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"Myosotis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae that are commonly called Forget-me-nots .",
"Myosotis ( ; from the Greek : `` mouse 's ear '' , after the leaf ) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae that are commonly called Forget-me-nots ."
] |
"Newell Convers Wyeth ( October 22 , 1882 -- October 19 , 1945 ) was an American painter and book illustrator .",
"Newell Convers Wyeth ( October 22 , 1882 â `` October 19 , 1945 ) , known as N.C. Wyeth , was an American artist and illustrator ."
] |
"Bernd FÃ rster ( born 3 May , 1956 ) is a former German football player .",
"Bernhard `` Bernd '' Georg Josef FÃ rster ( born 3 May 1956 ) is a former German footballer , who played as a defender ."
] |
"The goal was , giving an international communication language , that is , as a universal ( world ) second language , not to replace national languages . This goal was widely shared with Esperanto speakers in the early years of the Esperanto movement .",
"Esperanto was conceived as a language of international communication , more precisely as a universal second language ."
] |
"This goal was widely shared with Esperanto speakers in the early years of the Esperanto movement . After that , Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that was shared is owned by themselves , even if Esperanto is never chosen by the United Nations or other international organizations .",
"Esperanto has native speakers , that is , people who learned Esperanto from their parents as one of their native languages ."
] |
"The Boston Globe , 12 May 1999 Those who focus on the basic value of the language are commonly called raÅ mistoj , from Rauma , Finland , where a statement on the near-term ( not far from today ) not believing in the `` fina venko '' and the value of Esperanto culture was made at the International Youth Congress ( meeting ) in 1980 .",
"Those who focus on the intrinsic value of the language are commonly called raÅ mistoj , from Rauma , Finland , where a declaration on the near-term unlikelihood of the `` fina venko '' and the value of Esperanto culture was made at the International Youth Congress in 1980 ."
] |
"The largest is the Universala Kongreso de Esperanto ( Universal Congress of Esperanto ) , held in a different country each year .",
"Every year , 1,500 â `` 3,000 Esperanto speakers meet for the World Congress of Esperanto ( Universala Kongreso de Esperanto ) ."
] |
"This goal was widely shared with Esperanto speakers in the early years of the Esperanto movement .",
"This goal was widely shared among Esperanto speakers in the early decades of the movement ."
] |
"Those Esperanto speakers who want Esperanto to be chosen by organizations or used worldwide are commonly called finvenkistoj , from fina venko , meaning `` final victory '' , or pracelistoj , from pracelo , meaning `` original goal '' .",
"Those Esperanto speakers who want to see Esperanto adopted officially or on a large scale worldwide are commonly called finvenkistoj , from fina venko , meaning `` final victory '' , or pracelistoj , from pracelo , meaning `` original goal '' ."
] |
"The goal was , giving an international communication language , that is , as a universal ( world ) second language , not to replace national languages .",
"It was to serve as an international auxiliary language , that is , as a universal second language , not to replace ethnic languages ."
] |
"At first the language was named `` La Internacia Lingvo , '' which means `` The International Language . ''",
"Zamenhof 's name for the language was simply La Internacia Lingvo `` the International Language '' ."
] |
"Since x is not used in Esperanto , those letters can be written as : cx gx hx jx sx ux .",
"This system replaces each diacritic with an x after the letter , producing the six digraphs cx , gx , hx , jx , sx , and ux ."
] |
"Those letters Ä Ä Ä Ä Å Å are usually not found on mobile phones or keyboards .",
"Zamenhof , the inventor of Esperanto , created an `` h-convention '' , which replaces Ä , Ä , Ä , Ä , Å , and Å with ch , gh , hh , jh , sh , and u , respectively ."
] |
"The Prague Manifesto ( 1996 ) presents the ideas of the ordinary people of the Esperanto movement and of its main organization , the World Esperanto Association ( UEA ) .",
"The Prague Manifesto ( 1996 ) presents the views of the mainstream of the Esperanto movement and of its main organization , the World Esperanto Association ( UEA ) ."
] |
"After that , Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that was shared is owned by themselves , even if Esperanto is never chosen by the United Nations or other international organizations .",
"Later , Esperanto speakers began to see the language and the culture that had grown up around it as ends in themselves , even if Esperanto is never adopted by the United Nations or other international organizations ."
] |
"Crucified Barbara started out in 1998 as a punk rock band , but they speedily changed their style to heavy metal .",
"Crucified Barbara started out in 1998 as a punk rock band , but they speedily shifted their style to heavy metal ."
] |
"Crucified Barbara are a Swedish all-female band , formed in Stockholm in 1998 .",
"Crucified Barbara is a Swedish all-female metal band , formed in Stockholm in 1998 ."
] |
"It was released on December 8 2005 and went straight to no. 8 on the Swedish Hitlist .",
"It was released on 8 December 2005 and went straight to # 8 on the Swedish music charts ."
] |
"The video was recorded and produced by M Industries .",
"The video to accompany it was recorded and produced by M Industries ."
] |
"Their music can be described as a mix between heavy metal and rock 'n' roll .",
"Their music may best be described as a cross between heavy metal , and rock 'n' roll ."
] |
"The single , for the debut album In Distortion We Trust , was ` Losing The Game ' .",
"Their advance debut single from their first album In Distortion We Trust , was `` Losing the Game '' ."
] |
"Freeview is free television service in the New Zealand , It is sent to people 's home using a digital signal by either over the air or by satellite .",
"The Freeview service is available via satellite throughout New Zealand ."
] |
"Iran means `` Aryan '' in Persian .",
"The name `` Iran '' is a cognate of `` Aryan '' , and roughly means `` land of the Aryans '' ."
] |
"Iran used to be called Persia ( for a long time by people outside of Iran ) .",
"The name `` Iran '' has been in use natively since the Sassanian era and came into use internationally in 1935 , before which the country was known to the western world as Persia . Both `` Persia '' and `` Iran '' are used interchangeably in cultural contexts ; however , `` Iran '' is the name used officially in political contexts ."
] |
"A Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) is a set of computer software programs and data structures which use a virtual machine model for the execution of other computer programs and scripts .",
"A Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) enables a set of computer software programs and data structures to use a virtual machine model for the execution of other computer programs and scripts ."
] |
"The JVM is an important component of the Java Platform . Because JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms , Java can be both middleware and a platform in its own right -- hence the expression `` write once , run anywhere . ''",
"JVM is a crucial component of the Java platform , and because JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms , Java can be both middleware and a platform in its own right , hence the trademark write once , run anywhere ."
] |
"Java Virtual Machines operate on Java bytecode , which is normally ( but not necessarily ) generated from Java source code ; a JVM can also be used to implement programming languages other than Java .",
"From the point of view of a compiler , the Java Virtual Machine is just another processor with an instruction set , Java bytecode , for which code can be generated . The JVM was originally designed to execute programs written in the Java language ."
] |
"Swat was part of the Mughal Empire ruled by local rulers known as Akhoond or Akhwand .",
"Swat was part of the Mughal Empire ruled by local rulers known as Akhwand ."
] |
"It lay to the north of the modern North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan until it was dissolved in 1969 .",
"It lay to the north of the modern Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan until it was dissolved in 1969 ."
] |
"Kirsten Caroline Dunst ( born April 30 , 1982 ) is an American actress , famous for her roles in Interview with the Vampire , The Virgin Suicides , Marie Antoinette , and Bring It On , as well as Mary Jane Watson in the Spider-Man film series .",
"Kirsten Caroline Dunst ( born April 30 , 1982 ) is an American actress , model , and singer ."
] |
"In a graveyard there is now a statue of the Commendatore .",
"A graveyard with the statue of the Commendatore ."
] |
"Giovanni then flirts with Zerlina . Elvira arrives and warns Zerlina about how bad Giovanni is .",
"She leaves with Zerlina ."
] |
"He fights Giovanni with a sword and the Commendatore is killed . Donna Anna 's fiancà , Don Ottavio promises Donna Anna that he will find the man who killed her father .",
"The Commendatore , Anna 's father , appears and challenges Giovanni to a duel while Donna Anna flees for help ."
] |
"Masetto and his friends arrive , looking for Giovanni .",
"Before Giovanni can complete his seduction of the maid , Masetto and his friends arrive , searching for Giovanni and intending to kill him ."
] |
"Giovanni and Leporello arrive and hear her .",
"Seeing an opportunity for a game , Giovanni hides and sends Leporello out in the open dressed as Giovanni . From his hiding place Giovanni sings a promise of repentance , expressing a desire to return to her , while Leporello poses as Giovanni and tries to keep from laughing ."
] |
"Leporello throws off Giovanni 's cloak and hat so that everyone realizes who he is .",
"Wanting to seduce Elvira 's maid , Giovanni persuades Leporello to exchange cloak and hat with him ."
] |
"Zerlina tries to tell Masetto she is innocent .",
"When she leaves , a marriage procession with Masetto and Zerlina enters ."
] |
"In Donna Anna 's room Ottavio asks Anna to marry him , but Anna wants to wait because it is so soon after her father 's death .",
"Donna Anna 's room . Ottavio pressures Anna to marry him , but she thinks it inappropriate so soon after her father 's death ."
] |
"Giovanni ( dressed as Leporello ) pretends that he , too , wants Giovanni dead and joins the hunt .",
"Giovanni ( dressed as Leporello ) convinces the posse that he also hates Giovanni , and joins the hunt ."
] |
"Elvira comes down to the street .",
"Elvira comes to her window ."
] |
"Suddenly Donna Anna appears , chasing Giovanni who is wearing a mask so that she does not know who she is .",
"Donna Anna appears , chasing Don Giovanni , who is masked ."
] |
"After getting the crowd to separate Giovanni beats up Masetto and runs away laughing .",
"After cunningly dispersing Masetto 's friends ( Giovanni aria : `` Metà di voi qua vadano â `` Half of you go this way '' ) , Giovanni takes Masetto 's weapons away , beats him up very badly , and runs off , laughing ."
] |
"Zerlina arrives and comforts Masetto .",
"Masetto 's trust evaporating in an instant , he hides , resolving to see for himself what Zerlina will do when Giovanni arrives . Zerlina tries to hide from Don Giovanni , but he finds her and attempts to continue the seduction , until he stumbles upon Masetto 's hiding place ."
] |
"Anna and Ottavio promise to marry after a year . Elvira will spend the rest of her life in a convent , Zerlina and Masetto will finally go home for dinner , and Leporello will find a new master .",
"Since Giovanni is dead and the conflict is over , Anna and Ottavio choose to wait until Anna 's year of grieving is over before marrying ; Elvira will spend the rest of her life in a convent ; Zerlina and Masetto will finally go home for dinner ; and Leporello will find a new master ( a better one , hopefully ) at a tavern ."
] |
"Elvira , Ottavio and Anna are masked so that people do not recognize them . They are trying to catch Giovanni and prove that he is bad .",
"Leporello invites three masked guests to the party ( the disguised Elvira , Ottavio , and Anna ) who plan to catch Giovanni red-handed , if possible ."
] |
"Leporello threatens to leave Giovanni , but Giovanni calmly offers to pay him more money .",
"Leporello threatens to leave Giovanni , but his master calms him with a peace offering of money ."
] |
"Leporello is not amused , and Don Giovanni just laughs .",
"But the servant is not amused , suggesting it could have been his wife , and Don Giovanni laughs aloud at his servant 's protests ."
] |
"In a dark courtyard , Leporello leaves Elvira .",
"Leporello abandons Elvira ."
] |
"Zerlina and Masetto open the door and catch Leporello .",
"Just as Leporello is about to slip through the door , which he has difficulty finding , Zerlina and Masetto open it and , seeing him dressed as Giovanni , catch him before he can escape ."
] |
"As he tries to escape , Anna and Ottavio arrive .",
"As he tries to escape , Ottavio arrives with Anna , consoling her in her grief ."
] |
"Masetto and his friends arrive , looking for Giovanni . Giovanni ( dressed as Leporello ) pretends that he , too , wants Giovanni dead and joins the hunt .",
"Don Giovanni and Leporello arrive soon after ."
] |
"Zerlina tries to tell Masetto she is innocent . Masetto tries to see whether she means it .",
"Zerlina follows the jealous Masetto and tries to pacify him ."
] |
"There is a lot of confusion , and Giovanni gives Zerlina back to Masetto .",
"Giovanni is immediately attracted to Zerlina , and he attempts to remove the jealous Masetto by offering to host a wedding celebration at his castle . On realizing that Giovanni means to remain behind with Zerlina , Masetto becomes angry ( Masetto aria : `` Ho capito !"
] |
"In the Commendatore 's garden Leporello is standing guard while Don Giovanni is making love to Donna Anna .",
"Leporello , Don Giovanni 's servant , is keeping watch outside Donna Anna 's house ."
] |
"Leporello tells Don Giovanni how he was nearly killed .",
"Leporello tells Don Giovanni of his brush with danger , and Giovanni taunts him , saying that he took advantage of his disguise as Leporello , by trying to seduce one of Leporello 's girlfriends ."
] |
"Ottavio and Anna appear .",
"Ottavio and Anna enter , plotting vengeance on the still unknown murderer of Anna 's father ."
] |
"Nuneaton also has a football team called Nuneaton Town .",
"Nuneaton has two non-league football teams of note : Nuneaton Town who play in the Conference North and Nuneaton Griff who play in the Midland Combination Premier Division . There is also a thriving Sunday League football scene in the town , with teams from Nuneaton , Bedworth and North Warwickshire competing in the Nuneaton & District Sunday Football League ( NDSFL ) ."
] |
"Nuneaton is the largest town in the English county of Warwickshire . Nuneaton is famous for the novelist , George Eliot , who was born on a farm outside Nuneaton in 1819 and lived in Nuneaton during her early life . )",
"Nuneaton has two non-league football teams of note : Nuneaton Town who play in the Conference North and Nuneaton Griff who play in the Midland Combination Premier Division ."
] |
"Nuneaton is famous for the novelist , George Eliot , who was born on a farm outside Nuneaton in 1819 and lived in Nuneaton during her early life . )",
"Nuneaton is most famous for its associations with the 19th century author George Eliot , who was born on a farm on the Arbury Estate just outside Nuneaton in 1819 and lived in the town for much of her early life ."
] |
"Nuneaton is the largest town in the English county of Warwickshire .",
"Nuneaton is the largest town in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth and in the English county of Warwickshire ."
] |
"The subsolar point on a planet is when its sun looks like it is directly overhead ( in zenith ) .",
"The subsolar point on a planet is where its sun is perceived to be directly overhead ( in zenith ) ."
] |
"For planets with a rotation like the Earth 's , the subsolar point will move westward , circling the globe once a day .",
"For planets with an orientation and rotation similar to the Earth 's , the subsolar point will move westward , circling the globe once a day , but it will also move north and south between the tropics over the course of a year ."
] |
"There his burden falls off his back , so he is very relieved . Three shining ones give him the greeting of peace .",
"After Christian is relieved of his burden , he is greeted by three shining ones , who give him the greeting of peace , new garments , and a scroll as a passport into the Celestial City â '' these are allegorical figures indicative of Christian Baptism ."
] |
"The sun rises as he leaves .",
"As he leaves this valley the sun rises on a new day ."
] |
"Because of its explicit English Protestant theology The Pilgrim 's Progress shares the feeling of most English , in the 17th century , against the Roman Catholic Church .",
"Because of its explicit English Protestant theology The Pilgrim 's Progress shares the then popular English antipathy toward the Roman Catholic Church ."
] |
"To Christian 's query about relief from his burden , Goodwill directs him forward to the ` place of deliverance ' .",
"To Christian 's query about relief from his burden , Good Will directs him forward to `` the place of deliverance . ''"
] |
"The book is divided into two parts , and is 108,260 words long . Each part is a continuous narrative , with no chapter divisions .",
"The English text comprises 108,260 words and is divided into two parts , each reading as a continuous narrative with no chapter divisions ."
] |
"They are captured by Giant Despair , who takes them to Doubting Castle , where they are imprisoned , beaten and starved .",
"In the morning they are captured by Giant Despair , who takes them to his Doubting Castle , where they are imprisoned , beaten and starved ."
] |
"On the way , Christian and Hopeful meet a man called Ignorance .",
"On the way , Christian and Hopeful meet a lad named Ignorance , who believes that he will be allowed into the Celestial City through his own good deeds rather than as a gift of God 's grace . Christian and Hopeful meet up with him twice and try to persuade him to journey to the Celestial City in the right way ."
] |
"Faithful is put on trial , and executed .",
"Faithful is put on trial , and executed as a martyr ."
] |
"Just outside the Valley of the Shadow of Death he meets Faithful , who also used to live in the City of Destruction . They go together to Vanity Fair , where they are both arrested because they do not like the kind of business which is being done at the fair , all based on greed .",
"Just outside the Valley of the Shadow of Death he meets Faithful , also a former resident of the City of Destruction , who accompanies him to Vanity Fair , where both are arrested and detained because of their disdain for the wares and business of the fair ."
] |
"The giant wants them to commit suicide , but they refuse . Suddenly Christian realizes that a key he has , called Promise , will open all the doors and gates of Doubting Castle .",
"The giant wants them to commit suicide , but they endure the ordeal until Christian realizes that a key he has , called Promise , will open all the doors and gates of Doubting Castle ."
] |
"Samuel Johnson said that `` this is the great merit of the book , that the most cultivated man can not find anything to praise more highly , and the child knows nothing more amusing '' .",
"Samuel Johnson said that `` this is the great merit of the book , that the most cultivated man can not find anything to praise more highly , and the child knows nothing more amusing . ''"
] |
"The explicit Protestant theology of The Pilgrim 's Progress made it popular .",
"The explicit Protestant theology of The Pilgrim 's Progress made it much more popular than its predecessors ."
] |
"Hopeful , who lives in Vanity , takes Faithful 's place as Christian 's companion for the rest of the way .",
"Hopeful , a resident of Vanity , takes Faithful 's place to be Christian 's companion for the rest of the way ."
] |
"He must go to the Wicket Gate .",
"On his way to the Wicket Gate , Christian is diverted by Mr. Worldly Wiseman into seeking deliverance from his burden through the Law , supposedly with the help of a Mr. Legality and his son Civility in the village of Morality , rather than through Christ , allegorically by way of the Wicket Gate ."
] |
"In the Second Part , Goodwill is shown to be Jesus himself .",
"In the Second Part , Good-will is shown to be Jesus himself ."
] |
"Christian and Hopeful eventually reach the Celestial City .",
"Christian has a rough time of it , but Hopeful helps him over ; and they are welcomed into the Celestial City ."
] |
"He kills four giants , including Giant Despair , and helps to kill a monster that terrorizes the city of Vanity .",
"He kills four giants and participates in the slaying of a monster that terrorizes the city of Vanity ."
] |
"Part Two was published in 1684 .",
"The Second Part appeared in 1684 ."
] |
"The Second Part of The Pilgrim 's Progress presents the pilgrimage of Christian 's wife , Christiana ; their sons and the maiden , Mercy .",
"The Second Part of The Pilgrim 's Progress presents the pilgrimage of Christian 's wife , Christiana ; their sons ; and the maiden , Mercy ."
] |
"Expert critics think the second part is important , and brings in more ideas : `` Part II , which appeared in 1684 , is much more than a mere sequel to or repetition of the earlier volume .",
"Alexander M. Witherspoon , professor of English at Yale University , writes in a prefatory essay : Part II , which appeared in 1684 , is much more than a mere sequel to or repetition of the earlier volume ."
] |
"At the Wicket Gate the gatekeeper , Goodwill , tells him to keep to the straight path .",
"At the Wicket Gate begins the `` straight and narrow '' King 's Highway , and Christian is directed onto it by the gatekeeper Good Will ."
] |
"When Christiana 's party leaves Gaius 's Inn , Mr. Feeble-mind lingers in order to be left behind . He is encouraged to come with the party by Greatheart : But brother ... I have it in commission , to comfort the feeble-minded , and to support the weak .",
"When Christiana 's party leaves Gaius 's Inn and Mr. Feeble-mind lingers in order to be left behind , he is encouraged to accompany the party by Greatheart : But brother ... I have it in commission , to comfort the feeble-minded , and to support the weak ."
] |
"They visit the same places that Christian visited , but they take a longer time . This is because the story includes the marriage of his sons , and children for the four sons and their wives .",
"They visit the same stopping places that Christian visited , with the addition of Gaius ' Inn between the Valley of the Shadow of Death and Vanity Fair ; but they take a longer time in order to accommodate marriage and childbirth for the four sons and their wives ."
] |
"The Pilgrim 's Progress is an English language book written by John Bunyan .",
"Other connections are suggested in books not directly associated with either John Bunyan or The Pilgrim 's Progress ."
] |
"It was published over the years of the Popish Plot ( 1678 â `` 1681 ) and ten years before the Glorious Revolution of 1688 , and it shows the influence of John Foxe 's Foxe 's Book of Martyrs .",
"It was published over the years of the Popish Plot ( 1678 â `` 1681 ) and ten years before the Glorious Revolution of 1688 , and it shows the influence of John Foxe 's Acts and Monuments ."
] |
"He is not afraid because his friend Faithful reminds him of the words of Psalm 23 : Yea , though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death , I will fear no evil : for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me .",
"When he is in the middle of the valley amidst the gloom and terror he hears the words of the Twenty-third Psalm , spoken possibly by his friend Faithful : Yea , though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death , I will fear no evil : for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me ."
] |
"A ferryman called Vain Hope ferries Ignorance across the River of Death , but Ignorance is turned away from the gates of Celestial City and thrown into hell .",
"Ignorance persists in his own way that leads to his being cast into hell . After getting over the River of Death on the ferry boat of Vain Hope without overcoming the hazards of wading across it , Ignorance appears before the gates of Celestial City without a passport , which he would have acquired had he gone into the King 's Highway through the Wicket Gate ."
] |
"Gernicourt is a commune . It is found in the region Picardie in the Aisne department in the north of France .",
"Gernicourt is a commune in the Aisne department in Picardy in northern France ."
] |
"The album reached # 21 on Billboard 's Pop Albums chart , and is on the list of the top 100 best-selling albums of the 1980s .",
"The album reached # 21 on the Billboard 200 chart , and is on the list of the top 100 best-selling albums of the 1980s ."
] |
"The tracks Crazy Train and `` Mr. Crowley '' were released as singles .",
"The tracks `` Crazy Train '' , and `` Mr. Crowley '' were released as singles ."
] |
"Blizzard of Ozz is a heavy metal album by Ozzy Osbourne , recorded in Surrey , UK and released on September 20 , 1980 in the UK and on January 15 , 1981 in the U.S. .",
"Blizzard of Ozz is the debut studio album by British singer\\/songwriter Ozzy Osbourne , recorded in Surrey , UK and released on September 20 , 1980 in the UK and on March 27 , 1981 in the U.S. ."
] |
"A regatta is a term used to describe either a boat race , or series of boat races .",
"A regatta is a series of boat races ."
] |
"Although regattas are typically amateur competitions , they are usually very highly organized , formally structured events , with complex rules precisely describing the schedule and procedures of the event .",
"Although regattas are typically amateur competitions , they are usually formally structured events , with comprehensive rules describing the schedule and procedures of the event ."
] |
"Before signing with WWE , Sampson wrestled under several ring names , including Frederick of Hollywood , Fred Rosser , and `` Bonecrusher '' Fred Sampson .",
"Prior to signing with WWE , Rosser wrestled under several ring names , including Frederick of Hollywood , Fred Rosser , and `` Bonecrusher '' Fred Sampson ."
] |
"He was in the first season of WWE NXT in early 2010 .",
"He previously appeared on the first season of WWE NXT in early 2010 before a stint on the Raw brand ."
] |
"Frederick `` Fred '' Rosser ( born November 2 , 1979 ) is an American professional wrestler .",
"Frederick `` Fred '' Rosser ( born November 2 , 1979 ) is an African American professional wrestler ."
] |
"He is currently signed to World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE ) , where he wrestles on the Raw brand as Darren Young .",
"He is currently signed to World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE ) , where he is appearing on the fifth season of WWE NXT under the ring name Darren Young ."
] |
"In 1954 , Annan attended Mfantsipim School , an Methodist boarding school in central Ghana .",
"From 1954 to 1957 , Annan attended the elite Mfantsipim school , a Methodist boarding school in Cape Coast founded in the 1870s ."
] |
Subsets and Splits