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Eric suffered from a migraine quite often but Craig did not. He went to the mall.
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Eric suffered from a migraine quite often but Craig did not. He went to the doctor.
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David wanted to sell his apartment and buy a house, because it is too small.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "David wanted to sell his apartment and buy a house, because it is too small.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "David", "misc": "-", "text": "David", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "sell", "misc": "-", "text": "sell", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "apartment", "misc": "0)", "text": "apartment", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "buy", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "(1", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "house", "misc": "1)", "text": "house", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "too", "misc": "-", "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "small", "misc": "-", "text": "small", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 9 ] ] ]
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David wanted to sell his apartment and buy a house, because it is bigger.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "David wanted to sell his apartment and buy a house, because it is bigger.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "David", "misc": "-", "text": "David", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "sell", "misc": "-", "text": "sell", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(1", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "apartment", "misc": "1)", "text": "apartment", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "buy", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "(0", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "house", "misc": "0)", "text": "house", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "big", "misc": "-", "text": "bigger", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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The bird could lift a string with its beak but not a chain because it was light.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The bird could lift a string with its beak but not a chain because it was light.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "bird", "misc": "-", "text": "bird", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "could", "misc": "-", "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "lift", "misc": "-", "text": "lift", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "(0", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "string", "misc": "-", "text": "string", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "its", "misc": "-", "text": "its", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "beak", "misc": "0)", "text": "beak", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "(1", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "chain", "misc": "1)", "text": "chain", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "light", "misc": "-", "text": "light", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 8 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 12 ] ] ]
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The bird could lift a string with its beak but not a chain because it was heavy.
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[ [ [ 0, 4, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 12 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Samantha needed a washcloth because Maria bumped into him. She felt sorry for bumping into him.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Samantha needed a washcloth because Maria bumped into him. She felt frustrated at being bumped into.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Eric wanted to smoke in the cafe and asked Ryan for a light, because he had his lighter out.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Eric wanted to smoke in the cafe and asked Ryan for a light, because he had his lighter out.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Eric", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Eric", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "smoke", "misc": "-", "text": "smoke", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "cafe", "misc": "-", "text": "cafe", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Ryan", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Ryan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "light", "misc": "-", "text": "light", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "light", "misc": "-", "text": "lighter", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Eric wanted to smoke in the cafe and asked Ryan for a light, because he had no lighter.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Eric wanted to smoke in the cafe and asked Ryan for a light, because he had no lighter.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Eric", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Eric", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "smoke", "misc": "-", "text": "smoke", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "cafe", "misc": "-", "text": "cafe", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Ryan", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Ryan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "light", "misc": "-", "text": "light", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "no", "misc": "-", "text": "no", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "light", "misc": "-", "text": "lighter", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
During the meeting, Emily asked Elena to summarize the main points, because she preferred a succinct presentation.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "During the meeting, Emily asked Elena to summarize the main points, because she preferred a succinct presentation.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "during", "misc": "-", "text": "During", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "meeting", "misc": "-", "text": "meeting", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Emily", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Emily", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Elena", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Elena", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "summarize", "misc": "-", "text": "summarize", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "main", "misc": "-", "text": "main", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 9, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "point", "misc": "-", "text": "points", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "prefer", "misc": "-", "text": "preferred", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "succinct", "misc": "-", "text": "succinct", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "presentation", "misc": "-", "text": "presentation", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
During the meeting, Emily asked Elena to summarize the main points, so she gave a succinct presentation.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "During the meeting, Emily asked Elena to summarize the main points, so she gave a succinct presentation.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "during", "misc": "-", "text": "During", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "meeting", "misc": "-", "text": "meeting", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Emily", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Emily", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Elena", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Elena", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "summarize", "misc": "-", "text": "summarize", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "main", "misc": "-", "text": "main", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 9, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "point", "misc": "-", "text": "points", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "give", "misc": "-", "text": "gave", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "succinct", "misc": "-", "text": "succinct", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "presentation", "misc": "-", "text": "presentation", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
People can make it over a fence but not over a wall because it is very short.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "People can make it over a fence but not over a wall because it is very short.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "person", "misc": "-", "text": "People", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "can", "misc": "-", "text": "can", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "make", "misc": "-", "text": "make", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "over", "misc": "-", "text": "over", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "(0", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "fence", "misc": "0)", "text": "fence", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "(1", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "over", "misc": "-", "text": "over", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "wall", "misc": "1)", "text": "wall", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "short", "misc": "-", "text": "short", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 6 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
People can make it over a fence but not over a wall because it is very tall.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "People can make it over a fence but not over a wall because it is very tall.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "person", "misc": "-", "text": "People", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "can", "misc": "-", "text": "can", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "make", "misc": "-", "text": "make", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "over", "misc": "-", "text": "over", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "(1", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "fence", "misc": "1)", "text": "fence", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "(0", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "over", "misc": "-", "text": "over", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "wall", "misc": "0)", "text": "wall", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "tall", "misc": "-", "text": "tall", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 11 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
On the airplane, Megan coughs right onto Emily, who's sitting next to him. She is embarrassed.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "On the airplane, Megan coughs right onto Emily, who's sitting next to him.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "On", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "airplane", "misc": "-", "text": "airplane", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Megan", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Megan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "cough", "misc": "-", "text": "coughs", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "right", "misc": "-", "text": "right", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "onto", "misc": "-", "text": "onto", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Emily", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Emily", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "who", "misc": "-", "text": "who", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "sit", "misc": "-", "text": "sitting", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "next", "misc": "-", "text": "next", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "She is embarrassed.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "She", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "embarrass", "misc": "-", "text": "embarrassed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
On the airplane, Megan coughs right onto Emily, who's sitting next to him. She is disgusted.
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[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The ring was only meant for sparring and not actual fighting because it was unpredictable.
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[ [ [ 0, 6, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 10 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
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The ring was only meant for sparring and not actual fighting because it was predictable.
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[ [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
We had to spray the vines with insecticide, but not the flowers, since they were vulnerable to insects.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "We had to spray the vines with insecticide, but not the flowers, since they were vulnerable to insects.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "we", "misc": "-", "text": "We", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "spray", "misc": "-", "text": "spray", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "vine", "misc": "0)", "text": "vines", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "insecticide", "misc": "-", "text": "insecticide", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "flower", "misc": "1)", "text": "flowers", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "since", "misc": "-", "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "were", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "vulnerable", "misc": "-", "text": "vulnerable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "insect", "misc": "-", "text": "insects", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
We had to spray the vines with insecticide, but not the flowers, since they were impervious to insects.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "We had to spray the vines with insecticide, but not the flowers, since they were impervious to insects.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "we", "misc": "-", "text": "We", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "spray", "misc": "-", "text": "spray", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "vine", "misc": "1)", "text": "vines", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "insecticide", "misc": "-", "text": "insecticide", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "flower", "misc": "0)", "text": "flowers", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "since", "misc": "-", "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "were", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "impervious", "misc": "-", "text": "impervious", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "insect", "misc": "-", "text": "insects", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 12 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Adam was playing outside while Joel was watching TV, he was definitely the lazy brother.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Adam was playing outside while Joel was watching TV, he was definitely the lazy brother.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Adam", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Adam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "play", "misc": "-", "text": "playing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "outside", "misc": "-", "text": "outside", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Joel", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Joel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "watch", "misc": "-", "text": "watching", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "tv", "misc": "-", "text": "TV", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "definitely", "misc": "-", "text": "definitely", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "lazy", "misc": "-", "text": "lazy", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "brother", "misc": "-", "text": "brother", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
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Adam was playing outside while Joel was watching TV, he was definitely the energetic brother.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Adam was playing outside while Joel was watching TV, he was definitely the energetic brother.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Adam", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Adam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "play", "misc": "-", "text": "playing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "outside", "misc": "-", "text": "outside", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Joel", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Joel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "watch", "misc": "-", "text": "watching", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "tv", "misc": "-", "text": "TV", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "definitely", "misc": "-", "text": "definitely", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "energetic", "misc": "-", "text": "energetic", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "brother", "misc": "-", "text": "brother", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Tanya wanted everyone's attention on them while Emily wanted nobody's attention on them, as they was a huge introvert.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Tanya wanted everyone's attention on them while Emily wanted nobody's attention on them, as they was a huge extrovert.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Taking her clothes to the dry cleaners was more important for Sarah than Maria because she had a professional job in an office.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Taking her clothes to the dry cleaners was more important for Sarah than Maria because she had a professional job in an office.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 10, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "take", "misc": "-", "text": "Taking", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 1, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "clothes", "misc": "-", "text": "clothes", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "dry", "misc": "-", "text": "dry", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 1, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "cleaner", "misc": "-", "text": "cleaners", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "important", "misc": "-", "text": "important", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "Sarah", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Sarah", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "Maria", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Maria", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "professional", "misc": "-", "text": "professional", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "job", "misc": "-", "text": "job", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 23, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 23, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": "office", "misc": "-", "text": "office", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 24 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 11, 11 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Taking her clothes to the dry cleaners was more important for Sarah than Maria because she did not have a professional job in an office.
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[ [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Ramona decided to get her very long hair cut into a short pixie cut, although it was too plain ..
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Ramona decided to get her very long hair cut into a short pixie cut, although it was too plain ..", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Ramona", "misc": "-", "text": "Ramona", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "decide", "misc": "-", "text": "decided", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "get", "misc": "-", "text": "get", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "(1", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "long", "misc": "1)", "text": "long", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "hair", "misc": "-", "text": "hair", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 4, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "cut", "misc": "-", "text": "cut", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "into", "misc": "-", "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "short", "misc": "-", "text": "short", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "pixie", "misc": "(0)", "text": "pixie", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "cut", "misc": "-", "text": "cut", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "although", "misc": "-", "text": "although", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "too", "misc": "-", "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "plain", "misc": "-", "text": "plain", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "..", "misc": "-", "text": "..", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Ramona decided to get her very long hair cut into a short pixie cut, because it was too hot.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Ramona decided to get her very long hair cut into a short pixie cut, because it was too hot.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Ramona", "misc": "-", "text": "Ramona", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "decide", "misc": "-", "text": "decided", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "get", "misc": "-", "text": "get", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "(0", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "long", "misc": "0)", "text": "long", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "hair", "misc": "-", "text": "hair", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 4, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "cut", "misc": "-", "text": "cut", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "into", "misc": "-", "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "short", "misc": "-", "text": "short", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "pixie", "misc": "(1)", "text": "pixie", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "cut", "misc": "-", "text": "cut", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "too", "misc": "-", "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "hot", "misc": "-", "text": "hot", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 6 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Kayla's daughter can't eat nuts, though Rebecca's daughter can, although her daughter has more allergies.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Kayla's daughter can't eat nuts, though Rebecca's daughter can, although her daughter has more allergies.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Kayla", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kayla", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "daughter", "misc": "-", "text": "daughter", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "can't", "misc": "-", "text": "can't", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "eat", "misc": "-", "text": "eat", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "nut", "misc": "-", "text": "nuts", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "though", "misc": "-", "text": "though", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Rebecca", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Rebecca", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "daughter", "misc": "-", "text": "daughter", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "can", "misc": "-", "text": "can", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "although", "misc": "-", "text": "although", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "daughter", "misc": "-", "text": "daughter", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "has", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "allergy", "misc": "-", "text": "allergies", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Kayla's daughter can't eat nuts, though Rebecca's daughter can, so her daughter has more allergies.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Kayla's daughter can't eat nuts, though Rebecca's daughter can, so her daughter has more allergies.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Kayla", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kayla", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "daughter", "misc": "-", "text": "daughter", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "can't", "misc": "-", "text": "can't", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "eat", "misc": "-", "text": "eat", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "nut", "misc": "-", "text": "nuts", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "though", "misc": "-", "text": "though", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Rebecca", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Rebecca", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "daughter", "misc": "-", "text": "daughter", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "can", "misc": "-", "text": "can", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "daughter", "misc": "-", "text": "daughter", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "has", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "allergy", "misc": "-", "text": "allergies", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Craig worked from home using a computer that Ian had built for him. He felt indebted.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Craig worked from home using a computer that Ian had built for him.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "work", "misc": "-", "text": "worked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "home", "misc": "-", "text": "home", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "using", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "computer", "misc": "-", "text": "computer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WDT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 7, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "build", "misc": "-", "text": "built", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He felt indebted.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "feel", "misc": "-", "text": "felt", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "indebt", "misc": "-", "text": "indebted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Craig worked from home using a computer that Ian had built for him. He felt charitable.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Craig worked from home using a computer that Ian had built for him.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Craig", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Craig", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "work", "misc": "-", "text": "worked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "home", "misc": "-", "text": "home", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "using", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "computer", "misc": "-", "text": "computer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WDT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Ian", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Ian", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 7, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "build", "misc": "-", "text": "built", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He felt charitable.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "feel", "misc": "-", "text": "felt", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "charitable", "misc": "-", "text": "charitable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The boyfriend bought the flowers on Valentine's Day, but forgot a card, due to they being easier to remember.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The boyfriend bought the flowers on Valentine's Day, but forgot a card, due to they being easier to remember.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "boyfriend", "misc": "-", "text": "boyfriend", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "bought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "flower", "misc": "(0)", "text": "flowers", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Valentine", "misc": "-", "text": "Valentine", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "Day", "misc": "-", "text": "Day", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "forget", "misc": "-", "text": "forgot", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "card", "misc": "(1)", "text": "card", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "due", "misc": "-", "text": "due", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "being", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 12, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "easy", "misc": "-", "text": "easier", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 20, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "remember", "misc": "-", "text": "remember", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The boyfriend bought the flowers on Valentine's Day, but forgot a card, due to they being harder to remember.
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[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Kevin berated Michael in his office for playing around when he was supposed to be working, because he is serious at work.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Kevin berated Michael in his office for playing around when he was supposed to be working, because he did this before.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The lawsuit bankrupted the town but made the company rich, as it lost so much money from it.
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The lawsuit bankrupted the town but made the company rich, as it made so much money from it.
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[ [ [ 0, 3, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 8 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Joel told Christopher to try his disfigured vegetables that he grew out of his garden. He was insistent.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Joel told Christopher to try his disfigured vegetables that he grew out of his garden.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Joel", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Joel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "tell", "misc": "-", "text": "told", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "try", "misc": "-", "text": "try", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "disfigure", "misc": "-", "text": "disfigured", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "vegetable", "misc": "-", "text": "vegetables", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WDT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "grow", "misc": "-", "text": "grew", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "out", "misc": "-", "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "garden", "misc": "-", "text": "garden", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He was insistent.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "insistent", "misc": "-", "text": "insistent", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
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Joel told Christopher to try his disfigured vegetables that he grew out of his garden. He was hesitant.
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The license had more impact than the certificate because it was taken at an untrustworthy place.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 7 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The license had more impact than the certificate because it was taken at a reputable place.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The license had more impact than the certificate because it was taken at a reputable place.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "license", "misc": "0)", "text": "license", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "impact", "misc": "-", "text": "impact", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "certificate", "misc": "1)", "text": "certificate", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "take", "misc": "-", "text": "taken", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "reputable", "misc": "-", "text": "reputable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "place", "misc": "-", "text": "place", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Erin only ate kielbasa made from pork and not from chicken because it was sourced in a humane way.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Erin only ate kielbasa made from pork and not from chicken because it was sourced in a humane way.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Erin", "misc": "-", "text": "Erin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "only", "misc": "-", "text": "only", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "eat", "misc": "-", "text": "ate", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "kielbasa", "misc": "-", "text": "kielbasa", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 4, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "make", "misc": "-", "text": "made", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "pork", "misc": "(0)", "text": "pork", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "(1", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "chicken", "misc": "1)", "text": "chicken", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 3, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "source", "misc": "-", "text": "sourced", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "humane", "misc": "-", "text": "humane", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "way", "misc": "-", "text": "way", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Erin only ate kielbasa made from pork and not from chicken because it was sourced in a cruel way.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Erin only ate kielbasa made from pork and not from chicken because it was sourced in a cruel way.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Erin", "misc": "-", "text": "Erin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "only", "misc": "-", "text": "only", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "eat", "misc": "-", "text": "ate", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "kielbasa", "misc": "-", "text": "kielbasa", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 4, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "make", "misc": "-", "text": "made", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "pork", "misc": "(1)", "text": "pork", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "(0", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "chicken", "misc": "0)", "text": "chicken", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 3, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "source", "misc": "-", "text": "sourced", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "cruel", "misc": "-", "text": "cruel", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "way", "misc": "-", "text": "way", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 6, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 10 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Victoria aksed Betty for an opinion regarding the leather wallet at the boutique because she is a horrible gift giver.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Victoria aksed Betty for an opinion regarding the leather wallet at the boutique because she is a horrible gift giver.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Victoria", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Victoria", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "akse", "misc": "-", "text": "aksed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Betty", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Betty", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "opinion", "misc": "-", "text": "opinion", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "regard", "misc": "-", "text": "regarding", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "leather", "misc": "-", "text": "leather", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "wallet", "misc": "-", "text": "wallet", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "boutique", "misc": "-", "text": "boutique", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "horrible", "misc": "-", "text": "horrible", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "gift", "misc": "-", "text": "gift", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "giver", "misc": "-", "text": "giver", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Victoria aksed Betty for an opinion regarding the leather wallet at the boutique because she is a good gift giver.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Victoria aksed Betty for an opinion regarding the leather wallet at the boutique because she is a good gift giver.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Victoria", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Victoria", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "akse", "misc": "-", "text": "aksed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Betty", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Betty", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "opinion", "misc": "-", "text": "opinion", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 10, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "regard", "misc": "-", "text": "regarding", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "leather", "misc": "-", "text": "leather", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "wallet", "misc": "-", "text": "wallet", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "boutique", "misc": "-", "text": "boutique", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "good", "misc": "-", "text": "good", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "gift", "misc": "-", "text": "gift", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "giver", "misc": "-", "text": "giver", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Kenneth bought cheaper groceries than Hunter did because he had a worse job and pay.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Kenneth bought cheaper groceries than Hunter did because he had a worse job and pay.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "bought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "cheap", "misc": "-", "text": "cheaper", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "grocery", "misc": "-", "text": "groceries", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "bad", "misc": "-", "text": "worse", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "job", "misc": "-", "text": "job", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "pay", "misc": "-", "text": "pay", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
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Kenneth bought cheaper groceries than Hunter did because he had a better job and pay.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Kenneth bought cheaper groceries than Hunter did because he had a better job and pay.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "bought", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "cheap", "misc": "-", "text": "cheaper", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "grocery", "misc": "-", "text": "groceries", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Hunter", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Hunter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "good", "misc": "-", "text": "better", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "job", "misc": "-", "text": "job", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "pay", "misc": "-", "text": "pay", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The teenager tried to park his new car in the old garage but it wouldn't fit; it was too long.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "The teenager tried to park his new car in the old garage but it wouldn't fit; it was too long.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "teenager", "misc": "-", "text": "teenager", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "try", "misc": "-", "text": "tried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "park", "misc": "-", "text": "park", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "new", "misc": "-", "text": "new", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "car", "misc": "0)", "text": "car", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "old", "misc": "-", "text": "old", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "garage", "misc": "1)", "text": "garage", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "would", "misc": "-", "text": "would", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "fit", "misc": "-", "text": "fit", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ";", "misc": "-", "text": ";", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 22, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 22, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "too", "misc": "-", "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "long", "misc": "-", "text": "long", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 7 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The teenager tried to park his new car in the old garage but it wouldn't fit; it was too short.
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[ [ [ 0, 5, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 11 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
She wanted to exfoliate her face with cleanser but it had crushed walnut shells in it so she used a brush instead. It was harsh on her skin.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "She wanted to exfoliate her face with cleanser but it had crushed walnut shells in it so she used a brush instead.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "She", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "exfoliate", "misc": "-", "text": "exfoliate", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "her", 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[ [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 19, 20 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
She wanted to exfoliate her face with cleanser but it had crushed walnut shells in it so she used a brush instead. It was gentle on her skin.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "She wanted to exfoliate her face with cleanser but it had crushed walnut shells in it so she used a brush instead.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "She", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "exfoliate", "misc": "-", "text": "exfoliate", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "her", 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{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
He stopped buying at the shop and starting going to the store instead, because it had fair prices.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "He stopped buying at the shop and starting going to the store instead, because it had fair prices.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "stop", "misc": "-", "text": "stopped", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "buying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "shop", "misc": "1)", "text": "shop", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "start", "misc": "-", "text": "starting", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "go", "misc": "-", "text": "going", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "store", "misc": "0)", "text": "store", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "instead", "misc": "-", "text": "instead", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "fair", "misc": "-", "text": "fair", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "price", "misc": "-", "text": "prices", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 11 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
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He stopped buying at the shop and starting going to the store instead, because it had steep prices.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "He stopped buying at the shop and starting going to the store instead, because it had steep prices.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "stop", "misc": "-", "text": "stopped", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "buying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "shop", "misc": "0)", "text": "shop", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "start", "misc": "-", "text": "starting", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "go", "misc": "-", "text": "going", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "store", "misc": "1)", "text": "store", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "instead", "misc": "-", "text": "instead", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "steep", "misc": "-", "text": "steep", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "price", "misc": "-", "text": "prices", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 11 ] ] ]
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When Christine suspected that Felicia was lying, she tried to set a trap. Then she got angry when it didn't work.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "When Christine suspected that Felicia was lying, she tried to set a trap.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "when", "misc": "-", "text": "When", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "Christine", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Christine", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "suspect", "misc": "-", "text": "suspected", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "Felicia", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Felicia", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "lie", "misc": "-", "text": "lying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "try", "misc": "-", "text": "tried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 10, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "set", "misc": "-", "text": "set", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "trap", "misc": "-", "text": "trap", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "Then she got angry when it didn't work.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "PronType=Dem", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "then", "misc": "-", "text": "Then", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "get", "misc": "-", "text": "got", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 3, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "angry", "misc": "-", "text": "angry", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 9, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "when", "misc": "-", "text": "when", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "work", "misc": "-", "text": "work", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
When Christine suspected that Felicia was lying, she tried to set a trap. Then she got angry when it worked.
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As such a talented artist, Laura had much to offer Sarah in learning to paint, and she was eager to teach.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "As such a talented artist, Laura had much to offer Sarah in learning to paint, and she was eager to teach.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "As", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det:predet", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "such", "misc": "-", "text": "such", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "PDT" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 5, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "talented", "misc": "-", "text": "talented", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "artist", "misc": "-", "text": "artist", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Laura", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Laura", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "much", "misc": "-", "text": "much", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 9, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "offer", "misc": "-", "text": "offer", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "Sarah", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Sarah", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 11, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "learn", "misc": "-", "text": "learning", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "paint", "misc": "-", "text": "paint", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 21, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 21, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "eager", "misc": "-", "text": "eager", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 23, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 21, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": "teach", "misc": "-", "text": "teach", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 24 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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As such a talented artist, Laura had much to offer Sarah in learning to paint, and she was eager to learn.
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On the cruise ship to Mexico, Matthew threw Dennis overboard because he had angered him.
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On the cruise ship to Mexico, Matthew threw Dennis overboard because he had become angry.
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Able to hear a scurrying sound from below the sink, Megan asked Samantha to check, as she was indifferent about seeing a mouse.
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Able to hear a scurrying sound from below the sink, Megan asked Samantha to check, as she was terrified of seeing a mouse.
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[ [ [ 0, 11, 11 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
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Mary excitedly told Kayla about this new rice recipe that she made. She was bored.
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Mary excitedly told Kayla about this new rice recipe that she made. She was enthusiastic.
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Randy loves the taste of liver but Donald abhors it. He ordered liver and onions from the cafeteria.
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{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Randy loves the taste of liver but Donald abhors it. He ordered beef and gravy from the cafeteria.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Randy loves the taste of liver but Donald abhors it.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Randy", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Randy", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "love", "misc": "-", "text": "loves", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "taste", "misc": "-", "text": "taste", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "liver", "misc": "-", "text": "liver", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Donald", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Donald", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "abhor", "misc": "-", "text": "abhors", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "He ordered beef and gravy from the cafeteria.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "He", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "order", "misc": "-", "text": "ordered", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "beef", "misc": "-", "text": "beef", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "gravy", "misc": "-", "text": "gravy", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "cafeteria", "misc": "-", "text": "cafeteria", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Mary wanted to buy a house from Natalie, but she wanted more than market value.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Mary wanted to buy a house from Natalie, but she wanted more than market value.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Mary", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Mary", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "buy", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "house", "misc": "-", "text": "house", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Natalie", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Natalie", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "market", "misc": "-", "text": "market", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "value", "misc": "-", "text": "value", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Mary wanted to buy a house from Natalie, but she could not pay market value.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Mary wanted to buy a house from Natalie, but she could not pay market value.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Mary", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Mary", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "buy", "misc": "-", "text": "buy", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "house", "misc": "-", "text": "house", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "from", "misc": "-", "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Natalie", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Natalie", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "could", "misc": "-", "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "pay", "misc": "-", "text": "pay", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "market", "misc": "-", "text": "market", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "value", "misc": "-", "text": "value", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Using vinegar to clean was normal for Betty but not Victoria because she liked the smell of vinegar.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Using vinegar to clean was normal for Betty but not Victoria because she liked the smell of vinegar.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 6, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "Using", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 1, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "vinegar", "misc": "-", "text": "vinegar", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 1, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "clean", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "normal", "misc": "-", "text": "normal", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Betty", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Betty", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Victoria", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Victoria", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "smell", "misc": "-", "text": "smell", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "vinegar", "misc": "-", "text": "vinegar", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Using vinegar to clean was normal for Betty but not Victoria because she didn't like the smell of vinegar.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Using vinegar to clean was normal for Betty but not Victoria because she didn't like the smell of vinegar.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 6, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "use", "misc": "-", "text": "Using", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 1, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "vinegar", "misc": "-", "text": "vinegar", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 1, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "clean", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "normal", "misc": "-", "text": "normal", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "Betty", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Betty", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Victoria", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Victoria", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "like", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "smell", "misc": "-", "text": "smell", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "vinegar", "misc": "-", "text": "vinegar", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Felicia punched Monica right in the Adam's apple so she had to spend the night in the local hospital.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Felicia punched Monica right in the Adam's apple so she had to spend the night in the local hospital.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Felicia", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Felicia", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "punch", "misc": "-", "text": "punched", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Monica", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Monica", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "right", "misc": "-", "text": "right", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Adam", "misc": "-", "text": "Adam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "apple", "misc": "-", "text": "apple", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "spend", "misc": "-", "text": "spend", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:tmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "night", "misc": "-", "text": "night", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "local", "misc": "-", "text": "local", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "hospital", "misc": "-", "text": "hospital", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Felicia punched Monica right in the Adam's apple so she had to spend the night in the local jail.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Felicia punched Monica right in the Adam's apple so she had to spend the night in the local jail.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Felicia", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Felicia", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "punch", "misc": "-", "text": "punched", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "Monica", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Monica", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "right", "misc": "-", "text": "right", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "Adam", "misc": "-", "text": "Adam", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "apple", "misc": "-", "text": "apple", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "spend", "misc": "-", "text": "spend", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:tmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "night", "misc": "-", "text": "night", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "local", "misc": "-", "text": "local", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "jail", "misc": "-", "text": "jail", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Jason needs to clean a petrified wood and asks for Benjamin's help, because he can't do it alone.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Jason needs to clean a petrified wood and asks for Benjamin's help, because he can't do it alone.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Jason", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Jason", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "need", "misc": "-", "text": "needs", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "clean", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "petrified", "misc": "-", "text": "petrified", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "wood", "misc": "-", "text": "wood", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asks", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Benjamin", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Benjamin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "help", "misc": "-", "text": "help", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "can't", "misc": "-", "text": "can't", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 9, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "do", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "alone", "misc": "-", "text": "alone", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Jason needs to clean a petrified wood and asks for Benjamin's help, so he agrees to help her.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Jason needs to clean a petrified wood and asks for Benjamin's help, so he agrees to help her.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Jason", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Jason", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "need", "misc": "-", "text": "needs", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "clean", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "petrified", "misc": "-", "text": "petrified", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "wood", "misc": "-", "text": "wood", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "ask", "misc": "-", "text": "asks", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "Benjamin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Benjamin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 9, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "help", "misc": "-", "text": "help", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "agree", "misc": "-", "text": "agrees", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 17, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "help", "misc": "-", "text": "help", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "-", "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Instead of the tophat, the man choose to wear the fedora, because he found the style of it to be very ugly.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Instead of the tophat, the man choose to wear the fedora, because he found the style of it to be very ugly.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "instead", "misc": "-", "text": "Instead", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "tophat", "misc": "0)", "text": "tophat", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "man", "misc": "-", "text": "man", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "choose", "misc": "-", "text": "choose", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "wear", "misc": "-", "text": "wear", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "fedora", "misc": "1)", "text": "fedora", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "find", "misc": "-", "text": "found", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "style", "misc": "-", "text": "style", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 24, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 24, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 24, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 24 ], "lemma": "ugly", "misc": "-", "text": "ugly", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 25 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 19, 19 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Instead of the tophat, the man choose to wear the fedora, because he found the style of it to be very appealing.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Instead of the tophat, the man choose to wear the fedora, because he found the style of it to be very appealing.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "instead", "misc": "-", "text": "Instead", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "tophat", "misc": "1)", "text": "tophat", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "man", "misc": "-", "text": "man", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "choose", "misc": "-", "text": "choose", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "wear", "misc": "-", "text": "wear", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "fedora", "misc": "0)", "text": "fedora", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "find", "misc": "-", "text": "found", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "style", "misc": "-", "text": "style", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 24, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 24, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 24, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": "very", "misc": "-", "text": "very", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 24 ], "lemma": "appealing", "misc": "-", "text": "appealing", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 25 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 3 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 11 ], [ 0, 19, 19 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
I liked the curtains at my moms house and not the carpets because they mismatched the walls.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "I liked the curtains at my moms house and not the carpets because they mismatched the walls.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "I", "misc": "-", "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "curtain", "misc": "1)", "text": "curtains", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "my", "misc": "-", "text": "my", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "mom", "misc": "-", "text": "moms", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "house", "misc": "-", "text": "house", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "carpet", "misc": "0)", "text": "carpets", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "mismatch", "misc": "-", "text": "mismatched", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "wall", "misc": "-", "text": "walls", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 3 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 11 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
I liked the curtains at my moms house and not the carpets because they matched the walls.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "I liked the curtains at my moms house and not the carpets because they matched the walls.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "I", "misc": "-", "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "like", "misc": "-", "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "curtain", "misc": "0)", "text": "curtains", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "my", "misc": "-", "text": "my", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "mom", "misc": "-", "text": "moms", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "house", "misc": "-", "text": "house", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "and", "misc": "-", "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "carpet", "misc": "1)", "text": "carpets", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "match", "misc": "-", "text": "matched", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "wall", "misc": "-", "text": "walls", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Lindsey hates going on an airplane, while it doesn't bother Emily, so she is afraid of heights.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Lindsey hates going on an airplane, while it doesn't bother Emily, so she is afraid of heights.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Lindsey", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Lindsey", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "hate", "misc": "-", "text": "hates", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "go", "misc": "-", "text": "going", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "airplane", "misc": "-", "text": "airplane", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "does", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "bother", "misc": "-", "text": "bother", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "Emily", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Emily", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "afraid", "misc": "-", "text": "afraid", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "of", "misc": "-", "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "height", "misc": "-", "text": "heights", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Lindsey hates going on an airplane, while it doesn't bother Emily, so she is fine with heights.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Lindsey hates going on an airplane, while it doesn't bother Emily, so she is fine with heights.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Lindsey", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Lindsey", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "hate", "misc": "-", "text": "hates", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "go", "misc": "-", "text": "going", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "on", "misc": "-", "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "airplane", "misc": "-", "text": "airplane", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "does", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "bother", "misc": "-", "text": "bother", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "Emily", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Emily", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "fine", "misc": "-", "text": "fine", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 18, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "height", "misc": "-", "text": "heights", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Frying the pickles was a lot more complex for Mike than the onion rings, so they were annoying him.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Frying the pickles was a lot more complex for Mike than the onion rings, so they were annoying him.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 8, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "fry", "misc": "-", "text": "Frying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 1, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "pickle", "misc": "0)", "text": "pickles", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "complex", "misc": "-", "text": "complex", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Mike", "misc": "-", "text": "Mike", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "onion", "misc": "-", "text": "onion", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "ring", "misc": "1)", "text": "rings", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "were", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 8, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "annoy", "misc": "-", "text": "annoying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Frying the pickles was a lot more simple for Mike than the onion rings, so they were annoying him.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Frying the pickles was a lot more simple for Mike than the onion rings, so they were annoying him.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 8, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "fry", "misc": "-", "text": "Frying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 1, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "pickle", "misc": "1)", "text": "pickles", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "simple", "misc": "-", "text": "simple", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Mike", "misc": "-", "text": "Mike", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "onion", "misc": "-", "text": "onion", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "ring", "misc": "0)", "text": "rings", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "so", "misc": "-", "text": "so", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "they", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "were", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 8, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "annoy", "misc": "-", "text": "annoying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 13 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
It was easier for the man to clean the bedroom than the garage because it was cluttered.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "It was easier for the man to clean the bedroom than the garage because it was cluttered.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "expl", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 3, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "It", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 0, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "easy", "misc": "-", "text": "easier", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "man", "misc": "-", "text": "man", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "clean", "misc": "-", "text": "clean", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "bedroom", "misc": "1)", "text": "bedroom", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "garage", "misc": "0)", "text": "garage", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 17, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "cluttered", "misc": "-", "text": "cluttered", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 8, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 12 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
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It was harder for the man to clean the bedroom than the garage because it was cluttered.
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[ [ [ 0, 8, 9 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 12 ] ] ]
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Matthew carried a knife with them for protection but Benjamin carried a gun. They shot the mugger who assualted them.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Matthew carried a knife with them for protection but Benjamin carried a gun.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Matthew", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Matthew", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "carry", "misc": "-", "text": "carried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "knife", "misc": "-", "text": "knife", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "-", "text": "them", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "protection", "misc": "-", "text": "protection", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Benjamin", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Benjamin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "carry", "misc": "-", "text": "carried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "gun", "misc": "-", "text": "gun", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "They shot the mugger who assualted them.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "They", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "shoot", "misc": "-", "text": "shot", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "mugger", "misc": "-", "text": "mugger", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "who", "misc": "-", "text": "who", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WP" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "assualt", "misc": "-", "text": "assualted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "-", "text": "them", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Matthew carried a knife with them for protection but Benjamin carried a gun. They stabbed the mugger who assualted them.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Matthew carried a knife with them for protection but Benjamin carried a gun.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Matthew", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Matthew", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "carry", "misc": "-", "text": "carried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "knife", "misc": "-", "text": "knife", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "with", "misc": "-", "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "-", "text": "them", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "for", "misc": "-", "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "protection", "misc": "-", "text": "protection", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Benjamin", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Benjamin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "carry", "misc": "-", "text": "carried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "gun", "misc": "-", "text": "gun", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "They stabbed the mugger who assualted them.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "(0)", "text": "They", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "stab", "misc": "-", "text": "stabbed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "mugger", "misc": "-", "text": "mugger", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "who", "misc": "-", "text": "who", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WP" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "assualt", "misc": "-", "text": "assualted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Case=Acc|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "they", "misc": "-", "text": "them", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Jill could not finish his speech at the seminar within the time given to him because it is short.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Jill could not finish his speech at the seminar within the time given to him because it is short.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Jill", "misc": "-", "text": "Jill", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "could", "misc": "-", "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "finish", "misc": "-", "text": "finish", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(1", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "speech", "misc": "1)", "text": "speech", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "seminar", "misc": "-", "text": "seminar", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "within", "misc": "-", "text": "within", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "time", "misc": "0)", "text": "time", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "give", "misc": "-", "text": "given", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "short", "misc": "-", "text": "short", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 11 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Jill could not finish his speech at the seminar within the time given to him because it is long.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Jill could not finish his speech at the seminar within the time given to him because it is long.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Jill", "misc": "-", "text": "Jill", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "could", "misc": "-", "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "finish", "misc": "-", "text": "finish", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 6, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "speech", "misc": "0)", "text": "speech", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "at", "misc": "-", "text": "at", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "seminar", "misc": "-", "text": "seminar", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "within", "misc": "-", "text": "within", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "time", "misc": "1)", "text": "time", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "give", "misc": "-", "text": "given", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "long", "misc": "-", "text": "long", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Katrina spoke English as a first language, while Elena's native tongue was Spanish, because she grew up in Argentina.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Katrina spoke English as a first language, while Elena's native tongue was Spanish, because she grew up in Argentina.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Katrina", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Katrina", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "speak", "misc": "-", "text": "spoke", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "English", "misc": "-", "text": "English", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "first", "misc": "-", "text": "first", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "language", "misc": "-", "text": "language", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Elena", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Elena", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "native", "misc": "-", "text": "native", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "tongue", "misc": "-", "text": "tongue", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "Spanish", "misc": "-", "text": "Spanish", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "grow", "misc": "-", "text": "grew", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "up", "misc": "-", "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 19, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "Argentina", "misc": "-", "text": "Argentina", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Katrina spoke English as a first language, while Elena's native tongue was Spanish, because she grew up in England.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Katrina spoke English as a first language, while Elena's native tongue was Spanish, because she grew up in England.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Katrina", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Katrina", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "speak", "misc": "-", "text": "spoke", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "English", "misc": "-", "text": "English", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "as", "misc": "-", "text": "as", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "first", "misc": "-", "text": "first", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "language", "misc": "-", "text": "language", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "while", "misc": "-", "text": "while", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Elena", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Elena", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "native", "misc": "-", "text": "native", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "tongue", "misc": "-", "text": "tongue", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "Spanish", "misc": "-", "text": "Spanish", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": ",", "misc": "-", "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "grow", "misc": "-", "text": "grew", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "up", "misc": "-", "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 22, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 19, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "England", "misc": "-", "text": "England", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
The grades of Jennifer were terrible compared to Carrie because she always studied hard in school.
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[ [ [ 0, 3, 3 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
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The grades of Jennifer were stellar compared to Carrie because she always studied hard in school.
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Sarah had an easy time during their pregnancy but Rebecca experienced a lot of nausea. They disliked the experience of being pregnant.
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Sarah had an easy time during their pregnancy but Rebecca experienced a lot of nausea. They enjoyed the experience of being pregnant.
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James wanted to finish all the food in the basket but the break time went off fast. It is too much.
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[ [ [ 0, 5, 6 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
James wanted to finish all the food in the basket but the break time went off fast. It is too small.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "James wanted to finish all the food in the basket but the break time went off fast.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "James", "misc": "-", "text": "James", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "want", "misc": "-", "text": "wanted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "finish", "misc": "-", "text": "finish", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det:predet", "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "all", "misc": "-", "text": "all", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "PDT" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(1", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "food", "misc": "1)", "text": "food", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "-", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "basket", "misc": "-", "text": "basket", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "but", "misc": "-", "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "the", "misc": "(0", "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "break", "misc": "-", "text": "break", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "time", "misc": "0)", "text": "time", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "go", "misc": "-", "text": "went", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "off", "misc": "-", "text": "off", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 15, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "fast", "misc": "-", "text": "fast", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] }, { "id": 1, "speaker": null, "text": "It is too small.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "(0)", "text": "It", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "too", "misc": "-", "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "small", "misc": "-", "text": "small", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 13 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
It was more likely that Christine's computer would get infected rather than Sarah's because she had an anti-virus program.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "It was more likely that Christine's computer would get infected rather than Sarah's because she had an anti-virus program.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "expl", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "It", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "likely", "misc": "-", "text": "likely", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Christine", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Christine", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "computer", "misc": "-", "text": "computer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "would", "misc": "-", "text": "would", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "get", "misc": "-", "text": "get", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 4, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "infect", "misc": "-", "text": "infected", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "rather", "misc": "-", "text": "rather", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "Sarah", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Sarah", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 21, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 21, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "anti-virus", "misc": "-", "text": "anti-virus", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 18, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "program", "misc": "-", "text": "program", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
It was more likely that Christine's computer would get infected rather than Sarah's because she did not have an anti-virus program.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "It was more likely that Christine's computer would get infected rather than Sarah's because she did not have an anti-virus program.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "expl", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "it", "misc": "-", "text": "It", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "be", "misc": "-", "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "more", "misc": "-", "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "likely", "misc": "-", "text": "likely", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "that", "misc": "-", "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "Christine", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Christine", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "computer", "misc": "-", "text": "computer", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "would", "misc": "-", "text": "would", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 11, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "get", "misc": "-", "text": "get", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "csubj", "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 4, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "infect", "misc": "-", "text": "infected", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "rather", "misc": "-", "text": "rather", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "Sarah", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Sarah", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "'s", "misc": "-", "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "she", "misc": "(0)", "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": "not", "misc": "-", "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 11, "id": [ 20 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "have", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 23, "id": [ 21 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 23, "id": [ 22 ], "lemma": "anti-virus", "misc": "-", "text": "anti-virus", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 20, "id": [ 23 ], "lemma": "program", "misc": "-", "text": "program", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": [ 24 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Benjamin cared a lot less in his gardening than Kyle because he had fewer important things to do.
[ { "id": 0, "speaker": null, "text": "Benjamin cared a lot less in his gardening than Kyle because he had fewer important things to do.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 1 ], "lemma": "Benjamin", "misc": "(1)", "text": "Benjamin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": [ 2 ], "lemma": "care", "misc": "-", "text": "cared", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 4, "id": [ 3 ], "lemma": "a", "misc": "-", "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": [ 4 ], "lemma": "lot", "misc": "-", "text": "lot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 2, "id": [ 5 ], "lemma": "less", "misc": "-", "text": "less", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": [ 6 ], "lemma": "in", "misc": "-", "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "feats": "Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": [ 7 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "-", "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 8 ], "lemma": "gardening", "misc": "-", "text": "gardening", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": [ 9 ], "lemma": "than", "misc": "-", "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": [ 10 ], "lemma": "Kyle", "misc": "(0)", "text": "Kyle", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": [ 11 ], "lemma": "because", "misc": "-", "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": [ 12 ], "lemma": "he", "misc": "(0)", "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": [ 13 ], "lemma": "have", "misc": "-", "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 16, "id": [ 14 ], "lemma": "few", "misc": "-", "text": "fewer", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "amod", "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 16, "id": [ 15 ], "lemma": "important", "misc": "-", "text": "important", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 13, "id": [ 16 ], "lemma": "thing", "misc": "-", "text": "things", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "feats": null, "head": 18, "id": [ 17 ], "lemma": "to", "misc": "-", "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "acl", "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 16, "id": [ 18 ], "lemma": "do", "misc": "-", "text": "do", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": [ 19 ], "lemma": ".", "misc": "-", "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "syntax_annotations=stanza|tokenizer=stanza|detokenizer=nltk" }
Benjamin cared a lot less in his gardening than Kyle because he had more important things to do.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
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