Trisha D. Scribbans1, Ryan
B. Graham2, Brendon J. Gurd1*
1 School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 2 School of
Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
* [email protected]
The current study examined the adaptive response to both endurance (END) and sprint
interval training (SIT) in a group of twenty-one recreationally active adults. All participants
completed three weeks (four days/ week) of both END (30 minutes at ~65% VO2peak work
rate (WR) and SIT (eight, 20-second intervals at ~170% VO2peak WR separated by 10 sec-
onds of active rest) following a randomized crossover study design with a three-month
washout period between training interventions. While a main effect of training was observed
for VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaximal heart rate (HR), considerable variability
was observed in the individual responses to both END and SIT. No significant positive rela-
tionships were observed between END and SIT for individual changes in any variable. Non-
responses were determined using two times the typical error (TE) of measurement for
VO2peak (0.107 L/min), lactate threshold (15.7 W), and submaximal HR (10.7bpm). Non-
responders in VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaximal HR were observed following
both END and SIT, however, the individual patterns of response differed following END and
SIT. Interestingly, all individuals responded in at least one variable when exposed to both
END and SIT. These results suggest that the individual response to exercise training is
highly variable following different training protocols and that the incidence of non-response
to exercise training may be reduced by changing the training stimulus for non-responders to
three weeks of END or SIT.
Considerable heterogeneity exists in the individual response in peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak)
following exercise training [1–3]. Specifically, VO2peak can increase [2,4], decrease [5], or
remain unchanged [6,7] following structured endurance training (END). Similarly, inter-indi-
vidual variability in training responses have also been observed following supra-maximal
sprint interval training (SIT) [8,9]. While variability in training responses has been demon-
strated following both END and SIT, it is currently unknown whether individuals who fail to
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0167790
December 9, 2016
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Citation: Bonafiglia JT, Rotundo MP, Whittall JP,
Scribbans TD, Graham RB, Gurd BJ (2016) Inter-
Individual Variability in the Adaptive Responses to
Endurance and Sprint Interval Training: A
Randomized Crossover Study. PLoS ONE 11(12):
e0167790. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167790
Editor: Jose A. L. Calbet, Universidad de las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, SPAIN
Received: June 6, 2016
Accepted: November 20, 2016
Published: December 9, 2016
Copyright: © 2016 Bonafiglia et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its supporting information
Funding: Funding was provided by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (grant
number: 402635;
index_eng.asp) and the Canadian Foundation for
Innovation (grant number: 25476;https://www. The funders had no role in study
design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
respond following one type of exercise training might respond to a different training stimulus
(i.e. different exercise volume, intensity and metabolic demand).
While END and SIT differ substantially in exercise volume, intensity, and metabolic
demand, at the group level they induce strikingly similar adaptations in VO2peak [10,11], lac-
tate threshold [12,13], and muscle oxidative potential [14–16]. Interestingly, limited evidence
demonstrating that central adaptations following training may differ between END and SIT
[17,18], supports the potential that the mechanisms underlying similar adaptations in
VO2peak may differ following END and SIT. Further, individual variability in both peripheral
[19,20] and central [17] adaptations following training have been observed. Together these
results suggest that both central and peripheral adaptations may vary in an individual follow-
ing END or SIT, supporting the hypothesis that an individual who fails to respond following
END may respond following SIT (and vis versa).
Therefore, in order to determine if individuals respond differently to END and SIT, the
present study compared individual responses following three weeks of both END and SIT uti-
lizing a randomized crossover study design with a three-month washout period between train-
ing interventions. Individual changes in VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaximal heart
rate (HR) were compared and the incidence of response and non-response for all variables
were classified using typical error (TE), an index of measurement error that considers both
biological and technical variability [21]. We hypothesized that individual responses to END
would not necessarily reflect responses to SIT (and vis versa), potentially due to differences in
central and peripheral adaptations.
Twenty-one healthy recreationally active (self-reported < three hours of physical activity per
week) men (n = 9) and women (n = 12) volunteered to participate in the study. Each partici-
pant attended a preliminary screening session where they were briefed on the study, provided
informed consent, and had their height and weight recorded. Participants were not previously
trained in cycling and were not involved in a training program at the start of the study. Partici-
pants were informed to maintain their regular physical activity and nutritional habits through-
out the duration of the study. All experimental procedures performed on human participants
were approved by the Health Sciences Human Research Ethics board at Queen’s University.
Verbal and written explanation of the experimental protocol and associated risks was provided
to all participants prior to obtaining written informed consent.
Experimental Design
The current study utilized a randomized crossover design (Fig 1) where participants com-
pleted two, three-week training interventions separated by a three-month wash-out period
during which participants were instructed to return to their pre-study levels of physical activ-
ity. Physiological testing occurred in the week preceding, and the week following each three-
week training intervention. All physiological testing and training for both experiments was
performed on a Monark Ergomedic 874 E stationary ergometer (Vansbro, Sweden). Eight
additional participants completed a supplemental experiment to determine typical error for all
variables. All participants were asked to refrain from alcohol and caffeine 12 hours before, and
nutritional supplements and exercise 24 hours before all physiological testing.
Physiological Testing
In the week preceding (pre) and the week following (post) training, participants reported to
the lab on three separate occasions, separated by 24–48 hours. During each visit participants
Individual Responses to Endurance and Sprint Interval Training
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Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
completed a VO2peak incremental ramp test to volitional exhaustion as described previously
[22]. Briefly, following a 20 minute warm-up of four alternating five minute periods of load-
less and 80W pedalling at 80 RPM, work rate was increased by 25W per minute until volitional
exhaustion. Gas exchange and heart rate (HR) were collected throughout each ramp test using
a metabolic cart (Moxus AEI Technologies, Pittsburgh, PA) and Polar HR monitors (Polar
Team2 Pro, Kempele, Finland). VO2peak was calculated for each test as the highest 30 second
average VO2 value, whereas submaximal HR was calculated for each test as the 30 second aver-
age HR value during the third stage of the ramp protocol (~156 W). Final pre- and post-train-
ing VO2peak and submaximal HR were determined by averaging the three values obtained
during each testing period. RPM was collected continuously throughout each test and peak
aerobic power (WRpeak) was calculated using the average WR from the last 30 seconds of the
test, whereas the WR at VO2peak was calculated using the average WR during the same 30 sec-
onds used to calculate VO2peak.
Lactate Threshold
Fingertip capillary blood (~20 uL) was sampled at rest (baseline) and within the last 10 s of
each successive one-minute stage during the first VO2peak ramp test of pre- and post-testing
test using a Lactate Scout + (EFK Diagnostics, Magdeberg, Germany) as done previously [13].
Lactate threshold was determined as the first recorded work rate (WR) where lactate was >4
mmol/L [23,24], often referred to as the onset of blood lactate accumulation at 4 mmol/L
Training Interventions
Training consisted of two, three week training periods separated by ~three months. During
each training period participants were instructed to either cycle for 30 minutes at ~65% of WR
at VO2peak (END) or perform eight, 20-second intervals at ~170% of WR at VO2peak, sepa-
rated by 10 seconds of rest (SIT). Both training interventions required participants to train
four times per week and the order of training was counterbalanced such that 12 (six males; six
females) participants completed END first. All training sessions were preceded by a one-min-
ute loadless warm-up. Participants were instructed to maintain a cadence of 80RPM and
received verbal encouragement throughout all training sessions. HR was collected during
Fig 1. Overview of experimental protocol.
Individual Responses to Endurance and Sprint Interval Training
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training, at three minute intervals (END) and at the end of each interval (SIT), using Polar HR
monitors (Polar Team2 Pro, Kempele, Finland). Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were col-
lected immediately following each training session using a 6–20 Borg Scale [28]. HR and RPE
were averaged over all training sessions to determine training HR and RPE for END and SIT.
Determination of Typical Error
In order to determine typical error (TE) for VO2peak, lactate threshold and submaximal HR, a
supplemental experiment involving eight recreationally active participants (four males; four
females, age, 21±1 yrs; BMI, 21±2 kg/m2; VO2peak, 44±6 mL/kg/min) reported to the lab on
two separate occasions separated by at least a week as described previously [9]. On each visit to
the lab participants performed identical incremental ramp tests to volitional fatigue as
described above. VO2peak, lactate threshold and submaximal HR were determined for each
test as described above and the resulting values were utilized to calculate TE.
Typical error (TE) of measurement was calculated for VO2peak, lactate threshold, and sub-
maximal HR as described previously [21] utilizing the following equation:
TE ¼ SDdiff=
Where SDdiff is the variance (standard deviation) of the difference scores observed between
the 2 repeats of each test. A non-responder for VO2peak, lactate threshold, or submaximal HR
was defined as an individual who failed to demonstrate an increase or decrease that was greater
than two times the TE away from zero. A change beyond two times the TE means there is high
probability (i.e. 12 to 1 odds) that this response is a true physiological adaptation beyond what
might be expected to result from technical and/or biological variability [21].
Statistical Analysis
Data are expressed as means and standard deviation. To ensure efficacy of the washout period
baseline and response measures of VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaximal HR between
training period one and two were compared using unpaired t-tests as described previously
[29]. Effects of training protocol (END vs. SIT) and time (Pre vs. Post) for all variables were
examined using a two-way, repeated measures ANOVA. Any significant main effects or inter-
actions were subsequently analyzed using a Bonferroni post hoc test where appropriate.
Unpaired t-tests were also used to assess differences in the training response for all variables
between males and females following END and SIT separately, and to determine if responses
following END or SIT differed between training periods. A simple linear regression was used
to determine the relationship between baseline variables between training period one and two
and between the magnitude of response between END and SIT. Differences in training HR
and RPE between END and SIT were assessed using paired t-tests and simple linear regres-
sions were used to determine if these variables were related to the magnitude of physiological
responses following training. A McNemar’s test was used to determine whether END and SIT
elicited similar rates of response for VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaximal HR. Statisti-
cal significance was accepted at p < 0.05.
Attendance at training sessions was 100% and all data reported are solely from those partici-
pants that completed the full study protocol. Three participants dropped out of the study
following pre-training testing in the first training period and were not included in final analy-
sis. Average HR during and RPE immediately following SIT (HR: 172.8 ± 7.8 bpm; RPE:
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17.9 ± 0.9, mean ± SD) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than END (HR: 166.2 ± 13.7 bpm;
RPE: 15.5 ± 1.4, mean ± SD). Interestingly, RPE reported immediately following each SIT
session was significantly related with the magnitude of change in VO2peak induced by SIT
(r = 0.5, p < 0.05). Baseline measures, and the magnitude of response for all variables for train-
ing periods one and two are presented in Table 1. Unpaired t-tests revealed no differences
between baseline measures for VO2peak (p = 0.62), lactate threshold (p = 0.12), and submaxi-
mal HR (p = 0.86) between training periods one and two. No differences were observed in the
magnitude of response between training periods one and two for VO2peak (p = 0.20), lactate
threshold (p = 0.55), or submaximal HR (p = 0.62). Additionally, there was no difference in
the mean END or SIT response for any variable between training periods. Further, baseline
measures for training periods one and two were significantly related for VO2peak (r = 0.94,
p < 0.05), lactate threshold (r = 0.82, p < 0.05), and submaximal HR (r = 0.82, p < 0.05).
Participant characteristics and pre- and post-training values for END and SIT are presented
in Table 2. A main effect of training (p < 0.05) was observed for VO2peak (Fig 2A), lactate
threshold (Fig 2B), submaximal HR (Fig 2C), and WRpeak (Fig 2D). No condition (END vs.
SIT) or interaction (condition x time) effects were observed for any variable examined. While
males had higher baseline VO2peak, lactate threshold, submaximal HR, and WRpeak than
females (p < 0.05), there were no statistical differences in the magnitude of training responses
between sexes (Table 2). No significant relationships were observed between END and SIT for
individual changes in VO2peak (r = 0.14, p = 0.57; Fig 3A), lactate threshold (r = 0.10, p = 0.70;
Fig 3B), or submaximal HR (r = 0.17, p = 0.46). Baseline VO2peak did not predict changes in
VO2peak following END (r = 0.28, p = 0.22) but was negatively related with the change in
VO2peak induced by SIT (r = -0.59, p < 0.01). Baseline lactate threshold, and submaximal
HR were not related with training-induced changes following either END (lactate threshold:
r = 0.0, p = 1.0; HR: r = 0.37, p = 0.10) or SIT (lactate threshold: r = 0.29, p = 0.23; HR: r = 0.11,
p = 0.63).
Unpaired t-tests revealed that the baseline characteristics of the participants used in the
ancillary TE study did not statistically differ from the participants in the present study for all
variables in Table 2. Two times TE was 0.107 L/min for VO2peak, 157 W for lactate threshold,
and 10.0 bpm for submaximal HR. Individual patterns of response and rates of non-response
for VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaximal HR following both END and SIT are pre-
sented in Fig 4. Following training six non-responders were observed where an individual par-
ticipant failed to improve in one measured variable following either END or SIT; however, in
all cases these non-responders improved at least one variable following training utilizing the
other exercise protocol. McNemar’s tests did not reveal significant differences in the incidence
of response for VO2peak (p = 0.6), lactate threshold (p = 0.1), and submaximal HR (p = 0.6)
between END and SIT.
Table 1. Pre-training and magnitude of response for training periods 1 and 2 for all participants.
Training Period One
Training Period Two
VO2peak (L/min)
3.0 ± 0.9
+0.05 ± 0.2
2.9 ± 0.9
+0.15 ± 0.3
VO2peak (mL/kg/min)
42.7 ± 6.4
+0.7 ± 3.2
41.2 ± 6.9
+2.2 ± 3.2
Lactate Threshold (W)
165.9 ± 43.2
+20.2 ± 18.3
190.7 ± 51.4
+14.7 ± 34.9
HRsubmax (bpm)
153.9 ± 24.7
-5.8 ± 7.8
152.6 ± 21.5
-4.1 ± 12.8
Values are means ± standard deviation.
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The current study examined individual responses in VO2peak, lactate threshold and submaxi-
mal exercise heart rate (HR) following three weeks of both END and SIT. Carryover effects
from training period one to two were absent and the magnitude of responses between training
periods was not different for any variable. These data highlight the effective implementation of
our randomized cross-over study design [29]. In summary, the current study demonstrates
inter-individual variability in the training responses to END and SIT and suggests that individ-
ual patterns of response are dependent on the training protocol utilized.
The major novel findings of the current study are that: 1) while END and SIT increased
VO2peak, lactate threshold and submaximal HR at the group level with no differences
observed between protocols, improvements within a given individual following END did not
predict the improvement observed following SIT (and vice versa), 2) individual patterns of
response were observed following both END and SIT, however these patterns varied within
individuals between END and SIT, and 3) while our analysis revealed non-responses for one
or more variables within most participants, we failed to observe a global non-response to END
and SIT in any individual.
Similar Group Responses in the Initial Adaptations to END and SIT
At the group level, END protocols are effective at increasing VO2peak and lactate threshold
[30], while SIT protocols at supra-maximal intensities also improve VO2peak [31] and lactate
Table 2. Participant characteristics and group responses to END and SIT.
Males (n = 9)
Females (n = 12)
Total (n = 21)
Males (n = 9)
Females (n = 12)
Total (n = 21)
Age (yrs)
20.4 ± 1.2
19.9 ± 1.2
20.3 ± 0.9
Height (cm) †
181 ± 6
165 ± 7
172 ± 12
Body mass (kg) †
81.9 ± 10.3
62.0 ± 11.6
70.0 ± 14.7
82.0 ± 10.9
61.2 ± 11.5
69.5 ± 15.6
VO2peak (L/min) †
3.7 ± 0.5
2.4 ± 0.5
3.0 ± 0.9
3.8 ± 0.5
2.5 ± 0.5
3.1 ± 0.9*
VO2peak (mL/kg/min) †
46.0 ± 3.9
39.3 ± 6.7
42.2 ± 6.4
47.3 ± 5.4
41.4 ± 6.2
43.9 ± 6.4*
Lactate Threshold (W) †
209 ± 38
149 ± 40
175 ± 47
233 ± 40
171 ± 46
199 ± 51*
WRpeak (W) †
296 ± 42
196 ± 39
238 ± 64
309 ± 58
210 ± 32
252 ± 66*
HRsubmax (bpm) †
135 ± 11
166 ± 19
152 ± 22.
129 ± 8
159 ± 18
146 ± 21*
Males (n = 9)
Females (n = 12)
Total (n = 21)
Males (n = 9)
Females (n = 12)
Total (n = 21)
Age (yrs)
20.4 ± 1.2
19.9 ± 1.2
20.3 ± 0.9
Height (cm)
181 ± 6
165 ± 7
172 ± 12
Body mass (kg) †
82.8 ± 11.6
62.2 ± 12.4
70.4 ± 15.6
83.1 ± 11.2
61.7 ± 11.5
70.3 ± 15.6
VO2peak (L/min) †
3.7 ± 0.6
2.4 ± 0.5
3.0 ± 0.9
3.7 ± 0.5
2.6 ± 0.4
3.1 ± 0.9*
VO2peak (mL/kg/min) †
45.0 ± 9.3
39.2 ± 5.5
41.7 ± 6.9
44.7 ± 5.5
41.6 ± 5.4
42.9 ± 5.5*
Lactate Threshold (W) †
215 ± 36
154 ± 40
180 ± 47
230 ± 33.3
165 ± 41
192 ± 47*
WRpeak (W) †
292 ± 45
202 ± 30
241 ± 57
314 ± 46
210 ± 32
255 ± 63*
HRsubmax (bpm) †
133 ± 13
169 ± 19
155 ± 24
129 ± 9
167 ± 20
151 ± 25*
Values are means ± standard deviation. WRpeak, peak aerobic power; HRsubmax, submaximal heart rate.
†Significant baseline difference between males and females, p < 0.05.
*Main effect of training, p < 0.05.
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threshold [12,13]. Consistent with these results and previous work form our lab utilizing the
same protocols [16], a main effect of training was observed in the current study for VO2peak,
lactate threshold, and submaximal HR. Also consistent with previous studies comparing END
and SIT [14–16] no differences were observed between protocols for the magnitude of
response at the group level. While the primary purpose of present study was not to determine
if the group responses to END and SIT differ, the observation of similar group responses to
END and SIT may suggest that a larger sample size is required to attain statistical power in
order to detect potential interaction effects between training protocols.
Individual Variability in Responsiveness to END and SIT
While variability in the individual responses to END is established [2,6,7,19,32,33], we recently
demonstrated similar variability in response to the SIT protocol utilized in the present study
[9]. The major novel finding of the current study is our demonstration of variability in the indi-
vidual responses following different training protocols (END and SIT). Specifically, our results
demonstrated that exercise protocols which differ in intensity, time, and metabolic demand,
like END and SIT, can induce different adaptive responses in VO2peak, lactate threshold and
submaximal HR within a given individual. These findings confirm the hypothesis that individu-
als who are not sensitive to a given exercise protocol may experience adaptation if exposed to a
Fig 2. Group responses following 3 weeks of END and SIT. Group responses for VO2peak (A), lactate threshold (B), submaximal HR (C), and WRpeak (D).
*Significant main effect of training, p < 0.05.
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different protocol [5], potentially due to different sensitivities to training volume [7] and/or
intensity [32]. While the mechanisms determining individual variability in sensitivities to differ-
ing training protocols are unknown, genetic predispositions [34] may be responsible for vari-
ance in the capacity of central [17] and peripheral [14,35] adaptations to training. A similar
disassociation between individual changes in VO2peak has previously been observed following
END and resistance training [33], but to our knowledge we are the first to demonstrate inter-
individual variability in the response to two protocols known to induce equivalent improve-
ments in aerobic capacity at the group level. Importantly, while the current data suggests that
individuals may respond favorably to a change in training stimulus, we cannot rule out the pos-
sibility that the different individual responses observed between END and SIT were a result of
simply training twice at two different times (i.e. it is possible that an individual completing
END twice may not demonstrate identical responses), differences in external physical activity
between training periods and/or changes in nutritional habits caused by different training pro-
tocols (i.e. END vs. SIT), or training at different times of the year (i.e. fall vs. winter). Addition-
ally, the present study only examined individual variability in the initial response to training
(i.e. the response to three weeks of training), and it remains possible that individual differences
Fig 3. Correlations of individual responses following 3 weeks of END and SIT. Relationship between individual
responses in VO2peak (A) and lactate threshold (B). Dashed lines represent the typical error cut-offs. Individuals falling
within the shaded area failed to improve either VO2peak or lactate threshold following both END and SIT, while the
hashed area represents an adverse response following both training protocols.
Fig 4. Individual patterns of response following three weeks of training. Positive responses (white boxes), non-responses (grey boxes) and adverse
responses (black boxes) are shown for all participants across all variables following END (A) and SIT (B). A dashed box indicates that data was unavailable
for a given variable. Individuals who failed to improve any variables for either END or SIT, “Overall non-responders” are indicated by diamond filled boxes.
The percentage of participants demonstrating a non-response (NR; including both non- and adverse responses) for each variable, and overall, is also
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observed following three weeks of END and SIT may not persist following longer training peri-
ods. Thus, while our results support the consideration of multiple training protocols when
attempting to optimize individual exercise prescription [36], there remains very little data, and
much future work still needed, before we fully understand inter-individual responsiveness to
different training protocols.
Consistent with previous observations of heterogeneity in the individual response to END
[7,32,33,37] and SIT [8,9] we have also observed significant rates of non-response following
both END and SIT in the current study (Fig 4). The present finding that END and SIT elicited
similar rates of non-response for VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaximal HR agrees with
previous observations that END and SIT Importantly, while inter-individual variability in the
response to training has been repeatedly demonstrated [7,33,37], attempts to quantify individ-
uals as responders or non-responders are relatively recent [5–9,32,38]. In the current study,
the use of two times the typical error (TE) to identify responders and non-responders [21]
may have led to higher incidences of non-responses than previously reported [6–8,32]. How-
ever, despite the use of this conservative method of identifying responders, we have observed a
subset of adverse responders to VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaximal HR following
both END and SIT that is consistent with previous observations of adverse responses to exer-
cise for a variety of cardiovascular risk factors [5]. Interestingly, a non- or adverse response to
VO2peak, lactate threshold, or submaximal HR following one training protocol did not pre-
clude a positive response following the other training protocol. Recently, several reports have
recommended that before individuals are classified as responders or non-responders, it is
important to determine if variability in the individual responses within the experimental con-
dition are greater than within-subject variation [39–41]. While we were unable to conduct this
analysis due to our current study lacking a time-matched control group, it is important that
future studies examining rates of response/non-response to exercise training consider the
recently recommended approach to performing these analyses [39–41]. This the limitation
aside, the current study adds to a growing body of literature that identifies a portion of the
population that either does not respond, or responds adversely to exercise training and sug-
gests that these non-/adverse-responders may respond more positively to different training
Mechanisms Underlying Individual Variability to END and SIT
Despite marked differences in the physiological stress they impose, a single bout of END or
SIT elicits analogous molecular responses in skeletal muscle [16], leading to similar peripheral
adaptations including changes in fibre-type distribution [16], increased skeletal muscle oxida-
tive capacity [14–16,42] and resting muscle glycogen content [14–16]. Interestingly, the central
adaptations elicited by END or SIT are inconsistent [17,18], however, only central adaptations
associated with six weeks of END prevails as independent predictors of the VO2peak responses
[43]. Few studies have compared both central and peripheral adaptations to multiple training
protocols and significant differences in training duration, frequency, and volume limits the
ability to compare and interpret findings from different studies [43,44]. While recent research
has elucidated mechanisms that primarily explain the adaptive responses to training [43],
future research is needed to determine if variability in the mechanisms that underlie changes
in exercise capacity/performance explain individual response variability following training.
At the individual level, heterogeneity in both central [17] and peripheral adaptations are
present following END [19,20] and SIT [14], which suggests that variability in individual
responses to END and SIT may be due in part to individual variance in the magnitude of
peripheral and central adaptations. Why variance in central and/or peripheral adaptations
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may exist within an individual following different training protocols is currently unknown,
however, evidence from the HERITAGE study suggests that much of this variability may
results from a genetic predisposition to a specific type of training stimulus [2]. Interestingly,
recent evidence has found associations between several genetic markers and individual train-
ing responses [34,45,46], however, while these findings are a step towards optimizing individ-
ual exercise prescriptions [34] whether genetic signatures exist that may predict which type of
training an individual is most likely to respond to is unknown. This remains an interesting
and important area for future investigation.
Individual Patterns of Response
Following END and SIT we observed individual patterns of response, where improvements in
VO2peak were not necessarily associated with improvements in lactate threshold or submaxi-
mal HR (Fig 4). The existence of individual patterns of response is consistent with previous
studies demonstrating that non-responders in VO2peak can be responders to other variables
associated with END [6,19] and SIT [8,9]. An additional novel finding of the present study is
that individual patterns of response were different following END and SIT. This variability in
individual patterns of response meant that even though several individuals failed to improve
any variable following either END or SIT, no “global non-responders” (i.e. individuals that
failed to improve following either protocol) were observed. These results further support the
consideration of multiple training protocols when prescribing exercise, and raise the possibil-
ity that an individual who does not appear to be responding to an initial exercise prescription
may respond more favourably if an alternative mode of training is prescribed. As continuing
the training stimulus beyond initial exposure (four weeks) reduces the incidence of non-
response in VO2peak [32], whether switching training protocols after initial exposure or
extending the amount of training prescription is equally effective at diminishing non-
responses remains an area for future research.
The current study assessed individual responses in VO2peak, lactate threshold, and submaxi-
mal exercise heart rate (HR) following three weeks of both END and SIT. While training elic-
ited significant improvements in all variables at the group level, considerable heterogeneity
was observed in the individual responses including a number of non-/adverse-responders.
Further, individual patterns of response were not related across END and SIT and appear to be
training protocol dependent. All participants demonstrated a positive response in at least one
variable following the completion of both END and SIT suggesting that the existence of true
non-responders to exercise training is unlikely and that different training protocols should be
considered when optimizing individual exercise prescription.
Supporting Information
S1 Table. Raw data used for all tables and figures.
The authors would like to thank Elizabeth Mathew and Wendy Fu for their help with HR data
analysis and a dedicated group of volunteers for their help in conducting training sessions.
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Author Contributions
Conceptualization: JB MR JW TS RG BG.
Data curation: JB MR JW TS RG BG.
Formal analysis: JB MR JW TS RG BG.
Funding acquisition: BG.
Methodology: JB MR JW TS RG BG.
Writing – original draft: JB MR JW TS RG BG.
Writing – review & editing: JB MR JW TS RG BG.
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| Inter-Individual Variability in the Adaptive Responses to Endurance and Sprint Interval Training: A Randomized Crossover Study. | 12-09-2016 | Bonafiglia, Jacob T,Rotundo, Mario P,Whittall, Jonathan P,Scribbans, Trisha D,Graham, Ryan B,Gurd, Brendon J | eng |
PMC10185608 | Vol.:(0123456789)
Sports Medicine (2023) 53:1255–1271
Variability in Running Economy of Kenyan World‑Class and European
Amateur Male Runners with Advanced Footwear Running Technology:
Experimental and Meta‑analysis Results
Melanie Knopp1,3 · Borja Muñiz‑Pardos2 · Henning Wackerhage3 · Martin Schönfelder3 · Fergus Guppy4 ·
Yannis Pitsiladis5 · Daniel Ruiz1
Accepted: 26 January 2023 / Published online: 2 March 2023
© The Author(s) 2023
Background Advanced footwear technology improves average running economy compared with racing flats in sub-elite
athletes. However, not all athletes benefit as performance changes vary from a 10% drawback to a 14% improvement. The
main beneficiaries from such technologies, world-class athletes, have only been analyzed using race times.
Objective The aim of this study was to measure running economy on a laboratory treadmill in advanced footwear technol-
ogy compared to a traditional racing flat in world-class Kenyan (mean half-marathon time: 59:30 min:s) versus European
amateur runners.
Methods Seven world-class Kenyan and seven amateur European male runners completed a maximal oxygen uptake assess-
ment and submaximal steady-state running economy trials in three different models of advanced footwear technology and a
racing flat. To confirm our results and better understand the overall effect of new technology in running shoes, we conducted
a systematic search and meta-analysis.
Results Laboratory results revealed large variability in both world-class Kenyan road runners, which ranged from a 11.3%
drawback to a 11.4% benefit, and amateur Europeans, which ranged from a 9.7% benefit to a 1.1% drawback in running
economy of advanced footwear technology compared to a flat. The post-hoc meta-analysis revealed an overall significant
medium benefit of advanced footwear technology on running economy compared with traditional flats.
Conclusions Variability of advanced footwear technology performance appears in both world-class and amateur runners,
suggesting further testing should examine such variability to ensure validity of results and explain the cause as a more per-
sonalized approach to shoe selection might be necessary for optimal benefit.
Key Points
Running economy of world-class Kenyan and amateur
European runners with next-generation long-distance
running shoes that contain advanced footwear technol-
ogy varies greatly, with a range from a 11.4% benefit to a
11.3% detriment.
Meta-analysis results reveal an overall statistically sig-
nificant medium benefit of advanced footwear technol-
ogy on running economy when compared with tradi-
tional racing flats and confirmed the variability we report
when examining the performance benefits of advanced
footwear technology.
Our results suggest a more personalized approach to new
footwear technology.
* Melanie Knopp
[email protected]
adidas Innovation, adidas AG, Herzogenaurach, Germany
GENUD Research Group, Faculty of Health and Sport
Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Saragossa, Spain
Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Technical
University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Institute of Life and Earth Sciences, Heriot Watt University,
Edinburgh, UK
School of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Brighton,
Eastbourne, UK
M. Knopp et al.
1 Introduction
Kenyan elite runners win many international track and road
distance races, which has stimulated research into the causes
of this success [1–6]. When examining the geographical dis-
tribution of the top 20 running performances for male and
female athletes in both middle- and long-distance events
(800 m, 1500 m, 3000 m, 5000 m, 10,000 m, 5 km, 10 km,
half-marathon, and marathon) in the past 5 years (since the
last Olympic cycle: 5 August, 2016 to 29 August, 2021),
41.6% have been achieved by Kenyan athletes [7]. Such
running performances depend on three main physiological
factors: (1) an athletes’ maximal oxygen uptake ( ̇VO2max),
(2) their fractional utilization of ̇VO2max or the ability of
an athlete to sustain a high percentage of their ̇VO2max for
long periods of time, and (3) their running economy [8–11].
Previous research examining the uniqueness specifically of
Kenyan or other elite East African runners has suggested
that of these, it is running economy that is particularly
unique in this population [6, 10, 12]. Various studies have
further attributed this especially to the anthropometric char-
acteristics of East Africans with smaller body size, thinner
lower legs, and a greater Achilles tendon moment arm with
a shorter forefoot length [1, 10, 12–14].
Running economy can be defined as the ability to move
efficiently in terms of energy demand while running at a
specified submaximal velocity and can be measured as the
rate of oxygen uptake per kilogram body weight and min-
ute ( ̇VO2 in mL O2/kg/min) at that speed [10, 11, 15, 16].
Previous work has reported that among elite runners with
similar ̇VO2max levels, running economy can account for
65.4% of the variation observed in a 10-km race perfor-
mance [17]. Running economy is affected by many factors
including anthropometric, biomechanical, metabolic, neu-
romuscular, and cardiorespiratory efficiency [11]. One ele-
ment that has gained interest in recent years is an athlete’s
mechanical efficiency being affected by different footwear
characteristics such as weight, cushioning, and longitudinal
bending stiffness, all of which are included in recent tech-
nological advances in long-distance running shoes [18–21].
Previously published work has attributed the improvements
of performance of such advanced footwear technology to
various mechanisms [20, 22]. The advances in shoe tech-
nology themselves have been designed to maximize run-
ning economy while minimizing energy loss and consist of
a curved stiff element component and a high midsole stack
height made of a compliant, resilient, and lightweight foam
(Fig. 1). The curved rigid element increases the longitudinal
bending stiffness of the shoe and thereby creates a mecha-
nism with a teeter-totter effect on the running mechanics,
which occurs when a runner’s center of pressure overcomes
the bending point of the curved structure and causes the
reaction force to act on the heel perpendicular to the stiff ele-
ment providing leverage during push-off [20, 23]. The high
midsole stack height enhances this mechanism and allows
for a more curved plate to be inserted into the midsole [20].
The compliant, resilient, lightweight foam material for the
midsole ensures that the shoe weight remains light while
still having a soft foam with a high-energy return as these
have all been suggested to also affect performance [18–20].
The impact of advanced footwear technology on running
events is reflected in the progression of world records, with
every male and female world record starting from 5 km to
the marathon broken by athletes wearing different versions
of these shoes since their release [24]. Previous research
completed on such footwear technology in the field quanti-
fies this impact on performance, with data from the Strava
fitness app on more than a million marathon and half-mar-
athons revealing that shoes containing this new technology
could improve race performance in sub-elite athletes, as
individuals ran 4–5% faster in advanced footwear technology
than runners wearing an average racing flat [25]. Similarly,
Rodrigo-Carranza et al. showed that in a sub-cohort of top-
100 men’s marathon performances from 2015 to 2019 that
completed races in both advanced footwear technology and
traditional flats, 29 of 40 athletes (72.50%) improved their
Fig. 1 Schematic of different
long-distance running shoes,
including A a traditional racing
flat, which is classically low
to the floor with relatively thin
soles with the focus here being
to keep the shoes lightweight,
and B advanced footwear
technology, which consists of
a curved stiff element in the
forefoot of the shoe, as well as a
high midsole stack height made
up of a resilient, compliant, and
lightweight foam
Variability in Advanced Footwear Technology
performance with this type of footwear [26]. This is also
supported by various laboratory-based running economy
studies comparing advanced footwear technology to tradi-
tional racing flats in sub-elite athletes, suggesting that the
design of these shoes reduces the energy cost of running on
average by about 2.7–4.4%, thereby benefiting overall run-
ning performance [15, 27–30].
While previous studies have compared the running econ-
omy of non-elite runners wearing different shoe technologies
in relatively controlled laboratory settings [15, 27–30], no
study has examined the variability in running economy of
the main beneficiaries (i.e., world-class athletes). Knowing
this, the primary aim of this study was to answer the research
question: how does the variability in physiological response
in terms of running economy on a laboratory treadmill in
advanced footwear technology compare to a traditional rac-
ing flat in world-class Kenyan distance runners (half-mar-
athon mean time: 59:30 min:s) versus European amateur
runners? Based on the obtained results, we decided to sys-
tematically search the literature for similar relevant studies
and conducted a post-hoc meta-analysis to confirm the found
range of variability, and better understand the overall effect
of advanced footwear technology.
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Participants
Fifteen subjects volunteered to participate in this study
and were classified as either world class or amateur. Run-
ners with current or recent injuries that prevented them
from training were excluded, as well as those uncomforta-
ble with running on a treadmill. Shoe size was also part of
the inclusion criteria because of shoe cost considerations.
One participant dropped out as he struggled to run on a
treadmill, meaning 14 participants were finally included
for analysis in this study.
The world-class cohort comprised seven male
world-class Kenyan runners (mean ± standard devia-
tion, age: 22.7 ± 3.2 years, height: 1.7 ± 0.05 m, mass:
59.9 ± 4.8 kg, body mass index: 19.7 ± 0.6 kg/m2,
̇VO2peak: 75.9 ± 3.5 mL/kg/min) (Table 1) [31]. These
runners were recruited through sponsorship deals with
collaborating companies and were all professional road
racing athletes who had an official mean personal record
for the half-marathon of 59:30 ± 0:48 min:s, and a 10-km
personal best of 27:33 ± 0:41 min:s. The amateur cohort
consisted of seven well-trained male amateur European
runners, who at the time of measurement were training
daily, (mean ± standard deviation, age: 28.1 ± 4.2 years,
height: 1.8 ± 0.03 m, mass: 72.1 ± 7.0 kg, body mass
index: 21.9 ± 1.8 kg/m2, ̇VO2peak: 62.3 ± 5.1 mL/kg/min)
and volunteered to take part in this research (Table 1).
All participants gave written informed consent to being a
part of this study after they understood the experimental
procedures, potential injury risks, and possible benefits.
2.2 Shoes
Throughout the experimental protocol, analyzed shoe con-
ditions included a commercially available traditional rac-
ing shoe (FLAT) used by the subjects regularly for their
own training, as well as three different commercially avail-
able models of AdvFootTech (1–3) that differed in their
geometry and weight (Table 2). As all athletes were the
same shoe size, everyone tested in UK 8.5 (US 9/EU 42
2.3 Experimental Protocol
This study comprised two laboratory visits occurring on
separate days, with a 24-h pause for recovery, at the adidas
Sports Science Research Laboratory in Herzogenaurach,
Germany located close to sea level at an altitude of 300 m
(Fig. 2). During the first session, we collected ̇VO2peak
and baseline measurements. In the subsequent session, we
measured running economy in different footwear conditions
at either 75% (world class) or 70% (amateur) of the corre-
sponding velocity to the measured ̇VO2peak, (v ̇VO2peak)
[32]. We chose the 75/70% of v ̇VO2peak as this was a sub-
maximal speed related to speeds these subjects would use
when running at a marathon pace.
To ensure consistency and avoid any confounding effects
of circadian rhythm [33], we tested participants at the same
time of day and encouraged them to match their diet, sleep,
and training patterns prior to each session. Furthermore,
to ensure the athletes felt comfortable being in a foreign
Table 1 Participant descriptive and physiological characteristics for
each of the measured cohorts
Data shown are mean ± standard deviation
̇VO2peak maximal oxygen uptake, v ̇VO2peak velocity at ̇VO2peak,
Student’s t test
*Significance (p < 0.05)
World class
n = 7
n = 7
Age (years)
22.7 ± 3.2
28.1 ± 4.2
Height (cm)
174.3 ± 4.9
181.4 ± 2.6
Weight (kg)
59.9 ± 4.8
72.1 ± 7.0
̇VO2peak (mL/kg/min)
75.9 ± 3.5
62.3 ± 5.1
< 0.001*
̇VO2peak (L/min)
4.53 ± 0.43
4.49 ± 0.48
v ̇VO2peak (km/h)
22.3 ± 0.6
18.8 ± 1.2
< 0.001*
M. Knopp et al.
environment and understood all that was asked of them, their
coach as well as manager traveled with them and helped with
testing. This favored a clearer communication between the
research team and the athletes.
2.3.1 Visit 1
In this preliminary visit, we collected physiological baseline
and anthropometric measurements. Throughout the whole
experiment, all treadmill sessions were conducted in the
same standardized laboratory chamber (mean ± standard
deviation, temperature: 25.5 ± 1.1 °C, humidity: 60.2 ± 8.8%,
pressure: 980.7 ± 4.9 mBar) on a HP Cosmos motorized
treadmill (Venus 200/75; h/p/cosmos sports and medical
GmbH, Nussdorf-Traunstein, Germany) set at a 1% gradient
to mimic the energetic cost of running outdoors [34]. Given
that some runners were not accustomed to treadmill running
or using a ̇VO2peak protocol, we familiarized subjects dur-
ing a 15-min session on the treadmill with increasing speeds.
Once they felt comfortable running on a treadmill, we fitted
each athlete with a heart rate monitor (Polar H7; Polar Elec-
tro Oy, Kempele, Finland) and face mask (7450 Series V2
Mask; Hans Rudolph, Inc., Shawnee, KS, USA), connected
to the MetaMax 3B portable cardiopulmonary gas exchange
measuring device (CORTEX Biophysik GmbH, Leipzig,
Germany). We then collected respiratory parameters from
the subjects using an automated breath-by-breath method,
via the measurement and evaluation software, MetaSoft Stu-
dio (CORTEX Biophysik GmbH, Leipzig, Germany). Before
each testing session, we calibrated this system according to
the manufacturer’s instructions [35, 36].
To assess maximal aerobic capacity, athletes completed
a ̇VO2peak ramp test using an incremental speed protocol
with a continuous 1% incline. For this, athletes ran in the
new pairs of the traditional racing FLAT test condition. For
the world-class athletes, this test started at 10 km/h for 2 min
and increased progressively at 1 km/h/min until volitional
exhaustion. Amateurs completed the same protocol starting
at 8 km/h. During this test, we verbally encouraged all ath-
letes to ensure a maximal output was reached.
Table 2 Descriptive
characteristics of the
AdvFootTech and FLAT
NShoe characteristics based on size UK 8.5/US 9
Energy return classification: low: < 70%; medium: 70–80%; high: > 80%
AdvFootTech advanced footwear technology, FLAT traditional racing flat
Shoe label
Mass (g)
Forefoot stack
height (mm)
Rearfoot stack
height (mm)
drop (mm)
return (%)
Stiff element?
AdvFootTech 1
AdvFootTech 2
AdvFootTech 3
Fig. 2 Illustration of the methods protocol of the present study. A
For visit 1, we collected baseline information of the subjects, which
included conducting a maximal oxygen uptake ( ̇VO2peak) assess-
ment. B On the second day of testing, we then assessed the run-
ning economy of both traditional racing flat (FLAT) and different
advanced footwear technology (AdvFootTech) models. v ̇VO2peak
velocity at ̇VO2peak
Variability in Advanced Footwear Technology
Upon completion, two experienced exercise physiolo-
gists detected and agreed upon ventilatory thresholds and ̇V
O2peak values. For all cardiorespiratory data, we cleaned the
breath-by-breath raw data by removing outlying data points
that were more than two standard deviations away from the
mean of a seven-breath window. After these outliers were
removed, data were smoothed further by taking a moving
seven-breath average. The ̇VO2max value was recorded as
the highest cleaned and smoothed value during the test. As
we did not repeat a verification test to confirm these val-
ues, the highest recorded ̇VO2 value will be defined as a
‘ ̇VO2peak’ [37]. The measured v ̇VO2peak (km/h) was also
recorded and used to prescribe the running speed for the run-
ning economy tests during visit 2. Ventilatory threshold data
as well as previously recorded personal bests of each athlete
were used to ensure the selected speeds were sufficient in
obtaining testing data that are relevant to racing and would
not be affected by fatigue.
2.3.2 Visit 2
During visit 2, we assessed running economy for each of
the different shoes at 75% of v ̇VO2peak (17.0 ± 0.4 km/h)
for world-class athletes and 70% (13.1 ± 1.0 km/h) for ama-
teur athletes. When subjects arrived, they first completed a
6-min standardized warm-up in the FLAT. This was then
followed by a 12-min break during which we prepared the
equipment for the test that consisted of 6-min bouts with a
12-min rest between bouts. Before each new treadmill trial,
athletes changed their shoes for the next bout. The last 30 s
of this break were recorded on the treadmill to obtain rest-
ing values.
From the recorded measurements, we calculated run-
ning economy, oxygen cost of transport, and energetic cost
using the Péronnet and Masicotte equation expressed in
mL/kg/min, mL/kg/km, and W/kg, respectively, from the
̇VO2 data during the 60-s period from minute 4 to 5 of
each test [38].
2.4 Data and Statistical Analysis
All data analysis and statistical tests were performed
using RStudio [39]. Statistical analyses of the data were
performed using the R package ‘stats’ (version 4.0.0) in
RStudio [39, 40] using the traditional level of signifi-
cance (p < 0.05). Power and sample size calculations were
performed using the R package ‘pwr’ (version 1.3-0) in
RStudio also using the traditional level of significance
(p < 0.05), 80% power, and four different groups for the
four different shoes. We conducted a Student’s t test on
the descriptive characteristics to analyze population dif-
ferences between the measured world-class and amateur
athletes. Additionally, an analysis of variance test with
repeated measures and a Bonferroni post-hoc correction
were conducted on the steady-state physiological data [41,
2.5 Systematic Review and Meta‑analysis
To confirm the found range of variability with the previ-
ously published literature, and better understand the overall
effect of advanced footwear technology, we conducted a sys-
tematic electronic search of relevant studies and a related
For this retrospective systematic literature search, Sco-
pus, SPORT-Discus, PubMed, Web of Science, and Foot-
wear Science databases were searched using the terms
“Racing Shoes” and “Running Shoes + Running Economy”
through 21 November, 2021. Inclusion criteria for this
review were studies that (1) examined the running perfor-
mance effect of different versions of advanced footwear tech-
nology for road running compared to a traditional racing flat
control condition; and (2) measured the running economy
(mL/kg/min) of this comparison. Additional secondary out-
come measures including oxygen cost of transport (mL/kg/
km) and energetic cost (W/kg) were also analyzed to pro-
vide a bigger picture of the effects of such new technology
on running performance. These results were then pooled
using Hedge’s g for a standardized effect size [43] and the
inverse heterogeneity (IVhet) model using the Epigear Meta
XL software (version 5.3) [44]. We further analyzed out-
comes of the meta-analysis using a z-score for significance,
Cochran’s Q statistic for heterogeneity, and I-squared for
inconsistency [45] and assessed the risk of bias using the
Cochrane Risk of Bias Instrument for RCTs (RoB 2) [46].
3 Results
3.1 Running Economy
From the available dataset (n = 14), for running economy
there was a significant difference between shoe types
in the amateur athletes (F(3) = 8.308, p = 0.001) where
running economy in the advanced footwear technology
was significantly lower than in the FLAT. Compared to
the FLAT shoe, amateur athletes saw running economy
improved by 3.5 ± 3.7% (pBonferroni = 0.042) with AdvFoot-
Tech 1, 4.6 ± 2.7% (pBonferroni = 0.005) with AdvFootTech
2, and 5.0 ± 3.4% (pBonferroni = 0.002) with AdvFootTech 3
(Fig. 3B, Table 3), with no significant differences between
the three advanced footwear technology conditions.
Both the world-class and amateur athletes showed a
large inter-individual variability with individual trials
M. Knopp et al.
showing a ± 11.4% variation in performance (Fig. 3).
When examining the individual advanced footwear tech-
nology conditions for the world-class population, the
inter-individual range in overall performance changes of
all included subjects vary by 14.6% on average for the dif-
ferent shoes. A similar pattern is also seen in the amateur
population where values here range from a 9.7% benefit
to a 1.1% drawback for advanced footwear technology
when compared to the flat for a narrower inter-individual
total range of 10.8% (Fig. 3B). For this population, the
individual advanced footwear technology range in perfor-
mance changes was narrower than that of the world-class
population for an average of a 9.5% difference between
the maximum and minimum percent change per shoe.
Via a time and running economy interaction analysis, we
ensured the shoe order did not have a significant effect
on the described results (world-class: p = 0.61; amateur:
p = 0.67).
In Table 3, we present the results for running economy,
oxygen consumption, and percentage change in running
economy in the advanced footwear technology models
compared to a traditional running flat for both the world-
class and amateur cohorts. Here, we compare the different
shoes among cohorts, stratifying the data according to the
amateur or world-class athlete results, as well as global
effects comparing all tested subjects.
3.2 Systematic Review Study Characteristics
From the initial search that resulted in 929 studies, 30 were
selected for a full-text analysis after excluding by duplicates,
title, and abstract, and five studies were finally included after
fulfilling the inclusion criteria (Fig. 4). All examined stud-
ies were randomized crossover trials investigating a range
of recreational to highly trained runners with a combined
average measured ̇VO2peak of 67.1 ± 8.2 mL/kg/min. All
studies examined a steady-state running analysis on a tread-
mill with different advanced footwear technology shoes
compared to traditional racing flats, with Hébert-Losier et al.
also including participants’ own shoes and spray painting
the others to blind participants to model details [27]. Of the
five studies, Barnes and Kilding was the only experiment
to also include a female cohort [15]. Examined footwear
conditions of the studies included in the meta-analysis are
described in Table 4, please note data of shoe conditions
irrelevant for this study, such as track spikes, were excluded
in the meta-analysis [15]. When repeated conditions were
used for the meta-analysis comparison, the corresponding
conditions were divided by the number of repeated com-
parisons to ensure no double counting of effects. The test-
ing was conducted at a variety of different speeds either
between 14 and 18 km/h or in the case of Hébert-Losier
et al., at different speeds relative to ̇VO2peak [27]. Hereby,
we decided to subgroup the analysis based on the speed at
which physiological variables were measured according to
the protocols. We included four different speed categoriza-
tions starting with a very low speed that included 60% of v ̇V
O2peak where the speed was 11.0 ± 0.6 km/h; the low speed
category included those conditions measured at 14 km/h for
both men and women or 70% of v ̇VO2peak with a speed
of 12.9 ± 0.7 km/h; the medium-speed category included
16 km/h for men, 15 km/h for women, and 80% of v ̇VO2peak
with a speed of 14.7 ± 0.8 km/h; finally, the high-speed cat-
egory included 18 km/h for men, and 16 km/h for women.
Considering the risk of bias assessment of the included
studies, all studies had some concerns for the category
of bias arising from period and carryover effects, given
the unknown effect of the physiological starting point
between the trials and what carryover or how long a car-
ryover might be with regard to running in advanced foot-
wear technology. The overall risk of bias across all stud-
ies was of some concern owing to the similarities in the
protocol of the study and the period and carryover effects.
Fig. 3 Percentage change in
steady-state running economy
oxygen consumption (mL/kg/
min) relative to a traditional
running flat (FLAT) in different
shoe conditions for both A
world-class and B amateur pop-
ulations. These shoes include a
FLAT on the far left as well as
three different advanced foot-
wear technology (AdvFootTech)
conditions. Here, a negative
percentage change indicates less
oxygen consumption at a given
speed and therefore a better run-
ning economy
Variability in Advanced Footwear Technology
Table 3 Steady-state physiological results for each of the different AdvFootTech and FLAT models separated between the world-class and amateur cohorts as well as statistical findings of the
whole combined sample
AdvFootTech advanced footwear technology, ANOVA analysis of variance, FLAT traditional racing flat, SD standard deviation
*Significant difference (p < 0.05)
† Shoes with value significantly different to the FLAT
World class (mean ± SD)
Amateur (mean ± SD)
Among ama-
teur subjects
Combined sample
n = 7
n = 7
Main effect
shoes within
Main popula-
tion effect
effect within
Tech 1
AdvFootTech 2
AdvFootTech 3
AdvFootTech 1
AdvFootTech 2
AdvFootTech 3
(mL O2/kg/
54.5 ± 2.0
54.9 ± 1.6
54.7 ± 2.8
53.5 ± 3.1
F = 0.743
p = 0.541
47.7 ± 2.6
46.1 ± 3.2†
pBonf = 0.043
45.5 ± 2.1†
pBonf = 0.004
45.3 ± 1.9†
pBonf = 0.002
F = 8.308
p = 0.001*
F = 3.360
p = 0.030*
F = 46.608
p < 0.001*
F = 1.741
p = 0.177
Oxygen cost
of transport
(mL O2/kg/
192.3 ± 8.1
193.8 ± 6.6
192.9 ± 11.8
188.7 ± 9.1
F = 0.875
p = 0.474
220.2 ± 12.3
212.3 ± 5.0†
pBonf = 0.047
209.9 ± 8.8†
pBonf = 0.006
208.9 ± 10.4†
pBonf = 0.003
F = 7.511
p = 0.002*
F = 4.245
p = 0.012*
F = 20.757
p < 0.001*
F = 2.478
p = 0.077
Energetic cost
19.4 ± 0.7
19.6 ± 0.6
19.5 ± 1.0
19.0 ± 1.3
F = 0.836
p = 0.493
16.9 ± 0.9
16.2 ± 1.2†
pBonf = 0.018
16.0 ± 0.8†
pBonf = 0.002
15.9 ± 0.7†
pBonf = < 0.001
F = 10.007
p < .001*
F = 3.572
p = 0.024*
F = 47.887
p < 0.001*
F = 1.886
p = 0.150
0.92 ± 0.02
0.93 ± 0.02
0.93 ± 0.02
0.90 ± 0.05 F = 1.001
p = 0.416
0.91 ± 0.03
0.88 ± 0.02†
pBonf = 0.029
0.88 ± 0.03†
pBonf = 0.016
0.88 ± 0.03†
pBonf = 0.005
F = 6.518
p = 0.004*
F = 2.741
p = 0.058
F = 4.935
p = 0.048*
F = 1.663
p = 0.193
Heart rate
158.4 ± 8.8
157.7 ± 8.5
157.3 ± 10.1
155.6 ± 11.2 F = 0.919
p = 0.453
160.3 ± 5.9
157.2 ± 7.2
160.1 ± 6.5
158.8 ± 7.5
F = 1.527
p = 0.242
F = 1.542
p = 0.221
F = 0.278
p = 0.609
F = 1.072
p = 0.373
% Change
in running
economy to
0.0 ± 0.0
0.8 ± 5.0
0.3 ± 3.9
− 1.9 ± 5.6
F = 0.74
p = 0.543
0.0 ± 0.0
− 3.5 ± 3.7†
pBonf = 0.042
− 4.6 ± 2.7†
pBonf = 0.005
− 5.0 ± 3.4†
pBonf = 0.002
F = 7.969
p = 0.001*
F = 3.579
p = 0.023*
F = 4.170
p = 0.066
F = 2.039
p = 0.126
M. Knopp et al.
3.3 Meta‑analysis Primary Outcome Measure:
Running Economy
The meta-analysis of running economy (mL/kg/min) in all
five examined studies comparing different advanced foot-
wear technology to racing flat conditions revealed a statisti-
cally significant benefit of advanced footwear technology on
running economy measures with an overall medium effect of
− 0.58 [mean (95% confidence interval); g = − 0.58 (− 0.75,
− 0.42), Z = − 6.86 (p < 0.001)], where a negative value
indicates improved efficiency when running (Fig. 5). When
sub-grouped by speed, the analysis showed a small effect
[g = − 0.29 (− 0.87, 0.31)] at very low speeds, a medium
effect [g = − 0.58 (− 0.90, − 0.26)] at low speeds, a medium
effect [g = − 0.54 (− 0.79, − 0.28)] at medium speeds, and
a large effect [g = − 0.92 (− 1.31, − 0.52)] at high speeds.
Incorporating the data presented in this study, results are
Fig. 4 Flow chart showing
study selection. Adapted from
the PRISMA flow diagram [60]
Table 4 Descriptive characteristics of shoe products included in the meta-analysis
Shoe characteristics based on size UK 8.5/US 9 and obtained from original journal articles used in the meta-analysis or measurements conducted
from FLAT 6 varies (mean ± standard deviation) as it is a combination of the participants own footwear and includes
sizes varying from US 8.5 to 12. Missing information (n/a) is because of the confidentiality of midsole material or missing information in the
examined studies
AdvFootTech advanced footwear technology, EVA ethylene–vinyl acetate, FLAT traditional racing flat, n/a not available, PEBA polyether block
amide, TPU thermoplastic polyurethane
Shoe label
Mass (g)
Forefoot stack
height (mm)
Rearfoot stack
height (mm)
drop (mm)
Midsole material
Stiff element?
AdvFootTech 1
AdvFootTech 2
AdvFootTech 3
AdvFootTech 4 [15, 27–29]
AdvFootTech 5 [30]
AdvFootTech 6 [30]
AdvFootTech 7 [30]
AdvFootTech 8 [30]
AdvFootTech 9 [30]
AdvFootTech 10 [30]
AdvFootTech 11 [30]
FLAT 2 [28, 29]
FLAT 3 [28]
FLAT 4 [15, 29]
FLAT 5 [27]
FLAT 6 [27]
313 ± 44
26.0 ± 7.9
9.4 ± 6.7
FLAT 7 [30]
Variability in Advanced Footwear Technology
showing an overall medium effect [g = − 0.39 (− 1.01, 0.23)].
When this sub-analysis is further distributed by population,
the world-class subgroup showed a small effect [g = − 0.02
(− 0.88, 0.85)], and the amateur subgroup showed a large
effect [g = − 0.80 (− 1.70, 0.10)]. In this analysis, no statisti-
cally significant heterogeneity, as assessed via Q, was found
(Q = 14.42, p = 1.00) and inconsistency, as assessed using I2
as an extension of Q, was very low (I2 = 0%) [45].
3.4 Meta‑analysis Secondary Outcome Measures:
Oxygen Cost of Transport and Energetic Cost
The meta-analysis of oxygen cost of transport (mL/kg/km)
of the three studies that included this data revealed a statis-
tically significant benefit of advanced footwear technology
on the oxygen cost of transport measures [mean (95% CI);
g = − 0.67 (− 0.87, − 0.47), Z = − 6.60 (p = < 0.001), Fig. 6].
Considering the subgroup analysis by speed, a medium
effect [g = − 0.58 (− 0.96, − 0.20)] was found at low speeds,
a medium effect [g = − 0.62 (− 0.95, − 0.30)] at medium
speeds, and a large effect [g = − 0.92 (− 1.31, − 0.52)] at high
speeds. Incorporating the data presented in this study, an
overall medium effect [g = − 0.47 (− 1.10, 0.16)] was found.
Here as well, no statistically significant heterogeneity was
found (Q = 14.03, p = 0.99) and inconsistency was very low
(I2 = 0%) among the examined studies [45].
Finally, the meta-analysis of energetic cost (W/kg) of
the four studies showed a statistically significant benefit of
advanced footwear technology on energetic cost measures
[mean (95% CI); g = − 0.54 (− 0.71, − 0.37), Z = − 6.28
(p = < 0.001), Fig. 7]. Further examination of the subgroup
speed analysis shows a small effect [g = − 0.27 (− 0.86,
0.31)] at very low speeds, a medium effect [g = − 0.53
(− 0.85, − 0.21)] at low speeds, a medium effect [g = − 0.55
(− 0.82, − 0.27)] at medium speeds, and a large effect
[g = − 0.69 (− 1.07, − 0.31)] at high speeds. Analysis of the
present study shows an overall medium effect [g = − 0.41
(− 1.04, 0.21)]. Again, here, no statistically significant het-
erogeneity was found (Q = 8.44, p = 1.00) and inconsistency
was very low (I2 = 0%) between the subgroups [45].
4 Discussion
In this study, we aimed to assess the variability in running
economy in advanced footwear technology compared to a
traditional racing flat on a treadmill in world-class Kenyan
versus European amateur runners at speeds proportional to
a marathon pace. Our laboratory results revealed ± 11.4%
variability of the running economy of different advanced
footwear technology running shoes in world-class Kenyan
road runners, while for amateur Europeans, results range
from a 9.7% benefit to a 1.1% drawback. The post-hoc
meta-analysis revealed an overall statistically significant
medium benefit of advanced footwear technology on run-
ning economy when compared with traditional flats.
4.1 Running Economy and Running Performance
Inter‑Individual Variability
The running economy of the measured advanced footwear
technology compared to a traditional racing flat of all tested
subjects revealed a large inter-subject variability with overall
values that ranged from an 11.4% benefit to an 11.3% draw-
back (Fig. 3). To compare this variation of running economy
to other studies, we conducted a systematic literature search.
Interestingly, this revealed similar variability in the found
research considering the obtained confidence intervals in
the conducted meta-analysis (Figs. 5, 6, 7). Hoogkamer et al.
examined for the first time advanced footwear technology
versus previously established marathon racing flats, all mass
neutralized, in high-caliber athletes at three distinct speeds.
The results found a range of 1.97–6.26% benefit in energetic
cost (W/kg) of the new advanced footwear technology versus
flats [28]. A similar study conducted by Barnes and Kild-
ing showed a 1.72–7.15% running economy benefit (mL/
kg/min) in highly trained runners in favor of the advanced
footwear technology with only trivial-to-small differences
between the tested men and women [15]. On average, this
study found a 4.2% running economy benefit of advanced
footwear technology versus the flat, which decreased to
2.9% when these conditions were weight matched, indicat-
ing the effect weight might have on such testing [15]. In an
additional study, Hunter et al. found a response range of a
0.0–6.4% improvement in running economy (mL/kg/min)
for advanced footwear technology and further suggested that
different runners may require individualized shoe stiffnesses
to enhance performance [29]. Hébert-Losier et al. examined
both running economy and performance during a 3-km time
trial and found a variability in running economy (mL/kg/
min) of a worsening by a 10.3–13.3% improvement across
conditions in recreational runners, and a time trial variability
of a worsening by a 4.7–9.3% improvement [27]. To com-
pare seven different models of advanced footwear technol-
ogy, Joubert et al. conducted running economy tests (mL/
kg/min) with trained distance runners and found that when
all advanced footwear technology shoes are combined, the
responses, as calculated from presented mean and stand-
ard deviations as well as described values, ranged from a
1% disadvantage to a 5.3% advantage [30]. An additional
group of research studies also conducted a similar analysis
by examining race performance measures instead of physi-
ological data obtained in a laboratory. Considering these as
well, Guinness et al. examined marathon race performance
results from hundreds of elite marathoners who switched
to advanced footwear technology and found that 74.5% of
M. Knopp et al.
Study or Subgroup
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 18, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 18, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 3 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 16, Men
High Speed subgroup
Present Study, AdvFootTech 2 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 16, Women
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 14, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 11 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 16, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 5 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 18, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 14, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 9 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 14, Women
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 16, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 18, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 14, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 16, Women
Very Low Speed
Q=0.36, p=0.55, I2=0%
Low Speed
Q=1.33, p=0.99, I2=0%
Medium Speed
Q=2.76, p=1.00, I2=0%
High Speed
Q=3.68, p=0.60, I2=0%
Present Study
Q=2.04, p=0.84, I2=0%
Q=14.42, p=1.00, I2=0%
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 14, Men
Low Speed subgroup
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 15, Women
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 6, 70%, Men
Medium Speed subgroup
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 6, 80%, Men
Hunter et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 14, Women
Present Study, AdvFootTech 1 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 6, 60%, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 15, Women
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 10 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Present Study subgroup
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 7 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Hunter et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 2, 16, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 3 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
Very Low Speed subgroup
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 5, 80%, Men
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 5, 70%, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 6 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 5, 60%, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 8 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 2 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 1 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
g (95% CI) % Weight
-1.88 ( -3.08, -0.68) 1.9
-1.27 ( -2.35, -0.18) 2.3
-1.08 ( -2.69, 0.54) 1.1
-1.01 ( -2.06, 0.04) 2.5
-0.92 ( -1.31, -0.52) 17.6
-0.89 ( -2.46, 0.68) 1.1
-0.86 ( -1.89, 0.17) 2.6
-0.82 ( -1.85, 0.20) 2.6
-0.79 ( -2.43, 0.85) 1.0
-0.76 ( -1.78, 0.26) 2.6
-0.76 ( -2.40, 0.87) 1.0
-0.74 ( -1.57, 0.09) 4.0
-0.72 ( -1.55, 0.11) 4.0
-0.71 ( -2.34, 0.92) 1.0
-0.71 ( -1.73, 0.30) 2.7
-0.68 ( -1.50, 0.14) 4.0
-0.68 ( -1.50, 0.15) 4.1
-0.67 ( -1.49, 0.16) 4.1
-0.64 ( -1.46, 0.18) 4.1
-0.63 ( -1.64, 0.38) 2.7
-0.58 ( -0.75, -0.42) 100.0
-0.58 ( -1.59, 0.42) 2.7
-0.58 ( -0.90, -0.26) 26.3
-0.56 ( -1.56, 0.44) 2.7
-0.54 ( -1.40, 0.33) 3.7
-0.54 ( -0.79, -0.28) 41.0
-0.53 ( -1.49, 0.43) 3.0
-0.52 ( -1.31, 0.27) 4.4
-0.48 ( -1.48, 0.52) 2.8
-0.47 ( -1.98, 1.04) 1.2
-0.47 ( -1.30, 0.37) 3.9
-0.40 ( -1.39, 0.59) 2.8
-0.40 ( -2.01, 1.21) 1.1
-0.39 ( -1.01, 0.23) 7.0
-0.37 ( -1.97, 1.24) 1.1
-0.36 ( -1.15, 0.42) 4.5
-0.30 ( -1.83, 1.22) 1.2
-0.29 ( -0.87, 0.30) 8.0
-0.21 ( -1.16, 0.73) 3.1
-0.18 ( -1.03, 0.67) 3.8
-0.16 ( -1.76, 1.45) 1.1
-0.11 ( -0.93, 0.71) 4.0
-0.02 ( -1.62, 1.58) 1.1
0.04 ( -1.44, 1.52) 1.3
0.20 ( -1.29, 1.68) 1.2
Variability in Advanced Footwear Technology
the men ran faster with an estimate of a 1.4–2.8% improve-
ment in performance, while 71.4% of the women ran faster
with an estimate of a 0.6–2.2% performance improvement
[47]. Similarly, Senefeld et al. further examined performance
and racing shoes in elite racers in four major marathons and
found that in a subgroup of athletes with subsequent race
performance of a flat then advanced footwear technology,
the between-race change in performance for female athletes
had a 95% confidence interval range from a 6.9% hindrance
to a 13.8% advantage and a 5.4% hindrance to an 11.4%
advantage in male athletes, suggesting that observed find-
ings in a laboratory setting translate to real improvements in
racing conditions [48]. Finally, Bermon et al. analyzed sea-
sonal best times throughout the years to determine the effect
of switching to advanced footwear technology, and found
that in half-marathon and marathon races of a subgroup of
athletes who competed in the same event with and without
these shoes, all athletes (except male half-marathon runners)
significantly improved their performance times with calcula-
tions on presented data showing that on average the female
athletes showed a greater benefit of 1.9% faster in both races
when compared with a 0.8% better performance found in
the male athletes [49]. Overall, comparable to the present
study, the variability in previously published data range from
a 13.8% benefit to a 10.3% drawback in an overall change
in performance of advanced footwear technology versus
traditional racing flats as measured both in the laboratory
with steady-state running physiology tests, and in the field
examining race times.
Additional results from the five studies included after a
retrospective systematic review and meta-analysis revealed
that advanced footwear technology had an overall significant
medium effect of − 0.58 when compared with a flat in terms
of running economy, oxygen cost of transport, and energetic
cost, even when accounting for the large individual vari-
ability found in these individual studies [15, 27–30]. Inter-
estingly, as revealed via the subgroup analysis, the effect
changed with the speed sub-groups where very low speeds
showed a small effect and high speeds showed a greater
effect, aligning with what has previously been shown in the
literature [50]. This suggests that mechanisms involved in
the advanced footwear technology might be proportional to
the other biomechanical aspects such as changes in stride or
gait cycle that alter with speed, with the mechanism reduc-
ing the energy required for running bouts proportionally
higher when running at higher speeds [51].
Despite the findings of the meta-analysis, it remains
important to consider the great inter-individual differences
in the response to footwear conditions with individuals in
the presented study as well as subjects in previous research
showing significant inter-individual differences. Such results
suggest possible methodological limitations of measuring
the performance of running shoes (e.g., laboratory-based
studies, insufficient familiarization protocols), as well as
the importance of an individualized approach for athletes
considering different biomechanical or anthropometrics that
could be contributing to optimize their response to advanced
footwear technology.
4.2 Intra‑Individual Running Economy Differences
in Shoe Conditions
When examining the individual cases, some subjects showed
meaningful effects depending on the specific advanced
footwear technology shoe being tested, and others were not
always trending the same way among all advanced footwear
technology models. For example, given the results here, one
of the world-class Kenyan runners showed a range from an
11.4% to a 0.2% benefit in the different advanced footwear
technology models (Fig. 3A). For the aforementioned ath-
lete, comparing personal best half-marathon times, this
individual did indeed improve a sub-1-h half-marathon time
by over 1:20 (min:s) in a shoe where this athlete was more
economical during testing [52]. However, for another world-
class subject who exhibited a running economy range of
a 2.5% benefit to a 6.6% drawback for different advanced
footwear technology, comparing marathon seasonal best
times, this athlete was able to set a new personal record
by reducing 2 min off a time already under 2:10 (h:min) in
shoes that they, according to our test, should have performed
worse in. This further affirms possible limitations of testing
shoe performance in this way, particularly with a world-class
Kenyan running population where further confounders such
as a lack of familiarization to treadmill running and testing
conditions might be playing a role.
4.3 Populations Running Economy Differences
When examining in our study the differences in variability
ranges between the world-class (an 11.4% benefit to a 11.3%
drawback) and the amateur (a 9.7% benefit to a 1.1% draw-
back) populations, further exploration into the data revealed
possible explanations. As we did not measure the running
economy of all participants at the same speed, we are unable
to conclude how the running efficiency of these two popula-
tions compared as a baseline in the same traditional racing
flat. However, previously published research established
that East Africans have a running economy advantage when
compared with their Spanish counterparts [12]. Therefore,
Fig. 5 Forest plot displaying running economy (mL/kg/min) com-
parisons between advanced footwear technology (AdvFootTech) and
traditional racing flats (FLAT) sub-categorized into different speeds.
Study labels consist of the study name, the examined AdvFootTech
versus FLAT condition where + indicates conditions that are weight
matched, the speed either in km/h or as a % of peak, and the exam-
ined population. CI confidence interval
M. Knopp et al.
Study or Subgroup
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 18, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 18, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 14, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 1 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 16, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 2 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 3 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
High Speed subgroup
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 16, Women
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 11 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 5 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 16, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 18, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 14, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 14, Women
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 9 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 16, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 18, Men
Low Speed
Q=4.01, p=0.55, I2=0%
Medium Speed
Q=1.79, p=1.00, I2=0%
High Speed
Q=3.67, p=0.60, I2=0%
Present Study
Q=2.42, p=0.79, I2=0%
Q=14.03, p=0.99, I2=0%
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 15, Women
Medium Speed subgroup
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 16, Women
Low Speed subgroup
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 14, Women
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 15, Women
Present Study subgroup
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 10 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 7 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 3 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 14, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 6 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 8 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 14, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 2 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 1 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
g (95% CI) % Weight
-1.86 ( -3.06, -0.66) 2.8
-1.27 ( -2.36, -0.18) 3.4
-1.17 ( -2.04, -0.30) 5.2
-1.02 ( -2.62, 0.58) 1.5
-1.01 ( -2.05, 0.04) 3.6
-0.97 ( -2.56, 0.62) 1.6
-0.94 ( -2.52, 0.65) 1.6
-0.92 ( -1.31, -0.52) 25.4
-0.86 ( -1.90, 0.17) 3.7
-0.78 ( -2.42, 0.85) 1.5
-0.75 ( -2.39, 0.88) 1.5
-0.75 ( -1.77, 0.27) 3.8
-0.73 ( -1.56, 0.10) 5.8
-0.72 ( -1.54, 0.11) 5.8
-0.72 ( -1.73, 0.30) 3.8
-0.71 ( -2.34, 0.92) 1.5
-0.68 ( -1.51, 0.14) 5.8
-0.68 ( -1.50, 0.15) 5.8
-0.67 ( -0.87, -0.47) 100.0
-0.66 ( -1.48, 0.16) 5.9
-0.64 ( -1.65, 0.37) 3.9
-0.62 ( -0.95, -0.30) 37.6
-0.62 ( -1.62, 0.39) 3.9
-0.58 ( -0.96, -0.20) 27.1
-0.48 ( -1.48, 0.52) 4.0
-0.48 ( -1.47, 0.52) 4.0
-0.47 ( -1.10, 0.16) 10.0
-0.40 ( -2.01, 1.21) 1.5
-0.36 ( -1.97, 1.25) 1.5
-0.35 ( -1.89, 1.18) 1.7
-0.23 ( -1.22, 0.75) 4.1
-0.16 ( -1.76, 1.45) 1.5
-0.02 ( -1.62, 1.58) 1.5
0.04 ( -0.94, 1.02) 4.1
0.05 ( -1.43, 1.53) 1.8
0.19 ( -1.29, 1.68) 1.8
Fig. 6 Forest plot displaying oxygen cost of transport (mL/kg/km)
comparisons between advanced footwear technology (AdvFootTech)
and traditional racing flats (FLAT) sub-categorized into different
speeds. Study labels consist of the study name, the examined Adv-
FootTech versus FLAT condition where + indicates conditions that
are weight matched, the speed either in km/h or as a % of peak, and
the examined population. CI confidence interval
Variability in Advanced Footwear Technology
one consideration could be that our world-class cohort was
already more economical when running in the traditional
racing flat and therefore would not benefit as much when
compared to the amateur European population.
Additionally, regarding the methodology, certain dif-
ferences between the two populations are also apparent.
First, while the relative effort between populations might
be comparable, the speed at which they attained such effort
differed with the average submaximal velocity for the
world-class runners being 17.1 ± 0.4 km/h compared with
13.1 ± 1.0 km/h of the amateurs. These differences could
be affecting the percentage benefits of advanced footwear
technology in regard to running economy [53]. Moreover,
even with a brief warm-up and familiarization session, some
world-class runners were not used to running on a treadmill,
which as Colino et al. has suggested, changes the mechanics
compared with overground running [54, 55]. Furthermore,
of note, at the point of testing, the world-class population
had already been training in a version of the advanced foot-
wear technology and were therefore familiar with the high-
stack height and the feel of running with this technology. In
contrast, the amateurs were not regularly running in such
shoes outside of the present study. Previous research con-
ducted has suggested injury risks and possible biomechani-
cal changes when transitioning to novel footwear (e.g., mini-
malist shoes) too quickly, recommending a longer adaptation
period [56–58]. Both considerations could have biased the
results of the present study.
4.4 Limitations
Several limitations to this study must also be acknowledged.
First, we acknowledge the present study is underpowered. As
no previous study had been conducted examining a world-
class cohort, we had to do power and sample size calcu-
lations post-hoc. To start with the amateur cohort, using
the smallest found effect size of 0.47 for running economy,
sample size calculations revealed that 14 participants should
be considered for such an analysis, consistent with the 14
total participants we had recruited at the start of the experi-
ment. Using this same effect size for the amateur cohort,
calculations revealed a power of 46.2%. When considering
each cohort separately, as with most other studies examin-
ing sub-elite populations, we were able to see differences
in advanced footwear technology for the amateurs. For the
world-class cohort, the effect sizes for running economy
of advanced footwear technology shoes compared to the
flat varied from 0.04 to − 0.30. Considering this range in
effect size, the power calculation here revealed a 5.2% up
to a 20.4%. As this signifies our study as being underpow-
ered, we also calculated the necessary sample size that
would be needed for the world-class cohort to achieve the
desired power of 80%. Based on which effect size, results
here revealed 32–1705 participants would be needed, which
is a challenge to maintain the high level required in such a
large group of participants. This is a common issue that stud-
ies using world-class athletes are often underpowered given
the singularity and inaccessibility to this sample, resulting
rather in case studies or studies with a limited sample size
[59]. With the world-class athletes, we must also consider
the margin of the examined population, where even a mini-
mal improvement in efficiency can reduce the finishing time
over the duration of a marathon and could be the difference
between a podium place or not. Furthermore, the results
reflect that we must consider the large inter-subject vari-
ability and therefore the individuality of the athletes. The
question remains of how to detect the marginal changes in
an elite population. To further examine this, future studies
should also consider examining the test–retest reliability of
steady-state running economy laboratory assessments con-
ducted on world-class athletes.
Additional limitations must also be considered owing to
the athletes’ schedules and availability. More time would
have also allowed us to repeat testing measures with the
athletes, which would have ensured further reliability of the
testing. An additional limitation was that no female athletes
were tested within the scope of this study as we only had
access to male athletes. Previous results considering both
sexes range from only trivial to small differences in labora-
tory testing to significant differences in performance finish-
ing times for female athletes [15, 48, 49]. Furthermore, it
is important to note that because the intention was to test
with shoes readily available on the market, it was impossible
to blind the participants as to the shoe they were testing.
As mentioned, because some athletes were already familiar
with and training in versions of these shoes, athletes may
have had pre-established opinions that could have influenced
the results and the placebo effect cannot be excluded [29].
It must be noted, however, that related research comparing
the running economy of different shoes where subjects were
blinded to the shoes that were painted in black still revealed
similar results [27].
Limitations related to the systematic review and meta-
analysis include methodological and characterization varia-
tions. For example, some studies manipulated the shoe con-
ditions in terms of weight matching or spray painting for
blinding. Additionally, the ambiguity in subject definition
related to the caliber of runners makes it difficult to place
the results according to populations. Finally, with respect to
the described shoe conditions, the specific model or version
of a shoe within a franchise was not always clearly labeled,
thus we had to make an informed categorization based on
the information available.
M. Knopp et al.
Study or Subgroup
Present Study, AdvFootTech 3 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 2 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 14, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 11 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 16, Women
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 18, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 5 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 16, Women
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 14, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 18, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 9 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 16, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 2, 16, Men
High Speed subgroup
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 14, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 18, Men
Hoogkamer et al., 2018 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 3, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 14, Women
Medium Speed subgroup
Very Low Speed
Q=0.43, p=0.51, I2=0%
Low Speed
Q=1.46, p=0.98, I2=0%
Medium Speed
Q=2.41, p=1.00, I2=0%
High Speed
Q=0.25, p=1.00, I2=0%
Present Study
Q=2.33, p=0.80, I2=0%
Q=8.44, p=1.00, I2=0%
Present Study, AdvFootTech 1 vs FLAT, 70%, Amateur Men
Low Speed subgroup
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 6, 80%, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 14, Men
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 6, 70%, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 18, Men
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 6, 60%, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 4, 15, Women
Present Study subgroup
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 10 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 15, Women
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 7 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 3 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
Barnes et al., 2019 - AdvFootTech 4+ vs FLAT 4, 14, Women
Very Low Speed subgroup
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 5, 80%, Men
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 5, 70%, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 6 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Hebert-Losier et al., 2020 - AdvFootTech 4 vs FLAT 5, 60%, Men
Joubert et al., 2021 - AdvFootTech 8 vs FLAT 7, 16, Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 2 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
Present Study, AdvFootTech 1 vs FLAT, 75%, World-Class Men
g (95% CI) % Weight
-1.14 ( -2.77, 0.49) 1.1
-0.94 ( -2.53, 0.64) 1.1
-0.88 ( -1.91, 0.15) 2.7
-0.80 ( -1.83, 0.22) 2.7
-0.80 ( -2.44, 0.84) 1.1
-0.78 ( -1.80, 0.24) 2.7
-0.76 ( -1.59, 0.07) 4.1
-0.75 ( -2.39, 0.88) 1.1
-0.73 ( -1.75, 0.28) 2.8
-0.73 ( -1.55, 0.10) 4.2
-0.70 ( -1.53, 0.12) 4.2
-0.70 ( -2.33, 0.93) 1.1
-0.69 ( -1.70, 0.32) 2.8
-0.69 ( -1.37, -0.02) 6.2
-0.69 ( -1.07, -0.31) 19.4
-0.67 ( -1.49, 0.16) 4.2
-0.66 ( -1.67, 0.35) 2.8
-0.65 ( -1.32, 0.02) 6.3
-0.55 ( -1.55, 0.45) 2.8
-0.55 ( -0.82, -0.27) 37.6
-0.54 ( -0.71, -0.37) 100.0
-0.53 ( -2.05, 0.98) 1.2
-0.53 ( -0.85, -0.21) 27.4
-0.51 ( -1.47, 0.45) 3.1
-0.51 ( -1.51, 0.49) 2.9
-0.48 ( -1.34, 0.38) 3.8
-0.47 ( -1.47, 0.52) 2.9
-0.47 ( -1.31, 0.36) 4.1
-0.46 ( -1.45, 0.54) 2.9
-0.41 ( -1.04, 0.21) 7.2
-0.39 ( -2.00, 1.22) 1.1
-0.34 ( -1.33, 0.65) 2.9
-0.34 ( -1.95, 1.27) 1.1
-0.33 ( -1.86, 1.20) 1.2
-0.33 ( -1.32, 0.66) 2.9
-0.27 ( -0.86, 0.31) 8.3
-0.19 ( -1.14, 0.75) 3.2
-0.17 ( -1.02, 0.68) 3.9
-0.15 ( -1.76, 1.45) 1.1
-0.08 ( -0.90, 0.75) 4.2
-0.02 ( -1.62, 1.58) 1.1
0.07 ( -1.41, 1.55) 1.3
0.22 ( -1.27, 1.71) 1.3
Variability in Advanced Footwear Technology
5 Conclusions
Next-generation long-distance running shoes that contain
advanced footwear technology result in large inter- and intra-
subject variability when measured for changes in running
economy in both world-class Kenyan and amateur Euro-
pean runners with overall values that range from an 11.3%
hindrance to an 11.4% benefit. Similar variability was also
found in the literature as measured both in the laboratory
and with real race performance. Additionally, meta-analy-
sis results reveal an overall significant medium benefit of
advanced footwear technology on running economy when
compared with traditional flats. Such results have impor-
tant indications. First of all, while testing the performance
of shoes with running economy tests has become standard
practice, further research should consider other methods that
ensure ecological validity, which could include repeated
economy tests or field-based tests. Furthermore, perfor-
mance testing should be standardized to get a better com-
parison between studies. This is particularly important for
the world-class athletes where additional constraints could
be affecting their results as well as the acknowledgment that
they may already have a better running economy. Second,
this study acknowledges that a more personalized approach
is necessary and that, when confirmed with additional test-
ing, the inter- as well as intra-subject variability should be
considered by stakeholders involved in elite sport. First,
among others, it could affect athletes and coaches regarding
their shoe selection; sport associations should acknowledge
the importance of individualization in sport; shoe manufac-
turers should consider this when implementing new technol-
ogy; and governing bodies should consider what impact this
might have on the sport, with regard to which magnitude of
effect is acceptable and fair.
Acknowledgements This study was conducted at the adidas Sports Sci-
ence Research Laboratory in Herzogenaurach, Germany. The authors
acknowledge the runners for their voluntary participation in this study
and the coaches for allowing the athletes to participate. Additional
thanks go to members of the adidas research team including Harry
Miles, Julian Fritz, Alejandro Alcañiz, Mario Fleiter, Tobias Luckfiel,
and Heiko Schlarb and athlete servicing team including Fabian Sch-
weizer who all supported this research.
Funding This study was supported by adidas AG. Open Access fund-
ing enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
Conflict of interest MK and DR are both employees of adidas AG. YP
is the founding member of the Sub2 marathon project (http:// www.
sub2h rs. com). BM-P, FG, HW, and MS have no conflicts of interest
that are directly relevant to the content of this article.
Ethics approval This experiment was submitted to the Technical Uni-
versity of Munich Ethics Committee, who advised that formal approval
was not required. This study was conducted in accordance with the
ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Consent to participate All participants gave written informed consent
to being a part of this study after they were informed of and under-
stood the experimental procedures, potential injury risks, and possible
Consent for publication Not applicable.
Data availability Considering the inherent characteristics of this
research, the participants of this study did not agree to publicly share
the obtained individual data.
Code availability Not applicable.
Author contributions MK and DR conceived and designed the
research. MK and DR performed and supported the experiments with
the help of additional colleagues. MK, DR, BM-P, HW, MS, FG, and
YP analyzed the data. MK and FG conducted the statistical analysis.
MK, DR, BM-P, HW, MS, and YP interpreted the results of the experi-
ment. MK drafted the manuscript. DR, BM-P, HW, MS, FG, and YP
edited and revised the manuscript.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http:// creat iveco mmons. org/ licen ses/ by/4. 0/.
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| Variability in Running Economy of Kenyan World-Class and European Amateur Male Runners with Advanced Footwear Running Technology: Experimental and Meta-analysis Results. | 03-02-2023 | Knopp, Melanie,Muñiz-Pardos, Borja,Wackerhage, Henning,Schönfelder, Martin,Guppy, Fergus,Pitsiladis, Yannis,Ruiz, Daniel | eng |
PMC10356687 | Full title:
The Acute Demands of Repeated-Sprint Training on Physiological,
Neuromuscular, Perceptual and Performance Outcomes in Team Sport Athletes:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Running heading:
Acute Demands of Repeated-Sprint Training
Fraser Thurlow1,3, Jonathon Weakley1,2,3, Andrew Townshend1,3, Ryan G.
Timmins1,3, Matthew Morrison1,3, Shaun J. McLaren4,5
1 School of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia
2 Carnegie Applied Rugby Research (CARR) Centre, Carnegie School of Sport, Leeds Beckett
University, United Kingdom
3 Sports Performance, Recovery, Injury and New Technologies (SPRINT) Research Centre,
Australian Catholic University, Queensland, Australia
4 Newcastle Falcons Rugby Club, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
5 Institute of Sport, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK
ORCID Identifiers: Fraser Thurlow: 0000-0002-0234-9615
Jonathon Weakley: 0000-0001-7892-4885
Andrew D. Townshend: 0000-0002-6714-8304
Ryan G. Timmins: 0000-0003-4964-1848
Matthew Morrison: 0000-0002-3535-6707
Shaun J. McLaren: 0000-0003-0480-3209
Corresponding Author:
Fraser Thurlow
School of Behavioural and Health Sciences,
Australian Catholic University,
1100 Nudgee Road, Banyo 4014,
E: [email protected]
Supplementary Table S1. Modified Downs and Black scale outcomes for the assessment of
reporting quality and risk of bias.
Item number
Total score
(out of 14)
Abt et al. [118]
AbuMoh’D et al. [180]
Aguiar et al. [95]
Akenhead et al. [57]
Alemdaroğlu et al. [23]
Almansba et al. [96]
Alizadeh et al. [167]
Altimari et al. [181]
Archiza et al. [182]
Attene et al. [115]
Ayarra et al. [183]
Aziz et al. [184]
Baldi et al. [185]
Balsalobre-Fernández et al. [186]
Beato et al. [187]
Beato et al. [188]
Beato & Drust [162]
Beaven et al. [189]
Binnie et al. [190]
Binnie et al. [191]
Binnie et al. [192]
Blasco-Lafarga et al. [108]
Borges et al. [193]
Brahim et al. [97]
Brini et al. [154]
Brini et al. [98]
Brini et al. [194]
Brini et al. [195]
Brini et al. [46]
Brocherie et al. [196]
Brocherie et al. [54]
Brocherie et al. [197]
Broderick et al. [141]
Buchheit [198]
Buchheit et al. [59]
Buchheit et al. [60]
Buchheit et al. [99]
Campa et al. [168]
Campos et al. [199]
Campos-Vazquez et al. [200]
Caprino et al. [201]
Castagna et al. [153]
Castagna et al. [202]
Chaouachi et al. [203]
Charlot et al. [204]
Chen et al. [205]
Clifford et al. [34]
Corrêa et al. [206]
Costello et al. [127]
Cuadrado-Peñafiel et al. [207]
Da Silva et al. [208]
Dal Pupo et al. [116]
Item number
Total score
(out of 14)
Dal Pupo et al. [209]
Daneshfar et al. [210]
Dardouri et al. [211]
de Andrade et al. [212]
Delextrat et al. [213]
Delextrat et al. [214]
Delextrat et al. [175]
Dellal et al. [61]
Dellal & Wong [100]
Dent et al. [131]
Donghi et al. [215]
Doyle et al. [216]
Dupont et al. [217]
Dupont et al. [86]
Eliakim et al. [124]
Elias et al. [218]
Elias et al. [219]
Eniseler et al. [220]
Eryilmaz & Kaynak [221]
Eryilmaz et al. [37]
Essid et al. [222]
Farjallah et al. [223]
Figueira et al. [119]
Fornasier-Santos et al. [224]
Fort-Vanmeerhaeghe et al.[225]
Fortin & Billaut [226]
Freitas et al. [227]
Gabbett [228]
Gabbett et al. [89]
Gabbett et al. [229]
Gabbett et al. [230]
Galvin et al. [231]
Galy et al. [177]
Gantois et al. [232]
Gantois et al. [14]
Gantois et al. [233]
García-Unanue et al. [169]
Gatterer et al. [234]
Gharbi et al. [83]
Gharbi et al. [235]
Gibson et al. [101]
Girard et al. [236]
Girard et al. [149]
González-Frutos et al. [237]
Gonzalo-skok et al. [102]
Goodall et al. [238]
Hamlin et al. [239]
Hamlin et al. [240]
Hammami et al. [241]
Haugen et al. [62]
Haugen et al. [128]
Hermassi et al. [242]
Higham et al. [90]
Hollville et al. [243]
Howatson et al. [35]
Item number
Total score
(out of 14)
Iaia et al. [120]
Iaia et al. [19]
Impellizzeri et al. [170]
Ingebrigtsen et al. [244]
Ingebrigtsen et al. [171]
Iacono et al. [42]
Izquierdo et al. [140]
Jang & Joo [245]
Jiménez-Reyes et al. [246]
Johnston & Gabbett [40]
Joo [110]
Jorge et al. [247]
Kaplan [109]
Keir et al. [25]
Keogh et al. [172]
Kilduff et al. [248]
Klatt et al. [36]
Krakan et al. [249]
Krueger et al. [250]
Lakomy et al. [78]
Lapointe et al. [251]
Le Rossignol et al. [173]
Little & Williams [121]
Lockie et al. [252]
Lockie et al. [253]
Lockie et al. [254]
Lombard et al. [255]
Madueno et al. [24]
Maggioni et al. [16]
Mancha-Triguero et al. [139]
Marcelino et al. [256]
Matzenbacher et al. [257]
McGawley & Andersson [258]
Meckel et al. [259]
Meckel et al. [260]
Meckel et al. [261]
Meckel et al. [262]
Meckel et al. [263]
Michalsik et al. [264]
Mohr et al. [265]
Mohr et al. [266]
Mohr et al. [267]
Moncef et al. [268]
Morcillo et al. [48]
Moreira et al. [269]
Mujika et al. [164]
Müller et al. [270]
Okuno et al. [271]
Nakamura et al. [272]
Nascimento et al [273]
Nedrehagen & Saeterbakken [274]
Nikolaidis et al. [275]
Padulo et al. [276]
Padulo et al. [277]
Padulo et al. [114]
Notes: 0 = no; 1 = yes; U = unable to determine. Item 1: clear aim/hypothesis; Item 2: outcome measures clearly described; Item 3: patient
characteristics clearly described; Item 6: main findings clearly described; Item 7: measures of random variability provided; Item 10: actual
probability values reported; Item 12: participants prepared to participate representative of the entire population; Item 15: blinding of outcome
measures; Item 16: analysis completed was planned; Item 18: appropriate statistics; Item 20: valid and reliable outcome measures; Item 22:
participants recruited over the same period; Item 23: randomised; Item 25: adjustment made for confounding variables.
Item number
Total score
(out of 14)
Padulo et al [156]
Padulo et al. [150]
Paulauskas et al. [122]
Perroni et al. [103]
Petisco et al. [278]
Purkhús et al. [279]
Pyne et al. [280]
Ramírez-Campillo et al. [281]
Rampinini et al. [282]
Rampinini et al. [174]
Rey et al. [283]
Rodríguez-Fernández et al. [165]
Rodríguez-Fernández et al. [284]
Røksund et al. [285]
Ruscello et al. [286]
Ruscello et al. [104]
Russell et al. [123]
Salleh et al. [287]
Sánchez-Sánchez et al. [117]
Sánchez-Sánchez et al. [288]
Sánchez-Sánchez et al. [289]
Sanders et al. [290]
Scanlan et al. [291]
Scanlan et al. [292]
Selmi et al. [58]
Selmi et al. [293]
Shalfawi et al. [294]
Shalfawi et al. [295]
Shalfawi et al. [296]
Silva et al. [297]
Soares-Caldeira et al. [298]
Spineti et al. [299]
Stojanovic et al. [300]
Suarez-Arrones et al. [105]
Taylor et al. [2]
Teixeira et al. [301]
Thomassen et al. [302]
Tønnessen et al. [303]
Torreblanca-Martinez et al. [304]
Tounsi et al. [176]
Trecroci et al. [305]
Turki et al. [111]
Ulupinar et al. [126]
Ulupinar et al. [125]
Van den Tillaar et al. [306]
Vasquez-Bonilla et al. [307]
Wadley & Le Rossignol [308]
West et al. [309]
Woolley et al. [33]
Yanci et al. [310]
Zagatto et al. [106]
Zagatto et al. [311]
Zagatto et al. [107]
Supplementary Table S2. Summary of participant and study characteristics from all included studies.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Abt et al. [118]
6 different, time-matched RS protocols (∼60 s), performed
twice each on an indoor synthetic sports floor, separated by 3−7
AbuMoh’d et al.
Baseline RS test on an athletics track, before an intervention.
Aguiar et al. [95]
INT: 27 ± 5
CON: 27 ± 5
INT: 175 ± 5
CON: 175 ± 6
INT: 73 ± 5
CON: 73 ± 7
RS test before an intervention
Akenhead et al.
26 ± 3
172 ± 6
71 ± 7
RS test performed in an indoor sports hall. Test ends when Sdec
= 5% for 2 consecutive trials.
Alemdaroğlu et
al. [23]
18 ± 1
177 ± 5
74 ± 7
4 different RS tests performed twice each on an AG pitch,
separated by 48 hrs.
Alizadeh et al.
High: 17 ± 1
Med: 18 ± 1
Low: 17 ± 1
High: 177 ± 3
Med: 174 ± 5
Low: 171 ± 5
High: 71 ± 4
Med: 66 ± 5
Low: 67 ± 5
Single RS test. Results according to the criterion of VO2max
Almansba et al.
16 ± 0
175 ± 1
67 ± 9
2 RS tests performed on AG, separated by 72 hrs.
Altimari et al.
18 ± 0
174 ± 5
64 ± 4
RS test on a SOC field. U17 group only, birth tertiles combined.
Archiza et al.
Sham: 20 ± 2
INT: 22 ± 4
Sham: 160 ± 0
INT: 160 ± 0
Sham: 55 ± 5
INT: 56 ± 6
Baseline RS test on a grass field, before an intervention.
Attene et al.
M: 16 ± 1;
F: 16 ± 1
M: 178 ± 1
F: 165 ± 1
M: 66 ± 6
F: 56 ± 7
2 different baseline RS tests on an indoor court, as part of a
testing battery, before a RST intervention.
Ayarra et al.
22 ± 5
176 ± 7
70 ± 10
Single RS test on an indoor wooden surface.
Aziz et al. [184]
23 ± 4
173 ± 1
64 ± 6
RS test on NG, as part of a testing battery.
Baldi et al. [185]
23 ± 4
178 ± 6
72 ± 8
RS test on outdoor NG, as part of a testing battery.
Fernández et al.
25 ± 6
200 ± 11
99 ± 9
RS test in an indoor hall.
Beato et al. [187]
21 ± 2
179 ± 7
74 ± 7
Baseline RS test before an intervention and RS training data
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Beato et al. [188]
177 ± 6
71 ± 7
Baseline RS test before an intervention and RS training data
Beato & Drust
21 ± 1
179 ± 8
71 ± 8
RS test on a synthetic outdoor track. Sub-maximal RS test
excluded from the review.
Beaven et al.
22 ± 1
185 ± 4
96 ± 9
RS test on an indoor running track.
Binnie et al.
SAN: 19 ± 7
GRA: 21 ± 4
SAN: 168 ± 12
GRA: 167 ± 67
SAN: 66 ± 9
GRA: 63 ± 6
Baseline RS test in a gymnasium, before an intervention.
Participant’s pair-matched by VO2max.
Binnie et al.
M: 23 ± 3
F: 20 ± 3
M: 182 ± 5
F: 176 ± 11
M: 83 ± 6
F: 69 ± 15
Baseline RS test in a gymnasium.
Binnie et al.
M: 22 ± 2
F: 21 ± 1
M; 181 ± 5
F: 179 ± 14
M: 78 ± 6
F: 74 ± 18
Baseline RS test in a gymnasium
et al. [108]
18 ± 1
172 ± 4
68 ± 6
RS test on a SOC pitch.
Borges et al.
17 ± 1
175 ± 7
69 ± 9
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
Brahim et al.
DEF: 18 ± 1
MID: 18 ± 1
FWD: 17 ± 1
DEF: 183 ± 6
MID: 178 ± 5
FWD: 180 ± 5
DEF: 75 ± 9
MID: 70 ± 7
FWD: 72 ± 4
3 different RS tests on NG, separated by > 1 day.
Brini et al. [154]
23 ± 3
186 ± 10
78 ± 8
4 different RS protocols, separated by 48-hrs.
Brini et al. [98]
22 ± 3
186 ± 10
78 ± 8
RS test before an intervention.
Brini et al. [194]
23 ± 2
186 ± 9
78 ± 11
RS test before an intervention.
Brini et al. [195]
23 ± 2
186 ± 10
78 ± 8
2 different RS tests on a BB court, separated by > 48-hrs.
Brini et al. [46]
27 ± 3
192 ± 9
88 ± 9
RS test on a wooden BB court.
Brocherie et al.
27 ± 4
177 ± 4
72 ± 5
RS test on indoor AG, as part of a testing battery.
Brocherie et al.
28 ± 5
176 ± 4
72 ± 3
RS test on indoor AG.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Brocherie et al.
25 ± 5
178 ± 6
76 ± 8
Baseline RS test on an indoor synthetic floor, before an
Broderick et al.
21.0 ± 2.0
178.8 ± 7.2
8.1 ± 8.9
RS tests in an indoor gymnasium, separated by 7 days.
Buchheit [198]
HB: 23 ± 3
TS3: 23 ± 4
HB: 188 ± 7
TS3: 180 ± 8
HB: 88 ± 11
TS3: 77 ± 9
RS tests were performed by different groups of athletes on an
indoor synthetic track.
Buchheit et al.
22 ± 3
179 ± 5
75 ± 5
4 different RS protocols on an indoor synthetic track, separated
by > 48-hrs.
Buchheit et al.
22 ± 3
179 ± 5
75 ± 5
2 different RS protocols on an indoor synthetic track, separated
by > 48-hrs.
Buchheit et al.
22 ± 2
178 ± 8
76 ± 4
4 different RS protocols on an indoor synthetic track, separated
by > 48-hrs.
Campa et al.
17 ± 1
EL: 177 ± 6
S-EL: 178 ± 6
EL: 69 ± 4
S-EL: 70 ± 7
RS test on NG.
Campos et al.
19 ± 1
178 ± 7
71 ± 6
Baseline RS test on an indoor FUT court before an intervention.
Vazquez et al.
18 ± 1
177 ± 6
70 ± 7
Baseline RS test on AG, before an intervention.
Caprino et al.
16 ± 1
184 + 7
77 + 8
RS test before an official BB match.
Castagna et al.
17 ± 1
181 ± 6
73 ± 10
2 different RS tests on an indoor wooden BB court, separated
by > 48-hrs, as part of a testing battery.
Castagna et al.
17 ± 1
181 ± 6
73 ± 10
RS test on an indoor wooden BB court, separated by > 48-hrs.
Chaouachi et al.
19 ± 1
181 ± 6
73 ± 4
RS test on an indoor synthetic track.
Charlot et al.
26 ± 4
170 ± 7
70 ± 9
RS test before a FUT tournament
Chen et al. [205]
21 ± 1
173 ± 4
65 ± 5
RS test on an indoor synthetic surface.
Clifford et al.
CON: 21 ± 2
INT: 23 ± 3
CON: 177 ± 1
INT: 183 ± 1
CON: 73 ± 12
INT: 77 ± 10
Baseline RS test before an intervention period.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Corrêa et al.
19 ± 1
179 ± 0
71 ± 7
Baseline RS test on outdoor NG.
Costello et al.
21 ± 2
182 ± 5
88 ± 9
RS protocol (session 1 & day 1 only)
Peñafiel et al.
SOC: 29 ± 1
FUT: 27 ± 5
SOC: 178 ± 1
FUT: 179 ± 1
SOC: 73 ± 12
FUT: 75 ± 7
Single RS test
Da Silva et al.
18 ± 1
179 ± 5
74 ± 7
Single RS test.
Dal Pupo [116]
170 ± 6
63 ± 8
2 different RS tests on a FUT court, separated by 48-hrs.
Dal Pupo et al.
16 ± 1
172 ± 9
65 ± 8
2 different RS tests on a concrete floor, separated by 48-hrs.
Daneshfar et al.
16 ± 1
185 ± 5
83 ± 6
2 different RS tests were performed indoors, separated by 48-
hrs, as part of a testing battery.
Dardouri et al.
23 ± 2
180 ± 10
69 ± 9
RS test, indoors, as part of a testing battery.
de Andrade et al.
22 ± 3
186 ± 10
79 ± 23
Single RS test on an indoor rigid surface.
Delextrat et al.
M: 22 ± 3
F: 21 ± 3
M: 19 ± 9
F: 176 ± 8
M: 91 ± 10
F: 74 ± 10
Baseline RS test, before an intervention.
Delextrat et al.
FWD: 16 ± 1
G: 17 ± 1
CEN: 16 ± 1
FWD: 183 ± 5
G: 175 ± 6
CEN: 191 ± 8
FWD: 75 ± 7
G: 69 ± 5
CEN: 81 ± 3
RS test, as part of a testing battery.
Delextrat et al.
M: 23 ± 3
F: 22 ± 2
M: 191 ± 9
F: 179 ± 9
M: 90 ± 10
F: 78 ± 9
Baseline RS test, before an intervention.
Dellal et al. [61]
24 ± 4
178 ± 6
80 ± 6
3 different RS protocols performed indoors, separated by > 48-
hrs, as part of a testing battery.
Dellal & Wong
Open age to
PRO: 180 ± 4
U19: 178 ± 7
U17: 180 ± 6
PRO: 72 ± 4
U19: 69 ± 6
U17: 67 ± 5
2 different RS tests on AG, separated by 1 week.
Dent et al. [131]
M: 20 ± 2
F: 19 ± 2
M: 79 ± 11
F: 62 ± 7
Single RS protocol.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Donghi et al.
17 ± 1
178 ± 6
69 ± 4
Baseline RS test in an indoor gym,
Doyle et al. [216]
19 ± 3
167 ± 6
63 ± 7
RS test performed on an indoor surface.
Dupont et al.
23 ± 4
179 ± 6
72 ± 7
RS test on an indoor tartan track.
Dupont et al.
25 ± 4
176 ± 6
68 ± 4
RS test on an indoor tartan track.
Eliakim et al.
16 ± 1
186 ± 10
76 ± 6
RS test on a BB court, CON condition only.
Elias et al. [218]
21 ± 3
186 ± 7
80 ± 7
Baseline RS test on an indoor, wooden surface.
Elias et al. [219]
20 ± 3
186 ± 6
81 ± 8
Baseline RS test on an indoor wooden sprung floor, before an
Eniseler et al.
17 ± 1
174 ± 5
66 ± 6
Baseline RS test on NG before an intervention
Eryilmaz &
Kaynak [221]
21 ± 1
184 ± 5
74 ± 8
RS test on an indoor VB court.
Eryilmaz et al.
24 ± 4
179 ± 6
73 ± 9
Data extracted from one session during a RST intervention.
Essid et al. [222]
17 ± 0.3
190 ± 10
78 ± 10
RS test (morning session only)
Farjallah et al.
19 ± 1
180 ± 10
70 ± 11
RS test on a SOC field, before an intervention.
Figueira et al.
21 ± 2
190 ± 7
86 ± 6
2 different RS tests.
et al. [224]
18 ± 1
182 ± 7
95 ± 15
Baseline RS test on an indoor, concrete floor and RS training
data from the control group.
et al.[225]
17 ± 1
182 ± 7
70 ± 8
RS test on a BB court
Fortin & Billaut
21 ± 2
188 ± 19
82 ± 3
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Freitas et al.
21 ± 3
198 ± 8
93 ± 15
Baseline RS test in an indoor centre.
Gabbett [228]
18 ± 3
Same RS test, repeated twice.
Gabbett et al.
24 ± 4
184 ± 6
97 ± 10
RS test on a synthetic surface, as part of a testing battery.
Gabbett et al.
ST: 25 ± 4
N-ST: 23 ± 4
N-SEL: 22 ±
ST: 185 ± 5
N-ST: 182 ± 6
N-SEL: 183 ± 7
ST: 96 ± 8
N-ST: 99 ± 12
N-SEL: 96 ± 11
RS test on a synthetic surface, as part of a testing battery.
Gabbett et al.
18.3 ± 2.8
Baseline RS test, before an intervention.
Galvin et al.
18 ± 2
183 ± 7
88 ± 9
RS test performed outdoors, before an intervention.
Galy et al. [177]
MG: 24 ± 4
N-MG: 23 ±
MG: 173 ± 5 |
N-MG: 180 ± 8
MG: 72 ± 7
N-MG: 74 ± 12
RS test on an indoor synthetic court, as part of a testing battery.
Gantois et al.
180 ± 6
81 ± 13
RS test on a BB court.
Gantois et al.
21 ± 2
181 ± 8
74 ± 9
RS test on a BB court, before an intervention.
Gantois et al.
22 ± 3
180 ± 2
81 ± 14
Baseline RS test, before an intervention.
García-Unanue et
al. [169]
23 ± 4
176 ± 6
73 ± 6
RS test on a FUT field. Results according to playing level.
Gatterer et al.
24 ± 2
178 ± 7
77 ± 7
Baseline RS test, before an intervention.
Gharbi et al. [83]
22 ± 3
178 ± 7
71 ± 8
Series of RS protocols on an indoor synthetic surface, separated
by >24 hrs.
Gharbi et al.
23 ± 2
178 ± 4
72 ± 3
RS test on an indoor synthetic surface
Gibson et al.
18 ± 1
179 ± 5
177 ± 5
RS test on an indoor synthetic surface
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Girard et al.
28 ± 5
176 ± 4
64 ± 5
RS test on indoor AG, wearing normal football boots with
plantar pressure insoles inserted.
Girard et al.
18 ± 1
190 ± 10
83 ± 10
RS test on indoor AG, wearing normal football boots with
plantar pressure insoles inserted.
et al. [237]
25 ± 6
167 ± 4
59 ± 4
Single RS test
Gonzalo-skok et
al. [102]
16 ± 1
180 ± 6
81 ± 13
2 different RS tests were performed on an indoor BB court, as
part of a testing battery, before an intervention.
Goodall et al.
25 ± 6
180 ± 7
77 ± 7
Single RS protocol.
Hamlin et al.
19 ± 1
180 ± 10
85 ± 14
Baseline RS protocol, before an intervention.
Hamlin et al.
CON: 22 ± 4
INT: 20 ± 2
CON: 178 ± 5
INT: 174 ± 5
CON: 88 ± 14
INT: 77 ± 10
Baseline RS test in an indoor stadium, on 2 separate occasions,
4−5 days apart.
Hammami et al.
INT: 17 ± 0
CON: 17 ± 0
INT: 163 ± 4
CON: 164 ± 4
INT: 61 ± 5
CON: 60 ± 4
Baseline RS test before an intervention
Haugen et al.
INT: 17 ± 1
CON: 17 ± 1
INT: 174 ± 8
CON: 173 ± 6
INT: 65 ± 8
CON: 62 ± 7
Baseline RS test before an intervention
Haugen et al.
17 ± 1
178 ± 6
66 ± 9
Baseline RS test before an intervention
Hermassi et al.
19 ± 0
179 ± 2
83 ± 1
2 different RS tests, separated by 3−7 days, as part of a testing
Higham et al.
22 ± 2
183 ± 6
90 ± 8
RS test on an indoor synthetic track, as part of a testing battery.
Hollville et al.
19 ± 1
180 ± 6
72 ± 5
RS test on AG. Results from the 1st set only.
Howatson et al.
22 ± 2
178 ± 7
85 ± 14
Single RS protocol performed on an outdoor track.
Iaia et al. [120]
19 ± 1
180 ± 7
74 ± 7
Baseline RS test on AG, as part of a testing battery, performed
by 2 different groups.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Iaia et al. [19]
17 ± 1
178 ± 10
69 ± 8
Data extracted from baseline RS tests on AG and the 1st RS
training session of an intervention.
Impellizzeri et al.
22 ± 1
177 ± 4
73 ± 5
Same RS test on NG, performed twice on different occasions
Impellizzeri et al.
25 ± 5
181 ± 5
78 ± 8
RS test on NG, performed at different timepoints across a
regular season.
Impellizzeri et al.
24 ± 4
75 ± 7
179 ± 5
RS test on NG. Results according to player level.
Ingebrigtsen et
al. [244]
22 ± 5
181 ± 5
75.2 ± 7.6
RS test on indoor AG, as part of a testing battery
Ingebrigtsen et
al. [171]
PRO: 26 ± 7
SEMI: 20 ±
PRO: 183 ± 5
SEMI: 181 ± 5
RS test. Results according to player level.
Iacono et al. [42]
25 ± 4
188 ± 7
91 ± 9
RS test on an indoor court before an intervention
Izquierdo et al.
INT: 21 ± 5
PLA: 24 ± 5
INT: 182 ± 8
PLA: 190 ± 8
INT: 79 ± 8
PLA: 87 ± 12
Baseline RS test on an indoor HB court, before an intervention.
Jang & Joo [245]
23 ± 2
175 ± 6
71 ± 5
Single RS test.
Jiménez-Reyes et
al. [246]
24 ± 4
188 ± 5
96 ± 7
RS test on an indoor synthetic athletics track.
Johnston &
Gabbett [40]
23 ± 2
179 ± 10
85 ± 11
The same RS test was performed twice on different occasions.
Joo [140]
22 ± 2
174 ± 6
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
Jorge et al. [247]
18 ± 1
178 ± 8
74 ± 10
RS test on NG, performed at different timepoints across a
Kaplan [109]
21 ± 3.8
176 ± 6
69 ± 7
RS test on NG as part of a testing battery.
Keir et al. [25]
21 ± 2
176 ± 5
75 ± 4
Single RS test.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Keogh [172]
REP: 19 ± 1
Club: 20 ± 2
REP: 165 ± 1
Club: 164 ± 1
REP: 59 ± 1
Club: 57 ± 1
RS test as part of a testing battery
Kilduff et al.
26 ± 2
185 ± 4
96 ± 8
Baseline RS test on an indoor synthetic track, before an
Klatt et al. [36]
U20: 18 ± 1
SEN: 27 ± 6
U20: 182 ± 8
SEN: 192 ± 9
U20: 79 ± 9
SEN 90 ± 14
Single RS protocol
Krakan et al.
RS-G, 181 ± 7
PLY, 175 ± 6
RS-G, 81 ± 8
PLY, 77 ± 9
RS test before an intervention
Krueger et al.
17 ± 1
182 ± 6
74 ± 8
Baseline RS test, before an intervention.
Lakomy et al.
24 ± 4
179 ± 5
77 ± 4
2 different RS protocols on AG
Lapointe et al.
186 ± 12
89 ± 17
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
Le Rossignol et
al. [173]
22 ± 2
188 ± 6
88 ± 8
RS test on an outdoor synthetic track, as part of a testing battery
Little &
Williams [121]
4 different RS protocols, performed on non-consecutive days.
Lockie et al.
20 ± 2
181 ± 6
78 ± 7
RS test on outdoor NG, as part of a testing battery.
Lockie et al.
20 ± 1
164 ± 6
61 ± 8
RS test on outdoor NG, as part of a testing battery.
Lockie et al.
21 ± 2
181 ± 6
78 ± 6
RS test on outdoor NG, as part of a testing battery. Results are
for all players.
Lombard et al.
24 ± 3
178 ± 3
77 ± 5
RS test on AG, as part of a testing battery. Results are for all
Madueno et al.
20 ± 2
183 ± 10
78 ± 17
2 different RS protocols on an indoor hardwood floor,
separated by 2−7 days.
Maggioni et al.
19 ± 1
182 ± 7
74 ± 10
RS training data from an intervention.
et al. [139]
M: 195
F: 168
M: 85
F: 57
RS test on BB court.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Marcelino et al.
19 ± 1
193 ± 7
89 ± 15
Same 2 baseline RS tests, separated by 24-hrs, before an
Matzenbacher et
al. [152]
17 ± 0
176 ± 7
68 ± 9
RS test performed at the beginning and end of the season.
McGawley &
Andersson [258]
23 ± 4
180 ± 8
76 ± 6
Baseline RS test on AG, before an intervention.
Meckel et al.
77 ± 8
RS test performed at different timepoints across a season.
Meckel et al.
17 ± 1
187 ± 9
78 ± 6
RS test on a BB court, after a game day warm-up.
Meckel et al.
175 ± 4
67 ± 7
2 different RS tests on NG, separated by ~1 week, as part of a
testing battery.
Meckel et al.
26 ± 5
192 ± 6
84 ± 7
RS test in a sports arena, as part of a testing battery.
Meckel et al.
17 ± 1
174 ± 7
67 ± 7
RS test on a SOC pitch, after a match warm up.
Michalsik et
26 ± 3
189 ± 6
91 ± 9
RS test on an indoor HB court. Results are all players
Mohr et al. [265]
22 ± 0
177 ± 1
73 ± 1
Baseline RS test on NG, before an intervention.
Mohr et al. [266]
19 ± 1
179 ± 6
79 ± 4
Baseline RS test on AG, before an intervention.
Mohr et al. [267]
27 ± 1
184 ± 1
80 ± 2
Baseline RS test on indoor AG, before an intervention.
Moncef et al.
22 ± 3
182 ± 6
85 ± 2
RS test, as part of a testing battery.
Morcillo et al.
27 ± 4
180 ± 5
78 ± 5
Single RS test.
Moreira et al.
24 ± 3
174 ± 5
73 ± 9
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
Mujika et al.
U17 & U18
U17: 178 ± 6
U18: 179 ± 9
U17: 70 ± 7
U18: 72 ± 8
RS test on indoor AG.
Müller et al.
25 ± 4
177 ± 5
92 ± 12
Single RS test.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Nakamura et al.
24 ± 4
187 ± 7
88 ± 3
RS test in a gymnasium.
Nascimento et al
17 ± 1
177 ± 5
69 ± 7
Baseline RS test before a long-term RS intervention.
INT: 20 ± 3
CON: 22 ± 3
INT: 20 ± 3
CON: 22 ± 3
69 ± 10
Baseline RS test on indoor AG before an intervention
Nikolaidis et al.
22 ± 5
180 ± 6
75 ± 8
RS test on AG, as part of a testing battery.
Okuno et al.
19 ± 2
185 ± 87
85 ± 10
Single RS test
Padulo et al.
16 ± 0
174 ± 10
65 ± 10
Same RS test, repeated twice, on AG, separated by > 6 days.
Padulo et al.
17 ± 1
179 ± 5
69 ± 7
Same 2 RS tests and 1 different RS test on AG, separated by 3
Padulo et al.
16 ± 1
178 ± 10
66 ± 9
2 different RS tests on an indoor BB court, repeated twice,
separated by > 48-hrs, as part of a testing battery.
Padulo et al
16 ± 0
174 ± 10
65 ± 10
The same RS test was repeated twice, and 1 different RS test,
on AG, separated by 1-week.
Padulo et al.
16 ± 0
181 ± 10
66 ± 10
3 different RS tests on AG, separated by 5 days.
Paulauskas et al.
21 ± 2
190 ± 7
86 ± 6
2 different RS protocols, on an indoor wooden BB court,
separated by 1-week.
Perroni et al.
23 ± 6
177 ± 6
75 ± 7
Baseline RS test on AG, before an intervention.
Petisco et al.
22 ± 3
178 ± 4
70 ± 3
RS test following the regular warm-up protocol.
Purkhús et al.
18 ± 4
172 ± 7
63 ± 11
Baseline RS test on an indoor HB court, before an intervention.
Pyne et al. [280]
18 ± 0
188 ± 7
82 ± 8
RS test on an indoor sprung wooden floor, as part of a testing
Campillo et al.
CON: 23 ± 2
PLA: 23 ± 2
INT: 23 ± 3
CON: 161 ± 6
PLA: 164 ± 9
CR: 162 ± 4
CON: 60 ± 8
PLA: 57 ± 5
INT: 60 ± 8
Baseline RS test, before an intervention.
Rampinini et al.
26 ± 5
182 ± 4
81 ± 8
RS test on outdoor NG.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Rampinini et al.
PRO: 25 ± 4
AM: 26 ± 6
PRO: 180 ± 3
AM: 177 ± 5
PRO: 74 ± 5
AM: 71 ± 8
RS test on outdoor NG.
Rey et al. [283]
INT: 24 ± 3
CON: 24 ± 2
INT: 179 ± 5
CON: 178 ± 5
INT: 74 ± 7
CON: 75 ± 7
Baseline RS test on an indoor court, before an intervention.
Fernández et al.
PRO: 24 ± 3
YTH: 18 ± 1
PRO: 180 ± 2
YTH: 174 ± 10
PRO: 75 ± 5
YTH: 65 ± 1
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
Fernández et al.
19 ± 2
176 ± 6
67 ± 9
Baseline RS test before an intervention
Røksund et al.
19 ± 3
181 ± 6
75 ± 10
Single RS test as part of a testing battery.
Ruscello et al.
23 ± 6
165 ± 6
59 ± 9
2 different RS tests on AG, separated by > 48-hrs.
Ruscello et al.
22 ± 4
177 ± 6
72 ± 10
2 different RS tests on AG, separated by > 48-hrs.
Russell et al.
18 ± 2
178 ± 5
75 ± 6
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
Salleh et al.
21 ± 2
173 ± 3
65 ± 3
Single RS test.
et al. [117]
22 ± 2
175 ± 6
74 ± 9
RS test on 4 different AG pitches, separated by 72 hrs.
et al. [288]
Single RS test.
et al. [289]
21 ± 1
69 ± 5
177 ± 5
Baseline RS test before an intervention
Sanders et al.
M: 21 ± 1
F: 20 ± 1
M: 178 ± 7
F: 168 ± 6
M: 75 ± 5
F: 63 ± 5
Single RS test.
Scanlan et al.
22 ± 4
171 ± 6
73 ± 12
Two different RS protocols on an indoor, sprung, hardwood
Scanlan et al.
20 ± 1
183 ± 10
78 ± 17
RS protocol an indoor, hardwood BB court.
Selmi et al. [58]
17 ± 0
172 ± 9
68 ± 7
3 different RS tests on outdoor AG, separated by > 48-hrs.
Selmi et al. [293]
18 ± 1
178 ± 5
70 ± 7
Baseline RS test before an intervention
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Shalfawi et al.
19 ± 4
167 ± 4
58 ± 7
RS test in an indoor arena.
Shalfawi et al.
16 ± 1
179 ± 7
68 ± 9
RS test on indoor AG before an intervention
Shalfawi et al.
21 ± 3
1769 ± 5
64 ± 6
RS test on an indoor Mondo track
Silva et al. [297]
18 ± 1
175 ± 6
71 ± 5
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
et al. [298]
INT: 25 ± 8
CON: 21 ± 5
172 ± 6
72 ± 9
RS test on an indoor synthetic floor, before an intervention.
Spineti et al.
18 ± 0
180 ± 8
70 ± 9
RS test before an intervention
Stojanovic et al.
22. ± 3
197 ± 6
96 ± 9
RS test on a BB court, as part of a testing battery.
et al. [105]
27 ± 5
180 ± 7
91 ± 16
Data extracted from baseline RS tests (both groups) and
training data (RST group).
Taylor et al. [2]
24 ± 4
179 ± 6
77 ± 8
Data extracted from a RST intervention.
Teixeira et al.
19 ± 2
162 ± 5
59 ± 8
Baseline RS test on an indoor FUT court, as part of a testing
battery, before a long-term training intervention.
Thomassen et al.
23 ± 1
182 ± 2
79 ± 2
Baseline RS test on an indoor wooden surface.
Tønnessen et al.
16 ± 1
176 ± 7
67 ± 9
Baseline RS test before an intervention.
Martinez et
18 ± 2
162 ± 5
56 ± 7
RS test on outside AG.
Tounsi et al.
17 ± 0
RS test on NG
Trecroci et al.
177 ± 2
66 ± 6
Baseline RS test on NG, before an intervention.
Turki et al. [111]
18 ± 1
175 ± 7
70 ± 8
Baseline RS test.
Experimental Approach
Age (yrs)
Stature (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Ulupinar et al.
20 ± 2
178 ± 5
72 ± 6
2 different RS protocols on outdoor NG, separated by > 48 hrs
Ulupinar et al.
19 ± 2
176 ± 5
70 ± 6
4 different RS protocols on indoor AG, separated by > 48 hrs
Van den Tillaar
et al. [306]
17 ± 1
168 ± 5
62 ± 7
Single RS test on a track.
et al. [307]
23 ± 4
165 ± 11
61 ± 7
Single RST test on an indoor court
Wadley & Le
Rossignol [308]
21 ± 2
182 ± 5
81 ± 10
RS test on an asphalt surface, as part of a testing battery.
West et al. [309]
28 ± 3
188 ± 6
99 ± 9
RS test on an indoor sprint track.
Woolley et al.
27 ± 3
178 ± 6
78 ± 8
RS protocol on a non-slip indoor surface
Yanci et al. [310]
23 ± 5
170 ± 10
69 ± 10
Baseline RS test before an intervention
Zagatto et al.
17 ± 1
191 ± 8
84 ± 12
2 different RS tests on an indoor court, separated by 2−4 days.
Zagatto et al.
25 ± 7
200 ± 10
97 ± 9
RS test on a BB court, CON condition only.
Zagatto et al.
17 ± 1
191 ± 7
87 ± 15
Single RS protocol on a BB court
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
Abbreviations: N# = number of participants (unless stated, the proportion of males was 100%). M = male; F = female; NR = not reported; NA = not applicable; OBS = observational design; CRO =
crossover design; SG = single group pre-test post-test design; ran = experimental treatment or measurements delivered in a randomised order; r = random assignment of participants to experimental
groups; C = controlled study; NC = non-controlled study; PLA = placebo; SOC = soccer, FUT = futsal; RUG = rugby; HOC = field hockey; BB = basketball; AF = American football; ARF = Australian
rules football; VB = volleyball; HB = handball; NET = netball; MIX = mixture of team sports; TRA = trained/developmental athletes; INT = international/elite athletes; NAT = national/highly trained
athletes; PRO = professional; SEMI = semi-professional; AM = amateur; YTH = youth; CON = control group; INT = intervention group; Sham = sham group; RS = repeated-sprint; RS-G = repeated-
sprint group; PLY = plyometric group; REP = representative players; Club = club players; MID = midfielders; FWD = forwards; DEF = defenders; G = guards; CEN = centres; U17 = under 17 players;
U18 = under 18 players; U20 = under 20 players; SEN = senior players; VO2max = maximal oxygen consumption; High = high V02max group; Med = medium VO2max group; Low = low VO2max group;
SAN = sand training group; GRA = grass training group; TS3 = team sport 3; ST = starting players; N-ST = non-starting players; N-SEL = non-selected players; MG = Melanesian group; N-MG =
Non-Melanesian group; Sdec = percentage sprint decrement; yrs = years; hrs = hours; AG = artificial grass; NG = natural grass; cm = centimetre; kg = kilogram; ~ = approximately; * = single group
time series.
Supplementary Table S3. Summary of exercise protocol information and outcomes from all studies.
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Abt et al.
1 × 22
15 m
(~26 s)
Savg: 2.64 ± 0.06 s
B[La]peak: 1.3 ± 0.2 to 7.6 ±
0.6 mmol·L-1
1 × 22
15 m
(~26 s)
Savg: 2.63 ± 0.07 s
B[La]peak: 1.0 ± 0.1 to 8.7 ±
0.9 mmol·L-1
1 × 22
30 m
(~45 s)
Savg: 4.57 ± 0.22 s
B[La]peak: 1.2 ± 0.2 to 10.6 ±
0.7 mmol·L-1
1 × 22
30 m
(~45 s)
Savg: 4.59 ± 0.15
B[La]peak: 1.3 ± 0.2 to 11.1 ±
0.8 mmol·L-1
1 × 7
30 m
30 s
INT, Savg: 3.71 ± 0.05;
PLA, Savg: 3.70 ± 0.05
INT, B[La] 5’: 9.0 ± 0.1
mmol·L-1; PLA, B[La] 5’: 9.2
± 0.2 mmol·L-1
Akenhead et
al. [57]
1 × 12
25 m
(12.5 +
20 s
Sdec: 5.3%
Aguiar et al.
1 × 7
34.2 m
25 s
INT, Savg: 6.69 ± 0.20 s
CON, Savg: 7.31 ± 0.34 s
et al. [23]
1 × 6
40 m
On 25 s
(~17 s)
Sbest: 7.35 ± 0.17 s; Stotal: 45.93 ± 0.84 s;
Sdec: 4.13 ± 1.81%
B[La]3’: 9.3 ± 2.5 mmol·L-1
1 × 6
40 m
On 25 s
(~19 s)
Sbest: 5.68 ± 0.20 s; Stotal: 34.90 ± 1.21 s;
Sdec: 2.42 ± 1.43%
B[La]3’: 7.6 ± 1.4 mmol·L-1
1 × 8
30 m
(15 + 15)
On 25 s
(~19 s)
Sbest: 5.64 ± 0.16 s; Stotal: 46.41 ± 1.32 s;
Sdec: 2.85 ± 1.51%
B[La]3’: 7.9 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1
1 × 8
30 m
On 25 s
(~20 s)
Sbest: 4.50 ± 0.15 s; Stotal: 37.21 ± 1.23 s;
Sdec: 3.29 ± 0.91%
B[La]3’: 8.1 ± 1.4 mmol·L-1
Alizadeh et al.
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
High, Sbest: 5.34 ± 0.13 s; Stotal: 33.47 ±
0.99 s; Sdec: 9.6 ± 0.1%;
Med, Sbest: 5.39 ± 0.14 s; Stotal: 34.77 ±
0.56 s; Sdec: 9.3 ± 0.2%;
Low, Sbest: 6.22 ± 0.39 s; Stotal: 40.56 ±
3.50 s; Sdec: 9.2 ± 0.3%
High, B[La]3’: 1.73 to
6.97 mmol·L-1; MED,
B[La]3’: 1.9 to 9.0 mmol·L-1
Almansba et
al. [96]
1 × 6
20 s
Sbest: 7.97 ± 0.39 s;
Savg: 8.37 ± 0.30 s;
Sdec: 4.8 ± 2.0%
6−20: 15.2 ± 1.6
B[La]2’: 12.9 ± 1.5 mmol·L-1 ;
HRpeak: 189 ± 7 b·min-1
HRav: 195 ± 8 b·min-1
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
1 × 6
20 s
Sbest: 5.75 ± 0.28 s; Savg: 6.16 ± 0.29 s;
Sdec: 6.7 ± 3.1%
6−20: 13.9 ± 1.8
B[La]2’: 11.6 ± 1.2 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 185 ± 6 b·min-1;
HRavg: 178 ± 9 b·min-1
Altimari et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
1TR, Savg: 7.08 ± 0.27 s; Sdec: 5.3 ±
1.3%; 2TR, Savg: 7.16 ± 0.25 s; Sdec: 5.4
± 1.2%; 3TR, Savg: 7.08 ± 0.27 s; Sdec:
5.6 ± 1.5%
Archiza et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sham, Sbest: 7.50 ± 0.20 s; Savg: 7.90 ±
0.20 s; Sdec: 6.3 ± 3.0%;
INT, Sbest: 7.60 ± 0.30 s; Savg: 8.20 ±
0.30 s; Sdec: 7.9 ± 2.4%
Attene et al.
1 × 10
30 m (15
+ 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.41 ± 0.43 s; Stotal: 67.27 ± 4.43 s;
Sdec: 10.9 ± 4.3%
CR10: 8.6 ± 0.5
B[La]3’: 9.5 ± 1.6 mmol·L-1
Ayarra et al.
1 × 6
30 m
25 s
Stotal: 26.03 ± 2.09 s; Sdec: 1.7 ± 3%
Aziz et al.
1 × 8
40 m
30 s
Sbest: 5.45 ± 0.23 s; Stotal: 45.90 ± 1.64 s;
Sdec: 5.4 ± 2.7%
Baldi et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sbest: 7.13 ± 0.24 s; Sdec: 5.2 ± 1.6%
B[La]peak:17.6 ± 2.6 mmol·L-1
Fernández et
al. [186]
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
CMJAA: -4.2
cm (-9.2 ± 4.8%)
Beato et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
STR-G, Sbest: 7.13 ± 0.17 s,
Savg:7.46 ± 0.19 s;
SHU-G group, Sbest: 7.14 ± 0.18 s,
Savg:7.50 ± 0.21 s
3 × 7
30 m
20 s
4 min
CR10: 6.3 ± 0.5
3 x 7
40 m
20 s
4 min
CR10: 6.4 ± 0.6
Beato et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
STR-G, Sbest: 7.30 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 7.56 ±
0.20 s
SHU-G, Sbest: ± 7.23 ± 0.32 s; Savg: 7.46
± 0.31 s
3 × 7
30 m
20 s
4 min
CR10: 6.1 ± 0.8
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
3 × 7
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
4 min
CR10: 6.4 ± 0.7
Beato & Drust
3 × 7
30 m
25 s
3 min
HRpeak: 192 ± 12 b·min-1
Beaven et al.
1 × 5
40 m
On 30 s
(~24 s)
Stotal: 27.58 ± 1.58 s
HRpost: 139 ± 8 b·min-1
Binnie et al.
1 × 8
20 m
20 s
SAN, Stotal: 30.97 ± 1.58 s; Sdec: 4.8 ±
2.1%; GRA, Stotal: 29.56 ± 1.69 s; Sdec:
4.5 ± 2.2%
SAN, B[La]peak: 6.5 ± 2.3
mmol·L-1; GRA, B[La]peak:
5.7 ± 2.5 mmol·L-1
Binnie et al.
1 × 8
20 m
20 s
Sbest: 3.31 s; Stotal: 27.46 s; Sdec: 3.7%
B[La]post: 8.2 mmol·L-1
HRpeak: 160 b·min-1
Binnie et al.
1 × 8
20 m
20 s
Sbest: 3.34 s; Stotal: 27.94 s; Sdec: 4.4%
B[La]post: 7.5 mmol·L-1
HRpeak: 163 b·min-1
Lafarga et al.
1 × 7
34.2 m
25 s
Sbest: 5.72 ± 0.13 s; Savg: 5.91 ± 0.14 s;
Stotal: 41.41 ± 0.99 s; Sdec: 3.5 ± 1.6%
CR10: 9.1 ± 2.2
B[La]3’: 8.5 ± 1.4 mmol·L-1
Borges et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
RES, Sbest: 7.35 ± 0.07 s; Savg: 7.70 ±
0.14 s; PLY, Sbest: 7.21 ± 0.18 s; Savg:
7.55 ± 0.22 s
Brahim et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sdec: 2.7 ± 1.3%
1 × 12
20 m
40 s
Sdec: 3.8 ± 2.3%
1 × 7
34.2 m
25 s
Sdec: 4.3 ± 3.4%
Brini et al.
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 5.80 ± 0.21 s; Stotal: 58.99 ± 1.67 s
CR10: 4.3 ± 0.5
B[La]post: 5.3 ± 1.7 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 194 ± 2 b·min-1
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 5.88 ± 0.15 s; Stotal: 59.58 ± 1.36 s
CR10: 5.0 ± 0.6
B[La]post: 5.5 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 195 ± 2 b·min-1
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 5.91 ± 0.15 s; Stotal: 60.02 ± 1.11 s
CR10: 7.4 ± 0.8
B[La]post: 6.8 ± 2.2 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 195 ± 2 b·min-1
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 5.92 ± 0.11 s; Stotal: 60.10 ± 0.94 s
CR10: 8.2 ± 0.8
B[La]post: 6.6 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 196 ± 2 b·min-1
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Brini et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
SSG, Sbest: 5.90 ± 0.11 s; Savg: 5.98 ±
0.68 s; Stotal: 59.78 ± 0.68 s;
RS, Sbest: 5.88 ± 0.13 s; Savg: 5.97 ±
1.14 s; Stotal: 59.72 ± 1.14 s
SSG, HRpeak: 186 ± 4 b·min-1;
RS, HRpeak: 189 ± 3 b·min-1
Brini et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 5.89 ± 0.10 s; Stotal: 59.60 ± 0.90 s;
Sdec: 1.2 ± 0.5%
CR10: 7 ± 1 au
B[La]3’: 6.6 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 191 ± 1 b·min-1
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 5.90 ± 0.10 s; Stotal: 59.80 ± 0.90 s;
Sdec: 1.3 ± 0.5%
CR10: 8 ± 1 au
B[La]3’: 6.8 ± 2.2 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 195 ± 1
Brini et al.
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
INT, Sbest: 6.91 ± 0.1s; Stotal: 70.90 ±
0.98 s; CON, Sbest: 6.87 ± 0.12 s; CON,
Stotal: 69.81 ± 0.62 s
INT, CR10: 5.6
± 1.4 au;
CON, CR10: 6.0
± 1.3 au
INT, B[La]3’: 5.4 ± 2.1
mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 187 ± 3
b·min-1; CON, B[La]3’: 5.8 ±
2.4 mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 187 ± 6
Brini et al.
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
PRO, Sbest: 8.07 ± 0.03 s; Stotal: 83.35 ±
2.19 s;
SEMI, Sbest: 8.21 ± 0.16 s; Stotal: 83.56 ±
2.17 s;
PRO, CR10: 6.8
± 0.6
6.9 ± 0.6
PRO, B[La]3’: 8.0 ± 2.0
mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 187 ± 2
SEMI, B[La]3’: 9.5 ± 0.6
mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 189 ± 1
Brocherie et
al. [196]
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
Sbest: 4.87 ± 0.14 s; Stotal 31.73 ± 1.13 s;
Sdec: 8.7 ± 2.3%
Brocherie et
al. [54]
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
Savg: 5.34 ± 0.25 s; Sdec: 9.5 ± 2.4%
6−20: 15.9 ± 0.9
sprint 1−6:
ΔL: 17.5 ± 2.5 to
18.0 ± 2.9 cm;
Δz: 1.9 ± 0.3 to
2.7 ± 0.3 cm;
Fzmax: 2.36 ±
0.18 to 2.41 ±
0.14 N; Kvert:
127.6 ± 17.7 to
91.4 ± 10.4
kN·m-1; Kleg:
13.7 ± 1.7 to
13.8 ± 2.7 kN·m-
B[La]4’: 10.5 ± 2.0 mmol·L-1
Brocherie et
al. [197]
1 × 8
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
HYP, Stotal: 27.23 ± 1.15 s; Sdec: 4.0 ±
1.7%; NOR, 27.05 ± 0.81 s; Sdec: 4.3 ±
1.9%; CON, 26.98 ± 1.03 s; Sdec: 5.2 ±
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Broderick et
al. [141]
1 × 3
15 m
20 s
INT, Sbest: 2.58 ± 0.10 s; Stotal: 7.82 ±
0.32 s; CON, Sbest: 2.58 ± 0.10 s; Stotal:
7.84 ± 0.31 s
1 × 6
30 m
20 s
Sbest: 5.73 ± 0.27 s; Savg: 5.90 ± 0.27 s;
Sdec: 2.8 ± 0.9%
1 × 6
25 m
25 s
Sbest: 3.96 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 4.09 ± 0.17 s;
Sdec: 3.2 ± 1.3%
Buchheit et al.
1 × 6
25 m
On 25s
(~21 s)
Sbest: 3.97 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 4.09 ± 0.16 s
Sdec: 2.8 ± 1.2%
CR10: 7 ± 1 au
B[La]3’: 9.4 ± 2.4 mmol·L-1;
VO2avg: 38.1 ± 5.0 ml·min-
1·kg-1 (% VO2max: 76 ± 10%);
HRpeak: 175 ± 11 b·min-1 (%
HRmax: 95 ± 6%)
1 × 6
25 m
(12.5 +
On 25 s
(~20 s)
Sbest: 5.186 ± 0.16 s; Savg: 5.29 ± 0.17 s;
Sdec: 2.5 ± 1.0%
CR10: 7 ± 1 au
B[La]3’: 9.9 ± 2.0 mmol L-1;
VO2avg: 39.7 ± 5.0 ml·min-
1·kg-1 (% VO2max: 79 ± 10%);
HRpeak: 177 ± 11.0 b·min-1 (%
HRmax: 96 ± 6%)
1 × 6
25 m
On 25 s
(~21 s)
Sbest: 3.98 ± 0.14 s; Savg: 4.14 ± 0.17 s
Sdec: 3.9 ± 1.5%
CR10: 8 ± 1 au
B[La]3’: 10.2 ± 2.4 mmol·L-1;
VO2avg: 40.2 ± 4.5 ml·min-
1·kg-1 (% VO2max: 80 ± 9%);
HRpeak: 176 ± 11 b·min-1 (%
HRmax: 96 ± 6%)
1 × 6
25 m
(12.5 +
On 25 s
(~20 s)
Sbest: 5.18 ± 0.18 s; Savg: 5.43 ± 0.18 s
Sdec: 3.4 ± 2.3%
CR10: 8 ± 1 au
B[La]3’: 10.4 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1;
VO2avg: 42.2 ± 5.0 ml·min-
1·kg-1 (% VO2max: 84 ± 10%);
HRpeak: 178 ± 11 b·min-1
(% HRmax: 97 ± 6%)
Buchheit et al.
1 × 6
25 m
On 25 s
(~21 s)
Sbest: 3.96 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 4.09 ± 0.17 s
Sdec: 3.2 ± 1.3%
CR10: 7.2 ± 1.4
B[La]3’: 2.2 ± 0.2 to 9.3 ±
2.4 mmol·L-1; VO2avg: 35.8 ±
4.7 ml·min-1·kg-1 (% VO2max:
77.4 ± 9.3%); HRpeak: 173 ± 9
b·min-1 (% HRmax: 94 ± 5%)
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
1 × 6
25 m
(12.5 +
On 25 s
(~20 s)
Sbest: 5.16 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 5.30 ± 0.17 s
Sdec: 2.6 ± 1.2%
CR10: 7.2 ± 0.8
B[La]3’: 2.2 ± 0.2 to 10.0 ±
1.7 mmol·L-1; VO2avg: 40.4 ±
5.2 ml·min-1·kg-1 (% VO2max:
80.5 ± 10.3%); HRpeak: 173 ±
10 b·min-1 (% HRmax: 94 ±
Buchheit et al.
1 × 6
30 m
On 25 s
(~20 s)
Sbest: 4.37 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 4.69 ± 0.20 s
Sdec: 6.7 ± 2.5%
CR10: 7.4 ± 1.5
B[La]3’: 10.1 ± 2.2
mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 184 ± 7
1 × 6
~27.6 m
On 25 s
(~20 s)
Sbest: 4.38 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 4.61 ± 0.29 s
Sdec: 4.8 ± 3.6%
CR10: 6.9 ± 1.7
B[La]3’: 8 ± 2.3 mmol·L-
1; HRpeak: 181 ± 8 b·min-1
1 × 6
~21.2 m
On 25 s
(~20 s)
Sbest: 4.36 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 4.69 ± 0.16 s
Sdec: 7.0 ± 3.2%
CR10: 6.0 ± 1.6
B[La]3’: 6.1 ± 2.5
mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 178 ± 9
1 × 6
~ 19.2 m
On 25 s
(~20 s)
Sbest: 4.39 ± 0.19 s; Savg: 4.73 ± 0.19 s
Sdec: 7.1 ± 3.0%
CR10: 6.0 ± 1.1
B[La] 3’: 7.4 ± 2.3
mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 180 ± 8
Campa et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
EL, Sbest: 7.00 ± 0.30 s; Savg: 7.50 ±
0.40 s; Sdec: 6.3 ± 3.1%;
S-EL, Sbest: 7.70 ± 0.20 s; Savg: 7.90 ±
0.20 s; Sdec: 3.4 ± 1.1%
Campos et al.
1 × 8
40m (10 +
20 + 10)
20 s
IT100, Sbest: 8.12 ± 0.20 s; Savg: 8.69 ±
0.36 s; IT86, Sbest: 8.28 ± 0.24 s; Savg:
8.50 ± 0.18 s
Vazquez et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
SQ, Sbest: 6.99 ± 0.11 s; Savg: 7.40 ±
0.18 s; TG, Sbest: 7.07 ± 0.18 s; Savg:
7.42 ± 0.15 s
Caprino et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Stotal: 58.80 ±2.10 s; Sdec: 2.3 ± 1.0%
B[La] 3’: 5.1 ± 1.4
mmol·L-1 to 12.4 ± 2.8
Castagna et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Savg: 6.17 ± 0.10 s; Stotal: 60.56 ± 1.60 s;
Sdec: 3.4 ± 2.3%
B[La]3’: 2.5 ± 0.7 mmol L-
1 to 14.1 ± 3.5 mmol·L-1
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Savg: 6.32 ± 0.10 s; Stotal: 62.15 ± 2.99 s
Sdec: 5.0 ± 2.4%
B[La]3’: 2.4 ± 0.5 to 13.2 ±
2.9 mmol·L-1
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Castagna et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sdec: 3.4 ± 2.3%
B[La]post: 2.5 ± 0.7 to 13.6
± 3.1 mmol·L-1; B[La]3’:
2.5 ± 0.7 to 14.2 ± 3.5
Chaouachi et
al. [203]
1 × 7
30 m
25 s
Savg: 4.50 ± 0.13 s; Stotal: 31.21 ± 1.13 s;
Sdec: 6.0 ± 2.5%
Charlot et al.
1 × 6
25 m
25 s
Savg: 3.84 ± 0.17 s: Stotal: 23.10 ± 1.10 s;
Sdec: 7.4 ± 3.9%
1 × 6
25 m
(12.5 +
25 s
Savg: 5.32 ± 0.17 s: Stotal: 30.50 ± 2.30 s;
Sdec: 4.1 ± 1.3%
Chen et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sbest: 7.50 ± 0.50 s; Stotal: 45.9 ± 3.34 s;
Sdec: 3.5 ± 2.5%
6−20: 15 ± 3.6
B[La]post: 9.8 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak:171 ± 12 b·min-1
Clifford et al.
1 × 20
30 m
30 s
INT, Sbest: 4.41 ± 0.23 s; Savg: 4.65 ±
0.25 s; PLA: 4.48 ± 0.14 s; Savg: 4.70 ±
0.15 s
INT, 6−20: 15 ±
1 au;
PLA, 6−20: 14 ±
2 au
-11.8 ± 8.9%;
-9.6 ± 4.8%
INT, CK 24 h: 188 ± 62 to
542 ± 461 u·L-1 (188%);
PLA, CK 24 h: 318 ± 145 to
592 ± 321 u·L-1 (86%)
Corrêa et al.
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
Stotal: 31.17 ± 1.03 s;
Sdec: 8.2 ± 2.77%
Costello et al.
1 × 20
20 m
20 s
Savg: 3.43 ± 0.2 s
CR10: 9 ± 1.1
B[La]post: 12.4 ± 2.6 mmol·L-
1: HRavg: 178 ± 8 b·min-1
Peñafiel et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
30 s
SOC, Sbest: 7.01 ± 0.22 s; Sdec: 2.7 ±
FUT: 7.26 ± 0.19 s; Sdec: 4.4 ± 1.2%
SOC, B[La]post: 13.7 ± 2.8
mmol·L-1 ;
FUT, B[La]post: 14.3 ± 3.4
Da Silva et al.
1 × 7
34.2 m
25 s
Sbest: 6.30 ± 0.24 s; Savg: 6.56 ± 0.23 s;
Sdec: 4.0 ± 1.9%
B[La]peak: 15.4 ± 2.2 mmol·L-
Dal Pupo
1 × 6
25 m
15 s
Sbest: 3.80 ± 0.18 s; Savg: 3.98 ± 0.20 s;
Sdec: 4.7 ± 2.0%
CMJ AB: 43.52
± 1.48 to 41.68 ±
1.25 cm (-4.2%)
B[La]peak: 11.1 ± 2.4 mmol·L-
1 × 6
25 m
(12.5 +
15 s
Sbest: 5.17 ± 0.23 s; Savg: 5.34 ± 0.23 s;
Sdec: 3.2 ± 1.4%
CMJAB: 43.52
± 1.48 to 40.37 ±
1.28 cm (-7.2%)
B[La]peak: 12.2 ± 3.3 mmol·L-
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Dal Pupo et al.
1 × 6
25 m
15 s
Sbest: 3.73 ± 0.12 s; Savg: 3.91 ± 0.15 s;
Sdec: 4.7 ± 1.8%
1 × 6
25 m
(12.5 +
15 s
Sbest: 5.13 ± 0.22 s; Savg: 5.30 ± 0.20 s;
Sdec: 3.3 ± 0.9%
Daneshfar et
al. [210]
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Test, Sbest: 6.35 ± 0.08 s; Stotal: 68.97 ±
0.23 s; Sdec: 9.1 ± 1.1%
Retest, Sbest: 6.30 ± 0.08 s; Stotal: 69.25
± 0.24 s; Sdec: 9.3 ± 1.1%
CR10: 8.8 ± 0.1
B[La]3’: 10.0 ± 0.1 mmol·L-1
Dardouri et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.15 ± 0.25 s; Stotal: 63.90 ± 2.50 s;
Sdec: 4.1 ± 1.4%
B[La]3’: 14.8 ± 0.4 mmol·L-1
De Andrade et
al. [212]
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
Sbest: 4.43 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 4.91 ± 0.23 s;
Stotal: 29.45 ± 1.39 s; Sdec: 11.3 ± 7.6%
B[La]peak: 13.7 ± 2.4 mmol·L-
Delextrat et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
M, Stotal: 58.40 ± 2.80 s; Sdec: 4.3 ±
0.4%; F, Stotal: 63.50 ± 2.20 s; Sdec: 3.6
± 0.9%
Delextrat et al.
1 × 6
20 m
(10 + 10)
On 20 s
(~15 s)
Stotal: 29.00 ± 2.10 s; Sdec: 4.0 ± 2.7%
Delextrat et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
M, Stotal: 58.01± 3.01 s; Sdec: 4.3 ±
1.5%; F, Stotal: 63.34 ± 2.38 s; Sdec: 3.6
± 0.3%
Dellal et al.
1 × 10
20 m
30 s
HRpeak:191 b·min-1
(% HRmax: 91%)
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
HRpeak:198 b·min-1
(% HRmax: 95%)
1 × 15
20 m
30 s
HRpeak:198 b·min-1;
(% HRmax: 95%)
Dellal &
Wong [100]
1 × 10
20 m
25 s
U17, Sbest: 5.39 ± 0.03 s; Savg: 5.47 ±
0.04 s; Stotal: 32.76 ± 0.24 s; Sdec: 1.4 ±
U19, Sbest: 5.34 ± 0.03 s; 5.39 ± 0.04 s;
Stotal: 32.25 ± 0.26 s; Sdec: 1.0 ± 0.4%;
PRO, Sbest: 5.31 ± 0.05 s; Savg: 5.37 ±
0.07 s; Stotal: 32.22 ± 0.42 s; Sdec: 1.2 ±
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Dent et al.
4 × 6
30 m
On 30 s
(~25 s)
7 min
M, Sbest: set 1, 4.29 ± 0.05 s; set 2, 4.35
± 0.02 s; set 3, 4.45 ± 0.10 s; set 4, 4.49
± 0.11 s;
Savg: set 1, 4.47 ± 0.9 s; set 2, 4.54 ±
0.12 s; set 3, 4.60 ± 0.13 s; set 4, 4.54 ±
0.12 s;
Sdec: set 1, 4.7 ± 1.4%; set 2, 4.9 ±
1.4%; set 3, 5.4 ± 2.0%; set 4, 4.3 ±
F, Sbest: set 1, 4.74 ± 0.18 s; set 2, 4.87
± 0.14 s; set 3, 4.96 ± 0.27 s; set 4, 4.97
± 0.22 s
Savg: set 1, 5.09 ± 0.21 s; set 2, 5.17 ±
0.31 s; set 3, 5.24 ± 0.27 s; set 4, 5.23 ±
0.31 s;
Sdec: set 1, 7.1 ± 2.1%; set 2, 6.6 ±
2.8%; set 3, 7.2 ± 1.3%; set 4, 7.2 ±
M: set 1, B[La]3’: 0.9 ± 0.4
to 10.0 ± 1.6 mmol·L-1; set 2,
B[La]3’: 11.9 ± 2.9 mmol·L-1;
set 3, 11.6 ± 3.3 mmol·L-1;
set 4, 11.6 ± 4.0 mmol·L-1;
HRpost: set 1, 179 ± 20 b·min-
1; set 2, 175 ± 38 b·min-1, set
3, 188 ± 10 b·min-1; set 4,
189 ± 10 b·min-1;
F: set 1, B[La]3’: 0.8 ± 0.3
to 10.0 ± 3.5 mmol·L-1; set 2,
B[La]3’: 12 ± 3.6 mmol·L-1;
set 3, 12.0 ± 3.3 mmol·L-1;
set 4, 12.2 ± 3.7 mmol·L-1
HRpost: set 1, 189 ± 9 b·min-1;
set 2, 190 ± 8 b·min-1; set 3,
191 ± 6 b·min-1; set 4, 190 ±
8 b·min-1
Donghi et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
CR10: 5 ± 1.2 au
Doyle et al.
1 × 6
20 m
On 15 s
(~12 s)
Sbest: 3.43 ± 0.16 s; Stotal: 21.42 ± 0.97 s;
Sdec: 4.4 ± 0.3%
Dupont et al.
1 × 7
30 m
20 s
Savg: 4.60 ± 0.14 s
Dupont et al.
1 × 15
40 m
25 s
Savg: 6.41 ± 0.31 s; Sdec: 8.6 ± 3.2%
B[La]3’: 13.8 ± 3.1 mmol·L-1;
VO2avg: 60.5 ± 4.3 ml·min-
Eliakim et al.
1 × 12
20 m
On 20 s
(~ 17 s)
Sbest: 3.23 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 3.24 ± 0.04 s;
Stotal: 38.91 ± 0.52 s; Sdec: 2.3 ± 0.6
CR10: 7 ± 1 au
HRavg: 177 ± 6 b·min-1
HRpost: 181 ± 4 b·min-1
Elias et al.
1 × 6
20 m
On 30 s
(~27 s)
PAS, Stotal: 18.53 ± 0.28 s;
COL, Stotal: 18.62 ± 0.46 s;
CWT, Stotal: 18.63 ± 0.45 s
Elias et al.
1 × 6
20 m
On 30 s
(~27 s)
PAS, Stotal: 18.66 ± 0.37 s;
COL, Stotal: 18.50 ± 0.47 s;
CWT, Stotal: 18.68 ± 0.39 s
Eniseler et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
RS, Sbest: 6.75 ± 0.19 s; Savg: 7.13 ±
0.17 s; Sdec: 5.5 ± 0.8%
SSG, Sbest: 6.73 ± 0.19 s; Savg: 7.12 ±
0.17 s; Sdec: 5.8 ± 1.1%
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Eryilmaz &
Kaynak [221]
1 × 10
20 m
20 s
Sbest: 2.97 ± 0.10 s; Savg: 3.21 ± 0.10 s;
Sdec: 8.0 ± 2.7%
Eryilmaz et al.
1 × 10
20 m
20 s
Savg: 4.28 ± 0.10 s
Essid et al.
1 × 6
30 m
(15 + 15)
On 20 s
(~14 s)
Sbest: 6.19 ± 0.03 s; Savg: 6.78 ± 0.03;
Sdec: 8.7 ± 0.0%
Farjallah et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
INT, Savg: 7.18 ± 0.23 s; PLA, Savg: 7.34
± 0.03 s
Figueira et al.
3 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
5 min
Stotal: 59.22 ± 2.10 s; Sdec: 3.6 ± 1.6%
B[La]3’: 13.0 ± 2.3 mmol·L-1 ;
HRpeak: 174 ± 7 b·min-1
3 × 20
15 m
15 s
5 min
Stotal: 53.66 ± 1.56 s; Sdec: 4.9 ± 2.1%
B[La]3’: 8.5 ± 3.4 mmol·L-1
HRpeak: 174 ± 7 b·min-1
Freitas et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Stotal: 57. 50 ± 2.89 s; Sdec: 2.9 ± 1.0%
et al. [224]
1 × 10
40 m
On 30 s
(~25 s)
HYP, CR10: 9.2
± 0.7 au
NOR, CR10: 9.2
± 0.7 au
HYP: 13.7 ± 4.3 mmol·L-1
NOR: 13.0 ± 4.2 mmol·L-1
2 × 8
40 m
3 min
CR10: 8.3 ± 0.5
10.2 ± 3.3 mmol·L-
et al. [225]
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.20 ± 0.20 s; Savg: 6.34 ± 0.19 s
Fortin &
Billaut [226]
1 × 12
20 m
20 s
Sham, Sbest: 3.07 ± 0.13 s; Stotal: 39.69 ±
1.34 s; INT, Sbest: 3.05 ± 0.08 s; Stotal:
39.79 ± 1.65 s
Gabbett [228]
1 × 6
20 m
On 15 s
(~12 s)
Stotal: 21.50 ± 1.20 s; Sdec: 5.6 ± 1.6%
B[La]post: 9.3 ± 2.0 mmol·L-1
HRpeak: 182 ± 6 b·min-1
Gabbett et al.
1 × 12
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
Stotal: 38.70 ± 2.30 s
Gabbett et al.
1 × 12
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
ST, Stotal: 38.30 ± 2.80 s; N-ST, Stotal:
38.90 ± 3.20; N-SEL, Stotal: 39.10 ±
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Gabbett et al.
1 × 6
20 m
On 15 s
(~12 s)
INT, Stotal: 21.16 ± 1.06 s;
CON, Stotal: 20.71 ± 0.52 s
Galvin et al.
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
HYP, Stotal: 32.20 ± 1.10 s; Sdec: 4.0 ±
3.0%; NOR, Stotal: 32.70 ± 1.20 s; Sdec:
5.1 ± 3 .9%
Galy et al.
1 × 6
25 m
25 s
MG, Sbest: 3.77 ± 0.19 s; Savg: 3.99 ±
0.17 s; Stotal: 23.96 ± 1.05 s; Sdec: 5.9 ±
3.1%; N-MG, Sbest: 3.92 ± 0.19 s; Savg:
4.09 ± 0.17 s; Stotal: 24.55 ± 1.01 s; Sdec:
4.4 ± 1.8%
1 × 6
25 m
(12.5 +
25 s
MG, Sbest: 5.29 ± 0.19 s; Savg: 5.47 ±
0.19 s; Stotal: 32.79 ± 1.14 s; Sdec: 3.4 ±
1.0%; N-MG, Sbest: 5.31 ± 0.18 s; Savg:
5.53 ± 0.15 s; Stotal: 33.21 ± 0.92 s; Sdec:
4.3 ± 0.8%
Gantois et al.
1 × 6
30 m
20 s
Sbest: 4.59 ± 0.24 s; Savg: 4.82 ± 0.31 s;
Stotal: 27.60 ± 6.77 s; Sdec: 5.3 ± 2.9%
Gantois et al
1 × 6
30 m
20 s
RS, Sbest: 4.56 ± 0.24 s; Savg: 4.83 ±
0.38 s; Stotal: 29.00 ± 2.30; Sdec: 6.4 ±
CON, Sbest: 4.64 ± 0.24 s; Savg: 4.87 ±
0.22; Stotal: 29.08 ± 1.56 s; Sdec: 4.1 ±
Gantois et al.
1 × 6
30 m
20 s
Sbest: 4.58 ± 0.21 s; Savg: 4.84 ± 0.31;
Stotal: 29.00 ± 1.91 s; Sdec: 7.6 ± 5.8%
Unanue et al.
1 × 7
30 m
20 s
ELT, Savg: 4.37 ± 0.15 s; Sdec: 4.2 ±
1.4%; AM, Savg: 4.67 ± 0.18 s; Sdec: 6.4
± 2.2%
35.7 ± 6.0 to
34.0 ± 4.3 cm
33.8 ± 4.2 to
31.8 ± 3.6 cm
Gatterer et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
NOR, Sbest: 7.18 ± 0.24 s; Savg: 7.60 ±
0.19 s; Sdec: 5.8 ± 1.9%; HYP, 7.28 ±
0.21 s; Savg: 7.66 ± 0.32 s; Sdec: 5.2 ±
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Gharbi et al.
1 × 2
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.26 ± 0.24 s; Stotal: 12.63 ± 0.47 s;
Sdec: 1.0 ± 0.7%
B[La]3’: 1.8 ± 0.6 to 5.7 ± 1.2
1 × 3
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.18 ± 0.23 s; Stotal: 18.75 ± 0.61 s;
Sdec: 1.5 ± 1.0%
B[La]3’: 1.8 ± 0.6 to 9.4 ± 1.7
1 × 4
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.17 ± 0.21 s; Stotal: 25.05 ± 0.81 s;
Sdec: 2.0 ± 1.1%
B[La]3’: 1.8 ± 0.6 to 9.6 ± 1.9
1 × 5
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.29 ± 0.20 s; Stotal 32.36 ± 1.23 s;
Sdec: 2.6 ± 1.4%
B[La]3’: 1.8 ± 0.6 to 10.5 ±
2.6 mmol·L-1;
1 × 9
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.28 ± 0.23 s; Stotal: 58.68 ± 2.38 s;
Sdec: 3.9 ± 1.3%
B[La]3’: 1.8 ± 0.6 to 12.6 ±
2.3 mmol·L-1;
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.23 ± 0.23 s; Stotal: 64.96 ± 2.57 s;
Sdec: 4.5 ± 1.4%
B[La]3’: 1.8 ± 0.6 to 12.7 ±
1.0 mmol·L-1
Gharbi et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Sbest: 6.10 ± 0.20 s; Stotal: 63.20 ± 2.20 s;
Sdec: 3.5 ± 1.1%
B[La]3’: 15.3 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1
Gibson et al.
1 × 6
40 m
25 s
Sbest: 7.11 ± 0.25 s; Stotal: 44.40 ± 1.62 s;
Sdec: 3.6 ± 1.2%
Girard et al.
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
Savg: 5.36 ± 0.29 s; Sdec: 8.6 ± 2.8%
Girard et al.
1 × 6
20 m
20 s
Savg: 3.23 ± 0.13 s; Sdec: 2.8 ± 1.7%
ΔL: 13.6 ± 2.1 to
15.4 ± 2.7 cm;
Δz: 1.7 ± 0.4 to
2.2 ± 0.4 cm;
Fzmax: 2.0 ±
0.28 to 2.1 ±
0.26 N; Kvert: 120
± 9.3 to 97 ± 5.2
kN·m-1; Kleg:
15.0 ± 10.0 to
13.7 ± 7.0 kN·m-
Frutos et al.
1 × 6
30 m
30 s
Savg: 4.89 ± 0.07 s
et al. [102]
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
INT, Sbest: 7.16 ± 0.23 s; Savg: 7.52 ±
0.23 s; Sdec: 5.1 ± 1.8%; CON, Sbest:
7.17 ± 0.24 s; 7.50 ± 0.24 s; Sdec: 4.6 ±
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
1 × 5
25 m (5 m
per turn)
20 s
INT, Sbest: 6.58 ± 0.21 s; Savg: 6.86 ±
0.25 s; Sdec: 2.0 ± 0.7; CON, Sbest: 6.56
± 0.3; Savg: 6.84 ± 0.22 s; Sdec: 2.3 ±
Goodall et al.
1 × 12
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 4.23 ± 0.13 s; Savg: 4.68 ± 0.08 s;
B[La]3’: 3.1 ± 1.4 to 12.8 ±
3.0, mmol∙L-1; B[La]post sprint
1: 2.7 mmol∙L-1; sprint 3: 4.8
mmol∙L1; sprint 5: 7.2
mmol∙L-1; sprint 7: 9.1
mmol∙L-1; sprint 9: 10.4
mmol∙L-1; sprint 11: 11.6
Hamlin et al.
1 × 10
40 m
On 30 s
(~24 s)
CWT, Savg: 6.36 ± 0.40 s;
ARC: 6.38 ± 0.50 s
CTWI, B[La]3’: 13.6 ± 2.6
mmol·L-1; HRavg: 171 ± 9
b·min-1; AR, B[La]3’: 14.2 ±
2.3 mmol·L-1; HRavg: 173 ±
11 b·min-1
Hamlin et al.
1 × 8
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
NOR, Stotal: 27.40 ± 3.20; Sdec: 3.5 ±
1.2%; HYP, Stotal: 27.50 ± 3.90 s; Sdec:
3.5 ± 1.3%
Hammami et
al. [241]
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
INT, Sbest: 7.13 ± 0.32 s; Savg: 7.39 ±
0.33 s, Stotal: 44.4 ± 2.0 s; Sdec: 3.7 ±
INT, Sbest: 7.21 ± 0.13 s; Savg: 7.44 ±
0.15 s, Stotal: 44.6 ± 0.9 s; Sdec: 3.1 ±
Haugen et al.
1 × 12
20 m
60 s
INT, Sbest: 3.11 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 3.16 ±
0.17 s
CON, Sbest: 3.02 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 3.07 ±
0.17 s
INT, B[La]post: 3.8 ± 1.3
mmol·L-1; HRpeak (%
HRmax): 85 ± 4%
CON, B[La]post: 3.5 ± 1.4
mmol·L-1; HRpeak (%
HRmax): 86 ± 4%
Haugen et al.
1 × 15
20 m
60 s
Sbest: 2.94 ± 0.15; Savg: 2.98 ± 0.15
CR10: 3.8 ± 1.2
B[La]post: 4.4 ± 1.8 mmol·L-1
Hermassi et al.
1 × 6
30 m
On 20 s
(~16 s)
Sbest: 4.42 ± 0.14; Savg: 4.57 ± 0.12;
Stotal: 27.40 ± 0.70 s; 3.4 ± 1.6%
1 × 6
30 m
(15 + 15)
On 20 s
(~14 s)
Sbest: 5.97 ± 0.36; Savg: 6.23 ± 0.25;
Stotal: 37.40 ± 1.50 s; Sdec: 4.5 ± 3.3%
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Higham et al.
1 × 6
30 m
On 20 s
(~16 s)
Stotal: 24.76 ± 0.62 s
Hollville et al.
1 × 6
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
Sbest: 3.14 s± 0.12 s; Stotal: 19.30 ± 0.60
s; Sdec: 2.4 ± 1.3%
CR10: 4.5 ± 1.6
HRpost (% HRmax): 88 ± 5%
Howatson et
al. [35]
1 × 15
30 m
60 s
Sbest: 4.33 ± 0.21 s; Savg: 4.49 ± 0.09 s;
Sdec: 4.5 ± 1.5%
CK 24 h: 158 ± 56 to 776
± 312 u·L-1 (385%)
Iaia et al.
1 × 15
40 m
30 s
SEP, Stotal: 86.09 ± 6.30 s; Sdec: 5.0 ±
2.3%; SEM, Stotal: 83.81 ± 2.37 s; Sdec:
4.1 ± 1.3%
Iaia et al. [19]
1 × 6
5 s
(~30 m)
15 s
B[La]post : 3.1 ± 0.8 to 9.3 ±
1.6 mmol·L-1
1 × 6
5 s
(~30 m)
30 s
B[La]post : 3.5 ± 1.1 to 6.6 ±
1.8 mmol·L-1
1 × 15
40 m
30 s
RS15, Stotal: 92.91 ± 4.66 s; Sdec: 5.9 ±
2.2%; RS30, Stotal: 91.45 ± 4.35 s; Sdec:
5.2 ± 2.1%
Impellizzeri et
al. [170]
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Test, Sbest: 6.90 ± 0.09 s; Savg: 7.20 ±
0.11; Sdec: 4.3 ± 1.2%;
Retest, Sbest: 6.92 ± 0.10 s; Savg: 7.19 ±
0.14 s; Sdec: 3.8 ± 1.4%
Impellizzeri et
al. [170]
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
PRE, Sbest: 6.94 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 7.32 ±
0.13 s; Sdec: 5.4 ± 2.2%;
ELY, Sbest: 6.87 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 7.16 ±
0.15 s; Sdec: 4.3 ± 1.7%;
MID, Sbest: 6.93 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 7.22 ±
0.14 s; Sdec: 4.2 ± 1.6%;
END, Sbest: 6.92 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 7.20 ±
0.13 s; Sdec: 4.0 ± 1.7%
Impellizzeri et
al. [170]
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
PRO, Sbest: 6.88 ± 0.19 s; Savg: 7.12 ±
0.17 s; Sdec: 3.3 ± 1.5%;
M-PRO, Sbest: 6.83 ± 0.18 s; Savg: 7.20
± 0.19 s; Sdec: 5.1 ± 1.8%;
AM, Sbest: 7.08 ± 0.23 s; Savg: 7.55 ±
0.25 s; Sdec: 6.1 ± 2.0%
Ingebrigtsen et
al. [244]
1 × 7
35 m
25 s
Savg: 5.25 ± 0.19 s
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Ingebrigtsen et
al. [171]
1 × 7
35 m
25 s
EL, Savg:.5.24 ± 0.24 s; Sdec: 8.3 ±
5.3%; S-EL, Savg: 5.26 ± 0.18 s; Sdec:
6.4 ± 3.7%
EL, HRpeak: 179 ± 9;
S-EL, HRpeak: 188 ± 7
Iacono et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
On 20 s
(~14 s)
SSG, Sbest: 5.30 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 5.48 ±
0.15; Sdec: 3.4 ± 0.5%
RS, Sbest: 5.31 ± 0.22 s; Savg: 5.48 ±
0.18; Sdec: 3.3 ± 1.0%
Izquierdo et al.
1 × 6
15 m
60 s
PLA, Savg: 2.45 ± 0.06 s;
INT, Savg: 2.39 ± 0.06 s
Reyes et al.
1 × 10
40 m
30 s
sprint 1−10:
V0: 15.1 ±
1.3%, F0: 5.9 ±
4.5%; P0: 20.1
± 3.3%, RF:
6.8 ± 2.0%, DRF:
14.0 ± 6.0
Johnston &
Gabbett [40]
1 × 12
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
Sbest: 3.09 ± 0.04 s; Savg: 3.49 ± 0.14 s;
Stotal: 41.89 ± 0.20 s; Sdec: 11.4 ± 4.5%
6−20: 12.3 ± 1.2
HRpeak: 166 ± 9 b·min-1
HRavg: 154 ± 9 b·min-1
Joo [110]
1 × 7
34.2 m
25 s
Stotal: 45.7 ± 2.6 s
Jorge et al.
1 × 7
34.2 m
U20 ELY, Savg: 6.68 ± 0.16 s; Sdec: 4.3
± 1.0%; U20 MID, Savg: 6.20 ± 0.13 s;
Sdec: 4.1 ± 1.0%; U20 END, Savg: 6.40 ±
0.14 s; Sdec: 4.0 ± 1.0%; U17 ELY, Savg:
7.01 ± 0.21 s; Sdec: 5.3 ± 2.0%; U17
MID, Savg: 6.25 ± 0.16 s; Sdec: 4.5 ±
1.8%; U17 END: Savg: 6.32 ± 0.13 s;
Sdec: 3.8 ± 1.3%
Kaplan [109]
1 × 7
34.2 m
Sbest: 7.37 ± 0.26 s; Savg: 7.57 ± 0.25 s;
Sdec: 4.4 ± 1.7%
Keir et al. [25]
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
B[La]peak: 14.8 ± 2.8 mmol·L-
1; VO2avg: 45.6 ± 9.4 ml·min-
1·kg-1; HRpeak: 182 ± 10
Keogh [172]
1 × 6
40 m
On 30 s
(~25 s)
REP, Sdec: 13.1 ± 1.0;
Club, Sdec: 12.7 ± 1.4
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Kilduff et al.
1 × 6
40 m
20 s
Sbest: 6.72 ± 0.16 s; Savg: 7.01 ± 0.16 s;
Stotal: 42.09 ± 0.94 s
Klatt et al.
4 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
30 s
5 min
U20, Sbest: 6.99 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 7.39 ±
0.26 s
SEN, Sbest: 7.12 ± 0.29 s; Savg: 7.65 ±
0.32 s;
U20, CR10: 8.7
± 1.2 au
SEN, CR10: 8.3
± 2.0 au
37.5 ± 5.1 cm to
39 ± 4.7 cm
31.6 ± 3.9 cm to
34.0 ± 3.9 cm
B[La]post: 10.2 ± 2.6 mmol·L-1
U20, CK 24 h: 285 ± 155
to 354 ± 134 u·L-1 (24%)
SEN, CK 24 h: 214 ± 82
to 443 ± 207 u·L-1 (47%)
Krakan et al.
1 × 6
25 m
25 s
RS, Sbest: 3.78 ± 0.08 s; Savg: 3.97 ±
0.10 s; Sdec: 5.0 ± 3.2%
PLY, Sbest: 3.74 ± 0.11 s; Savg: 3.96 ±
0.14 s, Sdec: 5.8 ± 0.1
RS, CR10: 7.3 ±
1.5 au
PLY, CR10: 8 ±
1.1 au
RS, B[La]post: 13.1 ± 2.5
PLY, B[La]post: 14.8 ± 2.3
Krueger et al.
1 × 6
30 m
On 25 s
(~21 s)
CWI, Stotal: 26.23 ± 1.06 s;
CON, Stotal: 26.05 ± 0.69 s
Lakomy et al.
1 × 6
40 m
30 s
Savg: 5.97 ± 0.40 s; Sdec: 4.2 ± 2.4%
1 × 6
40 m
30 s
Savg: 6.03 ± 0.52 s; Sdec: 3.9 ± 1.3%
Lapointe et al.
1 × 12
30 m
20 s
CON, Sbest: 4.83 ± 0.36 s; Savg: 5.18 ±
0.51 s; Sdec: 7.1 ± 3.1%;
INT, Sbest: 4.80 ± 0.35 s; Savg: 5.16 ±
0.47 s; Sdec: 7.3 ± 3.2%
CON, CR10: 8 ±
1.2 au
INT, CR10: 7.5
± 1.1 au
CON, B[La]1’: 14.0 ± 2.4
INT, B[La]1’ : 13.5 ± 1.5
Le Rossignol
et al. [173]
1 × 6
30 m
On 20 s
(~16 s)
SEL, Stotal: 25.26 ± 0.55 s;
N-SEL, Stotal: 25.92 ± 0.8 s
Little &
1 × 15
40 m
(~34 s)
Savg: 5.73 ± 0.07 s
6−20: 14.4 ± 1.0
B[La]2’ : 9.6 ± 0.6 mmol·L-1 ;
HRavg (% HRmax): 85.8 ±
1 × 15
40 m
(~22 s)
Savg: 5.93 ± 0.19 s
6−20: 17.1 ± 0.4
B[La]2’ : 14.1 ± 1.0 mmol·L-
1 ; HRavg (% HRmax): 89.2 ±
1 × 40
15 m
(~16 s)
Savg: 2.59 ± 0.05 s
6−20: 17.3 ± 0.5
B[La]2’ : 8.8 ± 1.1 mmol·L-1 ;
HRavg (% HRmax) : 86.8 ±
1 × 40
15 m
(~10 s)
Savg: 2.65 ± 0.10 s
6−20: 18.8 ± 0.4
B[La]2’ : 13.0 ± 1.7 mmol·L-
1 ; HRavg (% HRmax): 89.3 ±
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Lockie et al.
1 × 7
30 m
On 20 s
(~16 s)
FSH, Savg: 32.08 ± 1.31 s;
EXP, Savg: 31.67 ± 0.76 s
Lockie et al.
1 × 6
20 m
On 15 s
Stotal: 31.95 ± 1.06 s
Lockie et al.
1 × 7
20 m
On 20 s
Stotal: 31.95 ± 1.06 s
Lombard et al.
1 × 6
30 m
On 25 s
(~21 s)
Stotal: 26.77 ± 0.96 s
Madueno et al.
1 × 12
20 m
(15 + 5)
20 s
CR10: 6.5 ± 0.5
B[La]post: 2.0 to 6.8
mmol·L-1; B[La]5’: 4.8
mmol·L-1; VO2avg: 33.3 ± 4.0
mL·kg-1· min-1; VO2avg (%
VO2max): 73.1 ± 9.8%; HRavg:
166 ± 8 b·min-1 (% HRmax: 83
± 6%)
1 × 12
20 m
(15 + 5)
20 s
CR10: 6.0 ± 0.5
B[La]post: 2.0 to 8.6
mmol·L-1; B[La]5’: 6.3
mmol·L-1; VO2avg: 37.7 ± 7.1
(% VO2max: 82.5 ± 14.9%);
HRavg: 173 ± 5 b·min-1 (%
HRmax: 86 ± 2%)
Maggioni et
al. [16]
3 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
3 min
CR10: 6.1 ± 2.7
Triguero et al.
1 × 5
14 m
30 s
M, Sbest: 2.48 ± 0.18 s; Savg: 2.65 ± 0.16
s; Stotal: 13.27 ± 0.83 s;
F, Sbest: 2.70 ± 0.16 s; Savg: 2.99 ± 0.15
s; Stotal: 14.98 ± 0.73 s
Marcelino et
al. [256]
1 × 12
20 m
20 s
SSG 1, Sbest: 3.20 ± 0.10 s; Savg: 3.36 ±
0.10; Sdec: 5.3 ± 3.9%; SSG 2, Sbest:
3.18 ± 0.07 s; Savg: 3.37 ± 0.07 s; Sdec:
6.1 ± 3.3%
et al. [257]
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
PRE, Sbest: 7.13 ± 0.26 s; Savg: 7.49 ±
0.34 s; Sdec: 4.9 ± 1.7%;
END, Sbest:7.15 ± 0.24 s; Savg: 7.42 ±
0.27 s; Sdec: 3.8 ± 1.9%
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
McGawley &
1 × 6
30 m
On 20 s
(~16 s)
Condition 1, Sbest: 27.70 ± 0.50 s; Sdec:
4.7 ± 1.6%;
Condition 2, Sbest: 26.70 ± 0.90 s; Sdec:
5.2 ± 1.1%
Meckel et al.
1 × 6
30 m
30 s
PRE, Stotal: 22.50 ± 0.60 s; Sdec: 2.9 ±
0.3%; MID, Stotal: 23.70 ± 0.63 s;
Sdec: 2.3 ± 0.2%; END, Stotal: 23.51 ±
0.62 s; Sdec: 2.2 ± 0.2%
Meckel et al.
1 × 12
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
Stotal: 39.70 ± 0.60 s; Sdec: 5.0 ± 0.5%
CR10: 6.9 ± 0.4
B[La]2’: 2.0 ± 0.1 to 8.8 ±
0.7 mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 182 ± 2
Meckel et al.
1 × 6
40 m
On 30 s
(~24 s)
Sbest: 5.60 ± 0.26 s; Stotal: 35.10 ± 1.50 s;
Sdec: 4.8 ± 1.9%
CR10: 4.9 ± 1.4
B[La]2’ : 11.3 ± 2.5 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 179 ± 8 b·min-1
1 × 12
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
Sbest: 3.10 ± 0.10 s; Stotal: 38.80 ± 1.20 s;
Sdec: 5.0 ± 2.0%
CR10: 4.0 ± 1.3
B[La]2’ : 10.5 ± 1.8 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 184 ± 8 b·min-1
Meckel et al.
1 × 6
30 m
30 s
Stotal: 27.71 ± 1.40 s;
Sdec: 1.6 ± 0.7%
CR10: 5.4 ± 1.5
B[La]2’ : 10.1 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 171 ± 7 b·min-1
Meckel et al.
1 × 12
20 m
On 20 s
(~17 s)
Stotal: 37.80 ± 1.40 s; Sdec: 4.4 ± 1.5%
CR10: 5.2 ± 1.3
B[La]2’ : 6.7 ± 1.1 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: 174 ± 9 b·min-1
Michalsik et
al. [264]
1 × 7
30 m
25 s
Sbest: 4.09 ± 0.12 s; Savg: 4.30 ± 0.13 s
Mohr et al.
1 × 5
30 m
25 s
Savg: 4.58 ± 0.15 s
Mohr et al.
1 × 5
30 m
25 s
SEP, Sbest: 4.34 ± 0.05 s; Savg: 4.45 ±
0.05 s; SEM, Sbest: 4.32 ± 0.06 s; Savg:
4.41 ± 0.07 s
Mohr et al.
1 × 3
30 m
25 s
Stotal: 13.36 ± 0.11 s
Moncef et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
On 20 s
(~14 s)
Savg: 6.38 ± 0.86 s
Morcillo et al.
1 × 12
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 4.09 ± 0.05 s;
Sdec: 3.7 ± 1.5%
B[La]peak: 9.5 ± 2.3 mmol·L-1
Moreira et al.
1 × 5
30 m
25 s
Stotal: 4.65 ± 0.68 s
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Mujika et al.
1 × 6
30 m
On 30 s
(~26 s)
U17, Savg: 4.43 ± 0.11 s; Stotal: 26.61 ±
0.53 s; Sdec: 4.1 ± 1.1%; U18, Savg: 4.39
± 0.12 s; Stotal: 26.34 ± 0.94 s; Sdec: 4.6
± 1.1%
U17, B[La]peak: 10.9 ± 1.7
mmol·L-1; U18, B[La]peak:
12.3 ± 1.5 mmol·L-1
Müller et al.
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
CMJ AC: 36.1
± 5.7 to 34.4 ±
4.9 cm (-4.8%)
B[La]post: 11.2 ± 4.4 mmol·L-
1; B[La]5’: 15.0 ± 3.9
HRpeak: 174 ± 20 b·min-1
Nakamura et
al. [272]
1 × 6
30 m
(15 + 15)
On 20 s
(~15 s)
Sbest: 5.62 ± 0.16 s; Savg: 6.03 ± 0.18 s;
Sdec: 7.4 ± 2.5%
B[La]3’: 10.6 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1 ;
HRpeak: 180 ± 6 b·min-1
Nascimento et
al [273]
1 × 8
40 m
(10 + 20 +
20 s
(~14 s)
CON, Sbest: 8.53 ± 0.34 s; Savg: 9.09 ±
0.39 s; Sdec: 6.5 ± 1.1%;
INT, Sbest: 8.14 ± 0.18 s; Savg: 8.53 ±
0.15 s; Sdec: 4.8 ± 0.8%
CON, B[La]peak: 13.2 ± 2.7
INT, B[La]peak: 16.2 ± 2.8
Nedrehagen &
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
30 s
INT, Savg: 7.79 ± 0.37 s
CON, Savg: 7.79 ± 0.5
Nikolaidis et
al. [275]
1 × 10
20 m
On 30 s
(~27 s)
Sbest: 3.14 ± 0.11 s; Savg: 3.24 ± 0.11 s;
Sdec: 3.4 ± 1.6%
Okuno et al.
1 × 6
30 m
(15 + 15)
On 20 s
(~14 s)
Sbest: 5.82 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 6.06 ± 0.18;
Sdec: 4.2 ± 1.1%
Padulo et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Test, Sbest: 7.09 ± 0.18 s; Stotal: 44.84 ±
1.09 s; Sdec: 5.5 ± 1.6%; Retest, Sbest:
7.06 ± 0.15 s; Stotal: 44.76 ± 1.09 s; Sdec:
5.7 ± 1.7%
Test, CR10: 7.2
± 0.9 au;
Retest, CR10:
7.2 ± 0.4 au
Test, B[La]3’: 11.3 ± 2.0
mmol·L-1; Retest, B[La]3’:
11.7 ± 1.7 mmol·L-1
Padulo et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Test, Sbest: 6.97 ± 0.12 s; Stotal: 43.76 ±
0.90 s; Sdec: 4.6 ± 1.5%;
Retest, Sbest: 7.03 ± 0.15 s; Stotal: 44.08
± 0.75 s; Sdec: 4.5 ± 1.1%
Test, B[La]3’: 11.6 ± 2.2
Retest, B[La]3’: 11.6 ± 2.1
Padulo et al.
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Test, Sbest: 5.81 ± 0.32 s; Stotal: 60.19 ±
3.57 s; Sdec: 3.5 ± 1.7%;
Retest, Sbest: 5.82 ± 0.31 s; Stotal: 60.50
± 3.56 s; Sdec: 3.8 ± 1.6%;
Test, CR10: 7.8
± 1.3 au;
Retest, CR10:
8.0 ± 1.2 au
Test, B[La]3’: 11.9 ± 2.5
Retest, B[La]3’: 11.9 ± 2.1
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
1 × 10
30 m
(10 + 10 +
30 s
Test, Sbest: 7.02 ± 0.44 s; Stotal: 72.49 ±
4.82 s; Sdec: 3.3 ± 1.3%;
Retest, Sbest 7.01 ± 0.44 s; Stotal: 72.51 ±
4.77 s; Sdec: 3.4 ± 1.4%
Test, CR10: 7.8
± 1.6 au
Retest, CR10:
8.1 ± 1.5 au
Test, B[La]3’: 11.3 ± 2.8
mmol·L-1 Retest, B[La]3’:
11.4 ± 2.5 mmol·L-1
Padulo et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Test, Sbest: 7.10 ± 0.20 s; Stotal: 44.89 ±
1.14 s; Sdec: 5.5 ± 1.9%;
Retest, Sbest: 7.09 ± 0.20; Stotal: 44.79 ±
1.13 s; Sdec: 5.3 ± 1.7%
Test, CR10: 7.0
± 1.2 au;
Retest, CR10:
7.2 ± 0.7 au
Test, B[La]3’: 11.2 ± 2.1
Retest, B[La]3’: 11.3 ± 2.0
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sbest: 7.16 ± 0.23; Stotal: 45.77 ± 1.34 s;
Sdec: 6.6 ± 1.6%
CR10: 7.9 ± 1.2
B[La]3’: 13.1 ± 2.1 mmol·L-1
Padulo et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
15 s
Sbest: 7.36 ± 0.10 s; Stotal: 46.12 ± 0.85 s;
Sdec: 4.5 ± 1.2%
CMJ AA: 39.2
cm to 35.6 ± 0.9
cm (-9.0%)
B[La]3’: 14.5 ± 0.4 mmol·L-1
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sbest: 7.35 ± 0.16 s; Stotal: 45.41 ± 0.94 s;
Sdec: 3.0 ± 0.9%
CMJ AA: 39.2
cm to 37.5 ± 2.7
cm (-4.3%)
B[La]3’: 12.7 ± 1.2 mmol·L-1
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
25 s
Sbest: 7.33 ± 0.13 s; Stotal: 44.82 ± 0.90 s;
Sdec: 1.9 ± 0.7%
CMJ AA: 39.2
cm to 38.3 ± 3.7
cm (-2.3%)
B[La]3’: 8.0 ± 1.5 mmol·L-1
Paulauskas et
al. [122]
3 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
5 min
Sbest: set 1, 58.45 ± 1.63 s; set 2, 59.25
± 2.03 s; set 3, 60.02 ± 2.41 s;
B[La]3’: 13.02 ± 2.28
mmol·L-1; HRpeak: set 1, 175
± 8 b·min-1; set 2, 178 ± 5
b·min-1; set 3, 182 ± 10
b·min-1; HRavg: set 1, 163 ±
9.1 b·min-1; set 2, 169 ± 7
b·min-1; set 3, 169 ± 6 b·min-1
3 × 20
15 m
(7.5 + 7.5)
15 s
5 min
Sbest: set 1, 53.37 ± 1.64 s; set 2, 53.58
± 1.48 s; set 3, 54.04 s
B[La]3’: 8.5 ± 3.4 mmol·L-1;
HRpeak: set 1, 174 ± 9 b·min-1;
set 2, 178 ± 8 b·min-1; set 3,
179 ± 7 b·min-1; HRavg: set 1,
161 ± 10 b·min-1; set 2, 170 ±
9 b·min-1; 171 ± 8 b·min-1
Perroni et al.
1 × 7
30 m
25 s
Savg: 6.12 ± 0.04 s;
Stotal: 42.84 ± 1.96 s;
Sdec: 3.7 ± 1.2%
Petisco et al.
1 × 6
30 m
(15 + 15)
20 s
Sbest: 5.77 ± 0.15 s;
Stotal: 35.70 ± 0.65 s
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Purkhús et al.
1 × 5
30 m
25 s
CON, Savg: 5.46 ± 0.38 s
INT, Savg: 5.64 ± 0.29 s
Pyne et al.
1 × 6
30 m
On 20 s
(~16 s)
Stotal: 25.83 ± 0.60 s;
Sdec: 3.8 ± 1.1%
Campillo et al.
1 × 6
35 m
10 s
CON, Savg: 7.35 ± 0.50 s;
PLA, Savg: 7.08 ± 0.60 s;
INT, Savg: 7.48 ± 1.00 s
Rampinini et
al. [312]
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sbest: 7.00 ± 0.19 s; Savg: 7.25 ± 0.17 s;
Sdec: 3.3 ± 1.6%
Rampinini et
al. [174]
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
PRO, Sbest: 6.86 ± 0.13 s; Savg: 7.17 ±
0.09 s; Sdec: 4.5 ± 1.9%;
AM, Sbest: 6.97 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 7.41 ±
0.19 s; Sdec: 6.0 ± 1.9%
Fernández et
al. [165]
1 × 8
30 m
25 s
YTH, Sbest: 4.03 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 4.19 ±
0.12 s; Stotal: 33.52 ± 0.97 s; Sdec:
3.9 ± 1.6%
PRO, Sbest: 3.92 ± 0.11 s; Savg: 4.12 ±
0.12 s; Stotal: 32.91 ± 0.91 s; Sdec:
5.2 ± 1.9%
Fernández et
al. [284]
1 × 8
30 m
25 s
Sbest: 3.87 ± 0.04 s; Savg: 4.03 ± 0.04 s;
Stotal: 32.26 ± 0.31 s; Sdec: 4.3 ± 0.3%
Rey et al.
1 × 6
25 m
25 s
INT, Sbest: 3.21 ± 0.08 s; Savg: 3.29 ±
0.07 s; Stotal: 19.77 ± 0.46 s; Sdec: 2.4 ±
CON, Sbest: 3.15 ± 0.12 s; Savg: 3.25 ±
0.15 s; Stotal: 19.53 ± 0.95 s; Sdec: 3.1 ±
Røksund et
1 × 8
30 m
On 30 s
(~27 s)
Savg: 3.14 ± 0.10 s
Ruscello et al.
1 × 7
30 m
(~26 s)
Savg: 5.24 ± 0.33 s
B[La]3’: 10.9 ± 1.8 mmol·L-1
1 × 7
30 m
(15 + 15)
(~21 s)
Savg: 6.84 ± 0.44 s
B[La]3’: 7.9 ± 2.4 mmol·L-1
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Ruscello et al.
1 × 7
30 m
(~22 s)
Savg: 4.53 ± 0.28 s;
Sdec: 4.8%
CMJ AD: 46.8
± 4.5 to 43.3 ±
5.0 cm (-7.5%)
1 × 7
30 m
(15 + 15)
(~30 s)
Savg: 5.89 ± 0.35 s;
Sdec: 3.4%
CMJ AD: 46.9
± 4.5 to 43.0 ±
5.1 cm (-8.3%)
1 × 7
30 m (5 m
per turn)
(~42 s)
Savg: 8.51 ± 0.41 s;
Sdec: 2.5%
CMJ AD: 46.9
± 4.4 to 43.5 ±
5.0 cm (-7.1%)
Russell et al.
1 × 15
30 m
60 s
CON, Savg: 4.34 ± 0.17 s; Stotal: 65.08 ±
2.56 s;
INT, Savg: 4.37 ± 0.23 s; Stotal: 65.56 ±
3.38 s
CON, CK 24 h: 232 ± 44
u·L-1 to 785 ± 129 u·L-1
INT CK 24 h: 232 ± 49
u·L-1 to 799 ± 141 u·L-1
Salleh et al.
1 × 5
40 m
60 s
Savg: 7.54 ± 0.65 s; Sdec: 1.9 ± 1.6%
Sánchez et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sys1, Sbest: 7.38 ± 0.25 s; Savg: 7.93 ±
0.30 s; Stotal: 47.55 ± 1.74 s;
Sys2, Sbest: 7.5 ± 0.26 s; Savg: 7.97 ±
0.26 s; Stotal: 47.85 ± 1.59 s;
Sys3, Sbest: 7.74 ± 0.29 s; Savg: 8.24 ±
0.29 s; Stotal: 49.46 ± 1.75 s;
Sys4, Sbest: 7.51 ± 0.32 s; Savg: 8.02 ±
0.25 s; Stotal: 48.14 ± 1.48 s
Sys1, CMJAA:
36.5 ± 4.4 to
28.3 ± 4.5cm
Sys2, CMJAA:
35.5 ± 5.4 to
26.0 ± 4.9 cm
Sys3, CMJAA:
36.4 ± 5.7 to
26.5 ± 5.2 cm
Sys4, CMJAA:
36.9 ± 5.1 to
30.1 ± 5.9 cm
Sys1, B[La]1’: 12.9 ± 2.3
mmol·L-1 ; B[La]3’: 13.0 ± 2.5
mmol·L-1; HRpeak 184 ± 13
Sys2, B[La]1’: 12.4 ± 2.4
mmol·L-1 ; B[La]3’: 13.0 ± 3.0
mmol·L-1; HRpeak 185 ± 12
Sys3, B[La]1’: 11.0 ± 2.3
mmol·L-1 ; B[La]3’: 11.0 ± 1.9
mmol·L-1; HRpeak 183 ± 13
Sys4, B[La]1’: 11.8 ± 2.5
mmol·L-1 ; B[La]3’: 11.1 ± 2.5
mmol·L-1; HRpeak 185 ± 12
Sánchez et al.
1 × 7
30 m
20 s
Savg: 4.46 ± 0.17 s;
Sdec: 4.7 ± 2.0%
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Sánchez et al.
1 × 6
20 m
20 s
Sbest: 3.19 ± 0.11 s;
Savg: 3.29 ± 0.08 s
Sanders et al.
1 × 10
30 m
25 s
HRpost (% HRmax): 93%
Scanlan et al.
1 × 10
20 m
30 s
Stotal: 35.02 ± 2.1 s; Sdec: 2.7 ± 1.2%
6−20: 15.2 ± 2.1
B[La]post: 4.6 ± 0.8 to 11.0 ±
1.6 mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 169 ±
12 b·min-1
1 × 10
20 m
30 s
Stotal: 37.73 ± 2.5 s; Sdec: 9.4 ± 5.2%
6−20: 18.4 ± 1.3
B[La]post: 5.0 ± 1.1 to 16.5 ±
4.5 mmol·L-1; HRpeak: 187 ± 9
Scanlan et al.
1 × 12
20 m AE
20 s
Sdec: 2.8 ± 0.8%
Selmi et al.
2 × 5
20 m
15 s
1 min
Sbest: set 1, 3.31 ± 0.14 s; set 2, 3.38 ±
0.12 s; Stotal: set 1, 16.97 ± 0.69 s; set 2,
17.69 ± 0.58 s; Sdec: Set 1, 2.9 ± 1.6%;
Set 2, 5.1 ± 2.8%
CR10: 6.3 ± 1.4
B[La]3’: 1.8 ± 0.6 to 8.1 ±
2.2 mmol·L-1
HRpeak: 186 ± 14 b·min-1
HRavg: 137 ± 12 b·min-1
2 × 5
20 m
15 s
2 min
Sbest: set 1, 3.28 ± 0.10 s; set 2, 3.33 ±
0.11 s; Stotal: set 1, 16.90 ± 0.57 s; set 2,
17.11 ± 0.47 s; Sdec: Set 1, 3.2 ± 1.6%;
Set 2, 2.8 ± 1.6%
CR10: 3.2 ± 1.5
B[La]3’: 1.5 ± 0.2 to 8.2 ±
1.0 mmol·L-1
HRpeak: 182 ± 9 b·min-1
HRavg: 125 ± 11 b·min-1
2 × 5
20 m
15 s
4 min
Sbest: set 1, 3.31 ± 0.11 s; set 2, 3.31 ±
0.11 s; Stotal: set 1, 16.97 ± 0.64 s; set 2,
17.06 ± 0.55 s; Sdec: Set 1, 2.7 ± 1.3%;
Set 2, 3.1 ± 1.4%
CR10: 3.4 ± 1.2
B[La]3’: 1.6 ± 0.3 to 8.5 ±
1.8 mmol·L-1
HRpeak: 180 ± 10 b·min-1
HRavg: 114 ± 5 b·min-1
Selmi et al.
1 × 20
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
INT, Sbest: 7.53 ± 0.48 s; Stotal: 47.86 ±
2.81 s; Sdec: 6.0 ± 1.9%
CON, Sbest: 7.69 ± 0.31 s; Stotal: 49.05 ±
1.52 s; Sdec: 6.3 ± 2.0%
Shalfawi et al.
1 × 7
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 4.93 ± 0.20 s; Savg: 5.04 ± 0.20 s;
Stotal: 35.35 ± 1.40 s; Sdec: 2.2 ± 1.0%
Shalfawi et al.
1 × 10
40 m
60 s
INT, Savg: 5.92 ± 0.26 s
CON, Savg: 5.84 ± 0.27 s
Shalfawi et al.
1 × 10
40 m
60 s
ATG, Savg: 6.15 ± 0.4 s
RS, Savg: 6.19 ± 0.25 s
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Silva et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sbest: 6.44 ± 0.14 s; Savg: 6.57 ± 0.26 s;
Stotal: 44.20 ± 0.40 s; Sdec: 9.8 ± 1.4%
Caldeira et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
INT, Sbest: 7.17 ± 0.37 s; Savg: 7.62 ±
0.35 s; Sdec: 6.3 ± 2.0%;
CON, Sbest: 6.95 ± 0.16 s; Savg: 7.49 ±
0.20 s; Sdec: 7.8 ± 4.3%
Spineti et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
CCT, Sbest: 6.93 ± 0.15 s; Savg: 7.43 ±
0.10; Sdec: 7.2 ± 2.2%
TST, Sbest: 7.11 ± 0.19 s; Savg: 7.54 ±
0.23; Sdec: 6.1 ± 1.9%
Arrones et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
RS, Sbest: 7.60 ± 0.20 s; Savg: 8.00 ±
0.20 s; Sdec: 5.3 ± 1.3%;
SQ, Sbest: 7.50 ± 0.30 s; Savg: 7.90 ±
0.30 s: Sdec: 5.0 ± 2.0%
3 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
4 min
6−20: 13.9 ± 0.4
Stojanovic et
al. [300]
1 × 10
30 m
(15 + 15)
30 s
Savg: 5.77 ± 0.18 s;
Sdec: 3.5 ± 1.1%
Taylor et al.
3−4 × 7
30 m
20 s
4 min
HRpeak (% HRmax): 92 ± 5%
3−4 × 7
30 m
20 s
4 min
HRpeak (% HRmax): 89 ±
Teixeira et al.
1 × 8
40 m
20 s
IT7.5, Sbest: 8.86 ± 0.25 s; Savg: 9.39 ±
0.26 s; Sdec: 6.5 ± 1.4%;
IT15, Sbest: 8.83 ± 0.36 s; Savg: 9.33 ±
0.36 s; Sdec: 5.7 ± 3.2%
Thomassen et
al. [302]
1 × 10
20 m
15 s
INT, Savg: 3.35 ± 0.07 s; Stotal: 33.44 ±
0.44 s; Sdec: 5.8 ± 1.0% NT, Savg: 3.34 ±
0.09 s; Stotal: 33.41 ± 0.32 s; Sdec: 5.9 ±
Tønnessen et
al. [303]
1 × 10
40 m
60 s
INT, Savg: 5.42 ± 0.18 s;
CON, Savg: 5.41 ± 0.19 s
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Martinez et al.
1 × 12
30 m
30 s
Sdec: 6.5 ± 3.0%
6−20: 15.2 ± 2.5
HRpost: 179 ± 12 b·min-1
Tounsi et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
M, Sbest: 7.09 ± 0.24 s; Savg: 7.32 ±
0.28; Sdec: 3.2 ± 1.2%
F, Sbest: 8.42 ± 0.47 s; Savg: 8.85 ± 0.45;
Sdec: 5.1 ± 2.5%
Trecroci et al.
1 × 5
30 m
25 s
SST, Sbest: 4.26 ± 0.11 s; Stotal: 21.94 ±
0.67 s; ARC, Sbest: 4.25 ± 0.07 s; Stotal:
21.91 ± 0.58 s
Turki et al.
1 × 6
20 m
(4 m per
25 s
PRO, Sbest: 5.39 ± 0.18 s; Savg: 5.52 ±
0.17 s; Stotal: 33.09 ± 1.00 s; Sdec: 2.4 ±
1.0%; COL, Sbest: 5.49 ± 0.26 s; Savg:
5.62 ± 0.27 s; Stotal: 33.70 ± 1.60 s; Sdec:
2.4 ± 0.6%
Ulupinar et al.
1 × 10
40 m
30 s
Sbest: 5.43 ± 0.03 s; Stotal: 56.7 ± 1.6 s;
Sdec: 4.8 ± 1.7%
6−20: 17 ± 1 au
B[La]peak: 18.6 ± 1.7 mmol·L-
1; HRpeak: 184 ± 8 b·min-1
HRavg: 164 ± 7 b·min-1
1 × 20
20 m
15 s
Sbest: 3.18 ± 0.03 s; Stotal: 67.3 ± 3.0 s;
Sdec: 6.9 ± 2.8%
6−20: 19 ± 1 au
B[La]peak: 16.6 ± 2.2 mmol·L-
1: HRpeak: 188 ± 8 b·min-1
HRavg: 168 ± 9 b·min-1
Ulupinar et al.
1 × 20
15 m
30 s
Stotal: 49.9 ± 1.2; Sdec: 3.6 ± 1.8%
6−20: 11.5 ± 2.9
B[La]peak: 9.1 ± 3.0 mmol·L-1:
HRpeak: 186 ± 9 b·min-1
HRavg: 168 ± 9 b·min-1
1 × 20
15 m
(~12 s)
Stotal: 52.7 ± 1.3; Sdec: 8.7 ± 2.8%
6−20: 16.3 ± 1.9
B[La]peak: 14.9 ± 3.7 mmol·L-
1: HRpeak: 190 ± 11 b·min-1
HRavg : 178 ± 11 b·min-1
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
Stotal: 44.9 ± 1.2; Sdec: 7.1 ± 3.8%
6−20: 13.9 ± 2.4
B[La]peak: 15.0 ± 4.1 mmol·L-
1: HRpeak: 191 ± 13 b·min-1
HRavg: 172 ± 10 b·min-1
1 × 10
30 m
(~22 s)
Stotal: 45.8 ± 1.1; Sdec: 9.3 ± 2.3%
6−20: 15.8 ± 2.9
B[La]peak: 16.9 ± 3.5 mmol·L-
1: HRpeak: 190 ± 12 b·min-1
HRavg: 177 ± 8 b·min-1
Van den
Tillaar et al.
1 × 7
30 m
On 30 s
(~25 s)
Savg: 5.46 ± 0.33 s
Exercise protocol
Sets ×
Distance /
Bonilla et al.
1 × 8
20 m
20 s
Sbest: 3.81 ± 0.17 s; Savg: 4.08 ± 0.21 s;
Stotal: 32.64 ± 1.75 s; Sdec: 7 ± 3%
Wadley & Le
1 × 12
20 m
20 s
Stotal: 39.31 ± 0.12 s;
Sdec: 5.5 ± 3.3%
West et al.
1 × 6
40 m
(20 + 20)
20 s
Sbest: 6.60 ± 0.16 s; Savg: 6.87 ± 0.15 s;
Stotal: 41.23 ± 0.92 s
Woolley et al.
1 × 40
6−20: 16.7 ± 1.8
CK 24 h: 279 ± 322 to
1121 ± 1362 u·L-1 (302%)
Yanci et al.
1 × 6
30 m
25 s
CON, Savg: 4.57 ± 0.20 s
PLY1: Savg: 4.47 ± 0.22 s
PLY2: Savg: 4.45 ± 0.23 s
Zagatto et al.
1 × 10
30 s
Sbest: 6.56 ± 0.30 s; Savg: 6.84 ± 0.30 s;
Stotal: 68.40 ± 2.91 s; Sdec: 4.2 ± 1.8%
B[La]peak: 9.8 ± 2.5 mmol·L-1;
VO2avg: 37.0 ± 2.9 ml·min-
1·kg-1; HRpeak: 185 ± 9 b·min-1
1 × 10
30 m
(5 m per
30 s
Sbest: 8.14 ± 0.36 s; Savg: 8.39 ± 0.36 s;
Stotal: 83.99 ± 3.60 s; Sdec: 3.0 ± 1.1%
B[La]peak: 8.2 ± 1.9 mmol·L-1;
VO2avg: 36.1 ± 3.2 ml·min-
1·kg-1; HRpeak: 186 ± 9 b·min-1
Zagatto et al.
2 × 10
30 m
(10 + 10 +
30 s
Set 1, Sbest: 6.85 ± 0.35 s; Savg: 7.01 ±
0.31 s; Stotal: 70.15 ± 3.07 s; Sdec: 2.4 ±
Set 2, Sbest: 6.88 ± 0.32 s; Savg: 7.13 ±
0.36 s; Stotal: 71.31 ± 3.59 s; Sdec: 3.6 ±
CMJ AB: 43.2
± 9.7 to 37.6 ±
4.0 cm (-9.4 ±
Zagatto et al.
1 × 10
30 m
30 s
Sbest: 7.09 ± 0.57 s; Savg: 7.30 ± 0.63 s;
Stotal: 72.84 ± 6.42 s
Data are presented as mean ± SD.
Abbreviations: I-set = inter-set; RST = repeated-sprint training; sRPE = session ratings of perceived exertion; au = arbitrary units; CR10 = category ration 0−10 rating of perceived exertion scale; 6−20 =
6−20 rating of perceived exertion scale; SHU = shuttle repeated-sprint; STR = straight-line repeated-sprint; MD = multi-directional repeated-sprint; A = active recovery; P = passive recovery; M = male;
F = female; B[La]post = blood lactate measured immediately post-exercise; B[La]peak = highest blood lactate value measured from two or more time-points between 0−10 min post-exercise; B[La]1’ = blood
lactate measured 1 minutes post-exercise; B[La]2’ = blood lactate measured 2 minutes post-exercise; B[La]3’ = blood lactate measured 3 minutes post-exercise; B[La]4’ = blood lactate measured 4 minutes
post exercise; B[La]5’ = blood lactate measured 5 minutes post-exercise; CK 24 h = serum creatine kinase measured 24 hours post-exercise Sdec = percentage sprint decrement; Savg = average sprint time;
Sbest = best sprint time; Stotal = total sprint time; CMJ = counter movement jump height; HRavg = average heart rate; HRpeak = peak heart rate; HRpost = end-set heart rate recorded immediately post-exercise;
% HRmax = percentage of maximal heart rate; VO2avg = average oxygen consumption; % VO2max = percentage of maximal oxygen consumption; V0 = theoretical maximal velocity F0 = theoretical maximal
force; P0 = theoretical maximal power; RFpeak = maximal ratio of force; DRF = slope/rate of decrease in ratio of force with increasing velocity; Kvert vertical stiffness;; Kleg = leg stiffness; ΔL = leg compression;
Δz = centre of mass vertical displacement; Fzmax = maximal vertical force; PLA = placebo group = CON = control group; STR-G = straight-line repeated-sprints groups; SHU-G = shuttle repeated-sprints
group; High = high VO2 max group; Med = medium VO2 max group; Low = low VO2 max group; INT = intervention group; U17 = under 17 players; U18 = under 18 players; U19 = under 19 players;
U20 = under 20 players; PRE = pre-season; ELY = early/start of season; MID = mid-season; END = end/post of season; YTH = youth players; SEN = senior players; PRO = professional players; SEMI =
semi-proffessional players; COL = college players; REP = representative players; Club = club players; AM = amateur players; EL = elite players; S-EL = sub-elite players; M-PRO = mid-proffessional
players; EXP = experienced players; FSH = freshman players; FUT = futsal players; SOC = soccer players; SAN = sand training group; GRA = grass training group; NOR = normoxia group; HYP =
hypoxia group; MG = Melaneysian group; N-MG = non-Meleynesian group; ARC = active recovery condition; SSG = small sided games group; SEM = speed endurance maintenance group; SEP = speed
endurance production group; RS15 = repeated-sprint group with 15 s rest; RS30 = repeated-sprint group with 30 s rest; Sys1 = turf system 1; Sys2 = turf system 2; Sys3 = turf system 3; Sys4 = turf system
4; IT7.5 = interval training 7.5 seconds group; IT15 = interval training 15 seconds group; RS = repeated sprint group; ATG = agility training group; 1TR = under 17 group born 1st tertile; 2TR = under 17
group born 2nd tertile; 3TR = under 17 group born 3rd tertile; Sham = sham group; RES = resisted sprint training group; PLY = plyometric group; PLY1 = plyometrics one day per week group; PLY2
plyometrics two days per week group; LLTL = live low-train low group; IT100 = interval training at 100% group; IT86 = interval training at 86% group; SQ = squat group; TG = take-off group; PAS =
passive recovery group; COL = cold water recovery group; CWT = contrast water therapy group; NT = Non-training group; ST = starting players; N-ST = non-starting players; N-SEL = non-selected
players; SST = soccer specific training condition; = change from baseline; - = not applicable.
A 3 × multi-angle turns
B 4 × multi-angle turns
C 5 × multi-angle turns
D 2 × 45° turns
E 2 × 90° turns
F 2 × 135° turns
G 4 × 45° turns
H Run at 8 km·h-1 back to one way start line
I Light stretching
J 10 m deceleration zone + 10m run zone at either end
K Jog back to one way start line
L Jogging at 2−2.1 m·s-1
M Single counter-movement jump following each sprint
N Exercise to rest ratio
O Walking or running to maintain 60-65% of HR maximum
P 3 × counter-movement jumps following each sprint
Q Self-paced jogging
R Short enforced deceleration zone (<10m)
S Run at 6 km·h-1
T 4 × 90° turns (quadrangle)
U Walk for 40 s, stationary rest for 20 s
V 4 × 100° turns
W 10m zone at both ends to decelerate, then jog back to two-way
start line.
X Run at 20% maximal aerobic speed
Y Run at 35% maximal aerobic speed
Z Run at 50% maximal aerobic speed
AA Measured via an Optojump
AB Measured via force-platforms
AC Measured via a contact mat
AD Measured via FreePower Jump
AE Repeated 5-0-5 Agility test: total rep distance = 20 m, timed
distance = 10 m
AF Change of direction performed around a cone
AG Run at 50% maximal speed
Supplementary Table S4. Influence of programming variables on the variance of meta-analysed
acute physiological, perceptual and performance demands of repeated-sprint training in team sport
Total Variance (σ2)
Explained by
(no moderators)
% HRmax
au (deciMax)
Dashed lines indicate outcome measure where moderator analysis could not be performed.
| The Acute Demands of Repeated-Sprint Training on Physiological, Neuromuscular, Perceptual and Performance Outcomes in Team Sport Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. | 05-24-2023 | Thurlow, Fraser,Weakley, Jonathon,Townshend, Andrew D,Timmins, Ryan G,Morrison, Matthew,McLaren, Shaun J | eng |
PMC3575608 | Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Scientific World Journal
Volume 2013, Article ID 189149, 11 pages
Review Article
Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage and
Running Economy in Humans
Cláudio de Oliveira Assumpção, Leonardo Coelho Rabello Lima, Felipe Bruno Dias
Oliveira, Camila Coelho Greco, and Benedito Sérgio Denadai
Human Performance Laboratory, UNESP, Avenue 24 A, Bela Vista-Rio, 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
Correspondence should be addressed to Benedito S´ergio Denadai; [email protected]
Received 18 December 2012; Accepted 18 January 2013
Academic Editors: L. Guimar˜aes-Ferreira, H. Nicastro, J. Wilson, and N. E. Zanchi
Copyright © 2013 Cl´audio de Oliveira Assumpc¸˜ao et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Running economy (RE), defined as the energy demand for a given velocity of submaximal running, has been identified as a critical
factor of overall distance running performance. Plyometric and resistance trainings, performed during a relatively short period
of time (∼15–30 days), have been successfully used to improve RE in trained athletes. However, these exercise types, particularly
when they are unaccustomed activities for the individuals, may cause delayed onset muscle soreness, swelling, and reduced muscle
strength. Some studies have demonstrated that exercise-induced muscle damage has a negative impact on endurance running
performance. Specifically, the muscular damage induced by an acute bout of downhill running has been shown to reduce RE during
subsequent moderate and high-intensity exercise (>65% VO2max). However, strength exercise (i.e., jumps, isoinertial and isokinetic
eccentric exercises) seems to impair RE only for subsequent high-intensity exercise (∼90% VO2max). Finally, a single session of
resistance exercise or downhill running (i.e., repeated bout effect) attenuates changes in indirect markers of muscle damage and
blunts changes in RE.
1. Introduction
Running economy (RE), defined as the energy demand for
a given velocity of submaximal running, is an important
predictor of aerobic running performance, particularly in
elite runners who have a similar aerobic power (i.e., max-
imal oxygen uptake, VO2max) [1]. Runners with high RE
demonstrate lower energetic cost at submaximal velocity and
consequently tend to run faster at given distance or longer at
a constant velocity.
A number of biomechanical (e.g., gait patterns, kinemat-
ics, and the kinetics of running) and physiological factors
(e.g., oxidative muscle capacity) seem to influence RE in
trained athletes [2, 3]. Moreover, some interventions (plyo-
metric, resistance and altitude training) performed during
relatively short periods of time (∼15–30 days) have been
successfully used to improve RE [4–6]. Plyometric and
resistance trainings lead to neuromuscular adaptations such
as increased neural drive to the muscles and changes in
muscle stiffness and muscle fiber composition, which might
reduce the energetic cost during submaximal exercise. How-
ever, plyometric and resistance trainings, especially when
they are unaccustomed activities, may cause delayed onset
muscle soreness (DOMS), swelling, and reduced muscle
strength. The negative effect of muscle-damaging exercises
on endurance running performance has been experimentally
demonstrated in both animal [7, 8] and human experi-
ments [9]. However, studies that have investigated the effect
of exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) on RE have
produced equivocal results [9–12]. This review discusses
the effects of EIMD induced by different exercise types
(strength, long-distance running, and downhill running) on
RE. Different recovery strategies aiming to enhance the RE
after EIMD are also addressed.
2. Running Economy
Aerobic fitness, as well as running performance, can be mea-
sured by different variables, for example, maximal oxygen
uptake (VO2max), lactate threshold (LT), onset of blood
The Scientific World Journal
lactate accumulation (OBLA), movement economy (ME), or
running economy (RE). The VO2max, which reflects an indi-
vidual’s maximal rate of aerobic energy expenditure, has been
considered the gold standard for measuring aerobic power
[13]. Indeed, the VO2max has a positive association with
aerobic running performance obtained during middle- and
long-distance events (1,500 m–42,195 m) [14–16]. However,
some studies [17–20] have shown that subjects with similar
VO2max values may attain different aerobic running perfor-
mance or VO2 values during exercise of similar duration and
intensity. These differences are most likely due to variations
in ME among subjects.
The ME is defined as the amount of energy necessary
(Kcal⋅min−1) to perform a given task [21]. However, due to the
difficulty to determine the external work performed during
running, RE, expressed as the volume of oxygen uptake
(mL⋅Kg−1⋅min−1) during a specific submaximal running
intensity (Km⋅h−1), has been adopted. There is a strong asso-
ciation between RE and aerobic running performance, with
RE being a better predictor of performance than VO2max,
particularly in athletes who have similar VO2max [19, 22].
Several factors have been proposed to influence RE in
trained subjects. These include oxidative muscle capacity
and muscle stiffness. Muscle stiffness corresponds to the
ability of the muscles to store and release elastic energy.
Moreover, some interventions such as training, environment,
and muscle damage can modify the oxygen cost over a range
of running speeds [6, 11, 23–25].
Improved oxidative muscle capacity can be associated
with reduced oxygen consumption per mitochondrial respi-
ratory chain during submaximal exercise. Trained subjects
are known to have better RE than untrained individuals, and
long-distance runners are more economical than middle-
distance runners [26]. Additionally, a high weekly volume of
training has also been associated with better RE. However, a
short period (4–6 weeks) of high-intensity aerobic training
(near or above VO2max) can also lead to improvement in the
RE of trained runners [27].
In addition to aerobic characteristics and adaptations,
neuromuscular profile factors have also been considered
important aspects of RE. Type II muscle fibres seem to be
positively correlated with submaximal energy consumption,
especially at lower speeds [28]. Furthermore, both muscular
stiffness and the ability to rapidly develop muscular force
(i.e., rate of force development (RFD)) have demonstrated
significant correlations with RE [29, 30]. Stiffer muscle-
tendon complexes may increase elastic energy storage by
reducing the ground contact time, thus decreasing the
running oxygen cost. Similar to stiffness, a higher RFD is
associated with a shorter time to generate a contraction.
This effect could also diminish the ground contact time
and running oxygen cost. Heavy weight and plyometric
training associated with endurance training have improved
RE in well-trained runners [5, 31]. Basically, these types of
strength training induce neuromuscular adaptations such as
increased neural drive to the muscles, altered muscle-tendon
complex stiffness, and changed muscle fibre composition
(i.e., I → IIA ← IIX).
Environmental variables can also be used to reduce the
energetic cost of running. RE can be improved (2-3%) after
relative short periods (∼15–20 days) of altitude exposure
(∼2.000–4.500 m). Altitude exposure during daily activities,
sleeping, or training can enhance RE at sea level altitude
through haematological and muscle changes in favour of
oxygen transport [32–34]. Moreover, heat exposure during
training sessions can also improve RE by enhancing the
thermoregulatory process, thus reducing the cardiovascular
and muscle work for a given exercise intensity [23, 35, 36].
More recently, EIMD has also proposed to generate
important modifications in RE. Muscular damage induced by
an acute bout of downhill running has shown to reduce RE
in the days following the intervention (24–120 hours) [9, 11].
Specific aspects of this intervention are addressed hereafter.
3. Muscle Damage and the
Repeated Bout Effect
Skeletal muscle damage has been considered an important
factor contributing to DOMS and strength loss after eccentric
exercise [37]. Basically, the exercise conditions at which
muscle damage can be induced are unaccustomed exercises
and exercises with higher intensity or longer duration than
those to which the subject is adapted [37, 38]. The result-
ing metabolic overload and mechanical strain have been
suggested the main factors generating muscle damage [38].
Warren et al. [39] have suggested that measures of muscle
function such as strength and power are effective indicators
of both the magnitude and time course of muscle damage.
Depending on the magnitude of muscle damage, muscle
force at isometric, and dynamic testing conditions may be
impaired for 1–7 days after the exercise [40–43]. Other
important symptoms of muscle damage are disruption of
the sarcolemma and extracellular matrix [44, 45], increased
blood levels of creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin (MB),
stiffness, and swelling [46–48].
In general, muscle damage can be induced by both static
(isometric) and dynamic (concentric and eccentric) muscle
contractions. However, there is substantial evidence that
eccentric muscle actions result in greater muscle damage than
isometric or concentric actions [49–52]. The magnitude of
strength loss after EIMD may vary between 5–10% and ∼60%
[43, 52], depending on the characteristics of the protocol
and the type of muscle actions (i.e., isometric, concentric
or eccentric) used during the posttest. The different effects
of eccentric versus isometric or concentric actions have also
been verified in the context of whole body exercises (i.e., run-
ning, cycling, and cross-country skiing) [43, 53]. For example,
muscle damage and strength loss are higher during running
(∼20–30%), which involves concentric and eccentric actions,
when compared with cycling (∼10–15%), which involves
mainly concentric actions [53]. In accordance with Millet
and Lepers [53], although concentric and eccentric actions
are present during cross-country skiing, muscular damage
is considerably lesser during this exercise than in running
because shock waves are present only during running. The
main factors attributed to the greater effect of eccentric
contractions on muscle damage are the higher peak torque
The Scientific World Journal
values [54] and reduced motor unit activation for a given
force [54–56], both of which induce a higher mechanical
stress on the muscles [54]. Other important aspects of the
greater muscle damage induced by eccentric muscle actions
are that no energy (ATP) is necessary to detach the cross-
bridges formed during muscle contraction [57] and that the
longer length of the muscles during the contraction generates
greater muscle damage.
In addition to the main mechanical factors (i.e., the
force level produced and the change in muscle length) [37,
58, 59], some metabolic factors such as substrate depletion,
calcium influx, and reactive oxygen species have also been
proposed to influence muscle damage [38, 60]. The effects
of the different mechanical and metabolic factors that would
contribute to muscle damage do not occur at the same time.
The time course of the events involves damage in components
of excitation-contraction system and sarcomeres [59] and
degeneration and regeneration of muscle fibres, during which
DOMS, stiffness, and swelling occur [37]. Additionally, there
is an inflammatory response generating a transfer of fluid
and cells to remove damaged contractile proteins and cellular
debris from the damaged muscles [61]. Thereafter, the muscle
regeneration process is initiated [61]. Although some of these
effects may appear only some hours after the exercise, muscle
strength may be impaired during and immediately after the
exercise. Thus, mechanisms other than muscle damage can
also explain the muscle fatigue (i.e., strength loss).
It has been suggested that the magnitude of muscle
damage and the loss of muscle function might be attenuated
after one bout of eccentric exercise [62–64]. This concept is
known as the repeated bout effect (RBE). The RBE has been
demonstrated after both eccentric muscle actions [65] and
downhill running [66]. In general, this protective effect is
confirmed by the reduced decrements and faster recovery
of muscle strength, less swelling and DOMS, and attenuated
changes in CK and MB in the blood [62, 67, 68]. In addition,
alterations in muscle circumference or echo intensity (inflam-
mation) are also smaller after the first eccentric exercise bout
[68]. This protective effect has been demonstrated after a
few days of the eccentric exercise [66] and may last up to
6 months (circumference, DOMS, and inflammation) or 9
months (maximal isometric force, CK), depending on the
marker of muscle damage [65].
It has been hypothesized that the RBE is mediated by neu-
ral, cellular, and mechanical mechanisms [63, 64]. The neural
changes proposed to contribute to the RBE are increased
slow-twitch fibre recruitment and synchronisation of motor
unit firing, better distribution of the workload among muscle
fibres, higher participation of synergist muscles to torque
production, and increased motor unit activity relative to
torque produced [69–71]. Neural mechanisms have been
suggested based on the reduced median frequency [69],
which reflects some central aspects related to motor unit
recruitment. Howatson et al. [69] have demonstrated a 10%
decrease in median frequency 14 days after a bout consisting
of either 10 or 45 maximal eccentric actions. RBE has also
been observed in the untrained contralateral limb, referred
to as the contralateral RBE [72]. These studies [69, 72] con-
firm that, in addition to intramuscular adaptations, central
aspects regarding motor unit recruitment are also involved in
The main mechanical adaptations associated with RBE
are increased muscle stiffness and intramuscular connective
tissue and changes in the intermediate filament system (main-
tenance of structural integrity of sarcomeres) [63]. Cellular
adaptations are associated with higher number of sarcom-
eres in myofibrils [59, 73], which might decrease myofib-
rillar disruption in the next exercise bout, strengthened
plasma membranes, increased protein synthesis, removal
of stress-susceptible fibres [59, 74, 75], and remodelling of
the cytoskeleton, including effects on proteins such as titin
and desmin, talin and vinculin [76], which might improve
the strength and the stability of sarcomeres and protect
muscle fibers against injuries. Other adaptation that has been
hypothesized to explain the RBE is the lesser inflammatory
response. Since the mechanical disruption is decreased after
the first eccentric exercise bout, the stimulus for the inflam-
matory response is also reduced after the exercise [73, 74].
Some of these alterations have been associated with reduced
muscle damage (strengthened extracellular matrix) and a
change in the optimal angle for torque production toward a
longer muscle length (increases in number of sarcomeres).
The magnitude of muscle damage induced by eccentric
exercise is greater at longer muscle lengths [65, 77]. When the
muscles are elongated, the sarcomere length is also greater.
Because the severity of muscle damage is influenced by the
muscle strain generated [73, 78], it has been suggested that
the RBE would be greater under conditions of longer muscle
lengths. Nosaka et al. [73] have investigated the effect of the
range of motion of the exercise used to induce muscle damage
on the RBE. The protocol used to induce muscle damage
involved 24 maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow
joint, using amplitudes of 50–100∘ or 130–180∘. Although
the changes (maximal isometric strength, range of motion,
upper arm circumference, muscle soreness, and CK) induced
by the first bout were significantly greater using the higher
amplitude, both exercise conditions induced RBE. However,
the effect generated by the short range of motion was lesser
than that promoted by the higher amplitude.
Other factor that can modify this protective effect (i.e.,
RBE) of eccentric exercise is the magnitude of muscle damage
[65, 66], which is influenced by the exercise intensity of the
first bout. Chen et al. [66] showed that 30 eccentric con-
tractions performed at 40% of maximal isometric strength
generated a smaller attenuation of the changes in indirect
markers of muscle damage (20–60%) than maximal eccentric
exercise (65–100%).
It has been also demonstrated that both the muscle
damage level (i.e., CK) and strength impairment and recovery
(i.e., isometric torque) are progressively greater with increases
in the number of bouts (1–4). However, Chen et al. [68] have
demonstrated that repetitive submaximal eccentric exercise
bouts (40% MVC) performed every two weeks promote a
protective effect similar to that induced by one maximal
eccentric exercise bout. In this study, the main indirect
markers of muscle damage were less affected by the second
to the fourth bouts of submaximal eccentric exercise than
the first; that is, the protective effect is promoted under
The Scientific World Journal
Table 1: Comparison of the effects of the resistance exercise on running economy.
Muscle damage
VO2max (%)
RE (%)
Paschalis et al.
10 healthy males
120 eccentric actions
↑ CK,
↑ DOMS, and
↓ ROM, and
↓ strength
55 and 75
Burt et al. [12]
9 healthy men
100 squats at 80%
body mass
√ CK,
↑ DOMS, and
↓ strength
↓ 4-5
Vassilis et al. [87]
24 young healthy
120 eccentric actions
↑ CK,
↓ strength
Scott et al. [88]
8 active men and
8 active women
3-4 × 10 repetitions
of squat, lunges, step
up and step down,
and stiff-legged
EIMD: exercise-induced muscle damage; %VO2max: exercise intensity at which running economy was measured; RE: running economy; CK: creatine kinase;
DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness; ROM: range of motion; ↓ indicates decrease; √ indicates no change; ↑ indicates increase.
conditions of reduced levels of induced muscle damage.
Even after repeated submaximal bouts the magnitude of
muscle damage was still smaller than that induced by one
maximal bout. The authors suggested that the effect of
exercise intensity on the protective effect of the first bout
does not apply when some bouts of low-intensity exercise
are performed. Therefore, the magnitude of muscle damage
does not necessarily affect the protective effect of eccentric
exercise. Moreover, Howatson et al. [69] have compared two
protocols of maximal eccentric contractions to induce muscle
damage with 45 or 10 contractions. After 14 days, subjects
performed the same protocol with 45 contractions. Although
the effect of the higher volume of the first bout on damage
markers (CK, DOMS, and isometric torque) was greater, the
protective effects of both protocols were similar. Therefore,
the intensity of the first bout seems to be the main aspect of
the magnitude of muscle damage and RBE.
Because one exercise bout is enough to generate the
RBE, some studies have also investigated whether resistance
training could also reduce the effects of eccentric exercise
on muscle damage markers [67, 79]. Specifically, Newton et
al. [67] found that resistance-trained subjects demonstrated
smaller RBE when compared with untrained subjects. More-
over, Falvo et al. [79] did not find changes in indirect markers
of muscle damage (maximal isometric torque and CK) in
resistance-trained men. The authors attributed the absence
of RBE to a lack of neural adaptation. Thus, it is likely that
strength training induces to adaptations that reduce the RBE.
The majority of studies that have analysed the RBE used
relatively short time periods after the eccentric exercise (i.e.,
from approximately 7–14 days to 6–9 weeks). However, some
studies [80, 81] have reported that the RBE induced by 24
maximal eccentric actions of the elbow flexors may last up
to 6 months. Nosaka et al. [80] aimed to investigate the
responses of the main indirect markers of muscle damage
(CK, maximal isometric torque, DOMS, and swelling) five
days after the eccentric exercise bout, with sessions six, nine,
and twelve months apart. The main finding of this study was
that the RBE for strength, swelling, DOMS, and CK lasted up
to six months.
4. Strength Exercise, Muscle Damage,
and Running Economy
A variety of studies have investigated the influence of EIMD
and DOMS on neuromuscular performance indicators (i.e.,
strength and rate of force development) [82–84]. These
studies verified that the isomeric peak torque is compromised
immediately after the damaging exercise that causes DOMS,
with a gradual recovery in subsequent days. The magnitude
and the recovery rate from strength loss seem to be related
to the training history of the muscle group. For instance,
when performing maximal eccentric contractions, upper
limb muscles (less active) demonstrate greater loss of strength
(50–70%) and slower recovery (60–90 days) when compared
to lower limb muscles (locomotory muscles) (20–30% and
10–30 days, resp.) [37, 85]. However, only a few studies have
investigated the effects of EIMD and DOMS on aerobic per-
formance indexes (e.g., VO2max, lactate response to exercise,
VO2 kinetics, and movement economy) [86]. These studies
analysed the effects of EIMD on RE [10, 12] and VO2 kinetics
during submaximal cycling exercise [86]. In this context,
studies that investigated the effects of strength exercises (i.e.,
jumps, isoinertial and isokinetic eccentric exercises) on RE
will be addressed (Table 1).
Paschalis et al. [10] analysed the effects of eccentric
exercises on indirect muscle damage markers (CK, DOMS,
ROM, and isometric force) and RE in active individuals
who were not engaged in strength training programs. The
eccentric exercise protocol consisted of 120 (12 × 10) maximal
voluntary contractions (MVC) at an angular velocity of 1.05
rad⋅s−1. Although indirect muscle damage markers were
significantly altered in the subsequent days (24–72 h), the
RE (assessed at 55 and 75% VO2max) was not modified.
Similar data were obtained by Vassilis et al. [87], who analysed
The Scientific World Journal
Table 2: Comparison of the effects of the downhill running on running economy.
Muscle damage
VO2max (%)
RE (%)
Chen et al. [11]
50 male students
30 min DHR at
↑ CK,
↓ strength, and
70, 80, and
↓ 5
Hamill et al. [92]
10 recreational
female runners
30 min DHR at
↑ CK,
Braun and Dutto
9 endurance trained
30 min DHR at
65, 75, and 85
↓ 3
Chen et al. [94]
10 soccer trained
30 min DHR at
↑ CK,
↓ strength, and
↑ MB
65, 75, and 85
↓ 4–7
EIMD: exercise-induced muscle damage; DHR: downhill running; %VO2max: exercise intensity at which running economy was measured; RE: running
economy; CK: creatine kinase; DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness; MB: myoglobin; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; ↓ indicates decrease; √ indicates no
change; ↑ indicates increase.
the effects of eccentric exercise (120 MVC at a 60∘⋅s−1) on
RE in recreational athletes with no previous experience in
resistance training. The RE (assessed at 70% VO2max) was
not changed 48 hours after the damaging bout. Therefore,
EIMD induced by isokinetic eccentric contractions do not
seem to interfere on RE measured at moderate intensities (55–
75% VO2max).
Using closed kinetic-chain exercises, Scott et al. [88]
have also analysed the effects of EIMD on RE. The vol-
unteers performed a series of lower extremity resistance
exercises designed to induce DOMS. RE was analysed at
70% VO2max, 24–30 hours after the EIMD. Although the
subjects demonstrated a higher rate of perceived exertion
values, RE was maintained unaltered throughout the days
after EIMD. In another study, Marcora and Bosio [9] did
not find any alteration in RE (70% VO2max) after 100 drop
jumps, although DOMS, CK, and knee extensors strength
were significantly affected by EIMD. Therefore, the evidence
suggests that muscle damage induced by both open and
closed kinetic-chain exercises dose not alter RE at moderate
intensities (55–75% VO2max).
However, in a recent study, Burt et al. [12] presented con-
flicting data regarding the effect of EIMD on RE. In this study,
indirect markers of muscle damage and RE were measured,
24–48 h after EIMD (10 sets of 10 squats at 80% body
mass). Significant increases in all indirect markers of muscle
damage, kinematic parameters (stride length and stride
frequency), and oxygen uptake during submaximal running
(∼90% VO2max) were observed at 24–48 h following the
initial bout of EIMD. Some authors [82, 89] have suggested
that the changes in RE are associated with decrements in
neuromuscular function (i.e., MVC) after EIMD. However,
both the magnitude and the time course of the changes in
muscular function (MVC) and RE can be different. Therefore,
changes during submaximal exercise (i.e., RE) may not be
strictly associated with neuromuscular function.
As a whole, these data suggest that the effects of muscle
damage induced by strength exercise (i.e., jumps, isoinertial
and isokinetic eccentric exercises) on RE are intensityd-
dependent. During moderate exercises (55–75% VO2max),
RE is not altered by EIMD. However, during high-intensity
exercise (∼90% VO2max), RE is impaired. During high
intensity exercise, additional type II fibres, which are the
most affected by EIMD, are recruited. Moreover, at these
intensities, the VO2 either attains a delayed steady state
(heavy domain) or continues to increase slowly (i.e., VO2
slow component (VO2SC)) reaching its maximal values at the
end of exercise (severe domain) [90]. Although the physio-
logical determinants of VO2SC remain poorly understood,
some authors have proposed that an increased ATP and/or
O2 cost of power production in fatigued fibres, rather than
the additional recruitment of poorly efficient muscle fibres,
is responsible for the VO2SC [91]. Therefore, the effects
of strength exercise-induced muscle damage on RE seem
to depend on the fibre recruitment pattern and/or on the
mechanisms determining the VO2SC.
5. Downhill and Long-Distance Running,
Muscle Damage, and Running Economy
Adopting a more specific approach, some studies have inves-
tigated the influence of muscle damage induced by strenuous
exercise (e.g., long-distance running) or downhill running on
neuromuscular parameters, and RE. This aspect and the effect
of some interventions on RE during the recovery period after
EIMD are also addressed in this topic (Table 2).
As mentioned previously, muscle damage is usually
induced by maximal and submaximal eccentric contractions,
but it can also be observed when a high volume of eccen-
tric/concentric contractions are performed, due to the eccen-
tric contractions per se [95] or because of metabolite accu-
mulation that may lead to stress and impairment of the
muscle fibres [96]. Because a high number of concentric and,
particularly, eccentric contractions are performed during
long-distance running, the symptoms of muscle damage
The Scientific World Journal
are usually observed immediately and a few days after the
running bout.
In a study conducted by Millet et al. [97], changes in
muscle function and muscle damage markers from 22 expe-
rienced marathon runners were collected and analysed after
they had run an international extreme mountain ultrama-
rathon. The race consisted of a 166 km marathon through
mountainous terrain with the final destination set at 9500 m
below the starting point. This predominately downhill con-
figuration required a high number of eccentric contractions
particularly for the knee extensors. Indirect muscle damage
markers (strength, CK, LDH, and MB) were analysed before,
immediately after, and 2, 5, 7, 9, and 16 days after the
marathon. The authors found higher decreases in force
production immediately after the ultramarathon, most likely
because of the fatigue experienced during the race. However,
some of the strength markers remained altered until 5
days after exercise, as usually occurs after muscle damaging
activities. Blood markers also demonstrated the highest value
immediately after the race, returning to baseline values 5
days later. The authors found that even though this type of
activity can induce extreme muscle damage, after 16 days,
all the alterations induced by muscle damage and/or fatigue
had returned to normal. Considering that force production is
intimately related to RE, these findings may indicate that an
extremely damaging activity may induce high levels of force
loss and decreases in RE. Force production is usually fully
recovered 5 days after the damaging activity. However, RE
may recover at a faster rate than force.
To investigate factors that could influence RE, Kyrolainen
et al. [89] subjected 7 experienced runners to a protocol sim-
ulating a marathon. RE and kinematic variables (stride length
and frequency, mean contact time, external mechanical work
and power, and angular displacements and velocities of the
hip, knee, and ankle joints) were collected before, during (at
the 1st, 13th, 26th, and 42nd kilometres), two hours after, and
in the days (2, 4, and 6) after the marathon. Muscle damage
markers (CK and SOR) were also collected after the exercise.
The impairment of RE (i.e., higher oxygen consumption) was
observed only at the end of the marathon (42nd kilometre
and two hours afterward). CK and SOR were significantly
increased immediately after the marathon and returned to
baseline values only at the 6-day postexercise time point.
These data may indicate that alterations in RE after marathon
running may not be exclusively in the result of muscle damage
but may be affected by other factors such as thermal stress. To
better understand the time course of recovery of the various
parameters of muscle function following marathon running,
it is important to investigate other indirect EIMD markers,
such as force and inflammatory response.
Muscle damage induced by downhill running has also
been widely studied in the last decades. This type of exercise
has been proven to induce muscle damage even when
performed for relatively short periods (e.g., 30 minutes) due
to higher mechanical stress applied to the lower limb muscles
during the contact with the ground phase [95]. Some studies
have shown that downhill running can lead to muscle damage
of the same magnitude as plyometric or maximal eccen-
tric exercises [92, 98]. Considering that downhill running
induces muscle damage, a series of studies have investigated
its influence on neuromuscular and metabolic markers in
animals [99] and humans [11, 93, 94, 98]. In animals, downhill
running has been utilised to induce overtraining [100] as well
as a training method to increase the number of sarcomeres
[101]. In humans, this exercise model has been recently
studied in attempt to understand its influence on specific
running and aerobic parameters, such as RE [93, 98] and
running kinematics.
To the best of our knowledge, Hamill et al. [92] performed
the first study investigating the influence of downhill run-
ning on RE. In this study, 10 recreational female runners
underwent a 30 min downhill running bout (DRB) with
−15% slope at 73.5% of maximal heart rate. Indirect markers
of muscle damage (SOR and CK), RE (80% VO2max), and
kinematic parameters were measured before and 2 and 5 days
after the DRB. SOR and CK levels increased 2 days after the
DRB, returning to baseline values 5 days after the exercise.
Although kinematic parameters were modified, the DRB did
not alter RE. The authors proposed that changes in kinematics
might be due to increases in SOR, which compromises the
range of motion, and thus alters the movement patterns.
In another model to investigate the influence of downhill
running-induced muscle damage on RE, Braun and Dutto
[93] conducted a study in which 9 endurance-trained subjects
underwent a DRB (30 minutes at 70% VO2peak with a
−10% slope). Assessments of SOR, RE (65%, 75% and 85%
VO2max), and stride length were performed before and 48
hours after the DRB. SOR was increased and RE was impaired
48 hours after the DRB, suggesting that muscle damage might
have increased the energy cost of running. The authors stated
that the muscle damage decreased the range of motion and
strength, thus compromising running kinematics, which is
known to be related to RE.
To better describe the time course of changes in RE,
Chen et al. [94] subjected 10 soccer-trained volunteers to a
downhill running protocol similar to that proposed by Braun
and Dutto [93]. Muscle damage (MVC, SOR, CK and MB)
and RE (65%, 75%,d and 85% VO2max) were assessed before
and 1 hour and 1–5 days after the DRB. Alterations in muscle
damage markers were consistent with those found in the
literature, including increases in CK, MB, and SOR, with peak
values attained 48 hours after the DRB. Strength loss was
also maximal immediately after the DRB. All muscle damage
markers returned to baseline values 5 days after the DRB.
The magnitude of change was smaller, and the time course
recovery was faster for RE (4–7% and 4 days, resp.) than
for the indirect markers (i.e., isometric peak torque (IPT))
of muscle damage (7–21% and 4 days, resp.). The authors
suggested that the alterations in running kinematics, the need
to recruit more muscle fibres, the impairment in the stretch-
shortening cycle, and the reduced levels of muscle glycogen
might impair RE following a DRB.
Because alterations in the muscular tissue due to EIMD
have been shown to affect RE because of differences in muscle
fibre recruitment and other neuromuscular properties, Chen
et al. [11] assessed RE at 3 different intensities (70, 80, and
90%VO2peak) after a DRB. Muscle damage markers showed
the expected alterations, peaking 2 days after DRB. The
The Scientific World Journal
alteration in RE measured at 90% VO2peak was significantly
higher than at 80% VO2peak. No significant change in RE
was found at 70% VO2peak. Previous studies have indicated
that fast-twitch motor units are progressively recruited with
increased levels of exercise intensity [102]. Because several
investigations have reported selective damage to type II
muscle fibres after eccentric muscle actions in humans [40,
103], there appears to be a relationship between the motor
unit recruitment pattern and impairment in RE.
Therefore, the effects of strength exercises and down-
hill running on RE seem to be different. While strength
exercises seem to affect RE only during high intensity sub-
maximal exercises (∼90% VO2max), downhill running also
increases the energetic cost during moderate exercises (>65%
VO2max). It is important to note that during running
exercise, the VO2SC is attenuated (heavy intensity) and/or
nonexistent (moderate). Thus, the effect of strength exercises
on RE seems to occur only at running intensities at which the
VO2SC is present. Greater muscle mass and/or the magnitude
or specificity of muscle damage induced by downhill running
may partially explain these results.
A variety of interventions have been proposed to enhance
recovery from EIMD, that is, to reduce the severity and
duration of injury and SOR. It is a common belief that low-
intensity training (i.e., active recovery) enhances the recovery
process by accelerating the return to homeostasis after EIMD.
To investigate whether submaximal running would influence
the recovery from DRB, Chen et al. [98] analysed the effect
of 30-minute daily running exercises performed at different
intensities (40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% VO2peak) by different
groups on the recovery of muscle damage and RE. Muscle
damage was induced by a DRB (30 minutes at 70% VO2peak
with −10% slope). The authors found that the time-course
recovery of muscle damage markers and RE was similar for
all groups, regardless of whether submaximal running was
performed. Thus, low-to-moderate-intensity running seems
not to improve the recovery from muscle damage and/or RE
Performing a similar subsequent bout of eccentric exer-
cise results in significantly less change in the markers of
muscle damage. This phenomenon is known as the RBE [104].
In fact, Byrnes et al. [105] and Chen et al. [66] demonstrated
that when a DRB was repeated 1–6 weeks after the first
bout, the indirect markers of muscle damage (isometric peak
torque, CK, SOR, and range of motion) were significantly
reduced. Moreover, Chen et al. [106] verified that the RBE
was also observed in RE and running kinematics parameters.
In this study, 12 male subjects underwent the same downhill
running protocol adopted by Chen et al. [11] except the
interval allowed between bouts that was twice as long, to
allow full recovery from the first bout. The authors found
significant changes in all markers of muscle damage after both
protocols. However, the RE, kinematics parameters, and SOR
were less affected after the second DRB. Therefore, one bout
of DRB might induce a protective effect, leading to reduced
levels of SOR and blunted changes in RE and biomechanical
In another study, Burt et al. [12] subjected 9 subjects to
repeated bouts of 100 squats and measured muscle damage
markers (isometric peak torque, vertical jump height, CK,
and SOR) and RE before, immediately after the bouts, and 1-2
days after the bouts. The bouts were separated by enough time
to recover from the EIMD symptoms. All muscle damage
and RE markers were significantly affected by the first bout.
However, no alterations in some muscle damage markers and
RE were observed after the second bout. Thus, a previous
damaging activity leads to blunted or nonexistent alterations
in muscle damage markers and RE.
6. Supplementation and Muscle
Damage Recovery
A series of recent studies has investigated the influence of
different types of supplementation on recovery from and
prevention of muscle damage. The main supplements that
seem to protect against muscle damage are the flavonoids,
which are known for their efficient anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties. Studies investigating supplementa-
tion with flavonoid rich substances and their influence on
muscle damage will be discussed.
Howatson et al. [107] conducted a study in which muscle
damage, inflammatory response, and oxidative stress were
measured before, immediately after, and 24 and 48 hours
after a marathon. The purpose of this study was to inves-
tigate whether a tart cherry juice supplement would affect
recovery from muscle damage after marathon running in 20
recreational marathon runners, using a double-blind placebo
intervention. Muscle damage markers determined in this
study were CK, LDH, DOMS, and IPT. Other parameters
(total antioxidant status, thiobarbituric acid reactive species,d
and protein carbonyls) were measured to identify inflam-
matory response, and oxidative stress. Both groups (control
versus supplemented) demonstrated similar decreases in IPT.
However, IPT was higher for the supplementation group
at all time points, showing faster recovery. Moreover, the
authors found that the supplementation enhanced the anti-
inflammatory response as well as reduced the oxidative stress.
Kuehl et al. [108] investigated the effects of tart cherry
juice supplementation on SOR immediately after a long-
distance running (∼26 km) bout. The study was performed
in a randomised, double-blind placebo fashion in 54 experi-
enced runners. The subjects were separated in two groups:
placebo and tart cherry supplement. Both groups started
ingesting their supplements 7 days prior to the running
bout. The increase in SOR was significantly greater for the
placebo group when compared to the tart cherry group.
These findings are similar to those of Howatson et al. [107]
and indicate that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
properties of the tart cherry supplement might reduce SOR
after EIMD.
Supplements containing flavonoid compounds have been
shown to confer a protective effect against muscle damage
either by attenuating a vast number of markers or by accel-
erating their recovery after the EIMD. This type of protection
has been hypothesised to be due to the anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties present in these types of compounds
[107]. A number of studies have shown a direct relationship
between flavonoid supplementation and protection against
The Scientific World Journal
muscle damage. Because muscle damage may affect RE, it
would be interesting to analyse if this type of supplementation
can protect against RE impairment after EIMD.
7. Conclusion
Despite the systematic implications of RE on aerobic running
performance, only a few experiments have specifically stud-
ied the response of this index after EIMD. Recent studies have
analysed RE after strength exercises (i.e., jumps, isoinertial
and isokinetic eccentric exercises) and downhill running.
These studies have found that the magnitude of reduction in
muscle function (MVC) after EIMD is greater than the RE
and kinematic parameters. Moreover, the time course for the
changes in muscle function, RE, and kinematic parameters
are not similar. As a whole, these data suggest that the putative
mechanisms underlying muscle function and RE during the
recovery from EIMD are not completely shared. The effects
of muscle damage on RE seem to depend of the interaction
between the type of eccentric exercise and the intensity
at which the RE is measured. Strength exercises seem to
modify RE preferentially during high-intensity exercise (∼
90% VO2max). However, the effects of downhill running can
also be observed at moderate intensities (>65% VO2max).
Finally, a single session of strength exercise or downhill
running attenuates changes in indirect markers of muscle
damage and blunts changes in RE.
This research was supported by grants from Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient´ıfico e Tecnol´ogico and
Fundac¸˜ao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de S˜ao Paulo, and
the authors declar that they have no conflict of interests.
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| Exercise-induced muscle damage and running economy in humans. | 02-04-2013 | Assumpção, Cláudio de Oliveira,Lima, Leonardo Coelho Rabello,Oliveira, Felipe Bruno Dias,Greco, Camila Coelho,Denadai, Benedito Sérgio | eng |
PMC6835892 | nutrients
Consumption of An Anthocyanin-Rich Antioxidant
Juice Accelerates Recovery of Running Economy and
Indirect Markers of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage
Following Downhill Running
Leonardo C. R. Lima 1,2,3,4,*, Renan V. Barreto 1, Natália M. Bassan 1,2, Camila C. Greco 1
and Benedito S. Denadai 1
Human Performance Laboratory, São Paulo State University, Av. 24-A, 1515, Rio Claro, SP 13506-900, Brazil
Centro Universitário Hermínio Ometto, Av. Dr. Maximiliano Baruto, 500, Araras, SP 13607-339, Brazil
Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo, R. Baronesa Geraldo de Resede, 330,
Campinas, SP 13075-270, Brazil
Centro Universitário UniMetrocamp, R. Dr. Sales de Oliveira, 1661, Campinas, SP 13035-500, Brazil
Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 18 July 2019; Accepted: 6 August 2019; Published: 23 September 2019
Abstract: This study examined the effects of anthocyanin-rich antioxidant juice (AJ) on the recovery
of exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) and the running economy (RE) following downhill
running (DHR). Thirty healthy young men were randomly divided into two blinded groups and
consumed either AJ or placebo (PLA) for nine days (240 mL twice-a-day). On day 5, the participants
from both groups ran downhill (−15%) for 30 min at 70% of their maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)
speeds. The changes in RE (oxygen uptake (VO2) and perceived effort (PE) during 5-min runs at
80%VO2max) and EIMD (isometric peak torque (IPT), muscle soreness (SOR) and serum creatine
kinase activity (CK)) were compared over time and between the groups on the 4 days following DHR.
VO2 and PE increased (p < 0.05) immediately following DHR for both groups and remained elevated
for PLA until 48h post-DHR while fully recovering 24 h post-DHR for AJ. SOR was greater (p < 0.05)
for PLA throughout the study. CK increased for both groups and was greater (p < 0.05) for PLA at
96 h post-DHR. IPT decreased for both groups but recovered faster for AJ (72 h) compared to PLA
(no full recovery). AJ accelerated recovery of RE and EIMD and should be used in specific contexts,
but not chronically.
Keywords: running economy; antioxidant supplementation; anthocyanins; exercise-induced muscle
damage; recovery; muscle soreness
1. Introduction
The running economy (RE) is an important predictor of performance in endurance events.
It is defined as the amount of oxygen required to sustain running at a fixed submaximal speed [1].
RE represents, therefore, how efficient athletes are during running. Athletes with similar maximal
oxygen consumptions (VO2max) may present different performances in long-distance runs due to the
differences in RE [2].
Several factors influence RE acutely and chronically. A relationship between RE and neuromuscular
aspects exists. A growing body of literature investigated the effects of exercise-induced muscle damage
(EIMD) on parameters associated with RE [3–5]. EIMD occurs when muscle tissue is damaged following
strenuous exercise, leading to compromised force production capacity, muscle soreness and leakage of
intracellular proteins to the circulation [6].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2274; doi:10.3390/nu11102274
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Downhill running (DHR) has been reported as a damaging activity due to the high volume of
eccentric contractions performed during the breaking phase of running associated with oxidative
stress produced in the muscle by prolonged mitochondrial activity [3,4,7]. Assumpção et al. [8] have
reviewed the literature and showed that DHR compromises RE as much as countermovement jumps
and heavy-load squatting exercises [8].
Anthocyanins are phenolic compounds found in dark-colored fruits that act as a pigment in
nature [9]. However, evidence suggests that anthocyanin rich foods have powerful antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory properties when consumed by humans [10]. In fact, there is evidence that
consuming anthocyanin-rich juices leads to faster recovery of markers of EIMD following resistance
training [11] and endurance events [12]. The authors have recently reviewed the literature on the
effects of consuming tart cherry juice (which is rich in anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds)
in recovery from EIMD [13]. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no studies
investigating if the consumption of anthocyanin-rich juice accelerates the recovery of RE following
damaging bouts.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of anthocyanin-rich juice consumption
on the magnitude of changes and time-course of recovery of markers of EIMD following a DHR bout.
Our hypothesis was that the consumption of an antioxidant juice rich in anthocyanins would promote
faster recovery of markers of EIMD and RE when compared to a placebo treatment.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
Thirty healthy male physical education students (age: 22.3 ± 2.6 years; height: 176.6 ± 6.4 cm;
body mass 77.1 ± 10.5 kg) participated in the present study. The inclusion criteria for the present
study were: Aged between 18 and 30 years-old; not having any experience with strength or aerobic
training in the last six months; being a non-smoker and not having had lower-limb injuries in the
last six months. They were instructed to refrain from intense physical activity, to keep their regular
dietary habits and to drink plenty of water during the experimental period. All the participants read
and signed an informed consent prior to their participation in the study, which was approved by the
institution’s ethical board. A total of thirty participants were enrolled for the study and all of them
completed the experimental protocol (15 per group). All the interactions and procedures in the present
study were in accordance to the Declaration of Helsinki for research involving humans.
2.2. Experimental Design
The study was conducted under double-blind, placebo-controlled conditions. The participants
were allocated to either experimental (EXP) or placebo (PLA) groups in a randomized fashion.
Randomization was performed by the lead examiner using a draw application for smartphone.
Before being assigned to each group, the participants were familiarized to the experimental procedures.
The familiarization sessions included performing maximal isometric contractions on an isokinetic
dynamometer (System 3, Biodex Systems, Shirley, NY, USA). The participants also had the opportunity
to run for one minute on a treadmill (Pulsar, h/p/Cosmos, Germany) with 0% inclination to familiarize
with treadmill running. In the second familiarization visit, the participants’ VO2max were determined.
After at least five days following the last familiarization session, the participants ran downhill
(−15%) for 30 min at 70% of their VO2max speed. Chen et al. [3] showed that this protocol leads to
significant damage to lower limb muscles and compromised RE. The knee extensors isometric peak
torque (IPT), and markers of RE (oxygen uptake (VO2) and perceived effort (PE) during submaximal
running bouts) were assessed 15 min before, 15 min after, and 1–4 days following DHR. Lower limb
muscle soreness was assessed 15 min before and 1–4 days following DHR. Serum creatine kinase (CK)
activity was assessed 15 min before, 2 and 4 days following DHR.
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The participants in the EXP group consumed 240 mL of an anthocyanin-rich antioxidant juice
(Antiox, Juxx, Brazil) twice a day with a 12 h interval between doses at the day of the DHR bout and
on the 4 days preceding and 4 days following it. Participants in the PLA group consumed a placebo
consisting of water mixed with maltodextrin. The antioxidant juice and the placebo solution were
isocaloric (106 Kcal per dose), isovolumetric (240 mL) and had the same amount of carbohydrates
per dose (26 g). The experiment was conducted in a double-blinded fashion with all subjects and
examiners blinded for the treatment being administered. The treatment bottles were opaque and the
participants from both groups did not have contact with each other to avoid cross-contamination.
The experimental design is illustrated in Figure 1.
Nutrients 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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The participants in the EXP group consumed 240 mL of an anthocyanin-rich antioxidant juice
(Antiox, Juxx, Brazil) twice a day with a 12 h interval between doses at the day of the DHR bout and
on the 4 days preceding and 4 days following it. Participants in the PLA group consumed a placebo
consisting of water mixed with maltodextrin. The antioxidant juice and the placebo solution were
isocaloric (106 Kcal per dose), isovolumetric (240 mL) and had the same amount of carbohydrates per
dose (26 g). The experiment was conducted in a double-blinded fashion with all subjects and
examiners blinded for the treatment being administered. The treatment bottles were opaque and the
participants from both groups did not have contact with each other to avoid cross-contamination.
The experimental design is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The experimental design of the study. The biggest dash represents downhill running. AJ:
antioxidant juice; PLA: placebo; CK: creatine kinase.
2.3. Antioxidant Juice
The participants in the EXP group consumed an anthocyanin-rich antioxidant juice that
consisted of a mixture of clarified apple juice with prum, blueberry, maquiberry, raspberry and
cranberry concentrates. Each dose of the juice (240 mL) contained 58 mg of anthocyanins and an
antioxidant capacity of 67,680 μmoL/mL of Trolox equivalent, as assessed by the oxygen radical
absorbance capacity (ORAC5) scale to identify antioxidant capacity. The evidence suggests that
consuming tart cherry juice with equivalent levels of anthocyanins attenuates muscle soreness and
accelerates the recovery of muscle function following damaging bouts [11,12,14]. The daily intake
and timing of antioxidant juice consumption in the present study were planned based on previous
studies that showed enhanced recovery of indirect markers of EIMD due to the consumption of
similar anthocyanin-rich juices [11,12,15,16].
2.4. Maximal Oxygen Uptake
VO2max was determined through a treadmill incremental test. The participants ran on a
treadmill (Pulsar, h/p/Cosmos, Nussdorf-Traunstein, Germany) wearing a mask attached to a breath-
by-breath gas analyzer (Quark PFT Ergo, Cosmed, Pavona, Italy) that recorded oxygen uptake (VO2)
and carbon dioxide (CO2) production during exercise until test cessation. The incremental test started
with a three-minute warm-up at 7 km/h followed by continuous 1 km/h increments every minute.
The treadmill inclination was constant and set at 1%. The criteria adopted for cessation of the test
were: (1) Heart rate of 95% of the predicted maximal (220-age); (2) the respiratory exchange ratio
greater than 1,15; (3) voluntary fatigue. Following filtering of the data, VO2max was considered as
the greatest VO2 value recorded and sustained for at least 15 s during the test. The speed at which
VO2max was reached (sVO2max) was also recorded.
Figure 1. The experimental design of the study. The biggest dash represents downhill running. AJ:
antioxidant juice; PLA: placebo; CK: creatine kinase.
2.3. Antioxidant Juice
The participants in the EXP group consumed an anthocyanin-rich antioxidant juice that consisted
of a mixture of clarified apple juice with prum, blueberry, maquiberry, raspberry and cranberry
concentrates. Each dose of the juice (240 mL) contained 58 mg of anthocyanins and an antioxidant
capacity of 67,680 µmoL/mL of Trolox equivalent, as assessed by the oxygen radical absorbance
capacity (ORAC5) scale to identify antioxidant capacity. The evidence suggests that consuming tart
cherry juice with equivalent levels of anthocyanins attenuates muscle soreness and accelerates the
recovery of muscle function following damaging bouts [11,12,14]. The daily intake and timing of
antioxidant juice consumption in the present study were planned based on previous studies that showed
enhanced recovery of indirect markers of EIMD due to the consumption of similar anthocyanin-rich
juices [11,12,15,16].
2.4. Maximal Oxygen Uptake
VO2max was determined through a treadmill incremental test. The participants ran on a treadmill
(Pulsar, h/p/Cosmos, Nussdorf-Traunstein, Germany) wearing a mask attached to a breath-by-breath
gas analyzer (Quark PFT Ergo, Cosmed, Pavona, Italy) that recorded oxygen uptake (VO2) and
carbon dioxide (CO2) production during exercise until test cessation. The incremental test started
with a three-minute warm-up at 7 km/h followed by continuous 1 km/h increments every minute.
The treadmill inclination was constant and set at 1%. The criteria adopted for cessation of the test were:
(1) Heart rate of 95% of the predicted maximal (220-age); (2) the respiratory exchange ratio greater than
1,15; (3) voluntary fatigue. Following filtering of the data, VO2max was considered as the greatest
VO2 value recorded and sustained for at least 15 s during the test. The speed at which VO2max was
reached (sVO2max) was also recorded.
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2.5. Running Economy
The running economy was assessed at a fixed-speed of 5 min runs at 80% of individual sVO2max.
This intensity was chosen based on the findings of Chen et al. [4] that RE at 80% and 90% sVO2max,
but not at 70% sVO2max, is compromised following DHR. Therefore, this study adopted the lowest
intensity at each RE which is compromised following DHR. The breath-to-breath gas exchanges were
registered during RE tests and the mean VO2 was recorded during the fifth minute of each test. At the
end of each RE test, the participants rated their perceived effort in a scale that varied from 6 to 20 [17].
The VO2 at the last minute of the RE tests and the perception of effort were recorded as metabolic and
perceptual indices of RE, respectively.
2.6. Indirect Markers of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage
IPT, muscle soreness and serum CK activity were assessed as indirect markers of EIMD. To assess
IPT, the participants performed two 5 s maximal voluntary isometric contractions in an isokinetic
dynamometer with a 180 s recovery interval between contractions. A signal acquisition device with
a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz (Miotool, 200/400, Miotec, Porto Alegre, Brazil) was synchronized
with the dynamometer (System 3, Biodex Systems, Shirley, NY, USA) during the maximal voluntary
isometric contractions for greater precision during data acquisition. The participants were seated at the
dynamometer following the manufacturer’s guidelines, with their trunks, hips and dominant thighs
firmly secured to the chair, their knees flexed at 70◦, and their legs firmly attached to the dynamometer
shaft. They were instructed to perform knee extensions as quickly and forcefully as possible during 5 s
with strong verbal encouragement being provided by the examiners. The acquired data was saved and
stored for subsequent analyses.
The data obtained during the maximal voluntary isometric contractions was filtered (Butterworth
filter, low pass, 4th order, with a 15 Hz cut-off frequency) and analyzed in a MatLab environment
(MatLab 6.5, Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA). IPT was considered as the greatest value in the torque-time
curve. The contraction with the greatest IPT was used for further analyses.
Muscle soreness was quantified using a 1000 mm visual analogs scale with the saying “not sore at
all” and “very, very sore” at the extremities. The participants were instructed to rate their perceived
soreness after climbing up and down from a 45 cm chair with their dominant limb without external
assistance. They performed this test following 5 min of seated rest and could perform as many
repetitions as necessary. They were instructed to mark the visual analogs scale according to the soreness
they felt on their knee extensors after completing the stepping exercise.
Serum CK activity was quantified by spectrophotometric analyses. Further, 500 µL of blood was
extracted from the participant’s earlobes 5 min after the application of a vasodilator ointment (Finalgon,
Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Aachen, Germany) to avoid hemolysis. The blood samples were allowed to
clot for 10 min and centrifuged for 10 min at 56,000 rpm (Microhemato, Modelo 2410, Fanem, São Paulo,
Brazil) and the serum samples were extracted and stored at −70 ◦C for further analyses. Serum CK
activity was determined using a commercial kit (CK-NAC UV, Wiener Lab, Rosário, Argentina) and a
spectrophotometer (Bio-2000, Bioplus, São Paulo, Brazil). The reference values for healthy men for the
method used ranged between 24 and 195 U/l.
2.7. Statistics
Data normality was confirmed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Data sphericity and homogeneity
were confirmed using the Mauchly and Levene tests, respectively. The differences between groups in
baseline values for all dependent variables as well as anthropometric data were tested by the student’s
t-test. The changes over time and between groups were compared using the mixed model ANOVAs
for repeated (time) and non-repeated (groups) measures with Bonferroni post-hoc tests. All analyses
were performed in a professional software (Statistical Package for Social Sciences 17, IBM, Armonk,
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2274
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NY, USA). The significance levels were set at p <0.05. The data are expressed as the means ± standard
deviation unless otherwise stated.
3. Results
The participants’ mean age, body mass, height, body mass index, VO2max, sVO2max, DHR speeds
and RE-test speeds are presented in Table 1. No significant differences in such variables were found.
Table 1. The characteristics of the sample for the experimental (EXP) and placebo (PLA) groups.
PLA (n = 15)
EXP (n = 15)
Age (years)
22.8 ± 2.8
21.9 ± 2.3
Body mass (kg)
79.5 ± 11.8
74.6 ± 8.7
Height (m)
1.74 ± 0.07
1.77 ± 0.06
BMI (kg/m2)
26.2 ± 3.2
23.7 ± 2.2
VO2max (mL/kg/min)
41.8 ± 5.7
43.7 ± 4.3
sVO2max (km/h)
13.9 ± 1.4
14.7 ± 1.2
Downhill Running Speed (km/h)
9.7 ± 1
10.3 ± 0.9
Running Economy Test Speed (km/h)
10.1 ± 1.2
10.5 ± 1
PLA: Placebo group; EXP: Experimental group; BMI: Body mass index; VO2max: Maximal oxygen uptake; sVO2max:
Speed at which the maximal oxygen uptake was achieved.
No significant differences between groups were found for baseline values of VO2 (CON:
33 ± 3.8 mL·kg−1·min−1; EXP: 35.1 ± 3.3 mL·kg−1·min−1), perceived effort (CON: 11.5 ± 1.2; EXP:
12.3 ± 1.2), IPT (CON: 290 ± 34 Nm; EXP: 278 ± 36 Nm), knee extensor muscle soreness (CON: 0 ± 0 mm;
EXP: 0 ± 0 mm) and serum CK activity (CON: 106 ± 49 U.l−1; EXP: 126 ± 40 U.l−1). The significant group
versus the time interactions were found for VO2 (F(5) = 20.05, p < 0.01), perceived effort (F(5) = 4.86,
p < 0.01), IPT (F(5) = 3.80, p = 0.003), knee extensor muscle soreness (F(4) = 3.82, p < 0.01) and serum
CK activity (F(2) = 3.70, p = 0.31).
The pairwise comparisons showed that VO2 significantly increased for both groups immediately
following DHR and fully recovered 24 h and 72 h post-exercise for the experimental and control groups,
respectively. VO2 was significantly greater for the control group than the experimental group 24 h
post-DHR. This was also the case for perceived effort. The absolute changes in VO2 and perceived
effort over time following DHR are presented in Figure 2.
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Figure 2. Cont.
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Figure 2. The absolute changes in oxygen uptake (A) and perceived effort (B) over time following
downhill running. * p < 0.05 compared to the baseline values in the same group. ‡ p < 0.05 compared
to the experimental group at the same time-point. CON: control group; EXP: experimental group.
The isometric peak torque significantly decreased (p < 0.05) for both groups immediately after
DHR and remained so throughout the entire experimental period for the control group, but fully
recovered 72 h post-DHR for the experimental group (Figure 3).
Figure 2. The absolute changes in oxygen uptake (A) and perceived effort (B) over time following
downhill running. * p < 0.05 compared to the baseline values in the same group. ‡ p < 0.05 compared to
the experimental group at the same time-point. CON: control group; EXP: experimental group.
The isometric peak torque significantly decreased (p < 0.05) for both groups immediately after
DHR and remained so throughout the entire experimental period for the control group, but fully
recovered 72 h post-DHR for the experimental group (Figure 3).
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Figure 3. The relative changes in isometric peak torque over time following downhill running. * p
<0.05 compared to the baseline values in the same group. CON: control group; EXP: experimental
Knee extensor muscle soreness significantly increased (p < 0.05) 24 h following DHR and
remained so during the whole experiment for both groups. However, knee extensor muscle soreness
was significantly (p < 0.05) greater for the control group at all time-points. Serum CK activity
significantly increased 48 h following DHR and remained elevated until 96 h following DHR for both
groups. Serum CK activity was significantly (p < 0.05) greater for the control group at 96 h post-DHR.
The changes in knee extensor muscle soreness and serum CK activity are presented in Figure 4.
Figure 3. The relative changes in isometric peak torque over time following downhill running. * p <0.05
compared to the baseline values in the same group. CON: control group; EXP: experimental group.
Knee extensor muscle soreness significantly increased (p < 0.05) 24 h following DHR and remained
so during the whole experiment for both groups. However, knee extensor muscle soreness was
significantly (p < 0.05) greater for the control group at all time-points. Serum CK activity significantly
increased 48 h following DHR and remained elevated until 96 h following DHR for both groups. Serum
CK activity was significantly (p < 0.05) greater for the control group at 96 h post-DHR. The changes in
knee extensor muscle soreness and serum CK activity are presented in Figure 4.
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Figure 4. The changes in knee extensor muscle soreness (A) and serum creatine kinase (CK) activity
(B) over time following downhill running. * p <0.05 compared to baseline values in the same group; ‡
p <0.05 compared to the experimental group at the same time-point. CON: control group; EXP:
experimental group.
4. Discussion
The aim of the present study was to investigate the acute impact of antioxidant juice
consumption on changes in RE and the recovery of indirect markers of EIMD following DHR. It was
hypothesized that phenolic compounds present in the antioxidant juice—especially anthocyanins—
would accelerate recovery of muscle soreness, serum CK activity, muscle function and RE following
DHR, and this was confirmed by the obtained data.
The data from the control group showed that DHR significantly compromises RE at 80%
sVO2max—measured as VO2 and the perceived effort—with full recovery reached 3 days following
the exercise bout. DHR also led to significant changes in the indirect markers of EIMD (IPT, muscle
soreness and serum CK activity) with full recovery not being reached within four days following the
exercise bout for the control group. These findings corroborate what has been previously reported in
the literature and confirm that recovery kinetics are different between RE and the indirect markers of
EIMD [8].
Figure 4. The changes in knee extensor muscle soreness (A) and serum creatine kinase (CK) activity
(B) over time following downhill running.
* p <0.05 compared to baseline values in the same
group; ‡ p <0.05 compared to the experimental group at the same time-point. CON: control group;
EXP: experimental group.
4. Discussion
The aim of the present study was to investigate the acute impact of antioxidant juice consumption
on changes in RE and the recovery of indirect markers of EIMD following DHR. It was hypothesized
that phenolic compounds present in the antioxidant juice—especially anthocyanins—would accelerate
recovery of muscle soreness, serum CK activity, muscle function and RE following DHR, and this was
confirmed by the obtained data.
The data from the control group showed that DHR significantly compromises RE at 80%
sVO2max—measured as VO2 and the perceived effort—with full recovery reached 3 days following
the exercise bout. DHR also led to significant changes in the indirect markers of EIMD (IPT, muscle
soreness and serum CK activity) with full recovery not being reached within four days following the
exercise bout for the control group. These findings corroborate what has been previously reported in
the literature and confirm that recovery kinetics are different between RE and the indirect markers
of EIMD [8].
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The present study found that antioxidant juice consumption results in faster recovery of muscle
function as well as attenuated muscle soreness and serum CK activity following an exercise bout
consisting of 30 min of DHR. Our findings are similar to those which showed that consuming tart cherry
(Prunus cerasus L.) juice accelerates recovery of the indirect markers of EIMD following the different
types of exercise bouts (i.e., resistance exercise training, maximal isokinetic eccentric contractions,
DHR, marathon running and stochastic cycling) [11,12,16,18,19].
However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying downhill running-induced muscle
damage. It is generally accepted that EIMD is characterized by two distinct events. In the first event,
the mechanical strain imposed by unaccustomed exercise damages the sarcolemma and ultrastructural
sarcomere proteins [20]. This results in compromised muscle function due to the disrupted contractile
and structural proteins as well as the compromised excitation-contraction coupling [6]. The mechanical
damaging event is usually aggravated when eccentric contractions are performed during unaccustomed
exercise bouts due to the unique motor unit recruitment patterns during such contractions [21].
The mechanical damage is followed by cellular signaling for repair, which triggers an inflammatory
response consisting of the migration of neutrophils and monocytes (which differentiate into
macrophages once in the damaged site) [22]. The immune cells promote the degradation of cellular
debris through phagocytosis by producing oxygen reactive species. However, this degradation is
not exclusive to cellular debris, but also affects healthy, functioning, structures of adjacent myocytes.
This is referred to as the second event of EIMD and leads to muscle soreness, increased CK release
to the blood stream and, possibly, further loss of muscle function [13]. It is yet to be determined if
the oxidative stress produced by the mitochondrial respiratory chain during DHR anticipates and/or
aggravates the second event of EIMD. It is, however, well established that DHR significantly affects the
indirect markers of EIMD [8,23].
The data obtained in the present study suggests that muscle function was significantly compromised
immediately following DHR for both groups. This was expected, since the consumption of antioxidant
juice is not expected to strengthen the sarcolemma nor impact the motor unit recruitment patterns,
attenuating the first EIMD event. However, accelerated recovery kinetics were observed for both
RE (VO2 and perceived effort) and muscle function (IPT) (Figures 2 and 3). The perceived effort
and VO2 fully recovered two days earlier for the experimental group with significant differences
between the groups observed 1 day following DHR. Similarly, IPT reached full recovery during the
study in the experimental group while it remained compromised throughout the entire study for the
control group. No significant differences were found between the groups for the IPT values. Although
previous studies have reported attenuated changes in IPT following damaging bouts when associated
with consumption of tart cherry juice [11], accelerated recovery kinetics are also important when
investigating strategies to attenuate EIMD [16,24].
The differences between changes in RE and muscle function observed among the groups in the
present study might be explained by the antioxidant properties of anthocyanins in the antioxidant
juice. Previous studies showed that anthocynin-rich tart cherry juice reduced total oxidative stress and
circulating levels of C-reactive protein other oxygen reactive species [12,16,25]. It has been reported that
anthocyanins (as well as other phenolic compounds) scavenge free radicals secreted by lymphocytes
and produced in the mitochondrial respiratory chain [26].
It has also been reported that consuming foods as rich in anthocyanins as the antioxidant juice used
in the present study decreases circulating levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6
and tumor necrosis factor-α following damaging bouts [12,19], potentially attenuating the second event
of EIMD. This might also explain the attenuated muscle soreness for the experimental group observed
at all assessment points in our study. The delayed-onset muscle soreness is frequently described as a
symptom of the inflammation that occurs in the muscle and fascia following eccentric-biased activities
due to the interaction of algesic pro-inflammatory substances such as histamines, bradykinins and
prostaglandins with nociceptors [27]. Hence, if a treatment attenuates inflammation, it also attenuates
the ensuing soreness caused by it.
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Serum CK activity increased for both groups following downhill running, peaking 4 days after
it. However, serum CK activity was greater for the control group at its peak. As an intracellular
enzyme, the increased CK activity in the bloodstream is a sign of membrane and tissue damage [28].
Peak CK activity in the bloodstream occurs later than other indirect markers of EIMD since it must
be transported from the lymph to the circulation [28]. Significantly greater serum CK activity for the
control group suggests either greater mechanical stress (which was not the case, since both groups
exercised at identical volumes and intensities) or that membrane damage caused by lipolytic enzymes
such as phospholipase A2—which is activated by pro-inflammatory cytokines [29]—was greater in
the absence of the treatment investigated in the present study. It can, therefore, be assumed that the
anti-inflammatory properties of the treatment investigated in the present study attenuated secondary
damage to healthy myocytes induced by inflammation.
Although oxidative-stress or inflammatory markers were not assessed in the present study, it is
important to notice that the concentration of anthocyanins in the antioxidant juiced consumed by the
participants in the experimental group is similar to those of cherry juices used in studies that found
attenuated inflammatory responses and total oxidative status. Associated with the observation of
similar effects on the indirect markers of EIMD between our treatment and those previously reported,
this adds to the presented rationale.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous study investigated the impact of consuming
antioxidant/anti-inflammatory treatments in the magnitude of changes and recovery kinetics of RE
following damaging bouts. This study found that not only does consuming antioxidant juice accelerate
recovery of RE markers, but it also attenuates changes 1 day following DHR. In fact, our results suggest
that RE is only compromised immediately following DHR when consuming antioxidant juice. This has
important implications regarding training protocols and, especially, competitive schedules.
In specific contexts, athletes are submitted to short-term competitions at which they are expected
to perform in subsequent days. In such contexts, it is important for endurance athletes to maintain
their efficiency, and EIMD from previous days might be an issue. Training camps are also an example
of condensed endurance events during which it is of the best interest of athletes to perform as well
as possible. Our findings indicate that consuming an antioxidant juice rich in anthocyanins might
be a good strategy to maintain efficiency and attenuate muscle soreness in such contexts. Caution is
warranted when transferring the finding of the present study to trained athletes. The participants in our
study presented VO2max values between 40−45 mL·kg−1·min−1, which are not compatible with trained
athletes. The evidence suggests that antioxidant status is greater for athletes compared to sedentary
controls [30]. Hence, there is a possibility that additional antioxidant properties of anthocyanin-rich
foods do not further improve the already-high antioxidant response to damaging exercises in trained
athletes. However, Howatson et al. [12] showed that the consumption of Prunus cersasus L. accelerates
recovery of muscle function and soreness following marathon running in experienced runners. Further
studies are warranted to investigate if anthocyanin-rich foods accelerate recovery of RE in elite athletes.
The continuous use of antioxidant juices during endurance training programs should not be
encouraged. The evidence suggests that, despite the beneficial effects of antioxidant supplementation
in the recovery from EIMD and RE, oxidative stress might be an important component for training
adaptation [31]. Merry and Ristow [32] reviewed the literature on this topic and concluded that a
balance in redox signaling is the key to optimal endurance adaptation and long-term antioxidant
supplementation can blunt the physiological stress imposed by exercise, consequently compromising
optimal training adaptation. This should be taken into consideration when planning nutritional
strategies for training and competitions.
The assessment of oxidative status and markers of inflammation is important, and the absence of
these variables is a limitation of our study. While this study did find a significant impact of the treatment
in our main outcome, the direct markers of secondary damage to better elucidate the mechanisms
of faster RE recovery associated with antioxidant juice consumption were not assessed. The authors
encourage further investigation of such mechanisms. This study also did not carry out dietary analyses.
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This might have implications regarding an already high antioxidant status due to the high anthocyanin
intake by the participants prior to the experiment. Since this study only recommended the participants
to maintain their regular dietary habits but did not control nor assess them during the experimental
period, this might also be considered a limitation of the present study. Another limitation of the
present study is the intensity at which RE was assessed. Future studies should assess the impacts
of antioxidant juice consumption on the changes in RE at different intensities following DHR and
other damaging bouts. Finally, there seems to be a lack of standardization for the composition of
antioxidant products investigated in the literature. this study focused on anthocyanin concentration
and antioxidant capacity when choosing our treatment, as well as the commercial availability in our
country. Therefore, the findings presented in the present study represent the impact of this specific
antioxidant juice on changes in RE and the indirect markers of EIMD, which may not be the same when
using antioxidant juices with other compositions. It is recommended that practitioners and colleagues
focus on anthocyanin concentration when choosing which juice to prescribe/investigate.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, this study shows that consuming an anthocyanin-rich antioxidant juice four days
prior to, at the day and four days following DHR resulted in the accelerated recovery of RE and
muscle function as well as attenuated muscle soreness. These data suggest that this nutritional strategy
might be useful to maintain satisfactory performance in condensed competitions and training camps.
Caution is warranted when planning long-term antioxidant supplementation, as training adaptations
might be blunted. Future studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms underlying faster recovery of
RE when consuming antioxidant juice.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.C.R.L. and B.S.D.; data curation, L.C.R.L., R.V.B. and N.M.B.; formal
analysis, C.C.G. and B.S.D.; funding acquisition, L.C.R.L. and B.S.D.; investigation, L.C.R.L., R.V.B. and N.M.B.;
methodology, L.C.R.L. and B.S.D.; project administration, L.C.R.L. and B.S.D.; resources, L.C.R.L.; Supervision,
C.C.G. and B.S.D.; writing–original draft, L.C.R.L. and R.V.B.; writing–review & editing, N.M.B, C.C.G. and B.S.D.
Funding: This work was funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) grant number 2013/23585-4 and
the APC was funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) grant number 2019/17202-1.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Professor Glyn Howatson for his contributions to this work
and all participants for their effort.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
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| Consumption of An Anthocyanin-Rich Antioxidant Juice Accelerates Recovery of Running Economy and Indirect Markers of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage Following Downhill Running. | 09-23-2019 | Lima, Leonardo C R,Barreto, Renan V,Bassan, Natália M,Greco, Camila C,Denadai, Benedito S | eng |
PMC10405799 | Resultant equations for training load
monitoring during a standard microcycle
in sub-elite youth football: a principal
components approach
José Eduardo Teixeira1,2,3, Pedro Forte1,2,4, Ricardo Ferraz1,5,
Luís Branquinho1,4, Ryland Morgans6, António José Silva1,7,
António Miguel Monteiro1,2 and Tiago M. Barbosa1,2
1 Research Centre in Sports, Health and Human Development, Covilhã, Portugal
2 Department of Sport Sciences, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal
3 Department of Sport Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, Guarda, Portugal
4 CI-ISCE Douro, Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of the Douro, Penafiel, Portugal
5 Department of Sport Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
6 Institute for Coaching and Performance, University of Central Lancashire, Preston,
United Kingdom
7 Sport Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Applying data-reduction techniques to extract meaningful information from
electronic performance and tracking systems (EPTS) has become a hot topic in
football training load (TL) monitoring. The aim of this study was to reduce the
dimensionality of the internal and external load measures, by a principal component
approach, to describe and explain the resultant equations for TL monitoring during a
standard in-season microcycle in sub-elite youth football. Additionally, it is intended
to identify the most representative measure for each principal component. A
principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted with a Monte Carlo parallel
analysis and VariMax rotation to extract baseline characteristics, external TL, heart
rate (HR)-based measures and perceived exertion. Training data were collected from
sixty sub-elite young football players during a 6-week training period using 18 Hz
global positioning system (GPS) with inertial sensors, 1 Hz short-range telemetry
system, total quality recovery (TQR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Five
principal components accounted for 68.7% of the total variance explained in the
training data. Resultant equations from PCA was subdivided into: (1) explosiveness,
accelerations and impacts (27.4%); (2) high-speed running (16.2%); (3) HR-based
measures (10.0%); (4) baseline characteristics (8.3%); and (5) average running
velocity (6.7%). Considering the highest factor in each principal component,
decelerations (PCA 1), sprint distance (PCA 2), average HR (PCA 3), chronological
age (PCA 4) and maximal speed (PCA 5) are the conditional dimension to be
considered in TL monitoring during a standard microcycle in sub-elite youth football
players. Current research provides the first composite equations to extract the most
representative components during a standard in-season microcycle in sub-elite youth
football players. Futures research should expand the resultant equations within
training days, by considering other well-being measures, technical-tactical skills and
match-related contextual factors.
How to cite this article Teixeira JE, Forte P, Ferraz R, Branquinho L, Morgans R, Silva AJ, Monteiro AM, Barbosa TM. 2023. Resultant
equations for training load monitoring during a standard microcycle in sub-elite youth football: a principal components approach.
PeerJ 11:e15806 DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
Submitted 26 January 2023
Accepted 7 July 2023
Published 4 August 2023
Corresponding author
Tiago M. Barbosa, [email protected]
Academic editor
Silvia Comani
Additional Information and
Declarations can be found on
page 15
DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
2023 Teixeira et al.
Distributed under
Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Subjects Kinesiology, Sports Injury, Sports Medicine
Keywords Youth, Workload, Soccer, Global positioning system, PCA
Training load (TL) monitoring has become a research hot topic in youth football
(Impellizzeri et al., 2022; Staunton et al., 2021). This is largely due to the growing access to
electronic performance and tracking systems (EPTS) that provides valid TL measures (de
Dios-Álvarez et al., 2021; Oliva-Lozano & Muyor, 2022). In recent years, the weekly TL
variation has been extensively analyzed in elite and sub-elite football contexts (Teixeira
et al., 2022a). Training monitoring has been extensively performed using objective and
subjective methods to monitor internal training load (ITL) and external training load
(ETL) (Impellizzeri et al., 2022). Global positioning system (GPS) devices have become a
customary, low-cost and optimal navigation satellite system to extract valid and reliable
ETL outcomes (e.g., distances, sprints, accelerations (ACC), change of directions or body
impacts) (Beato et al., 2018; Buchheit et al., 2021). Otherwise, the ITL has been usually
monitored by heart rate (HR) and perceived exertion using non-invasive wearable sensor
systems, rating perceived exertion (RPE) and total quality recovery (TQR) scales (Haddad
et al., 2017; Brink et al., 2010). The research has shown a significant correlation between
ETL and ITL in young athletes, however it is still difficult to interpret fitness-recovery
status (Impellizzeri et al., 2022). Combining ETL and ITL has been reported as a valid
strategy to analyse dose-response dissonances, however the major influencing factor
remain to be defined (Bourdon et al., 2017; Teixeira et al., 2021a).
Additionally, the emergent tracking tools appears to have created confusion in
dose-response considerations given the data analysis requirement to extract relevant
information from large amounts of data (Griffin et al., 2021; Scantlebury et al., 2020). This
kind of tracking device can provide big datasets express as a thousand data per second
expressed by a large number of variables depending on the time-motion technology used
(Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020; Ruan et al., 2022). Otherwise, another challenge has been to
standardize the physical and psychophysiological data in meaningful information
(Impellizzeri et al., 2022; Staunton et al., 2021; Vanrenterghem et al., 2017). As well,
capturing the training frequency, intensity, time/duration, type, volume, and progression
(FITT-VP) variables is another critical challenge created by tracking systems (Staunton
et al., 2021; Scantlebury et al., 2020). Thus, it is more critical than ever to turning datasets
into relevant information for athlete-monitoring cycle (Teixeira et al., 2021a; Weaving
et al., 2019). Afterwards, the data-reduction techniques has been applied to explain the
dimensionality of the TL variables in different football codes such as futsal (Rico-González
et al., 2022a), Australian football (Sheehan et al., 2020), rugby (Scantlebury et al., 2020;
Weaving et al., 2020) and Gaelic football (Gamble et al., 2019).
Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the most used data-reduction techniques
to extract redundant information from TL data in football (Rico-González et al., 2022b;
Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). Using a PCA approach, a significant percentage of the total
variance in a dataset can be extracted (Warmenhoven et al., 2019). Thus, PCA analysis
allows to reduce the complexity in a large group of correlated variables by determining the
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
principal components (O’Donoghue, 2008; Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). Recently, a
systematic review conducted in football reported a 77.1% of explained variance in 12.8
extracted variables out of 51.4 variables distributed over 6.4 principal components (Rojas-
Valverde et al., 2020). However, the studies with PCA approaches has focused mainly on
TL monitoring in professional and elite youth football (Casamichana et al., 2019;
Scantlebury et al., 2020; Sheehan et al., 2020). Until now, PCA approaches were only
applied in elite football contexts to simplify the TL having regard to different game formats
(Casamichana et al., 2019; Zurutuza et al., 2020), contextual factors (Gonçalves et al., 2019;
Oliva-Lozano et al., 2021), competition level (Ricotti et al., 2013), positional role (Moura
et al., 2015), tactical behaviour (Ric et al., 2016; Rico-González et al., 2022b) and motor
skills (Los Arcos, Mendiguchia & Javier, 2017). Recently, some studies have described the
application of TL monitoring strategies during a weekly microcycle in sub-elite youth
football, expressing by a low seasonal variation and a high weekly variation (Teixeira et al.,
2021b, 2022b). Therefore, it is important to establish the major influencing factor for an
accurate training monitoring and manipulation during a standard microcyle. Also, an
optical TL monitoring can enhance a proper long-term athlete development, injury
prevention and training design (Pino-Ortega et al., 2021; Rico-González et al., 2022c; Rojas-
Valverde et al., 2020). More specifically, this can help research, practitioners and coaches to
prescribe adequate training intensity over a standard microcycle in youth football (Rico-
González et al., 2022a). Therefore it is critical to standardize and reduce the dimensionality
of the weekly training data in young football players from sub-elite contexts (Teixeira et al.,
2022c; Trecroci et al., 2018). Thus, the aim of this study was to reduce the dimensionality of
the internal and external load measures, by a PCA approach, in order to describe and
explain the resultant equations for TL monitoring during a standard microcycle in a
sub-elite youth football players. Additionally, it is intended to identify the most
representative measure for each principal component.
Sixty sub-elite youth and male football players were included this study from an under (U)
15 (n = 20), U17 (n = 20) and U19 (n = 20) sub-elite youth football academy (Table 1).
All parents or legal guardians were written briefed about research aims and risks, providing
a written consent for participant’s inclusion. The research was developed in accordance
with the Declaration of Helsinki (Winter & Maughan, 2009) with an ethical approval from
the local Ethical Committee from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (3379-
Quasi-experimental approach
Current research has a prospective, observational and cross-sectional design, by applying
an individual TL strategy via GPS technology, HR monitoring system, RPE and TQR
scales. Resultant equations for TL monitoring in sub-elite youth football was obtained by a
PCA approach. The weekly TL was continuously monitored during 2019–2020 in-season,
representing a total of 6-week period from 18 training sessions and 324 observation cases
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
(Teixeira et al., 2021b, 2022d). A minimum of 150 observation cases (i.e., 5 to 10 cases per
variable) was assured to perform PCA analysis (Jolliffe & Cadima, 2016). Figure 1
summarizes the procedures for quasi-experimental approach.
The training data eligibility considered the following inclusion criteria: (a) youth football
players aged between 13 and 20 years old (i.e., U15, U17 and U19) (Teixeira et al., 2021a);
(b) young football players should have at least 5 years of competitive experience in football
(Ford et al., 2020); (c) training data featured at least 35 consecutive playing minutes
without any break for injury, abandonment or other arbitrary reason (de Dios-Álvarez
et al., 2021); (d) training data considered a competitive one-game week schedule and three
training sessions per week (Teixeira et al., 2021b, 2022a). The exclusion of cases occurred
when the following exclusion criteria were met: (a) event of absence, injury, illness and
abandonment during monitored training sessions; (b) players that were not integrated in
the common team session due to rehabilitation, complementary and/or individual training
sessions; (c) the match data was not included in the analysis (Teixeira et al., 2022d).
For ETL and ITL monitoring, each participant wore the micro-technology (i.e., GPS and
HR) within a little pocket on the upper back between both scapulae of a custom-made vest
Table 1 Description baseline characteristics of participants.
U15 (n = 20)
U17 (n = 20)
U19 (n = 20)
Overall (n = 60)
Age (y)
13.28 ± 0.49
15.39 ± 0.51
17.29 ± 0.55
15.19 ± 1.75
RA (a.u.)
0.25 ± 0.17
0.25 ± 0.17
0.24 ± 0.20
0.25 ± 0.18
MO (a.u.)
−0.42 ± 0.76
2.02 ± 1.09
2.23 ± 1.49
1.33 ± 1.67
Height (m)
1.69 ± 0.78
1.76 ± 0.48
1.76 ± 0.70
1.74 ± 0.08
Weight (kg)
55.67 ± 9.41
64.28 ± 6.61
68.90 ± 8.39
62.48 ± 10.03
BMI (kg/m2)
19.29 ± 1.99
20.68 ± 1.79
22.11 ± 1.50
20.61 ± 2.14
Sitting height (cm)
81.96 ± 5.78
92.02 ± 7.61
90.73 ± 8.06
88.36 ± 8.51
PHV (cm)
14.18 ± 0.80
13.90 ± 1.09
14.46 ± 1.87
14.20 ± 1.39
Experience (y)
4.82 ± 0.90
6.64 ± 1.65
8.81 ± 1.70
6.76 ± 1.42
Abbreviations: a.u., arbitrary unit; BMI, body mass index; MO, maturity offset; PHV, peak high velocity; RA, relative age;
y, years.
Figure 1 Training load monitoring using a prospective, observational and cross-sectional design.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15806/fig-1
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
(Beato et al., 2018). All methodological procedures for ETL and ITL were previously
applied for 2 weeks to familiarize players with data collection (de Dios-Álvarez et al., 2021).
Using a “match day minus format” (MD), the weekly microcycle included the training
sessions MD-3 (Tuesday), MD-2 (Wednesday), and MD-1 (Friday). The number of
observation for each training day was: MD-3 (n = 41), MD-2 (n = 38), and MD-1 (n = 44)
(Teixeira et al., 2022d, 2021b). The training days for the three age groups were the same
following this order: U15—6 to 7:30 PM; U17—7:30 to 9:00 PM; U19—9:00 PM to 10:30
PM. The average duration of training sessions had the following lengths for each age
group: U15 = 148.99 min; U17 = 132.46 min; U19 = 195.95 min. Medical and logistical
staff members ensured that all training classes had standardized clothes, nutrition and
medical care during training sessions (Teixeira et al., 2022d). All training sessions were
performed on a synthetic turf outdoor pitch with official dimensions (FIFA standard;
100 m × 70 m) and similar environment conditions (i.e., 14–20 C; relative humidity
52–66%) (Coutinho et al., 2015).
Weekly standard microcycle
Table 2 showed the weekly training overview in the studied sub-elite youth football
academy. The standard microcycle was planned in accordance with the following key
points: (i) training aims, time duration and pitch dimensions; (ii) physiological target and
speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) emphasis; (iv) training tasks and exercises. Weekly
training overview was designed according to field notes and academy training model. Also,
current typical microcycle was designed during an in-season standard microcycle with
aforementioned training days (i.e., MD-3, MD-2 and MD-1) (Branquinho, Ferraz &
Marques, 2021; Rago et al., 2020). Small, medium, large-sided, and simulated games (i.e.,
Table 2 Weekly standard microcycle in the sampled sub-elite youth football academy.
MD-3 (Tuesday)
MD-2 (Wednesday)
MD-1 (Friday)
Aim (tactical) Recovery/technical skills
Acquisitive training focused on game
principles (collective behaviour and
Finishing situations and tactical schemes
90 min
90 min
90 min
50 m × 60 m (half field)
100 m × 60 m (entire field)
50 m × 60 m (half field)
75–80% HRmax
90–95% HRmax
>85% MRS
Strength (Quickness, COD
and agility)
Warm up
Technical and coordination
Dynamic stretching
Plyometric exercises and SSC
(1) SSG, MSG, and ball
possession (small areas);
(1) Ball possession, LSG and simulated games; (1) Finishing exercises (i.e., individual, sectional and
intersecional situations: 1 × 0 + GK to 11 × 0 + GK);
(2) Individual enrichment
training (i.e., 1v1 to 3v3).
(2) Game strategy.
(2) Tactical schemes (i.e., outsides and corners).
Abbreviations: COD, change of direction speed; GK, goalkeeper; HRmax, maximal heart rate; LSG, large-side games; MD, “match day minus” format; MSG, medium-sided
games; MRS, maximum running speed; PHV, peak high velocity; SAQ, speed, agility and quickness; SSC, stretch-shortening cycle; SSG, small-sided games.
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
SSG, MSG, LSG) was categorized in accordance with Zurutuza et al. (2020). The SAQ
training was classified by Trecroci et al. (2016) for sub-elite football players.
Training load measures
Table 3 described the construct, measurement unit, and formula for each ETL and ITL
measure. All constructs were considered according to previous TL-based reports,
specifically: (i) total distance (TD); (ii) average running velocity; (iii) high-speed running
(HSR); (iv) explosiveness, ACC and body impacts; (v) HR-based measures; and (vi)
perceived exertion and recovery (Rico-González et al., 2022a; Sheehan et al., 2020; Teixeira
et al., 2021a).
External load measures
The ETL was tracked using a 18 Hz global positioning system (GPS) coupled with
accelerometer (100 Hz), magnetometer (10 Hz) and gyroscope (100 Hz) (STATSports
Apex, Northern Ireland) (Buchheit et al., 2021). With a reliable satellite signal, all devices
were turned on 30 min before the training data collection (Beato et al., 2018; Buchheit et al.,
Table 3 Construct, description and formulas from external and internal training load.
Description and formula
ETL Total distance
TD (m)
Total distance covered (in meters)
Average running velocity
Game pace or average speed distance in meter per minutes.
MRS (m·s−1) Maximal speed in meter per seconds
High intensity running
rHSR (m)
Relative high-speed running (rHSR) distance (m) covered at 19.8–25.1 km·h−1.
SPR (n | m)
The sprints were measured by number and average sprint distance (m) in a velocity >25.1 km·h−1.
accelerations and
HMLD (m)
High metabolic load distance (HMLD) is a metabolic variable defined as the distance, expressed in
meters, covered by player when the metabolic power exceeds 25.5 W·kg−1.
DSL (au)
The DSL was computed by measuring the sum of the accelerations in the three orthogonal axes of
movement (expressed as a G force > 2G).
Number of accelerations (>3 m·s−2) and decelerations.
Maximum heart rate (HRmax)
Average heart rate (AvHR).
Percentage of HRmax (%HRmax)
TRIMP (au)
Akubat TRIMP (iTRIMP) = Training duration × 0.2053e3.5179x. Among which e = Napierian
logarithms, 3.5179 is the exponent, and x = HRratio.
Perceived exertion
and recovery
RPE (au)
Perceived exertion was measured by 15-point Portuguese Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion 6–20
Scale (Borg RPE 6–20).
The sRPE was obtained by multiplying total duration of training sessions for each individual RPE
TQR (au)
To monitor recovery, each player was asked to report the TQR score on a scale from 6 to 20.
Abbreviations: ACC, acceleration; AvHR, average heart rate; AvS, average speed; DEC, deceleration; HMLD, high metabolic load distance; HRmax, maximal heart rate;
MRS, maximum running speed; SPR, average sprint distance; SPR_N, number of sprints; sRPE, session ratings of perceived exertion; TD, total distance; TL, Training load;
TQR, total quality recovery; TRIMP, training impulse.
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
2021). The accuracy of GPS Apex devices was good (bias 5%) (Beato et al., 2018).
The ETL measures were as follows: TD covered (m), average speed (AvS (m·min−1)),
maximal running speed (MRS (m·s−1)), relative high-speed running (rHSR (m):
19.8–25.1 km·h−1) distance (m), high metabolic load distance (HMLD (m) > 25.5 W·kg−1),
number sprints (n) and average sprint distance (SPR (m) (>25.1 km·h−1)) (m), dynamic
stress load (DSL (a.u.)), number of ACC (>3 m·s−2) and number of decelerations
(DEC < 3 m·s−2) (Teixeira et al., 2021b, 2022a) (Table 3).
Internal training load measures
The ITL were obtained by RPE, TQR, and the HR monitors. A Garmin TM HR band
(Garmin Ltd, International Ltd., Olathe, KS, USA) was used to capture HR-based
measurements utilizing a 1 Hz short-range telemetry system (Gómez-Carmona et al.,
2020). Maximum heart rate (HRmax), average heart rate (HRmean), percentage of HRmax (%
HRmax) and individual players’ training impulse (TRIMP) were monitored (Akubat et al.,
2012; Branquinho, Ferraz & Marques, 2021). The Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1
(YYIR1) was used to determine HRmax (Bangsbo, Iaia & Krustrup, 2008). The 15-point
Portuguese Borg’s RPE 6-20 scale (Cabral et al., 2020) and TQR 6-20 score (Brink et al.,
2010; Kenttä & Hassmén, 1998) were used to evaluate perceived effort. The entire time of
training sessions for each participant was multiplied to get the session RPE (sRPE = RPE ×
session duration). Individual RPE’s and TQR’s were taken 30 min after and before each
training session, respectively. Players were already familiarized with the RPE procedures by
reporting in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA,
USA) (Teixeira et al., 2021b, 2022a) (Table 3).
Baseline characteristics
Players’ individual characteristics were collected by height (m), weight (kg), chronological
age (years), sitting height (cm) and experience level (years). Anthropometric measures
were measured using standard the International Society for the Advancement of
Kinanthropometry (ISAK) guidelines (Marfell-Jones et al., 2006). Body mass (kg) was
evaluated by an electronic scale Tanita MC 780-P MA (Tanita Corporation, Tokyo,
Japan) with minimum clothing. Height (cm) was collected using an electronic stadiometer
(Seca, Hamburg, Germany). Players’ height (m), weight (kg) and sitting height (cm) were
recorded by the average of three measurements to the nearest 0.1 using international units
(IU). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated by dividing weight by the square of height
(kg/m2). BMI’s cut-offs used were: underweight < 18.5 kg/m2, normal 18.50–24.99 kg/m2,
overweight ≥ 25 kg/m2, obese ≥ 30 kg/m2 (Suarez-Arrones et al., 2018). Relative age (a.u.)
was calculated as the difference between the player’s birthdate and the cut-off date (31st
August) was divided by the number of 365 days a year (Hill et al., 2020). Based on a
predictive set of Mirwald’s equations, maturity offset and peak high velocity (PHV) were
calculated (Mirwald et al., 2002; Teixeira et al., 2022a). Sub-elite young football was
divided into pre-PHV (n = 52), mid-PHV (n = 65) and post-PHV (n = 207).
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
Resultant equations for training load monitoring
The individual-based principal component in the resultant equations for TL monitoring
were: low-moderate volume, high intensity, explosiveness, change of direction, collisions
and body impacts (Rico-González et al., 2022a; Sheehan et al., 2020; Teixeira et al., 2021a).
Also, the resultant equations added the baseline characteristics (i.e., anthropometric and
maturational status) and the ITL measures (de Dios-Álvarez et al., 2021; Suarez-Arrones
et al., 2018). Thus, the resultant equations was computed by a PCA approach can be
expressed by the following algorithm (Jolliffe & Cadima, 2016):
PCAn ¼
Φi1 xi þ Φi2 x2 . . .
ÞΦin xn
where the PCAn is the n principal component, Φ is the loading vector comprising loadings
(i1, i1…) of the first principal component. The loadings must have a sum of squares of
exactly one. This is due to the possibility of a considerable variation when loadings are of a
great magnitude.
It also specifies how the major component will move (PCAn), along which data varies
the most (Jokiniemi, Pietilä & Mikkonen, 2021). The outcome is a line that is closest to the
n observations in p-dimensional space. Euclidean distance squared is used to gauge
proximity; xn are normalized predictors. Normalized predictors (xn) have mean values
equal to zero and standard deviations equal to one (Jokiniemi, Pietilä & Mikkonen, 2021;
Jolliffe & Cadima, 2016). Resultant equation to quantify the weighted TL was expressed by:
TLweekly ¼
PCA1 þ PCA2 . . .
where the TLWeekly is the sum of each PCA (p) and its weighted load vector (Jolliffe &
Cadima, 2016).
Statistical analysis
A data reduction technique was conducted using a principal component analysis (PCA)
with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) (Pino-Ortega et al., 2021; Rojas-Valverde et al.,
2020). Monte Carlo parallel analysis were conducted to determine the number of extracted
factors (Jokiniemi, Pietilä & Mikkonen, 2021). Z score were computed to scaled and
centered final selection variables for PCA using Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) values for
measure of sampling adequacy and the Bartlett Sphericity test to ensure the sampled
training data was suitable for data reduction. Factor analysis was acceptable when KMO
values are greater than 0.6 and Bartlett Sphericity less than 0.05 (Pino-Ortega et al., 2021).
The number of PCA to be retained was determined using the scree plot for the derived
factor eigenvalues, considering eigenvalues greater than 1 (Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020).
Factor’s components loading was computed using an orthogonal rotation with a VariMax
method due to perpendicularity in the correlation matrix of the interest variables
(Warmenhoven et al., 2019). Selection criteria for extraction of non-correlated variables
was performed in r < 0.4 (Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). Weightings (eigenvectors) are
represented by a 2D plot and the results of the PCA are presented in a path analysis.
The sample size was calculated by GPower, Version (Institut für Experimentelle
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
Psychologie, Düsseldorf, Germany) with an effect size ß of 0.4, an a of 0.05, and a power of
0.8 (1−ß) (Teixeira et al., 2022a). Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Levene’s test were used to
assess the normality and homogeneity. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Data are
presented as the mean ± SD using JASP software (JASP Team, 2022;
Data-reduction procedure, eigenvalue and component number
Figure 2 presents the eigenvalue ranged between 1.44% and 5.21%. Overall, five PCA
accounted for 68.6% of the total explained variance. The five extracted PCA explained
27.4%, 16.2%, 10.0%, 8.3% and 6.7% of the variance in TL dataset, respectively. Thus, the
first PC explained 27.4% of the TL by TD, HMLD, DSL, ACC and DEC. The second PCA
explained 16.2% of the TL thought HSRr and SPR. The thirty PCA explained 10.0% of the
TL via HRmax, AvHR, %HR and TRIMP. The fourth PCA explained 8.3% of the baseline
outset (i.e., sRPE, TQR, maturation offset and chronological age). The fifth PCA explained
6.7% of the accumulated TL (i.e., AvS and MRS). Constantly, PHV, relative age, experience
level and BMI were excluded from the PCA (r < 0.4).
Table 4 also shows the data-reduction procedure resulting from rotated component
matrix for accumulated TL variables with factor component loadings (eigenvectors). Four
variables were excluded from the PCA due to the communalities below 0.4 (i.e., PHV,
relative age, experience level and BMI). Also, KMO’s criteria reported a sampling adequacy
of sampled data, reporting a considerable proportion of the variance as result of the
underlying factors (KMO = 0.73). Furthermore, significant Barlett Sphericity test was
significant (p < 0.001).
Resultant equations and paths from principal components analysis
The weightings (eigenvectors) of the PCA analysis are represented by a path graph in
Fig. 3. Overall, the weightings ranged between −0.52 to 0.97. The highest weightings were
observed in AvHR (bpm) (PCA 3) and the lowest weightings in sRPE (au) (PCA 4).
Simulated (95th quantile)
Figure 2 Scree plot for principal component analysis representing the component, explained
variance and eigenvalues.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15806/fig-2
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
Considering the highest factor in each principal component, the variables considered were
TD (0.698), SPR (0.940), AvHR (0.967), Age (0.836) and MRS (0.790) for PCA 1 to PCA 5.
The resultant equations from extracted principal component are presented in Table 5.
On this basis, the resultant equations for TL monitoring during a weekly microcycle can be
expressed into five principal components determine the equations for the baseline
variables: (1) explosiveness and impacts; (2) HSR; (3) HR measures; (4) baseline
characteristics; (5) average running velocity.
The aim of this study was to reduce the dimensionality of the internal and external load
measures, by a PCA approach, in order to describe and explain the resultant equations for
TL monitoring during a standard microcycle in a sub-elite youth football players.
Additionally, it is intended to identify the most representative measure for each principal
component. After data reduction, five principal components were extracted from TL
dataset explaining 68.7% of the total variance. The TL measures with the highest weight in
each PCA were DEC, SPR distance, average HR, chronological age and MRS.
Resultant equations for TL monitoring during a standard microcycle in sub-elite youth
football was split into: (1) explosiveness, ACC and impacts (27.4%); (2) HSR (16.2%); (3)
heart bate-based measures (10.0%); (4) baseline characteristics (8.3%); (5) average running
Table 4 Principal component analysis: data reduction procedure using varimax for rotated
component matrix with factor loadings (eigenvectors) >0.4.
TD (m)
AvS (m·min−1)
MRS (m·s−1)
HSRr (m)
HMLD (m)
SPR (n)
SPR (m)
DSL (au)
ACC (m·s−2)
DEC (m·s−2)
HRmax (bpm)
HRAv (bpm)
TRIMP (au)
sRPE (au)
TQR (au)
Age (y)
Abbreviations: ACC, acceleration; AvHR, average heart rate; AvS, average speed; DEC, deceleration; HMLD, high
metabolic load distance; HRmax, maximal heart rate; MRS, maximum running speed; SPR, average sprint distance;
SPR_N, number of sprints; sRPE, session ratings of perceived exertion; TD, total distance; TQR, total quality recovery;
TRIMP, training impulse.
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
Table 5 Resultant equations from extracted principal component analysis.
PCA Construct
accelerations and
TD (m), HMLD (m), DSL (au), ACC
(>3 m·s−2), DEC (<3 m·s−2)
0.698 × TD (m) + 0.788 × HMLD (m) + 0.705 × DSL (au) + 0.844 ×
ACC (m·s−2) + 0.877 × DEC (m·s−2)
High intensity running
rHSR (19.8–25.1 km · h−1), SPR (n), SPR
0.928 × rHSR (km · h−1) + 0.895 × SPR (n) + 0.940 × SPR (m)
Heart rate
HRmax (bpm), AvHR (bpm), %HRmax,
TRIMP (au)
0.763 × HRmax (bpm) + 0.967 × AvHR (bpm) + 0.953 × %HRmax +
0.692 × AkubatTRIMP (au)
Baseline characteristics
TQR (au), sRPE (au), Offset (y), Age (y)
−0.553 × TQR (au) + −0.516 × sRPE (au) + 0.669 × Offset (y) + 0.836
× Age (y)
Average running velocity
AvS (m·min−1), MRS (m·s−1)
0.680 × AvS (m · min−1) + 0.790 × MRS (m·s−1)
Abbreviations: ACC, acceleration; AvHR, average heart rate; AvS, average speed; DEC, deceleration; HMLD, high metabolic load distance; HRmax, maximal heart rate;
MRS, maximum running speed; SPR, average sprint distance; SPR_N, number of sprints; sRPE, session ratings of perceived exertion; TD, total distance; TQR, total quality
recovery; TRIMP, training impulse.
Figure 3 Principal component analysis and weightings (eigenvectors) were presented with a path.
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15806/fig-3
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
velocity (6.7%). Considering the highest representative factor in each principal component,
the variables considered were DEC (PCA 1), SPR distance (PCA 2), average HR (PCA 3),
chronological age (PCA 4) and MRS (PCA 5). In football, Pino-Ortega et al. (2021) also
determined conditional dimensions such as angular velocity, speed displacements, HMLD,
HSR, SPR, TD covered, metabolic power, DSL, jumps, impacts, ACC and DEC. The first
PCA complies TD, HMLD, DSL, ACC and DEC, being grouped as explosiveness, ACC and
impacts. Although there is a definite correlation between body impacts, ACC, and DEC.
Otherwise, the TD may be due to an inverse relationship between training volume and
intensity (Castillo et al., 2020). Also, the metabolic power was rather than speed-based
zones to express running intensity (Osgnach et al., 2010). Nevertheless, the TD could fall
outside this construct at first sight. An interaction effect between TD and DEC had already
been documented for sub-elite football players (Teixeira et al., 2021b). The second PCA
extracted HSRr and SPR, wherefore the HSR is an excellent variable to give meaning about
training intensity (Harper et al., 2020). Zurutuza et al. (2020) combined peak velocity and
distance covered at different velocities in the same principal component, confirming our
results on high intensity demands. The third PCA complied the HR-based measures (i.e.,
HRmax, AvHR, %HRmax and TRIMP), confirming the correlation between HR-based
measures and ETL outcomes (de Dios-Álvarez et al., 2021; Ellis et al., 2021). The fourth
PCA was explained by TQR, sRPE, maturation offset and chronological age. Although the
fourth PCA has a lower variance explained it is fundamental to consider the influence of
chronological age, biological age and perceived exertion (Teixeira et al., 2022a). In line
with this component, the perceived exertion seems to be better explained with trainability,
maturation and stage of development (Malina et al., 2019). Also, the TL could be
influenced by acute: chronic workload ratio, training monotony and well-being variations
(Clemente et al., 2021a, 2021b; Rico-González et al., 2022c). Indeed, the literature reported
that greater acute: chronic workload ratio and training monotony levels are normally
associated with an increased risk of injury or health issues. These measurements might be
utilized to comprehend how the data changes throughout in-season phases (Rico-González
et al., 2022a). Effectively, perceived exertion in young football players may be also
influenced psychophysiological determinants as self-perception of competence and
practice experience (Branquinho et al., 2021; Ferraz et al., 2017, 2018). Leading biological
maturation in youth sports has become a research-practice gap still lacking knowledge
about sub-elite environments using data reduction approaches (Cumming, 2018; Teixeira
et al., 2021b, 2022c). Finally, the fifth PCA explained 6.7% of the accumulated TL thought
AvS and MRS. Pacing behavior was also reported as a key point to football performance
(Ferraz et al., 2018, 2020).
Research findings was slightly small than previous research in futsal (Rico-González
et al., 2022a), Australian football (Sheehan et al., 2020), rugby (Scantlebury et al., 2020;
Weaving et al., 2020) and Gaelic football (Gamble et al., 2019). Wherefore, the
comparisons with current research would consider the differences between football codes.
Scantlebury et al. (2020) reported a cumulative explained variance of 91%, 96% and 91%
variance in TL in rugby union, field hockey and soccer. Casamichana et al. (2019) reported
an explained variance of the external training intensity between 39% and 44%. Also, the
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
eigenvalue of this study ranged between 1.44% to 5.21% by setting up values of
accumulated TL substantially lower compared to other studies (i.e., eigenvalues between
1.0% and 68.0%) (Pino-Ortega et al., 2021; Scantlebury et al., 2020). Albeit, current research
represents the first time that this statistical approach has been used in a sub-elite youth
football, specifically using training data (Rico-González et al., 2022b; Rojas-Valverde et al.,
Current applied PCA determine the resultant equations from individual-based principal
components, expressing by major component weightings (Rico-González et al., 2022a;
Sheehan et al., 2020; Teixeira et al., 2021a). Indeed, this is the traditional PCA algorithm
that computes the principal components based on the covariance matrix or the singular
value decomposition the data. It is widely used methods in team sports for dimensionality
reduction, data visualization, and feature extraction (Pino-Ortega et al., 2021; Rico-
González et al., 2022b; Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). Other ratios, scores and equivalent
equations have already been proposed to measure the TL, by emphasizing training
intensity, volume or locomotion profile (Clemente et al., 2019; Owen et al., 2017; Rago
et al., 2019). However, the PCA algorithms are diverse and some have not yet been
implemented in football (Rico-González et al., 2022b; Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). Hence,
future perspective can explore other PCA algorithms such as incremental, Kernel, sparse
and robust PCA approaches (Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). Incremental PCA allows for
incremental updates to the principal components as new data points are added in large
datasets or when new data is continuously acquired, such as in real-time monitoring of
football players’ performance or training data (Jokiniemi, Pietilä & Mikkonen, 2021).
Kernel, sparse and robust PCA has been mainly applied for nonlinear dimensionality
reduction, sparsity constraints and noisy or incomplete data (Teixeira et al., 2022c).
Futures research should expand the resultant equations by considering other well-being,
technical-tactical and match-related contextual factors. Also, PCA approach must also
consider the principal component in TL monitoring when considering training mode (i.e.,
small-sided and conditioned games), training day (i.e., MD-3, MD-2, and MD-1), age
group (i.e., U15, U17, and U19) and maturational bands (i.e., pre-, mid- and post-PHV)
(Teixeira et al., 2021a). Additionally, the training data represents only a specific sub-elite
football academy and must be considered carefully when applied to another to other teams
and contexts. As study limitations, the sample size and number of factors was rather small
than previous studies with longer monitoring period (Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). Also, the
total variance was also relatively smaller for this PCA paths than other reports in football
codes (Pino-Ortega et al., 2021; Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). However, it must be ensured
that football had the lowest percentage of the variance comparing with other football codes
(Rojas-Valverde et al., 2020). Furthermore, choosing a higher threshold for total variance
(%) may result in fewer retained principal components and a higher degree of data
reduction with a consequent loss, noise or redundant information (Jokiniemi, Pietilä &
Mikkonen, 2021; Jolliffe & Cadima, 2016). In general, there is no strict rule for the
minimum value for percentage of total variance in PCA, as it depends on the specific
application and the trade-off between data reduction and information retention (Rojas-
Valverde et al., 2020). Furthermore, a commonly used threshold for retaining a principal
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
component is to choose those components that explain at least 60–80% of the total
variance, depending on the specific data analysis requirements (Jokiniemi, Pietilä &
Mikkonen, 2021; Jolliffe & Cadima, 2016). Finally, the TL strategies applied in this
quasi-experimental approach for only compiles GPS, HR and perceived exertion, however
more objective measure of fatigue and recovery should be considered in futures reports,
such as HR variability, electromyography signal intensity, biochemical markers and other
well-being measures (Clemente et al., 2021a, 2021b). Also, further PCA approaches are
needed to consider the principal components when integrating physical, physiological and
tactical factors in football under an integrative perspective (Teixeira et al., 2022c).
Current resultant composite equations can be applied to relative contribution of the ITL
and ETL measures for monitoring and management load in sub-elite youth football.
Data reduction techniques decrease the redundant information and dimensionality of
the training data, expressing in the following principal components: explosiveness and
impacts, high-speed running, heart bate-based measures, baseline characteristics and
average running velocity.
Considering the highest factor in each principal component, DEC (PCA 1), sprint
distance (PCA 2), average HR (PCA 3), chronological age (PCA 4) and maximal speed
(PCA 5) are the conditional dimension to be considered in TL monitoring during a
standard microcycle in sub-elite youth football players.
Maturational status should be carefully considered in the TL monitoring together with
relative age effect, chronological and baseline characteristics.
Self-perception and practice experience may affect the variance explained by perceived
exertion and pacing behavior.
Training intensity and volume can be more accurately measured by current resultant
composite equations and/or most representative factor for a standard microcycle in
sub-elite youth football players.
Futures research should expand the resultant equations for TL monitoring in sub-elite
youth football with well-being, technical-tactical and match-related contextual factors.
Using a PCA approach, five principal components could be applied to extract to describe
and explain resultant equations for TL monitoring during an in-season standard
microcycle in sub-elite youth football. Current research provides the first composite
equations to extract the TL in this specific population expressed as explosiveness and
impacts, high-speed running, HR-based measures, baseline characteristics and average
running velocity. Considering the highest factor in each principal component, DEC (PCA
1), SPR distance (PCA 2), average HR (PCA 3), chronological age (PCA 4) and maximal
SPR (PCA 5) are the conditional dimension to be considered in TL monitoring during a
standard microcycle in sub-elite youth football players.
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
Future research should expand the resultant equations within the microcycle, by
considering other well-being measures, technical-tactical factors and match-related
contextual factors.
This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation
for Science and Technology (UIDB/DTP/04045/2020). The funders had no role in study
design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Grant Disclosures
The following grant information was disclosed by the authors:
National Funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology:
Competing Interests
Tiago M. Barbosa is an Academic Editor for PeerJ.
Author Contributions
José Eduardo Teixeira conceived and designed the experiments, performed the
experiments, analyzed the data, prepared figures and/or tables, authored or reviewed
drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.
Pedro Forte conceived and designed the experiments, prepared figures and/or tables,
authored or reviewed drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.
Ricardo Ferraz performed the experiments, analyzed the data, authored or reviewed
drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.
Luís Branquinho performed the experiments, analyzed the data, authored or reviewed
drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.
Ryland Morgans analyzed the data, authored or reviewed drafts of the article, and
approved the final draft.
António José Silva conceived and designed the experiments, authored or reviewed drafts
of the article, and approved the final draft.
António Miguel Monteiro conceived and designed the experiments, authored or
reviewed drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.
Tiago M. Barbosa conceived and designed the experiments, authored or reviewed drafts
of the article, and approved the final draft.
Human Ethics
The following information was supplied relating to ethical approvals (i.e., approving body
and any reference numbers):
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
The experimental approach was approved and followed by the local Ethical Committee
from University of Trás-os-Montes & Alto Douro (3379-5002PA67807).
Teixeira et al. (2023), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.15806
Data Availability
The following information was supplied regarding data availability:
The raw measurements are available in the Supplemental File.
Supplemental Information
Supplemental information for this article can be found online at
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| Resultant equations for training load monitoring during a standard microcycle in sub-elite youth football: a principal components approach. | 08-04-2023 | Teixeira, José Eduardo,Forte, Pedro,Ferraz, Ricardo,Branquinho, Luís,Morgans, Ryland,Silva, António José,Monteiro, António Miguel,Barbosa, Tiago M | eng |
PMC8541599 | medicina
Comparison and Performance Validation of Calculated and
Established Anaerobic Lactate Thresholds in Running
Sanghyeon Ji 1,2
, Aldo Sommer 1,3, Wilhelm Bloch 1,3 and Patrick Wahl 4,*
Citation: Ji, S.; Sommer, A.; Bloch,
W.; Wahl, P. Comparison and
Performance Validation of Calculated
and Established Anaerobic Lactate
Thresholds in Running. Medicina
2021, 57, 1117.
Academic Editor: Jan Bilski
Received: 15 September 2021
Accepted: 12 October 2021
Published: 16 October 2021
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Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
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The German Research Centre of Elite Sport, German Sport University Cologne, 50933 Cologne, Germany;
[email protected] (S.J.); [email protected] (A.S.); [email protected] (W.B.)
Department of Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology, Institute of Sport Sciences,
Goethe University Frankfurt, 60487 Frankfurt, Germany
Department of Molecular and Cellular Sport Medicine, Institute of Cardiology and Sports Medicine,
German Sport University Cologne, 50933 Cologne, Germany
Institute of Interdisciplinary Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Medical School Hamburg,
20457 Hamburg, Germany
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +49-40-361-226-43209
Abstract: Background and Objectives: This study aimed to compare the calculated running veloc-
ity at the anaerobic lactate threshold (cLTAn), determined by a mathematical model for metabolic
simulation, with two established threshold concepts (onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA;
4 mmol·L−1) and modified maximal deviation method (mDmax)). Additionally, all threshold con-
cepts were correlated with performance in different endurance running events. Materials and Methods:
Ten sub-elite runners performed a 30 s sprint test on a cycle ergometer adjusted to an isokinetic mode
set to a cadence of 120 rpm to determine maximal lactate production rate (VLamax), and a graded
exercise test on a treadmill to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Running velocities at
OBLA, mDmax, and cLTAn were then compared with each other, and further correlated with running
performance over various distances (3000 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m). Results: The mean difference
in cLTAn was −0.13 ± 0.43 m·s−1 and −0.32 ± 0.39 m·s−1 compared to mDmax (p = 0.49) and
OBLA (p < 0.01), respectively. cLTAn indicated moderate to good concordance with the established
threshold concepts (mDmax: ICC = 0.87, OBLA: ICC = 0.74). In comparison with other threshold
concepts, cLTAn exhibited comparable correlations with the assessed running performances (cLTAn:
r = 0.61–0.76, mDmax: r = 0.69–0.79, OBLA: r = 0.56–0.69). Conclusion: Our data show that cLTAn
can be applied for determining endurance performance during running. Due to the consideration
of individual physiological profiles, cLTAn offers a physiologically justified approach to assess an
athlete’s endurance performance.
Keywords: aerobic capacity; anaerobic capacity; maximal lactate production rate; exercise testing;
endurance performance; metabolism
1. Introduction
Determination of the blood lactate response during exercise is among the most widely
used performance diagnostic tools [1,2]. Blood lactate concentration increases above the
resting value with increasing exercise intensity. However, as long as exercise is performed at
a constant exercise intensity under a certain intensity threshold, blood lactate concentration
remains constant, physiologically known as a steady-state condition [3,4]. At a certain
exercise intensity, a minor increment in the workload induces an accelerated blood lactate
accumulation and subsequent fatigue-related metabolic consequences, such as the negative
impact of hydrogen ion accumulation (acidosis) on muscle function and performance [4–7].
This considerable point has been defined as the anaerobic lactate threshold (LTAn), which is
generally considered to be a good indicator of individual aerobic endurance performance
and can be used for prescribing endurance training intensities [8,9].
Medicina 2021, 57, 1117.
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In recent decades, researchers have developed several concepts to determine LTAn.
Most LTAn concepts are usually applied to lactate performance curves derived from graded
incremental exercise tests [8]. Most existing LTAn concepts use either fixed lactate con-
centrations [4,10] or inflection points [11,12] as their determination criteria. However,
these criteria are derived either arbitrarily or empirically from the graphical analysis of
the lactate performance curve. Moreover, LTAn has shown to be strongly dependent on
the applied test protocol [13,14] and on the athlete’s training status [15], which is critical
because there is no clear standardized test procedure defined, which thus hinders accurate
data interpretation and comparison. Therefore, the physiological background and the
validity/reliability/comparability of these LTAn concepts have been questioned [8].
Lactate production and removal are ongoing processes, which are closely related
to metabolic rate but not necessarily to oxygen delivery [5,6,16,17]. There is a continual
exchange of lactate between various organs and cells, which can be used as an energy source
for oxidative energy production and/or as a major precursor to gluconeogenesis [5,17].
This emphasizes the complexity of metabolic processes behind blood lactate concentrations
during exercise or other conditions. Limiting interpretation solely to blood lactate kinetics
in response to graded exercise tests allows only scarce insight into the complex metabolic
processes of total energy production [18,19].
In 1984, Mader [20] suggested that the lactate performance curve and the correspond-
ing exercise intensity at LTAn may be influenced by aerobic (maximal oxygen uptake;
VO2max) or anaerobic (glycolytic) capacity (maximal lactate production rate; VLamax) sepa-
rately [20]. Further research confirmed this assumption and showed that different com-
binations of VO2max and VLamax can result in two identical lactate performance curves
with equal LTAn [18]. In a more differentiated approach, Mader and Heck [3] proposed a
mathematical simulation model of energy production processes in skeletal muscle. Using
Michaelis–Menten kinetics, these researchers described the activation of glycolysis as a
lactate production system and the oxidative phosphorylation as a combustion system, both
depending on the total metabolic rate [3]. Based on this theoretical construct, the term
“maximal steady-state of blood lactate (MLSS)” was introduced (as another concept of
LTAn), at which the extent of lactate formation by glycolysis is exactly equal to the maximal
elimination rate of lactate by combustion. Thus, no lactate accumulation in blood lactate
over time occurs (Figure 1) [3]. Thereby, it was suggested that accelerated accumulation of
blood lactate during exercise is due to the saturation of the combustion system (oxidative
phosphorylation) [3], which was later verified by subsequent investigations of lactate
kinetics during exercise [6,21]. As this mathematical model considers both the maximal
aerobic and anaerobic capacities for the determination of LTAn, it provides differentiated
information about the energetic background of LTAn, as well as the physiological profile of
an athlete [18].
Based on Mader’s approach, Hauser et al. [22] applied the mathematical model to
calculate the power output at MLSS during cycling using individual VO2max- and VLamax-
values and demonstrated a significant correlation with the experimental determined MLSS,
and high reliability in the estimation of MLSS [23]. However, there is a lack of knowledge
regarding the transferability of the model to running. Furthermore, the calculation method
in the previous study [22] has only been compared to the empirically determined MLSS,
but not to the actual athlete’s competition performance, which is an essential aspect for a
practical application of a laboratory testing parameter [8]. Therefore, this study aimed to
calculate running velocity at LTAn using individual VO2max and VLamax and an adapted
mathematical method initially described by Mader and Heck [3] and Hauser et al. [22].
The calculated LTAn (cLTAn) was then compared with other established experimentally
determined LTAn concepts. Additionally, we aimed to validate cLTAn against the athlete’s
recent performance in endurance running events.
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Figure 1. An exemplary description of the mathematical model for metabolic simulation, presenting
the gross lactate formation (VLass) and the maximal lactate elimination rate (VLaoxmax) depending on
exercise intensity [22]. Maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) is defined as the exercise intensity at
which the lactate formation is exactly equal to elimination. VO2max = maximal oxygen uptake; VLamax
= maximal lactate production rate; Ks4 = individual constant value of the relationship between oxy-
gen demand and running velocity.
Based on Mader’s approach, Hauser et al. [22] applied the mathematical model to
calculate the power output at MLSS during cycling using individual VO2max- and VLamax-
values and demonstrated a significant correlation with the experimental determined
MLSS, and high reliability in the estimation of MLSS [23]. However, there is a lack of
knowledge regarding the transferability of the model to running. Furthermore, the calcu-
lation method in the previous study [22] has only been compared to the empirically de-
termined MLSS, but not to the actual athlete’s competition performance, which is an es-
sential aspect for a practical application of a laboratory testing parameter [8]. Therefore,
this study aimed to calculate running velocity at LTAn using individual VO2max and VLamax
and an adapted mathematical method initially described by Mader and Heck [3] and
Hauser et al. [22]. The calculated LTAn (cLTAn) was then compared with other established
experimentally determined LTAn concepts. Additionally, we aimed to validate cLTAn
against the athlete’s recent performance in endurance running events.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects
Ten sub-elite male middle- and long-distance runners (age = 19.2 ± 3.5 years, body
mass = 65.8 ± 5.8 kg, height = 181.7 ± 5.2 cm, VO2max = 69.8 ± 6.7 mL∙kg−1 min−1, VLamax = 0.39
± 0.09 mmol L−1 s−1) participated in this study. Prior to signing the written informed con-
sent of the investigation, all participants were informed about the experimental proce-
dures. The protocols used in this investigation were approved by the Ethics Committee of
the university and are in line with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Figure 1. An exemplary description of the mathematical model for metabolic simulation, presenting
the gross lactate formation (VLass) and the maximal lactate elimination rate (VLaoxmax) depending
on exercise intensity [22]. Maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) is defined as the exercise intensity
at which the lactate formation is exactly equal to elimination. VO2max = maximal oxygen uptake;
VLamax = maximal lactate production rate; Ks4 = individual constant value of the relationship
between oxygen demand and running velocity.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects
Ten sub-elite male middle- and long-distance runners (age = 19.2 ± 3.5 years, body
mass = 65.8 ± 5.8 kg, height = 181.7 ± 5.2 cm, VO2max = 69.8 ± 6.7 mL·kg−1 min−1,
VLamax = 0.39 ± 0.09 mmol L−1 s−1) participated in this study. Prior to signing the
written informed consent of the investigation, all participants were informed about the
experimental procedures. The protocols used in this investigation were approved by the
Ethics Committee of the university and are in line with the Declaration of Helsinki.
2.2. Design
The present investigation consisted of two different performance tests completed on
a single day. The body mass was measured before the performance testing (Tanita Corp.,
Tokyo, Japan). Participants were instructed to arrive in the laboratory in a rested, 2 h
postprandial, and well-hydrated state. They were ordered to avoid strenuous exercise for
at least 24 h before the test.
First, the participants performed a 30 s isokinetic sprint test on a cycle ergometer
with subsequent measurements of whole-blood lactate concentration for the determination
of VLamax. After a 60 min break, a graded exercise test on a treadmill (second test) was
performed to determine VO2max and running velocity at the onset of blood lactate accumu-
lation (OBLA; 4 mmol·L−1) [4] and at the modified maximal deviation point (mDmax) [24].
The cLTAn was determined according to the calculation scheme described by Mader and
Heck [3], as well as by Hauser et al. [22], and subsequently compared with OBLA and
mDmax. To evaluate the validity of cLTAn, OBLA, and mDmax as indicators of endurance
performance, running velocities at each concept were compared with the participant’s per-
formance (average velocity (m·s−1)) over various distances (3000 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m).
Medicina 2021, 57, 1117
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One participant did not provide performance data, so only data from nine participants
were included in correlation analysis.
2.3. Isokinetic Sprint Test and VLamax Determination (Performance Capacity of Glycolysis)
The participants first performed a 10 min standardized warm-up at 1.5 W kg−1 body
mass. After an additional passive rest for 5 min, a 30 s sprint test was performed on a cycle
ergometer adjusted to an isokinetic mode set to a cadence of 120 rpm [25,26]. Participants
were instructed to perform the test in a sitting position and were verbally encouraged
throughout the test to achieve and maintain maximal effort. After the sprint, participants
took a rest in a sitting position for 10 min. Immediately before sprint testing, as well as
every minute after the sprint bout (1′–10′), 20 µL of capillary blood was taken from the
earlobe for lactate analysis (Biosen C-line; EKF Diagnostic Sales, Magdeburg, Germany).
The VLamax was calculated using the following equation [27]:
VLamax (mmol L−1 s−1) = ([La]peak − [La]rest) · (texerc − talac)−1
where Lapeak (mmol L−1) is the peak post-exercise lactate concentration, Larest (mmol L−1)
is the resting lactate concentration, texerc (s) is the duration of exercise, and talac (s) is the
period at the beginning of exercise in which no lactate formation is assumed. According to
Heck et al. [27], talac was set to 5.5 s for all participants.
2.4. Graded Exercise Running Test and VO2max and LTAn Determination
The graded exercise test was performed on a treadmill (Woodway, Weil am Rhein,
Germany), which started at 2.4 m s−1 and increased by 0.4 m s−1 every 5 min until volitional
exhaustion was reached. After each step of the graded exercise test, a 30 s rest was given for
blood sampling. Furthermore, heart rate (HR) (H7, Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland) and
breath-by-breath expired gases (Cortex Metalyzer II, Leipzig, Germany) were continuously
measured throughout the test. The VO2max corresponded to the highest value measured
(moving average of 30 s) during the test.
Blood lactate concentrations during the incremental tests were plotted against running
velocity and then fitted by a third-order polynomial function. Running velocity at OBLA
was set as the point at which blood lactate concentration reached 4 mmol·L−1 [4]. mDmax
was identified as the point on the third-order polynomial curve that yielded the maximal
perpendicular distance to a straight line formed by the peak lactate point, and by the point
of the first rise in blood lactate concentration at which the slope of the fitted lactate curve
was equal to 1.00 [24].
2.5. Calculation of Running Velocity at cLTAn
To determine cLTAn, the oxidative and glycolytic energy production depending on
exercise intensity must initially be known, which can be expressed as the activity of
oxidative phosphorylation (VO2ss) and glycolysis (VLass), respectively [3]. The theoretical
background of the applied equations and constants is explained in detail by previous
publications [3,22].
According to Mader and Heck [3], the implementation of the metabolic simulation
model requires knowing the free ADP concentration, which is the main regulating substrate
for the activation of VO2ss and VLass. Since there is no simple and practical procedure
for measuring free ADP concentration, the ADP-dependent equations in the previous
study were transposed into VO2ss-dependent equations [22]. On this occasion, the term
“VO2ss” represents the steady-state oxygen consumption at a constant work rate [3,22].
Hauser et al. [22] calculated the VO2ss in relation to exercise intensity based on the assump-
tion of a linear relationship between oxygen demand (VO2) and workload. Thereby, a
constant value for VO2 per 1 W (Ks4 = 11.7 mL O2 W−1) was used for all participants based
on the data of previous cycling experiments [3,28]. However, it should be noted that VO2
in running is more affected by an athlete’s exercise economy (i.e., metabolic cost at a given
workload) than in cycling. Running economy was shown to be influenced by several physi-
Medicina 2021, 57, 1117
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ological and biomechanical factors [29], which can lead to greater inter-individual variation
in comparison to the cycling economy due to weight-bearing activity [30]. Therefore, it is
necessary to determine Ks4 (mL kg−1·min−1 per 1 m·s−1 running velocity) individually,
by plotting VO2 during incremental tests against running velocity. The Ks4 corresponded
to the slope of linear regression (y = mx + b) between VO2 and running speed (Figure 2).
study were transposed into VO2ss dependent equations [22]. On this occasion, the term
“VO2ss” represents the steady-state oxygen consumption at a constant work rate [3,22].
Hauser et al. [22] calculated the VO2ss in relation to exercise intensity based on the assump-
tion of a linear relationship between oxygen demand (VO2) and workload. Thereby, a con-
stant value for VO2 per 1 W (Ks4 = 11.7 mL O2 W−1) was used for all participants based on
the data of previous cycling experiments [3,28]. However, it should be noted that VO2 in
running is more affected by an athlete’s exercise economy (i.e., metabolic cost at a given
workload) than in cycling. Running economy was shown to be influenced by several phys-
iological and biomechanical factors [29], which can lead to greater inter-individual varia-
tion in comparison to the cycling economy due to weight-bearing activity [30]. Therefore,
it is necessary to determine Ks4 (mL kg−1∙min−1 per 1 m∙s−1 running velocity) individually,
by plotting VO2 during incremental tests against running velocity. The Ks4 corresponded
to the slope of linear regression (y = mx + b) between VO2 and running speed (Figure 2).
Figure 2. An exemplary description of the determination of the individual Ks4 (constant value of
the relationship between oxygen demand and running velocity). The slope of the regression line
corresponds to Ks4. From this equation, Ks4 for this runner is 12.1 mL∙kg−1∙min−1 per 1 m∙s−1.
After determining the individual Ks4, the VO2ss in relation to running velocity was
calculated with Equation (2).
VO2ss (mL kg−1 min−1) = V Ks4 + VO2rest
where v (m s−1) is the running velocity, VO2rest (mL kg−1 min−1) is the resting oxygen uptake,
and Ks4 is the constant value of the relationship between oxygen demand and the running
velocity (i.e., mL kg−1 per 1 m s−1 running velocity).
Figure 2. An exemplary description of the determination of the individual Ks4 (constant value of
the relationship between oxygen demand and running velocity). The slope of the regression line
corresponds to Ks4. From this equation, Ks4 for this runner is 12.1 mL·kg−1·min−1 per 1 m·s−1.
After determining the individual Ks4, the VO2ss in relation to running velocity was
calculated with Equation (2).
VO2ss (mL kg−1 min−1) = V Ks4 + VO2rest
where v (m s−1) is the running velocity, VO2rest (mL kg−1 min−1) is the resting oxygen
uptake, and Ks4 is the constant value of the relationship between oxygen demand and the
running velocity (i.e., mL kg−1 per 1 m s−1 running velocity).
By knowing VO2ss (from resting level to VO2max), it is possible to calculate VLass
(lactate formation) as a function of VO2ss, as demonstrated in the following equation:
VLass (mmol L−1 min−1) =
60 ·
1 + (
3 )
where VLamax (mmol L−1·s−1) is the maximal glycolytic rate, VO2max (mL kg−1 min−1)
is the maximal oxygen uptake, VO2ss (mL kg−1 min−1) is the steady-state oxygen con-
sumption, and Ks1 and Ks2 are the 50% activity rate constant of oxidative phosphorylation
(0.0631) and glycolysis (1.331), respectively [22].
Furthermore, the maximal lactate elimination rate (VLaoxmax) which depends on VO2ss
can also be calculated based on the experimentally estimated value of lactate equivalent
(i.e., the amount of oxidized lactate per unit O2), lactate distribution volume [3], and using
the following equation:
mmol L−1 min−1
lactate distribution volume ·VO2ss = 0.02049
where VLaoxmax (mmol L−1 min−1) is the maximal lactate elimination rate as a function of
the steady-state oxygen consumption (VO2ss; mL kg−1 min−1) [22].
Medicina 2021, 57, 1117
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According to Hauser et al. [22], lactate-equivalent and lactate distribution volume were
set to 0.02049 mmol lactate per 1 mL O2 and 0.4 L H2O per kg body weight, respectively.
Thus, simulating the simultaneous lactate formation and elimination depending on the
metabolic rate or running speed can be carried out based on the individual VO2max and
VLamax value, as well as body weight. cLTAn is defined as the running velocity at which
the lactate formation is exactly equal to elimination (i.e., VLass = VLaoxmax).
2.6. Statistical Analysis
For statistical analysis of the data, the software IBM SPSS version 24 (Chicago, IL,
USA) was used. Descriptive statistics of the data are presented as means ± standard devi-
ation (±SD). The normal distribution and the variance homogeneity were verified using
the Shapiro–Wilk test and Mauchly test of sphericity, respectively. Statistically relevant
differences between the three LTAn concepts were determined using one-way repeated
measure ANOVA with Bonferroni correction for post hoc tests. Statistical differences were
considered to be significant for p ≤ 0.05. To estimate the practical relevance, effect sizes
(partial eta squared, ηp2) were calculated for the main effect. According to Cohen [31],
a ηp2 ≥ 0.01 indicates small effects, ≥0.059 medium effects, and ≥0.138 large effects. To
display the concordance between the LTAn concepts, Bland–Altman plots were constructed.
Furthermore, the intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated based on a
single-measure two-way mixed-effects model. For evaluating the degree of agreement
between cLTAn vs. OBLA or mDmax, the “absolute agreement” type of analysis (ICC (2,1))
was chosen. For the comparison of each LTAn concept vs. 3000 m, 5000 m, or 10,000 m,
we chose the “consistency” type of analysis (ICC (3,1)). According to Koo and Li [32],
the degree of agreement was interpreted as follows: <0.50 = poor, 0.50–0.75 = moderate,
0.75–0.90 = good, and >0.90 = excellent. Pearson’s correlations were also calculated and
interpreted as follows: 0.0–0.3 = negligible, 0.3–0.5 = low, 0.5–0.7 = moderate, 0.7–0.9 = high,
and 0.9–1.0 = very high [33].
3. Results
Individual values of maximal metabolic performance tests and individual running
velocities at each LTAn concept are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Body mass, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), maximal lactate production rate (VLamax), constant value of
the relationship between oxygen demand and running velocity (Ks4), and running velocity at the onset of blood lactate
accumulation (OBLA), at the modified maximal deviation method (mDmax) and the calculated anaerobic lactate threshold
(cLTAn) for each participant.
Mass (kg)
(mL kg−1·min−1)
(mmol L−1 s−1)
(mL kg−1·min−1
per 1 m s−1)
(m s−1)
(m s−1)
(m s−1)
Mean ± SD
65.8 ± 5.8
69.8 ± 6.7
0.39 ± 0.09
11.8 ± 1.1
4.65 ± 0.35
4.44 ± 0.28 *
4.32 ± 0.34 *
* significantly different compared to OBLA (p < 0.01).
Repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant difference between LTAn concepts
with a large effect (p < 0.01, η2p = 0.63). Post hoc analysis using Bonferroni correction
revealed that running velocity at OBLA was significantly higher compared to cLTAn and
mDmax (p < 0.01). No significant difference was found between running velocity at cLTAn
and mDmax (p = 0.49). The cLTAn indicated a high correlation with OBLA (r = 0.83,
Medicina 2021, 57, 1117
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r2 = 0.70, p < 0.01) and mDmax (r = 0.81, r2 = 0.65, p < 0.01). Between OBLA and mDmax,
there was a very high correlation (r = 0.94, r2 = 0.89, p < 0.001).
According to the Bland–Altman Plots (Figure 3), the mean difference in cLTAn was
−0.13 ± 0.43 m·s−1 and −0.32 ± 0.39 m·s−1 compared to mDmax and OBLA, respectively.
The intraclass correlation coefficient comparing cLTAn with mDmax showed a good agree-
ment (ICC = 0.87), whereas a moderate agreement was shown between cLTAn and OBLA
(ICC = 0.74).
. 3
Mean ± SD
65.8 ± 5.8
69.8 ± 6.7
0.39 ± 0.09
11.8 ± 1.1
4.65 ± 0.35
4.44 ± 0.28 *
4.32 ± 0.34 *
* significantly different compared to OBLA (p < 0.01).
Repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant difference between LTAn concepts
with a large effect (p < 0.01, η2p = 0.63). Post hoc analysis using Bonferroni correction re-
vealed that running velocity at OBLA was significantly higher compared to cLTAn and
mDmax (p < 0.01). No significant difference was found between running velocity at cLTAn
and mDmax (p = 0.49). The cLTAn indicated a high correlation with OBLA (r = 0.83, r2 =
0.70, p < 0.01) and mDmax (r = 0.81, r2 = 0.65, p < 0.01). Between OBLA and mDmax, there
was a very high correlation (r = 0.94, r2 = 0.89, p < 0.001).
According to the Bland–Altman Plots (Figure 3), the mean difference in cLTAn was
−0.13 ± 0.43 m∙s−1 and −0.32 ± 0.39 m∙s−1 compared to mDmax and OBLA, respectively. The
intraclass correlation coefficient comparing cLTAn with mDmax showed a good agreement
(ICC = 0.87), whereas a moderate agreement was shown between cLTAn and OBLA (ICC =
Figure 3. Bland–Altman Plots: differences in running velocity at calculated anaerobic lactate thresh-
old (cLTAn) vs. modified maximal deviation method (mDmax; (a)) and onset of blood lactate accu-
mulation (OBLA; (b)). The solid lines indicate the mean difference; the dotted lines indicate the
limits of agreement (mean ± 1.96 SD); the dashed lines represent the fitted linear regression.
The mean running velocities over the distances of 3,000 m, 5,000 m, and 10,000 m
were 5.65 ± 0.29 m s−1, 5.37 ± 0.26 m s−1, and 5.03 ± 0.26 m s−1, respectively. cLTAn and
mDmax indicated moderate to high correlations with running performance over all
Figure 3. Bland–Altman Plots: differences in running velocity at calculated anaerobic lactate threshold (cLTAn) vs. modified
maximal deviation method (mDmax; (a)) and onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA; (b)). The solid lines indicate the
mean difference; the dotted lines indicate the limits of agreement (mean ± 1.96 SD); the dashed lines represent the fitted
linear regression.
The mean running velocities over the distances of 3000 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m
were 5.65 ± 0.29 m s−1, 5.37 ± 0.26 m s−1, and 5.03 ± 0.26 m s−1, respectively. cLTAn
and mDmax indicated moderate to high correlations with running performance over all
distances observed (cLTAn: 0.61 < r < 0.76, 0.37 < r2 < 0.58, p < 0.05; mDmax: 0.69 < r < 0.79,
0.48 < r2 < 0.62, p < 0.05), whereby OBLA had the poorest correlations (0.56 < r < 0.69,
0.32 < r2 < 0.48, p ≤ 0.09) compared to other concepts in most cases (Figure 4a). The
intraclass correlation (Figure 4b) also revealed good concordance of cLTAn (ICC = 0.75–0.86)
and mDmax (ICC = 0.82–0.88) with running performance over all distances observed,
whereas OBLA showed only moderate concordance (ICC = 0.68–0.80) in most cases.
Figure 4. Correlations (a) and intraclass correlation coefficients (b) of the running velocity at onset of blood lactate
accumulation (OBLA), modified maximal deviation method (mDmax), and calculated anaerobic lactate threshold (cLTAn)
compared to average running velocity over 3000 m (v3000), 5000 m (v5000), and 10,000 m (v10,000); * p < 0.05.
Medicina 2021, 57, 1117
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4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to determine cLTAn in running by adapting the mathe-
matical model for metabolic simulation previously described by Mader and Heck [3] and
Hauser et al. [22]. cLTAn demonstrated moderate to good concordance with the established
concepts in determining the running velocity at LTAn. Although cLTAn provided lower
running velocity compared to mDmax and OBLA, the correlation of cLTAn with the en-
durance running performance was similar compared to mDmax and even better compared
to OBLA.
One of the relevant criteria for the practical application of a laboratory test parameter is
its relationship with competitive performance. A comprehensive review by Faude et al. [8]
demonstrated moderate to high correlations (r = 0.66–0.92) between various LTAn concepts
and performance in endurance running competitions and therefore justified the practical
application of those concepts in sports diagnostics. Even though cLTAn did not indicate
significantly superior results, its good concordance (ICC = 0.75–0.86) with mDmax and
OBLA, as well as comparable correlations (r = 0.61–0.76) with competition performance, can
support its applicability as a valid indicator to assess an athlete’s endurance performance.
The metabolic simulation model (cLTAn) incorporates the influence of individual
VO2max, VLamax, and Ks4 on LTAn, as well as their combined effects [18,22]. This could
enable a more differentiated approach in the interpretation of the endurance performance
of an athlete. The individually determined Ks4 values are dependent on individual exercise
economy, expressed by the relationship between energy demand and running velocity [29].
Especially in well-trained athletes with similar VO2max, running economy has been shown
to be a crucial indicator of distance running performance [29,34,35]. The consideration of
individual physiological profiles allows specific explanations of how equal and/or differ-
ent endurance performance can be achieved regarding the interplay of single metabolic
parameters [18]. For instance, participants 3 and 7 in our study showed similar aero-
bic and anaerobic capacities (VO2max: 80.3 vs. 80.1 mL kg−1·min−1, VLamax: 0.33 vs.
0.31 mmol L−1 s−1); however, participant 3 displayed a much higher speed at LTAn regard-
less of the used LTAn concept (Table 1) and, consequently, better performance compared to
participant 7 (e.g., 10,000 m running time: 30 vs. 32 min). In this case, the performance dif-
ferences could be explained by much lower Ks4 (13.2 vs. 14.2 mL kg−1 min−1 per 1 m s−1).
A recent training study used the metabolic simulation-model-detected training-induced
changes in single performance capacities (i.e., VO2max and VLamax). The authors reported
specific explanations of changes in endurance performance (MLSS) [36], which highlights
the potential for the practical application of the model.
Despite the moderate to good agreement with other LTAn concepts, cLTAn systemat-
ically provides lower running velocities in our study (Figure 3). This discrepancy could
be attributed to the underrated VO2max by using a graded exercise test. The main reason
we used a graded incremental protocol, instead of a ramp protocol, was to concurrently
determine OBLA and mDmax, as well as the relationship between steady-state oxygen
demand and running velocity (i.e., individual Ks4). However, the mean time to exhaustion
of our test protocol was ~38 min, which is significantly longer than the “optimal” test
duration for assessing VO2max, as suggested by previous studies [37–39]. Sperlich et al. [40]
reported that VO2max, achieved with the same graded exercise test protocol as in our study,
was significantly lower (on average 2 mL min−1 kg−1) than assessed by incremental tests
with shorter test duration (ranged from 7–11 min). Hauser [28] showed that a theoretical
25% increase in VO2max (and constant VLamax, and Ks4) leads to a 44% increase in calcu-
lated MLSS in cycling. Indeed, cLTAn is increased by ~0.2 m s−1 when the participant’s
VO2max is increased by 2 mL min−1 kg−1 (and constant values of VLamax, and Ks4), and
thus the difference between running speed at cLTAn and the other LTAn is reduced (data
not presented). To solve the underestimation of VO2max, further work should use a VO2max
verification bout [41,42] or a combined step- and ramp-exercise protocol [43]. Such proto-
cols could ensure the appropriate determination of VO2max and the individual Ks4 at the
same time, as two core parameters of the metabolic simulation model.
Medicina 2021, 57, 1117
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Another potential contributing factor to the difference between cLTAn and other LTAn
concepts could be the run-nonspecific test procedure for the assessment of VLamax and
its influence on cLTAn. The cycling sprint test is an established anaerobic test for nearly
all sports disciplines. Thus, we determined the participant’s VLamax using an isokinetic
cycle sprint [22,23,36,44]. However, the peak post-exercise lactate concentration, which
is a key parameter for the estimation of VLamax, is dependent on the exercise modality
used in tests [44]. Unfortunately, up to now no established running-specific test procedure
for VLamax determination exists. Just recently, Quittmann et al. [45] attempted to measure
VLamax and sprint performance parameters using a running sprint test. However, this
study used fixed distances, rather than a fixed time for the sprint test, which might influence
VLamax determination. Whether and how VLamax estimation and cLTAn determination
would be affected by applying a running-specific anaerobic test procedure remain to
be clarified.
Since VO2ss contributes as a core parameter to the calculation of both the lactate
formation and elimination rate at any given running velocity, it is necessary to determine
VO2ss (from resting level to VO2max) as precisely as possible. For the determination of VO2ss,
the relationship between oxygen demand and running velocity (Ks4) plays an important
role [3]. In contrast to the previous study in cycling [22], we individually determined the
Ks4 value considering the inter-individual variation in the running economy. Typically, it
is assumed that there is a linear relationship between VO2 and workload. This has been
supported by several investigations indicating a nearly invariant oxygen cost of transport
(calculated by dividing oxygen uptake by running velocity, mL kg−1 km−1) over a range of
running speeds (2.0–4.0 m s−1) [46,47]. However, these studies investigated the individual
running energetics only from the start of exercise until LTAn intensity and not till exhaustion.
Daniels and Daniels [48] suggested that the metabolic demand of running is not exclusively
dependent on running speed and can vary with an athlete’s specialized background. They
found that most of the 800–1500 m specialists in their study showed an equal oxygen cost
of transport over all intensities examined. In contrast to that, the specialists in longer
distances (3000 m—marathon) mostly showed an increased oxygen cost of transport at
exercise intensities above 70% of VO2max [48]. These findings emphasize the importance of
considering the individual running energetics over all possible test speeds to assess the
performance difference between athletes. To what extent the running energetics, especially
near the LTAn intensity, differ between athletes, and how they affect the LTAn, is unclear.
With respect to the previous model in cycling [22], we, therefore, decided to use the Ks4
from a linear fit to calculate VO2ss in our study. However, there is abundant space for
further progress in analyzing the relationship between metabolic rate and running velocity
and its influence on cLTAn determination. For instance, a curvilinear fit suggested by
Batliner et al. [49] might better assess the inter-individual difference in running energetics,
especially around and above the LTAn intensity, which might consequently lead to an
improved performance prediction of cLTAn.
In addition to the above methodological limitations, it is important to note that our
data did not address the basic variability and reproducibility of each physiological measure
(VO2max, VLamax, and Ks4), which are also relevant quality criteria for the application of the
cLTAn. However, previous research in cycling already demonstrated a very high reliability
for both VO2max and VLamax, as well as the calculated MLSS from these two parameters [23].
Further studies with a longitudinal analysis in running should be carried out to investigate
the reliability and sensitivity of the single performance tests and metabolic simulation
model for detecting performance changes.
5. Practical Applications
The present study suggests that the mathematical model for metabolic simulation
could be applied to assess an athlete’s endurance performance in running by considering
multiple physiological parameters. Considering multiple physiological measures, the
metabolic simulation model (cLTAn) provides an insight into the complex interplay of
Medicina 2021, 57, 1117
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single metabolic systems and their influence on endurance performance. This allows
a differentiated interpretation of the athlete’s performance, which could be useful for
establishing training interventions targeting and eliminating specific weaknesses in the
physiological profile of an athlete.
6. Conclusions
The metabolic simulation model considers different metabolic parameters to evaluate
an athlete’s performance profile. In determining running velocity at LTAn, the metabolic
simulation model (cLTAn) revealed a moderate to good agreement with other established
concepts. However, the velocity at cLTAn was lower with regard to the other LTAn concepts.
With regard to the compared LTAn concepts, comparable and partially better correlations
between cLTan and the endurance performance of sub-elite middle- and long-distance
runners were found.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.W.; methodology, S.J., A.S. and P.W.; formal analysis,
S.J.; investigation, S.J., A.S. and P.W.; resources, P.W. and W.B.; data curation, S.J., A.S. and P.W.;
writing—original draft preparation, S.J.; writing—review and editing, S.J., A.S. and P.W.; visualization,
S.J.; supervision, P.W. and W.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Ethics Committee of German Sport University Cologne
(approval code: 146/2021; approval date: 4 October 2021).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Footwear Decreases Gait Asymmetry during
Stefan Hoerzer1*, Peter A. Federolf2,3, Christian Maurer1,4, Jennifer Baltich1, Benno
M. Nigg1
1 Human Performance Laboratory, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
2 Institute for Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria, 3 Department of
Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 4 Red Bull Diagnostic
and Training Center, Thalgau, Salzburg, Austria
* [email protected]
Previous research on elderly people has suggested that footwear may improve neuromus-
cular control of motion. If footwear does in fact improve neuromuscular control, then such
an influence might already be present in young, healthy adults. A feature that is often used
to assess neuromuscular control of motion is the level of gait asymmetry. The objectives of
the study were (a) to develop a comprehensive asymmetry index (CAI) that is capable of
detecting gait asymmetry changes caused by external boundary conditions such as foot-
wear, and (b) to use the CAI to investigate whether footwear influences gait asymmetry dur-
ing running in a healthy, young cohort. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected for both
legs of 15 subjects performing five barefoot and five shod over-ground running trials. Thirty
continuous gait variables including ground reaction forces and variables of the hip, knee,
and ankle joints were computed for each leg. For each individual, the differences between
the variables for the right and left leg were calculated. Using this data, a principal compo-
nent analysis was conducted to obtain the CAI. This study had two main outcomes. First,
a sensitivity analysis suggested that the CAI had an improved sensitivity for detecting
changes in gait asymmetry caused by external boundary conditions. The CAI may, there-
fore, have important clinical applications such as monitoring the progress of neuromuscular
diseases (e.g. stroke or cerebral palsy). Second, the mean CAI for shod running (131.2 ±
48.5; mean ± standard deviation) was significantly lower (p = 0.041) than the CAI for bare-
foot running (155.7 ± 39.5). This finding suggests that in healthy, young adults gait asymme-
try is reduced when running in shoes compared to running barefoot, which may be a result
of improved neuromuscular control caused by changes in the afferent sensory feedback.
Falls are one of the main causes for fatal injury and hospitalization in older adults [1–3]. Identi-
fying factors that contribute to falls has become an important objective in clinical geriatric
research. The absence of footwear was identified as an important risk factor for the occurrence
of falls in elderly adults [4]. The reduced risk of falls reported in the mentioned study concurs
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0138631
October 21, 2015
1 / 12
Citation: Hoerzer S, Federolf PA, Maurer C, Baltich
J, Nigg BM (2015) Footwear Decreases Gait
Asymmetry during Running. PLoS ONE 10(10):
e0138631. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138631
Editor: Jose Manuel Garcia Aznar, University of
Zaragoza, SPAIN
Received: May 29, 2015
Accepted: August 31, 2015
Published: October 21, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Hoerzer et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information files.
Funding: The authors would like to acknowledge
NSERC Create, Biomechanigg Sport & Health
Research, and the da Vinci Foundation for financial
support. The funders had no role in study design,
data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript. In addition, the Red
Bull Diagnostic and Training Center provided support
in the form of a salary for CM, but did not have any
additional role in the study design, data collection and
analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
manuscript. The specific roles of this author are
articulated in the 'author contributions' section.
with other studies that assessed the effect of footwear on the likelihood of falls or balance [5–7].
In addition to mechanical factors potentially causing a reduced risk of falls when wearing foot-
wear [8], it is also possible that footwear may alter the type or amount of afferent sensory feed-
back causing improved neuromuscular control. If footwear does in fact improve
neuromuscular control, then such an influence might already be present in young, healthy
adults, long before it may become clinically relevant in the prevention of falls. A feature that is
often used to assess neuromuscular control of motion is the level of asymmetry between the
contra-lateral limbs during gait. In fact, in many neurophysiological disorders such as stroke
[9, 10], Parkinson’s disease [11], or cerebral palsy [12], gait asymmetry can be seen as one of
the indicators of the severity of the condition.
One challenge when assessing gait asymmetry in healthy, young adults is that the kinematic
and kinetic differences between the left and right lower limbs are rather small compared to the
inherent movement variability. In addition, one could argue that gait asymmetry is a character-
istic that applies to several body segments simultaneously [13–15], especially when investigat-
ing changes caused by external boundary conditions such as footwear. Therefore, a new
asymmetry index, a comprehensive asymmetry index (CAI), is required that is especially sensi-
tive to changes in gait asymmetry caused by external boundary conditions. Three actions can
be taken in order to increase the sensitivity of the CAI: First, all available kinematic and kinetic
data should be incorporated to provide an all-encompassing assessment of an individual’s
lower limb gait asymmetry. This allows considering the moving human body as a whole system
rather than analysing individual variables [16, 17]. Second, the waveforms of all gait variables
should be normalized to their standard deviation waveform to account for asymmetry caused
by the natural variability of the movement. This should be done since previous studies indi-
cated that gait asymmetry may only be relevant when it exceeds the inherent variability of a
gait variable [13, 18]. Third, a principal component analysis (PCA) can be used to filter out the
covariate structure of gait asymmetry [16, 19]. This is based on the assumption that gait asym-
metry observed in one variable can only occur if it is accompanied by asymmetries in other var-
iables [19]. To give a simplified example: contra-lateral asymmetries in the knee joint angle can
only occur within a given motion task, if ankle and/or hip angles change accordingly.
In summary, a CAI with enhanced sensitivity to detect gait asymmetry changes is required
in order to investigate whether footwear influences the level of asymmetry between the contra-
lateral limbs during gait. A reduction in gait asymmetry may support previous research indicat-
ing that footwear improves neuromuscular control. The new CAI should be tested on a highly
automated movement, i.e. running, rather than more complex movements in which higher
cognitive functions are more likely to interfere with the movement pattern and may potentially
affect gait asymmetry.
Therefore, the objectives of the study were (a) to develop a comprehensive asymmetry index
(CAI) that can be used to study changes in gait asymmetry caused by external boundary condi-
tions such as footwear, and (b) to use the CAI to investigate whether footwear influences gait
asymmetry during running in a healthy, young cohort. Based on the aforementioned studies, it
was hypothesized that footwear decreases gait asymmetry as compared to barefoot running.
Study participants
Fifteen subjects were recruited for this study, seven females and eight males: age: 25.4 (SD 4.4)
years; height: 1.74 (SD 0.07) m; mass: 71.2 (SD 8.4) kg. The subjects were healthy, with no neu-
romuscular or neurological disorders, and had no lower-extremity pain at the time of testing.
All study participants provided written informed consent in accordance with the University of
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Competing Interests: The authors of this manuscript
have the following competing interests: CM has a
commercial affiliation (Red Bull Diagnostic and
Training Center). However, this does not alter the
authors' adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing
data and materials.
Abbreviations: CAI, Comprehensive Asymmetry
Index; EV, Eigenvalue; PCA, Principal Component
Analysis; PC-vector, Principal Component Vector.
Calgary’s policy on research using human subjects. The study protocol was approved by the
Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board of the University of Calgary.
Data collection
Kinematic and kinetic data were collected while the subjects performed for each leg five bare-
foot and five shod heel-toe over-ground running trials (running speed: 4.00 ± 0.6 ms−1). A
standard, neutral running shoe, without unique design features that potentially could have
influenced gait asymmetry, was provided for each subject (New Balance 506; New Balance Ath-
letic Shoe Inc., USA). A running trial was considered successful when the subject’s foot that
was being tested landed within the edges of a force platform (Kistler Instrumente AG, Switzer-
land). The force platform was used to record ground reaction forces (GRFs) at a sampling rate
of 2,400 Hz. At the same time, kinematic data were collected by means of a marker-based
motion capture system having eight synchronized, digital, high-speed, infrared cameras
(Motion Analysis Corporation, USA). Twenty-two retro-reflective markers were mounted on
each study participant. Marker locations included the right and left anterior superior iliac
spine, the right and left posterior superior iliac spine, and proximal, lateral, and distal aspects
of the thigh and shank. To describe the foot motion, markers were placed at proximal and dis-
tal, and lateral locations of the test shoe and on corresponding locations on the bare foot. For
the purpose of a neutral standing trial, additional markers were also placed on (and after the
neutral trial removed from) the right and left greater trochanters, the medial and lateral knee
joint, and the medial and lateral malleoli to define joint centres. A sampling rate of 240 Hz was
used to record the trajectories of the markers.
Data pre-processing
Cortex motion analysis software (Motion Analysis Corporation, USA) was used to reconstruct
the trajectories of the 22 markers for each running trial. A fourth-order, low-pass, Butterworth
filter was applied to the kinematic and kinetic data to filter out movement artefacts and mea-
surement noise with cut-off frequencies of 6 Hz for kinematic data and 50 Hz for kinetic data
[20]. Standard motion analysis software (KinTrak 7.0; Human Performance Laboratory, Cal-
gary, Canada) was used to compute 30 time-continuous gait variables. The 30 variables
included joint angles, joint moments, and joint angular velocities of the ankle, knee, and hip, as
well as ground reaction forces in all three planes of motion: frontal, sagittal, and transverse
(Table 1). Joint moments and GRFs were normalized to body weight. All variables were resam-
pled to 101 time points representing 0 to 100% of the stance phase.
Comprehensive asymmetry index
The following data-processing steps were conducted for each subject and shoe condition (i.e.
barefoot and shod). First, the mean waveform for each of the 30 variables was calculated based
Table 1. Gait variables.
Variables (frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes)
Hip joint
Angles [°]
Moments [BWm]
Angular velocities [°s−1]
Knee joint
Angles [°]
Moments [BWm]
Angular velocities [°s−1]
Ankle joint
Angles [°]
Moments [BWm]
Angular velocities [°s−1]
Centre of pressure
Ground reaction forces [BW]
Time-continuous gait variables that were computed over the stance phase for each subject, leg, and shoe
condition. These variable types were used for the comprehensive asymmetry index.
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on the five collected trials. Second, the mean waveform for each variable was divided by the
average of the corresponding standard deviation waveforms. This was done to normalize the
variables to account for asymmetry caused by the natural variability of the movement [13, 18].
Third, all normalized waveforms were vectorized into a 3,030-dimensional (30 variables x 101
time points) row vector, q, by horizontally appending the waveforms. Hence, qleft_leg and
qright_leg incorporated all available information about an individual’s movement during the
stance phase. Finally, a difference vector, Δq = qright_leg—qleft_leg, between the multi-dimen-
sional row vectors of the right and left legs was calculated for each participant and shoe condi-
tion. The difference vector Δq quantified all measured aspects of asymmetry of the
participants’ gait. Therefore, the vector norm of Δq (i.e. the Euclidean distance from the origin
to Δq) may serve as a single CAI of the study participants’ overall gait asymmetry.
However, Δq is a complex high-dimensional (3,030 dimensions) construct. It is possible
that some components of Δq contain artefacts that appear to indicate asymmetry. These arte-
facts are actually the result of random fluctuations of the data due to the natural variability of
the movement. The expected gait asymmetry changes within an individual were rather small
and the signal-to-noise ratio is unfavourable. Relevant changes in the gait pattern and, there-
fore, in gait asymmetry between shoe conditions in one variable have to be interrelated with
changes in the asymmetry of other variables [19]. It was speculated that the use of a PCA
would allow increasing the sensitivity of the CAI to detect small changes in gait asymmetry.
For the PCA, an input matrix M was created containing the difference vector for each individ-
ual with each shoe condition:
M ¼
The input matrix contained 3,030 columns (30 variables x 101 time points) and 30 rows (15
subjects x 2 shoe conditions). The PCA comprised the following steps: (1) calculation of the
covariance matrix of M; and (2) calculation of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covari-
ance matrix [21]. The eigenvectors represent the orthogonal principal component vectors (PC-
vectors), p. The PC-vectors are defined by the direction of the highest correlated variance in
the data. Since in the current study the input matrix for the PCA contained the difference vec-
tors (right-left) for each of the individuals, the variance in the matrix and the definition of the
PC-vectors were due to the asymmetry of the individuals’ gait.
The eigenvalue (EV) spectrum was assessed to determine a suitable number k of PC-vectors
for the definition of the CAI. Within the first 15 EVs a drop is visible between EV8 and EV9
(Fig 1). Therefore, the first eight PC-vectors (k = 8) were expected to provide the best compro-
mise between retaining as much correlated asymmetry as possible and filtering out uncorre-
lated noise [16].
The difference vectors Δq were then represented in a subspace spanned by the eight selected
PC-vectors by projecting each difference vector Δq onto the PC-vectors:
Psi ¼ Dqs pi
where s indicates the study participants and i represents the number of the PC-vector. A sub-
ject- and condition-specific CAI was then calculated as the Euclidean distance from the origin
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using the projections (Psi):
CAIs ¼
Sensitivity analysis and statistics
To assess the sensitivity of the CAI, it was determined whether the difference vectors by them-
selves would be able to confirm the hypothesized difference in gait asymmetry between shod
and barefoot running and how the CAI depended on the number k of PC-vectors used. There-
fore, different variations of the CAI for each individual and shoe condition were calculated: (1)
CAIs without PCA, using the vector norm (i.e. Euclidean distance) of the raw Δq only; (2)
CAIs with PCA, based on all possible numbers of PC-vectors (k = 1. . .30). A paired samples t-
test (p0.05; IBM SPSS Statistics 20, IBM Corporation, USA) was then used to assess the sig-
nificance of the difference between the different mean CAIs for barefoot and shod running.
Relevant asymmetry variables
The relevant asymmetry variables and their correlations were identified by analysing the load-
ings of the eight PC-vectors. The loading magnitude indicates the amount of variance in a vari-
able that is captured by the corresponding PC-vector [22]. Since this variance was caused by
gait asymmetry, variables with higher loadings contributed more to an asymmetrical gait. The
loadings were multiplied with their corresponding EVs to weight the loadings according to the
amount of variance/asymmetry covered by each PC-vector.
The eight PC-vectors that were used for the calculation of the CAI contained 76.4% of the over-
all asymmetry in all gait variables (Fig 1). The subject-specific CAIs for barefoot running ran-
ged from 103.9 to 210.9, whereas the range for shod running was from 48.4 to 212.1 (Fig 2).
Fig 1. Eigenvalue spectrum. Eigenvalue spectrum of the first 15 principal component vectors that
was used to determine the number of principal component vectors for the definition of the
comprehensive asymmetry index (CAI). After the first eight eigenvalues (black bars) a drop can be seen.
Hence, the first eight principal component vectors (k = 8) were used for the definition of the CAI.
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Averaged over all participants the CAI (k = 8) for running barefoot was 155.7 ± 39.5
(mean ± standard deviation) and for running in the shoe condition was 131.2 ± 48.5 (Table 2).
The difference between the two conditions was significant (p = 0.041). Comparing barefoot
and shod running using the CAI calculated as the direct Euclidean distance of the raw Δq to
the origin (i.e. without filtering out uncorrelated asymmetries by the PCA) revealed no signifi-
cant difference (p = 0.067; Table 2). The evaluation of how the CAI depended on the number k
of PC-vectors used for the definition of the CAI showed that k 3 was not sufficient to detect
significant asymmetry differences between barefoot and shod running (Table 2). For 4 k 8
and 12 k 13 the differences between the mean CAIs for barefoot and shod running were
The relevant asymmetry variables (i.e. variables with the highest PC-vector loadings) were
mainly located in the ankle and knee joint (Fig 3). The frontal knee angle had the highest PC-
vector loading (1.73) followed by the frontal ankle moment (1.50) and the frontal ankle angle
(1.39). The PC-vector loadings showed correlations particularly between the frontal ankle
angle/moment and the frontal knee angle/moment (PC-vector 1, PC-vector 2).
The current study had two main outcomes. First, a novel approach to quantify gait asymmetry
was proposed that combined correlated asymmetries in multiple gait variables into one com-
prehensive asymmetry index, the CAI. The sensitivity analysis suggested that considering corre-
lated asymmetries improves the sensitivity for detecting changes in gait asymmetry caused by
external boundary conditions. This would be particularly useful when assessing the progression
of clinical conditions such as cerebral palsy or the progress of rehabilitation treatments. The
proposed method allowed to examining the structure of gait asymmetry by assessing the indi-
vidual loadings of principal component vectors. Again, this has potential for clinical gait analy-
sis and may contribute to a better understanding of the specific manifestations of a patient’s
underlying condition, for example, in stroke and cerebral palsy patients. Second, the result of
the CAI supported the hypothesis that even in healthy, young adults, gait asymmetry is reduced
when running in shoes compared to running barefoot. This suggests that footwear seems to
Fig 2. Subject-specific comprehensive asymmetry index (CAI) for barefoot and shod running. Study
participants are arranged by increasing CAI for barefoot running. All CAIs calculated using eight
principal component vectors (k = 8).
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affect certain aspects of the neuromuscular control system that are involved in the coordination
of the movements of left and right lower limbs.
Comprehensive asymmetry index
The development of the CAI was motivated by the goal to provide a comprehensive asymmetry
index with enhanced sensitivity for changes in gait asymmetry. Considering this main goal and
the way it was implemented led to advantageous and disadvantageous characteristics of the
proposed method, which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Since the CAI is a single value representing the totality of gait asymmetry of an individual
(based on the measured variables), it facilitates direct comparisons between individuals with
Table 2. Mean comprehensive asymmetry indexes (CAI) for barefoot and shod running.
Mean CAI Barefoot
Mean CAI Shod
177.7 (SD 33.7)
157.9 (SD 39.1)
61.5 (SD 40.1)
68.6 (SD 48.2)
106.3 (SD 46.4)
84.0 (SD 43.5)
123.2 (SD 43.3)
98.6 (SD 41.2)
136.0 (SD 39.3)
104.0 (SD 45.4)
141.4 (SD 40.8)
113.9 (SD 48.6)
147.0 (SD 42.9)
121.4 (SD 48.4)
152.9 (SD 40.7)
126.3 (SD 47.6)
155.7 (SD 39.5)
131.2 (SD 48.5)
157.8 (SD 39.8)
135.1 (SD 46.8)
161.0 (SD 39.2)
136.9 (SD 47.0)
163.3 (SD 38.1)
139.6 (SD 46.2)
165.9 (SD 37.3)
142.0 (SD 43.5)
167.2 (SD 37.2)
144.2 (SD 42.9)
168.4 (SD 37.2)
146.2 (SD 42.8)
169.8 (SD 36.4)
147.4 (SD 42.8)
171.2 (SD 35.2)
148.7 (SD 42.4)
171.8 (SD 35.3)
150.1 (SD 42.6)
172.6 (SD 35.6)
151.0 (SD 42.8)
173.4 (SD 35.9)
151.8 (SD 42.3)
174.2 (SD 35.1)
152.8 (SD 42.1)
174.5 (SD 35.3)
153.7 (SD 42.0)
175.2 (SD 35.4)
154.3 (SD 41.6)
175.4 (SD 35.4)
155.3 (SD 41.1)
176.1 (SD 34.6)
155.7 (SD 40.9)
176.5 (SD 34.5)
156.2 (SD 40.8)
176.8 (SD 34.5)
156.7 (SD 40.4)
177.1 (SD 34.4)
157.1 (SD 40.0)
177.4 (SD 34.1)
157.4 (SD 39.7)
177.6 (SD 33.8)
157.6 (SD 39.5)
177.7 (SD 33.7)
157.9 (SD 39.1)
Mean comprehensive asymmetry indexes (CAI) and p-values (paired samples t-test) for comparisons
between barefoot and shod running based on different CAIs calculated with the raw difference vector (Δq)
and different numbers of principal component vectors (k = 1. . .30).
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Fig 3. Weighted loadings of the first eight principal component vectors. These eight principal component vectors (PC-vectors) were used to calculate
the comprehensive asymmetry index (CAI). Y-axes indicate the magnitude of the loading. X-axes represent the analysed biomechanical variables:
V-Vertical; ML-Medial lateral; AP-Anterior posterior; GRF-Ground reaction force; CoP-Centre of pressure; S-Sagittal plane; F-Frontal plane; T-Transverse
plane; A-Angle; M-Moment; V-Velocity.
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respect to overall gait asymmetry. The CAI offers no advantage, however, when it is necessary
to quantify gait asymmetries of isolated variables (e.g. sagittal knee joint angle) at a specific
time-point (e.g. at mid stance). In this case, other methods may provide a faster and more pre-
cise assessment of gait asymmetry [15, 23–26]. It is important to realize that CAIs can only be
compared among individuals when they have been calculated using the same variables.
Another limitation of the current method is that it is possible that unique gait asymmetries
present in only one individual may not contribute sufficiently to be represented in the lower
order PC-vectors. Therefore, if this method is applied as a diagnostic tool to quantify asymme-
try in an individual patient, then both the PCA-filtered and direct Euclidean distance-based
CAI should be assessed to ensure that the patient does not exhibit an unusual asymmetry
The results of the sensitivity analysis (Table 2) suggested that the PCA acted as a filter sepa-
rating correlated from uncorrelated gait asymmetry variables [16]. Correlated asymmetries are
more likely to contain actual differences in the movement pattern while uncorrelated asymme-
tries are more likely to contain a high proportion of noise [19]. Another advantage of determin-
ing the correlation structure of gait asymmetry using a PCA is that the resultant PC-vector
loadings show the relevant asymmetry variables and their correlations. In fact, investigating
the relevant asymmetry variables and their correlations suggested that the ankle and knee joint
seemed to have the highest importance for the generation and compensation of gait asymmetry
(Fig 3). Gait variables of the hip seemed to be less involved. Determining the relevant asymme-
try variables and their correlation has potential for clinical gait analysis and may contribute to
a better understanding of the specific manifestations of a patient’s underlying condition.
PCA has been used before when investigating gait asymmetry [14, 15, 24]. However, to the
best knowledge of the authors, it has not yet been applied in the all-encompassing form that
was set up in this study.
The CAI was based on data measured with a 3D motion capture system and a force platform
during over-ground running. This experimental setup limits the amount of strides that can be
measured and may also reduce the applicability of the CAI to monitor gait asymmetry in spe-
cific cases (i.e. a laboratory setting is required). Therefore, future studies should investigate the
sensitivity of the CAI to detect gait asymmetry changes using data acquired with wearable sen-
sors (e.g. accelerometers) to increase the amount of data that can be collected and the applica-
bility of the CAI.
Because of the small sample size (15 study participants) and the recruitment of healthy indi-
viduals only, a systematic discussion of CAI values is not possible, and an actual non-patholog-
ical asymmetry range was not identified. Further studies should determine specific
pathological and non-pathological ranges, as well as investigate how limb dominance, gender,
or other external boundary conditions affect the CAI.
Effect of footwear on gait asymmetry
Gait asymmetry in a healthy population has been documented in several studies [14, 15, 27].
Previous research has also reported an impact of footwear on the running kinematics and
kinetics of healthy adults [28–30]. From a purely mechanical perspective, one would expect
that wearing footwear, which may not be manufactured perfectly symmetrical, would either
not affect or increase gait asymmetry. However, as pointed out in the introduction, previous
studies indicated that footwear may improve neuromuscular control of motion. This might
lead to a decrease in gait asymmetry as suggested by Vagenas and Hoshizaki [31] based on a
limited set of isolated kinematic variables of the foot. The findings of the comprehensive analy-
sis of this study support this hypothesis (Table 2).
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Improved motor control mechanisms associated with wearing footwear might be a result of
altered cutaneous sensory information of the plantar or dorsal surface of the feet [32–34]. Two
recent review studies attested to the significance of plantar sensory feedback for the control of
movement and supported the utilization of textured materials for improving perceptual-motor
performance [35, 36].
The magnitude of the effect of footwear on gait asymmetry was subject-dependent (Fig 2).
In fact, a few study participants (3 out of 15) even demonstrated an increase in gait asymmetry
when running in shoes. De Wit et al. [28] reported a subject-depended impact of footwear on
the kinematics and kinetics during running. However, it remains unknown which mechanisms
cause these subject-dependent responses to footwear. One mechanism might be related to sub-
ject-specific sensitivity thresholds of the plantar or dorsal surface of the feet that may influence
the afferent feedback to the neuromuscular control system [33].
Footwear seems to reduce gait asymmetry during running in healthy, young individuals.
Changes in the afferent sensory feedback to the neuromuscular control system may be a possi-
ble explanation for this observation.
Supporting Information
S1 File. Supplementary Data. Subject demographics, eigenvalue spectrum, subject-specific
comprehensive asymmetry index (CAI) for barefoot and shod running calculated using the
raw Δq and different numbers of principal component vectors (k = 1. . .30), and weighted load-
ings of the first eight principal component vectors.
The authors wish to thank María Fernanda Frías for data acquisition and Beatrix Vereijken for
helpful feedback on the manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: BMN. Performed the experiments: JB BMN. Ana-
lyzed the data: SH PAF CM. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: SH PAF CM.
Wrote the paper: SH PAF CM JB BMN.
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PMID: 23565232
Footwear Decreases Gait Asymmetry during Running
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0138631
October 21, 2015
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| Footwear Decreases Gait Asymmetry during Running. | 10-21-2015 | Hoerzer, Stefan,Federolf, Peter A,Maurer, Christian,Baltich, Jennifer,Nigg, Benno M | eng |
PMC8073231 | medicina
Pacing in Long-Distance Running: Sex and Age Differences in
10-km Race and Marathon
Ivan Cuk 1
, Pantelis T. Nikolaidis 2,3
, Elias Villiger 4 and Beat Knechtle 4,5,*
Citation: Cuk, I.; Nikolaidis, P.T.;
Villiger, E.; Knechtle, B. Pacing in
Long-Distance Running: Sex and Age
Differences in 10-km Race and
Marathon. Medicina 2021, 57, 389.
Academic Editor:
Edgaras Stankeviˇcius
Received: 25 February 2021
Accepted: 15 April 2021
Published: 17 April 2021
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Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
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Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Management, Singidunum University, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia;
[email protected]
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, 18450 Nikaia, Greece; [email protected]
School of Health and Caring Sciences, University of West Attica, 10679 Athens, Greece
Institute of Primary Care, University of Zurich, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland; [email protected]
Medbase St. Gallen Am Vadianplatz, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +41-(0)-71-226-93-00
Abstract: Background and objective: The recent availability of data from mass-participation run-
ning events has allowed researchers to examine pacing from the perspective of non-elite distance
runners. Based on an extensive analysis of the literature, we concluded that no study utilizing
mass-participation events data has ever directly compared pacing in the 10-km race, with other
long-distance races. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to assess and compare pacing between
10-km runners and marathoners, in regards to their sex and age. Materials and methods: For the
purpose of this study, official results from the Oslo marathon (n = 8828) and 10-km race (n = 16,315)
held from 2015 to 2018 were included. Results: Both 10-km runners and marathoners showed positive
pacing strategies. Moreover, two-way analysis of variance showed that women were less likely to
slow in the marathon than men (9.85% in comparison to 12.70%) however, not in the 10-km race
(3.99% in comparison to 3.38%). Finally, pace changing is more prominent in youngest and oldest
marathoners comparing to the other age groups (12.55% in comparison to 10.96%). Conclusions:
Based on these findings, practitioners should adopt different training programmes for marathoners
in comparison to shorter long-distance runners.
Keywords: running; endurance; health; marathoners; recreation
1. Introduction
Pacing can be defined as the distribution of exercise intensity during a prolonged
time [1]. Optimal pacing is one of the most important contributors to achieving the best
results in long-distance running [1,2], while significantly decreasing the risk of muscu-
loskeletal injuries [3]. Although a pacing strategy that can classify as optimal depends
on many factors (e.g., race length and profile, altitude, or weather conditions [4,5]) an
even pacing strategy with an end-spurt has often been the best choice for long-distance
events [6]. This strategy was best seen in the recent successful sub-2-h marathon challenge
by Eliud Kipchoge, where the pacing was artificially controlled to be even throughout the
race, with the spontaneous end-spurt by Kipchoge in the last several hundred meters [7].
Different pacing strategies in long-distance running were extensively investigated by sev-
eral influential studies, both on track [4] and road racing [8,9]. However, those studies
only involved a small sample size of professional athletes. On the other hand, the recent
availability of mass-participation events data has allowed researchers to examine pacing
from the perspective of a wider range of athletes including recreational distance runners of
all ages [10,11].
The first studies using mass-participation events data were focused on independent
long-distance events, primarily marathons and half-marathons. Contrary to elite runners,
when a wider range of athletes was investigated, previous research reported positive pacing
Medicina 2021, 57, 389.
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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in endurance running races, where pace (time/distance) increased after approximately
3/4 of the race [12,13]. This decline in running speed was more prominent in men than in
women due to several physiological [12] and psychological factors [14,15], such as a riskier
and faster start by men or women’s better fat utilization to obtain energy.
Moreover, studies investigating pacing in age group endurance runners proved
to be somewhat inconsistent in their findings, with either no differences between age
groups [11,12] or with more even pacing in older age groups [13]. Regarding the 10-km
race, several studies examined pacing in this long-distance event, mainly in a small samples
of track runners [1,4], time trial runners on either track [16] or treadmill [17], as well as in
triathletes [18]. Pacing in the aforementioned elite 10-km runners proved to be rather even
with an end-spurt. However, in recent years, 10-km races became increasingly popular
in recreational runners, especially among women and beginners of both sexes [19,20].
Recreational athletes would participate in a 10-km race in the context of their preparation
for a subsequent longer race [19], as well as a training tool to ameliorate pace time [21].
Therefore, further investigation of pacing in recreational 10-km runners is crucial to better
understand the mechanisms controlling the pacing in long-distance events. This might
help runners to enjoy running more as well as to achieve better results.
In recent years, several studies using new methodological approaches attempted
to compare pacing in mass-participation events [10,20]. Nevertheless, the performance
of different distances and events was not adjusted in the abovementioned studies; e.g.,
some events might be under different environmental conditions, opposition fields, or race
profiles. On the other hand, a new methodological approach allowed researchers to directly
compare pacing between half-marathon and marathon on the same race and track, with
rather similar weather conditions [10,22], thus providing more detailed and comparable
results. For example, a novel finding was that women’s pacing was similar to men’s in
half-marathon, whereas in a marathon women had more even pacing compared to men.
Specifically, physiological rather than psychological factors can influence the additional
lack of speed in marathoners (and not half-marathoners), such as better utilization of fat by
women or men’s muscle glycogen depletion [10,22]. Accordingly, women did not differ by
age group in pace variability, whereas youngest and oldest men, showed larger variability
in pace [10]. However, further proof is needed that the observed sex and age differences
are not specific to only a few races (i.e., Vienna and Ljubljana) and only two long-distance
running events (i.e., half-marathon and marathon). This can be achieved by investigating
and comparing pacing strategies in other long-distance races, such as longer ultra-races,
or shorter and increasingly popular 10km races with already popular and investigated
half-marathon or marathon.
Based on an extensive analysis of the literature, we concluded that no study utilizing
mass-participation events data has ever directly compared pacing in a 10-km race, with
other long-distance races. Such a comparison could shed additional light on the importance
of the mechanisms underlying pacing behaviour of the long distance runners, as well as
to better understand potential training requirements for both recreational and proficient
runners. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to assess and compare pacing between
the increasingly popular 10-km race and the most popular long-distance race—marathon,
in regards to their sex and age. We hypothesized that 10-km runners will show more even
pacing than marathoners, particularly women and middle age runners.
2. Materials and Methods
For this study, official results from the Oslo marathon and Oslo 10-km race held from
2015 to 2018 were included [23]. Split times from the middle of the race were also included
(i.e., 5 km and 21.0975 km for the 10-km race and marathon respectively).
The Oslo marathon was chosen as an officially certified race because it was held on a
rather flat track (elevation difference 60 m). For reference, the Berlin Marathon considered
“the fastest marathon”, has an elevation difference of 21 m [24]. Moreover, both the 10-km
race and marathon were held on the same day, whereas the 10-km race was entirely
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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contained within the marathon race. Finally, note that hyperthermia can significantly affect
pacing in both elite and recreational runners [5,12]. The Oslo Marathon is traditionally
held in Norway at the end of September, usually in colder weather conditions, which can
reduce the chances of hyperthermia in runners.
2.1. Participants
In total, 25,143 participants of all performance levels were considered for this study
(10-km race, n = 16,315; Marathon, n = 8828), however, most of them were recreational
runners. Participants who did not finish any of the races, or did not have recorded any of
the split times were excluded from the initial sample.
The present research was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Kanton
St. Gallen, Switzerland, with a waiver of the requirement for informed consent of the par-
ticipants as the research concerned the study of publicly available data (Ethical Committee
St. Gallen 1 June 2010). This research was conducted in accordance with ethical standards
derived from the Declaration of Helsinki adopted in 1964 and revised in 2013.
2.2. Data Acquisition
All data was acquired from the official Oslo Marathon results page [23]. First, overall
times, athlete details and a link to each athlete’s split times were copied from the results
page and pasted into an Excel document. This was done separately per year, distance and
gender. The split times were then added in a second step using custom Python scripts that
followed the official link to each athlete’s split times and extracted all available split times.
2.3. Procedures
In the first step of data analysis, the average running speed of all runners was cal-
culated for the first and second half of both the 10-km race and marathon. A particular
novelty of this study was the use of time (i.e., minutes and seconds) per kilometre as a unit
of speed. This “runners friendly” measurement of speed was chosen as a very practical
tool for both professional and recreational runners as well as their coaches. For example,
GPS watches, often utilized by runners to monitor running speed, presents minutes per
kilometre by default. Moreover, in long-distance races, each kilometre is usually marked.
Therefore, participants can see the time they consumed running between each kilometre.
As a result, runners and running coaches often rely on the time needed to run one kilometre
when assessing and comparing someone’s running speed or pace maintenance.
Considering that even pacing is the best choice for long-distance running [6], pacing
assessment from the aspect of speed maintenance was selected for this study. Thereafter,
speed variation was calculated based on the percentage difference in speed observed
between the second and the first half of the race (i.e., % change = (second half time − first
half time)/first half time). Percentage change was considered as a continuous variable [14].
Applying this method, it was possible to normalize pace and compare it between different
race distances [10]. Criteria for inclusion in the final data set were having timing data for
the halfway mark and the full race in proper sequence (e.g., finishing time greater than
split time); a net time less than the gun time; and a slowing less than 400% [14].
2.4. Statistical Analysis
Prior to all statistical tests, descriptive statistics were calculated as mean and standard
deviation. Since the Kolmogorov-Smirnov or similar data normality tests are not sensi-
tive when using a large sample size, data distribution normality was verified by visual
inspection of histograms and QQ plots [10,22].
To assess pacing differences between the first and second half of the 10-km race and
marathon, two 2-way between-within ANOVAs were performed (separately for women
and men). The main effect of pace (first half and second half), race (10-km race and
marathon), and the interaction pace x race were observed.
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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To assess pace change between women and men in 10-km race and marathon, two-way
ANOVA with between factors was performed. The main effect of sex (women and men),
race (10-km race and marathon), and the interaction sex × race were observed.
Finally, to assess pace change between age groups in 10-km race and marathon, two
2-way between-within ANOVAs were performed (separately for women and men). The
main effect of age group (18–23; 24–34; 34–39; 40–44; 45–49; 50–54; 55–59; 60–64; 65+), race
(10-km race and marathon) and the interaction age × race were observed.
In addition, for all ANOVAs, Bonferroni post-hoc test was performed. The effect size
was calculated as eta squared ( 2), where the values of 0.01, 0.06, and above 0.14 were
considered small, medium, and large, respectively [25]. Alpha level was set at p ≤ 0.05. All
statistical tests were performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Microsoft Corporation,
Redmond, WA, USA) and SPSS 20 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA).
3. Results
The first and second half pacing of participants is presented in Table 1. Regardless of
their sex and age, both 10-km runners and marathoners showed a positive pacing strategy
(i.e., second half of the race was slower than the first half). Further examination of pacing
between 10-km runners and marathoners, in regards to their sex and age, is presented in
Figures 1–3.
Table 1. Speed indicators (in min/km) of 10-km and marathon runners showed as mean ± standard deviation.
Women (n10-km = 9932; nmarathon = 2048)
Men (n10-km = 6383; nmarathon = 6780)
10-km Race (min/km)
Marathon (min/km)
10-km Race (min/km)
Marathon (min/km)
Age: 18–23
n = 1589
First half
Second half
Age: 24–34
n = 7777
First half
Second half
Age: 34–39
n = 3695
First half
Second half
Age: 40–44
n = 3784
First half
Second half
Age: 45–49
n = 3514
First half
Second half
Age: 50–54
n = 2342
First half
Second half
Age: 55–59
n = 1256
First half
Second half
Age: 60–64
n = 646
First half
Second half
Age: 65+
n = 540
First half
Second half
n = number of participants, SD = standard deviation of data, min/km = minutes per kilometer.
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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Medicina 2021, 57, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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Figure 1. Women’s (upper panel) and men’s (lower panel) running time in the first and second
half of 10-km race and marathon. Data showed as mean ± standard deviation. **—Significant dif-
ferences at p< 0.01.
3.1. Pacing in 10-km and Marathon
For women (Figure 1, upper panel), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main
effects of pace(F(3,11978) = 6513.1, ŋ2 = 0.02, p< 0.01), race(F(3,11978) = 187.7, ŋ2= 0.01, p< 0.01) as
well as pace × raceinteraction (F(3,11978) = 1086.1, ŋ2< 0.01, p< 0.01), whereas for men (Figure
Figure 1. Women’s (upper panel) and men’s (lower panel) running time in the first and second half
of 10-km race and marathon. Data showed as mean ± standard deviation. **—Significant differences
at p < 0.01.
3.1. Pacing in 10-km and Marathon
For women (Figure 1, upper panel), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main
effects of pace(F(3,11978) = 6513.1,
2 = 0.02, p < 0.01), race(F(3,11978) = 187.7,
2 = 0.01, p < 0.01)
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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as well as pace × raceinteraction (F(3,11978) = 1086.1,
2 < 0.01, p < 0.01), whereas for
men (Figure 1, lower panel), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main effects of
pace(F(3,13161) = 8720.9,
2 = 0.04, p < 0.01), race(F(3,13161) = 14.6,
2 < 0.01, p < 0.01) as well as
sex × race interaction (F(3,13161) = 2619.0,
2 = 0.01, p < 0.01).
3.2. Pace Change in Men and Women in 10-km and Marathon
Regarding pace change (Figure 2), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main
effects of sex(F(3,25139) = 129.6,
2 < 0.01, p < 0.01), race(F(3,25139) = 3717.2,
2 = 0.13, p < 0.01)
as well as sex × race interaction (F(3,25139) = 149.3,
2 = 0.01, p < 0.01).
3.3. Age Group Pace Change in 10-km and Marathon
For women (Figure 3, upper panel), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main
effects of age(F(17,11962) = 359.3,
2 = 0.01, p < 0.01), race(F(17,11962) = 441.1,
2 = 0.04, p < 0.01)
as well as age × race interaction (F(17,11962) = 189.3,
2 < 0.01, p < 0.01), whereas for
men (Figure 3, lower panel), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main effects of
age(F(17,13145) = 3.9,
2 < 0.01, p < 0.01), race(F(17,13145) = 1678.2,
2 = 0.11, p < 0.01) as well as
age × race interaction (F(17,13145) = 4.0,
2 < 0.01, p < 0.01).
Medicina 2021, 57, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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1, lower panel), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main effects of pace(F(3,13161) =
8720.9, ŋ2 = 0.04, p< 0.01), race(F(3,13161) = 14.6, ŋ2< 0.01, p< 0.01) as well as sex × race interaction
(F(3,13161) = 2619.0, ŋ2= 0.01, p< 0.01).
3.2. Pace Change in Men and Women in 10-km and Marathon
Regarding pace change (Figure 2), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main
effects of sex(F(3,25139) = 129.6, ŋ2 < 0.01, p< 0.01), race(F(3,25139) = 3717.2, ŋ2 = 0.13, p< 0.01) a
well as sex × race interaction (F(3,25139) = 149.3, ŋ2 = 0.01, p< 0.01).
3.3. Age Group Pace Change in 10-km and Marathon
For women (Figure 3, upper panel), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main
effects of age(F(17,11962) = 359.3, ŋ2 = 0.01, p< 0.01), race(F(17,11962) = 441.1, ŋ2 = 0.04, p< 0.01) a
well as age × race interaction (F(17,11962) = 189.3, ŋ2< 0.01, p< 0.01), whereas for men (Figure 3
lower panel), the two-way ANOVA showed significant main effects of age(F(17,13145) = 3.9
ŋ2 < 0.01, p< 0.01), race(F(17,13145) = 1678.2, ŋ2 = 0.11, p< 0.01) as well as age × race interaction
(F(17,13145) = 4.0, ŋ2 < 0.01, p< 0.01).
Figure 2. Pace change in 10-km race and marathon for women and men. Data showed as mean ±
standard deviation. **—Significant differences at p< 0.01.
Figure 2. Pace change in 10-km race and marathon for women and men. Data showed as mean ±
standard deviation. **—Significant differences at p < 0.01.
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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Medicina 2021, 57, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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Figure 3. Pace change in 10-km race and marathon for women’s (upper panel) and men’s (lower
panel) age groups. Data showed as mean ± standard deviation. **—Significant differences at p<
Figure 3. Pace change in 10-km race and marathon for women’s (upper panel) and men’s (lower
panel) age groups. Data showed as mean ± standard deviation. **—Significant differences at p < 0.01.
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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4. Discussion
The main aim of this study was to assess and compare pacing between 10-km runners
and marathoners, in regards to their sex and age. The hypothesis, that 10-km runners
would show more even pacing than marathoners, particularly women and middle age
runners, was partially confirmed.
Contrary to the previous results obtained on elite 10-km runners, where an even or
negative pacing profile was observed [1,4], recreational runners (both men and women)
showed a positive pacing profile (Figure 1). However, when compared to the marathoners,
the pace slowing that occurred in the second half of the 10-km race was significantly
less. It seems that running performance does not affect pacing in the 10-km, as it does in
the marathon [11,26]. In our study, marathoners achieved a faster speed than the 10-km
runners (Table 1), thus we can assume that the 10-km runners were mostly beginners in
comparison to the marathoners. Similar results were previously obtained for recreational
half-marathoners [10,22], where plummet in pace was less prominent in recreational half-
marathoners than the marathoners. Therefore, we can assume that the pacing difference
between 10-km race and marathon was not related to the runners’ performance level,
but could be attributed to the increased fatigue when participating in the longer distance
race [22].
4.1. Pacing in 10-km and Marathon
Finally, note that time (expressed as minutes and seconds) per kilometre was utilized
as a unit of speed. Similar studies have often used meters per second or kilometres per
hour [10,11] as more common units of speed, particularly in the field of sports science.
However, practitioners (e.g., coaches, runners of all levels, as well as some sports scientists)
regularly use time per kilometre as a very comprehensive practical tool when assessing
and comparing someone’s running speed or pace maintenance (see Materials and Methods
for additional information).
4.2. Pace Change in Men and Women in 10-km and Marathon
When women and men were compared, no differences in pace change were obtained
in the 10-km race (Figure 2). In contrast to the 10-km race, the marathon women had a signif-
icantly lower pace change in comparison to the marathon men. When we relate this finding
to the previous studies comparing pacing in recreational half-marathoners and marathon-
ers [10,22], it appears that in long-distance races shorter than a marathon, the men’s pacing
strategy is equally good as the women’s one, potentially event slightly better (Figure 2).
That would confirm the previously observed hypothesis that women have an advantage in
pacing over men only in distances equal to or longer than marathons [10]. The obtained
findings can possibly diminish the previously reported psychological effect on men’s pac-
ing (i.e., a riskier and faster start by men, due to greater competitiveness [14,15,27]). It can
be assumed that less variation in pacing, as observed in recreational female marathoners,
was due to a better fat utilization to obtain energy [28], rather than burning glycogen stored
in muscles [12].
4.3. Age Group Pace Change in 10-km and Marathon
In all age groups (in both women and men), the 10-km runners showed a lower pace
change in comparison to the marathon runners (Figure 3). It appears that both the youngest
and the oldest marathoners change pace more than other age groups (Figure 3, lower panel),
which is also confirmed in the 2017 Vienna marathon and half-marathon [29]. Younger, less
experienced marathoners might encounter an inadequate control mechanism of pacing
by altering pace often, which in turn might induce an excess of fatigue. The control
mechanism of pacing depends on the information of the endpoint and race duration, an
inherent clock setting scalar timing, and the knowledge of pacing from previously finished
races [30]. Younger inexperienced runners could lack this pacing template in the brain,
hence they cannot control pace during prolonged activities, such as a marathon. On the
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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other hand, elderly men spend more time running (i.e., run slowly). As a consequence,
fatigue-induced change in pace is more likely to occur, regardless of the well-developed
pacing template [29]. Similar results are obtained in women, whereas the youngest and
oldest marathoners change pace the most (Figure 3, upper panel). This phenomenon is,
however, less pronounced compared to men due to previously explained sex differences
(see preceding paragraph).
4.4. Limitations
Several limitations of this study should be noted. First, it was impossible to include
the half-marathon mid-race split in this study, since the organizers usually don’t provide
a split at 10.550 km. Also, this split is not quite popular among runners (both elite and
recreational). Second, additional splits in the 10-km race would provide better insight
into the runners’ pacing strategies. Unfortunately, almost no mass participation events
provide these splits in races shorter than half-marathon. Third, this study has assessed
only one event in four consecutive years, thus limiting the potential generalization of the
obtained findings. On the other hand, this allows a greater sample of participants. Finally,
combining all runners older than 65 into the one age group (since there is a limited number
of runners older than 65), limits our knowledge about pacing in older 10-km and marathon
4.5. Practical Applications
Based on these findings, strength and conditioning coaches (e.g., running coaches)
should adopt different training programmes for marathoners, in comparison to the par-
ticipants in the shorter long-distance events. Particular emphasis should be placed on
individualized training plans for beginners, with the purpose of achieving an even or
negative pacing profile (or at least to reduce plummet in the speed in the second half of the
race). For example, recreational runners could run several 10-km races or half-marathons
with the goal of achieving an even or negative pacing profile, before they attempt to run a
marathon. This pacing strategy might aid athletes to have a faster race time, decrease the
risk of musculoskeletal injuries, and enhance the enjoyment of endurance running.
Finally, a particular novelty of this study was the use of minutes per kilometre as a unit
of speed, as a very “practitioner friendly” and quite comprehensive tool when assessing
and comparing someone’s running speed or pace maintenance (see Methods for additional
information). Similar studies could utilize this measurement of speed more often, thus
providing more comparable findings.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, both 10-km runners and marathoners showed positive pacing strate-
gies. Moreover, women are less likely to slow in the marathon, however not in shorter
long-distance events. Finally, pace changing is more prominent in youngest and oldest
marathoners comparing to the other age groups.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, I.C. and P.T.N.; methodology, I.C. and P.T.N.; software,
I.C., P.T.N. and E.V.; validation, I.C. and P.T.N.; formal analysis, I.C., P.T.N. and E.V.; investigation,
I.C., P.T.N. and E.V.; resources, I.C., P.T.N. and E.V.; data curation, I.C., P.T.N. and E.V.; writing—
original draft preparation, I.C., P.T.N. and B.K.; writing—review and editing, I.C., P.T.N. and B.K.;
visualization, I.C. and P.T.N.; supervision, P.T.N. and B.K.; project administration, E.V. and B.K.;
funding acquisition, E.V. and B.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The present research was approved by the Institutional
Review Board of Kanton St. Gallen, Switzerland, with a waiver of the requirement for informed
consent of the participants as the research concerned the study of publicly available data (Ethical
Medicina 2021, 57, 389
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Committee St. Gallen 1 June 2010). This research was conducted in accordance with ethical standards
derived from the Declaration of Helsinki adopted in 1964 and revised in 2013.
Informed Consent Statement: Patient consent was waived due to as the research concerned the
study of publicly available data.
Data Availability Statement: BMW Oslo Maraton. Available online:
(accessed on 25April 2019).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Pacing in Long-Distance Running: Sex and Age Differences in 10-km Race and Marathon. | 04-17-2021 | Cuk, Ivan,Nikolaidis, Pantelis T,Villiger, Elias,Knechtle, Beat | eng |
PMC6651135 | International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Women Reduce the Performance Difference to Men
with Increasing Age in Ultra-Marathon Running
Karin J. Waldvogel 1, Pantelis T. Nikolaidis 2,3
, Stefania Di Gangi 1, Thomas Rosemann 1
Beat Knechtle 1,4,*
Institute of Primary Care, University of Zurich, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, 18450 Nikaia, Greece
School of Health and Caring Sciences, University of West Attica, 12243 Athens, Greece
Medbase St. Gallen Am Vadianplatz, 9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +41-(0)-71-226-93-00
Received: 8 June 2019; Accepted: 2 July 2019; Published: 4 July 2019
Abstract: Age and sex are well-known factors influencing ultra-marathon race performance. The fact
that women in older age groups are able to achieve a similar performance as men has been
documented in swimming. In ultra-marathon running, knowledge is still limited. The aim of this
study was to analyze sex-specific performance in ultra-marathon running according to age and
distance. All ultra-marathon races documented in the online database of the German Society for
Ultra-Marathon from 1964 to 2017 for 50-mile races (i.e., 231,980 records from 91,665 finishers) and
from 1953 to 2017 for 100-mile races (i.e., 107,445 records from 39,870 finishers) were analyzed.
In 50-mile races, race times were 11.74 ± 1.95 h for men and 12.31 ± 1.69 h for women. In 100-mile
races, race times were 26.6 ± 3.49 h for men and 27.47 ± 3.6 h for women. The sex differences decreased
with older age and were smaller in 100-mile (4.41%) than in 50-mile races (9.13%). The overall age of
peak performance was 33 years for both distances. In summary, women reduced the performance
difference to men with advancing age, the relative difference being smaller in 100-mile compared to
50-mile races. These findings might aid coaches and ultra-marathon runners set long-term training
goals considering their sex and age.
Keywords: age of peak performance; athlete; sex difference; ultra-endurance
1. Introduction
The oldest entry in the collection of ultra-marathon running statistics provided by the “German
Society for Ultra-Marathon” [1] was a 89 km run from London to Brighton taking place in 1837. Since
then, the popularity of ultra-marathon running has substantially increased [2–5]. Ultra-marathon
running competitions are mainly specified by duration in hours or days (e.g., six hours to ten days) or
by distance in km or miles (e.g., 50 km, 100 km, 50 miles, and 100 miles). For a race to be considered
as an ultra-marathon, the duration has to be at least 6 hours, or the distance has to be longer than
42.195 km (26.2 miles) [5,6].
Over the last decades, the number of ultra-marathon competitions [7] as well as the number of
participants in these races has increased exponentially [8]. This increase appears to be mostly due
to increasing numbers of athletes aged over 40 years (i.e., master athletes) [7], as well as women
increasingly participating [3,8]. While very few women participated in the first ultra-marathon running
competitions, their share has increased ever since [7,9,10]. Since 2004, approximately 20% of the
runners have been women, but there are no records documenting women participating in the USA
161 km ultra-marathon distance in the 1970s [7].
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Multiple determinants of the ultra-marathon’s success have been identified. One very important
factor is age [10–12]. Knowing the age of peak performance has been assessed as being indispensable
for optimization of the training schedule and to plan a successful career as an ultra-runner [13].
Comparing marathon and ultra-marathon running, differences in the age of peak performance have
been very recently reported. In marathon running, the best performances of women and men are
achieved between 25 and 35 years of age [4,11,14–16]. In above-marathon distances, the age of peak
performance is higher [4]. Several studies report that the best results are observed in men aged 30 to
49 years and in women aged 30 to 54 years in 100 km ultra-marathon races [13,17]. One explanation
might be that most runners start their careers with marathons, only later in life enhancing the challenge
with ultra-marathons [17]. Moreover, compared to marathon races, ultra-marathons require the
necessary level of performance, and this depends even more on the critical factors of adequate training
preparation with an appropriate nutrition plan and mental strength [6].
Another essential factor influencing race performance is the athlete’s sex. Even though the
performance of women compared to men in endurance running was inferior in the past [9],
the sex-related gap has decreased in the last couple of decades [18]. This observation led to speculation
about whether and how women could reduce the difference in running times to a level where they
might outperform men in long-distance races. Other authors have hypothesized that this might be
more likely to happen with very long distances, such as in ultra-marathons [18–21]. In contrast to
such expectations, some results seem to indicate a larger sex gap in ultra-marathons compared to
marathons [20], although there might be a potential bias underlying these results. Most studies either
did not consider all participants and only focused on the top athletes [15,22,23], or had a limited
sample size of athletes, only investigating a small number of races and/or a limited period [11,16].
Comparing only the top ten world record performances carries the risk of the results being affected by
athletes with the highest performance level. For example, Lepers et al. [22] restricted their analysis of
triathletes to the top ten men of each age group in the Olympic triathlon and Ironman triathlon world
championships of 2006 and 2007 (440 athletes in total) and found an age-related performance decline
at the age of 50 years in swimming and at the age of 45 years in cycling and running. In contrast,
Käch et al. [24], investigating 329,066 men and 81,815 women participating in Ironman triathlon
competitions held between 2002 and 2015, found a performance decline at profoundly earlier ages
(in swimming, at 25–29 years of age in women and men; in cycling and running, at 30–34 years of age
in women and at 35–39 years of age in men). According to Käch et al. [24], the participants in Ironman
triathlons are not only the top-performing athletes of each age group, but also recreational athletes,
the latter typically not being included in an analysis of top-ten athletes. Top-performing athletes tend
to have more experience, mental strength, training volume, and training intensity than recreational
athletes and are thus more likely to be included in analyses of top-ten performers [24]. This could
also explain that the performance of unselected athletes (i.e., investigation of performance of every
participating athlete, as found by Käch et al. [24], tends to decline at an earlier age than performance in
top-ten athletes (as found by Lepers et al. [22]).
Could a similar mechanism also explain discrepant findings on the performance of men compared
to women? Recent studies investigating master swimmers in pool and open-water swimming showed
that women in older age groups (80 years and older) achieved a similar performance to men in
an investigation of 65,584 freestyle pool swimmers (29,467 women and 36,117 men) competing in
50 to 800 m [25] races and when 7592 freestyle open-water swimmers (2829 women and 4768 men)
competing in 3000 m [26] races in the FINA World championships from 1986–2014 and 1992–2014,
respectively. In contrast, Senefeld et al. [27], who conducted a similar study except that they focused on
the top ten swimmers in the years between 1986 and 2011 (6760 athletes in total, men and women), found
that the performance of women in every age group was inferior and, contrary to Knechtle et al. [25,26],
that the sex gap increased with age.
The differences in the selection of performance levels could possibly explain these discrepant
findings in comparisons of men versus women. In support of this interpretation, other studies found
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a reduction in the sex gap in swimming performance with increasing age for different disciplines
such as breaststroke [28], backstroke [29], butterfly [30], and in the individual medley event [31].
The commonality across these studies is that they included all participants in their investigation,
rather than only the top ten performance participants. The results indicate that selection based on
performance levels has an influence on the results regarding sex-specific performance differences,
usually in favor of men. In contrast, studies performed with all athletes tend to display a lower or no
sex gap.
The fact that women in older age groups (i.e., older than 80 years) achieve a similar performance to
men has only been reported for different swimming disciplines, but not for running. Knechtle et al. [32]
reported results on ultra-marathon performance in men and women and found that with increasing
age and race distance, the sex gap increased rather than decreased. However, our knowledge of
whether women in older age groups would be able to achieve a similar performance for longer running
distances is still limited. For instance, a recent study on road running records from 5 km to 6 days
showed that men were faster than women, the sex gap decreased with increasing age, and it did not
vary by race distance or duration [33].
We therefore investigated whether women in 50-mile and 100-mile ultra-marathon races would
be able to reduce the gap to men in older age groups. In contrast to previous studies, we analyzed a
much larger data set, containing all 50-mile ultra-marathon races held between 1964 and 2017 and all
100-mile races between 1953 and 2017, thus avoiding selection bias by not only focusing on the top
participants. Based on previous findings for master swimmers, we hypothesized that the sex gap in
performance in ultra-marathons would decrease with increasing age, and that this decrease would be
independent from the race distance.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Ethical Approval
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Kanton St. Gallen, Switzerland,
with a waiver of the requirement for informed consent of the participants, as the study involved the
analysis of publicly available data (1 June 2010).
2.2. Data Sampling
The investigation comprised all ultra-marathon competitions with running distances documented
in “miles” in the online database of the German Society for Ultra-Marathon (Deutsche Ultramarathon
Vereinigung e.V.). A total of 7769 competitions with 456,167 men and women participating in the years
from 1928 to 2017 [34] were extracted.
The data set was retrieved in multiple steps. First, we used the Google Chrome browser (Version
66.0.3359.139) with the add-on “Web Scraper” (Version 0.3.7) to retrieve the Uniform Resource Locator
(URL) of each ultra-marathon competition registered in the online database. Each URL was saved
in Microsoft Excel 2013 (Version 15.0.4569.1504). Subsequently, the Microsoft Excel-integrated Visual
Basic Application (VBA) was used to filter the database contents, excluding every URL of competitions
that did not have a distance specified in miles. In a final step, also using Excel-VBA, the raw data of
each competition was extracted and uniformly formatted. The resulting file was visually controlled
for inconsistences, and these were corrected in accordance with the original data. For the purpose of
the present study, we analyzed 339,425 records of athletes either finishing a 50-mile race from 1964 to
2017 or a 100-mile race from 1953 to 2017. Other race distances were excluded due to insufficient data.
The following variables were extracted: year of race, race distance, name of race, country of race, race
time (h), running speed (km/h), name of athlete, year of birth, nationality of athlete, and sex of athlete.
Age was derived by subtracting the year of birth from 2017.
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2.3. Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistics are presented as means ± standard deviations. Performance, or race time,
was recorded in the format “hours:minutes:seconds” (h:min:s) and converted into hours, as a numerical
variable. For 50- and 100-mile ultra-marathon races, t-tests were performed to compare the average
performance between men and women by age group and by country. It was acknowledged that
analyses of variance (ANOVAs) might have been easier to interpret; however, the mixed regression
analysis was preferred since it was necessary to correct for clustered observations within runners who
participate more than once. ANOVA would have not accounted for clustered observations. The age
groups were 10–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–74, and 75–95 years, and only observations with
non-missing ages were considered in analyses involving age. Country groups were identified through
participation prevalence by country: United States of America (USA), Canada (CAN), Great Britain
(GBR), and Republic of South Africa (RSA). The other countries were grouped together. Age was
considered as a continuous variable, in 1-year intervals, when defined as a predictor variable for
ultra-marathon time. A non-linear regression mixed model with basis splines was performed to find
the age of peak performance, which is the age at which the time record-fitted value has a minimum.
The mixed model was used to correct for repeated measurements within runners (clusters) through the
random effects of intercepts. Different regression model specifications were initially considered, with
age–sex, age–country, and country–sex interaction terms and with different hypotheses about the age
and time trend. Model selection was performed using both the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and
the Bayes information criterion (BIC). In the final selected model, age, calendar year, sex, country, and
a country–sex interaction term were considered as fixed effect predictors. The statistical model was
specified as follows:
Ultra − marathon time (Y) ∼ [ fixed ef fects (X) = BS(year, df = 3) + BS(age, df = 3)
+ sex + country + country ∗ sex] + [random ef fects of intercept = runners]
where BS (year, df=3) and BS (age, df = 3) are 3 degrees of freedom (df) basis splines changing with
calendar year and age, respectively; country*sex denotes the country–sex interaction term.
Two different analyses were performed, one for 50-mile and one for 100-mile races. In the 50 miles
analysis, South Africa was combined with other countries because of the low number of runners.
Results of the regression models are presented as estimates and standard errors. In addition, sex
differences (%) in performance were examined, defined as 100 × (women’s race time-men’s race
time)/men’s race time. For all tests and regressions, statistical significance was defined as p < 0.05.
All statistical analyses were carried out with R [35]. The packages ggplot2, lme4, and lmerTest were
used, respectively, for data visualization and for the mixed model.
3. Results
Between 1964 and 2017, a total of n = 231,980 records on 91,665 different finishers with information
on age were retrieved from the database on 50-mile ultra-marathon races. For 100-mile races, a total
of n = 107,445 records on 39,870 different finishers was available for the period between 1953 and
2017. Overall, the average number of observations per runner was 2.53 in 50-mile and 2.69 in 100-mile
races. In 50-/100-mile races, the number of women was 23,548 (26%)/7789 (20%) with 55,540 (24% of
the total observations)/20,154 (19% of the total observations) records, and the number of men was
68,107 (74%)/32,081 (80%) with 176,440 (76%)/87,291 (81%) records.
The proportions of observations of finishers aged 50 years and above were 24.4% (men) and
17% (women) in 50-mile races and 24.9% (men) and 18.3% (women) in 100-mile races, indicating that
finishing men tended to be slightly older than women. The vast majority of finishers participated in
races in the USA (85.2%); 6.1%, 3.8%, and 0.1% of the sample participated in Great Britain, Canada,
and South Africa, respectively, and 4.1% in races taking place in 43 other countries.
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In Table 1, the number of observations and the average performance by sex, age group, and country
are reported for 50- and 100-mile races. In both 50-/100-mile races, the shortest average race times were
observed in the 20–29 years age group, both in men (10.30 h/26.07 h) and in women (11.18 h/27.14 h);
the lowest average performances were observed in the 75–95 years age group, again both in men
(14.20 h/29.73 h) and in women (13.40 h/29.00 h). In 50-mile races, the shortest average race times were
observed in Canada (10.47 h in men and 11.35 h in women) and the longest in Great Britain (11.67 h in
men and 12.87 h in women). In 100-mile races, the shortest average running times occurred in South
Africa (21.82 h in men, 23.19 h in women) and the longest in the group of the 43 “other” countries (27.73
h in men and 28.11 h in women). Performance differences between sexes were significant (p < 0.001)
for all age groups <75 years in the 50-mile races and for age groups between 20 and 60 years in the
100-mile races. In the ≥75 years of age group, better performances occurred in women compared to
men, even though the difference failed to attain statistical significance due to the small sample size.
The magnitude of the difference was, however, similar to that seen in younger age groups, where men
are faster than women, and particularly in 5- mile races. With the largest performance sex gap in favor
of men seen in the youngest age group (10–19 years), a clear performance trend over age is visible for
both distances.
Table 1.
Mean ultra-marathon performance (50 and 100 miles) by sex, age group, and country
(South Africa, due to a small sample size for 50-mile races, is combined with other countries). p-values
of a t-test of mean performance between sexes are shown.
50 miles, n = 231,980
100 miles, n = 107,445
Age group
Great Britain
United States
South Africa
(Note: Due to the small sample size for 50-mile races, South Africa was combined with other countries; p-values are
from comparisons of mean performances between sexes).
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Regarding country, in both distances and for all country groups, performance differences were
significant (p < 0.001) between sexes due to a better performances in men, the largest differences being
observed in South Africa. Table 2 describes, for both distances, the results of the statistical models, as
described in the methods section (model selection statistics omitted). For 50 miles, race times were 11.74
(Sd = 1.95) h for men and 12.31 (Sd = 1.69) for women, with a sex difference of 9.13%. For 100 miles,
race times were 26.6 (Sd = 3.49) h for men and 27.47 (Sd = 3.6) h for women, with a sex difference of
4.41%. Women were significantly slower than men (p < 0.001), the estimated sex differences being 0.74
(SE = 0.017) and 0.81 (SE = 0.075) hours in 50- and 100-mile races, respectively. For 50 miles, compared
to the USA, finishers in Canada and in other countries were significantly (p < 0.001) faster by 0.19
(SE = 0.040) and 0.092 (SE = 0.028) hours, respectively. In contrast, finishers in GBR were significantly
(p < 0.001) slower by 0.656 hours. For 100 miles, compared to the USA, finishers in GBR, CAN, and the
RSA were significantly (p < 0.001) faster, with runners in the RSA being faster than in the USA by an
estimated 3.938 hours. Other countries were slower by 0.893 hours, p < 0.001, compared to the USA.
Table 2. Regression analysis (mixed model) of ultra-marathons (50 and 100 miles). Estimates and
standard errors (SEs) of fixed effects are reported. P-value ranges are marked with asterisks (see note).
Smoothing terms, basis splines, are denoted with BS(x) t, where x = year, age; t = 1,2,3.
50 miles Estimate (SE)
100 miles Estimate (SE)
12.462 ***
23.658 ***
BS (year) 1
−4.009 ***
BS (year) 2
−1.218 ***
5.882 ***
BS (year) 3
−0.313 *
BS (age) 1
−2.427 ***
BS (age) 2
3.674 ***
BS (age) 3
4.039 ***
Country (ref. United States)
−0.190 ***
Great Britain
0.656 ***
−0.322 **
−0.092 ***
0.893 ***
South Africa
−3.938 ***
Sex (ref. Men)
Women (W)
0.740 ***
0.810 ***
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Table 2. Cont.
50 miles Estimate (SE)
100 miles Estimate (SE)
Great Britain*W
0.562 ***
Other countries*W
−0.191 **
South Africa*W
Note: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.
The Country*Sex interaction terms, for example the term Great Britain*W, estimates how much
greater the effect of being a woman in a particular country (e.g., Great Britain) was on race time,
compared to the USA. The interaction effects (Table 2) are visualized in Figure 1 (50 miles) and Figure 2
(100 miles). They were particularly pronounced for GBR in 50-mile races (0.562 hours) and for CAN in
100-mile races (0.751 hours), where the performances of women and men differed clearly more than in
the USA. The distance between the fitted curves in men and women is largest for GBR in 50-mile races
and for CAN in 100-mile races.
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Other countries*W
−0.191 **
South Africa*W
231,980 107,445
Note: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.
The Country*Sex interaction terms, for example the term Great Britain*W, estimates how much
greater the effect of being a woman in a particular country (e.g., Great Britain) was on race time,
compared to the USA. The interaction effects (Table 2) are visualized in Figures 1 (50 miles) and 2
(100 miles). They were particularly pronounced for GBR in 50-mile races (0.562 hours) and for CAN
in 100-mile races (0.751 hours), where the performances of women and men differed clearly more
than in the USA. The distance between the fitted curves in men and women is largest for GBR in
50-mile races and for CAN in 100-mile races.
Figure 1. Ultra-marathon speed, 50 miles, by sex, age (in years), and country. Points are race-time averages.
Lines are fitted curves (mixed model). Vertical lines with numeric labels are the ages at peak performance.
USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, W = women, M = men.
Figure 1. Ultra-marathon speed, 50 miles, by sex, age (in years), and country. Points are race-time averages.
Lines are fitted curves (mixed model). Vertical lines with numeric labels are the ages at peak performance.
USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, W = women, M = men.
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Figure 2. Ultra-marathon speed, 100 miles, by sex, age (in years), and country. Points are race-time averages.
Lines are fitted curves (mixed model). Vertical lines with numeric labels are the ages at peak performance. The
sample sizes decrease towards the minimum and maximum of the age axes, with some of the points reflecting
only individuals; for example, the five points corresponding with GBR men 75+ years of age reflect one
individual each, one of the three remarkable individuals (Geoffrey Oliver) accounting for three of the five
points [36]. USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, RSA = Republic of South
Africa, W = women, M = men.
All the effects in Table 2, together with the age and year of peak performance, are shown
graphically in Figures 1–4. Both in 50-mile (Figure 1) and 100-mile (Figure 2) races, running times
decreased and, after reaching a minimum at 33 years (peak performance), increased with increasing
age. Regarding the calendar period, in 50-mile races, 1985 was the year of the best performance
(Figure 3), whereas in 100-mile races, performance worsened consistently over time (Figure 4). In
Figure 5, the estimated sex differences in performance by country are shown over age. For both
distances, the differences in favor of men increased up to about 33 years, and the increase was
subsequently followed by a decrease. In 100- but not in 50-mile races, the differences re-increased
slightly after about 80 years of age. For both distances, the estimated sex differences were smaller for
100- than for 50-mile races. Over calendar time, from 1953 to 2017, the sex difference in performance
decreased continuously in all countries in 100-mile races. For roughly the same period, the sex
difference in performance peaked at around 1985 in all countries for 50-mile races (Figure 6).
Figure 2. Ultra-marathon speed, 100 miles, by sex, age (in years), and country. Points are race-time
averages. Lines are fitted curves (mixed model). Vertical lines with numeric labels are the ages at peak
performance. The sample sizes decrease towards the minimum and maximum of the age axes, with
some of the points reflecting only individuals; for example, the five points corresponding with GBR
men 75+ years of age reflect one individual each, one of the three remarkable individuals (Geoffrey
Oliver) accounting for three of the five points [36]. USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada,
GBR = Great Britain, RSA = Republic of South Africa, W = women, M = men.
All the effects in Table 2, together with the age and year of peak performance, are shown graphically
in Figures 1–4. Both in 50-mile (Figure 1) and 100-mile (Figure 2) races, running times decreased and,
after reaching a minimum at 33 years (peak performance), increased with increasing age. Regarding
the calendar period, in 50-mile races, 1985 was the year of the best performance (Figure 3), whereas in
100-mile races, performance worsened consistently over time (Figure 4). In Figure 5, the estimated sex
differences in performance by country are shown over age. For both distances, the differences in favor
of men increased up to about 33 years, and the increase was subsequently followed by a decrease.
In 100- but not in 50-mile races, the differences re-increased slightly after about 80 years of age. For
both distances, the estimated sex differences were smaller for 100- than for 50-mile races. Over calendar
time, from 1953 to 2017, the sex difference in performance decreased continuously in all countries in
100-mile races. For roughly the same period, the sex difference in performance peaked at around 1985
in all countries for 50-mile races (Figure 6).
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Figure 3. Ultra-marathon speed, 50 miles, by sex, calendar year, and country. Points are race-time averages.
Lines are fitted curves (mixed model). Vertical lines with numeric labels are the ages at peak performance.
USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, W = women, M = men.
4. Discussion
The aim of this study was to examine the sex gap in performance in ultra-marathons. We
hypothesized a decrease of the sex gap with increasing age and that this decrease would be
independent from race distance. The main findings were that the (i) sex difference in performance
was smaller in older than in younger athletes; (ii) the relative sex difference in performance was
smaller in 100- than in 50-mile races; (iii) the sex difference in performance approaches a historical
minimum; (iv) the peak performance age was 33 years; (v) the average performance worsened over
the last three decades. Minor findings were that (vi) men were slightly older than women; (vii) more
than two thirds (70%) of the finishers had participated in 50-mile races; (viii) three quarters (76%) of
all finishers were men; (ix) the proportion of men was higher in 100-mile races (80%) than in 50-mile
races (74%); (x) in South African races, men and women demonstrated the best 100-mile
Figure 3. Ultra-marathon speed, 50 miles, by sex, calendar year, and country. Points are race-time averages.
Lines are fitted curves (mixed model). Vertical lines with numeric labels are the ages at peak performance.
USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, W = women, M = men.
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Figure 4. Ultra-marathon speed, 100 miles, by sex, calendar year, and country. Points are race-time averages.
Lines are fitted curves (mixed model). Vertical lines with numeric labels are the ages at peak performance.
USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, RSA = Republic of South Africa, W =
women, M = men.
4.1. The Sex difference in performance was smaller in older than in younger athletes
In 50-mile races, the decline in the sex difference always decreasing up to the highest age. There
are multiple possible physiological mechanisms in men for the reduction in the performance sex gap
with increasing age, including lower levels of anabolic hormones [37], a decrease in neuromuscular
efficiency [38], and a reduced ability to synthesize protein [39] as well as body fat [40]. In addition,
the loss in skeletal muscle mass is more pronounced in men at the age of 60 years and above
Figure 4. Ultra-marathon speed, 100 miles, by sex, calendar year, and country. Points are race-time
averages. Lines are fitted curves (mixed model). Vertical lines with numeric labels are the ages at peak
performance. USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, RSA = Republic
of South Africa, W = women, M = men.
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4. Discussion
The aim of this study was to examine the sex gap in performance in ultra-marathons. We
hypothesized a decrease of the sex gap with increasing age and that this decrease would be independent
from race distance. The main findings were that the (i) sex difference in performance was smaller
in older than in younger athletes; (ii) the relative sex difference in performance was smaller in 100-
than in 50-mile races; (iii) the sex difference in performance approaches a historical minimum; (iv) the
peak performance age was 33 years; (v) the average performance worsened over the last three decades.
Minor findings were that (vi) men were slightly older than women; (vii) more than two thirds (70%) of
the finishers had participated in 50-mile races; (viii) three quarters (76%) of all finishers were men;
(ix) the proportion of men was higher in 100-mile races (80%) than in 50-mile races (74%); (x) in South
African races, men and women demonstrated the best 100-mile performances.
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Figure 5. Sex differences by age (in years) and country in 50- and 100-mile ultra-marathons. Curves represent
fitted values. For 50-mile races, South Africa was combined with other countries.
USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, RSA = Republic of South Africa, W =
women, M = men. Sex differences (%) in performance were defined as 100× (women’s race time–men’s race
time)/(men’s race time).
In contrast to 50-mile races, in 100-mile races, the age-related downward trend in the sex
difference reversed, the sex difference again increasing after about 80 years of age. It has to be noted,
however, that the number of athletes in the oldest age group was rather small, in particular in
100-mile races. Thus, the increase in the sex gap in 100-mile races could simply be due to chance.
Alternatively, however, the possibility of an increasing out-selection of relatively slow men at higher
ages, in particular in 100-mile races, cannot be excluded. This does not appear completely
implausible as physical performance is predictive of longevity at older ages [42,43], possibly
underlying a deficit in high-performing men. However, as the increase of the sex gap at very high
ages did not occur in 50-mile races, plain chance appears to be the more plausible explanation.
Figure 5. Sex differences by age (in years) and country in 50- and 100-mile ultra-marathons. Curves
represent fitted values. For 50-mile races, South Africa was combined with other countries. USA =
United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, RSA = Republic of South Africa, W =
women, M = men. Sex differences (%) in performance were defined as 100× (women’s race time–men’s
race time)/(men’s race time).
4.1. The Sex Difference in Performance Was Smaller in Older Than in Younger Athletes
In 50-mile races, the decline in the sex difference always decreasing up to the highest age. There
are multiple possible physiological mechanisms in men for the reduction in the performance sex gap
with increasing age, including lower levels of anabolic hormones [37], a decrease in neuromuscular
efficiency [38], and a reduced ability to synthesize protein [39] as well as body fat [40]. In addition,
the loss in skeletal muscle mass is more pronounced in men at the age of 60 years and above
compared to women of the same age, with sarcopenia present in ~53% of men compared to ~47%
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of women [41]. Our finding of a sex gap reduction with increasing age in ultra-marathon running
is consistent with recent findings of studies analyzing master swimmers competing in pool and
open-water races [6,25,26,29–31]. The factor of sarcopenia was also suggested by Knechtle et al. [25],
who investigated 65,584 freestyle master swimmers between 1986 and 2014. Sarcopenia might thus
be an important factor in ultra-marathon running as well. Finally, compared to men, women tend to
live longer and to be in better physical condition later in life [30]. A larger higher-age population of
high-performing women as compared to men in 50-mile ultra-marathon races can thus be expected
based on these considerations.
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Figure 6. Sex differences by calendar year and country in 50-mile and 100-mile ultra-marathons.
Curves represent fitted values. For 50-mile races, South Africa was combined with other countries.
USA = United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, RSA = Republic of South
Africa, W = women, M = men. Sex differences (%) in performance were defined as 100 × (women’s
race time–men’s race time) / men’s race time.
4.2. Relative sex difference in performance was smaller in 100- than in 50-Mile Races
Our second hypothesis of the decrease in the sex gap in performance with increasing age being
independent from race distance was not confirmed. For both race distances, a decline of the relative
sex difference is clearly visible, and the decline is more pronounced in 50-mile races than 100-mile
races. One explanation for this finding could be that in extremely long distances, like 100-mile races,
there might exist a sex-independent pace limit [44].
This limit might constitute a performance maximum, outweighing sex differences at increasing
ages (“ceiling effect”). Nikolaidis et al. [11] also found a decrease in the sex gap with increasing race
distance from half-marathon to marathon and to 100-km ultra-marathon races. In contrast, Coast et
al. [20] found, more than 10 years earlier, an increasing sex gap with increasing running distances.
However, these authors had restricted their analysis to world-best running performances at
distances from 100 m to 200 km, and results might thereby have been biased by the selection of
mostly top athletes. Furthermore, the authors indicate that their results might have been confounded
by the reduced number of women in longer-distance events. The question of whether the sex gap
depends on race distance thus requires further research.
Figure 6. Sex differences by calendar year and country in 50-mile and 100-mile ultra-marathons. Curves
represent fitted values. For 50-mile races, South Africa was combined with other countries. USA =
United States of America, CAN = Canada, GBR = Great Britain, RSA = Republic of South Africa, W =
women, M = men. Sex differences (%) in performance were defined as 100 × (women’s race time–men’s
race time)/men’s race time.
In contrast to 50-mile races, in 100-mile races, the age-related downward trend in the sex difference
reversed, the sex difference again increasing after about 80 years of age. It has to be noted, however, that
the number of athletes in the oldest age group was rather small, in particular in 100-mile races. Thus,
the increase in the sex gap in 100-mile races could simply be due to chance. Alternatively, however, the
possibility of an increasing out-selection of relatively slow men at higher ages, in particular in 100-mile
races, cannot be excluded. This does not appear completely implausible as physical performance is
predictive of longevity at older ages [42,43], possibly underlying a deficit in high-performing men.
However, as the increase of the sex gap at very high ages did not occur in 50-mile races, plain chance
appears to be the more plausible explanation.
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4.2. Relative Sex Difference in Performance Was Smaller in 100- Than in 50-Mile Races
Our second hypothesis of the decrease in the sex gap in performance with increasing age being
independent from race distance was not confirmed. For both race distances, a decline of the relative
sex difference is clearly visible, and the decline is more pronounced in 50-mile races than 100-mile
races. One explanation for this finding could be that in extremely long distances, like 100-mile races,
there might exist a sex-independent pace limit [44].
This limit might constitute a performance maximum, outweighing sex differences at increasing
ages (“ceiling effect”). Nikolaidis et al. [11] also found a decrease in the sex gap with increasing race
distance from half-marathon to marathon and to 100-km ultra-marathon races. In contrast, Coast et
al. [20] found, more than 10 years earlier, an increasing sex gap with increasing running distances.
However, these authors had restricted their analysis to world-best running performances at distances
from 100 m to 200 km, and results might thereby have been biased by the selection of mostly top
athletes. Furthermore, the authors indicate that their results might have been confounded by the
reduced number of women in longer-distance events. The question of whether the sex gap depends on
race distance thus requires further research.
4.3. Sex Difference in Performance Approaches a Historical Minimum
Over the period of 1953 to 2017 (end of study period), the sex difference decreased across all
countries in 100-mile races. In contrast, in 50-mile races, the decline was restricted, across all countries,
to the period of about 1985 to 2017, whereas in the preceding period from 1964 on, the sex difference
had increased across all countries. For either distance, the range of sex differences between countries
exceeds that within countries and is larger for 50- than for 100-mile races, the ranking of the countries
being different in 50- and 100-mile races.
4.4. Peak Performance Age Was 33 Years
In spite of some outliers at certain ages and in certain countries, based on very few or even single
individuals per year of age, as demonstrated in Figures 1 and 2, the model-based peak performance
age was 33 years, for both race distances. It has to be noted that due to the age*sex and age*country
interaction terms being dismissed during the course of the pre-specified stepwise model-building
process, the performance peaks do not show variation across sex and country. The model-based
estimate of the age of peak performance of 33 years is in line with the available literature. Most previous
studies suggested that the age of peak performance in ultra-marathons lies between 30 to 49 years for
men and between 30 to 54 years for women [3,4,13,17,45]. However, our result is more in the suggested
range of marathon peak performance age of 25 to 35 years for men and women [11,14–16].
4.5. Average Performance Worsened Over the Last Three Decades
In 50-mile races, the average running speed improved in both sexes from 1964 (start of the study
period) up to 1985, subsequently worsening until the end of the study period (2017). In 100-mile
races, a decline of the average running speed occurred over the whole study period, i.e., from 1953
to 2017. The performance improvement in 50-mile races up to 1985 is essentially attributable to US
races, with relatively low average running speeds (see Figure 3). As about 85% of the races in the
data set were from the USA, these particular races have inevitably impacted the overall shape of the
performance-over-calendar-year-curve, the model specification not allowing for a country-specific
shape due to not considering a country*calendar year interaction term. Had these low-performance
US races been omitted from fitting the specified model, this would have resulted in a continuous
performance decrease over the whole study period for 50-mile races, as it did for 100-mile races.
Historically, the USA was the first country where ultra-marathon running became a popular activity
among 436 recreational athletes [46]. It is reasonable to assume that initially, these recreational athletes
had engaged preferably in 50-mile rather than 100-mile races, lowering the average performance.
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For example, 494,414 runners participated in 50-km ultra-marathon races between 1975 and 2016 [4], as
compared to only 370,051 runners who participated in 100-km ultra-marathon races between 1959 and
2016 [13]. This is confirmed with the present data, where more than two thirds (70%) of the finishers
had participated in 50-mile races.
Despite this impact of the US-specific phenomenon in shaping the performance model curve,
the general trend visible in the data is a performance decline over the study period. One factor for this
general decrease in running speed across calendar years could be the popularity of ultra-marathon
races gradually increasing worldwide and the races increasingly attracting recreational (i.e., master)
athletes. As a consequence, the average performance would have gradually shifted to lower levels.
It can be assumed that 100-mile races have always been less attractive to recreational athletes, as they
require a more rigorous preparation than 50-mile races. An example for the more rigorous preparation
with increasing race distances is provided by Rüst et al., who compared training characteristics between
marathoners and 100-km ultra-marathoners and found that ultra-marathoners completed significantly
more hours and kilometers during their training. It is therefore likely that the influx of recreational
athletes into 100-mile races has been more gradual than in, for example, 50-mile races, and this trend
leads to a non-linearity of the performance trend curve.
4.6. Limitations and Strength
A limitation of the present study was that it considered specific ultra-running race distances
(50 and 100 miles) and thus, caution would be needed to generalize the findings to ultra-running
races of other distances or durations [33]. On the other hand, a strength was the large data set that
was available for analysis, which was not restricted to top athletes and covered the whole range of
performance levels. The depth of the dataset both temporally as well as geographically, and the number
of race distances included resulted in the opportunity to provide a comprehensive historic coverage of
both 50- and100-mile ultra-marathon results. The data was publicly available, and the collection of data
was independent from the data analysis, and therefore the replication of the present analyses is possible.
The study findings may aid coaches and ultra-marathon runners in setting long-term training goals
based on an athlete’s age and sex. For example, knowledge of the peak age of performance (33 years
in both race distances) may influence individuals seeking to race in these distances and recruitment
from a coaching perspective. Furthermore, the variation in performance by sex might also influence
the training stimulus to be more homogeneous because the sex difference is small (e.g., 100 miles or
elder age groups). In addition to performance, the abovementioned practical applications were also
relevant from a health perspective. The role of exercise in the prevention and treatment of diseases
(e.g., coronary artery disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, dyslipidemia,
obesity, depression, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) has been well recognized [47].
The findings of the present study can aid physicians prescribing endurance exercise considering sex
and age [48].
5. Conclusions
In summary, as age increases, the performance difference between women and men decreases and
also becomes lower with longer distances. Based on the model, the overall age of peak performance
was 33 years. Future investigations should not just include races measured in miles but also those
measured in kilometers, and also analyze time-limited races. Potentially relevant covariates should be
considered and whenever possible, acquired prospectively through interviews when they cannot be
accessed through administrative databases. If this data had been available, a more comprehensive
analysis could have been conducted, including covariate-adjusted time-series analysis.
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Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.K., K.J.W., and P.T.N.; methodology, S.D.G.; software, S.D.G.;
validation, S.D.G.; formal analysis, S.D.G.; investigation, B.K.; resources, B.K.; data curation, S.D.G.;
writing—original draft preparation, K.J.W., B.K., and P.T.N.; writing—review and editing, S.D.G. and T.R.;
visualization, S.D.G.; supervision, B.K.; project administration, B.K.; funding acquisition, T.R.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (
| Women Reduce the Performance Difference to Men with Increasing Age in Ultra-Marathon Running. | 07-04-2019 | Waldvogel, Karin J,Nikolaidis, Pantelis T,Di Gangi, Stefania,Rosemann, Thomas,Knechtle, Beat | eng |
PMC5330462 | 0%
Swimmer 1
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Swimmer 1
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Swimmer 10
Swimmer 1
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97,5% MLSS
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| Oxygen uptake kinetics and energy system's contribution around maximal lactate steady state swimming intensity. | 02-28-2017 | Pelarigo, Jailton Gregório,Machado, Leandro,Fernandes, Ricardo Jorge,Greco, Camila Coelho,Vilas-Boas, João Paulo | eng |
PMC9876921 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:1415
A macro to micro analysis
to understand performance
in 100‑mile ultra‑marathons
Mabliny Thuany
1, Katja Weiss 2,3, Elias Villiger 4, Volker Scheer 5, Nejmeddine Ouerghi
Thayse Natacha Gomes
8,9 & Beat Knechtle
The purposes of this study were (i) to describe differences in participation in 100‑mile ultra‑marathons
by continent; (ii) to investigate differences in performance between continents; and (iii) to identify
the fastest runners by continent and country. Data from 148,169 athletes (119,408 men), aged
18–81 years, and finishers in a 100‑miles ultra‑marathon during 1870–2020 were investigated.
Information about age, gender, origin, performance level (top three, top 10, top 100) was obtained.
Kruskal–Wallis tests and linear regressions were performed. Athletes were mostly from America and
Europe. A macro‑analysis showed that the fastest men runners were from Africa, while the fastest
women runners were from Europe and Africa. Women from Sweden, Hungary and Russia presented
the best performances in the top three, top 10 and top 100. Men from Brazil, Russia and Lithuania
were the fastest. The lowest performance and participation were observed for runners from Asia.
In summary, in 100‑miles ultra‑marathon running, the majority of athletes were from America, but
for both sexes and performance levels, the fastest runners were from Africa. On a country level, the
fastest women were from Sweden, Hungary and Russia, while the fastest men were from Brazil,
Russia and Lithuania.
The athletes’ performance is influenced by both individual (e.g., genetic, morphological, training) and environ-
mental factors (e.g., coach, family, social characteristics)1,2. Moving beyond the athlete-centered approach, recent
studies were developed to understand the role of the environment in the athlete’s performance3–5. The ‘birthplace
effect’ has been largely studied in team sports, such as soccer6, ice hockey7, basketball8, volleyball9, and handball10.
Furthermore, among individual sports such as running, the interest in understanding the link between the
environment and the athletes’ performance has increased in the last years11,12. These interests were associated
with the increasing numbers of both runners and running events across the world13, especially after the 1970’s
in North America and after the 1980’s in Europe14.
There is ample evidence that the fastest long-distance runners, such as marathoners, originate from the Afri-
can continent, particularly from Kenya and Ethiopia15,16. This representation is related to a plethora of factors,
which include–but are not limited to–physiological characteristics, training, lifestyle behaviors, and motivational
factors17,18. Considering Brazil, the Southeast region as the richest region of the country is the region with the
highest number of elite long-distance runners in the country19.
However, in the context of ultra-marathon running, little is known about where the fastest ultra-marathoners
come from. One of the few studies found that Russian and Japanese were the fastest for the 100-km ultra-
marathon race distance16,20. Similar results were found by Cejka et al.21, where most of the finishers in 100-km
ultra-marathons were from Europe, but Japanese runners were the fastest. On the other hand, data covering
1Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention in Sport (CIFI2D), Faculty of Sport, University of Porto,
Porto, Portugal. 2Medbase St. Gallen Am Vadianplatz, Vadianstrasse 26, 9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland. 3Institute
of Primary Care, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 4Klinik Für Innere Medizin, Kantonsspital St. Gallen,
St. Gallen, Switzerland. 5Ultra Sports Science Foundation, 109 Boulevard de L’Europe, 69310 Pierre-Benite,
France. 6University of Jendouba, High Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Kef, UR13JS01, 7100 Kef,
Tunisia. 7Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Rabta Hospital, LR99ES11, 1007 Tunis,
Tunisia. 8Post-Graduation Program of Physical Education, Department of Physical Education, Federal University
of Sergipe, São Cristóvão Sergipe 49100-000, Brazil. 9Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences,
University of Limerick, Limerick V94T9PX, Ireland. *email: [email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:1415 |
96,036 athletes (88,286 men and 7,750 women) finishing the oldest 100-km ultra-marathon in the world (‘100 km
Lauf Biel’ in Switzerland), showed that Switzerland, Germany, and France were the countries with the highest
number of participants throughout the history of the race22. These initial insights suggest that the place of the
competition and the countries’ economic indicators are related to these results.
To date, most studies regarding participation and performance trends have shown an increase in the number
of finishers in the last decades’23,24, especially in events hosted in the USA, where most of the events were tak-
ing place24,25. Notwithstanding the relevance of these studies, it is important to present a more generalized view
by using a macro-level approach investigating the between-continents differences, followed by a micro-level
analysis within-country. It has also been shown that athletes from specific countries improved their performance
over years in specific races such as the ‘Spartathlon’26 whereas in other races such as the ‘100 km Lauf Biel’, the
performance of athletes from specific countries decreased22. Generally, the fastest athletes were able to improve
their performance across years in the world’s most famous ultra-marathon races such as the ‘Spartathlon’26 and
the ‘Comrades’27.
In this sense, the purposes of this study were (i) to verify the participation of athletes by continent and country
in 100-mile ultra-marathons (161-km) performed between 1870 and 2020, (ii) to compare the athletes’ perfor-
mance between continents and countries, (iii) to identify the fastest athletes by country and by continent and,
(iv) to investigate the trend in performance over years of the athletes from the fastest countries. Previous studies
showed that North America and Europe presented higher numbers of ultra-marathon events worldwide (431 and
455, respectively)25 compared to Asia (139), Africa (59), Australia (35), South America (18), as well as a higher
participation in 161-km ultra-marathons28. For another way, Russian athletes were the fastest in long-distance
running races such as the ‘Comrades Marathon’29, and in 100-km ultra-marathon running races20. Based on it,
we hypothesized that (i) the highest number of athletes would be found on the American continent, especially
in USA and Canada, while Russian runners would be the fastest and (ii) the fastest runners would be able to
improve their performance over time.
Ethical approval.
The study was performed following the Declaration of Helsinki, and the institutional
review board of St Gallen, Switzerland, approved this study (EKSG 01/06/2010). Since the study involved the
analysis of publicly available data, the requirement for informed consent was waived. Participants were not iden-
tified during the data management and during all sections of the manuscript.
Design and sample.
Data used in the present study was obtained from the website of the ‘Deutsche Ultra-
marathon-Vereinigung’ DUV (https:// stati stik.d- u-v. org/ getev entli st. php) and corresponded to the officially
available results of the participants enrolled in 100-mile (161 km) ultra-marathon race events held during 1870–
2020 for both genders. The available information included the year of the event, race distance, year of birth, gen-
der, general ranking, country, team, mean running speed, and race time. Based on this information, we clustered
the athletes by country and then by continent (e.g., Africa, America, Asia, Oceania, and Europe). Performance
levels were categorized based on the general classification considering the top three, top 10 and top 100 for both
genders. Exclusion criteria were: athletes aged below 18 years, athletes clustered in countries with less than 10
participations (when comparison within a continent was made), mean running speed higher than 20 km/h, and
missing information about the country of origin.
Statistical analysis.
Descriptive information was presented in mean (standard deviation), minimum
(min), maximum (max) values, and frequency (%). Data normality was formally tested using the Kolmogorov–
Smirnov test. Based on the athletes’ performance, runners were classified considering their ranking position
(top 100, top 10, and top three), for both genders. Following, athletes were clustered based on their birthplace
(e.g., country and continent). To compare the performance level according to the continent, we performed the
Kruskal–Wallis test, followed by the post-hoc test adjusted by the number of comparisons.
A simple linear regression was performed to verify the performance trends. Running speed (miles/h) was the
outcome variable, while the time (year) was considered as a predictor. The regression was performed considering
both, the total sample and the ranking position (top three, top 10, and top 100), as well as the three best countries
over time for both genders. For the total sample regression analysis, we considered data from the 1970s, since a
running boom in high and middle-income countries from this decade was verified 30. For the three best countries
according to the performance level, we considered data from 2010. Data analysis was performed in the SPSS 26,
and the significance level was set at 0.05.
A total of 148,169 athletes aged 18–81 years and of both genders (women = 28,761; men = 119,408), finished at
least one 100-mile ultra-marathon during 1870–2020. Athletes came from 113 countries from all five continents.
Most of them were from the American continent (72.7%), followed by Europe (15.9%), Asia (5.6%), Africa (3.7%),
and Oceania (2.1%). Running speed distribution between athletes showed a similar pattern for all continents.
Most of the runners presented mean values of 5–7 miles/h, and a small number of athletes presented running
speeds higher than 10 miles/h. Mean running speed was 6.12 miles/h for the total sample (women = 5.96 miles/h;
men = 6.21 miles/h).
Participation and performance by continent—a macro‑analysis.
Figure 1 presents the distribu-
tion of the athletes, according to their continent of origin into different performance groups (top three, top 10,
top 100, and all athletes) for both genders. Most women in all the performance levels were from the American
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:1415 |
continent, followed by Europe. Visual differences are presented for the top three and top 10, where Oceania has
a higher number of athletes compared to the African continent (e.g., top three and top 10).
Considering athletes clustering by continent, significant differences in performance were shown
(H(4) = 1766.22; p < 0.001). The descriptive analysis showed that African women achieved the highest
mean running speed (6.89 ± 1.04 miles/h), followed by athletes from Europe (6.45 ± 1.38 miles/h), America
(5.89 ± 1.01 miles/h), Oceania (5.85 ± 1.37 miles/h), and Asia (5.17 ± 1.49 miles/h). Significant differences were
observed between most of the continents, except between America and Oceania (p-adjusted = 0.178). For men,
for all the performance levels (top three, top 10, top 100 and all athletes), most of the athletes were from both
the American and the European continent. The lowest percentages of participation were found for Oceania.
Considering the performance by continent, athletes from Africa presented the highest mean values for running
speed (7.42 ± 1.33 miles/h), followed by Europe (6.53 ± 1.53 miles/h), Oceania (6.39 ± 1.59 miles/h), America
(6.13 ± 1.17 miles/h), and Asia (5.34 ± 1.47 miles/h). Differences in the performance were found between conti-
nents (H(4) = 859.43; p < 0.001), with significant differences between all of them.
Participation and performance by country—a micro‑analysis.
For the top three athletes, a total of
36 and 65 countries were listed for both women and men, respectively. Most of the athletes were from the USA
(62.1% and 56.9% for women and men, respectively). Similarly, the highest number of athletes from the USA
were observed in the top 10 (62.6% and 58.4% for women and men, respectively) and top 100 (72.4% and 66%
for women and men, respectively). Therefore, within the European continent, the majority of the athletes were
from Germany and the Great-Britain for all performance levels.
Table 1 presents the results for the comparison between performance levels for both genders. Significant dif-
ferences were observed for both genders and all performance levels. For men athletes, the fastest runners were
from the African continent. For the top three women, the fastest ones were from Europe, while for the top 10
and top 100 the fastest were Africans.
Table 2 presents the descriptive results for women runners, considering athletes from the fastest country in
each continent and the performance level (e.g., top three, top 10 and top 100). For the African continent, the
fastest women were from South Africa, in the three performance groups. For the other continents, there was no
verified pattern of association between the countries and performance levels, nonetheless, the highest running
speeds were observed in the European continent when compared to the other continents. Among the top three,
top 10 and top 100, women from Sweden, Hungary and Russia achieved the fastest running speeds.
Men descriptive results for athletes from the fastest countries in each continent are presented in Table 3. For
the top three, the fastest athletes were from America (Brazil: 9.54 ± 1.75 miles/h). In the top 10 and top 100,
athletes from Europe (e.g., Russia and Lithuania) presented the highest mean running speed compared to the
other continents.
Figure 2 presents the performance trend results for both genders considering all the sample. For all perfor-
mance groups and both genders, performance decreased over time (p < 0.001).
Figure 1. Percentage of women and men participation according to performance level.
Table 1. Descriptive results (mean ± SD for miles/h) for performance (speed mean, mile/h) according to
gender and performance level. SD standard deviation. a difference for Asia; bdifference for America; cdifference
for Oceania; ddifference for Europe.
Top three
Top 10
Top 100
Top three
Top 10
Top 100
9.37 (1.7)abcd
8.64 (1.6)abcd
7.45 (1.3)abcd
7.52 (1.7)
7.39 (1.5)bc
6.91 (1.0)abc
7.93 (1.5)a
7.28 (1.4)a
6.29 (1.2)ab
7.37 (1.7)d
6.80 (1.4)a
6.04 (1.1)ab
7.10 (1.8)
6.59 (1.7)
5.76 (1.5)
7.29 (2.1)d
6.44 (1.8)a
5.71 (1.5)
8.29 (1.9)abc
7.64 (1.8)abc
6.74 (1.5)ac
8.29 (1.8)
7.38 (1.7)abc
6.72 (1.4)abcd
8.05 (1.7)a
7.27 (1.6)a
6.45 (1.6)a
7.45 (1.5)
6.71 (1.4)
5.91 (1.4)a
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:1415 |
Figure 3 presents the linear regression results for performance across time considering athletes from the
best countries in the top three, top 10, and top 100, respectively. For women, runners from Russia, Hungary,
and Finland were the fastest, while runners from Brazil, Russia, and Lithuania were the fastest among men. The
time frame considered was the last 10 years (from 2010), in which a significant performance decline was shown
for women from Sweden (r2 = 0.10; p < 0.001; 95%CI = − 0.18– − 0.08). Based on the r2 values, the magnitude of
the performance decline was about 0.10miles/h across the years. For men, performance decline was showed for
Brazilian (r2 = 0.27; p < 0.001; 95%CI = − 0.47 – − 0.18) and Russian runners (r2 = 0.02; p = 0.017; 95%CI = − 0.18
– − 0.018), in which a decline of 0.27 miles/h and 0.02 miles/h was showed across the years, respectively. Athletes
Table 2. Women descriptive results (min, mean ± SD, max) for the best country in each continent, based on
performance level. Min–Minimum value; Max–Maximum value. SD standard deviation. We only considered
the best country for each continent. Countries with total athletes below 10 were not considered.
Total athletes
Speed (miles/h)
Speed (miles/h)
(Mean ± SD)
Top three
South Africa
7.52 (1.72)
7.44 (1.23)
5.71 (0.36)
8.31 (1.47)
7.55 (1.35)
Top 10
South Africa
7.39 (1.52)
6.82 (1.50)
8.13 (2.02)
9.07 (1.06)
New Zealand
6.87 (1.55)
Top 100
South Africa
6.92 (1.05)
El Salvador
6.65 (0.83)
7.21 (1.52)
8.05 (1.21)
5.93 (1.36)
Table 3. Men descriptive results (min, mean ± SD, max) for the best country in each continent, based on a
performance level. Min–Minimum value; Max–Maximum value. SD standard deviation. We only considered
the best country for each continent. Countries with total athletes below 10 were not considered.
Total athletes
Speed (miles/h)
Speed (miles/h)
(Mean ± SD)
Top three
South Africa
9.35 (1.73)
9.54 (1.75)
8.25 (1.47)
9.48 (1.60)
8.07 (1.72)
Top 10
South Africa
8.63 (1.67)
8.77 (1.91)
7.97 (1.22)
9.36 (1.51)
New Zealand
7.31 (1.60)
Top 100
8.01 (2.60)
7.61 (2.00)
7.50 (1.78)
8.41 (2.05)
6.51 (1.60)
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:1415 |
from Lithuania presented a visual increase in running speed over the last 10 years, however, a non-significant
effect was shown.
The purpose of this study was to identify where the fastest runners in 100 miles ultra-marathons come from,
considering the performance level. The main results showed that (i) for both genders and all performance levels,
most of the athletes were from the American and European continents; (ii) a macro-analysis showed that the
fastest men were from Africa, while the fastest women were from Europe and Africa; (iii) women from Sweden,
Figure 2. Linear regression results, considering all sample (A) Women top three; (B) Women top 10; (C)
Women top 100; (D) Men top three; (E) Men top 10; (F) Men Top 100).
Figure 3. (A) Sweden women top three; (B) Hungary women top 10; (C) Russian women top 100; (D) Brazilian
men top 3; (E) Russian men top 10; (F) Lithuanian men top 100.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:1415 |
Hungary and Russia presented the best performance in top three, top 10 and top 100; (iv) men runners from
Brazil, Russia and Lithuania were the fastest in top three, top 10 and top 100, respectively; and (v) the lowest
performance and participation were achieved by athletes from Asia.
Participation and performance by continent—a macro‑analysis.
The first important finding was
that most of the finishers were from America, but African runners were the fastest when analysis was performed
by continent. These findings confirm our hypothesis. For both genders, the highest runner’s frequency was from
the American continent, especially from the USA. Similar results were reported by Hoffman23 in 100 miles
(161 km) ultra-marathon running competition in North America. The authors showed that from 1977 to 2008,
the number of annual finish rates increased, but no improvements in performance were verified23.
The results of the present study can be related to the American cultural and fitness revolutions of the 1960s
and 1970s, which included a ‘running boom’13. Specifically for the ultra-marathon races, a historical perspective ˗
the USA was one of the main ultra-marathon birthplaces around the world31—can influence the highest number
of race events and athletes from these countries. In addition, the increase in participation among women and
older athletes can be associated with this result32. A previous report covering approximately 107 million race
results from 1986 to 2018 showed that the USA was the country with the highest number of runners, but with
the slowest athletes33. Accordingly, the highest proportions of women participants were from USA and Canada,
while Switzerland and Italy were the countries with the lowest women participation33.
The highest participation of these countries can be related to the highest number of ultra-marathon events
performed in these countries25. Regarding continents, 443 ultra-marathon events were developed in America,
where 431 are situated in North America. Following, Europe hosted 421 events. For data used in this study, more
than half of the race events were performed in EUA (58.5%), with about 20% performed in Great Britain (5.6%),
Australia (4.8%), South Africa (4.7%), Canada (4.6%), and Germany (3.4%). Besides the higher events performed
in-locus, the athletes’ socioeconomic characteristics can also be related to running participation34,35. Athletes
from a high-income country can present a better contextual indicator for traveling and participating in remote
events36. In another way, the lowest performances showed for athletes from the USA can be related to changes
in running motivation across the years. As shown in studies that include short to long-distance events, the
psychological, social, and physical are the main reasons for running37–39, especially in non-professional athletes.
The macro-analysis has shown that the African continent presented the best mean values for running speed.
This is an interesting finding, considering that African athletes are the strongest in long-distance running such
as half-marathon and marathon15,40. However, these runners are from Kenya and Ethiopia, different from the
present results, where most of them are from South Africa. These results are similar to findings in a previous
report covering 85% of ultra-running events worldwide during 1996–2018, including trail runs, mountain runs
and road runs. South Africa was the country with the fastest athletes, with a running pace of 10:36 min/mile,
followed by Sweden (11:56 min/mile), Germany (12:01 min/mile), Netherlands (12:41 min/mile), and Great-
Britain (12:44 min/mile), while the slowest were from Argentina (15:20 min/mile), Mexico (15:30 min/mile) and
Malaysia (15:55 min/mile). These results were also associated with findings that countries from Asia presented
the poorest performance36.
Participation and performance by country—a micro‑analysis.
The micro-analysis showed that ath-
letes from Sweden, Hungary, and Russia presented the best performance in the top three, top 10, and top 100 for
women, and those from Brazil, Russia, and Lithuania were the fastest in the top three, top 10, and top 100 for
men. We hypothesized that the fastest runners would originate from Russia, but the results partially disagree.
These differences can be related to the methodological approach for the present study where we present the
data for performance level (i.e., top three, top 10, top 100). For example, Nikolaidis et al.16, in a study including
athletes ranked in World Athletics (i.e., IAAF) during 1999–2015, showed that among women, athletes from
Russia were faster than athletes from France and Germany in ultra-marathon events. Similar results were shown
in athletes who finished a 100-km ultra-marathon between 1959 and 201620, when considering the top 10 by
nationality, runners from Russia and Hungary were the fastest.
Men from Brazil in the top three are untypical considering previous studies16,20,41. Notwithstanding, regard-
ing the increase in runner’s participants and race events across the country42,43, few studies were developed to
understand the participation and performance in ultra-running events44,45. The country characteristics, which
include variations in weather, altimetry, nutritional habits, cultural aspects, and lifestyle among the regions,
should be investigated in future studies to understand the association with performance in ultramarathon events.
Considering both, the total sample and the fastest countries, performance decreased over time for both gen-
ders and performance levels. These results are similar to previous findings23,32. These results can be linked to the
changes in the runner’s profile (e.g., intrapersonal motivation, training background, previous experience)46–48, and
event characteristics (weather, altimetry). Differently, athletes from Lithuania showed an increase in performance
over the last few years. This increase was not statistically significant, however, factors that explain these results
can be related to the low number of athletes over the years, which can bias the results. The generalization of the
present findings need to be considered carefully. In another way, the decrease in performance in other countries
is according to previous findings, showing that countries have slowed down over the last 10 years and that those
with have slowed down most are among the slowest in the rankings36.
More and more is known about the factors that predispose to achieve outstanding results in ultramarathon
running, but without pointing to the most important ones49. Gajda et al. considered the success in ultra-mara-
thons as a complex multifactorial cause and called them the “mosaic theory”. Among the factors that guarantee
success they mention genetic factors such as the presence of haplogroup H mtDNA (subgroup HV0a1, belong-
ing to the HV cluster), characterizing athletes with the greatest endurance49. Normal resistance to pain is also
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:1415 |
important50. However, none of these factors isolated guarantees success for an individual athlete or a particular
nation in ultra-marathons. Additional investigations considering the environment (natural, built, and social)
are necessary.
Limitations and strengths.
Limitations of the study are related to the nature of the data used. The accu-
racy of the data (e.g., the race distance in each event, the accuracy of the information in the first years, and the
information about the birthplace of the athletes), as well as the missing data in specific time frames, and sam-
ple size variability between countries need to be considered. These limitations are challenged to be solved. To
reduce the bias, the countries with a total number of athletes below 10, as well as the regression analysis with
data before the 1970s were not considered. In addition, information about individual (e.g., training volume and
intensity, running experience, running strategies) and contextual factors (i.e., number of competitions, econom-
ical support, cultural aspects and race course, different elevation changes, weather) are unavailable. Individual
and contextual characteristics are helpful to deeply understand runners’ profile, as well as to deeply understand
the impact of hosting events’ effect, and the characteristics of the race course for runners’ performance. The
role of the individual characteristics for ultramarathon performance was previously investigated, however, little
information is available about the role of social, economic, cultural, and geographical characteristics to increase
the participation, as well as the role of the participation in performance outcomes. Future studies need to con-
sider data triangulation, including the place in which competitions are performed, the participation and the
performance outcomes, adopting different strategies regarding the performance level and sample size required
within countries. Finally, we did not control for the migration or multiple events participation across the years,
that is, an athlete can have moved to represent another country than his/her home country or take part in more
than one event over the years. In another way, we presented a detailed analysis, considering both macro-and
micro-level approaches. Since the highest number of ultramarathon events are performed in North America and
Europe, even though considering mean values the fastest are from Africa and Europe, the practical application of
the present study includes supports local sport police programs to increase the availability of events in countries
which they are underrepresented. Athletes living in countries with a higher number of events present a higher
participation rate, since the costs (travel, host) are lower51. Additionally, being familiar with local characteristics
(language, cultural habits, and weather) is associated with performance improvement51.
For the 100-miles ultra-marathons, most of the athletes were from the American and European continent, despite
the fastest being from Africa. A micro-analysis showed that European countries’ (Sweden, Hungary, and Russia)
were the best for women, while for men, Brazil, Russia and Lithuania were the fastest in the top three, top 10,
and top 100. Regarding the best countries, a decrease in performance was shown over time, except for athletes
from Lithuania. These results can be used to public policies to provide the highest number of race events among
countries, especially those in Asia and Oceania, which showed the lowest engagement.
Data availability
The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding
author on reasonable request.
Received: 24 May 2022; Accepted: 18 January 2023
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Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:1415 |
Author contributions
Conceptualization: M.T., B.K.; Data curation: B.K., E.V.; Formal analysis: M.T. Methodology: B.K.; Writing—
original draft: M.T., K.W., V.S., N.O., T.N.G., B.K.
This research has not received any kind of financial support. All the work was done voluntarily for the prepara-
tion of the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.K.
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| A macro to micro analysis to understand performance in 100-mile ultra-marathons worldwide. | 01-25-2023 | Thuany, Mabliny,Weiss, Katja,Villiger, Elias,Scheer, Volker,Ouerghi, Nejmeddine,Gomes, Thayse Natacha,Knechtle, Beat | eng |
PMC6332098 | Molecules 2015, 20, 19002-19013; doi:10.3390/molecules201019002
ISSN 1420-3049
The Occurrence of Propyl Lactate in Chinese Baijius
(Chinese Liquors) Detected by Direct Injection Coupled with
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Jihong Wu 1,2, Yang Zheng 1,2, Baoguo Sun 1,2,3, Xiaotao Sun 1,2, Jiyuan Sun 1,2,
Fuping Zheng 1,2 and Mingquan Huang 1,2,3,*
1 School of Food and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University,
Beijing 100048, China; E-Mails: [email protected] (J.W.); [email protected] (Y.Z.);
[email protected] (B.S.); [email protected] (X.S.); [email protected] (J.S.);
[email protected] (F.Z.)
2 Beijing Key Laboratory of Flavor Chemistry, Beijing Technology and Business University,
Beijing 100048, China
3 Beijing Innovation Centre of Food Nutrition and Human Health, Beijing 100048, China
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: [email protected];
Tel./Fax: +86-10-6898-5382.
Academic Editor: Luca Forti
Received: 1 September 2015 / Accepted: 13 October 2015 / Published: 19 October 2015
Abstract: As one of the oldest distillates in the world, flavor compounds of Chinese Baijiu
(Chinese liquor) were extremely complex. Propyl lactate was firstly detected by direct injection
and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in 72 Chinese Baijius. The objectives
were to detect the contents of propyl lactate and evaluate its contribution to the aroma of
Chinese Baijiu based on odor activity values (OAVs). The levels of propyl lactate in these
distillates were determined by internal standard method and selective ion monitoring (SIM),
which ranged from 0.050 to 1.900 mg·L−1 under investigation. Its detection threshold was
determined by Three-Alternative Forced-Choice (3-AFC) and curve fitting (CF), which was
0.740 mg·L−1 in 38% ethanol solution. The contribution of propyl lactate on the aroma of
these distillate drinks was evaluated by their odor activity values (OAVs), which varied
from 0.066 to 4.440. The OAVs of propyl lactate were found to exceed 1 in 13 Chinese
Baijius, including 50° Jingzhi Guniang 5 years (4.440), 52° Jingzhi Guniang 10 years (3.024),
Jingyanggang (2.568), Xianghe Ronghe Shaofang (2.313), and 1956 Laolang (1.431), which
indicated that propyl lactate was one of odor-active components in these Chinese Baijius.
Molecules, 2015, 20
Keywords: Chinese Baijiu; propyl lactate; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS);
threshold; odor activity values (OAVs)
1. Introduction
Chinese Baijiu (Chinese liquor) is one of the oldest distillates in the world, and it is the most popular
spirits in China with the annual production of about 4 million metric tons. The general process for the
production of Chinese Baijiu is as follows. At first, the grain raw materials, such as wheat, sorghum, corn,
rice or glutinous rice, are cooked with steam. And then some saccharification and fermentation agents
(“DaQu” or “XiaoQu”) are added into the cooked grain matrix. Finally, the liquors are distilled out with
steam from the fermentation products after several months or years of fermentation [1]. The fresh distillates
need to be aged for a long time in order to balance the flavors. The final commercialized products are
blended with aged distillate drinks, fresh distillate drinks and water based on certain ratios according to
different formulations of spirit drinks [2].
Flavor compounds of Chinese Baijiu are extremely complex due to different raw materials, various
microorganisms and diverse procedures in different production regions, and a great number of compounds
have been studied extensively [3–6], such as esters, alcohols, ketones, acids, and so on. Lactates have been
reported to occur in Chinese liquors widely, such as methyl lactate [4], ethyl lactate [7], butyl lactate [8],
hexyl lactate [9], isopropyl lactate [10], isobutyl lactate [4] and isoamyl lactate [4]. Lactates are recognized
to be important flavor compounds in Chinese Baijiu [11]. Ethyl lactate and butyl lactate were detected
in “Gujing” Baijiu during investigation carried out in our lab. In the meantime, lactic acid and propanol
were also found in this distillate, which had been reported in other Chinese Baijius [12,13]. It is a little
strange that propyl lactate has not been reported in Chinese Baijiu up to now. The same are other alcoholic
beverages, except distilled Calvados [14] and Chinese rice wine [15]. Meanwhile, the odor properties of
propyl lactate and its contribution to aroma of these spirits are also not known. We checked the newest
edition (2011 edition) of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) library and found that
the mass spectrogram of propyl lactate was not included in this library. The occurrence of propyl lactate
in Chinese Baijiu might be overlooked since the identification of volatile components was usually
performed by searching NIST library. The objective of this work were (i) the detection of the occurrence
of propyl lactate in 72 Chinese Baijius and (ii) the evaluation of its contribution to the aroma of Chinese
Baijius based on odor activity values (OAVs).
2. Results and Discussion
2.1. Identification of Propyl Lactate in Distillate Samples
The mass spectra of an unknown compound shown at 17.4 min in sample 33 and propyl lactate standard
were presented as Figure 1, and the differential spectrum of them was located at the bottom, which indicated
the unknown compound shown at 17.4 min being matched with propyl lactate. The two magnified TICs
of the unknown compound in sample 33 (a TIC) and propyl lactate standard (b TIC) at 17.4 min were
shown in Figure 2. These two peaks were completely overlapped.
Molecules, 2015, 20
Figure 1. TIC of propyl lactate in GC-MS. The mass spectra of an unknown compound shown
at 17.4 min in sample 33 and propyl lactate standard are presented. The differential spectrum
of them is located at the bottom.
Figure 2. The magnifying TIC of sample 33 and propyl lactate at 17.4 min. The two magnified
TICs are shown, one is the unknown compound in sample 33 (a TIC), and the other is propyl
lactate standard (b TIC) at 17.4 min.
2.2. Quantitative Analysis of Propyl Lactate in Distillate Samples
The concentrations of propyl lactate were determined in these spirit drinks by the internal standard
method with the selected ions monitoring mode of GC-MS. The LOD and the LOQ of the method were
0.025 mg·L−1 and 0.050 mg·L−1, respectively. The internal standard curve equations included three
equations in different concentration ranges, including y = 4.4587x + 0.0112 (0.050 < y < 0.60),
y = 1.9987x + 0.2673 (0.60 < y < 1.00) and y = 2.1972x + 0.0569 (1.00 < y < 4.50). The corresponding
correlation coefficients (R2) were 0.9994, 0.9917 and 0.9993, respectively. The quantitative results of
propyl lactate were shown in Table 1. The content of propyl lactate in other 10 Chinese Baijiu, numbered
73 to 82, were also included in Table 1, which our lab had reported before [16].
Molecules, 2015, 20
Table 1. The concentrations of propyl lactate in 82 Chinese Baijiu samples (Detection threshold 0.740 mg·L−1).
Sample Name
(Alcohol % by Volume)
Concentrations of Propyl
Lactate (mg·L−1)
OAV of Propyl
Guizhou Yuanjiang Chenniang 18 Years (52°)
Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
0.064 ± 0.003
1956 Laolang (53°)
Sichuan Langjiu Group Co., Ltd.
1.059 ± 0.008
Jiabin Lang (50°)
Sichuan Langjiu Group Co., Ltd.
0.060 ± 0.002
Xiaohutuxian (52°)
Guizhou Xingyi Yunfeng Co., Ltd.
a tr
- b
Tianzhilan (42°)
Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co., Ltd
- b
Xiangquan (54°)
Jiugui Liquor Co., Ltd.
0.068 ± 0.001
Jinliufu Sixing (38°)
Wuliangye Group
0.064 ± 0.001
Jinliufu Hongsejingdian (38°)
Wuliangye Group
- b
Shuanggou Daqu (38°)
Shuanggou Distillery
0.091 ± 0.002
Niulanshan Bainian (38°)
Shunxin Agriculture Ture
- b
Jianzhuang Chenjiu (52°)
Wuliangye Group
- b
Laishigang Chenniang 3 Years (53°)
Laishigang Group
0.062 ± 0.001
Zhijiang Zhixin 5 Years (52°)
Zhijiang Group
0.081 ± 0.002
Jiannanchun (52°)
Sichuan Jiannanchun Jituan Co., Ltd.
- b
Liulingzui 3 (52°)
Liulingzui Group
0.100 ± 0.002
Zhonghua Dukang K3 (50°)
Luoyang Dukang Holdings Limited Official Website
0.052 ± 0.001
Yangshao Caitaofang Jiuliang Miaopin (52°)
Yangshao Co., Ltd.
0.553 ± 0.006
Mianrou Dukang (50°)
Luoyang Dukang Holdings Limited Official Website
0.065 ± 0.001
Shamochun Shengshi (42°)
Neimenggu Dahekou Co., Ltd.
0.064 ± 0.001
Luzhou LaojiaoTouqu (52°)
Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.
- b
Luzhou Laojiao Chentouqu 8 Years (52°)
Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.
- b
Hetao Laojiao Jinzun (42°)
Hetao Liquor
- b
Yingjia K6 (38°)
Yingjia Gongjiu Co., Ltd.
0.075 ± 0.003
Neimenggu Sorghum Blue Era (38°)
Neimenggu Dahekou Co., Ltd.
0.068 ± 0.001
Rouhe Shuanggou (42°)
Shuanggou Distillery
0.059 ± 0.001
Xinghuacun Baishun (45°)
Fenjiu Group
0.094 ± 0.001
Jingjiu Jixing (36°)
Wuliangye Group
0.065 ± 0.002
Guizhou Yuanjiang Zhenpin 9 Years (38°)
Guizhou Maotai Distillery Group Technology Development Company
0.068 ± 0.002
Molecules, 2015, 20
Table 1. Cont.
Sample Name
(Alcohol % by Volume)
Concentrations of Propyl
Lactate (mg·L−1)
OAV of Propyl
Guizhou DongcangYuanjiu 30 Years (38°)
Zhenpin Jiuye
0.302 ± 0.010
Xifeng Yucang (38°)
Xifeng Co., Ltd.
0.056 ± 0.001
Furuiwang (38°)
Furui Co., Ltd.
0.079 ± 0.001c
Laobaifen Fengtan 15 Years (38°)
Fenjiu Group
0.112 ± 0.001
Honghuaci Erguotou (56°)
Sanhe Fucheng Co., Ltd.
0.224 ± 0.042
Jingdu Yujiu (42°)
Shuangqinghe Co., Ltd.
- b
Zhoufuji Erguotou (42°)
Zhoufuji Co., Ltd.
- b
Mendaolv (62°)
Ningheyuan Co., Ltd.
- b
Weirenmin Fuwu (53°)
Guizhou Maotai Distillery Group
0.130 ± 0.002
Beijing Erguotou Qinghuaci (52°)
Jiuzhongjiu Co., Ltd.
0.064 ± 0.002
Zhougong Baisui (35°)
Huangjia Jingdu Co., Ltd.
0.052 ± 0.003
Tianshan Laobing (38°)
Tianshan Co., Ltd.
- b
Beijing Erguotou I (56°)
Tongquanyong Co., Ltd.
- b
Xianghe Ronghe Shaofang (53°)
Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
1.712 ± 0.023
Dajinjiu (42°)
Dajin Co., Ltd.
- b
Jingdu Heitan (42°)
Huangjia Jingdu Co., Ltd.
0.066 ± 0.003
Wuliang Yuanjiu (50°)
Yuqiao Co., Ltd.
0.300 ± 0.054
Guocuijiu (52°)
Luzhou Guocui Co., Ltd.
0.052 ± 0.001
Hongdu Tezhen 25 Years (50°)
Hongdu Co., Ltd.
- b
Beijing Erguotou II (56°)
Shuangqinghe Co., Ltd.
0.075 ± 0.006
Beijing Fangzhuang Erguotou (52°)
Fangzhuang Co., Ltd.
- b
Laobeijing Erguotou (41°)
Duxing Co., Ltd.
- b
Sichuan Sorghumjiu I (40°)
Yaoquan Laojiao Co., Ltd.
- b
Guantoushan (40°)
Guantoushan Co., Ltd.
0.093 ± 0.001
Mengguwang (44°)
Mengguwang Co., Ltd.
0.090 ± 0.002
Caoyuan Andaqing (62.8°)
Andaqing Co., Ltd.
0.100 ± 0.004
Luchun (52°)
Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.
- b
Yujingfang Shaojiu (38°)
Yujingfang Shaojiu Group
0.058 ± 0.002
Molecules, 2015, 20
Table 1. Cont.
Sample Name
(Alcohol % by Volume)
Concentrations of Propyl
Lactate (mg·L−1)
OAV of Propyl
Sichuan Sorghum II (42°)
Culiangfang Co., Ltd.
- b
Xianli Jianguo 60 Years (50°)
MaotaiJiucheng Co., Ltd.
- b
Longfeng (38°)
Longfeng Co., Ltd.
- b
Caoyuan Liema (62°)
Menggudao Co., Ltd.
- b
Shuijing Kongdong (52°)
Liuhuchun Co., Ltd.
0.066 ± 0.001
Gubei Chunliang (42°)
Gubeichun Co., Ltd.
0.050 ± 0.001
Banmasuo Chenniao 3 Years (65°)
Muniu Co., Ltd.
0.074 ± 0.001
Heitudi (38°)
Hecheng Co., Ltd.
- b
Hengshui Laobaigan (39°)
Hengshui Laobaigan Co., Ltd.
0.149 ± 0.005
Bancheng Laojiu (42°)
Qianlongzui Co., Ltd.
0.075 ± 0.001
Jingyanggang (38°)
Jingyanggang Co., Ltd.
1.900 ± 0.002
65667 Troops Tegong T99B (38°)
Beimao Co., Ltd.
0.250 ± 0.002
Huanghelong Laoliangfang (52°)
Huanghelong Group
0.100 ± 0.001
Guojiao 1573 (52°)
Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.
- b
Mengzhilan M6 (40.8°)
Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co., Ltd
0.176 ± 0.006
Kouzijiao Zhencang 20 Years (41°)
Kouzi Yjiuye
0.052 ± 0.002
Moutai (53°) c
Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
0.851 ± 0.001 c
Xifeng (55°) c
Xifeng Co., Ltd.
0.818 ± 0.011 c
Guojing 1# (65°) c
Shandong Bandaojing Co., Ltd.
1.008 ± 0.018 c
Gujing Yuanjiang (65°) c
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.
2.237 ± 0.022 c
Jinshiyuan Yuanjiang (59°) c
Jiangsu King’s Luck Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.
0.932 ± 0.024 c
Jinshiyuan (53°) c
Jiangsu King’s Luck Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.
0.810 ± 0.017 c
Jingzhi Guniang10 Years (52°) c
Shandong Jingzhi Liquor Co., Ltd.
3.024 ± 0.025 c
Jingzhi Guniang 5 Years (50°) c
Shandong Jingzhi Liquor Co., Ltd.
3.286 ± 0.060 c
Wuyue Duzun (52°) c
Taishan Liuor Group Co., Ltd.
0.788 ± 0.006 c
Jiuchao Chenxiang (42°) c
Shandong Lanling Meijiu Co., Ltd.
0.910 ± 0.014 c
a tr: The concentrations of propyl lactate were between 0.025 mg·L−1 and 0.050 mg·L−1; b No OAVs because of the concentrations of propyl lactate was much less than LOQ;
c the concentrations of propyl lactate were from the reported article [16].
Molecules, 2015, 20
As shown in Table 1, propyl lactate did occur in all Chinese Baijius under investigation, though the
concentrations in some distillate drinks were between 0.050 mg·L−1 (LOQ) and 0.025 mg·L−1 (LOD).
The top 5 distillate samples were Jingzhi Guniang 5 years (50°) (3.286 mg·L−1), Jingzhi Guniang 10 years
(52°) (3.024 mg·L−1), Gujing Yuanjiang (65°) (2.237 mg·L−1), “Jingyanggang” (38°) (1.900 mg·L−1),
and “Xianghe Ronghe Shaofang” (53°) (1.712 mg·L−1).
2.3. Detection Threshold of Propyl Lactate and OAV Analysis
The determination of detection threshold of propyl lactate was conducted by the statistical analyses
and the Curve Fitting, and the result was shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Scatter diagram by CF for determination of propyl lactate detection threshold. The
X-axis represents the concentration of propyl lactate to the base 10 logarithm (X = LogA) and
Y-axis is the correct recognition ratio, which is the ratio of the correct recognition numbers
in total recognition numbers ሺY ൌ
ሺ୲୭୲ୟ୪୪ሻ ሻ.
The calibration curve equation was y = 0.1623x + 0.6877, and the correlation coefficient R2 = 0.9663.
The threshold was the corresponding X value (0.740 mg·L−1) when Y = 66.67% [17].
2.4. Discussion
The unknown compound shown at 17.4 min in sample 33 was identified to be propyl lactate based on
the comparison of mass spectra and retention time with the standard. Propyl lactate was also discovered in
all other samples under investigation by the same method.
Propyl lactate was possibly formed through the esterification of lactic acid with propanol, both of
which have been reported during the fermentation. There were a great number of lactobacilli during the
fermentation process of Chinese spirit drinks, which could convert sugars to lactic acid [18,19]. Higher
alcohols could be formed during the fermentation under aerobic condition from sugar or under anaerobic
conditions from amino acids [20] since the raw materials, sorghum, rice, sticky rice, wheat and corn, were
rich sources of amino acids. Propanol can be produced from threonine by yeast via the Ehrlich metabolic
pathway [21]. Small amounts of propanol could also be formed by yeast through reduction of propanal.
The esterification of lactic acid with propanol could be taken place directly or catalyzed by esterases during
the fermentation and aging process of Chinese liquor production [20]. The esterases might be from yeasts,
Molecules, 2015, 20
molds, or bacteria, which existed in “Daqu” or “Xiaoqu” [21]. Fan [22] also reported that the “Daqu” had
high esterase activities. The main formation process of propyl lactate was as Figure 4.
Figure 4. The pathway of propyl lactate formation by esterase catalyzation.
The odor activity values (OAV) equaled to the ratio of the concentration of propyl lactate and its
detection threshold value. If a compound has an OAV > 1.0, then it would contribute to the flavor of a
product [23]. The OAVs of propyl lactate in 82 Chinese Baijius were listed in Table 1. There were 13
distillate samples with the OAVs of propyl lactate higher than 1, including 50° Jingzhi Guniang
5 years (4.440), 52° Jingzhi Guniang 10 years (3.024), 38° Jingyanggang (2.568), 53° Xianghe Ronghe
Shaofang (2.313), and so on, whereas other 69 liquor samples with the OAVs lower than 1. Propyl lactate
had a grape-like fruity, milk and ester odor [17]. The results indicated that propyl lactate was one of
odor-active components of these 13 Chinese Baijius. Whether propyl lactate was a key odor compound
or not based on more experiments and proofs, which we would be to study next.
3. Experimental Section
3.1. Chemicals
Chemicals and standards were GC grade with a high purity (>99.0%).The water was boiling for at least
0.5 h and redistilled twice before use. Methyl lactate (PubChem CID: 11040), used as internal standard
(IS), and propyl lactate (PubChem CID: 92821) were obtained from Tokyo Chemical Industry CO., Ltd.
(Shanghai, China). Absolute ethanol (PubChem CID: 702) was obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
3.2. Spirit Drink Samples
A total of 72 spirit drinks, shown as Table 1, were obtained from different factories in China, or
supermarkets, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour in Beijing, China.
3.3. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis by GC-MS
1.0 µL of Chinese spirit drinks was injected and analyzed by GC-MS with the full scan mode, and
the occurrence of propyl lactate was confirmed by comparing its retention time and mass spectrum with
the standards.
lactic acid
Ehrlic metabolic pathway
Propyl lactate
Molecules, 2015, 20
The concentrations of propyl lactate in these distillates were determined by the internal standard method
with the selected ions monitoring mode of GC-MS. At first, a series of the standard solutions, such as
5.000 mg·L−1, 2.500 mg·L−1, 1.250 mg·L−1, 0.625 mg·L−1, 0.313 mg·L−1, 0.156 mg·L−1, 0.078 mg·L−1,
0.039 mg·L−1 and 0.020 mg·L−1, were prepared with absolute ethanol and analyzed by GC-MS. Then
1.0 mL of each distillate drink sample with 10.0 µL of methyl lactate solution (100.000 mg·L−1) were
placed in 72 tightly closed sample vials, numbered 1 to 72, for GC-MS analysis. Finally, the concentrations
of propyl lactate were calculated by the software of GC-MS. The conditions of GC-MS (6890A-5975C,
Agilent technologies Co., Ltd., Beijing, China) were as follows.
GC conditions: DB-FFAP capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm film thickness, Santa Clara, CA,
USA); carrier gas, helium, 99.9995%; flow rate, 1.0 mL·min−1; The oven temperature was programmed at
50 °C for 2 min, then raised to 100 °C at 6 °C·min−1, then raised to 170 °C at 3 °C·min−1 for 2 min, and
then raised to 200 °C at 10 °C·min−1 for 2 min, and finally raised to 230 °C at 15 °C·min−1 for 5 min;
inlet temperature, 250 °C; transfer line temperature, 250 °C; injection volume, 1 µL; split ratio, 20:1.
MS conditions: electron ionization source, 70 eV; ion source and quadruple temperatures, 230 °C and
150 °C, respectively; The monitored ions and other parameters of selected-ion-monitoring (SIM) mode
were listed in Table 2.
Table 2. The monitored ions and other parameters.
Mass List or Range
Methyl lactate
Full Scan
45, 75, 89,105
Propyl lactate
Full Scan
45, 75, 117
3.4. Determination of the Detection Threshold of Propyl Lactate
3-AFC test was recommended as the national standard method for determination of Chinese Baijiu
flavors thresholds by GB/T 22366-2008 [16], which is a general guidance for measuring odor, flavor
and taste detection threshold, because of its higher efficiency and accuracy. Meanwhile, CF method was
adopted as threshold calculation method, which was recommended by ASTM E1432-2004 Standard
Practice. So 3-AFC and CF were selected to determine the detection threshold of propyl lactate in Chinese
spirit drinks.
Most concentrations of alcohol in the distillate samples under investigation were 38 vol% or nearby,
so 38% ethanol solution was used as the benchmark. A series of propyl lactate solutions were prepared for
sensory evaluation with 38% ethanol solution, such as 0.137 mg·L−1 (A1), 0.412 mg·L−1 (A2), 1.235 mg·L−1
(A3), 3.704 mg·L−1 (A4), 11.111 mg·L−1 (A5) and 33.333 mg·L−1 (A6).
There were eighteen samples for sensory evaluation, which were equally divided into six groups. All
these samples were placed in 10 mL tulip-like glass wine cups. Two samples of each group were the control
samples and the remaining one had different concentration of propyl lactate in it. Each sample was marked
in a random four-digit number. A group of 30 untrained and normal olfaction assessors were invited to
determine propyl lactate detection threshold. All samples were assessed at room temperature. For each
test, the assessors needed to pick out the one which was “very different from the references”, and wrote
down the number. Each test was replicated 3 times, so that 90 responses were obtained for each testing
Molecules, 2015, 20
concentration. Then the Curve Fitting (CF) was conducted by the statistical analyses, and the curve was
drawn. When Y = 66.7%, the corresponding X value was the detection threshold value of propyl lactate.
4. Conclusions
In summary, this work reported the occurrence of propyl lactate in 72 Chinese Baijius for the first
time. The concentration of propyl lactate ranged from 0.050 to 1.900 mg·L−1 in 72 Chinese Baijius. The
detection threshold of propyl lactate in 38% ethanol solution was 0.740 mg·L−1. Based on OAV analysis
in this research, propyl lactate had much contribution to the aroma of 13 Chinese Baijius , including 50°
Jingzhi Guniang 5 years (4.440), 52° Jingzhi Guniang 10 years (3.024), Jingyanggang (2.568), Xianghe
Ronghe Shaofang (2.313), and 1956 Laolang (1.431).
The financial supports from National Natural Science Foundation of China (31471665 and 31301466)
and National Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (KZ201410011015) are gratefully acknowledged.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: B.S., F.Z. and M.H. Performed the experiments: J.W.
(mostly), Y.Z., X.S. and J.S. Analyzed the data: J.W. Wrote the paper: J.W. and M.H.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study,
in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to
publish the results.
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Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds are available from the authors.
© 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license
| The Occurrence of Propyl Lactate in Chinese Baijius (Chinese Liquors) Detected by Direct Injection Coupled with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. | 10-19-2015 | Wu, Jihong,Zheng, Yang,Sun, Baoguo,Sun, Xiaotao,Sun, Jiyuan,Zheng, Fuping,Huang, Mingquan | eng |
PMC6939913 | Reports © 2019 The Reviewers; Decision Letters © 2019 The Reviewers and Editors;
Responses © 2019 The Reviewers, Editors and Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited
Review History
RSPB-2019-1961.R0 (Original submission)
Review form: Reviewer 1
Accept with minor revision (please list in comments)
Scientific importance: Is the manuscript an original and important contribution to its field?
General interest: Is the paper of sufficient general interest?
Quality of the paper: Is the overall quality of the paper suitable?
Is the length of the paper justified?
The force–length and force–velocity potential of the human
soleus muscle is related to the energetic cost of running
Sebastian Bohm, Falk Mersmann, Alessandro Santuz and Adamantios Arampatzis
Article citation details
Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20192560.
Review timeline
Original submission:
23 August 2019
1st revised submission:
5 November 2019
2nd revised submission:
26 November 2019
Final acceptance:
26 November 2019
Note: Reports are unedited and appear as
submitted by the referee. The review history
appears in chronological order.
Should the paper be seen by a specialist statistical reviewer?
Do you have any concerns about statistical analyses in this paper? If so, please specify them
explicitly in your report.
It is a condition of publication that authors make their supporting data, code and materials
available - either as supplementary material or hosted in an external repository. Please rate, if
applicable, the supporting data on the following criteria.
Is it accessible?
Is it clear?
Is it adequate?
Do you have any ethical concerns with this paper?
Comments to the Author
This study tests the fascicle length and shortening velocity (imaged using ultrasound) of the
soleus during running at a moderate speed in 19 participants. The force-length properties are also
measured in a series of isometric contractions on a dynamometer, and the force-velocity
properties of the muscle are estimated from the literature. The soleus fascicles are assessed by
how close they are to optimal length (force length potential) and how slow they shorten (force
velocity potential), and these are compared to the actual cost of running as measured using
expired gas analysis from these same participants. It is shown that the fascicles have a high but
constant force length potential, and a high force velocity potential: this force velocity potential
varies between participants and was related to the running economy. The fascicle velocity was
further related (via multi-regression analysis) to the tendon gearing, Achilles tendon moment
arm, belly gearing and ROM in these participants.
This is an interesting and timely question, and it is posed well. A thorough set of experimental
data are collected for the analysis, and the data appear to have been collected very well. The data
show convincing relations and support the hypothesis. The paper is written clearly, and the
figures are appropriate.
Major comments:
1. Choice of maximum shortening velocity. The major finding is that the running economy is
sensitive to the force-velocity potential: the absolute values of these depend on the Vmax and
curvature of the force-velocity relation. It is not clear where the value of Vmax = 11.72 s-1 comes
from. I have followed the cited papers back through several layers of citations, and cannot find
definitive justification for these values beyond a statement that Vmax is typically 10-12 s-1 for
modelling studies: this in itself does not justify the value.
Note that actual measurements of Vmax in humans are rare. Reports of Vmax of 2 and 6 s-1 have
been made for isolated bundles of slow and fast human muscle fibres, respectively (Faulkner et
al. 1986), and it has been argued that these values could be less than 8 s-1 and greater than 14 s-1,
respectively (Epstein & Herzog 1998) from intact human experiments. Higher values are used for
musculoskeletal simulations in part to overcome the tendency of simulations to under-predict
muscle forces, but this is not a scientific justification for inflating these values.
This submitted manuscript would benefit from a clearer description and rationale for the force-
velocity parameters chosen. However, I note (as also discussed on line 370) that the actual choice
of value has little effect on the conclusions in the study.
2. Multiple regression. The variables used in the multiple regression all pertain to the length
change of the soleus muscle fascicles. However, fascicle velocity is a function of change in length
and the time taken for this change. Thus, the time taken for the muscle shortening should be
considered. Was this constant across participants? Was this considered for the multiple regression
(and removed later because it had no effect – this would be a good approach but should be
3. Experimental details. Additional details should be presented in the Methods section for how
the EMG magnitude is quantified, and how fascicles are identified in the ultrasound images.
Minor comment.
1. State in the text whether errors are standard deviations or standard errors of the mean.
Review form: Reviewer 2 (Natalie Holt)
Major revision is needed (please make suggestions in comments)
Scientific importance: Is the manuscript an original and important contribution to its field?
General interest: Is the paper of sufficient general interest?
Quality of the paper: Is the overall quality of the paper suitable?
Is the length of the paper justified?
Should the paper be seen by a specialist statistical reviewer?
Do you have any concerns about statistical analyses in this paper? If so, please specify them
explicitly in your report.
It is a condition of publication that authors make their supporting data, code and materials
available - either as supplementary material or hosted in an external repository. Please rate, if
applicable, the supporting data on the following criteria.
Is it accessible?
Is it clear?
Is it adequate?
Do you have any ethical concerns with this paper?
Comments to the Author
See attached file. (See Appendix A)
Decision letter (RSPB-2019-1961.R0)
Dear Dr Bohm:
I am writing to inform you that your manuscript RSPB-2019-1961 entitled "The force-length and
force-velocity potential of the human soleus muscle is related to the energetic cost of running"
has, in its current form, been rejected for publication in Proceedings B.
This action has been taken on the advice of referees, who have recommended that substantial
revisions are necessary. With this in mind we would be happy to consider a resubmission,
provided the comments of the referees are fully addressed. However please note that this is not a
provisional acceptance. While both reviewers see value to the study, both have concerns about
some of the assumptions and other aspects of the methods/interpretation. They and the
Associate Editor need to be won over more if this study is to be accepted.
The resubmission will be treated as a new manuscript. However, we will approach the same
reviewers if they are available and it is deemed appropriate to do so by the Editor. Please note
that resubmissions must be submitted within six months of the date of this email. In exceptional
circumstances, extensions may be possible if agreed with the Editorial Office. Manuscripts
submitted after this date will be automatically rejected.
Please find below the comments made by the referees, not including confidential reports to the
Editor, which I hope you will find useful. If you do choose to resubmit your manuscript, please
upload the following:
1) A ‘response to referees’ document including details of how you have responded to the
comments, and the adjustments you have made.
2) A clean copy of the manuscript and one with 'tracked changes' indicating your 'response to
referees' comments document.
3) Line numbers in your main document.
To upload a resubmitted manuscript, log into and enter
your Author Centre, where you will find your manuscript title listed under "Manuscripts with
Decisions." Under "Actions," click on "Create a Resubmission." Please be sure to indicate in your
cover letter that it is a resubmission, and supply the previous reference number.
In your revision process, please take a second look at how open your science is; our policy is that
all data involved with the study should be made openly accessible-- see:
Insufficient sharing of data can delay or even cause rejection of a paper.
Professor John Hutchinson, Editor
mailto: [email protected]
Associate Editor
Board Member: 1
Comments to Author:
Associate Editor: Douglas L Altshuler
The authors have performed an integrative study of muscle physiology and energetics during
running. The authors and I agree that the methods are sound and creative, and the results are
clear and interesting. One of the referees expressed some concern that the study may be too
narrow in scope for the general science audience of ProcB. I would encourage the authors to
revise their manuscript, and it would be helpful to see how this concern about breadth could be
Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author:
Referee: 1
Comments to the Author(s)
This study tests the fascicle length and shortening velocity (imaged using ultrasound) of the
soleus during running at a moderate speed in 19 participants. The force-length properties are also
measured in a series of isometric contractions on a dynamometer, and the force-velocity
properties of the muscle are estimated from the literature. The soleus fascicles are assessed by
how close they are to optimal length (force length potential) and how slow they shorten (force
velocity potential), and these are compared to the actual cost of running as measured using
expired gas analysis from these same participants. It is shown that the fascicles have a high but
constant force length potential, and a high force velocity potential: this force velocity potential
varies between participants and was related to the running economy. The fascicle velocity was
further related (via multi-regression analysis) to the tendon gearing, Achilles tendon moment
arm, belly gearing and ROM in these participants.
This is an interesting and timely question, and it is posed well. A thorough set of experimental
data are collected for the analysis, and the data appear to have been collected very well. The data
show convincing relations and support the hypothesis. The paper is written clearly, and the
figures are appropriate.
Major comments:
1. Choice of maximum shortening velocity. The major finding is that the running economy is
sensitive to the force-velocity potential: the absolute values of these depend on the Vmax and
curvature of the force-velocity relation. It is not clear where the value of Vmax = 11.72 s-1 comes
from. I have followed the cited papers back through several layers of citations, and cannot find
definitive justification for these values beyond a statement that Vmax is typically 10-12 s-1 for
modelling studies: this in itself does not justify the value.
Note that actual measurements of Vmax in humans are rare. Reports of Vmax of 2 and 6 s-1 have
been made for isolated bundles of slow and fast human muscle fibres, respectively (Faulkner et
al. 1986), and it has been argued that these values could be less than 8 s-1 and greater than 14 s-1,
respectively (Epstein & Herzog 1998) from intact human experiments. Higher values are used for
musculoskeletal simulations in part to overcome the tendency of simulations to under-predict
muscle forces, but this is not a scientific justification for inflating these values.
This submitted manuscript would benefit from a clearer description and rationale for the force-
velocity parameters chosen. However, I note (as also discussed on line 370) that the actual choice
of value has little effect on the conclusions in the study.
2. Multiple regression. The variables used in the multiple regression all pertain to the length
change of the soleus muscle fascicles. However, fascicle velocity is a function of change in length
and the time taken for this change. Thus, the time taken for the muscle shortening should be
considered. Was this constant across participants? Was this considered for the multiple regression
(and removed later because it had no effect – this would be a good approach but should be
3. Experimental details. Additional details should be presented in the Methods section for how
the EMG magnitude is quantified, and how fascicles are identified in the ultrasound images.
Minor comment.
1. State in the text whether errors are standard deviations or standard errors of the mean.
Referee: 2
Comments to the Author(s)
See attached file
Author's Response to Decision Letter for (RSPB-2019-1961.R0)
See Appendix B.
Review form: Reviewer 1
Accept with minor revision (please list in comments)
Scientific importance: Is the manuscript an original and important contribution to its field?
General interest: Is the paper of sufficient general interest?
Quality of the paper: Is the overall quality of the paper suitable?
Is the length of the paper justified?
Should the paper be seen by a specialist statistical reviewer?
Do you have any concerns about statistical analyses in this paper? If so, please specify them
explicitly in your report.
It is a condition of publication that authors make their supporting data, code and materials
available - either as supplementary material or hosted in an external repository. Please rate, if
applicable, the supporting data on the following criteria.
Is it accessible?
Is it clear?
Is it adequate?
Do you have any ethical concerns with this paper?
Comments to the Author
The authors have addressed all my previous concerns in a careful manner.
There remains one further comment that they may choose to consider for the manuscript, and it
still concerns the choice of Vmax. I appreciate the further analysis that the authors have
attempted, to provide a value of Vmax for the Soleus. However, it should be noted that the
running velocity of 2.5 m/s is not all that fast, and indeed the EMG averages less than 50%. As
such, it is likely that the fastest muscle fibres will not have been recruited, and hence the
weighted mean taken for Vmax may thus be an overestimate. Coupled to this, with more than
half of the muscle inactive, the actual Vmax may be less than its constituent fibres (for additional
reasons: Holt et al. Proc Roy Soc B 2014). If the Vmax for the Soleus were less than the estimated
6.77 L/s for this experimental situation, then it is likely that the actual spread of Force-velocity
potentials would be larger than shown in Fig. 3. It is thus worth considering that you have
actually resulted with a conservative evaluation of the importance of the force-velocity potential.
Review form: Reviewer 2 (Natalie Holt)
Accept with minor revision (please list in comments)
Scientific importance: Is the manuscript an original and important contribution to its field?
General interest: Is the paper of sufficient general interest?
Quality of the paper: Is the overall quality of the paper suitable?
Is the length of the paper justified?
Should the paper be seen by a specialist statistical reviewer?
Do you have any concerns about statistical analyses in this paper? If so, please specify them
explicitly in your report.
It is a condition of publication that authors make their supporting data, code and materials
available - either as supplementary material or hosted in an external repository. Please rate, if
applicable, the supporting data on the following criteria.
Is it accessible?
Is it clear?
Is it adequate?
Do you have any ethical concerns with this paper?
Comments to the Author
See attached file. (See Appendix C)
Decision letter (RSPB-2019-2560.R0)
Dear Dr Bohm
I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript RSPB-2019-2560 entitled "The force-length and
force-velocity potential of the human soleus muscle is related to the energetic cost of running" has
been accepted for publication in Proceedings B. Congratulations!!
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Once again, thank you for submitting your manuscript to Proceedings B and I look forward to
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Professor John Hutchinson, Editor
mailto: [email protected]
Associate Editor
Board Member
Comments to Author:
Associate Editor: Doug Altshuler
The authors have done a good job addressing the reviewer concerns. A few issues remain, and I
agree with the reviewers that consideration of these final points would further strengthen the
Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author:
Referee: 2
Comments to the Author(s).
See attached file
Referee: 1
Comments to the Author(s).
The authors have addressed all my previous concerns in a careful manner.
There remains one further comment that they may choose to consider for the manuscript, and it
still concerns the choice of Vmax. I appreciate the further analysis that the authors have
attempted, to provide a value of Vmax for the Soleus. However, it should be noted that the
running velocity of 2.5 m/s is not all that fast, and indeed the EMG averages less than 50%. As
such, it is likely that the fastest muscle fibres will not have been recruited, and hence the
weighted mean taken for Vmax may thus be an overestimate. Coupled to this, with more than
half of the muscle inactive, the actual Vmax may be less than its constituent fibres (for additional
reasons: Holt et al. Proc Roy Soc B 2014). If the Vmax for the Soleus were less than the estimated
6.77 L/s for this experimental situation, then it is likely that the actual spread of Force-velocity
potentials would be larger than shown in Fig. 3. It is thus worth considering that you have
actually resulted with a conservative evaluation of the importance of the force-velocity potential.
Author's Response to Decision Letter for (RSPB-2019-2560.R0)
See Appendix D.
Decision letter (RSPB-2019-2560.R1)
Dear Dr Bohm
I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript entitled "The force-length and force-velocity
potential of the human soleus muscle is related to the energetic cost of running" has been
accepted for publication in Proceedings B.
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Proceedings B
mailto: [email protected]
In this study, the authors explore the effect of muscle force-length and force-velocity conditions on the
energetic cost of running. In addition, they explore the determinants of of muscle fiber length change. I
find this to be an extensive and well collected data set that uses in vivo determination of force-length
and force-velocity relationships, and application of these to muscle function during running to address
these questions.
There appear to me to be a few major limitations of the study. These should be addressed throughout.
Organismal energy consumption is measured, but only the length and velocity profile of soleus.
This prevents the authors from drawing the more interesting conclusion that muscle shortening
velocity is a determinant of energy consumption. This is acknowledged and somewhat
addressed in the discussion, but remains a major limitation to the study.
The strict adherence to force-length and force-velocity relationships as defining features of
muscle performance seems somewhat outdated given a wealth of literature showing that these
relationships do not hold under conditions relevant to locomotion (i.e. history dependence,
activation-dependent changes). These advances do not negate this study, however, it would be
a more accurate representation of the field to acknowledge that they exist, and present this
study as a means to investigate the importance of these relationships.
This paper is fundamentally concerned with the effect of contractile conditions on muscle
energy consumption. However, there is very little discussion of why length and velocity might
affect energy consumption beyond required activation, despite a wealth of evidence on this i.e.
how the cost per unit force varies across the force-length relationship in isolated muscle. In
addition, it may be worth considering findings such as the effect of contractile history on cost
(Joumaa et al., 2013), and the complexity of the cost of work (Holt et al., 2104; Curtin et al.,
2019) in a more comprehensive discussion of in vivo muscle energetics.
Specific comments
Lines 50-51 – The ongoing debating between the cost of force and the cost of work as determinants of
organismal cost should be acknowledged here. This could then also lead to a more nuanced discussion
of factors dictating muscle energetics beyond simply level of activation.
Lines 123-124 and 185-187 – It is relatively unclear to me how the force-velocity relationship was
determined here. It appears as though force and velocity were determined as fibers shortened against
the tendon? Can the authors make this clearer, better define where in the contraction force and velocity
were determined, and comment on how this might affect findings compared to a more standard
isotonic or isovelocity protocol.
Line 197-198 – The meaning of this is unclear to me. This description of touchdown and toe-off should
be reworded for clarification
The results section is relatively dense. The authors may wish to consider moving some of the findings
less critical to addressing their question to a table, to improve readability.
Appendix A
Line 299-300 – The assertion that the triceps surae consumes 40% of the cost during running is crucial to
the argument of this paper. Yet it is not clear how this value is arrived at from the Fletcher and
MacIntosh paper cited (the paper seems to give a large range of values for muscle energy consumption
and not to relate this to organismal cost), and how reliable the output of their simple model is for this
purpose. Could the authors give a little more detail on this (in the manuscript if of sufficient interest, or
simply here). It may also be useful to combine this 40% estimate with the relative size of soleus to give a
better representation of its likely contribution to energy consumption, considering fiber type as soleus is
likely cheaper than gastrocs (Barclay, 1993).
Lines 304-309 - The authors make a good case for why small changes in velocity would require an
increase in activation and therefore cost. This effect should be seen in EMG recordings. It would seem
that the argument could be strengthened by showing this as it would provide a more causal link
between the change in muscle level function and organismal level cost.
Line 344-345 – There seems to be some discrepancy regarding activation in here. The implication seems
to be that muscle activation is higher in early stance to enable the tendon to be stretched, and then
recoil to slow shortening velocity in the later part of stance. Yet a central claim of the paper is that cost
is lower when shortening velocity is lower, due to a lower requirement for activation. It seems like the
variation in required activation could balance out over the course of a stance phase? Could it be clarified
as to why the early increase in activation to enable tendon stretch doesn’t seem to be costly in the way
that the latter reduction is deemed to be cheap?
Line 345 – typo “were”?
Line 375 – The study doesn’t seem to show that energy consumption is related to the force-length-
velocity potential, but rather just the force-velocity potential.
Referee: 1
This study tests the fascicle length and shortening velocity (imaged using ultrasound)
of the soleus during running at a moderate speed in 19 participants. The force-length properties are
also measured in a series of isometric contractions on a dynamometer, and the force-velocity
properties of the muscle are estimated from the literature. The soleus fascicles are assessed by how
close they are to optimal length (force length potential) and how slow they shorten (force velocity
potential), and these are compared to the actual cost of running as measured using expired gas analysis
from these same participants. It is shown that the fascicles have a high but constant force length
potential, and a high force velocity potential: this force velocity potential varies between participants
and was related to the running economy. The fascicle velocity was further related (via multi-regression
analysis) to the tendon gearing, Achilles tendon moment arm, belly gearing and ROM in these
This is an interesting and timely question, and it is posed well. A thorough set of experimental data are
collected for the analysis, and the data appear to have been collected very well. The data show
convincing relations and support the hypothesis. The paper is written clearly, and the figures are
Thank you for your valuable comments. All changes are underlined in the revised
version of the manuscript and the references cited in the responses can be found at the end of the
document. Please note that some parts of the methods are now presented in the electronic
supplementary material due to length restrictions of the journal.
Major comments:
Choice of maximum shortening velocity. The major finding is that the running
economy is sensitive to the force-velocity potential: the absolute values of these depend on the Vmax
and curvature of the force-velocity relation. It is not clear where the value of Vmax = 11.72 s-1 comes
from. I have followed the cited papers back through several layers of citations, and cannot find
definitive justification for these values beyond a statement that Vmax is typically 10-12 s-1 for
modelling studies: this in itself does not justify the value. Note that actual measurements of Vmax in
humans are rare. Reports of Vmax of 2 and 6 s-1 have been made for isolated bundles of slow and fast
human muscle fibres, respectively (Faulkner et al. 1986), and it has been argued that these values could
be less than 8 s-1 and greater than 14 s-1, respectively (Epstein & Herzog 1998) from intact human
experiments. Higher values are used for musculoskeletal simulations in part to overcome the tendency
of simulations to under-predict muscle forces, but this is not a scientific justification for inflating these
values. This submitted manuscript would benefit from a clearer description and rationale for the force-
velocity parameters chosen. However, I note (as also discussed on line 370) that the actual choice of
value has little effect on the conclusions in the study.
Thank you for this comment. Indeed, experimental assessed values of Vmax for human
muscles in vivo are very rare and for the soleus not reported so far to our knowledge. This was the
reason why we based our calculations on recommendations for modelling approaches [1,2]. When
extending our sensitivity analysis about the effect of the magnitude of Vmax, on the correlation of the
Appendix B
force-velocity potential and energetic cost, we found that the correlation remained statistically
significant (p<0.05) for Vmax values higher than 3.0 LO/s. Therefore, the observed association of force-
velocity potential and energetic cost seems quite strong. Furthermore, we reported a direct correlation
between the operating velocity and the energetic cost (r = 0.561 p = 0.012). Since this association is
independent of the choice of Vmax, we can be confident about the general study findings.
Biological support for the choice of Vmax could be derived indirectly when referring to in vitro studies on
the human soleus muscle. Luden et al., (2008) showed Vmax values for MHC I type fibers of 0.77 LO/s and
2.91 LO/s for MHC IIA type fibers measured at 15°C [3]. Considering the temperature coefficient
provided by Ranatunga et al., (1984) [4] it can be predicted that Vmax would increase to 4.4 LO/s for
MHC I type fibers and to 16.8 LO/s for MHC IIA type fibers under physiological temperature conditions
(37 °C). The fiber type distribution in the human soleus muscle can be estimated from literature reports,
i.e. Johnson et al., 1973: type 1 fibers 87,7%, type 2 fibers (a and b) 12,3% (average of surface and deep
fiber location) [5]; Larsson and Moss, 1993: type 1 89%, type 2A 11% [6]; Edgerton et al., 1975: slow
twitch 70%, fast twitch 30% [7]; Luden et al., 2008: 74% MHC I, 20% MHC IIA (norm to 100%) [3]). Using
an average of those reported distribution values (type 1: 81%, type 2: 19%), Vmax for soleus under
physiological temperature can be calculated as 6.77 LO/s. The broad literature basis for the average
fiber type distribution was also used to update arel to 0.175 (i.e. 0.1+0.4FT, where FT is the fast twitch
fiber type percentage [8,9]) and accordingly brel to 1.182 (arel * Vmax [10]).
We addressed the comment of the reviewer and recalculated the respective values (force-velocity
potential and normalized velocities and their ranges) using the updated Vmax of 6.77 LO/s, arel and brel
in the revised manuscript. Again, this did not change any of the statistical correlation outcomes.
We added the following information to the revised manuscript (page: 4, line: 155):
“Furthermore, we assessed the force-velocity relationship of soleus using the classical Hill equation
[11], the muscle-specific maximum fascicle shortening velocity (Vmax) and constants of arel and brel. Vmax
was derived from the study of Luden et al. (2008), which showed Vmax values for type 1 fibers of 0.77
LO/s and 2.91 LO/s for type 2 fibers of the human soleus muscle measured in vitro at 15°C [3].
Considering the temperature coefficient [4], Vmax can be predicted as 4.4 LO/s for type 1 fibers and 16.8
LO/s for type 2 fibers under physiological temperature conditions (37 °C). Using an average fiber type
distribution (type 1 fibers: 81%, type 2: 19%) of the human soleus muscle reported in literature [3,5–7],
Vmax can be calculated as 6.77 LO/s. arel was calculated as 0.1+0.4FT, where FT is the fast twitch fiber
type percentage (see above), which then equals to 0.175 [8,9]. The product of arel and Vmax then gives
brel as 1.182 [10]. After rearrangement of the Hill equation and extension to the eccentric component,
the operating velocity normalized to Vmax can be used to calculate the individual force potential
according to the force-velocity relationship.”
2. Multiple regression. The variables used in the multiple regression all pertain to
the length change of the soleus muscle fascicles. However, fascicle velocity is a function of change in
length and the time taken for this change. Thus, the time taken for the muscle shortening should be
considered. Was this constant across participants? Was this considered for the multiple regression
(and removed later because it had no effect – this would be a good approach but should be reported)?
Thanks for this comment. The time for the muscle shortening (i.e. stance time) showed
some variability among the participants as to be expected, i.e. mean 304 ms, SD 23.1 ms, maximum
362 ms, minimum 270 ms.
With respect to the four variables (tendon gearing, belly gearing, tendon lever arm and ankle angle
range) and the effect of time, we reasoned that the tendon and belly gearing are ratios between
velocities, and are thereby independent of time (i.e. tendon gearing: VMTU/VBelly and belly gearing:
VBelly/VFascicle, where V is the stance phase-averaged velocity). The tendon lever arm is a quantity that is
also independent from time, while only the ankle angle range is time-depended. We now calculated the
stance phase-averaged absolute ankle angle velocity and rebuilt the regression model, which is now
expressed by the updated equation:
𝐹𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = −9.788 (𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔) + 0.716 (𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑚) − 42.097 (𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔) +
0.209 (𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦) + 51.341
The model remained significant (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.928, adjusted R2 = 0.907) and so did the four
independent variables (p < 0.001 for tendon gearing, tendon lever arm and belly gearing, and p = 0.002
for ankle angle velocity). The standardized coefficients changed slightly to -1.006 for tendon gearing,
0.638 for lever arm, -0.367 for belly gearing and 0.310 for the ankle angle velocity.
We changed this part in the revised manuscript ((page: 6, line: 262; page: 7, line: 315).
3. Experimental details. Additional details should be presented in the Methods
section for how the EMG magnitude is quantified, and how fascicles are identified in the ultrasound
We amended the information on the EMG assessment during running in the revised
manuscript as supplementary material (“EMG processing”). Note that the low-pass filter cut-off
frequency was changed from 6 Hz to 20 Hz.
“Raw EMG signals (running and MVC) were processed by a fourth-order high-pass Butterworth zero-
phase filter with a 50 Hz cut-off frequency then a full-wave rectification and a low-pass zero-phase filter
with a 20 Hz cut-off frequency for creating a linear envelope of the signal [12,13].”
We added some more information on the fascicle identification in the revised manuscript as
supplementary material (“Fascicle length determination from the ultrasound images”):
“The procedure included an approximation of the deeper and upper aponeurosis by a best linear fit
through three manually placed and frame-by-frame adjusted marks. By means of the bwtraceboundary
function of the Matlab Image Processing toolbox the algorithm then identified the shape and
orientation of image brightness features between both aponeuroses in each frame, which are indicative
for the hyperechoic perimysial connective tissue parts aligned with the muscle fascicles (fig. 1A). The
feature identification criteria were set to: minimal length of 23 pixels (i.e. 0.4 cm, from the bottom left
to the top right), area to length ratio of 8.5, angle between feature and deeper aponeurosis between
10° and 70° and 80% of the pixels on a line between the start and end point of a feature had to be white
[14]. Every frame was visually controlled for adequate feature placement and manually corrected if
necessary. Based on the identified features, a linear averaged reference fascicle was calculated (fig.
1A). Reliability of the tracking approach was confirmed and reported in two previous studies [14,15].”
Minor comment.
1. State in the text whether errors are standard deviations or standard errors of the
We added the information that standard deviations are presented in the revised
manuscript (page: 5, line: 221).
Referee: 2
In this study, the authors explore the effect of muscle force-length and force-velocity
conditions on the energetic cost of running. In addition, they explore the determinants of muscle fiber
length change. I find this to be an extensive and well collected data set that uses in vivo determination
of force-length and force-velocity relationships, and application of these to muscle function during
running to address these questions. There appear to me to be a few major limitations of the study.
These should be addressed throughout.
Thank you for your valuable comments. All changes are underlined in the revised
version of the manuscript and the references cited in the responses can be found at the end of the
document. Please note that some parts of the methods are now presented in the electronic
supplementary material due to length restrictions of the journal.
1) Organismal energy consumption is measured, but only the length and velocity
profile of soleus. This prevents the authors from drawing the more interesting conclusion that muscle
shortening velocity is a determinant of energy consumption. This is acknowledged and somewhat
addressed in the discussion, but remains a major limitation to the study.
We agree with the reviewers comment that although the soleus contributes to a great
portion of the overall energetic costs during running [16] other limb muscles are involved that were not
considered in the present study and this remains a limitation. However, the main energy source
(positive work) is the ankle joint (41%) while the contribution of the knee and hip joint is comparably
lower during running [17]. The soleus is the greatest muscle among the main plantar flexors with
respect to physiological cross-sectional area and volume (soleus: 131 cm² and 477 cm³, gastrocnemius
medialis: 51 cm² and 285 cm³, gastrocnemius lateralis: 24 cm ² and 146 cm³ [18]), giving this muscle a
key role. Using a modeling approach, Hamner and Delp (2013) showed that the contribution of soleus
to the vertical acceleration of the center of mass at the same velocity as in our study (i.e. 2.5 m/s) is
remarkably higher than those of the other lower limb muscles (7.5x than gastroc., 9.5x than vasti, 24x
than rect. fem., 9.5x than tib. ant., 12x than glut. max.; visual inspection of fig. 5). For the fore-aft
acceleration a similar superior contribution of soleus was shown (3x higher than gastroc. and 8.8x
higher than hamstrings [19]). The propulsive function of soleus during running is achieved by active
shortening. Active shortening reduces the force-velocity potential as discussed extensively in the
present manuscript. Consequently, a greater active muscle volume is required to achieve the required
mechanical energy gain.
In contrast, the quadriceps muscle group, the main contributor during early stance, decelerating and
supporting body mass [19,20], features more economical fascicle dynamics. Recently we showed that
the fascicles of the vastus lateralis muscle, as a representative of the quadriceps muscle group operates
with a high force-length (i.e. 0.91) and force-velocity potential (i.e. 0.97) during the stance phase of
running. Operating at high force potentials reduces the energetic cost of this energetically expensive
(due to its long fascicle length) muscle by reducing active muscle volume. This may indicate that the
mechanical energy by muscular work required for steady state running is generated by muscles that
are metabolically less expensive, likely to compensate for the reduction of the force-velocity potential.
We discussed the reviewers comment as a limitation in the revised manuscript (page: 8, line: 360):
“Although the soleus likely contributes to a great portion of the overall energetic costs during running,
other limb muscles that were not considered in the present study are involved. However, the main
energy source (positive work) is the ankle joint (41%) [17] and the soleus is the greatest muscle among
the main plantar flexors with respect to physiological cross-sectional area (soleus 63%, gastroc. med.
25%, gastroc. lat. 12%) and volume (53%, 31% and 16% [18]). The key role of soleus is further supported
by the modeling study of Hamner and Delp (2013), which showed that the soleus is by far the biggest
contributor to the vertical acceleration and fore-aft acceleration of the center of mass [19]. This
function is achieved by active shortening, which reduces the force-velocity potential and consequently
requires a greater active muscle volume. In contrast, the quadriceps muscle group, the main contributor
during early stance, decelerating and transferring body mass [19,20], features more economical
fascicle dynamics. Recently we showed that the fascicles of the vastus lateralis muscle as a
representative of the quadriceps muscle group operates with a high force-length (i.e. 0.91) and force-
velocity potential (i.e. 0.97) during the stance phase of running. Operating at high force potentials
minimizes the cost of this muscle, which is energetically expensive due to its long fascicle length (i.e. LO
= 94 mm [15]), by reducing active muscle volume. This may indicate that the mechanical energy by
muscular work required for steady state running is generated by muscles that are metabolically less
expensive, likely to compensate for the reduction of the force-velocity potential.”
2) The strict adherence to force-length and force-velocity relationships as defining
features of muscle performance seems somewhat outdated given a wealth of literature showing that
these relationships do not hold under conditions relevant to locomotion (i.e. history dependence,
activation-dependent changes). These advances do not negate this study, however, it would be a more
accurate representation of the field to acknowledge that they exist, and present this study as a means
to investigate the importance of these relationships.
First note – History dependence:
We agree with the reviewers comment that the phenomenon of history dependence of force production
after active muscle lengthening or shortening may be present for the soleus during running and may
affect the force production [21–23]. In the present study, the soleus fascicles shortened continuously
during running when activated, which would indicate a condition of force depression. Force depression
has been shown to increase with increasing shortening magnitude [24], with decreasing shortening
velocity [25] and with increasing activation levels [26]. Since the soleus shortening magnitude was
notable (25.9 ± 7.8 %LO), the shortening velocity moderate (0.118 ± 0.039 Vmax) and the activation
submaximal (average during stance phase: 0.32 ± 0.19 EMGmax; maximum activation: 0.52 ± 0.18
EMGmax), an effect of force depression on the force production can theoretically be expected. Yet, the
force-length and force-velocity relationships remain the basic mechanisms for muscle force production.
Interestingly, force depression is likely to be reduced due to the tendon and belly gearing mechanisms
because those reduce the shortening magnitude and activation. The observed main finding of a
correlation of the operating velocity and force-velocity potential with the energetic cost, however, does
not neglect the presence of force depression but indicates that shortening velocity and consequently
the force-velocity potential has a direct effect on the muscle energetics.
We added the following sentences in the introduction and discussion of the revised version of the
manuscript (page: 2, line: 59; page: 7, line: 307):
“Besides the operating length and velocity as the main determinants, the history dependence of force
generation [23], i.e. increased force after active muscle lengthening [27] and decreased force after
active shortening [22,25], may additionally influence the force potential.”
“Furthermore, we showed that the soleus shortened continuously during the stance phase of running,
which reflects a condition for force depression. Since a depression of force was shown to be
accompanied by a decrease in the ATPase activity [28], force depression would have little or no effect
on the energetic cost itself.”
Second note – Shift in optimal length:
Furthermore, it is correct that we assessed the force-length curve during maximal isometric
contractions at different ankle joint angles and, using this relationship, we calculated the force-length
potential of the soleus muscle during running at submaximal activation. There is evidence from early
[29] and more recent [30,31] in vitro studies that the force-length curve depends on muscle activation,
i.e. optimum length increases with submaximal activation. However, a recent study by Fontana and
Herzog (2016) on the human vastus lateralis muscle showed that this holds not necessarily true for in
vivo assessments [32]. In contrast to the in vitro studies, a rightward shift of optimal length was not
observed when force was normalized to the maximum EMG signal (i.e. optimal length remained
constant at different levels of activation). The authors suggested that the disagreement of the in vitro
and in vivo studies might be an artefact related to the in vitro testing setup (e.g. non-physiological
stimulation frequency range or calcium concentrations). Therefore, we can argue that mapping the
submaximal fascicle operating length onto the force-length curve in the present in vivo study should
not affect the findings.
We added the following information in the discussion part of revised manuscript as follows (page: 9,
line: 385):
“Furthermore, we assessed the force-length curve during maximal isometric contractions and used it
to calculate the force-length potential of the soleus muscle during running at submaximal activation.
There is evidence from in vitro studies that the force-length curve depends on muscle activation [29–
31]. However, in a recent in vivo study by Fontana and Herzog (2016) on the human vastus lateralis
muscle, a rightward shift of optimal length with submaximal activation was not observed when force
was normalized to the maximum EMG signal [32]. The authors suggested that the shift in optimal
length phenomenon might be related to the in vitro testing setup (e.g. non-physiological stimulation
frequency range or Ca2+concentrations). Therefore, we can argue that mapping the submaximal fascicle
operating length onto the force-length curve in the present in vivo study should not affect the findings.”
3) This paper is fundamentally concerned with the effect of contractile conditions on
muscle energy consumption. However, there is very little discussion of why length and velocity might
affect energy consumption beyond required activation, despite a wealth of evidence on this i.e. how
the cost per unit force varies across the force-length relationship in isolated muscle. In addition, it may
be worth considering findings such as the effect of contractile history on cost (Joumaa et al., 2013),
and the complexity of the cost of work (Holt et al., 2104; Curtin et al., 2019) in a more comprehensive
discussion of in vivo muscle energetics.
First note - Variation of cost per unit force across the force-length relationship:
We agree with the reviewer that the energy turnover can differ across the force-length relationship in
isolated animal muscle fibers tested in vitro [33]. During isometric contractions at sarcomere length
shorter than optimal length, the force output is reduced but the ATPase rate seems not to greatly differ
from the rate at optimal length, indicating a comparably higher cost of contraction at shorter length
[34,35]. However, this effect seems to be more pronounced at very short lengths, which might not be
covered during regular in vivo movements like locomotion, i.e. soleus operating range (0.75-1.01 LO).
We added the following information in the revised version of the manuscript as follows (page: 7, line:
300): “Besides the favorable high force-length potential for economical force production, operating
close to optimal length may additionally preserved from relatively higher energetic cost that can arise
when contracting at shorter length. In vitro evidence showed that although force is reduced at shorter
sarcomere length, the ATPase rate seems not to differ from the rate at optimal length, indicating
comparably higher cost of contraction at shorter length [34,35]. However, this effect seems more
pronounced at very short lengths, a portion of the force-length curve that is likely not covered by the
soleus during running (operating range 0.75-1.01 LO).”
Second note - Effect of contractile history on cost:
We added the following paragraph to the discussion part of the revised manuscript (page: 7, line: 307):
“Furthermore, we showed that the soleus shortened continuously during the stance phase of running,
which reflects a condition for force depression. Since a depression of force was shown to be
accompanied by a decrease in the ATPase activity [28], force depression would have little or no effect
on the energetic cost itself.”
Third note - complexity of the cost of work:
Thanks for this comment. We agree with the reviewer on the ongoing debate on the cost of force and
the cost of work. From our perspective, when a muscle contracts, force is generated and this consumes
metabolic energy independently of the contraction type (i.e. isometric, eccentric, concentric). During
concentric contractions (active shortening) positive mechanical work is generated and during eccentric
contractions (active lengthening) the work is negative. In stretch-shortening conditions, the net work
could be zero when positive and negative work cancel each other out. Under isometric contractions, no
mechanical work is generated by definition, which would again indicate no mechanical energy
production (Joule), although force is generated and metabolic energy expended. The energy index of
work in the context of the explanation of metabolic energy, therefore, might not be very appropriate
(metabolic energy is not zero when work is zero e.g. during isometric contractions). Instead, an index
of force and metabolic energy might better reflect the organismal cost during locomotion.
With our study, we cannot provide any new information on this discussion because work and force of
soleus were not measured during running (which in our opinion is not possible at the moment).
Therefore, we think that this topic is beyond of the scope of the present study and for this reason we
would prefer not to go deeper in the discussion of cost of force and work but rather stay close to our
experimental results.
Specific comments
Lines 50-51 – The ongoing debating between the cost of force and the cost of work as
determinants of organismal cost should be acknowledged here. This could then also lead to a more
nuanced discussion of factors dictating muscle energetics beyond simply level of activation.
As responded in more detail to the previous comment, we would not like to refer the
manuscript to the discussion of cost of work and force because this is beyond the scope of the present
study. By our study design (force and work not measured) and results we cannot provide any significant
contribution to the mentioned ongoing discussion.
Lines 123-124 and 185-187 – It is relatively unclear to me how the force-velocity
relationship was determined here. It appears as though force and velocity were determined as fibers
shortened against the tendon? Can the authors make this clearer, better define where in the
contraction force and velocity were determined, and comment on how this might affect findings
compared to a more standard isotonic or isovelocity protocol.
The force-velocity curve in the present study was not derived from experimentally
measured force estimates and fascicle velocities. In the first version of the manuscript Vmax was
calculated based on the soleus muscle-specific constants of arel and brel reported by literature [10] as
11.75 LO/s. According to a comment from the other reviewer, we now based our choice of Vmax on more
biological evidence as follows. The in vitro study of Luden et al., (2008) on the human soleus muscle
reported Vmax values for MHC I type fibers of 0.77 LO/s and 2.91 LO/s for MHC IIA type fibers measured
at 15°C [3]. Considering the temperature coefficient provided by Ranatunga et al., (1984) [4] it can be
predicted that Vmax would increase to 4.4 LO/s for MHC I type fibers and to 16.8 LO/s for MHC IIA type
fibers under physiological temperature conditions (37 °C). The fiber type distribution in the human
soleus muscle can be estimated from literature reports, i.e. Johnson et al., 1973: type 1 fibers 87,7%,
type 2 fibers (a and b) 12,3% (average of surface and deep fiber location) [5]; Larsson and Moss, 1993:
type 1 89%, type 2A 11% [6]; Edgerton et al., 1975: slow twitch 70%, fast twitch 30% [7]; Luden et al.,
2008: 74% MHC I, 20% MHC IIA (norm to 100%) [3]). Using an average of this reported distribution
values (type 1: 81%, type 2: 19%), Vmax for soleus under physiological temperature can be calculated as
6.77 LO/s. The broad literature basis for the average fiber type distribution was also used to update arel
to 0.175 (i.e. 0.1+0.4FT, where FT is the fast twitch fiber type percentage [8,9]) and accordingly brel to
1.182 (arel * Vmax [10]). We then assessed the force-velocity curve by using the classical Hill formula, (i.e.
(F+a)(v+b)=(Fmax+a)b), and the muscle-specific values of Vmax, arel and brel.
We recalculated the respective values (force-velocity potential and normalized velocities and their
ranges) using the updated Vmax of 6.77 LO/s, arel and brel in the revised manuscript. Note that this
adjustment in the calculation did not changed any statistical result but only few numerical expressions
(underlined in the revision). A revised and more detailed description of the calculation of the force-
velocity potential is also now provided in the updated manuscript (see below).
The reason why we did not measured Vmax experimentally is that precise measurements of Vmax in vivo
in humans are extremely challenging, technically and methodologically (e.g. restricted high
dynamometer velocities, limited ultrasound capture frequencies in high velocities, limited range of
motion to reach maximum force in high velocities, consideration of antagonistic co-contraction,
mechanical properties of the tendon, history dependence effects).
We added the following information to the revised manuscript (page: 4, line: 155):
“Furthermore, we assessed the force-velocity relationship of soleus using the classical Hill equation [11]
and the muscle-specific maximum fascicle shortening velocity (Vmax) and constants of arel and brel. Vmax
was derived from the study of Luden et al. (2008), which showed Vmax values for type 1 fibers of 0.77
LO/s and 2.91 LO/s for type 2 fibers of the human soleus muscle measured in vitro at 15°C [3].
Considering the temperature coefficient [4], Vmax can be predicted as 4.4 LO/s for type 1 fibers and 16.8
LO/s for type 2 fibers under physiological temperature conditions (37 °C). Using an average fiber type
distribution (type 1 fibers: 81%, type 2: 19%) of the human soleus muscle reported in literature [3,5–7],
Vmax can be calculated as 6.77 LO/s. arel was calculated as 0.1+0.4FT, where FT is the fast twitch fiber
type percentage (see above), which then equals to 0.175 [8,9]. The product of arel and Vmax then gives
brel as 1.182 [10]. After rearrangement of the Hill formula and extension to the eccentric component,
the normalized operating velocity (to Vmax) can be used to calculate the individual force potential
according to the force-velocity curve.”
Line 197-198 – The meaning of this is unclear to me. This description of touchdown
and toe-off should be reworded for clarification.
We changed the description to be more clear as follows (page: 4, line: 175):
“The touchdown of the foot and toe off were defined by the kinematic data as the first and second peak
in knee extension, respectively [36,37].“
The results section is relatively dense. The authors may wish to consider moving some
of the findings less critical to addressing their question to a table, to improve readability.
Some of the results are now presented in the table to improve readability.
Line 299-300 – The assertion that the triceps surae consumes 40% of the cost during
running is crucial to the argument of this paper. Yet it is not clear how this value is arrived at from the
Fletcher and MacIntosh paper cited (the paper seems to give a large range of values for muscle energy
consumption and not to relate this to organismal cost), and how reliable the output of their simple
model is for this purpose. Could the authors give a little more detail on this (in the manuscript if of
sufficient interest, or simply here). It may also be useful to combine this 40% estimate with the relative
size of soleus to give a better representation of its likely contribution to energy consumption,
considering fiber type as soleus is likely cheaper than gastrocs (Barclay, 1993).
The statement that the triceps surae consumes 40% of the energy during running can
be derived from the comparison of figure 4 and 5 in the paper of Fletcher and MacIntosh (2015) and is
numerically presented by the authors themselves in several subsequent published manuscripts (e.g.
[38,39]). We agree with the reviewer that the presented calculations on muscle energy consumption in
the aforementioned study may only provide a rough estimate. We also do not persist on the fixed value
of 40% but rather we would like to understand this value as an indication of the great contribution of
the triceps surae to the overall energetic cost. Within the triceps surae the gastrocnemius medialis and
lateralis contribute to the propulsion as well but the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) and
volume of soleus are notably higher (soleus: 131 cm² and 477 cm³, gastrocnemius medialis: 51 cm² and
285 cm³, gastrocnemius lateralis: 24 cm ² and 146 cm³ [18]).
Further calculations on the separate contribution of the single muscles of the triceps surae based on
portions of force are very difficult if even possible because of strong underlying assumptions of the
calculation. E.g., calculating the soleus muscle force using the PCSA relative to the other triceps muscles
(gastroc. med and lat.) would premise that the force-potential due to the force length/velocity
relationship and activation of all triceps surae muscles are equal. This assumption cannot be correct
because the gastrocnemi are biarticular muscles. For this reason, we would not like to include this
approach in our manuscript but rather stay on the more direct findings.
We softened our formulation by deleting the 40% in revised manuscript (page: 7, line: 280).
Lines 304-309 - The authors make a good case for why small changes in velocity would
require an increase in activation and therefore cost. This effect should be seen in EMG recordings. It
would seem that the argument could be strengthened by showing this as it would provide a more
causal link between the change in muscle level function and organismal level cost.
Thanks for this comment. We did not go into any correlation analysis in the study
because the parameter of surface EMG activation does not reflects active muscle volume adequately.
However, a significant correlation can be found for the force-length-velocity potential (EMG mean: r =
-0.504, p = 0.028; EMG max: r = -0.525, p = 0.021; EMG integral: : r = -0.504, p = 0.028). Please note
that the processing of the EMG signal can affect the correlation coefficients but not the significance
itself (p < 0.05). Here a 20 Hz low pass filter was used after rectification and preprocessing with a high
pass filter of 50 Hz.
Given the mentioned limitation, the observed correlation might provide a cautious indication that a
decreased EMG activity is associated with a higher force-length-velocity potential of the soleus muscle
during the stance phase of running and that may affect the metabolic cost.
We added the association between EMG activity and force-length-velocity potential in the revised
manuscript without an extended interpretation because, as we mentioned before, the active muscle
volume cannot be assessed accurately from the EMG activity (page: 6, line: 255; page: 7, line: 291).
Line 334-335 – There seems to be some discrepancy regarding activation in here. The
implication seems to be that muscle activation is higher in early stance to enable the tendon to be
stretched, and then recoil to slow shortening velocity in the later part of stance. Yet a central claim of
the paper is that cost is lower when shortening velocity is lower, due to a lower requirement for
activation. It seems like the variation in required activation could balance out over the course of a
stance phase? Could it be clarified as to why the early increase in activation to enable tendon stretch
doesn’t seem to be costly in the way that the latter reduction is deemed to be cheap?
Thanks for this comment. The rationale of this argumentation is that the observed
activation pattern can be interpreted as appropriate for a coordinated MTU interaction during the
running task with respect to economy. We changed the formulation in the respective section as follows
(page: 7, line: 322):
“The soleus produces mechanical work/energy for the lift and acceleration of the body throughout the
entire stance phase. In the first half, where the MTU is elongated, the fascicles actively shorten. This
means that a part of the mechanical energy of the human body is transferred to the tendon. Also, in
this setting the muscle fascicles produce work under favorable conditions due to the force-length and
force-velocity relationships (both potentials in this phase were very high) and save work as strain
energy in the tendon. In the second half, the tendon strain energy is returned and at the same time the
fascicles produce work by active shortening at a reduced force-velocity potential (fascicle shortening
velocity is higher in this phase). The higher shortening velocity is associated with a reduction in the EMG
activity and an increase in belly gearing. It has been suggested that increased gearing at fast shortening
velocities and lower forces is a mechanism that allows particularly slower type fascicles to be more
effective in generating forces [40]. This supports the idea that the observed activation pattern fostered
an economical MTU interaction during running.”
Line 345 – typo “were”?
We corrected the typo accordingly.
Line 375 – The study doesn’t seem to show that energy consumption is related to the
force-length-velocity potential, but rather just the force-velocity potential.
The force-length-velocity potential is the product of the force-length and force-velocity
potential and was inversely associated with the energetic cost like the force-velocity potential. The
force-length potential was consistently high among the participants and showed no significant
association to the energetic cost. This indicates that the reason for the association of the force-length-
velocity potential to the energetic cost was caused by the observed correlation of the force-velocity
potential, i.e. variability in the force-length-velocity potential relied on the variability of the force-
velocity potential that cohered the variability of the energetic cost. However, as we mentioned in the
discussion, a high force-length potential is also important for economical muscle force generation.
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Referee: 2
I appreciate the authors addressing these comments and amending the manuscript accordingly.
A few final responses to the authors’ responses are made in red below
In this study, the authors explore the effect of muscle force-length and force-velocity
conditions on the energetic cost of running. In addition, they explore the determinants of muscle fiber
length change. I find this to be an extensive and well collected data set that uses in vivo determination
of force-length and force-velocity relationships, and application of these to muscle function during
running to address these questions. There appear to me to be a few major limitations of the study.
These should be addressed throughout.
Thank you for your valuable comments. All changes are underlined in the revised
version of the manuscript and the references cited in the responses can be found at the end of the
document. Please note that some parts of the methods are now presented in the electronic
supplementary material due to length restrictions of the journal.
1) Organismal energy consumption is measured, but only the length and velocity
profile of soleus. This prevents the authors from drawing the more interesting conclusion that muscle
shortening velocity is a determinant of energy consumption. This is acknowledged and somewhat
addressed in the discussion, but remains a major limitation to the study.
We agree with the reviewers comment that although the soleus contributes to a great
portion of the overall energetic costs during running [16] other limb muscles are involved that were not
considered in the present study and this remains a limitation. However, the main energy source
(positive work) is the ankle joint (41%) while the contribution of the knee and hip joint is comparably
lower during running [17]. The soleus is the greatest muscle among the main plantar flexors with
respect to physiological cross-sectional area and volume (soleus: 131 cm² and 477 cm³, gastrocnemius
medialis: 51 cm² and 285 cm³, gastrocnemius lateralis: 24 cm ² and 146 cm³ [18]), giving this muscle a
key role. Using a modeling approach, Hamner and Delp (2013) showed that the contribution of soleus
to the vertical acceleration of the center of mass at the same velocity as in our study (i.e. 2.5 m/s) is
remarkably higher than those of the other lower limb muscles (7.5x than gastroc., 9.5x than vasti, 24x
than rect. fem., 9.5x than tib. ant., 12x than glut. max.; visual inspection of fig. 5). For the fore-aft
acceleration a similar superior contribution of soleus was shown (3x higher than gastroc. and 8.8x
higher than hamstrings [19]). The propulsive function of soleus during running is achieved by active
shortening. Active shortening reduces the force-velocity potential as discussed extensively in the
present manuscript. Consequently, a greater active muscle volume is required to achieve the required
mechanical energy gain.
In contrast, the quadriceps muscle group, the main contributor during early stance, decelerating and
supporting body mass [19,20], features more economical fascicle dynamics. Recently we showed that
the fascicles of the vastus lateralis muscle, as a representative of the quadriceps muscle group operates
with a high force-length (i.e. 0.91) and force-velocity potential (i.e. 0.97) during the stance phase of
running. Operating at high force potentials reduces the energetic cost of this energetically expensive
(due to its long fascicle length) muscle by reducing active muscle volume. This may indicate that the
Appendix C
mechanical energy by muscular work required for steady state running is generated by muscles that
are metabolically less expensive, likely to compensate for the reduction of the force-velocity potential.
We discussed the reviewers comment as a limitation in the revised manuscript (page: 8, line: 360):
“Although the soleus likely contributes to a great portion of the overall energetic costs during running,
other limb muscles that were not considered in the present study are involved. However, the main
energy source (positive work) is the ankle joint (41%) [17] and the soleus is the greatest muscle among
the main plantar flexors with respect to physiological cross-sectional area (soleus 63%, gastroc. med.
25%, gastroc. lat. 12%) and volume (53%, 31% and 16% [18]). The key role of soleus is further supported
by the modeling study of Hamner and Delp (2013), which showed that the soleus is by far the biggest
contributor to the vertical acceleration and fore-aft acceleration of the center of mass [19]. This
function is achieved by active shortening, which reduces the force-velocity potential and consequently
requires a greater active muscle volume. In contrast, the quadriceps muscle group, the main contributor
during early stance, decelerating and transferring body mass [19,20], features more economical
fascicle dynamics. Recently we showed that the fascicles of the vastus lateralis muscle as a
representative of the quadriceps muscle group operates with a high force-length (i.e. 0.91) and force-
velocity potential (i.e. 0.97) during the stance phase of running. Operating at high force potentials
minimizes the cost of this muscle, which is energetically expensive due to its long fascicle length (i.e. LO
= 94 mm [15]), by reducing active muscle volume. This may indicate that the mechanical energy by
muscular work required for steady state running is generated by muscles that are metabolically less
expensive, likely to compensate for the reduction of the force-velocity potential.”
2) The strict adherence to force-length and force-velocity relationships as defining
features of muscle performance seems somewhat outdated given a wealth of literature showing that
these relationships do not hold under conditions relevant to locomotion (i.e. history dependence,
activation-dependent changes). These advances do not negate this study, however, it would be a more
accurate representation of the field to acknowledge that they exist, and present this study as a means
to investigate the importance of these relationships.
First note – History dependence:
We agree with the reviewers comment that the phenomenon of history dependence of force production
after active muscle lengthening or shortening may be present for the soleus during running and may
affect the force production [21–23]. In the present study, the soleus fascicles shortened continuously
during running when activated, which would indicate a condition of force depression. Force depression
has been shown to increase with increasing shortening magnitude [24], with decreasing shortening
velocity [25] and with increasing activation levels [26]. Since the soleus shortening magnitude was
notable (25.9 ± 7.8 %LO), the shortening velocity moderate (0.118 ± 0.039 Vmax) and the activation
submaximal (average during stance phase: 0.32 ± 0.19 EMGmax; maximum activation: 0.52 ± 0.18
EMGmax), an effect of force depression on the force production can theoretically be expected. Yet, the
force-length and force-velocity relationships remain the basic mechanisms for muscle force production.
Interestingly, force depression is likely to be reduced due to the tendon and belly gearing mechanisms
because those reduce the shortening magnitude and activation. The observed main finding of a
correlation of the operating velocity and force-velocity potential with the energetic cost, however, does
not neglect the presence of force depression but indicates that shortening velocity and consequently
the force-velocity potential has a direct effect on the muscle energetics.
We added the following sentences in the introduction and discussion of the revised version of the
manuscript (page: 2, line: 59; page: 7, line: 307):
“Besides the operating length and velocity as the main determinants, the history dependence of force
generation [23], i.e. increased force after active muscle lengthening [27] and decreased force after
active shortening [22,25], may additionally influence the force potential.”
“Furthermore, we showed that the soleus shortened continuously during the stance phase of running,
which reflects a condition for force depression. Since a depression of force was shown to be
accompanied by a decrease in the ATPase activity [28], force depression would have little or no effect
on the energetic cost itself.”
Second note – Shift in optimal length:
Furthermore, it is correct that we assessed the force-length curve during maximal isometric
contractions at different ankle joint angles and, using this relationship, we calculated the force-length
potential of the soleus muscle during running at submaximal activation. There is evidence from early
[29] and more recent [30,31] in vitro studies that the force-length curve depends on muscle activation,
i.e. optimum length increases with submaximal activation. However, a recent study by Fontana and
Herzog (2016) on the human vastus lateralis muscle showed that this holds not necessarily true for in
vivo assessments [32]. In contrast to the in vitro studies, a rightward shift of optimal length was not
observed when force was normalized to the maximum EMG signal (i.e. optimal length remained
constant at different levels of activation). The authors suggested that the disagreement of the in vitro
and in vivo studies might be an artefact related to the in vitro testing setup (e.g. non-physiological
stimulation frequency range or calcium concentrations). Therefore, we can argue that mapping the
submaximal fascicle operating length onto the force-length curve in the present in vivo study should
not affect the findings.
We added the following information in the discussion part of revised manuscript as follows (page: 9,
line: 385):
“Furthermore, we assessed the force-length curve during maximal isometric contractions and used it
to calculate the force-length potential of the soleus muscle during running at submaximal activation.
There is evidence from in vitro studies that the force-length curve depends on muscle activation [29–
31]. However, in a recent in vivo study by Fontana and Herzog (2016) on the human vastus lateralis
muscle, a rightward shift of optimal length with submaximal activation was not observed when force
was normalized to the maximum EMG signal [32]. The authors suggested that the shift in optimal
length phenomenon might be related to the in vitro testing setup (e.g. non-physiological stimulation
frequency range or Ca2+concentrations). Therefore, we can argue that mapping the submaximal fascicle
operating length onto the force-length curve in the present in vivo study should not affect the findings.”
I find the rationale of this Herzog and Fontana paper quite difficult to follow, particular with regards
to how they cite other studies. They attempt to distinguish between activation and force which, while
may have some bearing on the mechanism responsible, does nothing to counter the finding that shifts
in optimum length not predicted by the sliding filament theory occur with changing contractile
conditions. For the purposes of this argument, what I take from this study is that if you change muscle
force production, optimum length shifts (Fig. 3 Herzog and Fontana 2016). This is in line with other in
vivo studies of this phenomenon (Ichinose et al., 1997; Kwah et al 2013), and makes it less obvious that
this potential effect should be ignored in the present paper.
This does not change the arguments of this paper, and I leave this to the authors discretion, but it is
my feeling that it would be a stronger paper if it shifted its focus from the conviction that force-length
and force-velocity potential of the muscle dictates in vivo performance (if this were true, Hill-type
muscle models would do a better job (Lee et al., 2013; Dick et al., 2017)) to an argument that multiple
factors influence muscle mechanical and energetic performance under dynamic conditions, and that
this paper seeks to understand to what extent force-velocity effects dictate energetic performance.
It’s a subtle shift that would require minor rewording throughout, but it’s my feeling that this would
much better reflect that state of the field.
Reference to the Herzog and Fontana paper is made again in the discussion, the authors may wish to
consider how well it supports their argument and the contradictory findings of other in vivo papers.
3) This paper is fundamentally concerned with the effect of contractile conditions on
muscle energy consumption. However, there is very little discussion of why length and velocity might
affect energy consumption beyond required activation, despite a wealth of evidence on this i.e. how
the cost per unit force varies across the force-length relationship in isolated muscle. In addition, it may
be worth considering findings such as the effect of contractile history on cost (Joumaa et al., 2013),
and the complexity of the cost of work (Holt et al., 2104; Curtin et al., 2019) in a more comprehensive
discussion of in vivo muscle energetics.
First note - Variation of cost per unit force across the force-length relationship:
We agree with the reviewer that the energy turnover can differ across the force-length relationship in
isolated animal muscle fibers tested in vitro [33]. During isometric contractions at sarcomere length
shorter than optimal length, the force output is reduced but the ATPase rate seems not to greatly differ
from the rate at optimal length, indicating a comparably higher cost of contraction at shorter length
[34,35]. However, this effect seems to be more pronounced at very short lengths, which might not be
covered during regular in vivo movements like locomotion, i.e. soleus operating range (0.75-1.01 LO).
We added the following information in the revised version of the manuscript as follows (page: 7, line:
300): “Besides the favorable high force-length potential for economical force production, operating
close to optimal length may additionally preserved from relatively higher energetic cost that can arise
when contracting at shorter length. In vitro evidence showed that although force is reduced at shorter
sarcomere length, the ATPase rate seems not to differ from the rate at optimal length, indicating
comparably higher cost of contraction at shorter length [34,35]. However, this effect seems more
pronounced at very short lengths, a portion of the force-length curve that is likely not covered by the
soleus during running (operating range 0.75-1.01 LO).”
Second note - Effect of contractile history on cost:
We added the following paragraph to the discussion part of the revised manuscript (page: 7, line: 307):
“Furthermore, we showed that the soleus shortened continuously during the stance phase of running,
which reflects a condition for force depression. Since a depression of force was shown to be
accompanied by a decrease in the ATPase activity [28], force depression would have little or no effect
on the energetic cost itself.”
Third note - complexity of the cost of work:
Thanks for this comment. We agree with the reviewer on the ongoing debate on the cost of force and
the cost of work. From our perspective, when a muscle contracts, force is generated and this consumes
metabolic energy independently of the contraction type (i.e. isometric, eccentric, concentric). During
concentric contractions (active shortening) positive mechanical work is generated and during eccentric
contractions (active lengthening) the work is negative. In stretch-shortening conditions, the net work
could be zero when positive and negative work cancel each other out. Under isometric contractions, no
mechanical work is generated by definition, which would again indicate no mechanical energy
production (Joule), although force is generated and metabolic energy expended. The energy index of
work in the context of the explanation of metabolic energy, therefore, might not be very appropriate
(metabolic energy is not zero when work is zero e.g. during isometric contractions). Instead, an index
of force and metabolic energy might better reflect the organismal cost during locomotion.
With our study, we cannot provide any new information on this discussion because work and force of
soleus were not measured during running (which in our opinion is not possible at the moment).
Therefore, we think that this topic is beyond of the scope of the present study and for this reason we
would prefer not to go deeper in the discussion of cost of force and work but rather stay close to our
experimental results.
This cost of work argument could entirely be thought of as cost of muscle fiber shortening argument.
Which is obviously very pertinent to this paper. It is my opinion that this paper would be strengthened
by greater discussion of this complexity and what the data presented here do to advance our
understanding -i.e. cheap work (shortening) may be possible in some cases (Holt et al., 2014; Curtin et
al., 2019), but in this case, more rapid active muscle shortening does seem to incur energetic costs.
But again, I leave this to the authors discretion.
Specific comments
Lines 50-51 – The ongoing debating between the cost of force and the cost of work as
determinants of organismal cost should be acknowledged here. This could then also lead to a more
nuanced discussion of factors dictating muscle energetics beyond simply level of activation.
As responded in more detail to the previous comment, we would not like to refer the
manuscript to the discussion of cost of work and force because this is beyond the scope of the present
study. By our study design (force and work not measured) and results we cannot provide any significant
contribution to the mentioned ongoing discussion.
Lines 123-124 and 185-187 – It is relatively unclear to me how the force-velocity
relationship was determined here. It appears as though force and velocity were determined as fibers
shortened against the tendon? Can the authors make this clearer, better define where in the
contraction force and velocity were determined, and comment on how this might affect findings
compared to a more standard isotonic or isovelocity protocol.
The force-velocity curve in the present study was not derived from experimentally
measured force estimates and fascicle velocities. In the first version of the manuscript Vmax was
calculated based on the soleus muscle-specific constants of arel and brel reported by literature [10] as
11.75 LO/s. According to a comment from the other reviewer, we now based our choice of Vmax on more
biological evidence as follows. The in vitro study of Luden et al., (2008) on the human soleus muscle
reported Vmax values for MHC I type fibers of 0.77 LO/s and 2.91 LO/s for MHC IIA type fibers measured
at 15°C [3]. Considering the temperature coefficient provided by Ranatunga et al., (1984) [4] it can be
predicted that Vmax would increase to 4.4 LO/s for MHC I type fibers and to 16.8 LO/s for MHC IIA type
fibers under physiological temperature conditions (37 °C). The fiber type distribution in the human
soleus muscle can be estimated from literature reports, i.e. Johnson et al., 1973: type 1 fibers 87,7%,
type 2 fibers (a and b) 12,3% (average of surface and deep fiber location) [5]; Larsson and Moss, 1993:
type 1 89%, type 2A 11% [6]; Edgerton et al., 1975: slow twitch 70%, fast twitch 30% [7]; Luden et al.,
2008: 74% MHC I, 20% MHC IIA (norm to 100%) [3]). Using an average of this reported distribution
values (type 1: 81%, type 2: 19%), Vmax for soleus under physiological temperature can be calculated as
6.77 LO/s. The broad literature basis for the average fiber type distribution was also used to update arel
to 0.175 (i.e. 0.1+0.4FT, where FT is the fast twitch fiber type percentage [8,9]) and accordingly brel to
1.182 (arel * Vmax [10]). We then assessed the force-velocity curve by using the classical Hill formula, (i.e.
(F+a)(v+b)=(Fmax+a)b), and the muscle-specific values of Vmax, arel and brel.
We recalculated the respective values (force-velocity potential and normalized velocities and their
ranges) using the updated Vmax of 6.77 LO/s, arel and brel in the revised manuscript. Note that this
adjustment in the calculation did not changed any statistical result but only few numerical expressions
(underlined in the revision). A revised and more detailed description of the calculation of the force-
velocity potential is also now provided in the updated manuscript (see below).
The reason why we did not measured Vmax experimentally is that precise measurements of Vmax in vivo
in humans are extremely challenging, technically and methodologically (e.g. restricted high
dynamometer velocities, limited ultrasound capture frequencies in high velocities, limited range of
motion to reach maximum force in high velocities, consideration of antagonistic co-contraction,
mechanical properties of the tendon, history dependence effects).
We added the following information to the revised manuscript (page: 4, line: 155):
“Furthermore, we assessed the force-velocity relationship of soleus using the classical Hill equation [11]
and the muscle-specific maximum fascicle shortening velocity (Vmax) and constants of arel and brel. Vmax
was derived from the study of Luden et al. (2008), which showed Vmax values for type 1 fibers of 0.77
LO/s and 2.91 LO/s for type 2 fibers of the human soleus muscle measured in vitro at 15°C [3].
Considering the temperature coefficient [4], Vmax can be predicted as 4.4 LO/s for type 1 fibers and 16.8
LO/s for type 2 fibers under physiological temperature conditions (37 °C). Using an average fiber type
distribution (type 1 fibers: 81%, type 2: 19%) of the human soleus muscle reported in literature [3,5–7],
Vmax can be calculated as 6.77 LO/s. arel was calculated as 0.1+0.4FT, where FT is the fast twitch fiber
type percentage (see above), which then equals to 0.175 [8,9]. The product of arel and Vmax then gives
brel as 1.182 [10]. After rearrangement of the Hill formula and extension to the eccentric component,
the normalized operating velocity (to Vmax) can be used to calculate the individual force potential
according to the force-velocity curve.”
Line 104-103 – it therefore seems misleading to say ‘as a function of their experimentally assessed
force-velocity relationships’
Line 126-127 – similar issue in that this seems to suggest experimental measurements of force-velocity
relationships in this study
Line 197-198 – The meaning of this is unclear to me. This description of touchdown
and toe-off should be reworded for clarification.
We changed the description to be more clear as follows (page: 4, line: 175):
“The touchdown of the foot and toe off were defined by the kinematic data as the first and second peak
in knee extension, respectively [36,37].“
The results section is relatively dense. The authors may wish to consider moving some
of the findings less critical to addressing their question to a table, to improve readability.
Some of the results are now presented in the table to improve readability.
Line 299-300 – The assertion that the triceps surae consumes 40% of the cost during
running is crucial to the argument of this paper. Yet it is not clear how this value is arrived at from the
Fletcher and MacIntosh paper cited (the paper seems to give a large range of values for muscle energy
consumption and not to relate this to organismal cost), and how reliable the output of their simple
model is for this purpose. Could the authors give a little more detail on this (in the manuscript if of
sufficient interest, or simply here). It may also be useful to combine this 40% estimate with the relative
size of soleus to give a better representation of its likely contribution to energy consumption,
considering fiber type as soleus is likely cheaper than gastrocs (Barclay, 1993).
The statement that the triceps surae consumes 40% of the energy during running can
be derived from the comparison of figure 4 and 5 in the paper of Fletcher and MacIntosh (2015) and is
numerically presented by the authors themselves in several subsequent published manuscripts (e.g.
[38,39]). We agree with the reviewer that the presented calculations on muscle energy consumption in
the aforementioned study may only provide a rough estimate. We also do not persist on the fixed value
of 40% but rather we would like to understand this value as an indication of the great contribution of
the triceps surae to the overall energetic cost. Within the triceps surae the gastrocnemius medialis and
lateralis contribute to the propulsion as well but the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) and
volume of soleus are notably higher (soleus: 131 cm² and 477 cm³, gastrocnemius medialis: 51 cm² and
285 cm³, gastrocnemius lateralis: 24 cm ² and 146 cm³ [18]).
Further calculations on the separate contribution of the single muscles of the triceps surae based on
portions of force are very difficult if even possible because of strong underlying assumptions of the
calculation. E.g., calculating the soleus muscle force using the PCSA relative to the other triceps muscles
(gastroc. med and lat.) would premise that the force-potential due to the force length/velocity
relationship and activation of all triceps surae muscles are equal. This assumption cannot be correct
because the gastrocnemi are biarticular muscles. For this reason, we would not like to include this
approach in our manuscript but rather stay on the more direct findings.
We softened our formulation by deleting the 40% in revised manuscript (page: 7, line: 280).
Lines 304-309 - The authors make a good case for why small changes in velocity would
require an increase in activation and therefore cost. This effect should be seen in EMG recordings. It
would seem that the argument could be strengthened by showing this as it would provide a more
causal link between the change in muscle level function and organismal level cost.
Thanks for this comment. We did not go into any correlation analysis in the study
because the parameter of surface EMG activation does not reflects active muscle volume adequately.
However, a significant correlation can be found for the force-length-velocity potential (EMG mean: r =
-0.504, p = 0.028; EMG max: r = -0.525, p = 0.021; EMG integral: : r = -0.504, p = 0.028). Please note
that the processing of the EMG signal can affect the correlation coefficients but not the significance
itself (p < 0.05). Here a 20 Hz low pass filter was used after rectification and preprocessing with a high
pass filter of 50 Hz.
Given the mentioned limitation, the observed correlation might provide a cautious indication that a
decreased EMG activity is associated with a higher force-length-velocity potential of the soleus muscle
during the stance phase of running and that may affect the metabolic cost.
We added the association between EMG activity and force-length-velocity potential in the revised
manuscript without an extended interpretation because, as we mentioned before, the active muscle
volume cannot be assessed accurately from the EMG activity (page: 6, line: 255; page: 7, line: 291).
Line 334-335 – There seems to be some discrepancy regarding activation in here. The
implication seems to be that muscle activation is higher in early stance to enable the tendon to be
stretched, and then recoil to slow shortening velocity in the later part of stance. Yet a central claim of
the paper is that cost is lower when shortening velocity is lower, due to a lower requirement for
activation. It seems like the variation in required activation could balance out over the course of a
stance phase? Could it be clarified as to why the early increase in activation to enable tendon stretch
doesn’t seem to be costly in the way that the latter reduction is deemed to be cheap?
Thanks for this comment. The rationale of this argumentation is that the observed
activation pattern can be interpreted as appropriate for a coordinated MTU interaction during the
running task with respect to economy. We changed the formulation in the respective section as follows
(page: 7, line: 322):
“The soleus produces mechanical work/energy for the lift and acceleration of the body throughout the
entire stance phase. In the first half, where the MTU is elongated, the fascicles actively shorten. This
means that a part of the mechanical energy of the human body is transferred to the tendon. Also, in
this setting the muscle fascicles produce work under favorable conditions due to the force-length and
force-velocity relationships (both potentials in this phase were very high) and save work as strain
energy in the tendon. In the second half, the tendon strain energy is returned and at the same time the
fascicles produce work by active shortening at a reduced force-velocity potential (fascicle shortening
velocity is higher in this phase). The higher shortening velocity is associated with a reduction in the EMG
activity and an increase in belly gearing. It has been suggested that increased gearing at fast shortening
velocities and lower forces is a mechanism that allows particularly slower type fascicles to be more
effective in generating forces [40]. This supports the idea that the observed activation pattern fostered
an economical MTU interaction during running.”
Line 345 – typo “were”?
We corrected the typo accordingly.
Line 375 – The study doesn’t seem to show that energy consumption is related to the
force-length-velocity potential, but rather just the force-velocity potential.
The force-length-velocity potential is the product of the force-length and force-velocity
potential and was inversely associated with the energetic cost like the force-velocity potential. The
force-length potential was consistently high among the participants and showed no significant
association to the energetic cost. This indicates that the reason for the association of the force-length-
velocity potential to the energetic cost was caused by the observed correlation of the force-velocity
potential, i.e. variability in the force-length-velocity potential relied on the variability of the force-
velocity potential that cohered the variability of the energetic cost. However, as we mentioned in the
discussion, a high force-length potential is also important for economical muscle force generation.
Response to referees
Response to referee 1
The authors have addressed all my previous concerns in a careful manner.
Once again thank you for your valuable review.
There remains one further comment that they may choose to consider for the
manuscript, and it still concerns the choice of Vmax. I appreciate the further analysis that the authors
have attempted, to provide a value of Vmax for the Soleus. However, it should be noted that the
running velocity of 2.5 m/s is not all that fast, and indeed the EMG averages less than 50%. As such, it
is likely that the fastest muscle fibres will not have been recruited, and hence the weighted mean taken
for Vmax may thus be an overestimate. Coupled to this, with more than half of the muscle inactive,
the actual Vmax may be less than its constituent fibres (for additional reasons: Holt et al. Proc Roy Soc
B 2014). If the Vmax for the Soleus were less than the estimated 6.77 L/s for this experimental
situation, then it is likely that the actual spread of Force‐velocity potentials would be larger than shown
in Fig. 3. It is thus worth considering that you have actually resulted with a conservative evaluation of
the importance of the force‐velocity potential.
Thank you for this comment. We agree with the opinion of the reviewer that Vmax during
submaximal running in vivo might be influenced by factors not considered in our calculation (e.g.
selective slow fiber type recruitment, muscle resistance to shortening). Referring to the results of Holt
et al. (2014), Vmax could be in deed lower. We now acknowledge this aspect in the respective paragraph
of the revised manuscript (see below, page: 8, line: 378). We also added the aspect of more economical
selective slow fiber type recruitment for submaximal slow contractions as during running to a more
comprehensive paragraph in the discussion section of the revised manuscript (see response to reviewer
2, page: 9, line: 399).
“To assess the force‐velocity potential we used a biologically funded value of Vmax, based on in vitro
studies human soleus, i.e. 6.77 L0 s−1 (279.0 ± 34.9 mm s−1). However, during submaximal running in
vivo the lower activation level and selective slow fiber type recruitment may affect the actual force‐
velocity potential of the soleus muscle.
Response to referee 2
Once again thank you for your valuable review.
I find the rationale of this Herzog and Fontana paper quite difficult to follow, particular
with regards to how they cite other studies. They attempt to distinguish between activation and force
which, while may have some bearing on the mechanism responsible, does nothing to counter the
Appendix D
finding that shifts in optimum length not predicted by the sliding filament theory occur with changing
contractile conditions. For the purposes of this argument, what I take from this study is that if you
change muscle force production, optimum length shifts (Fig. 3 Herzog and Fontana 2016). This is in line
with other in vivo studies of this phenomenon (Ichinose et al., 1997; Kwah et al 2013), and makes it
less obvious that this potential effect should be ignored in the present paper.
This does not change the arguments of this paper, and I leave this to the authors discretion, but it is
my feeling that it would be a stronger paper if it shifted its focus from the conviction that force‐length
and force‐velocity potential of the muscle dictates in vivo performance (if this were true, Hill‐type
muscle models would do a better job (Lee et al., 2013; Dick et al., 2017)) to an argument that multiple
factors influence muscle mechanical and energetic performance under dynamic conditions, and that
this paper seeks to understand to what extent force‐velocity effects dictate energetic performance.
It’s a subtle shift that would require minor rewording throughout, but it’s my feeling that this would
much better reflect that state of the field. Reference to the Herzog and Fontana paper is made again
in the discussion, the authors may wish to consider how well it supports their argument and the
contradictory findings of other in vivo papers.
First note: Fontana and Herzog (2016) paper and lack of shift in optimal length
As described by Fontana and Herzog (2016) – and we agree on that – the shift in optimal length
reported in the former human in vivo study of Ichinose et al., (1997) is constrained by the experimental
setup because the authors controlled the torque (i.e. used a percentage of the maximum force) and not
the muscle activation in each of the assessed knee joint angles. Due to the force‐depended elongation
of tendon and aponeurosis, the result of a shift in optimal fascicle length is to be expected and the
conclusion of a shift in optimal length is misleading. The experimental constrain from the Ichinose et
al., (1997) study was overcome in the Fontana and Herzog (2016) study by referring the fascicle length
to activation level, leading to the lack of shift in optimal length.
We added the following text in the revised manuscript (page: 9, line: 395):
“The discrepancy of the in vitro and in vivo evidence clearly warrants future investigation to elucidate
the shifting length phenomenon in the context of in vivo submaximal locomotion. Given the current
human in vivo evidence [1], we can argue that mapping the submaximal fascicle operating length onto
the force‐length curve in the present in vivo study should not affect the findings.”
Second note: Complexity of energetic cost and muscle contraction
We agree with the opinion of the reviewer that multiple factors may affect energetic cost during
submaximal human running and further that simple models not reflect the complexity of muscle
mechanical and energetic performance under dynamic conditions appropriately. To address the
reviewers general comment we added the following paragraph to the limitations section of the revised
manuscript (page: 9, line: 400):
“In the present study we focused on the understanding of the contribution of the force‐length and force‐
velocity potential to the energetic cost of running and we showed that the force‐velocity potential is
inversely related to the energetic cost, explaining about one third of its variance. We argue that an
increase of active muscle volume due to the decreased force‐velocity potential would increase the
energetic cost of running. However, it must be acknowledged that the energetic cost of muscle
contraction is complex and multifactorial. Independent of active muscle volume, in higher shortening
velocities the rate of cross‐bridges cycling is increased and as a consequence the consumed energy. In
our study, shortening velocities of the soleus muscle were in average 0.118 Vmax throughout the stance
phase, a range where the rate of ATP hydrolysis shows a steep increase [2]. Furthermore, in submaximal
intensity contractions as during our investigated running velocity selective slow fiber type activation
might decrease the energetic cost by reducing the contribution of energetically more expensive fast
twitch fibers.”
This cost of work argument could entirely be thought of as cost of muscle fiber
shortening argument. Which is obviously very pertinent to this paper. It is my opinion that this paper
would be strengthened by greater discussion of this complexity and what the data presented here do
to advance our understanding ‐i.e. cheap work (shortening) may be possible in some cases (Holt et al.,
2014; Curtin et al., 2019), but in this case, more rapid active muscle shortening does seem to incur
energetic costs. But again, I leave this to the authors discretion.
Thanks for this comment. We added the aforementioned paragraph to the manuscript
to provide a broader discussion of this topic.
Line 104‐103 – it therefore seems misleading to say ‘as a function of their
experimentally assessed force‐velocity relationships’. Line 126‐127 – similar issue in that this seems to
suggest experimental measurements of force‐velocity relationships in this study.
To avoid any confusion we reworded the sentences as follows:
“In the present study, we investigated the operating length and velocity of the soleus muscle fascicles
(i.e. bundles of fibers) during running as a function of the experimentally determined force‐length and
assessed force‐velocity relationships (i.e. force‐length and force‐velocity potential) and their
association to the energetic cost of running. “
“The derived optimal fascicle length for force production was further used to calculate the force‐velocity
relationship of the soleus fascicles.”
1. Fontana H de B, Herzog W. 2016 Vastus lateralis maximum force‐generating potential occurs at optimal fascicle length
regardless of activation level. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 116, 1267–1277. (doi:10.1007/s00421‐016‐3381‐3)
2. Barclay CJ. 2015 Energetics of contraction. Compr. Physiol. 5, 961–995. (doi:10.1002/cphy.c140038)
| The force-length-velocity potential of the human soleus muscle is related to the energetic cost of running. | 12-18-2019 | Bohm, Sebastian,Mersmann, Falk,Santuz, Alessandro,Arampatzis, Adamantios | eng |
PMC7557501 | Vol.:(0123456789)
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European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
The influence of Achilles tendon mechanical behaviour on “apparent”
efficiency during running at different speeds
Andrea Monte1,2 · Constantinos Maganaris2 · Vasilios Baltzopoulos2 · Paola Zamparo1
Received: 8 April 2020 / Accepted: 10 August 2020 / Published online: 25 August 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
Purpose We investigated the role of elastic strain energy on the “apparent” efficiency of locomotion (AE), a parameter that
is known to increase as a function of running speed (up to 0.5–0.7) well above the values of “pure” muscle efficiency (about
Methods In vivo ultrasound measurements of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle–tendon unit (MTU) were combined
with kinematic, kinetic and metabolic measurements to investigate the possible influence of the Achilles tendon mechani-
cal behaviour on the mechanics (total mechanical work, WTOT) and energetics (net energy cost, Cnet) of running at different
speeds (10, 13 and 16 km h−1); AE was calculated as WTOT/Cnet.
Results GM fascicles shortened during the entire stance phase, the more so the higher the speed, but the majority of the
MTU displacement was accommodated by the Achilles tendon. Tendon strain and recoil increased as a function of running
speed (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). The contribution of elastic energy to the positive work generated by the MTU
also increased with speed (from 0.09 to 0.16 J kg−1 m−1). Significant negative correlations (P < 0.01) were observed between
tendon work and metabolic energy at each running speed (the higher the tendon work the lower the metabolic demand) and
significant positive correlations were observed between tendon work and AE (P < 0.001) at each running speed (the higher
the tendon work the higher the efficiency).
Conclusion These results support the notion that the dynamic function of tendons is integral in reducing energy expenditure
and increasing the “apparent” efficiency of running.
Keywords Running efficiency · Tendon mechanics · Elastic energy · Gastrocnemius medialis
Apparent efficiency
BCoM Body centre of mass
Net energy cost
Kinetic energy
Potential energy
Total energy
Force–length relationship
Force–velocity relationship
Gastrocnemius medialis
Ground reaction force
Muscle–tendon unit
Physiological cross-sectional area
Net oxygen uptake
External mechanical work (at the whole-body
Positive work done by the fascicles
Internal mechanical work (at the whole-body
Positive work done by the MTU
Positive work done by the tendon
Total mechanical work (at the whole body level)
Communicated by Olivier Seynnes.
* Paola Zamparo
[email protected]
Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement
Sciences, University of Verona, via Felice Casorati, 43,
37131 Verona, Italy
Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES),
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
Human locomotion entails the motion of the body through
an environment: air in terrestrial locomotion whilst in con-
tact with the ground, and water in aquatic locomotion. The
minimum required work that has to be done to maintain
the motion of any object in its surrounding environment, is
given by the product of the resistance offered by the environ-
ment and the distance covered during the motion. The effi-
ciency of the locomotor apparatus can thus be expressed as
the ratio between the work necessary to maintain motion and
the chemical energy transformed by the muscles. This “loco-
motion” efficiency (i.e. the total mechanical work generated
at whole-body level as a proportion of metabolic cost), has
been investigated in several forms of terrestrial and aquatic
locomotion, such as swimming (e.g. Zamparo et al. 2002),
cycling (e.g. Minetti et al. 2001), walking and running (e.g.
Cavagna and Kaneko 1977; Lejeune et al. 1988; Williams
and Cavanagh 1987).
In the above-mentioned studies, “locomotion” efficiency
was, actually, calculated as the ratio between (total) mechan-
ical work per unit distance (WTOT) and net energy cost (Cnet,
the metabolic energy expended per unit distance); in turn,
Cnet was calculated as the ratio between net oxygen uptake
and locomotion velocity ( ̇VO2net/v) and WTOT was calculated
as the sum of two components: WEXT (the work done to raise
and accelerate the body centre of mass within the environ-
ment) and WINT (the work associated with the acceleration
of body segments with respect to the centre of mass). As
calculated, “locomotion” efficiency approximates “pure”
muscle efficiency values (about 0.25–0.30, as reported by
Woledge et al. 1985) in the forms of locomotion where elas-
tic recoil is negligible [e.g. swimming or cycling, as reported
by Zamparo et al. (2002) and Minetti et al. (2001)] whereas
in the case of running, the efficiency calculated in this man-
ner can reach far larger values [e.g. up to 0.5–0.7, as reported
by Cavagna and Kaneko (1977)].
“Locomotion” efficiency is, therefore, often referred to
as “apparent” efficiency because an increase beyond pure
muscle efficiency values does not indicate that the muscles
work in a more efficient way (Ettema 2001). Rather, these
increased efficiency values are an indication of the conver-
sion of metabolic energy into mechanical work at whole-
body level. As suggested by Alexander (1991), measuring
“apparent” efficiency can thus help in understanding whether
mechanical work is “recycled” via storage and release of
elastic energy (an energy saving mechanism).
As an example, when running at steady-state speed,
tendons stretch and recoil; through this succession of
stretch–shortening cycles, tendons could play an important
role as energy savers allowing this form of locomotion to
be particularly efficient (Roberts and Azizi 2011). In these
conditions, indeed, “apparent” efficiency (AE = WTOT/Cnet)
increases linearly with speed because WTOT increases
whereas Cnet does not show appreciable changes when the
velocity increases (e.g. Cavagna and Kaneko 1977). In
other conditions (e.g. shuttle running or uphill running),
AE is much lower and this could be attributed to the fact
that, in these conditions, the tendon acts more as a power
amplifier (Roberts and Azizi 2011). As an example, during
shuttle running, AE is lowest over short shuttle distances
covered at maximal speed (e.g. when the accelerations and
decelerations are larger and the tendons’ capability to save
metabolic energy is expected to be reduced) and highest over
long shuttle distances (e.g. in conditions that approximate
those of constant speed, linear, running where the metabolic
energy saving mechanism is expected to be more prominent)
(Zamparo et al. 2019). A further example is that of running
on sand where AE is lower relatively to running on a hard
surface and this could be attributable to a decrease in “mus-
cle–tendon efficiency”, the sand acting as a damper which
reduces the energy that can be recoiled from the stretched
tendon (Lejeune et al. 1988). Taken together, these findings
suggest a link between the capability to exploit the elastic
energy mechanisms in tendons and the values of “apparent”
efficiency in human running.
The dynamic function of tendons is indeed integral to
reduce the energy expenditure of steady-state running: ener-
getic savings may occur by shifting the operating regions
of the muscles on their force–length and force–velocity
curves (Ramsey and Street 1940), by reducing muscle work
(Biewener and Roberts 2000), or by reducing active muscle
volume (Holt et al. 2016). As an example, an active muscle
uses less metabolic energy and produces more force when
operating under isometric conditions compared to shorten-
ing (Fenn 1924). In addition, if the muscle operates close
to optimal length (the length corresponding to optimum
myofilament overlap) it will produce more force (Gordon
et al. 1966) for a given activation level. Therefore, a quasi-
isometric behaviour (i.e. slow shortening speed) around opti-
mal muscle length enables the muscle to produce high forces
more economically. During different forms of locomotion
(e.g. walking and running), the elastic elements could
accommodate the largest part of the MTU length changes,
allowing the fascicles to work at a high force–length–veloc-
ity potential (Fukunaga et al. 2001; Lichtwark et al. 2007;
Bohm et al. 2019; Monte et al. 2020). Without tendons, the
fascicle shortening velocity would be higher, increasing the
cross-bridge turnover and the energy demand for muscle
contraction (Woledge et al. 1985). Furthermore, since the
force per cross-bridge decreases with increasing velocity (de
Tombe and Ter Keurs 1990), a decrease in the muscle force
potential would require an increased muscle activation to
maintain the same level of force to support and accelerate
the body’s centre of mass, thereby increasing the energy
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
cost of locomotion (Fletcher and MacInthos 2017). Based
on these theoretical considerations, if the whole muscle–ten-
don unit length changes could be attributed to the tendon
only, the muscle fibres would operate under isometric condi-
tions, reducing the fascicle length changes (and, therefore,
the mechanical work done by the muscles) and the level
of muscle activation required for a given force (Fletcher
and MacInthos 2017). These theoretical notions were sup-
ported by recent studies of Bohm et al. (2019) and Monte
et al. (2020), which revealed that the plantar flexor mus-
cles operated quasi-isometrically at a high-force potential
during running at different speeds. Furthermore, Bohm and
co-workers found a negative significant correlation between
the force–length–velocity potential of the soleus muscle and
the energy cost of running at 10 km h−1, suggesting that the
higher the force potential the lower the energy expended.
Therefore, the ankle plantar flexors seem to play an impor-
tant role in the mechanical and physiological demand of
human running.
The human ankle plantar flexors produce forces of up to
12 times body weight during running at increasing speed
(Komi 1990) and are the main force producers amongst all
the major lower limb muscle groups (Dorn et al. 2012). Due
to their unique design (short muscle fibres connected to the
heel via a long and compliant Achilles tendon), the ankle
plantar flexors, have the capacity to generate high amounts
of power with minimal energy expenditure. Thanks to their
long tendon, the plantar flexors can store elastic energy up
to about 60% of the MTU mechanical work during running
(Monte et al. 2020; Farris and Sawicki 2012; Lai et al. 2014)
and their contribution increases as a function of speed. This
behaviour seems to be particularly relevant for determin-
ing energy expenditure, mechanical work and, therefore,
“apparent” efficiency; however, there are no studies that have
investigated the role of plantar flexor tendons on “apparent”
running efficiency.
The aim of this study was to verify experimentally the
theoretical link between human plantar flexor muscle–ten-
don behaviour and “apparent” running efficiency. In particu-
lar, we combined in vivo ultrasound, kinematic and kinetic
measurements during running at different speeds and we
calculated the relative contribution of GM muscle fascicles
and Achilles tendon to the mechanical work done by the
MTU to investigate the role of Achilles tendon behaviour
on the mechanical power output at whole-body level (WTOT)
and on the energy demands ( ̇VO2net and Cnet) during running
at increasing speeds. Our main hypothesis was that the con-
tribution of tendon work to the total work done by the MTU
would increase with running speed and that this increase
could, at least partially, explain the concurrent increase in
“apparent” efficiency.
Materials and methods
Ethical approval
All participants received written and oral information and
instructions before the study and gave their written informed
consent to the experimental procedure. The experimental
protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee of Liv-
erpool John Moores University (protocol number: 18/
SPS/028) and was performed in accordance with the Hel-
sinki Declaration.
The experiments were performed on 15 male endurance
athletes, as a part of a larger study (Monte et al. 2020). All
participants (24 ± 2.4 years of age; 74 ± 2.8 kg of body mass;
1.77 ± 0.04 m of stature; 8.5 ± 2.2 years of training: 5 ± 1
workouts per week) received written and oral instructions
before the study and gave their written informed consent
to participate in the experimental procedures. The experi-
mental protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee of
Liverpool John Moores University (protocol number: 18/
SPS/028) and performed in accordance with the Helsinki
Experimental design
During each running trial, the participants ran at steady-state
speed using a self-selected cadence, step length and running
technique. All participants used a forefoot running pattern.
The trajectories of 50 reflective markers were recorded
using 12 camera system (Vicon Vero 2.2, Oxford Metrics,
United Kingdom), sampling at 250 Hz. The markers were
placed at specific anatomical position on the subjects’ head,
trunk, arms, pelvis, lower limbs and foots. This marker set
was proposed by Lai et al. (2015) to investigate the ankle
moment generation. Moreover, we added another 14 markers
(five on the right shank/foot and one at the great trochanter
and cheekbones, bilaterally) to measure the tendon lever arm
during running as described by Rasske et al. (2017) and the
internal work (see below) with the marker set proposed by
Minetti et al. (1993).
Ground reaction forces (GRFs) were recorded using an
instrumented treadmill (M-GAIT, MOTEK) with two 3-axial
(horizontal, vertical and mediolateral) force plates sampling
at 1500 Hz (Lai et al. 2018). Resultant GRFs, centre of pres-
sure and free moment vectors were measured and recorded
by the treadmill’s software.
A B-mode ultrasound apparatus (Telemed Echo Blaster
128) with a linear probe operated at a scanning depth and
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
with of 6 cm (sample frequency 7 MHz) was used to record
the GM fascicles at a sampling rate of 60 Hz. Ultrasound
images were recorded from the right leg of each athlete dur-
ing each running trial, with the probe placed in the sagittal
plane at the mid-belly of the muscle. The position of the
scanning probe was manipulated until the superficial and
deep aponeuroses and the connective tissue that surrounds
the muscle fascicles were clearly visible (Lichtwark et al.
2007; Cronin and Finni 2013).
All signals were synchronized by a digital output gen-
erated by the ultrasound scanner that triggered all instru-
mentations (the Vicon cameras, ground reaction forces and
A metabolic gas analysis was performed to measure oxy-
gen consumption during each running trial ( ̇VO2) by means
of a breath by breath metabolimeter (CORTEX Metalyzer
3B, CORTEX Biophysik, Germany). Six min of baseline
data collection in a standing position was performed before
these tests, the running trials were separated by 5 min of
rest and data collected in the last minute of rest/exercise
were averaged and used in further analyses. Net energy cost
(Cnet) was calculated as ( ̇VO2net/v), by dividing net oxy-
gen uptake ( ̇VO2net = ̇VO2 − ̇VO2rest), in ml O2 kg−1 min−1,
with the treadmill velocity (v, expressed in m min−1) and
using an energy equivalent that takes into account the res-
piratory exchange ratio (RER): ̇VO2net (4.94·RER + 16.04)
J ml O2
−1 (Garby and Astrup 1987); Cnet is thus expressed
in J kg−1 m−1. In previous studies quantifying “apparent”
efficiency, net energy expenditure ( ̇VO2net instead of over-
all ̇VO2) has invariably been utilized to calculate the cost
of transport (e.g. Minetti et al. 1993, 2001, 2002; Saibene
and Minetti 2003; Zamparo et al. 2002, 2016) because, in
addition to the metabolic cost of locomotion, overall ̇VO2
also encompasses resting energy expenditure, which is not
“utilized” to transport the body.
Data analysis
In the last minute of each running trial, kinematic, kinetic
and ultrasound data were analysed during the stance phase
of ten consecutive steps for each participant. This timing
was chosen to coincide with the determination of oxygen
uptake. Data of each instrumentation (except for the oxygen
consumption data) were interpolated to 200 sample points.
Kinetics and mechanical work
Marker trajectories were filtered with a forward and reverse
low-pass Butterworth filter (second order: cut-off 10 Hz),
whereas GRF was filtered through a forward and reverse low
pass, fourth-order Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency
of 30 Hz (consistent with the Nyquist theorem). Spectral
analysis showed peaks of noise frequencies at 41, 47 and
100 Hz, which were speed and gait independent and conse-
quently induced by the treadmill engine.
Inverse kinematics was used to calculate the angular rota-
tion for each body segment (Lai et al. 2015, 2018). The foot
was modelled as a rigid segment and the ankle joint was
represented as a universal joint with the centre of rotation at
the midpoint between the medial and lateral malleoli mark-
ers and was reconstructed relative to the shank line (Schache
et al. 2011). A standard inverse dynamic approach was used
to obtain ankle joint torque, while ankle joint power was
calculated as the product of ankle joint moment and ankle
joint angular velocity.
To calculate the internal work, the body was considered
to be composed of 11 body segments: head–trunk, thighs,
shanks, feet, upper arms and forearms (Minetti et al. 1993).
Based on the intrinsic characteristics of the limbs (mass of
each segment and radius of gyration) determined according
to Dempster inertial parameters (Winter 1979), and their
3D angular velocity and acceleration, the work necessary to
rotate and accelerate the limbs with respect to body centre
of mass (BCoM) (e.g. the internal work, WINT, J kg−1 m−1)
was calculated (Cavagna and Kaneko 1977; Minetti
1988; Minetti et al. 1993; Pavei et al. 2017).
The work done to raise and accelerate the body centre of
mass with respect to the environment (WEXT, J kg−1 m−1) was
calculated based on the summation of all increases in total
mechanical energy (ET = EP + EK), where the time course
of potential (EP) and kinetic (Ek = Ekx + Eky + Ekz) energy
were calculated based on the BCoM trajectory. The BCoM
position was calculated by a double integration of the GRF
signal, according to Cavagna (1975), and using as integra-
tion constant the treadmill speed (as described by Saibene
and Minetti 2003).
The sum of internal and external work represents the total
mechanical work generated to move the body over a unit
distance (WTOT, J kg−1 m−1). “Apparent” efficiency (AE) was
then calculated from the ratio WTOT/Cnet (both expressed in
J kg−1 m−1, see above).
Total mechanical work (WTOT, as computed here) is,
therefore, not the total work done by the muscles or by the
MTUs but represents the mechanical work at whole-body
level. Moreover, by means of this method, instead of the
work of a force, the work done on the body is computed;
this work, in turn, is calculated based on the work–energy
principle, which states that the work done on an object is
equal to the change in its (kinetic and potential) energy (e.g.
Zatiorsky 2000).
Muscle fascicle and series elastic element behaviour
In vivo muscle fascicle length and pennation angle were
measured from the ultrasound videos. Pennation angle was
defined as the angle between the collagenous tissue and
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
the deep aponeurosis (Lichtwark et al. 2007; Seynnes et al.
2015). A validated automatic tracking algorithm was used to
quantify muscle fascicle length and pennation angle (Cronin
and Finni 2013; Gillet et al. 2013). Each frame of the tracked
muscle fascicle lengths and pennation angles was visually
examined to check the algorithm’s accuracy. Whenever the
muscle fascicle length or pennation angle was deemed inac-
curate, the two points on the aponeuroses defining the mus-
cle fascicles were manually repositioned. The instantaneous
MTU length of GM in the stance phase was computed using
instantaneous joint angles as proposed by Hawkins and Hull
(1990); the instantaneous tendon length was calculated as
the difference between the MTU length and the muscle belly
length, taking into account the effect of pennation angle
(Fukunaga et al. 2001). The behavior of the MTU, the fas-
cicles and the Achilles tendon were investigated during the
absorption phase (where net ankle joint power is negative)
and the propulsive phase (where net ankle joint power is
positive) during stance. The average MTU length, fascicle
length and tendon length during the absorption and propul-
sive phases are reported in Table 1 along with tendon strain
(the maximum value during the stance phase) and tendon
recoil (the maximum value during the propulsive phase).
Fascicle and tendon length velocities were computed by dif-
ferentiating the lengths of each component with respect to
time in the stance phase (Lai et al. 2015, 2018).
Muscle fascicle and tendon mechanical work
The amounts of mechanical work done by the MTU, by the
muscle fascicles and by the Achilles tendon were calculated
by integrating the corresponding power curves over the
entire stance phase (see Fig. 1). In turn, the power devel-
oped by each component was obtained by multiplying the
corresponding force and velocity values. Force production
was determined as proposed by Farris and Sawicki (2012)
whereas the velocity was calculated as the first derivative of
the length changes. Briefly, tendon force was calculated as
the net ankle torque divided by the tendon lever arm (esti-
mated as suggested by Rasske et al. (2017). The force attrib-
utable to GM was estimated by multiplying “overall” tendon
force by the relative PCSA of this muscle which, according
to the literature, amounts to ~ 16% of the PCSA of all the
plantar flexors (Fukunaga et al. 1996). To estimate muscle
fascicle force, tendon force was divided by the cosine of the
pennation angle (e.g. Lichtwark and Wilson 2005).
The positive work done by the MTU (WMTU) was cal-
culated in the portion of stance where the MTU generates
positive power (Fig. 1, upper panel). Positive muscle fibre
work (Wfas) was calculated as the positive muscle fibre work
done during the propulsion phase (Fig. 1, middle panel).
From these data, positive tendon work (Wten) was finally
calculated, which represents the mechanical energy that can
be derived from tendon recoil during the propulsion phase
(Fig. 1, lower panel).
A one-way ANOVA for repeated measures was conducted
to test for possible differences among running speeds for
all the investigated variables. When significant main effects
were found, a post hoc pairwise comparison using Fisher’s
least significant difference was used to determine the effect
of speed. To determine the relationships between Wten and
Cnet, AE and WTOT, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient was
used. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS (v24.0).
All data extracted for statistical analysis were normally dis-
tributed (Shapiro–Wilk normality test, P > 0.05).
Table 1 reports the average values of muscle–tendon unit
length, fascicle length and tendon length during the absorp-
tion and propulsive phases, as well as the values of tendon
strain and recoil. All these parameters increased signifi-
cantly as a function of speed (main effect: P < 0.001), apart
from GM fascicle length, which decreased as a function of
speed both during absorption and propulsion. Significant
Table 1 Average muscle–tendon unit (MTU) length, fascicle length
and tendon length during the absorption and propulsive phases of
ground contact at 10, 13 and 16 km h−1
Tendon strain (the maximum value during the stance phase) and ten-
don recoil (the maximum value during the propulsive phase) are also
reported. Data are means ± SD and are expressed in cm
Significant differences from 10 km h−1 (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;
***P < 0.001); significant differences between 13 and 16 km h−1
(#P < 0.05; ##P < 0.01; ###P < 0.001)
10 km h−1
13 km h−1
16 km h−1
MTU length
Absorption phase
47.41 ± 3.4
53.33 ± 3.9**#
58.87 ± 4.2***#
Propulsive phase
44.32 ± 3.2
42.88 ± 2.7*#
40.04 ± 2.8**#
Fascicle length
Absorption phase
4.37 ± 1.01
4.28 ± 0.97*#
4.19 ± 0.83**#
Propulsive phase
3.99 ± 0.98
3.81 ± 0.98*#
3.62 ± 0.98**#
Tendon length
Absorption phase
22.53 ± 2.2
23.78 ± 1.97*##
24.51 ± 1.89**##
Propulsive phase
21.12 ± 1.9
20.02 ± 2.01*#
19.48 ± 1.88**#
Tendon strain
Absorption phase
1.10 ± 0.49
1.35 ± 0.52**##
1.62 ± 0.57***##
Tendon recoil
Propulsive phase
0.89 ± 0.55
1.11 ± 0.48**##
1.35 ± 0.51***##
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
differences were observed among speeds in all investigated
muscle and tendon parameters.
During the propulsive phase, the average ankle joint
power was: 5.40 ± 0.88, 7.38 ± 0.96, 9.72 ± 0.91 W kg−1 at
10, 13 and 16 km h−1, respectively. Significant differences
were observed among all running velocities (main effect:
P < 0.001).
In Fig. 1, the profile of negative (absorbed) and positive
(generated) mechanical power of the MTU (upper panel),
muscle fascicles (middle panel) and Achilles tendon (bot-
tom panel) during the stance phase are reported in the
panels on the left. The panels on the right depict the aver-
age values of positive work during the propulsive phase.
All variables increased as a function of speed (MTU:
Fig. 1 Panels on the left: profile
of mechanical power absorbed
(negative) and generated (posi-
tive) by the MTU (upper panel),
muscle fascicle (middle panel)
and Achilles tendon (lower
panel) during the stance phase
at the investigated running
speeds (solid line: 10 km h−1;
dotted line: 13 km h−1; dashed
line: 16 km h−1). Note that the
mechanical power absorbed by
the Achilles tendon is always
higher than that returned during
its recoil. Panels on the right:
positive mechanical work done
by the MTU (upper panel),
muscle fascicle (middle panel)
and Achilles tendon (lower
panel) during the stance phase
at all the investigated run-
ning speed. Positive work was
calculated as the first integral of
the positive mechanical power
generated during the stance
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
P < 0.001; fascicles: P < 0.05; tendon: P < 0.01) and sig-
nificant differences were observed among running speeds
in all the investigated parameters. The Achilles tendon
contributed for the 65% of the MTU work.
Table 2 reports mechanical and metabolic data at the
three investigated running speeds. With running speed,
WEXT decreased (main effect: P < 0.001), whereas ̇VO2net,
AE, WINT and WTOT increased (main effect: P < 0.001, for
all variables). The comparisons among speeds showed sig-
nificant differences among running trials for each of these
variables. No differences in Cnet were observed as a function
of speed.
Figure 2 shows the correlations between (positive) Achil-
les tendon work and WTOT, Cnet and “apparent” efficiency
(AE) at each running speed (10, 13 and 16 km h−1, from top
to bottom). Significant correlations were observed for all
the investigated parameters at all the investigated speeds.
The subjects with the highest tendon work were those with
the highest total mechanical work (upper panel, P < 0.01
in all cases) and with the lower energy cost (middle panel,
P < 0.01 in all cases). Positive significant correlations were
observed between tendon work (Wten) and AE at all the
investigated speeds (lower panel, P < 0.001 in all cases): the
subjects with the highest tendon work were those with the
highest “apparent” efficiency.
In Fig. 3, the mean values of AE are reported as a func-
tion of the mean values of (positive) Achilles tendon work,
at the three investigated speeds; this relationship is described
by the following equation: AE = 1.56 Wten + 0.33.
In this study, we investigated the role of elastic strain energy
(e.g. the work produced by the Achilles tendon fascicles of
the GM muscle tendon unit) on locomotion (“apparent”)
efficiency at increasing running speeds Our results reveal
that the work provided by the recoil of the Achilles ten-
don at each speed is linked to: (1) a reduction in the energy
cost of running, (2) an increase in the mechanical work at
whole-body level and (3) an increase in the “apparent” effi-
ciency. These novel in vivo experimental results support the
notion of elastic energy reutilization impacting positively on
the economy/efficiency of running.
“Apparent” efficiency
Although the contribution of the Achilles tendon to the
economy/efficiency of running through the reutilization of
elastic energy is a mechanism since long postulated, data
reported in this paper constitute a novel observation for
in vivo human running, allowing for a better interpretation
of the changes in AE in different experimental conditions.
In this study, AE was calculated based on values of (total)
mechanical work (i.e. the sum of internal and external work).
Although the concept of total mechanical work estimation
has been debated (as also acknowledged for some aspects
by the original authors, Willems et al. 1995), an increase in
efficiency attributable to elastic energy reutilization was also
observed in studies where mechanical work was calculated
based on a different (joint power) approach. As an example,
Farris and Sawicki (2011) calculated values of efficiency
of about 0.45 during running at 11 km h−1 and Voigt et al.
(1995) reported values of efficiency of about 0.65 during
hopping (with a frequency of 2 Hz). This supports the idea
that measuring “apparent” efficiency can help in under-
standing whether mechanical work has been “recycled” via
storage and release of elastic energy, thus indicating the
presence of an energy saving mechanism (as suggested by
Alexander 1991).
Muscle and tendon contribution
Regarding the underpinning mechanisms, a possible expla-
nation for the increase in “apparent” efficiency with speed
is that the plantar flexor muscles favour the use of tendon
elastic strain energy over muscle fibre work (Lichtwark et al.
2007), and that this energy is enhanced when running speed
advances towards maximum running velocity (Cavagna and
Kaneko 1977). Our data are in line with these considerations
Table 2 Mechanical and metabolic data (mean ± SD) during running at 10, 13 and 16 km⋅h−1
WEXT external mechanical work, WINT internal mechanical work, WTOT total mechanical work, ̇VO2net net oxygen uptake, Cnet energy cost of run-
ning, AE “apparent” efficiency
Significant difference from 10 km h−1 (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001); significant difference between 13 and 16 km h−1(#P < 0.05;
##P < 0.01; ###P < 0.001)
(J kg−1 m−1)
(J kg−1 m−1)
(J kg−1 m−1)
(ml kg−1 min−1)
(J kg−1 m−1)
10 km h−1
1.60 ± 0.09
0.31 ± 0.05
1.91 ± 0.04
32.2 ± 5.4
3.98 ± 0.42
0.49 ± 0.03
13 km h−1
1.49 ± 0.08**#
0.67 ± 0.07***###
2.16 ± 0.03**##
42.9 ± 4.6***###
4.04 ± 0.38
0.53 ± 0.03**##
16 km h−1
1.33 ± 0.08***#
0.95 ± 0.08***###
2.28 ± 0.06***##
52.6 ± 04.2***###
4.08 ± 0.34
0.57 ± 0.05***##
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
and are comparable to those of previous studies that have
estimated the relative contribution of tendon elastic strain
energy to the positive work done by the MTU for the ankle
plantar flexors during running (Hof et al. 2002; Farris and
Sawicki 2012; Lai et al. 2014).
This mechanism may be a consequence of the plantar
flexor muscle fibres remaining relatively isometric as run-
ning speed increases, a behaviour that allows to generate
large muscle forces and facilitates the storage and recovery
of tendon elastic strain energy. This was recently verified by
in vivo studies that analysed the muscle and tendon behav-
iour of the plantar flexors during running at increasing speed
(Lai et al. 2018; Werkhausen et al. 2019; Monte et al. 2020;
Bohm et al. 2019). For instance, Monte et al. (2020) dem-
onstrated that the gastrocnemius medialis muscle fascicles
shorten during the entire stance phase, but that the series
elastic components accommodate much of the displace-
ment of the MTU, allowing the series elastic components
to provide the larger amount of mechanical power of the
MTU. This result suggests that fibres in distal limb muscles,
such as the ankle plantar flexors, act like isometric struts to
facilitate greater storage and recovery of tendon elastic strain
energy at fast locomotion speeds (as indicated by Biewener
and Roberts 2000).
The strong relationship between tendon work and total
mechanical work at whole-body level we observed (middle
panel of Fig. 2) suggests that the elastic energy provided
by the Achilles tendon recoil during the propulsive phase
would affect the total mechanical work provided by the body.
Indeed, as showed by Monte et al. (2020) with faster run-
ning speed, the GM muscle fascicle operating range shifts
towards smaller lengths (on the ascending limb of the F–L
relationship) yet operating quasi-isometrically and at a high
force potential (> 80% of the maximum isometric force)
and this behaviour allows the muscle fascicles to reduce the
Fig. 2 Correlations between (positive) tendon work and total mechan-
ical work (at the whole-body level), net energy cost of running and
“apparent” efficiency at the three investigated speeds (blue dots:
10 km h−1, red squares: 13 km h−1, green triangles: 16 km h−1). At
each speed, the subjects with the higher tendon work are those with
the larger WTOT, the lower Cnet and the larger AE. Upper panel: corre-
lations between tendon work and total mechanical work at 10 km h−1
(WTOT = 3.34⋅Wten + 1.57, N = 15, R2 = 0.65, P < 0.01), 13 km h−1
(WTOT = 2.82⋅Wten + 1.81, N = 15, R2 = 0.52, P < 0.05) and 16 km h−1
(WTOT = 11.40⋅Wten + 0.56, N = 15, R2 = 0.55, P < 0.05). Middle panel:
correlations between tendon work and net energy cost of running at
10 km h−1 (Cnet = − 36.56⋅Wten + 7.68, N = 15, R2 = 0.72, P < 0.001),
13 km h−1 (Cnet = − 49.43⋅Wten + 10.15, N = 15, R2 = 0.60, P < 0.01)
and 16 km h−1 (Cnet = − 35.36⋅Wten + 9.49, N = 15, R2 = 52, P < 0.05).
Lower panel: correlations between tendon work and “apparent”
efficiency at 10 km h−1 (AE = 5.61⋅Wten – 0.08, N = 15, R2 = 0.75,
P < 0.001), 13 km h−1 (AE = 7.43⋅Wten – 0.38, N = 15, R2 = 0.65,
P < 0.01) and 16 km h−1 (AE = 7.96⋅Wten – 0.65, N = 15, R2 = 54,
P < 0.05)
Fig. 3 Mean values of “apparent” efficiency as a function of the
mean values of (positive) Achilles tendon work, at the three investi-
gated speeds (blue dots: 10 km h−1, red dots: 13 km h−1, green dots:
16 km h−1); this relationship is described by the following equation:
AE = 1.56 Wten + 0.33. The intercept with the “Y” axes (0.33) indi-
cates the value of “apparent” efficiency that could be expected were
the Achilles tendon not operating as energy saver
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
amount of mechanical work performed. The series elastic
components accommodate the largest part of the MTU dis-
placement as they are stretched not only by the muscle force
but also, and to a much larger degree, by the ground reaction
forces. This allows the AT to perform the largest amount of
mechanical work within the MTU.
What is the benefit of a larger tendon work? If the ten-
don makes a contribution to the whole MTU work during
muscle contraction, the contribution of the active con-
tractile components would be reduced, thus reducing the
energy expended during the contraction (Roberts and Azizi
2011). In particular, as also reported in the “Introduction”,
if the whole MTU length changes were attributable to
the tendon alone, the muscle fibres would operate under
“pure” isometric conditions and at a high force potential,
requiring the lowest level of muscle activation (Fletcher
and MacIntosh 2017). This phenomenon was recently veri-
fied by Bohm et al. (2019), who observed that the subjects
with the higher soleus muscle force potential were those
with the lower energy cost of running, suggesting that,
the lower the shortening velocity of the soleus muscle the
lower the energy demand during running. Furthermore,
these authors suggested that the main mechanism for the
underlying reduction of the fascicle shortening velocity
during the stance phase was a greater tendon gearing (i.e.
larger tendon displacement with respect to the muscle
However, the utilization of tendon elasticity does not
come entirely “free-of-charge”. Tendons operate in series
with muscles and can only act as useful springs when mus-
cles generate force. Force generation by muscles requires
metabolic energy, and thus there is a cost to operate ten-
don springs (e.g. Fletcher and MacIntosh 2017; Roberts
and Azizi 2011; Roberts 2002). It has been proposed that
the net metabolic benefit of tendon elasticity in running is
best understood in the context of two properties of skel-
etal muscle (Roberts 2002; Roberts and Scales 2002). The
first is the ‘Fenn effect’, which states that active muscles
use more energy when performing work than when generat-
ing force isometrically (Fenn 1924). Thus, to the extent that
tendons allow muscles to generate force without doing work
(or while doing less work), they reduce the rate of energy
consumption in the muscle. The second mechanism is the
influence that tendon mechanics can have on the recruited
muscle volume during running. Owing to the F–L and F–V
properties of muscles, force can be produced with fewer
active muscle fibres if the muscle operates at low or zero
(i.e. isometric) shortening velocity (Fletcher and MacIntosh
2017). The fascicles length changes observed in this study
are probably not sizeable enough to increase the metabolic
cost of muscle contraction. Indeed, in vitro evidence showed
that although muscle force is reduced at shorter sarcomere
lengths and a greater muscle activation is needed to reach
a given amount of force, the ATPase rate seems not to dif-
fer from the rate at optimal length at least until 0.75 of L0;
this suggests that if force potential is > 0.75 then muscle
metabolic requirement is not affected, whereas when mus-
cle length is < 0.75, a higher cost of contraction should be
expected (Stephenson et al. 1989; Joumaa et al. 2017). As
shown by Monte et al. (2020) and Bohm et al. (2019), the
GM and soleus muscle fascicle do not operate below 75% of
their force potential during running, so the effects of fascicle
length changes on muscle energy demands could be consid-
ered to be negligible.
Methodological limitations and considerations
In our study, the Achilles tendon length was not directly
measured; instead, we used a geometric model to calculate
the deformation of the entire Achilles tendon–aponeuroses
complex from ankle and knee joint kinematics. However,
this approach might overestimate the contribution of the
mechanical work done by the tendon only, as shown by Zelik
and Franz (2017). In addition, some recent studies (e.g. Kes-
sler et al. 2020) have reported that using a rigid-body foot
model (as done in this study) could lead to an overestimation
of ankle joint power, thus affecting Achilles tendon mechani-
cal work estimates. One other limitation is the estimation
of GM forces based on reported values of relative PCSA,
assuming consistent force contribution at all running speeds
and a negligible inter-muscular force transmission between
the individual plantar flexor muscles. The former assump-
tion has often been used before (e.g. Kurokawa et al. 2001;
Fukunaga et al. 1996; Farris and Sawicki 2012) to distrib-
ute forces between synergist muscles, but the validity of the
outcome forces needs to be confirmed, especially during
dynamic conditions. In support of the latter assumption are
the findings of Tijs et al. (2015), who have shown that non-
myotendinous forces are likely to have a minimal effect on
the overall function of muscles.
Besides the Achilles tendon stretch–recoil, there are sev-
eral other parameters that could affect energy expenditure
as running speed increases and have not been considered in
our analysis. For instance, higher activation of other agonist
and antagonist muscles in the lower limbs, torso and upper
limbs would contribute to the increase in metabolic energy
expenditure with increasing speed (Arellano and Kram
2014). Also, elastic mechanisms other than Achilles ten-
don recoil, such as the arch of the foot, could provide extra
energy savings with increasing speed and make the running
task less energy demanding. Furthermore, elastic energy
could be stored also in the transversal plane of the MTU;
indeed, biaxial loading of aponeuroses allows for variation
in tendon stiffness and energy storage in a variety of locomo-
tor behaviours (such as running, jumping and landing; e.g.
Arellano et al. 2019).
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2495–2505
1 3
In conclusion, a larger mechanical work provided by the
tendons is expected to reduce the metabolic demands of run-
ning and to increase locomotion efficiency. Our data support
this notion. The relationship between AE and tendon work
supports previous suggestions that a value of “apparent” effi-
ciency close to muscle efficiency values (0.25–0.30) should
be expected when no elastic energy can be stored in the
tendon; the intercept of the relationship between AE and
tendon work (0.33) indeed indicates the value that could be
expected in the absence of Achilles tendon stretching–recoil-
ing behaviour. As suggested by Alexander (1991), measur-
ing “apparent” efficiency can help in understanding whether
mechanical work is “recycled” via storage and release of
elastic energy.
Author contributions AM, CM, VB and PZ contributed to conception
and design of the study. AM recorded and analyzed the data under
the supervision of CM, VB and PZ. AM, CM, VB and PZ contrib-
uted to the interpretation of the data, wrote and critically revised the
manuscript. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript
and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work. All persons
included as an author qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify
for authorship are listed.
Funding The authors received no funding for this work. Open access
funding provided by Università degli Studi di Verona within the CRUI-
CARE Agreement.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare there are no competing inter-
Availability of data and material All relevant data are reported in the
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
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permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
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copy of this licence, visit http://creat iveco mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/.
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| The influence of Achilles tendon mechanical behaviour on "apparent" efficiency during running at different speeds. | 08-25-2020 | Monte, Andrea,Maganaris, Constantinos,Baltzopoulos, Vasilios,Zamparo, Paola | eng |
PMC8952301 |
Citation: Benjamin, D.; Odof, S.;
Abbès, B.; Fourchet, F.; Christiaen, B.;
Taïar, R. Shock Response Spectrum
Analysis of Fatigued Runners.
Sensors 2022, 22, 2350. https://
Academic Editor: Dragan Indjin
Received: 18 February 2022
Accepted: 16 March 2022
Published: 18 March 2022
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Shock Response Spectrum Analysis of Fatigued Runners
Daniel Benjamin 1,2
, Serge Odof 3, Boussad Abbès 2
, François Fourchet 4,5,6, Benoit Christiaen 1
and Redha Taïar 2,*
Podiatry Medicine Department, Centre Luxembourg, 75005 Paris, France;
[email protected] (D.B.); [email protected] (B.C.)
MATériaux et Ingénierie Mécanique (MATIM), Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne,
51100 Reims, France; [email protected]
École Nationale Supérieure D’ingénieurs de Reims (ESIREIMS), Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne,
51100 Reims, France; [email protected]
Physiotherapy Department, Hospital La Tour, 1217 Meyrin, Switzerland; [email protected]
French Society of Sports Physical Therapist (SFMKS Lab), 93380 Pierrefite sur Seine, France
Inter-University Laboratory of Human Movement Biology (LIBM), Savoie Mont-Blanc University,
73000 Chambery, France
Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fatigue on impact shock wave
attenuation and assess how human biomechanics relate to shock attenuation during running. In
this paper, we propose a new methodology for the analysis of shock events occurring during the
proposed experimental procedure. Our approach is based on the Shock Response Spectrum (SRS),
which is a frequency-based function that is used to indicate the magnitude of vibration due to a shock
or a transient event. Five high level CrossFit athletes who ran at least three times per week and who
were free from musculoskeletal injury volunteered to take part in this study. Two Micromachined
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) accelerometers (RunScribe®, San Francisco, CA, USA) were
used for this experiment. The two RunScribe pods were mounted on top of the foot in the shoelaces.
All five athletes performed three maximum intensity runs: the 1st run was performed after a brief
warmup with no prior exercise, then the 2nd and the 3rd run were performed in a fatigued state. Prior
to the 2nd and the 3rd run, the athletes were asked to perform at maximum intensity for two minutes
on an Assault AirBike to tire them. For all five athletes, there was a direct correlation between fatigue
and an increase in the aggressiveness of the SRS. We noticed that for all five athletes for the 3rd run
the average SRS peaks were significantly higher than for the 1st run and 2nd run (p < 0.01) at the
same natural frequency of the athlete. This confirms our hypothesis that fatigue causes a decrease in
the shock attenuation capacity of the musculoskeletal system thus potentially involving a higher risk
of overuse injury.
Keywords: Shock Response Spectrum; fatigue; injuries; gait analysis; Micromachined Microelec-
tromechanical Systems (MEMS) accelerometer
1. Introduction
Running is the exercise of choice for millions of people all over the world and across
the age spectrum. One of the main reasons for its popularity stems from its simplicity.
However, running also carries the risk of increased musculoskeletal injuries and there is a
need to understand the etiology of injury in order to efficiently prevent it [1]. One of the
important functions of the human musculoskeletal system is to attenuate and dissipate
shock waves initiated with foot ground contact [2]. Those shock waves are initiated by
most types of motion, such as walking and running. The demarcation between walking
and running occurs when periods of double support during the stance phase of the gait
cycle (both feet are simultaneously in contact with the ground) give way to two periods
of double float at the beginning and the end of the swing phase of gait (neither foot is
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touching the ground) [3]. Generally, as speed increases further, initial contact changes from
being on the hindfoot to the forefoot.
Running involves repeated single-leg impacts between the foot and the surface. Such
impacts are characterized by a transient peak in the ground reaction force (impact force),
rapid deceleration of the lower extremity (impact shock), and the initiation of a wave of
acceleration and deceleration (impact shock wave) that is propagated through the body [4].
The impact shock wave experienced by the body due to landings must be attenuated
by several structures and mechanisms in the body including bone, synovial fluids, carti-
lage, soft tissues, joint kinematics and muscular activity. Passively, shock attenuation is
achieved by soft tissues and bone. Actively, shock attenuation is achieved through eccentric
muscle action [5]. This active mechanism is thought to be far more significant than the
passive mechanism in attenuating shock. Since muscles are thought to play a primary role
in energy and shock absorption during landing, it has been hypothesized that reduced
muscular function, through fatigue, decreases the shock absorbing capacity of the body
and subsequently can lead to an increased chance of injury [6]. Fatigue has been defined as
any reduction in the force generating capacity of the total neuromuscular system regardless
of the force required in any given situation [7].
The loads produced by repeated impacts have been linked to degenerative joint
diseases and athletic overuse injuries including, for example, stress fractures, shin splints,
osteoarthritis and lower back pain. Although the exact mechanisms of impact related injury
are relatively unknown and controversial evidence linking impact, fatigue and injuries are
well documented [8–11].
In this paper, we propose a new methodology for the analysis of shock events occurring
during the proposed experimental procedure. Our approach is based on the Shock Response
Spectrum (SRS) [12], which is a frequency-based function that is used to indicate the
magnitude of vibration due to a shock or a transient event [13]. The main aim is to analyze
the ability of the human musculoskeletal system to attenuate the mechanical stresses
resulting from the fatigue effect by Shock Responses Spectrum (SRS) of the foot strike–
generated shock waves during running. Most previous studies focused on shocks/impacts,
ground force reaction, or spectral or vertical impact load rate. Using SRS as a measurement
in running gait analysis has never been studied as of today. This innovative approach
could pave the way to a whole new way of assessing a runner’s gait pattern using smart
connected shoes.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fatigue on impact shock
wave attenuation and assess how human biomechanics relate to shock attenuation during
running. It was hypothesized that fatigue would cause a decrease in the shock attenua-
tion capacity of the musculoskeletal system, thus potentially involving a higher risk of
overuse injury.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Procedures
Five high level CrossFit athletes (four males, one female) who ran at least three times
per week and who were free from musculoskeletal injury volunteered to take part in this
study. The athletes had a mean age of 26.4 (±3.9) years, stature 182.3 (±5.7) cm, and body
mass 81.7 (±8.5) kg, respectively. The athletes usually performed 10 km to 15 km runs
twice a week and one sprint interval training of various lengths and intensities. The study
was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration on human experimentation
stated in compliance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments. Every
participant provided written consent after information was given on the aim, protocol,
and methodology of the study. The original study was approved by the Medical and
Ethical Board of the Centre Luxembourg (protocol code LUX_2021_0308_CLAB and date of
approval of 3 August 2021). Two Micromachined Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
accelerometers (RunScribe®) were used for this experiment. The two RunScribe pods were
mounted on top of the foot in the shoelaces (Figure 1).
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(MEMS) accelerometers (RunScribe®) were used for this experiment. The two RunScribe
pods were mounted on top of the foot in the shoelaces (Figure 1).
Figure 1. MEMS accelerometers placement.
The RunScribe pods encompass 9-Axis Motion Tracking which combines a 3-axis gy-
roscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and 3-axis compass in the same device together with an
onboard Digital Motion Processor. This enables us also to measure at a 500 Hz sampling
rate: Efficiency (Stride Rate, Contact Time, Flight Ratio), Motion (Footstrike Type, Prona-
tion, Pronation Velocity), Shock (Impact Gs, Braking Gs), Symmetry and Power.
After a warmup, participants were asked to perform a first 800 m run at maximum
intensity. Right after the first run, they jumped on an Assault AirBike (Rogue, Columbus,
OH, USA) (Figure 2) where they were asked to perform at maximum intensity for 2 min
(the power had to stay above 400 Watts for the 2 min). They dismounted the Assault Air-
Bike and they were then asked again to perform a second 800 m run at maximum inten-
sity. The same protocol was then repeated with another 2 min on the Assault AirBike then
a third run at maximum intensity. The RunScribe pods were turned off during the Assault
AirBike sessions and were only recording the three 800 m run intervals.
Figure 2. Assault AirBike.
The Assault AirBike, also known as “the Devil’s tricycle” was used to induce fatigue
because they procure a unique and extremely challenging effort. It is considered among
the crossfit community as the most dreaded but most effective tool for HIIT (High Inten-
sity Interval Training) and metabolic conditioning.
2.2. Shock Response Spectrum Calculation
Spectral analysis is commonly used to study the structure of composite waveforms,
such as the impact shock waves. The primary tool of spectral analysis is the Fast Fourier
Transformation (FFT) that enables us to determine the runner’s natural frequency [14]
which corresponds to the peak of the Power Spectral Density (Figure 3):
Figure 1. MEMS accelerometers placement.
The RunScribe pods encompass 9-Axis Motion Tracking which combines a 3-axis
gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and 3-axis compass in the same device together with an
onboard Digital Motion Processor. This enables us also to measure at a 500 Hz sampling
rate: Efficiency (Stride Rate, Contact Time, Flight Ratio), Motion (Footstrike Type, Pronation,
Pronation Velocity), Shock (Impact Gs, Braking Gs), Symmetry and Power.
After a warmup, participants were asked to perform a first 800 m run at maximum
intensity. Right after the first run, they jumped on an Assault AirBike (Rogue, Columbus,
OH, USA) (Figure 2) where they were asked to perform at maximum intensity for 2 min (the
power had to stay above 400 Watts for the 2 min). They dismounted the Assault AirBike
and they were then asked again to perform a second 800 m run at maximum intensity. The
same protocol was then repeated with another 2 min on the Assault AirBike then a third
run at maximum intensity. The RunScribe pods were turned off during the Assault AirBike
sessions and were only recording the three 800 m run intervals.
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(MEMS) accelerometers (RunScribe®) were used for this experiment. The two RunScribe
pods were mounted on top of the foot in the shoelaces (Figure 1).
Figure 1. MEMS accelerometers placement.
The RunScribe pods encompass 9-Axis Motion Tracking which combines a 3-axis gy-
roscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and 3-axis compass in the same device together with an
onboard Digital Motion Processor. This enables us also to measure at a 500 Hz sampling
rate: Efficiency (Stride Rate, Contact Time, Flight Ratio), Motion (Footstrike Type, Prona-
tion, Pronation Velocity), Shock (Impact Gs, Braking Gs), Symmetry and Power.
After a warmup, participants were asked to perform a first 800 m run at maximum
intensity. Right after the first run, they jumped on an Assault AirBike (Rogue, Columbus,
OH, USA) (Figure 2) where they were asked to perform at maximum intensity for 2 min
(the power had to stay above 400 Watts for the 2 min). They dismounted the Assault Air-
Bike and they were then asked again to perform a second 800 m run at maximum inten-
sity. The same protocol was then repeated with another 2 min on the Assault AirBike then
a third run at maximum intensity. The RunScribe pods were turned off during the Assault
AirBike sessions and were only recording the three 800 m run intervals.
Figure 2. Assault AirBike.
The Assault AirBike, also known as “the Devil’s tricycle” was used to induce fatigue
because they procure a unique and extremely challenging effort. It is considered among
the crossfit community as the most dreaded but most effective tool for HIIT (High Intensity
Interval Training) and metabolic conditioning.
2.2. Shock Response Spectrum Calculation
Spectral analysis is commonly used to study the structure of composite waveforms,
such as the impact shock waves. The primary tool of spectral analysis is the Fast Fourier
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Transformation (FFT) that enables us to determine the runner’s natural frequency [14]
which corresponds to the peak of the Power Spectral Density (Figure 3):
PSD = 1
Z +∞
−∞ a(t)e−j2π f tdt
where N is the number of points of the recording, a(t) is the acceleration modulus, f is the
frequency and t is the time.
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𝑃𝑆𝐷 ൌ 1
𝑁 ቤන
where 𝑁 is the number of points of the recording, 𝑎ሺ𝑡ሻ is the acceleration modulus, 𝑓 is
the frequency and 𝑡 is the time.
Figure 3. SRS vs. PSD running analysis.
Power Spectral Density (PSD) provides a convenient method for separating different
frequency components in the impact shock wave, such as acceleration moments due to
impact shock [15].
In this paper, we propose a new methodology for the analysis of shock events occur-
ring during the proposed experimental procedure. Our approach is based on the Shock
Response Spectrum (SRS), which is a frequency-based function that is used to indicate the
magnitude of vibration due to a shock or a transient event. The following procedure, con-
sisting of several steps, is adopted in the present study:
Step 1:
The acceleration modulus 𝑎ሺ𝑡ሻ is extracted from the recording. Figure 4 illustrates
the acceleration modulus results for one CrossFit athlete.
Figure 4. Acceleration modulus 𝑎ሺ𝑡ሻ for one CrossFit athlete.
Step 2:
The power spectral density (PSD) given in Equation (1) is then calculated using a Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT). This calculation allows us to determine the fundamental fre-
quency of the runner 𝑓 corresponding to the position of the largest peak of the PSD. The
inverse of this frequency gives the time period of the runner’s step as: 𝑇 ൌ 1/𝑓. The pro-
posed algorithm extracts automatically the “first” step from the entire signal, and thus
defines the “pattern” of the runner as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 3. SRS vs. PSD running analysis.
Power Spectral Density (PSD) provides a convenient method for separating different
frequency components in the impact shock wave, such as acceleration moments due to
impact shock [15].
In this paper, we propose a new methodology for the analysis of shock events occurring
during the proposed experimental procedure. Our approach is based on the Shock Response
Spectrum (SRS), which is a frequency-based function that is used to indicate the magnitude
of vibration due to a shock or a transient event. The following procedure, consisting of
several steps, is adopted in the present study:
Step 1:
The acceleration modulus a(t) is extracted from the recording. Figure 4 illustrates the
acceleration modulus results for one CrossFit athlete.
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𝑃𝑆𝐷 ൌ 1
𝑁 ቤන
where 𝑁 is the number of points of the recording, 𝑎ሺ𝑡ሻ is the acceleration modulus, 𝑓 is
the frequency and 𝑡 is the time.
Figure 3. SRS vs. PSD running analysis.
Power Spectral Density (PSD) provides a convenient method for separating different
frequency components in the impact shock wave, such as acceleration moments due to
impact shock [15].
In this paper, we propose a new methodology for the analysis of shock events occur-
ring during the proposed experimental procedure. Our approach is based on the Shock
Response Spectrum (SRS), which is a frequency-based function that is used to indicate the
magnitude of vibration due to a shock or a transient event. The following procedure, con-
sisting of several steps, is adopted in the present study:
Step 1:
The acceleration modulus 𝑎ሺ𝑡ሻ is extracted from the recording. Figure 4 illustrates
the acceleration modulus results for one CrossFit athlete.
Figure 4. Acceleration modulus 𝑎ሺ𝑡ሻ for one CrossFit athlete.
Step 2:
The power spectral density (PSD) given in Equation (1) is then calculated using a Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT). This calculation allows us to determine the fundamental fre-
quency of the runner 𝑓 corresponding to the position of the largest peak of the PSD. The
inverse of this frequency gives the time period of the runner’s step as: 𝑇 ൌ 1/𝑓. The pro-
posed algorithm extracts automatically the “first” step from the entire signal, and thus
defines the “pattern” of the runner as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 4. Acceleration modulus a(t) for one CrossFit athlete.
Step 2:
The power spectral density (PSD) given in Equation (1) is then calculated using a
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This calculation allows us to determine the fundamental
frequency of the runner f0 corresponding to the position of the largest peak of the PSD.
The inverse of this frequency gives the time period of the runner’s step as: T = 1/ f0. The
proposed algorithm extracts automatically the “first” step from the entire signal, and thus
defines the “pattern” of the runner as shown in Figure 5.
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Figure 5. Pattern of one CrossFit athlete.
Step 3:
We then carry out the cross-correlation 𝐶𝐶ሺ𝜏ሻ between the runner’s pattern and the
recording’s duration 𝑎ሺ𝑡ሻ:
𝐶𝐶ሺ𝜏ሻ ൌ න
𝑎ሺ𝑡ሻ𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛ሺ𝑡 𝜏ሻ𝑑𝑡
We observe that at each step, the convolution is maximum. For each maximum value
of 𝐶𝐶ሺ𝜏ሻ we calculate the SRS of each step and of the entire signal as explained in the next
Step 4:
The calculation of the SRS is based on the acceleration time history. It applies an ac-
celeration time history as a common base excitation ሺ𝑦ሷሻ to an array of single-degree-of-
freedom (SDOF) systems composed of spring ሺ𝑘ሻ, mass ሺ𝑚ሻ and damper ሺ𝑑ሻ, as de-
picted in Figure 6.
Figure 6. SRS model.
𝑥ሷ is the absolute response of each system to the input 𝑦ሷ. This can be determined by
applying Newton’s law to a free-body diagram of an individual system, as shown in Fig-
ure 7.
Figure 7. Free-body diagram of an individual system.
The force balance yields the following governing differential equation of motion:
𝑚𝑥ሷ 𝑑𝑥ሶ 𝑘𝑥 ൌ 𝑑𝑦ሶ 𝑘𝑦
Figure 5. Pattern of one CrossFit athlete.
Step 3:
We then carry out the cross-correlation CC(τ) between the runner’s pattern and the
recording’s duration a(t):
CC(τ) =
Z +∞
−∞ a(t)pattern(t + τ)dt
We observe that at each step, the convolution is maximum. For each maximum value of
CC(τ) we calculate the SRS of each step and of the entire signal as explained in the next step.
Step 4:
The calculation of the SRS is based on the acceleration time history. It applies an
acceleration time history as a common base excitation
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By defining the relative displacement z = x − y, Equation (3) can be rewritten as:
..z + 2ξω
.z + ω2z = −
where ω0 = k
m is the natural frequency in radians per second and ξ =
(2ω0m) is the
damping ratio. Moreover, ξ is usually represented by the amplification factor Q =
Since the base excitation
..y is an arbitrary function of time, Equation (4) does not
have a closed-form solution. To calculate the SRS of each step and of the entire signal, we
have used the algorithm for the calculation of the SRS proposed in [13]. SRS enables us to
determine the maximum acceleration a system will undergo when one knows the natural
frequency f0 and the quality factor Q for each possible natural frequency. In this study,
a relative damping of 5% was used, resulting in Q = 10. SRS can also be calculated for
the entire duration of a recording. We then observed the peaks at the fundamental and
harmonic frequencies of the recorded signal [16]. In this context, SRS combines both the
notion of transfer function and response to transient regimes.
Intra comparison of the SRS offers a lot more finesse to the analysis since the frequency
is also taken into account. The aggressiveness of a running step is not only due to the value
of the maximum acceleration but also to the general shape of the movement, only the SRS
allows this to be taken into account in the analysis.
Figure 8 gives the general workflow for SRS determination.
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By defining the relative displacement 𝑧 ൌ 𝑥 െ 𝑦, Equation (3) can be rewritten as:
𝑧ሷ 2𝜉𝜔𝑧ሶ 𝜔ଶ𝑧 ൌ െ𝑦ሷ
where 𝜔 ൌ 𝑘 𝑚
ൗ is the natural frequency in radians per second and 𝜉 ൌ 𝑑 ሺ2𝜔𝑚ሻ
is the
damping ratio. Moreover, 𝜉 is usually represented by the amplification factor 𝑄 ൌ
1 ሺ2𝜉ሻ
Since the base excitation 𝑦ሷ is an arbitrary function of time, Equation (4) does not
have a closed-form solution. To calculate the SRS of each step and of the entire signal, we
have used the algorithm for the calculation of the SRS proposed in [13]. SRS enables us to
determine the maximum acceleration a system will undergo when one knows the natural
frequency 𝑓 and the quality factor 𝑄 for each possible natural frequency. In this study,
a relative damping of 5% was used, resulting in 𝑄 ൌ 10. SRS can also be calculated for the
entire duration of a recording. We then observed the peaks at the fundamental and har-
monic frequencies of the recorded signal [16]. In this context, SRS combines both the no-
tion of transfer function and response to transient regimes.
Intra comparison of the SRS offers a lot more finesse to the analysis since the fre-
quency is also taken into account. The aggressiveness of a running step is not only due to
the value of the maximum acceleration but also to the general shape of the movement,
only the SRS allows this to be taken into account in the analysis.
Figure 8 gives the general workflow for SRS determination.
Figure 8. Workflow for SRS determination.
3. Results
A goal of the present study was to analyze the effect of fatigue through SRS on the
ability of the human musculoskeletal system to attenuate foot strike–generated shock
waves. The results of this study suggest that, for the analysis of impact shock during run-
ning, the different components of the acceleration signal can be distinguished in the fre-
quency domain by means of spectral analysis as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 8. Workflow for SRS determination.
3. Results
A goal of the present study was to analyze the effect of fatigue through SRS on the
ability of the human musculoskeletal system to attenuate foot strike–generated shock
waves. The results of this study suggest that, for the analysis of impact shock during
running, the different components of the acceleration signal can be distinguished in the
frequency domain by means of spectral analysis as shown in Figure 9.
The main advantage of spectral analysis over time-domain analysis of the impact shock
wave is the ability to separate spectral peaks from the rest of the data. Since the motion,
impact, and resonant components of the acceleration signal have different fundamental
frequencies: they produce peaks at different points in the power spectrum [12].
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Figure 9. Example of SRS results for one CrossFit athlete extracted for three runs on both feet.
The main advantage of spectral analysis over time-domain analysis of the impact
shock wave is the ability to separate spectral peaks from the rest of the data. Since the
motion, impact, and resonant components of the acceleration signal have different funda-
mental frequencies: they produce peaks at different points in the power spectrum [12].
The hypothesis is that fatigue hampers the ability of the human musculoskeletal sys-
tem to protect itself from overloading due to foot strike–generated shock waves, loss of
protection may manifest as an increased shock wave amplitude. For all five athletes, there
was a direct correlation between fatigue and an increase in the aggressiveness of the SRS
as shown in Figure 10. We noticed that for all five athletes for the 3rd run the average SRS
peak was significantly higher than for the 1st run and 2nd run (p < 0.01) at the same natural
frequency of the athlete. This confirms our hypothesis that fatigue causes a decrease in the
shock attenuation capacity of the musculoskeletal system thus potentially involving a
higher risk of overuse injury.
Figure 10. Average SRS peaks for every athlete.
102 G
86 G
74 G
Figure 9. Example of SRS results for one CrossFit athlete extracted for three runs on both feet.
The hypothesis is that fatigue hampers the ability of the human musculoskeletal
system to protect itself from overloading due to foot strike–generated shock waves, loss of
protection may manifest as an increased shock wave amplitude. For all five athletes, there
was a direct correlation between fatigue and an increase in the aggressiveness of the SRS as
shown in Figure 10. We noticed that for all five athletes for the 3rd run the average SRS
peak was significantly higher than for the 1st run and 2nd run (p < 0.01) at the same natural
frequency of the athlete. This confirms our hypothesis that fatigue causes a decrease in
the shock attenuation capacity of the musculoskeletal system thus potentially involving a
higher risk of overuse injury.
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Figure 9. Example of SRS results for one CrossFit athlete extracted for three runs on both feet.
The main advantage of spectral analysis over time-domain analysis of the impact
shock wave is the ability to separate spectral peaks from the rest of the data. Since the
motion, impact, and resonant components of the acceleration signal have different funda-
mental frequencies: they produce peaks at different points in the power spectrum [12].
The hypothesis is that fatigue hampers the ability of the human musculoskeletal sys-
tem to protect itself from overloading due to foot strike–generated shock waves, loss of
protection may manifest as an increased shock wave amplitude. For all five athletes, there
was a direct correlation between fatigue and an increase in the aggressiveness of the SRS
as shown in Figure 10. We noticed that for all five athletes for the 3rd run the average SRS
peak was significantly higher than for the 1st run and 2nd run (p < 0.01) at the same natural
frequency of the athlete. This confirms our hypothesis that fatigue causes a decrease in the
shock attenuation capacity of the musculoskeletal system thus potentially involving a
higher risk of overuse injury.
Figure 10. Average SRS peaks for every athlete.
102 G
86 G
74 G
Figure 10. Average SRS peaks for every athlete.
When fatigue begins, we could hypothesize that athletes will slow down as a protective
means. The result could be moving away from the state of fatigue, in which case the
acceleration data could have not increased. It was not the case in our study.
Previous studies have shown that the loading rate of the lower limb is directly and
highly correlated with running speed, and the vertical impact force increased with increas-
ing running velocity [17].
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Muscle activation lowers the bending stress on bone and attenuates the peak dynamic
loads that can damage musculoskeletal tissues. Previous studies have suggested that the
fatigued muscles cannot support “optimal” running and they also suggested that fatigue of
the runner may lead to modification of landing phase mechanics. It was also found that the
transfer of mechanical energy between the eccentric and concentric phases is drastically
reduced during muscle fatigue. Such changes may be involved in the development of
injuries [18–20].
4. Discussion
According to the results presented in this study, for the acceleration data to increase,
fatigue should be present. We may conclude that the musculoskeletal system becomes less
capable of handling foot strike–induced shock waves when the muscles are significantly
fatigued. One of the most common running overuse injuries are bone stress fractures
(SF) [21,22]. In bones, microcracks are normally present and are thought to be fatigue-related
cracks because their numbers increase following repetitive loading. Bone remodeling serves
to repair fatigue microcracks. When a bone is loaded repeatedly, resulting in repetitive or
cyclic strain, the subsequent accumulation of microdamage is believed to be the threshold
of a pathological continuum that is clinically manifested as stress reactions and SF (29).
Ultimately, if the activity is not ceased and the bone is not able to self-repair, a complete bone
fracture might ensue. Notably, with increasing strain or greater strain rates, the number
of loading cycles a bone–29 can withstand before a fatigue failure occurs is reduced [23].
Stress fractures are the clinical manifestation of the accumulation of fatigue damage in
bones [24–26]. Although the effect of running and its mechanical strain in bone tissues is
well documented, the evidence for SF etiology is less conclusive [24,27–30]. Nevertheless,
several researchers reported clear relationships between bone stress related injuries and
fatigue. For instance, it is known that the tensile strains on the tensile side of a bending
bone are dampened by the contraction of adjacent muscles, aiming at protecting the bone
from stress related injury [29–34]. It may then be hypothesized that muscles also play
the role of shock absorbers and that consequently, muscle fatigue might decrease their
absorption properties, resulting in a more aggressive loading rate or loading peak at the
bones as fatigue increases [31–33].
The obtained results showed that acceleration amplitude steadily increased with the
fatigue group and that there was a clear association between fatigue and shock waves (as
revealed by the SRS). We may then confirm the conclusions of the aforementioned studies,
that the human musculoskeletal system becomes less capable of single leg strike–induced
shock waves absorption when the muscles are significantly fatigued. This condition may
promote the development of injuries and the present results have a significant implication
regarding the etiology of running injuries. Therefore, several recommendations may be
effective towards runners’ community or coaches in order to reduce this stress related
injury risk, notably as proposed by the multifactorial model of Brukner and Khan [35].
First, it may be advantageous to ensure that the majority of training and exercise
is performed to avoid severe fatigue and in line with the load management theory. For
instance, external parameters must be considered, such as progressive increment of training
loads [36], training surfaces or footwear adaptations [35]. Understanding the influence of
SRS on fatigue and on the magnitude of dynamic loading on the human musculoskeletal
system will allow the development of proper training procedures and may participate in
the reduction of damages to the musculoskeletal tissues.
Secondly and directly in accordance with the present research purpose, lower limb
muscles resistance to fatigue is a major component of stress related injury prevention in run-
ners. The present outcomes are in line with former findings reporting that fatigue-related
imbalance between the plantar flexors and dorsiflexors may compromise the protective
action of these muscles on the lower leg bony structures [29]. Here, it is plausible that
deteriorated properties of the calf muscles due to fatigue may affect the role of these soft
tissues to protect the bone from stress injury risk.
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Finally, injuries in running are also often provoked by fatigue and improper technique,
which are both reflected in the runner’s kinematics [18,37,38]. A gait retraining approach
has been proposed by several researchers through a modest increase in step rate or a transi-
tion from rearfoot to forefoot strike and was considered as effective notably at reducing
impact forces and vertical load rate and then at preventing running-related bone stress
injuries [37,39].
An individualized approach is nevertheless of high interest and most likely available
nowadays. Indeed, state-of-the-art research on kinematics in sports uses optical motion
capture systems that are inaccessible to most athletes. With the recent development of
Micromachined Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), inertial sensors have become
widely used in the research of wearable running gait analysis [40] due to several factors,
such as being easy-to-use and low-cost. Considering the fact that each individual has a
unique way of running, inertial sensors can be applied to the problem of gait recognition
where assessed gait can be interpreted as a biometric signature. Thus, inertial sensor-based
gait recognition has a great potential to play an important role in many health-related
applications. In this work, we demonstrated the potential of wearable technology for the
assessment of kinematic parameters using the example of running. We concluded that wear-
able technology opens possibilities for technique improvement and injury risk reduction to
a wide spectrum of athletes. Since inertial sensors are included in smart devices that are
nowadays present at every step, inertial sensor-based gait recognition has become a very
attractive and emerging field of research that will provide many interesting discoveries.
Although the small sample size is indeed a limitation to applying our findings to the
general population, this study is a qualitative and prospective research study exploring a
novel and unknown topic. Using SRS as a measurement in running gait analysis has never
been studied as of today, leaving us with very little data similar to our study design to be
able to calculate a traditional sample size. However, these results still provide valuable
information regarding the use of SRS as a biomechanical risk factor in runners. Larger
studies on this topic will further advance our understanding of injury risk in runners. It is
acknowledged that the relatively low subject numbers used in this study limit the drawing
of definitive conclusions, this is particularly true if the study findings conflict with those
of previous investigations. The results of our research were in accordance with previous
studies and our hypothesis. In the future, a study on a larger group of athletes will be
carried out to confirm our previous findings. It is also planned to carry out the same
type of studies on high level runners and compare results. Our obvious hypothesis is that
elite runners will have a unique ability to dampen the SRS and/or sustain a much higher
SRS threshold.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.B., S.O., B.A. and R.T.; methodology D.B., S.O., B.A.
and R.T.; software, S.O. and B.A.; validation, S.O., B.A., F.F. and R.T.; formal analysis, S.O. and B.A.;
investigation, D.B., B.C. and R.T.; resources, D.B. and B.C.; data curation, D.B. and R.T.; writing
original draft preparation, D.B.; writing review and editing, R.T. and B.A.; visualization, B.C. and
F.F.; supervision, R.T.; project administration, R.T. and D.B. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of
the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Ethical Review Board of the University of Reims
Champagne-Ardenne and the medical board of the Centre Luxembourg.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to ethical reasons.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Shock Response Spectrum Analysis of Fatigued Runners. | 03-18-2022 | Benjamin, Daniel,Odof, Serge,Abbès, Boussad,Fourchet, François,Christiaen, Benoit,Taïar, Redha | eng |
PMC7184578 | 1
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
Greyhound racing ideal trajectory
path generation for straight
to bend based on jerk rate
Md. imam Hossain✉, David eager & paul D. Walker
this paper presents methods for modelling and designing an ideal path trajectory between straight
and bend track path segments for racing greyhounds. to do this, we numerically generate clothoid and
algebraic curve segments for racing quadrupeds using a sequential vector transformation method as
well as using a helper equation for approaching ideal clothoid segments that would respect greyhound
kinematic parameters and boundary conditions of the track. further, we look into the limitations of
using a clothoid curve for racing dog track path design and propose a smooth composite curve for
track transition design which roughly maintains G3 curvature continuity for smooth jerk to overcome
limitations of a clothoid transition. finally, we show results from race data modelling and past injury
data, which provide a strong indication of clothoid curve segments improving the dynamics and safety
of racing greyhounds while reducing injuries.
In the greyhound racing sports industry, injuries to dogs are highly prevalent1. The sport has grown exponentially
in recent years due to live wagering accessibility and various revenue sharing programs2. As a result, it has become
evident that better track design is required to reduce the likelihood of racing greyhound injuries at the tracks.
Observations3 confirmed that in greyhound racing congestion occurs at the entrance to the first bend. Also,
researchers theorized that a smooth-running path is required for curved track design without which quadrupeds
are more likely to lose coordination at specific transitions4. Similarly, it was shown that various track shapes have
considerable effects on greyhound injury rates indicating track curvature influences5. When it comes to track
shapes and smooth paths, transition curves are an essential part of path design in many areas such as road design
and train track designs6. Similarly, transition curves help reduce disturbances in quadruped gait symmetry4. This
is because, quadrupeds are subject to a centrifugal force which induces an outward pull on the curved track path,
forcing quadrupeds to deviate from navigating the track path4. Theoretically, a transition curve would also assist
navigation of the body around the curved path even if it is not sufficiently banked7.
Clothoid transition curves are extensively found in road and rail track designs such as it was found from the
analysis that the Tokaido Shinkansen high-speed rail uses a 600 m clothoid transition in one of the 2.1 km radius
bends to achieve a maximum travelling speed of 270 km/hr with minimal track path camber. Clothoid curves
are essential for generating continuous curvature paths with straight and perfect arc segments8. This is achieved
by linking constant curvature segments with clothoid segments8. For example, a clothoid can join a line and a
circle with G2 curvature continuity where both the tangent vector and curvature at the line-circle intersection
are continuous9.
The performance of clothoid and other transition curves trajectories can be effectively analyzed by looking
into their curvature profiles. Curvature is an import factor in trajectory designs as it affects the maximum speed
a vehicle can travel without skidding or whether the pilot of an aeroplane suffers blackout as a result of g-forces10.
Also, a valid curve is one which respects upper bound curvature constraints set by kinematics properties of mov-
ing bodies11.
In this paper, we illustrate numerical methods to approach clothoid curves and other transition curves to
model and generate smooth running paths for greyhound racing. We also show galloping greyhound trajectory
performance, relating it to injury rates and track shapes. The paper is organized as follows. Sections one and two
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney, Broadway, 2007, NSW,
Australia. ✉e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
describe greyhound trajectory and trajectory dynamics, respectively. In sections three and four, clothoid transi-
tion generation and approaching ideal clothoid transitions for racing greyhounds are presented. Ideal transition
curves developed for galloping greyhounds are presented in section five. Finally, section six evaluates racing
greyhound trajectory performance for existing tracks.
trajectory of a racing greyhound.
In the greyhound racing industry, the trajectory of a racing greyhound
is oftentimes overlooked for track designs and injury prevention measures despite its significance in dynamic out-
comes for the animal. One key parameter which determines the trajectory of a racing greyhound is the curvature
of its running path. Curvature, κ(s), is the change of heading relative to distance travelled8. Also, the curvature
can be thought of as the inverse of the radius of curvature, which denotes the turning radius at any point in
the path12. Furthermore, a related variable, sharpness α, is the change of curvature for distance travelled which
also forms the basis for constructing continuous curvature path trajectories8. While designing a path, curvature
change must remain smooth throughout the trajectory of a moving object as the centrifugal acceleration expe-
rienced is directly proportional to the path curvature12. As a result, in trajectory generation for motion planning
the smoothness of a trajectory is directly related to the smoothness of its curvature profile13. Likewise, for the path
to be feasible, it must conform to continuous position, heading, as well as curvature at all points8. Now, if the path
of the trajectory is defined by a function y = f(x) then the radius of curvature ρ at any given point can be found
from the following equation:14
ρ =
( )
d y
2 3/2
Then, the curvature is,
= 1
However, if the path of the trajectory cannot be translated into a continuous function, then any three adjacent
data points lying on the path can be used to calculate the radius of curvature at any given point using the circum-
radius of a triangle formula15. The circumradius formula (3) provides the radius of the circumcircle of a triangle
which is inherently cyclic16,17. The triangle is defined by the adjacent data points lying on the path, as shown below
in Fig. 1.
ρ =
R =
Where, a, b, and c denote the three sides of a triangle defined by three adjacent data points on the path, and A is
the area of the triangle.
An ideal racing greyhound trajectory would involve looking into two major control factors, greyhound head-
ing which deals with curvature and sharpness of the running path and greyhound kinetics which deals with the
acceleration/deceleration of a greyhound.
Racing greyhound trajectory dynamics.
The trajectory of a racing greyhound induces dynamic grey-
hound conditions such as centrifugal acceleration, centrifugal jerk, and greyhound heading yaw rate. It also influ-
ences racing greyhound states such as leaning, braking forces as a result of ground reaction force, centripetal
force, stride frequency, and stride length. A sharp discontinuity in any of the dynamic conditions would result in
a significantly unpredictable dynamic imbalance for a racing greyhound. During racing, such a situation would
put a greyhound in considerably uncontrollable situations where there are already racing situations such as con-
gestion and tight bends with variable track cross-falls along the width of the tracks. To design a trajectory for
Figure 1. Calculating an arbitrary path’s instantaneous radius of curvature using data points lying on the path.
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
racing greyhounds which would meet the specific track design goals, the trajectory performance can be evaluated
by looking into two dynamic factors of racing greyhounds namely: centrifugal jerk and yaw rate. These two fac-
tors are highly sensitive to the trajectory performance of an object in motion as both are related to the radius of
curvature of the trajectory.
Modelling centrifugal jerk.
Jerk is the rate change of acceleration. Like centrifugal acceleration, the effect
of jerk is also experienced in the body18. Essentially, jerk is the increasing or decreasing of the force in the body18.
Eager, et al.18 explains the use of jerk as a measure of safety in various disciplines including mechanical engineer-
ing and civil engineering as well as its application in greyhound racing. Lower jerk values are essential as they
indicate that the change in centrifugal acceleration is minimal for a greyhound while it is navigating its trajectory.
For, humans, there are derived maximum acceleration change and corresponding time duration for this change
for roller coaster rides18. No such derivations exist for racing quadrupeds yet. As a result, modelling of the centrif-
ugal jerk for racing animals becomes an essential part of optimum trajectory generation.
The first step to centrifugal jerk analysis is finding the instantaneous radius of the trajectory or calculating the
radius of curvature at all points in the trajectory path. For cars and trains, calculation of the instantaneous radius
of curvature is found by using geometric primitives and splines and approximated using continuous functions as
their respective heading change is continuous. However, for greyhounds, the heading change by the greyhound
is not continuous and expected to occur at every stride. Furthermore, greyhounds are known to have a stride
frequency greater than 3 Hz19. This implies a greyhound would change its heading if required more than three
times a second where the magnitude of each heading change could vary from stride to stride. Therefore, we can
gather all the location coordinate data for strides of a single racing greyhound and calculate the instantaneous
radius of curvature ρ of the racing greyhound using either the circumradius formula (3) or the perpendicular
bisectors method. Then, we can calculate the racing greyhound’s instantaneous centrifugal acceleration from the
instantaneous speed and radius of curvature. Finally, the instantaneous jerk is derived from the rate of change in
the centrifugal acceleration.
Modelling yaw rate.
The yaw rate is the rate change of heading or turning. It relates a racing greyhound’s
angular displacement to its forward speed. It also provides an indication of the stability of the path a racing grey-
hound is taking. For example, it was shown from the race kinematic simulation and race data that racing grey-
hounds’ yaw rate is not smooth immediately after jumping out from the starting boxes20. For a constant radius
curve path, the yaw rate is simply the radius of curvature over speed (4) which is used for calculating a vehicle’s
momentary radius of turn. For a racing greyhound trajectory, the yaw rate can be directly related to the sum of
the lateral forces. A lower yaw rate would indicate lower lateral forces such as centrifugal force and frictional force
acting on a greyhound. To maintain a smooth trajectory, a racing greyhound needs to maintain a smooth yaw
rate. However, since the speed of the racing greyhound varies over time as well as the lateral frictional forces from
the traction ground, maintaining a smooth yaw rate would also require careful balancing of these two factors
while designing tracks to facilitate a smooth trajectory for a racing greyhound.
clothoid track segments for deriving natural racing greyhound trajectory.
The clothoid segment
is a curve known for its curvature being proportional to its length21. This property of the clothoid is useful as it
allows the gradual development of centrifugal acceleration or can act as centrifugal acceleration easement, which
significantly reduces the risk of accidents occurring12. Recent research shows that there are different types of
curves already developed, which can be used as centrifugal acceleration easement curves12. For example, Quintic
polynomial and B-splines functions are computationally less expensive and also able to provide curvature con-
tinuity for curve design13. However, the drawbacks of these functions are complex curvature profiles which are
hard to follow as they are not necessarily smooth13. This is where clothoids are useful as their curvature profile is
a straight line making them easy to follow13. Furthermore, clothoids are characterized by a linear curvature, allow
minimizing of curvature variation where piecewise clothoids exhibit excellent smoothness properties22. For these
fundamental reasons, currently clothoids are extensively found in road design and robot path planning to achieve
smooth transitions in the trajectories22.
We found that clothoids are essential at the race track not only for developing smooth path trajectories but also
for reducing the likelihood of certain types of race dynamics hazards. From the race videos, it was noted that a
greyhound is more likely to change lanes to a higher radius upon entering the first bend. This could be due to the
track bend lacking adequate transition to accommodate for greyhound natural instantaneous yaw rate change and
leaning rate change limits. As a result, the prospect of the greyhound bumping into another nearby greyhound
increases significantly. This specific race dynamic outcome can be reduced or nearly eliminated if the track path
has clothoid segments which match natural greyhound heading turning rate change limits.
Generating clothoid segments for track path design.
There are many methods available for comput-
ing the clothoid. Most methods involve approximations to the clothoid21. For example, it can be approximated
by high degree polynomial curves23, such as by an S-power series24 as well as by an arc spline9. Also, continued
fractions and rational functions are commonly used for approximations9. A more recent development in the
spline primitives found in much computer-aided design software makes it easy to approximate a clothoid while
respecting boundary conditions such as curvature and tangent continuity. Also, spline primitives are known for
good and fast controllability with positional and tangential constraints making them ideal for various applica-
tions22. Each of the methods available results in different degrees of accuracy and may not be suitable for efficient
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
greyhound track path design purposes. This is mainly due to less controllability in generating a clothoid accord-
ing to greyhound kinematics. Moreover, to accommodate the clothoid segment into the path design, a coordinate
respecting system must be incorporated or derived from the existing clothoid methods which respects different
design boundary conditions.
computing clothoid curves using existing methods.
The most common method of computing a
clothoid can be found in its definition in terms of Fresnel integrals24 where it is computed using the Fresnel sine
and cosine functions as shown in Eqs. (5a) and (5b) and using some forms of Taylor series expansions on the
functions which converge for an independent variable8. Series expansion functions are extensively used because
the clothoid defining formulas are transcendental functions21. The parametric plot of Fresnel sine and cosine
functions provides coordinate values of the clothoid curve. However, this does not respect any form of unit scal-
ing or boundary conditions as well as not allowing computing the clothoid for a specific rate of change of cur-
vature, sharpness or smoothing applications. Similarly, Eqs. (6a) and (6b) give an approximation of Fresnel sine
and cosine functions which converge for all independent variables x. Another common method involves utilizing
auxiliary functions8, as shown in Eqs. (7a) and (7b).
( ) = ∫
S x
t dt
sin( )
( ) = ∫
C x
t dt
cos( )
S x
t dt
sin( )
C x
t dt
cos( )
(2 )!(4
Equations (5a) and (5b) then can be written in the auxiliary function form, as shown below:8
C x
f x
g x
( )
S x
f x
g x
( )
Where auxiliary functions f and g are defined as:
f x
S x
C x
( )
g x
C x
S x
( )
Likewise, for auxiliary function definition of the clothoid a good rational approximation to compute the
clothoid is using the following auxiliary functions8.
f x
( )
0 926
1 792
3 104
g x
( )
4 142
3 492
6 670
Moreover, recently, researchers developed more efficient numerical methods where one such method is using
arc length parameterisation12. While analytical methods lack parameterisation for different application case sce-
narios researchers are becoming more reliant on developing numerical techniques for computing the clothoids.
A numerical approach for generating the clothoid curve transitions for racing greyhounds
and other quadrupeds.
It is evident that existing methods lack greyhound kinematic parameterisation
for racing greyhound transition design purposes. A numerical method is generally preferred as a first approach
for incorporating different parametrisation into the clothoid curves. To develop a numerical technique for the
clothoid which incorporates greyhound kinematics variables, we looked into the characteristics of the mathemat-
ical model of the clothoid curve. A clothoid curve transition accomplishes a gradual transition from the straight
to the circular curve of the constant radius where the curvature changes from zero to a finite value. As a result,
the tangent vector ti, which lies on the clothoid curve, also gradually rotates from zero to a finite angle Fig. 2.
Furthermore, let us assume a greyhound changes its heading with every stride as noted from the race data and
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
galloping gait of a greyhound. With these two crucial pieces of information relating to the clothoid curve tangent
vector and the greyhound heading step-change length, we can apply vector transformation to generate a clothoid
curve positional vector Pi Fig. 2. Now, we define the clothoid tangent vector as a function of greyhound stride
length constant as denoted by transition segment length and a variable denoted by transition deflection angle.
The transition deflection angle ai defines the local rotation of the clothoid curve tangent vector at a specific tran-
sition segment location i relative to the horizontal axis. Moreover, as a clothoid curve transition would gradually
increase its curvature with constant curvature acceleration, the transition deflection angle ai is a function of the
transition deflection angle acceleration constant. The transition deflection angle acceleration d defines the rate
change of curvature per transition segment length of the clothoid curve, which essentially tells us how quickly the
clothoid tangent vector rotation is accelerating. Finally, once the transition deflection angle is calculated for local
ith transition segment, the clothoid curve positional vector can be calculated as shown in Fig. 2 and Eq. (11). To
generate the entire clothoid curve for the specified number of transition segments by the constant n the process
of translating and then rotating the clothoid tangent vector is iterated to get the clothoid positional vectors for all
the transition segments. For example, Fig. 3 shows a clothoid curve generated using this method when transition
segment length s equals 1 m, the number of transition segments n equals 250 and transition deflection angle
acceleration d is 0.02 degrees.
d = transition deflection angle acceleration
ai = transition deflection angle relative to horizontal axis
s = transition segment length
n = number of transition segments
ti = transition tangent vector
i = transition segment number
f s a
cos a
sin a
( )
( )
f t P
( ,
= ∑
+ … +
Figure 2. Racing greyhound clothoid path generation using numerical method parameterization.
Figure 3. A clothoid curve with curvature combs containing 250 single meter segments and with a turning
acceleration of 0.02 degrees per segment.
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
Where κ denotes the curvature of the clothoid curve.
Now, for instance, using the numerical method explained above to generate a clothoid curve transition for
racing greyhounds with a transition exit radius of approximately 52 m and a total transition length of 45 m, we
would have to consider the d constant to be 0.69 degrees per transition segment, the s constant to be 5 m (assum-
ing that average stride length of a greyhound is 5 m) and the n constant to be 9. The curvature and jerk results of
this clothoid transition curve for racing greyhounds are shown in Fig. 4. The numerical calculation of ai and Pi is
shown in Table 1.
Using this numerical method approach, we showed how an optimized clothoid curve transition could be
determined numerically by tweaking curve generating factors. The controlling of initial values as set by d, s, and
n allows generating any combination of clothoid curves as required for different kinematic path design goals.
Figure 4. A clothoid curve transition for racing greyhounds with a total 45 m transition length having a an
approximately 52 m turning radius at the end of the transition.
ai (deg. per segment)
Pi X coordinate (m)
Pi Y coordinate (m)
Table 1. Numerically calculated values of ai and Pi variables for a clothoid curve.
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
Designing ideal clothoid segments for racing greyhounds and other quadrupeds.
When design-
ing clothoid segments, it is essential that greyhound heading is not changing at the maximum performable rate
since such a heading would put a greyhound into a limit state turning while maintaining a high speed. An ideal
clothoid segment would have continuous curvature to allow a greyhound to navigate the path with a minimal
amount of veering effort. In the next section, we derive a helper equation which can be used for specifying ideal
clothoid transitions as well as for modelling dynamics for racing greyhounds at the tracks.
Deriving an equation for exact clothoid requirements for racing greyhounds and other quadru-
Equation (3) produced a relationship between greyhound kinematics such as heading turning angle accel-
eration and turning radius at the end of a natural clothoid transition. First, let’s assume for a clothoid transition a
racing greyhound would pass ns number of strides with a constant s meter stride length. Now, if the total clothoid
transition length is T meters, then the number of greyhound strides ns in a transition is given by Eq. (13). Again,
since the length of the greyhound’s strides remains unchanged in the clothoid transition, the greyhound’s turning
angle a in the last stride of the transition can be defined by Eq. (14) if the greyhound heading turning angle is
accelerating with d degrees per stride. Now, to calculate a greyhound’s heading radius of turn R near the end of the
clothoid transition using Eq. (3), we use Heron’s formula (17) to calculate the area of the triangle A (17) formed
by last two greyhound strides s1 and s2. Furthermore, using the cosine rule we calculate the unknown side s of the
triangle formed by the last two greyhound strides s1 and s2. Finally, by plugging in values for R and simplifying the
equation, we reach a final equation form (18) which defines a racing greyhound’s turning radius R at the end of the
clothoid transition in terms of transition length T, greyhound heading turning acceleration a and greyhound con-
stant stride length s. Consequently, as Eq. (18) relates greyhound heading turning parameters to clothoid transition
parameters, which is useful for modelling and designing ideal clothoid transitions for racing greyhounds. In the next
section, we show some of the design and modelling of the clothoid transitions using Eq. (18).
d = transition deflection angle acceleration (per stride)
a = deflection angle of greyhound heading for last greyhound stride
ns = total number of greyhound strides in the transition
s = length of a single stride
R = transition last stride turn radius
T = transition length
ns =
2s s Cos a
1 2
Where s1 and s2 are a racing greyhound’s last two strides in the transition.
Where p is semi-perimeter of the inscribed triangle (Fig. 1) in the circle formed by a racing greyhound’s last two
strides s1 and s2.
p p
clothoid design for constant radius bend.
Every track has a bend radius requirement as calculated from
the physical infrastructure and design goals. If a track requires a 52 m radius bend at the end of the transition,
then using Eq. (18), we find the following expected greyhound kinematics and transition design possibilities as
shown in Table 2. It should be noted that there could be a large number of design outcomes for a single parameter
design such as a design for a specific bend radius. The greyhound yaw rate at the entrance is simply the greyhound
angular displacement rate change per stride times greyhound stride frequency. Also, in generating the folllowing
results racing greyhound speed was assumed to be 19.5 m/s and stride frequency to be 3.5 Hz.
As can be seen from Table 2, each of the clothoid transition possibilities can be applied at different locations at
the track based on the race requirements. For instance, the clothoid transition Design No. 3 can be applied at the
home turn bend exit since the greyhound speed and stride length would be much lower making it possible for a
greyhound to adopt to higher yaw rate and angular displacement acceleration path navigation.
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
clothoid design for greyhound angular displacement rate change limits.
For racing greyhounds
known to have certain angular displacement rate change limits based on greyhound training and health back-
ground histories, using Eq. (18) we can enumerate possible clothoid designs options. For example, if the expected
racing greyhounds have a maximum angular displacement rate change limit of 0.5 deg/stride2, then we can con-
sider the following clothoid transition design options as shown in Table 3.
As can be seen from Table 3, using greyhound angular displacement rate change as a design constraint exhibits
more diverse clothoid transitions in terms of transition length and transition exit bend radius. Design No. 1 shows
that it is possible to have a short transition for a larger radius bend. Likewise, design no. 4 portrays a long transi-
tion for smaller radius bend. As a result, the angular displacement rate based design approach provides excellent
freedom in choosing clothoid transitions based on track requirements.
Modelling of racing greyhound jerk dynamics.
It is possible to calculate jerk exhibited by clothoid
transitions using Eq. (18). Since a clothoid has uniform curvature acceleration, the jerk produced by a clothoid
remains the same for the entire length of the transition. So, we can find jerk value at any arbitrary location in a
clothoid transition to find overall jerk for the transition. For example, if we are interested in the jerk at the end
of a clothoid transition, first we would calculate radius value R for both T and T-s for the transition. Then, we
would calculate corresponding centrifugal acceleration values. Finally, since the jerk is the change in centrifugal
acceleration over time, we simply divide the difference of centrifugal accelerations by the time taken by one
stride. Table 4 presents some example calculations of racing greyhound jerk values for various clothoid transition
designs considering instantaneous greyhound speed to be 19.5 m/s:
An approach to designing ideal transitions for racing greyhounds.
As can be seen from Fig. 4, it
was found that racing greyhound clothoid transition curves have a significant flaw. Although the development of
the curvature is gradual as can be seen from the curvature plot of Fig. 4, the jerk profile is not smooth and almost
jumps instantaneously from zero to a higher value (Fig. 4). This is important, as such a dramatic change of jerk
would impose a high energy release in a short time resulting in considerably unstable conditions for greyhounds
navigating in and out of the transitions. Furthermore, the clothoid curve generation for racing greyhounds using
the numerical method above showed that regardless of transition curve length jerk goes through a step change
within one transition segment or one racing greyhound stride. Consequently, a clothoid curve transition was
deemed not to be an ideal fit for racing greyhound track path designs.
The clothoid transition curve does not maintain a smooth jerk initiation for a racing greyhound. Hence the
curve can only be considered G2 continuous with matching curvature at the entrance and exit of the transition
curve. This imposes several disadvantages in racing greyhound race dynamics at the tracks. For example, we can
Design No.
Clothoid transition
length, T (m)
*Greyhound yaw rate at the
transition entrance (deg/s)
Greyhound angular displacement rate
change per stride, d (deg/stride2)
Greyhound expected
constant stride length, s (m)
Table 2. Clothoid transition options for 52 m radius bend.
Design No.
Clothoid transition
length, T (m)
Radius of constant bent
at the transition end (m)
Greyhound expected
constant stride length, s (m)
Table 3. Clothoid transition options for racing greyhound accelerating with a maximum angular heading
turning of 0.5 degrees per stride2.
Clothoid transition
length, T (m)
Radius of constant bend at
the transition end (m)
Greyhound expected
constant stride length, s (m)
Greyhound angular displacement rate
change per stride, d (deg/stride2)
jerk (m/s3)
Table 4. Clothoid transitions racing greyhound’s jerk modelling using Eq. (18).
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
break down the disadvantages into two main categories, namely clustering related problems and path smoothing,
where each is entangled with the other. The clustering of racing greyhounds is a common issue during races. This
happens mainly due to single lure convergence as a result of the number of following galloping greyhounds. A
tight convergence of the racing greyhound pack is noticeable at race tracks in the locations where track path cur-
vature change is sudden and abrupt. As clustering is a precursor to various dynamics unstable conditions such as
bumping of one greyhound by another, maintaining a smooth path profile such as G3 curvature continuity where
the clustering occurs, becomes vital. As greyhounds follow the racing lure, they occupy different lanes such that
they have different path radii and tend to cut corners forming various individual transitions into the bend which
are all unique. A G2 curvature continuity as found in the clothoid transitions where the rate of change of the jerk
is not smooth would induce all the racing greyhounds following the lure to follow one unique transition into the
bend to keep instantaneous jerk to the minimum. This is not feasible.
To overcome the limitations of clothoid transitions, we applied the numerical method of generating clothoid
curves discussed in the previous section to develop moderate G3 curvature continuity transition curves for racing
greyhounds. Also, two different transition curve configurations were selected for generating the curves as these
configurations best match the many current tracks found in Australia in terms of real estate requirements. The
configurations are a 45 m transition with transition end radius of 52 m and a 75 m transition with transition end
radius of 70 m.
First, we assume ai = X and plot for different X expressions to derive different curves where the curvature
results for the curves are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The X expression defines the nature of curvature function as the
curve length increases from the origin. As seen from the plots (Figs. 5 and 6), when the X expression is linear it is
a clothoid transition where the jerk is initiated immediately within one transition segment for both 45 m and 75 m
transition configurations. To get G3 curvature continuity curves, we tried X0.6, X1.5, X2, and ((1.2)X−1) expres-
sions. As can be seen from the plots, all the curves except the clothoid curve X and X0.6 curve maintain a moderate
G3 curvature continuity with a smooth jerk profile. However, as X expressions are in power and logarithmic func-
tion form for X0.6, X1.5, X2, and ((1.2)X−1) these curves result in higher jerk in the second half of the transition.
This suggested that X1.5, X2, and ((1.2)X−1) curves could be used to develop a G3 curvature continuity transition
curve for racing greyhounds if the jerk could be maintained in the second half of the transition. Thus, we decided
to use these curves as auxiliary curves which would provide smooth jerk initiation for the transition. However,
compared to other curves, the overall jerk and smoothness performance of the X1.5 is optimum.
Here, we generate composite transition curves with various degrees of G3 curvature continuity for racing
greyhound ideal path design. Each composite transition curve generated combines the X1.5 curve as an auxiliary
curve and a clothoid curve as the main curve. So, the overall transition curve generating function can be consid-
ered as a piecewise function shown in Eq. (19) where the auxiliary curve function g is applicable until q transition
segment is reached.
f x
g x
z x
( )
( )
x =
y d i
( , )
Figure 7 shows curvature and jerk results for four different composite curves as ideal transitions for racing
greyhounds, plotted using the numerical method explained in the earlier section, the configurations for these
composite curves are given in Table 5.
As can be seen from Fig. 7, composite transition curves have strong advantages over pure clothoid transition
in terms of curvature and jerk continuities and excellent moderate G3 continuity for the first half of the transition.
The overall instantaneous jerk is significantly lower in the composite curve transitions compared to clothoid tran-
sitions. This is because the window of jerk initiation is much longer in composite curve transitions because of the
gradual development of jerk and on average it is four transition segments or four greyhound strides compared to
just one stride in the clothoid transitions.
Greyhound racing data results
A racing greyhound getting injured at the tracks provides an indication of its overall racing trajectory perfor-
mance. Also, we can analyze the trajectory of a racing greyhound at the tracks to measure track path performance.
Below, we present two such case scenarios by analyzing racing greyhound track data and injury rates.
Race injury data results for track path renovation.
In the greyhound racing track path design, it
was found that only circular arcs (constant curvature) and lines (zero curvature) were used extensively despite
non-continuous curvature resulting at the segment intersections25. A discontinuity in the curvature implies that a
greyhound must change its heading instantaneously and abruptly resulting in a path which is not feasible8. Also,
track survey data from Australia shows that a brief transition is applied, made of an arc spline consisting of one or
more circular arcs joined with continuous tangent vectors. This particular design practice also leads to multiple
discontinuities in track path curvature.
We looked into one particular greyhound racing track (Track A) located in Australia and its two years of
racing history. In the first year, it had a track path design with G1 continuity constituting half-circle bends and
straights (Fig. 8). In the second racing year, the track was renovated with clothoid curve transitions into and out
of the constant radius bends (Fig. 9). A 40 m clothoid transition was adjoined between a straight and a constant
bend section for four bend and straight intersections. The outcome of this clothoid transition incorporation into
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
the original track path design eases centrifugal acceleration effect on the greyhounds where the centrifugal force
is raised gradually from zero to an approximate nominal 240 N (Fig. 9). The renovation at Track A definitely
would have changed centrifugal jerk performance significantly as the clothoid curve joining straights and bends
would maintain G2 curvature continuity for the track path. To see whether this resulted in a significant decrease
in racing injury rates, injury data for a two-year period were analyzed containing one year injury data for before
and after renovation. By assuming differences in other contributing factors to injury rates such as variations in
weather, track maintaining conditions, different greyhound breeds and training patterns, race operating condi-
tions between the years were minimal the injury rates should show general trends due to track path renovation
changes. We found that before the clothoid intervention at Track A the normalized catastrophic and major injury
Figure 5. Different smooth curves curvature and jerk results as 45 m transition curves for greyhound racing.
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
rate per 1000 race starts was about 4.58 whereas after the clothoid intervention it was reduced to 4.22, a 7.9%
reduction in this category of injury rates. Typically, this category of injury results from significant damage to
greyhound physics. However, when we took into account all types of injuries at Track A for before and after
the renovation, the normalized injury rates per 1000 race starts reduced to 26.71 from 44.68 injuries, a 40.2%
reduction in overall injuries due to clothoid implementation at the track. Furthermore, under all injury types the
most commonly occurring injury is happening in the greyhound forelegs responsible for turning assist for dog’s
navigation. Metacarpal fractures and tibial fractures due to torsional stress occurring in the forelegs indicate
navigational work stress on the greyhounds.
Figure 6. Different smooth curves curvature and jerk results as 75 m transition curves for greyhound racing.
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
curvature of racing greyhound trajectory.
Like any path following object, a racing greyhound has lim-
itations of the radius of curvature or extrema of curvature for its running path. Also, when a racing greyhound
runs following a track path which has curvature discontinuity or non-optimal transitions, a deviation in the
greyhound’s position occurs from the projected track path trajectory. This phenomenon was observed in the
greyhound location data in the races. Furthermore, numerical racing greyhound simulations confirmed that
Figure 7. Four different straight to bend curvature graphs and jerk results for ideal racing greyhound transition
Composite curve
configuration No.
Transition deflection
angle acceleration for
auxiliary curve (deg.)
Transition deflection angle
acceleration for main
clothoid curve (deg.)
Total transition
length (m)
Transition exit
radius (m)
Table 5. Kinematic and shape properties for four straight to bend composite curve transitions.
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
when a greyhound is following the line of sight of a lure, its yaw rate gradually builds up for the bend for a track
shape which is less circular5. To see if there is any difference between racing greyhound path trajectory to track
path, we analyzed racing greyhound location tracking data for a track which has non-optimal transition length to
reduce the jerk magnitude. From the racing greyhound location tracking data and track survey data, we generated
curvature results for both racing greyhound trajectory and track path (Fig. 10). The greyhound location data for
all greyhounds starts were averaged to plot the results where ten races or eighty starts were considered to plot the
results below. As can be seen from the curvature plot, there is a significant difference between racing greyhound
trajectory and track path. This indicates racing greyhounds deviating from the track path to accommodate a more
natural trajectory according to their physics. Also, it was observed from the analysis that transitions occurring in
racing greyhound trajectory is relatively gradual and longer as indicated by the green dashed marker compared
to the black dashed marker for track path.
This paper presents a numerical method for generating racing greyhound clothoid transitions for track path designs
along with an equation for modelling any kind of clothoid curves. The numerical technique is robust and can be
algorithmically controlled to achieve defined goals compared to existing approaches for designing racing greyhound
clothoid transitions. Moreover, it can be extended to function as a generator of other curves rather than just clothoid
curves. By looking into jerk modelling data, an ideal transition curve is presented suitable for racing greyhound
track path designs which overcomes limitations set by clothoid transitions. The effect of clothoid transitions in an
existing track was verified by measuring injury rates over a two-year period. The trajectory of racing greyhounds in
an existing track with inadequate transitions was analyzed to show non-optimum track path conditions.
Finally, this paper showed evidence through modelling and injury data that clothoid and other composite
curves improve racing dynamics safety for racing greyhounds. Furthermore, the methods presented here can
also be used in designing and modelling trajectories for other moving bodies, including but not limited to horses,
vehicles and trains.
Figure 8. Track path curvature as shown by curvature combs for Track A with G1 curvature continuity for
Figure 9. Track path curvature as shown by curvature combs for Track A with G2 curvature continuity for
Figure 10. Track path and greyhounds trajectory curvature comparison.
Scientific RepoRtS | (2020) 10:7088 |
Received: 1 December 2019; Accepted: 2 April 2020;
Published: xx xx xxxx
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This work was sponsored by Greyhound Racing NSW, Australia and Faculty of Engineering and Information
Technology at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. The authors would also like to acknowledge the
support of Greyhound Racing Victoria for providing the greyhound location tracking and track survey data.
The research was funded by Greyhound Racing NSW research grant “Identifying optimal greyhound race track
design for canine safety and welfare Phase II”.
Author contributions
MIH conceived of the presented idea, developed the theoretical framework, performed the analytic calculations
and performed the numerical modelling and simulations to derive the results. DE conceived of the presented
idea, supervised the project and reviewed the manuscript. PW reviewed the manuscript.
competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.I.H.
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© The Author(s) 2020
| Greyhound racing ideal trajectory path generation for straight to bend based on jerk rate minimization. | 04-27-2020 | Hossain, Md Imam,Eager, David,Walker, Paul D | eng |
PMC7551623 | nutrients
Sex-Dependent Wheel Running Effects on High Fat
Diet Preference, Metabolic Outcomes, and
Performance on the Barnes Maze in Rats
Tiffany Y. Yang 1, Zijun Gao 1
and Nu-Chu Liang 1,2,3,*
Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign,
Champaign, IL 61820, USA; [email protected] (T.Y.Y.); [email protected] (Z.G.)
Division of Nutritional Sciences, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences,
University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Neuroscience Program, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-(217)-244-7873
Received: 22 July 2020; Accepted: 30 August 2020; Published: 5 September 2020
Abstract: Excessive and prolonged intake of highly palatable, high fat (HF) foods contributes to
the pathogenesis of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cognitive impairment. Exercise can restore
energy homeostasis and suppress HF diet preference in rats. However, it is unclear if exercise confers
similar protection against the detrimental outcomes associated with a chronic HF diet preference
and feeding in both sexes. We used our wheel running (WR) and two-diet choice (chow vs. HF)
paradigm to investigate the efficacy of exercise in reversing HF diet-associated metabolic and cognitive
dysregulation in rats, hypothesizing that beneficial effects of exercise would be more pronounced in
males. All WR rats showed HF diet avoidance upon running initiation, and males, but not females,
had a prolonged reduction in HF diet preference. Moreover, exercise only improved glucose tolerance
and insulin profile in males. Compared to sedentary controls, all WR rats improved learning to
escape on the Barnes maze. Only WR females increased errors made during subsequent reversal
learning trials, indicating a sex-dependent effect of exercise on behavioral flexibility. Taken together,
our results suggest that exercise is more effective at attenuating HF-associated metabolic deficits in
males, and highlights the importance of developing sex-specific treatment interventions for obesity
and cognitive dysfunction.
Keywords: high fat diet; wheel running; oral glucose tolerance test; Barnes maze
1. Introduction
In the United States, ~65% of adults are either overweight or obese presenting with chronic
illnesses (e.g., cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cancer) that can be partially
attributed to diet composition [1,2]. The shift in the types of food consumed and their nutritional
qualities are associated with the change in environment (e.g., industrialization), including the
development of agriculture, food processing, and animal husbandry [3]. Consumption of refined sugars
(e.g., high-fructose corn syrup) and saturated fats has steadily increased [4–6] and has been termed
the “Western diet,” which contains ~40% calories from both carbohydrates and fats [7]. Moreover,
the modern environment favors a sedentary lifestyle and facilitates easy access to these highly processed,
palatable, energy dense foods which tend to have higher glycemic loads [8] than unrefined foods and
pose a threat to metabolic [9–12] and cognitive health [13].
The overconsumption of high fat (HF) food is associated with weight gain and increased abdominal
adiposity, which contributes to development of peripheral metabolic dysregulation and cognitive
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721; doi:10.3390/nu12092721
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
2 of 22
deficits [13–15]. Exercise appears to be more effective than diet control at improving metabolic
function [16]. People who are successful at maintaining long-term weight loss report high physical
activity and a diet low in fat composition [17,18]. Rodent studies show that males consistently decrease
food intake in response to exercise [19–22] whereas results are more variable in females [21–23].
In contrast, the majority of human studies focus on changes in food intake following acute rather than
long-term exercise, and the response to exercise is highly variable in both sexes [24–29]. Although
women may lose less weight than men during long-term exercise [30–33], there has been limited
research to elucidate sex differences in exercise-related changes in energy intake and expenditure [34,35].
Therefore, it is unclear how closely sex differences in energy intake and macronutrient preference
during exercise in humans parallel the rodent literature.
Furthermore, compared with caloric
restriction-mediated weight loss, exercise training-mediated weight loss led to greater decreases in
visceral fat and hepatic insulin resistance in obese men and women [36]. Exercise can produce a
modest improvement on peripheral glucose metabolism even without significant changes in body
mass and composition. For example, short-term running exercise was able to reduce fasting glucose
and portal vein free fatty acids in sucrose-fed rats without a concomitant reduction in adiposity [37].
Increasing the duration of running from four to 12 weeks in rats resulted in decreased mesenteric
and subcutaneous fat in addition to increased insulin sensitivity and greater improvement in their
overall metabolic profile [37]. Thus, while exercise can attenuate obesity-related insulin resistance,
there may be an additive effect of exercise and adiposity loss on significantly improving peripheral
insulin resistance.
Diets high in fat composition have been implicated in affecting cognitive performance in both
humans [38] and rodents [39]. More specifically, chronic HF feeding has been shown to impair
hippocampal-dependent spatial learning and memory in rodent models [39–44]. Given that exercise
has been shown to enhance cognition [45–47], it may also be able to attenuate HF-induced performance
deficits. Indeed, studies have found that exercise, [48–52] but not dietary supplementation [52], reverses
HF-mediated cognitive impairment. Most studies focus on diet-induced deficits in hippocampal
However, beyond learning and memory, HF diet can also alter prefrontal cortex
(PFC)-mediated executive function, including behavioral flexibility [15,42,53,54]. Deficits in behavioral
flexibility can manifest prior to the development of HF-induced insulin resistance [55]. These deficits
in behavioral flexibility may result in the inability to appropriately adapt dietary choices to external
environmental and internal visceral cues and consequently, promote rigid diet choices in a viscous
cycle that facilitates the development of obesity [56,57]. The few studies that examined PFC-dependent
cognition found that HF feeding led to deficits in behavioral flexibility in rats [15,42,53,54]. Importantly,
decreased behavioral flexibility was correlated with decreased insulin sensitivity but not body weight
or plasma glucose level [54]. Dietary [58,59], but not drug [60], interventions are able to attenuate these
HF diet-induced cognitive impairments. Taken together, these studies suggest that HF diet and insulin
resistance may interact to promote the development and maintenance of cognitive rigidity.
Sex differences in HF-induced deficits in metabolic and cognitive function may differentially
affect the cognitive control of feeding behavior in males and females. The metabolic [61–64] and
cognitive [65–67] outcomes of HF feeding appear to be more deleterious in males than females in
both humans and rodents. However, obesity-related deficits, specifically in the domain of cognitive
flexibility, are greater in women than men [68]. In contrast, HF-mediated deficits in behavioral flexibility
are more pronounced in male rats compared to females [65–67]. Notably, both the human [69–73]
and rodent [74–76] literature suggests that males are more responsive to the beneficial effects of
exercise. Thus, exercise may more readily counteract the detrimental effects of HF-feeding in males
than females. While exercise has some efficacy at counteracting HF-mediated cognitive decline in
rodents [16,36–39,48,50,52], studies primarily focus on behaviors mediated by the hippocampus [48,50]
rather than the PFC [49] and rarely include both sexes within the same experiment for the direct
assessment of sex differences. Thus, whether exercise is able to attenuate functional dysregulation of
the PFC to the same extent in both male and female rats is unclear.
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To our knowledge, no study has investigated the efficacy of exercise at reversing HF-induced
deficits in metabolic and executive function in rats of both sexes, which could provide insight into the
development of sex-specific prevention and treatment options. Furthermore, most rodent models lack a
dietary choice component so the relationships between diet preference, exercise, and metabolic function
are rarely explored. To address the gap in knowledge, rats underwent our established WR and two-diet
choice protocol for six weeks, a period of time which is sufficient to induce diet-induced obesity [77].
With this long-term HF diet exposure, we examined if higher HF diet preference increases susceptibility
to the adverse effects of HF diet, and whether exercise can lead to similar HF-diet associated alterations
in metabolic profile and cognitive performance in male and female rats. We hypothesized that chronic
HF feeding would impair peripheral metabolic function and PFC-mediated behavioral flexibility in
a Barnes maze [58,78] to a greater extent in female than male rats that have a preference for HF diet.
Furthermore, we hypothesized that exercise would have a greater efficacy at attenuating the adverse
effects HF diet exposure in males compared to females.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects
The subjects included 24 male (250–275 g) and 24 female (150–175 g) Sprague-Dawley rats
(Envigo, Indianapolis, IN, USA) that were ~7–8 weeks old upon arrival. Rats were group housed
on a standard 12:12 light-dark cycle (lights on at 0700 h). During habituation, rats had ad lib access
to a standard chow diet (chow; Teklad global 2018, Teklad Diets, Madison, WI, USA) and tap water.
See Table 1 for details about macronutrient sources. During the experimental period, rats had diet
choice between the standard, high carbohydrate chow and a novel 45% HF diet (HF; D12451, Research
Diets, New Brunswick, NJ, USA). All groups were fed ad libitum.
Table 1. Diet composition.
Teklad 2018
(3.1 kcal/g)
45% HF Diet
(4.74 kcal/g)
% kcal
% kcal
Other carbohydrates
% kcal
% kcal
Saturated fats
% of total fat (wt)
Monounsaturated fats
% of total fat (wt)
Polyunsaturated fats
% of total fat (wt)
All experimental procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Protocol #16178) and are in accordance with the
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals [79].
2.2. Procedures
2.2.1. Wheel Running and Two-Diet Choice
Daily recording of body weight, food, and water intake occurred at 0800 h. Running activity was
Oakmont, PA, USA). After habituation, sedentary (Sed) rats were moved to standard individual housing
cages that included cotton nesting materials as enrichment, while wheel running (WR) rats were transferred
to running wheel cages (13” diameter wheel; Mini Mitter, Starr Life Sciences, Oakmont, PA, USA) with
the wheel locked for a 4-day acclimatization period. After this 4-day period, a novel 45% HF diet was
introduced to all rats 2 h before dark onset (1700 h) during which running wheels were simultaneously
unlocked for the WR rats. The sample size, n = 10–11 for Sed groups and n = 13–14 for WR groups,
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
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was determined based on our previous studies using the same two-diet choice and wheel running
paradigm [80]. The observed power with such a sample size was ≥0.80, which is the typical cutoff used
for power analyses. The wheel running and two-diet choice procedures continued for ~6 weeks after
which the rats were sacrificed (Figure 1). Retroperitoneal, mesenteric, and gonadal fat pads were dissected
and weighed after sacrifice.
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same two-diet choice and wheel running paradigm [80]. The observed power with such a sample size
was ≥0.80, which is the typical cutoff used for power analyses. The wheel running and two-diet choice
procedures continued for ~6 weeks after which the rats were sacrificed (Figure 1). Retroperitoneal,
mesenteric, and gonadal fat pads were dissected and weighed after sacrifice.
Figure 1. Experimental timeline. Sed: sedentary, WR: wheel running; HF: high fat; OGTT: oral glucose
tolerance test.
2.2.2. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
Two OGTTs were performed for this experiment, one at baseline and one after HF diet exposure
(post-HF) to examine within-group effects of HF diet on glucose tolerance. Baseline OGTT was
performed the day before the wheels were unlocked (day 0), and post-HF OGTT was performed the
day of sacrifice (day 44), which was two days after the end of the Barnes maze. The day before both
OGTTs, food was removed ~3 h after dark onset (2200 h) where rats would have eaten ≥60% of their
daily food intake. Rats were only moderately fasted because complete overnight fasting enhances
insulin-stimulated glucose utilization, and we were interested in assessing insulin action in a more
physiological context [81,82]. After the baseline/fasting blood glucose (0 min) measurement and tail
blood collection, rats underwent a glucose challenge where they were orally gavaged with 2 g/kg of
20% glucose dissolved in distilled water. Tail blood was collected from the same tail nick made
during baseline sampling at 15, 30, 60, and 120 min time points from the time they were gavaged.
Blood glucose levels were also measured at these time points using a handheld glucometer
(AlphaTRAK2, Abbott, Abbott Park, IL, USA). Tail blood was centrifuged at 870 × g for 15 min at 4
°C. For each sampling time point, ~25 µL of plasma was collected and stored at −80 °C until the
samples were processed for plasma insulin concentrations using the Rat Ultrasensitive Insulin ELISA
(ALPCO, Salem, NH, USA) according to manufacturers’ protocol.
Blood glucose and plasma insulin data from the baseline and post-HF OGTT was used to assess
insulin sensitivity [83] with the following two methods: (1) Hepatic insulin resistance was calculated
using the homeostasis model assessment method for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) model [84] and
(2) peripheral insulin resistance was calculated using Gutt’s index of insulin sensitivity (ISI0,120) [85].
fasting insulin (μU
ml) × fasting glucose (mmol
glucose load (mg) + (glucose0 min − glucose120 min (mg
L )) × 0.19 × body weight (kg)
120 × log (
insulin0 min + insulin120 min (mU
L )
) + (
glucose0 min + glucose120 min (mmol
2.2.3. Barnes Maze
Figure 1. Experimental timeline. Sed: sedentary, WR: wheel running; HF: high fat; OGTT: oral glucose
tolerance test.
2.2.2. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
Two OGTTs were performed for this experiment, one at baseline and one after HF diet exposure
(post-HF) to examine within-group effects of HF diet on glucose tolerance. Baseline OGTT was
performed the day before the wheels were unlocked (day 0), and post-HF OGTT was performed the
day of sacrifice (day 44), which was two days after the end of the Barnes maze. The day before both
OGTTs, food was removed ~3 h after dark onset (2200 h) where rats would have eaten ≥60% of their
daily food intake. Rats were only moderately fasted because complete overnight fasting enhances
insulin-stimulated glucose utilization, and we were interested in assessing insulin action in a more
physiological context [81,82]. After the baseline/fasting blood glucose (0 min) measurement and tail
blood collection, rats underwent a glucose challenge where they were orally gavaged with 2 g/kg of
20% glucose dissolved in distilled water. Tail blood was collected from the same tail nick made during
baseline sampling at 15, 30, 60, and 120 min time points from the time they were gavaged. Blood
glucose levels were also measured at these time points using a handheld glucometer (AlphaTRAK2,
Abbott, Abbott Park, IL, USA). Tail blood was centrifuged at 870× g for 15 min at 4 ◦C. For each
sampling time point, ~25 µL of plasma was collected and stored at −80 ◦C until the samples were
processed for plasma insulin concentrations using the Rat Ultrasensitive Insulin ELISA (ALPCO, Salem,
NH, USA) according to manufacturers’ protocol.
Blood glucose and plasma insulin data from the baseline and post-HF OGTT was used to
assess insulin sensitivity [83] with the following two methods: (1) Hepatic insulin resistance was
calculated using the homeostasis model assessment method for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) model [84]
and (2) peripheral insulin resistance was calculated using Gutt’s index of insulin sensitivity (ISI0,120) [85].
fasting insulin
× fasting glucose
glucose load (mg)+(glucose0 min−glucose120 min (
L ))×0.19×body weight (kg)
insulin0 min+insulin120 min( mU
L )
glucose0 min+glucose120 min( mmol
L )
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2.2.3. Barnes Maze
During the last week of the WR and two-diet choice period, all rats were trained on the Barnes
maze starting 2.5 h after light onset (0930 h). A concealed overhead-mounted camera aimed directly at
the center of the maze was used to film each trial, which was operated using a computer from the
adjacent room. The Barnes maze was 99 cm high and 122 cm in diameter, with 20 evenly spaced holes
that were 10 cm in diameter and 2 cm away from the edge. The apparatus was mounted on a rotatable
wooden support system that allowed the maze to be rotated 360◦. The escape box (30 × 12.5 × 14.5 cm)
was mounted underneath one hole with a 20◦ incline ramp. The location of five visuospatial cues was
held constant during training and reversal learning. For both training and reversal learning trials,
a trail ended when the rat entered the escape box or after the allotted time had elapsed. The maze
and escape box were cleaned using a non-alcohol-based coverage spray between each rat to eliminate
odor cues.
After daily care, rats were single caged in standard tubs and moved to the room adjacent to the
testing room for at least 1 h of habituation prior to testing. There were 4 trials/day during training
(total of 16 trials) with 4 different starting locations (Figure 2). Rats were placed on the edge of the
maze facing the wall/away from the center of the maze. All rats finished a trial at the first starting
location with an inter-trial interval of 30 min before being tested at the second starting location. In other
words, all rats completed a trial from the same starting location before the next round of trials began.
The order of the starting locations remained the same for each training day. Rats were given 90 s to
find the escape box, and if a rat failed to find the escape box within the allotted time, they were gently
guided into the box, which was then covered. Rats were allowed to remain in the escape box for 15 s
before being returned to their home cage.
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During the last week of the WR and two-diet choice period, all rats were trained on the Barnes
maze starting 2.5 h after light onset (0930 h). A concealed overhead-mounted camera aimed directly
at the center of the maze was used to film each trial, which was operated using a computer from the
adjacent room. The Barnes maze was 99 cm high and 122 cm in diameter, with 20 evenly spaced holes
that were 10 cm in diameter and 2 cm away from the edge. The apparatus was mounted on a rotatable
wooden support system that allowed the maze to be rotated 360°. The escape box (30 × 12.5 × 14.5
cm) was mounted underneath one hole with a 20° incline ramp. The location of five visuospatial cues
was held constant during training and reversal learning. For both training and reversal learning trials,
a trail ended when the rat entered the escape box or after the allotted time had elapsed. The maze
and escape box were cleaned using a non-alcohol-based coverage spray between each rat to eliminate
odor cues.
After daily care, rats were single caged in standard tubs and moved to the room adjacent to the
testing room for at least 1 h of habituation prior to testing. There were 4 trials/day during training
(total of 16 trials) with 4 different starting locations (Figure 2). Rats were placed on the edge of the
maze facing the wall/away from the center of the maze. All rats finished a trial at the first starting
location with an inter-trial interval of 30 min before being tested at the second starting location. In
other words, all rats completed a trial from the same starting location before the next round of trials
began. The order of the starting locations remained the same for each training day. Rats were given
90 s to find the escape box, and if a rat failed to find the escape box within the allotted time, they were
gently guided into the box, which was then covered. Rats were allowed to remain in the escape box
for 15 s before being returned to their home cage.
On the fifth day of the Barnes maze, rats were placed at the center of the maze facing away from
the escape box for a probe trial to ensure they learned the task. The procedures were the same from
testing. After the probe trial, the escape box was rotated 180°, but none of the visuospatial cues were
moved. For the 3 reversal learning trials with 30 min inter-trial intervals, rats were given 150 s to
locate the new location of the escape box and were gently guided in if they failed to find the escape
box and allowed to remain in the box for 15 s.
Figure 2. Barnes maze. Starting locations on the Barnes maze for training and reversal learning trials.
(A) Rats underwent 4 trails/day during training. (B) On the testing day, rats went through a probe
trial to assess task acquisition and 3 reversal learning trials to assess behavioral flexibility.
2.3. Statistical Analysis
Figure 2. Barnes maze. Starting locations on the Barnes maze for training and reversal learning trials.
(A) Rats underwent 4 trails/day during training. (B) On the testing day, rats went through a probe trial
to assess task acquisition and 3 reversal learning trials to assess behavioral flexibility.
On the fifth day of the Barnes maze, rats were placed at the center of the maze facing away from
the escape box for a probe trial to ensure they learned the task. The procedures were the same from
testing. After the probe trial, the escape box was rotated 180◦, but none of the visuospatial cues were
moved. For the 3 reversal learning trials with 30 min inter-trial intervals, rats were given 150 s to locate
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
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the new location of the escape box and were gently guided in if they failed to find the escape box and
allowed to remain in the box for 15 s.
2.3. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using Statistica 13.3 (TIBCO, Palo Alto, CA, USA). Data are
presented as the mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Post hoc Fisher’s LSD tests were performed
when significant main effects or interactions were identified.
For the WR and two-diet choice portion, raw data included weekly averages of body weight,
energy intake, and running activity. These measures were analyzed separately using 3-way mixed
model ANOVAs with sex (male vs. female) and exercise (Sed vs. WR) as between-subject factors and
time (6 weekly averages) as the within-subject factor. Diet choice was analyzed using a 4-way mixed
model ANOVA with sex and exercise as the between-subject factors and diet (chow vs. HF) and time
(6 weekly averages) as the within-subject factors.
Raw data from OGTT included plasma glucose and insulin measurements. Baseline OGTT and
post-HF OGTT results were analyzed separately using a 3-way mixed model ANOVAs with sex and
exercise as between-subject factors, and time (0, 15, 30, 60, and 120 min) as the within-subjects factor.
Glucose and insulin area under curve (AUC) results were analyzed separately using a 2-way mixed
model ANOVA with sex and exercise as the between-subject factors and time (baseline vs. post-HF) as
the within-subjects factor. Two measures of insulin sensitivity were first calculated using HOMA-IR
and ISI0,120 and then analyzed separately using a 2-way mixed model ANOVA with sex and exercise
as the between-subject factors and time (baseline vs. post-HF) as the within-subject factor. A 2-way
ANOVA with sex and exercise as the between-subject factors was performed to analyze trunk plasma
insulin levels at the termination of the experiment. In addition, separate correlation analyses were
performed to determine if there was an association between glucose AUC during OGTT, insulin AUC
during OGTT, and trunk plasma insulin levels with average HF diet preference ratio.
For the Barnes maze, the training days were manually scored for latency to enter the escape box
and errors. The test day was manually scored for the same measures. An error was counted each time
the rat checked a hole other than the one leading to the escape box by poking its nose into the hole.
At least two individuals video scored the training and testing portion of the Barnes maze for all rats.
Training and testing data were analyzed using a 3-way mixed model ANOVA with sex and exercise as
between-subject factors and trial (daily average) as the within-subject factor.
3. Results
3.1. Wheel Running and Two-Diet Choice
Sedentary rats decreased HF diet intake and increased chow intake across time whereas WR
rats expressed the opposite diet choice pattern (time × diet × exercise F (5,220) = 37.35, p < 0.001;
Figure 3A–D). Upon initial access to the two-diet choice, Sed rats showed extreme preference for the
HF diet whereas WR rats avoided it. Subsequently, these opposite diet choice patterns were reflected
as Sed rats decreased and WR rats increased HF diet preference over time (time × exercise F (5,220)
= 42.28, p < 0.001; Figure 3E,F). Furthermore, HF diet preference did not appear to be influenced by
sex, i.e., all WR females and 12 out of 14 WR males reversed HF diet avoidance (sex F (1,44) = 1.63,
p > 0.20). However, when examining the average ratios of HF diet preference across the duration of
two-diet choice, nine out of 14 WR males had a HF diet preference ratio < 0.5, which indicates that they
preferred HF to chow diet for less than half of the six weeks choice period. In addition, WR females
reversed HF diet avoidance earlier than males and expressed greater preference for HF diet (time × sex
× exercise F (5,220) = 3.92, p < 0.05).
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Figure 3. Diet choice and HF diet preference ratios in males (M, left) and females (F, right). WR rats
expressed opposite diet choice patterns from their Sed controls. The vertical and horizontal dashed
red lines denote the start of the two-diet choice and WR period and preference for HF diet where any
value greater than 0.5 indicates a preference for HF diet, respectively. (A,B) Sedentary male rats
maintained higher intake of HF than chow diet throughout the experiment whereas there was a two-
week period in which Sed females did not show a preference for either diet. * chow vs. HF, p < 0.05.
(C,D) Both male and female WR rats increased HF diet intake across time. The reversal of HF diet
avoidance occurred earlier in females than males. * chow vs. HF, p < 0.05. (E,F) HF diet preference
went in opposite directions among Sed and WR rats in both sexes. * Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05.
Figure 3. Diet choice and HF diet preference ratios in males (M, left) and females (F, right). WR rats
expressed opposite diet choice patterns from their Sed controls. The vertical and horizontal dashed red
lines denote the start of the two-diet choice and WR period and preference for HF diet where any value
greater than 0.5 indicates a preference for HF diet, respectively. (A,B) Sedentary male rats maintained
higher intake of HF than chow diet throughout the experiment whereas there was a two-week period in
which Sed females did not show a preference for either diet. * chow vs. HF, p < 0.05. (C,D) Both male
and female WR rats increased HF diet intake across time. The reversal of HF diet avoidance occurred
earlier in females than males. * chow vs. HF, p < 0.05. (E,F) HF diet preference went in opposite
directions among Sed and WR rats in both sexes. * Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05.
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3.2. Running Activity and Energy Intake
Females ran more than males, and both sexes showed an inverted-U trend in running activity
where running activity peaked and then decreased to baseline levels (time × sex F (5,125) = 9.73,
p < 0.001; Figure 4A). There were sex-specific adaptations in energy intake to exercise (sex × exercise
F (1,440) = 28.26, p < 0.001) across time (time × sex × exercise F (5,220) = 4.97, p < 0.001; Figure 4B).
WR led to an initial decrease in total energy intake in males after which they increased food intake,
but total energy intake was not different among Sed and WR males (post hoc p > 0.15). Conversely,
female WR rats increased their total energy intake earlier than males and had significantly higher
energy intake than their Sed counterparts (post hoc p < 0.001).
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3.2. Running Activity and Energy Intake
Females ran more than males, and both sexes showed an inverted-U trend in running activity
where running activity peaked and then decreased to baseline levels (time × sex F (5,125) = 9.73, p <
0.001; Figure 4A). There were sex-specific adaptations in energy intake to exercise (sex × exercise F
(1,440) = 28.26, p < 0.001) across time (time × sex × exercise F (5,220) = 4.97, p < 0.001; Figure 4B). WR
led to an initial decrease in total energy intake in males after which they increased food intake, but
total energy intake was not different among Sed and WR males (post hoc p > 0.15). Conversely, female
WR rats increased their total energy intake earlier than males and had significantly higher energy
intake than their Sed counterparts (post hoc p < 0.001).
Figure 4. Running activity and total energy intake. (A) Female rats ran more than males, and both
sexes showed and inverted-U trend in running activity. * Male vs. female, p < 0.05. (B) Female, but not
male, running rats had higher energy intake than their Sed counterparts. * Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05.
3.3. Body Weight and Adiposity
Exercise-mediated changes in total daily energy intake resulted in suppressed body weight gain
in both males and females (exercise F (1,44) = 29.16, p < 0.001). Although exercise suppressed weight
gain in females (Figure 5A), the difference in percent weight gain between Sed and WR rats at the
end of the experiment was 10% in males and only 2% in females. The difference in body weight was
reflected in fat composition. Exercise led to decreased retroperitoneal and mesenteric fat (exercise F
(1,44) = 11.62 and 10.47, respectively, both p < 0.01) in both sexes (sex x exercise F (1,44) = 1.26 and
3.68, respectively, both p > 0.06; Figure 5B). Although the sex x exercise interaction did not reach
statistical significance in the mesenteric fat pad (p = 0.061), post hoc tests indicate that the effect of
exercise was driven by males. For the gonadal fat pad, there was a sex x exercise interaction where
exercise resulted in a loss of gonadal fat only in males (F (1,44) = 8.16, p < 0.01; post hoc male Sed vs.
WR p < 0.01 and female Sed vs. WR p > 0.49).
Figure 4. Running activity and total energy intake. (A) Female rats ran more than males, and both
sexes showed and inverted-U trend in running activity. * Male vs. female, p < 0.05. (B) Female, but not
male, running rats had higher energy intake than their Sed counterparts. * Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05.
3.3. Body Weight and Adiposity
Exercise-mediated changes in total daily energy intake resulted in suppressed body weight gain in
both males and females (exercise F (1,44) = 29.16, p < 0.001). Although exercise suppressed weight gain
in females (Figure 5A), the difference in percent weight gain between Sed and WR rats at the end of the
experiment was 10% in males and only 2% in females. The difference in body weight was reflected in
fat composition. Exercise led to decreased retroperitoneal and mesenteric fat (exercise F (1,44) = 11.62
and 10.47, respectively, both p < 0.01) in both sexes (sex x exercise F (1,44) = 1.26 and 3.68, respectively,
both p > 0.06; Figure 5B). Although the sex x exercise interaction did not reach statistical significance
in the mesenteric fat pad (p = 0.061), post hoc tests indicate that the effect of exercise was driven by
males. For the gonadal fat pad, there was a sex x exercise interaction where exercise resulted in a loss
of gonadal fat only in males (F (1,44) = 8.16, p < 0.01; post hoc male Sed vs. WR p < 0.01 and female
Sed vs. WR p > 0.49).
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Figure 5. Body weight and fat composition. (A) Exercise suppressed body weight in both sexes;
however, this effect was more pronounced in males. * Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05. (B) Exercise led to
decreased retroperitoneal, mesenteric, and gonadal fat in males and decreased only retroperitoneal
adiposity in females. * Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05.
3.4. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
At chow only baseline (BL), there were no group differences in glucose clearance following an
oral glucose challenge (time × sex × exercise F (4,176) = 1.78, p > 0.32; Figure 6A). Following six weeks
of chronic HF feeding, females had higher fasting blood glucose levels than males (time × sex F (4,172)
= 5.26, p < 0.001; post hoc 0 min males vs. females 103.33 vs. 116.61 mg/dL, p < 0.05; Figure 6B).
However, blood glucose levels returned to pre-glucose challenge levels in females, but not males
(post hoc 0 min vs. 120 min female p > 0.32 and male p < 0.001). Analysis of area under curve (AUC)
of blood glucose during the baseline and post-HF diet OGTT indicated that exercise decreased
glucose AUC in males, but not females (time × sex × exercise F (1,43) = 6.81, p < 0.05; post hoc male
WR BL vs. HF p < 0.01 and female WR BL vs. HF p > 0.12; Figure 6C).
Prior to the WR and two-diet choice experimental period, there were no baseline differences in
insulin levels during an OGTT (time × sex × exercise F (4,156) = 0.85, p > 0.49; Figure 6D). During the
post-HF diet OGTT, there was a trend for exercise to decrease plasma insulin that appeared to be
driven by males (sex × exercise F (1,41) = 2.87, p = 0.09; Figure 6E). A one-way ANOVA revealed a
group difference at 0 min, such that exercise resulted in lower plasma insulin levels only in males
following long-term HF diet exposure (group F (1,42) = 4.05, p < 0.05; post hoc male Sed vs. WR p <
0.01 and female Sed vs. WR p > 0.13). Following an oral glucose challenge, there was no exercise effect
in plasma insulin levels across different time points (time × exercise F (4,164) = 1.61, p > 0.17). On
average, males had higher insulin AUC levels than females (sex F (1,35) = 4.41, p < 0.05; Figure 6F).
There was also a time × sex × exercise effect (F (1,35) = 5.29, p < 0.05) where exercise decreased insulin
AUC in males but not females. Chronic HF feeding resulted in higher insulin AUC than baseline
levels in Sed males (post hoc M Sed BL vs. HF p < 0.001), and exercise suppressed this increase (post
hoc M WR BL vs. HF p > 0.06). Male WR rats had lower insulin AUC post-HF diet exposure than their
Sed counterparts (post hoc HF M Sed vs. M WR p < 0.001). In females, however, exercise did not
suppress the amount of plasma insulin needed to clear the same dose of glucose (post hoc F Sed and
F WR BL vs. HF both p < 0.01 and HF F Sed vs. F WR p > 0.98).
Figure 5. Body weight and fat composition. (A) Exercise suppressed body weight in both sexes;
however, this effect was more pronounced in males. * Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05. (B) Exercise led to decreased
retroperitoneal, mesenteric, and gonadal fat in males and decreased only retroperitoneal adiposity in
females. * Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05.
3.4. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
At chow only baseline (BL), there were no group differences in glucose clearance following an
oral glucose challenge (time × sex × exercise F (4,176) = 1.78, p > 0.32; Figure 6A). Following
six weeks of chronic HF feeding, females had higher fasting blood glucose levels than males
(time × sex F (4,172) = 5.26, p < 0.001; post hoc 0 min males vs. females 103.33 vs. 116.61 mg/dL,
p < 0.05; Figure 6B). However, blood glucose levels returned to pre-glucose challenge levels in females,
but not males (post hoc 0 min vs. 120 min female p > 0.32 and male p < 0.001). Analysis of area under
curve (AUC) of blood glucose during the baseline and post-HF diet OGTT indicated that exercise
decreased glucose AUC in males, but not females (time × sex × exercise F (1,43) = 6.81, p < 0.05;
post hoc male WR BL vs. HF p < 0.01 and female WR BL vs. HF p > 0.12; Figure 6C).
Prior to the WR and two-diet choice experimental period, there were no baseline differences in
insulin levels during an OGTT (time × sex × exercise F (4,156) = 0.85, p > 0.49; Figure 6D). During the
post-HF diet OGTT, there was a trend for exercise to decrease plasma insulin that appeared to be driven
by males (sex × exercise F (1,41) = 2.87, p = 0.09; Figure 6E). A one-way ANOVA revealed a group
difference at 0 min, such that exercise resulted in lower plasma insulin levels only in males following
long-term HF diet exposure (group F (1,42) = 4.05, p < 0.05; post hoc male Sed vs. WR p < 0.01 and
female Sed vs. WR p > 0.13). Following an oral glucose challenge, there was no exercise effect in plasma
insulin levels across different time points (time × exercise F (4,164) = 1.61, p > 0.17). On average, males
had higher insulin AUC levels than females (sex F (1,35) = 4.41, p < 0.05; Figure 6F). There was also a
time × sex × exercise effect (F (1,35) = 5.29, p < 0.05) where exercise decreased insulin AUC in males
but not females. Chronic HF feeding resulted in higher insulin AUC than baseline levels in Sed males
(post hoc M Sed BL vs. HF p < 0.001), and exercise suppressed this increase (post hoc M WR BL vs.
HF p > 0.06). Male WR rats had lower insulin AUC post-HF diet exposure than their Sed counterparts
(post hoc HF M Sed vs. M WR p < 0.001). In females, however, exercise did not suppress the amount of
plasma insulin needed to clear the same dose of glucose (post hoc F Sed and F WR BL vs. HF both
p < 0.01 and HF F Sed vs. F WR p > 0.98).
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Figure 6. Blood glucose (top row) and plasma insulin (bottom row) results from an OGTT at baseline
(BL) and post-HF diet exposure. (A) There were no group differences in blood glucose at BL. (B) Blood
glucose levels following an oral glucose challenge returned to fasting levels faster in females than
males. (C) Decreased glucose clearance, indicated by AUC, from BL occurred in male WR and female
Sed rats. * BL vs. HF, p < 0.05. (D) There were no group differences in plasma insulin at BL. (E)
Following HF diet exposure, exercise decreased fasting plasma insulin levels in males but not females.
@ M Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05. (F) Male WR rats had lower insulin AUC than their Sed counterparts. In
contrast, both Sed and WR females had higher insulin AUC post-HF exposure than at chow BL. * BL
vs. HF, p < 0.05, @ HF M Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05.
Male Sed rats had impaired hepatic insulin sensitivity following HF feeding (time × sex ×
exercise F(1,40) = 7.73, p < 0.01; post hoc M Sed BL vs. post-HF p < 0.0001) as evidenced by increased
HOMA-IR index (Table 2). Exercise protected against this detrimental metabolic effect of HF diet in
male WR rats by attenuating increases in insulin resistance (post hoc WR BL vs. post-HF p > 0.18 and
post-HF Sed vs. WR, p < 0.01). In females, both Sed and WR rats had evidence of insulin resistance
after long-term HF diet preference (post hoc Sed and WR BL vs. HF, both p < 0.05) and exercise did
not have the same protective effect as seen in males (post-hoc post-HF F Sed vs. F WR p > 0.08).
Peripheral insulin sensitivity was analyzed using ISI0,120 and sex differences in the protective effect of
exercise failed to reach statistical significance (time × sex × exercise F(1,43) = 2.29, p > 0.13). However,
a priori t-tests revealed that post-HF feeding, male Sed rats had lower ISI0,120 than their WR
counterparts, indicating reduced insulin sensitivity in the Sed but not WR group (t(10,14) = −2.17, p <
0.05). This difference between Sed and WR groups was absent in females (t(10,13) = −0.21, p > 0.83).
Table 2. Hepatic and peripheral indices of insulin sensitivity. Exercise protected against the
development of insulin resistance by HF diet to a greater extent in males than females. HOMA-IR:
Homeostatic assessment of insulin resistance; ISI0,120: Gutt’s insulin sensitivity index (mg × L2 × mmol−1
× mU−1); *: Baseline vs. Post-HF, p < 0.05; ^: Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05. Data are represented as the mean ±
Insulin Sensitivity
Male Sed
1.22 ± 0.31 *
5.01 ± 0.99 ^
0.79 ± 0.04 *
0.63 ± 0.02 ^
Male WR
1.34 ± 0.30
2.15 ± 0.45
0.74 ± 0.03
0.71 ± 0.03
Figure 6. Blood glucose (top row) and plasma insulin (bottom row) results from an OGTT at baseline
(BL) and post-HF diet exposure. (A) There were no group differences in blood glucose at BL. (B) Blood
glucose levels following an oral glucose challenge returned to fasting levels faster in females than
males. (C) Decreased glucose clearance, indicated by AUC (area under curve), from BL occurred in
male WR and female Sed rats. * BL vs. HF, p < 0.05. (D) There were no group differences in plasma
insulin at BL. (E) Following HF diet exposure, exercise decreased fasting plasma insulin levels in males
but not females. @ M Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05. (F) Male WR rats had lower insulin AUC than their Sed
counterparts. In contrast, both Sed and WR females had higher insulin AUC post-HF exposure than at
chow BL. * BL vs. HF, p < 0.05, @ HF M Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05.
Male Sed rats had impaired hepatic insulin sensitivity following HF feeding (time × sex × exercise
F (1,40) = 7.73, p < 0.01; post hoc M Sed BL vs. post-HF p < 0.0001) as evidenced by increased HOMA-IR
index (Table 2). Exercise protected against this detrimental metabolic effect of HF diet in male WR rats
by attenuating increases in insulin resistance (post hoc WR BL vs. post-HF p > 0.18 and post-HF Sed vs.
WR, p < 0.01). In females, both Sed and WR rats had evidence of insulin resistance after long-term
HF diet preference (post hoc Sed and WR BL vs. HF, both p < 0.05) and exercise did not have the
same protective effect as seen in males (post-hoc post-HF F Sed vs. F WR p > 0.08). Peripheral insulin
sensitivity was analyzed using ISI0,120 and sex differences in the protective effect of exercise failed to
reach statistical significance (time × sex × exercise F (1,43) = 2.29, p > 0.13). However, a priori t-tests
revealed that post-HF feeding, male Sed rats had lower ISI0,120 than their WR counterparts, indicating
reduced insulin sensitivity in the Sed but not WR group (t(10,14) = −2.17, p < 0.05). This difference
between Sed and WR groups was absent in females (t(10,13) = −0.21, p > 0.83).
Analysis of trunk plasma insulin after 6 weeks of HF feeding revealed that WR females had higher
plasma insulin than their Sed counterparts (M Sed 1.04 ± 0.10, M WR 0.54 ± 0.05, F Sed 0.44 ± 0.06, and F
WR 0.69 ± 0.06 ng/mL; sex × exercise F (1,44) = 31.40, p < 0.001; post hoc female Sed vs. WR p < 0.05)
whereas the opposite pattern was observed in Sed and WR males (post hoc p < 0.001). Moreover,
a regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between average ratios of HF diet preference and
plasma insulin levels at sacrifice in males (F (1,22) = 7.72, R = 0.51, p < 0.01; Figure 7A) but not females
(F (1,22) = 0.95, R = 0.01 p > 0.94; Figure 7B). No such correlation was found between average ratios of
HF diet preference and either glucose or insulin AUC.
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
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Table 2. Hepatic and peripheral indices of insulin sensitivity. Exercise protected against the development
of insulin resistance by HF diet to a greater extent in males than females.
Insulin Sensitivity
Male Sed
1.22 ± 0.31 *
5.01 ± 0.99 ˆ
0.79 ± 0.04 *
0.63 ± 0.02 ˆ
Male WR
1.34 ± 0.30
2.15 ± 0.45
0.74 ± 0.03
0.71 ± 0.03
Female Sed
1.43 ± 0.38 *
3.15 ± 0.47
0.71 ±0.03
0.64 ± 0.02
Female WR
2.25 ± 0.49 *
4.63 ± 0.81
0.70 ± 0.03
0.65 ± 0.02
HOMA-IR: Homeostatic assessment of insulin resistance; ISI0,120:
Gutt’s insulin sensitivity index
(mg × L2 × mmol−1 × mU−1); *: Baseline vs. Post-HF, p < 0.05; ˆ: Sed vs. WR, p < 0.05. Data are represented
as the mean ± SEM.
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Female Sed
1.43 ± 0.38 *
3.15 ± 0.47
0.71 ±0.03
0.64 ± 0.02
Female WR
2.25 ± 0.49 *
4.63 ± 0.81
0.70 ± 0.03
0.65 ± 0.02
Analysis of trunk plasma insulin after 6 weeks of HF feeding revealed that WR females had
higher plasma insulin than their Sed counterparts (M Sed 1.04 ± 0.10, M WR 0.54 ± 0.05, F Sed 0.44 ±
0.06, and F WR 0.69 ± 0.06 ng/mL; sex × exercise F (1,44) = 31.40, p < 0.001; post hoc female Sed vs. WR
p < 0.05) whereas the opposite pattern was observed in Sed and WR males (post hoc p < 0.001).
Moreover, a regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between average ratios of HF diet
preference and plasma insulin levels at sacrifice in males (F (1,22) = 7.72, R = 0.51, p < 0.01; Figure 7A)
but not females (F (1,22) = 0.95, R = 0.01 p > 0.94; Figure 7B). No such correlation was found between
average ratios of HF diet preference and either glucose or insulin AUC.
Figure 7. Correlation between trunk plasma insulin levels at the end of the experiment and the
average ratios of HF diet preference. (A) There was a moderate, positive correlation between HF diet
preference and trunk plasma insulin in males. (B) There was no relationship between HF diet
preference and trunk plasma insulin levels in females.
3.5. Barnes Maze
During training, there was a sex difference in latency whereby males were slower to locate the
escape box than females (sex and trial × sex F (1,43) = 66.58 and F (3,129) = 7.59, respectively, both p <
0.001; Figure 8A,C). In rats of both sexes, exercise led to decreased latency to locate the escape box
(trial × exercise and trial × sex × exercise F (3,129) = 4.23 and 2.00, p < 0.01 and p > 0.11, respectively).
Although an effect of trial by exercise interaction on errors committed across training days reached
statistical significance (F (3,129) = 3.37, p < 0.05), post hoc tests revealed no specific group differences
on any given day. Thus, exercise slightly reduced the numbers of errors made during learning on the
Barnes maze in both sexes (trial × sex × exercise F (3,129) = 0.65, p > 0.58; Figure 8B,D). On average,
male rats made more errors than females during training (sex F (1,43) = 5.25, p < 0.05).
A factorial ANOVA on the probe trial revealed that there was no effect of sex or exercise on task
acquisition in regards to latency (sex × exercise F (1,43) = 1.80, p > 0.18) and errors made (F (1,43) =
1.67, p > 0.20). There was also no effect of sex or exercise on errors made or latency to locate the escape
box during reversal learning (sex × exercise F (1,43) = 0.79 and 0.15, respectively, both p > 0.37).
However, when the percent increase in errors made between the probe and reversal trials was
analyzed using a factorial ANOVA, there was a sex × exercise effect (F (1,34) = 6.48, p < 0.05). Post hoc
analyses revealed that female WR rats increased more errors than their Sed counterparts (post hoc p
< 0.05) whereas this effect was not seen in male rats (post hoc male Sed vs. WR p > 0.10).
Figure 7. Correlation between trunk plasma insulin levels at the end of the experiment and the average
ratios of HF diet preference. (A) There was a moderate, positive correlation between HF diet preference
and trunk plasma insulin in males. (B) There was no relationship between HF diet preference and
trunk plasma insulin levels in females.
3.5. Barnes Maze
During training, there was a sex difference in latency whereby males were slower to locate
the escape box than females (sex and trial × sex F (1,43) = 66.58 and F (3,129) = 7.59, respectively,
both p < 0.001; Figure 8A,C). In rats of both sexes, exercise led to decreased latency to locate the
escape box (trial × exercise and trial × sex × exercise F (3,129) = 4.23 and 2.00, p < 0.01 and p > 0.11,
respectively). Although an effect of trial by exercise interaction on errors committed across training
days reached statistical significance (F (3,129) = 3.37, p < 0.05), post hoc tests revealed no specific group
differences on any given day. Thus, exercise slightly reduced the numbers of errors made during
learning on the Barnes maze in both sexes (trial × sex × exercise F (3,129) = 0.65, p > 0.58; Figure 8B,D).
On average, male rats made more errors than females during training (sex F (1,43) = 5.25, p < 0.05).
A factorial ANOVA on the probe trial revealed that there was no effect of sex or exercise on task
acquisition in regards to latency (sex × exercise F (1,43) = 1.80, p > 0.18) and errors made (F (1,43) = 1.67,
p > 0.20). There was also no effect of sex or exercise on errors made or latency to locate the escape box
during reversal learning (sex × exercise F (1,43) = 0.79 and 0.15, respectively, both p > 0.37). However,
when the percent increase in errors made between the probe and reversal trials was analyzed using a
factorial ANOVA, there was a sex × exercise effect (F (1,34) = 6.48, p < 0.05). Post hoc analyses revealed
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
12 of 22
that female WR rats increased more errors than their Sed counterparts (post hoc p < 0.05) whereas this
effect was not seen in male rats (post hoc male Sed vs. WR p > 0.10).
Both male and female rats used a non-spatial serial search strategy (Video S1), e.g., a clockwise or
counterclockwise sequential search, rather than a direct search strategy where the rats utilize spatial cues,
e.g., signs in the testing room to find the escape box. Despite not using the visual cues, the decreased
latency and errors indicated that all rats learned the task (Video S2). While Sprague-Dawley rats
have poor visual acuity biasing them towards using a serial search strategy [78], visual acuity has not
been correlated with deficits in learning and memory issues in mice tested on the Barnes maze [86].
Moreover, our results for latency and errors made are comparable to what has been reported in the
literature [78,87].
Nutrients 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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Both male and female rats used a non-spatial serial search strategy (Video S1), e.g., a clockwise
or counterclockwise sequential search, rather than a direct search strategy where the rats utilize
spatial cues, e.g., signs in the testing room to find the escape box. Despite not using the visual cues,
the decreased latency and errors indicated that all rats learned the task (Video S2). While Sprague-
Dawley rats have poor visual acuity biasing them towards using a serial search strategy [78], visual
acuity has not been correlated with deficits in learning and memory issues in mice tested on the
Barnes maze [86]. Moreover, our results for latency and errors made are comparable to what has been
reported in the literature [78,87].
Figure 8. Barnes maze results for males (M, top) and females (F, bottom). (A,C) Both male and female
rats decreased latency to locate the escape box during training. On average, females had shorter
latencies to find the escape box than males across training days. (B,D) All groups committed fewer
errors when searching for the escape box across training days.
4. Discussion
Currently, it is unclear whether exercise has a similar efficacy at reversing the adverse metabolic
and cognitive effects of HF preference and intake in rats of both sexes. To address this, we used a
long-term two-diet choice and WR model to examine the relationship between preference for HF diet
and the detrimental metabolic and cognitive outcomes associated with chronic HF feeding, and
whether exercise has the ability to attenuate these negative effects. We found that both male and
female WR rats recovered from their initial running-induced HF diet avoidance and increased both
HF diet intake and preference across time (Figure 3C,D). Exercise had a protective effect in males, but
Figure 8. Barnes maze results for males (M, top) and females (F, bottom). (A,C) Both male and female
rats decreased latency to locate the escape box during training. On average, females had shorter
latencies to find the escape box than males across training days. (B,D) All groups committed fewer
errors when searching for the escape box across training days.
4. Discussion
Currently, it is unclear whether exercise has a similar efficacy at reversing the adverse metabolic
and cognitive effects of HF preference and intake in rats of both sexes. To address this, we used a
long-term two-diet choice and WR model to examine the relationship between preference for HF
diet and the detrimental metabolic and cognitive outcomes associated with chronic HF feeding,
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
13 of 22
and whether exercise has the ability to attenuate these negative effects. We found that both male and
female WR rats recovered from their initial running-induced HF diet avoidance and increased both
HF diet intake and preference across time (Figure 3C,D). Exercise had a protective effect in males,
but not females, on HF-mediated weight gain and adiposity (Figure 5) and metabolic dysfunction
(Figure 6C,F). Moreover, the positive association between preference for HF diet and trunk plasma
insulin was only seen in males (Figure 7A). Wheel running rats had significantly faster escape latencies
and made slightly fewer errors than their sedentary counterparts in both sexes across training days,
suggesting improved learning and memory through exercise (Figure 8). Although our interpretation
of behavioral flexibility was limited due to the utilization of a non-spatial search strategy by the rats
(Video S1), female WR rats were the only group to increase the number of errors made between the
probe and reversal learning trials compared to their Sed controls. Taken together, our results suggest
that exercise-mediated changes in HF diet preference lead to sex-specific effects in regards to the
protective effect of exercise on both peripheral metabolic function and cognitive performance.
The opposite diet choice patterns observed among Sed and WR rats (Figure 3A–D) may be due to
the increased metabolic requirement from exercise to maintain energy balance where the HF diet is a
more efficient fuel source than the standard chow diet, which is higher in carbohydrates than fats [88,89].
Indeed, human studies have shown that there is a crossover effect during which the ratio of lipolysis
to carbohydrate oxidation during submaximal and endurance exercise increases [90–92]. While this
crossover effect is influenced by exercise duration and intensity, it may partially contribute to differences
in macronutrient preference among sedentary and physically active individuals.
Our previous
short-term studies with the same paradigm of wheel running and two-diet choice revealed that the
majority of male rats express persistent HF diet avoidance whereas the majority of females reverse HF
diet avoidance [80,93–95]. These results are consistent with the report that estradiol enhances lipid
metabolism during exercise in rats [96]. Furthermore, results with respiratory exchange ratio as a
measure of substrate utilization from human studies using indirect calorimetry suggest that compared
to men, women utilize more fat as the fuel source as a result of long-term exercise [90,91,97,98]. A direct
assessment of fuel oxidation will be necessary to support our hypothesis that sex differences in substrate
utilization may contribute to differences in running-associated macronutrient preference. When the
choice duration was extended, both male and female WR groups preferred the HF diet by the end of
the six-week period (Figure 3E,F). It is unclear whether this increase in fat preference would occur
in humans if the behavior can be examined without the influence of the cognitive component of
making healthier food choices in subjects who incorporate regular exercise as a lifestyle. Nevertheless,
carbohydrate metabolism is positively correlated with exercise intensity in humans [99] whereas
fat oxidation is more likely to occur during low intensity exercise, especially when prolonged [100].
Thus, this shift in fat preference may be a compensatory result of increased energy requirement
from long-term aerobic exercise where carbohydrates are no longer the most efficient fuel substrate.
The addition of groups undergoing different types of exercise (e.g., strength, treadmill, swimming, etc.)
for different lengths of time would provide additional evidence for the effect of exercise on energy
intake and macronutrient preference if results are consistent.
Although both male and female WR rats reversed their initial avoidance for HF diet, there was a
sex difference in which the reversal of HF diet avoidance occurred with females reversing earlier than
males. One potential explanation for this sex difference is that females are more prone to hedonic and
binge eating than males [101,102] and their feeding behavior appears to be driven by palatability rather
than physiological hunger or metabolic state [103,104]. Both of these factors could act together and
exacerbate the development of obesity [56,57], which is more prevalent in females [105]. In addition,
females have higher reward sensitivity than males [106,107] which may predict decreased restraint
of fat intake [108]. HF diet is highly palatable and can stimulate eating in the absence of hunger
by acting on the reward system [104], potentially leading to overeating. Although WR is naturally
rewarding for rodents [109], it may not be a sufficient substitute for the reinforcing effects of the
palatable HF diet for females [110]. In support of this, studies have shown that male rats are more
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
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responsive to the reinforcing effects of voluntary WR to attenuate seeking of drugs of abuse [111,112].
The high sensitivity to WR reinforcement could facilitate males’ ability to maintain lower preference
for HF diet for a longer duration than females that are more sensitive to the reinforcing effects of diet
palatability [110].
Sex differences in adapting to the increased energy requirement of exercise led to differential
efficacies for exercise to attenuate HF-mediated insults on metabolic function in male and female rats.
Consistent with the literature [21,23,113], females ran more than males (Figure 4A) and compensated
for the increased energy expenditure by increasing total energy intake earlier than males [22,114].
This may have led to the limited effect of exercise on suppressing body weight and adiposity [19–22]
and attenuating HF mediated metabolic dysregulation in females (Figure 6). Here, we report that
exercise suppressed HF diet preference, total energy intake, body weight, and adiposity, and improved
glucose metabolism to a greater degree in males than females. This is consistent with the consensus
in the literature stating that males are more responsive to the beneficial effects of exercise, resulting
in improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity [74–76]. Thus, it appears that exercise has a
protective effect on insulin sensitivity in males despite increased HF diet intake [69,70,73,115–120].
We also found a positive association between HF diet preference and insulin levels in males but not
females (Figure 7). The greater protective effect of exercise on peripheral metabolic function in males
may be mediated by two effects acting in concert: (1) a slower compensatory response to the increased
energy expenditure from exercise [114] and (2) maintenance of a lower preference for HF diet for a
longer duration of time compared to females.
Our results suggest that that without a concurrent decrease in body weight, adiposity, and HF
diet preference, exercise has a limited effect on significantly improving peripheral insulin resistance
during chronic access to HF diet [16,36,37]. Female rats had increased HOMA-IR (Table 2) above the
2.60 cutoff [121] for evidence of hepatic insulin resistance after long-term HF feeding regardless of the
opportunity to exercise. In contrast, exercise appeared to protect against the development of insulin
resistance in males. The results of ISI0,120 also suggest that male WR rats were the only group that
maintained insulin sensitivity after six weeks of exposure to HF diet. Although higher HF diet and total
energy intake in WR females may play a role in these observed sex differences and additional pair-fed
groups will be needed to assess such possibility in future studies, our results reveal that exercise
produces more protective effects against insulin resistance in males than females by reducing HF diet
preference and consumption. Consequently, an optimal treatment for weight loss and improving
insulin sensitivity for females would be a combination of diet and exercise [122].
The improved performance during training on the Barnes maze in WR rats of both sexes relative
to their Sed counterparts suggests that exercise can be protective against insults to cognitive behavior
from chronic HF diet consumption independent of sex (Figure 8). This aligns with rodent literature
linking HF feeding to deficits in cognitive behaviors [15,42,53,54], which exercise can reverse [44,48–52].
In contrast to reports that male and female rats performed similarly on the Barnes maze [123,124],
we found that females had faster latencies than males to locate the escape box. Rather than enhanced
learning, this effect could be a result of hormonal/estrous status or higher general locomotor activity
exhibited by females [125,126]. Although our results conflict with previous literature reporting either
a male advantage or no difference in performance between males and females, sex differences have
not been consistently reported in regards to learning visuospatial tasks [86,127–129]. Moreover, task
performance is influenced by a variety of factors including task design, species, strain, hormonal
status, stress, and age [130]. To our knowledge, there have been a limited number of studies that
investigate sex differences in cognitive behavior using the Barnes maze in rats [127,128,131] with the
Morris water maze being the more popular task [130]. More standardized research is necessary to draw
firm conclusions on subtle sex differences in cognitive and spatial ability given how the Barnes maze is
sensitive to a variety of conditions that may influence task performance and subsequent interpretation
of the data.
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
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Despite similar search strategies and learning outcomes, there was evidence of sex-specific effects
of running on reversal learning on the Barnes maze. The non-spatial serial search strategy (Video S1)
is not uncommon in Sprague-Dawley rats [128] that have lower visual acuity than other strains
(e.g., Long-Evans and Wistar) [128,132] where using a serial search strategy may be more efficient.
Notably, the increase in errors made from the probe to reversal learning trials was higher in WR
females compared to their Sed counterparts, whereas there was no such group difference in males. This
sex-specific effect may be interpreted as WR females having the worst behavioral flexibility among
all groups, which conflicts with the finding that PFC-mediated deficits in behavioral flexibility are
more pronounced in males than females following HF feeding [65–67]. However, our interpretation of
the data is limited such that (1) rats did not appear to use spatial cues to locate the escape box and (2)
learning without utilizing spatial cues may render weak task acquisition and as such, poses a confound
for the analysis of potentially increased errors during the reversal learning trials. Thus, an alternate
interpretation to our result that only female WR rats significantly increased their errors during reversal
learning may be that this was the only group that acquired the original task and could exhibit deficits in
behavioral flexibility. Nevertheless, while adjustments can be made to promote the use of spatial cues
(e.g., moving cues closer to the maze, adding an aversive stimulus/bright light, etc.), the Barnes maze
may not be the most optimal behavioral task to assess subtle deficits in cognitive behavior. In humans,
obesity generally results in mild rather than severe cognitive impairment [133,134]. Therefore, a more
sensitive behavioral task may allow us to uncover cognitive deficits more readily than the Barnes maze.
Cognition is a complex and multi-faceted construct. Thus, while we found evidence for differences in
cognitive performance, future studies should include a battery of behavioral tests to tap into different
aspects of cognitive behavior that may be adversely influenced by HF diet. Importantly, prolonged HF
diet intake and preference may impair specific, rather than global, domains of cognitive function in a
sex-specific fashion. Impairments in one domain may be more influential in the regulation of feeding
behavior and lead to worse outcomes depending on sex.
Caution should be taken when interpreting the results due to inherent limitations resulting from
the complexity of the study design. Different fat sources and compositions (e.g., polyunsaturated,
monounsaturated) may differentially affect aspects of metabolism and cognition. Future studies should
utilize diets matched in macronutrient sources as much as possible to limit the confounding effect of
differences in raw materials. To our knowledge, no study has assessed changes in insulin sensitivity
following HF diet and voluntary exercise in rats of both sexes. The addition of a naïve chow-fed control
group is necessary to make between-group comparisons to strengthen the argument for the protective
effect of exercise against HF diet. Exercise is more likely to have a greater beneficial effect in males,
but the addition of a WR group maintained on only HF diet is necessary to make this conclusion given
the shift in HF diet preference across time and the highly variable HF diet intake between subjects and
sexes. Here, we focused on voluntary exercise; however, the effect of exercise may shift depending on
exercise conditions (forced vs. voluntary, strength vs. endurance, acute vs. chronic, etc.). An extensive
investigation is necessary before results can be directly translated to humans. Nevertheless, our results
lend support to our hypotheses regarding the protective effect of exercise against the detrimental
outcomes of HF feeding and inform the development of more optimized designs for future studies.
5. Conclusions
We examined sex differences in exercise-mediated changes in diet choice and the degree to
which exercise can reverse the metabolic dysregulation and improve cognitive performance associated
with long-term HF feeding. The protective effect of exercise on suppressing HF diet preference and
HF-mediated insults to peripheral metabolism was specific to males whereas exercise similarly enhanced
learning on the Barnes maze in both males and females. Intriguingly, despite less improvement on their
metabolic profile, female WR rats still benefited from the exercise and showed improved performance
on the Barnes maze. This finding suggests that cardio-based exercise can potentially exert differential
effects on metabolic and cognitive function. Taken together, these results suggest that the adverse
Nutrients 2020, 12, 2721
16 of 22
metabolic effects of chronic HF feeding and preference are especially detrimental to females, but exercise
remains a good intervention option for both males and females to prevent cognitive decline resulting
from poor dietary choices.
Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at,
Video S1: Serial search training trial, Video S2: Serial search probe trial.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.-C.L. and T.Y.Y.; methodology, N.-C.L. and T.Y.Y.; formal analysis,
T.Y.Y. and N.-C.L.; data curation, T.Y.Y. and Z.G.; writing—original draft preparation, T.Y.Y.; writing—review
and editing, N.-C.L.; visualization, T.Y.Y.; funding acquisition, N.-C.L. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was supported by the UIUC Psychology Department startup funds (to N.-C.L.).
Acknowledgments: We thank Fatima Najera and Gabi Petrus for their help with videoscoring and animal care.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Sex-Dependent Wheel Running Effects on High Fat Diet Preference, Metabolic Outcomes, and Performance on the Barnes Maze in Rats. | 09-05-2020 | Yang, Tiffany Y,Gao, Zijun,Liang, Nu-Chu | eng |
PMC6572263 | International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
The Effect of Ballistic Exercise as Pre-Activation for
100 m Sprints
Maria H. Gil 1,2, Henrique P. Neiva 1,2
, Nuno D. Garrido 2,3, Felipe J. Aidar 4,5,6,7,
Maria S. Cirilo-Sousa 8,9, Mário C. Marques 1,2 and Daniel A. Marinho 1,2,*
Department of Sport Sciences, University of Beira Interior, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal;
[email protected] (M.H.G.); [email protected] (H.P.N.);
[email protected] (M.C.M.)
Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development, CIDESD, 6200-001 Covilhã,
Portugal; [email protected]
Department of Sports, Exercise and Health Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Sergipe - UFS, São Cristovão, SE 49100-000, Brazil;
[email protected]
Post Graduate Program in Master’s level in Physical Education, Federal University of Sergipe-UFS,
São Cristovão, SE 49100-000, Brazil
Post Graduate Program in Doctorade and Master’s level in Physiological Sciences, Federal University of
Sergipe - UFS, São Cristovão, SE 49100-000, Brazil
Group of Studies and Research of Performance, Sport, Health and Paralympic Sports - GEPEPS, the Federal
University of Sergipe - UFS, São Cristovão, SE 49100-000, Brazil
Associate Graduate Program in Physical, Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Paraíba,
João Pessoa, PB 58051-900, Brazil; [email protected]
Department of Physical Education, Regional University of Cariri, Crato, CE 63105-010, Brazil
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +35-1-275329153
Received: 23 April 2019; Accepted: 21 May 2019; Published: 24 May 2019
Abstract: The benefits of warm-up in sports performance has received a special interest in the current
literature. However, there is a large gap of knowledge about the tasks to be performed, specifically
in the real competitive environment. The purpose of the study was to verify the acute effects of a
warm-up including ballistic exercises in 100 m running performance. In addition, a second 100 m
trial was assessed to better understand the warm-up effects in training and competition. Eleven men
(25.4 ± 6.2 years of age, 1.76 ± 0.08 m of height, 78.2 ± 8.6 kg of body mass) were submitted to three
different protocols, in a randomized order: no warm-up (NWU), typical warm-up (WU) and WU
complemented with ballistic exercises (PAP). Biomechanical, physiological and psychophysiological
variables were assessed. Differences were found between the three conditions assessed in the first
100 m sprint with 7.4% and 7.6% faster performances after the WU and PAP, compared to NWU.
Stride length was higher in the second part of the 100 m after PAP compared with WU. These
results highlight the positive effects of warm-up for sprinting performance. The inclusion of ballistic
exercises, besides being used to improve sprint performance, can increase stride length in the final of
the 100 m race.
Keywords: warm-up; performance; repeated-sprint; physiology; biomechanics
1. Introduction
Warm-up practices have been used to prepare the athlete for training and/or competition [1].
It is believed that a well-designed warm-up causes physiological changes and helps the athlete to
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increase the mental focus for the next task, allowing them to optimize the performance [2]. The main
effects of warming up derived from increased body temperature and from the muscle movement,
both contributing to decreased joint and muscle stiffness, improved nerve conduction rate, efficient
metabolic reactions, increased blood flow to the active muscles, increased oxygen uptake and to
potentiate post-activation mechanisms [3,4].
There has been an increase in interest in the warm-up issue, evidenced by the number of recent
studies and most reporting high benefits for performance in different sports and activities [5–7].
Specifically, in running, it is now well stablished that warm-up improves sprint performance [1,6,8].
Usually, warm-up included a brief period of low intensity aerobic (e.g., light to submaximal running)
and stretching exercises, followed by specific exercises related with the following activity and/or
sport [1,9]. During this specific phase of warm-up, the coaches and the athletes have been using
several exercises for the same purpose, such as dynamic and static stretching [10], agility exercises and
ballistics [11]. The last of these, the ballistic exercises, are a recent trend of specific warm-up and are
believed to cause a post-activation potentiation phenomenon, thus enhancing the performance [12,13].
Researchers have looked at the post-activation potentiation phenomenon, suggesting that it might
improve muscle power manifestations [14,15]. This increase in force production usually happens after
a maximum or near maximal muscle stimulation [10]. Post-activation potentiation seems to augment
muscle force generating capacity as a result of the previous contractile history of the muscle cells
involved in the previous contraction [14]. There is an acute effect that increases the speed of conduction
of the nerve impulse to the muscle, increases the number of recruited motor units and improves the
interaction mechanism of contractile filaments [16]. The main mechanisms responsible for this are
not totally clear, but studies attributed improvements to the increased phosphorylation of the myosin
regulatory light chain [17–19]. Post-activation potentiation seems to cause neuromuscular changes and
improves type II muscle fiber activity, thus favoring performance in short-term maximal efforts [13].
An improvement of 3% was found in 40 m sprints after performing back squats at 85% of 1
repetition maximum (1RM) [20]. Improvements of 2% and 3% were also found in 10 and 30 m sprints
after 10 repetitions of half back squat exercise at 90% 1RM [21]. Nevertheless, Kilduff et al. [22] found
that one set of three repetitions of a squat exercise at 87% 1RM did not improve 15 m swimming
performance, compared to a traditional in-water warm-up. Previous research mainly focused on high
external loads of strength exercise during warm-up and it is known that it cannot be applied in a real
competition context [13,20,23]. There is a real need for understanding the effects of the post-activation
potentiation using some usual tasks that can be reproduced in a real competition venue. The first
studies on this revealed that including depth jumping in the warm-up protocol increased both maximal
strength [24] and vertical jump [25,26]. Byrne, Kenny and O’Rourke [27] concluded that the addition of
three depth jumps resulted in a 5% improvement of 20 m running compared to a traditional warm-up.
However, little is known regarding when these ballistic exercises are used before Olympic racing
distances, such as the 100 m. Moreover, little is known about the effects of using post-activation
potentiation strategies on the biomechanical variables during running. Running performance depends
on the stride parameters and, for instance, the optimal ratio between stride length (SL) and stride
frequency (SF) enable maximal sprinting velocity and efficiency [28]. This relationship is conditioned
by the neuromuscular regulation of movement, morphological characteristics, motor abilities and
energy substrates [29,30], all of which can be influenced by warm-up tasks [1,7,13].
Therefore, it was hypothesized that a warm-up that included ballistic exercises would improve
100 m running performance, by changing the stride parameters (SL and SF) and physiological response.
So, the primary aim of the current study was to verify the acute effects of a warm-up including ballistic
exercises inducing a post-activation potentiation, easy to apply in a real competition context, in 100 m
running performance. In addition, a second 100 m trial was assessed to better understand the warm-up
effects during competition and training. To the best of our knowledge, no previous investigation
has used a second repetition, and this is important to understand the neuromuscular and metabolic
responses, helping to develop optimized training strategies. Repeated efforts have been used as
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determinants for success in a wide range of sports and may be associated with neuromuscular and
metabolic factors that influence performance [31,32]. The primary outcomes for our study were the 100
m running performance (time) and biomechanical variables (SL and SF). Secondary outcomes included
physiological (lactate concentration and heart rate) and psychophysiological (ratings of perceived
effort) variables.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
Eleven men aged 20–36 years (mean ± SD: 25.4 ± 6.2 years of age, 1.76 ± 0.08 m of height,
78.21 ± 8.59 kg of body mass) volunteered to participate in this study. Participants were physically
active sport science students. Each individual was asked to report any previous illness, injury or
other physical issue that would hinder their performance. Participants were included on the basis
that they were healthy, injury free, and engaged in physical activity regularly with an experience of
running and testing for the last two years, although they were not competitive sprinters. Criteria
of exclusion from the study was the evidence of any medical or orthopedic problem, a self-reported
fitness classification below moderately active, or any other self-reported issue that would endanger
their own health (assessed via questionnaire). After local ethics board approval, ensuring compliance
with the Declaration of Helsinki, the subjects were informed about the study procedures, and a written
informed consent was signed.
2.2. Design
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of typical warm-up procedures (WU),
the inclusion of post-activation potentiation exercises (PAP) and no warm-up (NWU) on 100 m running
performance, analyzing biomechanical, physiological and psychophysiological variables.
Each participant completed two 100 m time-trials after each warm-up condition, in a randomized
order, separated by 48 h. The WU design was based on literature recommendations [8,32] and included
a low intensity aerobic component followed by specific running tasks. The PAP protocol included
lower body ballistic exercises according to previous suggestions [33] after completing WU. During the
NWU condition, the subjects were asked not to perform any type of action or movement prior to the
100 m sprint, remaining seated for 5 min. This design was able to test whether the inclusion of PAP
strategies during warm-ups affected running performance.
2.3. Experimental Procedures
All the procedures took place at the same time of the day (8:00–12:00 a.m.) for each participant
under the same environmental conditions (~22 ◦C air temperature and ~60% of humidity) in an
athletics track facility. The participants were familiarized with the warm-up procedures 72 h before
the experiments, and they were reminded to maintain the same routines during the assessment days,
avoiding strenuous exercise, and abstaining from consuming caffeine 48 h before testing.
After arriving, each participant remained seated for 5 min and baseline measurements of heart
rate (HR; Vantage NV; Polar, Kempele, Finland) and blood lactate concentrations([La−]; Lactate Pro LT
1710; Arkray Inc., Kyoto, Japan) were then assessed. Each volunteer was then randomly assigned to a
warm-up protocol (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Schematic representation of the study design and testing procedures used. HR = heart
rate; [La−] = blood lactate concentration; SF = stride frequency; SL = stride length; RPE = ratings of
perceived exertion.
2.4. Warm-Up Protocols
The warm-ups were designed based on research [1,8,32] and with the help of an experienced coach.
The main difference between the warm-ups were the inclusion of lower-body ballistic exercises to
stimulate post-activation potentiation. WU comprised 5 min of easy run (lower than 65% of estimated
maximal HR), eight exercise drills (20 m repetitions with 10 s of recovery between them), such as
rhythmic jumps from foot to foot, ankle drills, skipping drills, high-knee running. Then, these technical
exercises were followed by 2 × 40 m running at gradually increasing intensity. In the PAP condition,
the participants performed the WU followed by 2 sets of 5 depth jumps from a box of 70 cm height
(3 min recovery) as suggested by Maloney et al. [33]. Each jump was performed by stepping off a box
with one foot, landing with bent knees, then immediately jumping with maximal effort. The subjects
were instructed to jump as quick and high as possible and to keep their hands on their hips to eliminate
any contribution of arm swing [9,27].
2.5. Time-Trial Performance
Once the participants finished warming-up, they remained seated for 5 min before performing the
100 m time-trials. The subjects started from a standing position with the trunk bent forward and the
lower limbs apart and slightly bent, positioned behind the starting line. After official commands, each
participant started maximal running using a standing start with the lead-off foot placed 1 m behind the
first timing gate. Times were measured by photocell timing gates (Brower photocells, Wireless Sprint
System, USA) placed at 0, 50, and 100 m so that the times needed to cover 0–50 m (T0–50), 50–100 m
(T50–100) and 0–100 m (T100) could be determined. After 10 min rest, the subjects performed a second
100 m sprint.
2.6. Kinematics
All the procedures were recorded by two video cameras (Casio Exilim Ex-F1, f = 30 Hz) placed
perpendicular to the running track. This enabled the acquisition of basic kinematic data such as
the number of strides performed by each subject, the average stride length (SL) and average stride
frequency (SF) calculations, between 0 and 50 m and between 50 and 100 m, using an open-source
software (Kinovea, version 0.8.15). In running, a stride is defined as the time between two consecutive
specific discrete events, normally defined as two consecutive foot strikes on the same foot. SL is
defined as the distance traveled during a stride and SF is defined as the rate of strides per min. SF was
converted to International System Units (Hz) for further analysis. Knowing the time performed and
thus the running velocity, SL was determined from the division of running velocity by SF [34,35].
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2.7. Physiological and Psychophysiological Variables
Capillary blood samples for [La−] assessment were collected from the fingertips before and 5 min
after warm-ups, 3 and 6 min after each 100 m sprint to obtain the highest value ([La−]peak) [36], and
after 15 min of recovery. HR was assessed before and after each warm-up (5 min), immediately after
each time-trial (1 min) and after 15 min of recovery. Additionally, the rating of perceived exertion
(RPE) was recorded using a 10-point modified Borg scale (Borg [37], modified by Foster et al. [38]) after
warm-ups and after the time-trials.
2.8. Statistical Analysis
Standard statistical methods were used for the calculation of mean ± SD, and 95% confidence
intervals for all variables. The normality of all distributions was verified using Shapiro–Wilk tests.
Data for all variables analyzed were homogeneous and normally distributed. The effect of the
warm-up procedures was analyzed by an ANOVA for repeated measures, with sphericity checked
using Mauchly’s test. When the assumption of sphericity was not met, the significance of F-ratios
was adjusted according to the Greenhouse–Geisser procedure. Bonferroni post-hoc analysis were
performed to further investigate the effect of each condition. All these statistical procedures were
performed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows®, version 22.0 (Armonk, NY, USA: IBM Corp.) and
the level of statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. In addition, the effect size was calculated to
estimate variance between conditions (partial eta squared: ηp2) and Hedges’ g (ES) for within-subjects’
comparisons using the Excel spreadsheet by Lakens [39]. ES values of 0.20, 0.60, 1.20 and 2.00 were
considered small, moderate, large and very large magnitudes, respectively [40]. For ηp2, cut-off values
were interpreted as 0.01 for small, 0.09 for moderate and 0.25 for large.
3. Results
Before warm-up, the physiological variables were not different between conditions. Baseline
measurements of HR (70 ± 7 bpm vs. 69 ± 7 bpm vs. 70 ± 7 bpm; F = 0.35, p = 0.71, ηp2 = 0.04) and
[La−] (2.5 ± 0.6 mmol·L−1 vs. 2.5 ± 0.6 mmol·L−1 vs. 2.5 ± 0.6 mmol·L−1; F = 0.41, p = 0.67, ηp2 = 0.04)
were similar between the three conditions.
Table 1 presents a comparison between the HR and the [La−] immediately after the warm-ups. It
was possible to verify significant differences in HR (F = 19.80, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.69) and [La−] (F = 35.29,
p < 0.00, ηp2 = 0.80), with higher values for either warm-ups compared with no warm-up condition.
No differences were found in perceived exertion between warm-ups performed (WU: 4.27 ± 1.27 vs.
PAP: 3.80 ± 1.40; p = 0.34, ES = 0.32).
Table 1. Mean ± SD values (95% confidence interval) of physiological responses to no-warm-up (NWU),
typical warm-up (WU) and post-activation potentiation warm-up (PAP) (n = 11). p-values and effect
sizes (ES) are also presented.
NWU vs. WU
WU vs. PAP
72 ± 6
(68, 76)
99 ± 13
(89, 108)
91 ± 9
(86, 97)
<0.001 **
<0.001 **
2.5 ± 0.6
(2.0, 2.9)
4.7 ± 1.1
(3.9, 5.5)
4.4 ± 1.0
(3.7, 5.1)
<0.001 **
<0.001 **
Mean ± SD values (95% confidence limits). [La−] = blood lactate concentration. HR = heart rate. ** p ≤ 0.01.
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Table 2 presents the results recorded in the first 100 m sprint after NWU, WU and PAP. Large
differences were found between the three conditions assessed (F = 12.52, p = 0.005, ηp2 = 0.58) in the
100 m sprint. The participants were 7.44% and 7.57% faster after the WU and PAP, compared to NWU,
respectively. Moreover, four of them were faster after WU and seven were faster after PAP.
Table 2. Mean ± SD values of the first 100 m time trial, biomechanical and psychophysiological
variables assessed during experimental protocols: no-warm-up (NWU), typical warm-up (WU) and
with post-activation potentiation (PAP) (n = 11).
NWU vs. WU
WU vs. PAP
T0–50 (s)
7.30 ± 0.68
(6.85, 7.64)
7.01 ± 0.58
(6.68, 7.34)
7.00 ± 0.62
(6.61, 7.39)
T50–100 (s)
8.69 ± 0.69
(8.20, 9.18)
7.66 ± 0.73
(7.13, 8.18)
7.66 ± 0.91
(7.01, 8.31)
0.03 *
0.04 *
T100 (s)
15.99 ± 0.96
(15.30, 16.68)
14.67 ± 1.29
(13.75, 15.60)
14.66 ± 1.52
(13.58, 15.74)
0.01 ***
0.02 *
T0–50 SF
1.97 ± 0.19
(1.84, 2.11)
2.08 ± 0.14
(1.97, 2.18)
2.04 ± 0.13
(1.95, 2.13)
T50–100 SF
1.72 ± 0.21
(1.57, 1.87)
1.89 ± 0.11
(1.81, 1.96)
1.91 ± 0.10
(1.84, 1.98)
0.05 *
0.03 **
T0–50 SL
3.51 ± 0.32
(3.28, 3.75)
3.47 ± 0.34
(3.23, 3.71)
3.54 ± 0.36
(3.3, 3.86)
0.01 **
T50–100 SL
3.40 ± 0.33
(3.16, 3.63)
3.51 ± 0.42
(3.21, 3.81)
3.47 ± 0.42
(3.17, 3.77)
HR (bpm)
148 ± 24
(131, 165)
156 ± 22
(140, 172)
162 ± 18
(149, 175)
7.6 ± 1.8
(6.3, 8.8)
8.5 ± 1.3
(7.5, 9.4)
8.9 ± 1.5
(7.8, 10.1)
6 ± 2
(5, 7)
7 ± 1
(6, 8)
7 ± 1
(6, 7)
Mean ± SD values (95% confidence limits). HR = heart rate. [La−] = blood lactate concentration. RPE = ratings of
perceived exertion. ** p ≤ 0.01 and * p ≤ 0.05.
Warm-ups assessed resulted also in large effects in the SF during the first 50 m (F = 3.81, p = 0.07,
ηp2 = 0.30) and the second 50 m (F = 9.29, p = 0.01, ηp2 = 0.51) of the time-trial. The SL showed to be
clearly different only in the second 50 m of the time-trial (F = 4.14, p = 0.03, ηp2 = 0.32). After trial, no
significant differences were found in [La−] values (F = 2.16, p = 0.14, ηp2 = 0.19), HR (F = 1.20, p = 0.32,
ηp2 = 0.12) and RPE values (F = 0.18, p = 0.73, ηp2 = 0.02).
In the second 100 m sprint (Table 3), no differences were found between warm-ups condition (F =
0.58, p = 0.50, ηp2 = 0.06). Nevertheless, we verified that there was a 6.12% improvement from the
first to the second sprint of 100 m in the NWU condition, while the same did not occur in the other
conditions. The different responses to each warm-up condition in the 100 m time trials can be easily
confirmed in Figure 2.
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Table 3. Mean ± SD values of the second 100 m time-trial, biomechanical and psychophysiological
variables assessed during experimental protocols: no-warm-up (NWU), typical warm-up (WU) and
with post-activation potentiation (PAP) (n = 11).
NWU vs. WU
WU vs. PAP
T0–50 (s)
7.16 ± 0.59
(6.73, 7.58)
7.03 ± 0.56
(6.63, 7.43)
6.97 ± 0.59
(6.55, 7.39)
T50–100 (s)
7.76 ± 0.61
(7.33, 8.20)
7.70 ± 0.82
(7.11, 8.29)
7.78 ± 0.98
(7.08, 8.48)
T100 (s)
14.92 ± 1.16
(14.09, 15.75)
14.73 ± 1.36
(13.76, 15.70)
14.75 ± 1.52
(13.67, 15.84)
T0–50 SF
1.98 ± 0.16
(1.87, 2.10)
2.04 ± 0.09
(1.97, 2.11)
2.02 ± 0.12
(1.94, 2.10)
T50–100 SF
1.88 ± 0.14
(1.77, 1.98)
1.89 ± 0.12
(1.80, 1.97)
1.86 ± 0.13
(1.77, 1.95)
T0–50 SL
3.56 ± 0.32
(3.33, 3.79)
3.51 ± 0.32
(3.28, 3.74)
3.59 ± 0.38
(3.32, 3.86)
T50–100 SL
3.47 ± 0.39
(3.19, 3.75)
3.49 ± 0.38
(3.22, 3.75)
3.52 ± 0.47
(3.18, 3.85)
HR (bpm)
164 ± 10
(157, 171)
161 ± 29
(140, 182)
172 ± 20
(158, 186)
10.6 ± 1.6
(9.5, 11.7)
11.7 ± 1.6
(10.6, 12.8)
11.7 ± 1.9
(10.4, 13.0)
7 ± 2
(6, 8)
7 ± 1
(6, 8)
7 ± 1
(7, 8)
Mean ± SD values (95% confidence limits). HR = heart rate. [La−] = blood lactate concentration. RPE = ratings of
perceived exertion.
Figure 2. Mean changes (±90% CI) verified between conditions, specifically without warm-up (NWU),
after typical warm-up (WU) and after WU complemented with ballistic exercises (PAP) in each 100
m time-trial.
No significant differences were found in running kinematics during the second sprint, specifically
regarding the SF in the first (F = 1.89, p = 0.18, ηp2 = 0.17) and second 50 m (F = 0.33, p = 0.72, ηp2 = 0.04),
and regarding the SL in the first (F = 2.19, p = 0.14, ηp2 = 0.19) and second 50 m (F = 0.68, p = 0.52,
ηp2 = 0.07). No significant differences were found in [La−] values (F = 2.83, p = 0.09, ηp2 = 0.24), HR
(F = 1.21, p = 0.32, ηp2 = 0.12) and RPE values (F = 0.18, p = 0.73, ηp2 = 0.02) after the second time trial.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1850
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No differences were found after 15 min of recovery in the HR (NWU: 94 ± 8 bpm vs. WU: 97 ± 18
bpm vs. PAP: 96 ± 6 bpm; F = 0.17, p = 0.84, ηp2 = 0.02) and in the [La−] values (7.8 ± 1.3 mmol·L−1 vs.
7.9 ± 1.3 mmol·L−1 vs. 7.7 ± 1.0 mmol·L−1; F = 0.37, p = 0.70, ηp2 = 0.04).
4. Discussion
The main purpose of the current study was to verify the acute effects of a warm-up including
ballistic exercises, easy to apply on a real competition context, in 100 m running performance. It
was intended to benefit from some post-activation potentiation, and thus optimize sprint running
performance. This hypothesis was partially confirmed by the increased performance verified in the first
sprint compared with the non-existence of warm-up. Nevertheless, by including some post-activation
potentiation strategies such as the ballistic exercises, there were no additional effects in performance
compared to the typical warm-up procedures. These results are in accordance with previous scientific
evidence that reported optimized sprint performances after a typical warm-up or a post-activation
potentiation warm-up (e.g., [23,41]) but failed to evidence additional improvement in performances
after the use of ballistic exercises, as expected (e.g., [42,43]). Both warm-ups resulted in higher SF in
the second part of the first time-trial compared with no warm-up. Interestingly, SL was higher in
the second part of the 100 m after PAP compared with WU. This suggest that there are some specific
technical adaptations that occur in response to different warm-up stimulations.
The warm-up is intended to optimize the athletes’ preparedness, by increasing temperature,
blood flow and muscle and metabolic efficiency to produce faster responses which are determinant to
performance [1,7]. The ability of the muscle to produce force can be acutely modified by warm-up by
including some conditioning muscle contractions [22]. The post-activation potentiation elicits transient
improvements in performance and has been investigated as a strategy to include during warm-up
for increasing performance [23,41]. The common exercises related to potentiation post activation
phenomenon have used heavy-load (75–95% 1RM) resistance exercise [23]. However, ballistic exercises
can be used as alternative since these are usually related with type II motor unit recruitment [44]. In fact,
ballistic activities are more practical and feasible before competition compared to exercises requiring
high-intensity external loads. That was the main reason for the assessment of ballistic exercises during
warm-up in the current studies. Recent studies found some benefits by using depth jumping during
the warm-up protocol to both maximal strength [24], sprint performance [42] and vertical jump [26,42].
However, to the best of our knowledge, no studies evaluated this warm-up strategy when applied to
official running distances such as the 100 m race and tried to understand the biomechanical responses
during the race.
The results showed that the 100 m running performance was positively influenced by the warm-up.
All the participants performed better after either warm-ups and, despite no statistically significant
differences found between WU and PAP (p = 1.00, ES = 0.01), seven athletes recorded their best times
after PAP. This could mean that there might be an individual response to PAP stimulation, as already
highlighted by Till and Cook [42]. These authors found no differences in 20 m running performance
by adding different post-activation potentiation strategies to usual warm-up, such as deadlift (5
repetitions at 5 repetitions maximum), or tuck jump (5 repetitions), or isometric maximum voluntary
knee extensions (3 repetitions for 3 s) [42]. Nevertheless, others found positive effects on the use of
ballistic exercises in running performance. Byrne et al. [27] verified that a brief warm-up of 5 min of
running, dynamic stretches and three vertical jumps resulted in 5% better performance in 20 m sprint
compared to the warm-up without the jumps. Accordingly, Lima et al. [45] found that 2 × 5 jumps from
a height of 0.75 m caused 2% faster 50 m sprint performance. More recently, Turner et al. [44] found
that the utilization of alternate-leg plyometric bounding provided an effective strategy for acutely
improving sprint acceleration performance (10 and 20 m). Thus, it would be expected that there would
be greater differences between the warm-ups performed, since the use of ballistic exercises during
warm-up have been suggested as potentiating performance in explosive and short-term efforts [14,15].
In fact, most studies looked at race distances markedly lower than that used in the current study. This
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1850
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longer distance might have caused the potentiation effects to disappear among other determinants of
performance [46].
Maximal running performance results from an optimal ratio between SF and SL [28]. Some
studies claimed SL to be the most influencing variable for maximal running velocity [47] while others
suggested the SF [28]. Nevertheless, it is a fact that the runners adjust the SL and the SF to run most
efficiently, optimizing velocity according to their own characteristics [48]. In the current study, better
sprint times after warm-up could be caused by the ability to maintain a higher SF on final 50 m of the
100 m sprint without compromising the SL values. This situation did not occur in the NWU condition.
Our results corroborated with previous research that suggested that there is a biomechanical adaptation
in response to different warm-up procedures [2,49].
Interestingly, the running kinematics showed to be different in response to WU or PAP. In the PAP
condition, the participants showed greater SL in the beginning of the race, contrarily to the SF that
showed to be lower, compared with the WU condition. The PAP seemed to acutely stimulate the force
required for an increased SL and perhaps improving the efficiency of the movement, that remained
higher in the beginning of the second sprint. The effects of warm-up on acute motor learning and
on sensorimotor responses could lead to different biomechanical movement patterns after different
warm-ups [49]. Our WU ended with some specific running exercises and the PAP ended with jumps.
It is a fact that the running exercises and running acceleration exercises could have prepared the
participants to perform higher SF, while the jumps generated a greater capacity to exert muscular
power, hence more effective force in less time and thereupon greater SL. So, this different biomechanical
running adaptation might be partially explained by the specificity of the preload stimulus, since the
vertical jump is biomechanically different from horizontal running.
The physiological variables showed an increased response to warm-up, with higher HR and [La−]
values after warm-up, and within the range of values that some authors suggested to be adequate
for a proper warm-up [49,50]. This perhaps explain the better response in the first sprint after either
warm-up procedures. Nevertheless, those differences disappeared after the first time-trial, which may
be seen as a specific warm-up stimulus that in some way places the participant at a similar preparation
level. The first sprint enhanced the neuromotor excitability that resulted in performance optimization
in a second 100 m sprint [6,31]. The non-existence of differences between HR and [La−] values might
suggest that PAP stimulation by the ballistic exercises used were not enough to induce physiological
stress. Once again, this could be caused by the lack of specificity of the jumps and/or an insufficient
load to stimulate some higher responses in PAP. We should be aware of a possible individualized effect
of PAP stimulation, that was already documented before [15,51]. Moreover, we could speculate that
the interval after PAP was not adequate for each runner [52,53]. It is known that the PAP effect may
last for 5 to 10 min [53] and within this period, there are different moments of maximal potentiation
for each individual [23]. However, our results were reliable and enlightening about the use of both
warm-up procedures and that PAP could be used as an alternative to traditional warm-up.
Some limitations, however, should be addressed. In fact, our results could not entirely be
extrapolated to performance of higher skilled sprints during official events since the participants were
not sprint specialists/athletes and it is known that post-activation potentiation could be influenced by
training levels [19]. Also, further studies should include a larger number of participants and include
females to clarify some of the analyzed findings. However, we took several steps to strengthen our
statistical analysis as described in the statistical section. Future research should investigate different
post-activation potentiation strategies (e.g., combining different jumps or short-term sprints) and
different recovery times between the warm-up and the race. Moreover, other evaluation methods
could be used to complement our measures and to deepen our findings, such as body temperature
and other biomechanical variables (e.g., contact time and horizonal forces production). Considering
our limitations, readers should interpret our results with discernment. Even so, the current findings
are still relevant for coaches and researchers for increased knowledge on warm-up and the effects
on performance.
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5. Conclusions
The results suggested that 100 m running performance was positively influenced by warm-up
procedures, evidenced by the best results after the WU and the PAP compared to the NWU condition.
Moreover, our results suggested that 100 m is equally optimized after WU or PAP, but with different
running kinematics. Thus, in support of our original hypotheses, we have demonstrated that warming
up benefits the 100 m running performance and that ballistic exercises, easy to perform by using body
mass, can be used as an alternative to typical warm-up procedures.
Some practical applications can be drawn. It seems clear that 100 m sprinters should warm-up
for better competitive and training performances. When no warm-up is possible, a single 100 m
trial can be enough to stimulate and prepare the athlete for that unusual situation. Yet, it is usually
possible to warm-up before the race or training session and in this case, the PAP could be included in
the warm-up to potentiate some individual benefits. Moreover, if the individual 100 m race strategy
depends on having a higher SF, a typical warm-up should be used, whereas if higher SL is needed,
the warm-up including ballistic exercises should be used. The current results alert coaches and
researchers the need for tailored and customized warm-up designs and specifically post-activation
potentiation strategies during warm-up. The current study took a novel approach to warm-up research
by examining the effects of including post-activation potentiation exercises (i.e., ballistic exercises) in
running performance and in running stride kinematics.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.P.N., D.A.M. and M.C.M.; methodology, H.P.N., D.A.M.; software,
M.H.G.; validation, H.P.N., D.A.M. and M.C.M.; formal analysis, H.P.N. and D.A.M.; investigation, M.H.G.,
D.A.M., N.D.G., M.S.C.-S. and F.J.A.; resources, N.D.G., F.J.A. and M.S.C.-S.; data curation, M.H.G. and H.P.N.;
writing—original draft preparation, H.P.N. and M.H.G.; writing—review and editing, H.P.N., N.D.G., F.J.A. and
D.A.M.; visualization, H.P.N., D.A.M. and M.C.M.; supervision, M.C.M. and D.A.M.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
This work was supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation
for Science and Technology,
under project UID/DTP/04045/2019 and the European Fund for
Regional Development (FEDER) allocated by European Union through the COMPETE 2020 Programme
(POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006969)–competitiveness and internationalization (POCI).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| The Effect of Ballistic Exercise as Pre-Activation for 100 m Sprints. | 05-24-2019 | Gil, Maria H,Neiva, Henrique P,Garrido, Nuno D,Aidar, Felipe J,Cirilo-Sousa, Maria S,Marques, Mário C,Marinho, Daniel A | eng |
Pilates training improves 5-km run
performance by changing metabolic cost and
muscle activity in trained runners
Paula Finatto, Edson Soares Da Silva, Alexandre B. Okamura, Bruna P. Almada, Henrique
B. Oliveira, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga*
Exercise Research Laboratory, Escola de Educac¸ão Fı´sica, Fisioterapia e Danc¸a, Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
* [email protected]
Strength training improves distance running economy and performance. This finding is
based predominantly on maximal and explosive strength programmes applied to locomotor
muscles, particularly on the lower limbs. It is not certain whether a minimization of metabolic
cost (Cmet) and an improvement in running performance is feasible with strength training of
the postural and trunk muscles.
Using kinematic, neuromuscular and metabolic measurements of running at two different
speeds before and after a 12-week Pilates training programme, we tested the hypothesis
that core training might improve the running Cmet and performance of trained runners.
Thirty-two individuals were randomly assigned to the control group (CG, n = 16) or the Pila-
tes group (PG, n = 16).
Confirming our hypothesis, a significant improvement (p<0.05) was observed for running
performance in the PG (pre: 25.65±0.4 min; post: 23.23±0.4 min) compared to the CG (pre:
25.33±0.58 min; post: 24.61±0.52 min). Similarly, the PG (4.33±0.07 had better
responses than the CG (4.71±0.11 during post-training for Cmet. These findings
were accompanied by decreased electromyographic activity of the postural muscles at sub-
maximal running intensities in the PG.
Overall, these results provide a rationale for selecting strength training strategies that target
adaptations on specific postural and locomotor muscles for trained distance runners.
March 21, 2018
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Citation: Finatto P, Silva ESD, Okamura AB,
Almada BP, Oliveira HB, Peyre´-Tartaruga LA (2018)
Pilates training improves 5-km run performance by
changing metabolic cost and muscle activity in
trained runners. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194057.
Editor: Yury P. Ivanenko, Fondazione Santa Lucia
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico,
Received: November 28, 2017
Accepted: February 25, 2018
Published: March 21, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Finatto et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: This work was supported by
Coordenac¸ão de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
Nı´vel Superior (CAPES) and Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnolo´gico (CNPq).
The funders had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
From the cardiorespiratory perspective, running performance, particularly at long distances,
depends on the interaction of different factors [1], including high maximum oxygen consump-
tion (VO2max), the ability to sustain a high fraction of VO2max for long periods, and the ability
to move economically [2]. The latter parameter is designated as metabolic cost (Cmet) and cor-
responds to the oxygen consumption spent to move a certain distance by running at a submax-
imal intensity. Considering a group of runners with a similar body mass, an individual with a
low Cmet would spend less energy and consequently would have lower oxygen consumption
(VO2) than a runner with a high Cmet at a certain running speed [3,4].
A lower Cmet may be achieved via aerobic endurance training programmes, aerobic endur-
ance combined with strength training, and plyometric training [5,6]. Another aspect that may
be related to Cmet is muscle activation, particularly that of muscles of the trunk and lower limbs.
Behm et al.[7] observed that a greater activation of the obliquus externus abdominis muscle and
erector muscles of the upper and sacral spine is required during running for the control of
movements and that the activation pattern of these muscles may be associated with better per-
formance. For this reason, a specific training programme can promote greater stability, which
would decrease necessary muscle recruitment and consequently positively affect Cmet [8,9].
Pilates training (PT) has been widely used to strengthen trunk muscles. PT is based on six
key principles: concentration, control, precision, flow, breathing, and centre of force [10]. The
centre of force was originally designated powerhouse and refers to the extensor muscles of the
spine and hip, the flexor muscles of the spine and hip, and the muscles of the pelvic floor [10].
The centre of force is strengthened to promote further stabilization of the hip and trunk and
favour the integrity of the spine [11].
To the best of our knowledge, no previous studies have specifically addressed the effects of
PT on running. However, training programmes for the stability of the core muscles, which
correspond to the flexor and extensor muscles of the trunk, along with the deeper muscles that
stabilize the trunk, have shown conflicting results when performed for six weeks. Stanton et al.
[12] found significant improvements in core stability in team sport athletes after core training
using Swiss balls; however, they found no significant differences in the activation of abdominal
and extensor muscles of the spine, VO2max or Cmet. By contrast, Sato and Mokha [9] found no
significant improvement in the dynamic stability of trained runners after a core-training pro-
gramme but found a significant decrease in the time of completion for a 5-km run.
Core training and PT aim to strengthen the muscles of the trunk and lower limbs. However, the
principles inherent to PT are not used in core training, and these principles distinguish these two
training modalities and can influence the results of PT. Specific training programmes can result in
a better pattern of activation of the trunk muscles, which would provide more stable joints and
reduce the need for co-contractions for stabilization. Consequently, these programmes could lead to
decreased Cmet and, in turn, improved running performance. We hypothesized that metabolic cost
and trunk muscle activation will be reduced and, consequently, running performance may be
improved. Therefore, it is essential to study the effects of strengthening the muscles of the centre of
force by PT on Cmet and on the muscle activation patterns and biomechanical parameters that could
be indicative of improved Cmet because this strategy can consequently increase running performance.
Materials and methods
Experimental design
To investigate the effects of mat PT in recreational runners, cardiorespiratory and neuromus-
cular adaptations were compared between a group that underwent running training combined
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Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Abbreviations: Anova, Analysis of variance; BF,
biceps femoralis; Cmet, metabolic cos; Cmet10,
metabolic cost at 10 km.h-1; Cmet12, metabolic cost
at 12 km.h-1; CG, control group; E, Easy; EMG,
Electromyographic; GM, gluteus medius; HRVT2,
heart rate at second ventilatory threshold; LD,
latissimus dors; LO, Longissimus; I, Interval; M,
moderate; MVIC, maximal voluntary isometric
contraction; PG, Pilates group; OI, obliquus
internus abdominis; OE, obliquus externus
abdominis; PT, Pilates training; RMS, root mean
square; SE, Standard error; T, threshold; VL, vastus
lateralis; VO2, oxygen consumption; VO2max,
maximum oxygen consumption; VT2, second
ventilatory threshold; W, Watts.
with PT and a control group that underwent only running training. Both groups (Pilates and
control) were trained for 12 weeks and were evaluated before and after the training period.
The post-training evaluations were performed 72 hours after the last training session, and the
subjects completed the evaluations within 10 days with at least 48 hours between the test ses-
sions. The same assessors who were blinded to the training groups conducted the test sessions,
and the same equipment was used in all of the sessions. The subjects were instructed to main-
tain their eating habits during the study period.
Fifty-eight subjects were interviewed after placement of an advertisement about the study in a
major newspaper in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The 32 enrolled volunteers were randomly assigned
into two groups by electronic randomization: control group (CG; n = 16) (mean±SE, age:
18.44 ± 0.52 years; body mass: 73.64 ± 10.79 kg; height: 176.66 ± 9.89 cm, percent fat:
10.81 ± 2.49%) and Pilates group (PG; n = 16) (mean ± SE, age: 18.42 ± 0.51 years; body mass:
70.71±10.90 kg; height: 175.07 ± 8.06 cm, percent fat: 9.34±1.98%). During data collection, the
CG lost three subjects. During the training period, one subject from the PG was excluded
because his rate of absence from training was higher than 20%. Therefore, 15 subjects in the
CG and 13 subjects in the PG completed all phases of the study. The inclusion criteria were as
follows: male, practice of running for at least six months before the study, with experience in
5-km running races, age between 18 and 28 years, and absence of medical restrictions. The
exclusion criteria were as follows: subjects with experience in Pilates and subjects with hor-
monal, metabolic, neuromuscular, and/or cardiac disorders. All the participants had a running
experience of at most 9 months prior to the start of the study, with the main frequency of 2
times a week. Each individual signed a free and informed consent form. This study was con-
ducted according to the Helsinki Declaration and was approved by the Ethics Committee of
the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil under registration no. 965734.
Running training.
Subjects from the CG and PG participated in a 12-week racetrack
training programme (see the training program in the supplementary material, S1 Table). Two
sessions per week were performed. The periodization of running training was based on the
second ventilatory threshold (VT2) obtained in a maximal effort test on a treadmill with maxi-
mum oxygen consumption (VO2max) in a first session of data collection. Accordingly, the
training periodization was based on the heart rate at VT2 (HRVT2) according to the intensity
zones proposed by Daniels [13]: easy (E), 71–86%; moderate (M), 82–98%; threshold (T), 96–
100%; and interval (I), 107–109% of HRVT2 (S1 Table). The training sessions were held at the
three racetracks of the School of Physical Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande
do Sul (Escola de Educac¸ão Fı´sica, Fisioterapia e Danc¸a da Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Sul).
Classical mat Pilates training.
The classic mat PT programme lasted 12 weeks. The sub-
jects from the PG underwent the running training described above in addition to two one-
hour weekly sessions of PT performed on days alternate to the days of the running training.
The organization of the session and the intensity and volume of training were in accordance
with the Manual of the Pilates Method Alliance (California, USA). The sessions were organized
into an initial section (execution of PT fundamentals), a main section (execution of PT exer-
cises), and a final section (relaxation). During the initial section, the fundamentals of PT were
performed, and the exercises were selected according to the training period. Classic mat PT
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consisted of three series, and the number of repetitions and sequences were defined as shown
in Table 1.
Maximum amplitude of the electromyographic signal during MVIC
In a second session, for the evaluation of the maximum isometric amplitude of the electromyo-
graphic (EMG) signal of the aforementioned muscles, the procedures began with electrode
placement and skin preparation on the muscle surfaces of interest [14]. Surface electrodes with
a 15-mm total diameter (MeditraceTM, Mainsfield, Canada) were used in a bipolar configura-
tion, whose inter-electrode distance of 2 cm [15].
After this procedure, the locations of electrode placement for the longissimus (LO), gluteus
medius (GM), vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoralis (BF) and latissimus dorsi (LD) were deter-
mined according to the recommendations of the SENIAM project (Surface ElectroMyoGraphy
for the Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles; [16]). In the obliquus internus abdominis (OI)
muscle, the electrodes were placed two cm medially and inferiorly to the anterior superior iliac
spine [17]. In the obliquus externus abdominis (OE) muscle, the electrodes were placed at
mid-distance between the lower part of the rib cage and the anterior superior iliac spine [17].
The reference electrode was placed at the tuberosity of the tibia of the right leg. A level of resis-
tance between the electrodes of up to 3000 O was accepted. After placement of the electrodes,
the subjects were instructed to perform a warm-up by walking for 5 min on a treadmill. All of
the subjects were instructed and encouraged to exert the maximum force in each isometric test
Table 1. 12-week periodization of Pilates training.
Week 1
Weeks 2 to 6
Weeks 6 to 12
Initial section
Fundamentals 1 to 7
Fundamentals 5 to 12
Fundamentals 13 to 17
Main section
Basic Mat Pilates
Intermediate Mat Pilates
Final section
Exercises that composed the various levels
Basic Mat Pilates
Intermediate Mat Pilates
1. Breathing
1. The Hundred
1.The Hundred
1. The Hundred
2. Imprinting
2. Roll Down
2. The Roll Up
2. The Roll Up
3. Pelvic Bowl
3. Roll Up
3. Single Leg Circles
3. Leg Circles
4. Knee Sway
4. Single Leg Circles
4. Rolling Like a Ball
4. Rolling Like a Ball
5. Knee Folds/Stirs
5. Rolling Like a Ball
5. Single Leg Stretch
5. Single Leg Stretch
6. Leg Slides
6. Single Leg Stretch
6. Double Leg Stretch
6. Double Leg Stretch
7. Spinal Bridging
7. Double Leg Stretch
7. Legs Up and Down
7. Single Straight Leg
8. Prone Hip Extension
8. Spine Stretch Forward
8. Spine Stretch Forward
8. Double Straight Leg
9. Cervical Nod
9. Saw
9. Criss-Cross
10. Nose Circles
10. Single Leg Kicks
10. Spine Stretch Forward
11. Head Float
11. Beats
11. Open Leg Rocker
12. Ribcage/Angel Arms
12. Double Leg Kicks
12. Corkscrew
13. Rotating Arms
13. Saw
14. Torso Twist
14. Neck Pull
15. Flight
15. Single Leg Kicks
16. Cat
16. Double Leg Kicks
17. Bowing
17. Neck Pull
18. Side Kicks Series
19. Teaser
20. Seal
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against the mechanical strength of the Velcro strips to produce this force as fast as possible.
Three measurements of the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) were obtained
in each muscle, with a duration of 5 s and an interval of 3 min between each measurement
pre- and post-training and used to normalize the EMG activation during running in each eval-
uation period. To obtain muscle activation, the EMG signal was captured by two electromyo-
graphs (Miotool 400, Miotec, Porto Alegre, Brazil), with a sampling frequency of 2000 Hz in
each channel, using Miograph software (Miotec, Porto Alegre, Brazil) for later analysis in
SAD32 software (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil). The signal was filtered using a fifth-order But-
terworth band-pass filter with cut-off frequencies between 20 and 500 Hz. After filtering, the
plateau period of isometric activation for 1-s intervals was identified. The root mean square
(RMS) value was obtained via Hamming windowing in 1-s intervals. The measurement with
the highest RMS value was considered valid.
EMG activation during running
Fifteen minutes after the completion of the MVIC measurements, the running protocol was
initiated with two runs at speeds of 10 and 12 km.h-1 performed in random order for 7 minutes
each. The EMG signal was recorded in the last minute of the protocol on a treadmill at each
speed evaluated using the data acquisition software Miograph (Miotec, Porto Alegre, Brazil).
The kinematic data used for evaluation of the EMG signal at the different stride phases were
also obtained in the last minute of each speed evaluated by recording the run with a Casio
(EXLIM-ZR1000) video camera at a sampling rate of 120 Hz. These data were aligned with the
EMG data using a light signal that generates a spike in the EMG signal in the channel specified
for the alignment. Subsequently, the files with data on running and MVICs were exported for
analysis in SAD32 software (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil). For the analysis of EMG activation
during the runs, the same signal filtering procedure as that used for MVIC was applied. The
RMS curve was obtained via Hamming windowing in 0.1-second intervals. Subsequently, the
RMS signal was shifted and clipped from the signal emitted by the alignment system, in agree-
ment with the video analysis. The times corresponding to the three stride phases (pre-activa-
tion: 100 ms before the contact of the heel with the floor [18]; b) contact phase (contact of the
heel with the ground until detachment of the heel from the ground); and c) swing phase
(detachment of the heel from the ground until contact of the heel to the ground)) were then
identified in the videos for clipping of the EMG signal obtained from five main strides. Subse-
quently, the mean time was calculated from these clippings to obtain the mean RMS value for
each subject and for each stride phase. RMS values representative of EMG activation in each of
the three phases were expressed as a percentage of MVIC. The pattern of EMG activation of
the seven muscles analysed during the runs pre-and post-training in the CG and PG was ana-
lysed via a temporal analysis of the EMG signal in relation to time, considering that the nor-
malized x-axis varied between 0 and 100% of the stride. For this purpose, the raw EMG signal
was shifted according to the alignment system and was rectified and filtered using a fifth-order
Butterworth low band-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 10 Hz [19]. After filtering, the
EMG signals from five main strides were obtained to calculate the mean curve. The mean
curve of each subject was resampled in 200 points and exported to Excel (Microsoft, Redmond,
USA) for the calculation of the mean curve between the subjects.
Metabolic cost
The treadmill tests at both speeds were performed concurrently with the collection of EMG
data. For this purpose, the subjects remained at rest for 15 min in the sitting position and at
rest for 5 min in the orthostatic position to determine the at rest heart hate and VO2 for
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confirmation of the initiation of the test. The respiratory exchange ratio should be below 0.85 to
ensure that the individual started from the same resting state in each phase of the test. Subse-
quently, a 5-min warm-up was performed on a treadmill and was immediately followed by two
additional 7-min stages, at running speeds of 10 and 12 km.h-1. These speeds were randomized,
respecting a 5-min interval between the runs or until the heart hate returned to resting levels.
The VO2 values were collected in the last 4 min of each run, and the last 3 min were included in
the analysis. Data were collected using a gas analyser model VO2000 (Medgraphics, Ann Arbor,
USA). The Wmet was considered the difference between the VO2 measured during exercise and
the VO2 at rest, in relation to time. Because the unit of measure used was watts (W), this differ-
ence was multiplied by the energy coefficient (20.9 J.mL-1) and divided by the time in seconds
(60 s). The metabolic cost values relative to the speeds of 10 km.h-1 (Cmet10) and 12 km.h-1
(Cmet12) were calculated by dividing Wmet by the speed in m.s-1.
Time of completion of the 5-km run
In a third session, a 5-km run was performed by all of the subjects in a single test to determine
the total time of completion of the test. The 5-km time was controlled using timers and was con-
firmed by filming. The race was always held at the same time and with similar temperature and
relative humidity conditions. All data can be seen in the supplementary material (S2 Table).
The comparisons of run performance variables, metabolic variables, muscle activation, and
sample characteristics between the groups and time factors were performed using the general-
ized estimating equations model. Bonferroni’s complementary test was used to identify signifi-
cant differences. The significance level was set at α<0.05, and the statistical package used was
SPSS version 18.0 (IBM, Armonk, USA).
The sample size computation was based on data (Cmet and performance) from Sato &
Mokha [9] and Stanton et al. [12]. The software used was GPOWER version 3.1 (Power as
1-beta error probability: 95%; Effect size: 0.90; Error assumed as alpha: 0.05). After calculation,
26 subjects were indicated for allocation equally for each group, 13 subjects in CG group and
13 in PG group. We decided insert more subjects in each group, due to a possible sample loss.
Therefore, the present study was initiated with 32 individuals.
Participant baseline characteristics
The sample characterization data are shown in Table 2. No significant differences in this sec-
tion were observed between the groups in the pre-training period.
Table 2. Mean (standard deviation) age, height, body mass, body fat, lean mass, maximal oxygenuptake (VO2max),
and speed at the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) in the pre-training period.
Control group (n = 16)
Pilates group (n = 15)
Age (years)
18.44 (0.52)
18.42 (0.51)
Height (cm)
176.66 (9.89)
175.07 (8.06)
Body mass (kg)
73.64 (10.79)
70.71 (10.90)
Body fat (%)
10.81 (2.49)
9.34 (1.98)
Lean mass (%)
49.82 (2.26)
50.54 (2.40)
Speed at VT2 (km.h-1)
14.44 (1.33)
14.21 (1.05)
VO2max (
51.26 (5.43)
51.75 (7.55)
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Running performance and respiratory variables
The variables running time, VO2max, Cmet10, and Cmet12 were not significantly different
between the groups in the pre-training period. In the post-training period, the PG had signifi-
cantly higher VO2max values (p<0.001), a significantly shorter 5-km running time (p<0.001),
and a significantly lower Cmet12 (p = 0.019).
For the time factor, significant differences were found in both groups for all of the variables
evaluated (Table 3).
Electromyographic variables
Maximal voluntary isometric contraction.
The comparisons between the training peri-
ods indicated that the MVIC of the OE, OI, LO, BF, and GM muscles increased significantly in
only the PG whereas the activation of the VL muscle increased significantly in both the CG
and PG between pre- and post-training (Table 4). In addition, no significant differences in
MVIC were found between the CG and PG in pre-training. In post-training, the MVIC of the
OE, OI, LO, and GM muscles was significantly higher in the PG than in the CG.
Muscle activity during running.
The data on muscle activation during the stride phases,
presented as a percentage of the MVIC, indicated a distinct behaviour in relation to the
remaining variables analysed. In the pre-training period, significant differences in the level of
activation of the OE and BF muscles were found in the swing phase at 10 km.h-1 (p = 0.018
and 0.048, respectively) and for the VL (p = 0.024) and BF (p = 0.26) muscles at 10 km.h-1 in
the pre-activation phase.
Obliquus externus abdominis.
A significant increase in the level of activation of the OE
muscle was found in the pre-activation phase between the training periods at 10 km.h-1
(p = 0.022) (Fig 1). However, no differences in the level of activation of this muscle were found
between groups (p = 0.983). In addition, at 10 km.h-1, the percentage of muscle activation
between the training periods decreased only in the swing phase in both groups (p = 0.002).
The percentage of muscle activation significantly decreased in both groups in the support
(p<0.001) and swing (p<0.001) phases at 12 km.h-1. Moreover, in the swing phase post-train-
ing, the level of activation was lower in the PG compared to the CG (p = 0.009).
Obliquus internus abdominis.
At 10 km.h-1, the level of activation of the OI muscle
increased significantly in the pre-activation stage between pre- and post-training in both
Table 3. Effect of running training and running training combined with Pilates on performance and respiratory variables. Data Represent the Mean Values (Stan-
dard Error) for 5-km Running Time, Maximum Oxygen Consumption (VO2max), Metabolic Cost at 10 km.h-1 (Cmet10), Metabolic Cost at 12 km.h-1 (Cmet12), Speed at the
Second Ventilatory Threshold (VT2), and Oxygen Consumption at the Second Ventilatory Threshold (VO2 VT2).
Effect of time
Effect of group
Interaction group x time
5-km running time
25.33 (0.58)
24.61 (0.52)
25.65 (0.44)
23.23 (0.40)a
51.32 (1.20)
53.72 (1.58)
51.8 (1.73)
58.53 (1.59)a
4.27 (0.09)
3.85 (0.13)
3.82 (0.08)
5.22 (0.08)
4.71 (0.11)
5.00 (0.10)
4.33 (0.07)a
Significant difference between pre- and post-training
a significant difference between the groups in post-training
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groups (p = 0.009) (Fig 2). At the speed of 12 km.h-1, the level of activation increased only in
the PG in the pre-activation phase between pre- and post-training (p = 0.01); however, the
level of muscle activation in the PG was lower than that in the CG (p = 0.003).
In the support and swing phases, the percentage of muscle activation decreased significantly
between pre- and post-training at both speeds in both groups (p<0.001). At 12 km.h-1 in post-
training, the level of activation in the PG was significantly lower than that in the CG (p = 0.01).
Vastus lateralis.
The results for the VA muscle are shown in Fig 3. In the pre-activation
phase (group factor, p = 0.273; time factor, p = 0.260) and swing phase (group factor,
p = 0.551; time factor, p = 0.565), there were no significant differences in muscle activation in
the conditions analysed. However, in the support phase, there was a significant decrease in the
level of activation between the two training periods in all of the cases analysed (p<0.001). For
the VA muscle in particular, there were no differences between the groups in any stride
There were no significant differences in the level of activation of the LO
muscle in the pre-activation phase in the conditions analysed. In the support phase at 10
km.h-1, the level of activation decreased in both groups (p = 0.001) (Fig 4). At 12 km.h-1, the
level of activation decreased only in the PG between pre- and post-training (p = 0.003). Fur-
thermore, in post-training, muscle activation in the PG was significantly lower than that in
the CG (p = 0.002).
In the swing phase at 10 km.h-1, there were no significant differences in the level of activation
of the LO between groups (p = 0.630) or between training periods (p = 0.364). At 12 km.h-1 in
post-training, the level of activation of this muscle in the PG was significantly lower than in pre-
training (p<0.001) and was significantly lower than in the CG (p = 0.005).
Biceps femoris.
In the pre-activation phase at 10 km.h-1, there were no significant differ-
ences in the level of activation of the BF muscle between pre- and post-training (p = 0.498)
Table 4. Effects of running training (CG) and running training combined with Pilates (PG) on maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) in millivolts (mV)
of the obliquus externus abdominis (OE), obliquus internus abdominis (OI), vastus lateralis (VL), longissimus (LO), biceps femoris (BF), gluteus medius (GM), and
latissimus dorsi (LD) muscles.
Effect of time
Effect of group
Interaction group x time
233.00 (28.41)
229.36 (41.75)
249.87 (22.12)
316.95 (26.70)a
527.14 (60.5)
510.52 (71.19)
550.69 (60.85)
685.48 (73.46)a
425.53 (26.82)
483.16 (36.73)
432.39 (40.79)
561.93 (46.61)
284.31 (17.51)
285.79 (15.25)
299.39 (21.31)
371.22 (21.49)a
379.40 (29.5)
452.78 (37.11)
370.47 (30.56)
510.20 (27.59)
471.15 (39.47)
529.03 (53.10)
450.12 (33.60)
587.68 (45.61) a
348.14 (28.00)
376.24 (32.59)
376.05 (32.86)
385.81 (47.95)
Significant difference between pre- and post-training
a significant difference between the groups in post-training
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(Fig 5). However, in the pre-activation phase at 12 km.h-1, the level of activation of this muscle
decreased significantly in both groups (p<0.001).
In the support phase at 10 km.h-1 (p<0.001) and 12 km.h-1 (p<0.001), the level of activation
of the BF decreased significantly between pre- and post-training regardless of the group evalu-
ated. In the swing phase, the level of activation decreased significantly at the two speeds and in
both groups.
Gluteus medius.
In the pre-activation phase at 10 km.h-1 and 12 km.h-1, no significant
differences in the activation of the GM muscle were observed (group factor, p = 0.841, time
factor, p = 0.083; group factor, p = 0.686, time factor, p = 0.081, respectively). In the support
phase at 10 km.h-1 (p = 0.003) and 12 km.h-1 (p<0.001), the percentage of muscle activation
decreased in both groups and at both speeds between the two training periods. At 12 km.h-1 in
post-training, the percentage of muscle activation in the PG was significantly lower than that
in the CG (p = 0.005). In the swing phase at 10 km.h-1, there were no significant differences in
the percentage of muscle activation considering the time factor (p = 0.968) and group factor
(p = 0.712). However, at 12 km.h-1, the level of activation of this muscle decreased in the CG
Fig 1. Upper panels, mean pattern of activation of the obliquus externus abdominis muscle (mV). Lower panels, mean (± standard error) muscle activation in the
three stride phases, presented as a percentage of the MVIC. Red lines represent 12 km.h-1, and blue lines represent 10 km.h-1. Dotted lines represent the control group
(CG), and solid lines represent the Pilates group (PG). The vertical dotted lines indicate the end of the contact phase. Significant difference between pre- and post-
training; a significant difference between groups (p<0.005).
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and PG considering the time factor (p<0.001), and muscle activation in the PG was signifi-
cantly lower than in the CG (p = 0.005) in post-training (Fig 6).
Latissimus dorsi. No significant differences were observed in the level of activation of the
LD muscle in any of the running stride phases evaluated (Fig 7).
The results support our hypotheses that distance running performance is enhanced after a
12-weeks Pilates training programme. The improvements in performance are accompanied by
a critical reduction on Cmet and trunk muscle activation. This suggests that distance runners
are able to transfer effective gains from a slow-type core strength training method to the run-
ning movement.
There is great interest in the mechanisms capable of minimizing energy expenditure during
running because these mechanisms play an essential role in the search for strategies to improve
performance. From the mechanical point of view, the "mass-spring” model reflects the
Fig 2. Upper panels, mean activation pattern of the obliquus internus abdominis muscle (mV). Lower panels, mean (± standard error) muscle activation in the three
stride phases, presented as a percentage of the MVIC. Red lines represent 12 km.h-1, and blue lines represent 10 km.h-1. Dotted lines represent the control group (CG),
and solid lines represent the Pilates group (PG). The vertical dotted lines indicate the end of the contact phase. Significant difference between pre- and post-training; a
significant difference between groups (p<0.005).
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occurrence of storage and release of elastic energy during running, which helps minimize the
expenditure of metabolic energy [20]. Therefore, changes in this mechanism could affect per-
formance and improve running economy (RE) [4].
Hoff et al.[21] concluded that shorter contact time with the ground is accompanied by a
longer time at a lower level of muscle activation, indicating lower metabolic demand at the
same submaximal speed.
Therefore, lower metabolic demand in the muscles is dependent on a number of factors,
including the activation level of the task. According to a recent model by Miller et al.[22] on
energy minimization during running, the decrease in muscle activity is the primary strategy to
generate greater energy economy during running. This model was built using the speed of 3.76
m.s-1, which is similar to the highest speed evaluated in this study (12 km.h-1) and supports the
results found herein.
In addition to the decrease in Cmet at both speeds in both study groups as a result of the
training applied, we found an overall decrease in the percentage of muscle activation at the
same speed in post-training. Moreover, the PG displayed a significantly greater decrease in
Cmet12 and in the 5-km run performance compared to the CG. This decrease was accompanied
by a higher VO2max and a further decrease in the level of activation of the OE (Δ6.77% in the
Fig 3. Upper panels, mean activation pattern of the vastus lateralis muscle (mV). Lower panels, mean (± standard error) muscle activation in the three stride phases,
presented as a percentage of the MVIC. Red lines represent 12 km.h-1, and blue lines represent 10 km.h-1. Dotted lines represent the control group (CG), and solid lines
represent the Pilates group (PG). The vertical dotted lines indicate the end of the contact phase. Significant difference between pre- and post-training; a significant
difference between groups (p<0.005).
Pilates training improves 5-km run performance
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swing phase,), OI (Δ5.84% in the support phase and Δ9.73% in the swing phase), LO (Δ8.00%
in the support phase and Δ16.03% in the swing phase), and GM (Δ9.81% in the support phase
and Δ5.05% in the swing phase) muscles compared to the CG at 12 km.h-1, in accordance with
the model of Miller et al.[22].
Therefore, if better performance in the 5-km run can be determined by a higher VO2max,
the ability to sustain a higher fraction of VO2max, and a better RE, and because the decrease in
the percentage of muscle activation optimizes energy minimization during running [21,22],
our findings suggest the presence of a correlation between a 12-week training programme of
classic PT and the mechanisms capable of minimizing energy during running, thus contribut-
ing to improved performance (Fig 8).
When analysed in isolation, the decreased percentage of muscle activation found during
running in both groups at 10 and 12 km.h-1 can be explained by the so-called "neuromuscular
economy" [23], which is defined as the decrease in the number of motor units recruited when
considering a situation involving a similar submaximal task. This mechanism explains in part
Fig 4. Upper panels, mean activation pattern of the longissimus muscle (mV). Lower panels, mean (± standard error) muscle activation in the three stride phases,
presented as a percentage of the MVIC. Red lines represent 12 km.h-1, and blue lines represent 10 km.h-1. Dotted lines represent the control group (CG), and solid lines
represent the Pilates group (PG). The vertical dotted lines indicate the end of the contact phase. Significant difference between pre- and post-training; a significant
difference between groups (p<0.005).
Pilates training improves 5-km run performance
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the results of the present study, in which the same running speeds were analysed in pre- and
Besides, the running training performed by the CG decreased the percentage of muscle acti-
vation at both speeds between pre- and post-training, and the decrease in the PG was signifi-
cantly stronger. These results indicate the possible presence of neuromuscular economy,
particularly when analysed together with the results for the MVIC. The maximum amplitude
of the EMG signal in the VAS muscle was significantly higher post-training in both groups.
However, the level of activation of the OA, LO, OI, and GM muscles increased significantly
only in the PG, who underwent special training for these muscles.
The increase in the maximum amplitude of the MVIC along with the higher VO2max found
in post-training may decrease the relative loads, which correspond to the speeds in pre-train-
ing and justify the decreased recruitment of motor units during the performance of the same
task in the post-training period. This hypothesis would explain the findings in the PG, who
showed a stronger decrease in the percentage of muscle activation during running and shorter
5-km run completion time compared to the CG.
Fig 5. Upper panels, mean activation pattern of the biceps femoris muscle (mV). Lower panels, mean (± standard error) muscle activation in the three stride phases,
presented as a percentage of the MVIC. Red lines represent 12 km.h-1, and blue lines represent 10 km.h-1. Dotted lines represent the control group (CG), and solid lines
represent the Pilates group (PG). The vertical dotted lines indicate the end of the contact phase. Significant difference between pre- and post-training; a significant
difference between groups (p<0.005).
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The reduction in the time of completion of this run, the improvement in Cmet12, and the
greater decrease in the percentage of EMG activation in the PG during running appear to be
associated with the control and stabilization of the lumbopelvic region. The correlation
between EMG activity and stability is well established in the literature. In fact, findings empiri-
cally show that the neural system responds to changes in spinal stability [24] and gives support
to the adaptive process model on motor learning [25]. The control of the trunk is an important
factor for Cmet, and leg movements are closely associated with lumbopelvic movements; thus,
the latter depend on the stiffness of the abdominal muscles [3,25].
Therefore, the increase in running speed would cause more lumbopelvic movements and
consequently greater instability, which would require greater neuromuscular control to
achieve stability during cyclical movements such as running [8,26]. In turn, this increased neu-
romuscular demand for stabilization of the lumbopelvic region appears to be associated with a
greater contribution of concentric activations—which are more energy-consuming than
eccentric and isometric activations—and reinforces the fact that an unstable system is also less
economical [25,27].
Fig 6. Upper panels, mean activation pattern of the gluteus medius muscle (mV). Lower panels, mean (± standard error) muscle activation in the three phases,
presented as a percentage of the MVIC. Red lines represent 12 km.h-1, whereas blue lines represent 10 km.h-1. Dotted lines represent the control group (CG), and solid
lines represent the Pilates group (PG). The vertical dotted lines indicate the end of the contact phase. Significant difference between pre- and post-training; a significant
difference between groups (p<0.005).
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From this perspective, lumbopelvic stabilization is one of the aims of Pilates. Among its
guiding principles, breathing [28] and centring [29] have been shown to stimulate the deep
abdominal muscles responsible for stabilization, including the rectus abdominis muscles, OI,
OE, and transversus abdominis [8]. In this respect, Phrompaet et al.[30] evaluated the effects
of PT in the control of lumbopelvic movements. At the end of eight weeks of training, the
authors found that 65% of the subjects in the Pilates group passed the lumbopelvic stability test
after four weeks of training, and 85% passed the test after eight weeks of training, whereas
none of the subjects in the control group passed the test. The authors indicate that the
improved recruitment of abdominal muscles during PT appears to help develop the strength
of these muscles, leading to improved stability. However, EMG activity was not evaluated in
that study.
Sato and Mokha [9] evaluated a six-week core-training programme and found improve-
ment in a 5-km run completion time. The run completion time decreased significantly in the
experimental group (from 29.29±2.38 to 28.42±2.23 min) but did not decrease in the control
group. In addition, Stanton et al. [12] evaluated participants after six weeks of core training
Fig 7. Upper panel, mean activation pattern of the latissimus dorsi muscle (mV). Lower panel, mean (± standard error) muscle activation in the three stride phases,
presented as a percentage of the MVIC. Red lines represent 12 km.h-1, and blue lines represent 10 km.h-1. Dotted lines represent the control group (CG), and solid lines
represent the Pilates group (PG). The vertical dotted lines indicate the end of the contact phase. Significant difference between pre- and post-training; a significant
difference between groups (p<0.005).
Pilates training improves 5-km run performance
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with a Swiss ball and found a significant improvement in lumbopelvic stability; however, no
differences were found in running economy, VO2max, or in the EMG activity of the trunk
By contrast, in the present study, the run completion time decreased from 25.33±0.58 to
24.61±0.52 min in the CG and from 25.65±0.44 to 23.23±0.40 min in the PG. In addition, the
PG had an improvement in VO2max (from 51.8±1.73 in pre-training to 58.53
±1.59 in post-training, p<0.001) and Cmet12 (from 5.0±0.10 in pre-
training to 4.33±0.07 in post-training, p<0.001) and a decrease in the percentage of
EMG activation of the trunk muscles.
However, despite the conflicting results with the literature with regard to core training, the
present study is distinguished by the duration of the training period. In the cited studies, only
Fig 8. Schematic drawing of the performance model proposed in this study [2,3,20,22].
Pilates training improves 5-km run performance
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a six-week training programme was conducted whereas the present study utilized a 12-week
training programme in both groups, and this longer training may have contributed to the
results obtained. Moreover, unlike core training, PT should be performed considering its prin-
ciples, which can help increase muscle activation to higher levels [28,29].
In conclusion, PT significantly improved the 5-km run performance. This improved perfor-
mance is associated with the optimization of mechanisms capable of minimizing energy
expenditure. That is, a lower percentage of EMG activation of the trunk muscles during run-
ning as a result of strength gain. Therefore, the greater running economy seems to be positively
influenced the 5-km run performance in recreational runners.
The results of this study indicate that PT can be incorporated into the training programmes of
recreational runners to improve running performance and VO2max and to strengthen trunk
muscles. In addition, in situations in which the development of aerobic power is limited by
cardiac or pulmonary capacity, PT may improve performance at a lower metabolic cost by
decreasing muscle demand during unnecessary pelvic movements and improve other health-
related aspects, including a lower risk of injury. However, little is known about the effects of
PT on mechanisms that minimize energy expenditure, mechanical parameters, and their cor-
relation with running performance. Therefore, further studies are necessary to elucidate these
Supporting information
S1 Table. 12-week periodization of running training using the following intensity scores:
E, Easy; M, Moderate; T, Threshold; and I, Interval, as a function of the heart rate at VT2.
S2 Table. General dataset.
Coordenac¸ão de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de Nı´vel Superior (CAPES) and Conselho Nacio-
nal de Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnolo´gico (CNPq). The funders had no role in study
design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. We
are grateful to the Locomotion Group of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul for dis-
cussions and comments. L.A. Peyre´-Tartaruga is an established investigator of the Brazilian
Research Council (CNPq), Brası´lia, Brazil.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Paula Finatto, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Data curation: Paula Finatto, Edson Soares Da Silva, Alexandre B. Okamura, Bruna P.
Almada, Henrique B. Oliveira, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Formal analysis: Paula Finatto, Edson Soares Da Silva, Alexandre B. Okamura, Bruna P.
Almada, Henrique B. Oliveira, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Funding acquisition: Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Investigation: Paula Finatto, Edson Soares Da Silva, Alexandre B. Okamura, Bruna P. Almada,
Henrique B. Oliveira, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Pilates training improves 5-km run performance
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Methodology: Paula Finatto, Edson Soares Da Silva, Alexandre B. Okamura, Bruna P. Almada,
Henrique B. Oliveira, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Project administration: Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Resources: Paula Finatto, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Software: Paula Finatto, Edson Soares Da Silva, Henrique B. Oliveira, Leonardo A. Peyre´-
Supervision: Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Visualization: Paula Finatto, Alexandre B. Okamura, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
Writing – original draft: Paula Finatto.
Writing – review & editing: Paula Finatto, Edson Soares Da Silva, Alexandre B. Okamura,
Bruna P. Almada, Henrique B. Oliveira, Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga.
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Pilates training improves 5-km run performance
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| Pilates training improves 5-km run performance by changing metabolic cost and muscle activity in trained runners. | 03-21-2018 | Finatto, Paula,Silva, Edson Soares Da,Okamura, Alexandre B,Almada, Bruna P,Storniolo, Jorge L L,Oliveira, Henrique B,Peyré-Tartaruga, Leonardo A | eng |
PMC6651650 | J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2018;22(2):007-011,
J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2019;23(2):045-050,
Effect of interval exercise versus
continuous exercise on excess post-
exercise oxygen consumption during
energy-homogenized exercise on a
cycle ergometer
Won-Sang Jung1 / Hyejung Hwang1 / Jisu Kim1 / Hun-Young
Park1 / Kiwon Lim1,2*
1. Physical Activity and Performance Institute (PAPI), Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2. Department of Physical Education, Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to confirm
that the difference in excess post-exercise oxygen
consumption (EPOC) during exercise of the spending
the same calories between the continuous and interval
[Methods] Thirty-four healthy college students who
did not regularly exercise volunteered to participate in
our study. Continuous exercise was performed on an
ergometer for 30 min at 60% of maximal oxygen con-
sumption (VO2 max). Interval exercise was performed
on a cycle ergometer at 80% VO2 max for 2 min initially,
followed by 40% VO2 max for 1 min, and 80% VO2 max
for 3 min. This was repeated six times for a total of 26
[Results] The major findings were as follows: (1) en-
ergy consumption during exercise was not significantly
different between continuous exercise and interval
exercise groups; (2) EPOC was higher in interval
exercise than in continuous exercise for all dependent
variables (i.e., total oxygen consumption, total calories,
summation of heart rate); and (3) there were no signifi-
cant differences in the lipid profile between continuous
and interval groups.
[Conclusions] Our study confirmed that after equal-
izing energy expenditure for continuous and interval
exercise on a cycle ergometer in subjects in their
twenties, interval exercise results in higher EPOC than
continuous exercise. These data suggest that interval
exercise may be more effective than continuous exer-
cise in reducing body fat, for a given amount of energy
[Key words] continuous exercise, interval exercise,
excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC),
energy expenditure.
Received: 2019/06/03, Revised: 2019/06/28,
Accepted: 2019/06/28, Published: 2019/06/30
©2019 Won-Sang Jung et al.; License Journal of Exercise
Nutrition and Biochemistry. This is an open access article
distributed under the terms of the creative commons attri-
bution license (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduc-
tion in any medium, provided the orginal work is properly
*Corresponding author : Kiwon Lim, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Exercise Nutrition, Department of Physical
Education, Konkuk University, 120 Neungdong-ro, Gwang-
jin-gu, Seoul 05029, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-2-450-3827 / Fax: +82-452-6027
E-mail: [email protected]
©2019 The Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition
J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2019;23(2):045-050
Many studies have demonstrated the importance and effectiveness
of exercise in managing health and losing weight. The American Col-
lege of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends an exercise intensity of
40–85% heart rate reserve (HRR) or oxygen uptake reserve (VO2R),
a target energy expenditure of 150–400 kcal (or 20–60 min), and over
three per weeks, 30 min of continuous exercise1.
The reported positive effects of continuous exercise include relative-
ly high increases in blood levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and
growth hormone, the increased use of fat as an energy source, and the
secretion of insulin and cortisol2,3,4. Continuous exercise has also been
reported to be effective for weight loss by increasing daily energy con-
sumption5,6. However, despite these positive effects, not many people
are able to maintain these habits due to time constraints, exercise intol-
erance, and monotony7. Interval training has been recommended as a
new exercise method that can eliminate these shortcomings8,9. Interval
training is a form of exercise in which short periods of intense exercise
are alternated with less-intense recovery periods. It is good for improv-
ing both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, and is very effective at
increasing an individual’s VO2 max and anaerobic threshold10. Thus, it is
one of the most effective ways to improve cardiopulmonary functions,
metabolic functions, health, and weight loss in the general population
and in athletes8.
During vigorous and high intensity interval exercise, metabolic rates
can increase exponentially, and the intensity and duration of exercise
can greatly affect metabolic reactions, both during and after exercise6.
In particular, during recovery, excess post-exercise oxygen consump-
tion (EPOC) is used to restore the body to a resting state, and to adapt
it to the exercise just performed. Several mechanisms are attributed to
EPOC, such as replenishment of oxygen stores in muscle and blood,
increased circulation and lactate removal, resynthesis of adenosine tri-
phosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CrP), increased triglyceride/
fatty acid cycling, and increased heart rate (HR), ventilation, and body
J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2019;23(2):045-050,
Effect of interval exercise versus continuous exercise on EPOC
Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry
Several studies have stated the importance of EPOC to
continuous exercise and interval exercise, and EPOC size
have suggested more continual of exercise at higher inten-
sity6,8,14. However, in previous studies, most of the calories
homogenized between continuous exercise and interval
exercise were mainly compared to the same exercise time
and different exercise intensity, or the amount of exercise
estimated using a calculation formula. The was difference
in actual calorie when the calories were homogenized with
absolute intensity and time during exercise and there was
no difference in EPOC16. Therefore, identifying the effect
of EPOC on the homogenization of energy consumption
between continuous exercise and interval exercise will be
important in determining the optimal exercise routine to
promote health and weight loss in the future. For accu-
rate homogenization of kinetic energy consumption, it is
important to eliminate extrinsic variables that affect the
accuracy of VO2 max measurements and EPOC measrue-
ments14. EPOC has been shown to be influenced by train-
ing status, exercise intensity and duration, and the thermic
effect of food6,15. Thus, to make a direct comparison be-
tween recovery oxygen consumption after continuous and
interval exercise, it is important to ensure that exercise
variables such as total work and duration are as similar as
possible and to avoid confounding factors such as food
intake before and after exercise14,16.
Therefore, in this study we measured EPOC in con-
tinuous and interval exercise during or after exercise.
Participants were provided with the same pre-food intake,
and we homogenized the energy expenditure of during ex-
ercise between exercise types, in order to minimize extra
variables, and accurately measure EPOC. In addition, the
purpose of to provide was prescription of exercise by ver-
ifying the effect of EPOC of the continuous and interval
exercise in subjects with twenties without exercise experi-
ence. The purpose of the present study was to confirm that
the difference of EPOC during exercise of the spending
the same amount of calories between the continuous and
interval exercise.
Thirty-four healthy college students in their twenties
(mean age = 23.65 ± 2.17 years; n =18 men 16 women)’
who did not exercise regularly volunteered to participate
in the study. Subjects who met one or more of the follow-
ing exclusion criteria were deemed not eligible and were
excluded from the study: unstable angina, having had a
cardiac infarction within the previous four weeks, uncom-
pensated heart failure, severe valvular illness, pulmonary
disease, uncontrolled hypertension, kidney failure, ortho-
pedic/neurological limitations, cardiomyopathy, planned
surgery during the research period, reluctance to sign the
consent form, drug or alcohol abuse, or involvement in
another study. All subjects were fully acquainted with
the nature of the study and were informed of the experi-
mental risks before signing a written consent form. It was
explicitly stated to the subjects that they could withdraw
from the study at any point. All subjects had their pre-test
research fully explained to them and provided voluntary
consent. All procedures of the study was approved by
the Institutional Review Board of Konkuk University
(7001355-201903-HR-305) in Korea and was conducted
according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
Experimental design
To test EPOC and energy expenditure during and after
continuous and interval exercise, we used a balanced re-
peated measures crossover design. This approach required
gathering data on the subjects’ completion of two training
sessions on separate test days, in a randomized order.
Each participant visited the laboratory three times. On
the first visit we performed body composition tests (In-
Body 770, Biospace Ltd, Seoul, Korea), and a maximal
cardiopulmonary exercise test (Quark CPET, Cosmed,
Italy) to determine the maximal values of VO2 (VO2 max).
On the second and third visits, at 72 h after performing the
maximal CPETs, respectively, individuals performed con-
tinuous cycle ergometer exercise at 60% of VO2 max, and
interval cycle ergometer exercise at 40% or 80% of VO2
max. As soon as the exercise ended, subjects came down
from the cycle ergometer, sat on a chair, and measured
EPOC for 60 min.
Pre-testing measurements
All subjects performed a maximal aerobic exercise test
using a cycle ergometer (Aerobike, Combi 75 XL, Tokyo,
Japan) in order to determine their VO2 max. The work rate
at 50 rpm was 50 W for men and 25 W for women for the
first 2 min, and was increased by 25 W for men and 12.5
W for women every 2 min. This continued either until
exhaustion or until subjects were unable to maintain 50
rpm. The criteria for having reached the true VO2 max was
showing a plateau in VO2 uptake, despite increased inten-
sity of exercise and a respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
above 1.15. HR was monitored using a Polar 800 device
(Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland).
Exercise training protocol
Participants were transported to the laboratory at 8 am
after a 12-h fast and 48-h abstention from vigorous physi-
cal activity. They were given a standardized breakfast of 2
pieces of bread (200 kcal), 1 boiled egg (80 kcal), 1 cup of
orange juice (120 kcal), and 1 cup of water. Subjects rest-
ed in a comfortable posture after breakfast and participat-
ed in the experiment 2 h later. Ambient room temperature
was maintained at 23 ± 1 °C. After 10 min of quiet sitting
as a habituation period, we measured VO2, ventilation,
and RER for 5 min. The average was used as the base-
line (BASE). The subjects then performed continuous or
interval exercise on a cycle ergometer (Aerobike, Combi
75 XL, Tokyo, Japan). Speed was adjusted on an individ-
ual basis, according to each subject’s fitness level. The
J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2019;23(2):045-050,
Effect of interval exercise versus continuous exercise on EPOC
Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry
continuous exercise training was performed for 30 min
at 60% of VO2 max, and the interval exercise training was
performed first for 2 min at 80% of VO2 max, followed by
1 min at 40% of VO2 max, and finally for 3 min at 80% of
VO2 max. This was repeated six times for a total of 26 min.
The calories expended between the continuous exercise
(Con Ex) and interval exercise (Inter Ex) groups were not
statistically different (212.24 ± 68.47 vs 214.85 ± 66.32,
EPOC measurement
Immediately after exercise, participants were seated
in a chair and relative VO2, absolute VO2, Kcal, HR, and
duration were monitored for 60 min. EPOC values were
determined at the time when VO2, HR, and RER values
returned to the resting baseline. Collection and analysis of
lipid samples was done before exercise, immediately after
exercise, after 30 min and after 60 min. Total cholesterol
(TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
were measured using a portable digital lipid analyzer (SD
LipidoCare, SD Biosensor, Inc., Seoul, Korea).
All statistical analyses were completed using IBM
SPSS Statistics 23 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data
normality was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test, and
descriptive data are presented as mean ± standard devia-
tion. A paired t-test was used to compare the differences
between the two protocols. The effects of condition on
EPOC were analyzed using a mixed procedure. Where
main effects were statistically significant, post-hoc pair-
wise comparisons with Sidak-adjusted p-values were per-
formed. Model-fitting was evaluated using Hurvich and
Tsai’s criteria. All statistical assumptions were checked us-
ing standard graphical procedures. Statistical significance
was accepted for p<0.05.
Figure 1 shows that the amount of calories expended
during exercise was not significantly different between
continuous and interval exercise(p=0.503).
Based on the EPOC results shown in Table 2, the
EPOC duration was longer for interval exercise than in
continuous exercise (31.24 ± 15.09 vs 45.90 ± 12.37, p <
Men (n=18)
Women (n=16)
Total (n=34)
Age (years)
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
BMI (kg/m2)
Lean body mass (kg)
Fat mass (kg)
% fat mss (%)
VO2max (mL/min/kg)
Note: SD = standard deviation, BMI = body mass index.
Table 1. Participant characteristics. Data represent the mean ± SD
O2 Deficit
Con Ex
Inter Ex
Sig (p)
Con Ex
Inter Ex
Sig (p)
Con Ex
Inter Ex
Sig (p)
. 001**
Note: SD = standard deviation, Con Ex = continuous exercises, Inter Ex = Interval exercise, EPOC = excess post-exercise oxygen consump-
tion, O2 = Oxygen , VO2 = oxygen consumption, HR = heart rate , Sum = summation, * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001.
Table 2. Comparison of EPOC in Con EX vs Inter EX, ± SD
J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2019;23(2):045-050,
Effect of interval exercise versus continuous exercise on EPOC
Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry
.001), which showed higher Inter Ex than in the Con Ex in
all variables including VO2 total (11992.40 ± 6481.05 vs
17425.24 ± 6329.98, p<0.001; men: 14980.78 ± 6529.74
vs 21410.32 ± 5411.21, p=0.001; women: 8630.48 ±
4616.70 vs 12942.03 ± 3803.88, p<0.001), VO2/kg total
(185.42 ± 98.94 vs 266.81 ± 79.62, p<0.001; men: 204.83
± 103.40 vs 289.68 ± 84.35, p=0.001; women: 163.59 ±
91.98 vs 241.08 ± 67.46, p=0.001), Kcal total (58.14 ±
31.42 vs 82.72±28.69, p<0.001; men: 72.80 ± 31.82 vs
100.96 ± 23.79, p=0.004; women: 41.65 ± 21.82 vs 62.21
± 17.92, p = 0.001) and HR sum (2931.64 ± 1560.92 vs
4557.10 ± 1419.05, p<0.001; men: 3026.21 ± 1346.65 vs
4630.17 ± 1330.58, p<0.001; women: 2825.24 ± 1811.68
vs 4474.89 ± 1552.43, p=0.001). When the results of oxy-
gen-deficient were examined, VO2 total (594.11 ± 242.10
vs 721.90 ± 347.90 p=0.009; men: 729.80 ± 194.71 vs
916.99 ± 347.18, p=0.006; women: 441.71 ± 197.76 vs
502.42 ± 180.62, p=0.394) showed a greater value than
con Ex in inter Ex, and after separating the results for
men and women, significant differences were only found
in men. There was no significant difference in HR sum
Figure 2 is a comparison of lipid profiles on EPOC in
continuous and interval exercise. There were no signifi-
cant differences in total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-
cholesterol, or LDL- cholesterol in all variables (p>0.05).
The purpose of this study was to confirm that there is
a difference in excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
(EPOC) between continuous and interval exercise, when
expending the same number of calories. The major find-
ings were: (1) energy consumption during the exercise
was not significantly different between continuous exer-
cise and interval exercise, (2) EPOC was higher in inter-
val exercise than in continuous exercise for all dependent
variables (e.g. total oxygen consumption, total calorie,
and summation of heart rate), and (3) there was no signif-
icant differences in lipid profiles.
In previous studies that did not homogenize energy
consumption during exercise, EPOC was higher in the
interval exercise compared to continuous exercise and
interval exercise17-20. In addition, Williams et al.21 com-
pared the EPOC of 20 min of high intensity interval ex-
ercise and 60 min of continuous exercise, and found that
the EPOC 30 min after exercise was higher in interval
exercise, but the total EPOC after exercise was higher
in continuous exercise. Larsen et al.11 reported that with
increasing intensity, EPOC and EPOC duration increase,
but if interval times are shorter, EPOC is reduced to sim-
ilar levels as seen in continuous exercise. Tucker et al.18
showed that in high-intensity interval exercise oxygen
consumption was low, but EPOC was high. However,
summation of oxygen consumption during exercise and
EPOC was higher in continuous exercise. As such, when
did not homogenize energy consumption of exercise in
EPOC results show that the interval exercise is more
effective, but it is difficult to suggest that the effect of
the interval exercise is effective when the total exercise
energy consumption is not significantly different. By dif-
ference energy consumption of exercise in the continuous
and interval exercise resulted in higher initial EPOC in
the interval exercise but higher total energy consump-
tion in the continuous exercise, so ensuring equivalence
between the exercise is considered important. Thus, it
our data suggest that the equalization of calories during
exercise is an important factor in determining EPOC and
is an important factor to consider in presenting the effects
of exercise. In this study, we consider EPOC to have been
significantly increased, because caloric expenditure was
well-controlled during food-intake and exercise.
In a study that homogenized energy consumption be-
tween continuous and spaced movements, McGarvey et
al.16 reported no significant differences in EPOC between
31 min of continuous exercise at 65% of VO2 max, and an
interval exercise pattern of 90% VO2 max for 2 min fol-
lowed by 30% VO2 max for 3 min, repeated 7 times for a
total of 35 min. This may reflect differences in the EPOC
measurement method. Most of the increase in oxygen
consumption after exercise occurs in the early stages of
recovery. As recovery continues, oxygen consumption de-
creases drastically, and the size increase with increasing
standardized-duration decreases. Therefore, it is necessary
to end when VO2, HR, and RER return to the baseline. In
Figure 1. Comparison of oxygen consumption during exercise
Figure 2. Comparison of lipid profile on EPOC in Con EX vs
Inter EX
J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2019;23(2):045-050,
Effect of interval exercise versus continuous exercise on EPOC
Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry
addition, the method to homogenize energy consumption
during exercise and EPOC was performed well.
In our study, interval exercise resulted in post-exercise
VO2, kcal, HR and EPOC measures 40% higher than for
continuous cycle ergometer exercise. The results of this
study support the hypothesis that the magnitude of EPOC
and its duration is primarily dependent on exercise inten-
sity6,14. In relation to the increase in EPOC, the ‘Oxygen
Debt’ theory may explain this finding. For example, it
could be explained by the energy cost to resynthesize
glycogen from lactate, the exercise-induced increase in
core temperature, the resynthesis of ATP/CP stores, and
changes in cytokine release20,22. Consequently, greater
exercise intensity may further increase the oxygen deficit
at the onset of exercise, thereby affecting the body's ho-
meostatic nature and resulting in a larger post-exercise O2
intake. Mechanisms responsible for this could extend to
increases in VO26,23. As shown in Table 2 of our study, the
increase in oxygen deficit increased by more than 20%
for interval exercise, as compared with continuous exer-
cise. These results are therefore consistent with previous
studies that show increased oxygen consumption during
recovery after high intensity interval exercise, because of
increased oxidative metabolism that supplements energy
expenditure after exercise24-26.
In conclusion, our study confirmed that after homoge-
nizing the energy expenditure of continuous and interval
exercise on a cycle ergometer, EPOC is higher in interval
exercise than continuous exercise in subjects who are in
their twenties. This observation is important as it may
help us understand why interval exercise has a greater
propensity to induce weight loss than continuous exer-
cise. Furthermore, these data provides a metabolic basis
for enhanced fat loss during interval training that will be
useful in establishing public health guidelines on exercise
recommendations and weight management practices to
reduce body fat. This should be qualified as only appro-
priate for young and healthy older populations who can
perform such exercises. These exercise recommendations
may promote weight loss and health, and result in better
health outcomes in "time poor" modern lifestyles. Conse-
quently, we suggest that interval exercise may be a more
effective strategy in reducing body fat for energy expen-
diture increase than continuous exercise.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Educa-
tion of the Republic of Korea and the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF-2016S1A5B8914314).
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| Effect of interval exercise versus continuous exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption during energy-homogenized exercise on a cycle ergometer. | [] | Jung, Won-Sang,Hwang, Hyejung,Kim, Jisu,Park, Hun-Young,Lim, Kiwon | eng |
A new approach to quantify angles and time
of changes-of-direction during soccer
Tomohiro KaiID1,2, Shin HiraiID3, Yuhei Anbe1, Yohei TakaiID1*
1 National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya, Kanoya, Japan, 2 Kagoshima United FC, Kagoshima,
Japan, 3 Mizuno Corporation, Suminoe-ku, Japan
* [email protected]
Background and aims
Soccer players frequently perform change-of-directions (CODs) at various speeds during
matches. However, tracking systems have shown limitations to measure these efforts.
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to propose a new approach to measure CODs
using a local positioning system (LPS), and clarify position-related difference in profile of
CODs by using the approach.
The x- and y-coordinate data for each soccer player were measured with a local positioning
system. Speed, acceleration, jerk, and direction of speed were derived from the coordinate
data. Based on accelerations of above 2 m/s2, the onsets and ends of CODs derived from
jerk were identified (COD duration). Changes of direction of speed (θCOD) were determined
for the corresponding period. Six collegiate male soccer players performed CODs according
to 13 set angles (0–180˚; every 15˚) so that differences between θCOD and set angle could
be determined (Exp. 1). Relative frequency distributions of θCOD and number of CODs were
determined in 79 collegiate and amateur male soccer players during 9 soccer matches
(Exp. 2).
In Exp. 1, θCOD was positively related to set angle (r = 0.99). Each θCOD was smaller than
the corresponding set angle, and the difference became greater with increasing COD angle.
In Exp. 2, The number of CODs in a match was 183 ± 39 across all positions. There were no
significant position-related differences in the number of CODs. The duration of a COD was
0.89 ± 0.49 s across all positions. The relative frequency distribution of θCOD revealed that
the number of CODs at 0–15˚ and 105–135˚ tended to be higher than those at other angles
during soccer matches. Further, θCOD was affected by the speed at the onset of COD during
soccer matches (Exp. 2).
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Citation: Kai T, Hirai S, Anbe Y, Takai Y (2021) A
new approach to quantify angles and time of
changes-of-direction during soccer matches. PLoS
ONE 16(5): e0251292.
Editor: Filipe Manuel Clemente, Instituto
Politecnico de Viana do Castelo, PORTUGAL
Received: February 9, 2021
Accepted: April 26, 2021
Published: May 17, 2021
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2021 Kai et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Funding: This study was supported by a NIFS
project for TASS. The funders had no role in study
The current findings demonstrate that θCOD derived from direction of speed and jerk may be
a new indicator for evaluating COD during soccer matches.
Recently, coaches and sports scientists of ball sports team use tracking technologies for design-
ing training program and players’ condition, because it has become easy to measure players’
locations in ball sports using global positioning system (GPS) and local positioning system
(LPS) [1, 2]. Many earlier studies have demonstrated the validity of position, speed and accel-
eration data obtained from such a tracking technology, compared to a 3D motion capture sys-
tem, radar/laser guns and timing gates [3–9]. Further, LPS is superior to GPS, whereas each
system has a certain validity [10]. These systems are capable of measuring players’ coordinates,
and for quantifying players’ acceleration, distance and numbers of actions in relation to speed
derived from time-motion analysis. These parameters are predictors of match outcome and
periodization on daily training [11, 12].
Besides time-motion analysis, the parameters obtained from tracking technologies are
applied to quantify CODs locomotion in sport-specific course and small-sided games [3–6, 9,
10]. In the earlier studies, various type of courses which angles of CODs are predetermined are
set [3, 5, 6, 9, 10], and small court is used [4]. Although the earlier findings demonstrate the
magnitude of speed and acceleration, the experimental design is not real soccer matches. Dur-
ing soccer matches, players perform changes-of-direction (CODs) during locomotion [13].
Notational analysis has revealed that 30% of all actions during English FA Premier League play
were CODs (e.g., forward, lateral and backward running) [14]. However, quantifying relevant
data, such as the number and type of actions, is a lengthy process [15], and notational analysis
may be arbitrary [16]. Therefore, a convenient analytic method to quantify CODs during soc-
cer matches is needed. Fitzpatrick et al. [2] demonstrated that, in the English U-18 Premier
League, the direction of players’ locomotion at a speed of 6.67 m/s or more ranged from 0˚ to
30˚ by using GPS. This suggests that during matches, youth soccer players move close to a
straight line at relatively high speeds. Further, an earlier study of soccer matches revealed that
greater distances are covered at moderate speeds of 3.89 to 5.28 m/s than at high-intensity
speeds of 5.28 to 6.39 m/s [17]. Although soccer players frequently perform CODs at various
speeds during matches, to the best of our knowledge, little information is available concerning
COD profiles during soccer matches in relation to speed by using LPS.
Force is theoretically the product of mass and acceleration. Acceleration can be useful in
describing a player’s physical load during soccer matches. Dalen et al. [1] demonstrated that
position-related differences in the number of accelerations (>2 m/s2) was found in the first
division of the Norwegian league. When a player changes direction of locomotion, he exerts a
certain force against the ground. At the same time, a certain level of acceleration is produced,
and then the direction of the player’s locomotion changes, and the speed and/or the direction
of speed changes [3]. Jerk, which is derived by differentiating acceleration by time, is used to
detect the onset of human joint movement and the magnitude of the movement [18]. There-
fore, jerk should be useful in identifying the onset and end of a COD for a given acceleration,
and the change in direction of speed should correspond to the direction of the COD.
During professional soccer matches, position-related differences in acceleration are found,
indicating that side midfielders and defenders accelerate more often than other positions [1].
Quantifying angle and time of changes-of-direction
May 17, 2021
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design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Further, midfielders, relative to other positions, performed fewer CODs of 90 degrees or less
[14]. Considering these findings, profile of CODs would differ among positions. This study
thus proposes a new approach that uses direction of speed and jerk in quantifying CODs of
soccer players during soccer matches, and to clarify position-related difference in profile of
CODs by using the approach.
Materials and methods
Experimental design
This investigation was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by
the local Ethics Committee for human experimentation (#11–101). All participants were
informed of the experimental procedures and possible risks of the measurements beforehand.
Oral informed consent was obtained from each subject before each match.
This study consisted of two experiments for quantifying CODs during soccer matches in
relation to various speeds. In both experiments, players’ locations were measured with LPS. In
the first experiment 1 (Exp. 1), male soccer players performed CODs in directions determined
by 13 set angles (every 15˚, ranging from 0˚ to 180˚) while jogging at speeds of approximately
1.0 and 3.0 m/s. After the player turned at the determined location, he ran through a gate set at
a distance of 2 m from the corresponding location. The participants were asked to perform
CODs as fast and quickly as possible when they turned in a given direction. S1 Fig presents
typical trajectory data and kinematic data (to be discussed below) in each angle for one player.
In the second experiment 2 (Exp. 2), data were collected from 9 official soccer matches in
Division 1 of a regional collegiate male soccer league and the Division 5 of a regional amateur
soccer league for collegiate and amateur soccer players. Data were analyzed for the players
who played for 90 min.
In the Exp. 1, six collegiate male soccer players (age, 21.0 ± 1.5 years, height, 172.8 ± 6.1 cm,
body mass, 66.8 ± 9.2 kg; means ± SDs) participated in Exp. 1. They were field players, and
belonged in the same team competing in a national university league in Japan, and had experi-
ence of competitive soccer training for >9 years. They had participated in regular soccer-spe-
cific training for more than five days (>1.5 hours/day) per week.
Seventy-nine collegiate and amateur male soccer players (23.0 ± 4.1 years, 173.9 ± 5.1 cm,
67.5 ± 6.2 kg) involved in Exp. 2, and got in the official soccer matches in in Division 1 of a
regional collegiate male soccer league or the Division 5 of a regional amateur soccer league.
The number of players in each position was as follows; 23 players for central backs (CB,
23.4 ± 4.7 years, 177.4 ± 5.0 cm, 71.2 ± 5.7 kg), 16 players for side backs (SB, 22.6 ± 3.4 years,
171.7 ± 3.9 cm, 65.2 ± 4.7 kg), 15 players for central midfielders (CMF, 22.2 ± 2.9 years,
172.3 ± 5.0 cm, 64.8 ± 6.3 kg), 14 players for side midfielders (SMF, 23.7 ± 5.0 years,
172.3 ± 4.2 cm, 65.9 ± 4.9 kg), and 11 players for forwards (FW, 21.8 ± 3.7 years, 174.3 ± 4.5
cm, 69.8 ± 5.9 kg), respectively. Goalkeepers were excluded from data analysis.
All participants involved in Exp. 1 and 2 were free of cardiovascular, metabolic, and immu-
nologic disorders and/or orthopedic abnormalities, and were not using any medications that
affected their muscular function and size. All study participants provided informed consent,
and the study design was approved by an ethics review board (the Ethics Committee in
National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya for human experimentation (#11–101)).
Quantifying angle and time of changes-of-direction
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Players’ coordinate data
X- and y-coordinate data for each player were measured with LPS (ZXY Sports Tracking,
Chyronhego, New York, USA) at a sampling frequency of 20 Hz. A belt with a sensor (approx.
20 g) under their uniform were attached for each player. In Exp.2, three examiners helped to
wear the sensor for starters before the start of soccer matches. Players were instructed to take
off the belt if they felt uncomfortable during matches. The data obtained were processed as
described below using Matlab (Mathworks ver. 2018b, New York, USA).
1 Kinematic data and filtering process.
To obtain the smoothed time-series data for jerk,
the time-series data of x- and y-coordinates were processed by a second-order Butterworth
low-pass filter employing a zero phase lag before analysis. To identify the appropriate cutoff
frequency for the low-pass filter, we repeated the filtering process at every 1 Hz from 1 Hz to 6
Hz. The time-series data for jerk with and without the filtering process are presented in S2 Fig.
As shown in S2 Fig, the use of cutoff frequencies of 3 Hz to 6 Hz resulted in noise in the
smoothed time-series data, while cutoff frequencies of <2 Hz produced less noise. Thus a 2 Hz
cutoff frequency was adopted in this study.
2 Kinematic data for each player.
To determine players’ velocity, displacement from (t-
1) to (t+1) was defined as (x(t+1)-x(t-1), y(t+1)-y(t-1)) of the smoothed coordinate data for
each player. Player speed of players (|V(t)|) in m/s was calculated by differentiating the dis-
placement by time. Player’s acceleration (|A(t)|) in m/s2 was derived by differentiating |V(t)|
by time. Finally, jerk (j(t)) in m/s3 was calculated by differentiating |A(t)| by time.
jVðtÞj ¼
ðxðt þ 1Þ calculated for each position. The number of CODs and analytical durations were also deter-
mined. Further, we examined the relationship between the speed at the onset of a COD and
θCOD during soccer matches.
Statistical analysis
Descriptive data are expressed as means and standard deviations (SDs). In Exp. 1, a one-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test differences in θCOD for all combinations of set
angles. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients (r) were estimated for the relation-
ships between θCOD and set angles. In Exp. 2, skewness and kurtosis were used to test whether
the relative frequency distributions of θCOD were normally distributed, according to the
method of Yokoyama [19]. A one-way ANOVA was used to test position-related differences in
number of CODs and duration of the analytical period. All statistical procedures were con-
ducted with SPSS statistical software (SPSS 25.0, IBM, New York, USA). The significance level
was set at 0.05.
Differences between θCOD and the set angles (Exp. 1)
Table 1 presents descriptive data for θCOD at each set angle and the differences between set
angles and θCOD. θCOD increased with increasing set angles. Error values between the set angles
and θCOD also increased with increasing set angles. Duration of the analytical period was
1.04 ± 0.62 s. θCOD was positively related to set angles (r = 0.99), as shown in Fig 2.
Fig 1. Analysis method for θCOD. Dotted line in line plot of acceleration indicates a threshold of acceleration (2 m/s2).
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CODs profiles during soccer matches (Exp. 2)
Table 2 presents descriptive data on the number of CODs during the soccer matches. The
number of CODs in a match was 183 ± 39 across all positions. There were no significant posi-
tion-related differences in the number of CODs. The duration of a COD was 0.89 ± 0.49 s
across all positions.
Fig 3 shows the relative frequency distributions of θCOD during the soccer matches. The val-
ues of skewness indicate that the distributions of θCOD were symmetric for all positions, except
for SB. The skewness of SB was negative, indicating that the distribution was skewed to the left.
The kurtosis was platykurtic for positions other than FW. The distribution in FW revealed lep-
tokurtic. As seen in Fig 3, the relative frequency of CODs at 0–15˚ and 105–135˚ tended to be
higher than that of CODs at other angles. Table 3 provides descriptive data on the number of
CODs per match in each bin.
The speed at the onset of a COD was 1.36 ± 0.96 m/s, ranging from 0.01 m/s to 6.99 m/s. As
seen in Fig 4, players executed CODs in different directions at relatively lower speeds of <5 m/
s, but CODs in limited directions (-30˚-30˚) occurred at higher speeds of >5 m/s.
This study aims to propose a new approach that uses direction of speed and jerk in quantifying
CODs of soccer players during soccer matches, and to clarify position-related difference in
profile of CODs by using the approach. As the results, change in direction of speed, θCOD,
which was derived from direction of speed and jerk, increased with increasing set angles of the
predetermined course (Exp. 1). Further, the relative frequency of θCOD during soccer matches
revealed a platykurtic distribution in positions other than FW, but, in that of FW, the distribu-
tion was leptokurtic (Exp. 2). Therefore, the θCOD proposed in this study may be an index of
Table 1. Descriptive data on θCOD and the difference between each θCOD and set angle.
Angle of CODs
-3.2 ± 3.2
3.2 ± 3.2 b
12.2 ± 2.7
2.7 ± 2.7 b
23.4 ± 1.6
6.6 ± 1.6 c
35.4 ± 2.8
9.4 ± 2.9 d
45.9 ± 4.1
14.1 ± 4.1 e
57.2 ± 5.6
17.6 ± 5.4 f
68.1 ± 8.7
21.5 ± 8.5 g
77.2 ± 5.1
27.8 ± 5.1 h
89.2 ± 5.6
30.8 ± 5.6
102.5 ± 3.9
31.8 ± 4.6
112.0 ± 4.1
37.8 ± 4.0 i
131.4 ± 4.9
33.4 ± 5.2 i
155.0 ± 7.5
24.6 ± 7.7
Values are means and SDs. COD, change of direction; a, significant difference with all combinations; b, significant
difference between the corresponding angle and set angles above 60˚, c, significant difference between corresponding
angle and set angles above 75˚; d, significant difference between corresponding angle and set angles above 90˚, e,
significant difference between corresponding angle and set angles above 105˚; f, significant difference between
corresponding angle and set angles above 105˚, except for 180˚; g, significant difference between corresponding angle
and set angles above 120˚, except for 180˚; h, significant difference between corresponding angle and 150˚; i,
significant difference between corresponding angle and 180˚.
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angle of CODs, and profile of CODs during soccer matches obtained from θCOD may be posi-
In Exp.1, each θCOD was smaller than the set angle, and the difference between each set
angle and θCOD became larger as the angle increased. This may have been due to a difference
in the set course and the trajectory of center of mass (COM) of a player’s body. For example,
in the COD at 90 deg, a player moved in an arc, rather than at a right angle, as seen in S1 Fig.
Fig 2. Relationship between θCOD and set angles. Black dotted plot indicates the mean value of each set angle. Grey dotted plots indicate individual’s data within each set
angle. Dotted line indicates approximate line.
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The direction of COM during change-of-direction running differed from the set angle, and
the angle for COM was smaller than the set angle [20–22]. Suzuki et al. [20] revealed that the
difference was 2˚ at 30˚, 8˚ at 60˚, and 12˚ at 90˚, and the difference increased with COD
angles. In this study, the corresponding values were 6.6˚, 14.1˚, and 21.5˚, respectively, also
becoming greater as COD angle increased.
The mean values of analytical duration were 1.04 s for Exp. 1, and 0.89 s for Exp. 2. Gran-
ero-Gil et al. [23] have defined change-of-direction locomotion as curvilinear locomotion that
lasts more than 0.8 s, and they attempted to detect CODs during soccer matches by using an
inertial sensor. The analytical durations in the present study were close to this definition, pro-
viding support for the threshold reported by Granero-Gil et al. [23]. On the other hand, the
Table 2. Descriptive data on number of CODs, analytical duration, skewness and kurtosis of frequency distribution.
Number per match (times)
Duration per COD (s)
183 ± 39
0.89 ± 0.49
-31.50 b
175 ± 38
0.88 ± 0.49 a
-17.91 b
183 ± 43
0.90 ± 0.50
-2.20 b
-13.87 b
196 ± 38
0.90 ± 0.48
-14.59 b
195 ± 36
0.89 ± 0.50 a
-9.54 b
173 ± 39
0.93 ± 0.50
13.22 b
Values are means and SDs. All, all positions; CB, center backs; SB, side backs; CMF, central midfielders; SMF, side midfielders; FW, forwards
a, Significant difference in the measured variable between FW and other positions
b, Significant different from normal distribution
Fig 3. Relative frequency distribution of θCOD per match. Each bin is set at every 15˚. A: all positions, B: center backs (CB), C: side backs (SB), D: central
midfielders (CMF), E: side midfielders (SMF), F: forwards (FW).
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number of CODs in the present matches was approx. 183, lower than the corresponding value
(471 times) reported by Granero-Gil et al. [23]. This discrepancy may be due to differences in
the method of analysis. In this study, θCOD was estimated based on acceleration above 2 m/s2
[1], while the earlier study used the definition above to identify changing-of-direction locomo-
tion [23]. Another reason may be due to be the technical error of acceleration measured by
Table 3. Descriptive data on number of CODs per match in each bin range.
16.7 ± 5.5
21.3 ± 7
17.2 ± 5.1
21.8 ± 7.5
22.4 ± 5.9
13.6 ± 4.9
15.5 ± 5.5
15.5 ± 4.5
18.1 ± 5.4
15.6 ± 4.5
13.1 ± 4.0
12.4 ± 4.6
13.7 ± 4.0
12.8 ± 4.9
15.8 ± 4.5
12.2 ± 3.8
12.9 ± 4.6
15.6 ± 4.5
12.7 ± 2.9
13.4 ± 4.5
13.5 ± 4.5
11.8 ± 4.7
16.1 ± 4.1
12.9 ± 3.8
10.6 ± 2.8
14.1 ± 4.9
14.8 ± 5.0
16.9 ± 6.2
14.9 ± 4.4
15.9 ± 6
16.3 ± 6.4
15.9 ± 4.9
18.9 ± 4.3
18.0 ± 4.4
14.2 ± 6.2
18.6 ± 5.9
18.4 ± 6.4
19.9 ± 7.1
21.9 ± 6.3
17.4 ± 6.4
17.7 ± 6.1
20.8 ± 6.7
20.6 ± 7.3
19.1 ± 6
15.2 ± 5.1
16.4 ± 5.7
15.6 ± 5.4
18.2 ± 6.6
18.8 ± 6.8
13.7 ± 5.0
11.8 ± 4.5
14.2 ± 5.9
13.2 ± 3.6
13.1 ± 4.6
8.8 ± 4.5
8.0 ± 3.3
7.3 ± 3.6
7.2 ± 3.5
7.2 ± 3.5
6.6 ± 2.8
2.7 ± 1.9
2.9 ± 2.1
3.1 ± 1.9
3.5 ± 2.2
3.3 ± 2.2
Values are means and SDs. All, all positions; CB, center backs; SB, side backs; CMF, central midfielders; SMF, side midfielders; FW, forwards.
Fig 4. Relationships between θCOD and speed at onset of changing of direction (COD). Black filled circle, the speed of more than 5 m/s; Grey filled circle, the
speed below 5 m/s. A: all positions, B: center backs (CB), C: side backs (SB), D: central midfielders (CMF), E: side midfielders (SMF), F: forwards (FW).
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LPS. In fact, Linke et al. [4] have demonstrated that root mean square error of acceleration in
sport-specific course ranged from 0.49 m/s2 to 1.34 m/s2.
The degree of skewness demonstrated that θCOD during soccer matches was distributed
symmetrically, except for players in the side back position. This indicates that no laterality of
angles of CODs may be found for amateur soccer players. On the other hand, the asymmetric
distribution of θCOD for SB may have been due to inter-individual differences in the distribu-
tion of θCOD among SBs. In fact, the distribution of θCOD was asymmetric distribution for only
one SB player (skewness: -2.85) but was symmetric for the remaining SB players (skewness:
-1.91 to 0.65). To this point, further investigation of a larger sample size is needed. In positions
other than FW, the kurtosis analysis revealed a platykurtic distribution of θCOD during soccer
matches, indicating that soccer players changed direction at various angles during soccer
matches. As seen in Fig 3, relative frequency of COD angles around 120 deg was more, regard-
less of left or right. Bloomfield et al. found that the number of CODs within 0˚-90˚ accounted
for more than 80% of the total number of CODs [14]. The corresponding value in this study
was approx. 50%. The discrepancy may be attributable to different analysis methods. For FW,
on the other hand, the distribution of θCOD during soccer matches was leptokurtic, indicating
that FW may perform CODs with narrower angle than other positions.
During soccer matches, θCOD ranged from 0˚ to 30˚ when speed at onset of a COD was rela-
tively high (>5 m/s) (Fig 4). Kai et al. [24] revealed that the trajectory of players above 5 m/s
was similar to liner locomotion. Fitzpatrick et al. [2] also demonstrated that direction of loco-
motion at speeds of above 6.7 m/s ranged from 0˚ to 30˚. Propulsive force decreases with
increasing running speed [25], implying that there is less space to accelerate the player’s body
at a given high speed. Taken together, this evidence suggests that soccer players perform
straight runs or CODs with a narrow direction angle (<30˚) at relatively high speeds.
There are some limitations in this study. Firstly, LPS are limited in high intensity effort such
as high speed straight running and CODs [3, 4, 6, 9]. During sport-specific course and small-
sided games, the root mean square errors of instant speed over 4.17 m/s range from 0.34 m/s to
0.39 m/s [4]. However, the values may not be enough to change relationships between instant
speed at onset of CODs and angles of CODs (Fig 4). Secondly, the approach used in this study
cannot be used to determine direction of a body. For example, if a player runs backward in the
opposite direction immediately after he moves in a straight run, the locomotion is estimated as a
COD with a 180˚ turn. Further investigation of this point is needed. Thirdly, parameters derived
from LPS may be influenced by measurement condition and experimental protocol [26],
although the validity of tracking systems is shown in earlier studies abovementioned [3–9].
Unfortunately, we have the relevant data, and further investigation is needed in this point.
In practical application, this study demonstrated that the relative distribution of θCOD was
position-specific, and θCOD was affected by speed at the onset of the COD during soccer
matches. To design regular soccer training that meet physical demands for each position,
coaches and strength conditioners for soccer players have to know what kind of locomotion is
taking place during soccer matches. Considering the current findings, the players of positions
other than FW need to perform CODs toward various direction at relatively low speed (< 5
m/s). For FW, however, it’s better to perform CODs toward narrow angle (< 30 deg) at rela-
tively high speed (> 5 m/s). Thus, the current findings may be useful information to achieve
the principle of training specificity for soccer.
This study proposed a new approach to quantifying angle of CODs (θCOD) during soccer
matches by using direction of speed and jerk. As the results, θCOD increases with increasing
Quantifying angle and time of changes-of-direction
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the predetermined set angle, although θCOD was smaller than the predetermined set angle. Fur-
ther, the relative frequency of θCOD derived from the proposed approach revealed position-
specific, and θCOD was affected by speed at the onset of the COD during soccer matches. The
current findings suggest that the approach proposed in this study may be useful to quantify
angle of CODs during soccer matches.
Supporting information
S1 Fig. An example of typical trajectory data and kinematic data (speed, acceleration, jerk
and direction of speed) in each angle when one player performed CODs in directions
determined by 13 set angles (every 15˚, ranging from 0˚ to 180˚). A: 0˚, B: 15˚, C: 30˚, D:
45˚, E: 60˚, F: 75˚, G: 90˚, H: 105˚, I: 120˚, J: 135˚, K: 150˚, L: 165˚, M: 180˚. A bold line over-
lapped in line plot indicates an analytical period.
S2 Fig. The time-series data for jerk with and without the filtering process are presented.
The use of cutoff frequencies of 3–6 Hz resulted in noise in the smoothed time-series data,
while cutoff frequencies <2 Hz produced less noise. Thus, a 2 Hz cutoff frequency was
S1 Data.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Yohei Takai.
Data curation: Tomohiro Kai, Yuhei Anbe.
Formal analysis: Tomohiro Kai.
Investigation: Yuhei Anbe.
Methodology: Shin Hirai, Yohei Takai.
Project administration: Yohei Takai.
Writing – original draft: Tomohiro Kai.
Writing – review & editing: Shin Hirai, Yohei Takai.
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| A new approach to quantify angles and time of changes-of-direction during soccer matches. | 05-17-2021 | Kai, Tomohiro,Hirai, Shin,Anbe, Yuhei,Takai, Yohei | eng |
PMC7560936 | Vol.:(0123456789)
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European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
High‑intensity decreasing interval training (HIDIT) increases time
above 90% ̇VO2peak
Filippo Vaccari1,2 · N. Giovanelli1,2 · S. Lazzer1,2
Received: 16 July 2019 / Accepted: 4 August 2020 / Published online: 11 August 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
Purpose Training near ̇VO2max is considered to be the most effective way to enhance ̇VO2max. High-intensity interval
training (HIIT) is a well-known time-efficient training method for improving cardiorespiratory and metabolic function and
̇VO2max. While long HIIT bouts allow ̇VO2max to be achieved quickly, short HIIT bouts improve time to exhaustion (Tlim).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the time spent above 90% ̇VO2peak (T > 90% ̇VO2peak) during three different HIIT
Methods Twelve cyclists performed three HIIT sessions. Each protocol had the same work and recovery power and ratio
of work·recovery−1. The protocols consisted of long-interval HIIT (LIHIIT, 3 min work—2 min recovery), short-interval
HIIT (SIHIIT, 30 s work—20 s recovery), and high-intensity decreasing interval training (HIDIT, work from 3 min to 30 s
and recovery from 2 min to 20 s). T > 90% ̇VO2peak, Tlim, blood lactate [La], and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were
measured at Tlim.
Results T > 90% ̇VO2peak was greater in HIDIT (312 ± 207 s) than in SIHIIT (182 ± 225 s; P = 0.036) or LIHIIT (179 ± 145 s;
P = 0.027). Tlim was not significantly different (P > 0.05) between HIDIT (798 ± 185 s), SIHIIT (714 ± 265 s), and LIHIIT
(664 ± 282). At Tlim, no differences in [La] and RPE were found between protocols (P > 0.05).
Conclusion HIDIT showed the highest T > 90% ̇VO2peak, suggesting that it may be a good strategy to increase time close
to ̇VO2peak, despite similar Tlim, [La], and RPE at Tlim.
Keywords ̇VO2max · ̇VO2max training · Time at ̇VO2max · HIIT
%CP-Load Peak
Percentage of critical power relative to
load peak
% ̇VO2peak
Oxygen consumption in percentage
relative to its peak
Heart rate in percentage relative to its
Blood (capillary) lactate concentration
Analysis of variance
Critical power
CR10 Scale
Validated scale of perceived exertion
Effect size
Decreasing intervals HIIT (combining
high phosphocreatine intensity from
3′ to 30″ and low intensity from 2′ to
High-intensity interval training
Intermittent critical power
Long intervals HIIT (3′ high—2′
Muscular concentration of
Gas-exchange ratio
Rate of perceived exertion
Short intervals HIIT (30″ high—20″
(Time to exhaustion)
T > 90% ̇VO2peak
Time spent above 90% ̇VO2peak
CO2 output
Pulmonary O2 uptake
Maximal theoretical aerobic power
Communicated by Håkan Westerblad.
* Filippo Vaccari
[email protected]
Department of Medicine, University of Udine, P.le Kolbe 4,
33100 Udine, Italy
School of Sport Sciences, University of Udine, Udine, Italy
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
1 3
Maximal ̇VO2 achieved during incre-
mental exercise
Amount of work that can be done dur-
ing exercise above CP
Maximal oxygen uptake ( ̇VO2max) refers to the oxygen con-
sumption attained during a maximal exercise. It is reached
when the ̇VO2 does not increase any further despite further
increases in workload, and it defines the limits of the car-
diorespiratory system (Hill and Lupton 1923). ̇VO2max is a
relevant parameter of cardiorespiratory capacity, which is
important for both endurance athletes (di Prampero 2003)
and patients (Poole et al. 2012). It has been shown that, to
improve ̇VO2max, a training protocol should prolong the
time at which the oxygen uptake remains close to the maxi-
mum (within 5–10% of ̇VO2max) (Wenger and Bell 1986;
Midgley and Mc Naughton 2006). High-intensity interval
training (HIIT) is very effective at maintaining the metabolic
rate near ̇VO2max (Buchheit and Laursen 2013a), better than
continuous steady-state training (Midgley and Mc Naughton
2006), and can be comprised of either short or long bouts
of high intensity (work) alternated with recovery periods
(recovery) at low intensity (or rest) (Buchheit and Laursen
The minimum intensity that allows one to reach ̇VO2max
during a steady-state exercise is called critical power (CP).
Theoretically, it is possible to maintain a metabolic steady
state and prolong effort up to the CP threshold indefinitely.
In contrast, above the CP, even if the external power out-
put remains constant, ̇VO2 increases up to ̇VO2max, leading
to exhaustion within a few minutes (Jones and Vanhatalo
HIIT can be set based on CP, setting the work intervals
above CP and the recovery intervals below CP (Morton
and Billat 2004). The CP is mathematically defined as the
power asymptote of the hyperbolic relationship between
power output and time to exhaustion (Jones et al. 2010).
Physiologically, CP represents the boundary between steady-
state and non-steady-state exercise intensity domains (Jones
et al. 2010; Jones and Vanhatalo 2017). Exercise above CP
leads to reduced muscle phosphocreatine concentration [Pcr]
and pH (Meyer 1988; Chidnok et al. 2013; Jones and Van-
hatalo 2017), making it difficult to prolong exercise (i.e.,
W′: amount of work that can be done during exercise above
CP) (Ferguson et al. 2010; Skiba et al. 2012, 2014, 2015).
Since muscle ̇VO2 is related to muscle reduction [Pcr] (di
Prampero and Margaria 1968; Meyer 1988), the faster [Pcr]
is depleted, the faster the ̇VO2 increases. Conversely, during
the recovery phase (below CP), [Pcr] resynthesis and W′
recovery follow an exponential trend (Meyer 1988; Ferguson
et al. 2010; Skiba et al. 2012, 2014; Jones and Vanhatalo
2017; Vinetti et al. 2017). Indeed, when exercise generates
a large depletion of [Pcr], the resynthesis rate is faster in the
beginning of the recovery and it slows when approaching
complete restoration.
Thus, an HIIT protocol that aims to stimulate ̇VO2max
should start with long work intervals (2–4 min) to quickly
increase ̇VO2. Subsequently, when the subject approaches
exhaustion, short intervals can help to prolong the exer-
cise for longer: in this situation, the recovery ratio is fast
and requires only few seconds to ensure sufficient recovery
while simultaneously preventing the ̇VO2 from decreasing
too much.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the time
above 90% of ̇VO2peak (T > 90% ̇VO2peak) in three different
HIIT protocols. The proposed HIIT protocols had the same
intensity and work/recovery ratio and were structured as
follows: (1) constant long intervals (LIHIIT); (2) decreasing
interval duration (high-intensity decreasing interval training,
HIDIT), and (3) constant short intervals (SIHIIT). It has been
hypothesized that the T > 90% ̇VO2peak should be longer
in HIDIT. We hypothesized that the protocol with longer
intervals followed by shorter intervals would elicit longer
time above 90%.
Materials and methods
Twelve middle-age amateur cyclists, all non-smokers, were
enrolled in the study (41 ± 11 years; 76 ± 10 kg; ̇VO2peak
4.32 ± 0.47 L min−1), Table 1. They reported at least three
training sessions per week in the previous 6 months. None
Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of the participants (n = 12)
All values are mean and standard deviation (SD)
HR heart rate, ̇VO2peak peak oxygen consumption, CP critical power,
W′ total work sustainable above critical power, High and Low inten-
sity the average intensity sustained during HIIT tests
Mean ± SD
Age (year)
41 ± 11
Body mass (kg)
76 ± 10
HRpeak (b min−1)
174 ± 10
̇VO2peak (L min−1)
4.32 ± 0.47
Load peak (W)
356 ± 40
CP (W)
254 ± 30
W’ (kJ)
12.8 ± 4.1
High intensity (W)
297 ± 35
Low intensity (W)
212 ± 30
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
1 3
of the subjects had evidence of significant diseases or took
regular medications.
Study protocol
The Ethics Committee of the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia approved
the study (protocol number 9626). During the first visit to
the laboratory, an operator explained the purposes and
objectives of the study to each subject and obtained writ-
ten informed consent. Then, participants underwent medical
examinations and performed a maximal ramp-incremental
exercise test on a cycle ergometer to measure the ̇VO2peak.
Although the objectives were explained to all subjects, the
study hypothesis was not revealed so as not to influence the
results. After the first visit, the participants were examined
three or four times to determine the critical power, and they
performed the SIHIIT, HIDIT, and LIHIIT tests three times.
Every visit was separated from the previous one by 2 days.
Participants were instructed to avoid the consumption of
caffeinated beverages for at least 8 h before each test and
to abstain from vigorous physical activity in the 24 h pre-
ceding each testing session. Every subject concluded the
entire protocol within 4 weeks from the first visit. The criti-
cal power parameters were used to program the HIIT tests.
Subsequently, during the three HIIT tests, time to exhaustion
(Tlim), T > 90% ̇VO2peak, blood lactate concentration [La],
rate of perceived exertion using the Borg CR10 Scale (Borg
et al. 2010), and ̇VO2 were measured at the 3rd minute and
at the end of exercise.
Incremental exercise
The incremental exercise was performed under medical
supervision, and standard safety procedures were followed.
During the first visit, an operator instructed the subjects to
correctly report the rate of perceived exertion on the CR10
scale (Borg et al. 2010). The incremental exercise, critical
power trials, and HIIT test protocols were performed uti-
lizing a cycle ergometer (CE) (Monark Ergomedic 839E).
Every test was preceded by the same warm-up procedure:
10 min cycling at 100 W followed by 2-min resting. During
the first warm-up, subjects chose their preferred pedaling
cadence (~ 90 rpm). The incremental exercise was a con-
stant incremental ramp test started at 100 W and gradually
increased by 1 W every 2.4 s (25 W min−1) throughout the
test until voluntary exhaustion. The exhaustion (during the
incremental test and the HIITs) was defined as the inability
to maintain the assigned cadence within 10 rpm longer than
5 s despite strong encouragement from the operator.
̇VO2 and ̇VCO2 were measured breath-by-breath using a
metabolic unit (Quark CPET, Cosmed, Italy). The ventila-
tion was measured by a turbine calibrated before each test
with a 3-L syringe at three different flow rates. Calibration
of O2 and CO2 analysers was performed before each test
by utilizing calibration gas mixtures of known composition
(16.00% O2; 4.00% CO2). ̇VO2peak corresponded to the
highest mean ̇VO2 obtained in 30 s at the end of the incre-
mental exercise.
Power–duration relationship
The same warm-up and cadence from the incremental test
were also used for the critical power (CP) test. CP and the
amount of work that could be done during exercise above CP
(W′) (Jones and Vanhatalo 2017; Burnley and Jones 2018)
were estimated from three to four high-intensity trials at
exhaustion from 80 to 100% of the peak power detected dur-
ing the incremental test and adopted to result in ‘exhaustion’
in a minimum of ~ 2 min and a maximum of ~ 15 min (Jones
and Vanhatalo 2017). The work done in each of the separate
exercise bouts has been plotted against Tlim. The follow-
ing work (W) − time (t) linear regression was then used to
find CP and W′ (Moritani et al. 1981; Hill 1993; Jones and
Vanhatalo 2017):
According to the equation, CP is given by the slope of the
regression, and the W′ is the y-intercept.
HIIT tests
After the incremental test and the critical power trials, sub-
jects performed three HIIT tests in a randomized order. The
power during the work and recovery bouts and the work/
recovery duration ratio were the same in each trial, although
the duration of the intervals was changed (see Table 1 for
mean values). The ratio work/recovery time was set at 3/2 for
all the training tests. The power used for the high-intensity
bouts was customized for each subject and corresponded to
the power that was supposed to lead to exhaustion in 5 min
(300 s) according to the following equation (Jones et al.
and it corresponded to approximately 117% of CP. The
power used for the low-intensity bout was mirrored below
CP (approximately 83% of CP). Thus, the CP threshold was
exactly in the middle between the high and low intensities.
The three tests were structured as follows (Fig. 1):
Short intervals (SIHIIT): 30 s at high intensity and 20 s at
low intensity repeated until volitional exhaustion of the
W = CPt + W.
Power =
t = 300 s + CP,
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
1 3
High-intensity decremental interval training (HIDIT):
3 min at high intensity and 2 min at low intensity; 2 min
at high intensity and 1 min and 20 s at low intensity;
1 min at high intensity and 40 s at low intensity; 45 s at
high intensity and 30 s at low intensity; and finally 30 s
at high intensity and 20 s at low intensity, repeated until
volitional exhaustion of the subject. The high–low ratio
intensity duration was always 3/2.
Long intervals (LIHIIT): 3 min at high intensity and 2 min
at low intensity repeated until volitional exhaustion of
the subject.
Throughout the HIIT protocols, the ventilatory param-
eters were measured using a breath-by-breath metabolic unit
(CPET, Cosmed, Italy) and then averaged every 5 s. Before,
after 3 min and at the end of exercise, ̇VO2, HR, [La], and
RPE were measured, and the respiratory quotient (RQ) was
calculated. An operator collected a capillary blood sample
from the earlobe to measure the [La] with a dedicated device
(Lactate Pro 2, Arkaray Inc., Japan), while the subjects
reported RPE consulting the CR10 scale positioned in front
of them. Finally, the total time spent above 90% of ̇VO2peak
was determined as the sum of each averaged 5-s when the ̇V
O2 was equal to or higher than 90% of ̇VO2peak.
Statistical analyses
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0 software
(IBM, Chicago, USA) with significance set at P < 0.05. All
results were expressed as the means and standard deviations
(SD). The differences between HIIT training protocols in
Tlim; T > 90% ̇VO2peak; T > 90% ̇VO2peak—Tlim−1; work
above CP (calculated as the total time in seconds above CP
multiply by the difference between the high-intensity power
and CP, in Watts); average ̇VO2; and, finally, the values at
the third minute and at Tlim ( ̇VO2, HR, [La], CR10-scale
and RQ) were investigated. All parameters were analyzed by
one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Where the analysis found a significant difference, planned
contrast between HIDIT and SIHIIT and between HIDIT
and LIHIIT were used with Bonferroni correction to deter-
mine the origin of such effects. The confidence intervals
(CIs) of the differences and the effect size (ES) were calcu-
lated using Cohen’s d (0 < d < 0.20, small; 0.20 < d < 0.50,
medium; d > 0.50, large) (Cohen 1988). The precision of
Cp and W′ estimation was calculated comparing the param-
eter estimates with the work-time model and with the time−1
model through a t test. For our purposes, a sample size of 12
subjects was calculated to have a statistical power of 80% to
refute the null hypothesis and to obtain an ES of 0.88 with an
alpha error of 0.05 and a beta error of 0.20 using a one-way
ANOVA with Bonferroni correction, according to a previous
Fig. 1 HIIT protocols for a representative subject. SIHIIT: short-inter-
val HIIT (30″ high—20″ low-intensity); HIDIT: decreasing intervals
HIIT (combining high intensity from 3′ to 30″ and low intensity from
2′ to 20″); LIHIIT: long-interval HIIT (3′ high—2′ low-intensity); the
dotted lines represent the breath-by-breath ̇VO2 data averaged every
5 s; the dashed lines represent the threshold of 90% of ̇VO2peak; the
solid lines represent the actual power
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
1 3
study (De Aguiar et al. 2013) that implemented a procedure
similar to that of our study.
Incremental test and CP trials
Peak values attained during the incremental test, CP, total
work above CP (W′), and the power imposed for the high-
and low-intensity bouts are shown in Table 1. Although the
attainment of ̇VO2peak was not set as a priori criteria for the
constant work rate tests of the power–duration relationship,
it was always reached by the subjects. The parameter esti-
mates through the “work-time model” used for our purposes
have been compared with the parameter estimates through
the “1·time−1” model, and the results were comparable, as
shown in Table 2.
HIIT tests
The power corresponding to high-intensity intervals was
117 ± 6% of CP, and the low-intensity power was 83 ± 6%
of the CP (Table 3).
T > 90% ̇VO2peak was significantly longer in HIDIT
compared with SIHIIT (P = 0.036; ES: 0.62) and LIHIIT
(P = 0.027; ES: 0.64) (Table 3, Fig. 2), and the ratio
T > 90% ̇VO2peak—Tlim−1 tended to be higher in HIDIT
than in SIHIIT and LIHIIT (Table 3). However, there were no
differences in Tlim and in work > CP (P = 0.136) between
the three protocols (Table 3). Finally, the average ̇VO2
maintained during the HIDIT test was significantly higher
than in LIHIIT (P = 0.022; ES: 0.17) but not significantly
different than in SIHIIT (P = 0.106; ES: 0.10).
% ̇VO2peak after 3 min was similar between HIDIT and
LIHIIT (P = 0.339; ES: 0.18), but it was significantly higher
in HIDIT than SIHIIT (P = 0.006; ES: 0.83) (Table 3). Addi-
tionally, %HRpeak after 3 min was similar between HIDIT
and LIHIIT (P = 0.160; ES: 0.37), but it was significantly
higher in HIDIT compared with SIHIIT (P = 0.019; ES:
0.61). Similarly, the CR10-scale after 3 min was similar
in HIDIT and LIHIIT (P = 0.824; ES: 0.05) but significantly
higher than SIHIIT (P = 0.031; ES: 0.55). Finally, RQ after
3 min was not significantly different in HIDIT and LIHIIT
(P = 0.410; ES: 0.05), but it was significantly higher than
in SIHIIT (P = 0.031; ES: 0.25) (Table 3).
There was no significant difference in [La] at rest before
the three tests (SIHIIT, HIDIT, and LIHIIT) (1.13 ± 0.20;
1.19 ± 0.26; and 1.17 ± 0.27 mmol L−1, respectively;
P > 0.05), and after 3 min, [La] was similar in HIDIT and
LIHIIT (P = 0.007; ES: 0.05), but lower in SIHIIT (P = 0.003;
ES: 0.78) (Table. 3). At Tlim, neither [La] nor ̇VO2, HR
nor RPE were significantly different between the three
tests (see Table 3).
Table 2 Comparison of the power–duration relationship derived from 1/time model CP and work-time model CP
R2 coefficient of determination of the linear regression, CP critical power, W′ total work sustainable above the critical power
Student paired t test: no significant differences between the parameters of the power–duration relationship derived from the two different CP
models were observed
Critical power estimates
W’ estimates
1/Time model
CP (W)
Work-time model
CP (W)
1/Time model
W′ (kJ)
Work-time model
W′ (kJ)
1/Time model
Work-time model
Standard deviation
t test
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
1 3
The results of the present study show that a new HIDIT
protocol maintains the ̇VO2 above 90% of ̇VO2peak for a
longer period compared with two classical HIIT protocols
with short and long intervals. Nevertheless, the Tlim, [La],
HR, RPE, and ̇VO2 were similar among the protocols. This
is the first study that has demonstrated that it is possible to
increase the time close to ̇VO2peak solely through decreasing
the duration of the intervals and, therefore, avoiding reduc-
ing the power/intensity as previously shown (De Aguiar
et al. 2013; Lisbôa et al. 2015; Rønnestad and Hansen 2016).
In HIDIT (and LIHIIT), the protocol begins with 3 min
at high intensity, as opposed to just 30 s in SIHIIT, and this
resulted in a greater ̇VO2, HR, [La], CR10 scale, and RQ
after 3 min of exercise. This is consistent with the studies
by Millet et al. (2003) and Turner et al. (2006), in which
during long-interval HIIT, a faster metabolic stimulation
occurred at the beginning of the cycling exercise. However,
in our study, there were no differences at Tlim in any of the
parameters mentioned above, suggesting that the participants
reached their personal maximal performances, regardless of
Table 3 Main results of
the HIIT tests and selected
physiological variable at 3rd
minute and at the end of the
All values are mean and standard deviation (SD)
SIHIIT short-interval HIIT, HIDIT high-intensity decremental intervals training, LIHIIT long-interval HIIT,
Tlim time to exhaustion, T > 90% ̇VO2peak time spent above 90% ̇VO2peak, % ̇VO2peak oxygen uptake in
percentage relative to its peak, mean% ̇VO2peak mean % ̇VO2peak maintained during HIIT tests, %HRpeak
heart rate in percentage relative to its peak, [La] blood lactate concentration, CR10-scale perceived exer-
tion, RQ respiratory quotient
Significance by one-way repeated-measure ANOVA. When P < 0.05, planned contrasts with Bonferroni
a P < 0.05 in post hoc HIDIT vs SIHIIT
b P < 0.05 in post hoc HIDIT vs LIHIIT
Tlim (s)
714 ± 265
798 ± 185
664 ± 282
T > 90% ̇VO2peak (s)
183 ± 225
312 ± 207a,b
179 ± 145
T > 90% ̇VO2peak × Tlim−1
0.25 ± 0.29
0.39 ± 0.24
0.26 ± 0.21
Work > CP (KJ)
18.74 ± 8.95
22.01 ± 10.40
19.28 ± 11.06
Mean % ̇VO2peak
81.50 ± 6.61
84.16 ± 4.00b
79.58 ± 7.08
Values at 3rd minute
% ̇VO2peak
85.33 ± 7.11
90.75 ± 5.94a
89.58 ± 6.52
89.00 ± 4.00
91.00 ± 3.91a
92.60 ± 3.60
[La] (mmol L−1)
5.69 ± 1.62
8.03 ± 2.69a
7.85 ± 3.01
5.29 ± 1.57
6.67 ± 2.12a
6.52 ± 2.03
1.04 ± 0.06
1.10 ± 0.09a
1.11 ± 0.08
> 0.001
% ̇VO2peak
99.75 ± 8.62
100.17 ± 5.27
99.83 ± 8.36
97.80 ± 3.99
97.40 ± 2.99
97.50 ± 3.98
[La] (mmol L−1)
10.75 ± 2.04
10.71 ± 4.72
10.83 ± 3.58
9.48 ± 0.70
9.25 ± 1.78
9.56 ± 1.08
0.97 ± 0.05
0.95 ± 0.05
1.00 ± 0.10
Fig. 2 Time above 90% of ̇VO2 peak in seconds. *Significance by
one-way repeated-measures ANOVA and planned contrast with Bon-
ferroni correction between HIDIT and SIHIIT and between HIDIT and
LIHIIT were used post hoc comparison, P < 0.05
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
1 3
the protocol adopted. Indeed, ̇VO2 and HR were close to the
peak values (100% and 97%, respectively), while Borg scale
was near 10 and [La] was above 10 mmol L−1. It is worth
noting that HIDIT led to longer T > 90% ̇VO2peak despite the
same RPE at the end of the exercise. In other words, HIDIT
has potentially better training benefits, despite the same
perceived effort. On the other hand, even though Tlim in
HIDIT (798 s) was longer than in LIHIIT (664 s) and, similar
to SIHIIT, (714 s), the ANOVA did not show any significant
difference (P = 0.144). Our results seem to contradict results
from the previous studies (Millet et al. 2003; Turner et al.
2006; Rønnestad and Hansen 2016). Millet et al. (2003)
showed that when comparing some matched work HIIT pro-
tocols, those with shorter intervals elicited lower ̇VO2, HR,
and RPE at the end of the exercise, suggesting that the dura-
tion may be longer when shorter intervals are used. Simi-
larly, Turner et al. (2006) compared four HIIT protocols with
the same intensity (work and recovery) and work/recovery
ratio, reporting that in HIIT with shorter intervals, the [La]
was lower after 30 min of exercise compared with longer
intervals. In particular, in the HIIT protocol with shorter
intervals (work 10 s/recovery 20 s), the [La] reached steady
state after 30 min of exercise, whereas the one with longer
intervals (work 90 s/recovery 180 s), the subjects lasted less
than 10 min before exhaustion.
Surprisingly, there are a few studies in which the authors
analyze the effects of interval duration at a fixed work/recov-
ery ratio and a fixed intensity (Millet et al. 2003; Turner
et al. 2006; Rønnestad and Hansen 2016). It is known that
increasing work interval durations prolongs the time close to
̇VO2max (Rozenek et al. 2007; Wakefield and Glaister 2009).
Conversely, longer recovery interval duration decreases the
time close to ̇VO2max (Smilios et al. 2017). However, to
our knowledge, the only study that measured the time close
to ̇VO2max and Tlim in HIIT matching work rate and work/
recovery ratio and isolating the interval duration variable
was performed by Rønnestad and Hansen (Rønnestad and
Hansen 2016). They compared three cycling HIIT protocols
in which the intensity of the work bouts was set at maximal
aerobic power ( ̇VO2max power), the recovery at 50% of the
̇VO2max power, and the work/recovery ratio was 2/1. They
concluded that HIIT with shorter interval durations (30 s) led
to a longer Tlim (~ 1400 s), a longer Time > 90% ̇VO2peak
(~ 680 s) and a higher ratio of Time > 90% ̇VO2peak·Tlim−1
(0.55) (Rønnestad and Hansen 2016). Tlim, Time > 90%
̇VO2peak, and their ratio were lower in our study. This
discrepancy may be attributed to the different protocols
used and to the higher fitness level of the participants ( ̇V
O2peak = 66 mL kg−1 min−1 compared to 57 mL kg−1 min−1)
(Rønnestad and Hansen 2016). Another possible explana-
tion might be the relative intensity at which our protocol
was set (on average ~ 83% of load peak). This relative inten-
sity refers to the load peak attained during a ramp protocol,
which is reported to be 10–15% higher than the load peak
reached with a step modality (Revill et al. 2002; Bentley and
McNaughton 2003; Zuniga et al. 2012). Therefore, it can
be assumed that the relative power would have been above
90% of the load peak if the incremental test was performed
using steps. Nevertheless, the incremental ramp test was
used alone in the present study only to determine ̇VO2peak,
while the intensity of HIIT was set exclusively considering
CP, as described above.
In an attempt to benefit from faster ̇VO2 kinetics at the
beginning of exercise, we imposed long first intervals. Alter-
nately, other authors proposed a fast start strategy (De Agu-
iar et al. 2013; Lisbôa et al. 2015; Rønnestad et al. 2019).
Fast start strategy HIIT protocol (starting from 125% of
the intermittent critical power, ICP, and decreasing it until
105%) enhanced the time above 95% of ̇VO2max compared
to other protocols with a constant work rate at 125% ICP and
a constant work rate at 105% ICP (De Aguiar et al. 2013).
Nevertheless, the protocol that used lower intensity (105%
ICP) increased Tlim, and the protocol that adopted higher
intensity bouts (125% ICP) showed a greater ratio of Tlim/
time above 95% of ̇VO2max−1. Lisbôa et al (2015) decreased
the intensity within every single interval, but attained simi-
lar results. In addition, the recent work of Rønnestad et al.
(2019) confirmed that the fast start pacing strategy can be a
good strategy to increase the average ̇VO2, but the time close
to ̇VO2max was not longer compared to traditional HIIT.
Therefore, the fast start strategy is a useful tool to improve
time near/at ̇VO2max and could be successfully applied to
HIIT, although it impairs Tlim in comparison with protocols
with the same final exercise work rate and the ratio T > 90%
̇VO2peak − Tlim−1 in comparison with protocols with the
same initial intensity (De Aguiar et al. 2013). Compared
to fast start protocols, HIDIT has the advantage of quickly
stimulating oxygen uptake at the beginning without affecting
Tlim. Moreover, fast start strategy HIIT reduces the ratio
T > 90% ̇VO2peak—Tlim−1, while HIDIT tends to increase
it (not significantly). Therefore, the HIDIT protocol that this
study proposed combines the advantages of different previ-
ously studied protocols and can be used during training ses-
sions that aim to accumulate time close to ̇VO2max.
Nonetheless, it is interesting that several participants
were able to drastically increase the T > 90%VO2peak
in the HIDIT protocol, whereas others performed much
worse. In addition, as discussed above, the ANOVA failed
to find differences in Tlim between the three HIIT proto-
cols, which could be due to the heterogeneity of the sub-
jects, despite our efforts to minimize differences by set-
ting up HIIT reliant on CP and W′. In fact, high intensity
was set as the percentage of CP that allowed each subject
to last for 5 min before exhaustion according to equation
[2]. While the intensity of HIIT is often set relying on
% ̇VO2max, relying exclusively on ̇VO2max does not take
European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
1 3
into account the anaerobic characteristics of the subjects,
which are very important in HIIT. For instance, whether
two athletes present a similar ̇VO2max intensity but differ-
ent W′ (and CP) when exercising with similar % ̇VO2max
intensity during HIIT, the exercise will actually involve
a different proportion of their W′, which results in a dif-
ferent exercise tolerance (Blondel et al. 2001). Therefore,
expressing intensity as a percentage of CP for high-inten-
sity exercises allows individual differences in W′ to be
taken into account and eased as much as possible. Indeed,
W′ was not correlated with Tlim of any HIIT test, since
it has been used to adjust the intensity with equation [2].
Furthermore, there was no correlation among age/HRpeak,
the ̇VO2 kinetics during the first 3 min of HIDIT and LIHIIT
(unpublished), and the other main outcomes. Additionally,
there were no relationships between ̇VO2peak or CP and
the main outcomes as well. The lack of relationship among
age and other variables suggests that age did not influ-
ence our main results. In fact, our data may even support
the idea that HIDIT could be applied in well-trained male
adults over a wide range of age. Another major physiologi-
cal determinant that may explain the variability between
subjects in Tlim during interval and continuous exercises
is the differences between lactate threshold intensity and
̇VO2max intensity (Midgley et al. 2007). Midgley et al.
suggested that athletes with larger differences will replete
their anaerobic capacity to a greater extent during each
relief interval, increasing the time to exhaustion. Similarly,
the relationship between the CP-load peak difference and
Tlim during HIIT has been verified in this study to deter-
mine whether it can affect the Tlim of HIIT. As a result,
only 59% of the variance in Tlim in SIHIIT was explained
by the difference between CP and load peak in percentage,
while in the other two protocols, there were no relation-
ships. Therefore, future research that aims to investigate
Tlim in HIIT may benefit by selecting subjects with homo-
geneous difference %CP-load peak, although Tlim in HIIT
with longer intervals does not seem to correlate with it. It
is, therefore, tempting to suggest that individuals with a
wide gap between the CP and the load peak could benefit
more from short-interval HIIT to prolong Tlim.
Further research is needed to verify whether T > 90% ̇V
O2peak may be enhanced with HIDIT in different HIIT pro-
tocols (i.e., at different intensities) and in different popu-
lations. However, HIDIT might be useful in sport training
when the aim is to maintain a high ̇VO2max and/or maintain
a specific power or velocity as long as possible, such as in
training for track cycling races. If the aim is to allow the
athlete to finish the race at a given time, the most specific
training is to ride at that velocity for that race time for a
distance as near as possible to the distance of the race. After
the recovery, repeat for a shorter distance and so on. Starting
with short intervals would not be sufficiently specific, and
continuing with the first interval distance would not be pos-
sible for the fatigued athlete.
Furthermore, HIDIT could be useful for patients or for
wellness purposes, setting a lower percentage of ̇VO2max or
other physiological parameters. For example, if an exercise
is intended to avoid exceeding a given [La] cut-off, it can
start with a longer interval to save time and then decrease
the length of the interval to avoid exceeding the [La] cut-off.
However, we suggest adopting this protocol in athletes and
patients who aim to train and improve their ̇VO2max.
In conclusion, HIDIT applied to cycling exercise in well-
trained amateur cyclists can enhance T > 90% ̇VO2peak with-
out reducing Tlim, the ratio of T > 90% ̇VO2peak and Tlim−1,
or the average ̇VO2. In fact, the average ̇VO2 was even higher
in HIDIT than in LIHIIT. Finally, despite the higher stimu-
lation of ̇VO2, the rate of perceived exertion and the other
physiological parameters at the end of the exercise were
not different compared with long- or short-interval HIIT,
suggesting that HIDIT was not more demanding. In light
of the favorable or similar physiological and/or perceptual
responses to HIDIT compared to the other protocols and
given the improved capability to prolong the time close to
̇VO2peak, it could be used as a preferable method to elicit
similar or greater physiological adaptations.
Acknowledgements Open access funding provided by Università degli
Studi di Udine within the CRUI-CARE Agreement. We would like to
thank the participants in the study for their time and effort to ensure the
success of the project, in particular the “Pedale Gemonese” associa-
tion (Gemona del Friuli, Udine, Italia). The study was supported by
Fondazione Pietro Pittini (Italy).
Author contributions All authors conceived and designed the research.
FV and NG conducted experiments. FV analyzed the data. FV wrote
the manuscript, NG and SL the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the manuscript.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors report no conflict of interest.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
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European Journal of Applied Physiology (2020) 120:2397–2405
1 3
Blondel N, Berthoin S, Billat V, Lensel G (2001) Relationship
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PMC5968933 | sports
A Description and Comparison of Cardiorespiratory
Fitness Measures in Relation to Pitching Performance
Among Professional Baseball Pitchers
Javair S. Gillett 1, J. Jay Dawes 2, Frank J. Spaniol 3,*, Matthew R. Rhea 4, Joe P. Rogowski 5,
Mitchel A. Magrini 6, Roberto Simao 7 and Derek J. Bunker 4
Athletic Performance, Houston Rockets, Houston, TX 77002, USA; [email protected]
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO 80918, USA; [email protected]
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX 78412, USA
A.T. Still University, Kirksville, MO 63501, USA; [email protected] (M.R.R.);
[email protected] (D.J.B.)
Athletic Heart Research Institute, Orlando, FL, 32801, USA; [email protected]
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74074, USA; [email protected]
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941-901, Brazil; [email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-361-549-7533
Academic Editor: Eling Douwe de Bruin
Received: 18 November 2015; Accepted: 15 February 2016; Published: 25 February 2016
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to provide descriptive and comparative information regarding
the cardiorespiratory fitness of professional baseball pitchers. Twenty-four (n = 24) major league (ML)
baseball pitchers (starters n = 14; relievers n = 10) over seven seasons (2007–2013) were evaluated.
A modified Bruce protocol and the CardioCoach™ CO2 metabolic analyzer were used to estimate
VO2 max and anaerobic threshold (AT) at the beginning of each season. Performance data from each
season was utilized to draw inference about pitching performance. One-way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) was used to compare Starting (S) and Relief (R) pitchers above/below the group mean
for VO2 max and AT. Pearson product moment correlations were also used to examine relationships
between cardiorespiratory fitness and performance. Significant differences in performance were
discovered between S pitchers above/below the overall group mean for VO2 max. (p ď 0.05) and for
AT in Walks plus Hits per Inning Pitched (WHIP) (p ď 0.05) and Earned Run Average (ERA) (p ď 0.05).
Significant relationships between VO2 max and Walks per 9 Innings (BB/9) (p ď 0.05), Home Runs
per 9 innings (HR/9) (p ď 0.05), Wins (W) (p ď 0.05), Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP) (p ď 0.01),
Strikeouts (K) (p ď 0.01), Hits per 9 innings (H/9) (p ď 0.01), Strikeouts per 9 innings (K/9) (p ď 0.01),
ERA (p ď 0.01), and WHIP (p ď 0.01). Low, but significant, correlations were discovered between
AT and WHIP (p ď 0.05) and ERA (ď0.05). CONCLUSION: Higher aerobic capacity appears to be
more influential for S than R pitchers. Strength and conditioning practitioners should ensure that
pitchers, especially S pitchers at the ML level, perform sufficient and appropriate endurance training
to support pitching performance.
Keywords: conditioning; endurance; pitching; performance; VO2 max
1. Introduction
Baseball is a sport that requires short, explosive bursts of intense effort. While the duration of
each play is relatively short, a typical professional baseball game takes approximately three hours to
complete [1]. During a game, only two of the nine players on the field are involved in every single
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play, the pitcher and catcher. While catchers perform many of their skills at submaximal intensities,
pitchers are expected to deliver every pitch at maximum, or near maximum effort [2]. A starting
pitcher typically delivers 80–100 pitches or more per game, whereas a relief pitcher is required to throw
significantly fewer pitches per performance (40 or less). Whereas a starting pitcher is typically allowed
four days between performances, a reliever might be required to throw on consecutive days.
Pitching relies heavily on the ATP-PCr system during the delivery of the pitch, followed by brief
bouts (approximately 20–30 s) of aerobic recovery between pitches [3]. Subsequently, pitching appears
to place a relatively low demand on the aerobic energy system [4]. In fact, Potteiger et al. [4] found
that mean oxygen consumption ranged between 14.8–20.6 mL¨ kg ´1 min ´1 for pitchers pitching in a
simulated game. The researchers noted that this would correspond to a continuous exercise intensity
at approximately 45% of the participants mean VO2 max. However, since this study was performed
in a laboratory setting where the pitchers did not face game competition, one may speculate that the
aerobic demands may differ during actual competition.
Stockholm and Morris [5] conducted a study in which a freshman collegiate baseball pitcher’s
heart rate (HR) was monitored and recorded during competition (3 h and 10 min, 9 inning game) via the
use of telemetry. It was discovered that the mean heart rate during the performance was approximately
87% of the player’s age-predicted heart rate max (HR max), with peak HR reaching 95% of the player’s
age-predicted HR max. This is significantly greater than HRs achieved during a laboratory study [4]
and during bullpen practice sessions prior to an intra-squad game [6]. This suggests that arousal and
anxiety levels may impact the physiological demands of pitching. Furthermore, being that the bulk
of competitions in professional baseball occur during the summer months, greater cardiorespiratory
fitness may help players better accommodate the physiological challenges and delay the onset of
fatigue when playing in hot/humid environments [5–13].
Very few studies have investigated the relationship between aerobic fitness and pitching
performance [4]. This may in part be due to the observations that baseball is predominantly an
anaerobic sport. Ebben et al. [14] found that the majority of major league strength coaches do not test
anaerobic capacity or aerobic endurance, which may be due to the belief that possessing a high level
of aerobic fitness does not appear to limit performance amongst professional or collegiate pitchers.
Furthermore, studies that have investigated aerobic fitness and pitching performance have quantified
performance in terms of maintenance of ball velocity, rather than the player’s actual game statistics [4].
While one may assume that the maintenance of ball velocity is an inherent predictor of performance,
the art of pitching is a multifaceted and complex skill and success should not be limited to a singular
variable, particularly at higher playing levels. There are other performance indicators and statistics
that are more indicative of individual pitching performance and less dependent on team performance,
which should be taken into consideration when seeking to evaluate or predict pitching effectiveness.
Currently, there is very little data available regarding the cardiorespiratory fitness of baseball
players, especially at the professional level. Thus, the primary purpose of this investigation was to
provide descriptive information regarding the cardiorespiratory fitness profiles of Major League (ML)
pitchers, and compare cardiorespiratory fitness levels between starting (S) and relief (R) pitchers.
A secondary purpose was to examine the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and selected
measures of pitching performance.
2. Method, Results, Discussion
2.1. Methods
2.1.1. Experimental Approach to the Problem
The data used for this study was archival and approved by an Institutional Review Board for
research with human subjects prior to data analysis. In order to compare performance between
pitchers by position and fitness level and identify the relationships between cardiorespiratory fitness
and pitching performance, physiological and performance statistics over seven seasons (2007–2013)
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for 24 ML baseball pitchers were gathered and analyzed. A correlational analysis was also performed
to examine possible relationships between these variables. In addition, statistical analyses were
conducted to examine the differences between S and R pitchers.
2.1.2. Subjects
Data for 24 professional pitchers, within the selected ML baseball organization, was utilized in
this investigation. Only pitchers remaining within the organization throughout the entire season were
included in this analysis. Since some of the subjects in this study completed multiple seasons with
the organization, a total of 40 eligible cases (n = 27 S; n = 13 R) were available for evaluation. For the
purpose of analysis, each case (year) was treated separately as both physiological and performance
statistics are subsequent to change each season and therefore were evaluated individually. Only
pitchers with 50 or more innings pitched per season were used in this study.
2.1.3. Procedures
Physiological testing was performed within the first week of spring training camp each year.
All physiological tests were performed after on-field baseball practice on days in which the pitcher did
not throw a bullpen session. Pitchers completed a graded, submaximal exercise test on a treadmill
(Life Fitness TI, Model 97Ti/Model CLST and Woodway, Model R-DESMO, Franklin Park, IL, USA).
The CardioCoach™ CO2 metabolic analyzer and software (version 3.04.72, KORR Medical Technologies
Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, USA) was used for gas analysis. This device has been found to be a valid
method of assessing VO2 at submaximal and maximal levels [15]. Subjects performed a modified
Bruce protocol and were asked to complete as many stages as possible. The test was terminated
when the subject requested to stop or reached volitional fatigue. Utilizing the software provided via
CardioCoach™ a linear regression equation was used to predict VO2peak. CardioCoach™ software was
also used to identify oxygen consumption at anaerobic threshold (AT). In addition to cardiorespiratory
fitness, the following anthropometric and physiological data was collected for each of the subjects:
height (cm), weight (kg), percent body fat (%BF), and lean body mass (LBM). Body fat was estimated
using a six-site skinfold test [16].
Performance data were accessed and gathered immediately after the season via reliable online
databases [17–19]. These databases are open access sources for pitching statistics. Multiple databases
were used for the purpose of comparison to ensure accuracy. The key pitching performance statistics
used in this analysis included: Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP), Walks plus Hits per Inning Pitched
(WHIP), and Strikeout to Walk Ratio (K/BB). These statistics were chosen because they tend to be
the least influenced by uncontrollable variables (i.e., team performance, defense skill, batter skill,
situational hitting, stadium environment, etc.) and more dependent on the pitcher’s overall pitching
performance. Keeping this in mind additional performance statistics analyzed in this study included:
Earned Run Average (ERA), Hits per 9 innings (H/9), Homeruns per 9 innings (HR/9), Strikeouts
per 9 innings (K/9), and Walks per 9 innings (BB/9), Wins (W), Win/Loss Percentage (W/L%) and
Strikeouts (K). Data were entered into a spreadsheet matching performance data with the physiological
measures for each player for each year.
2.1.4. Statistical Analyses
A descriptive data analysis was conducted for all pitchers in the sample and by their individual
positions (S or R) Comparison between fitness measures among S and R pitchers on selected
fitness and performance measures was conducted via an independent samples T-test based on
position. Additionally, all players were then separated into either a higher or lower cardiorespiratory
fitness group within their position based on the average VO2peak and AT. A one-way Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) was then utilized to examine differences between these groups. Pearson product
moment correlations were then used to examine the relationship between physiological measures and
performance data as a whole as well as divided by position. Data were evaluated using SPSS Statistics
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version 22 (SPSS, Armonk, NY, USA). Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Data are presented
as means and standard deviations. Correlations were considered high (0.80–1.00), moderately high
(0.60–0.79), moderate (0.40–0.59) or low (0.20–0.39) [18].
2.2. Results
Descriptive data for the entire sample is presented in Table 1. For all pitchers, average VO2peak was
48.13 ˘ 5.30 (mL/kg/Min). For all pitchers VO2peak was found to have a low-moderate relationship
(p < 0.05) between WHIP (r = ´0.484, p ď 0.01), K (r = 0.572, p ď 0.01) BB/9 (r = ´0.358, p ď 0.05) and
W (r = 0.550, p ď 0.01). A strong relationship (r = 0.602, p ď 0.01) was found between VO2peak and
K/BB. Additionally, low, but significant correlations were also found between AT and K (r = ´0.328,
p ď 0.05), K/BB (r = ´327, p ď 0.05) and W (r = 0.358, p ď 0.05).
Table 1. Descriptive data.
Anthropometric and
Fitness Variables
All Pitchers (n = 40)
Mean ˘ SD
S Pitchers (n = 27)
Mean ˘ SD
R Pitchers (n = 13)
Mean ˘ SD
28.03 ˘ 5.17
27.33 ˘ 5.46
29.46 ˘ 4.31
Weight (KG)
100.06 ˘ 6.80
99.27 ˘ 5.75
101.75 ˘ 8.59
Height (CM)
191.19 ˘ 5.11
192.28 ˘ 5.00
188.92 ˘ 4.80
Estimated Percent Body fat (%BF)
15.28 ˘ 3.45
14.21 ˘ 2.45
17.5 ˘ 4.2
Lean BODY mass (lBM) (KG)
84.63 ˘ 4.54
85.07 ˘ 3.85
83.72 ˘ 5.79
Estimated Max. Heart Rate (HR)
191.98 ˘ 5.16
192.66 ˘ 5.46
190.53 ˘ 4.31
VO2 max (mL¨ kg´1¨ min.)
48.13 ˘ 5.30
49.49 ˘ 4.59
45.28 ˘ 5.71
Anaerobic threshold (AT)
37.31 ˘ 7.87
38.63 ˘ 7.03
34.57 ˘ 9.06
HR at VO2 max
184.28 ˘ 9.70
182.33 ˘ 9.06
188.31 ˘ 10.09
HR at Anaerobic Threshold
162.72 ˘ 13.83
161.11 ˘ 11.97
166.08 ˘ 17.13
When comparing S vs. R pitchers there was a significant effect for position, t = 2.50, p ď 0.01,
with S pitchers demonstrating higher VO2 max values (49.49 ˘ 4.59) when compared to relievers
(45.28 ˘ 5.72) as presented in Figure 1. However, our analysis revealed no significant differences in AT
between S and R.
Sports 2016, 4, 14
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as means and standard deviations. Correlations were considered high (0.80–1.00), moderately high
(0.60–0.79), moderate (0.40–0.59) or low (0.20–0.39) [18].
2.2. Results
Descriptive data for the entire sample is presented in Table 1. For all pitchers, average VO2peak
was 48.13 ± 5.30 (mL/kg/Min). For all pitchers VO2peak was found to have a low-moderate relationship
(p < 0.05) between WHIP (r = −0.484, p ≤ 0.01), K (r = 0.572, p ≤ 0.01) BB/9 (r = −0.358, p ≤ 0.05) and W
(r = 0.550, p ≤ 0.01). A strong relationship (r = 0.602, p ≤ 0.01) was found between VO2peak and K/BB.
Additionally, low, but significant correlations were also found between AT and K (r = −0.328, p ≤
0.05), K/BB (r = −327, p ≤ 0.05) and W (r = 0.358, p ≤ 0.05).
Table 1. Descriptive data.
Anthropometric and
Fitness Variables
All Pitchers (n = 40)
Mean ± SD
S Pitchers (n = 27)
Mean ± SD
R Pitchers (n = 13)
Mean ± SD
28.03 ± 5.17
27.33 ± 5.46
29.46 ± 4.31
Weight (KG)
100.06 ± 6.80
99.27 ± 5.75
101.75 ± 8.59
Height (CM)
191.19 ± 5.11
192.28 ± 5.00
188.92 ± 4.80
Estimated Percent Body fat (%BF)
15.28 ± 3.45
14.21 ± 2.45
17.5 ± 4.2
Lean BODY mass (lBM) (KG)
84.63 ± 4.54
85.07 ± 3.85
83.72 ± 5.79
Estimated Max. Heart Rate (HR)
191.98 ± 5.16
192.66 ± 5.46
190.53 ± 4.31
VO2 max (mL·kg−1·min.)
48.13 ± 5.30
49.49 ± 4.59
45.28 ± 5.71
Anaerobic threshold (AT)
37.31 ± 7.87
38.63 ± 7.03
34.57 ± 9.06
HR at VO2 max
184.28 ± 9.70
182.33 ± 9.06
188.31 ± 10.09
HR at Anaerobic Threshold
162.72 ± 13.83
161.11 ± 11.97
166.08 ± 17.13
When comparing S vs. R pitchers there was a significant effect for position, t = 2.50, p ≤ 0.01,
with S pitchers demonstrating higher VO2 max values (49.49 ± 4.59) when compared to relievers
(45.28 ± 5.72) as presented in Figure 1. However, our analysis revealed no significant differences in
AT between S and R.
Figure 1. Differences in VO2 max between Starters and Relievers.
A one-way ANOVA with pairwise comparisons revealed significantly better performance
statistics among S pitchers with a VO2peak above the overall group mean in FIP (F(3,36) = 3.87, p ≤ 0.01, P),
WHIP (F(3,36) = −4.60, p ≤ 0.01 ), K/BB (F(3,36) = 7.25, p ≤ 0.01), and ERA (F(3,36) = −4.58 p ≤ 0.01 ).
Additionally, it was discovered that S pitchers with an AT above the overall group mean
demonstrated significantly better performance as measured by WHIP (F(3,36) = 2.54 ,p ≤ 0.05),
presented in Figure 2, and ERA (F(3,36) = 2.52, p ≤ 0.05), presented in Figure 3. When comparing R
pitchers above and below VO2peak the only significant difference discovered in measures of pitching
performance was in HR/9 (F(3,36) = 5.06, p ≤ 0.05).
VO2 max (mL·kg−1·min.)
Figure 1. Differences in VO2 max between Starters and Relievers.
A one-way ANOVA with pairwise comparisons revealed significantly better performance statistics
among S pitchers with a VO2peak above the overall group mean in FIP (F(3,36) = 3.87, p ď 0.01, P),
WHIP (F(3,36) = ´4.60, p ď 0.01), K/BB (F(3,36) = 7.25, p ď 0.01), and ERA (F(3,36) = ´4.58 p ď 0.01).
Additionally, it was discovered that S pitchers with an AT above the overall group mean demonstrated
significantly better performance as measured by WHIP (F(3,36) = 2.54, p ď 0.05), presented in Figure 2,
and ERA (F(3,36) = 2.52, p ď 0.05), presented in Figure 3. When comparing R pitchers above and below
Sports 2016, 4, 14
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VO2peak the only significant difference discovered in measures of pitching performance was in HR/9
(F(3,36) = 5.06, p ď 0.05).
Sports 2016, 4, 14
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Figure 2. Differences in walks and hits per inning pitched (WHIP) amongst S pitchers with higher
and lower VO2 max.
Figure 3. Differences in earned run average (ERA) amongst S pitchers with higher and lower VO2 max.
Among starting pitchers, Pearson product-moment correlations revealed low- high relationships
between VO2 max and BB/9 (r = −0.416), HR/9 (r = −0.478, p ≤ 0.05), W (r = 0.548), FIP (r = −0.567, p ≤ 0.01),
K’s (r = 0.572, p ≤ 0.01), H/9 (r = −0.589, p ≤ 0.01), K/9 (r = 0.614, p ≤ 0.01), ERA (r = −678, p ≤ 0.01), and
WHIP (r = −0.685, p ≤ 0.01). Low correlations were also found between AT and WHIP (r = −431, p ≤ 0.05)
and ERA (r = −431, p ≤ 0.05). When separately analyzing R pitchers the only significant relationships
(r = 0.592, p ≤ 0.05) was found between FIP and VO2 max. This relationship indicated that R pitchers
with a higher VO2 max had a higher FIP. No other significant relationships between VO2 max or AT and
performance were discovered among R pitchers.
2.3. Discussion
The results of this study indicate that ML S pitchers are more aerobically fit than R pitchers and
that several pitching performance variables appear to be related to greater VO2 max. For S pitchers
only, there was a strong, significant correlation between VO2 max and FIP, WHIP, and ERA. There was
also a moderate but significant relationship between AT and both WHIP and ERA for S pitchers only.
For R pitchers no significant relationships were discovered between either VO2 max and AT for any of
the selected measures of used in our analysis. In contrast, the sole correlation among R pitchers in
this study was found when this group was subcategorized into high/low VO2 max. It was discovered
that R pitchers with a higher VO2 max actually pitched worse than those with a lower VO2 max based on
FIP. After analysis of R pitchers data it can be concluded that cardiorespiratory fitness may not
Figure 2. Differences in walks and hits per inning pitched (WHIP) amongst S pitchers with higher and
lower VO2 max.
Sports 2016, 4, 14
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Figure 2. Differences in walks and hits per inning pitched (WHIP) amongst S pitchers with higher
and lower VO2 max.
Figure 3. Differences in earned run average (ERA) amongst S pitchers with higher and lower VO2 max.
Among starting pitchers, Pearson product-moment correlations revealed low- high relationships
between VO2 max and BB/9 (r = −0.416), HR/9 (r = −0.478, p ≤ 0.05), W (r = 0.548), FIP (r = −0.567, p ≤ 0.01),
K’s (r = 0.572, p ≤ 0.01), H/9 (r = −0.589, p ≤ 0.01), K/9 (r = 0.614, p ≤ 0.01), ERA (r = −678, p ≤ 0.01), and
WHIP (r = −0.685, p ≤ 0.01). Low correlations were also found between AT and WHIP (r = −431, p ≤ 0.05)
and ERA (r = −431, p ≤ 0.05). When separately analyzing R pitchers the only significant relationships
(r = 0.592, p ≤ 0.05) was found between FIP and VO2 max. This relationship indicated that R pitchers
with a higher VO2 max had a higher FIP. No other significant relationships between VO2 max or AT and
performance were discovered among R pitchers.
2.3. Discussion
The results of this study indicate that ML S pitchers are more aerobically fit than R pitchers and
that several pitching performance variables appear to be related to greater VO2 max. For S pitchers
only, there was a strong, significant correlation between VO2 max and FIP, WHIP, and ERA. There was
also a moderate but significant relationship between AT and both WHIP and ERA for S pitchers only.
For R pitchers no significant relationships were discovered between either VO2 max and AT for any of
the selected measures of used in our analysis. In contrast, the sole correlation among R pitchers in
this study was found when this group was subcategorized into high/low VO2 max. It was discovered
that R pitchers with a higher VO2 max actually pitched worse than those with a lower VO2 max based on
FIP. After analysis of R pitchers data it can be concluded that cardiorespiratory fitness may not
Figure 3. Differences in earned run average (ERA) amongst S pitchers with higher and lower VO2 max.
Among starting pitchers, Pearson product-moment correlations revealed low- high relationships
between VO2 max and BB/9 (r = ´0.416), HR/9 (r = ´0.478, p ď 0.05), W (r = 0.548), FIP (r = ´0.567,
p ď 0.01), K’s (r = 0.572, p ď 0.01), H/9 (r = ´0.589, p ď 0.01), K/9 (r = 0.614, p ď 0.01), ERA (r = ´678,
p ď 0.01), and WHIP (r = ´0.685, p ď 0.01). Low correlations were also found between AT and WHIP
(r = ´431, p ď 0.05) and ERA (r = ´431, p ď 0.05). When separately analyzing R pitchers the only
significant relationships (r = 0.592, p ď 0.05) was found between FIP and VO2 max. This relationship
indicated that R pitchers with a higher VO2 max had a higher FIP. No other significant relationships
between VO2 max or AT and performance were discovered among R pitchers.
2.3. Discussion
The results of this study indicate that ML S pitchers are more aerobically fit than R pitchers and
that several pitching performance variables appear to be related to greater VO2 max. For S pitchers
only, there was a strong, significant correlation between VO2 max and FIP, WHIP, and ERA. There was
also a moderate but significant relationship between AT and both WHIP and ERA for S pitchers only.
For R pitchers no significant relationships were discovered between either VO2 max and AT for any of
the selected measures of used in our analysis. In contrast, the sole correlation among R pitchers in
this study was found when this group was subcategorized into high/low VO2 max. It was discovered
that R pitchers with a higher VO2 max actually pitched worse than those with a lower VO2 max based
on FIP. After analysis of R pitchers data it can be concluded that cardiorespiratory fitness may not
necessarily have a positive impact on successful pitching performance among R pitchers. While the
Sports 2016, 4, 14
6 of 8
results may simply be a product of on-field demands, or due to different training and conditioning
methods performed between S and R pitchers, it may also suggest that aerobic fitness has a larger
impact on pitching performance for the S pitcher at the ML level.
In an attempt to identify key fitness benchmarks related to performance, further evaluations
were performed on S pitchers only. The S sample was divided into higher and lower VO2 max groups
(greater than or less than 48.13 (mL/kg/min)) to examine differences in performance in FIP, WHIP,
and ERA. The higher fitness group (n = 15, VO2 = 50.19 ˘ 4.23) had an average WHIP of 1.25 ˘ 0.18,
FIP of 3.61 ˘ 0.66, and average ERA of 3.77 ˘ 1.02. The WHIP and ERA results were significantly
better (p < 0.05) than the lower fitness group (n = 12, VO2 = 48.84 ˘ 4.97) which were found to have an
average WHIP of 1.48 ˘ 0.17 and ERA of 5.04 ˘ 0.97. The higher fitness group also had a better K/9
(p < 0.05). In summary, S pitchers exhibiting above average VO2 max, pitched considerably better than
S pitchers with below average VO2 max.
The physiological demands on S pitchers are greater than R pitchers due to the higher workload
and duration of time they are expected to perform. This may result in a greater reliance on overall
cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance to sustain performance throughout the duration of a game.
The apparent lack of importance related to both VO2 max and AT for the R pitcher is not surprising and
provides additional support for constructing position or role-specific exercise programs. It makes sense
that the relationship between VO2 and AT and pitching performance measures may simply indicate
the need for higher levels of endurance for S pitchers and not specific requirements for successful
pitching performances for R pitchers.
The current findings support the need for personalized in-season conditioning programs
dependent on the specific role a pitcher holds on their team. The S pitcher is usually on a 5 day rotation
involving four days in between each pitching outing. When the major emphasis of conditioning
programs is placed on minimizing reductions in power and strength over the course of the season,
the use of slow, long distance runs could be counter-productive. The authors postulate that one high
intensity interval training session between each pitching outing may be sufficient to help maintain
aerobic fitness and maximize recovery. This approach may also serve to minimize reductions in power
and strength and interference during power development and strength training sessions performed
during the four days between pitching outings.
Conditioning programs for R pitchers should not mimic S pitchers, even though some R pitchers
are expected to pitch multiple innings and sustain higher pitch counts. Practitioners must determine
whether or not this type of R pitcher should fall under a modified conditioning program similar to a
S pitcher. In this case, the R pitcher would be allowed more days to rest following an outing making it
more conducive to higher intensity conditioning sessions. The day following a long outing where a
R pitcher has the day off might be best to incorporate more intense conditioning sessions. It should
also be noted that more extensive modifications in conditioning programs might be required to meet
anthropometric needs/goals.
In summary, this is the first known study that examines aerobic capacity among ML pitchers and
its potential impact on pitching performance. When interpreting the current findings it is important to
realize that there are many uncontrollable variables that become more evident in field experiments.
First, successful pitching performance at the professional level is certainly not identified by one single
performance measure. There are many variables that lead to a positive pitching performance, making
it difficult to come to precise conclusions on how much of an impact physical fitness really has on
performance statistics in this analysis. In addition, pitching mechanics play an important role in
successful pitching at any level. Therefore, the evaluation of the statistical findings should consider
the complexity of pitching performance in general. Furthermore, it is important to note that subjects
exercised to voluntary exhaustion. Subsequently, it is possible that a true VO2 max may not have been
reached due to lack of motivation. All of these factors should be considered when evaluating the
outcomes of this study.
Sports 2016, 4, 14
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3. Conclusions
Practical Applications
The current data suggests that metabolic training among ML baseball starting pitchers should
focus on improving both aerobic capacity and anaerobic threshold. At the higher levels of play
adequate training time should be devoted to maximizing these physiological parameters to improve
chances of successful performance. Concurrent training strategies should focus on maximizing both
physiological variables while attempting to minimize any potential interference in maximizing power.
High intensity interval training seems to be the most efficient mode of training to improve a starting
pitcher’s aerobic capacity. Neglecting important physiological components can have a detrimental
effect on performance but athletes need evidence-based guidance to ensure productivity and a return
on their training efforts.
Strength and conditioning professionals should work closely with pitchers, coaches, and
organizational management to design and implement appropriate training strategies for pitchers
at various levels. The reliance on research such as the current analysis ensures that training programs
are evidence-based and effective. For specific examples of proposed conditioning programs for pitchers,
further examination of published works are suggested [7,8,20,21].
Author Contributions: Javair S. Gillett conceived the experiment, oversaw the testing procedures, analyzed
the data, and contributed in the writing and review of the manuscript; J. Jay Dawes analyzed the data and
contributed in the writing and review of the manuscript; Frank J. Spaniol contributed in the writing and review
of the manuscript and served as the corresponding author; Mitchel A. Magrini contributed in the writing and
review of the manuscript; Matthew R. Rhea analyzed the data and contributed in the writing and review of the
manuscript; Joe P. Rogowski oversaw the testing procedures and contributed in the review of the manuscript;
Robert Simao contributed in the writing and review of the manuscript; and Derek J. Bunker contributed in the
writing and review of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons by Attribution
(CC-BY) license (
| A Description and Comparison of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Measures in Relation to Pitching Performance Among Professional Baseball Pitchers. | 02-25-2016 | Gillett, Javair S,Dawes, J Jay,Spaniol, Frank J,Rhea, Matthew R,Rogowski, Joe P,Magrini, Mitchel A,Simao, Roberto,Bunker, Derek J | eng |
PMC10471793 | Physiological Reports. 2023;11:e15806.
| 1 of 11
Human activity is drastically constrained at extreme alti-
tudes due to low environmental oxygen availability. Few
humans can reach the highest elevation on earth, the
summit of Mt. Everest (~8850 m), without supplemental
oxygen, and those who do are limited to such a degree that
a slow uphill walk approaches the maximum capacity for
oxygen uptake and utilization (V̇O2max).
Over millennia, several animal species have adapted to
life at extreme altitudes, in part due to a high hemoglobin-
oxygen affinity (Storz, 2007; Storz et al., 2010). The most
common metric of hemoglobin- oxygen affinity is P50, the
oxygen tension at which 50% of hemoglobin is saturated.
Received: 10 August 2023 | Accepted: 11 August 2023
DOI: 10.14814/phy2.15806
The dependence of maximum oxygen uptake and
utilization (V̇O2max) on hemoglobin- oxygen affinity and
Kevin L. Webb1,2
| Michael J. Joyner1
| Chad C. Wiggins1
Timothy W. Secomb3
| Tuhin K. Roy1,2
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
1Department of Anesthesiology and
Perioperative Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
2Department of Physiology and
Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
3Department of Physiology, University
of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Kevin L. Webb, Department of
Anesthesiology and Perioperative
Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
Email: [email protected]
Funding information
National Institutes of Health, Grant/
Award Number: R35 HL139854
Oxygen transport from the lungs to peripheral tissue is dependent on the affin-
ity of hemoglobin for oxygen. Recent experimental data have suggested that the
maximum human capacity for oxygen uptake and utilization (V̇O2max) at sea
level and altitude (~3000 m) is sensitive to alterations in hemoglobin- oxygen af-
finity. However, the effect of such alterations on V̇O2max at extreme altitudes
remains largely unknown due to the rarity of mutations affecting hemoglobin-
oxygen affinity. This work uses a mathematical model that couples pulmonary
oxygen uptake with systemic oxygen utilization under conditions of high meta-
bolic demand to investigate the effect of hemoglobin- oxygen affinity on V̇O2max
as a function of altitude. The model includes the effects of both diffusive and con-
vective limitations on oxygen transport. Pulmonary oxygen uptake is calculated
using a spatially- distributed model that accounts for the effects of hematocrit and
hemoglobin- oxygen affinity. Systemic oxygen utilization is calculated assuming
Michaelis– Menten kinetics. The pulmonary and systemic model components are
solved iteratively to compute predicted arterial and venous oxygen levels. Values
of V̇O2max are predicted for several values of hemoglobin- oxygen affinity and
hemoglobin concentration based on data from humans with hemoglobin muta-
tions. The model predicts that increased hemoglobin- oxygen affinity leads to in-
creased V̇O2max at altitudes above ~4500 m.
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WEBB et al.
A low P50 corresponds to a high hemoglobin- oxygen
binding affinity and vice- versa. Recent investigation has
highlighted a rare human population with hemoglo-
bin mutations causing high hemoglobin- oxygen affinity
(low P50) (Charache et al., 1966; Thom et al., 2013). This
human population has shown remarkable maintenance
of exercise tolerance during normobaric hypoxia and at
terrestrial high altitude (~3000 m) (Dominelli et al., 2020;
Hebbel et al., 1978; Webb, Dominelli, et al., 2022a), per-
haps in part due to the elevated hemoglobin values ob-
served. Furthermore, there has been growing interest
regarding the effects of pharmacologically altering the P50
in healthy individuals with typical hemoglobin (Stewart
et al., 2021, 2020). Despite hemoglobin function being
central to oxygen transport and utilization, much remains
unknown regarding the effects of an altered P50.
Changes in P50 can markedly influence pulmonary ox-
ygen loading and peripheral offloading. For instance, a de-
crease in P50 may enhance pulmonary oxygen loading at
the expense of blunted peripheral offloading. At sea level,
where arterial blood is well- oxygenated, a low P50 likely
hinders peripheral offloading leading to several compen-
satory adaptations (i.e., enhanced red blood cell produc-
tion and increased oxygen carrying capacity), as observed
in humans with hemoglobin mutations (Webb, Domi-
nelli, et al., 2022a). Yet at high and extreme altitudes, a
low P50 likely improves arterial blood oxygenation with
subsequent preservation of V̇O2max. However, experi-
mental data regarding the influence of an altered P50 are
largely limited to examination at high altitude conditions
(~3000 m or 15% O2 in the laboratory setting). The ques-
tion remains: how would humans with a low P50 tolerate
extreme altitudes (Bencowitz et al., 1982)?
Because hemoglobin mutations are exceedingly rare
and research sojourns to extreme altitudes are challenging
to achieve, we present a theoretical model of oxygen trans-
port to investigate the dependence of V̇O2max on P50 and
altitude. We hypothesized that relative to a normal P50, a
low P50 would result in a greater V̇O2max at high altitude
and that this relationship would be further potentiated at
extreme altitudes.
The V̇O2max achieved in any given situation reflects limi-
tations in both pulmonary oxygen uptake and systemic
oxygen utilization. We therefore simulated whole- body
oxygen uptake and utilization to investigate the varia-
tion in V̇O2max as a function of altitude in humans with
normal and altered hemoglobin- oxygen affinity. A math-
ematical model for oxygen uptake in the lung was com-
bined with a model for oxygen utilization in the systemic
circulation, as indicated in Figure 1, to predict arterial and
venous oxygen tensions and oxygen consumption rate.
To represent conditions of maximal exercise, the tis-
sue oxygen demand and cardiac output were selected in
accordance with observed sea- level V̇O2max values (see
“Systemic oxygen utilization model” below). Arterial
and venous oxygen tensions were then predicted at pro-
gressively lower atmospheric pressures (i.e., increasing
altitude). The resulting arteriovenous oxygen content dif-
ferences were used to estimate oxygen consumption as a
function of altitude and as a measure of functional capacity.
To investigate the effects of hemoglobin- oxygen affinity on
V̇O2max, calculations were performed for three cases of P50
(low, normal, and high) with a range of potential changes
in hemoglobin concentration as a function of altitude
(Table 1). Further details of the mathematical model are
given below, and parameter values are provided in Table 2.
2.1 | Pulmonary oxygen uptake model
The model for pulmonary oxygen uptake yields estimates
of arterial oxygen tension (Pa
) for given values of alveo-
lar oxygen tension (PA
) and venous oxygen tension (Pv
Oxygen uptake is calculated using a single- compartment
model that accounts for the effects of capillary diameter
and hematocrit based on simplified capillary and erythro-
cyte geometry (Roy & Secomb, 2019). The assumed value
FIGURE 1 Schematic of modeling configuration, combining
pulmonary oxygen uptake and systemic oxygen utilization. The
dashed arrows indicate diffusive oxygen transport, and the solid
arrows indicate convective oxygen transport within the blood. PA,
alveolar oxygen tension; Pa, arterial oxygen tension; Pv, venous
oxygen tension.
| 3 of 11
WEBB et al.
for the lung diffusing capacity DLO2 (Table 2) was selected
to account for the heterogeneity of perfusion present in
the pulmonary circulation (Roy & Secomb, 2014). The dif-
fusion of oxygen from alveoli into the blood during pul-
monary capillary perfusion is represented by:
where Pb is blood oxygen tension, C0 is oxygen content of
fully saturated blood (calculated as 1.34 × [Hb]), Q is mean
capillary flow rate, x is distance, S(Pb
) describes the oxy-
hemoglobin dissociation curve, and Ltot is the total length
of pulmonary capillaries. Setting t = x ∕L, where L is mean
capillary length and Qtot is the total blood flow (i.e., cardiac
output), yields:
This equation was integrated from t = 0 to t = 1 with
the initial condition Pb(0) = Pv, to obtain Pa = Pb(1).
The cardiac output Qtot (L/min) was estimated based
on a published correlation for measurements made over
a range of ̇V O2 values (L/min) by averaging the results
from two different experimental techniques (Calbet &
Boushel, 2015):
To facilitate the calculation of PA via the alveolar gas
equation, data for subjects at altitude were obtained from
measurements performed on climbers summiting Mt. Ev-
erest, with an altitude of ~8850 m (Grocott et al., 2009).
Values of hemoglobin concentration, PO2, and PCO2 were
obtained by digitizing Figure 2 of Grocott et al. (Grocott
et al., 2009) and a linear regression was used to fit these
data as a function of altitude. The value of P50 was assumed
to be 26.3 mmHg at sea level (see Table 1). To obtain an es-
timate of P50 at the summit, values of PO2 and saturation as
reported in table 2 of Grocott et al. (2009) were fit using a
nonlinear regression and an assumed value of 2.7 for the
Hill coefficient n:
Values of barometric pressure were calculated from
West et al. (1999).
where a is the altitude in kilometers. The simplified form of
the alveolar gas equation was then used to calculate alveolar
PO2 as a function of altitude:
where Pw represents water vapor pressure and R represents
the respiratory quotient (see Table 2). The values of PCO2
used in Equation 8, from Ref. (Grocott et al., 2009), were
assumed to approximate the values under conditions of
2.2 | Systemic oxygen utilization model
The systemic model yields estimates of Pv for given values
of Pa and tissue oxygen demand. According to the model,
(PA − Pb
dt =
(PA − Pb
Qtot = 4.37 + 5.33 ̇V O2
Qtot = 4.43 + 5.22 ̇V O2
S(P) =
Pn + P50
PB(a) = exp( − 0.00149a2 − 0.1112a + 6.63268)
(PB(a) − Pw
PA(a) = PIO2 −
TABLE 1 Cases considered for modeling V̇O2max as a function of altitude. Data depict cases considered for variation in hemoglobin-
oxygen affinity (P50) and hemoglobin concentration in humans during sojourn to extreme altitudes.
Normal hemoglobin- oxygen affinity
High hemoglobin- oxygen affinity
Low hemoglobin- oxygen affinity
P50 (mmHg)
P50 (mmHg)
P50 (mmHg)
Case 1
26.3, Ref. (20)
14.8, Ref. (17)
Case 1
15.6, Ref. (5)
Case 1
Case 2
14.8 → 19.9, Ref. (17)
Case 2
18.7, Ref. (21)
Case 2
Case 3
26.3 → 24.8, Ref. (17)
Case 3
18.7 → 19.9*
Case 3
12 → 16.2*
Case 4
26.3 → 24.8
14.8 → 19.9
Case 4
15.6 → 14.7*
Case 4
37 → 34.9*
Case 5
15.6 → 14.7*
18.7 → 19.9*
Case 5
37 → 34.9*
12 → 16.2*
Note: Data were taken from experimental results when available. Arrows indicate changes in values from sea- level to an altitude of ~8400 m Ref (17).
*Indicates data for case of high or low hemoglobin- oxygen affinity was assumed to change proportionally to alterations observed during extreme altitude
sojourn among humans with normal hemoglobin- oxygen affinity.
4 of 11 |
WEBB et al.
as altitude increases, levels of capillary PO2 are reduced,
limiting the pressure gradient for diffusive transport to
tissue, eventually resulting in tissue hypoxia. Under these
conditions, oxygen consumption rate falls short of oxygen
demand. The local rate of oxygen consumption is generally
assumed to depend on tissue PO2 with Michaelis– Menten
kinetics (Popel, 1989). Estimating distributions of tissue
PO2 levels would require several additional assumptions re-
garding capillary density and oxygen transport properties.
Thus, we employed a simplified approach, based on the as-
sumption that Pv can be used as an approximation for tissue
PO2. In this approach, oxygen consumption is assumed to
be a function of Pv with Michaelis– Menten kinetics:
where M is oxygen demand is oxygen demand, which is cal-
culated such that predicted ̇V O2 at sea level corresponded
to a typical observed value of ̇V O2max = 2750 mL O2/min in
healthy young adults (van der Steeg & Takken, 2021). The
oxygen demand M represents mitochondrial oxygen con-
sumption capacity under conditions of unlimited oxygen
The model for systemic oxygen utilization uses a sim-
plified approach, based on the assumption that Pv can be
used as an approximation for tissue PO2. In reality, steep
gradients in in tissue oxygen tensions around capillaries
are present at V̇O2max, such that tissue PO2 is less than
local capillary PO2. Also, intravascular PO2 declines in the
axial direction along capillaries, such that venous PO2
represents a lower bound on capillary PO2. From these
considerations, it follows that Pv represents an interme-
diate value within the range of tissue PO2 levels and can
be used as an approximate estimate of tissue PO2. The
advantage of this approach, termed Fick– Michaelis–
Menten (FickMM), is that it provides an estimate that is
independent of capillary density and geometric arrange-
ment, which are highly variable and for which data are
not generally available for human subjects.
According to the Fick principle, oxygen consumption
rate must also satisfy:
where S(P) describes the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
and other quantities are defined in the main text. For any
given set of conditions, the predicted values of ̇V O2 and Pv
correspond to the simultaneous solution of Equations 9 and
10, as shown graphically in Figure 2.
To evaluate the validity of approximating tissue PO2 by
venous PO2, comparisons with a model using a conven-
tional Krogh geometry and Michaelis– Menten kinetics
were performed using the oxygen transport and geometric
parameters described in Table 3. The calculations were
performed by solving the radial diffusion equation in suc-
cessive slices of a cylinder surrounding a central capillary,
as described elsewhere (McGuire & Secomb, 2001). These
simulations take into account the variations in tissue PO2
̇V O2 = M
Pv + P0
̇V O2 = QtotC0
) − S(Pv
Water vapor pressure Pw
Respiratory quotient R
Michaelis constant for
oxygen consumption P0
(Golub & Pittman, 2012)
Lung diffusing capacity DLO2
cm3 O2 min−1 mmHg−1
(Roy & Secomb, 2019)
Capillary length Ltot
Hill coefficient n
(Hsia, 1998)
TABLE 2 Parameter values used for
oxygen transport calculations.
FIGURE 2 Example of predicted maximal oxygen utilization
rate using the systemic model. Conditions correspond to
atmospheric pressure at sea level with typical hemoglobin-
oxygen affinity and a hemoglobin concentration of 14.778 g/dL.
Oxygen demand (M) was set as 4530 mL O2/min. The dashed
line represents ̇VO2 calculated from Michaelis– Menten kinetics.
The solid line represents ̇VO2 calculated from the Fick principle.
Resulting predicted values at the intersection of the curves are ̇VO2
= 2750 mL O2/min and a venous partial pressure of oxygen (Pv
) of
16.2 mmHg. Pv, venous partial pressure of oxygen.
| 5 of 11
WEBB et al.
with axial and radial position in the Krogh cylinder, when
calculating the overall rate of oxygen consumption. From
the results, the venous oxygen tension exiting the muscle
compartment was estimated for a range of Pa, and for sev-
eral capillary densities (McGuire & Secomb, 2001). The
entire cardiac output was assumed to be directed to the
muscle compartment.
The results of these simulations (Figure 3) showed that
the results for venous PO2 were similar to FickMM for
capillary densities in the range of 1100– 1468 mm−2. While
lower values of capillary density have been reported (Klau-
sen et al., 1981; Qu et al., 1997; Richardson, 1995), prior
calculations by McGuire and Secomb (2003) demonstrate
that higher values of capillary density (1100– 1468 mm−2)
are consistent with measured oxygen uptake and utiliza-
tion rates, suggesting that histologically measured capil-
lary densities may underestimate functional values in vivo.
For lower capillary densities, the FickMM model would
exaggerate the V̇O2 levels that could be achieved. Similar
results were seen for simulations performed with high and
low affinity hemoglobin variants (P50 = 15.6 and 37 mmHg).
Corresponding calculations with a lower capillary den-
sity and not all cardiac output going to the muscle would
require a higher oxygen demand to match the values of
V̇O2max assumed at sea level. If the Krogh model were
used with a lower capillary density, then the predicted
values of V̇O2max would be lower than those obtained
with the FickMM model, but would show similar trends
with altitude. The value of oxygen demand assumed for
FickMM was calculated on the basis of the entire cardiac
output being directed to the muscle compartment. Includ-
ing effects of flow distribution to other organs would re-
sult in lower predicted V̇O2max values. For these reasons,
the estimates of V̇O2max reported in the paper can be con-
sidered upper bounds.
The determinants of V̇O2max may be represented by
plotting convective and diffusive limitations of O2 delivery
as a function of venous PO2, in a graph referred to as a
“Wagner diagram” (Poole et al., 2012; Wagner, 1996). The
diffusive limitation on oxygen transport was estimated
using the Krogh cylinder model, using assumed values of
capillary density, capillary diameter, intracapillary diffu-
sion resistance, and blood and plasma oxygen diffusivity
and solubility:
where rc is the capillary radius, K and Kpl are Krogh dif-
fusion coefficients in the tissue and the plasma, and Sh is
the Sherwood number representing intravascular diffusion
resistance. The tissue cylinder radius rt is computed based
on an estimated capillary density obtained from Figure 3,
such that the tissue PO2 matches the value obtained by the
FickMM model. Convective oxygen delivery was calculated
by the Fick principle as in Equation 10. Calculations were
performed assuming that hemoglobin values did not change
with altitude (Case 2) and that cardiac output was the same
in all cases.
Pv = ̇V O2
2 − rc
Kpl ∙ Sh −
rt2 − rc2 − 2rt2ln(rt∕rc
TABLE 3 Assumed parameters and values used in the mathematical model.
Sherwood number
(Hellums et al., 1996)
Plasma oxygen diffusivity
2.18E- 5
cm2 s−1
(Hellums et al., 1996)
Plasma oxygen solubility
2.82E- 5
mL O2 cm−3 mmHg−1
(Christoforides et al., 1969)
Tissue capillary radius
(Roy & Secomb, 2014)
Tissue oxygen diffusivity
2.41E- 5
cm2 s−1
(Bentley et al., 1993)
Tissue oxygen solubility
3.89E- 5
mL O2 cm−3 mmHg−1
(Bentley et al., 1993)
FIGURE 3 Estimates of venous oxygen tension (Pv) obtained
using the Fick- Michaelis Menten (FickMM) model as compared to
using a Krogh model with Michaelis– Menten kinetics for muscle
oxygen utilization. Results are presented as a function of arterial
oxygen tension (Pa) for various capillary densities (1468, 1100,
and 700 mm−2) depicted in the figure legend. Computations were
performed using the oxygen transport parameters in Table 3.
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WEBB et al.
2.3 | Cases considered
Cases of low P50, normal P50, and high P50 were investi-
gated. The variation of hemoglobin parameters with alti-
tude is not well established, particularly among humans
with hemoglobin mutations. To encompass the likely
range of variations in hemoglobin concentration and P50
with altitude, various cases indicated in Table 1 were con-
sidered for each hemoglobin variant. These cases include
ones in which the P50 was assumed to remain constant as
a function of altitude, and others in which the P50 was as-
sumed to decrease with altitude, as was observed Grocott
et al. (2009). Corresponding values of hemoglobin concen-
tration were assumed either to be constant or to vary with
altitude according to the ratio observed experimentally,
subject to the maximum value (Grocott et al., 2009).
Model predictions of blood oxygenation and V̇O2max as a
function of altitude are presented for cases of low, normal,
and high P50, and for several different assumptions about
the variations of P50 and hemoglobin concentration with
altitude, as indicated in Table 1.
Profound blood gas alterations occur during human so-
journ to extreme altitudes. Figure 4 displays predicted ox-
ygen transport parameters for the three cases of P50 (low,
normal, and high) as a function of altitude. The variation
of arterial oxygen tension with increasing altitude is sim-
ilar for all cases considered. However, arterial oxygen sat-
uration and oxygen content are substantially increased at
high and extreme altitudes for cases of low P50 compared
to predicted values for cases of normal P50 and high P50.
The predicted V̇O2max as a function of altitude is de-
picted in Figure 5 for the cases of low, normal, and high P50.
As expected, V̇O2max decreases with increasing altitude in
all cases. However, the variation of V̇O2max with altitude is
markedly dependent on hemoglobin- oxygen affinity. In the
case of high P50, the predicted V̇O2max at sea level is greater
than predicted values for normal P50, but markedly lower at
altitudes above ~2500 m. Conversely, in the case of low P50,
V̇O2max is lower than values predicted for normal P50 at sea
level, but greater at altitudes above ~4500 m.
FIGURE 4 Predicted oxygen transport parameters as a function altitude for cases of low, normal, and high hemoglobin- oxygen affinity.
Data are depicted for several cases of hemoglobin- oxygen affinity (low P50 in blue, normal P50 in red, and high P50 in yellow) with variable
hemoglobin concentrations to account for potential differences in the hematological response to extreme altitude sojourn indicated in
Table 1. These parameters are derived for a given tissue oxygen demand that corresponds with sea- level maximum oxygen uptake and
utilization (V̇O2max). The elevation associated with the summit of Everest is depicted by the dashed vertical line. Parameters corresponding
to altitudes above 8400 m are derived from the extrapolation of oxygen transport parameters in Grocott et al. (2009). P50, oxygen tension at
which 50% of hemoglobin is saturated with oxygen.
| 7 of 11
WEBB et al.
Predictions of V̇O2max from the present model are pre-
sented in Figure 6 together with lines and curves repre-
senting limitations on oxygen utilization according to the
Wagner diagram. At sea level, V̇O2max shows small varia-
tions with P50, with a slight advantage at normal P50. At an
altitude of ~8850 m, convective oxygen delivery is greatly
reduced and shows a strong inverse dependence on P50.
The higher rates of convective oxygen delivery at low P50
result from two factors: higher arterial oxygen saturation
(~45%, vs. ~30% for high P50) and higher hemoglobin val-
ues (~50% greater than for high P50).
4.1 | Physiological implications
V̇O2max is determined by convective and diffusive oxygen
transport, both of which are influenced by alterations in
hemoglobin- oxygen affinity (Hebbel et al., 1977; Webb,
Elshaer, et al., 2022b). Specifically, high hemoglobin-
oxygen affinity tends to enhance pulmonary oxygen up-
take, particularly when alveolar oxygen tension is low,
increasing convective oxygen transport. On the contrary,
high hemoglobin- oxygen affinity implies a lower blood
oxygen tension for a given level of oxygen saturation,
such that the driving force for oxygen diffusion from
blood to tissue is reduced. The relative influences of these
two competing effects of high hemoglobin- oxygen affinity
(low P50) on V̇O2max cannot easily be discerned by quali-
tative arguments. Therefore, we investigated this rela-
tionship using a mathematical model of oxygen transport
that includes both pulmonary and systemic circulation
and considers the effects of both convective and diffusive
oxygen transport. The model also considers the influence
of high altitude on oxygen availability and uptake in the
Previous analyses of effects of P50 on oxygen transport
at extreme altitude suggested that V̇O2max is insensitive to
P50 over a considerable range (Bencowitz et al., 1982; Wag-
ner, 1997). The present model differs from those analyses
in two significant respects. First, it includes effects of vari-
ations in hemoglobin levels in individuals with altered P50,
which results in increased convective oxygen delivery in
the case of low P50. Second, it takes into account the non-
linear Michaelis– Menten kinetics of oxygen utilization as
a function of tissue PO2, representing the finite rate of mi-
tochondrial oxygen consumption when oxygen is not rate-
limiting. Both of these effects result in increased predictions
FIGURE 5 The dependence of predicted maximum oxygen
uptake and utilization (V̇O2max) on hemoglobin- oxygen
affinity (P50) and altitude. Data are depicted for several cases of
hemoglobin- oxygen affinity (low P50 in blue, normal P50 in red,
and high P50 in yellow) with variable hemoglobin concentrations
to account for potential differences in the hematological
response to extreme altitude sojourn indicated in Table 1. These
parameters are derived for a given tissue oxygen demand that
corresponds with sea- level V̇O2max. The elevation associated
with the summit of Everest is depicted by the dashed vertical line.
Parameters corresponding to altitudes above 8400 m are derived
from the extrapolation of oxygen transport parameters in Grocott
et al. (2009). P50, oxygen tension at which 50% of hemoglobin is
saturated with oxygen.
FIGURE 6 Predicted oxygen uptake and utilization (V̇O2)
presented as a Wagner diagram for cases of low, normal, and high
P50. Data for each group are presented at sea- level (solid lines)
and an altitude of ~8850 m (summit of Mt. Everest, represented by
dashed lines). The V̇O2max value is depicted by the intersection
between convective oxygen transport (curved lines obtained via
Fick principle) and diffusive oxygen transport (dotted line passing
through the origin). Open circles plotted on curved lines denote the
predicted V̇O2max as determined using Michaelis– Menten kinetics.
Pa, arterial oxygen tension; V̇O2, oxygen uptake and utilization,
P50; oxygen tension at which 50% of hemoglobin is saturated with
oxygen. Values of Pa and P50 are in units of mmHg.
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WEBB et al.
of V̇O2max at extreme altitude for reduced P50, and account
for the apparent discrepancy with the earlier work.
The diffusive limitation of oxygen transport, Equa-
tion 11, is computed assuming a uniform rate of oxy-
gen consumption throughout the tissue. In contrast, the
FickMM model allows for variations of oxygen levels and
oxygen consumption rates in the tissue, including possi-
ble hypoxic regions. The resulting estimates of V̇O2max at
altitude are slightly higher than those obtained from the
intersections of the diffusive limitation line and the con-
vective delivery curves, as shown in Figure 6. This differ-
ence is most evident in the case of low P50. The diffusive
limitation line shown in Figure 6 is based on the assump-
tion that PO2 values approach zero only at the point in
the tissue furthest from the distal end of the supplying
capillary. If oxygen demand is further increased, overall
oxygen consumption can increase beyond the value im-
plied by diffusive limitation, even if some regions of tis-
sue are hypoxic (McGuire & Secomb, 2001).
Humans at high altitude experience a range of acute
(dehydration, alkalosis, hypocapnia) and chronic (train-
ing, acclimatization) effects, both of which may be
associated with variations in P50 and hemoglobin con-
centration (Mairbaurl & Weber, 2012; Monge & Leon-
Velarde, 1991; Windsor & Rodway, 2007). Because these
effects are not widely characterized among humans
with hemoglobin mutations, we considered a range of
cases for each case of hemoglobin- oxygen affinity (low,
normal, and high P50). Thus, the predicted V̇O2max is
provided with a range of values for each altitude and
case examined, providing an indication of the sensitivity
of the model to these potential variations in P50 and he-
moglobin concentration. Individual variations in phys-
iological parameters such as capillary density and lung
diffusing capacity, as well as potential alterations of
these parameters during extreme altitude sojourn, may
be substantial and would obviously affect the predictions
of this model. However, the primary trends in V̇O2max
as a function of altitude are likely to remain similar even
if baseline values are notably different. Other parame-
ters of oxygen transport, such as lung diffusing capacity
and the respiratory quotient, may vary with altitude but
are assumed to be constant in the model. Additionally,
the effects of non- muscle blood flow on overall oxy-
gen transport are not considered, as the entire cardiac
output is assumed to be directed to the skeletal muscle
during maximal exercise.
Our results revealed that at low altitudes, where at-
mospheric pressure is more than sufficient to cause
nearly complete saturation of hemoglobin, a low P50 does
not confer an advantage in terms of oxygen utilization
since convective transport is sufficient to supply skeletal
muscle. At high altitudes, however, a low P50 increases
convective oxygen delivery due to higher oxygen satu-
ration values, despite the diffusion limitation resulting
from lower blood oxygen tension. This improved oxy-
gen delivery allows for better preservation of V̇O2max at
high altitudes. In summary, a low P50 leads to a reduced
driving force for oxygen diffusion from blood to tissue at
low altitudes yet increased convective oxygen delivery
at high altitudes. These two competing tendencies ap-
proximately cancel at an altitude of ~4500 m such that
high hemoglobin- oxygen affinity confers an advantage
at higher altitudes.
In the results presented here, the effects of capillary
density are not explicitly considered under the approx-
imation that venous oxygen tension is representative of
tissue oxygen tension. More detailed calculations show
that high capillary densities can lead to greater tissue
oxygen tensions values than assumed here. A high cap-
illary density may facilitate the advantage conferred by
a low P50 due to decreased diffusion limitation. Con-
versely, a low capillary density may negate the advan-
tage of a low P50 at high and extreme altitude because
oxygen delivery would then be limited by reduced mus-
cle diffusing capacity.
Practical applications
Studies in comparative physiology show a wide range
of adaptations to altitude, some of which have sup-
ported that an increase in hemoglobin- oxygen affinity
is likely beneficial for species adapted to high and ex-
treme altitude (Natarajan et al., 2018; Storz, 2007; Storz
et al., 2010). Across species, multiple factors including
evolutionary pressures may influence the observed ad-
aptations in hemoglobin- oxygen affinity. Further de-
tailed investigation of this topic in terms of convective
versus diffusive oxygen transport limitations would be
appropriate, and the theoretical approach developed
here may be applicable to such studies.
Pharmacological agents have been developed that
can alter P50 in healthy individuals (Henry et al., 2021;
Safo & Kato, 2014; Woyke et al., 2021). Although these
agents are mainly investigated for treatment of sickle- cell
disease, they have also been used in healthy individuals
(Stewart et al., 2021, 2020). According to the present re-
sults, decreasing the P50 has significant effects on blood
oxygenation and V̇O2max at altitude, some of which
may prove beneficial depending on the environmental
context. For instance, pharmacologically decreasing the
P50 may have an ergogenic effect at high and extreme
altitudes by increasing arterial blood saturation and im-
proving convective oxygen delivery. This raises the pos-
sibility that such agents could be used for “blood doping”
in competitive sports. In military operations at high and
extreme altitudes, environmental conditions may limit
| 9 of 11
WEBB et al.
physical performance and cognitive function (McLaugh-
lin et al., 2017). Pharmacological reduction in P50 may in-
crease hypoxia tolerance (Dufu et al., 2021) and prevent
decrements in physical performance (Stewart et al., 2021).
However, further work is needed to examine the advan-
tages or disadvantages of pharmacologically altering P50
in healthy individuals in various contexts. The present
model may be useful for predicting the change in P50 at a
given altitude that maximizes the ergogenic effect.
4.3 | Limitations
A major simplification of this model is the use of venous
PO2 as a measure of tissue PO2 for the purpose of cal-
culating oxygen consumption according to Michaelis–
Menten kinetics. The rationale for this assumption is
that venous PO2 typically lies within the range of the
minimum and maximum tissue PO2. As shown in Fig-
ure 3, oxygen consumption rates calculated under this
assumption show reasonable agreement with more de-
tailed calculations using a Krogh cylinder model. This
approach avoids the need to specify the geometry of the
capillary network, since such detailed information is
generally not available. However, the limitation of this
approach is that it does not include the effects of capil-
lary network geometry.
Previous studies have indicated that the Bohr effect (pH
dependent change in the P50) may play a notable role in
the determination of V̇O2max (Severinghaus, 1994). How-
ever, this effect was not considered in the present model.
Because the magnitude of the Bohr effect at extreme alti-
tudes is not known, it was excluded to facilitate comparisons
across altitudes. Given that the Bohr effect is generally pre-
served among humans with hemoglobin mutations (Boyer
et al., 1972), its effect on V̇O2max values would likely be uni-
directional and comparable between the groups examined.
Additionally, past investigations have described aberrations
in metabolic processes during exercise among humans with
low P50 and suggested that skeletal muscle and mitochon-
drial adaptations may compensate for the blunted oxygen
offloading (Wranne et al., 1983). At extreme altitude, how-
ever, V̇O2max is severely limited by the reduced oxygen
availability, such that changes in maximal mitochondrial
oxygen consumption are unlikely to affect V̇O2max. There-
fore, the present model assumes similar mitochondrial
function between groups with normal and altered P50.
The presented analyses leverage experimental data
predict blood oxygenation and V̇O2max as a function
of hemoglobin- oxygen affinity and altitude. We posit
that high hemoglobin- oxygen affinity leads to improved
blood oxygenation and better preserved V̇O2max values
at extreme altitudes compared to values associated with
normal hemoglobin- oxygen affinity. Additionally, we
provide theoretical estimates for V̇O2max as a function
of altitude among humans with mutations causing low
hemoglobin- oxygen affinity, which has yet to be exam-
ined experimentally.
Kevin L. Webb and Tuhin K. Roy conceived the presented
idea. All author contributed to the methodological design
of this work. Kevin L. Webb, Tuhin K. Roy, and Timothy
W. Secomb contributed to model development, analyses,
and data visualization. Kevin L. Webb and Tuhin K. Roy
constructed the initial manuscript draft. All authors con-
tributed to manuscript revising and have approved the
final submission.
The authors would like to thank the members of the
Human and Integrative Physiology and Clinical Pharma-
cology Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic for intellectual dis-
cussion and feedback.
This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health
grant R35- HL139854 (M.J.J.).
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
The presented study was exempt from obtaining IRB
approval and does not present novel data pertaining to
human nor animal subjects.
All pertinent data are presented within the manuscript.
All code used to perform calculations will be shared upon
reasonable request.
Kevin L. Webb
Michael J. Joyner
Chad C. Wiggins
Timothy W. Secomb
Tuhin K. Roy
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How to cite this article: Webb, K. L., Joyner, M.
J., Wiggins, C. C., Secomb, T. W., & Roy, T. K.
(2023). The dependence of maximum oxygen
uptake and utilization (V̇O2max) on hemoglobin-
oxygen affinity and altitude. Physiological Reports,
11, e15806.
| The dependence of maximum oxygen uptake and utilization (V̇O<sub>2</sub> max) on hemoglobin-oxygen affinity and altitude. | [] | Webb, Kevin L,Joyner, Michael J,Wiggins, Chad C,Secomb, Timothy W,Roy, Tuhin K | eng |
PMC7696724 | sensors
Mechanical Power in Endurance Running: A Scoping
Review on Sensors for Power Output Estimation
during Running
Diego Jaén-Carrillo 1
, Luis E. Roche-Seruendo 1
, Antonio Cartón-Llorente 1
Rodrigo Ramírez-Campillo 2
and Felipe García-Pinillos 3,4,*
Department of Physiotherapy, Universidad San Jorge, Villanueva de Gállego, 30580 Zaragoza, Spain;
[email protected] (D.J.-C.); [email protected] (L.E.R.-S.); [email protected] (A.C.-L.)
Department of Physical Activity Sciences, Universidad de Los Lagos, 5290000 Osorno, Chile;
[email protected]
Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
Department of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, Universidad de La Frontera,
4811000 Temuco, Chile
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-660062066
Received: 10 September 2020; Accepted: 10 November 2020; Published: 13 November 2020
Abstract: Mechanical power may act as a key indicator for physiological and mechanical changes
during running. In this scoping review, we examine the current evidences about the use of power
output (PW) during endurance running and the different commercially available wearable sensors to
assess PW. The Boolean phrases endurance OR submaximal NOT sprint AND running OR runner
AND power OR power meter, were searched in PubMed, MEDLINE, and SCOPUS. Nineteen studies
were finally selected for analysis. The current evidence about critical power and both power-time and
power-duration relationships in running allow to provide coaches and practitioners a new promising
setting for PW quantification with the use of wearable sensors. Some studies have assessed the
validity and reliability of different available wearables for both kinematics parameters and PW when
running but running power meters need further research before a definitive conclusion regarding its
validity and reliability.
Keywords: biomechanics; endurance runners; long-distance athletes; wearable device
1. Introduction
Endurance running events are on the apex of a performance revolution, with the sub-2-h marathon
barrier just broken (i.e., Vienna in 2019). In the same way the power meter changed training and racing
in cycling [1] by providing a fair tool to assess performance with accurate replication, it might also
change the way runners compete and train.
Power, a term originated in classical physics, is defined as the product of force and velocity [2].
Despite training delivers stress on the body, the way runners measure this level of stress has been very
limited. The faster a runner goes, the higher the stress for a certain level of fitness. Training intensity is
the true marker to fitness (i.e., capacity to deal with a particular amount of stress) [3]. The application
of mechanical load (i.e., external training load factors) and psychological and physiological efforts
(i.e., internal training load factors) are affected by training stress [4]. In running, some external load
factors including volume and pace are widely used, while physiological internal load factors consider
perceived exertion scales, heart rate, or blood lactate level [4]. On multiple training days, running
distance alone could overshadow the accumulated training stress and, eventually, misinterpret the
overall training stress [4]. Pace might be as clear as volume but, indeed, it is not easy to assess as
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the running settings (i.e., surface; slope gradient) as well as weather conditions (i.e., wind velocity)
or individual internal factors (i.e., stress, sleep, illness) may affect pace considerably and, therefore,
challenge pace intensity quantification. None of these variables provides a fair and repeatable method
to measure training intensity and, when training stress is measured imprecisely, injury risk may be
increased and performance negatively altered. Given that new wearable devices allow to measure
external load metrics apart from both volume and pace, there should be a growing focus on a
combination of both biomechanical external (i.e., power output (PW)) and internal load metrics in the
future of athletes monitoring [4].
Running, as cycling, is cyclical in nature. When running, three dimensional movements are
needed. Normally, the body describes a forward movement, vertical oscillation, and a bilateral rotation
over the running cycle. For such movements, mechanical work is required accounting vertical and
forward movements for most of it. Throughout such movements, a runner acquires both kinetic
energy and potential energy changes. The applied work runners develop over the loading phase
and the subsequent take-off push to lift their body at every stride to work against environmental
factors (i.e., ground reaction force, gravity force, and surface) refers to the external mechanical work.
Then, the foot absorbs energy when colliding with the ground and produces power when pushing off.
During running, expensive equipment such as specific instrumented treadmills [5] have been utilised
to acquire force data. Despite their proved accuracy, most coaches and practitioners are forced to avoid
their use due to economic issues.
Over the last years, inertial measurement units (IMUs) emerged, allowing the quantification
of performance, providing coaches and athletes an easy-to-use tool to monitor PW during running
(e.g., Runscribe (Scribe Lab. Inc., Half Moon Bay, CA, USA), Stryd (Stryd Inc. Boulder, CO, USA) or
Myotest (Myotest SA, Sion, Switzerland)). Previous works have demonstrated the direct relationship
between anthropometric measures (e.g., body mass) and spatiotemporal parameters and kinetics
and kinematics [6–8].
Samozino and colleagues [9] attempted to supply an affordable method
to assess force-velocity and power-velocity profiles, using anthropometric and spatiotemporal
data along over-ground sprint acceleration.
However, Samozino’s approach is inapplicable to
submaximal velocities.
Currently, an increasing number of systems allow the assessment of running power (new heart rate
monitors by Polar (Polar Electro Ltd., Kempele, Finland) and Garmin (Garmin Ltd., Olathe, KS, USA)).
Nevertheless, there is a lack of scientific evidence testing either its validity or reliability, as well as
limited insights on the use and interpretation of power in endurance runners, being this reduced
to a few books [3,10], and further information provided by the devices’ manufacturers (e.g., Stryd,; Myotest,;
RunScribe,; Stryd,; Polar:
Although the validity and reliability of a wide array of wearable sensors have been shown
for running spatiotemporal parameters measurement and they seem to be related with PW
estimation [11–15], a deeper knowledge on PW in endurance running and a proper understanding on
the use of power meters to quantify workload would be an outstanding step forward towards a new
boundary within running training and performance. There is a need to measure training intensity with
precision and wearable sensors might help monitor the training-induced stress and, although previous
review articles have been focused on power data while running [16,17], none of those concentrated
on validity and reliability of such wearables for running PW analysis. Advances in the knowledge
of endurance running PW would allow the assessment and monitor of power not only in laboratory
settings, but in the field as well. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review was to critically examine
the available running power meters and the current evidences about their use and application to
endurance running performance.
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2. Materials and Methods
A review of the literature was conducted following the guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration
and taking into consideration the guidance provided by previous studies focused on scoping
reviews [18,19]. This design (i.e., scoping review) was selected in order to have a broader approach with
the aim of mapping literature characterized by a variety of study designs. Additionally, findings were
reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) for scoping reviews [20].
2.1. Eligibility Criteria
Despite the limited evidence on this topic, some a priori inclusion criteria were considered for this
scoping review: (i) only peer-reviewed articles were included; (ii) studies that were not published in
English were not explored; (iii) no restrictions for age or sex of participants were applied.
Additionally, no limitations regarding the study design were established. All manuscripts related
to running with power or power meters were considered, regardless the study design, except literature
reviews (e.g., systematic reviews or metanalysis).
2.2. Information sources
A systematic search was conducted in the electronic databases PubMed, MEDLINE and SCOPUS
for relevant studies until 1 June 2020. Keywords were collected through experts’ opinion, a systematic
literature review, and controlled vocabulary (e.g., Medical Subject Headings: MeSH). Boolean search
syntax using the operators “AND” and “OR” was applied. The words “endurance”, “running”,
“runner”, “power”, and “power meter” were used. Following is an example of a PubMed search:
((((((endurance) OR submaximal) NOT sprint) AND running) OR runner) AND power) OR power
meter; Filters: Publication date from 1 January 2000; Humans; English.
After an initial search, accounts were created in the respective databases. Through these accounts,
the lead investigator received automatically generated emails for updates regarding the search terms
used. These updates were received on a daily basis (if available), and studies were eligible for inclusion
until the initiation of manuscript preparation on 5 June 2020. Following the formal systematic searches,
additional hand-searches were conducted. Grey literature sources (e.g., conference proceedings)
were also considered if a full-text version was available. In addition, the reference lists of included
studies and previous reviews and meta-analyses were examined to detect studies potentially eligible
for inclusion.
2.3. Study Selection
In selecting studies for inclusion, the three-step method was followed [21]. The first step, according
to this procedure, was an initial restricted search of the appropriate database collection, followed by an
analysis of the text words included in the title and abstract, and the index terms used to characterize
the document. A second search using all known keywords and index terms was performed through all
included databases. Finally, the reference list of all the selected studies and reports has been checked
for additional studies. The authors included the aforementioned filters (i.e., the language and the
publication date limitations).
2.4. Methodological Quality in Individual Studies
To analyse the methodological quality in studies, the recommendations by Cochrane Review
Groups were taken into consideration [22]. Since all the studies examined show a cross-sectional
design, quality was assessed using the modified version of the Quality Index developed by Downs and
Black [23]. The original scale was reported to have good test–retest (r = 0.88) and inter-rater (r = 0.75)
reliability and high internal consistency (Kuder–Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) = 0.89). The modified
version of the Downs and Black Quality Index is scored from 1 to 14, with higher scores indicating
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higher-quality studies. Two independent reviewers (DJC-FGP) performed this process and, in the event
of a disagreement about the methodological quality, a third reviewer (LERS) checked the data and took
the final decision on it. Agreement between reviewers was assessed using a Kappa correlation for
methodological quality. The agreement rate between reviewers was k = 0.93 which can be interpreted
as almost perfect [24]. It is worth noting that the study by Snyder and colleagues [25] was excluded as
it is a letter to the editor in response to Aubry and colleagues’ [26] work.
3. Results
3.1. Study Selection
Figure 1 provides a graphical schematization of the study selection process. A total of 1281 studies
were initially identified: 640 from PubMed, 378 from SCOPUS, and 263 from MEDLINE. Additionally,
6 studies were identified through other resources. From these 1287 studies, 674 after duplicates
removed. The 613 studies excluded after titles and abstracts revisions were essentially based on a lack
of relationship with the research interests of this review. After full-text revision, only 19 studies which
included either validity or reliability of running wearable sensors suppling running PW and/or the
specific discussion of such wearable sensors were considered for the current work.
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3. Results
3.1. Study Selection
Figure 1 provides a graphical schematization of the study selection process. A total of 1281
studies were initially identified: 640 from PubMed, 378 from SCOPUS, and 263 from MEDLINE.
Additionally, 6 studies were identified through other resources. From these 1287 studies, 674 after
duplicates removed. The 613 studies excluded after titles and abstracts revisions were essentially
based on a lack of relationship with the research interests of this review. After full-text revision, only
19 studies which included either validity or reliability of running wearable sensors suppling running
PW and/or the specific discussion of such wearable sensors were considered for the current work.
Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow
3.2. Study Characteristics
The main characteristics of the studies included in this review (n = 19) are presented in the
Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 shows a summary of 12 studies using wearable sensors with the capacity of
measuring power during different running exercises. Whereas three of those studies [11,27,28]
examine the PW kinetics during different running protocols, the other four studies [15,25,26,29]
investigate the relationship between PW and physiological parameters such as oxygen consumption
(VO2) at different intensities. Additionally, two further works [30,31] analyse the application of
mathematical models, based on power laws, to predict running performance, whereas a recent study [32]
assesses the agreement level between two mathematical models and five power meter devices
Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram.
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3.2. Study Characteristics
The main characteristics of the studies included in this review (n = 19) are presented in the
Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 shows a summary of 12 studies using wearable sensors with the capacity of
measuring power during different running exercises. Whereas three of those studies [11,27,28] examine
the PW kinetics during different running protocols, the other four studies [15,25,26,29] investigate
the relationship between PW and physiological parameters such as oxygen consumption (VO2) at
different intensities. Additionally, two further works [30,31] analyse the application of mathematical
models, based on power laws, to predict running performance, whereas a recent study [32] assesses
the agreement level between two mathematical models and five power meter devices through different
running conditions. Other studies examined some parameters provided by the RunScribe power meter
to describe the effects of the fatigue induced over a marathon [33,34] and the influence of different
types of ankle treatments on running biomechanics [35].
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Table 1. Studies (n = 12) involving the use of wearable sensors with the capacity of measuring power during running protocols.
Subject Description
System Used
Outcome Measures
Dobrijevic et al.
(2017) [15]
30 physical education
students (15 men and
15 women)
To explore the properties of the
F-V relationship of leg muscles
exerting the maximum pulling F
at a wide range of V on a standard
motorized treadmill
Motorized treadmill using
externally fixed strain gauge
dynamometer (CZL301,
ALL4GYM, Serbia) connected
to the subject wearing a wide
and hard weightlifting belt
Walking and running on a treadmill
at different velocities (1.4−3.3 m.s−1),
and maximum pulling F exerted
horizontally were recorded
Leg muscle capacities for
producing maximum F, V,
and power
The F-V relationship of leg
muscles tested through a wide
range of treadmill V could be
strong, linear, and reliable.
Moreover, the two-velocity
method could provide reliable
and ecologically valid indices of F,
V, and P producing capacities of
leg muscles.
García-Pinillos et al.
(2019) [17]
49 endurance runners
To examine how the PW changes
while running at a continuous
comfortable velocity on a
motorized treadmill by
comparing running power
averaged during different time
Stryd system (foot pod)
Runners performed a 3 min running
protocol at comfortable velocity and
P was examined over six recording
intervals within the 3-min recording
period: 0−10 s, 0−20 s, 0−30 s,
0−60 s, 0−120 s and 0−180 s
Running PW
P during running is a stable
metric with negligible differences,
in practical terms, between
shorter (i.e., 10, 20, 30, 60 or 120 s)
and longer recording intervals
(i.e., 180 s)
Aubry et al.
(2018) [14]
24 male runners
(13 recreational, 11 elite)
To investigate the applicability of
running power (and its
individually calculated run
mechanics) to be a useful
surrogate of metabolic demand
(Vo2), across different running
surfaces, within different
caliber runners.
- Stryd system (chest strap)
- Gas exchange measures
(Cosmed Quark CPET and
Cosmed K5 systems)
2 different test at 3 different paces,
while wearing a Stryd on both an
indoor and an outdoor test:
-Treadmill vO2 test: running at
3 speeds for 2 min each
-Outdoor vO2 test (on track):
identical speeds for 4 min
(1 min rest)
- Spatiotemporal
- Running PW
- vO2
Running power (with Stryd) is not
a great reflection of the metabolic
demand of running in a mixed
ability population of runners
Snyder et al.
(2017) [13]
Manuscript clarification: Request for clarification to Aubry et al. (2018)
Some major methodological flaws
in the mentioned paper are
detected. The authors concluded
that data analysis and, thereby,
data interpretation are misleading
Austin et al.
(2018) [18]
17 well-trained
distance runners
To measure the correlations
between running economy and P
and form power at LT pace.
- Stryd system (foot pod)
- Gas exchange measures
(Parvo Medics TrueOne 2400)
Participants ran two 4 min trials:
one with a self-selected cadence,
and one with a target cadence
lowered by 10%
- Gas exchange measures
- Power
- Form power
- SF
RE is positively correlated with
Stryd’s power and form power
measures yet the footpod may not
be sufficiently accurate to
estimate differences in the
running economy of runners
García-Pinillos et al.
(2019) [36]
18 recreationally-trained
male endurance runners
To determine if the P-V
relationship in endurance runners
fits a linear model when running
at submaximal velocities, as well
as to examine the feasibility of the
“two-point method” for
estimating P at different velocities
Stryd system (foot pod)
Incremental running protocol on a
treadmill. Initial speed was set at
8 km.h−1, and speed increased by
1 km.h−1 every 3 min
until exhaustion
PW (W)
The two-point method based on
distant velocities was able to
provide P with the same accuracy
than the multiple-point method.
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Table 1. Cont.
Subject Description
System Used
Outcome Measures
Vandewalle et al.
(2018) [21]
Data from 6 elite
endurance runners
- To apply the P-law and
logarithmic models and four
asymptotic models to the
individual performances of the
elite runners.
- To compare the accuracy of these
- To compare the predictions of
MAS by interpolation and the
prediction of maximal running
speeds for long distances by
The empirical models were
compared from the performance of 6
elite endurance runners who
participated in international
competitions over a large range
of distances
Mathematical models to
predict running
The predictions of long-distance
performances (maximal running
speeds for 30, 60 min and
marathon) by extrapolation of the
logarithmic and power-law
models were more accurate than
the predictions by extrapolation
in all the asymptotic models.
Mulligan et al.
(2018) [20]
Data from various
records for a range
of distances
To develop a novel, minimal and
universal model for human
running performance that
employs a relative metabolic
P scale
European and world records
performances for eight distances,
from 1 km to the marathon,
were analyzed
Mathematical models to
predict running
The model presented provides a
quantitative method for extracting
characteristic parameters from
race performances of runners.
This is the to date most accurate
theoretical description of running
performances that does not
require any a priori fixing of
physiological constants
Gregory et al.
(2019) [25]
12 young adults with
history of ankle sprain
RunScribe system (foot pod,
on the heel)
To evaluate the effects of ankle
taping, bracing, and fibular
reposition taping (FRT) on
running biomechanics
Four 400 m runs at self-selected pace
on an outdoor track. Each run was
performed in a different condition
(control, taped, braced, FRT)
- Spatiotemporal (CT,
CycleT, SL)
- Kinematic (PR, PRveloc)
- Kinetic (impact G,
braking G)
Ankle taping and bracing were
shown to be comparable in
decreasing ankle kinematics and
kinetics, while FRT caused
minimal changes in running
Leuchanka et al.
(2019a) [23]
15 endurance runners
To examine the changes in
spatiotemporal variables during a
marathon race
RunScribe system (foot pod,
on the lace shoe)
Monitoring spatiotemporal variables
over a marathon race by comparing
3 points (km 5, 26 and 37)
- Spatiotemporal (Pace,
CT, SL and cadence)
Significant differences were found
in pace, SL, and CT when
compared across 3 race points
Leuchanka et al.
(2019b) [24]
15 endurance runners
To measure the kinematic
asymmetry during a
marathon race
RunScribe system (foot pod,
on the lace shoe)
Monitoring kinematic variables over
a marathon race by comparing
3 points (km 5, 26 and 37)
- Kinematic variables for
right and left foot (pace,
strike index, PR, PRveloc)
Changes in asymmetry were not
found to be statistically significant
over the marathon.
et al. (2020) [22]
10 endurance runners
To analyse agreement level
between power estimated PW by
five commercial wearable systems
and two theoretical models in
different environments
and conditions
5 systems:
- Stryd App
- Stryd Watch
- RunScribe (foot pod)
- Garmin Running P (watch
and chest strap)
- Polar Vantage (watch)
Three submaximal
running protocols on a treadmill
(indoor) and an athletic track
(outdoor), with changes in
speed, body weight, and slope.
Running PW derived
from the 5 systems and
theoretical PW from two
mathematical models
(TPw1 and TPw2).
The closest agreement of the Stryd
and PolarV technologies with the
TPW1 and TPW2 models suggest
these tools as the most sensitive,
among those analysed, for PW
measurement when changing
environments and
running conditions
CP: critical power; LT: blood lactate thresholds; Vo2max: maximal oxygen uptake; tlim: exhausting time at a given intensity; W´: residual performance capacity; F: force; V: velocity; P: power;
Dlim: exhaustion distance; MTT: Montreal Track Test; MAS: maximal aerobic speed; CT: ground contact time; SL: step length; PR: pronation excursion; PRveloc: pronation velocity; TPw1:
Mathematical model for power output (PW) estimation 1; TPw2: Mathematical model for PW estimation 2; PW: power output.
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The closest agreement of the Stryd and PolarV technologies with the TPW1 and TPW2 models
suggest these tools as the most sensitive, among those analysed, for PW measurement when changing
environments and running conditions
Table 2 summarises the studies (n = 7) focused on the validity and reliability analysis of
kinetic and kinematic parameters for different wearable sensors with the capacity to measure power.
Of note, no studies have examined the concurrent validity of PW during running estimated from any
power meter, finding only two studies [12,15] which examined the reliability of PW during running.
The remaining 5 studies tested the validity and reliability of spatiotemporal parameters [11,14],
kinematic parameters [37,38], or both variables [13].
Table 3 shows the methodological quality of the studies examined. Once the review studies and
the letter to editors were excluded, 18 studies were assessed with this purpose. Out of a total score
of 14 points, all studies reported from 11 to 14 points. Of note, 16 out of 17 studies reported 0 in the
item 12 (i.e., participants prepared to participate representative of entire population) and 14 out of
17 studies reported 0 in the item 23 (i.e., randomised).
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Table 2. Studies (n = 7) examining the reliability and validity of different wearable sensors with the capacity to measure power during running.
Subject Description
Tested System
Reference System
Outcome Measures
García-Pinillos et al.
(2018) [16]
18 trained
endurance runners
Stryd system (foot pod)
OptoGait system
Incremental running test
(8−20 km·h−1 with 3-min stages)
on a treadmill
- Spatiotemporal parameters
(CT, FT, SL, SF)
Stryd is reliable for measuring
spatiotemporal parameters. It provides
accurate SL and SF measures but
underestimates CT (0.5−8%) and
overestimates FT (3−67%)
Koldenhoven et al.
(2018) [32]
12 recreational runners
RunScribe wearable sensor
3D motion capture system
(Vicon system)
2.4 km running protocol on
treadmill, at self-selected speed
- PR, PRveloc, and CycleT
RunScribe showed good to excellent
concurrent validity for the
outcome measures
Brayne et al.
(2018) [31]
13 runners
Wireless accelerometer
(RunScribe): skin mounted
Uniaxial piezoresistive
accelerometer (model
352C22, PCB Piezotronics):
skin mounted
Participants ran at 3 different
speeds on a treadmill
(2.5, 3.5, 4.5 m.s−1) for a total of
40 s (10 s to regulate running
gait and 30 s data collection)
- Peak tibial acceleration (g)
RunScribe accelerometer accurately
measures peak tibial accelerations
when compared to a research
accelerometer, at a range of speeds
Hollis et al.
(2019) [33]
15 recreational runners
RunScribe system
(foot pod, on the heel)
Intra-system comparison
(in different
experimental conditions)
Two 1600 m runs (slow: 3−4;
fast: 5−6 on a 0−10 RPE scale) on
two surfaces (track, grass).
Randomized order.
- Spatiotemporal (CT, CycleT, SL)
- Kinematic (PR, PRveloc)
- Kinetic (impact G, braking G)
RunScribe sensor is valid to identify
changes in the outcome
measures when participants ran in
different conditions.
Navalta et al.
(2019) [29]
20 young,
healthy individuals
Stryd system (foot pod)
Intra-system reliability
Two 5 min self-paced walks along
a trail, and two 5 min trail runs
(5 min rest period)
- Pace and distance
- Power: average elapsed power,
maximal power, average elapsed
form power
- Stiffness: average elapsed leg spring
- Spatiotemporal: CT
- Vertical oscillation
Trail running task returns moderate to
excellent reliability across all measures
García-Pinillos et al.
(2019) [30]
49 amateur
endurance runners
RunScribe system
(foot pod) on 2 locations:
- Heel shoe
- Lace shoe
High-speed video analysis
at 1000 Hz
Treadmill running for 3 min at
self-selected comfortable velocity
- Spatiotemporal gait parameters
(CT, FT, SL, SF)
RunScribe is a valid system to measure
spatiotemporal parameters during
running on a treadmill. The location of
the RunScribe plays an important role
on the accuracy of spatiotemporal
parameters. The lace shoe placement
showed smaller errors for CT, FT and
SL, whereas the heel shoe was more
accurate for SF
Cerezuela-Espejo et
al. (2020) [19]
12 endurance-trained
male athletes
5 systems:
- Stryd App
- Stryd Watch
- RunScribe (foot pod)
- Garmin Running P
(watch and chest strap)
- Polar Vantage (watch)
- Metabolic cart (VO2)
Participants were initially
familiarized with the protocol and
then, two protocols were
performed in two different
settings (outdoor vs. indoor):
- Testing 1: Submaximal protocol
with incremental speed
- Testing 2: Submaximal protocol
with incremental body weight
A 3rd testing condition was
performed only indoor, with
increasing slope at
submaximal velocity
- P output during running
The Stryd system is the most repeatable
technology, among the five analyzed,
for P estimation.
The concurrent validity analysis
indicated that PW estimated by the
Stryd device showed the closest
relationship with the VO2 directly
measured by the metabolic cart.
CT: ground contact time; CycleT: cycle time; SL: step length; PR: pronation excursion; PRveloc: pronation velocity; RPE: rate of perceived exertion; FT: flight time; SF: step frequency; VO2:
oxygen uptake; RE: running economy; PW: power output.
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Table 3. Modified Downs and Black scale [23].
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 6
Item 7
Item 10
Item 12
Item 15
Item 16
Item 18
Item 20
Item 22
Item 23
Item 25
Total (out of 14)
Dobrijevic et al. (2017) [15]
Aubry et al. (2018) [14]
Austin et al. (2018) [18]
García-Pinillos et al. (2019) [36]
García-Pinillos et al. (2019) [17]
Vandewalle et al. (2018) [21]
Mulligan et al. (2018) [20]
Gregory et al. (2019) [25]
Leuchanka et al. (2019a) [23]
Leuchanka et al. (2019b) [24]
García-Pinillos et al. (2018) [16]
Koldenhoven et al. (2018) [32]
Brayne et al. (2018) [31]
Hollis et al. (2019) [33]
Navalta et al. (2019) [29]
García-Pinillos et al. (2019) [30]
Cerezuela-Espejo et al. (2020) [19]
Cerezuela-Espejo et al. (2020) [22]
Key: 0 = no; 1 = yes; U = unable to determine. Item 1: clear aim/hypothesis; Item 2: outcome measures clearly described; Item 3: patient characteristics clearly described; Item 6: main
findings clearly described; Item 7: measures of random variability provided; Item 10: actual probability values reported; Item 12: participants prepared to participate representative of
entire population; Item 15: Blinding of outcome measures; Item 16: analysis completed was planned; Item 18: appropriate statistics; Item 20: valid and reliable outcome measures; Item 22:
participants recruited over same period; Item 23: Randomised; Item 25: adjustment made for confounding variables.
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4. Discussion
This review provides a critical assessment on the existing scientific literature regarding PW
quantification in endurance running as well as the different current accessible devices for its estimation.
After the meticulous analysis described above, a few studies aiming at assessing running power in
relation to physiological parameters and power-duration relationship at several running intensities
were found. Eighteen studies included in this review were assessed in order to determine the
methodological quality and high scores were reported according to the modified Downs and Black
scale [23] (i.e., all studies reported more than 11 points out of a total score of 14). Although no
studies attempting to assess concurrent validity of PW estimation in running using power meters,
their reliability for such estimation was analysed.
The controversy surrounding power estimation in running is rooted in the question of whether it is
indeed power which is being estimated. Unlike cycling, running entails negligible external mechanical
work. It involves positive and negative work; the former, pushing off with each stride and the latter,
braking on landing [39]. Moreover, elastic energy stored in the Achilles tendon and other tissues
makes a significant contribution as up to fifty percent of power required for each step is released
as these tissues stretch upon landing and subsequently recoil to aid pushing off. The issue when
estimating power in running is that even perfect estimates do not closely correlate to effort required [39].
During cycling, the relationship between mechanical power and total metabolic energy consumption
remains constant when conditions are altered, but this is not so when running [39,40]. Readers need to
be aware that given the recent application of power meters to endurance running, the increasing need
for PW quantification, and the consequent novelty of this research interest, the limited information
available might make the discussion of the current study difficult. However, the subsequent sections
seek to provide some insight into how running power quantification can help enhance running
performance and its quality.
4.1. Current Evidence on PW during Running
While in cycling PW is measured in reference to both direction and quantity of the force applied
to the crank, as well as its angular velocity, power needs to be calculated in a different way while
running. Since forward and vertical movements of the body account for most of the mechanical work,
an accurate calculation of both horizontal and vertical power over the propulsion phase (i.e., a function
of forward force and vertical force, respectively) is required to measure running power effectively.
Mechanical power on flat terrain might be estimated in mechanical terms just as function of
runner anthropometry (height, mass), spatiotemporal parameters (speed, step rate, ground contact
time) and wind speed employing model proposed recently by Jenny and Jenny [41]. In steady running
on flat surface, mechanical power and the rate of mechanical energy dissipated into heat should match.
Considering this assumption and following the mathematical approach mentioned above [41],
mechanical energy in steady flat running compiles the energy dissipated by aerodynamic drag,
dissipation due to both vertical oscillation and braking. The aerodynamic contribution may be
estimated based on air and runner density and running and wind velocity. However, when running on
a treadmill wind speed can be considered zero reducing, thus, the importance of this variable.
On the one hand, dissipation in vertical oscillation can be estimated regarding step rate, ground
contact time, running velocity and a potential energy recovery factor. This factor is variable between
subjects and that might be the main concern with this assumption. The lack of considering this factor
could lead to overestimation in this part of the mechanical power. On the other hand, dissipation
due to braking ground reaction force could be modelled by using the runner’s centre of mass
excursion and spring-mass model assumptions. In that context, the power generated in a horizontal
direction to maintain running velocity could be estimated by anthropometrics, running speed, and the
aforementioned energy recovery factor.
The most controversial part of such a model [41] might be the energy recovery factor. Nevertheless,
when measuring mechanical power calculations employing ‘gold standard’ methods different
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assumptions are, done making the assessment of mechanical PW a challenging measure even in
the best testing conditions.
The critical power (CP) in tasks such as swimming, cycling, and running and its relationship
with VO2, blood lactate threshold, and work-exhaustion time was critically reviewed by Vandewalle
and colleagues [42]. Theoretically, CP supposes the existence of a particular work-rate that can be
held before exhaustion [43]. In this review [42], it is determined that CP matches a steady state
during heavy submaximal exercises (i.e., between 6 and 30 min). On the contrary, CP is not a reliable
predictor of exhaustion time considering the hyperbolic nature of power-exhaustion time relation [42].
Another review focused on the existing models for residual performance capacity estimation and
its application for pacing [16]. The authors examined the quantity of work than can be executed
in exercises above CP. Although the review by Vandewalle and colleagues found CP to be a poor
predictor of exhaustion time given the power-exhaustion time relation, Jones and Vanhatalo determined
that within a range of various exercise intensities (e.g., endurance running), this relationship gives a
fundamental basis to proper understand the physiological bases of fatigue development, what may
result in an outstanding effect for monitoring both training and athletic performance [16].
The power-duration relationship was also described over a wide range of power intensities [17].
Three different exercise intensities were identified. First, exercise intensity below aerobic threshold
(i.e., fatigue appears slowly and it mainly has a central origin) was defined as moderate intensity.
Then, intensity over lactate threshold but under CP was referred as heavy intensity (i.e., there is a
depletion of muscle glycogen due to central and peripheral fatigue). Finally, severe intensity was
identified referring to an intensity above the CP, which relates to gradual muscle metabolic homeostasis
alterations and subsequent peripheral fatigue [17]. Literature shows different calculation methods for
power-duration relationship such as power law [44,45] and hyperbolic models [46–48], and exponential
decay operations [49,50]. Seemingly, hyperbolic calculations of power-duration relation suit best for
both reasonable physiological estimations and a proper option to the fundamental data [17] but, the truth
is that all these calculations are operationally weak for coaches and extremely time-consuming. In order
to counteract the models mentioned above and to provide in-field application for running biomechanics
monitoring and training loads tracking to clinicians, coaches and practitioners, wearable technologies
were upgraded considerably and made economically affordable. A review study on wearable devices
and their provided metrics (i.e., kinetic and kinematic parameters) in the evaluation and treatment of
runners identified best practices, applications and potential limitations of such systems [51]. The author
stated that clinicians should assure that the use of wearable sensors should be based on evidence
aiming at running-related injuries prevention and performance enhancement, and the guidelines given
by each sensor’s manufacturer must be followed [51].
Regarding evidence-based use of wearable sensors, the relationship between VO2 as metabolic
demand and running PW measured by five commercially available technologies was recently
assessed [15]. Twelve endurance-trained male athletes completed 10 submaximal multistage running
tests wearing a portable metabolic computer. On two occasions (test-retest), the athletes performed
three submaximal treadmill running protocols with manipulations in speed, body weight and slope,
and the same protocol was repeated in an athletic track. The Stryd system showed the higher concurrent
validity to the VO2 (r ≥ 0.911) between the five wearables, and it was also found as the more repeatable
and sensitive in all the conditions studied. Furthermore, the level of agreement between these
5 wearable systems was also analysed against two physics theoretical models for PW estimation [10,52]
in different running conditions [32], showing that the Stryd and Polar Vantage systems are the most
sensitive tools for PW estimation in running given their close agreement with both theoretical models
(r > 0.93). The Stryd power meter estimates power production while running separating this metric
into two parts: power and form power. Apparently, power reflects the PW associated with changes in
the athlete’s horizontal movement, while form power represents the power production originated by
the combination of the oscillatory up and down movements of the centre of mass and lateral power
as the athlete moves forward. This system utilises mathematical calculations to estimate these two
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parameters from kinematic data collected from the described movements executed by the runner’s
foot [29]. Form power apparently represents the power production originated by the combination
of the oscillatory up and down movements of the centre of mass and lateral power as the athlete
moves forward.
On the other hand, the power-VO2 relationship in elite and recreational runners had been
previously assessed by Aubry and colleagues [26]. To this aim, 13 amateur and 11 elite runners executed
a two-setting protocol (i.e., indoor and outdoor). Indoors, participants developed 3 sequential paces
(i.e., elite: 14, 16, and 18 km·h−1; amateur: 11−16 km·h−1) 2 min each, where VO2 was analysed via
gases expiration system. Outdoors (no precipitations and minimal wind), participants were asked to
run at the same pace that they ran indoors. Participants ran for 4 min each pace while measuring VO2
using a portable metabolic computer. Additionally, Stryd was used to calculate running power in both
settings. Regarding the relationship metabolic demand-running power, the authors found a significant
but weak correlation between VO2 and running power (r = 0.29, p = 0.02). Comparing both settings,
metabolic demands were found to be significantly higher (i.e., greater VO2) outdoors (i.e., outdoor
track) than when treadmill running. When speed increased, the difference in VO2 values become
higher amongst treadmill and outdoor running [26]. Then, after assessing metabolic demand-running
mechanics relationship, the authors found moderate strength associations for metabolic demand
and ground contact time, vertical oscillation, and step frequency at treadmill running in recreational
runners [26]. The authors of the aforementioned study concluded that the use of Stryd power meter
should be avoided when assessing running economy as it is unable to distinguish the metabolic
demands of an athlete when running on different settings (i.e., outdoors vs. indoor). Of note, the version
used during the study is not mentioned (the latest version is even able to consider air resistance)
limiting, therefore, their findings. Controversially, Snyder and colleagues clarified several important
methodological mistakes made by Aubry and colleagues [26] which led to confusing conclusions [25].
Regarding surface, VO2 was measured long before steady state for treadmill tests (latest VO2 test
started at 1:30 min), but much later over ground (latest VO2 test started at 3:30). It is well-known,
as stated by Snyder and colleagues, that VO2 needs more than 1:30 min to reach steady state causing,
therefore, great differences between VO2 when measured at 1:30 and 3:30 min, and, even greater at
faster speeds [25]. The authors claimed that these methodological flaws exclude precise correlation
analysis between VO2 and power measured with Stryd on different surfaces [25]. Considering speed,
a speed-normalised power to speed-normalised VO2 correlation was reported in the article [26],
therefore denying VO2 change because of speed [53]. Snyder and colleagues [25] suggested the use of
the accepted physiological term ‘cost of transport’ instead of ‘metabolic demand’, which was used
by the authors and leads to confusion in the readers and it does not vary over speed [54]. The actual
power-VO2 correlation is proposed to address this error [25]. With respect to subjects, Snyder and
colleagues [25] criticise the individual assessment of training metric as they [26] collect data by subject
prior executing the correlation analysis when within-subject correlation between VO2 and further
variables is appropriate for training and racing [55]. For such study [26], data collection should be
developed over different within-subject measurements [25].
Furthermore, the Stryd reliability for PW during treadmill running at a self-selected constant
speed with a slope gradient at 0% was proved to be a stable data between short and long intervals
(i.e., 10–120 s and 180 s, respectively) [28]. No significant differences were found in the amount of
power production between the different spans of times acquired (p = 0.276, partial ETA2 = 0.155) and an
almost perfect association in the previously mentioned amount of power production recorded over the
intervals (ICC ≥ 0.999). As the authors mentioned, the conditions in which the study was performed
may influence the stability of running power over time and these findings should not be taken for
granted when transferred to over-ground running [28]. The findings reported here seem to be very
advantageous for clinicians and practitioners since, if compared to other physiological parameters such
as heart rate or VO2, PW tend to stabilise over time earlier than others traditionally used. However,
PW is a mechanical parameter which considers work per time. That work exhibits a muscular and
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tendinous component. While muscle work needs oxygen consumption to produce work, tendons store
and release energy without consuming any oxygen. Therefore, work produced while running requires
different quantities of oxygen depending upon the amount of work is done by muscles or tendons.
Thus, PW may not be directly related to running metabolic cost. Following the evidence-based use
of wearable sensors, it has been found a linear power-velocity relationship(r = 0.999) at submaximal
speed, and, the consequent used of the two-point method to predict PW in running at different speeds
using the Stryd power meter [36]. The authors executed an incremental run-to-exhaustion protocol
on a motorized treadmill at 0% slope gradient. The power-velocity relationship determined from
three two-point methods at proximal (10 and 12 km·h−1), intermediate (10 and 14 km·h−1), and distal
(10 and 17 km·h−1) speeds showed the same precision than the multiple-point method (used also
by the authors to compare PWs through the study) to provide PW estimated by the Stryd power
meter. As stated by the authors of the aforementioned study, since the two-point method can be
developed faster and without developing fatigue in the athletes, it should be used when assessing PW
to acquire accurate power estimations over a range of submaximal running speeds [36]. This might be
an outstanding contribution to the strength and conditioning scene as the power-velocity relationship
could be frequently updated influencing, therefore, on the quality of both running training and
performance. The lack of evidence regarding the power-biomechanics (i.e., contact time, flight time,
step frequency, step length, surface) relationship as well as the effect of fatigue on PW when running
expose the need of further research on how the running gait parameters and environmental factors
affect PW estimation. Bridging the gap between research and practical use of power in running would
bring the stunning potential of such parameter to light. The insights provided here into the validity and
reliability of the different commercially available wearable sensors for spatiotemporal parameters show
the emerging potential of such devices for running PW measurement given their narrow association
considering theoretical approaches previously proposed [6–9].
4.2. Commercially Available Systems to Measure PW during Running
Despite the application of IMUs for estimating PW during running being recent, different
commercially systems are available. Two of the most widely used wearable sensors for such purposes
are Stryd and Runscribe.
Stryd system is a pioneer in manufacturing wearable power meters for running. Stryd estimates
running power in watts. This power meter, a foot pod reinforced with carbon fibre (weight: 9.1 g) and
based on an IMU of 6 different axis (i.e., 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope) and with a sampling
rate of 1000 Hz, attaches to the runner’s shoe to estimate metrics for performance quantification
(i.e., pace and distance, average elapsed power, maximal power, average elapsed form power, average
elapsed leg spring, and average elapsed ground time). Some studies have analysed the reliability of
this sensor for both spatiotemporal and PW parameters [11,12,15]. Of note, the latest version of Stryd
is capable of estimating the energy expenditure of working against air resistance by measuring the air
resistance one faces while running in regards with a white paper located at the manufacturer’s website
and where the trials performed to assess the Stryd’s ability to determine wind speed are meticulously
described (
pdf). This sensor employs both kinematic and environmental microelectromechanical sensors together
with user-supplied biometrics and proprietary physical and data-driven algorithms to calculate air
resistance force as follows:
FA = 1
where ρ stands for air density, Cd for drag coefficient, A for the cross-sectional area that encounters the
air resistance, and v for the vector of the runner’s relative velocity with local air mass surrounding
them. According to the aforementioned white paper, the Stryd system should be centrally located
on the laces and towards the toe of the shoe as this placement reported the lowest error regarding
wind measurement accuracy (i.e., wind technology is able to correctly report relative air speed under
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4 km·h−1). However, no peer-reviewed research has been performed to assess the level of accuracy
of such device when accounting for air resistance arising therefore the need to evaluate it in the
near future.
The use of the Runscribe wearable sensor attached to either the lace or heel of the shoes, based on a
nine-axis (three-axis magnetometer, accelerometer, and gyroscope, respectively) IMU with an accuracy
of 0.002 seconds (sampling rate: 500 Hz), is also widespread around the running world. The way
Runscribe estimates power is based on GOVSS model [52] and various assumptions. GOVSS model
estimates power using the runner’s speed, step rate, weight, and height, as well as slope gradient
and wind velocity based on linear regression models [52]. Several studies attempted to determine the
reliability and validity of such foot pods for either kinetic or kinematic parameters [13–15,37,38].
Despite the common use of the Stryd and Runscribe wearable sensors, there are other options
for running power estimation commercially available. Cerezuela-Espejo and colleagues [15] also
analysed Garmin Running Power (v1.6, Olathe, KS, USA) and Polar Vantage V (firmware 3.1.7, Polar,
OY, Kempele, Finland). The Garmin device estimates PW data derived from the combination of a
Garmin sport watch and one of the sensors recommended by the manufacturer (i.e., HRM-Run or
HRM-Tri heart rate monitor and Running Dynamics Pod on the waist belt). Polar Vantage V estimates
power production with no need of an extra sensor (e.g., foot pods). This multisport watch is capable of
calculate indirectly several metrics such as average power, maximum power and laps power using
the built-in barometer and GPS sensors. Although a positive relation with VO2 was found for both
devices (r ≤ 0.841), they exhibited limited test-retest reliability, particularly Garmin Running Power
in laboratory settings and Polar Vantage V outdoors. Myotest device, usually fixed onto a belt and
fastened and placed level with the navel’s runner (according to manufacturer’s guidelines), provides,
amongst others (i.e., cadence, runner’s centre of mass vertical movement, contact time, flight time,
step length, stiffness, pace, distance), running PW. Unfortunately, the way Polar, Garmin, and Myotest
estimate PW remains unrevealed.
Every wearable sensor that provides power metrics employs some form of running power model
combined with different assumptions. Therefore, there exist conditions in which such models do not
concur until all the different wearable sensors standardise and implement the same model for running
PW estimation.
4.3. How Valid and Reliable is PW during Running When Measured by These Devices?
Despite the lack of a concurrent validity study where any of the commercially available power
meters are compared with the ‘Gold Standard’ to measure running power (i.e., force-plate-instrumented
treadmill or a long force platform system), the accuracy of the PW when running provided by these
wearable devices might be limited. The variety of available technologies for running gait analysis
(e.g., accelerometers, gyroscopes, force plates, pressure plates, and photoelectric cells) implies a variety
of devices should exist for analysing stride characteristics. However, some of these devices have not
been validated yet. The validity and reliability of a gait analysis system are essential to determine
whether results are due to changes in gait pattern or are simply systematic measurement errors.
As already mentioned, white (non-peer-reviewed) papers provided by manufacturers to promote
the likely potential of their devices, attribute the different values of running power obtained by the
different devices to differences in estimating power. Indeed, Myotest attempted to demonstrate
validity and repeatability of Myotest App on an Apple watch for PW analysis in comparison
with Garmin-Garmin Pod, Polar Vantage V, Stryd (White paper provided by the manufacturer, A sample of 7 runners executed a 2000 m run protocol with an
elevation gain of 22.8 m where 500 m were run on flat ground, 500 m uphill at a constant slope, 500 m
of constant-slope downhill, and 500 m on flat ground at a self-selected speed over the entire protocol.
It was reported that given the outputs shape and the existence of similar peaks, a correlation between
the analysed systems is seemingly demonstrated considering that the different systems are sensitive
to elevation changes (i.e., lower power at uphill/downhill shift and higher power at uphill running).
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Mean-normalised power signal was used to remove the constant shift in the signals, and it was shown
that PW measured with Myotest is closer to power measured with Garmin and Stryd. These findings
must be taken cautiously as it is well-known that white papers lack the peer-review process.
Concerning the reliability of such wearables, a recent study analysed the repeatability different
devices (Stryd, Runscribe, Garmin Running Power, and Polar Vantage V) show when measuring power
when running as well as their concurrent validity against VO2 [15]. For such a purpose, 12 highly-trained
endurance runners executed a submaximal incremental running speed test and a submaximal
incremental body weight test in two different settings (i.e., outdoor and indoor). An additional increasing
slope gradient at submaximal speed test was executed only indoor. After completion, the authors
found Stryd to be the most repeatable device for power estimation. Additionally, Stryd concurrent
validity assessment for power estimation was found to show the closest relationship with the VO2max
measured directly by metabolic cart [15]. Of note, the authors of this study distinguish between Stryd
App and Stryd Watch. Although the Stryd sensor is found to be the same using both app and watch,
the variations reported by the authors between these systems is not justified. It might be arguable
that the normalisation applied by each system (i.e., Stryd app and watch) differs from one other,
but this is not mentioned by the authors. Nevertheless, the findings reported by Cerezuela-Espejo and
colleagues [15] constitute a huge contribution providing clinicians, coaches, and practitioners a reliable
wearable sensor to quantify running power in training, retraining, and competition.
Some of these devices have been used previously for measuring running kinetics
(i.e., PW amongst others) and kinematics parameters (i.e., running spatiotemporal gait characteristics).
The aforementioned GOVSS model [52] and Jenny’s model [41] for estimating mechanical power
rely mainly on runners anthropometry, environmental factors (i.e., air density and wind speed) and
running spatiotemporal parameters (i.e., speed, step rate and ground contact time). With this in
mind the measurement of spatiotemporal parameters is essential for an accurate power estimation.
Regarding this, some studies have shown good reliability of wearable sensors when measuring such
parameters [11–15]. García-Pinillos and colleagues [11], over a speed incremental running protocol on
a treadmill, tested the reliability of Stryd for running spatiotemporal parameters (i.e., contact time,
flight time, step length, and step frequency) against a proved reliable photoelectric cell system for
such purpose (i.e., Optogait system) [56]. The authors found that Stryd measures accurately step
length and step frequency but underrates slightly contact time overrates flight time in comparison
with such system. Likewise, the intra-Stryd reliability has also been analysed [12] over two different
5-min tasks (i.e., two self-paced walks along a trail a and two trail runs separated by a 5-min rest
period) with 20 healthy individuals (it was not mentioned whether the participants had any running
experience). The authors assessed all the data provided by the Stryd power meter. Regarding trail
running, all variables were found to have relative test-retest reliability, meeting the set the intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC) threshold. When considering an interval of confidence equals to 95%,
pace, average elapsed power, average elapsed form power, average elapsed leg spring, and vertical
oscillation were deemed to have good to excellent reliability; maximal power, average elapsed ground
time, and distance were reported to exhibit moderate to excellent reliability [12].
The intra-validity analysis of the Runscribe sensor has also been examined [13,14]. This sensor
was used to measure spatiotemporal (i.e., contact time, step length, and cycle time), kinematic
(i.e., foot pronation excursion and pronation velocity), and kinetic parameters (i.e., impact ground
force and braking ground force) on two different surfaces (i.e., track and grass) at two different
running speeds (comfortable self-selected speed and an increased speed) [13]. Over two 1600-m
runs, first at a slow pace and then fast on two randomised-ordered surfaces (i.e., track and grass),
Runscribe foot pod sensors were found to be valid to determine variations in the aforementioned
spatiotemporal, kinetic, and kinematic parameters in different conditions (i.e., different surfaces) [13].
Furthermore, validity measurements regarding the Runscribe placement on the running shoes have
also been examined [14]. In this study, the location of the Runscribe on the running shoes (i.e., heel or
shoelace) was assessed against a reference technology (i.e., high-speed video camera at 1000 Hz).
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The authors found Runscribe to be a valid system to examine spatiotemporal variables in treadmill
running. Additionally, the location of the Runscribe needs to be considered as it was found to be
sensitive to metrics accuracy. When analysing contact time, flight time, and step length, the shoelace
placement is recommended as smaller errors were found when comparing to the Runscribe attached to
the heel. In contrast, the heel showed higher accuracy when analysing step frequency [14]. In a recent
study [15] where test-retest reliability of several wearable sensors was tested, Runscribe was found to
be the second most repeatable sensor for speed, slope gradient, and body weight (standard error of
measurement ≥ 30.1 W, coefficient variation [CV] ≥ 7.4%, ICC ≤ 0.709), only after the Stryd power
meter, for indoor settings. However, when employed in outdoor, Runscribe exhibits both the highest
errors and poorest repeatability (SEM ≥ 59.3 W, CV ≥ 14.8%, ICC ≤ 0.563) [15]. When its concurrent
validity between PW estimation and VO2 consumption examined over an increasing speed test by a
metabolic cart, Runscribe exhibited values of r ≥ 0.582 and standard error of estimate (SEE) ≤ 13.7%
for indoor and outdoor settings. Moreover, the power estimation and VO2 agreement was reduced
over both conditions (body weight, SEE = 10.3%; slope, SEE = 18.5%). Regarding data collection, it is
worth highlighting that the authors did not specify the placement of the Runscribe wearable sensors
affecting, as previously discussed, the possible interpretation of the measured outcomes.
5. Conclusions
The previous works on running PW and the theoretical approaches provided for its estimation are,
from a practical standpoint, hard to include in the everyday routine of an athlete. This study provides a
critical evaluation of available scientific information regarding PW quantification in endurance running
as well as the different accessible devices for its estimation. The inexistence of studies attempting to
evaluate concurrent validity of PW estimation measured by wearable sensors when running (apart from
non-peer-reviewed manufacturer’s white papers), the limited available information about the dynamic
of PW during running and its short-term response to acute influencing factors (e.g., velocity, slope,
fatigue) and long-term training adaptations (i.e., PW as a tool for monitoring training adaptations) made
the analysis reported here especially difficult. However, it is arguable that the outcomes stated here are
tremendously useful as PW stabilises earlier than other variables commonly used (i.e., heart rate or
VO2). Furthermore, running power increases alongside velocity, resembling their linear relationship at
different submaximal speeds. Additionally, the reliability of commercially available wearables has
been assessed, finding Stryd to be the most reliable and accurate wearable device for running PW
estimation. Ultimately, given their novelty and potential application, the analysis of PW while running
and its estimation by wearable devices needs more attention from a research perspective in order to
provide practitioners a reliable, valid, and friendly tool to improve both training and performance
quality in running.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.J.-C., A.C.-L. and F.G.-P.; Methodology, D.J.-C., L.E.R.-S. and F.G.-P.;
Software, A.C.-L. and L.E.R.-S.; Validation, R.R.-C., A.C.-L; Formal Analysis, D.J.-C., L.ER.-S. and F.G.-P;
Investigation, A.C.-L., R.R.-C.; Resources, D.J.-C., L.E.R.-S and A.C.-L.; Data Curation, F.G.-P., D.J.-C., L.E.R.-S.
and R.R.-C.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, D.J.-C., A.C.-L. and F.G.-P.; Writing-Review & Editing, D.J.-C.
and F.G.-P.; Visualization, A.C.-L.; Supervision, L.E.R.-S., F.G.-P. and R.R.-C.; Project Administration, L.E.R.-S.
and A.C.-L.; Funding Acquisition, D.J.-C. and A.C.-L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors declare no funding has been received for this research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Mechanical Power in Endurance Running: A Scoping Review on Sensors for Power Output Estimation during Running. | 11-13-2020 | Jaén-Carrillo, Diego,Roche-Seruendo, Luis E,Cartón-Llorente, Antonio,Ramírez-Campillo, Rodrigo,García-Pinillos, Felipe | eng |
PMC8871887 |
Citation: Fernández-Galván, L.M.;
Prieto-González, P.; Sánchez-Infante,
J.; Jiménez-Reyes, P.; Casado, A. The
Post-Activation Potentiation Effects
on Sprinting Abilities in Junior
Tennis Players. Int. J. Environ. Res.
Public Health 2022, 19, 2080. https://
Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou
Received: 28 December 2021
Accepted: 8 February 2022
Published: 13 February 2022
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
The Post-Activation Potentiation Effects on Sprinting Abilities
in Junior Tennis Players
Luis Miguel Fernández-Galván 1
, Pablo Prieto-González 2,*
, Jorge Sánchez-Infante 3
, Pedro Jiménez-Reyes 4
and Arturo Casado 4
Department of Physical Education, Sport, and Human Movement, Autonomous University of Madrid,
28049 Madrid, Spain; [email protected]
Health and Physical Education Department, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia
Performance and Sport Rehabilitation Laboratory, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Castilla-La Mancha,
45071 Toledo, Spain;[email protected]
Center for Sport Studies, Rey Juan Carlos University, 28032 Madrid, Spain; [email protected] (P.J.-R.);
[email protected] (A.C.)
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +966-114-948-661; Fax: +966-114-548-317
Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to compare the acute effects of a full squat (SQ) or hip thrust
(HT) with two different loading intensities (60% and 85% 1 RM) on sprint ability in junior male tennis
players. Methods: Nineteen tennis players were included in this research. They underwent four
different experimental conditions: HT at 60% 1 RM, HT at 85% 1 RM, SQ at 60% 1 RM, or SQ at 85%.
The force–velocity (F–V) profile was used to assess tennis players’ sprint acceleration ability before
and after applying the conditioning stimulus. The variables registered were as follows: 5 m test
(5 m), 10 m test (10 m), maximum theoretical force (F0), maximum power (Pmax), and the maximal
ratio of horizontal-to-resultant force (RFpeak). Results: Significant improvements in 5 m, Pmax, and
RFpeak were observed when the conditioning stimulus was performing one set of seven reps of HT at
60% 1 RM. When the activation protocol was one set of seven reps of SQ at 60% 1 RM, significant
improvements in 5 m, 10 m, F0, Pmax (N), and RFpeak were detected. Additionally, performing one
set of three reps of SQ at 85% 1 RM as an activation protocol provided significant improvements
in F0. Conclusion: The use of HT and SQ with a load of 60% 1 RM improved the sprint F–V profile
components related to the acceleration phase of the sprint in junior tennis players. Using intensity
loads of 85% 1 RM is not adequate to increase acute sprint performance in this population. HT
presents a higher transferability to sprinting in the first 5 m of sprinting, whereas SQ provides acute
improvements in different sprinting phases.
Keywords: post-activation potentiation; tennis; sprinting; acute performance; force-velocity profile
1. Introduction
Tennis is a complex racquet sport played by two opposing players or pairs that
perform intermittent efforts. In tennis, players compete against one opponent in singles
or two opponents in doubles who condition the motor actions of each player [1]. Tennis
has significantly evolved during the last decades [2,3]. In addition to the well-known
technical and tactical requirements, physical fitness is now also a relevant performance
factor [3]. During the effective playing time, among all the technical skills and movements
performed by the tennis players, serving, accelerations, and changes of directions are the
key performance actions. Therefore, performance in this sport is largely conditioned by
power, agility, and speed abilities [2–5].
In youth tennis, the internal and external loads slightly differ with respect to elite
tennis [6]. Even so, it has been determined that explosive and ballistic actions are also key
performance aspects in youth tennis [7]. Thus, junior tennis players, coaches, and physical
trainers should aim to improve strength, power, and sprinting abilities. Additionally, as
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young athletes acquire a higher level of sports maturity, physical fitness training becomes
increasingly relevant [8].
In this regard, one of the strategies currently implemented to attain acute increases in
athletes’ functional performance in explosive and ballistic exercise is post-activation poten-
tiation (PAP). PAP has been defined by Tillin and Bishop as the situation in which muscle
performance is acutely improved as a result of a prior voluntary contraction [9]. Similarly,
Goła´s et al. define PAP as an acute enhancement of performance or an enhancement of
factors determining an explosive sports activity following a preload stimulus [10]. PAP
enhances sports performance through the following mechanisms: (a) increased number
of active motor units (motor unit recruitment), enhanced motor unit synchronization, de-
creased presynaptic inhibition, and increased number of nerve impulses transmitted [9,11];
(b) modifications in pennation angle; and (c) phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light
chains [9,11]. After receiving the appropriate conditioning stimulus, performance opti-
mization depends on the balance between fatigue and potentiation [12]. PAP depends
on athletes’ training level, muscle fiber type, muscle contraction type and duration, and
stimulus volume and intensity [13]. Thus, it has been verified that well-trained athletes
respond better to PAP than recreational athletes. Subjects with a higher percentage of type
II muscle fibers also obtain better PAP responses. Likewise, voluntary contractions provide
better responses than electrostimulation. Additionally, it must be taken into account that
there is a consistent and significant inter-individual variability in the responses obtained
by the athletes after the implementation of PAP strategies. For this reason, it is not possible
to establish the optimal PAP conditioning protocol for each group of athletes [10,14].
Moreover, substantial differences have been observed in the PAP interventions imple-
mented in different studies. This great variability could explain the discrepancies observed
in the degree of improvement attained by the athletes. In this respect, conflicting results
have been found, including improvements in some studies and no effects or decreases in
sports performance in other research [13]. Consequently, further research is required to
determine which is the optimal PAP protocol for different groups of athletes and different
sports disciplines because each type of exercise induces different effects, and the stimuli
applied to young athletes differ from those of professional athletes [13,14].
As a result, it is necessary to clarify the effect of certain aspects that still remain
unclear, such as the appropriate conditioning activity intensity, the number of sets to be
performed, type of exercise used, and rest period between the conditioning stimulus and
the activity [15,16]. The adequate dosage of these parameters has not been standardized
in previous research [9]. In this regard, Seitz and Haff indicate that stronger athletes
show greater PAP responses with shorter rest periods between the PAP stimulus and
the activity, whereas weaker athletes would need a longer rest. They also stated that
maximum loads induce better PAP responses in stronger athletes and submaximal loads in
weaker athletes [13]. Weaker individuals obtain better PAP effects with multiple sets [13,17].
However, this could increase fatigue [10]. As for the type of exercise included in the
conditioning activities, the squat (SQ) is commonly used to improve jumping ability since
athletes have to apply strength in the vertical vector [13,17]. The SQ also has a greater
range of motion than the hip thrust (HT), which can result in greater muscle tension [18].
However, in the case of running, the hip thrust (HT) exercise (which involves greater
activation of the hip extensor muscles) has higher specificity and transferability to activities
that require applying strength on a horizontal vector, such as sprinting [19–21]. In tennis,
to our knowledge, only one recent study conducted by Terraza-Rebollo and Baiget has
analyzed the effects of PAP [22]. This study verified that a PAP intervention did not
affect serve velocity and accuracy in young competition tennis players. Likewise, no
studies analyzing the influence of PAP on sprint performance in tennis players have been
conducted. This ability, as previously mentioned, is a key performance factor in tennis.
Additionally, since stronger athletes obtained greater PAP effects than weaker subjects in
previous studies, it is necessary to find suitable protocols for the weaker athletes to attain
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acute performance improvements. Therefore, further research is warranted to verify the
effects of PAP on key performance skills and abilities in tennis.
Moreover, it is essential to use quality assessment instruments to assess the improve-
ments obtained in sprinting. For this purpose, the force–velocity (F–V) profile provides
valuable information about the relationship between the force applied by one athlete and
the speed at which his or her neuromuscular system generates it in ballistic or explosive
movements (i.e., sprinting and running) performed with his or her lower limbs [23,24]. The
F–V is calculated by a linear regression over a distance of 30 m [25], and it has proven to be
reliable in youth athletes [26]. The profile is composed of different variables, some of them
related to the sprint acceleration ability, such as maximum theoretical force (F0), maximum
power (Pmax), and the maximal ratio of horizontal-to-resultant force (RFpeak) [23,27].
In this context, the objective of the present study was to compare the acute effects of
performing a full SQ and HT using two different loads (60% and 85% 1 RM) on sprinting
ability in 19 junior male tennis players. The F–V was used to estimate the potential
improvements obtained through the PAP. We hypothesized that both SQ and HT would
effectively improve the sprint F–V profile and that more significant improvements would
be obtained with loads of 60% 1 RM rather than 85% 1 RM.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
Nineteen male tennis players of Benicarló Tennis Club (Castellón, Spain), with a
minimum of three years of tennis training experience (4.47 ± 1.54) but without resistance
training experience participated in the present study. Subjects´ characteristics are shown
in Table 1. All study participants underwent an annual medical examination in the health
services of the Valencian Tennis Federation, and none of them presented any injury or
health condition that could prevent them from participating in this research. Study par-
ticipants and their parents or guardians received detailed verbal and written information
about the experimental protocol and the potential risks and benefits of participating in
it. They were also allowed to withdraw from the study at any stage without penalty. All
participants´ parents or guardians gave their written informed consent to be included
in this research. The present study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of
Helsinki Ethical Principles. It was also approved by the Institutional Review Board of the
Bio-ethics Committee at Prince Sultan University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) (ethical clearance
number: PSU IRB-2021-02-0070).
Table 1. Participants descriptive information.
Experimental Group (n = 19)
Age (years)
15.61 (1.35)
Height (cm)
173.89 (8.24)
Weight (kg)
68.31 (13.34)
Tennis training experience (years)
4.47 (1.54)
Note: Data is presented as mean (standard deviation).
2.2. Procedures
Before proceeding with data collection, anthropometric variables were recorded in the
laboratory. Height and body mass were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm and 0.1 kg, respec-
tively. Both height and body mass were measured with a digital measuring station—Seca
284, Hamburg (Germany). The experimental sessions were carried out always at the same
time of the day (between 4.00 and 6.00 p.m.) to avoid the possible effect of circadian rhythm,
and also because the participants´ training sessions were usually conducted at that time.
The sessions were separated by a minimum of 72 h of rest time to avoid the impact of
fatigue on speed test results. The tests were preceded by a 20 min warm-up consisting of
seven minutes of jogging at a self-selected pace, eight minutes of dynamic stretching, and
five minutes of progressive sprint bouts, with and without change of direction (60%, 70%,
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 2080
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and 85% of perceived maximum). The participants performed maximal-effort 30 m linear
sprints on a synthetic outdoor track. A smartphone application (My Sprint, Apple Inc.,
Cupertino, CA, USA) was used to record and analyze the trials’ split times (5, 10, 15, 20,
25, and 30 m). The recording was conducted with an iPhone 7 (iOS 10.0.2), mounted on
a tripod, and located 10 m perpendicular to the sprint direction, just in front of the 15 m
marker. The system is based on high-speed video analysis (240 frames per second), and it
has proven to be valid and reliable to assess linear sprint performance in relation to two
different reference systems: timing photocells and radar gun [25]. Subjects started from a
crouching position (staggered-stance) with their right hand on the track. The beginning of
the sprint was set when the right thumb of the athlete left the ground (this was detected
by visual inspection with MySprint). Two independent observers were asked to select
the first frame in which participants’ right thumb left the ground (i.e., the start of the
sprint) and, subsequently, the frame in which the pelvis was aligned with each of the three
different markers for each of the recorded sprints [23]. Split times, participants’ body mass,
and height were used by the MySprint app to calculate F0, Pmax, and RFpeak following
previously validated formulas [23–25].
2.3. Familiarization and Maximal Dynamic Strength Test
During the four weeks prior to the study commencement, 12 familiarization sessions
were carried out to ensure the proper technique in the full SQ and HT exercises. These
familiarization sessions consisted of four sets of seven, five, and three repetitions with loads
of 60%, 70%, and 85% 1 RM, respectively, for the full SQ and HT exercises. The encoder
Speed4Lifts (v2.0., Speed4Lifts, Madrid, Spain) was used to calculate the peak dynamic
force, which uses the load–velocity relationship evaluation method, which involves measur-
ing concentric velocity with two different weight loads, and then, through linear regression
equations, it predicts the load (1 RM percentage) from velocity data [28,29]. All reported
repetition velocities in this study correspond to the mean propulsive velocity (MPV) of
the concentric phase [29]. The MPV was used in the present study for the following two
reasons: (i) it has been proven to have a very high intra-and inter-participant reliability,
similar to mean and peak velocity [30]; (ii) regarding the mean values of the propulsive
phase (i.e., MPV), when assessing the velocity with which a load is lifted in a concentric
action, it avoids underestimating individuals´ neuromuscular ability, especially when
lifting light and medium loads [31].
2.4. Full Squat and Hip Thrust
The full SQ was performed starting from the upright position with the knees and hips
fully extended. Each participant descended in a continuous movement until his upper
thighs were below the horizontal plane and then immediately ascended back to the upright
position. Participants were always required to execute the concentric phase of full SQ
at maximal velocity. An SQ rack Fitness Line (Collado-Villalba, Spain) and a standard
Olympic bar and weight plates (Eleiko, Halmstad, Sweden) were used for all sessions. To
perform the HT, subjects were instructed to start by sitting on the ground with their legs
flat on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, and their upper back against a padded exercise
bench. Using the same Olympic bar and disks utilized in the previous exercise, the bar
was covered with a pad for comfort, and it was placed above the participants´ lower legs,
slightly below their knees [32]. Once the subjects positioned the barbell above their pelvis,
they assumed the starting position of the exercise by bringing their heels toward the bench
and bending their knees. Then, subjects lifted their hips until their knee joints formed a 90◦
angle with their tibias.
2.5. Methodology
The activities carried out during the intervention process are shown in Figure 1. In
session 1, the 1 RM full SQ test was performed, and one week later, in session 2, the
1 RM HT test was conducted. A random selection of the participants was used. Thus,
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subjects were assigned to four groups, so that on each day, one group performed one type
of exercise with a different load to avoid the learning effect, which could represent a threat
to internal validity. All tests were performed at an outdoor facility maintained at standard
environmental conditions. To simulate an “active” athletic setting, instead of seating during
the rest period, the tennis players were instructed to perform an active recovery with short
displacements in different directions at low intensity. Thirty seconds before testing, athletes
were notified to be prepared. Session 3 began with the warm-up explained in Section 2.2.
Subsequently, the 30 m sprint test was performed. Then, study participants rested for four
minutes and performed three repetitions at 85% 1 RM of a full SQ, and after resting for
four minutes, they performed the 30 m sprint test again. The session structure used in
session 3 was applied in sessions 4, 5, and 6, but using a different conditioning stimulus.
Thus, session 4 began 72 h later than session 3, and the activation protocol consisted of
performing one set of seven repetitions of a full SQ at 60% of 1 RM. Session 5 started 96 h
later, and the conditioning stimulus was one set of three repetitions of an HT at 85% of
1 RM. Finally, session 6 was performed 72 h later, and the activation protocol was one set of
seven repetitions of an HT at 60% 1 RM. Moreover, the MySprint application was used to
measure the F–V profile when the 30 m tests were performed.
The activities carried out during the intervention process are shown in Figure 1. In
session 1, the 1 RM full SQ test was performed, and one week later, in session 2, the 1 RM
HT test was conducted. A random selection of the participants was used. Thus, subjects
were assigned to four groups, so that on each day, one group performed one type of ex-
ercise with a different load to avoid the learning effect, which could represent a threat to
internal validity. All tests were performed at an outdoor facility maintained at standard
environmental conditions. To simulate an “active” athletic setting, instead of seating dur-
ing the rest period, the tennis players were instructed to perform an active recovery with
short displacements in different directions at low intensity. Thirty seconds before testing,
athletes were notified to be prepared. Session 3 began with the warm-up explained in
Section 2.2. Subsequently, the 30 m sprint test was performed. Then, study participants
rested for four minutes and performed three repetitions at 85% 1 RM of a full SQ, and after
resting for four minutes, they performed the 30 m sprint test again. The session structure
used in session 3 was applied in sessions 4, 5, and 6, but using a different conditioning
stimulus. Thus, session 4 began 72 h later than session 3, and the activation protocol con-
sisted of performing one set of seven repetitions of a full SQ at 60% of 1 RM. Session 5
started 96 h later, and the conditioning stimulus was one set of three repetitions of an HT
at 85% of 1 RM. Finally, session 6 was performed 72 h later, and the activation protocol
was one set of seven repetitions of an HT at 60% 1 RM. Moreover, the MySprint applica-
tion was used to measure the F–V profile when the 30 m tests were performed.
Figure 1. Description of the intervention process and the activities performed in each session.
2.6. Statistical Analysis
Data are presented using the format of the mean SD (standard deviation). The
Shapiro–Wilk test was used to contrast the normality of the variables. To determine the
consistency between the measurements made in the pre- and post-test, the interclass cor-
relation coefficient (ICC) was calculated for all the assessed parameters. ICC values were
interpreted as follows: ICC ≤ 0.49, poor; ≥ 0.50 ICC < 0.75, moderate; ≥0.75 ICC < 0.9, good;
ICC ≥ 0.9, excellent (Koo and Li, 2016). To verify whether there were differences between
groups in the baseline, a one-way ANOVA test was conducted. Furthermore, to assess the
effects of PAP on the three different conditions (time: pre- vs. post-test; load: 85% vs. 60%;
and exercise: HT vs. SQ), a factorial repeated measures ANOVA (2 × 2 × 2) was conducted.
When statistically significant p values were found (interaction effects or significant main
effects), a post hoc pairwise comparison was conducted with Sidak correction to identify
those differences. The effect size was calculated using the partial eta squared (η2p). Values
of η2p = 0.01, η2p = 0.06, and η2p = 0.14 were considered as small, medium, and large effect
sizes, respectively [33]. The level of significance established was p = 0.05. The statistical
Figure 1. Description of the intervention process and the activities performed in each session.
2.6. Statistical Analysis
Data are presented using the format of the mean SD (standard deviation). The Shapiro–
Wilk test was used to contrast the normality of the variables. To determine the consistency
between the measurements made in the pre- and post-test, the interclass correlation coeffi-
cient (ICC) was calculated for all the assessed parameters. ICC values were interpreted as
follows: ICC ≤ 0.49, poor; ≥ 0.50 ICC < 0.75, moderate; ≥0.75 ICC < 0.9, good; ICC ≥ 0.9,
excellent (Koo and Li, 2016). To verify whether there were differences between groups in
the baseline, a one-way ANOVA test was conducted. Furthermore, to assess the effects
of PAP on the three different conditions (time: pre- vs. post-test; load: 85% vs. 60%; and
exercise: HT vs. SQ), a factorial repeated measures ANOVA (2 × 2 × 2) was conducted.
When statistically significant p values were found (interaction effects or significant main
effects), a post hoc pairwise comparison was conducted with Sidak correction to identify
those differences. The effect size was calculated using the partial eta squared (η2p). Values
of η2p = 0.01, η2p = 0.06, and η2p = 0.14 were considered as small, medium, and large effect
sizes, respectively [33]. The level of significance established was p = 0.05. The statistical
analysis of the data was performed using the program IBM SPSS V.26® computing (IBM
Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).
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3. Results
The results obtained by the subjects in the 1 RM tests are shown in Table 2, and the
assessed F–V variables are presented in Table 3. The ICC values between test and retest
were higher in all cases than 0.9, which reflects excellent reliability. In addition, the one-
way ANOVA confirmed the absence of significant differences between the four different
measurements conducted at the baseline.
Table 2. Results obtained by the study participants in the 1 RM tests.
1 RM Test Result (kg)
Hip thrust
53.11 (15.71)
66.89 (17.16)
Table 3. Results obtained by the study participants in the force–velocity variables assessed before
(pre-) and after (post-) applying the post-activation potentiation.
Results Obtained before Applying the Post-Activation Potentiation
5 m
10 m
30 m
F0 (N)
Pmax (N)
1.62 (0.11)
2.4 3(0.15)
5.45 (0.39)
429.90 (128.82)
791.20 (274.11)
44.50 (4.13)
Pre-PAP-60%1 RM-HIP
1.60 (0.12)
2.41 (0.14)
5.40 (0.37)
441.90 (114.83)
818.20 (245.02)
45.23 (3.90)
1.55 (0.12)
2.33 (0.16)
5.23 (0.41)
467.66 (120.11)
895.69 (268.72)
47.16 (4.33)
1.60 (0.17)
2.42 (0.20)
5.42 (0.44)
430.47 (132.40)
797.86 (288.61
45.14 (5.65)
Results obtained after applying the post-activation potentiation
5 m
10 m
30 m
F 0(N)
Pmax (N)
Post-PAP-85%1 RM-HIP
1.59 (0.11)
2.40 (0.16)
5.42 (0.39)
448.90 (128.36)
824.79 (276.91)
45.44 (4.08)
Post-PAP-60%1 RM-HIP
1.55 (0.11) *
2.36 (0.17)
5.38 (0.45)
475.95 (124.44)
873.73 (285.38) *
46.97 (4.28) *
Post-PAP-85%1 RM-SQUAT
1.55 (0.12)
2.32 (0.15)
5.26 (0.39)
479.18 (127.05) *
904.35 (274.73)
47.53 (4.38)
Post-PAP-60%1 RM-SQUAT
1.55 (0.15) *
2.35 (0.20) *
5.32 (0.45) *
473.17 (147.74)
885.14 (329.37) *
46.94 (5.37) *
5 m: 5 m split sprint time; 10 m: 10 m split sprint time; 30 m: 30 m split sprint time; F0(N): maximal theoretical
velocity; Pmax (N): maximal power; RFPeak (%): maximal ratio of horizontal-to-resultant force; PAP: post-activation
potentiation; 1 RM: 1 maximum repetition; *: significant effect found (p < 0.05).
The 2 × 2 × 2 ANOVA confirmed the absence of interaction effects for all the assessed
variables. However, a main effect of time was found for the following parameters: 5 m
(F1–18 = 7.35; p = 0.014; 268 η2p = 0.290), 10 m (F1–18 = 8.62; p = 0.009; η2p = 0.324), Pmax
(F1–18 = 7.22; p = 0.015; η2p = 0.286), and RFpeak (F1–18 = 8.36; p = 0.010; η2p = 0.317). A
main effect of exercise was also found for F0 (N) (F1–18 = 7.71; p = 0.035; η2p = 0.223). The
results of the pairwise comparisons are shown below:
3.1. 5 m
Significant differences were observed after applying the PAP load of seven reps at 60%
1 RM in HP (p = 0.018; 95%CI = 0.010 to 0.090), and in SQ (p = 0.006; 95%CI = 0.015 to 0.78).
3.2. 10 m
A significant difference was found in the SQ (p = 0.003; 95%CI = 0.023 to 0.101) after
applying the PAP load of seven reps at 60% 1 RM.
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3.3. F0 (N)
A significant difference was observed between the HT and SQ in favor of the latter
condition (p = 0.024; 95%CI = −0.415 to −0.033) after applying the PAP load of three
repetitions at 85% 1 RM.
3.4. Pmax (Wkg-1)
Significant differences in the HT (p = 0.013; 95%CI = −98.05 to −13.01) and in SQ
(p = 0.037; 95%CI = −205.92 to −7.06) were found after applying the PAP load of seven
reps at 60% 1 RM.
3.5. RFpeak
Significant differences were observed in HP (p = 0.016; 95%CI = −3.10 to −0.36), and
in SQ (p = 0.007; 95%CI = −3.04 to −0.54) after applying the PAP load of seven reps at 60%
1 RM.
4. Discussion
The main finding of the present study was that the PAP protocol applied was effective
in improving the 5 m time with 60% 1 RM using both an HT and SQ with an ES of 0.43 and
0.31, respectively. The PAP was also effective in improving 10 m times when the SQ was
applied with a load of 60% 1 RM (ES = 0.34), confirming our hypothesis that moderate loads
are sufficient to produce performance improvements in young athletes without previous
strength training experience.
PAP has proven to be an effective warm-up to enhance maximal strength and speed of
strength development [9,34]. In the present study, significant differences with a small effect
size were found when the study participants performed the PAP with loads of 60% 1 RM
using both the HT and SQ. These findings indicate that moderate loads may suffice in this
population to enhance motor unit recruitment and synchronization, which are the main
mechanisms associated with improved performance when applying PAP protocols [9]. The
mentioned results were somewhat expected. Indeed, in previous studies, light stimuli ap-
plied to young athletes with little or no strength training experience significantly enhanced
sprint performance by eliciting lower fatigue [13]. In this regard, a recent meta-analysis
that included 32 primary studies showed greater effects (ES = 1.06) with moderate loads
(60 to 84% 1 RM) than with high loads (ES = 0.31) (>85% 1 RM) [35] in 141 subjects aged
20 ± 5 years [20]. Likewise, it was observed that an HT is effective in 5 m, but its effect
declines in 10 m. We consider that the HT is more effective in improving sprinting ability
over shorter distances due to the nature of this exercise because, because unlike SQ, it
mainly activates the hip extensor muscles [20]. Some authors also attributed the effective-
ness of an HT in the first sprinting meters to the application of strength in the horizontal
vector [20,21]. However, Fitzpatrick et al. state that this theory is flawed [36]. They argue
that, according to the principle of dynamic correspondence, the forces applied by an athlete
must be considered in relation to the coordinate system set by the athlete. While it is true
that during accelerations, athletes apply force basically in the horizontal plane, that is
because their bodies lean forward, meaning that the direction of the force applied both
in accelerations and high-speed running is basically the same [36]. By contrast, SQ was
effective both in 5 m, 10 m, and 30 m. In this case, the improvement could be attributed
to the enhanced intramuscular coordination by increasing eccentric strength in extensor
muscles, which results in a decreased ground contact time and consequently improves
their stride frequency (i.e., V0) [19]. Based on the results, we interpret that SQ presents
great levels of transferability to all sprinting phases.
The study results revealed the absence of significant differences in sprinting perfor-
mance after applying the PAP using both the HT and SQ with a load of 85% 1 RM. One
possible explanation is that the accumulated fatigue could have overridden the PAP ef-
fect [9]. It is plausible that applying heavy loads to subjects without previous strength
training experience produces a degree of fatigue that prevents them from optimizing sprint
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 2080
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performance. However, it must be taken into account that fatigue can result from using
high-intensity conditioning stimuli but could also be due to factors such as excessive vol-
ume, short recovery, strenuous warm-up, or personal characteristics of each subject. In
this regard, it should be noted that greater benefits have been observed after applying PAP
protocols in trained subjects [13,35,37]. Another possible explanation of these results could
be that the age of the subjects (15.61 ± 1.35) coincides with the mid-PHV (peak height
velocity) [37]. At this stage, the natural growth of the adolescents can lead to poorer training
results due to the temporary disruption in basic motor skills caused by the accelerated
growth of long bones [38]. This stage is known as adolescent awkwardness [39] and impacts
neuromuscular function and physical performance [38].
In the present study, the deep SQ was performed as it generates greater motor unit
activation and synchronization [13]. In this regard, the study results also show that the
subjects improved the F0 and Pmax variables, which coincides with other studies where a
deep SQ was also performed [14,17]. However, Seitz [13] obtained greater performance
improvements using a half SQ (ES = 0.58) than full SQ (ES = 0.25). This discrepancy suggests
that a deep SQ produces higher levels of acute fatigue [19] and therefore PAP become less
effective. Even so, certain discrepancies have been found in this regard in the scientific
literature since some authors did not observe significant differences in sprint performance
after using either a half SQ or full SQ [20–22]. Therefore, it is not possible to determine
the effect of PAP by performing a half SQ instead of full SQ. In this sense, it should be
noted that the acute performance improvements that can be obtained depending on SQ
depth vary according to the athlete’s level. Stronger subjects perform better with shallow
SQs, whereas subjects with lower strength levels obtain greater improvements with deep
SQs [3]. For this reason, the full SQ exercise was selected in the training protocol of the
current research.
As for the F–V profile components, a significant increase in F0 after performing a SQ
with a load of 85% was observed. Additionally, the Pmax and RFpeak were also significantly
increased after performing a SQ and HT with a load of 60% 1 RM. Improving the last
two variables is crucial, since acceleration in short distances is a key performance factor
in tennis. These results again suggest that both HT and SQ are effective in improving
various F–V profile components, and the most appropriate intensity for both exercises is
60%, rather than 85%. Therefore, this reinforces the idea that in youth athletes without
previous strength training experience, moderate loads should be used in the PAP protocols.
Importantly, Seitz et al. [13] verified that resting time duration used after the condition-
ing activity should be set depending on the subject’s maximal strength. Thus, the PAP effect
is greater in stronger subjects when short recovery times are used (i.e., 2–3 min), whereas
longer rest intervals produce greater improvements in individuals with lower strength
levels. This is because of the ratio of type II muscle fibers [40,41], which in turn is associated
with a higher myosin light chain phosphorylation and represents the peripheral factor on
which the PAP effects are based [42]. In our study, the resting time was four minutes. This
selection is justified based on the results of previous studies [43–45]. However, it cannot
be ruled out that a more extended recovery period could have produced lower fatigue to
study participants, and consequently, they could have obtained better results. In this sense,
Wilson et al. [35], after conducting a meta-analysis, verified that long rest periods (i.e., 7 to
10 m) could be more effective than short periods (3 to 7 min) (ES = 0.54 vs. 0.14).
Finally, only one set of HTs or SQs was undertaken in the conditioning protocol.
However, some studies found greater effects of PAP when more than one set was performed
(ES = 0.69 vs. ES = 0.24) [13,35,37], particularly in stronger athletes. Therefore, it is also
possible that further PAP enhancements could have been attained if more than one set had
been performed. However, it should also be considered that the study participants had no
previous strength training experience. That means that performing more sets could have
caused them great fatigue, as Wilson et al. state [35].
This study has some limitations that must be mentioned. The muscle activity was
not measured. Thus, the results and conclusions are exclusively based on the PAP effects.
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Moreover, we must consider that, since the study participants knew the study’s objective,
the occurrence of a placebo effect cannot be excluded. Future research should include
control groups and verify the effect of performing full vs. half SQs and the results of using
a different number of sets and different rest periods between the conditioning activity and
the task.
5. Conclusions
The PAP protocols applied to junior tennis players without previous strength training
experience effectively improved the F–V profile when the loading intensity used in the
conditioning activity was 60% 1 RM and the exercises performed were either an HT or SQ.
However, 85% 1 RM loads were not adequate to increase acute sprinting performance in
this population group. In addition, HT presented a higher level of transferability in the first
5 m of sprinting, whereas SQ provided acute improvements in different sprinting phases.
Practical Applications
Both the HT and the SQ are used in sports training to improve sprinting speed or
other sport skills and fitness components. The present study verified that both exercises
could be useful in PAP protocols aiming to enhance sprinting ability. Practitioners and
trainers can use them as a suitable PAP stimulus to induce acute effects on subsequent
ballistic or explosive activities. However, the greatest effect occurs when moderate loads
are applied in youth tennis players without previous strength training experience (60%
1 RM). Therefore, heavy loads may reduce their adaptative reserve prematurely and limit
future performance improvements.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.C., P.J.-R. and L.M.F.-G.; Methodology, A.C. and
L.M.F.-G.; Soft-ware, L.M.F.-G.; Validation, L.M.F.-G. and A.C.; Investigation, L.M.F.-G. and J.S.-I.;
Resources, L.M.F.-G.; Data Curation, L.M.F.-G. and P.P.-G.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation,
L.M.F.-G. and P.P.-G.; Writing—Review and Editing, J.S.-I.; Supervision, J.S.-I., P.J.-R. and A.C.; Fund-
ing Acquisition, P.P.-G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors would like to recognize the efforts made by Prince Sultan University (Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia), for its support in funding the research either with fees, incentives, or seed grants.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The present study was conducted according to the principles
set out in the Helsinki Declaration, and it was also approved by the Institutional Review Board of
the Bioethics Committee at Prince Sultan University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) (approval no. PSU
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| The Post-Activation Potentiation Effects on Sprinting Abilities in Junior Tennis Players. | 02-13-2022 | Fernández-Galván, Luis Miguel,Prieto-González, Pablo,Sánchez-Infante, Jorge,Jiménez-Reyes, Pedro,Casado, Arturo | eng |
PMC9377456 | TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 01 August 2022
DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2022.966578
Juel Jarani,
Sports University of Tirana, Albania
Mücahit Fi¸sne,
Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Turkey
Ugur Ödek,
Nev¸sehir Haci Bekta¸s Veli
University, Turkey
Marko Joksimovi´c
[email protected]
This article was submitted to
Aging and Public Health,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Public Health
RECEIVED 11 June 2022
ACCEPTED 11 July 2022
PUBLISHED 01 August 2022
Goranovi´c K, Hadži´c R, Petkovi´c J and
Joksimovi´c M (2022) Exploring trends
of running performance during
matches of professional soccer players
in Montenegro: A longitudinal study.
Front. Public Health 10:966578.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.966578
© 2022 Goranovi´c, Hadži´c, Petkovi´c
and Joksimovi´c. This is an
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does not comply with these terms.
Exploring trends of running
performance during matches of
professional soccer players in
Montenegro: A longitudinal
Kosta Goranovi´c1, Rašid Hadži´c1, Jovica Petkovi´c1 and
Marko Joksimovi´c1,2*
1Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of
Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro, 2Institute of Sports and Sports Medicine, Podgorica,
The practical value of monitoring is that well-chosen performance indicators
can help coaches identify the good and bad performance of individuals
or teams. External monitoring of matches is useful in establishing the
physiological requirements of the sport and assessing how a player compares
to the requirements of the event in this regard. This study aimed to analyze
the trend component of running performance during a game of professional
soccer in Montenegro. The research included a sample of 82 professional
soccer players. The first subsample included 44 professional soccer players
of the club Budu´cnost from Podgorica, height 185.89 ± 6.29 cm, mass
81.06 ± 5.47 kg, BMI 23.47 ± 0.96 kg/m², age 28.86 ± 3.85 yrs. The second
subsample included 38 professional soccer players from the Sutjeska club from
Nikši´c, height 181.88 ± 6.35 cm, mass 77.28 ± 6.78 kg, BMI 23.32 ± 1.08 kg/m²,
age 29.43 ± 5.68 yrs. The InStat kinematic system captured the outfield players
by using six cameras placed around the perimeter of the field at the minimal
height of 12 m. The frame frequency was 25 frames per second; data were
centralized for further analysis. Statistically significant diferences were noted
only in the variable sprint distance in the 2017 season. The results of the current
research indicate that the soccer players who compete in Montenegro are
below the values achieved by those who compete in Europe.
performance analysis, external monitoring, time-motion analysis, high intensity
running, soccer
Soccer is one of the most complex sports in the world; players need technical, tactical,
and physical skills to achieve successful performance and eventually win a game. The
cooperative relationships between players who play different positions are critical to a
team’s success. For instance, the main role of midfielders is to organize the offense with
proper ball control and passes, while the main duties of defenders are to win aerial duels
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Goranovi´c et al.
and tackles or to perform interceptions of the balls passed
to attackers. Understanding these position-specific demands is
crucial in the evaluation of players’ achievements (1). Modern
soccer requires a high level of endurance, speed, strength, and
coordination (2). Therefore, players must have well-developed
physical fitness. Given that the energy used by soccer players is
mainly produced by aerobic metabolism (3, 4), it is essential that
players have well-developed aerobic fitness.
Running in-game performance is a set of variables used in
soccer performance analysis and is defined “as the choice and
combination of variables that define an aspect of performance
and help achieve sporting success” (5), in which the player’s
duties are passing, shooting, throwing the ball, dribbling, etc.
Currently, several video-based platforms are available to track
player performance indicators; some of the most commonly
used platforms are InStat, Optasport, and Wyscout. Such
platforms quickly and accurately provide a wide range of data
on game performance indicators, enabling simultaneous analysis
of physical effort, movement patterns, and technical actions of
players, with and without the ball (6).
Various studies have examined these characteristics and
requirements within a soccer team (7). Yi et al. (8) explored
the technical requirements of different playing positions for
play in the UEFA Champions League. In contrast, Modri´c
et al. (6) identified running performance specific to each
playing position in professional soccer players. Dellal et al. (9)
identified positional requirements from technical and physical
aspects in the French premier league. All studies indicated high
applicability of running performance in evaluating team-specific
achievements and team position. It is known that running
performance during the game is an essential determinant
of success in professional soccer, which has been studied
repeatedly, although some studies have been done with different
aims (10–12). However, due to its importance, more research
is required in different countries according to different levels
of players and leagues. This is the first study to monitor
the performance of running during the game in the first
Telekom Montenegrin league. In this study, we hypothesized
that examining the differences in the variables mentioned in
different matches could provide a useful, practical report to
coaches and trainers in Montenegro. Therefore, this study aimed
to explore trends of running performance during the match in
professional soccer players in Montenegro in three competitive
matches of different seasons.
Materials and methods
The research included a sample of 82 professional soccer
players. The first subsample included 44 professional soccer
players of the soccer club Budu´cnost from Podgorica, height
185.89 ± 6.29 cm, mass 81.06 ± 5.47 kg, BMI 23.47 ± 0.96
kg/m², age 28.86 ± 3.85 yrs. The second subsample included
38 professional soccer players from the Sutjeska soccer club
from Nikši´c, height 181.88 ± 6.35 cm, mass 77.28 ± 6.78 kg,
BMI 23.32 ± 1.08 kg/m², age 29.43 ± 5.68 yrs. All soccer
players compete in the first Telekom Montenegrin league,
the highest competitive rank in Montenegro. The study is
longitudinal in nature, and testing was done in three seasons:
2014/2015, 2016/2017, and 2019/2020, where derby matches
between Budu´cnost and Sutjeska were observed each season.
The criteria for inclusion were that the first team’s players
had been team members for at least 6 months, that all the
players went through the preparation period with the team,
were without injuries in the previous 6 months, and that they
played one half-season before testing. Exclusion criteria were
athletes in the recovery phase from some form of acute or
chronic injury and athletes who did not complete the entire
preparation period. All respondents were first informed about
the study and the purpose and goal of the research; the possible
consequences were explained to them. Also, the procedure and
the course of the testing itself were explained to the respondents.
Prior to the survey, each respondent signed a consent form to
participate. For this research, the consent and approval of the
head coach and the club president were obtained, and testing was
started. The research was in accordance with the Declaration of
Helsinki (13).
Study design
InStat Kinematic System—“Currently, various video-based
systems track performance indicators of soccer players (InStat,
Optasport, Wyscout). Such platforms quickly and accurately
provide a large range of match-related performance measures,
allowing the simultaneous analysis of the physical efforts,
movement patterns, and technical actions of players, both with
and without the ball” (6). “The match performance indicators
for each player were determined by the position-specific InStat
system. The InStat tracking system was previously employed
to analyze the association between running performance and
game performance indicators in professional soccer players” (6).
“The InStat kinematic system captured the outfield players using
six cameras placed around the perimeter of the field at the
minimal height of 12 m. The frame frequency was 25 frames
per second; data were centralized for further analysis. InStat
Autocrop allows filming matches without a cameraman. The
footage covered every player on the field. There is minimum
human involvement in the process; a person is only needed
to set up a panoramic camera at the required height, connect
it to a computer, and check the Internet connection before
the start of the match. An Autocrop camera is set at a height
of 8–10 meters and 23–24 meters away from the sideline. A
special algorithm allows the camera to cover the entire field. The
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program analyzes every frame and centers the image depending
on the players’ positions, without any sudden zooming. The
following parameters of running performance were selected
to estimate the match performance of players: total distance
covered per match and during each half (m), the average speed
per match and during each half (km/h), maximal speed (km/h);
the total distance covered at high-intensity (m) (speed range
19.8–25.2 km/h) per match and for each half, the total distance
covered sprinting (m) (speed above 25.2 km/h) per match and
for each half, and the number of sprints. The speed thresholds
for each category are similar to those reported previously” (6)
and have been universally accepted.
Statistical analysis
All data collected by the survey were processed using
descriptive and comparative statistics. Regarding descriptive
of variance with one-factor Anova and Post Hoc, which
determined the differences in running performance every
computers SPSS for Windows version 20.0 was used for
data processing.
TABLE 1 Descriptive data of performance running.
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
TD (m)
8.274 ± 3.87
8.041 ± 3.40
9.129 ± 2.46
9.441 ± 3.11
7.081 ± 3.12
7.019 ± 3.45
WD (m)
2.776 ± 1.23
2.899 ± 1.23
3.431 ± 0.85
3.194 ± 0.99
2.995 ± 1.04
2.498 ± 1.28
JD (m)
3.436 ± 1.67
3.175 ± 1.39
3.589 ± 1.15
3.841 ± 1.46
3.070 ± 1.37
2.795 ± 1.50
RD (m)
1.378 ± 0.71
1.281 ± 0.72
1.395 ± 0.53
1.552 ± 0.72
1.283 ± 0.63
1.155 ± 0.64
719 ± 0.44
583 ± 0.30
617 ± 0.28
794 ± 0.30
538 ± 0.23
461 ± 0.26
SD (m)
92.75 ± 93.2
437 ± 0.32†
119 ± 0.09
105 ± 72.1
347 ± 0.23‡
66 ± 0.05
†2017 vs. 2015, 2020; ‡2017 vs. 2015, 2020; TD, total distance; WD, walk distance; JD, jog distance; RD, run distance; HSRD, high speed runs distance; SD, sprint distance.
Trend in mean total distance by years.
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Trend in mean walk distance by years.
Table 1 shows the basic central and dispersion data on
running performance during in-game soccer players. Analyzing
the results in Table 1, it is evident that the players of both clubs
achieved identical results in running performance during the
game. Analyzing the derby match from 2020, it is evident that
the soccer players of Buducnost ran more (9,129 m) in relation
to the players of Sutjeska (7,019 m). Comparing the derbies from
2015 and 2017, it is clear that in the previous two derbies, the
players from Sutjeska ran a greater distance compared to the
derby from 2020, while the players from Buducnost ran the most
in the derby in 2020. Also, in the derby in 2017, the players of
both teams achieved a higher number of sprints compared to
the derbies in 2015 and 2020. Applying appropriate statistical
procedures, it was found that there are no statistically significant
differences in running performance.
Trends in running performance during the game by year are
shown in the figures (Figures 1–6). Figure 1 shows the trend of
the total length of running during the match. Unlike the soccer
players of Buducnost, the soccer players of Sutjeska have a sharp
drop in the total length of running in 2017.
Figure 2 shows the trend of walking in the game. The
analysis of the graph shows that the number of meters spent
walking during the game varies from year to year. The soccer
players of Sutjeska reduced the trend of walking, while the soccer
players of Buducnost increased the trend of walking during
the game. Unlike Figure 2, which shows a walk during the
game, Figure 3 shows the total jog distance of the course during
the game. Inspecting Figure 3 shows that the soccer players of
Buducnost have a continuous trend of jogging, while the soccer
players of Sutjeska have a trend of declining jogging in all 3 years.
Figure 4 shows the downward trend in the running among
Buducnost soccer players in all 3 years. The Sutjeska soccer
players have seen a downward trend in all 3 years.
Figure 5 shows the high-speed running distance for the
soccer players of Buducnost and Sutjeska. Looking at Figure 5,
it is evident that the players of both clubs have a downward
trend in the most important zone for success in top soccer
with one characteristic that the players of Buducnost have a
minimal increase in 2020 compared to 2017, while the players
of Sutjeska have a declining trend throughout the analyzed
period. In contrast, Figure 6, which provides an insight into
sprint distance, shows an increase in the number of sprints at
both clubs in 2017, where the players of the Buducnost made a
larger number of sprints, while in 2020 there is a decline and
return to identical values as in 2015.
The practical value of such analyses is that well-chosen
performance indicators can help coaches identify the good and
bad performance of individuals or teams. In this regard, match
analyses help identify the physiological requirements of the
sport and in examining how a particular player compares to
the requirements of their event. Understanding the physiological
load imposed on top players in accordance with their positional
role during competitive matches (activity profile, distance
traveled, intensity, energy systems, and muscles involved) is
necessary when developing a sport-specific training protocol.
Especially with elite athletes, the most important form of
training is the one that corresponds to the use of energy
and biomechanics of the planned competitive effect. Therefore,
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Trend in mean jog distance by years.
Trend in mean run distance by years.
match analyses are helpful for the development of a specific
training program that mimics the physiological conditions
imposed by the game. Elite sports performances in soccer are
a composite of the elite characteristics of physical performance,
which in turn depend on several physiological characteristics,
as well as on the training and health status of the individual
athlete (14).
The current study aimed to analyze trends of running
performance in professional soccer players in Montenegro in
three competitive matches of different seasons. During the
game, soccer players perform different types of movement,
ranging from resting to running at maximum speed, the
intensity of which can change at any time. The distance covered
during the match with elite soccer players is in the range
of 10,000–12,000 m (15). The results of this study indicate
that the trend component for the variable total distance
is on an upward trajectory for Buducnost soccer players,
ranging from 8,274 m in 2015 to 9,129 m in 2020, while for
Sutjeska soccer players, there is a declining trend component
of 9,441 m in 2015 to 7,019 m in 2020. Di Salvo et al. (14)
recorded an average distance of 11,393 m for players competing
in the Spanish Premier League in the 2003/2004 season.
Osgnach et al. (16) recorded an average distance of 10,950 m
for soccer players competing in the Italian Serie A in the
2007/2008 season. Comparing the stated results with the current
research, it is evident that the soccer players who compete
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Trend in mean high speed runs distance by years.
Trend in mean sprint distance by years.
in Montenegro are below the values achieved by those who
compete in Europe.
In the current study, the distances covered were categorized
into five levels of intensity. The trend component in the walking
distance variable for Buducnost players ranges from 2,776 m in
2015 to 3,431 m in 2020, while for Sutjeska players, there is a
trend component of declining walking during the game from
3,194 m in 2015 to 2,498 m in 2020. In the variables jog distance
and run distance, there is a continuous trend component
without large oscillations in the players of both clubs. Withers
et al. (17) state that 26.3% of the total game time falls on the
intensity up to 14 km/h, 64.6% on the running intensity of
14.1–19 km/h, and 18.9% on the intensity of 19.1–23> km/h.
Mayhew and Wenger (18) established that a soccer player walks
46.6%, runs slowly 38%, runs quickly or sprints 11.3%, and
stands without moving 2.3% of the total playing time of a
game. During a match, soccer players perform different types of
behavior, ranging from standing still to maximum speed runs,
the intensity of which may change at any given time. However,
intensity parameters are not precisely defined in these papers.
“Soccer is a non-cyclical and intermittent sport in which
short-duration maximum-intensity activities, for example,
sprint runs over a distance of 10–20 m, and high-intensity
actions, such as counterattacks, are intertwined with activities
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of low and moderate intensity (marching and jogging) and with
pauses, for example, standing. Sprinting is one of the most
important activities in soccer, although it merely constitutes
between 1 and 12% of the mean total distance covered by a
player during a match, that is, from only 0.5–3% of playing time.
During a competitive game, players perform 2- to 4-s long-sprint
runs every 90–180 s on average. It is assumed that players
of higher ability cover longer sprinting distances with higher
intensity” (19). The results of our study indicate that there is
a downward trend in the most important zone for success in
top soccer (high-speed runs distance), with one characteristic
that the players of Buducnost have a minimal increase in 2020
compared to 2017, while Sutjeska players have a noticeable
declining trend throughout the analyzed period. In contrast, an
increase in the number of sprints at both clubs was recorded in
2017, while in 2020, there is a decline and return to identical
values as in 2015. “The amount of high-speed running is
what distinguishes top-class players from those at a lower
level. Computerized time-motion analysis has demonstrated
that international top-class players perform 28% more high-
intensity running (2.43 vs. 1.90 km) and 58% more sprinting
(650 vs. 410 m) than professional players at a lower level”
(20). Furthermore, Ingebrigtsen et al. (21) “found that top
teams in the Danish League covered 30–40% more high-speed
running distance compared to the middle and bottom teams.”
In contrast, Di Salvo et al. (22) “observed that Championship
players did more high-speed running and sprinting than players
in the Premier League, even though the differences were small.
Along the same lines, a study comparing the match performance
of players in the top three competitive standards of English
soccer found that players in the second (Championship) and
third (League 1) categories performed more high-speed running
(>19 km/h) than those in the Premier League (803, 881, and
681 m, respectively), which was also the case for sprinting (308,
360, and 248 m, respectively)” (23).
From the physiological aspect, the results of our study can
be explained by the following fact: “During repetitive speed
exercises, the contribution of phosphocreatine hydrolysis to the
meeting of energy the demand of working muscles increases
after each loading. The cool-down phase duration depends not
only on the stimulation of the central nervous system but also on
the rate of recovery of the autonomic nervous system functions
related to the payoff of oxygen debt run up during physical
exercise and on the rate of phosphocreatine resynthesis” (19).
In contrast, soccer players perform significantly less
high-intensity activities when they win than when they lose or
when the result is a draw. Also, if the players score a goal in the
early phase of the match, they do not use the maximum of their
capacities during the match. Since winning is a pleasant situation
for the team, it is possible that the players have set a strategy of
keeping the ball, which results in fewer sprints (24).
The limitations of this study are that only two soccer clubs
from the first Telekom Montenegrin league were analyzed.
Nevertheless, these two clubs are the most trophy-winning in
the Montenegrin league, so they are included in the analysis.
Future studies are recommended to enlarge the database. Such
studies might be more suitable for detecting evolutionary trends
in match-related variables.
The conclusion of this study provided information on
performance in Montenegrin soccer, which could consequently
improve the applicability of running performance in training
and competitions. Based on the obtained results, the coaches
will be advised in which direction the training process should
go in order to increase the performance of Montenegrin elite
soccer players.
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are
included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries
can be directed to the corresponding author.
Ethics statement
Ethical review and approval was not required for the study
of human participants in accordance with the local legislation
and institutional requirements. Written informed consent was
obtained from the participants.
Author contributions
MJ formulated the research goals and aims, developed and
designed the methodology, prepared the published work, and
specifically wrote the initial draft. KG, JP, RH, and MJ prepared
the published work, specifically with critical reviews, editing, and
revisions. All authors commented on the draft and contributed
to the final version, approved the publication of the manuscript,
and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
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organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
or endorsed by the publisher.
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Frontiers in Public Health
| Exploring trends of running performance during matches of professional soccer players in Montenegro: A longitudinal study. | 08-01-2022 | Goranović, Kosta,Hadžić, Rašid,Petković, Jovica,Joksimović, Marko | eng |
PMC10593817 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:18083
Differences in race history
by distance of recreational
endurance runners from The
NURMI Study (Step 2)
Beat Knechtle 1,2*, Derrick Tanous 3,4, Mabliny Thuany 5, Mohamad Motevalli 3,4,
Gerold Wirnitzer 6, Claus Leitzmann 7, Katja Weiss 1, Thomas Rosemann 1 &
Katharina Wirnitzer 3,4,8
Few studies were developed to understand the relationship between running characteristics and
motivation. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between running event history,
running experience, and best race performances in recreational distance runners. We used a web
survey to obtain information regarding running experience, racing history, and periodization training
routines/exercise habits, including weekly volumes and daily mileage and duration across periods
and conditions. Associations between variables were conducted with the Chi-square test (χ2; nominal
scale) and Wilcoxon test. Multiple linear regression analysis and multivariate linear regression
were performed. Concerning the participants’ motive for exercising, a significant difference was
identified between the race distance subgroups (p < 0.001), where 58% of M/UM runners exercised
for performance (n = 38) and 64% of HM runners (n = 57) and 57% of 10 km runners (n = 52) exercised
for recreational purposes. A significant difference was found in the number of years of running
completed without taking a break (p = 0.004), with marathoners/ultramarathoners reporting the most
years. Runners competing in different race distances such as 10 km, half-marathon, marathon, and
ultra-marathon presented differences in training background and habits according to the distance of
Running is a global market, with an increase in the participation of athletes in running events and the number
of events over the last year worldwide1–3. In the European context, a range of 5% to 31% rate of participation was
shown between different countries4. In a scientific context, this growth was associated with a higher interest for
understanding runners’ profiles, behaviors, and training habits5,6. The runner’s profile was previously studied in
different contexts, including differences in economic level7,8, the profiles consumption and use of sports watches9,
training characteristics5,10, nutritional behaviors11–13, and health outcomes14.
As a social phenomenon, and with the potential to improve general physical (i.e., lower risks of all-cause
and cardiovascular mortality)15 and mental health (i.e., well-being, self-confidence), running is also related
to social cohesion16 and used as a potential strategy to improve physical activity levels in an epidemiological
context17. In this way, the reasons to start running and to be engaged in running training were also investigated
previously18. For non-professional runners, motivational differences were shown in athletes competing in differ-
ent race distances19–22. For runners in 5 km, fun and health were the most important factors for training23, while
ultra-marathoners had higher scores in affiliation, life meaning, and lower body weight concerns24.
Based on previous studies, a body of evidence is available regarding motivational characteristics and run-
ners’ profiles19,25,26. However, few studies were developed to understand the relationship between running back-
ground and motivation27. Understanding the motives and habits considering training and competing that enable
1Institute of Primary Care, University of Zurich, 8000 Zurich, Switzerland. 2Medbase St. Gallen Am Vadianplatz,
Vadianstrasse 26, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland. 3Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck,
6020 Innsbruck, Austria. 4Department of Research and Development in Teacher Education, University
College of Teacher Education, Tyrol, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. 5Faculty of Sports, University of Porto, Porto,
Portugal. 6AdventureV & change2V, 6135 Stans, Austria. 7Institute of Nutrition, University of Gießen,
35390 Gießen, Germany. 8Research Center Medical Humanities, Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck,
6020 Innsbruck, Austria. *email: [email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:18083 |
non-professional runners to be engaged in physical exercise is an important feature to provide support and to
understand why people are or not engaged in running, as well as to develop strategies to maintain the training
Therefore, this is the first exploratory investigation to assess the aspects of motivation, education, training,
previous experience, and performance in different running groups such as 10 km, half-marathon (HM), and
marathon (M)/ultramarathon (UM) recreational distance runners. Based on previous studies28–30, it is assumed
that there would be differences in these aspects in recreational endurance runners of different distances (10 km,
HM, M/UM)10.
Materials and methods
Please see the subsequent description of the methodology for the complete profile for this investigation (Part A
of the arrangement)31, as well as previous publications10,32–34. Following a protocol35, the Nutrition and Running
High Mileage (NURMI) Study has been approved by the ethics board of St. Gallen, Switzerland on the 6th of May
in 2015 (EKSG 14/145) with a retrospective trial registration (number: ISRCTN73074080). It was required that
the participants provided informed consent before taking part in the NURMI Study. For the participants’ recruit-
ment and study procedures, the responsive reader is kindly referred to Part A of the arrangement publication31.
Figure 1 shows the enrollment and categorization of participants, and their characteristics are shown in Table 1.
Race performances, training routines, and exercise habits of active distance runners were expressed using the
following parameters: running experience (total number of years of running fully completed without taking a
break); racing history (overall number of completed races, ratio of HM/M events to total races, age at time of the
first running event, the first race distance completed: 10 km, HM, M, best HM/M times, the number of planned
races completed in the previous two years: HM/M/UM); periodization training routines/exercise habits, includ-
ing weekly volumes (number of running sessions, and breadth of training in km and hours) and daily mileage
and duration across periods and conditions. Running performance was related to best finishing HM and M time
based on a normalized aggregate mean transformed to an index (ranging 0–100). The latent variable of run-
ning history was derived by both factors: (1) “running-experience” (by pooled items: “age.first.running event”,
“”, “age.first.half-marathon”, “age.first.marathon”) and (2) “racing-experience” (by pooled items: “years.
running”, “completed.half-marathon.number”, “completed.marathon.number”), which were defined by specific
items that were based on manifest variables.
As running experience (e.g., years of running fully completed, age at the first race event, total number of races
completed) is dependent upon age, the respective items were operationalized with age (e.g., age-related years
of running, age-related number of completed races over half-marathon distance). Based on this, the respective
items (e.g., age-related beginning of running, first marathon race completed) were centered by median values,
and were z-transformed creating a new scale through summarizing the respective items (e.g., years of running
fully completed, completed races over specified distances). From this the values were categorized with the latent
factors “running-experience” and “racing-experience” into low (values below − 1), medium (values ranging
Figure 1. Enrollment and Categorization of Participants by Race Distance.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:18083 |
from − 1 to + 1), and high (values higher + 1). A principal component analysis (PCA as heuristic approach) was
performed to identify the respective factors. The PCA was justified by sufficient high correlations (0.79 by the
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin-Kriterium, and p < 0.001 by the Bartlett-Test as highly significant) to derive the extraction
of two factors. The “Eigen”-Wert > 1 (declaration of 73.4% of total variance of both the latent factors) was defined
to justify to model two latent factors: “running-experience” (from items: “age.first.running event”, “”, “age.
first.half-marathon”, “age.first.marathon”) and “racing-experience” (from items: “years.running”, “completed.half-
marathon.number”, “completed.marathon.number”).
Statistical analysis
The statistical analyses were all performed with R software (version 3.6.2 Core Team 2019; R Foundation for
Statistical Computing; Vienna, Austria). The exploratory analysis was performed with descriptive statistics,
including median with interquartile range (IQR) and mean with standard deviation (SD). PCA was used for
identifying the latent factors.Significant differences in running and racing activity (experience, training, rac-
ing, etc.) between race distance subgroups were calculated with a non-parametric test. Associations between
variables were conducted with Chi-square test (χ2; nominal scale) and Wilcoxon test (ordinal and metric scale)
have been approximated by using F distributions and ordinary least squares. Multiple linear regression analysis
and multivariate linear regression were performed to test the differences in performance, health, and leisure
Table 1. Runner characteristics, including motive to race, experience, and history displayed race distance.
Note Results are presented as percentage (%), total numbers, and median (IQR). χ2 statistic calculated by
Pearson’s Chi-squared test and F statistic calculated by Kruskal–Wallis test. 10 km 10 km. HM half-marathon.
M/UM marathon/ultra-marathon.
Total 100% (245)
10 km37% (91)
HM 36% (89)
M/UM 27% (65)
Age (Years)
39 (IQR 17)
37 (IQR 18)
37 (IQR 18)
44 (IQR 17)
F(2,242) = 4.87
p = 0.008
BMI (kg/m2)
21.7 (IQR 3.5)
21.3 (IQR 3.94)
22 (IQR 3.28)
22.2 (IQR 3.25)
F(2,242) = 1.22
p = 0.296
Civil status
27% (66)
26% (24)
31% (28)
22% (14)
(4) = 1.95
p = 0.744
With spouse/married
67% (164)
67% (61)
63% (56)
72% (47)
6% (15)
7% (6)
6% (5)
6% (4)
Motive to race
46% (106)
41% (36)
47% (41)
51% (29)
(2) = 1.34
p = 0.512
54% (125)
59% (51)
53% (46)
49% (28)
Favorite season of racing
< 1% (2)
1% (1)
1% (1)
(6) = 9.04
p = 0.171
46% (106)
36% (31)
55% (48)
47% (27)
23% (52)
28% (24)
15% (13)
26% (15)
31% (71)
36% (31)
29% (25)
26% (15)
Running experience (years)
7 (IQR 7)
5 (IQR 8)
7 (IQR 6)
8 (IQR 9)
F(2, 241) = 5.77
p = 0.004
First event age (years)
10 km
30 (IQR 16)
30 (IQR 17)
28 (IQR 15)
33 (IQR 17)
F(2, 151) = 0.69
p = 0.502
F(2, 216) = 1.17
p = 0.313
F(2, 135) = 0.18
p = 0.836
F(2, 239) = 1.77
p = 0.172
32 (IQR 16)
33 (IQR 15)
30 (IQR 18)
35 (IQR 13)
35 (IQR 13)
33 (IQR 15)
34 (IQR 17)
35 (IQR 12)
30 (IQR 16)
30 (IQR 17)
28 (IQR 18)
34 (IQR 13)
First event
10 km
65% (157)
81% (74)
59% (52)
48% (31)
(4) = 46.24
p < 0.001
27% (65)
18% (16)
38% (33)
25% (16)
9% (21)
1% (1)
3% (3)
27% (17)
Total races completed
8 (IQR 11)
7 (IQR 11)
6 (IQR 11)
10 (IQR 11)
F(2, 242) = 2.90
p = 0.057
Ratio of HM/M to total races
40 (IQR 50)
20 (IQR 35)
48 (IQR 43)
53 (IQR 49)
F(2, 242) = 18.44
p < 0.001
Completion of planned events (previous 2 years)
2 (IQR 3)
1 (IQR 2)
3 (IQR 4)
2 (IQR 3)
F(2, 242) = 7.04
p = 0.001
F(2, 242) = 75.19
p < 0.001
F(2, 242) = 28.84
p < 0.001
1 (IQR 2)
0 (IQR 1)
0 (IQR 1)
2 (IQR 2)
0 (IQR 0)
0 (IQR 0)
0 (IQR 0)
0 (IQR 1)
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:18083 |
motivations based on race distance subgroups. The regression results are displayed as effect plots with a 95%
confidence interval (95%-CI). The level of statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05.
Institutional review board
The study protocol is available online via https:// sprin gerpl us. sprin gerop en. com/ artic les/ 10. 1186/ s40064- 016-
2126-4 and was approved by the ethics board of St. Gallen, Switzerland on May 6, 2015 (EKSG 14/145). The study
was conduct-ed in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional review board, medical professional
codex, and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments as of 1996, the Data Security Laws, and
good clinical practice guidelines. Study participation was voluntary and could be canceled at any time without the
provision of reasons or negative consequences. In-formed consent was obtained from all individual participants
included in the study considering the data collected, used, and analyzed exclusively and only in the context of
the NURMI Study for scientific publication.
The total sample included 317 runners of various long distances who finished and submitted the questionnaire.
A sum of 72 participants were excluded due to failing to meet the inclusion criteria following data clearance.
The final sample was comprised of 245 runners (10 km: n = 91; NURMI runners: HM: n = 89; M/UM: n = 65),
including 104 males and 141 females. Together the participants had a BMI of 21.7 kg/m2 (body weight of 65
kg, height of 1.7 m) and were aged 39 years. Regarding the participants’ nationalities, 72% came from Germany
(n = 177), 18% were from Austria (n = 44), and 9% were from Switzerland (n = 13) or another country (n = 11).
Significant differences were observed across the race distance subgroups for height (p = 0.007), body weight
(p = 0.007), and age (p = 0.008) with the M/UM participants being taller (1.8 m, IQR 0.1), heavier (67.5 kg, IQR
17.5), and older (44 years, IQR 17). No significant difference was observed across the race distance subgroups for
BMI (p = 0.296) or for civil status (p = 0.744), most participants were married or living with their spouse (67%;
n = 144) or single (27%; n = 66). No significant differences were found for race distance subgroups regarding the
participants’ educational background (p = 0.177): 1 (< 1%) had no qualification, 53 (22%) held an A-Levels (or
similar degree), 83 (34%) held an upper secondary school/technical education degree, 83 (34%) held a university
degree (or possibly higher), and 25 (10%) did not answer. Concerning the participants’ motive for exercising,
a significant difference was identified between the race distance subgroups (p < 0.001), where 58% of M/UM
runners exercised for performance (n = 38) and 64% of HM runners (n = 57) and 57% of 10 km runners (n = 52)
exercised for recreational purposes. The participants’ characteristics, including their motive to race and running
experiences are shown in Table 1 based on their self-reported race distances. In Part A, additional details on the
total sample’s profile and the race distance-specific subgroups are provided31.
No significant differences were found across the race distance subgroups for the motive to race (p = 0.512) or
the current motive to run (p = 0.583); performance was the most frequently reported racing motive (54%; n = 125)
among the whole sample. No significant difference was observed for the favorite race season (p = 0.171); spring-
time was the most favored season for racing for all participants (46%; n = 106), while winter was the least favored
(< 1%; n = 2). A significant difference was found in the number of years of running completed (consecutively or
inconsecutively) without taking a break (p = 0.004), with M/UM runners reporting the most years (8; IQR 9)
and 10 km runners reporting the least (7 IQR 11). Regarding racing history, significant differences between race
distance subgroups were found in (i) the ratio of completed HM/M events to the total races, where M/UM run-
ners had the highest reports (53; IQR 49; p < 0.001); (ii) the first race distance, where most 10 km (81%; n = 74)
and HM (59%; n = 52) runners first completed a 10 km race (p < 0.001); (iii) the best time for a HM race, where
M/UM runners were the fastest on average (99 min ± 13; p < 0.001); (iv) the best time for a M race, where M/UM
runners were the fastest on average (218 min ± 34; p = 0.029); (v) the completion of HM (p = 0.001), M (p < 0.001),
and UM (p < 0.001) races in the previous two years, where HM runners completed the most HM races (3; IQR
4) and M/UM runners completed the most M (2; IQR 2) and UM (0; IQR 1) races. No significant differences in
racing history between race distance subgroups were identified in overall completed races (p = 0.057), first event
age in total (p = 0.172), or regardless of 10 km (p = 0.502), HM (p = 0.313), or M distance (p = 0.836).
Non-significant relationships were identified in multivariate linear regression, as seen in Fig. 2, between (i)
the motives of performance, the 10 km subgroup, and the HM subgroup (b = − 4.21; 95% CI [− 15.2 to 6.81];
p > 0.05) or the M/UM subgroup (b = 2.5; 95% CI [− 9.89 to 14.9]; p > 0.05); (ii) the motives of health, the 10 km
subgroup, and the HM subgroup (b = − 3.07; 95% CI [− 11.5 to 5.39]; p > 0.05) or the M/UM subgroup (b = − 7.9;
95% CI [− 17.4 to 1.6]; p > 0.05); (iii) the motives of leisure, the 10 km subgroup, and the HM subgroup (b = 4.98;
95% CI [− 3.42 to 13.4]; p > 0.05) or the M/UM subgroup (b = 4.86; 95% CI [− 4.59 to 14.3]; p > 0.05).
Multivariate linear regression was performed and the following confounders were included within different
models to predict the best HM and M race time between 10 km and HM or M/UM race distance subgroups: (a)
years of running history and age at the first running event, which determined 21% of variance (adjusted R2 = 0.21)
and a significant difference was identified for M/UM runners (b = 10.9; 95% CI [1.74–20]; p < 0.05) but not for
HM runners (b = − 5.72; 95% CI [− 14.1 to 2.65]; p > 0.05); (b) training routines and exercise habits (including
preparation condition 3, preparation condition 4, weekly kilometers of preparation condition 1, professional
support, and the training extent for main race in months), which determined 22% of variance (adjusted R2 = 0.22)
and no significant difference for HM (b = − 6; 95% CI [− 14.6 to 2.65]; p > 0.05) or M/UM (b = 0.679; 95% CI
[− 9.09 to 10.5]; p > 0.05) race distance groups; (c) racing history (total races completed, the ratio of HM/M
events to total events, HM races completed, and M races completed), which determined 16% variance (adjusted
R2 = 0.16) and no significant difference for HM (b = − 6.26; 95% CI [− 15 to 2.45]; p > 0.05) or M/UM (b = 7.6; 95%
CI [− 3.47 to 18.7]; p > 0.05) race distance subgroups. In Table 2, multiple linear regression analyses are provided.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:18083 |
This study was the first exploratory investigation aiming to analyze running event history, running experience,
and best race performance between 10 km, HM, and M/UM recreational runners. The most important findings
were (i) the runners had a similar BMI regardless of race distance subgroup even though M/UM runners were
the tallest participants and weighed the most; (ii) no difference was found across race distance subgroups in the
motive to race or for the linked motives (i.e. exercise motive, original motive to run, present motive to run, motive
to race); (iii) M/UM runners tallied significantly more years of fully active running experience and completed
significantly more of their planned marathon and ultra-marathon races in the previous two years; (iv) significant
differences between the race distance subgroups in best time performances, where M/UM runners were fastest
on average to complete HM and M events, however, when analyzing best time performances with an index and
applying confounders (training routines and exercise habits; racing history) in multivariate linear regression
analyses, no significant differences in performance were found between subgroups; (v) M/UM runners remained
fastest on average to complete HM and M events when considering the confounders of running experience
Figure 2. Effect plots displaying 95%-CI average between 10 km, HM, and M/UM subgroups in exercise/
running/racing motives (n = 231). Note 95%-CIs were computed using the multivariate regression analyses
(Wald approximation).
Table 2. Multiple linear regression analyses on running experience, training routines and exercise habits, and
racing history. Note b = estimate (marginal effects), CI confidence interval, HM half-marathon, M marathon,
UM ultra-marathon.
Adjusted r2
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
< 0.001
Years of running experi-
− 0.28–1.25
< 0.01
First event age
− 0.97
− 1.3 to − 0.64
< 0.001
HM Subgroup
− 5.72
− 14.1 to 2.65
> 0.05
M/UM Subgroup
< 0.05
< 0.001
Preparation condition 3
< 0.01
Preparation condition 4
− 2.14
− 5.98 to 1.7
> 0.05
Prep Condition 1: Weekly
< 0.01
Professional support
< 0.05
Training extent for main
− 1.2
− 3.17 to 0.77
> 0.05
HM subgroup
− 6
− 14.6 to 2.65
> 0.05
M/UM subgroup
− 9.09 to 10.5
> 0.05
< 0.001
Races completed in total
< 0.05
Ratio of HM/M to total
− 0.0746
− 0.22 to 0.08
> 0.05
HM races completed
− 0.94 to 2.86
< 0.05
M races completed
− 1.7 to 2.97
> 0.05
HM subgroup
−6 .26
− 15 to 2.45
> 0.05
M/UM subgroup
− 3.47 to 18.7
> 0.05
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:18083 |
in years fully active in running without break and the participants’ age at their first running event. Thus, this
exploratory investigation upholds the assumption that there is a difference in the best race performances con-
sidering time to finish between recreational endurance runners of different distances (10 km, HM, M/UM).
Differences in anthropometry and age across groups
We found that the runners had a similar BMI regardless of race distance subgroup, even though M/UM run-
ners had the highest body height and the heaviest body mass. Furthermore, M/UM runners were older. A study
investigating master half-marathoners, master marathoners, and master ultra-marathoners found, however, no
differences regarding their age, body mass, body height, and body mass index36. A study comparing recreational
marathoners and recreational ultra-marathoners found differences in anthropometry where marathoners had a
lower calf circumference but thicker skinfold thicknesses at pectoral, axilla, and suprailiacal sites compared to
the ultra-marathoners37. Also, a study comparing recreational half-marathoners and marathoners reported that
half-marathoners had a higher body mass, longer legs, a larger circumference of the upper arm, thicker thigh
skinfolds, a higher sum of skinfold thicknesses, a higher body fat percentage, and a higher skeletal muscle mass
than marathoners29. These disparate findings might be due to different sample sizes and performance levels of
the subjects.
Differences in motivation across groups
We found no difference across race distance subgroups regarding the motivation to compete or the associated
motives (i.e., exercise motive, original motive to run, present motive to run, motive to race). Interestingly, this
finding disagrees with previous findings19,21,26, and different aspects might explain the discrepancy. Methodo-
logical differences, including analysis stratification by sex and age groups22,38, training habits39,40, and country of
residence41, can be related to the differences in the findings. Differences between the sexes were shown for mara-
thoners, where women were more motivated about their weight, affiliation, psychological coping, life meaning,
and self-esteem but were less driven by competition38. Ultra-marathoners presented higher scores on affiliation
and life meaning and lower values for body weight concerns, personal goal achievement, and self-esteem38,42.
The second running boom (1990s) increased the number of runners that are not aiming to become professional
athletes but their engagement in competitions as a leisure/social activity16, which people used as a strategy to be
involved in social groups as well as to know different places around the world43.
Furthermore, no significant difference was observed for the favorite race season. In elite marathoners,
however, the seasonal distribution for marathon running has two peaks, spring (weeks 14 to 17) and autumn
(weeks 41 to 44). During these two periods, the expected temperature is close to the optimal value for marathon
running44. It is well-described that interrelationships between marathon results and weather factors such as air
temperature, wet bulb temperature, and human biometeorological indices exist45. Most probably, recreational
runners do not focus on environmental conditions but rather on a specific event they want to compete in.
Differences in running experience across groups
We found a significant difference in the number of years of running completed (consecutively or inconsecutively)
without taking a break, with M/UM runners reporting the highest number of years and 10 km runners reporting
the lowest number. M/UM runners reported more years of fully active running experience and completed more
of their planned marathon and ultra-marathon races in the previous two years compared to the 10 km runners.
The higher time of experience for M/UM runners and more completed marathon and ultra-marathon races in
the previous two years highlight the profile of this subgroup. Similar findings showed that long-distance runners
were older than short-distance runners (i.e., 5 km, 10 km)46,47. These characteristics are also related to the age
of peak performance since a positive relationship has been reported between the age of peak performance and
the length of the race distance48–50. In this way, differences between the race distance subgroups regarding the
best time performances can also be related to training background and running experience. Besides the genetic
component51, the main physiological parameters associated with long-distance performance (i.e., maximal oxy-
gen consumption (VO2max), running economy, lactate threshold, and velocity associated with VO2max) are
developed during training through the increases in the mitochondrial content and skeletal muscle capillary
density32,52. Besides that, marathon and ultra-marathon performance are strongly related to sex, morphological,
and psychological variables53,54, which can act as confounders in the present study.
Differences in previous performance across groups
We found significant differences between the race distance subgroups regarding the best time performances.
On average, M/UM runners were faster to complete HM and M events. This finding is not in line with previ-
ous findings. Data covering 107.9 million race results, including 70,000 events held from 1986 to 2018, showed
that non-professional marathoners were 18% and 17% slower compared to female and male half-marathoners,
respectively55. In addition, the best performances can be related to the sex distribution among the subgroups
since men are overrepresented in M/UM (62%). A body of evidence is available regarding running performance
differences between sex56,57, where men tended to perform 10% better compared to women56. Data from previ-
ous research from the NURMI study confirms sex differences for years of active running, the number of races
completed, and best time performance, with men being faster on average at HM and M distances compared to
women33. However, these differences tended to be null when training routines, exercise habits, and racing history
was considered confounders. These results indicate that regardless of the subgroup distance, training background
is important for the best finish time, as shown previously28. In addition, when considering the confounders of
running experience in years fully active in running without a break and the participants’ age at their first running
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:18083 |
event, M/UM runners remained the fastest on average to complete HM and M. These results highlight the mul-
tifactorial and complex nature of the cause of achieved results or successes in sports disciplines58.
Differences in race performance across groups
We found that M/UM runners remained the fastest on average to complete HM and M events when considering
the confounders of running experience in years fully active in running without a break and the participants’ age
at their first running event. Thus, this exploratory investigation upholds the assumption that there is a difference
in the best race performances considering time to finish between recreational endurance runners of different
distances (10 km, HM, M/UM). A study comparing 10 km, half-marathon, and marathon showed differences
regarding age and running speed between the groups59.
Considering the limitation of the cross-sectional design, this study’s findings have some limitations that should
be addressed, including that no underlying causation can be acquired from the present results. The primary limi-
tation for vital consideration is the self-report feature of the survey methodological approach, which is known
to result in misrepresented answers due to social expectations60. In addition, study participation was voluntary,
which may have led to a non-randomized study population, although the participants were highly motivated.
For the present study, the distance groups were not stratified by sex, which limits the comparisons, and suggest
that different sub-groups need to be studied among runners to better understand motives, routines, and physi-
cal exercise engagement. To limit the misreporting effect, the survey included control questions throughout the
different parts. Additionally, highly motivated distance runners made up the study sample, which likely added
to the reliability of their responses and enhanced the dataset. Moreover, the sample included 245 endurance run-
ners, which was relatively small considering the commonality of running as a sport. Moreover, other individual
(nutritional status or the nutritional type maintained by the participants) and environmental characteristics (the
racing environment, and specific weather conditions) that affect training commitment and performance was not
considered in the present study (but of the NURMI Study Step 3, not published so far). Despite this limitation,
the present study presents some advances for the events organizations, coaches, and sports scientists to better
understand amateur runners of different characteristics. In addition, the race distance subgroups were unequally
distributed per se, considering that 37% of the total sample were 10 km runners, 36% were HM runners, and
27% were M/UM runners. Another limitation is that multiple aspects of running competitions were not con-
trolled for, essentially the racing environment itself and the specific weather conditions (poor or good running
weather, temperature, and humidity), the time of the event, the season, and competition region. Regardless, the
best time performances were retrospectively verified under random selection. Lastly, the current investigation
did not include nutritional status or the nutritional type maintained by the participants, as personal nutrition
is well-known to affect performance. Even though this investigation did not include nutritional results, the
NURMI study has obtained the runners nutritional evidence that was or will be published in other articles due
to scientific journal publication demands.
Runners competing in different race distances such as 10 km, half-marathon, marathon, and ultra-marathon
presented differences in training background and habits according to the distance of preference. Marathoners and
ultra-marathoners were older, taller, and heavier, were running for more years, and had faster personal best times
than 10 km runners. Further studies need to consider the second level of information, considering the role of
competition in runners’ training commitment as well as environmental features related to training commitment.
Data availability
The data sets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study and presented in this article are not
publicly available. Requests to access the datasets should be directed to [email protected]. Subjects will
receive a brief summary of the results of the NURMI Study if desired.
Received: 27 December 2022; Accepted: 15 October 2023
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Author contributions
K.W. conceptualized and designed the study together with B.K. and C.L. K.W. conducted data analysis and M.M.
and D.T. provided statistical expertise. M.M., T.R., K.W., and D.T. drafted the manuscript. T.R., C.L., B.K., M.T.,
and K.W. critically reviewed it. G.W. provided technical support through data acquisition and data management.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
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The authors declare no competing interests.
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| Differences in race history by distance of recreational endurance runners from The NURMI Study (Step 2). | 10-23-2023 | Knechtle, Beat,Tanous, Derrick,Thuany, Mabliny,Motevalli, Mohamad,Wirnitzer, Gerold,Leitzmann, Claus,Weiss, Katja,Rosemann, Thomas,Wirnitzer, Katharina | eng |
PMC9368712 | Citation: Nicolas, M.; Gaudino, M.;
Bagneux, V.; Millet, G.; Laborde, S.;
Martinent, G. Emotional Intelligence
in Ultra-Marathon Runners:
Implications for Recovery Strategy
and Stress Responses during an
Ultra-Endurance Race. Int. J. Environ.
Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 9290.
Academic Editors: Javier
Abián-Vicén and Britton W. Brewer
Received: 24 May 2022
Accepted: 26 July 2022
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Emotional Intelligence in Ultra-Marathon Runners:
Implications for Recovery Strategy and Stress Responses during
an Ultra-Endurance Race
Michel Nicolas 1,*
, Marvin Gaudino 1
, Virginie Bagneux 2, Gregoire Millet 3
, Sylvain Laborde 4
and Guillaume Martinent 5
Laboratory Psy-DREPI (EA 7458), University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 21000 Dijon, France;
[email protected]
LPCN, Université de Caen Normandie, 14032 Caen, France; [email protected]
SSUL, Institute of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne,
CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland; [email protected]
Department of Performance Psychology, Institute of Psychology, German Sport University Cologne,
50923 Cologne, Germany; [email protected]
Laboratory on Vulnerabilities and Innovation in Sport, University of Lyon 1, 69367 Lyon, France;
[email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The aim of this research was to investigate the role of trait emotional intelligence (EI) in
recovery stress states in a mountain ultra-marathon (MUM) race. Recovery stress states of 13 finishers
were assessed before, during, and immediately after the end of an extreme MUM, whereas emotional
intelligence was assessed 2 days before the MUM race. Temporal evolutions of recovery stress
states were examined. Stress states increased after the race whereas recovery states decreased in all
participants. In addition, recovery states were influenced by the trait EI level assessed before the
competition. Results supported the hypothesis that trait EI tends to have a positive effect by boosting
recovery strategies. In this perspective, trait EI could have a protective role against stress and improve
pre-competition mental preparation. High scores of trait EI (in comparison to low scores of trait
EI) could have helped athletes to increase recovery states in order to improve their psychological
adaptation to one of the most difficult races in the world.
Keywords: emotional intelligence; recovery stress states; mountain ultra-marathon
1. Introduction
Extreme sports situations demand multidimensional psychological adaptive responses
which could depend on recovery stress states [1], as well as individual factors such as
emotional intelligence [2]. Biopsychological perspective of recovery and stress [3], em-
braces physical and biopsychosocial dimensions of both stress and recovery to indicate
the extent to which someone is physically and/or mentally stressed, as well as whether
that person is capable of using individual strategies for recovery and which strategies are
used. EI refers to a form of intelligence which aims to capture individual differences in
interpersonal and intrapersonal emotional functioning [4–6]. Its potential contribution
in sporting competitions has been demonstrated and is considered to be a key factor in
improving individual adaptation, notably with regard to the stress process [2]. During the
last few decades, the recovery process has been associated with stress states to explain how
athletes may be better able to tolerate and buffer stress from training and competition [7].
Whereas the relationship between stress and EI has been largely documented, no study has
investigated the relationship between EI and recovery. The aim of this paper is to evaluate
the involvement of EI in recovery stress states.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 9290.
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Extreme situations are demanding and challenging. They impose on an individual
the need to cope with exceptional physical or psychosocial circumstances that require
adaptive responses that engage personal resources which could be overwhelmed [8]. A
mountain ultra-marathon (MUM) race could be considered one of the most extreme sport-
ing situations after polar expeditions [9] because it implies a complex and multidimensional
adaptation defined by the dynamic impact between environmental and personal constraints
and resources (i.e., physical, psychological, and social) on adjustment [8,10]. During a
MUM, athletes are exposed to a variety of stressors and have to run for extended periods
over long distances and dangerous terrain with changing altitudes in an uncertain and
risky environment [11]. Exposure to these stressful environmental and climatic conditions
tends to push participants to draw on their own resources in order to perform beyond their
ordinary limits [12]. MUM is by definition a playing field for in situ ecological research
investigating psychological impairments that are mirrored in multidimensional psycho-
logical processes, such as emotional disturbances [13] and increases/decreases in recovery
stress states [14]. These impairments were also observed during the month following
the competition, highlighting that ultra-endurance sports are challenging situations with
long-term repercussions [14,15].
According to Lazarus and Folkman, the seminal model of psychological stress (1984),
extreme situations can exacerbate stress states [8]. Beyond a certain point, any effort to
manage an excessive stress state could engage personal resources and in turn cause their
potential consumption if the recovery process is not implemented [16]. However, a certain
level of perceived stress is an integral part of psychological adaptation [17]. The objective
is no longer to annihilate stress but to attempt to reach a balance between stress state and
personal resources. The recovery process actually represents a core concept in investigating
how to deal with and buffer the stress state because it helps to protect, build, refill or restore
personal resources [7,18]. Recovery is defined as a multilevel process used to tolerate
stress and to re-establish performance abilities and psychological and physical strength
in order to optimize situational conditions [7]. Thus, recovery is based on proactive and
self-initiated activities [18–20].
In the last decade, there has been an increased interest in the investigation of the
interrelated dynamics of recovery stress states in order to better understand the psycho-
logical adaptations in extreme situations. The theoretical model of the recovery stress
process [3,19] leads to a joint measurement of the extent to which an individual is fre-
quently and multidimensionally stressed (social, emotional, physical, and behavioral) and
its recovery-associated activities/states. The objective is to reach an individual biopsychoso-
cial balance in order to counterbalance the negative effects of stress, help to adjust to the
situation, and to achieve a continuous high-level performance [3]. Results from individuals’
exposure to spatial simulations [21], polar stations, i.e., wintering in Antarctica [22], and
extreme sports [14] have provided strong evidence of the importance of considering the
recovery stress process. Unbalanced recovery stress states (i.e., increased stress states and
decreased recovery states) can lead to dysfunctional outcomes such as chronic fatigue and
concomitant overtraining, and psychological exhaustion [1,20]. Consequently, the participant’s
adaptation to sports training and competition is compromised [1,19]. Results of previous
studies on ultra-endurance races showed that participants have simultaneously reported an
increase in stress states and a decrease in recovery states mirrored, notably, in the emotional
exhaustion dimension [14,15]. The repercussions could be observed up to four weeks after the
race, highlighting the long-term impact of a stressful event on the recovery stress states [15]. In
particular, evolutions in the recovery stress states experienced by MUM runners in the month
following a demanding MUM race have been characterized by a significant linear increase in
recovery and a linear decrease in stress states [15]. Results show that the harder the situation
is, the longer the need to evaluate and manage recovery stress states.
However, even in extreme environments, recovery stress states are not always unbal-
anced [22,23], suggesting that personal resources could be sustained. Results from previous
research showed that recovery stress states could be modulated according to individual
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 9290
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difference factors such as perceived stress and perceived control [19,22,24]. Specifically,
these studies have shown that perceived stress was positively linked to psychological,
physiological, and social stress responses whereas perceived control was positively linked
to recovery strategies [19,22,24]. These results provided supporting evidence that indi-
vidual cognitive resources were involved in managing the stress process [10,17]. These
results corroborate the cognitive–motivational–relational theory [10] and emphasize that
the interaction between the person and the environment is mediated by the degree to
which a situation is appraised as stressful and controllable. These findings suggest that
individual differences could help explain the differences in psychological responses within
a challenging situation [25].
Among individual variables identified as factors influencing stress management,
EI could determine an athlete’s ability to handle psychological stress and also facilitate
physical and psychological recovery [26]. The theoretical nature of EI-related constructs
remains assigned to a wide array of concepts and models [27]. EI provides an interesting
framework for assessing individual differences with regard to how individuals identify,
express, understand, regulate and use their own and others’ emotions to ultimately guide
their thinking and actions [4,5]. Among the several theoretical frameworks focusing on
EI [5,28–30], the present study was grounded within the trait model of EI [29,30] based on
the rationale that EI was conceptualized in the present study as an individual difference
variable. The trait model [29] defines EI as a lower-order personality trait that is mainly
evaluated using a self-report measure [30].
A systematic review [2] concluded that EI had a protective role with regard to the
stress process in athletes. For example, EI was found to be associated with the use of more
efficient coping strategies (i.e., task-oriented coping) to manage stress [31]. Furthermore,
Laborde, Dosseville, Guillén, and Chavez [32] indicated that EI positively predicted per-
ceived control, coping (e.g., task-oriented coping strategies, coping effectiveness), and
performance satisfaction. In addition, numerous studies support the idea that EI is a key
factor in improving individual adaptation [33,34]. Individuals with high EI would be
more competent in coping with challenges and would perceive less stress [35] and more
well-being [36]. EI may help to explain how stress is physiologically better tolerated and
buffered by certain individuals [37]. Previous research within the context of MUM race also
supported the notion that EI is positively associated with pleasant emotional states [38]. The
connection between EI and pleasant emotions could be crucial to depicting the relationship
between EI and the recovery process. In her broaden-and-build theory, Fredrickson [39]
posited that experiences of pleasant emotions broaden people’s momentary thought–action
repertoires in a way that serves to build their enduring personal resources and subsequent
emotional well-being. Several empirical studies provide evidence supporting this theoreti-
cal approach [40] including studies in sports settings e.g., [41]. Consequently, EI could be
expected to play a major role in boosting recovery processes and helping to protect, build,
refill or restore personal resources when individuals have faced stressful situations.
Based on previous studies in extreme situations, the interplay between recovery
and stress states has been shown to play a major role in the psychological adaptation
processes. However, some gaps remain in the research. Specifically, the role of trait EI in
the recovery process has not yet been investigated whereas promising theoretical support
exists for the link between EI and recovery [39]. Consequently, the present study aims to
provide experimental evidence regarding the psychological adaptation in MUM runners by
investigating the recovery stress process and the relationship between recovery stress states
and trait EI, especially before, during, and after one of the most extreme MUM races. This
study could provide insights on how stress states could be tolerated and/or buffered in
MUM in regard to recovery strategies [7]. Considering previous results on recovery stress
states in ultra-marathons [14,15], it was hypothesized that (1) stress states would increase
during and after the race compared to pre-race, whereas (2) recovery would decrease in the
same time evolution. Furthermore, based on previous research on EI [2], we hypothesized
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that: (3) athletes with low trait EI would report lesser recovery and higher stress states
during the MUM race than athletes with a high trait EI.
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
Thirteen athletes running an extreme MUM event (2 women and 11 men), aged from
29 to 52 years old (Mage = 40.08 yrs, SDage = 6.76), voluntarily participated in this study.
Initially, 17 participants were recruited through an announcement for this study, which
was part of a larger research project that focused on the physiological consequences of
this race, which is considered to be the most challenging mountain ultra-marathon in
the world. Of the 17 participants initially enrolled in the study, 13 completed the race
(inclusion criterion) and thus constituted our sample for this study. The MUM was the
Tor des Géants® (TdG) and consisted of a semi-self-sufficiency race where the runners
covered a total of 338 km with a cumulated altitude of 30,959 m of positive elevation
under changing climate conditions (temperatures between −9 and 15 ◦C). For the rest,
rescue, and refreshment points, runners were able to rely on the seven base camps spaced
approximately 50 km apart. On average, participants accomplished the race in 132.67 h
(SD = 13.16). All participants signed a consent form stipulating their right to withdraw
from the experiment at any time without prejudice. This study was approved by the local
ethics committee in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (amended 2013).
2.2. Measures
2.2.1. Brief Emotional Intelligence Scale (BEIS-10)
The BEIS-10 [42] is based on both the EI model of Salovey and Mayer [6] and the work
of Lane et al. [43]. The BEIS-10 was administered to athletes to measure their trait EI using
a 6-point Likert scale (1 = never to 6 = always). The 10-item version is a short and efficient
measure to quickly assess an individual’s perception of the extent to which they appraise,
regulate, and use emotions. For this study, the internal consistency of the BEIS-10 was 0.84.
2.2.2. Recovery Stress States (RestQ-36-R-Sport)
Based on the original Rest-Q for athletes [7], the French version of the RestQ-36-R-
Sport questionnaire [18] was used to quickly assess the multidimensional nature (physical,
emotional, behavioral, and social) of recovery and stress states. This questionnaire was
developed to quickly measure the frequency of current stress along with the frequency of
recovery using a 6-point Likert scale (1 = never to 6 = always). Higher scores in the stress
responses reflected an intense and elevated perceived stress state. Higher scores in the
recovery strategies reflected a high frequency of using numerous recovery strategies. Pre-
TdG instructions given to participants for the completion of the RestQ-36-R-sport referred to
«the 3 last days» whereas Per- and Post-TdG instructions referred to «the 3 last hours» in order
to evaluate the psychological states during the MUM. The internal consistency for total stress
and recovery scores across the several measurement times ranged from 0.53 to 0.98. Cronbach
alpha tends to increase with an increase in the number of participants [44], leading researchers
to suggest a cut-off value of 0.60 for a low sample size [45]. Other researchers prefer the use of
the raw average inter-item correlation (AIIC) as a statistical marker of internal consistency.
For this, a rule of thumb is offered by Clark and Watson [44] who recommend AIIC scores
higher than 0.15. In the present study, all the AIIC scores were higher than 0.15.
2.3. Procedure
The thirteen participants rated their recovery stress states and trait EI on self-report
questionnaires in the 3 h before the race (Pre-MUM). Secondly, while the majority of research
on emotion, EI, or recovery stress states conducted in ultra-endurance sports has focused
on the differences pre- and post-race e.g., [13–15], participants in the present investigation
also rated their recovery stress states during the race. This measure was completed at the
Donnas camp (located at the mid-race point: Per-MUM) after athletes had run 155 km with an
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average running time of 51 h (SD = 3.41). Thirdly, the athletes completed the RestQ-36-R-sport
questionnaire for the last time during the three-hour period after finishing the race.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
Shapiro–Wilk and Levene’s tests were used to verify data normality and the homo-
geneity of variances at each time point. Trait EI data were analyzed: (a) using correlational
analysis with recovery stress states scores on the total sample; and (b) by dividing its scores
into either a high or low group based on the median value, a common practice within
the literature [46–48]. While dichotomization is sometimes criticized in the literature [49],
recent re-evaluations have shown that this practice is a robust, reliable, and appropriate
statistical analysis when independent variables are uncorrelated [46–48]. A median split
was therefore used to dichotomize participants based on their scores of trait EI. The re-
sults from our sample showed that the low trait EI scores and high trait EI scores were
uncorrelated (p = 0.07) and provided evidence supporting the use of a median split in the
present study. Literature has also shown that conducting a median split does not increase
the likelihood of a Type I error [47]. Additionally, given that the scores for all factors at the
different time measures were normally and homogeneously distributed, we conducted a
set of multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) with repeated measures to test: (1) The
effect of time on recovery stress states; (2) the effect of trait EI groups (high EI vs. low
EI); and (3) the effect of the interaction of trait EI-groups * time. Follow-up univariate
one-way ANOVAs were conducted in order to target significant differences detected using
MANOVA. Pairwise comparisons (post hoc) were conducted using Tukey’s HSD.
3. Results
3.1. Descriptive Analyses
Descriptive statistics for recovery stress states and trait EI are shown in Table 1. Results
of correlational analysis for the total sample showed that recovery was negatively correlated
with stress state (r = −0.59, p < 0.05) whereas trait EI was not significantly correlated with
stress state and recovery state.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics and inter-correlations for recovery stress states and EI scores in high
trait EI (n = 6) and low trait EI (n = 7).
Emotional Intelligence
Total sample
−0.59 *
Emotional Intelligence
High trait EI group
−0.91 *
Emotional Intelligence
−0.90 *
Low trait EI group
Emotional Intelligence
Note. * p < 0.05.
Based on the median value (Me = 45), a significant difference between the high trait
EI and low trait EI groups was observed in this study, t(11) = 4.53, p = 0.008, d = 2.23. The
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high EI-level group contained 6 athletes (Mage = 50.12; SD = 2.71) while the low EI group
contained 7 athletes (Mage = 39.19; SD = 5.35). High trait EI and low trait EI mean scores
were not significantly correlated (p > 0.05), encouraging the use of a median split. For
the high trait EI group, correlations revealed that recovery was negatively correlated with
stress state (r = −0.91, p < 0.05) and stress state was negatively correlated with EI (r = −0.90,
p < 0.05). For the low trait EI group, no significant correlation was found.
3.2. Stress State
Figure 1 presents changes in stress scores during the TdG®. Firstly, the effect of the EI
group on stress state was not significant, F(1, 11) = 0.74, p = 0.408 (M low EI = 2.77, SD = 0.13;
M high EI = 2.62, SD = 0.14). Secondly, stress state scores changed over time, F(2, 22) = 5.19,
p = 0.014, ηp2 = 0.28. Tukey post hoc tests revealed significant increases, specifically between
pre-MUM (M = 2.57, SD = 0.11) and post-MUM (M = 2.88, SD = 0.12, p = 0.017, d = 3.04) and
between per-MUM (M = 2.62, SD = 0.11) and post-MUM (p = 0.043, d = 2.35). Thirdly, no
significant interaction was observed, showing that stress scores were not influenced by the
athletes’ EI levels throughout the race, Wilk’s λ = 0.97, F(2, 22) = 0.269, p = 0.767.
Figure 1. Total stress scores during MUM in high and low EI groups.
3.3. Recovery State
Figure 2 presents the changes in recovery states during the TdG®. Firstly, results
showed no significant effect of the trait EI group on recovery scores, F(1, 11) = 3.77, p = 0.078
(M low EI = 3.31, SD = 0.16; M high EI = 3.78, SD = 0.17). Secondly, the effect of time on
recovery scores was significant, F(2, 22) = 7.50, p = 0.003, ηp2 = 0.45. Tukey HSD post
hoc tests showed that the score for recovery decreased between pre-MUM (M = 3.81,
SD = 0.12) and per-MUM (M = 3.46, SD = 0.09, p = 0.02, d = 3.11) and between pre-MUM
and post-MUM (M = 3.43, SD = 0.09, p = 0.003, d = 3.58).
Thirdly, the interaction effect of trait EI group X time on recovery was significant,
F(2, 22) = 12.21, p = 0.0003, ηp2 = 0.53. The low trait EI group reported a lower score for
recovery (M = 3.26, SD = 0.60) compared to the high trait EI group (M = 4.27, SD = 0.39,
p = 0.004, d = 4.35) at Pre-MUM and this effect was non-significant at per-MUM and Post-
MUM. In addition, only recovery scores in the high trait EI group decreased over time.
Specifically, recovery scores decreased between pre-MUM (M = 4.27, SD = 0.19) and both
per-MUM (M = 3.61, SD = 0.16, p = 0.0009, d = 3.11) and between pre-MUM and post-
MUM (M = 3.46, SD = 0.19, p = 0.0002, d = 3.11) among the high trait EI group whereas no
significant difference was observed among the low trait EI group. Finally, all participants
during the race reported high recovery levels compared to stress states, F(2, 48) = 7.74,
p = 0.001, ηp2 = 0.24 (Table 2). A Tukey’s HSD post hoc test confirmed that all recovery
scores were higher than the stress scores, either before, during, or after the race (Table 1).
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Table 2. Results of the MANOVA analysis for recovery stress states in the low EI and high EI groups.
Low Emotional Intelligence (n = 7)
High Emotional Intelligence (n = 6)
Tukey’s HSD Interpretation
Pre-MUM (1)
Per-MUM (2)
Post-MUM (3)
Pre-MUM (4)
Per-MUM (5)
Post-MUM (6)
Recovery (R)
3.30 (0.23) *
3.32 (0.11) *
3.48 (0.14) *
4.02 (0.23) *µ
3.57 (0.11) *
3.40 (0.14) *
EI-level effect
F(1, 11) = 5.23, p = 0.04, ηp2 = 0.322
R in high EI > R in low EI
Time effect
F(2, 22) = 9.10, p = 0.001, ηp2 = 0.452
R at Pre-MUM > R at Per- and
EI level * Time
F(2, 22) = 12.53, p = 0.0002, ηp2 = 0.532
1 < 4; 4 > 5–6
Stress (S)
2.70 (0.15)
2.84 (0.18)
3.01 (0.16)
2.45 (0.16)
2.56 (0.19)
2.82 (0.17)
EI-level effect
F(1, 11) = 1.53, p = 0.24, ηp2 = 0.122
Time effect
F(2, 22) = 4.36, p = 0.03, ηp2 = 0.283
S at Pre-MUM < S at
EI level * Time
F(2, 22) = 0.07, p = 0.93
Note. * Mean of recovery significantly higher than mean of stress. NS = non-significant; µ Mean of Pre-MUM recovery in high EI group significantly higher than Mean of pre-MUM
recovery in low EI group.
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Figure 2. Total recovery score during MUM in high and low trait EI groups. Notes. * Mean of
recovery for the high trait EI group significantly higher than the mean of recovery for the low trait EI
group. ↕ Mean of recovery for the high trait EI group significantly higher at pre-MUM than per- and
post-MUM and then the mean of recovery for the low trait EI group.
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to examine the time courses of recovery stress states
before, during, and after one of the most challenging MUM races. This study also con-
tributes to identifying how individuals’ high versus low trait EI affects their recovery
stress states. Results showed an imbalance between recovery stress states, highlighting an
increase in the stress states and a decrease in the recovery states. This confirms the first
two hypotheses and reaffirms that running a MUM race is a psychologically demanding
situation. However, a particularly interesting finding concerns the differences in recovery
states based on trait EI scores. As expected in regard to the third hypothesis, athletes with
higher trait EI scores reported higher recovery states compared to athletes with lower trait
EI scores. Our findings support the positive role of trait EI on an individual’s ability to
cope with challenging situations [38].
Consistent with previous research on extreme situations [14,21], the results of the
present study tend to reaffirm that the stress state is increased over time regarding an
ultra-endurance race. Specifically, stress states significantly increased immediately after
the race compared to the start of the race, while no significant variation of stress states was
observed between pre- and per-MUM. Even if athletes tended to experience a constant
stress state during the first part of the race, prolonged and repeated exposure to stressful
environmental conditions increased the stress state after the race. It is well established
that runners completing a MUM have to push their resources beyond ordinary limits [12]
to cope with the severe demands placed upon them, such as physical repercussions (e.g.,
fatigue, sleep deprivation) [50], emotional disturbances [51], and social stress [14].
Athletes reported higher scores of recovery than stress at every time point. These
results suggest that the recovery strategies were frequently used to buffer stress states.
It seems that athletes who finished the race tended to efficiently manage their resources
throughout the race. Based on their higher scores of recovery compared to stress, they
had to prioritize recovery to ensure their performance, health, and well-being [52] an
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effective biopsychosocial adjustment during the race. However, it is also noteworthy that
recovery decreased over the duration of the race, reflecting the difficulty of the runners
in maintaining and using strategies to preserve physical and psychological resources
throughout the race. The impairment of this balance may be explained by the fact that
individuals have to draw on their own resources to achieve their goals over a long time [23].
In line with the findings for prolonged exposure to stressors, where recovery decreases
and stress increases simultaneously [21], continuous effort in demanding situations could
lead to exhaustion of psychological resources and in turn could prevent the use of recovery
strategies [14].
Based on the median split approach, two groups were distinguished with significantly
different trait EI scores. Although a significant negative correlation was observed between
recovery and stress scores among the total sample, the correlation between recovery and
stress scores only remained significant among participants belonging to the high trait EI
group. As expected, recovery and stress states were significantly related in individuals
reporting greater levels of trait EI. As suggested by Jeffrey [26], recovery stress states could
be more balanced in an athlete with a high trait EI in order to find an optimal recovery
within any challenge. Our results agree with this statement: Athletes who reported a high
trait EI reported more recovery strategies (i.e., active, passive, and proactive), which could
provide them with better control of their stress states before the race.
Surprisingly, scores for stress states were not statistically different between the high
and low trait EI groups. Literature suggested that EI was associated with significantly
lower stress scores in stressful situations (i.e., competition), highlighting the protective role
of trait EI within stressful events [2]. However, our results do not confirm this literature.
This could be explained by the potentially positive impact of the stress states, which may
lead to psychological adaptation and coping within stressful environmental conditions.
Stressful conditions actually lead to an increase in the stress responses in ultra-endurance
athletes [13–15]. However, a certain level of stress state may be necessary for a successful
psychological adaptation, as long as the recovery is sufficient to help mobilize personal
resources [7,17]. Stress is therefore no longer considered to be a negative consequence
because it supports adjustment. Thus, the goal is not to eliminate the stress state per se but
rather to use it, while maintaining high scores of recovery, to buffer, manage, and regulate
stress. In this way, trait EI could play a protector role in stress through cognitive appraisals
in helping individuals evaluate situations as being challenging [53]. Reaching a balance
between stress state and recovery state would be a particularly relevant strategy to promote
adjustments in a MUM situation. In addition, the stress state experienced by athletes could
be considered as eustress to help further increase and mobilize their personal resources in a
constant adjustment to the extreme situation [23]. As a reminder, all participants in this
study were part of the 55% of finishers, suggesting that an optimal recovery stress state
was observed.
As expected, athletes who reported a high trait EI showed higher scores of recovery
before the race. In other words, these runners tended to be more able to protect, build,
refill or restore their personal resources compared to the low trait EI runners. This finding
highlights the positive role of trait EI on the passive, active and proactive approaches to
recovery, in addition to its positive influence on the use of several psychological skills,
such as self-talk, imagery, or activation [43]. Our findings at the outset of the competi-
tion highlight that trait EI would help to optimize psychological processes by buffering
stressor effects [28] and boosting personal resources (physical, emotional, behavioral, and
social) [18]. However, an alternative explanation could be provided for the fact that only
recovery scores in the high trait EI group decreased over time. High trait EI participants
could have a better introspective sense of their internal state, whereas low trait EI partic-
ipants may not have as fine-tuned a sense of their internal states and therefore did not
report changes in their recovery states over time.
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5. Limits
Due to limited access to the elite athlete population and finishers in these ecologically
extreme situations, the small sample size of the present study represents a limitation for
generalization and further analyses such as regression models. In this line, it would have
been interesting to have more information on the characteristics of the participants to
better understand our results by considering other potential biological, psychological,
and sociological factors. For example, age, gender, and experience, but also training
periodization, fitness, nutrition, and type of recovery practices may be involved in the
development of recovery and stress states. Further research should consequently endeavor
to recruit larger sample sizes and, more specifically, to go beyond the global EI score
used in this study. This score was calculated from 5 distinct sub-dimensions: Appraisal
of one’s own emotions, appraisal of others’ emotions, regulation of one’s own emotions,
regulation of others’ emotions, and use of emotions. Previous research has revealed the
relevance of investigating these sub-dimensions independently given that they could be
differently associated with psychological responses, such as emotions [38,43]. Therefore,
future research with a larger sample and different EI or emotional regulation questionnaires,
e.g., CERQ [54]; PEC, [55]; TEIQue, [56] could lead to a more specific understanding of
the respective influence of each dimension of trait EI on recovery strategies in stressful
6. Practical Applications
This study gives insight into the role of trait EI in the recovery stress states during a
MUM race. Runners should be aware that ultra-endurance races lead to substantial changes
in recovery stress states and that trait EI could help them to improve their preparation
for a MUM race. The ability to balance recovery stress states is essential in preventing
pathogenic psychological outcomes but also for the development and maintenance of
skilled performance, health, and well-being [1,19]. The positive association between trait
EI and the recovery process could also help to improve pre-competitive resources and
mental preparation. Coaches, athletes, and psychological counselors are concerned by this
result because they could conduct specific interventions in order to improve the trait EI in
athletes and in turn the balance between recovery strategies and stress states. As shown in
previous studies, it is possible to improve trait EI [5,57]. EI interventions [58] should first
focus on the understanding of the emotional information in order to lead individuals to be
aware and accumulate sufficient knowledge to transform this into practice (i.e., recovery
strategies) to increase trait EI.
7. Conclusions
Despite the limitations of this study, investigating the role of trait EI in MUM athletes
should provide a better understanding of the balance of recovery and stress states. An
added value of this study was to indicate that high trait EI was linked to higher scores
of recovery before the race, suggesting that such athletes tend to be better prepared to
cope with MUM. Athletes, coaches, and practitioners in sports psychology could develop
trait EI in order to facilitate the use of recovery strategies and optimize personal resources
in competition.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.N. and G.M. (Gregoire Millet); methodology, M.N.
and M.G.; formal analysis, M.G. and G.M. (Guillaume Martinent); investigation, M.G.; writing—
original draft preparation, M.N. and M.G. writing—review and editing, M.N., M.G., V.B., G.M.
(Gregoire Millet), S.L. and G.M. (Guillaume Martinent). All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Burgundy.
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Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data are available and can be sent by the corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the participants of the study who were fully committed
during their preparation time prior to the MUM.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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An open-source, lockable mouse wheel for
the accessible implementation of time- and
distance-limited elective exercise
Joseph J. Bivona, IIIID1,2*, Matthew E. Poynter1*
1 Department of Medicine and Vermont Lung Center, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine,
Burlington, Vermont, United States of America, 2 Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Sciences Doctoral
Program, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
* [email protected] (JJB); [email protected] (MEP)
Current methods of small animal exercise involve either voluntary (wheel running) or forced
(treadmill running) protocols. Although commonly used, each have several drawbacks
which cause hesitancy to adopt these methods. While mice will instinctively run on a wheel,
the distance and time spent running can vary widely. Forced exercise, while controllable,
puts animals in stressful environments in which they are confined and often shocked for
“encouragement.” Additionally, both methods require expensive equipment and software,
which limit these experiments to well-funded laboratories. To counter these issues, we
developed a non-invasive mouse running device aimed to reduce handler-induced stress,
provide time- and distance-based stopping conditions, and enable investigators with limited
resources to easily produce and use the device. The Lockable Open-Source Training-
Wheel (LOST-Wheel) was designed to be 3D printed on any standard entry-level printer and
assembled using a few common tools for around 20 USD. It features an on-board screen
and is capable of tracking distances, running time, and velocities of mice. The LOST-Wheel
overcomes the largest drawback to voluntary exercise, which is the inability to control when
and how long mice run, using a servo driven mechanism that locks and unlocks the running
surface according to the protocol of the investigator. While the LOST-Wheel can be used
without a computer connection, we designed an accompanying application to provide scien-
tists with additional analyses. The LOST-Wheel Logger, an R-based application, displays
milestones and plots on a user-friendly dashboard. Using the LOST-Wheel, we imple-
mented a timed running experiment that showed distance-dependent decreases in serum
myostatin as well as IL-6 gene upregulation in muscle. To make this device accessible, we
are releasing the designs, application, and manual in an open-source format. The imple-
mentation of the LOST-Wheel and future iterations will improve upon existing murine exer-
cise equipment and research.
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Citation: Bivona JJ, III, Poynter ME (2021) An
open-source, lockable mouse wheel for the
accessible implementation of time- and distance-
limited elective exercise. PLoS ONE 16(12):
Editor: Richard Jay Smeyne, Thomas Jefferson
Received: October 23, 2021
Accepted: December 6, 2021
Published: December 21, 2021
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2021 Bivona, Poynter. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All model, code, and
manual files are available for download at: https://
While exercise is a safe and effective health strategy [1], the ability for laboratories to test
hypotheses concerning the physiological adaptations brought about by movement in mouse
models is hindered by the expense of commercial products [2]. To understand the systemic
effects of untrained exercise and lower the barrier of entry for murine-exercise research, we
have developed an open-source mouse running wheel that accurately tracks and displays the
distance traveled and restricts wheel running at specified distances or times. The Lockable
Open-Source Training Wheel (LOST-Wheel) has been designed for both standalone and com-
puter connected scenarios. The only requirement for standalone mode is a USB power source.
In this mode, the LOST-Wheel can log cumulative distance, which is visualized through the
onboard screen. When a computer is connected to the wheel through the LOST-Wheel Logger
application, more detailed data such as speed and time running can be collected, graphed, and
exported. The LOST-Wheel was tested in both overnight (acute) and week-long (chronic)
experiments. Samples from the acute, untrained, bout of exercise were subjected to analysis
with real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and protein quantification through
Luminex assays.
This design of the LOST-Wheel was inspired as an attempt to create an inexpensive, freely
accessible, and human-relevant model of exercise. One drawback of voluntary exercise is the
inability to limit running distances [3]. For studies that interrogate the dose dependent effect
of exercise or to restrict running to certain times and distances, we implemented a microcon-
troller regulated locking mechanism to prevent wheel movement at the will of the investigator.
Previous work using commercially available products has shown that wheel running produces
dose-dependent effects on neuron proliferation and dendritogenesis [4]. Additionally, that the
presence of an immobile wheel in a cage also elicits neurological effects in the absence of its
use demands that such a device-exposure group should be included as a proper control in
wheel-running experiments [4, 5]. Despite the average gait of a mouse being 5–6 cm [6], mice
voluntarily run upwards of 7 hours and 20 km/night [3] when provided with a standard wheel
[7, 8]. The use of a wheel for long periods cannot be explained by a single theory [9], and phys-
iological effects differ substantially between strains of mice [10]. By limiting running distances,
the locking capacity of the LOST-Wheel enables researchers to normalize voluntary exercise
across animals. While forced exercise (treadmill running) is an alternative strategy that ensures
a consistent distance across animals, the handling [11], confinement [12], and electrical shock
[13] required for its implementation can induce stress and alter the biological responses being
studied [14].
To verify the effectiveness of the LOST-Wheel and to evaluate the consequences of a single,
untrained bout of exercise, we allowed a cohort of mice to perform voluntary exercise for a sin-
gle night (their waking time) then performed RT-qPCR on gastrocnemius muscle and multi-
plex analysis of several myokines in serum. We confirmed exercise-induced physiological
changes, including increases in gastrocnemius Il6 gene expression and a significant, negative,
relationship between serum myostatin and the distance traveled by mice.
LOST-Wheel design and code
The LOST-Wheel was designed using Fusion360 (Autodesk, San Rafael, CA) and is composed
of four pieces: main body, top face, servo pin, and wheel. Table 1 contains a component list for
the electronics, bearings, axle, and hardware. Slicing the models for 3D printing was conducted
using Cura (Ultimaker, Utrecht, Netherlands). All pieces were printed using fusion deposition
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Funding: This study was made possible by support
from the Larner College of Medicine and the
Vermont Lung Center T32HL076122. The funders
had no role in study design, data collection and
analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
modeling with polylactic acid (PLA) on an Ender3 V2 3D printer (Creality 3D, Shenzhen,
China). The sketches used to program the LOST-Wheel were created in Arduino IDE (Ardu-
ino, New York City, NY) in Arduino/C++ language with the additional libraries, U8g2 and
U8x8. A computer rendering, representative image, and wiring diagram for the LOST-Wheel
are shown in Fig 1A–1C, respectively. In acute exercise experiments, the Timer Mode protocol
was uploaded and set to begin when the wheel was powered on. For chronic exercise, the Dis-
tance Mode protocol was uploaded, and the threshold set to 106 m for unlimited running. The
LOST-Wheel can be powered indefinitely; however, in the experiments of this manuscript,
data was collected daily, at which time wheels were reset.
All files required to build and program the LOST-Wheel are available at https://github.
com/jjbivona/LOSTwheel. The LOST-Wheel design files, manual, and LOST-Wheel Logger
software are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International License. To access a build video and setup tutorial, visit:
LOST-Wheel logger
While the LOST-Wheel can accurately display distance using its onboard screen, more detailed
information can be obtained using the LOST-Wheel Logger Application. The application was
created in R and RStudio (version 4.1.1 and 1.4 respectively) using Shiny [15], ggplot2 [16],
and Serial [17] packages. Users are instructed to enter an ID for the wheel, the associated com-
munication port (COM port), and the duration of data collection. After information is entered
and the start button is pressed, the logger restarts the wheel and collects data in one second
intervals until the duration is met. The program then calculates the individual slopes between
each data point to determine the maximum speed in meters/second. Using this information,
the Logger can determine the amount of time the mouse has run. Previous literature indicates
that untrained mice have an average speed of 1–2 km/h (0.28–0.56 m/s) [18]; therefore, a
threshold of 0.2 m/s is applied to exclude non-running events. Finally, the LOST-Wheel Log-
ger creates distance/time and velocity/time graphs and presents all information for the user.
The number of wheels that can be simultaneously connected is limited by the number of
Table 1. Component list for the LOST-Wheel.
6 mm ID, 10 mm OD, x 3 mm bearing
6 mm axle cut to 65 mm
M3x5 self-tapping screw
M2x6 self-tapping screw
M2.3x8 self-tapping screw
M1.7x6 self-tapping screw
10 mm x 5 mm x 3 mm neodymium magnet
22-gauge, 2.54 mm breadboard jumper wires, 3 male, 7 female
Arduino Nano (or similar)
9g micro servo
KY-003 hall effect sensor
0.96 inch 128x64 OLED Screen I2C connection SSD1306 Driver
This list serves as a template for the electronics and hardware required for the device. Generic Arduino clones can be
substituted as microcontrollers since they are often a fraction of the price. Magnet size and quantity can also be
changed depending on availability and accuracy required.
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universal serial bus (USB) ports available on the computer. In our laboratory, we use an inex-
pensive USB hub to expand the number of wheels connected. The current version of the
LOST-Wheel Logger accommodates a single wheel. Therefore, to collect data from multiple
wheels, the user must open a separate instance of RStudio for each wheel.
12–20 week old male C57BL/6J mice purchased from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor,
ME) were housed in AAALAC-accredited animal facilities at the University of Vermont, and
all experimental animal procedures were approved by the University of Vermont Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee, protocol #202100027. Mice were maintained on a 12 hour-
light/dark cycle, beginning at 07:00 and 19:00, respectively, and provided chow and water ad
To examine the effect of a single, untrained bout of exercise, mice were brought from the
vivarium and caged individually. A single LOST-Wheel, or an immobile “dummy” wheel, was
introduced into each cage at 08:00. Wheels in the running group remained unlocked to accli-
mate the mice until 12:00, at which point the wheels locked. At 19:00 the wheels unlocked, and
mice were allowed to run voluntarily for 12 hours, at which point they were euthanized by an
intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital (Euthasol, Midwest Veterinary Supply, Lakeville,
MN), followed by exsanguination. Serum and gastrocnemius muscle were collected and snap
frozen in liquid nitrogen.
Fig 1. Lost-Wheel assembly and testing. A) Computer rendered design of the assembled LOST-Wheel. B) Completed assembly of the LOST-Wheel.
C) Simplified wiring diagram of components. 22-gauge, 2.54 mm breadboard jumper wires are soldered to the microcontroller and connected to
components using the attached plugs. Should a single component fail, this allows for easy replacement without resoldering. D) The LOST-Wheel
Logger application can be used in conjunction with the LOST-Wheel to collect and plot additional data. E) Mice were allowed to run unrestricted for 7
days on the LOST-Wheel. Each morning, the distance was recorded, and wheels were reset (n = 5).
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For one week running experiments, wheels remained unlocked throughout the duration of
the test. Distances were recorded at 09:00 each morning and the wheels were reset.
RNA isolation, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction
(qRT-PCR), and protein quantitation
Total RNA was isolated from liquid nitrogen pulverized whole muscle using TRIzol reagent
followed by a chloroform-isopropanol extraction (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA,
USA). RNA concentration and purity were measured using a NanoDrop 2000 spectrophotom-
eter. (Thermo Fisher Scientific). cDNA was synthesized from 100 ng of RNA using the qScript
Supermix reagent kit per manufacturer’s instructions (Quantabio, Beverly, MA, USA). Quanti-
tative real-time PCR was performed using iTaq Universal SYBR Green Supermix on a CFX96
Touch (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA), with the relative mRNA expression calculated using
the threshold cycle (Ct; 2−ΔΔCt) method normalized to Gapdh expression. The following
primer sequences were used (Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA, USA): Il6 forward
Serum samples were analyzed using a Milliplex Mouse Myokine Magnetic Bead Panel
(Millipore Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) on a Luminex 100 xMAP Instrument (Bio-Rad)
according to kit instructions.
Statistical analysis and figures
RT-qPCR and Milliplex data were analyzed and visualized using GraphPad Prism version
9.2.0 for Windows (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA) with unpaired t-tests and a lin-
ear regression, respectively. Significance is designated by p-values < 0.05. Fig 2A was created
Building and testing the LOST-Wheel
All components in Table 1 are readily available and the 3D printed models can be created
using any entry-level 3D printer capable of printing in polylactic acid (PLA) filament. The
wheel can be assembled using only a #1 Phillips head screwdriver, a soldering iron, and a wire
cutter/stripper. Excluding a 3D printer, the entire apparatus can be created for less than 15
USD. The models can easily be modified to account for larger diameter bearings and drive
shafts, additional wheel magnets, or changes in component mounting holes. A representative
rendering and completed wheel are shown in Fig 1A and 1B, respectively. A simplified compo-
nent wiring diagram is shown in Fig 1C. We have also created a series of videos that outline
the assembly, programming, and cage setup, which can be accessed at
The LOST-Wheel was tested for 7 days to evaluate durability and animal safety, during
which mice steadily increased distance traveled per day (Fig 1D), averaging 2046.38 ± 2647.11
m on the first day and 8972.71 ± 2888.14 m at the end of the trial. One mouse did not use the
wheel until the second day.
Locking criteria
To limit and control mouse exercise, we developed three separate modes for the LOST-Wheel.
These are first edited by the user based on their experimental requirements and uploaded to
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the wheel through the Arduino IDE program. In Timer Mode, the user inputs the amount of
time (in hours) for which they want the wheel to be sequentially locked and unlocked. This
program was implemented for our acute voluntary exercise experiments. The second and
third modes limit exercise by distance and time spent running, respectively, and allow for the
normalization of exercise across animals within experimental groups.
Acute voluntary exercise by untrained mice
To examine the effects of a single bout of voluntary exercise on untrained mice, we subjected
mice to a one-day acclimation and exercise protocol (Fig 2A). Mice were singly placed in cages
containing either a LOST-Wheel or an immobile “dummy” wheel at 08:00. The wheel
remained unlocked for four hours for acclimation, at which point the servo inserted a pin into
the wheel to lock the device (12:00). At 19:00, the pin was withdrawn, and mice were allowed
to voluntarily use the wheel for 12 hours. At the end of exercise, we collected serum and leg
muscles, then measured expression and production of interleukin-6 (IL-6), a muscle-produced
cytokine (myokine) reported to be induced in exercised human subjects [19] as well as in
Fig 2. Acute exercise of untrained mice. A) Experimental setup. Mice were acclimated to the LOST-Wheel for four hours, at which
point the wheel locked until the evening. Mice were allowed to run unrestricted for 12 hours, at which point the wheels relocked and
mice were euthanized. B) RT-qPCR analysis of gastrocnemius muscle Il6 expression (n = 6-7/group, unpaired t test). C) Serum
myostatin concentrations relative to the distance traveled of mice undergoing untrained acute exercise (n = 6, simple linear
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mouse models of acute exercise [20] and myostatin. We observed a significant increase in the
expression of Il6 in the gastrocnemius muscle following acute exercise (Fig 2B). Interestingly,
there was a significant correlation between distance traveled on the LOST-Wheel and serum
myostatin measured by Luminex (Fig 2C). One mouse did not log any distance on the LOST--
Wheel. This mouse was excluded from RT-qPCR measurements but included in measure-
ments of serum myostatin as a sedentary control.
This manuscript presents an open-source mouse wheel that can be affordably and efficiently
assembled by investigators. The LOST-Wheel can be used in standalone mode to collect data
on overall distances traveled. When used in combination with a computer, the wheel interfaces
with the LOST-Wheel Logger application to calculate the amount of time spent running and
top speed achieved. Finally, we verified the integrity of the device and observed physiological
changes in serum and muscle gene expression from a single untrained bout of exercise.
Physiological alterations after running
While the primary objective was to assess the efficacy of the LOST-Wheel, there was merit in
observing the effects of acute exercise. Muscle derived signaling molecules, termed myokines,
are released during muscle contraction and indicate physiological adaptations following exer-
cise. Most notably, IL-6 is highly upregulated and is believed to function differently from clas-
sic inflammatory signaling by instead increasing glucose sensitivity and uptake [21]. We
observed increases in Il6 expression in the gastrocnemius muscle (Fig 2B); however, increased
IL-6 protein concentrations were not detected in serum using a myokine multiplex panel,
implicating its local effect in the muscle. Additionally, we observed a significant, negative, cor-
relation between distance traveled and serum myostatin concentrations (Fig 2C). As a regula-
tor of muscle growth and differentiation [22], this correlation implies that myostatin is dose
dependently regulated by running distance. These results align with previous studies in
humans and rats, in which myostatin was transiently decreased after bouts of acute exercise
[23, 24].
Voluntary exercise versus forced exercise
While treadmill based forced exercise allows for controlled speed, duration, and incline of
training, it increases corticosterone and norepinephrine levels, indicating a strong stress
response that is not elicited by during voluntary exercise [25–28]. The shock, confinement, or
handling of the mice can all contribute to the increased stress reported. Additionally, the pres-
ence of an immobile wheel can have the added benefit of environmental enrichment [29, 30].
Due to this effect, we advise using a locked LOST-Wheel or creating a dummy wheel (fully
assembled without electronic components) for control groups [4, 5].
Durability of the LOST-Wheel
Several iterations of the LOST-Wheel were prototyped before using the Hall effect sensor and
magnet combination. Originally, the wheel rotated on a rotary encoder, an electro-mechanical
part that has a finite number of rotations (30,000–100,000) before wearing out. We also
attempted using an infrared sensor, but cage bedding would often block the beam, rendering it
useless. The magnet and Hall effect sensor bypass these problems and should remain opera-
tional indefinitely. The running surface and shaft can easily be removed and sprayed with etha-
nol to disinfect between uses. While mice have occasionally chewed the running surface, this
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has not hindered its balance or performance. We have also designed and provided a guard for
the power cord that protects it from destructive animals.
Comparison to existing wheels
To verify data collection on the LOST-Wheel, we have compared our 7-day protocol to the
well detailed and extensive work of de Bono and colleagues [18], who developed a method to
track distances run by mice but that lacks the ability to limit exercise, requires an expensive
data acquisition unit with software (Spike 2,, https://ced., and has limited customizability and programmability. We have
developed the LOST-Wheel Logger App, which allows for detailed collection, analysis, and
export of data similar to the Spike 2 program. Reassuringly, our device recapitulates the dis-
tances reported in the aforementioned work. Recently, an open-source wheel was introduced
that tracks running distances using a similar Hall Effect sensor as the LOST-Wheel. However,
this device does not allow for controlled exercise or additional data collection as it only collects
cumulative distance measurements [31]. Forced exercise designs exist that can be used to exer-
cise mice, but such devices require extensive machining and calibration [32] or the repurpos-
ing of an existing human-treadmill [33].
The LOST-Wheel provides an inexpensive alternative to commercial murine exercise devices.
Similar distance tracking devices, without locking abilities, cost 300–400 USD per wheel,
require an additional data acquisition unit (400–900 USD), and necessitate accompanying
software (800–2500 USD) (price quotes are from correspondence with commercial retailers).
The availability and shallow learning curve of Arduino-based microcontrollers allows for labo-
ratories to create their own devices at a fraction of the price [34]. The 3D printed parts can be
outsourced to university fabrication labs, commercial 3D print operations, or fabricated in-
house as entry level fused deposition modeling printers have substantially decreased in price
over the last decade, with entry level printers ranging from 200–300 USD.
Future designs
The LOST-Wheel was created out of necessity and to improve current research-based exercise
protocols in experimental animals. We have shown that this inexpensive, open-source wheel
can provide investigator-controllable exercise to small rodent research without modification
of the cage. The value of an open-source project is that it allows researchers to easily imple-
ment changes that fit their research goals and budgets. Future iterations of the LOST-Wheel
and Logger App can include wireless transmission of data to a smartphone through commer-
cially available Bluetooth-Arduino adaptors. Other changes may include on-board data stor-
age, operant conditioning modifications, or using the locking pin to provide resistance against
the wheel to model weighted wheel hypertrophy-inducing exercise [35].
Supporting information
S1 Data. The code, manual, and 3D files in both .STL and .F3D format, can be found at:
S1 Video. Videos for building and setting up the LOST-Wheel can be found at: https://
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The authors thank Jeffery L. Brabec and Colleen E. Yancey for their help debugging code.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Data curation: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Formal analysis: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Funding acquisition: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Investigation: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Methodology: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Project administration: Joseph J. Bivona, III, Matthew E. Poynter.
Software: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Supervision: Matthew E. Poynter.
Visualization: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Writing – original draft: Joseph J. Bivona, III.
Writing – review & editing: Joseph J. Bivona, III, Matthew E. Poynter.
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A locking mouse wheel for investigator-limited voluntary exercise
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| An open-source, lockable mouse wheel for the accessible implementation of time- and distance-limited elective exercise. | 12-21-2021 | Bivona, Joseph J,Poynter, Matthew E | eng |
PMC10675285 | Citation: Del Arco, A.; Martinez
Aguirre-Betolaza, A.; Malchrowicz-
Mo´sko, E.; Gogojewicz, A.;
Castañeda-Babarro, A. Are
Supplements Consumed by
Middle-Distance Runners
Evidence-Based? A Comparative
Study between Level of Competition
and Sex. Nutrients 2023, 15, 4839.
Academic Editors: Valentín
E. Fernández-Elías and
Olga López Torres
Received: 16 October 2023
Revised: 16 November 2023
Accepted: 17 November 2023
Published: 20 November 2023
© 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Are Supplements Consumed by Middle-Distance Runners
Evidence-Based? A Comparative Study between Level of
Competition and Sex
Asier Del Arco 1, Aitor Martinez Aguirre-Betolaza 1
, Ewa Malchrowicz-Mo´sko 2
, Anna Gogojewicz 3
and Arkaitz Castañeda-Babarro 1,*
Health, Physical Activity and Sports Science Laboratory, Department of Physical Activity and Sports,
Faculty of Education and Sport, University of Deusto, 48007 Bilbao, Spain;
[email protected] (A.D.A.); [email protected] (A.M.A.-B.)
Institute of Sport Sciences, Poznan University of Physical Education, 61-871 Pozna´n, Poland;
[email protected]
Institute of Health Sciences, Poznan University of Physical Education, 61-871 Pozna´n, Poland;
[email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Background: Middle-distance running events have special physiological requirements from
a training and competition point of view. Therefore, many athletes choose to take sport supplements
(SS) for different reasons. To date, few studies have been carried out that review supplementation
patterns in middle-distance running. The aim of the present study is to analyze the consumption
of SS in these runners with respect to their level of competition, sex and level of scientific evidence.
Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, data was collected from 106 middle-distance
runners using a validated questionnaire. Results: Of the total sample, 85.85% responded that they
consumed SS; no statistical difference was found regarding the level of competition or sex of the
athletes. With respect to the level of competition, differences were observed in the total consumption
of SS (p = 0.012), as well as in that of medical supplements (p = 0.005). Differences were observed
between sexes in the consumption of medical supplements (p = 0.002) and group C supplements
(p = 0.029). Conclusions: Higher-level athletes consume SS that have greater scientific evidence. On
the other hand, although the most commonly consumed SS have evidence for the performance or
health of middle-distance runners, runners should improve both their sources of information and
their places of purchase.
Keywords: middle-distance; supplementation; nutrition; performance; health
1. Introduction
Middle-distance running events are highly complex from a bioenergetic, training and
tactical point of view [1]. The level of energy intensity is in a middle ground between
aerobic and anaerobic metabolism [2], with the aerobic contribution in the 800 m being
between 60 and 75% and slightly higher (77–85%) in the 1500 m [3]. In addition, due
to the type of muscle fibers these athletes have (Mainly IIX and IIA [4]), most middle-
distance runners can reach lactate peaks of >20 mmol/L, leading to muscle pH levels as
low as 6.6 [5]. However, the high speed requirements make both aerobic and anaerobic
metabolism contribute significantly during these events [6]. This can be reflected in the
distribution of training intensities throughout the season. Middle-distance runners work
a very wide spectrum of training zones, ranging from low-intensity running sessions to
very-high-intensity glycolytic workouts [7]. In this way, elite middle-distance runners
develop aerobic capacities similar to those of long-distance runners, mechanical skills close
to those of sprinters, as well as a highly enhanced anaerobic capacity [1]. Some of these
Nutrients 2023, 15, 4839.
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characteristics make them adopt different race strategies [8,9]. However, sometimes the
difference between being a medalist or not is minimal [10], and the improvements seen
with some SS are very worthwhile in terms of performance [11].
Supplements are defined as “A food, food component, nutrient, or nonfood compound
that is purposefully ingested in addition to the habitually-consumed diet with the aim
of achieving a specific health and/or performance benefit” [11]. Although many athletes
use SS to improve their performance, there are other underlying reasons for their use [12].
According to the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), supplements are classified into four
groups using the “ABCD” system [13]. This is based on the latest scientific evidence for
determining whether a product is safe, permitted and effective in improving performance
or health: (A) supplements with solid scientific evidence in specific situations under estab-
lished protocols; (B) components with emerging evidence that should be used in research
or clinical settings; (C) supplements with limited evidence and effects on performance;
(D) prohibited products or those with a high risk of contamination by doping substances.
Regarding middle-distance races, some of the supplements that have shown the most
evidence in improving performance are caffeine [14,15], β-Alanine [16–18] and sodium
bicarbonate [19–21]. However, these SS are not among the most consumed by middle-
distance runners, with the consumption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids being higher
than the previously mentioned ones [22].
Although SS can provide both health and performance benefits, athletes’ knowledge
of them is sometimes limited [23,24]. In the same way, it has been shown that the use of
some SS with less scientific evidence is greater than those with higher levels of supporting
research [25]. Finally, some of the main motivators for their consumption are unqualified
individuals, such as friends, teammates or the runners themselves [26–29].
To our knowledge, few studies have been conducted to analyze supplementation
patterns in athletes, and no one exclusively in middle-distance runners. Thus, the objective
of this research is to know the supplementation trends in those athletes with respect to
their level and gender. On the other hand, it aims to assess whether the SS taken by middle-
distance runners are those with the most scientific evidence, thus reducing the existing gap
in the literature [30].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Type of Study
The research was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The sample was selected
using non-probabilistic, non-injurious and convenience sampling among training groups
and individual middle-distance athletes at the national level.
2.2. Participants and Study Sample
A total of 106 middle-distance runners (800–1500 m) participated, of which 74 were
men and 32 were women (gender assigned at birth). Only two requirements were estab-
lished to participate in the study, which were as follows: (1) be over 18 years of age (legal
age in Spain); (2) be currently performing middle-distance disciplines. The level of the ath-
letes was differentiated by their area of competition, which could be regional (competing at
regional or provincial level), national (competitions in Spain) or international (competitions
at European and World level). Table 1 describes the age, basic anthropometric data and
best performances in middle-distance events of the participants involved in the research.
2.3. Instruments
The questionnaire chosen for this research has been previously used in studies with
the same objectives carried out in other sports [26,31,32]. This one was chosen for two main
reasons; on the one hand, for its contents, structure, applicability and ease of completion
for the athletes. The second reason was the quality of the questionnaire, which was created
by 25 experts from different areas and achieved a 54% methodological validity, being
one of the 57 questionnaires (out of 167) validated to obtain accurate data on supplement
Nutrients 2023, 15, 4839
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consumption [33]. The questionnaire has 4 main parts and a total of 32 questions. The first
one asks for personal (e.g., sex), anthropometric (e.g., height, weight) and sociodemographic
(e.g., region of residence) data, with a total of 8 questions. The second, with a total
of 5 questions, covers topics about the sport practice (e.g., years of practice, level of
competition). The third part, with a similar objective, collects information about your best
times in the different middle-distance disciplines or about your training days and number
of competitions and has a total of 8 questions. Finally, the fourth part (11 questions) covers
the area of supplementation, with questions such as: what supplements do they consume,
reason for consumption, and place of purchase. This questionnaire collects data about all
types of supplements, among which we find sports foods (e.g., energy bars, sports gels),
medical supplements (e.g., iron, vitamin D, multivitamins) or performance supplements
(e.g., caffeine, creatine, ß-Alanine). These different types of supplements are defined as
sport supplements in the current study. From this last section, different questions related to
diet were eliminated from the original questionnaire because they did not contribute to
the objective of the study and in order to limit the response time. This questionnaire can
be obtained in: Suplementación nutricional en la actividad físico-deportiva: análisis de la
calidad del suplemento proteico consumido [34].
Table 1. Characteristics and personal times of the different subjects.
Sex (n)
Category (n)
Height *
Weight *
PB 800 m
PB 1500 m
Regional (29)
22.9 ± 5.7
176.3 ± 8.2
64.8 ± 9.1
18.3 ± 2.0
2:01.74 ± 6.80
4:17.22 ± 16.31
National (43)
24.5 ± 7.6
177.6 ± 6.4
65.1 ± 6.1
18.3 ± 1.4
1:56.42 ± 5.25
4:02.92 ± 16.50
International (2)
20.0 ± 2.8
189.0 ± 5.7
68.5 ± 4.9
18.1 ± 0.8
1:48.38 ± 1.15
Regional (11)
23.6 ± 8.2
165.0 ± 4.8
52.4 ± 7.0
15.8 ± 1.7
2:26.04 ± 7.04
5:13.66 ± 21.95
National (17)
21.8 ± 3.1
164.8 ± 4.3
52.5 ± 4.1
15.9 ± 1.1
2:15.56 ± 6.55
4:59.61 ± 43.06
International (4)
21.0 ± 2.9
167.5 ± 4.8
55.0 ± 3.2
16.4 ± 0.8
2:05.27 ± 3.84
4:15.23 ± 9.97
Results are expressed as mean ± SD. BMI: body mass index. * Self-reported height and weight. BMI calculated
from self-reported height and weight. PB: personal best. Gender assigned at birth.
2.4. Procedures
For the data collection, the questionnaire was distributed via training groups, known
athletes and social networks. The questionnaire was distributed online so that runners
could complete it remotely, voluntarily and anonymously. The protocol complied with the
provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki for human research and was approved by the
ethical committee of the University of Deusto (ETK-14/23-24) dated 26 October 2023.
2.5. Statistical Analysis
To verify whether the variables had a normal distribution, a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
was applied, and Levene’s test was used to verify homoscedasticity. The quantitative data
were presented as mean + SD, while the qualitative variables were expressed as percentages
and frequencies. A two-way ANOVA was performed for the sex factor (male–female) and
level of competition (regional, national and international) to analyze the differences in the
total consumption of SS, as well as the SS consumed from the different categories. To assess
sex differences, a t-test for independent variables was performed, while to assess differences
among competition levels, a one-way ANOVA was performed. For those variables in which
significant differences were found, the Bonferroni post hoc analysis was used. Regarding
the analysis of the athletes who consumed SS, the reason for consumption, the place where
they obtained them and who advised them to consume them, a chi-square (χ2) test was
used to verify the existence or not of differences between athletes of different sex and level
of competition. As for the SS that were consumed by at least 10% of the sample, a χ2
test was performed to verify possible differences according to sex or level of competition.
The level of statistical significance was established as p < 0.05. The statistical analysis was
carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software v.28.0.0 (IBM,
Armonk, NY, USA) for Windows.
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3. Results
3.1. General Consumption of Sport Supplements
Of the total sample, 85.85% reported consuming supplements, while 15 of the 106 sub-
jects responded that they did not consume any type of sport supplement. Regarding sex,
supplement consumption was higher in men (89.2%) than in women (78.1%), with no
statistical differences between them (p = 0.143). In the analysis of the results by level of
competition, the percentage of autonomous athletes who consumed supplements was
77.5%, in athletes at the national level it was 90.0%, while in athletes who competed at
the international level the consumption was 100%, with no differences between levels
(p = 0.126).
Table 2 shows the supplements consumed according to the different categories es-
tablished by the AIS. With respect to total supplement consumption, differences were
observed at the competitive level between international and regional athletes (p = 0.011).
However, no differences were appreciated based on sex (F = 2.248; p = 0.466), with a total
consumption of 4.8 ± 3.7 and 5.4 ± 5.7 for men and women, respectively. No interactions
were observed between level and sex (F = 0.306; p = 0.737).
Table 2. Descriptive data of the SS consumed according to the different categories defined by the AIS
as a function of sex and level of competition.
Level of Competition
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Total SS
4.8 ± 3.7
5.4 ± 5.7
4.0 ± 3.8
5.1 ± 3.7
9.5 ± 9.6
5.0 ± 4.4
Group A
Sports food
1.1 ± 1.0
1.0 ± 1.2
1.0 ± 1.1
1.1 ± 1.0
1.2 ± 1.5
1.1 ± 1.1
Medical supplement
0.4 ± 0.6
0.8 ± 0.9
0.3 ± 0.5
0.6 ± 0.8
1.3 ± 1.0
0.52 ± 0.7
Performance supplement
1.0 ± 1.1
0.9 ± 1.1
0.8 ± 1.1
1.0 ± 1.9
1.7 ± 1.6
1.0 ± 1.1
Total Group A
2.5 ± 1.9
2.7 ± 2.4
2.1 ± 2.0
2.7 ± 1.9
4.2 ± 3.7
2.5 ± 2.1
Group B
0.5 ± 0.7
0.5 ± 0.7
0.5 ± 0.6
0.5 ± 0.7
1.2 ± 1.2
0.5 ± 0.7
Group C
0.5 ± 0.6
0.3 ± 0.4
0.3 ± 0.6
0.5 ± 0.6
0.4 ± 0.6
0.4 ± 0.6
AIS: Australian Institute of Sport; SS: sport supplements; SD: standard deviation; M: male; F: female; R: regional;
N: national; I: international; Group A: supplements with solid scientific evidence in specific situations under
established protocols; Group B: components with emerging evidence that should be used in research or clinical
settings; Group C: supplements with limited evidence and effects on performance; gender assigned at birth.
For Group A, no differences were observed between sexes or levels or for the sex–
level interaction for the sports food, performance supplement or total intake. However,
differences were observed for the group of medical supplements between competition
levels (international athletes, p = 0.004 vs. regional and p = 0.037 vs. national athletes),
with consumption being higher as the level of the athletes increased. Likewise, differences
between sexes were noted in this group (F = 3.797; p = 0.002), with higher consumption
in women than in men (0.4 ± 0.6 vs. 0.8 ± 0.9). Table 3 describes the differences between
supplement consumption according to level of competition, sex and the interaction between
both. Regarding Group B, no differences were observed between sexes (F = 1.591; F = 0.860),
levels of competition (F = 2.656; p = 0.075) or the interaction between sex and level of
competition (F = 0.279; p = 0.860). Finally, for group C supplement consumption, differences
were observed with respect to sex (F = 13.297; p = 0.029), with 0.5 ± 0.6 vs. 0.3 ± 0.4 for
males and females, respectively. However, no differences were seen between levels or for
the sex–level-of-competition interaction.
3.2. Most-Consumed Supplements by Competitive Level and Sex
Table 4 shows those supplements that were consumed by more than 10% of the sample.
The most-consumed supplements were caffeine (37%), followed by energy bars and sport
drinks (34% for both) and creatine (31.1%). With respect to sex, differences were only
observed for iron consumption (p < 0.001), with higher consumption in women than in
men (17.6% vs. 56.3%). Differences between levels were observed for recovery shakes
Nutrients 2023, 15, 4839
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(83.3% vs. 20% vs. 7.5%, p < 0.001; for international, national and regional athletes) and
vitamin D (50.0% vs. 18.3% vs. 10.0%, p = 0.047; for international, national and regional
athletes). The most-consumed supplements in the sport food subgroup for women were
sport drinks (34%), contrary to men where the use of sports bars was a little bit higher
(36.5%). Regarding medical supplements, iron was the main supplement for both sexes
(17.6 vs. 56.3 for male and female).
Table 3. ANOVA of the SS consumed according to the different categories defined by the AIS as a
function of sex, level of competition and their interaction.
Level of
Sex–Level-of-Competition (Mean ± SD)
Total SS
0.012 #
4.0 ± 3.6
3.9 ± 4.5
5.1 ± 3.4
5.2 ± 4.5
7.5 ± 9.1
10.5 ± 11.1
Group A
Sports food
1.1 ± 1.1
0.8 ± 1.1
1.1 ± 0.9
1.1 ± 1.4
1.5 ± 2.1
1.0 ± 1.4
Medical supplement
0.002 *
0.005 #$
0.24 ± 0.4
0.6 ± 0.7
0.5 ± 0.7
0.8 ± 0.9
0.5 ± 0.7
1.8 ± 1.0
Performance supplement
0.8 ± 1.1
0.6 ± 1.3
1.1 ± 1.1
0.8 ± 0.7
1.5 ± 2.1
1.8 ± 1.7
Total group A
2.1 ± 2.0
2.0 ± 2.3
2.7 ± 1.8
2.8 ± 2.1
3.5 ± 4.9
4.5 ± 3.7
Group B
0.5 ± 0.7
0.5 ± 0.5
0.5 ± 0.8
0.4 ± 0.5
1.0 ± 1.4
1.3 ± 1.3
Group C
0.029 *
0.3 ± 0.7
0.1 ± 0.3
0.6 ± 0.6
0.3 ± 0.5
0.5 ± 0.7
0.5 ± 0.6
AIS: Australian Institute of Sport; SS: sport supplements; SD: standard deviation; M: male; F: female; R: regional;
N: national; I: international; Group A: supplements with solid scientific evidence in specific situations under
established protocols; Group B: components with emerging evidence that should be used in research or clinical
settings; Group C: supplements with limited evidence and effects on performance; gender assigned at birth. *
Statistical difference at p < 0.05 between male and female. # Statistical difference at p < 0.05 between regional and
international athletes. $ Statistical difference at p < 0.05 between national and international athletes.
Table 4. Distribution (%) of the most-consumed supplements (>10%) as a function of sex and level of
competition according to the categories defined by the AIS.
Total (%)
Sex (%)
Level of Competition (%)
Group A
Sports foods
Sport bars
Sport drinks
Sports gel
Whey protein
Recovery shakes
<0.001 *
Medical supplements
<0.001 *
Vitamin D
0.047 *
Performance supplements
Group B
Vit C
Group C
AIS: Australian Institute of Sport; M: male; F: female; R: regional; N: national; I: international; Group A: sup-
plements with solid scientific evidence in specific situations under established protocols; Group B: components
with emerging evidence that should be used in research or clinical settings; Group C: supplements with limited
evidence and effects on performance; gender assigned at birth. * Statistical difference at p < 0.05.
For performance supplements, differences were observed with caffeine and creatine
being the most consumed for men (36.5%) and only caffeine for women (40.6%). Finally,
for group C, both BCAA and glutamine were the most-consumed ones for males (12.2%),
but not for females (glutamine = 9.4%). As for the level of the athlete, the most-consumed
supplements for international athletes were recovery shakes (83.3%), followed by iron and
caffeine (66.7%). The national-level athletes’ most-consumed supplements were creatine,
sports bars and sport drinks (38.3%), while caffeine was the most-consumed one by regional
athletes (35%).
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3.3. Information about the Place of Purchase, Recommendations and Consumption Patterns
Most athletes took supplements on training and competition days (39.62%). The daily
consumption of supplements was 26.42%, followed by training (14.15%) and competition
(11.32%). No differences were observed between genders (p = 0.106) as opposed to between
categories for daily consumption (p = <0.00). Thus, 33.3% of the international athletes
consumed it daily, while only 18.3% or 7.5% did so in the case of national and regional ones.
In analyzing the moment of consumption, most of the sample used them after (56.60%)
or before (50.94%) practicing exercise, followed by during training (20.75%). Only a small
percentage responded that it was taken during the holiday period (1.89%) or indifferently
(7.55%). No differences were observed for levels but between levels for pre- and post-
training consumption (p = 0.007), which varied according to the level of competition (33%
vs. 20% vs. 25% for international, national and regional athletes, respectively).
The principal objective of consumption was to improve performance (70.75%), fol-
lowed by taking care of their health (35.85%) and palliating dietary deficits (16.98%). Finally,
of the 106 middle-distance runners, only 6.60% consumed them for health problems or
necessity (3.77%). In this area, no differences were observed between sexes (p = 0.564) or
levels of competition (p = 0.086). The primary place of purchase was the internet (51.89%),
followed by specialized stores (26.42%) or a pharmacy (24.54%). Other minority sources of
purchase were herbalists (12.26%), sports monitors (3.77%), friends (1.89%) or parapharma-
cies (0.94%), with no statistically significant differences (p = 0.082 and p = 0.545 for gender
and level). Finally, those who encouraged the use of SS were mainly coaches (37.74%),
followed by dieticians–nutritionists (26.42%), teammates (21.70%) or physicians (16.04%).
There were other people and sources that recommended its use such as friends and the
internet (8.49%) or social network profiles (4.72%). Likewise, there were no differences
between levels (p = 0.919) or genders (p = 0.410).
4. Discussion
The main objective of this study was to analyze the supplementation patterns in
middle-distance runners, as well as the differences between genders and level of compe-
tition. The results indicate that the main differences between levels are observed both in
total consumption and in the intake of medical supplements, with these being greater as
the level of the athlete increases. Similarly, differences between levels were also observed
in the consumption of medical supplements, as well as in pre- and post-training intake.
This indicates that, although most athletes place emphasis on performance enhancement
via supplementation, higher-level athletes also use these aids to maintain a better state of
health and recover between sessions.
Of the total sample, 85.85% responded that they consumed SS, which was higher
than the consumption in other disciplines such as fencing or sailing [26,35], but lower
than in sports such as rowing, trail running or tennis (100%, 93.8% and 88.6%, respec-
tively) [25,29,31]. No differences were noted for sexes or competition levels, in line with
recent research [25,35]. Comparing the data obtained with a sample of athletes from dif-
ferent disciplines, the consumption of SS in middle-distance runners is higher (85% vs.
77%) [36]. Although there have been previous attempts to investigate supplementation
patterns in athletes [22], one contained a limited sample while the other had only a few
supplements [33,37] and no one has conducted it exclusively in middle-distance athletes.
Therefore, this is the first to do so using a representative sample of middle-distance event
participants and a broad list of SS.
With respect to total SS consumption, there were differences between international
and regional athletes, which had been previously noted in all types of sportsmen and
women [33]. With respect to the different groups established by the AIS according to
the level of evidence [13], in group A, no differences were observed between levels and
genders, contrary to other recent studies [32,35,38]. However, differences between levels
were close to being statistically significant (p = 0.051). Within the subgroups that exist in
group A, only differences in medical supplements are observed for gender, which may be
Nutrients 2023, 15, 4839
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primarily due to the higher consumption of iron among women compared to men (56.3%
vs. 17.6%). For the level of competition, differences were also observed in this subgroup,
being higher as the level increased. These two findings are contrary to the results from
other sports, where no differences have been observed for this subgroup between athlete
levels or genders [26,29,35,39].
Regarding group B, which includes SS with emerging evidence but in need of future
research, no differences are observed for level and gender, in line with the results in other
sports [25,26,29,35,39]. Finally, in group C (supplements with insufficient scientific evidence
to support its use), differences were noted between sexes, in line with some [25], but not all,
recent evidence [26,35,39]. This could be due to the athlete’s knowledge, which is worse as
the level of competition decreases [40].
Taking into account the days of sport practice when they usually take the SS, 39.62%
responded that they take them during training and competition, followed by daily consump-
tion and solely on training days, at 26.42% and 14.15%, respectively. Although the main
sporting day is similar to that of other sports such as mountain running or rowing [25,29,39],
the second and third causes differ between sports. This could be due to differences in the
physiological demands of each event, as well as the average duration and energetic require-
ments of training sessions. Differences were noted in daily consumption between levels of
competition, indicating that the main difference between higher- and lower-level athletes
was the use of medical supplements on a daily basis. On the other hand, the majority of
middle-distance athletes take SS after (56.60%) or before sports practice (50.94%), while
a lower percentage take them during sports practice. The duration of middle-distance
sessions rarely surpasses 90–120 min [7], while other sports training sessions usually exceed
this time, in which they will need to provide higher nutrition and hydration [25]. Here
too, differences between levels are observed for pre- and post-consumption, demonstrating
how top-level runners place greater importance on preparing for training or recovering
for an upcoming workout. In analyzing the reasons for its consumption, the main one is
to improve their performance (70.75%), followed by health care (35.85%) and to palliate a
dietary deficit (16.98%), similar to other sport disciplines [26,29,31,32,35,36].
Concerning the person who motivated the consumption of SS, the main motivator
was the coach (37.74%), followed by dietitians–nutritionists (26.42%), which showed a
worse advisor in the case of middle-distance runners compared to other sports [25,39].
The next advisors were teammates, followed by physicians, indicating the existence of
other sports modalities with a worse source of support [26,35]. In this sense, dietitians–
nutritionists are the most appropriate when choosing one supplement or another regardless
of the level of scientific evidence [26,41,42]. Finally, most athletes purchased SS on the
internet (51.89%), followed by specialized stores (26.42%) and pharmacies (24.53%). In
this sense, both pharmacy and internet products may contain quantities different from
those advertised or contaminated substances, which may also put the athletes at risk of
unintended doping [43], so athletes tend to go to specialized stores in order to avoid these
problems [12,42].
Finally, with regard to the most-consumed SS, we can appreciate caffeine in the first
place. Caffeine is a natural stimulant for the central nervous system, possesses various
suggested benefits for enhancing performance and is one of the supplements with the
highest scientific evidence supporting its use [15]. These advantages encompass enhanced
neuromuscular functionality and a decrease in fatigue and perceived effort levels during
physical exertion, among others [44]. The following most-consumed SS were sport drinks
(formulated to provide a balanced combination of carbohydrates and liquids, facilitating
athletes in rehydrating and replenishing energy simultaneously during and after their
workout) and sport bars (created as a portable source of carbohydrates, helping meeting
carbohydrate intake goals) [13], which also belong to Group A, such as caffeine. These
two supplements help mainly in carbohydrate replenishment post or during training or
to reach the recommended daily intake of carbohydrates, which can be up to 70% of the
total diet or around 6–12 CHO · kg−1 · BW · day−1. In this sense, carbohydrate intake both
Nutrients 2023, 15, 4839
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during [45] and immediately after [46] exercise limits fatigue and improves performance in
the following training sessions.
The next most-consumed supplement was isolated protein, with considerable scientific
evidence supporting its use [13], which appears necessary both for the recovery and repair
of damaged myofibrillar proteins and to optimize mitochondrial and possibly sarcoplasmic
protein synthesis [47]. However, this seems unnecessary in most cases, since athletes
tend to consume more protein than any high recommendation [47]. Continuing with
the SS that can provide more benefits among those consumed by more than 10% of the
sample, we find iron or β-Alanine. Iron plays a fundamental role in the transport of oxygen
and a high prevalence of anemia has been observed among middle-distance runners [22].
A small decrease in hemoglobin content (subclinical anemia) leads to a significant decrease
in oxygen transport capacity and, therefore, a decrease in performance [48]. Thus, it is
important to monitor these variables on a recurring basis in order to supplement if necessary.
On the other hand, β-Alanine acts as an intracellular buffer by increasing the concentration
of muscular carnosine [49]. Since high-intensity exercise (usually performed by middle-
distance runners both in training and competition [7]) increases the amount of hydrogen
ions and lowers the intracellular pH from 7.0 to 6.6, supplementation with β-Alanine
may improve the ability to withstand this drop, limiting muscular fatigue. However, the
determination of whether supplementation enhances performance in elite middle-distance
athletes is challenging due to insufficient data and non-performance-related tests [47].
Despite this, considering the absence of side effects and potential performance benefits,
individual athletes and their support teams may want to try β-Alanine supplementation to
assess its effectiveness for them [1]. Finally, it is important to note the very low percentage
of athletes using inorganic nitrates or beetroot juice as SS (6.60%). This supplementation
seems to improve performance via the bioavailability of nitric oxide, improving exercise
efficiency (decreased O2 cost at the same absolute workload) [50]. However, this low use
may be due to variability in the response to its supplementation [1] or decreased effects as
the physiological capabilities of the athletes increase [50].
It is important to mention that, although a large part of the SS consumed by middle-
distance runners in this study belong to group A, it is also observed that there is still a
fairly large consumption of supplements with little or no scientific evidence (groups B and
C). This has also been observed in other sports, so it is important that athletes use reliable
sources of information when deciding which supplements to consume [25,51]. In addition,
the present research has several limitations. First of all, the sample is larger than that of
other studies with the same population, but a greater participation of international athletes
is necessary. In addition, it was the athletes themselves who responded retrospectively to
the consumption of SS, which could lead to errors in the number or type of supplements.
Therefore, it is necessary to compare and have the support of different federations or
institutions worldwide to check if the consumption is similar depending on the competitive
level or gender.
5. Conclusions
Supplement consumption in middle-distance running is similar to that in other sports.
The main differences between levels are seen in the total supplement consumption and in
the consumption of medical supplements, as well as in daily or pre- and post-exercise con-
sumption, with these being higher as the level of competition increases. On the other hand,
the differences between sexes are found in the consumption of both medical supplements
and supplements with limited evidence. Middle-distance runners should improve both
their sources of information and places of purchase in order to avoid supplements with
low scientific evidence or contaminated/fraudulent products.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.D.A. and A.C.-B.; Methodology, A.D.A., A.M.A.-B. and
E.M.-M.; Software, A.M.A.-B.; Formal Analysis, A.D.A., A.M.A.-B. and A.G.; Investigation, A.D.A.
and A.M.A.-B., Data Curation, A.D.A. Writing—Original Draft Preparation, A.D.A.; Writing—Review
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& Editing, A.M.A.-B., E.M.-M., A.G. and A.C.-B.; Supervision; A.C.-B. Project Administration; A.C.-B.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
study. The protocol complied with the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki for human research
and was approved by the ethical committee of the University of Deusto (ETK-14/23-24) dated 26
October 2023.
Data Availability Statement: Data of the article are available in the tables of this paper or on request
from the corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: Asier del Arco gives thanks for the distribution of the questionnaire and ded-
icates the article to the memory of Carlos and Angel Basas, for their contributions to the world of
athletics at the national and world levels.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors of the present article declare no conflict of interest.
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| Are Supplements Consumed by Middle-Distance Runners Evidence-Based? A Comparative Study between Level of Competition and Sex. | 11-20-2023 | Del Arco, Asier,Martinez Aguirre-Betolaza, Aitor,Malchrowicz-Mośko, Ewa,Gogojewicz, Anna,Castañeda-Babarro, Arkaitz | eng |
Area per player in small-sided games to
replicate the external load and estimated
physiological match demands in elite soccer
Andrea RiboliID1,2*, Giuseppe Coratella2, Susanna Rampichini2, Emiliano Ce´ ID2,
Fabio EspositoID2
1 Performance Department, Atalanta B.C., Bergamo, Italy, 2 Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health,
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy
* [email protected]
The current study determined the area-per-player during small- or large-sided games
with or without goalkeeper that replicates the relative (mmin-1) total distance, high-inten-
sity running distance, sprint distance and metabolic power covered during official
matches. Time-motion analysis was performed on twenty-five elite soccer-players during
26 home-matches. A total of 2565 individual samples for SSGs using different pitch sizes
and different number of players were collected and classified as SSGs with (SSG-G) or
without goalkeeper (SSG-P). A between-position comparison was also performed. The
area-per-player needed to replicate the official match demands was largely higher in
SSG-G vs SSG-P for total distance [187±53 vs 115±35 m2, effect size (ES): 1.60 95%CI
0.94/2.21], high-intensity running distance [262±72 vs 166±39 m2, ES: 1.66(0.99/2.27)]
and metabolic power [177±42 vs 94±40, ES: 1.99(1.31/2.67)], but similar for sprint dis-
tance [(316±75 vs 295±99 m2, ES: 0.24(-0.32/0.79)] with direction of larger area-per-
player for sprint distance > high-intensity running > total distance metabolic power for
both SSG-G and SSG-P. In SSG-G, forwards required higher area-per-player than cen-
tral-defenders [ES: 2.96(1.07/4.35)], wide-midfielders [ES: 2.45(0.64/3.78)] and wide-
defenders [ES: 3.45(1.13/4.99)]. Central-midfielders required higher area-per-player
than central-defenders [ES: 1.69(0.20/2.90)] and wide-midfielders [ES: 1.35(-0.13/
2.57)]. In SSG-P, central defenders need lower area-per-player (ES: -6.01/-0.92) to
overall replicate the match demands compared to all other positions. The current results
may be used to gain knowledge of the SSGs relative to the match demands. This imply
manipulating SSGs using higher or lower ApP, the presence of the goalkeeper or design
specific rules to increase or decrease the position-specific demands with respect to the
desired external load outcomes.
September 23, 2020
1 / 15
Citation: Riboli A, Coratella G, Rampichini S, Ce´ E,
Esposito F (2020) Area per player in small-sided
games to replicate the external load and estimated
physiological match demands in elite soccer
players. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0229194. https://doi.
Editor: Luca Paolo Ardigò, Universita degli Studi di
Verona, ITALY
Received: January 31, 2020
Accepted: September 4, 2020
Published: September 23, 2020
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2020 Riboli et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Small- or large-sided games are frequently used to replicate the soccer-specific match demands
in terms of technical proficiency, tactical awareness, speed, acceleration/deceleration, and
endurance performance [1]. To assess these demands, contemporary player-tracking technolo-
gies such as global positioning system (GPS) or semi-automatic video-based multi-camera
image system (MCIS), are typically used [2]. In small- or large-sided games (SSGs), the manip-
ulation of pitch size, number of players per team, goalkeeper presence and technical rules
modulate the soccer-specific demands depending on the aims of each practice session [1, 3].
Increments in pitch size or reduction in the number of players increases total distance (TD)
covered, total high-intensity running distance (HIRD) and total sprint distance (TSD) [4, 5].
Conversely, when pitch size is reduced or the number of players is increased, players get more
ball touches but they have not the space to reach the high-speed running, and the total distance
covered is rather characterized by acceleration and deceleration (Acc/Dec) [5, 6]. To possibly
combine the pitch size and number of players, the area per player (ApP, expressed as m2
player-1) has been introduced [1]. Lastly, SSGs can be performed with (SSG-G) or without
goalkeepers (SSG-P), when the aim is to out-score the opponent team or to maintain ball pos-
session as long as possible, respectively [1].Some authors reported higher TD and distances
covered at different speed-thresholds during 2-, 3- and 4-a-side SSG-P than SSG-G [7]. Simi-
larly, higher HIRD was found comparing 3-a-side [8], 5- and 7-a-side SSG-P than SSG-G [9].
Although TD, HIRD and TSD were found to be higher in SSG-P than SSG-G using the same
pitch size [1, 10], other studies found lower HIRD in 3-a-side SSG-P than SSG-G [9], no differ-
ences in TSD in 3-a-side vs 5-a-side SSG-P than SSG-G [9] or higher TSD and lower Acc/Dec
in SSG-G compared to SSG-P [6]. These conflicting findings suggest that further investigation
is needed [11].
The metabolic power (Pmet) approach has been recently proposed as a tool to estimate the
energetic demands of variable-speed and accelerated/decelerated locomotion activities typi-
cally seen in team sports [12, 13]. While it is difficult to measure directly the exact energy cost
of changing speed, a metabolic power calculation based on a theoretical model has been used
to estimate the energy cost of locomotion in team sports [12, 14]. However, this model was
questioned since it may underestimate the actual net energy demand of soccer-specific exer-
cises [15–17]. Additionally, the traditional speed-threshold approach was shown to provide
similar external load compared to Pmet [18, 19]. Nevertheless, the metabolic power approach
could capture the high-demanding locomotor activities independently of the actual speed reg-
istered by GPS [16, 20], and it was shown to be a useful tool for the classification of the loco-
motion intensity in team sports [21]. Previous studies have provided evidence for concurrent
ecological validity to this approach, reporting correlations between Pmet and aerobic fitness
variables during professional soccer matches [22] and with time above 85% of the maximal
heart-rate in elite hockey matches [21]. Moreover, Pmet can be sensitive to decrements in run-
ning performance during competition [23–25] and it could be used to account for positional
differences [23, 25]. Therefore, the combination of the Pmet approach and the traditional
speed-threshold metrics should be used to provides a more comprehensive assessment of the
intermittent running demands typically occurring in team sports [15–17, 21, 24, 26–28].
An accurate comparison of the match vs training loads may help to plan the training ses-
sions to condition the locomotor activities typically required during the official match and to
optimize performance goals [5, 29]. Quantifying TD, HIRD, TSD, Acc/Dec and Pmet training
loads relative to the game demands was suggested to be an important strategy when attempting
to optimize position-specific loads in elite soccer practice [29]. Particularly, the locomotor
activities during different SSGs compared to official matches are still under investigation.
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Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist
Additionally, discriminating such locomotor activities by position could help to tailor the
training session. Therefore, the present study aimed to: i) determine the ApP that could be
used to replicate the official matches TD, HIRD, TSD, Acc/Dec (normalized as meters covered
in one minute) and Pmet (normalized as Wkg-1) during both SSG-P and SSG-G; and ii) differ-
entiate the ApP according to playing position. To increase the ecological validity, this was
assessed in elite Serie A soccer players.
Materials and methods
Twenty-five elite soccer players competing in Italian Serie A were involved in the present
study (age: 27 ± 5 yrs; body mass: 79 ± 7 kg; body height: 1.84 ± 0.06 m). All participants were
classified according to their position: central-defenders (n = 6), wide-defenders (n = 4), cen-
tral-midfielders (n = 5), wide-midfielders (n = 5) and forwards (n = 5). The goalkeepers were
excluded from data collection. The club’s medical staff certified the health status of each player.
An injured player was excluded from data collection for at least one month after their return
to full training. All participants gave their written consent after a full explanation of the pur-
pose of the study and the experimental design. The Ethics Committee of the Università degli
Studi di Milano approved the study and was performed in accordance with the principles of
the Declaration of Helsinki (1975).
The present investigation was carried out during the competition period across two seasons
(August 2014 –May 2016). The participants undertook their traditional weekly training rou-
tine. All sessions were performed on two grass pitches preserved by qualified operators and
were conducted at the same time of day to limit the effects of circadian variation. A specialized
and high-qualified physician staff recommended and monitored the diet regime of each player
before and after every training session.
Two different formats of SSGs were analyzed: SSG-G and SSG-P. A total of 2565 (1033 and
1532, respectively) individual GPS samples with a median of 37 (range = 12 to 62) and 56
(range = 25 to 86) in SSG-G and SSG-P respectively were undertaken for each player. The
number of players ranged from 5vs5 to 10vs10, with a pitch area ranging from 800 m2 to 6825
m2 for SSG-G and 3v3 to 10vs10 with a pitch area from 400 m2 to 4550 m2 for SSG-P. Hence,
ApP ranged from 67 m2 to 341 m2 for SSG-G and from 43 m2 to 341 m2 for SSG-P (for a
detailed description of these parameters, see S1 and S2 Tables). ApP was calculated excluding
the goalkeepers in SSG-G. Both small- or large-sided games were abbreviated as SSGs and
specified by ApP. The SSGs were performed under the supervision and motivation of several
coaches to keep up a high work-rate [3]. For the same reason, a ball was always available by
prompt replacement when it went out-of-play [1]. In SSG-G, the corners were replaced by a
prompt ball-in-game from the goalkeeper [9]. The SSGs were completed after a standardized
20-min warm-up under the guidance of club staff. Only official home matches (N = 26; indi-
vidual samples = 228; individual sample range = 6 to 24) were assessed to ensure data consis-
tency [11]. The home-match pitch size was 105 x 66 m, with a grass surface.
To determine the ApP in both SSG-G and SSG-P that replicates the normalized TD, HIRD,
TSD, Acc/Dec (mmin-1) and Pmet (Wkg-1) recorded during the official matches, we first
recorded these variables during the official matches. Thereafter, we separately plotted each
relationship between ApP and the normalized TD, HIRD, TSD, Acc/Dec and Pmet during
SSG-G or SSG-P. Then, the mean values recorded during the official matches were used to
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intersect each ApP/ TD, HIRD, TSD, Acc/Dec or Pmet relationship recorded in SSG-G or
SSG-P to calculate the ApP that corresponded to the official match demands (Fig 1).
For the aims of this study, the interchangeability of GPS and MCIS for TD, HIRD, TSD, Acc/
Dec and Pmet needed to be calculated as first step. A 10Hz GPS (K-Sport, Montelabbate, Italy)
unit was used to collect data during the training sessions [30]. The GPS unit was placed within
a dedicated pouch between the player’s shoulder blades (upper thoracic-spine) in a sports vest
and worn under the playing jersey. Each device was turned on at least 15-min before each ses-
sion to allow for acquisition of the satellite signal [6]. To reduce the inter-unit differences, each
player wore the same unit for every training session over the whole investigation [31]. The
locomotor activities during the official matches were collected using a computerized semi-
automated MCIS (STATS LLC, Chicago, Illinois, USA) and processed by a dedicated software
(K-SportOnline, K-Sport, Montelabbate, Italy). The system has previously been shown to pro-
vide valid and reliable measurements of the match activity in soccer [32, 33].
During both training sessions and home-matches, total distance, total high-intensity run-
ning distance (>15 kmh-1), total sprint distance (>24 kmh-1) [3, 11, 33] were measured.
Fig 1. Graphical representation of the procedures used to determine the area per player in SSG-G or SSG-P that matches the
official match demands. X-axis: the area per player in SSG-G or SSG-P; Y-axis: the SSG-G or SSG-P demands. The regression line
shows how the area per player influences the SSGs demands. The horizontal dashed line represents the official match demands.
From the intersection point of the regression line with the horizontal line (i.e. when the SSGs demands equate the official match
demands), a vertical dotted line is drawn to the X-axis. The intersection point between the X-axis and the vertical dotted line is the
calculated area per player in SSGs necessary to replicate the official match demands.
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Additionally, the total distance of velocity changes calculated using >2 ms-2 accelerations and
decelerations (Acc/Dec) were measured [4, 5]. The average metabolic power (Pmet) was calcu-
lated following previous procedures [13, 27]. TD, HIRD, TSD and Acc/Dec were normalized
as relative distance covered in one minute (mmin-1), while Pmet were normalized as watt per
kilogram (Wkg-1); then all parameters were inserted into the data analysis.
TD, HIRD, TSD and Acc/Dec were measured using either GPS or the MCIS. Therefore, to
check the interchangeability of these two tracking technologies, a 10-min simulated match was
monitored using both GPS and MCIS simultaneously [2, 34, 35]. All data were collected in the
stadium where the official matches were played. For each dependent locomotor activity, a cali-
bration equation was calculated to compare GPS and MCIS, as previously proposed [2, 34].
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using a statistical software package (SigmaPlot v-12.5, Systat
Software Inc., San Jose, CA, USA). To check the normal distribution of the sampling, a Sha-
piro-Wilk test was used. A Bland-Altman analysis was used to display the degrees of bias and
the limits of agreement between the GPS and the MCIS. A linear regression analysis was used
to calculate the correlation between GPS and MCIS. The Pearson’s product moment and the
typical error of the estimate (TEE) were calculated to determine the relationship between the
GPS and the MCIS. The correlation coefficient was interpreted as follows: r = 0.00–0.09 trivial,
0.10–0.29 small, 0.30–0.49 moderate, 0.50–0.69 large, 0.70–0.89 very large, 0.90–0.99 nearly per-
fect; the threshold values for the TEE were interpreted as follows: >0.2 small, >0.6 moderate,
>1.2 large and >2 very large [36]. A linear regression analysis was used to calculate the correla-
tion between TD, HIRD, TSD, Acc/Dec, Pmet and the ApP during both SSG-G and SSG-P.
Thereafter, a two-way ANOVA was used to calculate the difference in the optimal ApP in TD,
HIRD, TSD, Acc/Dec, Pmet calculated for SSG (SSG-G vs SSG-P) and position (central-defend-
ers, wide-defenders, central-midfielders, wide-midfielders and forwards). A post-hoc analysis
(Holm-Sidak correction) was used to calculate the differences in the independent factors. The
effect size with 95% confidence intervals (CI) was calculated and interpreted as follows: <0.20:
trivial; 0.20–0.59: small; 0.60–1.19: moderate; 1.20–1.99: large; 2.00: very large [36]. Statistical
significance was set at α < 0.05. Unless otherwise stated, all values are presented as
mean ± standard deviation (SD).
The magnitude of the GPS vs MCIS bias is shown in Fig 2. For each dependent parameter,
Bland-Altman analysis and correlation graph with the respective calibration equation are
shown. The bias between GPS vs MCIS were trivial for TD (-3.0 ± 1.3%, ES = -0.18, CI: -0.80/
0.44), HIRD (-3.3 ± 1.6%, ES = -0.12, CI: -0.74/0.51), TSD (-3.9 ± 10.9%, ES = -0.11, CI: -0.44/
0.22) and Acc/Dec (-4.1 ± 6.3%, ES = -0.19, CI: -0.80/0.44) and small for Pmet (-4.0 ± 0.6%, ES
= -0.38, CI: -1.27/0.49). A small TEE was found between the MCIS and GPS for TD (TEE:
0.09, CI: 0.07/0.14), HIRD (TEE: 0.04, CI: 0.03/0.06), TSD (TEE: 0.08, CI: 0.07/0.10) and Pmet
(TEE: 0.07, CI: 0.04/0.13), while a moderate TEE was found for Acc/Dec (TEE: 0.75, CI: 0.56/
1.10). In addition, a nearly perfect correlation was observed for TD, HIRD, TSD and Pmet and a
moderate correlation for Acc/Dec measured using GPS and MCIS (Fig 2).
As shown in Fig 3, in SSG-P a very large correlation between the relative distance and the
ApP was found for TD, HIRD, TSD and Pmet while a moderate correlation was found for Acc/
Dec. In SSG-G, a very large correlation between the relative distance and the ApP for TD,
HIRD and TSD, a large correlation for Pmet and a moderate negative correlation for Acc/Dec
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were found. Because of the moderate correlations observed for Acc/Dec in both SSG-G and
SSG-P, we did not perform the calculation or the ApP for Acc/Dec, given the high risk of bias.
For both SSG-P and SSG-G, the ApP necessary to replicate the relative distance recorded
during the matches for TD, HIRD, TSD and Pmet is shown in Table 1. No SSG × position inter-
action was found (p = 0.674) for ApP for TD. A main effect for SSG (p < 0.001) and position
(p = 0.024) was detected. The between-SSG post-hoc analysis is reported in Table 1. In SSG-P,
a larger ApP is required for forwards vs central-defenders (p = 0.023; ES = 4.35, CI: 1.93/6.01),
with no other between-position differences. In SSG-G, no between-position difference
No SSG × position interaction was found (p = 0.065) for ApP for HIRD. A main effect for
SSG (p < 0.001) and position (p < 0.001) was detected. The between-exercise post-hoc analy-
sis is reported in Table 1. In SSG-P, a higher ApP is required for forwards vs central-defenders
(p = 0.024; ES = 2.92, CI: 1.04/4.29), with no other between-position differences. In SSG-G,
forwards required higher ApP than central-defenders (p < 0.001; ES = 2.96, CI: 1.07/4.35),
wide-midfielders (p = 0.002; ES = 2.45, CI: 0.64/3.78) and wide-defenders (p = 0.029,
ES = 3.45, CI: 1.13/4.99). Central-midfielders required a higher ApP than central-defenders
(p = 0.002; ES = 1.69, CI: 0.20/2.90) and wide-midfielders (p = 0.019, ES = 1.35, CI: 0.13/2.57).
No SSG × position interaction was found (p = 0.803) for ApP for TSD, not even a main
effect for exercise (p = 0.415). A main effect for position (p = 0.049) was detected. The
between-exercise post-hoc analysis is reported in Table 1. In both SSG-P and SSG-G, no
between-position difference occurred.
No SSG × position interaction was found (p = 0.167) for ApP for Pmet. A main effect for
SSG (p < 0.001) and position (p = 0.002) was detected. The between-SSG post-hoc analysis is
reported in Table 1. In SSG-P, a lower ApP is required for central-defenders vs wide-defenders
(p = 0.031; ES = -2.69, CI: -4.32/-1.05), wide-midfielders (p < 0.001; ES = -2.64, CI: -4.35/-
0.92), central-midfielders (p = 0.028; ES = -5.10, CI: -7.53/-2.66), forwards (p = 0.024; ES =
-1.89, CI: -3.32/0.47). In SSG-G, no between-position difference occurred.
The first novel finding observed in the present study was a detailed calculation of the ApP in
SSG-P or SSG-G necessary to replicate the TD, HIRD, TSD or Pmet recorded during the official
matches. It is shown here that, irrespective of the SSG type, the higher the speed threshold, the
larger the ApP required (i.e., TSD > HIRD > TD Pmet). Secondly, the inclusion of the goal-
keeper increases the ApP for TD, HIRD and Pmet, while no difference was observed in SSG-P
vs SSG-G for TSD. Additionally, central defenders required the lowest ApP compared to all
other positions, both in SSG-P and SSG-G. Lastly, both central-midfielders and forwards need
the highest ApP compared to all other positions, both in SSG-G and SSG-P, to replicate the
match demands.
During official matches, total high-intensity running distance covered [37], technical skills
to maintain greater ball possession [38], the total distance covered with ball possession [39]
and tactical behaviours [40] are key factors for success in soccer performance. Within weekly
training routines, SSGs are largely used to elicit high-intensity running [1], a high number of
technical drills with the ball possession [41] and to improve tactical behaviours [40].
Fig 2. Bland-Altman analysis and linear regression analysis with calibration equation for the GPS vs MCIS bias
for each locomotor activity. The linear regression analysis is shown with 95% confidence bands. Panels A-B: total
distance; C-D: high-intensity running distance; E-F: total sprint distance; G-H: acceleration/deceleration; I-L:
metabolic power.
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Interestingly, SSGs were shown to lead to similar enhancement in aerobic fitness than high-
intensity running interval training [42]. In SSGs, manipulating the number of players, the
pitch size and the goalkeeper presence results in different physiological, technical and tactical
outcomes [1, 40]. For example, while increments in ApP was shown to increases TD, HIRD
and TSD [4, 5], decreasing ApP leads to more ball touches and Acc/Dec [5, 6]. Determining
the ApP that replicates the match external-load demands may help sport physiologists and
practitioners to properly plan SSGs for specific performance objectives [5]. Therefore, the cur-
rent results may be used to gain knowledge of the SSGs relative to the match demands. Unsur-
prisingly, both in SSG-P and in SSG-G, higher ApP leads to greater distance covered whatever
the speed threshold [5]. Accordingly, the present findings highlight that the ApP in SSGs to
replicate the TSD match demands is very close to the official match ApP ( 340 m2). In line
with the present outcomes, it was shown that the larger the pitch size, the greater the distance
covered at speed >18 kmh-1 [43]. Other authors found that TD and the distance covered at
19.8–25.2 kmh-1 and >25.2 kmh-1 increased proportionally with the pitch size [44]. A recent
study reported that ApP 311 m2 was able to replicate the high-speed match demands during
SSG-G [5]. The exposure to high-demanding activities was shown to improve the players’
Fig 3. The relationship between area per player (m2player) and relative speed distance (mmin-1) or estimated metabolic power (Wkg-1) for each locomotor
activity. The linear regression analysis with 95% confidence bands and the correlation between the area per player and the relative distance or metabolic power are
also reported. SSG-P, closed circles: small-sided games possession-play without goalkeepers; SSG-G, open circles: small-sided games with goalkeepers. Panel A: total
distance; B: high-intensity running distance; C: total sprint distance, D: acceleration/deceleration; E: metabolic power.
Table 1. Area per player (m2player) to replicate official-match load using SSGs for relative speed distances or estimated metabolic power. Data are presented as
mean(SD), effect size (95% confidence intervals).
TD, total distance; HIRD, high intensity running distance; TSD, sprint distance; Pmet, average metabolic power; SSG-P, small-sided games without goalkeepers; SSG-G,
small-side games with goalkeepers; Total, team average; CD, central defenders; WD, wide defenders; CM, central midfielders; WM, wide midfielders; FW, forwards; ES,
effect size; CI, confidence interval.
a Significantly different (p < 0.05) from SSG-P
b Significantly different (p < 0.05) from forwards
c Significantly different (p < 0.05) from central midfielders
d Significantly different (p < 0.05) from central defenders
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fitness level, to prepare the players to the match workload and to result in greater protection
against non-contact injuries [45–47]. Therefore, manipulating ApP allows for training loads in
SSGs to be managed with respect to the desired external load outcomes, both for performance
and prevention purposes.
The current findings also highlight that training using SSGs with or without goalkeeper
affects the ApP necessary to replicate the match demands. Particularly, with the exception of
TSD, the goalkeeper presence increases the ApP for TD, HIRD and Pmet, i.e. SSG-G > SSG-P.
Partially in contrast with the present outcomes, it was reported that SSG-G resulted in higher
TSD than found in SSG-P [6]. However, the authors investigated a maximum ApP of 135 m2,
hence, this does not allow an appropriate comparison. Other researchers reported that TD and
the time spent in high-intensity running (>17 kmh-1) was higher with goalkeepers [48].
Although the authors argued that the goalkeeper presence might have motivated the players,
several authors found higher high-intensity running without goalkeepers in different 3-, 4-, 5-,
and 7-a-side SSGs [7–9]. Moreover, two subsequent reviews [1, 10] consistently remarked that
the goalkeeper presence could improve the players’ organization, thus decreasing the SSGs
demands. Indeed, during SSG-G, the two teams’ aim is to outscore the opponent team, while
maintaining a match-like tactical organization. In contrast, since during SSG-P the aim is to
maintain the ball possession as long as possible, the players are free to move across the selected
pitch size. This rule-difference seems to account for the largest ApP in SSG-G necessary to rep-
licate the TD, HIRD or Pmet recorded during the official matches. Interestingly, the current
results come with moderate correlation between Acc/Dec and ApP in SSG-P, while no correla-
tion was observed between Acc/Dec and ApP in SSG-G. Previous results suggested that lower
pitch size induced increments in Acc/Dec [5, 49]. In line with the present outcomes, other
authors retrieved no differences for high-demand (>2 ms2) Acc/Dec with the increment in
pitch size during 3-, 5- and 7-a-side [9] or 3-, 5-, and 10-a-side SSG-G or SSG-P [6]. Compar-
ing SSG-P vs SSG-G, higher Acc/Dec were reported during SSG-G than SSG-P using an ApP
of ~210 m2 [9], while no difference in Acc/Dec between SSG-G vs SSG-P were found using an
ApP from 73-to-135 m2 [6]. Despite the greater stimulation of accelerations in SSG-G vs
SSG-P might be accounted for the players’ need to overpass the opponent or defensive lines in
order to achieve the rival goal in larger ApP, a controversy still exists.
To our knowledge, the calculation of the ApP across positions was used here for the first
time. No between-position difference in ApP was found for TSD, neither in SSG-P nor SSG-G.
In SSG-P, it was observed that central defenders need lower ApP than forwards for TD, and
HIRD, while lower ApP than all other position for Pmet. In SSG-G, no between-position differ-
ence in ApP was observed for TD, TSD and Pmet, while forwards and central midfielders need
larger ApP than central defenders and wide midfielders for HIRD suggesting that these posi-
tions might undergo different stimuli during similar SSGs. Defenders tend to move within a
“defined” space over the official match, while central-midfielders and forwards tend to cover a
greater area of the pitch in order to gain possession of the ball, marking the opponent or creat-
ing space to score [33]. This might be considered for the lower ApP needed to accumulate the
match demands in central defenders than forwards/central-midfielders. However, the sprint-
ing activities are not influenced by position, since these appear to need large pitch areas avail-
able anyhow. The different ApP recorded across position offers the possibility to tailor the
training load to enhance the performance adaptations. It was previously suggested that similar
high-intensity training load could lead to overload or underload different positions, so affect-
ing the competition performance or possibly increasing the risk of injury [29]. Interestingly,
high-intensity activities were shown to be underloaded during the training routines compared
to the official matches, with a high variability across positions [29]. The present results suggest
that some positions need higher or lower ApP to replicate the HIRD or TSD accumulated over
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the matches. Furthermore, position-specific rule modifications within SSGs or additional exer-
cises could be integrated to technical/tactical exercises to individualize high-intensity training
Some limitations accompany the present investigation. For replication purposes, the inter-
changeability between the GPS and MCIS needs to be carefully checked, especially when
recording high-speed or non-linear movements [2]. The present results are based on the trivial
differences in the metrics recorded using either the GPS or MCIS and a calibration equation
was provided to partially account for these differences. Secondly, due to technological limita-
tion during the official matches, no internal load parameter (e.g. heart rate) was assessed.
However, it was reported that Pmet maintains a strong and consistent relationship with the
measures of internal load during low-to-high intensity locomotor activities [21]. Therefore,
Pmet could be a satisfactory way to estimate with accuracy the training and match demands
[12, 22] and to classify the locomotion intensity in team sports [21, 28].
The current results suggest that soccer players need a specific ApP during SSGs with or with-
out goalkeeper to replicate the match demands, especially to perform each locomotor activity
(i.e., TSD > HIRD > TD Pmet). Moreover, SSG-G need higher ApP than SSG-P to replicate
the match demands. Lastly, position-difference in ApP were found, so that central defenders
need lower and forwards and central midfielders higher ApP.
These results allow managing the training loads towards the desired players’ fitness compo-
nent to maximize transfer to the game-like and performance goal using SSGs. Indeed, soccer
training methodology are evolving to an alternation of the training objectives with the aim to
overload the desired fitness component relative to the match demands [5, 29]. When aware of
the training/matches differences in locomotor activities, coaches could design SSGs with the
intent to replicate, underload or overload the match demands. This imply manipulating SSGs
using higher or lower ApP, the presence of the goalkeeper or design specific rules to increase
or decrease the position-specific demands. To synthetize, the present outcomes could be used
in practice to: i) calculate an ApP that replicate an estimated match demand using Pmet for
both SSG-P and SSG-G; ii) replicate the official relative match demands using the specific min-
imal ApP to HIRD or TSD be accumulated during the SSG-G/P performed in the training ses-
sions; iii) differentiate the ApP when SSG-P or SSG-G are performed according to the aim of
the training session (e.g. replicate, overload or underload specific training objectives); iv) add
SSGs with position-specific ApP to the training routines when needed or propose specific
additional exercises or rules to overload or underload each player.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Small-sided games with goalkeepers. The small-sided games with goalkeepers are
split for the number of players and pitch size (width x length). The total pitch area and area per
player have been calculated. The average number of observations per player for each condition
are also reported as mean (max-min).
S2 Table. Small-sided games without goalkeepers. The small-sided games without goalkeep-
ers are split for the number of players and pitch size (width x length). The total pitch area and
area per player have been calculated. The average number of observations per player for each
condition are also reported as mean (max-min).
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S1 Data.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Andrea Riboli.
Data curation: Andrea Riboli.
Formal analysis: Emiliano Ce´.
Investigation: Andrea Riboli.
Methodology: Andrea Riboli, Giuseppe Coratella.
Software: Susanna Rampichini.
Supervision: Fabio Esposito.
Visualization: Giuseppe Coratella.
Writing – original draft: Andrea Riboli, Giuseppe Coratella.
Writing – review & editing: Andrea Riboli, Giuseppe Coratella, Fabio Esposito.
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| Area per player in small-sided games to replicate the external load and estimated physiological match demands in elite soccer players. | 09-23-2020 | Riboli, Andrea,Coratella, Giuseppe,Rampichini, Susanna,Cé, Emiliano,Esposito, Fabio | eng |
PMC1277951 | VOLUME 1: NO. 4
Use of a Community Trail Among
New and Habitual Exercisers: A
Preliminary Assessment
Suggested citation for this article: Gordon PM, Zizzi SJ,
Pauline J. Use of a community trail among new and habit-
ual exercisers: a preliminary assessment. Prev Chronic Dis
[serial online] 2004 Oct [date cited]. Available from: URL:
We evaluated physical activity patterns and trail use
among new and habitually active exercisers using onsite
trail interviews.
Using a cross-sectional study design, 414 adults who
accessed two new trails that bisect a rural community of
26,809 residents were interviewed during the first summer
of the trails’ official operation (2001). The trails comprise 12
miles of level and paved surface and run parallel to adja-
cent water sheds, businesses, and neighborhoods. Recent
trail activity patterns were obtained, including the follow-
ing: frequency of use, mode of activity, duration, distance
traveled on trail, access points, time of day used, use of
exercise companions, and distance traveled to get to trail.
Perceived enablers and barriers related to trail use were
also obtained. Data were compared between newly adopted
exercisers (new exercisers) and individuals active prior to
development of the trails (habitually active exercisers).
Twenty-three percent of the trail users were new exercis-
ers. New exercisers were more dependent on the trails as a
primary outlet for physical activity than were habitually
active exercisers (P < .001). New exercisers traveled short-
er distances to access the trails and rated convenience as a
primary reason for using them. Both safety and terrain
issues emerged as enablers for trail use, and unsafe condi-
tions emerged as a concern among new exercisers.
A community trail may be an important vehicle for pro-
moting physically active lifestyles. However, new exercis-
ers must overcome issues of proximal and safe access from
residential areas in addition to other safety concerns to
achieve regular physical activity.
Although the health benefits of physical activity are now
well established (1), 55% of Americans do not meet the
minimal physical activity recommendations for health (2).
Environmental and policy approaches to promoting physi-
cal activity have been recommended to change the physi-
cal and social environments that individuals inhabit.
Public health officials theorize that when suitable facilities
are available to community residents, physical activity lev-
els increase (3,4). Healthy People 2010 objectives recom-
mend creating and enhancing access to places and facili-
ties where people can be physically active (5).
Furthermore, the Task Force on Community Preventive
Services has recently issued a strong recommendation for
policy and environmental approaches that create or
enhance access to places for physical activity, along with
information outreach activities, as an intervention to
increase community physical activity levels (6).
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above. • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Paul M. Gordon, PhD, MPH, Samuel J. Zizzi, EdD, Jeff Pauline, EdD
One example of an environmental and policy approach
to increase physical activity in the community is the devel-
opment of a walking/bicycling trail. A community walk-
ing/bicycling trail can be a relatively low-cost intervention
that may facilitate physical activity by reducing barriers
related to cost, convenience, and accessibility (7,8).
Moreover, because the trail is a permanent fixture within
the community, it may facilitate the maintenance of a
physically active lifestyle. Brownson et al examined the
characteristics and possible impact of walking-trail devel-
opment and suggested that walking trails may be particu-
larly effective at reaching populations at high risk for inac-
tive behaviors (9). Although recent studies have included
trails as examples of physical environmental attributes of
an active community (10), community walking/biking
trails in particular have not been well studied. One recent
investigation in Australia found that a newly constructed
rail trail accompanied by a local promotional campaign
increased cycling (11). More studies are needed to assess
the importance of a community walking/biking trail on
influencing physical activity levels.
It is not known how important a trail is among individ-
uals who have newly adopted exercise habits. Nor is it
known if the types of physical activity and patterns of trail
use differ between new exercisers and habitually active
exercisers. Although health officials have theorized that
community recreation trails can provide convenient and
accessible opportunities for engaging in regular physical
activity, little data are available to describe the trails’
importance, particularly among those who are transition-
ing toward an active lifestyle. In addition, the barriers and
enablers to trail use, which may differ between new and
habitually active exercisers, are important to understand-
ing how to facilitate this transition. This information will
provide health officials with insights that may be useful
for promoting trail use and active lifestyles among resi-
dents within their communities.
A cross-sectional study used data from an onsite inter-
view survey of physical activity patterns, barriers, and
enablers to trail use among adults using two new rail
trails within the city of Morgantown, WVa.
The Caperton and Decker’s Creek trails comprise 12
miles of paved trails that bisect the town and run adjacent
to the Monongahela River and Decker’s Creek, respective-
ly. These trails also extend outside the city limits with an
additional 14 miles of unpaved trails. Construction on
these trails was completed in spring 2001. Rail trails are
multiuse pathways constructed on abandoned railway
beds and can be used for both recreational and trans-
portation-related physical activity (12). In addition to
stretching along waterways, these level trails intersect
neighborhoods and business establishments within
city limits.
An interceptor-based survey approach was used
instead of a population-based survey approach because
of its better ability to identify and probe for trail users’
perceptions and attitudes. Trained interviewers admin-
istered the Recreation Trail Evaluation Survey (RTES)
to a sample of 414 adult trail users who lived in
Monongalia County, West Virginia. Graduate students
were trained to interview participants using skills train-
ing developed from other physical-activity interview-
driven questionnaires (13). During training, interview-
ers reviewed and discussed the RTES questionnaire,
rehearsed several practice interviews, and received
grades on proficiency. Important features of the training
sessions included clear explanations of the frame of ref-
erence for each question, how to control the pace and
structure of the interview, and how and when to use
prompts and other questions. To assure consistency, the
same interviewers participated in the RTES pilot study
prior to the study’s initiation. Interviews were conducted
two times per day using a randomized schedule that
included predetermined blocks of time (7-10:00 AM, 11-
2:00 PM, 3-6:00 PM, and 6-9:00 PM) and five different trail
access points to ensure that samples fairly represented
time of day, location on trail, and time of week (i.e., week-
end vs weekday). The influence of weather was recognized
as a possible limitation to data collection, but poor weath-
er rarely occurred during data collection. The trail inter-
view took approximately five to 10 minutes per participant
to complete. Trail interviews took place for four weeks
from June–July 2001. A true survey response rate (num-
ber of participants divided by total number of individuals
who used the trails during the interview sessions) was not
attained because of the way data were collected: some indi-
viduals may have passed by while interviews were being
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
conducted. Nevertheless, 98% of all individuals who were
approached were willing to participate. Willingness to par-
ticipate in the study was high perhaps due to the novelty
of newly developed trails in a smaller community and
because the investigation took place shortly after their
opening. Moreover, we did not infringe upon the partici-
pants’ right to exercise. Rather, participants were inter-
viewed as they entered or exited the various trailheads,
and interviewers sometimes walked along with the exer-
cisers during interviews. To prevent duplication, partici-
pants were asked at the start of the survey if they had pre-
viously been interviewed.
The RTES measured recent trail physical activity pat-
terns and included information on up to two types of phys-
ical activity performed on the trails (Appendix). The sur-
vey’s exercise components queried participants on fre-
quency and duration of activity, distance traveled on trail,
and points of access for each type of activity. The question
format used for the exercise components was similar to the
format used by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System (BRFSS) (14). In addition, information was
obtained on time of day, exercise companions, and method
and distance traveled to get to the trail. Additionally, all
respondents were asked if they participated in any of 10
non-trail physical activities in the previous month. These
activities included walking, aerobic dance, bicycling, golf-
ing, strength training, gardening, jogging/running, swim-
ming/water exercises, organized team sports, and house-
work. Non-trail recreational patterns were assessed based
on each activity’s type, duration, and frequency.
In addition to self-reported distance traveled on the trail,
actual distances were also calculated by premeasuring dis-
tances between access points and landmarks using an
odometer wheel. Subjects were asked to identify points
traveled on the trail (entry, turnaround, and exit) and the
actual distance was calculated. Because there were no sig-
nificant differences between self-reported and actual dis-
tance traveled on the trail, actual distance traveled is
reported in the present study.
Each perceived enabler and barrier to trail use was
measured using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 =
not at all important to 5 = most important. Enablers were
defined as reasons for using the trail and included safety,
scenery/environment, terrain (e.g., flat, paved), conven-
ience, and atmosphere. Barriers were defined as items
trail more and included safety issues, parking,
accessibility, facilities, maintenance, and congestion.
Using an open-ended question format, interviewers
also asked participants to identify their primary
enabler or barrier. Social and demographic information
was collected on age, sex, marital status, race, employment
status, educational attainment, and individual income
An initial pilot survey was developed from several
existing documents that were obtained from similar stud-
ies (9,15) and tested over a three-week period. A sample
was obtained at five key access points along the trail
within the city limits to yield 161 users that included 90
female and 71 male adult respondents ranging in age
from 18 to 82. Three expert reviewers analyzed results
from the pilot survey to identify possible issues of clarity.
Minor revisions to the trail user survey were made to
address problems. While reliability measures are known
for questions obtained from the BRFSS, no specific psy-
chometric measures were obtained for the completed
RTES survey. The finalized survey consisted of 33 closed
and open-ended items.
Of primary interest to this investigation was to deter-
mine if the addition of the trail into the community
caused any trail users to adopt new physical activity pro-
grams. Consequently, participants were asked, “Did you
exercise regularly [more than three times per week for 20
minutes] before using this trail?” Three times per week
was used as the frequency threshold for regular exercisers
because of the associated health benefits that may exist
among vigorous exercisers (1). This construct was
designed to determine whether participants were cur-
rently engaged in a pattern of regular physical activity
rather than to identify the prevalence of individuals meet-
ing physical activity recommendations for health. Ninety-
three (22.5%) trail users responded “no” to this question
and were classified as new exercisers. The remaining 321
(77.5%) participants who answered “yes” were classified
as habitually active exercisers. To determine differences
that might exist between new exercisers and habitually
active exercisers, comparisons of physical activity pat-
terns and preferences for trail use were analyzed. Among
all survey respondents, 94% were attaining 150 minutes
of leisure-time physical activity per week, the amount
recommended by the surgeon general (1).
OCTOBER 2004 • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
This investigation was approved by the Human
Subject’s Institutional Review Board at West Virginia
Survey data were analyzed to determine the uses and
usefulness of newly developed trails for physical activity
within a community. The primary research question relat-
ed to how many of the trail users in the sample were new
exercisers and how many were habitually active prior to
trail completion. After grouping participants, a series of
analyses were conducted to explore potential demograph-
ic, behavioral, and motivational differences related to trail
use between groups. All data were coded and entered into
an SPSS 10.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill) statistical software
database for analyses. Chi-square analyses were conduct-
ed to determine differences in proportions. In addition, an
independent t-test was used to test for differences in phys-
ical activity variables (e.g., frequency, duration, distance)
between groups.
The sample (n = 414) was 94.4% white (n = 391), 44.9%
male (n = 186), and 55.1% female (n = 228). Table 1 sum-
marizes the primary demographic characteristics of the
community trail users in this survey. These characteristics
are representative of the community population.
According to the 2000 U.S. Census, Monongalia County,
West Virginia, is 93% white and 50% female (16). The age
distribution for the county is as follows: 18–25 years =
22.0%; 26–35 years = 19.2%; 36–45 years = 17.8%; 46–64
years = 26.8%; and older than 65 years = 14.2%. The age
distribution of the survey sample is comparable to the cen-
sus distribution, except the sample had fewer respondents
older than 65 (6.5%).
Impact of trail on physical activity rates
Ninety-three (22.5%) trail users were classified as new
exercisers, and 321 (77.5%) participants were classified as
habitually active exercisers. A two-way chi-square analy-
sis was performed to determine differences between
groups across sex, age, and employment status. These
analyses revealed no significant differences, suggesting
that new exercisers and habitually active exercisers share
similar demographic profiles. Analyses were also used to
compare the frequency of additional physical activity
reported between new and previously active exercisers. All
respondents were asked if they had participated in any of
10 various physical activities (e.g., aerobic dance, swim-
ming, team sports, housework, gardening) in the previous
month. The total number of activities for each participant
was computed, and an independent t-test was conducted to
test the hypothesis. Habitually active exercisers reported
significantly more frequency of additional physical activi-
ty (mean = 1.83 occurences; SD = 1.2) than new exercisers
(mean = 1.2 occurences; SD = 1.1), t (412) = 4.51, P < .001.
Additionally, more than twice as many new exercisers
(31%) than habitually active exercisers (15%) reported
that the trail was their only form of physical activity.
Nearly all (98%) of the new exercisers reported that
their exercise amounts had increased when asked, “Since
using the trail, has the amount of exercise that you do
increased, decreased, or stayed the same?” Only 52% of
the habitually active exercisers reported an increase.
Conversely, 48% of habitually active exercisers and only
2% of new exercisers reported that their exercise amounts
stayed the same. These data suggest that the physical
activity patterns of nearly one half of habitually active
exercisers were not impacted by the addition of the trail.
Moreover, the perceived improvement in physical activity
levels between new and habitually active exercisers was
significantly different (X2[4] = 120.54, P < .001), with new
exercisers reporting much greater increases in physical
activity than habitually active exercisers with the addi-
tion of the trail (Figure).
Types and patterns of physical activity on the trail
New exercisers traveled shorter distances to access the
trails compared with habitually active exercisers (2.9 ± 3.4
miles vs 3.9 ± 6.0 miles; P = .03). The majority of respon-
dents traveled to the trails by vehicle (81%). However, new
exercisers were more likely to walk (18%) to the trails than
habitually active exercisers (10.1%) (P = .04). Overall,
these two groups differed in their patterns of physical
activity on the trails. New exercisers were also more like-
ly to walk (58% to 42%), less likely to run or jog (11% to
17%), and less likely to in-line skate (4% to 11%) than
habitually active exercisers (X2[3] = 9.15, P = .02).
Comparisons of average time and distance on the trails
provide further support to the hypothesis that habitually
active exercisers are engaging in different modes or high-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
er exercise intensities com-
pared with new exercisers.
Habitually active exercisers
traveled greater distances
(P = .03) on the trail (6.64 ±
5.7 miles) than new exercis-
ers (5.41 ± 3.7 miles) but did
not spend a longer amount
of time exercising (57.2 ±
30.1 min) than new exercis-
ers (59.6 ± 30.2 min).
Additionally, the frequency
of weekly trail use averaged
3.4 (± 2.1) days per week in
the entire sample. No sig-
nificant difference in week-
ly trail use was observed
between new exercisers
(3.63 ± 1.5 days) and habit-
ually active individuals (3.3
± 2.3 days).
Enablers and barriers to trail use
Table 2 presents the mean Likert-scale ratings of per-
ceived enablers and barriers to trail use among new and
habitually active exercisers. Participants were asked to
rank each enabler and barrier, and rankings for enablers
and barriers based on their aggregate level of importance
were assigned by the investigators. New exercisers ranked
enablers in the following order of importance: 1) conven-
ience, 2) terrain, 3) safety, 4) scenery, and 5) atmosphere.
In contrast, habitual exercisers ranked enablers in this
order: 1) terrain, 2) convenience, 3) scenery, 4) safety, and
5) atmosphere. Mean ratings of enablers differed between
groups. New exercisers rated safety (P = .03), terrain (P =
.04), and convenience (P = .001) as significantly more
important than habitually active exercisers. New exercis-
ers rated unsafe conditions as a significantly higher barri-
er than habitually active exercisers (P = .04), although
mean scores (3.1 ± 1.6) were in the middle of the five-point
scale. All other perceived enablers and barriers were sim-
ilar for both groups.
In this preliminary investigation, improvements in
physical activity behavior occurred as a result of adding a
community walking/biking
trail, particularly among
previously inactive partici-
pants. Approximately 25% of
the trail users became regu-
lar exercisers (three or more
times a week) as a result of
the development of the trail.
Moreover, new exercisers
were much more dependent
on the trail as a principal
place for engaging in physi-
cal activity than those who
exercised regularly prior to
trail development. Thirty-
one percent of new exercisers
used the trail as the only
venue for physical activity.
This suggests that recre-
ational trails may be a pow-
erful vehicle for physical
activity promotion, particu-
larly among previously inactive individuals. Brownson et
al suggested that within rural communities, sedentary
individuals may be the most likely to benefit from walking
trails (9). Although Morgantown, WVa, is a city of 26,809
residents, it is located in a rural region where there is lit-
tle opportunity to safely engage in walking for physical
activity. With narrow streets that lack traffic-calming
strategies, bike lanes, and sidewalks, the community is not
conducive for walking or bicycling. The introduction of a
safe and convenient area to walk may be an excellent
physical activity promotion tool. In a recent review of the
effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity,
the Guide to Community Preventive Services proposed that
creating access to places for physical activity, combined
with informational outreach, is an effective means for
increasing physical activity levels (6). The current investi-
gation supports this recommendation.
New exercisers also traveled shorter distances to access
the trail, implying that residential proximity to the trail
may play an important role in whether individuals will use
the trail. In further support of this, new exercisers were
more likely to rate convenience as a primary reason for
using the trail. Residential proximity to trails and their
usage has previously been documented (10,11,17).
Increases in self-reported and geospatial distance were
associated with a decreased likelihood of using a bikeway
OCTOBER 2004 • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
Percentage of increase in physical activity reported by new and habitually
active exercisers when asked, “Since using the trail, approximately how much
has your exercise level increased?”
(17). Moreover, King et al found that walking levels among
older women were higher among those living in areas
where parks or trails existed (10). Their study, however,
did not specifically measure the impact of a walking trail.
Nevertheless, they concluded that the ability to engage in
walking trips from home and the perception of having
favorable neighborhood surroundings for walking are
associated with increased physical activity levels (10).
Merom et al found that trail usage was increased among
cyclists, particularly among individuals in close proximity
to a trail (11). In our study, data suggest that convenient,
safe, and proximal community walking trails provide an
incentive for community residents to engage in regular
physical activity. This offers further support to the impor-
tance of closely linking recreational trails with residential
communities to provide safe and convenient access.
The type and pattern of physical activity on the trail also
differed between new exercisers and habitually active indi-
viduals. It appears that newer exercisers begin with a
more conservative physical activity (walking), whereas
habitually active trail users more commonly select moder-
ate- to high-intensity activities (e.g., running, in-line skat-
ing). Choosing more conservative physical activities like
walking may also be related to a concern for personal safe-
ty and injury prevention. Both safety and terrain issues
emerged as significant enablers for trail use among new
exercisers. Consequently, new exercisers may be more con-
cerned with injury prevention during physical activity and
may use the trail because they feel it is safe and appropri-
ate for exercise. Similarly, new exercisers were more like-
ly to rate unsafe conditions as a barrier when asked,
“What issues may prevent you from using the trail more
frequently?” These data suggest that new exercisers are
more sensitive to safety concerns than habitually active
How individuals perceive their environment may be
more important in persuading a physically active lifestyle
(18,19). Carnegie et al (20) identified a link between per-
ceptions of the environment and stage of change for phys-
ical activity (21). In their study, contemplators (21) (inac-
tive but intend to become more physically active) had more
negative perceptions of the environment for physical activ-
ity. Similarly, it is reasonable to believe that the new exer-
cisers in the present study were still embracing more neg-
ative perceptions of the environment than those who are
habitually active. Developing strategies to address safety
concerns along with other negative perceptions may be
necessary if individuals are to progress to being habitual-
ly active. As such, trail advocates should prioritize and
address safety concerns among new exercisers to promote
the appeal of a trail for the long-term pursuit of enhancing
physical activity within a community.
Although this preliminary investigation found that new
exercisers appear to be more dependent on a recreational
trail for achieving a pattern of regular physical activity
compared with habitually active exercisers, this study has
the following limitations:
• This investigation used a cross-sectional design that pro-
hibited us from obtaining a baseline assessment of phys-
ical activity levels prior to the development of the trail.
• We relied on trail interviews, which may be subject to a
potential response bias. Although we were unable to
determine a true response rate, nearly all individuals
(98%) approached on the trail were willing to partici-
• We used self-reported physical activity data, so there is
no direct evidence that trail activities reported were
actually performed. Nevertheless, every effort was made
to conduct the interviews in a standardized format.
• The construct used to classify new vs habitual exercisers
was not validated. We relied on individual recall.
Consequently, it is possible that some trail users were
misclassified. However, nearly all of the respondents
(94%) were meeting physical activity recommendations
(engaged in 150 minutes of leisure-time physical activi-
ty per week). Furthermore, to prevent a response bias,
we asked participants about the type, frequency, and
duration of their physical activity before asking them
whether they were exercising regularly (more than three
times per week for 20 minutes).
• Finally, we used an interceptor-based survey approach
to probe respondents’ views of the trail and identify their
perceptions of the environment. Thus, while the infor-
mation presented helps to identify perceptions of the
environment for the trail user, it does not necessarily
reflect the impact of the trail on the overall community.
However, community-wide phone-survey data (unpub-
lished data), which were obtained during the same time,
indicate that 20% of regular exercisers use the trail as
their primary exercise venue and only neighborhood
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
streets provided a more common exercise location among
community residents. Perhaps a lack of connectivity to
the trail prevented many community members from
using the trail as a primary site for regular physical
activity. Given that there are very few walkable neigh-
borhoods (e.g, no sidewalks, bike lanes, traffic-calming
strategies) within the community, trail use would likely
further increase if pedestrian connectivity from the trail
to residential areas improved.
Regardless, these data provide a preliminary assess-
ment of the importance of physical environmental
changes, such as the development of a walking and biking
trail, for promoting physically active lifestyles. Although a
community trail can provide opportunities for all residents
to engage in regular physical activity, both proximal and
safe access from residential areas and safety on the trail
may be important issues to encourage trail use among
new exercisers.
This study was funded by the West Virginia University
Prevention Research Center and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. The authors would like to
acknowledge David Goodrich, Emily Spangler, and Amy
Sindler for their contributions.
Author Information
Corresponding author: Paul M. Gordon, PhD, MPH,
West Virginia University, School of Medicine, Department
of Human Performance and Exercise Science, P.O. Box
9227, Morgantown, WV 26506. Telephone: 304-293-0442.
E-mail: [email protected].
Author affiliations: Samuel J. Zizzi, EdD, West Virginia
University, School of Physical Education, Morgantown,
WVa; Jeff Pauline, EdD, Ball State University, School of
Physical Education, Muncie, Ind.
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OCTOBER 2004 • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
13. Kriska AM, Casperson C. A collection of physical activ-
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Table 1. Socio-demographic Characteristics of Trail Users
(n = 414), Morgantown, WVa, 2001
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
No. (%)
228 (55.1)
186 (44.9)
Age (years)
96 (23.2)
92 (22.2)
89 (21.5)
110 (26.6)
27 (6.5)
391 (94.4)
7 (1.7)
13 (3.1)
3 (0.7)
Annual household income, $
111 (26.8)
$10,000 to 30,000
105 (25.4)
$31,000 to 60,000
114 (27.5)
54 (13.0)
30 (7.2)
High school/GED
145 (35.0)
Technical school
16 (3.9)
College graduate
160 (38.6)
Graduate school
61 (14.7)
Professional degree
30 (7.2)
2 (0.5)
Employment Status
28 (6.8)
30 (7.2)
100 (24.2)
Employed for wages
213 (51.4)
33 (8.0)
7 (1.7)
3 (0.7)
Table 2. Perceived Enabling Factors and Personal Barriers to Trail Use for New Exercisers and Habitually Active Exercisers
(n = 414), Morgantown, WVa, 2001
OCTOBER 2004 • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
Difference between
Habitually active
New exerciser
new and habitually
(n = 321)
(n = 93)
active exercisers
3.9 (1.3)
4.2 (1.0)
4.0 (1.0)
4.1 (1.0)
Terrain (flat, paved)
4.3 (0.9)
4.6 (0.7)
4.3 (0.9)
4.7 (0.5)
3.8 (1.1)
4.1 (1.2)
2.7 (1.7)
3.1 (1.6)
2.1 (1.3)
2.1 (1.4)
2.2 (1.3)
2.4 (1.6)
3.1 (1.4)
3.4 (1.4)
3.0 (1.5)
2.8 (1.6)
2.6 (1.4)
2.5 (1.4)
aMean values represent a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = not important at all to 5 = most important.
bRank is based on the aggregate level of importance placed on each variable.
cBased on independent t-test.
Recreational Trail Evaluation Survey, Morgantown, WVa,
Interviewer name:
Interview date:
Interview time:
Trailhead location:
Statement: Hello, We are conducting an interview about the recre-
ational trail on behalf of the Division of Exercise Physiology and the
Prevention Research Center at West Virginia University. We would
like to get your opinions about the usage of the trail. The interview
will take approximately five minutes to complete. Your responses
are confidential and no identifying information will be obtained.
Participation is voluntary and you may refuse to answer any ques-
Have you already been interviewed? Yes (Stop — not eligible)
or No (Continue)
Would you like to participate? Yes (Continue to question 3) or
no (Stop — not eligible)
Are you 18 or older? Yes (Continue to question 4) or no
(Stop — not eligible)
How long have you been using the trail? (Weeks, months, or
What type of activity do you usually do on the trail? (Walk,
run, bike, or inline skate)
How far do you usually perform [stated activity]? (Miles)
Where do you usually enter and exit the trail? (Caperton Trail:
start, turn around, or finish) (Decker’s Creek Trail: start, turn
around, or finish)
How many minutes does this usually take you?
How many times (days) per week do you use the trail for
[stated activity]?
10. Is there a second activity that you do on the trail? (If no, skip
to 15)
11. How far do you usually perform [stated activity]? (Miles)
12. Where do you usually enter and exit the trail? (Caperton Trail:
start, turn around, or finish) (Decker’s Creek Trail: start, turn
around, or finish)
13. How many minutes does this usually take you?
14. How many times (days) per week do you use the trail for
[stated activity]?
15. Did you exercise regularly (three or more times per week for
20 minutes per session) before using this trail? Yes or no
16. a. Since using the trail, has the amount of exercise that you
do: Increased (Skip to question 16b); decreased (why?);
stayed the same; or don’t know
b. Since using the trail, approximately how much has your
exercise increased? (0–25%; 26–50%; 51–75%; 76–100%;
over 100%)
17. On most days, where do usually come from to get to the
trail? (Work, home, school, or other [identify other])
18. On most days how do you get to the trail? (Walk, drive, bicy-
cle, bus, or other [identify other])
19. How far do you travel to use the trail? (Miles)
20. How long does it take you to get to the trail by walking?
21. While on the trail do you usually exercise: with others or
alone? (If alone, skip to question 23)
22. Who do you usually exercise with? (Friends, other family
members/relatives, spouse/partner, walk/run club, children,
pets, or other [identify other])
23. What time of the day do you usually use the trail? [Read cat-
egories aloud] Early morning (5–8:00 AM), Morning (8–11:00
AM), Midday (11:00 AM–2:00 PM), Afternoon (2-6:00 PM),
Evening (after 6:00 PM), Varies, Refuse to answer
24. Please rate the following reasons on why you use this trail
instead of other facilities on a scale of 1 to 5:
25. What is the primary reason why you use the trail instead of
other facilities?
26. Please rate the following concerns you have about the trail
on a scale of 1 to 5:
Least important = 1
to most important = 5
Safety (free from personal injury)
Scenery (beauty of environment)
Access (no cost associated with use)
Terrain (paved, flat)
Convenience (location)
Friendly atmosphere (social environment)
Other (please identify)
Least important = 1
to most important = 5
Parking (cost, lack of)
Accessibility of the trail
Facilities (restrooms, water fountains)
Space/congestion on the trail
Fear of injury
Lack of police patrol
Visibility of distance/mile markers
Other (please identify)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
27. What concerns you the most about the trail?
28. Apart from your trail activities, in the past month, have you
participated in any of the following?
29. Age: 18–25, 26–35, 36–45, 46–65, 65 and above, declined
to answer
30. Sex: Male, female, declined to answer
31. Race/ethnic origin: White, African American, Asian American,
Hispanic, other (identify other), declined to answer
32. Employment status: Homemaker, self-employed, student,
employed for wages, retired, unemployed, other (identify
other), declined to answer
33. Educational attainment: Eighth grade or less, high school or
GED, technical school, college graduate, graduate school,
professional degree, declined to answer
34. Income level: Under $10,000; $10-30,000; $31-60,000;
more than $60,000; declined to answer
OCTOBER 2004 • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
Number of
Minutes per
days per week
Aerobic dance
Strength training
Swimming/water exercises
Organized team sports
| Use of a community trail among new and habitual exercisers: a preliminary assessment. | 09-15-2004 | Gordon, Paul M,Zizzi, Samuel J,Pauline, Jeff | eng |
PMC8834746 |
Citation: Muniz-Pardos, B.;
Zelenkova, I.; Gonzalez-Aguero, A.;
Knopp, M.; Boitz, T.; Graham, M.;
Ruiz, D.; Casajus, J.A.; Pitsiladis, Y.P.
The Impact of Grounding in Running
Shoes on Indices of Performance in
Elite Competitive Athletes. Int. J.
Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19,
Academic Editors: Roberto
Alonso González Lezcano,
Francesco Nocera and Rosa
Giuseppina Caponetto
Received: 24 November 2021
Accepted: 23 January 2022
Published: 25 January 2022
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© 2022 by the authors.
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Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
The Impact of Grounding in Running Shoes on Indices of
Performance in Elite Competitive Athletes
Borja Muniz-Pardos 1,2,3
, Irina Zelenkova 2,3
, Alex Gonzalez-Aguero 1,2,3
, Melanie Knopp 4
, Toni Boitz 4,
Martin Graham 4, Daniel Ruiz 4
, Jose A. Casajus 2,3,5
and Yannis P. Pitsiladis 3,6,7,8,*
Faculty of Health and Sports Science (FCSD), Department of Physiatry and Nursing, University of Zaragoza,
50009 Zaragoza, Spain; [email protected] (B.M.-P.); [email protected] (A.G.-A.)
GENUD (Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development) Research Group, Department of Physiatry and
Nursing, University of Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain; [email protected] (I.Z.); [email protected] (J.A.C.)
International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS), 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland
adidas Innovation, adidas AG, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany; [email protected] (M.K.);
[email protected] (T.B.); [email protected] (M.G.); [email protected] (D.R.)
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiatry and Nursing, University of Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
School of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Brighton, Eastbourne BN20 7SN, UK
Centre for Exercise Sciences and Sports Medicine, FIMS Collaborating Centre of Sports Medicine,
University of Rome “Foro Italico”, 00135 Rome, Italy
European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA), 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland
Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The introduction of carbon fiber plate shoes has triggered a plethora of world records in
running, which has encouraged shoe industries to produce novel shoe designs to enhance running
performance, including shoes containing conductor elements or “grounding shoes” (GS), which
could potentially reduce the energy cost of running. The aim of this study was to examine the
physiological and perceptual responses of athletes subjected to grounding shoes during running.
Ten elite runners were recruited. Firstly, the athletes performed an incremental running test for
VO2max and anaerobic threshold (AT) determination, and were familiarized with the two shoe
conditions (traditional training shoe (TTS) and GS, the latter containing a conductor element under
the insole). One week apart, athletes performed running economy tests (20 min run at 80% of the
AT) on a 400 m dirt track, with shoe conditions randomized. VO2, heart rate, lactate, and perceived
fatigue were registered throughout the experiment. No differences in any of the physiological or
perceptual variables were identified between shoe conditions, with an equal running economy in
both TTS and GS (51.1 ± 4.2 vs. 50.9 ± 5.1 mL kg−1 min−1, respectively). Our results suggest that a
grounding stimulus does not improve the energy cost of running, or the physiological/perceptual
responses of elite athletes.
Keywords: earthing; environmental physiology; running performance; running economy; shoe
technology; grounding
1. Introduction
During the past five years, shoe designs have experienced a great technological
revolution, which has been accompanied by a plethora of world records in all long-
distance running events (i.e., from 5000 m to marathons, in both male and female athletes).
Joyner et al., recently suggested that the factors potentially explaining the recent records
in long-distance running are the physiological and training factors, in addition to shoe
technology and drafting [1]. However, the abrupt drop in world records across all distances
since 2017 suggests that shoe technology has a major contribution when compared to the
other factors (i.e., training methods, the physiology of athletes, and drafting are factors that
have not substantially changed in the last 5 years) [2].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 1317.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 1317
2 of 10
The most popular shoe technology for road running includes a carbon fiber plate (CFP)
within the sole, a light and highly reactive foam, and a stack up to 40 mm in thickness. This
technology has been shown to reduce the energy cost of running during a fixed exercise
intensity (traditionally between 14 and 18 km h−1) by approximately 4%, when compared
to non-CFP shoes [3–5]. This improved running economy (RE) seems to be elicited by
an increase in energy return caused by the action of passive elastic recoil, which in turn
increases stride length and contact times, reduces step frequencies, and slightly increases
the peak forces upon ground contact, when compared to non-CFP shoes [3,6,7].
The great popularity and effectiveness of CFP shoes has encouraged the shoe industry
to explore new forms of shoe designs to optimize both health and performance during
running. The implementation of “grounding” in humans purports to take advantage of the
prolonged contact between an individual and the ground, and the potential transmission of
energy between the two. Previous research states that the “direct contact of humans with
the earth or using a metal conductor changes the electric potential on the surface of the body,
as well as within the entire human organism” [8]. While the etiology of this potential effect
is difficult to explain from a biophysiological perspective, previous findings have shown
that the direct contact of an individual with the ground may reduce inflammatory processes,
mood, pain, and stress at rest [9–11] and during exercise [8,9], with some studies suggesting
that grounding technology may have a medical application. For example, previous research
has suggested that the implementation of grounding is beneficial for mood, and may be
especially beneficial in cases of depression, anxiety, stress, and trauma [11,12].
In relation to the existing research on grounding and exercise, an informative pilot
study examined the effects of grounding on muscle physiology in response to exercise-
induced muscle damage, and observed faster muscle recovery times under the grounding
condition compared to the placebo [13]. The same group performed a more comprehensive
follow-up study [14], observing that grounding significantly reduced creatine kinase (CK)
levels 24 h post-exercise when compared to the placebo, suggesting that grounding may
reduce acute muscular damage post-exercise. Following these early studies on grounding
and muscle damage, a further study focused on the impact that this technology may
have during aerobic exercise [8]. Sokal et al. claimed that the indirect contact of cyclists
with the ground (through a metal conductor) while exercising elicited an increase in
the electrical potential of the body when compared to those in the control group (not
grounded). This study further reported that the observed increase in electrical potential
with was accompanied by a greater decrease in blood urea concentrations during and after
a 30 min cycling test at 50% of VO2max, indicating, according to the authors, a decreased
physiological stress [8]. While these previous studies showed a benefit of grounding on
the muscle recovery and physiological stress of healthy subjects in response to different
modes of exercise (i.e., resistance training and cycling), the impact of this technology while
running is unknown.
Given the imminent introduction of grounding technology in running shoes, and the
absence of rigorous scientific evidence of its effects, adding conductor elements within the
shoe and employing a well-controlled experimental design, would allow for the assessment
of any putative effects of this technology (i.e., grounding technology in running shoes)
during running. This is especially important given the recent controversy that novel shoe
technologies are negatively impacting the integrity and fairness within sport [2,15]. A
recent critical review [2] highlighted how novel shoe designs are revolutionizing the world
of sport, as numerous National, European, World, and Olympic records have been broken
over an extraordinarily short time period (i.e., since the introduction of CFP shoes). In
addition to this controversy, there is a lack of well-controlled and rigorous studies in the
field that focus on the impact of shoe designs on running performance [2], which makes
the true performance benefits of certain shoe technologies difficult to determine.
Considering the reduced physiological stress and muscle damage witnessed in subjects
while performing other physical activities (i.e., strength exercises and cycling), it is impor-
tant to examine the impact of grounding on the physiological and perceptual responses to
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running, especially considering the interest of shoe companies in incorporating grounding
technology into running shoes, and the potential fairness/integrity issues that may result if
a performance benefit is demonstrated. Therefore, the main aim of the present study was
to compare the RE and physiological stress of well-trained runners while running in either
grounding shoes (GS) or traditional training shoes (TTS).
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
Ten highly-trained male runners (age = 27 ± 7 years; weight = 64.6 ± 6 kg;
height = 176.3 ± 5.4 cm) were recruited for the present study. Upon recruitment, all
subjects received and signed an informed consent form in order to participate in the study.
Subjects were required to meet the following inclusion criteria: (1) to train a minimum of
50 km week−1, (2) to have a personal best under 35:00 min:s in 10 km or 17:30 min:s in
5 km, (3) to be healthy and without any musculoskeletal injury.
2.2. Procedures
The present study design required runners to visit either the laboratory or the track
on two occasions, both separated by a period of 7 days to avoid any residual fatigue. Visit
1 included a VO2max test, ventilatory threshold determination, and shoe familiarization
in the laboratory; Visit 2 included 20 min RE tests at 80% of the anaerobic threshold, on
a 400 m dirt track, with the order of the two shoe conditions randomized (Figure 1). A
dirt track was selected over a traditional synthetic PU rubber track to avoid any material
interference between the ground and the athlete. The present study was approved by the
Ethics Committee of Aragon (CEICA, num. 17/2021).
2.3. Shoe Conditions
Two shoe conditions were tested: the traditional training shoe (TTS) and the grounding
shoe (GS), with these being visually identical as shown in Figure 1. Shoes with grounding
potential contained a conductor element around the insole, and aimed to diminish the
physiological stress experienced by the athlete during running as they run in closer contact
with the ground. The insulation and thermal permeability of the shoes were considered
similar, given that the same material was used for both experimental and non-experimental
shoes, with the exception of the conductor element. Both uppers consisted of the same
knitted textile, produced and supplied at the same time for both types of shoe (Figure 1).
The GS upper included a textile webbing containing yarn that encouraged electrical charge
to flow through the material. The material was stitched into the collar area, and ran
through the midsole to connect with the rubber on the outsole that contacts the ground.
The TTS outsole included conventional rubber, while the GS outsole included rubber that
encouraged the flow of electrical charge. The manufacturers labelled the shoes with a
number in red or blue according to the two shoe conditions, and this setting was used by
the research team to keep the study design double-blinded (See Figure 1). Additionally,
as each athlete may have become subjectively biased during the familiarization trial, all
blue/red labels were obscured with tape in Visit 2. All athletes had their own pair of shoes
for each shoe condition.
2.4. Visit 1. Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Ventilatory Threshold Determination
On the first day, athletes were subjected to a skin temperature test and a SARS-CoV-2
antigen test, in order to participate in this study. Upon testing negative, informed consent
was signed by all participants, and medical history and pre-participation screening was
also completed. The laboratory assessments performed during the first day included:
Anthropometric and body composition assessments. The parameters measured were
as follows: weight, height, height from sitting position, foot length, calf circumference and
fold, and thigh circumference and fold. Percent body fat, muscle mass, and bone mass were
assessed with a DXA scan (Hologic Corp., Bedford, MA, USA). Body fat, body water, and
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muscle mass were also assessed via bioimpedance (TANITA BC 780-S MA, Tanita Corp.,
Tokyo, Japan).
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Figure 1. Image of the right grounding shoe (A) and traditional training shoe (B) for one of the elite
2.3. Shoe Conditions
Two shoe conditions were tested: the traditional training shoe (TTS) and the
grounding shoe (GS), with these being visually identical as shown in Figure 1. Shoes with
grounding potential contained a conductor element around the insole, and aimed to
diminish the physiological stress experienced by the athlete during running as they run
in closer contact with the ground. The insulation and thermal permeability of the shoes
were considered similar, given that the same material was used for both experimental and
non-experimental shoes, with the exception of the conductor element. Both uppers
consisted of the same knitted textile, produced and supplied at the same time for both
types of shoe (Figure 1). The GS upper included a textile webbing containing yarn that
encouraged electrical charge to flow through the material. The material was stitched into
the collar area, and ran through the midsole to connect with the rubber on the outsole that
contacts the ground. The TTS outsole included conventional rubber, while the GS outsole
included rubber that encouraged the flow of electrical charge. The manufacturers labelled
the shoes with a number in red or blue according to the two shoe conditions, and this
setting was used by the research team to keep the study design double-blinded (See Figure
1). Additionally, as each athlete may have become subjectively biased during the
familiarization trial, all blue/red labels were obscured with tape in Visit 2. All athletes had
their own pair of shoes for each shoe condition.
Figure 1. Image of the right grounding shoe (A) and traditional training shoe (B) for one of the
elite athletes.
Maximal aerobic capacity test. All subjects were previously familiarized with VO2max
testing. Prior to the VO2max test, subjects laid down for 5 min, and resting electrocar-
diograms and blood pressure tests were performed and assessed by experienced medical
doctors to ensure athletes did not have any cardiological issues. Participants breathed
through a low dead space mask, with air sampled at 60 mL min−1. Before each test,
two-point calibrations of the gas sensors were completed, using a known gas mixture
(16% O2 and 5% CO2) and ambient air. Ventilatory volume was calibrated using a 3 L
(±0.4%) syringe. Firstly, subjects performed a self-paced warm-up, and prior to the com-
mencement of the test, subjects were instrumented with a portable metabolic analyzer
(Cosmed K5, Cosmed Srl, Rome, Italy) and a heart rate device (Polar H10, Polar Electro,
Kempele, Finland). A short-ramp incremental protocol was used (i.e., 13–16 min) as this has
been shown to be the most appropriate assessment for identifying individual physiological
events in well-trained runners [16–18]. The protocol consisted of a 3 min run at 10 km h−1
and a 1% gradient on a treadmill (h/p/cosmos, Nussdorf—Traunstein, Germany), followed
by increases of 1 km h−1 min−1 until volitional exhaustion. Heart rate was monitored
throughout the test, and overall perception of effort (RPE) and specific RPE for the legs
were registered immediately after the test. This test enabled the determination of VO2max
(defined as the highest 30 s mean values obtained during the test) and individual anaerobic
threshold (IAT), determined through visual assessment conducted by two experienced
exercise physiologists. Each individual speed for subsequent shoe trials were determined
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at the 80% of the IAT velocity. This VO2max test involved the subjects’ preferred shoe, and
served to objectively quantify individual running speed for subsequent RE trials (avoiding
the impact of the slow component of oxygen uptake given the repeated square-wave design
of the RE tests on the second visit). Visit 1 also involved the familiarization of the different
running shoes during a light, 5 min run with each pair of shoes, in preparation for Visit 2.
2.5. Visit 2. Running Economy Tests
During the second visit, indices of performance, with particular focus on RE, were
assessed for each shoe condition, determined on a 400 m dirt track. Air temperature and
humidity were recorded at the beginning and end of the experimental sessions using a
portable meteorological station, and all trials were performed either in the early morning
or late evening to avoid extreme environmental conditions. Participants breathed through
a low dead space mask, with air sampled at 60 mL min−1. Before each subject’s first
trial, the portable metabolic analyzer was calibrated following the calibration procedures
aforementioned. The shoe conditions were randomly assigned, and both runners and
assessors were blinded to the shoe condition. Brand new socks were used for each RE
trial to avoid excessive humidity within the shoe, as this could impact grounding effect.
Body mass was measured before and after each test. Each runner warmed up for 15 min
with their preferred training shoes prior to being equipped with the portable metabolic
analyzer. Pre-trial blood lactate was measured from a single drop of whole blood from
the fingertip using a lactate meter (Lactate Pro 2, Arkray Europe, B.V., Amstelveen, the
Netherlands), and pre-trial heart rate and RPE were also collected. Athletes performed two
20 min exercise bouts at 80% of their IAT velocity for each shoe condition, with a 20 min
rest in between (Figure 2). The duration of this RE protocol was longer than traditional
RE tests (4–6 min) used in previous studies examining shoe designs [3–5]. The reason for
this was to allow for a longer contact time between the athlete and the earth, which is
crucial for obtaining a dose–response relationship. Lactate, whole-body RPE, and legs-only
RPE (1–10 scale) were recorded at min 1, 3, and 15 of recovery following both trials, and
heart rate and ventilatory parameters were monitored throughout the test. A researcher
(and experienced cyclist) paced all runners at their individual speed using a bicycle. The
RE elicited by each shoe condition was determined as the mean VO2 between min 10 to
min 15, as steady state was ensured during this period. To reduce the noise in the ventilatory
measurements, a 7-breath averaging method was performed.
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fingertip using a lactate meter (Lactate Pro 2, Arkray Europe, B.V., Amstelveen, the
Netherlands), and pre-trial heart rate and RPE were also collected. Athletes performed
two 20 min exercise bouts at 80% of their IAT velocity for each shoe condition, with a 20
min rest in between (Figure 2). The duration of this RE protocol was longer than
traditional RE tests (4–6 min) used in previous studies examining shoe designs [3–5]. The
reason for this was to allow for a longer contact time between the athlete and the earth,
which is crucial for obtaining a dose–response relationship. Lactate, whole-body RPE, and
legs-only RPE (1–10 scale) were recorded at min 1, 3, and 15 of recovery following both
trials, and heart rate and ventilatory parameters were monitored throughout the test. A
researcher (and experienced cyclist) paced all runners at their individual speed using a
bicycle. The RE elicited by each shoe condition was determined as the mean V̇O2 between
min 10 to min 15, as steady state was ensured during this period. To reduce the noise in
the ventilatory measurements, a 7-breath averaging method was performed.
Figure 2. Protocol for the running economy trials at 80% of the anaerobic threshold (AT).
2.6. Statistical Analysis
Means and standard deviations (mean ± SD) were calculated for all variables. An a
priori sample size calculation (G*Power software, version, Heinrich-Heine-
Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany) was performed using the running
economy data reported in a previous study testing different shoe designs in well-trained
athletes (Barnes et al., 2018). The V̇O2 data for both the control and grounded shoe (53.61
± 2.20 vs. 51.26 ± 2.23 mL kg−1 min−1, respectively) were used to generate a correlation
20 min
20 min
20 min
15 min
20 min
Shoe 1
Shoe 2
80% AT
80% AT
Rating of
Heart rate
Figure 2. Protocol for the running economy trials at 80% of the anaerobic threshold (AT).
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2.6. Statistical Analysis
Means and standard deviations (mean ± SD) were calculated for all variables. An a pri-
ori sample size calculation (G*Power software, version, Heinrich-Heine-Universität
Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany) was performed using the running economy data re-
ported in a previous study testing different shoe designs in well-trained athletes
(Barnes et al., 2018). The VO2 data for both the control and grounded shoe (53.61 ± 2.20 vs.
51.26 ± 2.23 mL kg−1 min−1, respectively) were used to generate a correlation coefficient
of 0.45 and a Cohen’s d of 1.01. A two-tailed t-test revealed that a total sample size of
10 subjects was required to obtain statistical power of 0.80 and an alpha of 0.05. A Shapiro–
Wilk test revealed normal data distributions across all studied variables. Student’s t-tests
for paired samples were applied between TTS and GS shoe conditions in order to examine
the differences between metabolic and RE data (HR, VO2, RER). Significant values were set
at p ≤ 0.05 and effect sizes (Cohen’s d) were also calculated. The Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to perform the
statistical analyses.
3. Results
A final sample of 10 athletes completed the present study, with no drop-outs. These athletes
were national to international level runners/triathletes, with two of them having participated in
major sporting events (Olympic Games and World Championships). Table 1 presents the mean
and individual descriptive characteristics of the sample, showing a fairly homogeneous fitness
level across all runners (i.e., mean VO2max of 78.4 ± 3.8 mL kg−1 min−1).
Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of the participants.
(kg m−2)
(Fat %)
(mL kg−1 min−1)
Athlete 1
Athlete 2
Athlete 3
Athlete 4
Athlete 5
Athlete 6
Athlete 7
Athlete 8
Athlete 9
Athlete 10
Mean ± SD
27.2 ± 6.6
66.1 ± 6.2
176.8 ± 5.4
21.1 ± 1.6
8.3 ± 3.4
78.4 ± 3.8
A Student’s t-test for paired samples revealed no significant difference in RE values
between TTS and GS conditions (51.1 ± 4.2 vs. 50.9 ± 5.1 mL kg−1 min−1, respectively,
p = 0.779, Cohen’s d = 0.092). Figure 3 shows both mean and individual values for VO2.
Additionally, blood lactate was not different between shoe conditions at min 1 (p = 0.793),
min 3 (p = 0.250), and min 15 (p = 0.641) post-exercise (Figure 4). Both whole-body and
legs-only RPE values were also not significantly different between TTS and GS at min 1
(p = 1.0 and p = 0.273, respectively), min 3 (p = 0.443 and p = 0.591, respectively), and
min 15 (p = 0.168 and p = 0.591, respectively) post-exercise (Figure 4). Finally, HR val-
ues were not significantly different between TTS and GS during exercise (150.1 ± 15 vs.
151.0 ± 16 bpm, respectively, p = 0.461, Cohen’s d = 0.244; Figure 4).
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Additionally, blood lactate was not different between shoe conditions at min 1 (p 0.793),
min 3 (p = 0.250), and min 15 (p = 0.641) post-exercise (Figure 4). Both whole-body and
legs-only RPE values were also not significantly different between TTS and GS at min 1 (p
= 1.0 and p = 0.273, respectively), min 3 (p = 0.443 and p = 0.591, respectively), and min 15
(p = 0.168 and p = 0.591, respectively) post-exercise (Figure 4). Finally, HR values were not
significantly different between TTS and GS during exercise (150.1 ± 15 vs. 151.0 ± 16 bpm,
respectively, p = 0.461, Cohen’s d = 0.244; Figure 4).
Figure 3. Mean and individual running economy values (mL kg−1 min−1) of the 10 athletes running
in traditional training shoes (grey column) and in grounding shoes (black column).
Figure 3. Mean and individual running economy values (mL kg−1 min−1) of the 10 athletes running
in traditional training shoes (grey column) and in grounding shoes (black column).
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Figure 4. Blood lactate (A), whole-body rate of perceived exertion (RPE; B), and legs-only RPE (C)
during the recovery period after running in the traditional training shoe (TTS, gray solid line) or
grounding shoe (GS, black solid line). Heart rate during the running economy trial in both TTS and
GS trials (D). Dashed lines represent overlapping mean values between shoes.
4. Discussion
The main findings of the present study show that grounding technology applied to
shoe designs does not provide a physiological/perceptual response over traditional
training shoes in well-trained athletes. The RE, blood lactate, heart rate, and perceptual
response of these athletes, exercising at 80% of their IAT during 20 min on a 400 m dirt
track, were not different between shoes conditions.
e iou
i i
fi di
e ti
ou di
te h olo y ha
min 1
min 3
min 15
RPE value (1–10)
Recovery time
Heart rate (bpm)
min 1
min 3
min 15
Blood lactate concentration (mmol·L–1)
Recovery time
min 1
min 3
min 15
RPE legs value (1–10)
Recovery time
Figure 4.
Blood lactate (A), whole-body rate of perceived exertion (RPE; B), and legs-only
RPE (C) during the recovery period after running in the traditional training shoe (TTS, gray solid
line) or grounding shoe (GS, black solid line). Heart rate during the running economy trial in both
TTS and GS trials (D). Dashed lines represent overlapping mean values between shoes.
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4. Discussion
The main findings of the present study show that grounding technology applied
to shoe designs does not provide a physiological/perceptual response over traditional
training shoes in well-trained athletes. The RE, blood lactate, heart rate, and perceptual
response of these athletes, exercising at 80% of their IAT during 20 min on a 400 m dirt
track, were not different between shoes conditions.
Despite previous promising findings suggesting that grounding technology has posi-
tive effects on the physiological responses (i.e., reduced acute inflammatory processes) of
humans at rest [7,8], very limited research has focused on the implementation of ground-
ing during exercise, with only two studies focusing on the effectiveness of grounding in
reducing muscular damage after exercise-induced DOMS. This is the first study to examine
the impact of grounding in shoes during running, which makes the comparison with
previous studies challenging due to the unique nature of running for the implementation
of this technology (i.e., intermittent contact time with the ground). Our findings, however,
differ from those of Sokal et al. [8], who claimed that all recreational cyclists within their
study experienced physiological attenuation at rest, during a 30 min exercise at 50% of
their VO2max, and during recovery, indicated by decreases in blood urea; however, these
authors failed to include any individual data. It is also worth noting that these biochemical
parameters were not measured immediately prior to grounding/placebo conditions, and
therefore group-by-time interactions could not be determined, which limits the interpre-
tation of these results. Additionally, one would expect both blood urea and creatinine
concentrations to remain unchanged following the exercise protocol used by these authors
(a single bout of light exercise for 30 min). Blood urea and creatinine levels have been shown
to increase after prolonged, strenuous exercise as a result of increased protein catabolism
and/or impaired renal function [19], which is unlikely to have occurred during the ex-
ercise protocol proposed by Sokal et al. The difference between the groups observed by
Sokal et al., interpreted in the context of our present findings, are more likely due to day-
to-day inter-individual variability in blood urea, or some potential methodological issues
during data collection, rather than due to physiological stress attenuation during exercise.
In a subsequent study, Sokal et al. presented additional data from the same aforementioned
experiment [20], focusing on the effects of grounding on VO2 uptake, blood glucose, lactate,
and bilirubin concentrations. The 42 subjects included in this study were divided into two
subgroups (n = 21) according to their VO2max, therefore, both groups had a comparable
cardiorespiratory fitness (Group A = 50.8 vs. Group B = 50.7 mL kg−1 min−1). The study
design followed a double-blind, crossover protocol between Groups A and B. During the
first testing day, Group A was under the placebo condition and Group B was under the
grounding stimulus, with these conditions interchanged during the second day of testing.
These authors reported a significantly reduced VO2 uptake (numeric data not shown by the
authors) at the end of the exercise with the grounding stimulus only in Group B, when com-
pared to the placebo. The study design employed by Sokal et al. [8,20] has limited reliability,
given that their experimental tests were performed on different days, which may have biased
the results. Day-to-day variability and the lack of a familiarization trial may have potentiated
the learning effects only for Group B (i.e., the group with the grounding stimulus during the
second day). These results should, therefore, be interpreted with caution.
To our knowledge, the two aforementioned studies are the only two experiments
focusing on the effects of grounding on the biophysiological responses of humans during
submaximal exercise. However, the important methodological issues described above, and
the use of cycling being the only mode of exercise, limits the interpretation of the current
literature and its comparison with the present study. In our experiment, we used a double-
blind, randomized, crossover design, with tests for all experimental conditions performed
on the same day. We are aware that the conductor element within the shoe was not in
permanent contact with the ground (i.e., intermittent contact time during running), and we
did not measure muscle activity, nor foot/stride mechanics, during running, which may have
provided more information and potentially revealed an effect. However, to ensure a sufficient
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contact time, we designed a longer than usual RE protocol (i.e., 20 min bouts; Figure 2), so that
we could identify a potential dose–response relationship over time. Despite these rigorous
experimental procedures, our results show that grounding technology did not have any
impact on the measured responses during running when compared to traditional training
shoes. Previous research showed a decrease in muscle damage in response to high-intensity
strength exercises in subjects under grounding conditions [13,14] when compared to a
placebo. These findings would suggest that grounding technology may have a role to play
as a muscle recovery method, which in turn could translate into a benefit for runners when
performing higher intensity exercise (i.e., above the anaerobic threshold) in which muscle
fatigue and acidosis occur to a greater extent. Nonetheless, future research using larger
sample sizes and examining foot mechanics (especially contact times) would be required to
confirm our findings. Other shoe designs currently available on the market that include a
CFP and a high midsole stack height made of compliant, resilient, and lightweight foam,
seem the most effective shoe modality to date. This technology has shown to improve RE
by increasing the midsole longitudinal bending stiffness, favoring a decrease in the range
of motion of the metatarsophalangeal joint [3,21,22].
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, our results suggest that grounding in shoe designs is not an effective
alternative for well-trained athletes to improve their running efficiencies, and/or their
physiological/perceptual responses during submaximal exercise. However, there are
intrinsic limitations that should be considered. Potential grounding effects could have
been missed during our study as running does not allow constant contact between the
athlete and the ground, which could have potentially biased the results. In relation to
this, lower caliber athletes may have benefited from this technology given their ground
contact times are greater than faster, elite athletes; an issue that could not be addressed
in the current study. Future research may therefore consider additional sports in which
athletes remain in constant contact with the ground (e.g., race-walking, cross-country skiing,
powerlifting). Despite these limitations, our study followed a high-quality methodological
protocol (double-blind, randomized, crossover design) using a homogeneous sample of
highly trained athletes (as represented in Table 1), which suggests that our conclusions are
reliable for this specific population.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization and methodology: B.M.-P., I.Z., M.K., D.R., J.A.C. and
Y.P.P.; formal analysis: A.G.-A., J.A.C., I.Z., B.M.-P.; writing—original draft preparation: B.M.-P., I.Z.,
A.G.-A.; review and editing: B.M.-P., I.Z., A.G.-A., M.K., T.B., M.G., D.R., J.A.C. and Y.P.P.; supervision:
Y.P.P. and J.A.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was supported by a contract from adidas AG with the University of Zaragoza,
Spain (Project: “Testing support for innovation project”; number 2021/0348).
Institutional Review Board Statement: The present study was approved by the Ethics Committee
of Aragon, Spain (CEICA, num. 17/2021).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The datasets used and analyzed within the present manuscript will be
available from the corresponding author/first author upon request.
Acknowledgments: We wish to thank the athletes involved in this study for participating.
Conflicts of Interest: M.K., T.B., M.G., D.R. are employees of adidas AG. B.M.P., I.Z., A.G.A., J.A.C.,
Y.P.P. have no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of this article.
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Performance in youth track and field is
associated with birth quartile. A register-
based study among athletes in Norway from
10 years to senior level
Hilde GundersenID1*, Anette Harris2, Halvard GrendstadID3, Morten Kristoffersen1,
Atle Guttormsen4, Terje Dalen5, Cecilie Brekke Rygh6
1 Department of Sport, Food and Natural Sciences, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen,
Norway, 2 Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Norway, 3 Department of Physical Performance, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway,
4 NMBU School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Ås, Norway,
5 Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Faculty of Teacher Education and Arts, Nord
University, Levanger, Norway, 6 Department of Health and Functioning, Western Norway University of
Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway
* [email protected]
Earlier studies have demonstrated that the oldest in a competition class are more likely to
succeed than the youngest, a phenomenon called relative age effect (RAE). Track and field
give us an opportunity to investigate the advantage of being born early in the year based
upon actual performance, since objective criteria are the performance indicators. Hence,
the aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of RAE in Norwegian track
and field athletes in events where physical capacity is important for success.
All individual season best results from the register of The Norwegian Athletics Federation (n
= 28 999) obtained in all competition classes from the age of 10 years to senior in both
sexes on 60m and 600m from 2011 to 2020 were downloaded. One-way ANOVA and LSD
post hoc analyses were used to analyze performance differences according to birth quartiles
between athletes. Further, odds ratios (OR) were used to calculate the odds of being among
the top-100 for athletes for those born in the first quartile of the year compared to the last.
The RAE was present in several of the competition classes in sprint compared to middle-dis-
tance running, and in more male than female competition classes. Overall, the OR of being
among the top-100 in one of the competition classes on 60m sprint when born in first quartile
compared to last quartile was 2.88 [2.30–3.62] for males and 1.54 [1.26–1.89] for females.
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Citation: Gundersen H, Harris A, Grendstad H,
Kristoffersen M, Guttormsen A, Dalen T, et al.
(2022) Performance in youth track and field is
associated with birth quartile. A register-based
study among athletes in Norway from 10 years to
senior level. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273472. https://
Editor: Caroline Sunderland, Nottingham Trent
Received: February 3, 2022
Accepted: August 9, 2022
Published: September 6, 2022
Copyright: © 2022 Gundersen et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: Data from athletes
from 13 to 20 years can be retrieved from: https://
0&outdoor=Y&showseason=0&showclub=0 Data
from 10-12 years require permission from The
Norwegian Athletics Federation. If interested, you
may apply to [email protected].
Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work.
Being born early in the year in events with high demand for specific physical capacities is an
advantage in both sexes in most of the youngest competition classes. In males, the advan-
tage of being born early in the year lasted longer in sprint than in middle-distance running,
indicating that puberty affects performance in sprint and middle-distance running differently.
Organized sport is one of the most popular forms of leisure-time activities worldwide, and at
least one-third of children and adolescents are participating in one or more sports in most
countries [1]. To provide equal opportunities and competition, children and youth usually
compete in age classes based on their chronological age. However, previous studies have
shown that children born early in their birth year are likely to perform better than children
born later in the same age cohort, a phenomenon called relative age effect (RAE) [2]. The mat-
urational hypothesis is perhaps the most common explanation for the RAE, i.e. that chrono-
logically older children have a higher chance of being more physically mature, with
subsequent anthropometric and physiological characteristics that aid performance [3–9].
It is reasonable to expect that the RAE would be more prominent for younger athletes
because of the age differences being relatively larger. During puberty, the RAE is often found
to be strongest in this period related to the large variation in physique and anthropometry due
to age [10]. After puberty, RAE are often found to subside [11], however, secondary effects
may maintain the persistence during senior carrier [12]. Early maturation and success may
increase training motivation and thus the sport-specific skills and experience [11, 13]. Further-
more, those who perform at highest level in youth sports may be favoured by more competent
coaches, more systematic training and better training facilities [14, 15]. Consequences of the
RAE may include favouring the physically mature at the expense of those less mature, and in
worst case athletes dropout from the sports because of late maturation [11, 16].
RAE is well documented in team sports [2, 17], but there is still less evidence regarding
RAE in individual sports [17]. There are, however, some important differences between team
sports and individual sports that may influence the occurrence of RAE. The selection that
occurs in team sports are not seen to the same extent in individual sports. In individual sports,
success is also related to individual performance and not confounded by inter-individual fac-
tors like team formations, tactics and positional roles [18]. Performances are further judged on
objective data in most individual sports, rather than of a subjective evaluation of an individu-
al’s contribution to a team performance. RAE-studies in team sports are most often investigat-
ing the advantage/disadvantage for the selected/non-selected players, and this selection are
based upon subjective criteria. Track and field give us an opportunity to investigate the advan-
tage of being born early in the year based upon actual performance, since objective criteria are
the performance indicators.
There are few previous studies investigating RAEs in track and field, and as far as we know,
only one study from the Scandinavian countries [19]. In addition, the majority of previous
studies in track and field have focused on athletes who are 14 years (U15) or older who com-
pete at international level [20–26]. The occurrence of RAE has further been investigated more
in males than females [19, 20, 23, 27, 28]. Since the Norwegian Athletics Federation has regis-
tered seasonal best for each athlete in all events obtained in official competitions from the age
of 10 years to senior the last decades, the register will provide as an unique opportunity to
RAE in track and field
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Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
investigate RAE in track and filed from child to adult in both sexes. Since biological matura-
tion is suggested as an explanation for the RAE, the aim of the present study was to investigate
the occurrence of RAE in events where physical capacity is important for the result in all com-
petition classes, in both sexes. We aimed to use two different approaches 1) to investigate per-
formance differences between athletes born in different quartiles of the year in all competition
classes in sprint (60m) and middle-distance running (600m) in both sexes, and 2) to calculate
the OR of being among the top-100 athletes in each of the competition class for those born in
first vs. last quartile of the year in all competition classes for both sexes.
The Norwegian Athletics Federation has the last decades registered all results obtained in offi-
cial competitions by Norwegian athletes. The register includes an overview of the best result of
each athlete in each event in all competition classes, from 10 years to senior. For each result,
competition class and competition date are registered. Birth year is registered for all athletes,
and birth date for most of the athletes. The present study was conducted in accordance with
the declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Norwegian centre for research data (NSD)
(324455) and the Norwegian Athletics Association. Since the data are based on publicly avail-
able resources, no informed consent was obtained.
Results available on 60m and 600m in the database from 2011 to 2020 were downloaded on
the 1st of January 2021. Only indoor results were included to avoid differences in wind and
temperature conditions, and since 60m is the main sprint distance indoor in all competition
classes. 60m is an international distance indoors. In Norway, youth athletes are organized
within one-year age bands from the age of 10 until the age of 17 years, and in two-years age
band for 18 and 19 years old (U20). Senior included results obtained from the age between 20
and 34 years, although athletes can compete in the senior class when 15 years old in Norway.
Only the best result for each athlete in each competition classes were included in the analyses.
Results obtained without electronic timing and athletes without registered birth date were
excluded. Birth months was categorised in birth quartiles; Q1: January-March, Q2: April-June,
Q3: July-September, Q4: October-December.
Data analyses
Data are presented as mean with standard deviation (SD) or as frequencies. Visual inspection
confirmed that all data were normally distributed. One-way ANOVA analyses were performed
to analyse whether there were differences between results obtained from athletes born in dif-
ferent quartiles (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) for each competition class and event, separated by sex.
Post hoc analyses were performed with the least significant difference (LSD) test. Frequencies
of the top 100 athletes born in each competition class and event for females and males were
calculated. Crosstab analyses were performed to assess odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence
interval [CI] of being among the top 100 athletes (yes/no) for those born in first vs. fourth
quartile of the year. IBM SPSS Statistics (version 27) was used for all statistical analyses and sta-
tistical significance was accepted at p < 0.05.
Totally, 28 999 results were registered along with birth date for 60m sprint and 600m middle
distance running, 15 244 and 13 755 results for females and males respectively. For 60m sprint,
RAE in track and field
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a total of 21 419 results were registered (11 512 for females and 9907 for males), and for 600m
middle distance running, a total of 7580 results were registered (3732 for females and 3848 for
Result difference between athletes born in different quartiles of the year
There were significant differences in results obtained by athletes born in different quartiles,
especially among the youngest athletes. Being born in the first quartile was an advantage
regarding performance compared to being born in the last quartile for both events in all com-
petition classes from 11 to 13 years (See Fig 1 and Tables 1 and 2 for more specific informa-
tion). In sprint, there were better results in first quartile compared to the last quartile in all
completion classes until the age of 16 years in females (Table 1 and Fig 1), and in most of the
competition classes until U20 in males (Table 2 and Fig 1). In middle-distance running
(600m), there were better results in first quartile compared to the last quartile in all competi-
tion classes until the competition class 13 year in females (Table 1 and Fig 1), and until 14
years in males (Table 2 and Fig 1). In females, the largest main effect was seen in the competi-
tion class 13 years on 60m sprint performance and in the competition class 12 years on 600m
middle distance running. There was no significant result difference between quartiles from the
age of 17 years in any of the two events. In males, the largest main effect was seen in the com-
petition class 13 years for both events. No significant result difference was found at senior level
in sprint performance and from the age of 15 years on middle-distance running performance.
For an overview of number of athletes born in each quartile see S1 and S2 Tables.
OR of being among the top-100 athletes
There were higher ORs for being among the top-100 athletes when born in first quartile of the
year compared to the last quartile. Overall, the OR of being among the top-100 in one of the
competition classes on 60m sprint when born in first quartile compared to last quartile was
2.88 [2.30–3.62] for males and 1.54 [1.26–1.89] for females. Similar, overall OR of being
among top-100 athletes on 600m middle-distance running was 2.05 [1.64–2.54] and 1.88
Fig 1. Mean of best indoor running times on 60-meter sprint (A) and 600-meter middle-distance running (B) for different age groups in male and female track and field
athletes from 2011–2020. Q1: born in January-March, Q2: born April-June, Q3: born in July-September, Q4: born in October-December.
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[1.48–2.38] for males and females, respectively. In females, highest ORs were seen in the com-
petition class 10 years in both events, although significantly higher OR was seen until competi-
tion class 14 years on 60m and until 13 years on 600m. In males, highest ORs were seen in
competition class 14 years on sprint, and in competition class 13 years on 600m. Significant
higher OR was seen in most competition classes until senior level on 60m and until the compe-
tition class 14 years on 600m (see Table 3 and Fig 2 for more details).
In the present study, we aimed to investigate performance differences between athletes born in
various quartiles of the year in each competition class in sprint (60 meter) and middle-distance
running (600 meter), for both female and male track and field athletes. Moreover, we wanted
to explore the OR of being among the top-100 athletes in each of the competition class for
those born in first vs. last quartile of the year. Our main findings were that being born in the
first quartile was an advantage for both sprint and middle-distance running success, especially
in the youngest age classes. The RAE was present in more of the competition classes in sprint
versus middle-distance running, and in more competition classes in males than in females.
This is to the best of our knowledge, the first study investigating result performance differ-
ences among athletes born in different quartiles of the year in all competition classes from 10
years to senior for both sexes. Our results indicate that chronologically older children and
Table 1. Differences in performance on 60m sprint and 600m middle-distance running in females born in different birth quartiles (Q) for each competition class.
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
Competition classes (years)
Main effect
Post hoc analyses LSD
60m sprint (sec)
10 (n = 842)
10.52 ±0.67
10.56 ±0.67
10.80 ±0.78
10.90 ±0.73
F(3,838) = 13.45, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4
11 (n = 1367)
10.09 ±0.68
10.14 ±0.63
10.31 ±0.70
10.39 ±0.68
F(3,1363 = 14.64, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4
12 (n = 1795)
9.69 ±0.63
9.71 ±0.60
9.93 ±0.70
9.99 ±0.71
F(3,1791) = 22.38, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4
13 (n = 2184)
9.39 ±0.60
9.41 ±0.59
9.58 ±0.67
9.67 ±0.69
F(3,2180) = 23.68, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4
14 (n = 1828)
9.13 ±0.63
9.11 ±0.55
9.19 ±0.63
9.26 ±0.61
F(3,1824) = 5.19, p < .001
Q1>Q4, Q2>Q4
15 (n = 1300)
8.89 ±0.60
8.88 ±0.51
8.91 ±0.57
9.03 ±0.71
F(3,1296) = 4.02, p = .007
Q1>Q4, Q2>Q4
16 (n = 920)
8.69 ±.050
8.71 ±0.49
8.72 ±0.54
8.82 ±0.52
F(3,916) = 2.90, p = .034
17 (n = 604)
8.51 ±0.44
8.56 ± 0.45
8.63 ±0.57
8.56 ±0.44
F(3,600) = 1.55, p = .201
U20 (n = 508)
8.42 ±0.54
8.42 ±0.43
8.43 ±0.46
8.48 ±0.52
F(3,504) = 0.40, p = .752
Senior (n = 162)
8.09 ±0.47
8.18 ±0.45
8.23 ±0.61
8.22 ±0.54
F(3,158) = 0.64, p = .592
600m middle distance running (min)
10 (n = 347)
2.19.87 ±11.15
2.22.17 ±11.40
2.22.31 ±9.99
2.26.24 ±11.58
F(3,343) = 3.95, p < .009
Q1>Q4, Q2>Q4, Q3>Q4
11 (n = 631)
2.13.96 ±11.60
2.15.64 ±11.39
2.19.68 ±11.36
F(3,627) = 6.17, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q4
12 (n = 758)
2.07.23 ±11.79
2.08.19 ±10.32
2.11.87 ±12.58
F(3,754) = 7.66, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4
13 (n = 762)
2.01.19 ±10.01
2.01.16 ±10.31
2.04.71 ±10.44
F(3,758) = 5.12, p < .002
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4
14 (n = 587)
1.57.02 ±11.23
1.56.11 ±8.73
1.56.22 ±8.73
1.58.12 ±9.65
F(3,583) = 1.07, p = .360
15 (n = 256)
1.53.27 ±8.97
1.52.31 ±8.59
1.52.71 ±8.54
1.55.56 ±10.42
F(3,252) = 1.28, p = .282
16 (n = 155)
1.48.27 ±6.99
1.50.61 ±8.19
1.48.25 ±6.47
1.53.48 ± 8.71
F(3,151) = 3.53, p = .016
Q1>Q4, Q3>Q4
17 (n = 120)
1.50.04 ±10.09
1.46.67 ±8.18
1.46.94 ±8.50
1.51.10 ±7.08
F(3,116) = 1.77, p = .158
U20 (n = 77)
1.43.71 ±6.86
1.43.81 ±6.04
1.42.75 ±7.17
1.44.03 ±6.67
F(3,73) = 0.13, p = .940
Senior (n = 39)
1.42.42 ±11.17
1.38.49 ±2.65
1.42.47 ±10.24
1.41.88 ±7.74
F(3,35) = 0.47, p = .706
U20: 18–19 years, Senior: 20–34 years. > indicate significant better performance for athletes born in quartiles at the left side of the sign compared to those born in
quartiles at the right side.
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adolescents of both sexes have an advantage in youth track and field both in sprint and mid-
dle-distance running. Better performance in both sprint and middle-distance running among
athletes born early in the year compared to those born late can probably be explained by the
Table 2. Differences in performance on 60m sprint and 600m middle-distance running for males born in different birth quartiles (Q) for each competition class.
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD).
Competition classes (years) Q1
Main effect
Post hoc analyses LSD
60m (sec)
10 (n = 710)
10.39 ±0.76
10.40 ±0.72
10.51 ±0.84
10.60 ±0.70
F(3,706) = 2.59, p = .052
11 (n = 1118)
9.96 ±0.76
10.05 ±0.70
10.15 ±0.79
10.23 ±0.73
F(3,1114) = 6.19, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q4
12 (n = 1406)
9.56 ±0.75
9.71 ±0.75
9.80 ±0.76
9.97 ±0.83
F(3,1402 =) 16.31, p < .001
Q1>2Q, 3Q, 4Q, 2Q>4Q 3Q>4Q
13 (n = 1735)
9.18 ±0.75
9.28 ±0.73
9.44 ±0.74
9.66 ±0.73
F(3,1731) = 31.21, p < .001
Q1>Q2, Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4, Q3>Q4
14 (n = 1335)
8.57 ±0.66
8.69 ±0.62
8.83 ±0.71
8.98 ±0.67
F(3,1331) = 22.81, p < .001
Q1>Q2, Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4, Q3>Q4
15 (n = 1081)
8.12 ±0.46
8.24 ±0.55
8.28 ±0.56
8.41 ±0.60
F(3,1077) = 11.49, p < .001
Q1>Q2, Q3, Q4, Q2>Q4, Q3>Q4
16 (n = 880)
7.93 ±0.44
7.94 ±0.43
7.99 ±0.48
8.03 ±0.47
F(3,876) = 2.15, p = .092
17 (n = 645)
7.68 ±0.34
7.71 ±0.33
7.72 ±0.32
7.81 ±0.36
F(3,641) = 4.29, p = .005
Q1>Q4, Q2>Q4, Q3>Q4
U20 (n = 634)
7.55 ±0.35
7.58 ±0.38
7.64 ±0.44
7.67 ±0.37
F(3,630) = 3.25, p = .022
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q4
Senior (n = 363)
7.45 ±0.48
7.49 ±0.47
7.51 ±0.45
7.52 ±0.47
F(3,359) = 0.45, p = .718
600m middle distance running (min)
10 (n = 363)
2.14.06 ±11.41
2.13.03 ±10.61
2.17.61 ±13.79
2.21.28 ±13.47
F(3,359) = 7.67, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4
11 (n = 628)
2.07.94 ±12.04
2.09.20 ±13.03
2.12.11 ±12.46
2.13.09 ±12.62
F(3,624) = 5.41, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q3, Q4
12 (n = 710)
2.00.92 ±11.50
2.02.26 ±11.74
2.04.17 ±11.39
2.04.59 ±12.29
F(3,706) = 3.72, p < .011
Q1>Q3, Q4
13 (n = 808)
1.53.56 ±10.14
1.55.55 ±10.61
1.57.38 ±11.09
2.00.45 ±11.11
F(3,804) = 14.85, p < .001
Q1>Q3, Q4, Q2>Q4, Q3>Q4
14 (n = 559)
1.45.66 ±8.43
1.47.86 ±9.24
1.50.21 ±10.98
1.51.04 ±9.48
F(3,555) = 9.12, p < .001
Q1>Q2, Q3, Q4 Q2>Q3, Q4
15 (n = 250)
1.37.57 ±8.04
1.38.30 ±6.69
1.39.00 ±6.58
1.41.20 ±9.35
F(3,246) = 2.34, p = .074
16 (n = 193)
1.35.02 ± 8.71
1.36.22 ± 7.43
1.34.45 ±6.06
1.35.45 ±6.82
F(3,189) = 0.51, p = .675
17 (n = 129)
1.30.58 ±4.16
1.31.63 ±4.45
1.31.12 ±5.44
1.33.56 ±5.26
F(3,125) = 2.06, p = .110
U20 (n = 128)
1.27.15 ±4.15
1.28.84 ±5.96
1.28.05 ±4.59
1.28.98 ±4.05
F(3,124) = 1.04, p = .379
Senior (n = 80)
1.27.42 ±9.16
1.31.54 ±12.02
1.28.74 ±9.12
1.26.28 ±4.56
F(3,76) = 1.00, p = .398
U20: 18–19 years, Senior: 20–34 years> indicate significant better performance for athletes born in quartiles at the left side of the sign compared to those born in
quartiles at the right side.
Table 3. On overview over OR 95% [CI] of being among the top-100 athletes and born in Q1 compared to Q4.
Competition class (years)
60m sprint
60m sprint
2.89 [1.36–6.13]
5.15 [2.03–13.06]
2.54 [1.18–5.49]
4.26 [1.77–10.29]
2.49 [1.29–4.81]
3.50 [1.64–7.497]
2.26 [1.10–4.66]
3.17 [1.42–7.09]
1.60 [.85–3.01]
2.16 [1.11–4.179]
7.82 [3.08–19.85]
1.64 [.88–3.06]
1.76 [.87–3.59]
2.06 [1.03–4.149]
5.81 [2.62–12.87]
4.97 [2.37–10.43]
1.69 [.83–3.432]
11.27 [3.49–36.45]
3.21 [1.52–6.75]
.96 [.53–1.74]
1.78 [.81–3.931]
2.59 [1.23–5.45]
1.50 [.72–3.14]
1.19 [.64–2.22]
2.04 [.77–5.393]
1.88 [.93–3.80]
1.68 [.74–3.82]
1.01 [.52–1.94]
.69 [.19–2.520]
2.28 [1.14–4.57]
3.18 [.92–11.03]
U20 (18–19)
1.34 [.70–2.59]
1.62 [.86–3.05]
1.87 [.55–6.32]
Senior (20–34)
1.19 [.49–3.03]
1.98 [1.00–3.91]
less than 100 results.
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fact that the chronologically oldest athletes in each competition class, on average, are more bio-
logically mature and therefore have more developed anthropometric and physical attributes
that aid performance [5–9, 29–32]. Indeed, another possible explanation for our findings
could also be linked with possible skewed birth date distribution in the greater Norwegian
population. Thus, we checked the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN) (http:// for quarterly distribution of births in Norway between 1996 and
2010, and found that 24.8%, 26.0%, 26.1% and 23.0% were born in Q1-Q4 respectively. Even
though the number of births was not totally equal between quartiles, it is highly unlikely that
the RAE in the present study can be explained by the distribution of births. Our findings are
thus probably linked to the maturational hypothesis.
In sprint, the advantage of being born early in the year lasted longer in males than in
females. Better results for those born early in the year compared to those born late was seen
until competition class 16 years in females, and until competition class U20 in males. In boys,
higher OR of being among the top-100 sprinters when born in the first quartile compared to
the last quartile was seen in most competition classes and even at senior level. Highest OR
among males was found in the competition class 14 years, where it was 11 times more likely to
be among the top-100 athletes for those born in the first quartile of the year compared to those
born in the last. In girls, higher OR was only seen in the competition classes 10, 11 and 14
years, with the highest OR in the youngest competition class. The above-mentioned sex differ-
ences may be explained by the timing of puberty. The timing of puberty could be one explana-
tion for the high OR for boys in the age of 12 to 14 years in explosive events like 60m sprint,
and also an explanation for high OR in earlier ages (10 and 11 years) in girls. Therefore, we
speculate that the competition classes with high OR are partly due to the fact that these age
groups have larger differences in physical capacity between athletes that are born early and late
in the year. Indeed, girls enter puberty at a younger age compared to boys [33], and the longer
occurrence and larger RAE in males may be explained by the later onset of puberty and the
more pronounced increase in muscle mass which is an advantage in explosive events [34, 35].
Further, increased motivation, more systematic training and better training facilities as a con-
sequence of success in adolescence may explain the persistence of RAE in the present study
after puberty among male senior sprinters [11, 13–15].
Fig 2. An overview of odds ratio (OR) of being among the top 100 athletes and born in Q1 compared to Q4 for girls (A) and boys (B).
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Kearney and colleagues (2018) found a similar trend among males at highest performance
level in sprint in the UK, showing higher OR of being born in the first quartile of the year com-
pared to the last in all competition classes (U13, U15, U17, U20 and senior), with the highest
OR in U15 (13 and 14 years old). Also, Romann and colleagues (2015) found higher OR
among Swiss boys between 8 and 15 years at highest performance level in sprint. Among girls,
Kearney and colleagues (2018) showed higher OR in the competition classes U13, U15 and
U17, with the highest OR among the youngest (11 and 12 years old). Unlike the present study,
they found RAE in girls over 14 years of age. The longer persisting RAE among girls in the
study by Kearney and colleagues (2018) may be due to the different organization of competi-
tion classes in the UK with two year-bands instead of annual competition classes as in Norway.
In middle-distance running, significant better result among athletes born in the first quar-
tile of the year compared to those born in last quartile was seen until competition class 14
years in males. In middle-distance running, significant better result among athletes born in the
first quartile of the year compared to those born in last quartile was seen until competition
class 14 years in males. In girls RAE was present up to the competition class 16 years, with
exception of in competition the classes 14 and 15 years. The OR of being among the top-100
middle distance runners when born in first quartile compared to last quartile was in the pres-
ent study higher in most competition classes until the age of 14 years in boys. Highest OR was
seen in the competition class 13 years, where it was 5 times more likely to be among the top-
100 athletes for those born in the first quartile of the year compared to those born in the last.
Kearney and colleagues (2018) found higher OR in male middle distance running in the com-
petition classes U13, U15 and U17 in the UK. Highest OR was found in the competition class
U15 (13 and 14 years old), which is in line with our findings. However, again we cannot
exclude that the different organization of competition classes between Norway and the UK can
explain the longer existence of RAE in the UK. In girls, OR progressively decreased from the
competition class from 10 to 13 years. Similar, Kearny and colleagues (2018) found higher OR
in girls U13 (11 and 12 years old) and U15 (13 and 14 years old), with the highest OR among
the youngest. As in sprint highest OR was seen at earlier age in girls than in boys, and may be
due to earlier puberty onset in girls as mentioned above [33]. Unlike in male sprint, RAE did
not last into adulthood in middle-distance running.
The advantage of being born early in the year lasted longer in sprint than in middle-dis-
tance running in males, indicating that puberty affects performance in sprint and middle-dis-
tance running differently in males. This is most likely due to the different physical demands in
the two events. In sprint, force and power are important factors for performance [29, 32],
whereas maximal oxygen uptake is important in middle-distance running [36]. The increase
in body mass/muscle mass during puberty improves force and power relevant for sprint
events. Although the increase in muscle mass associated with growth and maturation facilitates
the use of oxygen and thus improves the absolute VO2max (Lmin-1), the concomitant increase
in body mass results in an almost unchanged VO2max with age during puberty when expressed
in relation to body mass (mlkg-1min-1) [37, 38]. For girls, increased body mass during
puberty is not necessarily an advantage in explosive events or in aerobic events as more body
fat mass is accumulated compared to boys [38]. Increased body mass may affect the occurrence
of RAE, as those born early in the year, on average, might gain weight before those born later
in the year if entering puberty earlier. One causal explanation for the decreasing OR at older
age in this study may be because the relative age difference in each age group are lower at
higher age. i.e. the relative age difference within an age group are higher for the 10-year-old
athletes, than for athletes that are twenty years old.
The stronger RAE found, especially in males, in explosive events compared to in endurance
events, have previously been shown by others [23, 39]. Stronger RAEs among males at higher
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level athletes than in females as in the present study are also in accordance with previous stud-
ies [18, 20–23, 39]. However, some researchers have proposed strategies to limit the RAE in
track and field. For instance, Romann and colleagues (2015) showed a very small or no RAE in
sprint among 8 to 15 years old boys when correcting for relative age within each chronological
age group, so that children were divided into age groups based on rotating cut-off dates. More
recently, Brustio and Boccia [24] investigated an approach where they applied a corrective
adjustment procedure in 16- and 17-year-old male and female top-level sprinters. From their
retrospective analysis based on longitudinal data, the estimated expected performance changes
for each annual group minimized or removed the RAE. Specifically, the results suggested an
annual percentage performance difference between males of 2.02% - 2.23% and for female of
1.65% - 1.78%, and that when race results were adjusted based on these findings a more equal
birth date distribution were evident compared to uncorrected performance times. Thus, to
avoid that child born late in the year always are the youngest in their competition class with
lesser chance to succeed, it could be possible to either adjust their performance times based on
previous longitudinal data [24] or implement an alternative competition structure where com-
petition is based on rolling cut-off birth dates so that children alternate in being the oldest and
youngest in their age group [18]. These strategies may reduce drop-out in athletes born late in
the year.
In conclusion, being born early in the year in events with high demand for specific physical
capacities is an advantage in both sexes in most of the youngest competition classes. The age
with the highest odds of being among the top-100 athletes corresponds with the age where
growth and maturation naturally affect the ability to perform physically in both sexes.
Although RAE and maturation are two different constructs, our findings propose that the
older individuals in each competition class might have benefitted from natural improvements
in performance due to puberty. It is important that both athletes, parents and coaches are
aware of the RAE, and focus on mastery and progress in training and competitions regardless
of performance level. Identifying talents at an early age is a difficult task thus the main goal for
practitioners in track and field events dependent on high physical capacities should be to
ensure that all athletes are given a chance to reach their potential, regardless of chronological
age or maturational status. This could keep children and adolescence within the sport for lon-
ger, which also has implications for lifelong physical activity. It will be of interest in a further
study to investigate the occurrence of RAEs in events as hurdle, high jump and shot-put where
technique may be of greater importance than physical capacities.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Number of athletes born in each quartile who ran 60m.
S2 Table. Number of athletes born in each quartile who ran 600m.
Thanks to Trond Engevik for organizing the database and to the The Norwegian Athletics Fed-
eration for given the permission to use the data.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Hilde Gundersen, Terje Dalen.
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Data curation: Hilde Gundersen.
Formal analysis: Hilde Gundersen, Anette Harris, Terje Dalen.
Methodology: Terje Dalen.
Project administration: Hilde Gundersen.
Writing – original draft: Hilde Gundersen, Atle Guttormsen, Cecilie Brekke Rygh.
Writing – review & editing: Anette Harris, Halvard Grendstad, Morten Kristoffersen, Atle
Guttormsen, Terje Dalen, Cecilie Brekke Rygh.
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| Performance in youth track and field is associated with birth quartile. A register-based study among athletes in Norway from 10 years to senior level. | 09-06-2022 | Gundersen, Hilde,Harris, Anette,Grendstad, Halvard,Kristoffersen, Morten,Guttormsen, Atle,Dalen, Terje,Rygh, Cecilie Brekke | eng |
PMC5330462 | BASAL
97,5% MLSS
Swimmer 1
Swimmer 2
Swimmer 3
Swimmer 4
Swimmer 5
Swimmer 6
Swimmer 7
Swimmer 8
Swimmer 9
Swimmer 10
100% MLSS
Swimmer 1
Swimmer 2
Swimmer 3
Swimmer 4
Swimmer 5
Swimmer 6
Swimmer 7
Swimmer 8
Swimmer 9
Swimmer 10
102,5% MLSS
Swimmer 1
Swimmer 2
Swimmer 3
Swimmer 4
Swimmer 5
Swimmer 6
Swimmer 7
Swimmer 8
Swimmer 9
Swimmer 10
| Oxygen uptake kinetics and energy system's contribution around maximal lactate steady state swimming intensity. | 02-28-2017 | Pelarigo, Jailton Gregório,Machado, Leandro,Fernandes, Ricardo Jorge,Greco, Camila Coelho,Vilas-Boas, João Paulo | eng |
PMC6048134 | 1
SCiEntiFiC RepoRTS | (2018) 8:10742 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29050-0
The exercise sex gap and the
impact of the estrous cycle on
exercise performance in mice
Aderbal S. Aguiar Jr 1,2, Ana Elisa Speck1,2, Inês M. Amaral1, Paula M. Canas1 &
Rodrigo A. Cunha 1,3
Exercise physiology is different in males and females. Females are poorly studied due to the complexity of
the estrous cycle and this bias has created an exercise sex gap. Here, we evaluated the impact of sexual
dimorphism and of the estrous cycle on muscle strength and running power of C57BL/6 mice. Like men,
male mice were stronger and more powerful than females. Exercise-induced increase of O2 consumption
(VO2) and CO2 production (VCO2) were equal between sexes, indicating that running economy was higher
in males. Thermoregulation was also more efficient in males. In females, proestrus increased exercise VO2
and VCO2 at low running speeds (30–35% female VO2max) and estrus worsened thermoregulation. These
differences translated into different absolute and relative workloads on the treadmill, even at equal
submaximal VO2 and belt speeds. In summary, our results demonstrate the better muscle strength,
running power and economy, and exercise-induced thermoregulation of males compared to females.
Proestrus and estrus still undermined the running economy and exercise-induced thermoregulation of
females, respectively. These results demonstrate an important exercise sex gap in mice.
The importance of differences between sexes/genders is recognized in biology and medicine. Sex describes bio-
logical differences, while gender includes social, cultural and economic aspects1. The historical gender differences
in motivation/opportunity to practice physical activity (including physical exercise and training) limited the best
women exercise/sport performance, a phenomenon known as exercise gender gap in humans2. For instance,
women are more prone to physical inactivity3, a risk factor for many diseases4,5. The historical evolution of exer-
cise gender gap in modern Olympic Games (World Record and 10 best performances) also reveals a systemati-
cally lower sport performance of females compared to males; nowadays, the differences varies between 10.7% for
running and 36.8% for weightlifting2. The exercise gender gap is greatest in sports that require running economy,
muscle strength, and exercise power2. Running economy is the energy demand for a submaximal running speed6,
higher in men7,8 but it is unknown if this sex difference is also present in laboratory animals.
A review of ≈1400 manuscripts involving more than 6 million people revealed an under-representation of
women in studies of exercise and sports (35–37%)9. However, sex is a major determinant of exercise performance
through the impact of anthropometry (height, weight, body fat, and muscle mass), aerobic power and anaerobic
threshold, besides genetic and hormonal factors2–4,10. The minor representation of females also translates into less
knowledge about the biology of exercise in this sex. So far, the main features of sexual dimorphism important for
exercise described in rodents are differences in skeletal muscle kinetics and fiber-type composition10 and energy
metabolism11,12. In fact, the biological mechanisms underlying the benefits of exercise were investigated in
numerous animal studies in a laboratory setting, with a strong tendency to only use males probably to avoid deal-
ing with the possible influence of the menstrual/estrous cycle9,13. Exercise-induced thermoregulation, submaxi-
mal and maximal VO2 and VCO2, and running economy are gold physiological indexes for exercise, but have
never been studied in females at different phases of the estrous cycle.
In humans, the exercise sex gap is greatest in sports that require running economy, strength, and power.
Similarly, we investigated the role of sex and estrous cycle in maximum (and submaximal) muscle strength and
running power/economy of mice. We also evaluated exercise-induced thermoregulation. This knowledge is
1Purines at CNC-Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, 3004-517, Coimbra, Portugal.
2Research Group on Biology of Exercise, Department of Health Sciences, UFSC-Federal University of Santa Catarina,
Araranguá, SC, 88905-120, Brazil. 3FMUC – Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, 3004-504, Coimbra, Portugal.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.S.A. (email: [email protected])
Received: 22 January 2018
Accepted: 21 June 2018
Published: xx xx xxxx
SCiEntiFiC RepoRTS | (2018) 8:10742 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29050-0
essential to advance the knowledge of exercise physiology in female sex. We will demonstrate that the simple
extrapolation of male knowledge is not correct.
Mouse morphology and the estrous cycle.
The body mass of males was 22.7 ± 1.1% higher than females
(F4,51 = 12.6, P < 0.05, Fig. 1A). Rodent tails are important for regulating body temperature14–16. The length of
the tail of the males (6.5 ± 0.2 cm) was shorter than females (8.1 ± 0.3 cm, t27 = 4.5, P < 0.05). These parameters
were independent of the estrous cycle, which was devoid of effects on body weight (F3,43 = 0.1, P > 0.05; Fig. 1A)
and tail length (F4.51 = 0.4, P > 0.05; data not shown). The prominent estrous cycle was estrus (H2 = 8.1, P < 0.05,
Fig. 1B), where vaginal smears were marked by clusters of cornified squamous epithelial cells (Fig. 1E). The vag-
inal smears also allowed the morphological identification of diestrus, proestrus and metestrus, as exemplified in
Fig. 1C,D and F, respectively.
Male are stronger and more powerful than females.
Figure 2 shows the basal motor behavior and
ergometric performance of male and female mice. The open field test did not reveal significant differences in
locomotion (F4,53 = 0.39, P > 0.05; Fig. 2A), average (F4,53 = 0.38, P > 0.05; Fig. 2B) and maximum speed of males
and females, independently of their estrous cycle (F4,53 = 0.43, P > 0.05; Fig. 2B).
Absolute exercise performance of females was curtailed in relation to males, being 27.2 ± 1.1% (F4,32 = 14.2,
P < 0.05; Fig. 2C) and 40.5 ± 0.9% lower (F4,32 = 9.9, P < 0.05; Fig. 2F) in the absolute grip strength and treadmill
power test, respectively. Moreover, the absolute exercise performance of females was independent of the estrous
cycle in the two tests (grip strength F3,27 = 0.27, P > 0.05; Fig. 2C) (treadmill power test F3,27 = 0.19, P > 0.05;
Fig. 2F).
Although the absolute exercise performance of males was higher, the submaximal comparisons indicated a
different conclusion. The ergometric test applied progressive running speeds for males and females through serial
acceleration (F21,310 = 3.2, P < 0.05; Fig. 2E). The treadmill running power in males and females was statistically
similar up to 15 m/min (F21,310 = 3.2, P > 0.05; Fig. 2E), when the relative intensity was 50 ± 3.7% of the maximum
power for females, and 35 ± 3.9%% for males. The lower running power of females appeared at speeds 18 → 30 m/
min (F28,252 = 18.1, P < 0.05; Fig. 2E, gray area). At 30 m/min, the maximum overload of females (100 ± 5.7%)
corresponded to a relative overload of males (71 ± 2.2% of maximum). Males reached maximum overload at
speeds 39 → 42 m/min (Fig. 2E).
The normalization of exercise performance by body mass eliminates sexual dimorphism.
then normalized the exercise performance by the body mass. This transformation eliminated the sex differences
for muscle strength (F4,32 = 0.78, P > 0.05; Fig. 2D) and running power at speeds 15 → 30 m/min (F4,32 = 0.63,
P > 0.05; Fig. 2G).
Figure 1. Impact of sexual dimorphism on body mass (A) and analysis of the estrous cycle based on a
morphological analysis of vaginal smears (C–F) that revealed that the prominent estrous cycle was estrus
(B). Values are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). N = 8–10 animals/group. *P < 0.05 vs.
male (ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc test). @P < 0.05 (Kruskal-Wallis test).
SCiEntiFiC RepoRTS | (2018) 8:10742 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29050-0
Males show a better running economy.
There were no differences in V O2 and V CO2 kinetics between
sexes. The progressive running speeds of the ergospirometry increased the V O2 (F7,126 = 2.8, P < 0.05; Fig. 3A)
and VCO2 (F7,126 = 2.4, P < 0.05; Fig. 3E) of males and females at all comparative intensities (9 → 30 m/min,
Fig. 3A and E). Thus, the higher submaximal running power developed at speeds 18 → 30 m/min, associated to
the same submaximal V O2, showed a better running economy in males compared to females at (Fig. 3A and E,
gray area).
Importantly, males ran up to higher speeds (33 → 42 m/min; Fig. 2E), which resulted in a higher V O2
(F4,33 = 2.7, P < 0.05; Fig. 3D) and V CO2 (F4,33 = 2.7, P < 0.05; Fig. 3G), but not V O2max in relation to females.
Proestrus increases VO2 and VCO2 during submaximal exercise testing.
The submaximal V O2
(F18,192 = 2.5, P < 0.05; Fig. 3B) and V CO2 (F18,192 = 2.3, P < 0.05; Fig. 3C) of females during proestrus were signif-
icantly larger at lower exercise intensities (30–35% V O2max females. We also detected these differences in total V
O2 (F3,35 = 3.8, P < 0.05; Fig. 3D) and V CO2 (F3,35 = 3.2, P < 0.05; Fig. 3G) for females at proestrus during these
low exercise intensities (30–35% V O2max females). The higher intensities (30–100% VO2max females) presented
similar kinetics for VO2 and VCO2 in the different phases of the estrous cycle.
Exercise-induced thermoregulation is less effective in estrus females.
Thermoregulation requires
the dissipation of heat produced during exercise. Exercise increased the heat production of males and females
(F7,126 = 264, P < 0.05; Fig. 4A), without influence of the estrous cycle (F7,94 = 0.32, P > 0.05; Fig. 4B). Environment
temperature and humidity did not interfere in the thermography results, since they were similar before and after
the exercise test session (Fig. 4C). The thermal image (Fig. 4D) shows a female at rest, with the body and tail
heated after a maximum exercise test (Fig. 4E).
Resting body and tail infrared temperatures did not differ between sexes or in females at different phases of the
estrous cycle (body, F4,19 = 0.53, P > 0.05; Fig. 4F) (tail, F4,19 = 2.01, P > 0.05; Fig. 4G). The maximum exercise was
not enough to heat the body of males and females on metestrus, diestrus and proestrus cycle (F4,43 = 3.4, P < 0.05;
Fig. 4H). Moreover, all males and females (all cycles) presented significant tail warm up after maximal exercise
(F4,43 = 2.8, P < 0.05).
The temperature scores (Fig. 4H and I) reinforced the prominent exercise-induced hyperthermia of females at
estrus. Estrus female body heating was larger than that of males and females in other cycles (F4,43 = 3.3, P < 0.05;
Fig. 4H). The tail warming of estrus females was superior to males and females at metestrus after exercise
(F4,43 = 2.3, P < 0.05; Fig. 4H).
Figure 2. Motor and ergometric data. Sex and estrous cycle did not influence the basal locomotion (A) and speed
(B) of mice. Males were stronger (C) and more powerful on the treadmill (E,F) than females, regardless of the
phase of the estrous cycle. The normalization of the performance per body mass dissipated the sexual dimorphism
(D and G). Values are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). N = 8–10 animals/group. *P < 0.05
vs. male (ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc test).
SCiEntiFiC RepoRTS | (2018) 8:10742 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29050-0
Sex matters.
Sexual dimorphism and the estrous cycle influenced exercise performance and metabolism of
mice implying that these factors should be considered in experimental designs and data interpretation involving
exercise biology. We showed that males were stronger and more powerful than females at moderate-high intensi-
ties of exercise, when evaluating strength and running. Since submaximal and maximum overloads of exercise
were different for males and females, but submaximal VO2 and VCO2 were similar, this means that the running
economy of females was lower than that of males. The estrous cycle did not influence muscle strength, but under-
mined the running economy and exercise-induced thermoregulation.
Size matters.
The sex-related exercise differences disappeared after normalization of exercise performance
by size (body mass). This had already been described for muscle strength17–19, but not for running power and
economy. However, body size and muscle strength are well-known secondary sexual characteristics, influenced
primarily by the anabolic action of the hormone testosterone, a major determinant of sexual dimorphism20.
Skeletal muscle mass and strength are lower in females19,21. Likewise, normalization of exercise performance
by specific muscle mass (rather than body mass) makes sexual dimorphism disappear19,21. Male mammals are
larger, with larger cross-sectional muscle area8,10. Several studies also showed that muscle length (and the length
of the long bones) is also higher in male mammals, important for greater tetanic strength of the anterior mas-
seter muscle8. Larger levers determine higher torques and muscle strength. Sex is also important for muscle
fiber-type composition, especially the myosin IIB gene (fast muscle fiber)10. Evidence shows threefold more IIB
muscle fibers in the masseter of male mice8,22. In addition, testosterone signals hypertrophy in this musculature20.
Conversely, estrogen decreases muscle contractile force in female mice23,24. Thus, muscle strength and running
power depends on size and sex: males have large muscles and bones, responsible for great muscle strength; this
difference is further amplified by the anabolic effects of testosterone, resulting in larger muscle strength, speed
and power.
The testosterone also seems to influence running endurance, but not the running economy. Castration of
mouse testicles deplete blood testosterone and impair running wheel endurance (10–30% males with intact
gonads)25, a model of submaximal physical activity. Testosterone replacement completely reversed this impair-
ment25. The antiandrogen Flutamide decreases the treadmill endurance of rats, but does not change VO2max and
running economy26. Here, the exercise-induced submaximal VO2 and VCO2 up to V O2max were similar between
sexes, as previously described11,12,27. Only one study demonstrated increased female submaximal V O2 during
treadmill test, which further reinforces the hypothesis of females’ worst running economy27. These testosterone
evidences support the best physical performance (power and endurance) of running male mice, but not the best
running economy.
Figure 3. Respiratory gases during an incremental test. Running similarly increased general O2 consumption
(V O2, A,B) and CO2 production ( VCO2, E,F) in males and females at different speeds up to 33 m/min. V O2max
was similar between the sexes (C) total VO2 (D) and V CO2 (G) was only higher in males due to higher running
speeds. Proestrus increased submaximal VO2 (B and D) and VCO2 (G) at lighter intensities of ergospirometry
(30–35% VO2max). Values are expressed as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). N = 8–10 animals/group.
*P < 0.05 vs. male, #P < 0.05 vs. females (ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc test).
SCiEntiFiC RepoRTS | (2018) 8:10742 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29050-0
On the other hand, estrogen seems to influence VO2 and possibly the running economy of mouse. Similar to
our results, submaximal VO2 was higher in female rats during the estrogen-dominant proestrus at low treadmill
speeds 5–12 m/min (6° grade, without acceleration)17, which may be considered as a low intensity exercise. We
also found these differences at near speeds 9–12 m/min. A possibility is the effect of estradiol in the lung
gas-exchange surface area (GSA). VO2 is directly proportional to GSA28,29; which increases during proestrus with
high estradiol levels28,29. Estradiol also increases lung’s GSA and V O2 in ovariectomized rats29. Our results suggest
that estrogen can increase V O2 during exercise, and worsen the running economy, especially at proestrus.
Exercise-induced hyperthermia is a biological response due to greater muscle activation, mitochondrial
uncoupling and proton leak30. We now report that sex and the estrous cycle do not modify the calories consumed
by exercise, another important variable for running economy; however, our results showed that male thermoreg-
ulation was more efficient, since the infrared dissipation of males was more effective. Literature suggests two
important points for mouse thermoregulation: body surface area (BSA) and tail dry heat loss. BSA is estimated
by the Meeh’s formula (BSA = body weight0.667)25. The greater body mass of males assists in better heat dissipation
during/after exercise. Moreover, tail size seems to be related to thermal stress14–16,31, with animals that live in
warm environments having longer tails15,32. Female tails, even longer, warmed up more during exercise than that
of males. The tail length of C57BL/6 female mice was similar to that described in female BALB/c mice15. Thus, a
longer tail length in female mice is suggestive of a required adaptation to compensate for their lower body mass
(and area).
Sanchez-Alavez33 demonstrated that body warming during exercise was higher in female mice at estrous. We
saw it in the tails. Progesterone promotes heat conservation and higher body temperatures at rest34,35. Bilateral
ovariectomy eliminated this estrous-associated change14,33. We suggest that this may apply to body temperature
of running female mice during estrus, characterized by high progesterone levels. Thus, sex seems to be a crucial
factor also for the exercise-induced thermoregulation of mice.
Some of our results are similar to those reported in humans, since the physical performance of women is gen-
erally lower than in men, in accordance with the exercise gender gap2,36,37. The woman’s menstrual cycle is divided
into three phases: follicular, ovulation and luteal. The follicular phase can be divided into initial and late, corre-
sponding to metestrus and diestrus, respectively. Ovulation corresponds to proestrus, and the luteal phase to
estrus. The woman’s follicular and luteal menstrual cycle does not seem to influence muscle strength, power, and
V O2
1,38–40. Human studies still allow evaluating rate of perceived effort (RPE), which also does not differ in the
different menstrual phases38,41. However, the differences we found are close to ovulation, virtually impossible to
Figure 4. Exercise heat production and dissipation, or thermoregulation. Upon exercise, male and female mice
consumed similar calories during the incremental test (A) without any evident impact of the estrous cycle. (B)
Experiments were conducted in a controlled temperature and humidity environment. (C) The thermal IR image
shows an evident tail heating after the maximum exercise (or recovery time, REC, E) in relation to rest. (D) The
body and tail temperature was not different at rest (F and G, respectively). Exercise warmed the body of females
at estrus (H) and the tails of all groups of mice (I). Again, female tail heating was larger at estrous (I). Values
are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). N = 8–10 animals/group. *P < 0.05 (ANOVA,
Bonferroni post hoc test).
SCiEntiFiC RepoRTS | (2018) 8:10742 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29050-0
evaluate in women. We demonstrated that the mouse proestrus (or human ovulation) increased VO2 and heat
production at light exercise.
In summary, our results highlight differences in exercise performance and metabolism between male and
female mice. Sex influences size, which appear to be the main factor for mice exercise sex gap. Mouse sexual
dimorphism also influenced exercise workload, but not V O2 and VCO2, implying a finest running economy in
males. Males also presented better thermoregulation after exercise. The estrous cycle played a subtle role in mouse
physical performance: proestrus impaired running economy and estrus impaired exercise heat loss. This implies
that the impact of the estrous cycle on the performance of females should not be considered a limiting factor for
their use in experimental designs. In fact, size is the main factor that should be considered in the construction of
experimental designs involving exercising male and female mice. For running, a light-intensity exercise seems
similar between the sexes (except proestrus), but the performance of females at moderate-intensity running cor-
responded to the performance of males at low-moderate intensity; the performance of females at high-intensity
running corresponded to the performance of males at moderate-high for males, and male high-intensity running
was supra-maximal for females. Failure to consider these differences by measuring only the running speed, as
done in most studies, introduces an error to compare performance between sexes. These results are of particular
interest to counteract the underrepresentation of females in exercise experimental designs.
Male and female C57BL/6 mice (10–12 weeks old) were obtained from Charles River (Barcelona,
Spain). Mice were housed under controlled environment (12 h light-dark cycle, lights on at 7:00 AM, and room
temperature of 21 ± 1 °C) with ad libitum access to food and water. Animals were housed and handled accord-
ing to European Union guidelines and the study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Center for
Neuroscience and Cell Biology (University of Coimbra).
The animals were accustomed to the treadmill for 3 days. The open field or grip strength test was performed
on the 4th day in independent groups of animals. Ergospirometry was performed on the 5th day. All tests were
carried out between 9:00 and 17:00 hours in a sound-attenuated and temperature controlled observation room
under low-intensity light (≈10 lux), where mice had been habituated for at least 1 hour. The apparatuses were
cleaned with 10% ethanol between animals. Within the time window of the tests, we did not record any significant
impact of the time of day (morning vs. afternoon) on the treadmill vertical power, VO2max and temperature of the
tail at rest in either males or females (data not showed).
Vaginal cytology.
We evaluated the estrous cycle immediately after the behavioral and exercise experiments,
through 4–5 consecutive vaginal lavages (with 40–50 μL of distillated H2O) then mounted on gelatinized slides
(76 × 26 mm). These procedures lasted no more than 3–5 minutes, and there were no major temporal delays
between behavioral experiments and fluid collection for vaginal cytology.
The vaginal smear were desiccated at room temperature and covered with 0.1% crystal violet for 1 min, then
twice washed with 1 mL H2O and desiccated at room temperature. The slides were mounted with Eukitt medium
(Sigma-Aldrich) and evaluated under an optical microscope at 1x, 5x and 20x (Zeiss Axio Imager 2). The char-
acterization of the estrous cycle was performed according to literature20,42. Females were categorized for initial
(metestrus) or late (diestrus) follicular phase, ovulation (proestrus), or luteal phase (estrus)20,42.
Open field.
The exploration of an open field (38 × 38 cm) was analyzed for 15 min using the ANY-maze™
video tracking system (Stoelting Co.)41.
Grip strength.
The animal was hung with its forepaws to the central position of a 300 g metal grid and the
grip strength was determined as the weight pushed (in grams)41. The computed result was the average of 3 trials,
expressed in kgf.
Mice were accustomed with a single-lane treadmill (Panlab LE8710, Harvard apparatus)
for 3 consecutive days (speed 15 cm/s, 10 min, slope 8.7%, 0.2 mA), with 24 h interval between each habituation
The ergospirometry test was carried out on 5th day, 48 hours after the last habituation session. The incremental
protocol started at 15 cm/s with an increment of 5 cm/s every 2 min, with a constant inclination of 8.7% (5° for the
LE8710 model). The exercise test lasted until running exhaustion, defined by the inability of the animal to leave
the electrical grid for 5 seconds43,44. We estimated the power output for treadmill running based on a standard
conversion of the vertical work, body weight and running speed45,46. Power is the 1st derivative of work relative to
time (run time at each stage).
Oxygen uptake ( VO2) and carbon dioxide production ( VCO2) were estimated during treadmill running in a
metabolic chamber47 (Gas Analyzer ML206, 23 × 5 × 5 cm, AD Instruments, Harvard) coupled to treadmill. The
animals remained in the chamber for 15 min prior to exercise testing. Atmospheric air (≈21% O2, ≈0.03% CO2)
was renewed at a rate 120 mL/min, using the same sampling rate for the LASER oxygen sensor (Oxigraf X2004,
resolution 0.01%) and infrared carbon dioxide sensor (Servomex Model 15050, resolution 0.1%). Heat (calories)
was estimated according to the equations of Lusk48.
Thermal imaging.
An infrared (IR) camera (FLiR C2, emissivity of 0.95, FLiR Systems) placed overtop
(25 cm height) of a plastic tube (25 cm diameter) was used to acquire a static dorsal thermal image49. IR images
were taken immediately before and after exercise tests, namely at rest (Fig. 4D) and recovery (REC, Fig. 4E) peri-
ods, respectively. IR images were analyzed with FLiR Tools software (Flir, Boston).
SCiEntiFiC RepoRTS | (2018) 8:10742 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29050-0
Tail length.
The FLiR C2 camera also captures digital pictures (640 × 480 pixels) that were loaded and cali-
brated (plastic tube, 25 cm diameter) in the ImageJ software (v1.51j8, NIH, USA) for tail length measurement of
live animals (ImageJ software).
Data are presented as mean ± Standard Error of the Mean (SEM). A test for normality was per-
formed by Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. For each test, the experimental unit was an individual animal. The fre-
quency of the estrous cycle was assessed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The role of sex and estrous cycle in the
dependent variables body mass, open field, grip strength and vertical power, V O2 and VCO2, and body and tail
temperature was evaluated using on-way ANOVA. The repeated measures of ANOVA were performed to evaluate
the effect of different treadmill speeds, sex and estrous cycle on the vertical power, V O2 and VCO2, and heat. The
Bonferroni post hoc test was applied for significant F values. The accepted level of significance was p < 0.05.
Statistics were performed using Dell Statistica (data analysis software system), version 13.
Data availability.
The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are available from the cor-
responding author on reasonable request.
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The work was supported by Prémio Maratona da Saúde, CAPES-FCT (039/2014), FCT (PTDC/NEU-NMC/4154)
and ERDF through Centro 2020 (project CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000008:BrainHealth 2020). A.S.A.Jr
is a CNPq fellow. We would like to acknowledge Flávio N.F. Reis and Frederico C. Pereira (IBILI - Institute
for Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences, University of Coimbra) for making available the treadmill and gas
Author Contributions
A.S.A. Jr. designed and performed the experiments, prepared the figures, and wrote the manuscript. A.E.S. and
I.A. performed the experiments. P.M.C. designed the experiments and wrote the manuscript. R.A.C. designed the
experiments and wrote the manuscript. All authors revised the manuscript.
Additional Information
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| The exercise sex gap and the impact of the estrous cycle on exercise performance in mice. | 07-16-2018 | Aguiar, Aderbal S,Speck, Ana Elisa,Amaral, Inês M,Canas, Paula M,Cunha, Rodrigo A | eng |
A minimal power model for human running
Matthew Mulligan1, Guillaume Adam2, Thorsten EmigID2,3*
1 Claremont McKenna College, W.M. Keck Science Department, Claremont, California, United States of
America, 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MultiScale Materials Science for Energy and Environment,
Joint MIT-CNRS Laboratory (UMI 3466), Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America, 3 Laboratoire
de Physique The´orique et Modèles Statistiques, CNRS UMR 8626, Baˆt. 100, Universite´ Paris-Saclay, Orsay
cedex, France
* [email protected]
Models for human running performances of various complexities and underlying principles
have been proposed, often combining data from world record performances and bio-ener-
getic facts of human physiology. The purpose of this work is to develop a novel, minimal and
universal model for human running performance that employs a relative metabolic power
scale. The main component is a self-consistency relation for the time dependent maximal
power output. The analytic approach presented here is the first to derive the observed loga-
rithmic scaling between world (and other) record running speeds and times from basic prin-
ciples of metabolic power supply. Our hypothesis is that various female and male record
performances (world, national) and also personal best performances of individual runners
for distances from 800m to the marathon are excellently described by this model. Indeed,
we confirm this hypothesis with mean errors of (often much) less than 1%. The model
defines endurance in a way that demonstrates symmetry between long and short racing
events that are separated by a characteristic time scale comparable to the time over which a
runner can sustain maximal oxygen uptake. As an application of our model, we derive per-
sonalized characteristic race speeds for different durations and distances.
Scientists have been fascinated by trying to explain running performance and to predict its
limitations for more than 100 years. A purely descriptive approach was employed by Kennelly
as early as 1906 for speeds in racing events of animals and humans. For men running events
from 20 yards up to a few hundred miles he found a power law relation between distance d
and duration T with T * d9/8 with a relative large error of up to 9% for distances from 100m
to 50 miles (and larger errors for shorter and longer distances) [1].
Almost a century ago, in 1925 noted mathematician and physiologist A.V. Hill proposed
a power model based on metabolic energy considerations to describe the maximal power
output Pmax(T) over a given duration T by a hyperbolic function Pmax(T) = P0 + P1/T with
constants P0 and P1 (known as the “running curve”) [2]. Ward-Smith introduced a model,
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Citation: Mulligan M, Adam G, Emig T (2018) A
minimal power model for human running
performance. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0206645.
Editor: Barbora Piknova, National Institutes of
Health, National institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases, UNITED STATES
Received: July 18, 2018
Accepted: October 16, 2018
Published: November 16, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Mulligan et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: This work was supported by Centre
national de la recherche scientifique, grant
EMERGENCE2017 of INP, (T.E.) and
Agence nationale de la recherche, grant ANR-11-
IDEX-0001-02 (T.E.). The funders had no role in
study design, data collection and analysis, decision
to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
based on the first law of thermodynamics, to describe performances at Olympic Games from
1960 to 1976 with an average absolute error for the predicted times of 0.86% for distances
from 100m to 10,000m [3]. In 1973 the mathematician Keller formulated a purely mechani-
cal model that is based on the runner’s equation of motion with a damping term [4]. The
propulsive force is connected to the mechanical power utilized for running which is different
from the overall metabolic power requirement. In analogy to purely mechanical problems,
Keller assumed that the damping is linear in velocity and that the damping coefficient is con-
stant over time. The justification for these assumptions is not validated given that a compari-
son of his model to world track records from 50yards to 10,000m yields a relative large
errors of about 3% for distances larger than 5000m. Furthermore, both Hill’s and Keller’s
models predict the existence of a maximal speed that can be sustained for an infinite dura-
tion, which is not possible from a physiological point of view and incompatible with data on
running records. Similarly, a threshold power has been proposed by Jones et al. in the critical
power model [5].
In fact, existing models appear to be unable to explain an important observation that has
been made already by Hill in the context of his above mentioned model: The average frac-
tional utilization of maximal power (or the average running speed) of world record perfor-
mances scales linearly with the logarithm of the duration of the performance [2]. An
interesting model that interpolates between fundamental knowledge of human bioenergetics
during exercise and actual world record running performance was proposed by Peronnet
and Thibault [6, 7]. Their model combines characteristics of energy metabolism, based on
Hill’s hyperbolic “running curve” and the dynamics of oxygen uptake. However, the frac-
tional utilization of maximal power over a given duration is described in their model by a
phenomenological logarithmic term that is based on observations in running records. The
latter term accounts for endurance limited sustainability of maximal aerobic power. Cur-
rently, this model is most effective in reproducing world record running performances.
However, it uses a number of fixed parameters that are assumed to be equal for all world
record performances although they have been achieved by different athletes. In fact, many
parameters can be different among individuals. For example, running economy, i.e., the
energy cost of running at a given velocity, shows substantial inter-individual variation [8].
These variations are observed even among well trained elite runners. Another quantity that
is modeled as a constant in Peronnet’s and Thibault’s model is the duration over which max-
imal aerobic power (or VO2max) can be maintained during running which they assumed to
be 7 minutes. However, direct measurements of oxygen uptake have demonstrated varia-
tions of the order of one to two minutes among individuals [9, 10]. From a fundamental per-
spective it is desirable to derive a model from basic principles of metabolic power generation
and utilization that predicts human performances without additional phenomenological
input. This is the objective of the present work.
For the development of our model it is instructive to review some facts and experimental
observations from exercise physiology. When developing a model that can describe run-
ning performances as obtained in world records up to the marathon distance one should
realize at what relative intensities these races are performed. All Olympic endurance events
require intensities above 85% of VO2max which corresponds to the effort reached approxi-
mately in the marathon [11]. When looking at record performances, we can also assume
that runner has followed an optimal carbohydrate loading strategy so that the stored
amount of glycogen is permitting best possible performance. This is of importance for the
half marathon and in particular the marathon distance which is raced predominantly on
carbohydrate fuel with an average respiratory gas exchange ratio of close to one for faster
runners [12].
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An important physiological observation is that the total energy cost of running increases lin-
early with the covered distance with no or a very small dependence on the running velocity [13,
14]. Hence the power output changes linearly with speed, with the slope quantifying running
economy. It is known that this running economy can vary about 30–40% among individuals
[11]. An important observation that is essential for the construction of our model is that run-
ning economy usually becomes worse with the duration of a running event. The magnitude of
the change in economy increases with duration and intensity. The actual change is probably
subject dependent and also influenced by external conditions. We shall see below that this is an
important factor in determining race velocities and endurance. This drift in running economy
has been quantified in treadmill studies with a change of 4.4% for 40min at 80% VO2max, a
change of 6.6% for 60min at 70% VO2max, and a change of 9.5% for 60min at 80% VO2max [15].
An other study found for 60min treadmill running near 80% of VO2max a shift of about 3% in
oxygen uptake [16]. Changes in running economy have been also observed during a 5km run
at a constant pace eliciting about 80–85% of VO2max with an average increase in oxygen uptake
of 3.3% for men and 2.0% for women [17]. The reason for the increase in oxygen uptake and
reduction in running economy is unknown. A number of mechanisms have been postulated in
the literature but most of them are speculative [12, 18–20], including an increase in oxygen
uptake due to neuromuscular fatigue [21]. Without discussing here the various attempts that
have been made for explaining this observation, we just conclude that every activated physio-
logical system increases its own particular energy consumption with the duration of exercise.
A minimal model for running performance
In view of the current status of theoretical descriptions of human running performances, it
appears useful to construct a minimal and universal model for human running performance
that fulfills the following two requirements:
1. Based on basic concepts and observations on metabolic power generation and utilization
during running
2. Minimal number of physiological parameters that are not fixed a priori
In order to eliminate irrelevant normalization parameters from the model (that would
depend on the choice of units for energy, power, etc.), we express our model in terms of rela-
tive quantities. We shall base the model on expedited power measured as oxygen uptake per
time since this quantity can be measured directly under real conditions by mobile spirometry.
This implies a slight time dependence of oxygen uptake during prolonged exercise, even when
the power output is constant, due to a change of the respiratory quotient with substrate utiliza-
tion [22]. Also, since body weight usually changes during prolonged exercise, we measure
power or oxygen uptake always per body weight.
While the basal metabolic rate Pb is close to 1.2W/kg [6], its actual value is not required in
the following. In fact, in the parameterization of running economy to be employed below, we
chose to associate Pb with the power that is obtained by linearly extrapolating the running
economy to zero velocity. Hence we neglect the non-linear dependence of the energy cost on
sub-running (walking) velocities which causes no problem since our model uses the energy
cost of motion only in the linear running regime. In our model there exists a crossover power
Pm that we expect to be close to the maximal aerobic power associated with maximal oxygen
uptake VO2max which is typically in the range of 75 to 85ml/(kg min) for elite runners [6]. The
power Pm should not be confused with the critical or the maximal power that occurs in the
3-parameter critical power model of Morton [23].
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We measure power relative to the base value Pb, in units of the aerobic power reserve Pm −
Pb that is available to the runner, hence defining the relative running power (or intensity) as
p ¼ P To construct our model, we start from the following self-consistency relation
PmaxðTÞ þ PsupðTÞ ¼ 1
PTðtÞdt ;
which states that the sum of the nominal average power and the additional supplemental
power Psup equals the time average of the instantaneously utilized power. We make the impor-
tant conjecture that the instantaneous power utilized at time t equals the maximal power that
can be sustained for the remaining time T − t of the event [26], i.e.,
PTðtÞ ¼ PmaxðT leading to
TðvÞ ¼
tc exp
vmbetween mean race velocity v and race distance d is not a power law as assumed in some stud-
ies [28, 29]. For example, Riegel’s formula corresponds in above notation to τ(δ) = αδ − L, υ(δ)
= −(α − 1)δ + L with a constant L and an exponent α close to 1.06. Our model predicts that α =
1 exactly and that the very small deviation from α = 1, observed by Riegel and others, is due to
a hierarchy of logarithmic corrections, giving rise to a non-constant L. It is interesting to
observe from Eq (13) that the endurance measuring parameter γl or γs is the only quantity
which determines the time to distance and velocity to distance relations when time is mea-
sured in units of tc and velocity in units of vm. We note that for the comparison of our model
to record performances and personal best performances of individual runners, we always use
the exact expressions involving the Lambert W-function.
Interpretation of supplemental power Psup, and of γl, γs
The supplemental power defined in Eq (3) can be expressed relative to the aerobic power
reserve Pm − Pb as
Pm qualitative difference in interpretation. We shall come back to these endurance measures
when we discuss personalized characteristic race paces.
Estimation of physiological model parameters
Our model depends on the four independent parameters vm, tc, γs and γl that characterize a
group of runners (for example world record holders) or individual runners. Otherwise our
model is universal in the sense that it contains no additional fixed parameters or constants.
The four parameters can be estimated from a given set of results (distance and time) from
exercise performed at maximal intensity, i.e., races. These sets can be either records, like world
records, involving a group of different runners or personal records (best performances) from
individual runners. To check the accuracy of our model and to compute the model parameters,
we minimize numerically the sum of the squared differences between the actual race time and
the one predicted by Eq (11) for all results in a given set. This method will be used to recon-
struct individual physiological profiles (running economy and endurance) from race perfor-
mances in Application 1 below.
Prediction of race times and characteristic paces for given times and
Once the model parameters for a given set of performance results have been determined, the
model can be applied to compute a number of interesting quantities that could guide racing
and training of a runner. For example, by comparing the time difference between the actual
Fig 1. Definition of endurance for long and short duration, El and Es, respectively, from the duration T(p) over which a
relative power p can be sustained. Shown is a typical range of endurances for long and short duration (gray regions, with lower
and upper limits for γl and γs) and an example curve that visualizes the definition of El and Es.
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race time and the model’s prediction for all raced distances, preferred or optimal distances for
a runner can be identified. For distances that have not been raced before, or only prior to a
newly focused training program, the formula of Eq (11), or its approximative version in Eq
(13), can be used to predict racing times.
Another application of our model is the estimation of characteristic velocities that corre-
spond to a prescribed relative power output ^p, measured in percent of aerobic power reserve
that is available over a given duration. Generally, running velocities v in training units depend
on the purpose of the training session and hence on duration T or distance d of the workout
intervals. Suppose that a runner trains at a relative power ^p. This relative power relates the tar-
get power output P(v) to the maximal power above basal power, Pmax(T) − Pb, that can be
maintained for the duration T by the relation
PðvÞ ¼ ^pðPmaxðTÞ this requirement, and in this section we shall validate its accuracy by comparing it to various
record performances.
World and other records have been analyzed before and found to follow an approximate
power law. However, the exponent of this power law shows variations with gender and dis-
tance which renders its universality and general applicability questionable. Also, there is no
physiological foundation for a simple power law. In fact, the existence of a crossover velocity
vm implies different scaling of performances below and above this velocity due to distinct phys-
iological and bio-energetic processes involved.
We have analyzed record performances for eight distances, from 1000m to the marathon,
for world records (current as of Oct. 2018, 2000, 1990, and 1980), current European records,
and current national records (USA, Germany) see Table 1 for male records, and Table 2 for
female records. Following the method described in the previous section, we have estimated the
parameters of our model for each group of records. The resulting parameters tc, vm, γs, and γl
together with the endurances Es and El are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The mean relative
error between our model prediction and the VDOT prediction for the race times for 13 dis-
tances between 1000m and the marathon are 0.15%, 0.11%, and 0.18% for VDOT = 40, 60, and
80, respectively. These small errors suggest that the race times predicted by the VDOT model
are mutually consistent. This presumably reflects that the times were obtain from a mathemati-
cal model that is based on physiological observations made by Daniels among well trained and
elite runners.
A number of interesting observations can be made from the results: There is a high level of
agreement between actual and predicted times with the relative error being larger than 1%
only for a single event (Half-marathon, WR 1980) for male records, and four events for female
records. The mean of the absolute value of the relative error is always smaller than 1% with the
exception of the female WR from 1990 where it is 1.05%. For the male WR a decrease of the
absolute value of the relative error from 1980 to today can be observed, indicating an increas-
ing optimization towards the maximally possible performance (within current level of technol-
ogy and training methods) that is described by our model. Hence, the record times have
become more consistent with our model over time which might be also due to an increasing
number of attempts to achieve best possible performances. A similar observation is made for
the female WR from 1990 to 2000. However, from the 2000 WR some results (Chinese run-
ner’s results for 1500m, 3.000m, 5.000m, and 10.000m) have been excluded due to the use of
performance-enhancing drugs [30], and the current WR for 1500m and 10.000m are also con-
troversial [31]. For the latter two distances our model predicts more than 0.5% slower times
than actually raced. It is interesting to observe that our predictions are very sensitive to excep-
tional performances for a particular distance compared to the other distances, and hence is
able to identify suspicious race results. Due to the women’s shorter history of endurance run-
ning, the female world records for 1980 are less consistent than more recent records and hence
have been excluded them from our analysis.
It also instructive to compare the physiological model parameters obtained from the record
performances. For the male records, the obtained values for tc vary between five and six min-
utes, which is in very good agreement with laboratory testing [32]. However, for female rec-
ords, we observe a larger variation in tc with values around 10min being not unusual.
However, in cases with such long tc the crossover velocity vm is reduced proportionally. The
endurance parameter El for long distances varies between 5 and 6 for male records, implying
that 90% of maximal aerobic power can be maintained for a duration between approximately
25min and 36min, for the values of tc observed here. For female records, the endurance param-
eter El is significantly larger with variations in an interval of approximately 6 to 8.5, implying
that 90% of maximal aerobic power can be maintained for durations up to 85min.
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Table 1. Race times and model parameters for various male running records, as of Oct. 2018.
WR men
WR 2000 men
WR 1990 men
100 γs
100 γl
WR 1980 men
US men
EU men
100 γs
100 γl
GER men
100 γs
100 γl
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The impact of endurance alone on running performances can be highlighted by measuring
the mean race velocity vðdÞ in units of the crossover velocity vm and the race distance d in
units of the crossover distance dc = vmtc. The resulting relation between vðdÞ=vm and d/dc is
shown in Fig 2 for the current world records. Our model predicts that this relation depends
only on the endurance parameters γl and γs, see Eq (12). The corresponding model curves are
also plotted in Fig 2, showing good agreement with the data from world records. The better
Table 1. (Continued)
Table 2. Race times and model parameters for various female records, as of Oct. 2018. † For the women WR of 2000 the result of Chinese runners for the distances
1500m, 3000m, 5000m and 10000m have been excluded due to use of performance-enhancing drugs [30].
WR women
WR 2000 women†
WR 1990 women
100 γs
100 γl
US women
EU women
GER women
100 γs
100 γl
A minimal power model for human running performance
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endurance of women for distances longer than the crossover distance dc is clearly visible. The
gray cones in the figure indicate the range of endurance parameters that could potentially be
realized in practice by runners from the recreational to the elite level with suitable event spe-
cialization. This type of visualization of race performances allows one to evaluate runner’s
endurance independently of their maximal aerobic power and running economy which are
described by the parameters vm and tc.
Estimate of supplemental power
We have seen that supplemental power is responsible for a slow logarithmic decline of racing
velocities with distance. In Fig 3 the supplemental factor of Eq (15) (square brackets in this
equation) is plotted for various record performances as function of the race duration T. The
variation range of the factor implies a supplemental power between 6% and 10% above the
nominal power, with the European male records (EU men) being an outlier. The curves have
their maximum at the crossover time T = tc. During supra-maximal exercise (for times shorter
than tc), the oxygen uptake cannot stabilize and continues to increase until the end of the race
[33]. Hence we observe an increasing deviation from the nominal power with increasing
Fig 2. Mean race velocity vðdÞ as function of race distance. Velocity is re-scaled by vm, and distance d is re-scaled by
dc = vmtc. Shown are the male and female world records (WR, dots), model prediction from Eq (12) (solid lines), and a
typically expected maximal range of velocities (gray regions). Indicated are the lower and upper limits of γs and γl for
these regions. Due to the re-scaling of vðdÞ and d, this graph highlights endurance for short and long duration,
independently of the velocity vm at maximal aerobic power.
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duration. However, at very short times below about 1 minute, oxygen uptake kinetics limit oxy-
gen supply, and the energy deficit is compensated by the anaerobic system. After 30 to 60 sec-
onds, the oxygen uptake can reach 90% of VO2max [33]. This short term kinetic effect is not
included in our model. Above tc, i.e., for sub-maximal velocities, oxygen uptake stabilizes and
the supplemental factor decreases. However, it does not decrease to one and this is likely related
to the fact that the energy cost of running starts to increase above a nominal linear curve when
the lactate threshold is approached [34]. For even longer race durations, we observe a slight
increase in the supplemental factor that is presumably linked to the increase of the energy cost
of running with increasing distance, as discussed in the Introduction. For a marathon or a 2
hour run at about 80% VO2max the supplemental power was measured to be between 5% and
7% in terms of oxygen uptake [35, 36] which is consistent with our model prediction for
T * 120min. We note that for male records, the supplemental factor shows a shallow minimum
around one hour. For female records this minimum is displaced to times above two hours.
Application 1: Reconstruction individual physiological profiles
After we have validated the accuracy of our model against record performances, we would like
to find out if it can be also applied to individual runners. If that is the case then one could
Fig 3. Plot of the supplemental factor of Eq (15) for as predicted by our model for male and female world records
(WR), US records (US), and European records (EU). The cusp in the curves occurs at the time tc.
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compute from their personal best performances their individual physiological parameters that
characterize their training state and future performance potential. The assessment of the train-
ing state of an individual is important not only for performance optimization but also beyond
competitive athletics for the monitoring of the health status of recreational runners.
There have been performance models developed for individual runners. A popular model is
the so-called VDOT model by Daniels [37]. This model and other approaches employ maximal
oxygen uptake as single factor determining performance [38, 39] and this parameter is then
used to determine the training state and to predict running performances. A notable exception
is the model Peronnet and Thibault which has been also applied to individual runners [7]. It
turns out that their model yields comparable but somewhat larger errors than the present
model. Partially, this might be due their model’s assumption that the energy cost of running
and the crossover time tc would be identical for all runners. Other physiological factors that
determine an individual’s performance include blood lactate concentration, and the anaerobic
threshold. However, these parameters require laboratory measurements that are not always
available, particularly on sufficiently short time intervals and for recreational athletes.
With the advent of large online databases for personal best performances, it becomes possi-
ble to probe the accuracy of performance models for a large set of individual athletes. Similar to
our analysis of running records, our model predictions for individual runners can be validated
through comparison with their personal best performances. First we reconstruct running econ-
omy and endurance profiles of an individual runner from personal best performances for a few
race distances and then estimate projected race times for other distances and also some charac-
teristic paces. This eliminates physiological uncertainties that result from the use of universal,
typical physiological parameters in previous models. In fact, the present model provides a gen-
eral scheme that can be applied to any endurance runner over a range of distances and it is not
based on observations made for only a small sample of trained athletes. Our approach also
yields individual relative intensities, in percent of the aerobic power reserve Pm − Pb, at which a
runner performs races. This is important for the relative use of fat and carbohydrate as fuels,
and hence the total carbohydrate consumption for a given race distance.
In the following, we apply our model to personal best performances of British runners that
are available online in the database [40]. As a first test of our model
for individual runners, we have considered the personal bests of the top nine male and female
marathon runners from this database, according to the 2015 ranking. Their personal best
times for seven distances from 800m to the marathon are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. With
the same methodology that we used for running records above, we obtain the four model
parameters for each runner that are also listed in the tables. From these parameters we com-
pute the predicted race times. We find that the agreement between the predicted and actual
race times are the most accurate to date, with an average mean error of less than 1% for each
individual runner for all seven distances, see Tables 3 and 4. This suggests that our model can
describe the running performance of individual runners with reliable accuracy. The slightly
larger mean error for individuals than for groups of runners (record holders) appears natural
since an individual runner can hardly reach optimized performance for all distances. When
analyzing personal bests of an individual runner one should also realize that the best times on
various distances have been probably obtained over a large time span of many years. Especially
at the beginning of the career of a runner, when he races predominantly shorter distances, per-
formance might not be optimal. Alternatively, one could consider only best performances
obtained within a short time interval like a year which however limits presumably the available
Hence the individual variations of the parameters tc and vm can be large but they are
strongly correlated. This suggests that tc gives a rather precise estimate of the time over which
A minimal power model for human running performance
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Table 3. Personal best times and model parameters for individuals (Leading male marathon runners from UK, ranking 2015,
100 γs
100 γl
100 γs
100 γl
100 γs
100 γl
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Table 4. Personal best times and model parameters for individuals (Leading female marathon runners from UK, ranking 2015,
100 γs
100 γl
100 γs
100 γl
100 γs
100 γl
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a runner can sustain the velocity vm which, however, can deviate slightly from the actual veloc-
ity at VO2max, depending on the available personal best performances in the vicinity of this
crossover point. In order to measure individual endurances independently of aerobic capacity,
we have computed and plotted the relation between the re-scaled race velocity vðdÞ=vm and
distance d/dc in analogy to our analysis of running records, see Fig 4. Two important observa-
tions can be made from this graph: (1) For each individual runner, there are two distinct rela-
tions between velocity and distance above and below the crossover velocity vm and distance dc.
(2) Even within the group of top UK marathon runners, there is a large variation in endur-
ances as quantified by the different slopes of the re-scaled velocity-distance curves and the
parameters γs and γl. They gray cones of expected maximal variations shown in Fig 4 are
almost completely covered by the performances of the studied runners.
For one of the female runners included in Table 4, runner 03 which is Paula Radcliffe, phys-
iological data are available for a long time span of about 12 years [41]. While her personal rec-
ords have been obtained over a similar period of time (800m in 1993 and marathon in 2003),
and her physiological data have progressed during this time, in particular running economy,
we can compare our model prediction for the speed vm to Radcliffe’s speed at VO2max, aver-
aged over the time period from 1993 to 2003 which is about 22.5 km/h or 375.0 m/min [41].
This value compares very well with our finding of vm = 373.5 m/min, see Table 4.
Our findings show that individual performances do not follow a unique power law as sug-
gested, for example, by Riegel’s formula. There are more complex variations of physiological
metrics among runners and those have to be taken into account for describing and predicting
accurately performances and presumably optimal training. Our computational approach
reveals the physiological parameters that determine individual performance and explains how
they can be used in praxis to guide training and racing.
Application 2: Personalized characteristic paces
We expect that our four parameter model can measure an individual runner’s performance
status for distances from 800m to the marathon more accurately than previous performance
models that often assume for all runners the same (average) values for certain characteristics
like running economy or endurance. An example for the latter type of models is the popular
VDOT model of J. Daniels which assumes a fixed running economy and endurance curves for
all runners [37, 42]. Although the VDOT model represents a good first approximation of char-
acteristic paces based on a single race performance, the ability to monitor individual perfor-
mances with more than just one parameter allows the runner to ascertain a better
understanding of their training status and potential performance. It then becomes beneficial to
have a model that makes use of larger available data sets. In the same way that one may better
understand current fitness by examining relative oxygen consumption at different paces rather
than absolute oxygen consumption, [43] developing an approach that makes use of perfor-
mance over several races describes an individual runner better than a single race.
Characteristic paces are often defined by the pace that a runner can race (at current training
status) for a prescribed duration or distance. When the physiological model parameters of a
runner are known from sufficiently many recent race performances, the running velocities for
a prescribed intensity and duration, or intensity and distance can be computed from Eqs (17)
and (18), respectively. In the following we consider race paces for a given duration or distance,
corresponding to ^p ¼ 1 in these equations. In order to compare our model predictions to the
characteristic paces of the VDOT model, we consider three hypothetical runners that are
assumed to have achieved race performances as predicted by the VDOT model with model
parameter values VDOT = 40, 60, and 80. (VDOT can be regarded as an effective value for
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Fig 4. Same visualization of endurance as in Fig 2 but for individual male (top) and female (bottom) runners, see
Tables 3 and 4. Colors label different runners.
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VO2max, see [37] for details.) From these race performances we obtain the four parameters of
our model. These parameters are given in the captions of Tables 5, 6 and 7. These tables pro-
vide race paces (time per km) for various distances and durations specified in the first column.
Some of the paces correspond the specific paces named in the VDOT model, and they are
labeled correspondingly as R-, I-, T- and M-pace. The paces proposed by the VDOT model are
given in the second column. The remaining columns provide the predictions of our model.
The third column lists the paces as obtained from the values of the four model parameters that
result from the hypothetical race performances of the runner with the given VDOT score.
There is agreement within a few seconds per kilometer. It should be kept in mind that our
model, unlike the VDOT model, does not implement any fixed parameters or constants a pri-
ori. We observe that the fixed parameters of the VDOT model correspond to rather superior
endurance with γl 0.05 for long distances and average endurance with γs 0.09 for short
distances. As we have seen above, there is substantial variation in these parameters among
individuals. Hence, characteristic paces should also determined individually. We have modi-
fied the endurance parameters γl and γs independently within their typical minimal and maxi-
mal values while keeping vm and tc unchanged. The resulting paces are shown in the last four
columns of the tables. The fast paces for short distances (1mile and 5min paces) can change up
to ±10sec/km compared to the original VDOT model which is substantial. For the slower
paces (for time tc and longer) the variation can be even larger with a maximum change for the
Table 5. Paces per km for a runner with VDOT = 40 score for different endurances. The original physiological parameters are tc = 12.35min, vm = 214.88m/min, γl =
0.051 and γs = 0.096. In last 4 columns the endurances El and Es are given only when they are different from the original values.
pace at
max. power for
Ref. [37]
γl = 0.04
γl = 0.08
γs = 0.15
γs = 0.05
El = 7.1
El = 12.2
El = 3.5
Es = 0.35
Es = 0.51
Es = 0.14
1 mile (R-pace)
time tc (I-pace)
60min (T-pace)
Half marathon
marathon (M-pace)
Table 6. Paces per km for a runner with VDOT = 60 score for different endurances. The original physiological parameters are tc = 12.67min, vm = 298.51m/min, γl =
0.052 and γs = 0.092. The meaning of the columns is the same as in Table 5.
pace at
max. power for
Ref. [37]
γl = 0.04
γl = 0.08
γs = 0.15
γs = 0.05
El = 6.8
El = 12.2
El = 3.5
Es = 0.34
Es = 0.51
Es = 0.14
1 mile (R-pace)
time tc (I-pace)
60min (T-pace)
Half marathon
marathon (M-pace)
A minimal power model for human running performance
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marathon pace (M-pace). For a VDOT = 40 runner, the M-pace window between slowest and
fastest pace is about 55sec/km, for a VDOT = 60 runner it is about 30sec/km and even for a
high level runner with VDOT = 80 it is still about 20sec/km. These variations result from dif-
ferent endurances, with the crossover speed vm unchanged. We have also studied the effect of a
modification of the time tc from the original VDOT model value which appears rather long
with 12 to 13min. The results are shown in Tables 8, 9 and 10. The first three columns have the
same meaning as in the three tables before. The last four columns list the paces that correspond
to a reduction or an increase of tc by 10% or 20%, respectively. Here we observe a smaller varia-
tion by a few seconds around the original paces, relatively independent of the duration or dis-
tance that defines the pace. This shows that racing paces are more dependent on endurance
than on the time over which runners can sustain their crossover speed at VO2max. The reason
for that is the exponential dependence on γs, γl of the duration T(p) over which a relative
power p can be maintained, independently of tc and vm, see Fig 1.
It is interesting to relate this observation to physiological parameters that can be measured
in the laboratory and have been linked to endurance capacity, like blood lactate concentration.
It is known that the running speed at the lactate threshold can improve independently of
VO2max and so can the runner’s endurance. Often the lactate threshold pace is identified with
the running velocity that a runner can race for about 60min. The corresponding paces are
shown in Tables 5–10 as “T-pace”. The relative intensity or power output in percent of the aer-
obic power reserve [see Eq (1)] at the lactate threshold is given by pLT = 100[1 − γl log(60/tc)].
For example, for a recreational runner (with VDOT = 40), described by the parameters of
Table 7. Paces per km for a runner with VDOT = 80 score for different endurances. The original physiological parameters are tc = 12.92min, vm = 376.85m/min, γl =
0.053 and γs = 0.088. The meaning of the columns is the same as in Table 5.
pace at
max. power for
Ref. [37]
γl = 0.04
γl = 0.08
γs = 0.15
γs = 0.05
El = 6.6
El = 12.2
El = 3.5
Es = 0.32
Es = 0.51
Es = 0.14
1 mile (R-pace)
time tc (I-pace)
60min (T-pace)
Half marathon
marathon (M-pace)
Table 8. Paces per km for a runner with VDOT = 40 score for different variations of the time tc. The original physiological parameters are tc = 12.35min, vm =
214.88m/min, γl = 0.051 and γs = 0.096.
pace at
max. power for
Ref. [37]
tc = 12.35min
1 mile (R-pace)
time tc (I-pace)
60min (T-pace)
Half marathon
marathon (M-pace)
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Table 5, one has pLT = 91.94% for the original value γl = 0.051, while pLT = 93.68% for γl = 0.04,
and pLT = 87.35% for γl = 0.08. These values appear rather large when compared to the lactate
threshold estimates from current world records: pLT = 87.08% for male and pLT = 90.41% for
female records. This implies again that the VDOT model assumes a rather optimized
Modern performance testing is often based on laboratory testing of athletes with the goal of
identifying physiological metrics that correlate with performance and can be linked to funda-
mental physiological processes. However, measuring physiological metrics requires time con-
suming and expensive testing, often under rather idealized laboratory conditions. Hence, it
appears to be very useful to extract information on power characteristics for individual run-
ners or certain groups of runners from performance results in racing events or time trails. This
is of particularly great interest for analyzing the effect of aging on human performance, consid-
ering the enormous improvement of performance in older age groups. As stated already by A.
V. Hill, world and other records constitute very interesting data sets since their accuracy by far
exceeds that of laboratory measurements and they correspond to best human performances at
a given time in history under realistic conditions.
The model presented here provides a quantitative method for extracting characteristic
parameters from race performances of a group of runners or of an individual runner. The key
equations and computational steps of our model are as follows:
Table 9. Paces per km for a runner with VDOT = 60 score for different variations of the time tc. The original physiological parameters are tc = 12.67min, vm =
298.51m/min, γl = 0.052 and γs = 0.092.
pace at
max. power for
Ref. [37]
tc = 12.67min
1 mile (R-pace)
time tc (I-pace)
60min (T-pace)
Half marathon
marathon (M-pace)
Table 10. Paces per km for a runner with VDOT = 80 score for different variations of the time tc. The original physiological parameters are tc = 12.92min, γl = 0.053
and γs0.088.
pace at
max. power for
Ref. [37]
tc = 12.92min
1 mile (R-pace)
time tc (I-pace)
60min (T-pace)
Half marathon
marathon (M-pace)
A minimal power model for human running performance
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• The key equation for the comparison of our model to race results is the expression for the
race time T(d) as function of the race distance d, given in Eq 11.
• We minimize the sum of the squared relative deviations in percent between actual race times
and the function T(d) by varying the four model parameters vm, tc, γs, and γl in T(d) for all
distances raced by a runner or a group of runners (records). The final model parameters are
those that result from this minimization.
• From the four model parameters the values of which were obtained from race performances
or by other input like physiological data, the function T(d) predicts the race times and Eq 12
the mean race velocities for arbitrary distances.
The model parameters quantify the runner’s performance status and can be used to predict
personalized fastest possible but realistic and safe racing paces for a wide range of race distances
and durations. Our model provides an unified description of running events at sub- and supra-
maximal velocities that are separated by a time scale tc whose value is in good agreement with
independent measurements. On a fundamental level, for the first time our approach provides a
derivation of the previously observed but unexplained linear relation between the mean velocity
and the logarithm of the duration for running records. The mechanism underlying this loga-
rithmic relation could be identified as the necessity of a supplemental power, beyond the nomi-
nal power cost of running, for maintaining the mean velocity. Our findings are different from
the previously postulated power law relation between the mean race speed v and distance d,
v dbreak 2 hours in the marathon. For example, the latest update of the world record in the marathon
by Eliud Kipchoge in Berlin on September 16, 2018 which is included in our results of Table 1,
has increased the endurance for long duration from El = 5.98 to El = 6.46, i.e., by 8%, while the
speed that can be raced for 6min (413.5 m/min) and the short term endurance Es remained basi-
cally unchanged. Our model predicts that the endurance for long duration had to be increased to
El = 7.49 with all other parameters unchanged to obtain a marathon time of 1:59:56. This corre-
sponds to another increase of 16% compared to the just updated value which appears unrealistic
in near future. Another possibility, however, would be to assume the endurance of the current
world record, El = 6.46, and an increased speed at VO2max. For example, increasing the speed
that a runner can sustain for 6min by 1.3% to vm = 418.7 m/min would yield a marathon time of
1:59:58. This could be achieved by an increase in running economy by only *1% which seems
feasible, at least by material improvements and/or suitable racing conditions (course, climate).
Future studies based on our model could include the dependence of the performance state
on distance specialization, altitude, air temperature, age, and other factors. With the availabil-
ity of big data set on running performances, these studies could be performed with much bet-
ter statistics than studies with much smaller groups of runners participating in laboratory and
clinical studies. Our model could be applied to other endurance sports after a modification of
the running specific dependence of power on velocity.
Supporting information
S1 Appendix. Solution of the integral equation for Pmax(T).
S2 Appendix. Comparison to oxygen uptake measurement.
Valuable discussions with Veronique Billat and Francois Pe´ronnet on various physiological
aspects of the model and with Jack Daniels on the methodology of the VDOT model are
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Thorsten Emig.
Data curation: Guillaume Adam.
Formal analysis: Matthew Mulligan, Thorsten Emig.
Funding acquisition: Thorsten Emig.
Investigation: Matthew Mulligan, Guillaume Adam, Thorsten Emig.
Methodology: Thorsten Emig.
Software: Matthew Mulligan, Guillaume Adam.
Supervision: Thorsten Emig.
Validation: Guillaume Adam, Thorsten Emig.
Writing – original draft: Matthew Mulligan, Thorsten Emig.
Writing – review & editing: Matthew Mulligan, Guillaume Adam, Thorsten Emig.
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| A minimal power model for human running performance. | 11-16-2018 | Mulligan, Matthew,Adam, Guillaume,Emig, Thorsten | eng |
PMC9977817 | Increased oxygen uptake in
well-trained runners during uphill
high intensity running intervals: A
randomized crossover testing
Steffen Held1,2, Ludwig Rappelt 1,3, René Giesen1,
Tim Wiedenmann1, Jan-Philip Deutsch1, Pamela Wicker4* and
Lars Donath 1
1Department of Intervention Research in Exercise Training, German Sport University Cologne, Cologne,
Germany, 2Department of Fitness and Health, IST University of Applied Sciences, Duesseldorf, Germany,
3Department of Movement and Training Science, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany,
4Department of Sports Science, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
The time spent above 90% of maximal oxygen uptake ( _VO2max) during high-
intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions is intended to be maximized to improve
_VO2max. Since uphill running serves as a promising means to increase metabolic
cost, we compared even and moderately inclined running in terms of time ≥90%
_VO2max and its corresponding physiological surrogates. Seventeen well-trained
runners (8 females & 9 males; 25.8 ± 6.8yrs; 1.75 ± 0.08m; 63.2 ± 8.4kg; _VO2max:
63.3 ± 4.2 ml/min/kg) randomly completed both a horizontal (1% incline) and
uphill (8% incline) HIIT protocol (4-times 5min, with 90s rest). Mean oxygen uptake
( _VO2mean), peak oxygen uptake ( _VO2peak), lactate, heart rate (HR), and perceived
exertion (RPE) were measured. Uphill HIIT revealed higher (p ≤ 0.012; partial eta-
squared (pes) ≥ 0.351) _VO2mean (uphill: 3.3 ± 0.6 vs. horizontal: 3.2 ± 0.5 L/min;
standardized mean difference (SMD) = 0.15), _VO2peak (uphill: 4.0 ± 0.7 vs.
horizontal: 3.8 ± 0.7 L/min; SMD = 0.19), and accumulated time ≥90% _VO2max
(uphill: 9.1 ± 4.6 vs. horizontal: 6.4 ± 4.0 min; SMD = 0.62) compared to even HIIT.
Lactate, HR, and RPE responses did not show mode*time rANOVA interaction
effects (p ≥ 0.097; pes ≤0.14). Compared to horizontal HIIT, moderate uphill HIIT
revealed higher fractions of _VO2max at comparable perceived efforts, heartrate
and lactate response. Therefore, moderate uphill HiiT notably increased time
spent above 90% _VO2max.
incline, intervals, performance, injury, running
1 Introduction
High level endurance training requires large training volumes (Seiler, 2010). In elite
athletes, commonly, a high proportion of this training volume is performed at low training
intensities (Seiler, 2010). However, to achieve an optimal metabolic training stimulus on
maximal oxygen uptake ( _VO2max), it has been recommended to perform a certain amount
of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This recommendation is especially relevant for
well-trained endurance athletes (Laursen and Jenkins, 2002). Thereby, HIIT involves
repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise interspersed with recovery periods (Laursen
and Jenkins, 2002; Buchheit and Laursen, 2013). This training method mainly focuses
Andrea Nicolò,
Foro Italico University of Rome, Italy
Marcel Lemire,
University of Upper Alsace, France
Stéphane P Dufour,
Université de Strasbourg, France
Pamela Wicker,
[email protected]
This article was submitted to Exercise
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Physiology
RECEIVED 06 December 2022
ACCEPTED 06 February 2023
PUBLISHED 16 February 2023
Held S, Rappelt L, Giesen R,
Wiedenmann T, Deutsch J-P, Wicker P
and Donath L (2023), Increased oxygen
uptake in well-trained runners during
uphill high intensity running intervals: A
randomized crossover testing.
Front. Physiol. 14:1117314.
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1117314
© 2023 Held, Rappelt, Giesen,
Wiedenmann, Deutsch, Wicker and
Donath. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License
(CC BY). The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is
permitted, provided the original author(s)
and the copyright owner(s) are credited
and that the original publication in this
journal is cited, in accordance with
accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms.
Frontiers in Physiology
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 16 February 2023
DOI 10.3389/fphys.2023.1117314
on _VO2max improvements (Midgley et al., 2006; Buchheit and
Laursen, 2013), as the upper limit to the aerobic metabolism and
a key determinant of endurance performance (Joyner and Coyle,
2008). In order to improve _VO2max in highly trained endurance
athletes, it has been suggested that a prolonged time at intensities
corresponding to a high percentage of maximal oxygen uptake is
important (Wenger and Bell, 1986; Midgley et al., 2006). Therefore,
the quality of a HIIT session can be defined by mean oxygen uptake
( _VO2mean) or accumulated training time ≥90% _VO2max (Midgley
et al., 2006; Turnes et al., 2016). This adaptational potential has been
morphological adaptations that increases maximal cardiac stroke
volume and also increased peripheral skeletal muscle adaptations
(Midgley et al., 2006).
In both prospective and cohort studies, a high weekly running
volume has been associated with running-related injuries (Macera et al.,
1989; Walter et al., 1989). Although the causes of running injuries are
multifactorial, in this context, the runner’s interaction with the ground
and the resulting reaction force has been considered to be one risk factor
(Zadpoor and Nikooyan, 2011; Daoud et al., 2012). Thus, higher
loading rates were associated with increased risk of sustaining an
injury (Crowell and Davis, 2011; Futrell et al., 2018). More recently,
however, in a prospective case control-study in recreational runners, the
vertical impact peak and loading rate were not associated with a higher
injury rate (Malisoux et al., 2022). Furthermore, in collegiate cross
country runners, an higher occurrence rate of bone stress injuries has
been linked to a higher step rate, but not higher ground reaction forces
(Kliethermes et al., 2021). Nevertheless, besides adequate periodization
and polarization models in endurance sports, reducing loading rates is
still recommended as an effective means to reduce the risk of developing
running injuries (Bowser et al., 2018). In this context, increasing the
slope might lead to a significantly lower vertical loading rate during
uphill running compared to flat level running (Gottschall and Kram,
2005; Lemire et al., 2022a). Also, increasing the slope from flat level
running to 7% was found to reduce flight time and increase floor
contact time, in turn resulting in highly significant increases in step
frequency (Padulo et al., 2013). Apart from this, previous research
revealed an increased energy cost via uphill running compared to
horizontal running (Lemire et al., 2022b). Additionally, when running
at the same velocity, uphill running is more metabolically demanding
than horizontal running (Minetti et al., 2002; Vernillo et al., 2017),
hence allowing a similar training stimulus at a lower running velocity.
Against this background, this randomized crossover testing
examined the peak
_VO2, mean
_VO2 and accumulated time
spent ≥90% _VO2max during moderate slope uphill compared to
horizontal HIIT running. We assumed similar
_VO2 data and
reduced running speed during uphill HIIT. The findings of the
present study might be impactful for designing and integrating HIIT
session within polarization models and in terms of training variations to
minimize injury risks in runners with high training volumes.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Participants
G*Power (Version was employed to perform an a priori
power analysis. Based on increased metabolic costs via uphill
running (Minetti et al., 1994; 2002; Vernillo et al., 2017)
moderate effect sizes (standard mean differences (SMD) = 0.60)
between horizontal and uphill HIIT running were assumed. A
sample size of n = 13 was determined, using the following
statistical indicators (α = 0.05; study power (1-β-error) = 0.95;
one tail). Assuming moderate dropouts (15%–20%), n = 17 well-
trained runners were enrolled in this acute randomized controlled
crossover testing. These participants consisted of 8 female (age:
24.4 ± 3.7 yrs; height: 1.69 ± 0.07 m; body mass: 56.6 ± 5.8 kg; body
fat: 14.6 ± 4.8%; _VO2max: 60.5 ± 2.3 ml/min/kg; running volume:
58.1 ± 18.5 km/week) and 9 male (age: 27.1 ± 8.8 yrs; height: 1.80 ±
0.07 m; body mass: 69.1 ± 5.6 kg; body fat: 9.7 ± 3.1%; _VO2max:
65.7 ± 4.1 ml/min/kg; running volume: 65.0 ± 20.3 km/week)
trained runners. Inclusion criteria were running experience of at
least 3 years, running volume of at least 40 km/week, and no medical
condition that potentially impedes the completion of testing and
training. The study was approved by the local ethical committee
(153/2022), fulfilled the international ethical standards, and all
participants signed an informed written consent prior to the start
of the study.
2.2 Testing procedures
The measurements were conducted within four lab visits over
3 weeks for each participant. Thereby, horizontal and uphill
_VO2max tests (lab visit 1 & 2) as well as horizontal and uphill
HIIT protocols (lab visit 3 & 4) were performed. Adapted from
previous research (Rønnestad et al., 2019; 2022), the HIIT protocol
consisted of four 5-min intervals with 90 s passive rest in between.
During HIIT sessions, participants were instructed to run at their
maximal sustainable intensity during all four interval bouts
(isoeffort) (Seiler and Hetlelid, 2005). Therefore, participants
measurements were conducted on a motorized treadmill (PPS
Med treadmill, Woodway, Waukesha, USA), with the horizontal
conditions being performed at 1% incline and the uphill conditions
being performed at 8% incline. To avoid sequencing effects, the first
two and the last two lab visits were individually performed in a
randomized order. At least 96 h rest was ensured between each lab
visit. Participants were further instructed to avoid any strenuous
exercise 2 days before each testing session. To control for potential
circadian effects on performance, all measurements were conducted
at similar day times for each participant. A standardized 15-min
warm-up (easy running, including knee lift, heel lift, external
10 squats, individual dynamic stretching) was performed prior to
each lab session.
Spirometric data during all lab visits were collected using a
breath-by-breath system (Zan 600 Oxi USB, Zan Messgeräte,
Oberthulba, Germany). This spirometric system was calibrated
recommendations. To determine uphill and horizontal-running
_VO2max, an incremental ramp testing protocol was performed at
horizontal (1% incline) and uphill (8% incline) conditions (lab visit
1 & 2). Adapted from previous research with similar _VO2max values
(Baumgartner et al., 2021), the initial velocity for both ramp tests
was set based on prior running experience and estimated 10 km race
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time for each participant individually at 2, 2.5, or 3 m/s. The ramp
protocol then consisted of 0.2% increases every 30 s until the
participants were verbally encouraged and motivated in the same
way towards the end of each test. The highest consecutive oxygen
uptake values within 30 s during the final part of the ramp tests were
considered as _VO2max. For both conditions, _VO2max and objective
exhaustion were verified for each participant following the
corresponding criteria (Midgley et al., 2007). All participants
fulfilled these objective exhaustion criteria (i.e., at least 4 out of
6 criteria). Adapted from previous research, the quality of both HIIT
sessions were defined by mean _VO2 and accumulated training
time ≥90% _VO2max (Time90) (Midgley et al., 2006; Thevenet
et al., 2007; Turnes et al., 2016). Since both HIIT sessions were
time matched with the same work to rest ratio, mean _VO2 and
Time90 were determined based on the entire training session
(interval with pauses). Furthermore, to determine Time90, the
entire training session (interval with pauses) was normalized to
seconds, subsequently seconds with _VO2 value ≥ _VO2max were
summed up. Thereby, the highest _VO2max value of the horizontal or
incline ramp test was used as reference values. Furthermore, peak
oxygen consumption (highest oxygen uptake during the intervals
averaged over 30 s; _VO2peak) during both HIIT protocols was
additionally considered. Apart from this, total respiration per
frequency), and tidal volume were also used for further data
analysis. In addition, capillary blood samples were taken from
the earlobe of the participants for lactate analysis (EBIOplus;
EKF Diagnostic Sales, Magdeburg, Germany), heart rate (HR)
was measured using a heart rate strap (Polar, Kempele, Finland),
and perceived exertion levels were assessed based on RPE (CR-
10 scale) (Foster et al., 2001) prior to the first interval and
immediately after each running interval.
2.3 Statistics
Data are presented as means ± standard deviations. Normal
distribution was initially tested using Shapiro-Wilk tests (p ≥ 0.1).
Variance homogeneity was visually confirmed via plotting sampled
residuals vs. theoretical (ideal) residuals (Kozak and Piepho, 2018).
Sphericity was verified via Mauchly´s tests. To examine mode
measures ( _VO2,
_VO2max, Time 90, minute volume,
breath frequency, and tidal volume), numerous separate two-way
(mode: horizontal vs. uphill) repeated measurement analysis of
variances (rANOVA) were conducted. 2 (mode: horizontal vs.
uphill) × 4 (time: pre vs. interval 1 vs. interval 2 vs. interval 3 vs.
interval 4) rANOVAs were calculated for lactate, HR, and RPE, and
running velocity data. rANOVA effect sizes are given as partial eta
squared (pes) with ≥0.01, ≥0.06, and ≥0.14 indicating small, moderate,
and large effects, respectively (Cohen, 1988). In case of significant
mode × time interaction effects, Bonferroni post hoc tests were
standard mean differences (SMD) were additionally calculated as the
differences between means divided by the pooled standard deviations
(trivial: SMD <0.2; small: 0.2 ≤ SMD <0.5; moderate: 0.5 ≤ SMD <0.8;
large SMD ≥0.8) (Cohen, 1988). Furthermore, the smallest worthwhile
change was calculated as 30% of baseline standard deviation (Hopkins,
2004). Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated in order to define
the relationships of the measured variables. A correlation coefficient of |
r | ≈ 0.30 is interpreted as low/weak correlation, | r | ≈ 0.50 is interpreted
as mean/moderate correlation and | r | ≈ 0.80 is interpreted as large/
strong correlation (Cohen, 1988). Statistical analyses were conducted
using R (version 4.0.5) and RStudio (version 1.4.1106) software.
3 Results
3.1 Incremental ramp test
No significant differences (p = 0.100; pes = 0.100; mean
difference (MD) = 0.2 ± 0.5 L/min; SMD = 0.28) were found
between horizontal (3.9 ± 0.7 L/min) and uphill _VO2max (4.1 ±
0.7 L/min) during the incremental ramp tests.
3.2 HIIT sessions
rANOVA revealed significant effects (p ≤ 0.012; pes ≥0.351)
frequency, and tidal volume (Figure 1). Thereby, uphill HIIT
showed higher values than horizontal HIIT for _VO2mean (3.3 ±
0.6 vs. 3.2 ± 0.5 L/min; MD = 0.1 ± 0.1 L/min; SMD = 0.15),
_VO2peak (4.0 ± 0.7 vs. 3.8 ± 0.7 L/min; MD = 0.1 ± 0.2 L/min;
SMD = 0.19), Time90 (9.1 ± 4.6 vs. 6.4 ± 4.0 min; MD = 2.7 ± 2.7 L/
min; SMD = 0.62), and tidal volume (2144 ± 511 vs. 2061 ± 502 ml;
MD = 83 ± 117 ml; SMD = 0.16). In contrast, uphill HIIT revealed
lower values than horizontal HIIT for minute volume (94.3 ± 15.1 vs.
101.2 ± 17.3 L/min; MD = 6.9 ± 8.4 L/min; SMD = 0.43) and breath
frequency (44.9 ± 6.0 vs. 50.5 ± 9.2 breaths/min, MD = 5.6 ±
5.9 breaths/min; SMD = 0.73). Furthermore, only for Time90, breath
Mean difference (MD ± standard deviation) between horizontal
and uphill high intensity training protocols for mean oxygen
consumption ( _VO2), peak oxygen consumption ( _VO2peak), and
accumulated time above 90% of maximal oxygen consumption
(Time90). Smallest worthwhile change (SWC) boundaries are marked
in grey. Significance levels (p) and pairwise effect sizes as standard
mean differences (SMD) are presented.
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frequency and minute volume, the differences between conditions
Time90 revealed high (r = 0.82) and significant (p < 0.001)
correlations between horizontal and uphill HIIT.
No significant mode × time rANOVA interaction effects (p ≥
0.097; pes ≤0.14) for lactate, HR, RPE and running velocity were
found (Figure 2). Nevertheless, running velocity revealed significant
time effects (p ≤ 0.001). Subsequently performed post hoc tests (p ≤
0.001; SMD ≥3.53) revealed higher running velocity during
horizontal HIIT (4.47 ± 0.33 to 4.51 ± 0.35 m/s) compared to
uphill HIIT (3.17 ± 0.18 to 3.18 ± 0.21 m/s) during all intervals.
4 Discussion
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first acute
randomized controlled crossover study that examined
lactate, HR, and RPE response of time- and effort-matched
horizontal vs. uphill HIIT running in well-trained runners.
Our key findings were increased mean
_VO2peak, and
accumulated training time ≥90%
_VO2max via uphill HIIT
compared to horizontal HIIT. In contrast, lactate, HR, and
RPE revealed no significant differences between horizontal and
uphill HIIT protocols. Furthermore, horizontal and uphill ramp
tests yielded similar _VO2max values.
A higher acute oxygen consumption during uphill running is
commonly explained by the fact that the use of elastic energy may be
compromised, so that in turn more mechanical energy (i.e., greater
concentric muscle activity) needs to be generated, in order to lift the
body’s center of gravity upward and subsequently overcome the
slope (Snyder and Farley, 2011). Thus, in the present study, uphill
running during a HIIT session notably increased the mean
time ≥90% _VO2max by about 42%. Interestingly, this percentage
increase is quite similar to previous cycling-related research, which
used power-output variation within the work intervals (Bossi et al.,
2020). In this previous study, two different interval training sessions,
matched for duration and mean power output (6 × 5 min at a mean
intensity of 84% of maximal aerobic power (MAP), with 2.5 min of
rest between intervals), were performed. By performing several 30s
bouts at 100% MAP within these intervals to increase the power-
output variation within the work intervals, the mean time ≥90%
_VO2max increased by about 43% (Bossi et al., 2020). It thus seems
that variation of the power-output by performing short bouts of
sprinting or by employing inclination might be an important factor
to increase the time ≥90% _VO2max during HIIT sessions. In
addition, and in line with our findings, lactate, HR, and RPE
data reported by Bossi and colleagues (Bossi et al., 2020) were
similar for both interval training conditions. However, both studies
only focused on short-term effects. Therefore, Bossi and colleagues
(Bossi et al., 2020) emphasized the need for longitudinal studies
while speculating that performance adaptations will most likely be
superior to constant-intensity work intervals. Based on our data, a 6-
week period of uphill HIIT (2 sessions per week) would result in
about half an hour more accumulated time ≥90%
time ≥90% _VO2max via uphill HIIT is equivalent to 5 horizontal
Lactate (A), heart rate (B), RPE (C), and running velocity (D) data (mean ± standard deviation) of horizontal (grey) and uphill (black) high intensity
training protocols. Individual values are marked as points. In addition, p-values of time*mode interaction effects (p) of the repeated measurement
variance analyses (rANOVA) and corresponding effect sizes as partial eta squared (pes) are given.
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HIIT sessions. Therefore, superior performance adaptations could
be assumed via uphill HIIT. This assumption is supported by
increased _VO2max and power output at the lactate threshold
adaptations over a 4-week training period, if recreationally-
trained cyclists spent about 100s more time above 90% _VO2max
per training session (Turnes et al., 2016). In line with these findings,
the accumulated training time ≥90%
_VO2max is frequently
considered a highly important marker for efficient HIIT sessions
designed to increase _VO2max (Midgley et al., 2006; Thevenet et al.,
2007; Turnes et al., 2016). Our findings of HIIT protocols performed
at the maximal sustainable intensity during all four interval bouts
(isoeffort) (Seiler and Hetlelid, 2005) revealed increased mean _VO2,
_VO2peak, and accumulated time above 90% _VO2max at a decreased
running velocity during the uphill HIIT condition and similar
lactate, HR, and RPE values. However, as at a given speed, uphill
running results in higher _VO2, lactate, HR, and RPE data compared
to horizontal running (Minetti et al., 1994; 2002; Vernillo et al.,
2017), it might be possible that the maximum oxygen uptake differs
between running uphill compared to level running conditions.
Nevertheless, we did not find significant differences in _VO2max
in the initial incremental ramp tests performed at horizontal
running condition and 8% slope. This is in line with results
reported by Lemire and colleagues (Lemire et al., 2020) who
reported similar
_VO2max values in well-trained trail runners
performing step tests on a treadmill in level and 15% uphill
running conditions. However, a different study conducted in
well-trained trail runners comparing the physiological responses
to step tests with increasing gradient reported significantly higher
_VO2max values at gradients of 40% compared to level running
(Cassirame et al., 2022). This has also been described by Margaria
and colleagues (Margaria et al., 1963): According to their work,
when running on positive gradients up to 15% incline the minimum
energy cost of running increases as a function of the incline. At
slopes above 20%, however, the energy cost becomes equal to that of
concentric muscular work (Minetti et al., 2002). It therefore seems,
that at least in special populations (i.e., trail runners) and at very
steep inclination (i.e., above 15%) the maximal oxygen uptake might
significantly and relevantly differ from level running. Hence, this
should be taken into account, when quantifying training load as a
percentage value of the maximal oxygen uptake.
Previous research revealed that 19%–79% of runners report
musculoskeletal injuries of the lower extremities annually (van
Gent et al., 2007). Thereby, loading rate and ground reaction
force were repeatedly named as relevant risk factors (Crowell
and Davis, 2011; Zadpoor and Nikooyan, 2011; Futrell et al.,
2018). These relationships, however, were often established
based on retrospective, cross-sectional data. More recently, in
(Malisoux et al., 2022) and collegiate cross country runners
(Kliethermes et al., 2021), the vertical impact peak and
loading rate were not associated with a higher injury rate.
Nevertheless, reducing loading rates is still recommended as
an effective means to reduce the risk of developing running
injuries (Bowser et al., 2018). In this context, uphill running
revealed decreased ground reaction force data compared to
Furthermore, we observed decreased running velocities during
uphill HIIT compared to horizontal HIIT, which additionally
decrease loading rate and ground reaction force (Keller et al.,
1996). In detail, previous research revealed a 22%–39% ground
reaction force decrease via an 6%–9% slope increase (Gottschall
and Kram, 2005; Kowalski and Li, 2016). Furthermore, slower
running resulted in reduced ground reaction force (Keller et al.,
1996). Based on our running velocity differences between
horizontal and uphill HIIT, this would result in a ground
reaction force reduction of 11%. For the present study a
speculative, as these loading rates and ground reaction forces
were not measured. Thus, more adequately powered prospective
musculoskeletal injuries of the lower extremities and loading
rate as well as the potential prevention effect of uphill running.
Horizontal running has been linked to the stretch-shortening
cycle of the muscle-tendon unit of the lower limb (Schöffl et al.,
2021), in which part of the mechanical energy of the center of
mass (COM) is absorbed during the negative work phase to be
restored during the next positive work phase (Nicol et al., 2006).
This storage and release of kinetic and potential energy
contributes to the acceleration of the body upwards during the
propulsive phase and to the reduction of the energy production
needed during the concentric phase (Snyder and Farley, 2011;
Snyder et al., 2012). In contrast, during uphill running, the center
of mass needs to be propelled vertically and does not oscillate
around an equilibrium (Dewolf et al., 2016). In detail, the center
of mass loses horizontal while simultaneously gaining vertical
velocity during the first part of ground contact. Subsequently,
during the second part of the contact, a fraction of the energy
stored in the elastic elements of the muscle tendon unit is released
to increase the kinetic and potential of the center of mass (Dewolf
et al., 2016). Accordingly, differences in muscle activation
patterns of the lower extremities have been reported between
horizontal and uphill running (Yokozawa et al., 2007), with
concentric muscle work being dominant during uphill running
(Giandolini et al., 2016). Furthermore, to increase the running
velocity in flat running conditions, athletes tend to increase their
stride length and frequency almost linearly (Ito et al., 1983;
Cavanagh and Kram, 1989; Brisswalter and Legros, 1995).
Simultaneously, the floor contact time and flight time are
Brisswalter and Legros, 1995). Even though this pattern is also
visible during uphill running compared to flat running, stride
length and flight time are significantly reduced, since the foot
touches the belt or ground earlier (Padulo et al., 2012; 2013). As
the floor contact time does not seem to differ between flat and
uphill running, this subsequently leads to a significant reduction
in flight time during the uphill running condition (Padulo et al.,
2012; 2013). Therefore, it seems possible, that prolonged training
sessions running uphill might change the athlete’s kinematics,
thus resulting in a reduction in running economy at horizontal
conditions. Nevertheless, at least for constant running velocities,
experienced athletes select an individual combination of stride
length and frequency resulting in the least energy cost (Cavanagh
and Kram, 1989; Cavagna et al., 1991), while providing the
greatest mechanical efficiency (Morgan et al., 1994). Even
though only a small fraction of the overall training time is
spent on high-intensity running (Stöggl and Sperlich, 2015), a
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potential longitudinal effect on running economy induced by
prolonged uphill running should be addressed in further research.
A limitation that needs to be addressed is the lack of
spatiotemporal running parameters including information on
stride length and frequency. Thus, further research should try to
disentangle the relationship between spatiotemporal running
addition, the potential long-term training effects mentioned
intervention studies.
In conclusion, this randomized crossover testing revealed
time ≥90% _VO2max via uphill HIIT. Thus, uphill running during
HIIT sessions appears to be an effective alternative to traditional
horizontal HIIT sessions. Whether performance adaptations will be
superior to horizontal running work intervals remains to be
established by a longitudinal study, but similar lactate, HR, and
RPE data suggest that it is unlikely that negative training outcomes
occur. Nevertheless, future research should investigate whether
training-induced adaptations can be improved via uphill HIIT.
(Giandolini et al., 2016) lead to adverse effects in terms of
(horizontal) running economy.
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics statement
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by Ethical committee of the German Sport University
provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.
Author contributions
SH, RG, and LD contributed to the conception and design of the
study. RG, TW, and JD led the intervention. LR, SH, and TW
performed the statistical analysis. SH wrote the first draft of the
manuscript. LR, TW, PW, and LD wrote sections of the manuscript.
PW copyedited the draft for content, language, and format, and
organized the submission and revision/resubmission process. All
authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
We acknowledge the financial support of the German Research
Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access Publication Fund of
Bielefeld University for the article processing charge.
We appreciatively acknowledge Jonas Hochstrate for his support
during the data acquisition phase.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and
do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or
those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that
may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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Held et al.
| Increased oxygen uptake in well-trained runners during uphill high intensity running intervals: A randomized crossover testing. | 02-16-2023 | Held, Steffen,Rappelt, Ludwig,Giesen, René,Wiedenmann, Tim,Deutsch, Jan-Philip,Wicker, Pamela,Donath, Lars | eng |
Injuries in Runners; A Systematic Review on
Risk Factors and Sex Differences
Maarten P. van der Worp1,2,3*, Dominique S. M. ten Haaf2, Robert van Cingel2,4, Anton de
Wijer1,5, Maria W. G. Nijhuis-van der Sanden3,6, J. Bart Staal2,3
1 Academic Institute, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Department of Physical Therapy, Utrecht, the
Netherlands, 2 HAN, University of Applied Sciences Nijmegen, Institute Health Studies, Nijmegen, the
Netherlands, 3 Radboud University Medical Center, Radboud Institute for Health Science, Scientific Institute
for Quality of Healthcare, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 4 Sport Medical Center Papendal, Arnhem, the
Netherlands, 5 Radboud University Medical Center, Radboud Institute for Health Science, Department of
Oral Function & Prosthetic Dentistry, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 6 Radboud University Medical Center,
Radboud Institute for Health Science, Department of Rehabilitation, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
* [email protected]
The popularity of running continues to increase, which means that the incidence of running-
related injuries will probably also continue to increase. Little is known about risk factors for
running injuries and whether they are sex-specific.
The aim of this study was to review information about risk factors and sex-specific differ-
ences for running-induced injuries in adults.
Search Strategy
The databases PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL and Psych-INFO were searched for
relevant articles.
Selection Criteria
Longitudinal cohort studies with a minimal follow-up of 1 month that investigated the associ-
ation between risk factors (personal factors, running/training factors and/or health and life-
style factors) and the occurrence of lower limb injuries in runners were included.
Data Collection and Analysis
Two reviewers’ independently selected relevant articles from those identified by the system-
atic search and assessed the risk of bias of the included studies. The strength of the evi-
dence was determined using a best-evidence rating system. Sex differences in risk were
determined by calculating the sex ratio for risk factors (the risk factor for women divided by
the risk factor for men).
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Citation: van der Worp MP, ten Haaf DSM, van
Cingel R, de Wijer A, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MWG,
Staal JB (2015) Injuries in Runners; A Systematic
Review on Risk Factors and Sex Differences. PLoS
ONE 10(2): e0114937. doi:10.1371/journal.
Academic Editor: Amir A. Zadpoor, Delft University
of Technology (TUDelft), NETHERLANDS
Published: February 23, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 van der Worp et al. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are
Funding: This study was financially supported by the
Netherlands Organization for Health Research and
Development (ZonMw), grant no. 50-50310-98-156.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Main Results
Of 400 articles retrieved, 15 longitudinal studies were included, of which 11 were considered
high-quality studies and 4 moderate-quality studies. Overall, women were at lower risk than
men for sustaining running-related injuries. Strong and moderate evidence was found that a
history of previous injury and of having used orthotics/inserts was associated with an in-
creased risk of running injuries. Age, previous sports activity, running on a concrete surface,
participating in a marathon, weekly running distance (30–39 miles) and wearing running
shoes for 4 to 6 months were associated with a greater risk of injury in women than in men.
A history of previous injuries, having a running experience of 0–2 years, restarting running,
weekly running distance (20–29 miles) and having a running distance of more than 40 miles
per week were associated with a greater risk of running-related injury in men than
in women.
Previous injury and use of orthotic/inserts are risk factors for running injuries. There ap-
peared to be differences in the risk profile of men and women, but as few studies presented
results for men and women separately, the results should be interpreted with caution. Fur-
ther research should attempt to minimize methodological bias by paying attention to recall
bias for running injuries, follow-up time, and the participation rate of the identified
target group.
Although running has been popular since the 1970s [1], the number of runners and running
events has increased steadily since 2000 [1,2]. This increase is largely due to girls and women
who started running [2,3]. Running in the adult population is one of the most popular physical
activities around the world and in the Western society many cities have their own recreational
running event. Furthermore, running is one of the most efficient ways to achieve physical fit-
ness, which is linked with longevity [1]. A drawback of the sport is the relatively high risk of in-
jury, with an incidence varying between 19% and 79% [4]. This large variation is due to
differences in the definition of injury, study populations, and follow-up periods [5]. Injuries di-
minish pleasure in exercise and lead to a temporary or even permanent discontinuation of run-
ning. Injuries furthermore lead to increased costs because of necessary medical treatment (e.g.,
the direct medical costs per injured runner at the emergency department is estimated at €1300
[6]), and/or absence from work. In conclusion, running is very popular in the adult population,
however strategies are needed to prevent high incidences of running injuries in this group
of runners.
Acute running injuries are rare, consisting mainly of muscle injuries, sprain, or skin lesions
(blisters and abrasions) [7]. Eighty percent of running disorders are overuse injuries, resulting
from a mismatch between the resilience of the connective and supporting tissue and running
[7]. Running is one of the most common sports that give rise to overuse injuries of lower back
and the leg [8]. The predominant site of leg injuries is the knee, for which the location specific
incidence ranged from 7.2% to 50.0% [4]. Running injuries of the lower leg, foot and upper leg
are common, ranging from 9.0% to 32.2%, 5.7% to 39.3%, and 3.4% to 38.1%, respectively [4].
Less common sites of running are the ankle, the hip/pelvis/groin and lower back, ranging from
3.9% to 16.6%, 3.3% to 11.5% and 5.3% to 19.1 respectively [4,9–11].
Risk Factors and Sex Differences in Running Injuries
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Poorly perfused tissues, such as ligaments, tendons and cartilage, are particularly at risk be-
cause they adapt more slowly than muscles to increased mechanical load [7]. Hreljac [8] sug-
gested that injury should be avoided not by minimizing the stress applied to a biological
structure but by optimizing the amount and frequency of loading stress. Given the dynamic na-
ture of the relationship between applied stress and injury, there must be an optimal level of ap-
plied stress for any biological structure [8].
Furthermore, the multifactorial model of Meeuwisse et al. showed the importance of identify-
ing predisposing factors that make a runner susceptible for injury [12]. Identifying such factors
may contribute to the development of injury prevention strategies [13], especially when these can
be influenced by adequate training or by optimizing training environment. Moreover, the exact
causes of running injuries are likely to be diverse [4] and possibly interacting with each other [13].
Risk factors for running injuries can be clustered into three domains, 1) personal factors
(e.g. age, sex, height, genetic imprinting), 2) running/training factors (e.g. weekly running days,
distance, running shoes), and 3) health and lifestyle related factors (e.g. smoking, a history of
comorbidity and previous injuries) [4]. Three narrative reviews [5,14,15], published in 1992,
reported the occurrence of injuries to be based on multifactorial risk factors. In their systematic
review, Van Gent et al. (2007) [4] found limited evidence that older age [16], differences in
lower leg length [17], a larger left tubercle-sulcus angle [17] and greater knee varus [17], greater
height (in men) [18], use of alcohol [16], and a positive medical history (e.g. taken medication,
high blood pressure, asthma, and nervous or emotional problems) [16] are associated with a
higher risk of injury in men and women. Strong evidence was found that previous injuries were
associated with lower extremity running injuries [4], but the studies used different definitions
of previous injury, in terms of its location, time of occurrence, etc. Also, the recent systematic
review of Saragiotto et al. [19] confirmed that previous injuries are a risk factor for new run-
ning injuries and no association between sex and running injuries was found in most of the in-
cluded studies. In this systematic review [19] only prospective cohort studies were included
and risk factors for general running-related injuries were determined. However, no distinction
was made in the risk factors for specific running related injuries, e.g. medial tibial stress syn-
drome, Iliotibial band syndrome, etc.
Differences in the health status of women and men are of increasing concern to European
health policymakers and are becoming a subject of growing interest to researchers [20].
The injury patterns between men and women differ and there are several reasons for the dif-
ferences in injury rates, related to anatomic and physiologic differences [21].
Two recent Dutch prospective studies of novice runners [10,22] pinpointed at possible dif-
ferences in injury risk profiles of men and women. In a study of runners (n = 629) who were
preparing for a 6.7-km run, a younger age and lack of running experience were significant risk
factors for running injuries in men, whereas lack of running experience, a higher body mass
index (BMI), and earlier participation in sports without axial pressure (swimming and cycling)
were risk factors for running injuries in women [10]. A subsequent study of a different cohort
of novice runners (n = 532) also showed sex-specific risk factors, but the results were contradic-
tory: significant risk factors for men were previous injuries in the past year, higher BMI, and
earlier participation in sports without axial pressure, whereas in women a positive navicular
drop test was the sole risk factor in adjusted analyses [22]. However, the statistical analysis
used in these two studies, stepwise multiple regression, is questionable [23] and more research
is needed to clarify the sex difference in risk profile.
A previous study from Canada also reported sex differences in risk factors for running
injuries. A BMI of > 26 kg/m2 was reported as protective in men, whereas age younger than
31 years was protective in women; running once a week and age older than 50 years were risk
factors in women [24].
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From the above, it can be appreciated that it is difficult to draw conclusions about the risk
factors for running injuries in general, for specific running injuries, and possible differences in
risk profile between men and women. Earlier reviews [4,5,14,15] need to be updated to identify
all possible factors that may predispose a runner for injury and enabling future researchers to
develop, potentially sex-specific, interventions to prevent running-related injuries [13].
The present literature synthesis aims to review current evidence for risk factors for running-
associated injuries in adults and to determine whether risk factors for such injuries differ be-
tween men and women.
We used the MOOSE statement to report our systematic review of observational studies and
the STARLITE statement to report our literature search [25,26].
Search Strategy
Four bibliographical databases, namely, CINAHL (1982 to 26 December, 2012), EMBASE
(1947 to 1 January, 2013), PubMed (1940 to 26 December, 2012), and Psych INFO (1806–1
January, 2013), were searched using search strings developed by the first author and the librari-
an expert (AT) of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center. The following search
terms (Mesh, title- and/or abstract words) were used to identify the study population in combi-
nation with lower extremity injuries: running, track and field, jogging and lower limb, lower ex-
tremity, leg-, hip-, knee-, ankle- and foot injuries, soft tissue injuries, musculoskeletal pain,
bursitis, sprains and strains, tendinopathy, tendinitis, Iliotibial band syndrome, patellofemoral
pain syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. Keywords used to identify a relevant study design were
cohort studies, longitudinal studies, follow-up, retrospective-, observational-, prospective stud-
ies, risk factors, and etiology. For the PubMed search, see S1 Appendix. The search strings of
the other databases are available upon request from the authors.
Selection Criteria
Two reviewers (MvdW & JS) independently selected relevant articles, based on titles and ab-
stracts. Full papers were retrieved if the abstract provided insufficient information to decide
whether the article should be included. The selection criteria were: 1) the design indicated a
longitudinal cohort study with a minimal follow-up of 1 month; 2) the objective of the study
was to investigate the association between risk factors (personal factors, running/training fac-
tors and/or health and lifestyle factors) and the occurrence of lower limb injuries; 3) the study
population consisted of novice runners, long-distance runners both recreational and/or com-
petitive; 4) the article was published in a peer-reviewed journal in English or German. Studies
concerning elite, professional or ultra-runners, patient populations, children, and/or young ad-
olescents (age <18 years), or in which participants were predominantly exposed to other types
of sporting activity than running (e.g. military training, triathlon, etc.) were excluded. If a
study contained a mixed population of runners and patients, the results for the runners had to
be presented separately in order for the study to be included. The reference lists of all identified
relevant publications were checked for other relevant publications.
Quality Assessment
Articles that met the selection criteria were evaluated for risk of bias. A quality list of twelve
items, based on assessment tools of the Cochrane Collaboration [27] and previous systematic
reviews of risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders [28–30], was used. The list was based on
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generally accepted principles of etiological research and was relevant for cohort studies. Some
items were adapted to the topic of interest of this review by replacing risk factors with personal
factors, running/training factors, and/or health & lifestyle factors (see S1 Table).
Two reviewers (DtH & MvdW) independently assessed the quality of the studies. All items
were scored as positive, negative, or unclear. A positive score indicated a well-described and
well-performed item. A negative score indicated that the item was described but not well per-
formed, and unclear meant the item was unclear because insufficient information was avail-
able. For each item, the scores of the two reviewers were compared. Any difference in scoring
was resolved in a consensus meeting. If consensus was not reached, a third reviewer (AW)
made the final decision. A high-quality study was defined as scoring positive on > 50% of the
items [28–30].
Data Extraction and Statistical Analysis
The following information was extracted from the included studies: year of publication, study
design with follow-up period, injury definition, population characteristics (age, sex, body mass
index, or height and weight, and the proportion of subjects analyzed in the included studies;
number of subjects analyzed, divided by the number of included subjects, multiplied with 100)
and the incidence of (running) injuries; injury specific or overall and, if given, sex specific.
Cohen’s Kappa (K) values were calculated for the interobserver agreement between the two
reviewers with regard to risk of bias. A Kappa value of > 0.8 indicates high level of agreement
between assessors, a value between 0.61 and 0.8 a substantial agreement, a value between 0.41
and 0.6 a moderate level of agreement, and a value of < 0.41 poor level of agreement [31]. SPSS
20.0 was used to calculate K values.
The main dependent outcome variable was running-induced leg injury. Identified risk fac-
tors were summarized per injury, overall and injury specific. All risk factors were grouped into
three main categories: 1) personal factors, 2) running/training related factors, and 3) health &
lifestyle related factors.
To evaluate associations between risk factors and running injuries p-values, crude odds ra-
tios (ORs), hazard ratios (HRs,) and relative risks (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CI)
were retrieved from the included publications. Crude values were used for this evaluation to
prevent biases and shortcomings of stepwise multiple regression analyses [23]. Adjusted risk
estimates derived from multivariable regression analyses were only used when the independent
variables of the model were pre-specified and not based on a stepwise selection algorithm or
when crude associations were not available.
Pooling and Best-Evidence Synthesis
Separate meta-analyses with the random effects model [32] were planned to obtain the pooled
OR, HR or pooled RR (with 95% CI) for running injuries. If pooling was not possible due to
heterogeneity of the study populations, a best evidence synthesis was presented.
For each identified risk factor, levels of evidence were established for the association be-
tween this factor and the occurrence of running injuries. These levels of evidence were based
on the guidelines of van Tulder et al. [33] and were divided into the following levels: strong evi-
dence, defined as consistent findings (in 75% of the studies) in multiple ( 2) high-quality
studies; moderate evidence, defined as consistent findings (in 75% of the studies) in one
high-quality study and multiple low-quality studies; limited evidence, defined as consistent
findings (in 75% of the studies) in multiple low-quality studies or one high-quality study;
and conflicting evidence, defined as conflicting findings reported by <75% of the studies re-
porting consistent findings.
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Sex Ratio
In studies in which risk factors were presented separately for men and women, possible sex dif-
ferences in risk were determined by dividing the risk factor for women by the risk factor for
men, which produced a sex ratio. A ratio higher than 1.25 (i.e., women had a higher risk) or
lower than 0.75 (i.e. women had a lower risk) was regarded as a relevant sex difference [34,35].
Literature Search
A flow chart for article retrieval is given in S1 Fig. Of 400 articles retrieved as potentially rele-
vant, 17 were considered eligible for full-text screening based on title and abstract. Of these 17
studies, 2 [36,37] seemed, after consultation with the authors, to have an abstract only, so 15 ar-
ticles were included for quality assessment, data extraction, and analysis.
Included Studies
Of the 15 included longitudinal cohort studies, 13 were prospective [10,17,22,24,38–46] and 2
retrospective [9,47] studies. They were all published in English. The follow-up time of these
studies ranged from 8 weeks to 1 year and the mean age of study participants ranged from 36
to 44 years. Thirteen studies had a mixed population, 1 study included only women [39], 1
study included only men [42], and 1 study did not report the sex of the study population [47].
BMI and height differed between the various reports. In the study of Bennett et al. [38], 13.6%
of study participants had a low BMI (<18.5 kg/m2); the studies of Lun et al. [44] and McKean
et al. [47] did not report BMI, weight, or height. The proportion of subject analyzed in the orig-
inal studies ranged from 46% to 100%. Seven studies [10,22,24,39–41,43] included novice run-
ners. All studies used different (running) definitions of injury, except for one research group
who used the same definition in their two studies [9,10,17,22]. Five studies defined running-re-
lated injuries as involving the lower limb [38,40,41,43,46], 4 studies included the influence of
the symptoms on running [9,17,24,47], and 6 studies defined injuries in terms of the lower
limb and the influence of symptoms [10,22,39,42,44,45]. Two studies included a specific time
frame of running restriction caused by the running injury [10,22]. Four studies specifically
looked at signs and symptoms related to Achilles tendinopathy [41,46] and patellofemoral dys-
function/pain syndrome [39,43]. Only Bennett et al. [38] excluded traumatic injuries. Wen
et al. [9,17] included overuse injuries in their definition of injury. Wen et al. [9,17] investigated
the same experienced runners in a retrospective study [9] and in a longitudinal prospective
study, published a year later [17]. In order to avoid duplication, the results of these two studies
were considered as coming from one study population [48]. The incidence of the running inju-
ries reported in the included studies where in the range of 20.6% to 79.3%, 25.0% to 79.5% and
19.8% to 79.1% for overall, men and women, respectively. The injury specific incidences were
7.8% and 14.3% for Achilles tendinopathy injuries [41,46] and 16.7% and 20.8% for patellofe-
moral pain injuries [39,43]. S2 Table presents a summary of these studies including the popula-
tion characteristics (age, sex, BMI, and the proportion of people analyzed), type of running,
injury definition and (running) incidence; injury specific and/or overall and, if given,
sex specific.
Risk of Bias
The overall agreement between the two reviewers was 77% with a moderate reliability (Kappa = 0.6).
The agreement for the individual items ranged from 53% (item 12) to 100% (item 6). Most disagree-
ment was seen for item 5 (“Were the data on system factors, running/training related factors, and/or
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health and lifestyle factors collected using standardized methods of acceptable quality?”), item 7
(“Were the data on outcome collected using standardized methods of acceptable quality?”), and
item 12 (“Positive, if the number of cases in the final multivariable was at least ten times the number
of independent variables in the analysis.”), because of the different interpretation of the definitions
of “standardized methods”, “acceptable quality”, and by miscalculating/interpretation of the number
of cases in the final multivariable, respectively. Other disagreements were mostly due to differences
in interpretation. All disagreements were resolved in a consensus meeting. Nine of the 13 prospective
cohort studies [10,17,22,24,38,42,44–46] were considered to be high quality (> 6 items positive), as
were the 2 retrospective cohort studies [9,47] (S3 Table).
Risk Factors for Running Injuries; Overall and Injury Specific
The heterogeneity in study populations, in operationalization of both outcomes and risk fac-
tors, and time to follow-up prevented us from following a formal meta-analytical approach.
Study populations varied from novice runners to recreational runner and competitive runners,
outcomes from running-related injuries, overall injuries to lower leg overuse injuries and more
localized injuries, e.g. Achilles Tendinopathy, back injuries (S4–S6 Tables). Follow-up time
points varied from 8 weeks to 1 year (S2 Table). Across the studies different categories of inde-
pendent variables were used with different cut-off points (S4–S6 Tables) or injured versus in-
jured runners were compared using continuous values of risk factors (e.g. the mean age of
injured runners was higher than the mean age of non-injured runners [46]). For these reasons
we refrained from doing a meta-analysis. We therefore choose to present the results using a
best evidence synthesis. Risk factors were divided into three categories: personal factors, run-
ning/training related factors and health and lifestyle factors (see S4–S6 Tables).
Personal Factors; S4 Table
Sex. One low quality study [40] and five high quality studies [10,22,38,46,47] assessed sex as
risk factor for running injuries. One high-quality studies [22] found men to have a significantly
higher risk of running-related injuries than women, and particularly younger men (< 40 years)
[47]. Thus there was limited evidence that men are at higher risk of running-related injuries.
Age. Four low-quality studies [39–41,43] and four high-quality studies [9,17,44,46] investi-
gated the relationship between age and running injuries. Only one study found age to have a
significant effect on running injuries: Wen et al. [17] showed that lower age was significantly
protective against overall (not specified) overuse injury. Thus there was only limited evidence
that lower age affects the risk of running-related injuries. Wen et al. [9] and Hirschmüller et al.
[46] found higher age to be a significant risk factor for hamstrings injuries and midportion
Achilles tendinopathy, respectively. This indicates that there is limited evidence that age affects
the risk of hamstrings injuries and midportion Achilles tendinopathy.
BMI. Three low-quality studies [39,41,43] and three high-quality studies [9,38,46] exam-
ined BMI as a risk factor for running injuries. BMI was not found to have significant effect on
injury risk in runners overall, but Wen et al. [9] found a higher BMI to be a risk factor for back
injuries in women and a lower BMI to be a risk factor for foot injuries in men. Thus there was
limited evidence that BMI is a risk factor for back injuries in women and for foot injuries
in men.
Height. Four low-quality studies [39–41,43] and three high-quality studies [9,17,46] investi-
gated height as a risk factor for running injuries. Wen et al. [9] found lower height in men to be
a significant risk factor for foot injuries, indicating limited evidence.
Weight. Three low quality studies [39–41,43] and three high-quality [9,17,46] study investi-
gated weight as a risk factor for running injuries. Wen et al. [9] found higher weight in women
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and lower weight men to be a risk factor for back injuries and foot injuries, respectively. In the
same research group, Wen et al. [17] found higher weight to be protective against foot injuries.
Thus there was limited evidence that higher weight in women and lower weight in men were
risk factors for back and foot injuries, respectively. Furthermore, there was limited evidence
that a heavier weight protects against foot injuries.
Navicular drop. One high-quality study [38] investigated the influence of navicular drop on
running injuries. Bennett et al. [38] found runners with a high navicular drop (>10 mm) in the
left or right foot were at greater risk for medial exercise-related leg pain. Also, a navicular drop
of more than 10 mm in only the left foot was significantly associated with a higher risk of medi-
al exercise-related leg pain. Thus there was limited evidence that navicular drop (> 10 mm) is
a risk factor for running injuries.
Intratendinous blood flow. Only one high-quality study [46] investigated the influence of
blood flow in the Achilles tendon on Achilles tendinopathy in runners. Runners with intraten-
dinous microvessels (indicating primary neovascularization) were at greater risk of mid-por-
tion Achilles tendinopathy. Thus there was limited evidence that impaired intratendinous
blood flow is a risk factor for running injuries.
Force distribution pattern. Three low-quality studies [40,41,43] investigated force distribu-
tion patterns in relation to running injuries. Hesar et al. [40] found significantly less laterally
directed force distribution at first metatarsal contact and forefoot flat, and significantly more
medial directed force displacement in the forefoot contact phase, foot flat phase, and heel-off
phase in runners without lower leg overuse injuries. These individuals also had a significantly
quicker change in the center of force (COF) at forefoot flat, a lower force and loading under-
neath the lateral border of the foot, and a significantly lower directed force displacement of the
COF at forefoot flat than did runners with lower leg injuries. Van Ginkel et al. [41] found a sig-
nificant decrease in the total posterior–anterior displacement of the COF and a laterally direct-
ed force distribution underneath the forefoot at ‘forefoot flat’ as intrinsic gait-related risk
factors for Achilles tendinopathy in novice runners. Thijs et al. [43] demonstrated that runners
with a significantly higher vertical peak force underneath the second metatarsal and shorter
time to the vertical peak force underneath the lateral heel were at higher risk for patellofemoral
pain syndrome. In conclusion, there was limited evidence that a number of force distribution
factors/patterns are risk factors for, or protective against, lower leg injuries, Achilles tendinopa-
thy, and patellofemoral pain in runners [40,41,43].
Alignment. Three high-quality studies [9,17,44] investigated the influence of alignment on
the occurrence of running injuries. In their prospective study, Wen et al. [17] found that run-
ners in the group with the highest combined arch index were protective against, and runners in
the group with the lowest leg difference were at higher risk for running injuries, respectively. In
the retrospective study by the same research group [9], runners in the groups with the lowest
left tubercle-sulcus angle and lowest combined (mean left and right) tubercle-sulcus angle were
found to be at higher risk for ankle injuries. Runners in the groups with the lowest heel valgus,
the highest heel valgus, and highest right arch index were found to be protective against knee
injuries [17]. In this same prospective study, runners in the group with the highest left tuber-
cle-sulcus angle and highest knee valgus were found to be significant at risk for shin injuries
[17]. In subgroup analyses of this study, the highest heel valgus group was significant protective
against foot injuries (expressed as injury incidence per 1000 miles running, or as injury inci-
dence per 1000 hours running) [17]. In conclusion, there was limited evidence that a small dif-
ference in leg length is a risk factor for overall running injuries. There was also limited
evidence that a large left tubercle-sulcus angle and a large knee varus are risk factors for shin in-
juries. Furthermore there was limited evidence that a low left tubercle-sulcus angle and
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combined (average of left and right) tubercle-sulcus angle are risk factors for ankle injuries and
that several alignment factors are protective against running injuries.
Running & Training Related Factors for Running Injuries; S5 Table
Running experience. Five high-quality studies investigated the relationship between running
experience and running injuries [9,17,42,46,47]. Limited evidence was found that more run-
ning experience was a risk factor for overall running injuries [17]. There was also limited evi-
dence that running with less (< 1 year) experience was protective for running injuries [47].
Limited evidence was found that more running experience was a risk factor for knee [42] and
foot injuries [17].
Training. Five high-quality studies investigated the relationship between training factors
and running injuries [9,17,42,46,47]. The prospective study of Wen et al. [17] found increased
hours of running per week to be protective against overall injuries (expressed in terms of inci-
dence per mileage or hours run). There was limited evidence that age < 40 years combined
with running 6 times a week was a significant risk factor for running injury [47], as there
was for age 40 years combined with running 6 times a week [47]. There was also limited
evidence that age 40 years combined with running 1–3 times a week and running < 10 miles
per week were significant protective factors for running injury [47], and an age 40 years
combined with running 1–3 times a week was protective [47].
Van Middelkoop et al. [42] found that interval training was protective against knee injury in
men. In contrast, the two high quality studies by Wen et al. [9,17] found more interval training
to be a risk factor for shin injuries. The evidence for interval training being a risk or protective
factor was limited. There was also limited evidence that increasing hours of running per week
is protective against knee and foot injuries [17] and that a slower training pace was a risk factor
for heel injuries [9].
Surface. Only one high-quality study [9] investigated the relationship between surface and
running injuries. There was limited evidence that running time on concrete surface is protec-
tive against back and thigh injuries [9].
Distance. Four high-quality studies [9,42,44,46] analyzed running distance as independent
variable for running injuries. There was limited evidence that higher weekly mileage is associat-
ed with hip and hamstrings injuries [9] and that a training distance of 0–40 km a week is pro-
tective against the incidence of calf injuries [42].
Race participation. One high-quality study [42] (= limited evidence) found the risk of run-
ning injuries to be higher in men who had participated in more than six races in the last year.
Shoe use. Two high-quality studies [9,17] analyzed the relationship between shoe use and
running injuries. There was limited evidence that changing shoes more frequently was a risk
factor for overall injuries [9] and limited evidence for using one pair of running shoes or alter-
nating between two pairs versus alternating between more than two pairs of shoes as a risk fac-
tor for knee injuries [9]. Furthermore, limited evidence was found for a higher number of
shoes as a risk factor for shin injuries [17].
Health & Life-Factors Related for Running Injuries; S6 Table
History of previous injury. Four high-quality studies [17,38,42,46] investigated the relation-
ship between running injuries and previous injuries. Bennett et al. [38] found that runners with
a history of exercise-related leg pain for a month or a year were at greater risk of a relapse of ex-
ercise-related leg pain. Wen et al. [17] also found previous injuries to be a risk factor for run-
ning injuries. In the high-quality study of Van Middelkoop et al. [42], lower extremity injury in
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the previous 12 months was found to be a risk factor for running injury in men. In conclusion,
there was strong evidence that previous injury is a risk factor for running injuries.
Van Middelkoop et al. [42] found that a lower extremity injury in the previous 12 months
was a risk factor for a knee injury, and that an injury at another location (hip, groin, thigh,
knee, ankle, or/and foot) was a risk factor for calf injury. None of the other studies identified
risk factors for knee and/or calf injury. Bennett et al. [38] found that runners with a history of
medial exercise-related leg pain lasting longer than 1 month were at greater risk of medial exer-
cise-related leg pain. A history of old shin injuries was found to be a risk factor for shin injuries
in one high-quality study [17]. A previous disorder of the Achilles tendon was a significant risk
factor for midportion Achilles tendinopathy in one high-quality study [46]. In conclusion,
there was limited evidence that previous injury is a risk factor for specific running injuries,
namely, medial exercise-related leg pain, midportion Achilles tendinopathy, shin injuries, knee
and calf injuries.
Orthotic/inserts. Two high-quality studies [9,47] investigated orthotic/inserts as a risk fac-
tor for running injuries. Both found wearing orthotics or using shoe inserts to be a risk factor
for running injuries (moderate evidence). Wen et al. [9] found the use of shoe insert to be a
risk factor for foot injuries, indicating limited evidence for this association.
Sex Ratio
Five high-quality studies [10,22,24,45,47] analyzed data for men and women separately (see S7
Table). One study showed women to be at significantly lower risk of injuries overall than men
[22]. Two studies showed men with a history of injury were at higher risk of running injuries
than women with a similar history [22,45]. One high-quality study found the risk of injury to
be higher in women than men if the women were older [10], had previously engaged in other
sports activities [10], had the previous year participated in a marathon [45], had a weekly dis-
tance running of 48–63.8 km for the preceding 3 months [45], ran on concrete surface [45],
and had running shoes that were 4- to 6-months old [24], with sex ratios of 1.4, 1.9, 2.0, 2.2,
4.2, and 4.9, respectively. Men were, in comparison with women, at greater risk of injury if they
restarted running [10], had less than 2 years’ running experience [45], had a weekly running
distance of 32–47.8 km [45] or had a weekly running distance > 64 km [45], with a sex ratio of
0.7, 0.7, 0.7 and 0.4, respectively.
The purpose of this study was to synthesize current evidence on determinants of running-in-
duced injuries of the leg in adults and to determine sex differences in risk profile for running
injuries. We found strong and moderate evidence that previous leg injury and use of orthotics/
inserts increase the risk of leg injuries, respectively. Furthermore, there was only limited (one
high-quality study) or no (one/two low-quality studies) evidence for other potential risk factors
for running injuries (overall and injury specific).
Analysis of the sex ratios showed that women are at lower risk of running injuries than
men. Factors that increased the risk of running-related injuries in women were older age, previ-
ous participation in non-axial sports (e.g. cycling, swimming, etc.), participating last year in a
marathon, running on concrete, a longer weekly running distance (48–63.8 km) and wearing
running shoes for 4 to 6 months. Men were at greater risk of such injuries if they restarted run-
ning, had a history of previous injuries, a running experience of 0–2 years, had a weekly run-
ning distance between 32–47.8 km, and having a weekly running distance more than 64 km
per week.
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Running injuries have a multifactorial origin that can be subdivided into personal, running/
training, and health and/or lifestyle factors [5,14,15]. These factors can reinforce each other and
their influence may also be mediated by cultural or societal factors [49]. The importance of each
factor, and hence its contribution to the risk of symptoms and injuries, varies among individuals
and running environments. Personal factors investigated in this review focused on sex, age, an-
thropometric, and biomechanical factors; psychosocial factors were not investigated as risk fac-
tors for running injuries. Psychosocial factors seem to have a role in musculoskeletal disorders
[49–51] and thus future studies should investigate their role in running-related leg injuries.
Most running injuries are due to overuse [7], but only Wen et al. [9,17] and Bennett et al.
[38] included or excluded overuse/acute injuries in their definition of injury, respectively.
Overuse injuries of the musculoskeletal system generally occur when a structure is repeatedly
exposed to loading forces. Forces lower than the threshold associated with acute injury ulti-
mately lead to fatigue of that specific structure [52,53]. There is no standard definition of over-
use running injury [8,54], but it should minimally include a musculoskeletal ailment that can
be attributed to running and that causes a restriction of running speed, distance, duration, or
frequency for at least a week [8]. Of the articles included in our review, that of Buist et al.
[10,22] used definitions “any musculoskeletal pain of the lower limb or back causing a restric-
tion in running for at least one day [10] or one week [22]” that matches the most with these cri-
teria. The other studies did not define the period during which injury restricted running.
Future research should use the definition of running injuries used by Buist et al. [10,22] or in-
clude a minimal time frame of running restriction when defining running-related injuries.
To our knowledge, this is the third review that systematically examined risk factors for run-
ning injuries. Five reviews of running injuries have been published in the past [4,5,14,15,19],
and three of these narrative studies were published more than 20 years ago [5,14,15]. The most
recent systematic reviews were published in 2007 [4] and 2014 [19]. Van Gent et al. [4] found
strong evidence that a long training distance per week in men and previous injuries were risk fac-
tors for injuries; however, a long training distance per week was a protective factor for knee inju-
ries. Although we also found previous injury to be a risk factor for running-related injuries, the
variety in the other results can be explained by differences in the studies included. Seventeen arti-
cles, dating from 1982 to 2006, were included [4]: 10 studies were published after 2006 and were
therefore not included in the study of Van Gent et al. [4]. As we used a minimal follow-up time
of 1 month and an age of >18 years as inclusion criteria, the studies of Walter et al. [18] and Sat-
terthwaite et al. [16] were not included in our review. The finding of Van Gent et al. [4] that lon-
ger training distance per week is a protective against knee injuries could not be confirmed
because studies providing evidence for this association were not included in our review.
The recent published review by Saragiotto et al. [19] included only prospective studies which
mentioned running or runners in the abstract/title. Moreover, articles that studied risk factors for
specific injuries (e.g. medial tibial stress syndrome) were excluded in their systematic review. Fur-
thermore, Saragiotto et al. [19] included all categories of runners, this in contrast with our study
population consisting of novice runners, long-distance runners, both recreational and/or com-
petitive. In their study [19] also pooling of data was not possible due to the large heterogeneity of
the statistical methods used across studies. However, although they did not perform a best evi-
dence synthesis and used different inclusion and exclusion criteria, the conclusion that previous
injury is a risk factor for running injuries was the same as in our study.
Risk Factors for Running Injury
We decided to classify the different risk factors for running injuries according to the existing
literature of systematic reviews (personal, running/training, health and lifestyle) [4,14,15], to
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facilitate comparison between the reviews. However, applying a public health approach to
sports injury prevention as described by Finch [55], conceptualizing risk factors as modifiable
and nonmodifiable provides additional insight [56]. Modifiable risk factors associated with
running injuries provide the base for developing running injury prevention interventions,
whereas nonmodifiable risk factors are important for risk stratification and targeted prevention
Nonmodifiable Risk Factors for Running Injuries
History of injury. Previous injury was consistently associated with running injuries and espe-
cially in men. The lack of association between previous injury and running injuries in women
might be because most of the included studies investigated female novice runners with minimal
running experience and few injuries in the past [10,22,24,39–41,43].
It is not clear whether a high rate of re-injury is due to incomplete healing of the original in-
jury, an uncorrected biomechanical problem, or recall bias and/or the definition of the injury.
Previous lower extremity injuries that have healed completely (i.e., the return of full, pre-injury
joint range of motion, musculoskeletal strength, and proprioception) should not increase the
risk of a subsequent lower extremity injury [57]. However, injuries that give rise to permanent
structural or biomechanical malfunction and/or dysfunctional coordination increase the risk of
future running injuries [58]. In our review, three high-quality studies [22,42,45] found a history
of previous leg injury to be a risk factor in men. However, the definition of “previous injury”
differed in the various studies, in terms of its nature (e.g. acute or gradual onset), whether it is
running related or not, when it occurred and how long it lasted. It is essential to know the ex-
tent and characteristics of recovery from a previous injury [57]. Lastly, in most studies partici-
pants were asked about injuries in the previous year, which means that recall bias could be
a problem.
In conclusion, previous (running) leg injury seems an important risk factor for running in-
juries. Further research should focus on a clear definition of “previous (running) injury” and
should more focus on recovery processes to judge the possibility of re-injury including the time
of occurrence, and on minimizing recall bias by reducing the time frame of recall.
Modifiable Risk Factors for Running Injuries
Training. Overuse running injuries are suggested to be the result of training errors [8] and our
results confirm this. On the basis of this review, it seems that the ideal training intensity has
not yet been established. Runners with a high training frequency and/or running distance ap-
peared to be more susceptible to overuse injuries, especially those runners who have no run-
ning experience and, seemingly contradictory, runners who are experienced and who have run,
perhaps long distances, for a longer time. Van Gent et al. [4] found strong evidence that men
with a higher weekly training frequency were more prone to running injuries. However, run-
ning only once a week could lead to overuse injuries, especially in women [24]. This is probably
because running stresses the musculoskeletal system [8], which does not have time to adapt to
this type of exercise because of the low frequency of running.
In conclusion, overuse running injuries should be prevented by optimizing and personaliz-
ing training, bearing in mind the (limited) evidence that running/training-related factors influ-
ence the risk of injury.
Orthotic/insert. Foot orthoses are widely used to treat existing pathological conditions and
to prevent overuse injuries [59]. They function in two ways: 1) the insert acts as a cushion that
absorbs shock transmitted to the lower limb, and 2) they compensate for biomechanical defi-
ciencies of the foot, such as excessive pronation and differences in leg length [60]. Most
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findings of this review contradict these statements. McKean et al. [47] and Wen et al. [9]
showed that runners with orthotic/inserts were at higher risk of running injuries, although it is
possible that runners who are more prone to injury are given orthotic/inserts earlier. However,
given the findings about the role of the navicular drop [22], alignment [9,17], and force distri-
bution [40,41] in running-related injuries, it is doubtful that compensating biomechanical defi-
ciencies with an orthotic/insert is effective in preventing running injuries. In conclusion,
orthotics/inserts do not seem useful to compensate for biomechanical deficiencies.
Sex Differences
Differences between the health of men and women are a major concern to European health au-
thorities [20]. Only five high-quality studies [10,22,24,45,47] investigated the effect of runner’s
sex on the risk of running injuries. However, given the small number of studies that investigat-
ed this, it was not possible to establish sex-specific profiles for risk factors.
Two high-quality studies investigated the relation between previous injury and running in-
juries and presented data for men and women separately, so that it was possible to calculate a
sex ratio. When the criteria of Van Tulder [33] were used to determine the level of evidence for
sex differences, two studies [22,47] provided moderate evidence that men (< 40 year) had a
higher risk of running-related injuries and two studies [22,45] provided moderate evidence
that men had a higher risk of running-related injuries when having a previous injury; the other
studies did not provide evidence of sex-related differences in risk of running injuries. However,
physical therapists, sports physicians, etc. can provide sex-specific advice for the prevention of
running injuries, and trainers and coaches can tailor their training advice to individual runners.
More prospective longitudinal studies are necessary and should analyze data for men and
women separately, in order to obtain evidence-based, sex-specific risk profiles [20,61].
Risk of Bias & Study Limitations
As risk factors were operationalized as dichotomous, ordinal, or even continuous variables, it
was not possible to calculate a meaningful pooled summary of outcomes. Moreover, conclu-
sions made after data pooling might have been of limited value given the heterogeneity in defi-
nition of running injury in the various studies.
Quality scoring systems are used in an attempt to address possible methodological short-
comings that could threaten the validity of study results [30]. We created our quality scale
based on the lists used by the Cochrane Collaboration to assess cohort studies [27] and on lists
used in previous studies [28–30]. One of these lists [29] was quantified by West et al. [62] in a
study that evaluated quality-rating systems for observational studies. The scoring list of Ariëns
et al. [29] scored positive on six and partially positive on one out of nine domains for assessing
study quality [62]. While the usefulness of quality control is disputed [62] as it is difficult to de-
termine how to weight each item in an overall quality score, sum scores are considered helpful
in a systematic review for distinguishing between studies with a low or a high risk of bias
[62,63]. We evaluated the quality of the included studies in order to gain insight into the risk of
bias and therefore to enable us to draw meaningful conclusions. A point of concern is that
many of the included studies did not clearly describe the participation rate of the target group,
which limits the generalizability of findings [64].
This study had some limitations. All included studies, prospective and retrospective, were
assessed using the same quality list. Because it would be better to adjust the list for a retrospec-
tive design, a second quality analysis was done for the two retrospective studies reviewed
[9,47], such that item 2 (“participation rate is at least 80% from the identified target group”)
and 3 (“the participation rate at main moment of follow-up is at least 80% or the nonresponse
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is not selective”) were scored as “not applicable” in the scoring list. This did not influence the
quality score of these articles (both remained high quality), and therefore had no influence on
the results of our best evidence syntheses.
By our inclusion criteria (e.g. long-distance runners recreational and/or competitive) for se-
lecting the original studies, a broad spectrum in the type of runners (novice, track and field,
etc.) was selected. When the inclusion criteria were more strictly defined, our results could be
presented stratified for each group of runners. However, the number of studies per type of run-
ners would be too small to give useful information and by choosing a broader spectrum of type
of runners, our results are more generalizable to the total adult running population.
Although we performed an extensive literature search, it is likely that both selection and
publication bias influenced the results. Future research, in which running injury is uniformly
defined, may indicate whether the factors found in our review are true risk factors.
Conclusion and Implications
More high-quality studies of risk factors for running injuries are needed before strong conclu-
sions can be drawn about the relevance of specific risk factors. Furthermore, consensus must
be achieved about the definition of running injuries, and large cohort studies are needed to in-
vestigate different types (biomechanical, hormonal, psychological, etc.) of risk factors with em-
phasis on potential differences between men and women. To minimize bias, future studies
should pay attention to recall of previous running injuries, follow-up time, and the
participation rate.
This review found strong evidence that previous leg injury is a risk factor for running-relat-
ed leg injuries. Some sex-specific risk factors were identified, but not enough studies investigat-
ed differences between men and women to obtain more definite results.
Running injuries seem to have a multifactorial origin, but on the basis of our findings, ef-
forts to prevent injury should focus on runners, especially men, with a history of running inju-
ries and provide customized training and/or specific exercises. The use of orthotics/inserts
should be discouraged.
Supporting Information
S1 PRISMA Checklist
S1 Fig. Flow Chart of the search of articles.
S2 Fig. PRISMA 2009 flow diagram.
S1 Table. Quality assessment check list [27–30].
S2 Table. Study Characteristics.
S3 Table. Results of the risk of bias assessment.
S4 Table. Significant personal risk- & protective factors for running injuries.
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S5 Table. Significant running/training-related risk factors for running injuries.
S6 Table. Significant health & lifestyle factors related for running injuries.
S7 Table. Risk factors for running injuries with sex ratio.
S1 Appendix. Search terms PubMed.
This study was financially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and
Development (ZonMw), grant no. 50-50310-98-156. The authors would like to acknowledge
the following persons who made substantial contributions: Alice Tillema, information special-
ist at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Library, the Netherlands, who assisted
with our extensive literature search and Petra Habets, Amsterdam Medical Centre, University
of Amsterdam, the Netherlands for giving structural commentary on early versions of
the manuscript.
Author Contributions
Analyzed the data: MVDW DTH. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MVDW
DTH RVC ADW MNVDS JS. Wrote the paper: MVDW. Substantial contributions to concep-
tion and design, acquisition of data: MVDW MNVDS JS. Analysis and interpretation of data:
MVDW DTH RVC ADW MNVDS JS. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important
intellectual content: MVDW DTH RVC ADW MNVDS JS. Final approval of the version to be
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| Injuries in runners; a systematic review on risk factors and sex differences. | 02-23-2015 | van der Worp, Maarten P,ten Haaf, Dominique S M,van Cingel, Robert,de Wijer, Anton,Nijhuis-van der Sanden, Maria W G,Staal, J Bart | eng |
The effect of changing foot progression angle
using real-time visual feedback on rearfoot
eversion during running
Seyed Hamed MousaviID1,2,3*, Laurens van Kouwenhove1, Reza Rajabi2,
Johannes Zwerver3,4, Juha M. Hijmans1
1 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen,
Groningen, The Netherlands, 2 Department of Health and Sport Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and
Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 3 Center for Human Movement Science, University
Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 4 Department of Sports
Medicine, Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Ede, The Netherlands
* [email protected], [email protected]
Atypical rearfoot in/eversion may be an important risk factor for running-related injuries.
Prominent interventions for atypical rearfoot eversion include foot orthoses, footwear, and
taping but a modification derived from gait retraining to correct atypical rearfoot in/eversion
is lacking. We aimed to investigate changes in rearfoot in/eversion, subtalar pronation,
medial longitudinal arch angle, and selected lower limb joint biomechanics while performing
toe-in/toe-out running using real-time visual feedback. Fifteen female runners participated in
this study. Subjects performed toe-in/toe-out running using real-time visual feedback on foot
progression angle, which was set ±5˚ from habitual foot progression angle. 3D kinematics of
rearfoot in/eversion, subtalar supination/pronation, medial longitudinal arch angle, foot pro-
gression angle, hip flexion, ab/adduction and internal/external rotation, knee flexion, ankle
dorsiflexion, and ankle power were analyzed. A repeated-measures ANOVA followed by
pairwise comparisons was used to analyze changes between three conditions. Toe-in run-
ning compared to normal and toe-out running reduced peak rearfoot eversion (mean differ-
ence (MD) with normal = 2.1˚; p<0.001, MD with toe-out = 3.5˚; p<0.001), peak pronation
(MD with normal = -2.0˚; p<0.001, MD with toe-out = -3.4; p = <0.001), and peak medial lon-
gitudinal arch angle (MD with normal = -0.7˚; p = 0.022, MD with toe-out = -0.9; p = 0.005).
Toe-out running significantly increased these kinematic factors compared to normal and
toe-in running. Toe-in running compared to normal running increased peak hip internal rota-
tion (MD = 2.3; p<0.001), and reduced peak knee flexion (MD = 1.3; p = 0.014). Toe-out run-
ning compared to normal running reduced peak hip internal rotation (MD = 2.5; p<0.001),
peak hip ab/adduction (MD = 2.5; p<0.001), peak knee flexion (MD = 1.5; p = 0.003), peak
ankle dorsiflexion (MD = 1.6; p<0.001), and peak ankle power (MD = 1.3; p = 0.001). Run-
ners were able to change their foot progression angle when receiving real-time visual feed-
back for foot progression angle. Toe-in/toe-out running altered rearfoot kinematics and
medial longitudinal arch angle, therefore supporting the potential value of gait retraining
focused on foot progression angle using real-time visual feedback when atypical rearfoot in/
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Citation: Mousavi SH, van Kouwenhove L, Rajabi
R, Zwerver J, Hijmans JM (2021) The effect of
changing foot progression angle using real-time
visual feedback on rearfoot eversion during
running. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0246425. https://doi.
Editor: Nizam Uddin Ahamed, University of
Received: March 4, 2020
Accepted: January 19, 2021
Published: February 10, 2021
Copyright: © 2021 Mousavi et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
eversion needs to be modified. It should be considered that changes in foot progression
angle when running is accompanied by changes in lower limb joint biomechanics.
Running-related injuries (RRIs) are very common in athletes; sports clinicians are frequently
consulted about these injuries [1]. Abnormal kinematics as intrinsic risk factors are considered
to have an important role in the high incidence of RRIs [2]. Rearfoot eversion is among the
most commonly reported kinematic factors in the studies investigating foot function and/or
risk factors for lower-limb injuries [2–4]. As the subtalar coordination axis is not aligned with
the foot coordination axes, and besides, no anatomical landmark exists on the talus, rearfoot
eversion is predominantly measured as a surrogate to describe subtalar pronation [5, 6]. Much
debate exists on whether atypical rearfoot eversion contributes to injury [4, 7]. This is mainly
because most studies investigating rearfoot eversion for RRIs have either a case-control or a
cross-sectional design that cannot prove causality; the results of prospective studies are mainly
based on a small sample size [8]. There are several studies reporting that rearfoot eversion may
be a potential risk factor for RRIs [2, 9, 10]. In a recent systematic review [2] we showed that
peak rearfoot eversion may be associated with iliotibial band syndrome, patellar tendinopathy,
and posterior tibial tendon dysfunction in runners. Female runners with atypical rearfoot ever-
sion may be more prone to RRIs, specifically female runners with tibial stress fracture showed
greater peak rearfoot eversion [11] and female runners with iliotibial band syndrome showed
lower peak rearfoot eversion compared to non-injured runners [2, 12].
Atypical medial longitudinal arch angle (MLAA) is another contributing factor predisposing
athletes to musculoskeletal overuse injuries [13]. MLAA collapse causes the calcaneus to evert in
relation to the tibia, resulting in rearfoot eversion [14]. Normal rearfoot eversion and MLAA are
essential for optimal shock absorption of the foot during the stance phase of gait. Atypical rearfoot
eversion and MLAA may influence: 1. distribution of weight through the lower extremity, increas-
ing force to the medial aspects of the foot and reducing shock absorption and postural balance
abilities; and 2. alignment of the lower-limb kinematic chain, such as knee and hip mechanics
[15]. For instance, excessive rearfoot eversion may result in excessive tibia internal rotation and
hip internal rotation. This can result in faulty knee flexion/extension biomechanics which in turn
produce a compensatory reaction in the tibiofemoral joint and may subsequently lead to patellofe-
moral symptoms [16]. Reduced shock absorption and malalignment are considered to play an
important role in the development of running-related overuse injuries of the lower extremity [17].
In recent decades there has been increasing clinical and scientific interest in modifying
atypical rearfoot eversion in order to prevent or manage RRI [18, 19]. External supports such
as foot orthoses, motion control shoes, and therapeutic adhesive taping are the most common
interventions studied to reduce excessive rearfoot eversion [20–22]. These are widely pre-
scribed to realign or correct atypical rearfoot eversion. It is reported that foot orthoses may
cause dependency and long-term negative psychological effects [23]. Most importantly, their
effectiveness remains controversial [18]. So far, only a few studies have investigated the effect
of a training program on excessive rearfoot eversion [24–28], showing sensory-motor training
to be superior to either foot orthoses [26] or taping for correcting excessive rearfoot eversion
[28]. More research into sports-related functional training interventions that modify rearfoot
eversion is thus warranted.
Gait retraining is an increasingly used biomechanical modification intervention to practice
a movement task [25, 29]. Gait retraining applying real-time feedback from an instrumented
The effect of changing foot progression angle on rearfoot eversion during running
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treadmill and/or motion capture through a projection and sound system is a novel way to
induce motor strategies to alter movement patterns. Data obtained by tracking the biomechan-
ics of the body are used to produce real-time feedback. Likewise, feedback modalities such as
auditory and/or visual cues are provided for a training task to practice it at a given point/posi-
tion. As these feedback modalities are given for any steps and individuals can perceive their
own performance in the real time, this may help perform the training task more effectively
than verbal feedback given by a coach or clinician. Step rate, step width, step length, foot strike,
and hip adduction are the most common gait parameters on which virtual reality feedback is
currently given to modify other running-related biomechanical risk factors [30–33]. These
studies report successful findings for modifying biomechanical risk factors using the afore-
mentioned parameters. Moreover, real-time visual feedback of kinematics or kinetics was
reported as the most successful strategy to reduce high-risk factors for RRIs [31]. Therefore,
gait retraining may be a useful approach to alter rearfoot biomechanics during running.
Previous studies show that rearfoot motion and MLAA might be influenced by changing
foot progression angle (FPA) during running and walking [34–36]. In addition, FPA (foot
abduction) is postulated as having a positive association with subtalar eversion because it is
one of the subtalar pronation movement components [6, 37]. The assumption is that while
running toe-out or toe-in, rearfoot kinematics are changed to more or less eversion, respec-
tively. As inconsistent results have been reported about the effect/association of FPA on/with
rearfoot eversion [34, 38–40], well-designed studies to investigate the effects of changing FPA
on rearfoot kinematics are needed. Several studies have intervened FPA during walking using
gait retraining to improve pain or reduce knee adduction moment, a contributing factor to
knee osteoarthritis [41–43]. Nevertheless, it is unknown whether toe-in or toe-out positioning
during running affects frontal plane rearfoot motion. Accordingly, it is postulated that running
retraining with changing FPA may be useful to correct atypical rearfoot kinematics.
The main aim of this study is to investigate changes in rearfoot in/eversion while perform-
ing toe-in/toe-out running using real-time visual feedback. The secondary aim is to investigate
changes in subtalar pronation/supination, MLAA, hip flexion, ab/adduction and internal/
external rotation, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, and ankle power while performing toe-out/
in running. We hypothesized that toe-in running reduces peak rearfoot eversion, subtalar pro-
nation, and MLAA, and toe-out running increases these factors relative to a natural FPA.
From a clinical perspective, the findings might be helpful toward controlling atypical rearfoot
kinematics when managing RRI.
Study design
This is a cross-sectional pilot study conducted to determine the feasibility and effects of chang-
ing FPA using real-time visual feedback on rearfoot in/eversion, subtalar supination/prona-
tion, and MLAA.
Data were collected at the Motion Lab of the Center for Rehabilitation, University Medical
Center Groningen between January 2019 and April 2019.
Seventeen female runners recruited by our advertisements and social media from the Univer-
sity of Groningen and local running clubs volunteered to participate. Inclusion criteria were:
The effect of changing foot progression angle on rearfoot eversion during running
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female, aged 18–40, minimum 1 year running experience, training distance >10 km/week,
habitual rearfoot striker, free of self-reported lower-limb injuries or pain during the last 6
months, no musculoskeletal disorders and/or pain, no foot medial arch disorder determined
using the navicular drop test, and no atypical static rearfoot in/eversion [44] prior to data col-
lection. Two volunteers were excluded who had flat foot and/or excessive static rearfoot ever-
sion. Fifteen volunteers who met the inclusion criteria participated in this study. Ethical
approval was obtained through the local Medical Ethics Committee (METc 2018/086) of Uni-
versity Medical Center Groningen. Subjects signed an informed consent form and completed
a self-developed questionnaire for demographic information prior to data collection.
Running assessments were performed on an instrumented split-belt treadmill with two inte-
grated force plates of the Gait Real-time Analysis Interactive Lab (GRAIL) system (Motekforce
Link, The Netherlands) [45]. Ground reaction force (GRF) signals were recorded at 1000Hz,
combined with a 10-camera integrated motion capture system (Vicon Bonita 10; Vicon
Motion Systems, Oxford, UK) and further processed to kinematic and kinetic variables in
D-Flow (Version 3.28; Motekforce Link, The Netherlands) at a 100 Hz sampling frequency.
Real-time filtering of the marker data was performed with a low-pass second-order zero phase
Butterworth filter with a 6 Hz cut-off frequency.
Marker placement
Thirty-four markers were attached to the subject’s body by the same investigator (SHM). Of
these, 26 markers were attached according to the human body model 2 (HBM2) (Fig 1) [29]
and 8 markers were attached to both feet at the first metatarsal head, navicular bone tuberosity,
medial side of calcaneus and posterior part of calcaneus for measuring rearfoot in/eversion
and MLAA. Two markers attached along the vertical bisection of the heel counter and the
Fig 1. Marker placement. Twenty-six markers were attached to the body according to the HBM model; 8 markers
were attached to the feet, to be used for calculating rearfoot eversion and MLAA.
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marker on the medial aspect of the heel counter were considered for the rearfoot segment.
Additionally, four holes were cut in the shoes: at the first metatarsal head, navicular bone
tuberosity, medial side and posterior part of calcaneus (Fig 1). The holes were cut to uncover
these aspects of the foot in order to attach markers directly to the skin, allowing measurement
of foot movement and not shoe movement. All subjects wore the same brand of neutral shoes
(Dr Comfort, refresh, USA) with the same neutral insole.
Baseline measurement
To set a certain running speed for giving real-time feedback and generalize it to all runners,
treadmill speed was set at 8 km/h for all conditions. After a 5-minute warm-up period, a
20-second baseline dataset was collected containing at least 20 strides. Baseline FPA was calcu-
lated using the average FPA in midstance (the value in 50% of stance phase) for the first 20
strides. FPA was considered the angle between the line connecting the markers on the calca-
neus and second metatarsal head with the longitudinal axis of the treadmill.
A custom-made application was developed on the D-flow software to produce real-time
feedback for toeing-out and toeing-in FPA. A clock with a red pointer set to FPA (degrees)
was designed to reflect FPA during midstance in real time (Fig 2). A 5˚ target range was
shown on the clock (green, Fig 2). To perform toeing-out FPA, the target range was set at 5˚
more than the baseline FPA average with an area of ±2.5˚ deviation from this point. Like-
wise, to perform toeing-in FPA, the target range was set at 5˚ less than the baseline FPA
average with an area of ±2.5˚ deviation from this point. The 5˚ deviation from the baseline
FPA was selected based on pilot testing. In the pilot testing, five runners were asked to run
with various FPA (±5˚, ±10˚, and ±15˚) relative to their baseline FPA. The 5˚ deviation
from the baseline FPA (±5˚ FPA) was the only FPA that all runners ran with no difficulty.
Prior to the feedback session, subjects were asked to practice the conditions with their dom-
inant foot in the standing position to become familiar with the feedback. When the red
pointer was located within the given target range, the area became green (positive feed-
back)–otherwise it became red (negative feedback). The red pointer was fixed on FPA in
midstance and updated on each step. Before doing each task, subjects had a 2-min running
with FPA feedback. An extra minute was allowed if needed. Subjects were then asked to
run, and after 1-min running a 20-second dataset was collected. The order of the experi-
mental tasks was randomized.
Outcome measurement
The rearfoot segment coordinate system was established according to International Society
of Biomechanics (ISB) recommendations [46] and calculated as rotation of local calcaneus
coordination system relative to the fixed laboratory coordinate system using the rotation
sequence defined by ISB. Subtalar pronation/supination angle was calculated using the
Isman and Inman method [5], with the detailed explanation described in the study of van
den Bogert et al. [29]. Because the pronation/supination axis is not aligned with the foot
coordinate axes, it is defined in the foot reference frame using the average subtalar joint.
MLAA was calculated based on the angle formed between three markers: first metatarsal
head, navicular bone tuberosity and medial aspect of calcaneus. Hip, knee and ankle kine-
matics and ankle power are standard measures of HBM2 computed as explained by van
den Bogert et al. [29]. GRF data were used to identify the stance phase, with a threshold of
10N vertical GRF for touchdown and toe-off. Kinematic and GRF data were filtered using
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low-pass zero phase second-order Butterworth filters with the same 6Hz cutoff frequency.
Outcomes of ten consecutive steps following the given FPA were calculated and averaged
within subjects before being averaged within conditions. Kinematic data during the stance
phase were time-normalized to 100% of stance phase. Peak angles were explained as the
maximum angle during the stance phase. Timing of peak angles was expressed as percent-
age of the stance phase. Angle excursions were expressed as range of motion from touch-
down to peak angle. A custom MATLAB script (Version R2018a, Natick, MA, USA) was
used to analyze data.
Fig 2. Picture representing real-time visual feedback for changing FPA. The training process: Real-time visual feedback is provided to the subject via the big
screen. The red pointer represents the FPA of the right foot that is fixed in the midstance (50% stance phase) and updated on each step. The target area is a
wedge with a 5˚ range, with its middle point specifying the subject’s normal FPA +5˚ for toe-out and -5˚ for toe-in. The aim is to turn the target area green
(positive feedback) by keeping the red pointer (FPA) inside the target area. If the red pointer leaves the target area, the target area turns red (negative feedback).
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Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 23 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The normal-
ity of data was checked by Shapiro-Wilk tests and QQ plots. A repeated-measures one-way
ANOVA was performed for each outcome to identify statistically significant differences
between conditions: baseline, toeing-out, and toeing-in trials. Significant main effects were fol-
lowed up using pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni adjustment. Significance level (α) was
set at 0.05.
Table 1 shows participants’ characteristics. All assumptions for repeated-measures ANOVA
were met (no significant outliers, normal distribution, and sphericity). Table 2 shows results of
one-way repeated-measures ANOVA analysis for all measured variables; Fig 3 shows the
ensemble average curves of measured variables. The average FPA in midstance for normal,
toe-out and toe-in running were -6.2˚, -10.4˚, and -1.8˚, respectively; the average individual
standard deviations were 1.1˚, 1˚ and 0.9˚, respectively.
We found significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak rearfoot eversion (p<0.001),
rearfoot eversion at touchdown (p = 0.001), and rearfoot eversion excursion (p<0.001). There
was no significant main effect of FPA conditions on time to peak rearfoot eversion (p = 0.462).
Post-hoc tests showed a significant difference in peak rearfoot eversion between normal and
toe-out (mean difference (MD) = 1.4; p<0.001), between normal and toe-in (MD = -2.1;
p<0.001), and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -3.5; p<0.001). Post-hoc tests for rearfoot
eversion excursion showed a significant difference between normal and toe-in (MD = -1.4;
p = 0.001), and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = 1.9; p = 0.001). There was no significant dif-
ference in rearfoot eversion excursion between normal and toe-out (MD = -0.5; p = 0.1). Post-
hoc tests for rearfoot eversion at touchdown showed significant differences between normal
and toe-out (MD = 1.1; p = 0.037), and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -2.0; p = 0.011).
We found significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak pronation (p<0.001), supina-
tion/pronation at touchdown (p<0.001), time to peak pronation (p = 0.019), and pronation
excursion (p = 0.042). Pairwise comparisons showed a significant difference in peak pronation
between normal and toe-out (MD = -1.4; p = 0.002), between normal and toe-in (MD = 2;
p<0.001), and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = 3.4; p<0.001). Post-hoc tests for pronation
at touchdown showed a significant difference between normal and toe-out (MD = -1.4;
p = 0.015), between normal and toe-in (MD = 1.2; p = 0.004), and between toe-out and toe-in
(MD = 2.6; p<0.001). Post-hoc tests showed a significant difference in time to peak pronation
between toe-out and toe-in (MD = 2.5; p = 0.035). There were no significant differences in
time to peak pronation between normal and toe-in (MD = 0.5; p = 0.999) and between normal
and toe-out (MD = -2.1; p = 0.219).
We found significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak MLAA (p = 0.001), time to
peak MLAA (p = 0.04), and MLAA excursion (p<0.001). There was no significant main effect
Table 1. Participants characteristics.
Mean (SD)
Age, y
27.5 (6.3)
Height, cm
170 (5)
Weight, kg
61.4 (6.1)
Running experience, y
6.3 (4.4)
Weekly distance, km
32.7 (17.4)
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of FPA conditions on MLAA at touchdown (p = 0.816). Bonferroni post-hoc tests showed a
significant difference in peak MLAA between normal and toe-in (MD = 0.7; p = 0.022), and
between toe-out and toe-in (MD = 0.9; p = 0.005). There was no significant difference in peak
MLAA between normal and toe-out (MD = -0.2; p = 0.876). Post-hoc tests also showed a sig-
nificant difference in time to peak MLAA between normal and toe-out (MD = -2.6; p = 0.033)
Table 2. Statistical results of the all variablesa for each FPA condition.
FPA condition
One-way repeated measures analysis
Normal FPA
Toe-out 5˚
Toe-in 5˚
Eta squared
Foot progression angle (°)
-6.2 (3.1)
-10.4 (3.2) †
-1.9 (3.2) ‡
< 0.001
Average individual SD for FPA(°)
1.1 (0.3)
1.0 (0.2)
0.9 (0.2)
Peak rearfoot eversion (˚)
-8.5 (2.2)
-9.9 (2.6) †
-6.4 (2.2) ‡
< 0.001
Time to peak rearfoot eversion (% stance)
46.3 (2.7)
47.3 (3.0)
47.3 (3.7)
Rearfoot eversion at touchdown (˚)
3.2 (2.1)
2.1 (2.1) †
4.2 (2.3)
Rearfoot eversion excursion (˚)
-11.5 (3.3)
-12.0 (3.6) †
-10.1 (3.2) ‡
< 0.001
Peak pronation (˚)
4.4 (4.5)
5.8 (4.5) †
2.4 (4.6) ‡
< 0.001
Time to peak pronation (% stance)
70.1 (15.2)
72.1 (17.3) †
69.6 (16)
Supination/pronation at touchdown (˚)
-2.3 (4.9)
-1 (4.8) †
-3.5 (4.9) ‡
< 0.001
Pronation excursion (˚)
6.7 (4.2)
6.8 (3.4)
5.9 (4) ‡
Peak MLAA (˚)
6.2 (2.2)
6.4 (2.2) †
5.5 (2.3) ‡
Time to peak MLAA (% stance)
54 (8.1)
56.6 (7.1)
54.1 (9)
MLAA at touchdown (˚)
-1.0 (2.3)
-1 (2.5)
-0.9 (2.7)
MLAA excursion (˚)
7.2 (1.7)
7.4 (1.7) †
6.5 (1.7) ‡
< 0.001
Peak hip internal rotation
7.6 (4.8)
5.1 (5.2) †
9.8 (5.1) ‡
< 0.001
Time to peak hip internal rotation (% stance)
58.3 (38.8)
59.9 (35.7)
51.9 (39.6)
Hip internal rotation at touchdown (˚)
4.5 (5.7)
1.6 (5.9) †
7.0 (5.8) ‡
< 0.001
Hip internal rotation excursion (˚)
3.0 (2.7)
3.5 (2.5)
2.8 (3.0)
Peak hip ab/adduction
14.0 (3.6)
11.6 (3.4) †
13.0 (4.6)
< 0.001
Time to peak hip ab/adduction (% stance)
43.2 (3.6)
43.4 (4.0)
45.7 (5.5)
Hip ab/adduction at touchdown (˚)
7.1 (2.6)
6.3 (2.4)
6.0 (3.3)
Hip ab/adduction excursion (˚)
6.9 (2.5)
5.3 (2.3) †
7.0 (2.9)
< 0.001
Peak hip flexion
36.8 (5.5)
37.1 (5.6)
36.5 (5.2)
Time to peak hip flexion (% stance)
15.1 (16.0)
15.4 (16.3)
14.0 (16.9)
Hip flexion at touchdown (˚)
35.3 (4.9)
35.8 (5.1)
35.4 (4.8)
Hip flexion excursion (˚)
1.5 (2.2)
1.3 (1.9)
1.1 (1.6)
Peak knee flexion
41.5 (4.5)
40.0 (4.6)
40.2 (4.9) ‡
Time to peak knee flexion (% stance)
48.1 (1.9)
48.1 (2.5)
48.6 (1.4)
Knee flexion at touchdown (˚)
9.3 (4.2)
9.9 (4.2)
10.4 (3.8)
Knee flexion excursion (˚)
32.1 (5.5)
30.2 (4.3)
30.0 (4.7) ‡
< 0.001
Peak ankle dorsiflexion
24.0 (3.7)
22.4 (3.6) †
23.4 (3.7)
< 0.001
Time to peak ankle dorsiflexion (% stance)
56.9 (2.1)
56.8 (2.5)
57.1 (2.3)
Ankle dorsiflexion at touchdown (˚)
5.3 (3.9)
5.4 (2.9)
5.3 (3.7)
Ankle dorsiflexion excursion (˚)
18.7 (2.5)
17.0 (2.7)
18.0 (3.1)
Peak ankle power
13.7 (2.5)
12.3 (2.0) †
13.3 (2.5)
a Values expressed as mean (SD), FPA foot progression angle, TD touchdown, MLAA medial longitudinal arch angle,
significant difference between normal and toe-out FPA p<0.05,
† significant difference between toe-out and toe-in p<0.050,
‡ significant difference between normal and toe-in FPA p<0.05.
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and a significant difference in MLAA excursion between normal and toe-in (MD = 0.8;
p = 0.005), and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = 1; p<0.001).
Fig 3. Ensemble average curves of measured variables for three FPA conditions, with 0% representing heel strike
and 100% toe-off. Solid curves = normal FPA, dotted curves = toe-out condition, dashed curves = toe-in condition.
Shaded area represents ±1 SD of the normal FPA condition.
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We found significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak hip internal/external rota-
tion (p<0.001), and hip internal/external rotation at touchdown (p<0.001). There were no
significant main effects of FPA conditions on time to peak hip internal/external rotation
(p = 0.214), and hip internal/external rotation excursion (p = 0.305). Post-hoc tests showed
a significant difference in peak hip internal/external rotation between normal and toe-out
(MD = 2.5; p<0.001), between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -4.8; p<0.001), and between nor-
mal and toe-in (MD = -2.3; p<0.001). Post-hoc tests also showed a significant difference in
hip internal/external rotation at touchdown between normal and toe-out (MD = 3.0;
p<0.001), between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -5.4; p<0.001), and between normal and toe-
in (MD = -2.5; p<0.001).
We found significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak hip ab/adduction (p<0.001),
and hip ab/adduction excursion (p<0.001). There were no significant main effects of FPA con-
ditions on hip ab/adduction at touchdown (p = 0.063), and time to peak hip ab/adduction
(p = 0.055). Post-hoc tests showed a significant difference in peak hip ab/adduction between
normal and toe-out (MD = 2.5; p<0.001), and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -1.4;
p = 0.044). There was no significant difference in peak hip ab/adduction between normal and
toe-in (MD = 1.0; p = 0.292). Post-hoc tests also showed a significant difference in hip ab/
adduction excursion between normal and toe-out (MD = 1.6; p<0.001), and between toe-out
and toe-in (MD = -1.7; p = 0.044). There was no significant difference in hip ab/adduction
excursion between normal and toe-in (MD = -0.1; p = 0.999).
We found no significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak hip flexion (p = 0.455),
time to peak hip flexion (p = 0.494), hip flexion at touchdown (p = 0.546), and hip flexion
excursion (p = 0.245).
We found significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak knee flexion (p = 0.001), and
knee flexion excursion (p<0.001). There were no significant main effects of FPA conditions
on time to peak knee flexion (p = 0.445), and knee flexion at touchdown (p = 0.179). Post-hoc
tests showed a significant difference in peak knee flexion between normal and toe-out
(MD = 1.5; p = 0.003), and between normal and toe-in (MD = 1.3; p = 0.014). There was no
significant difference in peak knee flexion between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -0.2; p = 0.999).
Post-hoc tests showed a significant difference in knee flexion excursion between normal and
toe-out (MD = 2.0; p = 0.003), and between normal and toe-in (MD = 2.4; p = 0.005). There
was no significant difference in knee flexion excursion between toe-out and toe-in (MD = 0.4;
p = 0.999).
We found significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak ankle dorsiflexion (p<0.001),
and ankle dorsiflexion excursion (p = 0.010). There were no significant main effects of FPA
conditions on time to peak ankle dorsiflexion (p = 0.807), and ankle dorsiflexion at touchdown
(p = 0.927). Post-hoc tests showed a significant difference in peak ankle dorsiflexion between
normal and toe-out (MD = 1.6; p<0.001), and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -1.0;
p = 0.011). There was no significant difference in peak ankle dorsiflexion between normal and
toe-in (MD = 0.6; p = 0.653). Post-hoc tests also showed a significant difference in ankle dorsi-
flexion excursion between normal and toe-out (MD = 1.8; p = 0.001). There was no significant
difference in ankle dorsiflexion excursion between normal and toe-in (MD = 0.6; p = 0.916),
and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -1.1; p = 0.258).
We found significant main effects of FPA conditions on peak ankle power (p<0.001).
Post-hoc tests showed a significant difference in peak ankle power between normal and toe-
out (MD = 1.3; p = 0.001), and between toe-out and toe-in (MD = -0.9; p<0.005). There
was no significant difference in peak ankle power between normal and toe-in (MD = 0.4;
p = 590).
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The main aim of this study was to investigate the immediate effects of toe-in/toe-out running
using real-time visual feedback on rearfoot in/eversion, subtalar pronation/supination, and
MLAA during running. In support of our hypothesis, peak rearfoot eversion, peak subtalar
pronation and peak MLAA were reduced by toe-in running and increased by toe-out running
compared to normal running. Additionally, toe-in running reduced rearfoot eversion excur-
sion, MLAA excursion, and subtalar pronation at touchdown compared to normal and toe-
out running. Nowadays gait retraining is increasingly used in clinical practice to prevent and
manage a variety of sports injuries. Since modifying atypical rearfoot in/eversion is of great
interest to biomechanical research and clinical practices, our study constitutes a feasible and
applicable basis for using real-time visual feedback to perform toe-in/toe-out running in order
to change rearfoot in/eversion, subtalar supination/pronation, and MLAA.
No study has so far investigated the kinematic effects of changing FPA using real-time visual
feedback during running. We considered ±5˚ differences from the subject’s normal FPA as target
points. Participants generally responded in accordance with the target points. The target area on
the clock was set ±2.5˚ from the target point for both toe-in and toe-out conditions. The results of
the averaged individual SDs show that participants successfully changed their FPA based on the
target area (2SD = 2 for toe-out and 1.8 for toe-in). None reported any problems with changing
the FPA when asked about any difficulties during performing tasks. The average change of FPA
relative to normal FPA was 4.2˚ for toe-out running and 4.4˚ for toe-in running. In fact, the FPA
display in the real-time feedback during familiarization helped subjects adapt to the experiment.
Because the pointer was aligned with the subject’s FPA, it could be easily perceived.
We hypothesized that toe-in running reduces peak rearfoot eversion and toe-out running
increases peak rearfoot eversion. Excessive rearfoot eversion is a modifiable risk factor for
overuse injuries in athletes [47]. We showed that moving from toe-out to toe-in resulted in a
reduction in peak eversion and subtalar pronation, thus supporting the potential value of
changing FPA as a method for gait retraining in order to modify atypical rearfoot in/eversion.
These alterations in peak rearfoot in/eversion by toe-in/toe-out running might be partially due
to lateral and medial shifting of foot pressure during foot roll-over by toe-in and toe-out,
respectively [48]. Our results showed that toe-in running reduces peak rearfoot eversion by
2.1˚ –a promising result, as a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating rearfoot
eversion in injured runners and controls showed that a 2˚ increase in peak rearfoot eversion
distinguishes injured from healthy runners [2]. Hence toe-in/toe-out running with a 4–5˚ dif-
ference from the preferred FPA may have clinical significance in the control of atypical rear-
foot in/eversion when preventing and managing RRI.
Subtalar pronation at touchdown and time to peak pronation were significantly reduced by
toe-in running relative to normal running; however, rearfoot eversion at touchdown and time
to peak rearfoot eversion were not significant between different FPA conditions. Rearfoot
eversion excursion was also reduced during toe-in running compared to normal and toe-out
running. Supination and/or inversion are directly attributed to tarsal joint locking in either the
early or the late stance phase [49]. Accordingly, supination helps the foot turn to a rigid lever
where needed. It is documented that greater pronation excursion leads to a delayed supination
in the late stance [50]. According to our results, in toe-in running the foot is in a more supi-
nated position relative to normal and toe-out running. Therefore, in individuals who have
greater foot pronation, toe-running may help foot stabilization at touchdown and even in late
stance phase during running.
We found a smaller MLAA during toe-in running compared with normal and toe-out run-
ning. The effect of changing FPA on MLAA during running is not yet well documented. Only
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few studies with conflicting results investigated the association between MLAA and FPA dur-
ing running or walking [36, 51, 52], examining only the correlation between MLAA and FPA
but not how changeable MLAA is when changing FPA. We found a decreased MLAA of
approximately 0.7˚ and 1˚ during toe-in running compared to normal and toe-out running,
respectively. This amount of change might appear small compared to changes possibly
required to correct an atypical MLAA. An explanation for a small change in MLAA might be
that the current study was conducted for effects on healthy subjects in order to assess the
potential of FPA modification on MLAA. Further research on individuals with atypical MLAA
is therefore warranted to determine how effective FPA modifications are on MLAA. This is
even more important because the correction of atypical MLAA has often been suggested as
one of the potential corrective strategies for atypical rearfoot eversion [50, 53].
Our results showed that changes in FPA are accompanied by changes in lower limb joint
biomechanics. Specifically, these changes occurred in the peak hip internal/external rotation,
hip ab/adduction, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, and ankle power. Compared to running
with normal FPA, both toe-out and toe-in running reduced peak hip adduction. As increased
peak hip adduction is associated with iliotibial band syndrome and patellofemoral pain syn-
drome in runners [12, 54], FPA modification might be used as a potential gait retraining to
reduce peak hip adduction. Toe-out running was accompanied by increased hip external rota-
tion which is reported as a risk factor for medial tibial stress syndrome [55]. In contrast, toe-in
running was accompanied by increased hip internal rotation. Toe-in running, therefore, may
be used as potential gait retraining to reduce increased hip external rotation. Toe-out running
compared to running with normal FPA reduced ankle power, possibly resulting in reducing
the effectiveness of the ankle in providing positive push-off power. Gait retraining studies have
shown that the peak knee adduction moment, a contributing factor to knee osteoarthritis, is
increased/decreased with changes in FPA [41, 56]. This can subsequently load different aspects
of the knee. As a result, clinician and researchers should consider changes in lower limb joint
biomechanics when using FPA to modify rearfoot eversion.
Rearfoot in/eversion has been commonly used in the literature as an alternative way to
express subtalar supination/pronation during walking or running [4, 6]. Our results show that
although peak rearfoot eversion can be a proper representative of peak subtalar pronation dur-
ing running, there are considerable differences between the other variables such as angle at
touchdown, time to peak and excursion. Rearfoot eversion only describes one aspect of subta-
lar pronation and the other aspects of subtalar pronation may distinguish it from rearfoot ever-
sion during running. Isman and Inman [5] presented a 3D kinematic approach defining true
supination/pronation angle occurring in the subtalar joint as used in the current study. It is
therefore suggested that future studies apply proper terminology (supination/pronation and/
or rearfoot in/eversion) based on the study objective.
One major concern about rearfoot eversion is that no standardized norm or clinical defini-
tion exists for classification of rearfoot eversion during running to specify the extent to which
rearfoot eversion falls into typical or atypical movements [4]. In the current study, the use of
the terms typical or atypical (greater or lower) rearfoot eversion during running is based on
the results of studies investigating rearfoot eversion between injured (history of injury) and
non-injured runners. Therefore, further studies warrant to determine to what extent rearfoot
eversion can be considered as typical or atypical.
The current study showed the feasibility and effects of toe-in/toe-out running using real-
time visual feedback on rearfoot in/eversion, subtalar pronation/supination, and MLAA. To
successfully achieve a target FPA during running an advanced system is needed, as running is
a fast-cyclic motion that makes real-time feedback difficult. Current approaches for giving
feedback on FPA mainly require camera-based motion capture, limiting FPA measurement
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or/and training to laboratory settings (thus hindering FPA training outside the laboratory).
Recent studies present valid means using insole- or shoe-embedded sensors to estimate FPA
and give real-time feedback during over-ground gait [57, 58]. However, these means were vali-
dated during walking only, therefore usability investigations during running are required.
Also, compared to the motion capture values an absolute error of 1.7˚ should be taken into
account when using these means. To see the effectiveness of gait retraining on rearfoot ever-
sion over time or to be sure that change in rearfoot eversion is at the desired level, tracking
rearfoot eversion might be useful. As application of 3D motion capture systems is not easy in
clinical practice, 2D measurement of rearfoot eversion using smartphone application can be
used as a surrogate to 3D measurement [59].
Limitations and recommendations
There are a few limitations in the current study. All participants were healthy female runners
so results cannot be extrapolated to male runners and/or injured runners. Further research is
needed to investigate whether our results have the same effect on runners with atypical in/
eversion, supinated or pronated feet, and/or MLAA. All participants ran with rearfoot strike.
Since foot strike pattern affects the ankle and foot biomechanics, our results cannot be general-
ized to those with midfoot or forefoot strike. Based on our results regarding the differences
between rearfoot eversion and subtalar pronation it was suggested that future research con-
ducted to investigate the biomechanics of subtalar pronation in individuals should consider
the difference between rearfoot in/eversion and subtalar supination/pronation, and choose
one or both based on the study objective. Running speed was set at 8km/h, so it is not clear
whether the same results would be found at higher or slower speeds. Changes in lower limb
biomechanics such as hip ab/adduction, hip internal/external rotation, knee flexion, ankle dor-
siflexion, and ankle power should be taken into account when changing FPA is used to modify
rearfoot eversion. As our study aimed to investigate the acute effect of changing FPA, it is
unknown whether runners would retain it in the long term. Therefore, further studies should
be undertaken to investigate the viability of toe-in/toe-out running in the long term.
This study showed that female healthy runners were able to change their FPA when receiving
real-time visual feedback for FPA. Toe-in running using real-time visual feedback reduced
peak rearfoot eversion, peak pronation, and peak MLAA compared to normal and toe-out
running. Toe-out running, instead, increased these kinematic factors compared to normal and
toe-in running. Rearfoot in/eversion is not an appropriate surrogate to predict all supination/
pronation parameters. Our study provides new knowledge and lays the foundation for future
research into modifying atypical rearfoot in/eversion, subtalar supination/pronation, and
MLAA using gait retraining (toe-in and toe-out running) by real-time visual feedback during
running. Clinicians and researchers should take it into account that changes in FPA when run-
ning is accompanied by changes in lower limb joint biomechanics.
Supporting information
S1 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for foot progression angle (FPA).
S2 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for rearfoot eversion variables.
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S3 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for pronation variables.
S4 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for medial longitudinal arch angle.
S5 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for hip internal rotation.
S6 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for hip ab/adduction.
S7 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for hip flexion.
S8 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for knee flexion.
S9 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for ankle dorsiflexion.
S10 Fig. One-way repeated measure ANOVA results for peak ankle power.
We gratefully thank all participants for having volunteered to be part of this study.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Seyed Hamed Mousavi, Laurens van Kouwenhove, Reza Rajabi, Johannes
Zwerver, Juha M. Hijmans.
Data curation: Seyed Hamed Mousavi, Laurens van Kouwenhove, Reza Rajabi.
Formal analysis: Seyed Hamed Mousavi.
Funding acquisition: Seyed Hamed Mousavi, Reza Rajabi.
Methodology: Laurens van Kouwenhove.
Project administration: Seyed Hamed Mousavi, Johannes Zwerver, Juha M. Hijmans.
Software: Laurens van Kouwenhove.
Supervision: Laurens van Kouwenhove, Reza Rajabi, Johannes Zwerver, Juha M. Hijmans.
Visualization: Seyed Hamed Mousavi, Johannes Zwerver, Juha M. Hijmans.
Writing – original draft: Seyed Hamed Mousavi, Johannes Zwerver, Juha M. Hijmans.
Writing – review & editing: Seyed Hamed Mousavi, Laurens van Kouwenhove, Reza Rajabi,
Johannes Zwerver, Juha M. Hijmans.
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| The effect of changing foot progression angle using real-time visual feedback on rearfoot eversion during running. | 02-10-2021 | Mousavi, Seyed Hamed,van Kouwenhove, Laurens,Rajabi, Reza,Zwerver, Johannes,Hijmans, Juha M | eng |
Effect of a Wide Stance on Block Start
Performance in Sprint Running
Mitsuo Otsuka*, Toshiyuki Kurihara, Tadao Isaka
Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University, 1-1-1 Nojihigashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, 525–8577,
* [email protected]
This study aimed to clarify the effect of widened stance width at the set position during the
block start phase in sprint running on kinematics and kinetics at the hip joint and block-
induced power. Fourteen male sprinters volunteered to participate in this study. They per-
formed three block-start trials with a normal stance width (25 ± 1 cm, normal condition) and
a widened stance width (45 ± 2 cm, widened condition) at the set position. The block start
movements were recorded at 250 Hz with high-speed cameras and the ground reaction
forces at 1250 Hz with force plates. During the block phase in the widened condition, the hip
abduction and external rotation angles in both legs were significantly larger and smaller,
respectively, than those in the normal condition. The positive peak value of the hip power in
the rear leg was significantly greater in the widened condition than that in the normal condi-
tion. However, no significant difference was seen in the normalized block-induced power
between the widened and normal conditions. We conclude that a widened stance width at
the set position affects the hip-joint kinematics and rear hip power generation during the
block start phase, but no effect on the block-induced power when considering sprinting per-
formance during the whole block start phase.
During the pushing phase on starting blocks, the average value of external power in an anterior
direction to translate the whole-body centre of mass (COM; hereafter, block-induced power) is
important for a great performance in the 100-m dash [1,2]. This is associated with the exten-
sion of front and rear legs. Sprinters are permitted to adjust the anteroposterior position and
inclination of both starting blocks in accordance with the regulations for athletes [3]. Several
previous studies have clarified the effect of different body postures at the set position on the
subsequent sprinting motion during the block start phase [4–8]. For instance, relative to the
elongated start, bunched and medium starts shorten the pushing duration during the pushing
phase on the starting block, thereby shortening the subsequent sprinting time at 5 m and 10 m
[7,8]. This may be due to the optimal position of body segments, which enhances the power
generation of the lower limbs and block-induced power during the block start phase [4,5].
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Citation: Otsuka M, Kurihara T, Isaka T (2015) Effect
of a Wide Stance on Block Start Performance in
Sprint Running. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142230.
Editor: Miklos S. Kellermayer, Semmelweis
University, HUNGARY
Received: July 6, 2015
Accepted: October 18, 2015
Published: November 6, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Otsuka et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information files.
Funding: This work was supported by the Kozuki
Foundation 2011-9-1 to MO (
jigyou/spresearch/list2011_09_spres.html). The
funder had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of
the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Sprinters extend both legs during the block start phase from a bending position [2,9]. Peak
extension angular velocity of the front and rear hips, contributes to the block-induced power
during the block start phase, unlike that of the knee and ankle [2]. This rapid hip extension
might be associated with greater power generation at the hip joint, thereby providing greater
block-induced power during the block start phase. The hip power generation is larger than
those at the knee and ankle of the front and rear legs during the block start phase [5]. These
findings suggest that the hip extensor kinetics is a key contributor to high block-induced
power. This leg extension motion during the block start phase is similar to the double-legged
squat motion [10]. Biomechanical analysis of the squatting motion has revealed that lengthen-
ing the mediolateral distance between feet (140% of shoulder width) contributes to stronger
isometric contractions in lower limb muscles [11]. This widened stance width enhances the
mean electromyography value of the gluteus maximus during a squat [12–14]. The stance
width at the set position of the block start has been reported to be 23 ± 1 cm [15]; this is shorter
than the stance width in previous studies on widened stance width in squatting [11–14]. These
studies may indicate that a widened stance width during the block start phase would enhance
block-induced power during the block start phase attained by a greater hip joint power. Never-
theless, sprinters may not be able to select enough stance width at the set position for greater
block-induced power using the current competition blocks [3]. For instance, the mediolateral
width of starting blocks in overall dimension is 30 cm (RM-150, Seiko, Tokyo, Japan). This
width is narrower than the stance width in squats used to enhance muscle strength [11].
Thus, further investigation of squatting to block start is required to elucidate the effect of a
wide stance width on block-induced power. This information would help in reconsidering
block start rules [3], developing new starting block designs, and aiding sprinters in the appro-
priate placement of starting blocks in the future. This study aimed to clarify the effect of wid-
ened stance width at the set position during the block start phase on hip kinematics, hip
kinetics and block-induced power. Our hypotheses were as follows: 1) widened step width dur-
ing the block start phase would lead to sprinters changing their hip position and enhance
block-induced power attained by the high hip power generation, and 2) widened step width
during the block start phase would affect the relationship between changes in block-induced
power and those in the hip power generation.
Materials and Methods
Fourteen male sprinters (mean ± standard deviation [SD]; age: 21.1 ± 1.2 years, body mass:
64.5 ± 3.9 kg, height: 1.76 ± 0.04 m) volunteered to participate in this study. Three participants
were international-level sprinters, who were finalists in the National Championship. All partic-
ipants were sprint specialists with training experience of 6 years (8.4 ± 2.4 years), and the
average personal best 100-m time was 10.99 ± 0.40 s (range: 10.21–11.65 s).
The experimental protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee Involving Liv-
ing Human Subjects at Ritsumeikan University (BKC-human-2011-011). Each participant pro-
vided written informed consent before study participation. The individual in this manuscript
has given written informed consent (as outlined in PLOS consent form) to publish these case
Experimental procedure
The participants were asked to perform a 10-m sprint on an indoor track, exerting maximum
effort from a crouching position, with a widened (45 ± 2 cm, widened condition, Fig 1A, S1
Video) and normal (25 ± 1 cm, normal condition, Fig 1B, S2 Video) stance width (mediolateral
A Wide Stance on Block Start Performance
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distance between midpoints of first and fifth metatarsals of feet). The participants were
instructed to start after a gun signal by a starter [3]. The stance width in the widened condition
corresponded to 140% of shoulder width during a squat at widened stance width [11,13]. Each
participant performed three trials each with normal and widened stance width using their own
spike shoes, and the order of trials in both conditions was randomized. To reduce the effect of
body size and crouching position type on block performance, the anteroposterior distance of
the starting blocks was adjusted to 12% of each participant’s height (21 ± 1 cm) so as to be cor-
responded with the bunched start [7,8,16]. The anteroposterior distance between the feet in a
bunched start is closer to that of a squat motion relative to those of medium and elongated
starts. Throughout the experiment, the block angles of front and rear legs were set at 40° and
42°, respectively [4]. The starting blocks were securely anchored to the synthetic track surface
on two separate force plates (0.40 m × 0.60 m; TF-4060-B; Tech-Gihan, Inc., Kyoto, Japan).
Before the experimental trials, an appropriate 15-min warm-up including jogging and stretch-
ing and at least three sprints in each stance width condition were performed.
Data collection
Data on the participants’ sprinting movement and ground reaction force (GRF) during the
block start phase were captured simultaneously. A total of 36 retro-reflective markers sized 12
mm were attached on the pelvis and lower limbs, and the three-dimensional locations of the
markers were recorded using a 16-camera motion capture system (Raptor-E digital; Motion
Analysis Corporation, Santa Rosa, CA, USA) sampling at 250 Hz. The GRF data from legs
were separately measured by positioning a total of 2 force plates (TF-4060-B; Tech-Gihan, Inc.,
Kyoto, Japan), arranged in two rows of two each, sampling at 1250 Hz. The sprinting time was
measured based on signals from the gun (EP; Molten Inc, Hiroshima, Japan) and photocell
Fig 1. A postero-superior view of the set position during the block start phase. (A) Set position in the widened condition. (B) Set position in normal
A Wide Stance on Block Start Performance
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(E3G-R13; Omuron Inc., Kyoto, Japan) set at 2.0-m mark, and were synchronized with the
GRF data.
Data processing
GRF data were not filtered [17]. We used a vertical GRF threshold of 10 N to determine the
instant of take-off from the starting blocks. We then used these readings to divide the block
start phase into the double-stance and single-stance phases (Fig 2).
The marker trajectory data were filtered using a fourth-order, zero-lag, low-pass Butter-
worth filter, and the cut-off frequency was set at 10 Hz [15]. A 7-segment rigid body model
including the pelvis, thighs, shanks, and feet was created. The segmental data were calculated
using mass properties based on cadavers [18]. The locations of the center of mass and inertial
properties were obtained using a mathematical model [19].
For comparison between different sprinters, the dimensionless [20] normalized block-
induced power was considered as the best indicator of sprinting performance during the block
start phase (hereafter, normalized block-induced power) [1,2]. So as to clarify the relationship
between changes in block-induced power and those in the hip power generation, the dimen-
sionless normalized block-induced power (PN) was calculated as follows:
PN ¼ P=ðm g3=2l1=2Þ
where m is the mass of the sprinter, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and l is the leg length of
the sprinter. Block-induced power (P) was calculated as follows [1,2]:
P ¼ mðv2
f v2
i Þ=ð2 DtÞ
Fig 2. Definition of the double-leg and single-leg stance phases during the block start phase. The block start phase was divided into double-leg and
single-leg stance phases based on the instant of rear-leg take-off. The black solid line represents the pelvis and front leg, the black dashed line represents
the rear leg, and the grey line represents the other segments that were not analyzed in this study.
A Wide Stance on Block Start Performance
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where vi and vf are the anteroposterior velocities of COM at the start (here the vi = 0 m/s) and
end of the block start phase, respectively, and Δt is the pushing duration during the block start
phase. Here, the vf is equal to the GRF impulse of the anteroposterior component normalized
by body mass during the block start (hereafter, normalized anteroposterior impulse, IN). The
IN was calculated as follows [21]:
IN ¼
Z t2
apGRFSum dt=m
where t1 and t2 are the times at which force application begins and ends, respectively, and
apGRFSum is the anteroposterior component of the sum of GRFs from the legs during the block
start phase. The normalized front-block-induced power, normalized rear-block-induced
power, and normalized anteroposterior impulses in front and rear legs were calculated, after
adjusting for Eqs (1), (2) and (3) based on the number of force plates. Mean value of anteropos-
terior and mediolateral accelerations of COM during the block start phase (mean anteroposter-
ior acceleration (apCOMacc) and mean mediolateral acceleration (mlCOMacc), respectively)
was calculated as follows:
apCOMacc ¼ apGRFSum=m
mlCOMacc ¼ mlGRFSum=m
where apGRFSum and mlGRFSum are anteroposterior and mediolateral components of sum of
GRFs vector from the legs, respectively. Reaction time, pushing durations in front and rear legs
during the block start phase, sprint times up to 2.0 m with the reaction time were calculated.
Hip angle, moment and power data were calculated using an algorithm in Visual 3D
(v4.86.0; C-motion, Inc., Germantown, MD, USA). The locations of the center of rotation of
the hip [22], knee [23], and ankle [24] were estimated from anatomical landmarks using a pre-
dictive approach. In each pelvic [24], thigh [24], shank [23], and foot [24] anatomical coordi-
nate system, the x-axis represented the extension–flexion axis of segment rotation, the z-axis of
the distal frame represented the external–internal rotation axis, and the axis orthogonal to the
previous two at any given instant in time (y-axis) represented the abduction–adduction axis.
Hip extension, abduction, and external rotation angles of front and rear legs were calculated
using a hip joint coordinate system based on the x-y-z rotation sequence [24]. Knee and ankle
joint coordinate systems were created using methods of Grood and Suntay [23] and Wu et al.
[24], respectively. The hip extension moments of the front and rear/swing legs were calculated
using a standard inverse dynamics approach [25], and were normalized by body mass (Mhip):
positive value indicates extension moment whereas negative value indicates flexion moment.
The hip extension angular velocity (ωhip) was calculated by Winter’s method: positive value
indicates extension angular velocity whereas negative value indicates flexion angular velocity
[25]. The hip joint power (Phip) for all sprinters was calculated as follows:
Phip ¼ Mhipohip
Positive power results when the hip joint moment acts in the same direction as the angular
velocity of the hip joint (concentric action). Negative power results when the hip joint moment
acts in the opposite direction as the angular velocity of the hip joint (eccentric action). We used
cubic spline interpolation to normalize these values with respect to time, with 100% represent-
ing the time of the block start phase.
A Wide Stance on Block Start Performance
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Changes in normalized block-induced power were calculated (ΔNormalized block-induced
power), and changes in the normalized block-induced power by legs as well as changes in the
mean positive value of hip joint power in the widened condition relative to normal condition
were calculated at each double- and single-stance phases (ΔNormalized block-induced power,
ΔNormalized front-block-induced power, ΔNormalized rear-block-induced power, ΔFront-hip
power generation, and ΔRear-hip power generation, respectively). These changes of variables
in the widened condition relative to those normal condition (Δvar) were calculated as follows:
Dvar ½% ¼ ðvarW=varN 1Þ 100
where varW and varN are mean values of time-series variables during each phase in the widened
and normal conditions, respectively. Normalized block-induced powers in the two conditions
to calculate ΔNormalized block-induced, ΔNormalized front-block-induced and ΔNormalized
rear-block-induced powers were calculated adjusting Eqs (1), (2) and (3) based on the phase
and number of force plates. For instance, when calculating the block-induced power for ΔNor-
malized front-block-induced power during the double-stance phase in the widened condition,
vi is 0 m/s, vf is the anteroposterior impulse on a force plate exerted by the front foot divided by
body mass during the double-stance phase, and Δt is the duration during the double-stance
phase in the widened condition.
Statistical analysis
For all parameters, the mean value of all three trials in each condition was used for further anal-
ysis [2]. All parameters are shown as mean ± SD. We calculated the intraclass correlation coef-
ficient (ICC(1,3)) for all parameters among three trials. The Lilliefors test was used to assess
normality of variables. In the case of normally distributed samples, paired t-tests were used to
assess the differences in the variables, and in the remaining, the Wilcoxon test was used for
paired samples. Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was used to assess the relationships of
changes in variables. Two-way repeated-measure analysis of variance and the post-hoc tests
were used to assess the different effects of two conditions and legs on the variables (condition
[widened and normal] x leg [front and rear]). The level of significance was set at P < 0.05.
Table 1 shows the results of sprinting performance. Of the study participants, no significant
difference in normalized block-induced power was seen between the widened and normal con-
ditions (Fig 3). No significant difference was seen in the anteroposterior impulse, mean antero-
posterior acceleration, reaction time, and duration of the block start phase between the two
conditions. No significant difference was seen in the sprint time up to 2.0 m between the two
conditions. All ICC(1,3) in sprinting performance exceeded 0.700 expect for reaction time
(widened condition: ICC(1,3) = 0.626; normal condition (ICC(1,3) = 0.355).
The hip extension angle in the front leg was not significantly different between widened and
normal conditions during the double- and single-stance phases (Fig 4A). In contrast, the hip
extension angle of the rear leg in the widened condition was significantly larger than that in the
normal condition at the end of double-stance phase and the subsequent maximum extension
angle (Fig 4B). The hip abduction angle in both legs in the widened condition was significantly
larger than that in the normal condition during the block phase (Fig 4C and 4D). The hip
external rotation angle of both legs in the widened condition was significantly lesser than that
in the normal condition during the double-stance phase (Fig 4E and 4F).
No significant differences were seen in the hip extension moments in both legs during the
double-stance phase (Fig 5A and 5B), while the hip extension moment in the widened
A Wide Stance on Block Start Performance
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condition was less than that in normal condition at the end of the single-stance phase. While
no significant differences were seen in the hip extension angular velocity in the front leg during
the block start phase (Fig 5C), the peak values of the hip extension and flexion angular velocity
was significantly greater in the widened condition than that in the normal condition (Fig 5D).
While no significant differences were seen in the hip power of the front leg between two condi-
tions (Fig 5E), the positive peak value of the hip power of the rear leg in widened condition was
significantly larger than that in the normal condition during double–stance phase (Fig 5F).
ΔNormalized block-induced power during the block start phase significantly related to that
during the double-stance phase (r = 0.668; P < 0.01), but did not significantly relate to that
during the single-stance phase (r = −0.021; n.s.). During the double-stance phase, this ΔNor-
malized block-induced power significantly related to the ΔNormalized rear-block-induced
power (r = 0.793; P < 0.01), but did not significantly relate to the ΔNormalized front-block-
induced power (r = 0.390; n.s.). During the double-stance phase, ΔNormalized rear-block-
induced power significantly related to the ΔRear-hip power generation (r = 0.947; P < 0.01).
This study aimed to clarify the effect of widened stance width at the set position during the
block start phase in sprint running on kinematics and kinetics at the hip joint, and block-
induced power. During the block phase, the hip abduction and external rotation angles in both
legs and peak hip power generation in rear leg in the widened condition were significantly
changed compared to those in the normal condition. However, in the widened condition, no
significant changes in normalized block-induced power were seen compared to that in the
Table 1. Mean ± SD, range and reliability of sprinting performance during the block start phase and the subsequent sprinting time in widened and
normal conditions.
Widened condition
Normal condition
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
Normalized block-induced
Both legs
0.543 ± 0.051
0.539 ± 0.053
0.9 ± 5.3
Front leg
0.219 ± 0.023†
0.241 ± 0.042†
−7.5 ± 13.7†
Rear leg
0.130 ± 0.030*
0.113 ± 0.034
22.6 ± 37.0
Anteroposterior impulse
Both legs
3.20 ± 0.20
3.20 ± 0.18
−0.1 ± 2.3
Front leg
2.03 ± 0.11*†
2.14 ± 0.14†
−4.6 ± 5.9†
Rear leg
1.15 ± 0.16*
1.05 ± 0.22
12.1 ± 18.7
Pushing duration during the
block start phase (s)
Both legs
0.330 ± 0.025
0.334 ± 0.031
−0.9 ± 4.5
Front leg
0.330 ± 0.025†
0.334 ± 0.031†
−0.9 ± 4.5
Rear leg
0.180 ± 0.023
0.175 ± 0.034
3.7 ± 8.7
Mean anteroposterior
acceleration (m/s2)
9.73 ± 0.59
9.65 ± 0.72
1.0 ± 4.6
Mean mediolateral
acceleration (m/s2)
−0.70 ± 0.47*
−0.57 ± 0.41
50.0 ± 65.1
Reaction time (s)
0.180 ± 0.023
0.179 ± 0.016
0.6 ± 9.0
Sprint time up to 2 m (s)
0.810 ± 0.043
0.797 ± 0.046
1.7 ± 5.1
*Significant difference from normal condition (P < 0.05).
†,§ Significant difference from rear leg (P < 0.05).
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normal condition. This suggests that the response to widened stance width on the normalized
block-induced power was not remarkable.
Previous studies have reported a significant effect of body posture in the sagittal plane on
block performance [5,7,8]. A lower block angle (40°) leads sprinters to a 3.6% higher block-
induced impulse than a higher block angle (65°) [5]. Other previous study has reported that
the duration during the block start phase of the elongated start was 9.8% and 11.6% longer
than that of medium and bunched starts, respectively [7]. In this study, the hip abduction and
internal rotation angles of the front and rear legs during the double-stance phase were larger
with a widened stance width than with a normal stance width; therefore, there was a change in
the body position. However, no significant difference was seen in the sprinting performance,
including the normalized block-induced power during the block start (−0.9 ± 5.2%), between
the widened and normal conditions. These suggest that the changes in the set position that are
related to the stance width have a lesser effect on the block performance relative to those related
to the anteroposterior position and block angles.
We focused specifically on the hip power generation, which is considered as the key power
for enhancing normalized block-induced power in lower limbs, rather than the power at the
knee and ankle [2,5]. During the double-stance phase, the hip joint in the front and rear legs
were generated power to induce hip extension, and during the single-stance phase, the hip in
the rear leg was generated power to induce hip flexion. This was corresponding with the find-
ings of the previous studies [5,9]. When the stance width is increased from narrow to wide dur-
ing the squatting motion, the hip extensor muscle activity [12–14,26] and the maximum
strength in lower limbs [11] increase. Demura et al. [11] compared the leg muscle strength
Fig 3. Normalized block-induced power in widened and normal conditions. The bold solid line indicates
the mean value of normalized block-induced power in all participants, and the thin dashed lines indicate the
normalized block-induced power in each participant (n = 14).
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Fig 4. Changes in the hip angles during the block start phase normalized with respect to time. (A) Hip extension angles in front leg. (B) Hip extension
angle in rear leg. (C) Hip abduction angle in front leg. (D) Hip abduction angle in rear leg. (E) Hip external rotation angle in front leg. (F) Hip external rotation
angle in rear leg. The black and grey lines indicate the mean (bold) ± SD (thin) of the time-series data of the front and rear/swing legs in widened and normal
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between narrow (5 cm) and wide (140% width of the shoulders) stance widths in a squat. They
found that the exerted maximum lower limb force in wide stance width was greater than that
in narrow stance width. Similarly, in this study, the peak power generation at the hip in the
rear leg was greater during the double-stance phase in the widened condition than that in the
normal condition. This was due to enhancing the hip extension angular velocity in the rear leg.
During the double-stance phase in the widened condition, hip in the rear leg was abducted and
internally rotated, which was not the case in the normal condition. Perhaps this changed a
property of the muscle contraction in hip extensor muscles during the double-stance phase
and enhanced the muscle’s contraction velocity, which associates with the hip extension angu-
lar velocity, in the widened condition. In addition, the ΔRear-hip power generation was signifi-
cantly associated with the ΔRear-block-induced normalized block-induced power, indicating
that our second hypothesis was accepted in the rear leg. This suggests that those who preferred
a widened stance width at the set position could increase the hip power generation in the rear
leg by the optimal hip position and could enhance the normalized block-induced power during
the double-stance phase. These findings supported the previous study demonstrating the
importance of the rear leg [2].
However, when considering sprinting performance during the whole block start phase, no sig-
nificant difference was seen in all sprinting performances between the two conditions. The block
start phase involves the single-stance phase in which sprinters have to generate power with sin-
gle-leg stance, in contrast to the squat motion. Therefore, it can be considered that during the sin-
gle-stance phase in the widened condition, sprinters must push the block to a different direction
relative to the normal condition. Indeed, mean mediolateral acceleration was less in the widened
condition than in the normal condition, suggesting that the sprinter’s COM leaned toward the
first step (rear leg) side during the single-stance phase. Thus, our first hypothesis in this study
was rejected and did not correspond with the findings for the squatting position [11].
There are two limitations in this study. First, the number of combinations among stance
width, block angles, and anteroposterior distance were limited for the starting blocks. The stan-
dardized set up was prepared with block angles and anteroposterior distance between the
blocks. Therefore, each sprinter probably was not allowed to create their individual optimal set
up for the starting blocks and probably could not perform their best block start in the normal
condition. Moreover, the stance width in block start was not normalized by each participant’s
body characteristics in the normal or widened conditions. We did not perform normalizations
by body characteristics because the same stance width is conventionally used for all sprinters in
competitive races, which is corresponded with that in normal condition. These might affect
sprinting performance during the block start phase, changes in variables in the widened condi-
tion relative to the normal condition, and reliability of the results. However, the number of exper-
imental trials should be small because the participant cannot repeatedly perform the sprint starts
with maximal effort (no more than six trials) [27]. We could prepared only two conditions at the
set position during the block start phase, and participant performed a total of six block-start tri-
als. This was because of the unavoidable number of conditions as the block start experiment. Sec-
ond, this study was conducted without the familiarization with the widened stance width in the
block start. All participants were sprint specialists with enough training experience, suggesting
that they were familiar with the set position in the normal condition relative to the widened
conditions. These angles at the initial and end instants of double- and single-leg phases and at the instant when the peak value occurs were compared
between the two conditions. Significant differences between the two conditions are shown as * (P < 0.05). Significant difference between the front and rear
legs in widened condition are shown as † (P < 0.05) and that in normal condition are shown as § (P < 0.05). The vertical dashed line indicates the instant of
rear leg take-off during the block start phase.
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Fig 5. Changes in the hip moment, angular velocity, and joint power normalized with respect to time. (A) Hip extension moment in front leg. (B) Hip
extension moment in rear leg. (C) Hip extension angular velocity in front leg. (D) Hip extension angular velocity in rear leg. (E) Hip joint power in front leg. (F)
Hip joint power in rear leg. The black and grey lines indicate the mean (bold) ± SD (thin) of the time-series data of the front and rear/swing legs in widened and
A Wide Stance on Block Start Performance
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condition. Even with extensive training in the widened condition before the experimental trial,
the normal condition would be optimal to enhance the block-induced power relative to the wid-
ened condition. Despite these limitations, we have reported some new information that can serve
as baseline data for future studies on developing the newly designed starting block.
In conclusion, a widened stance width at set position which we prepared in this study
affected the hip-joint kinematics in both legs and hip power generation in the rear leg during
the block start phase. However, when considering sprinting performance during the whole
block start phase, there were no significant effect of the widened stance width on block-induced
power and the subsequent sprint time.
Supporting Information
S1 Video. Trial in the widened condition.
S2 Video. Trial in the normal condition.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: MO. Performed the experiments: MO. Analyzed the
data: MO. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MO TI. Wrote the paper: MO TK TI.
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| Effect of a Wide Stance on Block Start Performance in Sprint Running. | 11-06-2015 | Otsuka, Mitsuo,Kurihara, Toshiyuki,Isaka, Tadao | eng |
Heavy strength training improves running and cycling
performance following prolonged submaximal work in
well-trained female athletes
Olav Vikmoen1, Bent R. Rønnestad1, Stian Ellefsen1 & Truls Raastad2
1 Section for Sport Sciences, Lillehammer University College, Lillehammer, Norway
2 Deparment of Physical Performance, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway
Concurrent training, cycling economy,
prolonged cycling, prolonged running,
running economy.
Olav Vikmoen; Norwegian Defence Research
Establishment (FFI), PO Box 26 N-2027
Kjeller, Norway.
Tel: +47 63807825
Fax: +47 63807892
Funding information
This work was supported by grant 203961
from the Regional Science Fund - Innlandet
of Norway.
Received: 10 January 2017; Accepted: 11
January 2017
doi: 10.14814/phy2.13149
Physiol Rep, 5 (5), 2017, e13149,
doi: 10.14814/phy2.13149
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of adding heavy
strength training to female duathletes’ normal endurance training on both
cycling and running performance. Nineteen well-trained female duathletes
54 3 ml∙kg1∙min1,
53 3 ml∙kg1∙min1) were randomly assigned to either normal endurance
training (E, n = 8) or normal endurance training combined with strength
training (E+S, n = 11). The strength training consisted of four lower body
exercises [3 9 4-10 repetition maximum (RM)] twice a week for 11 weeks.
Running and cycling performance were assessed using 5-min all-out tests, per-
formed immediately after prolonged periods of submaximal work (3 h cycling
or 1.5 h running). E+S increased 1RM in half squat (45 22%) and lean
mass in the legs (3.1 4.0%) more than E. Performance during the 5-min
all-out test increased in both cycling (7.0 4.5%) and running (4.7 6.0%)
in E+S, whereas no changes occurred in E. The changes in running perfor-
mance were different between groups. E+S reduced oxygen consumption and
heart rate during the final 2 h of prolonged cycling, whereas no changes
occurred in E. No changes occurred during the prolonged running in any
group. Adding strength training to normal endurance training in well-trained
female duathletes improved both running and cycling performance when
tested immediately after prolonged submaximal work.
During the last decade, increased attention has been given
to the effects of adding strength training to endurance
athletes’ normal training on running and cycling perfor-
mance (e.g., Paavolainen et al. 1999; Aagaard et al. 2011;
Ronnestad et al. 2011; Sedano et al. 2013). Improvements
in performance have been reported in both running (Paa-
volainen et al. 1999; Storen et al. 2008; Sedano et al.
2013; Damasceno et al. 2015) and cycling (Koninckx
et al. 2010; Ronnestad et al. 2010a; Aagaard et al. 2011;
Ronnestad et al. 2015). However, the literature is far from
conclusive, and numerous studies do not report such
improvements in neither running (Ferrauti et al. 2010;
Roschel et al. 2015) nor cycling (Bishop et al. 1999; Basti-
aans et al. 2001; Levin et al. 2009). Some methodological
differences may explain these equivocal findings. To posi-
strength training regime needs to involve heavy loads,
typically between 10 and 4 repetition maximum (RM)
(Koninckx et al. 2010; Ronnestad et al. 2010a; Aagaard
et al. 2011; Ronnestad et al. 2015). To improve running
performance on the other hand, both explosive, plyomet-
ric and heavy strength training seems effective (Paavolai-
nen et al. 1999; Sedano et al. 2013; Damasceno et al.
2015). To the best of our knowledge, only one study has
ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
Page 1
Physiological Reports ISSN 2051-817X
investigated the effect of strength training on performance
in both cycling and running in the same athletes. This
study reported increased time to exhaustion at VO2max in
both cycling and running (Hickson et al. 1988). However,
the study did not include an endurance training only
group, and therefore the results should be interpreted
with caution.
The observation that somewhat different strength train-
ing regimes affect performance in cycling and running
indicates that some of the performance-enhancing mecha-
nisms may differ between these sports. Suggested mecha-
nisms by which strength training can improve cycling and
running performance include changes in rate of force
development, changes in tendon stiffness, changes in
movement mechanics, and changes in muscular character-
istics such as increased muscle strength, muscle mass, and
et al.
Ronnestad and Mujika 2014). Some of these factors may
be important for performance in both running and
cycling, whereas other mechanisms may affect perfor-
mance differently in these sports. For example, in run-
ning, the stretch-shortening cycle in each stride enables
the possibility to store and recoil elastic energy, whereas
in cycling, the possibilities to take advantage of stored
elastic energy is negligible. Consequently, a factor such as
muscle-tendon stiffness may play a role for running per-
formance, but likely not for cycling performance. On the
other hand, a factor like improved anaerobic capacity
should affect performance to the same degree in both
running and cycling.
Road races in cycling often consist of a long initial
period of cycling at a moderate intensity, followed by an
all-out performance at the end. Even though running
competitions are ran at a more even pace, they are also
often decided with an all-out effort in the end. During
such efforts, a quite large proportion of the energy
demand will come from anaerobic sources (Gastin 2001).
Therefore, performance during a relatively short test will
in addition to VO2max and other aerobic parameters also
be largely influenced by anaerobic capacity. Muscle mass is
an important determinant of anaerobic capacity (Bangsbo
et al. 1993). We have previously reported increased CSA of
m. quadriceps femoris after 11 weeks of heavy strength
increased mean and peak power during the Wingate test
(Vikmoen et al. 2016a). This indicates improved anaerobic
capacity in the same athletes included in this study. There-
fore, performance in a quite short performance test should
be positively affected by this strength training regime. In
addition to increased muscle CSA, changes in protein levels
and expression of genes coding for proteins that are
involved in the anaerobic metabolism might contribute to
increased anaerobic performance.
Performance in an all-out effort at the end of long
competitions should also be affected by the fatigue devel-
oped during the competition. In Ronnestad et al. (2011),
such performance was simulated by 3 h of submaximal
cycling followed by a 5-min all-out test. Power output
during the 5-min all-out test was improved following
12 weeks of heavy strength training in well-trained male
cyclists. This was related to improved cycling economy
and reduced physiological strain during the final hour of
the submaximal trial, leaving the strength-trained athletes
less fatigued before the 5-min all-out test (Ronnestad
et al. 2011). However, no previous study has assessed
effects of heavy strength training on all-out performance
following a prolonged submaximal work or physiological
responses during prolonged submaximal running.
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate
the effects of 11 weeks of heavy strength training on
5-min all-out performance after separate trials of pro-
longed submaximal work in both running and cycling
and on physiological responses during the prolonged
work. We especially wanted to identify performance-
enhancing mechanisms after strength training which acts
similarly and differently on cycling and running perfor-
We hypothesized that the addition of heavy strength
training would result in improved 5-min all-out perfor-
mance in both cycling and running. Furthermore, we
hypothesized that changes in 5-min all-out performance
would be related to improved work economy during the
prolonged trials and to changes related to anaerobic
capacity such as increased muscle mass and changes in
expression of genes that are involved in anaerobic pro-
cesses. We also anticipated that some of the underlying
mechanisms for improved work economy would differ
between running and cycling.
Ethical approval
The study was approved by the Local Ethics Committee
at Lillehammer University College. Written informed con-
sent was obtained from all athletes prior to inclusion, and
the study was carried out in accordance with the Declara-
tion of Helsinki.
Twenty-eight female duathletes who fulfilled at least two
of Jeukendrup et al. (2000) training and race status
descriptions of a well-trained athlete were recruited to
this study. None of the athletes had performed systematic
strength training for the last 12 months leading up to the
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
Page 2
ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
O. Vikmoen et al.
study. The athletes were matched on VO2max and ran-
domly assigned to either adding heavy strength training
to the ongoing endurance training (E + S, n = 14) or
endurance training only (E, n = 14). During the study,
three athletes in E + S left the project for reasons unre-
lated to the project protocol: one because of an injury,
one because of a prolonged period of illness during the
last part of the intervention and one because of other
medical reasons. In E, six athletes left the study for rea-
sons unrelated to the project protocol (injuries from bicy-
cle crash, pregnancy, and lack of time). Therefore, the
final numbers of athletes in E + S and E were 11 and 8,
Experimental overview
This study is part of a larger study investigating the effects
of heavy strength training on various aspects of cycling and
running performance. The effect on time-trial performance
and traditional performance determinants in cycling and
running has been previously reported (Vikmoen et al.
2016a,b). Whenever data from these studies are utilized for
correlation purposes or otherwise, it will be clearly speci-
fied. The strength training program for the E+S group con-
sisted of two strength training sessions per week and lasted
for 11 weeks (during the competition period from April to
July). The testing before and after the intervention period
was organized in five test days. During pretests, test day 1
consisted of biopsy sampling from m. vastus lateralis for
determination of muscle fiber type composition and
mRNA expression of genes related to fat and anaerobic
metabolism. Test day 2 consisted of a VO2max test in
cycling followed by 1RM test in half squat. Test day 3 con-
sisted of a VO2max test in running. Test day 4 consisted of a
prolonged submaximal running trial followed by a 5-min
all-out test. Test day 5 consisted of a prolonged submaxi-
mal cycle trial followed by a 5-min all-out test. There were
at least 7 days between day 1 and 2 and 3–7 days between
the remaining test days. After the intervention period, the
only difference in test order was that muscle biopsies were
taken on the last test day.
Endurance training duration and intensity were calculated
based on heart rate (HR) recordings. Endurance training
was divided into three HR zones: (1) 60%–82%, (2)
83%–87%, and (3) 88%–100% of maximal HR. For
detailed information on endurance training characteris-
tics, see Vikmoen et al. (2016a). Briefly, there were no
significant differences between groups in their average
between intensity zones.
The heavy strength training for the E + S groups tar-
geted leg muscles and were performed twice per week
during the 11-week intervention period. Adherence to the
strength training was high, with E + S athletes completing
21.4 1.0 (range 19–22) of the planned 22 strength
training sessions. The strength training program was per-
formed as reported in Vikmoen et al. (2016a). Briefly,
each strength training session consisted of four leg exer-
cises: half squat in a smith machine, leg press with one
leg at a time, standing one-legged hip flexion, and ankle
plantar flexion. Three sets were performed per exercise.
An investigator supervised the athletes at all workouts
during the first 2 weeks and at least one workout per
week thereafter. During weeks 1–3, athletes trained with
10RM sets at the first session and 6RM sets at the second
session. These alternating loads were adjusted to 8RM
and 5RM during weeks 4–6, and was further adjusted to
6RM and 4RM during weeks 7–11. The athletes were
throughout the intervention period and they were allowed
assistance on the last repetition.
Physical performance tests
The athletes were instructed to refrain from intense exer-
cise the day preceding testing and to prepare for the tests
as they would have done for a competition. This included
consuming the same type of meal at the same time as
they would do if the test was a regular competition. Fur-
thermore, the participants were instructed to replicate the
preparation before every test. All cycling tests were per-
formed on a electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer
(Lode Excalibur Sport, Lode B. V., Groningen, The
Netherlands), which was adjusted according to each ath-
between tip of seat and bottom bracket, and handlebar
position. During all cycling tests the ergometer was in a
cadence-independent mode (constant watt-production);
so, the power output was not affected by the cyclists‘ cho-
sen cadence. The running tests were performed on a
motor-driven treadmill (Woodway Desmo Evo, Wauke-
sha, WI). The inclination of the treadmill was set to 5.3%
at all tests. All testing were performed under similar envi-
ronmental conditions (18–20°C).
VO2max in cycling
The cycling VO2max test protocol utilized in this study
and its results has been described elsewhere (Vikmoen
et al. 2016a). Briefly, the test was initiated with 1-min
cycling at a power output of 100 W that was subsequently
increased by 25 W every minute until exhaustion. VO2
ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
Page 3
O. Vikmoen et al.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
computerized metabolic system with mixing chamber
(Oxycon Pro, Erich Jaeger, Hoechberg, Germany). The
gas analyzers were calibrated with certified calibration
gases of known concentrations before every test. The flow
turbine (Triple V, Erich Jaeger, Hoechberg, Germany)
was calibrated before every test with a 3 l, 5530 series,
calibration syringe (Hans Rudolph, Kansas City, USA).
VO2max was calculated as the average of the two highest
30 sec VO2 measurements. Peak cycling performance dur-
ing the test (Wmax) was calculated as the mean power
output during the last 2 min of the incremental test. After
the test, blood [la] and HRpeak was noted. [La] were
analyzed in whole blood with a Lactate Pro LT-1710
analyzer (Arcray Inc., Kyoto, Japan). RPE was recorded
using the Borg scale (Borg, 1982). HR was measured
using a Polar S610i heart rate monitor (Polar, Kempele,
Prolonged submaximal cycling followed by a
5-min all-out cycling test
The prolonged cycling lasted for 180 min on a power
output corresponding to 44% of Wmax (111 9 W and
116 8 W in E + S and E, respectively). The same abso-
lute power output was utilized post intervention. VO2
and HR were determined during 3-min periods every
30th min throughout the prolonged cycling and RPE and
[la] were measured every 30th min. Average values for
each hour were calculated and used for statistical analyses.
Athletes were allowed to occasionally stand in the pedals
during the prolonged cycling, but not during the 3-min
periods of measurements and not during the final 5-min
all-out test. Athletes were allowed to consume water and
a sport drink containing 60 g/L carbohydrates, ad libitum,
in order to maintain fluid balance and mimic race condi-
tions. The amount of sport drink consumed were similar
between groups and from pre to post (across groups, val-
ues were 1.24 0.57 L and 1.26 0.59 L, respectively).
After conclusion of the prolonged cycling, athletes were
allowed a 3-min rest before a 5-min all-out test for deter-
mination of cycling performance. During the first minute
of the test, the power output was set by the investigators.
This individual selected power output was based on pilot
work and corresponded to 85% of Wmax. Thereafter, the
control unit for the power output was put next to
the ergometer and the athletes were allowed to adjust the
power output themselves with the instruction to cycle at
the highest average power output as possible. The partici-
pant received feedback regarding power output and
elapsed time, but not HR or cadence. Performance was
measured as the mean power output during the 5-min
all-out test. At the posttest, one athlete in E + S had to
withdraw during the prolonged test due to pain in the
hip. Therefore, the final numbers included in the statisti-
cal analysis of these tests are 10 in E + S and 8 in E.
VO2max in running
The VO2max test protocol utilized in this study and its
results have been described elsewhere (Vikmoen et al.
2016b). Briefly, the test was initiated with 1-min running
at 8 kmh1 that was subsequently increased by 1 kmh1
every minute until exhaustion. VO2max was calculated as
the average of the two highest 30 sec VO2 measurements.
Peak running performance during the test (Vmax) was cal-
culated as the mean running velocity during the last
2 min of the incremental test.
Prolonged submaximal running followed by a
5-min all-out running test
The prolonged running lasted for 90 min at a speed cor-
(7.7 0.4 kmh1
7.9 0.3 kmh1 in E + S and E, respectively). Each par-
ticipant ran at the same absolute speed at both pretrial
and posttrial. VO2 and HR were measured during 3-min
periods every 15th min throughout the prolonged run-
ning and RPE and [la] were measured every 15th min.
Average values for each 30-min period were calculated
and used for statistical analyses. The athletes were allowed
to consume water and a sport drink containing 60 gL1
carbohydrates, ad libitum, in order to maintain fluid bal-
ance. The amount of sport drink consumed was similar
between groups and from pre to post (across groups val-
ues were 0.76 0.27 L and 0.72 0.24 L, respectively).
After conclusion of the prolonged running, the athletes
were allowed a 3-min rest before a 5-min all-out test was
performed for determination of running performance.
During the first minute of the test, the speed was set by
the investigators. This individual selected speed was based
on pilot work and corresponded to 85% of Vmax. There-
after, the athletes were allowed to adjust the speed them-
selves with the instruction to run as fast as possible. The
athletes received feedback on speed and elapsed time, but
not HR or distance. Performance was measured as the
distance covered during the 5-min all-out test.
1RM tests
Approximately 20 min after termination of the cycling
VO2max test, maximal strength in the legs was tested as
1RM in half squat. The 1RM protocol used has been
described elsewhere (Vikmoen et al. 2016a). Briefly, the
1RM test started with a specific warm-up, consisting of
three sets with gradually increasing load (40, 75, and 85%
of expected 1RM) and decreasing number of repetitions
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
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ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
O. Vikmoen et al.
(10?6?3). The first attempt was performed with a load
approximately 5% below the expected 1RM. If a lift was
successful, the load was increased by approximately 5%.
The test was terminated when the athletes failed to lift
the load in 2–3 attempts and the highest successful load
lifted was noted as 1RM. Athletes were given a 3-min rest
between lifts.
Lean mass in the legs
Lean mass in the legs (LegLM) was determined by
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry using a Lunar Prodigy
densiometer (Prodigy Advance PA+302047, Lunar, San
Francisco, CA, USA). The athletes were instructed to
refrain from training for the 24 h leading up to the mea-
surement. They were also instructed to not ingest any
food or liquid for the 3 h preceding the measurement.
The same trained technician performed all DXA scans on
each participant. Care was taken to position the body at
the same location at each measurement.
Muscle biopsy sampling
Muscle biopsies were sampled from m. vastus lateralis
using the Bergstr€om procedure and treated as previously
described (Vikmoen et al. 2016a). An appropriately sized
muscle sample was excised and selected for quantitative
weight SD: 38 7 mg), and a similarly sized sample
was selected for immunohistochemical analyses (average
wet weight SD: 34 13 mg). Pre- and post-biopsies
were sampled at the same time of day for each particular
athlete. Athletes were instructed to refrain from physical
activity during the last 24 h before biopsy sampling and
not to ingest any food the 3 h preceding the biopsy. Biop-
sies for qRT-PCR analyses were immersed immediately in
RNAlater and treated according to manufacturers’ proto-
col before storage at 80°C (Ambion, Foster City, CA).
formaldehyde fixated (Chemi-teknik AS, Oslo, Norway).
Muscle biopsy analyses
Protocols for immunohistochemical analyses of muscle fiber
type composition and the results have been presented else-
where (Vikmoen et al. 2016a). Briefly, formalin-fixed muscle
biopsies were paraffin-embedded and sectioned, whereupon
transverse, serial sections were labeled for MyHCI (A4.840,
H. Blau, Stanford, USA; Developmental Studies Hybridoma
Bank), MyHCIIA (EPR5280, Nordic Biosite), and MyHCIIX
(6H1, C Lucas, Sydney, Australia; Developmental Studies
Hybridoma Bank). Determination of muscle fiber composi-
tion was performed using Photoshop CS6 Extended (Adobe,
San Jose, CA). The investigator performing the image analy-
ses were blinded as to which group the athlete belonged.
Muscle fibers that were positive for both MyHCIIA and
MyHCIIX are referred to as muscle fiber type IIAX-IIX (Vik-
moen et al. 2016a). Because of technical problems with some
analyses, the number of individuals in the immunohisto-
chemistry data is eight in E + S and eight in E.
Gene expression
Gene expression was assessed for genes involved in fatty
acid oxidation and anaerobic energy metabolism. Primer
design, RNA extraction, quantitative PCR (qPCR), and
evaluation of the stability of reference genes was per-
formed as previously described (Ellefsen et al. 2014). b2-
microglobulin and ribosomal protein L32 were found to
be the two most stable references genes and were utilized
for calculation of normalization factors using GeNorm,
which were in turn utilized for calculation of target gene
expression. All genes with associated primers are presented
in Table 1.
All data in the text, figures, and tables are presented as
mean standard deviation, unless otherwise stated. Prior
to statistical testing, gene expression were log2-trans-
formed to maximize the likelihood of normal distribution.
Unpaired students t-tests were used to test for differ-
ences between groups at pre and post, and differences in
changes from pre to post, except for evaluating responses
during the prolonged trials. Within-group analyses were
performed using paired t-tests except for evaluating
responses during the prolonged trials.
To evaluate changes in responses during the prolonged
trials within groups (pre to post) a two-way repeated
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) (time of inter-
vention period and time during the prolonged trials as
factors) with Sidek-Holm post hoc test was performed.
To evaluate differences in changes in the responses during
the prolonged trials between the groups, a two-way
repeated measures ANOVA (changes from pre to post in
each group and time point during the prolonged trial as
factors) with Sidek-Holm post hoc test were performed.
In addition, effect sizes for the key performance and
physiological adaptations were calculated to compare the
practical significance between the two groups. Effects size
were calculated as Cohen’s d and the criteria to inter-
pret the magnitude were the following: 0–0.2 =
0.2–0.6 =
small, 0.6–1.2 =
moderate, 1.2–2.0 =
and ˃2 = very large (Hopkins et al. 2009).
ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
Page 5
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Strength Training and Endurance Performance
Correlations analyses were done using the Pearson pro-
duct-moment method and correlations coefficients were
interpreted according to Hopkins et al. (2009); r ˂ 0.1
trivial, 0.1–0.3 =
small, 0.3–0.5 =
moderate, 0.5–0.7 =
large, 0.7–0.9 =
very large, 0.9 =
nearly perfect, and
1.0 = perfect.
Analyses were performed in GraphPad Prism 6 (Graph-
Pad Software Inc., CA) and Excel 2013 (Microsoft Corpo-
ration, Redmon, WA). All analyses resulting in P ≤ 0.05
were considered statistically significant.
There were no significant differences between E + S and
E at preintervention in any of the measured variables.
Body mass, maximal strength, and legLM
62.4 5.2 kg,
63.1 5.6 kg),
reduced in E (pre: 65.6 8.4 kg, post: 64.8 8.0 kg
P < 0.05).
between groups (P < 0.05).
E + S increased 1RM in half squat with 45 22%
(P < 0.01), while no change occurred in E (3 10%,
P = 0.52, Fig. 1). The change in 1RM was larger in E + S
than in E (P < 0.01) and the ES analysis revealed a very
large practical effect of E + S compared to E (ES = 2.4).
LegLM increased in E + S with 3.1 4.0% (P < 0.05),
while it decreased in E with 2.2 2.1% (P < 0.05,
Fig. 1). The change in legLM was larger in E + S than in
E (P < 0.01) with a large practical effect of E + S com-
pared to E (ES = 1.69).
Because of the reduced body mass in E, all VO2 mea-
surements are presented as body mass adjusted values.
Since power output measured using cycling ergometers
does not correctly reflect the influence of body mass on
outdoor cycling performance, especially during uphill
cycling (Anton et al. 2007), power outputs measurements
are reported as body mass adjusted values (Wkg1).
However, running at a treadmill is influenced by body
Table 1. Details of primers used for RT-qPCR.
Forward primer
Reverse Primer
LDHA, lactate dehydrogenase A; LDHB, lactate dehydrogenase B; MCT1, monocarboxylate transporter 1; MCT4, monocarboxylate transporter
4; PFKM, phosphofructokinase; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; CPT2, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2; SLC 25, carnitine/
acylcarnitine translocase, member 20.
1Genes involved in anaerobic energy metabolism.
2Genes involved in fatty acid oxidation.
Figure 1. Individual values (dotted lines) and mean values (solid
lines) before (Pre) and after (Post) the intervention period for
athletes adding strength training to their normal endurance training
(E+S, n = 11) and athletes performing normal endurance training
only (E, n = 8). A: Lean mass in the legs. B: one repetition
maximum (RM) in squat. * Different than pre (P ˂ 0.05), # the
percent change from pre is different in E + S than in E (P ˂ 0.05).
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
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ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
O. Vikmoen et al.
mass to the same degree as outdoor running (McMiken
and Daniels 1976); so, no body mass adjustments are
done on the reported running distances.
Muscle fiber type composition
The effect of the present intervention on fiber type com-
position has been previously reported (Vikmoen et al.
2016a). In brief, there was a reduction in the proportions
of fibers positive for both IIA and IIX MyHC from
9 7% to 0% in E+S (P < 0.01) with a concomitant
increase in type IIA fibers proportions from 39 13% to
51 10% (P < 0.01).
Gene expression
Of the nine genes investigated, only mRNA levels for
1.8 0.5
1.2 0.3–fold, respectively, in E + S (P < 0.05). The
remainder of the genes did not change expression in
response to the intervention (Fig. 2).
VO2max and Wmax/Vmax
The effect of the intervention used in this study on
VO2max and Wmax/Vmax has been previously described
(Vikmoen et al. 2016a,b). In brief, VO2max in both cycling
and running and Wmax/Vmax were unchanged in both
groups during the intervention period.
Responses during the prolonged trials
The physiological responses during the prolonged trials are
displayed in Table 2 and their percent changes are dis-
played in Figure 3. After the intervention, E + S reduced
VO2 during the last two hours of the prolonged cycling trial
(P ˂ 0.05) with no changes in E. The changes during the
(P ˂ 0.05). In addition, the effect size analysis revealed a
large practical effect of E + S compared to E during the last
hour of the trial (ES = 1.2). There were no changes in VO2
for neither E + S nor E during the prolonged running.
E + S had a reduced HR throughout the prolonged
cycling after the intervention (P ˂ 0.05), while E had a
reduced HR during the first hour only (P ˂ 0.05). There
was a moderate practical effect of E + S compared to E
during the last hour of the trial (ES = 1.12). The correla-
tion between changes in VO2 and HR during the last
hour of the prolonged cycling was large (r = 0.59). Both
E+S and E had a reduced HR during the entire prolonged
running trial after the intervention period (P ˂ 0.05).
There was no difference in changes between the groups.
Compared to the pretrial, RPE was lower during the
last hour of prolonged cycling for E + S and lower during
the last two hours for E (P ˂ 0.05). However, there were
no differences in changes between the groups. RPE did
not change during the prolonged running. There were no
changes in RER in neither of the groups during the pro-
longed trial in both cycling and running. In cycling,
cadence did not change in either group during the
5-min all-out tests
After the intervention, the mean power output during the
7.0 4.5%
(P < 0.05) in E+S with no change in E (3.3 7.1%,
P = 0.27 Fig. 4). The difference between the groups was
not statistically significant, but the practical effect of
E + S compared to E was moderate (ES = 0.62). E + S
Figure 2. Log2-fold change in mRNA expression for genes involved in fat transport and anaerobic metabolism during the intervention period
for athletes adding strength training to their normal endurance training (E + S, n = 11) and athletes performing normal endurance training only
(E, n = 8). * Different than pre (P ˂ 0.05). Values are mean 95% CI.
ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
Page 7
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Strength Training and Endurance Performance
increased running distance in the 5-min all-out running
test by 4.7 6.0% (P < 0.05) with no change in E
(0.6 5.0%, Fig. 4). The increase in running distance
was larger in E + S than in E (P = 0.05), and the practi-
E + S
(ES = 0.95). Correlation analyses revealed a large correla-
tion between change in all-out cycling performance and
Wmax (r = 0.54, P ˂ 0.05) and between all-out running
performance and Vmax (r = 0.53, P ˂ 0.05). There was a
large correlation between change in all-out performance
and the training induced change in IIAX-IIX fibers in
cycling (r = 0.54, P ˂ 0.05, Fig. 5) and in running
(r = 0.50, P ˂ 0.05, Fig. 5) when data from both groups
were included. When only E + S athletes were included,
the correlation got very large in cycling (r = 0.73,
P = 0.065, Fig. 5) but disappeared in running (r = 0. 28,
P = 0.547, Fig. 5). The correlation between the percent
change in running distance and mean power output in
cycling was moderate but not statistically significant
(r = 0.40, P = 0.10).
The main finding of this study is that addition of heavy
strength training to the regular endurance training of
female duathletes improved both running and cycling
performance measured as 5-min all-out performance
tested immediately after prolonged submaximal work. In
addition, VO2 and HR were reduced during the last two
hours of a 3-h prolonged cycling trial after the addition
of heavy strength training, whereas no effects of added
responses during prolonged submaximal running.
Strength, legLM, and muscle fiber type
The observed increase in 1RM in half squat and legLM is
in accordance to previously observed improvements in
endurance athletes adding 8–12 weeks of heavy strength
training (e.g., Bishop et al. 1999; Storen et al. 2008;
Ronnestad et al. 2010a; Aagaard et al. 2011; Ronnestad
et al. 2015). The results lend further support to the
notion that a substantial increase in strength can be
achieved with little or no change in body mass (Storen
et al. 2008; Ronnestad et al. 2010a; Sunde et al. 2010;
Ronnestad et al. 2015). Increased body mass is usually
undesirable for performance in cycling and running and
therefore a concern among endurance athletes considering
adding strength training. The increase in legLM reported
Table 2. Responses during the prolonged trials in cycling and running for athletes adding strength training to their normal endurance training
(E + S, n = 10) and athletes performing normal endurance training only (E, n = 8).
Test section
First section
Middle section
Last section
First section
Middle section
Last section
VO2 (ml∙kg1∙min1)
30.5 2.9
31.3 3.0
31.9 2.9
30.1 3.2
30.5 3.4
31.0 3.1
30.0 2.5
30.2 2.9*,#
30.9 3.2*,#
29.9 2.4
30.8 2.9
31.5 3.0
37.3 1.8
37.7 1.8
37.7 1.8
37.0 2.1
37.3 2.0
37.3 1.8
37.0 2.2
37.5 2.0
37.6 1.9
37.4 2.0
37.4 1.5
37.4 1.4
HR (beats∙min1)
134 12
138 14
143 14
129 11
130 9
135 7
131 12*
131 14*
137 13*
125 9*
128 10
135 9
158 12
163 13
165 13
152 11
157 11
158 11
154 11*
158 10*
159 11*
148 13*
151 11*
153 11*
0.85 0.03
0.84 0.03
0.82 0.03
0.87 0.03
0.84 0.03
0.81 0.04
0.87 0.04
0.85 0.03
0.82 0.03
0.88 0.03
0.85 0.03
0.82 0.03
0.90 0.02
0.89 0.02
0.88 0.02
0.90 0.02
0.87 0.03
0.86 0.03
0.91 0.03
0.88 0.03
0.86 0.03
0.90 0.02
0.88 0.03
0.86 0.03
RPE (Borg scale)
11 1
12 1
13 1
11 2
12 2
13 2
11 1
12 1
12 1*
10 2
11 1*
12 1*
12 1
13 1
13 1
11 2
12 1
13 1
11 1
12 1
13 1
11 1
12 1
13 1
Cadence (rev∙min1)
84 8
83 10
83 10
83 10
81 12
80 13
85 9
83 8
83 9
81 11
81 12
80 14
Values are mean SD.
*Different than pre (P ˂ 0.05)
#The change from pre to post is different in E+S than in E (P ˂ 0.05).
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
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ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
O. Vikmoen et al.
in this study indicates that at least some of the improved
strength was due to muscle hypertrophy. In addition, we
observed a fiber type shift from type IIAX-IIX toward
type IIA fibers (Vikmoen et al. 2016a), a common adap-
tation to strength training among both untrained and
endurance trained individuals (Staron et al. 1994; Aagaard
et al. 2011). The increased legLM and fiber type shift
shows that the strength training program was effective in
inducing adaptations at the muscular level.
Physiological responses during the
prolonged trials
(Ronnestad et al. 2011), E+S reduced VO2 during the last
two hours of the prolonged cycling after the strength
training intervention. Therefore, although no change in
cycling economy was observed during the first hour,
cycling economy was clearly improved when the athletes
started to get fatigued. This is highly important in cycling
where many races include prolonged submaximal intensi-
ties for several hours. Improved cycling economy have
also been reported in untrained individuals (Loveless
et al. 2005) and trained male cyclists (Sunde et al. 2010)
after strength training interventions when measured in a
nonfatigued state. However, this seems not to be the case
in highly trained to elite cyclists (Ronnestad et al. 2010a;
Aagaard et al. 2011; Ronnestad et al. 2015). The results
from this study and the study by Ronnestad et al. (2011)
indicate that after a strength training intervention, cycling
Figure 3. Percent change in responses during the prolonged trials in cycling (left panels) and running (right panels) for athletes adding
strength training to their normal endurance training (E + S, n = 10) and athletes performing normal endurance training only (E, n = 8). Values
are mean SD. * Different than pre (P ˂ 0.05), # the percent change from pre is different in E + S than in E (P ˂ 0.05).
ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
Page 9
O. Vikmoen et al.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
economy should also be tested when the athletes are
somewhat fatigued.
HR was reduced throughout the prolonged cycling trial
after the intervention period in E + S and as for VO2 the
effect was more pronounced during the last 2 h. Conse-
quently, the reduced HR was probably because of the
reduced VO2 and hence reduced energy cost. In fact, the
reduced HR mirrored the changes in VO2 and a large
correlation between change in VO2 and change in HR
during the last hour was observed (r = 0.59).
The mechanisms behind improved cycling economy
during the last 2 h of the trial are somewhat unclear. One
explanation might be delayed recruitment of type II mus-
cle fibers brought on by increased muscle strength and
muscle mass (Ronnestad et al. 2011). When the maximal
muscle strength increases and the absolute power output
and cadence remains the same, the level of force devel-
oped in each pedal thrust is reduced relatively to the
maximal force. Given the size principle of motor unit
recruitment, this implies that the more economical type I
muscle fibers can account for a larger proportion of the
et al.
Ronnestad and Mujika 2014). This may also explain the
lack of changes in cycling economy during the first hour
where the relative low power output should mainly
recruit type I muscle fibers, thereby leaving little potential
for improvements. In fact, it has previously been reported
that after exercise for 60 min at an intensity requiring
43% of VO2max, glycogen breakdown mainly occurred in
the type I muscle fibers (Vollestad and Blom 1985), indi-
cating limited recruitment of type II fibers. However, as
the duration of the work increases and muscle fibers
starts to get fatigued, additional motor units needs to be
recruited to sustain the power output (Gollnick and Arm-
strong 1973; Vollestad and Blom 1985). The suggested
mechanisms is therefore that the strength training allowed
E + S to use the more economical type I muscle fibers
for a longer duration of the trial after the intervention,
leading to improved cycling economy during the last part.
Supporting this, 5 weeks of strength training has been
shown to reduce EMG activity in m. vastus lateralis dur-
ing the last hour of a 2-hour prolonged cycling trial in
well-trained triathletes (Hausswirth et al. 2010).
The fiber type transition from type IIAX-IIX to type
IIA in E+S might also contribute to the improved cycling
economy since it has been suggested that type IIA fibers
are more economical than the type IIX fibers (Westerblad
et al. 2010). However, there was no correlation between
the changes in the proportions of type IIAX-IIX and
changes in economy during the last hour of the pro-
longed cycling. This may be because the relatively low
power output did not recruit any type IIX fibers during
the trial even before the intervention.
Other possible explanations for improved cycling econ-
omy during the last 2 hours of the prolonged cycling trial
could have been changes in substrate utilization toward
larger carbohydrate utilization (Mogensen et al. 2006) or
reduction in cadence (Foss and Hallen 2004). However,
there were no changes in RER or cadence during the pro-
longed cycling, making these explanations unlikely. In
fact, based on the increased mRNA levels of CPT2, a pro-
tein involved in fatty acid oxidation in the mitochondria,
an increased utilization of fat as an energy substrate
might have been expected. However, in Vikmoen et al.
(2016a), we did not find changes in the content of the
beta-oxidation enzyme hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
(HADH) in the very same biopsy material, supporting the
notion that rates of fatty acid oxidation did not change.
In contrast to cycling, no changes occurred in VO2
during the prolonged running. This is surprising since the
proposed mechanisms for the reduced VO2 during cycling
in theory also could reduce VO2 during the prolonged
Figure 4. Individual values (dotted lines) and mean values (solid
lines) before (Pre) and after (Post) the intervention period for
athletes adding strength training to their normal endurance training
(E + S, n = 10) and athletes performing normal endurance training
only (E, n = 8). A: Running distance during the 5-min all-out
running test. B: Mean power output during the 5-min all-out
cycling test. * Different than pre (P ˂ 0.05), # the percent change
from pre is different in E + S than in E (P = 0.05).
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ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
O. Vikmoen et al.
might explain the different finding between cycling and
running. The prolonged running was only half as long as
the prolonged cycling and was performed at a higher rela-
tive workload (60% vs. 44% of Vmax and Wmax, respec-
tively). Because the reduced VO2 during the cycling trial
was seen during the last 2 h, it may be speculated that
the prolonged running were too short. However, running
races do seldom last as long as cycling races, and the
shorter duration was therefore chosen for the prolonged
running. To compensate for the shorter duration, the
prolonged running was performed at a higher relative
intensity than the prolonged cycling. This may have led
to a quite high recruitment of type II motor units from
the start, and the potential for reduced VO2 during the
last part of the trial may therefore have been limited. In
fact, in a glycogen breakdown study, it was estimated that
a large proportion of type IIA fibers were recruited
already from the start at a power output corresponding
to 61% of VO2max (Vollestad and Blom 1985).
No changes in running economy after addition of
strength training is in conflict with results from previous
studies where improved running economy ranging from 3
to 8% have been reported (e.g., Paavolainen et al. 1999;
Storen et al. 2008; Sedano et al. 2013). Some method-
ological differences might explain this discrepancy. Run-
ning economy was tested with an inclination of 5.3% in
our study, and in combination with the relative low
workload, the velocity during the prolonged running was
quite low compared to previous studies. In fact, the
improvements in running economy after strength training
have been reported to be dependent on running velocity
(Saunders et al. 2006). The lack of effect on running
economy may also be because the strength training pro-
gram used did not induce any changes in patellar tendon
stiffness (Vikmoen et al. 2016b). Changes in muscle-ten-
don stiffness is a frequently proposed mechanism behind
improved running economy after strength training (Saun-
ders et al. 2006; Storen et al. 2008).
Performance during the 5-min all-out tests
The improved cycling performance observed in the 5-min
all-out test is in accordance with a similar study in male
cyclists, who found increased 5-min all-out performance
following prolonged cycling after adding strength training
to their normal endurance training (Ronnestad et al.
2011). A novel finding in this study is that 5-min all-out
running performance after a prolonged submaximal trial
also seems to be affected to the same degree as in cycling.
Improved running and cycling performance after strength
training is in accordance with previous studies in cycling
(Koninckx et al. 2010; Ronnestad et al. 2010a,b; Sunde
et al. 2010, Aagaard et al. 2011; Ronnestad et al. 2015;
Vikmoen et al. 2016a) and running (Paavolainen et al.
1999; Storen et al. 2008; Sedano et al. 2013; Damasceno
et al. 2015) when performance is measured in a more tra-
ditional way. However, other studies contradict these
findings both in cycling (Bishop et al. 1999; Bastiaans
Figure 5. A: Correlation between changes in type IIAX-IIX proportions and changes in mean power output during the 5-min all-out cycling
test. The inserted panel shows the correlation when only the athletes adding strength training to their normal endurance training are included.
B: Correlation between changes in type IIAX-IIX proportions and changes in running distance during the 5-min all-out running test. The inserted
panel shows the correlation when only the athletes adding strength training to their normal endurance training are included.
ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
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Strength Training and Endurance Performance
et al. 2001; Levin et al. 2009) and running (Ferrauti et al.
2010; Roschel et al. 2015). Some methodological differ-
ences may explain these equivocal findings. To positively
affect cycling performance, it seems that the strength
training regime needs to involve heavy training load
(4-10RM), rather large volumes of training and last for
8 weeks or longer (Koninckx et al. 2010; Ronnestad et al.
2010a, Aagaard et al. 2011; Ronnestad et al. 2015). On
the other hand, both explosive, plyometric and heavy
strength training seems effective in improving running
performance (Paavolainen et al. 1999; Storen et al. 2008;
Sedano et al. 2013; Damasceno et al. 2015).
Together, these observations indicate that the mecha-
nisms behind changes in running and cycling performance
after strength training may be somewhat different. How-
ever, improvements in both cycling and running perfor-
mance may be related to typical adaptations to prolonged
periods of heavy strength training such as increased mus-
cle mass and fiber type transitions from type IIX to type
IIA; improvements in running performance may also rely
on adaptations such as changes in leg stiffness, rate of
force development, and other neuromuscular characteris-
tics. Therefore, mechanisms behind the improved perfor-
mance in cycling and running in this study might be
different. This is supported by the fact that the correlation
between changes in running and cycling performance
(r = 0.40) were not statistically significant.
Since the performance tests were performed right after
the prolonged trials, changes in the physiological responses
to the submaximal exercise was expected to affect perfor-
mance. We suggest that the reduced VO2 and HR observed
during the last 2 hours of the cycling trial, indicating
reduced physiological strain and less fatigue, made the ath-
letes in E + S capable of producing higher mean power
output during the final 5-min all-out test. Furthermore,
reduced VO2 in E + S means that the total energy con-
sumption during the prolonged cycling trial was lower after
the intervention and with no change in substrate utilization
the total carbohydrate utilization was reduced. Therefore,
some of the improved cycling performance in E + S may
be due to a better conservation of glycogen stores during
the prolonged trial. The importance of less physiological
strain during the submaximal exercise is indirectly sup-
ported by the fact that 5-min all-out performance, tested in
the rested state, was unchanged after 16 weeks of strength
training in elite cyclists (Aagaard et al. 2011).
Based on the present data, the positive effect of
strength training on performance in the 5-min all-out
running test cannot be explained by changes in physiolog-
ical responses during the submaximal running. Therefore,
the improved running performance after strength training
has to be through other mechanisms. During a 5-min
all-out test a substantial part of the energy is derived
from anaerobic metabolism (Gastin 2001). Therefore,
increased anaerobic capacity might be a mechanism
behind the improved performance in both cycling and
reported to correlate well with measurements of anaerobic
performance (e.g., Bulbulian et al. 1986; Houmard et al.
1991). Increased anaerobic capacity can be achieved
through increases in muscle mass (Bangsbo et al. 1993)
and/or through increasing amount of anaerobic enzymes.
Even though small to none changes were found in mRNA
expression of genes coding for important proteins in
anaerobic metabolic pathways in E + S, the increased
muscle mass should mean that anaerobic capacity was
improved. Anaerobic capacity should also affect perfor-
mance in Vmax/Wmax. Even though there were no signifi-
cant changes in these variables, the correlation between
changes in Vmax and running performance and Wmax and
cycling performance further support that improved anaer-
obic capacity might play a role for the improved perfor-
mance in E + S. In addition, there was a very large
correlation between legLM and absolute average power
output during the 5-min all-out test before the interven-
tion (r = 0.71, data not shown) indicating that muscle
mass is important in these kinds of tests.
There were large correlations between the reduction in
muscle fiber type IIAX-IIX proportions and changes in
5-min all-out performance in both cycling and running.
The type IIA fibers is less fatigable than the type IIX fibers
(Westerblad et al. 2010), and a fiber type transition could
therefore improve performance. However, a correlation
between two variables does not necessarily mean a cause
and effect relationship (Greenfield et al. 1998). Perhaps,
the athletes with a large reduction in fiber type IIAX-IIX
proportions had a large response to the strength training
and that other adaptations to the strength training actu-
ally were responsible for the improved performance.
Indeed, there was a large negative correlation (r = 0.65,
data not shown) between the change in legLM and change
in the proportion of type IIAX-IIX fibers. Notably, when
only E+S was included, the correlation between 5-min
all-out performance and IIAX-IIX fiber transitions got
very large in cycling and disappeared in running. This
indicates that the possible performance-enhancing effects
from fiber type shift from type IIAX-IIX toward type IIA
was more important in cycling than in running.
The improved performance cannot be explained by
changes in VO2max since VO2max did not change in neither
cycling nor running. The lack of effect of strength training
on VO2max is not surprising and is in accordance with the
current literature (e.g., Storen et al. 2008; Aagaard et al.
2011; Ronnestad et al. 2015). Importantly, we expected no
change in VO2max in the study, as athletes were instructed
to continue their normal endurance training, having a
2017 | Vol. 5 | Iss. 5 | e13149
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ª 2017 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of
The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
O. Vikmoen et al.
good base of training from their winter training consisting
of running, cycling, and cross-country skiing.
This is the first controlled study to demonstrate that
adding heavy strength training to endurance training
leads to improvements in both cycling and running per-
formance in the same athletes. Performance was tested as
5-min all-out performance, measured immediately after
prolonged periods of submaximal work. The improved
cycling performance was probably related to reduced
physiological strain during the submaximal trial. This is
also the first study reporting improved running perfor-
mance following a prolonged submaximal effort. How-
ever, there were no changes in the physiological responses
to prolonged running. Therefore, improved running per-
formance was more likely related to other mechanisms
like changes in anaerobic capacity and neuromuscular
changes. Changes in anaerobic capacity probably also
contributed to improved cycling performance. A fiber
type shift from type IIAX-IIX toward type IIA in the
main propulsive muscles also seemed to contribute to
the improved performance, especially in cycling. Based on
the results of this study, both runners and cyclists should
include heavy strength training in their training programs
for maximal gains in performance. This seems to be par-
ticularly important for performance during late phases of
long-lasting competitions.
The authors thank the participants for their time and
Roger Kristoffersen, Allan Sørgaard Nielsen, and Sondre
Prestkvern for assistance during the intervention follow-
up and data sampling. A special thanks to the Hospital
for Rheumatic Diseases at Lillehammer for performing
the DXA scans. Olav Vikmoen also thanks his current
employer, the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
(FFI) for support during the writing process.
Conflict of Interests
None declared.
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Page 14
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The Physiological Society and the American Physiological Society.
Strength Training and Endurance Performance
O. Vikmoen et al.
| Heavy strength training improves running and cycling performance following prolonged submaximal work in well-trained female athletes. | [] | Vikmoen, Olav,Rønnestad, Bent R,Ellefsen, Stian,Raastad, Truls | eng |
The effect of footwear on mechanical
behaviour of the human ankle plantar-flexors
in forefoot runners
Jason BonacciID1*, Wayne Spratford2,3,4, Claire Kenneally-Dabrowski1,
Danielle TrowellID1, Adrian Lai5
1 Centre for Sports Research, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Geelong,
Australia, 2 Movement Science, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia, 3 Discipline of Sport and
Exercise Science, Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia, 4 University of Canberra
Research Institute for Sport and Exercise (UCRISE), University of Canberra, Australia, 5 Lululemon
Athletica, Vancouver, Canada
* [email protected]
To compare the ankle plantar-flexor muscle-tendon mechanical behaviour during barefoot
and shod forefoot running.
Thirteen highly trained forefoot runners performed five overground steady-state running tri-
als (4.5 ± 0.5 m.s-1) while barefoot and shod. Three-dimensional kinematic and ground reac-
tion force data were collected and used as inputs for musculoskeletal modelling. Muscle-
tendon behaviour of the ankle plantar-flexors (soleus; medial gastrocnemius; and lateral
gastrocnemius) were estimated across the stance phase and compared between barefoot
and shod running using a two-way multivariate analysis of variance.
During barefoot running peak muscle-tendon unit (MTU) power generation was 16.5% (p =
0.01) higher compared to shod running. Total positive MTU work was 18.5% (p = 0.002)
higher during barefoot running compared to shod running. The total sum of tendon elastic
strain energy was 8% (p = 0.036) greater during barefoot compared to shod running, how-
ever the relative contribution of tendon and muscle fibres to muscle-tendon unit positive
work was not different between conditions.
Barefoot forefoot running demands greater muscle and tendon work than shod forefoot run-
ning, but the relative contribution of tendon strain energy to overall muscle-tendon unit work
was not greater.
September 19, 2022
1 / 13
Citation: Bonacci J, Spratford W, Kenneally-
Dabrowski C, Trowell D, Lai A (2022) The effect of
footwear on mechanical behaviour of the human
ankle plantar-flexors in forefoot runners. PLoS ONE
17(9): e0274806.
Editor: Nili Steinberg, The Wingate College of
Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the
Wingate Institute, IL, ISRAEL
Received: November 30, 2021
Accepted: September 3, 2022
Published: September 19, 2022
Copyright: © 2022 Bonacci et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
The human ankle plantar-flexors, the soleus (SOL), medial gastrocnemius (MG) and lateral
gastrocnemius (LG), perform an important biomechanical function during running. Experi-
mental and musculoskeletal modelling studies have demonstrated that the ankle plantar-flex-
ors generate force up to 12 times body weight (BW) during running [1]; the greatest force of
all the lower-limb muscle groups. They are also the dominant contributors to support and hor-
izontal propulsion of the body’s centre of mass during running [2, 3]. The ankle plantar-flexors
have relatively short muscle fibres that insert onto the calcaneus via a compliant Achilles ten-
don. This configuration favours the capacity to store elastic strain energy, which contributes a
considerable amount of the mechanical work performed by the musculotendon units [4, 5].
Previous modelling studies have demonstrated that elastic strain energy stored in the Achilles
tendon during steady-state running provides a greater contribution to muscle-tendon unit
(MTU) propulsive work compared to the muscle fibres [6–8]. The contribution of tendon
strain energy to overall MTU propulsive work increases as running speed advances from slow
running towards maximum sprinting [8]. However, the effects of footwear and foot-strike type
on the energetics of the muscle fibres and tendon in the ankle plantar-flexors during running
remain largely unknown.
Sinclair et al. [9] utilised musculoskeletal modelling to examine the effect of footwear on
ankle plantar-flexor muscle forces during running. They reported a 32% increase in MG mus-
cle force during barefoot running compared to shod running, but no difference in LG or SOL
muscle forces between conditions. Foot-strike pattern was not controlled in the study. For
example, the ankle was more plantarflexed at contact in the barefoot running condition sug-
gesting that participants switched from a rearfoot strike during the shod condition to a mid/
forefoot strike during the barefoot condition. It is not possible to discern if the increase in
force developed by the MG was due to differences in footwear or foot-strike type. Running
barefoot and in minimalist shoes has been associated with greater peak internal ankle plantar-
flexion moments and plantar-flexor impulse during stance [10, 11]. These greater demands on
the ankle plantar-flexors are due to a lack of shoe cushioning, which increases the muscular
effort required to attenuate ground impact forces while potentially increasing the metabolic
cost of running [12, 13]. However, running barefoot and in a minimalist shoe are more eco-
nomical than running in a cushioned shoe, even when shoe mass is accounted for [11, 14]. If
barefoot running is more economical but has greater ankle plantar-flexor demands, this dis-
crepancy may suggest that the ankle plantar-flexors utilise greater Achilles tendon elastic strain
energy during barefoot compared to shod running.
Perl et al. [11] postulated that the elevated heel during shod running and greater lower
extremity elastic energy storage may explain the moderate metabolic benefits of barefoot or
minimally shod running. The authors indirectly measured Achilles tendon strain using the
overall length change of the entire triceps surae MTU complex. This method does not distin-
guish between the length changes of the muscle fibre and tendon components, which previous
in-vivo studies of the ankle plantar-flexors during running have shown are decoupled from
that of the MTU [15, 16]. As a result, it is not possible to differentiate the work done by the
MTU in the ankle plantar-flexors into the elastic strain energy stored in the tendon and the
work done by the muscle fibres. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of
footwear on the mechanical behaviour of the ankle plantar-flexor muscle fibre and tendon
components during running. Specifically, we used experimental kinematic and kinetic data in
conjunction with musculoskeletal modelling to compute the mechanical power and work per-
formed by the MTU, muscle fibres and tendon in the SOL, MG and LG during barefoot and
shod running. As the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of footwear rather than
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foot strike on plantar-flexor MTU behaviour, only habitual forefoot runners were recruited.
This is because rearfoot strikers often switch to a forefoot strike when running barefoot [17],
which could confound the results. We hypothesised that in comparison to shod running, bare-
foot running would result in: (i) a greater amount of tendon elastic strain energy in the ankle
plantar-flexors and; (ii) a greater relative contribution of tendon elastic strain energy contribu-
tion to MTU positive work compared to muscle fibre work.
Thirteen highly trained distance runners (8 males and 5 females; mean ± SD; age, 29.9 ± 5.9
years; height, 176.7 ± 7.5 cm; body mass, 64.9 ± 8.8 kg) were recruited for the study. Based on
a priori sample size calculation, 13 participants would be sufficient to generate an effect size of
0.93 at a power of 80% and α of < 0.05 [9]. All participants were training for competition
(training history: 14.3 ± 1.9 km per session, 7.4 ± 1.9 sessions per week, 109.6 ± 27.9 km per
week) with the average personal best 10 km time in the previous year of 33.7 ± 3.7 minutes. All
participants self-reported as a forefoot striker and this was confirmed during data collection.
No participants were suffering from any pre-existing musculoskeletal injury that might affect
their ability to participant in the study. Written informed consent was obtained from all partic-
ipants and ethical approval was attained from Deakin University and Australian Institute of
Sport human research ethics committees.
Experimental data collection
Running trials were conducted on a 110 m indoor synthetic track in the Biomechanics Labora-
tory at the Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra. Three-dimensional kinematic data were col-
lected using a 22-camera motion analysis system (VICON, Oxford Metrics Ltd, Oxford, UK)
sampling at 250 Hz. The calibrated capture volume was approximately 20 m in length and situ-
ated ~60 m along the track, which allowed sufficient distance for participants to accelerate,
hold a steady-state speed through the capture volume and then safely decelerate to rest. Retro-
reflective markers (14 mm diameter) were placed at predefined locations on the pelvis and
lower limbs [10]. Individual markers were placed on the left and right anterior superior iliac
spines and posterior superior iliac spines. The thigh segment was defined by a three-marker
cluster affixed laterally and aligned with the head of the femur and lateral femoral condyle.
The lower leg was defined by a three-marker cluster aligned with the lateral femoral condyle
and lateral malleolus. Markers placed on the superoposterior aspect of the calcaneus, and first
and fifth metatarsals defined the foot. In the shod condition, these markers were placed on the
shoe. Individual retroflective markers were also placed on the medial and lateral femoral con-
dyles and medial and lateral malleoli to define the knee and ankle joint centres, respectively.
Ground reaction force (GRF) data were collected using eight in-ground force plates (Kistler
Instrument Corp., Dimensions: 900 x 600 mm, Amherst, New York, USA) sampling at 1500
Hz. The force plates were embedded into the synthetic running track directly adjacent to each
other spanning a total length of 7.2 m. Marker trajectories and GRF data were filtered using
fourth-order, low-pass Butterworth filters with the same cut-off frequency of 20 Hz [18].
The data collection protocol involved two experimental conditions: shod (lightweight rac-
ing flat, NIKE LunaRacer 2) and barefoot. The racing flat had a low heel-forefoot offset (6
mm) and mean mass of 184.2 ± 19.4 g. All participants were required to complete a 10-day
familiarisation period prior to testing to get accustomed to the barefoot and shod conditions.
The average distances completed by all participants during the familiarisation period in the
barefoot and shod conditions were 4.3 ± 3.2 km and 20.7 ± 11.5 km in 2.6 ± 0.6 and 3 ± 0.6
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sessions, respectively. The volume of barefoot familiarisation was lower than shod running to
minimise likelihood of acute overload during this unfamiliar condition [19, 20]. All partici-
pants habitually wore a standard cushioned running shoe for most of their training volume.
Participants performed a standardised warm-up prior to data collection that involved five
overground running trials within the capture volume. Participants then performed a static cali-
bration trial and five overground steady-state running trials in each of the two randomly
ordered conditions. The desired steady-state running speed for each participant was set at 90%
of participant’s best 10 km time in the previous year. The mean desired steady-state running
speed for all participants was 4.5 ± 0.5 m.s-1. Average steady-state speed for each trial were
obtained using timing gates (Speedlight Telemetry Timing, Swift Performance Equipment,
Walcol, QLD, Australia) placed at the start and end of the calibrated capture volume. Trials
were accepted if the average speed was within ±5% of the desired speed. Steady state running
was confirmed post testing via examination of the net horizontal force impulse (S1 Dataset).
Forefoot strike was defined as a foot strike in which the point of first contact of the foot with
the ground was the forefoot or the front half of the shoe sole. Two classification techniques
were used to confirm that all participants had forefoot strike patterns. The first classification
technique used the presence of an initial ankle plantar-flexion angle in kinematic data and
absence of impact peak in the vertical GRF profile [17] while the second classification tech-
nique used the markers placed on the heel and the toe to define foot strike patterns [21]. The
difference in vertical position of the heel and first metatarsal markers was calculated during
both the static trial and at initial contact during running. The vertical difference between
markers during the static trial was then subtracted from the difference at initial contact. Partic-
ipants were classified as forefoot strikers if the final value was 40 mm or less [21]. Both classifi-
cation techniques verified that all participants had forefoot strike patterns in both the barefoot
and shod conditions. All participants completed both experimental conditions.
Musculoskeletal model
The skeletal system was modelled as a 12 segment, 31 degree of freedom (DOF) mechanical
linkage system, similar to that described by Hamner at al. [22]. The lower limb joints were
modelled as follows: the pelvis was free to translate and rotate in space (6 DOF), the hip was a
ball-and-socket joint (3 DOF), the knee was a hinge joint (1 DOF), and the ankle-subtalar
complex was a universal joint (2 DOF) comprised of two non-intersection hinge joints. While
the model contained the metatarsophalangeal joint, this was locked for all simulations and the
mid and fore- foot acted as a rigid segment. The model was actuated by 96 MTU actuators.
Each MTU was modelled as a Hill-type muscle consisting of in-parallel active and passive mus-
cle fibre elements attached in-series with a series elastic element. Hereafter, the series elastic
element will be termed tendon as a result of the significant influence of the free tendon on
series elasticity compared with other elastic connective tissue (e.g. aponeurosis). Maximum
shortening velocity was set to 15 optimal fibre lengths per second to be consistent with previ-
ous modelling studies investigating running [23, 24]. The maximum isometric force of all mus-
cles was increased three-fold, as required for successful simulations of highly dynamic
movement such as gait [25, 26].
The SOL, MG and LG were assumed to be three separate MTUs with three independent
tendon elements representing the Achilles tendon. The tendon strains at maximum isometric
force generation were informed by previously reported data. Experimental data from three
rearfoot runners [16] were used to evaluate the effect of modifying plantar-flexor tendon
strains on model-based estimates of SOL and MG muscle fibre lengths. Simulated fibre lengths
were compared to that measured in-vivo using ultrasound during rearfoot running [6, 16, 27]
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across a range of tendon strains from 3.3%-10%. A tendon strain of 5% for the SOL, MG and
LG gave the most comparable model-based muscle fibre length changes in the SOL and MG
during stance phase. Tendon strains at maximum isometric contraction for the ankle plantar-
flexors were consistent with reported in-vivo measurements of the Achilles tendon of 4.9 ± 1%
[28] and 5.1 ± 1.1% [29]. Furthermore, simulated tendon strains during running were within
the range of tendon strains reported using dynamic ultrasound measurements of the SOL and
MG at equivalent running speeds [15, 16]. These two consistencies support our decision to
increase the tendon strain for the ankle plantar-flexors at maximum isometric force genera-
tion. Tendon compliance in other MTUs remained unchanged at 3.3% of maximum isometric
force generation [30].
Computational simulations
Muscle modelling simulations were performed using OpenSimTM [31]. Subject-specific mus-
culoskeletal models were attained by scaling a generic model to the participant’s height and
body mass. Individual musculoskeletal models were created for each participant and experi-
mental condition (i.e. barefoot and shod). The same generic model (with identical marker
placement) was used during scaling for each condition. A set of joint angles for each time
instant was calculated using an inverse kinematic analysis where the sum of the squares of the
differences between experimental markers trajectories and virtual markers in the model was
minimised [32].
An inverse dynamics analysis in conjunction with a computed muscle control algorithm
(CMC) were used to predict muscle forces and activations [33, 34]. A standard inverse
dynamic approach was used to compute net joint torques generated about the torso, hip,
knee and ankle joints. Residual reduction analysis (RRA) was used to reduce dynamic incon-
sistencies between joint kinematics and the measured GRF. The errors in the residual forces
and dynamically-consistent kinematics were within the recommended bounds of the analysis
[35]. Muscle forces and activations were computed using CMC in accordance with the physi-
ological force-length and force-velocity properties of muscle fibre and tendon, as well as the
geometric and dynamic constraints of the system. CMC solved the muscle redundancy prob-
lem by predicting a set of muscle excitations that drove a model forward in time (simulation
time window of 0.01 s) such that the sum of squared muscle activations was minimised and
the kinematics of the model tracked the dynamically consistent joint kinematics obtained
from RRA. Muscle excitations were bounded between 0 (no muscle activation) and 1 (full
muscle activation) with activation and deactivation time constants of 10 and 30 ms, respec-
tively [30].
The mechanical power developed by the MTU, muscle fibre and tendon elements were cal-
culated by multiplying MTU, muscle fibre and tendon force by their corresponding contrac-
tion velocity at each time instant. Negative and positive power represented power absorption
and generation, respectively. The positive work done by the MTU, muscle fibre and tendon
was found by integrating the MTU, muscle fibre and tendon power curves over the duration
of the stance phase where power was generated. All participants were forefoot strikers, thus the
tendon and MTU lengthened and performed negative work during early stance followed by a
period of positive work during mid- to late stance. The recovery of tendon elastic strain energy
was represented by the positive work done by the tendon after the tendon performed negative
work and after the MTU started generating positive power.
In this study, we were specifically interested in the percentage contributions of positive
muscle fibre work and tendon elastic strain energy to the positive work done by the MTU (i.e.,
propulsion energy). The calculation of these contributions are detailed in a previous paper [8].
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Briefly, the contributions were calculated using the following equation,
%MTU contribution ¼
where WMTU is the positive work done by the MTU and W is the area under the WMTU curve
attributable to positive muscle fibre work or tendon elastic strain energy.
Data analysis
Data for each participant were averaged over five stance phases for each experimental condi-
tion; time normalised to 0–100% of the stride cycle and used to calculate group mean ± SD val-
ues. Muscle force was normalised by the participant’s body weight while mechanical power
and work were normalised by body mass (kg). Stride parameters of stance duration and stride
length were calculated, along with the relative heel-toe marker position to classify footstrike
position. The outcome variables included SOL, MG and LG peak muscle force (BW), peak
MTU positive power (, total MTU positive work ( and the percentage contribu-
tions of positive muscle fibre work and tendon elastic strain energy to the positive work done
by the MTU. The total sum of tendon elastic strain energy stored in all three ankle plantar-flex-
ors was also calculated. Data are presented as mean ± SD. The Shapiro-Wilk test was con-
ducted to determine if any data violated the assumption of normality. Stance duration, stride
length, footstrike position and total sum of tendon elastic strain energy were compared
between shod and barefoot conditions using a two-tailed paired sample t-test with α set
at < 0.05. A two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to identify the
effect of footwear and muscle on ankle plantar-flexor peak muscle forces, peak MTU power
generation, total positive MTU work, and contribution of tendon and muscle fibre to positive
MTU work. Where a main effect was found, post-hoc tests with Bonferroni correction were
used to test for differences between means. Standardised mean differences (SMD) were calcu-
lated to express the magnitude of difference between conditions and interpreted according to
the following criteria: calculated SMD of 0.2–0.49, small change; SMD of 0.5–0.79, moderate
change; and SMD 0.8, large change [36]. All statistical analysis was conducted using the Sta-
tistical Package for the Social Sciences v27 (IBM Statistics, Chicago, USA).
Stance duration and footstrike position were not different between barefoot and shod running,
though there was a small decrease in stride length during barefoot compared to shod running
(Table 1). Peak muscle force, peak MTU power generation, total positive MTU work and rela-
tive contribution of tendon and muscle fibre to MTU positive work are plotted in Fig 1. Plan-
tar-flexor muscle fibre, tendon and MTU length curves across the stance phase are presented
in S1 Appendix.
Table 1. Group mean ± SD values and the difference between footwear conditions for stride parameters and footstrike position.
Mean difference [95% CI]
Stance duration (s)
0.2 ± 0.01
0.2 ± 0.01
0.00 [-0.00, 0.00]
Stride length (m)
3.0 ± 0.3
3.1 ± 0.3
-0.1 [-0.11, -0.07]
Footstrike position (mm)#
34.4 ± 3.6
33.2 ± 3.6
1.2 [-0.3, 2.8]
#A lower relative value indicates more ankle plantarflexion at initial contact (forefoot strike < 40 mm).
Significant difference between barefoot and shod conditions. † Small change
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The total sum of tendon elastic strain energy was 8.3% (1.2 to 15.5%, SMD = 1.17,
p = 0.036) higher during barefoot (0.9 [0.1] compared to shod (0.8 [0.1] running.
The two-way MANOVA revealed a main effect for footwear (p = 0.032) but no footwear by
muscle interaction effects (p = 0.669). Univariate analysis demonstrated a significant differ-
ence in peak MTU power generation (p = 0.01) and total positive MTU work (p = 0.002) for
footwear conditions. Compared to shod running, peak MTU power generation was 16.5% (4
to 28.9%, SMD = 0.7) higher when running barefoot. Total positive MTU work was 18.5% (7
to 30%, SMD = 0.92) higher during barefoot compared to shod running. There was no effect
of footwear on peak muscle force (p = 0.21) or tendon and muscle fibre contribution to posi-
tive MTU work (p = 0.46 & 0.37, respectively).
Fig 1. (A) Peak MTU muscle force; (B) peak MTU power generation; (C) total positive MTU work; (D) relative tendon and muscle fibre contributions to
positive work (%) during the stance phase of barefoot and shod running.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the plantar-flexor muscle
fibre and tendon components during barefoot and shod forefoot running. Tendon elastic
strain energy was significantly greater (8.3%, SMD = 1.2) during barefoot running compared
to shod running, confirming our first hypothesis. Achilles tendon elastic strain energy contrib-
uted the majority of MTU positive work during both shod and barefoot running. This is con-
sistent with previous studies of shod running [6–8], although estimates of SOL relative tendon
contribution were approximately 10% greater than previously reported at comparative speeds
[7, 8]. This discrepancy may be due to methodological differences, as previous studies did not
control footstrike pattern and modelled the LG and MG as a single MTU [7, 8]. The relative
contribution of the tendon to plantar-flexor MTU positive work was not different between
barefoot and shod conditions. This indicates that both tendon and muscle fibre work are
increased when running barefoot. This finding refutes our second hypothesis.
The sum of muscle fibre and tendon contributions to MTU positive work exceeded 100%
for all plantar-flexors during both barefoot and shod running. However, this is expected and
can be explained by the transfer of energy from the muscle fibre to the tendon. During early
stance, muscle fibres of the plantar flexors shorten and do positive work, while the tendon and
MTU lengthen and do negative work [16]. This behaviour is common in MTUs where the ten-
don is compliant [30], such as the plantar-flexors. Positive work done by the muscle fibres dur-
ing early stance is transmitted to the tendon as it stretches. This results in energy stored in the
tendon, which is later returned as the tendon shortens during propulsion, in late stance.
Because of this additional energy returned via the tendon, the sum of tendon and muscle fibre
positive work exceeds 100% of MTU positive work.
Peak muscle force was not significantly greater during barefoot compared to shod forefoot
running. In contrast, Sinclair et al. [9] found large increases in MG (32%) peak forces during
barefoot compared to shod running. This disparity may be due to differences in footstrike pat-
terns between studies. In the current study, all participants used a forefoot strike during shod
and barefoot running. In comparison, a switch from rear to mid/forefoot was noted between
shod and barefoot running in the previous study. The observed change in footstrike pattern
has previously been reported in habitual rearfoot shod runners when transitioning to barefoot
running [17]. The large increases observed by Sinclair et al. [9] are likely due to a lack of cush-
ioning combined with a change in footstrike pattern during barefoot running. An absence of
shoe cushioning during barefoot running increases the ankle plantarflexion moment during
stance due to an increased muscular effort to absorb impact forces [10, 11]. The increase in
MG muscle forces and Achilles tendon strain energy during barefoot forefoot running must
be carefully considered as a rapid transition out of footwear may overload this complex.
Peak MTU power generation and MTU total positive work increased when running bare-
foot compared to shod running. Previous studies have reported that greater positive work is
required at the ankle joint as shoe cushioning decreases or is removed when running barefoot
[10, 37]. This is likely caused by greater propulsive forces when running barefoot [38]. As the
plantar-flexors are the primary contributors to ankle joint torque and positive work generation
during propulsion, it is expected that greater work is required of the plantar-flexor MTUs
when running barefoot. As previously noted, this increased MTU positive work was a result of
increases in both tendon elastic strain energy and muscle fibre work. There is some evidence
that barefoot running has economical benefits [11, 14]. However, the mechanism behind this
is unclear. Perl et al. [11] postulated that greater elastic energy storage and release could
explain greater economy when running barefoot. While the current study showed an increase
in tendon elastic strain energy during barefoot running, the relative contribution of the tendon
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to MTU positive work was not greater. Thus, barefoot running was not associated with greater
tendon contribution to overall MTU positive work. The muscle fibre contributions to overall
MTU positive work were similar in both conditions. The overall increase in MTU work and
similar tendon and muscle fibre contributions to MTU positive work are unlikely to contribute
to an economical advantage during barefoot running.
We found increased Achilles tendon elastic strain energy while running barefoot compared
to shod. While increased tendon elastic strain energy may be beneficial, we must also consider
how tendon compliance affects the operating range of muscle fibres on the force-length curve.
Increased tendon elastic-energy storage and recovery may result in muscle fibres operating
almost isometrically, which is most beneficial if near the optimal operating length on the
force-length curve [39]. However, a trade-off may occur if tendon compliance results in mus-
cle fibres operating at lengths which are further from optimal. This was observed by Uchida
et al. [40], whereby increased tendon compliance of the MG resulted in muscle fibres remain-
ing shorter during running, and operating far from their optimal lengths. As a result, greater
activation was required to produce the necessary plantarflexion moment and the metabolic
power requirement of running was increased. A similar trend has been observed when exam-
ining plantar-flexor muscle-tendon behaviour at varying running speeds [8]. As speed
increases, tendon contribution to MTU positive work increases; however, muscle fibres oper-
ate at progressively unfavourable regions of the force-length curve. In the current study, mus-
cle fibre lengths and shortening were similar between barefoot and shod conditions (S1
Appendix). Therefore, in both conditions the plantar-flexor muscle fibres were at similar oper-
ating lengths. Both tendon contributions to work, and the resulting effects on muscle fibre
length operating range must be considered when understanding the effects of fibre and tendon
behaviour on running economy.
Previous studies show that increased ankle work when running barefoot or in minimalist
shoes is associated with a decrease in mechanical work at the knee [10, 37]. Fuller et al. [37]
suggested the shift in mechanical work towards the ankle may allow greater elastic-energy stor-
age and recovery in the Achilles tendon, and therefore improve mechanical efficiency. The
plantar-flexors have short fibres and a long, compliant tendon while the MTUs supporting the
knee are generally larger with relatively shorter tendons [41]. Therefore, it could be more eco-
nomical to rely on the plantar-flexors to produce power during stance [37]. A more holistic
view of lower-limb positive work production may suggest that increased reliance on the ankle
will result in increased elastic-energy storage and recovery, as this is better facilitated by the
plantar-flexors. Further studies which examine the muscle and tendon mechanical behaviour
of the MTUs supporting both the ankle and knee during forefoot shod and barefoot running
are required to further explore this theory.
We observed an increase in total Achilles tendon elastic strain energy when running bare-
foot. Footwear also limits the compression and recoil of the elastic elements supporting the
longitudinal arch of the foot [42]. The current study used a rigid mid and fore- foot model that
does not consider the compression and recoil of the foot longitudinal arch. This is a limitation
of the current study, as a simplified foot model may result in overestimation of predicted ankle
joint power and therefore plantar-flexor MTUs power [43]. It is possible that this could influ-
ence differences in MTU power of the plantar-flexors between barefoot and shod running.
Further, the small decrease (0.1 m) in stride length during barefoot running may explain the
changes in plantar-flexor MTU behaviour between barefoot and shod running.
Predictions of plantar-flexor energetics are sensitive to the musculoskeletal model input
parameters. The model and its underlying parameters were scaled to each subject’s height and
mass; however subject-specific bone geometries and musculotendon measures were not uti-
lised. In particular, Achilles tendon compliance can vary greatly in humans [44] and influences
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the magnitude of muscle fibre work and tendon elastic strain energy [39]. This is important to
acknowledge within the context of this study. However, a robust method was used to deter-
mine the most appropriate tendon compliance, and this resulted in fibre [6, 16, 27] and tendon
[15, 16] strains that were consistent with ultrasound measurements during steady-state run-
ning. The Achilles tendon was also represented within the model as three separate tendons,
rather than one common tendon. While the exact effects of this design on predictions of plan-
tar-flexor energetics is unclear, non-uniform deformation of tendinous regions arising from
each plantar-flexor have been reported [45] and may support this modelling approach. We
only examined the acute effects of barefoot forefoot running on plantar-flexor energetics.
Long-term use of minimalist shoes and running barefoot can result in adaptations to the
mechanical properties of the tendon. Runners with four years of running in minimalist shoes
displayed greater Achilles tendon stiffness compared to traditionally shod runners [46] and
the Achilles tendon adapts to increased loading when exposed to minimalist shoe running by
increasing stiffness [47]. This suggests that greater Achilles tendon stiffness might also be seen
in habitual barefoot runners. The mechanical properties of the tendon were the same during
the barefoot and shod simulations. This study does not account for adaptations to the mechan-
ical properties of the tendon that may occur with prolonged barefoot running, which may
influence predicted plantar-flexor energetics. Finally, we used the same performance criterion
to estimate muscle-tendon parameters during barefoot and shod running. It is possible that
participants utilised a different cost function to minimise muscle excitations than the one used
in this study; however, there is currently no evidence to support this.
In conclusion, running barefoot with a forefoot strike increased plantar-flexor positive
work and power generation and Achilles tendon elastic strain energy when compared to shod
forefoot running. The relative contribution of tendon to plantar-flexor MTU positive work
remained similar between shod and barefoot forefoot running. These results indicate that
barefoot forefoot running does not preferentially favour elastic energy over muscle fibre work
more than shod running. Those who adopt barefoot forefoot running should be aware of the
greater demand on the plantar-flexors and Achilles tendon compared to shod forefoot run-
ning. Future studies should consider how mechanical adaptations of the Achilles tendon in
habitual barefoot runners may influence plantar-flexor energetics.
Supporting information
S1 Appendix. Plantar-flexor muscle fibre, tendon and musculotendon normalised lengths.
S1 Dataset. Individual data for the plantar-flexor muscle, tendon and musculotendon
units during barefoot and shod forefoot running.
The authors would like to Dr Amy Hicks for her assistance with data collection and analysis
and Cody Lindsay for his assistance in reviewing the manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Jason Bonacci.
Formal analysis: Jason Bonacci, Adrian Lai.
Investigation: Jason Bonacci, Wayne Spratford.
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Methodology: Jason Bonacci, Wayne Spratford, Adrian Lai.
Project administration: Jason Bonacci.
Resources: Wayne Spratford, Adrian Lai.
Visualization: Jason Bonacci, Claire Kenneally-Dabrowski, Danielle Trowell.
Writing – original draft: Jason Bonacci, Claire Kenneally-Dabrowski, Danielle Trowell,
Adrian Lai.
Writing – review & editing: Jason Bonacci, Wayne Spratford, Claire Kenneally-Dabrowski,
Danielle Trowell, Adrian Lai.
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The effect of footwear on mechanical behaviour of the human ankle plantar-flexors in forefoot runners
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| The effect of footwear on mechanical behaviour of the human ankle plantar-flexors in forefoot runners. | 09-19-2022 | Bonacci, Jason,Spratford, Wayne,Kenneally-Dabrowski, Claire,Trowell, Danielle,Lai, Adrian | eng |
PMC9565015 | Citation: Tomovic, M.; Toliopoulos,
A.; Koutlianos, N.; Dalkiranis, A.;
Bubanj, S.; Deligiannis, A.; Kouidi, E.
Correlation between
Cardiopulmonary Indices and
Running Performance in a 14.5 km
Endurance Running Event. Int. J.
Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19,
Academic Editors: Pantelis
T. Nikolaidis and Masatoshi
Received: 3 August 2022
Accepted: 23 September 2022
Published: 27 September 2022
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Correlation between Cardiopulmonary Indices and Running
Performance in a 14.5 km Endurance Running Event
Milena Tomovic 1
, Alexandros Toliopoulos 1
, Nikolaos Koutlianos 1, Anastasios Dalkiranis 1, Sasa Bubanj 2
Asterios Deligiannis 1
and Evangelia Kouidi 1,*
Sports Medicine Laboratory, School of Physical Education and Sports Science, Aristotle University,
Thermi PC, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Nis, 18000 Nis, Serbia
Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Background: Running is a common recreational activity, and the number of long-distance-
race participants is continuously growing. It is well-established that regular physical activity can
prevent and manage non-communicable diseases and benefit public health. Training for a long-
distance race requires development of specific aerobic abilities and should generate the desired
race performance. The purpose of this study was to support the training design and motivation of
recreational endurance runners, by investigating whether a 14.5 km race performance of long-distance
runners correlates with their cardiopulmonary indices measured in the laboratory. Methods: To
examine the relationships of a 14.5 km running performance with the cardiopulmonary parameters of
amateur runners, a cross-sectional study design was applied. Fifteen (eleven men and four women)
recreational long-distance runners (aged 41.3 ± 9.2 years) from Northern Greece were included in the
study and were evaluated in the laboratory within one week before an endurance running race—the
14.5 km Philip Road race, in Greece. The laboratory-based examinations of the athletes consisted of a
comprehensive medical pre-participation screening and maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Results: The results showed that the 14.5 km race performance time (73.8 ± 9.7 min) significantly
correlated with the cardiopulmonary-exercise-testing speed-related indices at specific submaximal
and maximal workloads (p < 0.01, p < 0.05), while the cardiopulmonary indices of oxygen uptake
did not reliably predict race running time (p > 0.05). Conclusions: There is a better correlation of
the 14.5 km running performance of recreational long-distance runners with the cardiopulmonary-
exercise-testing speed-related indices at specific workloads than with the indices of oxygen uptake,
running economy or respiratory economy. When preparing a training strategy, amateur long-distance
runners should mostly rely on specific running-speed-related laboratory data rather than on oxygen-
uptake values.
Keywords: running; maximal oxygen uptake; running economy; sports performance; cardiopulmonary
exercise test
1. Introduction
Running is a common recreational activity, and the number of long-distance-race
participants is continuously growing [1–5]. In England alone, more than 3 million adults
participate in recreational running each month, and the USA and Australia show similar
trends [6–8]. According to the Physical Activity Council (the USA’s definitive source for
sports, fitness and recreational activity participation), running is one of the top 10 recre-
ational activities that inactive Americans would choose, if about to commence regular
exercise [8]. Regular physical activity is one of the cornerstones of public health, as it is
proven to help prevent and manage non-communicable diseases such as hypertension,
obesity and several cancers. An active lifestyle respects the environment and induces
behaviours that can preserve and improve environmental health [7,9]. Regular running
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has confirmed health benefits [10–14], and a recent systematic review and meta-analysis
indicates that running reduces the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality by
27%, 30% and 23%, respectively [9]. The same research identifies a literature gap in studies
that would include sustained running participation, reproducible assessment of running
habits and accurate evaluation of running performance.
Training for a long-distance race requires development of specific aerobic abilities and
should generate the desired race performance. Amateur runners often use elite runners’
training methodologies, risking external overload, with consequential higher incidence
of overuse injuries [15–17]. Furthermore, the studied relationship between recreational
runners’ motivation and the incidence of injury emphasises the importance of adequate
training methodology for injury prevention, especially among novice runners [17–19]. Thus,
it is important to understand and objectively evaluate physiological and other parame-
ters that, according to the existing literature, might influence or predict the long-distance
running performance of amateur runners [20–22]. The available scientific evidence does
not offer a reliable equation for performance prediction, and relevant studies are char-
acterised with high data heterogeneity and often controversial findings. It is not clear if
anthropometric [22], cardiorespiratory [21,23] or training load [21,24] indicators form valid
performance-prediction models for popular long-distance amateur running events [20].
Additionally, performance prediction models do not identify the physiological parameters
necessary for adequate training prescription. Data on anthropometric parameters are in-
complete [22], while cardiopulmonary indices and training load indicators such as maximal
oxygen uptake and kilometres of running per week, although studied repeatedly and with
an immense amount of data, still do not provide the best solution for training design and
follow up [22,23].
The purpose of this study was to support the training design and motivation of
recreational endurance runners, by investigating whether a 14.5 km race performance
of long-distance runners correlates with their cardiopulmonary indices measured in the
laboratory. Hopefully, our findings will help recreational runners, not ready for or capable
of a whole marathon race, reach the desired performance level.
2. Materials and Methods
To examine the relationships of a 14.5 km running performance with cardiopulmonary
parameters of amateur runners, a cross-sectional study design was applied. Fifteen (eleven
men and four women) recreational long-distance runners from Northern Greece were
included in the study and were evaluated in the laboratory within one week before an
endurance running race—the 14.5 km Philip Road race, Greece. The laboratory-based
examinations of the athletes consisted of a comprehensive medical pre-participation screen-
ing and maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) performed on a treadmill. All
amateur runners included were healthy and had been training regularly. They gave an
informed consent and completed a questionnaire with detailed medical and training history.
Participants’ training history will be presented in the results section.
Anthropometric parameters were measured prior to CPET (height—SECA Leices-
ter resuscitation meter; weight, body fat and muscle mass percentage—Omron Karada
Scan BF511, HBF-511T-E/HBF-511B-E). Maximal treadmill (Montara Trackmaster 428, KS,
USA) CPET, via a breath-by-breath gas-analyzing system (Geratherm Respiratory GmbH’s
BlueCherry, Bad Kissingen, Germany), followed the clinical exam in an appropriate labora-
tory environment (room temperature 20 ◦C and relative humidity between 25–50%). The
gas-analyzing system was validated prior to each testing. Heart rate (HR) was monitored
by Polar Receiver Pulstik system (Geratherm Respiratory GmbH, Bad Kissingen, Germany).
Participants did not train nor consume any nutritional supplements or caffeinated bev-
erages 24 h before testing. The maximal ramp exercise protocol [25] included: warm-up:
1 min at speed of 2 km/h, slope 0% and 3 min at speed of 5 km/h, slope 0%; test: speed
5 km/h and slope 1%. The workload was enhanced by a gradual increase in the speed, by
1.2 km/h per min, until exhaustion. Moreover, the slope increased to 2%, when participants
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reached a speed of 13 km/h, and did not increase further with speed increment beyond
13 km/h. Recovery was 5 min.
During the CPET, minute ventilation (VE, L/min), oxygen consumption (VO2, relative
(mL/kg/min) and absolute values (mL/min)), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), VCO2
(carbon dioxide production, mL/kg/min), ventilatory equivalents for oxygen and carbon
dioxide (VE/VO2, VE/VCO2), PETO2 (end tidal oxygen volume), PETCO2 (end tidal carbon
dioxide volume), HR, oxygen pulse (O2 pulse, mL/beat), time to voluntary exhaustion
(4 min of warm up and 5 min of recovery were excluded) and the 2nd ventilatory threshold
(VT) were measured [26]. Additionally, the same parameters as well as the running speeds
(“v” expressed in km/h) were noted at the VT and RER1 (RER value of 1, VO2 = VCO2)
points of the CPET: VO2VT, VO2RER1, vVT, vRER1, HRVT, HRRER1 and maximal parameters:
VO2max, vVO2max, vpeak, HRmax, VEmax, max O2 pulse, RERmax, tidal volume max,
VO2max/VO2ref% (maximal VO2 expressed as a percentage of a VO2max value predicted
according to participant’s age, sex and training habits) and VT/VO2max% (percentage of
achieved maximal VO2 at VT CPET’s point).
Running economy (RE)8, RE10, RE12, VO2/WR and VO2/WR (7.9–13.1 km/h) values
were used as running economy indicators. The RE8, RE10 and RE12 indicators were derived
from VO2 of each athlete at speeds of 8 km/h, 10 km/h and 12 km/h, respectively, and were
expressed in mL/min/kg. The VO2/WR and VO2/WR (7.9–13.1) indicators were calculated
directly from the ergospirometer, and they represent VO2 achieved at these speeds and
converted to a work rate (WR) expressed in watts (mL/min/watt). The VO2/WR index
represents the average value through the whole test load, while the VO2/WR (7.9–13.1)
index represents the average oxygen uptake per work rate between speeds of 7.9 km/h
and 13.1 km/h. These specific values of speeds were marked because they were reached by
all participants; thus, a direct comparison between them was possible. Furthermore, the
speed of 7.9 km/h is the lowest intensity that forced running over walking.
Two weeks after the lab evaluation, the athletes participated in the Philip Road race—
14.5 km route from Vergina to Veria, in Greece. The competition was entirely on asphalt,
and it started at 10.30 am. The athletes were offered water at 5.4 km and water and isotonic
fluid at 10.4 km. The weather on the race day was clear and with optimal conditions. The
race performance times of the runners were collected from the official results, and these
time records were net, i.e., the time from the moment the athletes crossed the starting line
to the time they arrived at the finish line.
Descriptive statistics were used to describe categorical variables. Continuous variables
were expressed as mean ± SD and Shapiro–Wilk test was used for testing the normality
of all data. The differences between values were evaluated using the paired sample t-test.
Relationships between categorical variables were tested using the chi-squared statistic. The
Pearson linear correlation coefficient was used for quantitative values, and, for the non-
linear data, we used Spearman non-parametric correlation. Statistical analysis was carried
out with the IBM SPSS statistical program (Social Package for Social Sciences, Chicago, IL,
USA, version 25.0). A two-tailed p < 0.05 was accepted as statistically significant.
3. Results
All fifteen recruited recreational runners (aged 41.3 ± 9.2 years) completed the 14.5 km
race and had no injuries or any health disorders during the race. They had been practicing
running for the past 5.6 (±5.6) years, with a frequency of 5 (±1.4) days, 7.2 (±3.1) hours
and 52.7 (±19.5) km per week. Their demographic, anthropometric and race performance
data, as shown in Tables 1 and 2, contain the overview of the participants’ CPET results.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 12289
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Table 1. Demographic, anthropometric and race performance characteristics of participants.
Race Performance
Average Race
Speed (km/h)
Body Fat
Mass (%)
Mean Value
SD a
a standard deviation; b body mass index.
Table 2. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing results of participants.
Test Time
VE b (L/min)
Speed at VT c
Point (km/h)
VO2max d
VO2max d
Heart Rate
Mean Value
SD a
a standard deviation; b minute ventilation; c ventilatory threshold; d maximal oxygen consumption.
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Correlation analysis of the anthropometric parameters showed, for the race perfor-
mance times, significant coefficients only for the height (174.5 ± 7.8 cm, r = −0.534, p < 0.01)
and the muscle mass percentage (35.6 ± 3.2%, r = −0.696, p < 0.01) of the participants.
From the participants’ training history data, only the number of kms that participants
achieved during their weekly training showed a statistically significant negative correlation
(52.7 ± 19.5 km, r = −0.640, p < 0.05) with the race performance time.
Data obtained during the participants’ CPET, which had a statistically significant
negative correlation with the athletes’ race performance, measured as race end time, were:
fatigue time (10.3 ± 1.2 min, r = −0.718, p < 0.01), vVO2max (14.5 ± 1.5 km/h, r = −0.531,
p < 0.05, Figure 1), vpeak (15.2 ± 1.2 km/h, r = −0.754, p < 0.01, Figure 2), absolute VO2max
(3.4 ± 0.5 L/min, r = −0.617, p < 0.05), max O2 pulse (20.9 ± 4.4 mL/beat, r = −0.607,
p < 0.05, Figure 3) and tidal volume max (2.4 ± 0.4, r = −0.550, p < 0.05). The speed values
(vVT, vRER) achieved by runners at the VT and RER1 points of their CPET had a signifi-
cant (p < 0.01) negative correlation (r = −0.733, r = −0.671, respectively, Figures 4 and 5)
with the runners’ race performance times. Relative VO2max (46.2 ± 4.9 mL/min/kg,
r = −0.422, p > 0.05), VO2VT (42.5 ± 4.9 mL/min/kg, r = −0.390, p > 0.05), VT/VO2max%
(92.1 ± 7.1%, r = −0.468, p > 0.05), VE (121.4 ± 17.4, r = −0.468, p > 0.05), VO2max/VO2ref%
(130.2 ± 17.9%, r = 0.252, p > 0.0.5) and HRVT (162.3 ± 14.9/min, r = 0.354, p > 0.05) did not
show any statistically significant positive or negative correlation.
Running economy indicators were not significantly correlated with the race perfor-
mance times of the studied runners: RE8 (27.2 ± 2.1 mL/min/kg, r = −0.036, p > 0.05),
RE10 (33.2 ± 2.3 mL//min/kg), r = 0.232, p > 0.05), RE12 (38.5 ± 3.3 mL/min/kg), r = 0.079,
p > 0.05), VO2/WR (7.1 ± 1.6 mL/min/watt, r = 0.164, p > 0.05) and VO2/WR (7.9–13.1)
(5.2 ± 6.7 mL/min/watt, r = −0.181, p > 0.05).
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Data obtained during the participants’ CPET, which had a statistically significant
negative correlation with the athletes’ race performance, measured as race end time, were:
fatigue time (10.3 ± 1.2 min, r = −0.718, p < 0.01), vVO2max (14.5 ± 1.5 km/h, r = −0.531, p < 0.05,
Figure 1), vpeak (15.2 ± 1.2 km/h, r = −0.754, p < 0.01, Figure 2), absolute VO2max (3.4 ± 0.5
L/min, r = −0.617, p < 0.05), max O2 pulse (20.9 ± 4.4 mL/beat, r = −0.607, p < 0.05, Figure 3)
and tidal volume max (2.4 ± 0.4, r = −0.550, p < 0.05). The speed values (vVT, vRER)
achieved by runners at the VT and RER1 points of their CPET had a significant (p < 0.01)
negative correlation (r = −0.733, r = −0.671, respectively, Figures 4 and 5) with the runners’
race performance times. Relative VO2max (46.2 ± 4.9 mL/min/kg, r = −0.422, p > 0.05), VO2VT
(42.5 ± 4.9 mL/min/kg, r = −0.390, p > 0.05), VT/VO2max% (92.1 ± 7.1%, r = −0.468, p > 0.05),
VE (121.4 ± 17.4, r = −0.468, p > 0.05), VO2max/VO2ref% (130.2 ± 17.9%, r = 0.252, p > 0.0.5)
and HRVT (162.3 ± 14.9/min, r = 0.354, p > 0.05) did not show any statistically significant
positive or negative correlation.
Figure 1. Correlation between participants’ speed at maximal oxygen consumption point during
cardiopulmonary exercise testing and race performance time (r = −0.531, p < 0.05). VO2max: maximal
oxygen consumption; CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Figure 1. Correlation between participants’ speed at maximal oxygen consumption point during
cardiopulmonary exercise testing and race performance time (r = −0.531, p < 0.05). VO2max: maximal
oxygen consumption; CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
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Figure 2. Correlation between participants’ maximal speed during cardiopulmonary exercise test‐
ing and race performance time (r = −0.754, p < 0.01). CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Figure 3. Correlation between participants’ maximal oxygen pulse during cardiopulmonary exer‐
cise testing and race performance time (r = −0.607, p < 0.05). CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing;
max O2 pulse: maximal oxygen pulse.
Figure 2. Correlation between participants’ maximal speed during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
and race performance time (r = −0.754, p < 0.01). CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
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Figure 2. Correlation between participants’ maximal speed during cardiopulmonary exercise test‐
ing and race performance time (r = −0.754, p < 0.01). CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Figure 3. Correlation between participants’ maximal oxygen pulse during cardiopulmonary exer‐
cise testing and race performance time (r = −0.607, p < 0.05). CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing;
max O2 pulse: maximal oxygen pulse.
Figure 3. Correlation between participants’ maximal oxygen pulse during cardiopulmonary exercise
testing and race performance time (r = −0.607, p < 0.05). CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing;
max O2 pulse: maximal oxygen pulse.
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Figure 4. Correlation between participants’ speed at ventilatory threshold during cardiopulmonary
exercise testing and race performance time (r = −0.733, p < 0.01). VT: ventilatory threshold; CPET:
cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Figure 5. Correlation between participants’ speed at respiratory exchange ratio value (RER = 1) dur‐
ing cardiopulmonary exercise testing and race performance time (r = −0.671, p < 0.01). CPET: cardi‐
opulmonary exercise testing; RER1: respiratory exchange ratio equal to one (RER = 1).
Figure 4. Correlation between participants’ speed at ventilatory threshold during cardiopulmonary
exercise testing and race performance time (r = −0.733, p < 0.01). VT: ventilatory threshold; CPET:
cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
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Figure 4. Correlation between participants’ speed at ventilatory threshold during cardiopulmonary
exercise testing and race performance time (r = −0.733, p < 0.01). VT: ventilatory threshold; CPET:
cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Figure 5. Correlation between participants’ speed at respiratory exchange ratio value (RER = 1) dur‐
ing cardiopulmonary exercise testing and race performance time (r = −0.671, p < 0.01). CPET: cardi‐
opulmonary exercise testing; RER1: respiratory exchange ratio equal to one (RER = 1).
Figure 5. Correlation between participants’ speed at respiratory exchange ratio value (RER = 1)
during cardiopulmonary exercise testing and race performance time (r = −0.671, p < 0.01). CPET:
cardiopulmonary exercise testing; RER1: respiratory exchange ratio equal to one (RER = 1).
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4. Discussion
The results showed that the 14.5 km race performance time of recreational runners
was significantly correlated with the running speeds achieved during CPET at VT, RER1,
VO2max and the test peak point. The good predictive potential of specific running speeds
(peak velocity, vVO2max, vVT) achieved during the exercise testing of recreational en-
durance runners was previously documented by a recent review [22] and other stud-
ies [21,27–29]. Running speeds associated with anaerobic threshold, maximal oxygen
uptake and CPET peak values include, as determinants, both the aerobic and anaerobic
attributes of the selected runners [22,27,30]. This can explain the great predictive poten-
tial of these parameters for a long-distance running event, which, in fact, requires both
well-developed aerobic and anaerobic power [30]. Additionally, as already confirmed in
the literature, the speed at the anaerobic threshold depends on both the maximal oxygen
uptake and running economy [29–31]. Thus, the significant correlation of this specific
speed with running performance, as noted in our study, is fully and favourably justified
for separating the evaluation of the maximal oxygen uptake and running economy [29–31].
We can reasonably assume that the cumulative effect of the previous parameters shows
a better predictive potential and responds to the complexity of long-distance-running’s
physiological requirements.
The CPET indices of oxygen uptake (relative VO2max, VO2VT, VT/VO2max%,
VO2max/VO2ref%) were not valid for predicting the performance times in our amateur
long-distance runners. Only the absolute value of VO2max showed a significant correlation
with race time. This finding should be carefully interpreted, since the VO2, in L/min, as
a measure of aerobic capacity, highly depends on individual anthropometric characteris-
tics [26]. Thus, the use of this value should not be considered as a primary index to predict
the performance times in amateur long-distance runners.
The scientific literature has acknowledged the importance of oxygen uptake and aero-
bic power for endurance running activities, but amateur running performance prediction
models remain dependent on running-speed indices and, according to some studies, anaer-
obic threshold and RE values [31–34]. Our study did not prove the utility of the calculated
RE indicators, and studies with similar results concluded that RE is not useful in defining
mid-distance running performance [28,35]. Furthermore, a recent systematic review and
meta-analysis found that the existing evidence is not clear on the relationship of RE and mid-
and long-distance running performance, as studies on this relationship have a high level of
endogenous selection bias and an absence of allocation methodologies. Additional research
is needed to evaluate the relationship between RE and running performance [36–38].
The participants’ CPET data for max O2 pulse demonstrated an interesting relationship
with the race performance time. This parameter is traditionally used as a predictor of good
cardiovascular health and for the evaluation and prognosis of ischemic cardiomyopathies.
However, the existing scientific literature did not use max O2 pulse for performance
prediction until now. O2 pulse depends on HR and oxygen uptake, and its maximal value
is mainly determined by aerobic capacity—HRmax is age-related and does not depend on
other individual physiological and pathological characteristics [26]. Future evaluation of
max O2 pulse might be interesting for performance and health-related prognosis, especially
in recreational athletic and patient populations. When the cardiovascular and respiratory
fitness of physically active subjects is evaluated, it can be helpful from motivational and
financial perspectives to produce, besides health indices, data that can predict or proclaim
individual performance determinants [39,40]. Furthermore, physical fitness as a health
determinant can help in defining tools for public health improvement, as it has been proven
that regular physical activity can prevent and manage non-communicable diseases [7,11].
The available scientific evidence is heterogeneous regarding the utility of the an-
thropometric parameters of amateur long-distance runners for performance-prediction
models [21,22]. Our study results on runners’ anthropometry should be evaluated in regard
to that heterogeneity. Recreational runners differ in body composition, and their training
and race participation does not require professional runners’ discipline and consequential
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 12289
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body image. Thus, the study of anthropometric indices in amateur runners represents a
great challenge for future research, since its utility may not be limited to only performance-
prediction models. Anthropometric features of amateur mid- and long-distance runners
can help define healthy and injury-free running guidelines.
The outcomes of this study add valuable insight on amateur long-distance running
performance and answer the literature’s need for a better understanding of the relationship
between recreational runners’ cardiopulmonary indices and their training design. Our
research highlights the cumulative effect of maximal oxygen uptake and running economy,
expressed through running speeds, as better tools of training design for long-distance
amateur running events. We define the cardiopulmonary indices suitable for the laboratory
control of the training adaptations that are important for safe, motivated and injury-free
recreational long-distance running. When designing the training strategy of amateur long-
distance runners, one should use the running speeds achieved during CPET at VT, RER1,
VO2max and the test peak point for progress control and periodization plan. The main
limitations of the study were the small sample size and the absence of gender segregation.
5. Conclusions
There is a better correlation of the 14.5 km running performance of recreational long-
distance runners with CPET speed-related indices at specific workloads than with the
indices of oxygen uptake, running economy or respiratory economy. When preparing a
training strategy, amateur long-distance runners should mostly rely on specific running-
speed-related laboratory data rather than on oxygen-uptake values.
Author Contributions: M.T., A.T., N.K., A.D. (Anastasios Dalkiranis), S.B., A.D. (Asterios Deligiannis)
and E.K. have made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the work as well as the
acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The University Ethics Committee approved the study proto-
col in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration for human research (approval number EC-16/2020,
Thessaloniki, 12 May 2020, Vassilis Mougios).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to the privacy of the included subjects.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Correlation between Cardiopulmonary Indices and Running Performance in a 14.5 km Endurance Running Event. | 09-27-2022 | Tomovic, Milena,Toliopoulos, Alexandros,Koutlianos, Nikolaos,Dalkiranis, Anastasios,Bubanj, Sasa,Deligiannis, Asterios,Kouidi, Evangelia | eng |
Effects of body movement on yaw motion in
bipedal running lizard by dynamic simulation
Jeongryul Kim1, Hongmin Kim2¤, Jaeheung Park3,4*, Hwa Soo KimID5*, TaeWon Seo6
1 Center for Healthcare Robotics, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea, 2 School
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 3 Department of
Intelligence and Information, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 4 Advanced Institutes of
Convergence Technology (AICT), Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, 5 Department of Mechanical System
Engineering, Kyonggi University, Suwon-si, South Korea, 6 School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang
University, Seoul, South Korea
¤ Current address: Institute of Advanced Machines and Design (IAMD), Seoul National University, Seoul,
South Korea
* [email protected] (JP); [email protected] (HSK)
Lizards run quickly and stably in a bipedal gait, with their bodies exhibiting a lateral S-shaped
undulation. We investigate the relationship between a lizard’s bipedal running and its body
movement with the help of a dynamic simulation. In this study, a dynamic theoretical model
of lizard is assumed as a three-link consisting of an anterior and posterior bodies, and a tail,
with morphometrics based on Callisaurus draconoides. When a lizard runs straight in a sta-
ble bipedal gait, its pelvic rotation is periodically synchronized with its gait. This study shows
that the S-shaped body undulation with the yaw motion is generated by minimizing the
square of joint torque. Furthermore, we performed the biomechanical simulation to figure
out the relationship between the lizard’s lateral body undulation and the bipedal running
locomotion. In the biomechanical simulation, all joint torques significantly vary by the waist
and tail’ motions at the same locomotion. Besides, when the waist and tail joint angles
increase, the stride length and duration of the model also increase, and the stride frequency
decreases at the same running speed. It means that the lizard’s undulatory body move-
ments increase its stride and help it run faster. In this study, we found the benefits of the
lizard’s undulatory body movement and figured out the relationship between the body move-
ment and the locomotion by analyzing the dynamics. In the future works, we will analyze
body movements under different environments with various simulators.
1. Introduction
The running patterns of vertebrates vary depending on the species. The development of these
running patterns is known to be an evolutionary result of adapting to the environment. Biolo-
gists use several methods, such as comparative approaches, to study the principles of observed
running patterns. In the field of biomechanics, the dynamics analysis technique is used to ver-
ify the principles of running patterns by simulation. In this study, we explain the principle of
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Citation: Kim J, Kim H, Park J, Kim HS, Seo T
(2020) Effects of body movement on yaw motion
in bipedal running lizard by dynamic simulation.
PLoS ONE 15(12): e0243798.
Editor: Marc H.E. de Lussanet, University of
Mu¨nster, GERMANY
Received: June 1, 2020
Accepted: November 26, 2020
Published: December 31, 2020
Copyright: © 2020 Kim et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
available at
Funding: H. S. Kim was supported by the GRRC
program of Gyeonggi province [GRRC KGU 2020-
B02, Research on Innovative Intelligent
Manufacturing Systems]. The funders had no role
in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
the running pattern of a fast bipedal running lizard. More specifically, we investigate the effect
of lateral body undulation on bipedal running at high speed by simulating a theoretical
mechanical model of a running lizard.
A lizard can run in a straight line with a very stable posture even at a high speed. While run-
ning, it has been observed that a lizard bends its body and tail in the horizontal plane, which is
referred to as a lateral body undulation, in the same manner as snakes and fish. Because this
movement is quite large and dynamic, we hypothesize that such a body movement plays an
important role in the bipedal lizard’s locomotion.
In previous studies, the lateral undulation of lizards has been observed. Ritter observed
the unique S-shaped lateral body undulation of a lizard with its various running speeds [1].
Whether such a lateral undulation is a result of active movement or passive movement has also
been investigated. Ritter analyzed the electromyography and kinematic data of the epaxial
muscle of a running lizard and concluded that the lizard actively bends its waist to stabilize its
trunk [2,3]. Similarly, by analyzing the electromyography of the epaxial muscle, Bennett et al.
confirmed that at a low speed, the epaxial muscle resists the body’s torsional force, whereas at
a high speed, the muscle is used to bend the waist [4]. These studies showed that the lateral
body undulation is not a result of a passive external force, but of active internal moments.
However, these studies did not explain the actual purpose of such a lateral body undulation or
its effect on locomotion.
The effect of a lizard’s tail was also studied. Jusufi et al. and Libby et al. studied the balanc-
ing effect of the tail when a lizard free-falls or jumps [5,6]. Gillis et al. showed that after tail
loss, a lizard could no longer control its body when it jumps [7]. Kim et al. improved the
motion stability of a six-legged water-running robot in the yaw and pitch direction using a two
degrees-of-freedom (DOF) active tail [8]. MSU Tailbot can control body angle for a safe land-
ing with swing tail in the air [9]. Such studies have focused on the tail’s role in the lizards’ pitch
and roll. On the other hand, TAYLRoACH can change its running direction as 90˚ turns at a
constant rotational speed of 360˚/s using a 1 DOF active tail in the horizontal plane [10]. Sala-
mandra Robotica controlled by the Central Pattern Generator (CPG) is similar to that of a real
salamander in the horizontal plane [11]. These robots studied the yaw movement of the body,
but the effect of the periodic lateral bending of the body during running was not investigated.
The contributions of this paper are to 1) find the benefits of the lateral undulations of the
lizard body during bipedal running, and 2) confirm the relationship between the lizard’s undu-
latory body movement and the bipedal running locomotion. The target of this study, Calli-
saurus draconoides, is a creature that can run very fast compared to its size, and the body of the
lizard dynamically moves in the yaw direction. We analyze the effect of the lateral body undu-
lation of a steady-state bipedal running lizard on its yaw motion via a dynamic theoretical sim-
ulation. Besides, we simulate the effect of the undulatory body motion on bipedal running
locomotion through a dynamic simulation using a lizard biomechanical model with the legs.
The biomechanical model derived in this study has 33 DOFs, based on the morphometrics of
Callisaurus draconoides. The extensive simulations verify that the undulatory body movements
dominantly affects its bipedal running locomotion.
2. Analysis for the benefit of the lizard’s undulatory body
When a lizard runs straightly with a bipedal gait, its posterior body swings symmetrically and
periodically in the horizontal plane. Furthermore, the lateral undulations of a lizard generate a
periodical S-shaped movement. When the lizard’s running is stable, the angle between the
trunk and the tail is very close to zero [12]. It means that if the lizard ideally balances the body,
Effects of body movement on yaw motion in bipedal running lizard
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the undulatory body movement will occur only in the horizontal plane. Therefore, we assumed
an ideal situation that the lizard was stably balanced, and modeled the lizard’s undulatory
body movement only in the horizontal plane. In addition, we studied the relationship between
the theoretical model’s running performance and the movement of the lizard body using the
optimization method and assuming the data obtained from the previous studies.
A. Three-link theoretical model of a lizard
After observing the Callisaurus draconoides, a theoretical model comprising a three-link sys-
tem with an anterior and posterior bodies, and a tail is devised as shown in Fig 1. The joints
are located such that each link can rotate in the horizontal plane relative to its neighboring
links. Animal muscles have both rigid and flexible properties so that when generating force
actively, they are rigid but when absorbing forces like springs, they become passive and flexi-
ble. This study modeled a lizard’s joint as the rotating joint to mimic the active muscle and
extract joint torque. The forelegs are attached to the anterior body and the hind legs to the pos-
terior body. The moment of inertia for the segment of the body is calculated by assuming the
segment as homogenous cylinder. The morphometrics of Callisaurus draconoides obtained
from the real measured data in [13]. For such lizards as Anolis sagrei and Anolis carolinensis,
which are similar to the Callisaurus draconoides and run with a bipedal gait, Legreneur et al.
found that the mass percentages of the forelegs relative to the total body mass were 2.05% and
1.8%, and those for the hind limbs were 6.2% and 4.25%, respectively [14]. Thus, the effect of
the leg motion is assumed to be negligible, and the leg masses are included in the anterior and
posterior bodies. The morphometrics of Callisaurus draconoides used for the three-link theo-
retical model are summarized in Table 1, and the details of the derivation of the three-link the-
oretical model are presented in Appendix A1.
B. Kinematic analysis of a lizard’s bipedal running
Fig 2 shows the forces and moments acting on each body segment of the lizard when it runs
straightly with a bipedal gait. The roles of the ground reaction force (GRF), ground reaction
moment (GRM), and lateral undulation of the waist and tail of a lizard must be uncovered for
the analysis. When a lizard runs, its legs exert a force on the ground with every stride, and as a
result, a fore-aft ground reaction force GRFx (fx) and lateral force GRFy (fy) are produced at its
feet. Besides, GRFz (fz) occurs in the height direction of the lizard’s foot. GRFz is closely related
to the roll and pitch motion of the lizard body. However, the body of the lizard is assumed to
have relatively little movement in the roll and pitch directions compared to the yaw direction
from the previous studies [12,15]. Therefore, the effect of GRFz on the lizard’s undulatory
body movement was judged to be small, and the force analysis of the lizard was performed in
Fig 1. Three-link theoretical model of a lizard, Callisaurus draconoides, in the horizontal plane. The moment of
inertia for the segment of the body is assumed as a homogenous cylinder. Since the mass percentages of the forelegs
and the hind limbs are low relative to the total body mass, the leg motion’s effect is assumed to be negligible.
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the horizontal plane, excluding GRFz, as shown in Fig 2. If we consider that the right leg
swings first while the left leg is in the stance stage, the GRF produces both a translational force
and a moment Mf, which acts on the posterior body. In the case of the swinging of the left leg,
while the right leg is in the stance stage, the lizard must bring its left leg into the appropriate
position by moving it by an amount equal to the distance from the position of the left leg at the
first swing, which is called the stride length.
In order to implement the stride length for the left leg, the posterior body is required to
rotate clockwise. Hence, a moment Mswing, which acts on the posterior body, is required to
realize the second swing. The posterior body is unable to rotate by itself, which implies that
Mswing is required to be produced relative to the posterior body. Because Mswing is not equal to
Mf, the GRM (Mz) generated by the twisting of the foot relative to the ground and the body tor-
que (Tbw, Tbt) generated by the joint movement of the bodies relative to the posterior body are
used to generate Mswing. A lizard is able to run forward by repeating these steps.
C. Dynamics analysis for the lizard’s undulatory body movement with
optimization method
The dynamics analysis of the lizard theoretical model is performed according to the process in
Fig 3(a). We set the initial desired value of the lizard body theoretical model. In the theoretical
Fig 2. Moments and forces periodically acting on the lizard in a period in the horizontal plane. When a lizard runs, its legs exert a force
on the ground with every stride, a fore-aft ground reaction force GRFx (fx), lateral force GRFy (fy), and GRM are produced at its feet. Also,
the body torques (Tbw, Tbt) are generated by the bodies’ joint movement. A lizard controls these forces, moments, and torques to run
forward by repeating the gait.
Table 1. Morphometrics of Callisaurus draconoides used for the three-link theoretical model.
Callisaurus draconoides
Total length (mm)
Anterior body length (mm)
Posterior body length (mm)
Tail length (mm)
Anterior body width (mm)
Posterior body width (mm)
Tail width (mm)
Total mass (g)
Anterior body mass (g) (with fore leg added)
Posterior body mass (g) (with hind leg added)
Tail mass (g)
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simulation, torque is generated in a proportional-derivative (PD) controller to follow the body
joint’s initial desired angle. We extracted the lizard joint torque function over one cycle in the
simulation. Next, we have defined a function that integrates the square of this torque value
over one period. As a result, jd_minimized of the body joint is derived when the function is mini-
mized by changing the desired value of the lizard body joint through iteration.
After both the desired waist and tail movements are generated, the theoretical simulation
can be formulated as shown in Fig 3(b). This type of periodic angular motion is assumed to be
a sine function in their study on the design of a machine with fish-like biomimetic locomotion
in a liquid environment [16]. The waist and tail movements of a lizard can be realized via the
use of a sine function similar to the previous research method. These assumptions are not per-
fectly suited to mimic target animals but have the advantage of being able to reveal the effects
and relationships of animal movements through simple calculations. The absolute angle of the
posterior body is controlled by the GRM, but Tbw and Tbt generated by the waist and tail move-
ments affect the magnitude of the GRM and the model’s running dynamics. GRM (Mz), Tbw,
and Tbt are described in Fig 3(c).
According to Kubo et al. in [17], the pelvic rotation angle varies with the species of lizard
and ranges from 11.7˚ to 25.8˚. Reilly et al. observed the pelvic rotation to comprise a periodic
sinusoidal movement [18]. The objective of our study is not to obtain a numerically perfect
simulation of a running lizard, but to verify the effect of its lateral body undulation. Accord-
ingly, the pelvic rotation is approximated as a sinusoidal movement of 20 sin(2πt/Tp) ˚ (Tp =
0.092 s).
The magnitude of the GRF is mathematically derived while referring to related studies.
GRFx, which acts in the forward-aft direction, was modeled as a sine function by Aerts et al. in
[19]. The same mathematical derivation of GRFx is used in the simulation presented herein. In
the case of GRFy, the direction of the force is always towards the midline of the body. The
maximum value of GRFy is close to that of GRFx, whereas the impulse is much larger [20]. For
the simulation, the direction, relative magnitude, and impact of GRFy are modeled according
to the studies in [20,21], and mathematically formulated as a sine function. The GRF depends
on the running speed of the lizard model, and thus, in the steady-state running, the GRF is
periodically repeated in every stride. Therefore, the GRF was approximated as a sine function
similar to the previous studies, as shown in Fig 4.
The position of the foot relative to the posterior body for every stride is determined from
the leg length and angle data as presented in [13]. The location of the right foot is initially set
as 38 mm away and at −45˚ from the center of mass of the posterior body, while the left foot is
38 mm away and at +45˚. Without the loss of generality, the feet are modeled in a no-slip state
Fig 3. (a) Overall architecture of the dynamics analysis for benefits of the undulatory body movement, (b) simulation for
one cycle of the gait of the lizard model with angular body movement (waist, tail, and leg controller are a proportional-
derivative (PD) controller) and (c) forces and moments in the lizard model.
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during contact with the ground. The foot position is fixed, and the center of mass moves rela-
tive to the feet according to the GRF.
The movement of the waist and tail is minimized by the optimization, as shown in Fig 3(a).
The desired angular movements of the waist and tail, which are assumed to be represented by
sine functions, can be formulated as shown in Eq (1).
Jd;i¼1;2 ¼ ai sinð2p
t þ biÞ
The angular body movement is achieved by combining the amplitude (ai) and phase differ-
ence (bi). As this study focuses on the effect of the body motion at high velocities, the fre-
quency during running is fixed The angular movements of the waist and tail vary depending
on the constants ai and bi in Eq (1). The values of the ai and bi determine the sinusoidal profile
of the desired angular movement over time; then, the PD controller generates the waist and
tail joints torques Tbw and Tbt to follow the desired profiles, as shown in Fig 3(b). Therefore,
we determined ai and bi as the design parameters for the optimization. Also, we derived the
objective function with the appropriate assumptions, as shown in Eq (2).
Minimize FðTbwðtÞ; TbtðtÞÞ ¼
Ð Tp
0 ½T2
bwðtÞ þ T2
Subject to GRM Const1 and q2 ¼ 20 sin
Tp t
The objective function to be minimized is set as (Tbw
2 + Tbt
2). The term (Tbw
2 + Tbt
2) can be
expanded as ((Tbw + Tbt)2 + (Tbw − Tbt)2)/2, and thus, minimizing ðT2
bw þ Tbt
2Þ implies that the
magnitude (Tbw + Tbt) is minimized along with the uniform distribution of the moments to
the joints via the term (Tbw − Tbt). The moment generated at either the waist or tail joint acts
as a burden on the active joint because it has to generate a relatively large moment. The uni-
form distribution of the moments over the joints reduces the load, and because a real lizard is
presumed to act in the same manner, (Tbw
2 + Tbt
2) is selected as the objective function.
GRM (Mz) is a constant that can be varied to produce different outcomes. Previously, we
assume that the GRM (Mz) produced by the lizard is very small. Thus, in the optimization pro-
cess, the GRM (Mz) is set to a minimum value. Here, q2 is the required absolute angle for the
posterior body when the lizard is running at 4 m/s, as determined via a simple calculation
Fig 4. Profiles of (a) GRFx and (b) GRFy approximated as a sine function similar to the previous studies [20,21].
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comprising the stride length and time. We performed the optimization by sequential quadratic
programming (SQP) using fmincon in MATLAB1.
D. Result of the dynamic analysis for a lateral undulation of a bipedal
running lizard
For various lizard theoretical models of different lengths and mass ratios, their lateral body
undulations are generated in the simulations. We chose the size and weight of the lizard model
based on the real lizard. It is worthwhile to note that the optimized motions may be affected by
the size and weight of lizard model. Therefore, in this study, lizard models of different sizes
and weights were used for simulations. The dynamic theoretical simulation is implemented in
MATLAB1 with the numerical integration by the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. The ini-
tial velocity of the model is set as V0 = 4 m/s. The model movement resulting from the optimi-
zation is presented in Fig 5. As expected, to minimize ðT2
bw þ Tbt
2Þ, the waist and tail joints
are required to generate moments that oppose each other, which results in a natural S-shaped
movement of the body.
We have obtained the joint angles of the actual lizard’s waist and tail by capturing the
images from a video file related with its running motion, as shown in Fig 6(a) from [22]. Then,
we normalized them for comparison with the simulation. Since the shape of the lizard’s undu-
latory body movement is determined by the phases of the waist and tail movement angles, we
compared the phase difference between the actual lizard’s and the simulated waist and tail
joint angles as shown in Fig 6(b). The phase difference of the waist was 0.002T (T is the
period), and the phase difference of the tail was 0.067T, indicating that the dynamics theoreti-
cal model and the real lizard’s waist and tail movements were very similar. In conclusion, we
found that real lizards can minimize the sum of squares of torque by moving their body in an
3. Lizard biomechanical modeling: For relationship between the
undulatory body movement and the locomotion
In the previous section, we observe that the body movement of the lizard’s theoretical model
when the joint torques are minimized. In addition, we have studied the relationship between
Fig 5. Movements of the lizard models calculated by the dynamics analysis when the joint torques are minimized. (
indicates the point at which the foot contacts the ground). (a) l1 = 66 mm, l2 = 42 mm, l3 = 84 mm, m1 = 4.0 g, m2 = 4.0 g, m3
= 2.0 g, (b) l1 = 60 mm, l2 = 40 mm, l3 = 92 mm, m1 = 4.0 g, m2 = 4.0 g, m3 = 2.0 g, (c) l1 = 72 mm, l2 = 42 mm, l3 = 78 mm, m1
= 4.0 g, m2 = 4.0 g, m3 = 2.0 g, (d) l1 = 66 mm, l2 = 42 mm, l3 = 84 mm, m1 = 4.2 g, m2 = 4.0 g, m3 = 1.8 g, (e) l1 = 66 mm, l2 =
42 mm, l3 = 84 mm, m1 = 3.8 g, m2 = 4.0 g, m3 = 2.2 g.
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the body movement and the joint torques of the theoretical model. In this section, to confirm
the relationship between the lizard’s undulatory body movement and bipedal running locomo-
tion, we established the lizard biomechanical model including its legs. To clearly identify the
effect of the body movement, we have constructed a biomechanical simulation to generate the
motion of the biomechanical model without control and to extract the joint torque through
inverse dynamics, to exclude the effect of control performance.
A. Bipedal running lizard biomechanical model
The biomechanical model of a bipedal running lizard is established by morphometrics of the
Callisaurus draconoides based on [13], as in the previous section. The kinematics model is pre-
sented in Fig 7. The body of the model consists of three links referred to as body1, body2, and
body3. In addition, the fore and hind legs of the biomechanical model comprise three links.
Fig 6. (a) Captured image of the running lizard for the joint angles of waist and tail from [22] and (b) comparison of the phase differences of the
waist and tail joint angles between the real lizard and the dynamic model.
Fig 7. Kinematic biomechanical model of the lizard to confirm the relationship between the undulatory body movement and
bipedal running locomotion: (a) bodies, (b) joints, and (c) lengths. The number of links used in the model is fifteen, and the
number of joints is 33.
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The total number of the links used in the kinematics model of the lizard is fifteen, as shown in
Fig 7(a).
The joints used for describing the angles of each body are set as rotational joints with one
DOF. The fore and hind legs comprise shoulder, knee, and ankle joints. The shoulder and
ankle joints are spherical joints with three DOFs. The knee joint is a rotational joint with one
DOF. We add two linear joints as virtual joints to calculate the position of the biomechanical
model in the fixed coordinate frame. The number of joints in the kinematics model is 33, as
shown in Fig 7(b). The length and mass of the links of the biomechanical model, based on
[13], are listed in Table 2.
The center of the mass of each link is in the middle of the link. The positions of the center
of the mass are explained in the Appendix A2 using the lengths and the joint angles of the liz-
ard biomechanical model.
B. Joint angles of the biomechanical model for the bipedal running
We simulate the locomotion and joint movement of the lizard’s biomechanical model. In this
simulation, the joint angles of the robot model are simplified as a sine function according to
the actual lizard’s joint angle. The sine functions of the joint motion are defined as follows:
qi ¼ ai sin
period t þ bi
þ ci; i ¼ 3; ; 33
where ai is the magnitude, bi is the phase difference, and ci is the offset of the sine function. As
we change these variables, the joint angle of the model changes dramatically.
The movement of the biomechanical model is laterally symmetric because it is assumed
that the model runs in a straight line without any deviation. To realize symmetric movement
in the lateral direction, the body joint angle has two variables of magnitude ai and phase differ-
ence bi without an offset ci. In addition, the left and right hind legs perform the same symmet-
ric movement with a 180˚ phase difference. The joints of the forelegs are fixed at a constant
angle to mimic a real lizard’s posture. We summarized the motion of each joint in Table 3.
The ankle joint of the lizard model is set with the foot always facing forward. This setting is
determined by observing that the foot of a real lizard faces forward when the lizard’s foot
touches on the ground. Therefore, we set the ankle joint angle to x, z = 0 and fix the y-axis
value in the fixed coordinate frame, such that lizard’s foot is facing forward when it touches
the ground at any time.
Table 2. Size and mass of a lizard biomechanical model.
Lizard model links
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
Mass (g)
Body4, 7
Body5, 8
Body6, 9
Body10, 13
Body11, 14
Body12, 15
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In the biomechanical simulation, it is assumed that the body of the model is maintained at a
constant distance from the ground. The lizard’s body is observed to have a small up and down
movement [12,15,23]. Thus, in order to simplify the simulation and focus on the lateral body
undulation of the biomechanical model, we assume that the body of the biomechanical model
only moves in the horizontal plane.
The distance between the body of the biomechanical model and the ground is determined
based on the trajectory of the hind legs. Based on the body position, the z-direction position of
the ground should be between the minimum of the foot end and the minimum of the hind
ankle. If the ground position is lower than the minimum position of the foot end of the hind
foot, the hind foot of the model cannot reach the ground. On the other hand, if the ground
position is higher than the minimum position of the hind ankle, then the model’s ankle
touches the ground, which is different from the actual lizard’s movement. Therefore, in this
study, we set the ground position of the body from the center of the foot at the minimum foot
position in the z-direction.
Before the hind foot touches the ground, the posture of the foot is fixed, as described in the
previous section and as shown in Fig 8(a). When the position of the foot end of the hind foot is
lower than the position of the ground, the angle of the ankle is changed such that the position
of the foot end is the same as the position of the ground, as shown in Fig 8(b). If the position of
the foot end of the back foot is higher than the position of the ground, the hind foot returns to
its original posture as shown in Fig 8(c). Therefore, when the foot touches the ground, the
position of the foot is fixed, and after the foot leaves the ground, it returns to its original pos-
ture. While in contact with the ground, the movement of the model is implemented based on
the fixed position of the foot end of the hind leg.
When the model is in the air without contacting the ground, we assume that the center of
the mass of the biomechanical model moves linearly. Since the biomechanical model is not
Table 3. Joint motion of the lizard biomechanical model.
Joint’s name
Joint motion
Waist, tail joint
q4, q5
qi ¼ ai sin
period t þ bi
Shoulder X, Z axis & Knee of Left hind leg
q20, q21 q22
qi ¼ ai sin
period t þ bi
þ ci
Shoulder X, Z axis & Knee of Right hind leg
q27, q28 q29
qi ¼ aiforced in the air, the velocity of the model does not change. The velocity and the direction of
the model in the air are calculated from the previous velocity and direction before falling off
the ground.
C. Inverse dynamics of the lizard biomechanical model
The number of joints in the biomechanical model is k = 30 and with three virtual joints, the
total number of joints is n = k+3 = 33. When the biomechanical model does not touch the
ground as shown in Fig 9(a), the equation of motion is derived as follows.
AðqÞ€q þ bðq; _qÞ þ gðqÞ ¼ G
where q 2 R33×1 is the joint vector and Γ 2 R33×1 is the torque vector. A(q) 2 R33×33 is the mass
and inertia matrix and bðq; _qÞ 2 R331 is the Coriolis and centrifugal vector.g(q) 2 R33×1 is the
gravity vector. When the foot of the lizard biomechanical model contacts the ground, as
shown in Fig 9(b), the reaction forces and moments are taken into consideration in the equa-
tion of motion from the ground as follows.
AðqÞ€q þ bðq; _qÞ þ gðqÞ þ JT
c fc ¼ G
c is the transpose of the Jacobian of the position and the angle at the foot on the ground. In
addition, fc is the reaction force and moment vector.Jc must satisfy Eq (12).
_xc ¼ Jc _q
where xc is the position vector of the foot that contacts the ground and q is the joint vector.
Then, by replacing €q with €q ¼ Jwhere,
Lc ¼ ðJcAwith a 180˚ phase difference. The phase difference of the waist joint angle is different from that
of the tail joint angle. In Fig 11, it appears that the waist joint moves first, followed by the tail
joint. For the readers, the MATLAB code used for the simulation in Fig 11 can be accessed
with the instruction file (
Fig 12 shows the trajectory of the left hind tiptoe of the lizard biomechanical model running
at 4 m/s in place and compares it with that of the actual lizard captured from its running loco-
motion [22]. As shown in Fig 12(a) and 12(b), in the stance mode, both the lizard biomechani-
cal model and the real lizard move their tiptoes back in a straight line but bring them forward
in the swing mode. The trajectory length of the tiptoe of the lizard biomechanical model in the
top view is 58.5 mm in the horizontal direction, and its maximum width is 25.8 mm in the ver-
tical direction. On the other hand, the trajectory length of the real lizard in the top view is 199
mm in the horizontal direction, and its maximum width is 49 mm in the vertical direction. As
shown in Fig 12(c) and 12(d), both the lizard biomechanical model and the real lizard raise
Fig 10. Squares of the torques of all joints obtained by varying the body movement. The magnitude of the waist
joint motion changes in the vertical direction, and the magnitude of the tail joint motion changes in the horizontal
Table 4. Design parameters for optimization.
Magnitude of the waist joint angle
Phase difference of the waist joint angle
Magnitude of the tail joint angle
Phase difference of the tail joint angle
Magnitude of the shoulder z joint angle
Offset of the shoulder z joint angle
Magnitude of the shoulder x joint angle
Magnitude of the shoulder y joint angle
Magnitude of the knee joint angle
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their tiptoes upward in swing mode. The trajectory length of the lizard biomechanical model
in the side view is 58.5 mm in the horizontal direction, and its maximum height is 8.7 mm in
the vertical direction. The trajectory length of the real lizard in the side view is 199 mm in the
horizontal direction, and its maximum height is 56 mm in the vertical direction. Through this
simulation, we found that when the lizard biomechanical model ran in the bipedal locomotion
with minimizing the sum of squares of the torque, the resulting trajectory of tiptoe is similar to
that of the actual lizard even though their sizes are different.
We performed a simulation to confirm the bipedal running locomotion of the lizard bio-
mechanical model by gradually increasing the size of the waist and tail joint angle, as shown in
Fig 13(a). The body movement is a sine function, and the waist and tail joints are set to be
same. Excluding the waist and tail joints, the legs’ movements were derived to minimize the
square of the torque, as in the previous simulation. As a result, the characteristics of locomo-
tion were obtained, as shown in Fig 13(b)–13(d). When the lizard biomechanical model runs
at the same speed, Fig 13(b) shows that the stride length increases from 97.8 mm to 135.2 mm
as the body movement increases from 2 degrees to 40 degrees. The stride duration also
Fig 11. Snapshot of a moving video clip of a simulated lizard when the square of the joint torque is minimized.
The lizard biomechanical model has bipedal running locomotion at a speed of 4 m/s.
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increases from 24.3 ms to 34.0 ms (see Fig 13(c)). The stride frequency is the reciprocal num-
ber of the stride duration and decreases from 41.2Hz to 29.4Hz. Therefore, as the body move-
ment increases, the stride length increases, so the lizard can achieve a high running speed with
fewer moves. On the other hand, Fig 13(d) shows that the duty factor of the lizard maintains
its value, about 25.7%, independent of the body’s movement.
When the joint angle of the lizard’s waist and the tail are 40 degrees, the characteristics of
simulated locomotion are compared with those of actual lizard obtained from [13] in Table 5.
The stride length of the lizard biomechanical model is smaller than that of the real lizard. It is
guessed that the difference between the simulation model and the real lizard may stem from
the modeling error. On the other hand, since other values are similar between the biomechani-
cal model and the lizard, the modeling error may be negligible.
5. Conclusion
This study shows that the steady-state bipedal straight running of a lizard is highly related to
the symmetric and periodical angular movement of its posterior body. It is hypothesized that
such pelvic rotation is produced owing to the GRM and internal torque. The dynamic theoreti-
cal simulation is used to discover the relationship between the GRM and internal torque. In
Fig 12. Comparison of the tiptoe’s trajectory between the dynamic biomechanical model and the real lizard. (a)
The trajectory of the tiptoe of the lizard biomechanical model in the top view has a length of 58.5 mm in the horizontal
direction, and 25.8 mm in the vertical direction. (b) The trajectory of the tiptoe of the real lizard in the top view has a
length of 199 mm in the horizontal direction, and 49 mm in the vertical direction. (c) The trajectory of the tiptoe of the
lizard biomechanical model in the side view has a length of 58.5 mm in the horizontal direction, and 8.7 mm in the
vertical direction. (b) The trajectory of the tiptoe of the real lizard in the side view has a length of 199 mm in the
horizontal direction, and 56 mm in the vertical direction.
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the lizard theoretical model of bipedal and steady-state running, the GRF associated with the
running speed is assumed to be identical for every stride based on previous studies. When the
GRM, torque distribution, and torque magnitude are minimized, an S-shaped lateral body
undulation similar to that of a real lizard is observed in the model.
Furthermore, we established the lizard biomechanical model to figure out the relationship
between the lizard’s undulatory body movement and the bipedal running locomotion. The
biomechanical model consists of 15 bodies and 33 DOFs. When the biomechanical model per-
forms running in bipedal locomotion, the square of the joint torque is changed by the waist
and tail joints. It means that the lizard’s undulatory body movement significantly affects all
joint torques when the lizard performs bipedal running locomotion. When the square of the
joint torque was minimized, we observed that the undulatory body movement are quite similar
to those of a lizard. The trajectory of the lizard’s biomechanical model tiptoe is small than a
real lizard’s trajectory; however, the trajectory shape is similar to a real lizard’s tiptoe trajec-
tory. We performed a simulation to confirm the bipedal running locomotion of the lizard bio-
mechanical model by gradually increasing the size of the waist and tail joint angle. As a result,
when the lizard biomechanical model runs at the same speed, the stride length and stride
Fig 13. The locomotion characteristics of the lizard biomechanical model changed by increasing the undulatory body movement. (a) Concept of the
increase of the lizard’s undulatory body movement. The waist and tail joint angles are set to the same angle. (b) The stride length and (c) duration are
increased by increasing the lizard’s undulatory body movement. (c) The duty factor does not be changed by the undulatory body movement of the lizard
biomechanical model.
Table 5. Comparison of locomotion specification between the biomechanical model and the real lizard.
Lizard model with 40˚ of body joint
Callisaurus draconoides [13]
Speed (m/s)
Stride length (mm)
Stride width (mm)
Stride duration (ms)
Duty factor (%)
Hip height (mm)
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duration increase, and the stride frequency decrease. Therefore, as the body movement
increases, the lizard can achieve a high running speed with fewer moves. It means that the liz-
ard’s undulatory body movements increase its stride and help it run faster.
As a result, we identify the benefits of the lizard-body movements that minimize the square
of the joint torque. Besides, we confirmed that the undulatory body movements of lizard affect
the lizard’s locomotion. To the best of our knowledge, there is no research to figure out the
principle of the running lizard’s undulatory body movement and relationship with the loco-
motion. In future work, we will analyze body movements in various ways through various
environments and simulators.
6. Appendix: A1
As shown in Fig 14, for dynamic equation, the vectors for position, angle, mass and moment
of inertia are defined in R3×1. The horizontal position vector of center of mass of the link is
defined as x = [x1, x2, x3]T and the lateral position vector is defined as y = [y1, y2, y3]T. The
angle vector of the link in global frame is q = [q1, q2, q3]T, the joint angle vector between each
links is j = [j1, j2]T. The mass vector is defined as m = [m1, m2, m3]T. For numerical calculation,
M = diag(m) is defined. The moment of the inertia vector is defined by i = [i1, i2, i3]T and in
the same manner, I = diag(i). The sine and cosine vectors are defined as sinq = [sinq1, sinq2,
sinq3]T, Sinq = diag(sinq), cosq = [cosq1, cosq2, cosq3]T cosq = diag(cosq).
The model has a boundary as shown in Fig 14 ([24,25])
xiþ1 C and L are defined in Eqs (26) and (27).
C ¼
From the assumption that the reaction force exists only in hind leg, the vectors of the reac-
tion force are Fext,x = [0, fext,x, 0]T, Fext,v = [0, fext,v, 0]T. The inner force vector are defined as
Fx = [fx1, fx2]T and Fv = [fv1, fv2]T.
Eqs (32) and (33) are derived by differentiating Eqs (24) and (25) twice:
C€x ¼ X4 ¼
75 þ Rot q3; z
2 þ shoulderX
7775 þ Rot q3; z
7775 þ Rot q3; z
Þ Rot q4; z
2 þ pelvicX
¼ X14 þ Rot q3; z
Þ Rot q4; z
Þ Rot q27; z
Þ Rot q28; x
Þ Rot q29; y
Þ Rot q30; z
þRot q31; z
Þ Rot q32; x
Þ Rot q33; y
where Rot(qi, axis) means that {ith} joint rotates in the axis direction. ShoulderX and shoulderY
are the distances from the center of the mass of body1. PelvicX and pelvicY are the distances in
the x and y directions from the center of the mass of body2.
Supporting information
S1 File.
S1 Video.
Author Contributions
Investigation: Jeongryul Kim, Hongmin Kim, Jaeheung Park, TaeWon Seo.
Supervision: Hwa Soo Kim.
Writing – original draft: Jeongryul Kim.
Writing – review & editing: Jaeheung Park, Hwa Soo Kim, TaeWon Seo.
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Effects of body movement on yaw motion in bipedal running lizard
December 31, 2020
23 / 23
| Effects of body movement on yaw motion in bipedal running lizard by dynamic simulation. | 12-31-2020 | Kim, Jeongryul,Kim, Hongmin,Park, Jaeheung,Kim, Hwa Soo,Seo, TaeWon | eng |
PMC10256252 | Review began 05/05/2023
Review ended 05/06/2023
Published 05/10/2023
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Mittal et al. This is an open access article
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Divulging the Impetus of Yoga on
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Its Persona in
Alleviating Anxiety Experienced by Youth: A
Cohort Interventional Study
Gaurav Mittal , Ruchi Kothari , Akshay Yadav , Pradeep Bokariya , Prashanth A
1. Physiology, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, IND 2. Anaesthesiology, Lokmanya Tilak
Municipal Medical College and General Hospital, Mumbai, IND 3. Anatomy, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical
Sciences, Wardha, IND
Corresponding author: Ruchi Kothari, [email protected]
Background: Globalization endangers youngsters worldwide with new standards and possibilities. Hereat of
being exposed to greater demands and expectations, when it comes to performance review, their life may
become more distressed. Yoga with revolutionary methods may assist youngsters in bettering their physical
health regarding their maximal oxygen uptake, and also help manage their anxiety. This study ascertains the
effect of yoga on youth's anxiety levels and cardio-respiratory fitness.
Methods: It was a longitudinal interventional study recruiting 99 medical students wherein VO2 max
(maximal oxygen uptake) on the treadmill/ergometer exercise and anxiety scores through Spielberger's
anxiety scale was assessed at baseline and evaluated after 6 months of a regular yogic regime. The VO2 max
was recorded by the metabolic module of Labchart software (Bella Vista, New South Wales, Australia).
Findings: The VO2 max evaluated by incremental exercise to volitional fatigue was found to be 2.64 ± 0.49
L/min in males and 1.51 ± 0.44 L/min in females pre-yoga and 2.81 ± 0.52 L/min in males and 1.69 ± 0.47
L/min in females post yoga. The difference in the endline and baseline VO2 max values of yoga-performing
males (t=6.595, p<0.001) and females (t = 2.478, p = 0.017) was found to be significantly higher than non-
yoga performers. The METS value obtained in males was 11.96 and in females was 7.68 before yoga. Post-
yoga values were 13.44 and 8.37, respectively. The difference in total anxiety scores post-intervention was
34.6 which was statistically significant (t= 4.959, p <0.001).
Conclusion: From the viewpoint of a physiologist, higher VO2 max in young adults links to better physical
fitness which is the potential outcome of regular yogic practice. As a result of regular yogic practice, initial
soaring anxiety levels of subjects culminated in a drastic observable reduction in anxiety, which helped
inculcate a judicious acumen in youngsters.
Categories: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, Integrative/Complementary Medicine
Keywords: medical student training, psychiatry and mental health, spielberger’s scale, anxiety score, vo2 max,
cardiorespiratory fitness, yoga research
This article was previously presented as an oral presentation at the 2022 Asia-Singapore Conference on
Sports Sciences on December 6, 2022.
Youth are considered the blossoming buds of progression for any dwelling society, population, or even a
nation as a whole. The fast-flourishing metamorphosing world of cut-throat competition is boggling with
stress. It is being manifested as the most common problem among the modern generation. On entering into
professional colleges, students find themselves in a new, challenging, and stressful environment.
Particularly, it has been observed in medical students that they experience significant stress during their
course [1-2]. Numerous factors that contribute to soaring levels of stress in medical students could be a
highly competitive curriculum, intense academic competition, and excessive demands on coping abilities in
physical, emotional, intellectual, financial, and social terms.
As per literature available from the West [3-5], and from Asia [6] it has been documented that medical
training is highly stressful, particularly for those who are in the cradle stages of their medical schooling. It is
well known that stress modifies the autonomic nervous system's fineness, with sympathetic activity
predominating in anxious temperament. Yogic praxis has benefitted in maintaining a physiological milieu
pertaining to cardiovascular indices [7]. Yogic relaxation can moderate sympathetic preponderance [8-9]. By
Open Access Original
DOI: 10.7759/cureus.38847
How to cite this article
Mittal G, Kothari R, Yadav A, et al. (May 10, 2023) Divulging the Impetus of Yoga on Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Its Persona in Alleviating
Anxiety Experienced by Youth: A Cohort Interventional Study. Cureus 15(5): e38847. DOI 10.7759/cureus.38847
minimizing sympathetic activity, yoga asanas, and pranayama can tip the autonomic equilibrium in favor of
relative parasympathetic control [9-11]. The objective manifestations of anxiety -- a racing heart,
palpitations, sweating, elevated blood pressure, dry mouth, avoidance behavior, signs of restlessness, and
heightened responsiveness reduce and eventually vanish.
Medical school comes in like a soft breeze after the post-entrance inertia of rest, holidays, and fun in the life
of medical students who are no longer just medical aspirants. In no time this ‘soft’ breeze gets transformed
into a storm and forsooth wreaks havoc on their mental and physical well-being. Here the age-old praxis
comes to their rescue anon, which is none other than yogic practice. Yoga in today's so-called “sophisticated
cosmos” is described as an antediluvian practice, especially among the youth who are at crossroads. In the
age of mobile phones, beepers, and 24 x 7 browsing, the yogic practice seems a more pertinent way out. Yoga
practitioners have asserted its effect on balancing emotional, physical, and spiritual health for decades, but
only recently has there been a move to substantiate these claims through research [12].
A state of mental tranquility is achieved by the practice of yoga as revealed by an increase in alpha waves of
electroencephalogram after yoga [13-14]. At the physical level, consistent practice of asanas and pranayama
confers a proportionate, flexible, typically relaxed body with an ability to combat stress efficiently [15].
Recent research has made some assertions that yoga has revolutionary methods for assisting youngsters in
bettering their physical health as measured by their VO₂ max, which could also impact how they manage
their anxiety. According to MI [16], the maximal oxygen uptake, i.e. VO₂ max is the single best measure of
cardiorespiratory efficiency and the gold standard of physical fitness for any individual. Keeping in mind the
above-stated facts, it was thought pertinent to probe an answer to the arising question as to whether long-
term yoga practice could prove to be a boon for the young generation of today's world with intense academic
This study aimed at assessing the effect of a regular yogic regime on youth's degree of anxiety and cardio-
respiratory fitness in terms of aerobic capacity as assessed in the Sports Physiology Laboratory.
Materials And Methods
Study design and setting
It was a cohort interventional study with pre- and post-design. The Strengthening the Reporting of
Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines were used for reporting and preparing the
manuscript. The study was carried out in the Sports Physiology Laboratory of a rural medical college in
central India. It was undertaken where the parameters of cardiorespiratory fitness in subjects were evaluated
first at baseline and later after completion of a yogic regime. During the first month, all the recruited
subjects practiced yoga together under the leadership of the investigator and a trained yoga expert. Then
they were advised an hour of daily yoga for a duration of 6 months, and the same subjects were re-
evaluated. Similarly, baseline assessments of anxiety levels were made (pre-yoga). Subsequently, the anxiety
scores were assessed following a month of yoga then there was a six-month (post-yoga) follow-up period
during which the students engaged in independent praxis. We obtained signed written informed consent
from all study participants. Prior approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee was ensured before the
beginning of the study.
Study population and selection criteria
Students pursuing Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) through a rural medical college were
recruited for the study. Initially, students were explained about the study and how it can benefit them in the
longer run. The students who volunteered and were willing to participate in the study were shortlisted. The
research was then undertaken accordingly.
The sample size was estimated using OpenEpi 3.01 statistical software (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention - CDC, Atlanta) with the assumptions as the confidence level of 95%, alpha of 0.05, and power of
study as 80%. The minimum sample size came out to be 84 according to the statistical software. During
scrutinizing, 300 MBBS students were screened. As per the inclusion and the exclusion categorical
imperative, only 99 students were considered for the study which was well over the calculated sample size.
Considering a 10% shift of mindset of the students for not participating in the study, all 99 were recruited for
the baseline assessments.
The MBBS students in the age range of 17-25 years who gave written informed consent were included in the
study. Subjects should not be involved in heavy physical activity or sports for at least a year. They should not
have any already ongoing yogic regime which might already have an effect on the baseline values.
Subjects suffering from any acute illness, recent surgery, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disorders,
COPD/asthma, chronic debilitating diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, diabetes, persons receiving any
drug that may affect the autonomic reflexes; not giving consent, and not willing to participate were
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The flow diagram in Figure 1 shows the final recruitment of participants after fulfilling the selection
FIGURE 1: Flow diagram showing recruitment of participants.
'n' denotes number of participants
While skeletonizing the subjects of the study it was found that 33 had a totally sedentary lifestyle while the
other 66 were not involved in any kind of heavy physical pursuits which could have caused bias or might
have confounded the outcomes. According to the final outcome as described above, the initial cohort was
divided into two groups namely a yoga performer group and a non-yoga performer one. The yoga performer
group comprised subjects who followed a regular 6-month independent yogic regime and the non-yoga
performer group involved students who irregularly practiced yoga. Regularity was kept a check upon by the
investigators by asking for regular reports about the same. The ones who reported yogic practice for more
than 75% of the days during the 6-month independent praxis were considered regular practitioners.
Data sources and measurement of variables
The following parameters were investigated pre- and post-yoga to determine the relationship between yogic
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practice and physical and mental fitness.
i) O₂ max - The level of oxygen consumption beyond which no further increase in oxygen consumption
occurs with a further increase in the severity of exercise.
Procedure for VO2 max
After familiarization with the laboratory and procedures, the subjects performed an incremental ramp
exercise test for volitional fatigue on a motorized treadmill/ergometer. Treadmill/ergometer speeds were
predefined to increase incrementally from moderate to maximal effort. VO2 max was thus measured by this
symptom-limited running exercise. A valid VO2 max was considered to have been attained when the
following criteria were achieved:
a. Plateau or 'peaking over' in oxygen uptake / O₂ consumption (VO₂).
b. Achievement of maximum heart rate: 220 - Age
ii) METS - One metabolic equivalent (MET) is defined as the amount of oxygen consumed while sitting at
rest and is equal to 3.5 mL O₂ per kg body weight times the minutes of exercise. The MET concept represents
a simple, practical, and easily understood procedure for expressing the energy cost of physical activities.
Calculation of METS
Energy cost/expenditure (METS) is used as an indicator that the participants are nearing exhaustion and the
limits of their cardio-respiratory system. METS values were recorded as per the maximal oxygen
consumption output data.
The metabolic module of Labchart software was used to process the data and give the output readings. The
Power lab 8/35 data acquisition system was used for the recording of VO2 max and deriving METS Values.
Increasing workloads are used to reach exhaustion in the subject and determine a maximal level of oxygen
consumption (VO2 max). A motorized treadmill (Aerofit AF 101, Nityasach Fitness Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India)
was used for the subjects to perform and reach maximal exercise levels.
Baseline clinical parameters - resting pulse, blood pressure, and resting respiratory rate were measured. The
height and weight were recorded as per standard procedures.
iii) Anxiety levels were measured into three broad categories namely:
a) Trait anxiety which is an enduring characteristic or pattern of behavior and refers to the more stable
tendency to attend to, experience, and report negative emotions such as fears, worries, and anxiety across
many situations. This is part of the personality dimension of neuroticism versus emotional stability.
b) State anxiety which implies that state is a temporary way of being (i.e., thinking, feeling, behaving, and
c) Combined anxiety score
Tool for Assessment of Anxiety
Spielberger's anxiety scale [17], which is a standardized, validated, and widely used measure to determine
the anxiety score of students, was employed. It includes a questionnaire called the ‘State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory’ (STAI). A self-report assessment device, which includes two separate subscales containing 20
items each. It measures state and trait anxiety using a four-point Likert scale. Essential qualities evaluated
were - feelings of apprehension, tension, nervousness, and worry.
Anonymous feedback was also taken at the end of the intervention to understand students’ experience of
yoga using a Proforma in which 13 parameters were assessed. Students were asked to tick against the
column which was most appropriate with regard to their experience for each of the parameters. The number
of students who have chosen a particular grade is expressed as a percentage of students. A consensus
measure was calculated for the items on the Likert scale using the method of Tastle et al. [18].
Statistical data analysis
Initially, Kobo Toolbox was used to collect anthropometric and historical data while screening the students.
For quantitative data collection of variables like VO2 max, METS, and results of the anxiety scores according
to the Likert scale, also Kobo toolbox was made use of. After that, R Software [19] (R Foundation for
Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) was utilized for statistical analysis and preparation of the graphs.
Certain scores of anxiety levels were found to deviate from normal distribution after their combined results
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were checked for normal distribution. Subsequently, the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was
performed, which is used to compare two averages. Mean and standard deviation, the difference in means of
various parameters, correlation analysis using Pearson’s coefficient which was deemed significant
depending upon the outcome of the p-value. If the p-value was < 0.05, it was considered to be significant.
Paired t-test was employed for analyzing pre- and post-intervention scores of variables.
Participants' descriptive data
The mean age of yoga performers was 19.43 ± 2.62 years and 19.54 ± 2.59 years for the non-yoga performers.
There was no statistically significant difference found between these (p-value = 0.76). Reasonably mean
height and weight of both the groups were found to be on similar lines which proved the point that
demographic parameters did not confound the readings. There were 25 males and 21 females in the non-
yoga performing group of participants and 33 males and 21 females in the yoga performers. The VO2 Max
readings were taken for both the groups after 6-month intervention while the anxiety scores were recorded
only for the students who regularly performed yoga (n=54).
Main outcomes and results
Tables 1-2 below give a comprehensive insight into the maximal oxygen consumption data (VO2 max)
readings of the yoga performers as well as non-yoga performers respectively. Pre- and post-yoga readings
categorized as per sex and in two defined units, have been depicted. The METS value was found to be higher
post-intervention which is 11.52 compared to the baseline value of 10.34 and this difference was found to be
statistically significant (p<0.05).
Pre-yoga reading
Post-yoga reading
VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
VO2 max (L/min)
VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
VO2 max (L/min)
Males (n=33)
41.86 ± 6.16
2.64 ± 0.49
44.52 ± 6.21
2.81 ± 0.52
Females (n=20)
26.95 ± 4.94
1.51 ± 0.44
29.99 ± 4.94
1.69 ± 0.47
TABLE 1: Maximal oxygen consumption data of yoga performers group.
Pre-yoga reading
Post-yoga reading
VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
VO2 max (L/min)
VO2 max (mL/kg/min)
VO2 max (L/min)
Males (n=25)
27.95 ± 5.24
1.99 ± 0.50
28.29 ± 5.39
1.93 ± 0.48
Females (n=21)
17.08 ± 2.40
1.14 ± 0.28
18.33 ± 8.10
1.24 ± 0.67
TABLE 2: Maximal oxygen consumption data of non-yoga performers group.
Table 3 shows the difference in VO₂ max in mL/kg/min and VO₂ max in L/min and METS before and after
intervention in both groups. For VO₂ max in mL/kg/min in the yoga performer group, the mean difference
was found to be higher 2.8 compared to 0.15 in the non-intervention group and the difference was found to
be statistically significant. Similarly, for METS and VO₂ max in L/min, before and after intervention value
difference was found to be higher in the yoga performer group compared to the non-performer group, and
the difference was found to be statistically significant (p-value = 0.0004).
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Yoga performers group
Non-Yoga performers group
Difference in VO₂ max (mL/kg/min)
Difference in VO₂ max (L/min)
Difference in METS value
TABLE 3: Difference in difference analysis of fitness parameters.
METS, one metabolic equivalent
Anxiety scores also showed a commendable drop in the values after the intervention. Mean anxiety scores on
day 1, day 30, and at the end of 6 months have been depicted. This difference was statistically significant (p
< 0.001) as is clear from the Table 4 and its graphical representation is depicted as a box-plot graph in
Figure 2.
Mean anxiety
Difference in scores
between day 1 & day 30
(with 95% confidence
Mean anxiety
Difference in scores between
Day 1 and at the end of 6
months (with 95% confidence
day 1)
(on day
day 1)
(at the end
of 6th
14.3 (11.4-17.1)
46.8 ±
29.4 + 6.6
17.4 (14.7 - 20.2)
13.9 (11.2-16.7)
± 10.7
29.9 + 7.5
17.1 (14.5 - 19.8)
93.8 ±
65.62 ±
28.2 (23.1-33.4)
± 17.7
59.3 + 12.9
34.6 (29.8 - 39.3)
TABLE 4: Comparison of mean of pre- and post-yoga anxiety scores.
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FIGURE 2: Box-plot graph of a comparison of means of pre- and post-
yoga anxiety scores.
Pre score - mean anxiety score on day 1 and before the intervention of yoga.
Post score - mean anxiety score at the end of 6-month yogic regime.
To give the study more credibility and authenticity from the subject's viewpoint, participants were made to
fill out a feedback questionnaire. The results were extrapolated in percentages. Table 5 gives a glance
through the questionnaire.
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Highly positive
Moderately positive
Moderate negative
Highly negative
Sense of contentment &
well being
A feeling of calmness &
Level of concentration in
Hours required to
Competence in any task
Irritability levels
Optimistic outlook in life
Headache, body ache
Mutual Interpersonal
TABLE 5: Feedback score for various parameters expressed as a percentage of participants.
Apart from the improvement observed in mental well-being score, the students also reported other
beneficial effects of yoga in their anonymous feedback such as:
1. Better sleep
2. Better concentration in studies
3. Better control of anger and other negative symptoms
4. More relaxed and active throughout the day
5. Getting positive energy at the beginning of the day.
A study incorporating the estimation of VO2 max along with psychological assessment was long due for
youngsters. Once evaluated in conjunction, this could prove helpful for the pupils to get an idea of their
aerobic capacity so as to modulate the intensity of different yoga practices according to their needs. This
interventional study analyzed the dynamics of the cardiorespiratory responses in medical students and it
was revealed that the yoga group had statistically significant higher VO₂ max and improved METS values
when the fitness metrics were calculated pre- and post-yoga intervention.
Cardiopulmonary fitness assessed as VO2 max, is regarded as a critical marker for youth health. Elevated
VO2 max level in yoga performers is eventually linked to better physical fitness and was a potential outcome
of regular yogic practice. This finding of our study is in accordance with the studies performed by
Loganathan et al. [20] and Parikh [21]. Due to a consistent yoga practice, respondents' initial sky-high
anxiety levels dramatically decreased, which contributed to the inculcation of a judicious insight in young
adults. Despite the fact that the youngsters who were selected for the research were healthy, their reduced
aerobic capacity seemed nerve-wracking to call for a solution. When introduced to them at this juncture,
yoga curbed this issue through an extensive regime tailored to their need and aimed at improving their
aerobic fitness and mitigating anxiety.
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Our results are consistent with previous studies [22-25] which examined the effects of yoga on the health of
medical students. The paucity of data on the impact of yoga on young medical undergraduates' functional
aerobic capacity during treadmill/ergometer exercise in the literature available so it was thought pertinent
to utilize such a methodology, which became the study's unique selling feature.
Additionally, the yoga group reported plausible improvements in parameters like an improved sense of well-
being, a feeling of relaxation, enhanced concentration, self-confidence, better efficiency, sound
interpersonal relationships, augmented attentiveness, reduced irritability levels, and an upbeat outlook on
life [26-27]. A study by Bansal et al. reported significant improvement in general and mental well-being
following the intervention which again corroborates our findings [28].
Akin to any research, this study too has certain limitations. We have used only a single composite
questionnaire-based measure of anxiety and have not studied psychological factors such as appraisal and
coping mechanisms that may influence the stress response. The stress scores were obtained at one point of
time while they were in medical school and hence the status of the mental health of students prior to their
entry to the medical course could have influenced the levels of stress. Other sources of stress such as familial
or interpersonal problems were not examined. Biochemical parameters of stress such as plasma or salivary
cortisol were not measured.
Nutrition was also one such factor that was not taken into sight, considering the fact that all students had
the same source of food and kitchen being a part of the medical school. Hence that did not affect the
readings drastically. Moreover, as a future prospect, it confers an avenue for further studies that can be
undertaken in which a nutritive intervention could be used.
To meet the modern lifestyle full of challenges and tensions, it has become imperative especially for medical
students to bail out of this turmoil and emerge with a whole new persona. There was a significant
improvement in the VO2 max and a markedly discernible decrease in anxiety levels of yoga performers. To
spell out the crux of the current research, it can be conjectured that yoga can not only expound aerobic
fitness but can concurrently serve to be beneficent in achieving a tranquil state of mind during young age,
yet providing the concentration and arousal essential in this demanding or stressful vivency of youth.
Additional Information
Human subjects: Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study. Institutional Ethics
Committee for Research on Human Subjects of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha
issued approval MGIMS/IEC/PHY/101/2022. Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study.
Institutional Ethics Committee for Research on Human Subjects of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical
Sciences, Wardha issued approval MGIMS/IEC/PHY/101/2022. . Animal subjects: All authors have
confirmed that this study did not involve animal subjects or tissue. Conflicts of interest: In compliance
with the ICMJE uniform disclosure form, all authors declare the following: Payment/services info: All
authors have declared that no financial support was received from any organization for the submitted work.
Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have no financial relationships at present or
within the previous three years with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work.
Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other relationships or activities that could
appear to have influenced the submitted work.
Ruchi Kothari and Gaurav Mittal contributed equally to the work and should be considered co-first authors.
The data are stored as de-identified participant data, which are available on reasonable request to Ruchi
Kothari ([email protected]). The authors would like to thank Dr. Arjun Kumar Jakasania, Department of
Community Medicine for assistance in statistical analysis and outcomes. We are thankful to the yoga trainer,
Arogyadham for training the students and carrying out the month-long yogic regime. The authors also
thank Ms. Maitri Gopani, Ms. S Sushmitha, Mr. Manish Rathod, Mr. Shreyash Yedke, Mr. Pratyaksh Gurnani,
and the whole of the Agnivesh batch for their constant support for procuring and managing the subjects. The
authors acknowledge all the participants of the study.
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2023 Mittal et al. Cureus 15(5): e38847. DOI 10.7759/cureus.38847
10 of 10
| Divulging the Impetus of Yoga on Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Its Persona in Alleviating Anxiety Experienced by Youth: A Cohort Interventional Study. | 05-10-2023 | Mittal, Gaurav,Kothari, Ruchi,Yadav, Akshay,Bokariya, Pradeep,A, Prashanth | eng |
Spatiotemporal inflection points in human
running: Effects of training level and athletic
Yuta Goto1, Tetsuya Ogawa2, Gaku Kakehata1, Naoya Sazuka3, Atsushi Okubo4,
Yoshihiro Wakita4, Shigeo Iso5, Kazuyuki Kanosue5*
1 Graduate School of Sport Sciences, Waseda University, Saitama, Japan, 2 Department of Clothing,
Faculty of Human Sciences and Design, Women’s University Tokyo, Japan, 3 Tokyo Laboratory 25, R&D
Center, Sony Group Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 4 Tokyo Laboratory 07, R&D Center, Sony Group
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 5 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University, Saitama, Japan
* [email protected]
The effect of the different training regimes and histories on the spatiotemporal characteris-
tics of human running was evaluated in four groups of subjects who had different histories of
engagement in running-specific training; sprinters, distance runners, active athletes, and
sedentary individuals. Subjects ran at a variety of velocities, ranging from slowest to fastest,
over 30 trials in a random order. Group averages of maximal running velocities, ranked from
fastest to slowest, were: sprinters, distance runners, active athletes, and sedentary individu-
als. The velocity-cadence-step length (V-C-S) relationship, made by plotting step length
against cadence at each velocity tested, was analyzed with the segmented regression
method, utilizing two regression lines. In all subject groups, there was a critical velocity,
defined as the inflection point, in the relationship. In the velocity ranges below and above the
inflection point (slower and faster velocity ranges), velocity was modulated primarily by alter-
ing step length and by altering cadence, respectively. This pattern was commonly observed
in all four groups, not only in sprinters and distance runners, as has already been reported,
but also in active athletes and sedentary individuals. This pattern may reflect an energy sav-
ing strategy. When the data from all groups were combined, there were significant correla-
tions between maximal running velocity and both running velocity and step length at the
inflection point. In spite of the wide variety of athletic experience of the subjects, as well as
their maximum running velocities, the inflection point appeared at a similar cadence (3.0 ±
0.2 steps/s) and at a similar relative velocity (65–70%Vmax). These results imply that the
influence of running-specific training on the inflection point is minimal.
Human running has been studied extensively from the viewpoint of how its temporal
(cadence) and spatial (step length) components contribute to velocity [1–10]. Velocity equals
the product of cadence and step length, and the relative contribution of each component to
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Citation: Goto Y, Ogawa T, Kakehata G, Sazuka N,
Okubo A, Wakita Y, et al. (2021) Spatiotemporal
inflection points in human running: Effects of
training level and athletic modality. PLoS ONE
16(10): e0258709.
Editor: Leonardo A. Peyre´-Tartaruga, Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL
Received: February 11, 2021
Accepted: October 4, 2021
Published: October 18, 2021
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2021 Goto et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
changing velocity differs across the velocity range. A previous study reported that, at slower
velocities, speed is modulated primarily by adjusting step length, whereas, at faster velocities,
speed is modulated more by changes in cadence [6]. At velocities close to maximum, step
length shows only a small increase or even a decrease as running velocity approaches the maxi-
mum [8]. These characteristics are considered to indicate the spontaneous recruitment of an
adequate motor pattern which minimizes energy expenditure at a given running velocity [5,
11–13]. Mechanical approaches, such as Fenn’s approach, have been used as useful tools to elu-
cidate these energy cost determinants with many practical applications [14]. Yanai and Hay
[12], utilizing a two-dimensional simulation, evaluated the relative contribution of cadence
and step length in the optimization of power production utilizing both anatomical (range of
motion in the hip joint) and spatiotemporal (duration of the stance phase) determinants.
Indeed, if the cadence is voluntarily modified from that occurring under the natural move-
ment pattern at a given running velocity, metabolic rate is lowest when the cadence is in the
range of ±10% of the preferred cadence [15–18]. In addition, in the slower velocity range,
Cavagna et al. [19] reported that preferred cadences take place in the proximity of 3 Hz.
However, the extent to which the above characteristics occur in different populations and
in persons with different physical backgrounds remains unclear. Most of the above-mentioned
studies focused on well-trained individuals, especially those trained for running [7–9, 12, 20].
Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate how a change in running
velocity altered the spatiotemporal adjustment between step length and cadence in subjects
with different histories of engagement in running training. Namely, we studied:1. sprinters, 2.
distance runners, 3. active athletes who had received no running-specific training, and 4. sed-
entary, untrained subjects. The relationships among running velocity, cadence, and step length
over a wide range of running velocities were compared across these subjects. Among the four
groups, the distance runners would be expected to run as efficiently (either mechanically or
metabolically) as possible. As noted above, in the slower velocity ranges, altering stride length
is a more energy saving strategy for changing velocity than is altering cadence [12]. Therefore,
we hypothesized: 1. the running step length/cadence patterns of individuals would be influ-
enced by their running training experience and overall physical activity levels and 2. distance
runners would exhibit the greatest tendency to change velocity by altering step length in the
slower velocity range.
A total of eighty volunteers (69 males and 11 females) with different backgrounds, in terms of
their running experience, participated in the study. They were assigned into one of four groups
depending on their current/previous running training. We utilized four groups of subjects
with different histories of running training. The first and second groups consisted of twenty
sprinters (all men) and twenty distance runners (all men), respectively. The participants in the
third group were twenty active athletes (16 males and 4 females). Although running is involved
in many of the sports, all subjects informed us that they had received no special training for
improving their running speed. For reference, the sports that the participants in the third
group engaged in were: soccer, basketball, softball, weightlifting, boxing, lacrosse, volleyball,
American football, badminton, handball, rowing, judo, and golf. They had all participated in
their sport for at least 5 years. The fourth group consisted of sedentary individuals without a
history of any regular participation in sports activities (13 males and 7 females). Table 1 lists
the characteristics of participants in each group. All participants were informed of the pur-
poses and procedures, and signed an informed consent form. This study was approved by the
Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running
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Funding: This work was supported by Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS),
KAKENHI Grant Number 19K22822 (K.K) and by
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows Number 20J11122
(Y.G) from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology of Japan. Sony Group
Corporation provided support in the form of
salaries for authors [NS, AO, and YW], but did not
have any additional role in the study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of
these authors are articulated in the ‘author
contributions’ section. Sony Group Corporation has
a patent (US20180039751A1) on apparatuses for
helping runners modify the V-C-S property. This
patent does not interfere with the usage of any data
or knowledge presented in the paper.
Competing interests: Sony Group Corporation
provided support in the form of salaries for authors
[NS, AO, and YW].Sony Group Corporation does
not alter the adherence to PLOS ONE policies on
sharing data and materials presented in this paper.
Human Research Ethics Committee in Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University. The
experiments were conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Experimental setup and tasks
Experiments were conducted on a 30 m all-weather straight track (only 20 m for the sedentary
group in consideration of their physical strength and lack of stamina) on which color markers
were placed every 0.5 m for video analysis. A sagittal view of each participant was recorded by
panning with a video camera (HDR-CX630V, SONY) placed approximately 10 m lateral to the
center of the running path. An additional 10–30 meters was provided before and after the filming
zone (of 30m or 20m) so that the subjects could accelerate and decelerate and thus maintain run-
ning velocity as constant as possible throughout the recording area. This acceleration distance
differed between trials and was selected by the subject. The video sampling frequency was 60 Hz.
Participants were asked to run along the path 30 times at a variety of velocities, which varied
from slow to the fastest possible. The order of running with different velocities was random-
ized on a subject-by-subject basis. The subjects were directed to run at a particular percentage
of their maximal effort [21]. This instruction included requesting a subjective effort from 10%
to 100% of maximum, as well as “run faster or slower than the previous trial”. The actual run-
ning speed did not necessarily match the exact percentage of their maximal speed. However,
this method did produce the necessary array of running speeds and the subjects might run
more than once at an intensity. When running at the minimum velocity, subjects followed our
instruction to run as slowly as they could while still maintaining a running gait (as opposed to
walking, jumping, hopping, or bounding). The interval between trials ranged from 30 seconds
to 5 minutes, depending on the speed of the previous trial. A 5-minute rest was taken after 15
trials. The participants used their own running shoes. Spiked shoes were not allowed.
Data analysis
Offline data analysis was performed by using video administration software (PlayMemories,
SONY, Japan). On the basis of the video analysis, the running velocity, cadence, and step length
were calculated on a trial-by-trial basis for each subject. Mean running velocity (m/sec) was calcu-
lated by dividing the length of the path (m) by the time taken (sec) to run over the path. The
instant at which the subject passed the start and the end point were identified from the position
of the chest relative to the color markers. Mean cadence (steps/sec) was calculated by dividing the
number of steps by the time taken to cover that distance. The number of steps was counted from
the first ground contact with the path to the last ground contact before passing the end point. The
duration utilized was defined as the time between the instant of first foot-contact after the start
position and that of the last foot-contact before the end. Mean step length (m) was calculated by
dividing the mean running velocity (m/sec) by the mean cadence (steps/sec). Step length was also
Table 1. Physical characteristics and sport activity history of each subject group.
age, years
height, cm
sports activity history, years
22 ± 2
176.2 ± 6.1b, c, d
9.7 ± 3.0
Distance runners
20 ± 1
171.0 ± 4.5
7.4 ± 2.0
Active athletes
23 ± 2
170.1 ± 5.8
10.2 ± 4.4
Sedentary individuals
22 ± 2
166.0 ± 6.2
Values are means ± SD. N, number of subjects. b, c, d: values are significantly different from distance runners, active athletes, and sedentary individuals, respectively
(p < 0.05). The sport activity history of the active athletes indicates the number of years of participation in that sport for each subject.
Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running
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expressed as the ratio of the step length (m) to the height (m) of each subject in order to examine
the influence of the physical characteristics of the subjects. For the running velocity, the fastest
among the 30 trials by each subject was designated as their maximal running velocity.
In the present study, the principal analyses for the spatiotemporal running characteristics
of each subject were performed with MATLAB version R2018a (The MathWorks, Inc., USA).
For each subject, the data were plotted as shown in Fig 1 in order to examine the relationship
between cadence and step length (horizontal axis: cadence, vertical axis: step length). This cor-
respondence involved the Velocity (m/s, dotted line), Cadence (steps/s, horizontal), and Step
length (m, vertical), and is defined as the V-C-S relationship. To quantitatively analyze the crit-
ical point at which the relative contribution of spatiotemporal adjustment changed (cadence
vs. step length), we utilized the segmented regression method which has previously been used
to detect lactate threshold [22] and ventilation threshold [23] during aerobic exercise. This is a
statistical method for determining the point at which a line suddenly changes slope at some
unknown point. We used a segmented regression procedure [23, 24] in which the N data
points were divided into two segments (the lower x data and the upper N-x data, x = 3, 4, . . .,
or N-2). Each segment was fitted with a regression line using the Deming regression [25, 26].
This regression method was adopted to exclude the effects of measurement errors in cadence
and step length. That is, one regression line was obtained with x data points from the ascend-
ing order starting with the minimum velocity, and the other one with N-x data points from the
descending order starting with the maximum velocity. The critical point (“inflection point”),
then, was the intersection of the two regression lines with an x value that minimized orthogo-
nal distance between measurement data and regression line for two data sets (segments) (Fig
1, cross; X). We assumed that the regression lines below and above the inflection point would
adequately represent the spatiotemporal characteristics of running for each subject and group.
Subjects with inflection points, thus obtained, that differed largely from the measured
points, were excluded from the analysis (#18, #19, and #20, as seen in S4 Fig).
Therefore, the final analysis involved 20 sprinters, 20 distance runners, 20 active athletes,
and 17 sedentary individuals. For these subjects, running velocity, cadence, and step length at
Fig 1. The relationship between cadence (steps/s, horizontal) and step length (m, vertical) relative to running
velocity (pale broken line and the second vertical axis) in a single sprinter. The inflection point (cross) was
computed from two regression lines from different data sets by combining the segmented regression method of
Deming regression. The filled and open circle markers represent the data sets below and above the inflection point at
which the relationship between cadence and step length changed abruptly. Inflection point was obtained as the
intersection point of the two regression lines.
Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running
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the inflection point were calculated. Normalized values were determined for each parameter at
the maximal running velocity.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics 23 software (IBM, USA). Maximal run-
ning velocity, height of subjects, and all variables related to inflection point in each group were
tested for a normal distribution using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Maximal running velocity, height,
and normalized cadence at the inflection point were found to have non-normal distributions.
Thus, group mean data for maximal running velocity, height of subjects, and all variables related
to inflection point were analyzed among the four subject groups by using a non-parametric Krus-
kal-Wallis test. Next, post-hoc pairwise comparisons using the Dunn-Bonferroni approach were
made to identify additional differences between the groups. In order to further investigate the
possible mechanisms responsible for the inflection point, correlational analyses were performed.
All variables across all subjects related to the inflection point and maximal running velocity
were tested for a normal distribution using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Maximum running velocity,
and step length at maximal running velocity exhibited normal distributions. Likewise, running
velocity (both unnormalized and normalized), step length (both unnormalized and normal-
ized), and unnormalized cadence at the inflection point exhibited normal distributions. How-
ever, cadence at maximal running velocity and normalized cadence at the inflection point
exhibited non-normal distributions. Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlations were performed to
analyze the relationship between maximal running velocity and other parameters at the inflec-
tion point. Significance was set at p < 0.05. The data are presented as mean and standard devi-
ation (mean ± SD).
Fig 1 shows a typical example of the relationship between running velocity, cadence, and step
length for a single sprinter. Both cadence and step length show specific changes in relation to
changing running velocity. The inflection point (cadence: 2.97 steps/s, step length: 1.78 m) was
computed from two regression lines.
Fig 2A shows an inter-group comparison of the mean values of Vmax. A Kruskal-Wallis
test revealed significant differences between the groups in terms of maximum running velocity
(χ2 (3) = 52.463, p < 0.001). The post-hoc comparisons revealed that the maximal velocity of
the sprinters was faster compared to all the other subject groups (distance runner: p = 0.009,
active athlete: p < 0.001, sedentary: p < 0.001). The distance runner group exhibited signifi-
cantly faster maximal running velocity in comparison with the sedentary individual group. Fig
2B–2D illustrates the correlation between maximal running velocity and cadence, absolute
step length and step length normalized to height at the maximal running velocity. There were
significant positive correlations between Vmax and cadence as well as step length both in the
unnormalized and normalized forms (cadence: r = 0.514, p < 0.001; step length (unnorma-
lized): r = 0.843, p < 0.001; step length (normalized): r = 0.803, p < 0.001).
Fig 3A shows mean values of cadence and step length at maximal running velocity (Vmax),
the inflection point, and minimal running velocity (Vmin) for each subject group. As shown
in Fig 3A, maximal running velocity was different across the groups and was the fastest in the
sprinters (I, around 10 m/s) and slowest in the sedentary individuals (IV, mostly less than 8 m/
s). All groups tended to increase step length predominately at the velocities between Vmin
(velocity: 2.17 ± 0.45 m/s, cadence: 2.62 ± 0.14 steps/s, step length: 0.82 ± 0.17 m) and the
inflection point, and then to increase cadence until they reached Vmax. Fig 3B depicts mean
values of cadence and step length normalized to the values obtained under maximal running
Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running
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velocity. The characteristics of the increase in velocity were similar to those from Fig 3A. Due
to differences in the absolute value (Fig 3A) of maximal running velocity, the normalized
cadence varied considerably across the subject groups, while variability in step length below
the inflection point was less evident.
Table 2 shows inter-group comparison of the mean values of all variables related to the
inflection point. A Kruskal-Wallis test revealed significant difference of running velocity, step
length, normalized cadence (χ2 (3) = 31.215, p < 0.001; χ2 (3) = 42.68, p < 0.001; χ2 (3) =
23.623, p < 0.001, respectively). The post-hoc comparisons revealed significant differences
between the subject groups. In the group of sprinters, the running velocity was significantly
faster as compared to the active athlete, and sedentary subject groups (active athlete: p < 0.01,
sedentary: p < 0.001). For the same parameter, the group of distance runners showed signifi-
cantly faster in comparison to the sedentary group (p < 0.01). The step length was significantly
longer in the sprinter group in comparison to all the other subject groups (distance runner:
p < 0.01, active athletes: p < 0.001, sedentary: p < 0.001). For the same parameter, the group
of distance runners was significantly longer than the sedentary group (p < 0.05). In the group
Fig 2. Inter-group comparison of mean values (diamond) of the maximum running velocity (Vmax) (A), and
correlation between the maximal running velocity and the cadence (B), step length (C), and step length normalized by
height (D) at maximal running velocity. In Fig 2A, open circles indicate each individual subject. Significant difference;
p < 0.001, p < 0.01. In Fig 2B–2D, filled circles, open circles, filled triangles, and open triangles represent the
sprinters, distance runners, active athletes, and sedentary individuals, respectively. There are significant positive
correlations between Vmax and the cadence (B) and between Vmax and step length, both absolute velocity and velocity
normalized to maximal running velocity (r = 0.514, p < 0.001; r = 0.843, p < 0.001; r = 0.803, p < 0.001, respectively).
Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running
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of sprinters, the normalized cadence was lower as compared to distance runner and sedentary
subject groups (distance runner: p < 0.01, sedentary: p < 0.001).
Fig 4A–4C depicts correlations between maximal running velocity and running velocity,
cadence, and step length at the inflection point. There were significant positive correlations
between Vmax and both velocity and step length at the inflection point (velocity: Fig 4A,
r = 0.738, p < 0.001; step length: Fig 4C, r = 0.827, p < 0.001). Cadence at the inflection point
had no correlation with Vmax, and was approximately constant at 3.0 ± 0.2 steps/s regardless
of the subject group (Fig 4B). Fig 4D–4F illustrates correlation for the same parameters shown
in Fig 4A–4C, but with values normalized to Vmax. Velocity and cadence show negative corre-
lations (velocity: r = -0.300, p < 0.01; cadence: r = -0.621, p < 0.001), while step length has a
positive correlation with Vmax (r = 0.290, p < 0.05).
We investigated the relative contribution of cadence and step length changes as running veloc-
ity was modulated in four groups of subjects with different histories of engagement in
Fig 3. Mean values of cadence and step length at the maximal running velocity (Vmax), inflection point (IP), and
minimal running velocity (Vmin) (A), and those with cadence and step length normalized to those under Vmax (B) for
each subject group. The error bars depict the standard deviation. The filled circles, open circles, filled triangles, and
open triangles represent sprinters, distance runners, active athletes and sedentary individuals, respectively. Pale broken
lines represent running velocity (A) and running velocity normalized by maximal running velocity (B). The thick
broken line in B illustrates the limiting situation, in which velocity change is only done with a step length change in the
velocity range below the inflection point, and only with a cadence change above the inflection point.
Table 2. Kinematic variables at the inflection point.
Sprinters (N = 20)
Distance runners (N = 20)
Active athletes (N = 20)
Sedentary individuals (N = 17)
velocity, m/s
5.86 ± 0.59c, d
5.36 ± 0.60 d
5.00 ± 0.50
4.50 ± 0.65
step length, m
2.03 ± 0.13 b, c, d
1.75 ± 0.14 d
1.69 ± 0.18
1.52 ± 0.21
cadence, steps/s
2.88 ± 0.26
3.06 ± 0.17
2.97 ± 0.15
2.96 ± 0.18
normalized velocity, %
64.7 ± 7.1
67.0 ± 7.5
66.7 ± 4.8
68.6 ± 7.4
normalized step length, %
96.5 ± 7.2
92.2 ± 8.2
94.1 ± 5.8
90.3 ± 7.7
normalized cadence, %
67.0 ± 4.7 b, d
72.6 ± 4.2
71.2 ± 6.6
76.0 ± 6.0
Values are means ± SD. N, number of subjects. b, c, d: values are significantly larger, from distance runners, active athletes, and sedentary individuals, respectively.
Normalized velocity, step length, and cadence were obtained by normalizing with corresponding values at the maximal running velocity, respectively.
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running-specific training, utilizing the segmented regression method with two regression lines
(Fig 1). In spite of a large variation in maximal running velocity, the general characteristics of
the V-C-S relationship were similar across the subject groups (Fig 3) as well as across the data
of individuals (S1–S4 Figs).
Basic characteristics of the V-C-S relationship
As expected, compared to the sprinters, maximal running velocities were progressively slower
in the distance runners, active athletes and sedentary groups. There were significant differ-
ences between the sprinters and the other three groups, as well as between the distance runners
and the sedentary individuals (Fig 2A). Both cadence and step length at Vmax were well corre-
lated with Vmax (Fig 2B and 2C, respectively). Among the subject groups, the sprinters were
the tallest and the sedentary group was the shortest. The strong correlation of step length with
Vmax was well-preserved, however, even when step length was normalized to the subjects’
heights (Fig 2D). Thus, faster maximum running velocities were generally accomplished with
both a higher cadence and longer steps. The minimum running velocity was common to all
subject groups at 2.17 ± 0.45 m/s with a cadence of 2.62 ± 0.14 steps/s and a step length of
Fig 4. Correlation between maximal running velocity (Vmax) and: running velocity (A), cadence (B), and step length (C), as well as the same three parameters
normalized to the Vmax (D–F) at the inflection point. Filled and open circles, and filled and open triangles represent the sprinters, distance runners, active athletes,
and sedentary individuals, respectively. The correlations are all significant except for cadence (B).
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0.82 ± 0.17 m (Fig 3A). It appears that a slower cadence would have required “hopping” rather
than running, and for shorter step lengths it became similar to “jogging in place”.
In all four subject groups, an abrupt change in the V-C-S relationship took place at the
inflection point (Fig 3 and Table 2). Velocity changes below the inflection point occurred
mainly by modulating step length and velocity changes above the inflection point occurred
mainly via cadence modulation. These characteristics were demonstrated in preceding studies
conducted on sprinters and distance runners [7, 9], and are particularly prominent in
Running velocity at the inflection point has a significant positive correlation with Vmax
(Fig 4A). Thus, the faster the Vmax, the faster the velocity at the inflection point. A faster
velocity at the inflection point is mainly attained by longer step length (Fig 4C). However, this
correlation was weak when it is normalized with the step length at the Vmax (Fig 4F).
Overall, regardless of the training history, all groups had a similar relative step length quite
close to the maximum step length (about 90%). Interestingly, the cadence at the inflection
point has no correlation with Vmax and remained constant at about 3 steps/sec (Fig 4B). The
history of the training influenced normalized cadence at the inflection point, that is, sprinters
had a lower normalized cadence at the inflection point than the others, although in absolute
terms cadence was the same. In the normalized plane (Fig 3B) inflection points of the different
groups are lined along the isovelocity curve of 65–70%. Scatter plots of all subjects of all the
groups showed only a weak correlation between the Vmax and the velocity at the inflection
point normalized with Vmax (Fig 4D). In spite of the wide range of sports, and thus athletic
modality of the subjects as well as their maximum running velocity, the inflection point
appeared at a similar cadence (3.0 ± 0.2 steps/s) as well as at similar relative velocity (65–70%
Vmax), across all groups. These results imply that the influence of running-specific training on
the inflection point is minimal.
Functional meaning of the V-C-S relationship
Although the basic characteristics of the V-C-S relationship are common across different sub-
ject groups, the quantitative difference could be related to quality/quantity difference in run-
ning-specific training among groups.
In the present study, four groups of subjects, sprinters, distance runners, active athletes uti-
lizing varying degrees of running but no running training, and sedentary individuals, were
studied. Of course, the above order would also be expected for the maximal velocity from fast-
est to the slowest (Fig 2A). Sprinting and distance training involves running on a daily basis,
and running (generally without specific running instruction) forms one aspect of training for
many of the active athletes as well. It seems reasonable that some portion of the observed maxi-
mal velocities reflect differences in training.
Interestingly, step length at the inflection point also follows the same order as the maximal
velocity (Figs 3A and 4C and 4F). In the velocity range below the inflection point, velocity
change is mainly done with a change in step length; for energy-saving this is a more efficient
strategy than is changing the cadence [12]. It would be beneficial for distance runners to run
within this range as much as possible when their velocity is below the inflection point. Indeed,
it was shown that at 4.4 m/s velocity, in the range below the inflection point, the stride length
was associated with better running economy in distance runners [27]. Therefore, we had
hypothesized that the ability to run below the inflection point would be particularly developed
in distance runners. However, sprinters and not distance runners increased velocity by elon-
gating both absolute step length (Fig 4C) and relative step length (Fig 4F), all the way to the
upper running speed limit. Thus, our working hypothesis was rejected. Sprinters rarely train
Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running
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in the velocity range below the inflection point. Obviously, maximal velocity is crucial for
sprinters. A faster velocity cannot be accomplished only with power, especially at the highest
levels. Sprinters need to develop both power and economy to the upper limit, and inevitably
and unintentionally develop mechanically efficient movements.
Future studies
Why and by what means are there differences in the various parameters of the V-C-S relation-
ship? In particular, the neural as well as physiomechanical mechanisms of differences in the
V-C-S relationship should prove very interesting. In the future, motion analysis together with
measurements of muscle activity and ground reaction forces could help to answer our overall
question. Although numerical simulation of running and walking has many limitations [11, 12,
28], the differences in the V-C-S relationship could be analyzed with numerical models in terms
of various energy costs. Furthermore, it is very interesting that even in the sedentary subjects,
the basic pattern of V-C-S relationship, which is considered to reflect efficiency [12, 13], was
seen. Is the V-C-S pattern innate or does it develop along the development? This, and also
fatigue [29], aging [30, 31], and sex differences [32], if any, are topics that merit future analysis.
In the present study we analyzed the V-C-S relationship of running with the segmented regres-
sion method and made a quantitative comparison of the “spatiotemporal running characteris-
tics” in subjects with different histories of running-specific training. The common characteristic
of the V-C-S relationship is, in the slower and faster velocity ranges, that velocity is mainly mod-
ulated by altering step length and cadence, respectively. This was observed not only in the
sprinters and distance runners, as shown in previous studies, but in active (general sport) ath-
letes and sedentary subjects as well. In spite of the wide range of athletic modalities of the sub-
jects, and their maximum running velocity, the inflection point appeared at a similar cadence
(3.0 ± 0.2 steps/s) and at similar a relative velocity (65–70%Vmax), across all groups. These
results imply that the influence of running-specific training on the inflection point is minimal.
Supporting information
S1 Fig. The relationship between cadence and step length for all the sprinters. The two
dashed lines depict the regression lines computed from different data below and above the
inflection point, respectively.
S2 Fig. The relationship between cadence and step length for all the distance runners. The
two dashed lines show the regression lines computed from different data below and above the
inflection point, respectively.
S3 Fig. The relationship between cadence and step length for the active athletes. The two
dashed lines show the regression lines computed from different data below and above the
inflection point, respectively. The title of each figure corresponds to each subject’s sports expe-
rience. Characters in parentheses signify male or female subjects.
S4 Fig. The relationship between cadence and step length for the sedentary individuals.
The two dashed lines show the regression lines computed from different data below and above
the inflection point, respectively. In the sedentary group, three subjects were excluded from
Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running
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data analysis: two subjects (No. 18 and No. 19) had estimated inflection point fell outside the
range of the original data, and one subject (No. 20) showed two regression lines with almost
the same slope giving the inflection point completely outside the range of measured data.
Characters in parentheses signify male or female subjects.
The authors thank Dr. Larry Crawshaw for English editing of the manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Yuta Goto, Tetsuya Ogawa, Gaku Kakehata, Kazuyuki Kanosue.
Formal analysis: Yuta Goto, Naoya Sazuka, Yoshihiro Wakita.
Funding acquisition: Yuta Goto.
Investigation: Yuta Goto, Gaku Kakehata.
Methodology: Yuta Goto, Tetsuya Ogawa, Naoya Sazuka, Yoshihiro Wakita.
Project administration: Yuta Goto, Atsushi Okubo, Kazuyuki Kanosue.
Software: Naoya Sazuka.
Supervision: Kazuyuki Kanosue.
Visualization: Yuta Goto.
Writing – original draft: Yuta Goto, Naoya Sazuka, Yoshihiro Wakita.
Writing – review & editing: Tetsuya Ogawa, Gaku Kakehata, Atsushi Okubo, Shigeo Iso,
Kazuyuki Kanosue.
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| Spatiotemporal inflection points in human running: Effects of training level and athletic modality. | 10-18-2021 | Goto, Yuta,Ogawa, Tetsuya,Kakehata, Gaku,Sazuka, Naoya,Okubo, Atsushi,Wakita, Yoshihiro,Iso, Shigeo,Kanosue, Kazuyuki | eng |
PMC3868388 | Supporting Materials and Methods
1) The double Gaussian and double Lorentzian
In order to estimate the two dates where the highest number of performances occurs for both
thermal and cultural peak, we investigated two functions:
(i) The double Gaussian function f1(x) that is the sum of two Gaussian functions:
f1(x) = f1,1(x) + f1,2(x)
f1(x) = a1 · exp
x − b1
+a2 · exp
x − b2
(ii) The double Lorentz function f2(x) that is the sum of two Lorentzian functions:
f1(x) = f2,1(x) + f2,2(x)
f2(x) = c1
1 +
x − b1
2 + c2
1 +
x − b2
The functions f1 and f2 are two-peak functions and x is the number of elite performances in
a week. Resulting adjusted R2 and RMSE were gathered for both functions and the elected
function for a given percent category was the function that presented the best statistics.
2) Estimates of x01, x02, p1, p2
For each elected function in each percent category, the two peaks x01, x02 were estimated, and
the proportions p1, p2 were given by estimating the area under the curve in the interval [0, 52]
for the functions f1,1, f1,2, f2,1, f2,2. For notation convenience, we denoted i and j as the indexes
of the functions, such as when i = 1 and j = 1, fi,j referred to f1,1. Integration of the functions
was given by:
Z 52
fi,j(x) = Fi,j(52) − Fi,j(0)
F1,j(x) = −√π × aj × cj × erf
bj − x
F2,j(x) = −2
cj × tan−1
2 (bj − x)
where erf(x) is the error function and tan−1(x) the inverse tangent function. The proportion of
performances in the two peaks was estimated by computing the area under the curve (proportion
of Performances) of each elected model and for each PC:
Z 52
f1(x) =
Z 52
f1,1(x) +
Z 52
Z 52
f2(x) =
Z 52
f2,1(x) +
Z 52
And the proportions were calculated in percentages using:
p1 =
R 52
R 52
× 100
p2 =
R 52
R 52
× 100
Where i = 1 or 2, depending on the elected function f1(x) or f2(x) at each PC.
| Environment and scheduling effects on sprint and middle distance running performances. | 11-20-2013 | Haïda, Amal,Dor, Frédéric,Guillaume, Marion,Quinquis, Laurent,Marc, Andy,Marquet, Laurie-Anne,Antero-Jacquemin, Juliana,Tourny-Chollet, Claire,Desgorces, François,Berthelot, Geoffroy,Toussaint, Jean-François | eng |
PMC3805569 | The Influence of Sex, Stroke and Distance on the Lactate
Characteristics in High Performance Swimming
Benjamin Holfelder*, Niklas Brown, Dieter Bubeck
Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Background: In order to achieve world-class performances, regular performance diagnostics is required as an essential
prerequisite for guiding high performance sport. In high performance swimming, the lactate performance diagnostic is an
important instrument in testing the sport specific endurance capacity. Although the role of lactate as a signaling molecule,
fuel and a gluconeogenic substrate is accepted, lactate parameters are discussed concerning stability, explanatory power
and interpretability.
Methods: We calculated the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) of Bunc using the swimming-specific lactate threshold test
by Pansold.
Results: The cross-sectional analysis (ANOVA) of n = 398 high performance swimmers showed significant effects for sex,
stroke and distance on the IAT, the percentage of personal best time on the IAT (% of PB on IAT) and maximal lactate values
(max. bLA). For the freestyle events the IAT decreased, % of PB on IAT and max. bLA increased from 100 to 400 m
significantly in men and women. Women showed significantly higher % of PB on IAT with descriptive lower IAT in 7 of 8
analyzed events. Men showed significantly higher max. bLA in 5 of 8 events. In the second step, the analysis of 1902 data
sets of these 398 athletes with a multi-level analysis (MLA) showed also significant effects for sex, swimming distance and
stroke. For initial status and development over time, the effect sizes for the variables distance and sex were medium to
large, whereas for stroke there were no or small effect sizes.
Discussion: These significant results suggest that lactate tests in swimming specifically have to consider the lactate
affecting factors sex and distance under consideration of the time period between measurements. Anthropometrical factors
and the physiology of women are possible explanations for the relative better performance for lower lactate concentrations
compared to men.
Citation: Holfelder B, Brown N, Bubeck D (2013) The Influence of Sex, Stroke and Distance on the Lactate Characteristics in High Performance Swimming. PLoS
ONE 8(10): e77185. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077185
Editor: Jonatan R. Ruiz, University of Granada, Spain
Received March 6, 2013; Accepted September 2, 2013; Published October 22, 2013
Copyright: 2013 Holfelder et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the funding programme Open Access Publishing. The funder had no role in
study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]
In order to achieve maximum performance in important
competitions, regular performance diagnostics is required as an
essential prerequisite for guiding high performance sport [1]. It is
used to determine the actual performance and thus enhance the
planning and periodization of the training process [2], to recognize
the athletes actual stress-recovery balance and integrate it into the
training schedule. For analyzing the endurance capacity in
swimming, measuring lactate is common, due to the difficult
conditions for spirometric testing in a pool. However, lactate
parameters are currently discussed concerning their stability,
explanatory power, validity and interpretability, because factors
like the training state, in particular overtraining [3], diet and
nutritional status [4] and the types and sizes of muscle groups and
fibers [5] are affecting the individual lactate kinetics. Although
research on lactate is far away from complete [1,6] the role of
lactate as a signaling molecule, fuel and a gluconeogenic substrate
is accepted [5,7,8]. However, the determination of the individual
anaerobic threshold (IAT) by means of lactate concentration is still
a gold standard [9,10]. Besides, there is currently no adequate
method in swimming to substitute the lactate diagnostic in the
field, thus it seems important to increase the knowledge of lactate
affecting factors before, during and after exercise to further
optimize the interpretation [1]. Thus, this article evaluates the use
of the IAT of Bunc et al. [11] on the lactate threshold test of
Pansold [12], which is used for assessing the sport specific
endurance capacity in the German Swimming Association (DSV),
since the beginning of the 1990 s. The choice of the threshold
concept of Bunc et al. [11] can be explained by the exponential
function as a common functional basis with the Pansold-test and
the calculation of the IAT regarding the characteristics of the
whole lactate curve. The consideration of these seems important
for more reliable statements in performance diagnostics, because
thereby it is easier to differentiate between sprinters, endurance
athletes and untrained people [4,13].
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
Influence of Sex
Because of anthropometric, hormonal and genetic differences,
sex is a major factor influencing best performances [14].
Specifically for swimming, several studies [15,16] reported that
the technique of women is more economical than the technique of
men. This could be explained by anthropometrical factors like
body density, a lower hydrodynamic torque and the better ability
to adapt to a horizontal body alignment [15,17]. For example, a
higher body fat content, naturally observed in women [18],
increases the prone gliding distance [19]. It can be assumed, that a
more economical technique will cause lower lactate values of
comparable load situations. However, could only identify sex-
specific differences for the freestyle events, with greater post-race
lactate concentrations in men. Crewther et al. [4] reported that
men react to a bout of resistance training with higher lactate
concentrations when compared to women. Thus, men exhibit a
greater lean muscle mass and can train with heavier relative loads
than women [4]. It was shown that performance differences
between men and women decrease with increasing distance, also
explained by physiological and morphological factors [21]. It
seems that in women the aerobic metabolism and in men the
anaerobic metabolism is better developed [22]. The higher
content of muscle tissue and the better-developed anaerobic
metabolism in men, result in higher lactate concentrations
especially for 50 and 100 m events [22]. examined the muscle
fiber type distribution in m. vastus lateralis of 140 healthy
untrained subjects (55 women and 95 men) at the age between
19.0 and 23.9 years. No sex specific differences were found for the
muscle fiber type distribution, but the area occupied by each type
differs (women I.IIA.IIB; men IIA.I.IIB). In addition type
IIA fibers were the largest in men, whereas type I fibers tended to
be the largest in women [23]. From a physiological perspective, in
an active state, glycolytic muscle fibers act as the main producers
of lactate [5,7]. In contrast, oxidative fibers serve as lactate
consumers [6], also enclosing the muscle fibers of the heart within
the scope of the cell-to-cell lactate shuttle [6,7,24].
Influence of Stroke
Most studies about lactate in swimming were conducted in
freestyle; only a few studies analyzed the influence of the other
strokes on lactate. Sawka et al. [25] found similar mean lactate
concentrations after 200 yd races (182,88 m) for all strokes in 23
competitive athletes. Capelli et al. [26] measured the lactate
concentration after maximal swim of 50 yd, 100 yd and 200 yd in
20 male college swimmers. The descriptive data, which bases on
only 3 to 8 subjects per stroke, show different orders depending on
the distance. Issurin et al. [27] reported the highest lactate
concentrations in butterfly, followed by breaststroke, backstroke
and freestyle across three different tests with 22 highly trained
swimmers (14 male, 8 females). The study of Vescovi et al. [20]
with 100 swimmers (50 male and 50 females) showed significantly
lower post-race lactate concentrations for breaststroke compared
to butterfly and backstroke in 50 and 100 m. Regarding the four
different swimming strokes it seems to be clear that freestyle
followed by backstroke show the most economic energy expendi-
ture [15,26]. An explanation could be that freestyle and backstroke
are characterized by a lower intracyclic variation of the swimming
velocity compared to butterfly and breaststroke [16,26,28].
Butterfly and breaststroke are characterized by a gliding phase
after the arm action, resulting in a greater relative loss of speed in
every cycle but also underwater recoveries, especially in breast-
stroke [29]. A classification between butterfly and breaststroke is
unclear at present [15]. Though it could be supposed, that the
economy of butterfly is the slightest on account of the high
technical-coordinative demand. Especially the importance of the
ability to coordinate arm and leg action for a rhythmical body
motion and the high demand of potential energy raising the upper
body out of the water seems to be key factors for an economic
technique [30]. Although, at higher swimming speeds, breaststroke
seems to be less economic [15]. An explanation could be, that
breaststroke is the only stroke in which great body masses are
moved against the swimming direction, which means that a lot of
energy will be utilized to overcome the increased drag with
increasing velocity [31]. Furthermore, breaststroke is character-
ized by different styles of the flat and undulating technique, which
influence the energy expenditure differently but also making it
difficult to classify this stroke clearly [29].
Influence of Distance
With higher swimming distance, the aerobic endurance capacity
becomes more important [32]. Vescovi et al. [20] describe the
post-race lactate concentrations of 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and
1500 m events as an inverted U-shape pattern with similar
concentrations for 100, 200 and 400 m. They also showed the
highest post-race lactate concentrations after 200 m for backstroke
and breaststroke. Similar results were shown in the study of Capelli
[26], where the highest values were achieved in 200 yd for three of
four strokes. From a physiological perspective, muscular power is
highly determined by the muscle fiber type distribution [33]. The
velocity and strength development of a muscle fiber is associated
with the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms [34]. A higher
content of type II fibers causes a bigger strength development
[33,35], which is essential for sprinters. Because type IIA fibers act
as main producers of lactate in an active state [5,7], an increased
IAT is to be observed in sprinters with a larger amount of type II
fibers. In contrast, it is supposed that longer distances require a
maximum aerobic capacity with a greater content of type I fibers.
Thus, higher training extents in low mean intensities are
recommended, promoting a fiber shift towards the slower type I
fibers. Type I fibers influence the lactate clearance positively [6].
This also explains, why with a higher endurance capacity the
lactate curve shifts to the right [35]. Nevertheless, the right shift
alone does not necessarily implicate an improvement in aerobic
metabolism [1]. At a cellular level, the mitochondrial biogenesis
seems to be important concerning the muscle fiber differentiation
[36]. In oxidative fibers, the mitochondria can occupy 20–40% of
the cell volume, whereas in glycolytic fibers only down to 1% of
the cell volume is filled by mitochondria [37]. Within the scope of
the intracellular lactate shuttle hypothesis, mitochondria have an
important function for the lactate metabolism [7,24]. It has to be
added, that the classification of the MyHC does not completely
correlate with the oxidative capacity [38]. The work of supports
this impression with swimming taking a special position. The
overlappings at molecular and cellular level are reflected in
competitions, with some athletes achieving world-class perfor-
mances in several disciplines (e.g. 100–400 m swimming) with
different performance profiles. To current knowledge, specific
training has to be planned for each discipline, avoiding endurance
and strength specific signaling pathways overlapping and thus
reducing or even eliminating training effects [38,40,41]. Summa-
rized, to understand the physiological adaptations as a result of
interpreting lactate tests [1].
Aims of the Study
The first aim of this article is to improve the interpretability of
lactate diagnostics in swimming by identifying lactate-affecting
Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
Table 1. Information about the Pansold test protocol [42] (p. 169).
number of steps
number of
recommended intensity for the first step
in % of personal best time
break between
break between
lactate measurement
100 m
1 min
3 min
1 min
3 min
5 min
after 1 min
approx. 20 min
after 1–3 min
increase of 3–4 s/per steplast step = maximum speed
after 4, 7 and 10 min
200 m
1 min
3 min
1 min
3 min
5 min
after 1 min
approx. 20 min
after 1–3. min
increase of 5–8 s/step. last step = maximum speed
after 4, 7 and 10 min
400 m
3 min
after 1 min
increase of 8–12 s/step. last step = maximum speed
5 min
after 3 min
up to 30 min
after 3 min
after 4, 7 and 10 min
Abbreviations: Ba = Backstroke, Br = Breaststroke, Bu = Butterfly, Fr = Freestyle.
Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
variables. Hence, the influence of sex, distance and swimming
stroke on the IAT, percentage of personal best time on IAT (% of
PB on IAT) and maximum lactate (max. bLA) concentration is
evaluated. The second aim of this study is to present the Multi-
Level Analysis (MLA) as a statistical method which is able to
analyze the typical data structure in high performance sports in a
formally correct way.
Materials and Methods
This investigation is based on a retrospective analysis of lactate
tests from the data pool of the Olympic Training Centre
Hamburg/Schleswig Holstein (GER), Department of Training
Science. Because the whole data set was collected by the Olympic
Training Centre Hamburg/Schleswig Holstein, a unified data
collection and assessment of qualified personnel is assumed. The
18-year data-collection period itself was not monitored, thus the
exact procedure of data acquisition cannot be described here. In
the analysis, 2063 data sets measured between 1992 and 2010
were examined. 1902 data sets of 398 athletes [female n = 170
(42.7%, age 16.9462.78 years, age range 13–26 years), male
n = 228 (57.3%, age 19.1063.17 years, age range = 15–36 years)
met the inclusion criteria. As an inclusion criterion, only data sets
of athletes with personal bests around 700 points of the LEN point
table (1000 points = world record for the period of validity) were
included. Furthermore only data sets were examined in which the
coefficients of determination were r2$0.92 (5 steps) or r2$0.95 (4
steps) [42]. The data were collected as part of the regular
performance diagnostics of the swimming association. After
consultation of the Ethics Committee of the University Tu¨bingen
Medical School (GER), the retrospective and anonymous analysis
of data of own patients, which where collected as part of
diagnostics, therapy or therapy control need no guidance after
the Professional Code for Physicians in Germany (115 (1)) and no
informed consent of the patients. There are no concerns of the
commission about collecting, processing and publishing such data.
Test Protocols
Lactate threshold test by pansold.
The lactate test by
Pansold [12,43] is a swimming-specific field test for diagnosing the
endurance capacity, accounting for the different structures of
swimming disciplines. This test protocol is used in the DSV since
the beginning of the 1990 s. The test is carried out for 100 and
200 m disciplines in five steps, for 400 m in four steps in a 50 m
pool, usually in the athletes’ main event. The load specification is
determined by a percentage of the individual best, whereby the
rest periods between the steps are fixed [42] (cf. table 1). The step
duration is reduced from step to step, because of the constant
distance and increasing swimming speed. After every step the
lactate concentration of the capillary blood is measured with blood
samples from the ear lobe. The lactate concentration of the last
step (maximum speed) represents the highest value of the
measurements after 4, 7 and 10 min. Therefore this lactate
concentration represents the maximum individual lactate concen-
tration of the test. The analysis of the lactate kinetic is based on the
exponential function y = a*e(b*x) [y = lactate in mmol*L21; a = free
coefficient; b = slope coefficient, x = speed in m/s]. For the
calculation of the regression coefficients ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘b’’ a quasilinear
regression analysis (method of the smallest squares) is carried out.
In addition, the coefficient of determination is calculated, which
provides information about the reliability of the Pansold-test. With
five steps r2$0.92 (100 m and 200 m disciplines) and with four
steps r2$0.95 (400 m disciplines) [42]. The parameters of the
Pansold-function were calculated with MS Access 2007.
The Individual Threshold Concept of Bunc et al. (1985)
The IAT of Bunc et al. [11] is represented by the point in which
the inclination of the lactate-load function changes the most.
Faude et al. [44] report in a recent review, that there is a high
correlation between the IAT of Bunc et al. and MLSS of r = 0.98–
0.99 in 16 healthy male runners and r = 0.89 in n = 22 healthy
cyclists. In both cases, the running speed and the power output in
watt at IAT are higher than at MLSS (+0,14–0,31 m/s/+71,5 W).
For the calculation of the IAT, based on the lactate curve and the
given exponential function, the following steps are recommended
(cf. figure 1):
1. Tangent t1 to the point with the lowest load (y = a*e(b*x
and tangent t2 to the point of 15 mmol/l (15 = a*e(b*x))
2. Calculate intersection (S1) of both tangents
3. Angle bisector by the intersection of the tangents
4. Intersection between angle bisector and lactate curve
(y = a*e(b*x)) represents the IAT of Bunc et al. [11].
The use of this threshold concept on the exponential function of
the Pansold-test y = a*e(b*x) requires the extension of the Pansold-
function with the lactate concentration of the first step (L1. step).
This corresponds to the point of the lowest load in which the
tangent t1 is calculated. The angle bisector is described by the
graphical bisector with an axis relation between x-axis (km/h) to y-
axis (lactate in mmol/l) from 1:2 [11]. The extrapolation of the
IAT was carried out with MATLABH.
Statistic Analysis
All statistics were performed using SPSS (version 19.0 for
Macintosh). For analyzing the influence of sex, swimming stroke
and distance on the IAT, the percentage of the personal best time
on IAT (% of PB on IAT) and on maximum lactate value (max.
bLA), a three-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted
for each variable for 398 subjects. Because the correlations
between the three variables were only weak, three ANOVAs were
calculated instead of a MANOVA. The post hoc tests of
Bonferroni (equal variances), Tamhane-T2 (unequal variances)
were carried out for sex, stroke and distance specific analysis to test
which means are significantly different from each other. T-Tests
for two independent samples were used to evaluate differences in
sex in every stroke and every distance. For the athletes with more
than one data set, the first data set was used for the ANOVAs,
representing the initial status for the second part of the analysis.
In the second part of the statistic analysis all 1902 data sets,
which met the inclusion criteria, were involved. The number of
data sets for each event and sex are in table 2. Most athletes had
several data sets with different in-between time intervals, therefore
a Multi-Level Analysis (MLA) for IAT (Model 1), % of PB on IAT
(Model 2) and max. bLA (Model 3) as the dependent variable was
conducted. The advantage of this method is, that information
about the change over time of the dependent variables under
consideration of the in-between time intervals between measure-
ments is given. Also valid data does not have to be excluded.
Therefore, this method is more flexible and formally correct for
such data structures. The comparison of the basic models (without
predictors; df = 1) (A) random intercept and (B) random intercept
& random slope with the help of the information criteria proved a
significantly (p,.001) different change of the dependent variables
of the athletes over time. Random intercept (A) is based on the
assumptions that the subjects have different base values, but the
Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
same rate of change over time. Random intercept & random slope
(B) assumes different base values and different change rates over
time. Comparing these two basic models by using information
criteria helps to fit the most economical model with the highest
statistical power. ‘‘The smaller the values of these criteria, the
better the fit of the model’’ [45] (p. 218). Values of the information
criteria are difficult to interpret, but differences larger than 10 are
substantial [46]. There is a decrease in the information criteria
from Model (A) to (B) for Log-Likelihood (-2logL), Akaike
information criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion
(BIC) for all dependent variables .24. In addition model (B)
reduces the variance by 5.7% for IAT, by 23.48% for % of PB on
IAT and by 5.6% for max. bLA (level 1-pseudo R2) compared to
model (A), which is why further analysis are conducted with model
(B). At first, the model was calculated in each case individually
with the time invariant predictors (fixed) sex (S), swimming
distance (D) and swimming stroke (St) to check the explained
between-individual variation for each predictor on the initial status
of the IAT (level 2-pseudo R2
C) and the individual variation
( = slopes) of the dependent variables over time (level 2-pseudo
S) [46,47]. According to guideline and suggested in Kwok et al.
[34], statements about the effect size can be made with the help of
R2 changes (.02; .13; .26 representing a small, medium and large
effect). Finally the following model with all three predictors for
each dependent variable separately was calculated.
Level 1 Yi~b0izb1izeij
Level 2 b0i~b0(S,D,St)izb2(S,D,St)izv0i
b1i ~ b1(S,D,St)izv1i
Integrated formula:
Level 1 represents athletes IAT/% of PB on IAT/max. bLA at
different measuring times. Level 2 represents the different subjects
(n = 398) taking the fixed predictors sex (S), distance (D) and stroke
(St) into account. The alpha level of the tests was set to p,0.05.
Figure 1. Graphical Determination of the IAT by Bunc et al. [11] with the Pansold-function y = a*e(b*x) [42,43].
Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
In all three ANOVAs no significant interaction effects were
found. IAT: The ANOVA with IAT [mmol*L21] as dependent
variable showed significant effects for sex F(1, 382) = 7.88,
p = .005, par. g2 = .020, distance F(2, 382) = 10.98, p,.001, par.
g2 = .054 and stroke F(3, 382) = 6.76, p,.001, par. g2 = .050.
Overall, 100 m differed significantly from 200 and 400 m
(p,.001). Butterfly differed significantly from all other strokes
(p,.001). The descriptive data showed lower lactate concentra-
tions on IAT for women in all events, with only 200 m freestyle
being significant (p = .05; cf. table 3). Sex specific analysis for
stroke per distance showed significant differences for butterfly and
breaststroke (p,.001), freestyle (p = .002) and tending to be
significant for backstroke (p = .076) in the males 100 m events.
The highest mean values were achieved in butterfly, followed by
backstroke, freestyle and breaststroke. The sex specific analysis for
stroke showed significant differences (p,.001) between 100 and
400 m, as well as between 200 and 400 m freestyle, each for men
and women.
% of PB on IAT/% of PB.
The ANOVA with % of PB on
IAT as dependent variable showed significant effects for sex F(1,
382) = 40.58, p,.001, par. g2 = .096, distance F(2, 382) = 88.36,
p,.001, par. g2 = .316 and stroke F(3, 382) = 3.60, p = .014, par.
g2 = .028. Overall, 100 m differed significantly from 200 and
400 m, as well as 200 from 400 m (p,.001) with higher values in
longer distances. Significant differences were found between
breaststroke (p = .006), as well as between freestyle and breast-
stroke (p,.001). Under consideration of the mean values and
confidence intervals (cf. table 3) the lowest values were produced in
butterfly, the highest for the freestyle events. Women showed
significantly higher % of PB on IAT (t-test) with descriptive lower
IAT in 7 of 8 events. There was also a significant difference
(p = .039) for % of PB on IAT between 100 m butterfly and
backstroke in women, with lower mean values in the butterfly
event. For both sexes, the means are significantly higher (p,.001)
with increasing distance for the freestyle events. The same effect
occurred between 100 and 200 m breaststroke (p = .015) in
women. The descriptive data showed (cf. table 4) that women
achieve a higher % of PB with lower bLA compared to men in
Table 2. Attribution of the 1902 data sets of n = 398 athletes for the multi level analysis (MLA) for each event and sex.
100 m Bu
100 m Ba
200 m Ba
100 m Br
200 m Br
100 m Fr
200 m Fr
400 m Fr
Abbreviations: Ba = Backstroke, Br = Breaststroke, Bu = Butterfly, Fr = Freestyle.
Table 3. Differences in IAT of Bunc et al. [11] [mmol*L21] between sexes given as means (M), standard deviations (SD) and
confidence intervals of the lactate step test of Pansold and the percentage of the personal best time on the IAT (% of PB on IAT) for
male (M) and female (F) of n = 398 athletes.
IAT [mmol*L21]
% of PB on IAT
95% Confidence Interval
95% Confidence Interval
M ± SD
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
M ± SD
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
100 m Bu
100 m Ba
200 m Ba
100 m Br
200 m Br
100 m Fr
200 m Fr
400 m Fr
p = .05*, p = .001**, p,.001***.
Abbreviations: Ba = Backstroke, Br = Breaststroke, Bu = Butterfly, Fr = Freestyle.
Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
nearly all submaximal steps. In the last step, the % of PB values
differ significant between men and women only for 200 m
breaststroke (p = .041).
Max. bLA.
The ANOVA with max. bLA [mmol*L21] as
382) = 17.74, p,.001, par. g2 = .044, distance F(2, 382) = 49.43,
p,.001, par. g2 = .206 and stroke F(3, 382) = 8.36, p,.001, par.
g2 = .062. Overall, 100 m differed significantly from 200 and
400 m, as well as 200 from 400 m (p,.001) with lower values in
longer distances (cf. table 4). For the strokes, there was a significant
difference (p = .009) between breaststroke and backstroke, with
higher mean values for the backstroke events. For the 100 m
events, significant differences were found between freestyle and
butterfly (p = .009), as well as between freestyle and breaststroke
(p = .001), but only in men. Thereby the values in freestyle were
the highest. For both sexes, the mean values were significantly
lower (p = ,.001 to.03) with increasing distance for the freestyle
events. The comparison of max. bLA for each stroke and sex
showed significant differences between men and women for 200 m
backstroke (p = .041), 200 m breaststroke (p = .001) and for all
freestyle events (p = .001, .002 &.002), with constant higher values
in men.
Multi-Level Analysis (MLA)
The Multi-Level Analysis (MLA) for the predictors sex, stroke
and distance is significant in each case (p,.001). The calculation
of the Level 2-pseudo-R2
C to check the individual within variation
for each predictor showed a reduction of variance for sex [13.3%
(IAT), 21.1% (% of PB on IAT) and 17.7% (max. bLA)], for
distance [22.5% (IAT), 40.1% (% of PB on IAT) and 22.1% (max.
bLA)] and stroke [6.4% (IAT), 1.1% (% of PB on IAT) and 0%
(max. bLA)]. Consequently, according to Cohen [35], predomi-
nantly medium effect sizes exist for the predictors sex and distance
in initial status, whereas only a small effect exists for stroke on
IAT. The Level 2-pseudo-R2
S showed a reduction of the variance
of the slopes for sex [1.4% (IAT), 13% (% of PB on IAT) and 28%
(max. bLA)], distance [13.1% (IAT), 52.4% (% of PB on IAT) and
32.6% (max. bLA)] and stroke [7.6% (IAT), 10.4% (% of PB on
IAT) and 1% (max. bLA)].
The models with all three predictors each (S, D, St) proves a
reduction of variance of in initial status of 36.6% for IAT, 60.3%
for % of PB on IAT and 39.9% for max. bLA (Level 2-pseudo-
C). A reduction of variance was shown for the slopes of 13.6%
for IAT, 62.5% for % of PB on IAT and 55.8% for max. bLA
(Level 2-pseudo-R2
For IAT (Model 1, cf. table 5) the time intervals between
measurements have a significant influence (p = .005) and the
athletes showed different change rates over time (b = 7.95E28,
p = .005), measuring a slight decrease (b = 1.19E24, p,.009). The
IAT of the women (men set to 0) are substantially lower
(b = 20.47, p,.001), confirming the descriptive results for the
398 data sets (cf. table 3). The factor distance also shows
decreasing IAT with increasing length (b = 20.31, p,.001;
100 m set to 0). There is also a significant effect for IAT for
stroke (b = 20.14, p,.001; butterfly set to 0), with the highest
values for butterfly. The effect of stroke is difficult to interpret,
because this variable is not ordinal scaled and consists of more
than two strokes.
For % of PB on IAT (Model 2, cf. table 5) there is a significant
influence of the time intervals between measurements (p,.001)
and the athletes showed different change rates over time
(b = 1.638, p,.001) with a slight decrease (b = 1.08E-3, p,.001).
The % of PB on IAT are significantly higher for women (b = 3.06,
p,.001; men set to 0). For the factor distance the % of PB on IAT
increases with increasing distance (b = 3.14, p,.001; 100 m set to
0). The effect of stroke is also significant (b = 20.23, p = .025;
butterfly set to 0).
For max. bLA (Model 3) the different time periods between
measurements are not significant (p = .057), but the change rates
Table 4. Blood lactate concentrations (bLA [mmol*L21]) and percentage of individual best time (% of PB) for each step.
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5
[mmol*L21] % of PB
% of PB
% of PB
[mmol*L21] % of PB
% of PB
100 vm Bu M
100 m Ba
200 m Ba
100 m Br
200 m Br
100 m Fr
200 m Fr
400 m Fr
Abbreviations: Ba = Backstroke, Br = Breaststroke, Bu = Butterfly, Fr = Freestyle.
Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
over time are significant (b = 4.16E24; P,.001). The results
confirm the descriptive results of the 398 data sets. Women (men
set to 0) show significantly lower max. bLA (b = 1.71, p,.001). For
distance (100 m set to 0) there are lower bLA values for longer
distances (b = 1.45, p,.001). The differences of max. bLA for the
variable stroke (butterfly set to 0) are significant (p = .039) but
slight (b = 0.19).
The present study examined the influence of sex, stroke and
distance on the IAT, the % of PB on IAT and the max. bLA in
high performance swimming. Furthermore the MLA was used as a
method, which is able to analyze typical data structures in high
performance sports. Compared to other studies [9,49] the
7.52 mmol*L21) seem to be very high. Otherwise, Dekerle and
Pelayo [50] described, that lactate thresholds in swimming occur
at speeds up to 90% of the 200 m pace, which is the case in most
events (cf. table 3) in this study. Furthermore, Faude et al. [44]
reported higher running speeds/power output in watt at IAT than
at MLSS using the threshold concept of Bunc et al. [11]. MLSS
concentrations are reported for swimming up to 3–5 mmol*L21
[50]. Therefore the calculated IATs seem to be realistic with the
used threshold concept. Furthermore, the differences show that the
IAT is strongly dependent on the applied method [1,50].
Irrespective of the mean values of the IAT, it was not the aim of
the study to give recommendations for training intensities on basis
of the IAT, but to identify lactate-affecting factors. According to
current research, the lack of evidence for the effect of threshold
training [51], the positive findings of high intensity training (HIT)
on the endurance capacity [52,53], conceptions like the polarized
training model [54] lead to a critical perspective on the ‘‘classical’’
threshold training. The results for the three independent variables
are discussed in the following paragraphs.
The descriptive data (cf. table 3) and estimations of the MLA (cf.
table 5) show in average 0.4–0.6 [mmol*L21] (b = 20.47; p,.001)
lower IAT and 1–2 [mmol*L21] lower max. bLA (b = 21.70;
p,.001) for women compared to men. These effects are
significant, both in ANOVA and MLA, with medium effect sizes.
For the IAT these sex specific differences are only significant for
200 m freestyle, whereas the differences for max. bLA are
significant for five events (200 m Ba & Br and the freestyle
events). These findings are similar to the results of Vescovi et al.
[20] where sex specific differences in post-race bLA were only
found for the freestyle events. With women reaching lower lactate
concentrations in swimming, being in agreement with the findings
of for resistance training. Together with muscle mass, the area
occupied by muscle fiber types and the size of the fibers types seem
to be sex specific, described by for the m. vastus lateralis. This
could provide an explanation on a physiological level. With the
metabolic characteristics of the muscle fiber types, the connection
to the lactate kinetic is given [5,7,13]. The overall lower lactate
concentrations on IAT and max. bLA in women support the idea
of a better developed aerobic metabolism in women compared to
men [21,22]. For % of PB on IAT, both statistical methods
showed significant influences for sex (p,.001) with higher values
Table 5. Estimates of Fixed Effects of the multi level analysis (MLA, random intercept & random slope) for IAT [mmol*L21], % of PB
on IAT and max. bLA [mmol*L21].
Model 1: IAT [mmol*L21]
95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
Model 2: % of PB on IAT
Model 3: max. bLA [mmol*L21]
*Time = number of days between the measuring times of the athlete.
Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
for women (b = 3.06). These differences are also significant
between men and women in 7 of 8 events (cf. table 3). The
results are supported by, reporting a more economic swimming of
women, explaining the lower lactate concentrations and the higher
% of PB values at submaximal intensities. Other reasons could be
a greater proportion of fatty tissue and different distribution in
women compared to men [18]. This can give women a higher net
buoyancy [55]. Furthermore, Caspersen et al. [18] reported lower
added mass in women as a result of differences of body shape,
which seems to be positive for the drag.
For both statistical methods the effects for stroke is significant
for all three dependent variables. Although the influence of the
stroke is significant in each Model of the MLA (cf. table 5), there
are only little reductions of variance for initial status of 0–6,4%
(Level 2-pseudo-R2
C) and for the slopes of 1–11,4% (Level 2-
S), meaning no to small effect sizes for stroke. For the
max. bLA, the post-hoc analysis (Bonferroni adjusted) showed only
a significant difference (p = .009) between breaststroke and
backstroke with higher values for backstroke. These findings
support the results of other studies [25,26] which show no stroke
differences/different orders for bLA depending on the distance
after maximal swim. Other studies [20,27] reported the highest
max. bLA for butterfly, but none of these studies analyzed the
influence of stroke on the IAT. Overall the highest IAT were
achieved in 100 m butterfly, which differs significantly from all
other strokes (p,.001, Bonferroni adjusted). The MLA confirms
this results with the highest IATs in butterfly (b = 20.14; p,.001).
There are also the lowest % of PB on IAT for butterfly (b = 20.23;
p,.025), which differs significantly from backstroke and freestyle
(p,.001, Bonferroni adjusted). A possible explanation could be,
that around the IAT swimming speed is not at maximum, the
statement of Barbosa et al. [15] could be confirmed in terms of
economy, with butterfly showing the slightest swimming economy
at lower swimming speeds. However the economy improves with
increasing speed [26]. The highest IAT was found for 100 m
butterfly, presumably connected with the fact that it seems to be
difficult to swim butterfly with low intensities (first steps) [26],
because of the high demand of interaction between strength and
coordination [30,56]. On the other hand, the butterfly technique
entirely makes high demands for strength, thus low intensities (in
%) could be a high individual exposure [30]. Therefore, the
glycolytic muscle fibers could be recruited at an early stage
[57,58], operating as main lactate producers when recruited [5,7],
explained by the size principle of motor unit recruitment [58,59].
However these results have to be interpreted carefully because of
the small data sets for butterfly. Anyhow, the statements of
Barbosa et al. [15] are not confirmed by the descriptive results of
the IAT and the max. bLA for the breaststroke events. The lactate
concentrations of the breaststroke events are the lowest on average
in direct comparison with the same distance for the other strokes.
Regarding the 200 m events, the IATs are in a similar zone for
both sexes in each case, although the energy consumption in
freestyle and backstroke seems to be lower, because of the lower
intracyclic variation of swimming velocity compared to butterfly
and breaststroke [16,28]. Summarized, for the variable stroke the
biggest effects occurred for butterfly on the IAT for the 100 m
events, with the significantly highest values. Overall the stroke
seems not to play a key role in terms of affecting lactate
parameters. The knowledge about the economy [16,28] of the
strokes is reflected only partly in our results.
For distance all ANOVAs and Models of the MLA were
significant (p,.001) for the three independent variables IAT, % of
PB on IAT and max. bLA. The MLA show reductions of variance
for initial status between 22.1 to 40.1% (Level 2-pseudo-R2
C) and
for the slopes between 13.1 to 52.4% (Level 2-pseudo-R2
meaning mostly large effect sizes. The descriptive data, the
(b = 20.31; p,.001), increasing % of PB on IAT (b = 3.14;
p,.001) and decreasing max. bLA (b = 21.45; p,.001) with
increasing distance. These general results were confirmed by sex
and stroke specific analysis only for the freestyle events (Bonferroni
adjusted) in men and women. The results are not surprising,
because with increasing distance the aerobic capacity becomes
more important [32]. From a practitioner perspective a certain
versatility of 100 and 200 or 200 and 400 m seems to be attractive
to qualify for the 4*100 m and 4*200 m freestyle relays in
international competitions, because five to six places are awarded.
For the individual events at most two athletes can qualify for each
country, therefore the chances to qualify but also the performance
density are much higher in the 100 m and 200 m freestyle events.
Although Meckel et al. [39] described that swimming is taking a
special position in order to achieve world-class performances in
various events with different performance profiles, but priorities in
the training content are necessary from current point of view [22],
which are reflected in the significant differences in the freestyle
events. According to actual knowledge it is known, that signaling
pathways of endurance training mainly trigger transcriptional
changes, while weight training adaptations are caused by changes
in mRNA-translation [41]. Concerning this, it is unclear whether
signaling pathways initiated by weight training or endurance
training overlap or hinder each other [38,40,41]. Therefore it is
not completely clarified at the moment what this specifically means
for training periodization, thus e.g. to coordinate strength and
endurance training over the season in a synergetic way [59] is
important to achieve the best performance in the individual best
events on the main competition. Therefore it can be supposed that
on the one hand the constitutional conditions and anthropome-
trical and morphological factors [60] influences the ‘‘choice’’ of the
individual special event (sprints or longer distances) and on the
other hand the individual specificity is tried to be maintained or
optimized in the training process. Consequently a sprinter (50–
100 m events) will try to maintain the dominance of muscle fiber
type II and train in terms of an ‘‘optimum’’ endurance capacity
[54]. An ‘‘optimum’’ endurance capacity means that the quality of
training, which implies the training intensity and the exercise
tolerance, becomes the key factor and not the volume in kilometers
[32]. This point of view confirms the positive effects of high
intensity training on the endurance capacity [52,53] and the
concept of the polarized-training model (about 75% of the training
below threshold intensity, only 5–10% in threshold intensity and
15–20% above) versus the ‘‘classical’’ threshold-training model
[54]. This implements avoiding a shift towards type I fibers by
excessive endurance training stimuli, which seems to be only partly
reversible [33,34,61]. Nevertheless, in swimming, current training
regimes seem to be characterized by an aerobic predominance
[39], which is possibly not up to date anymore for sprint and
middle distances.
Methodical Discussion
The large number of data sets of athletes at highest performance
level supports the explanatory power of the results. It is to be
mentioned, that the threshold concept of Bunc et al. [11] is not
swim-specific. However, the Pansold-test is characterized by a
Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
step-shaped load protocol, which is carried out under field
conditions. Therefore a reliable realization of the Pansold-test
requires a good sense of time of the swimmers with the ability to
swim evenly, particularly in the first steps. Short-term speed
increases or to quick beginning speeds can lead to high first-step
lactate concentrations. This lactate concentration influences the
further course of the test and the lactate curve [44]. However this
is accepted for the examination of the endurance capacity in the
disciplines. A methodical strength of this study is the statistical
analysis with a MLA. This method allows analyzing different
numbers of data sets for an athlete with different time intervals
between measurements [46]. For elite sport, it seems to be
important to consider the time periods between performance
diagnostics to make statements about e.g. the effect of training
input on the lactate kinetics without excluding data. For that
reason it was possible to analyze all 1902 valid data sets in the
second part. Furthermore it is common, that some athletes are
part of the squad for longer time periods, experiencing more
performance diagnostics than other athletes. A disadvantage of this
method is, that detailed information about descriptive data cannot
be provided because of the different numbers of data sets for each
athlete. A limitation of this retrospective analysis of data between
1992–2010 is, that the equipment used for the lactate diagnostics
and the exact process of acquisition is unknown.
In conclusion, we identified the influence, especially of sex and
distance, on lactate parameters in swimming and tried to explain
them with current physiological knowledge. Furthermore we
showed the importance of considering the different time periods
between measurements in a formally correct way by using the
MLA for general statements on basis of large data sets in high
performance sports. The slight but significant influences of the
time periods between measurements show the dynamic and
sensitivity of the lactate molecule. These findings may help
interpreting results of lactate tests in context of e.g. strength
parameters or as a consequence of specific training content
explained by physiological adaptations (e.g. metabolism of fiber
types) or sex specific factors like body density or a better developed
aerobic/anaerobic metabolism. Men overall showed higher IAT
and max. bLA lactate concentrations compared to women.
Whereas in submaximal intensity women achieved higher % of
PB with lower lactate concentrations compared to men, which
confirms a more economical technique [15,16] and a better
developed aerobic metabolism [22] in women. For the variable
stroke, the MLA showed significant results but no or small effect
sizes. Therefore, when comparing inter- and intraindividual results
of lactate tests in swimming, especially sex and distance specific
lactate parameters have to be considered for initial status
measurements and the development over time. In particular,
longitudinal comparisons under steady conditions, which means
applying the same test protocol and threshold concept, could
benefit from this [1,51].
We would like to thank the Olympic Centre Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein
(Department of Training Science) for the data sets, in particular Janina
Gerkens and Ronald Berndt. Special thanks to Jochen Schweikert and
Martin Keh for the support on the mathematical conversion.
Author Contributions
Analyzed the data: BH NB. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools:
BH NB DB. Wrote the paper: BH NB DB.
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Lactate Characteristics in Swimming
October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e77185
| The influence of sex, stroke and distance on the lactate characteristics in high performance swimming. | 10-22-2013 | Holfelder, Benjamin,Brown, Niklas,Bubeck, Dieter | eng |
PMC7961446 | sensors
Validity and Reliability of an Instrumented Treadmill with an
Accelerometry System for Assessment of Spatio-Temporal
Parameters and Impact Transmission
Alberto Encarnación-Martínez 1,*
, Pedro Pérez-Soriano 1
, Roberto Sanchis-Sanchis 1,2
Antonio García-Gallart 3
and Rafael Berenguer-Vidal 4
Citation: Encarnación-Martínez, A.;
Pérez-Soriano, P.; Sanchis-Sanchis, R.;
García-Gallart, A.; Berenguer-Vidal, R.
Validity and Reliability of an
Instrumented Treadmill with an
Accelerometry System for
Assessment of Spatio-Temporal
Parameters and Impact Transmission.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758. https://
Academic Editor: Ernesto De
La Cruz-Sánchez
Received: 6 February 2021
Accepted: 27 February 2021
Published: 4 March 2021
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Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
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Research Group in Sports Biomechanics (GIBD), Department of Physical Education and Sports,
University of Valencia, 46010 Valencia, Spain; [email protected] (P.P.-S.);
[email protected] (R.S.-S.)
Physical Education and Sport, University of Alicante, 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig, Spain
The Civil Guard, Secretary of State for Security, Ministry of the Interior, 28010 Madrid, Spain;
[email protected]
Grupo de Investigación en Telecomunicaciones Avanzadas (GRITA), Catholic University of Murcia,
30107 Guadalupe, Spain; [email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Running retraining programs focused on concurrent feedback of acceleration impacts
have been demonstrated to be a good strategy to reduce running-related injuries (RRI), as well
as to improve running economy and reduce acceleration impacts and injury running incidence.
Traditionally, impacts have been registered by mean of accelerometers attached directly to the
athletes, which is inaccessible to the entire population, because it requires laboratory conditions. This
study investigated the validity and reliability of a new device integrated directly into the treadmill,
compared to a traditional acceleration impact system. Thirty healthy athletes with no history of RRI
were tested on two separate days over the instrumented treadmill (AccTrea) and simultaneously
with an acceleration impact system attached to the participant (AccAthl). AccTrea was demonstrated
to be a valid and reliable tool for measuring spatio-temporal parameters like step length (validity
intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.94; reliability ICC = 0.92), step time (validity ICC = 0.95;
reliability ICC = 0.96), and step frequency (validity ICC = 0.95; reliability ICC = 0.96) during running.
Peak acceleration impact variables showed a high reliability for the left (reliability ICC = 0.88) and
right leg (reliability ICC = 0.85), and peak impact asymmetry showed a modest validity (ICC = 0.55).
These results indicated that the AccTrea system is a valid and reliable way to assess spatio-temporal
variables, and a reliable tool for measuring acceleration impacts during running.
Keywords: impact acceleration; spatio-temporal; instrumented treadmill; running; retraining
1. Introduction
Running is one of the most popular recreational activities [1–3]. Its success may be
because it is an aerobic activity that improves health and longevity, prevents diseases, and
is very effective for getting fit [1–3]. Against the numerous benefits of running, injuries in
this activity have a high incidence as almost half of runners are injured every year [1]. The
annual incidence of lower-limbs injuries ranges from 19.4% to 79.3% [1], or even 92.4% [2] in
long-distance runners. Most injuries are caused by the overuse of certain structures, [1,2,4]
and the knee is the most common place of injury [2,4], ranging from 7.2% to 50% [2]. Thus,
injuries can lead to a temporary or permanent interruption of exercise and even inability to
work, leading to the need for medical treatment, where direct costs may exceed 1300 € [5].
Scientifically related to running injuries [6–8], an impact is generated with each foot
contact with the floor that produces stress up to 1.5 to 2.5 times the body weight [8], and
it is transmitted and absorbed by the whole body [9–11]. These impacts are attenuated
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
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internally by passive structures such as bones, cartilage, and ligaments, and by active
movements such as joint angular displacements and eccentric muscle actions, in addition to
external components such as footwear or surfaces [11]. The impacts during running have
been broadly studied, and accelerometry is the technique most used to register this mechan-
ical stress in sports activities [6–8,11]. This technique is based on the placement of low-mass
accelerometers (uniaxial or triaxial), mostly on the tibia and front of the head to register in
“g” or gravities (1 g = 9.8 m/s2) the acceleration/deceleration of body segments to calculate
the magnitude and attenuation of impact [8–11]. It has been found that after a prolonged
running fatigue protocol, while tibial accelerations increase [6–8], head accelerations re-
main stable [7,8,11], which means that impact absorption also increases [6,8,12]. Therefore,
it is necessary to adopt measures to reduce these stress levels on the musculoskeletal system
during running and their negative effects [4].
The running surface, as an external component, plays a major role in impact atten-
uation [11,13]. Although overground running is the surface preferred for recreational
runners [14], running on a treadmill is a very popular activity in gyms, in therapeutic
activities, rehabilitation, training, or athletic performance testing [13,15]. It has been shown
that running on a treadmill can modify running biomechanics compared with overground
running [16]. These kinematic modifications during treadmill running favors a running
technique characterized by a higher level of security [17] as the magnitude of the impact
is lower [13,17] and the risk of stress injuries is lower on treadmills in comparison with
overground running [18]. Around 5000 impacts can occur during a typical 30 min running
practice [8]. Thus, an excessively high impact level, due to a poor running technique or a
reduction in attenuation ability as the fatigue progresses, has been related to an increased
risk of injury [6–8].
Despite the potential benefits associated with running on a treadmill, the spatial and
sensory constraints imposed by treadmills alter temporal and neuromuscular control in
comparison with the overground condition [19]. Nevertheless, some research focused on
analyzing the effects of biofeedback or auditory or visual information on some modifiable
factors, such as running technique, that could reduce the severity of impacts [20–23]. These
authors showed that by providing visual [21] or auditory [22] information through a screen
about the impact levels received during treadmill running, athletes were able to make small
modifications in their running technique autonomously to lower the impact peak [21,22],
and their running technique became more efficient or economical [20]. Therefore, the
implementation of biofeedback is an effective measure to reduce impacts and improve
running economy [20–22].
It is important to highlight that all the studies that analyze impacts during running
using accelerometry place the sensors directly on the athletes’ body, and the biofeedback
system is used as an external element to the instruments used to carry out the activity.
Similarly, to analyze spatio-temporal variables during running, other systems based on
contact platforms [24] or optoelectronic technology [25] have been previously used. How-
ever, these systems allow just a limited number of strides or require expensive technology,
making them inaccessible to the general population.
Some research works have used instrumented treadmills with force-plates or pressure
sensors that allow measurement of the pressure produced by the runner on the lower board
of the treadmill [26,27]. Force-plates present interesting advantages in motion and gait
analysis [28], although the substantial cost of this instrumentation reduces the possibility
of its use outside the laboratory on a large scale. On the other hand, despite the numerous
advantages of using accelerometers for impact analysis described above, as far as we
know to date [29–31], there are no treadmills that integrate acceleration sensors into their
own system.
Accelerometers are today a proven and low-cost technology used for displacement
estimation [32] in a wide range of applications, such as electrohydraulic systems [33],
architecture, civil engineering [34,35], seismology [36], or even astronomy [37]. In all these
applications, the accelerometers are rigidly attached to the element whose displacement is
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
3 of 16
to be monitored, and with an analysis of the accelerometry signals, the motion and other
parameters of interest can be estimated. For this reason, we proposed the placement of
accelerometry sensors directly on a treadmill, which will allow us to similarly estimate
the movement on the treadmill and thus analyze the movement of the runner when using
the treadmill.
Thus, our aims were: (a) To implement and validate an accelerometry system, placed
directly in the treadmill and integrated into the software; (b) to compare the impact and
space–time data during running obtained from the accelerometry system integrated in
the treadmill with the data extracted from the accelerometry system placed directly on
the athlete’s body. We hypothesize that: (a) The accelerometry system integrated in the
treadmill is a valid and reliable tool for measuring impacts and space–time parameters
during running; (b) the accelerometry system integrated in the treadmill offers similar data
to those provided by an accelerometry system placed directly on the athlete’s body.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
This study was approved by the institution’s Human Research Ethics Committee
(registry number: 6775). Thirty recreational athletes, ten women and twenty men, were
recruited from local Athletics recreational teams, from March to April 2019, and were tested
twice. Both tests were completed within 2 weeks and at least 24 h apart. Inclusion criteria
were: To be physically active (to run a minimum of twice a week in the last year, do 2 h and
30 min a week of moderate-intensity, or 1 h and 15 min a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic
physical activity), to have no history of lower body injuries within the last six months,
to not be taking medication that hinders stability during the running, and to not suffer
musculoskeletal disorders, heart failure, or neurological disorders that could affect normal
locomotion. Athletes were excluded if they have had significant illness, injury, or surgery
within the previous six months, and if they were overweight or obese (BMI < 24.9 kg/m2).
All participants provided informed consent before their inclusion in the study. The baseline
characteristics are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the thirty participants, values are means ± SD.
Characteristics (M ± SD)
Female (n = 10)
Male (n = 20)
Age, y
24.4 ± 6.1
27.2 ± 7.5
Weight, kg
55.8 ± 4.0
73.3 ± 8.0
Height, cm
161.3 ± 4.3
175.6 ± 5.1
BMI, kg/m2
21.4 ± 1.3
23.7 ± 2.3
M = mean, SD = standard deviation, BMI: Body mass index.
2.2. Experimental Setups
Acceleration impact data during running were recorded using a wireless triaxial
accelerometry system (AcelSystem, Blautic, Spain; dimensions: 40 mm × 22 mm × 12 mm)
adjusted to the athletes (AccAthl), at a sampling ratio of 415 Hz, a measuring range of up
to ±16 g, and a total mass of 2.5 g. Simultaneously, a system consisting of a set of four
triaxial MPU-9250 accelerometry sensors (TDK InvenSense, San José, CA, USA) embedded
in the treadmill (AccTrea) was used. These four accelerometers were set at a sampling
frequency of 250 Hz and with a range up to ±8 g, appropriate for the expected measurement
values [29–31].
For every participant, a lightweight triaxial accelerometer was placed on the distal
and anteromedial portion of each tibia with the vertical axis of each accelerometer aligned
to be parallel to the long axis of the shank [38], as the location of the tibial accelerometer
does influence the acceleration signal [38]. The skin was previously prepared and the
accelerometers were adjusted with elastic belts as recommended by Encarnación-Martínez,
García-Gallart, Gallardo, Sánchez-Sáez, and Sánchez-Sánchez [9] (Figure 1). The treadmill
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
4 of 16
accelerometry system was encased inside the treadmill (EVOT1, Bodytone International
Sports, Murcia, Spain), and comprised three parts: A group of triple-axis Micro Electro-
Mechanical System (MEMS) accelerometers, a data acquisition unit, and a processing unit.
Appendix A details the operation and connection between these constituent elements of
AccTrea. Both AccAthl and AccTrea systems were triggered simultaneously to collect the
impact acceleration data.
Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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to be parallel to the long axis of the shank [38], as the location of the tibial accelerometer
does influence the acceleration signal [38]. The skin was previously prepared and the ac-
celerometers were adjusted with elastic belts as recommended by Encarnación-Martínez,
García-Gallart, Gallardo, Sánchez-Sáez, and Sánchez-Sánchez [9] (Figure 1). The treadmill
accelerometry system was encased inside the treadmill (EVOT1, Bodytone International
Sports, Murcia, Spain), and comprised three parts: A group of triple-axis Micro Electro-
Mechanical System (MEMS) accelerometers, a data acquisition unit, and a processing unit.
Appendix A details the operation and connection between these constituent elements of
AccTrea. Both AccAthl and AccTrea systems were triggered simultaneously to collect the
impact acceleration data.
Figure 1. Graphical schematic of the body-worn accelerometer fixed to athletes: (A) Accelerometry system (AcelSystem,
Blautic); (B) accelerometer fixation on distal and anteromedial portion of each tibia; (C) final experimental setup; and (D)
graphical representation of the accelerometer signal and the experimental setup.
Participants performed two running tests on different days. The first session in-
tended to assess the validity of the accelerometry system implemented in the treadmill
(AccTrea) versus an accelerometry system adjusted to the athletes (AccAthl), and the sec-
ond session intended to test the reliability. Both running accelerations’ measurement ses-
sions were undertaken in the biomechanics lab at the same environmental conditions and
at similar times of the day. All participants used the heel–toe running style and wore their
own running shoes (the same for all two tests). After the informed consent, participants
performed a free 5 min warm-up until they were familiar with the testing treadmill con-
dition [39]. Next, the participants were instrumented with the accelerometers and the run-
ning tests were performed. They ran for 5 min at 10 km/h and 0% slope in order not to
affect the parameters evaluated [40], and acceleration impacts and spatio-temporal pa-
rameters were collected by the AccTrea and the AccAthl systems in two sets of 10 s during
the last minute taken in each measurement session. Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) [41]
was also registered after the warm-up and after each of the running test.
The vertical component (z-coordinate) of the accelerometry signals has been proven
to be most important for the assessment of acceleration impacts and injury stroke inci-
dence [42]. Therefore, in both AccAthl and AccTrea, the vertical component of all accel-
erometers was gathered for analysis.
Data from the AccAthl system were analyzed using the Matlab program (Math-
Works, MA, USA), custom-made. The accelerometers were previously calibrated by the
manufacturer. The acceleration signal from each of the sensors was first filtered (Butter-
worth, second-order, low-pass, cut-off frequency = 50 Hz) [43]. The signal was then seg-
mented by calculating the signal period (using the autocorrelation) and locating the points
of interest (maximum, minimum, etc.) for each step. The positive peak tibial acceleration
was measured for each leg in g (1 g = 9.82 m/s2), as well as the asymmetry between the
Figure 1. Graphical schematic of the body-worn accelerometer fixed to athletes: (A) Accelerometry system (AcelSystem,
Blautic); (B) accelerometer fixation on distal and anteromedial portion of each tibia; (C) final experimental setup; and
(D) graphical representation of the accelerometer signal and the experimental setup.
Participants performed two running tests on different days. The first session intended
to assess the validity of the accelerometry system implemented in the treadmill (AccTrea)
versus an accelerometry system adjusted to the athletes (AccAthl), and the second session
intended to test the reliability. Both running accelerations’ measurement sessions were un-
dertaken in the biomechanics lab at the same environmental conditions and at similar times
of the day. All participants used the heel–toe running style and wore their own running
shoes (the same for all two tests). After the informed consent, participants performed a
free 5 min warm-up until they were familiar with the testing treadmill condition [39]. Next,
the participants were instrumented with the accelerometers and the running tests were per-
formed. They ran for 5 min at 10 km/h and 0% slope in order not to affect the parameters
evaluated [40], and acceleration impacts and spatio-temporal parameters were collected by
the AccTrea and the AccAthl systems in two sets of 10 s during the last minute taken in
each measurement session. Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) [41] was also registered after
the warm-up and after each of the running test.
The vertical component (z-coordinate) of the accelerometry signals has been proven
to be most important for the assessment of acceleration impacts and injury stroke inci-
dence [42]. Therefore, in both AccAthl and AccTrea, the vertical component of all ac-
celerometers was gathered for analysis.
Data from the AccAthl system were analyzed using the Matlab program (MathWorks,
MA, USA), custom-made. The accelerometers were previously calibrated by the manu-
facturer. The acceleration signal from each of the sensors was first filtered (Butterworth,
second-order, low-pass, cut-off frequency = 50 Hz) [43]. The signal was then segmented
by calculating the signal period (using the autocorrelation) and locating the points of
interest (maximum, minimum, etc.) for each step. The positive peak tibial acceleration was
measured for each leg in g (1 g = 9.82 m/s2), as well as the asymmetry between the legs,
calculated as the relative difference between both peaks (right leg impact minus left leg
impact) expressed as a percentage (%).
On the other hand, as detailed in Appendix A, AccTrea incorporated four MPU-9250
sensors. According to the manufacturer’s specifications, these devices included a motion
processing unit with low-pass filters and an EEPROM for on-chip factory calibration of
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
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the sensor. Thus, factory-trimmed scale factors eliminated the need for external active
components and end-user calibration. Nevertheless, a calibration routine was performed
at sensor initialization on the data acquisition unit to offset the bias of gravity [44].
The AccTrea system allowed us to measure the acceleration of the table of the treadmill
due to the runner impacts at each sensor position (see Figure A1). The difference in
amplitude and phase between the signals from the different sensors made it possible
to automatically detect the accelerations produced by each leg. Then, like AccAhtl, the
asymmetry between the legs was also calculated from the signals of these sensors.
Finally, the accelerometry data from both AccAhtl and AccTrea approaches were
analyzed using Matlab (R2015a with Signal Processing Toolbox, MathWorks Inc., Natick,
MA, USA), providing a set of spatio-temporal parameters such as step time (ms), step
length (m), and step frequency (spm), that allowed a comparison of the two approaches.
Appendix B details the algorithms used for calculating these parameters.
2.3. Statistics
Prior to the validity and reliability tests, a chi-square test was performed to determine
whether there were differences between males and females. The agreement between the
two systems was reviewed by a Bland–Altman plot for each of the variables analyzed.
The differences between the two systems (AccTrea–AccAthl) in each variable were plotted
against the mean results [45]. Reliability was contrasted by means of a two-way, random-
effects, single-measure (median of the two trials) intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC(2,1))
model. In conjunction with the ICC values, standard error of measurement (SEM) and
minimum detectable change (MDC) values were calculated to assess the concurrent validity
between the AccTrea and the AccAthl, as well as the within-device test–retest reliability
and measurement error over the two testing sessions for all outcome measures [46]. Point
estimates of the ICCs were interpreted as follows: Excellent (0.75–1), modest (0.4–0.74),
or poor (0–0.39) [47]. All statistical analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences (SPSS Inc. Version 26.0, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.). The MDC, which is
otherwise known as the reliable change index score, was calculated using the equations
reported previously by Jacobson and Truax [48]. It is expressed as the percentage test–retest
change in impact acceleration or spatio-temporal parameter required to find a significant
difference at an alpha level of 0.05 based on the Day 1 mean value.
3. Results
3.1. Gender Differences
The results of the chi-square test showed no statistically significant differences (mean
bilateral asymptotic significance 0.411) regarding gender for any of the variables analyzed.
Therefore, during this study, all subsequent statistical analyses were conducted jointly,
including men and women, as a single sample for each of the groups.
3.2. Perceived Exertion
Regarding the perceived exertion, no differences were found between sessions for any
of the study groups (Table 2).
Table 2. Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) differences between sessions at warm-up and the run-
ning test.
Day 1
Day 2
p Value 1
Warm-up (M ± SD)
9.0 ± 1.9
8.8 ± 2.0
Running test (M ± SD)
9.8 ± 1.6
9.5 ± 1.8
1 RPE differences between days (t-test).
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
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3.3. Bland–Altman Plots
All participants successfully completed the two days’ sessions. The Bland–Altman
plots for the step length, step time, step frequency, and peak acceleration impact asymmetry
are provided in Figure 2. There was a small relationship between the difference and the
mean for all the spatio-temporal variables. Specifically, step length and time were slightly
lower in the AccAthl system compared to AccTrea, and as a result, the step frequency
variable was higher in the AccAthl system. The acceleration impact asymmetry did not
show any obvious relationship between systems.
Table 2. Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) differences between sessions at warm-up and the run-
ning test.
Day 1
Day 2
p Value 1
Warm-up (M ± SD)
9.0 ± 1.9
8.8 ± 2.0
Running test (M ± SD)
9.8 ± 1.6
9.5 ± 1.8
1 RPE differences between days (t-test).
3.3. Bland–Altman Plots
All participants successfully completed the two days’ sessions. The Bland–Altman
plots for the step length, step time, step frequency, and peak acceleration impact asym-
metry are provided in Figure 2. There was a small relationship between the difference and
the mean for all the spatio-temporal variables. Specifically, step length and time were
slightly lower in the AccAthl system compared to AccTrea, and as a result, the step fre-
quency variable was higher in the AccAthl system. The acceleration impact asymmetry
did not show any obvious relationship between systems.
Figure 2. Bland–Altman plots representing comparisons between the AccTrea system and the AccAthl system for four of
the variables analyzed: (A) Step length; (B) step time (duration); (C) step frequency; and (D) peak acceleration impact
asymmetry. The mean line represents the mean difference between the devices, with the upper and lower dashed lines
representing the 95% limits of agreement (LOAs).
3.4. Validity and Reliability
The results for the step length, step time, step frequency, left leg peak acceleration
impact, right leg peak acceleration impact, and peak acceleration impact asymmetry var-
iables are provided in Table 3. The step length and step time were lower in the AccAthl
system compared with AccTrea. Step frequency, left leg peak acceleration impact, and
right leg peak acceleration impact variables showed a bias toward higher values in the
tests performed on the AccAthl. Inconsistent results were found for peak acceleration im-
pact asymmetry variables.
In general, both systems showed excellent test–retest reliability (Table 3), with only
the peak acceleration impact asymmetry values’ performance on the AccTrea (ICC = 0.36)
failing to reach an ICC value of 0.75, considered as an excellent value. Concurrent validity
Figure 2. Bland–Altman plots representing comparisons between the AccTrea system and the AccAthl system for four
of the variables analyzed: (A) Step length; (B) step time (duration); (C) step frequency; and (D) peak acceleration impact
asymmetry. The mean line represents the mean difference between the devices, with the upper and lower dashed lines
representing the 95% limits of agreement (LOAs).
3.4. Validity and Reliability
The results for the step length, step time, step frequency, left leg peak acceleration
impact, right leg peak acceleration impact, and peak acceleration impact asymmetry
variables are provided in Table 3. The step length and step time were lower in the AccAthl
system compared with AccTrea. Step frequency, left leg peak acceleration impact, and right
leg peak acceleration impact variables showed a bias toward higher values in the tests
performed on the AccAthl. Inconsistent results were found for peak acceleration impact
asymmetry variables.
In general, both systems showed excellent test–retest reliability (Table 3), with only
the peak acceleration impact asymmetry values’ performance on the AccTrea (ICC = 0.36)
failing to reach an ICC value of 0.75, considered as an excellent value. Concurrent validity
was shown to be consistently excellent across spaciotemporal variables and testing sessions
(ICC = 0.94–0.98), but not in acceleration impact variables for every testing session (ICC
= −0.01–0.55). The SEM for the spaciotemporal variables ranged from 0.92 to 1.31% in
the AccTrea system, and from 1.19 to 1.29% in the AccAthl system. For impact variables,
the SEM ranged from 10.1 to 358% in the AccTrea system and from 12.25 to 297% in the
AccAthl system.
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Table 3. Validity and reliability of an instrumented treadmill with an accelerometry system for assessment of spatio-temporal
parameters and impact transmission.
Mean Diff (95%CI)
ICC (95%CI)
Step Length (m)
Day 1 (M ± SD)
1.04 ± 0.05
1.01 ± 0.04
0.04 (0.03/0.05)
0.94 (0.87/0.97)
Day 2 (M ± SD)
1.03 ± 0.04
1.00 ± 0.05
0.04 (0.03/0.05)
0.95 (0.89/0.98)
Mean Diff (95%CI)
0.002 (−0.005/0.010)
0.011 (−0.002/0.023)
ICC (95%CI)
0.92 (0.82/0.96)
0.88 (0.73/0.95)
0.01 (1.31)
0.01 (1.29)
MDC (%)
Step Time (ms)
Day 1 (M ± SD)
374.8 ± 16.8
363.1 ± 13.9
12.5 (9.7/15.3)
0.94 (0.87/0.97)
Day 2 (M ± SD)
371.8 ± 15.2
359.7 ± 17.1
13.0 (10.1/15.9)
0.95 (0.89/0.98)
Mean Diff (95%CI)
0.88 (−1.75/3.51)
3.85 (−0.60/8.29)
ICC (95%CI)
0.96 (0.90/0.98)
0.89 (0.73/0.95)
3.55 (0.95)
4.7 (1.29)
MDC (%)
Step Frequency (spm)
Day 1 (M ± SD)
160.5 ± 7.2
166.1 ± 6.6
−5.59 (−6.7/−4.5)
0.95 (0.90/0.97)
Day 2 (M ± SD)
161.3 ± 6.7
167.1 ± 8.0
−5.94 (−7.2/−4.7)
0.95 (0.89/0.98)
Mean Diff (95%CI)
−0.17 (−1.24/0.89)
−0.80 (−2.9/1.3)
ICC (95%CI)
0.96 (0.91/0.98)
0.91 (0.82/0.93)
1.48 (0.92)
1.97 (1.19)
MDC (%)
Left Leg Peak Impact (g)
Day 1 (M ± SD)
0.72 ± 0.21
3.76 ± 1.37
−3.04 (−3.53/−2.56)
0.09 (−0.86/0.56)
Day 2 (M ± SD)
0.72 ± 0.22
3.93 ± 1.30
−3.21 (−3.69/−2.73)
0.08 (−0.93/0.56)
Mean Diff (95%CI)
0.001 (−0.052/0.053)
−0.181 (−0.514/0.152)
ICC (95%CI)
0.88 (0.75/0.94)
0.88 (0.74/0.94)
0.07 (10.05)
0.48 (12.25)
MDC (%)
Right Leg Peak Impact (g)
Day 1 (M ± SD)
0.73 ± 0.20
3.91 ± 1.62
−3.18 (−3.76/−2.59)
0.01 (−1.04/0.52)
Day 2 (M ± SD)
0.76 ± 0.18
3.97 ± 1.71
−3.21 (−3.85/−2.56)
−0.01 (−1.13/0.52)
Mean Diff (95%CI)
−0.03 (−0.08/0.02)
−0.05 (−0.42/0.32)
ICC (95%CI)
0.85 (0.69/0.93)
0.90 (0.80/0.95)
0.08 (10.20)
0.50 (12.64)
MDC (%)
Peak Impact Asymmetry (%)
Day 1 (M ± SD)
−2.80 ± 12.53
−1.29 ± 14.49
0.55 (0.07/0.78)
Day 2 (M ± SD)
−2.75 ± 9.79
2.44 ± 17.94
−6.16 (18.34/3.47)
0.28 (−0.55/0.67)
Mean Diff (95%CI)
0.75 (14.16/2.63)
−3.82 (14.94/2.77)
ICC (95%CI)
0.36 (−0.37/0.70)
0.75 (0.46/0.88)
10.04 (−358.66)
7.28 (297.729)
MDC (%)
AccTrea: Treadmill system; AccAthl: Athlete system; M: Mean; SD: Standard deviation; CI: Confidence interval; ICC: Intraclass correlation
coefficient; Diff: Difference; SEM: Standard error of the measurement; MDC: Minimum detectable change, expressed as a percentage of the
Day 1 mean value.
The MDC in all variables ranged from 0.04 to 27.8% for the AccTrea system and from
0.04 to 20.2% for the AccAthl system. The MDCs were reasonably high for both devices
only in the peak acceleration impact asymmetry variable (27.8% at AccTrea and 20.2% at
AccAthl). With respect to the other variables (spaciotemporal and impacts), the MDCs
were lower for both systems, with the AccAthl MDC values higher than the AccTrea values
in all values.
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4. Discussion
Validity and reliability of spatio-temporal and impact transmission variables during
running are important in biomechanical analysis under laboratory conditions.
Treadmills are becoming popular between recreational runners [15]. Oxygen uptake,
heartrate, and perceived effort are similar between submaximal treadmill and overground
running [15]. However, running on a treadmill provides greater control over environmental
variables such as temperature, wind speed, or relative humidity [15]. Treadmills also
offer control over running velocity and surface gradient [15], and generate changes in
biomechanics parameters like step length, contact time, and stride frequency compared
with overground running [17].
These kinematics modifications favor the reduction in impact acceleration magni-
tude [13,17], axial compression strains in tibia [18], and plantar load [13,49] in comparison
with overground running. It causes runners to adopt a safer running style [17].
In addition, running retraining programs, focused on reducing the severity of impacts
that are related to running injuries, have demonstrated good results by means of intro-
ducing biofeedback systems (auditory or visual information) during training sessions on
the treadmill. Previous studies have shown that runners were able to reduce impacts and
improve running economy thanks to the concurrent information about the severity of the
impacts received from accelerometers placed directly on their body [20–22].
The control of environmental and performance factors, along with the kinematic
modifications offered by the treadmills, can make it a safer activity than overground
running. Introducing auditory or visual biofeedback information from the treadmill could
allow the control of impact acceleration and make that system accessible for all types of
runners, both professional and recreational.
Our results partially confirmed the hypothesis raised in the study, that the Acc-
Trea system integrated in the treadmill is a valid and reliable tool for measuring spatio-
temporal parameters like step length (validity ICC 95%CI = 0.87/0.97; reliability ICC
95%CI = 0.82/0.96), step time (validity ICC 95%CI = 0.87/0.97; reliability ICC 95%CI =
0.90/0.98), and step frequency (validity ICC 95%CI = 0.90/0.97; reliability ICC 95%CI
= 0.91/0.98) during running on a treadmill compared to the AccAthl system under the
same speed condition. Nevertheless, peak acceleration impact variables measured during
running showed a high reliability for the left leg (reliability ICC 95%CI = 0.75/0.94) and
right leg (reliability ICC95%CI = 0.69/0.93), but not a high validity (Table 2). On the other
hand, peak acceleration impact asymmetry showed a modest validity (ICC = 0.55) but a
poor reliability (Table 2).
Prior to our study, other systems that measure spatio-temporal variables during run-
ning have been validated. These systems were initially based on contact platforms [24], but
they allowed the analysis of just a limited number of strides, in addition to the possibility
of altering the running gait. Other systems based on optoelectronics technology were also
validated [25] to measure the spatio-temporal variables without altering the natural run-
ning pattern [50], but the drawback of these systems was that they need to install different
extremely sensitive instruments whose technology is relatively expensive compared to the
technology of the AccTrea system, analyzed in the present study.
The spatio-temporal variables analyzed in our study have shown intraclass correlation
coefficients (ICC > 0.946) close to those obtained by Ogueta-Alday, Morante, Rodríguez-
Marroyo, and García-López [50] when they validated a new method to measure contact
time and flight time during treadmill running (SportJump System Pro, V2.0., León, Spain)
(ICC > 0.993). It should be noted that in the present study, other variables have been
analyzed than those evaluated in the SportJump System Pro, as the objective of the AccTrea
system was to provide concurrent feedback to runners in order to modify step length,
frequency, and time to improve their running economy.
The excellent validity and reliability results for the spatio-temporal variables, together
with the technology used, make the AccTrea system a low-cost and high-reliability system,
nonexistent until now.
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The results of peak acceleration impact asymmetries are considered modest (ICC = 0.55)
for validity between systems and poor (ICC = 0.36) for the within-device test–retest reli-
ability for the AccTrea system. Both acceleration impact peaks of the left leg (ICC = 0.88)
and right leg (ICC = 0.85) obtained a high degree of reliability of the AccTrea system
between days, which was not the case for validity between systems (AccTrea and AccAthl),
considered as poor (ICC = 0.01).
Symmetry/asymmetry in running is very difficult to keep within the same values
between different sessions as there are many factors that affect running technique [51]. It is
a personal technical factor subject to the variability in the dynamic complex systems, an
aspect that makes the standardization of the results difficult [51]. The values obtained in
the present study were relatively low (little asymmetry on impacts between legs), which
could justify the poor reliability results of the system between days.
The poor validity results between systems obtained in the acceleration impact peak
variables could be related to the fact that the AccTrea system, compared to the AccAthl,
presents elements that could favor the reduction or loss of acceleration and impact dis-
sipation. These elements could be classified as elements typical of the runner, such as
the cushioning of the shoes [52]; or elements of the system itself (AccTrea), such as the
treadmill, the table, or the protection of the accelerometers, that avoid their displacement
and make them register lower values [53].
The Bland–Altman plots demonstrated low mean differences and wide limits of
agreement (LoAs) of 95%, except for the step frequency variable, with a mean difference
between systems of ±5 ppm. These differences could be explained because step time is
also slightly lower in the AccAthl system, possibly associated with acceleration losses of
the system previously mentioned.
Regarding the system, there are currently no studies with which the results obtained
from the acceleration impact variables can be compared. There are also no systems on the
market that can directly or indirectly measure the acceleration impact variables without
instrumenting the athlete and with the technology used inserted directly into the treadmill.
Previous studies that have analyzed the effect of immediate biofeedback, via audi-
tory [22] or visual [21], during running have shown that the maximum impact peak was
significantly reduced [21,22], improving running economy [20]. Recent studies have shown
that the effects of an intervention, applying instant feedback, can last up to a year after the
intervention, notably improving the reduction of impacts and reducing the percentage of
injured athletes [54].
However, all these biofeedback systems used in previous studies have required ath-
letes to be instrumented with expensive systems and under laboratory conditions, making
the use of this type of system impractical on a recurring basis by the general population. The
implementation of a biofeedback system, such as the one analyzed in this study, represents
a step forward to make impact reductions and running economy improvements accessible
to the entire population [23] thanks to its low cost and the unneeded instrumentation
of athletes.
The results of this study determined that the system has moderate validity for the
scientific measurement of the acceleration impact variables (ICC = 0.55), but it can also be
transferred to the sports world, being a valid approximation like the contributions that
already exist in the market in the measurement of other variables.
5. Conclusions
AccTrea is a reliable and valid tool for athletes to be informed, in a concurrent way, of
their biomechanical responses in relation to spatio-temporal variables (step length, step
time, and step frequency) during running on an instrumented treadmill. On the other hand,
the limitations found in the placement of the accelerometers under the treadmill, which in
turn, are great advantages of the system by not having to instrument the athletes, make
AccTrea a reliable system measuring running impacts. While peak acceleration impact
asymmetry variables presented a modest validity between systems. As a noninvasive
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
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biofeedback system for running biomechanical response, AccTrea demonstrates potential
as a commercial system of easy access to the general population, with high reliability
in spatio-temporal variables and peak acceleration impacts. MEMS sensor technology
coupled with a data acquisition unit and a processing unit connected with the treadmill can
provide accurate and objective data to improve running mechanics or to allow personal
trainers to select running exercises in order to change running mechanics.
6. Patents
European patent application with reference EP3735900A1 and entitled “Treadmill for
sport training” in May 2019.
U.S. patent application with reference US20200353309A1 and entitled “Ergometric
treadmill for sport training” in May 2019.
Chinese patent application with reference CN111905333A and entitled “Force measur-
ing running machine for sports training” in May 2019.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.E.-M., P.P.-S. and R.B.-V.; methodology, A.E.-M. and
A.G.-G.; software, A.E.-M., R.B.-V., A.G.-G. and P.P.-S.; validation, A.E.-M., R.B.-V., A.G.-G., R.S.-S.,
and P.P.-S.; formal analysis, A.E.-M., A.G.-G., R.S.-S., and P.P.-S.; investigation, A.E.-M., R.B.-V.,
A.G.-G., R.S.-S., and P.P.-S.; resources, A.E.-M., R.B.-V., A.G.-G. and P.P.-S.; data curation, A.E.-M. and
R.B.-V.; writing—original draft preparation, A.E.-M., R.B.-V., R.S.-S., and A.G.-G.; writing—review
and editing, A.E.-M., R.B.-V., R.S.-S., and A.G.-G.; visualization, A.E.-M., R.B.-V., R.S.-S., and A.G.-G.;
supervision, A.E.-M.; project administration, A.E.-M., R.B.-V., A.G.-G. and P.P.-S.; funding acquisition,
A.E.-M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Bodytone International Sport, S.L., grant number CFE-
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Valencia
(protocol number: 6775, date 2018).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Acknowledgments: Authors want to thank Inmaculada Aparicio Aparicio for her support in the
study conceptualization and her help during data collection.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
Appendix A. Treadmill Accelerometry System (AccTrea)
The proposed measurement system comprises three main parts: A set of triple-axis
MEMS accelerometers (MEMS-As), a data acquisition unit (DAU), and a processing unit
(PU). All components are encased inside the treadmill. Thus, the system does not require
external instrumentation. The MEMS-As send the data set to the DAU, which performs the
first stage of filtering and conditioning of the data. This pre-processed data set is then used
by the PU to estimate the parameters under interest as detailed in Section 2.
Two different MEMS-A settings can be used in the system. The first approach employs
two accelerometers, which are located on the front of the running belt, near the landing
zone of the runner. The second approach uses a four-accelerometers setting, where two
more accelerometry sensors are placed at the back of the belt. In either approach, all
accelerometers are firmly attached to the treadmill board by means of a specifically designed
holder in order to maximize the capture of the vibrations produced by the runner. The V120
optical tracking system (Optitrack V120:Trio, NaturalPoint, Inc., Corvallis, OR, USA) has
been used to determine the optimal position of the sensors to maximize the measurement
of these oscillations. Figure A1 shows the placement of the sensors of the treadmill along
with the coordinate system used in the device.
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
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MPU-9250 accelerometry sensors (TDK InvenSense, San José, CA, USA) are used in
both settings. These sensors provide digital-output triple-axis accelerometry data with
a programmable full-scale range between ±2 g and ±16 g. This feature is particularly
interesting as it allows both low-acceleration values, such as when walking on the treadmill,
and large values, such as in fast running, to be measured accurately.
MPU-9250 accelerometers use 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), which pro-
vide enough bit resolution for the subsequent parameter calculation. This allows us to set
the scale range to ±8 g, providing a relatively small quantification error and, at the same
time, a wide reading range to avoid data clipping. Note that this requirement is important
because the acceleration values of the lateral (x-axis) and front-rear (y-axis) directions
are much lower than the vertical one (z-axis). Although only the z-axis component is
analyzed in this work, other accelerometry components may be used in future work. For
this reason, the acquisition and storage of all accelerometry components are implemented
in this approach.
ors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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Figure A1. Location of accelerometers (MEMS-A), data acquisition unit (DAU), and processing
unit (PU) on the treadmill (AccTrea): (a) Four-accelerometer approach; (b) two-accelerometer ap-
The MPU-9250 devices include user-programmable digital filters for noise reduction.
Although a low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 50 Hz is commonly used in many
similar applications [38], no in-board filtering has been set in the device for this approach.
As shown in Appendix B, the critical information for the calculation of the parameters
under analysis involves the time intervals between acceleration peaks. As any low-pass
filter smooths these peaks [43], thereby reducing the accuracy of the parameter calcula-
tion, the raw data from the sensors are used for further processing and analysis in this
approach. Note, however, that prior to any measurement, a calibration is performed on
the DAU to compensate for gravity bias [44].
For the connection between the MEMS-A and the DAU, the I2C bus is chosen [55].
This protocol allows the transmission of data of all sensors using a single bus, minimizing
wiring and system complexity. Each sensor is set-up in a specific address, allowing all
accelerometry signals to be transmitted using only two wires.
The choice of sampling frequency of the analog-to-digital converter of the sensors is
A l
f h
Figure A1. Location of accelerometers (MEMS-A), data acquisition unit (DAU), and processing unit (PU) on the treadmill
(AccTrea): (a) Four-accelerometer approach; (b) two-accelerometer approach.
The MPU-9250 devices include user-programmable digital filters for noise reduction.
Although a low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 50 Hz is commonly used in many
similar applications [38], no in-board filtering has been set in the device for this approach.
As shown in Appendix B, the critical information for the calculation of the parameters
under analysis involves the time intervals between acceleration peaks. As any low-pass
filter smooths these peaks [43], thereby reducing the accuracy of the parameter calculation,
the raw data from the sensors are used for further processing and analysis in this approach.
Note, however, that prior to any measurement, a calibration is performed on the DAU to
compensate for gravity bias [44].
For the connection between the MEMS-A and the DAU, the I2C bus is chosen [55].
This protocol allows the transmission of data of all sensors using a single bus, minimizing
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
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wiring and system complexity. Each sensor is set-up in a specific address, allowing all
accelerometry signals to be transmitted using only two wires.
The choice of sampling frequency of the analog-to-digital converter of the sensors is
also a critical issue. A large sampling rate enables a high accuracy in the calculation of
the parameters. Nevertheless, it limits the use of multiple sensors with a single I2C bus
due to its bandwidth restrictions. A sampling frequency of 250 Hz has been chosen as
the compromise value, as it is large enough to obtain sufficient accuracy in the required
parameters, while allowing real-time transmission of raw data from up to four sensors.
The data are collected by the DAU, powered by a ATmega2560 microcontroller (Mi-
crochip Technology Incorporated, Chandler, AZ, USA). This unit performs the following
tasks: (1) Initialization and calibration of the sensors before each training; (2) time synchro-
nization of the signals to be sent as a matrix to the subsequent PU; and (3) monitoring with
automatic restart in case of reading or transmission failure.
This data set is transmitted via a USB connection to the PU of the treadmill. This unit
is responsible for calculating the parameters listed in Section 2, i.e., positive peak tibial
acceleration, asymmetry, step time, step length, and step frequency. In addition, a frequency
analysis is carried out, which will allow future work to carry out harmonic analysis,
among others. Both Appendix B and patents [29–31] detail the process of calculating
these parameters. Figure A2 depicts the connection diagram between the MEMS-A, DAU,
and PU.
Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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tasks: (1) Initialization and calibration of the sensors before each training; (2) time syn-
chronization of the signals to be sent as a matrix to the subsequent PU; and (3) monitoring
with automatic restart in case of reading or transmission failure.
This data set is transmitted via a USB connection to the PU of the treadmill. This unit
is responsible for calculating the parameters listed in Section 2, i.e., positive peak tibial
acceleration, asymmetry, step time, step length, and step frequency. In addition, a fre-
quency analysis is carried out, which will allow future work to carry out harmonic analy-
sis, among others. Both Appendix B and patents [29–31] detail the process of calculating
these parameters. Figure A2 depicts the connection diagram between the MEMS-A, DAU,
and PU.
Figure A2. Block diagram of the AccTre system: MEMS-A connected to the DAU via an I2C bus; DAU linked to the PU via
an USB connection; graphical user interface for biofeedback to the runner on the treadmill touch screen; transmission of
processed data to a cloud server and access to the data set through a mobile device.
Appendix B. Procedure for Calculating Spatio-Temporal Parameters
The procedure for calculating these parameters is based on Pérez-Soriano and Encar-
nación-Martínez [56], although it has been adapted for each of the approaches analyzed
in this work. Note that in this study, two accelerometers have been used in both systems.
In AccAthl, the sensors are placed on the distal and anteromedial portion of each tibia [38]
while in AccTrea, they are located on the front of the running belt [38] (Figure A1).
It is important to note that although both systems measure the acceleration produced
by both legs, the way in which both sets of data are collected is completely different. Each
AccAthl accelerometer is attached to one of the legs. Thus, the acceleration measured on
each leg is clearly recorded on its corresponding accelerometer while the signal caused by
the opposite leg is noticeably lower. By contrast, as the accelerometers included in Ac-
cTrea are both attached to the rigid board of the treadmill, both accelerometers collect the
vibration produced by both legs. Their signals vary only subtly in amplitude depending
on the proximity of each sensor to the landing zone of each leg. Nevertheless, this slight
difference is sufficient to determine the parameters of interest. Figure A3 illustrates the
acceleration levels recorded by each system for the same measurement session.
Figure A2. Block diagram of the AccTre system: MEMS-A connected to the DAU via an I2C bus; DAU linked to the PU via
an USB connection; graphical user interface for biofeedback to the runner on the treadmill touch screen; transmission of
processed data to a cloud server and access to the data set through a mobile device.
Appendix B. Procedure for Calculating Spatio-Temporal Parameters
The procedure for calculating these parameters is based on Pérez-Soriano and Encar-
nación-Martínez [56], although it has been adapted for each of the approaches analyzed in
this work. Note that in this study, two accelerometers have been used in both systems. In
AccAthl, the sensors are placed on the distal and anteromedial portion of each tibia [38]
while in AccTrea, they are located on the front of the running belt [38] (Figure A1).
It is important to note that although both systems measure the acceleration produced
by both legs, the way in which both sets of data are collected is completely different. Each
AccAthl accelerometer is attached to one of the legs. Thus, the acceleration measured on
each leg is clearly recorded on its corresponding accelerometer while the signal caused
by the opposite leg is noticeably lower. By contrast, as the accelerometers included in
AccTrea are both attached to the rigid board of the treadmill, both accelerometers collect the
vibration produced by both legs. Their signals vary only subtly in amplitude depending
Sensors 2021, 21, 1758
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on the proximity of each sensor to the landing zone of each leg. Nevertheless, this slight
difference is sufficient to determine the parameters of interest. Figure A3 illustrates the
acceleration levels recorded by each system for the same measurement session.
Sensors 2021, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW
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Figure A3. Comparison of the accelerometry signals from the system AccAthl (a) and the two-accelerometer approach
AccTrea (b). The solid and dashed line display the accelerations corresponding to the left and right legs, respectively. The
left- and right-pointing triangles mark the acceleration peaks of the left and right legs, respectively.
The first step in the calculation of the parameters is to determine the accelerometry
signal peaks for both legs in each approach, including their temporal location (s) and their
peak amplitude value (g). To obtain the location ൛݈௧,ሾ݊ሿ, ݈௧,ோሾ݊ோሿൟ and amplitude
൛௧,ሾ݊ሿ, ௧,ோሾ݊ோሿൟ of the peaks in AccAthl, the maximum negative acceleration values
are detected. The variables ݊ and ݊ோ denote the step number for the left and right leg,
respectively. These values correspond to the time when the runner lands on each leg. To
avoid false-negative detection, constraints on the minimum distance between peaks and
on their prominence values are applied.
From the data coming from AccTrea, all the peaks of both accelerometers are detected
first. In contrast to the previous approach, the values of the maximum positive accelera-
tion are considered here, as it has been empirically proven that they provide better results
for the analysis due to the vibration of the table.
Note that, as shown in Figure A3b, the contribution of both legs is recorded in both
accelerometry signals. Therefore, the correspondence of the detected peaks to each leg
must be estimated. This is done by averaging the values of the odd and even peaks of each
signal and assigning the higher values to the closest sensor. Once this is accomplished, a
procedure similar to AccAthl is applied to obtain the location ൛்݈,ሾ݊ሿ, ்݈,ோሾ݊ோሿൟ and
amplitude ൛்,ሾ݊ሿ, ்,ோሾ݊ோሿൟ of the peaks as depicted in Figure A3b.
From these vectors ൛௧,ሾ݊ሿ, ௧,ோሾ݊ோሿൟ and ൛்,ሾ݊ሿ, ்,ோሾ݊ோሿൟ , statistical
values are calculated for the impacts of both legs, as well as for their asymmetry. Table 3
shows these results for both approaches.
The step locations are used to compute the step times using backward differences,
Figure A3. Comparison of the accelerometry signals from the system AccAthl (a) and the two-accelerometer approach
AccTrea (b). The solid and dashed line display the accelerations corresponding to the left and right legs, respectively. The
left- and right-pointing triangles mark the acceleration peaks of the left and right legs, respectively.
The first step in the calculation of the parameters is to determine the accelerometry
signal peaks for both legs in each approach, including their temporal location (s) and their
peak amplitude value (g). To obtain the location
lAth,L[nL], lAth,R[nR]
and amplitude
pAth,L[nL], pAth,R[nR]
of the peaks in AccAthl, the maximum negative acceleration values
are detected. The variables nL and nR denote the step number for the left and right leg,
respectively. These values correspond to the time when the runner lands on each leg. To
avoid false-negative detection, constraints on the minimum distance between peaks and
on their prominence values are applied.
From the data coming from AccTrea, all the peaks of both accelerometers are detected
first. In contrast to the previous approach, the values of the maximum positive acceleration
are considered here, as it has been empirically proven that they provide better results for
the analysis due to the vibration of the table.
Note that, as shown in Figure A3b, the contribution of both legs is recorded in both
accelerometry signals. Therefore, the correspondence of the detected peaks to each leg
must be estimated. This is done by averaging the values of the odd and even peaks of each
signal and assigning the higher values to the closest sensor. Once this is accomplished, a
procedure similar to AccAthl is applied to obtain the location {lTrea,L[nL], lTrea,R[nR]} and
amplitude {pTrea,L[nL], pTrea,R[nR]} of the peaks as depicted in Figure A3b.
From these vectors
pAth,L[nL], pAth,R[nR]
and {pTrea,L[nL], pTrea,R[nR]}, statistical
values are calculated for the impacts of both legs, as well as for their asymmetry. Table 3
shows these results for both approaches.
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The step locations are used to compute the step times using backward differences,
∆tAthl,L[nL] =
fs,Athl (lAth,L[nL] − lAth,L[nL − 1]) ms,
∆tAth,R[nR] =
fs,Athl (lAth,R[nR] − lAth,R[nR − 1]) ms,
∆tTrea,L[nL] =
fs,Trea (lTrea,L[nL] − lTrea,L[nL − 1]) ms,
∆tTrea,R[nR] =
fs,Trea (lTrea,R[nR] − lTrea,R[nR − 1]) ms,
where ∆t{,◦}
(ms) denotes the step time for approach {}; leg {◦} and step number,
n{◦} and l{,◦}, respectively, are the peak locations (samples); fs,{} (samples per second)
stands for the sampling frequency for each approach; and {nL, nR} represents the left and
right step numbers, respectively.
The step length is simply calculated by multiplying the step time by the linear speed
of the belt, provided by the treadmill electronics,
= v·10−3∆t{,◦}
where ∆l{,◦}
(m) denote the step length for the step number n{◦}, ∆t{,◦}
the step times calculated in Equation (A1), and v (m/s) represents the linear speed of the
belt of the treadmill, which is identical in both approaches.
To determine the step frequency, the number of steps detected by each sensor is
counted and divided by the duration of the experiment,
s f{,◦} = 60N{,◦}/T spm
where s f{,◦} (spm) denotes the step frequency for approach {} and leg {◦}, and T is the
duration of the experiment (T = 10 s). Once again, the statistical parameters of these
variables are shown in Table 3.
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| Validity and Reliability of an Instrumented Treadmill with an Accelerometry System for Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Parameters and Impact Transmission. | 03-04-2021 | Encarnación-Martínez, Alberto,Pérez-Soriano, Pedro,Sanchis-Sanchis, Roberto,García-Gallart, Antonio,Berenguer-Vidal, Rafael | eng |
Ventilatory efficiency during constant-load
test at lactate threshold intensity: Endurance
versus resistance exercises
Lluis Albesa-Albiol1, Noemı´ Serra-Paya´1, Marı´a Ana Garnacho-Castaño1, Lluis Guirao
Cano1,2, Eulogio Pleguezuelos Cobo1,3, Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz4, Manuel V. Garnacho-
1 GRI-AFIRS, School of Health Sciences, TecnoCampus-Pompeu Fabra University, Mataro´, Barcelona,
Spain, 2 Department of Rehabilitation, Hospital Asepeyo, Sant Cugat, Barcelona, Spain, 3 Department of
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Hospital de Mataro´, Mataro´, Barcelona, Spain, 4 Department of
Physical Activity and Sports Science, Alfonso X El Sabio University, Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spain
* [email protected]
There is a lack of evidence about the ventilatory efficiency in resistance exercises despite
the key role played in endurance exercises. This study aimed to compare the cardiorespira-
tory, metabolic responses and ventilatory efficiency between half-squat (HS) and cycle
ergometer exercises during a constant-load test at the lactate threshold (LT) intensity. Eigh-
teen healthy male participants were randomly assigned in a crossover design to carry out
HS or cycle ergometer tests. For the three HS tests, a one repetition maximum (1RM) test
was performed first to determine the load (kg) corresponding to the 1RM percentages. In
the second test, the incremental HS exercise was carried out to establish the load (kg) at the
LT intensity. Finally, a constant-load HS test was performed at the LT intensity. The first
cycle ergometer test was incremental loading to determine the intensity in watts correspond-
ing to the LT, followed by a constant-load test at the LT intensity. A recovery time of 48
hours between each test was established. During both constant-load test, cardiorespiratory
and metabolic responses were monitored. A significant exercise mode x time interaction
effect was only detected in oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate, and blood lactate (p < 0.001).
No differences were found between the two types of exercise in ventilatory efficiency (p
>0.05). Ventilation (VE) and carbon dioxide were highly correlated (p <0.001) in the cycle
ergometer (r = 0.892) and HS (r = 0.915) exercises. In the VO2 efficiency slope (OUES),
similarly significant and high correlations (p <0.001) were found between VO2 and log10 VE
in the cycle ergometer (r = 0.875) and in the HS (r = 0.853) exercise. Although the cardioven-
tilatory responses were greater in the cycle ergometer test as compared to HS exercise,
ventilatory efficiency was very similar between the two exercise modalities in a predomi-
nantly aerobic metabolism.
May 21, 2019
1 / 18
Citation: Albesa-Albiol L, Serra-Paya´ N, Garnacho-
Castaño MA, Guirao Cano L, Pleguezuelos Cobo E,
Mate´-Muñoz JL, et al. (2019) Ventilatory efficiency
during constant-load test at lactate threshold
intensity: Endurance versus resistance exercises.
PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216824.
Editor: Daniel Boullosa, James Cook University
College of Healthcare Sciences, BRAZIL
Received: January 18, 2019
Accepted: April 29, 2019
Published: May 21, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Albesa-Albiol et al. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Recent studies have used the lactate threshold (LT) or the ventilatory threshold as parameters
to monitor and assess cardiorespiratory responses [1, 2, 3], slow component of oxygen uptake,
and gross mechanical efficiency [4] in unusual resistance exercises using a cardiopulmonary
exercise tests (CPET), as also occurs in endurance exercise [5–9]. During constant-load test at
a load intensity equivalent to the LT, it was observed a greater cardiorespiratory response to
cycle ergometer exercise compared to the half-squat (HS). The cardiorespiratory and meta-
bolic response was stable in both types of exercise; greater muscular fatigue was observed after
completion of the HS test [2]. As could be expected, resistance exercises increased local muscu-
lar fatigue in the lower limbs, while endurance exercises increased cardiorespiratory response.
Cardiorespiratory fitness is frequently evaluated by means of ventilatory efficiency [10, 11].
The fundamental cause of ventilatory efficiency is the matching of ventilation (VE) and perfu-
sion in the lungs. The mismatching of perfusion and VE diminishes the efficiency of lung gas
exchange, demanding an increase in VE for a given CO2 output and arterial PCO2. This mis-
matching phenomenon contributes essentially to hyperpnea and dyspnea [12] affecting venti-
latory performance. It is common to assess ventilatory efficiency in endurance exercises
mostly in different types of diseases or pathologies [13–14], in sports performance [11], and in
healthy subjects [10, 15], establishing the slope of the linear relationship between VE and car-
bon dioxide (VE/VCO2 slope) during an incremental test up to the anaerobic [16] or ventila-
tory threshold [17] and the ventilatory compensation point [10]. Another option to quantify
ventilatory efficiency in endurance exercises is to determine the oxygen uptake efficiency slope
(OUES). The OUES indicates how effectively oxygen is extracted and taken into the body dur-
ing incremental exercise [17]. The OUES is considered a very appropriate tool in the evalua-
tion of cardiovascular fitness in overweight adolescents [18], the severity of heart disease [19],
the effects of physical training or treatment [20, 21], and the risk of a serious or fatal event
Although many studies have analyzed the slope of VE/VCO2 and OUES by age, sex, fitness
level, and diseases in endurance exercises [10, 11, 14, 17, 19], it is unusual to observe studies
comparing VE/VCO2 slope and OUES between different exercise modalities [23, 24]. Sun
et al. [10] demonstrated that VE/VCO2 slope is not exercise mode-dependent, however, Davis
et al. detected that VE/VCO2 slope was lower on the cycle ergometer than the treadmill in
women but not in men [25]. For OUES, treadmill values were higher than cycle ergometer
[24]. Recently, Salazar-Martinez et al. demonstrated that ventilatory efficiency was unaffected
by ergometer type [26]. The assumption that ventilatory efficiency could be similar between
different exercise modalities is controversial and more research is needed to compare several
exercise modes. Despite the importance that has been given in the scientific literature to the
assessment of ventilatory efficiency in endurance exercises in healthy people and especially in
the clinical settings, it is a field of knowledge that needs to be explored in resistance exercises.
There are no previous data regarding VE/VCO2 slope and OUES in HS exercise and, to the
best of our knowledge, ventilatory efficiency has not been compared between resistance and
endurance exercises.
In cardiorespiratory fitness assessment, this knowledge could have an added value in select-
ing the type of exercise to improve ventilation efficiency. If resistance exercises demonstrate
adequate ventilatory efficiency, professionals in the health field could use resistance training to
increase local muscle endurance while maintaining good ventilatory efficiency.
It is common to assess ventilatory efficiency during incremental endurance tests, however,
prolonged constant-load endurance tests can be recommended as a good option in the clinical
health setting to determine the VE/VCO2 slope [27, 28] or OUES because they do not subject
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the participants to significant cardiorespiratory, metabolic, and muscular stress. A constant-
load test at LT intensity might be an interesting alternative for applying to healthy people in
both endurance and resistance exercises to assess ventilatory efficiency without inducing a
strenuous cardiorespiratory and metabolic stress.
The main objective of this study was to compare the ventilatory efficiency, measured by
OUES and VE/VCO2 slope, and cardioventilatory responses of HS and cycle ergometer exer-
cise in a constant-load test at LT intensity. A secondary goal was to determine the relationship
between the OUES and the VE/VCO2 slope in both exercise modalities in each participant.
Material and methods
Eighteen healthy male participants were recruited among the students of the Department of
Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (age: 21.8 ± 1.5 years, height: 180.3 ± 5.7 cm, weight:
82.6 ± 9.0 kg, body mass index: 25.4 ± 2.0). All participants had at least 6 months of resistance
training experience and were completely familiar with the HS exercise and the cycle ergometer.
Four exclusion criteria were established: 1) any cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological,
pulmonary, or orthopedic disorder that could limit exercise performance, 2) the use of any
medication, supplements, or substance that could improve performance, 3) 1RM 150 kg in
the exercise of the HS, 4) elite athlete status.
Eligible participants were informed of the tests to be performed and those who agreed with
the study protocols signed their written consent to participate. The subjects were instructed to
abstain from other exercise or training during the two-week study period. The study protocol
adhered to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki for studies with human beings and was
approved by the Ethics Committee of the Alfonso X El Sabio University (Villanueva de la
Cañada, Madrid, Spain).
Experimental design
The participants visited the Exercise Physiology Laboratory five times during the two-week
study period, at the same time of day (± 2 hours) and in similar environmental conditions
(room temperature 21–25˚C, atmospheric pressure 715–730 mm Hg, relative humidity ~
45%). Participants were randomly assigned in a crossover design to perform HS or cycle
ergometer tests. A rest period of 48 hours was established between each of the five tests. The
protocols were implemented according to procedures previously established by our research
group [2].
For the three HS tests, a one repetition maximum (1RM) test was performed first to deter-
mine the load (kg) corresponding to the 1RM percentages to be used during the second test,
the incremental HS exercise to establish the load (kg) at the intensity corresponding to the LT.
Finally, a constant-load HS test was performed at the LT intensity established during the incre-
mental exercise test. The first cycle ergometer test was incremental loading to determine the
intensity in watts (W) corresponding to the LT, followed by a constant load test at the LT
intensity. During both constant-load test, acute cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses
were monitored. The timing of the blood lactate sampling was the same for both the HS and
cycle ergometer testing.
Half squat tests
In the HS tests, a Smith machine (Matrix Fitness, Johnson Health Tech, Cottage Grove, MN,
USA) was used to ensure safe and controlled movements. HS technique was determined as in
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previous studies [3, 29]. The variation in range of motion (ROM) during HS exercise was accu-
rately determined during a familiarization session and in all the tests. Participants positioned
themselves under the barbell in an upright position with the knees and hips fully extended and
legs spread approximately at the shoulders’ width. The barbell was placed on the upper back
(trapezius muscle), approximately at the level of the acromion. During the descent of the bar,
participants flexed the knees and hips (eccentric action) to lower the barbell in a controlled
manner, until 900 flexion of the knees [30]. From this position, the concentric muscle action
was started until fully extending the knees and hips. The body position was individually
adjusted and exactly replicated on each HS test.
Each HS test started with a 5-minute low-intensity general run and 5-minute general joint
mobility warm-up, followed by a specific warm-up of a series of 3–5 repetitions (HS) at a rela-
tive intensity of 40–60% of 1RM.
1RM test. After a 2-minute rest, the HS test protocols began. To determine 1RM, 3–5
series were carried out, using an increasing weight each time. The 1RM was defined as the last
load lifted by the subject, completing a knee extension to the required position. The rest period
between each attempt was 4 minutes.
Incremental HS test. The incremental HS test was carried out in 6 one-minute series, at
relative intensities of 10%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% 1RM as described in previous studies
[2, 4, 29]. In each series, 30 repetitions of 2 seconds each were performed (1 second for eccen-
tric muscle action and 1 second for concentric action), using a metronome to establish the
rhythm; a member of the research team provided visual and verbal cues to maintain an ade-
quate rate. A passive rest period of 2 minutes between series was established. During this
period, blood samples were collected by an experienced researcher and the corresponding load
was increased. The test ended when the repetitions were no longer executed correctly or was
voluntarily terminated by the participant when he could not perform the repetitions at the
established cadence. Blood samples (5 μL) were obtained by pricking the finger 30 seconds
after the end of each series. Lactate levels were measured using a portable analyzer (Lactate Pro
LT-1710, Arkray Factory Inc., KDK Corporation, Siga, Japan).
Based on the algorithmic adjustment method described by Orr et al. [31], LT was defined as
the load intensity at which blood lactate concentrations begin to increase exponentially [32].
LT was detected by two-segment linear regression, placing the 2 emergent linear regression
equations for each segment at the point of intersection between a plot of blood lactate concen-
tration and relative intensity [33]. Data analysis was done using Matlab version 7.4 (Math-
Works, Natick, MA, USA).
Constant-load HS test. In the constant load HS test, 21 sets of 15 repetitions were per-
formed. The duration of each set was 30 seconds (1 second each for the eccentric and concen-
tric phases, guided by a metronome and visual and verbal signals), with 1-minute rest between
sets. The entire constant-load test lasted 31 minutes. Respiratory exchange data were recorded
during the constant-load test using a breath-by-breath open-loop gas analyzer (Vmax spectra
29, Sensormedics Corp., Yorba Linda, California, USA), previously calibrated. VO2, VE,
VCO2, and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were monitored. The heart rate was quantified
every 5 seconds by telemetry (RS-800CX, Polar Electro OY, Finland). To determine lactate
concentrations, finger-prick blood samples were obtained, as described for the incremental
test, at rest and 30 seconds after the end of 7 HS sets (S): S3, S6, S9, S12, S15, S18 and S21.
Cycle ergometer tests
The incremental and constant-load tests on a cycle ergometer (Monark ergomedic 828E,
Vansbro, Sweden) included a 5-minute warm-up at a pedaling rate of 50 rev.min-1 and a load
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of 50 W, followed by 5 minutes of dynamic joint mobility and stretching exercises. The load
during the incremental and constant-load tests was defined according to the characteristics of
the cycle ergometer, as previously described [34]. Briefly, pedaling at an intensity of 50 W is
the same as pedaling at a rate of 50 rev.min-1 at a load of 1-kilogram force (kgf). To increase
the load by 25 W during an incremental protocol, pedaling cadence at a rate of 50 rev.min-1
should be performed at a load equivalent to 0.5 kfg. After 2 minutes of rest, the specific tests on
the cycle ergometer began.
Incremental cycle ergometer test.
The incremental test using a ramp protocol that
started with a load of 50 W (50 rev.min-1 at a load of 1kgf), increased in steps of 25 W.min-1
until completion of 8 min at a pedaling rate of 50 rev.min-1 at a load of 0.5 kgf. Blood samples
(5 μL) were obtained by finger pricking at rest and every 2 minutes during the incremental
test. The LT was detected by inspecting the plot of blood lactate concentrations against the
workload, according to the protocol described by Weltman et al. [35]. LT was defined as the
highest exercise load completed when an increase of 0.5 mmol.L-1 was detected over baseline
concentrations in at least 2 consecutive samples.
Constant-load cycle ergometer test.
The constant load cycle ergometer test was per-
formed with continuous pedaling at a rate between 70–80 rev.min-1 at an intensity (W) equiva-
lent to the LT, previously determined in the incremental test. The load in kfg was individually
adjusted to each subject at 70–80 rev.min-1 to develop the W corresponding to the LT inten-
sity. Total duration of the test was 31 minutes. The blood lactate samples were obtained with
the same portable analyzer as in the HS test, at the beginning of the test and (coinciding with
the timing in the HS test) at the following minutes (M) thereafter: M4, M8.5, M13, M17.5,
M22, M26.5, M31. During the constant-load test, respiratory exchange and heart rate data
were recorded as described in the HS constant-load test.
Ventilatory efficiency
The ventilatory efficiency of each participant was determined in two ways: 1) the slope of the
relationship between VE and VCO2 during each constant-load test; 2) the OUES slope, calcu-
lated as the relationship between VO2 and the logarithm of the VE during the constant-load
test: VO2 = a log10 VE + b).
Statistical analysis
The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify the normal distribution of the data, reported as
mean, standard deviation (SD), and confidence intervals (95% CI). To identify significant dif-
ferences between the HS and cycle ergometer exercises in the cardioventilatory and lactate var-
iables, a general linear model was performed with a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
for repeated measurements. The two factors were the exercise mode (HS or cycle ergometer)
and time point (corresponding to 7 control points in both exercise modes). When appropriate,
a post-hoc Bonferroni adjustment was implemented for multiple comparisons. To determine
the differences between the two exercise modes in the VE/VCO2 and OUES slopes, Student-t
was applied for related samples. The slope of VE/VCO2 and OUES was calculated by linear
regression between VE and VCO2 and between VO2 and log10 VE, respectively. The Pearson
product-moment correlation coefficients were calculated to determine significant relation-
ships between the VE and the VCO2 and between the VO2 and the log10 VE, and to establish
the possible relationship between the OUES and the VE/VCO2 slope.
Partial eta square (ηp
2) was calculated to determine the magnitude of the response in
ANOVA analysis. Cohen´s d for the planned comparisons was used to determine effect sizes.
A large effect size was defined as ηp
2 0.26, d 0.80; moderate ηp
2 0.13, d 0.40; and
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small ηp
2 < 0.02, d < 0.40 [36]. Statistical power (SP) was also determined. The intraclass cor-
relation coefficients and the percentage of variation coefficients were calculated to determine
the relative and absolute reliability. The level of significance was set at p <0.05. All statistical
methods were performed using the SPSS Statistics software package version 23.0 for Macintosh
(SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). The graphics were made in the Microsoft Excel version 16.20 for
Anthropometric characteristics and incremental test data for the HS and cycle ergometer exer-
cises are shown in Table 1.
Differences in cardioventilatory and lactate responses are shown in Table 2. The mean of
the intraclass correlation coefficients and the coefficients of variation for cardioventilatory var-
iables and lactate were 0.970 (0.942–0.987) and 6.7% ± 3.4%, respectively.
For absolute VO2, a significant exercise mode x time interaction effect was observed
(p = 0.007, F(6, 102) = 3.18). Bonferroni test confirmed that VO2 was significantly higher in
cycle ergometer than HS exercise at the 7 established control points (p <0.001; large effect
d 1.64). In cycle ergometer, a significant lower VO2 was detected in M4 regarding the rest of
the control points (p 0.002; moderate effect d 0.46 and 0.60). However, a VO2 stabiliza-
tion was observed after M8.5 (p > 0.05). In HS exercise, a significant increase in VO2 was
observed (p < 0.05) in S3 with respect to S6 (moderate effect, d = 0.46), S18 (large effect, d =
0.95), and S21 (large effect, d = 0.86) (Fig 1A).
No significant exercise mode x time interaction effect was found for the relative VO2
(p > 0.05) and VE variable (p > 0.05).
For heart rate, a significant effect (p <0.001) was observed for exercise mode x time interac-
tion (F(6, 102) = 5.85). The Bonferroni test determined that heart rate was significantly lower in
HS exercise than in cycle ergometer test at the 7 established control points (p <0.05; in M4/S3,
moderate effect d = 0.49; rest of control points large effect d 0.94). In cycle ergometer exer-
cise, a significant increase in heart rate was confirmed in M4 regarding all control points
(p < 0.01; moderate effect versus M8.5 and M13, d 0.62 and 0.74; large effect versus
M17.5, M22, M26.5, M31, d 0.83) (Fig 1B).
Blood lactate concentrations indicated a significant exercise mode x time interaction
(p < 0.001, F(7, 119) = 6.93). The Bonferroni adjustments showed a significant increase from
rest period in both exercise modes (p 0.005; large effect d 1.71). Significant higher blood
Table 1. Descriptive data related to anthropometric characteristics, 1RM- and incremental-load tests.
Mean (SD)
N = 18
Age (years)
21.2 (1.5)
Height (cm)
180.3 (5.7)
Weight (kg)
82.6 (9.0)
BMI (kg.m-2)
25.4 (2.1)
1RM in HS (kg)
206.3 (36.4)
HS load at LT (kg)
51.2 (9.0)
HS relative intensity at LT (%)
25.8 (4.6)
CYC load at LT (W)
130.8 (24.8)
Abbreviations: 1RM = one-repetition maximum; BMI: body mass index; CYC: cycle-ergometer; HS = half-squat;
LT = lactate threshold; SD = standard deviation.
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lactate levels were found in HS exercise regarding cycle ergometer (p <0.05) at control points
M22/S15 (moderate effect, d = 0.72), M26.5/S18 (large effect, d = 0.82), and M31/S21 (large
effect, d = 1.19) (Fig 2).
In the RER, no significant interaction effect was observed for exercise mode x time
(p > 0.05).
Regarding VE/VCO2 slope and OUES, no differences were found between the two types of
exercise (p >0.05) (Fig 3).
In the VE/VCO2 slope, VE and VCO2 were highly correlated (p <0.001), both in the cycle
ergometer (r = 0.892) and HS (r = 0.915) modalities (Fig 4A and 4B, respectively).
In the OUES, similarly high correlations (p <0.001) were found between VO2 and log10 VE
in the cycle ergometer (r = 0.875) and in the HS (r = 0.853) (Fig 5A and 5B, respectively).
No significant correlation was found between the OUES and the slope of the VE/VCO2 in
the HS (r = -0.345, p = 0.160) nor in the cycle ergometer (r = 0.315, p = 0.203). Also, no signifi-
cant correlation was observed between the HS and cycle ergometer modes in OUES (r = 0.356,
p = 0.147) or VE/VCO2 slope (r = 0.422, p = 0.081).
To the best of our knowledge, this study applied two novelties in methodological approach,
with respect to previous research. First, it determined ventilatory efficiency in HS exercise by
two distinct methods (VE/VCO2 slope and OUES); second, it compared HS and cycle ergome-
ter ventilatory efficiency in constant-load tests conducted at an intensity equivalent to the LT.
Although the cardioventilatory responses were greater in the cycle ergometer test as compared
to HS, ventilatory efficiency was very similar between the two exercise modalities. In addition,
the blood lactate concentrations were similar between both exercise modes although these val-
ues were slightly higher in HS exercise than in the cycle ergometer exercise at the end of the
constant-load tests.
Table 2. Differences in cardioventilatory and lactate responses between half-squat vs cycle-ergometer during constant-load test at lactate threshold intensity.
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
VO2 (L.min-1)
< 0.001
< 0.001
VO2 (
< 0.001
< 0.001
VCO2 (L.min-1)
< 0.001
< 0.001
VE (L.min-1)
< 0.001
< 0.001
HR (beat.min-1)
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
Lactate (mmol.L-1)
< 0.001
< 0.001
Abbreviations used: CYC: cycle-ergometer; ES: effect size; HR: heart rate; HS: half-squat; L: liter; min: minute; RER: respiratory exchange ratio; SP: statistical power;
VCO2: carbon dioxide production; VE: minute ventilation; VO2: oxygen uptake. P1 Significant differences for exercise mode x time interaction effect. P2 Significant
differences for time effect. P3 Significant differences for exercise mode effect. Data are provided as mean and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).
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These findings replicated the results obtained in previous investigations, in which the
cardiorespiratory responses were higher in the cycle ergometer test than in HS exercise [2].
The constant-load HS test at LT intensity likely induced a lower cardioventilatory response
because a rest time was implemented between sets. To date, it has been unfeasible to perform a
continuous protocol in the HS exercise at the LT intensity. In theory, a continuous HS proto-
col would increase intramuscular pressure leading to augmented muscle tension and progres-
sive fatigue. These physiological mechanisms would produce the collapse of capillaries and
diminish the oxygen available into the muscle and thus increasing the blood lactate levels [37].
Although it is usual to find a different cardiorespiratory response between several endurance
exercise modalities at the same relative intensity [38], the available studies comparing resis-
tance versus endurance exercises during constant-load test at LT intensity are currently insuf-
ficient to draw more precise conclusions.
The VE/VCO2 slope and OUES results obtained in both exercises are considered normal
and comparable to other studies with healthy adults (19–30 in VE/VCO2 slope, 2.55 ± 1.01
n = 417 in OUES) [10, 16, 24]. In elite youth cyclists [11], the slope of the VE/VCO2 was simi-
lar (about 28) to our study, but the OUES was higher: 3.8 vs. 2.5 in our study. The difference
could be due to the novel methodology used in our study and the greater cardiorespiratory fit-
ness of elite youth cyclists. No studies are available for comparison of the VE/VCO2 slope,
cycle ergometer values, or HS data in a constant-load test at LT intensity. However, our results
on ventilatory efficiency were very similar to those obtained in other studies in endurance
exercises (cycling) at the intensity of the anaerobic threshold [11], perhaps because both
Fig 1. Multiple comparisons between cycle ergometer (CYC) and half-squat (HS): (A) Oxygen uptake (VO2). (B) Heart rate (HR). δ Significant differences
p < 0.05 between cycle ergometer and half-squat at each checkpoint. † Significantly different from M8.5, M13, M17.5, M22, M26.5, M31 in cycle ergometer,
p < 0.01. ⍵ Significantly different from M8.5, M17.5 in cycle ergometer, p = 0.017. ⏚ Significantly different from S6, S18, S21 in HS exercise, p < 0.05. ⏆
Significantly different from S21 in HS exercise, p = 0.026.
Fig 2. Multiple comparisons between cycle ergometer (CYC) and half-squat (HS) in blood lactate. ⏚ Significantly different from S3, S6, S9, S12, S15, S18,
S21 in HS exercise, p < 0.001. † Significantly different from M4, M8.5, M13, M17.5, M22, M26.5, M31 in cycle ergometer, p < 0.01. δ Significantly different
from cycle ergometer in M22/S15, M26.5/S18, M31/S21, p < 0.05. ⍵ Significantly different from M4 in cycle ergometer, p = 0.028. ⏆ Significantly different
from S3 and S6 in HS exercise, p < 0.05.
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Fig 3. Differences between cycle ergometer (CYC) and half-squat (HS) in the VE/VCO2 slope and OUES. No significant differences between both
exercise modalities.
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Fig 4. Linear relationship between ventilation (VE) and carbon dioxide (VE/VCO2 slope): (A) Cycle ergometer (CYC). (B) Half-squat (HS).
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Fig 5. Relationship between oxygen uptake (VO2) and log10 VE (OUES): (A) Cycle ergometer (CYC). (B) Half-squat (HS).
Ventilatory efficiency in resistance exercises at lactate threshold intensity
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intensities (LT and anaerobic thresholds) reflect a similar metabolic moment, beyond which
lactate concentrations begin to increase. Our data from both exercise modes in healthy young
adults verify that this protocol could be another option to evaluate the slope of VE/VCO2 and
OUES in a mostly aerobic metabolism, controlling the acidosis of the body, without having to
reach the high intensities and avoiding a higher cardiorespiratory stress that could become
problematic in some pathologies. Probably, during a constant-load test at moderate intensity
(LT) the relationship between VE and both VCO2 and VO2 is normally stable and uniform
before the onset of ventilatory compensation for the exercise-induced lactic acidosis [10], justi-
fying, at least in part, the similarities detected in VE/VCO2 slope and OUES between both
exercise modalities at the same metabolic state.
A surprising aspect of this study was the almost identical values in the ventilatory efficiency
observed in the HS and cycle ergometer tests. Studies comparing the VE/VCO2 slope and the
OUES in different types of exercises are rare; therefore, there is a significant lack of informa-
tion about which exercise modality could induce a higher ventilatory efficiency. Our findings
show that two types of exercise with different cardioventilatory responses induce the same ven-
tilatory efficiency at similar metabolic intensity. During incremental exercise tests [23], no sig-
nificant changes were found between treadmill and cycle ergometer trials, although both
exercise modalities showed a lower VE/VCO2 slope (higher efficiency) compared to a robot-
ics-assisted tilt table. A study compared OUES in 17 healthy subjects in two exercise modali-
ties, observing higher values in the treadmill test compared to the cycle ergometer [24].
Although further evidence is needed, ventilatory efficiency could be dependent on the type of
exercise, test protocol, and mode of assessing ventilatory efficiency (OUES vs VE/VCO2
It was expected that subjects with a lower VE/VCO2 slope (greater efficiency) throughout
each of the tests would increase their OUES. The lack of significant correlation between the
OUES and the slope of the VE/VCO2 in the two exercise modalities analyzed indicates that
those subjects who showed greater ventilatory efficiency in the HS did not achieve greater ven-
tilatory efficiency in the cycle ergometer. The OUES has been accepted as a valid submaximal
measure of the function and prognosis of disease [39], and the slope of VE/VCO2 is a reliable
assessment in healthy adults [40] and in those with pathologies [41]. However, their usefulness
in healthy and athletically trained people is dubious. It is not yet clear which factors contribute
to modify ventilatory efficiency during exercise, but the established postulates through this dis-
cussion may be more relevant in the clinical field than in fitness and sports performance
because it seems that the VE/VCO2 slope did not change in elite cyclists after 16 weeks of train-
ing [11] and, regardless of gender, in children [42] and healthy adults [10] engaging in exer-
cise. Training did not improve the OUES in healthy subjects [43] and could have a limited
effect in athletes [11].
As a practical application, these findings could be an interesting alternative for the processes
of physical rehabilitation and recovery from diseases associated with a loss of strength and
muscle mass. For example, patients with heart failure are characterized by a significant loss of
muscle mass, and these same physiological mechanisms are closely related to dyspnea and ven-
tilatory fatigue [44]. Therefore, ventilatory efficiency is related to the severity of heart failure
with reduced ejection fraction [45, 46] and, as a corollary, poor ventilatory efficiency is related
to increased morbidity and mortality. In addition, it is common to diagnose strength and mus-
cle loss (sarcopenia) in older adults. Sarcopenia is a prevalent syndrome associated with pre-
mature mortality in elderly [47]. Resistance exercises at LT intensity could increase local
muscular endurance avoiding the losses of strength and muscular mass and, in addition, with
the same ventilatory efficiency that could produce the cycle ergometer exercise. Unfortunately,
our arguments cannot be consolidated with previous studies in different pathologies, as data
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clarifying the effect of the resistance exercises to LT intensity in patients with heart failure or
sarcopenia are not available; therefore, these observations remain purely intuitive and specula-
tive. It is clear that the combination of both resistance and endurance training has improved
exercise capacity and diastolic function in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection
fraction [48]. Accordingly, the combination of resistance exercises and endurance exercises
could be an adequate methodology to increase cardiorespiratory response (endurance exer-
cises) on the one hand and strength and muscular resistance (resistance exercises) on the other
There are some limitations in this study with regard to the HS exercise protocol, which
should be considered. The experimental procedures established in both incremental tests
prompt controversial debate with regards to the location of the LT. Consequently, the relative
intensity or external load prescribed in each exercise could have been different during both
constant-load tests. In this case, an important bias would occur when comparing ventilatory
efficiency, cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses between both exercises. However, the
results reported by our research group in a recent study [49] revealed that the detection of the
LT in both exercises using this same methodology could occur at a similar metabolic instant
and relative intensity according to the criteria defined by Binder et al. [50]. In both incremen-
tal tests, an equivalent load intensity was produced at the LT, however, cardiorespiratory
response was higher in cycle ergometer than in HS exercise during constant-load tests. It is
habitual to observe an unequal cardioventilatory response when several exercise modes are
compared at the same relative intensity or external load [51]. An identical trend was found in
other studies that compared blood lactate, RER and cardiorespiratory responses in various
exercises at lower and moderate intensities [38, 52]. Probably, cardiorespiratory responses are
exercise mode-dependent at the same metabolic intensity and, therefore, these differences
seem larger and more important to considerer at lighter and moderate intensities [38].
We cannot fail to mention that the recovery time established between each series is a key
factor in maintaining low and stable levels of blood lactate in a primarily aerobic metabolism.
It is assumed that this rest period would mainly affect the mechanisms of cardioventilatory
recovery. However, our research group has observed in preliminary trials (unpublished data)
that the combination of resistance exercises (in the form of circuit training), without rest
between exercises, could keep blood lactate concentrations low and stable. The results stated in
this study have important implications for our understanding of the load intensity and the
recovery time that regulate ventilatory efficiency in a predominantly aerobic metabolism in
HS exercise. Probably, a discontinuous constant-load HS test might induce a similar metabolic
intensity and ventilatory efficiency as occurred during continuous constant-load cycle ergom-
eter test. Further studies are needed to determine if the hypothetical increase in VO2 and venti-
lation associated with a continuous protocol without recovery time between series would
increase ventilatory efficiency in the resistance exercises to LT intensity.
Our findings showed that:
1. Cardioventilatory response was lower in HS exercise than in cycle ergometer during a con-
stant-load test at LT intensity.
2. Ventilatory efficiency was equally efficient in the HS resistance exercise and in cycle ergom-
eter exercise in a predominantly aerobic metabolism, which could have a significant impact
in healthy people.
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3. There was no correlation between the OUES and the slope of the VE/VCO2 in the two exer-
cise modalities analyzed. Those subjects who showed greater ventilatory efficiency in the
HS did not achieve higher ventilatory efficiency in the cycle ergometer.
4. Performing a constant-load HS protocol at LT intensity does not generate significant
cardiorespiratory stress, while ventilatory efficiency is maintained and muscle strength and
local muscular endurance, as well as gross mechanical efficiency, may improve according to
previous findings of our research group.
Further research is needed to analyze ventilatory efficiency for better understanding of ven-
tilatory mechanisms that conditioning resistance exercises performance in a predominantly
aerobic metabolism.
Supporting information
S1 File. Statistical analysis performed with the data obtained during constant-load test.
S1 Fig. Results for the preparation of the figures.
We thank all our participants who volunteered to take part in this study.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel V. Garnacho-Castaño.
Data curation: Lluis Albesa-Albiol, Manuel V. Garnacho-Castaño.
Formal analysis: Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel V. Garnacho-Castaño.
Investigation: Lluis Albesa-Albiol, Noemı´ Serra-Paya´, Marı´a Ana Garnacho-Castaño, Lluis
Guirao Cano, Eulogio Pleguezuelos Cobo, Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel V. Garnacho-
Methodology: Lluis Albesa-Albiol, Noemı´ Serra-Paya´, Marı´a Ana Garnacho-Castaño, Lluis
Guirao Cano, Eulogio Pleguezuelos Cobo, Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel V. Garnacho-
Supervision: Lluis Albesa-Albiol, Noemı´ Serra-Paya´, Marı´a Ana Garnacho-Castaño, Lluis
Guirao Cano, Eulogio Pleguezuelos Cobo, Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel V. Garnacho-
Validation: Lluis Albesa-Albiol, Noemı´ Serra-Paya´, Marı´a Ana Garnacho-Castaño, Lluis
Guirao Cano, Eulogio Pleguezuelos Cobo, Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel V. Garnacho-
Visualization: Lluis Albesa-Albiol, Noemı´ Serra-Paya´, Marı´a Ana Garnacho-Castaño, Lluis
Guirao Cano, Eulogio Pleguezuelos Cobo, Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel V. Garnacho-
Writing – original draft: Lluis Albesa-Albiol, Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel V. Garnacho-
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Writing – review & editing: Lluis Albesa-Albiol, Noemı´ Serra-Paya´, Marı´a Ana Garnacho-
Castaño, Lluis Guirao Cano, Eulogio Pleguezuelos Cobo, Jose´ Luis Mate´-Muñoz, Manuel
V. Garnacho-Castaño.
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| Ventilatory efficiency during constant-load test at lactate threshold intensity: Endurance versus resistance exercises. | 05-21-2019 | Albesa-Albiol, Lluis,Serra-Payá, Noemí,Garnacho-Castaño, María Ana,Guirao Cano, Lluis,Pleguezuelos Cobo, Eulogio,Maté-Muñoz, José Luis,Garnacho-Castaño, Manuel V | eng |
PMC6720997 | International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Variations of Internal and External Load Variables
between Intermittent Small-Sided Soccer Game
Training Regimens
Filipe Manuel Clemente 1,2
, Pantelis Theodoros Nikolaidis 3
, Thomas Rosemann 4 and
Beat Knechtle 4,5,*
School of Sport and Leisure, Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, 4960-320 Melgaço, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Delegação da Covilhã, 6200-001 Covilha, Portugal
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, 18450 Nikaia, Greece
Institute of Primary Care, University of Zurich, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Medbase St. Gallen Am Vadianplatz, 9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +41-(0)-71-226-9300
Received: 24 July 2019; Accepted: 13 August 2019; Published: 15 August 2019
Abstract: The purpose of this study was twofold: (i) analyze the variations of internal and external
load between intermittent regimens (6 × 3’ and 3 × 6’) during a small-sided game (SSG); and (ii)
analyze the variations of internal and external load within-intermittent regimens (between sets). Ten
male amateur soccer players (age: 21.7 ± 2.1 years) participated in this study. Almost certain large
decreases in total distance (−8.6%, [−12.3; −4.8], Effect Size (ES): −1.51, [−2.20; −0.82]) and running
distance (−34.0%, [47.0; −17.8], ES: −2.23, [−3.40; −1.05]) were observed when comparing the 3 × 6’
and 6 × 3’. Very likely moderate and large decreases in total accelerations (−24.0%, [−35.1; −10.9];
ES: −1.11, [−1.75; −0.47]) and total of decelerations (−26.7%, [−38.8; −12.1]; ES:−1.49, [−2.36; −0.62]),
respectively, were found when comparing the 3 × 6’ and 6 × 3’. Very likely increases in rated of
perceived exertion in the set 3 in comparison to the 1st during the 3 × 6’ SSG (34.5%, [12.4; 61.0], ES:
1.35, [0.53; 2.16]) and the 6 × 3’ (29.9%, [11.6; 51.2]; ES: 1.17, [0.49; 1.85]). Longer sets increase the
perception of effort and contribute to a large decrease in total and running distances, and total of
accelerations and decelerations. Meaningful decreases in time-motion demands occur between sets
2 and 3 while perceived effort increases.
Keywords: association football; drill-based tasks; intermittent exercises; physiological; physical;
1. Introduction
Small-sided games (SSGs) are very popular exercise drills designed by coaches to replicate
official match dynamics and increase the intensity and individual participation of players during
soccer training sessions [1,2]. In SSGs, the format of play (number of players involved), pitch size,
and some rules can be manipulated to adjust the exertion required by players to meet the coach’s
proposed objective [3,4]. One of the advantages of SSGs is that, if properly designed, they may
represent an effective strategy for multicomponent training [5], allowing for the development of both
physical/physiological and technical/tactical skills at the same time [6].
SSGs are often used to promote new affordances and to adjust the tactical complexity to the main
goal of the coach, improving the decision making of players [7]. In fact, small variations in these
games may promote a significant change in the player’s behavior, thus resulting in consequences for
the overall intensity of exercise [8]. Despite these games being promoted for improving the collective
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and individual behavior of players, there is also a relationship with the physical and physiological
demands of players.
Among the common topics researched in SSGs and its physiological effects is the effects of training
regimens on players’ performance and acute responses [9]. The load imposed on players and the way
in which this load occurs must be understood to ensure that training stimuli are adjusted to promote
high-intensity exertion without compromising external load or technical/tactical performance [10].
The load is closely related to the following training prescription that should be taken in account [2]:
(a) work intensity and duration; (b) recovery type (rest/active recovery) and duration; and (c) total
work duration (work interval number × work duration).
In the specific case of SSGs, comparisons between continuous and intermittent training regimens
are commonly conducted [9,11]. Most results do not reveal meaningful or clear changes between these
types of regimens in terms of heart rate responses and blood lactate concentrations [9,12]. However,
when comparing different intermittent regimens (short, moderate, and long) with continuous regimens,
the evidence suggests that continuous regimens result in higher values of maximal heart rate, blood
lactate concentration, and perceived exertion [13]. Moreover, continuous regimens seem to increase
the distance covered at low running speeds and decrease moderate-to-intense running distances [13].
As high-intensity drills, SSGs seem to fit in the category of interval training. Rather than compare
the acute effects of continuous versus intermittent regimens, it is important to analyze the effects of
different intermittent regimens. In a study conducted using a 3 × 3 SSG format, it was found that
long bouts (sets) (3 × 6 min/2 min rest) decreased heart rate responses in comparison to medium
(3 × 4 min/2 min rest) and small (3 × 2 min/2 min rest) bouts [14] if the first minute of data is excluded.
However, no meaningful changes were observed in perceived exertion or technical actions [14]. In
another study, it was found that, compared to long bouts, shorter bouts elicited lower maximal heart
rate, shorter total distance covered at low running speed, and greater distances covered at medium
and high running speeds [13].
The proper adjustment of SSGs to suit the purpose of training may help coaches optimize the
amount of exertion imposed on players and may improve their performance. However, while a couple
of experiments have compared different intermittent soccer training regimens [13,14], the information
presented lacks a clear demonstration of the effects of different training regimens on internal (acute
physiological responses) and external (physical demands) load variables. A comparison between
bout durations should help researchers understand the patterns of exertion and provide meaningful
information to coaches to help them choose the most effective regimens for their players. Moreover,
coaches will also be able to analyze the effects of different intermittent regimens on time-motion
performance during SSGs. Based on this rationale, the aim of the present study was two-fold: (i) to
analyze variations in rate of perceived exertion, heart rate responses, and time-motion demands
between two intermittent training regimens (6 × 3’ and 3 × 6’) during an SSG (5 × 5 format); and (ii) to
test the variations of the above-mentioned variables within training regimens (between sets).
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
Ten male amateur soccer players (age: 23.7 ± 1.1 years; experience: 10.3 ± 3.1 years; height:
178.2 ± 5.3 cm; weight: 72.1 ± 4.9 kg) competing at the regional level participated in this study. The
participants usually trained three times a week and played one match every week. Participants were
informed about the study design and the potential implications, risks, and benefits of participating.
After that, participants freely signed an informed consent. The experiment followed the ethical
standards of the Declaration of Helsinki for the study in humans. The study was approved by the local
ethical committee (School of Sport and Leisure) with the code number IPVC-ESDL180503.
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2.2. Experimental Approach
This study used a counterbalanced repeated-measures design to compare the rate of perceived
exertion (RPE), mean heart rate (HRmean), total distance (TD), running distance (RD), sprinting distance
(SD), total accelerations (TAc), total decelerations (TDc) and player load (PL) of the participants in two
different SSG regimens: 6 sets of 3 min with 2 min of rest (6 × 3’ regimen) and 3 sets of 6 min with
2 min of rest (3 × 6’ regimen). The study was conducted for 2 weeks immediately after the last official
match of the season. The study occurred in the same pitch and the 10 players participated in all data
collection sessions.
The 5 × 5 format was employed in both training regimens. Each regimen was implemented twice,
interspaced by a period of one week to ensure each session was performed under similar conditions.
In each session, only one SSG regimen was implemented. In the first week, the 6 × 3’ regimen was
implemented first and the 3 × 6’ regimen was implemented 48 h afterward, without any other training
sessions in between. In the second week, the inverse sequence was employed. The mean of results
obtained in each condition (mean of the two days of data collection with the same regimen) was used
between regimens comparisons.
The players were distributed into two teams based on skill level and playing position to homogenize
the competitive level. The teams did not change during the study. Players wore vests equipped with
a GPS and HR sensors during the SSGs. The SSGs were played on synthetic turf at 6:00 p.m. at an
average temperature of 23 ◦C and a relative humidity of 57% no SSGs played under rainy weather
conditions. All SSGs were preceded by a standardized warm-up consisting of 5 min of jogging, 5 min
of lower-limb dynamic stretching and mobility exercises, 5 min of agility and speed drills, and 5 min of
a ball possession game.
2.3. Small-Sided Game
The 5 × 5 format was implemented with small goals (2 × 1 m) without goalkeepers. The size of
the pitch was 42 × 22 m (924 m2). The individual playing area (area divided by the total number of
players) followed previous recommendations to promote SSGs based on the real game situations (area
of play) in attacking processes [15]. Two training regimens were used: 6 × 3’/2’ rest and 3 × 6’/2’ rest.
The teams were composed of 2 defenders, 2 midfielders and 1 forward with similar skill levels as based
on a preliminary observational test.
No specific verbal instructions were provided before, during, or after the SSGs. However, verbal
encouragement was provided to keep players committed and to help them to maintain a high exertion
level. Six balls were placed around the pitch to ensure a quick repositioning if the ball in play went out
of bounds. The SSGs followed official soccer rules with exception of offside.
2.4. Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Players were instructed to rate their perceived effort immediately after each SSG. The CR-10 point
scale [16] was used to classify the effort; on this scale, 1 means “very light activity” and 10 means
“maximal exertion.” Players rated the effort individually as to not hear or be influenced by other
teammates’ responses. All the players were previously instructed of the use of the scale to optimize
the accuracy of their ratings during the experiments.
2.5. Heart Rate (HR) and Global Positioning System (GPS)
Players wore an HR sensor and a chest belt (Polar H7, Polar Electro, OY, Kempele, Finland) which
recorded data every second during the SSGs. Data were imported into the Polar Team application. The
HRmean (bpm) per each set was used to measure this variable.
The players also wore a vest with a geolocation tracker (JOHAN Sports, Noordwijk, The
Netherlands) consisting of a GPS sensor (10 Hz, including EGNOS correction), accelerometer, gyroscope,
and magnetometer (100 Hz, 3 axes). The validity and reliability values of the devices can be found in a
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 2923
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previous study [17]. The tracker was placed in a bag of the vest located at the dorsal region. The data
was exported and treated immediately after each session.
The following variables were collected from the tracker devices: (a) total distance (meters per
minute); (b) running distance at 14–19.9 km/h (meters per minute); (c) sprinting distance at >20.0 km/h
(meters per minute); (d) total accelerations >2 m/s2 (number per minute); (e) total decelerations >2 m/s2
(number per minute); and (f) player’s load (g per min), being calculated by estimating the total
acceleration difference between two consecutive time steps being the length of the three-dimensional
vector of accelerations in the anteroposterior, mediolateral, and craniocaudal axes between time step = 0
and time step = 1. Players were familiarized with the use of the HR belts and trackers vests before the
study began.
2.6. Statistical Procedures
The results are presented as either means and standard deviations (SD) or percentage differences
and 90% confidence intervals (90% CI). The confidence intervals were defined following the
recommendations for this kind of sample [18]. Normality and homogeneity of the data were firstly
tested and verified before the inference analyses. Between-training regimens and within-training
regimens differences were analyzed using the standardized differences of the effect size (ES) [19],
with a 90% CI. ES was classified as trivial (<0.2), small (0.2–0.6), moderate (0.6–1.2), or large
(>1.2) [18]. Probabilities were calculated considering the smallest worthwhile changes (SWC, 0.2 ×
between-subjects SD) [20]. Qualitative probabilistic mechanistic inferences of the true effects were made
using these probabilities [20]. The scale for qualitative probabilities was as follows: 25–75% = possible;
75–95% = likely; 95–99% = very likely; >99% = almost certain [20].
3. Results
Descriptive statistics of internal and external load variables in both SSG training regimens can be
found in Table 1 (values represent the average of the two sessions per type of intermittent protocol).
Descriptive analyses reveal that RPE were higher in the last set in both 6 × 3’ (6.1 ± 1.9 arbitrary
units (A.U.)) and 3 × 6’ (6.7 ± 1.6 A.U.) training regimens. The HRmean was higher in the second
set of 6 × 3’ regimen (171.6 ± 10.0 bpm) and in the third set of 3 × 6’ regimen (171.1 ± 10.9). TD was
greater in the third set of 6 × 3’ regimen (112.5 ± 11.1 m/min) and in the first set of 3 × 6’ regimen
(103.3 ± 7.6 m/min). RD was greater in the second set of 6 × 3’ regimen (10.0 ± 5.1 m/min) and in
the second set of 3 × 6’regimen (9.4 ± 5.6 m/min). SD was greater in the third set of 6 × 3’ regimen
(1.5 ± 1.9 m/min) and in the second set of 3 × 6’ regimen (0.7 ± 1.3 m/min). TAc and TDc were greater
in the second set of 6 × 3’ regimen (2.9 ± 0.8 and 2.7 ± 0.9 n/min, respectively) and in the first set of
3 × 6’ regimen (2.1 ± 1.0 and 1.9 ± 1.0 n/min, respectively). Finally, PL was greater in the second and
third sets of 6 × 3’ regimen (7.3 ± 1.3 g/min) and in the first set of 3 × 6’ regimen (1.9 ± 1.0 g/min).
Between-training regimen variations can be found in Table 2 (values represent the average of
the two sessions per type of intermittent protocol). Almost certain large decreases of TD (−8.6%,
[−12.3; −4.8], ES: −1.51, [−2.20; −0.82]) and RD (−34.0%, [47.0; −17.8], ES: −2.23, [−3.40; −1.05]) were
observed when comparing 3 × 6’ versus 6 × 3’ regimens. Very likely moderate and large decreases
of TAc (−24.0%, [−35.1; −10.9]; ES: −1.11, [−1.75; −0.47]) and TDc (−26.7%, [−38.8; −12.1]; ES: −1.49,
[−2.36; −0.62]), respectively, were found when comparing 3 × 6’ versus 6 × 3’ regimens.
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Table 1. Descriptive statistics (Mean (Standard Deviation)) of internal and external load during the SSGs.
6 × 3’ Regimen
3 × 6’Regimen
RPE (A.U.)
4.2 (1.5)
4.9 (1.3)
5.6 (1.4)
6.0 (1.3)
5.9 (1.3)
6.1 (1.9)
5.0 (1.2)
6.3 (1.1)
6.7 (1.6)
HRmean (bpm)
170.9 (11.1)
171.6 (10.0)
169.8 (10.9)
170.2 (12.5)
166.3 (10.8)
165.2 (12.4)
169.1 (11.7)
168.8 (10.5)
171.1 (10.9)
TD (m/min)
107.7 (10.2)
111.7 (9.1)
112.5 (11.1)
106.8 (9.8)
104.1 (8.8)
101.6 (10.9)
103.3 (7.6)
99.8 (6.9)
90.9 (15.6)
RD (m/min)
10.0 (5.1)
14.1 (5.7)
10.6 (5.2)
11.1 (5.6)
9.1 (6.6)
8.7 (5.5)
9.4 (5.6)
6.0 (3.8)
SD (m/min)
0.5 (1.1)
1.0 (1.6)
1.5 (1.9)
0.7 (1.2)
1.0 (1.6)
0.3 (0.7)
0.6 (0.9)
0.7 (1.3)
0.5 (0.8)
TAc (n/min)
2.7 (0.9)
2.8 (0.6)
2.9 (0.8)
2.2 (1.0)
2.2 (1.0)
2.4 (1.2)
2.1 (1.0)
1.8 (0.9)
1.9 (1.1)
TDc (n/min)
2.4 (1.1)
2.5 (0.6)
2.7 (0.9)
1.7 (0.9)
2.1 (1.0)
2.1 (1.2)
1.9 (1.0)
1.7 (0.9)
1.6 (0.9)
PL (g/min)
7.2 (1.2)
7.3 (1.3)
7.3 (1.3)
6.8 (1.3)
6.4 (1.1)
6.5 (1.1)
6.9 (0.9)
6.3 (0.8)
5.9 (1.3)
SSGs: small-sided games. RPE: rated of perceived exertion (CR-10 scale); HRmean: mean heart rate; TD: total distance; RD: running distance; SD: sprinting distance; TAc: total accelerations;
TDc: total decelerations; PL: player’s load; S: set; A.U.: arbitrary units; bpm: beats per minute; m/min: meters per minute; n/min: number per minute: g/min: g per minute.
Table 2. Comparison of internal and external load variables between training regimens in terms of percentage and standardized differences and the probabilities of
each standardized difference.
M (SD)
3 × 6’ Reg.
M (SD)
6 × 3’ Reg.
% Difference
(3 × 6’ Reg.–6 × 3’ Reg.)
Standardized Difference
(3 × 6’ Reg.–6 × 3’ Reg.)
% Greater/Similar/Lower Values
for 3 × 6’ Reg. vs. 6 × 3’ Reg.
[90% CI]
90% CI
RPE (A.U.)
5.97 (0.80)
5.43 (0.91)
[2.9; 19.2]
0.49 small
[0.14; 0.84]
92/8/0 Likely
HRmean (bpm)
169.67 (10.05)
169.52 (9.75)
[−1.8; 2.0]
0.01 trivial
[−0.28; 0.31]
14/75/11 Unclear
TD (m/min)
98.39 (7.49)
107.56 (5.99)
[−12.3; −4.8]
−1.51 large
[−2.20; −0.82]
0/0/100 Almost certain
RD (m/min)
8.04 (3.31)
11.28 (1.87)
[−47.0; −17.8]
−2.23 large
[−3.40; −1.05]
0/0/100 Almost certain
SD (m/min)
0.62 (0.42)
0.83 (0.49)
[−46.7; 39.3]
−0.13 trivial
[−0.54; 0.29]
9/53/38 Unclear
TAc (n/min)
1.95 (0.55)
2.53 (0.54)
[−35.1; −10.9]
−1.11 moderate
[−1.75; −0.47]
0/1/99 Very likely
TDc (n/min)
1.70 (0.53)
2.24 (0.39)
[−38.8; −12.1]
−1.49 large
[−2.36; −0.62]
0/1/99 Very likely
PL (g/min)
6.37 (0.79)
6.92 (0.99)
[−12.6; −2.7]
−0.58 small
[−0.97; −0.20]
0/5/95 Likely
RPE: rated of perceived exertion (CR-10 scale); HRmean: mean heart rate; TD: total distance; RD: running distance; SD: sprinting distance; TAc: total accelerations (>2 m/s2); TDc: total
decelerations (>2 m/s2); PL: g/min; S: set; Reg.: training regimen; A.U.: arbitrary units; bpm: beats per minute; m/min: meters per minute; n/min: number per minute: g/min: g per minute.
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Within-training regimen differences can be found in Figures 1 and 2. To simplify the analysis, the
six sets within 6 × 3’ SSG regimen were grouped in three sets consisting the first set in the average of
sets 1 and 2, the second set in the average of sets 3 and 4 and the third set in the average of 5 and 6.
Very likely increases of RPE were found in the 3rd set in comparison to the 1st during the 3 × 6’ SSG
regimen (34.5%, [12.4; 61.0], ES: 1.35, [0.53; 2.16], large magnitude) and 6 × 3’ SSG regimen (29.9%, [11.6;
51.2]; ES: 1.17, [0.49; 1.85], moderate magnitude). Trivial-to-small changes of HR were found between
sets in both training regimens. Likely decreases of total distance were found from set 3 to set 1 (−11.6%,
[−20.8; −1.3], ES: −1.78, [−3.38; −0.19], large magnitude) and from set 2 to set 3 (−9.2%, [−18.6; 1.3], ES:
−1.33, [−2.85; 0.18], large magnitude) in 3 × 6’ SSG regimen. Very likely decreases of total distance
were found from set 3 to set 1 (−6.2%, [−8.8; −3.5], ES: −0.96, [−1.39; −0.53], moderate magnitude) and
almost certain decreases were found from set 3 to set 2 (−6.0%, [−8.0; −3.9], ES:−0.87, [−1.18; −0.56],
moderate magnitude) in 6 × 3’ SSG regimen. Very likely decreases of player load were found from set
3 to set 1 (−13.1%, [−23.1; −2.9], ES: −1.37, [−2.46; −0.27], large magnitude] during 3 × 6’ SSG regimen.
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Figure 1. Standardized difference (Cohen) between sets in (a) RPE; (b) HRmean; (c) Total Distance;
and (d) Player Load. The six sets of the 6 × 3’ regimen were grouped in three sets (S1: mean of set 1
and 2; S2: mean of set 3 and 4; S3: mean of set 5 and 6) to a better visualization and analysis.
Standardized value direction depends on the relationship A-B.
Figure 1. Standardized difference (Cohen) between sets in (a) RPE; (b) HRmean; (c) Total Distance; and
(d) Player Load. The six sets of the 6 × 3’ regimen were grouped in three sets (S1: mean of set 1 and 2;
S2: mean of set 3 and 4; S3: mean of set 5 and 6) to a better visualization and analysis. Standardized
value direction depends on the relationship A-B.
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Figure 1. Standardized difference (Cohen) between sets in (a) RPE; (b) HRmean; (c) Total Distance;
and (d) Player Load. The six sets of the 6 × 3’ regimen were grouped in three sets (S1: mean of set 1
and 2; S2: mean of set 3 and 4; S3: mean of set 5 and 6) to a better visualization and analysis.
Standardized value direction depends on the relationship A-B.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, x
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Figure 2. Standardized difference (Cohen) between sets in (a) running distance; (b) sprinting distance;
(c) total accelerations; and (d) total decelerations. The six sets of the 6 × 3’ regimen were grouped in
three sets (S1: mean of set 1 and 2; S2: mean of set 3 and 4; S3: mean of set 5 and 6) to a better
visualization and analysis. Standardized value direction depends on the relationship A-B.
Within-training regimens differences in running distance were trivial-to-small in the majority of
comparisons and the moderate magnitudes were unclear. Considering the sprinting distances, the
variations were also trivial-to-small. Unclear large (−30.6%, [−58.3; 15.5], ES: −1.96, [−4.69; 0.77], large
magnitude) and unclear moderate (−24.9%, [−52.3; 18.7], ES: −1.18, [−3.08; 0.71], moderate magnitude)
decreases of total accelerations were found from set 3 to set 1 and set 3 to set 2 during 6 × 3’ SSG
regimen, respectively. Trivial-to-small changes of total decelerations and unclear moderate
differences were found in both training regimens.
4. Discussion
Between-SSG training regimens, changes were observed in the present study. Almost certain
large increases in total and running distances were observed in the shorter sets (6 × 3’), and very likely
moderate and large increases in total accelerations and decelerations, respectively, during shorter
sets were found. RPE showed likely small increases during longer sets (6 × 3’). Likely small increases
in player load during shorter sets were also found. Briefly, this evidence suggests that shorter sets
contribute to an increase in terms of moderate-running speed distances and high-intensity actions
associated with accelerations and decelerations higher than 2 m/s2 while resulting in a lower RPE than
in longer sets. Although no meaningful differences were found in a study that compared time-motion
variables between 4 × 4’ and 2 × 8’ 5 × 5 SSG regimens [11], our results are partially in line with the
findings of a study that compared short (6 × 2’), medium (3 × 4’), and long (2 × 6’) regimens [13].
Heart rate responses were trivially different between regimens, suggesting that this variable is
not sensitive to variations in the intermittent regimens tested in our study. These results are in line
with previous studies that compared heart rate responses after different intermittent regimens
[11 14] Ho
e e
the alte
ati e i te
al load
a ke u ed i
tudy (RPE) e ealed a likely
Figure 2. Standardized difference (Cohen) between sets in (a) running distance; (b) sprinting distance;
(c) total accelerations; and (d) total decelerations. The six sets of the 6 × 3’ regimen were grouped
in three sets (S1: mean of set 1 and 2; S2: mean of set 3 and 4; S3: mean of set 5 and 6) to a better
visualization and analysis. Standardized value direction depends on the relationship A-B.
Within-training regimens differences in running distance were trivial-to-small in the majority of
comparisons and the moderate magnitudes were unclear. Considering the sprinting distances, the
variations were also trivial-to-small. Unclear large (−30.6%, [−58.3; 15.5], ES: −1.96, [−4.69; 0.77], large
magnitude) and unclear moderate (−24.9%, [−52.3; 18.7], ES: −1.18, [−3.08; 0.71], moderate magnitude)
decreases of total accelerations were found from set 3 to set 1 and set 3 to set 2 during 6 × 3’ SSG
regimen, respectively. Trivial-to-small changes of total decelerations and unclear moderate differences
were found in both training regimens.
4. Discussion
Between-SSG training regimens, changes were observed in the present study. Almost certain
large increases in total and running distances were observed in the shorter sets (6 × 3’), and very likely
moderate and large increases in total accelerations and decelerations, respectively, during shorter sets
were found. RPE showed likely small increases during longer sets (6 × 3’). Likely small increases
in player load during shorter sets were also found. Briefly, this evidence suggests that shorter sets
contribute to an increase in terms of moderate-running speed distances and high-intensity actions
associated with accelerations and decelerations higher than 2 m/s2 while resulting in a lower RPE than
in longer sets. Although no meaningful differences were found in a study that compared time-motion
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 2923
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variables between 4 × 4’ and 2 × 8’ 5 × 5 SSG regimens [11], our results are partially in line with the
findings of a study that compared short (6 × 2’), medium (3 × 4’), and long (2 × 6’) regimens [13].
Heart rate responses were trivially different between regimens, suggesting that this variable is
not sensitive to variations in the intermittent regimens tested in our study. These results are in line
with previous studies that compared heart rate responses after different intermittent regimens [11,14].
However, the alternative internal load marker used in our study (RPE) revealed a likely small increase
during longer sets, suggesting that raising RPE may compromise the consistency of physical demands
across sets.
Comparisons within SSG regimens were also performed to analyze the variations between sets.
Main variations were found in RPE, total and running distances, and player load. Intriguingly,
higher-intensity physical demands (sprinting distance and total accelerations and decelerations) were
relatively constant across sets.
Moderate and progressive increases in RPE were found across sets, mainly during the 3 × 6’
regimen. The progressive increase in RPE scores was also found during shorter bouts. Trivial-to-small
differences were found between the third and second sets. Eventually, longer sets may contribute to a
perceptual increase of effort [21]. However, the fatigue effect may be the cause of such RPE increases,
especially considering that decreases in total and running distances and player load occurred across
the sets in both regimens.
Despite these progressive decreases, it was observed that shorter sets are probably more beneficial
to delaying the impact of fatigue on total distance because large decreases were found between sets 1
and 3 and between sets 2 and 3 during the 3 × 6’ regimens, and only moderate effects were found during
the 6 × 3’ regimens. Similar evidence was found regarding running distance. Moderate decreases were
found across the sets during longer sets, and only small differences were observed during shorter sets.
In both regimens and for both variables (total and running distance) trivial-to-small decreases were
found from set 1 to set 2, suggesting that the main effects of fatigue emerge from the continuity of
exertion [22].
The greater constancy of results in terms of sprinting distance and total of accelerations and
decelerations across the sets may suggest that the resting period of 2 min was enough to maintain
intensity levels and to maximize energy phosphates as the primary energy source [23]. However, in
the specific case of sprinting distance, the values per minute did not reach 1 m on average; thus, the
constancy can also be justified by the low frequency of these demands across the 5 × 5 format.
Interestingly, knowledge about the period of time may also constrain the pace of players during
the games. In fact, a previous study that compared different intermittent regimens and their effects
on pacing revealed that high-speed distances progressively and largely decreased across shorter sets
(1 min) based on the ‘all-out’ pacing strategy used by rugby players [22]. Conversely, during longer
sets, a more constant high-speed pace across the sets was observed [22]. The results of the present are
in line with these previous findings. However, this constancy in the most intense activities that occurs
in longer sets also resulted in smaller values when compared with shorter sets.
Our study had some limitations. The number and the competitive level of the players may
constrain the inferences of this study. Theoretically, professional players present greater aerobic and
anaerobic capacities, thus making it possible to reduce the magnitude of decreases throughout the
bouts. However, the main results are in line with those of previous studies conducted in elite youth
players [13], amateurs [11], and professionals [14]. In addition, our study analyzed the effects in only
one SSG format, and for that reason, the occurrences of sprinting distances are scarce. Bigger formats
should be considered for testing variations between regimens. Different work-to-rest ratios should be
considered in future study designs in order to analyze the effects of rest on physical demands and
the internal effect of the exercise. In fact, in our study the difference between training regimen also
constrained the time of recovery and the work-to-rest ratios were different between regimens, thus
this may interfere with some generalizations that can be made from our study. The small number of
participants should also be considered as a limitation for a possible generalization of the evidence.
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Other conditions should also be understood as contextual and for that reason may affect comparisons
with future studies, namely: (i) the synthetic grass was not wet; (ii) the same study conducted in
another period of the season may conduct to different evidence; (iii) possibly more sessions would
lead to a better copy with the decrements throughout the bouts; and (iv) different task conditions that
affect the player’s behavior and, consequently, the intensity of exercise [24].
Despite these limitations, this study revealed that different training regimens led to different
effects on internal and external load variables. The main highlights of the present study are that shorter
sets (3’) seem to be more beneficial than longer sets (6’) in keeping total and running distances and
total accelerations and decelerations constant while decreasing the RPE. Additionally, the greater
decrements seem to mostly occur in the last sets. Despite the somewhat predictable results, the
small amount of previous research into such specific issues highlights the innovative character of the
present study to reveal that shorter sets contribute to a greater external load stimulus despite that no
meaningful changes were found between training regimens in the internal load. This may suggest that
the internal load measures cannot be the unique criteria to choose between bout periods. In fact, in the
present study it is possible to observe that despite the similarity of internal load between intermittent
regimens, meaningful increases of some important external load measures were found (e.g., total
distance, running distance, accelerations and decelerations).
As practical implications, we may hypothesize that smaller periods of exertion with a greater
number of sets (bouts) can be recommended to ensure a more constant high level of physical demand
and to contribute to an optimization of the high-energy systems that support highly demanding
actions. Possibly, longer bouts should be used in situations in which coaches want to develop aerobic
capacity while players experience acute fatigue effects and consequent decrements in the external load.
Moreover, shorter sets enhance a meaningful greater stimulus in terms of distance covered, running
distance and total number of accelerations and decelerations. However, for a better adjustment of the
training regimen with the reality of the match, it will possibly be interesting in the future to compare
the regular periods of high-intensity effort in the match and adjust such periods in SSGs, thus making
more real the period of high-exertion and the work-to-rest ratios.
5. Conclusions
Between-SSG training regimens revealed that shorter sets (6 × 3’) almost certainly largely increased
total and running distances and very likely moderately and largely increased total accelerations and
decelerations, respectively, in comparison to longer sets (3 × 6’) while likely small increases in RPE
were found in longer sets. The within-regimen analyses revealed that longer sets contributed to
increases in RPE across sets and to large and progressive decreases in total distance and player load
across sets. Additionally, moderate decreases in running distance and total decelerations were found
progressively across shorter sets, while these variables were more stable between longer sets. The
overall conclusions should be faced carefully, considering that the recovery periods were also longer
after the longer periods of exertion.
The results may suggest that shorter sets can be beneficial to maintain external load demands
without resulting in large increases in the perceived effort or heart rate responses, while ensuring a
greater stimulus in total distance, running distance and number of accelerations and decelerations.
However, in terms of acceleration and deceleration profiles, it may also be appropriate to choose longer
sets as these contribute to a smaller decrease across sets (decrements are not so meaningful between
sets as in the shorter intervals).
Author Contributions: F.M.C. conceived the study. F.M.C., P.T.N., T.R. and B.K. designed the study. F.M.C.
collected data. F.M.C. analyzed and interpreted the data and drafted the manuscript. F.M.C., P.T.N., T.R. and B.K.
revised the manuscript and approved the final version.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank to Diogo Peixoto, Mónica Gomes, Leandro Silva and Miguel
Moreira for the help in data collection and to JOHAN Sports for providing the GPS units.
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Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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(CC BY) license (
| Variations of Internal and External Load Variables between Intermittent Small-Sided Soccer Game Training Regimens. | 08-15-2019 | Clemente, Filipe Manuel,Nikolaidis, Pantelis Theodoros,Rosemann, Thomas,Knechtle, Beat | eng |
Rat and mouse cardiomyocytes show subtle
differences in creatine kinase expression and
Jelena Branovets, Ka¨rol Soodla, Marko Vendelin, Rikke Birkedal*
Laboratory of Systems Biology, Department of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
* [email protected]
Creatine kinase (CK) and adenylate kinase (AK) are energy transfer systems. Different stud-
ies on permeabilized cardiomyocytes suggest that ADP-channelling from mitochondrial CK
alone stimulates respiration to its maximum, VO2_max, in rat but not mouse cardiomyocytes.
Results are ambiguous on ADP-channelling from AK to mitochondria. This study was under-
taken to directly compare the CK and AK systems in rat and mouse hearts. In homogenates,
we assessed CK- and AK-activities, and the CK isoform distribution. In permeabilized cardi-
omyocytes, we assessed mitochondrial respiration stimulated by ADP from CK and AK,
VO2_CK and VO2_AK, respectively. The ADP-channelling from CK or AK to mitochondria was
assessed by adding PEP and PK to competitively inhibit the respiration rate. We found that
rat compared to mouse hearts had a lower aerobic capacity, higher VO2_CK/VO2_max, and dif-
ferent CK-isoform distribution. Although rat hearts had a larger fraction of mitochondrial CK,
less ADP was channeled from CK to the mitochondria. This suggests different intracellular
compartmentalization in rat and mouse cardiomyocytes. VO2_AK/VO2_max was similar in
mouse and rat cardiomyocytes, and AK did not channel ADP to the mitochondria. In the
absence of intracellular compartmentalization, the AK- and CK-activities in homogenate
should have been similar to the ADP-phosphorylation rates estimated from VO2_AK and
VO2_CK in permeabilized cardiomyocytes. Instead, we found that the ADP-phosphorylation
rates estimated from permeabilized cardiomyocytes were 2 and 9 times lower than the activ-
ities recorded in homogenate for CK and AK, respectively. Our results highlight the impor-
tance of energetic compartmentalization in cardiac metabolic regulation and signalling.
Creatine kinase (CK) is thought to play a crucial role in storage and spatial transport of
energy-rich phosphates in tissues with high and fluctuating energy demands [1, 2]. In the
heart, there are three cytosolic CK isoforms (MM-, MB-, and BB-CK) and one mitochondrial
CK isoform (Mi-CK). Several studies on rat heart have reported that phosphotransfer via CK
is several times faster than ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria [3–5],
and Mi-CK in the intermembrane space is coupled to the adenine nucleotide translocase
(ANT), which exchanges ATP for ADP, providing ADP for mitochondrial oxidative
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Citation: Branovets J, Soodla K, Vendelin M,
Birkedal R (2023) Rat and mouse cardiomyocytes
show subtle differences in creatine kinase
expression and compartmentalization. PLoS ONE
18(11): e0294718.
Editor: Luis Eduardo M Quintas, Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL
Received: June 6, 2023
Accepted: November 6, 2023
Published: November 27, 2023
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2023 Branovets et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting information
phosphorylation [6, 7]. For many years, the CK system was considered to have a pivotal role in
the regulation of cardiac energy metabolism [1, 2, 8–10].
Surprisingly, studies on genetically manipulated mouse models having modifications in
various components of the CK system like expression of different CK isoforms, creatine syn-
thesis or uptake have been equivocal [11]. Notably, the baseline cardiac function of mice with
compromised CK system is minimally disturbed [12–16] and compromised CK function does
not exacerbate heart failure [17, 18]. Thus, studies on mice have not corroborated the theory,
based mainly on rat experiments, that CK is crucial for energy transfer and regulation of oxida-
tive phosphorylation.
Our recent study on permeabilized cardiomyocytes from creatine-deficient AGAT [19] and
GAMT [20] mice also pointed to a difference between mouse and rat cardiomyocytes. We per-
formed an assay, where we recorded the respiration rate of permeabilized cardiomyocytes. In
addition to substrates for oxidative phosphorylation (glutamate and malate, GM) and creatine,
we added ATP to the solution to initiate endogenous ADP-generation by CK (creatine + ATP
! phosphocreatine + ADP + H+). Endogenous ADP then stimulated oxidative phosphoryla-
tion. We found that the rate of ADP-generation by CK sustained a respiration rate that was
~80% of the maximal respiration rate [21]. The channelling of ADP from CK to the mitochon-
dria was assessed by addition of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and pyruvate kinase (PK) in
excess, which compete with the mitochondria for ADP. This is an experimental strategy to
assess how much of the CK is so closely associated with the mitochondria that ADP is chan-
nelled directly to the mitochondria without being released to the bulk phase, where it would be
consumed by PK. The addition of PEP and PK lowered the rate of oxidative phosphorylation
by ~75%, demonstrating that some ADP generated by CK is channelled to the mitochondria
and inaccessible to PK [21]. However, our results on mouse cardiomyocytes were in sharp
contrast to experiments on rat cardiomyocytes, where even in the presence of PEP and PK, the
rate of ADP-generation by CK sustained the respiration rate at its maximum [22, 23]. This dif-
ference raised the question whether rat and mouse hearts differ in terms of their CK activity,
either total and/or relative to the maximal respiration rate in the absence and presence of PEP
and PK.
Adenylate kinase (AK) is another well-known alternative phosphotransfer system in the
heart [9]. Its role in facilitating energy transfer and in the compartmentalization of adenine
nucleotides has also been investigated [24–29]. Although the contribution of AK-mediated
phosphoryl transfer to the total ATP turnover is only ~10%, some studies observed an
increased importance of AK under stress conditions [29, 30]. In our recent study on mouse
cardiomyocytes [21], we also assessed the respiration rate stimulated by endogenous ADP gen-
erated by AK. In the presence of substrates (GM) and ATP, the addition of AMP initiated the
endogenous ADP-generation by AK (AMP + ATP ! 2 ADP). The rate of ADP-generation by
AK sustained the respiration rate near its maximal rate, but the addition of PEP and PK abol-
ished the effect of adding AMP, suggesting that all ADP generated by AK was accessible to PK.
On the one hand, this is in agreement with the finding of a minimal AK activity in rat and
mouse heart mitochondria [31–33]. On the other hand, it contradicts results demonstrating a
stronger functional coupling between AK and mitochondrial respiration in rats [27]. Thus,
there is an inexplicable mismatch between different studies regarding the importance of mito-
chondrial AK in regulation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, and we speculated
whether species differences might be adding to the confusion.
The aim of the present study was to assess whether rat and mouse hearts are different in
terms of 1) the overall CK and AK activities in whole heart homogenates, and 2) how much
endogenous ADP generated by CK or AK stimulates oxidative phosphorylation in the absence
and presence of PEP and PK competing with the mitochondria for the consumption of ADP.
Creatine kinase compartmentalization in rat and mouse cardiomyocytes
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Funding: This work was supported by the Estonian
Research Council (, grant number
PRG1127. The funder had no role in study design,
data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Abbreviations: AGAT, Arginine:glycine
amidinotransferase (EC; AK, Adenylate
kinase; AKADP_GMPS, Name of the protocol used to
record adenylate kinase-stimulated respiration with
glutamate, malate, pyruvate, and succinate as
substrates, followed by stimulation of maximal
respiration with 2mM ADP; AKf, Adenylate kinase
activity measured in the forward direction: ATP +
AMP ! ADP + ADP; AKPEP/PK_GMPS, Name of the
protocol used to record adenylate kinase-
stimulated respiration with glutamate, malate,
pyruvate, and succinate as substrates, followed by
inhibition of respiration with phosphoenolpyruvate
and pyruvate kinase; AKr, Adenylate kinase activity
measured in the reverse direction: ADP + ADP !
ATP + AMP; AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase;
ANT, adenine nucleotide translocase; BB-CK,
Homodimeric brain isoform of creatine kinase; CK,
Creatine kinase; CKADP_GM, Name of the protocol
used to record creatine kinase-stimulated
respiration with glutamate and malate as
substrates, followed by stimulation of maximal
respiration with 2mM ADP; CKADP_GMPS, Name of
the protocol used to record creatine kinase-
stimulated respiration with glutamate, malate,
pyruvate, and succinate as substrates, followed by
stimulation of maximal respiration with 2mM ADP;
CKf, Creatine kinase activity measured in the
forward direction:ATP + creatine ! ADP +
phosphocreatine + H+; CKPEP/PK_GM, Name of the
protocol used to record creatine kinase-stimulated
respiration with glutamate and malate as
substrates, followed by inhibition of respiration
with phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase;
CKPEP/PK_GMPS, Name of the protocol used to
record creatine kinase-stimulated respiration with
glutamate, malate, pyruvate, and succinate as
substrates, followed by inhibition of respiration
with phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase;
CKr, Creatine kinase activity measured in the
reverse direction:ADP + phosphocreatine + H+ !
ATP + creatine; CM, Cardiomyocytes; CO,
Cytochrome oxidase; CS, Citrate synthase; Cyt aa3,
Cytochrome aa3; Cyt c, Cytochrome c; DTNB,
dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid); FCCP, Carbonyl
cyanide 4-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone;
GAMT, Guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase (EC
2.1. 1.2); GM, Glutamate and malate; GMPS,
Glutamate, malate, pyruvate and succinate; MB-CK,
In whole heart homogenates, we recorded the activities of CK and AK in the direction of
both ADP- and ATP-generation. In addition, we recorded the activities of citrate synthase
(CS, a marker of mitochondrial density) and cytochrome oxidase (CO, a marker of oxidative
capacity, i.e. maximal O2 consumption rate per muscle mass) [34]. In permeabilized cardio-
myocytes, we recorded the respiration rate stimulated by endogenous ADP generated by either
CK or AK. In one set of experiments, we assessed how much CK or AK stimulated respiration
relative to its maximal rate by subsequent addition of ADP. In parallel, the ADP channelling
between kinases and mitochondria was assessed by subsequent additions of PEP and PK.
The maximal respiration rate is substrate-dependent [35, 36]. Most studies have used only
GM, which lead to NADH-linked electron flux only through complex I of the respiratory chain.
More substrates are required to obtain the maximal respiration rate. For example, a combina-
tion of glutamate, malate, pyruvate and succinate (GMPS) leads to NADH and FAD-linked elec-
tron flux through both complexes I and II of the respiratory chain [36, 37]. Here, the role of CK
was assessed with GM as in previous experiments [21–23], and with GMPS. Due to a limited
number of chambers in the respirometer, the role of AK was only assessed with GMPS. To the
best of our knowledge, this is the first time these recordings have been performed with GMPS.
Throughout this work, we compare whole heart homogenate with isolated cardiomyocytes.
However, whole heart homogenates are prepared using pieces of tissue, which in addition to
cardiomyocytes also contain extracellular matrix, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts. Cardio-
myocytes, endothelial cells and fibroblasts take up 70–80%, 3.2–5.3%, and 1.4–1.9% of the vol-
ume, respectively [38], and cardiomyocytes have a much larger mitochondrial volume (31–
40%) than the other cell types (5% for endothelial cells) [39–41]. Therefore, in order to com-
pare whole heart homogenate and isolated cardiomyocytes, we assumed that the CS activity in
non-cardiomyocytes was negligible and compared the data normalized to the CS activity.
Animals and cell preparations
The morphological characteristics of the animals used in this study are given in Table 1.
Table 2 shows several characteristics of the cell suspensions. The viability of the cell
Table 1. Characteristics of the mice and rats used in the experiments.
BW, g
HW, mg
HW/BW, mg/g
15 (7)
27.3 ± 0.8
123.8 ± 2.3
4.7 ± 0.1
14 (7)
316.6 ± 8
920.4 ± 26
2.9 ± 0.1
Values are shown as mean ± SEM. BW, body weight; HW, absolute heart weight; HW/BW, relative heart weight. The
total number of animals is shown in column n. The absolute and relative heart weight (HW and HW/BW) are
reported for a smaller number of animals, indicated in parenthesis, because the hearts used for cardiomyocyte
isolation could not be weighed.
Table 2. Characteristics of the isolated cardiomyocyte suspensions from mice and rats.
Viability %
Protein mg/ml
CS activity μmol/min/g protein
Cyt aa3 μmol/g protein
Mouse cardiomyocytes
75.0 ± 1.1
15.52 ± 0.80
806 ± 37
Rat cardiomyocytes
73.7 ± 1.9
20.80 ± 2.41
609 ± 9 ***
0.16 ± 0.01
Cardiomyocytes were isolated from 8 mice and 7 rats. Values are shown as mean ± SEM. Viability is the fraction of rod-shaped to the total number of cells. CS is the
citrate synthase activity, and cyt aa3 is the cytochrome aa3 content.
*** denotes p < 0.001, significant difference between species.
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Heterodimeric muscle-brain isoform of creatine
kinase; Mi-CK, Sarcomeric mitochondrial creatine
kinase; MM-CK, Homodimeric muscle isoform of
creatine kinase; P/O2 ratio, The phosphate to
oxygen ratio, describes how much ADP the
mitochondria phosphorylate to ATP per O2
consumed; PEP, Phosphoenolpyruvate; PK,
Pyruvate kinase; SERCA, sarcoendoplasmic
reticulum Ca2+-ATPase; TNB, thionitrobenzoate;
VADP_AK, Estimated rate of ADP-phosphorylation,
when mitochondria are stimulated by ADP
generated by adenylate kinase; VADP_CK, Estimated
rate of ADP-phosphorylation, when mitochondria
are stimulated by ADP generated by creatine
kinase; VADP_max, Estimated rate of ADP-
phosphorylation, when mitochondria are
stimulated by 2 mM exogenous ADP; VDAC,
Voltage dependent anion channel; VFCCP,
Respiration rate during maximal uncoupled
respiration rate; VO2_AK, Respiration rate stimulated
by adenylate kinase after addition of ATP and AMP;
VO2_CK, Respiration rate stimulated by creatine
kinase after addition of ATP with creatine in the
medium; VO2_max, Maximal coupled respiration rate
stimulated by 2 mM ADP; VO2_max_GM, Maximal
coupled respiration rate with glutamate and malate
as substrates; VO2_max_GMPS, Maximal coupled
respiration rate with glutamate, malate, pyruvate
and succinate as substrates.
suspensions did not differ between mice and rats. Although there was a tendency to a higher
protein content in rats than in mice, this was not statistically significant. CS activity, when nor-
malized to the protein content, was significantly higher in mouse than in rat cardiomyocytes.
The cytochrome aa3 (Cyt aa3) content was assessed only for cell suspensions from rat hearts
due to the large volume required for these measurements.
Enzyme activities and CK isoform distribution
The overall activities of CS, CK, AK and CO, measured in cardiac whole tissue homoge-
nates, are shown in Fig 1. In Fig 1A, the enzymatic activities normalized to the heart wet
weight are shown for comparison with the literature (see Discussion). In Fig 1B, the activi-
ties of CO, AK and CK normalized to the CS activity are shown for comparison with the res-
piration rates recorded in permeabilized cardiomyocytes (Figs 3 and 4). Since both CK- and
AK-catalysed phosphotransfer reactions are reversible, the activities of these enzymes were
Fig 1. The activities of citrate synthase (CS), adenylate kinase (AK), creatine kinase (CK) and cytochrome oxidase
(CO) in mouse and rat hearts. CS, AK and CK activities are represented as rates (μmolmin-1g ww-1) and CO activity as a
rate constant (min-1g ww-1). AKf and CKf, and AKr and CKr, are the forward (f) and reverse (r) reaction rates of AK and
CK, respectively. A: When normalized to the wet weight of the tissue, CS and AK activities were higher in mouse than in
rat heart. B: When normalized to the CS activity, the CK and CO activities (μmolmin-1IU CS-1) were higher in rat than in
mouse heart. The number of animals was n = 7 for mice and n = 7 for rats. * denotes p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001,
**** p < 0.0001 significant difference between species.
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measured in both directions. In the forward direction, CK and AK generate ADP, i.e. CK
catalyses the reaction: creatine + ATP ! phosphocreatine + H+ + ADP, and AK catalyses
the reaction: ATP + AMP ! 2 ADP. In the reverse direction, CK catalyses the reaction:
phosphocreatine + H+ + ADP ! creatine + ATP, and AK catalyses the reaction: 2 ADP !
When enzyme activities were normalized to the wet weight (Fig 1A), the CS activity was
~35% higher in mice than in rats (139.1 ± 4.7 vs 101.4 ± 1.6 μmolmin-1g ww-1 respectively;
p < 0.001). The AK activity was ~30% higher in mice than in rats in both directions
(p < 0.001). The CKr activity in the direction of ATP-production tended to be higher in rat
than in mouse heart (p = 0.0815), and the CKf activity measured in the direction of ADP-pro-
duction was 11% lower in mice than in rats (p < 0.05). The CO activity was similar for mice
and rats.
As the CS activity was different in mouse and rat hearts, normalizing hereto changed the
pattern (Fig 1B). The AK/CS activity (measured in both directions) was similar in mice and
rats, whereas the CK/CS activity was ~35% lower in mice than in rats in both directions (Fig
1B; p < 0.0001), and CO/CS activity was ~30% lower in mice than in rats (Fig 1B; p < 0.01).
The CK isoform distribution in the hearts of mice and rats was assessed by gel electrophore-
sis. A representative picture is shown in Fig 2. For each lane, the intensity of the four major
bands corresponding to Mi-, MM-, MB and BB-CK was quantified, and the fractional intensity
of each band was calculated. The averaged data are given in Table 3. Compared to mouse
hearts, rat hearts had a different CK isoform distribution with a smaller fraction of MM-CK,
and larger fractions of Mi-CK, MB-CK and BB-CK.
Stimulation of respiration by CK and AK
In permeabilized cardiomyocytes, the stimulation of respiration by CK or AK was assessed
relative to the maximal coupled respiration rate (VO2_max) (Fig 3). CK-stimulated
Fig 2. The CK isoform distribution in rat and mouse hearts. The CK isoform distribution in rat and mouse hearts was assessed by agarose gel
electrophoresis. A: Representative picture showing on the left the raw image, and, on the right the same image, in pseudocolour to highlight the bands.
B. The intensity profiles from the rat and mouse lanes shown in A.
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respiration rate was recorded with either substrates for complex I alone (GM; protocol
named CKADP_GM) or substrates for complexes I and II (GMPS; protocol named
CKADP_GMPS). AK-stimulated respiration was recorded only with substrates for complexes I
and II (GMPS; protocol named AKADP_GMPS). A representative experimental trace of
Table 3. Distribution of CK isoforms in the hearts of mice and rats.
Mi-CK, %
MM-CK, %
MB-CK, %
BB-CK, %
Mouse heart
31.6 ± 1.8
63.8 ± 1.6
3.7 ± 0.3
0.83 ± 0.10
Rat heart
37.1 ± 1.1*
50.5 ± 0.5 ***
11.1 ± 0.8 ***
1.20 ± 0.03*
The mitochondrial Mi-CK and the three cytosolic MM-, MB-, and BB-CK isoforms in cardiac homogenates from 4 mice and 4 rats were separated by electrophoresis,
and the fraction of each isoform is shown as mean ± SEM.
* denotes p < 0.05 and *** p < 0.001, significant difference between species.
Fig 3. Stimulation of respiration by CK and AK assessed relative to the maximal respiration rate in permeabilized mouse and rat
cardiomyocytes. When normalized to the CS activity, CK stimulated the respiration rate (μmol O2min-1IU CS-1) more in rat than in mouse
cardiomyocytes. A: Representative example of a respirometer recording of CKADP_GMPS with permeabilized rat cardiomyocytes after
addition of: CM–cardiomyocytes; ATP– 2 mM ATP; ADP– 2 mM ADP; Cyt c– 8 μM cytochrome c; FCCP–FCCP was gradually increased,
the number behind shows the final concentration in μM. B: The averaged results of the experiments in the presence of GM, where
respiration was stimulated by CK. C and D: The averaged results of the experiments in the presence of GMPS, where respiration was
stimulated by AK (C) and CK (D). V0 was subtracted from the subsequent rates. In B and D, as creatine was already present in the
respiration chamber, ATP is the CK-stimulated respiration rate. In C, ATP is the rate stimulated by non-specific ATPases, and AMP is the
AK-stimulated respiration rate. ADP is the maximal respiration rate recorded with 2 mM ADP. The number of animals was n = 8 and
n = 5–7 for mice and rats, respectively. * denotes p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 significant difference between species.
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CKADP_GMPS is shown in Fig 3A. Due to the low solubility of creatine, it was present in the
medium before the start of the experiments at a concentration of 20 mM. After addition of
cardiomyocytes, and recording of the basal respiration rate (V0), the CK reaction was stimu-
lated by the addition of 2 mM ATP. Then, 2 mM ADP was added to stimulate the respiration
rate to VO2_max. Finally, cytochrome c (Cyt c) was added to test the intactness of the outer
mitochondrial membrane, and the ionophore carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl-
hydrazone (FCCP) was added in steps to determine the maximal electron flux capacity, i.e.
the maximal uncoupled respiration rate. For AK-stimulated respiration measurements,
AMP was added (instead of creatine) after addition of ATP. Fig 3B–3D show the averaged
results and the statistical analyses from the respiration measurements of CKADP_GM,
AKADP_GMPS, and CKADP_GMPS, respectively, normalized to the CS activity in cell suspen-
sions from mice and rats. Table 4 shows the respiration rates stimulated by CK (VO2_CK) and
AK (VO2_AK), and the maximal coupled respiration rate (VO2_max) normalized to the CS
activity of the cell suspension. In addition, it shows VO2_CK and VO2_AK relative to VO2_max.
Note that in Fig 3 and Table 4, all respiration rates recorded after V0 had V0 subtracted
before analysis. The same notation was used throughout the study.
Mitochondrial respiration has a lower phosphate to oxygen (P/O2) ratio with GMPS than
with GM, i.e. with GMPS as substrates, fewer ADP molecules are phosphorylated to ATP for a
given O2 consumption. This is because complex I substrates translocate 10 H+/O2, whereas
complex II substrates translocate 6 H+/O2 across the inner mitochondrial membrane [42]. As
the proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane is the driving force for oxida-
tive phosphorylation by the F1F0 ATPase, the higher H+/O2 with GM than with GMPS II leads
to the theoretical P/O2 ratios of 6 and 4 for GM and GMPS, respectively [43]. To determine
whether differences in respiration rates were associated with differences in ADP-phosphoryla-
tion rates, we multiplied the respiration rates in Table 4 with these P/O2 ratios to calculate the
rates of ADP-phosphorylation, when respiration was stimulated by CK (VADP_CK), AK (VAD-
P_AK), or 2 mM ADP (VADP_max). These values are shown in Table 5.
Table 4. Respiration rates of permeabilized mouse and rat cardiomyocytes stimulated by CK, AK, or 2 mM ADP.
VO2_CK /VO2_max
nmol O2 /min/IU CS
55 ± 2 ##
61 ± 3
91 ± 2
93 ± 4 ####
89 ± 9 ####
124 ± 4
75 ± 1
79 ± 2
77 ± 4
72 ± 4
107 ± 4
113 ± 4 ##
79 ± 7 ###
128 ± 7
89 ± 3
71 ± 3
The respiration of permeabilized cardiomyocytes was recorded in the presence of either GM or GMPS as substrates. Under these conditions, the respiration rate is
limited by the availability of ADP. The respiration was stimulated by endogenous ADP generated by CK (VO2_CK), or AK (VO2_AK). The maximal respiration rate
(VO2_max), was recorded in the presence of 2 mM exogenous ADP. In addition, the fractional stimulation of respiration by CK and AK relative to VO2_max was
determined (VO2_CK /VO2_max and VO2_AK/VO2_max, respectively). Values from 8 mice and 5–7 rats are shown as mean ± SEM.
## denotes p < 0.01,
### p < 0.001,
#### p < 0.0001, significantly different from VO2_max.
* denotes p < 0.05,
*** p < 0.001,
**** p < 0.0001, significant effect of substrate or species. We found no interaction between substrates and species.
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The CK-stimulated respiration rates, VO2_CK, were species dependent and significantly
higher in rat than in mouse cardiomyocytes in both CKADP_GM and CKADP_GMPS (Fig 3B and
3D, p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively). However, after addition of ADP, Cyt c and FCCP,
there was no significant difference in respiration rates between mice and rats (Fig 3B and 3D).
As a result, the CK-stimulated respiration rate relative to the maximal respiration rate,
VO2_CK/VO2_max, was higher in rats than in mice (Table 4; p < 0.001).
The CK-stimulated respiration rates were also substrate dependent (Table 4, compare Fig
3B and 3D), but the estimated rates of ADP-phosphorylation (VADP_CK) were only affected by
species and not substrate (Table 5). This suggests that the rate with which CK generated ADP
to stimulate respiration was not affected by substrates but resulted in different VO2_CK rates
because of the substrate dependent P/O2 ratios.
The respiration rate stimulated by AK, VO2_AK, did not differ between mouse and rat cardi-
omyocytes (AKADP_GMPS; Fig 3C). However, when assessed relative to the maximal respira-
tion, VO2_AK/VO2_max was slightly higher in mouse than in rat cardiomyocytes (Table 4;
p < 0.05).
When VO2_max was normalized to the CS activity of the cell suspension, there was no dif-
ference between mouse and rat cardiomyocytes (Fig 3 and Table 4). However, the CS activity
was higher in mouse than in rat cardiomyocytes (Table 2). When VO2_max was normalized to
the protein content of the cell suspension (see S1 Table), it was significantly higher in mouse
than in rat cardiomyocytes. Thus, VO2_max correlated with the CS activity of the cell
VO2_max was significantly higher than VO2_CK except in rat cardiomyocytes with only com-
plex I substrates (GM). VO2_max was also significantly higher than VO2_AK in both mouse and
rat cardiomyocytes (Table 4).
VO2_max was significantly affected by the substrates. In the presence of GM, VO2_max was
lower than in the presence of GMPS (Table 4). VADP_max was also significantly affected by the
substrates (Table 5). Thus, in the presence of 2 mM ADP, the rate of ADP-phosphorylation
was lower with GM alone than with GMPS.
The quality of the permeabilized cardiomyocytes was assessed through the coupling effi-
ciency of respiration and the Cyt c test. The coupling efficiency of respiration, calculated as
1-V0/VO2_max, indicates the proportion of oxygen used for ATP synthesis. In permeabilized
cardiomyocytes, a high coupling efficiency indicates that they are 1) adequately permeabilized
Table 5. Estimated rates of ADP-phosphorylation by mitochondria stimulated by CK, AK or 2 mM ADP.
nmol ADP/min/IU CS
332 ± 13
367 ± 19
373 ± 14
354 ± 41
498 ± 18
461 ± 23
433 ± 27
451 ± 17
315 ± 26
512 ± 28
We used the data from Table 4 to estimate the rates of ADP-phosphorylation by mitochondria, when respiration was stimulated by endogenous ADP from CK
(VADP_CK) or AK (VADP_AK), or 2 mM exogenous ADP (VADP_max). The respiration rates were multiplied by a P/O2 ratio of 6 or 4, for GM and GMPS, respectively, as
explained in the main text. Values from 8 mice and 5–7 rats are shown as mean ± SEM.
*** denotes p < 0.001,
**** p < 0.0001, significant effect of substrate or species. We found no interaction between substrates and species.
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and respond to ADP addition, and 2) not damaged, as this would cause an elevated V0.
According to Chance and Williams, tightly coupled mitochondria show a substrate-dependent
4- to 10-fold increase in respiration rate upon addition of ADP [44]. This corresponds to a
coupling efficiency of 0.75–0.90. In the present experiment, the coupling efficiency was similar
in mouse and rat cardiomyocytes but substrate dependent and lower with GMPS than with
GM (81.6 ± 0.5% and 89.7 ± 0.7%, respectively; p < 0.0001; data were pooled for rats and
The addition of Cyt c is commonly used to test the intactness of the outer mitochondrial
membrane. If the outer mitochondrial membrane is damaged, electron transfer will be com-
promised as Cyt c leaks out of the mitochondria. The associated decline in respiration rate will
be rescued upon addition of Cyt c. In our experiments, the addition of Cyt c did not signifi-
cantly affect the respiration rate in any of the measurements (Fig 3), indicating that in the car-
diomyocytes in the present study, the outer mitochondrial membrane was intact.
The addition of FCCP, an uncoupler of respiration, did not increase the respiration rate
with GM only. But with GMPS, FCCP increased the respiration rate by ~40% (Fig 3). The
phosphorylation control ratio, calculated as VO2_max/VFCCP, was 106 ± 2.1 and 58.3 ± 0.6%
with GM and GMPS, respectively (pooled data from rats and mice).
Channelling of ADP from CK or AK to the mitochondria
The ADP channelling between CK or AK and the mitochondria was assessed in parallel
experiments, where the kinase stimulated respiration was subsequently inhibited by addition
of PEP and PK. Using the same substrate-kinase combinations as before, CK-stimulated res-
piration rate was recorded with either GM (CKPEP/PK_GM) or GMPS (CKPEP/PK_GMPS), and
AK-stimulated respiration was recorded only with GMPS (AKPEP/PK_GMPS). Fig 4A shows a
representative experimental trace from a recording of CKPEP/PK_GMPS. After addition of cardi-
omyocytes (CM) to the respiration chamber, addition of ATP to the solution (already con-
taining 20 mM creatine) stimulated CK to generate endogenous ADP. This ADP distributed
in the solution and stimulated respiration. Then, endogenous PK was stimulated by addition
of PEP and competed with mitochondrial respiration for some of the ADP. Subsequently,
exogenous PK in excess was added to the chamber. Thus, PK converted all accessible ADP in
the solution to ATP, leaving only ADP that was directly channelled from CK to mitochondria
to stimulate respiration. For AK-stimulated respiration measurements, AMP was added
(instead of creatine) after addition of ATP. Fig 4B–4D, shows the averaged results and the sta-
tistical analysis from the respiration measurements of CKPEP/PK_GM, AKPEP/PK_GMPS, and
CKPEP/PK_GMPS, respectively, normalized to the CS activity in cell suspensions from mouse
and rat hearts.
CK-stimulated respiration was significantly higher in rats than in mice irrespective of the
substrates (Fig 4B; p < 0.0001; Fig 4D; p < 0.01), in agreement with the results in Figs 1B and
3. In CKPEP/PK_GM, the addition of PEP and PK lowered respiration rate more in rat than in
mouse cardiomyocytes (by 75 ± 1% and 58 ± 1%, respectively; p < 0.001), and the respiration
rate in the presence of PEP and PK was lower in rat than in mouse (Fig 4B). In CKPEP/PK_GMPS,
the addition of PEP and PK also lowered respiration rate more in rat than in mouse cardio-
myocytes (by 62 ± 1% and 48 ± 1%, respectively; p < 0.001), as the initially higher respiration
rate in rat cardiomyocytes was lowered to the same level as in mice in the presence of PEP and
PK (Fig 4D).
In AKPEP/PK_GMPS, there was no difference between mice and rats, and the respiration rate
was lowered to the same level as before addition of AMP (Fig 4C; compare rates at ATP and
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This is the first study to show that there are differences between rat and mouse hearts in terms
of both aerobic capacity, CK isoform distribution, and intracellular compartmentalization.
When comparing the measurements in homogenate and permeabilized cardiomyocytes, we
were surprised to find that CK and, to an even greater extent, AK activities assessed in heart
homogenates were much higher than the ADP-phosphorylation rates estimated from the CK-
and AK-stimulated respiration rates of permeabilized cardiomyocytes. This is a consequence
of intracellular compartmentalization and demonstrates that results from whole-heart homog-
enates cannot be directly extrapolated to the situation in permeabilized cardiomyocytes.
Rat hearts have a lower oxidative capacity than mouse hearts
The CS activities reported in the present study were close to activities reported in other studies
[35, 45–48]. The CS activity was higher in mouse than in rat in both whole heart homogenates
and cell suspensions (Fig 1A and Table 2). Furthermore, when normalized to protein content,
VO2_max was higher in mouse than in rat cardiomyocytes (S1 Table). Thus, all three measure-
ments indicate that rat hearts have a lower oxidative capacity than mouse hearts.
Fig 4. Channeling of ADP from creatine kinase (CK) and adenylate kinase (AK) to mitochondria in
permeabilized mouse and rat cardiomyocytes. As in Fig 3, when normalized to the CS activity, CK stimulated the
respiration rate (μmol O2min-1IU CS-1) more in rat than in mouse cardiomyocytes. However, this species difference
was reversed (B) or lost (D) after addition of PEP and PK to compete with the mitochondria for endogenous ADP
from CK. A: Representative example of a respirometer recording of CKPEP/PK_GMPS with permeabilized rat
cardiomyocytes after addition of: CM–cardiomyocytes; ATP– 2 mM ATP; PEP– 5 mM PEP; PK– 20 U/ml PK. B: The
averaged results of the experiments in the presence of GM, where respiration was stimulated by CK. C and D: The
averaged results of the respiration experiments in the presence of GMPS, where respiration was stimulated by AK (C)
and CK (D). V0 was subtracted from the subsequent rates. For further explanation, see the legend of Fig 3 and the main
text. The number of animals was n = 7–8 and n = 5–7 for mice and rats, respectively. * denotes p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01,
*** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001 significant difference between species.
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In skeletal muscle, the oxidative capacity correlates with the CO activity [34]. However, in
the present study, the CO activity was similar in mouse and rat hearts (Fig 1A), and VO2_max
correlated with the CS activity (Fig 3). This suggests that, in heart muscle, the CS activity is a
better marker of oxidative capacity.
As the CS activity correlated with the mitochondrial oxidative capacity, and one of our
aims was to assess the rate of ADP-generation by AK and CK relative to the mitochondrial oxi-
dative capacity, we normalized the respiration data to the CS activity. As described in the
Introduction, we assumed that CS is mainly from cardiomyocytes, and that the CS in other cell
types is negligible. Furthermore, we assumed that this distribution of CS is similar in rat and
mouse heart, so that normalizing to CS allowed us to compare the reaction rates in whole
heart homogenates and isolated cardiomyocytes across the species.
Rat hearts have more Mi-CK and B-CK, and mouse hearts have more
The CK isoform distribution was also different in mouse and rat hearts (Fig 2 and Table 3).
Mouse hearts had a larger fraction of MM-CK, whereas rat hearts had larger fractions of Mi-,
MB- and BB-CK. The large fraction of MB-CK in rat heart is consistent with results in the liter-
ature [14, 17, 49]. We are uncertain whether rat heart benefits functionally from having a
greater expression of B-CK. B-CK has a higher creatine affinity than M-CK [50], but the total
creatine content seems to be similar in rat and mouse ventricles (~80 nmol/mg protein) [49,
51]. MM-CK and BB-CK are both mainly soluble, but a fraction associates to cellular struc-
tures, and they seem to do so differently. Their N-terminal regions differ, and due to four con-
served lysine residues, MM-CK binds to the M-band, whereas BB-CK does not [52, 53].
Instead, B-CK binds to the I-band of the myofibrils [52, 54, 55]. MM-CK is also found at the I-
band of the myofibrils, but here, it is bound loosely and through phosphofructokinase of the
glycolytic pathway [56]. Both MM-CK and BB-CK are known to associate with membranes. In
muscle tissue, MM-CK associates near the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase
(SERCA) and the Na+/K+-ATPase [57, 58]. More recent evidence suggests that BB-CK also
locates near membrane structures, in some cases in a manner that is regulated through phos-
phorylation by AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), suggesting that this association may be
weaker and transient depending on the state of the cell [59]. We were unable to find informa-
tion regarding the heterodimeric MB-CK. At present, we speculate whether the differences in
CK isoform composition in rat and mouse heart relate to the different binding properties of
M- and B-CK, but this warrants further studies.
Rat hearts have a higher CK activity and larger fraction of Mi-CK, but less
ADP from CK is channelled to the mitochondria
Traditionally, the reverse CK activity is recorded in homogenates. When taking into account
temperature differences, the CK activities in rat and mouse hearts (Fig 1A) were close to and a
little higher, respectively, than reported in other studies [45, 46, 48, 60]. When normalized to
the wet weight, CKr tended to be higher and CKf activity was slightly, but significantly higher
in rat than in mouse heart (Fig 1A).
When normalized to the CS activity, the CK activities were clearly higher in rat than in
mouse heart (Fig 1B). This difference was also reflected in the experiments on permeabilized
cardiomyocytes, where stimulation of CK led to higher VO2_CK in rat than in mouse cardio-
myocytes (Fig 3B and 3D and Table 4). As expected, VO2_max was substrate dependent with
VO2_max_GM being lower than VO2_max_GMPS (compare Fig 3B and 3D; Table 4). This has also
been shown before [35, 36]. As a result, VO2_CK/VO2_max was also substrate dependent
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(Table 4; effect of substrate), and consistently higher in rat than in mouse heart (Table 4; effect
of species).
Although rat cardiomyocytes had a higher VO2_CK/VO2_max, the subsequent addition of
PEP and PK to competitively inhibit the flux of ADP from CK to mitochondria lowered the
respiration rate more in rat than in mouse cardiomyocytes. In the presence of PEP and PK, the
respiration rate was similar (CKPEP/PK_GMPS) or slightly lower (CKPEP/PK_GM) in rats than in
mice (Fig 4B and 4D). This suggests that in mouse hearts, a larger fraction of ADP generated
by CK was channelled to the mitochondria. However, the fraction of Mi-CK was lower in
mouse than in rat hearts (Fig 2 and Table 3). It may seem contradictory that mouse cardio-
myocytes have less Mi-CK and greater ADP channelling to the mitochondria. However, this
can be explained by differences in the intracellular compartmentalization. The greater
channelling of ADP from CK to mitochondria in mouse heart could be due to a tighter cou-
pling of cytosolic CK as well as Mi-CK to the respiration.
As to Mi-CK, in isolated mitochondria, approximately half of the ADP generated by Mi-CK
is translocated by the ANT into the matrix, while the rest diffuses out through the voltage
dependent anion channel (VDAC) in the outer mitochondrial membrane [6, 61]. In vivo and
in permeabilized cardiomyocytes, the mitochondrial outer membrane permeability is more
restricted [62]. This, in turn, is expected to increase the channeling between Mi-CK and ANT.
Thus, it is possible that there is more direct transfer between Mi-CK and ANT or the outer
mitochondrial membrane is less permeable to ADP in mouse cardiomyocytes, so more ADP
from Mi-CK cycles within the mitochondria and is inaccessible to PK.
As to cytosolic CK, it was shown in Mi-CK knockout mice that cytosolic CK can also be
coupled to respiration [63] possibly due to intracellular diffusion barriers in the cytosol, which
can group CK and mitochondria [39, 64–67]. The extent of channelling we observe between
cytosolic CK and the mitochondria depends on the interplay between cytosolic CK, PK, and
diffusion barriers. It is possible that in mouse cardiomyocytes, a larger fraction of cytosolic CK
is on the mitochondrial side of the diffusion barriers, or the diffusion barriers are less perme-
able, so more ADP cycles between CK and the mitochondria and is inaccessible to PK.
If the cytosolic diffusion barriers are less permeable to ADP, then they are presumably also
less permeable to the diffusion of proteins. This is a relevant point for the present experiments
on permeabilized cardiomyocytes, which do not necessarily reflect the situation in vivo,
because some cytosolic CK and PK may diffuse out of the cells, and also some exogenous PK
diffuses into the cell. The diffusion of CK out of the cardiomyocytes does not on its own inhibit
respiration, because CK continues to generate ADP in the solution. However, it may lead to an
underestimation of the overall coupling between all CK isoforms and respiration. Thus, if the
cytosolic diffusion barriers are less permeable in mouse cardiomyocytes, it is also possible that
the species differences in the PEP-PK assay are caused in part by the differences in CK and PK
diffusion between solution and cardiomyocytes. Clearly, further studies are needed to pinpoint
the exact mechanism behind the different outcomes of the PEP-PK assay. Nevertheless, our
results suggest that compartmentalization and/or energy transfer is different in rat and mouse
The lowering of respiration rate by PEP and PK in mouse cardiomyocytes is in agreement
with our previous finding [21]. With the present study, we extend this finding to rat cardio-
myocytes. However, our results contradict the findings from another group, who found on rat
cardiomyocytes that with GM as substrates CK-stimulated respiration rate was similar to
VO2_max even in the presence of PEP and PK [22, 23]. We speculated whether this difference
between studies could be because the cardiomyocytes in the other study had damaged mito-
chondria. If the mitochondria are damaged, VO2_max will be very low and VO2_CK/VO2_max will
be high. In order to compare our data with those of others, we also normalized our maximal
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respiration rate in rat cardiomyocytes to the Cyt aa3 content (S1 Table, VO2_max/cyt aa3). In the
present study, VO2_max_GM was ~35% higher than reported by others (273 ± 19 versus 178 ± 34
nmol O2min-1nmol cyt aa3
-1) [68]. However, in rat cardiomyocytes in the present study, the
addition of PEP and PK lowered the respiration rate by 75% (Fig 4B). As the difference in
VO2_max between studies was smaller than the lowering of respiration rate by PEP and PK, the
higher VO2_max in the present study can only partially explain the difference between the stud-
ies. In the present study, the cell viability was acceptable (Table 2), the addition of Cyt c had no
effect on respiration rate (Fig 3B–3D), and the coupling efficiency of respiration was high.
Therefore, we are confident that our preparation was sound.
Taken together, our study confirms that intracellular compartmentalization leads to a local
pool of phosphates circulating between mitochondria and CK and suggests that this is more
predominant in mouse than in rat cardiomyocytes. It must be noted that these experiments
were performed on isolated, non-contracting cardiomyocytes, and it is uncertain how defor-
mation of the cells during contraction affects the compartmentalization.
The rate of ADP-generation by CK is lower than the maximal rate of ADP-
consumption by the mitochondria
As noted above, rat hearts had a higher VO2_CK/VO2_max than mouse hearts. According to our
data, mitochondrial and cytosolic CK stimulated respiration rate to 90% of the maximal rate
with GMPS in rat (Fig 3D and Table 4). This is far from the finding on isolated rat hearts that
the CK reaction rate is 10 times higher than the maximal respiration rate [4, 5], but it is in
agreement with a previous study [69]. This may explain why the CK shuttle is bypassed under
extreme workloads [69], and why studies on transgenic mice with disturbances in the CK sys-
tem have been equivocal regarding the importance of the CK system [11].
Rat and mouse hearts have similar VO2_AK/VO2_max
In homogenates, the AK activity normalized to the wet weight was ~30% higher in mouse than
in rat hearts, measured in both directions (Fig 1A). In mouse hearts, the AK activity was ~1.5–
2 times higher than reported previously [21, 45, 47], whereas in rat hearts, it was only slightly
higher than in another study [46]. In contrast to our previous study on creatine-deficient mice,
where AK had the highest activity of the kinases [21], the present results showed that the AK
activity was lower than the CK activity in both mouse and rat hearts, when measured in the
direction of ATP-production. The AK activities were similar in the forward and reverse direc-
tions, which is compatible with another study [70], showing that the AKf/AKr ratio is ~1.3.
When the AK activity was normalized to the CS activity in homogenates, it was similar in
mouse and rat heart (Fig 1B). In agreement with this, there was no difference between rat and
mouse in the respiration experiments (Fig 3C). However, relative to the maximal respiration
rate, VO2_AK/VO2_max was slightly higher in mouse than in rat hearts (Table 4), but below 80%.
In our previous experiments, AK stimulated respiration to the maximum, but they were per-
formed with only GM as substrates [21]. In the present study, AK-stimulated respiration mea-
surements were performed only with GMPS, and as VO2_max is higher with GMPS than with
GM, it was not surprising, that VO2_AK/VO2_max was lower than recorded with GM, as was also
the case for CK (Fig 3B and 3D, Table 4).
No channelling of ADP from AK to the mitochondria
When the flux of ADP from AK to the mitochondria was inhibited by the subsequent addition
of PEP and PK, the respiration rate was lowered to the same level as before the addition of
AMP in both rat and mouse cardiomyocytes (Fig 4C). This was similar to our previous results
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on mouse cardiomyocytes [21], and in agreement with the low expression of AK2 in the
mouse heart [32], but in contrast to another study on isolated rat heart mitochondria [27]. We
hypothesize that methodological differences could cause this discrepancy between studies. The
present study suggests that the majority of AK is cytosolic in both rat and mouse hearts.
AK and CK activities in homogenate are higher than estimated VADP_AK
and VADP_CK in permeabilized cardiomyocytes
We estimated the rates of ADP-generation by CK and AK in permeabilized cardiomyocytes
(VADP_CK and VADP_AK, Table 5) by multiplying the respiration rates with the P/O2 ratios (4
for GMPS and 6 for GM). This represents their forward reaction rates, and we had expected
that they would be similar to the forward reaction rates recorded in homogenate (CKf and
AKf, Fig 1B). Surprisingly, we found that the rates estimated from permeabilized cardiomyo-
cytes were much lower than in homogenate. CKf was ~2 times higher and AKf was ~9 times
higher than VADP_CK and VADP_AK, respectively. This difference is highlighted in Fig 5. Our
finding suggests that in permeabilized cardiomyocytes with the intracellular structures left
intact, local substrate and product concentrations in the vicinity of an enzyme can be very dif-
ferent from the concentrations in solution. One factor is that diffusion of substrates into the
permeabilized cardiomyocytes is restricted so the substrate concentrations could be smaller
Fig 5. Intracellular compartmentalization shapes energy transfer in cardiomyocytes. In permeabilized
cardiomyocytes (left panel; data from Table 5, units converted to μmol ADPmin-1IU CS-1), diffusion of substrates to
the center of the cell is restricted. Thus, kinases in the center of the cell may be exposed to smaller concentrations of
substrates than are present in the surrounding solution. More importantly, as diffusion out of the cell is restricted, the
products accumulate near the kinase and inhibit the reaction rate. In contrast, when recording the kinase activity in
homogenate (right panel; data from Fig 1), the kinases are in solution, where diffusion is much faster. Thus, there is no
build-up of products, and the reaction takes place without inhibition.
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than in solution. More importantly, the diffusion of products out of the permeabilized cardio-
myocytes is restricted, so the products accumulate near the kinases, inhibiting the reaction
rate. We have illustrated this in Fig 5.
The restriction of diffusion in cardiomyocytes has been studied for several decades. In car-
diomyocytes, intracellular membranes such as the transverse tubules, the sarcoplasmic reticu-
lum, and the mitochondria, together with protein dense parts of the sarcomeres constitute
barriers that form modules [64, 65]. These modules influence energy transfer within the cell
[39]. Local environments are also known to play a crucial role in cAMP signalling [71], excita-
tion-contraction coupling [72] and mitochondrial calcium uptake [73, 74]. In the present
study, we were surprised to see that compartmentalization had such a large effect on the AK
activity. This, in turn, is likely to affect not only ATPase function, but also energetic signalling
through, for example, AMPK, which is a cellular energy sensor implicated in both acute signal-
ling and regulation of gene expression [75]. Our results highlight the challenge for computa-
tional models, which should take into account the intracellular heterogeneity of substrate and
product concentrations and the spatial limitations of their diffusion inside the cell [62, 64, 65].
In the present study, we found species differences between mouse and rat hearts. Rat hearts
had a lower oxidative capacity than mouse hearts. As a result, CK/CS and VO2_CK/VO2_max
were higher in rat than in mouse, and the distribution of CK isoforms was different. In rat
heart, although VO2_CK/VO2_max and the fraction of Mi-CK was higher than in mouse heart,
less ADP was channelled from CK to the mitochondria. This suggests differences in the
compartmentalization of mouse and rat cardiomyocytes.
An interesting finding of this study was that AK/CS activity in whole tissue homogenates
was several times higher than the VADP_AK estimated from the respiration rate in isolated per-
meabilized cardiomyocytes. This difference is a consequence of intracellular compartmentali-
zation. Our results highlight how intracellular structural organization shapes energetic
compartmentalization, which plays a pivotal role in energy homeostasis, signalling, and regula-
tion of cardiac metabolism.
Materials and methods
All experiments and animal procedures complied with directive 2010/63/EU of the European
Parliament for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes and were approved by the
Project Authorisation Committee for Animal Experiments in the Estonian Ministry of Rural
Affairs. All methods are reported in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.
The animals used in this study were 7–10 months for mice and 10–12 months for rats. Due to
the low quality of cardiomyocytes isolated from male rat hearts, only females were used in this
study. Sprague-Dawley rats were a gift from the Laboratory of Neurobiology at Tallinn Univer-
sity of Technology. C57BL/6J Ola Hsd mice were originally from Envigo RMS B.V. (The Neth-
erlands). The animals were kept in the animal facility of Tallinn University of Technology at
an ambient temperature of 22–22.8˚C and a 12:12 hours light:dark cycle. They had free access
to water and food (V1534-000 Rat/mouse maintenance from Ssniff Spezialdia¨ten GmbH,
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Isolation of cardiomyocytes
Cardiomyocytes from mouse [15] and rat [76] hearts were isolated using a slightly modified
version of a method described previously. The mice were anesthetized with a mixture of keta-
mine/dexmedetomidine (150 mg/kg and 0.5mg/kg, respectively) and received an injection of
250U of heparin to prevent blood coagulation. When the toe-pinch reflex was absent, the ani-
mal was euthanized by cervical dislocation. The rats were anesthetized with 2% isoflurane
using Open-Drop system (or Drop Jar method) (
guidelines-anesthesia) [77]. Briefly, the rats were placed in a closed container of known volume
(~5l) with tightly fitting lid, a gauze pad soaked with appropriate volume (~0.5 ml) of isoflur-
ane was placed in the bottom of the container and the animals were left to inhale isoflurane
vapours. When they lost the righting reflex and breathing had slowed but was regular, 2500U
of heparin was injected intraperitoneally and they were allowed to sleep a little bit more.
Under deep isoflurane anaesthesia, the rats were euthanized by decapitation. The hearts of
both rat and mouse were excised and immediately placed in ice-cold wash solution consisting
of the following (mM): 117 NaCl, 5.7 KCl, 1.5 KH2PO4, 4.4 NaHCO3, 1.7 MgCl2, 21 HEPES,
20 taurine, 11.7 glucose, and 10 2,3-butanedione monoxime (pH was adjusted to 7.4 with
NaOH). It was cannulated via the aorta on a Langendorff perfusion system. The heart was first
perfused with wash solution at 38.5˚C at a constant pressure of 80 cm H2O. When the heart
was washed free of blood, the perfusion was switched to a constant flow with digestion solution
containing 0.37–0.435 mg/ml Liberase DL (Roche) and 1.36 mg/ml of dispase II (Roche). The
pressure was observed for 10–15 minutes or ~30 min (mouse and rat heart, respectively) until
the pressure had decreased to 40–50% of the initial. When the heart was soft, the perfusion was
stopped. The ventricles were cut into smaller pieces, transferred to a beaker with digestion
solution and incubated further at 38.5˚C with gentle shaking until the tissue started falling
apart. Cells were harvested with a Pasteur pipette several times and filtered through a 100μm
cell strainer (EASYstrainerTM Cell Strainer, Greiner Bio-One) into a vial with sedimentation
solution consisting of wash solution (without 2,3-butanedione monoxime) containing addi-
tional 2mM pyruvate, 10 μM leupeptin, 2 μM soybean trypsin inhibitor, and 3 mgmL-1 BSA.
The viable cells were separated by sedimentation or by centrifugation for 2 min at 300 rpm/
12g. During the first washes, extracellular Ca2+ was gradually increased to 2 mM to ensure
Ca2+ tolerance of the cells. Then, extracellular Ca2+ was washed out again by washing the cells
three times with 5–8 ml of sedimentation solution. The isolated cells were stored in this solu-
tion at room temperature until use within 3 hours.
To assess the quality of the cell preparation, the yield of the cell suspension was measured
with a 1000 or 5000 μl pipette (Eppendorf), and a 1:10 dilution of the cells was counted in a
chamber to estimate the total number of cells as well as the viability (the percentage of live cells
relative to the total number of cells).
Respiration measurements
For the respiration experiments, we used protocols similar to those described previously [21,
35]. In brief, we used a Strathkelvin RC 650 Respirometer equipped with six 1302 O2-elec-
trodes connected via a 929 Oxygen System interface (all from Strathkelvin Instruments Lim-
ited, UK). The respirometer was thermostatted to 25˚C (Julabo F12-ED, JULABO
Labortechnik GmbH). The respiration measurements in cardiomyocytes were performed in 2
ml of respiration solution consisting of 110 mM sucrose, 60 mM K-lactobionic acid, 3 mM
KH2PO4, 3 mM MgCl2, 20 mM HEPES, 20 mM taurine, 0.5 mM EGTA, 0.5 mM dithiothreitol
(DTT) (pH was adjusted to 7.1 with KOH). 5 mgmL-1 BSA and 25 μgmL-1 saponin were
added just before use. Saponin was present in the respiration chamber throughout the
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measurements. It interacts with cholesterol to form pores in the sarcolemma, which contains
90% of the cellular cholesterol [78]. At this concentration, saponin does not damage the mito-
chondrial membranes, which have a very low cholesterol content [79]. CK experiments were
performed in the presence of 2.5 mM glutamate and 2 mM malate only (CKGM) and in the
presence of 2.5 mM glutamate, 2 mM malate, 5 mM pyruvate and 15 mM succinate
(CKGMPS). AK experiments were carried out only in the presence of 2.5 mM glutamate, 2
mM malate, 5 mM pyruvate and 15 mM succinate (AKGMPS).
We used CK and AK protocols similar to those described in [21]. First, 5 ul of cell suspen-
sion, for CKGMPS and AKGMPS, and 10 ul for CKGM were added to the respiration chambers.
Cells were allowed at least 5 min to permeabilize before the steady-state basal respiration rate,
Vo, was recorded. After that, we stimulated AK by adding 2 mM ATP and 1 mM AMP, or CK
by adding 2 mM ATP while 20 mM creatine was already present in the respirometer chamber
before the cells were added.
In the chambers, where we recorded CKPEP/PK_GM, CKPEP/PK_GMPS, and AKPEP/PK_GMPS,
this was followed by the addition of 5 mM PEP and 20 U/ml exogenous PK.
In the parallel chambers, where we recorded CKADP_GM, CKADP_GMPS, and AKADP_GMPS,
this was followed by the addition of 2 mM ADP, 10 μM Cyt c and stepwise titration of FCCP
in 2.5 μM steps until the maximum uncoupled respiration rate, VFCCP, was reached.
As a reference, respiration rate measured at 2 mM ADP was taken as the maximal coupled
respiration rate, VO2_max. This measurement was used to estimate AK and CK stimulated res-
piration rates (VO2_AK and VO2_CK, respectively) relative to VO2_max (VO2_CK/VO2_max and
VO2_AK/VO2_max), and to calculate the coupling efficiency of respiration as follows: (VO2_max−-
V0)/VO2_max [37]. This allowed us to determine the oxidative phosphorylation control ratio,
defined as: VO2_max/VFCCP [37].
Cardiac homogenates were prepared as in Barsunova et al. [80]. The mice and rats were anes-
thetized and killed as described above for the isolation of cardiomyocytes. The heart was
quickly removed from animals and immediately transferred to a glass beaker with ice-cold iso-
lation solution. The heart was trimmed of any obvious fat and connective tissue, gently blotted
to remove excess fluids, weighed, cut into several pieces if needed (for rat heart), and then
stored in cryovials at -80˚C until further experiments. All subsequent homogenization proce-
dures were carried out on ice. The heart tissue was minced with scissors into small pieces,
transferred to a glass homogenizer, and ice-cold homogenization buffer was added to a con-
centration of 50 mg tissue/ml buffer. The buffer consisted of 5 mM HEPES, 1mM EGTA, 0.1%
Triton X-100, 1 mM DL-Dithiothreitol, and 1 tablet of cOmplete Mini Protease inhibitors per
10 ml buffer (Roche, Merck) (pH 8.7). Next, the heart tissue was ground with a pestle attached
to a drill until the solution was homogenous. The homogenized samples were incubated on ice
for one hour before use. Fresh, non-diluted homogenates were use to measure CO activity.
The remaining homogenates were kept at -80˚C until activities of CS, CK and AK were
Enzyme activities
Enzyme activities were recorded using Evolution 600 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Sci-
entific) equipped with a Peltier water-cooled cell changer (SPE 8 W, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
to maintain temperature at 25˚C.
CO and CS activities were determined as described earlier [80]. CO activity was deter-
mined by measuring the decrease in absorbance, caused by oxidation of Cyt c by cytochrome
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oxidase, at 550 nm [81]. The reaction took place in 1 ml 13 mM sodium phosphate buffer
(pH 7.4) containing 0.4 mg/ml Cyt c, which had been reduced with Na-dithionite. After
recording the initial absorbance for 10–20 seconds, the reaction was initiated by the addition
of 10 μl of undiluted homogenate. The reaction of Cyt c oxidation represents a first-order
reaction with respect to reduced Cyt c and is observed as a logarithmical decline in absorp-
tion (as a function of time). The rate constant, obtained by fitting to the equation δ(Absorp-
tion) / δ(time) = k (Absorption), was normalized to the tissue wet weight, min−1g−1. The
IOCBIO Kinetics software for fitting is open source and available at
CS activity was recorded using a coupled enzyme assay in a total volume of 1 mL CS buffer
containing the following (in mM): 100 TrisHCl buffer (pH 8.1), 0.1 5,5’ -dithiobis(2-nitroben-
zoic acid) (DTNB), and 0.3 acetyl-CoA. The assay was started by the addition of 10 μL or 15–
20 μL of diluted (1:10) cell suspension or heart homogenate, respectively. The change in absor-
bance was recorded for 2 min at 412 nm before (for reference) and after addition of 0.5 mM
oxaloacetate. The enzyme activity was calculated using the extinction coefficient for thionitro-
benzoate (TNB), which is 14150 M−1 cm−1 at 25˚C [82].
The activities of CK and AK in the reverse direction (ATP-production) were measured in a
coupled enzyme assay in a total volume of 1ml respiration buffer (without BSA and saponin)
(see composition in Respiration measurements section) containing the following: 10 mM glu-
cose, 0.6 mM NADP, 2 mM ADP, 5 Uml-1 hexokinase and 5 Uml-1 glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase. The reaction was initiated by the addition of 3–5 ul of diluted (1:10) heart
homogenate. The increase in absorbance was measured for 3 min at 340 nm before (AK activ-
ity) and after addition of 10 mM creatine phosphate (CK activity + AK activity). In the second
run, 50 uM P1,P5-Di(adenosine-5’)pentaphosphate was added to the buffer to inhibit AK. The
absorbance was measured for 3 min at 340 nm before (to verify AK inhibition) and after addi-
tion of 10 mM creatine phosphate (CK activity).
The activities of CK and AK in the forward direction (ATP-consumption) were measured
in a total volume of 1ml respiration buffer containing the following: 5 mM PEP, 2 mM ATP,
30 mM NADH, 5 U/ml PK, 2.5 U/ml lactate dehydrogenase. First, the absorbance was mea-
sured for 3 min at 340 nm with buffer to check whether the response is stable (to record the
absorbance shift). Then 10 ul of diluted (1:10) heart homogenate was added (non-specific
ATPase activity). Finally, the decrease in absorbance was measured after addition of 20 mM
creatine (CK activity) or 1 mM AMP (AK activity).
The activities of CK and AK in both directions were measured with conditions similar to
those used in respiration measurements and were calculated using the extinction coefficient
for NADH/NADPH (ε340 = 6.220 mM−1 cm−1).
All enzyme activity measurements were performed in triplicate (in quadruplicate for CO)
and the results averaged. Data was analysed using IOCBIO Kinetics [83].
Determination of CK isoforms
The rat and mouse homogenates were also used to determine the CK isoform distribution as
previously described [84]. The CK isoforms were separated by native agarose gel electrophore-
sis on a 1% agarose gel of approximately 1 mm thickness. The gel was transferred to a ceramic
plate, which in turn was placed upon a cooling pad maintained at 15˚C by a thermostat (Julabo
F12-ED, JULABO Labortechnik GmbH). A small strip of filter paper was used to mark the
row of loading spots about 1/3 from the anode. Drops of 1 μl homogenate (corresponding to
tissue extract from 50 μg heart wet weight) were put on each loading spot with rat and mouse
samples put one after another. Electrophoresis buffer was added to the anodic and cathodic
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chamber, and wicks consisting of 4 layers of filter paper were used to connect the gel to the
buffer in the two chambers. The gel was run at 250 V for 120 min.
The gel was transferred to the imaging chamber of an ImageQuant 400 (GE Healthcare Life
Sciences). A filter paper the size of the gel was soaked in 5 ml visualization buffer and put on
top of the gel. As the solution from the filter paper entered the gel, CK in the gel catalyzed the
first of a chain of reactions: phosphocreatine + ADP + H+ ! creatine + ATP. ATP from this
reaction was used by hexokinase in the reaction: ATP + glucose ! ADP + glucose-6-phos-
phate. Finally, glucose-6-phosphate was used by glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase in the
reaction: glucose-6-phosphate + NADP+ ! 6-phospho-D-glucono-1,5-lactone + H+
+ NADPH. The increase in NADPH from the assay coupled to CK was followed by transillu-
mination with UV-light and image capture with a SYBR Green filter. After ~20 min, the filter
paper was carefully removed to image the NADPH signal in the gel. The gel pictures were ana-
lyzed using ImageJ software. Each lane was marked with a rectangle, and the area of each
intensity profile peak corresponding to Mi-CK, MM-CK, MB-CK and BB-CK was noted. The
relative intensity of each isoform was calculated.
The gel electrophoresis buffer consisted of (in mM): Tris 60, Tricine 60, EGTA 1, dithiotrei-
tol 1, Triton X-100 0.1%, pH 8.6.
The visualization buffer consisted of (in mM): N-Acetyl-L-cysteine 120, phosphocreatine
120, glucose 70, MgAcetate 50, MES 22, ADP 9, β-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos-
phate 9, P1P5-Di(adenosine-50) pentaphosphate pentasodium salt 0.2, pH 7.4. Immediately
before use, hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were both added to the visual-
ization buffer to a final concentration of 5 IU/ml.
Determination of Cyt aa3 content
The Cyt aa3 content in isolated rat cardiomyocytes was determined using a spectroscopic
method independent of myoglobin contamination. This assay relies on the selective reduction
of mitochondrial cytochromes by the action of sodium cyanide [85]. The rat cardiomyocytes
were solubilized with 5% TritonX-100 in 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). The first
graph (oxidized cytochromes) was obtained by scanning from 500 to 650 nm using an Evolu-
tion 600 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.) equipped with a Peltier water
cooled cell changer (SPE 8 W; Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.) to maintain temperature at 25˚C.
The second graph (reduced cytochromes) was obtained the same way after reduction with 2
mM sodium cyanide in the presence of 15 mM ascorbic acid. The differential absorbance
(reduced versus oxidized cytochromes) at 605 and 630 nm was used for quantification of respi-
ratory chain Cyt aa3 content (cytochrome c oxidase), using the extinction coefficient
ε605 = 18.6 mM-1 cm-1 [86].
For better comparison of our results to the findings of earlier studies, the respiration rates
from permeabilized cardiomyocytes were normalized to protein content, Cyt aa3 content (rat
cardiomyocytes only), and CS activity. Enzyme activities in homogenates were normalized to
wet weight and CS activity. The protein content in cardiomyocytes was measured spectropho-
tometrically in a BioSpec-nano (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., Columbia, MD) as pre-
viously described [21].
The values are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Statistical analysis of most
data was performed using unpaired Student’s t-test using R. However, the difference between
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VO2_CK and VO2_max, and VO2_AK and VO2_max was assessed using a paired t-test. Furthermore,
for the comparison of VO2 rates and VADP rates (Tables 4 and 5, respectively), the effect of spe-
cies and substrate was analysed by a mixed type ANOVA. p < 0.05 was considered statistically
The raw data are given in the S2 Table.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Maximal respiration rate, VO2_max, and maximal ADP-phosphorylation rate,
VADP_max, normalized to the protein content of the cell suspensions, and VO2_max, normal-
ized to the cytochrome aa3 content. The maximal respiration rate, VO2_max, was recorded in
the presence of either GM or GMPS, and 2 mM ADP (see representative recording in Fig 3A).
The rate was normalized to the protein content and, for rat cardiomyocytes only, the cyto-
chrome aa3 content. For statistical purposes, only the results from CK recordings are given.
The corresponding maximal ADP-phosphorylation rate, VADP_max, was calculated assuming
P/O2 ratios of 6 and 4 for GM and GMPS, respectively (see main text). Values from 8 mice and
7 rats are shown as mean ± SEM. * denotes p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, ****
p < 0.0001, significant effect of substrate, species, or interaction between substrates and spe-
S2 Table. Raw data from the experiments.
S1 Raw images.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Rikke Birkedal.
Formal analysis: Jelena Branovets, Marko Vendelin, Rikke Birkedal.
Funding acquisition: Marko Vendelin, Rikke Birkedal.
Investigation: Jelena Branovets, Ka¨rol Soodla, Rikke Birkedal.
Methodology: Jelena Branovets, Rikke Birkedal.
Supervision: Rikke Birkedal.
Visualization: Jelena Branovets, Marko Vendelin.
Writing – original draft: Jelena Branovets, Rikke Birkedal.
Writing – review & editing: Jelena Branovets, Marko Vendelin, Rikke Birkedal.
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PMC10293173 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366
Estimation of maximal lactate
steady state using the sweat
lactate sensor
Yuki Muramoto
1, Daisuke Nakashima
2, Tsubasa Amano 3, Tomota Harita 3,
Kazuhisa Sugai 4, Kyohei Daigo 5, Yuji Iwasawa 5, Genki Ichihara 5, Hiroki Okawara
Tomonori Sawada
2, Akira Kinoda 1, Yuichi Yamada 1, Takeshi Kimura 1, Kazuki Sato 1 &
Yoshinori Katsumata
A simple, non-invasive algorithm for maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) assessment has not been
developed. We examined whether MLSS can be estimated from the sweat lactate threshold (sLT) using
a novel sweat lactate sensor for healthy adults, with consideration of their exercise habits. Fifteen
adults representing diverse fitness levels were recruited. Participants with/without exercise habits
were defined as trained/untrained, respectively. Constant-load testing for 30 min at 110%, 115%,
120%, and 125% of sLT intensity was performed to determine MLSS. The tissue oxygenation index
(TOI) of the thigh was also monitored. MLSS was not fully estimated from sLT, with 110%, 115%,
120%, and 125% of sLT in one, four, three, and seven participants, respectively. The MLSS based on
sLT was higher in the trained group as compared to the untrained group. A total of 80% of trained
participants had an MLSS of 120% or higher, while 75% of untrained participants had an MLSS of
115% or lower based on sLT. Furthermore, compared to untrained participants, trained participants
continued constant-load exercise even if their TOI decreased below the resting baseline (P < 0.01).
MLSS was successfully estimated using sLT, with 120% or more in trained participants and 115% or
less in untrained participants. This suggests that trained individuals can continue exercising despite
decreases in oxygen saturation in lower extremity skeletal muscles.
Exercise with appropriate frequency and intensity is paramount to maintaining good health in all generations
and improving exercise performance in athletes. Maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) is the intensity at which
constant-workload exercise can be performed for 40–60 min without lactate accumulation1,2. Above the MLSS
intensity, blood lactate shows an identifiable increase during constant-workload exercise, with a concomitant
decrease in oxygen saturation in the vastus lateralis in the thigh3. MLSS has been utilized as a measure of train-
ing intensity in endurance sports, such as track and field4, cycling5, and swimming6,7. MLSS assessment requires
several constant submaximal load tests performed on separate days and frequent blood lactate measurements
during exercise, which are complicated and physically strenuous for the participants8. Therefore, the lactate
threshold (LT) and blood lactate accumulation onset time (OBLA) are frequently used instead of MLSS as
measures of training intensity8. More specifically, LT and OBLA are thought to reflect low9 and high10 intensity,
respectively, relative to MLSS. However, there are limitations to the use of LT and OBLA for MLSS. Recently,
several algorithms for MLSS estimation from LT or OBLA have been developed, mainly for use with athletes4,11,12.
Despite being simple indices for determining training intensity, LT and OBLA require frequent blood lactate
measurements and exercise cessation to collect blood samples. Since these methods are somewhat invasive, they
are impractical, particularly for non-athletes or those with no exercise habits. To overcome this limitation, we
developed a sweat lactate sensor for real-time, non-invasive measurement of sweat lactate. The sweat lactate
threshold (sLT) is reportedly consistent with the anaerobic metabolic threshold13. Therefore, we expected that
sLT could be utilized to estimate MLSS with minimal stress on participants. Additionally, this simple and non-
invasive algorithm may be applicable to non-athletes as well as athletes.
1Institute for Integrated Sports Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 2Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 3Keio University School of Medicine,
Tokyo, Japan. 4School of Veterinary Nursing and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Nippon Veterinary
and Life Science University, Tokyo, Japan. 5Department of Cardiology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo,
Japan. *email: [email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366 |
This study aimed to verify whether MLSS could be estimated from sLT using a sweat lactate sensor for healthy
adults, with consideration of their exercise habits, and to investigate whether a decrease in oxygen saturation in
the vastus lateralis is a factor contributing to the difference in MLSS based on sLT.
In-vitro characterization of the lactate sensor under simulated sweat environments.
Figure 1
showed the amperometric response of the lactate sensor to increasing lactate concentrations in 0, 2.5, 5, 10, and
20 mM. In our sensors, a significant difference was observed in sensor responses to several lactate solutions (2.5,
5, 10, and 20 mM) with different pH (5, 6, 7, and 8) and different temperatures (25, 31, and 36 °C) (Fig. 1A and
Online Figs. 1–4). Secondly, a significant response in the sensor to 10 mM lactate solution was observed even in
the presence of NaCl (10, 25, 50, 100 mM) and KCl (2.5, 5, 10 mM) (Fig. 1B, C). These findings indicated that
the lactate values (current values) of sweat obtained from this sensor could show a significant enough difference
to determine the inflection point under various sweat environments.
Characteristics of participants.
The fifteen participants (14 male, 1 female) had a mean age of 26 ± 6 years,
mean height of 173 ± 9 cm, mean weight of 67 ± 10 kg, mean skeletal muscle mass of 52 ± 18 kg, mean body fat
percentage of 18 ± 7%, mean peak VO2 of 41 ± 5 mL/min/kg, and mean HRmax of 175 ± 9 beats per min (bpm).
Eleven participants engaged in regular exercise (Table 1).
MLSS based on sLT.
The sLT was correlated with the VT (r = 0.70) (Online Fig. 5). The Bland–Altman plot
described no bias between the mean values (mean differences: −3.0 W, respectively) (Online Fig. 6). Constant-
load exercises at 125%, 120%, 115%, and 110% of sLT load were performed in that order, and completed by 8,
10, 14, and 15 participants, respectively (Table 2, Online Fig. 7). Each result shows the values of participants who
were able to perform 30 min of exercise. Blood lactate levels at the end of exercise at each load in the aforemen-
tioned order were 6.5 ± 3.7 mM, 4.4 ± 1.1 mM, 4.1 ± 1.2 mM, and 3.7 ± 1.7 mM (Table 2, Fig. 2). VO2 values (%
peak VO2) at the end of exercise were 36.3 ± 4.0 mL/min/kg (84.5 ± 7.2%), 32.8 ± 5.5 mL/min/kg (76.9 ± 8.0%),
30.7 ± 6.7 mL/min/kg (71.1 ± 11.1%), and 29.0 ± 6.6 mL/min/kg (68.8 ± 13.1%). HR values (% HRmax) at the end
of exercise were 168.6 ± 14.1 bpm (84.8 ± 6.8%), 158.1 ± 14.8 bpm (79.9 ± 7.4%), 152.6 ± 16.2 bpm (77.5 ± 7.8%),
and 144.4 ± 15.2 bpm (73.2% ± 7.3%). Among the participants who completed the constant-load exercise at 125%
of sLT load, one had an increase in blood lactate > 1 mM at the end of the exercise (30 min). Therefore, MLSS
was 125% of sLT in seven participants, 120% in three, 115% in four, and 110% in one, suggesting that estimating
MLSS based on sLT was difficult (Table 2). MLSS data obtained from 15 participants were calculated (Table 3,
Current (uA)
Lactate + NaCL
Time (min)
(B) NaCL
Current (uA)
Lactate + KCL
Time (min)
Figure 1. In-vitro characterization of the lactate sensor under imitated sweat environments. (A) The graph
shows the corresponding calibration plots of the sensor with pH 7 under different temperature (25, 31, and
36 °C) conditions. The interference study for individual lactate (B,C). The presence of non-target electrolytes;
Na, K, and Cl cause negligible interference to the response of our lactate sensors. Applied voltage = 0.16 V versus
Ag/AgCl. The data were obtained from three samples.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366 |
Table 1. Characteristics of participants (mean ± standard deviation). P-values refer to the significance of
differences between the trained and untrained groups. MLSS > 120%: number and percentage of participants
whose MLSS was 120% or higher. bpm beats per min, HRmax maximal heart rate, peak VO2/kg peak oxygen
uptake/weight, MLSS maximal lactate steady state, sLT sweat lactate threshold. *p < 0.05.
All (n = 15)
Trained (n = 11)
Untrained (n = 4)
Mean difference
95% CI
Age (year)
26 ± 6
22 ± 4
33 ± 4
−18.6 to −3.9
Height (cm)
173 ± 9
173 ± 10
172 ± 7
−10.0 to 12.7
Weight (kg)
67 ± 10
65 ± 8
72 ± 16
−32.1 to 16.9
Skeletal muscle mass
52 ± 18
52 ± 8
50 ± 10
−12.9 to 16.6
Body fat percentage (%)
18 ± 7
15 ± 6
25 ± 4
−16.6 to −3.2
PeakVO2/kg (mL/min/
41 ± 5
43 ± 3
36 ± 6
−3.5 to 17.2
HRmax (bmp)
175 ± 9
174 ± 8
177 ± 7
−12.3 to 7.7
MLSS (% of sLT)
120 ± 5
122 ± 4
115 ± 4
1.3 to 13.3
MLSS > 120% (n,%)
Table 2. Exercise data of participants at each load (mean ± standard deviation). Exercise completion: number
of participants who were able to achieve 30 min of constant-load exercise. MLSS: number of participants who
were greatest load among the loads in which blood lactate values at the end of exercise (30 min) increased
within 1 mM, compared to those at 10 min after exercise initiation. The value of “measures at the end of
the exercise” is exercise completion. % HRmax heart rate/maximal heart rate, % peak VO2 oxygen uptake/
peak oxygen uptake, bpm beats per min, HR heart rate, MLSS maximal lactate steady state, sLT sweat lactate
threshold, VO2/kg oxygen uptake/weight.
Relative load based on sLT (%)
Exercise completion (n, %)
8 (53%)
10 (66%)
14 (93%)
15 (100%)
MLSS (n, %)
7 (47%)
3 (20%)
4 (27%)
1 (6%)
Measures at the end of the exercise
Blood lactate (mM)
6.5 ± 4.4
4.4 ± 1.1
4.1 ± 1.2
3.6 ± 1.7
VO2/kg (mL/min/kg)
36.3 ± 4.0
32.8 ± 5.5
30.7 ± 6.7
29.0 ± 6.6
% peak VO2 (%)
84.5 ± 7.2
76.9 ± 8.0
71.1 ± 11.1
68.8 ± 13.1
HR (bpm)
168.6 ± 14.1
158.1 ± 14.8
152.6 ± 16.2
144.4 ± 15.2
% HRmax (%)
84.8 ± 6.8
79.9 ± 7.4
77.5 ± 7.8
73.2 ± 7.3
Figure 2. Blood lactate for participants who were able to exercise at each load.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366 |
Fig. 3). Blood lactate, % peak VO2, and % HRmax at the end of exercise at the MLSS load in the full sample were
4.6 ± 1.3 mM, 77.2 ± 12.7%, and 83.3 ± 6.9%, respectively.
MLSS based on sLT in participants with daily exercise.
Next, the effect of daily exercise on MLSS
based on sLT was investigated. The MLSS based on sLT in trained participants was higher than in untrained
participants (Table 1). The MLSS for the trained group accounted for more than 120% of the sLT, while the
untrained group accounted for less than 115% of the sLT (P = 0.03, φ = 0.55). These findings suggested that MLSS
was 120% or more of sLT in regularly trained participants and 115% or less of sLT in untrained participants. To
determine a physiological contributor to the difference in MLSS based on sLT between regularly trained and
untrained participants, we investigated the relationship between blood lactate accumulation during constant
loading tests and a decrease in oxygen saturation in intra-skeletal muscles.
ΔTOI and blood lactate levels in participants with daily exercise.
ΔTOI strongly correlated with
blood lactate level at the end of exercise (trained: r = −0.7, untrained: r = −0.8, Fig. 4 and Online Fig. 8). The plot
revealed that the constant-load exercise was discontinued in the untrained group only when ΔTOI was lower
than the resting value (Fig. 4, red triangle). In contrast, in regularly trained participants, the exercise continued
until up to a 15% decrease in ΔTOI, as compared to the resting value (Fig. 4, black circle). Moreover, a steeper
increase in blood lactate was associated with a decrease in ΔTOI in untrained participants as compared to the
trained group, suggesting that a slight decrease in ΔTOI immediately contributed to the increase in blood lactate
(regression line: trained = −0.286, untrained = −0.479). Further, trained participants continued constant-load
exercise even if their ΔTOI decreased (Fig. 5) (mean difference: −7.4, 95% confidence interval [CI]: −11.4 to
−3.4, P < 0.01). The optimal cut-off value for completion of the constant-load exercise was estimated to occur at
ΔTOI of −17% (sensitivity: 0.97, specificity: 1.00) and −2.6% (sensitivity: 0.88, specificity: 1.00) in trained and
untrained participants, respectively, by the ROC curve analysis (Online Fig. 9).
Table 3. Exercise data of participants at MLSS (mean ± standard deviation). % HRmax heart rate/maximal
heart rate, % peak VO2 oxygen uptake/peak oxygen uptake, bpm beats per min, HR heart rate, MLSS maximal
lactate steady state, VO2/kg oxygen uptake/weight.
Measures at the end of exercise (n = 15)
Blood lactate (mM)
4.63 ± 1.21
VO2/kg (mL/min/kg)
32.6 ± 7.1
% peak VO2 (%)
77.2 ± 12.7
HR (bpm)
164.3 ± 15.4
% HRmax (%)
83.3 ± 6.9
125%:120%:115%:110% (n)
Figure 3. Blood lactate, heart rate, VO2/kg at the MLSS in all participants (n = 15). Blood lactate (red), heart
rate (gray), and oxygen uptake-adjusted weight (blue) at the MLSS in each participant. MLSS maximal lactate
steady state, VO2/kg oxygen uptake/weight.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366 |
Figure 4. Correlation between change in tissue oxygenation index (TOI) and blood lactate. The black
circle represents trained participants, who showed a good correlation between ΔTOI and blood lactate level
(y = −0.2859x + 3.035, r = −0.7, P < 0.01). The red triangle represents untrained participants, who showed a
good correlation between ΔTOI and blood lactate (y = −0.479x + 5.2349, r = −0.8, P < 0.01). A steeper increase
in blood lactate level was associated with a decrease in ΔTOI in untrained participants as compared to trained
participants. ΔTOI TOI (pre-post).
Figure 5. Difference in ΔTOI between trained and untrained participants in the completed exercise. Trained
participants continued constant-load exercise even if their ΔTOI decreased (mean difference: −7.4, 95%
confidence interval: −11.4 to −3.4, P < 0.01). ΔTOI TOI (pre-post); *: P < 0.05.
Figure 6. Flowchart of the study protocol. NIRS near-infrared spectrometer, VO2 oxygen uptake.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366 |
This prospective study provided novel evidence of successful MLSS estimation via sLT calculation by a wearable
and non-invasive sweat lactate sensor, with consideration of daily exercise. sLT can be determined independ-
ent of the amount of sweating using a sweat lactate sensor on the upper arm13. The device also determines the
inflection point but not the absolute sweat lactate value13–15. The most significant result was that MLSS approxi-
mated 120–125% of sLT in regularly trained participants and 115% or less of sLT in untrained participants. The
difference in the physiological response to the decrease in oxygen saturation in lower limb skeletal muscle may
contribute to this relationship between MLSS and sLT.
Determining MLSS requires multiple constant-load exercise tests. MLSS was defined as the greatest load
among the loads in which blood lactate values at the end of exercise (30 min) increased within 1 mM, compared
to those at 10 min after exercise initiation4,11,12 Therefore, methods have been developed to estimate MLSS
using LT and OBLA, with MLSS of 124–127% of LT load4,11 and 90% of OBLA load12, mainly for athletes4,11,12.
Additionally, the Functional Threshold Power (FTP) used by cyclists has been determined through several
constant submaximal load tests performed on separate days as well as MLSS16. FTP is a non-invasive method
for measuring training intensity, which correlates well with MLSS17. However, LT and OBLA require frequent
blood lactate measurements and exercise cessation to collect blood samples. FTP is an index specific to cyclists
that requires several constant submaximal load tests performed on separate days and frequent blood lactate
measurements during exercise. Therefore, although exercise with appropriate dosage and intensity is essential
for maintaining good health in all generations, MLSS measurements are impractical, particularly in non-athletes
or those without exercise habits.
A sweat sensor was developed to monitor sweat lactate values in real-time during progressive exercise in a
clinical setting and for sports use. Our sensor is highly flexible and can be smoothly adjusted to curved surfaces
using PET substrates. The upper arm and forehead are appropriate sites to monitor the lactate levels in sweat
due to a high-sweat rate during exercise, smooth skin surfaces for sensor placement, and noninterference during
pedaling tasks13–15. Especially in healthy subjects, the upper arm has been used because of its simplicity of attach-
ment and minimal interference. sLT defined as the first significant increase in sweat lactate concentration above
baseline based on graphical plots, is consistent with LT calculated from blood samples and ventilatory threshold
assessed with exhaled gas analysis13. In this study, MLSS was successfully estimated via sLT, with 120–125% of
sLT in regularly trained participants and 115% or less in untrained participants. Blood lactate, % peak VO2, and
% HRmax at the end of exercise at MLSS load were consistent with data from previous reports1,2,8,17,18. Report-
edly, 124–127% of blood LT intensity at the running speed was the MLSS intensity in track and field athletes or
cyclists4,11. These previous findings were consistent with MLSS load based on sLT in participants who regularly
exercised. In untrained participants, MLSS approximated 115% or less of sLT. Assessment of appropriate exercise
dosage and intensity should be further targeted for the well-being of non-athletes. MLSS, estimated in a simple
and non-invasive manner using a sweat lactate sensor, could be used for health maintenance in non-athletes.
To determine a physiological contributor to the difference in MLSS based on sLT between regularly trained
and untrained participants, we investigated the relationship between blood lactate accumulation during constant
loading tests and a decrease in oxygen saturation in intra-skeletal muscles. The constant-load exercise was com-
pleted for 30 min in trained participants without blood lactate accumulation, even with substantial decreases
in oxygen saturation in lower limb skeletal muscles. This finding suggests that training enables constant-load
exercise for long periods, even at loads relatively greater than an anaerobic threshold, at which oxygen saturation
in intra-skeletal muscles can be preserved. In contrast, a steeper increase in blood lactate was associated with a
decrease in ΔTOI in the untrained group as compared to the trained group, suggesting that a slight decrease in
ΔTOI immediately contributes to blood lactate accumulation. Exercise tolerance improves through biological
responses, such as increased blood flow in skeletal muscles19, improved mitochondrial function20, and a shift
from IIb to IIa in skeletal muscle subsets21. These biological responses are induced by the activation of hypoxic
response signals following oxygen saturation reduction in skeletal muscles during exercise22–27. Therefore, the
extent and variability of oxygen saturation reduction during exercise may be related to training effectiveness.
Training results in the acquisition of hypoxic tolerance in skeletal muscles, causing increases in exercise endur-
ance and enabling exercise with stronger intensity. Positive feedback between the decrease in oxygen saturation
in skeletal muscles and improvement in exercise tolerance could maximize training benefits.
Our findings should be interpreted with consideration of the following limitations. First,
because of the observational study design, we cannot exclude the influence of selection bias. Second, our study
included a relatively small number of cases, particularly for the untrained group, and primarily healthy college-
age male individuals. Further research should include untrained participants and women. Third, constant-load
exercises at 130% of sLT load were not performed in this study. Finally, there was a possibility of non-response
in the sweat lactate sensor owing to a lack of sweat during exercise. Particularly, older adults and women sweat
less28. Therefore, in such cases, adjusting exercise parameters to promote sweating is necessary. However, sLT
could be clearly determined in all participants in this study.
By dividing the participants into trained and untrained groups, MLSS was successfully estimated using sLT, with
120% or more of the sLT load in trained participants and 115% or less in untrained participants. This finding
may involve the ability of an individual to continue exercising despite a decrease in oxygen saturation in the
lower extremity skeletal muscles. This novel actualized measurement of sLT is expected to enable non-invasive
MLSS estimation. This simple and non-invasive algorithm can be used as a convenient indicator of good health
maintenance for non-athletes and a potential guide for training athletes.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366 |
Fifteen healthy adults representing a broad spectrum of fitness levels, regardless of exercise
habits, were recruited between May and September 2022. Participants with/without exercise habits were defined
as “trained”, and “untrained,” respectively. Exercise habit was defined as > 75 min per week of exercise at vigor-
ous intensity29. The inclusion criteria were as follows: no underlying or pre-existing cardiovascular, respiratory,
or metabolic diseases; no athletic injuries; non-smokers; and no dietary supplements or medication habits of
any type. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Keio University School of
Medicine (approval number: 20190229) and conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of
Helsinki. All participants provided informed consent because the Institutional Review Board approved the use
of oral consent, in accordance with the Japanese guidelines for clinical research.
Experimental procedure
A flowchart of the study protocol is shown in Fig. 6. First, the Ramp stress test was performed using an electro-
magnetically braked ergometer (StrengthErgo8 V2; Fukuda Denshi Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) with a sweat lactate
sensor (Grace Imaging Inc., Tokyo, Japan), an exhaled gas analyzer (Aeromonitor AE-301S; Minato Medical
Science Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan), and a heart rate (HR) monitor (POLAR H10 N; Polar Electro Japan, Tokyo,
Japan). Subsequently, constant-load exercise was performed for 30 min at 125%, 120%, 115%, and 110% of sLT
intensity in this order. An electromagnetically-braked ergometer was used during the exercise to determine
MLSS12. At least 24 h were allowed between each test (mean: 7.0 ± 2.9 days)5. During constant-load exercise, an
exhaled gas analyzer, HR monitor, and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) monitor (NIRO-200NX; Hamamatsu
Photonics K.K., Hamamatsu, Japan) were attached. Blood lactate values were obtained via auricular pricking
and gentle squeezing of the ear lobe using a blood lactate analyzer (Lactate Pro 2, ARKRAY Inc., Kyoto, Japan).
Blood lactate levels were measured before exercise and every 5 min during exercise.
Exercise test protocol.
Participants avoided caffeine and alcohol consumption, which would cause fatigue,
the day before testing. After measuring resting data for 2 min, participants performed a warm-up exercise for
2 min at a 50-W load and then exercised at increasing intensities until they could no longer maintain the pedal-
ing rate (volitional exhaustion). The resistance was increased in 25-W increments from 50-W at 1-min intervals.
Rotational speed was maintained at 70 rotations per min (rpm).
sLT determination.
A sweat lactate sensor quantifies sweat lactate concentration as a value of current
because it reacts with sweat lactate and generates an electric current. The value of current can be obtained as
continuous data within 0.1–80 μA in 0.1-μA increments13. Further, we investigated whether the lactate values
(current values) of sweat obtained from this sensor could show a relative difference significant enough to deter-
mine this inflection point under various sweat environments (pH, temperature, and ionic conductivity) with
several solutions that were close in composition to actual sweat. Regarding the pH and temperature of human
sweat, it has been reported that sweat has a pH of 5–7 and a skin temperature of 25–37 °C30–32. Therefore, the
electrochemical characterization of the lactate sensor chip was performed using L-lactic acid solutions in 0,
2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mM prepared in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution (PBS) under different temperatures (25,
31, 36 °C) and pH (5, 6, 7, and 8). Then, the three lactate sensor tips were evaluated in each condition using
chronoamperometry at an applied voltage of 0.16 V (versus Ag/AgCl). Next, the major electrolytes in sweat are
Na, K, and Cl. Generally, NaCl varies from 10 to 90 mM and KCl from 2 to 8 mM during exercise30. Therefore,
the sensor evaluated a significant response to l-lactic acid solution in 10 mM even in the presence of NaCl (10,
25, 50, 100 mM) and KCl (2.5, 5, 10 mM).
After calibration using saline for 2 or 3 min, the sensor chip connected to the sensor device was attached to
the superior right upper limb of the participant13,14, which was cleaned with an alcohol-free cloth. The upper arm
has a high-sweat rate during physical excursions33. In addition, it is a site that does not interfere with exercise
during pedaling tasks. Additionally, data were recorded at a 1-Hz sampling frequency for mobile applications
with a Bluetooth connection. Recorded data were converted to moving average values over 13-s intervals and
individually underwent zero correction using the baseline value. sLT was defined as the first significant increase
in sweat lactate concentration above baseline based on a graphical plot (Fig. 7)13–15,34.
MLSS determination.
Blood lactate was measured before exercise and every 5 min during constant-load
exercise for 30 min at 110%, 115%, 120%, and 125% of sLT intensity. The rotational speed was set at 70 rpm. The
criteria that did not achieve the exercise and exceeded the MLSS included participants who could not finish the
trial due to fatigue, but could not maintain bicycle pedaling at 70 rpm, as well as participants who could finish
30 min of exercise but had an increase in blood lactate of more than 1 mM from 10 min after exercise initiation
to the end of the exercise. MLSS was defined as the greatest load among the loads in which blood lactate values
at the end of exercise (30 min) increased within 1 mM, compared to those at 10 min after exercise initiation12
(Fig. 8).
Measurement data.
On the first day of measurement, body weight, body fat, and skeletal muscle mass were
measured using In-Body (InBody470; InBody Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan). Expired gas flow was measured using
a breath-by-breath automated system. Three calibration processes were performed on the system: flow volume
sensor, gas analyzer, and delay time calibration. Parameters of respiratory gas exchange, including ventilation
(VE), oxygen uptake (VO2), and carbon dioxide production (VCO2), were continuously monitored and meas-
ured using a 10-s average. Skeletal muscle oxygenation in the right thigh was measured using NIRS spectroscopy.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366 |
The monitor consists of a light-sending probe and a light-receiving probe. Near-infrared light emitted from the
light-sending unit is absorbed by skeletal muscle tissue, and changes in the intensity of the light returned to the
light-receiving unit enable tissue oxygenation measurement35. A pair of probes was attached 4 cm apart on the
skin over the vastus lateralis muscle in the distal third of the thigh36,37 and then covered and secured with tape38.
In this study, tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation (tissue oxygenation index [TOI]), calculated using the spa-
tially resolved spectroscopy method, was assessed39,40.
Statistical analyses.
All data are presented as means and standard deviations. The obtained HR and VO2
were calculated as a percentage of the maximal HR (% HRmax) and peak VO2 (% peak VO2). The relationships
between the sLT and ventilatory threshold (VT) were investigated using Pearson’s correlations. Additionally, the
Bland and Altman technique was applied to verify the similarities among the different methods. This compari-
son is a graphical representation of the difference between the methods and the average of these methods. As
previous reports have shown that MLSS is 120% or more of LT intensity, we divided our cohort into two groups
using the cut-off of 120% of sLT intensity4,11,12. Unpaired t-tests and Chi-squared tests were used to compare
participant characteristics between the two groups.
The correlation value was used to determine the relationship between the relative change in TOI from baseline
(ΔTOI) and blood lactate at the end of the exercise. Unpaired t-tests were used to compare ΔTOI across trained
and untrained participants.
Figure 7. Sweat lactate levels during ramp exercise. HR heart rate, VO2/W oxygen uptake/weight.
Figure 8. Imaging of the constant-load exercise. HR heart rate, VO2/W oxygen uptake/weight, BLt blood
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:10366 |
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to determine the ΔTOI cut-off value for the
completed constant exercise test. All analyses were performed using SPSS version 28 software (IBM Japan Ltd.,
Tokyo, Japan). Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
Data availability
All data from these studies are contained within this manuscript or are available from the corresponding author
upon reasonable request. Source data are provided in this paper.
Received: 27 February 2023; Accepted: 13 June 2023
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We are grateful to Editage for editing this manuscript.
Author contributions
The author contributions are stated as follows; Y.M. and Y.K. drew the manuscript. Y.M., D.N., T.S., H.O., and
Y.K. prepared the images. Y.M., D.N., T.S., H.O., T.A., T.H., K.S., D.K., Y.I., G.I., and Y.K. collected the patient
information. A.K., Y.Y., T.K., K.S., and Y.K. provided a critical revision of the manuscript for the key intellectual
content and supervision. All of the authors have approved all aspects of our work, and have read and approved
the manuscript.
Competing interests
No funding was received to conduct this study. Daisuke Nakashima is the shareholder and CEO of Grace Imaging
Inc., which provided the lactate sensor equipment. The other authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/
10. 1038/ s41598- 023- 36983-8.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.K.
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| Estimation of maximal lactate steady state using the sweat lactate sensor. | 06-26-2023 | Muramoto, Yuki,Nakashima, Daisuke,Amano, Tsubasa,Harita, Tomota,Sugai, Kazuhisa,Daigo, Kyohei,Iwasawa, Yuji,Ichihara, Genki,Okawara, Hiroki,Sawada, Tomonori,Kinoda, Akira,Yamada, Yuichi,Kimura, Takeshi,Sato, Kazuki,Katsumata, Yoshinori | eng |
Comparison of vitality states of finishers and
withdrawers in trail running: An enactive and
phenomenological perspective
Nadège Rochat1,2,3*, Denis Hauw1, Roberta Antonini Philippe1, Fabienne Crettaz von
Roten1, Ludovic Seifert3
1 Institute of Sport Sciences, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 Raidlight-Vertical SAS
Outdoor Lab, Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, France, 3 CETAPS Laboratory—EA 3832, Faculty of Sports
Sciences, University of Rouen, Rouen, France
* [email protected]
Studies on ultra-endurance suggest that during the races, athletes typically experience
three vitality states (i.e., preservation, loss, and revival) at the phenomenological level. Nev-
ertheless, how these states contribute to the management and outcome of performance
remains unclear. The aim of this study was to determine whether and how the vitality states
experienced by runners and their evolution during a trail race can be used to distinguish
finishers from withdrawers. From an enactive and phenomenological framework, we pro-
cessed enactive interviews and blog posts of race narratives. We distinguished units of
meaning, which were grouped into sequences of experience; each sequence was then cate-
gorized as one of the three vitality states: state of vitality preservation (SVP), state of vitality
loss (SVL) or state of vitality revival (SVR). We analyzed the distribution of these vitality
states and their temporal organization at the beginning, in the second and third quarters,
and at the end of the races, and we qualitatively characterized runners’ adaptations to SVL.
Results showed that finishers completed the race in SVP, with overall significantly more
sequences in SVP and significantly fewer sequences in SVL than withdrawers. SVR did not
discriminate finishers from withdrawers. The temporal organization of the vitality states
showed a significant difference in the emergence of SVP from the second quarter of the
race, as well as a significant difference in the emergence of SVL from the third quarter of the
race. The analysis of adaptations to SVL confirmed that finishers were more capable of exit-
ing SVL by enacting a preservation world when they felt physical or psychological alerts,
whereas withdrawers remained in SVL. Our results showed that finishers and withdrawers
did not enact the same phenomenological worlds in the race situation, especially in the orga-
nization of vitality adaptations and their relationships to difficulties; the cumulative effect of
the succession of experienced vitality states differed, as well.
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Citation: Rochat N, Hauw D, Antonini Philippe R,
Crettaz von Roten F, Seifert L (2017) Comparison
of vitality states of finishers and withdrawers in trail
running: An enactive and phenomenological
perspective. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0173667.
Editor: Luca Paolo Ardigò, Universita degli Studi di
Verona, ITALY
Received: May 2, 2016
Accepted: February 26, 2017
Published: March 10, 2017
Copyright: © 2017 Rochat et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: Data are available
from the institutional data access of University of
Lausanne (contact corresponding author) for
researchers who meet the criteria for access to
confidential data.
Funding: Grants from ANRT (National association
of research and technology) (http://www.anrt.asso.
under the CIFRE agreement (Industrial Convention
of Learning by Research) with the Raidlight
compagny, and
Trail running has become a popular sport over the last 40 years, as noted by Hoffman et al. [1],
who observed an increasing number of races per year and more participants per race [2]. Trail
running is no longer practiced by a minority of elite runners, but has also become accessible to
non-professional runners [3] despite the need for high investment and compromise in terms
of training, work schedule and personal life [4]. The races consist of semi-autonomous run-
ning along marked trails in natural environments and impose considerable constraints that
the runners must adapt to, raising effort, logistic and safety issues. The distances vary between
20 kilometers to more than 300 kilometers, with ultra-trail races generally more than 80 kilo-
meters. During these races, runners risk extreme fatigue and/or exhaustion and at times exceed
their personal limits [4]. Ultra-trail racing has therefore been considered an extreme sport or
even a dangerous activity [5].
There are multiple ways to analyze this type of ultra-endurance performance. A current
trend is the “third-person approach” to identify the determinants of performance. In this case,
studies are based on the assumption that performance is dependent on two types of factors: (a)
before-the-race factors, which include, for example, training habits [6], the impact of training
characteristics on running-related injuries [7], and physical, mental and tactical preparation
[4], and (b) during-the-race factors, which include sleep-deprivation effects [8] and neuromus-
cular damage [9]. Other determinants of performance have been examined by isolating specific
characteristics, without distinguishing between these two types of timed factors; these include
mood states [10], cognitive functioning [11], personality traits [12], emotions [13], sarcomere
disruption [14], and alteration of jump height mechanics after a mountain footrace [15]. How-
ever, these approaches partition the unity of runners’ activity into specific processes, which
precludes the possibility of understanding runners from a holistic perspective – that is, as capa-
ble of compensating a performance deficit in one phase of the race by heightened performance
in another phase, or compensating one process by another, such as psychological coping with
physiological problems [16]. Another trend in cognitive science has developed in this direction
and consists of investigating the way people integrate physiological and psychological factors
into a mental unity that emerges at the psycho-phenomenological level [17,18]. From this per-
spective, human activity is (a) Embedded in the whole dynamics of the changing situation
[19], (b) Extended by tools or cultural artifacts (e.g., [20]), (c) Embodied as recurrent sensori-
motor patterns of perception and action [21,22], and (d) Enacted by bringing forth a cognitive
being’s world with specific asymmetrical relationships between the person and his/her envi-
ronment [17,23]. This last element of the four-E approach assumes that the cognitive being’s
world–whatever that being is able to experience, know, or practically handle–is a constitutive
part of human activity that should be investigated in a rigorous phenomenological manner
[21]. Phenomenology benefits from a philosophical background and has shown its practical
applications in research in the cognitive sciences [24]. The objectives of the phenomenological
approach are to analyze experience and describe a phenomenon in terms of how it emerges at the
level of consciousness [25]. This approach thus operates at the interface of conscious and uncon-
scious processes, or at the “fringe of consciousness” [26]. Furthermore, by analyzing experience
in context, phenomenology roots its analysis in the pre-reflectively experienced lived body [27].
At this level of analysis, accounting for how a person feels and acts in a given situation requires a
“first-person approach” (e.g., [24,25]) to identify how experience includes physical events and the
synthesis of sensorial events. The heterogeneity of these events thus emerges at the level of mental
or cognitive unity or the “feeling of what is happening” [21,28,29]. This experience is the sense
(including bodily, emotional, cognitive, action and situational dimensions) that corresponds to
the manner by which people make worlds emerge, in which they have being and act [30].
Enaction of vitality states and performance in trail running
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March 10, 2017
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swissuniversities (NR). We have read and
understood PLOS ONE policies on Financial
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest and declare the
employment of one author (NR) in Raidlight-
Vertical SAS Outdoorlab Company, Saint-Pierre-de-
Chartreuse, France. The funder provided support in
the form of salaries for the author (NR), but did not
have any additional role in the study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of
this author are articulated in the “author
contributions” section.
Competing interests: We have read and
understood PLOS ONE policies on Financial
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest and declare the
employment of one author (NR) in Raidlight-
Vertical SAS Outdoorlab Company, Saint-Pierre-de-
Chartreuse, France. This commercial affiliation
does not alter our adherence to all PLOS ONE
policies on sharing data and materials.
Therefore, Di Paolo et al. [31] suggested that a cognitive being’s world consists of sense-making
instead of information processing, which is key to the computationalist view. Cognition can thus
be conceived as a form of embodied action in which a person creates meaning by interacting
autonomously with the environment, leading to fluctuations in experience. By rooting the analy-
sis of these fluctuations in the enactive paradigm, which encompasses the dimensions of experi-
ence, meaning and asymmetrical interactions, we argue that it is possible to obtain the temporal
organization of the salient phenomenological states that characterize experience.
A multiplicity of phenomenological states in trail running
Based on the four-E approach, we postulated that trail running in a competitive context would
shape runners’ activity and experience in such a way that we would be able to identify the emer-
gence of typical phenomenological states. Our challenge was to define the nature of these states,
which are singular, context-dependent and peculiar to each runner; therefore, we assumed
there would be many conceivable phenomenological states. However, experiences in trail run-
ning also have many similarities, as shown in a study about the story of withdrawals [32], which
identified the categories that characterized 20 trail runners’ enacted worlds from the start of the
race until the moment they decided to quit it. The findings opened new possibilities for analyz-
ing trail running experience by suggesting that the runners went through various phenomeno-
logical states that could be clearly labeled in categories. In the same vein, qualitative studies of
ultra-endurance runners identified three major states in finishers related to effort management.
The first concerned the stressors that impact their experience (i.e., cramping and injuries, gas-
trointestinal problems, and thoughts about quitting) [16] and characterize a state of suffering.
The second concerned the protective processes aiming at preserving oneself, such as psychologi-
cal coping strategies like setting short-term goals, pace monitoring, hydration and nutrition,
and social support [16]. The third state concerned positive emotions, such as group cohesive-
ness during a part of the race, self-awareness or mental stamina emerging during effort [33],
and positive self-talk [4] to revive vitality during the race.
Interestingly, these states correspond to the findings of other targeted studies in physiology
that had to do with the state of suffering. For example, sleep deprivation was reported to nega-
tively impact runners’ cognitive performances (i.e., decreased psychomotor vigilance, increased
reaction time lapses, inability to stay awake, and sometimes visual hallucinations) [8]. More-
over, long-distance effort was found to lead to emotional disturbances and negative energetic
balances [13]. In contrast, physiological evidence also indicated that runners can prevent this
state by using anticipatory processes that ensure a form of self-preservation: indeed, less neuro-
muscular fatigue, muscle damage and inflammation were reported in a 330-kilometer race than
in shorter races [9]. According to the authors, the runners adopted a protective pacing strategy
during the first half of the race, which reduced muscle damage.
Hence, these studies have all shown that the experience of running a trail race corresponds
to the various dimensions of the runners’ activity [34]. These dimensions document the pro-
cesses involved when runners prepare for a race or confront difficulties in the race, and during
key moments of performance. Moreover, the notion of vitality embeds all these dimensions.
Subjective vitality is “a conscious experience of possessing energy and aliveness” ([35], p.530),
which can also be absent in other contexts. These authors emphasized that vitality is a psycho-
logical experience that depends on a physiological state (e.g., fatigue, illness) and psychological
states. Therefore, based on the evidence that vitality has phenomenological anchorage, we
assume that it (2) embeds physiological and psychological processes that constitute heteroge-
neous information synthesized into mental unity and (2) can fluctuate according to the
Enaction of vitality states and performance in trail running
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There are several ways to analyze vitality, which has been conceived as a global state [35]
and has been used to investigate well-being and mindfulness [36,37] with a validated scale to
measure it [38]. However, although this scale provides information about a subject’s general
well-being in relation to other factors (i.e., friendship, intrinsic values), the temporal fluctua-
tions of vitality still remain unclear. We postulate that trail runners’ experiences and meaning
are timely and structured [39], reflecting an emergent process of experiencing the race situa-
tion. Indeed, as previously emphasized, runners experience phenomenological vitality states,
and analysis of the temporal organization of these states might provide an understanding of
how they emerge. This in turn might provide insight into the runners’ adaptations to the
phenomenological vitality states and thereby explain race outcomes (finish vs. withdraw).
We sought to connect this conception of vitality with the existing literature about trail run-
ning and endurance running and identified three vitality states. The first was a “state of vitality
loss” (i.e., SVL) that runners may experience during a trail race, prompting them to withdraw
because of the constraints typical of this sport [40]. Conversely, runners may also live a “state
of vitality revival” (i.e., SVR) in which they feel good sensations and positive moments. Third,
the protective processes emerging during these races suggest that runners experience a “state
of vitality preservation” (i.e., SVP), which suggests that withdrawers might not be exclusively
those who experience SVL, but also those who cannot preserve themselves sufficiently. They
therefore experience more vitality loss during the race and progressively become unable to fin-
ish [32]. Comparing how these phenomenological vitality states evolve in finishers and with-
drawers may provide insight into the processes that lead to withdrawal from or completion of
the race. By providing a qualitative description of the race outcome, the temporal organization
of SVL, SVP and SVR may be important not only to understand how an immediate state can
impact the following states, but also to further explore how the positive mood states that run-
ners experience during long races are able to re-launch them completely after a period of suf-
fering or vitality loss. We hypothesized that (1) performance outcomes (finish vs. withdraw)
would result from the temporal organization and interactions of these phenomenological
states and (2) the lack of a vitality revival during a race would prompt a runner’s decision to
To summarize, few studies have investigated long-distance running outcomes (finish vs.
withdraw) and the phenomenological vitality states that have been observed during the races,
which include physiological, emotional and cognitive processes. We report here the results of
an investigation of the phenomenological vitality states during multiples races to understand
why runners finish or withdraw from a race. We used an enactive and phenomenological per-
spective to characterize the distribution and temporal organization of these states and runners’
adaptations to them.
Material and methods
Research design
For the analysis of experience, the sport and psychological sciences have mainly used two
approaches to consider its temporal organization [41,42]. Within an enactive framework, the
“course of experience” analyzes experience through the succession of enactments at the level of
what agents are able to perceive, feel, know and do [43,44]. Here, sense-making is studied by
identifying the succession of linkages between action and situation considered at the level of
what is meaningful for an agent, using a semiotic approach to cognition and action inspired by
Peirce (1931–1935) [45–48]. The course of experience reflects the world enacted by genuine
agents in situation through the characterization of elementary units of meaning (EUMs) that
mainly emerge from the association of the agent’s intentional state (i.e., the field of possible
Enaction of vitality states and performance in trail running
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actions he or she can undertake) and situation-related judgments of a proprioceptive, percep-
tive or memory-based nature (i.e., representamens) [43,49]. The course of experience is thus
the chaining of these EUMs during a period of an agent’s activity characterized by emergent or
higher-order structures of meaning, such as sequences (i.e., the succession of EUMs that corre-
sponds to a similar agent’s concern). A key element that distinguishes the course of experience
from the narrative approach is the use of second-person reports coupled with third-person
descriptions, such as video recordings or biomechanical data [47]. Second-person reports are
collected through a process by which traces of past activity are presented to the agent to stimu-
late a re-enactment [50–52]. Here, agents are invited to re-experience and describe the stream
of past experience in relation to these traces by adopting a stance that consists of reliving their
own past experience, although deliberately ignoring the outcome [52]. In doing so, they re-
enact meaningful parts of their past experience. The confrontation with each trace of the peri-
ods and shifts in an agent’s experience is considered as a new situation, although the new
meaningful experience that is built has many similarities with the one that the agent lived in
the past [46,49]. As this approach has been successfully used in studies analyzing performance
outcomes in various sports (e.g., [51,53–55]), we assumed it would be suitable for trail
The second approach, narrative inquiry, has received a great deal of attention in relation to
the report of the stream of activity. Bruner [56], for example, suggested that our personal
knowledge and experience are organized through narratives of sequences of events that corre-
spond to a psycho-phenomenological level. According to Gibbs [22], agents describe those
events that are meaningful for them through narration. The narrative structure provides land-
marks that meaningfully and in timely fashion discretize the stream of the events that form the
structure of a story of a person’s experience [57]. For Bruner [56], Propp [58] and Greimas
[59], the analysis of narratives shows that their structure possesses properties that represent
how the meaning of sequences of events is experienced (e.g., the existence of a plot, obstacles
to overcome, problems to solve, presence of allies, the necessity of having continuity in one’s
identity, the possibility of expressing mood or the search for meaning). Relatedly, researchers
have shown increasing interest in experience-sharing blogs and forums as an innovative tool
for analyzing narratives. Blogs provide a space for personal expression, and Bortree [60]
observed that teenage girls were more likely to express their thoughts and report on their daily
activity by recounting their experiences on their blogs. Blogs are thus suited for gathering
experiential data because these are expression spaces in which people feel comfortable to talk
about their personal experiences [61]. The accounts posted on blogs can thus help us obtain
valuable narratives of the personal experience that has marked runners [62,63], as a participa-
tory sense-making process emerges from the interaction between the teller and the reader
[64]. Sport sciences have also shown great interest in these narratives in the fields of health
(e.g., [65]), physical activity and leisure [66], physical education (e.g., [67]), adapted physical
activity [68] and elite sport (e.g., [69]).
By putting together the course-of-experience and narrative approaches, runners’ reports of
experience have provided insight into the way temporal organization reflects the segmentation
of separate phenomenological states [70–73], including the key shifts in the vitality states dur-
ing a trail running race. These successions of t-time vitality states enacted by the athletes
emerged at the phenomenological level as “perceptual packets” [39,74] forming sequences
(e.g., SVP, SVL, SVR) with unpredictable duration and chaining. They characterized runners’
step-by-step experiences that depicted their singular story of vitality states during a race.
Thus, our research was designed to process two types of data: (a) recorded and transcribed
commentaries elicited by researchers during enactive interviews (EIs) with athletes who were
confronted with traces of their own past activity and asked to rebuild their experience (i.e., EI
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data) and (b) freely written accounts of races retrieved from blogs published on the Raidlight
community website (i.e., blog data).
EI data processing
EI participants.
Thirteen French runners (nine males and four females) who participated
in the “Grand Raid de la Re´union” volunteered to participate in the study. All were between 26
and 52 years old. They were recruited (a) through a message posted on the Raidlight community
forum or (b) by responding to a notice before the race. Snowball sampling enabled us to obtain
these participants. The protocol was carried out during a trail running event on Reunion Island,
which comprised three races in which our sample participated, according to the following
repartition (Table 1):
During this event, the race statistics indicated a 48.1% rate of withdrawal. Participants were
between 24 and 74 years old (mean age = 43 years old) [75] and 90% were men and 10% were
women. The six finishers in our sample were ranked between 8th place and 1130th place. There-
fore, the proportion of finishers in our sample matched the race statistics, and the demographic
characteristics suggest that the runners in our sample were representative of the diversity among
the participants.
EI data collection.
EI data were collected using traces of the runners’ past activity. The
traces were two maps of the race: the first provided information about aid stations and geo-
graphic landmarks (depicting the view of the route from above) and the second showed the
elevation changes along the route.
EIs took place shortly after the race, lasted between 60 to 120 minutes, and were recorded.
During the EIs, the runners were confronted with these traces. The interviews were designed
to provoke the re-emergence of elements of past experience when the participant was bodily
face to face with traces of his/her own activity. The runners were asked to show, tell about and
comment on their experience. In doing so, they revealed how they handled it online by build-
ing new meanings (i.e., re-enactment) or activating pre-existing ones (i.e., remembering)
[47,48,53,76]. The researchers took steps to prevent the runners from retrospectively recalling
their experience. First, they asked the runners to avoid judging their activity (i.e., judgment
suspension) and to concentrate on explaining the experience, as suggested for phenomenologi-
cal research [77]. Second, the traces of past activity presented during the EI were aimed at
stimulating the runners to re-enact the stream of their experience in situation while deliber-
ately ignoring the outcome [51]. Third, to ensure that the runners were not retrospectively
recalling their race experience, the researcher took careful note during the interviews that all
runners, whatever their outcome, related positive and/or negative experiences, such as pain,
joy, ease, etc. In addition, if a runner emphasized a positive account during the interview, the
principle of in-depth qualitative research dictated that the researchers looked for a more accu-
rate and authentic report of experience, always in relation to the unfolding situation.
Verbal prompts were used to elicit further information about the meaning of each runner’s
activity, including sense-making from an enactive perspective, this being the actions insepara-
bly coupled with their experience and following their own story of the race: involvements,
Table 1. Repartition of the EI participants (N = 13).
Race name
Length (km)
Positive elevation gain (m)
Finishers (n)
Withdrawers (n)
“Diagonale des Fous”
“The Bourbon Trail”
“The Mascareignes Trail”
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units of meaning (i.e., action) and representamens, as has been done in previous research
using the course-of-experience approach [44,45,47].
The involvement (I) refers to the possibilities that are conceivable by the actor in the situa-
tion; it expresses how he/she enters into activity (e.g. “What were you concerned about at this
moment?”). The unit of meaning (UM) depicts the breaks of the runner’s race story that corre-
spond to the fraction of activity that is meaningful for him/her at each moment (e.g. “What
were you doing?”). The representamen (R) corresponds to what the runner is feeling in rela-
tion to the UM or the feeling of what is happening in the unfolding situation (e.g. “What was
significant for you at this moment?”).
EI data coding. The data treatment was grounded in a phenomenological method that
articulates the inductive and deductive approaches by identifying the descriptions of a phe-
nomenon that can be clustered into discrete categories and then put together to identify the
core and the structure of the experience (see Starks & Brown Trinidad, p. 1373 [77]).
Hence, the phenomenological data were inductively coded into units of meaning, then
deductively classified using first categories of meaning (i.e., involvements, representamens,
and units of meaning), and last classified as one of the three vitality states identified in our lit-
erature review (i.e., SVL, SVP and SVR). This approach has been used in various studies in
sport science, ergonomic and educational research [78–80]. It required a succession of four
data coding steps.
First, the enactive interviews were transcribed verbatim. Second, a general coding system
for describing the settings of activity was established for each runner (Table 2). The system put
together all the information collected in the EI with traces of past activity; this allowed us to
rebuild the story of the race as experienced by each runner.
Example: Extract from an EI
“Researcher: Please comment on your race as you lived it, tell me when there were changes.
You have the race maps to help you.
Runner: The atmosphere was great this year! There were people everywhere, enthusiastic at
the start and this enthusiasm lasted a really long time. The weather was very good, warm, so I
started with a T-shirt; just a T-shirt so it was great, encouraged by the crowd, by people on the
sides of the trails. Then we started, I didn’t want to start too fast, because I was recently
injured, so I started to run at a good pace but I moderated it in order to preserve myself.
Researcher: Did you feel pain?
Runner: A little bit. But. . . It was not. . . Actually I injured my adductors in July. I had
more or less recovered with physiotherapy and I knew that I shouldn’t start too fast to avoid
getting hurt. However, in the meantime, I had sciatica so these last few days, it was painful
and I told myself: the sciatica will pass because often before the start I feel pain everywhere.. .
I’m experienced with that but I started confident anyway, so I’ll see, I’ll go as far as I can and
it’ll be a tough race as usual, so at the first aid station, it was perfect, I drank water, I needed
nothing and I continued in the direction of Berive, many people were outside and it was very
motivating to see people everywhere. I really enjoyed it.”
Table 2. Example of UM coding system from EI data.
Unit of meaning
Starts the race in St-Pierre wearing just a
Runs at a good pace but
moderates her speed
Drinks water at the first
aid station
Continues to Berive
Involvement (I)
Shouldn’t start too fast and is confident
Shouldn’t start too fast
Representamen (R)
Great atmosphere with the crowd at the
start/ sciatica pain
People on the sides encouraging
It’s perfect, no need of
Many people
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Third, these UMs were grouped into sequences that referred to the same story during a part
of the race. Two UMs belong to the sequence “if one is partly determined by the outcome of
the other or if they both refer to the same theme” [81]; their formulation synthesized the con-
tent of the UM (Table 3).
Fourth, each sequence was classified into one of the three types of vitality states identified
in the coding system, according to the following classification (Table 4). To identify the states,
we collected all the sequences and examined their content (i.e., involvements, representamens
and units of meaning). By doing so, we were able to classify them in their corresponding vital-
ity state. For greater clarity, we normalized the formulation of the content of each category suc-
cinctly to portray all the typical dimensions of the trail runners’ experience.
Thus, for each athlete we obtained a succession of the vitality states identified in their course
of experience (Fig 1). As shown in this figure, the same vitality state could be distinguished in
two successive sequences when, for example, the involvement and the representamen changed
focus while the general theme stayed the same. To ensure the validity of the data coding, the
steps of data treatment were carried out independently by three researchers who then com-
pared their respective codings in order to find common agreement.
Blog data processing
Blog data selection.
Thirty-three blog posts on the community website of the Raidlight
brand were selected from among several types of online contents. All were post-race accounts
of experience. We collected 17 blog posts reporting finishing the race and 16 reporting with-
drawal. The data collection complied with the terms and services of the Raidlight website.
Table 3. Example of sequences identified from the UM coding.
Unit of meaning
Runs on a unknown trail
Crosses a village
Leaves the village
Keeps on
Finds a known
Arrives at the aid
Involvement (I)
Destabilized because he
is on a unknown path
Tired, bad mood, less
Focused on the
race again
Can stick to his plans
Feeling of loss of
control, negative
Technical difficulties,
negative emotion
It’s hard
Many people are
Members of his
support team, feeling
Runs angry and less concentrated on an unknown trail segment
Runs relaxed, with good sensations on a
known path
Table 4. Criteria for coding the sequences as phenomenological vitality states.
State of vitality revival (SVR)
State of vitality preservation (SVP)
States of vitality loss (SVL)
Involvement (I)
Lead the race, get ahead of
competitors, motivated to
overcome, gain time or increase
Be careful with the pace, preserve oneself,
energy, keep physical integrity, do not get hurt
Hold on, struggling to go on
Unit of meaning
Run/walk fast, accelerate,
decide not to stop at an aid
station, pass other runners
Slow down, do medical procedure, use logistical
supports, force oneself to stay at a perceived
slow pace, deliberately do not pass a competitor,
take breaks, hydrate, eat, sleep
Constrained activity such as slow down, walk
slowly, lose the route
Other runners’ activity, feeling of
having much energy, speed is
higher than expected
Feeling of ease, pleasure
Bad sensations, difficulty, pain, tiredness, cold,
negative emotions, bad sleep, hallucinations,
concerns about not being able to finish the race,
feeling of going slower than expected, people
passing, thoughts about abandoning
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Blog data collection.
In order to make the narrative contents compatible with the course-
of-experience analysis, we searched each of them for the same information on meaning as for
the EI data collection. When the blog data were not suitable for this coding system, they were
deleted from our database (n = 5, 2 finishers and 3 withdrawers). The selection targeted trail
running experience in various races (M = 94.90 km, SD = 39.92) according to the following
repartition (Table 5). In total the data set was composed of 28 blog posts (15 finishers and 13
Blog data coding.
As we obtained the same type of data as in the EIs, we applied the same
coding procedures. We successively established the general coding system for each blog and
the corresponding vitality states coding system (Table 6).
“At 8 p.m. at St-Pierre, I’m among the first ten runners to enter the start area. I feel stress
and stamina, mixed with the feeling of living something exceptional. I feel a bit nervous
because I arrived by plane yesterday and I’m afraid I lack sleep. Anyway, I’m here with one
single idea: finish. At 11 p.m., I’m literally transported by the stream of 2182 runners behind
me. With D. we’re starting fast as planned. Too fast, sometimes at 14 kilometers per hour in
the first 7 kilometers, and we passed the first checkpoint in 40th place. We start the ascent.
D. slows down and around the 12th kilometer, I start chatting with A., a runner I met in
another race. This makes make realize I should not be here, and even if I feel good, I slow
Ensuring data validity.
Several measures were taken to ensure the comparability of the
data. First, two investigators, each experienced at conducting qualitative research indepen-
dently, coded the 41 data transcripts according to the criteria for the general and vitality states
coding systems. An agreement rate of 90% was obtained between the two coders. A third cod-
ing session was conducted to reach consensus for the 10% disagreement.
Second, the number of UMs collected with EIs and blogs were compared to statistically
assess whether they were of the same order of size. We hypothesized that a non-significant
Fig 1. Succession of the vitality states in sequences identified from the runners’ courses of experience.
Table 5. Repartition of the blog data participants (N = 28).
Race name
Length (km)
Positive elevation gain (m)
Finishers (n)
Withdrawers (n)
“Infernal des Vosges”
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difference would reflect a comparable segmentation of the courses of experience. This would
confirm the agreement across reports on the criteria that the runners used to indicate mean-
ingful breakpoints in their experience for a comparable segmentation of narratives. A chi-
square test compared the repartition of the three vitality states (i.e., SVR, SVP, SVL) between
the two datasets (i.e., EI and blog coding) and indicated a non-significant difference (χ2(2) =
0.301, p = 0.860), suggesting that the number of sequences in SVR, SVP and SVL did not sig-
nificantly differ when coding blog and EI data.
In addition, we compared the number of sequences between the two datasets and found no
significant difference (Welch’s test of two independent samples with inequality of variances: t
(16.257) = 1.233, p = 0.235), and we compared the length of the races between the two datasets
and found no significant difference (Welch test: t(14.455) = -1.877, p = 0.081).
Statistical results on the assessment of the comparability of the EI and blog data authorized
us to gather them into a single dataset for the next step of data processing.
Ethics statement
The protocol was approved by the ethics committees of both the University of Rouen and the
University of Lausanne (joint agreement) and followed the guidelines of the Declaration of
Helsinki. Procedures were explained to the participants, who then gave their written informed
consent to participate.
EI and blog data processing
We performed a logistic regression to explain the dichotomous outcome (finish vs. withdraw)
with two independent variables: the number of kilometers of the race and the number of
sequences. The results indicated that the number of kilometers was significant (exp(B) = 1.048,
p = 0.013: when the number of kilometers of the race increased, the chances of finishing it
increased as well) but not the number of sequences (exp(B) = 0.942, p = 0.540). Therefore, we
used percentages instead of counts in the subsequent analyses.
The data were processed in four steps to determine whether the race outcome (finish vs.
withdraw) could be characterized by: (a) the distribution of the vitality states, (b) their tempo-
ral organization, (c) the runners’ immediate adaptation to the experienced state of vitality loss
and (d) the contents of the runners’ adaptations.
Distribution of the vitality states.
The distribution of the vitality states in relation to the
race outcome (i.e., finish vs. withdraw) was determined by comparing the means and standard
deviations of the percentages of each vitality state for finishers and withdrawers. T-tests com-
pared the repartition of SVR, SVP and SVL in finishers and withdrawers; when variances dif-
fered between the groups, we used the Welch test. Normality was tested with the Shapiro-Wilk
test. All tests were performed using the significance level of 5% (p0.05) with SPSS statistical
Table 6. Example of coding system for blog data.
Unit of meaning
Enters the start area
Runs the first 7
kilometers fast with D
Passes the first
Starts the
ascent chatting
with A
Realizes he is
running too fast
Slows down
Involvement (I)
Wants to finish the race
Planned to start fast
Should slow down in
spite of his good
Feels stress, nervousness
and fear of lacking sleep
Reaches a speed of
14 kilometers per
Holding the 40th
His friend slows
Feels good
Feels good
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software. Furthermore, for each course of experience, we quantified the total number of
sequences of experience and their repartition in the vitality states of four periods: the begin-
ning, the second quarter, the third quarter and the end of the race.
Temporal organization of the vitality states. The temporal organization of the vitality
states in relation to the race outcome was determined using measures or cumulative mea-
sures. First, we analyzed the number of SVL and SVP sequences in the four race periods to
detect a difference in pattern between finishers and withdrawers. Moreover, we performed
a logistic regression of eight independent variables (four measures of SVL and SVP), which
were important to predict race outcome via an iterative method (forward, likelihood ratio).
Second, we divided the cumulative number of sequences per category of vitality state by the
cumulated number of sequences in the four race periods as explained above. To do so, we
identified the relative accumulation of each vitality state for each sequence of experience
(Table 7).
Therefore, we calculated the ratio of each vitality state for each sequence: for instance, the
ratio of SVP at the 6th sequence was 4/6 = 0.66. For each vitality state and for each race, we cal-
culated the ratio at the one-third and two-third points and the end of the race.
Thus, each course of experience was split into four periods in which we obtained the per-
centage of the state of vitality experienced for each state in each sequence and the percentage
of each cumulated state each period. T-tests compared the percentages of cumulated states in
the four periods by controlling type I error, i.e., using a p-value of 0.0125 (i.e., 0.05/4) as the
level of significance (Bonferroni approach). As before, we checked the homogeneity of vari-
ances and normality.
Runners’ immediate adaptation to the state of vitality loss.
The runners’ adaptations
after experiencing a state of vitality loss during the race were assessed to determine whether
finishers and withdrawers could be distinguished by their ability to reorganize their activity
when they went through various vitality states. To do so, we calculated the types and frequency
of vitality states at t+1 after a sequence in SVL for finishers and withdrawers. A chi-square test
compared the number of sequences in SVR, SVP or SVL after a sequence of SVL.
Content of the runners’ adaptations.
The analysis of the content of the runners’ adapta-
tions compared the representamens and involvements between finishers and withdrawers in
the sequences in SVL and SVP, based on the following assumptions: (a) the more time runners
spend in SVL, the more probable it is that they will withdraw, (b) the more time runners spend
in SVP, the more probable it is that they will finish, (c) attempts to cope with SVL will help
runners exit from this state of vitality loss, and (d) being able to maintain SVP will help run-
ners to experience less SVL. We clustered these two elements of meaning contrasting finishers
and withdrawers into types using thematic analysis, as suggested by Vaismoradi [82]. Our two-
fold intent was to determine whether during the SVL sequences runners were only in a state of
suffering or were also trying to enact a new experience in response to difficulties, and whether
during SVP sequences they were only running without being aware of this preservation state
or were actively trying to maintain this state.
Table 7. Example of emergence of vitality states for each sequence.
Course of vitality states
Cumulative number of SVR
Cumulative number of SVP
Cumulative number of SVL
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Distribution of the vitality states
The repartition of the sequences in each vitality state revealed that finishers had significantly
more sequences in SVP than withdrawers (i.e., 59.5% units of preservation for finishers
whereas withdrawers had 39.8% units of preservation, t(39) = 6.782, p = 0.000). Moreover, fin-
ishers had significantly fewer units of SVL than withdrawers (18.7% for finishers and 42.2%
for withdrawers, t(39) = -7.853, p = 0.000). There was no difference in the units of vitality
revival (SVR) between finishers and withdrawers (t(39) = 1.279, p = 0.208) (Table 8).
Temporal organization of the vitality states
The evolution of sequences in SVP in the four periods of the race for finishers and withdrawers
is represented in Fig 2. Throughout the race, the two groups increasingly diverged, although
both followed a similar pattern of decrease.
For the SVL category (Fig 3), the evolution was also different for finishers and withdrawers,
following a similar pattern of increase for the first three periods, but different trajectories for
the last period.
The cumulated frequency of the states in each period (i.e., beginning, second quarter, third
quarter, end of the race) while controlling type I error (i.e., Bonferroni approach with level of
significance of 0.05/4 = 0.0125) showed the following:
• For SVP: There was no significant difference in the beginning between the two groups
(t(39) = 0.852 and p = 0.400). Then in the second quarter a significant difference was
Table 8. Percentages of the three categories of vitality states in blogs and EIs (N = 41).
Fig 2. Estimated means of sequences in SVP in finishers and withdrawers in the four periods.
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observed (t(27.453) = 2.783 and p = 0.011), which remained in the third quarter and the
end of the race (resp. t(39) = 4.756 and p = 0.000, t(39) = 6.782 and p = 0.000).
• For SVL: There was no significant difference in the beginning (t(39) = -0.631 and p = 0.532)
and in the second quarter (t(30.076) = -2.597 and p = 0.014). A significant difference was
observed in the third quarter (t(39) = -5.050 and p = 0.000) and the end of the race (t(39) =
-7.853 and p = 0.000).
A logistic regression assessed the temporal organization of the SVL and SVP states simulta-
neously. The iterative procedure of the method designated the following as the two most
important measures to explain the race outcome: the measure of SVL at the end and the mea-
sure of SVP in the second quarter (Table 9). With these two measures, we could accurately pre-
dict 95.1% of the runners’ outcomes.
A higher number of SVL sequences at the end decreased the likelihood of finishing the race,
whereas a higher number of SVP sequences in the second quarter increased the likelihood of
finishing the race.
Runners’ immediate adaptations to the state of vitality loss
Finishers more often experienced an SVL-SVP transition than withdrawers (66.12% against
40%, Table 10). Withdrawers more often experienced two consecutive sequences of SVL than
finishers (24.76% against 6.45%). Last, 25.8% of SVL-SVR was observed among finishers against
18.09% among withdrawers. The chi-square test showed a significant difference (χ2(2) = 12.21,
Fig 3. Estimated means of sequences in SVL in finishers and withdrawers in the four periods.
Table 9. Results of the logistic regression to explain the race outcome (i.e., finish or withdraw).
Wald statistics
SVL end
SVP second quarter
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p = 0.002) in finishers’ and withdrawers’ states at t+1. Note in addition that 90% of withdrawers’
last sequences are in SVL versus 4.76% in finishers.
Content of the runners’ adaptations.
The thematic analysis of the coding showed that
both finishers and withdrawers experienced negative physical sensations such as pain, cold
and cramps at an immediate level, as identified in the representamens during SVL sequences
(Table 11). However, the analysis of involvements showed that finishers attempted to cope
with these difficulties by (a) attempting to get back to a preservation state, as shown earlier by
the type and frequency of vitality states after a sequence of SVL (see Table 10), and (b) directly
and locally reorganizing after an immediate sensation. In contrast, withdrawers (a) more fre-
quently experienced negative physical sensations and (b) had more difficulty getting into a
preservation mode and thus tended to remain in SVL. In the same vein, the finishers’ involve-
ments during SVP appeared more focused not only on this experience but also on concerns
about maintaining it during the race (Table 12).
The two examples depicted in Figs 4 and 5 show that both the finishers and withdrawers
experienced various difficulties expressed in the representamens that impacted their involve-
ments. The finishers’ involvements indicated an overriding concern with preserving oneself in
order to finish the race, specifically by refusing to focus on the performance itself after an expe-
rienced SVL (Fig 4). The withdrawers’ involvements indicated various concerns about vitality
issues and perceptions of being in difficulty and not being able to stay in preservation (Fig 5).
The aim of this study was to characterize the distribution and temporal organization of the
vitality states experienced by runners in a trail race and their adaptations to them, in order to
distinguish finishers and withdrawers. Our results showed that the three vitality states emerged
in all of them; however, the temporal organization of these experiences suggests that a situated
vitality adaptation is a central point in determining whether a runner will finish or withdraw.
We must remember that these three vitality states were considered as emerging at the level of
Table 10. Types and frequency of vitality states after a sequence of SVL among finishers and withdrawers.
Table 11. Types of representamens and involvements in finishers and withdrawers in a state of vitality loss.
Gastric pains
Being careful with pace and food
Gastric pains
Hoping it will pass
Muscle cramps and pain
Seeking preservation
Muscle cramps and pain
Trying to hold on, overcoming this state
Having a break
Trying to warm up
Trying to relax
Should supply
Feeling of difficulty
Not focusing on the performance,
just on finishing
Hoping to get better
Foot pain
Adapting the stride
Foot pain
Adapting the stride
Bad mood
Trying to stay positive
Bad mood, negative emotions
Hoping for a better moment to come or
thoughts of abandoning
Difficulties of the environmental
Trying to cope and hold on
Difficulties of the environmental
Suffering, thinking of withdrawing
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the athletes’ experience in relation to what they enacted during their races. They were mean-
ingful parts of the stream of their sense of what happened when they were in the situations
and, by performing such actions as accelerating, pacing, or sleeping, they enacted these worlds
of feelings, appraisals and thoughts at their pre-reflective level of consciousness [28,29,83].
Having said that, our results clearly showed that finishers and withdrawers did not enact the
same world in the race situation, and our in-depth discussion focuses on three points: (a) fin-
ishing the race in a vitality preservation state, (b) adapting to a vitality loss state, and (c) the
temporal organization of the vitality states.
Finishing the race in a vitality preservation state
Finishers privileged a world that corresponded to vitality preservation, whereas withdrawers
spent less time in preservation and more in a state of vitality loss. These runners thus had to
deal with the problem of not only creating a world of preservation but also maintaining it over
the entire race in order to finish. We were able to observe how the succession of asymmetrical
interactions between runners’ organization and the perturbations emerging from constraints
in the race environment distinguished finishers from withdrawers. Finishers were able to pre-
serve their own organization during a meaningful and significant part of the race [9], while
withdrawers enacted a new organization in relation to these perturbations that protected them
from the troublesome consequences but progressively excluded them from the race.
Table 12. Types of representamens and involvements in finishers and withdrawers in a state of vitality preservation.
Impression of running at a slow
In spite of wanting to accelerate, set oneself to slow
down/keep his pace
Concerns about past injuries
Preservation of physical
Good mood
Enjoy each moment
Too much time spent at the aid
Careful with food and drink,
Beautiful landscapes
Attempting to finish the race without getting hurt or too
Medical procedures
Getting healed
Feeling relaxed
Looking for recuperation
Time barriers
Following the pace of another
Absence of stress or anxiety
Split the race into smaller stages
People encouraging
Hoping to feel better
Feeling of having a sustainable
Should manage the entire race
Being overtaken, others getting
Adapting the stride
Anticipate each potential difficulty
Difficulty to have a regular pace
Avoid getting into physical
Fig 4. Example of thematic analysis in a finisher.
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Our results thus showed that preservation should be the privileged enacted world as it leads
to finishing, and switches to loss or revival worlds during the race can have negative impacts
on the outcome. Indeed, the finishers might have been able to maintain the enactment of a
preservation vitality state because they were able to block the possibility of switching to one of
these other worlds. Enacting a world of preservation also meant taking into account the poten-
tial risk of overwhelming vitality loss by carefully and continuously monitoring to ensure that
a new but ineffective enactment would not emerge. Previous publications [8,9,13] have docu-
mented the specific management required for long-distance sports, including recovery time,
and sleeping might be one of the performance factors. Hurdiel et al. [8] reported that runners
made compromises between racing and resting by taking short naps, which let them complete
the race in spite of the cognitive deficits that they observed. During a 4,856-kilometer cycling
race, Lahart et al. [13] examined the consequences of sleep deprivation and energy deficiency
on four cyclists’ emotions. They found that the cyclists managed less than one hour of continu-
ous sleep per sleep episode: in addition to short sleep duration, inadequate energy intake led to
unpleasant emotions and difficulty in regulating them. Moreover, the authors showed that
actual sleep and sleep efficiency were better maintained during longer rest periods, highlight-
ing the importance of a race strategy that optimizes the balance between average cycling veloc-
ity and sleep time. They suggested that cyclists should: (a) have a plan prepared in advance to
ensure sufficient sleep and recovery, (b) develop nutritional strategies to maintain energy
intake and thus reduce energy deficits, and (c) anticipate the deleterious effects of sleep depri-
vation to be able to appropriately respond to unexpected stressors [16]. Our results are in line
with these suggestions, which address a broad preservation issue in endurance sports, and
expand on them by showing how finishers enacted a world of preservation that also curbed the
emergence of the revival option. Here, our thematic analysis of runners’ adaptations suggests
that finishers are able to control their propensity to accelerate, even though their immediate
feelings might be good, in contrast to withdrawers. Hence, these findings provide further
insight into the organization of vitality adaptations and underscore the key role of preserva-
tion, a critical factor in finishing ultra-long races. It seems less important to be able to enact a
new world after a difficult period than to be able to maintain a preservation state once it is
Last, our results also showed that the differences between finishers and withdrawers in rela-
tion to a preservation strategy are particularly important when the race is shorter. This result
appears counterintuitive at first view if we assume that race difficulty is directly linked to dis-
tance. However, although no causal link between personality factors and ultra-race participa-
tion was found [12], we might interpret this result as indicating that runners in ultra-races are
more skillful and pay more attention to their pace and the supply procedures that are vital for
finishing the race. This assumption of pace management is in line with the results of Lambert
Fig 5. Example of thematic analysis in a withdrawer.
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et al. [84], who demonstrated that the faster runners in a 100-kilometer race were able to main-
tain their initial pace for a longer time compared with the slower runners, who showed greater
variation in their pace, which also decreased more rapidly. In contrast, other types of runners,
including beginners, might run shorter races but still fall into the traps that would be avoided
with sufficient self-awareness. Highly self-aware runners are very careful and pay attention to
their physical alerts, fitness and how they are feeling during the run [33]. Interestingly, a study
on nutrient intake showed that most amateur runners did not meet their energy intake and
nutritional requirements during a mountain marathon [85]. Moreover, we can assume that
preservation concerns are stronger when the race is long or known for its difficulty, and the
need for preserving oneself during a short race might be underestimated, especially for inexpe-
rienced or inadequately trained runners, in line with the finding of a study on effort regulation
in rowing between elites and sub-elites [86]. Therefore, runners’ preparation should also be
explored and considered as one of the factors of race completion. For example, Krouse et al.
[6] investigated female ultra-runners’ training practices and found empirical evidence of self-
regulated training practices, such as using their own experience, blogs and websites to com-
plete their training knowledge. Yet, such self-regulated practices might generate incomplete
knowledge about the types of preparation needed for these races.
Adaptation to a vitality loss state
Nevertheless, because withdrawers more frequently enacted longer vitality loss worlds than
those of finishers, it is also possible that they became stuck in this state as they were unable
to enact an exit. From this perspective, the capacity to enact a new world may be a determi-
nant of outcome. Our thematic analysis of runners’ adaptations confirmed this difference
between finishers and withdrawers: Finishers rapidly modified their mode of involvement
when this world emerged, whereas withdrawers appeared to focus on their feelings of dis-
comfort. In short, withdrawers contemplated their difficulties, whereas finishers tried to
find a better world by enacting local adaptions in response to perturbations. Thus, although
both finishers and withdrawers felt vitality loss during the race, as already shown in previ-
ous research on ultra-marathons [10,16], finishers enacted new meanings and put aside
their difficulties by immediately trying to find solutions to change the world of feelings
they were in. Our results therefore also confirm the interpretation that the capacity to
immediately enact a new world when feelings of difficulties appear helps to overcome the
temptation of race withdrawal. This agrees with the findings of a study on the variation in
emotions throughout a multi-stage race regarding the importance of adaptive psychologi-
cal states [87]: put differently, runners should pay attention to and interpret their emo-
tions, using them as a guide for adapting their activity and thereby ensuring the emergence
of a better state for carrying on in the race.
How do withdrawers enact a world of vitality loss? Our results showed that repeated
experiences of states of vitality loss were associated with withdrawal, contrasting with the
repeated experiences of states of vitality preservation observed for finishers. One interpre-
tation is that the more often an individual enacts a type of world, the easier it becomes to
maintain that world, despite any perturbations that may arise. When finishers enacted a
more continuous world of preservation, they ensured and reinforced satisfactory levels of
relative comfort and economical organization compatible with the race duration [9,33]. In
contrast, repeatedly enacting a world of vitality loss reinforced its impact, increased its
degree, and progressively led to a pressing need to stop this world from developing further:
withdrawers then enacted a new world in an attempt to preserve their long-term viability
as ultra-runners.
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Temporal organization of the vitality states
Our results revealed that very early on, in about the first quarter of the race, the differences in
the states of preservation and loss between future finishers and withdrawers were significant.
This suggests that the race outcome (i.e., finish or withdraw) began to take shape relatively
early on and was sensitive to the runners’ initial vitality states. Thus, we can argue that these
results can be interpreted as relying on the temporal chain of these states, and particularly on
the cumulative effect of the succession of vitality states. When runners began a race and soon
after experienced a state of vitality loss, this early experience had a more powerful impact on
the following states of vitality loss, which all the runners encountered. Here, a cumulative effect
increased the differences we observed between finishers and withdrawers over the course of
the race. Each successive state of vitality loss was immediately experienced more powerfully,
impacting more negatively on the runners’ overall experience and affecting them more pro-
foundly. In contrast, when finishers, who experienced fewer states of vitality loss, encountered
this type of difficulty, they were still feeling sufficiently well and thus had the psychological
resources to enact a new state. Experienced states of vitality preservation played the same role
but in an opposite direction: the feeling of preservation kept the runners in a state of regular
rhythmicity/pacing, and because they had found a comfortable way to run, the kilometers
seemed to pass easier and the distance to run seemed less daunting. This phenomenon has
already been reported in long-distance walking, during which a cumulative effect of walkers’
positive feelings and emotion increased throughout the duration of the walk [88].
This phenomenon does not rely only on pacing, however, because it is part of a more global
experience of running that is made up of many different feelings (e.g., [4,16]). None of the
withdrawers found a stable state of preservation, but instead moved from one state to another.
This irregularity also explained why they did not find a stable state of relative ease, which
would have helped them to continue the race. Instead, the differences with finishers increased
throughout the race.
Methodological issues and limitations
Some methodological aspects of this study should be underlined. The difference in the number
of sequences resulting from our coding of the data from the blogs and EIs was not significant,
suggesting that we used comparable narratives to document the experience of vitality states.
This result is in accordance with Bargh et al. [62] and Jones & Alony [63], who claimed that
accounts posted on blogs could be used to obtain valuable data on the personal experience that
marked people’s minds. Furthermore, the data extracted from the blogs were considered as
primary data, which by definition are not influenced by the researcher’s intervention. The rela-
tive anonymity of the blog posts (e.g., use of pseudonyms) is thought to facilitate the expres-
sion of what the authors called the “true self” [62]. Therefore, researchers may well be able to
access real lived experience. Of course, for this study, we selected specific blog post narratives
that rendered this type of analysis possible. Indeed, not all the narratives were adapted for this
kind of analysis, because some of them contained inaccurate information, some were humor-
ous narrations, and others were reports about other runners’ activity. A key strength of our
data is that we were able to distinguish the states of vitality revival, preservation and loss that
were then restored in the chronological logic of the trail runners’ experience. We were also
able to document the contents of these vitality states in finishers and withdrawers: thanks to
their courses of experience depicted in their narratives, we were able to understand more
deeply how they continuously organized their activity.
This perspective is not completely new, but it provides a way to link experiences in other
domains of human activity, such as effort, pain, and feelings of ease, in a succession of states,
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which is innovative in exploring human activity as it is experienced. This research also suggests
the need for further reflection on Bruner’s question about the purpose of narrative analysis and
whether it should be focused only on specific and singular events in the precise situation in
which they occur or whether there are realities common to all narrations [56]. Indeed, in the
example of the two races (i.e., the “CCC” and the “Nivolet Revard” races) in which several run-
ners participated (Table 3), we sometimes observed common representamens but, although the
runners all had singular experiences, these common representamens did not necessarily have
the same impact on their experience.
This study had some methodological consequences. We were able to validate a method of
data processing that was less time-consuming than EIs by using high-value narratives directly
available on the Internet that portrayed a significant part of trail running experience. Indeed,
social media provide a platform on which the sense of the trail running community is impor-
tant in terms of experience-sharing and race preparation [4].
A study limitation that bears mentioning concerns the qualitative approach: some of our
data were collected during post-race interviews, which inherently raises the issue of retrospec-
tive recall [89]. However, as noted, we took great care to minimize the effects of retrospective
recall by systematically keeping the runners in a re-enactment process. Also, the question of
post-race judgment should be addressed: one might argue that the finishers displayed better
judgment due to their successful completion of the race. However, our methodological design
aimed to reduce this risk because the runners were asked to avoid judgment and to focus on the
stream of situated experience. Furthermore, the direct relationship between race outcome and
positive/negative judgment about the race is in itself debatable; indeed, some of the finishers
were not satisfied with their race performance, whereas some of the withdrawers minimized
negative judgments by stating that the decision to quit was the right one [32]. In addition,
despite the difficult moments, the withdrawers also mentioned very positive moments with
good sensations.
Another limitation has to do with the characterization of the vitality states as discrete. They
were presented as a temporal chain, with clear distinctions between them, as this was a neces-
sary step in constructing valid quantitative and qualitative analyses. However, it is quite likely
that in a real race vitality states are far less clearly delineated, with states emerging and being
experienced more progressively. In this respect, although coding rendered our data clearer, the
discretization was also somewhat artificial to highlight the shifts in the runners’ experience
through the changes in the representamens and involvements identified in the coding. Yet it is
important to note that this procedure is current in research that analyzes the stream of experi-
ence using the Experience Sampling Method (e.g., [90]) or the Day Reconstruction Method
(e.g., [91]). Also, although we did our best to ensure the accuracy of the experience shifts, we
assume that during the race, these changes in the representamens and involvements that the
runners were able to report emerged sufficiently strongly in their experience, reducing the fine
grain analysis of the shifts.
This study showed that the notions of (a) seeking preservation, (b) making a good start, (c)
delaying the emergence of a state of vitality loss, and (d) being able to exit a state of vitality loss
may enrich our understanding of the factors that determine a runner’s ability to finish an
extreme race (generally perceived as the capacity for self-surpassing). The notion of self-sur-
passing might be real when runners remain in a state of vitality loss, especially when they expe-
rience suffering without trying to enact a new world. Last, our results suggested that the main
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challenge for runners is to avoid entering into this state: the more they are able to remain in a
state of preservation, the more likely they are to finish.
We would like to thank Mickael Vauthier for his contribution to the collection of EI data.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: NR DH LS.
Data curation: NR DH LS.
Formal analysis: FCR NR DH.
Funding acquisition: NR DH LS.
Investigation: NR DH LS RAP.
Methodology: NR DH LS.
Project administration: NR DH LS.
Supervision: NR DH LS.
Validation: NR DH LS RAP FCR.
Visualization: NR DH LS.
Writing – original draft: NR DH LS.
Writing – review & editing: NR DH LS.
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The Scientific World Journal
Volume 2013, Article ID 670217, 5 pages
Research Article
Demographic Characteristics of World Class Jamaican Sprinters
Rachael Irving,1 Vilma Charlton,2 Errol Morrison,3 Aldeam Facey,1 and Oral Buchanan1
1 Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 6, Jamaica
2 Institute of Education, University of the West Indies, Kingston 6, Jamaica
3 University of Technology, Kingston 7, Jamaica
Correspondence should be addressed to Rachael Irving; [email protected]
Received 1 September 2013; Accepted 8 October 2013
Academic Editors: C. Y. Guezennec and T. Noakes
Copyright © 2013 Rachael Irving et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The dominance of Jamaican sprinters in international meets remains largely unexplained. Proposed explanations include
demographics and favorable physiological characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze the demographic characteristics
of world class Jamaican sprinters. Questionnaires administered to 120 members of the Jamaican national team and 125 controls
elicited information on place of birth, language, ethnicity, and distance and method of travel to school. Athletes were divided into
three groups based on athletic disciplines: sprint (s: 100–400 m; 𝑛 = 80), jump and throw (j/t: jump and throw; 𝑛 = 25) and, middle
distance (md: 800–3000 m; 𝑛 = 15). Frequency differences between groups were assessed using chi-square tests. Regional or county
distribution of sprint differed from that of middle distance (𝑃 < 0.001) but not from that of jump and throw athletes (𝑃 = 0.24)
and that of controls (𝑃 = 0.59). Sprint athletes predominately originated from the Surrey county (s = 46%, j/t = 37%, md = 17, C =
53%), whilst middle distance athletes exhibited excess from the Middlesex county (md = 60%). The language distribution of all
groups showed uniformity with a predominance of English. A higher proportion of middle distance and jump and throw athletes
walked to school (md = 80%, j/t = 52%, s = 10%, and C = 12%) and travelled greater distances to school. In conclusion, Jamaica’s
success in sprinting may be related to environmental and social factors.
1. Introduction
The success of Jamaicans in the sprint events during the
decades of Olympic participation from 1948 to 2012 reached
a crescendo at the Olympic Games in London in 2012.
Jamaicans won 12 sprint medals and had a 1-2 finish in
the men’s 100 m final, an 1-2-3 finish in the men’s 200 m
final, and a gold medal in the women’s 100 m final. Jamaica
has three of the world’s four fastest men at 100 m. Several
studies have tried to explain the success of Jamaicans in
the sprint events. Proposed mechanisms include favorable
physiological characteristics that could be environmentally,
regionally, or genetically determined [1]. Psychological pro-
gramming also helps in molding sprinting talent; there is
a culture of running in Jamaica with young children being
actively involved in sprinting competitions [2]. Studies have
compared the physiological characteristics of “black” and
“white” athletes, reporting that the former have lower levels
of blood and muscle lactate at a given exercise intensity [3]
and a greater ability to tolerate higher fractional utiliza-
tion of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) [4]. Athletes
of African descent have a higher percentage of fast-twitch
muscle fibres, greater activity in the glycolytic, phosphagenic,
and lactate dehydrogenase metabolic pathways, and greater
rate of ventilation [1]. The limitation of extrapolating the
findings of these studies is that these studies have classified
groups based primarily on skin color without accounting for
the fact that there are sometimes more differences within
races than between; also these findings are not exclusive to
athletes [5]. The influence of the compensatory sickle cell
gene on oxygen transport and availability to the tissues is
reported to give black athletes an advantage in sprinting
[1]. It is postulated that the reduced availability coupled
with the reduced myoglobin in the preponderant fast-twitch
muscle fibers which are adapted for rapid energy (ATP)
regeneration, all give a net outcome of muscle anatomi-
cal and biochemical advantages which proffer a superior
performance [1]. Performance-related genes, biomechanics
The Scientific World Journal
and the environment have been implicated in elite sporting
performance [6, 7]; however, no study has been done that
specifically looks at the demographics of Jamaica’s world class
Jamaica was selected as the model for the present study
as the country’s athletes have an unparalleled record of
success at the international level dating as far back as 1952
when the men of the 4 × 400 meters relay team set a
world record at the Olympics in Helsinski. Jamaica has a
population of approximately 2.7 million people distributed in
3 counties consisting of 14 parishes. The country is English
speaking. Jamaica was colonized by the English in 1634 and
until 1962 it was under direct British rule. The country’s
population according to a United Nations report [8] consists
of predominate blacks whose ancestors originated from West
and West-Central Africa [9].
To our knowledge, no study has attempted to trace the
ethnic or environmental background of world class Jamaican
sprinters and by demographics determine the possibility
that they might share a common ethnic or environmental
origin. The aim of this study therefore was to determine
the demographic characteristics of world class Jamaican
sprinters. The findings were then compared with those of
the general (nonathletic) Jamaican population to determine
whether the sprinters differ in demographics from the ordi-
nary population.
2. Methods
The study was approved by the University Hospital of the
West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica Ethics Committee. Written
informed consents were obtained from the 245 participants.
The experimental procedures were in accordance with the
policy statement of the American College of Sports Medicine.
Participants comprised 120 elite athletes, many of whom
were world and Olympic record holders, and 125 control
participants. All the athletes had represented Jamaica at inter-
national games. The control participants, 125 students from
the G.C. Foster College and the University of the West Indies,
Mona, were intended to be representative of the general
Jamaican population (C: Controls, 𝑛 = 125). This group
does not actively participate in sports at the professional or
amateur level. The athletes were divided into three groups
based on athletic disciplines: sprint (s: 100–400 m, 𝑛 = 80),
jump and throw (j/t: jump and throw, 𝑛 = 25), and middle
distance (md: 800–3000 m, 𝑛 = 15). Athletes in the sprints
were truly elite athletes, regularly dominating in international
sprint events; many were current or former world, Olympic,
and Commonwealth record holders. Although Jamaica is not
usually successful internationally in middle distance events
(800–3000 m), these athletes were included in the study
to investigate the possibility of disproportionate number of
athletes originating from a particular geographical region
being the result of an abundant prominence of athletics in that
region. The questionnaires used were written in English and
modeled off those used in two similar demographic studies
done on world class athletes from Kenya and Ethiopia [10, 11].
Questions were simple and were explained to those who
Cornwall (Hanover, St. Elizabeth, Saint James, and Westmore land)
Middlesex (Clarendon, Manchester, St. Ann, St. Catherine, and St.
Surrey (Kingston, Portland, St. Andrew, and St. Thomas)
Figure 1: Parishes of Jamaica divided in the three counties: Corn-
wall, Middlesex and Surrey.
could not easily understand. The questions were designed to
obtain the following information.
Place of Birth. This was classified according to the 14 parishes
(Figure 1) and three counties of Jamaica [12]. The intention
was to identify particular regions with a disproportionate
high number of athletes in response to reports that the
majority of Jamaica’s most successful sprinters are from
the county of Cornwall and in particular the parish of
Spoken Language and That of Parents and Grandparents.
This serves to provide information on ethnicity. A common
language is often indicative of common origin, and a related
language or a language of the same family indicates a
common origin dating further back in time [13]. At present
only two languages are used by most Jamaicans: English and
Patois (Creole-English).
Mode (Walk, Run, and Transport) and Distance Travelled to
School (2 Km, 2–5 Km, 5–10 Km, 10–15 Km, and >15 Km). This
was used to access the link between distance travelled to
school and running success.
3. Data Analysis
Contingency chi-squares using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 were
performed using the Yates, correction factor in all occasions
to identify frequency differences between groups given the
low subject numbers in each field (place of birth, languages,
ethnicity, mode, and distance travelled to school).
Individual chi-squares were then performed to identify
between which groups the differences lay (place of birth:
df = 12, language: df = 1, ethnicity: df = 4, distance travell
to school: df = 4 and method of travelled to school: df =
2). Statistical significance was defined as 𝑃 ≤ 0.05. The 14
parishes were collapsed into the three counties of Jamaica to
allow for statistical analysis using contingency chi-squares.
The Scientific World Journal
Figure 2: Place of birth of athletes and controls. County distribution
of controls did not differ from the sprint and jump and throw
athletes (𝑃 = 0.59 and 0.23) but differed from middle distance
athletes (𝑃 < 0.0001). The county distribution of middle distance
athletes differed significantly from that of sprint athletes (𝑃 < 0.001).
4. Results
4.1. Place of Birth. County or regional distribution of sprint
(s) and jump and throw athletes (j/t) did not differ from
that of the controls (𝜒2 = 3.4, 𝑃 = 0.59 and 𝜒2 = 7.5
and 𝑃 = 0.23, resp.) but county distribution of controls
differed significantly from that of middle distance athletes
(𝜒2 = 40 and 𝑃 < 0.0001). The county distribution of sprint
and middle distance athletes differed significantly (𝜒2 = 30,
𝑃 < 0.0001). County distribution of jump and throw athletes
did not differ significantly from that of sprint athletes (𝜒2 =
6.1, 𝑃 = 0.24). Most of the sprint athletes were from the
county of Surrey (46% versus 37% from Middlesex and 17%
from Cornwall). The controls were mainly from Surrey (53%).
There was a marked overrepresentation of middle distance
athletes in the county of Middlesex (60% versus 40% from
Cornwall and 0% from Surrey, see Figure 2). Only 12% of the
control participants were from Cornwall. Jump and throw
athletes were distributed across the three counties (Surrey:
30%, Middlesex: 40%, and Cornwall: 30%).
4.2. Language. The language spoken did not differ signifi-
cantly (𝑃 > 0.05) amongst any of the groups (C versus s, C
versus j/t, C versus md, s versus j/t, s versus md, and j/t versus
4.3. Mode of Travel to School. The mode of travelling to school
did not differ between the controls and sprint athletes but
differed slightly between the controls and jump and throw
athletes (𝜒2 = 0.4, 𝑃 = 0.8 and 𝜒2 = 10.4, 𝑃 < 0.05,
resp.); however, there was a significant difference between
the controls and middle distance athletes (𝜒2 = 29.6, 𝑃 <
0.001). A significant difference was seen between the sprint
Table 1: Mode of travel by groups.
Mode of travel to school
(bus, car)
Jump and throw
10 (40%)
2 (8%)
13 (52%)
Middle distance
12 (80%)
3 (20%)
12 (10%)
108 (90%)
15 (12%)
110 (88%)
The mode of travel to school did not differ between the controls and sprint
athletes but differs slightly between the controls and jump and throw athletes
(𝜒2 = 0.4, 𝑃 = 0.8 and 𝜒2 = 10.4 and 𝑃 < 0.05, resp.).
There was a significant difference between the controls and middle distance
athletes (𝜒2 = 29.6, 𝑃 = 0.001).
There was also a significant difference between the sprint and middle distance
athletes (𝜒2 = 32.1 and 𝑃 = 0.0001) and between the jump and throw and
middle distance athletes (𝜒2 = 22.1, 𝑃 = 0.001).
and middle distance athletes (𝜒2 = 32.1, 𝑃 < 0.0001) and
between the jump and throw and middle distance athletes
(𝜒2 = 22.1, 𝑃 < 0.001, see Table 1).
4.4. Distance Travelled to School. The distance travelled to
school did not differ between the controls and sprint athletes
(𝜒2 = 5.2, 𝑃 = 0.058) but differed between the controls
and the jump and throw athletes (𝜒2 = 13.1, 𝑃 > 0.001).
Seventy percent of the controls Travelled 2 kilometers or
less to school (see Figure 3). Fifty five percent of the sprint
athletes and 20% of the jump and throw athletes travelled ≤
2 kilometres to school. The control and the middle distance
athletes differed significantly in the distance travelled to
school (𝜒2 = 23.4, 𝑃 < 0.001). Forty percent (40%) of the
middle distance athletes travelled between 10–15 km to school
and approximately 26.7% travelled >15 km to school. All the
athletic groups differed significantly in the distance travelled
to school (s versus j/t: 𝜒2 = 14.1, 𝑃 < 0.01; s versus md,
𝜒2 = 20.1, 𝑃 < 0.001; j/t versus md: 𝜒2 = 15.2, 𝑃 < 0.001).
5. Discussion
The study showed that Jamaican sprinters are of similar
environmental and ethnic background as ordinary Jamaicans
or controls. The sprint athletes were distributed across the
island with 46% from Surrey, 37% from Middlesex, and
17% from Cornwall. The controls originated from across
the island with 53% originating from the Surrey county.
There were no differences between the sprint athletes and
the controls in the distance and the mode they travelled to
school. Most use a private automobile or the public bus. No
population stratification was identified between controls and
sprint athletes, as seen in the areas where both groups reside.
The jump and throw athletes showed a slight dominance
in the county of Middlesex (40%); however, they were
equally represented in Cornwall and Surrey (30% and 30%).
There was a significant difference in the distance travelled
to school between the sprint and jump and throw athletes
(𝜒2 = 14.1, 𝑃 < 0.001). Approximately 60% of the jump
The Scientific World Journal
<2 km
2–5 km
5–10 km
10–15 km
>15 km
<2 km
2–5 km
5–10 km
10–15 km
>15 km
Jump and throw
<2 km
2–5 km
5–10 km
10–15 km
>15 km
Middle distance
<2 km
2–5 km
5–10 km
10–15 km
>15 km
Figure 3: Distances travelled to school. Charts showing percentage of participants and distances traveled to school daily. The jump and throw
and middle distance athletes differed significantly from the sprint athletes and controls.
and throw athletes travelled 5–10 kilometres to school and
approximately 55% of the sprint athletes travelled ≤2 km to
school. There was a slight difference between the jump and
throw athletes and the controls in the mode travelling to
school (𝑃 < 0.05).
The middle distance runners seemed to be of a distinct
environment or county background. Most of the middle
distance runners were from the county of Middlesex (60%)
which consists of the parishes of Clarendon, Manchester, St.
Ann, St. Catherine, and St. Mary. Many of these parishes
are deep rural with unreliable means of travel. Roads are
often dirty and distances between schools are much greater
than those in the county of Surrey which is more developed
in terms of modern amenities. Another 40% of the middle
distance athletes originated from Cornwall which has more
mountainous parishes than Middlesex. Middlesex however
forms part of the Blue Mountain range with highest point
at about 2,250 meters [14]. No middle distance athletes
originated from the urban Surrey but 53% of controls were
from Surrey. Surrey also forms part of the Blue Mountain
range but the controls and sprinters tend to originate from the
valleys in the Surrey county. Environment and not ethnicity
seemed to be the factor that differentiated the middle distance
runners from the sprinters as both groups mainly spoke Cre-
ole English and English. A common language is suggestive of
same origin and a related language may also indicate a com-
mon origin, but one that is older [13]. The middle distance
runners were over represented in Middlesex and Cornwall
which consist of mountainous areas. High altitude may be
benefital in distance running [7]. This finding supports the
theory that the success of the Kenyans in distance running in
some way may be linked to the proximity of the Rift Valley as
many of Kenyans distance runners are from the high altitude,
Rift Valley region. Jamaican middle distance runners seemed
to be a special set from the mountainous areas. The middle
distance runners travelled longer distance to school (93%
travelled > 5 km to school versus 60% of the jump and throw
athletes and 15% of the sprint athletes) and were more likely
and jump and throw athletes to travel to school via bicycle
or walking than the sprinters. The significant differences
between controls and middle distance athletes in regards
to place of birth, distance travelled to school, and mode of
The Scientific World Journal
travel suggested some link between place of birth and middle
distance athletic ability. The finding that the middle distance
athletes seem to be clustered in the deep rural parishes or
counties of Jamaica may support the hypothesis of a link
between mountain and endurance. The athletes from clusters
in the deep rural parishes showed more African haplotypes
than the general population [2]. When this study is compared
to the findings that Kenyans who walked or run to school
had VO2 max values that are 30% higher than those who did
not walk or run [10] there is an implication that childhood
endurance activity might be a determinant of middle distance
athletic selection.
6. Conclusion
The results showed that world class Jamaican sprinters have
the same demographic profile as the general population. The
middle distance athletes seem to have a distinct demographic
profile for all variables except language.
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| Demographic characteristics of world class Jamaican sprinters. | 12-10-2013 | Irving, Rachael,Charlton, Vilma,Morrison, Errol,Facey, Aldeam,Buchanan, Oral | eng |
PMC9264511 | Karam et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2022) 22:211
Assessing the discriminative ability
of the respiratory exchange ratio to detect
hyperlactatemia during intermediate-to-high
risk abdominal surgery
Lydia Karam1, Olivier Desebbe2, Sean Coeckelenbergh1,3, Brenton Alexander4, Nicolas Colombo3,
Edita Laukaityte1, Hung Pham1, Marc Lanteri Minet1, Leila Toubal1, Maya Moussa1, Salima Naili1,
Jacques Duranteau1, Jean‑Louis Vincent5, Philippe Van der Linden6 and Alexandre Joosten1,3*
Background: A mismatch between oxygen delivery (DO2) and consumption (VO2) is associated with increased
perioperative morbidity and mortality. Hyperlactatemia is often used as an early screening tool, but this non‑continu‑
ous measurement requires intermittent arterial line sampling. Having a non‑invasive tool to rapidly detect inadequate
DO2 is of great clinical relevance. The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) can be easily measured in all intubated patients
and has been shown to predict postoperative complications. We therefore aimed to assess the discriminative ability
of the RER to detect an inadequate DO2 as reflected by hyperlactatemia in patients having intermediate‑to‑high risk
abdominal surgery.
Methods: This historical cohort study included all consecutive patients who underwent intermediate‑to‑high risk
surgery from January 1st, 2014, to April 30th, 2019 except those who did not have RER and/or arterial lactate meas‑
ured. Blood lactate levels were measured routinely at the beginning and end of surgery and RER was calculated at the
same moment as the blood gas sampling. The present study tested the hypothesis that RER measured at the end of
surgery could detect hyperlactatemia at that time. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed
to assess if RER calculated at the end of the surgery could detect hyperlactatemia. The chosen RER threshold corre‑
sponded to the highest value of the sum of the specificity and the sensitivity (Youden Index).
Results: Among the 996 patients available in our study cohort, 941 were included and analyzed. The area under the
ROC curve was 0.73 (95% CI: 0.70 to 0.76; p < 0.001), with a RER threshold of 0.75, allowing to discriminate a lac‑
tate > 1.5 mmol/L with a sensitivity of 87.5% and a specificity of 49.5%.
Conclusion: In mechanically ventilated patients undergoing intermediate to high‑risk abdominal surgery, the RER
had moderate discriminative abilities to detect hyperlactatemia. Increased values should prompt clinicians to inves‑
tigate for the presence of hyperlactatemia and treat any potential causes of DO2/VO2 mismatch as suggested by the
subsequent presence of hyperlactatemia.
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*Correspondence: joosten‑[email protected]
3 Department of Anesthesiology, Paul Brousse Hospital, 12 Avenue Paul
Vaillant Couturier, 94800 Villejuif, France
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Karam et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2022) 22:211
Patients undergoing abdominal surgery are at risk of an
oxygen delivery (DO2) and oxygen consumption (VO2)
mismatch, which can lead to postoperative complications
[1]. Many studies have attempted to identify DO2/VO2
mismatch using various methods [2]. Although meas-
urement of arterial lactate is considered standard of care
for this purpose, this approach is intermittent and opti-
mally requires an arterial catheter [3]. Although other
measures, including the central venous oxygen saturation
(ScvO2) [4], the veno-arterial CO2 gradient, [5] and the
ratio of veno-arterial CO2 to arterio-venous oxygen dif-
ference [6] have shown promise, they share the same lim-
itations as lactate measurements (i.e., intermittent and
invasive blood sampling) [7].
Monitoring of the respiratory exchange ratio (RER),
can reflect the presence of anaerobic metabolism in the
mechanically ventilated patient [1, 8]. This ratio increases
in the presence of inadequate DO2 for a given VO2 and is
computed using a standard anesthesia machine gas ana-
lyzer that continuously measures inspiratory and expira-
tory concentrations of O2 and CO2. The RER is calculated
by dividing the difference in inspiratory and expiratory
CO2 by that of inspiratory and expiratory O2 values (i.e.,
(FeCO2—FiCO2) / (FiO2—FeO2)), and has been shown to
predict postoperative complications in abdominal sur-
gery patients. In a swine model and in abdominal surgery
patients, increased RER has been associated with intra-
operative hyperlactatemia [1, 9]. However, the sensitivity
and specificity of the RER to detect hyperlactatemia in
humans remains to be determined. If an abnormal RER
can detect hyperlactatemia, it could be used as a non-
invasive indicator for more aggressive hemodynamic
optimization (e.g., fluid, vasopressors, and blood admin-
istration) and additional monitoring, especially as this
variable can be easily calculated at the bedside during
surgery. The present study tested the hypothesis that RER
calculated at the end of surgery could help detect hyper-
lactatemia in patients undergoing intermediate-to-high
risk abdominal surgery.
The Academic Erasme University Hospital (Université
Libre de Bruxelles) ethical committee approved this study
December 4th, 2020 (SRB2020_654) and waived the need
for informed consent. All methods were performed in
accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations.
We report this study using STROBE guidelines. Patients
were identified using TrackPro (UltraGenda, Belgium),
their medical records checked with MediView (IMMJ
Systems, United Kingdom), and intraoperative data
retrieved from the anesthetic electronic records software
(Innovian, Drager, Germany). All patients from our insti-
tution aged 18 years or older were included if they:
1) Underwent elective intermediate-to-high-risk open
abdominal surgery (including hepatobiliary surgery,
pancreatectomy, gastrectomy, oesophagectomy, can-
cer debulking, cystectomy, colectomy, nephrectomy,
aorto-bifemoral bypass, abdominal aortic aneurysm
surgery or other major abdominal surgery requir-
ing a laparotomy) under general anesthesia between
January 1st, 2014, and April 30th, 2019. Patients
who had major vascular surgery were also included
if the surgery involved an abdominal incision (e.g.,
aortobifemoral bypass and abdominal aortic aneu-
rysm surgery). All of these surgeries were classified
as intermediate- or high-risk surgeries according to
Kristensen et al. [10]
2) Had routinely arterial blood gas, arterial lactate, FiO2,
FiCO2, FeO2, and FeCO2 measurements done simul-
taneously at the start and end of surgery. Impor-
tantly, RER values are not displayed in real time on
our intraoperative monitors but were calculated ret-
rospectively using inhaled and exhaled O2 and CO2
values (electronic medical records).
Exclusion criteria included pregnancy, lack of arterial
blood gas analysis during surgery, emergency surgery,
and laparoscopy.
As arterial lactate values above 1.5 meq/L have been
associated with increased mortality in multiple stud-
ies examining surgical and critically ill patients and we
wanted to establish a clinical cutoff value for optimal util-
ity by most practicing physicians, [11–13] patients were
split into two groups depending on the arterial lactate
value recorded at the end of surgery: above 1.5 mEq/l
(i.e., high lactate) or less than or equal to 1.5meEq/l (i.e.,
low lactate). While splitting patients into two groups
is not ideal for a continuous variable, we felt this was
important for increasing clinical utility and was therefore
done for exploratory purposes.
Anaesthesia protocol
All patients had at least one large peripheral venous
catheter and were monitored with standard American
Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) monitoring (i.e., pulse
Keywords: Tissue hypoxia, Anaerobic metabolism, Shock, Goal‑directed hemodynamic therapy
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Karam et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2022) 22:211
oximetry, non-invasive blood pressure, 3 or 5 lead EKG,
inhaled and expired gases, and temperature monitor-
ing), and invasive blood pressure monitoring through a
radial, femoral, or brachial artery catheter. Frontal elec-
troencephalogram monitoring with the Bispectral index,
hemodynamic pulse-contour analysis, central venous
pressure, and other supplemental monitoring tools were
used at the discretion of the attending anesthetist.
Anesthesia administration was not standardized.
Induction agents included propofol, etomidate, and
ketamine. Opioids consisted of either remifentanil or
sufentanil administration. Neuromuscular blockade was
administered with succinylcholine, rocuronium, or cisa-
tracurium. Maintenance of anesthesia was done with
either sevoflurane, desflurane, or propofol. Adjuvant
antinociception with spinal morphine, locoregional local
anesthetics (e.g., epidural, transverse abdominal plane
block, etc.), and opioid sparing agents (e.g., ketamine,
dexmedetomidine, dexamethasone, lidocaine, paraceta-
mol, diclofenac) were administered at the discretion of
the attending anesthetist.
Although no strict hemodynamic protocol was applied
during surgical cases, anesthesiologists from our insti-
tution traditionally use vasopressors to maintain mean
arterial blood pressure (MAP) above 65 mmHg. The
vasopressor of choice was norepinephrine, but both phe-
nylephrine and ephedrine were less commonly used.
Data collection and outcomes
Patient baseline characteristics, intraoperative variables,
postoperative major and minor complications, 30-day
mortality, and 1-year mortality were collected. FiO2,
FiCO2, FeO2, and FeCO2 were collected within the first
hour and during the last hour of surgery at a moment
of ventilator stability (i.e., no modifications greater than
50 ml in tidal volume) that coincided with an arterial
blood gas analysis. The primary objective was to test
the hypothesis that RER measured at the end of surgery
could detect hyperlactatemia at that time. As there was
also an interest to explore other possible associations
between patients having low vs a high lactate values,
we presented these data but they should be considered
purely exploratory.
Statistical analysis
The Kolmogorov Smirnov test determined that distribu-
tion was not normal (skewness of the different variables)
and continuous variables were thus reported as median
with quartiles [25th -75th percentile]. Discrete variables
were reported as frequencies (with proportions). Our
primary analysis was the estimation of the area under
the receiver operating characteristics (AUROC) curve
to establish discriminative properties of the RER to
detect hyperlactatemia. We first fit a logistic regression
model to estimate the ROC curve. We then estimate the
AUROC according to the Delong et al. methodology and
its 95% confidence intervals with the calculation of an
exact Binomial Confidence Interval [14]. From the ROC
curves, the optimal cut-off value yielding the greatest
combined sensitivity and specificity was measured. We
defined values within the 95% CI of the obtained thresh-
old value as an inconclusive (gray zone) according
to Cannesson et al. [15]. This gray zone approach is a
zone of uncertainty which explores the clinical usefulness
of the RER to detect hyperlactatemia. Statistical analysis
was conducted with MedCalc® Statistical Software ver-
sion 19.6.4 (MedCalc Software Ltd, Ostend, Belgium;
https:// www. medca lc. org; 2021).
A total of 996 patients undergoing intermediate- to-
high risk abdominal surgery were eligible, of whom 55
were excluded due to missing data. Consequently, 941
patients were included, 622 being in the low lactate group
and 319 in the high lactate group (Fig. 1).
A RER of > 0.75 (Youden index) at the end of surgery
detected a lactate value above 1.5 mEq/L with a sensi-
tivity of 87.5% and a specificity of 49.5%. The area under
the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.730
(95% CI: 0.70 to 0.76; p < 0.001) (Fig. 2). Using a sensitivity
of 90% and a specificity of 90%, four hundred and seven
patients (43%) were in the grey zone defined from a RER
of 0.72 to a RER of 0.98 (283 patients had a RER < 0.72
and 251 patients a RER > 0.98, thus having respectively
a false negative rate and a false positive rate of 10% or
below (relative high certainty)).
RER was significantly higher in the high lactate group at
the beginning and at the end of surgery (Table 2). Over-
all, baseline characteristics were not different between
groups except for body mass index, which was higher in
the high lactate group; preoperative hemoglobin, which
was lower in the high lactate group; preoperative aspirin
use, which was more frequent in the low lactate group;
and the type of surgery (Table 1). Intraoperative variables
were significantly different between the two groups with
respect to anesthesia and surgery times, fluids infused,
blood products administered, net fluid balance, vasopres-
sors, lactate, and RER, indicating more challenging intra-
operative conditions in the high lactate group (Table 2).
While these differences may indicate potential confound-
ing factors, our intention was simply to determine if
postoperative RER values could be useful to help detect
increased arterial lactate levels, irrespective of differences
in patients’ baseline clinical characteristics.
Exploratory secondary objectives were not different
between groups (Table 3).
In mechanically ventilated patients undergoing inter-
mediate to high-risk abdominal surgery, the RER had
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Karam et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2022) 22:211
moderate discriminative properties to detect hyper-
lactatemia. Based on a grey zone approach, 43% of the
patients lied in an uncertainty zone with limited clinical
usefulness. However, a RER value above 0.75 can detect
hyperlactatemia with a relatively high sensitivity (88%).
Hence, a normal RER makes hyperlactatemia relatively
unlikely. Since its specificity is rather poor (50%) at this
level, an increased RER cannot definitely rule in the
presence of hyperlactatemia.
Bar and colleagues recently demonstrated the poten-
tial of RER to predict postoperative complications
following both open abdominal high-risk and laparo-
scopic surgeries [1, 8]. During high-risk open abdomi-
nal surgery, both lactate and RER were found to predict
postoperative complications, with an AUC of 0.77 and
0.67, respectively [1]. This confirms the importance of
these measurements. Although this team did demon-
strate an association between these two measurements,
the sensitivity of specificity of RER to detect hyperlac-
tatemia was not investigated [1].
Fig. 1 Flow Chart
Fig. 2 Receiver operating characteristic curve to examine if the RER
at the end of the surgery can detect hyperlactatemia
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Karam et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2022) 22:211
In our study, patients in the high lactate group had
more challenging intraoperative conditions as surgery
time, fluid requirements, vasopressor infusions, and
blood loss were all greater than in the low lactate group.
The major postoperative complications of sepsis, peri-
tonitis, and renal injury confirm that adverse postop-
erative outcomes are associated with hyperlactatemia.
Other variables have been related to tissue hypoperfu-
sion, such as ScvO2, the veno-arterial CO2 gradient,
the ratio of veno-arterial CO2 to arterio-venous oxy-
gen. Unfortunately, these measures, similar to arterial
lactate, require access to arterial, central venous, or even
pulmonary artery blood sampling. RER has the advan-
tage of being easy to calculate, non-invasive, free and
its components continuously displayed on all modern
anesthesia machines. It is easy to imagine a clinical sce-
nario in which an elevated RER following surgery results
in changes in post-operative clinical management. For
example, the patient with an elevated RER may require
a higher level of care, additional monitoring, supple-
mentary laboratory tests or any other treatment that can
correct DO2/VO2 mismatch. Such interventions could
Table 1 Baseline characteristics
Values are presented as medians [interquartiles ranges] or numbers (percentages %)
a Included other laparotomies such as surrenalectomy or prostatectomy
Lactate ≤ 1.5 mEq/l
(N = 622)
Lactate > 1.5 mEq/l
(N = 319)
Age (years)
66 [56–73]
64 [55—72]
Sex, Female (%)
220 (35.4%)
125 (39.2%)
BMI (kg/m2)
25.17 [22.5–28.86]
25.8 [23.31–29.4]
ASA score (1–2 / 3–4)
361 / 261
193 / 126
Preoperative hemoglobin (g/dL)
13.1 [11.8–14.3]
13.5 [12.1–14.5]
Preoperative creatinine (mg/dL)
0.9 [0.7–1.1]
0.9 [0.71–1]
Comorbidities; N (%)
Ischemic heart disease
Coronary artery bypass graft
Atrial fibrillation
Heart failure
Diabetes mellitus 1
Diabetes mellitus 2
63 (10.1%)
34 (5.5%)
319 (51.3%)
179 (28.8%)
25 (4.0%)
49 (7.9%)
10 (1.6%)
2 (0.3%)
138 (22.2%)
84 (13.5%)
43 (6.9%)
30 (4.8%)
24 (7.5%)
144 (45.1%)
86 (27.0%)
15 (4.7%)
20 (6.3%)
4 (1.3%)
2 (0.6%)
66 (20.7%)
30 (9.4%)
30 (9.4%)
19 (6.0%)
Medications; N (%)
ẞ blocker
Calcium channel blocker
Oral hypoglycaemic drugs
Oral anticoagulation
224 (36.0%)
30 (4.8%)
172 (27.7%)
136 (21.9%)
50 (8.0%)
119 (19.1%)
65 (10.5%)
181 (29.1%)
94 (15.1%)
49 (7.9%)
64 (10.3%)
85 (26.7%)
8 (2.51%)
81 (25.4%)
57 (17.9%)
22 (6.9%)
49 (15.4%)
25 (7.8%)
91 (28.5%)
47 (14.7%)
27 (8.5%)
26 (8.2%)
Type of Surgery (N)
< 0.001
Cancer debulking
Major vascular surgery
Other surgical procedurea
104 (16.7%)
161 (25.9%)
82 (13.2%)
72 (11.6%)
25 (4.0%)
141 (22.7%)
7 (1.1%)
17 (2.7%)
7 (1.1%)
6 (0.1%)
58 (18.2%)
152 (47.7%)
37 (11.6%)
18 (5.6%)
10 (3.1%)
32 (10.0%)
1 (0.3%)
6 (1.9%)
2 (0.6%)
3 (0.9%)
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Karam et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2022) 22:211
Table 2 Intraoperative Variables
Values are presented as medians [interquartiles ranges] or numbers (percentages %)
a use of any vasopressor (ephedrine, phenylephrine, noradrenaline)
b total colloid included 3% gelatin and 6% tetrastarch
Lactate ≤ 1.5 mEq/l
(N = 622)
Lactate > 1.5 mEq/l
(N = 319)
Anaesthesia duration ( min)
347 [254–450]
372 [287–472]
Surgery duration (min)
262 [180–360]
289 [209–381]
Total crystalloid (ml)
2000 [1200–3000]
2400 [1500–3500]
< 0.001
Total colloid (ml)b
500 [500–1000]
1000 [500–1500]
< 0.001
Total blood product (ml)
498 [261–580]
540 [288–1475]
Total IN (ml)
2500 [1500–3500]
3000 [2000–4500]
< 0.001
Estimated blood loss (ml)
400 [200–900]
700 [300–1500]
< 0.001
Diuresis (ml)
300 [150–500]
300 [150–510]
Total out (ml)
870 [500–1400]
1110 [680–2000]
< 0.001
Net fluid balance (ml)
1505 [788–2350]
1750 [1000–2800]
< 0.001
Use of vasopressors, N (%)a
484 (77.9%)
269 (84.3%)
Lactate beginning of surgery (mEq/L)
0.7 [0.6–0.9]
0.9 [0.7–1.2]
< 0.001
RER beginning of surgery
0.80 [0.67–0.80]
0.80 [0.71–0.83]
< 0.001
Lactate end of surgery (mEq/L)
0.9 [0.7–1.1]
2.3 [1.8–3.0]
< 0.001
RER end of surgery
0.80 [0.67–0.80]
0.83 [0.80–1.0]
< 0.001
Table 3 Postoperative outcome
Values are presented as medians [interquartiles ranges] or numbers (percentages %)
Lactate ≤ 1.5 mEq/l
(N = 622)
Lactate > 1.5 mEq/l
(N = 319)
Secondary outcomes
1) Length of stay in hospital (days)
9 [6—14]
9 [9—28]
2) Minor complications; N (%)
147 (23.6%)
66 (20.7%)
➢ Superficial wound infection
22 (3.5%)
7 (2.2%)
➢ Urinary infection
37 (5.9%)
13 (4.1%)
➢ Paralytic ileus
22 (3.5%)
12 (3.8%)
➢ Pneumonia
19 (3.1%)
8 (2.5%)
➢ Postoperative confusion
23 (3.7%)
10 (3.1%)
➢ Other infection
65 (10.5%)
42 (13.2%)
3) Major complications; N (%)
123 (19.8%)
72 (22.6%)
➢ Anastomotic leakage
19 (3.1%)
14 (4.4%)
➢ Peritonitis
3 (0.5%)
6 (1.9%)
➢ Sepsis
32 (5.1%)
28 (8.8%)
➢ Necrosis stoma
10 (1.6%)
2 (0.6%)
➢ Wound dehiscence
10 (1.6%)
5 (1.6%)
➢ Bleeding requiring a redo surgery
19 (3.1%)
17 (5.3%)
➢ Pulmonary embolism
5 (0.8%)
2 (0.6%)
➢ Pulmonary edema
9 (1.5%)
5 (1.6%)
➢ Acute coronary syndrome
2 (0.3%)
0 (0%)
➢ Atrial fibrillation / arrhythmia
15 (2.4%)
8 (2.5%)
➢ Acute kidney injury
34 (5.5%)
29 (9.1%)
➢ Reoperation
49 (7.9%)
➢ 30‑day mortality
6 (0.1%)
4 (1.3%)
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Karam et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2022) 22:211
include a fluid challenge, administration of vasoactive
agents to increase cardiac output or to target a higher
blood pressure, or a red blood cell transfusion to increase
the hemoglobin level. Conversely, a normal RER value
could potentially accelerate the postoperative care and
limit unnecessary tests and excessive length of stay in a
high dependency unit. In addition, in patients equipped
with an arterial line, RER calculation could justify less
frequent arterial blood gas measurements to check lac-
tate levels. Further clinical exploration and the eventual
implementation into goal-directed protocols may help
further clarify the DO2/VO2 relationship and establish
the best clinical use for RER. Additional data should be
soon available as a French team completed recently a
large randomized controlled trial (N = 350) comparing
an individualized hemodynamic optimization strategy
guided by indirect measurement of the RER to a routine
care in major surgery [16].
This retrospective study had both strengths and limi-
tations. It was not possible to couple lactate and RER
measurements more frequently intraoperatively due to
the lack of a protocolized approach to sampling blood.
Consequently, only the first and last arterial lactate val-
ues were compared to concomitant RER values. Patients
without any arterial blood gas values were excluded
which represent 5.5% of the study collective. Imputa-
tion methods for missing data were not performed as it is
never recommended to impute a missing outcome since
it would only improve predictive properties. Moreover,
missingness around 5% is usually considered as only
creating limited bias [17, 18]. Anesthesia practice was
not standardized, but this reflects typical clinical prac-
tice. Likewise, the population heterogeneity reflects real
life practices. Types of surgeries (e.g., one-lung venti-
lation or hepatic resection) and patient comorbidities
(e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), could have
effects on either DO2 or lactate metabolism and may
alter the relation between RER and lactate. Future studies
should investigate the impact of these conditions on the
relationship between RER and hyperlactatemia.
In conclusion, the RER had moderate discriminative
abilities to detect hyperlactatemia. A RER value above
0.75 can detect hyperlactatemia with a moderately high
sensitivity but with a poor specificity. Increased values
should prompt clinicians to investigate for the pres-
ence of hyperlactatemia and treat any potential causes
of DO2/VO2 mismatch as suggested by the subsequent
presence of hyperlactatemia.
RER: Respiratory exchange ratio; DO2: Oxygen delivery; VO2: Oxygen consump‑
tion; ScvO2: Central venous oxygen saturation; AUC : Area under curve; ROC:
Receiver operatingcharacteristics.
All the clinicians who helped in data collection from the current abdominal
surgery database. More specifically, we want to thank Dr. Francois Martin Car‑
rier from the University of Montreal for the help in the statistics of the paper.
Authors’ contributions
L.K: Analyzed the data and drafted the manuscript. O.D.: Analyzed the data and
edited the manuscript. B.A: Analyzed the data and edited the manuscript. B.A:
Analyzed the data and edited the manuscript. N.C: Collected the data and
edited the final manuscript. E.L: Collected the data and edited the final manu‑
script. H.P: Collected the data and edited the final manuscript. M.LM: Collected
the data and edited the final manuscript. L.T: Collected the data and edited
the final manuscript. M.M: Collected the data and edited the final manuscript.
S.N: Analyzed the data and edited the final manuscript. J.D: Analyzed the data
and edited the final manuscript. JLV: Analyzed the data and edited the final
manuscript. P.VdL: Statistical analysis of the data and edited the final manu‑
script. A.J: Designed the study, collected and analyzed the data and drafted
the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
The authors received no funding for this work.
Availability of data and materials
The database is closed and there is no public access. However, permission to
access and use the database can be obtained if necessary by request to the
corresponding author.
Ethics approval and consent for publication
The Erasme University Hospital (Université Libre de Bruxelles) ethical commit‑
tee approved this study December 4th, 2020 (SRB2020_654) and waived the
need for informed consent. All methods were performed in accordance with
the relevant guidelines and regulations. This study adheres to the STROBE
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
AJ is a consultant for Edwards Lifesciences (Irvine, California, USA), Aguettant
Laboratoire (Lyon, France) and Fresenius Kabi (Bad Homburg, Germany) OD is
consultant for Medtronic (Trévoux, FRANCE) and received honoraria for giving
lectures for Medtronic (Trévoux, FRANCE) and Livanova (Châtillon, France).
Jean‑Louis Vincent is Editor‑in‑Chief of Critical Care. He has no other conflicts
related to this article. The other authors have no conflicts of interest related to
this article.
Author details
1 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Université Paris‑Saclay,
Paul Brousse Hospital, Assistance Publique ‑ Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP), Villejuif,
France. 2 Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Sauve‑
garde Clinic, Ramsay Santé, Lyon, France. 3 Department of Anesthesiology,
Paul Brousse Hospital, 12 Avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier, 94800 Villejuif, France.
4 Department of Anesthesiology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla,
CA, USA. 5 Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. 6 Department of Anesthesiology, Brugmann Hospi‑
tal, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
Received: 13 February 2022 Accepted: 23 June 2022
Bar S, Grenez C, Nguyen M, de Broca B, Bernard E, Abou‑Arab O, Bouhe‑
mad B, Lorne E, Guinot PG. Predicting postoperative complications with
the respiratory exchange ratio after high‑risk noncardiac surgery: A
prospective cohort study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2020;37(11):1050–7.
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PMC6308955 | sensors
Comparison of Different Algorithms for Calculating
Velocity and Stride Length in Running Using Inertial
Measurement Units
Markus Zrenner 1,*, Stefan Gradl 1
, Ulf Jensen 2, Martin Ullrich 1
and Bjoern M. Eskofier 1
Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab, Department of Computer Science,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 91052 Erlangen, Germany;
[email protected] (S.G.); [email protected] (M.U.); bjoern.eskofi[email protected] (B.M.E.)
Finance & IT—IT Innovation, Adidas AG, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany; [email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +49-9131-85-20162
Received: 30 August 2018; Accepted: 22 November 2018; Published: 30 November 2018
Abstract: Running has a positive impact on human health and is an accessible sport for most people.
There is high demand for tracking running performance and progress for amateurs and professionals
alike. The parameters velocity and distance are thereby of main interest. In this work, we evaluate
the accuracy of four algorithms, which calculate the stride velocity and stride length during running
using data of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) placed in the midsole of a running shoe. The four
algorithms are based on stride time, foot acceleration, foot trajectory estimation, and deep learning,
respectively. They are compared using two studies: a laboratory-based study comprising 2377 strides
from 27 subjects with 3D motion tracking as a reference and a field study comprising 12 subjects
performing a 3.2-km run in a real-world setup. The results show that the foot trajectory estimation
algorithm performs best, achieving a mean error of 0.032 ± 0.274 m/s for the velocity estimation and
0.022 ± 0.157 m for the stride length. An interesting alternative for systems with a low energy budget
is the acceleration-based approach. Our results support the implementation decision for running
velocity and distance tracking using IMUs embedded in the sole of a running shoe.
Keywords: wearable sensors; inertial measurement unit; gait; running; stride length; velocity; smart
1. Introduction
Distance running is a very popular sport. Two main reasons for this popularity are simplicity and
the health benefit, as running can be done in small and restricted time-frames and does not require a
specific location. Besides sports gear, no equipment is needed. Moreover, running improves health.
Studies have shown that aerobic endurance training like running can reduce blood pressure [1] and
that moderate running twice a week (>51 min or six miles) reduces overall mortality risk and the
occurrence of cardiovascular diseases [2]. However, overtraining can also lead to a higher risk of injury
of the lower extremities for distance runners [3].
Tracking running performance over time can prevent overtraining and greatly support a healthy
and effective training. A training diary helps to maintain the right training intensity and volume, which
are essential for both performance and health enhancement. Training records are also motivating,
as they highlight both effort and progress. However, a precise, objective, and easy measurement of
relevant parameters is needed. Two common parameters that both professional and amateur runners
use to track their performance is the average velocity and total distance. With these parameters,
the running workout can be easily categorized, rated, and compared. In the past, runners estimated
the distance of a predefined running track and took time with a stopwatch to calculate the average
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velocity of a distance run. With the rise of wearable technology in recent years, easier and more precise
methods have become available.
1.1. Literature Review
The predominant approach to tracking average velocity and total distance during running is the
global positioning system (GPS). Smartphones or even smartwatches comprise a GPS chip, which
allows a satellite-based localization of a runner. By tracking the runner’s absolute position over a
complete run and using a solution to the second geodetic problem [4], the distance of a run can be
measured. By incorporating the sampling frequency of the GPS module, a continuous time series of
velocity values for the run can be computed. Thus, GPS delivers a time series of velocity, the cumulative
distance, and the localization of the running track. From these data, the average velocity and the total
distance can be extracted. The drawbacks of GPS are the additional gear (smartwatch, smartphone),
the high energy demand, and the restriction to outdoor use.
Integrating sensors directly into running shoes can solve these issues. One type of sensor
that can be integrated into a shoe is an inertial measurement unit (IMU). It is a small, lightweight,
and inexpensive sensor, which is capable of measuring triaxial accelerations and triaxial angular rates.
A shoe setup with integrated IMUs overcomes the described GPS issues: runners only need a running
shoe with integrated IMU; IMUs are energy efficient and work both indoors and outdoors. Using IMU
data, it is possible to compute a stride length and an average velocity value per stride. The underlying
assumption for the velocity computation is that the average velocity of the foot per stride matches
the running velocity. By collecting stride velocity values and accumulating the stride length values
over time, a distance measure and a continuous velocity recording of a complete run can be provided.
The following paragraphs describe the state-of-the-art of four approaches for IMU data processing for
calculating these metrics.
In biomechanics, the relationships between stride frequency, stride length, running velocity,
and body height was investigated [5]. The results indicated that with increasing running velocity,
stride frequency and stride length increase. Thus, increasing running velocity is an interaction of
increasing stride length and stride frequency [5]. Stride length itself depends on body height and can
be expressed as a relative stride length. From these relationships, a generic model relating running
velocity and stride length on the basis of the stride frequency can be deduced. The general idea behind
this approach is the inverse correlation between velocity and stride time (the higher the velocity,
the shorter the stride time). Thus, in order to estimate the stride length, only the stride time has to be
distinguished by segmenting the data into single strides. An average velocity of the stride can then be
calculated using the stride length and the measured stride duration.
Recently, Gradl et al. [6] proposed an algorithm that uses quadratic regression to compute the
velocity of movements. The velocity was evaluated during running, as well as other movements and
showed a relative error of 6.9 ± 5.5%. The proposed algorithm is solely based on foot acceleration.
Single strides are segmented from the data stream. Afterwards, the acceleration signal of all axes is
integrated prior to the initial ground contact. Finally, the resulting integral value is converted to a
velocity value using a quadratic regression model.
Another method to compute velocity and stride length values from IMU signals is to reconstruct
the trajectory of the sensor in the course of a stride. This method is heavily used for gait analysis
for geriatric patients [7–9] or in inertial navigation scenarios [10,11]. For trajectory reconstruction,
sensor fusion techniques must be applied to both the accelerometer and the gyroscope. Several fusion
algorithms to cope with this task exist. Bailey et al. [12] and Foxlin et al. [13] used extended Kalman
filters to compute the trajectory from the acceleration and angular rate signals, while Rampp et al. [7]
applied a linear dedrifting technique. Both algorithms rely on a zero-velocity update during the
stance phase for the initialization of the orientation. The literature shows that this approach works
well while analyzing walking [7], but it was not evaluated for free running. Bailey et al. [12] applied
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their approach to treadmill running and showed a good accuracy of 0.03 ± 0.2 m/s. However, they
evaluated neither the velocity nor the stride length in a free running scenario.
Deep learning techniques also show good results in IMU-based classification and regression
tasks [14,15]. Hannink et al. [16] showed that deep convolutional neural network regression
outperforms traditional stride length estimation in geriatric gait analysis. They trained a network with
two convolutional layers, which was fed with the 6D IMU raw data of a stride. The output layer had a
single node and provided an estimate of stride length.
1.2. Contribution
Most of the described algorithms were evaluated either for walking or for running on a treadmill.
However, both of these conditions yield different signal characteristics to those of free running.
In running, different strike patterns, such as rearfoot or forefoot strike, exist and affect the performance
of these algorithms. Besides, the movement is also more dynamic, which yields higher accelerations,
angular rates, and impacts. Therefore, our contribution is the comparison of different algorithmic
approaches for computing average velocity and stride length during overground running using an
IMU embedded into the sole of a running shoe. We evaluate these algorithms on a large database
including high variation of the input data. Additionally, we run a field study to assess the performance
in a real-world scenario. Based on the results, we give implementation recommendations for specific
use cases.
2. Methods
2.1. Data Collection
We conducted two data collection studies for algorithm comparison, a lab study and a field
study. The lab study was conducted in a sports research lab to evaluate the performance of the
algorithms against ground-truth stride length and velocity labels on a per stride basis. A 3D motion
tracking system was used as a reference. The field study was conducted on a 400-m outdoor running
track to evaluate the performance regarding the total distance on a continuous 3.2-km run in realistic
free-running conditions. The track length was used as a reference.
2.1.1. Lab Study
In the lab study, data from 27 amateur runners (21 male, 6 female) were recorded. The dataset
included runners with different strike types. Six of the subjects were forefoot/midfoot runners,
and 21 subjects were rearfoot runners. The classification of the strike type was based on the definitions
of Altman et al. [17]. Further anthropometric data can be found in Table 1. Before data acquisition,
all subjects were informed about the related risks and gave written consent to participate in the study
and for the collected data to be published.
Table 1. Anthropometric data of subjects participating in the lab study.
Mean ± Standard Deviation
Age (years)
24.9 ± 2.4
Shoe size (U.S.)
9.3 ± 1.4
Height (cm)
178.6 ± 8.0
The subjects were equipped with running shoes in matching sizes (Response Cushion 21, Adidas
AG, Herzogenaurach, Germany), as depicted in Figure 1a. This model had a cavity in the right shoe
midsole for the placement of a sensor. We cut another cavity of the same size at the same location
into the left shoe midsole to be able to acquire data from both the left and the right shoe in order to
record more data for the training and evaluation of the algorithms. The specific IMU we used was
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the miPod sensor [18]. The accelerometer of the sensor was configured with a range of ±16 g and
the gyroscope with a range of ±2000 ◦s, and data were sampled with a frequency of fs = 200 Hz and
a resolution of 16 bit. Before each data acquisition, the IMUs were calibrated using the calibration
procedure introduced by Ferraris et al. [19]. Figure 1a depicts the orientation of the sensor in the sole
of the running shoe: x points in the lateral direction, y in the dorsoventral direction, and z in the
craniocaudal direction.
As the gold standard for velocity and stride length, we used a motion capture system (Vicon
Motion Systems Inc., Oxford, UK) with 16 infrared cameras and recorded data with a sampling rate of
fs = 200 Hz. A submodel of the marker setup introduced by Michel et al. [20] containing six markers on
each shoe (see Figure 1a) was used. The marker on the heel (for rearfoot runners) and the lateral sided
toe marker (for forefoot/midfoot runners) were used to extract strides. Depending on the strike type,
minima in the trajectory of the corresponding markers were used to label initial ground contacts [21].
The IMUs and the motion tracking system were synchronized using a wireless trigger [22], which
was connected to light barriers (S40 Series, Datalogic, Bologna, Italy). The light barriers triggered the
start and the end of the recording for each trial in both systems. Using the described synchronization
technique, we were able to match strides in the motion capture gold standard data to strides in the
IMU signal.
The subjects were asked to run various trials with different velocities in the range of 2–6 m/s.
We defined these velocity ranges to cover a wide range of relevant running velocities. As the capture
volume was restricted to 6 m, and the stride length varied depending on the running velocity, different
numbers of strides were recorded for the different running velocities. We recorded five additional
trials for the two high velocity ranges to increase the number of captured strides. The velocity ranges
and number of trials recorded can be found in Table 2. The subjects were asked to accelerate before
and keep the pace within the capture volume. We measured the velocity at the beginning of the
motion capture system volume using the above-mentioned light barriers used for synchronization.
The velocity measured by the light barriers was used to ensure that a sufficient number of trials were
recorded within each velocity range, for each subject. If necessary, the subjects were instructed to run
faster or slower in order to ensure the defined number of trials in each velocity range. The ground
truth value for each stride’s velocity vre f was computed from the motion capture reference as:
vre f =
dre f
tre f
dre f · fs
where dre f is the stride length obtained by the difference of the positional data obtained by the motion
capture system between two consecutive initial ground contacts, tre f the corresponding reference
stride time, Nstride the number of samples in between two consecutive initial ground contacts, and fs
the sampling rate. Figure 1b illustrates the setup and running path of the subjects during the lab data
recording. Overall, 2377 strides were recorded during the lab study for the evaluation of the algorithms.
Table 2. Number of trials and recorded strides per velocity range in the lab study.
Velocity Range
# of Trials
# of Strides
2–3 m/s
3–4 m/s
4–5 m/s
5–6 m/s
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(a) Shoe
(b) Setup runway
Figure 1. (a) Shoe equipped with a miPod sensor and the marker setup. The IMU is located within the
sole of the running shoe. The marker setup allowed for a computation of velocity and stride length.
(b) Illustration of reference system setup. The subjects ran through the capture volume of the motion
tracking system, created by 16 infrared cameras, and looped back around.
2.1.2. Field Study
The goal of the field study was to evaluate the algorithm performance regarding total distance
in a real-world scenario. We recorded twelve subjects who performed a self-paced 3.2-km run by
completing eight rounds on a 400-m tartan track. We used this setup to be able to obtain a reference
distance accurately.
The equipment (IMUs, shoes) and settings were the same as described in the lab study
(Section 2.1.1) to enable a direct comparison of the results. The subjects participating in the field study
were not part of the lab study. Additionally, we recorded GPS data using a smartphone (Galaxy S8,
Samsung Inc., Seoul, South Korea) and the fitness application Strava (Strava, Strava Inc., San Francisco,
CA, USA), which is, with 136 million uploaded runs in 2017, one of the most popular fitness apps
worldwide [23]. It also has the capability to export the GPS track in the GPX-format [24] allowing
for a computation of the distance of the running track. The accuracy of the implemented algorithms
can be compared to the GPS data for the total distance of the run. We used the great circle distance
to compute the total distance of the GPS measurements [25]. Our computed total distance from the
exported GPX file matched the distance that Strava provided via its services. Thus, we could compare
the accuracy of the different algorithms to state-of-the-art running platform distance measurements.
2.2. Algorithms
In this section, the algorithms will be described in detail. The section starts with the stride
segmentation algorithm, which is required for all algorithms, except the acceleration-based algorithm,
which includes a different approach to segment steps. Afterwards, the algorithms are described in the
following order: Stride time, (foot) Acceleration, (foot) Trajectory estimation, and Deep Learning.
2.2.1. Stride Segmentation
The first step in the IMU signal processing for velocity and distance calculation was the stride
segmentation. In this step, single strides were extracted from the continuous IMU data stream with a
threshold-based algorithm. Common algorithms use the distinct peaks in the acceleration signal in
the dorsoventral direction ay[n] during initial ground contact to mark the beginning of a stride [26].
We enhanced this idea and used the beginning of the distinctive peak to mark the beginning of a stride.
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This procedure is valid, as the ground already exerts a force to the IMU at the time instance of the peak
in the acceleration signal. Using the peak itself would mean to mark a point in time that is part of the
ground contact. To find the sample before the acceleration peak, we first differentiated the acceleration
signal in the dorsoventral direction ay[n] and consecutively squared the resulting value to obtain a
signal H[n] with amplified peak values.
H[n] = (ay[n] − ay[n − 1])2
In the signal H[n], the maxima were detected by comparing them to an empirical threshold
(empirical threshold: H[n] > 1000
( m
s2 )2
). For every detected maximum, the onset of the rise of H[n]
was determined by setting all values below the threshold to zero and looking for the index of the last
non-zero value in H[n] before the detected maximum. This index nIC was a potential candidate for an
initial ground contact. To eliminate false detections, we added a detector for the swing phase prior to
the peak in the acceleration signal. The swing phase detector computed an integral of ay[n] backwards
from the first detected non-zero value until the first zero-crossing. This is the point in time where the
foot starts decelerating during the swing phase. The integral value S[nIC] for the initial ground contact
candidate nIC was computed as:
S[nIC] =
In this equation, nZC corresponds to the index of the zero crossing marking the start of the
deceleration. If the integral value S[nIC] exceeds an empirically-set threshold (empirical threshold:
S[nIC] < −3[ m
s ]), a swing phase is detected, and thus, the index of the first non-zero value before the
acceleration peak is labeled as an initial ground contact. The described stride segmentation is depicted
in Figure 2.
ay [ ] i n m/s2)
Initial Contact
Zero Crossing
n+1 ZC
( )
n+1 IC
( )
Figure 2.
Example for the stride segmentation.
The plot shows the acceleration signal in the
dorsoventral direction ay[n], the detected initial ground contact nIC, and the beginning of the swing
phase (zero crossing nZC) to confirm the stride candidate. The marked area depicts the integration area
for the swing phase detection.
2.2.2. Stride Time
Cavanagh et al. described the relationship between running velocity, stride length, and stride
frequency [5]. Stride frequency is an inverse measure of the stride time and describes the number of
strides per minute. They showed that runners can increase their running velocity either by increasing
their stride length or by increasing their stride frequency, thus decreasing the stride time. For lower
velocities, runners tend to increase the stride length, while for higher velocities, they tend to increase
the stride frequency. Thus, both the stride time and stride length have no linear dependency on
running velocity. Furthermore, it has to be noted that runners control their velocity individually.
The stride length and therefore the velocity also depend on other parameters like the gender and the
height of the runner. Male runners show greater stride lengths compared to female runners. The stride
length increases with the body height [5].
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We used these biomechanical relations to build an algorithm that estimates stride length and
velocity. Cavanagh et al. [5] provided averaged values for the non-linear correlation between the stride
time tstride and a relative stride length dstride,rel, which is calculated by dividing the absolute stride
length dstride by the runner’s height h. We looked for further publications describing this relationship
and came up with two step functions for males and females that discretized the underlying non-linear
relationship between stride time and stride length for each gender. The definition of the functions for
both male and female runners can be found in Table 3.
Table 3. Definition of step functions for the relative stride length dstride,rel[tstride] for (a) male and (b)
female runners for the Stride time algorithm.
(a) Male
(b) Female
tstride (s)
tstride (s)
0.800 < tstride
0.800 < tstride
0.748 < tstride ≤ 0.800
0.735 < tstride ≤ 0.800
0.720 < tstride ≤ 0.748
0.720 < tstride ≤ 0.735
0.713 < tstride ≤ 0.720
0.704 < tstride ≤ 0.720
0.706 < tstride ≤ 0.713
0.667 < tstride ≤ 0.704
0.698 < tstride ≤ 0.706
0.607 < tstride ≤ 0.667
0.694 < tstride ≤ 0.698
0.578 < tstride ≤ 0.607
0.687 < tstride ≤ 0.694
0.500 < tstride ≤ 0.578
0.678 < tstride ≤ 0.687
tstride ≤ 0.500
0.664 < tstride ≤ 0.678
0.649 < tstride ≤ 0.664
0.500 < tstride ≤ 0.649
tstride ≤ 0.500
The stride time tstride was obtained by dividing the number of samples of one stride Nstride by the
sampling frequency fs.
tstride = Nstride
= (n + 1)IC − nIC
Nstride was computed by subtracting the indices of two consecutive initial ground contacts
(n + 1)IC and nIC obtained from the stride segmentation algorithm. After obtaining the relative
stride length dstride,rel of the runner based on the gender and the stride time, the absolute stride length
dstride was computed by multiplying dstride,rel from the table and the runner’s height h in meters.
dstride = h · dstride,rel
The running velocity vstride was then calculated using the stride time and the stride length.
vstride = dstride
Thus, the Stride time algorithm is solely based on the stride time. Gender and body height are
usually known in all applications.
2.2.3. Acceleration
The Acceleration method introduced in [6] uses only acceleration data for step segmentation and
the computation of stride length and stride velocity. The method correlates the velocity of the foot
(and thus, the subject) with the acceleration during the swing phase of the foot. It consists of three
different algorithmic steps: (1) a continuous calculation of an integration value with a strong correlation
to the movement velocity, (2) a stride segmentation based on initial ground contacts to determine the
swing phase of the foot, and (3) a regression model to translate the continuous integration value to the
velocity value.
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We used the step segmentation algorithm from the cited publication due its applicability to
movements other than running [6]. The inputs to the processing pipeline were the sampled triaxial
acceleration signals from the foot sensor ax, ay, and az. After smoothing the input signals using a
sliding window filter, the integration value ι was calculated as a multi-step absolute averaging across
all directional components with:
ι[n] =
L + 1
i=0 ∑
|sd[n − i]| ,
where L is the window length, which is expected to be the same as the duration of the foot swing phase.
Individual strides were determined in the smoothed dorsoventral acceleration signal sy using a
peak detection process in combination with two knowledge-based parameter thresholds. The goal
was to detect and isolate the high impact response of initial ground contact in the smoothed signal [6].
Each time a valid stride was detected by the stride segmentation algorithm, the average velocity per
stride vstride was determined based on a second degree polynomial regression function:
vstride = A + B · ι[nIC] + C · ι[nIC]2,
where the constants A, B, and C are derived during a regression model training phase where known
reference velocity observations are matched to velocity integration values using parametric regression
analysis. A trained regression model can be observed in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Polynomial function of second degree (red line) that relates the velocity integration value ι to
the reference velocity values vstride (grey dots).
2.2.4. Trajectory
Based on the foot trajectory, the stride length and stride velocity can be deduced. The trajectory
of the sensor during running can be computed using an extended Kalman filter approach or using
dedrifting techniques. We applied dedrifting techniques due to two reasons: Firstly, Bailey et al. [12]
showed that the results for the mean step velocity of the two techniques did not differ significantly
with respect to accuracy (extended Kalman filter: 0.03 ± 0.02 m/s, linear dedrifting: 0.0 ± 0.03 m/s).
Secondly, the same authors showed in a different article that a sampling rate of more than 250 Hz is
required for an extended Kalman filter approach [31]. For embedded use cases (e.g., a smart shoe
scenario), low sampling rates are beneficial from an energy perspective. In gait analysis, the linear
dedrifting technique showed promising results for a lower sampling rate of 200 Hz [7].
Trajectory reconstruction algorithms based on linear dedrifting consist of four steps, as depicted
in Figure 4, and have both the triaxial accelerometer and the triaxial gyroscope measurements as an
input. In the following paragraphs, the four algorithmic steps will be explained in detail. Orientation
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is computed by integrating the gyroscope measurements, and the position is obtained by integrating
the accelerometer measurements.
Figure 4. The four steps of the algorithm for the trajectory reconstruction based on linear dedrifting.
Midstance detection: A common problem with computing the trajectory from IMU measurements
is the drift of the sensors introduced by noise in the acceleration and the angular rate measurements.
This drift is limited by using zero velocity updates [32]. The idea behind these updates is to reinitialize
the position and the orientation of the sensor for every stride. By applying that technique, absolute
position in space is lost; however, the individual stride parameters can be computed more accurately.
The reason for the higher accuracy lies in the integration of shorter durations and thus a smaller
accumulated error. The point in time for the reinitialization of the stride values originates from gait
analysis and is the midstance phase during a stride cycle. At this point in time, the foot has its lowest
velocity, and the orientation of the foot is known, because during midstance in gait, the foot is expected
to be flat on the ground. Thus, it can be assumed that the orientation of the sensor can be computed
statically using the acceleration measurement. This allows the initialization of the position and velocity
to zero and the orientation with respect to gravity. To find midstance, we computed the minimum
gyroscopic energy after initial ground contact [32] in a 250-ms time interval. The duration of this time
interval is the average time of the stance phase for velocities up to 6 m/s [33]. Hereafter, the trajectory
reconstruction will be performed on strides segmented from midstance to midstance.
Orientation estimation: After initializing the orientation based on the accelerometer measurement
during midstance, the orientation of the sensor was computed using the gyroscope measurements.
This step is necessary to calculate the orientation of the sensor so that gravity can be removed,
which is an essential step for the computation of the position in space from the acceleration signal.
For the orientation computation, we used the same quaternion integration approach as described by
Rampp et al. [7].
Gravity removal: After the orientation estimation, gravity was removed. Without this removal,
the gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s2 would be integrated additionally into the acceleration
caused by running, which would lead to a large error over the duration of a stride. To remove gravity,
we used the orientation of the sensor obtained by the gyroscope integration to rotate the acceleration
measured in the sensor coordinate system to the world coordinate system. In the world coordinate
system, we subtracted the gravitational acceleration from the measured acceleration.
Dedrifted integration: The last step to come up with the full trajectory of the stride was to
compute the position of the sensor by a double integration of the gravity removed acceleration.
The first integration computed the velocity of the sensor over time, followed by the second integration,
which resulted in the position of the sensor over time. Despite the gravity removal, there was still
noise in the acceleration signal, causing drift in the results. This drift was reduced by dedrifting the
velocity signal obtained after the first integration. The core idea behind dedrifting is the fact that
we assume the velocity to be zero during midstance. For every stride, we fit a linear function in the
velocity signal for all three directions, which was determined by the first and last velocity value of the
stride. To dedrift the velocity signal, we subtracted the linear function from the integrated velocity
signal, which enforced the velocity to be zero for both the first and the second midstance. This process
is depicted in Figure 5.
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(a) Velocity before dedrifting
t (s)
Velocity (m/s)
(b) Dedrifted velocity
Figure 5. Visualization of the dedrifting method that ensures that the velocity during the second
midstance is zero. (a) Velocity signal before dedrifting. The grey doted linear function is fit between
the first and last point of the stride (midstance). (b) Velocity signal after dedrifting.
Calculation of stride length and velocity: From the position of the sensor in space obtained after
integrating the dedrifted velocity signal, the stride length dstride and the average stride velocity vstride
were computed. The stride length was calculated as the L2-norm of the position in space at the index
of the second midstance. Velocity was calculated by dividing stride length by stride time.
2.2.5. Deep Learning
After outperforming conventional methods in various other fields like speech recognition,
visual object recognition, and object detection [34], the methodology of deep learning started to
become more and more popular for IMU data processing. Hannink et al. [16] introduced a deep
convolutional regression network for calculating the stride length from raw IMU data in geriatric
patients. The network learned a model for stride length regression based on raw IMU data without any
domain knowledge. In this work, we used an adapted architecture for the stride length computation in
running gait, which is depicted in Figure 6. It consisted of two convolutional layers, two max pooling
layers, one flattening layer, and two fully-connected layers. For the implementation of the architecture,
we used Keras [35] with a TensorFlow backend [36].
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Input data
K 1
N 1
N 2
K 2
M 2
Stride length
Figure 6. Architecture of the convolutional neural network for stride length regression based on the
raw 6D-IMU signal. For the first convolutional layer, we used N1 = 32 filter kernels of kernel length
K1 = 30. The second convolutional layer consisted of N2 = 16 filter kernels of kernel length K2 = 15.
The first fully-connected layer had M1 = 128 outputs that served as input to the second fully-connected
layer, which had only a M2 = 1 output. This output represented the computed stride length.
Before feeding data into the network, the segmented 6D-IMU data of a single stride were
zero padded to 200 samples to assure a constant number of samples as an input to the network.
One convolutional layer consisted of N convolution filters. The N outputs of a convolutional layer
O(j) with j = 1 . . . N are called feature maps and were computed by the convolution of the six IMU
input channels xc with c = 1...6 with the filter kernel φ(j)
of length K, adding biases b(j)
and finally
applying a ReLU activation function:
O(j) = ReLU
× xc + b(j)
c )
This formula has to be applied for all j = 1 . . . N filters to produce N feature maps O(j) after each
convolutional layer. Thus, the two tunable parameters in the convolutional layers are the number
of kernel coefficients K and the number of filters N. In the first convolutional layer, the kernel size
was K1 = 30 and the number of filters N1 = 32. In the second convolutional layer, the kernel size
was K2 = 15 and the number of filters N2 = 16 filters. After each convolutional layer, the resulting
feature map was fed into a max pooling layer, which downsampled the resulting feature map by a
downsampling factor of two by taking the maximum in non-overlapping windows of size two.
After the second max pooling layer, the feature map was flattened to produce a one-dimensional
feature list that can be fed into the fully-connected layers. Thus, the flattening layer appended the
N2-dimensional output of the second max pooling layer after each other into one feature list. The two
fully-connected layers at the end of the architecture computed a weighted sum of all k = 1 . . . Nf
input features ϕk of the one-dimensional feature vector with weights wk,j and added biases bk.
A ReLU function again activated the positive features.
Fj = ReLU
Nf −1
(wk,j · ϕk + bk,j)
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The outputs of the fully-connected layers were feature lists Fj with j = 1 . . . M, where M describes
the number features. In our architecture, the first fully-connected layer had M1 = 128 output features.
The second fully-connected layer had only M2 = 1 output feature, which was the resulting target
value. In our implementation, the regressed target value was the stride length.
To prevent overfitting, we also added a dropout layer to our network [37]. The dropout layer was
stacked between the two fully-connected layers and dropped 30% of the neurons. During training,
we fed the data into the network in five epochs with a batch size of 16. We trained the network both for
the stride length and for the velocity. The network with the stride length as the output outperformed
the velocity approach and was therefore used for the evaluation in this publication. Thus, the velocity
vstride for the Deep Learning approach was computed by dividing the stride length dstride obtained from
the neural network by the stride time tstride obtained from the stride segmentation.
2.3. Evaluation
2.3.1. Lab Study
The results of the lab study dataset will be evaluated using the mean error (ME) and standard
deviation (Std), the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and the mean absolute error (MAE).
We provide all these measures to make our results comparable to prior studies.
For the evaluation of the Acceleration and Deep Learning algorithms, we used leave-one-subject-out
cross-validation to prevent overfitted results. We also show Bland–Altman plots [38] to visualize
the results.
2.3.2. Field Study
For the evaluation of the 3.2-km field study dataset, we used the MAE to evaluate the total
distance of the runs. After segmenting the strides and calculating the stride lengths for each stride,
we accumulated the single stride lengths and compared them to the ground truth value of 3200 m.
The reason for choosing the MAE for this evaluation was the fact that the absolute deviation of the
ground truth value is of great importance to runners. For the Acceleration and Deep Learning algorithms,
we computed the regression models based on the lab study dataset. Due to having different subjects
participating in the lab and the field study, the results were not overfitted. The GPS measurements of
the total distance of the individual runs were also evaluated by comparing them to the gold standard
value of 3.2 km.
3. Results
3.1. Lab Study
Table 4 depicts the mean errors and standard deviations for both stride velocity and stride length
of the four different algorithms for the lab study dataset. The results were averaged over all strides in
the lab study dataset. The results show that the Trajectory algorithm performed best considering both
the ME ± Std and the MAE.
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Table 4. Mean error (ME) and standard deviations (Std), mean percentage error (MAPE), and mean
absolute error (MAE) of stride length and average velocity per stride of the four algorithms for the lab
study dataset.
Error Measure
Stride Time
Deep Learning
ME ± Std (m/s)
0.209 ± 0.782
0.005 ± 0.350
0.028 ± 0.252
0.055 ± 0.285
MAPE (%)
MAE (m/s)
ME ± Std (cm)
17.7 ± 57.3
−0.5 ± 25.6
2.00 ± 14.1
2.5 ± 20.1
Stride length
MAPE (%)
MAE (cm)
Figure 7 shows the results of the stride length for the different velocity ranges. The MEs of the
Deep Learning algorithm increased with higher velocities. The Trajectory showed lower MEs for the
three slower velocity ranges than for the highest velocity range. The Acceleration algorithm showed
small errors from 3–5 m/s. Its performance dropped for the outer velocity ranges from 2–3 m/s and
from 5–6 m/s. The Stride time algorithm worked well for the velocity range of 2–3 m/s and 5–6 m/s;
however, it showed large errors of more than 40 cm for the other velocity ranges.
Speed bins (m/s)
Mean error stride length (m)
Stride time
Deep Learning
Figure 7. Mean error of the stride length of the four different algorithms for the different velocity
ranges the subjects ran in the lab study.
Figure 8 shows the Bland–Altman plots for both the stride length and the average velocity per
stride for the lab study dataset. The results are color coded into the velocity ranges presented in
Table 2. The Trajectory algorithm performed well for velocities up to 5 m/s. For the high velocity range,
larger errors could be observed. The Stride time algorithm performed worst and showed a linear error
distribution in the Bland–Altman plots. In the Acceleration, Trajectory, and Deep Learning plots for stride
length, we see the samples of the different velocity ranges overlapping. This overlap is not visible in
the velocity plots.
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Mean (m)
Difference (m)
(a) Algorithm: Stride time; metric: stride length
Mean (m/s)
Difference (m/s)
(b) Algorithm: Stride time; metric: velocity
Mean (m)
Difference (m)
(c) Algorithm: Acceleration; metric: stride length
Mean (m/s)
Difference (m/s)
(d) Algorithm: Acceleration; metric: velocity
Mean (m)
Difference (m)
(e) Algorithm: Trajectory; metric: stride length
Mean (m/s)
Difference (m/s)
(f) Algorithm: Trajectory; metric: velocity
Mean (m)
Difference (m)
(g) Algorithm: Deep Learning; metric: stride length
Mean (m/s)
Difference (m/s)
(h) Algorithm: Deep Learning; metric: velocity
Figure 8. Bland–Altman plots for stride length and velocity for the four algorithms. Each row contains
the metrics for one algorithm. The individual samples are color coded depending on the velocity bin of
the sample: 2–3 m/s blue, 3–4 m/s red, 4–5 m/s green, 5–6 m/s purple. The dotted-dashed horizontal
lines depict the mean error and the dotted horizontal line the 95% confidence interval.
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3.2. Field Study
Figure 9 shows the MAE of the total running distance for the field study dataset, both for the
algorithms and GPS-based estimation. The figure indicates that the Trajectory algorithm performed
best with a MAE of 94.0 m. The error was comparable to that of the GPS-based estimate (82.1 m).
Stride time
Deep Learning
Mean absolute error (m)
Figure 9. Mean absolute error of the 3.2-km run for the four different algorithms and GPS.
4. Discussion
Firstly, we will compare our results to existing literature. Afterwards, we will discuss the results of
the lab study including a detailed evaluation of the individual algorithms with respect to their accuracy
and their advantages and disadvantages in a smart shoe scenario. Special emphasis will be placed on
the number of sensors that are needed to run the algorithms and the underlying power consumption
of these sensors. Finally, the results of the field study on the tartan track will be discussed.
4.1. Comparison to Existing Literature
Different papers already evaluated the stride length or the velocity of single strides. Three of these
papers are listed in Table 5. These three publications used similar approaches to ours: Bailey et al. [12]
used a trajectory approach using a linear dedrifting technique; Gradl et al. [6] used the described
acceleration approach; and Hannink et al. [16] a DCNN approach.
Table 5. Results of other publications related to stride length and velocity calculation.
Gait Type
# Subjects
# Strides
Error Measure
Bailey et al. [12]
0.04 ± 0.03 m/s
Gradl et al. [6]
6.9 ± 5.5%
Hannink et al. [16]
Stride length
0.01 ± 5.37 cm
With respect to the standard deviation, the results of the trajectory implementation of
Bailey et al. [12] are better than our results (Table 4). They also evaluated 1800 strides; however,
these strides only originated from running velocities ranging from 2.3–3.4 m/s. We also evaluated
our results for this velocity range and obtained an error of 0.004 ± 0.107 m/s. We observe that
our standard deviation is still higher than the standard deviation reported from Bailey et al. One
reason for that might be the higher number of different runners with different running styles who
participated in our study. Furthermore, their study was conducted on a treadmill. On a treadmill,
the variability of different strides at a given velocity is lower and does not reproduce overground
running kinematics [39].
The errors reported by Gradl et al. [6] were obtained on a smaller database than the one presented
in this paper. Thus, our worse results are due to the higher variability in our dataset, which the second
degree polynomial could not appropriately approximate.
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The results of Hannink et al. [16] were evaluated for gait in geriatric patients. Hence, there is
a general difference in the stride patterns, causing differences in the results. Further differences
between the setup of our network architecture and study population are listed and discussed in the
following section.
4.2. Lab Study
In this section, we will discuss the results of the lab study for each algorithm in detail with respect
to their advantages/disadvantages and the number of sensors needed for their implementation.
Stride time: The Stride time algorithm leads to the lowest accuracy for the lab study dataset.
Even though stride time and stride length relative to the subject’s height correlate non-linearly,
the correlation does not seem to be high enough to compute velocity and stride length accurately.
The low correlation is also visible in Figure 10. The gray dots are the relative stride length values
obtained from the lab study dataset, and the red line is the step function for male subjects defined
in Table 3a. We see that the step function does not approximate the underlying data accurately.
The standard deviation of the relative stride length within a certain stride time range (e.g., 0.748 <
tstride ≤ 0.800) of the step function is high. This is due to the fact that velocity is controlled by stride
frequency and stride length. The Stride time algorithm cannot handle that fact, as it only depends on
stride frequency.
Figure 10. Visualization of the correlation between the stride time tstride and the relative stride length
dstride,rel for male subjects. The light gray dots depict the data obtained from the field study, whereas
the red curve and the black dashed lines visualize the step function obtained from literature and
implemented in the Stride time algorithm.
In the Bland–Altman plots for the stride length metric (Figure 8), the other three algorithms
showed overlapping sample clouds. This indicates that people increased their velocity both by
increasing their stride length and by decreasing their stride time in higher velocities. The other
algorithms are capable of dealing with this effect due to the fact that the sample clouds are separated
in the Bland–Altman plots of the velocity metric. This is not observable in the plots for the Stride time
algorithm. Thus, the other algorithms can deal better with the velocity control via stride frequency and
stride length.
Furthermore, we want to discuss the shape of the Stride time algorithm’s Bland–Altman plots
briefly. The long diagonal lines in the plots (Figure 8b) originate from the steps in the step function
introduced in Table 3. One line belongs to one stride time range. The small deviations within the
diagonals originate from the different body heights. We observed that for some stride time ranges,
the gold standard velocity ranged from 2–6 m/s (color coded within one diagonal), showing that the
stride time ranges of the step function obtained from the literature do not generalize well. Furthermore,
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the relative stride lengths presented in Table 3 are averaged over specific study populations. Even if a
subject controls its stride frequency in the exact same manner as encoded by the stride time ranges of
the step function, the resulting stride length could be incorrect due to an incorrect relative stride length.
Despite the algorithm’s low accuracy, an advantage of the stride time algorithm is that it can be
implemented very energy efficiently. In the case of an IMU scenario, only a stride segmentation is
necessary to compute the stride time. The stride segmentation presented in this paper only needs the
sampling of the acceleration in the dorsoventral direction; thus, a 1D-accelerometer would be sufficient.
In fact, strides could be segmented without an IMU using sensors such as piezo-electric switches to
detect the ground contact [40].
Acceleration: The plot with the ME for the different velocity ranges in Figure 7 shows that
the Acceleration algorithm works better for the the two velocity ranges from 3–4 m/s and 4–5 m/s.
In addition, the Bland–Altman plots in Figure 8 show outliers especially for the highest velocity range
for both the stride length and the average velocity. The reason for that can be observed in Figure 3,
where we see that the second degree polynomial used to map the velocity integration value ι to the
velocity value approximates the reference data better for the velocity range from 3–5 m/s and especially
not well for the highest velocity range. This can be explained by the spread of the underlying data
being too large to be represented by the polynomial.
However, the Acceleration algorithm outperforms the Stride time algorithm and shows comparable
performance to the Deep Learning algorithm for the velocity range of 3–4 m/s. The advantage of the
Acceleration algorithm over the better performing Trajectory and slightly better performing Deep Learning
algorithm is its energy efficiency. For the computation of the stride length and the velocity, only a
triaxial accelerometer needs to be sampled. Sampling only an accelerometer consumes less energy than
sampling the gyroscope or sampling both sensors. For example, for the MPU9250 from InvenSense,
the supply current needed for sampling only the accelerometer is less than 15% of the current needed
for sampling both the accelerometer and the gyroscope [41]. Furthermore, the sampling rate can be
further reduced for the Acceleration algorithm [6]. We also tested the reduction of the sampling rate
for the lab study dataset and observed that a reduction to 60 Hz does not affect the accuracy of the
algorithm. With such a low sampling rate, the energy consumption can be further reduced. Another
advantage of the algorithm is its generalizability and its applicability to other movements like side
stepping [6].
Foot trajectory: The Trajectory algorithm performs best for the lab study dataset. Especially for
velocities up to 5 m/s, the algorithm achieves a ME of less than 0.012 m for the stride length and
0.014 m/s for the average velocity. For velocities higher than 5 m/s, the accuracy drops. In the
Bland–Altman plots (Figure 8e,f), outliers for this velocity range are visible. The zero-velocity update
based on the detection of the minimum energy in the gyroscope signal is error prone for such high
velocities. The foot has no real zero-velocity phase and is always in motion. Thus, the underlying
zero-velocity assumption does not hold. One way how to improve this algorithm is to propose a better
solution for the initial condition when applying it to higher running velocities. Future work could
evaluate whether a regression model based on the velocity during the swing phase would be a better
initial condition.
For the Trajectory algorithm, we were also interested in the applicability of the zero velocity update
for the different strike types due to the foot never being flat on the ground for forefoot runners. Hence,
we also evaluated the accuracy of the Trajectory algorithm for the different strike types. The violin plots
for forefoot and rearfoot runners are depicted in Figure 11. The plots show that the MEs do not differ
significantly for the two strike types. However, the standard deviation is higher for forefoot runners.
The low ME both for the forefoot and the rearfoot strike type can be explained by the fact that we align
the foot during the zero velocity phase with gravity. The higher standard deviation originates in the
more dynamic nature of the forefoot running style. Thus, the zero velocity phase cannot be detected
accurately, which results in higher errors.
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Figure 11. Violin plots of the error (sre f − sstride) in the velocity computation for forefoot strikers and
rearfoot strikers.
An advantage of the Trajectory algorithm is that it provides more information about the stride
than the velocity and the stride length. During the computation of these parameters, the orientation of
the shoe in space is also calculated, which allows for a determination of other parameters like the sole
angle, which defines the strike pattern or the range of motion in the frontal plane that is associated
with pronation [42]. Furthermore, the algorithm uses solely signal processing and has no training
phase, which makes it well applicable to unseen data. This holds for lower velocities and the transition
to walking.
In terms of an embedded implementation and energy efficiency, the Trajectory algorithm needs
both accelerometer and gyroscope data. Thus, it needs more energy than the Stride time and the
Acceleration algorithm for acquiring 6D-IMU data.
Deep learning: The Deep Learning algorithm produced an ME of less than 0.095 m/s for the
velocity and 0.104 m for the stride length for all velocity ranges in the lab study dataset. Compared
to Hannink et al. [16], we reduced both the number of filters in the second convolutional layer and
the number of outputs in the fully-connected layer, because the results using the identical structure
yielded worse results for our use case. The differences in the architecture are listed in Table 6. Generally,
the performance of the DCNN network is worse compared to the results reported in [16].
Table 6. Differences in the study setup and architecture presented in [16] from our DCNN implementation.
# Parameters
Range Stride
# Training
ME ± Std
Length Data Set
Hannink et al. [16]
0.01 ± 5.37 cm
0.14–1.30 m
Our approach
1.3 ± 19.4 cm
1.22–4.84 cm
We see that our approach needs less parameters due to the reduction of filters in the second
convolutional layer and the smaller output number of the fully-connected layer. However, our results
show a larger error. The reason for that might be a larger variation in our training data and the different
strike pattern in running. The range of the target parameter of stride length is 3.62 m in the lab study
of this work and 1.16 m in the dataset for geriatric patients of Hannink et al. [16]. The strike patterns in
running differ significantly for forefoot and rearfoot runners, which also introduces more variation in
the input data.
Besides, we observed that during training, the training errors and validation errors still varied
after the five training epochs, even though we had more training samples than Hannink et al. [16].
Increasing the number of epochs or batches did not change the varying validation errors. This indicates
that the DCNN does not generalize well. Thus, the results might be further improved by incorporating
more data samples in the training process of the network.
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The embedded implementation of the presented method is a challenge as the DCNN model
comprises 85,425 parameters. However, it is still in a range where it can be implemented on a
microcontroller. For this method, the acceleration and the gyroscope have to be sampled. This
further increases the energy demand compared to the Acceleration approach. Taking computational
effort and performance into account, the Acceleration method would be a better trade-off for an
embedded implementation.
4.3. Field Study
The aim of the field study dataset was the evaluation of the estimation of the overall distance
of a run in an outside and real-world scenario. The Trajectory algorithm also worked best for this
dataset. With an MAE of 94.0 m, it is comparable to the results of GPS, which also produced an MAE
of 82.1 m, and is used in state-of-the-art running platforms tracking athlete performances. Besides,
the IMU technology has the advantage that it allows velocity and distance computations indoors or in
scenarios where no satellite connection for GPS is available. Based on the presented results, we argue
that although the Trajectory algorithm has high standard deviations in the lab study for the stride
length calculation, these have no major impact on the computation for longer distances based on stride
length. We believe this is due to errors canceling out over time. As the subjects’ average velocity
was 3.48 m/s during the data acquisition, the high velocity range of 5–6 m/s was not reached for the
amateur runners that participated in this study. We expect the results to be worse for the high velocity
range, which can be reached by professional athletes.
The Stride time algorithm showed the worst performance for the field study dataset (MAE of
599.7 m). Despite its best energy efficiency, our results indicate that its accuracy is too low to use
for tracking velocity and distance. The Deep Learning approach (MAE 194.5 m) performs better than
the Acceleration approach (MAE 333.1 m). Due to the fact that the the neural network also needs the
6D-IMU data as an input, it has no benefit compared to the Trajectory approach, which performs better.
The Acceleration approach only requires the sampling of the triaxial accelerometer, which makes it
more energy efficient. Despite its decreased accuracy, we propose to use this algorithm in use cases
where very strict energy limitations occur.
5. Conclusions and Future Work
In this study, we compared four different algorithms with respect to their performance on stride
length and mean average velocity per stride calculation for running. We conducted two studies to
evaluate the accuracy of the algorithms: one study in a laboratory environment with a motion capture
system as the ground truth, in which we acquired 2377 strides of 27 subjects, and one field study in a
real-world scenario. We showed that the Trajectory algorithm performs best and especially well for
velocities up to 5 m/s. The results of the field study showed that this algorithm does not only work on
single strides, but also on longer outdoor runs in a real-world scenario. The MAEs for this scenario
showed that the trajectory is comparable to GPS measurements, which is the common method for total
distance tracking in amateur running. However, the Trajectory algorithm is more costly energy wise
due to the fact that both the acceleration and the gyroscope have to be acquired with a sampling rate
of 200 Hz. When it comes to an energy-efficient use case, the Acceleration algorithm is a good choice,
as it only needs to sample the accelerometer, and the sampling rate can be decreased to 60 Hz.
We therefore propose the implementation of the Trajectory algorithm for use cases with no energy
limitations and the implementation of the Acceleration algorithm for use cases with energy restrictions.
In future work, we want to address further parameters that can be computed using inertial
measurement units and other sensors located in the sole of a running shoe. Using data acquired by
sensors on both feet, it is possible to perform bi-lateral analysis by combining the information of
both sensors. Thus, the contribution of the individual lower limbs to the running movement can be
further evaluated. Using only data from IMUs within the sole of a running shoe and the Trajectory
algorithm, analysis regarding imbalances in stride length, stride time or orientation of the two feet
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can be conducted. Furthermore, other temporal parameters like flight time or stance time could be
computed by adding a toe-off detection. Due to inaccuracies with the toe-off detection in running
using only one IMU per foot [43], we plan to also incorporate pressure sensors for toe-off detection
into the soles of a running shoe.
Author Contributions: M.Z. conceived of and designed the experiments; M.Z. and M.U. performed the
experiments; M.Z., S.G., and U.J. analyzed the data; B.M.E. contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools;
M.Z. wrote the paper.
Funding: This work was conducted during the Servicefactory research project supported by the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Bjoern Eskofier gratefully acknowledges the support of the German
Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework of the Heisenberg professorship program (Grant Number ES
Acknowledgments: The authors also thank Christine Martindale for revising the script as a native English speaker.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Comparison of Different Algorithms for Calculating Velocity and Stride Length in Running Using Inertial Measurement Units. | 11-30-2018 | Zrenner, Markus,Gradl, Stefan,Jensen, Ulf,Ullrich, Martin,Eskofier, Bjoern M | eng |
Player load in male elite soccer: Comparisons
of patterns between matches and positions
Terje DalenID1*, Tore Kristian Aune1, Geir Håvard Hjelde2, Gertjan EttemaID3,
Øyvind SandbakkID3, David McGhie3
1 Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Nord University, Levanger, Norway, 2 Rosenborg
FC, Trondheim, Norway, 3 Centre for Elite Sports Research, Department of Neuromedicine and Movement
Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
* [email protected]
Our primary aim was to explore the development of player load throughout match time (i.e.,
the pattern) using moving 5-min windows in an elite soccer team and our secondary aim
was to compare player load patterns between different positions within the same team. The
dataset included domestic home matches (n = 34) over three seasons for a Norwegian Elite
League team. Player movements (mean ± SD age 25.5 ± 4.2 years, height 183.6 ± 6.6 cm,
body mass 78.9 ± 7.4 kg) were recorded at 20 Hz using body-worn sensors. Data for each
variable (player load, player load per meter, total distance, accelerations, decelerations,
sprint distance, high-intensity running distance) were averaged within positions in each
match, converted to z-scores and averaged across all matches, yielding one time series for
each variable for each position. Pattern similarity between positions was assessed with
cross-correlations. Overall, we observed a distinct pattern in player load throughout match
time, which also occurred in the majority of individual matches. The pattern shows peaks at
regular intervals (~15 min), each followed by a period of lower load, declining until the next
peak. The same pattern was evident in player load per meter. The cross-correlation analy-
ses support the visual evidence, with correlations ranging 0.88–0.97 (p < .001) in all position
pairs. In contrast, no specific patterns were discernible in total distance, accelerations,
decelerations, sprint distance and high-intensity running distance, with cross-correlations
ranging 0.65–0.89 (p < .001), 0.32–0.64 (p < .005), 0.18–0.65 (p < .005 in nine position
pairs), 0.02–0.38 (p < .05 in three pairs) and 0.01–0.52 (p < .05 in three pairs), respectively.
This study demonstrated similarity in player load patterns between both matches and posi-
tions in elite soccer competition, which could indicate a physical “pacing pattern” employed
by the team.
For optimal performance in team sports like soccer (association football), players are required
to maximize their technical, tactical, and physical abilities. The physical demands of soccer
matches are characterized by a constant variation between low- (e.g., standing and walking),
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Citation: Dalen T, Aune TK, Hjelde GH, Ettema G,
Sandbakk Ø, McGhie D (2020) Player load in male
elite soccer: Comparisons of patterns between
matches and positions. PLoS ONE 15(9):
Editor: Laurent Mourot, University of Bourgogne
France Comte´, FRANCE
Received: June 2, 2020
Accepted: August 31, 2020
Published: September 21, 2020
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2020 Dalen et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
high- (e.g., running), and very high-intensity (e.g., accelerations, decelerations and sprinting)
activities [1–3]. Along with additional sport-specific activities (e.g., tackles, turns, headers,
dribbles), these locomotor activities constitute the total physical load of a player during train-
ing and matches [4]. However, the total physical load of the players is determined by a combi-
nation of direct involvement in play, responding to movements of attacking players, tactical
restrictions, and willingness to support team-mates [5]. These variations are likely to result in
a relatively large match to match variability in physical performance [6, 7].
Time-motion analyses have provided accurate and objective quantification of the players’
activities, and therefore improved our understanding of the physical demands in soccer [8–
11]. However, measurements of different locomotor classifications or speed zones may be
insensitive to the totality of mechanical stresses common to team sports. Tri-axial accelerome-
ters provide complementary information to time-motion analysis for understanding player
load during matches and training [12, 13] as they record the acceleration of body movement
in three dimensions, which better estimates the players’ physical exertion. Therefore, manufac-
turers of global positioning systems (GPS) and local positioning measurements (LPM) have
incorporated high-resolution triaxial accelerometers as a measure of player load. Such analyses
are shown useful for validly quantifying the physical demands in soccer [12, 14–16], in which
various estimations of player load are regarded as acceptable measures of external load and
largely correlated to players’ physiological and perceptual responses to training [17, 18]
To date, monitoring external training and match load measures in soccer has tended to rely
on results based on locomotor activities. In previous analyses of soccer matches, considerable
heterogeneity has been observed in the within-match development of locomotor activities
(total distance, HiR, sprint, accelerations and decelerations) throughout match time (i.e., the
pattern) across studies [6, 9, 19–25]. Some studies report a reduction in total and high-inten-
sity running (HiR) distances toward the end of each half [9, 26], whereas others do not find
such changes [20, 21]. These contradictory results are likely caused by different measurement
systems, different tactical elements, opponents’ playing style, pacing strategies, score line, and
team formation, which would all affect the players’ ability to regulate and maintain their physi-
cal effort [22]. However, previous studies show high variability in high-speed activities within
matches and that individual players show inconsistency in high-speed activity (i.e., HiR and
sprinting) across matches [6, 23]. A component of soccer matches that has received relatively
less attention is the players’ number of accelerations and decelerations [19], although some
previous studies suggest that inter- and intra-individual variability is smaller for accelerations
compared to distance-related measures [6, 24]. Additionally, a recent study found a continu-
ous reductional pattern in accelerations over the course of a match and after peak working
periods of a match, which was consistent across positions [25].
In the existing literature, the within-match player load based on three-dimensional move-
ment analyses has been investigated using a standardised soccer simulation with 15-min stan-
dardised activity blocks [27]. Here, the authors found that player load increased over time in
each half, likely due to a change in movement strategy and/or a reduced locomotor efficiency
[27]. In contrast to this, reductions in player load were identified in the latter stages of each
half in the analyses of 86 matches in U-21 English Championship teams [14]. However, in the
same 15-min time periods, the player load per total distance covered increased, suggesting an
increased loading for every given meter covered on the pitch [14]. These investigations have
allowed a general determination of player load patterns during soccer matches and soccer-spe-
cific intermittent exercises. However, to understand more in detail how teams and individual
players distribute their player load and related locomotor activities throughout soccer matches,
the same factors need to be analyzed over shorter time-periods than 15-min blocks. More
instantaneous analyses of player load and the corresponding activities during soccer matches
Player load pattern in soccer matches
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Funding: The funder (Rosenborg FC) provided
support in the form of salaries for author [G.H.H.],
but did not have any additional role in the study
design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The commercial affiliation
(Rosenborg FC) does not alter our adherence to all
PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials
by including the following statement: "This does
not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on
sharing data and materials.”
would logically show a variable “pacing” influenced by e.g., tactical elements, player position,
and the level of the opponents. In order to quantify this across e.g., positions, the similarity of
patterns throughout the duration of matches must be analyzed. Long term analyses of such
data and the relationships to changes in tactics, different opponents, and match outcome have
the potential to provide imperative understanding of how the team and the players in different
positions distribute the load (i.e., “pacing strategies”) during different types of matches.
Since analyses based on predefined periods cannot provide information about the “real”
peaks and valleys in the analysis of patterns throughout a match, moving windows is a poten-
tial solution, providing more accurate information about player load and locomotor variables
(total distance, acceleration, deceleration, HiR and sprint). Our primary aim was to explore
the patterns of player load, as well as locomotor variables for comparison, with analyses from
moving 5-min windows in an elite soccer team. Our secondary aim was to compare these pat-
terns between different positions within the same team.
The dataset includes domestic home matches (n = 34) over three full seasons for a team in the
Norwegian Elite League. In one of the seasons, the team participated in the Europe League
group stages. All matches were played on a grass surface. Movements of all players (mean ± SD
age 25.5 ± 4.2 years, height 183.6 ± 6.6 cm, body mass 78.9 ± 7.4 kg) were observed, and only
data from the 39 players completing an entire match were used (n = 212: complete match data
of players, goalkeepers excluded). The sample included eight central defenders (CD, n = 47),
six external defenders (ED, n = 52), six central midfielders (CM, n = 46), 11 external midfield-
ers (EM, n = 40), and eight attackers (ATT, n = 27). Some players participated in different posi-
tions across, but not within, the matches included in the data material. Following an
explanation of the procedures, all participants gave verbal and written informed consent to
participate in the study. The study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki
and has been approved by the Norwegian Social Science Data Services (reference number
Study design and methodology
This study used a fully automatic sport tracking system to evaluate match performances of pro-
fessional soccer players at the elite level over three full seasons. Player movement was captured
by small, body-worn sensors located at the lumbar region, continuously recording the players’
actions. Data were transferred by microwave radio channel to 10 RadioEyeTM sensors (ZXY
SportTracking, ChyronHego, Trondheim, Norway) mounted in the team’s home arena. Player
movement was registered at 20 Hz. Accelerations and decelerations were recorded when they
reached limits of 2 m.s-2 and -2 m.s-2, respectively, and a HiR category of >19.8 km.h-1 and
sprint category of >25.2 km.h-1 were selected for this study. The thresholds for accelerations,
HiR, and sprint were similar to those reported in previous studies [12, 28]. In this study, the
player load is calculated as a downscaled (by a factor of 800) value of the sum of the squared,
high pass-filtered accelerometer values for the respective axes (X, Y, and Z): (X2 + Y2 + Z2) /
800 [12]. Test-retest reliability of the sport tracking system is reported earlier, indicating good
reliability [12, 28].
Evaluation of 5-minute periods throughout match time.
To construct an analysis cap-
turing the immediate, dynamic nature of a match for all players, mean values were calculated
over consecutive (i.e., moving) 5-min periods for player load and player load per meter, as well
as time-motion variables (total distance, accelerations, decelerations, sprint distance, HiR
Player load pattern in soccer matches
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distance) for comparison, beginning with the first five minutes of the match [25, 29]. The sec-
ond 5-min period lasts from the second to the sixth minute, and so on. This method is argued
to provide a more accurate representation of the distances covered by players [29]. These
5-min periods were used to investigate patterns of player load and locomotor variables
throughout match time. The similarities of patterns were then quantified between positions
and patterns were evaluated across variables.
Statistical analysis
All data processing and statistical analysis was performed in Matlab R2019b version (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA). For each match, data for each variable (player
load, player load per meter, total distance, accelerations, decelerations, sprint distance, HiR
distance) were averaged within positions if there was data from multiple players at the same
position, yielding a single time series per variable for each position measured in that match.
These data were then converted to z-scores, to facilitate the direct comparison of patterns, dis-
regarding absolute magnitudes. Finally, the z-scores were averaged across all matches for each
position, resulting in one time series for each position for each variable. The degree of similar-
ity of patterns between positions was assessed with cross-correlations. For statistical purposes,
the break in the time series caused by halftime was disregarded (i.e., the data were treated as
continuous for the duration of playing time). Linearity was assessed visually using scatter
plots. Cross-correlations were calculated for every position pair for n-1 lags at either side of
zero, where n = 82, the number of moving 5-min windows in a 90-min match (41 5-min win-
dows in each 45-min half). To best represent the development of player load and time-motion
variables across positions throughout match time, the correlation at zero lag (with 95% confi-
dence interval and p-value) is presented. For comparison, maximum correlations and corre-
sponding lags are also reported. A negative lag means that the first time series (player position
in table columns) shifts to the left relative to the second time series (player position in table
rows). The level of statistical significance was set at α = .05. Correlation values were interpreted
categorically as trivial (0–0.1), low (0.1–0.3), moderate (0.3–0.5), high (0.5–0.7), very high
(0.7–0.9), or nearly perfect (0.9–1) using the scale presented by Hopkins et al. [30].
Overall, we observed a distinct pattern in player load throughout match time (Fig 1, black
line). The pattern shows peaks at seemingly regular intervals (~15 min), each followed by a
period of lower load, typically declining until the next peak. This pattern was clear in all posi-
tions (Fig 1A, colored lines), and could also generally be observed in the majority of individual
matches (Fig 2). The cross-correlation analysis (Table 1) supports the visual evidence, indicat-
ing very high to nearly perfect correlations (range 0.88–0.95, all p < .001) in all position pairs,
all having the highest correlation at zero lag. The same pattern was evident for player load per
meter, both overall (Fig 1B, black line) and in all positions (Fig 1B, colored lines), with nearly
perfect correlation values (range 0.93–0.97, all p < .001; Table 1) in all position pairs, all having
the highest correlation at zero lag.
For total distance, no distinct pattern throughout match time was evident (Fig 3A, black
line). However, the patterns for all positions appear to follow each other reasonably well (Fig
3A, colored lines), which is reflected in high to very high correlation values (range 0.65–0.89,
all p < .001; Table 1), with all position pairs again having the highest correlation at zero lag.
For accelerations, no specific pattern was evident throughout match time (Fig 3B, black
line), but the different positions appear to follow roughly similar patterns (Fig 3B, colored
lines). Further, correlation values were moderate to high (range 0.32–0.64, all p .005; S1
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Table), with all but one position pair having the highest correlation at zero lag (EM vs. CD
highest absolute correlation 0.56, lag -27; S2 Table). For decelerations, again no specific pattern
was evident throughout match time (Fig 3C, black line), but the different positions sporadically
follow roughly similar patterns (Fig 3C, colored lines). Correlation values were low to high
(range 0.18–0.65, all but one p .005; S1 Table), with more than half of all position pairs hav-
ing the highest correlation at zero lag (highest correlation absolute range 0.32–0.65, lag -4–44;
S2 Table).
For sprint distance and HiR distance, no specific pattern throughout match time could be
discerned in either variable (Fig 3D and 3E, black lines). Further, the patterns for the different
positions do not follow each other well (Fig 3 and 3E, colored lines). In line with this, trivial to
moderate correlation values were found for sprint distance (absolute range 0.02–0.38, p < .05
in three position pairs, two having the highest correlation at zero lag; highest correlation abso-
lute range 0.29–0.53, lag -29–54 [S1 and S2 Tables]), whereas trivial to moderate (one high)
correlation values were found for HiR distance (absolute range 0.01–0.52, p < .05 in three
position pairs, two having the highest correlation at zero lag; highest correlation absolute
range 0.32–0.52, lag -28–32 [S1 and S2 Tables]).
The primary aim of this study was to explore the patterns of player load with analyses from
moving 5-min windows in an elite soccer team. Further, the secondary aim was to compare
the player load patterns between different positions within the same team. The main finding
was the distinct player load pattern with three “high-load periods” in each half, separated by
“lower-load periods”. The player load patterns were relatively similar between positions and
Fig 1. Mean values (z-scores) of player load and player load per meter in 5-min moving windows throughout match time across all matches (n = 34) for each
position (colored lines) and for all positions combined (black line). A: player load; B: player load per meter.
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occurred at approximately the same time points during the majority of matches. These novel
findings will be discussed with two points of departure: the team’s pacing strategy from a phys-
ical viewpoint and from a perspective based on interpersonal coordination between player
Player load patterns and pacing
The use of 5-min moving averages to analyze within-match player load patterns in this study
allowed us to study the players’ “pacing strategies” (i.e., distribution of player load and related
locomotor activities) in more detail than in previous studies evaluating simulated soccer
matches [27] and English championship matches [16] by dissection into 15-min periods. The
present results show distinct player load patterns with three “high-load periods” in each half of
the match (Fig 1), separated by “lower-load periods”, in most of the matches (Fig 2), which dif-
fers from patterns found in research on English championship players [16]. Although the new
methodology for analyzing player load used in the present study provides novel information
about high- and lower-load periods of the soccer matches, these distinct patterns found in
almost all matches were rather surprising since differences between the opponents’ level and
tactics should rationally have influenced player load patterns between matches. In addition,
the player load would also largely be determined by the players’ decision-making about oppor-
tunities to become engaged in play. One likely explanation of this apparent player load pattern
is that this study investigated one of the top-ranked clubs in the Norwegian top division at
Fig 2. Mean player load (z-scores) in 5-min moving windows throughout match time for all measured positions per match. M: match number.
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their home arena, where they had the opportunity to “control the match” in most of the
matches. Thus, it seems reasonable to ask whether these similar positional fluctuations in
player load are typical for this team at their home arena matches where they normally were the
dominant team. Therefore, an interesting approach for future studies would be to investigate
these patterns with the same moving average-method in teams at different performance levels
(i.e., if the investigated team or the opposition controls the match or in teams with different
overall tactical dispositions).
Since locomotor actions in soccer are not performed in isolation, consideration of player
load as a proxy for “overall external load” might be useful. A previous investigation of player
load found high to very high associations between player load and measures of internal train-
ing load (TRIMP and sRPE) [18], with internal load being especially related to the volume of
accelerations. Barrett et al. [18] found nearly perfect within-subject correlation between player
load and heart rate/VO2, but trivial to moderate association for the between-subject correla-
tion on the same variable [19]. Overall, this suggests that the fluctuations in player load found
in the present study are also associated with fluctuations in internal load, thereby indicating a
physical “pacing pattern” (pattern in distribution of load) employed by the investigated team
(Fig 1). These “pacing patterns” were relatively similar between positions and occurred at the
same time point during the matches (Fig 2), even though the different positions have different
roles during attacks and defense; one single attack gives higher intensities on attacking players,
but not for the defending players, and vice versa. However, the time scale with 5-min moving
averages is too long to differentiate between high-intensity periods based on one single attack
or one defensive stand and normally contain several attacking and defensive actions. More-
over, player load patterns based on moving 5-min windows will give more information about
Table 1. Cross-correlations [95% CI] of mean position values (z-scores) across all matches (n = 34) at zero lag for
player load, player load per meter, and total distance.
Player load
0.95 [0.92, 0.96]
0.93 [0.89, 0.95]
0.94 [0.91, 0.96]
0.93 [0.89, 0.95]
0.94 [0.91, 0.96]
0.93 [0.90, 0.96]
0.91 [0.87, 0.94]
0.95 [0.93, 0.97]
0.88 [0.83, 0.92]
0.89 [0.84, 0.93]
Player load per meter
0.93 [0.89, 0.95]
0.95 [0.93, 0.97]
0.95 [0.92, 0.97]
0.95 [0.92, 0.97]
0.94 [0.91, 0.96]
0.95 [0.92, 0.97]
0.93 [0.90, 0.96]
0.97 [0.96, 0.98]
0.96 [0.94, 0.97]
0.95 [0.92, 0.97]
Total distance
0.88 [0.81, 0.92]
0.80 [0.71, 0.87]
0.84 [0.76, 0.89]
0.89 [0.84, 0.93]
0.87 [0.81, 0.92]
0.86 [0.79, 0.91]
0.76 [0.65, 0.84]
0.71 [0.59, 0.81]
0.65 [0.51, 0.76]
0.72 [0.59, 0.81]
CD = central defender; ED = external defender; CM = central midfielder; EM = external midfielder; ATT = attacker.
All correlations p < .001. For all correlations, the maximum value occurred at zero lag.
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the overall load of the match, instead of detailed information about when the team is attacking
(more load on offensive players) or defending (more load on defensive players).
The present study shows very high to nearly perfect associations between positional pat-
terns of player load and player load per meter (Table 1). Hence, the periods of high player load
are associated with movements on the field that increases the player load per meter, which is
shown to be associated with unorthodox movements such as jumping, tackling, collisions,
passing, accelerations, decelerations etc., movement which are common for soccer and
detected when triaxial accelerometers are employed [12, 13]. Although this study found differ-
ences in the absolute values of the highest and lowest player load periods in the presented
results, there were no positional differences in the pattern of increase and decrease of player
load throughout the matches (Fig 1). Thus, the present study is the first to report similarity
Fig 3. Mean values (z-scores) of time-motion variables in 5-min moving windows throughout match time across all matches (n = 34) for each position (colored
lines) and for all positions combined (black lines). A: total distance; B: accelerations; C: decelerations; D: sprint distance; E: high-intensity running distance (HiR).
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across playing positions in the player load patterns throughout matches in male elite soccer
players. The use of this approach and the findings from this study may contribute to new
hypotheses concerning the patterns of player load and intensity throughout a soccer match.
Therefore, before one can conceptualize more in-field applications, different aspects of player
load patterns should be investigated further.
Whereas other investigations show a considerable heterogeneity in the within-match pat-
tern of total distance, HiR and sprint across studies [9, 20, 21], in this study, total distance was
the variable besides player load and player load per meter which displayed the highest correla-
tion between positions, with no lag between positional patterns (Table 1). Regardless of this,
the patterns of total distance for the different positions do not follow the same distinct pattern
as the player load variables. For accelerations and deceleration, no specific pattern was evident
throughout match time (Fig 3B and 3C), but the different positions appear to follow roughly
similar patterns with correlations ranging from low to high (S1 Table). For sprint and HiR dis-
tance, the present study shows no meaningful similarities between positions, with negligible to
moderate cross-correlations (S1 Table). These findings are similar to those from other studies
investigating high-intensity patterns [6, 7]. In the present results, the patterns of the different
HiR and sprint distance throughout match time show heterogeneity; patterns of sprint and
HiR distance show that high-intensity periods occur at different times both between matches
and between positions. These differences could be caused by different tactical elements, oppo-
nents playing style, pacing strategies, score line, and team formation, which would all affect the
players’ ability to regulate their physical effort and maintain work rates at appropriate levels
Player load and interpersonal coordination patterns
The observed in-phase pattern for player load in this study is also interesting from perspectives
of interpersonal coordination patterns, and it demonstrates that the interaction in player load
between the team’s subunits probably is more complex than the behavior of each individual
player considered separately [31, 32]. Specifically related to soccer, the actions of one player or
a player subunit (e.g., attackers, midfielders, defenders) cause re-actions and adjustments from
other players or player subunits to stabilize performance, and these adjustments interact and
influence player load collectively. The emergence of the synchronized player load patterns
between subunits is likely self-organized to improve team performance and is a result of the
interactions of a player’s constraints and information exchange within their own team and
those imposed by the opponent. What type of constraints and information that evolves in
spontaneous self-organization and synchronization of player load is not easy to identify, but
might be easily understood intuitively. Examples of such constraints in soccer could be other
players’ positions and movements, position and speed of the ball, tactical decisions, fatigue,
etc. According to the rationale by Haken and Portugali [33], if the meaning of a player’s action
is understood (information exchange), it triggers action and changes the structure or behavior
(player load) in the whole team. E.g., the reaction of players on the action of another depends
on the success or failure (information) of that action. The interesting finding of the present
study is that, even though each action’s success or failure may occur randomly, the player load
pattern that evolves seems very stable. Thus, the interpersonal patterns of coordination of
player load in a soccer team might be modelled as an open complex dynamical system at a
behavioral level of analysis, as suggested in evolutionary game theory [34]. Given the stable
player load pattern over various matches, even though a soccer match is the complex combina-
tion of actions by individuals, no individual player (or subunit) seems to initiate or control the
behavior of the match. In other words, each player is enslaved in a self-organized system that
Player load pattern in soccer matches
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at the same time consists of all these same players. This self-organized system could be affected
by the fact that this study investigated one of the top-ranked clubs at their home arena, which
could have produced a more consistent player load pattern due to typically being the dominant
Since this study investigated one of the top-ranked clubs at their home arena, it is possible a
more consistent player load pattern was produced due to typically being the dominant team. It
is unclear to what extent the results will replicate across teams or if they are particular to either
the investigated team or e.g., teams sharing certain characteristics. This study did not investigate
differences between various tactical elements, opponents’ playing styles, ball in versus out of
play, score line, or team formations, which could all affect the players’ ability to regulate their
physical effort and maintain work rate profiles. Differences in measurement technology makes
it difficult to compare player load variable between different tracking systems (or even different
versions of the same system), since differences in measurement technology could partly account
for eventual discrepancies between the values registered in this study and other studies. Hence
caution is required when comparing analyses of football match activities across studies.
This study demonstrated similarity in player load patterns between positions in elite soccer
matches. The novelty is the clear pattern which consists of three high-load periods in both
halves, where these “high load” periods are followed by periods with reduced load. The present
study did not find similar unambiguous patterns on any of the locomotor variables. The evi-
dent pattern in player load indicates a physical “pacing pattern” employed by the team. These
“pacing patterns” were relatively similar between positions and occurred at the same time
points during the matches over three successive seasons. From the perspective of interpersonal
coordination patterns, these synchronized player load patterns between positions are likely
self-organized to improve team performance and are a result of the interactions of the players’
constraints and information exchange within their own team and those imposed by the oppo-
nents. It should be noted that a more consistent player load pattern might have been produced
due to the investigated team being a top-ranked club playing home matches.
Practical applications
Since this study is the first to report this distinct pattern of player load it is important that
more studies of player load patterns are conducted, in teams at different performance levels
before in-field applications can be firmly conceptualized. Considering the previously reported
high association between player load and internal training load, it could be argued that coaches
might want to regulate player load in training for an overreaching effect. This could eventually
allow for a more aggressive pacing strategy, shortening the lower-load periods and hence put-
ting more pressure on the opposition. However, an approach like this must be cautious against
overloading. During matches, coaches can also use the method proposed here in real-time to
monitor if certain players or position groups appear to be “out of sync” with the rest of the
Supporting information
S1 Table. Cross-correlations [95% CI] of mean position values (z-scores) across all matches
(n = 34) at zero lag for accelerations, decelerations, sprint distance, and high-intensity
Player load pattern in soccer matches
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running distance. CD: central defender; ED: external defender; CM: central midfielder; EM:
external midfielder; ATT: attacker. For p-values, bold text indicates significance at α = .05.
S2 Table. Maximum cross-correlations (corresponding lag) of mean position values (z-
scores) across all matches (n = 34) for accelerations, decelerations, sprint distance, and
high-intensity running distance. CD: central defender; ED: external defender; CM: central
midfielder; EM: external midfielder; ATT: attacker. A negative lag means that the first time
series (player position in table columns) shifts to the left relative to the second time series
(player position in table rows).
S1 Dataset.
We thank the players for their efforts throughout the period.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Terje Dalen, Tore Kristian Aune, Geir Håvard Hjelde, Øyvind Sandbakk,
David McGhie.
Data curation: Terje Dalen, David McGhie.
Formal analysis: Terje Dalen, Øyvind Sandbakk, David McGhie.
Investigation: Terje Dalen, Geir Håvard Hjelde, David McGhie.
Methodology: Terje Dalen, Øyvind Sandbakk, David McGhie.
Project administration: Terje Dalen, David McGhie.
Resources: Terje Dalen.
Supervision: Terje Dalen.
Validation: Terje Dalen.
Visualization: Terje Dalen, David McGhie.
Writing – original draft: Terje Dalen, Tore Kristian Aune, Øyvind Sandbakk, David McGhie.
Writing – review & editing: Terje Dalen, Tore Kristian Aune, Gertjan Ettema, Øyvind Sand-
bakk, David McGhie.
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| Player load in male elite soccer: Comparisons of patterns between matches and positions. | 09-21-2020 | Dalen, Terje,Aune, Tore Kristian,Hjelde, Geir Håvard,Ettema, Gertjan,Sandbakk, Øyvind,McGhie, David | eng |
PMC9273616 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:11762
Variation in human 3D trunk shape
and its functional implications
in hominin evolution
Markus Bastir1*, José María González Ruíz1, Javier Rueda2, Gonzalo Garrido López2,
Marta Gómez‑Recio1, Benoit Beyer3, Alejandro F. San Juan2,4 & Enrique Navarro2,4
This study investigates the contribution of external trunk morphology and posture to running
performance in an evolutionary framework. It has been proposed that the evolution from primitive
to derived features of torso shape involved changes from a mediolaterally wider into a narrower,
and antero‑posteriorly deeper into a shallower, more lightly built external trunk configuration,
possibly in relation to habitat‑related changes in locomotor and running behaviour. In this context
we produced experimental data to address the hypothesis that medio‑laterally narrow and antero‑
posteriorly shallow torso morphologies favour endurance running capacities. We used 3D geometric
morphometrics to relate external 3D trunk shape of trained, young male volunteers (N = 27) to
variation in running velocities during different workloads determined at 45–50%, 70% and 85% of
heart rate reserve (HRR) and maximum velocity. Below 85% HRR no relationship existed between
torso shape and running velocity. However, at 85% HRR and, more clearly, at maximum velocity, we
found highly statistically significant relations between external torso shape and running performance.
Among all trained subjects those with a relatively narrow, flat torso, a small thoracic kyphosis and
a more pronounced lumbar lordosis achieved significantly higher running velocities. These results
support the hypothesis that external trunk morphology relates to running performance. Low thoracic
kyphosis with a flatter ribcage may affect positively respiratory biomechanics, while increased
lordosis affects trunk posture and may be beneficial for lower limb biomechanics related to leg return.
Assuming that running workload at 45–50% HRR occurs within aerobic metabolism, our results may
imply that external torso shape is unrelated to the evolution of endurance running performance.
Evolutionary anatomical changes.
The trunk consists of the ribcage, the spine and the pelvis. During
human body shape evolution, each of these elements experienced specific morphological changes. For example,
the ribcages of Homo erectus and Neandertals were not only wider at the level of the central and lower thorax,
but also antero-posteriorly deeper than most modern human populations1–4. Also the pelvis shows a systemic
evolutionary trend towards reduction of its bi-iliac width, when comparing modern humans with H. erectus
and members of the Neandertal lineage5–8. Evolutionary changes in the spine of the genus Homo show changes
in overall height, it’s position within the ribcage and possibly spine curvatures. Within Homo, the overall spine
length has increased, as a consequence of larger body size9. Greater dorsal orientation of the transverse processes
in non-modern humans likely positioned the thoracic vertebral bodies more within the ribcage, producing a
greater spine invagination10,11. Also, in Neandertals a smaller lumbar lordosis (hypolordosis) is discussed and
could be particularly relevant with respect to trunk morphology as it directly affects the position and orientation
of the sacrum and, thus, the pelvis12–14. The potential adaptive significance and functional implications of these
features in hominin trunk evolution are not well understood and have been discussed in the context of thermo-
regulatory15, digestive16, respiratory3, and locomotor functions17. Here, we focus on the latter two aspects.
Trunks with a narrow lower thorax and a narrow, tall waist have been associated with emerging endurance
running capacities, possibly appearing with African H. erectus and together with elongated lower limbs18. Yet, a
recent reconstruction of the KNM-WT 15,000 African H. erectus ribcage seems more similar to Neandertals in
1Paleoanthropology Group, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, J.G. Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid,
Spain. 2Department of Health and Human Performance, Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences-INEF,
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain. 3Laboratory of Functional Anatomy (LAF), Faculty of
Motor Skills Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. 4These authors jointly supervised this work:
Alejandro F. San Juan and Enrique Navarro. *email: [email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:11762 |
terms of width and depth than to modern human populations3. Nevertheless, Neandertals are thought to show
adaptations for sprinting based on the anatomy of their foot skeleton19, and for power locomotion, as paleo-
ecological and genetic evidence indicates, which is interpreted in the context of ambush hunting in a forested
Thus, given the new evidence for greater similarities of trunk shape in primitive Homo and Neandertals3,
together with known differences in the lower limb anatomy,—i.e. longer limbs in H. erectus adapted to endurance
running17,18,21,22, and shorter limbs with specialized feet in Neandertals adapted to sprinting19,20,23—it is inter-
esting to investigate the implications of variation in trunk morphology in the context of locomotor capacities.
Trunk anatomy and running capacities.
The trunk contributes to locomotor performance and energet-
ics in two different ways: (1) the effect of trunk morphology on limb biomechanics, and (2) the effect of thorax
morphology on breathing mechanics. Grossly speaking, sprinting and endurance running differ at energetic and
locomotor (limb) biomechanics in the context of stride lengths, frequency and energetics. It has been shown that
runners with relative longer lower limbs have lower locomotor costs24. Effective sprinting requires greater stride
length25 and powerful lumbar muscles, specifically erector spinae and quadratus lumborum26. Endurance run-
ning, nevertheless, does not require longer strides. Higher frequency is more important to running performance
during long distances and time, especially in longer trails, where the loss of stride length typically appeared due
to fatigue27,28. Generally, a more upright trunk posture is observed among runners who perform efficiently in
comparison with those less efficient, whose trunks were increasingly flexed during endurance running29.
Besides a positive effect of overall trunk muscularity26,30 on running performance, it has been shown that
several other specific trunk morphological aspects relate to running performance, including the width of the
pelvis8,31, the trunk flexion angle32, lumbar lordosis33,34 and associated hip flexion31, and thorax breathing
Within modern humans, the relationship between the widths of the thorax and the pelvis are important
parameters of human variability in form and function37. The narrower pelvis relative to the wider thorax in males
is associated with a gait pattern that differs biomechanically from that of females, who are characterized by a
wider pelvis and narrower thorax dimensions38. The width of the pelvis influences the biomechanics of the psoas
major affecting its hip rotator and flexor capacities31. Trunk flexion also affects significantly stride kinematics
and kinetics. Although the factors of trunk flexion are unclear, higher trunk flexion angle correlates with shorter
stride length, higher stride frequency, greater reaction forces and increased locomotion costs32.
Lumbar lordosis varies considerably in human populations12,39–41 and affects locomotor capacities. It has
been shown that greater lordosis facilitates shock absorption, for example, when running34, while weaker lor-
dosis produces a more forwards orientation of the pelvis, which is beneficial for leg return during sprinting31.
Weaker lordosis is also related to greater trunk muscle strength33. Overall trunk muscularity (e.g. erector spinae,
quadratus lumborum, psoas major, transverse abdominal, etc.…) has been correlated positively with sprinting
capacities26,30. Differences in the tonus of the erector spinae and quadratus lumborum muscles have been related
to greater lumbar lordosis42.
The contribution of thorax shape to trunk morphology is further interesting in the context of respiratory
biomechanics35,36. It has been suggested that morphological features of the rib joints are relevant for ventilatory
capacity during running43. These authors showed that H. erectus has similar rib joint morphologies as modern
humans that differed from Australopithecus and chimpanzees. But also overall thorax morphology is important:
antero-posteriorly flatter ribcages with more inferiorly declined ribs were suggested to show different thoraco-
diaphragmatic and abdominal muscle recruitment during ventilatory movement than antero-posteriorly deeper
thoraces with more horizontally aligned ribs44–46. Although pump- and bucket-handle patterns of rib motion
seem more uniformly distributed along the ribs than originally assumed47,48, variation in thorax-shape related
breathing biomechanics indirectly affect the locomotor capacities due to energetic competition and demands
between the locomotor and the respiratory systems49,50. Thus, several studies have so far addressed the implica-
tion of specific elements of trunk morphology in isolation on locomotor performance. This study explores the
relationship between entire 3D trunk shape and running performance based on virtual and geometric morpho-
metric methods51,52. In the light of the functional anatomical evidence reviewed above, we address the hypothesis
that trunks with an antero-posteriorly flat ribcage, a medio-laterally narrow pelvis and a lower lumbar lordosis
are associated to a better running performance.
Materials and methods
Functional analyses, variables and experimental set up, ethics.
Twenty-seven healthy trained
young male students of the Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports (Table 1) were voluntarily
recruited. Twelve of them were trained in endurance (ER) disciplines and fifteen were team sport players (non-
ER). The inclusion criteria were the following: (1) Age between 18 and 30 years; (2) volunteers athletes had to
be either long distance runners or team sports players (e.g., rugby, soccer, basketball); (3) not having suffered a
musculoskeletal injury one month prior to the date of the protocol (i.e., checked through a previous exclusion
questionnaire). And exclusion criteria were: (1) Age younger than 18 years; (2) having consumed any narcotic
and/or psychotropic agents or drugs during the test; (3) any cardiovascular, metabolic, neurologic, pulmonary,
or orthopaedic disorder that could limit performance in the different tests. Informed consent was obtained by all
volunteers. The study protocol adhered to the declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee
of the Technical University of Madrid (Spain).
All the participants performed a physiological (ramp) protocol on a treadmill (Telju JT4100-Liton -035,
Toledo, Spain) in three different phases of exercise intensities: 45–50%, 70%, and 85% of the heart rate reserve
(HRR). These three intensities correspond with the cardiorespiratory phase 1 [i.e., Light intensity, below the
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:11762 |
ventilatory threshold (VT)], phase 2 [i.e., Moderate intensity, between the VT and the respiratory compensation
threshold (RCT)], and phase 3 [i.e., High intensity, above the RCT)]27. The rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was
introduced as a complement of the HRR to help the control of the adequate intensity in each of the three submaxi-
mal workloads (i.e., For a HRR of 45–50% the RPE should be 2–4/10, HRR of 70% the RPE 5–6/10, and for HRR
85% the RPE ≥ 8/10). Before warm-up, rest heart rate was measured in sitting position until it was stable. After a
general warm-up, the test started between 6 and 7 km h−1 and 1% of slope to mimic effects of air resistance53,54.
Then, running velocity was increased by 0.5 km h−1 every 30 s until the achievement of HRR ≥ 85%, RPE ≥ 8 and
volitional exhaustion. The following variables were recorded at these instances: time, running velocity, and RPE.
Heart rate (beats·min−1) was continuously monitored during the test using a telemeter (Polar Ceinture H10+;
Polar Electro OY, Kempele, Finland). Changes in velocity during the different work load phases were analysed
by repeated measures ANOVA carried out in PAST55. Anthropometrical and running performance data were
collected and summarized in Table 1 and Table 2.
3D shape data collection and geometric morphometric analyses.
3D body surface data were man-
ually recorded by an Artec MHT 3D (www. artec 3d. com) surface scanner in standardized positions, standing
upright on a turning table, with quiet breathing and the arms slightly raised over the head to leave the 360° of
Table 1. Descriptives of the sample showing age, body size, and weight.
Age (yr)
Stature (m)
Body weight (kg)
Figure 1. Frontal, lateral and posterior views of the 3D landmarks on the trunk surface. Red dots are
fixed landmarks (Supplementary Table 1) and anatomically homologous between subjects, blue dots are
curve semilandmarks, and green dots are surface semilandmarks. After resliding the semilandmarks are
mathematically homologous among subjects.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the running velocities at different experimental steps.
Vinitial (km/h)
V1 (km/h)
V2 (km/h)
V3 (km/h)
Vmax (km/h)
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:11762 |
the trunk contour free for image caption. 160 landmarks and semilandmarks (Fig. 1) were digitized according to
the template described in González-Ruiz et al.52 (Supplementary Table 1), and postprocessed following standard
methods56. Trunk landmark data were then analysed and visualized following standard methods of virtual, geo-
metric morphometric analyses51. Specifically, generalized procrustes analysis (GPA) was carried out to obtain
3D shape data and multivariate regression analyses were carried out on the 3D shape data on running veloc-
ity. In order to account for different influence of muscularity on torso shape in endurance and non-endurance
athletes, we performed a pooled-within group regression. We also tested the hypotheses with a reduced torso
landmark set (N = 142 lms), where those landmarks that covered the skin surface related to the latissimus dorsi
and pectoralis major muscles were removed. Finally, we explored the data for a possible impact of stature and
weight on running performance using GLM. We set the significance level for the regression analyses on p < 0.05.
The analyses were carried out using MorphoJ software57, PAST v3.2555, STATISTICA v.858, geomorph package
for R59,60 and Evan toolkit61 following the workflows outlined in Bastir et al.51 (Table 2).
Repeated-measures ANOVA (Table 3) shows that mean velocity increased significantly during incremental HRR
phases (Fig. 2).
The regression analyses of torso shape on velocity phases indicated no significant relations during the first
two stages (V1, V2) of workload. However, statistically significant relations were found between torso shape
and velocity during phase 3 (V3) and maximum velocity (Vmax) (Table 4). Comparison of slopes in the ER and
non-ER groups in the pooled within group regression models revealed no evidence for differences in the full
torso shape data (P = 0.19; F = 1.833), nor in the non-muscular torso shape data (P = 0.18; F = 0.187) in relation
Vmax. The GLM model revealed a significant influence of both, full and non-muscular torso shapes on running
performance but no such effect of stature or weight (Table 5).
The associated 3D shapes (Fig. 2) show that the following morphological features of the trunk are positively
associated with increased running performance: smaller antero-posterior diameter at the central-lower rib cage
(flat thorax), narrower lower trunk (narrow pelvis), taller trunk, reduced thoracic kyphosis and more pronounced
lumbar lordosis.
Modern humans are characterized by a relatively flat and narrow ribcage and pelvis when compared to fossil
representatives of the genus Homo that are characterised by more stocky, wider and antero-posteriorly deeper
torso configurations2–6,15,62,63. While more and more evidence seems to document this morphological trend,
possible functional implications of reduced widths and depths of the trunk remain poorly understood. Because
the trunk comprises elements of the respiratory and locomotor systems, the interaction of trunk shape with
respiratory and locomotor performance is of specific interest.
In the present study, we address possible relations between torso shape and locomotor function in an experi-
mental setting relating 3D external trunk surface shape with running velocity at different levels of intensity. The
results showed no relationship between trunk shape and running performance at lower levels of exercise (V1,
V2) below the anaerobic (respiratory) threshold, and just above it, indicating no relations between external torso
shape and endurance running speeds between 7 and 10 km/h. However, at higher intensities and velocities above
the anaerobic (respiratory) threshold (V3; average 14.4 km/h) a statistical relation between torso shape and run-
ning speed emerged. According to our results, subjects with a flatter and slightly narrower thorax, lower thoracic
kyphosis, more pronounced lumbar lordosis, and slightly narrower pelvis can achieve such higher velocities such
as indicated by the higher variances of 3D trunk shape shown at V3 and maximum velocity. It has been suggested
that an endurance running velocity of about (5 ms−1 = 18 km/h) can be sustained by many amateurs without
special training18, which is considerably faster than in our sample. At moderate intensity (V2), presumably within
the aerobic metabolic domain, the average speed was about 10 km/h (Table 2). This may be related to the slight
inclination of the treadmill (1%) during the incremental experiment (and the thereby simulated air resistance),
but it could also reflect the fact that not all the volunteers were specialized endurance runners. Likewise, the
average speed of 14 km/h at V3, which is likely already beyond the anaerobic threshold, is still lower than the
published one and, again, could be related to the factors mentioned before. However, at and beyond this velocity,
3D torso shape was statistically related to running capacity.
The most visible features related to higher running capacities were a low degree of thoracic kyphosis, with a
flatter, slightly narrower central thorax and a greater degree of lumbar spine curvature with a relatively slightly
narrower pelvis. Covariation in depths was more clearly recognisable than in widths (Fig. 2). While the thoracic
part suggests interpretation within a respiratory biomechanical perspective, the lumbo-pelvic part of the torso
Table 3. ANOVA of velocities during the three different phases (V1, V2, V3).
Sum of sqrs
Mean square
p (same)
Between groups
< 0.001
Within groups
Between subjects
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:11762 |
also requires consideration within functions of the locomotor system, although both are clearly related with each
other. For example, the role of the posterior lumbar muscles is essential, as they act keeping an upright posture
of the lower trunk during running and giving stability to the diaphragm and psoas major lumbar insertions.
So, trunk extensors have the ability to reduce the kyphosis angle64,65. Links between breathing biomechanics
and lumbar stability have been found in Kang et al.66 who showed that spinal posture was improved by specific
breathing exercises in a clinical context.
The combination of a reduced thoracic kyphosis and a flat ribcage, with anteriorly declined ribs, in which
the anterior rib ends are more caudally located than the posterior rib ends, could point to the importance of
ventilatory biomechanics in higher intensity running. Bellemare et al.44,45 suggested that declined ribs can be
elevated more during inspiration than horizontally aligned ones accentuating potentially the costal contribu-
tion to thorax movement during lung ventilation. Also, anteriorly declined ribs may have better biomechanical
leverage during forced expiration, which crucially increases the tidal volume during heavy exercise breathing35.
Because the declination of the ribs is morphologically related to a flatter rib cage configuration, the hypothesis
that a flat thorax is positively related to running performance finds support. Physiologically, a less curved tho-
racic spine increases further the vertical space potentially available for lung expansion through enhancing of rib
mobility. For example, negative consequences for lung ventilation due to kyphotic thoracic spine deformations,
which compress thoracic space and affect rib biomechanics, have been reported46,67.
The implication of lumbar lordosis for locomotor biomechanics consists of its effect on the forwards orienta-
tion of the anterior superior iliac spine, which is an advantageous position for efficient leg return31. However,
while these authors have not found a significant relation between lumbar lordosis angle and hip flexion capacity,
Figure 2. Torso shapes (160 lms) and thin-plate splines warped to the highest and lowest velocity at maximum
intensity and running speed. (a) Non-muscular torso shape (142 lms) on maximum velocity. (b) Full torso shape
(160 lms) on maximum velocity (c) Full torso shape warped to the configuration of lowest (left) and highest
(right) maximum velocities. Upper panel left lateral view, lower panel frontal view. Note that flatter ribcages,
narrower trunks with low thoracic kyphosis and more pronounced lumbar lordosis correlate significantly with
higher velocities at maximum intensity. (Magnification factor from left to right: − 7.5; − 5; + 5, + 7.5, for better
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:11762 |
our results in Fig. 2 clearly show that more pronounced lumbar curvature, to which also the lower thoracic
kyphosis contributes, produces forwards tilt of the pelvis.
Warrener et al.32 have found a significant reduction of length and an increment of frequency of strides associ-
ated with higher trunk flexion posture during running. This finding is supported by Castillo and Liebermann34,
who pointed out that higher lumbar lordosis (trunk extension) is linked with longer stride length in runners, a
key factor in speed running as we have observed in our sample. Additionally, upright posture have been associ-
ated with better economy and running performance in the context mechanically interactions between trunk
kinetics, reaction forces and spatiotemporal patterns of strides29.
Table 4. Multivariate regressions of full torso shape (160lms) and non-muscular torso shape (142 lms) on
running performance at different workloads (V1, V2, V3 and Vmax). (Note that sample size is N = 27 for
Vmax, but N = 26 for V1, V2 and V3). Significant values are in bold.
p Value
160 lms
142 lms
Table 5. Generalized Linear Models assessing the effects of stature, weight, torso shape (160 lms, 142 lms) on
running performance. Significant values are in bold.
160 lms
Torso shape
142 lms
Torso shape
Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:11762 |
Therefore, the empirical evidence reported in the present study seems to indicate that trunk evolution as a
whole may have brought about the appearance of some features that are more clearly related to long distance
running, along with others that are more related to power locomotion with higher workloads. However, these
features lead to a mosaic notion, which reflects a complex picture of potential adaptations to running economy.
In Neandertals, some adaptations to power locomotion were proposed on anatomical, genetic, and ecological
grounds19,20. Our results suggest that the relatively straight thoracic column along with their high level of trunk
muscularity, possibly reflected by wide, deep thorax shape and associated high body mass estimates, would
fit with the power locomotion hypothesis2,68,69. On the other hand, their supposed hypo-lordosis would argue
against such interpretation as the relatively uncurved reconstruction of the thoracic and lumbar spine in the
Kebara 2 Neandertal13,69 would indicate reduced pelvic tilt and thus a reduced capacity of leg return, hip flexion
and sprinting capacity. Yet, the most recent reconstruction of the La Chapelle aux Saints Neandertal suggests
vertebral curvatures similar to modern humans14 and this indicates that a better fossil documentation of lumbar
spine anatomy in Neandertals is needed. Importantly, a recent study accounting for a wide range of population
variability in modern humans, identified consistently and significantly more pronounced lordotic wedging in
Neandertal L5 of Kebara 2, Shanidar 3, and La Chapelle aux Saints41 together with a more hypo-lordotic wedg-
ing in upper lumbar vertebra. Accordingly, this could suggest a completely different position of the lumbar
spine within the trunk, with yet unclear biomechanical implications. Therefore, further fossil reconstructions
of Neandertal torso skeletons together with experimental testing are necessary.
In African H. erectus, as reconstructed on the remains of KNM-WT 15,000, the straight thoracic3 and curved
lumbar spine morphology70 would be more in line with effective power-locomotion. This, together with greater
torso width and depth would be also compatible with higher muscularity and body mass3,15,63,71,72. However,
clearly, the elongated limbs favour an interpretation of long-distance locomotion and, possibly, running17,21.
Altogether, the present evidence and reviews suggest that our interpretations relate to a great extent on the reli-
ability of the fossil body reconstructions.
However, it is important to bear in mind the limitations of our experimental evidence in the evolution-
ary context of endurance running. Obviously, the fossil record does not contain information about soft tissue
anatomy, while the present data was exclusively collected on the external surface of the torso and so the relations
between skeletal and soft tissue anatomy are unknown. Yet, bony features are considered. The curvature of the
spine is assessed by the tips of the spinous processes which are variable in terms of sagittal orientations and thus
do not directly inform about the curvature as assessable on the basis of the vertebral bodies. Also, the ribcage
anatomy is only indirectly reflected by the skin surface landmarks and closer to skeletal thorax shape only at
the central and lower parts of the rib cage. These data can thus only give a general idea about thorax shape. The
pelvic landmarks are clearer in this respect as the iliac spines can be identified without problems. However, the
reduced landmark set, which excluded shape information related to the latissimus dorsi and major pectoralis
muscles may be less influenced by muscularity, and the fact that the results of the full and the reduced data are
similar suggests little soft tissue effects on the results.
Further limitations are related to the proper running experiment. Endurance running in the evolutionary
context appeared in the context of specific climatic conditions that were not considered in the present experi-
ment. Also, actual endurance running is defined as running at intermediate velocities and aerobic conditions
for longer time than considered in our experiment, where we only tested for potential relations between veloc-
ity and aerobic running conditions during the early stages of the incremental exercise. In this perspective, our
data are only informative about shape-function relation during higher intensity running. Future studies should
relate torso shape to running performance data on velocity and distance during longer trails and in hot weather
conditions. Such analysis will provide further insight into the important relationships between torso shape, body
shape and locomotor performance relevant for human evolution.
Received: 22 December 2021; Accepted: 22 June 2022
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We thank the volunteers for participating in this study. Funding: Grant PID2020-115854GB-I00 to MB is funded
by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European
Union. We thank Prof. Mitteroecker and one anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments.
Author contributions
M.B. designed the associated research project, collected 3D surface data, analysed the geometric morphometrics
data, wrote the main manuscript and pepared the Figures. J.M.G.R. collected and postprocessed the 3D-landmark
data, preprared Figures and wrote parts of the paper. M.G.R programmed code and analysed additional data.
M.B., B.B., A.S.J. and E.N worked on the development of the experimental procedures. M.B., J.R., G.G.L., A.S.J.
and E.N. carried out the experiments and A.S.J and E.N supervised all steps of the experiment at the laboratory.
All authors reviewed the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/
10. 1038/ s41598- 022- 15344-x.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.B.
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| Variation in human 3D trunk shape and its functional implications in hominin evolution. | 07-11-2022 | Bastir, Markus,González Ruíz, José María,Rueda, Javier,Garrido López, Gonzalo,Gómez-Recio, Marta,Beyer, Benoit,San Juan, Alejandro F,Navarro, Enrique | eng |
Examination of gas exchange and blood
lactate thresholds in Paralympic athletes
during upper-body poling
Julia Kathrin BaumgartID1*, Maaike Moes2, Knut Skovereng1, Gertjan EttemaID1,
Øyvind Sandbakk1
1 Centre for Elite Sports Research, Department of Neuroscience and Movement Science, Faculty of
Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway,
2 Department of Human Movement Sciences, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht
University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
* [email protected]
The primary aim was to compare physiological and perceptual outcome parameters identi-
fied at common gas exchange and blood lactate (BLa) thresholds in Paralympic athletes
while upper-body poling. The secondary aim was to compare the fit of the breakpoint models
used to identify thresholds in the gas exchange thresholds data versus continuous linear
and curvilinear (no-breakpoint) models.
Fifteen elite Para ice hockey players performed seven to eight 5-min stages at increasing
workload until exhaustion during upper-body poling. Two regression lines were fitted to the
oxygen uptake (VO2)-carbon dioxide (VCO2) and minute ventilation (VE)/VO2 data to deter-
mine the ventilatory threshold (VT), and to the VCO2-VE and VE/VCO2 data to determine
the respiratory compensation threshold (RCT). The first lactate threshold (LT1) was deter-
mined by the first rise in BLa (+0.4mmolL-1 and +1.0mmolL-1) and a breakpoint in the log-
log transformed VO2-BLa data, and the second lactate threshold (LT2) by a fixed rise in BLa
above 4mmolL-1 and by employing the modified Dmax method. Paired-samples t-tests were
used to compare the outcome parameters within and between the different threshold meth-
ods. The fit of the two regression lines (breakpoint model) used to identify thresholds in the
gas exchange data was compared to that of a single regression line, an exponential and a
3rd order polynomial curve (no-breakpoint models) by Akaike weights.
All outcome parameters identified with the VT (i.e., breakpoints in the VO2-VCO2 or VE/VO2
data) were significantly higher than the ones identified with a fixed rise in BLa (+0.4 or
+1.0mmolL-1) at the LT1 (e.g. BLa: 5.1±2.2 or 4.9±1.8 vs 1.9±0.6 or 2.3±0.5mmolL-1,
p<0.001), but were not significantly different from the log-log transformed VO2-BLa data
October 31, 2018
1 / 18
Citation: Baumgart JK, Moes M, Skovereng K,
Ettema G, Sandbakk Ø (2018) Examination of gas
exchange and blood lactate thresholds in
Paralympic athletes during upper-body poling.
PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205588.
Editor: Tiago M Barbosa, Nanyang Technological
University, SINGAPORE
Received: February 19, 2018
Accepted: September 17, 2018
Published: October 31, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Baumgart et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: The laboratory equipment was provided
by NeXt Move, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU). NeXt Move is funded by
the Faculty of Medicine at NTNU and Central
Norway Regional Health Authority. The funder had
no role in study design, how the data collection and
analysis was performed, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
(4.3±1.6mmolL-1,p>0.06). The outcome parameters identified with breakpoints in the
VCO2-VE data to determine the RCT (e.g. BLa: 5.5±1.4mmolL-1) were not different from the
ones identified with the modified Dmax method at the LT2 (5.5±1.1mmolL-1) (all p>0.53), but
were higher compared to parameters identified with VE/VCO2 method (4.9±1.5mmolL-1)
and a fixed BLa value of 4mmolL-1 (all p<0.03). Although we were able to determine the VT
and RCT via different gas exchange threshold methods with good fit in all 15 participants
(mean R2>0.931), the continuous no-breakpoint models had the highest probability (>68%)
of being the best models for the VO2-VCO2 and the VCO2-VE data.
In Paralympic athletes who exercise in the upper-body poling mode, the outcome parame-
ters identified at the VT and the ones identified with fixed methods at the LT1 showed large
differences, demonstrating that these cannot be used interchangeably to estimate the aero-
bic threshold. In addition, the close location of the VT, RCT and LT2 does not allow us to dis-
tinguish the aerobic and anaerobic threshold, indicating the presence of only one threshold
in athletes with a disability exercising in an upper-body mode. Furthermore, the better fit of
continuous no-breakpoint models indicates no presence of clear breakpoints in the gas
exchange data for most participants. This makes us question if breakpoints in the gas
exchange data really exist in an upper-body exercise mode in athletes with disabilities.
In able-bodied endurance athletes performing lower-body or whole-body exercise, gas
exchange and blood lactate (BLa) threshold concepts are well-established in the diagnosis of
endurance performance as well as in the prescription of systematic training with different exer-
cise intensity zones [1]. Two thresholds are commonly described in the literature: 1) The aero-
bic threshold (AT)–determined by the ventilatory threshold (VT) or the first lactate threshold
(LT1)–separates low- from moderate-intensity exercise [2, 3]. 2) The anaerobic threshold
(ANT)–determined by the respiratory compensation threshold (RCT) or the second lactate
threshold (LT2)–separates moderate- from high-intensity exercise [2, 3]. However, to what
extent the outcome parameters identified at the VT and LT1 as well as the RCT and LT2 coin-
cide in Paralympic sitting sport athletes who exercise in an upper-body mode remains to be
Various methods have been employed to determine the VT and the RCT, as well as the LT1
and the LT2 [3–6]. The VT is based on a disproportionate increase (i.e. a breakpoint) in carbon
dioxide production (VCO2) and minute ventilation (VE) in relation to oxygen uptake (VO2)
[3, 7], and the LT1 on an onset in BLa concentration above resting levels that marks the begin-
ning of exercise [5] or on a breakpoint in the log-log transformed VO2-BLa data [4]. Even
though these physiological changes occur above the VT and LT1, the body is still able to main-
tain equilibrium at intensities up to the ANT, and aerobic metabolism (indicated by measure-
ments of oxygen uptake and the corresponding energy equivalent) reflects overall energy
expenditure [2]. The ANT marks the point beyond which any attempt of the body to maintain
metabolic equilibrium at a constant rate of work fails [6]. The RCT is based on a dispropor-
tionate increase (i.e. a breakpoint) of VE in relation to VCO2 [3], a mechanism that has been
suggested to correspond with the point where BLa starts to accumulate with constant workload
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Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
[6]. In contrast, it has been argued that the changes in gas exchange with increasing work rate
are continuous transitions where fatigue gradually accumulates rather than clear breakpoints
The assumption that the VT corresponds with the LT1, and the RCT with the LT2, are
based on the initial studies by Beaver et al. [3] and Wassermann et al. [6, 9, 10] from the
1980’s. However, there has been a continuous debate around the existence of and the physio-
logical link between these different thresholds [2, 11–14]. Although physiological parameters
identified at the VT and LT1, and at the RCT and LT2 have shown high correlations in able-
bodied participants during cycling and running in some studies [15, 16], others find low corre-
lations [17]. In wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby athletes with a spinal cord injury,
the % of VO2peak was lower at the LT1 compared to the VT, whereas it did not significantly dif-
fer at the LT2 and RCT [18]. In contrast, in able-bodied swimmers, there were no significant
differences in physiological outcome parameters at the LT1 and the VT [19].
Whereas a range of studies have investigated the VT during upper-body exercise in able-
bodied participants and participants with a disability [20–29], knowledge is limited on whether
gas exchange and BLa threshold concepts can be used interchangeably in athletes with disabili-
ties who exercise in an upper-body mode, or whether breakpoints exist in the gas exchange
data of these athletes. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to compare physiological
and perceptual outcome parameters at the gas exchange and BLa thresholds in the data
obtained from Paralympic athletes while upper-body poling. The secondary aim was to com-
pare the fit of breakpoint models used to identify gas exchange thresholds with continuous lin-
ear or curvilinear (no-breakpoint) models.
Fourteen male and one female endurance-trained Norwegian Para ice hockey players partici-
pated in this study. Anthropometrics and training hours per month of the participants are
depicted in Table 1. All participants were healthy and free of injuries at the time of testing. The
study was approved by the Norwegian Data Protection Authority and conducted in accor-
dance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants signed an informed consent form
prior to voluntarily take part in the study, and were made aware that they could withdraw
from the study at any point without providing an explanation.
Experimental design
The testing consisted of two consecutive test days at similar test times, during which partici-
pants performed an incremental test to exhaustion on day one, followed by seven to eight
5-min stages at gradually increasing effort for each stage until exhaustion on day two. All tests
were performed in upper-body poling on a Concept2 ski ergometer 1 (Concept2, Inc., Morris-
ville, USA,, while sitting in an ice sledge
hockey seat.
Test set-up
After being equipped with an oro-nasal mask (Hans Rudolph Inc, Kansas City, MO, USA) and
a heart rate monitor (Polar Electro Inc., Port Washington, NY, USA), the participants were
tightly strapped around the thighs and hips into an ice sledge hockey seat that was mounted on
a wooden platform (Fig 1). The distance of the seat to the Concept2 ski ergometer and the
position of the feet depended on personal preference but was the same for test day one and
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two. The ski ergometer uses wind resistance, which is generated by the spinning flywheel. The
ski ergometer has a spiral damper with settings from one to ten, which works like a gearing
system. We had this damper set at “eight” for all participants. Power output was measured
with the ergometer’s software, which was previously validated with force and velocity measure-
ments using a force cell (Noraxon USA inc., Scottsdal, AZ, USA) and the Oqus cameras of the
Qualisys motion capture system (Qualisys AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) as described by Hegge
et al. [30]. The Metamax II ergospirometer CORTEX Biophysik GmbH, Leipzig, Germany)
was calibrated against a known mixture of gases (16% O2 and 4% CO2) and ambient air prior
to the testing procedure of every second participant. Before each athlete was tested, the flow
transducer was calibrated with a 3 L syringe and then connected to the oro-nasal mask, which
allowed for the measurement of breath-by-breath respiratory parameters.
Test protocol
The participants were instructed to refrain from heavy training and alcohol consumption 24
hours before, caffeine intake the day of, and food intake two hours before testing. Additionally,
the participants were instructed to void their bladder directly before arriving at the laboratory.
A questionnaire was filled out on each of the two test days to monitor if the participants fol-
lowed these instructions, as well as to exclude any prior illness or injury that might have inter-
fered with the testing.
Test day one. A standardized warm-up of five 5-min submaximal stages with a 2- to
3-min break between stages was performed in the upper-body poling mode at an overall rating
of perceived exertion (RPE) of 7 (very light), 9 (very light), 11 (light), 13 (somewhat hard) and
15 (hard). Next to serving as a warm-up, the submaximal stages were used to familiarize the
participants with the use of the Borg scale [31] to indicate RPE after the incremental test and
Table 1. Sex, age, anthropometric and disability characteristics as well as monthly training hours of the 15 Norwegian national team Para ice hockey players partici-
pating in this study.
Body mass
(level of injury)
Training hrs/month
Paraplegia (Th12-L1)
Spina bifida (L5)
Athrogryposis multiplex congenita
Hereditary spastic paraplegia
Paraplegia (Th10)
Spina bifida (ns)
Spina bifida (Th12)
Paraplegia (Th11-12)
Spina bifida (L3-S1)
Paraplegia (Th11-12)
Spina bifida (ns)
Paraplegia (Th12)
Cerebral Palsy (motor only)
Amputation (single leg above the knee)
Paraplegia (ns)
Mean ± SD
Players are from the Norwegian national B-team
All other players are from the Norwegian national A-team.
Thoracic (Th), lumbar (L), sacral (S), not specified (ns)
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Fig 1. Test set-up. The participants were strapped in around the hips and thighs in an ice sledge hockey seat mounted
on a platform in front of the Concept2 ski-ergometer.
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each of the 5-min stages on day two. After a 5-min break, the incremental test started at the
individual power output of the third submaximal stage (rounded to the nearest 10-point
value), and participants were instructed to continuously increase power output by 10 W every
30 s. The test was terminated when the participant, despite strong verbal encouragement,
could no longer maintain the required power output of the 30-s stage and the VO2 values
either plateaued or decreased (a drop of more than 2 mLkg-1min-1). After the incremental
test, participants recovered passively for five min and actively for three min (at the power out-
put of the first submaximal stage). They then performed a verification stage at a 10% higher
power output than the peak power output of the incremental test (rounded to the nearest
10-point value) to verify the attainment of a true VO2peak [32]. The verification stage was ter-
minated when the participant dropped more than 10% of target power output for more than
five s.
Test day 2. Seven to eight 5-min stages were performed with a 2- to 3-min break between
stages and in the same upper-body poling mode. The first stage started at 20% of the individual
peak power output obtained during the incremental test on day one, with increases of 10% (of
the individual peak power output) for each consecutive stage. The last stage was terminated
when the participant, despite strong verbal encouragement, could no longer maintain the
power output of that stage and dropped more than 10% in the target power output for longer
than five s. The intermittent exercise protocol was chosen to take a BLa sample from the fin-
gertip in between stages. The duration of five min per stage was chosen, since in an upper-
body mode two to three min are needed to achieve steady-state of physiological outcome
parameters [33].
Outcome measurements
Heart rate was measured every second with a Polar heart rate monitor, and respiratory param-
eters (i.e., VO2, VCO2, VE, and respiratory exchange ratio (RER)) were measured breath-by-
breath and averaged over 10 s by the in-built software of a Metamax II. A blood sample was
taken from the fingertip and BLa analysed with a Lactate Pro device (Arkray Inc., Japan) at
rest and directly after each of the submaximal stages on day one and day two, and one and
three min after the incremental test and the verification stage on day one as well as the last
stage of day two. Overall RPE was recorded after each of the submaximal stages on day one
and two, as well as after the incremental test on day one and the last stage on day two. Power
output was displayed per stroke and saved as 20-s averages during the submaximal stages on
day one and day two by the in-built Concept2 software (Concept2, Morrisville, VT, USA).
Peak power output during the incremental test and during the verification stage was registered
as the highest 30-s average.
Data analysis
Data processing.
Peak power output and gas exchange outcome parameters were calcu-
lated as the highest 30-s moving average and peak heart rate (HRpeak) as the highest 3-s moving
average of the incremental test performed on test day one. The gas exchange, heart rate and
power output data of the last two min (12 x 10-s averages) of each complete 5-min stage
conducted on test day two was included for data analysis in MATLAB (R2016a; Mathworks
Inc., Natick, MA). The analyses in the following were based on the concatenated 2-min gas
exchange data for the VT and RCT and on the BLa values after each 5-min stages for the LT1
and LT2.
Different methods were used to determine both the VT and the RCT, as well as the LT1 and
the LT2. For the determination of the VT, VO2 was plotted against VCO2 (V-slope method)
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[3] as well as time against VE/VO2 and VE/VCO2 (ventilatory equivalent method) [7] and two
regression lines fit to the data. For a valid detection of the VT with the ventilatory equivalent
method, the VE/VO2 had to increase before an increase in VE/VCO2 [15, 34]. For the detec-
tion of the RCT, VCO2 was plotted against VE [3] and two regression lines fit to the data. The
LT1 was determined in two different ways: the first fixed rise in BLa concentration by 0.4 and
1 mmolL-1 above the lowest individual BLa value [5, 35]. Additionally, the LT1 was deter-
mined by breakpoints in the log-log transformed VO2-BLa relationship [4]. The LT2 was
determined by a fixed BLa concentration of 4 mmolL-1 [36]. Additionally, the LT2 was deter-
mined by the modified Dmax method, which identifies the point on the 3rd order polynomial
curve fitted to the BLa values that yields the maximal perpendicular distance to the straight
line formed by the first stage with an increase of 0.4 mmolL-1 and the BLa measured after the
last stage [5]. Outcome parameters (% of peak power output, % of VO2peak, % of HRpeak, as
well as BLa and RPE) were interpolated at the thresholds identified with each of the above
described methods used to determine the VT, LT1, RCT and LT2.
Statistical analyses.
Paired-samples t-tests were used to compare the physiological and
perceptual outcome parameters within the VT, LT1, RCT and LT2, and between all four differ-
ent thresholds. Pearson’s r was used to investigate relationships between the outcome parame-
ters identified with the different methods used to determine VT, LT1, RCT and LT2. Ranges of
0.26–0.49, 0.50–0.69, 0.70–0.89 and 0.90–1.0 were used to indicate low, moderate, high and
very high correlations according to Munro’s criteria [37]. An α level of 0.05 was used to indi-
cate statistical significance.
To compare the fit of breakpoint models versus continuous linear or curvilinear (no-break-
point) models to the gas exchange data, two regression lines (Eq 1) versus a single linear
regression line (Eq 2), an exponential curve (Eq 3), and a 3rd order polynomial curve (Eq 4)
were fitted to the VO2-VCO2, VE/VO2, VE/VCO2, and VCO2-VE data by linear least squares
y ¼
a1 þ b1 x; t < k
a2 þ b2 x; t k
y ¼ a þ bx
y ¼ a þ c exp
x þ g
y ¼ a þ b1 x þ b2 x2 þ b3 x3
y is the variable of interest, a the y-axis offset, b the slope coefficients, c and d spreading coeffi-
cients, g the x-axis offset and k the point where the first and the second regression line of the
piecewise function cross. To compare the fit of the four models, the Akaike information crite-
rion (AIC) (Eq 5) [38] and the Akaike weights (wi) (Eq 7) for each model i relative to the set of
R candidate models were calculated based on the delta AIC (Δi) (Eq 6) [39, 40].
AIC ¼ n log
þ 2 K
Delta AIC ¼ Di ¼ AICi AIC weight ¼ wi ¼
exp or LT1 (+1.0) (exception: power output and BLa at LT1 (+0.4): r>0.55, p<0.04; all other out-
come parameters: r<0.38, p>0.16) (S1 File, sheet “correlations”). All outcome parameters at
LT1 (+0.4) and LT1 (+1.0) were highly or very highly correlated (all r>0.83, p<0.001). In addi-
tion, some of the outcome parameters identified with breakpoints in the log-log transformed
VO2-BLa moderately correlated with the outcome parameters identified by the V-slope
method (HR: r = 0.64, p = 0.01; BLa: r = 0.54, p = 0.04) and the breakpoints in the VE/VO2
data of the ventilatory equivalent method (HR: r = 0.54, p = 0.04).
The outcome parameters identified with breakpoints in the VCO2-VE data at the RCT (e.g.
BLa: 5.5±1.4 mmolL-1) were not significantly different from the ones identified with the modi-
fied Dmax method at the LT2 (5.5±1.1 mmolL-1) (all p>0.53), but were higher compared to
parameters identified with VE/VCO2 method (4.9±1.5 mmolL-1) and a fixed BLa value of 4
mmolL-1 (all p<0.03). Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the outcome
parameters identified with V-slope method used to determine the VT and the ones identified
with breakpoints in the VE/VCO2 and VCO2-VE data used to determine the RCT (p>0.22).
However, most outcome parameters identified at the breakpoints in the VE/VO2 and VE/
VCO2 data (ventilatory equivalent method) were highly or very highly correlated with those
identified at the breakpoints in the VCO2-VE data (RCT) (exception: % of VO2peak r = 0.67,
p = 0.006; all other outcome parameters: r>0.73, p<0.01) (Fig 2). In addition, most outcome
parameters identified at the thresholds in the VE/VCO2 data were moderately to highly corre-
lated with the same outcome parameters at the thresholds identified with the modified Dmax
method (exception: % of peak power output: r = 0.43, p = 0.11; all other outcome parameters:
r>0.57, p<0.03). Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the outcome
parameters identified with the log-log transformed VO2-BLa method used to determine
the LT1 and at a fixed BLa concentration of 4 mmolL-1 used to determine the LT2 and (all
For the gas exchange data, all fitting procedures for the VO2-VCO2 and the VCO2-VE
plots, including the single linear regression line, showed very good fit on the data for all 15
participants (mean r2>0.97) (Table 3). However, the fit of the breakpoint model compared to
the continuous no-breakpoint models on the VO2-VCO2 and the VCO2-VE data was only bet-
ter among five participants. Accordingly, the continuous no-breakpoint models had 71% and
68% probability of being the best models for the VO2-VCO2 and the VCO2-VE data, respec-
tively (Table 4). Exemplary VO2-VCO2 and VCO2-VE plots are illustrated in Figs 3 and 4,
In the gas exchange data displayed in the VE/VO2 plots and the VE/VCO2 plots, the break-
point model fitted better than the continuous no-breakpoint models in six and seven of the
athletes, respectively (Fig 5). Accordingly, it is unclear if in general the breakpoint (41 and
Table 2. Mean ± SD (95% CI) peak power output and peak physiological and perceptual outcome parameters.
Peak values
Peak power output (W)
144 ± 37 (125–163)
VO2peak (mLkg-1min-1)
36 ± 7 (32–39)
HRpeak (beatsmin-1)
188 ± 12 (182–194)
Blood lactate (mmolL-1)
14.4 ± 1.5 (13.7–15.2)
RPE (6–20)
19.7 ± 0.5 (19.4–19.9)
The data was collected during an incremental test to exhaustion while upper-body poling of 15 Norwegian Para ice
hockey players.
Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak), peak heart rate (HRpeak), rating of perceived exertion (RPE)
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47%, respectively) or continuous no-breakpoint (59 and 53%, respectively) models fit the VE/
VO2 and the VE/VCO2 data best (Table 4). The rise in VE/VO2 occurred earlier than the VE/
VCO2 only in four athletes (S1 Fig). The VT detection by the VE/VO2 relationship was, there-
fore, only valid in these four athletes. In none of these four athletes, did the breakpoint model
fit the VE/VO2 data better than the continuous no-breakpoint models.
The main aim of this study was to compare physiological and perceptual outcome parameters
identified with common gas exchange and BLa thresholds methods used to determine the VT,
LT1, RCT and LT2 in Paralympic athletes while upper-body poling. Furthermore, we com-
pared the fit of breakpoint models used to determine gas exchange thresholds to the fit of con-
tinuous linear or curvilinear (i.e., no-breakpoint) models. The LT1 occurred at much lower
exercise intensity than the VT although both are used as indicators of AT, whereas there were
no or minor differences between the methods used to identify the RCT and LT2 that deter-
mine the ANT. Furthermore, the RCT and LT2 did not differ from the VT. In addition, the
outcome parameters corresponding to the LT1 and LT2 using the log-log transformed VO2-
BLa data and the modified Dmax method, respectively, were significantly higher than ones
identified with fixed BLa values at the LT1 and LT2 (i.e., rise in BLa of +0.4/1.0 at LT1 or BLa
concentration of 4 mmolL-1 at LT2). We were able to determine breakpoints at the VT and
RCT with different gas exchange methods with good fit in all 15 participants, although contin-
uous no-breakpoint models showed even better fit for the majority of participants.
The physiological and perceptual outcome parameters identified with a fixed rise in BLa at
the LT1 were significantly lower than the ones at the VT, and the outcome parameters using
these methods only low or moderately correlated with each other. Overall, this indicates that
these two thresholds cannot be used interchangeably to determine the AT. In addition,
Table 4. Akaike weights (wi) representing a measure of strength of evidence for probability of best fit of the two regression lines (breakpoint model) and the single
regression line, exponential and 3rd order polynomial curve (continuous no-breakpoint models) (mean wi ± SD (95% CI) [# of participants with better fit of the
respective model compared to the two regression lines]) fitted to the gas exchange data of 15 elite Para ice hockey players following a protocol with stepwise
increases in workload every 5 min while upper-body poling.
Two regression lines
Single regression line
Exponential curve
3rd order polynomial curve
VO2-VCO2 plots
0.29 ± 0.35 (0.11–0.46)
0.07 ± 0.18 (-0.03–0.16) [#0]
0.03 ± 0.10 (-0.01–0.08) [#0]
0.61 ± 0.37 (0.42–0.79) [#10]
VE/VO2 plots
0.41 ± 0.45 (0.18–0.64)
0.00 ± 0.00 (0.00–0.00) [#0]
0.13 ± 0.24 (0.01–0.26) [#2]
0.46 ± 0.40 (0.25–0.66) [#7]
VE/VCO2 plots
0.47 ± 0.49 (0.22–0.72)
0.00 ± 0.00 (0.00–0.00) [#0]
0.09 ± 0.19 (-0.01–0.19) [#2]
0.44 ± 0.43 (0.22–0.66) [#6]
VCO2-VE plots
0.31 ± 0.44 (0.09–0.54)
0.00 ± 0.00 (0.00–0.00) [#0]
0.00 ± 0.01 (0.00–0.01) [#0]
0.68 ± 0.44 (0.46–0.91) [#10]
Oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), minute ventilation (VE)
Table 3. The coefficient of determination (mean r2 ± SD (range) for the two regression lines (breakpoint model) and the single regression line, exponential and 3rd
order polynomial curve (continuous no-breakpoint models) fitted to the gas exchange data of 15 elite Para ice hockey players following a protocol with stepwise
increases in workload every 5 min while upper-body poling.
Two regression lines
Single regression line
Exponential curve
3rd order polynomial curve
VO2-VCO2 plots
0.995 ± 0.005 (0.993–0.998)
0.994 ± 0.005 (0.991–0.996)
0.993 ± 0.005 (0.991–0.996)
0.996 ± 0.005 (0.993–0.998)
VE/VO2 plots
0.931 ± 0.069 (0.896–0.966)
0.764 ± 0.094 (0.716–0.811)
0.919 ± 0.064 (0.886–0.951)
0.932 ± 0.064 (0.900–0.964)
VE/VCO2 plots
0.940 ± 0.044 (0.918–0.962)
0.700 ± 0.142 (0.628–0.772)
0.920 ± 0.044 (0.898–0.942)
0.940 ± 0.041 (0.919–0.961)
VCO2-VE plots
0.995 ± 0.003 (0.994–0.997)
0.968 ± 0.015 (0.960–0.976)
0.992 ± 0.006 (0.989–0.994)
0.996 ± 0.003 (0.994–0.998)
Oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), minute ventilation (VE)
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Fig 3. Exemplary VO2-VCO2 plots. The VO2-VCO2 data was fitted with a single regression line, a bilinear regression
line, an exponential curve, and a 3rd order polynomial curve for an athlete without breakpoint (the four plots to the
left) and with suggested breakpoint presence (the four plots to the right). (Note that the plots of the five athletes with a
suggested breakpoint also show a rather linear increase in the VO2-VCO2 relationship). Oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon
dioxide production (VCO2).
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Fig 4. Exemplary VCO2-VE plots. The VCO2-VE data was fitted with a single regression line, a bilinear regression
line, an exponential curve, and a third order polynomial curve for an athlete without breakpoint (the four plots to the
left) and with suggested breakpoint presence (the four plots to the right). (Note that the plots of the five athletes with a
suggested breakpoint show a rather curvilinear increase in the VCO2-VE relationship). Carbon dioxide production
(VCO2), minute ventilation (VE).
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Fig 5. Exemplary VE/VO2 and VE/VCO2 plots. Exemplary VE/VO2 data fitted with a bilinear regression line and a
3rd order polynomial curve for an athlete without breakpoint (upper two plots to the left) and with suggested
breakpoint presence (upper two plots to the right). Exemplary VE/VCO2 data fitted with a bilinear regression line and
a 3rd order polynomial curve for an athlete without breakpoint (lower two plots to the left) and with suggested
breakpoint presence (upper two plots to the right). Oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), minute
ventilation (VE).
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thresholds identified by a fixed BLa increase at the LT1 were significantly lower compared
with the breakpoints identified in the log-log transformed VO2-BLa data, showing that indi-
vidually adjustable BLa methods did not correspond with fixed methods in determining the
LT1. The early occurrence of a rise in BLa in upper-body exercise is in accordance with Beneke
et al. [41], who found BLa to be higher at a given workload in activities involving smaller mus-
cle mass, where power output per kg of active muscle mass and, thus, local metabolic stress is
increased compared to lower body exercise. In addition, BLa accumulation after cessation of
exercise was shown to be faster in individuals with a spinal cord injury as compared to able-
bodied individuals [42]. However, although outcome parameters identified with breakpoints
in the log-log transformed VO2-BLa data are not significantly lower than the ones identified
at the VT, outcome parameters identified with methods using fixed BLa values to identify the
LT1 are much lower than the VT.
As estimates of the ANT, the outcome parameters identified with the Dmax method to deter-
mine LT2 did not significantly differ from the ones identified with breakpoints in the VCO2-
VE data at the RCT, whereas most of the outcome parameters identified with breakpoints in
the VE/VCO2 data were significantly lower than these. However, the outcome parameters
identified by the latter method differ only marginally from the two other ANT methods
(VCO2-VE, Dmax), indicating that the exercise intensity where a disproportionate increase in
BLa and in VE occurs is relatively similar. Note that we decided to not correct for multiple
comparisons and rather present the uncorrected p-values from paired samples t-tests instead.
Although we are aware of the subsequent increased chances of making a type 1 errors, the
decreased chances of making a type a type 2 errors were regarded more important, which is in
accordance with Rothman [43]. However, if Bonferroni corrections would have been used in
this specific case, there would have been no significant differences between the outcome mea-
sures identified at with these three methods.
Furthermore, most of the outcome parameters identified with the different methods at the
LT2 and RCT are low to moderately correlated, coinciding with high individual variation in
the outcome parameters within each of the methods used to identify the LT2 and RCT. This
indicates that an individual with a high LT2 does not necessarily display a high RCT. The high
individual variation may be explained by disability-related differences in the cardio-respiratory
system that might affect physiological responses to upper-body exercise. For example, athletes
with a spinal cord injury exercising in an upper-body mode were shown to vary considerably
in their VO2peak depending on their level of injury [44], which might also reflect differences
in the % of VO2peak that can be sustained during exercise. In addition, the inclusion of one par-
ticipant that was much older than the rest and one female participant may have contributed
to the high variation. Furthermore, individual variation in physiological responses may be
higher in upper-body exercise compared to lower-body exercise. Altogether, it is questionable
whether the similar outcome parameters identified at the LT2 and the RCT on a group basis,
result in similar outcome parameters at the LT2 and RCT for the individual sitting athlete
when training in an upper-body mode.
The thresholds identified by the breakpoints in the VE/VO2 at the VT and in VE/VCO2 at
the RCT did not significantly differ and were highly correlated. This, together with the rather
linear increase in the VO2-VCO2 relationship suggests that it is solely the disproportionate rise
in VE that leads to a rather rapid increase in the data of the VE/VO2 and the VE/VCO2 plots,
and to discernible breakpoints in approximately half of the participants. Together with the
close location of the breakpoints identified in the VCO2-VO2 data at the VT and the VCO2-
VE data at the RCT, this indicates that a two-phase (low-high) rather than a three-phase (low-
moderate-high) intensity zone model could be applicable in athletes with a disability who exer-
cise in an upper-body mode. This is in contrast to significant differences between the VT and
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the RCT in Dekerle et al. [45], who test able-bodied participants in the arm crank ergometry
mode, and Leicht et al. [18], who tested wheelchair athletes in the wheelchair treadmill mode.
However, our findings are in line with a study of Pires et al. [46], who also found one rather
than two thresholds in the gas exchange data in upper-body trained able-bodied participants
during exercise in the arm crank ergometry mode. Whether the discrepancies between studies
are related to employment of e.g. different populations, protocols or exercise modes needs to
be examined further in other experimental designs.
All gas exchange threshold methods have in common that there is an a priori assumption of
the presence of a breakpoint, defined as “a place where an interruption or change occurs” [47].
However, the presence or absence of breakpoints in the gas exchange data is a debated topic
[8, 12]. Thus, in addition to the breakpoint models used to identify the VT and the RCT in the
present study, we fitted continuous no-breakpoint models to the data to investigate if there are
clear breakpoints in our data. Here, we found good fit for the breakpoint model used to iden-
tify the gas exchange thresholds, but better fit for the curvilinear no-breakpoint models in
most cases. We, hence, question if clear breakpoints really exist in the gas exchange data of ath-
letes with disabilities in an upper-body exercise mode.
In Paralympic athletes who exercise in upper-body poling, the physiological and perceptual
outcome parameters identified at the VT and the LT1 showed large differences, which demon-
strates that these cannot be used interchangeably to identify the AT. In addition, the close loca-
tion of the VT, RCT and LT2 does not allow us to distinguish the AT and ANT, indicating that
there might only be one threshold in athletes with a disability exercising in an upper-body
mode. Furthermore, continuous no-breakpoint models fit the gas exchange data better than
breakpoint models in most participants. We, hence, question if clear breakpoints in the gas
exchange data really exist in an upper-body exercise mode in athletes with disabilities.
Supporting information
S1 File. Data. Data and analyses conducted in this study of gas exchange and blood lactate
threshold in Paralympic sitting athletes.
S1 Fig. VE/VO2 and VE/VCO2 plots fitted with two regression lines. The data is of the six or
seven completed stages of each of the 15 athletes. Breakpoint presence is indicated above each
individual plot. Furthermore, it is indicated in the second row above the figures whether the
two thresholds occur at the same time, or the VE/VO2 occurs before or after the VE/VCO2
threshold. Oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), minute ventilation (VE).
The laboratory equipment was provided by NeXt Move, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU). NeXt Move is funded by the Faculty of Medicine at NTNU and Central
Norway Regional Health Authority. The funder had no role in study design, how the data
collection and analysis was performed, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
The authors acknowledge the support of the Olympic and Paralympic Centre in Oslo and the
Centre for Elite Sports Research in Trondheim in conducting this research. The eager partici-
pation of the athletes is deeply appreciated. None of the authors have any conflicts of interest
to declare.
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Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Julia Kathrin Baumgart, Maaike Moes, Knut Skovereng, Gertjan Ettema,
Øyvind Sandbakk.
Data curation: Julia Kathrin Baumgart, Maaike Moes.
Formal analysis: Julia Kathrin Baumgart, Knut Skovereng, Gertjan Ettema, Øyvind Sandbakk.
Funding acquisition: Øyvind Sandbakk.
Investigation: Julia Kathrin Baumgart, Øyvind Sandbakk.
Methodology: Julia Kathrin Baumgart, Maaike Moes, Knut Skovereng, Gertjan Ettema,
Øyvind Sandbakk.
Project administration: Julia Kathrin Baumgart, Øyvind Sandbakk.
Supervision: Gertjan Ettema, Øyvind Sandbakk.
Validation: Julia Kathrin Baumgart, Gertjan Ettema, Øyvind Sandbakk.
Visualization: Julia Kathrin Baumgart, Gertjan Ettema.
Writing – original draft: Julia Kathrin Baumgart.
Writing – review & editing: Maaike Moes, Knut Skovereng, Gertjan Ettema, Øyvind
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| Examination of gas exchange and blood lactate thresholds in Paralympic athletes during upper-body poling. | 10-31-2018 | Baumgart, Julia Kathrin,Moes, Maaike,Skovereng, Knut,Ettema, Gertjan,Sandbakk, Øyvind | eng |
PMC4377953 | Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12, 3077-3090; doi:10.3390/ijerph120303077
International Journal of
Environmental Research and
Public Health
ISSN 1660-4601
Attentional Distraction during Exercise in Overweight and
Normal-Weight Boys
Benedicte Deforche 1,2,* and Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij 3
1 Department of Public Health, Ghent University, De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Gent, Belgium
2 Department of Human Biometrics and Biomechanics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2,
1050 Brussel, Belgium
3 Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Ghent University, Watersportlaan 2,
9000 Gent, Belgium; E-Mail: [email protected]
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: [email protected].
Academic Editor: Andrew P. Hills
Received: 19 October 2014 / Accepted: 4 March 2015 / Published: 13 March 2015
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of attentional distraction
on field running distance and activity intensity during an exercise session in normal-weight
and overweight youngsters and to investigate potential mediators. Fifty-three 12–14 yr-old
boys participated twice in a 12-min running test and a 20-min exercise session, once
with attentional distraction (by listerning to music) and once without distraction
(counterbalanced randomised controlled design). At the end of the endurance test running
distance was recorded. During the exercise session activity intensity was assessed by
accelerometers. After each experiment, rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was estimated and
seven questions were asked about how participants experienced the experiment. Both
overweight and normal-weight boys ran further during the running test with music
(p < 0.05) and this effect was mediated by a decrease in feelings of annoyance. During the
exercise session with music, both overweight and normal-weight boys exercised less at low
and high intensity and more at moderate and very high intensity (p < 0.01) and this effect
was mediated by a decrease in RPE. We can conclude that attentional distraction
has a positive effect on running distance on a field endurance test and on activity
intensity during an exercise session through different mechanisms in both overweight and
normal-weight boys.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
Keywords: adolescents; music; obesity; physical activity; running performance
1. Introduction
Overweight youngsters are found to be less active or to be active at a lower intensity than
normal-weight counterparts [1,2]. As regular physical activity of high enough intensity is essential in
the prevention of obesity [3,4], efforts should be made to increase physical activity adherence in
overweight youngsters.
Enjoyment is the most important predictor of physical activity in children [5–7]. Unfortunately,
overweight youngsters generally do not choose to be active because they like it, but rather because
they hope to lose weight or look better [8]. These extrinsic motives may not encourage continued
participation in physical activity, since weight-loss directly attributable to increased physical activity is
usually small [9]. The lack of direct effects of physical activity may disappoint overweight youngsters
and cause drop-out. In addition, overweight youngsters perceive more barriers towards physical
activity [8,10,11]. They find it more exhausting and report more physical complaints such as side
stiches, knee pain, suffocating feeling, excessive sweating, etc. Moreover, a higher perception of
barriers in overweight youngsters is related to a lower participation in physical activities [11]. Since
physical activity plays an important role in the prevention of overweight, it is important to find
solutions to overcome these barriers and to intrinsically motivate overweight youngsters to be
physically active. A key element is that overweight youngsters should perform enough activity to
substantially increase total energy expenditure. This can be accomplished either by prolonging the
duration of the activity or by raising its intensity. Generally, the importance of exercise duration, rather
than intensity, is emphasized to promote a significant fat oxidation and to prevent drop-out [12].
The intensity of physical activity has been found to be negatively associated with exercise adherence
in overweight children and adults [13,14]. This could be due to the fact that higher intensity activities
entail more physical complaints and are therefore experienced as less pleasant. However, especially
activities of moderate to high intensity have shown to contribute to the prevention of weight gain in
adults [15,16]. It might be interesting to investigate ways to increase exercise intensity in overweight
youngsters without increasing physical complaints or annoyance.
It is possible that attentional distraction may increase adherence to higher intensity activities in
overweight youngsters. Previous experiments in athletes showed that by focusing attention to external
stimuli (such as music) instead of internal sensory information (such as heart rate, breathing, bodily
symptoms) running performances increased [17]. Although the effect of attentional distraction is well
established in athletes, only one study has investigated this issue in overweight people. A previous
experiment in obese children and adolescents [18] showed that attentional distraction by music has a
positive effect on perseverance during a treadmill test. This study was performed in a controlled
laboratory environment. As findings from a laboratory setting might not be transferable to field
settings and the effect of attentional distraction on activity intensity during an exercise session has not
been studied yet, further research is needed to investigate whether attentional distraction is also useful
to increase performance in field conditions and during exercise programs in overweight youngsters.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of attentional distraction in overweight versus
normal-weight youngsters on: (1) running distance in the field and on intensity of activity during an
exercise session (primary outcomes) and (2) rate of perceived exertion (RPE), degree of annoyance,
attention given to bodily sensations or thoughts about being able to carry on (secondary outcomes).
We hypothesize that attentional distraction will have a positive effect on primary and secondary
outcomes in both exercise conditions. As overweight youngsters report more physical complaints
while exercising [8], we further hypothesize that this effect will be stronger in overweight compared to
normal-weight youngsters. In addition, we want to investigate whether the effect of attentional
distraction on exercise performance is mediated by changes in rate of perceived exertion (RPE), degree
of annoyance, attention given to bodily sensations or thoughts about being able to carry on.
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
Four classes of 12 to 14 year old boys (N = 53) were recruited in a boys’ technical/vocational
school with high overweight prevalence and were grouped into normal-weight or overweight
according to international cutoffs for overweight in children [19]. Based on differences in running
performance with and without distraction found in a previous laboratory study in obese children and
adolescents [18] an a priori power analysis was conducted. This analysis showed that to study 2 × 2
within-between interactions with a power of 0.80 (given a 0.05 level of significance), a total sample
size of minimum 38 subjects was needed. All participants were orally informed about the purpose of
this study and received an information letter for their parents. Written informed consent was obtained
from all boys and their parents before participating in the study. The study was conducted in
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the ethical committee
of the Ghent University Hospital.
2.2. Procedure
Participants performed twice a field running test and participated twice in an exercise session, once
with attentional distraction and once without distraction. To control for order effects, in both the
running test and the exercise session, half of the classes started with distraction and half of the classes
without distraction (counterbalanced design). As randomization of order of the conditions was at the
class level and not individual level, this was a quasi-experimental randomized controlled design. Since
tests were performed during physical education classes, they took place each time at the same day of
the week and the same time of the day. There were two weeks between each test. No encouragement
was given during the tests.
2.3. Measurements
2.3.1. Anthropometric Measurements
Height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using a stadiometer (Holtain Ltd, Crymmych, Pembs,
UK). Body mass was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg on a digital balance scale (Seca, max 200 kg,
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
Hamburg, Germany) with the participant wearing lightweight clothing and no shoes. BMI was
calculated from height and weight measures (weight in kg/height in m2).
2.3.2. Physical Activity
Physical activity was estimated using a modified version of the Baecke Questionnaire [20],
previously used to assess physical activity in 12–18 year old youngsters [8,21]. Responses to
13 questions were scored on a 5-point scale and resulted in two indices reflecting physical activity
during sport (sport index) and during leisure time excluding sport (leisure time index). Items regarding
physical activity during work were omitted for this study. A sport score was calculated from a
combination of the intensity of the (organised or non-organised) sport which was played, the amount
of time per week playing that sport, and the proportion of the year in which the sport was played
regularly. The sport index was calculated from the sport score, level of activity in comparison with
friends and frequency of sweating during leisure time physical activities. The leisure time index was
based on the amount of television watching and the frequency and daily amount of walking or cycling
as a means of transportation. The validity of the Baecke Questionnaire for the assessment of physical
activity has been previously reported [22,23].
2.3.3. Field Running Performance
Field running performance was assessed by the Cooper Test [24] which is a 12 min running test.
Different investigators found high correlations (0.82 < r < 0.94) between VO2max and performance on
the 12 min running test in young adults [25,26]. The tests were performed on an outdoor athletics
track. Weather conditions were similar on the test days with and without attentional distraction. In the
condition with attentional distraction, participants were wearing a portable audio player (Sony D-EJ 750,
G-protection). As the largest benefits to RPE were found with music that is preferred [27], each
participant could bring his own favourite music. Music volume was standardised, however tempo was
not controlled. At the end of the endurance tests running distance was recorded.
2.3.4. Activity during Exercise Session
The exercise session consisted of a 20 min exercise circuit with focus on movements with vertical
displacement of the body. Participants were not wearing a portable audio player, but music was played
on a CD-player (AZ 2030, Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). It was a mix of popular hits with a
fast tempo and a strong rhythm. During the exercise sessions physical activity was assessed by
accelerometry (model 7164, Computer Science Application, Inc., Shalimar, FL, USA). The
accelerometers were set to measure activity counts in an epoch time of one minute. Activity counts are
the summation of the accelerations measured over the epoch and are used to determine the intensities
of activities performed. A distinction was made between minutes of less than 1952 counts (less than
3 METS), 1952 to 5724 counts (3.0 to 5.99 METS), 5725 to 9498 counts (6.0 to 8.99 METS) and more
than 9498 counts (more than 8.99 METS), corresponding respectively to activity of light, moderate,
high and very high intensity [28]. Participating boys were imposed to wear the accelerometer above
the right hipbone, underneath the clothes. Accelerometers were held in place with an elastic belt and
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
adjustable buckle. The accelerometer has been shown to be a valid and reliable tool for the assessment
of physical activity in children [29–31].
2.3.5. Rate of Perceived Exertion
After each test or exercise session, rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was obtained using the Borg
15-point category scale [32]. RPE is defined as the subjective intensity of effort, strain, discomfort
and/or fatigue experienced during exercise. The Borg 15-point category scale consists of numbered
categories, 6–20, and verbal cues from “very, very light” to “very, very hard”. This scale is commonly
used to measure RPE during exercise in normal-weight and overweight youth [33–35].
2.3.6. Questionnaire
After each test or exercise session seven questions were asked about how the participants
experienced the test or the session using a 5-point scale (1 = not at all, 5 = very much). Participants
reported (1) how annoying they experienced the test (or exercise session), (2) how much attention was
given to bodily sensations during the test (or exercise session), (3) how often they had thoughts about
being able to carry on with the test (or exercise session), (4) to what extent they liked the music, (5) to
what extent they could listen to the music during the test (or exercise session), (6) how pleasant they
found the test (or exercise session) while listening to music, and (7) to what extent they believed they
could run further (or exercise more intensively) while listening to music. The latter four questions were
only assessed in the conditions with attentional distraction. The first three questions were assessed
after the tests with and without attentional distraction.
2.4. Statistical Analyses
Data were analysed using SPSS software (version 21.0). Values of p < 0.05 were considered
statistically significant. Effect of attentional distraction was studied using a 2 (condition: distraction
versus no distraction) × 2 (group: normal-weight versus overweight) repeated measures analyses of
variance. Results from items only obtained during the tests with distraction were analysed with
independent samples t-tests.
Mediation of attentional distraction effects in primary outcomes (running distance and activity
intensity) by attentional distraction effects in secondary outcomes (RPE, degree of annoyance,
attention given to bodily sensations or thoughts about being able to carry on) was tested using a
within-subject method suggested by Judd et al. [36]. In order to do this analysis, there must first be a
distraction effect for both the primary outcomes (dependent variable) and secondary outcomes
(mediator variables). Mediation analysis was performed by estimating a regression model where the
difference in running distance/activity intensity (with music minus without music) was regressed onto
the sum of the mediator variables and the difference of the mediator variables. If the regression
coefficient for the difference predictor is significant, this indicates that differences in running
distance/activity intensity are mediated by differences in the mediator variable. If the sum predictor,
but not difference predictor, is mean-centered (each participant’s score subtracted from the mean score
of the sample), complete mediation is indicated by a non-significant intercept [36]. In order to be able
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
to assess complete mediation mean-centered sums of the mediator variables were included in the
regression analyses.
3. Results
3.1. Descriptive Charateristics of Participants
Table 1 presents descriptive charateristics of the participants. There were no differences in age,
height and leisure time index between overweight and normal-weight boys, but overweight boys had a
higher weight and BMI and lower sport index compared to normal-weight peers.
Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of participants.
Normal-Weight (n = 33)
Overweight (n = 20)
age (yrs)
12.8 ± 0.6
12.8 ± 0.8
height (cm)
160.0 ± 9.4
163.2 ± 8.4
weight (kg)
45.4 ± 7.3
70.3 ± 13.7
BMI (kg/m2)
17.9 ± 1.5
26.2 ± 3.7
leisure time index *
3.0 ± 0.6
3.1 ± 0.7
sport index *
3.3 ± 0.7
2.9 ± 0.6
Note: * 5 point scale.
3.2. Field Running Performance
Primary outcomes: Running distances during the field tests are shown in Figure 1. There were no
significant distraction by group interaction effects (F = 1.3, n.s.). Both overweight and normal-weight
boys ran further in 12 min with music than without music (F = 5.0, p < 0.05). Overweight youngsters
showed poorer performances compared to their normal-weight counterparts (F = 40.5, p < 0.001).
normal weight
no music
Figure 1. Running distance on the Cooper test with and without attentional distraction by
music in normal-weight and overweight youngsters.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
Secondary outcomes: There were no significant distraction by group interaction effects for RPE
(F = 0.6, n.s). With music (11.8 ± 2.9), participants reported lower RPE compared to without music
(13.1 ± 3.7) (F = 5.9, p < 0.05). Overweight youngsters reported higher rates of perceived exertion
after the running tests compared to their normal-weight counterparts (14.0 ± 3.5 versus 11.2 ± 2.8)
(F = 11.9, p < 0.001). When asking how participants experienced the running tests, both overweight
and normal-weight youngsters found the test less annoying with music (2.1 ± 1.1) compared to without
music (2.8 ± 1.4) (F = 10.1, p < 0.01). They also reported to pay less attention to bodily sensations
during the test with music (2.3 ± 1.0) compared to without music (2.7 ± 1.4) (F = 4.6, p < 0.05).
Overall, degree of annoyance was higher in overweight (2.3 ± 1.1) compared to normal-weight
youngsters (2.8 ± 1.5) (F = 5.3, p < 0.05). There were no significant differences between conditions or
groups, nor interaction effects (F < 3.8, n.s.) regarding how often they had thoughts about being able to
carry on with the test. Experiences during the test with music did not differ between overweight and
normal-weight boys (t < 1.6, n.s). Both groups reported that they liked the self-selected music a lot
(3.9 ± 1.4), that they could listen quite good to the music during the test (3.4 ± 1.3), that it was quite
pleasant to run while listening to the music (3.3 ± 1.5) and that they believed they could run further
while listening to music (3.6 ± 1.5).
Mediation: As attentional distraction had a significant effect on (1) RPE, (2) how annoying they
experienced the running test and (3) attention given to bodily sensations during the running test,
mediation analyses were performed for these three potential mediators. Only the difference in degree
of annoyance mediated the difference in running distance between both conditions (β = −0.46,
t = −3.34, p < 0.01). The intercept of the regression was non-significant (t = 0.7, n.s.) indicating a
complete mediation.
3.3. Activity during Exercise Session
Primary outcomes: In Figure 2 the total duration of the exercise session is equalled to 100%.
The proportion of time spent in activities of different intensity is represented by the different coloured
bars. There were no significant distraction by group interaction effects (F < 0.8, n.s). Both overweight
and normal-weight boys exercised less at low and high intensity and more at moderate and very high
intensity with music compared to without music (F = 6.0, p < 0.01). Overweight boys exercised a
higher proportion of time at low and moderate intensity and a lower proportion of time at high and
very high intensity, compared to the normal-weight boys (F = 4.0, p < 0.05).
Secondary outcomes: In both overweight and normal-weight boys, RPE was lower in the condition
with music (11.7 ± 3.0) than without music (12.9 ± 2.5) (F = 9.3, p < 0.01). Overweight boys reported
higher RPE after the exercise session (13.0 ± 2.9) compared to their normal-weight peers (11.2 ± 3.3)
(F = 5.9, p = 0.01). When asking how participants experienced the exercise sessions, both overweight
and normal-weight youngsters found the session less annoying with music (2.5 ± 1.1) compared to
without music (3.1 ± 1.5) (F = 7.1, p = 0.01). Both groups also reported to pay less attention to bodily
sensations during the session with music (2.1 ± 1.1) compared to without music (2.4 ± 1.1) and to
think less about being able to carry on with the exercise during the session with music (1.9 ± 1.2)
compared to without music (2.2 ± 1.3), but these differences were not statistically significant (F = 2.1
and F = 3.2, n.s.). Although scores were generally somewhat higher in overweight compared to
normal-weight boys, there were no significant group effects (F < 1.2, n.s.), nor distraction by group
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
effects (F < 0.3, n.s.). Experiences during the exercise session with music did not differ between
overweight and normal-weight participants (t < 1.9, n.s). Both groups reported that they quite liked the
music (3.0 ± 1.4), that they could listen quite good to the music during the exercise session (2.9 ± 1.3),
that it was quite pleasant to exercise while listening to the music (3.2 ± 1.5) and that they believed they
could exercise more intensively while listening to music (3.4 ± 1.3).
no music
no music
normal weight overweight
very high
Figure 2. Proportion of time spent in activities of different intensities during the
exercise session with and without attentional distraction by music in normal-weight and
overweight participants.
Mediation: As attentional distraction had a significant effect on (1) RPE and (2) how annoying they
experienced the exercise session, mediation analyses were performed for these two potential
mediators. Only the difference in rate of perceived exertion mediated the difference in mean activity
intensity during the exercise session between both conditions (β = −0.37, t = −2.6, p = 0.01).
The intercept of the regression was non-significant (t = 1.8, n.s.) indicating a complete mediation.
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of attentional distraction by music on field
running distances and on intensity of activity during an exercise session. We also wanted to investigate
whether the effect of attentional distraction was moderated by overweight status and mediated by RPE,
degree of annoyance, attention given to bodily sensations or thoughts about being able to carry on.
Results clearly indicated that both overweight and normal-weight boys ran further in 12 min while
listening to their favourite piece of music compared to without music. This finding is in line with
previous studies in students and athletes [17] and with the previous laboratory experiment in obese
youngsters [18]. Further, we also found that both overweight and normal-weight youngsters were
exercising at a higher intensity during the exercise session with music compared to without music. With
music, some proportion of time spent in low intensity activity was probably replaced by moderate
intensity activity and some proportion of time spent in high intensity activity was replaced by very high
intensity activity. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the effect of attentional
distraction within the context of an exercise session. Since participants were exercising at a higher
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
intensity while listening to music, more energy was expended, which is the main aim of any exercise
program for overweight youngsters.
Previous studies suggest different ways in which music may enhance exercise performance.
Szmedra and Bacharach [37] suggest that music might allow participants to relax and reduce muscle
tension, thereby increasing blood flow and lactate clearance while decreasing lactate production in the
working muscles and consequently having a psychobiological impact on exercise. Further, it is
assumed that the exerciser has a limited attentional capacity [38,39]. During exercise individuals have
access to internal sensory information (such as heart rate, breathing, pain,…) and external
environmental cues (such as noise, music, other exercisers, scenery) that compete for attentional
focus [40]. So, turning participants’ attention away from internal cues resulting from physiological
stimuli through some distracter (such as music) during exercise, will prevent them from focusing on
feelings of discomfort associated with exercise and will reduce perceived exertion. This hypothesis has
been confirmed by several previous studies in adults [37,41–49] and is also in agreement with the
findings of this study. With music, participants reported lower RPE and paid less attention to bodily
sensations compared to without music. However, only RPE and not attention paid to bodily sensations
was found to be a mediator of the effect of attentional distraction and a decrease in RPE only mediated
the effect of attentional distraction on activity intensity during the exercise session, but not on field
running performance. Some studies also suggest that music enhances enjoyment levels during
exercise [40,43,49,50]. Music may influence emotions and mask unpleasant feelings during
exercise [51]. In this study, participants found the running test and the exercise session with music less
annoying compared to without music. They may associate the music with positive past experiences,
they may indulge in pleasant fantasizing or may focus attention on pleasant future events which may
improve emotional or affective state during exercise [51]. Synchronisation of music with exercise may
have a psyching-up effect [41]. However, a decrease in feelings of annoyance only mediated the effect of
attentional distraction on field running performance, but not on activity intensity during the exercise
session. From the mediation analyses, we can conclude that the effect of attentional distraction works
through different mechanisms depending on the type of activity. Effect of music on the running test,
which is a very monotonous and less pleasant activity, is mediated by feelings of annoyance, while the
effect of music on activity intensity during the exercise session, which is a more diverse and pleasant
activity, is mediated by RPE.
Previous research showed that the effect of attentional distraction is different in trained versus
untrained athletes [52]. Elite and novice athletes employ different cognitive coping strategies to meet
exercise demands [53]. Trained athletes direct their focus to internal cues during exercise in order to
adapt pace and intensity to the functional information of bodily sensations. Brownley et al. [54]
demonstrated that listening to fast, upbeat music during exercise is beneficial for untrained runners but
counterproductive for trained runners. We hypothesized that the effect of attentional distraction would
also be different in overweight compared to normal-weight youngsters. Overweight youngsters report
more physical complaints while exercising [8]. Therefore we expected the effect of attentional
distraction to be stronger in overweight compared to normal-weight youngsters. However, this
hypothesis was not confirmed, the effect of attentional distraction was similar in both groups.
Although this was not the main purpose of this study, we also found that overweight youngsters
showed poorer performances on the field running tests. This is in agreement with findings of previous
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
studies [21,55,56]. This poorer performance in this weight-bearing activity in overweight youngsters is
probably mainly due to the fact that excess body fat adds to the mass of the body without contributing
to its force producing capability, thus becoming an inert load to be moved during running. Another
explanation could be that overweight youngsters avoid running because of the greater energy cost
required to move the total body. In this case the poorer performance could be the consequence of a
lack of experience in running. Overweight youngsters also exercised at a lower activity intensity
during the exercise sessions compared to normal-weight counterparts. Although performances were
generally lower in overweight youngsters, they reported higher rates of perceived exertion and they
found the exercise session more annoying compared to normal-weight youngsters. Obese children
generally rate perceived exertion higher than normal-weight counterparts when subjected to standardised
workload on a treadmill [57,58]. These higher rates of perceived exertion and annoyance are in line with
previous findings that overweight youngsters report more physical complaints and perceive less
enjoyment while exercising [8]. Since this study demonstrated that attentional distraction by music
increases exercise performance and intensity without increasing physical complaints or annoyance, this
might be a useful strategy to increase enjoyment and exercise adherence in overweight youngsters.
Future research needs to investigate whether listening to music also has a positive effect on motivation
to exercise. As exercising while listening to music is perceived as less annoying or more pleasant, this
might increase intrinsic motivation [59].
This was the first study to investigate the effect of attentional distraction in overweight and
normal-weight youngsters in field settings. Previous studies in this field were conducted in
normal-weight adults, only one laboratory study was conducted in obese youngsters [18]. However,
this study has some limitations. First, the results of this study are limited to overweight boys and
cannot be generalised to overweight girls. Secondly, it is possible that there were differences in sexual
or skeletal maturity between normal-weight and overweight boys. Unfortunately we were not able to
assess this. Thirdly, it is unknown which features of the music were critical in obtaining the distraction
effect. Previous studies showed that the effect of distraction may depend on type of music, music
tempo, music loudness, synchronisation with exercise or emotional significance of the music [17].
Next, the effect of distraction on exercise intensity was limited to a standardised 20 min exercise
session. Further research is needed to investigate whether attentional distraction also works within a
more comprehensive exercise program consisting of a variety of activities. Finally, in this study
attention was distracted by music, the usefulness of other forms of distractions such as watching a
video or environmental distraction (f.i. running on the beach or in a forest) needs further investigation.
Our experience in overweight 6 to 12 year old children is that making activities part of an exciting
adventure works well as a way of distraction.
5. Conclusions
The present study showed that attentional distraction by music has a positive effect on running
distances on a field endurance test and on activity intensity during an exercise session. The effect on
the field endurance test was mediated by feelings of annoyance, while the effect on activity intensity
during the exercise session was mediated by RPE. This indicates that the effect of attentional
distraction is working through different mechanisms depending on the type of activity. Despite our
hypothesis that the effect of attentional distraction would be stronger in overweight compared to
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12
normal-weight youngsters, the effect was similar in both groups. Motivating overweight youngsters to
exercise at high enough intensity is a big challenge. Music may help overweight adolescents to enjoy
physical activity and adhere to higher intensity physical activity. Further research is needed to
investigate whether attentional distraction is a useful technique to increase exercise adoption and
adherence in obesity prevention and treatment.
The authors are grateful to Cindy Stevens and Vanessa Vanhooren for their assistance in collecting
the data.
Author Contributions
Benedicte Deforche and Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij conceived and designed the study. Benedicte Deforche
coordinated the experiments analysed the data and wrote the paper. Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij critically
reviewed the paper for writing and intellectual content.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| Attentional distraction during exercise in overweight and normal-weight boys. | 03-13-2015 | Deforche, Benedicte,De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse | eng |
PMC10086059 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838
Exogenous lactate augments
exercise‑induced improvement
in memory but not in hippocampal
Deunsol Hwang 1,2,4, Jisu Kim 1,2,4, Sunghwan Kyun 1,2, Inkwon Jang 1,2, Taeho Kim 1,2,
Hun‑Young Park 1,2 & Kiwon Lim 1,2,3*
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN), the lifelong process of formation of new neurons in the
mammalian brain, plays an important role in learning and memory. Exercise is an effective enhancer
of AHN; however, the molecular mediators of exercise‑induced AHN are unknown. Recently, lactate
was considered as an important mediator of exercise‑induced AHN. Therefore, we hypothesized
that exercise with lactate intake could augment exercise‑induced AHN. This study was conducted
for 5 weeks with 7‑week‑old ICR male mice that performed mild‑intensity exercise (just below
lactate threshold, 55–60%VO2max) with or without oral administration of lactate 5 days/week. Cell
proliferation, neuronal differentiation, neurogenesis‑relevant factors, reference and retention
memory, and spatial working memory were evaluated at the end of the experiment. The results
showed that AHN was enhanced by lactate intake, but exercise‑induced AHN was not augmented by
exercise with lactate intake. Nevertheless, exercise‑induced improvement in reference and retention
memory was augmented by exercise with lactate intake. And spatial working memory was promoted
by the co‑treatment, also protein expression of hippocampal FNDC5, BDNF, PGC1α, and MCT2 were
elevated by the co‑treatment. Therefore, our findings suggest that lactate has a potential to be
developed as a novel supplement that improves the positive effects of exercise on the hippocampus
and its cognitive function.
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) refers to the lifelong process of formation of new neurons in the den-
tate gyrus (DG) of the adult mammalian brain. It plays an important role in learning and memory; thus, it is
associated with cognitive deficits in neurodegenerative conditions. An impairment of AHN has been shown to
cause cognitive decline1. Therefore, promoting AHN is considered a substantial way to prevent or ameliorate
cognitive deficits, which is important for improving the quality of life because of global acceleration of risk factors
for neurodegenerative conditions, such as aging, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), obesity, and physical inactivity2–4.
Exercise effectively enhances AHN. Studies have shown that regular exercise rescues AHN impairment caused
by aging5 and chronic stress6. Deteriorated AHN in an AD model was also ameliorated by long-term exercise7.
In addition to these studies on rodents with neurodegenerative conditions, AHN was enhanced by endurance
exercise training, even in normal adult rodents8–10. Although the effect of exercise on AHN is well-demonstrated,
what molecule primarily regulates exercise-induced AHN and triggers neurogenesis-relevant factors such as
brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and fibronectin type III domain containing 5 (FNDC5), important
mediators of exercise-induced AHN11–13, are not yet known.
Lactate, which are known as just byproduct of glycolysis and a primary factor in fatigue during exercise, has
been highlighted as a signaling molecule in the brain14. In mice, pharmacological disruption of lactate transport
to hippocampal neurons impaired memory formation, and this impairment was fully reversed by intrahippocam-
pal injection of lactate, but not glucose15. This result indicates that lactate acts as a signaling molecule rather than
an energy substrate in the brain during memory formation.
1Laboratory of Exercise and Nutrition, Department of Sports Medicine and Science in Graduate School, Konkuk
University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 2Physical Activity and Performance Institute (PAPI), Konkuk University,
Seoul, Republic of Korea. 3Department of Physical Education, Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 4These
authors contributed equally: Deunsol Hwang and Jisu Kim. *email: [email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
Recently, lactate has been considered a primary mediator for exercise-induced AHN16,17 because the effect of
lactate parallels the beneficial effects of exercise on the hippocampus18,19. Previous in vitro studies showed that
lactate treatment upregulated the protein expression of BDNF in hippocampal cells20 and enhanced the prolifera-
tion of neural precursor cells obtained from the hippocampus of adult mice by shortening the generation time
of neural precursor cells21. Similarly, in vivo studies using an inhibitor of lactate transporters (monocarboxylate
transporters; MCTs) increased mRNA expression levels of hippocampal BDNF through exercise, but this increase
was abolished by inhibition of MCT1/2 (MCT1: transporter for efflux of lactate, MCT2: transporter for influx of
lactate only in neurons)22. Further, the inhibition of MCT1/2 impeded the beneficial effect of exercise on learn-
ing and memory. These results indicate that lactate is involved in AHN. Indeed, long-term injection of lactate
significantly elevated AHN, but the elevation was blocked by co-treatment with an MCT2 inhibitor23, and lactate
injection also enhanced the protein expression of hippocampal BDNF and FNDC522 in rodents.
Collectively, these observations indicate that lactate promotes AHN and may be a primary mediator of
exercise-induced AHN. Therefore, we hypothesized that exercise with lactate intake can augment exercise-
induced AHN. Specifically, exogenous lactate can cross the blood–brain barrier via MCT124 and subsequently
elevate both the hippocampal extracellular lactate concentration25 and the hippocampal lactate concentration
via MCT222. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the effect of co-treatment with exercise and
lactate on AHN as well as to show the effect of lactate on AHN via oral administration.
Blood lactate concentration was sufficiently elevated by oral administration of lactate and
not by mild exercise.
First, we conducted a pilot experiment to know whether either lactate or exercise
intervention could satisfy our criterion with 6-week-old male ICR mice. Oral administration of 3 g/kg lactate
significantly elevated blood lactate concentration to 7.66 ± 1.43 mM, 15 min after administration [Fig. 1A; base-
line vs. 15 min in the lactate intake group (LAC): p = 0.001, vehicle group (VEH) vs. LAC at 15 min: p = 0.001].
Circulating lactate transports into the central nervous system26,27 via MCTs28, and MCTs are particularly abun-
dant in the hippocampus compared to other regions of brain28. Therefore, we assert that oral administration of
3 g/kg lactate, an applied treatment, can affect the hippocampus.
We set the exercise intensity as “mild” (just below lactate threshold, 55%–60% VO2max)29–31, considering that
an extremely low or high exercise intensity would be ineffective on the AHN8,25,32. To ensure that the exercise
intensity is equally maintained throughout the entire experiment (equalization of relative exercise intensity),
we had gradually increased the treadmill speed and/or exercise duration over time (increasing absolute exercise
intensity; Fig. 1B), based on our previous studies33–35. The increase in absolute exercise intensity is required
because chronic exercise enhances the exercise ability (occurrence of an exercise adaptation), and the enhanced
exercise ability subsequently leads to decrease in the relative exercise intensity if the absolute exercise intensity
is not increased.
Figure 1. Blood lactate concentration was sufficiently elevated by oral administration of lactate and not by
mild exercise. (A) Blood lactate concentration after oral administration of 3 g/kg lactate over time (VEH,
saline administration group, n = 4; LAC, lactate administration group, n = 6). Data were analyzed using two-
way repeated ANOVA with Student’s t-test between groups for post hoc test and paired t-test for comparison
in baseline and a timepoint within group. (B) Blood lactate concentration immediately after mild-intensity
exercise training over period (n = 8 per group; SED, sedentary group; EXE, exercise training group). For
comparison within EXE, one-way repeated ANOVA was used, and comparison between SED and a timepoint
of EXE was performed using independent Student’s t-test. D1, experimental day 1; D15, experimental day 15;
D29, experimental day 29; #p < 0.05, baseline vs time point within group; *p < 0.05, VEH vs LAC at the same
time point except baseline; $p = 0.01, VEH vs LAC analyzed by Mann–Whitney test. Data are presented as the
mean ± standard deviation.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
In exercise training group, blood lactate levels measured immediately after exercise on experimental days
1 (D1), 15 (D15), and 29 (D29) did not differ from the baseline lactate level (Fig. 1B). Therefore, our exercise
protocol was verified to have an intensity below the lactate threshold. Of note, the unchanged level of blood
lactate does not mean that lactates are not produced during the exercise; this results from an increase in both
production and consumption of lactate in balance when exercise intensity is set below the lactate threshold.
Exercise with lactate administration did not augment exercise‑induced AHN, but lactate
administration promoted AHN.
To validate the effect of exercise with lactate intake on AHN, we evalu-
ated proliferation and neuronal differentiation of the neurogenic pool in the DG. After 5 weeks of exercise
training and/or lactate administration five times per week in 7-week-old male ICR mice (Fig. 2A), the number
of Ki67+ (cell proliferation marker) and doublecortin (DCX, immature neuronal marker)+ cells in the exercise
without lactate group (EXE + VEH) was significantly higher than that in the sedentary without lactate group
(VEH) (Fig. 3A–C; p = 0.001 and p = 0.009, respectively). The number of Ki67+ cells in the sedentary with lactate
intake group (LAC) indicated a slight increase compared to that in the VEH group (Fig. 3A; p = 0.064), and the
number of DCX+ cells in the LAC significantly increased compared to VEH (Fig. 3B; p = 0.03). However, there
was no difference between EXE + VEH and the exercise with lactate intake group (EXE + LAC) in the number of
Ki67+ and DCX+ cells (Fig. 3A–C). Therefore, these results indicate that exercise with lactate intake did not aug-
ment exercise-induced AHN, although both exercise and lactate promoted AHN independently.
Exercise with lactate administration augmented exercise‑induced improvement in reference
and retention memory.
To examine the effect of exercise with lactate intake on reference and retention
memory, another cohort of mice was used (Fig. 2B) and performed an eight-arm radial arm maze (RAM). Of
note, the entire results are presented in Fig. 4A, and for readability of indications of post hoc test we subdi-
vide the results and presented in Fig. 4Ba–d (comparison of changes over time within the same group) and in
Fig. 4Ca–f (comparison of difference among groups within the same day).
In the learning phase (day 1–5) of the task, the appearance of learning curves was different among groups. On
day 1, the performance of RAM task did not differ among groups [Fig. 4Ca; two-way ANOVA: lactate (p = 0.192),
exercise (p = 0.590) and interaction (p = 0.319)]. On day 2, however, errors ratio was reduced only in EXE + LAC
compared to day 1 (Fig. 4Bd; p = 0.001). EXE + LAC showed significant improvement in reference memory
compared to other groups also (Fig. 4Cb; EXE + VEH vs. EXE + LAC: p = 0.002; LAC vs. EXE + LAC: p = 0.001).
In turn, the group showed the second-best performance in reference memory was EXE + VEH (Fig. 4Bc; day
1 vs. day 4: p = 0.023) and LAC (Fig. 4Bb; day 1 vs. day 4: p = 0.065, day 1 vs. day 5: p = 0.056) (Fig. 4Cd; VEH
vs. LAC: p = 0.001, VEH vs. EXE + VEH: p = 0.001), and the next was VEH (Fig. 4Ba; day 1 vs. day 5: p = 0.022).
Finally, on day 5, there was no difference in reference memory among groups [Fig. 4Ce; two-way ANOVA: lactate
(p = 0.712), exercise (p = 0.612) and interaction (p = 0.619)].
Figure 2. The schematic representation of experimental procedure. The experiments started with 7-week-old
male ICR mice. In case of EXE + LAC, mice were administrated lactate immediately after exercise. This study
comprised two independent experiments except the pilot test: (A) one mainly for biochemical analysis (n = 9
per group) and (B) the other for behavioral analysis (n = 8 per group). VEH sedentary without lactate, LAC
sedentary with lactate, EXE + VEH exercise training without lactate, EXE + LAC exercise training with lactate,
IHC immunohistochemistry, IB immunoblotting, RAM radial arm maze. The mouse icon is “Created with”.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
In the retention memory trial of the task (day 11), the improved reference memory was significantly retained
only in EXE + LAC (Fig. 4Bd; day 1 vs. day 11: p = 0.049). However, there was no difference in retention memory
among groups although significant main effect of exercise was confirmed [Fig. 4Cf; two-way ANOVA: lactate
(p = 0.483), exercise (p = 0.02) and interaction (p = 0.426)].
Collectively, these results indicate that exercise with lactate administration augmented exercise-induced
improvement in reference and retention memory.
Exercise with lactate administration promoted spatial working memory.
Also, we performed
Y-maze test to measure spatial working memory. The ability to alternate between two arms of the maze requires
mice to know which arms have already been visited. Therefore, alternation behavior can be regarded as a meas-
ure of spatial working memory, which is a hippocampus-related cognitive function. The total number of arm
entries did not differ among the groups (Fig. 5A), which indicated that there was likely no bias in the alternation
that could exist when the total number of arms entered was unequal. Nevertheless, alternation in EXE + LAC
was significantly higher than that in EXE + VEH and LAC (p = 0.004 and p = 0.009, respectively; Fig. 5B), and
there was no difference between VEH and either LAC or EXE + VEH (Fig. 5B). As a result, exercise with lactate
administration promoted spatial working memory.
Exercise with lactate administration effectively enhanced hippocampal FNDC5, BDNF,
PGC1α, and MCT2 protein expression.
To understand the molecular changes resulting from exercise
with lactate intake, we investigated the expression of the following proteins relevant to AHN in the context of
exercise and lactate effects: FNDC5, BDNF, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1
alpha (PGC1α), MCT2, and MCT1.
Figure 3. Exercise with lactate administration did not augment exercise-induced adult hippocampal
neurogenesis, but lactate administration promoted adult hippocampal neurogenesis. (A) Quantification of
Ki67-positive cell and (B) of DCX-positive cell in subgranular zone of dentate gyrus of mice. (C) The represent
image of immunohistochemistry. Arrow indicates a represent positive cell. Scale bar: 100 μm. Two-way ANOVA
was performed, and independent Student’s t-test was used for post hoc test (n = 4–5 per group). VEH sedentary
without lactate, LAC sedentary with lactate, EXE + VEH exercise without lactate, EXE + LAC exercise with
lactate; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p ≤ 0.005. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
Exercise significantly affected the expression of all relevant proteins [Fig. 6A–D; two-way ANOVA; FNDC5
(p = 0.001), BDNF (p = 0.003), PGC1α (p = 0.001); Fig. 7A; MCT2 (p = 0.028)], except MCT1 (Fig. 7B,C; two-
way ANOVA; p = 0.079). Lactate intake did not affect the hippocampal FNDC5, BDNF (Fig. 6A,B), and MCT2
(Fig. 7A) protein expression. However, the hippocampal PGC1α protein expression in LAC tended to be higher
than that in VEH (Fig. 6C; p = 0.08). Notably, the hippocampal FNDC5 protein expression in EXE + LAC was
significantly elevated compared to EXE + VEH (Fig. 6A; p = 0.007), and the hippocampal BDNF, PGC1α, and
MCT2 protein expression in EXE + LAC was higher than that in EXE + VEH by 20%, 9%, and 19%, respectively,
although the difference was not statistically significant (Figs. 6B,C and 7A).
Exercise, lactate, and co‑treatment did not affect hippocampal VEGFA or HCAR1 protein
To further elucidate the proteins relevant in the context of exercise- and lactate-mediated
effects on AHN and cognitive behavior in EXE + LAC, we investigated the angiogenesis-related proteins vascu-
lar endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) and hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1 (HCAR1). We did not find any
difference in hippocampal VEGFA and HCAR1 protein expression among the groups (Fig. 8A–C).
Figure 4. Exercise with lactate administration augmented exercise-induced improvement in reference and
retention memory. The test was conducted using eight-arm radial arm maze (RAM). Day 1 to 5 is learning phase
of RAM task and Day 11 is retention memory trial of RAM task. (A) The entire results of RAM task. Two-way
repeated ANOVA was performed. In order to improve readability of indications of post hoc results, (B) the
results of comparison of changes over time within the same group (paired t-test was used for post hoc test) and
(C) the results of comparison of difference among groups within the same day (independent Student’s t-test
was used for post hoc test) are separately presented. VEH sedentary without lactate, LAC sedentary with lactate,
EXE + VEH exercise without lactate, EXE + LAC exercise with lactate; n = 8 per group, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and
***p ≤ 0.005; #p < 0.05, vs day 1 within group. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
Lactate has been implicated as a major molecule in mediating exercise-induced AHN. Accordingly, we reasoned
that exogenous lactate intake could partially mimic the effect of exercise on AHN. Therefore, we hypothesized
that exercise with oral intake of lactate augments exercise-induced AHN. To validate this assumption, we exam-
ined the effect of exercise with lactate intake on the proliferation and neuronal differentiation of the neurogenic
Figure 5. Exercise with lactate administration promoted spatial working memory. The test was conducted
using Y-maze. (A) The total number of arm entries and (B) spontaneous alternation behavior (spatial working
memory). Two-way ANOVA was performed, and independent Student’s t-test was used for post hoc test (n = 14
per group). **p < 0.01 and ***p ≤ 0.005. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation.
Figure 6. Exercise with lactate administration effectively enhanced the hippocampal molecules relevant to
exercise-induced adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Level of protein expression of hippocampal (A) FNDC5, (B)
BDNF, and (C) PGC1α in mice. (D) The represent image of western blot. Two-way ANOVA was performed,
and independent Student’s t-test was used for post hoc test (n = 4 per group). The original blots are presented in
Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2. VEH sedentary without lactate, LAC sedentary with lactate, EXE + VEH exercise
without lactate, EXE + LAC exercise with lactate, FNDC5 fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5,
BDNF brain derived neurotrophic factor, PGC1α peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator
1-alpha; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p ≤ 0.005. Data are presented as box plot.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
pool in the DG, reference and retention memory, spatial working memory, and the expression of relevant hip-
pocampal proteins in mice.
MCTs presents in endothelial cells of blood–brain barrier28, which indicates that circulating lactate can
transport into the central nervous system. Indeed, circulating lactate transports into the central nervous system
and is utilized in the brain both in human26 and rodents27. Furthermore, MCTs are particularly abundant in the
hippocampus compared to other regions of brain28, which indicates that the hippocampus is susceptible to the
circulating lactate. Indeed, in the previous study measuring the hippocampus extracellular lactate concentration
by microdialysis after intraperitoneal injection of lactate, time course changes in the hippocampal extracellular
lactate concentration occurred simultaneously with the time course changes in blood lactate concentration, and
the elevation in the hippocampal extracellular lactate level is blocked by MCT inhibitor25. Elevation in blood
lactate concentration to more than 6 mM was sufficient to result in a significant increase in the hippocampal
lactate levels22,25. Therefore, we assert that oral administration of 3 g/kg lactate in our study is enough to increase
the hippocampal lactate concentration; thus, our applied treatment can affect the hippocampus.
A previous study showed that intraperitoneal injection of lactate promotes AHN in an MCT2-dependent
manner23. Similarly, in the present study, we observed that lactate enhances proliferation and neuronal differentia-
tion of the neurogenic pool in the DG (Fig. 3). However, lactate did not augment exercise-induced AHN (Fig. 3).
The lack of an augmented effect of exercise with lactate on AHN may be related to the physiologically limited
capacity of neurogenesis, i.e., an upper limit to the increase in neurogenesis. In several typical rodent strains, an
approximate 1.5- to 2.0-fold increase in neurogenesis by exercise compared to baseline seems to be the upper
limit8,32,36,37. In previous studies, the exercise protocol was usually set at 10–15 m/min (velocity) for 40–60 min
(duration), 5 days/week (frequency) over a period of 4 weeks. Considering these observations, the exercise pro-
tocol we used (15–25 m/min for 40–50 min, 5 days/week for 5 weeks) should induce a sufficient increase in AHN
because the amount of exercise in our study is higher compared to the previous studies. Indeed, in the current
study exercise increased the number of Ki67- and DCX-positive cells in the DG by 2- and 1.5-fold, respectively,
compared to the control condition (Fig. 3). Thus, there may be little (or no) opportunity for neurogenesis induced
Figure 7. Exercise with lactate administration effectively enhanced the hippocampal MCT2 protein expression
but not MCT1. Level of protein expression of hippocampal (A) MCT2 and (B) MCT1 in mice. (C) The represent
image of western blot. Two-way ANOVA was performed, and independent Student’s t-test was used for post hoc
test (n = 4 per group). The original blots are presented in Supplementary Fig. 3. VEH sedentary without lactate,
LAC sedentary with lactate, EXE + VEH exercise without lactate, EXE + LAC exercise with lactate, MCT1/2
monocarboxylate transporter 1/2; *p < 0.05. Data are presented as box plot.
Figure 8. Exercise, lactate, and co-treatment did not affect hippocampal VEGFA and HCAR1 protein
expression. Level of protein expression of hippocampal (A) VEGFA and (B) HCAR1. (C) The represent image
of western blot. Two-way ANOVA was performed, and independent Student’s t-test was used for post hoc test
(n = 4 per group). The original blots are presented in Supplementary Figs. 4 and 5. VEH sedentary without
lactate, LAC sedentary with lactate, EXE + VEH exercise without lactate, EXE + LAC exercise with lactate,
VEFGA vascular endothelial growth factor A, HCAR1 hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1. Data are presented as
box plot.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
by lactate, as exercise had a substantial effect on neurogenesis. This interpretation is partially supported by previ-
ous studies using mice with a lower than normal level of neurogenesis, where mice with abnormal conditions
of neurogenesis showed more potential for increased neurogenesis compared to mice in normal conditions.
Indeed, in previous studies, AHN impeded by a chronic stressful environment6 and aging38 was significantly
increased to a greater extent by co-treatment of exercise and a supplement than by exercise alone; additionally,
it is noteworthy that the exercise intensity used was lower than that used in the current study. Therefore, we
suggest that further investigation focusing on level of exercise intensity and/or pathological models is required
to validate the augmented effect of exercise with lactate on AHN.
While we were not able to observe an augmented effect of exercise with lactate on AHN, we found that
exercise-induced improvement in reference and retention memory were augmented by lactate (Fig. 4). And
spatial working memory was promoted by co-treatment (Fig. 5), also hippocampal FNDC5, BDNF, PGC1α
(Fig. 6A), and MCT2 (Fig. 7A) protein expressions were effectively enhanced by co-treatment. We speculate that
this additive effect of co-treatment on memory and the relevant factors may be explained by neuronal plasticity
rather than neurogenesis alone.
Neuronal plasticity occurs at the cellular level during learning and memory18. A previous study identifying the
action of lactate on neuronal plasticity showed that lactate promoted the expression of synaptic plasticity-related
genes (Arc, c-Fos, and Zif268) both in primary neuronal cultures of the mouse neocortex and in vivo39. This result
was corroborated by transcriptome analysis identified that expression of 15 neuronal plasticity-related genes was
upregulated by lactate in primary cultures of cortical neurons40. Furthermore, the beneficial effect of lactate on
neuronal plasticity39 and memory15 was negated by MCT inhibition. This finding suggests the promoting effect of
lactate on neuronal plasticity and the importance of MCTs when lactate acts as a promoter of neuronal plasticity.
Brain FNDC5 plays a significant role in neuronal plasticity, especially in the context of exercise41,42. Hip-
pocampal neuronal function was impaired by the knockdown of brain Fndc5 in wild-type mice, and impaired
hippocampal neuronal plasticity in an AD model was rescued by boosting brain FNDC5. Finally, the study
showed that exercise-induced improvement in hippocampal neuronal function was blunted by the downregula-
tion of brain FNDC5 expression; these results indicate the role of brain FNDC5 as a key mediator of exercise on
neuronal plasticity and memory41.
Hippocampal BDNF is an important molecule of effects of exercise on many aspects of both AHN19 and
neuronal plasticity18. Hippocampal BDNF is regulated via several pathways; however, in the context of exercise,
it has been reported that a PGC1α/FNDC5-dependent mechanism is an important way to regulate hippocampal
BDNF42. This previous study showed that the knockdown of PGC1α significantly downregulated hippocampal
Fndc5 gene expression both in vitro and in vivo. Hippocampal Bdnf gene expression was significantly upregu-
lated by forced expression of FNDC5 both in vitro and in vivo. Notably, the expression of important neuronal
plasticity-related genes (Arc, c-Fos, Npas4, Zif268) was also sharply increased by forced expression of FNDC5 both
in primary cultures of hippocampal neurons and in the hippocampus of wild-type mice. These results demon-
strate that hippocampal BDNF affects hippocampal neuronal plasticity in a PGC1α/FNDC5-dependent manner.
Consequently, the improvement in memory by exercise with lactate intake (Figs. 4 and 5) may have resulted
from enhanced neuronal plasticity due to augmented hippocampal FNDC5 protein expression and small
increase in hippocampal BDNF, PGC1α, and MCT2 protein expression (Figs. 6 and 7A). Additionally, HCAR1
is a lactate receptor abundant around cerebral blood vessels (but sparsely expressed in skeletal muscles) and is
involved in stimulating the exercise-induced cerebral VEGFA expression and angiogenesis43. It has been sug-
gested that the beneficial effect of exercise on brain functions partially results from improved cerebral perfusion
via angiogenesis44. Thus, our speculation that the improvement in memory by exercise with lactate intake may
results from the enhanced neuronal plasticity is partially supported by the finding that there was no change in
hippocampal VEGFA and HCAR1 protein expression either by exercise or lactate (Fig. 8).
In summary, our study shows that exercise with lactate did not augment exercise-induced AHN. However,
the physiologically limited capacity for neurogenesis in normal mice coupled with the robust neurogenesis
response to exercise may have occluded the potential contribution of lactate. Nevertheless, exercise with lactate
augmented exercise-induced improvement in reference and retention memory. Also, spatial working memory was
promoted by co-treatment. Consistent with this result, hippocampal FNDC5 protein expression was significantly
augmented, and hippocampal BDNF, PGC1α, and MCT2 protein expression were slightly more upregulated by
exercise with lactate compared to exercise (the changes were not statistically significant). These positive changes
are likely to result in enhancing hippocampal neuronal plasticity and, subsequently, may induce the improve-
ment in memory.
Herein, we partially evaluated AHN (proliferation and neuronal differentiation) and did not explore neuronal
maturation, i.e., the final phase of neurogenesis. Investigating neuronal maturation requires tracing methods
such as injection of bromodeoxyuridine. Considering that AHN is vulnerable to stress, we decided not to use this
method to avoid confounds from excessive stress that can occur when both oral and intraperitoneal injections
are used. Therefore, an experiment that specifically evaluates neuronal maturation phase is needed to establish
a better understanding of the complete effect of lactate on AHN.
Lactate is a highly relevant signaling molecule that regulates brain functions14. However, it is unknown
whether lactate is a primary mediator of exercise-induced AHN. Furthermore, it is unknown whether lactate
acts equally even under exercise conditions that differ physiologically from resting conditions in the brain. So
far there is no critical evidence that exercise-induced AHN is mediated by lactate. This aspect may be a major
limitation of the present study. Therefore, we plan to conduct further studies to find direct evidence to reveal
the relationship between lactate and exercise-induced AHN.
In conclusion, to our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the effect of co-treatment of exercise and
lactate on AHN. We demonstrated the effect of lactate on AHN via oral administration, i.e., through an applied
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
approach rather than an invasive approach. Our results suggest that lactate has a potential to be developed as a
novel supplement that improves the positive effects of exercise on the hippocampus and its cognitive function.
Ethical approval.
The animal study was reviewed and approved by the Konkuk University Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee (No. KU19149). All methods were performed in accordance with the relevant
guidelines and regulations. The study was carried out in compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines: https:// arriv
eguid elines. org/. Furthermore, efforts were made to minimize discomfort and stressful situations.
Before starting the experiment, 6-week-old male ICR mice (33.2 ± 1.4 g, Orient Bio Inc., Seong-
nam, Republic of Korea) were habituated to the laboratory environment for at least a week. All mice were housed
in standard transparent plastic cages under a controlled temperature at 23–25 °C with 40%–50% humidity and
a 12-h light/dark cycle (lights on: 07:00–19:00). Standard chow diet (Orient Bio Inc., Seongnam, Republic of
Korea) and water were provided ad libitum.
Pilot experiment.
In the pilot experiment with 6-week-old male ICR mice distinct from a set of mice used
in the main experiment (cohort 1 and cohort 2), blood lactate concentration was measured using a lactate ana-
lyzer (LT-1730, Lactate Pro 2, ARKRAY, Kyoto, Japan) after a single oral administration of lactate over time or
immediately after exercise from tail vein blood at D1, D15, and D29 (Fig. 1).
Experimental design.
This study comprised two independent experiments except the pilot test. Mice of
experiment 1 were mainly for biochemical analysis (Fig. 2A, n = 9 per group) and mice of experiment 2 were
for behavioral analysis (Fig. 2B, n = 8 per group). Mice were randomly divided into four groups: VEH, LAC,
EXE + VEH and EXE + LAC. LAC mice were orally administered 3 g/kg of sodium lactate, which was a mixture
of a stock solution of sodium lactate (195–05,965, Wako Chemical, Osaka, Japan) and distilled water at a ratio of
1:1, and VEH mice were administered an equal solution excluding sodium lactate. EXE mice were administered
the solution immediately after every exercise training.
Exercise training was conducted five times per week for five weeks. The treadmill exercise was performed
at 15 m/min for 40 min in the first week, 20 m/min for 40 min in the second week, 22 m/min for 50 min in the
third week, and 25 m/min for 50 min in the fourth and fifth weeks. The treadmill slope was fixed at 8° (Fig. 2).
For motivating mice to run, mild electrical stimulation on a grid at the rear of the treadmill was given. Electri-
cal stimulation was set at a constant current of 0.4 mA, which is appropriate electrical level not to cause major
distress45–47 and not to increase the circulating lactate level (Fig. 1B).
Tissue processing.
Mice were dissected under deep anesthesia with 10 μL/g of 1.25% avertin, 48 h after
the last treadmill exercise and lactate administration. The reason that mice are sacrificed 48 h after the treat-
ments is to avoid acute effects of exercise and/or lactate on hippocampal protein and/or mRNA expression.
Considering the previous studies, single exercise and/or lactate injection can increase hippocampal protein
and/or mRNA expression in 12 h including BDNF, PGC1α, and so on22,25. Mice were transcardially perfused
with cold 0.9% saline. For immunohistochemistry, we randomly selected 5 out of 9 mice of experiment 1 and
brains were removed, postfixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 48 h, and
stored in cold 30% sucrose in 0.1 M PBS until completely sunken. Brains were then cryosectioned into coronal
40-µm-thick slices (at this stage, one brain sample of LAC was damaged, thus we excluded it from the results);
the slices were stored in a cryoprotectant solution (30% ethylene glycol + 30% glycerol in 0.1 M phosphate buffer)
at − 20 °C until further analysis. For immunoblotting, bilateral hippocampi of the other 4 mice of experiment 1
were dissected on an ice-cooled plate, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at − 80 °C until further
Every fourth section was taken from the region between brain bregma − 1.46 mm
and − 2.18 mm. Six randomly selected sections per brain were used for analysis. Free-floating sections were
incubated in 0.3% H2O2 to inhibit endogenous peroxidase and in 10% normal goat serum (NGS, S-1000, Vector
Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) prepared in PBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 (PBS-T) to block nonspecific
protein binding. Sections were incubated overnight at 4 °C with rabbit anti-Ki-67 (1:1,000, ab15580) and rab-
bit anti-DCX (1:2000, ab18723) primary antibodies (Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA) in 3% NGS prepared in
0.1% PBS-T and subsequently for 1 h at 23–25 °C in biotinylated goat anti-rabbit secondary antibodies (1:300,
BA-1000, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) in 3% NGS prepared in 0.1% PBS-T. The sections were
further incubated with ABC reagent (1:200, VECTASTAIN Elite ABC kit, PK-6101; Vector Laboratories, Burl-
ingame, CA, USA) for 90 min at 23–25 °C. Finally, the sections were visualized using a DAB Substrate Kit
(SK-4100, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) and mounted. To determine the subgranular zone of the
DG, the granule cell layer was divided into three layers48. The granule cell layer width was determined using the
gridlines. Then, the granule cell layer was divided into three layers of approximately equal thickness. The number
of positive cells in the most inner layer was manually counted using EVOS M5000 microscopy (Thermo Fisher
Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) under 20 × and 40 × objective lenses and normalized by length of the border line
between the subgranular zone and hilus. The length was measured using Image J software (NIH Image Engineer-
ing, Bethesda, MD, USA).
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:5838 |
Immunoblotting analysis.
Hippocampi were homogenized using a TissueRuptor (QIAGEN, Hilden,
Germany) in 400 μL of protein extraction buffer (EzRIPA Lysis kit, WSE07420, ATTO, Tokyo, Japan). Lysates
were centrifuged at 20,000×g at 4 °C for 15 min. Thereafter, the lipid layer (top layer) was removed, and clear
supernatants were transferred to a new tube. The supernatants were centrifuged again at 20,000×g at 4 °C for
15 min. Finally, the supernatants were transferred to new tubes. Protein concentration was determined using a
Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay Kit (23225, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). Proteins were denatured
by heating at 100 °C for 5 min. Total protein (40 μg per lane) was separated using 10% or 12% SDS-PAGE at
60 V for 30 min, followed by 100 V for 120 min, and then transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes
(ISEQ00010, Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA) at 100 V for 2 h. The membranes were blocked for 1 h at 23–25 °C in
5% non-fat dried milk (NFDM, F141511, Cellconic, Hanam, Republic of Korea) in 0.1% PBS-T, then incubated
overnight at 4 °C in primary antibodies in 3% NFDM in 0.1% PBS-T, and subsequently incubated for 90 min at
23–25 °C in horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies in 3% NFDM in 0.1% PBS-T (the infor-
mation on antibodies is provided as Supplementary Table 1). Immunodetection was performed using ECL™
Prime western blotting Detection Reagents (GERPN2232; Cytiva, Marlborough, MA, USA). All images showing
the results of the quantitative analysis were assessed using the ImageJ software.
Radial arm maze.
To measure reference and retention memory, eight-arm radial arm maze (RAM)49,50
was performed with mice of cohort 2 (Fig. 2B). To acclimatize to the maze and a reward (sunflower seeds)7,50,
mice were allowed to explore and feed freely in the RAM 30 min once a day for 3 days. The rewards were scat-
tered in all arms. The learning phase was started following the acclimatizing phase. During the learning phase,
each mouse was performed one trial daily for 5 days. The same three arms were rewarded each day and across
trials. The arms placed to be rewarded were never changed for a given mouse but varied among mice. A trial
ended when 5 min had elapsed or all the rewards had been received, whichever occurred first. The light was kept
dim during all trial to reduce the anxiety of mice. Entry into a never-rewarded arm was considered a reference
memory error. Therefore, errors ratio refers to the entry number of reference memory errors divided by the total
entry number. Retention memory test was conducted 6 days after the last learning trial.
Spontaneous alternation behavior test using Y‑maze.
To measure spatial working memory, the
spontaneous alternation behavior test was conducted with all mice of experiment 1 and 2 (Fig. 2). Each mouse
was randomly placed in one arm of the symmetrical Y-maze and allowed to explore freely for 6 min. The light
was kept dim during test to reduce the anxiety of mice. The sequence and total number of arms entered were
recorded except for the first 1 min, which was considered as the habituation period. The number of arm entries
was counted when the hind paws of the mouse were completely placed in the arm. An alternation was defined
only as entries into all three arms on consecutive occasions. Therefore, the number of maximum alternations was
the total number of arm entries minus two, and the percentage of alternations was calculated as (actual alterna-
tions/maximum alternations) × 100. Additionally, in case of mice that recorded 3 or less the total number of arm
entries, we were not able to obtain data. Finally, 14 out of 17 mice were included in the results.
Statistical analysis.
All data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 software. Graph construction was
performed using the GraphPad Prism software (version 9.0). All data were checked for normality of distribu-
tion using the Shapiro–Wilk test, and all data were verified for normality, except for blood lactate concentration
data of LAC at 120 min (Fig. 1A). Therefore, a comparison of LAC and VEH at 120 min was performed using
a two-tailed Mann–Whitney test. For other data with normal distribution, comparison of two or more groups
over time was performed using two-way repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA), and post hoc tests were per-
formed using one-way repeated ANOVA, paired t-test, or independent Student’s t-test. Comparisons between
two groups were performed using an independent Student’s t-test. Comparisons of four groups were performed
using two-way ANOVA, and post hoc tests were performed using an independent Student’s t-test. Blood lactate
concentration (Fig. 1), immunohistochemistry (Fig. 3), RAM (Fig. 4) and Y-maze (Fig. 5) data are presented as
the mean ± standard deviation (SD), and immunoblotting data are presented as box plots (Fig. 6-8). A value of
p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Data availability
The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author
upon reasonable request.
Received: 15 July 2022; Accepted: 5 April 2023
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This study was supported by the KU Research Professor Program of the Konkuk University. This study was sup-
ported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF-2021R1G1A1011987). We would like to thank Editage (www. edita ge. co. kr) for English language editing.
Author contributions
D.H., J.K., H.P., and K.L. contributed to the study hypotheses and design. D.H., S.K., I.J., and T.K. conducted
the experiments. D.H., S.K., I.J., and T.K. contributed to data acquisition. All authors contributed to the data
curation. D.H. and J.K. wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors contributed to manuscript revision,
read, and approved the submitted version.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/
10. 1038/ s41598- 023- 33017-1.
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| Exogenous lactate augments exercise-induced improvement in memory but not in hippocampal neurogenesis. | 04-10-2023 | Hwang, Deunsol,Kim, Jisu,Kyun, Sunghwan,Jang, Inkwon,Kim, Taeho,Park, Hun-Young,Lim, Kiwon | eng |
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Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2019) 139:25–33
A complete posterior tibial stress fracture that occurred
during a middle-distance running race: a case report
Jun Komatsu1 · Atsuhiko Mogami2 · Hideaki Iwase3 · Osamu Obayashi2 · Kazuo Kaneko1
Received: 5 August 2018 / Published online: 7 September 2018
© The Author(s) 2018
Posterior tibial stress fractures are more frequent than anterior tibial stress fractures, and they are considered to have a good
prognosis for returning to sports; cases leading to a complete fracture are rare. A 17-year-old male involved in high school
athletics middle-distance running had a 3-week history of pain with training. He was running up to 300 km/week on streets
and cross-country in an even distribution. He had posterior tibial stress fractures, but despite the lower leg pain, he contin-
ued running. One year later, he was brought to the emergency department after having sustained an injury to the right lower
leg while running in a middle-distance race; bilateral tibial stress fractures, with one side complete and the opposite side
incomplete, had developed simultaneously. This relatively rare case of bilateral posterior stress fractures, with one side a
complete fracture and the opposite side an incomplete fracture, that was treated surgically via exchange intramedullary nail-
ing is reported. The patient could begin light jogging from 3 months after surgery and was without symptoms at 5 months
after surgery. He could resume middle-distance racing after 1 year. Posterior tibial cortical fractures are more common and
respond better to conservative treatment than anterior tibial stress fractures, and they are a common fracture type in runners.
We believe that close, careful follow-up is necessary if patients continue excessive training.
Keywords Stress fractures · Running · Overuse injuries · Posterior tibial stress fracture · Runner-type stress fracture ·
Intramedullary nailing
Highly committed athletes commonly develop stress frac-
tures. In the general population, long-distance running is
a particularly common form of exercise, physical activity,
and leisure activity. It has become increasingly popular due
to its easy accessibility and a growing interest in disease
prevention. Although many positive health effects have
been attributed to distance running, it can cause injuries.
Repetitive tissue stress frequently causes overuse injuries
affecting the lower extremities [1]. Adolescent athletes place
high physical demands on their bodies that vary depending
on the given sports activity, which may cause stress or avul-
sion fractures due to repetitive microtrauma that overloads
the bone. A runner who suddenly increases the intensity and
duration of training is at risk for developing a stress fracture
[2]. A tibial shaft stress fracture is the most frequent such
fracture in athletes [3, 4]. The tibia is reported to be the most
common site of stress fractures, accounting for 35–56% of
all stress fracture injuries [5].
Tibial stress fractures can be classified into two groups
depending on the location, anterior and posterior, causing
anterior and posterior/posteromedial stress fractures, respec-
tively. Anterior stress fractures occur in sports with frequent
jumping, and they are characterized by prolonged healing
due to excessive fibrous growth [6]. Anterior cortical frac-
tures are less common than posterior stress fractures [7],
and they often heal poorly due to constant tension exerted
by relatively poor vascular and posterior muscular forces;
they are located on the anterior, tension side of the tibial
* Jun Komatsu
[email protected]
Departments of Medicine for Motor Organs, Juntendo
University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-1-1 Hongo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8421, Japan
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Juntendo University
Shizuoka Hospital, 1129 Nagaoka, Izunokuni 410-2295,
Shizuoka, Japan
Department of Bio-Engineering, Juntendo University
Institute of Casualty Center, 1129 Nagaoka,
Izunokuni 410-2295, Shizuoka, Japan
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2019) 139:25–33
1 3
shaft, and are prone to delayed union and nonunion [8]. In
some instances, anterior tibial stress fractures can progress
to complete fractures [9–11].
On the other hand, posterior tibial cortical fractures are
more common and respond adequately to conservative treat-
ment, but they are a significant clinical problem for runners.
In most cases, conservative treatment is sufficient, and sur-
gical treatment is very rarely needed. The most predomi-
nant type is the low-risk posteromedial cortex (compression
side) stress fracture [3, 12, 13]. However, to the best of our
knowledge, no previous reports have specifically examined
complete posterior tibial stress fractures.
A relatively rare case of simultaneous bilateral posterior
tibial stress fractures, in which one side was a complete frac-
ture and the opposite side was an incomplete fracture, which
was treated surgically via exchange intramedullary nailing,
is reported.
Case report
A 17-year-old male involved in high school athletics middle-
distance running presented with a 3-week history of pain
with more training. He was running up to 300 km/week on
streets and cross-country in an even distribution. Although
he had taken analgesics, the pain during exercise did not
improve, and he presented to our emergency department
with lower leg pain (Fig. 1). There was no clear abnormality
on the radiographs of the tibia, but STIR magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) confirmed a high-intensity area of the distal
one-third of the tibia, and the diagnosis of stress fracture
and shin splint was made. The patient was instructed to sus-
pend training, and the injury was treated conservatively with
follow-up on an outpatient basis (Fig. 2). Follow-up radio-
graphs were checked at 2 and 3 months. With this treatment,
the fracture healed with no complications, and he decided to
return to running after 3 months. At 6 months, radiography
showed thickening of the bone cortex in the back one-third
of the right tibia and in the back of the distal part of the left
tibia, so that he was again instructed to stop training (Fig. 3).
However, he discontinued coming to the outpatient clinic on
his own after 6 months.
He was then seen in the emergency department, having
sustained an injury to the right lower leg while running a
middle-distance race, 1 year after the initial examination. He
described how, when he had just started and passed through
the first corner, he had felt a ‘‘snap’’ in his right calf, sud-
denly could not run, and fell and had to abandon the race.
He said that his leg was deformed in an impossible direc-
tion. It became impossible to run because of the lower leg
deformities, and he was brought to our emergency depart-
ment. He was admitted to hospital, and X-ray examination
showed a greatly displaced oblique fracture in the proximal
Fig. 1 Initial radiographs show suspected tibial stress fracture or shin
splints. There is no clear abnormality in the radiographs of the tibia in
the antero-posterior and lateral views. A Right side; B left side
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2019) 139:25–33
1 3
1/3 of the left lower leg, but, fortunately, there was no open
wound (Fig. 4). Before the race that day, the patient had
not experienced any pain or discomfort in his left lower leg
while running. In the emergency department, the primary
assessment showed moderate direct and indirect tenderness
of the opposite proximal tibia. There was no malalignment,
swelling, or discoloration of the left lower leg.
The radiographs showed a full-thickness fracture of the
proximal one-third posterior tibial shaft (Fig. 4). On MRI,
T1-weighted imaging showed a high-signal area at the mid-
dle one-third and a low-signal on T2-weighted imaging,
and STIR showed an abnormal high signal at the same site
(Fig. 5). These findings suggested abnormalities such as
edema and bleeding in the bone marrow. On bone scintig-
raphy, there was moderate accumulation in the vicinity of
the left lower third of the thigh, so a left tibial stress fracture
was diagnosed (Fig. 6).
Fig. 2 Initial coronal MRI scans diagnosed with a stress fracture
show a strikingly wide low-signal intensity on the T1-weighted scan
(A), and a high-signal intensity on the T2-weighted scan (B) and
STIR fat-suppressed scan (C) in the localized bone marrow. The
abnormal finding is more detectable on the STIR fat-suppressed MRI
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2019) 139:25–33
1 3
The following day, surgical treatment for the injury was
performed under general anesthesia after written, informed
consent was obtained from the patient and parents. In addi-
tion, the patient gave written, informed consent for pub-
lication of the case, including the accompanying images.
At our institution, ethical approval is not required for
reporting individual cases. Closed reduction and internal
fixation of the radial shaft fracture were performed, with
intramedullary nailing (10-mm-diameter, T2 Nailing sys-
tem, Stryker, Kalamazoo, MI) for both the left complete
tibial fracture and the right tibial stress fracture (Fig. 7).
The injury was then treated conservatively, with 9 weeks
in an ROM knee cast and no weight-bearing on the affected
leg. Healing was monitored through a series of follow-up
radiographs. With this treatment, the fracture healed with
no complications. Although the patient was asymptomatic
and clinical healing of the fracture was apparent 10 months
after the nailing, a fracture line was still visible on radio-
graphs (Fig. 8). The patient could begin light jogging from
3 months after the operation and was without symptoms at
5 months. He returned to middle-distance racing after 1 year.
If operative treatment is not performed, a stress fracture that
is persistently painful may develop delayed union, nonun-
ion, or even a complete fracture. An established technique
for treating delayed or nonunion tibial stress fractures is
intramedullary nailing [14]. There are two types of tibial
stress fractures, anterior and posterior, based on their loca-
tion. Furthermore, there are many frequent running-type
stress fractures (posterior fractures), which are thought to
resolve better than jumping-type stress fractures (anterior
fractures), which often develop in field athletes. In particu-
lar, posterior tibial cortical fractures, which are more fre-
quent and show an adequate response to conservative ther-
apy, are often seen in runners. Ohnishi said that actually they
were widely distributed proximally to distally including the
middle third, so runner-type stress fractures are more likely
to be generated from the posterior tibia [15]. The distance
run per week can also be a factor in stress injuries. It has
been shown that running more than 64 km/week (approxi-
mately 40 miles/week) is a significant risk factor for lower
extremity injuries [16].
In the present case, the patient had posterior tibial
fractures, but, despite the lower leg pain, he continued
running, so that bilateral tibial stress fractures, with
one side complete and the opposite side incomplete,
occurred simultaneously. To the best of our knowledge,
there have been no previous reports of a posterior tibial
stress fracture with a complete fracture as in the pre-
sent case. Because the symptoms improve with rest for a
short period of time, many patients may not seek treat-
ment. Moreover, there may be intrinsic elements, that
are internal factors, which result in additional stresses
to the bone. Such intrinsic elements include anatomical
variations, footwear, running mechanics, training regi-
mens, and running surfaces, as well as individual health
factors, such as poor bone health (osteoporosis and low
Fig. 3 Radiographs of both legs 6 months after the initial visit to our
hospital. Obtained 6 months after the first examination, callus forma-
tion is seen at the lateral and posterior side of the tibia in the antero-
posterior and lateral views. The arrows indicate callus formation at
the lateral and posterior sides of the tibia
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2019) 139:25–33
1 3
bone density) [17]. According to Reeder et al. [18], it is
important to focus on the runner’s training regimen and
history to identify potential injury-causing factors. A pes
cavus foot is linked to stress fracture incidence; because
this foot type is more rigid, it does not absorb shock and
Fig. 4 Radiographs at the emergency department with deformity of
the right lower leg. Full-length tibial radiographs were requested in
keeping with the clinical picture, and they confirm complete tibial
and fibular fractures of the right side. A Right-side tibial radiography
and 3D computed tomography; B Left-side tibial posterior stress frac-
ture. Arrows indicate callus formation sites
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2019) 139:25–33
1 3
passes impact forces to the tibia, therefore, increasing the
risk for a tibial stress injury [19].
Most patients with the symptoms of stress fractures
reduce the distance, frequency, and intensity of their activ-
ities. Distance runners have an increased risk for stress
fractures because of the high impact and repetitive loads.
With repetitive mechanical loading of bone, cumulative
bone strain can cause bone damage and stress fractures if
net bone damage is chronically greater than bone repair
[20]. Especially in runners, posterior tibial stress fractures
occur commonly on the compressive posterior surface of
the proximal and distal thirds of the tibia; these fractures
can be considered low-risk fractures compared to anterior
fractures and managed by relative rest. Nonsurgical treat-
ment of posterior tibial stress fractures begins with rest
and stopping the aggravating activity. A stress fracture
is a mechanical failure of the bone in which the activity
of the osteoblasts cannot keep pace with the activity of
the osteoclasts. Repetitive, cyclical loading of the bone
with inadequate recovery occurs, and the bone is unable
to repair itself between exercise sessions [18]. With heavy
loading of a bone, microcracks may appear within the bone
tissue. Such microcracks are thought to contribute to acti-
vating the remodeling process, which is required for adap-
tation of the bone to the functional demands on the tissues
caused by loading. However, with excessive loading, either
in magnitude or frequency, a stress fracture can develop
due to the insufficient time for remodeling to repair the
microcracks [6]. Unfortunately, the repetitive and high
loading nature of running creates an ideal environment
for the development of stress fractures. Furthermore, a
complete fracture may occur due to large cracks.
In the present case, due to repeated periods of rest and
resumption of competition, at 1 year, a complete fracture
finally resulted. Restricting excessive exercise and ensur-
ing sufficient rest when lower extremity pain appears
may have made it possible to return to racing at an early
stage. The present case had an insidious onset, present-
ing with moderate clinical signs and symptoms; therefore,
diagnosis might have been delayed by analgesic medica-
tion, resulting in a complete fracture. At the same time,
intramedullary nailing was performed for the opposite
tibial stress fracture to facilitate an early return to training.
In conclusion, our observations demonstrate that the
posterior tibia stress fracture is a more frequent tibial
stress fracture than the anterior stress fracture, and it
is considered to have a good prognosis for returning to
sports; although rare, there are cases that result in a com-
plete fracture, and when excessive training is continued,
careful follow-up is needed.
Fig. 5 MRI of the left lower leg after right complete fractures. On MRI, STIR shows an abnormal high signal
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2019) 139:25–33
1 3
Fig. 6 Bone scintigraphs show abnormal local uptake in the antero-
posterior (A) and postero-anterior (B) and lateral views of the right
side (C) and left side (D) of the patient with stress fractures. Arrows
indicate longitudinal linear uptake in the bone scintigraph views of
the patient with stress fractures
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (2019) 139:25–33
1 3
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat iveco
mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribu-
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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intramedullary nailing. Closed
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of the radial shaft fracture were
performed using intramedullary
nailing for both the right com-
plete tibial fracture (A) and the
left tibial stress fracture (B)
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Fig. 8 Postoperative antero-posterior and lateral radiographs show newly
healed tibial stress fractures. Postoperative radiographs show antero-pos-
terior and lateral low views. The patient was asymptomatic and clinical
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ture line is hardly visible on the radiographs. A Right side; B left side
| A complete posterior tibial stress fracture that occurred during a middle-distance running race: a case report. | 09-07-2018 | Komatsu, Jun,Mogami, Atsuhiko,Iwase, Hideaki,Obayashi, Osamu,Kaneko, Kazuo | eng |
PMC7559068 | International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
High-Performance Handball Player’s Time-Motion
Analysis by Playing Positions
Carmen Manchado 1
, Juan Tortosa Martínez 1
, Basilio Pueo 1
Juan Manuel Cortell Tormo 1
, Helena Vila 2,*, Carmen Ferragut 3,
Francisco Sánchez Sánchez 4, Sonia Busquier 5, Sergio Amat 5 and Luis Javier Chirosa Ríos 6
Faculty of Education, University of Alicante, 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig, Spain;
[email protected] (C.M.); [email protected] (J.T.M.); [email protected] (B.P.);
[email protected] (J.M.C.T.)
Faculty of Education, University of Vigo, 36905 Pontevedra, Spain
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares, Spain;
cferragutfi[email protected]
Faculty of Sport Science, University of Castilla La Mancha, 45071 Toledo, Spain; [email protected]
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cartagena, 30203 Cartagena, Spain;
[email protected] (S.B.); [email protected] (S.A.)
Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Granada, 18011 Granada, Spain; [email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 31 July 2020; Accepted: 13 September 2020; Published: 17 September 2020
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the on-court demands of handball players during
the European Handball Federation Champions League Final Four (VELUX EHF FINAL4) 2019 to define
time–motion characteristics (played time; covered distances) both in offense and defense. Furthermore;
we aimed to define position-specific demands and differences among them. Forty players from three
teams were analyzed during the tournament using a local positioning system (LPS) for the first time
in top handball. Players covered similar distances both in offense (1388.28 ± 2627.08 m), and in
defense (1305.47 ± 5059.64 m) and remained on court for a similar average time (15.69 ± 8.02 min
and 15.40 ± 8.94 min respectively). When locomotion activities were normalized according to
the time they spent on court; significant differences were found for defense compared to offense in
walking (+20%; p < 0.000; Cohen’s effect size (ES) = 1.01) and jogging (−29.6%; p = 0.000; ES = 0.90),
as well as a tendency for high-intensity running (+ 25.2%; p = 0.077; ES = 0.31). Per playing
position; center and left back (CB = 94.86 ± 10.98 m·min−1; LB = 96.55 ± 24.65 m·min−1) showed
the highest running pace in offense and mid-left; front center defender and outside right for
the defense (ML = 90.38 ± 30.16 m·min−1; FCD = 87.04 ± 14.94 m·min−1; OR = 89.64 ± 34.93 m·min−1).
In conclusion; profile differences existed among players’ position activity; both in offense and defense;
which should be taken into account when designing specific physical training programs
Keywords: running pace; running distance; competition load; LPS
1. Introduction
Handball is an Olympic sport, belonging to so-called team sports. It is characterized by fast
transitions between offensive and defensive actions during the game with the ultimate objective of
scoring a goal [1,2]. To this end, offensive players (six field players and one goalkeeper) attempt to
create spaces that allow them to throw the ball towards the goal in advantageous conditions, while
the defense tries to avoid it, causing a great amount of physical confrontations between players [2].
These attack phases in handball are dynamic, characterized by fast movements and a high frequency
of fast passes, so physical demands are important [1]. Furthermore, these physical demands are not
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only the same if the team is in the offensive or defensive phase and even if the player plays in one
position or another [3–5].
The very nature of the game implies that players must be physically trained to maintain the game’s
speed and intensity throughout a match [4,6–8], whether they play in offense or defense. Therefore,
knowing and understanding the sport’s physical demands (distances, speeds, intensities) [1], as well
as technical–tactical actions [4,7] (passes, throws, jumps, marking, change of direction, etc.) is essential
to correctly plan players’ training. [1,8]. All these elements are of great importance in handball and are
also closely related to each other, which makes handball a particularly complex sport [4,5,9].
Likewise, it is important to note that the playing position, the game phase (offense or defense),
as well as the team’s playing style can lead to big differences in each player’s physical demands.
Therefore, the physical load cannot only be determined generally, but according to each player’s
specific position on the court both in offense and defense [4,6,10]. All this information could help
coaches to better individualize training loads and thereby improve performance [4,6].
This necessity to understand handball’s physical characteristics has raised great interest among
researchers who have studied these demands using different methodologies [1]. The most widely used
method has been time–motion analysis, based on observing players in the competition followed by an
analysis of a video, taken with one camera [11,12] or two cameras [13]. The video-recorded matches
are analyzed and the actions encoded. However, this method is time-consuming and depends on a
subjective analysis of the observer, thus not being an objective or precise method when determining
the different locomotion speeds.
Notwithstanding, no method exists to date that allow one to accurately measure the physical
and physiological demands of handball players during the competition. In order to overcome this gap,
the European Handball Federation (EHF), Select® and Kinexon® jointly developed the Kinexon®
tracking system for handball players (Kinexon: München, Germany; Select Sport 1947: Glostrup,
Denmark) in addition to a monitored ball, the iball, which has been recently validated [14] and used in
studies on handball [15] and other team sports [16]. This technology provides us with values regarding
movements, accelerations, changes of direction, jumps, as well as data on the speed at which the ball
is transferred (game speed) and the speed and position of the throws in real time, opening up new
possibilities in the study of handball competition requirements [16]. With this fully automatic tracking
system, the inconveniences mentioned for the conventional time–motion analysis are solved.
Despite a great interest in understanding the requirements of high-level players, only a few
studies have focused on analyzing the real demands of an elite handball competition in male
handball [3,13,17,18]. Cardinale, Whiteley, Hosny, and Popovic [3], studied players’ movements during
the men’s world championship using three cameras, and provided new data on players’ movements
(distances and intensities) during the match. They concluded that there was no significant difference in
terms of distance covered in different locomotion categories, but they did not distinguish between
offense—and defense—specific playing positions. In the same line, González de Haro [17] reported
the analysis of only one match with Global Positioning System devices (WIMU PRO™, Realtrack
Systems S.L.: Almeria, Spain). These researchers [3,17] concluded that specific physical conditioning is
necessary to maximize performance of handball players and minimize the occurrence of fatigue.
To the best of our knowledge, no study has been conducted considering in detail the two phases
of the game, offense and defense, and analyzing all the playing positions by using a technology that
allows load individualization and automation, a local positioning system (LPS). Better knowledge of
on-court demands of handball players at the highest level is necessary to improve the individualization
of physical preparation [3,6,7,17,18].
Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze on-court demands of handball players during the VELUX
EHF FINAL4 to define time–motion characteristics (played time, covered distances) both in offense
and defense, including position-specific demands and differences among them.
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2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects
Data were obtained from players participating in the VELUX European Handball Federation
(EHF) Champions League Final Four 2019/20, held in Cologne (Germany). The teams that participated
in the Final Four were FC Barcelona (Spain), Telekom Veszprém (Hungary), HC Vardar (The Republic of
North Macedonia), and KS Kielce (Poland). Barcelona’s players were not included in the study because
their sensors were not placed properly, causing interferences in the signal and thus unreliable data.
Dainis Krištop¯ans (HC Vardar) did not wear the sensors during the games so his data were not available
for the analysis either. Finally, 40 players were analyzed during both semifinals, the final championship
game and the bronze medal game. Goalkeepers were excluded from the analysis as distance and motion
characteristics do not reflect their performance needs. Anthropometric characteristics and the age of
the players are presented in Table 1. This information was collected from the official statistical data
provided by the EHF.
Table 1. Physical characteristics of the players (Mean ± Standard Deviation).
Height (cm)
Body Mass (kg)
BMI (kg/m2)
Age (Years)
193.0 ± 8.8
92.9 ± 13.6
24.8 ± 1.8
31.0 ± 4.2
190.2 ± 10.4
90.5 ± 14.3
24.9 ± 2.4
29.7 ± 4.2
190.1 ± 6.4
90.1 ± 9.9
24.9 ± 2.1
28.2 ± 6.1
191.1 ± 8.6
91.2 ± 12.5
24.8 ± 2.1
29.7 ± 4.9
Legend: BMI = Body mass Index.
2.2. Instruments
The players’ position data were collected through a Local Positioning System (LPS) (Kinexon
Precision Technologies, Munich, Germany), which has been recently validated [7] and used in studies
on team sports [8,9], showing adequate between-device reliability (coefficient of variation around 5%)
when compared to well-known systems such as GPS. Firmware versions and application software
versions corresponded to the latest releases on the testing date (August 2019). Figure 1 shows the setting
of the 9 antennae around the playing field, connected via ethernet to the main server, and 10 anchor
antennae distributed at 3 different levels above the ground in the Lanxess Arena.
The LPS system was installed, calibrated, and checked for accuracy by a technician who worked
for the manufacturer as follows: The exact position of the anchors in reference to the playing field was
measured (blue numbered positions in Figure 1). Then, the anchor positions and the playing field
position and size were transmitted to the Kinexon application. The location of one sensor at pre-defined
positions (corner, penalty line, center point) was checked. In addition, two paths were followed to
test the data quality and calculated distance—walking on the sideline and walking on a meander
inside the field (black discontinued line in Figure 1). The devices worn by players comprised a sensor
(player tag) positioned between the player’s shoulder blades using a pouch sewn onto the player’s
jersey. The functionality of the sensors was tested in the venue by randomly walking and checking
if signals were received from all units with adequate signal strength. These sensors transmit time
signals via radio-technology to the antennae, which send signals via a wide local area network (WLAN)
to local static base stations at known locations. A player’s momentary position is determined via
20 Hz frequency by calculating the time-of-flight (TOF) of ultra-wide-band radio signals traveling
from the transmitter to the base stations, which calculate the actual 2D position of the devices within
the playing field. Subsequently, instantaneous speed, i.e., scalar magnitude of velocity, as per the rate
of change in horizontal x, y positions, and acceleration, as per the rate of change in speed, are derived
by calculating the difference between two consecutive positions, i.e., approximating the derivative of
the player’s position. The raw position and speed data are then filtered and smoothed by means of a
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Kalman filter for position data and an exponential moving average with a window length of 1 s for
speed and position data. Data were split into offensive and defensive moments of play automatically.
To this end, there was automatically a change from offensive to defensive for the team and vice versa
at the moment where the ball possession changed. The respective offensive shift started with the ball
possession of the team. Moreover, the system also checked if the players and the ball were moving
in the direction of the opponent’s goal. In the event the ball was outside the court, the shift was
interrupted. All data were analyzed using the system software (Kinexon Web Application, version
3.2.6, Munich, Germany).
193.0 ± 8.8
92.9 ± 13.6
24.8 ± 1.8
31.0 ± 4.2
190.2 ± 10.4
90.5 ± 14.3
24.9 ± 2.4
29.7 ± 4.2
190.1 ± 6.4
90.1 ± 9.9
24.9 ± 2.1
28.2 ± 6.1
191.1 ± 8.6
91.2 ± 12.5
24.8 ± 2.1
29.7 ± 4.9
Legend: BMI = Body mass Index.
2.2. Instruments
The players’ position data were collected through a Local Positioning System (LPS) (Kinexon
Precision Technologies, Munich, Germany), which has been recently validated [7] and used in studies
on team sports [8,9], showing adequate between-device reliability (coefficient of variation around
5%) when compared to well-known systems such as GPS. Firmware versions and application
software versions corresponded to the latest releases on the testing date (August 2019). Figure 1
shows the setting of the 9 antennae around the playing field, connected via ethernet to the main
server, and 10 anchor antennae distributed at 3 different levels above the ground in the Lanxess
Figure 1. Local positioning system (LPS) setting: nine antennae connected to the server in red
locations; ten reference antennae (anchors) in blue locations; meander path inside the field followed
to check calibration accuracy (black discontinued line).
Figure 1. Local positioning system (LPS) setting: nine antennae connected to the server in red locations;
ten reference antennae (anchors) in blue locations; meander path inside the field followed to check
calibration accuracy (black discontinued line).
2.3. Procedure
In this study, a descriptive observational cross-sectional study was used to examine the physical
demands according to playing positions during competitive matches. This time–motion analysis is
used with team [5,19] and beach handball [19], as well as with other team sport studies [20,21].
The study was approved by the EHF. The clubs signed an informed consent in the initial contract
with the EHF to take part in the competition, where they accepted the rules and norms of the EHF,
including their participation in different studies. The players’ data were anonymized for the purpose of
this study. The players were informed of the purposes, procedures, and risks of the study and provided
informed consent before the beginning of the study. All the procedures were conducted in accordance
with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Vigo
(registration number 04-719).
The variables described next were measured based on position and speed data. The distances
covered during the entire match (total distance/duration of play), distances per minute during play
and relative distance in established speed zones were computed. These zones were set as zone
1: standing (≤0.9 m/s), zone 2: walking (1.0–1.9 m/s), jogging (2.0–3.9 m/s), running (4.0–5.4 m/s),
high-intensity running (5.5–6.9 m/s) and sprinting (≥7 m/s), in accordance with similar handball
studies [3,5,18,19].
We also considered the distinction between offense (when the team was in possession of the ball)
and defense (not in possession of the ball), and classified the players by their positions according to
handball nomenclature in offense (left wing = LW, left back = LB, center back = CB; line player = LP;
right back = RB; and right wing = RW) and defense (center back = CB; mid right = MR; mid left = ML;
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outside right = OR; outside left = OL; and front center defender = FCD). The descriptive analysis of
the data included the mean, the range, the variance and the standard deviation.
2.4. Data Analysis
Graphical, analytical and numerical studies were performed using our own developed programs.
The Shapiro–Wilk test was performed in order to verify the normality of the data. Group differences
were determined by variance analysis (ANOVA) followed by Games–Howell or Tukey post hoc testing,
or Student’s t-tests for independent samples, where appropriate. To determine the magnitude of each
relationship, Cohen’s effect size (ES) was used with a modified classification (trivial <0.2, small 0.21–0.6,
moderate 0.61–1.2, large 1.21–1.99, and very large >2.0) proposed for sports sciences [22] and used
in other similar handball studies [3]. The precision of population estimates was reported as 95%
confidence intervals, and statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Time on Court, Distance Covered in Offense and Defense
The average time on court in offense (n = 66) and defense (n = 67) during the VELUX EHF Final
4 was 15.69 min (±8.02 min) and 15.40 min (±8.94 min), respectively. The total average distance
covered per player during each game in offense was 1388.28 ± 2627.08 and 1305.47 ± 5059.64 m in
defense. When comparing offense and defense with regard to the absolute distances covered (Figure 2),
significant differences were found in walking (p = 0.017; ES = 0.61) and jogging (p = 0.03; ES = 0.77),
as well as a tendency towards high-intensity running (p = 0.075; ES = 0.45).
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2.4. Data Analysis
Graphical, analytical and numerical studies were performed using our own developed
programs. The Shapiro–Wilk test was performed in order to verify the normality of the data. Group
differences were determined by variance analysis (ANOVA) followed by Games–Howell or Tukey
post hoc testing, or Student’s t-tests for independent samples, where appropriate. To determine the
magnitude of each relationship, Cohen´s effect size (ES) was used with a modified classification
(trivial <0.2, small 0.21–0.6, moderate 0.61–1.2, large 1.21–1.99, and very large >2.0) proposed for
sports sciences [22] and used in other similar handball studies [3]. The precision of population
estimates was reported as 95% confidence intervals, and statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Time on Court, Distance Covered in Offense and Defense
The average time on court in offense (n = 66) and defense (n = 67) during the VELUX EHF Final4
was 15.69 min (±8.02 min) and 15.40 min (±8.94 min), respectively. The total average distance covered
per player during each game in offense was 1388.28 ± 2627.08 and 1305.47 ± 5059.64 m in defense.
When comparing offense and defense with regard to the absolute distances covered (Figure 2),
significant differences were found in walking (p = 0.017; ES = 0.61) and jogging (p = 0.03; ES = 0.77), as
well as a tendency towards high-intensity running (p = 0.075; ES = 0.45).
Distance covered (m)
0.35% 0.85%
Figure 2. Differences in distance covered in offense and defense during different locomotion
characteristics. * Statistical differences; p ≤ 0.05.; HIRunning: High-Intensity running
Locomotion activities were then normalized for each player according to the time they spent on
court to obtain a true reflection of these demands, both for offense and defense. The running pace per
game showed by the complete team in offense was 88.45 ± 20.72 m·min−1, walking: 13.89 ± 2.98 m·min−1,
jogging: 40.55 ± 10.12 m·min−1, running: 23.65 ± 12.53 m·min−1, high-intensity running: 9.70 ± 9.39
m·min−1 and sprinting: 0.42 ± 0.94 m·min−1.
The running pace per game showed by the complete team in defense was 80.83 ± 27.11 m·min−1,
walking: 17.53 ± 4.18 m·min−1, jogging: 28.56 ± 4.18 m·min−1, running: 20.49 ± 11.47 m·min−1, high-
intensity running: 12.96 ± 11.54 m·min−1 and sprinting: 0.56 ± 1.29 m·min−1.
Figure 2.
Differences in distance covered in offense and defense during different locomotion
characteristics. * Statistical differences; p ≤ 0.05.; HIRunning: High-Intensity running
Locomotion activities were then normalized for each player according to the time they spent on
court to obtain a true reflection of these demands, both for offense and defense.
The running
pace per game showed by the complete team in offense was 88.45 ± 20.72 m·min−1, walking:
13.89 ± 2.98 m·min−1, jogging: 40.55 ± 10.12 m·min−1, running: 23.65 ± 12.53 m·min−1, high-intensity
running: 9.70 ± 9.39 m·min−1 and sprinting: 0.42 ± 0.94 m·min−1.
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The running pace per game showed by the complete team in defense was 80.83 ± 27.11 m·min−1,
walking: 17.53 ± 4.18 m·min−1, jogging: 28.56 ± 4.18 m·min−1, running: 20.49 ± 11.47 m·min−1,
high-intensity running: 12.96 ± 11.54 m·min−1 and sprinting: 0.56 ± 1.29 m·min−1.
When comparing offense and defense, significant differences were found in walking (p < 0.000;
ES = 1.01) and jogging (p = 0.000; ES = 0.90), as well as a tendency for total distance (p = 0.71; ES = 0.32)
and high-intensity running (p = 0.077; ES = 0.31).
3.2. Positional Differences in Distance Covered and Speeds
The distances covered in offense by playing position for each locomotion category are shown
in Figure 3.
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When comparing offense and defense, significant differences were found in walking (p < 0.000;
ES = 1.01) and jogging (p = 0.000; ES = 0.90), as well as a tendency for total distance (p = 0.71; ES = 0.32)
and high-intensity running (p = 0.077; ES = 0.31).
3.2. Positional Differences in Distance Covered and Speeds
The distances covered in offense by playing position for each locomotion category are shown in
Figure 3.
Distance covered (m)
Distance covered (m)
Distance covered (m)
HI running
Distance covered (m)
Distance covered (m)
Figure 3. Distance covered in different locomotion category by playing position in offense. * Statistical
differences with the left wing p ≤ 0.05; ¥ = statistical differences with the right wing p ≤ 0.05. Legend:
left wing = LW; left back = LB; center back = CB; line player = LP; right back = RB; right wing = RW.
Although not many significant differences were found, high effect size values were obtained
(Table 2).
Figure 3. Distance covered in different locomotion category by playing position in offense. * Statistical
differences with the left wing p ≤ 0.05; ¥ = statistical differences with the right wing p ≤ 0.05. Legend:
left wing = LW; left back = LB; center back = CB; line player = LP; right back = RB; right wing = RW.
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Although not many significant differences were found, high effect size values were obtained
(Table 2).
Table 2. Effect sizes in different locomotion categories by playing position in offense.
Playing Positions
High Running
CB 0.80
RB 0.86
LB 0.61
RW 0.76
LW 0.76
LP 0.63
LB 0.54
LW 0.57
RB 0.75
LP 0.75
LB 0.54
LP 0.93
LP 1.19
LB 1.23
CB 0.90
RB 1.34
RB 0.79
CB 0.69
LP 1.25
LP 1.44
CB 1.07
CB 1.24
LB 1.81
RB 1.11
RB 2.04
LB 0.95
Legend: left wing = LW; left back = LB; center back = CB; line player = LP; right back = RB; right wing = RW.
The distances covered in defense for each locomotion category by playing position are shown
in Figure 4.
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Table 2. Effect sizes in different locomotion categories by playing position in offense.
Playing Positions
High Running
CB 0.80
RB 0.86
LB 0.61
RW 0.76
LW 0.76
LP 0.63
LB 0.54
LW 0.57
RB 0.75
LP 0.75
LB 0.54
LP 0.93
LP 1.19
LB 1.23
CB 0.90
RB 1.34
RB 0.79
CB 0.69
LP 1.25
LP 1.44
CB 1.07
CB 1.24
LB 1.81
RB 1.11
RB 2.04
LB 0.95
Legend: left wing = LW; left back = LB; center back = CB; line player = LP; right back = RB; right wing = RW.
The distances covered in defense for each locomotion category by playing position are shown in
Figure 4.
Distance covered (m)
Distance covered (m)
Distance covered (m)
HI running
Distance covered (m)
Figure 4. Cont.
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Distance covered (m)
Figure 4. Distance covered in different locomotion categories by playing position in defense. #
Statistical differences with front defender p ≤ 0.05; § statistical differences with center back p ≤ 0.05.
Legend: center back = CB; mid right = MR; mid left = ML; outside right = OR; outside left = OL; front
center defender = FD.
Furthermore, moderate, large and very large effect sizes were found in the different locomotion
characteristics by playing positions in defense (Table 3).
Table 3. Effect sizes in different locomotion categories by playing position in defense.
Playing positions
High Running
MR 1.31
OR 0.77
ML 0.68
ML 1.38
MR 1.05
OR 1.19
OR 1
ML 0.93
OL 1.26
OL 0.90
FD 1.11
FD 2.65
FD 0.51
OL 0.61
OL 0.52.
OR 0.65
FD 0.77
OL 0.84
OL 0.65
FD 0.84
CB 1.07
ML 0.85
MR 0.64
MR 1.74
MR 1.46
OR 0.50
CB 4.21
ML 1.89
CB 1.17
MR 1.62
OR 1.45
ML 1.04
ML 2.46
OL 0.71
OR 0.71
OR 1.80
OL 0.56
OL 0.57
Legend: center back = CB; mid right = MR; mid left = ML; outside right = OR; outside left = OL; front
center defender = FD.
3.3. Running Pace by Playing Positions
When the distance covered in each locomotion category normalized according to the time spent
on court in different playing positions during offense were analyzed, the ANOVA showed significant
differences for jogging (p = 0.029) and sprint distances (p = 0.045) between the different playing
Figure 4. Distance covered in different locomotion categories by playing position in defense. # Statistical
differences with front defender p ≤ 0.05; § statistical differences with center back p ≤ 0.05. Legend:
center back = CB; mid right = MR; mid left = ML; outside right = OR; outside left = OL; front center
defender = FD.
Furthermore, moderate, large and very large effect sizes were found in the different locomotion
characteristics by playing positions in defense (Table 3).
Table 3. Effect sizes in different locomotion categories by playing position in defense.
Playing Positions
High Running
MR 1.31
OR 0.77
ML 0.68
ML 1.38
MR 1.05
OR 1.19
OR 1
ML 0.93
OL 1.26
OL 0.90
FD 1.11
FD 2.65
FD 0.51
OL 0.61
OL 0.52.
OR 0.65
FD 0.77
OL 0.84
OL 0.65
FD 0.84
CB 1.07
ML 0.85
MR 0.64
MR 1.74
MR 1.46
OR 0.50
CB 4.21
ML 1.89
CB 1.17
MR 1.62
OR 1.45
ML 1.04
ML 2.46
OL 0.71
OR 0.71
OR 1.80
OL 0.56
OL 0.57
Legend: center back = CB; mid right = MR; mid left = ML; outside right = OR; outside left = OL; front center
defender = FD.
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3.3. Running Pace by Playing Positions
When the distance covered in each locomotion category normalized according to the time spent
on court in different playing positions during offense were analyzed, the ANOVA showed significant
differences for jogging (p = 0.029) and sprint distances (p = 0.045) between the different playing positions.
However, the post hoc analysis did not show any statistically significant differences (Figure 5).
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outside right (p = 0.016; ES = 1.19) and the front defender (p = 0.003; ES = 0.37), as well as a tendency
between the central back and the mid left (p = 0.074; ES = 1.20).
Normalized distance (m.min
High Running
Figure 5. Distance covered in each locomotion category normalized according to the time spent in
court in different playing positions during offense. Legend: left wing = LW, left back = LB, center back
= CB; line player = LP; right back = RB; right wing = RW.
Normalized distance (m.min
High Running
Figure 5. Distance covered in each locomotion category normalized according to the time spent in court
in different playing positions during offense. Legend: left wing = LW, left back = LB, center back = CB;
line player = LP; right back = RB; right wing = RW.
When the distance covered in each locomotion category normalized according to the time spent
on court in different playing positions during defense was analyzed, the ANOVA showed significant
differences only for high-intensity running (p = 0.038) between the different playing positions (Figure 6).
Post hoc analysis showed significant differences in this category between the central back and the outside
right (p = 0.016; ES = 1.19) and the front defender (p = 0.003; ES = 0.37), as well as a tendency between
the central back and the mid left (p = 0.074; ES = 1.20).
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Figure 5. Distance covered in each locomotion category normalized according to the time spent in
court in different playing positions during offense. Legend: left wing = LW, left back = LB, center back
= CB; line player = LP; right back = RB; right wing = RW.
Normalized distance (m.min
High Running
Figure 6. Distance covered in each locomotion category normalized according to the time spent in
court in different playing positions during defense. § Statistical differences with center back p ≤ 0.05.
Legend: center back = CB; mid right = MR; mid left = ML; outside right = OR; outside left = OL; front
center defender = FD.
Figure 6. Distance covered in each locomotion category normalized according to the time spent in court
in different playing positions during defense. § Statistical differences with center back p ≤ 0.05. Legend:
center back = CB; mid right = MR; mid left = ML; outside right = OR; outside left = OL; front center
defender = FD.
4. Discussion
The aim of this study was to analyze on-court demands of handball players during the VELUX
EHF FINAL4 to define time–motion characteristics (played time, covered distances) both in offense
and defense, including position-specific demands and differences among them. Significant differences
were found between offense and defense in the walking and jogging categories. In offense, significant
differences were established in the high-intensity running category between LW and other playing
positions. In defense, differences were also identified for CB in walking, and the FCD in sprinting
when compared to other playing positions.
Several studies have analyzed handball games differentiating intensity categories [3,5,11,17,19,23,24],
although they have taken into account neither all playing positions nor the different phases of the game.
In this regard, there is a broad consensus among researchers on the need to establish certain categories when
analyzing players’ movements, ranging from low-intensity (standing, walking, jogging), medium-intensity
(running) and high-intensity (HIrunning, sprinting) situations. However, little consensus exists on
the speed ranges for defining the different categories, which makes it difficult to compare between
the different studies.
For the analysis of the intensity at which the player moves across the field, the categorization
proposed by Cardinale et al. [3] used for the Qatar WCh 2015 study was applied. Analyzing the results
by locomotion categories, we found that for the offense, the longest distance was performed in jogging
(47.06%), while defenders covered a greater distance in the walking category. When comparing offense
and defense, results showed a trend for significance in the HIrunning category. These results highlight
the needs to differentiate the characteristics of the game phases. As we do not have more studies
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to compare these results, we present an analysis of the general data with respect to other research
carried out.
Globally, players covered similar distances both in offense and defense. These results are in line
with the study reported by Michalsik et al. [11], which also analyzed distances by phases of the game.
Other studies [3,13] have analyzed these variables without differentiating the game phases. They were
conducted during the final phase of top level international men´s competition, the Men’s World
Handball Championships of Germany (2007) and Qatar (2015), respectively. Our results are consistent
with these studies regarding the total average distances covered, being 8% higher in the Germany
WCh and 1% smaller in the Qatar WCh 2015.
Other studies that analyzed men´s top national leagues showed greater covered distances than
ours, ranging from 3157 m on average in the analysis of the German first division [25] to 3627 m
in the main Danish league [4], or 4370 m in the main Portuguese league [12]. The problem is that,
in most of these studies, standard deviations from the average are very high, thus complicating the use
of this criterion as a performance control measure. A better criterion, with a practical application
for coaches, is to normalize the data according to a players’ time on court [3,6]. When the data are
normalized according to the time spent on court, which in the case of national leagues is larger (above
40 min) than in international competitions, the average running pace does not differ too much between
the studies, that is, by about 10%. According to this criterion, at the highest level, a handball player
covered between 70 and 90 m·min−1. This data normalization facilitates the comparison between
studies and allows the coaches to dispose of a workload reference regarding locomotion activities.
Regarding time spent on court, offense and defense presented average times of 15.69 min
and 15.40 min, respectively. Summing up both phases, values were similar to those presented by
Luig et al. [13] and Cardinale et al. [3], being equal to 32 min and 37 min respectively, but lower that
those described in national league studies [3,4,14,15], where values over 40 min were found.
Regarding the average running pace values in offense and defense (89 m·min−1 and 81 m·min−1,
respectively), our results did not match those presented by Michalsik et al. [11], although the differences
were less than 10%. In this line, the results showed in the different studies are very heterogeneous,
possibly due to the methodology used, the instrument of control, level of play, the category
and the competition analyzed.
Regarding specific positions, our main finding was that there were differences among players’
locomotion categories in each playing position, both in offense and defense, which implies a need
for greater differentiation and individualization in the training load according to the different
playing positions.
In the case of the offense, left wing players showed the highest covered distances in
the high-intensity running and sprinting categories in relation to the other specific positions,
and the right wings covered longer distances than right back players for the HIrunning category.
We should bear in mind that it is possible that some statistical comparisons in our study may show no
statistical significance even when the means of the two groups are quite different, because the sample
is small and the SD are high. In this context, ES might be a good indicator not only of the magnitude of
the changes but also of the associations that are likely to present significant differences in larger samples.
The ES in the HIrunning and sprinting categories reinforces the observed statistical differences,
since they present a large and very large ES. Therefore, we can conclude that the wings have different
demands for high-intensity activities than the rest of the players in the offensive phase. These results
are reinforced by the idea that these players are those who are responsible for performing most of
the counter-attacks or to reach position in the first wave of the fastbreak, which are the fastest actions
of the offensive phase. These data are in line with previously reported data by Michalsik et al. [4]
and Povoas et al. [5] for the offensive phase.
For the defensive phase, the results showed a similar behavior to that in the offense.
It is the defense-specific playing positions (CBs and FCDs) that have the highest values during
the defensive phase, showing high ES values. CBs have higher values in the covered distance for
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the walking category than those found for mid defenders. These results are consistent with the work
performed by CBs during this phase, as they are the players who move depending on the area
where the ball is directed, and these displacements are usually of low intensity. In the same line,
when the locomotion categories were normalized according to the time spent on court, we observed
that in the HIrunning category, CBs covered less distance than the ORs and FCDs, which indicates that
CBs carried out most of their activities in the low-intensity categories.
In the sprinting category, the highest covered distances correspond to the FCDs, which showed
significant differences with the CBs and Mid defenders, with a large and very large ES. These data are
consistent with the specific role of this player, who carries out his activities mainly in the front defense
line, covering the central area of the defense, moving from side to side. Again here, as an application
to training, coaches should differentiate training by specific positions, for example, by creating very
intense tasks for FCDs and wings.
To our knowledge, this is the first time that specific defensive playing positions have been analyzed,
so these data cannot be compared. It provides a novel and in-depth knowledge of the real needs of
this phase of the game.
The total distances covered by each playing position are smaller, for both phases of the game,
when compared to those reported by Michalsik et al. [4]. Variations in the methodology and the different
technology used, as well as the different competitions analyzed in both studies, may account for these
differences. On the one hand, LPS technology that allows load individualization and automation
through micro sensors [16] was used for this study. However, Michalsik et al. [4] performed a manual
estimation of intensities based on distance references on the court, following the player’s individual
monitoring with a camera. Differences also existed between these two studies regarding the time
spent on the court. Danish players stayed clearly longer on court in all cases. This may be because
we are comparing a national league with a European final league tournament. The game-sharing
times can be altered by the number and quality of players taking part in the Velux EHF Final 4, which
gathers the best teams and players in the world, as well as the nature of the competition (final phase of
the biggest club tournament). Therefore, the time sharing, a larger use of rolling substitutions as well
as more rotations to maintain the intensity of the game may be greater than in a national league.
Other studies have also analyzed the playing positions in men’s championships with senior high
level players, but have neither differentiated the phases of the game nor analyzed each individual
playing position. Some of these studies have also shown greater high intensity values by the wing
players compared to the rest of the playing positions [13,25].What seems to be clear is that, in general,
studies that analyze the maximum distance covered per playing position varies widely, making a
comparison with our study difficult because of the different procedures used [3,12,13,25].
A trend that can be observed in the available studies is that regardless of the category, procedure
used, level of play or gender, all studies analyzing locomotion activities in handball have in common
the differentiation of loads according to positions [3,5,6,10,19,25]. For this reason, given the great
variability according to playing position, we propose to differentiate the physical work according to
the role adopted in the game, in line with the conclusions of most studies.
Several limitations were found that made it difficult to discuss this study and compare it to
others. The first is the small number of works focusing on the playing load in high-level men’s
professional handball in final tournaments, such as the Velux EHF Final 4. Moreover, it is complicated
to compare studies because of the lack of unified criteria to determine locomotion categories. It would
be necessary and essential to standardize criteria so that they could be taken into consideration in future
studies. Other limitations present in the work are related to the lack of development of multivariate
analysis techniques. Additionally, only one championship has been analyzed, corresponding to a high
performance level in the senior men’s category.
Further studies will be needed to deepen our knowledge of handball’s total load through
the individualized use of sensor technology (EPTS), which allows us to learn about the other previously
mentioned parameters. In addition, it would be advisable to combine the advances in the physical
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understanding of the game with its impact on the game’s technical–tactical component. Furthermore,
there is also a need for extending the analysis to other competitions, categories and gender.
5. Conclusions
Offensive players covered longer distances in the jogging category and defensive players in
the walking category. Profile differences existed among players’ position activity, both in offense
and defense. In fact, more activity in high-intensity categories was found for wing players in offense.
In the case of defense, it was the CB that covered the largest distances in low-intensity categories,
and the FCD covered most of the distance in high-speed categories.
Practical Applications
Our findings suggest the need to differentiate the training load specifically for each position,
and differentiate between the phases of the game, creating specific exercises, that is, very short work
(less than 2 m of displacement) involving high-intensity movements (above 5 m−1) and repeated in a
random way over time, with high active rest time between sets. For example, you can do integrated
training with simulated game situations, where FCDs in offense and LWs in defense have greater
involvement. Another possibility is to design tasks that raise the fatigue threshold at each position
and phase to check their impact on the game. These integrated exercises can also include explosive
resistance training that improves performance in decisive final actions such as 1v1, blocks, etc.
In addition, knowing the specific load of a top-level tournament will allow coaches to determine
the maximum levels of physical requirements in elite handball and set them as references based
on the category. Furthermore, knowing that the different demands for the playing positions are
differentiated will allow coaches to individualize and plan their workouts accordingly, as well as
consider it in the match load dosing and in players’ substitutions, for example, if possible, giving more
rest to the LWs and the FCDs to maintain the level of intensity.
At a high performance level, coaches should work to improve training control. The normalization
of locomotion activity data allows disposing of a workload reference, in addition to facilitating
the comparison between sessions. Very little information is available about the demands of the game
in the different national leagues. Currently, the system is only being used in the German Bundesliga.
The use of the system in the VELUX EHF Champions league would undoubtedly provide us with new
relevant information about the highest competition among European clubs.
In the future, studies could be carried out to analyze players’ rotations in offense and defense.
In addition, future research should relate workload on the court to the workload outside the court,
such as in the fitness room. Finally, it is also possible that the results obtained in this study are useful
for the future design of more specific physical tests related to the demands of the game.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.M., H.V. and F.S.S.; data curation, B.P.; formal analysis, J.T.M., S.B.
and S.A.; investigation, C.M.; methodology, J.T.M. and B.P.; resources, J.M.C.T.; supervision, H.V., F.S.S. and L.J.C.R.;
writing—original draft, C.M., H.V. and L.J.C.R.; writing—review & editing, J.T.M. and C.F. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was partially funded by Séneca-CARM—grant number 20928/PI/18, by MINECO/FEDER
grant number PID2019-108336GB-100 and by Consejo Superior de Deportes, grant number 24/UPB/19
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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| High-Performance Handball Player's Time-Motion Analysis by Playing Positions. | 09-17-2020 | Manchado, Carmen,Tortosa Martínez, Juan,Pueo, Basilio,Cortell Tormo, Juan Manuel,Vila, Helena,Ferragut, Carmen,Sánchez Sánchez, Francisco,Busquier, Sonia,Amat, Sergio,Chirosa Ríos, Luis Javier | eng |
Effects of preferred music on physiological
responses, perceived exertion, and anaerobic
threshold determination in an incremental
running test on both sexes
Felipe Marroni RasteiroID, Leonardo Henrique Dalcheco Messias, Pedro Paulo
Menezes Scariot, João Pedro Cruz, Rafael Lucas Cetein, Claudio Alexandre Gobatto,
Fu´lvia Barros Manchado-Gobatto*
Laboratory of Applied Sport Physiology - LAFAE, School of Applied Sciences, University of Campinas,
UNICAMP, Limeira, São Paulo, Brazil
* [email protected]
This study aimed to investigate and compare the effects of preferred music on anaerobic
threshold determination in an incremental running test, as well the physiological responses
and perceived exertion at this intensity, in physically active men and women. Additionally,
by using area under the curve (AUC) analysis of the parameters of interest during the
graded test, we studied the effects of music at two physiological moments—before and after
anaerobic threshold intensity (iAT)—in men and women. Twenty (men = 10; women = 10)
healthy and active participants completed four visits to the laboratory. The first and second
sessions were used for sample characterization. In the third and fourth sessions, partici-
pants performed an incremental running test (started at 7 km.h-1 with increments of 1 km.h-1
at each 3-minute stage) under preferred music and non-music conditions. Blood lactate
([Lac]), heart rate (HR), and perceived exertion were measured by two scales (RPEBorg and
the estimation of time limit – ETL) during all tests, and the total time of effort (TT) was consid-
ered as performance. Individual curves of the “intensity vs blood lactate” analyzed by the
bissegmentation method provide the iAT and the AUC of [Lac], HR, RPEBorg, and ETL
before and after the iAT attainment were calculated. The iAT for men (non-music: 11.5
±0.9km.h-1 vs music: 11.6±1.1km.h-1) and women (non-music: 9.8±0.7km.h-1 vs music: 9.7
±0.7km.h-1) was not affected by music, and for both sexes, there was no difference between
non-music and music conditions in all variables obtained at iAT. The AUC of all variables
were not affected by music before the iAT attainment. However, [Lac], HR, and RPEBorg pre-
sented higher values of AUC after iAT for the female group with preferred music. This may
be due to the fact that 70% of women have increased TT under music conditions. Overall,
preferred music did not affect the iAT determination in an incremental running test. How-
ever, some physiological responses and perceived exertion after iAT of female subjects
seems to be influenced by preferred music.
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Citation: Rasteiro FM, Messias LHD, Scariot PPM,
Cruz JP, Cetein RL, Gobatto CA, et al. (2020)
Effects of preferred music on physiological
responses, perceived exertion, and anaerobic
threshold determination in an incremental running
test on both sexes. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237310.
Editor: Daniel Boullosa, Universidade Federal de
Mato Grosso do Sul, BRAZIL
Received: September 10, 2019
Accepted: July 23, 2020
Published: August 12, 2020
Copyright: © 2020 Rasteiro et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Funding: We thank the subjects for participating in
the procedures. The study was partially supported
by São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP
(2012/06355-2, 2016/50250-1, 2018/05821-6, and
2019/10666-2), National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development – CNPq (307718/
2018-2, 308117/2018-2), and Coordenac¸ão de
The effect of music on exercise was investigated by Ayres [1], who described the influence of a
music band playing during a six-day bicycle race. However, only in recent decades has there
been a significant increase in research on the importance of this topic to the performance in
different physical activities and exercise situations [2–8]. Many investigations involving the
effect of music on exercise have been focused on some contributing factors of music, such as
genre [9], rhythm [10], tempo [11, 12], and auditory–motor synchronization [5, 8]. On the
other hand, there are still few studies in which the musical preference of the participants is
freely guaranteed. It has been speculated that emotional components of the preferred music
could be an effective aid to increase personal motivation [13–15].
The literature presents conflicting information regarding the influence of music (preferred
or not) on exercise at different intensity domains [16–19]. Based on evidence that music can
distract exercisers from the unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations associated with physical
effort [8, 20], it should be expected that preferred music would help not only in exercise at
moderate or heavy domains but especially at severe domain, in which physiological instability
and exhaustion meet. Although researchers have concerned with distinct exercise characteris-
tics in experiments with music (e.g. type, intensity and volume) [21–24], few investigations
considered this context regarding the preferred music [16, 17]. To the best of our knowledge,
despite the significance of the anaerobic threshold intensity (iAT) determination to define the
aerobic–anaerobic transition and thus to obtain an accurate performance diagnosis on the
exercise domains [25, 26], none investigations followed this way using the preferred music.
Among many evaluative protocols, the incremental (graded test) is the most common pro-
cedure for iAT determination in laboratory and field conditions [27]. During this application,
the intensity is incremented, inducing an exponential behavior of blood lactate ([Lac]) accu-
mulation. Therefore, the highest workload that still leads to an equilibrium between lactate
production and removal is termed as the iAT [25] and can be determined by reliable mathe-
matical analysis, such as the bissegmentation of two linear regressions along with linear inter-
polation [28–30]. Before the iAT attainment (moderate and heavy domains), physiological
responses are not expected to abruptly increase, reflecting a stability that is favorable to main-
tenance of exercise [31, 32]. On the other hand, at intensities higher than iAT (severe domain),
the physiological balance is gradually lost, leading to exhaustion [33]. We believe that investi-
gations on the physiological responses (e.g., heart rate and [Lac]) and perceived exertion
(obtained by perception scales) at two moments during the incremental test (before and after
iAT) can improve the understanding of the effects of music at these different intensity
domains. For this, the area under the curve analysis (AUC) commonly used in other scientific
approaches [34, 35] seems to be an interesting method.
Although there are studies documenting the effects of music on exercise in both men and
women [5, 11, 12, 36–40], there is still an ongoing debate about sex differences in music pro-
cessing. It is reasonable to consider that music’s effects on physical performance could be sex-
dependent, as there are reports showing that men and women seem to differ in their percep-
tion of music [41–45]. In this way, Macone et al. [39] and Cole and Maeda [36] have demon-
strated that women, but not men, had increased physical performance in a music condition
compared to a non-music condition. Thus, an important question to be answered is whether
music affects differently the physiological responses, perceived exertion, and, consequently,
the iAT determination in men and women in the same physical condition (e.g., active individ-
uals but non-athletes). Still, the understanding of the effects of music on men or women
depending on the intensity domains (before or after iAT) seems to add knowledge for exercise
Effects of preferred music on physiological responses, perceived exertion and anaerobic threshold determination
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Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de Nı´vel Superior -
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. So, we would
like to express our thanks for this support.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
prescription in these conditions. Obviously, in this sense of application, the music to be used
needs to be the subject’s preference.
This study aimed to investigate and compare the effects of preferred music on anaerobic
threshold determination in an incremental running test, as well as the physiological responses
and perceived exertion at this intensity, in physically active men and women. Additionally, by
using AUC analysis of the parameters of interest during the graded test, we studied the effects
of music at two physiological moments (before and after iAT) in men and women.
Materials and methods
Study design
Participants were requested to maintain the same individual hydration/food habits and avoid
alcohol/caffeine ingestion as well as hard physical activity at least 96 hours prior to testing.
Twenty healthy, non-athletes, non-smoking, and active male (n = 10; age = 23±2 years; body
mass = 73.3±11.7 kg; height = 175±1 cm; body fat = 8.5±2.3%) and female (n = 10; age = 20±1
years; body mass = 59.7±5.3 kg; height = 165±1 cm; body fat = 18.4±3.6%) were selected for
this study. As inclusion criteria, individuals should be active and experienced with at least two
years of weekly practice in running exercise. The present study was conducted according to
the norms of Helsinki and previously approved by the Research Ethics Committee of The
School of Medical Sciences, located at the University of Campinas (protocol number –
Four visits to the laboratory were completed (Fig 1). The first session was conducted to
explain the study’s procedures and obtain agreement to participate in the research, which was
approved by the university’s local ethics committee. Moreover, at the end of this session, the
subjects were asked to provide 10 songs they consider motivational during their daily physical
activity. In line with this, the second session was conducted to identify the motivational level
of each selected song via the Brunel Music Rating Inventory-2 [46]. During the same session,
participants were evaluated for body composition (i.e., lean mass, fat mass, and body fat),
physical activity level, and physical activity readiness (PAR-Q) [47]. Skinfold measurements
were performed by the same experienced researcher via a clinical adipometer/plicometer (Ces-
corf, Cardiomed, PR, BR). Lohman [48] and Jackson and Pollock’s [49] approaches were used
to estimate the body composition of the men (i.e., triceps, subscapular, and abdominal skin-
folds) and women (i.e., triceps, suprailiac, and thigh skinfolds), respectively. The International
Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) [50] was adopted for analysis of physical activity level
(men = 3535±2425 metabolic equivalent-min/week; women = 3568±1860 metabolic equiva-
The third and fourth sessions were dedicated to the exhaustive incremental protocol on a
motorized treadmill (Super ATL, Inbramed, RS, BR). All procedures were conducted in a con-
trolled environment (temperature = 22˚C±1˚C; luminosity = ~300lx). Additionally, these ses-
sions were conducted in an isolated room (length = 4.83 m; width = 2.11 m). Therefore,
participants did not maintain contact with other people except for the evaluators, who com-
municated (when strictly necessary) through gestures. Moreover, information regarding the
duration of the test or stages was avoided. These sessions were randomized and separated by
48–72 hours (S1 File). In one of the sessions, the protocol was performed under non-music
conditions. In the remaining session, subjects were allowed to listen to their preferred music
during the exhaustive incremental protocol. In both evaluations, [Lac], HR, RPEBorg, ETL, and
total time (TT) were analyzed.
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Music classification
The BMRI-2 evaluates the motivational quality of music during exercise. It is comprised of six
items, each concerning a musical component (rhythm, style, melody, tempo, instrumentation,
and beat). Each item is comprised of a seven-point Likert scale, where 1 is “strongly disagree”
and 7 is “strongly agree" [46]. Taking into account hygiene and preference aspects, each indi-
vidual was asked to bring his or her own headphones. For BMRI-2 application, the previously
selected songs were inserted into a musical player (iPod Shuffle A1373, Apple, SP, BR), which
was also used in the incremental protocol.
The music’s volume was standardized at five clicks below the maximum, ranging from 70–
85 dB. These strands were previously tested for the application of the BMRI-2, and it was
found that the aforementioned range would be ideal for working within the present study pre-
cisely because it assures auditive safety. The instrument application consisted of the individual
playing of the song for 90 seconds. Subsequently, the scale was applied and the song score
established. In order to eliminate the effect of listening to the previous song, a concentration
grid [51] was applied between songs. These processes were repeated until the establishment of
the score referring to the 10 songs. During the incremental protocol, the songs were ranked
according to the score previously obtained, with the highest score at the top of the playlist and
the others placed in descending order (S2 File). Since all songs were considered preferred by
the evaluated participants, the music tempo was not controlled. However, all bpm values are
presented in the S3 File.
Fig 1. Experimental design adopted in the study. a) First session was conducted to explain the study’s procedures and obtain
agreement to participate in the research. Moreover, subjects were instructed to bring 10 songs for exercising. Subsequently, during
the second visit, subjects were evaluated for body composition, physical activity, and readiness. In the same session, the motivational
quotient of the 10 songs provided by the subjects was determined via the Brunel Music Rating Inventory– 2 (BMRI-2). The
incremental protocol in non-music and preferred music conditions was randomly conducted in the third and fourth sessions. b)
Incremental protocol started at 7 km.h-1 with increments of 1 km.h-1 in 3-minute stages. Blood samples were collected at rest and at
the end of each stage to [Lac] analysis. During the same interval, two perceived exertion scales were applied (RPEBorg and ETL). HR
was measured throughout the protocol. c) Anaerobic threshold intensity (iAT) was determined by the intersection between two
linear fits resulting from the bissegmentation method.
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Blood lactate concentration and heart rate analysis
Capillarized blood samples (25 μL) were taken from the earlobe and deposited into microtubes
(Eppendorf 1.5 ml) containing 50 μl of NaF. The [Lac] was analyzed by the electrochemical
method using a lactimeter YSI2300-STAT-Plus (Yellow Springs, OH, USA). The participants’
HR was recorded (beat to beat) using Polar heart monitors (Polar, RS800, RJ, BR). Data were
recorded during all protocols.
Perceived exertion scales
Two psychometric scales were considered for measurement of perceived exertion. The scale
originally proposed by Borg [52] with a range of 6–20 (RPEBorg) was adopted. Moreover, the
estimation of time limit (ETL) scale proposed by Garcin et al. [53] was also considered.
Incremental protocol
The incremental protocol started at 7 km.h-1, with increments of 1 km.h-1 in 3-minute stages.
The slope of the treadmill was maintained at 1% during all tests. At the end of each stage, the
effort was interrupted for 30 seconds for blood collection. During this interval, participants
indicated with their fingers the perceived exertion in two psychometric scales. In both tests
(non-music or music), the participants used the same auricular headsets adopted to answer the
BMRI-2 in the second session.
For determination of the iAT, individual curves of intensity (km.h-1) vs blood lactate (mM)
were plotted. After visual inspection, performed by two experienced researchers, the bisseg-
mentation analysis proceeded and iAT was identified by the intersection between fits [28, 29].
[Lac], HR, RPEBorg, and ETL at iAT ([Lac]iAT, HRiAT, RPEBorg iAT, and ETLiAT, respectively)
were determined by linear interpolation. Relativization in percentage (%) was performed by
dividing the iAT by the maximum value recorded of intensity (ipeak) and then multiplied by
100 (iAT [% ipeak]). The same procedure was applied to calculate the [Lac]iAT (% [Lac]peak) and
HRiAT (%HRmax). TT was considered when the individual achieved maximum HR (i.e.,
220-age) [54] or asked to stop (voluntary exhaustion). To calculate the time taken to reach the
anaerobic threshold (TBiAT [%TT]) as well as the remaining effort time (TAiAT [%TT]), the
intensity (km.h-1) and time (total seconds of each stage) were plotted as x axis and y axis,
respectively. Thus, the first-degree equation was replaced by known values, identifying the spe-
cific time that the iAT occurred.
Area under the curve analysis
Measurements obtained multiple times from the incremental protocol were also used to inves-
tigate whether music would be able to differently influence the responses before and after iAT
attainment. Following the iAT determination, individual curves of intensity (km.h-1) vs the
variables studied ([Lac], HR, RPEBorg, and ETL) were plotted. The curve was divided into two
moments, before and after iAT. Then the trapezoidal method was applied stage by stage until
reaching the stage corresponding to iAT. The AUC values obtained for each stage interval
were then summed, and the total was considered as the AUC before iAT. The same was
applied in the stages after the iAT. Fig 2 indicates an individual example of the AUC analysis
of the heart rate variable.
Statistical analysis
Data (S4 File) were calculated and analyzed using STATISTICA 7.0. The figures were elabo-
rated by the software GraphPad Prism 5. Data are presented as mean and standard deviation
Effects of preferred music on physiological responses, perceived exertion and anaerobic threshold determination
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of the mean. The normality and homogeneity of the data were confirmed by the Shapiro–Wilk
and Levene tests, respectively. Two-way ANOVA was adopted to determine the effects of
music (non-music vs music) and sex (male vs female), as well as their interaction (music vs
sex) on parameters obtained from the incremental test. AUC data were analyzed by repeated
measures ANOVA considering the effects of music (non-music vs music) and moment (before
vs after iAT), as well as their interaction (music vs moment). The Newman–Keuls post hoc
analysis was adopted in all cases. The relationship between variables was analyzed using Pear-
son’s correlation. In all cases, the level of significance was set at 5%.
Preferred music did not influence iAT determination through the incremental test, regardless
of sex (Table 1). No significant effect of music on any of the variables studied was detected by
two-way ANOVA. Additionally, we found an effect of sex on iAT and TT, showing that males
exhibit higher aerobic fitness and physical performance (iAT and TT) than females. However,
the female group presented higher HRiAT values than the male group in the non-music condi-
tion, but no significance was observed for the music condition. No interaction effect was
observed in any of the variables studied. In addition, most of the variables presented a signifi-
cant relationship in the intra-group analysis under non-music and music conditions for the
male group (iAT–r = 0.92, p = 0.001; [Lac]iAT−r = 0.79, p = 0.006; [Lac]iAT (% [Lac]peak)–
r = 0.80, p = 0.005; TT–r = 0.93, p = 0.001; RPEBorg iAT−r = 0.65, p = 0.042; ETLiAT−r = 0.91,
p = 0.001). Likewise, [Lac]iAT (r = 0.83, p = 0.003), HRiAT (r = 0.98, p = 0.001), HRiAT (%
HRmax) (r = 0.97, p = 0.001), TT (r = 0.86, p = 0.001), RPEBorg iAT (r = 0.69, p = 0.028), and
ETLiAT (r = 0.87, p = 0.001) were significantly correlated for females. Individual responses
regarding TT can be seen in Fig 3.
Figs 4 and 5 show a comparative analysis of the AUC from before and after the iAT attain-
ment, under non-music and music conditions, for both sexes. For the male group, [Lac] pre-
sented a significant difference only for the moment effect (Fig 4a). On the contrary, HR did
Fig 2. Individual example of the AUC analysis by Heart Rate (HR) responses. (a) Present the HR responses during the
incremental running test under the non-music condition; (b) present the HR responses during the incremental running test under
the preferred music condition. The dotted line indicates the anaerobic threshold intensity (iAT) in their respective conditions (non-
music and music). Values represent the total area under the curve before and after the iAT. au indicates arbitrary unit.
Effects of preferred music on physiological responses, perceived exertion and anaerobic threshold determination
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not present a significant difference when the moments were compared (before and after iAT).
In the same way, RPEBorg and ETL did not present any significance among the effects (music,
moment, or interaction). On the other hand, [Lac] (Fig 5a), HR (Fig 5b), and RPEBorg (Fig 5c)
were significantly higher with the preferred music than non-music condition after iAT attain-
ment for female subjects. The same was not observed for the ETL (Fig 5d).
Our main results demonstrate that in general terms, the preferred music did not significantly
affect the physiological and perceptual responses during an incremental test, or the iAT deter-
mination. However, the significant effect for sex in terms of iAT and TT shows that men had
higher aerobic fitness and performance in the incremental test when compared to women.
Table 1. Parameters obtained from the incremental protocol performed under non-music and music conditions, in both sexes.
Music Effect
Sex Effect
iAT (km.h-1)
11.5 ± 0.9
11.6 ± 1.1
9.8 ± 0.7†
9.7 ± 0.7γ
< 0.001
iAT (% ipeak)
74.4 ± 3.0
73.3 ± 3.2
78.9 ± 5.4
77.1 ± 4.9
[Lac]iAT (mM)
3.6 ± 1.0
3.6 ± 0.7
4.6 ± 2.4
5.1 ± 1.6
[Lac]iAT (% [Lac]peak)
48.5 ± 5.0
45.5 ± 6.2
55.3 ± 13.5
53.0 ± 12.8
HRiAT (bpm)
153 ± 10
152 ± 10
164 ± 13†
165 ± 13
HRiAT (%HRmax)
77.4 ± 4.8
77.1 ± 5.0
82.1 ± 6.2
82.5 ± 6.1
TT (s)
1644 ± 248
1710 ± 269
1073 ± 248†
1115 ± 293γ
< 0.001
60.3 ± 4.4
58.5 ± 5.1
61.1 ± 8.2
59.6 ± 5.6
39.7 ± 4.4
41.5 ± 5.1
38.9 ± 8.2
40.4 ± 5.6
RPEBorg iAT (score)
13 ± 1
12 ± 1
13 ± 2
13 ± 1
ETLiAT (score)
12 ± 3
11 ± 3
12 ± 3
12 ± 3
iAT − anaerobic threshold intensity; iAT (% ipeak)–relativization of anaerobic threshold intensity in relation to the maximum intensity reached in protocol;
[Lac]iAT−blood lactate concentration at iAT; [Lac]iAT (% [Lac]peak) – relativization of the lactacidemia referring to the iAT in relation to the lactate peak value obtained
in the protocol; HRiAT−heart rate at iAT; HRiAT (%HRmax) − relativization of the heart rate referring to the iAT in relation to the product of the equation 220-age; TT–
total time effort; TBiAT (%TT) − relativization of the time to reach the iAT in relation to the total time of effort; TAiAT (%TT) − relativization of the total time after
reached the iAT in relation to the total time of effort; RPEBorg iAT−rating of perceived exertion at iAT; ETLiAT−estimation of time limit at iAT.
γ significant difference between male and female in the preferred music condition.
† significant difference between male and female in the non-music condition. Significance was pre-fixed at p 0.05.
Fig 3. Individual results of the total time of effort (TT) obtained from the incremental protocol performed in non-music and
music conditions.
Effects of preferred music on physiological responses, perceived exertion and anaerobic threshold determination
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Fig 4. AUC analysis of male subjects on the [Lac], HR, RPEBorg, and ETL measured during the incremental test performed in
music and non-music conditions. The AUC before and after the iAT in terms of (a) Lactate concentration [Lac], (b) Heart rate
(HR), (c) Rate of perceived exertion (RPEBorg), and (d) Estimation of time limit (ETL) were compared. # indicates differences for the
moment effect.
Fig 5. AUC analysis of female subjects on the [Lac], HR, RPEBorg, and ETL measured during the incremental test performed in
music and non-music conditions. The AUC before and after the iAT in terms of (a) Lactate concentration [Lac], (b) Heart rate
(HR), (c) Rate of perceived exertion (RPEBorg), and (d) Estimation of time limit (ETL) were compared. # indicates differences for the
moment effect.
Effects of preferred music on physiological responses, perceived exertion and anaerobic threshold determination
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Although we did not observe the effect of music on performance, independently of sex, intra-
subject analysis revealed that most of the males evaluated (70%) had 2–11% improvement in
TT in the presence of preferred music. The same was observed for the females evaluated
(70%), who had 2–20% improvement in TT when the graded test was performed listening to
preferred music. Moreover, AUC analysis revealed that [Lac] and perceived exertion (i.e.,
RPEBorg and ETL) are elevated after iAT determination for both sexes (i.e., moment effect). On
the other hand, women seem to be more susceptible than men to preferred music after iAT in
terms of [Lac], HR, and RPEBorg, and this can partially explain the individual performance
improvements. As far as we know, this study is the first to investigate the effect of preferred
music in a running incremental test applied for male and female.
Effects of sex and music on iAT determination and incremental test
Sexual dimorphisms and gender disparity in sports and exercise science have been highlighted
[55]. Few evidences consistently demonstrate that men present higher performance than
woman in incremental testing [56, 57]. A higher performance in men than women could be
explained by differences in body composition components and their distribution. Men and
women may differ in the amount and distribution of body fat [58] as well as lean body mass
and body size like stature [59–61]. Hoffman et al. [62] showed that men have higher iAT than
women in a cycle-ergometer. Moreover, only 11% of women maintained [Lac] in a steady state
in exercise performed above iAT for 30 min. Estradiol may impact [Lac] dynamics in luteal
and follicular menstrual phases [63], and Hoffman et al. [62] explained these marked oscilla-
tions in [Lac] are due to this ovarian hormone. However, a recent study came to the opposite
conclusions, demonstrating that the power output and key physiological variables at maximal
lactate steady state were not affected by the menstrual cycle [64]. On the other hand, it is
important to state that besides [Lac]iAT, the HRiAT and RPEBorg iAT were also higher in women
than men regardless of the adoption of music. We cannot affirm that our female data was
affected by the menstrual cycle, but the early [Lac] increase may be associated with the circulat-
ing ovarian hormones, although this remains to be elucidated. Overall, although we cannot
directly discuss the influence of hormonal status on the incremental test outcomes, we can
affirm that, at least in our sample, the oxidative system of the female group was lower than in
the male group, and this is not affected by preferred music.
Despite the comparisons between sexes had advanced on some scientific questions, the
effects of music on the incremental test outcomes are a novel finding. To the best of our knowl-
edge, a similar experimental design was not found, and our study provides new insights on this
context. Music may affect the central nervous system by downregulating theta waves in brain
regions during exercise [65]. Probably through these central mechanisms, the music seems to
reduce the perceived exertion during exercise [8]. Other studies have also demonstrated that
music can influence peripheral variables [66, 67]. In short, music may have an ergogenic effect
on physical exercise [16, 68, 69]. We believe that our data offer two major insights on the
music–exercise association. To begin with, music did not affect iAT and related parameters,
regardless of sex. This important finding demonstrates the robustness of iAT determination.
Moreover, although ANOVA did not reveal any significant effect for music, 70% of the
female group and 70% of the male group had 2–20% and 2–11% improvements in TT, respec-
tively (Fig 3). Overall, our data suggest that women were more susceptible to music’s effects
than men. In a mixed sample, Cole and Maeda [36] showed that only women had better per-
formance in running while listening to preferred music. These authors suggested that women
pay more attention to music while exercising than men, explaining the divergent outcomes.
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We must recognize that other music characteristics (e.g., synchronous, asynchronous) are also
tested during exercise [2–5, 69–74] and may likely influence sex comparisons. The preferred
characteristics were chosen for two main reasons. First, studies have demonstrated their ergo-
genic effect on exercise [16, 18, 75, 76], and this model matches our aims. Second, athletes
and/or merely active subjects routinely use preferred music during exercise [8, 76–80]; there-
fore, our results have relevant practical applications. Although the analysis of preferred music
on iAT determination and performance can reveal important outcomes, it does not allow fur-
ther insights on the behavior of physiological variables and perceived exertion throughout the
incremental test. Therefore, the AUC analysis supports this context.
Physiological variables and perceived exertion before and after iAT
As far as intensity is incremented during the graded test, [Lac] is expected to abruptly increase
when pyruvate oxidation exceeds its maximal rate of production. Therefore, higher [Lac] is
expected after iAT attainment when compared to its counterpart. This is confirmed by our
[Lac] AUC analysis for both groups (Figs 4a and 5a). However, preferred music may affect,
only for the female group, AUC of [Lac] throughout the incremental test, after the iAT attain-
ment. On the other hand, this result may be due to the increase of the TT by more than half of
the female subjects. Studies analyzing the effects of music on [Lac] are scarce. Eliakim et al. [66]
demonstrated that motivational music leads to higher lactate clearance after subjects performed
a 6-min run exercise at peak aerobic power. This result was explained by the fact that music
kept subjects active after exercise, promoting lactate clearance. This context, however, does not
apply to our study, since we measure [Lac] during the incremental test. Although authors have
showed that music can influence the central nervous system during exercise [7, 65], we cannot
observe a direct relationship between preferred music and myocyte response in terms of lactate
production. However, we observed a possible relationship between the preferred music and
blood lactate response in the female group (Fig 5a), but further studies are required.
Music is capable of modifying the cardiovascular profile during exercise [81, 82]. Distinct
from kinetic [Lac], HR increases linearly throughout the incremental test. The similarity of
HR AUC between moments can be explained by a slight right-shift on the iAT determination
for three subjects. This outcome reduced the AUC of these subjects after iAT attainment and
explains the non-significant effect for moment (Fig 4b). The same results are not transposed to
women. Music and moment were factors that modulated HR throughout the incremental test-
ing. Since women tend to focus on some elements of music more than men [36, 43], it is possi-
ble that music increased the HR AUC of women mainly after iAT determination. Moreover,
this partially explains why 70% of women had better performance (i.e., TT) in the incremental
test with preferred music.
The effect of music on perceived exertion during exercise is one of the most discussed [8,
16, 18, 19, 67, 75, 78]. Nakamura et al. [16] showed that preferred music increases cycling dis-
tance performed at high intensity. Supported by the psychobiological model, Marcora et al.
[83] suggest that exercise tolerance increases by the potential motivation of preferred music;
others have supported this hypothesis [19, 77, 78, 81]. Thus, the significant interaction for
RPEBorg (Fig 5c) can be explained by the fact that preferred music improved exercise tolerance
(TT), leading female subjects to present higher values of AUC. These inferences, however, are
aligned only regarding our female subjects, and the same explanation in terms of TT and HR
differences for both sexes fits in this case. Lastly, the ETL has been considered an important
exercise context [84–86]. However, we do not know to what extent the complexity in estimate
exercise duration is affected by music. Thus, our data cannot confirm that ETL is not sensitive
to music effects, so further studies are required.
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Finally, some studies have highlighted the importance of the music tempo on the running
cadence [21, 23, 24, 87], but this effect was not considered over the preferred song. Interest-
ingly, Dyer and McKune [88] investigated the tempo of individual favorite song on the perfor-
mance, psychological and physiological responses of well-trained cyclists in time trial cycling.
For a better investigation of the preferred music, the authors modified the music tempo
according to three experimental conditions (100, 120 and 140 bpm). The authors observed a
negative effect of the fast music tempo (i.e., 140 bpm) on the performance. Although they used
a creative alternative to investigate the music tempo during the evaluation, the preferred char-
acteristics of the song (for example, style, rhythm and harmony) had to be changed [89], possi-
bly generating a different condition of that aimed in our study. For this reason, our group
chose to evaluate the “pure effect” of the preferred music (without manipulating any property
of music) in an incremental running test with controlled exercise cadence.
Future perspectives and limitations
In this study, we investigated the effects of preferred music in both sexes. However, despite its
importance, the menstrual cycle was not controlled in our experimental design. On the other
hand, no female subject waited more than 72 hours to return to the laboratory to perform the
second incremental test. Thus, although we cannot affirm that all female subjects performed
tests restricted to the follicular or luteal phase, it is possible that huge variations of ovarian hor-
mones in systemic circulation did not occur between tests.
Future studies are encouraged to investigate if our results can be transposed to other music
characteristics (e.g., synchronous and asynchronous) or in other exercise types. Moreover,
other physiological measurements during an incremental test, such as oxygen uptake and mus-
cle oxygenation, can shed light on the effects of music during exercise.
In summary, preferred music did not affect the iAT determination in an incremental running
test, nor the physiological and perceptive responses at this intensity independently of sex.
However, more than half of our female subjects had improved performance in the graded test
with the preferred music, which may be more related to responses after iAT (severe domain)
in this condition. These outcomes were not found for male subjects. Therefore, the effects of
preferred music seem to be more pronounced for female subjects when compared to males.
Supporting information
S1 File. Parameters obtained from the incremental protocol performed in Trial 1 and
Trial 2.
S2 File. Table with descriptive data of the average and standard deviation, as well as per-
cent in relation to the maximum score (i.e. 42 points), of each song score (BMRI-2) in their
respective position in the playlist, as well as the mean value of the 10 songs.
S3 File. Table with descriptive data of the average and standard deviation of each music
tempo (bpm) in their respective position in the playlist, as well as the mean value of the 10
Effects of preferred music on physiological responses, perceived exertion and anaerobic threshold determination
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S4 File.
We would like to thank the subjects for the participation on the procedures.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Fu´lvia Barros Manchado-Gobatto.
Data curation: Felipe Marroni Rasteiro, Leonardo Henrique Dalcheco Messias.
Formal analysis: Felipe Marroni Rasteiro, Leonardo Henrique Dalcheco Messias, Pedro Paulo
Menezes Scariot.
Funding acquisition: Claudio Alexandre Gobatto, Fu´lvia Barros Manchado-Gobatto.
Investigation: Felipe Marroni Rasteiro.
Methodology: Felipe Marroni Rasteiro, Leonardo Henrique Dalcheco Messias, Pedro Paulo
Menezes Scariot, João Pedro Cruz, Rafael Lucas Cetein, Claudio Alexandre Gobatto, Fu´lvia
Barros Manchado-Gobatto.
Project administration: Fu´lvia Barros Manchado-Gobatto.
Supervision: Fu´lvia Barros Manchado-Gobatto.
Visualization: João Pedro Cruz, Rafael Lucas Cetein.
Writing – original draft: Felipe Marroni Rasteiro, Leonardo Henrique Dalcheco Messias,
Claudio Alexandre Gobatto, Fu´lvia Barros Manchado-Gobatto.
Writing – review & editing: Felipe Marroni Rasteiro, Leonardo Henrique Dalcheco Messias,
Pedro Paulo Menezes Scariot, João Pedro Cruz, Claudio Alexandre Gobatto, Fu´lvia Barros
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| Effects of preferred music on physiological responses, perceived exertion, and anaerobic threshold determination in an incremental running test on both sexes. | 08-12-2020 | Rasteiro, Felipe Marroni,Messias, Leonardo Henrique Dalcheco,Scariot, Pedro Paulo Menezes,Cruz, João Pedro,Cetein, Rafael Lucas,Gobatto, Claudio Alexandre,Manchado-Gobatto, Fúlvia Barros | eng |
PMC7451842 | J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2018;22(2):007-011,
Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2020;24(2):030-037, http://dx.doi.g/1.20463/pan.2020.0012
Muscle oxygenation, endocrine and
metabolic regulation during low-
intensity endurance exercise with
blood flow restriction
1. Graduate school of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan
2. Department of Physical Education, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
3. Physical Activity and Performance Institute (PAPI), Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
4. Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
5. Department of Sports Science, Japan Institute of Sports Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
6. Research Center for Urban Health and Sports, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
[Purpose] The present study investigated the effect of
endurance exercise with blood flow restriction (BFR)
performed at either 25% maximal oxygen uptake (V
max) or 40% V
O2 max) on muscle oxygenation, ener-
gy metabolism, and endocrine responses.
[Methods] Ten males were recruited in the present
study. The subjects performed three trials: (1) endur-
ance exercise at 40% V
O2 max without BFR (NBFR40),
(2) endurance exercise at 25% V
O2 max with BFR
(BFR25), and (3) endurance exercise at 40% V
O2 max
with BFR (BFR40). The exercises were performed for
15 min during which the pedaling frequency was set
at 70 rpm. In BFR25 and BFR40, 2 min of pressure
phase (equivalent to 160 mmHg) followed by 1 min
of release phase were repeated five times (5 × 3 min)
throughout 15 minutes of exercise. During exercise,
muscle oxygenation and concentration of respiratory
gases were measured. The blood samples were col-
lected before exercise, immediately after 15 min of ex-
ercise, and at 15, 30, and 60 minutes after completion
of exercise.
[Results] Deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) level
during exercise was significantly higher with BFR25
and BFR40 than that with NBFR40. BFR40 showed
significantly higher total-hemoglobin (total-Hb) than
NBFR40 during 2 min of pressure phase. Moreover,
exercise-induced lactate elevation and pH reduction
were significantly augmented in BFR40, with concom-
itant increase in serum cortisol concentration after ex-
ercise. Carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation was significantly
higher with BFR40 than that with NBFR40 and BFR25,
whereas fat oxidation was lower with BFR40.
[Conclusion] Deoxy-Hb and total Hb levels were sig-
nificantly increased during 15 min of pedaling exercise
in BFR25 and BFR40, indicating augmented local
hypoxia and blood volume (blood perfusion) in the
muscle. Moreover, low-and moderate-intensity exercise
with BFR facilitated CHO oxidation.
[Key words] low-intensity exercise, blood flow restric-
tion, muscle oxygenation, endocrine response, energy
Received: 2020/06/13, Revised: 2020/06/24,
Accepted: 2020/06/26, Published: 2020/06/30
©2020 Hyejung Hwang et al.; Licence Physical Activity and
Nutrition. This is an open access article distributed under
the terms of the creative commons attribution license (http://, which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the orginal work is properly cited.
*Corresponding author : Kazushige Goto
Graduate school of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan
University, Shiga, Japan.
Tel: +81-77-599-4127 / Fax: +81-77-599-4127
E-mail: [email protected]
©2020 The Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition
In traditional training procedures aimed to increase muscular
strength and muscle hypertrophy, exercise intensity above at least
70% of one repetition maximum (1RM) is commonly recommend-
ed1 However, high-intensity exercise entails the risk of injury due to
excessive stress on muscle joints as well as connective tissues in un-
trained or older people. In contrast, low intensity exercise (e.g., 20%
of 1RM) with blood flow restriction (BFR) has beneficial effects even
with short periods of training2-4. In particular, resistance exercise with
BFR is effective in improving muscle strength and muscle hypertro-
Exercise with BFR augments local hypoxia in muscle. The low-
ered muscle oxygenation during exercise is expected to elicit erythro-
poiesis with subsequent increases in oxygen transport capacity9, cap-
illary density, mitochondrial biosynthesis, and myoglobin level in the
tissues10-11. These cascades are stimulated by increased expression of
hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) and vascular endothelial growth
factor (VEGF), which are two major factors involved in angiogene-
Several studies have shown that low-intensity endurance exercise
(30-40% V. O2 max) with BFR increases oxygen uptake, heart rate,
and metabolite levels during and after exercise compared with nor-
mal exercise without BFR13-15. However, the influence of endurance
exercise with BFR and the difference in effects with respect to low
and extremely low intensity exercise on muscle oxygenation and
metabolic regulation is currently unknown.
Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the
effects of endurance exercise with BFR performed at 25% V. O2 max
or 40% V. O2 max on muscle oxygenation, energy metabolism, and
endocrine responses.
Hyejung Hwang1,2,3 / Sahiro Mizuno4 / Nobukazu Kasai5 /
Chihiro Kojima5 / Daichi Sumi6 / Nanako Hayashi6 / Kazushige
Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2020;24(2):030-037,
Muscle oxygenation, endocrine and metabolic regulations during exercise with blood flow restriction
Ten males (mean± standard deviation [SD] age: 24.7 ±
2.1 years, height: 171.2 ± 5.7 cm, and body weight: 68.0
± 7.8 kg) were recruited for the present study. They were
healthy and had regular physical activity (few days/week,
e.g., resistance exercise, endurance exercise). However,
none of the subjects were involved in any training pro-
gram at the start of the study. All subjects were explained
the purpose of experiment, procedures, and the potential
risks of the study. A written informed consent was sub-
sequently obtained from each participant. The present
study was approved by the Ethics Committee for Human
Experiments at Ritsumeikan University.
Experimental design
All subjects visited our laboratory four times during
the experimental period. At the first visit, an incremental
pedaling test was conducted to assess maximal oxygen
uptake (V. O2 max) using an ergometer (Aerobike 75XLIII;
Konami Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). From second through
fourth visits, three experimental trials were performed in
a random order. The three trials consisted of endurance
exercise at 40% V. O2 max without BFR (NBFR40), endur-
ance exercise at 25% V. O2 max with BFR (BFR25), and
endurance exercise at 40% V. O2 max with BFR (BFR40).
At least 7 days were prepared among trials.
For BFR25 and BFR40, specially designed tourni-
quets (E20 Rapid Cuff Inflator and Rapid Version Cuff,
Hokanson, USA) were used to apply pressure during
exercise, and the tourniquets were inflated at 160 mmHg
pressure. Necessary information to accustom the subjects
with the device was shared during the preliminary ses-
sion. The tourniquet was placed at the proximal site of
the middle thigh, both legs.
Blood flow restriction and exercise protocols
The tourniquet was designed to be 11 × 85 cm wide.
It was used in conjunction with a rapid cuff inflator. The
air inflator was controlled to maintain a stable level of
required pressure (160 mmHg) during the pressure phase.
Based on previous studies, we had set up 15 min pedal-
ing exercise with a BFR protocol using an ergometer4,32.
During the 15 min exercise in each trial, the pedaling fre-
quency was set as 70 rpm. In BFR25 and BFR40, 2 min
of pressure phase (equivalent to 160 mmHg) followed
by 1 min of release phase were repeated five times (5 ×
3 min) throughout the exercise. In NBFR40, the subjects
wore a tourniquet, but no pressure was applied through-
out the exercise (Fig. 1).
Muscle oxygenation
During exercise, the muscle oxygenation level in the
vastus lateralis muscle was evaluated noninvasively using
near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) (Hb14-2, Astem Co.,
Ltd. Kanagawa, Japan). The probe emitted two different
wavelengths from the LED and photo diode, and detected
the light transmitted through the body with the help of the
light receiving element. The probe was placed on the right
vastus lateralis (VL) muscle (at midpoint between the
greater trochanter and lateral condyle of the femur), and
the sampling rate was 10 Hz. The data were expressed as
relative values to the baseline values obtained during rest.
The oxygenated-hemoglobin (oxy-Hb), deoxygenated
hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) and total hemoglobin (total-Hb)
levels were determined.
Respiratory variables
Respiratory samples were collected using breath by
breath method and analyzed using an automatic gas ana-
lyzer (AE300S, Minato Medical Science Co., Ltd., Tokyo,
Japan) to determine V. O2, carbon dioxide output (V. CO2),
minute ventilation (VE), and the respiratory exchange ra-
tio (RER). The carbohydrate and fat oxidation rates were
also calculated from V. O2 and V. CO2 using the following
equations16. The collected data were averaged every 30 s.
Figure 1. Exercise protocol with or without BFR
Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2020;24(2):030-037,
Muscle oxygenation, endocrine and metabolic regulations during exercise with blood flow restriction
Exercise energy metabolism equations:
CHO oxidation(g/min) = 4.210 × V. CO2 −2.962 × V. O2
FAT oxidation(g/min) = 1.695× V. O2 −1.701× V. CO2
EE(kcal/15min) = 4.07×CHO oxidation + 9.75×FAT oxidation
Blood sampling and analysis
Subjects arrived at the laboratory at approximately
8:00 AM following an overnight fast (at least 10 h after
the previous meal). They rested about 20 min before the
first blood collection. After rest, a 22-gauge polyethylene
catheter was inserted into an antecubital vein and base-
line blood sample was obtained. After exercise, subjects
rested on the chair for an hour for blood collection. Blood
samples were collected before exercise, immediately after
15 min of exercise, and at 15, 30, and 60 min after com-
pletion of exercise. Blood glucose and lactate concentra-
tions were measured using a glucose analyzer (FreeStyle,
Nipro Co., Osaka, Japan) and a lactate analyzer (Lactate
Pro, Arkray Co., Kyoto, Japan) immediately after blood
collection. The serum samples were obtained after 10 min
of centrifugation at 4 ºC, and these samples were stored at
-80 ºC until analysis. Serum growth hormone (GH), corti-
sol and myoglobin (Mb) concentrations were measured at
a clinical laboratory (SRL, Inc., Tokyo, Japan). Heparin
syringes (2.5 mL) were used to collect blood samples for
determination of blood gas and electrolyte levels. From
obtained blood samples, blood pH, HCO3−, base excess
(BE), partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), partial pressure of
carbon dioxide (pCO2), and sodium (Na+) and potassium
(K+) concentrations were measured using an automatic
blood-gas analyzer (OPTI CCA TS, Sysmex Co., Hyogo,
Japan). Blood gas and electrolyte analyses were per-
formed immediately after blood collection.
Statistical analysis
All data are expressed as means ± SD. Time-dependent
changes in variables were analyzed using two-way re-
peated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) to confirm
significant interaction (trial × time) and main effects for
trial and time. When a significant interaction (time × trial)
or main effect was detected, a post-hoc Tukey test was
performed to identify differences. A P-value < 0.05 was
considered to indicate statistical significance.
Muscle oxygenation
Figure 2 shows the relative changes in the variables
of muscle oxygenation during 15 min of exercise. Oxy-
Hb did not show a significant interaction (trial × time,
p=0.83). Moreover, significant main effects of trial
(p=0.24) and time (p=0.24) were not noted. The oxy-Hb
level rapidly reduced during the pressure phase in BFR40,
while NBFR40 revealed a slight increase in the over oxy-
Hb level during the 15-min exercise session. Deoxy-Hb
showed a significant interaction (trial × time, p<0.001),
and the main effects of time (p<0.001) were noted. Al-
though a marked increase in the deoxy-Hb levels were
noted in during the pressure phase when exercise was
performed with BFR (for the BFR25 and BFR40 trials),
this decrease rapidly recovered during the subsequent re-
lease phase (1 min). In contrast, NBFR40 revealed slight
elevation over 15 min of exercise. Total Hb showed a
significant interaction (trial × time, p<0.001), and the
main effects of time (p<0.001) were noted. The total-Hb
levels increased during the pressure phase when exercise
was performed with BFR (for the BFR25 and BFR40 tri-
als), with a decrease in the levels during the subsequent
release phase. In the NBFR40 trial, the total-Hb level
gradually increased during the 15-min exercise session.
Figure 3 presents the averaged muscle oxygenation
variables during the pressure phase (2 min) and release
phase (1 min) of the 15-min exercise session. The oxy-
Hb level was significantly lower during the pressure phase
in the BFR40 trial (p<0.05, Fig. 3A), while no significant
difference was noted during the release phase. Particularly,
the deoxy-Hb level was significantly increased during the
pressure phase in the BFR25 and BFR40 trials. Further-
Figure 2. The percent changes of muscle oxygenation vari-
ables during exercise in the NBFR40, BFR40 and BFR25
every 5 s.
(A) : The changes of oxygenated hemoglobin during exercise
in the NBFR40, BFR25 and BFR40. (B) : The changes of
deoxygenated hemoglobin during exercise in the NBFR40,
BFR25 and BFR40. (C) : The changes of total hemoglobin
during exercise in the NBFR40, BFR25 and BFR40 trials.
Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2020;24(2):030-037,
Muscle oxygenation, endocrine and metabolic regulations during exercise with blood flow restriction
Figure 3. The percent changes of muscle oxygenation variables during 2 min pressure and 1 min release phase of 15min exercise in
NBFR40, BFR25 and BFR 40.
* p<0.05 between trials
Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2020;24(2):030-037,
Muscle oxygenation, endocrine and metabolic regulations during exercise with blood flow restriction
more, increased deoxy-Hb levels were noted during the
release phase in the BFR40 trial (p<0.05, Fig. 3B). The
total-Hb level significantly increased during the pressure
phase in the BFR40 trial. During the release phase, the
total-Hb level was significantly lower in the BFR25 trial
than in the NBFR40 and BFR40 trials (p<0.05, Fig. 3C).
Blood variables
Table 1 presents the changes in the blood variables before
exercise and during the 60-min post-exercise period. The
blood glucose, HCO3
−, pO2, pCO2, Na
+ and K
+ concen-
trations did not differ significantly at any time point among
the three trials. However, the blood lactate concentrations
significantly increased after exercise only in the BFR40 trial
(main effect for time, p<0.05), whereas a significant change
was not observed over time in the NBFR40 and BFR25
trials. Immediately after exercise, the blood pH was sig-
nificantly lower in the BFR40 trial than in the NFR40 and
BFR25 trials. A significantly lower blood base excess was
noted immediately after the 15-min exercise session in the
BFR40 trial than in the BFR25 and NBFR40 trials.
Serum GH, cortisol and myoglobin
Figure 4 presents the changes in the serum GH, cortisol
and myoglobin concentrations. After exercise, the serum
GH concentrations tended to be higher in the BFR40 trial
than in the BFR25 and NBFR40 trials. However, there was
no significant interaction (trial × time, p=0.07) or main
effect for trial (p=0.17, Fig. 4A). The serum cortisol con-
centration showed a significant interaction (trial × time,
p<0.001), and the main effects of trial (p<0.001) and time
(p<0.001) were noted. Moreover, serum cortisol concen-
trations were significantly higher in the BFR40 trial than
in the BFR25 and NBFR40 trial immediately after exercise
and at 15 and 30 min after exercise (p<0.05, Fig. 4B). The
serum myoglobin concentration showed a significant inter-
action (trial × time, p<0.001), and the main effect of time
(p<0.001) was noted. In the BFR40 trial, the serum myo-
globin concentration 60 min after the exercise session was
significantly higher compared to that in the NBFR40 trial
(p<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed
between the NBFR40 and BFR25 trials (Fig. 4C).
Energy metabolism during exercise
The averaged CHO and fat oxidation during the
15-min exercise session are presented in Fig. 5. CHO
oxidation was significantly higher in the BFR40 trial
than in the BFR25 and NBFR40 trials. Moreover, no
significant difference was observed between the BFR25
and NBFR40 trials, although exercise intensity was dif-
ferent (25% V. O2 max for BFR25 and 40% V. O2 max for
NBFR40, Fig. 3A). Fat oxidation was significantly lower
in the BFR25 and BFR40 trials than in the NBFR40
trial. Furthermore, the lowest fat oxidation value among
Post-exercise (min)
88.8 ± 3.9
85.0 ± 5.1
87.4 ± 4.7
83.1 ± 5.3
88.1 ± 4.8
86.8 ± 5.1
86.3 ± 3.9
85.6 ± 5.2
87.1 ± 5.5
89.2 ± 8.0
89.3 ± 10.0
94.3 ± 10.6
90.6 ± 9.7
88.9 ± 7.2
1.1 ± 0.3
1.5 ± 0.4
1.1 ± 0.2
1.1 ± 0.3
1.3 ± 0.2
1.3 ± 0.31
2.0 ± 0.5
1.5 ± 0.3
1.3 ± 0.3
1.4 ± 0.3
1.3 ± 0.3
5.2 ± 1.5 *#†
3.1 ± 1.0 *#†
2.3 ± 0.5 *#†
1.7 ± 0.4
7.41 ± 0.01
7.41 ± 0.02
7.42 ± 0.01
7.42 ± 0.01
7.41 ± 0.02
7.42 ± 0.02
7.40 ± 0.02
7.42 ± 0.02
7.41 ± 0.01
7.41 ± 0.03
7.41 ± 0.02
7.36 ± 0.05*#†
7.39 ± 0.03
7.42 ± 0.04
7.41 ± 0.02
27.3 ± 2.0
27.3 ± 1.8
27.5 ± 1.6
27.5 ± 1.3
26.4 ± 6.6
27.2 ± 1.3
26.6 ± 1.7
26.1 ± 1.9
27.3 ± 1.3
27.5 ± 1.3
26.8 ± 1.7
23.0 ± 2.2
23.8 ± 2.7
25.2 ± 2.5
27.1 ± 1.8
Base Excess
2.3 ± 1.8
2.1 ± 1.6
2.6 ± 1.3
2.7 ± 0.9
2.9 ± 1.3
2.3 ± 1.4
1.4 ± 1.7
1.4 ± 1.7
2.3 ± 1.1
2.4 ± 1.0
1.9 ± 1.4
-2.5 ± 2.3*# †
-1.0 ± 2.4*#
0.8 ± 1.6
2.1 ± 1.7
8.45 ± 1.83
9.40 ± 1.66
8.87 ± 2.71
9.20 ± 1.85
6.53 ± 2.60
8.21 ± 2.31
8.84 ± 2.24
9.37 ± 2.65
5.77 ± 3.15
6.34 ± 1.55
9.14 ± 2.87
7.06 ± 1.84
9.06 ± 1.60
8.47 ± 2.14
7.88 ± 2.64
5.80 ± 0.32
5.93 ± 0.33
5.76 ± 0.36
5.75 ± 0.37
6.11 ± 0.43
5.73 ± 0.20
5.85 ± 0.28
5.52 ± 0.38
5.80 ± 0.26
5.91 ± 0.48
5.70 ± 0.45
5.63 ± 0.73
4.85 ± 1.81
5.37 ± 0.83
5.78 ± 0.37
138.7 ± 1.1
140.0 ± 1.4
138.8 ± 0.5
138.3 ± 1.1
138.7 ± 1.0
138.8 ± 1.6
139.1 ± 1.3
138.2 ± 1.1
138.7 ± 2.0
138.3 ± 1.1
137.9 ± 1.8
140.0 ± 1.5
138.9 ± 2.5
138.6 ± 2.0
138.6 ± 1.1
3.65 ± 0.26
4.17 ± 0.19
3.83 ± 0.20
3.76 ± 0.27
3.50 ± 1.06
3.52 ± 0.15
3.96 ± 0.16
3.71 ± 0.15
3.69 ± 0.15
3.70 ± 0.11
3.49 ± 0.11
4.26 ± 0.38
3.72 ± 0.30
3.63 ± 0.12
3.76 ± 0.15
Table 1. Changes in blood variables before exercise and during post-exercise period.
Values are presented as means ± SD. * Significant different from Pre ; p<.000, # Significant different from NBFR40 : p<0.05, † Significant dif-
ferent from BFR25 : p<0.05
Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2020;24(2):030-037,
Muscle oxygenation, endocrine and metabolic regulations during exercise with blood flow restriction
all the trials was noted in the BFR40 trial, and the value
was significantly lower than those noted in the NBFR40
and BFR25 trials. The total energy expenditure during
the 15-min exercise session was significantly lower in
the BFR25 trial than in the NBFR40 and BFR40 tri-
als (NBFR40: 99.7 ± 21 kcal; BFR25: 64.9 ± 16 kcal;
BFR40: 112.1 ± 23.4 kcal, p<0.05). However, significant
differences were not noted between the NBFR40 and
BFR40 trials with respect to the total energy expenditure
during the 15-min exercise session.
The primary findings of the present study were that
the deoxy-Hb level was significantly higher during the
exercise session in the BFR25 and BFR40 trials than in
the NBFR40 trial. A significantly higher total-Hb level
was noted during the 2-min pressure phase in the BFR40
trial than in the NBFR trial. Moreover, exercise-induced
increase in the lactate level and decrease in the pH were
significantly higher in the BFR40 trial, with a concomi-
tant increase in the serum cortisol concentration after ex-
ercise. Notably, the substrate oxidation pattern was altered
with BFR during low-intensity endurance exercise. CHO
oxidation was significantly higher in the BFR40 trial than
in the NBFR40 and BFR25 trials, while fat oxidation was
lower in the BFR40 trial. These findings suggest that BFR
during low-intensity endurance exercise promotes muscle
deoxygenation and CHO metabolism compared to that
when the same exercise is performed without BFR.
During endurance exercise, the muscle blood flow
is increased in response to the metabolic demands of
the muscle17,18. NIRS is commonly used for evaluating
the oxygenation levels and hemodynamics in a work-
ing muscle. As an individual starts the exercise, oxygen
consumption and delivery to the skeletal muscle rapidly
increases, up to 50-fold or more19. In the present study,
significantly lower oxy-Hb levels were noted during the
2-min pressure phase in the BFR40 trial compared to
those in the NBFR40 trial. Moreover, the deoxy-Hb and
total-Hb levels were higher during the 2-min pressure
phase and 1-min release phase in the BFR40 trial than in
the NBFR40 trial. Several studies have reported that the
oxy-Hb dissociation curve promoted the rate of deoxy-Hb
at or close to the lactate and ventilatory thresholds [33,
34]. Moreover, the deoxy-Hb level during the pressure
phase was significantly higher in the BFR25 trial than in
the NBFR40 trial, despite lower exercise intensity in the
BFR25 trial. The total-Hb level measured using NIRS
reflects the blood volume in the muscle. As shown in
Figure 3, the total-Hb level was significantly higher in
Figure 4. Exercise-induced changes in serum growth hor-
mone (A), cortisol (B) and myoglobin concentrations (C) in
NBFR40, BFR25 and BFR40.
* Significant different from BFR40 at Pre ; p<.000, # Signifi-
cant different from NBFR40 at Post 60 ; p<0.002, Values are
presented as means ± SD.
Figure 5. Carbohydrate (A) and fat oxidation (B) rate during
15 min of exercise.
Values are presented as means ± SD. **p<0.05 between trials.
Physical Activity and Nutrition. 2020;24(2):030-037,
Muscle oxygenation, endocrine and metabolic regulations during exercise with blood flow restriction
the BFR40 trial than in the NBFR40 trial, suggesting that
the cuff pressure during low-intensity endurance exercise
augmented the muscle blood volume (blood perfusion).
Endurance exercise with BFR augmented hyperemic
blood flow in the local region, leading to increased shear-
ing stress on the vascular endothelial cells20. Therefore,
the augmented blood volume in the BFR40 trial may be
because of the increased nitric oxide production induced
by augmented shear stress21-23.
Notably, no difference was noted in the blood lactate lev-
els or pH between the BFR25 and NBFR40 trials, despite
the difference in the exercise intensity. In a previous study24,
unilateral plantar flexion (30 repetitions/min) using 20%
1RM with BFR promoted a decrease in the in intramuscular
phosphocreatine (PCr) and intramuscular pH, as measured
by 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), than ex-
ercise using 20% 1RM without BFR. Exercise with BFR
induces metabolite accumulation and may affect endocrine
response. In the present study, the serum GH level increased
till 60 minutes after exercise in the BFR40 trial; however,
but there was no significant difference in the serum GH
levels among the trials. This result may be attributed to the
short exercise duration (only 15 min). However, the serum
cortisol concentration was significantly elevated in the
BFR40 trial till 60 min after exercise; the serum cortisol and
myoglobin concentrations were significantly elevated in the
BFR40 trial at 60 min after exercise. Significant differenc-
es in the serum GH levels were not observed between the
NBFR40 and BFR25 trials. Significant differences were not
noted in the BFR40 trial; however, the serum GH tended
to increase significantly in the BFR40 trial. Although the
exercise-induced increase in the GH levels is dependent on
the exercise intensity, the present findings suggest that BFR
training effectively increases the serum GH levels. This may
be an important finding with respect to prescribing exercise
for untrained individuals, including elderly people.
In the present study, HR during the exercise was signifi-
cantly increased in the BFR40 trial than in the NBFR40
and BFR25 trials (NBFR40: 106 ± 11; BFR25: 102 ± 13;
BFR40: 137 ± 18, p <0.05). BFR stimulated autonomic
cardiovascular (CV) response through a chemical stim-
ulus of accumulation of metabolites and a mechanical
stimulus, such as muscle exercise pressor reflex (EPR)25.
The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during the 2-min
pressure phase was significantly higher in the BFR25 and
BFR40 trials than in the NBFR40 trial (NBFR40: 1.6 ± 0.1;
BFR25: 4.0 ± 0.4; BFR40: 5.8 ± 1.0, p<0.05). Stimulation
of EPR through BFR may increase exercise-induced fa-
tigue. Therefore, BFR during low-intensity endurance ex-
ercise augmented the score of subjective fatigue, probably
owing to augmented central command26,27. Several studies
have reported that endurance exercise with BFR enhanced
the recruitment of the fast twitch fibers (FT fibers) during
muscle activity. Enhanced FT fiber recruitment activates
anaerobic glycolysis and alters the substrate oxidation
pattern4,28-30. A 30-min low-intensity endurance exercise
session with BFR increased CHO metabolism13. The mus-
cle glycogen content significantly decreased after low-in-
tensity resistance exercise with BFR compared to that
when the same exercise is performed without BFR31. Our
results indicate that CHO oxidation did not differ between
the BFR25 and NBFR40 trials, despite the difference in
the exercise intensity. The exercise intensity was same
between the BFR40 and NBFR40 trials; however CHO
oxidation was higher in the BFR40 trial. Therefore, we
found that low-intensity exercise with BFR altered energy
substrate utilization during exercise.
The present study has several limitations. Firstly,
we did not evaluate the long-term training effects (e.g.,
change in the muscle strength, endurance, and muscle
volume). Secondly, the present study recruited only
healthy young male subjects. Although we applied the
same pressure of 160 mmHg , the pressure intensity may
vary depending on the muscle mass in the legs of the sub-
jects. To clarify the benefit of low-and moderate-intensity
exercise with BFR, further investigations in elderly peo-
ple or clinical populations are required.
During the 15-min low-intensity (either 25% or 40%
of V. O2 max) endurance exercise session, the levels of de-
oxy-Hb and total Hb were significantly increased, when
BFR was repeatedly applied. Moreover, lower levels of
oxy-HB were noted during endurance exercise with BFR at
40% V. O2 max achieved compared to those when the same
exercise was performed without BFR. These findings sug-
gest that BFR during low-intensity endurance exercise aug-
mented local hypoxia and blood volume in the muscle. Fur-
thermore, endurance exercise with BFR at 40% V. O2 max
promoted exercise-induced acidification in the blood (i.e.,
lower pH and higher blood lactate levels) compared to that
when the same exercise was performed without BFR. Final-
ly, BFR during low-intensity endurance exercise augmented
CHO oxidation and impaired fat oxidation. Although the
present study was performed as an acute experiment, the
findings may suggest the spotential benefits of BFR during
low-intensity endurance exercise for health promotion.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Educa-
tion of the Republic of Korea and the National Research
Foundation of Korea(NRF-2016S1A5B5A01021612).
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PMC9730280 | _VO2 kinetics and tethered
strength influence the 200-m
front crawl stroke kinematics and
speed in young male swimmers
Kamil Sokołowski1*, Raul Filipe Bartolomeu2,3,4,
Tiago Manuel Barbosa2,3 and Marek Strzała1
1Department of Water Sports, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Physical Education,
Kraków, Poland, 2Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, Instituto Politécnico de
Bragança, Bragança, Portugal, 3Department of Sports Sciences, Polytechnic of Guarda, Guarda,
Portugal, 4Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health and Human Development (CIDESD), Vila Real,
Background: The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between
the fast component of oxygen consumption developed in 1-min _VO2 and force
indices both measured in tethered swimming test and to assess the influence of
the gathered indices on speed and swimming kinematics in 200-m front
crawl race.
Methods: Forty-eight male swimmers (aged 13.5 ± 0.9 years old) participated in
this study. Testing included 1) 1-min all-out front crawl tethered swimming
while oxygen consumption (breath by breath) and tethered forces were
measured, 2) 200-m front crawl race-like swimming featuring kinematic
analysis, and 3) biological age (BA) examination.
Results: During the 1-min all-out tethered swimming test, a linear increase in
oxygen consumption was observed. There were moderate to high partial
correlations between particular periods of seconds in the 1-min
31–60, 41–60, and 51–60 and Fmax, Fave, and Iave of tethered swimming,
while 41–60 and 51–60 _VO2 were moderately to highly interrelated with all
the swimming speed indices and SI. The swimming speed indices significantly
interplayed with SL, SI, Fmax, Fave, and Iave. Partial correlations were computed
with BA control.
Conclusion: The ability of reaching a high level of _VO2 fast is essential for a
swimmer’s energy production at short- and middle-distance events. Reaching a
high level of _VO2 significantly determines tethered strength and swimming
kinematics. The level of _VO2 influences the maintenance of a proper pulling
force and the stroke technique of front crawl swimming in young male
adolescent swimming, oxygen uptake, tethered swimming, front crawl, biological age,
kinematic indices
Philippe Hellard,
Ministry of Education and Sport, Albania
Sebastian Weber,
INSCYD, Switzerland
Santiago Veiga,
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Kamil Sokołowski,
[email protected]
This article was submitted to Exercise
Physiology, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Physiology
RECEIVED 15 September 2022
ACCEPTED 07 November 2022
PUBLISHED 24 November 2022
Sokołowski K, Bartolomeu RF,
Barbosa TM and Strzała M (2022), _VO2
kinetics and tethered strength influence
the 200-m front crawl stroke kinematics
and speed in young male swimmers.
Front. Physiol. 13:1045178.
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.1045178
© 2022 Sokołowski, Bartolomeu,
Barbosa and Strzała. This is an open-
access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY). The use,
distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the
original author(s) and the copyright
owner(s) are credited and that the
original publication in this journal is
cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. No use, distribution
or reproduction is permitted which does
not comply with these terms.
Frontiers in Physiology
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 24 November 2022
DOI 10.3389/fphys.2022.1045178
The ability to increase energy production is considered
crucial in various sports, even in swimming where high
velocities cause relatively high energy cost of movement.
Thus, it is necessary among athletes of different age groups to
develop either aerobic or anaerobic metabolic pathways of energy
production. This begins with proper and adequate training from
early prepubertal age and continues further with aging, while
controlling the maturation level of the swimmer (Balyi and Way,
2009; Lätt et al., 2009). The contribution of energy pathways in
swimming events is varied and depends on the duration of the
race (Olbrecht, 2000). The 200-m front crawl, for example, is a
race which requires a high involvement of aerobic and anaerobic
pathways of energy production (Gastin, 2001).
The aerobic energy system participates in the overall energy
production right from the beginning of the all-out effort, and the
oxygen uptake almost reaches its maximum level within 60 s of
exercising (Gastin and Lawson, 1994; Serresse et al., 1988; Strzała
and Tyka 2009). It has been stated that the maximal oxygen
uptake ( _VO2 max) assesses the ability in developing and
maintaining high speed of sprint swimmers in efforts lasting
about 60 s (Ribeiro et al., 2015; Hellard et al., 2018). According to
the data presented by Figueiredo et al. (2011), even in 200-m
front crawl race, the aerobic pathway engages fast in providing
energy for muscle work within half of the race, while at the third
(long course) lap, aerobic metabolism provides for around 80% of
all energy production. Among swimmers of different age groups,
in the 200-m event, the aerobic contribution has been estimated
to be 72% (Zamparo et al., 2000) or even 78.6% (Sousa et al.,
2011). However, the contribution of the aerobic pathway of
energy production in swimming at short and middle distances
seems to have been underestimated over the past years
(Peyrebrune et al., 2014). Rodriguez et al. (2003) have
reported that swimmers not only reached 92.3% of their
_VO2 max in the 100-m events but also exhibited _VO2 kinetics
that was significantly faster in the 100-m race than in the 400-m
one. Their results highlight the significance of fast oxygen
kinetics especially while competing in short races, such as the
100-m ones. Despite the existence of research on the relationship
between oxygen consumption and swimming performance, there
is a need to refresh (Costill et al., 1985) and further investigate the
fast component of _VO2 kinetics, i.e., the abrupt oxygen delivery
to the body in short- to medium-term exercising periods.
Moreover, there is a knowledge gap on the influence and
dependence of this type of cardiorespiratory efficacy, present
in most swimming races, on the ability to generate propulsion
force and stroke kinematics.
In swimming, the examination of specific strength abilities is
deemed as a key factor when performing an evaluation. For this
purpose, swimming tethered tests are often conducted in adults
(Kjendlie and Thorsvald, 2006) and swimmers of other age
groups (Amaro et al., 2014). Several studies have confirmed a
strong relationship between tethered swimming tests (30–120 s)
(Morouço et al., 2012; Santos et al., 2016).
Biomechanical indices such as stroke length (SL), stroke rate
(SR), and stroke index (SI) are significant predictors of young
swimmers’ performance (Lätt et al., 2009) and are directly related
to swimming efficiency (Geladas et al., 2005). The literature
reports that strength preparation and a well-developed oxygen
system should cause better stroke kinematics in terms of the
ability to maintain proper SR and SL along the race (Costill et al.,
1985; Sokołowski et al., 2021). Given these premises, the aim of
this research was threefold: 1) to examine the relationship
between the fast component of oxygen consumption and
tethered swimming force production, 2) to examine the
consumption and 200-m front crawl race kinematics, and 3)
to assess the relationship between 200-m front crawl race
swimming kinematics and performance. It is hypothesized
that there would be a significant relationship between oxygen
uptake, tethered swimming force, stroke kinematics, and the
performance indices.
Materials and methods
Forty-eight young male swimmers [13.5 ± 0.9 years old;
14.55 ± 1.66 years of biological age (BA)] participated in this
study. They were recruited as swimmers with the highest
performance level in their age category from the Polish
region of Krakow and were at the fifth threshold in the
Ruiz-Navarro et al. (2022) classification of competitive
resulted in a mean value of 350.32 ± 60.22 FINA points for
the 200-m front crawl race. All participants were clinically
healthy and held a license from the Polish Swimming
Federation. All swimmers had been through 4–5 years of
research, encompassing at least 10 sessions per week and
had taken part in national-level competitions and national
swimming championships for their age group.
1-min Tethered swimming test
A tethered swimming test (Figure 1) in a laboratory-
controlled environment (temperature and humidity) was
conducted. The test consisted of a single bout of 1-min
duration of all-out freestyle tethered swimming and was
performed in a flume in still water. With due advance
notice, the swimmers were asked to rest the day before the
test and maintain their daily diet. Before entering the pool,
Frontiers in Physiology
Sokołowski et al.
they were informed about the testing procedure and then
underwent a 1000-m in-water warm-up, as before any
competition. After the warm-up and before the test, they
swam for 1 min in the flume at a slow pace, fully equipped
with the testing apparatus for adjusting to the testing
familiarize with the specific environment of the flume and
potential inconveniences of using the breathing apparatus and
tethered swimming. After the initial 1 min of familiarization,
the scientist conducting the test received feedback from the
participant. To signal the beginning and ending of the test, a
whistle was used. For the last minutes of warm-up and the test
itself, the swimmers were asked to breathe only through the
mouthpiece and avoid losing their nose clip. This procedure is
similar to their training sessions done using a snorkel. The
swimmers were equipped with a respiratory valve system that
featured an ergospirometer (Start 2000 MES, Poland). The
valve system was attached to a rod-like construction just above
the swimmer’s head. During the duration of the test, the
expired air was analyzed continuously (breath by breath)
(Ergo 2000M software MES, Poland) and data were saved
for further analysis. This has been proved to be a reliable
method of calculating oxygen uptake in swimming (Neiva
et al., 2017; Ribeiro et al., 2015; Sousa et al., 2011).
From the collected
data, the following
indices were
computed: 1) average oxygen consumption from the first 30 s
of the test (1–30 _VO2, l·min−1), 2) average oxygen consumption
from the last 30 s of the test (31–60 _VO2, l·min−1), 3) average
oxygen consumption from the last 20 s of the test (41–60 _VO2,
l·min−1), 4) average oxygen consumption from the last 10 s of the
test (51–60 _VO2, l·min−1), and 5) oxygen consumption from the
total test duration (1–60 _VO2, l·min−1).
Additionally, the participants wore a nylon waist belt,
connected by a 3.7 m steel cable to a load cell (ZPS5-BTU-
1kN, Poland) which was fixed on a steel pole (the fixing point
is 0.49 m above the water surface). Data were recorded by the
load cell at 100 Hz and transferred to a computer software
program for further analysis (MAX6v0M software, Poland).
Three parameters were calculated over a 60-s recording time:
1) maximum value of force (Fmax, N); 2) average value of force
in the entire test (Fave, N) and in the first and second 30-s
parts: Fave 0-30, Fave 30-60, N; and 3) average impulse per single
cycle (Iave, N·s−1) which is defined as the integral of force over
a period of time containing all full cycles divided by the
number of completed cycles:
where t0 is the beginning of the first full cycle and t1 is the ending
of the last full cycle in the 60-s period. Tethered swimming has
been described as a reliable method to assess swimming force
production (Kjendlie and Thorsvald, 2006; Psycharakis et al.,
2011; Amaro et al., 2014).
200-m Front crawl race
The 200-m all-out test was carried out in a 25-m swimming
pool that meets the International Swimming Federation (FINA)
requirements. Before the race, the swimmers completed a 1000-
m warm-up just like in competitions. Each trial was performed by
three to four swimmers in order to mimic competition
conditions. The final and split times of each trial were
Switzerland; OCP5, StartTime V). All trials were recorded
with a camera at 50 Hz framing (GC-PX100BE, JVC, Japan).
The velocity of the part of the race containing the first 10-m
start zone as well as start, turn, and finish (which resulted in
115 m) was calculated as VSTF (m·s−1). The surface swimming
velocity, i.e., the velocity over the effective clean swimming
distance (85 m) was deemed Vsurf (m·s−1). The times for
separate sectors were measured when the swimmer’s head
crosses the imaginary line linking the markers at both sides of
the pool. The 200-m front crawl velocity (Vtotal200, m·s−1) was
defined as 200 divided by the final time of the race. The video
footage, placement of the cameras and markers, video analysis,
and computation of the basic kinematic parameters were
performed analogically to the ones described in the literature
(Sokołowski et al., 2021), but in this study, a swimming distance
twice as long was considered.
Kinematic parameters
For the kinematic analysis, the stroke rate (SR), stroke length
(SL), and stroke index were calculated. The SR was defined as the
number of full stroke cycles performed within a unit of time (in
1-min tethered swimming test.
Frontiers in Physiology
Sokołowski et al.
cycles per minute) and was calculated by video analysis of three
consecutive stroke cycles (intraclass correlation of 0.99, 95% CI =
0.960–0.997). The SL was defined as the horizontal distance that
the body travels during a full stroke cycle and was calculated as
SL v
where SL (in m) is the stroke length, v is the swimming velocity,
and SR is the stroke rate. Finally, the SI was deemed as an overall
swimming efficiency estimator and computed as
SI SL · v
where SI (in m2·s−1) is the stroke index, SL is the stroke length,
and v is the swimming velocity.
Biological age
Examination of the participants in terms of BA was
conducted by an experienced anthropologist and calculated as
BA BHage + BMage
where BHage is the age obtained from the percentile charts based
on the participant’s body height and BMage is the age obtained
from the percentile charts based on the participant’s body mass.
The growth charts by the Children’s Memorial Health Institute,
which are standardized and validated for the Polish population,
were used (the 50th percentile was used to align the height and
mass with age). Additionally, pubertal development was assessed.
The Tanner stages based on pubic hair scale were estimated
(Bornstein, 2018). The great variety of biological maturation
levels in the adolescent groups at the same calendar age causes
great differences in muscle mass and aerobic and anaerobic
capacities of swimmers. Because of differences in maturation
specific water abilities of swimmers and specific testing could be
less correlated with swimming performance than simple general
tests as isometric force or counter movement jump (Garrido
et al., 2012; Strzała et al., 2019). BA may cause bias in the
correlation statistics with age control helps limit the strong
influence of BA in the effects of statistical calculations. The
data used in biological age calculation are presented in Figure 2.
Statistical analysis
The values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. In oxygen consumption averaged
per 10-s periods, the trend that was most suitable for the
gathered data (Figure 3) was identified. The paired-sample
t-test was used to compare the values of the average tethered
swimming force of the first and second parts of the 1-min
tethered swimming test. To identify the relationship between
all the variables and swimming velocities in the 200-m front
crawl, partial correlations controlled for BA were computed for
1) oxygen consumption and force indices;
2) oxygen
kinematic indices; and
Average data of BHage, BMage, and BA.
Average oxygen consumption of all participants, in 10-s
periods, during the 1-min tethered swimming test.
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3) swimming speed variables and kinematic and force indices.
The magnitude of the correlations was determined using the
modified scale by Hopkins (2000)—trivial: r ≤ 0.1; low: 0.1 < r ≤
0.3; moderate: 0.3 < r ≤ 0.5; high: 0.5 < r ≤ 0.7; very high: 0.7 < r ≤
0.9; nearly perfect: r > 0.9; and perfect: r = 1.
The data shown in Figure 3 represent the increase in oxygen
consumption in the 1-min all-out tethered swimming test, in 10-s
periods. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences
between values measured every 10 s (F = 164,9, p < 0.01). Further
trend analysis indicates the linear trend as the best adjusted to the
collected data (F = 289,44, p < 0.01).
There were moderate to high correlations between 31–60 _VO2,
41–60 _VO2, and 51–60 _VO2 and all the swimming force indices
(Fmax, Fave, Iave). Low correlations were observed between Fmax, Iave,
and 1–60 _VO2 (Table 1). A significantly higher average of tethered
force was noted in the first 30-s duration of the test: Fave 0-30 85.41 ±
21.41 N vs Fave 30-60 67.12 ± 15.22 (t = 14.77; df = 47; p ≤ 0.0000).
The 41–60 _VO2 and 51–60 _VO2 were moderately to highly
correlated with all the swimming speed indices and SI. Vsurf was
also significantly correlated with 1–30 _VO2 (Table 2). There was a
positive correlation between SL and 51–60 _VO2.
TABLE 1 Partial correlations controlled for BA between oxygen consumption and force indices from the tethered swimming test.
Fmax (N)
Fave (N)
Iave (N·s−1)
250.24 ± 58.39
74.90 ± 20.63
101.93 ± 23.48
1–30 _VO2 (l·min−1)
1.68 ± 0.59
31–60 _VO2 (l·min−1)
3.30 ± 0.76
41–60 _VO2 (l min−1)
3.65 ± 0.81
51–60 _VO2 (l min−1)
3.92 ± 0.97
1–60 _VO2 (l min−1)
0.245 p = 0.054
2.55 ± 0.59
*p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01.
TABLE 2 Partial correlations controlled for BA between oxygen consumption indices from the tethered swimming test, and swimming speed variables
and kinematic indices from the 200-m front crawl race.
1.40 ± 0.09
1.34 ± 0.09
1.46 ± 0.10
41.68 ± 4.52
1.93 ± 0.24
2.53 ± 0.42
1-30 _VO2 (l·min−1)
1.68 ± 0.59
31-60 _VO2 (l·min−1)
3.30 ± 0.76
41-60 _VO2 (l·min−1)
3.65 ± 0.81
51-60 _VO2 (l·min−1)
3.92 ± 0.97
1-60 _VO2 (l·min−1)
2.55 ± 0.59
p = 0.075
*p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01.
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Regarding the swimming speed and kinematic variables, the
strongest relationships were observed between SI and Vtotal200
and Vsurf and VSTF. The swimming speed was also moderately
correlated with SL, Fmax, Fave, and Iave (Table 3).
As a supplement to the results, it was decided to present the
level of selected oxygen uptake and strength indicators, measured
in the 1-min test, followed by the kinematics of 200-m front crawl
in relation to BA (Table 4). It could be observed that oxygen
uptake and strength abilities continuously improve with higher
BA. There was also a general increase in values of stroke
kinematics through the years of BA.
Table 5 shows 200-m front crawl kinematics by each 50-
m lap.
Regarding the analysis of _VO2 kinetics, an instantaneous and
sudden increase was observed along the 1-min all-out tethered
swimming. Despite the increase in
_VO2 which could be
characterized as a linear increase, the slopes in both initial
and final segments of the 1-min consumption were noticeably
lower than the one observed at the middle (Figure 3). Slower
oxygen uptake at the beginning of the test may be associated with
the use of high-energy phosphocreatine resources and yet low
ventilation ( _V E); the final slowdown in _VO2 growth is from
reaching a peak and increasing fatigue. This study revealed a
significant influence of _VO2 (mainly 41–60 _VO2 and 51–60 _VO2)
on 200-m front crawl race swimming speed, swimming
developed fast _O2 supply to working muscles (represented by
51–60 _VO2) is significantly related to strength (0.482 ≤ r ≤ 0.559,
p ≤ 0.01). This strength in swimming is expressed as the ability to
TABLE 3 Partial correlations controlled for BA between swimming speed variables and kinematic indices from the 200-m front crawl race and the
force indices from the tethered swimming test.
*p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01.
TABLE 4 Average values of oxygen uptake, tethered swimming, and kinematic indices of 200-m front crawl calculated for biological age.
of participants
11 (n = 1)
12 (n = 5)
13 (n = 15)
14 (n = 5)
15 (n = 9)
16 (n = 7)
17 (n = 4)
18 (n = 2)
TABLE 5 Average values of kinematic indices for each 50-m lap of 200-
m front crawl.
I 50
II 50
III 50
IV 50
SR (cycles·min−1)
42.91 ± 5.49
40.44 ± 4.63
39.99 ± 4.89
43.93 ± 4.87
SL (m)
1.97 ± 0.29
1.92 ± 0.24
1.90 ± 0.24
1.85 ± 0.23
SI (m2·min−1)
2.75 ± 0.54
2.46 ± 0.41
2.40 ± 0.41
2.49 ± 0.42
Vsurf (m·s−1)
1.45 ± 0.11
1.29 ± 0.09
1.26 ± 0.10
1.32 ± 0.09
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Sokołowski et al.
produce propulsive force, which is later translated into higher
stroke efficiency and thus better swimming economy (51–60 _VO2
vs SI, r = 0.539, p ≤ 0.01). Similarly, the higher energy demand
connected with 51–60 _VO2 translated into significantly higher
Vsurf (r = 0.584, p ≤ 0.05), which depended on proper swimming
economy, due to the relationship between Vsurf and SI (r = 0.692,
p ≤ 0.01) and Iave (0.387, p ≤ 0.01).
This study noted a relationship between 51–60 _VO2 and
the overall performance in 200-m front crawl (r = 0.640, p ≤
0.01) which is in tandem with the results of Rodriguez et al.
(2003), where a correlation between _VO2 peak values and the
performance at 100 m (r = 0.787, p ≤ 0.05) and 400 m (r =
0.752, p ≤ 0.05) was observed. The reason for a weaker
considered for the mean
_VO2 calculation. We used 10-s
periods, while Rodriguez et al. (2003) used 5-s periods. The
significant variability on acquired _VO2 values, and different
(including BA control) could also play a role in that
difference. In comparison to the results of Sousa et al.
(2011), which showed a positive correlation between 200-m
front crawl swimming speed and _VO2 peak (r = 0.69, p = 0.03),
our partial correlation was somewhat slightly lower (r = 0.640,
p ≤ 0.01). Nevertheless, these researchers found high _VO2
values right after the first 50 m that swimmers could almost
maintain for the 200-m effort. Researchers have put forward
that the need for oxygen in the muscles triggers an
instantaneous and sudden increase in O2 uptake from the
very beginning of the exercise (Ribeiro et al., 2015; Hellard
et al., 2018). Maybe the highest peak of O2 uptake could be
reached even faster in our study and show faster kinetics in
young athletes, but because it is in swimming, the aim of
racing (also through the test) is to withstand the pace as much
as possible until the end of the race. Nevertheless, in our
research, we recorded a positive distribution of average
tethered swimming force (Fave 0-30 85.41 ± 21.41 N vs Fave
30-60 67.12 ± 15.22 N). The question here is how speedily and
individually for a competitor, should a race be open to young
13-year-old swimmers in order to allow for the proper
engagement of the fast component of oxygen consumption.
It is known that positive pacing, or rather starting a race too
speedily, can cause excessive fatigue, low oxygen distribution,
and lactic acidosis in the skeletal muscles, which slow down
energy production in the aerobic pathway. It may also be due
to fatigue of the chest breathing muscles during the second
part of the 200-m distance (Gastin and Lawson, 1994).
It can be stated that for high aerobic capacity, the fast
development of high level of O2 supply is crucial while
performing middle distance events such as the 200-m front
crawl. For this purpose, the 1-min tethered swimming test
seems to be appropriate in examining the ability to supply O2
to the swimmer’s muscles to produce propulsion. Serresse et al.
(1988) who examined the maximum 90-s ergocycle test observed
that the highest _VO2 values occurred at about 60 s into the test.
Similar to our study, their results have shown a linear increase in
oxygen uptake up to 60 s into the test. Gastin and Lawson (1994)
stated that 30–60 s of maximum effort could be enough to reach
up to 90% of athletes’ _VO2 max. Ribeiro et al. (2015) claimed that
if the majority of the swimming races are 50, 100, and 200 m,
performed at high speeds, examining the
_VO2 max at low
intensities has limited application in the evaluation of the
swimmer’s conditioning. Alves et al. (2011) suggested that
faster kinetics during the initial phase of V _O2 max testing is
directly related to a better performance at middle-distance events
in swimming. Based on this reasoning, one could suggest that
middle-distance swimmers should undergo long, high-intensity
aerobic repeated sprints in training sessions.
Regarding tethered force production, in the present study, a
significant positive correlation was found between all indices and
200-m front crawl speed (0.321 ≤ r ≤ 0.411, p ≤ 0.01). Other
authors have reported similar findings: Santos et al. (2016) have
noted a positive correlation (0.61, p < 0.001) between the peak
force of the 2-min tethered swimming test and clean velocity of
200-m front crawl race, while Morouço et al. (2012) showed a
very strong relationship between average pulling force, peak
force, and 200-m front crawl velocity (r = 0.94 and r = 0.93,
respectively, p < 0.01). Again, controlling for BA and longer test
duration could be the reasons for weaker correlations in our
Our study showed great diversity in BA (Figure 2; Table 4). It
is therefore a practical example of emphasizing the need for each
trainer to adapt their training in relation to the BA of their
swimmers. If this is the case, even the most gifted swimmers with
delays in relation to BA are often frustrated by worse athletic
performance when compared to their calendar peers, and in
consequence, they overtrain trying to catch up to the others, get
disappointed, then quit their swimming training. On the other
hand, swimmers more advanced in relation to BA have the
potential to develop through more individualized, intense
Based on the high correlation between 51–60 _VO2 and SI
found in the present study (r = 0.539, p ≤ 0.01), we can state that
peak oxygen consumption determined the rate of transfer from
chemical energy to mechanical energy, thus leveling up the stroke
kinematics of the swimmers. This finding backs up the results by
Sánchez and Arellano (2002), where the SI was found to be higher
counterparts in all swim strokes. Barbosa et al. (2013)
proposed a multidisciplinary model of swimming performance
predictors where the SI plays a significant role. In a study by
Costill et al. (1985), the predictability of _VO2 max at freestyle was
reported to increase significantly when the SI was included in the
multiple regression analysis of an approximate 400-m swim. The
Frontiers in Physiology
Sokołowski et al.
Machado (2013) revealed that in young male swimmers, the SI at
the 200-m front crawl race explained 76% of the performance. In
the study by Nasirzade et al. (2015), 200-m front crawl
performance of young swimmers was strongly related to the
SL and SI (r = −0.79 and r = −0.72, p < 0.01, respectively). The
mentioned studies are in tandem with our results where SI
presented the highest positive correlation with all 200-m front
crawl variables (0.644 < r ≤ 0.692, p ≤ 0.01). This very high
performance itself, because the stroke index contains the
speed (according to the formula: SI SL · v).
The present study, analyzing the relationship between the
kinematics is in accordance with the one study found in the
literature on this matter, where Costill et al. (1985) identified
interrelationships between oxygen uptake, energy cost of
swimming, and stroking economy (SI). In our study, we
found moderate to high correlations between 31–60
_VO2, and 51–60
_VO2 and Fmax, Fave, and Iave. Low
correlations were observed between Fmax, Iave, and 1–60 _VO2.
It could be stated that the ability to generate the pulling force is
directly and positively related to the fast O2 supply which is
linked with the endurance of the swimmer in terms of aerobic
energy production and also lactate utilization or turnover to ATP
(Greenwood et al., 2008).
In the 1-min all-out effort, a sudden increase in oxygen
uptake was observed, with swimmers reaching high levels of _VO2
by the end of the tethered test. This fast ability of reaching high
_VO2 and trainability of this physiological variable is essential for
fitting an appropriate pacing in middle-distance racing and must
be an important aspect of 13-year-old swimmers’ conditioning
and of the older age groups too, in relation to their BA.
Furthermore, it is suitable for the physiological preparation
for 200-m front crawl performance and can be useful as a
predictor of the swimmer’s endurance. The high intensity
_VO2 testing used in the present study is appropriate for
predicting sprint (100-m) and middle-distance swimming
events performed at high speeds. There is a relationship
between the fast-developed 1-min high-level oxygen uptake
and the tethered strength abilities and high-speed swimming.
The fast O2 supply is crucial for maintaining a proper pulling
force and stroke technique.
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics statement
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by the Regional Medical Chamber in Cracow; decision
participate in this study was provided by the participants’
legal guardian/next of kin.
Author contributions
KS collected data, performed statistical analysis, and wrote
the manuscript. RB cowrote the manuscript. TB reread and
corrected the manuscript. MS cowrote the manuscript and
collected data.
Article processing charge (open access) was funded within
the framework of the programme of the Ministry of Science and
Higher Education (Poland) under the name “Regional Initiative
for Perfection” within the years 2019–2022, project No. 022/RID/
2018/19 in the total of 11,919,908 PLN.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, editors, and reviewers.
Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that
may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed
by the publisher.
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| <math xmlns=""> <mrow> <msub> <mrow><mover><mi>V</mi> <mo>˙</mo></mover> <mi>O</mi></mrow> <mn>2</mn></msub> </mrow> </math> kinetics and tethered strength influence the 200-m front crawl stroke kinematics and speed in young male swimmers. | 11-24-2022 | Sokołowski, Kamil,Bartolomeu, Raul Filipe,Barbosa, Tiago Manuel,Strzała, Marek | eng |
“Running with cancer”: A qualitative study to
evaluate barriers and motivations in running
for female oncological patients
Alice AvanciniID1*, Kristina Skroce2, Daniela Tregnago3, Paolo Frada2, Ilaria Trestini3,
Maria Cecilia Cercato4, Clelia Bonaiuto3, Cantor Tarperi2,5, Federico Schena2,
Michele Milella3, Sara Pilotto3, Massimo Lanza2
1 Department of Medicine, Biomedical, Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Verona Hospital
Trust, Verona, Italy, 2 Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, University of
Verona, Verona, Italy, 3 Department of Oncology, University of Verona Hospital Trust, Verona, Italy,
4 Epidemiology and Cancer Registry Unit, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, IRCCS, Rome, Italy,
5 Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
* [email protected]
Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that low physical activity levels are associated with an
increase in terms of both disease recurrence and mortality in cancer survivors. In this light,
deciphering those factors able to hamper or facilitate an active lifestyle is crucial in order to
increase patients’ adherence to physical activity. The purpose of this study was to explore
barriers and motivations in a sample of female oncological patients, practising running using
the ecological model and compare them with healthy controls. Focus group interviews were
conducted at Verona University. Participants were 12 female cancer survivors and 7
matched healthy controls who had participated at “Run for Science” project. The interviews
were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using content analysis. Transcripts were catego-
rized according to the ecological model, identifying barriers and motivations as themes.
About motivations, three sub-themes were included: personal, interpersonal and environ-
mental/organizational factors. Regarding barriers, another sub-theme was recognized:
community/policy factors. Compared to healthy controls, survivors expressed motivations
and barriers specifically related to their oncological disease. Running was a challenge with
their cancer and a hope to give to other patients. Main barriers were represented by treat-
ment-related side effects, inexperienced trainers and external factors, e.g. delivery of incor-
rect information. Running programs dedicated to oncological patients should consider
intrinsic obstacles, related to cancer and its treatment. The interventions should offer a per-
sonalized program performed by qualified trainers, together with a motivational approach
able to improve participants’ adherence to an active lifestyle.
In Italy, one out of three women will experience an oncological disease during lifetime [1].
Cancer is the second most common chronic disease in female population and in 2018 more
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Citation: Avancini A, Skroce K, Tregnago D, Frada
P, Trestini I, Cercato MC, et al. (2020) “Running
with cancer”: A qualitative study to evaluate
barriers and motivations in running for female
oncological patients. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0227846.
Editor: Denis Martin, Teesside University, UNITED
Received: December 24, 2019
Accepted: March 12, 2020
Published: April 2, 2020
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2020 Avancini et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: The data contained in
the paper constitute our minimal underlying data
than 1,870,000 women in Italy were living with a cancer diagnosis [1]. The introduction in
clinical practice of innovative treatments have allowed cancer survivors to achieve an
improved prognosis and quality of life. Nevertheless, cancer patients often experience impor-
tant treatment-related side effects, involving both the physical and psychological spheres, hav-
ing a potential prolonged impact on patients’ condition even after therapy conclusion [2].
An increasing amount of studies has demonstrated that physical activity (PA) and exercise
(EX) are safe and feasible in the oncological setting. PA can support standard therapies, help-
ing cancer survivors in reducing their risk of recurrence and mortality [3]. PA and EX can
facilitate the management of some disease- and treatment-related effects, as fatigue, nausea
and vomiting, increasing patients’ quality of life [4, 5]. Moreover, the EX and PA benefits
include improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness, strength, flexibility and body composition
[6, 7]. The American College of Sport Medicine recommends patients with cancer to avoid
inactivity and engage in at least 90 min/week of moderate-intensity aerobic PA, with strength
EX two times per week [2].
One of the most common type of aerobic PA is running, not only for its physical and physi-
ological benefits, but also for its accessibility and simplicity. A recent report indicated that
there were 17.1 million running participants during the 2015 running season [8]. Running is
the most widespread PA also in the cancer setting with an acknowledged beneficial impact [8].
Running confers numerous cardiovascular, metabolic, musculoskeletal and neuropsychiatric
benefits and is strongly associated with lower body weight and smaller waist circumference
[8]. This PA is shown to increase life-longevity and is often recommended as prevention and
control for various chronic diseases, including cancer. Previous studies have identified differ-
ent factors related to running motivation, as the desire to affiliate with other runners, an
increase in self-esteem, physical motives for general health benefits, improving quality of life,
coping with negative emotions and many more [9]. Despite many positive aspects connected
with a more active lifestyle, there are many barriers that can interfere with EX adherence, par-
ticularly speaking about running, which may be more physically and psychologically difficult
than some other activities [10].
These motivations and barriers are connected not only with the momentary health status,
but also with the previous health-related experiences [11]. Furthermore, individual behaviour
may be influenced by many elements that interact with the person [12] [13]. This approach,
also called ecological model assumes that individual competencies, intrapersonal relations,
organisational or community structures and political choices can influence or determine the
individual’s behaviour [12] in many fields, including physical activity and lifestyle. To date, no
study investigated barriers and motivations in female cancer survivors performing running
and compared them with their healthy controls. Therefore, the aim of this study was to qualita-
tively investigate barriers and motivations, according to the ecological model, in a sample of
female cancer survivors practising running and compare them with healthy controls.
Materials and methods
We conducted a series of focus group sessions among female adults affected or not by cancer
to qualitatively assess barriers and motivations towards running.
The study was approved by the local Ethical Committee (Department of Neurological,
Neuropsychological, Morphological and Movement Science, University of Verona, Prot. No.
165038) and followed to Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) guidelines for
qualitative research [14, 15].
Barriers and motivations in running for female oncological patients
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Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Participants and recruitment
A purposive sample was employed to recruit women who had participated at “Run for Science”
(R4S) project [16]. Inclusion criteria for the oncological group (OG) were: female participant,
had been diagnosed with cancer, being 18 years of age and participating in R4S event.
Regarding healthy controls (HC), women participating at R4S, with absence of chronic disease
and 18 years of age or older were considered eligible. The inclusion criteria were assessed by
AA through the database of R4S.
Eligible women were contacted individually via email by the research team to introduce
them the study. If they agreed to participate, AA contacted them by telephone to organize the
interview. Written informed consent was obtained from included participants the day of the
interviews, before starting the focus group. To protect participants’ identity pseudonyms were
used to report the data.
The “Run for Science” project
The R4S, previously described [17], is a research project endorsed by the University of Verona,
which involves Italian, European and American scientific institutions. The purpose of this
event, coordinated by FS, CT, and KS, is to investigate several aspects regarding the effects of
endurance running, and usually involves more than 200 volunteer runners every year.
Data collection
Focus groups were held, from April 2019-July 2019, in a meeting room at Department of Neu-
roscience, Biomedicine and Movement of Verona University and lasted approximately 60
minutes. Overall, five focus groups were organized, three for oncological subjects (n = 4, 5 and
3) and two for healthy participants (n = 4 and 3). Interviews were conducted separately for the
groups of women with a cancer diagnosis and the groups of healthy subjects. The reason for
this choice was to make a more possible comfortable environment to bring out detailed infor-
mation regarding own personal history.
The interviews were carried out by ML and observed by AA and PF. ML is Associate Profes-
sor in Sport Science and Methodology at Verona University with expertise in PA and health
promotion. AA is a PhD student involved in EX in oncological patients, with previous inter-
view experience and PF is a master’s degree student in preventive and adapted PA. Participants
were asked about barriers and motivators to running, applying the ecological model. AA and
the ML developed some semi-structured questions, based on previous studies [18, 19] to guide
the interviews (Table 1). The interview guide was reviewed by DT, the dedicated psycho-
oncologist working at Oncology Department of Verona University Hospital. All interviews
were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data collection continued until saturation
principle was reached, i.e. no new information seemed to emerge from the interviews.
After each focus group session, a questionnaire to investigate the socio-demographic data
(e.g. birth date, education level, marital status and occupational status) and clinical informa-
tion (medical history) was provided to participants to complete. Perceived economic insecurity
was assessed with the closed-ended question “How do you get to the end of the month, with
your available financial income?” with four possible response (i.e. many difficulties/ some diffi-
culties/ easily/ very easily).
ML, AA and PF independently analysed the data, using the content analysis. This approach
was performed with Atlas.tiTM software and involved a process of reading, reflection, decoding
Barriers and motivations in running for female oncological patients
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and re-reading on the meaning of the data collected, in order to analytically interpret the text.
First, the text was read several times to identify recurring ideas and to get a sense of the whole
discussion. The second point included the formulation of codes summarizing the salient fea-
tures of collected data. The third, was grouping the code into themes and eventually sub-
themes. The final step involved all three authors with a process called triangulation. This con-
sisted in presenting the emerged findings to the research team members, comparing the results
and defining the final themes [20]. Moreover, the researchers compared the emerged themes
from the HC and OG to find similarities and differences.
All the invited cancer survivors (n = 12) participated to the study, while only 7 out of 13
healthy females completed the focus group. Table 2 illustrates the socio-demographic and
medical characteristics of both groups. The transcripts were analyzed according to the ecologi-
cal model and the following common themes were categorized to reflect the levels: 1) motiva-
tions and 2) barriers in running.
Theme 1: Motivations
Features that have stimulated participant’s will to be or become active in everyday life, even
after the conclusion of oncological treatments, include three main sub-themes: individual,
interpersonal and organizational factors (Table 3).
Individual factors.
Different aspects connected with running were common in both
groups, such as enjoyment, previous experience, as well as mental and physical benefits of
exercising. Some women experienced a true well-being during their running workout, as
reported by this woman: “I like running, I like the emotion of moving with my own legs in the
environment, and the fatigue I feel is pleasant because it means that by this kind of practice I am
moving towards my goal.” (Giovanna, OG). Other women perceived their workouts as a time
of their everyday life where they enjoy themselves, as reported by this woman: “For me, it is
enjoyment and passion. I started practicing sport while I was not young anymore and I literarily
fell in love with running.” (Lara, HC). All women reported that their previous EX experience
Table 1. Semi-structured interview questions.
• From the personal point of view (thinking of physical and psychological state and previous experience) is there any
factor that in your opinion may motivate the adherence to running program?
• From the social point of view (thinking of relationships with other people, friends, colleagues, family) is there any
factor that in your opinion may motivate the adherence to running program?
• From the environmental point of view (thinking of place, organizations and institutions) is there any factor that in
your opinion may motivate the adherence to running program?
• From the cultural point of view (thinking of politics and national/regional rules) is there any factor that in your
opinion may motivate the adherence to running program?
• From the personal point of view (thinking of physical and psychological state and previous experience) is there any
factor that in your opinion may limit the adherence to running program?
• From the social point of view (thinking of relationships with other people, friends, colleagues, family) is there any
factor that in your opinion may limit the adherence to running program?
• From the environmental point of view (thinking of place, organizations and institutions) is there any factor that in
your opinion may limit the adherence to running program?
• From the cultural point of view (thinking of politics and national/regional rules) is there any factor that in your
opinion may limit the adherence to running program?
Barriers and motivations in running for female oncological patients
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represented a positive motivator in building and maintaining their active lifestyle. Although
the mental health benefits from exercise represented a common factor detected in both groups,
Table 2. Participant’ characteristics.
Oncological group (n = 12)
Healthy group (n = 7)
Agea, mean (SD)
50.5 (5.9)
47.5 (8.0)
Body mass indexb, mean (SD)
21.9 (2.8)
22.1 (0.8)
Education, N
High school degree
Undergraduate degree
Postgraduate degree
Marital status, N
Employment, N
Part time employed
Full time employed
Family incomec, N
Many difficulties
Some difficulties
Very easily
METs—Physical activity, mean (SD)
3069.9 (1536.5)
2441.3 (1119.1)
Tumor site, N
Stage, N
Months from diagnosis, mean (SD)
57.6 (34.5)
Undergone surgery, N
Undergone chemotherapy, N
Undergone radiation therapy, N
Undergone hormone therapy, N
Undergone others treatment, N
Current treatment status, N
SD, standard deviation, N, number; Mets, metabolic equivalent of the task expressed in minutes per week
a Expressed in years
b Expressed in units of kg/m2
c Perceived economic insecurity assessed by the question: How do you get to the end of the month, with your available
financial income?
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origins and consequences were different. In particular, healthy subjects applied these benefits
to deal with work, family or personal stress, as reported by Laura (HC): “If I’m tired and
exhausted at the end of my working day, I usually go for a run and reach some kind of mental
regeneration.” In contrast, oncological patients benefitted from running experience in terms of
better facing the prescribed treatments, as reported by Elisa (OG): “I suffered a lot from the psy-
chological point of view after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but now I am feeling much better
and as far as I understand this is due to my running workouts.” Other factors, such as the per-
formance results connected to running, the fact that it is a cheap and easy to perform activity,
were identified as personal motivation by the healthy group. In the oncological group, a crucial
motivation was specifically related to the disease. In this regard, all the participants confirm
that running means for them a personal challenge after cancer: “My main motivation is to
show to myself that I can do it, I can do something incredible, like a half marathon, even after my
cancer.” (Nicoletta, OG). Another important aspect recognized as a potent stimulus to running
is to give hope to other patients: “I run to give hope to who is beginning the tumor winding path.
Maybe they will see me and say: okay if she won it, I can do it too.” (Stefania, OG).
Interpersonal factors.
The relationship with others was an important motivator
highlighted during the focus group interviews, in both the oncological and healthy groups.
Training with other people was recognized as a vehicle of sociality able to increase motivation
in running. Moreover, for OG, exercising with someone who shares similar disease-related
experiences, helped them to remain motivated and active: “With these women I immediately
found myself very well. We speak the same language because we share the same cancer history.”
(Stefania, OG) and “Even if I cannot go, I say to myself: no, someone is waiting for me, I cannot
skip, I need to go and workout with them.” (Elisa, OG). Family support is common in both
groups. In the HC perspectives, partner stimulate the participants to train, as Lara (HC) told:
“My husband encouraged me to run. He is a crucial support for me.”. In cancer survivors’ group,
the family support resulted overall positive, but sometimes controversial. Some of them were
encouraged, as Margherita (OG) remembered: “My dad is 85 years-old and he rides a bike. He
Table 3. Motivation and barriers related to running EX identified by cancer survivors compared to healthy controls.
Ecological model (level)
Cancer survivors
Healthy controls
Cancer survivors
Healthy controls
Personal factors
• Prior EX experiences
• Prior EX experiences
• Lack of time (in progress)
• Lack of time
• Enjoyment
• Enjoyment
• Injury
• EX failure
• Physical and mental
• Physical and mental
• Cancer-related treatment side
• Cancer-related challenge
• Positive EX results
• Hope for other patients
• Ex easy budget
Interpersonal factors
• EX group support
• EX group support
• Trainer not qualified
• Lack of social support
• Family support
• Family support
• Friends support
• Physician support
Environmental and organizational
• Natural environment
• Natural environment
• Poor personal security
• Poor personal security
• Organized training
• Untended environment
• Untended environment
• Air pollution
Community and policy factors
• Traditionalist culture
• Running is underestimated
compared to
• EX only for athletes and body
• other sports
• Incorrect information delivery
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always encourages me to stay physically active”. By contrary, others had some concerns, as Gio-
vanna (OG) reported: “My parents did not want me to run, they told me you will be too much
tired, you have to recover” or Nicoletta (OG) explained: “My husband recommended me not to
exaggerate, because I could get injured like my colleagues did.” Nevertheless, oncological
patients described that friends, as well as the medical staff, support their choice to begin a run-
ning program. Daniela (OG) remembered: “When I decided to start a running program, a lot of
my friends texted me an encouraging message to continue exercising” and Tony (OG) recounted:
“My oncologist told me that I had to do this, that after my cancer I had to rebuild my life”.
Environmental and organizational factors.
For both groups, running in the natural
environment is an important supportive factor to continue the activity. “Sometimes I go run-
ning by the Garda lake, with a wonderful landscape, so it is a very pleasant environment for
exercising. I feel less fatigue because I am concentrated on what my eyes see around me” said
Antonella (OG), or “We live in a beautiful place that gives us the possibility to stay in touch with
the nature and I like a lot running in this area” Federica (HC) remembered. Moreover, OG rec-
ognized the great impact of training with an organized team, which provided them with a run-
ning campus, a trainer to indicate and explain them the workouts they needed to do: “Have
someone who follows you, like an organization, this is very motivating for me” (Giulia, OG).
Theme 2: Barriers
The interviews revealed various aspects that could interfere with the running EX. The identi-
fied barriers were categorized into four sub-themes, including: personal, interpersonal, organi-
zational and community-policy factors (Table 3).
Individual factors.
The personal barriers recognized as obstacles to running were differ-
ent between the two groups. The only common aspect was lack of time dedicated to running,
although the perspective regarding this potential barrier was different between OG and HC.
For healthy subjects, lack of time emerged as the principal obstacle that interferes with run-
ning: “Unfortunately I must give priority to the work and when I was preparing for my half mar-
athon and needed to run for two hours, I could run only one hour and a half” (Erika, HC). Also
from cancer survivors’ point of view, lack of time in EX could be a potential barrier, but most
of them explained how cancer disease changed this opinion: “In a typical day it is difficult to
cut out some time for EX because you have to work, prepare the dinner for your family, stay with
your son because these are the priorities. After my cancer, I said to myself that now I exist! Now I
can find my space and my time for EX, I demand it!” (Antonella, OG).
In OG, a general consensus confirmed that injuries and treatment-related side effects repre-
sent potential obstacles for running. In particular, injuries of other training partners were indi-
cated as reasons to discontinue running, how Elisa (OG) and Nicoletta (OG) reported: “When
I had a knee injury, I was strongly tempted to stop running, to give up the group” and “When
four out of eight colleagues were injured, I thought of interrupting my training session because I
did not want to hurt myself”. Concerns about cancer- and treatment-related side effects were
indicated as strong factors that may obstacle running: “Hormonal therapy causes fatigue and
joint pain, therefore sometimes it is very difficult for me to begin any exercise” (Nadia, OG). Mir-
ella (OG) also reported: “My chemotherapy cycles were very long and hard. The main side effect
that I experienced was peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes I had to interrupt running, because I
had serious sensibility problem in my foots and I was afraid of hurting myself”. Finally, HC
reported that failing in pre-established running performance was a serious obstacle to main-
tain own training: “When you expect to run for example 10 kilometres with a faster pace and
you cannot do it, you lose confidence in yourself and sometimes the temptation to give up is really
strong” (Erika, HC).
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Interpersonal factors.
The OG referred that their trainers were not well prepared nor spe-
cifically qualified for advising a patient with oncological disease and this was a major obstacle.
“When I began to run my coach proposed me an overestimated program for my situation. After a
month and a half my knees were blocked, I was in pain, I had difficulty to walk, I had to stop for
one month and the temptation to interrupt was very strong” (Antonella, OG). Another partici-
pant in the OG expressed concerns regarding the knowledge of some instructors: “I did not
have a good trainer, I never performed a warm-up phase, or exercised to reinforce my muscle,
and also from a human point of view the support was completely missing” (Ilaria, OG).
Environmental and organizational factors.
Poor personal security and uncontrolled
environment were interrelated and represented a barrier for running in both the HC and OG.
“I love running in the nature, but sometimes I meet weird people and I think: this way is not
secure for running because I should run without listening to music in order to see if the person
that stopped is following me” recounted Lara during an interview in the healthy group. Also,
Margherita (OG) told: “I used to run on the bicycle lane and I always carried pepper spray with
me because the environment was not controlled and I always had this feeling that someone was
behind me, I did not feel comfortable”. However, this feeling of insecurity is magnified by poor
maintenance of natural environment; in the OG: “Some areas are poorly managed, there is tall
grass that nobody cuts, the plants are not pruned and grow everywhere and consequently I'm
afraid to run in those places” (Rossella, OG). In addition, another problem for OG was air pol-
lution: “Sometimes I decide to postpone my training due to poor air quality; I do not want to
breathe toxic air.” (Ilaria OG). Another woman reported the difficulty to run in some areas
because of air pollution: “In some places, smog is very high and I have to admit that it is really
difficult to go out for a run.” (Margherita, OG).
Community-policy factors.
Even if both groups recognized that the sport bodies organise
several running manifestations, they agreed on the fact that the actual Italian policy situation
was not favourable on promoting running. As Paola (HC) said: “We live in a country where the
main sport is football, the others are considered second class sports and, for this reason, are penal-
ized”. Furthermore, the OG highlighted how the current traditionalist culture hindered the
practice of PA in general: “We live in a traditionalist culture, in which we teach our sons to go to
school, to work, to have a family. These are the priorities.” (Antonella, OG). Moreover, market-
ing was reported as a negative factor that blocks the correct and healthy promotion of running
in OG. In fact, it usually appears that running EX is only adequate for athletes or for physically
active subjects, and it is always related to body image. In this regard, Rossella (OG) and Nadia
(OG) remembered: “The current advertising and culture teach you to follow a woman model:
lean, made up, that does not sweat; this is very disheartening for me.” or “Many information is
incorrect and confounding; according to certain advertising you should train yourself to be cool
and to have a beautiful body, not for health or for preventing or controlling chronic conditions.”
To the best of our knowledge, this research represents the first qualitative investigation explor-
ing motivations and barriers about running, as exercise training, in a group of female cancer
survivors and compared them with matched healthy controls. We found several factors that
stimulate the approach and adherence to running and others that limit them.
Regarding running motivations, several points were common in both groups, such as
enjoyment, possibility to perform this type of EX in a natural environment, social support
given by teammates and attitude towards EX. These results are in line with previous data [21].
McIntosh et al. for example identified physical and psychological benefits together with social
support as factors that stimulated patients who have had cancer to maintain their walking
Barriers and motivations in running for female oncological patients
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activity [18]. Nevertheless, from cancer survivors’ perspective, other strong running motiva-
tions, related to their health history, were identified. Running performance was a challenge
connected with their disease and a sort of demonstration they could overcome cancer, giving
also hope to other cancer patients. Moreover, the focus group highlighted that patients who
have had an oncological disease obtained more support from their family, friends, physician
and workout teammates compared to healthy controls. This result is supported by Husebø
et al., who identified social support as a crucial component in influencing physical EX in
women affected by breast cancer [22]. Regarding the environmental and organizational level,
other motivations stimulated patients to maintain their running program, such as taking part
in an organized training program and performing this activity in a natural environment.
Doing EX outside is a common preference found in several other studies, in different cancer
populations, while Blaney et al. reported that participating in an EX program, organized and
supervised by an EX specialist was a strong motivator that seemed to offer assurance to survi-
vors [23]. These findings support a series of recommendations that should be provided to can-
cer survivors in order to propose a successful running program, e.g. increase knowledge
regarding EX benefits and promote group training, as summarized in Fig 1.
Focusing on barriers toward running, some environmental and organizational factors were
similar between the oncological group and healthy subjects, such as poor personal security and
untended environment. Another study has emphasized these obstacles mentioning that “safety
Fig 1. Strategies to increase adherence and compliance in a running program.
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issues” were an impediment to patients affected by cancer walking activity [24]. In addition,
they expressed many barriers related to their cancer journey [19, 23]. For example, cancer-
related treatment side effects, such as fatigue, joint pain or peripheral neuropathy were identi-
fied as serious impediments significantly interfering with the maintenance of running EX.
Moreover, physical injuries, inexperienced trainer, air pollution and the public scarce attractiv-
ity of running training have emerged as issues that can inhibit the adherence to a running pro-
gram. Regarding EX security, a recent systematic review with metanalysis has investigated the
safety and feasibility of EX among women affected by stage II-IV breast cancer. A total of 60
randomized controlled trials involving 5200 participants were included. The analysis showed
no differences in adverse advents between EX and usual care, independently of EX supervision
(EX supervised defined as over half of the Ex session involved face-to-face supervision) [25].
These findings support the EX safety, also in an unsupervised context, and therefore suggest
that the fear of injuries observed in our oncological patients does not represent a real risk. Nev-
ertheless, the psychological disease-related background might justify this concern. Indeed, a
cancer diagnosis and its related treatments carry several physical and psychological impair-
ments that alter the subject’s perspectives, e.g. changes in body composition and body image,
physical deconditioning. Cancer survivors might not feel confident or capable of performing
EX, and specifically running, consequently, they are afraid to undergo injuries and want, for
this reason, assurance regarding the trainer’ professionality [26]. Therefore, the trainer should
be able to reassure the participants about EX safety, personalizing the information and the
instructions to provide. Moreover, after diagnosis, they usually search for additional informa-
tion about their lifestyle (e.g. nutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, PA) from several
sources [27, 28]. Without adequate competence to correctly evaluate the quality of the col-
lected information, there is the concrete risk of finding misleading news leading to unsafe and
risky habits or that can induce excessive attention to those environmental factors potentially
harmful as air pollution.
One last element seems significant, even if ambivalent. The possibility of reliving the posi-
tive emotions experienced in previous training experiences are indicated as significant motiva-
tions by the OG. This element further supports the promotion of exercise and training
experiences also in the general population because its lack, may decrease the possibility of reac-
tion in case of illness. Even in this case some suggestions, based on the identified barriers,
should be considered while planning a running program for cancer survivors (Fig 1). Nowa-
days, some studies were conducted to improve EX adherence in cancer setting. Among them,
Rogers and colleagues have proposed the BEAT trial (Better Exercise Adherence after Treat-
ment) which aims to implement behaviour changes in breast cancer survivors by using the
social cognitive theory. This dynamic model combines behavior, personal and environmental
influences and, at the same time, includes barriers and facilitators in order to create a frame-
work for the design of a durable physical activity intervention. In this study the participants
were significantly more likely to meet physical activity recommendations both immediately
post-intervention and after 3 months compared to control group, besides to show better
improvements in fitness and quality of life [29]. These results confirm the importance of
including EX barriers and motivators in planning an effective EX program. Focusing on run-
ning, some projects (i.e. “Cancer to 5K”) proposed an EX training for cancer survivors, but not
specific information regarding how the program was planned are available. To the best of our
knowledge, some experiences have investigated the physical benefit of running in cancer[30],
but no specific studies have organized the running program considering barriers and
Our study has some limitations as the low response rate especially in the healthy group.
Although we cannot guarantee that the saturation principle was achieved in HC, our study
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mainly focused on oncological patients’ experiences and further investigations will be per-
formed in order to confirm our findings. Moreover, it has to be acknowledged that the partici-
pants with cancer were already motivated to run as demonstrated by their participation in the
R4S event. The oncological group was affected by different cancer types and considering the
peculiarity of the physical EX evaluated (endurance running), the results are not widely gener-
alizable to other activities. Nonetheless, precisely because these conditions represent a real-
world situation, we believe that it is interesting to understand factors that induced these sub-
jects to approach and adhere to running EX.
In conclusion, the current literature shows the strong importance of a constant PA, such as
endurance running, after a cancer diagnosis in order to reduce recurrence risk and mortality.
Exploring the factors that limit and favour the promotion of an active lifestyle is extremely
important to design specific interventions. Our study investigated, using an ecological
approach, barriers and motivations towards endurance running in women affected by cancer
and compared them with matched healthy subjects. We found that OG had many motivations
originating by personal and interpersonal levels. Furthermore, they interfaced with several
obstacles, present into all four levels of the ecological model. Among them, the cancer experi-
ence appeared significantly important and influenced both motivators and barriers. Develop-
ing a running program that considers all these aspects, may increase its success in terms of
both adherence and compliance in this kind of patients (Fig 1).
We thank all the participants that took place in this study.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Alice Avancini, Massimo Lanza.
Data curation: Alice Avancini, Daniela Tregnago, Paolo Frada.
Formal analysis: Alice Avancini, Kristina Skroce, Paolo Frada.
Funding acquisition: Massimo Lanza.
Investigation: Alice Avancini, Kristina Skroce.
Methodology: Alice Avancini, Daniela Tregnago, Sara Pilotto, Massimo Lanza.
Project administration: Cantor Tarperi, Federico Schena, Michele Milella, Massimo Lanza.
Resources: Alice Avancini, Kristina Skroce, Daniela Tregnago, Ilaria Trestini, Clelia Bonaiuto,
Cantor Tarperi, Federico Schena, Sara Pilotto.
Software: Alice Avancini, Paolo Frada.
Supervision: Federico Schena, Michele Milella, Massimo Lanza.
Validation: Massimo Lanza.
Visualization: Alice Avancini, Kristina Skroce, Daniela Tregnago, Ilaria Trestini, Maria Ceci-
lia Cercato, Clelia Bonaiuto, Federico Schena, Michele Milella, Sara Pilotto, Massimo
Writing – review & editing: Daniela Tregnago.
Writing – original draft: Alice Avancini, Kristina Skroce, Sara Pilotto.
Barriers and motivations in running for female oncological patients
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Writing – review & editing: Alice Avancini, Kristina Skroce, Paolo Frada, Ilaria Trestini,
Maria Cecilia Cercato, Clelia Bonaiuto, Cantor Tarperi, Federico Schena, Michele Milella,
Sara Pilotto, Massimo Lanza.
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| "Running with cancer": A qualitative study to evaluate barriers and motivations in running for female oncological patients. | 04-02-2020 | Avancini, Alice,Skroce, Kristina,Tregnago, Daniela,Frada, Paolo,Trestini, Ilaria,Cercato, Maria Cecilia,Bonaiuto, Clelia,Tarperi, Cantor,Schena, Federico,Milella, Michele,Pilotto, Sara,Lanza, Massimo | eng |
PMC10250310 | 1
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303
Participation and performance
trends in short‑, medium,
and long‑distance duathlon
Jonas Turnwald 1, Caio Victor Sousa 2, Marilia Santos Andrade 3, Mabliny Thuany 4, Ivan Cuk 5,
Pantelis Theodoros Nikolaidis 6, Katja Weiss 1 & Beat Knechtle 1,7*
Participation and performance trends of male and female athletes have been thoroughly analyzed
in various endurance sports. Knowing these trends can help coaches and athletes prepare for
competitions and may influence their training strategy and career planning. However, duathlon
events—consisted of two splits of running (Run1 and Run2) interspersed by a split of cycling (Bike)—
have not been thoroughly studied, unlike other endurance sports. The present study aimed to
compare participation and performance trends in duathletes who competed in duathlon races hosted
by World Triathlon or affiliated National Federations between 1990 and 2021. A total of 25,130
results of age group finishers who competed in run‑bike‑run duathlon races of varying distances
were analyzed with different general linear models. Races were divided into three distances: short‑
distance (up to 5.5 km run, 21 km bike, 5 km run), medium‑distance (5–10 km run, 30–42 km bike,
7–11 km run) and long‑distance (at least 14 km run, 60 km bike, 25 km run). On average, women
represented 45.6% of all finishers in short‑distance, 39.6% in medium‑distance and 24.9% in long‑
distance duathlon races. Throughout the years, men were consistently faster than women in all three
race legs (Run 1, Bike, and Run 2) in all three distances across all age groups, and women could not
reduce the performance gap. Concerning the age of peak performance, duathletes of the age group
30–34 finished most often in the top three in short‑ and medium‑distance duathlons, whereas male
duathletes of the age group 25–29 and female duathletes of the age group 30–34 finished most often
in the top three in long‑distance duathlons. Women participated less, especially in longer distances,
and were constantly slower than men. Duathletes of the age group 30–34 finished most often in the
top three. Future studies should analyze participation and performance trends in further subgroups
(e.g., elite athletes) and pacing behaviours.
Age of peak performance
General linear models
International Triathlon Union
World Triathlon
Non-professional endurance sports have been consistently growing in popularity during the last decades. Accord-
ingly, the scientific community has studied participation and performance trends in various sports such as
triathlon1,2, distance running3–5, cycling6,7 and duathlon8–10. Duathlon is a unique multi-discipline sport in which
athletes compete in a run-bike-run format. It is internationally governed by Word Triathlon (WT), formerly the
International Triathlon Union (ITU). WT distances include a sprint-distance (5 km run, 20 km bike, 2.5 km run),
standard-distance (5–10 km run, 30–40 km bike, 5 km run), middle-distance (10–20 km run, 60–90 km bike,
10 km run) and long-distance (10–20 km run, 120–150 km bike, 20–30 km run), but individual race distances
can vary11. Participation and performance trends in duathlons have been investigated before. Nonetheless, to
the best of our knowledge, the current literature is either based on a specific race8,10,12 or a specific distance9.
1Institute of Primary Care, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 2Health and Human Sciences, Loyola
Marymount University, Los Angeles, USA. 3Department of Physiology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo,
Brazil. 4Faculty of Sports, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. 5Faculty of Sport and Physical Education,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. 6School of Health and Caring Sciences, University of West Attica,
Athens, Greece. 7Medbase St. Gallen Am Vadianplatz, Vadianstrasse 26, 9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland. *email:
[email protected]
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
The performance gap between sexes is one of the main points of interest in endurance sports research. Con-
sistent with studies on other endurance sports1,3–6,13, slower race times of women were observed in previously
studied duathlon events8–10. Recently, Romero-Ramos et al.9 analyzed performance differences, with regard to
age and sex, of the top ten age group athletes competing in the ITU Duathlon World Championships from 2005
to 2016 on the standard-distance length. Men outperformed women in all age groups in all race legs and with
advancing age, the differences between both sexes increased9. Previous investigations focused on the Powerman
Zofingen with its two distances (short-distance: ~ 10 km run, 50 km bike, 5 km run; long-distance: ~ 10 km run,
150 km bike, 30 km run)8,10. A consistent sex difference of ~ 18–19% in all race legs and total times was observed
in the annual top ten elite athletes who participated in the long-distance races between 2002 and 201110. When all
finishers of the short- and long-distance races from 2003 to 2017 were analyzed, the sex difference was similar in
both versions (~ 8%)8. These differences in race times between females and males might be explained by physi-
ological, anthropometric, genetic, hormonal and psychological factors13–15. However, the sex gap seems to be
dependent on the race distance. In other endurance sports, such as distance running, the sex gap has been shown
to decrease in ultra-endurance-distances15–17. In a study by Waldvogel et al.16, a higher sex gap was observed in
50 mile (9.13%) than in 100 mile (4.41%) ultra-marathon races.
Age is another important aspect affecting performance in endurance sports. With advancing age, cellular
deterioration and loss of tissue function occur, affecting physical performance in different manners based on the
specific requirements of the activity18–20. Compared to sprint races, the age of peak performance (APP) seems to
be higher in endurance races2,20. This relationship is also reflected in endurance events of different distances. For
instance, Nikolaidis et al.12 investigated the APP in the short- and long-distance races of the Powerman Zofingen
and reported that the fastest age group was younger in the short-distance race (age group 20–24) than in the long-
distance race (age group 25–29). Conversely, Romero-Ramos et al.9 reported a higher APP (age group 30–34)
in both genders when the overall performance of the top ten athletes of each age group at the ITU Duathlon
World Championships on the standard-distance was compared. As the race distances (~ 10 km run, 40 km bike,
5 km run) were shorter compared to the short version of the Powerman Zofingen (~ 10 km run, 50 km bike,
5 km run), the difference in the observed APP might be explained by the different study designs and the specific
characteristics of the Powerman Zofingen. This highlights the importance of a more extensive dataset for a better
understanding of the trends in duathlon9,12. Up to now, no study regarding the APP in the sprint-distance exists.
The two disciplines, running and cycling, represent different types of locomotion with their own anthro-
pometric and physiological correlates21,22. When the age-related performance decline of each discipline was
analyzed separately, the cycling performance could be better maintained than the running performance in
older athletes8,9,23. This phenomenon was also observed in triathlon events, where the performance decline with
increasing age was more prominent in swimming and running than in cycling1.
Little is known so far concerning participation trends in duathlon. When investigating finishers of the Power-
man Zofingen from 2003 to 2017, 15.2% of all finishers in the long-distance and 15.9% of all finishers in the short-
distance were women8. In the shorter ITU Duathlon World Championships (standard-distance), higher participa-
tion of women was observed from 2005 to 2016. Romero-Ramos et al.9 reported that 23.5% of all finishers were
women. More studies have been conducted on triathlon races, with an increase in female participants observed
since the 1980s1. Also, in triathlon, it seems that women tend to compete in shorter than longer distances1,24–26.
Although the above-mentioned literature provides some information about participation and performance
trends in duathlon, no study has investigated the worldwide trends across different race distances so far. Knowl-
edge of these trends would not only be interesting for scientists but could also help athletes and coaches prepare
for races and could influence their training strategy depending on the sex and age of an athlete and the specific
distance of a race. Furthermore, duathletes who are aware of different APPs in different race distances would be
able to plan their career more precisely.
Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the worldwide participation and performance trends in
duathlon with an extensive dataset, including results from finishers who participated in duathlon races worldwide
across different distances over several decades. Based upon the previously mentioned findings, we hypothesized
firstly that more male than female finishers would be recorded for all distances and especially for longer distances,
secondly, that men would be faster than women, thirdly that the sex gap would narrow throughout the years and
fourthly, that the APP is higher in longer race distances.
Ethical approval and consent to participate.
This study was approved by the Institutional Review
Board of Kanton St. Gallen, Switzerland, with a waiver of the requirement for informed consent of the partici-
pants as the study involved the analysis of publicly available data (EKSG 01/06/2010). The study was conducted
in accordance with recognized ethical standards according to the Declaration of Helsinki adopted in 1964 and
revised in 2013.
Duathlon events.
Results of international events hosted by WT or affiliated National Federations were
obtained from the results section of WT’s official website27. To ensure comparability, we only included regular
international duathlon races that were either World Championship or Continental Championship races, and
excluded Cross- or Winter-Duathlons. A total of 187 races were identified, which have taken place from 1990 to
2021. However, distances were not stated on the downloadable result lists. Therefore, information about the race
distances had to be retrieved in multiple ways. The race distances were listed in the “Program notes” section for
some participant groups. If this was not available, we searched the event page of a specific race with the three
tabs “Event Info”, “Local Info” and “Contact” for any information. If no distance was available, we scanned the
event page for an external link to the official event website of the race. If available, we thoroughly browsed this
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
website to find the relevant data. An external link was found for some races, but the website was no longer active
or contained non-corresponding content. In this case, we searched for archived versions of the event website on
the Wayback Machine of the Internet Archive to get any information regarding the distances28. Nonetheless, no
distances could be retrieved for some events/participant groups. We only included data of participant groups, if
a clear association of a respective participant group with a specific distance was present. As individual race dis-
tances differed and did not always match a specific WT distance, we divided the races into three distances: short-
distance (up to 5.5 km run, 21 km bike, 5 km run), medium-distance (5–10 km run, 30–42 km bike, 7–11 km
run) and long-distance (at least 14 km run, 60 km bike, 25 km run).
For the purpose of this study, we only included successful finishers of adult age group categories who com-
peted in a duathlon race in a run-bike-run race mode. Except for the age group 18–19 years, each age group
covers a five-year period (20–24 years through to 85–89 years). Required data from the race results included
the name of an athlete, the sex, the split times, the total time and the age group. The year and name of an event,
obtained from the corresponding event page on WT’s website, and the distance were added. No races from the
years 1990, 1992, 1996, 1997, and 2004 could be included. In short-distance duathlon, the first race that could be
included was in 2011, in medium-distance duathlon in 1991, and in long-distance duathlon in 2002. Excluded
were results from the 1997 Guernica ITU Duathlon World Championships, as the split times did not match the
overall times in most cases, and the 2003 Affoltern ITU Duathlon World Championships, as the stated distance
appeared to be wrong. Moreover, finishers with empty race times and statistical outliers in any of the race legs
(slower/faster by three standard deviations from the mean) were excluded. In total, 66 races met the inclusion
Statistical analysis.
Descriptive statistics were presented using mean ± standard deviation and frequencies.
All data showed parametric distribution and homogeneity of variance through the Kolmogorov–Smirnov’s and
Levene’s tests, respectively. Average speed (kilometers per hour (km/h)) was established as the dependent vari-
able for all models. General linear models (GLM) with two factors (two-way ANOVA) were applied for each dis-
tance (short, medium, and long) considering the independent factors “sex × age group” and “sex × calendar year”.
Further GLM were conducted for men and women separately with “event distance × age group” as independent
factors. Fisher’s least significant difference was applied as a post-hoc test to identify specific differences between
independent factors. Partial eta square (ηp
2) was applied as a measure of effect size, considering ηp
2 = 0.01 as a
small effect, ηp
2 = 0.06 as a moderate effect, and ηp
2 = 0.14 as a large effect. Statistical significance was defined as
p < 0.05. All statistical analyses were carried out with Statistical Software for the Social Sciences (IBM® SPSS v.25,
Chicago, Ill, USA).
A total of 25,130 finishers were included. Short-distance duathlon included 4641 men and 2118 women
(n = 6759), medium-distance duathlon included 9970 men and 3921 women (n = 13,891), and long-distance
duathlon included 3587 men and 893 women (n = 4480). Women’s participation in individual races ranged from
18.5 to 55.9% in relation to men in short-distance duathlon (average: 45.6%), 13.3–51.7% in medium-distance
duathlon (average: 39.6%) and 4.2–37.3% in long-distance duathlon (average: 24.9%). See Fig. 1 for detailed
participation by sex and year.
Performance trends across age groups showed significant effects of both sex and age group for short-,
medium-, and long-distance duathlon across all three race legs of the duathlon race (Run 1, Bike, Run 2). See
Table 1 for details.
Pairwise comparisons showed that men had better performances than women across all age groups in all
three race legs (Run 1, Bike, and Run 2) in all three duathlon distances. Finally, age group pairwise comparisons
showed that, in short-distance duathlon, the age group was always significantly different from the previous one,
but in medium-distance duathlon, the run performance started to drop at the age group 45–49 years in men and
age group 50–54 years in women, whereas the bike performance started to drop at the age group 50–54 years
in men and age group 55–59 years in women. In long-distance duathlon, the first running leg was stable until
the age group 30–34 years in men and age group 50–54 years in women, whereas the bike performance and the
second running leg were stable until the age group 50–54 years in both men and women. See Fig. 2.
Performance trends across calendar years showed significant effects of both sex and calendar years for short-,
medium-, and long-distance duathlon across all three race legs of the duathlon race (Run 1, Bike, Run 2). See
Table 2 for details.
Pairwise comparisons showed that men were consistently faster than women in all race legs and distances
across all calendar years and no trend was observed that women reduced the sex gap throughout the years.
Additionally, no apparent performance trend was seen in any distance throughout the years. See Fig. 3.
The GLM for men showed significant “event” and “age group” effects for Run 1 (event: F = 39.5, p < 0.001,
2 = 0.52; age group: F = 76.9, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.98; interaction: F = 9.5, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.01), Bike (event: F = 24.5,
p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.14; age group: F = 82.9, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.96; interaction: F = 2.6, p < 0.001, ηp
2 < 0.01) and Run
2 (event: F = 64.2, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.54; age group: F = 75.2, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.97; interaction: F = 6.0, p < 0.001,
2 = 0.01). Similar results were found in women for Run 1 (event: F = 22.7, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.18; age group:
F = 65.7, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.96; interaction: F = 2.0, p = 0.004, ηp
2 = 0.01), Bike (event: F = 13.8, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.11;
age group: F = 21.1, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.88; interaction: F = 1.8, p = 0.016, ηp
2 = 0.01) and Run 2 (event: F = 38.9,
p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.32; age group: F = 48.7, p < 0.001, ηp
2 = 0.95; interaction: F = 2.1, p = 0.002, ηp
2 = 0.01). See Fig. 4
for details.
Pairwise comparisons for the men models showed that the average speeds in the three race distances differed
from each other up to the age group 65–69 years in the running legs and age group 70–74 years in the cycling leg.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
For the women models, a slower average speed was observed in long-distance races in comparison to the other
distances up to the age group 55–59 years in the running legs and age group 60–64 years in the cycling leg (Fig. 4).
In the analyzed short- and medium-distance races, male and female athletes of the age group 30–34 years
finished most often in the top three compared to other age groups. In long-distance races, men of the age group
25–29 years and women of the age group 30–34 years finished most often in the top three. Overall, when all
distances were considered, the age group 30–34 years was the most prevalent one in the top three in men and
women. See Fig. 5 for details.
This study intended to investigate the worldwide participation and performance trends of short-, medium- and
long-distance duathlon over several decades. The participation in the investigated races did not increase over
the years. This finding might not be generalized to the sport itself, as we considered only events hosted by WT
or affiliated National Federations which were listed on WT’s website and did not compare the same races every
year. Furthermore, the present study analyzed world and continental championships, but not local events, which
may be preferred by age group athletes. Non-elite athletes often face real-world commitments and financial
Figure 1. Participation of men and women in short- (A), medium- (B), and long-distance (C) duathlon across
calendar years.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
Table 1. General linear model results with average speed as the dependent variable.
Age group
Sex × Age group
Run 1
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
Run 2
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
Run 1
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
Run 2
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
Run 1
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
Run 2
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
Figure 2. Average speed in the three duathlon race legs of men and women in short-, medium-, and long-
distance duathlon across age groups. * over line: statistical significance between all age groups; *: statistical
significance in comparison to the previous age group; # over line: statistical significance for sex across all age
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
Table 2. General linear model results with average speed as the dependent variable.
Calendar year
Sex × Calendar year
Run 1
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
Run 2
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
Run 1
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
Run 2
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
Run 1
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
< 0.001
< 0.001
Run 2
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.01
Figure 3. Average speed in the three race legs of men and women in short-, medium-, and long-distance
duathlon across calendar years. # over line: statistical significance for sex across all calendar years.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
constraints that can make it difficult for them to travel to events and compete29. In other endurance sports, such
as long-distance running and cycling, an increased participation rate was observed in recent years30–32. In addi-
tion, the number of members in national federations has grown in the last decades. In Germany, for example, the
number of members of the National Triathlon Federation has more than doubled between 2001 and 202233,34.
An important finding was the lower number of female duathletes compared to male duathletes in all dis-
tances across all years. Women accounted on average for 45.6% of finishers in short-distance duathlon, 39.4% in
medium-distance duathlon and 24.9% in long-distance duathlon. The lower rate of women finishers in longer race
distances is in accordance with previous findings in triathlon and might be explained by motivational reasons,
differences in training behaviour and sociocultural conditions1,35,36.
Regarding performance, men were faster than women in all race legs in all distances across all age groups
and calendar years. There is extensive literature on factors that explain the differences in performance between
Figure 4. Average speed in the three race legs of men and women separately in short-, medium-, and long-
distance duathlon across age groups. ** over line: statistical significance between all three events; *: statistically
significant from the other two events.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
men and women in endurance sports13–15,36. In addition to physiological differences, such as the lower maximal
oxygen uptake (VO2max) in female athletes, morphological differences, social factors, psychological factors and
differences in training characteristics have to be considered concerning the sex gap13,37. Female athletes were
able to reduce the sex gap in ultra-endurance sports throughout the years, for example, in most ultra-marathon
distances38 and ultra-cycling distances7. However, our hypothesis was not confirmed, as we did not find such a
trend in any of the investigated distances throughout the years. Based on past findings, the analyzed distances
in this study were not long enough to see such a trend, as the physiological and morphological advantages of
women (e.g., better fatigue resistance, greater substrate efficiency and lesser energetic demands) rather seem to
play a role in ultra- and extreme distances15.
Moreover, no apparent performance trend could be observed in any of the investigated distances throughout
the years. While Nikolaidis et al.8 also found an unchanged performance of male and female finishers in the
“Powerman Zofingen” from 2003 to 2017, Gallman et al.39 found an increased performance of the annual top
ten male and female triathletes who competed at the Ironman Hawaii from 1983 to 2012. Methodological dif-
ferences, including sample size, time frame and statistical procedures, may be related to the differences in these
findings. For example, Gallman et al.39 analyzed the results of the top ten elite athletes, whereas we analyzed all
successful finishers of adult age group categories. In many studies on performance trends in marathon races, a
phenomenon was observed that “the faster get faster and the slower get slower”40–43. It is important to note that
we analyzed data from multiple races, with differences in drafting rules, weather conditions, and track specifica-
tions, and not one specific race over a period of time, what may have impacted the results.
Another finding was that in short-distance duathlon, a statistically significant decline in performance with
increasing age groups could be observed from the first age group (20–24 years), whereas the performance in
medium- and long-distance duathlon was relatively stable up to a specific age group. In the analyzed medium-
distance races, a statistically significant drop in performance in the first and second run was for the first time
observed at the age group 45–49 years in men and 50–54 years in women, while the cycling performance
dropped later at the age group 50–54 years in men and 55–59 years in women. Previous studies on multi-
discipline sports already showed that the age-related performance decline seems to be higher in running than
Figure 5. The number of athletes in each age group who finished in the analyzed races in the top three by sex
and distance.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
in cycling1,19,44,45. This might be related to the distinct characteristics of the two disciplines. Running is a weight-
bearing stretch–shortening activity with a predominantly eccentric type of muscle action compared to cycling,
which is a non-weight-bearing activity with concentric contractions46,47. However, it is noteworthy that in a
study performed by Swinnen et al.48 running-specific training could improve running economy while the cycling
economy could not be improved by cycling-specific training. Regarding long-distance duathlon, a statistically
significant drop in performance in the first run was for the first time observed at the age group 30–34 years in
men and 50–54 years in women, while in the cycling and second running leg performance dropped at the age
group 50–54 years in men and women.
A reason that the performance in medium- and long-distance duathlon was relatively stable up to a specific
age group in contrast to short-distance duathlon might be that generally, more experienced athletes compete
in longer race distances and it was postulated before that the amount of experience is highly important for the
performance in multi-discipline sports49.
When we analyzed the average speeds of men and women separately in the three race distances across
the different age groups, particular differences could be observed. In men, a statistically significant difference
between the average speeds of the three race distances could be observed up to the age group 65–69 years in
both running legs and 70–74 years in the cycling leg. In women, on the other hand, only the average speed
in long-distance duathlon was statistically significantly slower compared to the other two distances up to the
age group 55–59 years in both running legs and 60–64 years in the cycling leg. Interestingly, no statistically
significant difference could be observed between the average speeds of women in short- and medium-distance
races. Although this phenomenon does not make physiological sense, it indicates that women have a lot of
room for performance improvement in short-distance duathlon. In many endurance sports, it was previously
shown that women adopted a more conservative pacing strategy than men50–53. This might be explained by dif-
ferences regarding confidence, decision-making, risk perception and willingness53. For example, compared to
men, women showed relatively lower speeds in the beginning and relatively higher speeds at the end of a 100 km
ultra-marathon race54. One explanation could be that women did not allocate their energy resources in the best
suitable manner. More studies are necessary to confirm or refute these results.
The only knowledge we have so far regarding pacing in a duathlon is derived from studies by Nikolaidis
et al., who analyzed the effect of aging23, sex and performance level50 as well as the combined effect of aging and
performance level55 on pacing. However, these studies are based solely on the “Powerman Zofingen” results from
2003 to 2017 with its two distances (10 km run, 50 km bike, 5 km run; ~ 10 km run, 150 km bike, 30 km run).
The authors reported that women adopted a steadier pace and were relatively faster in the second run50. To the
best of our knowledge, no information regarding pacing behaviours in short-distance duathlon exists.
Regarding the APP, male and female athletes of the age group 30–34 years finished most often in the top three
in short- and medium-distance races. This confirms past findings by Romero-Ramos et al.9 who analyzed the
performance of the top ten athletes of each age group who competed at the ITU Duathlon World Champion-
ships from 2005 to 2016 and found that athletes of the age group 30–34 years performed best in the standard-
distance (~ 10 km run, 40 km bike, 5 km run). In long-distance duathlon, men of the age group 25–29 years and
women of the age group 30–34 years finished most often in the top three in our study. Therefore, our hypothesis
that the APP is higher in longer race distances could not be confirmed. This is in contrast to a study by Kne-
chtle et al.2, who analyzed the different APPs of world-class triathletes in different race distances. The authors
reported that men achieved the best performance at 27.1 ± 4.9 years in the Olympic distance, 28.0 ± 3.8 years in
the Half-Ironman distance and 35.1 ± 3.6 years in the Ironman distance, while women were best at 26.6 ± 4.4,
31.6 ± 3.4 and 34.4 ± 4.4 years respectively. However, besides the differences regarding the modes of locomotion,
the methodological approach was different and we were only able to determine the age group of the finishers
and not their exact age.
Limitations, strengths, and implications for future research.
A limitation of this study is the use
of secondary data. We were not able to consider important factors related to endurance performance in ath-
letes of different competitive levels, such as anthropometric and physiological variables, training status, previous
experience, drafting rules, technical equipment, track specifications and weather conditions. Due to the use
of secondary data, we cannot exclude that some distances have been rounded. Moreover, data was missing in
certain years. Other methodological designs, such as longitudinal studies, could offer more information about
the effect of aging on duathlon performance. Nevertheless, this is the first study that investigated worldwide
participation and performance trends in duathlon with results from finishers who participated in duathlon races
worldwide across three different distances over several decades. Future studies should collect data about the
above-mentioned variables and analyze participation and performance trends in further subgroups (e.g., elite
athletes) as well as pacing behaviours in short-distance duathlon and the association between place of competi-
tion, participation and performance trends.
More men than women competed in all distances and especially in longer distances. Men were generally faster
across all age groups and no trend regarding the sex gap was observed at any distance throughout the years. The
APP did not increase with an increase in the race distance. Men and women of the age group 30–34 finished
most often in the top three in short- and medium-distance races, whereas in long-distance races, men of the age
group 25–29 and women of the age group 30–34 finished most often in the top three.
Scientific Reports | (2023) 13:9303 |
Data availability
For this study, we have included official results and split times from the official website of WT https:// triat hlon.
org. The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author
on reasonable request.
Received: 10 March 2023; Accepted: 28 May 2023
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Author contributions
J.T. obtained the data and drafted the manuscript, C.V.S. performed the statistical analysis and prepared methods
and results. M.S.A., M.T., I.C., P.T.N., K.W. and B.K. helped in drafting the final version. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.K.
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| Participation and performance trends in short-, medium, and long-distance duathlon. | 06-08-2023 | Turnwald, Jonas,Sousa, Caio Victor,Andrade, Marilia Santos,Thuany, Mabliny,Cuk, Ivan,Nikolaidis, Pantelis Theodoros,Weiss, Katja,Knechtle, Beat | eng |
The effects of short term detraining and
retraining on physical fitness in elite soccer
Chang Hwa Joo*
Department of Football Science, Honam University, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, South Korea
* [email protected]
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of aerobic high-intensity training with
reduced volume and training cessation on body composition and physical fitness after the
end of season and the time required to recapture physical fitness with intensified retraining
following two weeks of detraining in elite soccer players.
Twenty male semi-professional soccer players participated in this study. The soccer players
were assigned to either a group that completed high-intensity aerobic training (HAT, n = 10)
or to a detraining and retraining group (DHAT, n = 10) for a 5-week period immediately after
the end of the season. The first 2 weeks of the period, members of the HAT group performed
high-intensity aerobic exercise (80–90% of HRmax, 12 min × 3, three times per week),
whereas members of the DHAT group abstained from any physical activity. During the sub-
sequent 3 weeks, members of both the HAT and DHAT groups completed high-intensity
aerobic exercise. Exercise performance testing and body composition analysis were per-
formed before; after 2 weeks of detraining; and at 1, 2 and 3 weeks of retraining.
Intensified high-intensity training for 5 weeks maintained the performance in the Yo-Yo Inter-
mittent Recovery level 2 test (Yo-Yo IR2) and repeated sprints at any time point (P > 0.05).
However 2 weeks of detraining resulted in significant decreases in the performance on the
Yo-Yo IR2 (P < 0.01) and repeated sprints test (P < 0.05). Performance on the Yo-Yo IR2
enhanced after 2 weeks of retraining and was maintained up to 3 weeks after retraining, with
no significant differences between conditions (P > 0.05). In addition, repeated sprint perfor-
mance markedly decreased after the detraining period (P < 0.05) and was continuously
lower compared to the baseline at 2 weeks after retraining (P < 0.05). Furthermore, this
value reached baseline level at the end of the experimental period (P > 0.05). There were no
significant differences between conditions in body composition, performance of agility, or
sprint ability throughout the 5-week experimental period (P > 0.05).
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Citation: Joo CH (2018) The effects of short term
detraining and retraining on physical fitness in elite
soccer players. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0196212.
Editor: Alessandro Zagatto, Sao Paulo State
University - UNESP, BRAZIL
Received: August 23, 2017
Accepted: March 7, 2018
Published: May 10, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Chang Hwa Joo. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper, its Supporting Information file,
and Dryad Digital Repository (doi:10.5061/dryad.
Funding: The author has no support or funding to
Competing interests: The author has declared that
no competing interests exist.
The present data suggest that short-term detraining after the competitive season can
markedly decrease performances in the Yo-Yo IR2 test and repeated sprints. To return to a
previous level of ability on the Yo-Yo IR2 and/or sprint test with retraining through high-inten-
sity aerobic training after a period of detraining, a similar or longer period of retraining is
required. However, the high-intensity training with reduced amount of training after competi-
tive season can prevent reductions in physical fitness.
Soccer is a high intensity intermittent exercise that requires a high level of physical fitness for
players to successfully perform in the game. Elite soccer players perform 587±133 m of high-
speed running (19.8–25.2 km/h) and 184 ± 87 m of sprinting (>25.2 km/h) during a typical
game [1]. The total distance of high-intensity running depends on the position of the player
and team success in a league [2]. The amount of high-intensity running performed during a
game also depends on the competitive standards between leagues: top-class professional soccer
player perform more high-intensity running compared with moderate professional soccer
players [3]. Thus, high level of physical performance is an important factor in determining
team success in soccer.
Due to the high intensity performance required in soccer, players should perform system-
atic and scientific physical fitness training. Several studies have shown that high-intensity
training improves soccer players’ fitness levels and skills, such as sprint, strength, and speed
endurance [4, 5]. The organization of fitness training for soccer players varies according to the
time frame of the periodization along with changes in training volume and intensity. These
changes seek to the optimize player’s physical condition and minimize injury [6]. For example,
training is conducted to improve physical fitness during the preseason in preparation for the
impending competitive season [7, 8].
Elite soccer players normally cease training or perform training with reduced volume and
lower intensity for more than two weeks after the end of the competitive season for physical
and mental recovery. A prolonged period of rest after the competitive season causes the partial
or complete loss of training-induced physiological and performance adaptations, which is
defined as detraining [9]. The magnitude of changes during training-induced adaptations after
detraining is different depending on the fitness level and the duration of training cessation or
insufficient training [9]. Three to six weeks of detraining did not result in changes in aerobic
capacity and muscle strength in recreational players and untrained individuals [10–12]. How-
ever, decreases in physical fitness are inevitable after such a period of detraining in well-trained
elite players who have a relatively higher level of fitness compared to recreational players [9,
13]. Unlike reduced physical fitness after a prolonged period of detraining in elite players, the
effects of short-term detraining (~2 weeks) on fitness are controversial. Buchheit et al. [14]
observed that short-term detraining after a competitive season improved levels of strength and
cardiorespiratory fitness in Australian football players [14]. In contrast, several studies
reported that physical fitness was reduced after a short-term detraining period in elite soccer
players [5, 15]. The reasons for these contrasting results are not apparent, but may be due to
differences in sports and testing methods.
Detraining and retraining affect physical fitness
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During the preseason, the aim of training is mainly to improve physical fitness, while dur-
ing the in-season period, it is performed to develop playing strategies and to enhance perfor-
mance, while maintaining physical fitness. High-intensity training is a more efficient method
of inducing skeletal muscle adaptation in comparison to moderate-intensity training [16].
High-intensity aerobic training has been widely used by athletes to improve physical fitness
during the preseason. Indeed, high-intensity aerobic training consisting of 4 bouts of 4 min at
90–95% of the maximum heart rate during the preseason significantly improved aerobic fit-
ness and match performance in soccer players [17]. Those results indicated that high-intensity
aerobic training might be effective at improving the physical fitness of soccer players and
inducing rapid training adaptation in skeletal muscle during the preseason.
In order to start the season without injury, athletes must gradually improve their post-sea-
son, resting period-induced reduction in physical fitness with an appropriate exercise intensity
and volume. However, there is limited information available regarding the effects of retraining
during pre-season training in well-trained elite soccer players. Therefore, the aim of the study
was to investigate 1) the effects of aerobic high-intensity training with reduced volume and
training cessation on body composition and physical fitness after the end of season and 2) the
time required to return to the previous level of physical fitness with intensified retraining fol-
lowing two weeks of detraining in semi-professional soccer players.
Materials and methods
Twenty semi-professional male Korea soccer players (age: 22.1±1.8 years, height: 175.5±4.7
cm). The Korean professional soccer league is divided into K League Classic (first division)
and K League Challenge (second division). The semi-professional league consists of the
National League and K3 Leagues (K3 League Advanced [12 teams] and K3 League Basic [8
teams]). The soccer players participating in this study were members of K3-league teams. All
participants had experience of elite soccer players for at least more than 7 years. All partici-
pants were non-smokers, no history of neurological disease or musculoskeletal abnormality
and none were under any pharmacological treatment during the course of the study.
Ethics statement
Before testing, all participants gave written informed consent to participate after details and
procedures of the study had been fully explained. All of the fitness testing and exercise were
performed in the research institute for sport and exercise science at Honam Unviersity. All of
the experimental protocols and related procedures were approved by the ethical committee of
Honam University.
Intervention period and training
All players participating in the study trained for more than 2 hours per day for 4–5 times per
week (excluding matches) during the previous season. An independent research assistant
selected the 20 participants from among 35 players who were between 20 and 23 years of age
by drawing a sealed envelope containing a player’s name followed by drawing another sealed
envelope containing the name of the group to which they were assigned (i.e., high-intensity
aerobic training (HAT) or detraining and high-intensity aerobic training (DHAT) group). The
two-week detraining period started immediately after the last match of the season. The fitness
tests were conducted two days and one day before the last match as a pre-test; after two weeks
of detraining; and at one, two, and three weeks of retraining.
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During the detraining experimental period, high-intensity aerobic training was performed
three times per week for two weeks in the HAT group. After approximately a 20-min warm-up
period, the players performed a soccer drill (Fig 1) on an artificial grass surface and three repe-
titions of 12 min of exercise at 80–90% of the maximum heart rate (HRmax) measured during
Yo-Yo IR2 test. These repetitions were interspersed by 3 min active recovery. The players con-
trolled exercise intensity by watching their HR monitor that recorded at 5 s intervals (Polar
Team System, Polar, Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland). These data were downloaded to a per-
sonal laptop for further analysis. The mean HR during the 12 min exercise sessions was
87.3±1.5% of HRmax. The DHAT group did not perform any exercise sessions during the two
weeks of detraining and conducted normal daily activities.
Fig 1. Diagram of high-intensity training.
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During the retraining period, the HAT and DHAT groups performed high-intensity aero-
bic training (12 min × 3) four times per week for three weeks. The mean HR during the 12
min exercise sessions was 86.5±1.4% of HRmax in the HAT group. The DHAT group com-
pleted moderate intensity aerobic training (HRmax 70–80%; 76.5±3.2%) for two days before
completing the high-intensity training (HRmax 80–90%; 87.7±1.3%).
Experimental protocol
A schematic illustration of the experimental design is shown in Fig 2. The subjects completed
the 30 m sprint test, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 2 (Yo-Yo IR2) test, arrowhead agility
test, repeated sprint test, and isokinetic strength test. The tests were conducted for two days.
The participants refrained from alcohol and caffeine in the 24 h prior to the test. The partici-
pants arrived at the laboratory having completed the appropriate diet regime to monitor the
diet level. The participants were instructed to ingest water 5 mL of water for every kilogram of
their body mass 2 h before arriving at the laboratory. Upon the arrival at the laboratory, body
composition (Inbody 520, Biospace, Seoul, Korea) and height (BSM, Seoul, Korea) were mea-
sured. Following the completion of the baseline assessments, the participants commenced the
tests on an artificial grass surface. A 30-m sprint test, arrowhead agility test, and repeated
sprints test were performed in the morning. The Yo-Yo IR2 test was conducted in the evening
with 5 hours of recovery after lunch. Isokinetic strength tests were performed in the laboratory
the next day. Body composition and exercise tests were completed immediately before the end
of the season; after two weeks of detraining; and at one, two, and three weeks of retraining
30m sprint test
The sprint tests which consisted of 2 maximal sprints of 30 m with 2-minute rest between each
sprint were conducted. The sprint times at 5, 10, 20 and 30 m were recorded using the photo-
cell gates (Microgate, Bolzano, Itaia). The participants started to run 50 cm before the photo-
cell gate recordings. The fastest times at the distances were recorded for data analysis.
Fig 2. A schematic illustration of the experimental design.
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Repeated sprint test
The repeated sprint test consisted of seven maximal 34.2 m sprints, interspersed by 25 s of
active recovery (40 m jogging distance) [18]. Recovery was timed so that the subjects returned
to the start line between the 23rd and 24th second. Additionally, verbal feedback was given at 5,
10, 15 and 20 s of the recovery. Performance was measured as the total sprint time in seconds.
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test (level 2)
The Yo-Yo IR2 test was performed on an artificial turf. The Yo-Yo IR2 test consists of 2 × 20
m shuttle runs at increasing speeds, controlled by audio signals from a compact disk. Between
each bout of running, the subjects completed 10 s of active recovery, consisting of 2 × 5 m jog-
ging [19]. The test was terminated when the subjects failed twice to reach the start line on time
and the distance (meters) covered at the end point was recorded [5].
Arrowhead agility test
The arrowhead agility tests consisted of 4 sprints (2 right, 2 left), with 2-minutes rest between
each sprint [20]. Each subject started 50 cm behind the start line and sprinted 10 m forward to
a cone. From the cone, the subjects turned at a right angle to a cone being apart from 5m
before turning to a cone 15 m straight from the start line. They turned again from the cone to
accelerate in a straight line for 15 m over the initial start line to complete the run. The fastest
times were recorded for data analysis. Timing gates were used to accurately assess the time to
Isokinetic strength
The subjects performed the Isokinetic dynamometry (Cybex MET-300, New York, USA) to
evaluate the unilateral strength of the concentric contraction of the flexors and extensors of the
knee [21]. The angular speed parameters of 60˚ × s-1, 180˚ × s-1, and 240˚ × s-1 were used for
the measurements. The results of the measurements were expressed in absolute peak torque
(Nm) for the purposes of the off-seasonal variation comparisons.
Statistical analysis
All data are presented as means ± SD. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated
measure was conducted to determine any treatment differences between the HAT and DHAT
conditions. The assumption of sphericity (homogeneity of covariance) was assessed and cor-
rected for using the Huynh-Feldt epsilon. Because there were only 2 levels in the main effect of
condition, follow-up multiple comparisons were not necessary. A significant effect of time was
followed up with planned multiple contrasts in line with the a priori hypotheses. Therefore,
data at the specific time points were compared with the baseline (first) time point using New-
man-Keuls multiple contrasts. Where a significant interaction between condition and time
was observed, differences between conditions were examined at each time point using New-
man-Keuls multiple contrasts. Baseline values were compared using an independent samples t
test. The alpha level for evaluation of statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. Effect sizes
were assessed by partial eta squared (Z2
P), which were defined as trivial (<0.1), small (0.1–0.3),
moderate (0.3–0.5) and large (>0.5) [22].
Body weight and body fat were similar between the HAT and DHAT groups throughout the
experimental period (P > 0.05; Tables 1 and 2). There was no significant effect of condition
Detraining and retraining affect physical fitness
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nor was there an interaction of condition and time (P > 0.05) in the performance of players
on sprint and agility tests (Tables 3 and 4). However, a significant effect of time was observed
for sprint test at 5 m, 10 m, and 30 m as well as in the left direction of arrowhead agility
(P < 0.05). Isokinetic strength at all angular speeds remained similar to baseline under both
conditions throughout the experimental period, with no significant effects of time, condition,
or an interaction between the two (P > 0.05; Tables 5 and 6). There was a significant interac-
tion in the Yo-Yo IR2 test (F = 3.273; P < 0.05; Z2
P ¼ 0:267), while the measurement time
(F = 1.517; P > 0.05; Z2
P ¼ 0:144) and condition were not significant (F = 1.938; P > 0.05;
P ¼ 0:177). Compared to the pre-detraining performance, the Yo-Yo IR2 test performance
decreased significantly after the two-week detraining period (P < 0.01) and the values reach
before detraining level after two weeks of retraining in the DHAT group (P > 0.05). No differ-
ences were detected at three weeks post-retraining between conditions (P > 0.05), whilst val-
ues in the HAT group remained stable throughout the experimental period (P > 0.05; Fig 3).
A main effect of time was found (F = 3.539; P < 0.05; Z2
P ¼ 0:282), along with a significant
interaction between condition and time for repeated sprint performance (F = 3.127; P < 0.05;
P ¼ 0:258). No changes in repeated sprint performance were observed at any time point
under HAT conditions (P > 0.05), whereas repeated sprint performance declined after two
weeks of detraining (P < 0.05) and remained lower than at baseline by two weeks post-
Table 1. Body composition of the subjects before, after two weeks of detraining and at one, two and three weeks of retraining (mean ± SD).
Body weight (kg)
Body mass index (kg/m2)
Skeletal muscle mass (kg)
Percent body fat (%)
Values are means ± standard deviation
Table 2. Differences in the body composition of the subjects between conditions in each test (n = 20).
Body weight
Condition x Time
Body mass index
Condition x Time
Skeletal muscle mass
Condition x Time
Percent body fat
Condition x Time
F; testing criteria level, P; level of statistical significance, Z2
P; partial eta squared
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retraining under DHAT conditions (P < 0.05). It reached baseline level at the end of the exper-
imental period (P > 0.05; Fig 4).
The major findings in the present study were that two weeks of detraining after competitive
season decreased performance in the Yo-Yo IR2 test and repeated sprints. The detraining-
induced reductions in the Yo-Yo IR2 test performance improved compared to baseline levels
after two weeks of high-intensity aerobic training. Meanwhile, three weeks were required to
Table 3. Sprint and agility before, after two weeks of detraining and at one, two and three weeks of retraining (mean ± SD).
5 m
10 m
20 m
30 m
Agility (R)
Agility (L)
Values are means ± standard deviation. R; right, L; left
Table 4. Differences in sprint and agility between conditions in each test (n = 20).
5 m
Condition x Time
10 m
Condition x Time
20 m
Condition x Time
30 m
Condition x Time
Agility (R)
Condition x Time
Agility (L)
Condition x Time
R; right, L; left, F; testing criteria level, P; level of statistical significance, Z2
P; partial eta squared
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return to the initial level of repeated sprint performance with retraining using high-intensity
training. Ultimately, a reduced amount of high-intensity training after the competitive season
facilitated the maintenance of physical fitness.
The HAT group that continued to perform high-intensity aerobic exercise after the compet-
itive season maintained their performance level in the Yo-Yo IR2 test over the five week treat-
ment period. These results are supported by previous studies, which indicate that, after the last
match of the season, 10 training sessions, consisting of high-intensity training for two weeks,
do not change performance in the Yo-Yo IR2 test in elite soccer players [15]. However, Naka-
mura et al. [23] observed that running and plyometric training for two days per week for three
weeks after the completion of a competitive season did not prevent the decrease in perfor-
mance in The Yo-Yo IR2 test in elite soccer players. The reason of these differences in results
is unclear but it probably related to exercise intensity. Indeed, there was no significant decrease
in performance in the Yo-Yo IR2 test during off-season in the present study and Christensen
et al. [15]’s study applying high-intensity exercise despite reduced exercise time compared to
that in-season. Furthermore, the exercise intensity was higher than that in the previous study
conducted by Nakamura et al. [23], which modulated endurance training (70–80% of
In the present study, we found that two weeks of detraining after the competitive season
markedly decreased performance in the Yo-Yo IR2 test in elite soccer players. Accordingly,
Table 5. Peak torques (Nm) during concentric knee flexion and extension before, after two weeks of detraining and at one, two and three weeks of retraining
(mean ± SD).
Values are means ± standard deviation. DL; dominant leg, NL; non-dominant leg, PT; peak torque, E; extensors, F; flexors, 60, 180, 240; angular velocities (˚s-1)
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Thomassen et al. [5] and Christensen et al. [15] observed that the Yo-Yo IR2 test performance
after detraining for two weeks decreased from 845 m to 654 m in elite soccer players. In addi-
tion, a study from another laboratory reported that a prolonged detraining period can induce
an 8% decline in maximal oxygen consumption [24], which is strongly associated with distance
on the Yo-Yo IR2 test [25]. The degree of deterioration of physical fitness over the course of
the detraining period after the competitive season is closely related to the fitness level of
Table 6. Differences in sprint and agility peak torques (Nm) during concentric knee flexion and extension
between conditions in each test (n = 20).
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
Condition x Time
DL; dominant leg, NL; non-dominant leg, PT; peak torque, E; extensors, F; flexors, 60, 180, 240; angular velocities
(˚s-1), F; testing criteria level, P; level of statistical significance, Z2
P; partial eta squared
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athletes [23]. Therefore, these results can support the notion that performance in the Yo-Yo
IR2 test can be reduced despite only a few days of detraining in elite soccer players with a high
level of physical fitness. These decreases in performance in the Yo-Yo IR2 test can be explained
at the muscle level. Several weeks of detraining lead to a return in muscle capillarization to
Fig 3. Yo-Yo IR2 performan for the high-intensity training (HAT; n = 10) and detraining + retraining (DHAT;
n = 10) before, after two weeks detraining and at one, two and three weeks of retraining (n = 11, mean ± SD).
P < 0.01; significantly different from pre. P < 0.05; significantly different from pre. ##P < 0.01; significantly
between conditions. #P < 0.05; significantly between conditions.
Fig 4. Repeated sprint test for the high-intensity training (HAT; n = 10) and detraining + retraining (DHAT;
n = 10) before, after two weeks detraining and at one, two and three weeks of retraining (n = 11, mean ± SD).
P < 0.05; significantly different from pre. #P < 0.05; significantly between conditions.
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baseline before detraining in athletes and a 25%-45% decline in oxidative enzyme activities,
which result in reduced mitochondrial ATP production in skeletal muscle [9].
Several previous studies have reported that high intensity training improves the perfor-
mance in the Yo-Yo IR2 test of elite soccer players [25, 26]. In line with these results, high-
intensity aerobic training after two weeks of detraining was found to improve performance in
the Yo-Yo IR2 test in the present study. Two weeks of retraining with high-intensity exercise is
required to return close to the baseline level of performance. This result is inconsistent with a
previous study that suggested that athletes with a high fitness level must perform exercise
training for a period that is at least twice as long as the resting time period in order to improve
their physical fitness to a level of before detraining [24]. The discrepancy in time periods
required to return to the physical fitness level at baseline can be due to variations in the length
of the detraining period (four weeks versus eight weeks) and the fitness level of the athletes
(compared to end of season versus before the Olympic game). Indeed, the performance in the
Yo-Yo IR2 test decreased by 11% at the end of the season compared to the start of the season
and a 42% increase was observed during the eight weeks of pre-season training [25]. This phe-
nomenon is likely due to accumulated fatigue experienced during the competitive season. This
assumption is supported by the finding from the present study that the performance in the Yo-
Yo IR2 test was higher at three weeks of post retraining compared to baseline. Furthermore,
Noon et al. [20] and Oliver et al. [27] observed that perceptual well-being (e.g., motivation,
sleep quality, recovery, appetite, fatigue, stress, muscle soreness, stiffness) deteriorated with
an increase in training exposure and accumulated fatigue as the season progressed in elite
Repeated sprint performance did not change over five weeks of high-intensity training after
competitive season in the present study. In contrast to the present study, previous studies
reported that two weeks of high-intensity training immediately after the end of season
enhanced repeated sprint performance in elite soccer players [5, 15]. These different results
may be associated with the high-intensity training method used during the retraining period.
Aguiar et al. [28] observed that intermittent training for 12 weeks consisting of 20 minutes per
training session resulted in greater improvements in repeated sprint performance than did
continuous training. Indeed, the training sessions in the present study largely comprised of
high-intensity endurance exercise, whereas the training sessions used in previous studies con-
sisted of five high-intensity aerobic training, including small-sided (4 vs. 4 and 3 vs. 3) soccer
drills (8 × 2 min) and five speed endurance training (10–12 × 25–30 s sprints) over the course
of two weeks. In other respects, since well-trained athletes are more sensitive to changes in
physical fitness with inadequate training intensity and do not easily experience improvements
following further training due to the ceiling effect [25], the capacity of repeated sprint perfor-
mance of the players in the present study might be optimal by the end of the competitive sea-
son. This is supported by the observation that repeated sprint performance in players from the
present study was similar to previous study conducted with professional soccer players during
the competitive season [18].
It is well known that anaerobic exercise performance decreases in highly trained elite soccer
players, despite a short period of detraining after the competitive season [9]. There was also a
significant decrease in repeated sprint performance over two weeks of detraining after the end
of a match in the present study. The detraining-induced decrease in performance gradually
increased during the three weeks retraining period. The aerobic high-intensity training-
induced increase in repeated sprint performance in the present study is likely to be the result
of training-induced biochemical adaptation in skeletal muscles. Thomassen et al. [5] and
Christensesn et al. [15] observed that two weeks of high-intensity exercise immediately after
the last match of the season enhanced Na+-K+ pump α2-isoform expression by 15%, increased
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the FXYD1ser68-to-FXYD1 ratio by 27%, increased the level of pyruvate dehydrogenase by
17%, and improved repeated sprint performance. In comparison, cessation of training for two
weeks did not affect the expression of Na+-K+ pump isoform expression and resulted in a
reduction of the AB_FXYD1ser68 signal by 18%; decreased pyruvate dehydrogenase level by
17%; a drop in citrate synthase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA activity to 12% and 18% of maximal,
respectively; and a reduction in performance. However, repeated sprint performance at 3
weeks post-retraining was still lower than the performance recorded at baseline. As men-
tioned, aerobic high-intensity training is not optimal for improving repeated sprint perfor-
mance, which represents the capacity for anaerobic exercise performance. On the contrary,
improvements in repeated sprint performance through aerobic high-intensity training might
be associated with the training period during the preseason. Recently, Teixeira et al. [29]
reported that high-intensity aerobic training involving shuttle-run intervals (4 × 4 min) for
five weeks during the preseason enhanced repeated sprint ability with increased aerobic per-
formance in elite athletes. When considered, these findings suggest that more than three weeks
of high-intensity aerobic training is required to develop repeated sprint performance during
preseason in elite players.
The observed lack of changes in body composition and sprint performances (10 m, 20 m,
30 m) for five weeks during the study period in both groups disagrees with previous studies
that engaged in more than two weeks of detraining [13, 30]. For example, Koundourakis et al.
[13] examined the effect of detraining on exercise performance and body composition in
professional soccer players. They observed that prolonged detraining period (six weeks) signif-
icantly increased body weight and body fat percentage and reduced maximal oxygen con-
sumption and performances in squat-jump, countermovement-jump, and sprints (10 m, 20
m). These results suggest that a short period of detraining (approximately two weeks) may not
lead to changes in body composition and explosive exercise performance in well-trained soccer
players. This is supported by findings that there were changes in neither isokinetic strength at
any angular speeds in the present study nor squat, vertical jump, or isometric and isokinetic
knee force following two weeks detraining in high fitness athletes [31]. A possible explanation
for the absence of changes in explosive exercise performance after a short period of detraining
is the lack of changes in muscle fiber characteristics. Mujika and Padilla. [9] reported that two
weeks of detraining did not alter muscle fiber distribution in well-trained athletes. However,
three weeks of detraining after the first half of a competitive season in elite soccer players
resulted in changes in skeletal muscle morphology, including a reduction in mean fast twitch
(FT) fiber cross-sectional area and reduction in mitochondrial enzyme activities and exercise
performance [32]. Taken together, these data suggest that more than two weeks of detraining
in elite soccer players could have resulted in a decrease in explosive exercise performance by
reduced ATP production in skeletal muscle.
In conclusion, the findings demonstrate that two weeks of detraining after the competitive sea-
son resulted in a marked decrease in performance in the Yo-Yo IR2 test and repeated sprints.
To return to a previous level of physical fitness with retraining through high-intensity aerobic
training after a period of detraining required a similar period of retraining for performance in
Yo-Yo IR2 and/or more periods for repeated sprint performance. The off-season rest period
did not result in changes in explosive exercise performances and body composition. Aerobic
high-intensity training with reduced training volume after a competitive season can prevent
reductions in performances in the Yo-Yo IR2 test and repeated sprints. On the contrary, the
decrease in aerobic and anaerobic performance induced by two weeks of detraining was
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recovered within a few weeks of adequate training during the preseason. Therefore, these find-
ings suggest that elite soccer players can be allowed to take short periods of rest (~2 weeks)
without training during the off-season for the release of mental and physical stress that is accu-
mulated throughout the competitive season.
Supporting information
S1 File. Raw data of Figs 3 and 4 and Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Author Contributions
Writing – original draft: Chang Hwa Joo.
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| The effects of short term detraining and retraining on physical fitness in elite soccer players. | 05-10-2018 | Joo, Chang Hwa | eng |
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