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Having bugs in z fold 5, the app is in main screen mode even if i am using it on front screen. | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ashishkumarak/play-store-reviews-facebook | app reviews | en |
ضعيف جدا. . كان من المفترض استقبال الزوار ولكن عند مجيئهم تم رفضهم .. ولم يتم اخبارنا بالضرائب الا حين قدومنا | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abedkhooli/arabic-100k-reviews | reviews (hotels, books, movies, products and a few airlines) | ar |
مخيب للأمل. . الغرف صغيرة لشخصين فقط وجميع الغرف حجم واحد والفندق كبير ولايوجد فيه مكان للجلوس عند الاستقبال | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abedkhooli/arabic-100k-reviews | reviews (hotels, books, movies, products and a few airlines) | ar |
无耻商家,书缺失几十页,说因为时间太久不能退换。还说发货时检查,客户拿到手不能把上千页的词典逐页检查就得自认倒霉。无耻的亚马逊,越来越烂的品牌。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
Decepción de juego
La verdad es que me ha decepcionado en primer lugar no venía empaquetado para el envío, venía directamente con la pegatina en la misma caja del juego, era para regalar imagínate la que he tenido que pasar para quitar las 3 pegatinas q traía y no estropearlo.... Segundo lugar ponía que traía 200 y picos de preguntas e imagine que traía bastante fichas y solo trae 8.... Aunque en la descripción ponía de 4 a 7 años yo lo dejaría de 4 a 5 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
자막그따구면서 수정해서 올리면 신고한다고? ㅋㅋ 어이가없다. | negative | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
眼睛??受不了[悲伤][悲伤] | negative | https://zenodo.org/records/10488077 | 22 domains | zh |
Went in there tonight to catch the ASU game and to have some dinner. So disappointed about how this place now appears to be going downhill. The service was atrocious. After being there at least 10 minutes another waiter told my waiter that I hadn't been waited on. The guy appeared to be put out because he was enjoying his conversation with a friend at the bar. I had a burger and it was cooked beyond well done. Because the waiter never bothered to come back and check on me after my food was there I finally ended up eating it instead of sending it back since it was at least 10 minutes between visits to our table. Bad food and bad service is no way to stay in business. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
총은 근접무기가 아닐텐데 왜 머리통 바로 앞까지 걸어가면서 시간을 버릴까 | negative | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
El producto cumple su funcion, sin nada destacado que indicar. La valoracion de dos estrellas es por el embalaje utilizado donde se apreciaba que los candados habian sido utilizados ya que estaban cerrados en su caja de carton con varias vueltas de celofan. Bastante poco profesional habiendo otras alternativas donde adquirir este tipo de candados. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
I finally tried this place after my diehard-Gordon-Ramsay-fan-girl girlfriend (yes, you read that correctly) kept pushing to eat here since our last Vegas trip. Hmmm I would have to say that I expected more from Mr. Ramsay. We tried the jalepeno popper shooters, parmesan fries, and sweet potato fries for appetizers. Nothing really spectacular, but I did enjoy their sauces. For my burger, I debated between the Farm Burger (that fried egg tempts me every time..) and the Hell's Kitchen burger. I finally opted for the Hell's Kitchen burger and just added a fried egg to it. It was disappointing because I was expecting something spicier and nothing about it was that memorable. It was also not worth it to add an egg for $3 in my opinion. Despite the average food, I do have to admit that the set up of the restaurant and presentation of the food was impressive. All the little details from when you enter to the end of the meal were really cool. Service was okay, but I did like how our server showed us all the drinks and desserts through his iPad. The presentation of the check came in a little compartment with an iPhone to rate the service. Wthell..nifty haha. Overall, this is just one of those places you would want to stop by to experience it, but would not come back for seconds. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
Pas pratique du tout à monter et à utiliser | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
information wrong
does not come with all dlc just 4, beside that its a good game | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | en |
Franchement pas terrible, le scénario brouillon. Moi fan de fiction avec du zombies, je trouve le film décevant. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tblard/allocine | movie reviews | fr |
Заказала у этого продавца два платья, к одному, другого фасона, претензий нет... но это! воротник выворачивается, клетка стыкуется белая к белой, в итоге, по швам получаются широкие белые полосы. Низ юбки кривой, спереди и сзади юбка гораздо ниже, чем по бокам. Короче, сразу в урну (((
Один плюс - быстрая доставка. | negative | https://github.com/sismetanin/rureviews/blob/master/women-clothing-accessories.3-class.balanced.csv | products reviews | ru |
#اخفاء_بعلم_النيابة ان فى مصر قضاة لا يخشون حتى الله | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/arabic-sentiment-analysis-2021-kaust/data | tweets | ar |
Não tenho como avaliar o produto, pois o mesmo veio com defeito, tive que devolver e estou aguardando a chegada do novo, aí poderi opnar sobre o mesmo. Grata | negative | https://github.com/americanas-tech/b2w-reviews01 | products reviews | pt |
Estoy muy disgustada. He comprado 3 telefonos de estos. Uno le regale a mi hermana. El otro se me rompio la pantalla por un simple golpe, por lo cual me compre otro xke me gustaba el funcionamiento del telefono. Y resulta que derrepente un dia se me empezo a correr la tinta de la pantalla por dentro sin darle ningun golpe ni nada. Empezo con una mancha pequeña y acabo toda la pantalla negra. He escrito tres mensajes al vendedor y nisiquiera me contestan. Me parece vergonzoso. Aun estoy esperando el reembolso | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
nicht kompatipel für epson dx 4400
seit diese druckerpatronen verwendet werden druckt der drucker nicht mehr. hatte zuvor nie probleme mit druckerpatronen welche nicht vom originalhersteller waren | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
تطبيق القديم كان افضل | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fahdseddik/arabic-company-reviews | company reviews | ar |
最初だけ冷えて、温度が上昇。 全然冷えない。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
缺点有以下几个: 1,右托掌处外壳接缝不严; 2,本子合上后上下部对齐; 3 cpu是60nm的,属于去年的新产品。 4 分区比较麻烦 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/leadingbridge/sentiment-analysis | books reviews | zh |
收到货物时,外包装已经严重破损。想到只要书没事就行。结果,晚上,兴致勃勃的翻开书看,就发现书已经破损,即将散架。不开心的一次购物! | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
Lằng nhằng rắc rối | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/hienbm/vnecom-reviews | reviews (app, products) | vi |
デザインで購入しましたが、ペラペラでヨレヨレでした。百均の方が質が良いかも。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
Посетив данное заведение были очень впечатлены. Очень уютно и красиво, интерьер подобран очень гармонично. Отличный администратор и официанты. Ну собственно на этом плюсы закончились. Меню совсем не из тех что хочется все, что то выбрать трудно. Традиционно взяла салат с ростбифом за 800 руб. Такого отвратительного приготовления я еще не встречала нигде, просто листья салата, паста из сухих помидоров и тонко нарезаный ростбиф без заправки на сухую. Пиво безвкусное. Цены космические, | negative | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
型番が、送られてきたドラムにも記載があるが、トナーを固定する緑のプラスチック留め具の形状、その横にある中心部プラスチックの形状が全く違い、使用はできない。記載があるレビューを参考に購入したが、本当に購入して記載したのか大きな疑問。本体以外の何も説明書きもなく、これは仕事ではない。これから買おうとしている人、素人業者だから、やめたほうがいいと思います。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | ja |
No me convence la compra
La cremallera es un poco frágil y el gran fallo que tiene y que no me fijé antes de comprar, es que no se puede poner en carrito. Solo no lo devolví, porque mi hijo está como loco por minecraft, pero por el precio no lo recomiendo. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
喜欢听您的课,特意买的 | negative | https://zenodo.org/records/10488077 | 22 domains | zh |
外側のファスナーの噛み合わせが既におかしかったので返品せずに直して使っている。合皮はしっかりしていて丈夫そうだけどファスナーとか付属のものがチャチい感じがする。多分こういうのはもう買わないと思う。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
كان عليه أن يعلم أن رهان الحب لايغذيه حكمة لسان ولا سخاء جيب بمال لأنه سيكون وقتها خاسرا لا محال مهما وقف الى جانبه الزمان . | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abedkhooli/arabic-100k-reviews | reviews (hotels, books, movies, products and a few airlines) | ar |
价格比市面高每包贵2元,吃的东西不好意思退货。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | zh |
I stay in hotels around Los Angeles all the time. I am used to all the little charges and surcharges and handling fees as well as the overprised valet parkings etc. BUT Hyatt Regency Century City made it to the top of my list so far. I made a 19 minute phone call to europe from the room and ended up being charged 99.60 USD fot that call. What´s even worse, before making the call, I asked the guest service what the approximate charges were going to be. I was told about 1 dollar a minute, ok, I expected 2 or 2.50. At check out I was billed over 5 dollars a minute as the stone face receptionist named Monterossa explained "well you know there are many surcharges and handling fees, nothing to do about that now". 99.60 USD per 19mins on phone is tough. Not mentioning 36 USD per parking, 20 USD for the use of the gym in adjascent Equinox (no fitness at the hotel), or 10 USD a day for basic wireless internet in the room. As a gold senator status member I will pass a complaint to the management, but expect no reply. The hotel itself is fine but stayaway if you do not fancy to pay outrageous amounts for basic services. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |
김지운감독 왜 이렇게 됐나 | negative | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
Get what you pay for
The manufacturing of these window handles is very cheap. The plastic is quite flexible and cannot withstand repeated use. The resistance of a manual window is too much for this product. Several times the knob has popped off during use until it will no longer stay in place. Ended up going back to metal window levers like OEM. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | en |
سيء جدا . لاشي يصلح للاقامه في هذا الفندق. كل شي كان فيزغاية السوء | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abedkhooli/arabic-100k-reviews | reviews (hotels, books, movies, products and a few airlines) | ar |
Qualité vraiment médiocre
Qualité vraiment médiocre | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | fr |
곡성보다 안무섭고요 나중에 보니까 대충 이야기 흐름도 눈에 다 보이고요 그러다 보니까 깜놀 포인트도 무섭지 않고요 전 페이스북 날조된 로튼 토마토 점수 영화 홍보에 낚여 만원을 잃었습니다 그래도 전등이랑 인형들고 뛰어가던 꼬마가 귀여워서 2점 드립니다 | negative | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
불친절. 절대 다시 가고 싶지 않습니다 카페에 바라는 기본이 안 되어 있어요 인 스타에 사 본 거랑 너무 달라요 사진발.. | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ninetyninenewton/kr3-korean-restaurant-reviews-with-ratings | restaurant reviews | ko |
Unbelievable! I received a phone call from the office manager of Heavenly Smiles Dental 13 days later, apparently to further insult me by stating that the office was waiting for information from me. When I went on to explain what happened and that I had canceled my appointment, he stated that he did not see that I existed in their files or in the city of Henderson for that matter. I was confused by his comment since the front office had managed to pull my file up 2 weeks prior. The information given to me was so convoluted I called my insurance company to make sure a claim was not being presented for services not rendered. The phone call solidified my decision to go elsewhere. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
Value is the key word in this equation. If I spend 15 on a pizza, I want a decent pizza. This left the lady and I looking at each other wondering where the rest of it was. We ended up scavenging for salad stuff at home to ensure we were filled up. \n\nThe pizza was good, but not what I really was hoping to get. Sorry guys, but I'll be going back to Barro's for my pie... | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
tươi ngon sạch sẽ thì đéo thích ăn . cứ thích ăn cút trâu cứt bò | negative | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HooABJyrddVGzll7fgkJ6VzkG_XuWfRu | emotion | vi |
i don t feel anyone was really wronged that much here | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/dair-ai/emotion | emotion | en |
内容のわりに 値段が高すぎる
これたぶんご本人の執筆ではないですよね。hydeさんへインタビューしてそれを まとめた本だと思います。語り口がご本人ぽくないし、 たぶん本人ならメンバーを呼び捨てにもしないと思います。 hydeさんの 思考とか世界観みたいなものが知りたくて 購入しましたが、そのあたりも表面的というか。。。 ラルクについての章も hydeさんがあちこちで話してることばかりだったので 特にびっくりするようなことはないです。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
Не знаю как это заведение набрало такое количество отзывов. Зашел перекусить. Сначала удивили цены. Дороже, чем в Питере. Смирился. Но все равно не поел. Начинают работать с 10.00, но в 11.330 не было никого. Кроме какой-то девушки. Ушел голодный даже не попробовав ничего. | negative | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
영화관에서 잠들긴 처음이네.. 킬링타임을 이런식으로 관객에게 선사하다니.. | negative | https://data.niaid.nih.gov/resources?id=mendeley_jb5knzh8yv | movie reviews | ko |
OK so the location was amazing if you want a cool downtown location away from the crowds in Soho.
And the general ambience was one of efficiency (including the staff who were all courteous). And I know the rates are reasonable, so I'm not expecting the Carlyle,....
BUT there are some fundamental things wrong with this hotel that aren't acceptable at ANY price level.
- the heating is blown-hot air (rather than piped central heating). Maybe this is normal in NYC though I've stayed plenty of hotels & apartments before in NYC and NEVER come across this before. The fans are RIGHT by the beds so if you want to stay warm at night the noise means you can really barely sleep. Plus there's that unpleasant feeling of hot air blowing round the room.
- WORSE, the bathrooms had NO heating WHATSOEVER.... We were there in a very mild November (T shirts some days) and this was unpleasant, so I can't imagine how uncomfortable this is when it's properly cold!!! Unbelievable!
- We were told all rooms had the same issues (they acknowledged the building had been badly built!!).
- The bathroom STANK of urine (sorry, but there's no other way to put it). It's probably just cheap cleaning fluid on cheap shower curtains, but combined with the above issues it didn't add to our feeling of comfort! And they couldn't fix this.
The rooms were a good size and the beds were great however, but I wouldn't stay here again for the above reasons.
FYI, if you're willing to not book in advance, when we were there friedns of ours were staying in the Mercer for LESS money than we paid for this hilton... and I'm comparing pay-in-advance Hilton best rates versus turn-up-on-the-door-and-see-what-the-best-rate is at the Mercer!!! Hmm sometimes it pays to be not so well organised!
FYI | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |
This hotel was clean and nice. However, we would have been much better off to just stay on the edge of Boston and ride the T for our exploring. As with many downtown hotels in major cities, the rooms were definitely small. The bed was very comfortable. The TV appeared to be a 36 or 40 inch flat screen. The bathroom was VERY small but nice. The hotel was located near good shopping and restaurants, but not much else of interest in the area. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |
What can I say? At this place the bartender was only attentive to gamers. I wanted a beer and wings with my friends. We sat at the bar but got little attention. The gamers got the service and attention. The wings and chicken fingers were ok. Wings were soggy and chicken fingers over cooked. We were not disgusted but it was a below average meal with below average service. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
垃圾动画,还有续集呢,基本的文化都没搞懂,我都没见过周围的广东朋友喜欢《雄狮少年》的,估计又是一个恶心的烂片[笑哈哈] | negative | https://zenodo.org/records/10488077 | 22 domains | zh |
There is a lot to love and some not to love about SLS las vegas. I'm a huge Phillip Stark fan and I thought the decor was beautiful. The pool was particularly stunning and if it wasn't for the rooms I think I would be back just for that. Now onto the room. Caustrophobic, warm/stuffy and had a weird chemical fragrance scent. The air conditioner was ancient and blew air directly in our faces all night. We loved Katsuya. But Umami was a huge disappointment and the waiter was rude. Luckily the manager (rudy?) was incredible. You better keep that guy, he made it right in what was a disaster of cold food and slow service. I hope they work out these issues. It would be nice to give it another try. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
Recomendable. Máximo 2 días de uso. En verano.
Las utilizo para identificar a mis hijos en días de parques de atracciones, zoo y poco más. Utilizando un rotulador standler permanente me aguantan justo un día de uso de verano. Entre sudor y salpicaduras de agua y los roces al final del día se entiende lo que pone pero ya empieza a ponerse borroso. Esta bien porque con todas las que vienen no duele usar una por día. El cierre es genial ya que no se cae y es difícil por no decir imposible que un niño pequeño se la quite. Y no se rompe ni la correa ni el cierre. Vienen con diferentes motivos de decoración. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
I made a new account because I couldn't get in to the original, and I needed it on my new email. After I switched over, I couldn't use marketplace for months. Eventually I could finally use marketplace, but a few weeks later I could no longer use it. While I will look at posts from family and friends, I use Instagram instead. The only reason I got Facebook is for marketplace. I have never even interacted with someone though it so I can't be banned. | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ashishkumarak/play-store-reviews-facebook | app reviews | en |
kokusu güzel, ilk kullanimda kokuyu herkes hissediyor. 1 saat sonra sadece siz hissediyorsunuz, 2 saat sonra koku kayboluyor. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fthbrmnby/turkish_product_reviews | products reviews | tr |
Tarjeta bien, empaquetado... De quinta
De la tarjeta no tengo queja alguna, pero del servicio de Amazon en cuanto al empaquetado.. Fatal. Llegó la caja sin envoltorio, con la etiqueta de datos pegada directamente encima lo que ha dejado el pegamento y al ser un regalo, es previsible que el papel regalo se pegue. Nunca me había sucedido, espero que no se convierta en una costumbre. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
Food was excellent, strange seating policy. Def make a reservation. Policy is to pay a certain amount for a meal/drink just to eat here. Great place to enjoy upscale gaming. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
Tom does not show any potential in his job performance. Tom never seems to be caught up with the team and is always behind on his work. Tom has a bad attitude and continues to make excuses for his performance. Tom needs more training to make sure we are offering everything to help him be successful in this career. | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fiodarryzhykau/employee-review | employee reviews | en |
Tôi là tín đồ sendo .nhưng có một vấn đề là gắn quảng cáo rất nhiều trên yutube.rất là bức xúc Và tôi đã tẩy chay và còn kêu gọi nhiều người nữa | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/hienbm/vnecom-reviews | reviews (app, products) | vi |
poor location pin | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/bwandowando/grab-app-reviews-from-google-store | app reviews | en |
Befestigungsmechanismus verbesserungswürdig, Farbe empfindlich
Der Aufsatz lässt sich schnell aufbauen. Die beiliegenden Stützen für die Hemnes Kommode sind allerdings ungeeignet um irgendetwas zu stützen (die Beschreibung ist in diesem Punkt wenig hilfreich). Wenn man auf eine Fixierung an der Wand verzichten möchte, muss man sich eine eigene Konstruktion mit Winkeln aus dem Baumarkt basteln um sicher zu gehen, dass der Aufsatz nicht hinten runter kippt. Die Farbe der Holzteile ist sehr empfindlich. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
我也好喜欢泡茶喝,各种花茶,最近也get到了黑枸杞的滋味,哈哈哈哈哈,我要笑s了,我先干了,你们随意,直接抱起来就开喝,真的太大一桶了8⃣!玉米须茶我买了,等到了也喝起来,我就是很容易水肿 | negative | https://zenodo.org/records/10488077 | 22 domains | zh |
太专业难懂,大多食材名称不知所云,也许很多食材在深圳没有售卖。书中所记计量全按西方习惯,难以把握。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
就一周时间就降价了900元!是不是太坑了! | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
Второй месяц не могу дозвониться, чтобы записать маму. Утром - "все операторы заняты, вам ответит первый освободившийся..." И по 40 минут (с мобильного) слушаю музыку в трубке, потом - сброс. Днём и вечером - автоответчик, который уверяет, что "всегда рады Вам помочь", потом сброс. Делаю в неделю по 40 звонков,ощущение, что это издевательство. Странная какая-то инициатива, которой невозможно воспользоваттся. Сама была в центре осенью прошлого года, дозвонилась тогда с первого раза: центр прекрасно оборудован, работа врачей выше всяких похвал. | negative | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
Flach zusammenrollbar, Plastik, kein TPU, nicht faltbar, zu teuer für diese einfache Ausführung | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
I was excited to eat here, due to all the hype of the restaurant. As I had Saturday brunch here, reservations were no problem. The food is tasty. I admit. I had the salmon quesadillas, with salmon roe for appetizers and scrambled eggs with jalapenos and ham. My only complaint was that they couldn't make my eggs with all egg whites or egg substitute, as the waiter said that the chef would not do it. I would assume that they would try to accommodate with my request, but they didn't. I guess customer satisfaction is not a top priority here. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
即日配送って何だ!金曜日7時注文した今日の昼で貰った!もう必要ないわ別の店で買いに行った お金戻せウソつき | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
No vale para VHS
Tras usarlo en dos videos VHS la imagen se ve en blanco y negro y la calidad es muy muy mala, no vale para ese propósito. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
В общем нормальная, но рукава почему то коротковаты | negative | https://github.com/sismetanin/rureviews/blob/master/women-clothing-accessories.3-class.balanced.csv | products reviews | ru |
I have just arrived back in the UK after the journey from hell the April 02 flight 72 hours from Bangkok to Gatwick. After being stranded in Sharjah UAE for 60 hours and an almost total lack of communication from Phuket Air I can do nothing other than urge anyone who is planning on taking a flight to cancel their tickets immediately and find someone/anyone other than these clowns to travel with. | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/khushipitroda/airline-reviews | airlines reviews | en |
几天就便宜了*块,京东让我这个老用户伤心,没有价格保障,真心连一心都不想给,*降到了*,*块钱就这样给坑了, | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/leadingbridge/sentiment-analysis | books reviews | zh |
Заказали две закуски и два вида раков. Первую закуску и первый вид раков несли 1 час 40 минут. Второй вид раков и вторую закуску начали готовить спустя 2 часа, принесли еще через полчаса. \nКогда пришли, были очень голодные, спросили официанта, сколько ждать еды, он ответил «полчаса». Оставили там два с половиной часа жизни и чек на 7 тысяч рублей на двоих. Еда нормальная, если это вообще имеет какое-то значение, но за такие деньги (2,5к за порцию раков) оверпрайс, мяса очень мало, не наелись.\nБольше не придем. | negative | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
没什么意思,尽然还有一章来证明作者炒股回报的真实性 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
初日だけ使えて、次の日からフタを閉じてもまた開きます。ずっと開いてる状態です……返品したいなぁ…… | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
bereits defekt
halten keine 4 Wochen. Bin absolut enttäuscht | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
커피에 향이 전혀 없다 이게 뭐지? 건물은 짱 커서 사람 저어어어엉말 많음 분위기는 음... 무난. 브라운 슈거 라테와 솔트 커피를 시켰는데 내가 지금 커피를 먹는 건지 뭔가의 음료를 먹는 건지 전혀 모르겠다 비주얼은 예쁜데 말이지... 주문을 하면 내가 몇 층에 있든 가져다 주심. 가게 자체는 3층까지 있어서 사람이 진짜 많고 시끄럽고 번잡하다 | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ninetyninenewton/kr3-korean-restaurant-reviews-with-ratings | restaurant reviews | ko |
Had a craving for jerk chicken and decided to give this place a try based on Yelp reviews. I got there and couldn't decide b/t the ox tails and the jerk chicken so I ordered both..at worse I'd have leftovers for tomorrow.\n\nThe atmosphere was friendly everyone greeted me upon entering and I would consider the place a great little hole in the wall to grab a bite on a hot day and relax.\n\nMy oxtails were just OK, I feel like they could have been better, not as flavorful as I was expecting but they were tender. I ordered JERK chicken because that is what I had an initial taste for, imagine my disappointment when I got home and realized they gave me CURRY chicken instead. I knew I wasn't going to leave back out to head back over that way to get my order corrected so I simply settled for that. The chicken was moist and very tender it just wasn't what I ordered. The rice and peas were as expected.\n\nMake sure you double check your food before leaving to avoid my dilemma. Not the worst place, but I wouldn't be in a rush to go back either. Most of the meal items are $9.95 and the side items range from $2.00/$2.95. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
i think the most common one that everyone has experienced is that doom and gloom feeling where you just feel like something tragic just happened | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/dair-ai/emotion | emotion | en |
Calidad justa, pero por el precio no se puede esperar más | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | es |
Ne réussissant pas à concilier les situations à de réelles solutions, le rendu agace. Un mauvais sitcom sur NRJ12 ne nous aurais pas davantage éclairé. Le binôme mère - fils est sublimé au coeur de ce déversoir de clichés sociaux, jusqu'à la coupe de cheveux ratée que le gamin va se traîner trois mois. Pas de tunes pas de cheveux. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tblard/allocine | movie reviews | fr |
i feel very unprotected | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/dair-ai/emotion | emotion | en |
Leider geht die Farbe ab
Eigentlich ein schöner Gürtel. Aber nach nun ca. 10 Monaten bei seltener Benutzung geht an der Stelle, an der die Schließe am Gürtel liegt, die Farbe ab. das kenne ich nicht von meinen anderen Gürteln. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
“牛奶五谷味”这盒吃了两包,比较硬,吃第三包时候,味道变化了,有蟑螂屎的感觉,非常难受。 亚马逊自身的派送系统很棒,这个点赞。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/tyqiangz/multilingual-sentiments | tweets | zh |
schnell kaputt, keine kauf Empfehlung, ja was soll ich noch schreiben, das zeug taugt nichts, also nicht kaufen, ein par euronen mehr ausgeben. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
Làm ăn rất lơm cơm đặt hàng Senmall ở TP.HCM mà 2 ngày mới giao hàng. App thì trải nghiệm dỡ tệ | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/hienbm/vnecom-reviews | reviews (app, products) | vi |
Schläuche zu klein
Leider ist der Innendurchmesser der mitgelieferten Schläuche für Shimano-Scheibenbremsen zu klein, sodass diese auch mit Gewalt nicht auf die Stöpsel am Bremssattel passen und auch auf die Spritze waren sie kaum drauf zu bekommen. Leider unbrauchbar. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
заказала платье 20 июля. на данный момент 22 сентября. в итоге платья нет, спор отклонили, жалобу отклонили. ч общем ни платья ни денег. ужасный продавец, да и служба али экспресс. | negative | https://github.com/sismetanin/rureviews/blob/master/women-clothing-accessories.3-class.balanced.csv | products reviews | ru |
Доставка от 2000 сказали бесплатно…через 15 мин позвонила девушка , сказала 250 рублей в ваш район! Мы уже уехали от кафе значительно далеко…так бы ждали приготовления !!! Некомпетентность понейшая!!! | negative | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
Nhận được 1 hộp sách mà thiếu poster . Trong khi trên bài ghi rõ là có cả poster . Nhà cung cấp với tiki xử lý đơn này lại cho mình đi ạ . 🥵😡. Mà mình thanh toán tiền trươc hết ròi giao hangd ng nhà nhận cho . Giờ về mở ra ko thấy poster cáu quá . | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/biminhc/tiki-books-dataset?select=comments.csv | books reviews | vi |
Nous avons séjourné du 25.12.2011 au 05.01.2012 dans cet hotel mon mari et mes 2 filles ( 14 et 17 ans) dans une chambre studio la 2706 27eme etage: la banquette qui fait office de lit n'est pas confortable pour des ados (mes filles sont pourtant tres minces). La salle de bain est minuscule pas de place pour poser un seul necessaire de toilette ..La moquette n'a jamais vu l'aspirateur durant notre séjour . Beaucoup de clients avec chiens...! donc eux aussi sont dans la chambre :-( .Pour notre 4eme visite dans cette superbe ville l'hotel nous a bien déçu: seul point positif son emplacement et la taille de la chambre (grande pour NY) | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |
The music stops as soon as the phone locks and doesn't always show songs when they're playing...it's quite annoying | negative | https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mfaaris/spotify-app-reviews-2022 | app reviews | en |
Der letzte Schrott. Lieferung hat ewig gedauert. ( Monate) sah völlig anders aus. Hat noch nicht einmal einen Stern verdient. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
This infamous ending to Koen Wauters' career came to my attention through the 'Night of Bad Taste'. Judging by the comment index i wasn't the first and i am not to be the last person in Western Europe to learn that this musician (undoubtedly one of the best on our contemporary pop scene, even the Dutch agree on that) tried to be an actor. Whether he should have made the attempt or not cannot be judged. In 'Intensive Care' he's quite likable, but he seems to be uncomfortable with the flick in which he is participating. No one can blame him. It deserves its ranking in Verheyen's Hall of Fame by all means & standards. The story of the Murderous Maniac Who is Supposed To Have Died In An Accident But Is Alive And Wrathful has been told dozens of times before, and even without original twists a director can deliver a more than mediocre story through innovative settings and cinematography. IC contents itself with a hospital wing and a couple of middle class houses. The pace is dull. The tension looses the last bit of its credibility to the musical score, for every appearance of the murderer is accompagnied by a tedious menacing melody, followed by orchestral outbursts during the murders, which or largely suggested and in any case as bloodless as a small budget can make them. The sex scene is gratuitous but not in the least appealing. The couple from Amsterdamned could have made it work, though. While dealing with the couple subject : the whole subplot between Wauters and the girl does not work. A more effective emotional connection could have been established on screen if they had just been fellow victims-to-be, who loosen their nerves halfway through physical intercourse. I will not even grant the other cast members the dignity of a mentioning, for they should all have been chopped up into tiny greasy pieces. As a matter of fact, most of them do. The ones i recall where obvious for the genre : a pretty nurse and two cops. Hence, in a slasher, the cavalry only comes in time to need rescue itself. The (anti-) hero has to take out the villain, mostly through clever thinking, for former red berets don't often get parts in these films; they might overcome the illusion of invincibility that surrounds the killer. Translated to the events, Wauters kills the doctor and saves the dame in distress. No people, i am not finished. This is not how the story goes. Wauters makes his heroic attempt but gets beaten up with a fury that comes close to "A Clockwork Orange", so it is up to the girl to pick up the driller killer act and pierce through the doctors brains. Though this method ensures the killer's death more than the usual rounds of 9mm bullets, the doctor survives in order to enable IC to reach the 80 min mark.I should have made my point by now. Intensive Care is a bad movie, which can only be enjoyed by Bad Taste lovers, who can verify Verheyen's catchy statements and make some up for themselves and that way try to sit through it. For example, the (unintended) parody value of the doctor's clown mask (Halloween) and the final confrontation in the park (the chase at the end of Friday the 13th).However, let me conclude by giving an overview by a few measly elements which give IC a little credit. George Kennedy is not one of them. All he has to do is endure a horrible monologue by a fellow doctor/French actor and look horrified when they let him go down in flames in order to tag his big name on a stand-in. He could have played his Naked Gun part again, to end up as beef, but with a longer screen time. The finale may be one of them. I had never seen a maniac being brought down by launching fireworks into his guts in order to crush him against a flexible fence. It is good for a laugh.Name one good truly point about Intensive Care ... Koen Wauters learned his lesson and devoted himself entirely to his musical career. It makes me wonder how many editions of the Paris-Dakar race he has to abort before coming to his senses. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/scikit-learn/imdb | movie reviews | en |
Perfekt ist was anderes...
... Also ich kann die Positiven Rezension nicht verstehen!!! 1. Nicht Touch und auch nicht Multi Touch fähig, iPad reagiert überhaupt nicht. 2. Das einzig gute ist die schnelle Lieferung... Von mir gibt es KEINE KAUFEMPFEHLUNG !!! | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | de |
Высокие цены. Выбор меньше, чем годом ранее Персонал без выпендрежа, вежливый, терпеливый, незнайкам всегда посоветуют оптимальный вариант | negative | https://github.com/yandex/geo-reviews-dataset-2023 | organization reviews | ru |
theo em thầy nên sử dụng website môn học để cung cấp tài liệu cho sinh viên . | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/uitnlp/vietnamese_students_feedback | education | vi |
I stayed 3 nights at La Quinta Galleria for business. The property was well kept and inviting; breakfast is about what you expect in a moderate hotel. As far as appeal is concern, I'd say this La Quinta is above average. A couple downsides particularly for business travelers... 1. It seems like there's only one person manning the front desk at all times, so pack your patience if you see a line. 2. Internet connection did not work in my room. I visited the front desk regarding the issue, and all they did was to gave me a number to technical support! I called the number and gave up while on hold for who knows how long. So I ended up relying on their free lobby wireless connection to do my work. Aside from those inconveniences, the stay and staff was pleasant. I'm willing to stay there again for leisure, but probably would think twice if booking for business. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/sabulaban/sentiment | hotel reviews | en |
товар не получила. деньги вернули | negative | https://github.com/sismetanin/rureviews/blob/master/women-clothing-accessories.3-class.balanced.csv | products reviews | ru |
iPhone側の充電が100パーセントになり、ケース側の充電終わっても、iPhone側へ電力供給したままになります。 100パーセント表示の横に、電力供給の表示は消えず表れたままです。 iPhone側が過充電でバッテリー痛みますよ。 やっぱり認証取ってないなりの物と価格だな。 スイッチの微妙な出っ張りが、バックの中でスイッチが入ります。 いざ使おうとすると、iPhone側が100パーセントになっても、電源供給が終わらない為に、いざという時には、ケース側の電源も減っています。 | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/mteb/amazon_reviews_multi | amazon reviews | ja |
A long line at an Einstein is to be expected on a Saturday morning. But a more than 15 wait for two toasted bagels with smear is not. That, by the way, was after a five minute wait just to order and pay. I know that the biggest part of this issue is that a chain like Einstein has set ways of doing things, but it would've been nice to see some of the workers have a little more urgency to get food out. It was so backed up that there was barely a place to stand and wait at 8:00am. I don't even want to know what it may have looked like at 9:00 or 10:00. | negative | https://huggingface.co/datasets/Yelp/yelp_review_full | places reviews | en |
Subsets and Splits