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Book your tables for The Great British Care Awards gala evening. Please select which region you’re attending & add to basket.
All the finalists will be invited to attend a spectacular gala dinner at a regional venue, where the winners will be announced. The gala dinner will include a drinks reception, dinner with celebrity presenter and dancing into the night. | 2019-04-24T14:33:41 | http://www.care-awards.co.uk/product/table-booking/ |
Virions are non-enveloped 25–30 nm in diameter and exhibit icosahedral symmetry (T=1, pseudo T=3, Figure 1). Many virus preparations contain empty virus particles. In the case of viruses with a bipartite genome, the two RNAs are encapsidated in separate virions.
Different classes of virions are distinguished according to their buoyant densities (top, middle and bottom components, also termed T, M and B, Figure 1). The main virions (M and B components) contain RNA. Viruses belonging to the genera Sequivirus and Waikavirus, which have a single large monopartite genome, sediment with S20,W values of 150–190S. For viruses with a bipartite genome, virions containing RNA1 (B component) sediment at 110–135S. Virions containing RNA2 (M component) sediment at 84–128S and contain one or two molecules of RNA2. In cases where the size of RNA1 and RNA2 are similar, the M and B components may be difficult to separate. Empty shells (T component) sediment with S20,W values of 49–63S depending on the virus considered.
The genome consists of one or two molecules of linear positive sense ssRNA. The size of RNA(s) differs among genera (Table 1). The genomic RNA(s) contain a 3’-terminal poly(A) tract of variable length. The only known exception is the genomic RNA of a sequivirus (parsnip yellow fleck virus), which is apparently not polyadenylated. For several comoviruses and nepoviruses and for strawberry latent ringspot virus, an unassigned member of the family, a polypeptide, designated VPg (2–4 kDa) has been shown to be covalently bound at the 5′ end. The presence of a 5′-linked VPg has not been confirmed for other genera but has been suggested because, in many cases, infectivity of the RNA(s) has been shown to be protease-sensitive.
* Please refer to tables within the text for the sequence accession numbers for the type isolate for each virus.
Nepoviruses have a single coat protein (CP) of 52–60 kDa. Comoviruses, fabaviruses, sadwaviruses and strawberry latent ringspot virus have two CPs of 40–45 kDa and 21–29 kDa. Cheraviruses, torradoviruses, sequiviruses and waikaviruses have three CPs of similar sizes (24–35 kDa, 20–26 kDa and 20–25 kDa). The size and number of the CP(s) of two unassigned members of the family (strawberry mottle virus and black raspberry necrosis virus) has not been determined yet. Virions have 60 copies of each CP per particle. For three comoviruses (cowpea mosaic virus, bean pod mottle virus and red clover mottle virus) and one nepovirus (tobacco ringspot virus), the atomic structure has been solved and found to be very similar (pseudo T=3) to that of viruses belonging to the family Picornaviridae. Each capsid subunit is made of three beta-barrels (jelly roll domains) that can be present in one large CP with three jelly roll domains (Nepovirus), two CPs (one large CP including two jelly roll domains and one smaller CP with a single jelly roll domain; Comovirus, Fabavirus and Sadwavirus) or three CPs each containing a single jelly roll domain (Cheravirus, Torradovirus, Sequivirus, Waikavirus) (Figure 2).
None reported. A report that the CPs of comoviruses contain carbohydrates has later been shown to be mistaken.
Unfractionated viral RNA is highly infective. In the case of viruses with a bipartite genome, neither RNA species alone can infect plants systemically. RNA1 carries all the information required for replication and can replicate in individual cells in the absence of RNA2 although no virus particles are produced (as demonstrated for comoviruses and nepoviruses).
Viral proteins are usually expressed as large polyproteins, which are cleaved by 3C-like proteinases. Each RNA usually encodes a single polyprotein (Figure 3). A notable exception is the RNA2 of torradoviruses, which contains two open reading frames. Another exception is the RNA2 of comoviruses. Although a single large ORF is present, internal initiation at a second AUG allows the formation of two distinct polyproteins. The 3′ UTR of the RNA varies in length, sometimes even within a genus (nepoviruses). In some cases, extensive regions of sequence identity between RNA1 and RNA2 are found in the 5′ and/or 3′ UTRs (Figure 3).
Within the polyproteins, protein domains are organized in a manner that is common to that of other members of the order Picornavirales (Figure 3). The replication block contains domains characteristic of NTP-binding proteins (NTB or putative helicase), 3C-like proteinase (Pro) and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (Pol). In viruses with a monopartite genome, the structural proteins are located upstream of the replication block in the single polyprotein. In viruses with a bipartite genome, structural proteins are contained in the RNA2-encoded polyprotein. In comoviruses, cheraviruses and nepoviruses, the movement protein is located upstream of the CP(s), and enables viral movement to adjacent cells. Both movement protein and CP(s) are required for cell-to-cell movement of the virus. The movement protein of comoviruses and nepoviruses was shown to be a structural component of tubular structures that traverse the cell wall and contain virus-like particles. Putative movement proteins have been suggested to be encoded upstream of the CP(s) coding regions for many other viruses in the family but their biological function has not been confirmed.
The RNA1-encoded 3C proteinase cleaves both RNA1 and RNA2-encoded polyproteins. The cleavage site specificity of the proteinase differs with the specific genera considered (and in the case of nepoviruses it differs with the specific subgroup, Table 2). An amino acid in the substrate-binding pocket of the proteinase interacts directly with the amino acid in the −1 position of the cleavage site and plays a key role in the specificity of the proteinase.
Formation of replication complexes has been studied for comoviruses and nepoviruses. Replication occurs in association with intracellular membranes derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. Two RNA1-encoded proteins (the NTB protein and the protein immediately upstream of NTB) interact directly with ER membranes and have been implicated in the proliferation of membrane vesicles in the cytoplasm of infected cells and in the assembly of the replication complex. This has not been studied for other viruses in the family.
* The indicated amino acid in the substrate-binding pocket of the proteinase interacts with the amino acid at the −1 position of the cleavage site and plays an important role in determining the cleavage site specificity of the proteinase. In the case of sadwaviruses, neither a His nor a Leu are present at the equivalent position in the deduced amino acid sequence of the proteinase.
† Cleaved dipeptides at the cleavage sites are shown with the scissile bond indicated with the slanted line. The amino acids are shown using the one-letter code. Proteolytic cleavages at dipeptides shown in red have been confirmed experimentally. Dipeptides shown in black are putative cleavage sites, inferred from sequence alignments.
Virus preparations are usually good immunogens and polyclonal antibodies prepared against purified virus particles recognize all CPs. Species belonging to the same genus can be serologically interrelated, but often distantly.
All members of the family infect plants. Host range and symptoms vary with the genera and viruses considered (Table 3). Many viruses in the family have a known biological vector, although some (sequiviruses) require a helper virus and others do not have a known vector. Most viruses are transmissible experimentally by mechanical inoculation. However, waikaviruses are not sap-transmissible. Many viruses are readily transmissible by seed or pollen.
Clustering as a single branch in phylogenetic trees derived from amino acid sequence alignments of the conserved Pro-Pol region when compared with other genera of the family Secoviridae (see Figure 5 below). The Pro-Pol region is delineated by the “CG” motif of the 3C-like proteinase and the “GDD” motif of the polymerase. Identification of proteinase cleavage sites is not required to delineate the Pro-Pol region.
Not all criteria may need to be met simultaneously.
For viruses with a bipartite genome, absence of re-assortment between RNA1 and RNA2.
Not all criteria need to be met simultaneously. In some cases, sequence information alone can be a good indicator of a distinct species (i.e., when the percentage of sequence identity in both the Pro-Pol and CP(s) regions is well below the proposed cut-off). However, analyzing only one region of the genome is generally not sufficient and both the Pro-Pol and CP(s) regions should be considered. In cases where the percentage of sequence identity in one or both sequences is near the proposed cut-off (e.g., between 75 and 85% in the Pro-Pol region or between 70 and 80% in the CP(s) region), other criteria should be considered and information on biological properties of the virus (host range, vector specificity, possibility of reassortment between RNAs) is useful. For example, beet ringspot virus (BRSV) and tomato black ring virus (TBRV) (genus Nepovirus) are closely related in the Pro-Pol sequence (89% sequence identity) but are much more divergent in the CP sequence (62% sequence identity). They differ in their antigenic reactions and also in the specificity of nematode transmission (BRSV is transmitted more efficiently by Longidorus elongatus and TBRV is transmitted more efficiently by Longidorus attenuatus).
The genome of members of the subfamily Comovirinae consists of two ssRNAs with a 5′-bound polypeptide (VPg) and a 3′ poly(A) tail. Members of the subfamily group as a single branch in phylogenetic trees using the conserved Pro-Pol region (see section on phylogenetic relationships in the family and Figure 5 below). Other genera are more distantly related. Within the subfamily, genera are distinguished by their specific genomic organization, biological properties and phylogenetic relations. Each genus within the subfamily Comovirinae represents a single sub-branch in the Pro-Pol phylogenetic tree.
The comovirus capsid is made of two types of polypeptides (large CP: 40–45 kDa and small CP: 21–27 kDa). The small CP suppresses RNA silencing and surface-exposed amino acids are required for this function.
The 5′ and 3′ NTRs of RNA-1 and RNA-2 are similar in sequence but not identical. RNA-2 is translated into two largely overlapping polyproteins that are processed into three domains. Production of the smaller polyprotein is caused by internal initiation at a downstream AUG, which is placed in a more favorable context than the upstream AUG (Figure 4). The 58K protein released from the N-terminus of the larger polyprotein (P2) is necessary for replication of RNA-2. The 48K protein released from the N-terminus of the smaller polyprotein (P2′) is the MP, with a typical “LPL” motif. The CP domains are encoded at the C-terminus of both polyproteins. The MP and the CPs are required for cell-to-cell movement of the virus. The MP is a structural component of tubular structures containing virus-like particles that traverse the cell wall. The C-terminal region of the MP also interacts with the large CP. RNA-1 is translated into a single polyprotein that is processed into five domains, through alternative processing pathways (Figure 4). The N-terminal 32K protein limits the processing of the RNA-1-encoded polyprotein in cis and assists the processing of the RNA-2-encoded polyprotein. This protein is often referred to as the protease co-factor or Co-Pro. The replication block on the RNA1-encoded polyprotein includes the 58K protein with sequence motifs characteristic of an NTP-binding helicase, the VPg, the Pro and the Pol. The 32K Co-Pro and 58K NTB proteins are involved in inducing the cytopathic structure through proliferation of ER-derived membranes.
Comoviruses have narrow host ranges, 11 of the 15 species being restricted to a few species of the family Leguminosae. Mosaic and mottle symptoms are characteristic, but usually not ringspots. Transmission in nature is exclusively by beetles, especially members of the family Chrysomelidae. Beetles retain their ability to transmit virus for days or weeks.
Species names are in italic script; names of isolates are in roman script; names of synonyms are in roman script and parentheses. Sequence accession numbers [ ] and assigned abbreviations ( ) are also listed.Only one type isolate is listed for each species. The type isolate was chosen as the isolate with the most complete nucleotide sequence information. When several isolates with complete sequence information are available, the isolate with the earlier database deposition is provided as the type isolate.
* Sequences do not comprise the complete genome segment.
Turnip ringspot virus (TuRSV) is related to radish mosaic virus (RaMV). They infect similar hosts. The degree of aa sequence identity between the two viruses is close to the proposed species demarcation criteria (73% aa sequence identity in the combined CP region and 80% aa sequence identity in the Pro-Pol region). It is not known whether re-assortment between the RNAs of TuRSV and RaMV is possible. Therefore, the taxonomic position of TuRSV as a distinct species in the genus Comovirus or as a distant strain of the species Radish mosaic virus remains unclear.
The genomic organization of fabaviruses is similar to that of comoviruses, although it is not known whether RNA2 encodes two overlapping polyproteins in fabaviruses (Figure 3). The cleavage of polyproteins is presumed to be similar to that of comoviruses but this has not been investigated in detail. Fabaviruses have wide host ranges among dicotyledonous plants and some families of monocotyledonous plants. Symptoms are ringspots, mottling, mosaic, distortion, wilting and apical necrosis. In nature, fabaviruses are transmitted by aphids in a non-persistent manner.
Species names are in italic script; names of isolates are in roman script; names of synonyms are in roman script and parentheses. Sequence accession numbers [ ] and assigned abbreviations ( ) are also listed.
Nepoviruses are the only known members of the family that encode a single large CP of 52–60 kDa. Genome organization and expression are similar to those of comoviruses, except that RNA-2 specifies a single polyprotein of 105–207 kDa. Nepoviruses can be divided into three subgroups. Subgroup A has an RNA-2 of 3,700–4,000 nts in length, present in both M and B components. Subgroup B has an RNA-2 of 4,400–4,700 nts in length, present only in the M component. Subgroup C has an RNA-2 of 6,400–7,300 nts in length, present in M component particles that are sometimes barely separable from those of B component. The three subgroups also differ in the cleavage sites recognized by their proteinase (see Table 2).
Additional linear or circular satellite RNAs, which sometimes modulate symptoms, are found associated with several nepoviruses of all three subgroups. They are either linear (1100–1800 nt) with a 5′-linked VPg, a 3′ poly(A) tail and encoding a 36–48 kDa polypeptide, or circular (300–460 nt) and apparently non-coding. They are present in some natural isolates but are not necessary for virus accumulation.
The RNA2-encoded polyprotein of subgroup A and B nepoviruses is processed into three domains. In grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), the N-terminal protein of the RNA2-encoded polyprotein (P2A) was shown to be involved in RNA-2 replication. The two other protein domains are the MP and the unique CP. Both are required for cell-to-cell movement of the virus. Similarly to comoviruses, the MP has a LPL motif, interacts with the CP and is a structural component of tubular structures containing virus-like particles and traversing the cell wall. In tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) (subgroup C), the N-terminal region of the RNA2-encoded polyprotein is cleaved at an additional site, defining two domains (X3 and X4). The X3 protein contains some sequence similarity with the P2A protein of GFLV but the X4 protein is a unique protein of unknown function. The RNA-1 of nepoviruses is translated into a single polyprotein that is processed into six domains. The C-terminal region of the polyprotein contains the replication block, and is similar to that of comoviruses (NTB-VPg-Pro-Pol). In contrast, the N-terminal region of the polyprotein contains an additional cleavage site defining two protein domains (X1 and X2) instead of the single domain present upstream of NTB in the comovirus genome. Cleavage at this additional site was demonstrated for arabis mosaic virus (subgroup A) and ToRSV (subgroup C). A putative cleavage site at this position has been implied for other nepoviruses. The function of X1 is unknown. X2 contains a sequence motif in common with the comovirus Co-Pro protein but does not seem to modulate the activity of the proteinase. However, similarly to the comovirus Co-Pro, the X2 protein of ToRSV associates with ER-derived membranes and a role in viral replication has been proposed. When comparing RNA-1 and RNA-2, the 5′ and 3′ NTRs are similar in sequence but not identical in subgroup A nepoviruses. In subgroup B nepoviruses, the 5′-NTRs also show sequence similarity between RNA-1 and RNA-2, while the 3′-NTRs are identical in both RNAs. In subgroup C nepoviruses, both NTRs are identical or nearly identical between RNA-1 and RNA-2. The region of sequence similarity extends into part of the coding region of the polyproteins in ToRSV, but not in blackcurrant reversion virus.
Nepoviruses are widely distributed in temperate regions. The natural host range of nepoviruses varies from wide to restricted, depending on the virus. Ringspot symptoms are characteristic, but mottling and spotting are equally frequent. Twelve species are acquired and transmitted persistently by longidorid nematodes (Xiphinema, Longidorus or Paralongidorus spp.), three are transmitted by pollen, one is transmitted by mites (blackcurrant reversion virus) and the others have no known biological vector. Seed and/or pollen transmission is very common. In herbaceous plants, the symptoms induced by nepoviruses are often transient, with newly emerging leaves appearing symptomless a few weeks after infection (the so-called “recovery” phenomenon). Symptom recovery is associated with induction of RNA silencing, an antiviral defence, and is sometimes (but not always) accompanied with reduced concentration of viral RNAs.
Cheraviruses have three CPs of similar sizes. In some cases, these proteins are not fully or reproducibly resolved from each other by electrophoresis. The genome of cheraviruses is bipartite and the genomic organization is similar to that of comoviruses, although RNA2 is thought to encode a single polyprotein (Figure 3). The RNA2-encoded movement protein of apple latent spherical virus (ALSV) is 42 kDa, suggesting that translation initiation occurs at the second AUG, which is in a better context. Tubular structures containing virus-like particles are observed in infected cells and are likely involved in cell-to-cell movement of the virus. The movement protein and all three CPs are necessary for cell-to-cell movement of the virus. The MP binds to VP25, one of the three CPs. VP20 of ALSV, another CP, is a suppressor of silencing that interferes with systemic movement of the silencing signal.
The host range is broad or narrow, depending on viruses, and includes weed plants found in the vicinity of infected crops. Symptoms are usually mild or absent. Cherry rasp leaf virus is transmitted by nematodes (Xiphinema americanum) in the field, and is readily seed-transmitted. ALSV is also seed-transmitted through both embryo and pollen in apple.
Similarly to comoviruses, sadwaviruses have two CPs, one large and one small. The genome of sadwaviruses is bipartite and the genomic organization is similar to that of comoviruses. The proteinase of sadwaviruses is distinct from that of other viruses in the family in that it does not have a conserved His or Leu in the active site. In addition, the cleavage sites recognized by sadwavirus proteinases are unique with an A or a T at the −1 position (Table 2). In contrast to comoviruses, there is no evidence that two overlapping polyproteins are encoded by RNA-2. Similarly to some nepoviruses, extensive sequence identity between RNA-1 and RNA-2 are found in the 5′ NTRs as well as in the 5′end of the putative coding region.
All isolates of satsuma dwarf virus infect citrus trees. There are no known biological vectors.
Similarly to cheraviruses, torradoviruses have a bipartite genome and three capsid proteins. The RNAs are polyadenylated. Presence of a VPg at the 5′ end of the RNAs has not been tested experimentally. The genomic organization is similar to that of other members of the family with a bipartite genome. The replication block is found in the RNA-1 polyprotein while the structural proteins are present in the C-terminal region of the RNA-2 polyprotein. A putative movement protein suggested upstream of the CP domains shares little sequence similarity with that of other bipartite members of the family with the exception of the small LPL motif. A distinguishing feature of the torradovirus genome is the presence of a second open reading frame upstream and partially overlapping with the large ORF in RNA-2 (Figure 3). This reading frame encodes a protein of unknown function, which exhibits a large degree of sequence diversity (61–74%) among torradoviruses. The 3′ NTRs share a large region with near sequence identity (>99%) between the RNA-1 and RNA-2 of a given species but differ substantially between species.
Tomato torrado virus was reported to be transmitted by whiteflies. Information is not available regarding vector transmission of other torradoviruses.
Tomato chocolate virus (ToChV) and tomato chocolate spot virus (ToChSV) are related to tomato marchitez virus (ToMarV) and to a lesser degree to tomato torrado virus (ToTV). All viruses infect tomato and cause similar symptoms. Comparison of the aa sequence of the Pro-Pol and combined CP regions would suggest that ToChV and ToChSV are distant strains of ToMarV (82–90% aa sequence identity for the Pro-Pol region and 83–87% aa sequence identity in the combined CP region among the three viruses). However, other regions of the genome (RNA2-encoded ORF1 and the 3′ NTR) show significant sequence variation. In addition the length of the 3′ NTR varies significantly among these viruses. It is not known whether reassortment between the RNAs of ToMarV, ToChV and/or ToChSV is possible. Therefore, the taxonomic position of ToChV and ToChSV as two distinct species in the genus Torradovirus, as two strains of a single new species in the genus Torradovirus or as distant strains of the species Tomato marchitez virus remains unclear.
Virions contain three CPs of about 32–34, 22–26 and 22–24 kDa. The genome consists of a single molecule of ssRNA that encodes a single large polyprotein. The replication block (NTB-Pro-Pol) is contained in the C-terminal region of the polyprotein. The structural protein domains are present in the N-terminal region of the polyprotein but are separated from the N-terminus by a protein domain of about 40–60 kDa. Infectivity of the genome is susceptible to proteinase treatment suggesting the presence of a 5′-linked VPg. The parsnip yellow fleck virus (PYFV) RNA is not polyadenylated. This is a unique property within this family. In contrast, the RNA of carrot necrotic dieback virus is polyadenylated. Tubular structures containing virus-like particles have been observed traversing the cell wall of PYFV-infected cells. However, their role in cell-to-cell movement has not been investigated and the presence of a movement protein in the polyprotein (possibly upstream of the CPs) needs to be confirmed.
The natural host range of sequiviruses includes species in several plant families. Transmission of PYFV is by aphids in a semi-persistent manner. However, it is dependent on the presence of a helper virus in the genus Waikavirus.
* Sequences do not comprise the complete genome.
The genomic organization of waikaviruses is similar to that of sequiviruses. However, small ORFs have been identified near the 3′ end of the RNA or overlapping with the main polyprotein but in a different reading frame (Figure 3). Some experimental evidence has been presented suggesting that subgenomic RNAs are produced from the 3′ region of the RNA. The biological significance of the small open reading frames or of the putative subgenomic RNAs is not known. The genomic RNAs are polyadenylated at their 3′ end. The presence of a 5′-linked VPg has not been confirmed experimentally.
The natural host range of waikaviruses is usually restricted to species within a few plant families. Waikaviruses are not sap-transmitted. Field transmission is in the semi-persistent manner by aphids or leafhoppers. A virus-encoded helper protein is probably needed. Some waikaviruses are helper viruses for the insect transmission of other viruses: PYFV (genus Sequivirus) in the case of anthriscus yellows virus and rice tungro bacilliform virus (family Caulimoviridae) in the case of rice tungro spherical virus (this association being responsible for the very damaging rice tungro disease).
Strawberry mottle virus and black raspberry virus are related to satsuma dwarf virus (SDV) in phylogenetic trees using the conserved Pro-Pol region (see Figure 5). They also have a bipartite genome. However, the nature of their capsid protein(s) and their genomic organization are not known. For this reason, they are considered unassigned species in the family Secoviridae. Strawberry latent ringspot virus was formerly considered a sadwavirus because it has two CPs and some distant relation with SDV in phylogenetic trees using the Pro-Pol sequence (Figure 5). However, its genomic organization is more related to that of cheraviruses (with the exception of the number of CPs, Figure 3) and it branches more closely with cheraviruses than with sadwaviruses in the phylogenetic trees using the Pro-Pol sequence (Figure 5). For these reasons, it is not considered a sadwavirus any more, and is now an unassigned species in the family Secoviridae.
Members of the family Secoviridae were previously classified in two different families: Comoviridae (including the genera Comovirus, Fabavirus and Nepovirus) and Sequiviridae (including the genera Sequivirus and Waikavirus) and in two unassigned genera: Cheravirus and Sadwavirus. The families and genera were recently amalgamated to create the new family Secoviridae, which regroups all plant picornavirales.
The conserved Pro-Pol region, delineated by the “CG” motif of the 3C-like proteinase and the “GDD” motif of the polymerase, has been used to determine the relationship among picornavirales. Comparison of the Pro-Pol sequence among members of the family Secoviridae allows the definition of branches that generally correspond to the distinct genera. Members of the subfamily Comovirinae (genera Comovirus, Fabavirus and Nepovirus) are more closely related to each other than to other genera within the family (Figure 5). Within this subfamily, fabaviruses and comoviruses are more closely related to each other than to nepoviruses. Nepovirus subgroups are not clearly separated in the Pro-Pol tree (with the exception of subgroup B which constitutes a separate branch) but are more clearly separated in phylogenetic trees using the CP sequence (not shown).
Secovirids are related to members of other families in the order Picornavirales. They all share a common virion structure, organization of the replication block within the polyproteins and conserved properties of the replication proteins, including the 3C-like proteinase. Secovirids are also related to members of the families Potyviridae and Caliciviridae in some aspects (common replication block, polyprotein strategy, VPg bound to the 5′ end of the genome and poly(A) tail at the 3′ end of the genome) but differ in other properties.
Seco: derived from the amalgamation of the previous families Sequiviridae and Comoviridae.
Como: from cowpea mosaic virus, the type member.
Faba: derived from the Latin faba, “bean”; also Vicia faba, broad bean.
Nepo: from nematode-transmitted, polyhedral particles.
Chera: from cherry rasp leaf virus, the type member.
Sadwa: from satsuma dwarf virus, the type member.
Torrado: derived from tomato torrado virus, the type member. In Spanish, torrado means “toasted” to refer to the severe necrosis (burnt-like phenotype) observed in the disease induced by ToTV.
Sequi: from Latin sequi, “follow”, “accompany” (in reference to the dependent aphid transmission of parsnip yellow fleck virus).
Waika: from Japanese, describing the symptoms induced in rice by infection with rice tungro spherical virus alone (i.e. in the absence of rice tungro bacilliform virus).
Choi, 2008 I. Choi, B.W.J. Mahy, M.H. Van Regenmortel, SequivirusesEncyclopedia of Virology. In: B.W.J. Mahy, M.H. Van Regenmortel, Encyclopedia of Virology. Elsevier, Oxford2008546–551.
Iwanami, 2008 T. Iwanami, B.W.J. Mahy, M.H. Van Regenmortel, SadwavirusEncyclopedia of Virology. In: B.W.J. Mahy, M.H. Van Regenmortel, Encyclopedia of Virology. Elsevier, Oxford2008523–526.
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Sanfacon, 2009 H. Sanfacon, Secoviridae: The amalgamation of the families Sequiviridae and ComoviridaeEncyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester2009.
Sanfacon et al., 2009 H. Sanfacon, J. Wellink, O. Le Gall, A. Karasev, R. van der Vlugt, T. Wetzel, Secoviridae: a proposed family of plant viruses within the order Picornavirales that combines the families Sequiviridae and Comoviridae, the unassigned genera Cheravirus and Sadwavirus, and the proposed genus. Torradovirus. Arch. Virol. 154 (2009) 899–907.
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Sanfaçon, H., Iwanami, T., Karasev, A.V., van der Vlugt, R., Wellink, J., Wetzel, T. and Yoshikawa, N. | 2019-04-19T16:56:22 | https://talk.ictvonline.org/ictv-reports/ictv_9th_report/positive-sense-rna-viruses-2011/w/posrna_viruses/236/secoviridae |
Welcome to the Managed Service Provider group of SmartGuy.com. Feel free to interact with other professionals from across the world. You can find professionals, find deals on services, find professionals who might barter, or simple post questions, comments, or suggestions. Managed service providers often outsource functions and a strategic method intended to improve operations and cut expenses. | 2019-04-26T00:45:00 | https://www.smartguy.com/group/managed-service-provider |
May 16: Grant allocation has been decided. Individual notifications to beneficiaries are being communicated. In total 52 grants have been awarded.
The funding for this financial support is provided by CERN, DESY, IUPAP and RSEF.
A limited amount of grants will be awarded to support PhD students and postdocs who otherwise would have problems to attend the conference.
This support will cover the registration fee and accommodation. Travel expenses, either partial or full, could also be covered, based on individual requests and motivation.
To apply click the appropriate box in the registration form. In this case a CV of the candidate, a letter of recommendation and a short description of the motivation should be sent to [email protected]. | 2019-04-22T14:33:52 | http://ichep2014.es/content/financial-support |
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Linda began her career with the world's largest recruiting company. Within 12 months, she became a perennial top 5 producer out of 10,000 recruiters nationwide. Mrs. Smith has remained at the top of the industry by following an "integrity first" philosophy, and has served as our Physician Chief Executive for over 15 years.
Larry opened his own boutique healthcare firm in 1997 and his was one of the first to use the Internet as a tool to source candidates. He has been the CEO of multiple organizations in New Mexico and in Louisiana. Mr. White spent many years as the Administrator of alcohol and substance abuse treatment programs and he was a Program Director at the National Institute of Mental Health in Rockville, Maryland. He currently serves as Chief Executive of our Healthcare Division.
Beverly worked for more than 20 years as a VP and Business Manager for Merrill Lynch, before transitioning into a healthcare role. She now has many years of experience in Healthcare Administration and Patient Advocacy. She is also an award winning author of a job preparation guide for young adults, "Teens and the Job Game: Prepare Today / Win It Tomorrow." Since 2007, she has worked in an executive search capacity, and is highly respected throughout the industry for her Finance and Healthcare expertise.
Jill Stanek is a talented medical search consultant with over 10 years of expertise in Physician and Advanced Practice Nursing recruitment. She offers a wealth of career knowledge in this arena, and is responsible for ensuring exceptional service to our healthcare clients nationwide.
Elaine Thompson has worked with StaffPointe Healthcare Search since 2008, specializing in both Locums and Permanent Placement. For nearly 20 years, she has supported a broad range of searches for Physicians, RN Directors and Advanced Practice Nurses at for-profit and non-for-profit organizations throughout the U.S. | 2019-04-26T14:21:02 | https://www.staffpointe.com/about-us |
For the third year in a row, D8 Music released a Christmas song. This year it is called “Tuhlaajapojan joulu”, performed by Jore Marjaranta. A beautiful Finnish ballad with that perfect Christmas touch, just begging to be listened to during the holiday season.
We are also very excited to announce a new collaboration between Suvi Hiltunen and Jani Forsman (known from the Finnish band Jani & Jetsetters). Their newly released duet “Ota musta kiinni lujaa” has been no 1 on the most wanted list almost every night for several weeks in a row on Radio Iskelmä. New material from this dynamic duo is coming up soon!
We are thrilled about all new exciting projects starting already in January 2018 :)! We will keep you posted ;)! For weekly news: follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Stay tuned :)! | 2019-04-26T12:20:56 | https://d8musicfinland.com/2017/12/04/updates-december-2017/ |
A famous humorous series sitcom Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai season 2 going to start as the team of sitcom reunited again 2016 and decided to make the season 2 of the outstanding sitcom. Currently the actors confirmed that they are coming back in the month of May 2017 . Eagerly waiting for the Mad family who always wins our hearts as they do in season 1 .
Previous articleSnapchat Called India “Poor” And Adnan Sami Lashed Out On Pakistanis Who Trolled Him!
Term Life Insurance – What is This? | 2019-04-20T03:09:08 | https://www.newsslot.com/sarabhai-vs-sarabhai |
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I am passionate about helping my clients to move through struggles and enjoy contented, successful and happy lives by removing emotional baggage, the energies of trauma and by boosting your natural immunity.
Clients come to me with many different health problems like anxiety, IBS, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, insomnia, back pain, food allergies, hayfever and skin conditions as well as emotional and stress related problems.
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I now use my 25 years of skills and experience as a therapist and Kinesiologist to provide bespoke treatments that meet your needs. | 2019-04-20T14:30:04 | http://www.louisecooke.co.uk/home.html |
Capacity has also been increased over construction/industrial (C/I) and low profile buckets to take full advantage of the increased capacities of today’s larger machines.
These buckets give operators a good view of the cutting edge and good breakout force for improved digging and bucket filling.
The back of a bucket is subjected to extreme force as you push into a pile, lift materials and back drag. Which buckets have the most reinforcement in the right places? Compare them in this video.
If a bucket bottom isn't built well, the cutting edge will flex or even permanently bow. You need a strong bucket bottom to cut a grade, flatten your work area or scrape material off hard surfaces. See the strong Bobcat bucket bottom and its unique waffle-plate design.
With Bobcat low profile and construction/industrial buckets, you can easily add custom options like teeth and grapples using simple tools. With other buckets, you must drill holes or permanently weld those options. Watch how Bobcat offers fast, convenient customization.
Your bucket must withstand severe applications. In this test, watch how different buckets react to the forces typically placed upon them by a loader. See which bucket has the least deflection and the most strength.
The standard bucket on smaller Bobcat loaders. Provides excellent breakout force and fair visibility. Similar to the general purpose bucket, but with a shorter bottom.
Similar in design to a dirt bucket, but with a longer bottom to provide good cutting edge visibility and increased capacity. The standard bucket for Toolcat™ machines and a good choice for low-hour users on some larger loaders.
Fertilizer buckets have large capacities and more roll-back range. The greater roll-back allows granular materials to be easily held in the bucket by minimizing spillage over the front edge. Applications include fertilizer and grain handling.
These are large capacity buckets for loading and handling various light materials such as snow and mulch. They have high backs to help with pushing snow, and straight sides to penetrate snow and mulch piles.
Ideal for everything from tough digging to material handling. Construction and Industrial buckets offer fair cutting edge visibility and excellent bucket breakout force for better digging and easier bucket filling. Bolt-on grapple attachment adds to versatility. | 2019-04-26T05:42:03 | https://www.bobcat.com/en/attachments/bucket-heavy-severe-duty/features |
Located in Bridgeport, CT, in their 120,000 square foot facility, Valley Container enjoys an extensive history in the packaging industry, going beyond standard corrugated applications offering: corrugated products, shipping boxes, paperboard products and the design and manufacturing of high-end graphic point of purchase displays. Valley Container’s dedication to providing this extensive range of services through their fully integrated packaging business is designed to meet their clients’ complete packaging and display needs.
Valley Container has partnered with Durst for their printing equipment needs, with the recent purchase and installation of the digital Durst Delta WT 250. The Delta WT 250 is a leading corrugated and display packaging print solution featuring eco-friendly Durst Water Technology. It is suited for a range of applications and offers the ability to produce high quality output in standard or custom sizes from a batch size of one.
“Valley’s digital choice began about 10 years ago, as we began investigating this new technology that we knew would be disruptive in our packaging industry,” said Niedermeier. “The first step was to vet the technology and really learn all about what it had to offer.
Once Valley Container had an idea of the digital corrugated printer landscape, they needed to decide on single-pass or multi-pass technology and with their unique footprint in the display world, multi-pass technology best fit their needs. In addition, to maintain their industry leading commitment to sustainability, Valley Container also researched an innovative solution for UV or water technology, while still being able to maintain the quality print they are known for.
Durst is a family company with an 80-year history, where the values are focused on innovation, customer orientation, sustainability and quality. High productivity, printing reliability and flexibility are the unique features of Durst inkjet technology. As a company that believes in developing long-term relationships with its customers, Durst uses customer feedback and experiences to develop innovative solutions designed to improve production and workflow.
The Delta WT 250 is an ideal solution for those looking to increase their capabilities with seamless integration to their existing workflow. It prints with a maximum 6 colors up to 3,700 sq ft/h and the multi-Pass printing system can be adapted to suit specific customer requirements. The different peripheral components offer an easy manual solution right through to a fully automated feed solution. The Delta WT 250 represents a new generation of printer incorporating Durst Water Technology. The system prints from flexo quality up to superb litho quality with odorless ink that are completely free of hazardous labeling and comply with the strictest health and safety regulations.
The Durst Delta WT 250 has evolved into an industry leading corrugated packaging and display printing solution. Durst’s commitment to the corrugated industry and customers’ needs has led to continued advancement in the digital print space. Working together, customer partnerships such as with Valley Container inspire and encourage new innovations and solutions.
For further information on Valley Container, please visit www.valleycontainer.com. | 2019-04-23T14:23:09 | https://graphicdisplayworld.com/categories/printing-world/valley-container-adds-new-depth-for-their-packaging-solutions-with-state-of-the-art-durst-delta-wt-250 |
Replacement lamps / bulbs for NEC NP-ME331X projectors, available online from London Projectors.
This page details available lamps and lamp modules for NEC NP-ME331X projectors, including current available stock level, price and delivery date. Our standard delivery service is next business day although other options are available upon request. If we receive cleared funds by 4.30pm on any business day and stock is available we aim to ship same day. Please call if you need help or have a query. All lamps are genuine NEC bulbs, unless a Diamond Lamp is indicated. All lamps are provided with a full manufacturers warranty, as indicated below. | 2019-04-21T22:53:05 | http://www.london-projectors.co.uk/projector-lamps.php?brand=NEC&model=NP-ME331X |
Taking Tuesday's tough defeat to heart can make Democrats tougher to beat the next time.
Taking Tuesday’s tough defeat to heart can make Democrats tougher to beat the next time.
Senator-elect Scott Brown and his wife, Gail.
The morning after Martha Coakley won a four-way Democratic primary in early December, her opponents gathered in a Boston ballroom to present a united front. I stopped by to cheer on my friend Alan Khazei, who had won the Globe endorsement but tried in vain to convince primary voters to nominate an outsider. The most striking aspect of an otherwise unremarkable event was the backdrop behind Coakley, which said simply, “The Massachusetts DEMOCRATIC Party.” A local operative joked that nowhere else in America would a campaign make the Democratic Party its general election message.
So much for that idea. It turns out that even in Massachusetts, a successful candidate has to be able to reach beyond party label. Among independent voters, Scott Brown beat Coakley by more than 2-to-1. Her generic campaign even turned off some moderate Democrats: Brown appears to have picked up Democratic crossovers at three times the rate Coakley carried Republicans.
Democrats across the country woke up this morning wondering how to reverse the curse that left us a nominee who could go on Boston radio and think Red Sox icon Curt Schilling rooted for the Yankees. Ironically, in the annals of epic defeat, the only one that rivals Coakley’s is the Yankee collapse that made Schilling a legend. After such a disastrous campaign, Democrats’ temptation will be a familiar reflex: to ignore the voters and blame all our problems on a lousy candidate.
First, the big problems that Obama inherited test the limits of what many Americans are prepared to trust government to solve. The economic crisis saddled Obama with a host of nasty and persistent challenges, from bailing out the banks and saving the auto industry to creating jobs and paying all the bills the crisis left behind. With so many people hurting, some Democrats assumed that the Great Recession would lead to a sea change in Americans’ tolerance for government help. If anything, the reverse is true: Americans desperately anxious about their own finances have become more anxious about the country’s.
That’s no surprise to the administration. Throughout the health reform debate, the president has been outspoken about the fiscal importance of lowering long-term health costs, insisting that Congress offset new costs with new savings and that the final price tag stay well below what House Democrats wanted.
But in practical terms, the results from Massachusetts serve as a yellow caution flag warning drivers to proceed with care because of hazards on the track. As Sen. Claire McKaskill said Wednesday, “People out there believe that we are going too far, too fast.” A party that believes that government has a role to play in solving national problems needs people’s trust that government can actually do it. To succeed, Democrats still have to do what for decades has been—fairly or unfairly—our special burden: to reassure citizens every step of the way that our mission is to make government better, not bigger.
Even before the results were known on Tuesday, the White House and congressional leaders agreed on an important first step to do just that—a bipartisan deficit reduction commission that will propose a plan to put the nation’s fiscal house in order over the next decade. That initiative helps on two fronts, by tackling voters’ greatest long-term worry in a responsible way—and by giving any Republicans willing to be constructive a place to park their truck.
Second, the most results-oriented, cost-conscious, change-driven voters are independents, who loom more important than ever to Democrats’ governing majority. Every cycle, Democrats have a tastes-great-less-filling debate about whether the way to win elections is to excite the base or persuade swing voters. The truth is, in easy races either course will do, but in tough districts, tough states, and tough years, we have to excel at both. For all the frustrations that come with managing a broad majority, a big-tent party won’t do better by making the tent smaller.
In Massachusetts, Democrats turned out in impressive numbers for a special election. Unfortunately, too many Democrats on the fence defected to Brown, and independents turned out in droves to support him. Independents cost us any chance at the governorships in Virginia and New Jersey as well.
Obama did well with swing voters in 2008 and can do so again. The key is to keep reminding his supporters that he was elected to fix Washington, not put up with it. By definition, independent voters don’t care about party labels and disdain partisan gamesmanship. They want Obama to keep pressing both parties to work together—no easy trick these days—and they want their president to be a spur to congressional action and a check on congressional excesses.
Third, health care retains its title as the Middle East of domestic policy. Democrats should find a way to get some form of health reform done, because, as Bill Clinton has reminded them, we know what happens to Congress when it fails to act. But on no issue is the gulf so great and so persistent between the need for national action and people’s trust in government and the political system to get the job done right. Scott Brown is living proof of health care’s exasperating contradictions—a man elected to the Senate for opposing for the country what he voted for in Massachusetts.
Finally, Democrats should remember that a party willing to take voters’ lessons to heart has the chance to build a strong, more enduring bond with the electorate because of it. In 1994, Bill Clinton took the voters’ message as a directive to govern the way he campaigned and be the president he was elected to be, not the president Congress wanted him to be.
The country didn’t change teams on Tuesday. Americans still want Obama to succeed and still trust him to run the country far more than the other guys. As Curt Schilling might say, the Massachusetts race was more of a brushback pitch—a warning to those in power without regard to party that an electorate in a foul mood is always a force to be reckoned with.
The best advice for Democrats might come from Kevin Millar, another member with Schilling of the famed squad that went on to reverse the Red Sox curse. Millar made the team motto “Cowboy Up”—which means get back up, dust yourself off, and make sure it doesn’t happen again. In politics, like baseball, what matters in the end is not what happened last game, but who’s standing tall in November. | 2019-04-24T18:15:57 | https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2010/01/taking-tuesday-s-tough-defeat-to-heart-can-make-democrats-tougher-to-beat-the-next-time.html |
Netherlands Antilles Web Design directory with listing of Website Design services. Wide range of Custom Website Design services available for customers ranging from self proprietors, small business to large companies. Graphic designing work with Adobe Photoshop �, FrontPage �, DreamWeaver, and Adobe GoLive, ASP, PHP, C++, Perl, .NET, Shockwave, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XHTML, DHTML, and XML. Ecommerce, database programming, intranet portals or shopping cart solutions with popular database systems like Mysql, Postgres, Oracle, Informix and DB2. Multimedia software development including Macromedia Director, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere. | 2019-04-26T03:42:57 | http://www.leadsdriver.com/Web_Design/Netherlands_Antilles.176_world.html |
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Thank you and best of luck to everyone. | 2019-04-25T17:45:47 | https://dailysportsedge.com/saturday-edge-2018-major-league-baseball-premium-subscriptions/ |
DATA from a satellite was used to try to locate missing flight MH370 after it mysteriously disappeared, but it was later discovered it had a “wobble” in its orbit which skewed the data.
The Malaysia Airlines jet vanished from radar on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board and, to this day, has not been discovered. However, official investigators have concluded that its most likely location now is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. This was calculated using signals exchanged between MH370 and satellite 3F1, owned by British telecommunications company Inmarsat.
However, an issue was later discovered with 3F1’s data.
The satellite was old: launched in 1996, it was only meant to be in operation for around 13 years.
Running on for 5 years longer than planned, the satellite had run low on fuel it required to stay precisely on location above the equator.
According to Jeff Wise, author of The Plane That Wasn’t There, the satellite was “wobbling” during the time it was receiving signals from MH370.
During the hours the jet was missing, 3F1 was north of the equator, moving first to the north and then swinging back to the south.
Signals sent to satellites are supposed to account for sources of error, such as the movement of the aeroplane.
Mr Wise said: “One source of error is the simple fact that the aeroplane moves - a so-called Doppler Effect.
“Just as a train whistle rises in pitch when it's coming towards you, an aeroplane that’s flying towards the satellite will produce a signal that is of the designated bandwidth.
The problem with this in the case of MH370 is that the signal sent to 3F1 was sending off signals based on where the satellite was supposed to be, not where it actually was, and assuming it was not moving relative to the earth’s surface.
When the plane first disappeared from radar, the angular distance between where the satellite was and where the plane thought it was was reportedly around three degrees.
This is enough to generate a velocity error of 20 knots.
As the hours passed and the plane flew further away from the satellite, this effect became less pronounced but another source of error was growing.
Satellite 3F1 was accelerating along a path towards the southern hemisphere, which would also skew the data it was receiving from MH370.
Mr Wise added: “The satellite communication equipment was programmed to assume the satellite was orbiting over a fixed position to the equator, but in fact 3F1’s orbit has a slight wobble.
All this means that Inmarsat’s calculations will have some error caused by this, making it more difficult to find exactly where the plane’s wreckage is located. | 2019-04-23T22:12:39 | https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1076933/mh370-news-latest-missing-malaysia-airlines-plane-wobble |
Dr. Mary Flowers, director of the Clinical Long-Term Follow-Up Program, has provided outstanding care for transplant patients for more than 20 years.
Dr. Mary Flowers may be small in stature but her impact on people's lives is immeasurable. As the director of the Clinical Long-Term Follow-Up Program (LFTU), Flower's dedication to patients drew recognition last month by her colleagues, who nominated her as this year's recipient of the Clinical Research Division's Dr. Ali Johany Award for excellence in clinical care.
"Mary has a very straightforward approach to patient care and she has developed a follow-up program in transplant that exceeds anything anywhere in the world," said Dr. Marc Stewart, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance medical director. "Her compassion and ability to relate to patients are among her greatest strengths."
Dr. Fred Appelbaum, Clinical Research Division director, presented Flowers with the honor during the Jan. 20 Grand Rounds.
"It was so overwhelming," Flowers said remembering that day. "I was completely surprised. I could not find words to express how humbled and honored I felt to be presented with this award by Fred."
The annual Dr. Ali Johany prize recognizes a Fred Hutchinson physician who has provided exceptional clinical medical care and compassion to the center's patients and their families. Recipients are nominated based on their excellence in science and clinical performance, empathy toward patients, staff interactions and willingness to work on clinical and administrative assistance to improve patient safety and quality care.
"Basically what Mary's nominators said is that no matter how busy or how many competing priorities she has, she is always dedicated to her patients and the staff that takes care of them," said Aleana Waite, director of quality/risk management and patient family services at the Alliance. "She inspires the staff to function at their highest level by constantly teaching and by her examples."
The nominators base their selection on the input provided by faculty and patient-care colleagues at Children's Hospital, University of Washington Medical Center and Fred Hutchinson. Recipients are given a gift of $10,000 from a $150,000 fund donated by former center patient Dr. Ali Johany from Saudi Arabia.
Award recipients are nominated by Appelbaum and Louise Schilter-Harms, nurse manager of the Alliance inpatient transplant unit at 8 NE, Waite and Stewart.
"This award was very special to me because it came from Fred Hutchinson, an institution I am so proud to be part of," Flowers said.
Flowers first joined Fred Hutchinson in 1983 for a short fellowship where she worked with Dr. E. Donnall Thomas, the Nobel-prize winning pioneer of bone-marrow transplantation. Once completing her fellowship, Flowers returned to Brazil where she developed a national marrow transplant program in Rio de Janeiro in the early 1980s.
In 1987 Flowers returned to the center as a visiting physician and in 1990 became a faculty member of the LTFU. She now works with a team of physicians, nurses and middle level practitioners to manage post-transplant complications as they arise. Her major interest relates to LTFU patient-care issues including one-year follow-up visits of post-transplant patients at the Alliance clinic, chronic GVHD clinics and telephone consultation services to patients and their physicians. Flowers' clinical research focuses on chronic GVHD and recurrent malignancy after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.
"I chose to be a physician because I want to be on the front line to help save lives," Flowers said. "For me, the greatest reward of my job is the gratitude of our patients and their families after we have done our best to alleviate their suffering." | 2019-04-23T02:01:53 | https://www.fredhutch.org/en/news/center-news/2004/02/compassionate-care.html |
GazeboFlash event tents are suitable for any occasion.
They are ideal both for external and internal, small, medium or high capacity events.
The event tents have a resistant aluminium structure and are easily mountable and dismountable in 60 seconds and without the use of tools, and are easily transportable thanks to the special carrying bag provided.
The event tents are equipped with a set of pegs and tie rods for anchoring to the ground.
All GazeboFlash event tents are available in 12 colors or can be completely customized with prints. | 2019-04-22T15:09:42 | https://www.gazeboflash.it/gazebo-pieghevoli/event-tent/?lang=en |
ELIZABETHTOWN, PA – The York College men's tennis team halted their two-game losing skid with a 7-2 non-conference win at Elizabethtown College on Tuesday afternoon. The Spartans won the match despite not having the services of number one singles player Ben Sentz and number two singles player Sam Innerst.
The Spartans are now 1-1 for the spring portion of their schedule … the Spartans open the spring slate with five straight road games before returning to York on April 5 against Mary Washington … Joel Hess improves to 4-4 for the year with his singles win as he is now 18-10 for his career … Lukas Olson is now 6-3 for the campaign as he played above third singles for the first time this year … Olson has one win at second singles, one at third singles and four wins at fourth singles … Tyler Richard improves to 4-2 in singles play with his fourth singles win … Justin Rose earned his first singles win of the year with his fifth singles victory … the Spartans are now 36-18 in singles matches this year … Hess and Olson picked up their first doubles win as a team this year … Richard and Rose improve to 6-0 for the year in doubles action … York is 22-5 in doubles matches in 2018-19.
The Spartans continue their five-match road trip on Saturday when they travel to Christopher Newport University to face the Captains in a Capital Athletic Conference match. The match is slated for a 1:00 pm match in Newport News, Virginia. | 2019-04-21T13:07:16 | https://ycp.prestosports.com/sports/mten/2018-19/releases/20190319xuwv1l |
« Trump, Emails, Russia and Nonsense. Kenneth Ellman Replies.
WHEN the subject of Nuclear Weapons arises in public or private discourse, it is a reminder of how long in our post World War 2 debate this mythology of Nuclear War has continued. Since the question is again in the “News” due to recent statements by President Putin and President Trump I now Reply. I ask the reader to keep in mind during this discussion that radiation exposure from “safe” medical and dental procedures and diagnostic examinations, kills or injures a certain number of patients every year. There is no safe radiation exposure. As to survivability of Nuclear Catastrophe/War the most interesting examples are the Chernobyl Reactor disaster and the destruction done to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those three look you in the face and never forget them. Then think about a Nuclear War and know the truth. For a closer picture of reality think about a more realistic detonation of a Nuclear Device in your City and see the result. Keep this all in mind as we continue. Also keep a picture of your children and grandchildren wanting to live.
Certainly to the extent President Trump can protect the ability of our Nuclear Triad to remain effective as a deterrent, that must be done. Our rational potential enemies such as Russia and China must believe that if they attack us with Nuclear Weapons it is an act of suicide for them to do so, that is all. We do not have to convince them that we can destroy their nation two or three times over. We do not have to convince them that our Nuclear ability is greater than theirs. We only have to convince those rational nations who might attack us that after or during such attack they will be utterly and completely destroyed. Such Nuclear Force is relatively easy for the United States to maintain. Keep in mind that while life may survive on some parts of our planet after a full Nuclear War, it would not be life or a world we would recognize, Nor is there reason to believe that in the long run human beings could survive such an event. The evidence strongly indicates that a Nuclear War could end human biology due to destruction and radiation exposure and the lack of human ability to adapt and survive in a post Nuclear war environment. So in reality discussion of possible Nuclear War between China or Russia or the United States, other than madmen taking over their governments (which I do not believe could happen), is extremely remote. An accidental or unauthorized launch of a Nuclear Weapon is however a possibility which haunts all planning by the Big Three ( Russia, China and the United States).
NOW, let us talk about what is real and not fantasy.
What President Trump, President Putin, President Xi Jinping, Israel and the Western World NOW must prepare for if they are to avoid a Hiroshima or Nagasaki level type attack on their people is the concern. What is real is that as the years pass on the odds of a Nuclear Attack by a nation such as North Korea or Iran or their proxies or a Terrorist Organization continues to statistically increase and under certain conditions is almost a certainty. This is the danger to humanity that must be immediately and collectively addressed by those nations whose people want to live and not die in Nuclear fire. This is the only, I say only, very real threat. Our behavior up to this point in working together, as collective rational nations and peoples, to make sure this type of limited but catastrophic Nuclear Attack never occurs is a failure.
It is a failure for two reasons.
First, we have allowed nations such as North Korea to develop both Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Delivery Systems. This is something that I and many others simply do not understand. It verges on the incredible. Most important, nations such as North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, etc., have ability to make small concealed Nuclear Devices for use on a small scale Terrorist type attack. Pakistan is a nation that is continually having difficulty maintaining Government control over the nation. A stronger plan must be implemented by the Big Three with Pakistan, to protect the Nuclear Ability of Pakistan from being accessed by those who would kill us. Such small scale Nuclear Devices can be distributed to those who will use such to attack us by infiltration and detonation into the United States or Russia or China. We must accept the fact that the damage from a small scale Nuclear Device is so great that while our biology will continue our way of life may not. This applies not just to the United States but to Russia, China and Israel who have their own enemies who may very well use such small scale Nuclear Devices against them if they could. President Trump, President Putin and President Xi Jinping must decide they will not allow possession of Nuclear Ability by North Korea, Iran and others who threaten the existence of their nations and the peace of the World. A vigorous Military solution or other method must be implemented to terminate the Nuclear ability of North Korea and Iran in a permanent manner. Pakistan must be given all possible aid and assistance to protect its Nuclear ability from being accessed and used. If Iran can be taken over by madmen (as it was many years ago), Pakistan can be taken over by such, G-D forbid.
Second and perhaps most important, we must develop and implement Anti-Nuclear weapon technology as a primary effort of the nation. There must be an Anti Terrorist Nuclear Triad (for lack of a better expression) that includes vigorous Anti Missile Defense, reliable surreptitious Nuclear Weapon Detection and investigation of all theoretical and practical methods to neutralize a detected Nuclear Device .
I write the above because I am afraid of the very, very real danger and fact that there are those who hate us and would actually use a small scale Nuclear Device against us and the fact that currently we do not have sufficient defenses in place to totally prevent a Terrorist Nuclear Attack. The Big Three (Russia, United States and China), along with Israel and the Western Nations must put aside all disagreements and conflicts and unite to protect themselves. The alternative is simply not acceptable. We will never forgive ourselves if we fail. Never. | 2019-04-26T09:57:08 | https://www.kennethellman.com/2017/01/02/president-donald-trump-president-vladimir-putin-%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80-%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD-and-nuclear-weapons-kenneth-ellman-replies/ |
Mercure Grosvenor Hotel Adelaide welcomes you to Federal Bar in Adelaide City. Unwind with a drink at the street-level bar, which complements its diverse beer and cocktail selection with enticing Bar Snacks and Lunch menu along with our unique wine collection.
The Federal’s unique blend of urban energy and casual style has made it Adelaide’s place to meet for informal breakfast meetings and casual lunches, sipping after-work cocktails or celebrating a special occasion, just the two of you.
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Modeling by the lovely Miss Ginger Snap and the ‘36 ford coupe proudly displayed by Jimmy Swede of Fernandez Motors.
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Residents are the cornerstone of Urbandale. We are a community of neighbors working together for the common good to build a strong and vibrant community.
The Mayor and City Council hope you will join us, as we work together to make Urbandale a great community. To volunteer for a board or commission please complete the online form. All applications are reviewed by the Mayor when a board or commission has a mid-term opening, or when terms expire. | 2019-04-23T06:02:50 | http://urbandaleseniors.org/407/Boards-Commissions-and-Committees |
The average pay for a Product Manager (Technical) is €65,633 a year and €32 an hour in Finland. The average salary range for a Product Manager (Technical) is between €45,588 and €81,446. This compensation analysis is based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Finland.
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Develops sales forecasts and implements pricing schedules that provide revenue and margins growth while remaining competitive in the market. | 2019-04-19T19:00:10 | https://www.erieri.com/salary/job/product-manager-technical/finland |
Hearth to Hearth Ministries, Inc. is an interdenominational Christian ministry that sponsors two Children Centers for orphans and vulnerable children.
Maranatha Children’s Home in Uganda cares for 26 children.
Hope for Children Center in Kenya provides a home and education for 136 children.
The homes have cared for over 1,000 children since 2001 when Hearth to Hearth Ministries was established in response to the AIDS epidemic and the resulting thousands of children who were left orphans. The organization is governed by an 11 member Board of Directors who work closely with the administrators of the homes to ensure the children are well cared for and provided the best education and opportunities possible.
We owe these people a debt of gratitude for overseeing the welfare of the children in their care.
Hearth to Hearth is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. It is an all-volunteer organization and 97% of funds donated go directly to support the programs. | 2019-04-23T12:52:55 | https://hearthtohearth.org/about/ |
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Listen to score, download the music, ost, list of songs trailers. Rocky Balboa is a American sports drama film written directed by starring Sylvester Stallone.
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Rocky Balboa proudly holds the world heavyweight boxing championship, but a new challenger has stepped forward: Drago, a six- foot- four, 261- pound fighter who has the backing of the Soviet Union. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Rocky Balboa: The Best of Rocky - Various Artists on AllMusicThe soundtrack for Rocky Balboa, the sixth and& hellip;. Free download All Rocky Balboa The Best Of Rocky Songs Cd Soundtrack List Mp3. To start this download lagu you need to click on [ Download] Button.
Remember that by downloading this song you accept our terms and conditions. Rocky is a 1976 American sports drama film directed by John G.
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UFOSeek Forum • View topic - WHY IS GOD EVIL????
Post subject: WHY IS GOD EVIL????
I have gone to many different types of churches, and I was dismayed to find out that almost everyone of them taught on the subject of hating others.
If this person is not of this color or race, then they must be destroyed/killed.
If you trasspass upon my lands I will kill you.
If you trasspass upon my church and religion I will kill you.
If you do not follow the way of the Bible, I will kill you.
If you do not put in the amount of money your suppose to, then you can leave this church and never return.
How much money can I make in the name of Jesus Christ and God.
How many followers can I get to committ suicide in the name of God.
How many followers can I get, in the name of God to committ crimes, so I may be able to live the life of luxury.
How many followers can I get, to kill the followers of another religion, and be able to get away with it in the name of God.
If you do not believe in this one god, you will burn in hell for an eternity.
If you do not believe in this one god, he will DESTROY mankind with a great flood.
If you do not believe in this one god, your lands will be detroyed by plaques.
How much more destruction and killings have to go on in the name of this God we are always hearing about?
How many wars have there been in the name of god.
How many millions of lives have been taken in the name of god.
How much deception is there in the name of god.
How much money does one religion need for god.
I don't get it, if god is so wonderful, then how come there is so much deceit, anger, hate, killing, destruction, and so on, just for the name of God????????????????????????????????
Post subject: Re: WHY IS GOD EVIL????
If you actually read the bible (choose your version), you would see that all you have written is the work of man interpreting the Word to suit man's convenience.
There is no hate/racism in the bible, the churches you have attended are obviously misleading and giving misinformation.
By posting this I do believe you are just trying to get a rise out of people.
YES I have placed this post to get a rise out of people only in the facts that some things should be viewed in a different way, and not in the way of just a few of our fellow mankind.
I have seen hate for so many years in the religious world that it's not funny, and now that I have someone here, I will tell you that I would really like to see many things change in this world for the good and have people spread the word of the bible as it was intended to be.
I believe that man kind, in the evil of it's own mind, has drastically changed the bible to suit their own purpose, by meaning.
In the name of God we will destroy this nation and take it for ourselves and our personal beliefs of the bible, when in fact there is nothing written in the bible about doing such a thing.
I would really like to see people use what was given them in the first place, and that is the Earth.
We should be living within the means of the earth, and not in the means of what mankind has created.
Many things are right in front of us to be used, and I have written about many of them in different posts throughout this forum.
With a planet so powerful, which god created, why do we not use the forces of it, in meditations for example, and absorb the creators good work.
Why is it we must always destroy what is given us.
Each year new trees grow in an area around here, put we as mankind destroy them to get somewhere.
I hope this has some meaning, and I do not believe god is evil, but I used it in the post for a wake up call, sort of, and this gives us the chance to spread the word through different means and persons.
And I believe this has been done throughout the universe on many other planets that god has created, and being a young race, we need to learn what is right and what is wrong.
Unfortunately until governments of the world start to have a Christian mind of thinking, our world as we know will be used just to keep the masses happy, even if it means destroying the planet of it's natural resources.
This includes religious wars, freedom of information and big brother knowing everything about you.
Free of Information: Wouldn't it be nice if the vadican would release the other 99% of the bible information to the public.
Why should only one religion hold the answers, which are never given to mankind as they were intended to be.
God is not evil: Mankind is.
Now we are faced with all these religious wars and such, which were not intended on by god, but only mankind.
Like I said many times in the past to different people.
"God has not stopped talking, mankind has stopped listening"
Thats why we the people as a whole, must listen to God's Word and say no to religious wars, and be as one.
Catholicism is flawed in it's many regards to worshiping. It's withholding of sacred documents is only to have power over the people.
Until we all start listening to our inner voices, will we hear what is best for this planet, and to continue with contact from other beings not from this world in a more open environment.
As you said, God created the universe.
He did create the universe and we are very tiny within it's mass, and there are other races out there that I believe God created many years before us, and have moved beyond the need for controll over one another, and have moved beyond the era of wars.
Perhaps out of all the many planets with a population on it, we may still be the only ones who are fighting in the name of god, and as you said, we need to listen to our inner voices, (Which may be of God) and stop all this warfare.
I believe other races come to this planet and watch us, learning from us what their world may have been like millions of years ago.
Mankind is very nieve to believe we are the only race in the universe.
God has the power that only men dream of, and has the ability to do as he wishes, even if it means making fifty million different races before creating mankind here on earth.
God and the Alien races have much in common, and perhaps, (Just a theory) Jesus may be a type of alien, only because he was able to do what he did, and the way he was conceived.
God isn't evil. God is absolute good. But contrary to western church propaganda, God is not omniscient and not 100% perfect(although he is 99.999999% perfect). But since God is not omniscient, God can make a mistake. YHWH rebelled against God, this is the first (and last time) that something like this occurred.
YHWH is evil but YHWH is NOT the True God, YHWH is selfadmitted jealous, and just an usurper, whose reign is to end soon. God will soon eliminate all evil(suffering) for ever and ever.
Unravelling the Bible has been an age-long exercise. The inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible can make it difficult to comprehend. To gather understanding of it, it is important to realize that the Bible is a work in progress that contains certain energies. Sometimes the nature of these energies can be readily discerned from the literal words of the book, and other times the energies are more subtle. At times the energies are in opposition to the words.
Is the Bible really the word of God? If your answer is "yes", then is it a perfect rendition of God's word containing no errors whatsoever? In other words, is the Bible infallible?
The doctrine of infallibility has been adopted at times by the Catholic Church, such as when it mandates that the pope is infallible. Anyone who has some understanding of human nature knows that there is not one human who is infallible. Yet, the doctrine stands.
There are those who declare that the Bible is the word of God. Anyone who disagrees with them can expect to be ridiculed, attacked and perhaps be referred to as an agent of Satan. The problem is that people have been so brainwashed by the ruling elite that they will parrot defence of the Bible, regardless of the amount of evidence proving that it is not God's word.
It would assist those trying to make sense of the Bible to consider that there are two voices in the Bible - the Voice of the God of the True Light, the Divine Being of Purity - and the Voice of Darkness. When Darkness speaks, It masquerades as the True Light, which has confounded many readers. When one reads the extant Bible with this understanding, many of the inconsistencies and contradictions dissipate.
It seems like anything else we choose to do.
Follow the flock, or forge our own way.
Either way, the flock or the individual does not have the answers to the ultimate one and only truth about the meaning of the bible.
Perhaps there is no real meaning to the bible other than it's a nice book.
The meaning goes far beyond the words and actions of those interpreting it for their own purposes, which includes ALL organized religion.
Tim, I just read your post and I think that maybe the bible is or may be just a nice book. There are so many reasons for thinking that. For instance why did they pick and choose only select events, versions people to include in the book?
Everyday I read or hear a different interpertation from the same verse in the bible. People bend words to fit their agenda and the bible is so open to different interpetations.
The vatican vaults are full of writings that never made it into the bible. Who chooses what is relevant or what we should know and what we shouldn't, its all secrets, why? | 2019-04-21T20:24:28 | http://www.ufoseek.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=7460&view=previous |
This weekend starting Friday from 7-9:30 and Saturday from 9-3, Carolyn Heggen and Rhoda Keener will be presenting Sister Care, a project of Mennonite Women USA, in Newcomer 19. A grant given to Keener has allowed this to be a free pilot workshop. Women from Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship, Silverwood Mennonite Church, Waterford Mennonite Church and College Mennonite Church will be providing home-cooked snacks, breakfast and lunch.
Keener, a director of Mennonite Women USA since 2000 and a mental health counselor, developed this workshop with Heggen, who has a PhD in psychotherapy and is the author of “Sexual Abuse in Christian Homes and Churches” (2006), for women in the US. Heggen and Keener have presented this workshop in 11 different countries since its start in 2008. Other women who have participated in previous workshops have encouraged Keener and Heggen to develop this program specifically for younger women.
Birky was “really excited about their ideas for adapting their materials to younger women.” Last year, Birky helped Keener and Heggen meet with six Goshen College women to discuss and learn more about issues that are important to them.
There will be a follow-up workshop in October 2015, with the hope of expanding the workshop to other college campuses and communities.
“Women will also really benefit from [Keener and Heggen’s] input about self-care and compassionate listening,” said Birky.
Maggie Weaver, a sophomore, has created a Facebook page specifically for this event. Students can join there or email Birky at [email protected]. | 2019-04-21T16:32:20 | https://record.goshen.edu/2015/03/31451-sister-care-workshop |
For giving a hand up to those in pursuit of the American Dream, for playing a vital role in transforming lives, please plan to join us to celebrate!
You are invited to join us as we salute Northern California’s farmworker champions. We’ll gather in the farming heartland of San Joaquin County, where CHD’s Farmworker Services were inspired four decades ago. Together, and only with your support, we’ve transformed thousands of lives by providing seasonal farmworkers with pathways to steady employment and happier lives.
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In the medical imaging equipment market, Carestream Health Inc. is a relatively small player. Jianqing Bennett plans to change that.
Named president of Carestream’s digital medical solutions division in 2015, Bennett, whose first name is pronounced “Jan-ching,” heads the medical imaging firm’s second-largest but fastest-growing division.
With 3,770 workers, Bennett’s division accounts for just over half of the firm’s 7,000-worker global workforce.
An employer of 1,200 in the Rochester area, where the company has its headquarters, Carestream does not disclose how much of the firm’s more than $2 billion a year in revenues the digital equipment division accounts for.
Carestream’s largest division is still its traditional X-ray film business, which goes back a century to the company’s beginnings as an Eastman Kodak Co.’s X-ray film unit. It became Carestream with Kodak’s spinoff of the division in a 2007, $2.3 billion sale to the Toronto-based private-equity firm, Onex Corp.
The biggest players in medical imaging—General Electric Co.’s $15 billion, 46,000 employee GE Healthcare subsidiary and the also far larger Philips NV’s and Siemens AG’s health care units—produce bigger and more expensive equipment, room-sized MRI and CT scanners that sell for twice as much or more than the portable equipment Carestream makes.
Bennett, whose medical imaging career began with stints with GE in her native China and the U.S., sees market opportunity in thinking smaller.
Currently, in hospital emergency departments or operating rooms, if caregivers need certain scans, their only option is to wheel patients to their facilities’ imaging departments.
Machines that would provide comparable information, but are small enough to wheel around, can save time and, in some cases, lives, Bennett says.
Carestream research and development teams, largely based in Rochester, are working on development of such equipment and could be as close as three or four years away from premiering workable models.
The biggest players in the digital imaging market are still concentrating on the big and very expensive equipment that traditionally has been their bread and butter. And, Bennett believes, they are shortsightedly neglecting the potential of smaller, more versatile units.
A relatively new player in the market, Carestream has thought small of necessity.
“GE and Siemens? They’re not putting a lot of focus on that,” says Bennett, seeing a virtue in necessity.
Her tenure with the firm and involvement with its digital product development dates to its last days as a Kodak division. When she first started, she recalls, Kodak was just putting a toe in the water by private labeling other equipment makers’ machines under its own brand.
Bennett was involved in the company’s development of a suite of X-ray machines that gave medical offices still using analog equipment an easy way to transition to digital. The line was an early hit and has remained a mainstay of Carestream’s product line.
“It was a game changer,” Bennett says.
David Waldman M.D, chairman of UR Medicine’s Department of Imaging Sciences, which worked with Carestream to develop and test the product, concurs.
When kinks needed to be worked out, Bennett, a “wonderful” but also “really driven” person, was on task.
Building on products it had developed for the dental market, Carestream has over the past several years been developing a 3-D CT scanner aimed at the sports medicine orthopedics market.
Another bet the company is making is that it can make a dent in the mature ultrasound market with a machine it believes is more versatile and easier to use than traditionally configured scanners.
After testing the 3-D scanner, which included tryouts with the Buffalo Bills and SUNY Buffalo’s UMBD Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine group, the company won Food and Drug Administration clearance to market the portable machine to U.S. customers last fall.
Bennett has an open and unassuming manner. She is unreservedly enthusiastic about her company’s products.
Where most senior managers at her level would have an assistant fetch a beverage, Bennett brews and unself-consciously serves a cup of coffee to a visitor herself, offering the drink much as one might welcome a neighbor to one’s kitchen.
A small, dark-haired woman, she is fluent in English, which she first learned in China, but still occasionally has to search for an English equivalent of a Chinese word or phrase.
“It’s a funny story,” says Bennett’s husband, Brad Bennett, recounting their first meeting at a GE company dinner in Shanghai.
Seated at the same table, they had not previously met. He was then an engineer in GE’s aircraft division; she was in health care.
Jianqing Bennett grew up in rural China on a collective farm.
“My parents were peasants,” she says.
She means the term to be a job description. Villages such as hers centered on state-owned collective farms. Families worked together in the collectively owned fields. Each family got a share of the crops, doled out according to the amount of work it put in.
Residents were also permitted to farm small plots to raise food for personal consumption.
Motivated by a desire to get a bigger slice of the collective pie, Bennett says, most families pulled their children out of school as soon as possible. Though they were not themselves educated, Bennett’s parents thought differently.
The youngest of three siblings, Bennett, 47, was born 10 years before China instituted its since ended one-child policy.
Six years her elder, Bennett’s brother was the first person from her village to graduate from college. Her sister’s ability to learn was compromised after she suffered a brain infection, Bennett says. But rather than putting her to work in the fields, Bennett’s parents sent her sister, who is five years older than Bennett, to a trade school.
from around the region in a dormitory. She took a bus home on weekends.
Tuition was free but her parents paid for her room and board. After completing a six-year program, Bennett earned a bachelor of science degree in biomedical engineering, graduating from the school in 1993. She went to work for GE, selling X-ray equipment to state-owned Chinese hospitals.
In the 2000s, Jianqing and Brad Bennett decamped for the United States to attend graduate school. He had decided to switch careers and wanted to go to law school. She wanted to get more background in business.
They ended up at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, a school where each could pursue their respective studies. He earned a J.D. She earned an MBA.
After a brief return to GE Healthcare, where she worked at U.S. headquarters in Milwaukee, Jianqing Bennett landed a job with Kodak’s health care unit.
Brad Bennett, whose attraction to the law had faded while his interest in wine making grew by the time he graduated from law school, found work as a vintner, running a winemaking operation for a small Ontario County grape grower, Amberg Wine Cellars LLC.
When the couple’s two children, David, now 11, and Emilia, 8, came along, they decided one of them should be an at-home parent.
“She was making a lot more money than I was, so that was me,” he explains.
Now a stay-at-home dad, Brad Bennett supervises the couple’s Mendon home, where he maintains a small, noncommercial wine-making operation in the basement.
She laments her difficulties with roses.
“They are hard to keep alive,” she says.
Kodak, after seeing its traditional film revenue fall prey to digital photography far faster than it anticipated, was forced into a painful and protracted Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Carestream hopes to avoid the fate of its onetime parent by offsetting X-ray film declines with digital equipment growth.
Traditional X-ray film has been slower to fade than its now virtually extinct cousin: acetate and silver nitrate roll film for analog cameras. But its days are still numbered.
Carestream’s digital medical equipment business remains in its infancy, with the ultimate success of the company’s think-small strategy still to be proven. Its record so far has been mixed.
In 2014, Onex reported earnings of $41 million on revenues of $2.36 billion for its health care imaging segment, which consists of Carestream. A year later, the unit’s bottom line was in the red with a $30 million loss on revenues of $2.1 billion.
“The decrease in revenues was primarily due to lower X-ray traditional volume,” Onex’s 2015 annual report states.
Headwinds Carestream has been fighting include, “lower volume in the computed radiography business, due to a faster than anticipated market decline…as the medical imaging market continues to transition from film to digital products. Lower prices and unfavorable product mix in the digital radiography and dental equipment businesses are driven by competitive market actions and a shift toward lower-priced value-tier (imaging software),” the report adds.
Bennett remains optimistic about Carestream’s long-term prospects.
The firm’s larger competitors, she is convinced, will continue to shun the think-small strategy, ignoring an opportunity that ultimately will pay off for Carestream.
In the meantime, signals from Onex are that the Canadian firm, which has been generous in its support so far, will continue to support Carestream, she says.
Title: President, digital medical solutions, Carestream Healthcare Inc. | 2019-04-21T22:06:56 | https://rbj.net/2017/02/24/carestream-leader-drives-product/ |
StudioLive connected with Firewire (with usb adapter) to Mac usb port. Universal Controls don't work. Sound output doesn't work (input works fine), "No Connected Devices" on the mixer's System Page 3.
I have to run the Mac sound OUTPUT through a Focusrite interface (connected with usb) and back into the mixer (with monitors) to get the Ouput sound. The computer shows the Presonus mixer as a System Preference's option, but the output will not work (again, the INPUT is recognized & works).
Is there a replacement board for the firewire port?
If your Mac has no FireWire port, use Thunderbolt. Apple sells an adapter from FireWire 800 to Thunderbolt, which works perfect. There is no USB connectivity for the AI family of mixers, because their architecture was designed on FireWire.
I have the adapter which works fine for the input. When I set up the output sound preference for Presonus I get nothing. I have to setup the sound output preferences for the scarlett interface.
You were talking about USB... The USB port on your mixer is for WLAN use and firmware upgrades only.
Do you really understand what you are trying to do? UC Control is the driver your computer needs to "see" the connected device. UC Surface is "software" you work with. None of them passes audio. What you see in UC Surface is a visualization of what is happing in your mixer (not in your computer!). Audio is only streamed through FireWire and needs a DAW (like Studio One) or Capture to record or play back audio signals. There is no audio sent to your computer's sound department.
By the way: "No Connected Devices on the mixer's System Page 3" means that you are trying to connect to a wired network for remote control. Relevant for you is page 8. If a FireWire is established (mixer and computer connect automatically), the status in the lower line will say "Driver On". Then start Universal Control, click on the small picture of your mixer and UC Surface will start.
Evyerything is well described in the manuals, especially in the Software Reference Manual. Have a look at the download page: http://www.presonus.com/support/downloads/StudioLive-2442AI. | 2019-04-22T22:30:17 | https://answers.presonus.com/14229/studiolive-24-4-2ai-to-mac-output-does-not-work |
Las Cruces Dental Associates offers one-hour teeth whitening to help you quickly and effectively renew your smile and restore a glossy, white shine to your teeth. Our skilled dentists are dedicated to helping you achieve a brilliant, beautiful smile on a schedule that is convenient for you. Give us a call at 575-523-1479 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Mario Samaniego, Dr. Jaime Gonzalez or Dr. Sonia Najib and learn more about one-hour teeth whitening in Las Cruces, New Mexico. | 2019-04-26T03:56:37 | https://www.lascrucesdental.net/services/cosmetic-dentistry/one-hour-teeth-whitening/ |
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Disclaimer for 2018 model year offers: *All leases are for 36 months and include 12k miles per year. Lease payments are based on NMAC tier 1 credit approval. Sales tax is not included in the ad monthly payments. Recent college graduates or active military members may qualify for additional rebates. See dealer for details. 2018 model year, leases include all incentives. Including Recent Collage Grad & Miltary allowance, owner loyalty & Nissan Conquest cash. All leases 12,000 miles per year. 1st month’s payment, bank acquisition fee, vehicle administration fee, sales tax, title and registration additional. All offers include Colonial Nissan Discount and all available manufacturer’s rebates, including recent college grad or military rebate. Altima special also includes Loyalty Cash. Zero (0%) percent financing available in lieu of all rebates. In-stock models only. NMAC Credit Approval required. | 2019-04-21T01:09:40 | https://ncs.cartender.co/colonial-nissan-of-medford-home-widget/ |
Award winning Barrington School District 220 in the beautiful & highly desired Bridlewood Subdivision! Pristine home with neutral decor. Bright two story foyer, large eat-in kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops, spacious formal living room and separate dining room, newer vanity in powder room, and huge deck over looking an expansive backyard. Spacious master suite with luxury master bath includes vaulted ceiling with skylight, large soaking tub, separate shower, and double sinks. Huge finished WALKOUT basement with media area, full bathroom, 5th bedroom, and 2nd kitchen add TONS of extra living space to this perfectly maintained home. Brand new roof, water heater, dishwasher, washer and newer A/C--all major expenses already taken care of by the seller! Close to I-90, shopping, and dining. Don't miss out on this stunning home priced to sell! | 2019-04-26T09:59:07 | https://www.lewkepartners.com/homes/5295-Morningview-Drive/Hoffman-Estates/IL/60192/92862885/ |
This unit focuses on developing an understanding of how genomes are organised, how they function within the cell, how molecular medical treatments can be developed, ways in which we can manipulate genomes and utilise their components for a range of purposes including medical, agricultural, and commercial.
Term 1 - 2018 : The overall satisfaction for students in the last offering of this course was 4.6 (on a 5 point Likert scale), based on a 43.9% response rate.
The main theme was that students enjoyed the Unit, particularly in having all the learning materials available from Week 1, and that the Residential School was enjoyable and well organised.
Continue the good work including regular updates to materials.
The only possible theme for consideration for improvement was from two students who commented they would like some non-graded revision quizzes included.
The inclusion of some non-graded quizzes in the Unit could be considered for next year.
A greater variety of study questions will be available for each topic. | 2019-04-22T14:08:24 | https://handbook.cqu.edu.au/he/units/view/BIOL12106/HT1/2019 |
Gorgeous Fluorite Sphere, smooth with no cracks or holes. TONS of rainbow inclusions!! Beautiful crystallization!!
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Fan Zhongyan (989-1052) was a Chinese statesman, writer and philosopher of the Song dynasty. A significant portion of his career was spent working on China’s defences along the North-western border, which inspired the theme of loneliness in his writings. His best-known poems contrasted his experience of solitude and homesickness with a sense of duty to his country and people.
Li Qingzhao (1084-1151) lived during the Song dynasty and was considered one of the most accomplished woman poets in Chinese history. Many of her poems intimately reflect her experiences of love, loss, fear and uncertainty living in a war-torn China.
A green mist floats the waves.
Hills frame a glorious sunset.
Into the sun and sky.
The moonlit balcony is not for the lonesome traveller.
It turns to tears of longing.
Leaves fall on paved steps.
I hear broken whispers of the cold.
Curtains open, I linger alone on the balcony.
The Milky Way drapes low across a pale sky.
My heart is stricken beyond a drunken cure.
It had already turned to tears.
I have long understood the taste of sleeping alone.
Refusing to be pushed away.
I am restless as the warmth makes way for the cold.
No defence against the evening wind.
Wilted gold. Long past their prime.
I have no courage to face the black night.
Dripping and drizzling into twilight.
I have selected three ci poems from the Song dynasty under a common theme of coping with loneliness. The ci was traditionally a form of song, which later evolved into written poetry with a unique lyrical quality. In order to capture the musical quality of these poems, I used a more liberal approach in my translation and re-created them in a more contemporary style using the English language. My aim was to show the rhythm of language in these poems, which is often lost in traditional literal translations of classical Chinese poetry. I had chosen to de-emphasize the exotic setting of these poems in my translation in order to highlight loneliness as a human condition common across all cultures. In particular, Li’s poem reminded me of English-language confessionalist women poets, and the form and language used in the translation was intended to reflect that similarity.
Yunhe Huang is a Chinese writer based in Australia. She has written poetry and prose in both Chinese and English, using a variety of genres from Song-dynasty ci to American confessionalist poetry. Translation has been her passion since childhood, with a special interest in translating poetry from Chinese to English. Her original poems have appeared in Dubnium. | 2019-04-20T11:09:36 | http://mascarareview.com/yunhe-huang-translates-fan-zhongyan-li-qingzhao/ |
Any top class city destination needs plenty of park space to break up the concrete and glass, and Dubai does not disappoint. There are a number of parks in Dubai specially designed to deliver an oasis of calm and respite from city life.
Creekside Park is one of the more central park locations in Dubai. The vibrant, modern and iconic city has grown rapidly in the past two decades and with all that construction and development it has to be vital that planners think carefully of how they have to keep so much concrete and tarmac from overwhelming the green spaces.
In any city across the world, parks are a feature that have become a necessity as the bricks, mortar and buildings go up. It is what a city needs to breath and gives a natural feel right inside the heart of any developing city. At Creekside Park you will see trees, paths, and a bench or two to sit down on which will take you away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Some of the parks in Dubai are purely built for leisure and others are built so that tourists, businessmen and residents have places to escape the hectic parts of the city and relax. Safa Park was not a very nice place in the 1970s when there was a small ghetto town that had developed here. This was before the boom and construction on this city had not really taken off, but it was not long before it did, and the immigrants that had settled in Safa Park were soon given much needed work in the construction boom that took place.
The park has now been fully re-developed and there are many service and recreational facilities available to those that visit. It’s also a great park to bring your camera down with you as in the background you will be able to see the downtown business district of Dubai and of course the Burj Khalifa.
The beauty of Safa Park is that it really does feel as though you are out in the countryside with its 17,000 trees, three lakes, countless lawns and small hills where you can climb up and take in a panoramic view of Safa Park’s green oasis and the business district on the skyline.
As stated, some of the parks in Dubai are designed for fun and leisure in mind, so the Wild Wadi Water Park situated close to the Jumeirah area, close to that seven-star hotel the Burj Al Arab, is a place where you can swim in a heated or cooled wave pool, slide down one of its several water slides or watch the amazing waterfall that goes off every ten minutes.
The Arabic culture always loves a good race horse and in memory of one of the all-time greats Zabeel, Dubai named a park after her. Here you’ll discover a wide open green area with plenty of trees. There is even a jogging track and many areas to sit and relax with the city of Dubai just a few metres away.
If the sands of the desert are calling you, then Mushrif Park is a desert park which is roughly about 10 miles away from the city centre. It's a great place to come and swim and relax. Just far away enough to be on the city’s outskirts.
This short video gives you a good idea of some of the views you'll see on any park visit in Dubai. | 2019-04-22T05:25:07 | http://www.dubaiattractions.com/parks-in-dubai.html |
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Does God really exist? How can I know the Bible is TRUE? Life after Death… really? Can I really start-over again? Is Christianity the ONLY right religion? It’s o.k. to have questions, but you need answers you can trust.
How Can I Know I’m going to Heaven when I die? | 2019-04-22T02:10:02 | https://ptv.org/shop/can-know-cd-series/ |
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The decision to vote a printer, is important, I recommend reading the following publication before you do, if you have any questions write a comment.
With printers all depends on what is taken to make such an important decision like this, and what is the problem that has caused the printer to think about throwing it away, the truth if it is a simple problem would not be necessary to throw the printer can repair, plus if the printer has a high acquisition cost must seek the possibility of repair.
If it comes to a printer about 3 years ago the possibility of obtaining it again they are many, so it would not be a problem after taking the printer where a technician who is to say that no solution replaced by another, now if we talk about a printer is about 5 years ago very difficult to achieve the same at the same cost we must exhaust all repair processes looking for the opportunity to fix it.
Another thing is how functional is this equipment to us, there are printers that we definitely fell in love with them, not so nice and fast maybe if not for the work that we do with them are printers that might not printed many and we have achieved and this only makes us an operation that other printers do not do or have not got one of these on the market.
Another factor influential in the decision of whether to repair or replace the printer is the price of repair, mean we can not pay more to repair a printer what this cost even several repairs it can not exceed the cost of the printer, but the printer can no longer be achieved, although the price of printers has skyrocketed.
The year of using a printer, you might consider always even need a printer, but we really like a printer if it is a printer that goes from five years of use, because they do not let this rest, because they keep using it and think that this will give us more when it's okay, printers have one-time use of a few years, it is not advisable to continue using a printer for over seven years, for example, is only a machine, should we as users change improve and evolve. | 2019-04-18T23:27:16 | https://www.en.rellenadodecartuchos.com/2015/06/repair-or-throw-away-printer-important-decision.html |
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+ * The Python Object can then be safely DECREF'd.
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Mark Carney stays at a Bank of England engulfed in politics - but what will he do now?
There has been much speculation about Mark Carney’s future as governor of the Bank of England, following an unprecedented series of attacks by leading proponents of the UK’s exit from the EU. There was even speculation about the state of his relations with the prime minister.
Yet Carney has now confirmed he will stay in position until the summer of 2019. The impact on markets and on the economy is hard to gauge, but on balance it looks positive.
Carney and the Bank made some strong statements during the referendum campaign, but those statements were in line with a very wide consensus among economists. The wilder claims, especially about the immediate short-term impact of Brexit, clearly came from the then Prime Minister David Cameron, his Chancellor George Osborne and other government ministers.
Since the referendum, the Bank has acted with commendable speed in heading off the dire short-term effects that were predicted and, in some cases, might indeed have materialised. The Brexiteers should be grateful for that.
However, if we consider the Bank’s performance since the crisis in 2008, it is striking that, like central banks elsewhere, it is still pursuing policies similar to those introduced in 2009 as the world wrestled free of the financial crisis. That has been a recipe of interest rate cuts and quantitative easing (which pushes long-term interest rates down and asset prices up), and low interest rates don’t do much for savers or pension funds. A serious observer has to ask why such policies are still being pursued.
The answer is that, while some limited fiscal expansion was undertaken in some countries (including the UK) in 2009 and 2010, governments subsequently turned to “fiscal consolidation”, in other words a contraction designed to cut budget deficits and debt. That left monetary policy as the only instrument operating against deep and prolonged recession.
The arguments for fiscal consolidation included the claim that when the ratio of public debt to national income rises above 90% then economic growth collapses; the claim that fiscal contractions can be or are actually expansionary; and the claim that the multiplier effect of fiscal expansion is low or even negative. These claims have all been shown, by academic economists and research economists at the IMF, to be erroneous both in general and in the context of the post-financial crisis recession. A review of this debunking is available here.
The promotion of fiscal consolidation by politicians therefore suggests that their choices were and are essentially political, designed to bring about a sharp and lasting reduction in the size of the public sector and the social safety net.
Whatever you think about that, it is inescapable that a byproduct of fiscal consolidation was that monetary policy had to be even more expansionary, with repeated quantitative easing and low interest rates. Part of Carney’s role on joining the Bank in 2013 was to introduce “forward guidance” - that is, indications that interest rates will not be raised until some date or some change in the economy - as a further method of monetary stimulus. However, unemployment fell more rapidly than expected and the guidance (which had in any case not been very precise) had to be changed. It is far from obvious that it made any serious contribution in the UK’s case.
In this context, it ill-behoves former foreign secretary William Hague to criticise central banks for low interest rates, in an article which makes no mention of fiscal policy. And politicians such as Michael Gove should address the arguments of the BoE and the reasons for its policies instead of complaining that the governor is above criticism. It’s worth remembering that Gove’s reply to economists who disagreed with Leave campaign claims about the post-Brexit landscape was not to dispute their arguments, but to compare them to Nazi scientists. It is also worth noting that some of us academics have never found it difficult to criticise the Bank or its governor when there are reasonable grounds to do so.
Against this background, what can Carney do in his remaining two and a half years? His continuation as governor will help to reduce the uncertainty about the direction of government policy in the context of the Brexit negotiations, which is good. On the monetary side, there is just not much more that the Bank can do: quantitative easing must be close to its effective limit, interest rates could be made slightly negative but that’s all, and forward guidance is unlikely to achieve much.
On the fiscal side, which is the real problem in the UK, Carney is not known to have ever pressed Osborne for more expansion or even less contraction, but more recently he has indicated that monetary policy alone cannot do everything that is required. It is to be hoped that he takes that argument further, although he will not want to follow his predecessor in speaking out in public on fiscal matters. It is a fine balance to achieve.
Whether Carney’s extra year to mid-2019 (and not 2021) is better for the UK depends, of course, on who replaces him, which we cannot yet know. One can imagine a less competent and less independent governor, but also one who was well-informed, shrewd and forthright. With luck, by 2019 if not by 2018, the people who appoint Carney’s replacement will have learned something about how the world works and will have repudiated the un-truths and post-truths which have informed recent attacks on the Bank. When they consider the appropriate criteria for the appointment, they should also understand that those criteria include a willingness to stand up to the politicians.
David Cobham is Professor of Economics, Heriot-Watt University. This article originally appeared in The Conversation. | 2019-04-25T16:18:04 | http://www.disclaimermag.com/economics/mark-carney-stays-at-a-bank-of-england-engulfed-in-politics-but-what-will-he-do-now-4892 |
Here's what people have asked and answered about working for and interviewing at Owens Corning.
Do you have to take Workkeys to get hired at Owens Corning ?
It took approx. 2 weeks after my second interview.
Interviewed with the Plant Manager the Second time and was mailed an offer to accept a position.
Is there a 2nd application to fill out after you apply online?
Hiring process took about 2-3 weeks.
What tips or advice would you give to someone interviewing at Owens Corning?
Do they give a hair test or a urine test to new hires ?
What advice would you give the CEO of Owens Corning about how to improve it?
How do you follow up on a submitted application?
How would you describe the pace of work at Owens Corning? | 2019-04-22T20:10:53 | https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Owens-Corning/faq/how-long-does-the-hiring-process-take?quid=1arbpuehoak5t9q8 |
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Nothing out of the ordinary has happened in the office since my last post, just the usual sounds (and smells every now and then, like flowers maybe? Perfume?) so just normal haunting, not full on poltergeist materialization. NBD.
But… Something else has been happening. Something I hadn’t picked up on at first, but looking back has been going on for a couple weeks now?
It happened again this morning and then I realized… I was wearing the Hippocampus pin. And I can’t be sure, but I think every time I thought about that room I’d been wearing the pin. The pin was trying to tell me to go back.
Far weirder things have happened, and if these pins really were from The Book of The Wild, The Lost Age, well, maybe they have some residual magic in them?
I just want to go on the record that I personally don’t think it’s breaking and entering if all I had to do was lean against the locked door of the storage space to open it. Like, a hard, repeated leaning.
I broke into the storage room.
When I turned back, I’d blocked the light and could see, stuck in the space between the wall and the baseboard, was the edge of a yellowed piece of paper. I shimmied it out and found it was a folded up sheet of aged carbon paper. For all the non-old Mountaineers, carbon paper was how you made copies of things back in the day. You’d put it behind a sheet of paper you were writing or typing on to make an exact copy.
It was a copy of a letter that Warner Green himself had written decades ago! An exact typed replica. He’d probably put the carbon paper in the typewriter himself.
It had faded with time and sun, but I could make out that it was from the desk of Warner Green, it was written sometime in the 60’s, and it was a draft of a letter to readers who’d bought the pins!
________ and as you know, elemental [materials] sometimes hold onto magic, and these pins, made of the rarest of metals, I’ve been told contain traces of magimystic energy. __________ and when the time comes, the pins may call on you to find what they have been asked to find __________ Something missing worth rediscovering. Further instructions are included within this mailing.
All you truly need to know is that this must be kept in the strictest of confidence. ____________________ The pin, its purpose, even your membership in this society, must be kept secret from those who cannot bring themselves to believe. But we believe. Magic is real, and it is up to us to seek it out, perhaps learn to use it, but most of all protect it.
Also, we’re all just casually wearing relics of The Lost Age!
So you’d think that would be enough, right? Enough magimystic adventuring for the day? Nope. I didn’t notice until I checked later, but pretty much the second I walked into the storage room I got a text message on my phone. A notification.
I have no idea what it means. You? I mean, we know that the Silver took up residence across the sea in Neithernor. But what does the sentence mean?
How in the name of Herman did the notification come from the Ackerly Green app?
My first thought was the eastern sea as well. I haven’t seen it for myself but I hear its really something!
Also, I’m like… Mildly freaking out I’ve been wearing a rare magiqal artifact on my denim jacket. Ya know. Like its no big deal.
I honestly highly doubt it, I think that bridge was burned in the War of Neithernor.
I think… Not to sound like I’ve totally lost it… But I think maybe it’s the ghosts of old Secret Society members giving us this clue, to uncover the work they left undone?
EDIT: I googled the verse and found nothing. If its part of a poem or a “bigger picture” my guess is its magical in nature.
I put the regular image of the chronocompass in the app, under “About Ackerly Green” but not the moving one. I don’t even have access to that image or video or whatever it is.
I will say this though, the process of developing the app and putting it together was really easy, even though I’d never done anything like it before. There were times when it felt like it was already made and I was just assembling the pieces. Maybe I accidentally performed some kind of spell? I don’t know how I would’ve done that… there’s probably a more magimystically logical explanation. Thoughts?
The chronocompass @Revenir found looks like the one that appeared over the messages to Knatz and Augie. Not the kind you solve, but the kind that was already doing something.
Maybe we’ve done this somehow after opening the Book of Briars? Having drawn the two timelines, Wild and Kings, closer together - maybe now magiq can flow from one to the other?
Okay, so I followed @Robert 's advice about the camera. I set one up in the office and it sends me alerts when it detects motion.
I’ve had about a dozen alerts in the past hour, and every time I check the camera there’s nothing there. Or almost nothing. There are weird flickers and blackouts every now and then.
I think he’s back. The ghost. We’re in the country but I’m driving back down to the city to see if I can catch him. Not like a ghostbuster, but catch him like, hey, don’t go… let’s talk about pins and apps and haunting my office.
Wish me luck. I’m already sweating. | 2019-04-25T00:27:35 | https://ackerlygreen.com/2018/03/22/the-secret-society-i-looked-across-the-cold-and-silver-swirling-sea/ |
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You should not worry about the reliability of our rating system. We made everything we could to create a completely unbiased list of the best fidget spinner purple. Products were compared by material, weight, customer rating, and many more details. If you know how to make our list even better — contact us and we will look into your suggestions.
Do not have any idea about fidget spinner purple? You will not need to waste your time and compare hundreds of models by yourself! Simply read our buying guide and select a product from our top list of the best fidget spinner purple.
Like all bearings and spinning fidget toys, it takes time spinning and breaking-in to achieve longer spinner times. The more you spin the toy, the longer it will last. Cleaning the bearings will dramatically increase spin times. Refer to the product description below on how to clean your fidget spinner bearings. As always.100% money-back guarant. Use this way: hold spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly using small continuous strikes to keep it spinning indefinitely with practice, spinners can be spun using one hand only using the fingers of one hand to stop and start spinning. Professional inline skate 608 bearing with premium balls. Great toy for fidgeters, anxiety, focusing, adhd, autism, quitting bad habits, staying awake.
The yoloplus brand hold by yoloplus home. Please do not buy fake and inferior products in other sellers. They are unable to guarantee your interests. Upgrade high quality 7 balls 608zz bearing.1 mins+ spin time, more quiet and smooth more bright-coloured. Ultra-durable abs plastic body, non-3d printed, these bearings use the latest low-friction technology by incorporating a bearings to ensure longevity and smooth rotation, easy to carry, small, simple, discrete and fun.
Are new fidget spinner purplesupposed to be expensive?
Obviously, a good fidget spinner purple cannot be very cheap. If you want to buy a decent product, you should not be trying to save money on it. We recommend you to order the best models from our list of the best fidget spinner purpleif you can afford it.
High speed: it has bones bearings which allows for smooth high speed spinning of between 5-8 minutes in hand or on a table top. This is a great anxiety-fighting accessory for fidgeters, so keep your calm regardless your circumstance or immediate environment. Note: spin time varies depending on strength used, some buyer get more than 9 minutes spinning. Removable finger buttons: high performance ceramic stainless steel hybrid bearings and long spin times with 2 pieces dismountable decorative bearings. High quality material: the body is made of 100% high quality brass copper material, feel very good gravity, fast rotation, hardness.
Are there anything special that I should know before buying a fidget spinner purple?
Thanks to the our site, you do not have to worry about anything. Choosing a fidget spinner purple on this site is very simple! You can check photographs. read detailed description of any specific fidget spinner purple and read various user reviews. Learn from the experience of other people!
It further improve the longevity and smooth rotation, can spins average 2+ minutes(this depends on the power you use to spin). Made of durable abs frame construction with rounded edges. Led lights can flash when spinning, very cool and fashionable. Battery can be charged via a usb port. Work well for fidgety hands, help add & adhd sufferers relieve stress and anxiety. Size: 7.7.1cm/, multicolor for your choice. How to use: hold spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly using small continuous strikes to keep it spinning indefinitely with practice, spinners can be spun using one hand only using the fingers of one hand to stop and start spinning.
Material: the 2017 latest tri-spinner is made of aluminum alloy which can give you a better texture and feel. Easy to carry: each aa spinner comes with a small bag, you can put it inside, easy to save and play, it will always bring you different fun everywhere. Spin times: high performance bearing for extremely fast and long spin times(3-5min). Awesome gift: aluminum alloy material will not be rusted, including small case. It is very suitable as a gift to your family and friends. Helpfully: great for anxiety, focusing, adhd, autism, quitting bad habits, helps relieve stress, staying awake, also effective for focus and deep thought through the different play.
What exactly I should pay my special attention to when choosing a fidget spinner purple?
One of the most important factor of any fidget spinner purple is its material. It has to be durable and easy to clean. If you want to find a fidget spinner purple that will serve you for many years, you will have to buy an expensive model made out of the best materials.
No big noise: easy to carry, small, simple, discrete and fun, also effective for focus and deep thought. Round corner and soomth surface – protect your fingers from scratching. Easy to carry, small, simple, discrete and fun, also effective for focus and deep thought. Camouflage color, beautiful and nice. Fidget hand spinner: 2-3 minute average spins great for fidgety hands, add & adhd sufferers helps relieve stress.
Round corner and smooth surface: protect your fingers from scratching. No repair, oil, maintenance needed: use the stress relief toys right out of box. Guarantee 1 min+ spin time: the fidget will comfortably spin for 2 minutes and with a really hard spin even longer. They also suffer very little slow down during tricks. Package included: 5 fidget spinner, 1 purple / 1 yellow / 1 red / 1 green / white ). Color: red / green / white / purple / yellow ). Not only will your kids enjoy it, but you ll also find yourself immersed in this tension – relieving game, increasing your concentration and relieving your anxiety any time. It’s really a great gift for anyone. Easy to carry and easy to use: put the spinner toy into your pocket and play it whenever and wherever. Hold the fidget spinners in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly using small continuous strikes to keep it spinning indefinitely with practice.
Glow in the dark: these fidget spinner will glow in the dark after exposed to natural or artificial light. And please put it under a bulb or light before using, then it will be glowing stronger.
Fidget spinner, hand spinner times about 1-3 minutes average finger spinner. Tri spinner suitable for adults and kids. Hold spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly using small continuous strikes to keep it spinning indefinitely and it’s precise balance and weight are packed into a great size that fits easily in your pocket. More effectively reduce high-pressure, adhd, add, edc autism adult children spinner fidget toy, effective for focus and deep thought. Metal fidget spinner made of aviation aluminum. Non 3d printed materials and parts, stainless steel bearing aluminum fidget spinner.
12 months worry-free warranty and easy-to-reach customer service.
Quality – each fidget spinner measures approximately 3 inches across and .3 inches high. Molded plastic is colorful and durable. Replaceable center bearing is high quality steel for low friction and long spin times. Outer weights are perfectly balanced to reduce wobble and ensure smooth operation. Center cap is concave to provde a comfortable grip. Versatile – great teaching aid for classroom learning. Help boost student focus and engage creative thinking. Makes a great gift for birthday parties, christmas, graduations, or hand out as a party favor. Teach complex physics concepts like angular momentum, conservation of energy, or the gyroscopic effect. Portable – the compact size allows you to take this fidget spinner anywhere. At home, school, work, the bus, airplanes, or waiting in lines; the small footprint and quiet operation allow discrete spinning anytime. Fits in backpacks, purses and pockets.
Benefits – using the fidget spinner can help to relieve stress, tension and axiety, or just for having fun. It can have positive effects for those with add, adhd, and attention or sensory disorders. Substitute for bad habits like smoking, biting nails, or other nervous habits. Use it to stir creativity, or sharpen concentration and focus. Glow in the dark – phosphorescent material glows bright in the dark. “charge” the lighting effect by holding the spinner close to a bright light source. Glows for minutes after exposure. For longer glow times, prime with a uv flashlight.
Great toy for adult and children on stress, focusing, autism, add, adhd, anxiety, boredom relief. Help to drop smoking, get rid of cellphone, quit bad habits, relive working pressure and family stress. Compact and light weight, perfect size suitable for adults/kid, simple, easy to carry. 7 pack led light fidget spinner(pink, blue, yellow, red, green, white, purple), share with your families, friends and classmates. Led light up 12 seconds average spins. Improved smooth concave caps, with material of durable abs + 608rs bearings with rounded edges.
There are multiple ways you can interact with this aluminum metal toy- spin it as a single unit or stack them together to make it look even more impressive. It is small and portable to take anywhere, you can spin on any desk or flat surface. Cnc high-precision grinding guarantees the helix-shaped groove and surface accurate and smooth as well as long lasting, when revolving it creates an almost magical effect that looks like continuously flowing helix would merge into a surface of the tabletop. Kinetic spinning desk toy with mesmerizing motion that creates a mind-bending optical illusion of continuously flowing helix. Keep focus, relieve stress or simply relax during working hours or brainstorming sessions.
What warranty should a fidget spinner purple have?
You should buy fidget spinner purplefrom brands with customer-friendly warranty policy. Trustworthy fidget spinner purple manufacturers offer two-year or even longer warranty period. You would not have any problems in case of any issues — simply take a broken product to the service center to get it replaced or fixed.
How safe is it to purchase a fidget spinner purple online?
Why there should be any reasons to worry? There are no risks in buying fidget spinner purpleon the internet, sine you can always get a refund. You can also check the reputation of a seller just to be sure that your fidget spinner purple will be delivered without any problems.
What are the price limits for decent fidget spinner purple?
The price of a fidget spinner purple should never be the determining factor. Even if you are able to afford the most expensive model, you might do not actually need it. fidget spinner purplein the average price range can cover all your needs and save you a few bucks at the same time. | 2019-04-26T10:26:58 | http://masselvik.com/best-fidget-spinner-purple |
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All students know that academic writing is the main part of the educational process. Academic writing is one of the key issues that are necessary to complete and it has the major influence on the final grade in the end of the semester. The academic writing requirements differ according to the course that you are taking and the specific targets that have to be reached by students in the end of the studying process. Therefore, students may be asked to write essays, reports, dissertations, research works, term papers, theses or course works. The amount of analytical work and scientific research that should be done within the academic writing paper depends on the specific demands of your professor and the course that you take. The same refers to the deadlines that can also be too tight for you to be able to spend enough time writing an academic essay to do the best possible work. Sometimes all of us need some help and there is no surprise that students have such a great amount of work that it is just impossible to do everything on the high level on time. Therefore, in the recent times, the great number of custom writing companies has implemented the academic writing help service.
Academic writing involves preparing various types of essays and papers. Nowadays, students of universities, colleges and high schools need help with completing their writing tasks. The academic writing assistance requires the high level of professionalism, and we guarantee that you will have the professional writer that will help you effectively cope with the academic writing task of any level, topic and length. The working process requires the deep knowledge of the issue, concentration, silks, motivation and dedication. The academic writing is as complex as the academic life in general. We offer you the proper professional attitude to the issues that will result in the improvement of your image and your academic career. As a result of our cooperation, you will not only forget about the sufferings connected with academic writing, but you will be pleased with the great benefits of our assistance.
All students know that their academic writing is the serious part of the studying process that is extremely tough and has a lot of challenging moments. When you receive the task to write the academic paper, you might have no time to complete it. You look through the requirements and you have problems not only with defining the key demands to the paper, but also with understanding what you have to begin with. These cases can be followed by the series of other specific situations that can negatively influence your academic career. In cases when students understand that they have no opportunity to succeed in writing a good academic paper on their own, they turn to the custom writing service that can provide them with the best quality paper.
The essay writing is a process that requires you to deal with a lot of components in order to succeed. In this connection, it can be seen that students often do not have enough knowledge or experiences to be able to complete a good academic essay. Low level of knowledge of the topic, grammar, stylistics and linguistics, as well as the amount of time and strength to do deep research prevent you from writing a good and interesting paper. When you feel that you will write an academic paper that will achieve poor marks and seriously harm your rates and the academic career in general, you should seek professional assistance that will solve all your problems. Do not hesitate to ask us for "write help" and buy an essay online at a cheap price here! The writing help of our service will improve your academic career and make it easier for you to complete the other tasks that you have while studying at the institution. | 2019-04-24T12:36:38 | https://exclusivepapers.org/academic-writing-help.php |
Investment firm Starwood Capital Group has sold 33 prime office properties totaling 3.3 million square feet in San Diego; Portland, Oregon; and Raleigh, North Carolina, to a Singapore-based developer in its first foray into U.S. real estate investment, according to sources familiar with the deal.
Starwood Capital had been quietly shopping the portfolio with New York brokerage Eastdil Secured and accepted an offer from Ascendas-Singbridge Group, a developer and investor jointly owned by Singapore state-owned real estate companies Temasek Holdings and JTC Corp., said the sources, who are not authorized to publicly discuss the transaction.
In a brief release that did not mention Starwood, Ascendas-Singbridge said Friday it plans to expand within the U.S. and is opening an office in San Francisco to provide support for asset management, business development and other related services.
Ascendas-Singbridge manages more than $14.6 billion in global assets, predominantly in Asia and Australia. According to its website, Miguel Ko, the current executive director and group chief executive of Ascendas-Singbridge, is the former chairman and president of Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Asia Pacific Division.
The discussions come as the group and parent company Temasek also aim to buy into the lucrative North American shared workspace market as part of a $45 million investment in Breather, a flexible workspace provider.
Sources in Los Angeles, San Diego and Portland said the portfolio includes most of Starwood Capital’s office holdings in San Diego and the Portland suburb of Beaverton, Oregon, plus properties in North Carolina.
The portfolio includes a heavy concentration of office and flex properties in the Rancho Bernardo and Sorrento Mesa areas of San Diego, home to many technology and life science companies, a source said.
Starwood acquired 12 San Diego buildings in 2014 totaling more than 1 million square feet in Rancho Bernardo and Sorrento Mesa from Los Angeles-based developer Kilroy Realty Corp. for $295 million, according to CoStar data. The properties, mostly built between 2000 and 2006, include six office buildings and a flex building at an office park in Rancho Bernardo known as Innovation Corporate Center, a source said.
The San Diego properties being sold also include the three-story, 318,000-square-foot Pacific Corporate Center at 10020 Pacific Mesa Blvd., occupied by medical device maker Becton, Dickinson and Co., and several buildings at Sorrento Mesa’s The Campus at Sorrento Gateway, the source said.
The bulk of Starwood’s current Portland portfolio is comprised of office and flex buildings in Beaverton acquired from Glendale, California-based PS Business Parks Inc. Starwood purchased 25 low-rise buildings, ranging from 16,500 to 65,500 square feet each from PS in October 2014 for $164.1 million, according to CoStar data. Most were built in the 1980s and 1990s.
Eastdil and Ascendas-Singbridge did not immediately return calls or emails requesting comment on the transaction. Starwood Capital didn’t immediately comment.
The portfolio purchase is the first major real estate investment in North America for Ascendas-Singbridge, which has properties in 28 cities in Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea. The group, under its subsidiary Ascendas, manages three Singapore exchange-listed funds, including Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust, Ascendas India Trust and Ascendas Hospitality Trust. Ascendas-Singbridge also manages several private real estate funds.
The move by the online retailer could have significant implications for industrial property sales, which outperformed other major commercial sectors across the U.S. in the second quarter as Amazon and other companies pump up their supply chains for e-commerce delivery, according to CoStar data.
“If you really read between the lines here, and kind of analyze this, Amazon wants to be part of every single transaction that happens in our lives,” said Gregory Healy, senior vice president of chain and logistics at Colliers International.
Amazon, the world’s largest retailer, bought PillPack in late June for an estimated $1 billion. PillPack holds pharmacy licenses in all 50 states and ships medications from its primary drug distribution center in Manchester, NH, to customers who take multiple daily prescriptions. The company is targeting a major market: On its website, PillPack says 40 million adults take more than five prescriptions each day.
The company may need new buildings for an online pharmacy, the analysts said. Though Amazon is opening fulfillment centers at a dizzying rate — eight so far in 2018 — it has a host of controls to ensure each center operates at maximum capacity and has little extra space, the company said in its 2017 annual report.
“How do you keep people out of the doctor’s office or hospital lab? Make sure people take their prescriptions,” he said.
Healy said the purchase could have implications for any brick-and-mortar plans Amazon has as well, noting the trend toward small, walk-in clinics across the country. It’s estimated there are now almost 3,000 such clinics, according to Accenture. He also speculated that Amazon could add pharmacy services to its Whole Foods stores.
Tech CRE News: Will Facebook Stock Plunge Hurt Bay Area?
Other economists worry that the drop in price could indicate a pending correction in the market. However, with Amazon’s massive increase in Q2 earnings, it may be too early to predict if Facebook is suffering from an overall market dip, or its own public relation woes.
The deal announced this week that private equity firm Stone Point Capital plans to buy Sabal Capital Partners, a small-balance, multifamily lender and loan servicer, is only the latest maneuvering in the shifting landscape for special servicing of commercial real estate loans. More deals are likely as a projected rise in interest rates may boost distress in the market.
Special servicers control the fate of billions in distressed loans and thus the fate of billions in commercial properties. And right now, that is a lucrative market flooded with capital but with fewer investment opportunities capable of providing the higher returns expected from private equity investors.
The jockeying for position is not only indicative of billions of private equity money flowing into distressed assets but also shows where the market is heading.
Driven in part by retail weakness, the volume of loans in commercial mortgage bonds on servicers’ “watch lists” has been on a gradual upswing since last November, according to Morningstar Credit Ratings data. Loans are put on a watch list because of issues such as declining occupancy or net incomes at the properties backing the loans. The rise in volume is considered a reliable indicator of future distress.
The maneuvering is not done, with a prize still to be had. One of the three largest commercial loan special servicers in the market, Rialto Capital Advisors, is still in play. Its owner, homebuilder Lennar Corp., has hired financial advisers to determine Rialto’s strategic alternatives as Lennar shifts to concentrating purely on residential building.
Three of Rialto’s larger competitors are owned by bank holding companies, PNC Financial Services Group owns Midland Loan Services, the largest special servicer in the market; and the second- and fifth-largest are Wells Fargo and KeyBank.
Notably, Wells Fargo is one of the two financial advisers Lennar hired to consider what to do with Rialto. The other adviser is Deutsche Bank.
The fourth-largest special servicer, CWCapital Asset Management, was acquired six months ago by Japanese multinational holding conglomerate SoftBank Group.
Distressed property purchasing is one of the country’s hottest investment categories and the primary target of new investment dollars. At a time when core property prices have hit new peaks, yield-hungry investors are aggressively sourcing new investment opportunities that offer more compelling returns.
Private equity funds raised $14.7 billion alone for value-add and opportunistic commercial real estate last quarter, according to private equity data provider Preqin.
About 75 percent of the new investment money being raised in the market is targeting value-add and opportunistic real estate, the categories that distressed assets fall into, said Chris Lee, vice chairman of CBRE Capital Markets Group based in Miami.
Lee directed one of the largest distressed deals of this year. CBRE, in conjunction with Ten-X, arranged the sale of a foreclosed upon leasehold interest in 110 E. Broward in Fort Lauderdale in January for $41.06 million. Stockbridge Capital Group acquired the 24-story office tower and an adjacent two-story office and retail pavilion. LNR Partners was the seller as special servicer for owner CMBS trust.
At the time of the sale, 110 E. Broward was only 42 percent leased at the time, representing a value-add opportunity by the lease-up of 198,803 square feet of vacant space in a market where the competitive set vacancy is just 8 percent.
In this environment, banks and servicers have had little trouble liquidating the distressed assets. So, the problem for Lee and other brokers is finding inventory right now to sell. The amount of distressed assets in the market at the moment is at post-2008 recession lows as the recovery is now approaching 10 years running.
The amount of foreclosed commercial properties on bank books had shrunk to just $4.7 billion in the first quarter from $31.2 billion seven years ago, according to Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. data.
The amount of specially serviced loans in commercial mortgage-backed securities has fallen by $70 billion in that time, down to about $23 billion.
The diverging trends of money coming in and assets available for liquidation has created a lot of jockeying among special servicers for the dwindling supply of deals. Wells Fargo Bank, PNC’s Midland Loan Services, Rialto Capital and KeyBank have grown their market share in the past two years at the expense of CWCapital Asset Management and other smaller servicers.
Of those loan balances assigned, the amount of distressed loans being actively serviced is small, about 2.4 percent. At year-end 2017, Rialto’s active special-servicing portfolio contained 364 loans and 481 real estate owned properties with a combined unpaid loan balance of $1.98 billion, according to Morningstar Credit Ratings.
In advance of any decision from Lennar about Rialto’s fate, the special servicer has also been particularly active in the past two months growing its special servicing assignments.
Another arm of Rialto has been one of the most active buyers of B-piece commercial mortgage bond offerings. That affiliate has underwritten and purchased over $6.1 billion in face value of such bonds in 88 different securitizations.
B-piece buyers generally purchase the lowest-rated and the very bottom of the bond classes — the unrated class. Any losses to the bond trust come out of the lowest-rated bonds first.
Because of that, B-piece buyers have the right to play an active role in making decisions on important issues that can affect the value of the loan or the collateral. That includes such issues as identifying what collateral goes into the offering and having first-purchase options on defaulted loans or, in this case, appointing new special servicers.
In the past two months, the Rialto affiliate has removed the existing special servicer on 11 different commercial mortgage bond offerings in which it has invested and replaced them with Rialto Capital, according to bond rating agency announcements. Rialto has taken assignments away from Midland Loan Services and CWCapital.
Such removal and replacing of special servicers is not unusual. CWCapital has also won such assignments in the past two months. However, the number of such switches involving Rialto has been much higher than for the others.
Executives from neither Rialto nor Lennar responded to requests for comments for this story.
Calco Commercial has recently sold both the 260 Shipley Street & 969 Folsom Street buildings. 260 Shipley Street is a two-story 3,750+/- square foot commercial building located in the SOMA with second floor office & ground floor warehouse. The property features skylights, private conference room, and a kitchenette in the office area and a drive-in roll-up entry for the warehouse.
969 Folsom Street is a 8,150+/- square foot commercial building located next door to 260 Shipley Street in the SOMA. 969 Folsom Street features 7,300+/- square feet of warehouse area with one drive-in loading door and 850+/- square feet of office with open and private areas and a kitchenette.
Calco Commercial specializes in the leasing and selling of commercial, office, industrial and NNN properties in and around San Francisco. If you have any questions about how to best re-position your asset in the Bay Area market, are a Tenant looking for space or have general market questions, call our office at 415.970.0000 and we can provide expert service.
With office vacancy rates looming shy of 5% in the South Financial District Submarket, Google has just leased approximately 57,000+/- square feet at 2 Harrison Street in the Hills Plaza. According to The San Francisco Chronicle, Google now occupies “400,000 square feet” at the Hills Plaza complex, with a total of “1 Million square feet of leased and owned” properties in San Francisco.
San Francisco office rents are currently averaging $61.51 per square foot according to Costar, and with tech giants like Google snapping up large swaths of office space, vacancy will continue to decrease, possibly forcing rents up for the rest of the office market.
Los Angeles’ Kilroy Realty Corp. has closed on its $308 million acquisition of San Francisco’s life science development site Oyster Point from a development group led by China’s Greenland USA, the company announced today.
The 40-acre industrial site, entitled for 2.5 million square feet of development, spans the waterfront in South San Francisco.
The sales price provides an 80 percent return for Greenland’s group, which has done some demolition work since buying it fully entitled for $171 million two years ago from Shorenstein Properties and SKS Partners.
In recent years, the South San Francisco region’s commercial biotech market has expanded to more than 12 million square feet of office and laboratory space across more than 500 acres, accommodating a range of entrepreneurial start-ups and established companies such as Amgen and Genentech.
The area’s popularity with the life science community is so strong that the market’s Class A office and lab space has a vacancy below 3 percent, according to Kilroy.
Kilroy plans to build 11 buildings that will include a laboratory and more office space in phases across the newly-acquired property.
The site adjoins the real estate investment trust’s three-building Oyster Point Tech Center, a 146,000-squre-foot project that is home to DNA testing company 23andMe Inc. The firm acquired the site earlier this year for about $111 million, according to CoStar data.
On a combined basis, the overall project will give Kilroy a significant footprint in South San Francisco’s large and rapidly-growing life science community, home to more than 200 biotech companies.
The property adds to the company’s 13.9 million-square-foot portfolio in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area and greater Seattle. | 2019-04-26T02:48:30 | https://calcosf.com/blog/page/2/ |
3 What are the main benefits of using Phenylethylamine supplements?
PEA is derived from an amino acid which is known as Phenylalanine. This is actually found in a number of natural sources, including chocolate. This is one of the reasons why so many people tend to take such pleasure from eating chocolate, as it helps stimulate the release of dopamine and pleasure receptors. It is proving to be an incredibly beneficial supplement for elevating a person’s mood and reducing conditions such as: stress, anxiety, and depression. Not only is it great for improving our psychological health and well-being however, it is also very beneficial for when it comes to losing weight as well. So much so in fact, that if you were to read the ingredients label of most dietary and weight loss supplements, you would see that Phenylethylamine is one of the primary active ingredients.
PEA works in a number of different ways within the human body, which is actually one of the main reasons why experts have been so impressed with this supplement. In terms of improving mental health and mood in general, the main way in which this supplement works is that it helps to increase the amounts of natural dopamine being produced, and as dopamine is a chemical responsible for feelings of happiness and euphoria, you can see why this is beneficial. Not only that, but it also helps to block the action of other neurotransmitters such as cortisol, which can cause feelings of stress and depression. As mentioned, it also assists with weight loss as it contains compounds and active ingredients that have been found to increase the metabolism in a rested state. Obviously the stronger the metabolism becomes, the more calories the body can burn off, and so the more fat will be lost as a result.
What are the main benefits of using Phenylathylamine supplements?
As mentioned, mental health issues are very common, and are far more common than most people realise. Conditions such as stress, and anxiety for example, can go on to manifest themselves in different ways and can lead to more serious conditions such as depression, or even clinical depression. Many people have sadly taken their own lives due to conditions of this nature, and the great thing about Phenylethylamine, is the fact that it can help to reduce the likelihood of people suffering from these conditions, and if they do, it can make dealing with them much easier.
Even if you aren’t suffering from mental health issues, improving your mood is still hugely beneficial because you will feel much better. If you feel better, you become happier, more driven, more motivated, and more productive.
As PEA contains compounds and ingredients that have been found to increase the metabolism, the great thing about this supplement is the fact that it can help individuals to lose weight easier. The faster the metabolism becomes, the more calories will be burnt off, the more fat will be lost, and the more energy will be produced. This increase in energy is especially useful as it can make workouts and physical exercise in general, a great deal more rewarding and productive.
For optimal results, experts recommend around 300mg per day, although higher dosages can be taken. You should however, never exceed 1000mg per day, no matter why you’re using the supplement.
As mentioned, PEA is a derivative of Phenylalanine, and although similar, the two still have very unique differences. PEA for example, functions as a neuro-modulator, which basically means that it has an effect on how the brain deals with awareness and perception. Phenylalanine however, is actually an amino acid that is a precursor for PEA, as PEA is synthesized from Phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is chemically similar to dopamine, and provides similar benefits, usually which are less prominent.
PEA can be stacked with other natural supplements designed to improve mental health and well-being, with 5-HTP, and St John’s Wort, both proving beneficial. If using for weight loss purposes, it can be stacked with other supplements designed to assist with weight loss.
Answer: Hi Devin, unfortunately we are still waiting on the license from health Canada for this product. It still may be awhile. | 2019-04-25T16:43:24 | https://www.canadianprotein.com/phenylethylamine |
Welcome to Sleep Good Night.
Whether you are here because you want to sleep better, want to learn how to beat insomnia on your own, or because you are looking for a bit of extra help through sleep coaching – welcome. There is no shortage on the internet of “top 10” tips for better sleep, “proven” tips, “simple” tricks, “natural remedies”, etc. Believe me, I’ve come across a hundred or more of these guides over the years, and chances are, you have read and tried many of these tips before too. And, well, they probably didn’t help all that much, or else you’d be spending your well-rested awake time doing something more fun than visiting this site.
I created this site because I wanted to approach giving “helpful sleep tips” differently. I wanted to cut through the noise out there on the internet by offering simple and practical tips based primarily on this clinically sound, evidence-based approach: the gold standard in non-medication-based insomnia treatment also known as CBT-I (or, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia).
Don’t get scared by those two words if you’re unfamiliar with them. I find it pretty common for people to have had insomnia for many years before realizing they had it, being formally diagnosed with it, or even learning what the term means. Insomnia is a clinical word that simply means: difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep, which happens 3+ nights a week and causes daytime sleepiness or other issues, and which has been going on for 3+ months. Not too complicated, right?
Most people who reach the point of seeking help from their doctor for their sleep problems will immediately get prescribed a sleep medication. Which is a shame because there exists a non-medication approach that is proven to be more effective in the long term than medications and which is recommended as the first-line treatment for insomnia by a huge consensus of medical bodies – you guessed it, CBT-I! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia starts with understanding how sleep is regulated and how insomnia forms and then applies behavioral (and cognitive) techniques to help you get un-stuck from a pattern of poor sleep.
There is a well-documented mismatch between number of people suffering from insomnia and the number of trained professionals offering CBT-I to treat insomnia. This site aims to help with this gap by offering free tips, guides, resources, and ramblings from an actual practitioner treating clients using CBT-I (in my day job). And, if you’d like standalone adult sleep coaching sessions for more individualized consultation and guidance (not actual treatment with me), I’d be happy to help and my rates are very reasonable. But I hope you will see that the goal of this site is primarily to provide education and value in the area of improving your sleep, not to push my services.
The brilliant thing about the CBT-I approach is that if you follow it, it just works. For most people with a mild or uncomplicated insomnia problem, following the protocols (or guidelines or tips, whatever you want to call them) will result in their bodies responding in a predictable way to reach the desired outcome of better sleep. They don’t really even need to meet with an insomnia specialist like me. And in fact, there are plenty of books out there that will teach you the methods and walk you through it. A lot of information on the internet as well, if you look in the right places. And in recent years, even apps and online-based programs that deliver the intervention from the comfort of your home, with reportedly clinically significant results. So, if want to learn more about how to treat your sleep problems on your own using the best evidence-based approach, you’ve come to the right place. If you feel your sleep problems are more than mild, or you think they may be complicated by factors such as breathing issues/snoring, mental health issues, or other medical disorders, this is probably not the place to start, and I think you’d better go to your doctor first.
Thanks for visiting, and I hope this site can be a helpful part of your journey to get better sleep.
Copyright © 2017 Sleep Good Night. All Rights Reserved. | 2019-04-19T23:19:20 | http://www.sleepgoodnight.com/ |
Well, there's a funny thing! I spotted this on eBay today.
According to the seller these unprinted 2nd class stamps came in a pack from Royal Mail's Tallents House Bureau. The pack is listed now with a 9 February end date.
If you have such a plentiful supply of blank 2nd-class, I'll have a strip of both please.
Just sold for over £77.00, unbelievable. I wonder how long it will take for the Farm Animals or the Union Flag to appear?
Well if people are going to be this gullible I can see a nice little cottage industry developing. Whilst this item is probably genuine it's going to be very easy to fake.
What with unscrupulous individuals pulling strips from machines to create artificial "errors", and others selling dubiously obtained blank strips, post and go are a ready source of several little cons. Caveat Emptor.
This reminds me of the 2004 Classic Locomotives Mini Sheet Presentation Pack which was easily and regularly faked and sold as such in significant numbers at inflated prices.
The 2nd class is the one item which has not been widely available. Many of the other blanks which are on the market have been found in PO waste bins from roll ends or obtained by favour when a jammed PO machine is being sorted out.
This hasn't happened with the 2nd class, which have only been available in a controlled environment (Stamp Fairs or Pop-Up Shop) when somebody has been in constant attendance.
But yes, we might expect someone to 'create' some from blanks or other issues, as was done with the Locos MS, and indeed the locomotives short pane ex PSB.
£77! Is that the tippy tappy noise of numerous new eBay listings being created I can hear? And all featuring blank Post & Go stamps in packs "as sold by Royal Mail"? This hobby amazes me sometimes. About a year ago I turned away an offer of Union Flag blanks in packs at a little over twice face. They were said to have been sold by a philatelic counter. | 2019-04-19T05:23:54 | https://blog.norphil.co.uk/2014/02/post-and-go-stamp-pack-error-straight.html |
After months of struggling to get leads off of their website while paying for SEO services and seeing no clear results, Ottawa MediSpa came to us with hopes of improving their SEO & generating more leads through their website. We quickly discovered that their main problem wasn’t SEO, but CRO, and we redeveloped their website to direct traffic flow to newly created CTAs that we had strategically designed & placed. Over the past many months, we have worked closely alongside Ottawa MediSpa to enhance their digital presence through improvements on their website, social platforms and more.
Thanks to a multitude of continuous strategic changes and added features on Ottawa MediSpa’s website, they have seen their number of users increase by 20%. The site has become more dynamic and user-friendly for both new users & Ottawa MediSpa’s existing client base.
Our ultimate goal in working with Ottawa MediSpa has always been to assist them in generating more qualified leads through the implementation of our digital strategies. We are incredibly proud to have helped them increase their leads by 3000% year over year on a 90 day period.
Once we tackled the issue of Ottawa MediSpa’s poor conversion rate, we immediately began A/B testing & determining the most effective plan for drastically improving it. Through the outworking of our CRO strategy, Ottawa MediSpa has seen a remarkable 19.4x increase in conversion rate. | 2019-04-25T07:07:30 | https://reenvision.ca/ottawa-medispa/ |
Los Delfines Community, Costa Rica.
An amazing opportunity to own a piece of paradise in the gorgeous beach and golf community of Los Delfines! Brand new, contemporary designed Villas only a short walk to the beach, golf course and clubhouse amenities. There are plenty of options available to customize these properties as your own, as shown in the sample images. Be ahead of the curve and take advantage of this increasingly popular area; Costa Rica’s southern Nicoya Peninsula. This is an opportunity to get your foot into a thriving and growing community. Move-in ready! Just waiting for your personal touches to make this Villa your exotic escape. | 2019-04-23T11:56:37 | https://remax-losdelfines-cr.com/ara-del-mar-2/ |
When we welcome a new life to this world, we can’t help but be in awe of the miraculous birth of the tiny precious being. There is something sacred about a newborn—purity, innocence, and raw beauty.
When we say goodbye to a loved one who passed on, we fall silent in the face of death’s finality. There is something sacred about a soul departed—peaceful, dignified, and surrendered.
Between our existence defining moments of birth and death, we consider most things ordinary, part of living—nothing sacred about that.
But that may not be the case. Let me share a simple example with you.
In the evening, my partner and I perform a series of neck stretches. The time and pace varies from day to day, but it’s a 5 minute routine that on the surface appears mundane.
Lately I’ve been thinking: How many people out of the billions alive today are doing what we’re doing? What are the chances of them doing the same moves, in the same sequence, at the same time?
Even if they did all of that, which is highly unlikely, they can’t be in the same place, wearing the same clothes, thinking the same thoughts.
No one is doing what I’m doing in this moment, the same way, under the same circumstances.
This means life is experiencing this moment through me in a very different way from anyone else.
On the surface, most actions look the same—walking, stretching, going to the bathroom, eating, or breathing—and the thing that we once thought was amazing (think of a toddler trying to walk for the first time), loses its luster and feels normal.
But there is nothing ordinary about anything we do.
Everything is sacred if we realize that we’re the only ones doing it—our time, our effort, our way.
This expression of life happens only once, and then it’s gone.
Every act, thought, or feeling manifests only once. It’s born, and then it’s gone. One of a kind experience for all of life. What’s not sacred about that?
The word sacred originated from devotion. We can consider everything we do and experience as a form of devotion to life.
Dedicated to a purpose: Our sole purpose in this existence is to live and express ourselves in each and every moment, as long as we’re alive.
Regarded with reverence: Each fleeting moment—with its thoughts, feelings, and actions—is worthy of awe and respect.
Secured against violation: The mere fact that something is taking place is proof enough that life honors it and allows it to be.
We take most of life for granted. But when we stop and look at it with reverence, we see the unique, delicate, and transient beauty.
All of life is moving through each one of us in a unique way that doesn’t happen twice ever again.
And each act and countless variations fall within the realm of possibility waiting to take shape. We are the expressers of possibility.
We are the paint colors playing on the canvas of creation. We are the musical notes dancing to the rhythm of the universe.
We are the vehicles of this creation, and we are doing it one act at a time.
When we see life from this perspective, we realize that what we do matters to life, even if doesn’t have any meaning.
There is no need to look for meaning behind the passing motions of life. They’re happening for the sake of happening. And we’re the ones making them happen.
Teeth to be brushed, hair to be combed, floors to be cleaned, bowels to be emptied, garbage to be collected, places to go, people to see, things to talk about, things to be angry about, things to feel passionate about, things to abhor, time to play, time to rest, and maybe time to waste.
In the larger scheme of life there is no waste—only transformation. There is no right way or wrong way of doing something—there is doing. And there is no right or wrong way of feeling or being either.
A job done well, or a job done poorly, focused and distracted action, rushing or meandering, elegant or disheveled appearance, feeling relaxed or stressed. All sacred.
Appreciate yourself for everything that you’re doing for life.
Everything you do may not matter on the surface, but it is part of the universe having a one of a kind moment.
I invite you today to see your life differently. Look at everything you do as part of life’s mission.
You are life expressing life with every breath, smile, tear, and gesture. Life lives and experiences its sacredness through you in each moment, when you’re awake, when you’re asleep, and in your dreams.
You are life and life is you—sacred, one of a kind, and worthy of all the love, respect and appreciation of the universe. | 2019-04-23T10:31:30 | https://www.onewithnow.com/sacred/ |
Already releasing a collaborative Air Force 1 with Supreme and Nike later this Fall, Comme des Garçons has also put their own twist on the Nike Cortez.
Seen above, the Comme des Garçons x Nike Cortez features one very drastic and obvious alteration as this shoe will make you a lot taller. The women’s Nike Cortez features a whit leather upper with contrasting black on the Swoosh branding as well as on the tongue tag and heel tab. The most notable feature is the platform-styled rubber sole that will add inches to you height. Mismatched CDG branded insoles complete the look.
An exact release date has not been announced yet, but look for the Comme des Garçons x Nike Cortez to release some time during Fall/Winter.
The post The Upcoming Comme des Garçons x Nike Cortez Will Make You Taller appeared first on KicksOnFire.com. | 2019-04-21T22:07:19 | http://airjordanreleasedate.com/comme-des-garcons-x-nike-cortez/ |
Chatbots are one of the hottest topics in the technology world today. Nowadays they use natural language processing and machine learning to provide highly useful, customized services. This is why cutting-edge companies and brands are excited by their potential to transform how they interact with customers and prospects.
How you can build a chatbot, and what are the key platforms and libraries that will help you. We’ll also demonstrate how you can create a chatbot even if you have no programming knowledge. | 2019-04-20T09:05:55 | https://www.belatrixsf.com/webinars/need-know-chatbots/ |
An Edinburgh man who failed to meet the needs of the cats he was responsible for has been given a five year ban from owning or keeping animals following a Scottish SPCA investigation.
Police in Edinburgh have now charged a number of youths in connection with the serious assault of three people in the Gorgie area.
Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses following an assault and attempted robbery in the Abbeyhill area of the city.
Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses following a second robbery at an off-licence in the west of the city.
Police in Edinburgh have charged a 25-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman under the Misuse of Drugs Act following the recovery of Class A and Class B drugs from within properties in the west of the city.
Police in West Lothian are appealing for information following an assault and robbery in Bathgate. | 2019-04-19T14:20:14 | http://www.liveedinburghnews.co.uk/category/crime/page/2/ |
How is the Wilshire Corridor condo market doing? Let’s compare with the same period in 2017.
Wilshire Selby East: Sold 0.
Overall sales on the Wilshire Corridor are fairly flat. The properties in red are those leaning towards a buyers’ market with, in most cases, prices down from last year. | 2019-04-25T08:28:40 | https://homejane.com/how-is-the-wilshire-corridor-condo-market-3rd-qtr-2018/ |
The operators of the all-new Webster Hall released details yesterday about the revamped venue on 11th Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue.
As previously reported, Webster Hall — now owned by BSE Global and The Bowery Presents — returns this spring (about a year earlier than expected).
For starters, Webster Hall announced a slate of performers, starting with Patti Smith and Her Band on May 1. Other upcoming acts include Broken Social Scene, MGMT, Empire of the Sun, Old Dominion, Sharon Van Etten, Built to Spill, Real Estate, Big Thief, TroyBoi and Royal Trux.
You can find more dates at the Webster Hall website. American Express card members can purchase tickets before the general public beginning Monday morning and through Thursday. Tickets for the general public go on sale March 1 at noon.
The renovations at Webster Hall aimed to preserve the iconic features of the venue, while modernizing it to meet today’s entertainment standards and enhance the guest experience. The Lounge (formerly The Marlin Room) has been revamped to serve as a bar and meeting spot for ticketholders both before and after shows in the Grand Ballroom.
Design details of The Lounge include elegant gold stenciling on the walls that pays homage to the original historic design, and fluted glass along the bar that mimics the venue’s former windows.
In the Grand Ballroom, the original stage remains, while acoustics were enhanced to create an optimal live event experience. Fans and artists returning to Webster Hall will notice other new features such as central air conditioning, expanded restrooms, additional stairwells for smoother entry and exit, and the venue’s first-ever elevator that will serve guests with disabilities and speed up each show’s load-in and load-out process.
Behind the scenes, an artist compound was built with upgraded amenities to provide direct access to the Ballroom stage, creating a more comfortable and inviting environment for performers and their management. The venue’s basement level, formerly known as The Studio at Webster Hall, will also return, with more details to be announced at a later date.
The architect of the revived venue is OTJ Architects, the contractor is Shawmut Design and Construction, and acoustic design is by L’Acoustics. Once open, Webster Hall will employ an estimated 70 people across various positions in the venue, between front of house and back of house, on any given event night.
The Times got a sneak preview of the venue yesterday, if you'd like to read that here.
This landmarked building has been around since 1886. It re-opened as Webster Hall in October 1992 after the Ballinger family purchased and renovated the space that was known as The Ritz during the 1980s. | 2019-04-18T23:03:55 | https://evgrieve.com/2019/02/more-details-emerge-about-revamped.html |
Stop everything. The first ever Brady Bunch convention is happening this weekend in New Jersey. Do you know what this means? It’s time to pull out your Carol Brady butterfly-collared, avocado-green dress and pay tribute to one of TV’s most fashionable moms. Florence Henderson singlehandedly made sitcom motherhood more psychedelic than it had ever been before, thanks to her incredible wardrobe.
She’s not just a TV mom, she’s the TV mom. From her extensive frilly nightgown collection, to her ginormous collars and vests, Mrs. Brady was always impeccably dressed for a ’70s disco party. She also knew how to accessorize. Note the long, slightly Stevie Nicks-ish necklace. Very cool.
No matter what your opinion is on her parenting style, one thing is indisputable: Betty Francis knows how to dress. Her waistline hugging dress suits and perfectly primped hair make me cringe at my workout pants. Throw me a skirt, Betty!
Conducting research on human sexuality is no small feat, and neither is being a mother. How she even has the time to purchase a wardrobe is a mystery to me. But between her and high-waisted pencil skirts, she is the poster child for late ’50s elegance. I’m calling dibs on the hat.
I’m fudging this one a bit since Denise became a mom much later on The Cosby Show, but I do this with good reason. Denise Huxtable may very well go down as one of the most stylish characters in television history. Between her printed head wraps, eccentric hats, and slouchy sweaters, she’s got boho-chic executed to perfection . . . don’t let these Google image results tell you otherwise.
Endora is one witchy momma with the clothes to prove it. , but she was a witch, for goodness sake. What do you expect?
Aside from that voluminous red hair, Peggy Bundy is best known for her waist-cinching belts and spandex pants. Some argue that her leopard print leotards are beyond the boundaries of “good taste,” but I say what the heck. Her style is kitschy, and that’s why we love it.
Aah, Morticia and her minimalist ways. Seeing as though the concept for Morticia’s character was born in the 1930s by cartoonist, Charles Addams, it’s safe to say that she may very well be the original gothic girl. We learned from Morticia that if you’re going to wear one dress all the time, you better make it a black, floor-length gown, with draping sleeves and a plunging neckline.
Selina’s outfits are just as sharp as her tongue. And while her foul mouth borders on is totally unprofessional, her tailored dresses paint a very different portrait. To all my working office professionals, take heed. The only F-bombs you should be dropping are some Ferragamos at the end of a long work day.
Wilhelmina Slater is undoubtedly an ice queen (her daughter Nico would probably agree), but boy does she know how to work an outfit. Whether she’s flaunting a flamboyant white suit or a sleek and simple dress, she rarely disappoints in the style department. Just remember—a crappy attitude is the ugliest thing you can ever wear (seriously).
Laura Petrie exuded that classic ’60s elegance in every piece she wore, but let us not forget about her infamous Capri pants! Mary Tyler Moore, who played the character of Laura Petrie, insisted that it was unrealistic for women to do housework draped in dresses and jewels, and opted for the pants instead. Of course, the wardrobe choice caused a bit of controversy at first, but later became popular to female viewers.
Lily van der Woodsen possesses a certain sophistication that requires a matching attitude to go along with it. Even though her clothes are contemporary, she’s got that retro-chic spark fit for a ’60s fashion magazine. With the exception of Endora and her daughter Samantha on Bewitched, Lily and Serena van der Woodsen might be one of the most fashionable mother-daughter combos in TV history.
Alicia Florrick is not only a smart woman, but also a smart dresser. She’s the definition of sleek sophistication and a poster child for modern work wear. I’ll take two of those jackets, thank you.
In spite of the hulking shoulder pads and confusing hemlines that dominated ’80s fashion, Clair Huxtable still managed to come out on the other side totally unscathed. Not to mention, she’s one of the most beloved sitcom moms of all time.
I think I’m slowly coming to the realization that antagonists are generally well-dressed, and Victoria Grayson is certainly no exception to the rule. Has she ever not worn a contemporary designer dress?
Is there any other character more lovable than Lucy Ricardo? While she may be revered for being one of the greatest sitcom stars of all time, we also would like to give an appreciative nod to mid-century dresses and head wraps.
I don’t know about you, but I’m all for a little white asymmetrical dress and chunky necklace. Betty’s blue number with the Grecian neckline isn’t too shabby either. . . figuratively speaking, I mean. | 2019-04-19T17:17:18 | https://hellogiggles.com/lifestyle/home-decorating/17-tv-moms-borrow-clothes/ |
Certifications are an important part of a sustainable cocoa economy but not the only solution. Measuring and verifying our practices is important for our own business and the industry as a whole. Our and our customer’s growing commitment to stringent third-party certifications like Fair Trade USA, Rainforest Alliance and Organic help to contribute to positive change.
With our customer’s support, we’re working with the Round Table for Sustainable Palm oil (RSPO), which provides an important platform to address deforestation and habitat loss that palm oil cultivation can present.
Through Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification we’re addressing sustainability within our packaging requirements.
These certifications express our commitment to supporting farmer organizations and increasing farmer incomes as well as protecting the environment.
Learn more about our commitment to Fair Trade certification for our branded Collection Etienne products. | 2019-04-24T02:47:33 | https://www.guittard.com/cultivate-better/certifications |
Take the best selfies with the Selfie Extendable Monopod Stick. Compatible with any smartphone camera with a 3.5mm jack.
Bluetooth is not required, simply plug in and use the built-in remote on the selfie stick to take your photos. By far the best selfie stick on the market. | 2019-04-26T08:23:51 | https://www.asseenontvwebstore.com/Best-Selfie-Stick-s/172.htm |
MS Arti Chopra, a dedicated Educationist with over 27 years of experience has served in various capacities as a teacher, mentor, trainer, planner, skill developer and a tireless worker for the cause of children. An alumnus of Lady Shree Ram College, DU, a post -graduate in Economics and Management is a firm exponent of new trends in education, teacher empowerment with technology and is passionate about lifelong learning.
Amity International School, Sector-46, Gurgaon, founded by Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan in the year 2003, is a co-educational English medium public school, providing education from Class I to XII. With an enrolment of approximately 4000 students, the school is a part of the chain of Amity International Schools that function under the guidance of Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity Group of Schools and RBEF. It believes in the principle of inducing educational, social, cultural and spiritual awakening among students and stands true to the philosophy of ‘Modernity blending with tradition’. | 2019-04-23T13:52:38 | http://sahodayagurugram.blogspot.com/p/amity-international-school-sector-46.html |
This is a placeholder page for Brianna Durb, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Brianna Durb.
You are visiting the placeholder page for Brianna Durb. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Brianna Durb. We created this page automatically in hopes Brianna Durb would find it. If you are not Brianna Durb, but are an alumni of Elma High School, register on this site for free now. | 2019-04-18T19:22:32 | http://elmahighschool.org/alumni/3067388/brianna-durb.html |
As we were already aware – after John Legere’s press conference at CES – last quarter was incredible for T-Mobile. More than 1.6 million customers joined Magenta’s ranks. 981k of those were branded.
All the freeways are now open. As snow falls on Washtenaw County Monday morning, dispatchers are warning that the roads are icy and crashes have been reported on many area roadways. A Washtenaw County.
It might be hard to imagine spring or summer during these freezing-cold winter weeks, but the weather will be warming up eventually, and that means the start of road construction. Senior Project.
Ald. Michael D’Amato is near the end of his third term representing Milwaukee’s Third District on the Common Council. It appears he will face challenges from Sura Faraj and Nik Kovac in the April.
However, Green said she and her team could not support this action with their recommendation without further vetting at the building level and getting significant feedback from principals on the.
The city of Ann Arbor has about 300 miles of city streets it’s responsible for maintaining, including 100 miles of major streets and 200 miles of residential streets. It also has 13 street bridges and.
To be fair to Metro Transit, this is a test period with new drivers getting used to the route. “service,” noting “trains will operate every 10 minutes during peak travel periods, with a travel time.
"When you factor into the income potential or the location, or the hotness or coolness of the market, you get into the pricing. flexible zoning classification, I94 ingress/egress, and high.
RACINE COUNTY — Local business leaders are calling for the state Legislature to keep Interstate 94 construction on track, saying it is critical for the county’s economic development. Racine Area.
Residents living in a subdivision next to a small airport in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., watched in disbelief last April as a twin-engine plane crashed into a nearby house and burst into flames. The pilot.
As the freeway closure extended on Saturday morning, police then closed I-94 to traffic further west at Ann Arbor-Saline Road. That allowed state police to "funnel" drivers off of the highway, MDOT.
She was traveling from Woodbury to Minneapolis. “I wasn’t as concerned about the roads as flights being delayed. I figured we’d get to the airport in plenty of time and then sit here a few hours,”.
fields from a propagating lightning channel with arbitrary orientation. There are three equivalent approaches to calculating the electric fields produced by a specified source. Two of these.
I have to add this: I found out about it because an old post of mine about a fireball over Wisconsin in 2007 suddenly was getting a lot of traffic and new comments. Someone must have linked to it.
The City of St. Paul has identified about 20 miles of streets it says are badly in need of repair. This map shows the “Terrible 20,” as Mayor Chris Coleman calls them. Are there streets that aren’t on.
Cooper said additional funding would be needed to fill more sidewalk gaps or install wayfinding signs to help bicyclists get around town. In five years, he said, the city has filled only 2.9 miles of.
Kadena’s 18th Wing Weather Flight extended forecast calls for sustained 40-mph winds and 58-mph gusts Thursday morning; parts of Okinawa could get sustained 52-mph winds. it’s forecast to travel. | 2019-04-21T12:31:42 | https://www.setecruise.com/getting-i94-on-extended-i797without-travelling/ |
With over a decade of experience in catering to European and American brands supplying a wide spread of textile products, Spectrum has developed an entire team, system and most importantly a network of high-quality production partners that can offer products ranging from fashion to accessories to home furnishings.
Our team of designers works with you to understand your concept and design sense, create a product line as well as help locate and subsequently work with a suitable product partner with you to manufacture your product and realize your end vision. We ensure that the right quality and value is derived by you within the Sustainable Indian Textile industry. Essentially, sitting in your home country you get a partner in us within India! | 2019-04-20T21:02:23 | http://www.spectruminternational.in/services/buying-house-for-textiles/ |
We carry Dust at wholesale prices. Read Dust reviews and contact us for more Dust details.
Quality Dust! Buy Dust now. Get Dust from Ebay.com. | 2019-04-20T04:11:57 | https://www.juststeamerstore.com/dust-discounts/dust.html |
Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Inviting Midcentury By With Regard To 2. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Amazing Table Hairpin For 3. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Really Encourage Nightstands Under 200 Pinterest And 4. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Elegant Nightstands Mekomi Co Espan Us Intended For 5. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Stylish Amazon Com Furniture Table For 6. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Warm Table Twoiseven Com Intended For 7. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Residence Davis Side Table Twist Options For Lounge With Regard To 8. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Stunning Round Design Ideas Regarding 9. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Amazing Gonnermann Furniture Shop Sideboard In Addition To 10. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Table Regarding 11. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Awesome Nightstand And 12. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables House Nightstand Nightstands Fantastic Pertaining To 13. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Warm 1940s Table In Cherry Wood Gio Ponti Intended For 14. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Awesome Table The Holland Find Out New Pertaining To 15. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Stunning Umwdining Com Pertaining To 16. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Property Fancy Intended For 17. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables Lovely Table And 18. Mid Century Modern Bedside Tables House Outstanding Spectacular In Bedroom For 19. | 2019-04-24T21:52:11 | http://shirobigdeck.com/mid-century-modern-bedside-tables/mid-century-modern-bedside-tables-really-encourage-nightstands-under-200-pinterest-and-4/ |
In today’s post I thought I would do a quick face of the day (FOTD). I loved this look as it was super highlighted, glowy and the lipstick gave a dramatic summery vibe.
So onto what I was wearing.
Here are the original photos I took of my make-up as I did touch up the previous ones to smooth out my skin (and blur the background). Please don't hate me for that!
Let me know if you like the look? What are your favourite colours to wear in the summer? | 2019-04-23T14:47:29 | http://www.emma-jayne.co.uk/2016/06/face-of-day-june-emma-jayne.html |
Measures 16 1/2 ' overall made of our solid wood lacrosse shafts.
Base is solid Oak, stained black cherry.
Install like any other sconce lighting. | 2019-04-25T21:41:56 | http://www.blackfeetlacrosse.com/store/p361/Laxlight%C2%AE_Sconce_lamp_Lacrosse_light_-_Ohio.html |
Smythe Canada has created essential wardrobe pieces that are both modern and emotional. The contemporary, flawlessly-tailored jackets and coats feature nostalgic colors, textures and prints that are distinct in their traditional menswear tailoring details. This artful tailoring and sartorial fit made Smythe Clothing an instant success in Canada when the label launched in 2004. Smythe's made-in-Canada jackets and coats are iconic silhouettes that are novel yet versatile. | 2019-04-23T11:14:49 | https://schad.ca/collections/smythe-les-vestes |
Market Lane Coffee Queen Victoria Market Tags : Observable Lane Coffee Table Graceful Coffee Tables toronto. Glorious Italian Furniture Coffee Tables.
admin Coffee Table, 2018-08-06 11:28:12.So, if you would like obtain these fantastic pictures about (Observable Lane Coffee Table), press save icon to download these images to your computer. They are ready for obtain, if you like and wish to own it, just click save logo on the web page, and it'll be immediately downloaded to your laptop. As a final point if you want to have new and the latest image related to (Observable Lane Coffee Table), please follow us on google plus or bookmark this site, we attempt our best to present you daily up grade with fresh and new images. Hope you like keeping here. For many upgrades and recent information about (Observable Lane Coffee Table) photos, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark section, We attempt to provide you with up-date periodically with all new and fresh graphics, love your exploring, and find the ideal for you. | 2019-04-20T00:17:19 | http://blowoutcongress.com/tag/market-lane-coffee-queen-victoria-market/ |
Most householders prefer it this way. We offer prompt and courteous Stump Grinding in Treece, KS to all our clients. If you need a stump to be removed today, just give us a call at 888-539-0008 and we’ll help you.
We’re here so you’ll have fewer worries. We are a company specializing in Stump Grinding in Treece, KS so we can provide low-cost services to you. We have been in the field of stump removal since 1999.
Prices for Stump Grinding in Treece, KS vary depending on whether you hire the professional services or you do it yourself. However, in most cases renting a stump grinder or any other tools can be more expensive and much more dangerous than hiring a stump grinding company.
We pride ourselves in being the best-equipped Stump Grinding company in Treece, KS. This shows our effort to meet your needs and provide our service effectively. Our equipment can be modified in their depth capabilities depending on the job’s demands. In addition, we can assure that although our equipment is powerful to remove your stump, it is friendly to your landscape and nature.
If there’s a stump in your yard which needs to be removed, just give us a call. We will provide you with courteous and prompt Stump Grinding in Treece, KS.
Aside from guaranteeing you satisfactory services, we also assure you that our prices are more reasonable than most other Stump Grinding companies in Treece, KS. Call us now at 888-539-0008 and we will give you a free estimate for your stump removing needs. | 2019-04-20T17:05:45 | http://www.simplestumpgrinding.com/ks/stump-grinding-in-treece/ |
Amino-NR is a complex of amino acids in naturally occurring ratios, providing support for daily wellness.
Assists in the building of lean muscle mass when combined with regular resistance training and a healthy balanced diet.
Amino acids are the building blocks for all proteins, making them essential for a number of body functions, including fluid balance, enzyme production, cellular repair and energy metabolism. In everyone from trained athletes to the elderly, amino acids play an important role in muscle protein synthesis. Amino acids also provide important support by assisting in the building of lean muscle mass when combined with regular resistance training and a healthy balanced diet. l-Methionine, an essential amino acid, is a lipotropic compound that also supports healthy hepatic function, including lipid metabolism. This formula is based on the ratios of amino acids found naturally in high-biological value (BV) protein sources. In addition to offering a comprehensive blend of amino acids, Amino-NR provides alpha ketoglutarate, taurine and vitamin C. Alpha lipoic acid is also included to provide antioxidant support for the maintenance of good health, while vitamin B6 acts as a cofactor for healthy amino acid metabolism. | 2019-04-19T04:45:48 | https://www.thatchannel.com/product/pure-encapsulations-amino-nr/ |
Please with our stay but a few things were left unchecked before we arrived. Both bins were full , bbq not cleaned and gas bottle was empty. Quite a few cobwebs inside and out. Maybe a little maintenance could be done on the screen doors aswell. Apart from those few things the house was very comfortable.
Property was clean and spacious! Have everything you would need for a trip away from home! Will deffinently be coming back! | 2019-04-23T21:52:02 | https://www.abritel.fr/location-vacances/p9083742a |
Discussion in 'Casinomeister Warnings' started by maxd, Aug 16, 2017.
We've seen a couple PABs regarding Diamond Reels (diamondreels.com) in recent months. In both cases the casino's final response was that they found the player listed in a CND (Central Negative Database) and that was their reason for confiscating the player's winnings. In neither case did the casino offer direct evidence against the players, only that the player was listed in the CND.
In our judgement a player being listed in a CND is basically hearsay evidence: someone, somewhere has flagged them as a risk player. There is no further investigation into the accusation, just the listing itself.
Furthermore the casino gives no advance warning that they will use the CND against players. When asked to explain why they did not the casino people simply said "most players are aware the CND exists." That may or may not be true but no player is made aware of the CND or it's potential impact on their winnings until it is too late for the player to make an informed decision.
If the casino wishes to use the CND listing as grounds for closing a player's account that is of course their business but any monies owed the player(s) should first be paid. In our judgement a CND listing alone is no reasonable grounds for confiscation, especially if players are not made aware, in advance, that a CND listing could be used against them.
WARNING: Diamond Reels is using CNDs to deny player winnings. Players are advised that this predatory policy can and will be used against them without prior notice.
I suspect there might be some need to discuss this Warning. As such I've started an open thread for that purpose: Casinomeister Warning, Diamond Reels using CND to deny player winnings. | 2019-04-26T01:52:25 | https://www.casinomeister.com/forums/threads/diamond-reels-is-using-cnd-to-deny-winnings.80510/ |
6 AM Weather fine – cloudy.
10 AM All personnel preparing for departure to trenches and afternoon devoted to cleaning billets and adjacent grounds.
8 PM The Battalion left VILLERS AU BOIS for trenches – relieving 5th C.M.R. Battalion. Relief completed without casualties.Headquarters Forward established at SPANDAUS HAUS – Map Location S 29 C 2.6 Sheet 36 C .
The Battalion is now in reserve. Weather – Raining and trenches very muddy. | 2019-04-19T00:33:52 | https://2cmr.wordpress.com/tag/5th-cmr/ |
“It is impossible to see human nature carried to such perfection (…) There are so many who claim to have beauty, but who don’t give it. But the King of Cambodia gives it to us. Even the children are great artists. This is absolutely unimaginable!” –Wrote Augusta Rodin after seeing Cambodian dancers perform in Marseilles.
The origins of Khmer dance dates back to the first century—making it one of the world’s oldest dance tradition. It is a highly expressive form of art, a beautiful celebration of movement and storytelling, and an intimate part of Cambodian culture and life; whether it is being performed for a festival or for religious purposes. It is artistry in motion and is distinguished by its elegant and graceful movements; which are as intricate and detailed as it’s beautifully elaborate costumes. This highly stylized and refined form of dance consists of approximately 4000 different gestures.
Though the Royal Cambodian Ballet is perhaps the most traditional form of Cambodian dance in existence today, dance has always been a revered form of art in Cambodia; something to be enjoyed by people at all levels of society. Royal Court dancers typically trained from age of six and were an established part of the Cambodian king’s court. The performances ranged from being pure dance pieces choreographed for entertainment, to romantic duets, sacred pieces reserved for royal ceremonies, and dance dramas portraying myths and regional legends; all celebrating movement of the human body.
Cambodian dance is also rich in folk tradition. These were dances were choreographed in rural regions of Cambodia for entertainment as well as rituals—used to request rain and a bountiful harvest from the gods and spirits of the regions. Folk dances are typically very fast paced, contrasting from the slow precise movements of dances found in the Royal Court.
Due to its history and unparalleled repertoire in 1960, UNESCO has selected Cambodian Dance as the Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Between 1975 and 1979, one third of Cambodia’s population had tragically perished under the hands of the Khmer Rouge. Ninety percent of the country’s fine artists were executed, leaving only a handful of students and teachers to revive this delicate art form. Due to the arduous work of those who remained—and the dedicated efforts of this present generation—the nearly lost art of Cambodian traditional dance is being taught and performed again; linking past, present and future Khmer generations.
Specializing in the traditional dances of Cambodia. | 2019-04-23T13:02:35 | http://cambodiandance.org/dance-in-cambodia |
These days, almost every premium smartphone out there comes with a fingerprint reader built-in and most recently, we’ve seen even cheaper handsets get this feature. However, chances are that you’re still using the old ways of securing your device, such as a password or a pattern lock on your device, as you don’t have this option.
There are plenty of apps out there which can provide a workaround solution in case you don’t have a fingerprint reader embedded. One such tool is App lock Finger Print from SUXD developer which locks any app you wish by using your fingerprint and your smartphone’s camera. I’ve tried the app myself and can confirm that it works as advertised.
Before being able to lock apps with your fingerprint, you first have to scan your index finger a couple of times so that the app could remember the pattern. After that, you can select whatever app you like and set up the fingerprint locking method. And whenever you or somebody else will try to open it, they will have to match the pattern.
The app also supports pattern and password PIN lock and you can enable lock preferences for each separate app. According to the developer, it seems that a future update will allow users to lock files, as well, and this is going to be even more useful. | 2019-04-24T06:39:16 | https://techpp.com/2015/09/08/app-fingerprint-lock-smartphone-rear-camera/ |
I am Inna. I am from Ukraine. I have a degree in Finances and Economics. In 2002, I graduated from Agrarian University as a manager-economist. I am a private entrepreneur. I used to dance. | 2019-04-24T18:21:26 | https://www.rosebrides.com/brides/inna-677591.html |
Michael Jackon has earned an estimated $1 billion since his death in 2009, a study has revealed.
He’s still the King of Pop.
Michael Jackson has earned an estimated $1 billion since his death, according to Forbes.
The superstar passed away in 2009 but has raked in more than $115 million in album and merchandise sales in the last year alone.
“When a composer [or] a performer dies, that’s it,” Josh Rubenstein, National Chair of Trusts and Estates at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, told Forbes.
Other top-earning dead celebrities of 2015 included Elvis Presley at number two with $55 million and “Peanuts” creator Charles Schulz at three with $40 million.
Schulz’s millions come thanks to the enduring popularity of his characters, which include Charlie Brown and Snoopy. “The Peanuts Movie” is also set for release on November 6.
Michael Jackson may be gone, but his legacy lives on! The former "Thriller" singer can remembered by his wax figure Madame Tussauds in Hollywood, California and London, England, posing in his iconic dance move.
It is the fourth year in a row that the "Thriller" singer has topped the list.
Reggae legend Bob Marley ($21 million) and Hollywood star Elizabeth Taylor ($20 million) also make the top five of the list.
John Lennon was seventh in the list.
Jackson’s fortune has been generated by the Las Vegas Cirque du Soleil show “Michael Jackson One,” his Mijac Music catalog, recorded music sales and ownership of half of the Sony/ATV publishing empire.
It is the fourth year in a row that the former Jackson 5 singer has topped the list.
Since his death, Michael Jackson's estate have released two albums of previously unreleased track; 2010’s “Michael” and 2015’s “Xscape,” which topped album charts around the world.
The remaining stars to make the top 13 were Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, Albert Einstein, Paul Walker, Bettie Page, Theodor (Dr. Seuss) Geisell, Steve McQueen and James Dean. | 2019-04-26T09:45:22 | https://blacksnetwork.com/blog/7472/still-the-king-of-pop-study-reveals-that-michael-jackson-has-earned-1b-sinc/ |
Arrive and enjoy the charm of the historic old town.
We offer limited underground car parking spaces - a priceless advantage if you would like to lodge in the city center. We kindly ask to reserve a car parking space in advance.
Please be informed that the max. entrance high is 2,00 meters.
To enter the city center of Augsburg you need a valid enviroment badge. Please contact us for further questions.
You can reach the reception and all other floors via the lift from the underground car park. | 2019-04-19T14:45:33 | http://hotel-am-rathaus-augsburg.de/en-garage.html |
Great organizations start with great people. Talkspace provides the flexibility and quality your people deserve and the insights you need.
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Talkspace users enjoy secure, password-protected access to their own private therapy room that only their therapist sees.
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Let’s talk about your organization.
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Zven Balslev, born 1977, is a graduate MFA from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 2006. Lives and works in Copenhagen.
Balslev has focused his artistic practice on graphic art and drawing. His surreal, strong, dark yet humorous universe makes a characteristic and unique style that goes beyond the predetermined.
He experiments with various graphic techniques such as silkscreen, print, lino-cut, ink and white-out collages.
Balslev’s rich and complex works have appeared on a wide variety of publications, books, record covers and posters all over the world. | 2019-04-19T16:33:01 | https://www.beautonart.com/originals/drawings/zven-balslev-bluebottle-honey-pinball |
It’s almost unbelievable but the iconic, animated franchise Toy Story has been a part of our lives for more than 20 years. Entering cinemas in 1995, the first of the Pixar films brought us the heartwarming story of Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks), Buzz (Tim Allen) and the rest of the pint-sized gang. Personally, I’ll always have a special place in my heart for the scrappy, endlessly loyal Slinky Dog.
But prepare to have all those fuzzy childhood memories totally destroyed because one Twitter user has shared a frankly horrible story about something his daughter apparently said while watching the film.
Honestly, just take a second to compose yourself, because this is brutal.
And as if that’s not enough, here are some other fan theories that will make you rethink everything you ever loved about the film.
“The toys in toy story are immortal. They can’t die. I mean, they can be crushed or incinerated, but they will never die of old age.
Also on Reddit, u/imbackagainbros said: “Andy is a capitalist while Sid is a fascist/corporatist.
“Nothing intrinsically prevents the toys from misbehaving and showing aliveness when Andy or Sid are around. There’s just a cultural taboo that ensures that a toy doesn’t show life, but rather, obeys ‘job creators’ like Andy or Sid as simple puppets, despite actually being alive. The toys are not aware of their class interest.
In a blog post, David B said: “You should be able to recognize that the Toy Story 3 plot is clever predictive programming of what the Illuminati want to do.
We never knew people were reading so much into these kids’ films. So does this mean Minions is actually a metaphor for rampant, out-of-control drug-fuelled orgies? And don’t even get us started on Shrek! Disgusting. | 2019-04-24T09:53:38 | https://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/fan-theory-toy-story-film-twitter/363967 |
Huawei India launches three smart fitness wearable devices for the Indian customers. The three devices called Huawei Fit, Huawei Band 2 and Huawei Band 2 Pro will be available at a price tag of Rs 9,999, Rs 4,599 and Rs 6,999 respectively. These can be purchased from all the leading e-commerce websites, watch retail stores and multi-brand electronic stores across all major cities.
The smart bands are equipped with a set of functions like Heart Rate monitor, personal running coach, multisport modes, smart notifications, daily activity tracking and sleep monitoring.
Starting with Huawei Band 2 and the Band 2 Pro, these two smart fitness wearable devices were announced back in July this year. Both the devices function as a regular all-day fitness tracker. The company claims that both bands are waterproof with IP-68 rating and are compatible with both Android (Android 4.4 and above) and iOS (iOS 8.0 and above) devices.
The Band 2 Pro, among the two, includes a built-in GPS which helps in tracking distance, speed and movements that require a more accurate reading. The band also includes Firstbeat, a technology which assesses the body’s ability to utilise energy through a combination of speed and heartbeat data.
The Huawei Fit, on the other hand, doubles up as a fitness-oriented smartwatch with a 1.04-inch LCD touchscreen. It has an array of sensors, including heart rate (PPG), CAP, six-axis motion sensor and an ambient light sensor as well as the ability to receive smart notifications.
Previously, Huawei sub-brand Honor launched its Honor Band 3 in India. The fitness band had a heart rate sensor with continuous monitoring support and a water-resistant feature. It will be available in three colours namely Dynamic Orange, Classic Navy Blue, and Carbon Black exclusively on Amazon. | 2019-04-26T09:48:33 | https://www.biztechpost.com/huawei-launches-three-smart-fitness-wearable-devices-in-india/ |
As a system integrator and/or provider of Video Management System, PSIM, camera or encoder solutions, the challenge is ensuring the client is equipped with appropriate technology for the best results. Video analytics is often complementary to other technologies and, with the right configuration, provide sophisticated analysis of human and object behaviour that other technologies would find hard to match.
Ipsotek has an active Partner Programme which provides full training and support to partners. If you are an existing partner, please visit our Partner Portal for more information. Or fill-out the Contact form, to receive a call back. | 2019-04-20T08:18:39 | https://www.ipsotek.com/en/solutions-provider |
On Friday 25th January Mr. Simon Pickard came to our school to show us examples of music during the medieval times We learnt about many different instruments from the Hurdy-Gurdy to the Shawm. We were also able to listen to what the instruments sounded like. He was a fantastic musician! | 2019-04-23T04:13:12 | https://strschool.co.uk/news/Medieval-Music/39f495e7-207e-47f0-9129-a21257800fe3 |
In the heart of Derry, Amore offers modern bed and breakfast accommodation, free Wi-Fi and free parking.
Derry City Walls are a 2-minute walk away. Amore Bed & Breakfast has stylish en suite rooms and an inclusive full English breakfast is provided. | 2019-04-26T00:22:13 | https://www.bedandbreakfast-directory.co.uk/info.asp?id=114854 |
Nice compilation of information Robert! Can't wait for the next rendition of Office 365 but I hope it's not going to be too complicated or the wait too long for existing AU clients.Information on the M plans will interest many I am sure.Hopefully the transition process for existing customers will be kind as it was for the most part from BPOS to O365.
As soon as I find more I will be posting it here. I am doing a post soon on the service descriptions which provide information in detail. I'll try and summarize if I can. | 2019-04-22T05:57:34 | https://blog.ciaops.com/2013/01/31/new-office-365-information/ |
We the members of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ value and welcome a diverse congregation. We believe all persons are created in God’s image and are loved, valued and blessed equally by God. We celebrate everyone including people of all ages, races, cultures, sexual orientation, gender identities and expressions, family configuration, economic circumstances, physical, cognitive or emotional abilities, education, or spiritual and religious traditions. We hereby declare ourselves an Open and Affirming Christian community, that all persons are invited to fully share and participate in leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings and joys of our church family.
We strive to demonstrate in all ways that “no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” We commit to the ongoing work of an ONA congregation, trusting in God’s grace and guidance from the Holy Spirit, to fulfill this affirmation.
We encourage each other to bring questions, experience joy, feel included, and be part of something greater than ourselves. We support local programs as well as the Special Missions Offerings of the United Church of Christ. Welcome!
In 2009 we found ourselves at a crossroads. Like many churches with old buildings, our maintenance costs became more than our budget for ministry and mission. We decided that the future quality of our community and ministry was more important than a structure or its nostalgia, and we sold our building in downtown Elgin - our church home for 130 years. We worked hard and prayed hard for the chance to continue our ministry in a new space and with a renewed vision to "be the church." In 2012 we completed construction of our new church on Plank Road - still serving Elgin, but now also neighbors with Gilberts, Hampshire, Pingree Grove, and Campton Hills. In December 2017, we made the final payment on our mortgage! God is good! | 2019-04-22T22:57:39 | http://stpauluccelgin.org/about-us |
Subsets and Splits