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1_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | arI. IN a ilpasai .n.n1, is, tnas ne important
and exseniive powers and authority with winch
: an ir,rufed b. you, are delegated to ne only
far your good and the general benefit. You
lays enlarged my powers of being ufssl TO you.
and eonaituteI me the hra guardian Of our com.
mon rights ard franchiies. Give me leave TO
allure YOU that 70 far from harbouring the imPi-
Gus thought of invading your Liberties rnylelt, !
l,all ,hink it my duty always, firmly and boldly
TO itand forth againR the enemies Ct public a~d
legal freedom. In this noble cauie viii moit
readily Join you, and in all faluiary ineafues, for
the pre!eryarion, OF improvement of the conaitu-
siOn of cur country and for the welfare ofthe ca
pisal. / lhall therefore mott certainly call COM
mon halls and common councils, on al import
ant occaEons 2t your requi6tion.
" Gentlemen Of the Livery,
% As chief magltra;e of the fri city in the
world, promile you an upright and regular ad-
minilssation of the public jullce, and rely wiIh
confidence on your favourable acceptance Of my
fncere and Jealous endewours in your iervice. "
On Saturday night medenger was isnt away
from the admiralty with diiparches for General
Gage at Bottom, TO be forwarded By the Scarbo-
rough man Of war, lately arrived from thaS pro-
vince. |
2_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | L H U R S D A Y, December /. |
BY the lait vcael from England we have it
from undoubtcd authority that the members OF
both Houfes who are friends to America, have
frequently communications, for the purpole OF
dropping their private Misunderstanding, and
uniting IN the public cauie, which at preienI
needs their joint afiitance, hnce breach with
America, hazardcd by the lare harlh mealures,
may be ruinous to the general welfare OF the
Britilh Empire, and notwithstanding IL has been
indaariouly repreisnted thar Lord Chatham has
deierted our cauie, it may BE- certainly depended
upon by the public that the contrary is the truth,
and that his ientiments are iuch as America
could with.
Five thouhnd people have embarked al
Greenook fnce the month Of March for America.
BY late accounts from England, brought BY
Capt. Shepherd (exelufvs of what was Publiih-
cd IN cur paper beiore) we leagn,--that aaocia-
tlons were forming in more than twenty counties
there, to chule fuch perlons only for members OF
Parliament aswill iupporr the American cauie -
The iudden didolution Of Parliament occaioned
great ihook 10 all rank of people in England !;
and twas generally thought the new Parliament
will be for Tedreaing the American grievances.
In TIC London papers for September is publih-
~ PIO~SS0AIgo VI piOfAHAissA Vii A~'S Vi
New Ieriey the arrival of lieutenant Governor
divers commiGion, and an account of the
fwearing in Of twelve gentlemen as councillors,
appointed by his Majcity's mandamus the aP-
Pointmens and departure of the gentlemen who
were TO repreicnt this province in the grand Ame-
Iican Congreis and an addrels from the juitices
of the inferior court of common pleas for tile
county of Eaex, &c.
ExfrGa Of a Lsff1- fran Port6n0ab, IN England,
dated O3s6er 4. p
" Since the Scarborough man of war has ar
rived from Bottom, not one of the men have been
fuered TO come on ihore, neither are their friends
permitted to go on board. Theihip is anchored
at iome diaanoe from any other, and 70 careful
are the officers to keep every thing iecret, that
when any proviiion is lent on board they lfand on
the fde of the lhip TO prevent any conversation
pa1ing between the people that carry 1t and the
crew, from which 1t is conje6tuIed that things are
worie at Bottom than government are willing the
public fhould be acquainted with. The men
in the yards are ordered to work double tides, to
get lome hips ready for iea as loon as poible it
is faid that they are to relieve the guardihips,
which are to come into dock to be cleared and
vi6tualled for long voyage By all ths appear
anoe here we are at the eve ofa war;"
Ex,at7 Of a letter fran L0sdsn, dated o7cjsr q.
The people here fesm be heartily ek Of ths me1-
rcs ha, have been taken asln your port rovnce and
hear the minfry Dc NOT knew which way 70 aesr they
loath give up their yrannca power but they mutt it
the eoleaies are rdfa. The news your papers makes all
the party look blue. We do yet know the
tents Of Cenea Cages eTPge The friends Of America In
csaf aa Petitions forming in all parts Ofthe kingdom
in favour Of America. We all inpatient know the
fuIt Of the Congre. II the colonies firm for yes
and neither import export, it would efabh American
freedom, o this country iuPPO tf without the CO.
We have feyera other extEzas from letters from London,
70 she fame pu-port Of the above.
Every colony ieems be putting into execution the
meafures recommended by the Grand Congrels.
II reported, that tanfpOrts filled from England to
Ireland, in orser to take ia troops for Bolton.
The Provincial cOnsref e9Itiaps citing cabtidge.
Netting has yes trsnvired. |
3_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | From the LONDON GAZETTEER, Of Sept. 20
To the P RI N i ER. | To the K n / K.
Secretary sf Stafs'' oyfee, Sept. I9, i774.
IN coniequence of a paragraph in your paper
4 CT this day, which you fay you are called up
on to niert by your correspondent who fayOured
you with the copy of letter publiihed in your
paper of Tuefday lait, and introduced as letter
recently received by noble lord in high Office
from an officer in America, la,ely ient thither on
4 very important command, am again directed
by lord Dartmouth, 10 de6re you viii, in bisnane,
and BY his Gutbsrity, inform your readers that no
iuch letter has ever been received by his lordihip
am, Sir, your mott obedient iervant,
4_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | drinking or ;ipimg in ,heir Nouie,. Cena,,,
Backnaes CT w'thin any OF tae dependsRees O;
iach Hou!ls. or c! lelling 2n o,lsr fort VI drink
han what thcy nave lcencc for, ih2ll incur anI
!uiter The like Penalties and foreitures as may by
Law Le inflicted upon periom delhng with
oat licenct, 10 bereco'ered aud employed il aal,-
der as by ;he iaia law Is dlIeGcd' |
5_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | publel in the Lonaon Cazstiec OF September aad
j. day e-pobgd and fd by De hreeianG IN c4een-:iree
The a;e grand Continental Cong,eis at Phad, among
other of their proceedings prepared an adde aad petition
20 hi. Mae (which will be pujaed tl it is pci;ntei
70 him copies OF which petition, S.. ane of Letter TO the
colony agents London directed TO be delivered each
ufthc ipeae of the pc,incIl Aernbs in Anses, to be
by them tranined the laid agents IN London, who arc
4red rcsue the atance and iuPpon of lurt Nobern
aud Gentlemen Is were ayoaby dpoiea towards the Bth
American Coores in order sc, the laid address and sd
ton pref ied &c. and eaui- il to be pupGihsd. The
following is a copy Of the letter to the agents
GENTLEMrN, Philadelphia, odOber a6, 1874.
w give YOU the ionseii proof OF reliance os your
zeal attachment to the haPpnes of Amefea and the
cauic ofberty when commit the eneoied parer to your
We der YOU will deliver the petition into the hands oh
Maey, and aer it has been psesEtet, win may be
made Pubctheneh thefel, together with the IN
ccs. And as we hope Tor great siaanee hom the ipn
s:tue and jnace fshe nson il earneit dee, that
he mo etice,la be taken, early poioe, 90 fa-
Nth the trading cities and nanuatnrng towns throughout
dhe untd kinGdOm, with OLE memorial 10 the Peoie ct
CIsat- Btain.
We doubt not but your good ienie and decinmeni will
lead you TO avail youreges OF every sanoe that may be
derived from the advice and iendhp of all great and good
men, who may incline aid the caue Of liberty and mankind
The gratitude Of America e&reed in the eneosd vote Of
hanks d,re may be conveyed the deevrg objects OF
III the manner thA you think viii DC mott acceptable to
| hem.
Ii propoel that another Congr be held On the 10th
of May this place, bu, 10 the time we beg the
fvoar Of you, gentlemen, anmt The SfsakeIs sf the
verA aembe the esea information OF the moi aut len
accounts you eos, Of alt iueh conduct and dsgns OF
the minRr paIliamenas tray eOneen America to know.
We with unieigned eeen and regard, gentlemen &c
By order and in behalf ofthe c,ngrels,
Ts P<Hi Wsnf4rsvb, Eg; Det7er Bsgazir Franklin, M
ham BOLsr En-; Dod@r AfbEy Lee, 9b'nas Life Eff Ed
naHd Burke, Ejg; Cbar!a Csrfb, Efa.
The COngs aio prepared letter 70 the people OF the CO.
onies of Sr. Tohn:, Nsya-Scoa, Georgia, EAd and Wet
Florida, wis had deputies spfsen then in the CEN
sreis. OF this letter, the following is copy.
GENrLrMEH, Fbhsd,pba, otf0b0 -, 1874.
ct II preient critical and truly alarming fate OF AMT
rican aas having been in general consIes OF
deputies from the colonies of New-Hamphre, Maaehuiet
Bay RhodeInd and Providence plantations, Connecticut
New-Yok, New-Jerey, Pennfyvania, New caaIe, kent
aad Saicx, on Delaware Mary land Virginia, Norh-Caro
ina, and Sonth-Caroina with that attention and mature
ebeion, which the important naur: s tbs cafe demands
they have dere mined for temeves and the colonies the
epreent the meafues contained in the eneioed papers
which eaes they recommend your colony to be adopted
III all the eaneRneE, that well directed sea Tor Amsrsan
liberty prompt.
So rapidly violent and una has been tn. late eoDs1 Of
the 3rtlh Administration aganh the colonies tt eftef
bie and navih ubmon, under the lois of their aeehtlat
and esnaituona liberty, mua quickly take Paee a9 ade-
quate cPpohon be ormed. &gE|
We pray Cod take you under his protection, and pre-
erye the freedom and happiness of the whole Br,h empire
By order ofths Congrefs.-
.. -- HENRY MIDDLETON, Frendent. ~
The following letter from wsrthy brerhsA Of Dur
ham in the province Of New HaSPhire we have received
naay others from he in this and the other colonies,
breahng the fame mPlhy generohy and regard for liberty
which the public papers, have nor had fo though they
all carefully pelsIyel and nagharyfo tn: honour Of
America be made PubHs. ~ 4
q D~ham n nerp-HansJs9n'N 'NSV. ar.s7z4.'
take plesure in kafnittins YOU by Mr.. Scam
mel few cattle, with,a Tnlll iumof money; whichl
number of perons iphs psse ssndery yppstirng with
Offering brethren IN ROasa' have 0sdb1lsd toward
shgir fupport." . z e. ~-~s
With this, foon After yo viii receive the donation
or number in Lee, psriih off from iis
ard few days, thois of Dover Nsvmarke aud other adj
AGENT towns"
What you herewith receive, comes not o the opulen,;
but mofly from tie induirous Yeomenary in this ps,iih
We have out few per.ons Of saeni fortunes among bu
ShOis have mott chssry contributed the relief Of the iii
treied IN your metropolis"
This is conGd-td byus, nor as g, an aa Of cha
ty, but OF juiseas al part, VI what IL daiy
bod to Communicate, koie truly noble and patriotic a5-
yocates Of American freedom, who basey landing the
g,p b-twe=n ard lageDdef.ndng the common nterea
Of whole eOhnenand soEiOuy iuggng in the caais Of
Upon you the eyes Of all America are fx-d--upon your
pAtlenCet IcIttaoc fcOuuOn tuiceI Oosy
-penss ali that is dear to them and their poNerip.May
tat superintendent, gracious being sho open
70 the cries " the opPr-d in anef the ne-nt prayers
Of his people defend our u eaaicurn h eooalss Of our
enemies into oelhssdsi-erus from she hands Of our
oDprenos and make thole very neslars by which they
endeaysuring to conpss derueon the means o 6Sng
our invaluable rights and privileges upon more finn and iA
ing BATS"
While with ,h. mof painful fsniatioas we reasd thar
prior to the Of the evh wSch now nyouna
Us, opinene, and inatsention to our eomen i1s had
70 far prevailed, as almoa wholly fink in nxarant diff
fraton the inhabitants Of hee colonies nc bound 70
acknowledge the divine wido and goodne, @hshby hef.
ealantes routed from ethagy, and taught Us % &C.
fsni thole nefmabe beits which otherssiie mf base
been forever oa to US and our PoeIty and 20 hes h'
determination to fave America, ded tie attacks Of our
enemies to tha, quarter where the virtue and ne Of I'll:
inhabitants, could brave the has military tysnts, and let
at dance he threats Of eTapted and deiPotie mniitsT
We ave pl-aed find, that/the nethods BY which the
-. -. -.,.l - kt |
8_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | The fslSqoizg eryal7 fran a Laq0 sffbit Proviucs,
FL. lbs l1ftyefzg ef DrEakernsl;, Je. IL printed
81 efdsr Of f5s Sfltz-meH, thai 40 ozs qvbeu FRO
.,fc4tad, for the breae6 q laid La50, mGy PLEAD
iszOrGzcs as az Excgis.
To E it therefore ena6ted by the Lieutenant
d Governor, council and Repref natives in
General Court afembled, and by the authority
of the fame, that from and after the publication
hereof, every perion and perions now liceni:d,
or thar a hereafter obtain liccncf to retail wine
and Grong liquors to BE- fpent out of doors, and
nct otherwiie, who fhsll be convicted Of enter
tanning or iuaering any PeTion or Periens TO hs |
9_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | Ala late meesia2 y! d. !!..4hc:. Cf 'cH- - =
in iuu 3ogt OF the proceedings Of ihe eonul - III
Conqre.s) they unanmoui!y SGh-
Ill no mellaes or tyrups that may hereafter beI
mported from anyul the Eritiih Neit-india ID
ands, or from Dominica. Nor TO itll any rim,
or other ipi Tits, for the purpoe of carrying on :he
aare trade, or that they thai have reAion to ap-
plehend IS intended TO be 10 applied.
MONDAY le'nnighi IN the form, Capt. AcS-
wosth, bound from Newfoundland for Salesl,
arrived at Cape Ann, from whcace we hear bel
fent his letters and number Of bills 10 this place
and failed few hours before the liorm for New
bury -port, bur the ilorn increaed 10 iuch de-
qrce, that his veiicl was galloway, which, with
the cargo, himiell, mate, iome paiiengers, sc.
were lott. Only two hands NC hear were iaved.
! Several vcles were drove aihore at Nswbury-
Port, and Others laying at the wha:ves, greatly
damaged. Wetear OF hearing iurthe- damage.
| ID ON ATI0NS received Encc our lat.
From the county OF Litch6ed Cn Connetti-
eut} I9k Do& and 81 head cattle. From Cpl
cheiiel, "a heep and cattle. From Fairfield,
7so buihels gram. OF Mr Sylyanus How OF,
| peteriham, eleven quarters Of mutton, Iz3 ib.
| Eriraei Of a letter fi0m PrOUidtrer, NeV. i6.
A very awful AFFAIR happened in tLis town
lalt evening A journeyman barber, in
dulged himie!f too freely in drinking, became
very abuive in the ilreet, and attacked 4 labour-
| ing man, whom he wounded with 4 club This
ahray happened the wea fde oil the great bridge,
near TO a hatter's ihop, in which wasa young man
at work who hearing the noie, armed himiclI
with club, and vent out TO aihit the labourer,
and unhappily truck the barber on the head which
/ brought him to the ground he was taken up,
and carried into neighbouring houie, and had
the aGifance of a iurgeon-but means were in
eAeaual, he expired in the night And this
mcrnng the young mar, who gave the fatal blow,
filed with unutterable difreis, voluntarily reign
ed himielf into the hands of fjullice."
Laa Monday Night, Mr.. Nathan Folfom, of
Newmarket, periihed with the col in a gunde-
low laden with boards, in that place.
MARRIED lMr. William Winter, aged 70,
TO Mis- Nabby Waller. aged IS.--Rev. Mr..
Jonathan Newell of Stow, to Mis- Sally Fix
of Watcrtown. At Marblchead, Major John
fedTck TO Mrs. Swaiey.
DIED MiE Jenny Watts.--Miis Nancy
Clark.--Mrs. Mary Sopcr.-Black Jack (com-
monty called one legged Jack) free Negro, and
Ia noted lemmon-ieller, in town.--In tie aims
lhonse, Mrs. Parker.--Mrs. Bowman and Mrs.
Meofe.-At Roxbury, after lhort illneis,
| Ms, ,ifncreafc Sumner.-At Newbury- port, Mrs,
! IMaryAtkns, aged 81, ,reid Of the late.)oieph At
kins,s Eiq; OF that place. She was younsett
daughter of Joieph ), ,,llcy, Efc -gpany. yyss.n ys.n.
governor OF this prcynse, and grad, gap5iS;-
Of Thomas Dudley, L7,; who vac alio leveral
years governor under{ {hc frlt Charley AT Mill
ton Mrs. Sarah .Adanhs wife of Mr. John Adams.
1 a., ,Erac w. u
fon,es aged 7I.sea, His funeral is be Friday next
hafaer thee n *, when bis friends and Acquaintance
/ arc reousied 20 attend.
| NEw-YoRK, NoVember II.
Exfr4a ef kaer dated at 2aebee, O7ober 80.
I" A committee is arsised here from the In
9lilh inhabitants in MpntresF who have met a
committee of tie inhabiMnrs of this place ;. and
are drawin up petition TO his. Iajelty, againi
the act Of parliam.ut for regulating the govern
uent OF rhis province, and hops they will meet
With fucceG.'
Nou1m5er Si.' A'lttter from Philaisl pfriaoi
Nov. ~, I774, Eys,, Yellerday came to town
man from Pittburgh, and fays Lord Dunmore
has'had a meeting with the Indians aht made
peace, demanding nothing more then the reao-
rine Of any hire pcrions they have among them,
and fuch hcries as ibey aole from the Frontiers
Capt. Hunt, from CharIcfown in S0Gth-Ca-
rclina, informs us, that the flip Britannia, Capt
Bali, arrived there from London few days be-
fol he failed, ard tnat paaehger wh4 came
into th. se.el had in a clandeline manner gotopl
board 3 eheAs of tea, which the Capt. on his
arrival made known to the commiuee, who iocn |
canied the gentleman to order his lniia cor no
dity to be thrown into the lea; thar Capt. Moore
arrived there from Philadelphia the 4.h of Nov.
with the Delegates from the CcngreE, who were
le ise.ved BY irfeow clizens with the ringingl
Of bells, Sc. and that or the fifth Of fNovember
the inhalitants Of Charlcltown gave up mof ol
the tea they had in their houies TO be burnt IN |
one general bonfire.
SIAM, NszenJey 20. We hear thas :he Scarborough
man OF war ayed England fom Bottom, about tae Sd OF
Oaober and was dpschsd back for the fame place in -four
DAYS sfter,sasd Matters were kept profound feret.
Pgfe.e The Senarfufe III |
12_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | p AN away from The fubfcribehs ttY 26tli
~ inf. an apprentice lad, named NATHANIEL BEN
NET about )e.fs OF age, about ve feel, W inches
high, had eiOSol1te eOloared eoa irppse Jske and
a bseeshes. Whoever w take up lid Runsz awsy and
.coo6.e nd i.eure him, or re,arn hin hi Msy Clo1-
oea., lhali have THREE DOLLARS rewaa, and sil ne
eelay ehsyg.s paid. 5OLOSioH IhFSoNs'J nm .
All Maifegs Of yeGels and O,hsrs, heIoy eaaons1
gain conceal Z, carrying Fl, empl0ying 6d Ron-l-~aS
as they would avoid the Penlit, Of the lsw1
Glouceltrr, N0yem. zSth, 1874 = |
14_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | DAN away from MS Dafer, the aSthinR.
~ isryant iai, named JOHN TUCKER, about I9
ears Of age aoc' I've feet high, Of dak e0mpeSon, hor
5ses cured tsf, IS ths fri. Carried with MIN, blue eree
soat ght frye lcker, 'sth bsis buttons, erinon Fuih
,rt .chss, with white buttons. Whoever sll take fad
ur-a-wsy, and convey bin to the lubrbsr sl bsve TWO
DOLLARS reward and all necelary charges psid by
An prrons are cautioned ag,na eoseeAng csnyng a.
y id eant, a. they wosd ayed the penalty Of The law
& K,looeedsr, Nesembr 26, I774. |
16_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | THERE is expoied to falc, the bomaead
FARM Of coNsIDrp DKEw, lying in DuxborouSh,
place called the Captain ook, eonhing of between
by 20 Of good ,nd, with large Inv D~erghtvir.
the eons. sir ilt Lars oou -.a..- '- n little heOw
chat they are dpenced he wsiserlg end Of laaRfk
bats SArdne with w good channel that Within zo
90 rods the hou., good harbour, and building
With COOS and convenient place make Fin anyp ths
co4n efPlynou,hj ana al the appertenaners hcu bsy
longing, together with iral wha good sPss 44x-
eptng widows rght Of dover, thirds steon, pflughef
natural life. November roth, 1874. ~ ID |
19_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | l3,AN ayay from the fublcriber, the 26th
Mn an apsbnnrioe la4, named ELfsHA-PERkINS
COULD, bewes yens-n and eighteen yea Of sbout
i've ieet, four inches high, fs't hnr ve lSsg b com
peIion, had wen he went away, blue iobnn and sesn
acket Gsht hreches and yarn o-<.ngs. He esre3away
.h him. blJs coat AID packer. Whoever sil take sp fd
Run.a- ~ and convey aifo hi, maer IA GoaseBea ksli
,sye TfIIiEE DOLLARS ReSlrd, and s nseear charges
paid by }ob" SiDDiNSS.
fnafcrs Of yefe ard Others hereby c5Utonedfs-
gsu conc.,lng, earning o Or employing fd Run-a-~ls
as they syoeld avoid the penalty Of ne Law.
Gloreelsr Nos. 20, I'm. |
20_1774-12-01_pNone_sn83021194_00517172169_1774120101_0671 | The Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal. | 01 | 1774-12-01 | pNone | PUBLIC VEND u Z. | "A PabIie, that he has
Opened Yendue Room,
North 6d Of the Town-Dock, he fame which Mr A'ehi-
bald Bowman formerly os-ured in thar bunss) and now
reslf f ihe Rse5tion o HouOt Fufri'os ana MesiAr-
szs All hoG who Feaisa favour him vta 'hs'f en-
,o,nsnf eitier public iy1e Sale, mall md 'fst hs
vii T. in hs -toa ri sosssi'y, hSsh1 aas SnP'''ht |
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