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Practices Act, UK Bribery Act and other Plan. We reserve the right to terminate our similar anti-bribery legislation Around business relationship with any supplier that 200 does not take the corrective actions needed to address any non‑compliances. social compliance audits of our suppliers were conducted during FY ‘20 Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 7Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO CONTINUE DOING THE RIGHT THING EVERY DAY Across our company, we are committed to corporate responsibility, operating honestly and fairly, and doing what’s right. The Cintas Code of Conduct GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES VALUES, PRINCIPLE
Anti-corruption risks related to corruption for risks related to corruption. to risks related to corruption. Anti-corruption training b. Significant risks related to corruption identified for applicable employees is performed every year, through the risk assessment. overseen by the Chief Compliance Officer. An audit is performed every other fiscal year to ensure compliance and identify any potential issues. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 9GRI Index GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Material topics continued ECONOMIC continued GRI 205: 205-2 Communication and a. Total number and percentage of governance body Anti-corruption policies are communicated to 100% of Anti-corruption training about anti- members that the organization’s anti-corruption policies governance body m
continued corruption policies and procedures have been communicated to, broken receive training on the subject. They are not specifically and procedures down by region. communicated to other board members. Global b. Total number and percentage of employees that the Sanctions Compliance ensures that the appropriate organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures vendors are aware of Cintas’ policies. As necessary, have been communicated to, broken down by employee suppliers are compliant with Cintas’ policies or provide category and region. an example of their robust policy. c. Total number and percentage of business partners that the organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated to, broken down by type of business partner
organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated to any other persons or organizations. d. Total number and percentage of governance body members that have received training on anti-corruption, broken down by region. e. Total number and percentage of employees that have received training on anti-corruption, broken down by employee category and region. 205-3 Confirmed incidents a. Total number and nature of confirmed incidents No incidents have occurred, to date. of corruption and of corruption. actions taken b. Total number of confirmed incidents in which employees were dismissed or disciplined for corruption. c. Total number of confirmed incidents when contracts with business partners were terminated or not renewed due to violations related
to corruption. d. Public legal cases regarding corruption brought against the organization or its employees during the reporting period and the outcomes of such cases. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 10GRI Index GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Material topics continued ENVIRONMENTAL GRI 301, 302: Energy 301-3 Reclaimed products and a. Percentage of reclaimed products and their packaging From the very start of our company’s origins, Cintas’ their packaging materials materials for each product category. business model has been based on sustainable b. How the data for this disclosure have been collected. practices. Our journey started in 1929, during the Great D
Conduct, Anti-corruption, Confidentiality. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 31GRI Index GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Material topics continued SOCIAL continued GRI 414: Supplier social assessment GRI 103: Management 103-2 The management Aligns with GRI 414 Cintas Corporation and its subsidiaries seek to conduct approach approach and its business in a lawful, ethical and moral manner in all components countries in which we have the privilege to work. To achieve this purpose, we expect our vendors to subscribe to certain moral and ethical principles in conducting business. While Cintas recognizes that there are different legal and cultural environments throughout the wo
201-4 Financial assistance a. Total monetary value of financial assistance received Per our FY ‘20 tax calculations, we expect to claim a received from government by the organization from any government during the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit on our federal tax reporting period, including: return of approximately $400,000. This credit has been i. tax relief and tax credits; as high as $1.3 million in prior years. We may receive ii. subsidies; additional federal credits from Federal Enterprise iii. investment grants, research and development grants, Zones and Indian Employment Credits of another and other relevant types of grant; $100,000. None of these credits are considered material iv. awards; from a federal income tax standpoint. v. royalty holidays; vi. financial assistance from Export Credit Agencies (ECAs); vii. financial incen
CINTAS 2020 ESG REPORTWelcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WELCOME This report is for the fiscal year Our company is dedicated June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020. to operating to the highest to our 2020 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ethical and safety standards, creating a diverse and Report, in which we share our ESG performance with inclusive workplace, investors, employee-partners, customers, communities, providing sustainable suppliers and other interested parties. products and services, and caring for our communities. ESG AT CINTAS • Energy and Emissions (p.4) ABOUT CINTAS We’re committed to doing From the very start of our company’s Reducing our overall energy use, Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, Cintas the right thing and we’re origins, the Cintas business mo
lasting commitment to the environment • Governance, Ethics and Integrity (p.8) $7.09 billion and our communities is evident from our Doing business in an honest, professional processes and innovation, which ensure our and ethical way. revenues rental facilities are operating efficiently. Our positive discontent drives us to do WHAT’S NEXT? 7.2% what is best for our employee‑partners, In 2021, we aim to expand our ESG shareholders, communities and the reporting — including more clearly compound annual growth rate environment. defining our governance around ESG‑ (CAGR) over the last decade for related risks and opportunities; continuing • Our Positive Impact in 2020 (p.3) to be a leader in industry for water usage; revenue and 19.2% for earnings Working to help make the world per share explo
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 2Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO MAKE American Diabetes Association: Cintas visits ADA-sponsored summer THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE camps as a part of our ongoing collaboration with the organization We strive to make a positive impact for our own people, as well as supporting good causes and lending neighbors a helping hand. RESPONDING TO COVID-19 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Using our Preparedness Plan, we Supporting diversity and equality at Cintas We’re proud to partner with leading implemented controls including physical means fostering a respectful, creative, not‑for‑profit community organizations barriers, social distancing, appropriate productive environment where every to make a positive impact. Personal Protectiv
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 3Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE ENGAGED IN ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE We are committed to reducing energy use and GHG emissions, and helping to address the global impact of climate change. REDUCING ENERGY USE In FY ‘20, we also upgraded our lighting 10% The energy Cintas consumes in our rental technology to LED at nine locations, where operations includes electricity, primarily we are achieving up to a 50% reduction in annual reduction in energy for lighting and process equipment, and lighting load. We are working to accelerate use by Cintas rental fuel — natural gas and propane — for dryers, implementation of LED lighting upgrades operations through energy- boilers, steam tunnels and building heating. at an additional 30 of ou
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at on WSI (Washing Systems LLC) studies 4Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE COMMITTED TO USING WATER RESPONSIBLY Water is essential for our operations, but we know we must be a steward of this shared resource by minimizing use and maximizing reuse. 88.4% USING LESS WATER, REUSING MORE We carefully monitor and control our Our facilities discharge washing process In FY ‘20, our North American rental laundering process to minimize water effluent to publicly owned treatment works operations withdrew 3.16 million usage intensity; in FY ‘20, the amount of in compliance with local discharge of water withdrawals were returned to kilogallons (11.9 million m3) of freshwater water required to process a pound of standards and permits, which require the environment — 390,600 kgal less than in FY ‘19
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at on WSI (Washing Systems LLC) studies 5Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE INSPIRED TO CONTINUE MEETING THE HIGHEST STANDARDS Guided by our Safety Vision, we want every site to be injury-free, every employee-partner to help improve safety and Cintas to be known as a global leader in safety and health. MANAGING SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING Improvement course and each member HEALTH AND WELLNESS To enforce internationally recognized Every year, our employee‑partners receive of our Senior Management team takes the Our long‑running Live Well program standards, we have implemented an online, on‑the‑job and classroom training Management and Leadership Skills for supports employee‑partners on their occupational health and safety management on 30 safety topics — and all maintena
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 6Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE DEDICATED TO MAINTAINING AN ETHICAL SUPPLY CHAIN We require our vendors and contractors to conduct business in an ethical and moral manner, both domestically and internationally. MANAGING HUMAN RIGHTS HUMAN RIGHTS TRAINING Using real‑life scenarios and referencing ASSESSING NEW SUPPLIERS AND LABOR RIGHTS IMPACTS Cintas conducts training to ensure that current global regulations, the TRACE Our purchasing agreements require all We have zero tolerance of all forms of employee‑partners and others with direct e‑learning course outlines the requirements suppliers and contractors to comply with forced, trafficked, slave and child labor in responsibility for supply chain management of global trafficking‑related statutes
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 7Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO CONTINUE DOING THE RIGHT THING EVERY DAY Across our company, we are committed to corporate responsibility, operating honestly and fairly, and doing what’s right. The Cintas Code of Conduct GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES VALUES, PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS is an important part of our The Cintas Board of Directors is the highest Our Corporate Culture spans our beliefs, values and reflects our governing body in our organization. ethics and values, including honesty and company’s commitment to Our Board is made up of eight members integrity, hard work, trust and respect, as ethical business practices (six male and two female) and all senior well as defining a common language and and regulatory compliance leaders repor
Nominating and Corporate Governance behaviors, our CEO maintains ultimate Committee, Audit Committee and responsibility for them. Compensation Committee — to address R EPORTING CONCERNS representative or the Compliance key issues in greater detail. We are committed to complying with all Department, or call the Cintas Direct Line, a applicable laws and regulations, and to dedicated, 24/7 toll‑free phone line operated Our Corporate Culture spans our reporting situations or issues that are in by an independent third party. violation of the law, company policy or our beliefs, ethics and values, including core principles. Employee‑partners have honesty and integrity, hard work, access to several mechanisms to report trust and respect. questions or concerns: they can speak with th
and governance (ESG) topics, for the first time we are reporting publicly against a set of consolidated indicators. This GRI Index accompanies our 2020 ESG Report and references the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards as annotated throughout the document. All standards are the 2016 versions, except where noted in the GRI standard column. We report our progress in order to drive further improvements, recognizing there is more to do to make our operations more efficient, use our planet’s natural resources more sustainably and drive our world-class safety program. In the coming year, we will expand our ESG reporting and we will be defining our governance around the management of ESG issues. The data in this report relates to the period from June 1,
Governance 102-18 Governance structure a. Governance structure of the organization, including Proxy Statement, pp. 6–8 committees of the highest governance body. b. Committees responsible for decision-making on economic, environmental, and social topics. 102-2 Activities, brands, a. A description of the organization’s activities. Form 10-K, pp. 3–4 products, and services b. Primary brands, products, and services, including Website an explanation of any products or services that are banned in certain markets. 102-20 Executive-level a. Whether the organization has appointed an Economic responsibility is held by the Chief Financial responsibility for executive-level position or positions with responsibility Officer. Environmental responsibility is held by the economic, environmental, for econom
governance body. Administrative Officer. All of these roles and all other senior leaders report directly to the Chief Executive Officer, who is also Chairman of the Board. Governance is foundational to achieving long-term value, by aligning and driving both financial and societal performance, as well as by ensuring accountability and building legitimacy with stakeholders. Achieving this alignment requires governance to oversee the setting of a company’s environmental, social, and economic aspirations, to ensure that risks and opportunities associated with these dimensions are respectively navigated and embraced over time, and to ensure that the interests of stakeholders, including shareholders, are protected. The individuals and structures governing
on economic, and the highest governance body on economic, Cintas customer service line (800) 246-8271 environmental, environmental, and social topics. Cintas direct line for employee-partners (800) 292-9480 and social topics b. If consultation is delegated, describe to whom it is Code of Conduct and Business Ethics, p. 1 delegated and how the resulting feedback is provided to the highest governance body. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 3GRI Index GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION General Disclosures continued Governance 102-22 Composition of the a. Composition of the highest governance body and its Management and Directors continued highest governance body committees by: Proxy Statement
iii. tenure on the governance body; iv. number of each individual’s other significant positions and commitments, and the nature of the commitments; v. gender; vi. membership of under-represented social groups; vii. competencies relating to economic, environmental, and social topics; viii. stakeholder representation. 102-23 Chair of the highest a. Whether the chair of the highest governance body is Cintas’ CEO is also Chairman of the Board. Scott Farmer governance body also an executive officer in the organization. is a fourth generation CEO who has been with the b. If the chair is also an executive officer, describe his or company for 38 years, has served as CEO since 2003, her function within the organization’s management and and as Chairman since 2016. the reasons fo
the highest governance governance body and its committees. body b. Criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance body members, including whether and how: i. stakeholders (including shareholders) are involved; ii. diversity is considered; iii. independence is considered; iv. expertise and experience relating to economic, environmental, and social topics are considered. 102-25 Conflicts of interest The reporting organization shall report the following Proxy Statement, p. 34 information: a. Processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided and managed. b. Whether conflicts of interest are disclosed to stakeholders, including, as a minimum: i. Cross-board membership; ii. Cross-shareholding with suppliers and other stakeholder
Governance 102-26 Role of highest a. Highest governance body’s and senior executives’ Proxy Statement, p. 6 continued governance body in roles in the development, approval, and updating of the Website setting purpose, values, organization’s purpose, value or mission statements, Cintas’ highest governing body upholds the and strategy strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, Code of Conduct environmental, and social topics. 102-3 Location of headquarters a. Location of the organization’s headquarters. 6800 Cintas Boulevard P.O. Box 625737 Cincinnati, OH 45262-5737 102-31 Review of economic, a. Frequency of the highest governance body’s review Proxy Statement, p. 1 environmental, and of economic, environmental, and social topics and Cintas Audit Committee Charter social topics their im
102-35 Remuneration policies a. Remuneration policies for the highest governance Proxy Statement, pp. 11–30 body and senior executives for the following types of remuneration: i. Fixed pay and variable pay, including performance- based pay, equity-based pay, bonuses, and deferred or vested shares; ii. Sign-on bonuses or recruitment incentive payments; iii. Termination payments; iv. Clawbacks; v. Retirement benefits, including the difference between benefit schemes and contribution rates for the highest governance body, senior executives, and all other employees. b. How performance criteria in the remuneration policies relate to the highest governance body’s and senior executives’ objectives for economic, environmental, and social topics. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: globalreporti
Governance 102-36 Process for determining a. Process for determining remuneration. Proxy Statement, pp. 11–13 continued remuneration b. Whether remuneration consultants are involved in determining remuneration and whether they are independent of management. c. Any other relationships that the remuneration consultants have with the organization. 102-38 Annual total a. Ratio of the annual total compensation for the Proxy Statement, p. 28 compensation ratio organization’s highest-paid individual in each country of significant operations to the median annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual) in the same country. 102-39 Percentage increase a. Ratio of the percentage increase in annual total Proxy Statement, p. 28
GRI 205: 205-2 Communication and a. Total number and percentage of governance body Anti-corruption policies are communicated to 100% of Anti-corruption training about anti- members that the organization’s anti-corruption policies governance body members and employees, all of whom continued corruption policies and procedures have been communicated to, broken receive training on the subject. They are not specifically and procedures down by region. communicated to other board members. Global b. Total number and percentage of employees that the Sanctions Compliance ensures that the appropriate organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures vendors are aware of Cintas’ policies. As necessary, have been communicated to, broken down by employee suppliers are compliant with Cintas’ policies or provide category and r
d. Total number and percentage of governance body members that have received training on anti-corruption, broken down by region. e. Total number and percentage of employees that have received training on anti-corruption, broken down by employee category and region. 205-3 Confirmed incidents a. Total number and nature of confirmed incidents No incidents have occurred, to date. of corruption and of corruption. actions taken b. Total number of confirmed incidents in which employees were dismissed or disciplined for corruption. c. Total number of confirmed incidents when contracts with business partners were terminated or not renewed due to violations related to corruption. d. Public legal cases regarding corruption brought against the organization or its employees during the reporting p
Minimum Standards (BMS), Immediate that have the potential to elicit bribery COVID-19’s impact on travel restrictions They are reviewed using a qualification Action (IA), and Corrective Action or corruption activities are identified and health and safety necessitated some survey to determine if they may supply (CA). The report outlines the corrective for additional anti-corruption training. temporary adjustments to some elements us components, products, or goods measures required for any finding, with This annual training is overseen by our the potential for a follow-up audit to of our audit process. CCO and separate from other GSC manufactured using conflict minerals. Those identified are enrolled in our document compliance. Once corrective As a result, we also conducted fewer training modules. Conflict Mineral Tr
ANTI-BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION partners directly involved in our business (CEO, 2003-2021) activities who have the potential to complete three different annual training Under the direction of our senior elicit bribery or corruption activities. courses focusing on ethics and integrity: management’s annual Enterprise Risk We are committed to interacting with Code of Conduct and Business Ethics, Assessment, our Risk & Compliance Those employee-partners are required our customers, employee-partners, Workplace Harassment Prevention, Department conducts annual reviews of to undergo additional anti-corruption competitors, coworkers, shareholders, and Workplace Violence Prevention. our business operation for corruption training, and we perform audits on vendors,
205-01 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption Governance > Ethics and Integrity > Anti-Bribery and Corruption 205-02 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies Governance > Ethics and Integrity > Anti-Bribery and Corruption and procedures Anti-competitive Behavior 206-01 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and Governance > Ethics and Integrity monopoly practices Tax 207-01 Approach to tax Governance > Tax 207-02 Tax governance, control, and risk management Governance > Tax 207-03 Stakeholder engagement and management concerns related to tax Governance > Tax About Cintas > Stakeholder Engagement Materials 301-03 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials Environment > Waste and Materials Use > SPOTLIGHT: Materials Innovation Energy 302-01 Energy consumption within the organization Environment
anti-corruption requirements. the potential new supplier or facility and Honduras, India, Kenya, Malaysia, triggers a social compliance exam. Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, and Vietnam. 49 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX Before the assessment process Once a supplier is certified as a Global the risk of child labor, human trafficking, including Global Supply Chain Suppliers, begins, some situations – including Supply Chain Supplier, they are subject and modern slavery, as well as issues can raise concerns during the annual on- geographic location or types of goods to annual compliance audits – similar concerning conflict minerals. site compliance audit, or through their being manufactured – may
Through Cintas’ anti-corruption training of Conduct through a CAP. certification for suppliers holding current program, GSC employee-partners who Global Supply Chain Suppliers to third-party certifications or with the Cintas identify suppliers that may use conflict These findings are categorized as Below are directly involved in business activities Desktop Remote audit process. However, minerals in their production processes. Minimum Standards (BMS), Immediate that have the potential to elicit bribery COVID-19’s impact on travel restrictions They are reviewed using a qualification Action (IA), and Corrective Action or corruption activities are identified and health and safety necessitated some survey to determine if they may supply (CA). The report outlines the correctiv
e for additional anti-corruption training. temporary adjustments to some elements us components, products, or goods measures required for any finding, with This annual training is overseen by our the potential for a follow-up audit to of our audit process. CCO and separate from other GSC manufactured using conflict minerals. Those identified are enrolled in our document compliance. Once corrective As a result, we also conducted fewer training modules. Conflict Mineral Training seminar so actions are supported with proper audits of low- to medium-risk Global Reporting Concerns they understand our Conflict Minerals documentation, the supplier or facility is Supply Chain Suppliers, and waived audit We provide several means for both Policy, and must also report their conflict
our insistence on honesty Business Ethics on their first official day • Anti-Corruption Training – Employee- chain are aware of our policies and partners who could potentially interact expectations, which are spelled out of employment with us. They also receive and integrity from every a booklet containing the Code at their with a foreign official or representative in our Vendor Code of Conduct. Our • PCI Training – Employee-partners who vendors’ compliance is monitored partner in the company.” orientation session and must sign an acknowledgment that they have received could have access to credit card data through annual third-party audits. S cott Farmer, and understand the training. Every year, we identify employee- E xecutive Chairman Additionally, employee-partners must ANTI-BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION partners directly involve
elicit bribery or corruption activities. courses focusing on ethics and integrity: management’s annual Enterprise Risk We are committed to interacting with Code of Conduct and Business Ethics, Assessment, our Risk & Compliance Those employee-partners are required our customers, employee-partners, Workplace Harassment Prevention, Department conducts annual reviews of to undergo additional anti-corruption competitors, coworkers, shareholders, and Workplace Violence Prevention. our business operation for corruption training, and we perform audits on vendors, government and regulatory These are either completed through an risks. We have not identified any instances a regular basis to support ongoing agencies, and the communities in online training-on-demand platform of co
culture of compliance, and promote Further, management-track employee- known for corruption; using customs We believe in adhering to all laws our stakeholders’ understanding of our partners also receive a copy of The Spirit brokers or carriers to import products and regulations, including those that principles and values related to ethics Is The Difference. Written by our Founder from international suppliers; and potential promote free and fair competition in and integrity. Richard “Dick” Farmer, the book further vendor or third-party relationships. the marketplace. We provide confidential, retaliation- articulates our corporate culture and how Additionally, our expansive Business Our Code of Conduct and Business free outlets for internal and external it functions within our Code of Conduct Ethics Corporate Position covers many E
thics and our Anti-Corruption stakeholders to report concerns or and Business Ethics. topics and concerns and outlines our Corporate Policy require all employee- apparent issues. Additional position- or responsibility- expectations of our employee-partners partners to comply with all laws and We believe we conduct our business the specific training is required annually for in those situations. This policy is regulations related to competition and right way, perpetuating the highest levels various employee-partners, including: communicated to our governance body antitrust, including those that prohibit and employee-partners, who receive collusion to manipulate a market. Topics of ethics and integrity. • AB1825 Training – Employee-partners training on its contents. in th
POLITICAL ACTION Guided by our Anti-Corruption The non-partisan group reviews potential Donations are not made to Cintas regularly and proactively engages Corporate Policy, we have established political contributions with six criteria: presidential candidates. a formal process that dictates how with a cross-section of policymakers at • Strategies important to Cintas During the 2020 election cycle, the we may engage with policymakers the federal and state levels, as well as • Cintas employment presence in their PAC made donations to 12 political and any related organizations. In regulatory bodies, about four issues district/state entities totaling $58,000. In this figure, cooperation with approved third-party central to our business: infrastructure, • A reasonably high level of approval
Our Anti-Corruption Corporate Policy are targeted at communicating Cintas’ outlines the manner in which we may positions on existing and potential engage with political candidates and legislation and regulations; providing representatives. As a company, Cintas perspective on regulatory measures Corporation does not contribute to that affect our business; and providing political candidates. testimony under oath when necessary to relay our experiences, positions, and The PAC supports political contributions perspectives about topics important on behalf of our employee-partners and to our business. We conduct this work is funded entirely by voluntary personal through a variety of means, including donations from our employee-partners. face-to-face meetings, memos
Anti-Corruption 205-01 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption Governance > Ethics and Integrity > Anti-Bribery and Corruption 205-02 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies Governance > Ethics and Integrity > Anti-Bribery and Corruption and procedures Anti-competitive Behavior 206-01 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and Governance > Ethics and Integrity monopoly practices Tax 207-01 Approach to tax Governance > Tax 207-02 Tax governance, control, and risk management Governance > Tax 207-03 Stakeholder engagement and management concerns related to tax Governance > Tax About Cintas > Stakeholder Engagement Materials 301-03 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials Environment > Waste and Material
61 Tax Policy 64 Regulatory Compliance 62 Public Policy 65 APPENDIX 66 Definitions 71 GRI Index 67 Notes and Methodologies 78 SASB Index 68 Referenced Calculations 3 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX OUR ESG-FOCUSED PRODUCT & SERVICE INITIATIVES Our products and services are created with sustainability and a “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” mentality. This approach is embedded throughout our business units: UNIFORM RENTAL FACILITY SERVICES • Significant water and energy efficiencies compared to traditional • Offer Green Seal-certified products at-home laundry process • Provide “Designed for Environment” (DfE) chemicals • Proprietary processes reduce wash chemical, water, and energy requirements • Package-free produ
• Periodic audits • Performance reviews and in-person) • Taxes • Transparency and disclosure • Membership and participation • Climate and energy • Materials and packaging in trade associations and policy- • Diversity and inclusion • Innovation and idea sharing based organizations • Sustainability • Environmental impacts • Meetings with federal- and • Trademarks • Human rights and labor practices state-elected officials and other • Safety and health • Supplier diversity policy influencers • Community engagement • Supplier mentorship • Cintas Partners’ PAC and development • Facility tours and virtual tours 15 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX OUR CONTINUED COVID-19 RESPONSE As the COVID-19 pandemic continued SUPPORTING OUR CUSTOMERS throughout FY21, we expanded ou
61 Tax Policy 62 Public Policy 63 Cybersecurity, Data, and Customer Privacy 64 Regulatory Compliance 57 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX ESG GOVERNANCE GOVERNANCE APPROACH while maintaining accountability for More information about our Board, We believe establishing strong and our actions and decisions. including independent board leadership FY22 BOARD OF DIRECTORS responsibilities and its good governance ethical governance is foundational to As we consider our business decisions, positions, is available in our Corporate achieving our Principal Objective: to we leverage internal processes that More information about our Board Governance Guidelines. Additional exceed our customers’ expectations to include d
TAX POLICY We are a transparent taxpayer. We are Our tax disclosures that appear in open about the taxes we pay and our our audited financial statements are projected effective tax rate guidance prepared in accordance with GAAP on our financial reports and during ASC 740 and SEC reporting standards our quarterly earnings calls, which are in all material respects. Ernst & Young, available to the public. our independent auditing firm, examines our tax-related disclosures as part of its We review our tax strategy under a low-risk methodology, and believe we review of our SEC filings. have a responsibility to pay our fair Cintas engages with federal and statutory share of taxes. We are committed to tax authorities as audits arise, and we complying
with all applicable tax laws work to maintain a transparent approach and requirements in each jurisdiction in to all audits. If a difference in approach which we conduct business. transpires during an audit, Cintas works with the jurisdiction to determine a To help ensure we identify, withhold, report, and pay the correct tax reasonable settlement position. requirements and avoid potential Our tax implications and financial compliance issues, the company benefits available from government maintains a tax strategy created by the entities are regularly evaluated as part of Vice President of Tax, overseen and normal business operations and decision- approved by the Chief Financial Officer, making. In the last three fully reported and presented to the Audit Committee
fiscal years, we received $6.7 million in tax of the Board of Directors. Ongoing relief from the U.S. government through risk assessments are conducted to multiple incentive programs, including help identify and rectify any potential various employment credits. Further, compliance issues. Pertinent changes in the last three fiscal years, we have in regulatory policy or guidance received $20 million in tax deductions are communicated to executive resulting from charitable donations, management so they understand the including a total of $8 million in FY21. business implications. We regularly utilize We actively engage a third-party third-party advisors to review our current representative to assist our advocacy and tax strategy and provide guidance. education efforts on benefits of tax
most notably the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and current tax policy priorities. 61 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX PUBLIC POLICY POLITICAL ACTION Guided by our Anti-Corruption The non-partisan group reviews potential Donations are not made to Cintas regularly and proactively engages Corporate Policy, we have established political contributions with six criteria: presidential candidates. a formal process that dictates how with a cross-section of policymakers at • Strategies important to Cintas During the 2020 election cycle, the we may engage with policymakers the federal and state levels, as well as • Cintas employment presence in their PAC made donations to 12 political and any related organizations. In regulatory bodies, a
labor, taxes, and trade. their district/state represented – including $46,000 to of Corporate Affairs is responsible • Supported legislation or voted in a candidates or election organizations We also collaborate with corporate, for developing and maintaining the manner that is favorable to Cintas’ representing Republicans and $12,000 industry, and trade organizations to pertinent relationships and procedures determine positions on these issues to to confirm adherence to the company’s continued economic growth to candidates or election organizations • Maintained integrity and professional representing Democrats. This included support continued growth. Given the advocacy process and coordinates all size of some of these organizations and communications b
201-04 Financial assistance received from government Governance > Tax Market Presence 202-01 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local By the start of our FY22, we expect the entry-level minimum wage paid to U.S.-based minimum wage hourly employee-partners will be a minimum of $15.70 per hour. That figure can be adjusted upward as necessary based on work experience, the geographic location of the employee-partner’s work facility, and/or other overriding local or state minimum wage requirements. This figure is higher than the current U.S. federal minimum wage for non- tipped employees ($7.25 per hour), which went into effect in 2009. 73 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX DISCLOSURE DESCRIPTION PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Indirect Econo
Tax 207-01 Approach to tax Governance > Tax 207-02 Tax governance, control, and risk management Governance > Tax 207-03 Stakeholder engagement and management concerns related to tax Governance > Tax About Cintas > Stakeholder Engagement Materials 301-03 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials Environment > Waste and Materials Use > SPOTLIGHT: Materials Innovation Energy 302-01 Energy consumption within the organization Environment > Climate and Energy > Reducing Energy Use 302-03 Energy intensity Environment > Climate and Energy > Reducing Energy Use 302-04 Reduction of energy consumption Environment > Climate and Energy > Reducing Energy Use 302-05 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services There were no significant c
PREPARE FOR THE FUTUREABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX 2021 HIGHLIGHTS ENVIRONMENTAL HIGHLIGHTS SOCIAL HIGHLIGHTS AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Lowered Spent $387.7 million with Ranked No. 410 on the our water diverse suppliers, representing 2021 Fortune 500, our highest- consumption 16.9% of our total supplier ever ranking by 5.1% spend – both company records Reduced our from FY20 Ranked No. 6 total energy on Selling Power’s Donated $3.8 million usage by worth of PPE and other Recognized as “50 Best 6.9% from safety products to local one of Forbes’ Companies FY20 Lowered our communities to support “Best Employers to Sell employee-partners’ COVID-19 programs for Diversity” For” list Diverted 94.4% of Total Recordable our waste from landfill Injury Rate (TRIR) to Named a “Best Place to Work t
and Governance (ESG) Report contains forward- statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties, for recycled materials; the capital and operating cost we currently believe to be immaterial may also harm looking statements. The Private Securities Litigation potentially inaccurate assumptions, and other factors of implementing recycling and waste management our business. Investors should not interpret the Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor from civil that could cause actual results to differ from those technologies; and the risks, uncertainties, and other disclosure of any risk factor to imply that the risk has litigation for forward-looking statements. Forward- set forth in or implied by this ESG Report. Factors matters included in our Annual
2 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX WELCOME TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to our 2021 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report, the latest annual report 2 ABOUT CINTAS in which we share our ESG journey, including our performance, successes, and opportunities, with 2 2021 Highlights 10 About This Report our shareholders, customers, employee-partners, communities in which we do business, and other 2 Forward-Looking Statements 11 This Is Cintas interested parties. 3 Welcome 12 The Spirit Is The Difference 4 Our ESG-Focused Product & 14 Stakeholder Engagement As we committed to doing in 2020, we have As we progress on our ESG journey, we expect Service Initiatives 16 Our Continued expanded our reporting this year to include to continue expanding our reporting, ins
32 Our People 43 Labor Relations • Governance, Ethics, and Integrity Foundations 33 D iversity, Equity, and Inclusion 45 Human Rights 35 Talent Recruitment 46 Safety and Health 36 Talent Retention 49 G lobal Supply Chain and 37 Compensation Supplier Relations 38 P erformance and Advancement 51 Supplier Diversity 39 Training and Development 52 Local Communities 41 E mployee-Partner Engagement 57 GOVERNANCE 58 ESG Governance 63 C ybersecurity, Data, and 60 Ethics and Integrity Customer Privacy 61 Tax Policy 64 Regulatory Compliance 62 Public Policy 65 APPENDIX 66 Definitions 71 GRI Index 67 Notes and Methodologies 78 SASB Index 68 Referenced Calculations 3 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX OUR ESG-FOCUSED PRODUCT & SERVICE INITIATIVES Our products
4 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX ESG IS CENTRAL TO CINTAS The concept of corporate social brought them home to wash, and sold of the garments, wash and dry them end-of-life products and reducing the responsibility has evolved in recent the clean rags back to companies in more responsibly and sustainably than overall use of natural resources. They decades. Where the concept once the Cincinnati area. Unknowingly, they employees could at home, and preserve also introduced products and services explained a company’s commitment created a local circular economy and the natural resources in the process. His that help our customers keep their own to philanthropy and responsible social resourceful spirit that Cintas is known for vision launched the company on its faciliti
environmental, social, and governance – burgeoning work uniform rental Further expansions into facility services, or ESG – strategy is a relatively recent operation in 1959. This implemented the first aid and safety, and fire protection and evolving concept. same business model, and provided an under subsequent CEOs – Bob Kohlhepp At Cintas, we view our entrance into formal easy, affordable, and sustainable option (1996-2003) and Dick’s son, Scott Farmer ESG reporting and the development of for companies to outfit their employees. (2003-2021) – deepened the company’s our company-wide ESG strategy as the By renting businesses their uniforms, model further. Cintas’ new offerings Scott Farmer (CEO 2003-2021), Dick Farmer (CEO latest steps in our progression. he realized we could
5 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO We expect ethical interactions with all stakeholders (see pg. 14). We also insist Dick Farmer – who we credit as the on being a good corporate citizen and Founder of the modern-day Cintas – steward by governing ourselves with the documented and formalized our core principles of accountability, fairness, corporate culture in his book The Spirit Is The Difference (see pg. 12). His ethical behavior, and compliance. philosophy still carries forward today and In short, we believe we conduct our underpins our business. business the right way. The Spirit Is The Difference is a handbook describing how we run our business. Its TODAY’S CINTAS central themes are collaboration and Doc and Amelia’s ingenuity and commo
6 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX WHAT’S NEXT? In August, we created our new Vice developing ESG landscape. We expect Our company has been based in ESG- President of ESG and Chief Compliance to identify further opportunities to related principles since the beginning. The concepts of operating a sustainable Officer (CCO) position and finished a reduce our environmental impact, Each new chief executive introduced business and making environmentally multiple-department reorganization and to make even greater operational initiatives that strengthened our conscious decisions are not new to to form a new Risk & Compliance reductions in energy, emissions, water, commitments to the environment, our us. We have continually improved our environmental management, our Departm
activities, monitoring, and compliance. health, and our governance objectives, for our future on the following pages. this holistic measure of business has As our enterprise-wide assessment among other areas. evolved, we’ve been watching, listening, continues, we will continue to review and learning. our processes in the context of the Now we’re joining the conversation in a more meaningful way: we’re defining, measuring, and creating formal strategies centered on ESG principles. What we’ve accomplished so far is only the beginning. We’ve already been successful, but we’re still at the start of our journey – one that will be further rooted in ESG platforms and concepts. One of our core company values (see pg. 13) is positive discontent. It pushes us to do more, be better, and have a greater positive impac
7 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO The word “unprecedented” has become As a company, we believe this is a natural “We believe this is an far too common in the last two years. next step for us since the business model we have utilized for almost a century is First, we have rallied against a global excellent opportunity to based on sustainable business practices pandemic that has challenged us to talk about what we’ve focus on health and safety in new and and a “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” mindset. innovative ways. Communities have come Given our business and industry, we accomplished and the together to withstand wave after wave of understand that achieving Net Zero is a deadly virus as our global scientific and ambitious, but we are committed to
8 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX The scientific and research communities Doc and Amelia Farmer’s story is central A FEW WORDS FROM OUR are laser-focused on the same issues. We to our ESG story. Each of our leaders who “This will guide VICE PRESIDENT OF ESG AND CCO believe Cintas can leverage their findings have followed has built on their ingenuity us into the future ESG is a quickly evolving area with and breakthroughs, combine them with and engrained sustainability and other increasing attention from many different our own innovations, and drive further ESG concepts deeper into our business. and continue to stakeholders, and I’m honored to be improvements on our environmental The innate connection between smart tasked with leading Cintas’ activities and societa
9 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX ABOUT THIS REPORT The 2021 Cintas ESG Report is the Data included in this report is updated • Further, water data has been company’s second such report to be through the close of FY21, unless otherwise converted to megaliters (ML) for our FURTHER INFORMATION published and includes information and noted. Cintas is not obligated to update 2021 reporting after being reported in performance data from June 1, 2020, the 2021 report after its initial release on kilogallons (kgal) in our 2020 report. • FY21 Cintas Form 10-K through May 31, 2021, unless otherwise November 16, 2021, but reserves the right • Finally, we have created a new intensity • 2021 Proxy Statement stated. We intend to produce this to make edits if necessary. metric th
Social and governance topics cover our has demonstrated continued emissions calculations. entire organization. • Our reported energy and emissions improvements from FY19 through FY21. However, the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect All financial references and data are data sets were expanded to include on our performance and data cannot be noted in U.S. dollars. We further define all U.S. Rental locations6 in operation completely isolated from other efficiency terms used and annotate additional during the reporting periods – and process changes that contributed references and reporting methodologies including branches. In 2020, we to performance improvements. The in the Appendix at the end of this report. reported environmental data only for COVID-19 pandemic began in
10 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX THIS IS CINTAS Cintas Corporation helps more than Operating in North America, our one million businesses of all types and customers range from small service FY21 IN NUMBERS sizes get Ready for the Workday® with and manufacturing companies to major 460 operational confidence. Our products and services corporations employing thousands of help keep our customers’ facilities and people. With such a diverse customer $ $7.11 billion in sales facilities employees clean, safe, and looking base, no single customer accounts for Approximately their best. more than 1% of our total revenue. 40,000 $ $1.11 billion net income The origins of our family business We service our customers through four employee- (see pg. 5) date back to 1929 and the
11 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX THE SPIRIT IS THE DIFFERENCE Our guiding principles are carefully partner describes the mutual trust and OUR PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE This statement is woven throughout our outlined in The Spirit Is The Difference, a respect we have for each other, and the entire company, gives our organization Dick Farmer believed that organizations book based on the personal insights of values and culture responsible for our direction, and clearly defines our needed a guiding principle on which our Founder Richard “Dick” Farmer. The accomplishments. Considering each expectations and standards for our to base all decision-making and that publication is referenced frequently by other as partners in our collective success management team. Decisions made
12 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX OUR CORPORATE CHARACTER • Full compliance with all governmental • Professional appearance: We have • Positive discontent: We’re never laws and regulations: After first a dress code at all our facilities and satisfied with the status quo, or We’ve carefully considered the making sure that we understand the believe outward appearances of our content to leave things as they are. characteristics and behaviors we want governmental laws and regulations that people, facilities, and vehicles say a lot We’re always seeking improvements and aspire to exhibit to each other, to our customers, and to the communities we face in business, and our options in about us and our company. to our processes, systems, products, in which we do business. T
13 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Our Principal Objective (see pg. 12) clearly identifies the three groups we consider our primary stakeholders: customers, employee-partners, and shareholders. At Cintas, each is equal to one another. In addition, we have a diverse group of other stakeholders around the world that matter to us and our business. Their opinions and interactions with us provide us with other viewpoints that inform our business decisions. These groups include the people who manufacture our products, the communities in which we do business, the not-for-profit organizations we engage with, and the government officials who influence and set public policy. Below is an overview of our key stakeholder groups and our engagement activiti
• Social media Corporate Characteristics, • Social media monitoring • Governance issues • Engagement surveys and Policies and Procedures and engagement • Our management of COVID-19- • Listening sessions • Our ongoing management • and related business practices • Direct Line/Hotline (confidential and of COVID-19-related issues • Marketing efforts, including third-party monitored) national television, radio, and online • Cintas Spirit Day and other holiday ad campaigns and milestone celebrations and acknowledgments • Volunteerism • Local committee participation 14 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SHAREHOLDERS PHILANTHROPIC AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS HOW WE ENGAGE TOPICS RAISED HOW WE ENGAGE TOPICS RAISED • Annual meeting of shareholders • Financial perf
• Quarterly earnings conference calls • Corporate governance and forums • Diverse and inclusive workforce • Investor relations calls as requested • Executive compensation • Collaborations to advance and workplace • Investor conferences and forums • ESG reporting shared priorities • Environmental impacts • Dividends • Environmental impacts • Strategic relationships • Media engagement • Diversity and inclusion • Philanthropic investments • Facility tours and virtual tours • Human capital management • Community dialogues • Proactive visits to shareholders • Human rights and labor practices (in-person and virtually) • Supply chain management • Data security and privacy • Civic activity • Community and philanthropic activities • Our continuing response to COVID-19 GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS SUPPLIERS AND PUBLI
15 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX OUR CONTINUED COVID-19 RESPONSE As the COVID-19 pandemic continued SUPPORTING OUR CUSTOMERS throughout FY21, we expanded our To remain a reliable partner in our commitment to supporting our employee- partners, our customers, and the customers’ ability to get Ready for the Workday®, we: communities in which we do business. Through our wide range of essential • Continued delivering essential services and products, we were committed products and crucial services to to doing our part to support our nation’s front-line businesses throughout response to the pandemic. the pandemic, including hospitals, laboratories, food suppliers, grocery stores, and utility services PROTECTING OUR EMPLOYEE-PARTNERS • Accelerated production and expanded
16 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX ENVIRONMENT 18 Environment 20 Climate and Energy 25 Water Stewardship 29 Waste and Materials Use 17 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX ENVIRONMENT Environmental consciousness is in our will identify strategies to reduce our vehicles that don’t consume carbon- effort to further lessen our overall water roots, with our company origins in a Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and based fuel, and we’re rolling out “Smart withdrawal rates. Our “Zero Waste business practice that reclaimed and explore opportunities to reduce Scope 3 Truck” technology to improve our route Program” (see pg. 29) is helping to divert reused shop rags from local factories. GHG emissions from our supply chain. planning, which wil
18 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON The effect of these temporary conditions INTENSITY MEASURES increased the number of rinse cycles RECALCULATING INTENSITY VALUES necessary – as well as the water In FY21, our emissions, energy, and temperature required – to achieve At Cintas, we have begun calculating environmental performance. This water intensities all saw reductions of the necessary level of cleaning. This our environmental intensity values will help us identify the impacts of at least 5.6% over our FY20 values when increased both our water and our energy for energy, emissions, and water in operational improvements while we indexed by our new revenue metric. usage in FY21. While our total poundage relation to million dollars in revenue.
19 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX CLIMATE AND ENERGY We recognize climate change is a global EMISSIONS DATA AND PERFORMANCE issue and is something businesses have to consider and address moving forward. The U.S. RENTAL FACILITIES AND FLEET17 UNITS FY19 FY20 FY21 risks we face at Cintas are broad and can have both financial and physical impacts, Scope 1 (gross direct) MTCO2e 428,551 403,030 377,772 on both ourselves and our customers. Scope 2 (indirect) MTCO2e 116,005 103,285 88,857 With an interest in protecting the future Total Scope 1+2 Emissions MTCO2e 544,555 506,315 466,628 of our environment, our communities, Annual Scope 1+2 Emissions Reductions MTCO2e n/a 38,240 39,687 and our business, we have implemented % Annual Change in Scope 1+2 Emissions % n/a -7.0%
20 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SPOTLIGHT: SMART TRUCKTECHNOLOGY With a service fleet as large as As Smart Truck technology was Our Smart Truck technology has ours – which makes many stops along installed in our trucks and we began already demonstrated the potential millions of miles – we explored how analyzing data, we observed reductions of efficiency gains from changing small changes to routes and driver in idle times as our drivers were more behaviors. As we dig deeper into the habits could have big impacts on our educated about the system. As the data from this technology, we expect to outcomes. This work culminated in program becomes fully operational identify opportunities for even greater our Smart Truck technology, launched across our Rental division an
21 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SPOTLIGHT: TRANSFORMING OURFLEET With one of the largest corporate fleets by the California Air Resources Board, conditions, rather than the start- By January 2022, we expect to deploy in North America, we have more than which requires that various types of and-stop situations our route-based 13 electric vehicles from three different 14,000 vehicles on the road, consisting vehicles must meet specific exhaust model presents. producers into service. Six Rental and of our familiar white service trucks and emissions standards. Additionally, prior efforts to use hybrid two First Aid & Safety locations in the vans and our lease-back employee- Northeast and Upper Midwest, and on Welcoming Electric Vehicles vehicles also faced hurdles bec
22 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX REDUCING ENERGY USE ENERGY DATA AND PERFORMANCE Energy is vital to our business, and using it efficiently is critical to our long- U.S. RENTAL FACILITIES AND FLEET UNITS FY19 FY20 FY21 term success. It is also part of our role Total Energy Consumption GJ 8,102,045 7,615,622 7,093,273 as responsible corporate citizens to % Change YOY % n/a -6.0% -6.9% seek reductions in our overall energy consumption and adopt more efficient Electricity GJ 934,117 886,558 799,575 practices so our energy goes further. Natural Gas GJ 4,122,243 3,862,060 3,587,198 Our ongoing commitment to the Propane GJ 17,577 14,146 19,507 environment and the communities in which we do business is evident from Gasoline GJ 1,801,652 1,836,400 1,843,892 our processes
23 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SPOTLIGHT: MAKING THE SWITCH TO LEDLIGHTING With almost 500 locations of all sizes With about 60% of the locations across the United States and Canada, we participating in the current company- have a lot of facility square footage that wide project already fully converted, needs appropriate lighting. But that also the wide-scale LED lighting initiative means we have significant energy use has reduced our GHG emissions by from our lighting. almost 7,500 metric tons a year – which represents a 5% reduction in In FY19, we kicked off a company-wide our electricity use and our Scope 2 project to lower our energy use at some emissions. Our energy use should of our most energy-intensive locations. continue to decrease as the wide-scale T
24 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX WATER STEWARDSHIP Water is a central resource to our Water Conservation vendor, WSI, to develop more efficient Wash chemistry developments like the business, and a necessary input to We’re proud of our water-conservation wash formulas has been critical in helping Clearpath and, most recently, TRUpathTM perform our services. Because of our efforts, and we know our commitment us lower our gallons-per-pound metric. formulations have helped us lower our reliance on water, we recognize our has had a larger impact on the entire water usage even more. TRUpath™ alone Early on in our journey, locations in responsibility to minimize our water draw industry. Throughout the last few has helped us reduce our gallons-per- water-stressed areas f
25 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX Operational Improvements Just as Doc and Amelia Farmer proved While we have reuse capabilities our business in an entirely closed-loop and Efficiencies during the Great Depression, a little integrated in some of our locations, water system, but we believe we can Technology has propelled us far ingenuity goes a long way in making a challenges exist that limit greater leverage reuse technology to achieve a along our water journey, but our big impact. As we continue to identify adoption within our wash process. We greater capacity than we do now. improvements in water usage have and implement Operational Excellence, will never be able to reuse 100% of our We’ve made fantastic advances in our also been supported by traditional we less
26 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX REDUCING OUR WATER NEEDS WATER USE DATA AND PERFORMANCE While our laundry process is on average 84% more water efficient than traditional U.S. RENTAL FACILITIES UNITS FY19 FY20 FY21 at-home laundry processes,20 we are Total Water Withdrawal ML 10,355 9,591 8,861 constantly working to reduce our Total Water Withdrawal – Stressed Regions ML 2,308 2,139 2,021 water footprint. Annual Change in Water Withdrawal ML n/a -764 -730 In FY21, our U.S. Rental operations withdrew 8,861 megaliters21 (ML) of % Change YOY % n/a -7.4% -7.6% freshwater – 7.6% less than FY20 and % Change from Base Year (FY19) % n/a -7.4% -14.4% 14.4% less than FY19. Total Water Discharge ML 9,142 8,471 7,798 The water used in our U.S. Rental Total Water Discharge –
27 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX MANAGING WASTEWATER In FY21, we returned 7,798 ML – or 88% – SPOTLIGHT: OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE INACTION of the freshwater we withdrew to local water bodies. While technology has played a key have considerably reduced our water The added information helps plant Our laundering processes generate far role in our water journey – and will still withdrawals and energy use. Being management identify potential less wastewater than home laundering be important as we continue honing precise in what we do and how we inefficiencies, holds capacity specialist because we use less water to launder conservation methods and innovating do it has had a major impact. We’ve employee-partners more accountable the same amount of product. We use an our r
28 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX WASTE AND MATERIALS USE Due to the nature of our business, Through our Design Collective business, we work with a significant amount of we are developing new ways to reuse and SPOTLIGHT: ZERO WASTEPROGRAM material. Taking a responsible approach recycle material. Our goal is to develop to the way we source, dispose of, circular – and even closed-loop – and manage our inputs makes sound economies that reduce our reliance on Our Zero Waste Program began in landfills. The Mason, Ohio, distribution business sense. It is also key to our raw materials and meet growing interest FY13 in an effort to decrease our center, which is attached to Cintas’ ongoing efforts to create a broader in sustainable garments (see pg. 30). waste destined for
29 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SPOTLIGHT: MATERIALSINNOVATION Our Design Collective business • Sustainable textiles: We are • Recycling apparel: In partnership • Cintas-branded closed-loop (recorded as Uniform Direct Sales expanding the use of recycled with Martex Fiber, we collect apparel: We can imagine a future in our financial filings) creates and polyester and eco-friendly, customers’ end-of-life garments to that includes Cintas-branded sells custom uniform programs, with sustainable textiles, which are be repurposed into new commercial product lines produced entirely in a customers that include some of the currently available in more than products. This type of marled closed-loop process. Stakeholders world’s largest companies and travel 100 of our unifor
30 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SOCIAL 32 Our People 33 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 35 Talent Recruitment 36 Talent Retention 37 Compensation 38 P erformance and Advancement 39 Training and Development 41 E mployee-Partner Engagement 43 Labor Relations 45 Human Rights 46 Safety and Health 49 Global Supply Chain and Supplier Relations 51 Supplier Diversity 52 Local Communities 31 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX OUR PEOPLE At Cintas, our employee-partners are OUR CORPORATE CULTURE We believe our employee-partners and providing fulfilling professional the heart of our company. Our policies AND CHARACTER are our best advocates and brand opportunities that create a path for and procedures instruct and guide us Our except
32 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION We have five components to our overall WHY DIVERSITY IS IMPORTANT Almost our entire workforce – 99.3% – are transition service members to civilian Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy full-time employees and almost 36% are life, including accommodations from G.I. We believe bringing employee-partners at Cintas: together with different perspectives, life female. Our company demographics are Jobs (Top Military-Friendly Employers) also representative of the communities and Military Spouse (Top Military Spouse • Employee-Partner Engagement – experiences, and backgrounds benefits Recruitment, retention, development, everyone. We’ve found that when you in which we operate, as almost 43% of Friendly
• Governance – Inclusion policies that together, everyone benefits from the with disabilities have also garnered provide equal opportunity for all sharing of perspectives and experiences, Our efforts on diversifying the racial recognition from the Disabled Equality partners and applicants providing deeper insight, understanding, and ethnic make-up of our workforce Index as a “90 Score” company and the • Corporate Citizenship – Grassroots empathy, and compassion. This leads to have been recognized with Cintas’ “Influencer Award” from Autism Speaks. and corporate-sponsored improved ideas, solutions, and outcomes inclusion on Forbes’ “Best Employers for Our Partner Business Resource Groups philanthropy, volunteerism, and that better serve our customers, D
33 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX EMPLOYEE-PARTNER DEMOGRAPHICS WORKFORCE BREAKDOWNS BY GENDER TOTAL MALE FEMALE Total Employee-Partners 40,099 25,723 14,376 Employment Type Full-Time 39,814 25,565 14,249 Percentage of Workforce 99.3% 63.8% 35.5% Part-Time and Other 285 158 127 Percentage of Workforce 0.7% 0.4% 0.3% Employee-Partners by Age Under 30 8,115 5,757 2,358 Percentage of Workforce 20.3% 14.4% 5.9% 30-50 22,051 15,138 6,913 Percentage of Workforce 55.0% 37.8% 17.2% Over 50 9,933 4,828 5,105 Percentage of Workforce 24.7% 12.0% 12.7% TOTAL WORKFORCE – BY EEO DEMOGRAPHICS PERCENTAGE White 52.6% Latinx/Hispanic 19.4% Black/African American 13.3% Asian 3.7% Two or More Races 2.2% Native American/Alaskan 0.4% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.3% Not Specified
34 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX TALENT RECRUITMENT ATTRACTING THE BEST ON-CAMPUS RECRUITING: TALENT RECRUITMENT DATA To generate a diverse and qualified IDENTIFYING OUR FUTURE TALENT applicant pool, we post our positions We use a broad on-campus recruiting FY21 NEW EMPLOYEE-PARTNER HIRES TOTAL PERCENTAGE both internally and externally. We use network for some of our positions, Male 5,923 67.1% various popular job boards including including our Management Trainee (MT) Female 2,904 32.9% LinkedIn, Indeed, Snagajob, WayUp, and and internship programs. We’ve fostered DirectEmployers Association, as well as relationships with many colleges and Total New Hires 8,827 100% position-specific industry sites. We also universities around the United States use social media p
35 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX TALENT RETENTION With approximately 40,000 employee- TALENT RETENTION DATA partners company-wide, we have a FY21 Voluntary Turnover dynamic and talented workforce with skills and experience spanning hundreds RATES VS. WORKFORCE TOTAL PERCENTAGE of disciplines. Each person brings a unique perspective and background to Male 4,515 11.3% the job, and our goal is to keep talented Female 2,318 5.8% employee-partners engaged and Total Voluntary Turnover 6,883 17.1% support their growth and development. Our competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits are attractive to BY AGE BRACKET TOTAL UNDER 30 30-50 OVER 50 prospective employees, but we stand out Male 66.1% 23.9% 34.5% 7.7% for our focus on professional development. Female 33.9% 9
36 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX COMPENSATION Cintas offers competitive compensation Cintas provides access to multiple THE PARTNERS PLAN AND Cintas also makes annual discretionary packages to its employee-partners, medical insurance plans to all employee- RETIREMENT SUPPORT contributions to employee-partners’ including salaries and wages, a partners, along with dental and vision individual retirement accounts in the The vast majority of our employee- comprehensive benefits package, insurance coverage. Employee-partners form of profit sharing and its ESOP. partners are eligible for our three-part and a generous retirement program. can choose to participate in plans Contributions are approved by the retirement program, known as the Employee-partners are paid weekl
37 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX PERFORMANCE AND ADVANCEMENT Our business relies on the passion, ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEWS individual development plans. Managers skill gaps that have developed within expertise, and dedication of our have access to a wide selection of the last year. For employee-partners, Each year, every employee-partner takes people, and our commitment to their developmental tools and resources to annual reviews and succession planning part in our annual performance review career development is vital to our help employee-partners improve in many help identify skill and knowledge process. For all salaried partners, the company’s success. review process includes both a self- different areas of leadership and other opportunities. For the company,
38 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Ongoing training and development are at Cintas. Common required courses Management Trainee Program based, and that the mentee’s needs are major components of a Cintas employee- include Corporate Culture and Engaging Many of our top leaders began their the focus. We feel strongly that when a partner’s career path. Every position has Leadership; Diversity & Inclusion training; career in our MT program. In fact, our formal mentoring process is followed, the a required curriculum of specific trainings Six Sigma training and certification; and Executive Chairman, Scott Farmer, was mentee receives the greatest benefits and/or certifications, which Cintas Meticulous Hiring. in the very first class of MTs in 1982,
39 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX Partner Business Resource Groups to them. It’s a two-way dialogue that Our employee-partner affinity groups we believe benefits everyone, including are an important element in our overall our company. human resources and human capital Our PBRGs play a pivotal role in strategy. We have four of these PBRGs. developing employee-partners at various These distinct groups align with our stages of their careers and connect business objectives and help secure partners from similar backgrounds in our continued competitiveness, while a supportive environment. While our allowing the breadth of experience, skill mentor program is built on skill- and sets, perspectives, and talents of our job-based criteria, our PBRGs are based diverse employe
40 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX EMPLOYEE-PARTNER ENGAGEMENT We believe that our people reach their their specific worksites. The anonymous EMPLOYEE-PARTNER ENGAGEMENT SURVEY RESULTS full potential in an inclusive environment, 50-question survey takes approximately and that they do their best work when 20-30 minutes to complete, and also METRIC 2015 2019 they are highly engaged with the provides opportunities to submit open- company and their fellow employee- ended comments and feedback. Engagement Score 90% 90% partners. As a service provider, we’ve Our employee-partner engagement Response Rate 82% 87% seen the benefit of an engaged and surveys have four key learning goals: fulfilled workforce, and what it has meant CINTAS INDEX VS. HIGH-PERFORMANCE NORMS for ou
41 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX WHAT WE’VE LEARNED After each survey was completed, Willis Towers Watson analyzed the data and Several individual themes emerged from our management reviewed the results. the responses. Their evaluation was done with lenses • Safety – We foster a safe workplace. on both the corporate and location Our leaders address unsafe levels, with action plans developed to conditions. Our employee-partners address opportunities identified by the are comfortable raising concerns. survey results. • Leadership – There is upward Cintas’ index ranking against High communication. They are interested Performance Norms improved in eight in our employee-partners’ well-being. categories from the 2015 survey to the They make decisions consistent with ou
42 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX LABOR RELATIONS Cintas recognizes and respects the Our objection to this campaign was LOCATIONS IDENTIFIED AS RISKS MINIMUM NOTICE principles of freedom of association not about blocking our employee- Cintas has not identified any locations In cases where operational changes are and our employee-partners’ right to partners’ efforts to unionize. It was under our operation where our set to occur, we make every effort to collective bargaining in accordance with that this particular campaign wanted employee-partners’ right to freedom of provide as much notice as possible to our applicable national laws. We strive to Cintas management to take away our association and collective bargaining affected operations, given the scope of adhere
43 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX THE RIGHT TO SAY YES, AND keep us ahead of others in our industry, We promote world-class safety practices the growth and development of our THE FREEDOM TO SAY NO and provide them with our company’s throughout our organization, and employee-partners, and our strong In almost all instances, when our competitive compensation (see pg. 37 we’ve been repeatedly recognized preference is to promote from within. for more information). and honored for our processes employee-partners have the opportunity We firmly believe that all of these and commitment to a safe work to cast their vote for association in In addition, every employee-partner reasons – and more – have provided a environment – most notably with a private, government-supervise
44 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX HUMAN RIGHTS Cintas is committed to upholding and Our requirements incorporate many key workers must be allowed a reasonable We participate in the American Apparel promoting human rights and workplace International Labour Organization (ILO) amount of time off from their duties to & Footwear Association and Fair Labor rights and safety, both in our own conventions, including: afford humane and productive working Association Commitment to Responsible facilities and in those we do business conditions. We expect our Global Supply Recruitment, which requires that no • Forced Labour Convention (No. 29) with around the world. • Freedom of Association and Chain Suppliers to comply with all workers should pay for their jobs; workers applic
45 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SAFETY AND HEALTH SPOTLIGHT: VPPACHIEVEMENT We’re immensely proud of our reputation As a result, we have lowered our incident for our world-class management of – rates dramatically, working hand in hand Our commitment to OSHA’s VPP TOP 10 VPP STAR and innovation in – employee health with our employee-partners to create a Program has set a new standard for SITE CERTIFICATIONS and safety. It’s a commitment that’s safer workplace. Involving our frontline U.S. companies. A total of 117 Cintas embedded deep within our culture and workers in our safety journey has proven sites were recognized by OSHA as VPP is also enumerated in our ambitious to be vital to our success. VPP Star certified as of August 31, RANK COMPANY SITES safety visio
46 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX The VPP certification process is rigorous. Field locations have a designated needs. Through our partnerships, we To ensure we continually focus on To achieve certification, businesses Safety and Improvement Committee offer enhanced driver training, on-the- improving our safety journey, each of our must demonstrate that management (SIC), which includes trained employee- road evaluations, and driver drills to business divisions holds regular safety and employees work cooperatively – partners from across the location’s better coach and assess driving skills. and health meetings with our S&H Team. and proactively – to prevent workplace departments, as well as the local To reinforce our safe driving policies, accidents. They must displ
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