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Can Monitoring Fetal Intestinal Inflammation Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis Signal Incipient Necrotizing Enterocolitis of the Neonate?
Necrotizing enterocolitis of the neonate is an acute inflammatory intestinal disease that can cause necrosis and sepsis. Chorioamnionitis is a risk factor of necrotizing enterocolitis. The gut represents the biggest vagus-innervated organ. Vagal activity can be measured via fetal heart rate variability. We hypothesized that fetal heart rate variability can detect fetuses with incipient gut inflammation. Prospective animal study. University research laboratory. Chronically instrumented near-term fetal sheep (n = 21). Animals were surgically instrumented with vascular catheters and electrocardiogram to allow manipulation and recording from nonanesthetized animals. In 14 fetal sheep, inflammation was induced with lipopolysaccharide (IV) to mimic chorioamnionitis. Fetal arterial blood samples were drawn at selected time points over 54 hours post lipopolysaccharide for blood gas and cytokines (interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α enzymelinked immunosorbent assay). Fetal heart rateV was quantified throughout the experiment. The time-matched fetal heart rate variability measures were correlated to the levels of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α. Upon necropsy, ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1+ (Iba1+), CD11c+ (M1), CD206+ (M2 macrophages), and occludin (leakiness marker) immunofluorescence in the terminal ileum was quantified along with regional Iba1+ signal in the brain (microglia). Interleukin-6 peaked at 3 hours post lipopolysaccharide accompanied by mild cardiovascular signs of sepsis. At 54 hours, we identified an increase in Iba1+ and, specifically, M1 macrophages in the ileum accompanied by increased leakiness, with no change in Iba1 signal in the brain. Preceding this change on tissue level, at 24 hours, a subset of nine fetal heart rate variability measures correlated exclusively to the Iba+ markers of ileal, but not brain, inflammation. An additional fetal heart rate variability measure, mean of the differences of R-R intervals, correlated uniquely to M1 ileum macrophages increasing due to lipopolysaccharide.
We identified a unique subset of fetal heart rate variability measures reflecting 1.5 days ahead of time the levels of macrophage activation and increased leakiness in terminal ileum. We propose that such subset of fetal heart rate variability measures reflects brain-gut communication via the vagus nerve. Detecting such noninvasively obtainable organ-specific fetal heart rate variability signature of inflammation would alarm neonatologists about neonates at risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis and sepsis. Clinical validation studies are required.
Refusal to participate in heart failure studies: do age and gender matter?
The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate reasons heart failure patients decline study participation, to inform interventions to improve enrollment. Failure to enrol older heart failure patients (age>65) and women in studies may lead to sampling bias, threatening study validity. This study was a retrospective analysis of refusal data from four heart failure studies that enrolled 788 patients in four states. Chi-Square and a pooled t-test were computed to analyse refusal data (n = 300) obtained from heart failure patients who were invited to participate in one of the four studies but declined. Refusal reasons from 300 patients (66% men, mean age 65·33) included: not interested (n = 163), too busy (n = 64), travel burden (n = 50), too sick (n = 38), family problems (n = 14), too much commitment (n = 13) and privacy concerns (n = 4). Chi-Square analyses showed no differences in frequency of reasons (p>0·05) between men and women. Patients who refused were older, on average, than study participants.
Some reasons were patient-dependent; others were study-dependent. With 'not interested' as the most common reason, cited by over 50% of patients who declined, recruitment measures should be targeted at stimulating patients' interest. Additional efforts may be needed to recruit older participants. However, reasons for refusal were consistent regardless of gender.
Is it safe to perform completion lobectomy after diagnostic wedge resection using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery?
The objective of this study was to assess the safety of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) completion lobectomy (CL) for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after diagnostic wedge resection by comparing with standard VATS lobectomy (SL). Data were retrieved from an institutional database of consecutive VATS lobectomies between January 1st 2007 and December 31st 2013. Patients were grouped into CL or SL. Patient characteristics, operative data, converted procedures, complications, and mortality was compared using Pearson Chi square, Fisher's exact test, or Mann-Whitney U test. In total 80 CL and 958 SLs were performed. There were no significant differences in median operating time, median chest drain duration or median length of stay. Median operative bleeding was 100 mL (IQR 50-238) in the CL group compared to 75 mL (IQR 25-200) in the SL group (p = 0.01). There were no differences between groups in major or minor complications. Median time from VATS wedge resection to CL was 33 days (IQR 27-41). Conversion rate was 1.3% in the CL group and 2.6% in the SL group (p = 0.72). 30-day mortality was 0 vs. 1.1 % for the CL group and the SL group accordingly (p>0.99).
This study comparing short-term surgical outcome and complications after surgical treatment of NSCLC indicates that VATS completion lobectomy after diagnostic wedge resection seems safe when looking at a relatively short time interval between the two procedures.
Can adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes be predicted when blood pressure becomes elevated?
For women with chronic or gestational hypertension in CHIPS (Control of Hypertension In Pregnancy Study, NCT01192412), we aimed to examine whether clinical predictors collected at randomization could predict adverse outcomes. This was a planned, secondary analysis of data from the 987 women in the CHIPS Trial. Logistic regression was used to examine the impact of 19 candidate predictors on the probability of adverse perinatal (pregnancy loss or high level neonatal care for>48 h, or birthweight<10th percentile) or maternal outcomes (severe hypertension, preeclampsia, or delivery at<34 or<37 weeks). A model containing all candidate predictors was used to start the stepwise regression process based on goodness of fit as measured by the Akaike information criterion. For face validity, these variables were forced into the model: treatment group ("less tight" or "tight" control), antihypertensive type at randomization, and blood pressure within 1 week before randomization. Continuous variables were represented continuously or dichotomized based on the smaller p-value in univariate analyses. An area-under-the-receiver-operating-curve (AUC ROC) of ≥0.70 was taken to reflect a potentially useful model. Point estimates for AUC ROC were<0.70 for all but severe hypertension (0.70, 95% CI 0.67-0.74) and delivery at<34 weeks (0.71, 95% CI 0.66-0.75). Therefore, no model warranted further assessment of performance.
CHIPS data suggest that when women with chronic hypertension develop an elevated blood pressure in pregnancy, or formerly normotensive women develop new gestational hypertension, maternal and current pregnancy clinical characteristics cannot predict adverse outcomes in the index pregnancy.
Does Preoperative Beta-blocker Use Influence Intraoperative Hemodynamic Profile and Post-operative Course of Liver Transplantation?
We compared the intraoperative hemodynamic profiles and outcomes of liver transplant (LT) patients receiving preoperative beta-blockers for portal hypertension with those of patients not receiving beta-blockers. Beat-to-beat hemodynamic data were recorded with the use of a lithium dilution cardiac output monitor, including heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), cardiac index (CI), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), SVR index, mean arterial pressure, stroke volume (SV), and SV index. Perioperative data included age, sex, etiology of cirrhosis, Model of End-Stage Liver Disease score, warm and cold ischemia times, and intraoperative blood and blood products replacement. Postoperative data included Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score, Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) score, length of intensive care unit stay, renal replacement treatment, and mortality. After exclusion, 215 patients not receiving and 93 patients receiving beta-blockers for portal hypertension were included. There was no significant difference between groups in demographic data. HR, CO, and CI were significantly lower in the beta-blocker group (P = .0001). Regarding outcomes, the ICNARC score was significantly higher in the beta-blocker group (P<.05).
Preoperative administration of beta-blockers attenuates the hyperdynamic circulation in LT patients; this is clearly seen through a reduction in intraoperative CO, CI, and HR. This decreased hyperdynamic state was not shown to relate to outcomes in any of the variables except for a higher ICNARC score reported in the group treated with beta-blockers.
Diastolic Dysfunction in Liver Cirrhosis: Prognostic Predictor in Liver Transplantation?
Patients with liver cirrhosis may develop cirrhotic cardiomyopathy (CC), characterized by blunted contractile responsiveness to stress, diastolic dysfunction (DD), and electrophysiological abnormalities. It may adversely affect the long-term prognosis of these patients. We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients undergoing liver transplantation (LT) for cirrhosis from January 2012 to June 2015. We analyzed demographic characteristics, the etiology of cirrhosis, Child-Pugh and Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) scores, the corrected QT (QTc) interval in the preoperative period, diastolic and systolic dysfunction, mortality and survival, and duration of mechanical ventilation and vasopressor support in the post-LT period. These variables were compared with diastolic dysfunction and prolongation of QTc, with the use of chi-square, Fisher, and Mann-Whitney U tests. The study included 106 patients, 80.2% male and overall average age 54.83 years. The median MELD score was 16, and Child-Pugh class C in 55.4%. Prolonged QTc interval before LT was present in 19% and DD in 35.8% of patients. QTc before LT or DD did not vary significantly with MELD or Child-Pugh score.
The patients in the pre-LT period presented with a significant incidence of DD, which can predispose them to adverse cardiac events. The presence of DD correlates with mortality after LT in patients with hepatic cirrhosis.
Are Surgeons Being Paid Fairly by Medicaid?
Both the Medicare (MCR) and Medicaid (MCD) programs turn 50 this year. Medicare has developed a national resource-based payment methodology for physicians' services, with broad input by specialty societies, and MCD payments are set by individual states by various means. We have conducted the first national comparison of payment methodology of MCD vs MCR for procedures commonly delivered by general surgeons. Using the most recent Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' Medicare data for frequency of allowed charges for general surgeons, we selected the most frequently billed procedures and gathered data from the 50 states for MCD and MCR payments. We determined the "Medicaid discount" (MCD payment minus MCR payment) expressed as dollars and percent, as well as dollars paid per relative value of work. We have discovered wide variations in MCD payments among states for the same procedures, demonstrating unexplained "discounts" of MCD payments in relationship to MCR. We found that MCD payments show wide variations across the states, with many states paying far less than MCR for common, essential procedures.
These findings call into question the fairness of MCD reimbursement for general surgery services in the United States. This discount to MCR could act as a disincentive for surgeons to care for some patients, based on the state of residence. These unexplained discounts could have considerable long-term effects for patients dependent on the MCD program. Our study should act as a stimulus for states to examine their payment methodologies to provide more uniform and fairer payments for surgical procedures.
Should we treat obesity in COPD?
Obesity is an established risk factor for poor health outcomes, but paradoxically in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it is associated with improved survival and lung function. A major evidence gap exisits to inform treatment recommendations for patients with COPD who are obese. We aimed to determine the effect of weight reduction involving a low-energy diet utilizing a partial meal replacement plan, coupled with resistance exercise training in obese COPD patients. In a proof of concept before-after clinical trial, obese (body mass index ≥30 kg/m(2) ) COPD patients received a 12 week weight reduction programme involving meal replacements, dietary counselling by a dietitian and resistance exercise training prescribed and supervised by a physiotherapist. Patients were reviewed face to face by the dietitian and physiotherapist every 2 weeks for counselling. Twenty-eight participants completed the intervention. Mean (standard deviation) body mass index was 36.3 kg/m(2) (4.6) at baseline and reduced by 2.4 kg/m(2) ((1.1) P < 0.0001) after the intervention. Importantly, skeletal muscle mass was maintained. Clinical outcomes improved with weight loss including exercise capacity, health status, dyspnea, strength and functional outcomes. There was also a significant reduction in the body mass index, obstruction, dyspnea and exercise score (BODE). Systemic inflammation measured by C-reactive protein however did not change.
In obese COPD patients, dietary energy restriction coupled with resistance exercise training results in clinically significant improvements in body mass index, exercise tolerance and health status, whilst preserving skeletal muscle mass. This novel study provides a framework for development of guidelines for the management of obese COPD patients and in guiding future research.
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin T: A biomarker for the early risk stratification of type-A acute aortic dissection?
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin is the most specific and sensitive biomarker of myocardial injury. However, no study has investigated whether the early concentration of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin is increased or is of value in predicting short-term prognosis in patients with type-A acute aortic dissection (AAD) in the emergency department. To measure the high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-TnT) concentration in patients with type-A AAD upon hospital admission, and to assess its value in predicting short-term prognosis. We enrolled consecutive patients with type-A AAD. Blood samples were collected on admission; hs-TnT concentrations were measured on the Elecsys 2010 system. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), D-dimer and other biochemical indicators were measured. Patients were divided into two groups according to hs-TnT concentration on admission (<or ≥0.014ng/mL). More than half (61.2%) of the 103 included patients had an hs-TnT concentration ≥0.014ng/mL. hs-TnT concentrations were significantly higher in those who died compared with survivors (0.292±0.516 vs. 0.069±0.154ng/mL; P=0.003). Multivariable Cox regression analysis suggested that hs-TnT is an independent factor for predicting in-hospital mortality risk (odds ratio: 2.202, 95% confidence interval: 1.111-4.367; P=0.024). Kaplan-Meier curves revealed a significant increase in hospital mortality in the hs-TnT(+) group compared with the hs-TnT(-) group (P=0.021). When hs-TnT was ≥0.042ng/mL, the sensitivity and specificity in predicting hospital short-term mortality were 70.8% and 76.4%, respectively.
Our study suggests that hs-TnT concentration could be used as an early biomarker for the risk stratification of patients with type-A AAD in the emergency department; the relationship between hs-TnT concentration and long-term prognosis needs further investigation.
Are parents' anxiety and depression related to child fussy eating?
To examine the association between parental anxiety and depression with child fussy eating-that is, consistent rejection of particular food items. This study was embedded in Generation R, a prospective cohort from fetal life onwards in the Netherlands. Population-based. 4746 4-year-old children and their parents. Parental internalising problems (ie, symptoms of anxiety and depression) were assessed with the Brief Symptoms Inventory during pregnancy and the preschool period (child age 3 years). The food fussiness scale of the Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. Maternal anxiety during pregnancy and during the child's preschool period was related to higher food fussiness sum-scores in children. For instance, per point on the anxiety scale in pregnancy, children had on average a 1.02 higher sum-score (95% CI 0.59 to 1.46) on the food fussiness scale, after adjustment for confounders. Likewise, mothers' depressive symptoms at both time points were associated with fussy eating behaviour in their children (eg, in the antenatal period: per point on the depression scale, children had a 0.91 point higher sum-score on the food fussiness scale, 95% CI 0.49 to 1.33). We found largely similar associations between fathers' internalising problems and children's fussy eating. However, fathers' anxiety during the antenatal period was not related to child fussy eating.
Maternal and paternal internalising problems were prospectively associated with fussy eating in preschoolers. Healthcare practitioners should be aware that non-clinical symptoms of anxiety and depression in parents are risk factors for child fussy eating.
Is screening for urine infection in well infants with prolonged jaundice required?
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) neonatal jaundice guidance recommends a urine culture for investigation of babies with prolonged jaundice. However, the evidence cited for this guidance is limited. We aimed to review local data and the existing literature to identify evidence to either support or refute this guidance. We retrospectively reviewed 3 years of urine cultures from our outpatient prolonged jaundice clinic. We then conducted literature review with meta-analysis of studies presenting original data on urine tract infection (UTI) rates in jaundiced and prolonged jaundiced babies. From our local data, none of the 279 patients met our unit clinical criteria for UTI. Literature review revealed considerable differences worldwide in UTI rates in both jaundiced and prolonged jaundiced cases. Using pooled data from our literature review and our local population, the incidence of UTI in prolonged jaundiced babies is 0.21% (95% CI 0.0% to 0.73%) in the UK. This is significantly lower than the figure indicated from the data from elsewhere in the world, 8.21% (95% CI 4.36% to 13.0%).
The findings both from our local data and the current literature do not support the practice of routine screening for urine infection in well babies with prolonged jaundice. In view of the above, we no longer include urine culture in screening of well infants with prolonged jaundice. We hope that NICE will re-examine the evidence and recommend changes to their guidance on the role of routine screening for urine infection in babies with prolonged jaundice.
Does child temperament modify the overweight risk associated with parent feeding behaviors and child eating behaviors?
Child temperament is a measure of an individual's behavioral tendencies. The primary objective of this study was to examine whether child temperament modified the overweight risk associated with parent feeding behaviors and child eating behaviors. A sample of predominantly African American, Midwest families (N = 120) recruited from four metropolitan primary care clinics participated in this cross-sectional, mixed methods study. Parents reported on feeding practices, child eating behaviors, and child temperament. Difficult temperament was not statistically related to parent feeding practices or child eating behaviors (p>0.05). Tests of interaction indicated that the risk of child overweight differed by difficult temperament and easy temperament for two child eating behaviors (emotional eating and food fussiness, p<0.05). For example, the effect of food fussiness decreased the risk of overweight for difficult temperament children but increased overweight risk for easy temperament children. Further, the effect of emotional eating increased the risk of overweight for difficult temperament children but decreased overweight risk for easy temperament children.
Tailoring parent-level interventions to child temperament or promoting environments that trigger less reactive individual responses may be effective in lowering risk of child overweight.
Can Google Searches Predict the Popularity and Harm of Psychoactive Agents?
Predicting the popularity of and harm caused by psychoactive agents is a serious problem that would be difficult to do by a single simple method. However, because of the growing number of drugs it is very important to provide a simple and fast tool for predicting some characteristics of these substances. We were inspired by the Google Flu Trends study on the activity of the influenza virus, which showed that influenza virus activity worldwide can be monitored based on queries entered into the Google search engine. Our aim was to propose a fast method for ranking the most popular and most harmful drugs based on easily available data gathered from the Internet. We used the Google search engine to acquire data for the ranking lists. Subsequently, using the resulting list and the frequency of hits for the respective psychoactive drugs combined with the word "harm" or "harmful", we estimated quickly how much harm is associated with each drug. We ranked the most popular and harmful psychoactive drugs. As we conducted the research over a period of several months, we noted that the relative popularity indexes tended to change depending on when we obtained them. This suggests that the data may be useful in monitoring changes over time in the use of each of these psychoactive agents.
Our data correlate well with the results from a multicriteria decision analysis of drug harms in the United Kingdom. We showed that Google search data can be a valuable source of information to assess the popularity of and harm caused by psychoactive agents and may help in monitoring drug use trends.
Does serum uric acid act as a modulator of cerebrospinal fluid Alzheimer's disease biomarker related cognitive decline?
The association of serum uric acid, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and longitudinal cognitive decline was evaluated using the AD Neuroimaging Initiative database. In 271 healthy subjects, 596 mild cognitive impairment patients and 197 AD patients, serum uric acid and CSF AD biomarkers were measured at baseline, and Mini-Mental State Examination and AD Assessment Scale - Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-cog) were assessed serially (mean duration, 2.9 years). The effect of uric acid on longitudinal cognitive decline was evaluated using linear mixed effect models for Mini-Mental State Examination and ADAS-cog scores in female and male subjects separately, with possible confounders controlled (model 1). To determine the effects of uric acid independent of CSF biomarker (Aβ1-42 or tau) and to test whether the detrimental effects of CSF biomarker differ according to uric acid, CSF biomarker and its interaction with uric acid were further included in model 1 (model 2). Higher levels of uric acid were associated with slower cognitive decline, particularly in the mild cognitive impairment and dementia subgroups, and more prominently in female subjects. Model 2 with CSF Aβ1-42 showed that higher levels of uric acid were associated with a slower cognitive decline and alleviated the detrimental effect of Aβ1-42 on cognitive decline. Model 2 with CSF tau showed that higher levels of uric acid alleviated the detrimental effect of tau on cognitive decline in female subjects but not in male subjects.
Higher levels of uric acid had protective effects on longitudinal cognitive decline independent of and interactively with CSF AD biomarkers.
Is Preventative Long-Segment Surgery for Multi-Level Spondylolysis Necessary?
For multi-level spondylolysis patients, surgeons commonly choose to fix all the segments with pars interarticularis defect even those without slippage and not responsible for clinical symptoms. In this study, we tried to study the necessity of the preventative long-segment surgery for the defected segment without slippage in treatment of multi-level spondylolysis patients from a biomechanical perspective. We established a bi-level spondylolysis model with pars defects at L4 and L5 segments, and simulated posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) and pedicle screw fixation at L5-S1 level. Then we compared the biomechanical changes at L4 segment before and after surgery in neutral, flexion, extension, lateral bending and axial rotation position. The stress on L4 pars interarticularis was very similar before and after surgery, and reached the highest in axial rotation. The L3-L4 intradiscal pressure was almost the same, while L4-L5 intradiscal pressure changed a little in lateral bending (increase from 1.993 to 2.160 MPa) and axial rotation (decrease from 1.639 to 1.307 MPa) after surgery. The PLIF surgery caused a little increase of range of motion at adjacent L4-L5 and L3-L4 levels, but the change is very tiny (1 degree).
The PLIF surgery will not cause significant biomechanical change at adjacent segment with pars defect in multi-level spondylolysis. On the contrary, excessive long-segment surgery will damage surrounding soft tissues which are important for maintaining the stability of spine. So a preventative long-segment surgery is not necessary for multi-level spondylolysis as long as there are no soft tissue degeneration signs at adjacent level.
Are all first-generation antipsychotics equally effective in treating schizophrenia?
Narrative, unsystematic reviews revealed no differences in efficacy between the various first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs) resulting in the psychopharmacological assumption of comparable efficacy between the different FGAs. We sought to determine if the assumption of comparable efficacy of all FGAs can be regarded as evidence-based using meta-analytic statistics. A systematic literature survey (Cochrane Schizophrenia Group trial register) was applied to identify all RCTs that compared oral haloperidol with another oral FGA in schizophrenia. Primary outcome was dichotomous treatment response. Secondary outcomes were symptom severity measured by rating scales, discontinuation rates, and specific adverse effects. Altogether, 79 RCTs with 4343 participants published between 1962 and 1999 were included. We found a significant between-group difference only between haloperidol and nemonapride, but not for the remaining 19 investigated FGAs. There were no significant differences for discontinuation rates.
As most of the single meta-analytic comparisons can be regarded as underpowered, the evidence for the assumption of comparable efficacy of all FGAs is inconclusive. We therefore cannot confirm or reject the statements of previous narrative, unsystematic reviews in this regard. Our findings were limited by the small sample size in the individual comparisons and the low methodological quality in many included studies.
Is self-rated health an independent prognostic factor of six-week mortality in older patients hospitalized for an acute condition?
To determine whether self-rated health is a prognostic factor of six-week mortality, independently of other known objective prognostic factors. The SAFMA study was a prospective cohort, which recruited patients from the University Hospital of Martinique Acute Care for Elders unit (French West Indies) from January to June 2012. Patients aged 75 or older and hospitalized for an acute condition were eligible. The outcome was time to death within the six-week follow-up. The main explanatory variable was self-rated health. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were considered as covariates. Cox's proportional hazards model was used. The mean age of the 223 patients included was 85.1 ± 5.5 years. Six-week mortality rate was 14.8 %; none were lost to follow-up. In total, 123 claimed "very good to good" health, and 100 "medium to very poor" health. Self-rated health was the only independent prognostic factor associated with 6-week mortality (hazard ratio 2.61; 95 % confidence interval 1.18-5.77; p = .02), when adjusting for known prognostic factors such as age, dimensions of the comprehensive geriatric assessment and comorbidity burden.
The association between self-rated health and short-term mortality could have implications for clinical practice, particularly in helping in the estimation of prognosis in acute care setting.
Targeted MRI-guided prostate biopsy: are two biopsy cores per MRI-lesion required?
This study evaluates the feasibility of performing less than two core biopsies per MRI-lesion when performing targeted MR-guided in-bore prostate biopsy. Retrospectively evaluated were 1545 biopsy cores of 774 intraprostatic lesions (two cores per lesion) in 290 patients (66 ± 7.8 years; median PSA 8.2 ng/ml) regarding prostate cancer (PCa) detection, Gleason score, and tumor infiltration of the first (FBC) compared to the second biopsy core (SBC). Biopsies were acquired under in-bore MR-guidance. For the biopsy cores, 491 were PCa positive, 239 of 774 (31 %) were FBC and 252 of 771 (33 %) were SBC (p = 0.4). Patient PCa detection rate based on the FBC vs. SBC were 46 % vs. 48 % (p = 0.6). For clinically significant PCa (Gleason score ≥4 + 3 = 7) the detection rate was 18 % for both, FBC and SBC (p = 0.9). Six hundred and eighty-seven SBC (89 %) showed no histologic difference. On the lesion level, 40 SBC detected PCa with negative FBC (7.5 %). Twenty SBC showed a Gleason upgrade from 3 + 3 = 6 to ≥3 + 4 = 7 (2.6 %) and 4 to ≥4 + 3 = 7 (0.5 %).
The benefit of a second targeted biopsy core per suspicious MRI-lesion is likely minor, especially regarding PCa detection rate and significant Gleason upgrading. Therefore, a further reduction of biopsy cores is reasonable when performing a targeted MR-guided in-bore prostate biopsy.
Serial structural MRI evaluation of arthroscopy rotator cuff repair: does Sugaya's classification correlate with the postoperative clinical outcomes?
Sugaya's classification is the most commonly used for postoperative evaluation of rotator cuff repairs. However, the correlation between this classification and clinical outcomes after supraspinatus tendon repair were not performed with serial MRI examinations in standardized time intervals. This prospective case series involved 54 patients undergoing repair of the supraspinatus tendon tear. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, 1.5 T) was used to determine the Sugaya's classifications at 3, 6, and 12 months, and these data were correlated with the visual analog scale for pain (VAS), Constant and University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) assessments. Patients with types I, II, and ≥III of Sugaya's classification experienced pain of 1.27 ± 1.95, 1.00 ± 1.40, and 3.43 ± 3.36, respectively (p = 0.010), according to the VAS. The Constant and UCLA scales did not differ significantly. Type II predominated, though their percentage decreased over time (from 77.8 to 66.7 %), whereas type I became more frequent (from 1.9 to 20.4 %).
The pain was more intense in patients classified as types III, IV, or V of Sugaya's classification. The postoperative appearance of the supraspinatus tendon was not correlated with the Constant and UCLA scales. The occurrence of type II, the most prevalent, decreased over time, whereas the occurrence of type I increased; these differences were not significant. Level de evidence: prospective cohort evaluation-level III.
Can the optimal type of stent be predicted based on clinical risk factors?
The randomized BASKET-PROVE study showed no significant differences between sirolimus-eluting stents (SES), everolimus-eluting stents (EES), and bare-metal stents (BMS) with respect to the primary end point, rates of death from cardiac causes, or myocardial infarction (MI) at 2 years of follow-up, in patients requiring stenting of a large coronary artery. Clinical risk factors may affect clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary interventions. We present a retrospective analysis of the BASKET-PROVE data addressing the question as to whether the optimal type of stent can be predicted based on a cumulative clinical risk score. A total of 2,314 patients (mean age 66 years) who underwent coronary angioplasty and implantation of ≥1 stents that were ≥3.0 mm in diameter were randomly assigned to receive SES, EES, or BMS. A cumulative clinical risk score was derived using a Cox model that included age, gender, cardiovascular risk factors (hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, family history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, smoking), presence of ≥2 comorbidities (stroke, peripheral artery disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic rheumatic disease), a history of MI or coronary revascularization, and clinical presentation (stable angina, unstable angina, ST-segment elevation MI). An aggregate drug-eluting stent (DES) group (n = 1,549) comprising 775 patients receiving SES and 774 patients receiving EES was compared to 765 patients receiving BMS. Rates of death from cardiac causes or nonfatal MI at 2 years of follow-up were significantly increased in patients who were in the high tertile of risk stratification for the clinical risk score compared to those who were in the aggregate low-mid tertiles. In patients with a high clinical risk score, rates of death from cardiac causes or nonfatal MI were lower in patients receiving DES (2.4 per 100 person-years, 95% CI 1.6-3.6) compared with BMS (5.5 per 100 person-years, 95% CI 3.7-8.2, hazard ratio 0.45, 95% CI 0.26-0.80, P = .007). However, they were not significantly different between receivers of DES and BMS in patients in the low-mid risk tertiles.
This exploratory analysis suggests that, in patients who require stenting of a large coronary artery, use of a clinical risk score may identify those patients for whom DES use may confer a clinical advantage over BMS, beyond lower restenosis rates.
Is the Lecompte technique the last word on transposition of the great arteries repair for all patients?
To compare the Lecompte technique and the spiral anastomosis (complete anatomic correction) two decades after arterial switch operation (ASO). Nine patients after primary ASO with Lecompte and 6 selected patients after spiral anastomosis were evaluated 20.8 ± 2.1 years after ASO versus matched controls. Blood flow dynamics and flow profiles (e.g. vorticity, helicity) in the great arteries were quantified from time-resolved 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) phase contrast flow measurements (4D flow MR) in addition to a comprehensive anatomical and functional cardiovascular MRI analysis. Compared with spiral reconstruction, patients with Lecompte showed more vortex formation, supranatural helical blood flow (relative helicity in aorta: 0.036 vs 0.089; P<0.01), a reduced indexed cross-sectional area of the left pulmonary artery (155 vs 85 mm²/m²; P<0.001) and more semilunar valve dysfunctions (n = 5 vs 1). There was no difference in elastic aortic wall properties, ventricular function, myocardial perfusion and myocardial fibrosis between the two groups. Cross-sectional area of the aortic sinus was larger in patients than in controls (669 vs 411 mm²/m²; P<0.01). In the spiral group, the pulmonary root was rotated after ASO more towards the normal left position (P<0.01).
In this study, selected patients with spiral anastomoses showed, two decades after ASO, better physiologically adapted blood flow dynamics, and attained a closer to normal anatomical position of their great arteries, as well as less valve dysfunction. Considering the limitations related to the small number of patients and the novel MRI imaging techniques, these data may provoke reconsidering the optimal surgical approaches to transposition of the great arteries repair.
Is volumetric 3-dimensional computed tomography useful to predict histological tumour invasiveness?
The purpose of this study was to use Hounsfield unit (HU) thresholds of computed tomography (CT) images to predict pathological lymph node metastasis and tumour invasiveness of cT1N0M0 lung adenocarcinoma on 3D evaluations. Preoperative CT images of 211 lesions of surgically resected cT1N0M0 lung adenocarcinoma were retrospectively examined. The tumour size was calculated in 1D, 2D and 3D views. Tumours with -300 HU and over were defined as 'solid tumours', and those between -800 and -301 HU were defined as 'ground glass opacity tumours'. Tumours with -800 HU and over were assumed to be the whole tumour entity. The proportion of 'solid tumour' within the whole tumour entity was also calculated as the 'solid tumour ratio'. These were compared with pathological information. Solid tumour size and ratio were positively correlated with microscopic invasion to pleura, vessels and lymphatics in all dimensional evaluations. Pathological lymph node metastases were also well predicted by solid tumour size and ratio in all dimensional evaluations. The P-values for the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of 1D, 1D ×2, 2D and 3D evaluations were: solid tumour size P = 0.013, 0.014 and 0.032; and solid tumour ratio 0.016, 0.0032 and<0.0001. In comparisons of 1D, 2D and 3D evaluations, 'solid tumour size' of the area under the curve (AUC) of ROC to detect pathological lymph node metastases was not significant. However, strikingly, the 3D solid tumour ratio was found to be significantly more accurate for the prediction of pathological lymph node metastases than the 1D and 2D solid tumour ratios on ROC evaluation (AUC: 1D 0.736, 2D 0.803 and 3D 0.882; P-values for the AUC comparisons were P = 0.013 for 3D versus 1D and P = 0.022 for 3D versus 2D). The correlations of subtypes of adenocarcinoma and the 3D solid tumour ratio were also investigated. Subtypes of adenocarcinoma were well correlated with the 3D solid tumour ratio.
Preoperative 3D CT using threshold values of -800 and -300 HU was useful for predicting pathological lymph node metastases and tumour invasiveness of cT1N0M0 lung adenocarcinoma.
Aortic valve replacement with sutureless prosthesis: better than root enlargement to avoid patient-prosthesis mismatch?
Aortic valve replacement in patients with a small aortic annulus may result in patient-prosthesis mismatch (PPM). Aortic root enlargement (ARE) can reduce PPM, but leads to extended cardiac ischaemia times. Sutureless valves have the potential to prevent PPM while reducing cardiac ischaemia times. Between January 2007 and December 2011, a total of 128 patients with a small aortic annulus underwent surgery for aortic valve stenosis at our centre. Thirty-six (17% male, n = 6) patients received conventional valve replacement with ARE and 92 (16% male, n = 18) subjects received sutureless valve implantation (Sorin Perceval). We conducted a comparative, retrospective study with follow-up. The sutureless group showed a significantly higher age (79 years) than the ARE patients (62 years, P<0.001) and received significantly more concomitant cardiac procedures (33%, n = 30 vs 6%, n = 2, P = 0.001). The mean operation, cardiopulmonary bypass and cross-clamp times were significantly lower in sutureless patients (147 ± 42, 67 ± 26 and 35 ± 13 min, respectively) than in ARE patients (181 ± 41, 105 ± 29 and 70 ± 19 min, respectively, P<0.001). The mean postoperative effective orifice area (EOA) indexed to the body surface area was 0.91 ± 0.2 cm(2)/m(2) in ARE patients and 0.83 ± 0.14 cm(2)/m(2) in sutureless patients (P = 0.040). The rate of patients with severe PPM was 6% (n = 2) in ARE patients and 11% (n = 8%) in sutureless patients (not significant, n.s.). The 30-day mortality rates were 2% (n = 2) in sutureless patients and 6% (n = 2) in ARE patients (n.s.). The 1- and 5-year survival rates of the sutureless group were 92 and 54% years, respectively, whereas the 1- and 5-year survival rates of the ARE group were 76% (n.s.).
Although the sutureless valve patients received significantly more concomitant procedures, all operation-associated times were significantly shorter. Despite sutureless valve patients being older, the 30-day mortality and survival rates were comparable in the two groups. Since the indexed EOA was only slightly lower and the incidence of severe PPM was not significantly higher in the sutureless valve patients, we conclude that sutureless valve implantation is an alternative to conventional ARE to treat a small aortic annulus and avoid PPM, especially in geriatric patients who benefit from the quick implantation process.
Is cancer a good way to die?
Despite improved outcomes, cancer remains widely feared, often because of its association with a long and protracted death as opposed to the quick death that people associate with that other common cause of adult mortality: heart disease. Former editor-in-chief of the BMJ Richard Smith's view that 'cancer is the best way to die' therefore attracted much criticism. We examined middle-aged and older adults' agreement with this view and compared their attitudes towards dying from cancer versus heart disease in terms of which was a good death. This study was part of an online survey (February 2015) in a United Kingdom (UK) population sample of 50- to 70-year olds (n = 391), with sampling quotas for gender and education. Five characteristics of 'a good death' were selected from the end-of-life literature. Respondents were asked to rate the importance of each characteristic for their own death to ensure their relevance to a population sample and the likelihood of each for death from cancer and heart disease. We also asked whether they agreed with Smith's view. At least 95% of respondents considered the selected five characteristics important for their own death. Death from cancer was rated as more likely to provide control over what happens (p < 0.001), control over pain and other symptoms (p < 0.01), time to settle affairs (p < 0.001), and time to say goodbye to loved ones (p < 0.001) compared with death from heart disease, but there were no differences in expectation of living independently until death (p > 0.05). Almost half (40%) agreed that cancer is 'the best way to die', with no differences by age (p = 0.40), gender (p = 0.85), or education (p = 0.27).
Despite the media commotion, a surprisingly high proportion of middle-aged and older adults viewed cancer as 'the best way to die' and rated cancer death as better than heart disease. Given that one in two of us are likely to be diagnosed with cancer, conversations about a good death from cancer may in a small way mitigate fear of cancer. Future research could explore variations by type of cancer or heart disease and by previous experience of these illnesses in others.
Progressive radiolucent lines following the implantation of the cemented Rimfit acetabular component in total hip arthroplasty using the rimcutter technique: cause for concern?
The highly cross-linked polyethylene Exeter RimFit flanged cemented acetabular component was introduced in the United Kingdom in 2010. This study aimed to examine the rates of emergence of radiolucent lines observed when the Rimfit acetabular component was implanted at total hip arthroplasty (THA) using two different techniques: firstly, the 'rimcutter' technique in which the flange sits on a pre-prepared acetabular rim; and secondly, the 'trimmed flange' technique in which the flange is trimmed and the acetabular component is seated inside the rim of the acetabulum. The radiographs of 150 THAs (75 'rimcutter', 75 'trimmed flange') involving this component were evaluated to assess for radiolucencies at the cement/bone interface by three observers. Rimfit acetabular components implanted using the rimcutter technique had significantly higher rates of radiolucency than those introduced using the 'trimmed flange' technique one year post-operatively (one zone: 63/75 (84%) vs 17/75 (23%); two zones 42/75 (56%) vs 0/75 (0%); all three zones 17/75 (23%) vs 0/75 (0%):(all p<0.001).
On the basis of these findings, we have stopped using the 'rimcutter' technique when implanting the Rimfit acetabular component and have reverted to the 'trimmed flange' technique.
Do we really know our patient population in database research?
While use of large national clinical databases for orthopaedic trauma research has increased dramatically, there has been little study of the differences in populations contained therein. In this study we aimed to compare populations of patients with femoral shaft fractures across three commonly used national databases, specifically with regard to age and comorbidities. Patients were identified in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) and National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). The distributions of age and Charleston comorbidity index (CCI) reflected a predominantly older population with more comorbidities in NSQIP (mean age 71.5; sd 15.6), mean CCI 4.9; sd 1.9) than in the NTDB (mean age 45.2; sd 21.4), mean CCI = 2.1; sd 2.0). Bimodal distributions in the NIS population showed a more mixed population (mean age 56.9; sd 24.9), mean CCI 3.2; sd 2.3). Differences in age and CCI were all statistically significant (p<0.001).
While these databases have been commonly used for orthopaedic trauma research, differences in the populations they represent are not always readily apparent. Care must be taken to understand fully these differences before performing or evaluating database research, as the outcomes they detail can only be analysed in context.
Outpatient Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Is It Time to End the Discussion?
Laparoscopic appendectomy is typically associated with inpatient hospitalization averaging between 1 and 2 days. In July 2010, a prospective protocol for outpatient laparoscopic appendectomy was adopted at our institution. Patients were dismissed from the post-anesthesia recovery room or day surgery if they met certain predefined criteria. Patients admitted to a hospital room as either full admission or observation status were considered failures of outpatient management. An IRB-approved, retrospective review of a prospective database was performed on all patients having laparoscopic appendectomy for uncomplicated appendicitis from July 2010 through December 2014. Study exclusions included age younger than 17 years, pregnancy, interval appendectomy, and gangrenous or perforated appendicitis. Patient demographics, success with outpatient management, morbidity, and readmissions were analyzed. Five hundred and sixty-three patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomy for uncomplicated appendicitis during this time frame. There were 281 men and 282 women, with a mean age of 35.5 years. Four hundred and eighty-four patients (86%) were managed as outpatients. Seventy-nine patients were admitted for pre-existing conditions (32 patients), postoperative morbidity (10 patients), physician discretion (6 patients), or lack of transportation or support at home (31 patients). Thirty-eight patients (6.7%) experienced postoperative morbidity. Seven patients (1.2%) were readmitted after outpatient management for transient fever, nausea/vomiting, migraine headache, urinary tract infection, partial small bowel obstruction, and deep venous thrombosis. There were no mortalities or reoperations. Including the readmissions, overall success with outpatient management was 85%.
Outpatient laparoscopic appendectomy can be performed with a high rate of success, low morbidity, and low readmission rate. This protocol has withstood the test of time. Widespread adoption has the potential for substantial health care savings.
Are physical activity, sedentary behaviors and sleep duration associated with body mass index-for-age and health-related quality of life among high school boys and girls?
Previous studies reported lower health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scores in overweight and obese adolescents compared to their normal weight counterparts; however, few studies investigated the association between obesity-related behaviors including physical activity and sedentary behaviors and HRQOL in adolescents. This study aimed at investigating the relationship between physical activity, sedentary behaviors, sleep duration and body mass index-for-age (BMI-for-age) and HRQOL among high school Tehranian students. A total of 465 high school students (48.8 % girls) were recruited from three different socio-economic zones in Tehran. The BMI-for-age was determined and physical activity and HRQOL were assessed using validated questionnaires including Quantification de l'Activite Physique en Altitude Chez les Enfants (QAPACE) and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) respectively. Over one third of students (38.5 %) were either overweight or obese. The means of all self- and parent-reported HRQOL scores were significantly lower in girls, compared to boys, except for the parent-reported social functioning subscale. Mean hours of daily sleeping were significantly higher in girls, compared to boys (8.16 ± 1.27 vs. 7.73 ± 1.22 respectively; p<0.05). Both girls and boys spent more time on sedentary activities than engaging in sport activities. During school and vacation periods, boys had significantly higher daily energy expenditure (DEE) compared to girls (p<0.05). Only DEE during school period had a significant inverse correlation with BMI-for-age in boys but not girls (r = -0.14, p<0.05). In addition, self-reported HRQOL scores were significantly associated with weekly hours adolescents spent on videogames/internet, listening to music and reading, watching TV, sports as well as DEE through sex-specific patterns. However according to parents' perspective only weekly hours spent on listening to music and readings and sport activities were significantly associated with their children HRQOL scores.
In summary, time spent on physical and sedentary activities were not associated with BMI-for-age, although both of these were associated with the HRQOL of high school students. The potential role of sedentary activities and physical activity should be considered in future interventions aimed at improving HRQOL in adolescents.
Correlates of unmet need for contraception in Bangladesh: does couples' concordance in household decision making matter?
A large body of literature has highlighted that women's household decision-making power is associated with better reproductive health outcomes, while most of the studies tend to measure such power from only women's point of view. Using both husband's and wife's matched responses to decision-making questions, this study examined the association between couples' concordant and discordant decision makings, and wife's unmet need for contraception in Bangladesh. This study used couple's data set (n=3336) from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey of 2007. Multivariate logistic regression was used to examine the likelihood of unmet need for contraception among married women of reproductive age. Study results suggested that couples who support the equalitarian power structure seemed to be more powerful in meeting the unmet demand for contraception. Logistic regression analysis revealed that compared to couple's concordant joint decision making, concordance in husband-only or other's involvement in decision making was associated with higher odds of unmet need for contraception. Wives exposed to family planning information discussed family planning more often with husbands, and those from richest households were less likely to have unmet need for contraception.
Couple's concordant joint decision making, reflecting the concept of equalitarian power structure, appeared to be a significant analytic category. Policy makers in the field of family planning may promote community-based outreach programs and communication campaigns for family planning focusing on egalitarian gender roles in the household.
Is strength training associated with mortality benefits?
The relationship between strength training (ST) behavior and mortality remains understudied in large, national samples, although smaller studies have observed that greater amounts of muscle strength are associated with lower risks of death. We aimed to understand the association between meeting ST guidelines and future mortality in an older US adult population. Data were analyzed from the 1997-2001 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) linked to death certificate data in the National Death Index. The main independent variable was guideline-concordant ST (i.e. twice each week) and dependent variable was all-cause mortality. Covariates identified in the literature and included in our analysis were demographics, past medical history, and other health behaviors (including other physical activity). Given our aim to understand outcomes in older adults, analyses were limited to adults age 65years and older. Multivariate analysis was conducted using multiple logistic regression analysis. During the study period, 9.6% of NHIS adults age 65 and older (N=30,162) reported doing guideline-concordant ST and 31.6% died. Older adults who reported guideline-concordant ST had 46% lower odds of all-cause mortality than those who did not (adjusted odds ratio: 0.64; 95% CI: 0.57, 0.70; p<0.001). The association between ST and death remained after adjustment for past medical history and health behaviors.
Although a minority of older US adults met ST recommendations, guideline-concordant ST is significantly associated with decreased overall mortality. All-cause mortality may be significantly reduced through the identification of and engagement in guideline-concordant ST interventions by older adults.
Weight gain in Turner Syndrome: association to puberty induction?
Girls with Turner Syndrome (TS) treated or not treated with growth hormone (GH) are prone to overweight. Therefore, we hypothesize that puberty induction in TS is associated with weight gain. We analyzed weight changes (BMI-SDS) between onset of GH treatment and near adult height (NAH) in 887 girls with TS enrolled in KIGS (Pfizer International Growth Database). Puberty was induced with estrogens in 646 (72·8%) girls with TS. Weight status did not change significantly between GH treatment start and 1 year later (mean difference -0·02 BMI-SDS), but increased significantly (P<0·001) until NAH (+0·40 BMI-SDS). The BMI-SDS increased +0·21 until start of puberty (P<0·001). Girls with spontaneous and induced puberty showed similar BMI-SDS changes. Puberty induction at ≥12 years was associated with a significant (P<0·001) less increase of BMI-SDS (+0·7 BMI-SDS) between baseline and NAH compared to puberty induction at<12 year (+1·0 BMI-SDS). In multiple linear regression analyses changes of BMI-SDS between baseline and NAH were negatively associated with baseline BMI-SDS (P<0·001), GH doses (P = 0·015), and age at puberty induction (P<0·001), positively with years on GH treatment (P = 0·004), while duration and dose of estrogens, its route of administration (transdermal/oral), changes of height-SDS, thyroxin and oxandrolone treatment, and karyotype did not correlate significantly to changes of BMI-SDS in this time period.
Puberty does not seem to play a major role in weight gain in girls with TS since the majority of the increases in BMI-SDS occurred before puberty. However, late puberty induction seems to decrease the risk of weight gain.
Does the postcoital test predict pregnancy in WHO II anovulatory women?
To assess the capacity of the postcoital test (PCT) to predict pregnancy in WHO II anovulatory women who are ovulatory on clomiphene citrate (CC). In these women, an abnormal PCT result could be associated with lower pregnancy chances, but this has never been proven or refuted. Prospective cohort study was performed between December 2009 and September 2012 for all women who started ovulation induction with CC in one university clinic and two teaching hospitals in the Netherlands. A PCT was performed in one of the first three ovulatory cycles. Ovulation induction with CC was continued for at least six cycles. The PCT was judged to be positive if at least one progressive motile spermatozo was seen in one of five high power fields at 400× magnification. The primary outcome was time to ongoing pregnancy, within six ovulatory cycles. In 152 women the PCT was performed. 135 women had a reliable, well-timed PCT. The ongoing pregnancy rate was 44/107 (41%) for a positive and 10/28 (36%) for a negative PCT. The hazard rate for ongoing pregnancy was 1.3 (95% CI 0.64-2.5) for a positive versus a negative PCT. Thirty five of 77 (46%) women with clear mucus had an ongoing pregnancy versus 12 of 45 (27%) women in whom the mucus was not clear (HR 2.0; 95% CI 1.02-3.84, p=0.04).
The present study suggests that the outcome of the postcoital test in women with WHO-II anovulation that undergo ovulation induction with CC does not have a large effect on ongoing pregnancy chances over time.
Laparoscopic access overview: Is there a safest entry method?
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive technique to access the abdominal cavity, for diagnostic or therapeutic applications. Optimizing the access technique is an important step for laparoscopic procedures. The aim of this study is to assess the outcomes of different laparoscopic access techniques and to identify the safest one. Laparoscopic access questionnaire was forwarded via e-mail to the 60 centers who are partners in working group for laparoscopic and robotic surgery of the Italian Urological Society (SIU) and their American and European reference centers. The response rate was 68.33%. The total number of procedures considered was 65.636. 61.5% of surgeons use Veress needle to create pneumoperitoneum. Blind trocar technique is the most commonly used, but has the greatest number of complications. Optical trocar technique seems to be the safest, but it's the less commonly used. The 28,2% of surgeons adopt open Hasson's technique. Total intra-operative complications rate was 3.3%. Open conversion rate was 0.33%, transfusion rate was 1.13%, and total post-operative complication rate was 2.53%.
Laparoscopic access is a safe technique with low complication rate. Most of complications can be managed conservatively or laparoscopically. The choice of access technique can affect the rate and type of complications and should be planned according to surgeon experience, safety of each technique and patient characteristics. All access types have perioperative complications. According with our study, optical trocar technique seems to be the safest.
Does the intestinal microbial community of Korean Crohn's disease patients differ from that of western patients?
Intestinal microbiota play an important role in maintaining the homeostasis of the host immune system. To analyze the alteration of the intestinal microbial community structure in Korean Crohn's disease (CD) patients, we performed a comparative metagenomic analysis between healthy people and CD patients using fecal samples and mucosal tissues of ileocecal valve. 16S rRNA genes from fecal samples or mucosal tissues of 35 CD patients and 15 healthy controls (HC) were amplified using a universal primer set and sequenced with GS FLX Titanium. The microbial composition and diversity of each sample were analyzed with the mothur pipeline, and the association between microbial community and clinical characteristics of the patients were investigated. The contribution of bacterial groups to the intestinal microbial composition differed between CD and HC, especially in fecal samples. Global structure and individual bacterial abundance of intestinal microbial community were different between feces and ileocecal tissues in HC. In CD patients with active stage, relative abundances of Gammaproteobacteria and Fusobacteria were higher in both fecal and mucosal tissue samples. Moreover, the intestinal microbial community structure was altered by anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) treatment.
Our 16S rRNA sequence data demonstrate intestinal dysbiosis at the community level in Korean CD patients, which is similar to alterations of the intestinal microbial community seen in the western counterparts. Clinical disease activity and anti-TNF treatment might affect the intestinal microbial community structure in CD patients.
Brachiobasilic fistulae: an upper limb autologous option for everyone?
Autologous arteriovenous fistulae (AVF) are the vascular access option of choice. However, Brachiobasilic fistula (BBF) are complex procedures with variable outcomes reported in the literature. Our aim was to evaluate outcomes and morbidity associated with BBF in our population. Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data was undertaken for all 51 BBF created in our institution between January 2010 and March 2013. These were compared to an age and sex-matched group of brachiocephalic fistula (BCF) created over a similar time period. Demographic, operative and outcome data was collected for all patients. The primary end points were primary functional patency, primary-assisted patency and secondary patency at 3, 6 and 12 months. Continuous data was compared using Student's t-test and categorical data using chi-squared test (p < 0.05 is significant). Mean patient age was 57 years (range: 21-82). About 45% were male. About 73% of patients were already on hemodialysis (HD) at the time of BBF creation. BBF was the secondary or tertiary access procedure in 60.8% of patients (n = 31). BBF were associated with significant operative burden with 82% of patients requiring a general anaesthetic and median hospital admission of 2 days (range: 1-4). About 75% had a single-stage procedure. About 23.5% (n = 12) required operative revision (superficialization or anastomotic revision for stenosis). Patients with BBF spent an additional 3.45 days/year in hospital as a result of access related complications compared to 0.56 days/year in the BCF group. Primary-assisted patency at 3, 6 and 12 months was better in the BCF group than BBF group (86%, 72% and 48% vs. 71%, 59%, 33%, respectively; p < 0.01) Primary functional and secondary patency rates at 3, 6 and 12 months were 74%, 58% and 32% and 78%, 63% and 41%, respectively, with an average of 0.33 procedures per AVF to maintain patency (10 fistuloplasties, 4 IR thrombectomy and 3 surgical thrombectomy). About 32% (n = 17) of BBF were never used for HD (seven patients had a patent AVF but did not require HD >18 months following creation; nine failed to adequately mature and one patient refused second stage superficialization).
BBF are associated with a significant initial operative burden and higher complication and poorer patency rates than BCF. About one-third of BBF created in this series were never used. Given the morbidity associated with this procedure, careful consideration should be given to creation of BBF in pre-dialysis patients particularly those in whom the rate of decline in renal function is slow.
Does Changing Examiner Stations During UK Postgraduate Surgery Objective Structured Clinical Examinations Influence Examination Reliability and Candidates' Scores?
Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE) are widely used for summative assessment in surgery. Despite standardizing these as much as possible, variation, including examiner scoring, can occur which may affect reliability. In study of a high-stakes UK postgraduate surgical OSCE, we investigated whether examiners changing stations once during a long examining day affected marking, reliability, and overall candidates' scores compared with examiners who examined the same scenario all day. An observational study of 18,262 examiner-candidate interactions from the UK Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons examination was carried at 3 Surgical Colleges across the United Kingdom. Scores between examiners were compared using analysis of variance. Examination reliability was assessed with Cronbach's alpha, and the comparative distribution of total candidates' scores for each day was evaluated using t-tests of unit-weighted z scores. A significant difference was found in absolute scores differences awarded in the morning and afternoon sessions between examiners who changed stations at lunchtime and those who did not (p<0.001). No significant differences were found for the main effects of either broad content area (p = 0.290) or station content area (p = 0.450). The reliability of each day was not affected by examiner switching (p = 0.280). Overall, no difference was found in z-score distribution of total candidate scores and categories of examiner switching.
This large study has found that although the range of marks awarded varied when examiners change OSCE stations, examination reliability and the likely candidate outcome were not affected. These results may have implications for examination design and examiner experience in surgical OSCEs and beyond.
Is Zimbabwe ready to transition from anonymous unlinked sero-surveillance to using prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) program data for HIV surveillance?
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) programs collect socio-demographic and HIV testing information similar to that collected by unlinked anonymous testing sero-surveillance (UAT) in antenatal settings. Zimbabwe evaluated the utility of PMTCT data in replacing UAT. A UAT dataset was created by capturing socio-demographic, testing practices from the woman's booking-card and testing remnant blood at a laboratory from 1 June to 30 September 2012. PMTCT data were collected retrospectively from ANC registers. UAT and PMTCT data were linked by bar-code labels that were temporarily affixed to the ANC register. A questionnaire was used to obtain facility-level data at 53 sites. Pooled HIV prevalence was 15.8 % (95 % CI 15.3-16.4) among 17,349 women sampled by UAT, and 16.3 % (95 % CI 15.8 %-16.9 %) among 17,150 women in PMTCT datasets for 53 sites. Pooled national percent-positive agreement (PPA) was 91.2 %, and percent-negative agreement (PNA) was 98.7 % for 16,782 women with matched UAT and PMTCT data. Based on UAT methods, overall median prevalence was 12.9 % (Range 4.0 %-19.4 %) among acceptors and refusers of HIV test in PMTCT compared to 12.5 % ((Range 3.4 %-19.5 %) among acceptors in ANC registers. There were variations in prevalence by site.
Although, there is no statistical difference between pooled HIV prevalence in UAT compared to PMTCT program, the overall PPA of 91.2 % and PNA of 98.7 % fall below World Health Organisation (WHO) benchmarks of 97.6 % and 99.6 % respectively. Zimbabwe will need to strengthen quality assurance (QA) of rapid HIV testing and data collection practices. Sites with good performance should be prioritised for transitioning.
Does a distal perfusion cannula reduce ischaemic complications of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation?
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) provides support to patients with severe but reversible cardiac or pulmonary failure. Vascular complications of ECMO are well recognized. We performed a retrospective review of 70 patients (mean age 48 years; 15-85) who received peripheral veno-arterial ECMO from 2004 to 2010 in a single centre. For statistical analysis, chi-squared test and multivariate binary logistic regression analysis were used to assess for association between response variables (i.e. limb ischaemia, ECMO site bleeding and deep vein thrombosis (DVT)) and possible predictive variables. There were 14 (20%) cases of acute limb ischaemia with no statistically significant relationship between acute limb ischaemia and independent variables. Thirty-three patients received distal limb cannulas (47%). There was no statistically significant association between limb ischaemia and presence of distal limb cannula (P = 0.8). Multivariate binary logistic regression analysis identified insertion by cutdown as a predictor of lower probability of insertion site bleeding (n = 12, odds ratio 0.24, P = 0.04). Seven cases of DVT were identified; multivariate binary logistic regression analysis identified insertion by cutdown (odds ratio 0.08, P = 0.03) and days of ECMO less than five (odds ratio 0.08, P = 0.04) as predictive factors for reduced rates of DVT.
Ischaemic complications of ECMO are common and occur despite the presence of a distal limb-perfusing cannula; however in our study the distal limb cannula was a limb-salvaging intervention in six patients. Prolonged time on ECMO is a risk factor for DVT, and a high index of suspicion must be maintained. Percutaneous insertion was associated with higher rates of bleeding and DVT.
Can a 'rural day' make a difference to GP shortage across rural Germany?
The 'Verbundweiterbildung(plus) Baden-Württemberg' (Verbundweiterbildung(plus)) - a structured general practice (GP) postgraduate training program - developed a 'rural day' as an intervention to ensure rural health exposure for GP trainees. This project report presents the outcome of the intervention: intention to work in a rural area. At the time of the study, 500 GP trainees were enrolled in Verbundweiterbildung(plus). Invitations to complete an internet-based questionnaire were distributed by email to the 274 GP trainees who had previously been asked to participate in one of eight rural days. The questionnaire contained 4 generic and 10 specific items for participants in the rural days and 4 items specific to non-participants. Mixed-methods analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Of the 274 GP trainees invited to complete the questionnaire, 38 of 80 rural day participants and 72 of 194 non-participants completed the questionnaire (overall response rate 40%). Participants and non-participants did not differ significantly regarding age, sex and origin. Nearly half of the participants claimed the rural day changed their overall attitudes towards rural areas positively. However, there was no significant difference in the intention to work in a rural area for participants before and after the rural day experience.
The rural day increased positive attitudes towards rural areas in general but had no influence on intention to work in rural practice. More awareness and responsibility regarding workforce shortages in rural primary health care among political stakeholders, trainers and trainees is needed. Duration of the intervention should be extended and possibly complemented by offering rotations in rural practices to increase the effect. Enabling factors and barriers regarding working in rural areas are already known by political stakeholders, trainers and trainees and need to be more adequately addressed during GP postgraduate training.
Does the Epi-No(®) birth trainer prevent vaginal birth-related pelvic floor trauma?
Vaginal childbirth may result in levator ani injury secondary to overdistension during the second stage of labour. Other injuries include perineal and anal sphincter tears. Antepartum use of a birth trainer may prevent such injuries by altering the biomechanical properties of the pelvic floor. This study evaluates the effects of Epi-No(®) use on intrapartum pelvic floor trauma. Multicentre prospective randomised controlled trial. Two tertiary obstetric units in Australia. Nulliparous women carrying an uncomplicated singleton term pregnancy. Participants were assessed clinically and with 4D translabial ultrasound in the late third trimester, and again at 3-6 months postpartum. Women randomised to the intervention group were asked to use the Epi-No(®) device from 37 weeks of gestation until delivery. Levator ani, anal sphincter, and perineal trauma diagnosed clinically and/or with translabial ultrasound imaging. Of 660 women randomised, 504 (76.4%) returned for assessment at a mean of 5 months postpartum. There was no significant difference in the incidence of levator avulsion [12 versus 15%; relative risk (RR) 0.82, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.51-1.32; absolute risk reduction (ARR) 0.03, 95% CI -0.04 to 0.09; P = 0.39], irreversible hiatal overdistension (13 versus 15%; RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.52-1.42; ARR 0.02, 95% CI -0.05 to 0.09; P = 0.51), clinical anal sphincter trauma (7 versus 6%; RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.49-2.60; ARR -0.01, 95% CI -0.05 to 0.06; P = 0.77), and perineal tears (51 versus 53%; RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.78-1.17; ARR 0.02, 95% CI -0.08 to 0.13; P = 0.65). A marginally higher rate of significant defects of the external anal sphincter on ultrasound was observed in the intervention group (21 versus 14%; RR 1.44, 95% CI 0.97-2.20; ARR -0.06, 95% CI -0.13 to 0.05; P = 0.07).
Antenatal use of the Epi-No(®) device is unlikely to be clinically beneficial in the prevention of intrapartum levator ani damage, or anal sphincter and perineal trauma.
Combining limb-sparing surgery with radiation therapy in high-grade soft tissue sarcoma of extremities - Is it effective?
Limb-sparing surgery in combination with radiation therapy is a well-established treatment for high-grade soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities. But selection of cases and optimal sequence of irradiation and surgery still remain controversial. 769 patients with a high-grade soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities, who underwent a limb-sparing surgery, were retrospectively reviewed. Group 1 (N = 89) was treated with neo-adjuvant radiation therapy, group 2 (N = 315) with adjuvant irradiation and group 3 (N = 365) with surgery alone. After a mean follow up of 45 months 95 local recurrences occurred resulting in a local recurrence-free survival of 83.2% after 5 years and 75.9% after 10 years. Contaminated surgical margins (Odds ratio: 2.42) and previous inadequate surgeries (Odds ratio: 1.89) were identified as risk factors for failed local control. Neo-adjuvant radiation therapy provides the best local recurrence-free rate for 5 years (90.0%), whereas after 10 years (78.3%) adjuvant irradiation showed better local control. The metastatic-free rate was independent from achieved surgical margins (p = 0.179). Group 1 showed the highest rate of revision surgery (9.0%), followed by group 3 (5.5%) and group 2 (4.4%) (p = 0.085). However, the rate of irradiation-correlated side effects was higher in group 2 (15.2%) than in group 1 (11.2%) (p = 0.221).
Surgery has to be effective for successful local control and remains the mainstay of the treatment in combination with neo-adjuvant as well as adjuvant irradiation. In really wide or even radical resections the benefit of radiation therapy can be discussed as the irradiation induced side effects are not negligible.
Is delayed surgery related to worse outcomes in native left-sided endocarditis?
Timing of surgery in the management of infective endocarditis is controversial, and there is still no definite conclusion on how early the surgery should be performed. This study focuses on the outcomes of surgery during the active period of infective endocarditis in consideration of the duration after diagnosis. One hundred and thirty-four patients with active native valve infective endocarditis who underwent surgery from January 2006 to December 2013 were reviewed retrospectively. They were divided in 2 groups based on timing of surgery: early group (first week after diagnosis, n = 37) and delayed group (2 to 6 weeks after diagnosis, n = 97). Compared to the delayed group, the early group had significantly more patients in New York Heart Association class IV (81% vs. 43.3%), more mechanically ventilated (54.1% vs. 18.6%), more on inotropic support (62.2% vs. 38.1%), and hence a worse EuroSCORE II (14.8% vs. 8.8%). Operative mortality was comparable (5.4% vs. 10.3%) and 7-year survival was similar (77.4% vs. 74.6%). On multivariable regression analysis, delayed surgery did not impact on short- and long-term outcomes. Preoperative cardiac arrest and infection with Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, or Kingella were risk factors for higher operative mortality. Predictors of poor 7-year survival were diabetes mellitus and acute renal failure.
Delayed surgery is not associated with worse outcomes. Both early and delayed approaches are safe and provide acceptable results. Timing of surgery should be tailored to each patient's clinical status, not based on duration of endocarditis alone.
Tomographic evaluation of Hill-Sachs lesions: is there a correlation between different methods of measurement?
Several methods are currently available to evaluate and quantify the glenoid or humeral bone loss; however, none is universally accepted, particularly in the case of Hill-Sachs (HS) lesions. To establish whether there is correlation among different methods of measuring HS lesions, and to investigate the correlation between glenoid bone loss and the various HS lesion measurements and to assess the inter-observer reliability of such measurements. We assessed computed tomography (CT) or arthro-CT scans taken from individuals with recurrent anterior glenohumeral dislocation. The scans were independently assessed by two examiners. The parameters assessed were as follows: HS lesion width and depth on the axial and coronal planes, articular arc loss on the axial plane, and percentage of glenoid bone loss on the sagittal plane. Scans from 50 shoulders were assessed. The percentage of articular arc loss and HS lesion width on the axial plane were the only measurements that exhibited strong correlation (r = 0.83; P < 0.001). The values of the correlation coefficient corresponding to HS lesion depth on the coronal plane were the lowest. Most of the measurements exhibited moderate correlation. The inter-examiner reliability was good relative to all measurements except for HS lesion width and depth on the coronal plane, for which it was moderate.
The measurements of articular arc loss and HS lesion width on the axial plane exhibited strong correlation. The inter-examiner reliability relative to articular arc loss, HS lesion width and depth on the axial plane, and glenoid bone loss was good.
Mast Cell Concentrations in Peripheral and Central Giant Cell Granulomas: Is there any Angiogenetic Role?
In the maxillofacial region, giant cell granulomas occur in 2 clinical forms, central and peripheral. Despite histopathological similarity between these 2 forms totally different clinical behaviors have been reported. The present study was undertaken to compare mast cell and vascular concentrations in these pathologic lesions. In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 20 pathological samples of central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) and 20 samples of peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG) were selected and examined through toluidine blue staining for mast cell assessment and immunohistochemical staining by VEGEF antibody for comparing the number of mast cells. T-test, chi-squared test and backward multivariate linear regression were used for statistical analysis using SPSS 20. Statistical significance was set at P<0.05. This study showed significantly greater VEGF expression and mast cell concentrations in CGCG compared to PGCG cases. Also there was a significant correlation between VEGF expression and the concentration of mast cells. No relation was found between age, sex and site of the lesion and concentration of mast cells or VEGF expression.
It is feasible that higher concentrations of mast cells in CGCG versus PGCG samples might lead to more aggressive clinical behavior via vascular proliferation and angiogenesis. However, other biologic mechanisms should be considered in this situation.
Blood Samples of Peripheral Venous Catheter or The Usual Way: Do Infusion Fluid Alters the Biochemical Test Results?
Most blood tests require venous blood samples. Puncturing the vein also causes pain, infection, or damage to the blood, and lymph flow, or long-term healing. This study aimed to determine and compare the biochemical laboratory value of the blood samples that were provided through: peripheral vein infusion (PVI) receiving continuous intravenous fluid; and the usual method of blood sampling. This is an interventional, quasi-experimental, and controlled study. The selected study sample included 60 patients, who were hospitalized during 2014, in the Internal Medicine, part of Martyrs of Persian Gulf, teaching hospital at Bushehr. Three blood samples were taken from each patient that were provided through PVI line (5 ml blood collected at beginning of IVC and then another 5 cc), and another case was prepared by common blood sampling (control). All the samples were analyzed in terms of sodium, potassium, urea and creatinine using SPSS Ver.19 software, by paired t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficients. There was a statistically significant difference between the amount of sodium and potassium in the first blood samples taken from the intravenous infusion line and vein puncture .However, no significant differences were found among the biochemical amount in the second blood samples taken from the intravenous infusion line and vein puncture.
We can use blood samples taken from peripheral intravenous infusion lines after 5cc discarding from the first part of the sample for measuring the value of sodium, potassium, urea and creatinine.
Should ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration be considered a first-line technique in assessing a thyroid nodule?
Thyroid nodule is a common finding in the general population. Fine-needle aspiration remains a crucial step in the assessment of any thyroid nodules. The aim of this study is to compare the accuracy of needle aspiration with and without ultrasound guidance (USFNA, FNA respectively). Retrospective chart review of 150 consecutive patients who had thyroid surgery. Fine needle aspiration biopsy, histopathology results alongside demographics and nodule sizes were recorded. There was no statistical difference in the nodule size of both groups. USFNA showed a significantly higher specificity and positive predictive values compared to FNA.
When readily available, USFNA should be considered in the investigations of a thyroid nodule.
Impact of a Comparative Study on the Management of Scoliosis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Are Corticosteroids Decreasing the Rate of Scoliosis Surgery in the United States?
A cross-sectional analysis. The aim of this study was to determine whether the surgical treatment for scoliosis due to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) has decreased over a recent 11-year period, specifically, after the wide acceptance of glucocorticoid treatment for DMD. DMD can result in a flaccid neuromuscular scoliosis that has been traditionally treated surgically. In 2004, a comparative study demonstrated that glucocorticoid treatment decreased the progression of scoliosis in DMD. We used the Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 2001 to 2012 to identify patients with DMD undergoing spinal fusion. Demographic information (age, hospital size, location, geographic status) was collected. We examined the distribution of patient and hospital characteristics among cohorts undergoing spinal fusion from 2001 to 2004 (period 1; before publication of the comparative study), 2005 to 2008 (period 2; immediately following publication of the comparative study), and 2009 to 2012 (period 3; moderate duration following publication of the comparative study). We identified 1874 males undergoing spinal fusion. During this period, the overall rate of DMD surgeries declined by 48%-from 1.87 surgeries in 2001 to 0.97 surgeries in 2012 per million US males per year. This decline was significantly pronounced following the publication of the comparative study [periods 2 and 3; For period 2 vs. period 1: incidence rate ratio (IRR) = 0.71, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.56-0.91, P = 0.01; For period 3 vs. period 1: IRR = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.61-0.97, P = 0.03].
Our study demonstrates a significant decrease in the rate of scoliosis surgery for DMD from 2001 to 2012. It appears that the decline in surgical treatment could be related to the publication and landmark study demonstrating decreased progression of scoliosis with glucocorticoid treatment.
CD81 and CD48 show different expression on blood eosinophils in systemic sclerosis: new markers for disease and pulmonary inflammation?
In systemic sclerosis (SSc)-related interstitial lung disease (ILD), elevated eosinophil counts in bronchoalveolar lavage are associated with a worse outcome. We hypothesized that eosinophils may be activated in the peripheral circulation, thereby increasing their recruitment to affected tissues and contributing to inflammation and fibrosis. The aim of this study was to characterize the blood eosinophils in SSc patients. Expression levels of surface markers CD11b, CD44, CD48, CD54, CD69, CD81, and HLA-DR on CD16(low)CD9(high)-expressing eosinophils were measured by flow cytometry in whole blood from SSc patients (n = 32) and controls (n = 11). Expression levels of CD54, CD69, and HLA-DR were undetectable in all groups. CD44 and CD11b expression levels were similar between groups. CD81 expression was lower in patients compared to controls independent of disease duration (p = 0.001). CD48 expression was increased in patients with a short disease duration (<2 years) compared to both controls (p = 0.042) and patients with longer disease duration (≥ 2 years; p = 0.027). In patients with short disease duration, increased CD48 expression was associated with alveolar inflammation as measured by an increased concentration of alveolar nitric oxide (r = 0.76, p = 0.003).
Blood eosinophils change phenotype during disease evolution in SSc, and CD48 expression may be used as a biomarker for pulmonary inflammation.
Is Tamsulosin Effective after Shock Wave Lithotripsy for Pediatric Renal Stones?
We assessed the effect of tamsulosin as an adjunctive therapy after shock wave lithotripsy for pediatric single renal pelvic stones. A total of 120 children with a unilateral single renal pelvic stone were included in a prospective randomized, controlled study. All children were randomized to 2 equal groups. Group 1 received tamsulosin (0.01 mg/kg once daily) as adjunctive therapy after shock wave lithotripsy in addition to paracetamol while group 2 received paracetamol only. Stone clearance was defined as no renal stone fragments or fragments less than 3 mm and no pelvicalyceal system dilatation. Our study included 69 boys and 51 girls with a median age of 3.5 years and a median stone size of 1.2 cm. There was no statistically significant difference between groups 1 and 2 in stone or patient criteria. Of the children 99 (82.5%) achieved stone clearance after the first session, including 50 in group 1 and 49 in group 2. All children in each group were cleared of stones after the second session. The overall complication rate was 14.2%. There was no statistically significant difference between single session stone clearance rates (p = 0.81) and complications rates (p = 0.432) in either group. On multivariate analysis using logistic regression smaller stone size (p = 0.016) and radiopaque stones (p = 0.019) were the only predictors of stone clearance at a single shock wave lithotripsy session. Tamsulosin therapy did not affect stone clearance (p = 0.649).
Tamsulosin does not seem to improve renal stone clearance. Smaller and radiopaque renal stones have more chance of clearance after shock wave lithotripsy for pediatric single renal pelvic stones.
Is Blast Injury a Modern Phenomenon?
Given the recent interest in blast injury spurred by returning soldiers from overseas conflicts, we sought to research the early historical descriptions of blast injuries and their treatments. Consideration was given to specific descriptions of survivors of closed head injury and their treatment. A review of the medical and nonmedical literature was undertaken, with particular emphasis on pre-1800 descriptions of volcanic eruptions and mining accidents. Compilations of accounts of the Etna eruptions dating from 126 BC were translated into English, and early mining texts from the 1600s and 1700s were reviewed. Accumulations of flammable gases were recorded in many medieval sources and this knowledge of toxic gas which could lead to blast injury was known in the mining community by 1316. No direct attribution of injuries to blast forces was present in the historical record examined before the 1300s, although mining accounts in the 1600s detail deaths due to blast. No specific descriptions of survivors of a closed head injury were found in the mining and volcanic eruption literature.
Descriptions and warnings of blast forces were commonly written about in the medieval and Renaissance mining communities. Personal narratives as early as 1316 recognize the traumatic effects of blast injury. No mining or volcanic blast descriptions before 1800 detailed severe closed head injury survivors, suggesting greater mortality than morbidity from blast injury in the premodern era. This review also uncovered that there was no historical treatment or remedy recommended to survivors of blast injury. Blast explosions resulting in injury or death were frequently described, although in simplistic terminology.
Is single incision midurethral sling effective in patients with low maximal urethral closure pressure?
To ascertain whether low preoperational maximal urethral closure pressure (MUCP) affects the outcomes of single incision sling (SIS) procedures and changes MUCP values postsurgery. There were 112 (MUCP ≥ 40 cmH2O, n = 88; MUCP<40 cmH2O, n = 24) consecutive women with urodynamic stress incontinence who had undergone SIS (MiniArc) procedures included in this study. The threshold of 40 cmH2O was used since it has been shown to be a significant risk factor for failed incontinence surgery. Clinical outcomes were assessed by the cough stress test, the 1-hour pad test, the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire-Short Form, the Urogenital Distress Inventory six-item questionnaire, the Sexual Questionnaire-SF, and postoperative changes in the urodynamic parameters. A comparison of the 1-year follow-up data is presented. Three months postsurgery, a significant decrease was observed in the 1-hour pad test, from 20.6 g preoperatively to 0.73 g postoperatively (p<0.001). The objective cure rate was 82.1% without any significant differences between the two groups (p = 0.202). At 3 months and 1 year after surgery, significantly decreasing Urogenital Distress Inventory six-item questionnaire and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire-Short Form, and increasing Sexual Questionnaire-SF scores were observed in both groups, without any significant differences between the two groups. No statistically significant difference in the subjective cured rate was noted between the two groups at the 3-month and 18.4 month follow-ups. The postoperative MUCP was significantly decreased in the MUCP ≥ 40 group (p<0.05) while significantly increased in the MUCP<40 group (p = 0.006).
These results suggest that SIS is a safe and highly effective treatment for urodynamic stress incontinence even in women with low MUCP at a mean follow-up of 18.4 months. Evaluation of the outcomes with more subjects after a longer follow-up period is necessary.
Are the interarytenoid muscles supplied by branches of both the recurrent and superior laryngeal nerves?
It has been generally accepted that the branches of the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve to the interarytenoid muscle are exclusively sensory. However, some experimental studies have suggested that these branches may contain motor axons, and therefore that the interarytenoid muscle is supplied by both the superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves. The aim of this work was to determine whether motor axons to the interarytenoid muscles are present in both laryngeal nerves. Basic research. Twelve human internal branches of the superior laryngeal nerve were dissected, and its branches to the interarytenoid muscle were removed and processed for choline-acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry, a method not used previously in studying the nerve fiber composition of the laryngeal nerves. The internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve divided into two to five branches to the interarytenoid muscle. All branches contained motor axons, with the proportion of motor axons varying from 6% to 31%.
The present study confirms that the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve provides a motor innervation to the interarytenoid muscles.
Does intensified case finding increase tuberculosis case notification among children in resource-poor settings?
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Passive case detection in national TB programmes is associated with low case notification, especially in children. This study was undertaken to improve detection of childhood TB in resource-poor settings through intensified case-finding strategies. A community-based intervention was carried out in six states in Nigeria. The creation of TB awareness was undertaken, and work aids, guidelines, and diagnostic charts were produced, distributed, and used. Various cadres of health workers and ad hoc project staff were trained. Child contacts with TB patients were screened in their homes, and children presenting at various hospital units were screened for TB. Baseline and intervention data were collected for evaluation populations and control populations. Detection of childhood TB increased in the evaluation population during the intervention, with a mean quarterly increase of 4.0% [new smear positive (NSP), although the increasing trend was not statistically significant (χ(2)=1.8; p<.179)]. Additionally, there was a mean quarterly increase of 3% for all forms of TB, although the trend was not statistically significant (χ(2)=1.48; p<.224). Conversely, there was a decrease in case notification in the control population, with a mean decline of 3% (all forms). Compared to the baseline, there was an increase of 31% (all forms) and 22% (NSP) in the evaluation population.
Intensified case finding combined with capacity building, provision of work aids/guidelines, and TB health education can improve childhood-TB notification.
Do manual therapy techniques have a positive effect on quality of life in people with tension-type headache?
Controversy exists regarding the effectiveness of manual therapy for the relief of tension-type headache (TTH). However most studies have addressed the impact of therapy on the frequency and intensity of pain. No studies have evaluated the potentially significant effect on the patient's quality of life.AIM: To assess the quality of life of patients suffering from TTH treated for 4 weeks with different manual therapy techniques. Factorial, randomized, single-blinded, controlled clinical trial. Specialized center for the treatment of headache. Seventy-six (62 women) patients aged between 18 and 65 years (age: 39.9±10.9) with either episodic or chronic TTH. Patients were divided into four groups: suboccipital inhibitory pressure; suboccipital spinal manipulation; a combination of the two treatments; control. Quality of life was assessed using the SF-12 questionnaire (considering both the overall score and the different dimensions) at the beginning and end of treatment, and after a one month follow-up. Compared to baseline, the suboccipital inhibition treatment group showed a significant improvement in their overall quality of life at the one month follow-up and also showed specific improvement in the dimensions related to moderate physical activities, and in their emotional role. All the treatment groups, but not the control group, showed improvements in their physical role, bodily pain, and social functioning at the one month follow-up. Post treatment and at the one month follow-up, the combined treatment group showed improved vitality and the two treatment groups that involved manipulation showed improved mental health.
All three treatments were effective at changing different dimensions of quality of life, but the combined treatment showed the most change. The results support the effectiveness of treatments applied to the suboccipital region for patients with TTH.
Detection of locally radio-recurrent prostate cancer at multiparametric MRI: Can dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging be omitted?
The goal of this study was to assess the added value of dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) imaging in detecting locally radio-recurrent prostate cancer using multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) at 3Tesla (T). We retrospectively analyzed 45 patients with rising prostate-specific antigen level after prostate radiotherapy who underwent mpMRI [T2-weighted (T2w), diffusion-weighted (Dw) and DCE imaging] at 3T before prostate biopsy. Four readers assigned a 5-level Likert score of cancer likelihood in 8 prostate sectors (6 sextants, 2 seminal vesicles) on T2w+Dw and T2w+Dw+DCE images. Biopsy results were used as the standard of reference. T2w+Dw and T2w+Dw+DCE imaging had similar areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves on per-sector (0.87-0.89 vs. 0.87-0.89; P=0.19-0.78) and per-lobe (0.82-0.94 vs. 0.80-0.91; P=0.21-0.84) analysis. Using a Likert score≥2/5 for diagnosis threshold, T2w+Dw+DCE imaging showed non-significantly higher sensitivities on per-sector (0.56-0.72 vs. 0.52-0.73, P=0.34-0.69) and per-lobe (0.80-0.90 vs. 0.73-0.88; P=0.63-0.99) analysis. It also showed non-significantly lower specificities on per-sector (0.74-0.89 vs. 0.82-0.89; P=0.09-0.99) and per-lobe (0.48-0.81 vs. 0.61-0.84; P=0.10-0.99) analysis. Weighted kappa values were respectively 0.57-0.70 and 0.55-0.66 for T2w+Dw and T2w+Dw+DCE imaging at the sector level, and 0.66-0.83 and 0.58-0.85 at the lobe level.
The use of DCE MR imaging tends to increase sensitivity and decrease specificity for all readers, but the differences are not significant.
Level of use and safety of botanical products for itching vulvar dermatoses. Are patch tests useful?
Topical remedies based on botanical ingredients are popular. To assess: (i) the usage of botanical substances in subjects affected with itching and chronic vulvar complaints; (ii) the incidence of side-effects associated with their use and the frequency of contact allergy; (iii) the diagnostic usefulness of patch testing. Sixty-six patients were provided with a questionnaire to assess the prevalence and type of topical botanical preparations used and the occurrence of adverse reactions. Patients were patch tested with (i) the Italian baseline series, (ii) a topical medicament series, and (iii) a botanical series. Forty-two patients (63.6%) reported the use of natural topical products on the vulva. Seven (16.7%) noted adverse reactions; 27 showed positive reactions with the baseline series; 14 (21.2%) had at least one relevant reaction, mainly to allergens in topical products and cosmetics; and 2 (3%) showed positive reactions to the botanical series. Of the 7 patients complaining of adverse effects of botanical products, 3 (42.8%) showed relevant sensitization.
The use of natural topical products is widespread among women affected with itching vulvar diseases. Contact dermatitis is a possible adverse effect. Botanical series are of questionable usefulness, owing to the wide variety of botanical ingredients.
Are Cure Rates for Breast Cancer Improved by Local and Regional Anesthesia?
Recent preclinical basic science studies suggest that patient tumor immunity is altered by general anesthesia (GA), potentially worsening cancer outcomes. A single retrospective review concluded that breast cancer patients receiving paravertebral block and GA had better cancer outcomes compared with patients receiving GA alone. This study has not been validated. We hypothesized that local or regional anesthesia (LRA) would be associated with better cancer outcomes compared with GA. We retrospectively reviewed a prospectively collected database to identify all stage 0-III breast cancer patients undergoing surgery in a single center during a 9-year period ending January 1, 2010. Patients were divided into 2 groups: those who received only LRA and those who received GA. Overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and local regional recurrence (LRR) were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method with log-rank comparison before and after propensity score matching. Median age of the 1107 patients who met study criteria was 64 years (range, 24-97 years). Median and longest follow-up were 5.5 and 12.5 years, respectively. General anesthesia was used for 461 patients (42%), and 646 (58%) received LRA. The point estimates of cumulative OS, DFS, and LRR "free" rates at 5 years for the GA and LRA groups were 85.5% and 87.1%, 94.2% and 96.1%, and 96.3% and 95.8%, respectively. Cox regression showed no significant differences between the 2 groups (GA and LRA) for the 3 outcomes: OS (hazard ratio [HR], 0.81; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.59-1.10; P = 0.17), DFS (HR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.55-1.76; P = 0.87), and LRR (HR, 1.73; 95% CI, 0.83-3.63; P = 0.15).
Breast cancer OS, DFS, and LRR were not affected by type of anesthesia in our institution. This result differs from that of the only prior published clinical report on this topic and does not provide clinical corroboration of the basic science studies that suggest oncologic benefits to LRA.
Do physicians correctly calculate thromboembolic risk scores?
Clinical risk scores, CHADS2 and CHA2 DS2 -VASc scores, are the established tools for assessing stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF).AIM: The aim of this study is to assess concordance between manual and computer-based calculation of CHADS2 and CHA2 DS2 -VASc scores, as well as to analyse the patient categories using CHADS2 and the potential improvement on stroke risk stratification with CHA2 DS2 -VASc score. We linked data from Atrial Fibrillation Spanish registry FANTASIIA. Between June 2013 and March 2014, 1318 consecutive outpatients were recruited. We explore the concordance between manual scoring and computer-based calculation. We compare the distribution of embolic risk of patients using both CHADS2 and CHA2 DS2 -VASc scores The mean age was 73.8 ± 9.4 years, and 758 (57.5%) were male. For CHADS2 score, concordance between manual scoring and computer-based calculation was 92.5%, whereas for CHA2 DS2 -VASc score was 96.4%. In CHADS2 score, 6.37% of patients with AF changed indication on antithrombotic therapy (3.49% of patients with no treatment changed to need antithrombotic treatment and 2.88% of patients otherwise). Using CHA2 DS2 -VASc score, only 0.45% of patients with AF needed to change in the recommendation of antithrombotic therapy.
We have found a strong concordance between manual and computer-based score calculation of both CHADS2 and CHA2 DS2 -VASc risk scores with minimal changes in anticoagulation recommendations. The use of CHA2 DS2 -VASc score significantly improves classification of AF patients at low and intermediate risk of stroke into higher grade of thromboembolic score. Moreover, CHA2 DS2 -VASc score could identify 'truly low risk' patients compared with CHADS2 score.
Is baseline aerobic fitness associated with illness and attrition rate in military training?
Respiratory illnesses are a leading cause of morbidity and medical discharge in the military. This study aimed to investigate the effects of baseline aerobic fitness on haematological, salivary and mood variables, and simultaneously, in a novel approach, to identify factors precipitating illness and attrition rate in recruits during military training. Thirty-five healthy male recruits from an Army Training Regiment undertaking 12 weeks of training were prospectively investigated. Their 2.4 km run time (RT) was used as a surrogate of baseline aerobic fitness. Saliva and venous blood samples were analysed for secretory IgA, full blood counts and cell cytokine production (interleukin (IL) 6 and IL-8), respectively. Each recruit completed questionnaires on mood profile, and gastrointestinal and upper respiratory tract symptoms (URTS). Significant salivary and haematological perturbations were observed and coincided with increased duration of URTS/week and mood disturbance over this military training period. From Start to End: leucocyte count decreased by 28% (p<0.001); neutrophil percentage (%) decreased by 13% (p<0.01); lymphocyte % increased by 17% (p<0.05); the neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio decreased by 22% (p<0.01); eosinophil% increased by 71% (p<0.01). From Start to Mid to End: monocyte% increased by 68% at Mid (p<0.01) but only by 30% at End (p<0.01); IL-6 increased by 39% at Mid (p<0.01) and a further 61% by End. The 2.4 km RT was significantly associated with URTS duration (p<0.01). In addition, a 1-min increase in 2.4 km RT increased a recruit's risk 9.8-fold of developing URTS lasting, on average, 3.36 days/week. In recruits ranked with high-URTS duration their RT was 48 s slower (p<0.01) than those with low-URTS, and their attrition rate reached 45%.
The least fit recruits may have found training more physically demanding as reflected in the higher URTS duration, which may have led to a high attrition rate from the Army. It is worth considering that baseline aerobic fitness might be an important factor in illness development and attrition rate in recruits during this type of military training.
Should the BK polyomavirus cytopathic effect be best classified as atypical or benign in urine cytology specimens?
According to The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology (TPS), the category of atypical urothelial cells (AUC) should not be applied to specimens in which cellular changes can be entirely attributed to the polyoma (BK) virus cytopathic effect (CPE). Until recently, cases with BK CPE at The Johns Hopkins Hospital were categorized as atypical urothelial cells of uncertain significance (AUC-US), which is equivalent to the TPS AUC category. This study was performed to determine how significantly the rate of AUC-US specimens would decrease if specimens with only BK CPE were classified as benign. Two reviewers and 1 adjudicator re-evaluated urinary tract specimens to determine whether sufficient cytological atypia justified an AUC-US diagnosis independent of the presence of BK CPE. For patients with surgical follow-up, the rate of high-grade urothelial carcinoma (HGUC) on tissue biopsy was tracked over a 5-year period. The reclassification rate of AUC-US cases with BK CPE as benign was 62.6%. The rate of subsequent HGUC was 6.0% for cases reclassified as benign and 10.0% for cases still classified as AUC-US. These rates were not significantly elevated in comparison with control cohorts among all-comers. However, for patients without a history of HGUC, the rate of HGUC on follow-up was significantly elevated in comparison with the rate for a benign control cohort and was similar to the rate for the AUC-US control cohort.
Reclassification as benign would have decreased the rate of AUC-US from 24.8% to 20.7% during the study year. However, the high rate of subsequent HGUC among nonsurveillance patients suggests that the reclassification of specimens with BK CPE in these patients may be inappropriate. Cancer Cytopathol 2016;124:436-42. © 2016 American Cancer Society.
Are Pregnancy Intentions Associated with Transitions Into and Out of Marriage?
In addition to having associations with health outcomes, pregnancy intentions may be associated with social outcomes, including marital transitions. Linked data from the 2004-2008 Oklahoma Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System and The Oklahoma Toddler Survey for 2006-2010 on 3,617 women who were married and 2,123 who were unmarried at conception were used to examine the relationship between pregnancy intention status (intended, mistimed by less than two years, mistimed by two or more years, or unwanted) and marital formation or dissolution by the time of the birth and two years later. Logistic regression analyses were conducted, and propensity score methods were used to adjust for confounding characteristics. Intention status was associated with marital transition two years after the birth, but not between conception and birth. In adjusted models, among women married at conception, those with a birth resulting from an unwanted pregnancy were more likely than those with a birth resulting from an intended pregnancy to transition out of marriage by the time their child was two years old (odds ratio, 2.2). Among women unmarried at conception, those with a birth following an unwanted pregnancy were less likely than those with a birth following an intended pregnancy to marry by the time their child was two (0.5). Births following mistimed pregnancies were not associated with marital transition.
The findings should motivate researchers to broaden the scope of research on the consequences of unintended childbearing. Future research should distinguish between mistimed and unwanted births.
Do Treatment Policies for Proximal Humerus Fractures Differ among Three Nordic Countries and Estonia?
Proximal humerus fractures are common fragility injuries. The incidence of these fractures has been estimated to be 82-105 per 105 person-years. Treatment of this fracture, especially in the elderly, is controversial. Our study group published a systematic review of the available literature and concluded that non-operative methods are favored over operative methods in three- and four-part fractures. The aim of this multinational study was to compare treatment policies for proximal humerus fractures among the Nordic countries and Estonia. The study was conducted as a questionnaire-based survey, using the Internet-based program, Webropol(®) ( The questionnaire link was sent to the surgeons responsible for treating proximal humerus fractures in major public hospitals in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Questionnaire included questions regarding the responder's hospital, patient characteristics, and examinations taken before decision making. Clinical part included eight example patient cases with treatment options. Of the 77 recipients of the questionnaire, 59 responded; consequently, the response rate was 77%. Based on the eight presented displaced fracture examples, in both Estonia and Norway and in Finland, 41% and 38%, respectively, preferred surgical treatment with locking plate. In Sweden, the percentage was 28%. The pre- and post-operative protocols showed a similarity in all participant countries.
Our survey revealed a remarkable uniformity in the current practice of operative treatments and rehabilitation for proximal humerus fractures in the participant countries.
Can We Prevent a Postoperative Spinal Epidural Hematoma by Using Larger Diameter Suction Drains?
Epidural hematoma is a rare but serious complication. According to previous studies, it is not prevented by suction drains. This study evaluated the following alternative hypothesis: the larger the diameter of a suction drain, the less the remaining epidural hematoma after spinal surgery. This was a randomized prospective study. Patients who underwent posterior lumbar decompression and instrumented fusion were divided into two groups: the large drain (LD, 2.8-mm-diameter tube) and small drain (SD, 1.6-mm-diameter tube) groups according to the diameter of the suction drains. All patients were consecutive and allocated alternately according to the date of operations. Suction drains were removed on day 3 and magnetic resonance imaging was performed on day 7 postoperatively. The size of remaining hematomas was measured by the degree of thecal sac compression in cross section using the following 4-point numeric scale: G1, less than one quarter; G2, between one quarter and half; G3, more than half; and G4, more than subtotal obstruction. There were 39 patients with LDs and 38 with SDs. They did not differ significantly in terms of sex, number of fusion segments, revision or not, antiplatelet medication, intraoperative injection of tranexamic acid. However, patient age differed significantly between the two groups (LD, 63.3 years and<SD, 68.6 years; p = 0.007). The two groups did not differ significantly in terms of prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, platelet number, blood loss, or operation duration. However, platelet function analysis exhibited a significant difference (LD, 164.7 seconds and<SD, 222.3 seconds; p = 0.002). The two blinded readers showed high consistency (Kappa value = 0.740; p = 0.000). The results of reader 1 were as follows: LD and SD had 21 and 21 cases of G1, 9 and 11 cases of G2, 6 and 6 cases of G3, and 3 and 0 cases of G4, respectively. The results of reader 2 were as follows: LD and SD had 22 and 23 cases of G1, 7 and 9 cases of G2, 7 and 6 cases of G3, and 3 and 0 cases of G4, respectively. There was no difference between the two groups (reader 1, p = 0.636; reader 2, p = 0.466).
The alternative hypothesis was rejected. Therefore, postoperative spinal epidural hematoma would not be prevented by LD.
Child Passenger Safety Training for Pediatric Interns: Does it Work?
Evaluate the efficacy of a child passenger safety (CPS) educational intervention on the CPS-related knowledge, attitude and anticipatory guidance behaviors of pediatric interns. All subjects were surveyed at baseline and 6 months. Intervention interns attended a CPS training module which included viewing an educational video, observing a car seat inspection appointment, hands-on practice and completion of a post-intervention survey. All 16 intervention interns completed the initial survey, the intervention and the immediate-post questionnaire. Thirteen (81%) completed the 6-month follow-up. The baseline survey was completed by 27/40 (67%) of control interns, 28/40 (70%) submitted a follow-up. The proportion of intervention interns who self-reported giving CPS guidance at all well-child visits increased by 31.3% (95% CI 6.1,56.5%); the control group had no change. Similar results were seen with self-reported knowledge and attitude.
A CPS training module increases pediatric interns' knowledge, improves attitudes, and self-reported behaviors regarding CPS-related anticipatory guidance.
Do younger women with elevated basal follicular stimulating hormone levels undergoing gonadotropin-stimulated intrauterine insemination cycles represent compromised reproductive outcomes?
To compare stimulation characteristics and reproductive outcomes in women representing elevated and normal day 3 FSH levels and to evaluate the prognostic significance of day 3 FSH on the reproductive outcomes of gonadotropin-stimulated IUI (GS-IUI) cycles in women<35 years. A cross-sectional study was designed. Unexplained infertility patients at the age ≤36 years, who underwent IUI, following gonadotropin stimulation (GS), were investigated. From 105 women with a day 3 FSH≥ 10U/L, 170GS/IUI cycles were assigned to Group EF; whereas a control group (Group NF, normal FSH) was constituted of 170 cycles with a day 3 FSH levels<10U/L. Demographic and stimulation characteristics as well as reproductive outcomes were compared. Primary outcome measure of this study was the biochemical, clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates. Secondary outcome measures were total gonadotropin dose, duration of gonadotropin stimulation, multiple pregnancy, miscarriage and cycle cancellation rates. β-hCG positivity, clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates did not differ between women with normal and elevated FSH levels (p=0.234, 0.282 and 0.388, respectively). Total gonadotropin dose, multiple pregnancy and miscarriage rates were not significantly different between the groups (p=0,181, 0.652 and 0.415, respectively). Duration of stimulation was significantly longer and cycle cancellation rate was significantly higher in Group EF than in Group NF (p=0.005 and 0.021, respectively).
Younger women with elevated day 3 FSH represent comparable reproductive outcomes in GS-IUI cycles to those with normal FSH levels, although they may require longer periods of stimulation and are at higher risk of cycle cancellation. Thus, GS-IUI could be a possible treatment option in this patient group and should not be neglected.
Can Staining of Damaged Proteins in Urine Effectively Predict Preeclampsia?
To assess Congo red urine test in the first trimester for preeclampsia (PE) prediction. A Congo red test was developed with a cohort of 81 pregnant women in Bnai Zion hospital, Israel, at 26-41 weeks of gestation (12 PE cases). The test was then applied to a first-trimester cohort of 642 women at King's College Hospital, UK (105 subsequently developed PE, 21 early, i.e.,<34 weeks; 537 controls). Urine samples were spotted onto nitrocellulose membranes, stained with Congo red, de-stained, dried and quantified with imager and densitometry. At PE signs and symptoms, the detection rate (DR) was 93% and the false-positive rate (FPR) 4%. However, with first-trimester urine samples, the DR was 33.3%, 16.1% and 20% for early, late and all PE cases, respectively, at 12.8% FPR. The odds ratio (OR) for PE by Congo red alone (including adjusted OR) was superior to body mass index and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) but inferior to previous PE and black ethnicity. Combining all five parameters generated an adjusted OR of 13.92 for PE (p<0.001).
Congo red urine test at PE verifies the disorder. In the first trimester, it adds accuracy for PE prediction in obese, black women, who had previous PE and over-average MAP.
Preeclampsia and superimposed preeclampsia: The same disease?
We aimed to compare sFlt-1 and placental growth factor (PlGF) levels and the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio between women with preeclampsia and superimposed preeclampsia to, respectively, normotensive and chronic hypertensive ones. We performed a prospective two-armed cohort in a tertiary teaching hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, including 37 normotensive and 60 chronic hypertensive pregnant women. We assessed the serum levels of sFlt-1 and PlGF at 20, 26, 32, and 36 gestational weeks by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Having preeclampsia and superimposed preeclampsia. Among normotensive and chronic hypertensive pregnancies, 4 (10.8%) and 14 (23.3%) women developed preeclampsia and superimposed preeclampsia, respectively. Compared with those who remained normotensive, the preeclampsia women presented higher sFlt-1 levels at 32 gestational weeks (4323.45 pg/mL vs. 2242.04 pg/mL, p = 0.019), lower PlGF levels at 20 (183.54 pg/mL vs. 337.38 pg/mL, p = 0.034), 32 (169.69 pg/mL vs. 792.53 pg/mL, p = 0.001), and 36 gestational weeks (252.99 pg/mL vs. 561.81 pg/mL, p = 0.029), and higher sFlt-1/PlGF ratios at 26 (9.02 vs. 1.84, p = 0.004), 32 (23.61 vs. 2.55, p = 0.001), and 36 gestational weeks (49.02 vs. 7.34, p = 0.029). On the other hand, compared with those who remained chronic hypertensive, the superimposed preeclampsia women only presented a higher sFlt-1/PlGF ratio at 32 gestational weeks (9.98 vs. 2.51, p = 0.039).
Although angiogenic imbalance is clearly related to preeclampsia, it seems to play a more modest role in superimposed preeclampsia, in which other mechanisms should also be investigated.
Does Sitagliptin Affect the Rate of Osteoporotic Fractures in Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis are both common, chronic, and increase with age, whereas type 2 diabetes is also a risk factor for major osteoporotic fractures (MOFs). However, different treatments for type 2 diabetes can affect fracture risk differently, with metaanalyses showing some agents increase risk (eg, thiazolidinediones) and some reduce risk (eg, sitagliptin). To determine the independent association between new use of sitagliptin and MOF in a large population-based cohort study. A sitagliptin new user study design employing a nationally representative Unites States claims database of 72 738 insured patients with type 2 diabetes. We used 90-day time-varying sitagliptin exposure windows and controlled confounding by using multivariable analyses that adjusted for clinical data, comorbidities, and time-updated propensity scores. We compared the incidence of MOF (hip, clinical spine, proximal humerus, distal radius) in new users of sitagliptin vs nonusers over a median 2.2 years follow-up. At baseline, the median age was 52 years, 54% were men, and median A1c was 7.5%. There were 8894 new users of sitagliptin and 63 834 nonusers with a total 181 139 person-years of follow-up. There were 741 MOF (79 hip fractures), with 53 fractures (4.8 per 1000 person-years) among new users of sitagliptin vs 688 fractures (4.0 per 1000 person-years) among nonusers (P = .3 for difference). In multivariable analyses, sitagliptin was not associated with fracture (adjusted hazard ratio 1.1, 95% confidence interval 0.8-1.4; P = .7), although insulin (P<.001), sulfonylureas (P<.008), and thiazolidinedione (P = .019) were each independently associated with increased fracture risk.
Even in a young population with type 2 diabetes, osteoporotic fractures were not uncommon. New use of sitagliptin was not associated with fracture, but other commonly used second-line agents for type 2 diabetes were associated with increased risk. These data should be considered when making treatment decisions for those with type 2 diabetes at particularly high risk of fractures.
"Can't We Just Have Some Sazón?
In September 2013, a Massachusetts high school launched a nutrition program in line with 2013 United States Department of Agriculture requirements. We sought to understand attitudes of stakeholders toward the new program. We employed community-based participatory research methods in a qualitative evaluation of the food program at the school, where 98% of students are students of color and 86% qualify for free/reduced lunch. We conducted 4 student (N = 32), 2 parent (N = 10), 1 faculty/staff focus group (N = 14), and interviews with school leadership (N = 3). A total of 10 themes emerged from focus groups and interviews, in 3 categories--impressions of the food (insufficient portion size, dislike of the taste, appreciation of the freshness, increased unhealthy food consumption outside school), impact on learning (learning what's healthy, the program's innovativeness, control versus choice), and concerns about stakeholder engagement (lack of student/family engagement, culturally incompatible foods). A representative comment was: "You need something to hold them from 9 to 5, because if they are hungry, McDonald's is right there."
Stakeholders appreciated the educational value of the program but stakeholder dissatisfaction may jeopardize its success. Action steps could include incorporating culturally appropriate recipes in the school's menus and working with local restaurants to promote healthier offerings.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and importance of anxiety and depression in patients with functional dyspepsia (FD), the relationship between these psychological characteristics, symptom severity and the quality of life. We performed a cross-sectional study. 125 patients with FD according to the Rome criteria ill, as well as a control group of 30 healthy volunteers were investigated. All study participants filled out a scale to identify HADS anxiety-depressive disorder, an overall assessment of the quality of life, using a questionnaire SF-8 (standard 4-week form). FD patients were asked to rate the severity of epigastric pain (burning) or abdominal discomfort (early satiation or postprandial fullness) with LPDS scale (Leuven postprandial distress scale). All statistical analyzes were performed in the Medstat program. The results obtained with p<0.05 and 95% CI were considered statistically significant. Anxiety and depression were observed in 50.4% and 42.4% of FD patients, respectively, and in 13.3% and 6.66% of healthy subjects, respectively (p<0.001 for both). The mean HADS scores for anxiety and depression in lBS patients were 7.93 ± 3.75 and 6.94 ± 3.78, respectively. Both anxiety and depression were associated with self-reported symptom severity (LPDS) (p<0.05). As determined by correlation analysis, symptom severity was the most important factor in the prediction of anxiety and depression. Self-reported symptom severity, anxiety and depression were clearly and independently associated with the overall health-related quality of life (HRQOL).
Biopsychosocial model of FD explained the difficulties of the pathogenesis of this disease. Anxiety and de- pression were frequently observed in FD patients and were related to the severity of their symptoms and the impairment of the patient's HRQOL. Our data suggest that assessing anxiety and depression is important when evaluating FD patients.
Should we reframe how we think about physical activity and sedentary behaviour measurement?
The measurement of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) is fundamental to health related research, policy, and practice but there are well known challenges to these measurements. Within the academic literature, the terms "validity" and "reliability" are frequently used when discussing PA and SB measurement to reassure the reader that they can trust the evidence. In this paper we argue that a lack of consensus about the best way to define, assess, or utilize the concepts of validity and reliability has led to inconsistencies and confusion within the PA and SB evidence base. Where possible we propose theoretical examples and solutions. Moreover we present an overarching framework (The Edinburgh Framework) which we believe will provide a process or pathway to help researchers and practitioners consider validity and reliability in a standardized way.
Further work is required to identify all necessary and available solutions and generate consensus in our field to develop the Edinburgh Framework into a useful practical resource. We envisage that ultimately the proposed framework will benefit research, practice, policy, and teaching. We welcome critique, rebuttal, comment, and discussion on all ideas presented.
Measuring self-reported quality of life in 8- to 11-year-old children born with gastroschisis: Is the KIDSCREEN questionnaire acceptable?
Children born with gastroschisis have a good prognosis but require surgical correction and long-term follow up. There has been little research on the impact of gastroschisis on the child's health-related quality of life (QoL). The aim was to assess face and content validity of the KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire as a measurement of self- and proxy-reported QoL in children born with gastroschisis and to evaluate self-reported QoL in these children compared with the reference population. In this cross-sectional exploratory study, we used the validated KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire and individual interview with 8- to 11-year-old children born with gastroschisis who were identified from the Northern Congenital Abnormality Survey. Self-reported QoL scores were compared with age-matched UK norms by using the two-sample t test. Ten children (median age 9.6 years, interquartile range 8.3-11.0) and their parents participated. Children found KIDSCREEN a helpful tool to explore their feelings and that it covered life aspects important to them. Parents believed that all priority areas were represented and that it was straightforward for their children to complete. In nine KIDSCREEN domains, children with gastroschisis had similar QoL scores to those in the reference population, and in one (psychological well-being) the mean score was significantly better (p = 0.03). All children described their health as good/very good or excellent; eight said they would not like to change anything about their body.
The KIDSCREEN questionnaire has adequate face and content validity as a measure of QoL in children with gastroschisis and is acceptable to both children and parents.
Integrated health service delivery networks and tuberculosis avoidable hospitalizations: is there a relation between them in Brazil?
The early identification of the Breathing Symptoms within the scope of Primary Health Care is recommended, and is also one of the strategies of national sanitary authorities for reaching the elimination of tuberculosis. The purpose of this study is to consider which attributes and which territories have shown the most significant progress in Primary Health Care, in terms of coordination of Health Care Networks, and also check if those areas of Primary Health Care that are most critical regarding coordination, there were more or less cases of avoidable hospitalizations for tuberculosis. This is an ecological study that uses primary and secondary data. For analysis, coropletic maps were developed through the ArcGIS software, version 10.2. There was also the calculation of gross annual and Bayesian rates for hospitalizations for tuberculosis, for each Primary Health Care territory. There were satisfactory results for attributes such as Population (n = 37; 80.4 %), Primary Health Care (n = 43; 93.5 %), Support System (n = 45; 97.8 %); the exceptions were Logistics System (n = 32; 76.0 %) and Governance System, with fewer units in good condition (n = 31; 67.3 %). There is no evidence of any connection between networks' coordination by Primary Health Care and tuberculosis avoidable admissions.
The results show that progress has been made regarding the coordination of the Health Care Networks, and a positive trend has been shown, even though the levels are not excellent. It was found no relationship between the critical areas of Primary Health Care and tuberculosis avoidable hospitalizations, possibly because other variables necessary to comprehend the phenomena.
Is Waist-to-Height Ratio a Better Obesity Risk-Factor Indicator for Puerto Rican Children than is BMI or Waist Circumference?
Puerto Rican children could have a higher prevalence of obesity, compared to US children or even to US Hispanic children. Obese youths are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular conditions, such as hypertension. Although BMI provides a simple, convenient measurement of obesity, it does not measure body fat distribution, associated with mortality and morbidity. Waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) have been suggested to estimate obesity health risks. This study aimed to explore the association of a single blood pressure reading with 3 different obesity indicators (WC, BMI, and WHtR). A representative sample of students (first to sixth grade) from public and private schools in Puerto Rico was selected. The sample size consisted of 249 students, representing a 63% response rate. According to the sex-specific BMIs, approximately 38.1% of the children were obese or overweight. The prevalence of obesity was slightly higher when determined using WHtR but lower when using WC as the overweight indicator. The prevalence of high blood pressure among students was 12.5%; an additional 11.3% of the students were classified as possible prehypertensive. Regardless of the weight indicator used, overweight children were shown to have a higher risk of pre-hypertension/hypertension (as defined by a single BP measure) than were non-overweight children. The odds for high blood pressure were almost 3 times higher using WHtR. Logistic regression showed a stronger relationship between WHtR and the risk of pre-hypertension/hypertension than that between the former and either BMI or WC.
This study suggests the possibility of higher prevalence of high blood pressure in obese Puerto Rican children. The waist-to height ratio could be the best indicator to measure obesity and potential hypertension in Puerto Rican children.
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of unknown primary: is early surgical exploration and aggressive debulking justifiable?
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are rare tumors that often present with vague symptoms. Identification and localization of the primary NET can be challenging and the true incidence remains unclear. These patients have been thought to have a poor prognosis compared to those patients with a known primary. Therefore, traditionally the treatments for patients with unknown primaries have been passive and directed towards symptom control and/or cytoreduction of metastatic disease. We hypothesized that NET of unknown primary are predominantly low-grade and easily located surgically and therefore are amendable to surgical debulking and cytoreduction, which will likely increase survival in these patients. The charts for all 342 surgical patients, seen in our clinic at Ochsner-Kenner between 1/2009 and 9/2012 were retrospectively reviewed to determine which patients had a pre-operative diagnosis of a "NET with unknown primary". Twenty-two patients (6.4%) were identified. For these patients, the rate of successful surgical exploration in which a primary site was identified was recorded. Survival for these "unknown primary" patients were compared to a large similar group of NET patients from a recent study collected from this same Ochsner clinic group. Twenty-two (22/342, 6.4%) NET patients with a pre-operative diagnosis of an unknown primary were explored and cytoreduced. The primary tumor site was identified in all 22 patients (100%). The primary sites identified for these patients were 19 small intestines (86.4%) and 3 pancreatic (13.6%). All 22 patients had low-grade tumors and all were still alive as of 9/2012, not allowing for a survival curve to be generated.
Unknown primary NETs are not associated with a poor prognosis as previously reported. Timely surgical exploration and debulking always results in the identification of the primary and a maximum cytoreduction. Early surgical exploration with aggressive debulking is indicated for the treatment of these patients, as for the known counterpart.
Gender influence on clinical presentation and high-resolution ultrasound findings in primary carpal tunnel syndrome: do women only differ in incidence?
High-resolution ultrasound is increasingly used in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome; yet little is known about gender differences in clinical presentation and ultrasound findings. In this high-resolution ultrasound-based retrospective study in 170 cases, we assessed gender influence in CTS in terms of the severity of neural alterations by wrist-to-forearm ratio (WFR), epineural thickening, loss of fascicular anatomy, as well as classical signs and symptoms. The control group consisted of 42 wrists. Women present with a greater WFR at first admission are affected more often bilaterally, and report less subjective pain intensity, while men report fewer nightly pain episodes at higher WFR. Loss of fascicular anatomy is three times more frequent in women. An increase in epineural thickness, loss of fascicular anatomy, and involvement of more than 1.5 fingers correlate significantly with WFR regardless of sex.
Women differ significantly from men in terms of clinical presentation and ultrasound findings upon first diagnosis of CTS, which should be included in further diagnostic considerations.
Handedness, sexual orientation, and somatic markers for prenatal androgens: Are southpaws really that gay?
Some evidence suggests that prenatal androgens influence both handedness and sexual orientation. This study sought to clarify how androgens, handedness, and sexual orientation are interrelated. Data were obtained from large samples of students enrolled at universities in Malaysia and the US, including self-reported information on handedness, sexual orientation, and five somatic markers of prenatal androgen exposure (2D:4D, height, strength, muscularity, and athletic ability). Factor analysis of these somatic markers yielded two factors: a muscular coordination and a bone growth factor. In women, but not in men, ambidextrousness was more prevalent among those with homosexual tendencies. Modest and often complex associations were found between the androgen factors and handedness. Clear links between the androgen factors and sexual orientation were found, especially for muscular coordination. For males and females, intermediate sex-typical androgen exposure was associated with heterosexual preferences.
Ambidextrousness appears to be somewhat more common among females with homosexual tendencies, but left-handedness is nearly as strongly associated with heterosexual preferences, particularly in males, as is right-handedness. Factors indicative of prenatal androgen exposure are associated with sexual orientation in theoretically predictable ways, especially for muscular coordination, but associations between prenatal androgens and handedness are complex.
Sinus Computed Tomography Imaging in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis: Added Value?
To evaluate the prevalence of computed tomography (CT) sinus imaging in a pediatric cystic fibrosis (CF) population, determine changes in Lund Mackay (LM) scores over time, and estimate radiation exposure. Case series with chart review. Tertiary care children's hospital. In total, 202 pediatric patients with CF who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) were included. The total number of CT scans was calculated for each patient, with specific focus on the indications for and subsequent outcomes of the sinus CT scan subgroup. Patients underwent a total of 1718 CT scans, 832 of which were sinus CT scans (mean of 4.2 sinus scans per patient). Disease evaluation (54%) and preoperative planning (35%) were the most common indications. Otolaryngologists were more likely to order imaging for preoperative evaluation, and those scans were more likely to result in surgery compared with those requested by other physicians (P<.001). Ninety CT scans (10.8%) led to no change in management. There was no significant difference in LM scores between patients admitted to the hospital or prescribed antibiotics and those who were not. There was also no significant change in LM score following ESS after adjusting for age and sex (P = .23).
Based on LM scores, all sinus CT scans in patients with CF reveal moderate to severe sinus disease. Effort should be made to minimize radiation exposure in patients with CF by limiting sinus CT scans to the preoperative context or for evaluation of potential sinusitis complications.
2D shear-wave ultrasound elastography (SWE) evaluation of ablation zone following radiofrequency ablation of liver lesions: is it more accurate?
To evaluate the usefulness of two-dimensional quantitative ultrasound shear-wave elastography (2D-SWE) [i.e. virtual touch imaging quantification (VTIQ)] in assessing the ablation zone after radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for ex vivo swine livers. RFA was performed in 10 pieces of fresh ex vivo swine livers with a T20 electrode needle and 20-W output power. Conventional ultrasound, conventional strain elastography (SE) and VTIQ were performed to depict the ablation zone 0 min, 10 min, 30 min and 60 min after ablation. On VTIQ, the ablation zones were evaluated qualitatively by evaluating the shear-wave velocity (SWV) map and quantitatively by measuring the SWV. The ultrasound, SE and VTIQ results were compared against gross pathological and histopathological specimens. VTIQ SWV maps gave more details about the ablation zone, the central necrotic zone appeared as red, lateral necrotic zone as green and transitional zone as light green, from inner to exterior, while the peripheral unablated liver appeared as blue. Conventional ultrasound and SE, however, only marginally depicted the whole ablation zone. The volumes of the whole ablation zone (central necrotic zone + lateral necrotic zone + transitional zone) and necrotic zone (central necrotic zone + lateral necrotic zone) measured by VTIQ showed excellent correlation (r = 0.915, p < 0.001, and 0.856, p = 0.002, respectively) with those by gross pathological specimen, whereas both conventional ultrasound and SE underestimated the volume of the whole ablation zone. The SWV values of the central necrotic zone, lateral necrotic zone, transitional zone and unablated liver parenchyma were 7.54-8.03 m s(-1), 5.13-5.28 m s(-1), 3.31-3.53 m s(-1) and 2.11-2.21 m s(-1), respectively (p < 0.001 for all the comparisons). The SWV value for each ablation zone did not change significantly at different observation times within an hour after RFA (all p > 0.05).
The quantitative 2D-SWE of VTIQ is useful for the depiction of the ablation zone after RFA and it facilitates discrimination of different areas in the ablation zone qualitatively and quantitatively. This elastography technique might be useful for the therapeutic response evaluation instantly after RFA.
Does comorbid anxiety counteract emotion recognition deficits in conduct disorder?
Previous research has reported altered emotion recognition in both conduct disorder (CD) and anxiety disorders (ADs) - but these effects appear to be of different kinds. Adolescents with CD often show a generalised pattern of deficits, while those with ADs show hypersensitivity to specific negative emotions. Although these conditions often cooccur, little is known regarding emotion recognition performance in comorbid CD+ADs. Here, we test the hypothesis that in the comorbid case, anxiety-related emotion hypersensitivity counteracts the emotion recognition deficits typically observed in CD. We compared facial emotion recognition across four groups of adolescents aged 12-18 years: those with CD alone (n = 28), ADs alone (n = 23), cooccurring CD+ADs (n = 20) and typically developing controls (n = 28). The emotion recognition task we used systematically manipulated the emotional intensity of facial expressions as well as fixation location (eye, nose or mouth region). Conduct disorder was associated with a generalised impairment in emotion recognition; however, this may have been modulated by group differences in IQ. AD was associated with increased sensitivity to low-intensity happiness, disgust and sadness. In general, the comorbid CD+ADs group performed similarly to typically developing controls.
Although CD alone was associated with emotion recognition impairments, ADs and comorbid CD+ADs were associated with normal or enhanced emotion recognition performance. The presence of comorbid ADs appeared to counteract the effects of CD, suggesting a potentially protective role, although future research should examine the contribution of IQ and gender to these effects.
Pitfalls and Key Features of a Case of Sclerosing Pneumocytoma: A Cytological Challenge?
The aim of the current case report is to re-evaluate the key features and pitfalls of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of sclerosing pneumocytoma (previously named sclerosing hemangioma) and to establish the importance of FNAC in addressing a proper surgical strategy. Herein we documented a case of a 70- year-old man with a lung nodule which showed a hypermetabolic uptake on positron emission tomography. He therefore underwent FNAC under computed tomography scan guidance with a 22-gauge needle. The cytopathological examination allowed a diagnosis of sclerosing pneumocytoma. A wedge surgical excision was performed and the histological examination confirmed the cytological diagnosis.
FNAC is a fundamental tool for distinguishing sclerosing pneumocytoma from a malignant lung tumour and together with clinical, radiological and pathological multidisciplinary assessment is indispensable in planning appropriate surgical management. Cytopathologists should be aware of the pitfalls and key features of the cytopathological diagnosis of sclerosing pneumocytoma, which can significantly change the surgical approach to the patient and protect him from aggressive overtreatment.
Can Pacing Be Regulated by Post-Activation Potentiation?
Given the co-existence of post-activation potentiation (PAP) and fatigue within muscle, it is not known whether PAP could influence performance and pacing during distance running by moderating fatigue. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of PAP on pacing, jumping and other physiological measures during a self-paced 30 km trial. Eleven male endurance-trained runners (half-marathon runners) volunteered to participate in this study. Runners participated in a multi-stage 30 km trial. Before the trial started, determination of baseline blood lactate (bLa) and countermovement jump (CMJ) height was performed. The self-paced 30 km trial consisted of 6 × 5 km splits. At the end of each 5 km split (60 s break), data on time to complete the split, CMJ height, Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and blood lactate were collected while heart rate was continuously monitored. There was a significant decrease in speed (e.g. positive pacing strategy after the 4th split, p<0.05) with a progressive increase in RPE throughout the trial. Compared with baseline, CMJ height was significantly (p<0.05) greater than baseline and was maintained until the end of the trial with an increase after the 5th split, concomitant with a significant reduction in speed and an increase in RPE. Significant correlations were found between ΔCMJ and ΔSPEED (r = 0.77 to 0.87, p<0.05) at different time points as well as between RPE and speed (r = -0.61 to -0.82, p<0.05).
Our results indicates that fatigue and potentiation co-exist during long lasting endurance events, and that the observed increase in jump performance towards the end of the trial could be reflecting a greater potentiation potentially perhaps counteracting the effects of fatigue and preventing further reductions in speed.
First trimester cystic hygroma: does early detection matter?
To describe the association of abnormal outcomes with fetal cystic hygroma detected when crown-rump length measures less than 45 mm, and to compare them to outcomes among fetuses with cystic hygroma detected when crown-rump length measures 45-84 mm. We performed a retrospective cohort study of fetuses with first trimester nuchal cystic hygroma from 2005 to 2015. A total of 212 fetuses were included. Abnormal karyotype was found in 20 of 46 (43.4%) fetuses with cystic hygroma detected when crown-rump length measured below 45 mm, compared to 108 of 148 (73%) fetuses with cystic hygroma detected at crown-rump lengths of 45-84 mm (p = 0.001). There were no differences in rates of major structural anomaly (27% vs 36%; p = 0.53) or pregnancy loss (23% vs 7%; p = 0.22) among fetuses with normal karyotype. Those with cystic hygroma diagnosed at crown-rump lengths below 45 mm were more likely to have a normal neonatal outcome compared to cases diagnosed with crown-rump lengths of 45-84 mm (25% vs 11%; p = 0.02).
Cystic hygroma detected when crown-rump length measures below 45 mm have lower rates of chromosomal abnormalities and a higher proportion of normal birth outcomes when compared to those detected later in the first trimester. © 2016 John Wiley&Sons, Ltd.
Does Real-Time Monitoring of Patient Dose With Dose Management Software Increase CT Technologists' Radiation Awareness?
Dose management software can be used to increase patient safety. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate whether real-time monitoring of patient dose in CT examinations increases CT technologists' dose awareness. Dose data of two scanners (clinical routine CT scanner, mainly outpatients; emergency CT scanner, predominantly emergency department and ICU patients) were analyzed before (period 1) and after (period 2) dose management software was implemented in clinical routine and technologists were advised to check for dose notifications (dose values above reference levels) after each examination (i.e., real-time monitoring). To assess statistically significant differences between both the scanners and the study periods, we used chi-square tests. A total of 6413 examinations were performed (period 1 = 3214 examinations, period 2 = 3199 examinations). Dose notifications were mainly because of patient miscentering (period 1 = 45% of examinations, period 2 = 23%), overweight patients (period 1 = 35%, period 2 = 49%), and scanning repetition (period 1 = 10%, period 2 = 15%). Overall, the number of dose notifications significantly declined in period 2 (period 1, n = 210; period 2, n = 120; p<0.001). Miscentering was more often seen on the clinical routine CT examinations (period 1 = 46%, period 2 = 23%) than on the emergency CT examinations (period 1 = 44%, period 2 = 22%) and occurred significantly less frequently on both scanners in period 2 (period 1: n = 94; period 2: n = 27; p<0.001). The relative values of dose notifications due to overweight patients or scanning repetition were higher in period 2, but these differences did not reach statistical significance (p>0.05).
Real-time monitoring of patient dose with dose management software increases CT technologists' dose awareness and leads to a reduced number of dose notifications due to human error.
Are medical students satisfied with rural community posting?
The aim of the study was to determine whether final year medical students in medical schools of south-east Nigeria were satisfied with rural community posting. A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used. All final year medical students in the six medical schools in south-east Nigeria who had completed their rural community posting and were willing to participate were included in the study. The students were interviewed using a pretested, self-administered questionnaire. A total of 457 medical students participated in the study, representing a response rate of 86.7%. Only a minor proportion of the students (22.5%) were satisfied with rural community posting. The most common reason for dissatisfaction among the students was lack of interest in rural communities. Most students (68.7%) were of the opinion that a good rural community posting could influence the students to practise in a rural area after graduation. Factors associated with satisfaction with rural community posting included being a student in a federal institution (adjusted odds ratio (AOR)=0.6, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.4-0.9), being a male student (AOR=2.4, 95%CI=1.5-3.9) and intention to specialize in community medicine after graduation (AOR=2.7, 95%CI=1.2-6.0).
Most students were dissatisfied with rural community postings and the major reason for dissatisfaction was lack of interest in rural communities. A properly organized rural community posting is capable of changing the negative attitude of the students towards life and medical practice in the rural area. Adequate orientation of the students on the relevance of the posting, good community exposure and enhanced student lecturer interactions during the posting period could ensure satisfaction of the students. There should be a targeted evaluation of the rural community posting at the various medical schools in the country with the aim of strengthening and modifying the posting where necessary so as to ensure its purpose is realized.
Do Long-Term Survivor Primary Glioblastoma Patients Harbor IDH1 Mutations?
Approximately 3 to 16% of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients are considered long-term survivors (LTS: 3+ years). Given the improved survival conferred by IDH1 mutations and the fact that these mutations are detected in 12% of newly diagnosed GBM cases, could long-term survivorship be explained by IDH1 mutation status? Our aim was to describe GBM LTS with IDH1 mutations and explore its association with overall survival (OS). Records of 453 newly diagnosed adult GBM patients treated at a single institution from 2004 to 2010 were reviewed retrospectively for patients who survived at least 36 months postsurgery. Descriptive statistics for clinical characteristics, treatments received, and tumor biomarkers were reported. Estimates for progression-free survival (PFS) and OS were provided. Forty (8.8%) LTS GBM patients were identified, with a median age of 50 years and a median preoperative Karnofsky Performance Score (KPS) of 80. Most patients underwent near-total/gross-total resection (72.5%), postoperative radiation (97.5%), and adjuvant temozolomide (95%). PFS rates at 12, 36, 48, and 72 months were 67.5%, 40%, 32.7%, and 26.2%, respectively. Median OS has not yet been reached; however, the survival rate at 48 months was 62.1%. Among 35 patients with available tumor samples, only 8 (22.9%) had IDH1 mutations. No significant difference in median PFS was found between IDH1 mutation and wild-type patients (46.6 versus 26.3 months; p =0.45).
Less than a quarter of our patients' long-term survivorship was associated with favorable IDH1 status. Therefore, IDH1 status does not explain most of the long-term survivorship in the temozolomide era.
Does the choice of suture material matter in anterior and posterior colporrhaphy?
The optimal suture material in traditional prolapse surgery is still controversial. Our aim was to investigate the effect of using sutures with rapid (RA) or slow (SA) absorption, on symptomatic recurrence after anterior and posterior colporrhaphy. A population-based longitudinal cohort study with data from the Swedish National Quality Register for Gynecological Surgery. A total of 1,107 women who underwent primary anterior colporrhaphy and 577 women who underwent primary posterior colporrhaphy between September 2012 and September 2013 were included. Two groups in each cohort were created based on which suture material was used. Pre- and postoperative prolapse-related symptoms and patient satisfaction were assessed. We found a significantly lower rate of symptomatic recurrence 1 year after anterior colporrhaphy in the SA suture group compared with the RA suture group, 50 out of 230 (22 %) vs 152 out of 501 (30 %), odds ratio 1.6 (CI 1.1-2.3; p = 0.01). The SA group also had a significantly higher patient satisfaction rate, 83 % vs 75 %, odds ratio 1.6 (CI 1.04-2.4), (p = 0.03). Urgency improved significantly more in the RA suture group (p < 0.001). In the posterior colporrhaphy cohort there was no significant difference between the suture materials.
This study indicates that the use of slowly absorbable sutures decreases the odds of having a symptomatic recurrence after an anterior colporrhaphy compared with the use of rapidly absorbable sutures. However, the use of RA sutures may result in less urgency 1 year postoperatively. In posterior colporrhaphy the choice of suture material does not affect postoperative symptoms.
Is There an Increased Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome?
Primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) is a common chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the salivary and lacrimal glands. Arterial stiffness is one of the earliest detectable manifestations of adverse structural and functional changes within the vessel wall. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between arterial stiffness and pSS. In this study, 75 female patients with pSS who fulfilled the American European Consensus Criteria for Sjögren's syndrome, were included. A total of 68 age-, sex- and body mass index-matched subjects were recruited as the control population. Arterial stiffness was assessed by measurement of the carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV). The mean age of the patients was 54.0±9.3 years and the median duration of the disease was 10 years. Compared with the control subjects, patients with pSS had a higher mean PWV (8.2±1.5 m/s vs. 7.5±1.4 m/s; p=0.01). Correlation analysis showed that the PWV was positively correlated with age, body mass index, serum cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and C-reactive protein levels, blood pressure, mean arterial pressure (MAP), pulse pressure and left ventricular mass index. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that arterial stiffness was associated with age, MAP and LDL levels in pSS patients.
Although patients with pSS appear to have increased arterial stiffness, risk factors associated with arterial stiffness in these patients are similar to the general population. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that a higher PWV in pSS patients is caused, not by pSS itself, but by the use of steroids, hypertension and dyslipidemia.
Ultrasound Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Thyroid Nodules: Does Radiologist Assistance Decrease the Rate of Unsatisfactory Biopsies?
Ultrasound guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (UG-FNAB) is the main presurgical, minimally invasive, accurate and generally safe procedure for the diagnosis of thyroid pathology. At present it is recommended as a valuable diagnostic tool for the management of thyroid nodules. This study aimed to evaluate if a radiologist's assistance in the UG-FNAB procedure decreased the rate of unsatisfactory biopsies. Over a 3-year period, 385 (100%) patients were enrolled to the study. All individuals had UG-FNAB performed for the first time due to multiple nodules of the thyroid gland. Patients with a family history of thyroid cancer, receiving radioactive iodine and other predispositions for thyroid malignancy were excluded. 184 (47.79%) patients were examined using UG-FNAB with a radiologist's assistance (group 1) and 201 (52.21%) without such support (group 2). All biopsies were performed by the same surgeon. All specimens obtained were examined by two cytologists experienced in thyroid pathology. The specimens from the UG-FNAB were more frequently diagnostic when obtained from procedures performed with a radiologist's assistance (77.8% vs. 56.8%, p<0.0001). The cellularity of the specimens obtained from the UG-FNAB performed with a radiologist's assistance was higher than those obtained without such support (66.7% vs. 56.9%, p<0.0001).
UG-FNAB of the thyroid nodules performed with a radiologist's assistance makes it possible to obtain more valuable specimens, which may improve diagnostic accuracy in the preoperative management of thyroid pathology.
Are homografts superior to conventional prosthetic valves in the setting of infective endocarditis involving the aortic valve?
Surgical dogma suggests that homografts should be used preferentially, compared with conventional xenograft or mechanical prostheses, in the setting of infective endocarditis (IE), because they have greater resistance to infection. However, comparative data that support this notion are limited. From the prospective databases of 2 tertiary academic centers, we identified 304 consecutive adult patients (age ≥17 years) who underwent surgery for active IE involving the aortic valve (AV), in the period 2002 to 2014. Short- and long-term outcomes were evaluated using propensity scores and inverse-probability weighting to adjust for selection bias. Homografts, and xenograft and mechanical prostheses, were used in 86 (28.3%), 139 (45.7%), and 79 (26.0%) patients, respectively. Homografts were more often used in the setting of prosthetic valve endocarditis (58.1% vs 28.8%, P = .002) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (25.6% vs 12.1%, P = .002), compared with conventional prostheses. Early mortality occurred in 17 (19.8%) in the homograft group, and 20 (9.2%) in the conventional group (P = .019). During follow-up (median: 29.4 months; interquartile-range: 4.7-72.6 months), 60 (19.7%) patients died, and 23 (7.7%) experienced reinfection, with no significant differences in survival (P = .23) or freedom from reinfection rates (P = .65) according to the types of prostheses implanted. After adjustments for baseline characteristics, using propensity-score analyses, use of a homograft did not significantly affect early death (odds ratio 1.61; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73-3.40, P = .23), overall death (hazard ratio 1.10; 95% CI, 0.62-1.94, P = .75), or reinfection (hazard ratio 1.04; 95% CI, 0.49-2.18, P = .93).
No significant benefit to use of homografts was demonstrable with regard to resistance to reinfection in the setting of IE. The choice among prosthetic options should be based on technical and patient-specific factors. Lack of availability of homografts should not impede appropriate surgical intervention.
A contemporary analysis of pulmonary hypertension in patients undergoing mitral valve surgery: Is this a risk factor?
Pulmonary hypertension (PHT) has been considered a risk factor for mortality in cardiac surgery. Among mitral valve surgery (MVS) patients, we sought to determine if severe PHT increases mortality risk and if patients who undergo concomitant tricuspid valve surgery (TVS) incur additional risk. Preoperative PHT was assessed in 1571 patients undergoing MVS, from 2004 to 2013. Patients were stratified into PHT groups as follows (mm Hg): none (<35); moderate (35-49); severe (50-79); and extreme (≥80). Propensity-score matching resulted in a total of 430 patients, by PHT groups, and 384 patients, by TVS groups. Patients with severe PHT had higher mortality, both 30-day (4% PHT vs 1% no PHT, P<.02) and late (defined as survival at 5 years): 75.5% severe versus 91.9% no PHT (P<.001). In propensity-score-matched groups, severe PHT was not a risk factor for 30-day (3% each, P = 1.0) or late mortality (86.2% severe vs 87.1% no PHT; P = .87). TVS did not increase 30-day (4.7% TVS vs 4.2% no TVS, P = .8) or late mortality (78.7% TVS vs 75.3% no TVS, P = .90). Late survival was lower in extreme PHT (75.4% vs no PHT 91.5%, P = .007), and a trend was found in 30-day mortality (11% extreme vs 3% no PHT, P = .16).
Mortality in MVS is unaffected by severe PHT or the addition of TVS, yet extreme PHT remains a risk factor. Severe PHT (50-79 mm Hg) should not preclude surgery; concomitant TVS does not increase mortality.
The recommended treatment algorithms of the BCLC and HKLC staging systems: does following these always improve survival rates for HCC patients?
Several staging systems have been proposed for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Among them, only the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) and Hong Kong Liver Cancer (HKLC) staging systems also recommend treatment modality. This study was designed to see whether BCLC and HKLC staging can guide treatment strategy, so analyzed whether patients survival is better for those who received recommended therapy by each staging system. A total of 3515 treatment-naïve, newly diagnosed HCC patients at a single centre were analyzed. Five-year survival rates according to BCLC stages: 0 = 79.1%, A = 62.9%, B = 40.3%, C = 21.3% and D = 27.0%; 5-year survival rates according to HKLC stages: I = 72.3%, IIa = 54.9%, IIb = 50.6%, IIIa = 21.3%, IIIb = 10.2%, IVa = 16.7%, IVb = 7.2%, Va = 47.1% and Vb = 11.3%. The C-indices of the BCLC and HKLC staging systems were 0.708 and 0.732 respectively. Patient survival was better when patients received the recommended treatment in stages 0 or A; survival was worse if treatment began at stage B, C or D. For HKLC staging system, survival was better when patients received the recommended treatment in stages I, IIa, IIb, IIIa or Va but was worse when treatment began in stages IIIb, IVa, IVb or Vb.
Both the BCLC and HKLC staging systems effectively stratified patient prognosis, but neither could direct therapy for a large proportion of patients; for some stages, recommended therapy was associated with worse prognosis.
Does Immunosuppressive Therapy Affect Markers of Kidney Damage?
Markers currently used to detect kidney damage are effective in both early (KIM-1, NGAL) and late (MCP-1, MMP, TIMP) stages of renal tubular damage, indicating the progression of chronic kidney disease. Immunosuppressive drugs may damage the transplanted organ through their direct toxic effects and by contributing to the development of chronic fibrosis and tubular atrophy. The aim of this study was to determine if immunosuppressive drugs per se affect the concentration of kidney damage markers, by using concentrations and doses of immunosuppressive within therapeutic, not toxic, levels in rat blood. The study involved 36 rats grouped according to the immunosuppressive regimen used (tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporin A, rapamycin, and prednisone). The rats were treated with a 3-drug protocol for 6 months. No drugs were administered to the control group. The blood samples were collected to determine the concentration of kidney damage markers by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). 1. In the groups receiving regimens based on cyclosporin A (CyA), significantly higher concentrations of KIM-1 in plasma was observed compared to cases not treated with drugs. 2. The use of tacrolimus was associated with increased concentrations of MCP-1 in plasma and rapamycin was associated with decreased concentrations of MCP-1 in plasma. 3. Rapamycin induces an unfavorable, profibrotic imbalance between metalloproteinase-9 and its inhibitor, TIMP-1.
Commonly used immunosuppressive drugs influence the concentration of blood markers of kidney damage. This fact should be taken into account when analyzing the association between the concentration of these markers and pathological processes occurring in the transplanted kidney.
Is the HAS-BLED score useful in predicting post-extraction bleeding in patients taking warfarin?
Unexpected post-extraction bleeding is often experienced in clinical practice. Therefore, determining the risk of post-extraction bleeding in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy prior to surgery is beneficial. This study aimed to verify whether the HAS-BLED score was useful in predicting post-extraction bleeding in patients taking warfarin. Retrospective cohort study. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tokyo Women's Medical University. Participants included 258 sequential cases (462 teeth) who had undergone tooth extraction between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2012 while continuing warfarin therapy. Post-extraction risk factors for bleeding. The following data were collected as the predicting variables for multivariate logistic analysis: the HAS-BLED score, extraction site, tooth type, stability of teeth, extraction procedure, prothrombin time-international normalised ratio value, platelet count and the use of concomitant antiplatelet agents. Post-extraction bleeding was noted in 21 (8.1%) of the 258 cases. Haemostasis was achieved with localised haemostatic procedures in all the cases of post-extraction bleeding. The HAS-BLED score was found to be insufficient in predicting post-extraction bleeding (area under the curve=0.548, p=0.867, multivariate analysis). The risk of post-extraction bleeding was approximately three times greater in patients taking concomitant oral antiplatelet agents (risk ratio=2.881, p=0.035, multivariate analysis).
The HAS-BLED score alone could not predict post-extraction bleeding. The concomitant use of oral antiplatelet agents was a risk factor for post-extraction bleeding. No episodes of post-extraction bleeding required more than local measures for haemostasis. However, because this was a retrospective study conducted at a single institution, large-scale prospective cohort studies, which include cases of outpatient tooth extraction, will be necessary in the future.
Survival From Childhood Hematological Malignancies in Denmark: Is Survival Related to Family Characteristics?
Due to diverse findings as to the role of family factors for childhood cancer survival even within Europe, we explored a nationwide, register-based cohort of Danish children with hematological malignancies. All children born between 1973 and 2006 and diagnosed with a hematological malignancy before the age of 20 years (N = 1,819) were followed until 10 years from diagnosis. Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards models estimating hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to assess the impact of family characteristics on overall survival in children with hematological malignancies. Having siblings and increasing birth order were associated with reduced survival from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Associations with AML were strongest and statistically significant. HRs of 1.62 (CI 0.85; 3.09) and 5.76 (CI 2.01; 16.51) were observed for the fourth or later born children with ALL (N = 41) and AML (N = 9), respectively. Children with older parents showed a tendency toward inferior ALL survival, while for AML young maternal age was related to poorer survival. Based on small numbers, a trend toward poorer survival from non-Hodgkin lymphoma was observed for children having siblings and for children of younger parents.
Further research is warranted to gain further knowledge on the impact of family factors on childhood cancer survival in other populations and to elaborate potential underlying mechanisms and pathways of those survival inequalities.
Beneficial Effects of Early Enteral Nutrition After Major Rectal Surgery: A Possible Role for Conditionally Essential Amino Acids?
To investigate direct postoperative outcome and plasma amino acid concentrations in a study comparing early enteral nutrition versus early parenteral nutrition after major rectal surgery. Previously, it was shown that a low plasma glutamine concentration represents poor prognosis in ICU patients. A preplanned substudy of a previous prospective, randomized, open-label, single-centre study, comparing early enteral nutrition versus early parenteral nutrition in patients at high risk of postoperative ileus after surgery for locally advanced or locally recurrent rectal cancer. Early enteral nutrition reduced postoperative ileus, anastomotic leakage, and hospital stay. Tertiary referral centre for locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer. A total of 123 patients with locally advanced or recurrent rectal carcinoma requiring major rectal surgery. Patients were randomized (ALEA web-based external randomization) preoperatively into two groups: early enteral nutrition (early enteral nutrition, intervention) by nasojejunal tube (n = 61) or early parenteral nutrition (early parenteral nutrition, control) by jugular vein catheter (n = 62). Eight hours after the surgical procedure artificial nutrition was started in hemodynamically stable patients, stimulating oral intake in both groups. Blood samples were collected to measure plasma glutamine, citrulline, and arginine concentrations using a validated ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method. Baseline concentrations were comparable for both groups. Directly after rectal surgery, a decrease in plasma amino acids was observed. Plasma glutamine concentrations were higher in the parenteral group than in the enteral group on postoperative day 1 (p = 0.027) and day 5 (p = 0.008). Arginine concentrations were also significantly increased in the parenteral group at day 1 (p<0.001) and day 5 (p = 0.001).
Lower plasma glutamine and arginine concentrations were measured in the enteral group, whereas a better clinical outcome was observed. We conclude that plasma amino acids do not provide a causal explanation for the observed beneficial effects of early enteral feeding after major rectal surgery.
Do the Threshold Limit Values for Work in Hot Conditions Adequately Protect Workers?
We evaluated core temperature responses and the change in body heat content (ΔHb) during work performed according to the ACGIH threshold limit values (TLV) for heat stress, which are designed to ensure a stable core temperature that does not exceed 38.0°C. Nine young males performed a 120-min work protocol consisting of cycling at a fixed rate of heat production (360 W). On the basis of the TLV, each protocol consisted of a different work-rest (WR) allocation performed in different wet-bulb globe temperatures (WBGT). The first was 120 min of continuous (CON) cycling at 28.0°C WBGT (CON[28.0°C]). The remaining three protocols were intermittent work bouts (15-min duration) performed at various WR and WBGT: (i) WR of 3:1 at 29.0°C (WR3:1[29.0°C]), (ii) WR of 1:1 at 30.0°C (WR1:1[30.0°C]), and (iii) WR of 1:3 at 31.5°C (WR1:3[31.5°C]) (total exercise time: 90, 60, and 30 min, respectively). The change in rectal (ΔTre) and mean body temperature (ΔTb) was evaluated with thermometry. ΔHb was determined via direct calorimetry and also used to calculate ΔTb. Although average rectal temperature did not exceed 38.0°C, heat balance was not achieved during exercise in any work protocol (i.e., rate of ΔTre>0°C·min; all P values ≤ 0.02). Consequently, it was projected that if work was extended to 4 h, the distribution of participant core temperatures higher and lower than 38.0°C would be statistically similar (all P values ≥ 0.10). Furthermore, ΔHb was similar between protocols (P = 0.70). However, a greater ΔTb was observed with calorimetry relative to thermometry in WR3:1[29.0°C] (P = 0.03), WR1:1[30.0°C](P = 0.02), and WR1:3[31.5°C] (P<0.01) but not CON[28.0°C] (P = 0.32).
The current study demonstrated that heat balance was not achieved and ΔTb and ΔHb were inconsistent, suggesting that the TLV may not adequately protect workers during work in hot conditions.
Preoperative experience for public hospital patients with gynecologic cancer: Do structural barriers widen the gap?
Widespread disparities in care have been documented in women with gynecologic cancer in the United States. This study was designed to determine whether structural barriers to optimal care were present during the preoperative period for patients with gynecologic cancer. A retrospective review was conducted for patients undergoing surgery for a gynecologic malignancy at a public hospital or a private hospital staffed by the same team of gynecologic oncologists between July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014. Two hundred fifty-seven cases were included for analysis (public hospital, 69; private hospital, 188). Patients treated at the private hospital were older (58 vs 52 years; P = .004) and had similar medical comorbidities (median Charlson comorbidity index at both hospitals, 6) but required fewer hospital visits in preparation for surgery (2 vs 4; P<.001). Public hospital patients had a longer wait time from the diagnosis of disease to surgery (63 vs 34 days; P<.001). According to a multiple linear regression model, the public hospital setting was associated with a longer interval from diagnosis to surgery with adjustments for the insurance status, age at diagnosis, cancer stage, and number of preoperative hospital visits (P<.001).
Patients at the public hospital were subject to a greater number of preoperative visits and had to wait longer for surgery than patients at the private hospital. Attempts to reduce health care disparities should focus on improving efficiency in health care delivery systems once contact has been established.
Corneal Transplantation in Disease Affecting Only One Eye: Does It Make a Difference to Habitual Binocular Viewing?
Clarity of the transplanted tissue and restoration of visual acuity are the two primary metrics for evaluating the success of corneal transplantation. Participation of the transplanted eye in habitual binocular viewing is seldom evaluated post-operatively. In unilateral corneal disease, the transplanted eye may remain functionally inactive during binocular viewing due to its suboptimal visual acuity and poor image quality, vis-à-vis the healthy fellow eye. This study prospectively quantified the contribution of the transplanted eye towards habitual binocular viewing in 25 cases with unilateral transplants [40 yrs (IQR: 32-42 yrs) and 25 age-matched controls [30 yrs (25-37 yrs)]. Binocular functions including visual field extent, high-contrast logMAR acuity, suppression threshold and stereoacuity were assessed using standard psychophysical paradigms. Optical quality of all eyes was determined from wavefront aberrometry measurements. Binocular visual field expanded by a median 21% (IQR: 18-29%) compared to the monocular field of cases and controls (p = 0.63). Binocular logMAR acuity [0.0 (0.0-0.0)]almost always followed the fellow eye's acuity [0.00 (0.00 --0.02)] (r = 0.82), independent of the transplanted eye's acuity [0.34 (0.2-0.5)](r = 0.04). Suppression threshold and stereoacuity were poorer in cases [30.1% (13.5-44.3%); 620.8 arc sec (370.3-988.2 arc sec)] than in controls [79% (63.5-100%); 16.3 arc sec (10.6-25.5 arc sec)](p<0.001). Higher-order wavefront aberrations of the transplanted eye [0.34 μ (0.21-0.51 μ)] were higher than the fellow eye [0.07 μ (0.05-0.11 μ)](p<0.001) and their reduction with RGP contact lenses [0.09 μ (0.08-0.12 μ)] significantly improved the suppression threshold [65% (50-72%)]and stereoacuity [56.6 arc sec (47.7-181.6 arc sec)] (p<0.001).
In unilateral corneal disease, the transplanted eye does participate in gross binocular viewing but offers limited support to fine levels of binocularity. Improvement in the transplanted eye's optics enhances its participation in binocular viewing. Current metrics of this treatment success can expand to include measures of binocularity to assess the functional benefit of the transplantation process in unilateral corneal disease.
Mechanic valve prosthesis and pregnancy: Is Phenprocoumon replaceable?
We report the case of a 30-year-old pregnant patient with mechanical valve replacement in mitral and aortic position. She had discontinued Phenprocoumon-treatment in the 5+4 week of pregnancy by herself. Because of rheumatic fever she had undergone a mechanical aortic and mitral valve replacement 12 years ago. Due to a thrombosis of the mitral valve, an acute reoperation had to be done 5 years later. 2 years ago, a partially re-thrombosis of the mechanical mitral valve was treated by intravenous thrombolysis. These complications had been probably due to incomplicance. The patient had experienced 3 abortions before. The vaginal sonography determined an intact gestation. The laboratory test revealed an INR of 1.2. The transesophageal echocardiography showed a partially thrombosed mechanical mitral valve. The abdominal ultrasonography detected an embolic splenic infarction. These findings were consistent with partially thrombosed mechanical mitral valve with thromboembolic splenic infarction among incompetent oral anticoagulation. After initial heparinization with under twice daily control of the partial thromboplastin time the joint decision was made to restart Phenprocoumon (target INR 2.5 to 3.5, and additional ASS 100 mg /day). 9 days later the patient had a missed abortion. An uncomplicated curettage was performed under therapeutic i.v. heparinization.
The use of coumarins in pregnancy carries a fetal risk. But it is the most secure anticoagulation after a mechanical valve replacement, especially in high-risk patients. Alternatives are heparins. They don't cross the placenta but are associated with a slightly elevated risk of thromboembolism.