"IT is the only vehicle on which established economies will be able to compete," Barrett said.---"IT is the only vehicle on which established economies will be able to compete" with fast-growing economies such as China and India, Barrett said.
Still, revenues from the extra premiums would not be huge.---How would the extra premiums be collected?
Some opposition leaders said they would reserve comment until mourning was over, but others called for the immediate withdrawal of troops.---Some opposition leaders called for withdrawing troops, but others said they would reserve comment until mourning was over.
The consumer group generated $4.47 billion of profit and $20 billion of revenue from January to June, 53% of Citigroup's profit and revenue.---It generated $4.47 billion of profit and $20 billion of revenue in the year's first half, 53 percent of Citigroup's totals.
Kiernan testified that Seifert had received a gunshot wound to the back.---Seifert, he testified, had a gunshot wound in the back.
There was no immediate comment from Savage, who did not respond to E-mail requests for an interview.---There was no immediate comment from Savage, according to a spokesman at his office in California.
Sources say agents confiscated "several" documents he was carrying.---Agents confiscated several classified documents in his possession and interrogated him.
In the ensuing gun battle two Palestinian militants were killed and 17 people were wounded.---Two 15-year-olds were also killed by Israeli fire and 17 people were wounded, according to the witnesses.
"If you have more turnovers, if you're at the bottom of the league in turnover ratio [Washington was 29th], your chances aren't good.---"If you have more turnovers or you're in the bottom of the league in turnovers, your chances aren't very good.
Women who eat potatoes and other tuberous vegetables during pregnancy may be at risk of triggering type 1 diabetes in their children, Melbourne researchers believe.---Australian researchers believe they have found a trigger of type 1 diabetes in children - their mothers eating potatoes and other tuberous vegetables during pregnancy.
ALBANY, N.Y. State Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno announced Friday he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.---LBANY, Aug. 8 Joseph L. Bruno, the State Senate majority leader, announced today that he had prostate cancer.
"The £5m would give BA a considerable return on the £5 it originally paid the government for the aircraft."---The £5m gives BA a considerable return on the £5 they originally paid for Concorde.
There is only one drug on the market for macular degeneration, and it is approved to treat only one subtype that represents a minority of cases.---There is only one drug on the market for macular degeneration, and it is approved for the treatment of one subtype representing a minority of cases.
And when asked if he felt regret or guilt about the attack his answer was an adamant "no".---Asked if he felt any regret about theOctober 12 attack, the answer was an adamant "no".
The local people say four Iraqis were killed and four were injured.---Witnesses said four Iraqis were killed and 14 injured during the protest and clash with British forces.
Veteran stage and screen actor Hume Cronyn died of cancer Sunday.---Character actor Hume Cronyn, 91, died Sunday at his home in Connecticut.
Tongue-in-cheek, it recounts incidents where the Chief Executive and his administration let the people of Hong Kong down.---Chief executive Tung Chee-hwa doesn't answer to the people of Hong Kong.
The gunman, identified as Harold Kilpatrick Jr., 26, had left a note saying he "wanted to kill some people and die today."---The gunman, 26-year-old Harold Kilpatrick jnr, had left a note saying he "wanted to kill some people and die today".
Several thousand 3rd Infantry troops, including the 3rd Brigade Combat Team based at Fort Benning in Columbus, began returning last week.---A few thousand troops, most from the division's 3rd Brigade Combat Team based at Fort Benning in Columbus, began returning last week, with flights continuing through Friday.
The new department is charged with patrolling borders, analyzing U.S. intelligence, responding to emergencies and guarding against terrorism, among other tasks.---They patrol borders, analyze U.S. intelligence, respond to emergencies and guard against terrorism, among other tasks.
The broadside came during the recording Saturday night of a Christmas concert attended by top Vatican cardinals, bishops and many elite of Italian society, witnesses said.---The announcement was made during the recording of a Christmas concert attended by top Vatican cardinals, bishops, and many elite from Italian society, witnesses said.
So in his State of the Union address in January, Bush declared that the British government "has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."---In his Jan. 28 State of the Union message, Bush said, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."
Several witnesses have told the court Bashir heads JI, accused of seeking to create an Islamic state in the region.---A number of witnesses have told the court Bashir heads Jemaah Islamiah, accused of wanting an Islamic state in the region.
People who once thought their blood pressure was fine actually may be well on their way to hypertension under new U.S. guidelines published on Wednesday.---People who once thought their blood pressure was fine actually need to start exercising and eating better, according to new U.S. guidelines published on Wednesday.
A 32-count indictment "strikes at one of the very top targets in the drug trafficking world," U.S. Attorney Marcos Jimenez said.---The newly unsealed 32-count indictment alleges money laundering and conspiracy and "strikes at one of the very top targets in the drug-trafficking world," Jiménez said.
The jury also found Gonzales guilty of using excessive force by dousing Olvera-Carrera with pepper spray.---Gonzales was found guilty of using excessive force by spraying Olvera with pepper spray.
The council includes 13 Shiites, five Kurds, five Sunnis, one Christian and one Turkoman.---There are five ethnic Kurds, five Sunni Muslims, a Christian and a Turkoman.
Oran Smith, president of the Palmetto Family Council, said the assassination marked the end of America's innocence.---Oran Smith, president of the Palmetto Family Council, said the assassination marked the end of America’s innocence, giving way to the if-it-feels-good-do-it 1960s and ’70s.
Yee is a 1990 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York.---Yee grew up in the United States and graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Militias also attacked local United Nations offices and, according to a United Nations spokesman, have fired into crowds seeking shelter near the airport in Bunia.---Militias also attacked local U.N. offices and, according to a U.N. spokesman, had fired into crowds seeking shelter near the airport in Bunia.
Kroger Co., which owns Ralphs, and Albertsons Inc. bargain jointly with Safeway and locked out their union workers the next day.---In a show of corporate solidarity, Kroger Co., which owns Ralphs, and Albertson Inc. locked out their workers the next morning.
When ex-Mepham head coach Kevin McElroy walked into the court to testify, some of the victims' supporters turned their backs on him.---When varsity coach Kevin McElroy walked into the courthouse with his attorney, the crowd turned their backs on him.
The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI ended up 56.79 points, or 0.67 percent, at 8,588.36 -- its highest level since January 17.---The Dow Jones Industrial Average ($DJ: news, chart, profile) rose 56 points, or 0.7 percent, to 8,588.
SUVs parked on residential streets in Monrovia were tagged with "ELF" and other slogans, and another was set ablaze in front of a house, Sgt. Tom Wright said.---Several SUVs parked on residential streets in Monrovia were tagged with ``ELF'' and other slogans, said Sgt. Tom Wright.
The number of public WiFi hot spots will grow from the current 50,000 to 85,000 by the end of 2004, IDC said.---Wi-Fi will continue to grow: The number of public Wi-Fi hot spots will grow from the current 50,000, to 85,000 by the end of the year, IDC said.
The launch marks the start of a new golden age in Mars exploration.---The launch marks the start of a race to find life on another planet.
The family owns Cheetahs strip clubs here and in Las Vegas.---The searches were conducted simultaneously with raids on strip clubs in San Diego and Las Vegas.
Brendsel and chief financial officer Vaughn Clarke resigned June 9.---The company's chief executive retired and chief financial officer resigned.
Among those awaiting Schwarzenegger's decision was former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan.---A no-go from Schwarzenegger would clear the track for another Republican, former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan.
As a precaution, NASA instructed space station astronauts to periodically seek shelter from the storm's effects in the station's Russian module.---But NASA has instructed space station astronauts to periodically seek shelter from the storm's effects.
National City shares were down 15 cents to $32.43 on the New York Stock Exchange.---National City's stock ended the day at $32.58, up 9 cents, in trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
Entrenched interests are positioning themselves to control the network's chokepoints and they are lobbying the FCC to aid and abet them.---It may be dying because entrenched interests are positioning themselves to control the Internet's choke-points and they are lobbying the FCC to aid and abet them."
The village last said sorry in 1993, when it presented the Methodist Church of Fiji with Baker's boots - which cannibals had tried unsuccessfully to cook and eat.---In 1993, villagers presented the Methodist Church of Fiji with Baker's boots — which cannibals tried unsuccessfully to cook and eat.
"I came basically to Washington to establish relationships and to make sure that we are getting more federal money to California," Schwarzenegger said after meeting with congressional Republicans.---"I came to Washington basically to establish relationships and make sure we are getting more federal money," Schwarzenegger said after one meeting.
Southwest said its traffic was up 4.6 percent in the quarter, and it ended the quarter with $2.2 billion in cash.---Southwest said its traffic was up 4.6 percent in the quarter on a capacity increase of 4.2 percent.
The vulnerability affects an interface with RPC that deals with message exchange over TCP/IP port 135, according to Microsoft.---The security hole was detected into the section of RPC that deals with message exchange over TCP/IP, Microsoft explained.
Smith, 59, is charged with fraud for allegedly filing false reports to FBI headquarters about Leung's reliability and with gross negligence for allegedly allowing her access to classified materials.---Smith, 59, is charged with filing false reports to FBI headquarters about Leung's reliability and allowing her access to classified materials.
The proportion of people covered by employers dropped from 62.3 percent in 2001 to 61.3 percent last year.---The proportion of Americans with insurance from employers declined to 61.3 percent, from 62.6 percent in 2001 and 63.6 percent in 2000.
Miss Stewart is being prosecuted not because of who she is but what she did," Mr Comey continued.---"Martha Stewart is being prosecuted not because of who she is but because of what she did," he said.
THE compact disc could be history within five years after scientists invented a replacement the size of a fingertip.---COMPACT discs could be history within five years after scientists made a fingertip-sized replacement.
Authorities questioned O'Dell in Pennsylvania over the weekend after identifying her through records at the self-storage company.---Authorities interviewed O'Dell in Pennsylvania over the weekend after identifying her through records at Customer Storage Rentals.
The delay comes on the heels of Boeing Chairman Phil Condit's resignation Monday.---On Monday, it also announced the resignation of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Phil Condit.
Fighting erupted after four North Korean journalists confronted a dozen South Korean activists protesting human rights abuses in the North outside the main media centre.---Trouble flared when at least four North Korean reporters rushed from the Taegu media centre to confront a dozen activists protesting against human rights abuses in the North.
GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP, N.J. Annika Sorenstam drew the crowds, Michelle Wie got the publicity but Angela Stanford took her first LPGA victory.---GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP, N.J. >> Annika Sorenstam and Michelle Wie drew the crowds, but Angela Stanford took her first LPGA victory.
Founders of the group are Matsushita Electric, Sony, Hitachi, NEC, Royal Philips Electronics, Samsung, Sharp and Toshiba.---CELF's founding members are Hitachi, Matsushita, NEC, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, and Toshiba.
Global Crossing wants documents related to the regulatory-approval process and information on XO employee Carl Griver, who used to work for Global Crossing.---Global Crossing wants documents related to the regulatory-approval process and information on XO Chief Executive Carl J. Grivner, who used to be Global Crossing's chief operating officer.
Roy Moore, the suspended chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, stood accused but unrepentant Wednesday in the same courtroom he recently presided over.---Moore, the suspended chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, stands trial before the Alabama Court of the Judiciary.
Faced with these circumstances, Halliburton "is left with no option for providing these services from Kuwait other than to continue obtaining them from Altanmia," Sumner wrote.---"KBR is left with no option for providing these services from Kuwait other than to continue obtaining them from Altanmia," the document said.
The three-story brick building has apartments on the upper floors and the Snack Bar and Café downstairs.---The three-story brick building houses apartments in the upper floors and the Snack Bar and Caf on its downstairs.
But the technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index was up 5.91 points, or 0.35 percent, at 1,674.35.---The broader Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX was off 1.07 points, or 0.11 percent, at 1,010.59.
The teenager was in surgery at a hospital and the extent of his injuries was not available, police said.---The teen was in surgery at Sacred Heart Medical Center, and the extent of his injuries was not available, Bragdon said.
But a senior State Department official said: "We'll decide how to keep the proper incentives there for countries to sign and for countries that have signed to ratify."---"We'll decide how to keep the proper incentives there for countries to sign and for countries that have signed to ratify," the official said.
Yahoo accounts for 159,354 of the BSD sites, with 152,054 from NTT/Verio and 129,378 from Infospace, the survey found.---Another 152,054 are from IP services company NTT/Verio, and 129,378 from InfoSpace, the survey found.
First Essex, with $1.8 billion of assets, employs about 360 people and operates 11 offices in Massachusetts and nine in southern New Hampshire.---First Essex operates 20 banking offices in two counties in Massachusetts and three counties in southern New Hampshire.
Mark Longabaugh, the league's vice president for political affairs, said that Kempthorne has "shown a distinct contempt for environmental protection."---Kempthorne has ''shown a distinct contempt for environmental protection,'' said Mark Longabaugh, the league's vice president for political affairs.
Stanford bested a 144-player field that included former winners Sorenstam and Juli Inkster, as well as 13-year-old phenom Michelle Wie.---She did — and then some, besting a 144-player field that included former winners Sorenstam and Juli Inkster, as well as Wie.
But those modest gains weren't nearly enough to offset the loss of 43,000 jobs in Santa Clara County and 18,000 jobs in the San Francisco-Peninsula-Marin area.---But those tiny gains weren't nearly enough to offset the loss of nearly 62,000 jobs in the Santa Clara County-San Francisco areas.
According to law enforcement officials, the person arrested was a known sophisticated hacker.---According to law enforcement officials, the individual decrypted passwords on the server.
The stunning art robbery on Sunday was one of the biggest in Europe in recent years.---Art historians said it was one of the significant art thefts in Europe in recent years.
The new orders index rose to 52.2 percent from 51.9 percent in May.---The New Orders Index rose by 0.3 percentage points from 51.9 percent in May to 52.2 percent in June.
Bush turned out a statement yesterday thanking the commission for its work, and said, "Our journey into space will go on."---Mr. Bush did not discuss this when he issued a brief statement yesterday thanking the commission for its work, and saying, "Our journey into space will go on."
After three months, Atkins dieters had lost an average of 14.7 pounds compared to 5.8 pounds in the conventional group.---Three months into the study, the Atkins group had lost an average of about 15 pounds, compared with five for the low-fat group.
"I would rather be talking about positive numbers than negative.---But I would rather be talking about high standards rather than low standards."
Pataki praised Abraham's decision, and LIPA Chairman Richard Kessel said the cable should be kept in operation permanently.---LIPA Chairman Richard Kessel said that meant the cable could be used "as we see fit.
Mr McDonnell is leading Grant Thornton International's inquiry into the Italian business.---Mr McDonnell wants to establish if the Italian business followed Grant Thornton's audit procedures.
The Tuesday Supreme Court announcement stems from an appeal involving Michael Newdow, a California atheist whose 9-year-old daughter, like most elementary schoolchildren, hears the pledge recited daily.---The Supreme Court justices agreed to hear an appeal involving a California atheist whose 9-year-old daughter, like most elementary school children, hears the Pledge of Allegiance recited daily.
Several states and the federal government later passed similar or more strict bans.---Following California's lead, several states and the federal government passed similar or tougher bans.
Immunizing mice with pneumococcusleads tothe generation of antibodies that the researchers think lead to the protection from heart disease, he said.---Immunizing mice with pneumococcus means generating antibodies that the researchers believe lead to the protection from heart disease, he said.
After Freitas' opening statement, King County Superior Court Judge Charles Mertel recessed trial until after the Thanksgiving weekend.---King County Superior Court Judge Charles Mertel will then recess the trial until Monday.
He said McKevitt was "the man who has the blood of innocent people on his hands".---McKevitt is a terrorist, a man who has the blood of innocent people on his hands."
The governor is going to Jackson, where 13 of the state's 16 fatalities were reported.---The governor is going to Jackson, where 13 people were killed.
The Ministry of Defence said that "an investigation is being conducted into allegations that have been made against a British officer who was serving in Iraq".---The Ministry of Defence said yesterday: “We can confirm that an investigation is being conducted into allegations surrounding a British officer who served in Iraq.
Mr. Malik assured him that he would be considered a martyr if he did not return, the witness testified.---Mr. Malik assured him that he would be considered a martyr if anything happened to him as a result of his trip, the witness said.
Florida Sen. Bob Graham was not identifiable by 61 percent of those polled.---Kerry was viewed favorably by 66 percent of those polled; Dean at 57 percent.
That kept the records sealed as Limbaugh's attorneys prepared to file an appeal.---A day later, Winikoff sealed the records again to give Limbaugh's attorneys time to appeal.
States of emergency were declared in all four states as well as West Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey and Washington DC.---States of emergency were declared in North Carolina, Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
At midnight on Wednesday, 68 percent of voters said "no" to the tax, with 97 percent of the votes counted.---With 97 percent of precincts counted tonight, 68 percent of voters opposed the tax.
PwC itself paid $5m last year over alleged violations of independence rules.---In July 2002, PWC paid $5 million to settle alleged violations of auditor independence rules.
The addition of the house shooting expands the investigation area east by two miles, with the police now examining a seven-mile section of the freeway.---The house shooting expands the investigation area east by three kilometres, with the police now examining an 11-kilometre section of the freeway.
He planned to stay all day until the river crested, which was forecast for late last night.---He and the other lawyers planned to stay until the river starts receding.
Remaining shares will be held by QVC's management.---Members of the QVC management team hold the remaining shares.
The New York Yankees took third baseman Eric Duncan from Seton Hall Prep in New Jersey with the 27th pick.---The Yankees selected Eric Duncan, a third baseman from Seton Hall Prep in New Jersey, with the 27th pick.
Gehring waived extradition Monday during a hearing in San Jose, and authorities said they expected him back in New Hampshire on Tuesday.---Gehring waived extradition Monday during a hearing in Santa Clara County Superior Court in San Jose and was expected Tuesday in New Hampshire.
"I am advised that certain allegations of criminal conduct have been interposed against my counsel," said Silver.---"I am advised that certain allegations of criminal conduct have been interposed against my counsel, J. Michael Boxley,'' the Silver statement said. "
Crews worked to install a new culvert and prepare the highway so motorists could use the eastbound lanes for travel as storm clouds threatened to dump more rain.---Crews worked to install a new culvert and repave the highway so motorists could use the eastbound lanes for travel.
The deal, approved by both companies' board of directors, is expected to be completed in the third quarter of Nvidia's fiscal third quarter.---The acquisition has been approved by both companies' board of directors and is expected to close in the third quarter this year.
After Hughes refused to rehire Hernandez, he complained to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.---Hernandez filed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint and sued.
There are 103 Democrats in the Assembly and 47 Republicans.---Democrats dominate the Assembly while Republicans control the Senate.
Bethany Hamilton remained in stable condition Saturday after the attack Friday morning.---Bethany, who remained in stable condition after the attack Friday morning, talked of the attack Saturday.
Last week the power station’s US owners, AES Corp, walked away from the plant after banks and bondholders refused to accept its financial restructuring offer.---The news comes after Drax's American owner, AES Corp. AES.N , last week walked away from the plant after banks and bondholders refused to accept its restructuring offer.