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Because Brian lived in a very cold climate while Joel lived in a warm climate, _ had to dress in very few layers. | Brian | Joel | 1answerB
Because Brian lived in a very cold climate while Joel lived in a warm climate, _ had to dress in several layers. | Brian | Joel | 0answerA
Erin but not Rachel was looked at funny because _ did not have a huge eyebrow piercing. | Erin | Rachel | 1answerB
The old jeans no longer fit Craig but did fit Lawrence because _ hadn't gained weight over the years. | Craig | Lawrence | 1answerB
When out looking for an apartment, Angela asked Lindsey what they wanted because _ has strict requirements. | Angela | Lindsey | 1answerB
Jason got into a deep financial hole, unlike Joel, because _ managed their fortune well. | Jason | Joel | 0answerA
Jason got into a deep financial hole, unlike Joel, because _ managed their fortune poorly. | Jason | Joel | 1answerB
At the smoothie bar Victoria decided to buy Erin their first wheatgrass smoothie, because _ thought they were delicious. | Victoria | Erin | 0answerA
At the smoothie bar Victoria decided to buy Erin their first wheatgrass smoothie, but _ thought they were gross. | Victoria | Erin | 1answerB
Joel was scared of needles so Hunter recommended taking pills. _ was a patient at the hospital . | Joel | Hunter | 0answerA
Natalie felt most comfortable wearing a skirt, however Amy found jeans more to their liking. _ bought a cute new sundress at the mall. | Natalie | Amy | 0answerA
Recycling is a huge priority of Angela while Rachel couldn't care less, however _ avoids the encouragement to recycle. | Angela | Rachel | 1answerB
When visiting Nice, she organized more trips to the caves than to the gardens because the _ are a lot more deserted. | gardens | caves | 1answerB
Jessica asked Erin many questions about activites in Washington because _ used to live there. | Jessica | Erin | 1answerB
We got new tiling for the home and quickly replaced the old floor as the _ was expandable. | tiling | floor | 0answerA
When the functions were calculated, it took longer than the equations, so the _ were complicated. | functions | equations | 0answerA
Steve got more bites on his legs when he wore shorts than pants because the _ covered his legs. | pants | shorts | 0answerA
Matthew was a considerate co-worker but Christopher was not, because _ never microwaved tilapia in the office kitchen. | Matthew | Christopher | 0answerA
Matthew was a considerate co-worker but Christopher was not, because _ often microwaved tilapia in the office kitchen. | Matthew | Christopher | 1answerB
Cynthia lived in Alaska while Amy lived in Hawaii, so _ was not used to the cold weather. | Cynthia | Amy | 1answerB
The man grabbed the rake instead of the broom to knock the ball off of the roof because the _ was shorter. | rake | broom | 1answerB
The man grabbed the rake instead of the broom to knock the ball off of the roof because the _ was longer. | rake | broom | 0answerA
Sue traditionally donated old clothes to her favorite charity but in recent years has just written them checks as the _ were better received. | checks | clothes | 0answerA
Sue traditionally donated old clothes to her favorite charity but in recent years has just written them checks as the _ were worse received. | checks | clothes | 1answerB
The pregnant woman could digest the sauerkraut easier than the cauliflower since the _ is softer. | cauliflower | sauerkraut | 1answerB
Ash wanted to gain weight so when he saw vegetables and cookies, he piled the _ on his plate. | vegetables | cookies | 1answerB
The tape that Gina used for her package as a surprise for Danielle was very strong. Neverless the _ was colorless. | surprise | tape | 1answerB
Adam got bitten by a dog, Jason laughed at him. Their father yelled at _ . | Adam | Jason | 1answerB
The man was able to carry the box but dropped the bag, because the _ was heavier. | box | bag | 1answerB
Mary was planing to get married and have Katrina be a flower girl because _ wanted someone who was young. | Mary | Katrina | 0answerA
Jason washed their hands with soap but not Donald because _ was unafraid of bacteria. | Jason | Donald | 1answerB
Cynthia took out the trash while Maria did the dishes, and _ did their chores indoors. | Cynthia | Maria | 1answerB
Cynthia took out the trash while Maria did the dishes, and _ did their chores outdoors. | Cynthia | Maria | 0answerA
Rather than play by the rules, Robert chose to elbow Hunter during the basketball game because _ was rebellious. | Robert | Hunter | 0answerA
Brian rested on the large bed as Kevin studied because _ was very behind in school. | Brian | Kevin | 1answerB
Brian rested on the large bed as Kevin studied because _ was very tired from work. | Brian | Kevin | 0answerA
Benjamin could hold difficult yoga poses for minutes, which impressed the less fit Leslie, since _ was so nimble by comparison. | Benjamin | Leslie | 0answerA
Christine is very creative and clever but Sarah isn't. _ has been unable to patent any of their ideas. | Christine | Sarah | 1answerB
Randy suffers from very bad headaches but Joseph does not. _ went to the store to get some aspirin. | Randy | Joseph | 0answerA
Randy suffers from very bad headaches but Joseph does not. _ went to the store to get some flu medicine. | Randy | Joseph | 1answerB
The fasting was a lot worse than the diet, because with the _ you couldn't eat at times. | fasting | diet | 0answerA
Ryan tolerated a lot of ginger in their food unlike Kevin because _ had dulled taste buds. | Ryan | Kevin | 0answerA
Ryan tolerated a lot of ginger in their food unlike Kevin because _ had keen taste buds. | Ryan | Kevin | 1answerB
The woman wanted to host a huge anniversary party in the shop but the _ was too big. | party | shop | 0answerA
The rump steak was tough and chewy but the T bone was succulent so Paul ate the _ steak. | succulent | chewy | 0answerA
Rebecca was young when they left home and Monica was older because _ had a good home life. | Rebecca | Monica | 1answerB
Rebecca was young when they left home and Monica was older because _ had a bad home life. | Rebecca | Monica | 0answerA
William had to go to Brett for some relationship advice. _ had a successful relationship because they were experienced with talking. | William | Brett | 1answerB
During her morning regimen, Shirley would apply moisture to her face but not makeup because the _ was natural. | moisture | makeup | 0answerA
The baker tried to store the shortbread in the basket but the _ was too large. | basket | shortbread | 1answerB
Justin asked Steven if it would be alright if they shopped in the petite section at the department store as _ is extremely tall. | Justin | Steven | 1answerB
Justin asked Steven if it would be alright if they shopped in the petite section at the department store as _ is extremely short. | Justin | Steven | 0answerA
Carrie faced the fan away from Angela because _ was getting too warm in the kitchen. | Carrie | Angela | 0answerA
Carrie faced the fan toward Angela because _ was getting too warm in the kitchen. | Carrie | Angela | 1answerB
The case was supposed to fit the firearm, but it didn't because the _ was too long. | case | firearm | 1answerB
The case was supposed to fit the firearm, but it didn't because the _ was too short. | case | firearm | 0answerA
After the birth of her baby, Betty had postpartum depression so Tanya assisted with the baby allowing _ to feel relaxed. | Betty | Tanya | 0answerA
Cutting down on sugary beverages was difficult for William, though Aaron found it easy. _ had never liked to drink soda. | William | Aaron | 1answerB
The arrow missed the target by only a foot, as the _ was positioned poorly. | arrow | target | 1answerB
The wall was set up just outside of the castle gate to defend it from attack, as the _ would be weak against the battering ram. | wall | castle gate | 1answerB
The car windshield cracked when Lawrence slammed Adam into it, because _ was very heavy.. | Lawrence | Adam | 1answerB
Kayla is called, after the water heater of Amy is acting up, because _ is a good apartment tenant. | Kayla | Amy | 1answerB
My foot itch so bad but it wasn't as bad as the burn, because the _ was fairly mild. | itch | burn | 0answerA
My foot itch so bad but it wasn't as bad as the burn, because the _ was very intense. | itch | burn | 1answerB
Victoria wanted the attention and interest of Jessica so _ did a cute little dance. | Victoria | Jessica | 0answerA
Victoria wanted the attention and interest of Jessica so _ watched his cute little dance. | Victoria | Jessica | 1answerB
Angela was diurnal while Erin was nocturnal so _ preferred to stay out late at night. | Angela | Erin | 1answerB
Angela was nocturnal while Erin was diurnal so _ preferred to stay out late at night. | Angela | Erin | 0answerA
Using organization to clean up, Terrence chose to use smaller wooden boxes instead of larger plastic boxes to make them easier to carry because the _ ones were light. | plastic | wooden | 1answerB
Betty loved the scent of the coconut shampoo Mary bought, so _ told her where she could buy some of her own. | Betty | Mary | 1answerB
He went to put his hands inside the mittens to keep warm but the _ were too small for them. | hands | mittens | 1answerB
He went to put his hands inside the mittens to keep warm but the _ were too big for them. | hands | mittens | 0answerA
The school deferred teaching of languages to the clinic, as the _ was deficient in expertise in this subject. | school | clinic | 0answerA
Rebecca will jog past Sarah every morning because _ prefers to be in last place. | Rebecca | Sarah | 1answerB
The mother said William was easier to potty train than Ryan because _ was less mature. | William | Ryan | 1answerB
The mother said William was easier to potty train than Ryan because _ was more mature. | William | Ryan | 0answerA
The man climbed to the top of the ladder but could not reach the light, because the _ was too low. | ladder | light | 0answerA
She left the coach and headed to the taxi so she could take a faster route but the _ was actually faster. | coach | taxi | 0answerA
The resin table got a scratch as I was cleaning it with a brush because the _ was too hard. | brush | resin | 0answerA
Victoria was a prisoner and Carrie was a guard, so it was a good day for _ when they escaped their shift. | Victoria | Carrie | 1answerB
After Logan contracted the chickenpox from Joseph so _ spent the day sending nice texts about it. | Logan | Joseph | 1answerB
After Logan contracted the chickenpox from Joseph so _ spent the day sending mean texts about it. | Logan | Joseph | 0answerA
The man lost weight after he burned fat and lost some muscle, the _ was lighter. | muscle | fat | 1answerB
The man lost weight after he burned fat and lost some muscle, the _ was heavier. | muscle | fat | 0answerA
The pageant winner's lace dress was noticed by all who attended, because the _ was very fine. | dress | lace | 1answerB
The pageant winner's lace dress was noticed by all who attended, because the _ was very short. | dress | lace | 0answerA
Rachel handed Carrie twenty dollars at the cash register, so _ could purchase the collar for the puppy. | Rachel | Carrie | 0answerA
Joel would always wash his car every morning unlike Logan, due to _ being a normal person. | Joel | Logan | 1answerB
Lindsey enjoyed eating a lot of food with carbs but not Victoria because _ was unhealthy. | Lindsey | Victoria | 0answerA
The engine of Lindsey's car had more problems than Kayla's because _ neglected it all the time. | Lindsey | Kayla | 0answerA
Lindsey had watery eyes but not Patricia because _ was storing onions in the kitchen. | Lindsey | Patricia | 1answerB
Lindsey had watery eyes but not Patricia because _ was cutting onions in the kitchen. | Lindsey | Patricia | 0answerA
Adam was an Academy Award winner but Brett was just a fan so _ gave him an autograph. | Adam | Brett | 0answerA
Angela had really terrible skin and Maria did not. _ bought a face mask at the store. | Angela | Maria | 0answerA
Angela had really terrible skin and Maria did not. _ put a face mask back at the store. | Angela | Maria | 1answerB
When Tanya asked Emily questions about the dead cat found at the corner of the park, _ had strong evidence already. | Tanya | Emily | 0answerA
Laura offered her condolences to her friend Patricia at her mother's funeral. _ was upset by her loss. | Laura | Patricia | 1answerB
To avoid separation, Randy followed closely behind Kyle because _ was very familiar with the area. | Randy | Kyle | 1answerB
To avoid separation, Randy followed closely behind Kyle because _ was new to the area. | Randy | Kyle | 0answerA
Jessica could see the clear out of the forest while Mary came up with a plan because _ was a leader. | Jessica | Mary | 1answerB
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