import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import json |
from tqdm import tqdm |
class time_travel_saver: |
"""可视化数据保存类 |
用于保存模型训练过程中的各种数据,包括: |
1. 模型权重 (.pth) |
2. 高维特征 (representation/*.npy) |
3. 预测结果 (prediction/*.npy) |
4. 标签数据 (label/labels.npy) |
""" |
def __init__(self, model, dataloader, device, save_dir, model_name, interval=1, |
auto_save_embedding=False, layer_name=None,show = False): |
"""初始化 |
Args: |
model: 要保存的模型实例 |
dataloader: 数据加载器(必须是顺序加载的) |
device: 计算设备(cpu or gpu) |
save_dir: 保存根目录 |
model_name: 模型名称 |
interval: epoch的保存间隔 |
""" |
self.model = model |
self.dataloader = dataloader |
self.device = device |
self.save_dir = save_dir |
self.model_name = model_name |
self.interval = interval |
self.auto_save = auto_save_embedding |
self.layer_name = layer_name |
if len(os.listdir(self.save_dir)) == 0: |
self.current_epoch = 1 |
else: |
self.current_epoch = len(os.listdir(self.save_dir)) |
if show: |
layer_dimensions = self.show_dimensions() |
def show_dimensions(self): |
"""显示模型中所有层的名称和对应的维度 |
这个函数会输出模型中所有层的名称和它们的输出维度, |
帮助用户选择合适的层来提取特征。 |
Returns: |
layer_dimensions: 包含层名称和维度的字典 |
""" |
activation = {} |
layer_dimensions = {} |
def get_activation(name): |
def hook(model, input, output): |
activation[name] = output.detach() |
return hook |
handles = [] |
for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(module, nn.Module) and not isinstance(module, nn.ModuleList) and not isinstance(module, nn.ModuleDict): |
handles.append(module.register_forward_hook(get_activation(name))) |
self.model.eval() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
inputs, _ = next(iter(self.dataloader)) |
inputs = inputs.to(self.device) |
_ = self.model(inputs) |
print("\n模型各层的名称和维度:") |
print("-" * 50) |
print(f"{'层名称':<40} {'特征维度':<15} {'输出形状'}") |
print("-" * 50) |
for name, feat in activation.items(): |
if feat is None: |
continue |
feat_dim = feat.view(feat.size(0), -1).size(1) |
layer_dimensions[name] = feat_dim |
shape_str = str(list(feat.shape)) |
print(f"{name:<40} {feat_dim:<15} {shape_str}") |
print("-" * 50) |
print("注: 特征维度是将输出张量展平后的维度大小") |
for handle in handles: |
handle.remove() |
return layer_dimensions |
def _extract_features_and_predictions(self): |
"""提取特征和预测结果 |
Returns: |
features: 高维特征 [样本数, 特征维度] |
predictions: 预测结果 [样本数, 类别数] |
""" |
features = [] |
predictions = [] |
indices = [] |
activation = {} |
def get_activation(name): |
def hook(model, input, output): |
if name not in activation or activation[name] is None: |
activation[name] = output.detach() |
return hook |
handles = [] |
for name, module in self.model.named_modules(): |
if isinstance(module, nn.Module) and not isinstance(module, nn.ModuleList) and not isinstance(module, nn.ModuleDict): |
handles.append(module.register_forward_hook(get_activation(name))) |
self.model.eval() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
inputs, _ = next(iter(self.dataloader)) |
inputs = inputs.to(self.device) |
_ = self.model(inputs) |
if self.layer_name is not None: |
if self.layer_name not in activation: |
raise ValueError(f"指定的层 {self.layer_name} 不存在于模型中") |
feat = activation[self.layer_name] |
if feat is None: |
raise ValueError(f"指定的层 {self.layer_name} 没有输出特征") |
suitable_layer_name = self.layer_name |
suitable_dim = feat.view(feat.size(0), -1).size(1) |
print(f"使用指定的特征层: {suitable_layer_name}, 特征维度: {suitable_dim}") |
else: |
target_dim_range = (256, 2048) |
suitable_layer_name = None |
suitable_dim = None |
for name, feat in activation.items(): |
if feat is None: |
continue |
feat_dim = feat.view(feat.size(0), -1).size(1) |
if target_dim_range[0] <= feat_dim <= target_dim_range[1]: |
suitable_layer_name = name |
suitable_dim = feat_dim |
break |
if suitable_layer_name is None: |
raise ValueError("没有找到合适维度的特征层") |
print(f"自动选择的特征层: {suitable_layer_name}, 特征维度: {suitable_dim}") |
layer_info = { |
'layer_id': suitable_layer_name, |
'dim': suitable_dim |
} |
layer_info_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'layer_info.json') |
with open(layer_info_path, 'w') as f: |
json.dump(layer_info, f) |
activation.clear() |
for batch_idx, (inputs, _) in enumerate(tqdm(self.dataloader, desc="提取特征和预测结果")): |
inputs = inputs.to(self.device) |
outputs = self.model(inputs) |
feat = activation[suitable_layer_name] |
flat_features = torch.flatten(feat, start_dim=1) |
features.append(flat_features.cpu().numpy()) |
activation.clear() |
for handle in handles: |
handle.remove() |
if len(features) > 0: |
features = np.vstack(features) |
return features |
else: |
return np.array([]) |
def save(self, model = None): |
"""保存所有数据""" |
if model is not None: |
self.model = model |
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.save_dir, f'epoch{self.current_epoch}'), exist_ok=True) |
model_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, f'epoch{self.current_epoch}', 'subject_model.pth') |
torch.save(self.model.state_dict(), model_path) |
if self.auto_save: |
features = self._extract_features_and_predictions() |
np.save(os.path.join(self.save_dir, f'epoch{self.current_epoch}', 'embeddings.npy'), features) |
print(f"Epoch {self.current_epoch * self.interval} 的数据已保存:") |
print(f"- 模型权重: {model_path}") |
print(f"- 特征向量: [样本数: {features.shape[0]}, 特征维度: {features.shape[1]}]") |
print(f"Epoch {self.current_epoch} 的数据已保存") |