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Gibson 1975 Custom Order & Electric Acoustics catalogue. Page 7. Right hand side of a two page spread on Gibson archtop acoustics, with detailed view of the multiple-ply bound f-holes of the Gibson L-5C.
Every Gibson instrument is unique in that it's designed with a musical purpose in mind. There are all kinds of guitarists so we make all kinds of guitars - with one tailpiece for heavy gauge strings and another for extra light strings; short necks for easy chording and long necks for high flying leads; stop tailpieces if you strum the string one way, and extended tailpieces if you strum them another. So don't just shop around for a Gibson, shop around for that one specific Gibson that fits you like a glove. | d94bc1e56d02383c917ccbaee283f31a | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Sunday, October 19, was a special day for Saint Nicholas parish, Barberton, in many wonderful ways. Foremost, it was our honor to have His Grace, Bishop John visiting with us. It was at this Hierarchal Divine Liturgy that one of our parishioners, Eugene Senderak, was ordained to the sub diaconate. Having received the order of lector during the Eparchial pilgrimage at Mariapoch for the feast of the Dormition, Gene was deemed ready by Bishop John to now proceed to this next level in his journey to the diaconate. Among the family there to witness this event, was Gene’s 88 year old aunt, Sister M Geraldine S.D.R., who had traveled from Pittsburgh to join the celebration.
As Gene stood in contemplation before the icon of Christ, Bishop John gave his homily in which he focused on that Sunday’s gospel recounting the parable of the Farmer Scattering Seed. Drawing from the focus of this parable, he explained that we must bond together from the depths of our heart, to become fertile ground for the seed to grow. Relating this to the newly ordained, he expounded on the desire that each person should have in striving for Theosis and union with God.
Before the final blessing of the liturgy was given, Bishop John blessed our icon of Saint Panteleimon, the most recent addition to the “Cloud of Witnesses”, a collection of 18 larger than life icons that encircle the interior of our church. St. Panteleimon, the Unmercenary Healer was martyred under the reign of Emperor Maximian (ca. 305 A.D.). He is the patron saint of physicians.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Bishop John bestowed his blessing upon Fr. Stefan Kerul’-Kmec and his wife Janka, on the occasion of their 20th wedding anniversary. Fr. Stefan joined our pastor, his brother Fr. Miron, at the altar for this joyful liturgy.
The Saint Anne’s Ministry prepared a fellowship breakfast for all to enjoy. This provided the parish family the chance to congratulate Gene on this important day in his life. Also, our guests from Slovakia had the opportunity to meet with us and enjoy our hospitality. Everyone was glad to have had this occasion to have our Bishop join us in worship and celebration. | 10d9935b6b519649cb6655909f564c40 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
About Tajweed - Tajweed Q&A / What are the correct timings of maddul-leen in for example..
Tajweed Q&A / Shawwal 1427 - Safar 1428/ Nov 2006 - March 18th 2007 / What are the correct timings of maddul-leen in for example..
The lengthening of can be two, four, or six vowels counts when stopping on the word. The examples in B given in the question then are correct.
The lengthening of can also be two, four, or six vowel counts, and C given in the question would be correct for the length of the alif. | f64bda8a592282d64374b3437b313666 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Safe Communities Port Colborne is continuously growing! We've decided to make a fourth working group that will have a focus on the workplace! Come back soon to see our progress! | 77b63de78755adddfac114639c2a1fcc | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Description (deu): Die vorliegende Masterthese ist Teil des Projekts „Wohnen und Betreuung im Alter in der Region Dunkelsteinerwald“ im Masterstudiengang Soziale Arbeit an der FH St. Pölten, Projektzeitraum September 2012 bis April 2014. Die Themen dieser Darstellung konzentrieren sich auf sozialstrukturelle Aspekte (Demografie, institutionelle Versorgungsstruktur, informelle und ehrenamtliche Struktur) und die Möglichkeiten einer Tagesbetreuungsstätte unter Berücksichtigung potentieller Betreuungserfordernisse in der Kleinregion. Die Ausführungen in dieser Arbeit basieren sowohl auf den Ergebnisanalysen von qualitativen Interviews mit BewohnerInnen und StakeholderInnen der Region über Einstellungen und Wünsche zum Thema Wohnen und Betreuung im Alter als auch den Ergebnissen einer quantitativen Fragebogenerhebung, in der junge und alte BewohnerInnen schwerpunktmäßig über ihre Einstellung zu einem Tageszentrum und dessen möglicher Ausgestaltung befragt wurden. Da in der Region Dunkelsteinerwald das Angebot für Wohnen und Betreuung im Alter ausgebaut werden soll, zeigt die wissenschaftliche Arbeit mit Hilfe von Fachliteratur und qualitativen und quantitativen Erhebungsmethoden auf, wie ein Tageszentrum gestaltet werden kann und wo es Ansatzpunkte für sozialarbeiterisches Handeln geben und wie diese Hilfen gestaltet und umgesetzt werden können. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass in der Region Dunkelsteinerwald ein grundsätzliches Interesse an einer Tagesbetreuungsstätte besteht. Ein Tageszentrum schafft für die Kleingemeinden das Potenzial, dass eine gesicherte Betreuung für alte, pflegebedürftige Menschen unter Tags in der Region sichergestellt werden kann. Die BewohnerInnen in der Region wünschen sich anhand der Ergebnisse des Projekts im vertrauten Umfeld alt zu werden. Ein Tageszentrum wird von den DunkelsteinerInnen in erster Linie als Schutz vor Isolation und Entlastung der Familienangehörigen gesehen. Empfohlen wird eine Umsetzung für betreuungsbedürftige jedoch mobile ältere Menschen. Im Hinblick auf das mögliche Betreuungsangebot sind die Aspekte Tägliche Mahlzeiten, Qualifiziertes Personal, Kosten, Standort und vielfältige sozialarbeiterische und sozialpädagogische Angebote in einer Tagesbetreuungsstätte bedeutsam. Die Soziale Arbeit in einer Tagesbetreuungsstätte ist auf drei Ebenen angesiedelt (KlientInnen und Angehörigen Ebene, Institutions- und MitarbeiterInnen Ebene, Öffentlichkeits- und Vernetzungsebene). Für das geplante Tageszentrum Dunkelsteinerwald wird ein interprofessionelles Team empfohlen und drei Teamkonstellationsvarianten (Ideal-, Kompromiss- und Minimalvorschlag) vorgeschlagen. Das Konzept eines Tageszentrums für pflegebedürftige Menschen der Region Dunkelsteinerwald setzt seinen Schwerpunkt auf das Eingehen individueller Bedürfnisse der BesucherInnen in Hinblick auf Pflege und Betreuung.
The following Master’s Thesis is part of the project “Ageing and Care for the Elderly in the area of the Dunkelsteinerwald (Forest Dunkelstein)”. This project was conducted as part of the Master of Social Work Program at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten during the time period between September 2012 and April 2014. The topics associated with the contribution, focused on social and structural aspects (demographics, institutional-structural measures for care, informal and voluntary structures) and the possibility to install a care facility to cover the potential needs in this small region. In order to optimize potential services a qualitative and a quantitative analysis of the needs was carried out. Thus the first method used to collect the details in this work is based on the analysis of the results obtained by carrying out both qualitative interviews with the people living in the area as well as with the stakeholders. In order to gain due insight into the issue, a quantitative analysis with the help of a questionnaire was also used to collect data in order to have a broader view of the demands, the needs and the attitudes of both the younger and older inhabitants living in the area with respect to a day care center and possible options and organization. As several services for the elderly is being given consideration this academic contribution aims to present concepts for a day care center that incorporate necessary social work and activities including methods of realization. The results of the research show definite interest in a day care center in this particular area. The day care center should provide the necessary support for the ageing and those in need of special care for the smaller communities. The results of the research indicate that the ageing population prefers to grow old in a familiar environment and continue to live in the acquainted surroundings even when in need of professional help and care. A day care center in the Dunkelsteinerwald improves the quality of life of individuals, families and their communities without the fear of isolation, at the same time offering family members relief from the intense duties associated with care. Recommendations have been included that benefit the recipients, who are ageing, but still mobile although in need of special care. With respect to possible measures the aspects encompass daily meals, qualified personnel, costs, location and a wide range of options that play a significant role and cover social work and include social pedagogy for the day care center. The primary social work in the day care centers can be divided into three main levels (individual and family level, organization and personnel level, public relations and networking). For the development of a concept an interdisciplinary team is recommended and should provide three variations of the concept (the ideal concept, suggestions for a compromise and realization of the minimum requirements). Thus the concept for a day care center, for both the ageing and those in need of special care in the area of the Dunkelsteinerwald, focuses on the individual needs of the potential recipients and the positive impact with respect to care and assistance. | 38b5c89f16acf055bf24ac82e4131c1c | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
How to open .AR-WMP file extension?
Specially dedicated programs are responsible for launching a .ar-wmp file saved in a specific format (which we can recognize on the basis of the extension of a given file). The most common problems with .ar-wmp files downloaded or received via e-mail are: their incorrect association with programs in the registry, or simply the lack of an appropriate program to open them. To solve the problem with the .ar-wmp file it is usually sufficient just to download the appropriate software that supports .ar-wmp file format, which can be found in the table below. The most common file format with the .ar-wmp extension belongs to the category Graphic Files . Rainer Goebel is responsible for creating .ar-wmp extension file. | d1591842c1faec2c4a0fc31b380510cc | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Spring Hall Group Practice has set up a patient participation group. Below are the terms of reference for the group.
Contribute to the practice decision making and will consult on service development and provision.
Serve as a "safety valve" for dealing with grumbles and complaints about the practice, representing patients but also helping them to understand the practice's viewpoint.
Promote good health and higher levels of literacy by encouraging and supporting activities within the practice and promoting preventative medicines.
Influencing the provision of secondary healthcare and social care locally.
Fundraise for medical equipment or other facilities to improve the practice and/or fund the activities of the PPG.
If you would like to join the group click here to download the application form. Please return the completed form to the practice.
Please click the link below to join our new online patient participation group forum. | eab80a3ba80f3e954f940c43832a9bf8 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Like any football club, the recruitment is fundamental and there will always be hits and misses when it comes to adding new players.
Bristol City have had their fair share over the years, for sure, and some of head coach Lee Johnson's new signings have really come out of leftfield.
The headline act: The 26-year-old Saint-Etienne striker was recently featured on BT Sport as the cameras covering Ligue 1 picked out the former City loanee playing against French giants PSG.
The January 2018 capture arrived on loan to help try and maintain City's fine League form that had seen the Robins move second in the league by Boxing Day and firmly in the conversation for promition.
Alas, Diony left any good form back in France and the Robins slipped down the Championship as Johnson's team fell away from the reckoning, eventually finishing 11th in the league.
The Scandinavian striker arrived for a hefty fee - reportedly £2.5m - but was rarely given a first-team chance at City. He made just four starts across two years in BS3 despite that large fee.
Several loan spells abroad then followed as the Robins tried to supply first team football elsewhere and help Engvall develop.
Playing time at Djurgarden and former club IFK Goteburg came at the cost of his Bristol City career and Engvall was eventually sold on to KV Mechelen last summer for a much reduced fee that we understand was around ten times less than what was paid for him.
The Everton midfielder had been on loan at Birmingham City and had struggled for game time and form in the Championship.
But that did not stop City bringing in the creative midfielder, who has found appearances hard to come - either at Development Squad level or for the senior side.
Loans have been mooted for Walsh, who has made three starts this league campaign but, at 21, still has time on his side.
City shelled out more than £1m last summer to win the race for the prolific Eisa who hit 25 goals in 50 games in League Two for Cheltenham last season and was subsequently wanted by several other clubs, such as Portsmouth.
After impressing under Gary Johnson it all made sense: now to develop further under Lee. Since then Eisa, 24, has vanished off the face of the earth, as a reported loan to Charlton fell through in January.
The German centre-back arrived as a defensive midfielder but left as a centre-back option. A former Hertha Berlin player with U21 caps for his country, Hegeler is also a very smart businessman who has set up a successful football analytics company and has now retired from the game to concentrate on his Impect company.
However, with little experience of English football, the signing in January 2017 looked a gamble for the Robins and arguably Bristol City never saw the now 31-year-old's best form.
The Swedish defender was brought in for a matter of months in 2016, arriving in September after training with the Robins across August.
However, hamstring injuries and illness hampered any hope the international with two caps for Sweden may have had of extending a one-year deal.
Was released in the following January transfer window and moved on to Rotherham United after making just two starts for Johnson.
The "50k punt" was brought in by Steve Cotterill but things didn't work out for the powerful forward whose natty dress sense was a source of mirth for several Robins players. That was despite playing well on loan at Plymouth in 2016.
A (ham)string of injuries didn't help. Has since joined Belgian side Charleroi and been farmed out to USL Dunkerque in the third tier of French football. | 8d54295ac758118a93e33cbd6ddc9ce4 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Standalone monster movies are all well and good, but we all know it’s twice as fun if you have double the monsters. Luckily for us, Legendary and Warner Bros have decided that today — with our mastery of CG and proliferation of cinematic universes — is the perfect age to see these oversized creatures go head to head.
But if you were hoping to see it sooner rather than later, you may be in for a bit of a disappointment. These two won’t be sharing the screen for some time now. Rather than jump straight into a one-on-one melee, the filmmakers decided to give King Kong his own movie, then Godzilla one more before the two titans collide. But just because they won’t be sharing the screen anytime soon, don’t think the studios won’t lay some breadcrumbs for us along the way.
Speaking with CinemaBlend, the film’s producer, Alex Garcia discussed one of the main ways the 1970s-set Kong: Skull Island has a real connective tissue with the more modern Godzilla.
So from the sound of it, those hints dropped should feel shoehorned in at the behest of the studio.
What do you make of Garcia’s comments? Do you buy them? Do you really think the studio can resist throwing in a thousand references? Let us know your thoughts down below!
Kong: Skull Island hits theaters on March 10, 2017! | 7042c4c67a8c339485005d4452a254a4 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Plant-based beverage brand Koia is getting in the keto game with three decadent dessert flavors of macro-balanced smoothies.
Vegan beverage brand Koia will debut the Koia Keto line exclusively at Whole Foods Markets in 2019. The new low-sugar, high-fat smoothie line crafted especially for those following a ketogenic (“keto”) diet features three flavors: Cake Batter, Chocolate Brownie, and Caramel Crème. Keto practitioners aim to consume 80 percent of their daily calories from fat, which they typically source from meat and dairy products—an issue that Koia aims to tackle with its new beverage line. “Keto people are usually sacrificing decadent flavors and dessert options, so we talked to Whole Foods about filling the gap,” Koia CEO Chris Hunter to BeverageDaily. “Koia Keto is a plant-based keto option that really is close to the ideal [macronutrient] ratios.” Koia Keto smoothies are made with a blend of coconut cream and plant-based protein (derived from peas, rice, and chickpeas), and boast a keto-friendly macronutrient ratio of 74-percent fat, 18-percent protein, and 8-percent carbohydrates. | c47fd3ff2fa9f58a8cd32a899c58872f | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Hotlinking, which is often termed bandwidth theft as well, describes linking to images which are on another Internet site. In simple terms, if you have an Internet site with some images on it, someone else could also develop a website and instead of using their own images, they could put links straight to your images. Even though this may not be such a serious issue if you have a small personal website, it will be something rather serious if the images are copyrighted, because somebody may be aiming to copy your Internet site and trick people. If your web hosting package deal has a limited monthly bandwidth quota, you may exhaust your resources without getting real site visitors, due to the fact that the traffic will be consumed by the other Internet site. This is why you should think about protecting your content from being hotlinked - not only images, but also documents, since in rare occasions other kinds of files are linked as well.
You can easily secure your content if you generate an .htaccess file in the website’s root folder, but in case you do not have previous experience, you can use our hotlink protection tool. The latter is provided with all web hosting plans we offer and could be accessed from the in-house built Hepsia CP. The protection may be activated in two basic steps - choose the domain or subdomain for the Internet site in question, then choose if our system should create the .htaccess file inside the main folder or within a subfolder and you shall be all set. You do not need any coding skills or any experience with this type of matters, because there shall be nothing else to do. If you want to remove the protection at some time, you could see all of the websites which are protected within the very same section of the CP with a Delete button beside each one of them.
If you do not want other individuals to use your images on their Internet sites without your consent, you may easily activate the hotlink security function, that is available with all semi-dedicated server packages. As an alternative to creating an .htaccess file yourself inside the website folder and writing some code in it, which is the conventional method to deny direct linking to files, you could use an exceptionally simple tool, that we have included in the Hepsia CP. With it, you'll only have to choose the site that should be protected and our system shall do the rest. Moreover, you can choose if the .htaccess file should be set up straight inside the root folder or inside a subfolder, if you'd like to switch on the hotlink security feature only for some content and not for the whole Internet site. Deactivating it is just as easy - you'll only need to mark the checkbox next to the specific site and to click on the Delete button. | 7ebe7902829c3a8648329c30e0fe8919 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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The farmer is not surprised when the sprouts begin to appear. As the golden kernels peek from their husks and the cobs are pulled from their stalks, it’s not a shock.
Corn is exactly what he was expecting.
What is planted in the Spring is harvested in the Fall.
The fields near my home are being tilled. Turned — pushing top soil to the bottom and bringing bottom soil to the top again. Planted — orchestrated rows of seed. Each full of promise. Full of purpose. Predetermined to be a more fulfilled version of what they already are.
Summer is coming quickly this year. As the heat rises and the humidity lingers over the fields, it will be too late for planting.
Miss the spring planting, and you’ll miss the fall harvest. And it won’t come around again for another whole season.
I don’t want to miss anything more. So I’ve been thinking these days about what I hope to see come to maturity in the days of harvest. And realizing it won’t just happen. It has to be sown.
Linking up with #ThreeWordWednesday friends. Link on the photo below to read more.
Picking the Right Battles — And the Right Allies. My Messy Beautiful.
I’m so grateful you are joining us every week. I truly am enjoying what you write and share with us. Beautiful post. I love that verse from Colossians. Many Easter blessings to you. | d038704704c4f3fe66f80e5465ab78c3 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
The Saskatchewan Roughriders hopped on a plane for Ottawa Friday afternoon hoping it is not just a weekend excursion.
The Riders (10-8) are to oppose the RedBlacks (8-9-1) in the 2017 CFL Eastern Semifinal on Sunday (12 pm kickoff, TSN, 620 CKRM).
If all goes well, the team will not be in Regina until after the Grey Cup with the hope being they come back with the CFL’s championship trophy in hand as they will remain in Ontario until either they have won it all or have seen their quest to win it all come to an end.
Riders head coach Chris Jones continues to play his cards close to the vest when it comes to who will and who won’t play at TD Place.
Jones told reporters he is taking his healthiest bodies to Ottawa and when asked who his starting tailback would be, he would acknowledge Marcus Thigpen is the healthiest, but would not proclaim him to be the starter.
The Riders and REDBLACKS meet in what is the first playoff game between Saskatchewan and Ottawa since the 1976 Grey Cup which ended with a Tony Gabriel touchdown giving Ottawa the Cup and handing the Riders one of their most crushing losses in team history.
620 CKRM is your official voice of the Riders. “Rider Nation Pregame” will kick off the longest, and most continuous game day coverage in the CFL on Sunday morning at 9 AM followed by the play-by-play at 12 PM with Rod Pedersen and Luc Mullinder.
The winner will move on to play Toronto in the East final.
- On Saturday morning the Riders announced their roster for the ESF. Kienan LaFrance is listed as the starting tailback, backed up by Marcus Thigpen. Both Cameron Marshall and Trent Richardson are injured.
- Jeff Knox is listed as the starting WILL LB ahead of Sam Eguavoen.
- Saskatchewan is 10-14 in Semifinals, Ottawa is 9-7.
- The last five games between the Roughriders and RedBlacks have been decided by a total of 8 points.
- The Riders' 5-win improvement in 2017 constitutes the most in the CFL.
- Rider kicker Tyler Crapigna is 7/7 on field goals against Ottawa this year while the RedBlack's Brett Maher is 3/4.
- Saskatchewan's 35 TD passes this year are the most in the CFL.
- Rider QB Kevin Glenn started 17 of 18 games this year but has only finished 2 of the last 7.
- Kevin Glenn is 4/7 in the playoffs while Ottawa's Trevor Harris is 0-0.
- Glenn starts a playoff game for a 5th different CFL team, tying him with Damon Allen for the CFL record.
- Rider returner Christion Jones had the highest punt return average (14.3) since Corey Holmes (15.2) in 2005.
So exactly why did the Riders wait so long to go East? Why not out fly out Tuesday and get use to the weather and time difference, practice at 1 pm which is game time and be a bit more prepared? Money is not the reason, I am sure they could have found a place to do their pad-less practices. Oh well, here is hoping they are ready, gonna be a tougher game than a lot of folks think, Go Riders!
They flew out yesterday. That's plenty early.
Hey Brady, sometimes you gotta trust that the people with jobs, careers and reputations on the line, and are in the business, know what they are doing!
I agree that Thigpen is a great addition to the team and brings new Energy. Which is ironic given his age. The same can be said for Mighty Mouse or the Flyin Hawaiian. I haven’t seen the roster so Im flying blind here. I don’t know if they left Chad behind. I sure hope not.
A great scientist said that when u insert new thrusting positive energy into a forward moving object. The positive intensity excites the existing energy thus increasing speed and distance. Playing a younger Ottawa team this year. The Thrust of Owen and Thigpens positive energy could really help. Chad seems to have captured control of the fumblitice that would occur when he tried too hard in situations where he just needed to give up on the play.
I truly believe the team that gets their head around positive momentum 1st will win this game. As we have all seen doubt catch both of these teams and lose games they should have won.
Nice picture cap of "Canada's King_ Chris Jones" standing in front of his castle. | 9954c0ea9e6ac3711fc967b21fa0a583 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
From Midi Grrrl EP and Stop Talking album.
You want to sit on the casting couch?
Wait for me to resist and shout.
You want to see my fist in the air?
Well today is not your lucky day.
I take my eyes and pull them from the middle.
Towards the stars that shine for my sisters and brothers.
Do you pay attention do you notice the difference? Think your record collection is a coincidence?
Are you trapped in the dance, eyes on the prize? Just smile.
I been drinking it down since the city was a town, dressing wounds, holding breath.
Then I started running, running through the tunnel, with no light or nothing at the end.
Can’t let them see me hurting, not able to breathe.
Every nation I live in has been a church for the rich. | 3e482a1c12d1efbd42e5646bba3ab6fb | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Census geographical boundaries depicted in this map are supplied by the U.S. Census Bureau. For help understanding census terminology and questions about data sources or technical detail consult the Census Glossary.
To compare population statistics about Plumas County (by race, age, gender, etc.) or other detailed demographics, statistics, graphs, or quick facts visit the CensusViewer.
A subdivision of a census tract, a Census Block is the smallest geographic unit used by the Census Bureau for demographic tabulation. In urban areas, a Census Block is roughly the size of a city block wherein the blocks usually correspond to individual city blocks bounded by streets, but blocks – especially in rural areas – may include many square miles and may have boundaries that are not streets. Blocks are renumbered for each census, so Census Block 2345 in 1990 is not necessarily the same as Block 2345 in 2000, but an “equivalency table" is published. Because they are based on the road network, once the road network in a developed area is established, block boundaries are consistent from one census to the next.
A Census Block Group is a geographical area consisting of a group of Census Blocks. Block groups do not have consistent boundaries (or identification numbers) from census to census and are intended primarily for Census Bureau data processing purposes. Aggregation of Block Groups create Census Tracts and are used by the Census Bureau for demographic tabulation.
Census Tracts are combinations of block groups. Census Tracts are relatively permanent geographic divisions of a county defined for the tabulation and presentation of data from the decennial census and selected other statistical programs. The primary goal of the Census Tract is to provide a set of nationally consistent small, statistical geographic units, with stable boundaries, that facilitate analysis of data across time.
A statistical entity, defined for each decennial census according to Census Bureau guidelines, comprising a densely settled concentration of population that is not within an incorporated place, but is locally identified by a name. CDPs are delineated cooperatively by state and local officials and the Census Bureau, following Census Bureau guidelines. There are no population size requirements for CDPs.
The data accessed through this website provides a visual display of geographical information as a public resource of general information for use "AS IS," "AS AVAILABLE" and "WITH ALL FAULTS" basis. The data presented are aggregated from a wide variety of sources. We have attempted to integrate these various data sources as well as possible. Each agency providing data may have their own internal standards for accuracy and timeliness, thus the GIS division cannot guarantee the degree to which the various data sources agree with each other. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of materials presented within this data, Plumas County GIS shall assume no liability for: 1. Any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided, regardless of how caused; or 2. Any decision made or action taken or not taken by user in reliance upon any information or data furnished hereunder.
In any situation where the official printed publications of Plumas County differ from the text or graphical representations contained in this system, the official printed documents take precedence. If misleading, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate information is brought to the County's attention, a reasonable effort will be made to fix or remove it.
By using this Interactive GIS Web Map, you assume all risks associated with the use of this site including any risk to your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus, software, or any other file, which might be transmitted or activated via Plumas County page or your access to it. Therefore, by using this website for any purpose, users agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Plumas County harmless for any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from the lack of accuracy or correctness of the data, or the use of the data presented on the website.
All GIS data have inherent spatial inaccuracies, including aerial imagery. Sometimes, the aerial data (which is based on latitude and longitude coordinates acquired before the flight) will not match correctly with parcel or road data and may have varying degrees of accuracy. Aerial images may have feature displacement and scale variation caused by differences in elevation, lens distortion, and camera tilt. Parcel boundary lines should be considered a graphical representation and not in any way a legal survey or engineering document.
This data is for visual representation only and may not contain all data that is available by contacting Plumas County Planning Services or GIS directly.
The Plumas County GIS data is for informational purposes only and should not be used to determine precise boundaries, parcel boundaries, appraisal, engineering, nor legal descriptions. The Plumas County GIS data shall not be construed to be an official survey. Site specific evaluation should be verified by field inspection. In addition, land information is constantly changing and the most current or accurate data might not be represented herein.
Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of information contained in this data. Contact the appropriate County Department to obtain original source documents or for official determinations. You may also contact the Plumas County Planning Services at (530) 283-7011 for more information.
Read the liability disclaimer and use restrictions carefully. By clicking the "ACCEPT" button, you agree that you have read and understand the preceding information and you will be able to enter the online mapping and data download page.
Plumas County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a division of Plumas County's Planning Services. GIS develops, maintains and distributes spatial information to aid in the creation of maps and data analysis to support County departments and their customers. | fba53bc9c62ef71752192626e0429b48 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Making its first appearance in Medieval Europe, the hortus conclusus or enclosed garden captures and isolates aspects of nature and landscape in a relatively small, confined space. It makes thes aspects manageable by imposing on them its own pictorial, geometrical and spatial order.
The book opens with a historical section describing the ingredients and design concepts that made the hortus conclusus such a success.
This is followed by an in-depth study of historical examples, amongst them the Romanesque garden of the monastery of Santes Creus, the Gothic garden of the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia, the patios of the Alhambra, and the giardino segreto of the Villa Capponi. Recent designs by Alexandre Chemetoff, Daniel Libeskind and Dom Hans van der Laan show how the hortus conclusus, dressed in a contemporary garb, has a part to play in the urban landscape. Just the compactness of the enclosed garden makes it so effective in places where space is a scarce commodity, as in our ever-swelling metropolises.
"[...] This is certainly not a guide that simply relies on beautiful photographs for its inspiration. It was a pleasant change to read a book that really made me think and work to extract its full worth. Both in presentation and literary approach, it reminds me of Landscape Architecture, a classic textbook written by the American J. O. Simonds in 1961 [...] I came away with new ideas, and an understanding of a gardenmaking philosophy that has not been so carefully scrutinised in almost a millenium."
"[...] My most favourite book on Hortus Conclusus is The Enclosed Garden by Rob Aben and Saskia de Wit. I refer to this book more than any other now – rationale, theory, history + contemporary ideas and precedents. Marvellous!" | 8f14434621e7b78a90216cd99a7747bb | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, "An Augmented Reality Platform inside PURESAFE project", SBC Journal on Interactive Systems, vol. 5, no. 1.
Héctor Martínez, Seppo Laukkanen and Jouni Mattila, 2013, “A New Hybrid Approach for Augmented Reality Maintenance in Scientific Facilities”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 10(321), DOI: 10.5772/56845.
Jukka Rönkkö, Jussi Markkanen, Raimo Launonen, Marinella Ferrino, Enrico Gaia, Valter Basso, Harshada Patel, Mirabelle D’Cruz and Seppo Laukkanen, 2006, “Multimodal Astronaut Virtual Training Prototype”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 03/2006, DOI:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2005.08.004.
Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, “STEDUS, a New Educational Platform for Augmented Reality Applications”, At the Edge of the Rift, ISBN: 978-1-84888-321-5.
Héctor Martínez, 2015, "Realidad Aumentada como soporte al mantenimiento de instalaciones científicas", Invited Speech at TECSMEDIA 4ed, Zaragoza, Spain.
Héctor Martínez, 2015, “Augmented Reality Platform for Advanced Maintenance in Scientific Facilities”, PURESAFE Final Conference at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2015, “Augmented Reality-based maintenance tool for hazardous places”, PURESAFE Final Conference at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, “Experiences of private sector participants in Marie Curie Actions - Partnering in ITN project”, Invited talk at Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Bridging Business and Research, Helsinki, Finland.
Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, “STEDUS, a New Educational Platform for Augmented Reality Applications”, 4th Global Conference on Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds, Prague, Czech Republic.
Jenni Hyppölä, Héctor Martínez and Seppo Laukkanen, 2014, “Experiential Learning Theory and Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications”, 4th Global Conference on Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds, Prague, Czech Republic.
Héctor Martínez, Seppo Laukkanen and Jouni Mattila, 2012, “Augmented Reality System for Advanced Maintenance in Large Scientific Facilities”, 1st International Workshop on Telerobotics and Systems Engineering for Scientific Facilities, Madrid, Spain.
Seppo Laukkanen, 2009, Invited speaker at infoday called "Rahastamisvõimalused Euroopa Liidu toel" at Tallinn and Tarto, Estonia, with title "Experiences, advices and comparing of EU-funded projects"
Seppo Laukkanen, 2008, Invited speaker at Augmented Reality panel in the Emerging Technologies for Defense Applications organized by the Department of Defense (DoD) of the United States, Pentagon City, USA.
Seppo Laukkanen, Ilkka Karanta, Ville Kotovirta, Jussi Markkanen and Jukka Rönkkö, 2004, “Adding Intelligence to Virtual Reality”, Invited talk at 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI'2004, Valencia, Spain.
Jukka Rönkkö, Raimo Launonen, Seppo Laukkanen and Enrico Gaia, 2003, “Multimodal Interaction Techniques for Astronaut Training in Virtual Environments", 2nd International Conference on Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece.
Susamma Virtanen, Riitta Smeds, Matti Gröhn, Janne Ikäheimonen, Janne Jalkanen, Hanna Kervinen and Seppo Laukkanen, 1998, “From Manual to Multimedia: Development of an Enterprise Game”, IFIP TC5/WG5. 7 Fourth International Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Integrated Production Management Systems and the European Group of University Teachers for Industrial Management EHTB: Games in Operations Management, Ghent, Belgium.
“Building a Virtual Reality Interaction System Using Game Tools”, Licentiate's thesis by Jukka Rönkkö, related to multiple projects made together while Jukka was working within VTT, 2007.
"Design and Implementation of Distributed Virtual Reality System", Master's thesis by Jussi Markkanen, related to multiple projects made together while Jukka was working within VTT, 2003.
“When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at ESO facilities, Garching, Germany, 2007.
“When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at Eumetsat facilities, Garching, Germany, 2007.
“When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at SGS facilities, Helsinki, Finland, 2007.
“When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at CERN for MS-3528/DSU: Permanent exhibition for the Globe of Science and innovation, Geneva, Switcherland, 2007.
“When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at ITER Business Forum, Nice, France, 2007.
“When reality is not enough”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at Software Industry Summit, Finland, 2004.
“Virtual- and augmented reality benefits for large scientific facilities”, presentation given by Seppo Laukkanen at CERN, Geneva, Switcherland, 2004.
“Augmented Reality”, seminar given by SenseTrix within PURESAFE training event, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 25th September 2013.
“Enhancing Maintenance by Means of Augmented Reality”, seminar given by SenseTrix, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 21st November 2012.
SenseTrix at Finnish association and FinnFusion stand in the ITER Business Forum, Nice, France, December 10-12, 2007.
SenseTrix at Nihon Binary stand in the 13th Industrial VR Expo and Conference (IVR), Tokyo, Japan, June 22-24, 2005. | a46a017bd8d7d71c6573deb7ea0536f0 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Have you ever cooked spaghetti for eight when all you needed was spaghetti for two?
The spaghetti measure is a must in every kitchen. This simple tool helps you measure exactly the portions you need. And it will always be at hand : because of its magnet, you can pop it on the fridge.
The spaghetti measure shows portions for 1 to 4 persons or for a pig...! | 1e7bad35e4fad57f39549a14ca09e418 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
A power failure on Saturday resulted in mass flight cancellations across London Heathrow and Gatwick airports, causing chaos for 75,000 passengers.
British Airways was forced to cancel its entire schedule from both London airports - Heathrow and Gatwick - on Saturday after its IT system collapsed following a power surge which ultimately led to disruption for more than 300,000 passengers.
Claims-handling firms have been urging BA passengers to use their services, but now that the airline has said it will pay eligible claims everyone affected by the weekend disruption can now apply through the airline's website.
"All of our check-in and operational systems have been affected and we have canceled all flights from Heathrow and Gatwick for today", Cruz said in a video message on Twitter.
"We are extremely sorry for the frustration and inconvenience customers experienced over the Bank Holiday weekend and thank them for their patience and understanding".
The IT outage had a knock-on effect on BA services around the world, while passengers who did get moving on the limited number of flights to take off from the United Kingdom reported arriving at their destinations without their luggage.
Cruz has faced calls to resign over the IT glitch, which has been blamed on cost cutting that led to IT services being outsourced to India a year ago.
Shares in British Airways parent IAG fell 4% in early trading on the London Stock Exchange this morning, the first day the United Kingdom markets had opened since the United Kingdom carrier's services were wrecked by its IT systems failure on 27 May. "In 2016, BA made hundreds of dedicated and loyal IT staff redundant and outsourced the work to India", said Mick Rix, national officer for aviation at the union. At the same time, the airline said that it is facing a backlog of luggage that will take "some days" to clear.
He also asked passengers not to arrive at Heathrow too early, warning they would not be admitted into Terminal 5 until 90 minutes before their flight's scheduled departure time.
Cruz told The Australian that the airline intends to "carry out an exhaustive investigation into what caused this incident, and take measures to ensure it never happens again".
The IT failure was caused by a short but catastrophic power surge at 9.30 am on Saturday that affected the company's messaging system, he said, and the backup system failed to work properly.
Analysts though, have noted the airline will be counting the cost, including to the carrier's reputation.
The airline canceled more than 580 flights and delayed hundreds more, according to FlightAware.com.
The airline said it would seek to rebook customers "over the course off the rest of the weekend", or offer full refunds if a passenger is unable to fly. | abca67ca3b2256f037de12f2641911c3 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Everyone wants their skin to be clean, pure and flawless, without any problematic zits and spots, to make them look younger and fresh. For that, many people have consistent skin care routines that they strictly follow. Many people try giving themselves a facial in the comforts of their homes but this does not mean you should be skipping or avoiding professional attention. You may not be suffering from severe acne or any other major skin conditions, but your complexion and the health of your skin will still get benefits from the help of a trained aesthetician. If you want to know why is it necessary to get your facials done professionally, then keep on reading!
The right types of equipment are one of the basic needs of a proper facial. You need the specific equipment to perform each task, for example, massagers and other cleaning tools like sponges and brushes. Sometimes, the equipment we have at home is not as efficient as the ones in a salon or spa. The equipment the professionals use has been approved by companies to perform the right task without hurting your skin or causing any damage.
The products needed for the facial are the most important things. They should be clinically tested and checked if they are appropriate for the specific skin type. Salons and Spas house high-quality products that can react positively to your skin and not cause any damage. The products used by the professionals are most likely to work on your skin and show satisfying results.
Most of us don’t know the right pressure points and techniques of massage to relax our face and body. Professionals are called professional because they excel at their jobs and aestheticians master in facials and massages, as they know the exact massage points and different techniques that are beneficial for our skin.
Blackheads are one of the major issues that need to be solved professionally. If not treated and cleaned properly, blackheads can cause your pores to clog, which can further lead to many skin problems. An extra pair of professional hands is always needed to remove blackheads in a proper way. The right technique, angle, and strength are required for the removal of blackheads, which is hard to get if you do it by yourself at home.
One of the main reasons why you should get your facial done professionally is that you need to relax and leave your body loose. Because you can only get the best out of a facial only when your body is relaxed and carefree.
Keeping all these points in mind, you should probably book an appointment now so that you can have a relaxing facial that is beneficial for both, your mind and your skin. You can easily book an appointment at RingMyStylist.com right now, and get a professional to do the job for you. | 797cae7c9bbe6be99bccbe1840a02c92 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Since 2004 Circa has been at the frontier of new circus – creating powerful works of circus art that challenge, thrill and delight. Featuring an ensemble of multi-skilled circus artists under the direction of Yaron Lifschitz, Circa’s award-winning works have been seen in 34 countries across six continents. At the centre of Circa is the art. Shows that push the boundary of the circus artform, blur the lines between movement, dance, theatre and circus and yet are a unique, singular ‘Circa’ experience. Circa also runs a Training Centre with a workshop program in our dedicated circus studio in Brisbane and with partners throughout Queensland and beyond. Circa manages arTour supporting other artists to tour and assisting Queensland presenters to program performance work for their local audiences.
Emma started making shows for her mum in her bedroom when she was 6, and won the local Rotary Public Speaking competition when she was 13. She ran off to the big smoke from her small town to train as an acrtess, but found the allure of telling her own stories in a multitude of different ways too alluring. So she headed to Denmark to learn about installation theatre techniques. She came back two years later ready to make and create. Emma has been involved in several processes and productions that have a community focused agenda, and has been a workshop leader for emerging arts companies such as Riverland Youth Theatre, Urban Myth Theatre, PYT (Sydney) & Courthouse Arts. Emma has also taught acting at a tertiary level at The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark and Flinders University.
Charles Tambiah is a researcher at the Australian National University's 'School of Art' and the 'Research School of Earth Sciences'. Charles' ongoing research and practice focuses on the nexus between Science and Art, which he integrates with his international background in community engagement, environmental sciences and cross-cultural facilitation. He is an accomplished science photographer, with his images being used in research, education and communication, and exhibited in Australia, USA and UK.
With Adrian Little, Lorraine Marter, Terry Marter, Caroline Reid, Nic Tubb and Jessica Weidenhofer.
Alysha Herrmann is a proud parent, regional artist and advocate working across disciplines in the arts, education, community development, social justice and social enterprise. She is a writer, theatre-maker, cultural producer and the current Creative Producer of ExpressWay Arts.
Is it a bird, is it a plane? Is it a bunyip, mulyawonk, wilder man, yeti, boogie man, nuuttipukki, urati, cerbul, merdules, urtzu or domadores?
Founded in 2004, Punctum is an artist-led Live Arts organisation based in Castlemaine, Australia. Small in scale and big in commitment, Punctum seeks to advance contemporary performance practice by growing it in regional contexts.
Paul operates an interdisciplinary practice of over 20 years across art, architecture, choreography, installation, performance, set design, video and theory.
Nadia Cusimano studied dance, accountancy and physical education in Italy and in 1996 received a BA in Performing Arts, EDDC Arnheim.
Susie Skinner is a storyteller who works with theatre and music. A graduate of Flinders Drama Centre, Susie was a guest at the 5th International Women’s Playwrights Conference 2000 in Athens, and subsequently developed and wrote a number of theatre works with and for communities.
Evette Sunset is an environmental sculptor from South Australia. She works mainly outdoors with natural fibres collected from the landscape to create site-responsive, large-scale installations. This often involves client or community collaboration and an educative component.
With Owen Love, Richard Hodges, Kylie Kain, Heather Millar and Paul Gallasch.
Michelle Murray is a writer and performer of mythical poetics. She has written, performed and produced four collaborative productions, the most recent at the South Coast Regional Arts Centre, Goolwa, including The Black Faced Shag 2014 and The Black Wedding Dress 2011.
Michael is primarily a mosaic artist specialising in the design, fabrication and installation of unique mosaic and decorative tilings. He also works as a community artist and has worked on community mosaic projects throughout South Australia.
Windmill Theatre positions theatre for children, young people and families in a dynamic national and international conversation that is defining the future of theatre practice.
Mulloway Studio is an innovative, creative and passionate design firm that works in the fields of Architecture, Urban Design, Interpretation, Interiors, Artworks, Exhibition Design, and Conservation.
Olivia is a director, dramaturg, community artist, teacher and event coordinator working across art forms (including theatre, large scale community events, circus, dance, opera and music theatre). | 95ab70f583161903a1cbff2275f10e32 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
I enjoyed the wildflowers while waiting to see what the towering cumulus in the sky were going to form into. In addition to the flowers mentioned in the title, there is developing goldenrod.
Joli bouquet qui ressort bien dans cette verdure.
Plenty to point the camera at, Mary.
It has been raining far too much here Mary, not fair is it?
The add such colour to the countryside.
What a lovely bush Mary!
Always something of interest in the margins of fields in this country, I am guessing it is the same on PEI.
I haven't seen Golden Rod for a long time, my Dad used to grow it.
Bindweed can cause such problems, but the flowers are such a pretty sight. We are inundated with it at the moment strangling all the clematis we have flowering.
We call such wild roses, "dog roses" - lovely to see them thriving! | ef26bb1fd2b7b9c3e1cdd8aa09c67377 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Photo courtesy of Johnnie Photography.
Everywhere you go, there’s always players that are more revered than others. But then again, there’s always a chance that the ones that are counted out or underrated have a chance to shine bright in their own right.
That can be said for Atiba Taylor, a player that was underrated throughout most of his high school career. The 6-foot-4 senior guard out of Hackensack High School is a player that can score in bunches and is always bound for a great performance every time he steps out on the court.
“What motivates me is my family, everybody pushing me to work hard, and myself, I just love the game of basketball, that’s what motivates me.” says Taylor on what makes him successful on the court.
From his younger days to the present, he was part of a quintet of talented hoopers from the Garden State, which included Louis King (Oregon commit/Hudson Catholic), Luther Muhammad (Ohio State commit/Hudson Catholic), Nazreon “Nazi” Reid (LSU commit/Roselle Catholic) and Jahvon Quinerly (Villanova commit)/Hudson Catholic). For many years, they all played together on the Team IZOD/Sports U AAU program.
Taylor spent his high school days at Hackensack where he was a mainstay for the Comets, year after year. As a junior, he averaged 21.3 points, 6.2 rebounds and 5.3 assists per game. This past season, he averaged 17 points, 7.3 assists and 5.5 rebounds per game, as he led Hackensack to a 23-7 record and an appearance in the Group IV sectionals. In his four years of high school ball, Taylor scored 1,416 points.
Back in November, Taylor signed a letter of intent to play at Youngstown State University, in which he will be playing for Jerrod Calhoun, whose squad went 8-24 last season. However, the addition of Taylor will likely help things turn around for the Penguins.
Next year, things will change for Taylor as he heads off to college, but chances are many will see the same hunger and spirit that many saw with the Comets. And he will also use that same spirit to help his squad to do great things in the Horizon League. All one has to do is keep watching, because he is a player that can still make a special mark wherever he goes.
Courtesy of Hoop Nation TV. | bd1050e09af1aba0a9198cddbcbf22a4 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Just gotten checked in at gate Y1, the gate has just opened, one hour before the flight 12.40pm.
It was quite a long queue, after given checked the boarding pass, walk through the gate, just a few steps I reached immigration counter, another few steps custom check, there is only one counter opened for the first 15 minutes for such crowd, I will make no complain if the air-condition is cold enough.
I was told to be at least 3 hours earlier, yup I did! Reached at 9.40am, spent some times to finally get a parking lot at the newly open parking space on the left side of LCCT ENTRY.
For some reasons... if you know me, super "sotong" - blur queen, I was told to proceed to international gate, I went through all 'check-in' procedure, found a seat to settle down, waiting for boarding call. Soon enough I found no my jacket, Argh, I must have left it in the enquiry counter.
I walked in quick pace, headed to the counter which is quite a distance, thankfully the jacket is still there.
As I get back to the international departure gate, the officer now requests me to have my boarding pass stamped at the "boarding pass checking" counter.
off I went, the officer said: "You have to go to Gate Y1 next to "gate - domestic departure".
Both international and domestic location at distinct ends. And I thought along the long walk, it is such a blessing in disguise, I can't imagine if I wait for boarding call in the wrong boarding gate!!
Ok, that is me, anything could happen. | ff909862331b7ae774de7f07e841c0bf | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
They both turned and stared at Svante.
Sigurd passed away last year.
Tarmi picked up the jar and read the label.
I tried to convince Kuldip to go to Boston with me.
I spent all day home with Myrick.
Vadim bought three bottles of red wine.
Joel is lacking in delicacy.
I gave Tait my car keys.
Ramesh has only ever had one boyfriend.
I'm sure Joe will be OK.
Charleen didn't know how to respond to Florian.
Sedat was nowhere to be found.
Konrad, you're supposed to be enjoying yourself!
I had to protect Nelken from Susan.
I wonder why Kris wasn't at Reid's party.
Maybe Franklin should've told you that.
Nelken says he's already paid.
I only met Antony three times.
Could you ask Vinod to call Juergen?
Laurent seems a little distracted.
Robin knew exactly where Linder was.
Phiroze is feeling good today.
Mosur asked me who had painted the picture that was hanging on my wall.
Ami bought a piece of land not far from where Herman lives.
I'm going to take Arthur back to his apartment.
How did you get to know Saad?
Jarmo volunteered to do all the things no one else wanted to do.
Jakob didn't know where it was.
I wonder if Julie is as excited about this as Mongo is.
Trent doesn't like the rainy season.
Timothy has something we want. | 9d28d1575cf0d502644c42907e443b32 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
An international primary school which is part of International school Twente (IST), where all lessons are taught in English following the IPC (International Primary Curriculum) program. The staff comprise of local teachers and teachers with English as their native language.
In Primary, pupils are following a programme based on the National Curriculum for England and Wales adapted for use with our international children.
This school is housed in Het Stedelijk Lyceum (HSL) in Enschede, offering education to students aged 11-18. HSL offers a regular Dutch, a bilingual and an international Secondary curriculum. International School Twente Secondary works with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) that offers internationally-recognised qualifications and allows students to continue their studies in The Netherlands or elsewhere.
ISE is the only boarding school in the Netherlands and housed on the grounds of an old mansion. The school also offers regular daily education for primary and secondary years. The IPC (International Primary Curriculum) program is followed for the primary school and IGSCE and IB for secondary school.
Based in Arnhem, Rivers offers both primary and secondary education. The secondary school offers an IB curriculum. The international staff and a variety of nationalities of the students gives a pleasant international environment. | cc568ac1d40d30e3b14ea9cf8bca20cf | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
It’s never easy to say good-bye. One year ago, today, we said good-bye to my mother. I think it was a beautiful service and I think she would have liked it! We truly honored her.
My brother, Bill, has a son, Chris, who is a minister. We asked him to officiate at the service. He did a fine job! I’m proud of him. Both of my brothers and I each gave a tribute to Mother. Vel, Bill’s wife, also gave a tribute. Richard’s daughter, Susan, sang by means of a tape since she couldn’t be there. Richard’s other daughter, Heidi, played the piano. Three of my children, who were there, Pam, Tim and Christy and Lisa, Bill’s daughter, read scripture. Lisa is a State Park Ranger and she ate lunch with Mother every Wednesday. She always had her ranger clothes on so she wore them to the memorial service. You can see her in the picture. Each of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who were there, took a red rose up to lay on the table. The chaplain from the nursing home played his Native American Flute again.
I have copied and pasted my tribute to Mother here.
I was born in the time when the three words I Love You weren’t used in everyday conversations. Love was shown but not verbalized. I knew, without a doubt, Mother loved me, even though she never told me. One day this was put to the test.
I was home from school for the summer. The youth group from our church were going on an all day picnic to a state park and invited me to join them. A car came to pick me up early on Saturday morning. They insisted I sit in the front seat! That seemed strange but I got in and off we went for a fun day!
It was getting close to lunch time and I was very hungry. I looked in a box for a snack and saw a small piece of paper with my name on it! Oh, what was this? I read it in shock. It was written to the leaders by one of the girls in the youth group. “I’ll ride in any car but not in the car with Anita Williamson.” What? Why? Oh, that explains why I had to sit in the front seat… The girl who wrote the note was in the back seat! Somehow we had ended up in the same car!
Oh, what to do…I had no idea I wasn’t liked. I couldn’t stay here. I’d better leave. Where should I go? How could I get home? There was nothing I could do except walk away. Yes, that’s it. I’d simply walk away and not come back. I’d become a run-away.
What??? I’d never heard those three words, come to me, from Mother before! I stood there not knowing what to say… Finally I said, “ Okay, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” For the next couple of days all I could think of was Mother telling me she loved me! It meant so much to me. I knew I’d have to say it too! Could I? I didn’t know. But finally I made up my mind that I would say it the next time we talked on the phone and I did.
I’ve been saying it to her ever since. I love you, Mother.
After the service everyone was invited to Bill’s house for a luncheon. We brought flowers, pictures, and all from the church and arranged it all on the Baby Grand piano. Then, as folks visited and ate music could be heard as Chaplain played his Native American Flute again, at our request. It was a long day, but a good day, in loving memory of Mother.
This entry was posted in Bill, Chris, Christy, Colorado, Death, Family, Flowers, Grandchildren, Heidi, Lisa, Me, Memorial Service, Memories, Mother, Native American Flute, Pam, Richard, Susan, Tim, Vel and tagged Bill, Christy, Colorado, Death, Family, Grandchildren, Heidi, Lisa, Me, Memories, Mother, Native American Flute, Pam, Richard, Susan, Tim, Vel. Bookmark the permalink.
The memory of my mother’s service in July is fresh on my mind. Different words, different images and music – but the same heart-felt sentiment. A lovely tribute. | 47d120d7d3854d34e81346a41080c33e | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Should you wish for a house superb safe cabinet mouse proof cabinet that suits your specific requirements, a personalized house is the ultimate choice. Follow these suggestions to make a flawless home plan.
We should begin from the most busiest living areas within your house. If you have guests formally then go for an elegant living room or dining room. On the other hand, if perhaps your life is tend to be casual then you would probably choose a bigger room which includes dining room and living room.
Assuming living space is not an issue, going for a bigger main bedroom tend to be a thoughtful choice to get a better rest.
A few other aspects to take into account include the measurements of your building space, climate as well as the structure of the neighboring buildings.
Right now, you could generate a 3D image of your home design. Superb safe cabinet mouse proof cabinet simply make a google search and there are lots of sites which are willing to help you designing a three dimensional floor plan. | 5e793754ea49ac47f473240aafc0edb9 | {
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} |
WAGONER, Oklahoma - A teenager in Wagoner County is being praised for his bravery after helping deputies catch a man with felony warrants. The man was running from deputies when he was tackled by the teenager.
When a deputy tried to stop and arrest Skylar Koons, they say he took off running. What Koons didn't realize was a 16-year-old who just happens to live in the neighborhood was watching.
Sometimes help can come from unexpected places. That is exactly what happened this week, when a Wagoner County Deputy tried to arrest a man wanted on felony warrants. Officers say the suspect, Skylar Koons, took off running through a neighborhood while a 16-year-old wrestling star watched from his driveway.
"I see the guy right over there across the street. He is running away from the cop," said Aundra Rhea, Good Samaritan.
"I look over to my dad and say, 'should I help him?' He said 'yeah' so I got out of the truck and I went to that alleyway."
Aundra tackled Koons a few houses up the road and then held him down while he waited for deputies.
"It looked like some WWE stuff to be honest with you. I just came behind him and I sort of tackled him, but I made his face go in to the mud you know?" Aundra said.
His neighbors say Aundra is just that kind of kid, always helping other people out.
"He come over with his big mower, and he mowed my front of my yard," said neighbor Sue Morgan.
"It's really nice to know that kids have something good to do and not something bad, so I'm pretty proud of him!"
But Aundra says helped because he felt like it was the right thing to do - and doing the right thing, even if it feels a little crazy at the time, is how he was raised.
"I don't like living in a bad town. So I like to help out a lot. That's how I'm raised," said Aundra Rhea.
"We have a 16-year-old person who in his heart is just trying to help law enforcement do the right thing. I think that speaks volumes about his honor and his integrity," said Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot.
Elliot actually told Aundra that when he turns 18, he wants him to apply for a job at the sheriff's office. The sheriff is also warning people that what Aundra did is dangerous, and he does not encourage others to do the same. | 8b36454d5adead8fef077912ca8b994b | {
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TSA Knife Rules: Can You Take a Knife on a Plane?
What's a great way to spend time in the knife shop with kids? Show them how to make knives from their favorite TV shows and movies.
Why Would a Company Make Knives in the USA?
With all the pressures to outsource, why would a knife company choose to manufacture in the United States? It turns out there are plenty of benefits to keeping things local.
The BLADE Show is the perfect place to spotlight a new release. Here are 13 knives that debuted at the 2018 event.
Awards recognizing the highest achievement in the custom and factory knife industries were bestowed the evening of Saturday, June 2, 2017, at the BLADE Show in the Cobb Galleria.
BLADE Show 2018 kicks off June 1 in Atlanta. In the hurry to get everything ready, don't forget these tips so you can attend the world's greatest knife show like a pro. | ff579e3ee317532667ffad28668e6560 | {
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Apart from laying emphasis on the wholistic care and motivation of youngsters to unleash their potential and creativity, Breakthrough also assists in training the youth workers who participate in the youth development. We hope that the Annual Reports and other Brief Reports would enable the readers to understand our work better.
Copyright 2019 Breakthrough Ltd. All rights reserved.
IE9, Chrome 5.0, Firefox 2.0 or advanced browser, Flash Player8.0 or advanced version. | af3ba56a8000e35931b122f3c4cdc93b | {
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This is a most delectable way to prepare fresh tuna fish. Somehow, it is a modified version of beef shawarma, without all the fat of meat. At only 290 calories per sandwich, each gyro is a pocketful of nutrients, packed with cholesterol-fighting niacin, antioxidant selenium, and a 200% daily value of vitamin B12—especially for non-meat eaters.
Among everything else, it’s so easy to make (and to eat!). I know that tuna and shawarma are rarely (if ever!) linked with one another, but you’re gonna have to trust me on this one. The taratour’s creamy nuttiness is a sublime blend with the aromatic spicy tuna.
Rub the fish strips with the oil and spices.
Put the fish mixture into the pan, stir frying for around 5 minutes, or until brown.
Add the lemon juice, and lightly salt.
For the dressing, add in all the ingredients together except the water, and stir.
As the mixture thickens, lightly drizzle the water into the mixture (while still stirring).
Place the sauce on the pita bread, adding the fish, more sauce, sumac, onions, tomatoes, and parsley. | 32e6b16a637f1f17ceb16d8f1a5a0eed | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Open minds seem to be an endangered species these days.
Thanks largely to the media bubble, groupthink and social media, we are exposed more and more to viewpoints that coincide with our own, and less and less with views that contradict or challenge us.
The political left and right are growing further apart and at times seem completely unable to communicate.
We receive so much confirmation bias of what we think and say that it’s easy to believe that we’re always right, that anything different is always wrong, and there can never be any middle ground.
If we believe something is wrong, having that belief challenged can help us alter our viewpoint and develop a more navigable view of the world.
If we believe something is right, having our belief challenged helps us identify and clarify why our belief is right.
Questioning our beliefs can help us to understand important aspects of those beliefs and the framework supporting them, be they social, political, religious, or anything else.
If we are uncertain about an issue, we can connect with views different to our own, widening our perception of the world and others, giving us new perspectives that may enrich us as an individual.
Being open to the beliefs and viewpoints of others helps us understand them and their backgrounds, enabling us to get along with them, find middle ground, communicate and (when necessary) build bridges.
Understanding the beliefs and views of others can also help us better understand who we are as individuals, strengthening our own sense of identity.
Questioning our ideas helps us think. That’s how philosophy evolved and the framework upon which modern science is based.
Thinking is good for us. It’s good for our peers, and good for the communities we live and work in. Thinking makes new ideas possible, and is the basis of the development and advancement of society.
We become rational adults by defining and refining our ideas. We cannot do this if our ideas are never challenged or questioned, and if we are never taught how to challenge or question.
Shutting down dissent stifles free thought, free speech and the development of humanity.
Ideas can be bad or wrong, but censoring them doesn’t kill them. Active debate can and does. Censorship simply makes incorrect or bad ideas more appealing, and can strengthen them.
“No platforming” stifles free speech, which is the basis of free thought. If we truly believe in free speech, we must defend the speech of all, including those with whom we strongly disagree. Defend their right to speak freely – then kill their poor arguments and bad ideas with better ones.
Create open minds by fostering logic, free speech, and free thought. Ideas can be dangerous, which is why all ideas merit honest discussion and analysis.
Genuinely bad ideas cannot withstand logic and sensible arguments. The willingness to discuss all ideas demands intellectual rigour and a lack of fear.
Shutting down debates indicates a lack of trust in our own ability to support our own ideas. If we believe our ideas are worthwhile, they should be defensible against debate or attack. If not, perhaps they need to be superceded with something better.
Teach your kids to value reasoned debate, freedom of speech and the search for the truth. In doing so, you will support clarity of thought and the ability to think rationally – skills that will benefit them as adults as they move through life.
I request that you delete this post as you have deleted my critical comment on your subsequent post on how everyone should fat shame their daughters. You are clearly a hypocrite who does not appreciate free speech or thought and who champions censorship.
Hi Alison – No comments of your (or anyone else’s) have been deleted. You are mistaken. Please check your facts before labelling people hypocrites. I believe strongly in free speech, even when people have their information wrong and when they are abusive to others. Thankyou for allowing me to exemplify what I believe in. | 35689b317ea4cb82a602d0e36dc49226 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Please note that the Suspension Guidelines are accessible via the BC Hockey Mobile App under the Safety page. The Mobile App can be downloaded from the Apple and Android stores for free.
In games played under the jurisdiction of a League, District or Local Associations; Misconduct Penalties in the last ten (10) minutes of a game and all Game Misconducts shall be reported by fax or email to the President of the League, District Association or Local Association immediately upon completion of the game. The original copy of game sheet and referee report must be mailed within 48 hours of completion of the game. Please contact your District Association if you have any questions regarding the appropriate mailing recipient for a report within your district, with the exception of the North West district. All reports within the North West district will be sent to the BC Hockey office address that is indicated below.
In all instances in which Match and Gross Misconduct Penalties are assessed; the Referee shall forward the game sheet and referee's report by fax or email immediately upon completion of the game. The original copy of both forms must be mailed within 48 hours of completion of the game to the BC Hockey office as set out below, with the exception of reports within the district associations of PCAHA, OMAHA and VIAHA. In these three (3) districts Match and Gross Misconduct reports will be sent to the district association office. Those failing to abide by this ruling will be subject to suspension. For certain offences and/or where appropriate, BC Hockey will notify the local Association, League or Team responsible for ensuring the suspension is served.
All minimum suspensions shall commence upon the conclusion of the game in which the infraction(s) occurred. | 81c340378f3c5f167cf3859fe11a5a0f | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
From Schneier's blog. Not only this solves the wrong problem, according to Schneier, but it also shows that governments are victims of VERY bad Infosec advisory. It's quite common to see defense department people responsible for advising on these matters. There are lots of trivial relationships between real warfare and information warfare, but assuming that they are the same thing is a real big mistake. Call the Subject Matter Experts, please.
Last summer, the surprising news came out that Japanese nuclear secrets leaked out, after a contractor was allowed to connect his personal virus-infested computer to the network at a nuclear power plant. The contractor had a file sharing app on his laptop as well, and suddenly nuclear secrets were available to plenty of kids just trying to download the latest hit single. It's only taken about nine months for the government to come up with its suggestion on how to prevent future leaks of this nature: begging all Japanese citizens not to use file sharing systems -- so that the next time this happens, there won't be anyone on the network to download such documents.
Even if their begging works, it solves the wrong problem. Sad. | 06d424c2b6953801b03ae4df15bc9d79 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Check this box if you want to disable the header image and text on all pages except the front page.
Check this box to show the nav bar at top (changes will be visible after you save and exit the Customizer).
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call-to-action Download it for free! | a50730547f06c8e93a5bb52fb0872a5f | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Be alerted when Madeleine Peyroux - The Blue Room (180g Vinyl LP) is back in stock.
A notification will be sent to when the Madeleine Peyroux - The Blue Room (180g Vinyl LP) is back in stock.
By the time producer/arranger Larry Klein discovered Ray Charles' Modern Sounds In Country And Western Music at 12 years old, it was already a classic and its hits were golden oldies. Klein found himself revisiting the album frequently over the next four decades. In an inspired moment, he thought a re-examination of this album would be an ideal project for Madeleine Peyroux because "she comes from the same places – jazz, country and blues." His concept was in no way intended to replicate the instrumentation or arrangements or style or sequence of the original album. Trying to beat Ray Charles at his own game is the true definition of "Born To Lose."
Madeleine is an artist whose sensibility and eclectic musical mix make for magnificent story-telling. And the songs that Ray Charles chose for Modern Sounds are, above all, stories. Wisely, Madeleine felt that the infusion of newer but like-minded material was essential to this project and gems like Warren Zevon's "Desparadoes Under The Eaves" and Randy Newman's "Guilty" attest to her impeccable instincts, as does the resurrection of a wonderful and obscure Buddy Holly song "Changing All Those Changes."
Larry Goldings, Dean Parks, David Piltch and Jay Bellerose form the group that provides the spare, tasteful backing arranged by Larry Klein for each song found on 2013's The Blue Room. Vince Mendoza's string arrangements on six tracks are beautiful, unpredictable and perfectly appropriate to the tone and mood of each song. If there is a direct musical link to Ray Charles, it's Goldings's soulful, in-the-pocket keyboard work with the same kind of perfectly placed notes and use of space that were part of Charles's signature.
Klein is a producer who knows his artists well and creates hand-tailored environments that suit them perfectly. When Madeleine takes "Bye Bye Love" slower than usual or "Take These Chains" faster than most, these are not decisions of style, but fundamental choices in her approach to the material. This is an album of music that is letter-perfect but coursing with blood, and it is as comfortable as an old pair of shoes. And like the Ray Charles album to which it pays homage, it reinvents everything it touches.
The Play 33 1/3 LP Series is a first LP issue project of the masterpiece albums which have never been released on the vinyl format. The albums are released by Universal Music Korea and the heavyweight vinyl LP is pressed in Germany. Khiov designs the project, reforms the original artworks for the LP size and produces the sleeves precisely by hand. In the age where faster and more convenient is thought to be better, the increase in demand for the retro vinyl LP worldwide is clearly attributed to the satisfaction from the sound offered by analog products impossible to be replicated by CD and digital products and the delight of touching, feeling, and possessing this masterpiece-like large artwork. | d59804154b3aea152b148b839dad226a | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Caitlin Betz, a senior, compiled a 15-5 record for Randolph, leading them into the MCT semifinals, before suffering a hamstring injury. Betz struck out 195 and had a 1.62 ERA. She was hurt by errors in the past but, this time out, the Rams’ defense tightened up. Betz was valuable at the plate as well, hitting .365 with an on-base percentage of .500.
Chatham’s Amanda Fazio, a left-hander, was reliable as a pitcher and hitter. Fazio, who had 12 shutouts, went 19-5 with 211 strikeouts and 28 walks. Her ERA was 1.57. She wielded a big bat, rapping out 36 hits, 11 for extra bases, and knocking in 19 runs. Fazio’s average was .409.
Dana Nielsen was one of the major forces behind Pequannock’s success. Nielsen, a junior right-hander, had an 18-1-1 record. She struck out 247 and walked 18 in 139 innings. Her ERA was 0.35. She gave up only 44 hits and had four no-hitters and 13 shutouts. Nielsen batted .437 with 13 RBIs.
Caitlin O’Connor of Morris Knolls continued her dominance and was 21-4 as a senior. Two of her losses were to powerful Hunterdon Central. Over 150 innings, she registered 212 strikeouts and gave up 65 hits. Her ERA was 0.89 ERA. O’Connor batted .392, rapping out 31 hits. She had five doubles, six homers, 44 RBIs and a .684 slugging percentage.
Kayla Lombardo, who played the left side of the infield before taking over as catcher this season, accumulated 45 hits and knocked in 37 runs for Pequannock. Among her hits were 14 doubles, three triples and nine home runs. Her batting average was .584. Few runners dared to steal on Lombardo, headed to Fordham University in the fall.
Morris Knolls’ Angela Maioran concluded a fine career with a .473 average, 43 hits, 12 for extra bases, and 34 RBIs. A catcher, Maioran had a .703 slugging percentage and .515 on-base percentage. Exceptional defensively, she made only one error and threw out 15 of 20 runners attempting to steal.
Parsippany Hills senior Cara McNeil posted excellent numbers for four years, establishing herself as one of Morris County’s finest first baseman. McNeil was top-notch on defense, committing one error. Although the Vikings’ offense struggled, she batted .369 and had a .438 on-base and slugging percentages. She drove in 20 runs – one-third of her team’s runs and had more than 100 hits for her career.
Kiki Baldassari held down the No. 2 spot in the order for Morris Knolls and always seemed to get on base. The junior second baseman boasted these numbers: .430 average, 43 hits, 33 runs, .440 slugging and .441 OBP. Baldassari, always aggressive, stole 21-of-21 bases. Her fielding percentage was .947.
Kinnelon’s Alyssa Schwed, a three-year starter, enjoyed a 19-game hitting streak this season. More than half of the junior shortstop’s 30 hits were for extra bases. Schwed, the No. 3 hitter before being moved to leadoff, batted .435 and had a .841 slugging percentage. She drove in 14 runs and stole 13 bases. Schwed, who goes all out on defense, had a .957 fielding percentage.
Junior center fielder Christina LoConte was a stellar leadoff hitter for Hanover Park. She hit .521 with an OBP of .573. LoConte had 38 hits, scored 27 runs and had 12 RBIs. She covered much ground in the outfield and made only one error. LoConte’s arm was another asset as she threw out five runners at the plate.
Parsippany’s Kelsey Principe had 132 career hits, including 36 this spring. Principe boasted a .581 average. She had a hit in every game but two and had seven RBIs. She stole 17 bases in 20 attempts. Principe possesses many defensive attributes. She made only one error and used her strong arm to cut down opposing baserunners.
Ally Thomas, a junior, came up with several important hits for Pequannock but none bigger than her one-out, two-run homer in the eighth inning that boosted the Golden Panthers over Chatham, 3-2. Thomas, the left fielder, had a .444 average, 25 RBIs, 10 extra base hits and four walks.
Courtney Simon, a sophomore, thrived as an outfielder and Whippany Park’s No. 1 hitter. Simon (.435) amassed 40 hits, including 10 doubles and five triples, and had 21 RBIs. Her slugging percentage was .652 and she had 60 total bases for Whippany Park, the Group I runner-up. The sure-handed Simon made only one error.
Morris Catholic, a Non-Public B finalist, had a versatile player in senior shortstop/pitcher Jeane Drury. Drury, who had more than 150 career hits, batted .600 with 45 hits. She knocked in 38 runs and scored 28. She displayed speed and power with 13 doubles and 20 stolen bases. As a pitcher, she struck out 133 and walked 14. Her record was ERA was 0.99.
Casey Reggiani was invaluable to Whippany Park as a pitcher/outfielder. Reggiani had a 12-1 record as a pitcher and a 1.47 ERA. She struck out 72 and walked 19. At the plate, she came up big, stroking 35 hits and driving in 22 runs. Reggiani’s .443 average was the best among the Wildcats. Her slugging percentage was .557.
Pequannock senior Becky Myron held down the cleanup spot and put up impressive numbers, going 33 for 78 and batting .423. Myron, the designated player, ended with 34 RBIs. She had seven doubles, a triple and three home runs. She walked eight times.
Junior first baseman Kelly Winans had a big season for Chatham, which advanced to the Group III semifinals. Winans had 31 hits and 22 RBIs. She had 10 doubles and a home run. She batted .360. As a fielder, Winans was steady and was charged with four errors in 168 chances.
Over her four years as a starter for Pequannock, Kayla Lombardo was consistent in every aspect of the game.
Adept at playing third base, shortstop and catcher, Lombardo, off to Fordham University, capped her career by hitting .584 with 45 hits and 37 RBIs. Among her hits were 14 doubles, three triples and nine homers.
Lombardo, who will pursue a career in journalism, was the Golden Panthers’ emotional leader and was named MVP of the Morris County Tournament after she and her teammates claimed their third consecutive title.
Still, she rarely wanted to talk about herself but rather about the chemistry Pequannock had.
Lombardo is a highly skilled defensive player. She displayed hustle and owns a strong arm. Few baserunners took a chance with her behind the plate.
Brianne McBreen, in her third season, guided Randolph to a 15-8 record and a berth in the MCT semifinals.
Under McBreen, a former Morristown-Beard pitcher and 2003 Bucknell University graduate, the Rams have notched 42 victories. A special education teacher at Randolph High School, she places much emphasis on teamwork.
It was a banner year for Pequannock, which was Group II runner-up to Robbinsville. The Golden Panthers fell short, 2-1, in the state final but claimed a sectional title, the Morris County Tournament championship for the third consecutive year and the NJAC-Independence Division crown.
Pequannock went 25-1-1 behind a talented group of seniors. Nine of the players on the Golden Panthers’ roster, three of them juniors, were on the 2006 Little League World Series squad that came in second.
Dana Nielsen and Kayla Lombardo formed a formidable battery. The infield was comprised of Deanna DeVito, Raquel LaManna, Dana Torchia and Courtney Borovskis.
The outfielders were Jaimie O’Rourke, Ally Thomas, Ali Fichtler and Sam DeVito. Becky Myron served as designated player.
Boonton: Kylie Morgan; Butler: Kim LaPenta, Alexandria Spellamn, Lindsey Walden; Chatham: Kendall Davies; Dover: Joan Medvar, Kiana Mitchell; Hanover Park: Sam Snyder, Nicole Hand, Brooke Lieberman, Natalie Miano; Jefferson: Kelly Noonan, Amanda Gerritsen; Kinnelon: Kathryn Waldrop, Samantha DeClario; Madison: Julianna Vezza, Tori Ellis; Mendham: Dimitria Spathakis; Montville: Jackie DiPiazza, Taylor Strickland, Jessica Shalongo; Morris Catholic: Liz Dinsmore; Morris Hills: Stacey Abasto, Dana Castellano; Morris Knolls: Cara Rubinaccio; Morris Tech: Krysta Scimeca; Morristown: Vicki Perez, Betsy Boehler; Morristown-Beard: Emily Vnencak, Jill Raia; Mount Olive: Casey Schreiner, Ally Haggerty; Parsippany: Alex Rigoli, Vicki Lonero; Parsippany Hills: Becky Becher; Pequannock: Deanna DeVito, Dana Torchia; Randolph: Victoria Conklin, Amanda Magadan, Michelle Kovary; Roxbury: Jill Fiebel, Holly Arentowicz; St. Elizabeth: Marie Ricca; Villa Walsh: Grace Edelson, Chelsea Drake; West Morris: Allie McCourt, Aubrey Pellerin, Becca Raymond; Whippany Park: Brianna Cetrulo, Hannah Mucerino, Taylor Trifiolis, Ashley Belott. | 95a05af5514db2c65fadb34a421d4822 | {
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Samsung UN65JU6700 Review: 65-inch Curved Television for Having Home Theater Samsung UN65JU6700 review discusses thoroughly a wonderful Samsung television product. Samsung UN65JU6700 is a 4K LED television having same picture quality with the previous series of JU6500. An impressing feature is a curved screen with a better remote. It becomes the best UHD television from Samsung Electronics.
Samsung UN65JU6700 is one of recommended curved television with 4K feature. It has been operated by 4K specification to create incredible picture quality in both dark and bright rooms at home. It is categorized to be a smart television with UHD picture dimming to compromise the use of 4K. It is also supported by the other picture quality features including contrast enhancer and quad core processor. LCD backlit in this television is ideal for picture technology. Nevertheless, Samsung’s clear coat is big plus category. It totally proffers accurate color information and produced picture. Pop color is very great for this Samsung LED television having bright LED in this industry requiring the brightest screen. The ultra panel technology is really helpful to absorb ambient light. It becomes the best feature from Samsung. Lastly, it involves a wide color enhancer and technology for expanded color pallet of UN65JU6700 picture.
Light flow made of this Samsung LED UN65JU6700 has been huge positive effects for recent years. It is improved with UHD technology to transfer light in the television. It has been one of the best television’s characteristics in the market. Some complain about screen. But, it does not matter in which it has been handled by a standout feature of LED backlight. It is one of interesting things to discuss in UN65JU6700 review. The LED backlight overcomes some screen uniformity problems and issues to upgrade in a reasonable level. This is able to keep this screen issue appearing when you buy this television. You are still able to find brightness from this LED television to give comfort during watching television. LED backlight is much needed for a super bright room. It is able to create balance sharpness of color in order to keep eye sight in watching television directly.
Talking about upscaling issue is very interesting to be a hot topic. Samsung UN65JU6700 television can be given average score for upscaling and conversion rate of HD to UHD. Some people may ever ask the picture quality of Samsung UN65JU6700 4K UHD television. Some get doubtful on the picture quality whether it is used standard definition or HD signal to support it. It was operated by HD signal but it is currently converted to be UHD making it having a better performance. With available 4K content, upscaling quality is very important. It is applicable to decrease noise of videos with low resolution signal. HD signal is fair to increase detailed picture and make it look sharp to see. This becomes a difference from Samsung UN65JU6700 television from the other 4K televisions. Upscaler technology will work stronger. This makes costumers prefer this television to create home theater effects at home. Those are some great specifications embedded in UN65JU6700 review. | f79a2fb64e179afe77276bb8137f8242 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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These last-minute Halloween decorations and projects will fill your home with color and atmosphere. Creepy, colorful, or comic, the decorating and party ideas are quick and easy to create.
Create a spooky cast of characters using spools of thread for the mini-monster's bodies. Embellish with googly eyes, ribbon and string. We used felt cutouts for the eyes and mouths for the creatures. As party favors stick a lollipop in the hole on top. For a fun kids craft for the party, have them decorate their own.
Nothing can disguise the appeal of this black-and-white Halloween wreath. The wreath displays all the mystery and excitement of a masquerade ball. To make the wreath, remove the elastic bands from simple black and white half masks. Using a plastic foam wreath form as a base, arrange the masks around the form, alternating colors and overlapping masks. Adhere the masks using straight pins or hot glue. For a colorful contrast, tie a black-and-orange ribbon bow, and glue or pin to the wreath.
These no-fuss pumpkin face decorations require no messy pumpkin carving and can be made in minutes. Cut the smiling pumpkin faces from black cardstock and tape the shapes to orange cardstock that has been cut to fit the lantern panels. The finished product will brighten railings or steps during the day, but can also light up the night when you put battery-operated candles or flashlights inside the lanterns.
Decorate hurricane lanterns to add an old-fashioned candle-lit glow to any Halloween party. Click on the link below for step-by-step instructions for this easy project. Measure the height and diameter of the lantern; subtract 1/8 inch from the height. Use these measurements to cut a piece of patterned paper and black paper. Spray the back of the patterned paper with adhesive; press onto the black paper. Use a crafts knife to cut a diamond-shape opening in the papers. Type the word you want on a computer, sizing it to fit inside the diamond opening; print onto vellum. With the word centered, cut the vellum slightly larger than the opening; glue to the black side of the layered papers. Cut 1/2-inch-wide strips of black paper to frame the opening. Trim one edge with pinking shears. Glue the strips along the front edges of the opening with the pinked edges toward the printed word. Spray the black side of the layered papers with adhesive; mount to the outside of the lantern with the bottom edges even. The paper should be slightly shorter than the lantern to avoid being a fire hazard.Spray the back of a coordinating patterned paper with adhesive; mount on black poster board for the brim. Measure the distance across the lantern bottom. Cut a circle from the layered brim papers 3 inches larger than the measurement. Glue the bottom of the lantern centered on the brim. Cut a 1-inch-wide strip of coordinating paper to fit around the lantern base. Pink the top edge. Spray the back side with adhesive. Adhere to the lantern bottom with the bottom edge touching the brim. Insert a candle or as a party favor fill with candy!
Welcome guests with the glint of candlelight and a spark of intrigue. A stone-look urn resembling a pumpkin makes a lovely anchor for a bouquet of decorative half masks in black, white, and silver. Tuck floral foam into the urn, and press the dowel attached to the mask into the foam. Cover the opening of the urn with green moss. Place the urn on an entry table. Arrange distressed-glass votives on shiny silver fabric draped over the table edge. Accent the vignette with a bit more moss.
This easy-to-make pumpkin decoration requires no carving at all -- simply paint 10 pumpkins and the stems (we used light green and black paint, but you can choose whatever colors you like), arrange to form a caterpillar, and cover with adhesive-felt dots. Finish the creepy creature with a pair of large googly eyes.
These pull-apart plastic ornaments transform into larger-than-life eyeball candy holders. Use a circle cutter to make two round stencils, then decorate. Enclose treats inside the spooky eyeballs for added fear factor.
Line up paper pumpkins to harvest loads of cheerful creativity. The accordion-fold shapes can spell out whatever Halloween greeting suits your style and space. Keep it short and simple with a single word (we started with "fun"), or spell out a phrase (for example, "Happy Halloween!" or "Party Like a Pumpkin") to welcome friends to your Halloween haven. To make the garland, draw and cut out stemmed pumpkins from orange cardstock. Make one for each letter of your greeting; you can make extras to leave blank, too. Cut letters from black cardstock to fit on the pumpkins. Accordion-fold the pumpkins with approximately 1 inch between each fold. Use black or brown marker to fill in the stem area. Use double-stick tape to attach a letter to each folded pumpkin, being careful not to flatten the folds. String a length of twine along a wall or above a doorway. Attach each pumpkin to the twine with a binder clip, or tape the stems to the twine.
Create these easy, vintage-looking Halloween ornaments from everyday crafts supplies. | a823cd181d846592cbfcf73a3af8514f | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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John smashed it last weekend for the 7 years Jungle Club party in Freiburg, in the Black Forest region of Germany, with MC Fava - also the promoter for the night. We've collected photos taken from the event and posted them up on John B's Flickr page, you can see the whole lot if you click here. Big thanks to the photographers! | d4894067024fdbc16edc03afa7138712 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Ever wonder where the metal comes from to make the Olympic medals? Most of it is from right here in the U.S.A.
Utah’s Kennecott Copper Mine is donating $7.3 million in gold, silver and bronze for the Olympic medals.
Known as the largest man-made hole in the earth, the mine can be seen from space.
Our own Ashton Edwards took a trip to the mine. Here’s what she saw. | 9c77b2053451f3a1ecd1006af8bd82b3 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
My family will be visiting Hong Kong in a few weeks, and am hoping some fellow parents with similar experience or who live in Hong Kong can chime in! We are a family of a 4 year old and a 6 month old, both boys. My 3 year old nephew (plus his parents) will be coming along as well.
Diapers - bring or buy there? The baby wears size 2 Pampers, is the sizing similar in HK? How about cost-wise? My 4 year old is still in pull ups at night, but I'll likely bring instead of buy since he won't need very many.
Thanks in advance - there's a good chance I'll have more questions to ask as I think through things in preparation for the trip!
How long will you stay in HK? You can get Pampers in HK but I can't compare price wise. When we go to HK, my son was 7 months, we brought diapers as there's space in the luggage. I'm sure you'll shop in HK in not China, therefore the empty luggage would be extremely useful.
On one of the other holidays in Spore, I forgot to pack diapers for our 3-day trip and had to buy Pampers, size quite close. It doesn't hurt to buy one size larger if unsure, better than smaller size.
Thanks nvie! We will be there for 2 weeks. If we bring them, we'd have to bring close to 100 (prob wont need that many but why risk being just a few short?).
I don't have any personal experience, but is it possible you can mail the bulk of the diapers to your destination ahead of time?
Ive been to hk with baby twice this year, you will find everything you need there and readily available. Bring some nappies so you don't have to go looking for them straight away but if you want to buy pampers is everywhere. Merries is good also. I didn't find it v $$ but that is compared to Australian prices.
In Hong Kong You can find diapers: size 1 for 2-5 Kg babies, size 2 for 3-6 kg babies and size 3 for 4-7 kg.
Thanks, all, for your input!
coconuttiger - so glad to know you have direct experience in this. Your suggestion is a good one.
kathyrn3 - i appreciate the price and sizing info very much!
I may wait to see how full (or not full) our luggages are before deciding what to do. If we have a lot of space left, I might as well fill it with diapers. Otherwise, I'll bring enough for the first day and then plan to buy them there. So glad have this option and it sounds like it would work out either way.
One other thing - I'm debating whether to bring a high chair cover to HK. Baby hasn't sat in a restaurant high chair yet (though he has at home), and I just ordered one of those padded fabric covers to place on restaurant high chairs to protect baby from germs (who knows how/when those high chairs are cleaned). I ordered a fairly compact one, as we already have a really cushy one at home but it's huge so I wouldn't want to bring that overseas.
As to eating in one of those yummy wholes (oh, I love them, too!), just keep the baby on your lap. The more relaxed you approach this trip, the more relaxed your kids will be!
I would not take a high chair cover either - just use a couple of wet wipes if in doubt.
Don't worry: In my experience you can get absolutely everything in Hong Kong.
Just bring some nappies and buy the rest. You will have no problems finding Pampers. For your 6 month old, it may be more convenient to keep him in a carrier (like a babybjorn) rather than lug a stroller everywhere since it gets really crowded and many restaurants are not child friendly. Also, if you will be taking taxis you will need to mentally get over the fact that generally people do not use car seats (unless you own a car) so I always carry my infant in a carrier while in a taxi although I try to minimise this.
I'd probably bring about a week's worth of diapers, and buy the rest in HK. Your first day or two on arrival will probably be too hectic, so you want to ease into it. Can you bring one of those low seating strollers that can be used as both a car seat and buggy seat? I don't know a brandname off hand but I would think these are useful to bring into restaurants because of their relatively small "footprint" space.
I'm going to assume there are 4 adults at least during this trip, just make sure you get a lot of help handing the baby over when you are tired!
We brought the same City Mini to HK 2 years ago and I thought it worked ok, though towards the end of the trip I think we resorted to carrying/walking my then-18 month old.
We're planning to go to Disneyland HK so I know the stroller will come in handy then.
I think the City Mini is a better idea than the car seat on top of a low snap-n-go, would you agree? At least the City Mini is foldable (as opposed to a car seat) and it gives us flexibility in that either child could use it.
foryoda - ah, great point about car seats not being used in taxis/cars there. I did read there were no laws around this. Last time, we brought a car seat (sunshine kids radian) because my son needed it for the plane anyway (yes, we bought him an airline ticket because I didn't want to hold a 20-something lbs toddler for a 15 hr flight - that was a great decision).
This time, the only road vehicles we'll take for sure are for the ride from and to the HK airport. The rest of the time, we'll take MTR. We may take a taxi once or twice, but those would be only when we're in a pinch for time.
In thinking about the rides from/to airport, I thought it better to be safe than sorry, and am planning to bring a car seat (for infant) and a light, booster seat (for preschooler). I know it might be considered a "waste" to lug those two pieces just for two 45-minute drives, but on the other hand, it increases safety for my kids and in my opinion, the "cost" isn't too much - it'd mean more equipment to put/take out of the car and haul to the check-in counter, but that's about it. I'd leave the two seats in the flat in HK, not to be used other than going from/to airport.
What are your thoughts about this? Honestly, it'd take quite a bit of convincing to get me to change my mind, but I'm curious about what other parents think.
Also, we are renting a large flat for all of us and I'm bringing the pack n play for my infant as a dedicated space where he could be safe in the flat, though I'll probably end up nursing him in bed by the morning time, which is what we do at home.
Wow that is a lot of stuff you are planning to bring!
Re taxis we didn't use a car seat, i dont think it's mandatory anywhere in Asia! At no time did it ever feel unsafe, the cars just did not travel quickly enough for them to get into a bad accident! We just held bb tightly or sat her between us holding onto her.
I have to say I am a minimalist packer though! One thing I did pack was lots of baby food. It that wasn't necessary as they have lots there.
We just bought sanitizing wipes to wipe down the high chair when we ate out. | 54925e699c92287cfcf5a402c4d9bdf0 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Many people own a TV set and it is important to unplug it if we don’t use it. Many of us turn off the TV using remote control, but at this mode, the set still draws some amount of electricity. Over the year, the TV set could add up to the overall power consumption.
We should be aware that big things always start small. If we have large-screen TV, we should make sure that it is based on more efficient technology. The conventional CRT technology requires significant amount of power, while LED and LCD sets consume much less power.
Refrigerators are indispensable in many households. They can help us to provide freshness and preserve perishables. There are ways to reduce power consumptions, such as letting hot food to cool down before we put it inside the fridge. Putting warm foods will require extra power. It is also a good idea to limit the amount of frozen food, because they require more amount of energy to freeze.
It is one of our most favourite appliances, especially if we live in hotter regions. During the peak of summer, we could set it at lowest temperature and highest fan speed to cool our room down quickly. In general, we could actually set the temperature at 25 degrees to make the room feels more comfortable. It is also important to check the thermostat to ensure that it works properly.
It is also a good idea to regularly clean the filter. If our AC set is well maintained, it could make the room cooler faster. AC sets should also have good EFR value and we should check for it.
Choosing the right bulb model is an ideal way to reduce lighting costs. Compact florescent light bulbs are good choice to reduce electricity costs. They are much brighter and last longer than typical incandescent bulbs.
Many people just can’t live without their computers. If we use our computers often, it is a good idea to upgrade our old computer sets. If we use the computer only for light tasks, it is a good idea to choose low-power processor models, such as Intel Atom. Latest low-power models are powerful enough to handle document management, web browsing and even light gaming. It is also a good idea to replace the monitor with LCD or LED models.
Current processor models also include embedded graphics cards and we don’t need to purchase separate graphics cards, if we don’t play games. It is also important to ensure we have enough RAM, if we are highly productive and open many web browser tabs or software at once. | 25d06dac3d21e14d3bbcc3ad32c73910 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
These are delivered over a period of a term. The classes are structured so that there is gentle and gradual progression over time. There is emphasis on both guidance and practice within a progressive learning environment.
Thank you for the great way you connected today the physical with the spiritual breathing.
Thank you for the great way you connected today the physical with the spiritual breathing. Thank you for helping us to feel lighter today and hope that we all engage with your good guidance both in a physical and spiritual level. | d9e22f8bc970f9ee99cf7bb31c3e25c7 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
The Medford Democratic City Committee will meet Wednesday, October 24, at 7pm, in room 201 (Richard E. Lee room) at Medford City Hall.
The guest speaker will be newly-appointed Medford City Clerk Adam Hurtubise. He will speak on early voting. Massachusetts is holding an early voting period ahead of the general election in November. Adam will explain Medford’s Early Voting Program. | 4f4ef134099f2407185743a65f17769a | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
The Wyndham Irvine-Orange County Airport is the hotel that we have negotiated preferred rates with for conference attendees. It is located approximately one hour directly south of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) via a major interstate freeway (I-405), and minutes from Orange County John Wayne Airport (SNA).
Additionally, the conference hotel is located 40 minutes directly south of Long Beach Airport (LGB) via the I-405 freeway. Long Beach Airport is served by the following commercial airlines: Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air, Allegiant Air, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, and JetBlue Airways.
Click on the map icons to reveal icon details.
©2018, Advanced Power & Energy Program, all rights reserved. Site maintained by the Advanced Power & Energy Program, UC Irvine. | 7b2a7e196ccf8f2738ae0b71dd18e7fa | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
2. Class time : From 1pm ~ to 2;30pm on Mon or Fridday once a day.
3. Student : A 4-year - old student . | 6c3cf67ad327e228eba959836a3e032c | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
What records are available on Estate Search?
How current is the data on Estate Search?
How far back can you inquire about cases on Estate Search?
How long do records remain on Estate Search?
Why do I lose the connection and get returned to the Estate Search home page?
How can I find the meaning of some of the terms in Estate Search?
How do I obtain additional case information?
Why can't I find the Estate when searching by name?
I know the estate was filed in Baltimore, but I can't find it.
I keep getting the message: "The result set exceeds the limit of 500 records. Please narrow your search."
Who do I contact if I have questions about Estate Search?
1. What is Estate Search?
Estate Search provides public access, via the internet, to information from estate records maintained by the Maryland Registers of Wills. This information includes decedent's name, estate number and status, date of death, date of filing, personal representative, attorney, decedent alias, and docket history.
2. What records are available on Estate Search?
Records are available from 1998 to present for all estates filed with the Registers of Wills. Below is a list of the estate types and a brief description.
Regular Estate (RE) - Assets subject to administration in excess of $50,000 ($100,000 if the spouse is the sole legatee or heir).
Regular Estate Judicial (RJ) - A proceeding conducted by the Orphans' Court when matters cannot be handled administratively. For example, when the validity of the will is at issue, or the will is lost, stolen or damaged.
Small Estate (SE) - Assets subject to administration valued at $50,000 or less ($100,000 if the spouse is the sole legatee or heir).
Foreign Proceeding (FP) - Decedent domiciled out of state with real property in Maryland.
Motor Vehicle (MV) - Transfer of motor vehicle only.
NonProbate (NP) - Property of the decedent which passes by operation of law such as a joint tenancy, tenants by the entireties, or property passing under a deed or trust, revocable or irrevocable. Non probate property must be reported to the Register of Wills on the Information Report or Application to Fix Inheritance Tax on Non-Probate assets.
Unprobated Will Only (UN) - Will filed, along with Information Report and/or Application to Fix Inheritance Tax reporting no assets.
Modified Administration (MA) - A procedure available when the residuary legatees consist of the personal representative, spouse and children. Estate must be solvent and final distribution must occur within 12 months from date of appointment. A verified final report is filed within 10 months from the date of appointment.
Limited Order (LO) – A limited order to locate assets or a will.
3. How current is the data on Estate Search?
The data is updated daily at the end of the business day.
4. How far back can you inquire about cases on Estate Search?
Estate records are available from 1998 to present for all jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions have entered older estate records.
5. How long do records remain on Estate Search?
Records will remain in Estate Search indefinitely and are not removed except by a Court Order.
6. Why do I lose the connection and get returned to the Estate Search home page?
Estate Search is programmed to time out after 2 minutes of inactivity.
7. How can I find the meaning of some of the terms in Estate Search?
8. How do I obtain additional case information?
You can obtain additional estate information at the Register of Wills Office in the jurisdiction where the estate record is on file. Requests must be made in person or in writing. For office locations and contact information, see: registers.maryland.gov.
9. Why can't I find the Estate when searching by name?
To refine your search, try using just the last name in the jurisdiction of residence of the decedent.
Searching by last name only is allowed. Partial name searches are allowed. The percent sign (%) is a wildcard.
The wildcard can assist your search in several ways.
Example 1: You are looking for a person whose last name is either Smithman or Smithson. You can enter Smith% and the search will return every name that begins with Smith (Smithson, Smithman, Smithsburg, etc.).
Example 2: You want to find every person whose last name is Smith and whose first name begins with an M. You enter Smith in the last name field and M% in the first name field. The search will return every Smith whose first name begins with M.
Example 3: You are looking for a person whose first name is Mary but you are not sure if the last name is Steinberg or Stromberg. You enter Mary in the first name field and %berg in the last name field. The search will return every person whose first name is Mary and last name ends with berg.
You can sort the columns by clicking on the column header.
Select 'New Search' to return to a clear search screen.
Use the 'Clear' button to clear all fields and begin your search again.
10. I know the estate was filed in Baltimore, but I can't find it.
Baltimore City and Baltimore County are two completely separate entities. Verify the decedent's jurisdiction of residence and try your search again.
When a search exceeds 500 records, Estate Search returns the first 500 cases pulled from the database which may not include the record you are seeking. You should narrow your search by including other information such as the filing date range, first name, case type, etc.
12. Who do I contact if I have questions about Estate Search? | 28dc895bdedd179404316a09d7c519e6 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
How To Disable Google Buzz in Gmail?
You are here: Home / How To / How To Disable Google Buzz in Gmail?
Do you wish to get rid of Google Buzz in Gmail by disabling it? Then you are in right place.This post will guide you how to remove Google Buzz in Gmail.
3. Click on “Buzz” and scroll down to the last two choices.
Thanks for useful information. I did not know that. | 750e1e5f9260b881e795671e1b87a29f | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
It is fat and water soluble and enhances the entire anti-oxidant defense system. It is believed to help strengthen short term memory and offer protection against stroke, heart disease and cataracts.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a very strong anti-oxidant and is able to recycle Vitamin C, E and Coenzyme Q10 after they have been neutralized by free radicals and in so doing restore their ant-oxidant properties. It has been used extensively in Europe to treat short term memory loss and to help with the control of blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
Recent research cited in “The Antioxidant Miracle” (L.Packer and C.Colman, 1999), carried out by leading researchers into ant-oxidants and their effects at the University of California at Berkeley suggests that ALA could play an important role in the treatment and/or prevention of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cataracts.
ALA diminishes in the body as one ages therefore making supplementation necessary.
It is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. | d54344aee6e9220ad55e416fa8a438e0 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Campaigners are claiming a major scalp in the fight against workfare after retailer Holland & Barrett announced they were pulling out of the scheme. On hearing the news, Brighton Solidarity Federation tweeted "we've won an important battle against workfare, but the war is far from over." The announcement came just 24 hours before a planned national week of action against workfare organised by the Boycott Workfare Network. Holland & Barrett had strongly backed workfare, announcing that they were committed to taking 1,000 people on unpaid work schemes this year alone (out of a workforce of just 3,500). | bde9d195eb52b8b3bb81f69b5ed97455 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Nothing says more about a person than they maintain their bathrooms. However, I think you could get a lot more character than the small bathroom are large. The small bathroom has a lot of imagination to decorate. Because there is so little space, imaginative person. I see all kinds of cool things added to the small bathroom which has a shower a lot of spices. One thing that can be decorative, which makes a big difference, it is a bathroom storage cabinets.
Fortunately, bathroom storage cabinets are available in almost every home improvement retailer stores often have at least a few of these for your display. Additionally, you can usually make a purchase over the internet for a variety of choices. When shopping on the Internet are advised to pay attention to the hidden costs such as transportation and handling. A smart customer is a happy customer. Because the bathroom cabinet can weigh quite a lot, it is good to know if there are any additional costs to the size and weight of your purchase.
Of course, if you want a bathroom storage cabinets, you want something that fits your bathroom. It is not always an option with the options available through normal means. Many people choose to borrow the project through the internet or books useful for wood; then they make their own bathroom storage cabinets them. This can be very useful for people who like to draft weekend. I was one of those who should I use power tools of this invisible hit list that determine who can and can not use it.
Perhaps you are wondering how you will spend on the bathroom cabinet. Well, rest assured that they come in so many awards like the style. I saw some plastic that costs $ 5 dollars in the market and some of the “new” at an antique store for $ 3,500 USD. When buying a bathroom cabinet, it is best to consider the option, the style you need, and the more you spend on one. Knowing these things before hand will significantly speed up the process. | 1faa1d089523ac2768559e2087f215b2 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Mary Jepkosgei Keitany has evolved to be a power pack in distance running since she announced her arrival on the grand stage with silver at the 2007 World Half Marathon Championships.
Having proven her mettle by smashing the World Half Marathon record in February 2011 at Ras-al-Khaimah, where she set about to attack the course on a solo charge, Keitany stepped up to the plate with another resounding victory at the London Marathon barely two months later; a feat she repeated this year.
Keitany’s exploits in the Middle East saw her joined the hallowed company of distance running icons namely, Catherine Ndereba, her idol, and Tegla Loroupe, as the only female World record holders from Kenya.
Many up and coming athletes give credit to the stalwarts, like Ndereba, Susan Chepkemei and Tegla Loroupe, and Keitany is no exception. “People were always praising people like Ndereba and Chepkemei and it made me want to do something similar,” she said.
Born in Kisok village, Keitany went to Kanjulul and Kisok Primary schools. During that period, she used to take part in school competitions for fun, reaching district level at 5000m. She took her athletics a notch higher in 2002, when she joined Hidden Talent Academy for her secondary school education, specialising in 1500 and 5000m.
Keitany went all the way to national level in 2003, at 5000m, and she repeated the feat in 2004, running in the national 5000m finals at Kasarani. Another national finals appearance marked her final year and, in January 2006, Keitany moved to Iten to join a group of athletes training in the area. “I knew I had a talent so I thought I should go somewhere where I can develop and improve it,” she said.
the San Silvestre Olivais 10km in Lisbon on December 30, clocking 33:06.
She started 2007 with a 5km cross country race in Le Mans in January where she finished fourth. Two weeks later, Jepkosgei Keitany lined up in Almeria Half Marathon, where she edged out Joan Aiyabei to win in 1:13:02.
In April, she continued her good Half Marathon form, winning the Ivry-Vitry Humarathon, her second win over the distance. Three weeks later, she got a chance to rub shoulders with the crème de la crème of road running when she paced the London Marathon. “It was great to run in London and I ran with the leaders until the 26k mark when I dropped out as my work was done,” she said.
Then, in September, she won her third Half Marathon when she clinched Lille Half Marathon in 1:08:43. After that, she returned home and, when she was picked for the World Half Marathon Championships, in Udine, she upped her training at her Iten base.
She lived up to her promise in the Italian city in October, running the race of her life to win silver in her then new personal best of 1:06.48, behind Lornah Kiplagat who won the world crown.
Keitany would however not build on her 2007 results in 2008, as she took a break to attend to maternal matters.
In 2009, the genial and shy lady made a resounding comeback after taking a year out to attend to maternal duties, having married fellow athlete Charles Koech at the back end of her memorable breakthrough year.
Their son, Jared Kipchumba was welcomed to the world on 22 June, 2008. Not that you would tell, going by her tremendous performances in her comeback season that saw her end the year with the three best marks at the distance.
She was in fact back with a bang in 2009 starting with a 10km race in Bangalore, in May, where she finished second in a personal best time of 32:09. Then, in September, she clocked 1:07:00 to win the Lille Métropole Half Marathon, making her the fastest at the distance that far in 2009.
Her time of 1:07:00 was then the fastest in 2009 making her one of the favourites in the English city of Birmingham that hosted the World Half, especially in the absence of three-time champions, Britain’s Paula Radcliffe and Lornah Kiplagat, the Kenyan born Dutch runner who had won the three previous editions.
Upon arrival at the British city, Keitany was caught up in drama on the eve of the race, when she was among a group of top athletes, including compatriot Sammy Kitwara, who were trapped on their way to the press conference when a lift got stuck between floors. “I thought we would collapse in there, it was very hot,” Keitany said.
On October 11, she dusted herself from the 50 minutes of anxious waiting and fears of dehydration to post a commanding catch-me-if-you-can victory in 1:06:36, the fastest time after Lornah Kiplagat’s World record in the same event in 2007.
Such was the sheer form of her display that it was no wonder Keitany argued that she might have beaten Lornah Kiplagat’s then World record of 1:06.25 had circumstances been more favourable.
And she was not done; Keitany checked in for the lucrative Airtel Delhi Half Marathon on 1 November and once again, caused jaws to drop when she seamlessly clocked 1:06:54 to leave the course record in pieces after taking off at World record pace earlier in the race.
Keitany, who took the top prize of 25,000 dollars, said that she had Kiplagat’s 1:06:25 record in mind when she started. “The course was excellent and the weather was not bad. I hope to come back next year,” she said at the time having twice come close to achieving her goal.
It was her third career sub 1:07, meaning she now held four of the top-10 timings on the all-time lists and following that sequence of barnstorming runs, Keitany’s elevation to the full marathon became a matter of when, not if as the distance running world eagerly awaited.
Keitany ran sparingly in 2010, the year that saw her anticipated ultimate distance debut finally unfold in the streets of New York, but most importantly, she broke her first World record albeit at the rarely acknowledged 25km.
She opened her campaign with victory at the Zayed Half (7 January) in Abu Dhabi where the field was conquered in 1:07:14 before placing second (28 February) at the "World’s Best" 10km road race in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with the ticker stopping at 31:09.
Her big moment arrived on 9 May at the Big Berlin 25km, when she motored almost unchallenged to 1:19:53 to confine Japan’s Mizuki Noguchi’s previous all time best over the distance, set at the Berlin Marathon in 2005 of 1:22:13, to the footnotes of history.
Keitany ran her own race at the front, assisted by pacemakers, on a fast even pace throughout – even on the final uphill stretch leading back to the finish at the Olympic Stadium – and was on schedule for a time of around 1:20 throughout the race. So dominant was her performance that Keitany was almost five minutes ahead of runner-up Alice Timbilil who stopped the clock in 1:24:38.
"I have prepared long and intensively for this race and I had expected to break the World record," Keitany said. "But I did not expect to break it by such a margin and to run sub 1:20.” Keitany added, with compatriot Samuel Kosgei, (1:11:50) who won the men’s race, also setting a World record.
Some three weeks later, a 31:06 career best showing over 10km was enough for victory at the BUPA Road Race in London on 31 May, before she prepared for her full marathon debut by crushing the opposition in 1:08:50 at the Lisbon Half (26 September).
With the buzz surrounding her debut at the New York Marathon providing most of the pre-race fodder, Keitany set about attacking the Five Boroughs on 7 November with intent, but at the closing stages of the race, fellow debutant, America’s Sharlane Flanagan and compatriot Edna Kiplagat were pushing for the top honours.
Inside Central Park, with two miles or so to go, Flanagan made a move and built a five-metre lead; but not for long, and soon she was fading and third.
Then Kiplagat struck. She moved ahead, slowly at first and then looking back and seeing daylight behind her, she confidently increased the pace, crossing the finish line in 2:28:20. Behind her, Flanagan passed the broken Keitany to take second in 2:28:40. Keitany held third in 2:29:01.
“I learnt my lesson and next year, I will surely ensure that I’m able to finish races. I have started well in marathon. I guess I have to adjust to running the full marathon since I ran out of energy when we came close to the finish and when I saw her (Kiplagat) go, I could not respond,” she declared upon her return.
With targets locked and loaded, Keitany approached 2011 with purpose and it did not take long for her to command international headlines.
On 18 February, Keitany finally obliterated Lornah Kiplagat’s WR by a yawning 35 seconds in the Ras Al Khaimah race, where she clocked 1:05:50 for victory after running most of the distance solo.
Her manager, Gianni Demadonna, who was in Kenya at the time, could not disguise his joy, “I'm so delighted with her performance. Even though we knew she could achieve it, we did not state that she was going for it before the race since we do not like putting our athletes under pressure to perform."
"Our plan is to make her a marathoner to win the Olympic title in 2012 (in London) and capable of doing 2:18," added Demadonna. "We planned for her to do one half marathon before the London Marathon in April where we are targeting a 2:25 performance and she in on course for that."
On 17 April, in front of a keen British public, as The Mirror described, “Mary Keitany pounded out an Olympic warning to Paula Radcliffe on the streets of London yesterday. Only Radcliffe has run a faster time than that clocked by the flying Kenyan in turning the Virgin London Marathon into a procession,” as she proceeded to complete a sparkling 2:19:19 victory and a career best performance that ushered her into the limited class of sub-2:20s.
“I was confident and strong that I could accomplish such a victory since I was well prepared, the course and the weather were great. My aim is to improve on this so that I can continue winning and maybe in future, I will try the World record. I’m so happy and I’m returning home to celebrate with my family,” Keitany said upon arrival back home.
After winning the Lisbon 5km road race on 29 May, she duly defended her Lisbon Half title (25 September) in 1:07:54 as she prepared to return to New York for the second bite of the Big Apple pie.
On 6 November, Keitany went off at a crazy pace that appeared to be turning conventional wisdom about this course on its head. She was flying through the early miles, ignoring all cautionary tales of the toll the course can take, seemingly intent on shattering the course record. By mid-race, her lead over the nearest competitor was well over two minutes.
However, her punishing pace saw her trail off in the last 11km as Ethiopian duo, Firehiwot Dado and Buzunesh Deba sensed blood before pouncing on the flailing leader to occupy the first two positions with Keitany, who barely held on for the finish, staggering home in 2:23:38 for her second successive third finish.
“I felt my body start seizing close to the finish and even when they caught up, I tried to respond but I could not go. I was sure of what I was doing until when I started feeling tight and this cost me the victory and course record I so much wanted,” she said upon her return.
Keitany retreated home to recover and embark on training for the Olympic year and on 15 January 2012; she was named among the six probables for London by her federation, in addition to being penned for a title defence of the marathon in the Olympics city in April.
She kicked off the season with another win at the Ras Al Khamiah Marathon in February in a time of 66:49 which is the second best in the world this year (at 11 July 2012).
April though would be the toughest challenge of the season yet, as she lined up for the London marathon, competing against fellow probables in Florence Kiplagat, Edna Kiplagat and Priscah Jeptoo.
She rose up to the challenge smashing the Kenyan and African record to become the third fastest woman in history as she led an all-Kenyan team to the podium.
Keitany kicked away from her compatriots in the last four miles to clock 2:18:37, 10 seconds quicker than the great Catherine Ndereba's 11-year-old mark. She was more than a minute ahead of world champion Kiplagat, who broke 2:20 for the first time to take second with Jeptoo third. Her fabulous performances secured her spot at the Olympic Games with a dominating display in the London sunshine as Kenyans completely dominated by filling the first five places.
"The time was OK. The weather here all week has not been good but when I saw the sunshine this morning I knew it would be all right for me. I'm so delighted to win for the second time in London. We worked together until 35km and then I felt good so I decided to make a break. I was tired but I knew I could finish strongly. "I knew I could run 2:18 but to break Catherine's national record is special for me." | 447f682195897e83ac672ac0dedd18e3 | {
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Cracking this complexion case is complicated. Should women blame society or point the finger at each other as to why dark women are said to be less beautiful than lighter skinned women? Or can men take a piece of this blame for the way the oogle at the fairer side of the spectrum?
Regardless of who's to blame, the struggle is real.
Duke Media and Urban Winter Media attempt to give a few dark-skinned women a voice to share their struggles with their complexion in Dark Girls, a documentary. From watching the trailer, it's clear that some dark women never outgrow the insecurities of being dark-skinned. I embrace every bit of my chocolate complexion, so it's hard to watch these women tell their stories. However, it's a necessary message.
Often times, we view these music videos and films, that undeniably praise light-skinned women over dark-skinned women, without realizing how it molds and shapes young girls' mindsets on the definition of beauty and even intelligence. As women, we have to begin to set our own standards. However, I digress. | 4d6356e1ddfea56395151235f09d1ccb | {
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On Tuesday, August 2, 2016, the USA Province held their elections for provincial leaders at their 22nd Provincial Chapter. At the Chapter Fr. Gene Szarek, C.R., was re-elected to a third term as Provincial Superior, and Fr. Gary Hogan, C.R., was elected Vicar Provincial (he had been serving in this capacity after being appointed). The three Provincial Councilors chosen were: Frs. Steven Bartczyszyn, C.R., Steven Thoma, C.R., and Paul Sims, C.R. On the same date, Fr. Gene Szarek was confirmed as Provincial by the Superior General, Fr. Bernard Hylla, C.R., and the General Council. | a732c3febb1aa944ece22a164291e41e | {
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Called in 2004, Alexander Williams has been a member of the Attorney-General’s Panel of Junior Counsel to the Crown (Regional Panel, Civil) since 2007. He undertakes government work for numerous departments and agencies in a variety of disciplines.
Alexander has a particular interest in Article 2 Inquests concerning deaths in custody and is instructed on inquests across the Northern and North Eastern Circuits. With a strong grasp of prison and healthcare systems, policies and procedures, including the ACCT process, he brings a knowledgeable and grounded approach to prison inquests.
Regularly instructed in Tribunals across the North West, Alexander has extensive experience of dealing with complex discrimination / reasonable adjustment, unfair dismissal and pension loss claims.
In his civil practice Alexander undertakes fast-track and high value personal injury work, including employers’ liability, extra-territorial MoD claims, Fatal Accidents Act claims and claims arising from historic asbestos exposure.
His practice in government litigation frequently brings him into contact with Human Rights Act issues, both as stand-alone and collateral claims.
Quasi-regulatory work (including Directors Disqualification and Employment Business Prohibition Orders).
Alexander turns around papers efficiently and is available for advisory and drafting work in all areas of civil and employment litigation. | 710ffae97adef1eab4d4f9d0ed04546f | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m Addie Thompson. I’m a junior in high school, and I live in Oxford, Mississippi. This blog was created in September of 2015 as a way to share my interests and show sneak peaks behind my busy life. I love fashion, and I would describe my style as more comfy and casual, but it’s definitely evolved over the years. I love trying new outfits and experimenting with clothes. One thing I’m always striving to do is develop my own personal style and find clothes that really make me feel good while wearing them.
I also love sports, I play soccer and run cross country and track. Besides that, I love photography, reading, cute dogs, traveling, writing, art, and of course, Jesus. I love health and fitness, as well as journaling and art. I really want to start sharing my life more and incorporating things that I love into this blog so I can look back and see how much I’ve changed and grown over time. I love to be able to post about things going on in my life and what I’m interested in at the moment.
Those are just a few things about me! Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy my blog. You can contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions about anything. Feel free to reach out for collaborations or even just to chat! | 29a0999bee5b3fa61383792646d0f634 | {
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filyxio® is a radiopacifier consisting in a dispersion of ytterbium trifluoride (YbF3) nanoparticles. To dental applications, Mathym offers the smallest YbF3 nanoparticles (15 to 45 nanometers) and the most stable and homogeneous dispersions available on the market. “Thanks to the small size of our proprietary nanoparticles and the absence of agglomerates, filyxio® claims to improve the transparency of dental filling materials and, thus, their depth-of-cure which is a critical aspect for our partners” commented Julien Alberici, CEO of Mathym. | 17c5e78892628214099dec95dfe0d9d2 | {
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The Cofidis team has confirmed via Twitter that French sprinter Nacer Bouhanni will join the team for the 2015 and 2016 seasons.
The Professional Continental team has had a quiet 2014 but hopes to win big in the future and is working to create a lead out train to help Bouhanni in the sprints. The team also confirmed the arrival of French riders Steve Chainel, Geoffrey Soupe and experienced Canadian sprinter and leadout rider Dominique Rollin. He retired last year after failing to secure a new contract but is only 31 and rode with Bouhanni at FDJ.fr in 2012 and 2013.
Bouhanni confirmed that he was moving to Cofidis with a brief tweet: "C'est maintenant officiel , je m'engage pour 2 ans avec l'équipe @TeamCOFIDIS."
He will ride the Eneco Tour (August 11-17) with FDJ.fr before riding the Vuelta a Espana. He has won eight races o far this season, including three stages at the Giro d'Italia. | 2fef2fa7ed818c868a37e7933c42de03 | {
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Afflare Films and TenTen Publications announced that Lucinda Spurling’s film, ‘In the Hour of Victory’ has been nominated for two further awards at the upcoming Southampton International Film Festival to be held in Southampton, UK between October 3rd and 6th 2013.
The film will make its UK premiere screening at the festival and has been nominated for: Best Documentary Feature and, Achievement in Directing.
The film, which is based on the book of the same name by Jonathan Smith, tells the story of Major Toby Smith’s four year period stationed in Europe during World War II. More than 300 cards and letters that Major Smith wrote home to his wife tell the heart-wrenching story of a soldier’s devotion to duty and to family.
The nominations for these two further awards comes shortly after the film won the prestigious Platinum Remi Award – first place in the ‘Feature Documentaries’ category at the just completed Worldfest Houston International Film Festival in Houston, Texas and the signing of a distribution agreement with the Beverly Hills, California-based, Ostrow and Company less than two weeks ago.
In the Hour of Victory was co-directed by Bermudian Andrew Kirkpatrick and stars Bermudians Ben Beasley as Major Toby Smith and Catherine Hay as his wife, Faith. Steve Gallant, a former Bermudian resident, composed the musical score for the film. | 28edcb055bdc39700edbfafabf940fdc | {
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This page features our full range of Acuvue contact lenses available online. Many of our prices represent a saving of up to 50% off prices that you would normally pay at optical retailers. Plus you can enjoy the convenience of express delivery to your door for $9.95 or it's FREE if you're order is over $200 !
You can buy your Acuvue contact lenses online or if you're not sure about buying your lenses over the internet, please call us as we're happy to take your order over the phone. When you place your order your lenses are sent directly from Johnson and Johnsons warehouse in Australia. So you can be so you can be assured your Acuvue contact lenses are fresh, have maximum expiry dates and are the genuine product. Our direct access to Johnson and Johnson's warehouse also ensures that we are rarely out of stock.
Once you have purchased your lenses we will email you a receipt, or you can request that we send you a paper version in the mail if you prefer. Our reciepts feature all the details that you require if you are intending to claim with your health fund. | 16a7f145af3688441137a988c199afd5 | {
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Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) is the professional organization where counselor educators, directors of guidance, counseling supervisors an graduate students come together to support, collaborate and enrich their respective specialties, each other, and the counseling profession. TACES members advocate for the profession, engage in research, and provide opportunities for professional development.
The mission of the Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES) is to enhance the practice of professional counseling through the promotion of effective counselor education, supervision, and leadership. | a03cc986b67bba77170ea8f84f058c02 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Knew Tab is an awesome new tab replacement. It's way smarter than any other new tab replacement out there, and requires absolutely no setup. Instantly see the productivity increase with access to your unread emails, facebook notifications, and many other important news from the day. Hit Settings up top to see all the available options!
4.2 - Bug fixes and improvements!
And so much more coming soon. Leave a 5 star review with the services you want, and we'll make it happen. | bb2eac4b9a6c05efab81337ee43af774 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Home > Education Blog > Tertiary study > I didn't receive an offer – what next?
While the release of tertiary offers brings excitement to plenty of students, it can be a disappointing time for those who don’t receive a university place. If you are one of the many students who did not receive an offer, it does not mean that all is lost – there are plenty of pathways available to lead you towards your dream course and career.
If you have missed out on the first offer round, wait for the subsequent releases throughout January and February before exploring other options. Your state or territory’s Tertiary Admissions Centre (TAC) will continue to process your application through each offer round, meaning you will still be in the mix for your preferences if they are available.
It is a good idea to revisit your preference list if you have missed out on your original choices. Try re-arranging your course list to select a new first preference or consider exploring courses in your field of interest that have lower admission requirements than your initial preferences.
Consider registering your details for supplementary offers, where you give your TAC permission to circulate your application to institutions that have course vacancies. You can opt into supplementary orders through your TAC account, but make sure you do so before the closing date (check out your TAC or contact them directly to get this information).
Many institutions offer pathway or foundation programs, so it is worth contacting them to explore your further study options. Several university courses have associated diploma programs that not only provide you with a qualification, but can also function as credit and even provide guaranteed entry into a Bachelor degree. Foundation studies are designed to prepare you for tertiary study and are a great option for international or non-Year 12 students who require additional learning to meet the prerequisites for their desired university course. It is important that you consult with your institution to ensure that your chosen pathway or foundation program is recognised as a valid form of entry into your preferred university degree.
While the vocational education and training (VET) sector is often seen as a second-choice to university, it is actually a great way to explore post-school study opportunities across a range of different industries. VET combines practical learning with work experience, allowing you to progress from Certificate I level through to Advanced Diploma and even Bachelor qualifications during your studies. If you have your heart set on university, keep in mind that the successful completion of a VET course can be used as credit towards further study – just ensure that you confirm its entry standing with your institution.
An apprenticeship or traineeship combines work, training and study at a variety of qualification levels across several different occupations and trades. Both involve a legal training contact between you and your employer, where you undertake supervised on-the-job training and off-site learning through a recognised training provider. Apprenticeships involve the learning of a skilled trade to gain a nationally recognised qualification, while traineeships can be undertaken across a number of occupations. Use job search engines, newspaper advertisements and word of mouth from family and friends to find an employer who is willing to recruit you as an apprentice or trainee, before researching training providers who can help you fulfil your off-site learning requirements. | 96cd72d70290dbaaa601f4f2b275124e | {
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Yutaka Takenouchi plays a 35 year-old man who works in a foreign company, and lives a happy life family life with his wife and son. On the day he decides to switch careers and submit his resignation, his wife runs away from home, leaving his hands full taking care of the home and bringing up his son. Tetsuya Watari stars as a 61 year-old man who decides to live alone when he loses his wife to illness not long after he reached the mandatory retirement age.
Actually Id give it 7.5/10. The story was absorbing and the acting good but a certain human element was missing. AAnd stayed missing. Bu all in all an enjoyable drama.
Takeuchi done well in this drama..I cried a lot watching this drama..One day, i promise to be a good mommy! A lot of moral value in this drama! 2 Thumbs up!
April 2007: Luckily it's only 8 episodes long. With good acting from seasoned actors, certain parts of this drama are quite touching. In the end, the main message is still the same, appreciate your family. Spend more time with them.
It is a sweet drama and the setting is interesting. Three guys(old,middle-aged, young) got together and kept good relationships. If you like Takenouchi Yutaka, you will like it. He is so sweet in this drama.
Takenouchi Yutaka did a good job acting as a single parent in this dorama. This is a very slow paced dorama but very meaningful for those who appreciate family dorama.
Excellent role for Takenouchi. I've been where his character was, trying to juggle a job and a kid.
It has my fav male lead, but the drama was just soso. The older man's face looked kinda fake.
Sad, but nice. Realistic, and great acting from Yutaka.
family drama, slow pace, not my type.. | bc79fd484720558a32599a1c34886950 | {
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Like many people, my passion isn’t my full-time job. Yes, I get to write at work, and that’s one of the elements that makes me enjoy my job as much as I do. That said, writing fiction–and this blog–is what I’m passionate about. Since I’m not making enough from that to make it a career yet, I have to relegate it to my spare time.
The only problem with that? When I think about everything I need and want to get done in that spare time, I get overwhelmed. There’s my writing, yes, but there’s also housework, socializing, relaxation, eating, and a million other things I can’t think of off the top of my head.
People talk all the time of work-life balance. A situation like mine feels more like work-work-life balance some days, but it comes down to the same principles. One of the most important is finding the organizational system that works best for you.
I’ve found mine, and I’d like to share it, in the hopes that maybe it will help someone find theirs. It’s too much for one post, however, so instead you’re getting a series of posts over the next three months.
Today, we’re starting with a look at online calendars.
Here’s the thing: my life is scheduled out more than most people realize. My Google Calendar plays a huge role in that, though I’m sure any online calendar option would work. I just like Google’s because it connects with everything else under my Google account, making it really easy for me to keep everything in one place. Here’s how I do that.
Take a look at my calendar from October.
My monthly view is reserved for big-picture stuff, all of which is colour-coded. Before the month even starts, I’ve gone through and figured out where my days off land, so that I can plan out when I’m going to do everything from certain chores to extra writing and blog work.
Speaking of blogging, it’s also in this monthly view that I make sure my weeks are fairly balanced. If I find that one week has five posts while another has two, I move things around a bit. There’s no sense in overloading either my writing schedule or your notifications, right?
Now, the weekly view is where things get really fun. Here’s a look at last week.
Like my monthly view, my weekly view is colour-coded. Each Saturday I go in and schedule out the coming week. This, I find, helps me ensure I’m making time for all of the things I want, or need, to get done.
At the same time, though, I’m not too hard on myself if my plans need to change. Whether it’s because a friend I haven’t seen in a while asks to make plans, or I feel myself starting to burn out, I let myself change or ignore my schedule if the need arises.
Here’s one of the things I love about Google’s calendar: it automatically syncs with my phone.
I’m guessing you can do this same sort of thing with other online calendars, but I’ll admit that I haven’t tried. Google’s calendar has simply been my go-to.
Regardless, the automatic syncing means I have access to and the ability to change my calendar whenever or wherever I need it. This is particularly important for me. Despite my habit of scheduling the same events at the same times each week (I love a good routine), I always seem to forget what I have coming up. I need the easy access of my phone.
Plus, having the calendar on my phone means easy notifications. That way, if I get too wrapped up in any particular task, my phone brings me back and lets me know it’s time to move on to the next one.
My phone isn’t the only place this calendar ends up, but that’s a topic for another post. Make sure to check back in December for the next part in my series on staying organized. | 8179257cdcdbe708de3463ef5f1f5ff5 | {
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Pano’s app makes it easy for our users, currently college students, to meet new people, connect with the opportunities happening around them, and organize get-togethers with their existing contacts in an extremely efficient way.
I established Pano in the summer of 2015. I got the idea after I was required to move to new cities for work after leaving college. Integrating into new communities is such a clunky process. I wanted to create something that really helped expedite that.
Our app makes it easy for our users, currently college students, to meet new people, connect with the opportunities happening around them, and organize get togethers with their existing contacts in an extremely efficient way.
Safety: We restrict membership and utilize identity verification along with other safety precautions. It makes the sign up process a minute or two longer than our competitors, but it makes a big difference in terms of trust when you are connecting people in the real world.
Uniquely, we have partnerships with the universities to market our product. This brand affiliation adds another layer of trust for students.
The biggest challenge was finding the right market in which to launch. Initially we tried to create something targeting other young professionals. It was really difficult to reach them efficiently and to create a critical mass of users. Instead of trying to force that, we listened to potential investors’ concerns, took a step back, and after some thought realized that the college market was a much better fit. It is a similar, more geo-concentrated, and the user-base is suffering from the same problem. We are able to reach them extremely efficiently via our partnerships with universities.
Paul Graham’s blogs have been a lifesaver for me. He is the force behind Y-combinator and gives really great advice on a myriad of topics pertaining to startups.
A strategy that worked for us was heavily researching the people we would be pitching to. While kind of creepy, it allowed us to frame our product and the problem it solves in terms that resonated with them. An angel who happens to be the club’s tennis champ is likely to empathize with the frustration of a player whose small network hampers his ability to find someone to hit with after class.
If I had to start over I would have been less optimistic on the length of time required to raise money, especially for an early stage round where we lacked demonstrable traction to mitigate risk.
The challenge has not been finding answers. It has been finding the RIGHT answers. There is so much misinformation circulating online that finding a resource you can trust is hard.
Can’t find the tools to guide you through the startup process? TurboFunder can help map your path!
My challenge is connecting with good talent locally. Most of our team is working remotely, with members from San Francisco to Berlin. It is kind of a sad irony considering the service we are offering.
Learn to be shameless. It is kind of a reflex to avoid situations that might elicit an awkward outcome, such as hounding someone who is unresponsive until they give you a definite no, or being aggressive in asking for assistance. It is easy to create a narrative that a person is not interested in buying or investing because they go silent. We have one of our most valued investors after five months of emailing with no responses. It turns out that he was just swamped with work helping to raise a Series C for his own company. If we had not been aggressive, we would have dropped off his radar.
We are always looking for talent, advisors, and investors. | a69600efaf9829b29e9b00f02f797dc1 | {
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Nareel Island | Applied Technology & Management, Inc.
ATM provided coastal engineering and marina design services for Nareel Island, a reclaimed island in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Located near the Emirates Palace and Etihad Towers on the Mussafah Channel, Nareel Island will be one of the most esteemed private residential developments in Abu Dhabi.
ATM‘s scope of works for the island development included master planning of the waterfront areas, planning and design for a private 76-berth marina and boat lifts, dredging and reclamation design, design of beaches and rock revetments, and construction phase services including site attendance. ATM also performed numerical modelling to study the site hydrodynamics. These modelling works were essential to understand the flushing potential for the lagoons, establish the design of culverts, to assess the safety of swimming areas, and to set the elevations and design criteria for the island. | 8e6fb3893e99a7559e4c899dcecc2770 | {
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MOORE has primary focus on HSE and complies with local applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations.
Relationship with all stakeholders is of primary importance. In particular MOORE focuses on working closely and pro-actively with local administrations to verify and ensure the feasibility of its projects and to establish proper operating conditions. | 830e27454d4cadd2a38f7ccaeee5ce29 | {
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Insert graphical assets to appear on screen. To upload a new image asset to the project, click the upload files button at the top right of the screen to browse for your asset. Once the file has been uploaded, either enter its filename in the Normal field in the Image Inspector or click the Browse for image files button to the right of that field. Only Normal has to be specified to show an image.
Hot spots can be added to the image. These will enable the learner to tap or click on part of the image to see more information displayed in a sub screen. Create hot spots by clicking the Hot spots button to launch the Hotspots Inspector.
Add and edit sub screens using the Sub screens button.
Active and Visited images can be used to mask hot spots so that their appearance changes depending on whether the hot spot is currently selected or has already been tapped or clicked.
Zoomable If this option is selected then the learner can pinch and expand to display a zoomed in version of the image in an overlayed panel and then double tap to return the image to normal size.
For HTML/Web App publishing you need to upload an enlarged version of the image and then specify that in the Active box.
This page was last modified on 25 September 2012, at 10:18. This page has been accessed 6,259 times. | 1c5c0d34150cc34f403112a07bf7f993 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Amusing New Office Desk 2014 New Office Project Furniturechina Manufacturer Buy Office - Furnishings is an important part of your office. Without tables, chairs and also other office devices your office looks and also really feels not enough as compared to the competition. In the age of web we could gain and also run our own office from house. It's not required for us to rest in a workplace for long hours and also work really hard. If you are a freelancer then you could comfortably function from your house. Establishing a workplace in your house is essential for you to recognize. In establishing you have to assume about a bunch of points such as, which room will match your office finest? Which color is finest suited to the kind of work you do? How would you organize the office, choose your paint color and also enhance baseding on your taste and also state of mind of work. For all this you have to discover how you can choose an area for the office, set up and also coordinate office furnishings, choose and also set up electronic devices, organize paper and also fully use the workdesk area, set up, reduce diversions in the house, and also finally, budget plan.
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As you already know, The Magnificent Office Furnitures has been a popular office design ideas for this years and it has so many benefits. Hopefully, the can help you create a elegant interior design for your home or office. | c3a4f22fcf240ceb706ea814bd1c6080 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Nick is a Hamilton, Ontario born and raised soul usually found at a sports bar watching multiple sports on multiple TVs. Whether it’s Montreal hockey, Toronto baseball, Miami football or hometown Hamilton football there’s always something he’s wrapped up in. His sports pallet is about as big as his taste in beer.
4 years of schooling at Niagara College, 3 of it spent studying Broadcasting, Nick went far and wide in the program becoming one of top students, earning a radio scholarship and a best radio show award in 2017.
In his free time, Nick crunches numbers, updates his fantasy rosters and screams at his tv over a bad call by a ref.
Exactly 1,986kms away from home, Nick has brought his hometown pride to The Pas, much to the dismay of Blue Bomber fans. | 3febec9e7ead15cc3123c6b1e58c4448 | {
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Drug treatment that is given before surgery or radiation therapy is called ‘upfront’ or ‘induction’ chemotherapy. This treatment is given to make the tumour smaller before surgery or radiation therapy. Upfront chemotherapy (also known as ‘neoadjuvant’ chemotherapy) can also be given as the main form of treatment (primary chemotherapy).
In some patients, the tumour may be very large, making surgery or radiation therapy difficult. Removing a large tumour could damage some of the healthy tissues in the organ. Shrinking the tumour before the operation helps your surgeon protect the healthy tissues. The drugs can travel through the blood vessels to the tumour more easily before surgery. The operation will be less stressful and your recovery will be easier.
Your surgeon can also measure the response of the tumour to your chemotherapy if it is given before other treatments. Knowing how you respond to the drugs is important because not all chemotherapy drugs work the same for all patients. If the drugs do not work as well for you as for some other patients, or cause side effects, they can be stopped and a different drug can be given. | ecb6b57726a7f666ad8fa10701e722d5 | {
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Take 2 vegetables, cook them until they’re soft then blend them, and you end up with a surprisingly satisfying soup–especially if one of the ingredients is an onion, leek or shallot. Potato leek soup is popular, French onion soup doesn’t call for much more than its star ingredient, and this simple onion and fennel soup is just as straightforward. It’s little more than onion and fennel.
Pistou, a French paste similar to pesto but without cheese or nuts, is traditionally served on top of a thin vegetable soup. It’s probably sacrilege to add it to a creamy soup like this (mon Dieu) but so be it. It lends just the right finishing touch to both the taste of this soup, and the look too.
Line a 4-sided baking sheet with parchment paper (foil works too but the vegetables may brown more which will affect the colour of this soup slightly). Toss the onion and fennel in the oil, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and the pepper and spread evenly on the baking sheet. Roast in oven for 20-25 minutes, checking toward the end that the vegetables are cooked but are not browning much.
Meanwhile, in a mortar, add the garlic and salt and pound until the garlic is a paste. Add the chopped herbs, oil and lemon juice, and pound to a paste.
Add 4 cups of water to a medium pot over medium-high heat. Add the roasted vegetables, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Puree with an immersion blender until smooth. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary–the soup should be subtle since the pistou will add flavour, but it should not be bland.
Ladle soup into serving bowls, top with a heaping teaspoon of pistou and serve.
This story and recipe appear in THANKSGIVING, Issue 004 of Le Sauce Magazine. | ac41beec05e1d3a82a9225a645d431de | {
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360 rotation images are the most exciting and innovative way to better show your products on your e-commerce website.
If you have an e-commerce store, you’re used to present your products showing a few classic static pictures loaded into the product pages, most of the times on a completely white background. And if you are a usual customer of e-stores, you probably watch and select your next purchase through them. And it works very well.
So what 360 rotation images are? Why should you change the way to present your products?
In most cases, the products on e-stores are presented with a few amount of pictures, each one showing different details from different angles. Especially for high-end products, like jewelry or cosmetics, it’s hard to give customers the perception of the actual size of the products.
This technology allows you to show them at its best with just one 360 image. Click on the picture, drag it with your mouse (or swipe it on the touchscreen of your mobile device) and get a “virtual tour” of your product.
There’s no need to completely avoid static pictures: they can work together. The main image in 360 and the details with static close-up images. Fast and simple.
The technology coming from cappasity.com is cloud-based, which means that even if the original files have a big size (they actually don’t, but it could be if you have huge amount of products to show) you don’t have to waste the memory space of your hosting server to keep them stored. They reside on the cloud, and only you can access to them.
Furthermore, your e-commerce site loading time drastically decrease: just embed an <iframe> html code on the products page to display it immediately. And it’s compatible with all internet browsers and devices. Everything is optimized to give the best experience to you and your customers.
As previously said, you can show your products with just one image (or even with static pictures, a few images) and use your budget in other ways (for example for marketing promotion) rather than for getting a lot of pictures to populate the e-store product pages.
This is the only 360 rotation platform that creates a real virtual tour. Because of the smooth transition, you can drag and rotate your image and see your product from every single angle. Other platforms are just a sequence of different shots taken from a fixed number of angles.
You don’t have to keep the image files on the website server (it’s a cloud platform), so you can save money for the web hosting contract and for services to speed-up your site too.
Take a detailed look at more examples of the capabilities of 360 rotation images at the 360 rotation portfolio page and on my cappasity.com profile.
Being an almost brand new technology, there is not a lot of e-stores which are using 360 rotation images to show their own products. The number is increasing but, at this moment, this is a great opportunity to be different.
Who has implemented this solution for his e-commerce site is experimenting a growth of the sell-out up to 30%.
This is suitable for any kind of products: jewelry, cosmetics, beverage, electronic products, … Even biggest subjects, like cars and motorbikes, can be captured by this technology. Think about it.
Give customers the best experience on e-stores is one of the major factor to get a high conversion rate. Of course, this is not the only one: delivery timing, support, after-sales services are important as well. But they’re up to you and your staff.
Presenting your products at the highest quality in the fastest way is anyway a great starting point. Making your customers have a good experience by visiting your website and selecting their next purchases is the key. And, as a photographer, this is up to me. | 2560ee746c33a45b8979d5d88ef5b40a | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Furniture should essentially appear beautiful and should stay longer. Pine wood furniture is probably the kinds that are utilized by people both indoors and outdoors. Solid furniture manufactured from wood is often a priceless asset that men and women would like to store for our children and grandchildren.
A short about Pine wood furniture. While purchasing wood furniture, you will need to see the form of wood used for the furnishings, the tip used on the wood and the way to look after it. You will discover innumerable products created from wood so it makes it easier still to find the kind of wood to include in the decor of your house.
Some of the furniture created from wood is very expensive in comparison to the others. It made from just one piece of log is usually fairly dear and distinctive in features. It will keep going longer unlike the other furniture. The aesthetic great thing about the furnishings is retained and yes it demands the creativity of your skilled person.
Additionally it is available by joining planks. These planks are made of wood shavings and are less durable when compared to the furniture made out of an individual log. Shelving for books and cabinets are constructed of such wooden planks.
Pine wood furniture that is placed outdoors must be protected well in order that it lasts longer. Over exposure to the sun and rain can cause damages to your furniture so it is essential to utilize weather resistant paints on such furniture. While for furniture which is placed indoors demand a coat of varnish or ordinary paint. Glossy finish paints give a sophisticated appearance for the furniture.
Variety of Wood Useful for Furniture. Several types of timbers are widely-used to make furniture. Walnut, Oak, maple, mahogany, cherry etc are utilized extensively to generate beautiful furniture. Timber is chosen in accordance with the type of furniture to be made. Some timbers take time and effort which enable it to sustain scratches and stains, so it will be used to make tables as well as other furniture pieces.
Furniture made from teak is recognized as ideal for the durability and sturdiness. Pine is also trusted for furniture mainly because it appears stylish and elegant even though it is a soft timber. Furniture made from timber exhibits different shades or colors depending on the type of timber used. Beautiful green and pink shades of furniture are acknowledged to boost the appeal of any room. Furniture for your house and equipment for your office could be chosen from endless types of wood.
However, pine wood furniture requires proper maintenance and care. Experience of water could cause permanent harm to the furnishings. So it will be imperative that you get it which has a durable finish. Furniture must be cleaned regularly with cleaning products made especially for wood.
lestnici v Samare see this resource. | de01032f9ad5b3fd8d0f2f2cc38a6671 | {
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} |
The Software Quality Research Network is a group of research laboratories that work together to advance research and education on the development of high quality software. SQRLNET members do joint research with McMaster's Software Quality Research Laboratory (SQRL), particiapte in SQRL sponsored seminars, and contribute to SQRL short courses. SQRLNET members have their own industrial supporters and are able to offer better services to their sponsors because of their membership in SQRLNET.
SQRL was established due to the support we received from McMaster's Faculty of Engineering.
The Software Quality Consortium (SQC) has been made possible through the generous support of Bell Canada, SQC's founding member. | 3b3d9ae1ce712c036cc21ff28b243175 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
All natural Beeswax formula U.S. made premium Lip Balm in hook-n-go case. Price includes regular flavor in a case with a 4-color process label. Available in 100 flavors. 1000 minimum to change lip balm flavor or case color. | 39fb372af49545fd1a6cd03bab847ccf | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
The country programme worth circa FCFA 17 billion was presented to stakeholders in Yaounde, June 14.
The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) have made public its 2018-2020 country programme and framework for Cameroon. The document was presented to representatives of government ministries and agencies, and development partners in a workshop in Yaounde on Thursday June 14.
The Country Representative of the UN agency, Dr Athman Mravili, said the programme covers three major areas that include food security and value chains development; management of natural resources and strengthening resilience and nutrition.
“We will work together with all concerned technical government institutions to transform the country framework into specific projects. When that is done, we will move to the second phase which is mobilisation of resources,” he said.
The implementation of the three-year programme lies on the shoulders of government ministries and structures that are expected to draw up projects that would be funded within the said framework, according to the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
“The drawing up of projects, as well as implementation would be guided by development partners,” he pointed out.
According to Felicitas Atanga, Programme Assistant of the FAO country office, many stakeholders did not understand the previous programme and framework that ran across 2015 to 2018.
It is for this reason that all stakeholders were brought together in the workshop. She said that there were some misunderstandings that slowed down its implementation.
“Some of them thought that projects were supposed to be prepared by FAO. This workshop will enable each and everyone to know the role he or she is supposed to play for the three-year programme to be successful,” she noted. | fa27e4ce962ea680f88ba94fdb7b649b | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Why is Google Ranking the Umbrella Category Page when Searching for Sub-Categories Within that Umbrella Category?
I have an e-commerce client who sells shoes. There is a main page for "Kids" shoes, and then right under it on the top-navigation bar there is a link to "Boys Shoes" and "Girls Shoes." All 3 of these links are on the same level - 1 click off the home page. (And linked to from every page on the website via the top nav bar). All 3 are perfectly optimized for their targeted term.
However, when you search for "boys shoes" or "girls shoes" + the brand, the "Kids" page is the one that shows up in the #1 position. There are sitelinks beneath the listing pointing to "Girls" and "Boys." All the other results in Google are resellers of the "brand + girls" or "brand + boys" shoes. So our listing is the only one that's "brand + kids shoes."
Our "boys" shoes page and "girls" shoes page don't even rank on the 1st page for "brand + boys shoes" or "brand + girls shoes."
The only real difference is that "kids shoes" contains both girls and boys shoes on the page, and then "boys" obviously contains boys' shoes only, "girls" contains girls' shoes only. So in that sense there is more content on the "kids" page.
So my question is - WHY is the kids page outranking the boys/girls page? How can we make the boys/girls pages be the ones that show up when people specifically search for boys/girls shoes?
Google considers lots of variables when ranking pages and selecting which pages to rank. It could be title tags, content on the page, CTR in the SERPs, visitor behavior on site, many other things. So, nobody is going to be able to answer your question.
If this was my site I would be OK that my "kids page" is in the #1 position. That would allow visitors to see more of the website before clicking into the "boys" page. If you get lots of people buying both a pair of boys shoes and a pair of girls shoes, it could be that seeing the Kids page first triggered the larger shopping cart. If you have return visitors who bought boy's shoes in the past, returning to buy girls shoes it could be a result of seeing the kids page on their last visit.
So, if this was my site, I would be praisin' the Lord that I had a page in the #1 position. | 6de0e950f3ad1f6f6e23d647aaa05622 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Aunts and Uncles are often very important in the lives of their nieces and nephews. In fact, if you have a niece or a nephew with an addiction, it's possible that you were one of the very first people who found out about it. It might have happened because you started to get suspicious about some of his or her behaviors, or it could have been just because your niece or nephew felt comfortable enough with you to confide in you about what was going on.
Either way, now that you know about the addiction, this is information that you know you need to do something with. The question is, what should you do?
There's no doubt that you are in a difficult spot. You don't want to lose your niece or nephew's trust, but at the same time, you want to do what's best for them as well. There are a number of different things you can do, and several things that you need to be aware of and avoid if you have a close family member who is suffering with an addiction. Knowing what to do and how to react can help take some of the burden off of you, and this is a hard one to carry all by yourself.
At Northpoint Recovery, we've worked with a number of aunts and uncles who all shared the same concerns that you have right now. Their nieces and nephews are all so special to them, just like yours is to you. In fact, sometimes it may even seem as though they are your own children. When an addiction comes in and starts to threaten the life of someone you care about so deeply, it's important for you to take quick action, and we can help you know what to do.
You may be facing a situation where you suspect that drugs or alcohol may be a factor for your niece or nephew, but you're not exactly sure. You don't really know the signs of addiction that you should be looking for, and that can make it difficult to know what you should do about the situation.
Asking to borrow money because of financial difficulties.
Frequently taking prescription drugs, even though there doesn't appear to be a reason for them.
Drinking alcohol alongside prescription drugs.
Exhibiting personality changes or changes in behavior.
Complaining of having no motivation.
Becoming easily irritated or agitated.
Slurring his or her speech.
Noticing changes in daily routines.
Not paying close attention to personal hygiene.
Spending time with a different group of friends.
Participating in activities that are unusual.
If you have noticed any of the above signs within your niece or nephew, it's possible that a drug or alcohol addiction could be the reason why.
Whether you have been noticing strange behaviors and you now suspect that an addiction is present, or your niece or nephew has come to you and admitted to having an addiction, the worst thing you can do is to overreact. Your instinct is probably to react in anger, frustration or disbelief, but these will only push your family member away and cause problems within your relationship. Your niece or nephew needs to know that your love for them does not change one bit, and that regardless of what he or she is going through because of the drug or alcohol addiction, you will be there to offer support and help.
Once you know for sure that your loved one has an addiction, in addition to not overreacting to the news, it's important for you to take a step back so that you can assess the situation. Reacting based on your first instinct is likely to cause a great deal of harm to your relationship, and this is not something you want to happen.
You will undoubtedly want to talk with your niece or nephew about the addiction, but it's important for you to go into that conversation with a plan in place. You need to know what you're going to say, and how you're going to say it. You also need to choose a time when your family member isn't under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Taking this time to logically think about your next steps is crucial because it could mean the difference between a niece or nephew that is willing to get help, and one that is happy to stay involved in substance abuse.
It is so easy to slip into the role of becoming an enabler, and sadly, so many family members do just that when they find out that a loved one has an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Sometimes, people don't realize that the way that they support their loved ones is only allowing the addictive behaviors to continue. They think they're being helpful, when in reality, they're only making the situation worse.
Offering to take your niece or nephew to the store to buy alcohol, or to purchase drugs.
Providing him or her with money to help cover bills and other expenses.
Watching the children when it is clear that your family member is not sober enough to do it.
Offering a place to stay so that your niece or nephew doesn't have to live on the streets.
Running errands, such as purchasing groceries or bringing in food from a restaurant on a regular basis.
It's understandable that you're concerned about your niece or nephew's well-being, and no one wants to see someone they love homeless or struggling to find food to eat. However, unless your family member suffers through some of the consequences of addiction, it's highly unlikely that they will be ready to get help to recover.
One of the most difficult conversations you might ever have is when you sit down to talk with your niece or nephew about going to alcohol or drug treatment. It's so crucial for you to be prepared for this conversation because most of the time, these talks do not go well.
Choose a time when your loved one will be sober and available to listen to you. Talking to him or her during or right after a binge isn't going to help either of you. Be honest about how you feel. Tell your loved one that you're concerned, and list out the reasons why drug and alcohol rehab should be an option they consider. Whatever you do, don't try to make this talk easier on your loved one. Don't hold back and be brutally honest about the need for help. Your niece or nephew needs to hear the truth, and because they trust you, it's better to hear it from you.
"You obviously don't love me anymore."
"You don't care about what happens to me."
"If you really loved me you would support me in my decisions."
"You don't know what it's like to be me and go through what I go through."
"I'll change as soon as things get better, but I can't right now."
For many aunts and uncles who go through this type of situation with their nieces or nephews, the parents have no idea about what is happening. It's up to you to bring it to their attention. They need to know, and it's better to hear it from a family member. Whatever you do, don't put off having this conversation. You can enlist their help in assisting your niece or nephew to get into rehab as soon as possible.
Choose a relatively low stress time to have this conversation with the parents. Let them know that you need to talk with them about something very serious that has you quite concerned. You may not want to divulge all of the details about the addiction, but it's OK to list out some of the signs you've been noticing, and whether or not their child has admitted to it.
If you run into a situation where your niece or nephew is not willing to get professional help for the addiction, it's time to take things to the next level. Intervention services are available through many drug and alcohol treatment centers, and this is a meeting that can make a real difference.
You will invite many close friends and family members to the meeting, and you'll take turns sharing with your niece or nephew about your concerns. It can actually make a big difference for the addict to see so many people in one room expressing how they feel, and quite often, these meetings are moving enough to encourage the individual to get help immediately. If that is what your niece or nephew wants to do, they'll be able to go to drug or alcohol rehab right away.
Your niece or nephew is most likely among the people you love the most in the world. It's heartbreaking for you to find out that he or she is struggling with an addiction, and knowing this information can certainly put you in a difficult position. More than anything, you want to be there to offer support, but it's so important for the type of support that you offer to be helpful and not harmful in the long run.
Here at Northpoint Recovery, it doesn't matter if your niece or nephew is using drugs or alcohol, because we can help with both. If you're in need of intervention services, we can provide those for you as well. We have an excellent success rate, so if your niece or nephew is younger and would benefit from young adult rehab, or if they are older and would fit in well with our traditional drug and alcohol treatment program, please know that we're here to provide your family with the services that you need.
Is it time for you to seek addiction treatment for your niece or nephew? We'd like to assist you with everything you need. Please contact us today to learn more. | 5188737365affce7e011df6555280c5a | {
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} |
Four students leaders involved in recent Myanmar protests will discuss the dynamics of education reform and student activism in contemporary Myanmar. They all played a key role in the latest student protest movement, against a 2014 National Education law aiming to curb academic freedoms.
The movement attracted wide support from teachers, university academics, civil society organisations and the larger Burmese public. The students' 11 demands for changes to the law included ensuring the freedom to form the student unions, instruction in local languages within ethnic areas, greater autonomy for universities and the allocation of 20% of the national budget to education.
Four leading members of the All-Burma Federation of Student Unions will participate in this event. They were all arrested for protesting against the former government’s controversial education bill in March 2015. The prosecutors decided to drop charges after State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi stated that releasing the detainees was an urgent priority of the new government on 8th of April 2016.
Honey Oo is studying Law at University of East Yangon. She is a head of the finance committee of All-Burma Federation of Student Unions Central Working Committee.
Thiha Win Tin is studying Law at University of East Yangon. He is a leading member of All-Burma Federation of Student Unions, Central Working Committee.
Moe Htet Nay is studying in English at Mandalay University. He is a leading member of All-Burma Federation of Student Unions, Central Working Committee.
Min Thawe Thit is studying in Botany at University of East Yangon. He is a joint secretary of All-Burma Federation of Student Unions, Central Working Committee. He is also teacher and a committee member of National Network for Education Reform. | eadc3e1d3400e390bbb41d4508ae690b | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
A 5-minute walk from the centre of Malang City Hotel Tosari offers affordable accommodation with private bathroom is available in all rooms. Hotel Tosari is also a 5-minute walk from Malang Plaza and Chinatown. The property is reachable by a 40-minute car ride from Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport. Cooled by a fan or air conditioning rooms come with a TV and a seating area. A wardrobe is included in some rooms while shower facilities and free toiletries are a standard across all en suite bathrooms. Staff at the 24-hour front desk can provide laundry service at a fee. | 03f90e4303618c237c9ab10c8d8a6923 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
This biography is published by the State Electricity of Victoria as a tribute to a great man. It was written by Vernon R. Northwood, with assistance from the late Dr. Gershon Bennett, son-in-law of Sir John Monash, and was first published in the “S.E.C. Magazine” in December 1950.
JOHN MONASH was a great man. He was pre-eminent as a scholar, engineer and soldier. His greatness arose from the use he made of the personal qualities with which he was endowed. Gifted with a rare intellect, he possessed a burning desire for knowledge, and boundless energy in his search for it.
In all walks of our life when leadership is discussed, the name Monash will be heard. The spheres in which he gave so abundantly to the nation were as a soldier and an engineer. As a soldier he hated the waste and suffering of war, but his brilliant battle strategy paved the way to the final victories of the Allies in France in 1918. His name - as leader of the Australian Forces - is forever perpetuated in the records of the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.
To his qualities of planning and leadership the State Electricity Commission of Victoria stands as a permanent monument. His vision went beyond that of most men of the day when he foresaw the potential of our vast brown coal resources in the Latrobe Valley, the development of which was to win independence for Victoria from outside sources of fuel for power generation.
John Monash had wide interests throughout his lifetime - classical and operatic music (he played the piano beautifully), reading, debating, sketching, chess, the practice of astronomy, gardening, carpentry, bush walking, even the practice of legerdemain and conjuring - but, far from dissipating his time and talents, these activities served to strengthen and enrich his main endeavours.
To future generations who acquire their academic training at our great new seat of learning - Monash University - his name will be a source of inspiration and a constant reminder of a brilliant scholar who in his later years counselled young men to "seek knowledge in all directions for its own sake."
An equestrian statue of Monash (unveiled on November 12, 1950) stands in the Melbourne Domain as the State's tribute to one of its truly great men. From an eminence it looks down on to St. Kilda Road, along which each Anzac Day march the dwindling veterans of the First A.I.F. which he commanded—a parade which he himself inaugurated and led in its early years. By night, unseen, his statue commands a view far beyond the parklands towards the glow of a city--a city of light and power—a fulfilment in part of the vision he saw.
GENERAL SIR JOHN MONASH was born on 23th June 1865, in Dudley Street, West Melbourne, in one of a terrace of houses overlooking the Flagstaff Hill, so named because one of the earliest Government Houses stood on the hill and on its flagstaff a flag was flown whenever the English mail arrived in port. He was the son of Mr Louis Monash who reached Australia as an immigrant in 1853 when 21 years old.
He received his first schooling at St. Stephen's School on Docker's Hill, Richmond. Others who subsequently became well known in public life were also at the school.
In the early part of 1874 his parents went to live in New South Wales in the then rather primitive township of Jerilderie and during his three years there he had, as a growing boy, a vividly interesting experience of country life. He learned to ride and also acquired much skill in bushcraft.
The teacher at the local school, Mr. William Elliott, took a personal interest in him and taught him many things outside the school curriculum, such as higher mathematics and so on. So impressed was his teacher that he strongly urged the boy's parents to take him back to Melbourne.
Mrs. Monash resumed residence in Melbourne with her three children towards the end of 1877 and John Monash was sent to Scotch College. He remained there until 1881, in which year he was equal Dux of the School, Dux in Mathematics and Modern Languages, and gained a Matriculation Exhibition in Mathematics.
The following year, when 16 years of age, he commenced his career at Melbourne University, entering the faculty of Arts with the ultimate purpose of becoming a civil engineer. The whole of the time he was at the University he was handicapped through lack of funds and he did much coaching of students for matriculation in order to pay his way. In those days there were a number of other young men similarly situated who afterwards became distinguished in public life.
From his diary it would seem that his first year at University was an amazingly full one. He seems to have spent his time reading every conceivable book, ancient and modern, of any real worth that he could get his hands on. The reading was mostly done either at the Melbourne Public Library or the University Library. He had regular painting lessons, attended the Supreme Court to hear legal arguments and the Houses of Parliament to listen to debates, did carpentry as a hobby, wrote articles and letters to newspapers, belonged to debating societies, wrote essays on many and varied subjects, played the piano for long periods and interspersed all this with short bursts of attending lectures and preparing his work.
The second year seems to have followed a similar pattern of activity and he also played much chess, spent innumerable hours watching dredges at work and buildings being erected, and he seems to have walked all over Melbourne to watch all forms of constructional work.
In 1884 he was compelled to suspend his University studies to earn his livelihood and at the age of 19 he took an appointment on the construction works of the new Princes Bridge, which were then just starting.
In the following two years he advanced his position on the works, ultimately being given charge of the whole of the earth works, both on the shore and in the river bed, and the whole of the masonry. In 1886 and 1887 the firm for whom he was working (David Munro and Co.) employed him on other important bridge works in Melbourne.
During this period the Victorian Militia was formed out of the volunteer force which was disbanded, and in 1884 John Monash joined the University Company of the Victorian Rifles. He rose steadily through the ranks and was appointed Color-Sergeant in 1886. In the following year, after the University Company had been disbanded he applied for and obtained a commission in the Militia Garrison Artillery.
The following entry in his diary at this time is of significance: "The undercurrent of my thoughts has been running strongly on military matters. Yesterday things came to a finality. I have been attached to Major Gold-stein's battery with the prospect of appointment before Easter; a combination of military and engineering professions is a possibility that is before me."
Early in 1887 he was employed by another firm of contractors to take charge, at the age of 22, of the construction works of the Outer Circle Railway which extended from Fairfield Park to Oakleigh. It was during this period that he was able to finish his University studies and to take out the degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering. In 1891 he married Victoria Moss, the daughter of Moton Moss, a well-known early colonist.
Finding that acquaintance with legal principles was very valuable to an engineer, he decided to qualify in law and in x895 he obtained the degrees of B.A. and LL.B.
He had already been admitted to the degree of Master of Civil Engineering at Melbourne University in 1893.
About this time the historic land boom burst and the young engineer was again thrown upon meagre resources, but he received an appointment as Assistant Engineer and Chief Draftsman of the Melbourne Harbor Trust. During this period he further qualified as Municipal Surveyor, as Engineer for Water Supply and as Patent Attorney.
Owing to the aftermath of the boom he was compelled to relinquish his position with the Melbourne Harbor Trust in 1894. His answer to this situation was typical — he entered private practice as a Consulting Engineer and Patent Attorney—a practice which continued for 20 years.
His professional standing rapidly improved and he received many engagements in other States, some of these being in connection with the construction of the railway from Bundaberg to Gladstone in Queensland, the Mullewa to Cue railway in Western Australia, the Kelly Basin to Gormanston railway in Tasmania, and he designed the King River railway bridge in north western Tasmania.
As an expert witness in the law courts he was much sought after and he figured in a large number of celebrated cases, some of which went to the Privy Council in London and were decided largely on his evidence.
The public career of this brilliant engineer and soldier fell mainly into three phases. The first, his rise to prominence as a civil engineer prior to 1914; the second, and most spectacular, his appointment, with the rank of Lieutenant-General, to command the Australian Army Corps in the first World War; and the third, the culmination of his career, his service to the people of Victoria as Chairman of the State Electricity Commission from its earliest years for ten years until his death in 1931.
IT WAS IN 1896 that he took up reinforced concrete as an engineering specialty. As a partner in. the firm of Monash and Anderson, Consulting Civil, Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers and Surveyors, he designed the Morell Bridge — commonly referred to as the "Anderson Street Bridge"—over the Yarra River near the Botanical Gardens. The bridge, known as a "monier arch" bridge, consists of three spans each too feet long. This was the forerunner of a very large and extensive practice in bridge building and general engineering construction (mainly in reinforced concrete) which extended beyond Victoria into South Australia and Tasmania.
He often declared that reinforced concrete construction was an accepted method of building in Australia long before it was generally employed in Great Britain or in the United States. About the year 1900 he floated his affairs into a proprietary company with David Mitchell (the father of Dame Nellie Melba) as Chairman of Directors, and this was for him a period of great prosperity.
During the whole of the years from his University days in 1884 until 1914, John Monash steadily applied himself to soldiering. He gradually obtained military promotion and became well known as a lecturer on technical military subjects.
About 1912 he was asked by the Hon. J. W. McCay (later Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir James McCay) to become associated with the newly-formed Intelligence Corps, and he took up command of the Victorian section of this, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.
In 1913, he was offered and accepted the command, with the rank of Colonel, of the 13th Infantry Brigade in Victoria, comprising five battalions, including two battalions attached for training. He held this command on the occasion, early in 1914, when General Sir Ian Hamilton, as Inspector-General of the British Overseas Forces, visited Australia.
In his presence in January 1914 John Monash, as Brigade Commander, conducted extensive tactical exercises with troops, and the favourable report which General Hamilton made on this work contributed largely to the selection of Monash for a command in the A.I.F.
In 1912 he had become President of the Victorian Institute of Engineers, and later was elected a Full Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
In 1910 he had been on an extended world tour, accompanied by his wife and daughter, and after several months spent in Germany he came away convinced that war with Great Britain could not be long deferred.
About the middle of 1914, he was acting on the Australian Executive to arrange for the Australasian Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. War broke out as several shiploads of the visiting scientists were landing in Australia. Many of them were foreign and John Monash in his position as Chief Censor had the unpleasant task of interning a number of German scientists whom the executive, of which he was a member, had invited to Australia.
WHEN THE DECLARATION of war came it found him with the rank of Colonel in a citizen force unit—the militia colonel, as he was once described by an admirer, who was destined to teach the generals of the world how to wage war. He planned every movement of his forces with the genius and detail of a great organiser. His mind was eminently one for methodical and cool deliberation but his success did not depend on perfection of plans alone. There was a dynamic quality in him that made him seek decisions.
He became one of the greatest leaders in the war but this distinction was not attained without unending hard work. In December 1914, as Colonel Monash, he left Australia in command of the 4th Infantry Brigade. He landed on Gallipoli in command of this brigade and his leadership there was stamped by method and cool deliberation—characteristics which were later to win him fame in France. He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General and later supervised the evacuation of his Brigade from the Peninsula. After a period in Egypt and on defence in the canal zone, his Brigade moved to France in June 1916.
In July 1916 came promotion when he was summoned to England to organise and train the Third Australian Division and, before the end of November, Major-General Monash was in command of this Division in France, holding the Armentieres sector. The Division took a leading part in the battle of Messines in 1917 and it continued to occupy vital parts of the Allied front line.
His moral courage and his readiness to accept responsibility were tested to the full when, resting in the south of France in March 1918, he learned that the Germans had broken through on the front occupied by Gough's Fifth Army and were pouring through the gap towards Amiens. He was given the task of holding the Germans between the Ancre and the Somme. Working day and night, he gathered the battalions together by motor bus and by train, and deployed them across the path of the advancing enemy. Gradually the attacking waves spent themselves against Monash's forces and the situation was saved for the Allies.
When a couple of months later General Sir William Birchwood was given command of one of the British Armies there was hardly any question as to who should step into his shoes in the Australian Corps. Not only had General Monash proved his tactical ability, but he had also won the confidence of the troops in the field.
In June 1918 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General and given command of all five divisions of the Australian Army Corps. To it were added at various times a British Division, two Canadian and two American divisions, General Monash thus becoming the first British General to have had United States troops under his command. In the closing days of September 1918 his command numbered 208,000 men.
The successful action at Hamel in July 1918 marked the turning of the tide. General Monash's orders and battle-plans for this operation were so brilliantly conceived and so superbly carried out that they were republished by British General Headquarters as a model in order-writing for the whole British Army.
"A perfect battle-plan," Monash once said "is like nothing so much as the score for an orchestral composition, where the various arms and units arc the instruments, and the tasks they perform are their respective musical phrases. Every individual unit must make its entry precisely at the proper moment and play its phrase in the general harmony,"
The Australian offensive of 8th August, "Ludendorff's Black Day," was the beginning of the end. From then on the Australian Army Corps was continuously active delivering a succession of shattering blows that did not cease till the Hindenburg Line had been stormed and the German forces were in full retreat.
At Bertangles, near Amiens, on 12th August 1918, four days after the offensive began, General Monash received the accolade of knighthood from His Majesty King George V, the first British sovereign to confer a knighthood on the field of battle since King George II created knights at the Battle of Dettingen in 1743. This may have given him right to the long-dormant status of "Knight Banneret".
General Sir John Monash's summing up of war and the future is worthy of note. At the end of the Great War he wrote: "From the far off days of 1914, when the first call came, until the last shot was fired, every day was filled with loathing, horror and distress. I deplored all the time the loss of precious life, and the waste of human effort. Nothing could have been more repugnant to me than the realisation of the dreadful inefficiency of, and the misspent energy of war. Yet it had to be, and the thought always uppermost was the earnest prayer that Australia might for ever be spared such at horror on her own soil. There is, in my belief, only one way to realise such a prayer. The nation that wishes to defend its land and its honour must spare no effort, refuse no sacrifice to make itself so formidable that no enemy will dare to assail it."
OR the signing of the Armistice, General Sir John Monash undertook the enormous task of demobilising the A.I.F. During 1919 he took part in many activities in London, including the three great marches through the City – the Anzac Day March, the Dominions March and the Peace March. He had several audiences with His Majesty King George V and also lunched with him informally. He returned to Australia, reaching Melbourne on Boxing Day 1919.
In 1920, Sir John Monash returned to his private business affairs. During this period he was asked by the Commonwealth Government to act on a committee of senior officers to lay down a policy for the future Commonwealth Defence, and also became a member of the Commonwealth Council of Defence.
IN OCTOBER 1920, he was invited by the State Government of Victoria to become General Manager of the State Electricity Scheme—which under the original Electricity Commissioners was then in the formative stages—with a view to a further appointment as Chairman of the Commission as soon as legislation for its creation could be prepared. He assumed office as Chairman of the State Electricity Commission early in 1921.
When Sir John Monash took over the direction of the Electricity Commission in 1920 he was 55 and at the zenith of his mental powers. His liberal education had been augmented by wide and most successful experience in the direction of civil and military operations and his prestige was such as to command the confidence which enabled his plans to be carried out without question. He undertook his work with the Commission with the deliberate intention or rendering further public service to the nation.
When he began, the duties of office had exceeded what his predecessor (Sir Thomas Lyle—first Chairman of Commissioners and a Commissioner until January 1937) and the other part-time Commissioners could reasonably be expected to undertake.
Sir John Monash threw himself into his task with characteristic energy. In 192o the first of the tenders for the erection of the Yallourn power house had been received and accepted. Thereafter the development of Yallourn became one of the romances of engineering in Australia.
In 1921 the first sod was turned preparatory to removing the overburden and clearing the coal face at Yallourn. The building of the power house proceeded steadily, a track more than 120 miles long was cut through the forests of Gippsland to Melbourne and the transmission line put through, and in 1924 the first of the electricity from Yallourn was received in the city.
In the meantime, however, Sir John Monash had discovered that an industrial crisis would occur if the metropolis had to wait until 1924 for power from Yallourn.
Accordingly, by agreement with the Railways Department and the Government, he arranged for an extension of the Newport railways power house expressly for industrial and domestic supply. As a result of the rapidity with which this equipment was provided a severe check to the industrial development of the city was avoided.
Sir John Monash saw more of his plans reach fruition—the extension of the first power house and the partial erection of another power house at Yallourn half as large again as the first. He had also arranged for the erection of a group of hydroelectric stations in the Rubicon district.
As an engineer Sir John Monash was quick to recognise that in its brown coal deposits Victoria possessed an asset the value of which would be by no means confined to the development of electrical power. He set himself to the task of finding other purposes for its use, and an experimental briquette factory was built at Yallourn. The new fuel proved very popular and from this beginning came the manufacture of briquettes on a commercial scale.
In the last year of his life came the final honour to Sir John Monash when he was appointed to represent the Commonwealth of Australia at the opening of New Delhi, India, where he unveiled the Australian Commonwealth Column.
Sir John Monash was frequently called upon in the years after the war to act in public matters of importance. When a Royal Commission was appointed to enquire into the circumstances of the police strike of 1923, he was made Chairman.
On several occasions he acted for the Commonwealth Government, as, for instance, in the dispute between the Naval Board and the Shipping Board as to the building of Australia's two cruisers.
He initiated and developed the Anzac Day ceremonies in Melbourne and took a prominent part in connection with the erection of Victoria's national war memorial, the Shrine of Remembrance, being one of the assessors who selected the accepted design.
He was also much in request as a public speaker. Both before and after the war he wrote many papers on engineering subjects. His book, "The Australian Victories in France in 1918," was submitted by him to the University of Melbourne in 1920 as a thesis upon the subject of engineering applied to warfare and on it he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Engineering, being the first to receive that degree at any Australian University.
The diversity of Sir John Monash's interests was astounding. He had graduated in arts, law and engineering and had a considerable knowledge of medicine. Books of travel, biographies, poems, plays and fiction all came alike to him and were eagerly devoured. He was a good German linguist and had a working knowledge of French. He was an enthusiastic gardener. He took up astronomy and spent many hours with his telescope erected on a platform in his garden. In his later years he did little painting but continued to sketch until the end of his life.
He was interested, peculiarly enough, in all forms of legerdemain and conjuring, and many a child remembers happy hours spent watching his performances, though they were never of a very high order. In his earlier years he climbed many a peak on our mountain ranges but in later years he was content to walk with the Wallaby Club through the bush admiring the Australian landscape which he loved.
But his greatest solace was music; he was an accomplished pianist and on one occasion, in his youth, performed at a concert in the Melbourne Town Hall. He loved classical music, and he attended concerts and operas performed in Melbourne for many years. From music he seemed to emerge like a giant refreshed to deal with the workaday world.
An outstanding trait was the method he employed so that all references should be ready to his hand. His whole immense library was catalogued. He kept a record properly filed and indexed of letters he wrote and received from the age of seven until his death.
One who knew him intimately has said: "The characteristics which I will always recall were his love of children, his simplicity and his gentleness—for his was the gentlest soul I have ever known. This man was very human, and, therefore, not without fault, but these qualities of which I speak, a humanity which could find expression in an overwhelming gentleness, placed him amongst those who light a beacon fire for us poor mortals to look up to."
ON THE DEATH of Sir John Monash on 8th October, 1931, after a short illness, the whole nation mourned. He was accorded a State funeral and the body lay in state in Queen's Hall at Parliament House. The entire route of the funeral procession from there to Brighton Cemetery was lined by citizens paying their last respects.
The feelings of all within the Commission were expressed by one of its senior officers who wrote: "The whole of the employees of the Commission looked upon him not only with pride as their leader but with affection as a very kind personality and his untiring and self-sacrificing devotion to duty will be a lasting inspiration to them and to their fellow citizens whom he served so well."
The nation had lost a great man. The Commission in particular had lost a great leader and it recorded: "First as General Manager, and then as Chairman, the Commission had the full benefit of his genius and prestige; and Victoria's national scheme of brown coal development and electricity supply is, and will be regarded always as, a monument to his capacity for organisation and administration, his amazing industry, and his zeal for the public welfare and the advancement of the State. Great even in small things, and pre-eminent in great things, Sir John Monash left behind him a record alike distinguished as a leader in peace and war,"
THE SHIELD — The five stars are a conventional representation of the Southern Cross, indicating Australian nativity. The broad gold band across the centre of the Shield is, in Heraldry, a "Fess", and represents a Bridge, symbolic of Engineering. The sword represents War, and means that the original holder was a soldier. The Laurel Wreath represents Learning or Academic Rank. It is also the Laurel Wreath of the Victor.
THE CREST — The Lion is the Lion of Judah, and denotes Jewish origin, The Lion is holding the Compasses of Solomon, which represent a Builder.
THE MOTTO — Is in Latin to indicate Learning, It means "For War and Art," indicating that the holder of the Grant has devoted his life to the Arts both of War and Peace.
THE SUPPORTERS — Arc an Artilleryman and an Infantryman of the A.I.F., denoting that the honour of Knighthood was granted to the holder as the leader and representative Of the soldiers of Australia.
THE BAND OR GARTER — This surrounds the Shield, and is indicative of the gold Collar worn by Knights Grand Cross of all Orders on State occasions. In this case it is the gold Collar of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.
THE BADGES — The various decorations granted to the Knight are represented as hanging from the Scroll of the Motto, and are here, respectively, from left to right: The French Croix de Guerre; The Belgian Order of the Crown; The Badge of a Knight Commander of the Bath; The Badge of a Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and St, George; The Legion of Honour; The American Medal for Distinguished Service; and the Belgian Croix de Guerre.
Chairman, State Electricity Commission of Victoria.
Knight Grand Cross (Military Division) of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George.
Knight Commander (Military Division) of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration.
Mentioned in Despatches, eight times.
Grand Officier de la Legion d'Honneur, French Republic.
Grand Officier de l'Ordre de la Couronne, Belgium.
French Croix de Guerre, with two palms.
Director-General of Repatriation and Demobilisation, 1919.
Bachelor of Arts, University of Melbourne.
Doctor of Laws, University of Melbourne.
Doctor of Engineering, University of Melbourne.
Fellow of the Institute of Patent Attorneys, Australia.
Doctor of Civil Law, University of Oxford.
Doctor of Laws, University of Cambridge.
Member of the Melbourne University Council.
Member, Victorian Selection Committee Rhodes Scholarship.
Vice-Chancellor of the Melbourne University.
Honorary Colonel, Melbourne University Rifles.
Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.
President Victorian Institute of Engineers.
Vice-President of the Australian National Research Council.
Memorial Medal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.
Recipient of the 1930 award of the Kernot Memorial Medal.
Honorary Fellow of the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects.
Member of the Australian Council of Defence.
Chairman of the Anzac Day Commemoration Council, Victoria.
Deputy Chairman, National War Memorial Committee of Victoria.
Member of the Board of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.
President of the Victorian Naval and Military Club. | b0de7419e27d4ec99962061b96c617bd | {
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Social skills lessons are an integral part in the development of young children. Here is my interview with Dr. Miri Arie, a child psychologist and expert in the field of social interaction for kids.
I am a child psychologist who specializes in children’s social skills. I diagnose as well as provide direct interventions to children, coach parents, and conduct school observations, consult with teachers. On a personal note, I am Israeli, a mother to two boys (ages 3 and 7, and we moved to the US over three years ago for my husband to attend grad school.
I became interested in social skills in 1999 when I started to work as an ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) therapist for home based interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
I was very lucky to work early on with young children with dedicated parents and saw how much improvement children can make with the right support.
Since then I worked as a clinical psychology intern at Israel’s leading children’s hospital (Schneider Children's Medical Center) and today I am a post-doctorate clinical fellow at the Pediatric Consultation Center located just north of Chicago.
I completed my PhD in clinical child psychology from Tel-Aviv University, Israel, designing treatment for children with Selective Mutism. During a post-doctoral fellowship at Northwestern University, I conducted a research focusing on developing a social skills assessment for children with Autism Spectrum disorders using technologically mediated devices.
Why Are Social Skills Lessons for Kindergarten Important?
Research show that although academic skills are important, social and behavioral skills are often seen as crucial determinants of children’s success in school. The quality of children’s relationships with both peers and adults are important predictors of their success in school.
Social skills are the personal skills needed for successful social communication and interaction. In day- to- day activities these represent the degrees to which children are able to establish and maintain friendships, work and play with others, and terminate negative relationships. As children develop and mature they become more experienced and demonstrate higher level of these skills.
What Social Skills Should Kids Have Learned By Grade One?
By first grade children are expected to play and work collaboratively with their peers. To do so children need to demonstrate pro-social behaviors, positive attitude, understand the perspective of others, negotiate, and make compromises.
By first grade, children are also expected to be independent in their work and in play. I found that it is very common for teachers to set rules such as "if you have a problem ask two friends for help before you approach me". During recess the ratio of adults to children significantly decreases. Implicitly this means that children are expected to identify when they have a problem and actively seek help. By first grade children can identify problems, generate potential solutions (e.g., asking for help, explaining their ideas, taking turns, etc.) and implement them with some supports.
In first grade children frequently work in groups. Therefore skills such as: taking other's perspective, compromising, negotiating, are important skills to have. During recess children play with minimal adult supervision. Being a good problem solver increases the likelihood of getting along with peers while achieving your goals.
How Can Parents Take Part in Social Skills Activities for Kids?
I believe that it is more important to focus on "how to play" rather than "what to play".
Spend time playing with your child. Follow your child's lead. Make sure that both of you are having fun. Within a game I recommend presenting gradual challenges, where your child needs to solve social problems. For example, offer a new idea for the game and insist on it. Occasionally break a rule, let your child handle it. If he or she does not handle the situation (bursts into tears, shouts and walks away,...), explain how you feel and offer alternative strategies ("why don't you...").
Talking with your children is as important as playing with them. Tell them about your day, ask them about theirs. Tell them about problems you had and how you solved them (you may need to present it in a simple way, and help them to see how it may relate to their friendships). Remember to show interest and empathy as well as offer ideas for them to do next time.
Are There Differences in Social Skills Lessons for Different Countries?
Moving from Israel to the US taught me a lot about cultural differences. It is more about expectations and social norms rather than the way you teach it. For example the meaning of "sharing" is different between the two cultures. In Israel it is usually means playing together with a toy (cooperative play). While in the US it is more about taking turns (parallel play). Each culture has its norms. Differences in personal space, manners, tolerance to child's rough-and-tumble play were notable.
What are the Warning Signs for Children with Social Skills Problems?
1. Anger and increased frustration during social interactions.
2. Preference playing with much younger peers or adults, rather than with their own age group.
3. Playing alone most of the time, despite presence of other children.
Where and Who Do Children Learn Their Social Skills From?
From a developmental point of view, children spend most of the time with their caregivers (i.e., parents, nannies) and siblings. These are the most influential figures at early stages of life. Children learn communication and socialization first within their core family unit.
As children grow, they become exposed to other influences such as peers (school, neighborhood), teachers, and TV characters. It is important to remember that children learn social skills through experience as well as from observing others.
What Social Skills Games for Preschoolers Do You Recommend?
As I explained before, I believe that the actual games themselves are not the most important in developing social skills.
There are other things you could do to nurture friendships and support developing social skills. I recommend helping children schedule regular play-dates with class mates and neighbors. Play-dates promote the forming of close and meaningful friendships. They also allow parents the opportunity to observe how their children play, and provide support and guidance in case of need.
Another technique that I find useful is to role play different social situations your child tells you about. Having the child change roles could increase his ability to take perspective, and develop flexible ideas. | dac4d6041c49d0566e63bd771ded1ab4 | {
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San Francisco, CA – VeloWerks Digital, a digital effectiveness agency, is honored to have been selected for three awards which includes one (1) platinum, two (2) gold awards for website and branding work created for our clients Umbra, Suneva and Team Rubicon. The Platinum award was chosen for our website redesigns with Umbra in the Website Business to Business category. The two (2) Gold awards were received for Suneva Medical’s Bellafill website and Team Rubicon project in the website redesign categories for medical and non-profit.
Judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry. There are expected to be about 6,000 entries from throughout the United States and many other countries in the Hermes Creative Awards 2018 competition. In the past, about 15 percent of entries won Platinum, the top award and around 20 percent the Gold Award. Approximately 10 percent were Honorable Mention winners.
VeloWerks is a digital effectiveness agency. We create engaging digital marketing experiences by skillfully combining a blend of rigorous strategy practices, extensive digital-marketing experience, powerful creative solutions, and unparalleled technology smarts. At our core, we believe in giving our clients maximum value by focusing on business results and delivering rational solutions to complex problems. Follow us on Facebook, Twitteror visit VeloWerks.com.
Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional and emerging media. Hermes Creative Awards recognizes outstanding work in the industry while promoting the philanthropic nature of marketing and communication professionals.
Hermes Creative Awards is administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (www.amcpros.com). The international organization consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, digital media production and free-lance professionals. AMCP oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and awards outstanding achievement and service to the profession. | c1db4833f5fddea0b4cb6b46ae95e398 | {
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'It's literally got 30 of the biggest artists in the world on it, and every artist plays a different animal," Lil Dicky said on Ellen.
Ariana Grande snagged a 55-year-old record from The Beatles.
'thank u, next' is proof of just how much Grande hearts her fans, seeing that the album will be Grande's second in a six-month period.
Grande is dripping diamonds for her new '7 rings' video, her latest self-empowerment play.
Two weeks into 2019 and Ariana Grande is already headlining two major U.S. festivals. | 9df83d675387427e354c6748825734f7 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
We report on the case of a 2-year-old girl recently diagnosed with Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) deficiency who originally presented in the neonatal period with a distinctive rash. At 11 weeks of age she developed seizures, she had acquired microcephaly and developmental delay. The rash deteriorated dramatically following commencement of phenobarbitone; both rash and seizures abated following empiric introduction of pyridoxine and folinic acid as treatment of possible vitamin responsive seizures. We postulate that phenobarbitone in combination with MTHFR deficiency may have caused her rash to deteriorate and subsequent folinic acid was helpful in treating the rash and preventing further acute neurological decline as commonly associated with this condition.
The presence of terminal ileum and complete colonic duplication associated with a rectovestibular fistula, caecal diverticulum and multiple appendixes in a child presents an extremely rare diagnostic and management conundrum. We report our surgical approach to successfully correcting this anomaly.
Chronic hemodialysis in children weighing less than 10 kg.
Hemodialysis (HD) in infants is usually used when peritoneal dialysis (PD) has failed. We describe our experience with HD, outlining the morbidity, complications, and outcomes for infants weighing less than 10 kg managed with HD for more than 6 months over a 10-year period.
A comparison of pediatric forearm fracture reduction between conscious sedation and general anesthesia.
The purpose of this study was to compare the outcomes of children whose fractures were manipulated with nitrous oxide with those fractures manipulated under a general anesthetic.
Moving towards health. Abstracts of the 19th European Childhood Obesity Group Meeting. September 17-17, 2009. Dublin, Ireland. | d60164784b26f199cfdf916df0487679 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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Our banking services include the formation of foreign banks in Singapore and advising clients regarding ongoing compliance matters, including compliance with the Monetary Authority of Singapore, money laundering regulations, and other applicable laws.
We represent local and foreign banks on their loan transactions to Singapore companies and advise on the validity and enforceability of such loans and security documentation. We are consistently at the forefront of many banking law developments, including innovative debt instruments, project finance, securitisation and debt restructuring. Our law corporation has extensive experience representing banks in the restructuring of corporate debt.
We have expertise in negotiation and documentation pertaining to structures ranging from pre-export financings through advance payment facilities to special purpose vehicle structures. We also cover Islamic financing structures, the use of derivatives and the regulatory impact of structures under Basel II.
Our law corporation has the ability to provide advice not only on the legal aspects of the deal but also on its commercial aspects. With our depth of commercial knowledge, we are well equipped to deal with issues arising from changes in markets, such as privatization, the onset of competition, the opening up of hitherto closed jurisdictions and increasing securitization of trade finance receivables.
We also render advisory services on all aspects of international trade and commodity financing transactions that includes advice on taxation, corporate recovery and restructuring, insurance and re-insurance, documenting financing transactions, risk management in credit, trading and commodity-related investment transactions, dispute resolution and debt recovery. | fd7b69f31439e1a736407b709311a4f4 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
The Louis M. Groen Nature Preserve, an Otsego County Park in Johannesburg, contains two lakes, 20 miles of trail and a lot of history, including ties to McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwich. The preserve is crisscrossed with trails, many of them old two-tracks that are marked with 86 numbered junctions. The trail system is shared by day hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians. In the winter it’s a destination for snowshoers and cross country skiers.
The Louis M. Groen Nature Preserve, an Otsego County Park in Johannesburg, contains two lakes, 20 miles of trail and a lot of history. The story of the 789-acre preserve spans from the sawmill and company town that the Johannesburg Manufacturing Company built in 1902 to the Echo Valley Resort that briefly operated in the 1950s. But by far the most interesting chapter of the park’s history is its ties to McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwich.
Louis Groen opened the first McDonald's in the Cincinnati area but in 1962 was struggling to save his floundering hamburger franchise. His problem was a heavily Roman Catholic clientele which back then abstained from meat every Friday, as well as during Lent, the 40-day period of repentance. Groen’s solution was the Filet-O-Fish and that led to a wager with McDonald's founder, Ray Kroc, who had his own meatless idea; the Hula Burger, a cold bun with a slice of pineapple and cheese on top.
Needless to say, the Hula Burger is long gone but the Filet-O-Fish is still around and not only saved Groen’s business but allowed him to open 42 more McDonald franchises in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. It also allowed him to purchase the property surrounding Johannesburg and Kujawa Lakes after selling most of his restaurants in 1986.
Groen and his wife enjoyed the property for 22 years and then left the tract to Otsego County to be used as a nature preserve when he passed away in 2011 at the age of 93. The Louis M. Groen Nature Preserve opened to the public the following year.
The preserve is crisscrossed with trails, many of them old two-tracks that are marked with 86 numbered junctions. A map in this park is a necessity. The trail system is shared by day hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians. In the winter it’s a destination for snowshoers and cross country skiers. At an elevation of almost 1,400 feet the park receives an abundance of snow and grooms it into a pair of 3-mile loops, one for classic skiers, the other for skate skiers. Snowshoe rentals are also available at the preserve.
Despite the maze of trails, the system at Louis M. Groen Nature Preserve is well marked and easy to follow. Four loops – Path A (Yellow), Path B (Blue) Path C (Green) and Path D (Red) – are marked and begin at the trailhead with Path A featuring a series of interpretive signage. The hike that is described here is a combination of Path A and Path C that forms a 4.3-mile loop into the most scenic and interesting areas of the park.
Most of this hike is along Path A which is the loop marked in yellow and lined with a series of interpretive plaques. From the trailhead on Gingell Road you follow an old two track past the vault toilet to quickly pass post No. 1 and then Post No. 2. Five more junctions are passed and before you breakout into a large field and post No. 8 reached at Mile 1.
A modern restroom is located here along with picnic tables and a replica of a Big Wheel used to transport logs in the early 1900s. A side trail near the restrooms leads to farming and logging remains. The Johannesburg Manufacturing Company established Johannesburg in 1902 as a sawmill and company town and was responsible for the camp. The Johannesburg company closed a month before the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and by then its mill had cut more than 300 million board feet of lumber and at one point supported 200 employees and their families.
Path A cuts across the field and at post No. 10 re-enters the woods and begins a long descent towards Johannesburg Lake. The steady descent lasts a half mile but provides views of the lake through the trees. You bottom out just past post No. 13 where Lakeview Trail is posted. This short spur leads to the shoreline, a pleasant spot reached at Mile 1.8 into the hike where there is a pair of benches and a view of the entire lake.
Path A climbs back up the lakeshore bluff to post No. 15, a junction where you head south (left) to continue on Path C marked by green blazes. Path C continues to skirt the bluff above Johannesburg Lake providing views of the water. At post No. 59, a major intersection with a bench, you head east (left) to continue following the shoreline before departing Path C at post No. 60 for a side trail up the bluff. The higher elevation provides even better views of Johannesburg Lake before reaching post No. 63 at Mile 2.8.
You return to following Path C as it passes a pair of scenic marshes embedded in the rugged terrain before reaching post No. 59 a second time. Nearby at post No. 58 you continue north along a two-track. This area is an infusion of trails and two-tracks but well marked so it’s easy to find the path needed.
You continue north and at post No. 17 return to the yellow blazes marking Path A. Post No. 19 reached at Mile 3.5 is another major junction where you head northwest to stay on Path A and quickly break out in an open field. In the middle of it is post No. 20. You break out in another large field to reach post No. 22 and No. 23 at Mile 4. Here you head north to return to the trailhead parking area within a third of a mile.
At the Gingell Road trailhead is parking, vault toilet and a park office. A restroom and picnic area is located at the Logging Camp dayuse area.
The Louis M. Groen Nature Preserve is open Memorial Day to Labor Day Monday thru Friday 2-8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The rest of the year the park is open Monday from noon to 6 p.m., Thursday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. There are no entry or vehicle fees at the preserve.
From M-32, 12 miles east of Gaylord or just before you enter Johannesburg, turn north on Gingell Road. The park entrance is almost a mile from M-32 near the corner of Gingell Road and Waters Road.
For more information, call the park office (989-705-2181) or check the Otsego County Parks & Recreation website. For travel information contact the Gaylord Area Tourism Bureau (800-345-8621; www.gaylordmichigan.net). | e90ecc7bd52b832ad1806511521d1c61 | {
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We’re delighted to feature an interview with a researcher who has a real enthusiasm for her work. This interview with Dr Olivia Kirtley provides a welcome reminder of all the good that research can do.
I am a postdoctoral research psychologist in the Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory (SBRL) at the University of Glasgow (Scotland). I received my undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of Stirling, where I further cultivated an interest in suicide research that had begun during my A-Level psychology studies. During my undergraduate degree, I had a chance to write an essay on the topic of pain and self-harm. I had become increasingly curious about the mechanisms that underpin exactly how individuals can overcome self-preservation instincts to harm themselves; do those who self-harm experience pain differently to people who have never self-harmed? This led to an undergraduate dissertation on pain and self-harm, and then a PhD at the University of Glasgow on the relationship between emotional and physical pain in self-harm ideation (thoughts) and enactment (behaviours). The research I am currently doing is around the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and self-harm in adulthood.
Where to start? It is an immense privilege to be someone with whom participants feel they can share their experiences; stories that are so often heavy with emotional pain and trauma. Particularly with participants who I have seen in the lab at the University (relative to in hospital), sometimes I am the first person they have ever told about their self-harm or their thoughts of suicide.
No two days are ever the same, so there is never a chance of being bored! One day I may be interviewing a patient in hospital after they have been admitted following an episode of self-harm, the next day I may be running psychophysiological experiments with participants in the lab, another day I may be giving a talk at a conference and using my data to tell the stories of my participants’ experiences. I love that I am constantly inspired and challenged by the people around me, whether that be participants, fellow researchers or clinical colleagues.
What are people’s first reactions when you tell them what you research?
When I tell people that I study suicide and self-harm, I experience a whole range of reactions. The majority of people are really interested and engaged with research in this area and sometimes tell me about friends or loved ones who have self-harmed or died by suicide. The suicide rates in Scotland are high, and Glaswegians are a friendly bunch, so even sometimes when I am waiting in line at the bar or to catch a bus, people start chatting to me about what I do and we end up speaking about their lived experience of suicide or of losing someone to suicide. Some people say how depressing it must be to work in suicide research, and ask me why I didn’t want to study something happier. Thankfully these instances have become fewer as time has gone on, and actually these comments tended to come from other researchers in different fields!
Sometimes people think that because I am a research psychologist, as opposed to a clinician, I spend my days writing and doing data analyses without actually speaking to people with lived experience of suicide; they don’t always recognise that my data are people and their experiences.
How different is it to the reality?
Studying suicide could not be further from being ‘depressing’. It is an area that is full of hope, energy and determination. Every one of the participants who take part in our research tells us something invaluable that helps us get that little bit closer to understanding suicide and self-harm, and what we as researchers can do to change practice and policy so that a person does not come to a point of feeling like the only option they have is to end their own life, or to harm themselves.
As a research psychologist in the area of clinical health psychology, I get to learn from the lived experience of the people who participate in my studies, and I also get to do all the study design, statistical analyses and writing of papers; it’s a good balance.
How do people react if you talk to them about the differences?
Quite a few people are surprised that researching suicide isn’t the dark topic that they think it is. People are interested to talk about the many different ways we can study suicide, and how the research we do contributes to suicide prevention, and how studies we do in the lab or in hospitals will actually go on to help people who are feeling suicidal. When it comes to suicide, myths abound, and people can sometimes be shocked that many of the things they hear in the media about suicide are just not true, e.g. that speaking to someone about suicide can ‘put the idea into their head’; As long as it is done sensitively, this is not the case. Many people also think that it is mostly young men who die by suicide, when in fact we have seen increasing rates of suicide among middle-aged men and also among young women. There are a lot of assumptions about suicide and studying suicide, and partly because of this I really enjoy doing lots of public engagement work, whether that is running live Twitter chats, blogging, or speaking at science festivals. This gives me lots of great opportunities to challenge people’s preconceptions about what it is like to study suicide, but also to dispel some of the myths and stigma that surround suicide and mental health more generally.
Thanks Olivia, it was great to talk to you.
You can also find out more about our interviewee Olivia on Twitter. If any of you, our readers would like to feature in such an interview and share what you love about your research, then please get in touch with us. | 16f5e23faf261629bc711d9a60890f3e | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
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* Capsaicin is the ingredient found in different types of hot peppers that is extracted to relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis or Shingles, among other things.
Capsaicin is primarily used to relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis, although it's also used to treat mild to severe pain for some who have persistent pain after Shingles and pain associated with skin conditions such as Psoriasis. It can also be used to relieve pain associated with Brachioradial pruritus, Nodular prurigo, and atypical facial pain.
Capsaicin is a topical cream made from extracted alkaloid in red chilli peppers. Capsaicin works by first stimulating and then decreasing the intensity of pain signals in the body. Capsaicin stimulates the release of a compound believed to be involved in communicating pain between the nerves in the spinal cord and other parts of the body.
Capsaicin is a cream that can be purchased over the counter. You can apply it to the affected area three or four times a day by rubbing it in with your fingers. You may feel a burning or itching sensation the first few times you use the cream, but this will gradually decrease with each use. If it's being used to treat persistent pain associated with Shingles (Herpes Zostrem), it should only be applied after the Shingles have healed.
If used every day, you should begin to feel pain relief in at least one to six weeks. You should continue to use it even after you get pain relief; if you discontinue use and the pain returns, begin using it again.
About half of those who use Capsaicin will experience stinging or burning after the first application, but it should diminish after several uses. It may help to take a bath or shower before or after use to reduce the burning or stinging. It's helpful to begin with small amounts, and increase the amount as you get used to it. An allergic reaction is also possible.
* Don't take Capsaicin if you have high blood pressure or are being treated for high blood pressure.
* Avoid contact with eyes or other mucous membranes.
* Do not use on areas with broken skin.
* Tight bandages should not be used on top of Capsaicin cream. | eabd08c651a4f1094b1cbe513978398c | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Exploring the different types of trusts that are available | Kuhn Law Firm, P.A.
In order to assure that a person’s lifetime worth of property and assets gets properly allocated according to the owner’s wishes, there are various types of trusts available. A trust, in its simplest term, is a contract to be honored by a power of attorney or court to divide property and assets according to the trustmaker’s wishes. There are several types of trust available, each with their own set of rules.
A revocable trust offers flexibility to the trustmaker, as it may be modified, altered, changed or entirely revoked at any time. Revocable trusts are popular and helpful in having the assets and property avoid probate upon the death of the trustmaker. This trust typically becomes an irrevocable trust immediately following the death of the trustmaker.
An irrevocable trust acts exactly as it sounds. Once formed, unlike a revocable trust, an irrevocable trust cannot be modified, altered, changed or revoked under any circumstances, not even by the trustmaker. A charitable trust allocates assets or property to a public entity or charity. These can be especially valuable in many circumstances, as it is not uncommon for the trustmaker to be acknowledged by the charity once the charitable trust is created.
A special needs trust can also be created to provide financial assistance to a beneficiary without the beneficiary losing existing or future government benefits, such as Social Security Disability benefits. There are specific requirements for a special needs trust to assure that the assets are properly used. This may include medical expenses, rehabilitation or therapy costs, equipment, education and ongoing treatments for the illnesses or disabilities suffered by the beneficiary. It may be a good idea to get more information about trust administration to make certain that trusts are properly crafted and legal, and to assure that the trustmaker’s wishes are met with regards to their trusts. | ea8245ff4ae6e5153bfec314c3fe320e | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
owenrudge.co.uk is one year old today! (Or at any rate, it was the 28th November 1999 that I created a folder for my web site!) Thanks to everyone who’s visited my site, or helped me in any way with it. (A long list of people I’d like to thank are available on the Information page).
The New owenrudge.co.uk is Open!
I have finally launched the new owenrudge.co.uk! If you have just come from the old site, take a look at this list, as quite a lot has happened while I’ve been moving owenrudge.co.uk. Everything is working except the forums – the old scripts didn’t work on the server (they worked on my local PC though…) so I’ve installed some new forum scripts and am just configuring them.
At last, I have released version 1.1 of my FreeGEM distribution, which is much less buggy than previous versions! Download it here.
I have released the OSPlus Utility Kit. This is a very useful collection of tools for DOS. Find out more.
I have finished moving owenrudge.co.uk to the new server. There are a couple of ‘rough edges’, but these will be sorted out over time.
And the October Award Goes To…..
I have decided to give the owenrudge.co.uk October Award to….. Microsith. Find out more. | ec4ba38d31376fa4c6f34fff52c8eefb | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Including 28 mini-games and a great way to show off the features of your new console, 1-2 Switch should have been a bundled game alongside the launch of the Nintendo Switch. What to know why we think this? Well, now you can find our thanks to our video review which you can now watch below. | 434772ce76905e0bc7e666f9231aa628 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
As Hurricane Harvey pelted Houston with heavy rains over the weekend, a local television news station broadcast footage of flood evacuees sitting outside the George R. Brown Convention Center. The people weren’t waiting for space inside what would become a massive emergency shelter. They were choosing to remain outdoors because their pets were not allowed in with them.
That policy changed within a day, after a top elected official made clear both humans and animals were welcome at the city’s evacuation centers.
Emmett wasn’t making just a passing reference to the catastrophe that hit New Orleans in 2005. During that disaster, many residents stayed put — and died in some cases — rather than heed rescuers’ instructions to leave pets behind as waters inundated homes. Others faced wrenching choices when they arrived at shelters that would not allow animals. One small white dog, Snowball, became a national symbol of these emotional separations after he was taken from the arms of a child who was boarding a bus to Texas that did not take pets. The boy cried so hard, according to an Associated Press report, he vomited.
One 2006 poll found 44 percent of people who chose not to evacuate during Katrina did so because they did not want to abandon their pets. Even so, the Louisiana SPCA estimated, more than 100,000 pets were left behind and as many as 70,000 died throughout the Gulf Coast.
A dozen years later, Katrina is viewed as a watershed moment in planning for pets during natural disasters. It changed federal and state policies — and, animal advocates and experts say, made clear Americans have widely embraced the idea of dogs and cats as family members.
At the time, emergency management plans took only people into account. The result was an ad hoc approach to animals, with some responders flat-out turning away dogs and others agreeing to evacuate them. Animal protection groups, which quickly became overwhelmed with displaced critters separated from their owners, often found themselves at odds with local and state officials, recalled Wayne Pacelle, chief executive of the Humane Society of the United States.
The sense that systems had failed both pets and people quickly reached Capitol Hill. In 2006, Congress overwhelmingly passed legislation requiring local and state authorities who want federal emergency grants to include pets in disaster plans. It authorized the use of federal funds for pet-friendly emergency shelters.
“The dog was taken away from this little boy, and to watch his face was a singularly revealing and tragic experience,” Rep. Tom Lantos said at the time. The California Democrat, who died in 2008, sponsored the House version of the Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) Act — legislation “born at that moment” with Snowball, Lantos said.
Not all evacuation centers in Texas are accepting pets this week, but many are accommodating them in separate areas or coordinating with off-site shelters to house them. In San Antonio, for instance, a state-run reception center for Harvey evacuees routes pets to a city-run animal shelter, after assigning them and owners individual ID numbers that will help reunite them later.
The images and stories out of Southeast Texas — of rescue boats loaded with dogs and people — are far different from those that emerged during Katrina. Lisa Eicher’s experience offers just one example. When the Conroe, Tex., resident woke Monday, floodwaters had nearly submerged the 15 feet of steps up to the first floor of her family’s home. Before she, her husband and four children could pack more than a garbage bag of clothes, firefighters had rolled up outside in a muddy dump truck and were telling them to leave.
“We have two kids with Down syndrome, a pig and a three-legged dog,” Eicher recalled telling them.
Soon Eicher’s husband and a firefighter were helping Pip, a terrier mix, swim across the murky water. Next up was Penny, a mottled potbellied pig that floated on a yellow life jacket.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Humane Society both greatly expanded their disaster response divisions after Katrina. The latter now has memorandums of understanding with many local organizations and localities — including the Houston suburbs of League City and Dickinson — that allow for more nimble and organized responses, Pacelle said.
Animals that do not remain with owners also have more places to go these days, advocates say. As Harvey approached, several Texas shelters shipped dogs and cats out to distant facilities to make room for furry refugees. Those far-off places, such as the Humane Rescue Alliance in Washington, in turn revved up adoptions to clear even more space.
“We’re working nonstop to get out every single animal that was currently adoptable in some of these cities where we know that these evacuees are going to need to come,” said Katie Jarl, senior state director in Texas for the Humane Society. The organization sent more than 100 shelter animals out of San Antonio between Monday and Wednesday.
Much of the movement is relying on sophisticated transport networks, many of which grew out of the chaos during Katrina. On Tuesday night at 10 p.m., eight mixed-breed dogs — labs, hounds and pit bulls — arrived at the Somerset Regional Animal Shelter in Bridgewater, N.J. They had come from San Antonio on a plane flown by Wings of Rescue, a California-based charity that uses private aircraft to fly animals from high-kill southern shelters to northern areas where euthanasia rates are lower.
The Harvey efforts are by no means “copacetic or settled,” Pacelle said. Citing health concerns, some emergency shelters are turning away people with pets, as are hotels — though both face shaming on social media when they do so. The corporation that owns Holiday Inn Express apologized this week after reports that its Katy, Tex., hotel rejected a family with three dogs.
And though animal advocates say arrangements have greatly improved since 2005, they are still not ideal for some pet owners. One Corpus Christi couple who evacuated to San Antonio opted to go to a hotel after learning their dog would be temporarily housed at the city-run shelter, rather than with them at an evacuation center.
That Pogue’s sentiment is now enshrined in legal code, which has long viewed pets as property, is one of Katrina’s lasting legacies.
Stephanie Kuzydym and Emily Wax in Houston contributed to this report. | 00fc58e08253930bc83a9948b6d015eb | {
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And the Award for Best Tour Prank Goes to…Cassadee Pope!
It’s not often that you see Chris Young stumble during a performance. Nope; this No. 1 singer-songwriter and Grammy nominee is as cool and composed as they come. That is until his duet partner and tour mate, Cassadee Pope, puts her prankster pants on.
The colleagues turned friends have been touring together all year on Young’s I’m Comin’ Over Tour, all the while their song “Think of You” climbed the charts to the top, earned them a CMA nod, and scored the pair a 2017 Grammy Award nomination. Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and the tour is making its final stops this weekend. However, Pope was not about to leave this all behind without getting the last laugh.
Last night, Pope enlisted the help of Young’s Tour Manager, Bill Cracknell, to play a prank on the headliner while on stage. Clad in a tight dress that few women can pull off, Cracknell took the stage in place of Pope for her entrance during “Think of You.” The result was Young putting down his microphone and throwing his body on the stage in hysterics. Lucky for the audience members, Pope did come out (wearing the same dress and wearing it a whole lot better…sorry Bill!) and gave the fans a perfect performance of the acclaimed song.
Watch the video below to see Cassadee Pope prank Chris Young! | d12b9055cfef847330bc99b65770fad0 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Guide and teach current and future clients and information professionals to ensure the continued growth of the field.
Poster sessions are huge assets to the library information science field because librarians not only research a specific topic to present on their posters, but they also visit other posters and learn about a variety of topics related to library and information science. Valuable information can be shared at these poster sessions because presenters work hard to create posters that are eye-catching and that convey the significance of their topic to others. Poster sessions contribute to the continued growth of the field.
Though I have not yet had the opportunity to present at or attend a real library poster session, my LI855: Collection Development and Management class prepared our own posters in groups of two to three and conducted a mock poster session on the second Friday evening class session. My group presented on the procedures for the selection and management of public library collection materials including books, serials, and electronic and other non-book formats. We also distinguished between selection and censorship to ultimately explain the ethical issues surrounding collection development. Specifically, we created a fictitious library (Bay Green Public Library) and gave an overview of its demographics, its collection, its budget, and its handling of censorship and censorship awareness. When we presented to the other participants and the judge (our professor), we had to speak articulately and economically because we only had a limited amount of time to express our ideas. The process of working with my group members to gather information about our topic and plan how we were going to convey the information through a poster made me appreciate how hard mentors must work to ensure that future librarians carry on the torch for of scholarly research for many years to come. | 2b5066ac4ebf0467906ca941d0106380 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Selling on the internet can open up a whole world of opportunities for your business, but make sure you are ready before you jump online.
So, you’ve got over your fear of the internet and decided to set up an online shop. What do you do next?
One of the easiest ways for businesses to gauge whether e-commerce is something they want to explore is to try out online marketplaces such as Amazon, Ebay, Etsy or Adverts.ie.
a written description of the business: history, specialities etc.
Buyers can review feedback from other customers before choosing whether to buy an item from a specific seller. Feedback can cover quality of items, speed of service and delivery.
internet and email access to check for orders and customer queries.
Without these, feedback and reviews from customers could quickly get unpleasant. Remember, start as you mean to go on. | da7ff8fe983baa1f441e28b289f8c8f6 | {
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz"
} |
Subsets and Splits