# Write a Python program to extract numbers from a given string. def test(str1): result = [int(str1) for str1 in str1.split() if str1.isdigit()] return result str1 = "red 12 black 45 green" print("Original string:", str1) print("Extract numbers from the said string:") print(test(str1))
# Write a Pandas program to filter rows based on row numbers ended with 0, like 0, 10, 20, 30 from world alcohol consumption dataset. import pandas as pd # World alcohol consumption data w_a_con = pd.read_csv('world_alcohol.csv') print("World alcohol consumption sample data:") print(w_a_con.head()) print("\nFilter rows based on row numbers ended with 0, like 0, 10, 20, 30:") print(w_a_con.filter(regex='0$', axis=0))
# Write a Python program to extract characters from various text files and puts them into a list. import glob char_list = [] files_list = glob.glob("*.txt") for file_elem in files_list: with open(file_elem, "r") as f: char_list.append( print(char_list)
# Write a NumPy program to extract second and fourth elements of the second and fourth rows from a given (4x4) array. import numpy as np arra_data = np.arange(0,16).reshape((4, 4)) print("Original array:") print(arra_data) print("\nExtracted data: Second and fourth elements of the second and fourth rows ") print(arra_data[1::2, 1::2])
# Write a Pandas program to split a given dataset, group by one column and remove those groups if all the values of a specific columns are not available. import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) df = pd.DataFrame({ 'school_code': ['s001','s002','s003','s001','s002','s004'], 'class': ['V', 'V', 'VI', 'VI', 'V', 'VI'], 'name': ['Alberto Franco','Gino Mcneill','Ryan Parkes', 'Eesha Hinton', 'Gino Mcneill', 'David Parkes'], 'date_Of_Birth ': ['15/05/2002','17/05/2002','16/02/1999','25/09/1998','11/05/2002','15/09/1997'], 'age': [12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 12], 'weight': [173, 192, 186, 167, 151, 159], 'height': [35, None, 33, 30, None, 32]}, index=['S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5', 'S6']) print("Original DataFrame:") print(df) print("\nGroup by one column and remove those groups if all the values of a specific columns are not available:") result = df[(~df['height'].isna()).groupby(df['school_code']).transform('any')] print(result)
# Write a Python Code for time Complexity plot of Heap Sort # Python Code for Implementation and running time Algorithm # Complexity plot of Heap Sort # by Ashok Kajal # This python code intends to implement Heap Sort Algorithm # Plots its time Complexity on list of different sizes # ---------------------Important Note ------------------- # numpy, time and matplotlib.pyplot are required to run this code import time from numpy.random import seed from numpy.random import randint import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # find left child of node i def left(i):     return 2 * i + 1 # find right child of node i def right(i):     return 2 * i + 2 # calculate and return array size def heapSize(A):     return len(A)-1 # This function takes an array and Heapyfies # the at node i def MaxHeapify(A, i):     # print("in heapy", i)     l = left(i)     r = right(i)           # heapSize = len(A)     # print("left", l, "Rightt", r, "Size", heapSize)     if l<= heapSize(A) and A[l] > A[i] :         largest = l     else:         largest = i     if r<= heapSize(A) and A[r] > A[largest]:         largest = r     if largest != i:        # print("Largest", largest)         A[i], A[largest]= A[largest], A[i]        # print("List", A)         MaxHeapify(A, largest)       # this function makes a heapified array def BuildMaxHeap(A):     for i in range(int(heapSize(A)/2)-1, -1, -1):         MaxHeapify(A, i)           # Sorting is done using heap of array def HeapSort(A):     BuildMaxHeap(A)     B = list()     heapSize1 = heapSize(A)     for i in range(heapSize(A), 0, -1):         A[0], A[i]= A[i], A[0]         B.append(A[heapSize1])         A = A[:-1]         heapSize1 = heapSize1-1         MaxHeapify(A, 0)           # randomly generates list of different # sizes and call HeapSort function elements = list() times = list() for i in range(1, 10):     # generate some integers     a = randint(0, 1000 * i, 1000 * i)     # print(i)     start = time.clock()     HeapSort(a)     end = time.clock()     # print("Sorted list is ", a)     print(len(a), "Elements Sorted by HeapSort in ", end-start)     elements.append(len(a))     times.append(end-start) plt.xlabel('List Length') plt.ylabel('Time Complexity') plt.plot(elements, times, label ='Heap Sort') plt.grid() plt.legend() # This code is contributed by Ashok Kajal
# Write a Python Program to Replace Text in a File # Python program to replace text in a file s = input("Enter text to replace the existing contents:") f = open("file.txt", "r+") # file.txt is an example here, # it should be replaced with the file name # r+ mode opens the file in read and write mode f.truncate(0) f.write(s) f.close() print("Text successfully replaced")
# Write a Pandas program to count the number of missing values of a specified column in a given DataFrame. import pandas as pd import numpy as np pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) #pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) df = pd.DataFrame({ 'ord_no':[70001,np.nan,70002,70004,np.nan,70005,np.nan,70010,70003,70012,np.nan,70013], 'purch_amt':[150.5,np.nan,65.26,110.5,948.5,np.nan,5760,1983.43,np.nan,250.45, 75.29,3045.6], 'sale_amt':[10.5,20.65,np.nan,11.5,98.5,np.nan,57,19.43,np.nan,25.45, 75.29,35.6], 'ord_date': ['2012-10-05','2012-09-10',np.nan,'2012-08-17','2012-09-10','2012-07-27','2012-09-10','2012-10-10','2012-10-10','2012-06-27','2012-08-17','2012-04-25'], 'customer_id':[3002,3001,3001,3003,3002,3001,3001,3004,3003,3002,3001,3001], 'salesman_id':[5002,5003,5001,np.nan,5002,5001,5001,np.nan,5003,5002,5003,np.nan]}) print("Original Orders DataFrame:") print(df) print("\nMissing values in purch_amt column:") result = df['purch_amt'].value_counts(dropna=False).loc[np.nan] print(result)
# Write a Python program to add two given lists of different lengths, start from left , using itertools module. from itertools import zip_longest def elementswise_left_join(l1, l2): result = [a + b for a,b in zip_longest(l1, l2, fillvalue=0)][::1] return result nums1 = [2, 4, 7, 0, 5, 8] nums2 = [3, 3, -1, 7] print("\nOriginal lists:") print(nums1) print(nums2) print("\nAdd said two lists from left:") print(elementswise_left_join(nums1, nums2)) nums3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] nums4 = [2, 4, -3] print("\nOriginal lists:") print(nums3) print(nums4) print("\nAdd said two lists from left:") print(elementswise_left_join(nums3, nums4))
# Python Program to Determine all Pythagorean Triplets in the Range limit=int(input("Enter upper limit:")) c=0 m=2 while(c<limit): for n in range(1,m+1): a=m*m-n*n b=2*m*n c=m*m+n*n if(c>limit): break if(a==0 or b==0 or c==0): break print(a,b,c) m=m+1
# Write a Python program to make a chain of function decorators (bold, italic, underline etc.) in Python. def make_bold(fn): def wrapped(): return "<b>" + fn() + "</b>" return wrapped def make_italic(fn): def wrapped(): return "<i>" + fn() + "</i>" return wrapped def make_underline(fn): def wrapped(): return "<u>" + fn() + "</u>" return wrapped @make_bold @make_italic @make_underline def hello(): return "hello world" print(hello()) ## returns "<b><i><u>hello world</u></i></b>"
# You are required to write a program to sort the (name, age, height) tuples by ascending order where name is string, age and height are numbers. The tuples are input by console. The sort criteria is: 1: Sort based on name; 2: Then sort based on age; 3: Then sort by score. The priority is that name > age > score. If the following tuples are given as input to the program: Tom,19,80 John,20,90 Jony,17,91 Jony,17,93 Json,21,85 Then, the output of the program should be: [('John', '20', '90'), ('Jony', '17', '91'), ('Jony', '17', '93'), ('Json', '21', '85'), ('Tom', '19', '80')] : Solutions: from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter l = [] while True: s = raw_input() if not s: break l.append(tuple(s.split(","))) print sorted(l, key=itemgetter(0,1,2))
# Find sum and average of List in Python # Python program to find the sum # and average of the list    L = [4, 5, 1, 2, 9, 7, 10, 8]       # variable to store the sum of  # the list count = 0    # Finding the sum for i in L:     count += i        # divide the total elements by # number of elements avg = count/len(L)    print("sum = ", count) print("average = ", avg)
# Create a dataframe of ten rows, four columns with random values. Write a Pandas program to highlight the entire row in Yellow where a specific column value is greater than 0.5. import pandas as pd import numpy as np np.random.seed(24) df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.linspace(1, 10, 10)}) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4), columns=list('BCDE'))], axis=1) print("Original array:") print(df) print("\nDataframe - table style:") def highlight_greaterthan(x): if x.C > .5: return ['background-color: yellow']*5 else: return ['background-color: white']*5, axis=1)
# Program to Find the nth Palindrome Number rangenumber=int(input("Enter a Nth Number:")) c = 0 letest = 0 num = 1 while c != rangenumber:     num2=0     num1 = num     while num1 != 0:         rem = num1 % 10         num1 //= 10         num2 = num2 * 10 + rem     if num==num2:         c+=1         letest = num     num = num + 1 print(rangenumber,"th Palindrome Number is ",letest)
# Write a Python program to get the difference between two given lists, after applying the provided function to each list element of both. def difference_by(a, b, fn): _b = set(map(fn, b)) return [item for item in a if fn(item) not in _b] from math import floor print(difference_by([2.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], floor)) print(difference_by([{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 1 }], lambda v : v['x']))
# numpy.sqrt() in Python # Python program explaining # numpy.sqrt() method     # importing numpy import numpy as geek     # applying sqrt() method on integer numbers  arr1 = geek.sqrt([1, 4, 9, 16]) arr2 = geek.sqrt([6, 10, 18])    print("square-root of an array1  : ", arr1) print("square-root of an array2  : ", arr2)
# Write a NumPy program to get the number of items, array dimensions, number of array dimensions and the memory size of each element of a given array. import numpy as np array_nums = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]) print("Original array:") print(array_nums) print("\nNumber of items of the said array:") print(array_nums.size) print("\nArray dimensions:") print(array_nums.shape) print("\nNumber of array dimensions:") print(array_nums.ndim) print("\nMemory size of each element of the said array") print(array_nums.itemsize)
# Write a Python program to convert an array to an array of machine values and return the bytes representation. from array import * print("Bytes to String: ") x = array('b', [119, 51, 114, 101, 115, 111, 117, 114, 99, 101]) s = x.tobytes() print(s)
# Write a Python program to add two given lists of different lengths, start from left. def elementswise_left_join(l1, l2): f_len = len(l1)-(len(l2) - 1) for i in range(0, len(l2), 1): if f_len - i >= len(l1): break else: l1[i] = l1[i] + l2[i] return l1 nums1 = [2, 4, 7, 0, 5, 8] nums2 = [3, 3, -1, 7] print("\nOriginal lists:") print(nums1) print(nums2) print("\nAdd said two lists from left:") print(elementswise_left_join(nums1,nums2)) nums3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] nums4 = [2, 4, -3] print("\nOriginal lists:") print(nums3) print(nums4) print("\nAdd said two lists from left:") print(elementswise_left_join(nums3,nums4))
# Write a Python program to remove duplicates from a list. a = [10,20,30,20,10,50,60,40,80,50,40] dup_items = set() uniq_items = [] for x in a: if x not in dup_items: uniq_items.append(x) dup_items.add(x) print(dup_items)