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dotted_border | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/dotted_border/latest/ | flutter, path_drawing | A flutter package to let users easily add a dashed border around any widget. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
sliver_tools | null | pietervanloon.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/sliver_tools/latest/ | flutter | A set of useful sliver tools that are missing from the flutter framework | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
bot_toast | null | null | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/bot_toast/latest/ | flutter | A really easy to use flutter toast library.Easy to use and feature rich. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
adaptive_dialog | null | mono0926.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/adaptive_dialog/latest/ | animations, collection, dynamic_color, flutter, intersperse, macos_ui, meta | Show alert dialog or modal action sheet adaptively according to platform. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flare_flutter | null | rive.app | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flare_flutter/latest/ | collection, flutter, meta | Vector design and runtime animation for Flutter. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
speech_to_text | null | csdcorp.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/speech_to_text/latest/ | clock, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, js, json_annotation, meta, pedantic, speech_to_text_platform_interface | A Flutter plugin that exposes device specific speech to text recognition capability. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
syncfusion_flutter_gauges | null | syncfusion.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/syncfusion_flutter_gauges/latest/ | flutter, intl, syncfusion_flutter_core | The Flutter gauges library includes a linear gauge and radial gauge (a.k.a. circular gauge) to create modern, interactive, animated gauges and radial sliders. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_lints | null | flutter.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_lints/latest/ | lints | Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
reorderables | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/reorderables/latest/ | flutter | Reorderable table, row, column, wrap, sliver list that allow drag and drop of their children. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
web_socket_channel | null | tools.dart.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/web_socket_channel/latest/ | async, crypto, stream_channel | StreamChannel wrappers for WebSockets. Provides a cross-platform WebSocketChannel API, a cross-platform implementation of that API that communicates over an underlying StreamChannel. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
sliding_sheet | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/sliding_sheet/latest/ | flutter | A widget that can be dragged and scrolled in a single gesture and snapped to a list of extents. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flip_card | null | brunojurkovic.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flip_card/latest/ | flutter | A component that provides flip card animation. It could be used for hide and show details of a product. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
feature_discovery | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/feature_discovery/latest/ | flutter, provider, shared_preferences | A Flutter package that implements Material Design Feature discovery to show a description of specific features to new users. See https://tinyurl.com/FeatureDiscovery | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_webview_plugin | null | fluttercommunity.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_webview_plugin/latest/ | flutter | Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native Webview. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
animated_bottom_navigation_bar | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/animated_bottom_navigation_bar/latest/ | flutter | Animated Bottom Navigation Bar Widget implementation inspired by https://dribbble.com/shots/7134849-Simple-Tab-Bar-Animation | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
email_validator | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/email_validator/latest/ | Packages that depend on email_validator | A simple (but correct) dart class for validating email addresses | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
drift | null | simonbinder.eu | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/drift/latest/ | async, collection, convert, js, meta, sqlite3, stream_channel | Drift is a reactive library to store relational data in Dart and Flutter applications. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
dartx | null | honey.dev | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/dartx/latest/ | characters, collection, crypto, meta, path, time | Superpowers for Dart. Collection of useful static extension methods. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
dart_code_metrics | 4.17.0-dev.1 | dartcodemetrics.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://dartcodemetrics.dev/docs/getting-started/introduction | analyzer, analyzer_plugin, ansicolor, args, collection, crypto, file, glob, html, meta, path, source_span, xml, yaml | Software analytics tool that helps developers analyse and improve software quality. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
json_annotation | null | google.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/json_annotation/latest/ | meta | Classes and helper functions that support JSON code generation via the `json_serializable` package. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
settings_ui | null | yako.io | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/settings_ui/latest/ | flutter | Create native settings for Flutter app in minutes. Use single interfaces to build | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
styled_widget | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/styled_widget/latest/ | flutter, lint | Simplifying your widget tree structure by defining widget using methods. Taking ispiration from CSS and SwiftUI | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
open_file | null | null | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/open_file/latest/ | ffi, flutter | A plug-in that can call native APP to open files with string result in flutter, support iOS(UTI) / android(intent) / PC(ffi) / web(dart:html) | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
googleapis | null | google.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/googleapis/latest/ | _discoveryapis_commons, http | Auto-generated client libraries for accessing Google APIs described through the API discovery service. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
marquee | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/marquee/latest/ | fading_edge_scrollview, flutter | A Flutter widget that scrolls text infinitely. Provides many customizations including custom scroll directions, durations, curves as well as pauses after every round. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
liquid_progress_indicator | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/liquid_progress_indicator/latest/ | flutter | A progress indicator with water-like effect in Flutter. Works similarly to Flutters own ProgressIndicator. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
collection | null | dart.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/collection/latest/ | Packages that depend on collection | Collections and utilities functions and classes related to collections. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
country_code_picker | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/country_code_picker/latest/ | collection, flutter, modal_bottom_sheet, universal_platform | A flutter package for showing a country code selector. In addition it gives the possibility to select a list of favorites countries, as well as to search using a simple searchbox | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
graphql_flutter | null | zino.company | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/graphql_flutter/latest/ | connectivity_plus, flutter, flutter_hooks, gql_exec, graphql, hive, meta, path, path_provider, plugin_platform_interface | A GraphQL client for Flutter, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
flutter_sticky_header | null | romainrastel.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_sticky_header/latest/ | flutter, value_layout_builder | Flutter implementation of sticky headers as a sliver. Use it in a CustomScrollView. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_unity_widget | null | xraph.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_unity_widget/latest/ | ffi, flutter, flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle, flutter_web_plugins, plugin_platform_interface, stream_transform, webview_flutter, webviewx | Flutter Unity 3D widget for embedding Unity game scenes in flutter. This library now supports Unity as a Library. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
mocktail | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/mocktail/latest/ | collection, matcher, test | A Dart mock library which simplifies mocking with null safety support and no manual mocks or code generation. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
moor | null | simonbinder.eu | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/moor/latest/ | async, collection, convert, drift, meta, sqlite3, stream_channel | Moor is a safe and reactive persistence library for Dart applications | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
home_widget | null | antonborri.es | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/home_widget/latest/ | flutter | A plugin to provide a common interface for creating HomeScreen Widgets for Android and iOS. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
snapping_sheet | null | adamjonsson.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/snapping_sheet/latest/ | flutter | A package that provides a sheet widget that snaps to different vertical & horizontal positions | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
bitsdojo_window | null | bitsdojo.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/bitsdojo_window/latest/ | bitsdojo_window_linux, bitsdojo_window_macos, bitsdojo_window_platform_interface, bitsdojo_window_windows, flutter | A package to help with creating custom windows with Flutter desktop (custom border, titlebar and minimize/maximize/close buttons) and common desktop window operations (show/hide/position on screen) for Windows and macOS | FLUTTER | LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
onesignal_flutter | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/onesignal_flutter/latest/ | flutter | OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your flutter app with OneSignal | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
floor | null | pinch.nl | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/floor/latest/ | floor_annotation, flutter, meta, path, sqflite, sqflite_common_ffi | The typesafe, reactive, and lightweight SQLite abstraction for your Flutter applications. This library is the runtime dependency. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS |
flutter_app_badger | null | daad.mobi | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_app_badger/latest/ | flutter | Plugin to update the app badge on the launcher (both for Android, iOS and macOS) | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS |
after_layout | null | fluttercommunity.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/after_layout/latest/ | flutter | Execute code after the first layout of your widget has been performed, i.e. after the first frame has been displayed. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
after_layout | null | fluttercommunity.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/after_layout/latest/ | flutter | Execute code after the first layout of your widget has been performed, i.e. after the first frame has been displayed. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
firebase_dynamic_links | null | firebase.google.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/firebase_dynamic_links/latest/ | firebase_core, firebase_core_platform_interface, firebase_dynamic_links_platform_interface, flutter, meta, plugin_platform_interface | Flutter plugin for Google Dynamic Links for Firebase, an app solution for creating and handling links across multiple platforms. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
slimy_card | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/slimy_card/latest/ | flare_flutter, flutter | It provides a beautiful slime-like animation of a Card that separates into two. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_gen | null | wasabeef.jp | MIT (LICENSE) | https://github.com/FlutterGen/flutter_gen | args, flutter_gen_core | The Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs. | DART,FLUTTER | LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
feedback | null | uekoetter.dev | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/feedback/latest/ | flutter, flutter_localizations | A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
octo_image | null | baseflow.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/octo_image/latest/ | flutter, flutter_blurhash | A multifunctional Flutter image widget. Supports placeholders, error widgets and image transformers with fading. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
in_app_update | null | jonasbark.de | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/in_app_update/latest/ | flutter | Enables In App Updates on Android using the official Android APIs. | FLUTTER | ANDROID |
salomon_bottom_bar | null | lukepighetti.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/salomon_bottom_bar/latest/ | flutter | Yet another bottom navigation bar, but with a few key promises. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
step_progress_indicator | null | sandromaglione.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/step_progress_indicator/latest/ | flutter | Bar indicator made of a series of selected and unselected steps | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_stripe | null | flutterstripe.io | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_stripe/latest/ | flutter, stripe_android, stripe_ios, stripe_platform_interface | Flutter library for Stripe. Supports PaymentSheets, Apple & Google Pay, SCA, PSD2 and much more. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
agora_rtc_engine | null | agora.io | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/agora_rtc_engine/latest/ | flutter, flutter_web_plugins, js, json_annotation | Flutter plugin of Agora RTC SDK, allow you to simply integrate Agora Video Calling or Live Video Streaming to your app with just a few lines of code. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_colorpicker | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_colorpicker/latest/ | flutter | HSV(HSB)/HSL/RGB/Material color picker inspired by all the good design for your amazing flutter apps. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_chat_ui | null | flyer.chat | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_chat_ui/latest/ | diffutil_dart, equatable, flutter, flutter_chat_types, flutter_link_previewer, flutter_parsed_text, intl, meta, photo_view, url_launcher, visibility_detector | Actively maintained, community-driven chat UI implementation with an optional Firebase BaaS. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
sticky_headers | null | fluttercommunity.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/sticky_headers/latest/ | flutter | Flutter Sticky Headers - Lets you place headers on scrollable content that will stick to the top of the container whilst the content is scrolled. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_mobx | null | dart.pixelingene.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_mobx/latest/ | flutter, mobx | Flutter integration for MobX. It provides a set of Observer widgets that automatically rebuild when the tracked observables change. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
visibility_detector | null | google.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/visibility_detector/latest/ | flutter | A widget that detects the visibility of its child and notifies a callback. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
built_value | null | google.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/built_value/latest/ | built_collection, collection, fixnum, meta | Value types with builders, Dart classes as enums, and serialization. This library is the runtime dependency. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
pigeon | null | flutter.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/pigeon/latest/ | analyzer, args, collection, meta, path | Code generator tool to make communication between Flutter and the host platform type-safe and easier. | null | null |
app_settings | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/app_settings/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter plugin for opening iOS and Android phone settings from an app. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
fab_circular_menu | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/fab_circular_menu/latest/ | flutter, vector_math | A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
reactive_forms | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/reactive_forms/latest/ | flutter, intl | This is a model-driven approach to handling form inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular Reactive Forms. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
geocoding | null | baseflow.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/geocoding/latest/ | flutter, geocoding_platform_interface | A Flutter Geocoding plugin which provides easy geocoding and reverse-geocoding features. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
win32 | null | sneath.org | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/win32/latest/ | ffi | A Dart library for accessing common Win32 APIs using FFI. No C required! | DART,FLUTTER | WINDOWS |
faker | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/faker/latest/ | crypto | A library for generating fake data. faker is heavily inspired by the Python package faker and, the Ruby package ffaker. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
intl_phone_number_input | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/intl_phone_number_input/latest/ | collection, equatable, flutter, libphonenumber_plugin, meta | A simple and customizable flutter package for inputting phone number in intl / international format uses Google's libphonenumber. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
flutter_linkify | null | cretezy.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_linkify/latest/ | flutter, linkify | Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_custom_clippers | null | dlohani.com.np | GPL-3.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_custom_clippers/latest/ | flutter | Flutter package that provides you custom clippers to help you achieve various custom shapes. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
quick_actions | null | flutter.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/quick_actions/latest/ | flutter, quick_actions_android, quick_actions_ios, quick_actions_platform_interface | Flutter plugin for creating shortcuts on home screen, also known as Quick Actions on iOS and App Shortcuts on Android. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
jiffy | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://github.com/jama5262/jiffy/tree/master/doc | intl | Jiffy is a date dart package inspired by momentjs for parsing, manipulating and formatting dates | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
cupertino_icons | null | flutter.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/cupertino_icons/latest/ | Packages that depend on cupertino_icons | Default icons asset for Cupertino widgets based on Apple styled icons | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
syncfusion_flutter_sliders | null | syncfusion.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/syncfusion_flutter_sliders/latest/ | flutter, intl, syncfusion_flutter_core | A Flutter Sliders library for creating highly customizable and UI-rich slider, range slider, and range selector widgets for filtering purposes. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
material_design_icons_flutter | null | null | flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/material_design_icons_flutter/license | Packages that depend on material_design_icons_flutter | The Material Design Icons designed by the community for Flutter | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
sms_autofill | null | jaumard.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/sms_autofill/latest/ | flutter, pin_input_text_field | Flutter plugin to provide SMS code autofill support | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
pay | null | google.dev | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/pay/latest/ | flutter, flutter_localizations, meta, pay_android, pay_ios, pay_platform_interface | A plug-in to add support for payments on Flutter applications. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
splashscreen | null | dplyr.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/splashscreen/latest/ | flutter | A splashscreen package created as intro for any flutter application easily with a lot of customization | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
chopper | null | hadrienlejard.io | MIT (LICENSE) | https://hadrien-lejard.gitbook.io/chopper | http, logging, meta | Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen, inspired by Retrofit | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
story_view | null | degreat.co.uk | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/story_view/latest/ | collection, flutter, flutter_cache_manager, rxdart, video_player | Display stories just like Whatsapp & Instagram. Can be used inline/inside ListView or Column just like Google News app. Comes with gestures to pause, forward & go to previous page. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
bubble | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/bubble/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter widget for chat like a speech bubble in Whatsapp and others. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
modal_progress_hud | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/modal_progress_hud/latest/ | flutter | A modal progress indicator widget (HUD = heads-up display). Wrap around another widget to block access to widget during an async call. Also accepts a custom spinner. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_snake_navigationbar | null | herodot.com | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_snake_navigationbar/latest/ | flutter | Flutter bottom navigation bar widget with snake animation on change item. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
shelf | null | tools.dart.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/shelf/latest/ | async, collection, http_parser, path, stack_trace, stream_channel | A model for web server middleware that encourages composition and easy reuse. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
intro_views_flutter | null | ayushagarwal.ml | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/intro_views_flutter/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter package for simple material design app intro screens with some cool animations. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
dots_indicator | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/dots_indicator/latest/ | flutter | Dots indicator to show progression of a PageView for example | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
wave | null | glorylab.xyz | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/wave/latest/ | flutter | Widget for displaying waves with custom color, duration, floating and blur effects. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_keyboard_visibility | null | jasonrai.ca | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_keyboard_visibility/latest/ | flutter, flutter_keyboard_visibility_platform_interface, flutter_keyboard_visibility_web, meta | Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the soft-keyboard visibility on Android and iOS. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
excel | null | kawal.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/excel/latest/ | archive, xml | A flutter and dart library for reading, creating, editing and updating excel sheets with compatible both on client and server side. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
google_ml_kit | null | flutter-ml.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/google_ml_kit/latest/ | flutter, google_mlkit_barcode_scanning, google_mlkit_digital_ink_recognition, google_mlkit_entity_extraction, google_mlkit_face_detection, google_mlkit_image_labeling, google_mlkit_language_id, google_mlkit_object_detection, google_mlkit_pose_detection, google_mlkit_selfie_segmentation, google_mlkit_smart_reply, google_mlkit_text_recognition, google_mlkit_translation | A Flutter plugin to use all APIs from Google's standalone ML Kit for mobile platforms. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
giffy_dialog | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/giffy_dialog/latest/ | flare_flutter, flutter | A Flutter package for a quick, handy and beautiful giffy dialog. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
hooks_riverpod | 2.0.0-dev.9 | dash-overflow.net | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/hooks_riverpod/latest/ | collection, flutter, flutter_hooks, flutter_riverpod, riverpod, state_notifier | A simple way to access state from anywhere in your application while robust and testable. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
catcher | null | null | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/catcher/latest/ | device_info_plus, device_info_plus_platform_interface, dio, flutter, flutter_mailer, flutter_web_plugins, fluttertoast, logging, mailer, package_info_plus, sentry, universal_io | Plugin for error catching which provides multiple handlers for dealing with errors when they are not caught by the developer. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
rename | null | onatcipli.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/rename/latest/ | args, logger | Helps you to change or rename your flutter project BundleId and AppName for Ios, Android, MacOS and Linux platforms | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
receive_sharing_intent | null | null | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/receive_sharing_intent/latest/ | flutter | A flutter plugin that enables flutter apps to receive sharing photos, text or url from other apps. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
concentric_transition | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/concentric_transition/latest/ | flutter | Concentric Transition effect. Useful for onboarding, page transitions etc. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
line_icons | null | null | GPL-3.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/line_icons/latest/ | flutter | Another icon library, based on Awesome Line Icons (by www.icons8.com) and with the help of FlutterIcon.com | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer | null | syncfusion.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer/latest/ | async, flutter, http, intl, syncfusion_flutter_core, syncfusion_flutter_pdf, syncfusion_pdfviewer_macos, syncfusion_pdfviewer_platform_interface, syncfusion_pdfviewer_web, syncfusion_pdfviewer_windows, url_launcher, uuid, vector_math | Flutter PDF Viewer library is used to display a PDF document seamlessly and efficiently. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
scroll_to_index | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/scroll_to_index/latest/ | flutter | Scroll to a specific child of any scrollable widget in Flutter | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_credit_card | null | simform.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_credit_card/latest/ | flutter | A Credit Card widget package, support entering card details, card flip animation. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
translator | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/translator/latest/ | http | A free and unlimited Google Translate API for Dart. You can use it for translate strings and text for educational purpose. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
overlay_support | null | soit.tech | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/overlay_support/latest/ | async, flutter | provider support for overlay, easy to build toast and internal notification | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
pluto_grid | null | weblaze.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/pluto_grid/latest/ | collection, flutter, intl, rxdart | PlutoGrid is a dataGrid that can be controlled by the keyboard on desktop and web. Of course, it works well on Android and IOS. (DataGrid, DataTable, Data Grid, Data Table, Sticky) | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
Subsets and Splits