1 value
between pillow(3, -3, 4) and bicycle(3, 2, 5)
[ 3, -0.5, 4.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.762 mm next to glasses(1, -3, -2)
[ 0.997, -3, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.99 mm next to hat(5, -3, -2)
[ 5.003, -3, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.883 m next to umbrella(3, -5, 3)
[ 5.883, -5, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between keyboard(0, 1, 0) and bicycle(1, -2, -4)
[ 0.5, -0.5, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.87 m to the right of car(0, 4, 4)
[ 4.87, 4, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.589 mm in front of camera(2, -4, -3)
[ 2, -4.003, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.379 cm to the left of glasses(-3, -5, 1)
[ -3.004, -5, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.428 m underneath keyboard(2, 2, -5)
[ 2, 2, -8.428 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.425 mm next to lamp(-5, 5, 5)
[ -5.002, 5, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.645 mm to the left of remote(4, -4, -5)
[ 3.998, -4, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between headphones(5, 0, -2) and wallet(0, -5, -1)
[ 2.5, -2.5, -1.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.435 mm behind keyboard(-4, -5, -4)
[ -4, -4.998, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.581 m to the right of watch(1, 0, 0)
[ 3.581, 0, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.458 mm to the left of chair(3, 2, 2)
[ 3, 2, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between headphones(-5, 0, 4) and sunglasses(-2, 2, -1)
[ -3.5, 1, 1.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.706 m on top of calendar(-5, -1, 3)
[ -5, -1, 3.706 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between camera(1, 0, -5) and remote(4, -2, 4)
[ 2.5, -1, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between bottle(5, 1, 0) and television(-1, 3, -5)
[ 2, 2, -2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.487 m next to chair(-2, 5, 5)
[ -2.487, 5, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.717 m next to guitar(-1, 2, -3)
[ 0.717, 2, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.825 cm next to television(-5, -1, -1)
[ -4.992, -1, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.74 cm in front of umbrella(-2, -2, 4)
[ -2, -2.017, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.842 m underneath watch(-3, 5, 3)
[ -3, 5, -2.842 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.246 mm underneath pillow(4, -3, -5)
[ 4, -3, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.332 cm underneath globe(2, -2, 3)
[ 2, -2, 2.967 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.547 m underneath apple(0, -3, 1)
[ 0, -3, 5.547 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.736 m to the left of laptop(-1, 3, 0)
[ -5.736, 3, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.754 mm in front of keyboard(0, -1, -3)
[ 0, -0.995, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.029 cm underneath watch(0, 2, 0)
[ 0, 2, 0.04 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.343 m to the left of basketball(0, 5, -2)
[ 5.343, 5, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.47 cm on top of wallet(1, 1, 2)
[ 1, 1, 2.035 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between backpack(-4, -4, 1) and wallet(5, 1, 5)
[ 0.5, -1.5, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.061 m behind headphones(-3, 2, -1)
[ -3, -2.061, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between remote(-5, -1, 3) and chair(5, 5, 4)
[ 0, 2, 3.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.903 cm in front of sunglasses(4, -2, 1)
[ 4, -1.951, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.346 cm to the right of guitar(2, -5, -5)
[ 1.967, -5, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.485 m on top of screw(0, -4, -3)
[ 0, -4, 1.485 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between remote(-3, -3, -4) and phone(-2, -5, 1)
[ -2.5, -4, -1.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.442 cm to the right of basketball(-2, 2, 1)
[ -1.986, 2, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between bicycle(-4, 1, 4) and globe(1, 0, 0)
[ -1.5, 0.5, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.638 mm behind chair(-1, 1, 2)
[ -1, 1.002, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between scarf(-5, 5, -2) and headphones(-4, 3, -2)
[ -4.5, 4, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.178 mm next to phone(-2, -3, 5)
[ -2.005, -3, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.741 mm behind headphones(2, -4, -4)
[ 2, -3.998, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.625 m in front of guitar(1, 1, 5)
[ 1, 0.375, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.31 mm in front of phone(-2, 0, 0)
[ -2, 0.005, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.974 m on top of remote(4, -1, 0)
[ 4, -1, -0.974 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.511 mm on top of bottle(-1, 1, 4)
[ -1, 1, 3.997 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between lamp(-1, -4, 0) and shoes(4, -2, 1)
[ 1.5, -3, 0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.551 mm to the left of keyboard(-4, 2, 2)
[ -3.999, 2, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.746 cm in front of pen(3, -4, 0)
[ 3, -3.963, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.334 mm on top of globe(-4, -2, -3)
[ -4, -2, -2.995 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.664 mm to the left of remote(0, -5, 5)
[ -0.001, -5, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.202 mm underneath scarf(-3, -1, -2)
[ -3, -1, -1.999 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.61 m underneath wallet(-1, 3, -2)
[ -1, 3, -0.39 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between hat(-4, -3, -1) and screw(5, -5, 5)
[ 0.5, -4, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.574 m in front of glasses(-5, -3, 2)
[ -5, 0.574, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.082 cm to the left of camera(3, 0, -4)
[ 2.969, 0, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.398 m underneath socks(1, 5, 5)
[ 1, 5, 1.602 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between remote(-3, 5, 1) and watch(-4, 1, 3)
[ -3.5, 3, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.128 m in front of globe(0, -1, -1)
[ 0, -3.128, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.864 m underneath pillow(-5, 5, 5)
[ -5, 5, 8.864 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.517 cm on top of calendar(3, -4, -3)
[ 3, -4, -3.045 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.974 m behind guitar(1, -2, 0)
[ 1, 1.974, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.326 cm next to glasses(0, -2, -4)
[ -0.003, -2, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between pillow(2, -3, -3) and socks(-5, -4, 0)
[ -1.5, -3.5, -1.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.376 cm to the left of umbrella(-1, -1, -2)
[ -1.014, -1, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.059 cm to the left of shoes(2, 4, 3)
[ 2.021, 4, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.56 mm to the right of television(-2, -5, 3)
[ -1.999, -5, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.082 m to the right of bottle(-3, 1, 0)
[ 1.082, 1, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.375 m underneath scarf(-5, 4, 3)
[ -5, 4, -1.375 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.2 m to the right of scarf(-3, 0, 1)
[ -0.8, 0, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.203 m behind umbrella(2, 4, 2)
[ 2, 7.203, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.151 mm to the left of umbrella(0, 4, 2)
[ 0, 4, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.457 m to the right of guitar(4, -5, -2)
[ 2.543, -5, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.728 m in front of bottle(2, 2, 4)
[ 2, -1.728, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.904 cm on top of umbrella(2, -5, 5)
[ 2, -5, 4.951 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.704 mm behind guitar(2, 3, 2)
[ 2, 2.998, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.013 mm on top of chair(-3, 5, -1)
[ -3, 5, -1.001 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.75 cm underneath pen(-5, -2, 4)
[ -5, -2, 3.953 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.347 m to the left of pillow(2, -4, 5)
[ 6.347, -4, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between socks(-1, 4, 3) and guitar(-5, 0, 4)
[ -3, 2, 3.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.234 m to the left of book(-4, 5, -1)
[ -5.234, 5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.928 m to the right of screw(-1, -1, -4)
[ -2.928, -1, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between glasses(2, -4, -3) and basketball(-1, -3, 5)
[ 0.5, -3.5, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.446 cm next to apple(-1, 1, 2)
[ -0.976, 1, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.09 cm behind remote(2, 3, 1)
[ 2, 3.021, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.335 cm next to scarf(3, -4, 1)
[ 3.033, -4, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.54 mm underneath headphones(-5, 4, -2)
[ -5, 4, -2.006 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between wallet(3, 0, -3) and apple(0, 0, -2)
[ 1.5, 0, -2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.155 cm underneath bicycle(-4, -4, 4)
[ -4, -4, 3.998 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.816 cm to the left of basketball(1, -4, 1)
[ 1.038, -4, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.96 cm underneath guitar(-4, 1, 5)
[ -4, 1, 5.02 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.153 mm to the left of television(2, -1, 4)
[ 1.997, -1, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.877 mm in front of lamp(2, 2, 4)
[ 2, 1.996, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between wallet(-3, 1, 5) and phone(0, -5, 0)
[ -1.5, -2, 2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.311 cm to the left of camera(0, -5, -2)
[ 0.023, -5, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.251 m to the right of camera(0, 4, 2)
[ 4.251, 4, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.143 m in front of camera(1, -2, 1)
[ 1, 0.143, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.