Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (tournament VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, outcome VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the tournament for outcome of winner and clay surface with opponent of aranza salut ### Answer: SELECT tournament FROM table_name_61 WHERE outcome = "winner" AND surface = "clay" AND opponent = "aranza salut"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (four VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the four for 6 march 1801 ### Answer: SELECT four FROM table_name_23 WHERE date = "6 march 1801"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (place VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) ### Question: What is Place, when To Par is less than 15, and when Score is 76-72-75-71=294? ### Answer: SELECT place FROM table_name_59 WHERE to_par < 15 AND score = 76 - 72 - 75 - 71 = 294
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (week INTEGER, opponent VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the latest week when the chicago bears are the opponent? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(week) FROM table_name_27 WHERE opponent = "chicago bears"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (roll INTEGER, decile VARCHAR, area VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the highest roll number of the school in Te puna with a decile larger than 2? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(roll) FROM table_name_85 WHERE decile > 2 AND area = "te puna"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (ground VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the ground for away team essendon? ### Answer: SELECT ground FROM table_name_19 WHERE away_team = "essendon"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (initial_owners VARCHAR, year_built VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ### Question: Who were the initial owners of Wasco in 1858? ### Answer: SELECT initial_owners FROM table_name_57 WHERE year_built = 1858 AND name = "wasco"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2190919_1 (team_s_ VARCHAR, avg_finish VARCHAR) ### Question: What are the racing teams for which the average finish is 23.3? ### Answer: SELECT team_s_ FROM table_2190919_1 WHERE avg_finish = "23.3"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (crowd VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the attendance at the Footscray away game? ### Answer: SELECT crowd FROM table_name_19 WHERE away_team = "footscray"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (date VARCHAR, loss VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the date for loss of ruffin (3-5) ### Answer: SELECT date FROM table_name_44 WHERE loss = "ruffin (3-5)"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (bolton_wanderers_career VARCHAR, apps VARCHAR) ### Question: Which Bolton Wanderers career has 293 Apps? ### Answer: SELECT bolton_wanderers_career FROM table_name_77 WHERE apps = 293
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_7 (gold VARCHAR, total VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR) ### Question: How many golds for Canada (12 total)? ### Answer: SELECT gold FROM table_name_7 WHERE total > 12 AND nation = "canada"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_17288825_6 (date VARCHAR, high_assists VARCHAR) ### Question: When aaron brooks (6) had the highest amount of assists what is the date? ### Answer: SELECT date FROM table_17288825_6 WHERE high_assists = "Aaron Brooks (6)"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (season VARCHAR, original_airdate VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the total number of Season(s), when Original Airdate is January 24, 1999, and when Year is less than 1999? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(season) FROM table_name_67 WHERE original_airdate = "january 24, 1999" AND year < 1999
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1342393_16 (party VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the party or first elected is 1920 ### Answer: SELECT party FROM table_1342393_16 WHERE first_elected = 1920
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (time_retired VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR, constructor VARCHAR) ### Question: what is the time/retired when the grid is less than 13, the constructor is alfa romeo and the laps is more than 12? ### Answer: SELECT time_retired FROM table_name_36 WHERE grid < 13 AND constructor = "alfa romeo" AND laps > 12
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (player VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) ### Question: Which player is a centre? ### Answer: SELECT player FROM table_name_50 WHERE position = "centre"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (platform INTEGER, frequency__per_hour_ VARCHAR, destination VARCHAR) ### Question: what is the platform when the frequency (per hour) is 4 and the destination is west croydon? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(platform) FROM table_name_98 WHERE frequency__per_hour_ = 4 AND destination = "west croydon"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (conference VARCHAR, awards VARCHAR) ### Question: Where the Vancouver Grizzlies is the awards, what is the conference? ### Answer: SELECT conference FROM table_name_29 WHERE awards = "vancouver grizzlies"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (cuts_made INTEGER, events INTEGER) ### Question: What is the sum of Cuts made when there were more than 72 events? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(cuts_made) FROM table_name_95 WHERE events > 72
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (term_ending INTEGER, position VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR) ### Question: Position of member, and a Nationality of india is what sum of term ending? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(term_ending) FROM table_name_67 WHERE position = "member" AND nationality = "india"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (director VARCHAR, original_title VARCHAR) ### Question: Who directed Turks Fruit? ### Answer: SELECT director FROM table_name_6 WHERE original_title = "turks fruit"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_19908313_2 (_number INTEGER, crew_chief VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the number of the truck that has the crew chief Billy Wilburn? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(_number) FROM table_19908313_2 WHERE crew_chief = "Billy Wilburn"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_24850630_4 (weight VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the weight of the jockey at Sandown Park? ### Answer: SELECT weight FROM table_24850630_4 WHERE venue = "Sandown Park"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (points_for VARCHAR, try_bonus VARCHAR) ### Question: What Points for has a Try bonus of 140? ### Answer: SELECT points_for FROM table_name_26 WHERE try_bonus = "140"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (date__closing_ VARCHAR, opening_film VARCHAR) ### Question: What is Date (Closing), when Opening Film is "Deconstruction of Korean Housewife"? ### Answer: SELECT date__closing_ FROM table_name_95 WHERE opening_film = "deconstruction of korean housewife"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (rank VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR, total VARCHAR) ### Question: How many ranks are for Switzerland with more than 2 total medals? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(rank) FROM table_name_39 WHERE nation = "switzerland" AND total > 2
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_60 (status VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the status where the notes are possible jr synonym of sapeornis? ### Answer: SELECT status FROM table_name_60 WHERE notes = "possible jr synonym of sapeornis"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (floors INTEGER, height VARCHAR, building VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the largest amount of floors in the 70m (233ft) Tupper building (educational)? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(floors) FROM table_name_11 WHERE height = "70m (233ft)" AND building = "tupper building (educational)"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (rec INTEGER, yards VARCHAR, s_touchdown VARCHAR) ### Question: Which rec has Yards of 192, and a Touchdown smaller than 1? ### Answer: SELECT AVG(rec) FROM table_name_52 WHERE yards = 192 AND s_touchdown < 1
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (goals VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) ### Question: How many goals does Mike Eruzione have in total? ### Answer: SELECT goals FROM table_name_6 WHERE player = "mike eruzione"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (attendance INTEGER, date VARCHAR, week VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the highest attendance for the game that was before week 6 on October 22, 1967? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(attendance) FROM table_name_74 WHERE date = "october 22, 1967" AND week < 6
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (director VARCHAR, producer VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the name of the director who directed the movie that Raintree Pictures produced? ### Answer: SELECT director FROM table_name_13 WHERE producer = "raintree pictures"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (year VARCHAR, role_episode VARCHAR) ### Question: what is the year when the role/episode is david duchovny? ### Answer: SELECT year FROM table_name_82 WHERE role_episode = "david duchovny"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (skip VARCHAR, country VARCHAR) ### Question: What skip has norway as the country? ### Answer: SELECT skip FROM table_name_66 WHERE country = "norway"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (record VARCHAR, time VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the record of the match at 6:00? ### Answer: SELECT record FROM table_name_84 WHERE time = "6:00"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE (EmployeeId VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER (LastName VARCHAR, SupportRepId VARCHAR) ### Question: Please show the employee last names that serves no more than 20 customers. ### Answer: SELECT T1.LastName FROM CUSTOMER AS T1 JOIN EMPLOYEE AS T2 ON T1.SupportRepId = T2.EmployeeId GROUP BY T1.SupportRepId HAVING COUNT(*) <= 20
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (tournament VARCHAR, runner_s__up VARCHAR) ### Question: Which tournament had a runner-up of Val Skinner? ### Answer: SELECT tournament FROM table_name_20 WHERE runner_s__up = "val skinner"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_15431251_1 (title VARCHAR, no_in_season VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the title for episode number 7 in the season? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(title) FROM table_15431251_1 WHERE no_in_season = 7
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (representative VARCHAR, lifespan VARCHAR) ### Question: Which Representative had a Lifespan of 1795–1866? ### Answer: SELECT representative FROM table_name_71 WHERE lifespan = "1795–1866"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (quarterfinal VARCHAR, rank INTEGER) ### Question: Which Quarterfinal has a Rank larger than 9? ### Answer: SELECT quarterfinal FROM table_name_28 WHERE rank > 9
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (college VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, pick__number VARCHAR) ### Question: Which College has a Position of ol, and a Pick # smaller than 32? ### Answer: SELECT college FROM table_name_64 WHERE position = "ol" AND pick__number < 32
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (population_density__per_km²_ VARCHAR, population__2006_ VARCHAR) ### Question: What population density (per km) that has 84 as the population (2006)? ### Answer: SELECT population_density__per_km²_ FROM table_name_56 WHERE population__2006_ = "84"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (state VARCHAR, city VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the State with Suwon as the city ### Answer: SELECT state FROM table_name_37 WHERE city = "suwon"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_13336122_7 (original_air_date VARCHAR, us_viewers__million_ VARCHAR) ### Question: How many episodes were seen by 0.67 million US viewers on their original air dates? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(original_air_date) FROM table_13336122_7 WHERE us_viewers__million_ = "0.67"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (home_team VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the home team score for St Kilda's home team? ### Answer: SELECT home_team AS score FROM table_name_27 WHERE home_team = "st kilda"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2668347_17 (first_elected INTEGER) ### Question: Name the most first elected ### Answer: SELECT MAX(first_elected) FROM table_2668347_17
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_12030612_3 (written_by VARCHAR, series__number VARCHAR) ### Question: Who were the authors of series episode #25? ### Answer: SELECT written_by FROM table_12030612_3 WHERE series__number = 25
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1399994_5 (location VARCHAR, opponents VARCHAR) ### Question: How many locations hosted Claudia Kohde-Kilsch Eva Pfaff? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(location) FROM table_1399994_5 WHERE opponents = "Claudia Kohde-Kilsch Eva Pfaff"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (date VARCHAR, city VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the Date of the Event in Panama City? ### Answer: SELECT date FROM table_name_37 WHERE city = "panama city"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (year INTEGER, points VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the earliest year for a car with 3 points and Cooper t20 chassis? ### Answer: SELECT MIN(year) FROM table_name_36 WHERE points = 3 AND chassis = "cooper t20"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (apparent_magnitude INTEGER, ngc_number VARCHAR, object_type VARCHAR, constellation VARCHAR) ### Question: what is the lowest apparent magnitude when the object type is spiral galaxy, the constellation is leo minor and the ngc number is more than 3021? ### Answer: SELECT MIN(apparent_magnitude) FROM table_name_66 WHERE object_type = "spiral galaxy" AND constellation = "leo minor" AND ngc_number > 3021
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_14986292_1 (administrative_division VARCHAR, population__2010_census_ VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the administrative division for 95391 ### Answer: SELECT administrative_division FROM table_14986292_1 WHERE population__2010_census_ = 95391
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (year INTEGER, venue VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the year of the tournament played at Melbourne, Australia? ### Answer: SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_89 WHERE venue = "melbourne, australia"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (engine_configuration VARCHAR, engine_name VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the engine configuration of the 1.2 mpi engine? ### Answer: SELECT engine_configuration FROM table_name_80 WHERE engine_name = "1.2 mpi"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (away_team VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the away team when north melbourne is at home? ### Answer: SELECT away_team FROM table_name_99 WHERE home_team = "north melbourne"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_86 (entrant VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR, constructor VARCHAR, tyre VARCHAR) ### Question: Can you say what was the entrant of maserati built item with a Tyre of p with a chassis of 250f a6gcm that was driven by Luigi Villoresi? ### Answer: SELECT entrant FROM table_name_86 WHERE constructor = "maserati" AND tyre = "p" AND chassis = "250f a6gcm" AND driver = "luigi villoresi"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_11677760_31 (nba_draft VARCHAR, college VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the numbers of the nba draft where the player went to kentucky ### Answer: SELECT nba_draft FROM table_11677760_31 WHERE college = "Kentucky"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (team VARCHAR, ravg VARCHAR) ### Question: What team had a Ravg of 3.4? ### Answer: SELECT team FROM table_name_72 WHERE ravg = "3.4"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_24466191_1 (poles VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the number of poles for 15th position ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(poles) FROM table_24466191_1 WHERE position = "15th"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (crowd INTEGER, home_team VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the sum of all the crowds that watched North Melbourne at home? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(crowd) FROM table_name_74 WHERE home_team = "north melbourne"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (home_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) ### Question: What team was the home team at the venue junction oval? ### Answer: SELECT home_team FROM table_name_74 WHERE venue = "junction oval"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (sanskrit VARCHAR, chinese VARCHAR, english VARCHAR) ### Question: Which Sanskrit has a Chinese of —, and an English of cultivation of settling? ### Answer: SELECT sanskrit FROM table_name_74 WHERE chinese = "—" AND english = "cultivation of settling"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2004733_2 (population__2010_ VARCHAR, population_density__2010_ VARCHAR) ### Question: In 2010, how many people lived in cities with a population density of 3,965.02? ### Answer: SELECT population__2010_ FROM table_2004733_2 WHERE population_density__2010_ = "3,965.02"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (chassis VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) ### Question: A ferrari flat-12 engine with more than 1 point has what kind of chassis? ### Answer: SELECT chassis FROM table_name_80 WHERE engine = "ferrari flat-12" AND points > 1
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1245350_1 (quattroporte_iv VARCHAR, units_produced VARCHAR) ### Question: What type of quattroporte iv only produced 340 units? ### Answer: SELECT quattroporte_iv FROM table_1245350_1 WHERE units_produced = 340
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (school VARCHAR, year_left VARCHAR) ### Question: what is the school that left in 1966? ### Answer: SELECT school FROM table_name_18 WHERE year_left = 1966
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_25679312_2 (directed_by VARCHAR, prod_code VARCHAR) ### Question: Who directed the episode with the production code 10? ### Answer: SELECT directed_by FROM table_25679312_2 WHERE prod_code = 10
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (overall INTEGER, college VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, round VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the overall draft number for the running back drafted after round 1 from fresno state? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(overall) FROM table_name_68 WHERE position = "running back" AND round > 1 AND college = "fresno state"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (singular_word VARCHAR, plural_word VARCHAR) ### Question: The plural word of hands uses what singular word? ### Answer: SELECT singular_word FROM table_name_24 WHERE plural_word = "hands"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (league_cup_apps INTEGER, league_goals VARCHAR, league_cup_goals VARCHAR, fa_cup_apps VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the highest league cup appearances for the player with league cup goals of 0, and FA cup appearances of 2, and 4 league goals? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(league_cup_apps) FROM table_name_81 WHERE league_cup_goals = 0 AND fa_cup_apps = 2 AND league_goals = 4
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_24998088_1 (wins VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) ### Question: How many wins were listed when he had 112 points? ### Answer: SELECT wins FROM table_24998088_1 WHERE points = "112"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (league_cup INTEGER, total INTEGER) ### Question: Which League Cup has a Total smaller than 1? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(league_cup) FROM table_name_3 WHERE total < 1
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (event VARCHAR, winner__title__number_ VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the Event which has a Winner (Title #) of parker bohn iii (31)? ### Answer: SELECT event FROM table_name_90 WHERE winner__title__number_ = "parker bohn iii (31)"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_25479607_3 (fixed_charge___rs__kwh_ VARCHAR, tariff___rs__kwh_ VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the fixed charge for the user who had a tariff of 11.30? ### Answer: SELECT fixed_charge___rs__kwh_ FROM table_25479607_3 WHERE tariff___rs__kwh_ = "11.30"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_261951_1 (pop_density__per_km²_ VARCHAR, municipality VARCHAR) ### Question: List the population density per kilometer for the city of calintaan? ### Answer: SELECT pop_density__per_km²_ FROM table_261951_1 WHERE municipality = "Calintaan"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (record VARCHAR, game_site VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) ### Question: Game site of kingdome, and a Result of w 24-6 has what record? ### Answer: SELECT record FROM table_name_32 WHERE game_site = "kingdome" AND result = "w 24-6"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE district (district_id VARCHAR, district_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE store_district (store_id VARCHAR, district_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE store (store_name VARCHAR, store_id VARCHAR) ### Question: Find the names of all stores in Khanewal District. ### Answer: SELECT t1.store_name FROM store AS t1 JOIN store_district AS t2 ON t1.store_id = t2.store_id JOIN district AS t3 ON t2.district_id = t3.district_id WHERE t3.district_name = "Khanewal District"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_16751596_16 (republican VARCHAR, lead_margin VARCHAR) ### Question: How many times did Saxby Chambliss have a lead margin of 21? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(republican) AS :_saxby_chambliss FROM table_16751596_16 WHERE lead_margin = 21
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (congress VARCHAR, _number_of_cosponsors VARCHAR, date_introduced VARCHAR) ### Question: What Congress had less than 23 cosponsors and had June 30, 2005 as the date of introduction of the bill? ### Answer: SELECT congress FROM table_name_92 WHERE _number_of_cosponsors < 23 AND date_introduced = "june 30, 2005"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (song_choice VARCHAR, theme VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the song choice when the theme was free choice and Adeleye made it through to bootcamp? ### Answer: SELECT song_choice FROM table_name_26 WHERE theme = "free choice" AND result = "through to bootcamp"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (city VARCHAR, building VARCHAR) ### Question: Which city contains Telus Plaza South? ### Answer: SELECT city FROM table_name_66 WHERE building = "telus plaza south"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (country VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the country for the player who had a To Par of +4? ### Answer: SELECT country FROM table_name_76 WHERE to_par = "+4"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (series_sorted VARCHAR, released VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the series sorted value for the episode released December 2009? ### Answer: SELECT series_sorted FROM table_name_91 WHERE released = "december 2009"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (name VARCHAR, qual_1 VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the name of the person with a qual 1 time of 1:16.850? ### Answer: SELECT name FROM table_name_2 WHERE qual_1 = "1:16.850"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (crew VARCHAR, duration VARCHAR) ### Question: Who was the crew for the duration of 12 minutes? ### Answer: SELECT crew FROM table_name_4 WHERE duration = "12 minutes"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (date VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) ### Question: What day was the visitor Cleveland when the record was 34-26? ### Answer: SELECT date FROM table_name_43 WHERE visitor = "cleveland" AND record = "34-26"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (name VARCHAR, completed VARCHAR) ### Question: Which bridge was completed in 1928? ### Answer: SELECT name FROM table_name_57 WHERE completed = "1928"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (wins INTEGER, top_10 INTEGER) ### Question: what is the number of wins that is in the Top 10 and larger than 13? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(wins) FROM table_name_73 WHERE top_10 > 13
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (organisation VARCHAR, award VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the organisation in 2011 that was nominated and the award of best info-ed programme host? ### Answer: SELECT organisation FROM table_name_8 WHERE year = 2011 AND result = "nominated" AND award = "best info-ed programme host"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (weight VARCHAR, club VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ### Question: What is Weight, when Club is "Ahly", and when Name is "Ragy Abdel Hady"? ### Answer: SELECT weight FROM table_name_35 WHERE club = "ahly" AND name = "ragy abdel hady"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (number INTEGER, type VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the sum of numbers that had a type of Driving Van Trailer? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(number) FROM table_name_65 WHERE type = "driving van trailer"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE Apartment_Buildings (building_id VARCHAR, building_manager VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_type_code VARCHAR, apt_number VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR) ### Question: Show the apartment type codes and apartment numbers in the buildings managed by "Kyle". ### Answer: SELECT T2.apt_type_code, T2.apt_number FROM Apartment_Buildings AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.building_id = T2.building_id WHERE T1.building_manager = "Kyle"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (game INTEGER, opponents VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the highest Game, when Opponents is less than 80, and when Record is "1-0"? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(game) FROM table_name_98 WHERE opponents < 80 AND record = "1-0"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (date VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR) ### Question: When did the game with North Melbourne as the away team take place? ### Answer: SELECT date FROM table_name_89 WHERE away_team = "north melbourne"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_11167610_1 (turbo VARCHAR, trim VARCHAR) ### Question: what's the turbo where trim is 2.0 20v ### Answer: SELECT turbo FROM table_11167610_1 WHERE trim = "2.0 20v"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (rank INTEGER, total VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the sum of the ranks with a total of 1 and silver less than 0. ### Answer: SELECT SUM(rank) FROM table_name_83 WHERE total = 1 AND silver < 0
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE manufacturers (code VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE products (name VARCHAR, Manufacturer VARCHAR) ### Question: Find the name of product that is produced by both companies Creative Labs and Sony. ### Answer: SELECT T1.name FROM products AS T1 JOIN manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.code WHERE T2.name = 'Creative Labs' INTERSECT SELECT T1.name FROM products AS T1 JOIN manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.code WHERE T2.name = 'Sony'
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (recipient VARCHAR, award VARCHAR, film VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the recipient for jamaica and award of £6,947 ### Answer: SELECT recipient FROM table_name_94 WHERE award = "£6,947" AND film = "jamaica"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (date VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) ### Question: On what Date was the Venue in Carson? ### Answer: SELECT date FROM table_name_10 WHERE venue = "carson"