stringlengths 293
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (in_production VARCHAR, toxic_materials VARCHAR, technology VARCHAR)
### Question:
What's the production if the technology is sodium-sulfur batteries and yes to toxic materials?
### Answer:
SELECT in_production FROM table_name_39 WHERE toxic_materials = "yes" AND technology = "sodium-sulfur batteries" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (opponent VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
### Question:
What opponent has a score of 1-3?
### Answer:
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_70 WHERE score = "1-3" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_189893_1 (population__2006_ INTEGER, percentage__2011_ VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the lowest population(2006) when there is a 1.06% in 2011?
### Answer:
SELECT MIN(population__2006_) FROM table_189893_1 WHERE percentage__2011_ = "1.06%" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (team VARCHAR, replaced_by VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is Team, when Replaced By is "Jesús Ramírez"?
### Answer:
SELECT team FROM table_name_92 WHERE replaced_by = "jesús ramírez" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_262501_1 (primary_conference_when_joining_the_csfl VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the primary conference when joining the cslf for the institution that was founded in 1894
### Answer:
SELECT primary_conference_when_joining_the_csfl FROM table_262501_1 WHERE founded = 1894 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (eruptions VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, volcanic_explosivity_index VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which Eruptions have a Location of pacific ring of fire, and a Volcanic Explosivity Index of 6, and a Country of peru?
### Answer:
SELECT eruptions FROM table_name_51 WHERE location = "pacific ring of fire" AND volcanic_explosivity_index = "6" AND country = "peru" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (away_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
### Question:
For the game played at Windy Hill, who was the away team?
### Answer:
SELECT away_team FROM table_name_4 WHERE venue = "windy hill" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 (away_team VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the away team that played the home team of Geelong?
### Answer:
SELECT away_team FROM table_name_49 WHERE home_team = "geelong" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (opponent VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which team has a record of 7-1?
### Answer:
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_99 WHERE record = "7-1" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_21790203_1 (result VARCHAR, film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR)
### Question:
Name the result for already famous
### Answer:
SELECT result FROM table_21790203_1 WHERE film_title_used_in_nomination = "Already Famous" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (poles VARCHAR, season VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which pole has a Season of 2009 and points of test driver?
### Answer:
SELECT poles FROM table_name_90 WHERE season = 2009 AND points = "test driver" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_141541_5 (year VARCHAR, change VARCHAR)
### Question:
what's the year with change being +8.0%
### Answer:
SELECT year FROM table_141541_5 WHERE change = "+8.0%" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_14058433_4 (won VARCHAR, try_bonus VARCHAR)
### Question:
what's the won with try bonus being 12
### Answer:
SELECT won FROM table_14058433_4 WHERE try_bonus = "12" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (guest_id VARCHAR, booking_status_code VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Guests (guest_first_name VARCHAR, guest_last_name VARCHAR, guest_id VARCHAR)
### Question:
Show the first names and last names of all the guests that have apartment bookings with status code "Confirmed".
### Answer:
SELECT T2.guest_first_name, T2.guest_last_name FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Guests AS T2 ON T1.guest_id = T2.guest_id WHERE T1.booking_status_code = "Confirmed" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (surface VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, partner VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which surface had a date after 1982 and partner of Guy Forget?
### Answer:
SELECT surface FROM table_name_28 WHERE date > 1982 AND partner = "guy forget" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (round VARCHAR, ranking VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which Round has a Ranking of 2008 wta tour?
### Answer:
SELECT round FROM table_name_31 WHERE ranking = "2008 wta tour" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_20848569_9 (no INTEGER, total_goals VARCHAR, total_apps VARCHAR)
### Question:
Where total goals is 1 and total apps is 33, what is the smallest no.?
### Answer:
SELECT MIN(no) FROM table_20848569_9 WHERE total_goals = 1 AND total_apps = 33 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (wins VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, matches VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the total number of wins in 2010, when there were more than 14 matches?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(wins) FROM table_name_99 WHERE year = "2010" AND matches > 14 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_27721131_2 (team VARCHAR, high_assists VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
### Question:
What's the team number with John Wall (9) in high assists and a w 97–83 (ot) score?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(team) FROM table_27721131_2 WHERE high_assists = "John Wall (9)" AND score = "W 97–83 (OT)" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_20866024_2 (engine VARCHAR, model_designation VARCHAR)
### Question:
How many different engines are there for the model with model designation 97G00?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(engine) FROM table_20866024_2 WHERE model_designation = "97G00" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 (stadium VARCHAR, final_score VARCHAR)
### Question:
What stadium hosted the game that had a final score of 9-14?
### Answer:
SELECT stadium FROM table_name_75 WHERE final_score = "9-14" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (total INTEGER, bronze VARCHAR, gold VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the average total for teams with more than 1 gold, ranked over 3 and more than 3 bronze?
### Answer:
SELECT AVG(total) FROM table_name_39 WHERE gold > 1 AND rank > 3 AND bronze > 3 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (heat_points VARCHAR, game VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is Heat Points, when Game is less than 80, and when Date is "April 26 (First Round)"?
### Answer:
SELECT heat_points FROM table_name_11 WHERE game < 80 AND date = "april 26 (first round)" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_19763199_5 (song VARCHAR, artist VARCHAR)
### Question:
Name the number of song for solydo
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(song) FROM table_19763199_5 WHERE artist = "Solydo" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (result VARCHAR, week__number VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the result after the week # top 11?
### Answer:
SELECT result FROM table_name_84 WHERE week__number = "top 11" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
### Question:
What is the name and salary for employee with id 242518965?
### Answer:
SELECT name, salary FROM Employee WHERE eid = 242518965 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (sample_size INTEGER, date VARCHAR, republican VARCHAR, margin_of_error VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the sample size of the poll taken on Dec 13-15, 2007 that had a margin of error of more than 4 and resulted with Republican Mike Huckabee?
### Answer:
SELECT AVG(sample_size) FROM table_name_5 WHERE republican = "mike huckabee" AND margin_of_error > 4 AND date = "dec 13-15, 2007" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_63 (definition VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, town VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which Definition has a Rank smaller than 12, and a Town of tadcaster?
### Answer:
SELECT definition FROM table_name_63 WHERE rank < 12 AND town = "tadcaster" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (ends_lost INTEGER, locale VARCHAR, blank_ends VARCHAR)
### Question:
Can you tell me the lowest Ends Lost that has the Locale of norway, and the Blank Ends larger than 17?
### Answer:
SELECT MIN(ends_lost) FROM table_name_95 WHERE locale = "norway" AND blank_ends > 17 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_28859177_3 (production_code VARCHAR, original_air_date VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the production code for the episode that aired on October 15, 2004?
### Answer:
SELECT production_code FROM table_28859177_3 WHERE original_air_date = "October 15, 2004" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (grid VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR)
### Question:
What grid is associated with 67 laps?
### Answer:
SELECT grid FROM table_name_45 WHERE laps = 67 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (location VARCHAR, tail_number VARCHAR)
### Question:
In what location was the tail number ZS-SPF?
### Answer:
SELECT location FROM table_name_83 WHERE tail_number = "zs-spf" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (result VARCHAR, club VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the Result for the club universidad de guadalajara?
### Answer:
SELECT result FROM table_name_11 WHERE club = "club universidad de guadalajara" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_2439728_1 (founded INTEGER, school VARCHAR)
### Question:
when was lawrence academy at groton established?
### Answer:
SELECT MIN(founded) FROM table_2439728_1 WHERE school = "Lawrence Academy at Groton" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (no3 VARCHAR, no1 VARCHAR)
### Question:
Who is no.3 when Claudio Sylvie is no.1?
### Answer:
SELECT no3 FROM table_name_62 WHERE no1 = "claudio sylvie" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_18904831_7 (location VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
### Question:
Where was the game played that had a record of 19-6?
### Answer:
SELECT location FROM table_18904831_7 WHERE record = "19-6" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (team__number2 VARCHAR, team__number1 VARCHAR)
### Question:
Who played against Hapoel tel aviv when they were team #1?
### Answer:
SELECT team__number2 FROM table_name_89 WHERE team__number1 = "hapoel tel aviv" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (loss VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
### Question:
During which loss was the record 48-50?
### Answer:
SELECT loss FROM table_name_45 WHERE record = "48-50" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (opponent VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, number VARCHAR, time VARCHAR, aircraft VARCHAR)
### Question:
Who is the opponent with a time higher than 1040, a Spad xiii aircraft in Dun-Sur-Meuse with a lower number than 22?
### Answer:
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_5 WHERE time > 1040 AND aircraft = "spad xiii" AND number < 22 AND location = "dun-sur-meuse" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (Id VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the 1987 result for the tournament with 1986 result of 3R and 1989 of A?
### Answer:
SELECT 1987 FROM table_name_81 WHERE 1989 = "a" AND 1986 = "3r" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_180802_3 (planet VARCHAR, transcription VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which planet has the transcription of wan suk?
### Answer:
SELECT planet FROM table_180802_3 WHERE transcription = "wan suk" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_26538035_1 (move_only VARCHAR, developer VARCHAR)
### Question:
For the game whose developer was Ailive, is it a Move-only release?
### Answer:
SELECT move_only FROM table_26538035_1 WHERE developer = "AiLive" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (date VARCHAR, rocket VARCHAR, satellite VARCHAR)
### Question:
On what date was the rocket a TBD with a satellite of GPS IIIA-1?
### Answer:
SELECT date FROM table_name_16 WHERE rocket = "tbd" AND satellite = "gps iiia-1" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (lead VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR)
### Question:
Where did Croatia lead?
### Answer:
SELECT lead FROM table_name_1 WHERE nation = "croatia" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (week VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
### Question:
How many weeks in total has bye as the date?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(week) FROM table_name_23 WHERE date = "bye" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (location_attendance VARCHAR, series VARCHAR)
### Question:
what is the location attendance when the series is 4-3?
### Answer:
SELECT location_attendance FROM table_name_38 WHERE series = "4-3" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (week VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR)
### Question:
How many weeks have an attendance of 64,116?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(week) FROM table_name_40 WHERE attendance = "64,116" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (county VARCHAR, geo_id VARCHAR, latitude VARCHAR, ansi_code VARCHAR)
### Question:
what is the county when the latitude is more than 48.581299, ansi code is more than 1037103 and the geo id is 3801985060?
### Answer:
SELECT county FROM table_name_74 WHERE latitude > 48.581299 AND ansi_code > 1037103 AND geo_id = 3801985060 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE Accounts (customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Customers (customer_first_name VARCHAR, customer_last_name VARCHAR, phone_number VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR)
### Question:
Show the unique first names, last names, and phone numbers for all customers with any account.
### Answer:
SELECT DISTINCT T1.customer_first_name, T1.customer_last_name, T1.phone_number FROM Customers AS T1 JOIN Accounts AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (starts INTEGER, winnings VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR)
### Question:
Can you tell me the sum of Starts that the Winnings of $139,774, and the Wins smaller than 0?
### Answer:
SELECT SUM(starts) FROM table_name_37 WHERE winnings = "$139,774" AND wins < 0 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (competition VARCHAR, goals VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which competition has a Goal of deacon 10/10, and a Score of 40–12?
### Answer:
SELECT competition FROM table_name_52 WHERE goals = "deacon 10/10" AND score = "40–12" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (uci_rating VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the UCI rating of the race in Italy with the progetto ciclismo alplast team?
### Answer:
SELECT uci_rating FROM table_name_81 WHERE location = "italy" AND team = "progetto ciclismo alplast" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (seats_2005 INTEGER, in_de_creased_by VARCHAR, percentage_in_de_crease VARCHAR, governorate VARCHAR)
### Question:
How many Seats 2005 has a Percentage in/de-crease of 50.0%, and a Governorate of dhi qar governorate, and a In/de-creased by larger than 6?
### Answer:
SELECT SUM(seats_2005) FROM table_name_14 WHERE percentage_in_de_crease = "50.0%" AND governorate = "dhi qar governorate" AND in_de_creased_by > 6 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_26282750_1 (film_festival VARCHAR, participants_recipients VARCHAR)
### Question:
What Film Festival had participants/recipients of Isao Tomita?
### Answer:
SELECT film_festival FROM table_26282750_1 WHERE participants_recipients = "Isao Tomita" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (hometown VARCHAR, profession VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the hometown of the contestant who was a professional mixologist?
### Answer:
SELECT hometown FROM table_name_13 WHERE profession = "mixologist" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (capacity VARCHAR, code VARCHAR)
### Question:
what is the capacity when the code is d4f bi-fuel 732?
### Answer:
SELECT capacity FROM table_name_36 WHERE code = "d4f bi-fuel 732" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE song (song_name VARCHAR, resolution INTEGER, languages VARCHAR)
### Question:
Find the distinct names of all songs that have a higher resolution than some songs in English.
### Answer:
SELECT DISTINCT song_name FROM song WHERE resolution > (SELECT MIN(resolution) FROM song WHERE languages = "english") |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (winning_driver VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
### Question:
Name the winning driver for monaco grand prix
### Answer:
SELECT winning_driver FROM table_name_41 WHERE name = "monaco grand prix" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (mountain_peak VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
### Question:
Name the mountain peak with rank less than 6 abd location of 81.9083°n 75.0250°w
### Answer:
SELECT mountain_peak FROM table_name_16 WHERE rank < 6 AND location = "81.9083°n 75.0250°w" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_2402209_1 (no_of_barangays VARCHAR, population__2010_ VARCHAR)
### Question:
How many different counts of tue number of Barangays are there for the municipality with 13824 citizens in 2010?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(no_of_barangays) FROM table_2402209_1 WHERE population__2010_ = 13824 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (sleeves VARCHAR, back VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which Sleeves have a Back of Unknown?
### Answer:
SELECT sleeves FROM table_name_72 WHERE back = "unknown" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (founded VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
### Question:
When was the Balayan, Batangas campus founded?
### Answer:
SELECT founded FROM table_name_41 WHERE location = "balayan, batangas" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (state VARCHAR, opened__closing_date_if_defunct_ VARCHAR)
### Question:
What State has an Opened (closing date if defunct) that shows 1960?
### Answer:
SELECT state FROM table_name_28 WHERE opened__closing_date_if_defunct_ = "1960" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (county VARCHAR, built VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which county built a bridge in 1934?
### Answer:
SELECT county FROM table_name_59 WHERE built = "1934" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (amino_acid VARCHAR)
### Question:
what is the 1-letter for the amino acid asparagine?
### Answer:
SELECT 1 AS _letter FROM table_name_10 WHERE amino_acid = "asparagine" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_19897294_4 (family_families VARCHAR, no_overall VARCHAR)
### Question:
What family had a no.overall of UK10?
### Answer:
SELECT family_families FROM table_19897294_4 WHERE no_overall = "UK10" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (group VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, award VARCHAR)
### Question:
For which group was Kim nominated in 2010 for Best International Actress?
### Answer:
SELECT group FROM table_name_61 WHERE year = 2010 AND award = "best international actress" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (attendance INTEGER, record VARCHAR)
### Question:
Record of 18–15–6 belongs to what lowest attendance?
### Answer:
SELECT MIN(attendance) FROM table_name_32 WHERE record = "18–15–6" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (surface VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
### Question:
What surface was the match on November 6, 1982 played on?
### Answer:
SELECT surface FROM table_name_82 WHERE date = "november 6, 1982" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (npl_net VARCHAR, bank VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which NPL net's bank was citibank?
### Answer:
SELECT npl_net FROM table_name_30 WHERE bank = "citibank" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (word__number INTEGER, subframe__number INTEGER)
### Question:
What is the total word count with a subframe count greater than 3?
### Answer:
SELECT SUM(word__number) FROM table_name_43 WHERE subframe__number > 3 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (province_region VARCHAR, home_campus VARCHAR)
### Question:
Where is the Holy Cross of Davao College campus located?
### Answer:
SELECT province_region FROM table_name_42 WHERE home_campus = "holy cross of davao college" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_55 (total VARCHAR, player VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR)
### Question:
How much Total has a Player of todd hamilton, and a To par smaller than 15?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(total) FROM table_name_55 WHERE player = "todd hamilton" AND to_par < 15 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (draws INTEGER, played INTEGER)
### Question:
What is the average draws with more than 38 played?
### Answer:
SELECT AVG(draws) FROM table_name_25 WHERE played > 38 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_11148572_1 (mls_cup_winner VARCHAR, mls_supporters_shield_runner_up VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the name of the shield winner in which the mls cup winner and mls supporters shield runner up is Chivas usa?
### Answer:
SELECT mls_cup_winner FROM table_11148572_1 WHERE mls_supporters_shield_runner_up = "Chivas USA" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (score VARCHAR, round VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the Score of the Semifinal 1?
### Answer:
SELECT score FROM table_name_31 WHERE round = "semifinal 1" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_27547668_3 (_number INTEGER)
### Question:
What is the smallest numbered episode in the series listed?
### Answer:
SELECT MIN(_number) FROM table_27547668_3 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (scheduled VARCHAR, turbines VARCHAR)
### Question:
When is the scheduled date for the farm having 17 turbines?
### Answer:
SELECT scheduled FROM table_name_96 WHERE turbines = 17 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (last_10_meetings VARCHAR, last_meeting VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the last 10 meetings that have 11/26/1988 as the lasr meeting?
### Answer:
SELECT last_10_meetings FROM table_name_32 WHERE last_meeting = "11/26/1988" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (goals_against INTEGER, wins VARCHAR, draws VARCHAR, losses VARCHAR)
### Question:
Name the average goals against for draws of 8 and wins more than 22 with losses less than 12
### Answer:
SELECT AVG(goals_against) FROM table_name_92 WHERE draws = 8 AND losses < 12 AND wins > 22 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_197638_6 (player VARCHAR, french_open VARCHAR)
### Question:
Who won the French Open in 1999?
### Answer:
SELECT player FROM table_197638_6 WHERE french_open = 1999 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (lead VARCHAR, skip VARCHAR, event VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the Lead for the 2009 WCC when Wang Bingyu news was the skip?
### Answer:
SELECT lead FROM table_name_39 WHERE skip = "wang bingyu" AND event = "2009 wcc" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_7 (opponent VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
### Question:
Who was the opponent with a score of 109–108?
### Answer:
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_7 WHERE score = "109–108" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_1745843_8 (part_4 VARCHAR, part_1 VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the part 4 when part 1 is "lesan"?
### Answer:
SELECT part_4 FROM table_1745843_8 WHERE part_1 = "lesan" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_63 (body_width_mm INTEGER, lead_pitch_mm VARCHAR, part_number VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which Body Width/mm has a Lead Pitch/mm smaller than 0.55, and a Part Number of tsop48?
### Answer:
SELECT MIN(body_width_mm) FROM table_name_63 WHERE lead_pitch_mm < 0.55 AND part_number = "tsop48" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_27940569_1 (laps INTEGER)
### Question:
What was the greatest number of laps run?
### Answer:
SELECT MAX(laps) FROM table_27940569_1 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (score VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the score of player bob rosburg?
### Answer:
SELECT score FROM table_name_46 WHERE player = "bob rosburg" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (type VARCHAR, nat VARCHAR)
### Question:
Which Type has a Nat of geo?
### Answer:
SELECT type FROM table_name_58 WHERE nat = "geo" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (position VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
### Question:
What position was Jafus White who was picked after round 1?
### Answer:
SELECT position FROM table_name_87 WHERE round > 1 AND player = "jafus white" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (rank_by_average VARCHAR, total_points VARCHAR, average VARCHAR)
### Question:
What is the total rank with more than 392 total points and an 24.8 average?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(rank_by_average) FROM table_name_12 WHERE total_points > 392 AND average = 24.8 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_19072602_1 (score VARCHAR, match_no VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the score at the end of the match number 4?
### Answer:
SELECT score FROM table_19072602_1 WHERE match_no = 4 |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_27091128_3 (replaced_by VARCHAR, outgoing_manager VARCHAR)
### Question:
Who replaced the outgoing manager Hüsnü Özkara?
### Answer:
SELECT replaced_by FROM table_27091128_3 WHERE outgoing_manager = "Hüsnü Özkara" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_21696800_1 (_number VARCHAR, us_viewers__million_ VARCHAR)
### Question:
What's the number of the episode seen by 2.24 million people in the US?
### Answer:
SELECT _number FROM table_21696800_1 WHERE us_viewers__million_ = "2.24" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (set_1 VARCHAR, set_3 VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the first set with a third set of 25–21?
### Answer:
SELECT set_1 FROM table_name_87 WHERE set_3 = "25–21" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_2597876_2 (winnings VARCHAR, avg_start VARCHAR)
### Question:
How many values for winnings correspond to average start of 19.0?
### Answer:
SELECT COUNT(winnings) FROM table_2597876_2 WHERE avg_start = "19.0" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (number_of_households VARCHAR, median_family_income VARCHAR)
### Question:
How many households have a median family income of $60,400?
### Answer:
SELECT number_of_households FROM table_name_15 WHERE median_family_income = "$60,400" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (spouse VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
### Question:
Who was Margaret of Brabant's spouse?
### Answer:
SELECT spouse FROM table_name_71 WHERE name = "margaret of brabant" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (tries_for VARCHAR)
### Question:
What are the tries for a club of a club?
### Answer:
SELECT tries_for FROM table_name_58 WHERE "club" = "club" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_22883210_9 (location_attendance VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
### Question:
What was the location and how many attended when Golden State played?
### Answer:
SELECT location_attendance FROM table_22883210_9 WHERE team = "Golden State" |
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501
### Context:
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (sspec_number VARCHAR, part_number_s_ VARCHAR)
### Question:
what is the sspec number when the part number is cw8064701470802?
### Answer:
SELECT sspec_number FROM table_name_2 WHERE part_number_s_ = "cw8064701470802" |
Subsets and Splits