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716 | I have copies of Purity, Gold Fame Citrus, and Eileen, all of which I have very high hopes for.
104 | Lets start with..He has no talent and his voice can pass for a girl..Which I guess is fine considering girls dig Jonas Brother, Zac Effron, etc. Have fun with that. Stop defending someone who's a 1-year sensation and get a life
788 | @EdParks I've never read Boyle's longer work (I've read some of his short fiction in Mcsweeneys), but he seems to garner a lot of praise. Worth picking this novel up, I gather?
198 | I want to read the Sellout and Delicious foods and i don't know if they will be published here (The Sellout won the NBCC which should be enough to be published, but Billy Lynn's long half time walk is still unpublished here, of course it happens the same with The good lord bird and the NBA winners usually get published).
337 | @jfieds2 Enjoying this book, but it isn't necessarily an award winner. Reminds me a little of the pleasure I received, though, from reading "The Imperfectionists" (which, actually, was a much more perfect book). Strong writing.
1235 | Gavin Doig, mitigating, said Cameron had already been punished by losing her good name and was now likely to lose her home under a Proceeds of Crime Inquiry. “We have all been able to see and hear in court the shame and remorse she feels,” Mr Doig said.
1343 | [b]3. Do you have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics? [/b]
1137 | “If we are going to make headway in combating hunger due to overpopulation and climate change, we will need to increase crop yields,” says Dr Gurian-Sherman. “Traditional breeding outperforms genetic engineering hands down.”61
499 | So what I am saying is, are we, being again led to the winner? The timing of the release of City of Fire, and campaign, smells really bad of a Pulitzer "wannabe"
1208 | Chattanooga has long been a favorite spot for rock climbers and lovers of bouldering. The sandstone hills, mountains, and valleys that surround the city provide endless opportunities. Climbers can frequently be found scaling the rock faces that line the downtown portion of the Tennessee River. High Point Climbing and Fitness is also home to 30,000 square feet of climbing space, making it one of the largest urban rock walls in the country. The towering, four-story structure gives visitors the opportunity to climb indoors or scale the exterior wall, which offers excellent downtown views.
156 | When we unexpectedly lost Harry in July 2002, many thought the company would collapse without his leadership. He was, after all, an industry icon. But we persevered – and prospered.
1289 | K 224c/311c is mine, and probably K 224c/258g/311c has become extinct or has had a back mutation, what does it matter? We are always playing at home.
1216 | Chattanooga’s location on the banks of the Tennessee River is ideal for year-round events, including concerts, races, and art shows. Here are the best happenings:
463 | Also of note: "Preparation for the Next Life" is on the list...does this mean it is eligible for the Pulitzer this year!?
523 | Some punctuation would have cleared things up, don't you think?
801 | Well I guess I'll kick things off. Can't wait to read Go Set a Watchman. The cover looks similar to the Mockingbird cover. I imagine there will be a ton of first printings. But there might also be some special signed and numbered editions issued as well.
133 | I have no tattoos and I have a few piercings.
604 | (As an aside, I actually don't like the segmentation of literature into race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. It is all literature--and when fiction is good, it is important, it is beautiful, and it teaches us about own humanity.)
602 | Hey everyone! Just curious to know people's take on THE SELLOUT. Saw it at City Lights, almost picked it up. Didn't, opting for some theoretical works to inform my scholarly projects. Worth reading?
1238 | The hazard classification for all our products is published on the MSDSs which are supplied to all customers irrespective of whether or not the product is classified as hazardous.
1105 | Appliance Repair Expert is licensed by the California Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair to perform appliance repair in the Bay Area. Our technicians are expertly trained, and their mission is to complete repairs in one trip whenever possible.
37 | *Apologies to the people of Kerry who I'm sure are all very nice
705 | @EdParks @ey814 This is really sad news. I didn't realize his age until recently, when listening to an interview about Andrew's Brain.
528 | @BRAKiasaurus I'm envious of your reading consumption and speed! If UNDER MAJORDOMO MINOR is a bit of a lark, might set you up for something more serious... LITTLE LIFE seems to fit that bill, though if you read FATES AND FURIES now, you'll have it read before the NBA is anounced.
809 | That does not mean the brain was not studied, only that it was more difficult and less precise than brain study today. There are many (trust me I have spent hours reading them for fun) online timelines that give a historical perspective to how far we have come. Two of my favorite historical examinations are:
599 | In order to read, be moved, and informed by Ms. Morrison's work, I do not need to be of a specific type; neither sex nor pigmentation need apply. All I have to be is human, discerning, and capable of empathy. This is what the best art reminds us of again and again.
1299 | It has been suggested that there is a genetic and/or dietary component to this difference.
1009 | If you check this option, custom post types which have exclude_from_search set to true will be excluded from the search. If the option is unchecked, Relevanssi won’t respect that setting and will search anything that is indexed.
1131 | The industry and its allies also use a range of public relations strategies to discredit and/or muzzle scientists who do publish research that is critical of GM crops.33
728 | The bottom line, I suppose, is that authors can do whatever they want with their creations, and sometimes they take their characters and change them to a degree that knocks the polish off them.
930 | The scope of the massive project was evident during the tour, with 143-year-old brick walls and columns visible through steel joists and frame work that will support the new walls that are being installed.
1342 | [b]1. What does your voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse? [/b]
282 | @OneMoreBook I could not agree more. I am hanging onto my first edition it case it wins, and if it doesn't it'll go straight into a Little Free Library.
17 | Taking vitamins will become a daily part of your life after gastric bypass surgery. We recommend:
1034 | Did you use the search box in the header and it works?
1383 | 7. Describe your complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred? I heal very quickly, so the only scars I have are some bug bites on my legs that I picked at repeatedly and stretch marks from gaining 30+ pounds in three months. (No exercise, grilled cheese and chocolate icecream every day.) All of them are fading fast, and I expect them to be gone in two years tops. The bites may be replaced by new bite-scars though. I’m not very tan, but I’m no longer a complete ghost. I have the genes for darker complexion, but I don’t get any real time in the sun so they just keep me from being pasty-white. Not many freckles.
1209 | For Those Looking to Get Higher
435 | I know -- it's more than ten. But these are the ones that gave me hours of both enjoyment and contemplation.
721 | @EdParks @BRAKiasaurus Ha, I am 30, so I guess relatively young. It is true that my literary eyes are bigger than my stomach, but I usually get to most of the things that are truly important to me.
300 | Did anyone know what happened to that Sotheby auction a few years back? Did the seller end up selling his collection at another auction? I vaguely remembered that the minimum was not met.
1074 | Omer, CDN should have no effect on this; caching may, I suppose. No idea how that would actually have an effect.
711 | Has anyone ever gone backward and read Pulitzer Fiction (Novel) from the beginning and evaluated why they won, or wondered why? I do follow this blog and it always becomes exciting as it reaches the yearly end. Thank you.
1228 | “It has been a severe blow to our development plans.”
1288 | If we had found L, M or D in ancient Europeans, we could think that there is no flow, but founding H, U, K, etc., sometimes of a different line than today, we can think that we are always playing at home. Probably modern haplogroups continue some haplogroups that were rare and that have survived, and other then more diffused are extinct, but certainly we are the descendants of those Europeans.
973 | One of the most excellent feature in all of his products and solutions is that they're very easy to work, so You aren't likely to have difficulty working with them.
669 | I would gladly have given the pulitzer to Ben Lerner's 10:04, and I think Stone's "Dog Soldiers" (a finalist, I think, although I don't recall what it was up against) should have won.
1175 | GM crop technologies do not offer significant benefits. On the contrary, they present risks to human and animal health, the environment, farmers, food security, and export markets. There is no convincing reason to take such risks with the livelihoods of farmers when proven successful and widely acceptable alternatives are readily and cheaply available. These alternatives will maintain the independence of the food supply from foreign multinational control and offer the best insurance against the challenges of climate change.
1183 | 31. The Genetic Engineering of Food and the Failure of Science –
169 | Humility and grace are becoming dinosaurs. Can't wait to read the book now simply based upon the merit of the author's character.
220 | Fates and Furies has some lovely prose, but as others have observed, the story itself is a bit insular. It does have those moments in which details are presented in a striking manner, which is something it has in common with a number of Pulitzer winners. Ms. Groff is a very good writer, and though she's been nominated elsewhere for this novel, she has yet to win a prize or award. So it might well be another finalist or winner.
1404 | 1. Describe your relationship with your parents. Good, though there’s isn’t great with each other. I pretty much stay out of the way and help at work. We don’t talk that much because there isn’t much to be said.
115 | Stay up to date with information on past and upcoming International Programs activities
283 | I really don't understand all of the hoopla over THE SELLOUT. Just a so-so book, in my opinion. Minor work. I struggled through it, and can never get back the time spent on that tome. EILEEN and HONEYDEW are sooooooo much better, not to mention THE TURNER HOUSE, TSAR, DID YOU EVER, and others. I'm reading DELICIOUS FOODS right now, and think it's a major-serious contender as well. BLACK RIVER is next on my list, and I can't wait. But, what do I know? :-) Read on ...
1140 | Industrial agriculture is a major contributor to global warming, producing up to 20 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, and some methods of increasing yield can exacerbate this negative impact. For example, crops that achieve higher intrinsic yield often need more fossil fuel based nitrogen fertilizer, some of which is converted by soil microbes into nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Minimizing global agriculture’s future climate impact will require investment in systems of agriculture less dependent on industrial fertilizers and agroecological methods of improving soil water-holding capacity and resilience.
1329 | 4. If it's too long for one post, divide it into a few. I don't mind and I think the mods will be okay with it... I'll ask them soon.
792 | @ChrisEllis77 I'd also like to thank the lot of you. I came for the predictions, and stayed for the chatter.
1162 | Many authoritative sources, including the IAASTD report on the future of agriculture123, have found that GM crops have little to offer global agriculture and the challenges of poverty, hunger and climate change, because better alternatives are available. These go by many names, including integrated pest management (IPM), organic, sustainable, low-input, non-chemical pest management (NPM) and agroecological farming, but extend beyond the boundaries of any particular category. Projects employing these sustainable strategies in the developing world have produced dramatic increases in yields and food security124 125 126 127 128 129.
749 | I reached out to a friend who has a City on Fire ARC. I'll let you know what I think when I've received / read it.
444 | I enjoyed it, I didn't find the stove aspect too unbelievable. But given your view of that book, I look forward to your thoughts on A Little Life. That book I objectively was thinking "nope, not buying it" the whole time.
431 | Vaguely reminds me of what we got goin' on on this site...albeit more data goes into the stuff here. That said, it would surprise me if we don't see both of the books atop that list as finalists for this year's pulitzer.
651 | If I'm missing anything, feel free to add on.
1264 | The new study confirms what Joachim Burger´s team showed in 2005; that the first farmers were not the direct ancestors of modern European. Burger says "We are still searching for those remaining components of modern European ancestry. European hunter-gatherers and early farmers alone are not enough. But new ancient DNA data from later periods in European prehistory may shed also light on this in the future."
484 | @Marybethking Glad to hear from someone who read it! I haven't read it yet, but picked it up based purely on the fact that Clegg recommended (and is the agent for) it.
1269 | Clearly, there is nothing spectacular about the results. The farmer's MtDNA is largely of the same type that is widely spread within Europe, today (50% H, 11% J, 10% T, sizable K and T).
383 | @AlexKerner Some interesting novels on here, including some I haven't yet read or heard much about. I somehow doubt we'll see many surprises this year (although I do feel like the pulitzers have been really strange the past few years...with the missing award, the three finalists / fourth winner, and the goldfinch--a decent but problematic novel--chosen against a particularly strong year of novels), but I bet most of these novels are pretty solid.
498 | I have only read 200 pages of a loaned copy (my copy will be arriving in the form of Powells indiespensable) and I have to say I can see myself not getting to the end.
1262 | "Our analysis shows that there is no direct continuity between hunter-gatherers and farmers in Central Europe," says Prof Joachim Burger. "As the hunter-gatherers were there first, the farmers must have immigrated into the area."
1411 | 9. Are you single, married, divorced, widowed? Have you been married more than once? Single.
312 | @ey814 Very interesting selection! I have most of those books at home--and I keep looking at "Mendocino Fire" in the store (I think she's relatively local, so a lot of signed copies floating around). Thanks for the heads up! I figured it was happening today, actually, and then totally forgot to check, hahaha
1063 | Hey! I’m not sure if you fixed this yet. I have the same problem when searching for pages in the actual pages section. Relevanssi turned on for admin simply returns 0 results.
219 | The Tsar of Love and Techno shows that A Constellation of Vital Phenomena was no fluke. Mr. Marra's voice is level and distinct, and in the seeming simplicity of its prose lies much complexity. I wouldn't be surprised to see it named as a winner or a finalist.
1402 | 16. What is something you don't want a family member or a friend to find out about you? My family may be reading this, so it would be rather impractical to write that here. Sorry.
639 | I have an ARC of "the visiting privilege"--stay tuned!
328 | Also, if anyone is looking for a break from the hunt; check out 'Perfect Days.' Raphael Montes I believe?
1241 | Re-evaluation of a product’s risk characterization and management could be done in a number of scenarios:
1102 | |
496 | So, to answer your question, I think the Pulitzer speaks to our communal need to narrate our times, values, humanity and lack thereof, and strengths and weaknesses as a society. Its relevance is in its ability to highlight how our individual stories pull society forward, or at least in new directions. I participate in this thread because it compels me to read the year's great writing. I'm also an aspiring author. Somewhat more aspirational than productive these days, but still.
1204 | |
403 | By the way, thanks for the first list!
691 | I am actually more curious about one of Scout's next publications (out next Spring): "Tuesday Nights in 1980", but I will save that for next year's discussion.
53 | The rude drunk - a classic example. I too admire your dignity in the face of adversity.
1158 | In Argentina, the massive conversion of agriculture to GM soya production has had disastrous effects on rural social and economic structures. It has damaged food security and caused a range of environmental problems, including the spread of herbicide-resistant weeds, soil depletion, and increased pests and diseases107 108.
1470 | 5. Who is/was your best friend? How did you meet? My best friend...betrayed me in a since...but we still of friends. Met in second grade. Other best friends- Jenjen and Roxa- Met them in High school. They taught me what true friendship was, they never abandoned me or hurt me. They are both strong, beautiful and independent women, who I would give up my life for... --Online besties: Mike, Ace, Belle, Kaely.
1469 | 1. Describe your relationship with your parents. Unbalanced
428 | Anyone else looking forward to next year's releasees? I'm particularly excited about Jansma and Prentiss. Bock and Delillo could be good, although I never know what type of book the latter will release. Haslett sounds like he has written something beautiful (along the lines of the short stories in his debut collection), so I will be keeping my eye on that one. (I may have to be pretty selective about my reading in 2016 / 17. New baby on the way! I imagine that will take away some of my reading time, hahaha)
573 | Even on this forum, there have been books I've sought out because of endorsements made by other members whose opinions I trust. While he and I did not always see eye-to-eye regarding literature -- what each of us likes, after all, is influenced by aesthetic preferences -- my interest was also piqued when Ed Parks wrote so highly about Did You Ever Have a Family, which played a part in my seeking out the novel during a trip I made to my local bookstore. And, as I've said, the blurbs offered by Mr. Cunningham and Ms. Enright cinched the deal.
858 | Anyway, the flight from Denver to Honolulu took seven hours, at which point we arrived on the island with plenty of time to gather our luggage and rental car, check into our room, and hit Waikiki Beach for a leisurely stroll before dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, where we indulged in the namesake dessert x three.
1005 | If you have chosen AND as the default operator and the search finds no results, Relevanssi will perform an OR search with the same search terms. If you want to disable this, check this option.
926 | After working almost a full year to put together a financing package to rehabilitate the structure, Stevens and his four partners closed on the property in July 2013, and work crews have been on site ever since.
1057 | What are the extra steps? I’m using Forever Wood – is that a problem?
28 | I don't use an inhaler anymore. I'm off all my blood pressure medications, cholesterol medicine and I went from 100 units of insulin down to 20 units of insulin a day.
954 | Jan Brett has illustrations that will have you finding something new each time you look at them! While these aren’t specifically “Christmas” related, gingerbread is certainly a holiday tradition. Look for lots of wonderful surprises hidden in the illustrations in this favorite book! Gingerbread Baby also comes in a board book format. Now, go bake some gingerbread as a tie-in and you’ll have a friend forever.
796 | Hello all, I have been followng this site for a few years now, and would like to congratulate you on how interesting and useful it is, for both reading and collecting.
1419 | 1. Do you know your astrological (zodiac sign? How well do you fit the type? I don’t really study it.
517 | @JohnZ Yes, I sometimes do rewrite people's sentences. Not often pulitzer winners, but when I was 13, I read a Dean Koontz novel and rewrote it in my head the whole way. Then again, he's an awful writer....
1027 | It’s still incredibly confusing. Most plugins come with their own widget, so not mentioning it at all, anywhere, is not really helping 🙂
149 | A can-do attitude leads to rapid-fire growth
703 | I have also read The Shore ,Alex, yes I agree its very good, maybe a chance. The last years I have just waited to last in the year to see who the genral public have been siding and gone for that, from a collectors point of view, it would be nice if something won which did not have a 100,000 in the first print run.
1401 | 15. What are your hopes or aspirations? I could care less. I don’t need much and I’d like to see us develop the ability to store human minds in computers to revive later during my lifetime. Other than that I’ll pretty much take what I get.
1287 | The farming communities may have been violent. Where in the world now is violence not found? Some cases of people who had their heads bashed in, in Neolithic times do not make it the rule for all those previous inhabitants of Europe. In Malta there were no weapons found archeologically until after the coming of Bronze Age people and there are signs there that the island was inhabited by Neolithic peoples 7 Kya. Oetzi, the Alpine Iron Age man, himself died of the results of an arrow wound.
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