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the country bears wastes an exceptionally good idea . | the script was reportedly rewritten a dozen times -- either 11 times too many or else too few . | 1 |
the country bears wastes an exceptionally good idea . | and we do n't avert our eyes for a moment . | 0 |
yet another iteration of what 's become one of the movies ' creepiest conventions , in which the developmentally disabled are portrayed with almost supernatural powers to humble , teach and ultimately redeem their mentally `` superior '' friends , family ... | when your subject is illusion versus reality , should n't the reality seem at least passably real ? | 1 |
yet another iteration of what 's become one of the movies ' creepiest conventions , in which the developmentally disabled are portrayed with almost supernatural powers to humble , teach and ultimately redeem their mentally `` superior '' friends , family ... | the bottom line with nemesis is the same as it has been with all the films in the series : fans will undoubtedly enjoy it , and the uncommitted need n't waste their time on it . | 0 |
it 's just rather leaden and dull . | black-and-white and unrealistic . | 1 |
it 's just rather leaden and dull . | while most films these days are about nothing , this film seems to be about everything that 's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing world . | 0 |
the script has less spice than a rat burger and the rock 's fighting skills are more in line with steven seagal . | does n't deserve a passing grade -lrb- even on a curve -rrb- . | 1 |
the script has less spice than a rat burger and the rock 's fighting skills are more in line with steven seagal . | an energizing , intoxicating documentary charting the rise of hip-hop culture in general and the art of scratching -lrb- or turntablism -rrb- in particular . | 0 |
` film aficionados can not help but love cinema paradiso , whether the original version or new director 's cut . ' | ... a solid , well-formed satire . | 1 |
` film aficionados can not help but love cinema paradiso , whether the original version or new director 's cut . ' | what starts off as a potentially incredibly twisting mystery becomes simply a monster chase film . | 0 |
this low-rent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothers ' oeuvre gets way too mushy -- and in a relatively short amount of time . | ... unlike -lrb- scorsese 's mean streets -rrb- , ash wednesday is essentially devoid of interesting characters or even a halfway intriguing plot . | 1 |
this low-rent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothers ' oeuvre gets way too mushy -- and in a relatively short amount of time . | if you 're down for a silly hack-and-slash flick , you can do no wrong with jason x. | 0 |
never inspires more than an interested detachment . | the problem with the bread , my sweet is that it 's far too sentimental . | 1 |
never inspires more than an interested detachment . | your children will be occupied for 72 minutes . | 0 |
incoherence reigns . | a dark comedy that goes for sick and demented humor simply to do so . | 1 |
incoherence reigns . | it establishes its ominous mood and tension swiftly , and if the suspense never rises to a higher level , it is nevertheless maintained throughout . | 0 |
-lrb- a -rrb- poorly executed comedy . | after you laugh once -lrb- maybe twice -rrb- , you will have completely forgotten the movie by the time you get back to your car in the parking lot . | 1 |
-lrb- a -rrb- poorly executed comedy . | with an unusual protagonist -lrb- a kilt-wearing jackson -rrb- and subject matter , the improbable `` formula 51 '' is somewhat entertaining , but it could have been much stronger . | 0 |
talky , artificial and opaque ... an interesting technical exercise , but a tedious picture . | cherry orchard is badly edited , often awkwardly directed and suffers from the addition of a wholly unnecessary pre-credit sequence designed to give some of the characters a ` back story . ' | 1 |
talky , artificial and opaque ... an interesting technical exercise , but a tedious picture . | a hugely rewarding experience that 's every bit as enlightening , insightful and entertaining as grant 's two best films -- four weddings and a funeral and bridget jones 's diary . | 0 |
adults , other than the parents ... will be hard pressed to succumb to the call of the wild . | may puzzle his most ardent fans . | 1 |
adults , other than the parents ... will be hard pressed to succumb to the call of the wild . | a beguiling evocation of the quality that keeps dickens evergreen : the exuberant openness with which he expresses our most basic emotions . | 0 |
it all plays out ... like a high-end john hughes comedy , a kind of elder bueller 's time out . | it 's fairly solid -- not to mention well edited so that it certainly does n't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark . | 1 |
it all plays out ... like a high-end john hughes comedy , a kind of elder bueller 's time out . | but there 's plenty to offend everyone ... | 0 |
so devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it can not even be dubbed hedonistic . | mr. wollter and ms. seldhal give strong and convincing performances , but neither reaches into the deepest recesses of the character to unearth the quaking essence of passion , grief and fear . | 1 |
so devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it can not even be dubbed hedonistic . | a moving tale of love and destruction in unexpected places , unexamined lives . | 0 |
the story is bogus and its characters tissue-thin . | a loud , brash and mainly unfunny high school comedy . | 1 |
the story is bogus and its characters tissue-thin . | although frailty fits into a classic genre , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work . | 0 |
the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . | it 's good , hard-edged stuff , violent and a bit exploitative but also nicely done , morally alert and street-smart . | 1 |
the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . | to the filmmakers , ivan is a prince of a fellow , but he comes across as shallow and glib though not mean-spirited , and there 's no indication that he 's been responsible for putting together any movies of particular value or merit . | 0 |
... a solid , well-formed satire . | one of those rare films that come by once in a while with flawless amounts of acting , direction , story and pace . | 1 |
... a solid , well-formed satire . | an essentially awkward version of the lightweight female empowerment picture we 've been watching for decades | 0 |
... by the time it 's done with us , mira nair 's new movie has its audience giddy with the delight of discovery , of having been immersed in a foreign culture only to find that human nature is pretty much the same all over . | waiting for godard can be fruitful : ` in praise of love ' is the director 's epitaph for himself . | 1 |
... by the time it 's done with us , mira nair 's new movie has its audience giddy with the delight of discovery , of having been immersed in a foreign culture only to find that human nature is pretty much the same all over . | maybe there 's a metaphor here , but figuring it out would n't make trouble every day any better . | 0 |
a marvel of production design . | it 's never dull and always looks good . | 1 |
a marvel of production design . | it 's just rather leaden and dull . | 0 |
and we do n't avert our eyes for a moment . | you 'll end up moved . | 1 |
and we do n't avert our eyes for a moment . | and that is where ararat went astray . | 0 |
michele is a such a brainless flibbertigibbet that it 's hard to take her spiritual quest at all seriously . | what 's really sad is to see two academy award winning actresses -lrb- and one academy award winning actor -rrb- succumb to appearing in this junk that 's tv sitcom material at best . | 1 |
michele is a such a brainless flibbertigibbet that it 's hard to take her spiritual quest at all seriously . | it is scott 's convincing portrayal of roger the sad cad that really gives the film its oomph . | 0 |
anyone who suffers through this film deserves , at the very least , a big box of consolation candy . | there are now two signs that m. night shyamalan 's debut feature sucked up all he has to give to the mystic genres of cinema : unbreakable and signs . | 1 |
anyone who suffers through this film deserves , at the very least , a big box of consolation candy . | a good film with a solid pedigree both in front of and , more specifically , behind the camera . | 0 |
adrift , bentley and hudson stare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prove that movie-star intensity can overcome bad hair design . | there 's got to be a more graceful way of portraying the devastation of this disease . | 1 |
adrift , bentley and hudson stare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prove that movie-star intensity can overcome bad hair design . | the bottom line with nemesis is the same as it has been with all the films in the series : fans will undoubtedly enjoy it , and the uncommitted need n't waste their time on it . | 0 |
a poignant and gently humorous parable that loves its characters and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature . | and that makes all the difference . | 1 |
a poignant and gently humorous parable that loves its characters and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature . | first-time director joão pedro rodrigues ' unwillingness to define his hero 's background or motivations becomes more and more frustrating as the film goes on . | 0 |
wonder of wonders -- a teen movie with a humanistic message . | an energizing , intoxicating documentary charting the rise of hip-hop culture in general and the art of scratching -lrb- or turntablism -rrb- in particular . | 1 |
wonder of wonders -- a teen movie with a humanistic message . | the problem with the bread , my sweet is that it 's far too sentimental . | 0 |
what 's hard to understand is why anybody picked it up . | ... the whole thing succeeded only in making me groggy . | 1 |
what 's hard to understand is why anybody picked it up . | what makes the film special is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasm that the people , in spite of clearly evident poverty and hardship , bring to their music . | 0 |
nohe 's documentary about the event is sympathetic without being gullible : he is n't blind to the silliness , but also captures moments of spontaneous creativity and authentic co-operative interaction . | this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whole family . | 1 |
nohe 's documentary about the event is sympathetic without being gullible : he is n't blind to the silliness , but also captures moments of spontaneous creativity and authentic co-operative interaction . | contrived , maudlin and cliche-ridden ... if this sappy script was the best the contest received , those rejected must have been astronomically bad . | 0 |
delightfully rendered | a harrowing account of a psychological breakdown . | 1 |
delightfully rendered | if only it were , well , funnier . | 0 |
one of the most gloriously unsubtle and adrenalized extreme shockers since the evil dead . | likely to have decades of life as a classic movie franchise ? | 1 |
one of the most gloriously unsubtle and adrenalized extreme shockers since the evil dead . | when your subject is illusion versus reality , should n't the reality seem at least passably real ? | 0 |
although god is great addresses interesting matters of identity and heritage , it 's hard to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different kind of film . | gets the look and the period trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clichés . | 1 |
although god is great addresses interesting matters of identity and heritage , it 's hard to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different kind of film . | though in some ways similar to catherine breillat 's fat girl , rain is the far superior film . | 0 |
boasts a handful of virtuosic set pieces and offers a fair amount of trashy , kinky fun . | the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . | 1 |
boasts a handful of virtuosic set pieces and offers a fair amount of trashy , kinky fun . | even accepting this in the right frame of mind can only provide it with so much leniency . | 0 |
it 's never dull and always looks good . | if you 're down for a silly hack-and-slash flick , you can do no wrong with jason x. | 1 |
it 's never dull and always looks good . | this is an insultingly inept and artificial examination of grief and its impacts upon the relationships of the survivors . | 0 |
turturro is fabulously funny and over the top as a ` very sneaky ' butler who excels in the art of impossible disappearing\/reappearing acts | full of surprises . | 1 |
turturro is fabulously funny and over the top as a ` very sneaky ' butler who excels in the art of impossible disappearing\/reappearing acts | the film starts promisingly , but the ending is all too predictable and far too cliched to really work . | 0 |
gets the look and the period trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clichés . | little more than a well-mounted history lesson . | 1 |
gets the look and the period trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clichés . | dark and unrepentant , this excursion into the epicenter of percolating mental instability is not easily dismissed or forgotten . | 0 |
maybe there 's a metaphor here , but figuring it out would n't make trouble every day any better . | a baffling mixed platter of gritty realism and magic realism with a hard-to-swallow premise . | 1 |
maybe there 's a metaphor here , but figuring it out would n't make trouble every day any better . | the performers are so spot on , it is hard to conceive anyone else in their roles . | 0 |
dreary tale of middle-class angst | hollywood ending is the most disappointing woody allen movie ever . | 1 |
dreary tale of middle-class angst | an enjoyable comedy of lingual and cultural differences ... the château is a film -- full of life and small delights -- that has all the wiggling energy of young kitten . | 0 |
despite terrific special effects and funnier gags , harry potter and the chamber of secrets finds a way to make j.k. rowling 's marvelous series into a deadly bore . | it 's just rather leaden and dull . | 1 |
despite terrific special effects and funnier gags , harry potter and the chamber of secrets finds a way to make j.k. rowling 's marvelous series into a deadly bore . | it 's far from a frothy piece , and the characters are complex , laden with plenty of baggage and tinged with tragic undertones . | 0 |
with an admirably dark first script by brent hanley , paxton , making his directorial feature debut , does strong , measured work . | ... a solid , well-formed satire . | 1 |
with an admirably dark first script by brent hanley , paxton , making his directorial feature debut , does strong , measured work . | if you 're the kind of parent who enjoys intentionally introducing your kids to films which will cause loads of irreparable damage that years and years of costly analysis could never fix , i have just one word for you - -- decasia | 0 |
there are so few films about the plight of american indians in modern america that skins comes as a welcome , if downbeat , missive from a forgotten front . | one of the most gloriously unsubtle and adrenalized extreme shockers since the evil dead . | 1 |
there are so few films about the plight of american indians in modern america that skins comes as a welcome , if downbeat , missive from a forgotten front . | the script has less spice than a rat burger and the rock 's fighting skills are more in line with steven seagal . | 0 |
an uncluttered , resonant gem that relays its universal points without lectures or confrontations . ' | it celebrates the group 's playful spark of nonconformity , glancing vividly back at what hibiscus grandly called his ` angels of light . ' | 1 |
an uncluttered , resonant gem that relays its universal points without lectures or confrontations . ' | adrift , bentley and hudson stare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prove that movie-star intensity can overcome bad hair design . | 0 |
one of those films that seems tailor made to air on pay cable to offer some modest amusements when one has nothing else to watch . | but seriously , folks , it does n't work . | 1 |
one of those films that seems tailor made to air on pay cable to offer some modest amusements when one has nothing else to watch . | it 's never dull and always looks good . | 0 |
although frailty fits into a classic genre , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work . | whether or not you 're enlightened by any of derrida 's lectures on `` the other '' and `` the self , '' derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow . | 1 |
although frailty fits into a classic genre , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work . | -lrb- a -rrb- poorly executed comedy . | 0 |
the events of the film are just so weird that i honestly never knew what the hell was coming next . | depicts the sorriest and most sordid of human behavior on the screen , then laughs at how clever it 's being . | 1 |
the events of the film are just so weird that i honestly never knew what the hell was coming next . | elvira fans could hardly ask for more . | 0 |
as comedic spotlights go , notorious c.h.o. hits all the verbal marks it should . | one of the most gloriously unsubtle and adrenalized extreme shockers since the evil dead . | 1 |
as comedic spotlights go , notorious c.h.o. hits all the verbal marks it should . | problem is , we have no idea what in creation is going on . | 0 |
-lrb- rises -rrb- above its oh-so-hollywood rejiggering and its conventional direction to give the film a soul and an unabashed sense of good old-fashioned escapism . | the performers are so spot on , it is hard to conceive anyone else in their roles . | 1 |
-lrb- rises -rrb- above its oh-so-hollywood rejiggering and its conventional direction to give the film a soul and an unabashed sense of good old-fashioned escapism . | shrewd but pointless . | 0 |
` if you are in the mood for an intelligent weepy , it can easily worm its way into your heart . ' | likely to have decades of life as a classic movie franchise ? | 1 |
` if you are in the mood for an intelligent weepy , it can easily worm its way into your heart . ' | this is a fragmented film , once a good idea that was followed by the bad idea to turn it into a movie . | 0 |
a raunchy and frequently hilarious follow-up to the gifted korean american stand-up 's i 'm the one that i want . | angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and christelle , and infuses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nightmarish fairytale . | 1 |
a raunchy and frequently hilarious follow-up to the gifted korean american stand-up 's i 'm the one that i want . | cinematic pyrotechnics aside , the only thing avary seems to care about are mean giggles and pulchritude . | 0 |
serious movie-goers embarking upon this journey will find that the road to perdition leads to a satisfying destination . | a surprisingly funny movie . | 1 |
serious movie-goers embarking upon this journey will find that the road to perdition leads to a satisfying destination . | little more than a well-mounted history lesson . | 0 |
a lot more dimensional and complex than its sunny disposition would lead you to believe . | a modestly surprising movie . | 1 |
a lot more dimensional and complex than its sunny disposition would lead you to believe . | jackson shamefully strolls through this mess with a smug grin , inexplicably wearing a kilt and carrying a bag of golf clubs over one shoulder . | 0 |
angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and christelle , and infuses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nightmarish fairytale . | a modestly surprising movie . | 1 |
angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and christelle , and infuses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nightmarish fairytale . | imagine susan sontag falling in love with howard stern . | 0 |
with an unusual protagonist -lrb- a kilt-wearing jackson -rrb- and subject matter , the improbable `` formula 51 '' is somewhat entertaining , but it could have been much stronger . | the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . | 1 |
with an unusual protagonist -lrb- a kilt-wearing jackson -rrb- and subject matter , the improbable `` formula 51 '' is somewhat entertaining , but it could have been much stronger . | the only camouflage carvey should now be considering is a paper bag to wear over his head when he goes out into public , to avoid being recognized as the man who bilked unsuspecting moviegoers . | 0 |
Subsets and Splits