stringlengths 505
▁Su ñ é . ▁He ▁has ▁competed ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁Winter ▁Par al ym p ics , ▁ 2 0 0 9 ▁I PC ▁Al p ine ▁S ki ing ▁World ▁Championships ▁and ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁Winter ▁Par al ym p ics . ▁ ▁Personal ▁Bo ira ▁was ▁born ▁in ▁Vil an ova ▁i ▁la ▁Gel tr ú , ▁Barcelona , ▁and ▁has ▁a ▁visual ▁imp air ment . ▁ ▁S ki ing ▁Bo ira ▁is ▁a ▁B 3 ▁classified ▁sk ier . ▁His ▁guide ▁sk iers ▁included ▁F él ix ▁Az nar ▁and ▁Ale ix ▁Su ñ é . ▁ ▁Bo ira ▁competed ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁Winter ▁Par al ym p ics . ▁At ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁Par al ym pic ▁Winter ▁World ▁Cup , ▁he ▁earned ▁two ▁silver ▁med als ▁and ▁two ▁bron zes . ▁He ▁finished ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 ▁European ▁Cup ▁season ▁in ▁second ▁place . ▁At ▁the ▁March ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁Italian ▁National ▁Championships , ▁Bo ira ▁and ▁Az nar ▁finished ▁second ▁in ▁the ▁Super ▁G , ▁were ▁dis qual ified ▁in ▁the ▁G iant ▁Sl alom ▁and ▁finished ▁second ▁in ▁the ▁Sl alom . ▁At ▁the ▁last ▁round ▁of ▁the ▁European ▁Cup ▁in ▁March ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁an ▁event ▁held ▁in ▁La ▁Mol ina , ▁Spain , ▁Bo ira ▁and ▁Az nar ▁were ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁Spanish ▁sk iers ▁competing ▁at |
▁the ▁event . ▁He ▁finished ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 7 / 2 0 0 8 ▁European ▁Cup ▁season ▁in ▁e ighth ▁place ▁after ▁the ▁five ▁test ▁events . ▁ ▁At ▁the ▁first ▁I PC ▁Al p ine ▁S ki ing ▁World ▁Cup ▁event ▁in ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 8 / 2 0 0 9 ▁ski ▁season , ▁which ▁was ▁held ▁at ▁La ▁Mol ina ▁in ▁Spain , ▁Bo ira ▁finished ▁fourth ▁overall . ▁At ▁the ▁February ▁ 2 0 0 9 ▁I PC ▁Al p ine ▁S ki ing ▁World ▁Championships , ▁while ▁ski ing ▁with ▁An z ar , ▁he ▁finished ▁sixth ▁in ▁the ▁Super ▁Comb ined ▁event . ▁In ▁March ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁with ▁guide ▁Az nar , ▁he ▁competed ▁at ▁the ▁European ▁Cup ▁Al p ine ▁S ki ing ▁for ▁the ▁Dis abled . ▁He ▁finished ▁first ▁in ▁the ▁sl alom ▁event . ▁He ▁finished ▁fifth ▁in ▁the ▁giant ▁sl alom , ▁seventh ▁in ▁Super ▁G ▁and ▁e ighth ▁in ▁Super ▁Comb ined . ▁Overall , ▁the ▁pair ▁finished ▁fourth ▁with ▁ 4 7 5 ▁points . ▁In ▁November ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁he ▁attended ▁an ▁event ▁in ▁Madrid ▁organ ised ▁by ▁Program a ▁de ▁Al to ▁R end imiento ▁Par al í mp ico ▁( Program a ▁AR PA ) ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁preparation ▁for ▁the ▁Vancouver ▁Games . ▁Following ▁this , ▁he ▁participated ▁in ▁additional ▁team ▁training ▁at ▁the ▁Cent ro ▁de ▁T ec n ificación ▁de ▁La ▁C erd |
anya ▁( G iron a ). ▁At ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁World ▁Cup ▁Al p ine ▁S ki ing ▁for ▁Dis abled ▁in ▁Ab ten au , ▁Austria , ▁he ▁and ▁his ▁guide ▁finished ▁seventh ▁in ▁the ▁sl alom ▁following ▁a ▁first ▁run ▁where ▁they ▁were ▁in ▁the ▁sixth ▁position ▁and ▁a ▁second ▁run ▁where ▁they ▁in ▁the ▁seventh ▁position . ▁He ▁was ▁unable ▁to ▁compete ▁in ▁the ▁Super ▁Comb ined ▁event ▁because ▁it ▁was ▁cancelled . ▁He ▁then ▁competed ▁with ▁guide ▁Su ñ é ▁in ▁the ▁third ▁round ▁of ▁the ▁European ▁Cup ▁later ▁in ▁January ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁at ▁La ▁Mol ina ▁in ▁Spain . ▁He ▁won ▁a ▁gold ▁medal ▁in ▁the ▁sl alom ▁event . ▁At ▁the ▁final ▁event ▁of ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 9 / 2 0 1 0 ▁World ▁Cup ▁season , ▁an ▁event ▁held ▁in ▁March ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁in ▁A sp en , ▁Colorado , ▁he ▁finished ▁sixth ▁in ▁one ▁event ▁with ▁a ▁time ▁of ▁ 1 : 1 5 . 5 7 . ▁He ▁finished ▁fifth ▁in ▁the ▁Super ▁Comb ined . ▁This ▁was ▁the ▁last ▁major ▁event ▁before ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁Games . ▁He ▁came ▁into ▁the ▁A sp en ▁World ▁Cup ▁event ▁with ▁ 2 2 0 ▁World ▁Cup ▁points , ▁ranking ▁nin th ▁in ▁the ▁competition ▁with ▁Su ñ é ▁as ▁his ▁guide . ▁ ▁Before ▁depart ing ▁for ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁Winter ▁Par al ym p ics ▁in ▁Vancouver , |
▁Bo ira ▁participated ▁in ▁a ▁departure ▁ceremony ▁attended ▁by ▁State ▁Secretary ▁for ▁Sport ▁Ja ime ▁L iss av etz ky , ▁secretary ▁general ▁of ▁Social ▁Policy ▁Francisco ▁Mo za , ▁the ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁Spanish ▁Par al ym pic ▁Committee ▁Miguel ▁Car ball eda , ▁and ▁managing ▁director ▁of ▁the ▁Spanish ▁Par al ym pic ▁Committee ▁Alberto ▁J of re . ▁The ▁whole ▁Spanish ▁team ▁arrived ▁in ▁Wh ist ler ▁ahead ▁of ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁Games ▁by ▁ 7 ▁February . ▁Sk ier ▁and ▁guide ▁shared ▁a ▁room ▁in ▁the ▁Par al ym pic ▁Village ▁during ▁the ▁Games . ▁F og ▁in ▁Vancouver ▁resulted ▁in ▁a ▁change ▁in ▁schedul ing ▁for ▁his ▁ski ▁events . ▁He ▁finished ▁in ▁last ▁place ▁in ▁the ▁super ▁giant ▁race ▁after ▁he ▁fell ▁in ▁one ▁of ▁his ▁runs . ▁Following ▁the ▁Games , ▁the ▁Spanish ▁Par al ym pic ▁team ▁attended ▁a ▁welcome ▁back ▁celebration ▁at ▁the ▁ON CE ▁Foundation ▁that ▁was ▁also ▁attended ▁by ▁Inf anta ▁El ena , ▁Du che ss ▁of ▁L ug o . ▁ ▁Bo ira ▁participated ▁in ▁the ▁Spanish ▁national ▁championship s ▁from ▁ 5 ▁to ▁ 7 ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 0 , ▁which ▁was ▁organ ised ▁by ▁the ▁Feder ación ▁Esp añ ola ▁de ▁De port es ▁de ▁Person as ▁con ▁Dis cap ac idad ▁F ís ica , ▁Feder ación ▁Esp añ ola ▁de ▁De port es ▁para ▁Par al ít icos ▁C ere br ales ▁and ▁Feder ación ▁Esp añ ola ▁de ▁De port |
es ▁para ▁C ieg os . ▁The ▁Super ▁G iant ▁event ▁is ▁not ▁his ▁special ty . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁▁▁▁ ▁Category : 1 9 8 7 ▁birth s ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : C atal an ▁sports people ▁Category : Span ish ▁male ▁al p ine ▁sk iers ▁Category : Par al ym pic ▁al p ine ▁sk iers ▁of ▁Spain ▁Category : Al p ine ▁sk iers ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁Winter ▁Par al ym p ics ▁Category : Al p ine ▁sk iers ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁Winter ▁Par al ym p ics <0x0A> </s> ▁Light - on - dark ▁color ▁scheme , ▁also ▁called ▁dark ▁mode , ▁dark ▁theme ▁or ▁night ▁mode , ▁is ▁a ▁color ▁scheme ▁that ▁uses ▁light - colored ▁text , ▁ icons , ▁and ▁graph ical ▁user ▁interface ▁elements ▁on ▁a ▁dark ▁background ▁and ▁is ▁often ▁discussed ▁in ▁terms ▁of ▁computer ▁user ▁interface ▁design ▁and ▁web ▁design . ▁ ▁Origin ally , ▁computer ▁user ▁inter faces ▁were ▁formed ▁on ▁C RT s . ▁The ▁ph osph or ▁was ▁normally ▁a ▁very ▁dark ▁color , ▁and ▁lit ▁up ▁bright ly ▁when ▁the ▁electron ▁beam ▁hit ▁it , ▁appearing ▁to ▁be ▁green ▁or ▁am ber ▁on ▁black , ▁depending ▁on ▁ph osph ors ▁applied ▁on ▁a ▁mon och rome ▁screen . ▁R GB ▁screens ▁continued ▁along ▁a ▁similar ▁ve in , ▁using ▁all ▁the ▁be ams ▁set ▁to ▁" on " ▁to ▁form ▁white . |
▁ ▁With ▁the ▁advent ▁of ▁tele text , ▁research ▁was ▁done ▁into ▁which ▁primary ▁and ▁secondary ▁light ▁colors ▁and ▁combinations ▁worked ▁best ▁for ▁this ▁new ▁medium . ▁ ▁C yan ▁or ▁yellow ▁on ▁black ▁was ▁typically ▁found ▁to ▁be ▁optimal ▁from ▁a ▁pal ette ▁of ▁black , ▁red , ▁green , ▁yellow , ▁blue , ▁mag enta , ▁cy an ▁and ▁white . ▁ ▁The ▁opposite ▁color ▁scheme , ▁dark - on - light ▁color ▁scheme , ▁was ▁originally ▁introduced ▁in ▁W Y SI W Y G ▁word ▁process ors , ▁to ▁sim ulate ▁ink ▁on ▁paper ▁and ▁became ▁the ▁norm . ▁ ▁While ▁the ▁debate ▁of ▁whether ▁it ▁is ▁easier ▁or ▁health ier ▁to ▁read ▁text ▁on ▁a ▁dark ▁background ▁was ▁disput ed ▁by ▁vision ▁and ▁perception ▁researchers , ▁there ▁was ▁similar ▁dispute ▁between ▁users . ▁▁ ▁A ▁ 2 0 1 8 ▁article ▁by ▁Popular ▁Science ▁suggests ▁that ▁" Dark ▁mode ▁is ▁easier ▁on ▁the ▁eyes ▁and ▁battery " ▁and ▁display ing ▁white ▁on ▁full ▁bright ness ▁uses ▁roughly ▁six ▁times ▁as ▁much ▁power ▁as ▁pure ▁black ▁on ▁a ▁Google ▁P ixel , ▁which ▁has ▁an ▁O LED ▁display . ▁ ▁History ▁▁ ▁Dark ▁background s ▁were ▁added ▁to ▁Windows ▁Phone ▁ 7 ▁with ▁energy ▁consumption ▁in ▁mind ▁since ▁fully ▁black ▁pixels ▁emit ▁no ▁light ▁on ▁O LED ▁screens . ▁ ▁In ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁Google ▁conf ir ms ▁dark ▁mode ▁on ▁Android ▁saves ▁battery ▁life . ▁▁ 2 0 1 8 : ▁YouTube ▁added ▁optional ▁dark |
▁theme . ▁ ▁In ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁Samsung ▁released ▁One ▁UI , ▁which ▁contains ▁a ▁dark ▁mode . ▁ ▁In ▁June ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁Apple ▁announced ▁that ▁a ▁light - on - dark ▁mode ▁will ▁be ▁available ▁across ▁all ▁native ▁applications ▁in ▁iOS ▁ 1 3 ▁and ▁iPad OS . ▁It ▁will ▁also ▁be ▁possible ▁for ▁third - party ▁developers ▁to ▁implement ▁their ▁own ▁dark ▁themes . ▁ ▁In ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁Google ▁announced ▁an ▁official ▁shadow ▁mode ▁will ▁come ▁to ▁Android ▁with ▁the ▁release ▁of ▁Android ▁ 1 0 . ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 9 ▁Reddit ▁introduced ▁optional ▁dark ▁theme . ▁▁ 2 0 1 9 : ▁introduction ▁of ▁pre fers - color - scheme ▁for ▁front end ▁web ▁developers : ▁property ▁that ▁signal ▁user ▁choice . ▁For ▁example ▁on ▁mac OS ▁if ▁user ▁use ▁dark ▁mode ▁- ▁web page ▁may ▁read ▁this ▁information ▁and ▁adapt . ▁▁ 2 0 2 0 : ▁Facebook ▁introduced ▁optional ▁dark ▁theme . ▁▁ 2 0 2 0 : ▁Fire fox ▁and ▁Ch rom ium ▁( Google ▁Chrome ) ▁finally ▁implemented ▁optional ▁dark ▁theme ▁for ▁all ▁internal ▁screens , ▁adding ▁of ▁dark ▁theme ▁started ▁year ▁before . ▁ ▁In ▁March ▁ 2 0 2 0 , ▁Wh ats App ▁announced ▁dark ▁mode ▁for ▁iOS ▁and ▁Android . ▁ ▁Energy ▁usage ▁ ▁Light ▁on ▁dark ▁color ▁schemes ▁require ▁less ▁energy ▁to ▁display ▁on ▁the ▁most ▁common ▁display ▁technologies , ▁including ▁as ▁O LED , |
▁C RT ▁and ▁L CD ▁displays . ▁This ▁posit ively ▁impacts ▁battery ▁life ▁and ▁energy ▁consumption . ▁ ▁While ▁an ▁O LED ▁will ▁consume ▁around ▁ 4 0 % ▁of ▁the ▁power ▁of ▁an ▁L CD ▁display ing ▁an ▁image ▁that ▁is ▁primarily ▁black , ▁it ▁can ▁use ▁more ▁than ▁three ▁times ▁as ▁much ▁power ▁to ▁display ▁an ▁image ▁with ▁a ▁white ▁background , ▁such ▁as ▁a ▁document ▁or ▁web ▁site . ▁This ▁can ▁lead ▁to ▁reduced ▁battery ▁life ▁and ▁energy ▁usage , ▁unless ▁a ▁light - on - dark ▁color ▁scheme ▁is ▁used . ▁The ▁long - term ▁reduced ▁power ▁usage ▁may ▁also ▁prolong ▁battery ▁life ▁or ▁the ▁useful ▁life ▁of ▁the ▁display ▁and ▁battery . ▁▁ ▁The ▁energy ▁savings ▁that ▁can ▁be ▁achieved ▁using ▁a ▁light - on - dark ▁color ▁scheme ▁are ▁because ▁of ▁how ▁O LED ▁screens ▁work : ▁in ▁an ▁O LED ▁screen , ▁each ▁sub pixel ▁generates ▁its ▁own ▁light ▁and ▁it ▁only ▁consum es ▁power ▁when ▁generating ▁light . ▁This ▁is ▁in ▁contrast ▁to ▁how ▁an ▁L CD ▁works : ▁in ▁an ▁L CD , ▁sub p ixels ▁either ▁block ▁or ▁allow ▁light ▁from ▁a ▁permanently ▁lit ▁LED ▁back light ▁ ▁to ▁pass ▁through . ▁ ▁" AM O LED ▁Black " ▁color ▁schemes ▁( that ▁use ▁pure ▁black ▁instead ▁of ▁dark ▁gray ) ▁do ▁not ▁necessarily ▁save ▁more ▁energy ▁than ▁other ▁light - on - dark ▁color ▁schemes ▁that ▁use ▁dark ▁gray ▁instead ▁of ▁black , ▁as ▁the ▁power ▁consumption ▁on ▁an ▁A MO LED |
▁screen ▁decre ases ▁proportion ately ▁to ▁the ▁average ▁bright ness ▁of ▁the ▁displayed ▁pixels . ▁Although ▁it ▁is ▁true ▁that ▁A MO LED ▁black ▁does ▁save ▁more ▁energy ▁than ▁dark ▁gray , ▁the ▁energy ▁savings ▁are ▁often ▁negl igible ; ▁A MO LED ▁black ▁will ▁only ▁give ▁an ▁energy ▁saving ▁of ▁less ▁than ▁ 1 %, ▁for ▁instance , ▁compared ▁to ▁the ▁dark ▁gray ▁that ' s ▁used ▁in ▁the ▁dark ▁theme ▁for ▁Google ' s ▁official ▁Android ▁apps . ▁ ▁Iss ues ▁with ▁the ▁web ▁ ▁Some ▁argue ▁that ▁a ▁color ▁scheme ▁with ▁light ▁text ▁on ▁a ▁dark ▁background ▁is ▁easier ▁to ▁read ▁on ▁the ▁screen , ▁because ▁the ▁lower ▁overall ▁bright ness ▁causes ▁less ▁ey estr ain . ▁The ▁cave at ▁is ▁that ▁most ▁pages ▁on ▁the ▁web ▁are ▁designed ▁for ▁white ▁background s ; ▁G IF ▁and ▁P NG ▁images ▁with ▁a ▁trans parency ▁bit ▁instead ▁of ▁alpha ▁channels ▁tend ▁to ▁show ▁up ▁with ▁chop py ▁out lines , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁causing ▁problems ▁with ▁other ▁graph ical ▁elements . ▁ ▁It ▁is ▁not ▁necessary ▁that ▁a ▁web ▁design ▁work ▁well ▁with ▁only ▁one ▁color ▁scheme . ▁There ▁are ▁many ▁mechanisms ▁of ▁web ▁architecture ▁that ▁allow ▁designs ▁to ▁work ▁well ▁with ▁any ▁color ▁scheme ▁a ▁user ▁might ▁prefer . ▁This ▁technical ▁flexibility ▁is ▁a ▁product ▁of ▁the ▁web ▁architect ' s ▁concern ▁for ▁access ibility ▁and ▁user ▁preference ▁empower ment , ▁though ▁designers ▁rarely ▁utilize ▁this ▁technical ▁flexibility . ▁Wikipedia ▁is ▁an ▁example ▁of ▁this . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁▁▁ |
▁Black le ▁ ▁Solar ized ▁( color ▁scheme ) ▁ ▁O LED ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁▁ ▁Category : User ▁inter faces ▁Category : Display ▁technology ▁Category : Color ▁schemes ▁Category : Comput er ▁graphics <0x0A> </s> ▁J erm ant own ▁is ▁an ▁un inc or por ated ▁community ▁in ▁Fair f ax ▁County , ▁Virginia , ▁United ▁States . ▁Var ious ▁parts ▁of ▁J erm ant own ▁are ▁included ▁within ▁the ▁independent ▁city ▁of ▁Fair f ax ▁to ▁its ▁south ▁and ▁east . ▁Today , ▁this ▁once ▁rural ▁community ▁is ▁centered ▁at ▁the ▁intersection ▁of ▁J erm ant own ▁Road ▁and ▁Lee ▁Jackson ▁Memorial ▁Highway ▁( U . S . ▁Route ▁ 5 0 ). ▁The ▁Old ▁J erm ant own ▁School ▁was ▁located ▁at ▁the ▁present ▁site ▁of ▁Prov idence ▁Element ary ▁School . ▁ ▁History ▁ ▁J erm ant own / G erm ant own , ▁located ▁near ▁the ▁critical ▁intersection ▁of ▁the ▁Little ▁River ▁Turn pi ke ▁( t oday ▁Route ▁ 5 0 ) ▁and ▁War rent on ▁Turn pi ke ▁( t oday ▁Route ▁ 2 9 ), ▁was ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁Ox ▁Hill ▁battle field ▁on ▁September ▁ 1 , ▁ 1 8 6 2 , ▁and ▁was ▁held ▁by ▁Union ▁troops ▁under ▁General ▁Joseph ▁Hook er . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : Un inc or por ated ▁communities ▁in ▁Fair f ax ▁County , ▁Virginia ▁Category : Un inc or por ated ▁communities ▁in ▁Virginia ▁Category : W ashington ▁met ropolitan ▁area ▁Category : F |
air f ax , ▁Virginia <0x0A> </s> ▁Ang lo ▁Pet role um ▁v ▁T FB ▁( M ort g ages ) ▁Ltd ▁[ 2 0 0 8 ] ▁ 1 ▁B CL C ▁ 1 8 5 ▁is ▁a ▁UK ▁company ▁law ▁case ▁concerning ▁financial ▁assistance . ▁ ▁F acts ▁A ▁company ▁in ▁trouble , ▁under going ▁re struct uring , ▁under to ok ▁to ▁pay ▁back ▁money ▁after ▁its ▁acquisition . ▁R eps ol , ▁the ▁seller ▁of ▁shares , ▁was ▁only ▁willing ▁to ▁sell ▁if ▁it ▁received ▁£ 1 5 m . ▁The ▁company ▁agreed ▁to ▁pay ▁£ 1 5 m ▁to ▁the ▁parent , ▁and ▁the ▁company ’ s ▁shares ▁were ▁then ▁sold ▁for ▁£ 1 . ▁ ▁Jud g ment ▁The ▁court ▁held ▁this ▁was ▁not ▁financial ▁assistance , ▁because ▁the ▁agreed ▁payment ▁merely ▁reduced ▁the ▁shares ’ ▁value ▁to ▁£ 1 , ▁rather ▁than ▁assist ing ▁in ▁the ▁purchase ▁of ▁the ▁shares . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ ▁UK ▁company ▁law ▁ ▁Notes ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁Category : Un ited ▁Kingdom ▁company ▁case ▁law ▁Category : C ourt ▁of ▁Appe al ▁of ▁England ▁and ▁Wales ▁cases ▁Category : 2 0 0 7 ▁in ▁British ▁law ▁Category : 2 0 0 7 ▁in ▁case ▁law <0x0A> </s> ▁Marc in ów ka ▁ ▁is ▁a ▁village ▁in ▁the ▁administrative ▁district ▁of ▁G mina ▁Sk ier b iesz ów , ▁within ▁Z amo ść ▁County , ▁Lub lin ▁Vo iv odes hip , ▁in ▁eastern ▁Poland . |
▁It ▁lies ▁approximately ▁ ▁north - east ▁of ▁Sk ier b iesz ów , ▁ ▁north - east ▁of ▁Z amo ść , ▁and ▁ ▁south - east ▁of ▁the ▁regional ▁capital ▁Lub lin . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : V ill ages ▁in ▁Z amo ść ▁County <0x0A> </s> ▁Du an men , ▁also ▁known ▁as ▁the ▁Gate ▁of ▁U pr ight ness , ▁or ▁U pr ight ▁Gate , ▁is ▁a ▁gate ▁in ▁Beijing ' s ▁Imperial ▁City , ▁and ▁is ▁located ▁south ▁of ▁the ▁For bidden ▁City . ▁Pro ceed ing ▁north ▁from ▁the ▁entrance ▁to ▁the ▁Imperial ▁City , ▁it ▁is ▁the ▁next ▁gate ▁after ▁the ▁T ian ' an men , ▁or ▁Gate ▁of ▁Heaven ly ▁Peace , ▁and ▁has ▁a ▁similar ▁structure ▁to ▁that ▁gate . ▁The ▁next ▁gate ▁further ▁north ▁is ▁the ▁Mer id ian ▁Gate , ▁which ▁is ▁the ▁southern ▁and ▁main ▁gate ▁to ▁the ▁For bidden ▁City ▁itself . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁▁▁ ▁Category : For bidden ▁City ▁Category : G ates ▁of ▁Beijing <0x0A> </s> ▁On ye abor ▁Ng w og u ▁( born ▁ 3 ▁October ▁ 1 9 8 3 ) ▁is ▁a ▁track ▁and ▁field ▁sprint ▁ath lete ▁who ▁compet es ▁internation ally ▁for ▁Nigeria . ▁ ▁Ng w og u ▁represented ▁Nigeria ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁Summer ▁Olympics ▁in ▁Beijing . ▁He ▁competed ▁at ▁the ▁ 4 x 1 0 0 ▁metres ▁relay ▁together ▁with ▁Ob in na ▁Met u , |
▁Ch ined u ▁Ori ala ▁and ▁U chen na ▁E med olu . ▁In ▁their ▁qual ification ▁heat ▁they ▁did ▁not ▁finish ▁due ▁to ▁a ▁mistake ▁in ▁the ▁bat on ▁exchange ▁and ▁they ▁were ▁eliminated . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁Category : 1 9 8 3 ▁birth s ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : N iger ian ▁male ▁spr inters ▁Category : O lymp ic ▁athletes ▁of ▁Nigeria ▁Category : A thlet es ▁( track ▁and ▁field ) ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁Summer ▁Olympics <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁Roma ▁Open ▁was ▁a ▁professional ▁tennis ▁tournament ▁played ▁on ▁outdoor ▁red ▁clay ▁courts . ▁It ▁was ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁A TP ▁Chall enger ▁Tour . ▁It ▁took ▁place ▁in ▁Rome , ▁Italy ▁between ▁ 1 9 ▁and ▁ 2 4 ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 0 . ▁ ▁A TP ▁entr ants ▁ ▁Se eds ▁▁ ▁Rank ings ▁are ▁as ▁of ▁April ▁ 1 2 , ▁ 2 0 1 0 . ▁ ▁Other ▁entr ants ▁The ▁following ▁players ▁received ▁wild cards ▁into ▁the ▁singles ▁main ▁draw : ▁▁ ▁Flor ian ▁May er ▁▁ ▁Alberto ▁B riz zi ▁▁ ▁Mario ▁An č ić ▁▁ ▁Mat te o ▁Tre vis an ▁ ▁The ▁following ▁players ▁received ▁special ▁ex empt ▁into ▁the ▁singles ▁main ▁draw : ▁▁ ▁Jesse ▁H uta ▁Gal ung ▁ ▁The ▁following ▁players ▁received ▁entry ▁from ▁the ▁qual ifying ▁draw : ▁▁ ▁Dan iele ▁Br acc ial |
i ▁▁ ▁Andrea ▁Ar nab old i ▁▁ ▁R ainer ▁E itz inger ▁▁ ▁Al ess io ▁di ▁Mau ro ▁ ▁The ▁following ▁players ▁received ▁the ▁lucky ▁los er ▁spot : ▁▁ ▁Francesco ▁Ald i ▁▁ ▁Lam ine ▁O u ah ab ▁▁ ▁Art em ▁Sm ir nov ▁ ▁Champions ▁ ▁Singles ▁▁ ▁Feder ico ▁del ▁Bon is ▁def . ▁ ▁Flor ian ▁May er , ▁ 6 – 4 , ▁ 6 – 3 ▁ ▁Dou bles ▁▁ ▁Mario ▁An č ić ▁/ ▁ ▁Ivan ▁Dod ig ▁def . ▁ ▁Juan ▁P ablo ▁Br ze z ick i ▁/ ▁ ▁Rub én ▁Ram í rez ▁H idal go , ▁ 4 – 6 , ▁ 7 – 6 ( 8 ), ▁[ 1 0 – 4 ] ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Italian ▁T ennis ▁Federation ▁official ▁website ▁IT F ▁search ▁ ▁Roma ▁Open ▁Category : R oma ▁Open <0x0A> </s> ▁Diet er ▁Frank ▁is ▁a ▁retired ▁East ▁German ▁sl alom ▁can oe ist ▁who ▁competed ▁in ▁the ▁mid - 1 9 5 0 s . ▁He ▁won ▁a ▁silver ▁medal ▁in ▁the ▁fold ing ▁K - 1 ▁team ▁event ▁at ▁the ▁ 1 9 5 3 ▁I CF ▁Can oe ▁Sl alom ▁World ▁Championships ▁in ▁Mer an . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : G erman ▁male ▁can oe ists ▁Category : P oss ibly ▁living ▁people ▁Category : Year ▁of ▁birth ▁missing ▁Category : Med al ists ▁at ▁the ▁I CF ▁Can oe ▁Sl alom ▁World ▁Championships <0x0A> </s> ▁Jul ius |
▁( I ) ▁from ▁the ▁kind red ▁K án ▁( ; ▁died ▁ 1 2 3 7 ) ▁was ▁a ▁powerful ▁Hung arian ▁bar on ▁and ▁land owner , ▁who ▁held ▁several ▁sec ular ▁positions ▁during ▁the ▁reign ▁of ▁kings ▁Emer ic , ▁Lad isl aus ▁III ▁and ▁Andrew ▁II . ▁He ▁was ▁the ▁ancest or ▁of ▁the ▁g ens ▁K án ▁which ▁origin ated ▁from ▁Bar anya ▁County . ▁ ▁Career ▁Jul ius ▁I ▁married ▁to ▁the ▁unknown ▁surn ame ▁Hel ena ▁( d ied ▁before ▁ 1 2 5 0 ). ▁They ▁had ▁two ▁sons , ▁by ▁name ▁Lad isl aus ▁I , ▁who ▁served ▁as ▁pal at ine ▁( 1 2 4 2 – 1 2 4 4 / 5 ), ▁and ▁Jul ius ▁II , ▁master ▁of ▁the ▁cup bear ers ▁( 1 2 2 2 – 1 2 2 8 ). ▁ ▁His ▁name ▁was ▁first ▁mentioned ▁by ▁records ▁as ▁vo iv ode ▁of ▁Trans ylvania ▁in ▁ 1 2 0 1 . ▁Besides ▁vo iv odes hip ▁he ▁also ▁function ed ▁as ▁is p án ▁( comes ) ▁of ▁Fe h ér ▁County . ▁He ▁held ▁the ▁office ▁of ▁judge ▁royal ▁between ▁ 1 2 0 2 ▁and ▁ 1 2 0 4 , ▁besides ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁the ▁is p án ▁of ▁C san ád ▁( 1 2 0 2 – 1 2 0 3 ) ▁and ▁Ny it ra ▁Count ies ▁( 1 2 0 4 ). ▁ ▁After ▁the ▁death ▁of ▁Lad isl aus |
▁III , ▁he ▁became ▁an ▁ar d ent ▁adm ir er ▁of ▁Andrew ▁II . ▁He ▁served ▁as ▁is p án ▁of ▁S op ron ▁County ▁in ▁ 1 2 0 5 . ▁After ▁that ▁he ▁was ▁appointed ▁is p án ▁of ▁Bod rog ▁County ▁in ▁ 1 2 0 6 , ▁a ▁position ▁which ▁he ▁held ▁until ▁ 1 2 1 2 . ▁Between ▁ 1 2 1 2 ▁and ▁ 1 2 1 3 , ▁he ▁again ▁became ▁judge ▁royal , ▁besides ▁that ▁he ▁received ▁the ▁man or ▁of ▁B á cs ▁County ▁as ▁is p án . ▁In ▁ 1 2 1 3 , ▁he ▁was ▁appointed ▁ban ▁of ▁Sl av onia ▁and ▁is p án ▁of ▁Vas ▁County . ▁One ▁year ▁later , ▁he ▁became ▁vo iv ode ▁of ▁Trans ylvania ▁for ▁the ▁second ▁term , ▁besides ▁that ▁he ▁function ed ▁as ▁is p án ▁of ▁Sz ol n ok ▁County . ▁ ▁Jul ius ▁I ▁K án ▁was ▁appointed ▁pal at ine ▁of ▁Hung ary , ▁the ▁second - h ig hest ▁sec ular ▁office ▁after ▁the ▁king ▁in ▁ 1 2 1 5 ▁and ▁held ▁the ▁position ▁until ▁ 1 2 1 7 . ▁According ▁to ▁a ▁non - aut hentic ▁char ter ▁he ▁also ▁function ed ▁as ▁pal at ine ▁in ▁ 1 2 1 8 . ▁He ▁also ▁served ▁as ▁is p án ▁of ▁S op ron ▁County ▁in ▁ 1 2 1 5 . ▁During ▁Andrew ▁II ' s ▁Fifth ▁Cr us ade ▁( |
1 2 1 7 – 1 2 1 8 ), ▁Jul ius ▁could ▁not ▁prevent ▁the ▁emer gence ▁of ▁an arch ical ▁conditions , ▁as ▁a ▁result ▁he ▁lost ▁his ▁political ▁influence ▁for ▁a ▁short ▁time . ▁ ▁He ▁reg ained ▁his ▁former ▁influence , ▁as ▁he ▁was ▁appointed ▁ban ▁of ▁Sl av onia ▁and ▁is p án ▁of ▁Som ogy ▁County ▁in ▁ 1 2 1 9 . ▁He ▁served ▁as ▁is p án ▁of ▁Sz ol n ok ▁and ▁Bod rog ▁Count ies ▁from ▁ 1 2 2 0 ▁to ▁ 1 2 2 1 . ▁In ▁ 1 2 2 1 , ▁he ▁became ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁queen ' s ▁court , ▁as ▁the ▁master ▁of ▁the ▁tre asury ▁and ▁judge ▁royal ▁for ▁Queen ▁Y ol anda ▁de ▁Cour ten ay . ▁One ▁year ▁later ▁he ▁was ▁appointed ▁pal at ine ▁for ▁the ▁second ▁time ▁( 1 2 2 2 – 1 2 2 6 ) ▁and ▁is p án ▁of ▁Bod rog ▁County ▁( 1 2 2 2 – 1 2 2 4 ). ▁He ▁served ▁as ▁is p án ▁of ▁S op ron ▁County ▁between ▁ 1 2 2 4 ▁and ▁ 1 2 2 6 . ▁This ▁latter ▁position ▁was ▁also ▁held ▁by ▁Jul ius ▁from ▁ 1 2 2 8 ▁to ▁ 1 2 3 0 . ▁For ▁the ▁third ▁time , ▁he ▁function ed ▁as ▁ban ▁of ▁Sl av onia ▁between ▁ 1 2 2 9 ▁and ▁ 1 2 3 5 . ▁Meanwhile |
, ▁he ▁held ▁the ▁position ▁of ▁judge ▁royal ▁for ▁the ▁queen , ▁second ly , ▁in ▁ 1 2 3 2 . ▁ ▁After ▁the ▁death ▁of ▁Andrew ▁II ▁( 1 2 3 5 ), ▁he ▁had ▁been ▁dis gr aced ▁and ▁was ▁imprison ed ▁by ▁the ▁new ▁king , ▁B é la ▁IV ▁of ▁Hung ary . ▁He ▁died ▁in ▁capt ivity ▁in ▁ 1 2 3 7 . ▁Jul ius ▁I ▁founded ▁the ▁N ek cs es zent m ár ton ▁( Mart in , ▁Cro at ia ) ▁estate ▁of ▁the ▁Kn ights ▁T empl ar . ▁ ▁Ident ification ▁The ▁above ▁career ▁is ▁consistent ▁and ▁gap less , ▁thus ▁can ▁refer ▁to ▁a ▁single ▁person , ▁nevertheless ▁it ▁is ▁not ▁free ▁from ▁doubts : ▁it ▁may ▁arise , ▁that ▁Jul ius ▁during ▁the ▁rule ▁of ▁Emer ic ▁was ▁a ▁different ▁person ▁from ▁Jul ius , ▁bar on ▁of ▁Andrew ▁II , ▁because ▁of ▁the ▁political - hist or ical ▁conditions ▁( pr ince ▁Andrew ▁reb elled ▁against ▁his ▁older ▁brother ' s ▁reign ). ▁However ▁this ▁theory ▁is ▁can ▁be ▁eliminated ▁by ▁the ▁possibility ▁that ▁Jul ius ▁was ▁also ▁a ▁secret ▁supp orter ▁of ▁prince ▁Andrew , ▁as ▁many ▁others . ▁ ▁It ▁is ▁neither ▁reass uring ▁that ▁Jul ius ' ▁career ▁began ▁with ▁too ▁high ▁positions , ▁without ▁the ▁intro duct ory ▁section ▁of ▁smaller ▁offices . ▁Histor ian ▁M ór ▁W ert ner ▁identified ▁all ▁occurring ▁Jul ius ▁with ▁the ▁person ▁from ▁the ▁kind red ▁K án |
▁during ▁the ▁first ▁decades ▁of ▁the ▁ 1 3 th ▁century , ▁unless ▁he ▁had ▁no ▁reason ▁to ▁act ▁differently . ▁In ▁contrast , ▁J án os ▁Kar á c son y i ▁gave ▁an ▁overview ▁about ▁Jul ius ▁I ▁K án ' s ▁career ▁from ▁the ▁year ▁of ▁ 1 2 1 9 , ▁when ▁he ▁was ▁already ▁easily ▁distinguish able ▁from ▁Jul ius ▁I ▁R át ót , ▁judge ▁royal ▁( 1 2 1 9 – 1 2 2 1 ; ▁ 1 2 3 5 – 1 2 3 9 ) ▁and ▁vo iv ode ▁of ▁Trans ylvania ▁( 1 2 2 9 – 1 2 3 1 ). ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁S ources ▁ ▁Eng el , ▁P ál ▁( 2 0 0 1 ). ▁The ▁Real m ▁of ▁St ▁Stephen : ▁A ▁History ▁of ▁Med ieval ▁Hung ary , ▁ 8 9 5 - 1 5 2 6 . ▁I . B . ▁T aur is ▁Publish ers . ▁. ▁▁ ▁Mark ó , ▁L ász l ó ▁( 2 0 0 6 ). ▁A ▁mag yar ▁áll am ▁fő mé lt ós ág ai ▁Sz ent ▁Ist vá nt ól ▁nap j ain k ig – ▁É le tr aj zi ▁Lex ik on ▁(" The ▁High ▁Off ic ers ▁of ▁the ▁Hung arian ▁State ▁from ▁Saint ▁Stephen ▁to ▁the ▁Present ▁Days – ▁A ▁Bi ographical ▁En cycl op edia ") ▁( 2 nd ▁edition ); ▁Hel ik on ▁Ki ad ó ▁K ft |
., ▁Budapest ; ▁. ▁▁ ▁Z s old os , ▁Att ila ▁( 2 0 1 1 ). ▁Mag yar ország ▁vil á gi ▁arch ont ol ó gi á ja , ▁ 1 0 0 0 – 1 3 0 1 ▁(" Sec ular ▁Arch ont ology ▁of ▁Hung ary , ▁ 1 0 0 0 – 1 3 0 1 "). ▁Hist ória , ▁M TA ▁T ör té nett ud om ány i ▁Int é z ete . ▁Budapest . ▁▁ ▁Category : 1 2 3 7 ▁deaths ▁Jul ius ▁I ▁Category : Pal at ines ▁of ▁the ▁Kingdom ▁of ▁Hung ary ▁Category : Vo iv odes ▁of ▁Trans ylvania ▁Category : B ans ▁of ▁Cro at ia ▁Category : J ud ges ▁royal ▁Category : Pr ison ers ▁and ▁det aine es ▁of ▁Hung ary ▁Category : Year ▁of ▁birth ▁unknown ▁Category : H ung arian ▁people ▁who ▁died ▁in ▁prison ▁custody ▁Category : 1 2 th - century ▁Hung arian ▁people ▁Category : 1 3 th - century ▁Hung arian ▁people <0x0A> </s> ▁P J SC ▁Gaz prom ▁( , ▁) ▁is ▁a ▁mult in ational ▁energy ▁corporation ▁head qu arter ed ▁in ▁the ▁L ak ht a ▁Center ▁in ▁Saint ▁Peters burg , ▁Russia . ▁As ▁of ▁ 2 0 1 9 , ▁with ▁sales ▁over ▁USD $ 1 2 0 ▁billion , ▁it ▁sits ▁as ▁the ▁largest ▁publicly - listed ▁natural ▁gas ▁company ▁in ▁the ▁world ▁and ▁the ▁largest ▁company ▁in ▁Russia ▁by ▁revenue . ▁In |
▁the ▁ 2 0 1 9 ▁For bes ▁Global ▁ 2 0 0 0 , ▁Gaz prom ▁was ▁ranked ▁as ▁the ▁ 4 0 th ▁largest ▁company ▁in ▁the ▁world . ▁Gaz prom ▁name ▁is ▁a ▁port man te au ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁words ▁Gaz ov aya ▁Prom y sh len nost ▁( ▁- ▁gas ▁industry ). ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁is ▁vert ically ▁integrated ▁and ▁is ▁active ▁in ▁every ▁area ▁of ▁the ▁gas ▁industry , ▁including ▁exploration ▁and ▁production , ▁ref ining , ▁transport , ▁distribution ▁and ▁marketing , ▁and ▁power ▁generation . ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁Gaz prom ▁produced ▁twelve ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁global ▁output ▁of ▁natural ▁gas , ▁producing ▁ 4 9 7 . 6 ▁billion ▁cub ic ▁meters ▁of ▁natural ▁and ▁associated ▁gas ▁and ▁ 1 5 . 9 ▁million ▁ton nes ▁of ▁gas ▁cond ens ate . ▁Gaz prom ▁then ▁exports ▁the ▁gas ▁through ▁pip elines ▁that ▁the ▁company ▁builds ▁and ▁owns ▁across ▁Russia ▁and ▁abroad ▁such ▁as ▁Nord ▁Stream ▁and ▁Turk Stream . ▁In ▁the ▁same ▁year , ▁Gaz prom ▁has ▁proven ▁reserves ▁of ▁ 3 5 . 1 ▁tr illion ▁cub ic ▁meters ▁of ▁gas ▁and ▁ 1 . 6 ▁billion ▁tons ▁of ▁gas ▁cond ens ate . ▁Gaz prom ▁is ▁also ▁a ▁large ▁oil ▁producer ▁through ▁its ▁subs idi ary ▁Gaz prom ▁Ne ft , ▁producing ▁about ▁ 4 1 ▁million ▁tons ▁of ▁oil ▁with ▁reserves ▁amount ing ▁to ▁ 2 ▁billion ▁tons . ▁The ▁company ▁also ▁has ▁subs idi aries ▁in ▁industrial |
▁sectors ▁including ▁finance , ▁media ▁and ▁av iation , ▁and ▁majority ▁st akes ▁in ▁other ▁companies . ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁was ▁created ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁when ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Ministry ▁of ▁Gas ▁Industry ▁was ▁converted ▁to ▁a ▁corporation , ▁becoming ▁the ▁first ▁state - run ▁corporate ▁enterprise ▁in ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Union . ▁After ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Union ' s ▁diss olution , ▁Gaz prom ▁was ▁priv at ized , ▁ret aining ▁its ▁Russia - based ▁assets . ▁At ▁that ▁time , ▁Gaz prom ▁ev aded ▁taxes ▁and ▁state ▁regulation ▁and ▁engaged ▁in ▁asset ▁stri pping . ▁The ▁company ▁later ▁returned ▁to ▁government ▁control ▁in ▁the ▁early ▁ 2 0 0 0 s , ▁and ▁since ▁then , ▁the ▁company ▁is ▁involved ▁in ▁the ▁Russian ▁Government ' s ▁diplom atic ▁efforts , ▁setting ▁of ▁gas ▁prices , ▁and ▁access ▁to ▁pip elines . ▁ ▁The ▁company ▁is ▁mostly ▁owned ▁by ▁the ▁Russian ▁government , ▁via ▁the ▁Federal ▁Agency ▁for ▁State ▁Property ▁Management ▁and ▁Ros ne fte g az , ▁while ▁remaining ▁shares ▁are ▁traded ▁publicly . ▁Gaz prom ▁has ▁a ▁listing ▁in ▁the ▁Moscow ▁Exchange ▁and ▁has ▁a ▁market ▁capital ization ▁of ▁US $ 8 0 . 5 6 ▁billion ▁as ▁of ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 9 . ▁ ▁History ▁ ▁Or ig ins ▁In ▁ 1 9 4 3 , ▁during ▁World ▁War ▁II , ▁the ▁government ▁of ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Union ▁developed ▁a ▁domestic ▁gas ▁industry . ▁In ▁ 1 9 6 5 , ▁it ▁central ized ▁gas ▁exploration , ▁development |
, ▁and ▁distribution ▁within ▁the ▁Ministry ▁of ▁Gas ▁Industry . ▁In ▁the ▁ 1 9 7 0 s ▁and ▁ 1 9 8 0 s , ▁the ▁Ministry ▁of ▁Gas ▁Industry ▁found ▁large ▁natural ▁gas ▁reserves ▁in ▁S iber ia , ▁the ▁U ral ▁region ▁and ▁the ▁Vol ga ▁region . ▁The ▁Soviet ▁Union ▁became ▁a ▁major ▁gas ▁producer . ▁In ▁August ▁ 1 9 8 9 , ▁under ▁the ▁leadership ▁of ▁Vik tor ▁Cher nom yr d in , ▁the ▁Ministry ▁of ▁Gas ▁Industry ▁was ▁renamed ▁the ▁State ▁Gas ▁Con c ern ▁Gaz prom , ▁and ▁became ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Union ' s ▁first ▁state ▁run ▁corporate ▁enterprise . ▁In ▁late ▁ 1 9 9 1 , ▁when ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Union ▁diss olved , ▁gas ▁industry ▁assets ▁were ▁transferred ▁to ▁newly ▁established ▁national ▁companies , ▁such ▁as ▁Ukr g az prom ▁and ▁Tur km eng az prom . ▁Gaz prom ▁kept ▁assets ▁located ▁in ▁Russia ▁and ▁secured ▁a ▁mon opol y ▁in ▁the ▁gas ▁sector . ▁ ▁Priv at ization ▁ ▁In ▁December ▁ 1 9 9 2 , ▁when ▁Bor is ▁Y el ts in , ▁the ▁Russian ▁President , ▁appointed ▁Vik tor ▁Cher nom yr d in , ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁Chairman , ▁his ▁Prime ▁Minister , ▁the ▁company ' s ▁political ▁influence ▁increased . ▁Rem ▁Vi akh ire v ▁took ▁the ▁chair mans hip ▁of ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁Board ▁of ▁Direct ors ▁and ▁Man aging ▁Committee . ▁Following ▁the ▁Dec ree ▁of ▁the ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁Federation |
▁of ▁ 5 ▁November ▁ 1 9 9 2 ▁and ▁the ▁Res olution ▁of ▁the ▁Government ▁of ▁Russia ▁of ▁ 1 7 ▁February ▁ 1 9 9 3 , ▁Gaz prom ▁became ▁a ▁joint - stock ▁company . ▁Gaz prom ▁began ▁to ▁distribute ▁shares ▁under ▁the ▁v ouch er ▁method . ▁( Each ▁Russian ▁citizen ▁received ▁v ouch ers ▁to ▁purchase ▁shares ▁of ▁formerly ▁state - owned ▁companies ). ▁By ▁ 1 9 9 4 , ▁ 3 3 % ▁of ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁shares ▁had ▁been ▁bought ▁by ▁ 7 4 7 , 0 0 0 ▁members ▁of ▁the ▁public , ▁mostly ▁in ▁exchange ▁for ▁v ouch ers . ▁Fif teen ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁stock ▁was ▁allocated ▁to ▁Gaz prom ▁employees . ▁The ▁state ▁retained ▁ 4 0 % ▁of ▁the ▁shares . ▁That ▁amount ▁was ▁gradually ▁lowered ▁to ▁thirty - eight ▁percent . ▁Tr ading ▁of ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁shares ▁was ▁heavily ▁reg ulated . ▁Foreign ers ▁were ▁prohib ited ▁from ▁own ing ▁more ▁than ▁nine - percent ▁of ▁the ▁shares . ▁In ▁October ▁ 1 9 9 6 , ▁ 1 % ▁of ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁equity ▁was ▁offered ▁for ▁sale ▁to ▁foreign ers ▁as ▁Global ▁Dep ository ▁Re ce i pts . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 7 , ▁Gaz prom ▁offered ▁a ▁bond ▁issue ▁of ▁US $ 2 . 5 b illion . ▁ ▁Cher nom yr d in , ▁as ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁of ▁Russia , ▁ens ured ▁Gaz prom ▁avoided ▁tight ▁state ▁regulation |
. ▁Gaz prom ▁ev aded ▁taxes , ▁and ▁the ▁Government ▁of ▁Russia ▁received ▁little ▁in ▁divid ends . ▁Gaz prom ▁managers ▁and ▁board ▁members , ▁such ▁as ▁Cher nom yr d in ▁and ▁the ▁Gaz prom ▁Chief ▁Executive ▁Officer , ▁Rem ▁Vi akh ire v , ▁engaged ▁in ▁asset - stri pping . ▁Gaz prom ▁assets ▁were ▁shared ▁amongst ▁their ▁relatives . ▁I tera , ▁a ▁gas ▁trading ▁company ▁also ▁received ▁Gaz prom ▁assets . ▁In ▁March ▁ 1 9 9 8 , ▁for ▁reasons ▁un related ▁to ▁his ▁activities ▁at ▁Gaz prom , ▁Cher nom yr d in ▁was ▁fired ▁by ▁Y el ts in . ▁On ▁ 3 0 ▁June ▁ 1 9 9 8 , ▁Cher nom yr d in ▁was ▁made ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Board ▁of ▁Direct ors ▁of ▁Gaz prom . ▁ ▁State ▁control ▁ ▁When , ▁in ▁June ▁ 2 0 0 0 , ▁Vlad imir ▁Put in ▁became ▁the ▁President ▁of ▁Russia , ▁he ▁acted ▁to ▁gain ▁control ▁over ▁Russia ' s ▁o lig arch s , ▁and ▁increase ▁the ▁Government ▁of ▁Russia ' s ▁control ▁in ▁important ▁companies ▁through ▁a ▁program ▁of ▁national ▁champions . ▁Put in ▁fired ▁Cher nom yr d in ▁from ▁his ▁position ▁as ▁the ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Gaz prom ▁board . ▁The ▁Russian ▁Government ' s ▁stock ▁in ▁Gaz prom ▁gave ▁Put in ▁the ▁power ▁to ▁vote ▁out ▁V y akh ire v . ▁Cher nom yr d in ▁and ▁V y akh ire v ▁were ▁replaced ▁by ▁D mit ry |
▁Med ved ev ▁and ▁Alex ei ▁Miller . ▁They ▁were ▁Put in ' s ▁prior ▁employees ▁in ▁Saint ▁Peters burg . ▁Put in ' s ▁actions ▁were ▁a ided ▁by ▁the ▁share holder ▁activ ism ▁of ▁Herm itage ▁Capital ▁Management ▁Chief ▁Executive ▁Officer ▁William ▁Brow der , ▁and ▁the ▁former ▁Russian ▁Finance ▁Minister ▁Bor is ▁F y od or ov . ▁Miller ▁and ▁Med ved ev ▁were ▁to ▁stop ▁asset ▁stri pping ▁at ▁Gaz prom ▁and ▁to ▁recover ▁losses . ▁I tera ▁was ▁denied ▁access ▁to ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁pip elines ▁and ▁came ▁close ▁to ▁bankrupt cy . ▁I tera ▁agreed ▁to ▁return ▁stolen ▁assets ▁to ▁Gaz prom ▁for ▁a ▁fee . ▁ ▁In ▁April ▁ 2 0 0 1 , ▁Gaz prom ▁acquired ▁N TV , ▁Russia ' s ▁only ▁nation wide ▁state - independ ent ▁television ▁station ▁from ▁Vlad imir ▁G us insky ' s ▁company , ▁Media - Most ▁hold ings . ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 2 , ▁the ▁Gaz prom ▁subs idi ary ▁Gaz prom ▁Media ▁acquired ▁all ▁of ▁G us insky ' s ▁shares ▁in ▁companies ▁held ▁by ▁Media - Most . ▁ ▁In ▁June ▁ 2 0 0 5 , ▁Gaz prom bank , ▁Gaz prom iv est ▁Hold ing , ▁Gaz f ond ▁and ▁Gaz prom ▁Finance ▁B . ▁V ., ▁subs idi aries ▁of ▁Gaz prom , ▁sold ▁a ▁ 1 0 . 7 3 9 9 % ▁share ▁of ▁their ▁stock ▁for ▁$ 7 b illion ▁to ▁, ▁a ▁state |
▁owned ▁company . ▁Some ▁analyst s ▁said ▁the ▁amount ▁paid ▁by ▁Ros ne fte g az ▁for ▁the ▁stock ▁was ▁too ▁low . ▁The ▁sale ▁was ▁completed ▁by ▁ 2 5 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 5 . ▁With ▁the ▁purchased ▁stock ▁and ▁the ▁thirty - eight ▁percent ▁share ▁held ▁by ▁the ▁State ▁Property ▁Committee , ▁the ▁Government ▁of ▁Russia ▁gained ▁control ▁of ▁Gaz prom . ▁The ▁Government ▁of ▁Russia ▁rev oked ▁the ▁Gaz prom ▁twenty ▁percent ▁foreign ▁ownership ▁rule ▁and ▁the ▁company ▁became ▁open ▁to ▁foreign ▁investment . ▁In ▁September ▁ 2 0 0 5 , ▁Gaz prom ▁bought ▁ 7 2 . 6 3 3 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁oil ▁company ▁S ib ne ft ▁for ▁$ 1 3 . 0 1 b illion . ▁S ib ne ft ▁was ▁renamed ▁Gaz prom ▁Ne ft . ▁The ▁purchase ▁was ▁a ided ▁by ▁a ▁$ 1 2 b illion ▁loan . ▁Gaz prom ▁became ▁Russia ' s ▁largest ▁company . ▁On ▁the ▁day ▁of ▁the ▁deal ▁the ▁company ▁worth ▁was ▁valued ▁at ▁£ 6 9 . 7 b illion ▁▁ ▁( US $ 1 2 3 . 2 b illion .) ▁ ▁On ▁ 5 ▁July ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁the ▁Federal ▁Law , ▁On ▁Gas ▁Ex port , ▁was ▁passed , ▁nearly ▁un anim ously , ▁by ▁the ▁State ▁D uma ▁and ▁on ▁ 7 ▁July ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁by ▁the ▁Federation ▁Council . ▁On ▁ 1 8 ▁July ▁Put in ▁signed ▁the |
▁new ▁legislation ▁and ▁on ▁ 2 0 ▁July ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁the ▁law ▁was ▁published . ▁It ▁gave ▁Gaz prom ▁the ▁exclusive ▁right ▁to ▁export ▁natural ▁gas ▁from ▁Russia . ▁In ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁Gaz prom ▁signed ▁an ▁agreement ▁with ▁Royal ▁Dutch ▁Shell , ▁M its ui ▁and ▁M its ub ishi , ▁to ▁take ▁over ▁fifty ▁percent ▁plus ▁one ▁share ▁of ▁Sak hal in ▁Energy . ▁ ▁In ▁June ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁T N K - BP , ▁a ▁subs idi ary ▁of ▁B P ▁pl c , ▁agreed ▁to ▁sell ▁its ▁stake ▁in ▁K ov yk ta ▁field ▁in ▁S iber ia ▁to ▁Gaz prom ▁after ▁the ▁Government ▁of ▁Russia ▁questioned ▁B P ' s ▁right ▁to ▁export ▁gas ▁from ▁Russia . ▁ ▁On ▁ 2 3 ▁June ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁the ▁governments ▁of ▁Russia ▁and ▁Italy ▁signed ▁a ▁memor and um ▁of ▁understanding ▁towards ▁a ▁joint ▁venture ▁between ▁Gaz prom ▁and ▁En i ▁Sp A ▁to ▁construct ▁a ▁ 5 5 8 - mile ▁( 9 0 0 km ) ▁gas ▁pipeline ▁to ▁carry ▁ ▁gas ▁per ▁year ▁from ▁Russia ▁to ▁Europe . ▁This ▁South ▁Stream ▁pipeline ▁would ▁extend ▁under ▁the ▁Black ▁Sea ▁to ▁Bulgar ia ▁with ▁a ▁south ▁fork ▁to ▁Italy ▁and ▁a ▁north ▁fork ▁to ▁Hung ary . ▁On ▁ 1 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁during ▁a ▁visit ▁to ▁Turkey , ▁Put in ▁said ▁the ▁project ▁would ▁not ▁proceed ▁and ▁ |
6 3 ▁billion ▁cub ic ▁metres ▁per ▁year ▁( b cm / y ) ▁of ▁gas ▁would ▁be ▁shipped ▁to ▁Turkey ▁instead ▁of ▁Bulgar ia . ▁Bulgar ia ▁was ▁being ▁su ed ▁by ▁the ▁European ▁Union ▁for ▁signing ▁a ▁contract ▁with ▁Russia , ▁which ▁was ▁not ▁aligned ▁with ▁European ▁Union ▁regulations . The ▁president ▁of ▁Bulgar ia , ▁Rosen ▁P lev nel iev , ▁press ured ▁the ▁European ▁Union ▁and ▁Russia ▁to ▁quickly ▁resolve ▁the ▁matter . ▁ ▁Contin ual ▁rise ▁ ▁On ▁ 4 ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁the ▁European ▁Commission ▁announced ▁an ▁anti - tr ust ▁investigation ▁into ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁activities . ▁This ▁was ▁based ▁on ▁" conc ern s ▁that ▁Gaz prom ▁may ▁be ▁ab using ▁its ▁dominant ▁market ▁position ▁in ▁up stream ▁gas ▁supply ▁markets ." ▁In ▁late ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁Gaz prom ▁expanded ▁its ▁media ▁interests ▁by ▁acqu iring ▁Prof media ▁from ▁Vlad imir ▁Pot an in . ▁ ▁On ▁ 2 1 ▁May ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁in ▁Shanghai , ▁Gaz prom ▁and ▁the ▁China ▁National ▁Pet role um ▁Corporation ▁made ▁a ▁contract ▁worth ▁$ 4 0 0 ▁billion ▁over ▁thirty ▁years . ▁The ▁contract ▁was ▁for ▁Gaz prom ▁to ▁deliver ▁ 3 8 ▁billion ▁cub ic ▁meters ▁of ▁natural ▁gas ▁per ▁year ▁to ▁China ▁beginning ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁In ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁construction ▁began ▁with ▁p ipes ▁for ▁the ▁Power ▁of ▁S iber ia ▁pipeline ▁delivered ▁to |
▁L ensk , ▁Y ak ut ia . ▁Russia ▁will ▁start ▁supp lying ▁natural ▁gas ▁to ▁China ▁through ▁the ▁Power ▁of ▁S iber ia ▁pipeline ▁on ▁ 2 0 ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 9 ▁as ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁two ▁countries ' ▁$ 4 0 0 ▁billion ▁energy ▁p act . ▁Beijing ▁and ▁Moscow ▁are ▁now ▁negoti ating ▁over ▁a ▁second ▁Far ▁Eastern ▁gas ▁pipeline . ▁ ▁In ▁June ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Gaz prom ▁negoti ated ▁with ▁the ▁International ▁Pet role um ▁Invest ment ▁Company ▁( IP IC ▁of ▁Abu ▁D hab i ) ▁over ▁a ▁ 2 4 . 9 ▁percent ▁stake ▁in ▁the ▁Aust rian ▁oil ▁and ▁gas ▁firm ▁O M V . ▁In ▁July ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Gaz prom ▁acquired ▁Central ▁Part nership , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁largest ▁film ▁distribut ors ▁in ▁Russia . ▁ ▁Supp ly ▁and ▁reserves ▁ ▁Production ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 1 , ▁Gaz prom ▁produced ▁ ▁of ▁natural ▁gas , ▁which ▁was ▁ 1 7 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁worldwide ▁production ▁and ▁ 8 3 ▁percent ▁of ▁Russian ▁production . ▁Of ▁this ▁amount , ▁the ▁Y amb urg ▁subs idi ary ▁produced ▁ 4 1 ▁percent , ▁U re ng oy ▁ 2 3 . 6 ▁percent , ▁Nad ym ▁ 1 0 . 9 ▁percent , ▁N oy ab r sk ▁ 9 . 3 ▁percent ▁and ▁others ▁ 1 5 . 2 ▁percent . ▁In ▁addition , ▁the ▁company ▁produced ▁ 3 2 . 2 8 |
mill ion ▁tons ▁of ▁oil ▁and ▁ 1 2 . 0 7 mill ion ▁tons ▁of ▁gas ▁cond ens ate . ▁ ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁main ▁fields ▁are ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁Nad ym - P ur - T az ▁region ▁( ne ar ▁the ▁Gulf ▁of ▁Ob ) ▁in ▁Yam alo - N en ets ▁Aut onom ous ▁Ok rug ▁in ▁Western ▁S iber ia . ▁Histor ically , ▁the ▁three ▁largest ▁fields ▁are ▁Med vez he , ▁U re ng oy ▁and ▁Y amb urg . ▁After ▁more ▁than ▁twenty ▁years ▁of ▁production , ▁the ▁fields ▁are ▁now ▁in ▁decline . ▁Production ▁from ▁the ▁fields ▁has ▁decre ased ▁by ▁twenty ▁to ▁twenty - five ▁b cm ▁per ▁year . ▁The ▁production ▁at ▁Z apor li arn oe , ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁fourth ▁largest ▁field , ▁increased ▁until ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁offset ting ▁the ▁decline ▁in ▁the ▁other ▁fields . ▁ ▁Since ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁Gaz prom ▁has ▁maintained ▁production ▁by ▁activ ating ▁new ▁smaller ▁fields ▁and ▁by ▁purchasing ▁production ▁assets ▁from ▁other ▁companies . ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁Ne ft ▁produces ▁cru de ▁oil . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 5 , ▁Gaz prom ▁purchased ▁ 7 5 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁Gaz prom ▁Ne ft ▁shares ▁for ▁$ 1 3 . 1 b illion . ▁ ▁Im ports ▁from ▁Central ▁Asia ▁ ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁ability ▁to ▁supply ▁natural ▁gas ▁to ▁domestic ▁market ▁and ▁for ▁re export ▁has ▁rel ied ▁to ▁a |
▁large ▁extent ▁on ▁imports ▁from ▁Central ▁Asia . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁Gaz prom ▁imported ▁a ▁total ▁of ▁ ▁from ▁Central ▁Asia : ▁ ▁from ▁Turk men istan , ▁ ▁from ▁Kaz akh stan , ▁and ▁ ▁from ▁U zb ek istan . ▁In ▁particular , ▁Gaz prom ▁purchased ▁seventy - five ▁percent ▁of ▁Turk men istan ▁gas ▁exports ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁supply ▁gas ▁to ▁Ukraine . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁Gaz prom ▁paid ▁$ 1 3 0 / m cm ▁to ▁$ 1 8 0 / m cm ▁for ▁gas ▁from ▁Central ▁Asia . ▁ ▁Res erves ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁proved ▁and ▁probable ▁reserves ▁of ▁natural ▁gas ▁were ▁, ▁a ▁ 3 . 8 % ▁increase ▁from ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 1 ▁figure ▁which ▁represented ▁ 1 8 . 4 % ▁of ▁the ▁world ' s ▁reserves . ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 5 , ▁the ▁reserves ▁of ▁cru de ▁oil ▁were ▁ 1 . 3 5 5 b illion ▁tons ▁and ▁the ▁reserves ▁of ▁gas ▁cond ens ate ▁were ▁ 9 3 3 . 3 b illion ▁tons . ▁ 5 9 . 8 ▁percent ▁of ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁natural ▁gas ▁reserves ▁( C ategories ▁A + B + C 1 ) ▁were ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁Ur als ▁Federal ▁District ▁( de cre asing ), ▁ 2 0 . 5 ▁percent ▁in ▁the ▁Ar ctic ▁shelf ▁( in cre asing ), ▁and ▁ |
8 . 3 ▁percent ▁in ▁the ▁Southern ▁Federal ▁District ▁and ▁North ▁C au cas us ▁Federal ▁District . ▁ ▁Development ▁and ▁exploration ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁has ▁invested ▁about ▁ 4 8 0 b illion ▁rub les ▁($ 2 0 b illion ) ▁in ▁new ▁major ▁projects ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁maintain ▁supply . ▁Near ly ▁ 3 7 ▁percent ▁of ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁reserves ▁are ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁Yam al ▁Pen insula ▁and ▁in ▁the ▁B arent s ▁Sea . ▁ ▁Blue ▁Stream ▁P ipeline ▁ ▁One ▁of ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁major ▁projects ▁is ▁the ▁Blue ▁Stream ▁P ipeline . ▁The ▁Blue ▁Stream ▁P ipeline ▁del ivers ▁natural ▁gas ▁to ▁Turkey ▁via ▁the ▁Black ▁Sea . ▁In ▁ 1 9 9 7 , ▁the ▁Blue ▁Stream ▁P ipeline ▁agreement ▁between ▁Turkey ▁and ▁Russia ▁was ▁signed . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 0 , ▁the ▁first ▁joint ▁was ▁wel ded . ▁The ▁pipeline ▁has ▁transport ed ▁ 1 6 ▁billion ▁cub ic ▁meters ▁each ▁year . ▁ ▁Yam al ▁Pen insula ▁ ▁Expl oration ▁of ▁the ▁Yam al ▁pen insula ▁has ▁found ▁reserves ▁of ▁over ▁ 1 0 tr illion ▁cub ic ▁metres ▁of ▁natural ▁gas ▁and ▁over ▁ 5 0 0 mill ion ▁tons ▁of ▁oil ▁and ▁gas ▁cond ens ate . ▁About ▁ 6 0 ▁percent ▁of ▁these ▁reserves ▁are ▁located ▁in ▁B ovan en k ovo , ▁K har as ave y ▁and ▁Nov oport ovo . ▁The ▁natural ▁gas ▁production ▁capacity ▁of ▁the ▁B ovan |
en k ovo ▁field ▁was ▁estimated ▁to ▁be ▁, ▁with ▁potential ▁to ▁increase ▁to ▁. ▁ ▁S ht ok man ▁field ▁ ▁The ▁S ht ok man ▁field ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁world ' s ▁largest ▁natural ▁gas ▁fields . ▁It ▁is ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁central ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁B arent s ▁Sea , ▁ ▁nort heast ▁of ▁the ▁city ▁of ▁Mur m ansk ▁and ▁ ▁west ▁of ▁the ▁Yam al ▁Pen insula . ▁The ▁field ▁is ▁estimated ▁to ▁contain ▁up ▁to ▁ ▁of ▁gas . ▁Pot ential ▁production ▁is ▁ ▁in ▁the ▁initial ▁phases , ▁with ▁a ▁potential ▁increase ▁to ▁. ▁Gaz prom , ▁Total ▁( Fr ance ) ▁and ▁St ato il ▁( N or way ) ▁created ▁a ▁joint ▁company ▁S ht ok man ▁Development ▁AG ▁for ▁development ▁of ▁the ▁field . ▁ ▁Kh ant y - M ans i ysk ▁autonom ous ▁area ▁( Ar ctic ▁shelf ) ▁On ▁ 8 ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁in ▁Amsterdam , ▁Alex ey ▁Miller , ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Gaz prom ▁Management ▁Committee ▁and ▁J orm a ▁O ll ila , ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Board ▁of ▁Direct ors ▁of ▁Royal ▁Dutch ▁Shell ▁signed ▁in ▁the ▁presence ▁of ▁Put in ▁and ▁Mark ▁R ut te ▁prime ▁minister ▁of ▁Netherlands ▁a ▁memor and um ▁out lin ing ▁the ▁principles ▁of ▁cooperation ▁within ▁hydro car b ons ▁exploration ▁and ▁development ▁in ▁the ▁Ar ctic ▁shelf ▁and ▁a ▁section ▁of ▁the ▁deep - water ▁shelf . ▁ ▁Expl oration ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 |
8 , ▁Gaz prom ▁carried ▁out ▁ ▁of ▁expl or ative ▁well ▁dr illing ; ▁ ▁of ▁ 2 D ▁se ism ic ▁and ▁ ▁of ▁ 3 D ▁se ism ic ▁survey . ▁As ▁a ▁result , ▁gas ▁reserves ▁grew ▁by ▁, ▁and ▁cru de ▁oil ▁and ▁gas ▁cond ens ate ▁reserves ▁grew ▁by ▁ 6 1 mill ion ▁tons . ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁carries ▁out ▁prospect ing ▁and ▁exploration ▁in ▁foreign ▁countries ▁such ▁as ▁India , ▁Pakistan , ▁Al ger ia , ▁Venezuela , ▁Vietnam , ▁Lib ya , ▁Kaz akh stan , ▁U zb ek istan , ▁K yr gy z stan ▁and ▁T aj ik istan . ▁ ▁Transport ation ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁Un ified ▁Gas ▁Supp ly ▁System ▁( UG SS ) ▁includes ▁ ▁of ▁gas ▁trunk lines ▁and ▁branches ▁and ▁ 2 1 8 compress or ▁stations ▁with ▁a ▁ 4 1 . 4 G W ▁capacity . ▁The ▁U G SS ▁is ▁the ▁largest ▁gas ▁transmission ▁system ▁in ▁the ▁world . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁the ▁transportation ▁system ▁carried ▁ ▁of ▁gas . ▁Gaz prom ▁has ▁claimed ▁the ▁U G SS ▁has ▁reached ▁its ▁capacity . ▁Major ▁transmission ▁projects ▁include ▁the ▁Nord ▁Stream ▁and ▁South ▁Stream ▁pip elines , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁pip elines ▁inside ▁Russia . ▁ ▁Sales ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁Gaz prom ▁sold ▁ ▁of ▁gas ▁to ▁domestic ▁customers ; ▁ ▁to ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁Europe ; ▁and ▁ ▁to ▁C IS ▁countries |
▁and ▁the ▁Balt ic ▁states . ▁Gaz prom ▁receives ▁about ▁ 6 0 ▁percent ▁of ▁its ▁revenue ▁from ▁its ▁sales ▁to ▁European ▁customers . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁the ▁average ▁gas ▁price ▁paid ▁by ▁Russian ▁industrial ▁customers ▁was ▁$ 7 1 / m cm , ▁while ▁households ▁paid ▁$ 5 4 / m cm . ▁ ▁Since ▁ 2 0 0 0 , ▁Natural ▁gas ▁prices ▁have ▁fluct uated . ▁In ▁late ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁the ▁price ▁of ▁natural ▁gas ▁at ▁the ▁New ▁York ▁NY ME X ▁was ▁. ▁At ▁a ▁conversion ▁of ▁ 2 6 , 4 ▁m ³ ▁per ▁million ▁B tu ▁it ▁would ▁correspond ▁to ▁a ▁price ▁of ▁$ 2 8 5 ▁per ▁ 1 , 0 0 0 ▁cub ic ▁metres . ▁At ▁the ▁same ▁time , ▁based ▁on ▁their ▁respective ▁contracts ▁with ▁Gaz prom , ▁German ▁customers ▁paid ▁$ 2 5 0 ▁per ▁cub ic ▁met re ▁( m 3 ), ▁Polish ▁customers ▁$ 2 9 0 ▁per ▁m 3 , ▁Ukraine ▁customers ▁$ 1 3 0 ▁per ▁m 3 ▁and ▁Russian ▁customers ▁$ 4 9 ▁per ▁m 3 . ▁ ▁Ex ports ▁▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁del ivers ▁gas ▁to ▁ 2 5 Europe an ▁countries . ▁Its ▁main ▁export ▁arm ▁is ▁Gaz prom ▁Ex port ▁LLC , ▁founded ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 3 ▁and ▁before ▁ 1 ▁November ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁known ▁as ▁Gaz export , ▁which ▁has ▁a ▁mon opol y ▁on ▁gas ▁exports ▁to ▁countries |
▁outside ▁of ▁the ▁former ▁Soviet ▁Union . ▁The ▁majority ▁of ▁Russian ▁gas ▁in ▁Europe ▁is ▁sold ▁on ▁ 2 5 ▁year ▁contracts . ▁In ▁late ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁Gaz prom ▁was ▁the ▁sole ▁gas ▁supplier ▁to ▁Bos nia ▁and ▁Herz eg ov ina , ▁Est onia , ▁Finland , ▁M aced onia , ▁Lat via , ▁L ith u ania , ▁M old ova , ▁Ser bia ▁and ▁Slov ak ia . ▁It ▁provided ▁ 9 7 ▁percent ▁of ▁Bulgar ia ' s ▁gas , ▁ 8 9 ▁percent ▁of ▁Hung ary ' s ▁gas , ▁ 8 6 ▁percent ▁of ▁Poland ' s ▁gas , ▁nearly ▁ 7 5 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁Czech ▁Republic ' s , ▁ 6 7 ▁percent ▁of ▁Turkey ' s , ▁ 6 5 ▁percent ▁of ▁Austria ' s , ▁about ▁ 4 0 ▁percent ▁of ▁Rom ania ' s , ▁ 3 6 ▁percent ▁of ▁Germany ' s , ▁ 2 7 ▁percent ▁of ▁Italy ' s , ▁and ▁ 2 5 ▁percent ▁of ▁France ' s ▁gas . ▁The ▁European ▁Union ▁receives ▁about ▁ 2 5 ▁percent ▁of ▁its ▁gas ▁supply ▁from ▁Gaz prom . ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Europe ▁was ▁the ▁source ▁of ▁ 4 0 % ▁of ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁revenue . ▁The ▁proportion ▁of ▁Europe ’ s ▁gas ▁bought ▁in ▁the ▁spot ▁market ▁rose ▁from ▁ 1 5 ▁percent ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁to ▁ 4 4 ▁percent ▁in ▁ 2 0 |
1 2 . ▁ ▁In ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁during ▁the ▁G 2 0 ▁summit , ▁Gaz prom ▁signed ▁an ▁agreement ▁with ▁C N PC ▁that ▁the ▁Henry ▁Hub ▁index ▁would ▁not ▁be ▁used ▁to ▁settle ▁prices ▁for ▁their ▁tr ades . ▁ ▁On ▁ 2 1 ▁May ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Put in ▁met ▁with ▁X i ▁Jin ping ▁and ▁negoti ated ▁a ▁ ▁$ 4 0 0 bn ▁deal ▁between ▁Gaz prom ▁and ▁C N PC . ▁Under ▁the ▁contract , ▁Russia ▁was ▁to ▁supply ▁ 3 8 ▁billion ▁cub ic ▁meters ▁of ▁gas ▁annually ▁over ▁ 3 0 ▁years ▁at ▁a ▁cost ▁of ▁$ 3 5 0 ▁per ▁thousand ▁cub ic ▁meters ▁beginning ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁During ▁the ▁first ▁half ▁of ▁ 2 0 1 8 , ▁Gaz prom ▁increased ▁its ▁export ▁about ▁ 8 . 7 %. ▁ ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁the ▁average ▁price ▁of ▁Gaz prom ’ s ▁gas ▁in ▁Europe ▁was ▁about ▁$ 3 8 0 ▁per ▁thousand ▁cub ic ▁meters . ▁ ▁China ▁offered ▁a ▁loan ▁of ▁about ▁$ 5 0 bn ▁to ▁finance ▁development ▁of ▁the ▁gas ▁fields ▁and ▁the ▁construction ▁of ▁the ▁pipeline ▁by ▁Russia ▁up ▁to ▁the ▁Chinese ▁border , ▁with ▁the ▁Chinese ▁to ▁build ▁the ▁remaining ▁pipeline . ▁ ▁Price ▁disput es ▁On ▁ 1 ▁January ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁at ▁ 1 0 : 0 0 ▁( M os cow ▁time ), ▁during ▁the ▁Russia - |
U kr aine ▁gas ▁dispute , ▁Gaz prom ▁ce ased ▁the ▁supply ▁of ▁gas ▁to ▁the ▁Ukrain ian ▁market . ▁Gaz prom ▁called ▁on ▁the ▁government ▁of ▁Ukraine ▁to ▁increase ▁its ▁payment ▁for ▁natural ▁gas ▁in ▁line ▁with ▁increases ▁in ▁global ▁fuel ▁prices . ▁During ▁the ▁night ▁of ▁ 3 ▁January ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁and ▁early ▁morning ▁of ▁ 4 ▁January ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁N aft og as ▁of ▁Ukraine ▁and ▁Gaz prom ▁negoti ated ▁a ▁deal ▁that ▁temporarily ▁resolved ▁the ▁long - standing ▁gas ▁price ▁conflict ▁between ▁Russia ▁and ▁Ukraine . ▁ ▁On ▁ 3 ▁April ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁Gaz prom ▁announced ▁it ▁would ▁triple ▁the ▁price ▁of ▁natural ▁gas ▁to ▁Bel ar us ▁after ▁ 3 1 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 6 . ▁In ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁Gaz prom ▁threatened ▁to ▁ce ase ▁supply ▁of ▁gas ▁to ▁Bel ar us ▁at ▁ 1 0 am ▁Moscow ▁time ▁on ▁ 1 ▁January ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁unless ▁Bel ar us ▁increased ▁payments ▁from ▁$ 4 7 ▁to ▁$ 2 0 0 ▁per ▁ 1 , 0 0 0 c ub ic ▁metres ▁or ▁to ▁c ede ▁control ▁over ▁its ▁distribution ▁network . ▁Some ▁analyst s ▁suggested ▁Moscow ▁was ▁penal ising ▁Alexander ▁L uk as hen ko , ▁the ▁President ▁of ▁Bel ar us , ▁for ▁not ▁delivering ▁on ▁pl edges ▁of ▁closer ▁integration ▁with ▁Russia , ▁while ▁others ▁noted ▁that ▁other ▁countries ▁like ▁Armen ia |
▁were ▁paying ▁as ▁much ▁for ▁their ▁gas ▁as ▁Bel ar us ▁would ▁with ▁the ▁new ▁price ▁levels . ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁later ▁requested ▁a ▁price ▁of ▁$ 1 0 5 , ▁yet ▁Bel ar us ▁still ▁refused ▁the ▁agreement . ▁Bel ar us ▁responded ▁that ▁if ▁supplies ▁were ▁cut , ▁it ▁would ▁deny ▁Gaz prom ▁access ▁to ▁its ▁pip elines , ▁which ▁would ▁imp air ▁gas ▁transportation ▁to ▁Europe . ▁However , ▁on ▁ 1 ▁January ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁just ▁a ▁few ▁hours ▁before ▁the ▁deadline , ▁Bel ar us ▁and ▁Gaz prom ▁signed ▁a ▁last - minute ▁agreement . ▁Under ▁the ▁agreement , ▁Bel ar us ▁under to ok ▁to ▁pay ▁$ 1 0 0 ▁per ▁ 1 , 0 0 0 ▁cub ic ▁met re ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 7 . ▁The ▁agreement ▁also ▁allowed ▁Gaz prom ▁to ▁purchase ▁ 5 0 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁shares ▁in ▁Bel trans g az , ▁the ▁Bel ar us ian ▁pipeline ▁network . ▁Im medi ately ▁following ▁the ▁signing ▁of ▁this ▁agreement , ▁Bel ar us ▁declared ▁a ▁$ 4 2 / ton ▁transportation ▁tax ▁on ▁Russian ▁oil ▁travelling ▁through ▁the ▁Gaz prom ▁pip elines ▁crossing ▁its ▁territory . ▁ ▁On ▁ 1 3 ▁March ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁after ▁a ▁three - day ▁period ▁where ▁gas ▁supplies ▁to ▁Ukraine ▁were ▁hal ved , ▁Gaz prom ▁agreed ▁to ▁supply ▁ ▁Ukraine ▁with ▁gas ▁for ▁the ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁year . ▁The ▁contract ▁removed ▁inter medi ary ▁companies . |
▁ ▁On ▁ 1 ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Gaz prom ▁increased ▁the ▁gas ▁price ▁charged ▁to ▁Ukraine ▁from ▁$ 2 6 8 . 5 0 ▁to ▁$ 3 8 5 . 5 0 ▁( £ 2 3 1 . 0 0 ) ▁per ▁ 1 , 0 0 0 ▁cub ic ▁metres . ▁Ukraine ' s ▁un paid ▁gas ▁bills ▁to ▁Russia ▁stood ▁at ▁$ 1 . 7 bn ▁( £ 1 . 0 2 bn ). ▁On ▁ 3 0 ▁October ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁Russia ▁agreed ▁to ▁resume ▁gas ▁supplies ▁to ▁Ukraine ▁over ▁the ▁winter ▁in ▁a ▁deal ▁bro k ered ▁by ▁the ▁European ▁Union . ▁ ▁Corpor ate ▁affairs ▁Gaz prom ▁is ▁a ▁vert ically ▁integrated ▁company , ▁one ▁which ▁owns ▁its ▁supply ▁and ▁distribution ▁activities . ▁Gaz prom ▁owns ▁all ▁its ▁main ▁gas ▁processing ▁facilities ▁in ▁Russia . ▁It ▁operates ▁Russia ' s ▁high ▁pressure ▁gas ▁pip elines ▁and ▁since ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁it ▁has ▁held ▁a ▁legal ▁export ▁mon opol y . ▁ ▁Other ▁natural ▁gas ▁producers , ▁such ▁as ▁Nov ate k , ▁Russia ' s ▁second ▁largest ▁gas ▁company , ▁are ▁forced ▁to ▁use ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁facilities ▁for ▁processing ▁and ▁transport ▁of ▁natural ▁gas . ▁ ▁At ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁Gaz prom ▁had ▁ 2 2 1 , 3 0 0 ▁employees ▁in ▁its ▁major ▁gas ▁production , ▁transportation , ▁underground ▁storage ▁and ▁processing ▁subs idi aries . ▁Of ▁these |
▁employees , ▁ 9 . 5 ▁percent ▁were ▁in ▁management , ▁ 2 2 . 9 ▁percent ▁were ▁specialists , ▁ 6 3 . 4 ▁percent ▁were ▁workers ▁and ▁ 4 . 2 ▁percent ▁were ▁other ▁employees . ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁headquarters ▁are ▁in ▁the ▁Cher y om ush ki ▁District , ▁South - W estern ▁Administr ative ▁Ok rug , ▁Moscow . ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁is ▁a ▁national ▁champion , ▁a ▁concept ▁advoc ated ▁by ▁Put in , ▁in ▁which ▁large ▁companies ▁in ▁strategic ▁sectors ▁are ▁expected ▁not ▁only ▁to ▁seek ▁profit , ▁but ▁also ▁to ▁advance ▁Russia ' s ▁national ▁interests . ▁For ▁example , ▁Gaz prom ▁sell s ▁gas ▁to ▁its ▁domestic ▁market ▁at ▁a ▁price ▁less ▁than ▁that ▁of ▁the ▁global ▁market . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 8 , ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁activities ▁made ▁up ▁ 1 0 ▁percent ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁gross ▁domestic ▁product ▁ ▁Due ▁to ▁its ▁large ▁projects , ▁including ▁international ▁p ipes ▁like ▁Nord ▁Stream ▁and ▁Turkish ▁Stream , ▁Gaz prom ▁is ▁a ▁substantial ▁source ▁of ▁revenue ▁for ▁several ▁domestic ▁suppliers ▁and ▁contract ors . ▁ ▁Share holders ▁ ▁, ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁main ▁share holders ▁were ▁the ▁Federal ▁Agency ▁for ▁State ▁Property ▁Management ▁with ▁ 3 8 . 3 7 % ▁and ▁Ros ne fte g az ▁with ▁ 1 0 . 9 7 %. ▁Together ▁with ▁a ▁ 0 . 8 9 ▁share ▁of ▁Ros g az ifik ats i ya , ▁they ▁guaranteed ▁a ▁majority ▁control ▁of ▁the |
▁company ▁by ▁the ▁Russian ▁government . ▁The ▁rest ▁of ▁the ▁shares ▁were ▁held ▁by ▁investors , ▁including ▁ 2 5 . 2 0 % ▁by ▁A DR ▁hold ers ▁on ▁foreign ▁stock ▁markets , ▁and ▁ 2 4 . 5 7 % ▁by ▁other ▁legal ▁entities ▁and ▁individuals . ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁is ▁listed ▁on ▁the ▁stock ▁markets ▁of ▁Moscow , ▁London , ▁Kar achi , ▁Berlin , ▁Frankfurt ▁and ▁Singapore . ▁It ▁is ▁the ▁top ▁component ▁of ▁the ▁M IC EX ▁and ▁R TS ▁indices . ▁ ▁Sub s idi aries ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁has ▁several ▁hundred ▁subs idi aries ▁in ▁Russia ▁and ▁abroad ▁which ▁are ▁owned ▁and ▁controlled ▁directly ▁or ▁indirect ly ▁by ▁the ▁company . ▁ ▁Management ▁ ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁Board ▁of ▁Direct ors ▁as ▁of ▁ 9 ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 5 : ▁ ▁Vik tor ▁Z ub kov ▁( Ch air man , ▁Russian ▁Special ▁President ial ▁Represent ative ▁for ▁Co operation ▁with ▁Gas ▁Ex port ing ▁Count ries ▁Forum , ▁First ▁Deputy ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁of ▁Russia , ▁former ▁Prime ▁Minister ▁of ▁Russia ) ▁ ▁Alex ey ▁Miller ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Management ▁Committee , ▁CEO , ▁Chairman ▁of ▁Gaz prom bank , ▁former ▁Deputy ▁Minister ▁of ▁Energy ▁of ▁Russia ) ▁ ▁And rey ▁Ak im ov ▁( Ch air man ▁of ▁Gaz prom bank ) ▁ ▁Far it ▁Gaz iz ull in ▁( former ▁Minister ▁of ▁State ▁Property ▁of ▁Russia , ▁former ▁Minister ▁of ▁Property ▁Rel ations ▁of ▁Russia ) |
▁ ▁Tim ur ▁K ul iba ev ▁( Ch air man ▁of ▁Legal ▁Ent ities ▁Department ) ▁ ▁V ital y ▁Mark el ov ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Management ▁Committee ) ▁▁ ▁Vik tor ▁Mart yn ov ▁( R ector ▁of ▁G ub kin ▁Russian ▁State ▁University ▁of ▁Oil ▁and ▁Gas , ▁Professor ) ▁ ▁Vlad imir ▁Mau ▁( R ector ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁President ial ▁Academy ▁of ▁National ▁Econom y ▁and ▁Public ▁Administration ) ▁ ▁Val ery ▁Mus in ▁( Head ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁Pro cedure ▁Department , ▁Fac ulty ▁of ▁Law , ▁Saint ▁Peters burg ▁State ▁University ) ▁ ▁Alexander ▁Nov ak ▁( Min ister ▁of ▁Energy ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁Federation ) ▁ ▁Mik h ail ▁S ered a ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Management ▁Committee , ▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁Administration ▁of ▁the ▁Management ▁Committee ▁of ▁Gaz prom ) ▁ ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁management ▁committee ▁as ▁of ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 6 : ▁ ▁Alex ei ▁Miller ▁( Ch air man , ▁Deputy ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Board , ▁CEO , ▁Chairman ▁of ▁Gaz prom bank , ▁former ▁Deputy ▁Minister ▁of ▁Energy ▁of ▁Russia , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 0 0 1 ) ▁ ▁Alexander ▁An an en kov ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁Deputy ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Board , ▁Gaz prom ▁share holder , ▁member ▁since ▁ 1 7 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 1 ) ▁ ▁Val ery ▁Gol ub ev ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁Department ▁for ▁Construction ▁and ▁Invest ment |
, ▁former ▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁Vas ile ost rov sky ▁District , ▁former ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁Federation ▁Council ▁of ▁Russia , ▁member ▁since ▁ 1 8 ▁April ▁ 2 0 0 3 ) ▁ ▁Alexander ▁K oz lov ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁member ▁since ▁ 1 8 ▁March ▁ 2 0 0 5 ) ▁ ▁And rey ▁K ru gl ov ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁Head ▁of ▁the ▁Department ▁for ▁Finance ▁and ▁Econom ics , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 0 0 2 ) ▁ ▁Alexander ▁Med ved ev ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁Deputy ▁Chairman ▁of ▁the ▁Board , ▁former ▁Director ▁General ▁of ▁Gaz prom ▁Ex port , ▁President ▁of ▁Kont in ental ▁Hockey ▁League , ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁Coord ination ▁Committee ▁of ▁Ros U kr E ner go , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 0 0 2 ) ▁ ▁Mik h ail ▁S ered a ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁Head ▁of ▁Administration , ▁Deputy ▁Chairman ▁of ▁Gaz prom bank , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 8 ▁September ▁ 2 0 0 4 ) ▁ ▁Serge i ▁U sh akov ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁member ▁since ▁ 1 8 ▁April ▁ 2 0 0 3 ) ▁ ▁El ena ▁Vas ily eva ▁( Dep uty ▁Chairman , ▁Chief ▁Account ant , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 0 0 1 ) ▁ ▁Bog dan ▁Bud z uly ak ▁( Head ▁of ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁Gas ▁Transport ation , ▁Under ground ▁Storage ▁and ▁Util ization , ▁member ▁since ▁ 1 9 8 9 ) |
▁ ▁Nik ol ai ▁Dub ik ▁( Head ▁of ▁Legal ▁Department , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 0 0 8 ) ▁ ▁Kon stant in ▁Ch uy chen ko ▁( Head ▁of ▁the ▁Control ▁Department ▁of ▁Russia , ▁presidential ▁a ide ▁to ▁D mit ry ▁Med ved ev , ▁former ▁chairman ▁of ▁Gaz prom ▁Media , ▁executive ▁director ▁of ▁Ros U kr E ner go , ▁former ▁K GB ▁officer , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 0 0 2 ) ▁ ▁Vik tor ▁I ly ush in ▁( Head ▁of ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁Rel ationship s ▁with ▁Regional ▁Author ities ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁Federation , ▁member ▁since ▁ 1 9 9 7 ) ▁ ▁Ol ga ▁Pav l ova ▁( Head ▁of ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁As set ▁Management ▁and ▁Corpor ate ▁Rel ations , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 0 0 4 ) ▁ ▁Vas ili y ▁P ody uk ▁( Head ▁of ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁Gas , ▁Gas ▁Cond ens ate ▁and ▁Oil ▁Production , ▁member ▁since ▁ 1 9 9 7 ) ▁ ▁V l ada ▁Rus ak ova ▁( Head ▁of ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁Strateg ic ▁Development , ▁member ▁since ▁ 5 ▁September ▁ 2 0 0 3 ) ▁ ▁Kir ill ▁Se lez ne v ▁( Head ▁of ▁the ▁Department ▁of ▁Marketing ▁and ▁Process ing ▁of ▁Gas ▁and ▁L iqu id ▁H ydro car b ons , ▁member ▁since ▁ 2 7 ▁September ▁ 2 0 0 2 , ▁Director - General ▁of ▁Me zh region g az ) ▁ ▁Sports ▁spons |
orship s ▁Gaz prom ▁is ▁the ▁owner ▁and ▁spons or ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁Premier ▁League ▁football ▁club ▁FC ▁Zen it ▁Saint ▁Peters burg ▁and ▁vol ley ball ▁club ▁V C ▁Zen it - K az an ▁and ▁Gaz prom - U gra ▁S urg ut ▁at ▁Russian ▁Super ▁League . ▁On ▁ 1 ▁January ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁Gaz prom ▁also ▁became ▁the ▁spons or ▁of ▁the ▁German ▁Bundes liga ▁club ▁FC ▁Sch al ke ▁ 0 4 ▁at ▁a ▁cost ▁of ▁up ▁to ▁€ 2 5 mill ion ▁per ▁year . ▁On ▁ 2 3 ▁November ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁the ▁partnership ▁was ▁extended ▁for ▁a ▁further ▁ 5 ▁years . ▁The ▁spons orship ▁was ▁worth ▁$ 1 5 0 m ▁( US D ) ▁over ▁ 5 ▁years . ▁On ▁ 9 ▁July ▁ 2 0 1 0 , ▁Gaz prom ▁became ▁a ▁spons or ▁of ▁the ▁Ser bian ▁Super L iga ▁football ▁club ▁Red ▁Star ▁Bel grade . ▁In ▁ 2 0 1 0 , ▁Gaz prom ▁was ▁a ▁Gold ▁Partner ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁professional ▁cycl ing ▁team , ▁Team ▁Kat ush a , ▁together ▁with ▁I tera , ▁and ▁Russian ▁Techn ologies ▁( R ost ek hn olog ii ). ▁On ▁ 9 ▁July ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁Gaz prom ▁became ▁a ▁spons or ▁of ▁the ▁UEFA ▁Champions ▁League ▁and ▁UEFA ▁Super ▁Cup . ▁The ▁spons orship ▁continued ▁for ▁three ▁seasons ▁until ▁ 2 0 1 5 . ▁On ▁ 1 7 |
▁July ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁Gaz prom ▁became ▁the ▁official ▁Global ▁Energy ▁partner ▁of ▁the ▁UEFA ▁Champions ▁League ▁ 2 0 1 2 ▁winners ▁Chelsea . ▁The ▁spons orship ▁continued ▁for ▁three ▁years ▁to ▁ 2 0 1 5 . ▁ ▁In ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁Gaz prom ▁became ▁an ▁official ▁partner ▁of ▁FIFA ▁tour naments ▁from ▁ 2 0 1 5 ▁to ▁ 2 0 1 8 . ▁The ▁contract ▁includes ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 8 ▁FIFA ▁World ▁Cup ▁in ▁Russia . ▁ ▁Gaz prom ▁also ▁was ▁a ▁spons or ▁for ▁the ▁def unct - Min ardi ▁F 1 ▁team ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 . ▁ ▁Environmental ▁record ▁According ▁to ▁ge ographer ▁Richard ▁He ede , ▁Gaz prom ▁is ▁second ▁on ▁the ▁list ▁of ▁companies ▁with ▁the ▁highest ▁level ▁of ▁CO 2 ▁emissions ▁glob ally ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁with ▁ ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁amount ing ▁to ▁almost ▁ 3 . 4 % ▁of ▁worldwide ▁anth rop ogen ic ▁emissions . ▁Gaz prom ▁has ▁been ▁ranked ▁as ▁between ▁the ▁ 1 1 th ▁and ▁ 1 3 th ▁best ▁of ▁ 9 2 ▁oil , ▁gas , ▁and ▁mining ▁companies ▁on ▁up hold ing ▁ind igenous ▁rights ▁in ▁the ▁Ar ctic . ▁ ▁Cont ro vers ies ▁ ▁Y uk os ▁Oil ▁fraud ▁Y ug ansk ne fte g az ▁was ▁the ▁core ▁production ▁subs idi ary ▁of ▁the ▁Y uk os ▁Oil |
▁Company , ▁which ▁was ▁previously ▁run ▁by ▁a ▁Russian ▁business man , ▁Mik h ail ▁Kh od ork ov sky . ▁In ▁ 2 0 0 3 , ▁the ▁Russian ▁tax ▁authorities ▁charged ▁Y uk os ▁and ▁Kh od ork ov sky ▁with ▁tax ▁ev asion . ▁On ▁ 1 4 ▁April ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁Y uk os ▁was ▁presented ▁with ▁a ▁bill ▁for ▁over ▁US ▁$ 3 5 ▁b n ▁in ▁back ▁taxes ▁and ▁a ▁demand ▁to ▁pay ▁the ▁entire ▁bill ▁the ▁same ▁day . ▁Requ ests ▁by ▁Y uk os ▁to ▁de fer ▁payment , ▁allow ▁payment ▁by ▁install ments ▁or ▁to ▁dis charge ▁the ▁debt ▁by ▁sale ▁of ▁peripher al ▁assets , ▁including ▁its ▁share hold ing ▁in ▁the ▁S ib ne ft ▁oil ▁company , ▁were ▁also ▁refused . ▁ ▁The ▁bail iffs ▁fro ze ▁Y uk os ’ ▁shares ▁in ▁Y ug ansk ne fte g az ▁and ▁on ▁ 1 9 ▁November ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁they ▁placed ▁a ▁notice ▁in ▁the ▁Russian ▁government ▁newspaper ▁Ross i ysk aya ▁gaz eta . ▁Y ug ansk ne fte g az ▁would ▁be ▁sold ▁at ▁an ▁auction ▁thirty ▁days ▁later ▁on ▁ 1 9 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 4 . ▁The ▁conditions ▁for ▁participation ▁in ▁the ▁auction ▁included ▁an ▁advance ▁deposit ▁of ▁US ▁$ 1 . 7 ▁b n ▁and ▁prior ▁clear ance ▁by ▁the ▁Russian ▁Federal ▁Ant im on opol y ▁Service . ▁In ▁early ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 4 , |
▁Gaz prom ▁submitted ▁an ▁application ▁to ▁participate ▁in ▁the ▁auction ▁via ▁its ▁wh olly ▁owned ▁subs idi ary , ▁Gaz prom ne ft . ▁ ▁On ▁ 1 5 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁Y uk os ▁filed ▁for ▁a ▁bankrupt cy ▁protection ▁in ▁a ▁Houston ▁court , ▁and ▁obtained ▁a ▁temporary ▁inj unction ▁prohib iting ▁Gaz prom ▁from ▁participating ▁in ▁the ▁auction . ▁On ▁ 1 6 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁a ▁group ▁of ▁Western ▁banks ▁withd rew ▁their ▁financial ▁support ▁for ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁application . ▁On ▁the ▁same ▁day , ▁Ba ik alf in ans g rup , ▁a ▁previously ▁unknown ▁company , ▁applied ▁to ▁participate ▁in ▁the ▁auction . ▁ ▁On ▁ 1 9 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁only ▁two ▁companies ▁appeared ▁at ▁the ▁auction , ▁Gaz prom ne ft ▁and ▁Ba ik alf in ans g rup . ▁Gaz prom ne ft ▁declined ▁to ▁place ▁any ▁offer . ▁Ba ik alf in ans g rup ▁acquired ▁Y ug ansk ne fte g az ▁on ▁its ▁first ▁bid . ▁On ▁ 2 3 ▁December ▁ 2 0 0 4 , ▁Ba ik alf in ans g rup ▁was ▁acquired ▁by ▁Ros ne ft . ▁Ros ne ft ▁later ▁dis closed ▁in ▁its ▁annual ▁financial ▁statement ▁that ▁it ▁had ▁fin anced ▁the ▁acquisition ▁of ▁Y ug ansk ne fte g az . ▁At ▁the ▁time , ▁Serge y ▁Bog d anch ik ov ▁was ▁the ▁president ▁of ▁Ros ne ft ▁and |
▁the ▁chief ▁executive ▁officer ▁of ▁Gaz prom ne ft . ▁ ▁Short ly ▁after ▁the ▁auction , ▁the ▁planned ▁mer ger ▁between ▁Gaz prom ▁and ▁Ros ne ft ▁was ▁abandoned , ▁and ▁Bog d anch ik ov ▁resigned ▁his ▁post ▁as ▁chief ▁executive ▁officer ▁of ▁Gaz prom ne ft . ▁ ▁On ▁ 7 ▁February ▁ 2 0 0 6 , ▁in ▁response ▁to ▁a ▁question ▁by ▁a ▁Spanish ▁journalist , ▁Vlad imir ▁Put in ▁dis closed ▁that ▁Ros ne ft ▁had ▁used ▁Ba ik alf in ans g rup ▁as ▁a ▁vehicle ▁to ▁acquire ▁Y ug ansk ne fte g az ▁in ▁order ▁to ▁protect ▁itself ▁against ▁lit igation . ▁ ▁Green pe ace ▁protest ▁against ▁ar ctic ▁dr illing ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁oil ▁dr illing ▁in ▁the ▁Ar ctic ▁has ▁drawn ▁protests ▁from ▁environmental ▁groups , ▁particularly ▁Green pe ace . ▁Green pe ace ▁has ▁opposed ▁oil ▁dr illing ▁in ▁the ▁Ar ctic ▁on ▁the ▁grounds ▁that ▁oil ▁dr illing ▁would ▁cause ▁damage ▁to ▁the ▁Ar ctic ▁ecosystem ▁and ▁that ▁there ▁are ▁no ▁safety ▁plans ▁in ▁place ▁to ▁prevent ▁oil ▁sp ills . ▁ ▁In ▁August ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁Green pe ace ▁had ▁st aged ▁protests ▁against ▁the ▁Pr ir az l om n aya ▁oil ▁platform , ▁the ▁world ' s ▁first ▁off - shore ▁Ar ctic ▁dr ill ▁site . ▁On ▁ 1 8 ▁September ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁the ▁Green pe ace ▁vessel ▁M V ▁Ar ctic ▁Sun rise ▁st aged ▁a |
▁protest ▁and ▁attempted ▁to ▁board ▁Gaz prom ' s ▁Pr ir az l om n aya ▁oil ▁platform , ▁the ▁world ' s ▁first ▁off - shore ▁Ar ctic ▁dr ill ▁site . ▁Green pe ace ▁stated ▁that ▁the ▁dr ill ▁site ▁could ▁cause ▁massive ▁dis ruption ▁to ▁the ▁Ar ctic ▁ecosystem . ▁After ▁arrest ing ▁two ▁campaign ers ▁attempting ▁to ▁climb ▁the ▁rig , ▁the ▁Russian ▁Coast ▁Guard ▁seized ▁control ▁of ▁the ▁Green pe ace ▁ship ▁by ▁making ▁a ▁helic opter ▁drop , ▁and ▁arrested ▁thirty ▁Green pe ace ▁activ ists ▁from ▁sixteen ▁different ▁national ities . ▁The ▁Ar ctic ▁Sun rise ▁was ▁tow ed ▁by ▁the ▁Russian ▁Coast ▁Guard ▁to ▁Mur m ansk . ▁ ▁The ▁Russian ▁government ▁intended ▁to ▁charge ▁the ▁Green pe ace ▁campaign ers ▁with ▁pir acy ▁and ▁h ool igan ism , ▁which ▁carried ▁a ▁maximum ▁penalty ▁of ▁fifteen ▁years ▁imprison ment . ▁Green pe ace ▁argued ▁their ▁oper atives ▁were ▁in ▁international ▁waters . ▁The ▁Russian ▁government ' s ▁actions ▁generated ▁protests ▁from ▁governments ▁and ▁environmental ists ▁worldwide . ▁According ▁to ▁Phil ▁Rad ford , ▁Executive ▁Director ▁of ▁Green pe ace ▁in ▁the ▁US ▁at ▁the ▁time , ▁the ▁reaction ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁coast ▁guard ▁and ▁the ▁courts ▁were ▁the ▁" st iff est ▁response ▁that ▁Green pe ace ▁has ▁encountered ▁from ▁a ▁government ▁since ▁the ▁bomb ing ▁of ▁the ▁Rain bow ▁War rior ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 5 ." ▁The ▁charges ▁of ▁pir acy ▁were ▁dropped ▁in ▁October ▁ 2 0 1 3 . |
▁In ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁twenty - seven ▁of ▁the ▁campaign ers ▁were ▁released ▁on ▁bail . ▁▁▁ ▁In ▁May ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁the ▁first ▁ship ment ▁of ▁Ar ctic ▁oil ▁arrived ▁at ▁a ▁ref inery ▁in ▁the ▁Netherlands ▁and ▁was ▁purchased ▁by ▁the ▁French ▁company , ▁Total . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁▁ ▁N aft og az ▁ ▁Cent G as ▁cons ort ium ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁Russian ▁companies ▁ ▁E ner co ▁Energy ▁ ▁L ak ht a ▁Center ▁ ▁Ob sk aya – B ovan en k ovo ▁Line ▁ ▁Energy ▁Tri angle ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁countries ▁by ▁natural ▁gas ▁production ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁countries ▁by ▁natural ▁gas ▁exports ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁countries ▁by ▁natural ▁gas ▁proven ▁reserves ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁S ources ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ ▁Russia ▁Category : N at ural ▁gas ▁companies ▁of ▁Russia ▁Category : O il ▁companies ▁of ▁Russia ▁Category : N at ural ▁gas ▁companies ▁of ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Union ▁Category : O il ▁companies ▁of ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Union ▁Category : N at ural ▁gas ▁pipeline ▁companies ▁Category : C ong l omer ate ▁companies ▁of ▁Russia ▁Category : G overn ment - owned ▁companies ▁of ▁Russia ▁Category : Mult in ational ▁companies ▁head qu arter ed ▁in ▁Russia ▁Category : Com pan ies ▁based ▁in ▁Moscow ▁Category : C ong l omer ate ▁companies ▁established ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁Category : E nergy ▁companies ▁established ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁Category : Non - |
re new able ▁resource ▁companies ▁established ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁Category : 1 9 8 9 ▁establish ments ▁in ▁Russia ▁Category : 1 9 8 9 ▁establish ments ▁in ▁the ▁Soviet ▁Union ▁Category : Com pan ies ▁listed ▁on ▁the ▁Moscow ▁Exchange ▁Category : R ussian ▁brands <0x0A> </s> ▁National ▁Route ▁ 2 3 9 ▁is ▁a ▁national ▁highway ▁of ▁Japan ▁connecting ▁Ab ash iri , ▁H ok ka id ō ▁and ▁Rum oi , ▁H ok ka id ō ▁in ▁Japan , ▁with ▁a ▁total ▁length ▁of ▁ 3 4 6 . 6 km ▁( 2 1 5 . 3 7 mi ). ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : National ▁high ways ▁in ▁Japan ▁Category : R oad s ▁in ▁H ok ka ido <0x0A> </s> ▁The ▁Maj estic ▁Hotel ▁Group ▁is ▁a ▁Catal an ▁hotel ▁group , ▁with ▁ ▁head ▁office ▁in ▁Barcelona . ▁It ▁has ▁been ▁pres ided ▁by ▁the ▁Sol dev ila - C as als ▁family ▁since ▁its ▁foundation , ▁in ▁ 1 9 1 8 . ▁Currently ▁the ▁group ▁consists ▁of ▁five ▁hotels ▁and ▁two ▁apartment ▁buildings : ▁four ▁of ▁the ▁hotels ▁and ▁the ▁apartments ▁are ▁based ▁in ▁Barcelona ▁and ▁the ▁other ▁hotel ▁is ▁located ▁in ▁Pal ma ▁of ▁Major ca . ▁ ▁Maj estic ▁Hotel ▁& ▁Sp a ▁Barcelona ▁The ▁principal ▁hotel ▁is ▁▁ ▁The ▁Maj estic ▁Hotel ▁& ▁Sp a ▁Barcelona , ▁in ▁Barcelona , ▁the ▁first ▁hotel ▁of ▁the ▁group . ▁ ▁It ▁is ▁a ▁ 5 - star ▁and |
▁Gran ▁Lu jo ▁hotel ▁in ▁P asse ig ▁de ▁Gr acia . ▁It ▁was ▁first ly ▁opened ▁under ▁the ▁name ▁Maj estic ▁Hotel ▁In gl ater ra , ▁but ▁during ▁the ▁Spanish ▁Civil ▁War ▁had ▁to ▁have ▁its ▁name ▁changed ... ▁ ▁The ▁Maj estic ▁Hotel ▁& ▁Sp a ▁Barcelona ▁was ▁present ▁at ▁an ▁important ▁event ▁in ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁Catal onia ▁and ▁Spain ▁known ▁as ▁the ▁“ M aj estic ▁P act ”. ▁It ▁was ▁a ▁political ▁p act ▁made ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 6 ▁that ▁represented ▁an ▁acceptance ▁of ▁Catal an ▁national ism ▁to ▁the ▁rotation ▁power ▁of ▁the ▁Spanish ▁government ▁and ▁the ▁hotel ▁was ▁the ▁place ▁where ▁this ▁happened . ▁The ▁Maj estic ▁Hotel ▁was ▁also ▁the ▁place ▁where ▁journalists ▁used ▁to ▁write ▁about ▁the ▁E bro ’ s ▁Battle , ▁the ▁longest ▁and ▁bloody ▁battle ▁in ▁the ▁Spanish ▁Civil ▁War , ▁in ▁ 1 9 3 8 , ▁that ▁was ▁covered ▁from ▁distance ▁by ▁the ▁journalists . ▁ ▁Through ▁the ▁years , ▁the ▁hotel ▁was ▁also ▁the ▁place ▁where ▁many ▁artists ▁and ▁public ▁figures ▁have ▁chosen ▁to ▁stay . ▁One ▁of ▁them ▁was ▁the ▁poet ▁Feder ico ▁Garc ía ▁Lor ca , ▁who ▁in ▁his ▁last ▁time ▁in ▁Barcelona , ▁in ▁ 1 9 3 5 , ▁stayed ▁at ▁the ▁Maj estic . ▁In ▁December ▁of ▁this ▁year , ▁intellect uals ▁and ▁Catal an ▁dedicated ▁to ▁him ▁a ▁dinner ▁because ▁of ▁ ▁his ▁prest ige . ▁ ▁At ▁the ▁hotel , ▁the ▁writer ▁Antonio ▁Mach ado ▁and ▁Le |
ón ▁F ili pe ▁also ▁stayed ▁a ▁few ▁days ▁in ▁their ▁last ▁month ' s ▁alive . ▁They ▁were ▁both ▁sc aping ▁from ▁the ▁march ▁of ▁the ▁Civil ▁War . ▁ ▁The ▁Maj estic ▁Hotel ▁Group ▁was ▁classified ▁in ▁the ▁Top ▁ 2 0 ▁by ▁Service ▁in ▁the ▁category ▁Small ▁Lux ury ▁Brand ▁on ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 6 ▁Top ▁Lux ury ▁Hotel ▁& ▁Brand ▁Report ▁by ▁Review Pro . ▁ ▁Other ▁properties ▁The ▁other ▁properties ▁of ▁the ▁group ▁in ▁Barcelona ▁are : ▁the ▁Hotel ▁Mur m uri , ▁a ▁ 4 - star ▁superior ▁hotel ▁ ▁on ▁Ram bl a ▁Catal un ya ; ▁Hotel ▁Mid most , ▁a ▁ 4 - star ▁ ▁bout ique ▁hotel ▁recently ▁opened ▁and ▁Hotel ▁Den it , ▁a ▁ 3 ▁star ▁located ▁nearby ▁Pl aza ▁Catal un ya . ▁The ▁two ▁apartments ▁are : ▁the ▁Mur m uri ▁Res idence ▁and ▁the ▁Maj estic ▁Res idence , ▁ ▁located ▁next ▁to ▁Mur m uri ▁hotel ▁and ▁the ▁Maj estic ▁hotel ▁respectively . ▁In ▁Pal ma ▁of ▁Major ca , ▁the ▁group ▁has ▁the ▁hotel ▁Sant ▁Frances c , ▁a ▁ 5 - star ▁bout ique ▁hotel ▁located ▁on ▁ ▁Sant ▁Frances c ▁Square . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁Review ▁at ▁Y eh ot els ▁luxury ▁hotels ▁guide ▁ ▁Category : Com pan ies ▁based ▁in ▁Barcelona ▁Category : Hot el ▁chains ▁in ▁Spain ▁Category : Span ish ▁brands ▁Category : H ospital ity ▁companies ▁established ▁in ▁ 1 9 1 |
8 ▁Category : 1 9 1 8 ▁establish ments ▁in ▁Spain <0x0A> </s> ▁Statistics ▁of ▁Lat v ian ▁Hig her ▁League ▁in ▁the ▁ 1 9 7 9 ▁season . ▁ ▁Over view ▁It ▁was ▁cont ested ▁by ▁ 1 4 ▁teams , ▁and ▁Ele ktr ons ▁won ▁the ▁championship . ▁ ▁League ▁stand ings ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁R SS SF ▁ ▁Category : Lat v ian ▁S SR ▁Hig her ▁League ▁Football ▁ ▁Lat via <0x0A> </s> ▁Prince ▁M oul ay ▁Is mail ▁of ▁Mor oc co ▁() ▁( born ▁ 7 ▁May ▁ 1 9 8 1 ) ▁is ▁the ▁son ▁of ▁Prince ▁M oul ay ▁Abd all ah ▁and ▁L alla ▁Lam ia ▁Sol h . ▁His ▁mother ▁is ▁daughter ▁of ▁R i ad ▁Al ▁Sol h , ▁the ▁first ▁Prime ▁minister ▁of ▁Leb anon . ▁The ▁Prince ▁has ▁one ▁older ▁brother , ▁Prince ▁M oul ay ▁H ich am . ▁ ▁On ▁ 2 5 ▁September ▁ 2 0 0 9 , ▁he ▁married ▁An issa ▁Le hm ku hl , ▁the ▁daughter ▁of ▁Lieutenant - Col onel ▁O mar ▁Le hm ku hl ▁and ▁his ▁wife , ▁A mina ▁( G erman ▁citizens ▁converted ▁to ▁Islamic ▁faith ). ▁They ▁had ▁issue , ▁one ▁son ▁and ▁four ▁daughters : ▁▁ ▁Shar if ▁M oul ay ▁Abd all ah , ▁( born ▁on ▁ ▁at ▁Rab at ), ▁ ▁Shar ifa ▁L alla ▁A isha , ▁( born ▁on ▁▁ ▁at ▁Rab at ), ▁ ▁Shar ifa ▁L alla |
▁H ala , ▁( born ▁on ▁ ▁at ▁Rab at ). ▁ ▁Shar ifa ▁L alla ▁Bah ia , ▁( born ▁on ▁ ▁at ▁Rab at ). ▁ ▁Business ▁Prince ▁Is mail ▁owns ▁The ora ▁holding , ▁which ▁has ▁a ▁ 3 5 % ▁stake ▁in ▁the ▁now - def unct ▁K IA ▁Mar oc ▁( ex clusive ▁dealer ▁of ▁K IA ▁cars ▁in ▁Mor oc co ) ▁and ▁also ▁co - own s ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁food ▁& ▁restaurants ▁franch ises ▁such ▁as ▁P izza ▁Del ▁Ar te ▁( sub s idi ary ▁of ▁G roupe ▁Le ▁D uff ). ▁ ▁Pat ron ages ▁▁ ▁Honor ary ▁President ▁of ▁the ▁Hand ▁in ▁Hand ▁Association . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : M or oc can ▁royal ty ▁Category : People ▁from ▁Rab at ▁Category : 1 9 8 1 ▁birth s ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : M or oc can ▁people ▁of ▁Leb an ese ▁descent ▁Category : M or oc can ▁people ▁of ▁Arab ▁descent ▁Category : M or oc can ▁prin ces ▁Category : People ▁from ▁Be ir ut ▁Category : M or oc can ▁business people <0x0A> </s> ▁Z od ia q ▁is ▁an ▁engine ered ▁stone ▁made ▁by ▁Du P ont ▁composed ▁of ▁ 9 3 % ▁quart z ▁crystal ▁and ▁ 7 % ▁ac ry lic ▁res in , ▁colors ▁and ▁bind ers . ▁The ▁product ▁is ▁manufactured ▁in ▁Du P ont ' s ▁Gran ire x ▁plant ▁in ▁The t ford ▁M ines , |
▁Canada . ▁It ▁is ▁used ▁most ▁often ▁as ▁kitchen ▁counter t ops ▁but ▁also ▁as ▁walls . ▁Its ▁primary ▁advantage ▁is ▁that ▁unlike ▁natural ▁stone ▁products ▁( mar ble , ▁gran ite , ▁lim estone , ▁wood ), ▁Z od ia q ▁is ▁non - por ous ▁and ▁does ▁not ▁require ▁a ▁seal ant ▁that ▁must ▁be ▁period ically ▁re ap plied . ▁Por ous ▁products , ▁like ▁gran ite , ▁are ▁pr one ▁to ▁growing ▁m olds ▁and ▁st aining . ▁The ▁color ▁of ▁Z od ia q ▁is ▁consistent ▁throughout . ▁Du P ont ▁offers ▁a ▁ 1 0 - year ▁warranty ▁on ▁the ▁installation , ▁( as ▁well ▁as ▁the ▁product ▁itself ) ▁if ▁the ▁job ▁is ▁done ▁by ▁a ▁certified ▁fabric ator / inst aller . ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁Du P ont ' s ▁Z od ia q ▁website ▁ ▁Z od ia q ▁in ▁a ▁green ▁kitchen ▁rem od el ▁ ▁Category : Br and ▁name ▁materials ▁Category : Du P ont <0x0A> </s> ▁Ad rian ▁S util ▁( ; ▁born ▁ 1 1 ▁January ▁ 1 9 8 3 ) ▁is ▁a ▁German ▁racing ▁driver , ▁who ▁r aced ▁in ▁Formula ▁One ▁for ▁seven ▁seasons : ▁from ▁ 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 1 , ▁then ▁▁ 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 . ▁He ▁drove ▁for ▁the ▁Sp y ker ▁F 1 ▁Team , ▁Force ▁India ▁F 1 ▁Team ▁and ▁the ▁Sa uber ▁F 1 ▁Team . ▁He |
▁was ▁also ▁the ▁reserve ▁driver ▁for ▁the ▁Williams ▁F 1 ▁Team ▁in ▁. ▁ ▁S util ▁started ▁k art ing ▁at ▁the ▁age ▁of ▁ 1 4 ▁and ▁moved ▁into ▁single ▁se ater ▁racing ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 2 ▁in ▁the ▁Swiss ▁Formula ▁Ford ▁series ▁where ▁he ▁won ▁the ▁title . ▁He ▁moved ▁up ▁into ▁Formula ▁Masters ▁Austria ▁and ▁started ▁ 1 ▁race ▁before ▁stepping ▁into ▁Formula ▁BM W ▁AD AC ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 3 . ▁S util ▁then ▁r aced ▁in ▁the ▁Formula ▁ 3 ▁Euro series ▁where ▁he ▁was ▁the ▁runner - up ▁to ▁Lewis ▁Hamilton ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 5 . ▁He ▁went ▁to ▁Japan ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁to ▁race ▁in ▁the ▁All - J apan ▁Formula ▁Three ▁Championship ▁and ▁also ▁finished ▁ 3 rd ▁in ▁the ▁Mac au ▁Grand ▁Prix . ▁ ▁Having ▁been ▁involved ▁in ▁the ▁Mid land ▁F 1 ▁test ▁team , ▁S util ▁was ▁promoted ▁to ▁a ▁race ▁seat ▁for ▁the ▁new ▁Sp y ker ▁F 1 ▁team ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 7 . ▁S util ▁continued ▁to ▁race ▁with ▁the ▁team ▁under ▁their ▁new ▁gu ise ▁Force ▁India ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁where ▁he ▁remained ▁until ▁ 2 0 1 1 . ▁Having ▁made ▁his ▁return ▁to ▁the ▁sport ▁in ▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁again ▁with ▁Force ▁India , ▁he ▁competed ▁in ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 4 ▁season ▁with ▁the ▁Sa uber ▁team . ▁ ▁Biography ▁Born ▁in ▁St arn berg , ▁West |
▁Germany , ▁S util ▁is ▁the ▁son ▁of ▁professional ▁musicians ▁Mon ika , ▁a ▁German , ▁and ▁Jorge , ▁a ▁U rugu ay an . ▁He ▁has ▁two ▁brothers , ▁named ▁Daniel ▁and ▁R aph ael . ▁ ▁He ▁weigh s ▁ 7 5 ▁kil ogram s ▁( 1 6 5 ▁pounds ) ▁and ▁is ▁ 1 8 3 ▁cent im eters ▁( 6 ▁feet ) ▁tall . ▁ ▁A ▁talented ▁pian ist , ▁S util ▁started ▁k art ing ▁at ▁ 1 4 ▁before ▁moving ▁up ▁to ▁Swiss ▁Formula ▁Ford ▁ 1 8 0 0 ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 2 . ▁He ▁won ▁all ▁ten ▁rounds ▁of ▁the ▁season ▁from ▁pole ▁and ▁added ▁five ▁wins ▁in ▁the ▁Formula ▁Masters ▁Austria ▁championship . ▁S util ▁speaks ▁fl uent ▁German , ▁English , ▁and ▁Spanish ▁and ▁a ▁little ▁Italian . ▁ ▁Formula ▁BM W ▁and ▁Formula ▁Three ▁When ▁S util ▁moved ▁up ▁to ▁the ▁Formula ▁BM W ▁AD AC ▁championship ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 3 ▁he ▁finished ▁in ▁sixth ▁place ▁in ▁the ▁series , ▁but ▁with ▁no ▁wins . ▁The ▁following ▁season ▁he ▁stepped ▁up ▁to ▁the ▁Formula ▁ 3 ▁Euro series ▁with ▁Colin ▁K oll es ' ▁team . ▁Although ▁he ▁scored ▁only ▁twice , ▁the ▁connection ▁he ▁made ▁with ▁K oll es ▁would ▁prove ▁useful ▁in ▁the ▁future . ▁He ▁moved ▁to ▁the ▁AS M ▁team ▁at ▁the ▁final ▁round ▁of ▁the ▁year . ▁ ▁S util ▁stayed ▁with ▁AS M ▁for ▁ 2 0 0 5 ▁and ▁was ▁joined |
▁by ▁British ▁driver ▁Lewis ▁Hamilton . ▁Hamilton ▁won ▁more ▁races ▁than ▁S util , ▁but ▁the ▁German ▁was ▁runner - up ▁to ▁Hamilton ▁and ▁the ▁Brit on ' s ▁only ▁serious ▁compet itor ▁in ▁the ▁championship ▁and ▁at ▁the ▁Mar l bor o ▁Masters ▁of ▁Formula ▁Three ▁at ▁Z and vo ort . ▁ ▁S util ▁missed ▁the ▁last ▁two ▁rounds ▁of ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 5 ▁Euro series ▁after ▁joining ▁A 1 ▁Team ▁Germany ▁for ▁the ▁inaug ural ▁A 1 ▁Grand ▁Prix ▁series . ▁He ▁r aced ▁for ▁them ▁at ▁three ▁events ▁in ▁Portugal , ▁Australia ▁and ▁Dub ai , ▁his ▁best ▁result ▁being ▁two ▁tw elf th ▁places . ▁ ▁He ▁spent ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁racing ▁in ▁Japan ▁and ▁won ▁the ▁All - J apan ▁Formula ▁Three ▁Championship . ▁He ▁showed ▁a ▁very ▁strong ▁performance ▁all ▁season . ▁He ▁also ▁finished ▁third ▁in ▁the ▁Mac au ▁Formula ▁Three ▁Grand ▁Prix ▁and ▁made ▁a ▁one - off ▁appearance ▁in ▁Japanese ▁Super ▁GT . ▁ ▁Formula ▁One ▁ ▁Mid land ▁( 2 0 0 6 ) ▁ ▁That ▁year ▁also ▁saw ▁S util ▁enter ▁Formula ▁One . ▁In ▁January , ▁he ▁was ▁confirmed ▁as ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁three ▁test ▁drivers ▁for ▁the ▁new ▁Mid land ▁F 1 ▁Racing ▁team , ▁along ▁with ▁Mark us ▁W ink el h ock ▁and ▁G ior gio ▁Mond ini . ▁This ▁came ▁thanks ▁to ▁his ▁connections ▁with ▁Colin ▁K oll es , ▁who ▁was ▁then ▁running ▁the ▁team . ▁ ▁S util ▁appeared ▁for |
▁the ▁team ▁as ▁the ▁third ▁driver ▁at ▁the ▁European , ▁French ▁and ▁Japanese ▁Gr ands ▁Prix . ▁By ▁the ▁time ▁of ▁his ▁third ▁appearance , ▁the ▁outfit ▁had ▁been ▁bought ▁by ▁Sp y ker ▁Cars . ▁At ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁year , ▁he ▁was ▁promoted ▁to ▁second ▁driver ▁for ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁season , ▁having ▁been ▁signed ▁on ▁a ▁multi - year ▁contract ▁by ▁the ▁Sp y ker ▁M F 1 ▁Team . ▁In ▁an ▁interview ▁with ▁the ▁Official ▁Formula ▁One ▁website , ▁S util ' s ▁first ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁team mate , ▁Christ ij an ▁Al bers , ▁commented ▁that ▁" Ad rian ▁is ▁a ▁good ▁driver ▁and ▁he ▁will ▁be ▁quick ▁this ▁year , ▁but ▁as ▁a ▁driver ▁you ▁should ▁always ▁be ▁pushing ▁to ▁the ▁limits ▁without ▁thinking ▁what ▁the ▁guy ▁in ▁the ▁car ▁next ▁to ▁you ▁is ▁doing . ▁But ▁Ad rian ▁will ▁be ▁a ▁good ▁team - mate ▁and ▁it ▁looks ▁as ▁though ▁he ' s ▁going ▁to ▁be ▁a ▁big ▁talent ▁[ for ▁the ▁future ] ". ▁ ▁Sp y ker ▁( 2 0 0 7 ) ▁ ▁During ▁ 2 0 0 7 , ▁S util ▁out - qual ified ▁and ▁out - r aced ▁his ▁team - mate ▁Al bers ▁at ▁all ▁Gr ands ▁Prix ▁before ▁the ▁Dutch man ▁was ▁replaced ▁by ▁S util ' s ▁countr yman ▁Mark us ▁W ink el h ock , ▁test ▁driver ▁for ▁the ▁team ▁up ▁until ▁that ▁time ▁at ▁the ▁European ▁Grand |
▁Prix . ▁S util ▁out - qual ified ▁W ink el h ock , ▁although ▁the ▁latter ▁went ▁on ▁to ▁lead ▁the ▁race ▁and ▁restart ▁after ▁a ▁sudden ▁down p our . ▁W ink el h ock ▁res umed ▁his ▁third ▁driver ▁role ▁for ▁the ▁following ▁grand ▁p rix ▁at ▁Hung ary ▁when ▁Japanese ▁driver ▁Sak on ▁Yam am oto ▁took ▁over ▁the ▁second ▁team ▁seat . ▁S util ▁out - per formed ▁Yam am oto ▁in ▁the ▁race , ▁passing ▁H onda ▁drivers ▁Rub ens ▁Bar ric hello ▁and ▁J enson ▁Button . ▁ ▁In ▁the ▁Hung arian ▁Grand ▁Prix , ▁S util ▁was ▁the ▁first ▁Sp y ker ▁driver ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁to ▁beat ▁another ▁running ▁classified ▁fin isher , ▁H onda ' s ▁Rub ens ▁Bar ric hello . ▁ ▁For ▁the ▁Turkish ▁Grand ▁Prix , ▁a ▁B - spec ▁car ▁was ▁expected ▁for ▁the ▁Sp y ker ▁team ▁but ▁it ▁failed ▁a ▁rear ▁crash ▁test ▁and ▁S util ▁continued ▁to ▁use ▁the ▁older ▁spec ▁car . ▁After ▁fuel ▁pressure ▁problems , ▁he ▁was ▁forced ▁to ▁start ▁the ▁race ▁from ▁the ▁p its ▁and ▁finished ▁five ▁l aps ▁behind . ▁At ▁Mon za , ▁despite ▁the ▁introduction ▁of ▁the ▁B - spec ▁Sp y ker ▁F 8 - V II ▁and ▁due ▁to ▁the ▁nature ▁of ▁the ▁circuit , ▁the ▁Sp y kers ▁were ▁largely ▁un compet itive ▁once ▁again ▁and ▁S util ▁finished ▁ 1 9 th , ▁again ▁only ▁in ▁front ▁of ▁his ▁team - |
mate . ▁ ▁At ▁the ▁Belg ian ▁Grand ▁Prix , ▁the ▁strengths ▁of ▁the ▁B - spec ▁car ▁were ▁fully ▁evident ▁with ▁both ▁S util ▁and ▁Yam am oto ▁setting ▁competitive ▁times ▁through ▁the ▁three ▁practice ▁sessions ▁cul min ating ▁in ▁S util ▁qual ifying ▁only ▁half ▁a ▁second ▁behind ▁ 1 6 th ▁placed ▁man ▁Vit anton io ▁Li uz zi . ▁During ▁the ▁race , ▁S util ▁passed ▁the ▁Toy ota ▁of ▁J arn o ▁Tr ull i , ▁H ond as ▁of ▁Rub ens ▁Bar ric hello ▁and ▁J enson ▁Button ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁the ▁Red ▁Bull ' s ▁David ▁C oul th ard , ▁Tor o ▁Ros so ' s ▁Vit anton io ▁Li uz zi ▁and ▁Williams ▁driver ▁Alexander ▁W ur z . ▁He ▁ran ▁as ▁high ▁as ▁ 1 2 th ▁before ▁finishing ▁ 1 4 th . ▁He ▁was ▁highly ▁praised ▁for ▁his ▁efforts ▁by ▁both ▁team ▁and ▁media . ▁ ▁Two ▁weeks ▁later ▁in ▁the ▁rain ▁at ▁Fu ji ▁Speed way , ▁Japan , ▁it ▁seemed ▁S util ▁had ▁narrow ly ▁missed ▁an ▁opportunity ▁to ▁score ▁Sp y ker ' s ▁first ▁ever ▁point , ▁briefly ▁holding ▁ 8 th ▁position ▁on ▁the ▁pen ult imate ▁lap ▁of ▁the ▁high - attr ition ▁race ▁after ▁Nick ▁He id feld ▁retired ▁his ▁BM W , ▁but ▁was ▁almost ▁immediately ▁passed ▁by ▁fellow ▁back marker ▁Vit anton io ▁Li uz zi ▁in ▁the ▁Tor o ▁Ros so ▁and ▁finished ▁ 9 th . ▁After ▁the ▁race ▁it |
▁was ▁found ▁that ▁Li uz zi ▁had ▁over t aken ▁S util ▁under ▁yellow ▁flags , ▁and ▁the ▁ 2 5 - second ▁penalty ▁for ▁the ▁Italian ▁promoted ▁S util ▁to ▁the ▁final ▁points ▁position . ▁Tor o ▁Ros so ▁appe aled ▁the ▁decision , ▁but ▁the ▁penalty ▁was ▁up held . ▁ ▁Sp y ker ▁were ▁not ▁competitive ▁in ▁the ▁final ▁two ▁races ▁of ▁the ▁year , ▁neither ▁of ▁which ▁S util ▁finished . ▁He ▁has ▁been ▁praised ▁by ▁many ▁for ▁his ▁performances ▁in ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 7 ▁Formula ▁One ▁Championship . ▁Despite ▁driving ▁the ▁most ▁un compet itive ▁car ▁of ▁the ▁year , ▁the ▁German ▁ro ok ie ▁impressed ▁by ▁not ▁only ▁domin ating ▁all ▁of ▁his ▁team mates ▁in ▁both ▁qual ifying ▁and ▁race ▁conditions , ▁but ▁also ▁by ▁challenging ▁other ▁drivers ▁with ▁superior ▁equipment . ▁ ▁Force ▁India ▁( 2 0 0 8 – 2 0 1 1 , ▁ 2 0 1 3 ) ▁▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁ ▁S util ▁continued ▁with ▁the ▁team ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁under ▁its ▁new ▁identity ▁as ▁Force ▁India , ▁after ▁briefly ▁entertaining ▁the ▁possibility ▁of ▁a ▁drive ▁with ▁Mc L aren ▁or ▁Williams . ▁The ▁first ▁two ▁races ▁of ▁the ▁season ▁ended ▁with ▁mechanical ▁failures ▁ ▁While ▁running ▁in ▁a ▁very ▁strong ▁fourth ▁position ▁in ▁Mon aco ▁with ▁six ▁l aps ▁remaining , ▁he ▁was ▁hit ▁in ▁the ▁rear ▁by ▁fifth ▁placed ▁Kim i ▁R ä ik kö nen ▁who ▁lost ▁control ▁of ▁his ▁car |
▁while ▁br aking ▁for ▁the ▁har bour ▁ch ic ane . ▁A ▁crash ▁a ▁few ▁l aps ▁earlier ▁had ▁resulted ▁in ▁the ▁safety ▁car ▁being ▁deployed , ▁with ▁S util ▁losing ▁his ▁considerable ▁lead ▁over ▁the ▁Finn ish ▁driver . ▁S util ' s ▁car ▁suffered ▁damage ▁to ▁the ▁rear ▁diff user , ▁and ▁he ▁was ▁forced ▁to ▁retire . ▁Mike ▁G asc oy ne ▁called ▁for ▁R ä ik kö nen ▁to ▁be ▁pun ished ▁over ▁the ▁incident . ▁No ▁punishment , ▁however , ▁was ▁given . ▁However , ▁S util ▁had ▁over t aken ▁three ▁cars ▁under ▁yellow ▁flags ▁and ▁according ▁to ▁st eward ▁Paul ▁G ut j ahr , ▁should ▁he ▁have ▁reached ▁the ▁che qu ered ▁flag , ▁he ▁would ▁have ▁been ▁given ▁a ▁ 2 5 - second ▁penalty ▁which ▁would ▁have ▁dropped ▁him ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁point - sc oring ▁positions . ▁ ▁On ▁ 1 7 ▁October ▁Force ▁India ▁announced ▁they ▁would ▁keep ▁S util ▁for ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 9 ▁season . ▁▁ 2 0 0 9 ▁S util ▁and ▁the ▁Force ▁India ▁team ▁started ▁the ▁year ▁with ▁a ▁real ▁optim ism ▁of ▁points ▁scoring ▁fin ishes ▁when ▁the ▁European ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁season ▁started ▁after ▁the ▁first ▁four ▁races . ▁BBC ▁comment ator ▁Martin ▁Bru nd le ▁expressed ▁his ▁personal ▁view ▁that : ▁ ▁In ▁Australia , ▁after ▁starting ▁from ▁ 1 6 th ▁on ▁the ▁grid , ▁S util ▁progress ed ▁stead ily ▁through ▁the ▁field ▁to ▁finish ▁just ▁outside ▁the ▁points |
▁in ▁ 9 th ▁place . ▁In ▁Malaysia , ▁he ▁qualified ▁ 1 9 th ▁and ▁finished ▁ 1 5 th ▁when ▁the ▁race ▁was ▁stopped ▁on ▁lap ▁ 3 3 ▁due ▁to ▁tor rent ial ▁rain . ▁ ▁In ▁China , ▁S util ▁was ▁running ▁in ▁ 6 th ▁place ▁with ▁ 6 ▁l aps ▁remaining ▁when ▁he ▁lost ▁control ▁of ▁his ▁Force ▁India – ▁due ▁to ▁aqu ap lan ing – ▁resulting ▁in ▁him ▁cr ashing ▁and ▁forcing ▁him ▁to ▁retire . ▁ ▁In ▁B ahr ain , ▁S util ▁was ▁penal ised ▁for ▁blocking ▁Mark ▁Web ber ▁during ▁the ▁first ▁qual ifying ▁session . ▁He ▁personally ▁walked ▁into ▁Mark ' s ▁room ▁to ▁apolog ise ▁for ▁the ▁incident . ▁ ▁In ▁Spain , ▁after ▁running ▁wide ▁at ▁the ▁first ▁corner ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁lap ▁S util ▁rejo ined ▁the ▁track ▁only ▁to ▁hit ▁the ▁Toy ota ▁of ▁J arn o ▁Tr ull i . ▁The ▁Italian ▁had ▁also ▁run ▁wide ▁and ▁was ▁re join ing ▁the ▁track . ▁ ▁This ▁forced ▁both ▁drivers ▁to ▁retire ▁and ▁caused ▁the ▁two ▁Tor o ▁Ross os ▁of ▁Sé bast ien ▁Bour d ais ▁and ▁Sé bast ien ▁Bu emi ▁to ▁crash ▁into ▁each ▁other . ▁ ▁In ▁Mon aco , ▁S util ▁finished ▁ 1 4 th ▁and ▁finished ▁ 1 7 th ▁in ▁Turkey , ▁after ▁qual ifying ▁a ▁career - best ▁of ▁ 1 5 th . ▁ ▁In ▁qual ifying ▁in ▁Britain , ▁S util ▁went ▁off ▁at |
▁Ab bey ▁corner ▁after ▁bra ke ▁failure ▁in ▁Q 1 . ▁Qual ifying ▁was ▁red ▁flag ged ▁and ▁as ▁a ▁result ▁no ▁one ▁else ▁could ▁post ▁a ▁lap ▁time . ▁This ▁meant ▁that ▁S util ▁was ▁to ▁start ▁from ▁ 1 8 th ▁on ▁the ▁grid , ▁although ▁the ▁team ▁had ▁hoped ▁that ▁both ▁S util ▁and ▁Gian car lo ▁F is iche lla ▁would ▁get ▁into ▁Q 2 . ▁Due ▁to ▁the ▁damage ▁caused ▁by ▁the ▁accident ▁he ▁had ▁to ▁start ▁from ▁the ▁pit ▁lane ▁because ▁he ▁needed ▁to ▁use ▁a ▁new ▁car ▁and ▁a ▁new ▁engine , ▁and ▁went ▁on ▁to ▁finish ▁ 1 7 th ▁in ▁an ▁une vent ful ▁race . ▁ ▁In ▁Germany , ▁S util ▁took ▁advantage ▁of ▁the ▁un predict able ▁conditions ▁in ▁qual ifying , ▁and ▁secured ▁his ▁best - ever ▁qual ifying ▁position ▁of ▁seventh . ▁In ▁the ▁race , ▁he ▁was ▁lying ▁in ▁second ▁place ▁for ▁a ▁while ▁before ▁his ▁first ▁pit ▁stop . ▁However , ▁a ▁collision ▁with ▁Kim i ▁R ä ik kö nen ▁after ▁coming ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁pit ▁lane ▁meant ▁he ▁had ▁to ▁pit ▁again ▁to ▁replace ▁his ▁front ▁wing . ▁He ▁finished ▁ 1 5 th . ▁It ▁was ▁the ▁second ▁time ▁that ▁a ▁collision ▁with ▁R ä ik kö nen ▁cost ▁S util ▁the ▁chance ▁to ▁score ▁points , ▁after ▁the ▁previous ▁incident ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁Mon aco ▁Grand ▁Prix . ▁ ▁In ▁Hung ary , ▁he ▁was ▁forced ▁to ▁retire ▁after ▁just |
▁two ▁l aps ▁because ▁a ▁water ▁temperature ▁problem ▁caused ▁the ▁engine ▁to ▁over he at , ▁after ▁qual ifying ▁ 1 7 th . ▁ ▁In ▁Val encia , ▁new ▁aer od ynamic ▁up grades ▁for ▁the ▁V J M 0 2 ▁saw ▁him ▁qualify ▁ 1 2 th , ▁and ▁he ▁then ▁r aced ▁stead ily ▁to ▁finish ▁ 1 0 th , ▁demonstr ating ▁that ▁the ▁team ▁were ▁at ▁last ▁showing ▁signs ▁of ▁compet it iveness , ▁as ▁team mate ▁F is iche lla ▁finished ▁ 1 2 th ▁behind ▁He id feld ' s ▁BM W ▁Sa uber . ▁ ▁In ▁Belgium , ▁he ▁qualified ▁ 1 1 th , ▁although ▁the ▁main ▁celebr ations ▁in ▁the ▁Force ▁India ▁pit ▁were ▁for ▁team mate ▁Gian car lo ▁F is iche lla ' s ▁excellent ▁pole ▁position . ▁S util ▁finished ▁ 1 1 th , ▁while ▁F is iche lla ▁finished ▁less ▁than ▁a ▁second ▁behind ▁Kim i ▁R ä ik kö nen ' s ▁race - winning ▁Ferr ari . ▁ ▁At ▁the ▁, ▁S util ▁took ▁his ▁career ▁best ▁qual ifying ▁result ▁of ▁second ▁place ▁and ▁finished ▁fourth ▁in ▁the ▁race ▁behind ▁R ä ik kö nen , ▁despite ▁accidentally ▁overs h oot ing ▁his ▁mechanics ▁during ▁his ▁final ▁pit ▁stop , ▁but ▁they ▁suffered ▁only ▁minor ▁injuries . ▁He ▁also ▁recorded ▁the ▁fastest ▁lap ▁of ▁the ▁race , ▁his ▁first ▁in ▁Formula ▁One ▁and ▁the ▁first ▁fastest ▁lap ▁recorded ▁for ▁Force ▁India . ▁This ▁finish ▁would ▁be |
▁the ▁best ▁of ▁his ▁F 1 ▁career . ▁▁ ▁In ▁Singapore , ▁S util ▁was ▁forced ▁to ▁retire ▁after ▁he ▁coll ided ▁with ▁Nick ▁He id feld ▁of ▁BM W ▁Sa uber , ▁moving ▁into ▁his ▁path ▁as ▁he ▁recovered ▁from ▁a ▁spin . ▁After ▁the ▁race , ▁S util ▁was ▁re prim anded ▁by ▁race ▁st ew ards ▁and ▁fin ed ▁$ 2 0 , 0 0 0 ▁for ▁causing ▁an ▁avoid able ▁accident . ▁ ▁In ▁Japan , ▁S util ▁took ▁his ▁second ▁best ▁career ▁qual ifying ▁result ▁of ▁fourth , ▁but ▁was ▁given ▁a ▁ 5 ▁grid ▁place ▁penalty ▁along ▁with ▁J enson ▁Button , ▁Rub ens ▁Bar ric hello ▁and ▁Fernando ▁Al onso ▁for ▁not ▁slow ing ▁down ▁while ▁yellow ▁flags ▁were ▁waved ▁( due ▁to ▁a ▁crash ▁by ▁Sebast ien ▁Bu emi , ▁who ▁was ▁also ▁dem oted ▁five ▁places ▁for ▁attempting ▁to ▁drive ▁his ▁badly ▁damaged ▁Tor o ▁Ros so ▁back ▁to ▁the ▁p its ) ▁and ▁started ▁the ▁race ▁from ▁e ighth ▁on ▁the ▁grid . ▁S util ▁finished ▁ 1 3 th . ▁ ▁In ▁the ▁wet ▁qual ifying ▁session ▁in ▁Brazil , ▁S util ▁qualified ▁third , ▁but ▁retired ▁on ▁lap ▁one ▁following ▁a ▁collision ▁with ▁the ▁Toy ota ▁of ▁J arn o ▁Tr ull i . ▁Out ▁of ▁control ▁on ▁the ▁wet ▁grass ▁outside ▁Turn ▁ 5 , ▁Tr ull i ▁hit ▁S util , ▁and ▁then ▁slid ▁back ▁onto ▁the ▁track ▁and ▁struck ▁Al onso ' s ▁Ren ault , ▁resulting ▁in |
▁all ▁three ▁being ▁out ▁of ▁the ▁race . ▁Tr ull i ▁bl amed ▁S util ▁for ▁pushing ▁him ▁outside ▁the ▁track ▁at ▁the ▁fifth ▁corner ▁and ▁thus ▁causing ▁the ▁accident , ▁and ▁fur iously ▁ber ated ▁the ▁German ▁at ▁the ▁side ▁of ▁the ▁track ▁in ▁full - view ▁of ▁worldwide ▁TV ▁cameras . ▁This ▁time ▁the ▁st ew ards ▁took ▁no ▁action ▁against ▁S util ▁for ▁the ▁accident , ▁while ▁Tr ull i ▁was ▁fin ed ▁$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ▁for ▁his ▁un accept able ▁behaviour . ▁The ▁matter ▁was ▁not ▁resolved ▁however , ▁as ▁S util ▁and ▁Tr ull i ▁still ▁argued ▁about ▁the ▁accident ▁two ▁weeks ▁later ▁at ▁the ▁driver ' s ▁press ▁conference ▁for ▁the ▁. ▁ ▁In ▁Abu ▁D hab i , ▁S util ▁was ▁unus ually ▁off ▁the ▁pace , ▁qual ifying ▁only ▁ 1 8 th ▁on ▁the ▁grid . ▁Although ▁he ▁over to ok ▁several ▁cars ▁during ▁the ▁race , ▁a ▁poor ▁pit ▁strategy ▁resulted ▁in ▁S util ▁finishing ▁the ▁race ▁at ▁the ▁back ▁of ▁the ▁field , ▁scr apping ▁with ▁F is iche lla ▁( who ▁had ▁joined ▁Ferr ari ) ▁and ▁Ren ault ' s ▁Rom ain ▁G ros je an . ▁The ▁German ▁eventually ▁finished ▁ 1 7 th , ▁ 1 ▁lap ▁down ▁but ▁ahead ▁of ▁the ▁French man . ▁▁ 2 0 1 0 ▁ ▁S util ▁was ▁in ▁talks ▁with ▁Force ▁India ▁to ▁renew ▁his ▁contract , ▁and ▁on ▁ 2 7 ▁November ▁ 2 0 0 |
9 , ▁the ▁team ▁announced ▁that ▁the ▁German ' s ▁contract ▁had ▁been ▁renew ed , ▁while ▁test - driver ▁Vit anton io ▁Li uz zi ▁was ▁given ▁a ▁full - time ▁race ▁seat . ▁S util ▁qualified ▁t enth ▁for ▁the ▁first ▁two ▁races ▁of ▁the ▁year , ▁but ▁a ▁collision ▁with ▁Robert ▁K ub ica ▁in ▁B ahr ain ▁and ▁a ▁mechanical ▁failure ▁in ▁Australia ▁meant ▁he ▁was ▁unable ▁to ▁score ▁points ▁in ▁either ▁race . ▁However , ▁S util ▁commented ▁that ▁the ▁performances ▁proved ▁that ▁the ▁team ▁could ▁now ▁score ▁points ▁in ▁dry ▁races . ▁This ▁comment ▁was ▁backed ▁up ▁by ▁S util ' s ▁fifth - place ▁finish ▁in ▁the ▁following ▁race ▁in ▁Malaysia . ▁In ▁China ▁he ▁finished ▁ 1 1 th . ▁In ▁Spain ▁he ▁finished ▁ 7 th ▁and ▁in ▁Mon aco ▁he ▁finished ▁ 8 th . ▁S util ▁again ▁finished ▁in ▁the ▁points ▁in ▁Turkey ▁with ▁a ▁ 9 th ▁place . ▁He ▁followed ▁this ▁result ▁with ▁points ▁scoring ▁fin ishes ▁in ▁the ▁next ▁three ▁rounds ▁in ▁Canada , ▁Europe ▁and ▁Britain . ▁▁ 2 0 1 1 ▁ ▁S util ▁remained ▁with ▁Force ▁India ▁for ▁, ▁and ▁was ▁joined ▁by ▁D TM ▁champion ▁Paul ▁di ▁R esta . ▁In ▁the ▁first ▁three ▁races ▁of ▁the ▁season , ▁S util ▁was ▁out - qual ified ▁by ▁di ▁R esta . ▁S util ▁finished ▁nin th ▁in ▁the ▁, ▁at ▁the ▁expense ▁of ▁the ▁Sa uber ▁cars ▁being ▁dis qual ified ▁from ▁the ▁race , |
▁having ▁finished ▁ele vent h ▁on ▁the ▁road . ▁In ▁Malaysia , ▁S util ▁finished ▁ele vent h , ▁just ▁behind ▁di ▁R esta , ▁and ▁in ▁China , ▁he ▁qualified ▁ele vent h . ▁In ▁Mon aco , ▁he ▁had ▁his ▁best ▁result ▁of ▁the ▁season , ▁finishing ▁seventh . ▁He ▁retired ▁in ▁Canada ▁after ▁hitting ▁a ▁wall , ▁which ▁resulted ▁in ▁damage ▁to ▁his ▁car ' s ▁suspension . ▁A ▁nin th - place ▁finish ▁in ▁Val encia ▁was ▁followed ▁by ▁ele vent h ▁at ▁the ▁, ▁missing ▁out ▁on ▁the ▁final ▁points - sc oring ▁position , ▁held ▁by ▁Ja ime ▁Al gu ers u ari , ▁by ▁just ▁ 0 . 6 ▁seconds . ▁At ▁his ▁home ▁race , ▁S util ▁took ▁a ▁season ▁best ▁finish ▁of ▁sixth ▁place , ▁after ▁implementing ▁a ▁different ▁strategy ▁to ▁some ▁of ▁the ▁drivers ▁around ▁him ▁on ▁the ▁grid , ▁making ▁just ▁two ▁pit ▁stops ▁to ▁the ▁three ▁made ▁by ▁his ▁riv als . ▁ ▁Despite ▁qual ifying ▁in ▁the ▁top ▁ten ▁in ▁Hung ary , ▁S util ▁could ▁only ▁finish ▁ 1 4 th , ▁before ▁another ▁points - sc oring ▁finish – ▁finishing ▁seventh , ▁after ▁starting ▁ 1 5 th ▁on ▁the ▁grid ▁after ▁an ▁accident ▁in ▁qual ifying – ▁at ▁the ▁. ▁He ▁retired ▁at ▁Mon za ▁after ▁his ▁car ▁suffered ▁a ▁hyd ra ul ics ▁problem , ▁before ▁an ▁e ighth - place ▁finish ▁in ▁Singapore , ▁holding ▁off ▁a ▁late - r ace ▁challenge ▁from |
▁Fel ipe ▁Mass a . ▁In ▁Japan , ▁S util ▁ran ▁inside ▁the ▁top ▁ten ▁plac ings ▁for ▁much ▁of ▁the ▁race , ▁but ▁finished ▁the ▁race ▁just ▁outside ▁the ▁points ▁in ▁ele vent h ▁place , ▁having ▁been ▁passed ▁by ▁V ital y ▁Pet rov ▁and ▁N ico ▁Ros berg ▁in ▁the ▁closing ▁stages ▁of ▁the ▁race . ▁Another ▁ele vent h ▁place ▁followed ▁in ▁Korea , ▁before ▁a ▁nin th - place ▁finish ▁in ▁the ▁inaug ural ▁race ▁in ▁India . ▁At ▁the ▁final ▁race ▁in ▁Brazil , ▁S util ▁matched ▁his ▁best ▁finish ▁of ▁the ▁season ▁with ▁sixth ▁place , ▁and ▁as ▁a ▁result , ▁moved ▁into ▁nin th ▁place ▁in ▁the ▁final ▁championship ▁stand ings . ▁ ▁Shanghai ▁night club ▁incident ▁and ▁assault ▁conviction ▁On ▁the ▁evening ▁following ▁the ▁April ▁ 2 0 1 1 ▁, ▁S util ▁was ▁involved ▁in ▁an ▁incident ▁with ▁Gen ii ▁Capital ▁CEO ▁and ▁owner ▁of ▁the ▁Lot us ▁F 1 ▁team ▁Eric ▁Lux ▁in ▁a ▁night club ▁in ▁Shanghai . ▁S util ▁struck ▁Lux ▁with ▁a ▁champ agne ▁glass , ▁causing ▁a ▁wound ▁in ▁his ▁neck ▁which ▁required ▁ 2 4 ▁st itches . ▁S util ▁apolog ised ▁for ▁the ▁incident , ▁which ▁he ▁described ▁as ▁un intent ional . ▁Lux ' s ▁lawyers ▁filed ▁a ▁criminal ▁complaint ▁for ▁physical ▁assault ▁and ▁g riev ous ▁bod ily ▁harm ▁against ▁S util . ▁Force ▁India ▁owner ▁V ij ay ▁M ally a ▁refused ▁to ▁take ▁action ▁against ▁S util ▁until ▁the ▁case ▁proceed ed |
▁further , ▁but ▁on ▁ 1 6 ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 1 ▁Force ▁India ▁announced ▁they ▁had ▁opt ed ▁not ▁to ▁renew ▁S util ' s ▁contract ▁for ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁and ▁would ▁field ▁reserve ▁driver ▁N ico ▁H ül ken berg ▁alongside ▁di ▁R esta . ▁ ▁On ▁ 1 3 ▁January ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁German ▁prosecut ors ▁announced ▁that ▁S util ▁would ▁stand ▁trial ▁over ▁the ▁incident , ▁charged ▁with ▁assault ▁occasion ing ▁g riev ous ▁bod ily ▁harm . ▁S util ▁was ▁convicted ▁of ▁the ▁charge ▁on ▁ 3 1 ▁January ▁ 2 0 1 2 , ▁and ▁received ▁an ▁ 1 8 - month ▁suspended ▁prison ▁sentence , ▁along ▁with ▁a ▁€ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 ▁fine ▁that ▁was ▁to ▁be ▁don ated ▁to ▁char ities ▁" of ▁the ▁court ' s ▁choosing ." ▁S util ▁initially ▁had ▁planned ▁on ▁appealing ▁his ▁conviction ▁but ▁eventually ▁decided ▁not ▁to . ▁ ▁Lewis ▁Hamilton , ▁among ▁S util ' s ▁friends ▁at ▁the ▁time , ▁was ▁also ▁present ▁in ▁the ▁night club ▁that ▁night . ▁He ▁was ▁named ▁as ▁a ▁defence ▁witness ▁by ▁S util ' s ▁side , ▁but ▁Hamilton ▁did ▁not ▁appear ▁in ▁court ▁because ▁the ▁trial ▁coinc ided ▁with ▁the ▁launch ▁of ▁his ▁team ' s ▁car . ▁He ▁stated ▁he ▁could ▁attend ▁a ▁ret rial , ▁should ▁one ▁take ▁place , ▁as ▁he ▁would ▁not ▁be ▁occupied ▁on ▁the ▁scheduled ▁day , ▁but ▁as ▁a ▁result , |
▁the ▁friendship ▁of ▁the ▁two ▁drivers ▁ended , ▁with ▁S util ▁brand ing ▁Hamilton ▁a ▁" cow ard ." ▁ ▁S util ▁remained ▁without ▁a ▁seat ▁throughout ▁ 2 0 1 2 . ▁▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁ ▁On ▁ 2 8 ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 3 , ▁Force ▁India ▁announced ▁that ▁S util ▁would ▁return ▁to ▁the ▁team ▁to ▁complete ▁their ▁driver ▁line up ▁alongside ▁Paul ▁di ▁R esta . ▁He ▁finished ▁seventh ▁at ▁the ▁season - op ening ▁, ▁impress ing ▁on ▁his ▁com eb ack ▁by ▁leading ▁for ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁l aps ▁throughout ▁the ▁race . ▁ ▁In ▁Malaysia , ▁he ▁retired ▁from ▁the ▁race ▁following ▁problems ▁with ▁a ▁new ▁capt ive ▁wheel ▁nut ▁system ▁that ▁the ▁team ▁had ▁introduced ▁at ▁the ▁beginning ▁of ▁the ▁season . ▁ ▁He ▁also ▁retired ▁from ▁the ▁, ▁after ▁being ▁hit ▁by ▁Est eb an ▁G uti ér rez . ▁After ▁two ▁non - points ▁fin ishes ▁he ▁showed ▁a ▁respect able ▁performance ▁at ▁the ▁Mon aco ▁Grand ▁Prix ▁by ▁over t aking ▁the ▁world ▁champions ▁Fernando ▁Al onso ▁and ▁J enson ▁Button ▁to ▁finally ▁end ▁up ▁in ▁ 5 th ▁position . ▁ ▁Sa uber ▁( 2 0 1 4 ) ▁ ▁It ▁was ▁announced ▁on ▁ 1 3 ▁December ▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁that ▁S util ▁would ▁join ▁Sa uber ▁for ▁ 2 0 1 4 . ▁For ▁the ▁first ▁six ▁races ▁of ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 4 ▁season ▁S util ▁struggled ▁with ▁a ▁car ▁which ▁lack |
ed ▁pace ▁and ▁he ▁also ▁made ▁a ▁number ▁of ▁mistakes ▁which ▁lost ▁him ▁possible ▁points ▁fin ishes . ▁ ▁In ▁November ▁ 2 0 1 4 , ▁it ▁was ▁announced ▁he ▁would ▁be ▁dropped ▁and ▁replaced ▁for ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 5 ▁Formula ▁One ▁season . ▁ ▁Williams ▁( 2 0 1 5 ) ▁S util ▁joined ▁Williams ▁as ▁a ▁reserve ▁driver ▁prior ▁to ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 5 ▁Malays ian ▁Grand ▁Prix . ▁S util ▁was ▁appointed ▁after ▁Williams ▁driver ▁V alt ter i ▁B ott as ▁was ▁injured ▁during ▁the ▁, ▁with ▁the ▁team ▁wanting ▁an ▁experienced ▁race ▁driver ▁to ▁deput ise ▁for ▁either ▁B ott as ▁or ▁Fel ipe ▁Mass a ▁to ▁maxim ise ▁their ▁construct ors ▁championship ▁points , ▁should ▁either ▁race ▁driver ▁be ▁unable ▁to ▁participate . ▁ ▁Racing ▁record ▁ ▁Career ▁summary ▁ ▁Complete ▁Formula ▁Three ▁Euro series ▁results ▁( key ) ▁( R aces ▁in ▁bold ▁indicate ▁pole ▁position ; ▁races ▁in ▁ital ics ▁indicate ▁fastest ▁lap ) ▁ ▁Complete ▁A 1 ▁Grand ▁Prix ▁results ▁( key ) ▁( R aces ▁in ▁bold ▁indicate ▁pole ▁position ; ▁races ▁in ▁ital ics ▁indicate ▁fastest ▁lap ) ▁ ▁Complete ▁All - J apan ▁Formula ▁Three ▁results ▁( key ) ▁ ▁Complete ▁Formula ▁One ▁results ▁( key ) ▁( R aces ▁in ▁bold ▁indicate ▁pole ▁position ; ▁races ▁in ▁ital ics ▁indicate ▁fastest ▁lap ) ▁▁ ▁Driver ▁failed ▁to ▁finish ▁the ▁race , ▁but ▁was ▁classified ▁as ▁they ▁had ▁completed ▁> 9 0 % ▁of ▁the ▁race |
▁distance . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁▁▁▁▁▁ ▁F 1 F an atic . co . uk – ▁Who ' s ▁Who : ▁Ad rian ▁S util ▁ ▁Category : 1 9 8 3 ▁birth s ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : People ▁from ▁St arn berg ▁Category : G erman ▁people ▁of ▁U rugu ay an ▁descent ▁Category : G erman ▁exp atri ate ▁sports people ▁in ▁Japan ▁Category : G erman ▁exp atri ates ▁in ▁Switzerland ▁Category : R acing ▁drivers ▁from ▁B av aria ▁Category : G erman ▁racing ▁drivers ▁Category : G erman ▁Formula ▁One ▁drivers ▁Category : S py ker ▁Formula ▁One ▁drivers ▁Category : Force ▁India ▁Formula ▁One ▁drivers ▁Category : Sa uber ▁Formula ▁One ▁drivers ▁Category : Form ula ▁BM W ▁AD AC ▁drivers ▁Category : Form ula ▁ 3 ▁Euro ▁Series ▁drivers ▁Category : J apan ese ▁Formula ▁ 3 ▁Championship ▁drivers ▁Category : Super ▁GT ▁drivers ▁Category : A 1 ▁Team ▁Germany ▁drivers <0x0A> </s> ▁Greg ▁Mc L ay ▁( born ▁ 7 ▁May ▁ 1 9 6 9 ) ▁is ▁an ▁Australian ▁cr ick eter . ▁He ▁played ▁six ▁first - class ▁matches ▁for ▁New ▁South ▁Wales ▁in ▁ 1 9 9 0 / 9 1 . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁New ▁South ▁Wales ▁representative ▁cr ick eters ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁▁▁ ▁Category : 1 9 6 9 ▁birth s ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : Austral ian ▁cr ick eters ▁Category |
: New ▁South ▁Wales ▁cr ick eters ▁Category : S ports people ▁from ▁W ag ga ▁W ag ga <0x0A> </s> ▁H up ▁Pa ▁Tat ▁() ▁is ▁a ▁valley ▁located ▁in ▁U th ai ▁Th ani ▁Province ▁in ▁Thailand . ▁It ▁is ▁abund ant ▁with ▁lots ▁of ▁exotic ▁plants ▁like ▁Are ng a ▁P inn ata . ▁The ▁plants ▁expand ▁wild ly ▁in ▁the ▁c ordon ▁of ▁st al ag mit es ▁and ▁st al act ites . ▁During ▁the ▁visits , ▁rare ▁animals ▁like ▁el ong ated ▁tort o ises ▁and ▁pink ▁dragon ▁mill ip ede ▁might ▁be ▁found . ▁The ▁valley ▁is ▁located ▁in ▁K ao ▁Hu ai ▁S ok , ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁mountains ▁in ▁a ▁lim estone ▁mountain ▁range , ▁compr ising ▁an ▁area ▁of ▁about ▁ 4 8 , 0 0 0 ▁square ▁meters . ▁A ▁long ▁time ▁ago , ▁this ▁was ▁an ▁enormous ▁cave ▁until ▁the ▁ceiling ▁collapsed . ▁Major ▁lim estone ▁blocks ▁scattered ▁on ▁the ▁floor ▁of ▁the ▁valley ▁confirm ▁this ▁theory . ▁Sur round ing ▁by ▁lim estone ▁mountains , ▁the ▁sunlight ▁is ▁restr ained ▁from ▁reaching ▁the ▁ground ▁during ▁any ▁time ▁than ▁mid day . ▁ ▁The ▁place ▁was ▁discovered ▁by ▁a ▁local ▁mon k ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 9 . ▁Later ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 4 , ▁the ▁mountain ▁has ▁been ▁bl asted ▁to ▁make ▁convenient ▁access ▁to ▁the ▁valley . ▁ ▁History ▁ ▁The ▁cave ▁was ▁discovered ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 9 ▁by ▁S unt it um gos ol |
, ▁a ▁local ▁mon k ▁at ▁Th am ▁Th ong ▁Temple . ▁At ▁that ▁time , ▁he ▁climbed ▁down ▁the ▁cl iff ▁and ▁found ▁that ▁there ▁are ▁many ▁Are ng a ▁P inn ata ▁grow ▁in ▁that ▁area . ▁Which ▁the ▁Are ng a ▁P inn ata ▁is ▁categor ized ▁as ▁an ▁ancient ▁tree ▁in ▁the ▁same ▁family ▁as ▁palm ▁trees . ▁He ▁has ▁dug ▁off ▁and ▁bl asted ▁an ▁opening ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 4 . ▁In ▁the ▁same ▁year , ▁this ▁place ▁has ▁become ▁a ▁conservation ▁area ▁to ▁develop ▁it ▁in ▁the ▁future ▁as ▁an ▁ec ot our ism ▁place . ▁The ▁Department ▁of ▁National ▁Park s , ▁Wild life ▁and ▁Plant ▁Conserv ation ▁recognized ▁the ▁uniqu eness ▁and ▁importance ▁of ▁the ▁valley ▁and ▁took ▁place ▁under ▁its ▁custody ▁to ▁make ▁it ▁well ▁preserved . ▁ ▁Ge ography ▁and ▁climate ▁▁ ▁H up ▁Pa ▁Tat ▁is ▁located ▁in ▁the ▁area ▁of ▁Th am ▁Pr at un ▁Non - h unting ▁area , ▁Lan ▁Sak ▁district , ▁U th ai ▁Th ani ▁city . ▁This ▁area ▁is ▁a ▁lim estone ▁mountain ▁range ▁that ▁exists ▁out stand ingly ▁surrounded ▁by ▁flat ▁area ▁and ▁agricultural ▁area ▁of ▁the ▁inhabitants . ▁This ▁lim estone ▁mountain ▁range ▁consists ▁of ▁ 5 ▁lim estone ▁mountains ▁which ▁are ▁K ao ▁Pl a ▁Ra , ▁K ao ▁Ka ung ▁Ch ai , ▁K ao ▁No i , ▁K ao ▁Nam ▁Ch on , ▁and ▁K ao ▁Hu ai ▁S ok . ▁Part ▁of ▁the ▁lim estone ▁mountain ▁range |
▁surrounding ▁the ▁valley ▁is ▁K ha o ▁Hu ai ▁S ok , ▁which ▁is ▁connected ▁to ▁K ha o ▁Pl ara ▁mountain , ▁ 1 ▁kil ometer ▁away . ▁The ▁surrounding ▁lim estone ▁mountain ▁is ▁lay ered ▁with ▁high ▁cl iffs ▁that ▁restrict ▁sunlight ▁from ▁reaching ▁the ▁ground ▁during ▁any ▁time ▁other ▁than ▁mid day . ▁These ▁lim estone ▁mountains ▁in ▁this ▁area ▁are ▁lim estone ▁in ▁the ▁Perm ian ▁era , ▁which ▁is ▁ 2 4 5 - 2 8 6 ▁million ▁years . ▁This ▁lim estone ▁mountain ▁had ▁been ▁r ained ▁on ▁for ▁years , ▁got ▁diss olve ▁by ▁the ▁rain ▁that ▁has ▁a ▁mild ▁acid . ▁The ▁mild ▁acid ▁rain ▁flow ed ▁in ▁between ▁the ▁crack ▁inside ▁Hu ai ▁S ok ▁Mountain ▁until ▁it ▁became ▁a ▁vast ▁cave ▁hole ▁inside ▁the ▁mountain ; ▁the ▁process ▁takes ▁about ▁ten ▁to ▁a ▁hundred ▁thousand . ▁This ▁cave ▁is ▁a ▁closed ▁cave ▁inside ▁the ▁mountain ▁which ▁humans ▁cannot ▁enter . ▁While ▁on ▁top ▁of ▁the ▁mountain ▁range , ▁is ▁a ▁forest ▁full ed ▁of ▁plants ▁in ▁ancient ▁times . ▁Until ▁there ▁is ▁an ▁unexpected ▁ ▁change ▁in ▁the ▁earth ' s ▁cr ust ▁that ▁ ▁made ▁the ▁ceiling ▁of ▁the ▁cave ▁collapsed . ▁It ▁became ▁a ▁large ▁pit ▁inside ▁the ▁Hu ai ▁S ok ▁Mountain ▁which ▁the ▁high ▁of ▁the ▁edge ▁is ▁approximately ▁ 1 5 0 ▁– ▁ 2 0 0 ▁meters . ▁ ▁Ec ology ▁▁ ▁The ▁resulting ▁hum idity ▁has ▁contributed ▁to ▁a ▁wealth ▁of ▁fl ora , ▁featuring ▁large |
▁shr ub s ▁of ▁the ▁genus ▁Ex co ec aria ▁that ▁are ▁similar ▁to ▁ancient ▁trees . ▁The ▁department ▁of ▁National ▁Park ▁stated ▁this ▁area ▁as ▁a ▁conservation ▁area ▁dual ▁to ▁its ▁ge ography ▁with ▁lots ▁of ▁exotic ▁plants ▁such ▁as ▁C ary ota ▁u ren s , ▁ ▁Cro ton ▁ob long if ol ius ▁R ox b ., ▁O xy cer os ▁hor rid us , ▁bal an op hor aceae . ▁Walk ing ▁along ▁the ▁ 7 0 0 ▁meters ▁path , ▁animal ▁foot prints ▁like ▁deer , ▁bears , ▁bo ars , ▁or ▁t ig ers ▁cl aw ▁marks ▁on ▁the ▁trees ▁can ▁be ▁seen . ▁El ong ated ▁tort o ises ▁and ▁pink ▁dragon ▁mill ip ede ▁can ▁be ▁found ▁in ▁this ▁area . ▁The ▁Pink ▁dragon ▁mill ip edes ▁can ▁be ▁seen ▁If ▁visited ▁during ▁the ▁rain y ▁season , ▁around ▁August ▁- ▁November . ▁The ▁pink ▁dragon ▁mill ip ede ▁has ▁a ▁bright ▁pink ▁color , ▁looks ▁like ▁the ▁poll en ▁of ▁the ▁flower . ▁It ▁has ▁an ▁outstanding ▁character ▁ ▁with ▁a ▁pattern ▁and ▁button ▁that ▁similar ▁to ▁a ▁dragon . ▁It ▁can ▁be ▁found ▁in ▁a ▁forest ▁with ▁high ▁hum idity ▁and ▁abundance . ▁ ▁Fac ilities ▁▁ ▁In ▁the ▁valley , ▁there ▁are ▁organized ▁walking ▁paths ▁along ▁the ▁way . ▁After ▁purchasing ▁the ▁admission ▁tickets , ▁visitors ▁receive ▁flash lights . ▁The ▁area ▁is ▁clean ▁and ▁well ▁maintained , ▁including ▁a ▁parking ▁lot , ▁bathroom , ▁a ▁k ios k ▁offering ▁coffee , |
▁and ▁shops ▁for ▁sn acks ▁and ▁drinks . ▁During ▁week ends ▁at ▁the ▁entrance , ▁young ▁guides ▁from ▁a ▁local ▁school ▁are ▁available ▁for ▁gu iding ▁and ▁tour ing ▁around ▁along ▁the ▁path . ▁ ▁Access ▁ ▁H up ▁Pa ▁Tat ▁is ▁located ▁in ▁Th am ▁Pa ▁Th un ▁Non - H unting ▁Area , ▁at ▁Mu ▁ 1 , ▁Th ung ▁Na ▁Ng am , ▁Lan ▁Sak ▁District , ▁U th ai ▁Th ani . ▁From ▁U th ai ▁Th ani , ▁take ▁Highway ▁ 3 3 3 , ▁U th ai ▁Th ani ▁– ▁N ong ▁Ch ang ▁route . ▁Then , ▁proceed ▁on ▁Highway ▁No . 3 4 3 8 , ▁N ong ▁Ch ang – L an ▁Sak ▁route . ▁It ▁is ▁ 5 0 . 6 ▁kilom eters ▁away ▁from ▁U th ai ▁Th ani ▁city . ▁A ▁ticket ▁for ▁Th ai ▁adults ▁is ▁ 2 0 ▁ba ht , ▁while ▁for ▁children ▁it ▁is ▁ 1 0 ▁ba ht . ▁For ▁a ▁foreign er , ▁it ▁will ▁be ▁charging ▁at ▁ 2 0 0 ▁ba ht . ▁The ▁opening ▁hours ▁are ▁between ▁ 8 . 3 0 ▁a . m . ▁to ▁ 4 ▁p . m . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁▁ ▁Category : T our ist ▁attra ctions ▁in ▁U th ai ▁Th ani ▁Province ▁Category : Ge ography ▁of ▁U th ai ▁Th ani ▁Province <0x0A> </s> ▁Tr ó nd ur ▁Pat ur sson ▁( born ▁ 1 ▁March ▁ 1 9 4 4 ▁in |
▁Kirk j ub ø ur ) ▁is ▁a ▁Far o ese ▁painter , ▁sculpt or , ▁glass ▁artist ▁and ▁advent urer . ▁He ▁was ▁educated ▁in ▁Norway ▁and ▁was ▁initially ▁a ▁sculpt or . ▁He ▁has ▁since ▁become ▁better ▁known ▁as ▁a ▁painter ▁and ▁glass ▁artist . ▁ ▁In ▁February ▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁Pat ur sson ▁had ▁an ▁art ▁exhibition ▁at ▁the ▁John ▁F . ▁Kennedy ▁Center ▁for ▁the ▁Per forming ▁Arts ; ▁it ▁was ▁an ▁installation ▁called ▁" Migration ", ▁featuring ▁approximately ▁ 9 0 ▁of ▁his ▁trad emark ▁st ained ▁glass ▁birds ▁in ▁the ▁Grand ▁F oy er ▁windows ▁throughout ▁Nord ic ▁Cool ▁ 2 0 1 3 . ▁The ▁exhibition ▁was ▁a ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁Nord ic ▁Cool ▁ 2 0 1 3 . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 7 6 ▁he ▁joined ▁Tim ▁Sever in ▁in ▁a ▁trans at l antic ▁voyage ▁in ▁a ▁re plica ▁ 6 th ▁century ▁leather - h ull ed ▁cur rag h ▁named ▁Brend an . ▁The ▁boat ▁was ▁named ▁for ▁the ▁Irish ▁mon k ▁Saint ▁Brend an ▁who ▁was ▁said ▁to ▁have ▁made ▁the ▁same ▁voyage ▁centuries ▁before ▁the ▁Vik ings ▁and ▁Christopher ▁Columb us . ▁ ▁Pat ur sson ▁joined ▁Brend on ▁when ▁it ▁arrived ▁in ▁the ▁Far oe ▁Islands ▁and ▁replaced ▁another ▁crew man . ▁Pat ur sson ' s ▁home ▁was ▁at ▁Br andon vik , ▁the ▁V iking ▁name ▁for ▁Brend an ' s ▁Creek . ▁ ▁Hon our ▁▁▁ 2 0 1 3 ▁- ▁Far |
o ese ▁Cultural ▁Prize ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁Tr ó nd ur ▁Pat ur sson ' s ▁website ▁( English ▁version ) ▁ ▁Category : Dan ish ▁st ained ▁glass ▁artists ▁and ▁manufacturers ▁Category : 1 9 4 4 ▁birth s ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : F aro ese ▁pain ters ▁Category : F aro ese ▁sculpt ors ▁Category : F aro ese ▁expl or ers ▁Category : People ▁from ▁Kirk j ub ø ur <0x0A> </s> ▁Pen ny well ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁UK ' s ▁largest ▁post - war ▁social ▁housing ▁schemes , ▁and ▁is ▁situated ▁in ▁the ▁central - west ▁area ▁of ▁S under land , ▁Ty ne ▁and ▁W ear , ▁North ▁East ▁England . ▁Pen ny well ▁is ▁the ▁largest ▁local ▁authority ▁housing ▁estate ▁in ▁the ▁City ▁of ▁S under land . ▁The ▁estate ▁mostly ▁built ▁during ▁the ▁late ▁ 1 9 4 0 s ▁and ▁early ▁ 1 9 5 0 s ▁to ▁replace ▁ 1 9 th ▁century ▁sl ums ▁in ▁the ▁centre ▁of ▁S under land . ▁ ▁The ▁name ▁Pen ny well ▁is ▁of ▁Celt ic ▁origin ▁and ▁is ▁thought ▁to ▁mean ▁" well spring ▁at ▁the ▁top ▁of ▁the ▁hill ". ▁ ▁The ▁Pen ny well ▁estate ▁consists ▁of ▁nearly ▁ 3 , 0 0 0 ▁homes , ▁around ▁ 1 1 % ▁of ▁which ▁are ▁priv ately ▁owned ▁and ▁has ▁a ▁total ▁population ▁of ▁ 1 0 , 7 0 9 ▁ ▁This ▁figure ▁is ▁considerably |
▁lower ▁than ▁in ▁previous ▁decades , ▁when ▁the ▁Pen ny well ▁area ▁hous ed ▁over ▁ 2 0 , 0 0 0 ▁people . ▁ ▁Pen ny well ▁has ▁tradition ally ▁been ▁associated ▁with ▁high ▁crime ▁rates ▁since ▁the ▁estate ▁was ▁completed ▁in ▁ 1 9 5 3 . ▁Kn ife ▁crime ▁and ▁anti - social ▁behaviour ▁have ▁been ▁a ▁growing ▁problem ▁since ▁the ▁ 1 9 9 0 s . ▁ ▁The ▁estate ▁was ▁the ▁scene ▁of ▁a ▁murder ▁when ▁ 2 2 - year - old ▁Kevin ▁Johnson ▁was ▁fat ally ▁stab bed ▁outside ▁his ▁house ▁on ▁Patrick ▁Road ▁in ▁the ▁early ▁hours ▁of ▁ 1 9 ▁May ▁ 2 0 0 7 . ▁Three ▁teen agers ▁were ▁convicted ▁of ▁the ▁murder ▁six ▁months ▁later ▁and ▁sent enced ▁to ▁life ▁imprison ment . ▁At ▁the ▁trial , ▁it ▁was ▁revealed ▁that ▁after ▁stab bing ▁Kevin ▁Johnson , ▁the ▁three ▁defend ants ▁had ▁gone ▁on ▁to ▁attack ▁another ▁man ▁in ▁the ▁area ▁and ▁also ▁damaged ▁two ▁cars . ▁Mr ▁Johnson ' s ▁family ▁later ▁had ▁two ▁applications ▁for ▁criminal ▁injuries ▁compensation ▁rejected ▁on ▁the ▁basis ▁that ▁he ▁had ▁contributed ▁to ▁his ▁own ▁death ▁by ▁leaving ▁the ▁safety ▁of ▁his ▁home ▁to ▁confront ▁the ▁teen agers ▁about ▁their ▁no isy ▁behaviour . ▁A ▁third ▁application ▁for ▁compensation ▁was ▁successful ▁and ▁the ▁Johnson ▁family ▁received ▁£ 5 , 5 0 0 ▁from ▁a ▁scheme ▁which ▁could ▁already ▁pay ▁a ▁maximum ▁of ▁£ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 ▁to ▁claim ants . ▁ |
▁In ▁April ▁ 1 9 9 4 , ▁The ▁Independent ▁newspaper ▁condem ned ▁Pen ny well ▁as ▁a ▁" no ▁go ▁area " ▁and ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁worst ▁places ▁in ▁Britain , ▁highlight ing ▁an ▁unemployment ▁rate ▁as ▁ 1 9 % ▁( around ▁twice ▁the ▁national ▁average ) ▁and ▁that ▁attacks ▁on ▁police ▁and ▁v andal ism ▁of ▁police ▁vehicles ▁were ▁a ▁frequent ▁occur rence ▁in ▁the ▁area . ▁ ▁As ▁a ▁result ▁of ▁these ▁events , ▁the ▁Gent oo ▁Group ▁are ▁undert aking ▁a ▁massive ▁programme ▁of ▁renew al ▁and ▁regener ation ▁for ▁the ▁area ▁which ▁will ▁provide ▁a ▁high ▁standard ▁of ▁modern ▁housing ▁for ▁social ▁housing ▁ten ants ▁and ▁home owners ▁alike . ▁ ▁The ▁first ▁phases ▁of ▁this ▁plan , ▁at ▁Water ford ▁Green , ▁are ▁ne aring ▁completion . ▁ ▁An ▁industrial ▁area ▁on ▁the ▁western ▁edge ▁of ▁the ▁sub urb ▁has , ▁among ▁other ▁businesses ▁C als onic ' s ▁injection ▁m ould ing ▁plant ▁and ▁the ▁S under land ▁E cho ▁building . ▁ ▁Pen ny well ▁Com pre hens ive ▁School ▁was ▁built ▁in ▁ 1 9 6 7 ▁and ▁remained ▁open ▁until ▁ 2 0 0 8 . ▁It ▁was ▁finally ▁demol ished ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 9 ▁and ▁replaced ▁with ▁a ▁new ▁facility ▁on ▁the ▁same ▁site ▁– ▁Academy ▁ 3 6 0 . ▁P up ils ▁attending ▁the ▁comprehensive ▁school ▁were ▁members ▁of ▁one ▁of ▁four ▁houses ▁- ▁Str at ford ▁( green ), ▁Har well ▁( blue ), ▁Ever est |
▁( y ellow ) ▁and ▁R unn ym ede ▁( red ). ▁The ▁school ▁bo asted ▁excellent ▁sport ing ▁facilities ▁including ▁several ▁full ▁size ▁football / rug by ▁pit ches , ▁an ▁all - we ather ▁athlet ics ▁track , ▁a ▁fully ▁equipped ▁sports ▁hall ▁( inc or por ating ▁five - a - side ▁pit ches , ▁basketball / net ball ▁courts ▁& ▁cricket ▁n ets ), ▁fully ▁equipped ▁indoor ▁gym nas ium ▁with ▁balance ▁be ams / cl im bing ▁ro pes / tr amp oline ▁h arness es , ▁outdoor ▁cricket ▁pit ches , ▁tennis ▁courts ▁and ▁several ▁t arm ac ▁yard ▁areas ▁with ▁basketball ▁courts . ▁Class rooms ▁were ▁predomin antly ▁located ▁in ▁four ▁five - store y ▁tower ▁blocks ▁( B , ▁C , ▁D ▁& ▁E ▁blocks ) ▁and ▁included ▁science ▁labor ator ies , ▁art ▁stud ios , ▁home ▁economics ▁kitchen s ▁and ▁IT ▁su ites . ▁The ▁new ▁school ▁( Ac adem y ▁ 3 6 0 ) ▁has ▁three ▁houses , ▁Oxford ▁( blue ), ▁M ow b ray ▁( green ), ▁D ox ford ▁( red ). ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : City ▁of ▁S under land ▁subur bs ▁Category : S under land <0x0A> </s> ▁Fe ather ed ▁Din osa urs : ▁The ▁Origin ▁of ▁Bird s ▁is ▁a ▁book ▁by ▁Australian ▁p ala e ont ologist ▁John ▁A . ▁Long ▁and ▁Peter ▁Sch out en ▁connecting ▁fe ather ed ▁din osa urs ▁with ▁the ▁origin ▁of ▁birds . ▁It ▁was |
▁published ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 8 ▁by ▁C SI RO ▁Press ▁( M el bourne ) ▁and ▁Oxford ▁University ▁Press . ▁From ▁the ▁ISBN ▁numbers , ▁they ▁appear ▁to ▁be ▁separate ▁print ings . ▁ ▁There ▁is ▁a ▁previous , ▁different , ▁book ▁with ▁the ▁same ▁title . ▁It ▁is ▁by ▁Thom ▁and ▁La ur ie ▁Holmes , ▁and ▁published ▁by ▁En sl ow ▁in ▁ 2 0 0 2 , ▁. ▁ ▁Category : 2 0 0 8 ▁non - f iction ▁books ▁Category : D inos aur ▁books ▁Category : P ale ont ology ▁books <0x0A> </s> ▁Kal at ak ▁( , ▁also ▁Roman ized ▁as ▁Kal ā t ak ; ▁also ▁known ▁as ▁Kal ā t ak - e ▁K ū h - e ▁P ā ’ ī n ) ▁is ▁a ▁village ▁in ▁Si y ahu ▁R ural ▁District , ▁Fin ▁District , ▁Band ar ▁Abb as ▁County , ▁H orm oz gan ▁Province , ▁Iran . ▁At ▁the ▁ 2 0 0 6 ▁census , ▁its ▁population ▁was ▁ 1 7 , ▁in ▁ 4 ▁families . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁▁ ▁Category : Pop ulated ▁places ▁in ▁Band ar ▁Abb as ▁County <0x0A> </s> ▁P iot r ▁Pet rov ich ▁Bel ous ov ▁( ; ▁May ▁ 3 , ▁ 1 9 1 2 ▁– ▁March ▁ 3 1 , ▁ 1 9 8 9 ) ▁was ▁a ▁Soviet , ▁Russian ▁painter , ▁graphic ▁artist , ▁art ▁teacher , ▁professor ▁of ▁the ▁L ening rad ▁Institute ▁of |
▁Pain ting , ▁S cul pt ure ▁and ▁Architect ure ▁named ▁after ▁I ly a ▁Rep in , ▁People ' s ▁Artist ▁of ▁USS R , ▁Cor respon ding ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁Academy ▁of ▁Arts ▁of ▁the ▁USS R , ▁who ▁lived ▁and ▁worked ▁in ▁L ening rad . ▁He ▁was ▁regarded ▁as ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁bright est ▁representatives ▁of ▁the ▁L ening rad ▁school ▁of ▁painting , ▁being ▁most ▁famous ▁for ▁his ▁port ra its ▁and ▁historical ▁paintings . ▁ ▁Biography ▁ ▁P iot r ▁Pet rov ich ▁Bel ous ov ▁was ▁born ▁May ▁ 3 , ▁ 1 9 1 2 ▁in ▁the ▁port ▁city ▁Ber dy ansk , ▁located ▁on ▁the ▁northern ▁coast ▁of ▁the ▁Sea ▁of ▁Az ov , ▁of ▁south - east ▁Ukraine , ▁Russian ▁Empire . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 2 9 , ▁P iot r ▁Bel ous ov ▁met ▁with ▁Bro d sky ▁and ▁by ▁his ▁invitation ▁comes ▁to ▁L ening rad ▁to ▁continue ▁his ▁study . ▁He ▁engaged ▁in ▁drawing ▁and ▁painting ▁under ▁Bro d sky ▁leadership , ▁as ▁well ▁as ▁in ▁the ▁studio ▁A K h R s ▁and ▁the ▁Community ▁of ▁Art ists . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 3 3 , ▁P iot r ▁Bel ous ov ▁entered ▁the ▁first ▁course ▁of ▁the ▁painting ▁department ▁of ▁the ▁L ening rad ▁Institute ▁of ▁Pain ting , ▁S cul pt ure ▁and ▁Architect ure . ▁He ▁studied ▁under ▁Mik h ail ▁Bern s ht e in , ▁P avel ▁Na um ov , |
▁Alexander ▁Lub im ov , ▁and ▁Vlad imir ▁Ser ov . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 9 3 9 , ▁P iot r ▁Bel ous ov ▁graduated ▁from ▁the ▁Rep in ▁Institute ▁of ▁Arts ▁in ▁Isa ak ▁Bro d sky ▁workshop ▁together ▁with ▁Ale k se i ▁G rit s ai , ▁Lev ▁O re kh ov , ▁Mik h ail ▁K oz ell , ▁Gle b ▁Ver ner , ▁El ena ▁Sk u in , ▁Nik ol ai ▁Tim kov , ▁Bor is ▁Sher b akov , ▁and ▁other ▁young ▁artists . ▁His ▁gradu ation ▁work ▁was ▁the ▁historical ▁painting ▁of ▁" On ▁the ▁e ve ▁of ▁[ the ] ▁October ▁Revolution ▁( Me eting ▁of ▁Len in ▁and ▁Stalin ) ". ▁ ▁Since ▁ 1 9 3 0 , ▁Bel ous ov ▁had ▁participated ▁in ▁Art ▁Exhib itions . ▁He ▁painted ▁genre ▁and ▁historical ▁paintings , ▁port ra its , ▁landsc apes , ▁worked ▁in ▁eas el ▁painting ▁and ▁drawings . ▁Most ▁famous ▁for ▁his ▁port ra its ▁and ▁historical ▁paintings ▁devoted ▁to ▁the ▁image ▁of ▁Len in , ▁the ▁history ▁of ▁Bol she v ism ▁and ▁the ▁October ▁Revolution ▁in ▁Russia . ▁His ▁personal ▁exhib itions ▁were ▁in ▁the ▁city ▁of ▁V olog da ▁in ▁ 1 9 5 9 , ▁and ▁in ▁Moscow ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 2 . ▁ ▁Since ▁ 1 9 4 0 , ▁P iot r ▁Bel ous ov ▁had ▁been ▁a ▁member ▁of ▁the ▁L ening rad ▁Union ▁of ▁Art ists . ▁In ▁ |
1 9 3 9 – 1 9 8 9 , ▁Bel ous ov ▁taught ▁painting ▁and ▁drawing ▁in ▁the ▁Rep in ▁Institute ▁of ▁Arts . ▁He ▁was ▁Professor ▁and ▁Head ▁of ▁Department ▁of ▁Draw ing ▁since ▁ 1 9 5 6 . ▁In ▁ 1 9 7 0 , ▁he ▁was ▁awarded ▁the ▁honor ary ▁titles ▁of ▁the ▁Hon ored ▁Artist ▁of ▁the ▁R S FS R , ▁in ▁ 1 9 7 8 ▁- ▁the ▁Honor ary ▁titles ▁of ▁the ▁People ' s ▁Artist ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁Federation ▁( 1 9 7 8 ). ▁Also , ▁Bel ous ov ▁was ▁elected ▁as ▁the ▁Cor respon ding ▁Member ▁of ▁the ▁Academy ▁of ▁Arts ▁of ▁the ▁USS R ▁( 1 9 7 9 ). ▁ ▁P iot r ▁Pet rov ich ▁Bel ous ov ▁died ▁in ▁L ening rad ▁in ▁ 1 9 8 9 . ▁P aint ings ▁by ▁P iot r ▁Bel ous ov ▁res ide ▁in ▁State ▁Russian ▁Museum , ▁State ▁Tre ty akov ▁Gallery , ▁in ▁Art ▁Museum s ▁and ▁private ▁collections ▁in ▁Russia , ▁Ukraine , ▁England , ▁France , ▁the ▁U . S ., ▁and ▁throughout ▁the ▁world . ▁ ▁See ▁also ▁ ▁L ening rad ▁School ▁of ▁Pain ting ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁Russian ▁artists ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁ 2 0 th - century ▁Russian ▁pain ters ▁ ▁List ▁of ▁pain ters ▁of ▁Saint ▁Peters burg ▁Union ▁of ▁Art ists ▁ ▁Saint ▁Peters burg ▁Union ▁of ▁Art ists ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Bibli ography ▁▁ ▁S . ▁I |
vens ky . ▁P iot r ▁Pet rov ich ▁Bel ous ov . ▁– ▁L ening rad : ▁Kh ud oz h nik ▁R S FS R , ▁ 1 9 5 9 . ▁– ▁ 4 0 ▁p . ▁ ▁Art ists ▁of ▁the ▁USS R . ▁Biography ▁Dictionary . ▁Volume ▁ 1 . ▁– ▁Moscow : ▁I sk us st vo ▁Edition , ▁ 1 9 7 0 . ▁– ▁p . 3 4 6 . ▁ ▁Russian ▁P aint ings . ▁ 1 9 8 9 ▁Winter ▁Show . ▁– ▁London : ▁Roy ▁Miles ▁Gallery , ▁ 1 9 8 9 . ▁– ▁p . 5 , 1 6 – 1 7 . ▁ ▁Ch arm es ▁Russ es . ▁Au ction ▁Catalogue . ▁– ▁Paris : ▁D rou ot ▁Ric hel ieu , ▁ 1 5 ▁Mai ▁ 1 9 9 1 . ▁– ▁p . 3 8 . ▁ ▁L ' ▁E cole ▁de ▁Saint - P eters burg . ▁Catalogue . ▁– ▁Paris : ▁D rou ot ▁Ric hel ieu , ▁ 2 5 ▁Jan vier ▁ 1 9 9 3 . ▁ ▁Matthew ▁C . ▁B own . ▁Dictionary ▁of ▁ 2 0 th ▁Century ▁Russian ▁and ▁Soviet ▁Pain ters ▁ 1 9 0 0 - 1 9 8 0 s . ▁– ▁London : ▁Iz om ar ▁ 1 9 9 8 . ▁, ▁. ▁ ▁Vern ▁G . ▁Sw anson . ▁Soviet ▁Im pression ism . ▁– ▁Wood bridge , ▁England |
: ▁Ant ique ▁Collect ors ' ▁Club , ▁ 2 0 0 1 . ▁– ▁p . 8 7 , 2 1 6 , 2 7 4 . ▁, ▁. ▁ ▁Serge i ▁V . ▁Ivan ov . ▁Un known ▁Social ist ▁Real ism . ▁The ▁L ening rad ▁School . ▁– ▁Saint ▁Peters burg : ▁N P - Print ▁Edition , ▁ 2 0 0 7 . ▁– ▁p . 9 , ▁ 1 3 , ▁ 1 5 , ▁ 1 9 , ▁ 2 6 , ▁ 2 8 , ▁ 3 5 7 – 3 5 9 , ▁ 3 6 3 – 3 6 5 , ▁ 3 6 9 , ▁ 3 8 2 , ▁ 3 8 4 , ▁ 3 8 6 , ▁ 3 8 8 – 3 9 3 , ▁ 3 9 6 , ▁ 3 9 9 – 4 0 1 , ▁ 4 0 3 – 4 0 5 , ▁ 4 0 7 , ▁ 4 1 1 , ▁ 4 1 3 – 4 1 5 , ▁ 4 1 9 – 4 2 4 , ▁ 4 4 5 . ▁, ▁. ▁ ▁Category : 1 9 1 2 ▁birth s ▁Category : 1 9 8 9 ▁deaths ▁Category : People ▁from ▁Ber dy ansk ▁Category : People ▁from ▁T aur ida ▁Governor ate ▁Category : 2 0 th - century ▁Russian ▁pain ters ▁Category : R ussian ▁male ▁pain ters ▁Category : S ov |
iet ▁pain ters ▁Category : S ocial ist ▁real ism ▁Category : S ocial ist ▁real ism ▁artists ▁Category : L ening rad ▁School ▁artists ▁Category : Rep in ▁Institute ▁of ▁Arts ▁al umn i ▁Category : People ' s ▁Art ists ▁of ▁Russia ▁( vis ual ▁arts ) ▁Category : Members ▁of ▁the ▁L ening rad ▁Union ▁of ▁Art ists ▁Category : H on ored ▁Art ists ▁of ▁the ▁Russian ▁Federation <0x0A> </s> ▁Clay hid on ▁() ▁is ▁a ▁village ▁and ▁civil ▁parish ▁in ▁Mid ▁Dev on , ▁England . ▁The ▁parish ▁church ▁is ▁St . ▁Andrew s . ▁The ▁parish ▁is ▁in ▁the ▁Black down ▁Hills ▁and ▁its ▁northern ▁and ▁eastern ▁boundaries ▁form ▁part ▁of ▁the ▁Dev on ▁– ▁Som erset ▁border . ▁From ▁the ▁south - east ▁it ▁has ▁boundaries ▁with ▁the ▁Dev on ▁par ishes ▁of ▁Up ot tery , ▁Lu pp itt ▁and ▁H emy ock . ▁ ▁Current ▁information ▁about ▁life ▁in ▁the ▁parish , ▁including ▁detailed ▁proceedings ▁of ▁Clay hid on ▁Par ish ▁Council ▁since ▁November ▁ 2 0 0 2 , ▁can ▁be ▁found ▁on ▁a ▁community ▁website , ▁launched ▁in ▁March ▁ 2 0 1 1 . ▁A ▁parish ▁history ▁is ▁found ▁in ▁the ▁U ff cul me ▁library ▁and ▁an ▁old ▁map ▁can ▁be ▁found ▁on ▁the ▁Dev on ▁L ibraries ▁Local ▁Studies ▁website . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁ ▁Category : V ill ages ▁in ▁Dev on <0x0A> </s> ▁Bern ardo ▁del ▁Car pio , ▁also ▁sp elled ▁Bern |
al do ▁del ▁Car pio , ▁is , ▁since ▁the ▁beg innings ▁of ▁modern ▁historical ▁scholarship , ▁a ▁legendary ▁hero ▁of ▁the ▁medieval ▁Kingdom ▁of ▁Ast ur ias . ▁In ▁contrast ▁with ▁El ▁C id , ▁he ▁was ▁not ▁based ▁on ▁a ▁real ▁person ▁( and ▁thus ▁could ▁be ▁whatever ▁the ▁creator ( s ) ▁wanted ▁him ▁to ▁be ). ▁Until ▁the ▁end ▁of ▁the ▁nineteenth ▁century ▁and ▁the ▁lab ors ▁of ▁Ram ón ▁Men é nd ez ▁P idal , ▁he , ▁not ▁El ▁C id , ▁was ▁the ▁chief ▁hero ▁of ▁medieval ▁Christian ▁Spain . ▁He ▁was ▁believed ▁to ▁be ▁historical . ▁ ▁The ▁story ▁Supp osed ly ▁the ▁nep hew ▁of ▁Alf onso ▁II ▁of ▁Ast ur ias , ▁stories ▁feature ▁him ▁st riving ▁against ▁Alf onso ▁to ▁release ▁his ▁father ▁from ▁prison . ▁ ▁Other ▁stories ▁have ▁him ▁as ▁the ▁rival ▁and ▁sl ayer ▁of ▁Roland ▁at ▁Ron ces v aux . ▁ ▁Bern ardo ▁was ▁said ▁to ▁be ▁the ▁son ▁of ▁San cho , ▁the ▁Count ▁of ▁Sal da ña ▁and ▁Don a ▁X im ena ▁( Al f onso ▁II ' s ▁sister , ▁therefore ▁grand son ▁of ▁King ▁F ru ela ▁I ▁of ▁Ast ur ias ). ▁Alf onso ▁was ▁not ▁happy ▁with ▁the ▁marriage , ▁so ▁he ▁had ▁San cho ▁blind ed ▁and ▁thrown ▁into ▁prison ▁and ▁took ▁Bern ardo . ▁He ▁was ▁raised ▁in ▁Alf onso ▁II ' s ▁court . ▁Every body ▁was ▁ordered ▁not ▁to ▁tell ▁the ▁young ▁Bern ardo ▁who ▁his |
▁father ▁was . ▁ ▁Alf onso ▁invited ▁Char lemagne ▁into ▁I ber ia ▁to ▁defeat ▁the ▁Mo ors , ▁promising ▁to ▁name ▁him ▁as ▁he ir . ▁ ▁Bern ardo ' s ▁victory ▁at ▁Ron ces v aux ▁ended ▁that ▁plan . ▁ ▁But ▁Bern ardo ▁then ▁joined ▁up ▁with ▁the ▁Mo ors , ▁hoping ▁to ▁force ▁Alf onso ▁into ▁action ; ▁but ▁Alf onso ▁secret ly ▁had ▁San cho ▁killed ▁while ▁in ▁prison . ▁ ▁Or ig ins ▁The ▁original ▁legend ▁of ▁Bern ardo ▁del ▁Car pio ▁was ▁sung ▁by ▁the ▁j ong le urs ▁of ▁the ▁Kingdom ▁of ▁Le ón . ▁Later , ▁the ▁Cast il ian ▁poet ▁Pero ▁Ferr ús ▁( fl . ▁ 1 3 8 0 ) ▁ment ions ▁Bern ardo ▁del ▁Car pio ▁in ▁one ▁of ▁his ▁cant ig as , ▁which ▁comb ines ▁the ▁theme ▁of ▁the ▁good ▁life ▁in ▁Cast ile ▁with ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁lo ores , ▁or ▁ly ric ▁p ae ans , ▁to ▁a ▁series ▁of ▁Greek , ▁Roman , ▁B iblical , ▁ch ival ric , ▁and ▁Arab ▁heroes . ▁ ▁In ▁ 1 6 2 4 ▁Bern ardo ▁de ▁Bal bu ena ▁published ▁El ▁Bern ardo , ▁an ▁account ▁of ▁Bern ardo ' s ▁explo its . ▁It ▁is ▁considered ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁master pie ces ▁of ▁Spanish ▁literature . ▁ ▁In ▁the ▁opening ▁of ▁Don ▁Qu ix ote , ▁C erv antes ▁has ▁the ▁protagon ist ▁especially ▁adm iring ▁Bern ardo ▁because ▁he ▁crushed ▁Roland ▁with ▁his ▁arms ▁alone |
, ▁although ▁the ▁context ▁is ▁clear ▁that ▁Qu ix ote ▁is ▁placing ▁too ▁much ▁cred ence ▁in ▁the ▁fantastic ▁stories ▁of ▁romance . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Bur ton , ▁David . ▁The ▁Legend ▁of ▁Bern ardo ▁del ▁Car pio : ▁from ▁Chron icle ▁to ▁Dr ama . ▁ ▁Ex ternal ▁links ▁As oci ación ▁cultural ▁Bern ardo ▁del ▁Car pio ▁ ▁Category : Span ish ▁literature ▁Category : Leg end ary ▁Spanish ▁people <0x0A> </s> ▁Moh amed ▁El - K aw is ah ▁( born ▁March ▁ 8 , ▁ 1 9 8 7 ) ▁is ▁a ▁Lib yan ▁jud oka . ▁He ▁competed ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 6 ▁Summer ▁Olympics ▁in ▁the ▁men ' s ▁ 6 0 ▁kg ▁event , ▁in ▁which ▁he ▁was ▁eliminated ▁in ▁the ▁second ▁round ▁by ▁Y eld os ▁S met ov . ▁ ▁Re ferences ▁ ▁Category : 1 9 8 7 ▁birth s ▁Category : L iving ▁people ▁Category : Lib yan ▁male ▁jud oka ▁Category : O lymp ic ▁jud oka ▁of ▁Lib ya ▁Category : J ud oka ▁at ▁the ▁ 2 0 1 6 ▁Summer ▁Olympics <0x0A> </s> ▁Hotel ▁Pod ▁Or ł em ▁( Under ▁The ▁E agle ) ▁is ▁a ▁historical ▁hotel ▁building ▁on ▁G da ń ska ▁Street ▁N ° 1 4 , ▁in ▁the ▁city ▁of ▁By d gos z cz . ▁ ▁Location ▁The ▁building ▁stands ▁on ▁the ▁eastern ▁side ▁of ▁G da ń ska ▁Street ▁in ▁By d gos z cz , ▁near ▁D |
wor c owa ▁Street . ▁The ▁hotel ▁has ▁a ▁" U " ▁shape , ▁with ▁ir regular ▁and ▁une ven ▁corners . ▁Its ▁foot print ▁is ▁del ine ated ▁by ▁ 2 ▁streets ▁( G d anska ▁and ▁Park owa ) ▁and ▁by ▁the ▁Park ▁Cas imir ▁the ▁Great ▁By d gos z cz ▁to ▁the ▁east . ▁ ▁History ▁ ▁Pr ussian ▁period ▁Hot els ▁in ▁this ▁location ▁date ▁back ▁to ▁the ▁beginning ▁of ▁the ▁ 1 9 th ▁century , ▁when ▁an ▁inn ▁was ▁built ▁by ▁the ▁Gl isz czy ński ▁family ▁en ▁route ▁to ▁G da ńsk . ▁In ▁ 1 8 2 2 , ▁a ▁car p enter ▁of ▁the ▁Gl isz czy ńsk is ' ▁built ▁a ▁new ▁building ▁called ▁the ▁Hotel ▁" The ▁E agle " ▁() ▁next ▁to ▁the ▁old ▁one . ▁Hotel ▁" The ▁E agle " ▁is ▁one ▁of ▁the ▁first ▁hotels ▁built ▁in ▁the ▁sub urb ▁of ▁By d gos z cz , ▁then ▁officially ▁called ▁B rom berg . ▁ ▁Around ▁ 1 8 5 0 , ▁August ▁Friedrich ▁Bern hard t , ▁a ▁b aker , ▁bought ▁the ▁building ▁and ▁a ▁nearby ▁piece ▁of ▁land . ▁Between ▁ 1 8 7 5 ▁and ▁ 1 8 7 9 , ▁his ▁newly ▁created ▁company ▁was ▁taken ▁over ▁by ▁his ▁son ▁Em il ▁Bern hard t , ▁who ▁had ▁returned ▁from ▁Switzerland ▁where ▁he ▁had ▁taken ▁hotel ▁and ▁cater ing ▁courses . ▁In ▁ 1 8 8 0 ▁Em il ▁Bern hard t |
Subsets and Splits