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en201 | Add a booster on top to a height of 3 to 5cm thick; Water the booster layer adequately | Ikani zowonjezera mphamvu pamwamba pamsinkhu wa masentimita 3-5; thirani madzi mokwanira zopeleka mphamvu mwayikazo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en202 | Repeat the above process with the diameter of each subsequent layer reducing until the heap is 1.5m high, thereby achieving a conical shape | Bwerezani izi pamene kukula kwa magawo omwe mukuyika kukuchepa mpaka mkhuti yanu italike ma mita 1.5, ndipo idzioneka yokula kunsi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en203 | Cover the heap with grass to reduce evaporation. After 2-3 days the heap will have formed three distinctive layers | Funditsani mulu ndi udzu kuti muchepetse kuphwera kwa madzi. Pakatha masiku awiri kapena atatu, mulu wanu udzakhala utapanga zigawo zenizeni zitatu zodziwika | agriculture | agriculture document |
en204 | Insert a stick into the compost heap to check if decomposition has started. If the stick is warm, then is shows that there is microbial activity and decomposition has started | Lowetsani kamtengo pa mulu wamanyowamo kuti muone ngati zayamba kuola. Ngati kamtengo kakutentha, ndiye kuti tizilombo tikugwira ntchito ndipo zayamba kuola | agriculture | agriculture document |
en205 | If it is not warm, dismantle the heap and start the process again. Where decomposition has started, turn the heap after 3-4 days and thereafter every 4-5 days to speed up decomposition | Ngati sukutentha, mwazani mkhuti ndipo yambiraninso. Pamane kuola kwayamba, tembenuzani mkhuti pakutha pamasiku atatu kufika anayi ndipo pambuyo pake pa masiku anayi kufika asanu aliwonse kuti mufulumidzitse kuola | agriculture | agriculture document |
en206 | You will need to turn the heap 4-5 times to achieve complete decomposition | Mudzafuna kutembenuza mkhuti kanayi kufika kasanu kuti zonse zikwanitse kuola | agriculture | agriculture document |
en207 | During the turning process, remove the outer layer (A) from the heap and separate the middle layer (B) from the inner layer (C). | Panthawi yotembenuza, chotsani gawo lakunja pa mkhuti ndipo lekanitsani gawo lapakati ndi gawo lamkati kwambiri | agriculture | agriculture document |
en208 | In the process of rebuilding the heap: put layer A at the bottom; water adequately; put layer C in the middle; | Pamene mukuumbanso mkhuti; ikani gawo A lija pansi, thirani madzi wokwanira; ikani gawo C pakati | agriculture | agriculture document |
en209 | As the name implies this compost is made in a pit in the ground. This process is not recommended during the rainy season unless an overhead roof is constructed. Excessive water draining into the pit will stop the decomposition process | Monga dzina likunenera manyowa awa amapangidwa pamkhuti mdothi. Njira iyi ndiyosavomerezeka nthawi ya mvula pokhapokha patayikidwa denga. Madzi ochuluka akalowa pamkhuti manyowa amasiya kuola | agriculture | agriculture document |
en210 | The details for both site selection and compositing materials are the same as detailed for making Chimato compost | Tsatanetsatane wa kusankha malo komanso zinyalala ndi chimodzimodzi tsatanetsatane wopangira manyowa a Chimato | agriculture | agriculture document |
en211 | Procedure for making Pit compost; Measure out a square of 1.5m by 1.5m. The length may be extended to any convenient distance in multiples of 1.5m | Ndondomeko zopangita manyowa apamkhuti ya dzenje: yezani bwalo lokula ma mita 1.5x1.5. Litali lingathe kuwonjezeredwa mmene mwafunira mzigawo za mamita 1.5 | agriculture | agriculture document |
en212 | Dig a pit to the depth of not more than 1.0m. Deeper than these microbes may not be able to actively decompose the bulk of composting materials | Kumbani dzenje losapitilira mita imodzi. Kuya kuposa apa tizilombo sitingakwanitse kuoletsa gawo lalikulu lazinyalala | agriculture | agriculture document |
en213 | Separate top soil from the sub soil since top soil may be reused when filling the pit. Put manure to a depth of 3 to 5cm at the bottom of the pit to provide nitrogen to microbes in the pit | Lekanitsani dothi lapamwamba ndi lapansi chifukwa lapamwamba lingathe kugwiritsidwanso ntchito pokwilira dzenje. Ikani manyowa pa mtunda wa masentimita atatu kufika asanu pansi padzenje kuti apelekere nitrogen ku tizilombo mdzenjemo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en214 | Water the manure until it is completely saturated. Fill with composting materials up to 20-30cm in thickness | Thirani madzi mpaka onse akhute madzi. Kwilirani ndi zinyalala kukhuthala kwake masentimita 20 kufika 30 | agriculture | agriculture document |
en215 | Water adequately to induce the decomposition process. Repeat the above process till the pit is full. Cover the heap with top soil (about 8cm thick) and then grass to reduce evaporation | Thirani madzi wokwanira kuti muyambitse kuola kwa zinyalala. Bwerezani ndondomeko zili pamwambazi mpaka dzenje lidzadze. Kwilirani muluwu ndi dothi lapamwamba kukhuthala kwake masentimita 8 ndipo folerani udzu kuti muchepetse kuuma kwa madzi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en216 | After 1 to 2 weeks check for warmth by inserting a stick to see if decomposition has started. The manure will be ready after 2-3 months depending upon the composting materials used | Pakadutsa sabata imodzi kufika ziwiri onani ngati mukutentha polowetsa kamtengo kuti muone ngati manyowa ayamba kuola. Manyowa anu adzakhala atakonzeka pakutha pa miyezi iwiri kufika itatu kutengera ndi zinyalala zomwe mwagwiritsa ntchito | agriculture | agriculture document |
en217 | The following are the procedures to make a Windrow compost heap; Collect all the materials to be used in the compost heap | Zotsatirazi ndi njira zopangira manyowa a Windrow owunjika: Tolerani zinthu zonse zomwe mugwiritse ntchito popanga manyowa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en218 | Chop the fibrous materials (maize stalks, legume residues) into smaller pieces with a Panga knife. The pieces should be from 5 cm to 10 cm long | Dulani zinthu zaulusi monga mapesi a chimanga, mitengo ya nyemba kukhala tidziduswa ndi chikwanje. Ziduswa zikhale zotalika 5 kufika 10 centimeter | agriculture | agriculture document |
en219 | Collect soil from virgin land or anti hill that has never been planted to any crop before but has a good plant-ground cover (e.g. dambo or forest soils) or from orchard (e.g. under banana trees) | Tolerani dothi kuchokera pamalo omwe sanalimidwepo kapene pa chulu lomwe silinabzalidwepo mbeu iliyonse ndikale lonse koma pali zomera zambiri monga ku dimba kapena kumkhalango kapena mmunda wazipatso, mwachitsanzo pansi pamitengo yanthochi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en220 | Level the ground and measure 1m width and 5m length. Then mark the lines with long firm sticks in the corner of the heap | Salazani malo ndipo yezani mita imodzi mulifupi ndi ma meter asanu mulitali. Kanako ikani zizindikiro ndi mitengo yolimba pa mbuto ya muluwo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en221 | Dig around the measured area to allow water drain easily. If the ground is dry, water the base using 3-5 watering cans. Water facilitates activities of micro-organisms below the laid materials | Kumbani mozungulira dera mwayezalo kuti madzi adzituluka mosavuta. Ngati dothi ndi ouma, thirani pansipo ndi ndowa zothilira zitatu kufika zisanu. Madzi amathandizira kagwiridwe ntchito katizilombo pansi pa zinthu zosanjidwa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en222 | Lay some chopped tree branches or grasses. This will form the base of the heap. Heap 20 cm thick layer of composting materials (crop residues and grasses) over the laid branches | Yalani tidziduswa ta nthambi zamitengo kapena udzu. Izi zikhala poyambira pa mulu. Unjikani zinyalala kukhuthala kwake 20cm monga zotsalira za mbeu ndi udzu pamwamba pa nthambizo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en223 | Water the layer adequately until just it oozes out when the materials are squeezed, to induce the decomposition process | Thirani madzi okwanira mpaka atayamba kutuluka pamene mwafinya zinthuzo, kuti ayambitse kuola | agriculture | agriculture document |
en224 | Add layer of booster materials (khola/cattle manure, virgin /anthill soils and ash) on top to a height of 3 cm to 5 cm thick. Water the booster layer adequately | Ikani zinthu zowonjezera mphamvu monga ndowe, dothi lomwe silinabzalidwepo/lapachulu ndi phulusa pamwamba pamsinkhu wa 3-5cm; thirani madzi wokwanira pagawo lowonjezera mphamvu | agriculture | agriculture document |
en225 | Repeat the above process until the heap has reached around 1 m to 1.5 m high (usually 3 to 4 layers) | Bwerezani izi mpaka mulu ufike msinkhu wa 1-1.5m ndipo umakhala ndi magawo atatu kufika anayi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en226 | After finishing making the Windrow heaps, there is need to monitor moisture and temperature levels. Moisture level is monitored through checking the water content of the heaps by holding the materials and letting them loose | Mukamaliza kupanga milu ya manyowa a Windrow, pakufunika kupima mulingo wa chinyezi ndi katenthedwe. Mulingo wa chinyezi umapimidwa poyeza kuchuluka kwa madzi pa mulu potapa zinyalalazo ndi kudzilekanitsa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en227 | As a rule of thumb, the materials are too wet if water can be squeezed out of a handful and too dry if the handful does not feel moist to the touch | Ngati lamulo losaiwalika, zinthu zili ndi madzi ambiri ngati madzi adzituluka mukafinya zomwe mwatapa mmmanja, ndipo ndizouma ngati zomwe mwatapa mmanja sidzikumveka kunyowa mukadzigwira | agriculture | agriculture document |
en228 | Temperature is monitored by using a long, sharp, pointed stick and drive it into the pile at an angle. The stick, when removed, will be warm which indicates microbial activity and decomposition has started | Kutentha kumapimidwa pogwiritsa ntchito mtengo wautali, wakuthwa, wosongoka umene mumabaya pa mulu mopendeka. Mtengowo, mukauchotsa, udzitentha kusonyeza kuti tizilombo tikugwira ntchito ndipo manyowa akuola | agriculture | agriculture document |
en229 | If the stick is not warm then something must be wrong. The stick also helps you to check on the condition of the compost from time to time. It will show if the heap is wet or dry | Ngati mtengo sukutentha ndiye kuti china chake chasokonekera. Mtengo umathandiza kuti muone mmene manyowa alili nthawi ndi nthawi. Udzaonetsa ngati mkhuti ndi yonyowa kapena youma | agriculture | agriculture document |
en230 | This is animal waste that accumulates in animal Kholas. The quantity and may be quality is increased by using large volumes of bedding materials(litter) in animal houses (Khola) | Izi ndi ndowe za zinyama zomwe zimachulukana mukhola la zinyama. Kuchuluka komanso pena maonekedwe amaonjekera pogwiritsa ntchito utuchi wochuluka mukhola | agriculture | agriculture document |
en231 | Animal manures are high in organic matter and so are beneficial to the soil structure. They also, contain large amounts of available nitrogen and phosphorus | Manyowa a zinyama amakhala ndi gawo lalikulu lazamoyo ndipo ndiwothandiza ku dothi. Iwonso ali ndi michere ya nitrogen ndi phosphorous yochuluka. | agriculture | agriculture document |
en232 | These are good for plant establishment and vegetative growth. However, if khola manure is applied fresh to the soil, the following problems arise: | Izi ndizofunikira kuti mbeu zimere ndi kukula kwa zomera. Komabe ngati manyowa ochoka mukhola athiridwa kudotji adakali ndi chiwisi amayambitsa mavuto otsatirawa: | agriculture | agriculture document |
en233 | The heat from fermentation damages the roots of the young plants; there is competition for nitrogen created between crops and microorganisms during the process of decomposition | Kutentha kochokera ku kuphikika kwa manyowa kumaononga mitsitsi ya mbeu zazing'ono; pamakhala mpikisano wopeza nitrogen komwe kumayambitdsidwa pakati pa mbeu ndi tizilombo ting'onoting'ono panthawi yowoletsa manyowa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en234 | With the prevalence of the above problems, there is need to cure the animal dung before applying in the fields | Ndikupezeka kwambiri kwa mavuto ali pamwambawa, ndi koyenera kuziziritsa ndowe za ziweto zisanathiridwe kuminda | agriculture | agriculture document |
en235 | This is a process where the manure is collected from the khola and heaped to release heat and to allow thorough fermentation to take place before its application in the farm | Iyi ndi njira yomwe manyowa amakokoledwa mukhola ndi kuunjikidwa kuti achoke kutentha ndi kulola kuphikika kuti kuchitike asanakathiridwe kumunda | agriculture | agriculture document |
en236 | This process will: reduce the heat of the manure when applied to the fields; kill the pests, diseases and weed seeds | Zochitika izi zimachepetsa kutentha kwa mayowa akamathiridwa kuminda; zimapha tizilombo, matenda ndi njere za mbeu | agriculture | agriculture document |
en237 | An appropriate curing site has the following characteristics: fairly flat so as to ensure equal moisture distribution when watering; be under shelter to avoid evaporation; and, close to the garden for easy transportation | Malo okonzera manyowa amakhala ndi zowayenereza izi: athyathyathya kuti chinyezi chidzifalikira mofanana pothilira madzi; akhale pansi pa mthunzi kupewa kuuma kwa madzi; ndipo ayandikire pamunda kuti manyamulidwe asavute | agriculture | agriculture document |
en238 | Clear the ground for easy marking; Dig a pit of a minimum size of 1.0m deep and 1.0m wide. The length will depend on the availability of fresh manure | Yeretsani pabwalo kuti muyike zizindikiro mosavuta: kumbani dzenje lakuya 1m mulifupi 1m. Kutalika kutengera kupezeka kwa manyowa atsopano | agriculture | agriculture document |
en239 | The objective is to construct a pit that has just the capacity to take the available manure; Take manure from the khola and mix it with water just to a friable condition but not to a slurry | Cholinga ndi kukonza dzenje lomwe liri ndi kuthekera kotenga manyowa onse omwe alipo. Tengani mayowa kuchoka mukhola ndi kusakaniza ndi madzi kuti kuti adzinyenyeka koma asachite madzi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en240 | Put the mixture in the pit until it is full. The top of the manure heap should be conical in shape so any water that may accumulate on top will drain away | Ikani zosakanizazi mu dzenje mpaka lidzadze. Pamwamba pa mulu wamanyowaw pakhale posongoka kuti madzi adzitha kutsetsereka kuchoka pamwambapo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en241 | The water will suppress decomposition. Cover the pit with top soil and grass to avoid moisture loss and evaporation (preferably grass without any viable seed) | Madziwo amachedwetsa kuola. Kwilirani dzenje ndi dothi lapamwamba ndi udzu kuti mupewe kutha kwa chinyezi ndi kuuma kwa madzi makamaka udzu womwe ulibe njere zoti zingamere | agriculture | agriculture document |
en242 | Check the decomposition after 2 to 3 days by inserting a stick in the heap. The stick should be warm if decomposition is taking place | Onani kaoledwe pakatha masiku awiri kapena atatu polowetsa mtengo pamulupo. Mtengo umatentha ngati manyowa akuola | agriculture | agriculture document |
en243 | The fully cured manure will be ready after 30-40 days and is then ready for storage or application to the fields. Cured manure should be stored in a well ventilated place under shade and should not be exposed to strong sunlight, wind or rain | Manyowa ophikika bwino amakhala atapsa pakutha pa masiku makumi atatu kufika makumi anayi ndipo akhoza kusungidwa kapena kukathira kuminda. Manyowa omwe akonzedwa asungidwe pamalo odutsa mpweya pamthunzi ndipo asayikidwe padzuwa lamphamvu, pamphepo kapena pamvula | agriculture | agriculture document |
en244 | Application of Manures-Once the compost or manure is prepared it is important to apply it in the right volume in the correct place in the field | Kuthira manyowa - Pamene akonzedwa nkofunika kuthira pa mulingo woyenera pamalo oyenera mmundamo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en245 | Application rate of manure varies with the type of soil, but also the quantity of manure available | Mulingo wothilira manyowa umasiyana kutengera mtundu wa dothi komanso kuchuluka kwa manyowa omwe alipo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en246 | Liquid manures are fast becoming an alternative to compost manures due to their simplicity in process of making. They are in all aspects similar to compost manures except for their being in liquid form | Manyowa a madzi ayamba kugwiritsidwa ntchito mmalo mwa manyowa a ndowe chifukwa ndiwosavuta kukonza. Munjira ina iliyonse ndiwofanana ndi manyowa a ndowe kupatula kuti amakhala amadzi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en247 | The liquid manures have a number of attributes which include the following; have short maturing period of maximum 14 days; are fast reacting and crops respond quickly once applied; are easily made from green vegetative material and animal manure e.g. goat droppings, chicken manures and sometimes khola manure; less bulky as compared to other forms | Manyowa amadzi ali ndi ubwino ungapo monga wotsatirawu: amapsa msanga posapyola masiku khumi ndi anayi; amagwira ntchito mwansanga ndipo mbeu zimavomera mwachangu akangothiridwa; amapangidwa mosavuta kuchokera ku zomera zobiliwira ndi ndowe za nyama monga ndowe zambuzi ndi nkhuku ndipo nthawi zina mayowa a mukhola; samakhala ambiri kuyerekeza ndi mitundu ina yamanyowa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en248 | Conservation agriculture is a farming practice that combines three basic principles of minimum soil disturbance, permanent soil cover and crop rotations | Ulimi wamtayakhasu ndi ulimi womwe umaphatikiza mfundo zitatu zosasokoneza nthaka kwambiri, kuphimba dothi nthawi zonse ndi kubzala mbeu mwa kasinthasintha | agriculture | agriculture document |
en249 | Conservation Agriculture aims to produce high crop yields while reducing production costs, maintaining the soil fertility and conserving water | Ulimi wamtayakhasu cholinga chake ndi kukolola zochuluka pamene mukuchepetsa chuma cholowetsa paulimi, kusamala chonde ndi kutetedza madzi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en250 | It is a way to achieve sustainable agriculture and improve livelihoods. Conservation agriculture helps farmers to achieve greater farm profitability and food security through: | Ndi njira yokwaniritsa ulimi wodzidalira ndi kutukula miyoyo ya anthu. Ulimi wamtayakhasu umathandiza alimi kukwaniritsa kupeza phindu pamunda ndi kudzidalira pachakudya kudzera: | agriculture | agriculture document |
en251 | Moisture retention in the soil; reduced soil and soil nutrient loss through run-off; improved soil structure and fertility; eventual decrease in weeds; reliable yields in dry years | Kusunga chinyezi mu dothi: kuchepetsa dothi ndi michere kukoloka kudzera mmadzi othamanga; kupititsa patsogolo nthaka ndi chonde; kuchepa kwa udzu; zokolola zodalilika munthawi ya chilala | agriculture | agriculture document |
en252 | Reduced labour, animal traction or fuel costs; increased area cultivated as less time is needed per hectare | Kuchepetsa ntchito, kugwira ntchito kwa zinyama kapene mafuta a galimoto zolimira; kuchuluka kwa malo olimidwa pamene pakufunika nthawi yochepa pa hectare iliyonse | agriculture | agriculture document |
en253 | Carbon Sequestration: CA sequesters carbon in soil and vegetation while reducing carbon gas (CG) emissions from oxidation caused by soil disturbance and from the common practice of burning crop residues and weeds | Kukolola mpweya wa carbon: Ulimi wamtayakhasu umakolola carbon mu dothi ndi zomera kwinaku ukuchepetsa kutulutsa mpweya wa carbon kuchokera ku ntchito zomwe zimalira oxygen monga kusokoneza dothi ndi mchitidwe wa nthawi zonse wootcha tchire ndi zotsalira za mbeu | agriculture | agriculture document |
en254 | There are a number of complimentary practices depending on the local farm situation in which all the three principles can be applied in combination such as: Use of inorganic and organic fertilizers | Pali machitidwe angapo othandizira kutengera ndi mmene uliri munda pomwe mfundo zitatu zonze zingagwiritsidwe ntchito mophatikiza monga: kugwiritsa ntchito fertilizer ndi manyowa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en255 | Planting methods and tools; Application of herbicides; Fodder and cover crops; Improved seeds; Agroforestry and natural regeneration; Soil and water conservation measures | Njira zobzalira ndi zida zake: Kuthira mankhwala opha udzu; zakudya za ziweto ndi mbeu zophimba nthaka; mbeu zamakono; kusunga mitengo ndi ziweto mmunda komanso zachilengedwe kubwelera; njira zoteteza nthaka ndi madzi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en256 | Good crop management practices besides the three key principles are needed to fully realize the benefi ts of CA such as: Use of improved crop varieties; Timely planting | Kasamalidwe koyenera ka mbeu kupatula mfundo zikukuzikulu zitatuzo ndikofunika kuti mupeze phindu la ulimi wamtayakhasu monga; kugwiritsa ntchito mitundu yambeu yamakono; kubzala nthawi yoyenera | agriculture | agriculture document |
en257 | Recommended plant spacing; Recommended fertilizer use; Optimum weed, pest and disease control | kutalikirana mwa mbeu kovomerezeka; kugwiritsa ntchito fertilizer wovomerezeka; kuteteza ku tchire, tizilombo ndi matenda mwapamwamba | agriculture | agriculture document |
en258 | Good soil cover during the growing season is best achieved by optimizing plant spacing within and between rows for different crops to minimize bare ground | Kuphimba dothi moyenera mu nyengo yolima kungakwaniritsidwe mwabwino posiya mipata yoyenera pakati pa mbeu komanso mizere kwa mitundu yosiyana ya mbeu kuti tichepetse malo osaphimbidwa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en259 | Spacing depends on the crop, soils, rainfall, and levels of chemical or organic fertilizers used | Mipata imatengera mbeu, dothi, mvula komanso kuchuluka kwa fertilizer kapena manyowa zogwiritsidwa ntchito | agriculture | agriculture document |
en260 | After the crop harvest, crop residues and other biomass should be distributed across the ground surface and protected against burning | Mukatha kukolola, zotsalira za mbeu ndi masamba zimwazidwe mmalo onse ndipo zitetezedwe posadziotcha | agriculture | agriculture document |
en261 | It is critical NOT to import biomass from adjacent fields which exposes these areas to the elements and limits the area under CA | Nkofunikira kwambiri kuti musatenge masamba/zinyala kuchokera minda yoyandikana nayo zomwe zimaika pambalambanda mindayi komanso zimachepetsa malo ochota mtayakhasu | agriculture | agriculture document |
en262 | The maintenance of a good soil cover of dead or living plant material is at the heart of conservation agriculture. This may mean a total change of cropping system as well as livestock management | Kusamala zinyalala kapea zomera zophimbira nthaka zili pa mtima pa ulimi wamtayakhasu. Izi zikhoza kutanthauza kusinthiratu malimidwe komanso kasamalidwe ka ziweto | agriculture | agriculture document |
en263 | Minimum soil disturbance is the basis of CA and is non-negotiable. It entails: No ploughing, ridging, tillage or heavy weeding by manual or mechanical means | Kuchepetsa kusokoneza nthaka ndi gwero la ulimi wa mtayakhasu ndipo nzosakambirana. Zikuphatikiza: osagaula nthaka, osapanga mizere, osalima kapena kupalira kwambiri ndi manja kapena makina | agriculture | agriculture document |
en264 | Direct seeding into 1. small planting holes on the flat or tops of old ridges using a dibble stick, hoe, or other suitable tool which mimics the age-old method of planting in Malawi before the introduction of ridging, or 2. rip lines using animal or mechanical drawn rippers | Kubzala 1. mmayenje ang'onoang'ono pamalo athyathyathya kapena mmizere yakale pogwiritsa ntchito ndondo yamphanda, khasu kapena chida china choyenera imene imafafaniza ndi njira yakalekale yobzalira mMalawi mizere isanabwere kapena 2. kupanga tingalande pogwiritsa ntchito zinyama kapena makasu okokedwa ndi makina | agriculture | agriculture document |
en265 | Converting to conservation agriculture from conventional farming is a slow process and requires patience in order to recognize these benefits since it may take several years | Kusintha kupita ku ulimi wamtayakhasu kuchoka ku malimidwe amakolo ndi zinthu zapang'onopang'ono ndipo zimafuna kudekha kuti phindu lioneke pakuti zimatha kutenga zaka zambiri | agriculture | agriculture document |
en266 | Maximum benefits of minimum tillage can best be realized if integrated with soil cover, crop rotations and other interventions such as application of compost manure and planting of agro - forestry trees are promoted | Phindu lochuluka pakuchepetsa kutipula nthaka zingakwaniritsidwe pophimba nthaka, kubzala mwa kasinthasintha ndo zochitika zina monga kuthira manyowa ndiponso kulimbikitsa kubzala mitengo yowonjezera chonde | agriculture | agriculture document |
en267 | The aim is to achieve good soil cover during the growing season as well as the dry season | Cholinga ndi kukhala ndi nthaka yophimbidwa bwino munyengo yolima komanso nyengo yopanda mvula | agriculture | agriculture document |
en268 | The benefits of this practice include: to protect the soil from the elements; to maximize the capture of rainfall while minimizing runoff and loss of top soil | Phindu lochita izi likuphatikiza: kuteteza nthaka ku zoononga; kukolola mvula mokwanira pochepetsa kuthamanga kwa madzi ndi kukukoloka kwa nthaka yapamwamba | agriculture | agriculture document |
en269 | To improve the structure of the soil and its water holding capacity; to help suppress weeds; to increase beneficial activities of termites, earthworms and other organisms and to increase the effectiveness of fertilizers by reducing nutrient losses from volatilization and leaching | Powonjezera kukonza nthaka ndi kuthekera kwake kosunga madzi; kuthandiza kuchepetsa mphamvu ya tchire; kuwonjezera ubwino wa zochitika za chiswe, nyongolosi ndi zinyama zina zing'onozing'ono ndi kuwonjezera kugwira ntchito kwa fertlizer pochepetsa kutayika kwa michere chifukwa chakusakhazikika komanso kusuluka kwa nthaka | agriculture | agriculture document |
en270 | Types and sources of soil cover: Living or dead plant material applied as mulch; Green manure, cover and forage crops; Crop residues; Fallow vegetation | Mitundu ndi kopezeka zophimbira nthaka: zomera zaziwisi kapena zouma zimayikidwa ngati zophimbira; masamba a mitengo yobwezeretsa chonde, zophimbira ndi mbeu zodya ziweto; zotsalira za mbeu, tchire | agriculture | agriculture document |
en271 | The source of cover available whether as mulch, cover crop or incorporated in the soil, has a number of benefits to the soil | Zophimbira mthaka zomwe zingapezeke kaya ndi zophimbira mbeu, mbeu yophimba nthaka kapena zophatikizidwa ndi nthaka, zili ndi phindu lochuluka ku nthaka | agriculture | agriculture document |
en272 | These benefits include: Protection against impact of rain drops - less surface sealing and crusting; Reduced run off; Increased water infiltration | Phinduli ndi monga: kuteteza ku kuonongeka ndi madontho a mvula - malo osaphimbira ochepa; kuchepetsedwa kwa madzi othamanga; kuwonjezekera kwa madzi olowa munthaka | agriculture | agriculture document |
en273 | Reduced evaporation, thus conserves soil moisture; Protection against soil erosion by water and wind; Prevention of overheating of soil surface; Reduced diurnal variations of temperature | Kuchepetsedwa kwa kuuma kwa madzi, izi zimasunga chinyezi munthaka; kuteteza kukokoloka kwa dothi ndi madzi kapena mphepo; kuletsa kutentha mopyola muyezo kwa nthaka; kuchepetsa kusakhazikika kwa katenthedwe masana | agriculture | agriculture document |
en274 | Controls the multiplication of weeds; Source of soil organic matter build up; Carbon sequestration; Cover crops reduce requirement for labour in weeding as they have been proven to suppress weeds; When a legume is used, it can be eaten as protein supplement and/or sold for income | zimateteza kuchulukana kwa tchire; zimabweretsa kuchuluka kwa zinyalala zoola; kuyamwa mpweya wa carbon; mbeu zophimbira zaonetsa kuti zimamanga udzu kuti usakule; pamene nyemba zagwiritsidwa ntchito, zikhoza kudyedwa ngati mopezera zakudya zomanga thupi kapena kugulitsidwa nkupeza ndalama | agriculture | agriculture document |
en275 | There are a number of challenges to soil covering that includes: Short growing season in the semi-arid limits the growth of green manures and cover crops | Pali zovuta zingapo zokhuza kuphimbira nthaka monga: nyengo yolimira yayifupi mmadera ochepa mvula limachpetsa kukula kwa mitengo yamanyowa komanso mbeu za mphimbira | agriculture | agriculture document |
en276 | Crops may also compete with food crops for the limited amount of water available; Need to feed crop residues to livestock during the dry season | Mbeu za mphimbira zikhoza kumakanganira ndi mbeu za chakudya madzi ochepa omwe alipo; Kufunika kopatsira zotsalira za mbeu ku ziweto mu nyengo yomwe siyamvula | agriculture | agriculture document |
en277 | Uncontrolled burning; Mulching may retard humification especially where water may limit microbial activity for the decomposition of the mulch. | Kuotcha mosasamala: kuphimbira kumachepetsa kupangika kwa manyowa pomwe madzi angachepetse kugwira ntchito yooletsa zophimbirazo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en278 | Research has shown that crop residues lower crop yields on sites where soil fertility was low and no additional fertilizers were applied | Kafukufuku waonetsa kuti zotsalira za mbewu zimachepetsa zokolola mmalo omwe mthaka ndiyotsika ndipo feteleza woonjezera sanathilidwe | agriculture | agriculture document |
en279 | Mulching or incorporation of the residues helps the farmer to make manure in-situ. In most parts of the southern Africa region, and indeed in Malawi, crop residues are used for compost manure making | Kuphimbira kapena kusanakiza zotsalira za mbewu kumathandiza mlimi kupanga manyowa mdothi momwemo. Mmadera ambiri mchigawo chakummwera kwa Africa, ndipo kuphatikizirapo la Malawi, zotsalira za mbewu zimagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga manyowa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en280 | Farmers have been faced with the challenge of moving crop residues from the field; to homesteads; and bring them back as compost manure | Alimi akukumana ndi mavuto osamutsa zotsalira za mbewu kuchokera kumunda; kupita nazo kunyumba; ndiponso kudzibweretsa kumunda ngati manyowa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en281 | This has the advantage that if combined with animal dung, there is an added value to the residue | Izi zili ubwino wakuti zikasakanizidwa ndi ndowe za zinyama, mphamvu ya zotsalirazo imakula | agriculture | agriculture document |
en282 | The residue is also protected from grazing animals as well as uncontrolled fires | Zotsalirazi zimatetezedwa kudyedwa ndi zinyama komanso kupsa ndi moto wolusa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en283 | The challenge however has been that farmers will make the compost manure, but not apply it in the field because they have no transport to carry the manure. Labour constraints may also limit the application of the manure | Komabe vuto ndi lakuti alimi amapanga manyowa koma samathira mminda chifukwa alibe mayendedwe onyamulira manyowa. Kuchepa kwa antchito kumachepetsanso kuthira manyowa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en284 | Crop rotations and/or associations/intercrops are critical for maintaining soil health, suppressing weeds, controlling pests and diseases, including Striga, and providing a more diverse base to improve household diets and incomes | Kulima mwakasinthasintha kapena mwakasakaniza ndikofunika kwambiri posamala ubwino wa mthaka, kufooketsa tchire, kuthana ndi tizilombo ndi matenda, kuphatikizirapo kaufiti, ndiponso kupeleka mwayi wopititsa patsogolo zakudya zakasinthasintha ndi kubweretsa chuma | agriculture | agriculture document |
en285 | Although crops grown will depend on market demands and the interests, needs and resources of the farmer, the inclusion of legumes is encouraged for the following reasons: | Ngakhale mbewu zolimidwa zitengera kupezeka kwa misika komanso chidwi, zofunika komanso zipangizo za mlimi, kuphatikiza mbewu zanyemba kukulimbikitsidwa pazifukwa zotsatirazi: | agriculture | agriculture document |
en286 | To reduce the demands on the soil and the use of expensive fertilizers; To increase opportunities to improve the diet and nutrition of the farm family; | Pofuna kuchepetsa zofunika pa dothi ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito feteleza wokwera mtengo; Kuchulukitsa mwayi wopititsa patsogolo zakudya zakasinthasintha komanso thanzi labwino pa banja la alimi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en287 | To increase income from the higher yields under conservation agriculture, by reducing the row spacing to increase the plant density to the optimum (which is not possible with ridges or basins) | Powonjezera kapezedwe ka chuma kuchokera ku zokolola zochuluka pansi pa mtayakhasu kudzera kuchepetsa kutalikirana kwa mizere pofu a kuchulukitsa kuthithikana kwa mbewu kufika mulingo wokwera (zomwe zisotheka pomwe pali mizere kapena ngalande) | agriculture | agriculture document |
en288 | Crop rotations increase crop yields, add organic matter to the soil and improve soil fertility | Kulima mwakasinthasintha kumachulukitsa zokolola, kumaonjezera mayowa mu dothi ndipo kumapititsa patsogolo chonde mu dothi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en289 | Crops differ in the quantity and quality of the residues they produce, and thus affect soil management | Mbewu zimasiyana pakachulikidwe komanso ubwino wa zotsalira, motero zimakhuza kasamalidwe ka dothi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en290 | For example, leguminous crops and oil crops produce fewer residues that decompose faster, have a lower Carbon/Nitrogen ratio and are easier to manage during direct sowing than grain crops | Mwachitsanzo, mbewu za nyemba komanso mbewu zamafuta zimatulutsa zotsalira zochepa zomwe zimaola mwachangu, zili ndi carbon/nitrogen ratio wotsika ndipo ndizovuta kusamala nthawo yofetsa kusiyana ndi mbewu za udzu | agriculture | agriculture document |
en291 | Crop rotations can include commercial crops and cover crops. The most ideal rotation in a conservation agriculture system is one in which gramineas are diversified with legumes, cruciferas, malvaceas or others | Kasinthasintha wambewu akhoza kuphatikiza mbewu zogulitsa ndi mbewu zamphimbira. Kasinthasintha woyenera pa ulimi wamtayakhasu ndi womwe mbewu za udzu zimasakanizidwa ndi mbewu zanyemba, zamtundu wakabichi, zamtundu wa thonje ndi zina zotero | agriculture | agriculture document |
en292 | This kind of rotation will: Break pest and disease cycles; Produce different quantities and types of residue; Facilitate residue management; Improve the nutrient cycles | Kasinthasintha wamtundu uwu: ayimitsa kuswana kwa tizilombo ndi metanda; abweretsa zotsalira zochuluka mosiyana komanso zamitundu yosiyana; athandizira kusamala zotsalira; athandiza kuwonjezera michere | agriculture | agriculture document |
en293 | The conventional crop rotation cycle incorporates a fallow in the fourth or fifth year of the cycle | Kasinthasintha wa mbewu wodziwika bwino amaphatikiza chaka chachinayi kapena chachisanu pomwe munda umakhala osalimidwa | agriculture | agriculture document |
en294 | This is done to rest the land. The bare fallow however has the disadvantage that it does not necessarily rest as it has weeds growing on it | Izi zimachitika pofuna kupumitsa mthaka. Komabe malo osalimidwawo ali ndi kuyipa kwakuti samapuma chifukwa pamamera tchire | agriculture | agriculture document |
en295 | Conservation agriculture advocates that this should be an improved fallow, preferably planted with legumes or any other soil fertility shrub | Ulimi wamtayakhasu umalimbikitsa kuti akhale malo osalimidwa osamalika, makamaka pomwe pabzalidwa mbewu zanyemba kapena mafutu ena obwezeretsa chonde | agriculture | agriculture document |
en296 | This will not only restore fertility, but will also help control weed infestation. Tephrosia vogellii has gained ground in recent years in soil fertility improvement | Izi sidzibweseretsa chonde chokha koma zithandiza kuthana ndi kufala kwa tchire. Tephrosia vogellii akuyamikiridwa muzaka zaposachedwazi kuti akubwezeretsa chonde mudothi | agriculture | agriculture document |
en297 | Because of its characteristics, it is one of the most ideal species for improved fallows in a particular rotation cycle. Rotations of legumes are also ideal as well as with tree crops | Chifukwa cha maonekedwe ake, ndi mmodzi mwa mitundu ya mbewu yothandizira kusamala malo omwe sanalimidwe mu ndondomeko zakasinthasintha. Kasinthasintha wa nyemba ndiwoyeneranso pamodzi ndi wa mbewu zamitengo | agriculture | agriculture document |
en298 | For more information on conservation agriculture, consult the Land Resources Conservation Specialist in your area as well as the National Conservation Agriculture Guidelines | Pofuna kupeza mauthenga ambiri a mtayakhasu, funsani alangizi a Land Resources Conservation mdera lanu komanso ndondomeko za National Conservation Agriculture | agriculture | agriculture document |
en299 | The National Conservation Agriculture Guidelines start by outlining the foundational farming practices which are the basic soil and water conservation principles with the aim of grounding the conservation agriculture practice in the wider sustainable land resources conservation context so that conservation agriculture is sustainable | Ndondomeko za National Conservation Agriculture zimayamba ndi kufotokozera nsanamira za malimidwe zomwe ndi malamulo otetezera dothi ndi madzi omwe cholinga chake ndi kuyika ntchito za ulimi wamtayakhasu mu ntchito zonse zosamalira dothi kuti ulimi wamtayakhasu ukhale wosaononga chilengedwe | agriculture | agriculture document |
en300 | In addition, the Guidelines provide the rationale for conservation agriculture in the country in relation to the global land degradation problems and the basis for which conservation agriculture has the high potential to sustainably conserve the land resources | Kuphatikira apa, ndondomekozi zimapeleka kufunikira kwa ulimi wamtayakhasu mdziko mogwirizana mavuto akuonongeka kwa malo padziko lonse komanso cholinga chomwe ulimi wamtayakhasu uli ndi kuthekera koteteza malo mosaononga chilengedwe | agriculture | agriculture document |
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