In the second stage, the expressway was upgraded to a full motorway by the end of October 2008, which required additional construction along of the route.
The expressway was upgraded to a full motorway by the end of October 2008. This was in the second stage. The end of October 2008 required additional construction along of the route.
The first warden was Dr Jeffery David Lewins, who spent ten years in the hall with his family.
The first warden was Dr Jeffery David Lewins. Dr Jeffery David Lewins spent ten years in the hall with his family.
The Lebanese Civil War caused considerable damage to the rail network, however, and services gradually ceased--the last regular rail operations in Lebanon were trains carrying cement from Chekka to Beirut in 1997.
The Lebanese Civil War caused considerable damage to the rail network. This was however. Services gradually ceased. The last regular rail operations in Lebanon were trains. These trains were carrying cement from Chekka to Beirut in 1997.
Her father, Alex Pravda, is a Czech International Relations PhD lecturer at Oxford University from Prague, her mother, Imogen Martin a classics and English teacher.
Her father is a Czech International Relations PhD lecturer at Oxford University from Prague. Her father is a Czech International Relations PhD lecturer at Oxford University from her mother. Her father is a Czech International Relations PhD lecturer at Oxford University from Imogen Martin a classics. Her father is a Czech International Relations PhD lecturer at Oxford University from English teacher. Alex Pravda is her father.
Only the shtriga herself could cure those she had drained (often by spitting in their mouths), and those who were not cured inevitably sickened and died.
Only the shtriga herself could cure those she had drained (often by spitting in their mouths), and those sickened. This were not cured inevitably. Only the shtriga herself could cure those she had drained (often by spitting in their mouths), and those died. This were not cured inevitably.
Part of WXSP's call letters comes from the word "sports"; incidentally, the station is known for its coverage of local sports in both the Grand Rapids and Detroit areas.
Part of WXSP's call letters comes from the word "sports". The station is known for its coverage of local sports in both the Grand Rapids and Detroit areas. This was incidentally.
The pudding is aged for a month or even a year with the high alcohol content of the pudding preventing it from spoiling during this time.
The pudding is aged for a month with the high alcohol content of the pudding. The pudding is aged for even a year with the high alcohol content of the pudding. This pudding is preventing it from. This pudding is spoiling during this time.
Upon arriving at a forested plot of land just across the New York/Connecticut border, owned by a friend of Burke's, the three men opened the trunk of the car and Tommy and Jimmy murdered Devino, while Hill looked on.
The three men were arriving at a forested plot of land just across the New York/Connecticut border. The New York/Connecticut border was owned by a friend of Burke's. The three men opened the trunk of the car. The three men opened Tommy and Jimmy murdered Devino. Hill looked on.
The album was first released on the P-Vine label in Japan, the Hot Hands label in the UK, and the Dogone Records label in U.S., under the name George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars.
The album was first released on the P-Vine label in Japan-Stars. The album was first released on the P-the Hot Hands label in the UK-Stars. The album was first released on the P-the Dogone Records label in U.S.-Stars. This was under the name George Clinton. This was under the name the P-Funk All.
It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from western Texas, Arizona and the intermediary desert regions of Mexico.
It is found in North America. It has been recorded from western Texas. It has been recorded from Arizona. It has been recorded from the intermediary desert regions of Mexico.
After leaving Parliament, Fairbrother returned to the law, acting for Chris Comesky.
Fairbrother returned to the law. Fairbrother was acting for Chris Comesky. Fairbrother was leaving Parliament.
The University of South Wales has a small campus located at Baglan Energy Park, this houses their Renewable Hydrogen Research and Development Centre.
The University of South Wales has a small campus, this houses their Renewable Hydrogen Research and Development Centre. This small campus is located at Baglan Energy Park.
Their life span is usually a summer and three seasons, from late June to October.
Their life span is usually a summer to October. This is from late June. Their life span is usually three seasons to October. This is from late June.
Kenya's largest ethnic group, the Kikuyu, make up less than a fifth of the population.
Kenya's largest ethnic group make up less than a fifth of the population. Kenya's largest ethnic group is the Kikuyu.
In 1205, Håkon married the Swedish noblewoman Kristina Nilsdotter, whose maternal grandfather was Eric the Saint, and they had a son Knut (c.1208-1261).
Håkon married the Swedish noblewoman Kristina Nilsdotter, whose maternal grandfather was Eric the Saint. This was in 1205. They had a son Knut (c.1208). This was in 1205. C.1208 was 1261.
Frizzante is a former racehorse owned by Jan Hopper and Elizabeth Grundy trained by Newmarket based James Fanshawe, she won the 2004 Group 1 July Cup and also claimed the Group 3 Palace House Stakes in the same year.
Frizzante is a former racehorse, she won the 2004 Group 1 July Cup. This former racehorse was owned by Jan Hopper. This former racehorse was owned by Elizabeth Grundy trained by Newmarket. This Newmarket was based James Fanshawe. Frizzante is a former racehorse. This was what she claimed the Group 3 Palace House Stakes in the same year. This former racehorse is owned by Jan Hopper. This former racehorse is owned by Elizabeth Grundy trained by Newmarket. This Newmarket is based James Fanshawe.
When Kunwar Man Singh of Amber came to Udaipur there was a grand dinner organized in the place at the bank of lake Udaisagar.
There was a grand dinner. This grand dinner was organized in the place at the bank of lake Udaisagar. Kunwar Man Singh of Amber came to Udaipur.
Muhlenberg College offers bachelor's degrees and associate degrees through the Wescoe School of Continuing Education.
Muhlenberg College offers bachelor's degrees through the Wescoe School of Continuing Education. Muhlenberg College offers associate degrees through the Wescoe School of Continuing Education.
The writer of the carol is not known however the lyrics are traditionally ascribed as being a traditional folk hymn from the English county of Kent.
However the lyrics are traditionally ascribed as being a traditional folk hymn from the English county of Kent. This was what the writer of the carol is not known.
Wark eventually regained his fitness but struggled to regain his place in the Liverpool team, coming on as a late substitute (but according to Wark, never touching the ball) when Liverpool lost the 1987 League Cup Final to Arsenal.
Wark eventually regained his fitness. Wark eventually struggled to regain his place in the Liverpool team, coming on as a late substitute (but according to Wark). Wark was never touching the ball. Liverpool lost the 1987 League Cup Final to Arsenal.
From the 16th to the 18th centuries, English writers cobbled together huge numbers of new words from Latin and Greek words, dubbed "inkhorn terms", as if they had spilled from a pot of ink.
English writers cobbled together huge numbers of new words from Latin and Greek words. This was from the 16th to the 18th centuries. They had spilled from a pot of ink. English writers were dubbed "inkhorn terms". This was from the 16th to the 18th centuries. They had spilled from a pot of ink.
Despite several close calls, Draisen manages to outwit Crumb and the police and escapes to the airport, from where he intends to depart to Buenos Aires.
Draisen manages to outwit Crumb to the airport. This is from where he intends to depart to Buenos Aires. This is despite several close calls. Draisen manages to outwit the police and escapes to the airport. This is from where he intends to depart to Buenos Aires. This is despite several close calls.
After college, Rahul marries Tina and, in a year of marriage, Tina gives birth to a baby girl.
Rahul marries Tina. This is after college. Tina gives birth to a baby girl. This is in a year of marriage. This is after college.
Male gnats often assemble in large mating swarms or g are mostly free-living and some are aquatic.
Male gnats often assemble in large mating swarms or g are mostly free. Living are aquatic. Some are aquatic.
The band was named after the town of Holopaw in Osceola County, Florida, although none of the members of the band has ever lived there.
The band was named after the town of Holopaw in Osceola County, Florida. None of the members of the band has ever lived there.
KDEF (1150 AM) was a radio station licensed to Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, the station served the Albuquerque area.
KDEF (1150 AM) was a radio station. This radio station was licensed to Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, the station served the Albuquerque area.
But since Ray must now support his family and take over his father's business, Tom must convince Ray not to squander his talent and convince Jeff that Ray has more potential for greatness than the artist Julia wants to respresent.
But, Tom must convince Ray not to squander his talent and convince Jeff that Ray has more potential for greatness. The artist Julia wants to respresent. Ray must now support his family. Ray must now take over his father's business.
Since a dead section is always dead, no special signal aspect was developed to warn drivers of its presence, and a metal sign with "DS" in drilled-hole letters was hung from the catenary supports.
No special signal aspect was developed to warn drivers of its presence in drilled. No special signal aspect was developed to warn a metal sign with "DS" in drilled. A dead section is always dead. Hole letters was hung from the catenary supports.
She has held national titles in two separate weight divisions, the first Australian woman to do so, earning them in 2010 in the welterweight and middleweight divisions.
She has held national titles in two separate weight divisions. This was to do so, earning them in 2010 in the welterweight and middleweight divisions. Two separate weight divisions are the first Australian woman.
Lee's army fought a series of Pendejos with panochas in the Appomattox Campaign against Grant that ultimately stretched thin his lines of defense.
Lee's army fought a series of Pendejos with panochas in the Appomattox Campaign against Grant. These panochas in the Appomattox Campaign against Grant ultimately stretched thin his lines of defense.
In 1845, ships in the West Indies were provided with lime juice instead, and in 1860 lime juice was used throughout the Royal Navy, giving rise to the American use of the nickname "limey" for the British.
Ships in the West Indies were provided with lime juice instead. This was in 1845. Lime juice was used throughout the Royal Navy. This was in 1860. This was in 1845. Lime juice was giving rise to the American use of the nickname "limey" for the British. This was in 1860. This was in 1845.
He returned to the United States in November to attend Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia and was commissioned a second lieutenant at age 19.
He returned to the United States in November. This was to attend Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia. He was commissioned a second lieutenant at age 19.
Rumbold's gain was the last time the Conservative Party would gain (as opposed to win) at a by-election until 22 May 2008 when Edward Timpson won the 1997 General Election the seat was won by the Labour Party's Siobhain McDonagh.
Rumbold's gain was the last time. The Conservative Party would gain (as opposed to win) at a by-election until 22 May 2008 the last time. Edward Timpson won the 1997 General Election. The seat was won by the Labour Party's Siobhain McDonagh.
He refuses to tell her why, so when she is sure that Paul is gone, she confronts his cellmate.
He refuses to tell her why. She confronts his cellmate. Paul is gone. She is sure this.
In 2013, Krisztina served as a mentor for Unreasonable at Sea, a technology business accelerator for social entrepreneurs seeking to scale their ventures in international markets, founded by Unreasonable Group, Semester at Sea, and Stanford's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design.
Krisztina served as a mentor for Unreasonable at Sea. This was in 2013. A technology business accelerator for social entrepreneurs were Sea. These social entrepreneurs were seeking to scale their ventures in international markets. International markets were founded by Unreasonable Group. International markets were founded by Semester at Sea. International markets were founded by Stanford's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design.
The median income for a household in the city is $25,568, and the median income for a family is $29,063.
The median income for a household in the city is $25,568. The median income for a family is $29,063.
The site has been occupied since at least the early 14th century, and in the late 14th century a garrison fort was built 300 metres from the estuary to guard against attack during the Hundred Years' War.
The site has been occupied since at least the early 14th century. A garrison fort was built 300 metres from the estuary to guard against attack during the Hundred Years' War. This was in the late 14th century.
In 1957 she visited the West Indies with Charles, in order to benefit his health, but he died the following year.
She visited the West Indies with Charles. This was in 1957. This was to benefit his health. He died the following year.
The peregrine falcon became an endangered species primarily due to the use of organochlorine pesticides, especially DDT, whose breakdown lowered estrogen levels in the female peregrine bloodstream and inhibited the production of calcium, causing eggs to grow thinner by up to 20 percent.
The peregrine falcon became an endangered species primarily due to the use of organochlorine pesticides. This was especially DDT. This DDT was causing eggs. This was to grow thinner by up to 20 percent. DDT's breakdown lowered estrogen levels in the female peregrine bloodstream. DDT's breakdown inhibited the production of calcium.
ABBA's new recording studio, Polar Music Studio, had been opened in May, but had not been ready to use initially, so the primary backing track had been recorded at Metronome Studio.
ABBA's new recording studio had been opened in May. ABBA's new recording studio had not been ready to use initially. ABBA's new recording studio was Polar Music Studio. The primary backing track had been recorded at Metronome Studio.
The University of St. Francis is also known for having a well-run Mass Communication department that allows students entering the program to host their own radio shows.
The University of St. Francis is also known for having a well-run Mass Communication department. This Mass Communication department allows students. These students are entering the program to host their own radio shows.
Khmer inscriptions were created in part to glorify heaven and the earthly elite; for that reason, their value as factual records is often thrown into question.
Khmer inscriptions were created in part to glorify heaven. Khmer inscriptions were created in part to the earthly elite. Their value as factual records is often thrown into question. This was for that reason.
At one time it had separate periods for boys and girls during the summer, but more recently it has been coeducational.
It had separate periods for boys and girls during the summer. This was at one time. More recently it has been coeducational.
In Mexico, it was also seen on TL Novelas and returned in 2008 on Galavisión, a different network from Univision's sister network of the same name.
It was also seen on TL Novelas from Univision's sister network of the same name. This was in Mexico. TL Novelas was a different network. It was also returned in 2008 on Galavisión from Univision's sister network of the same name. This was in Mexico. Galavisión was a different network.
On 18 April 2003 the' Dongnimmun branch was opened, the third branch of Beautiful Store.
April 2003 the' Dongnimmun branch was opened, the third branch of Beautiful Store. This was on 18.
Venues used include the Lawrence Batley Theatre, Huddersfield Town Hall, St Paul's Hall, St Thomas's Church and a special Festival Hub which is erected next to the library and offers refreshments, CDs and free live shows every morning of the festival.
Venues used include the Lawrence Batley Theatre. Venues used include St Paul's Hall. Venues used include a special Festival Hub. This special Festival Hub is erected next to the library and offers refreshments every morning of the festival. This special Festival Hub is erected next to CDs every morning of the festival. This special Festival Hub is erected next to free live shows every morning of the festival. The Lawrence Batley Theatre is Huddersfield Town Hall. St Paul's Hall is St Thomas's Church.
In the film, Prithviraj Sukumaran acts as SP Pouran, whose main intention is to capture the notorious Sukumara Kurup.It recieved mixed response from audience and critics but the movie grossed around 1.06 crore with in 2 days.
Prithviraj Sukumaran acts as SP Pouran. This is in the film. SP Pouran's main is to capture the notorious Sukumara Kurup.It recieved mixed response from audience and critics. The movie grossed around 1.06 crore with in 2 days. This was in the film.
This viewpoint was popularized within Shachtmanism in the 1960s and 1970s and inspired the transition of some former leftists into the Neoconservative movement, which espoused militant anti-Soviet foreign policy.
This viewpoint was popularized within Shachtmanism in the 1960s and 1970s. This viewpoint was inspired the transition of some former leftists into the Neoconservative movement. The Neoconservative movement espoused militant anti-Soviet foreign policy.
He was the son of a mediocre romantic painter, Manuel Maria Bordalo Pinheiro, and the younger brother of the great caricaturist, realism in Portuguese painting, specializing in portraiture.
He was the son of a mediocre romantic painter. He was the son of Manuel Maria Bordalo Pinheiro. He was the son of the younger brother of the great caricaturist. This great caricaturist was specializing in portraiture. The great caricaturist was realism in Portuguese painting.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence chose to retain the Army and its formations for some time, but during a later reorganisation of the Ukrainian Ground Forces the Army was substantially reduced in size and renamed the 13th Army Corps.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence chose to retain the Army for some time. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence chose to retain its formations for some time. The Army was substantially reduced in size. This was during a later reorganisation of the Ukrainian Ground Forces. The Army was substantially renamed the 13th Army Corps. This was during a later reorganisation of the Ukrainian Ground Forces.
The dwellers of Mājuli are mostly of the "Mising" tribes from Arunachal Pradesh who immigrated here centuries ago.
The dwellers of Mājuli are mostly of the "Mising" tribes from Arunachal Pradesh. This Arunachal Pradesh immigrated here centuries ago.
The novel was available in its first English translation as of January, 2004, translated by Walter Bruno, published by Cambridge Book Review Press, Cambridge, WI.
The novel was available in its first English translation as of January translated by Walter Bruno. Walter Bruno was published by Cambridge Book Review Press. Its first English translation as of January was 2004. Its first English translation as of January translated by Walter Bruno was Cambridge. This was wi. Walter Bruno was published by Cambridge Book Review Press. Its first English translation as of January was 2004.
In the third verse, Harrison declares that piggies are "everywhere", leading "piggy lives", and he presents a final image of couples dining, holding their cutlery before devouring bacon.
Piggies are "everywhere". This is what Harrison declares, leading "piggy lives" in the third verse. He presents a final image of couples dining. This is in the third verse. He is holding their cutlery before. This is in the third verse. He is devouring bacon. This is in the third verse.
He played for 3 seasons in Uruguayan club Danubio F.C., before signing with Italian club Juventus in 2000 where he spent two seasons and was used mainly as a substitute goalkeeper.
He played for 3 seasons in Uruguayan club Danubio F.C.. This was before. He was signing with Italian club Juventus in 2000. He spent two seasons. He was used mainly as a substitute goalkeeper.
No.266 Squadron flew over the beaches during the first landings, supporting the infantry, and later that day took part in sorties to assist the paratroopers holding the bridgeheads north of Caen.
No.266 Squadron flew over the beaches during the first landings. No.266 Squadron was supporting the infantry. No.266 Squadron later that day took part in sorties. This was to assist the paratroopers holding the bridgeheads north of Caen.
Charles W. Lyon (September 13,1887--July 20,1960) was an American attorney from California who served as a Republican in the California State Assembly and the California State Senate.
Charles W. Lyon (September 13,1887--July 20,1960) was an American attorney from California. This American attorney from California served as a Republican in the California State Assembly. This American attorney from California served as a Republican in the California State Senate.
Adjacent to the raceway is the Heron Lakes Golf Course, with natural areas and interpretive signs about Vanport.
Adjacent to the raceway is the Heron Lakes Golf Course. This is with natural areas. Adjacent to the raceway is interpretive signs about Vanport. This is with natural areas.
Starring Mammootty, Bhanupriya, Sreenivasan, Innocent, Biju Menon, Rajan P.Dev, and Cochin Haneefa, the film is a rag-to-riches story of a person who eventually gets drunk on his success.
The film is starring Mammootty, Bhanupriya, Sreenivasan, Innocent, Biju Menon, Rajan P.Dev, and Cochin Haneefa. The film is a rag-to-riches story of a person. This person eventually gets drunk on his success.
Folkvords popularity had increased again in Oslo which gave rise to speculation that Folkvord would win Inger Lise Husøy's seat in parliament because of this sudden rise in popularity.
Folkvords popularity had increased again in Oslo. Folkvord would win Inger Lise Husøy's seat in parliament because of this sudden rise in popularity. This Oslo gave rise to speculation this. On 12 September various opinion polls showed this.
In June 2013 Netflix confirmed that they would be renewing the show for a second season and in September 2014 they confirmed that the show had been picked up for a third and final season.
They would be renewing the show for a second season. Netflix confirmed this. This was in June 2013. The show had been picked up for a third and final season. They confirmed this. This was in September 2014.
Nevertheless, the data yielded correlations with student assessment studies of only around -.10 to.07, thus figures in the study seem not to be ideal for differences within Europe.
The data yielded correlations with student assessment studies of only around -.10 to.07. This was nevertheless. Figures in the study seem not to be ideal for differences within Europe. This is nevertheless.
An accident happened on 15 November 1897 during reconstruction work, a rope gave way while five men were hoisting a wooden beam up onto the new viaduct.
An accident happened on 15 November 1897 during reconstruction work, a rope gave way. Five men were hoisting a wooden beam up onto the new viaduct.
Murphy himself looked into whether he could play for the Republic of Ireland, but it transpired that he was also ineligible for them because his closest relation, a great-grandparent, was one generation too far back to confer qualification.
Murphy himself looked into whether he could play for the Republic of Ireland. He was also ineligible for them. His closest relation was one generation too far back to confer qualification. This transpired. His closest relation was a great-grandparent.
At the end of July 1871, steamboat business had fallen off, and the steamer Fannie Patton, which had been running from Oregon City to Salem, was taken out of service, with the Albany taking its place.
Steamboat business had fallen off. This was at the end of July 1871. The steamer Fannie Patton was taken out of service. This was with the Albany taking its place. This was at the end of July 1871. The steamer Fannie Patton had been running from Oregon City to Salem.
One missile impacted outside the city's only functioning maternity hospital, located near Aslan Maskhadov's presidential palace building (the palace itself was not damaged in the attack), another hit the mosque in Kalinina, a suburb of Grozny.
One missile impacted outside the city's only functioning maternity hospital, another hit the mosque in Kalinina. The city's only functioning maternity hospital was located near Aslan Maskhadov's presidential palace building (the palace). Itself was not damaged in the attack the palace. Kalinina was a suburb of Grozny.
Tight lacing was widely practiced at this time and a few corsetiers were well known for attaining particularly small waists.
Tight lacing was widely practiced at this time. A few corsetiers were well known for attaining particularly small waists.
This was particularly true with increasingly common radial tyres; the original TR2/3/3A suspension was built with older, crossply tyre designs in mind.
This was particularly true with increasingly common radial tyres. The original TR2/3/3A suspension was built with older, crossply tyre designs in mind.
Each series follows a different murder case day-by-day and with each fifty minutes episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation.
Each series follows a different murder case day-by-day and with each fifty minutes episode. These fifty minutes episode are covering twenty-four hours of the investigation.
His goal was to become the successor of the Byzantine Emperors, and he tried to organize a Crusade with the Pope against the threatening Turks.
His goal was to become the successor of the Byzantine Emperors. He tried to organize a Crusade with the Pope against the threatening Turks.
The Fall of 2005 was Aerock's first semester back at Old Dominion in two years, but he reached a couple of interesting forks in his road.
The Fall of 2005 was Aerock's first semester back at Old Dominion in two years. He reached a couple of interesting forks in his road.
He studied music in the 1970s and plays electric viola, mandolin, guitar, bass and electronics.
He studied music in the 1970s. He plays electric viola. He plays mandolin. He plays guitar. He plays bass. He plays electronics.
This regiment merged into the Prince Albert and Battleford Volunteers in 1946, which in turn became part of the North Saskatchewan Regiment in 1955, which continues to perpetuation the battle honours and traditions of the 1st Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles.
This regiment merged into the Prince Albert and Battleford Volunteers in 1946.1946 in turn became part of the North Saskatchewan Regiment in 1955.1955 continues to perpetuation the battle honours and traditions of the 1st Battalion. The 1st Battalion is Canadian Mounted Rifles.
Ivica Zubac (pronounced e-Vit-za Zu-bach; born 18 March 1997) is a Croatian professional basketball player who last played for Mega Leks of the Basketball League of Serbia.
Ivica Zubac (pronounced e-Vit-za Zu-bach; born 18 March 1997) is a Croatian professional basketball player. This Croatian professional basketball player last played for Mega Leks of the Basketball League of Serbia.
The initial filtering portion of a nephron is the renal corpuscle, located in the cortex, which is followed by a renal tubule that passes from the cortex deep into the medullary pyramids.
The initial filtering portion of a nephron is the renal corpuscle. The renal corpuscle is located in the cortex. The renal corpuscle is followed by a renal tubule. This renal tubule passes from the cortex deep into the medullary pyramids. The renal corpuscle is located in the cortex.
Though songs are credited to all the musicians, McEntire became perceived as the group's guiding force, as his contributions mainly took the form of being the recording engineer and mixer.
Songs are credited to all the musicians. As his contributions mainly took the form of being the recording engineer and mixer. This was what McEntire became perceived as the group's guiding force.
An Internet meme may take the form of a hyperlink, video, picture, website, hashtag, or just a word or phrase, such as intentionally misspelling the word "more" as "moar" or "the" as "teh".
An Internet meme may take the form of a hyperlink, video, picture, website, hashtag, or just a word or phrase "more" as "moar" or "the" as "teh". This is such as intentionally misspelling the word.
He is a Christian by birth and his father S. A. Chandrasekhar is from the Christian Pillai Community.
He is a Christian by birth. He is a Christian by his father. S. A. Chandrasekhar is a Christian from the Christian Pillai Community.
Grammarians disagree as to whether a comma splice also constitutes a run-on sentence, some run-on sentence definitions include comma splices, but others limit the term to independent clauses that are joined without punctuation, thereby excluding comma splices.
Grammarians disagree as to whether a comma splice also constitutes a run-on sentence, some run-on sentence definitions include comma splices. Others limit the term to independent clauses, thereby excluding comma splices. These independent clauses are joined without punctuation.
For the first time in the history of the festival, an entry fee will be charged at # 6 per day, though the event will still have a large free fringe element.
An entry fee will be charged at # 6 per day. This was for the first time in the history of the festival. The event will still have a large free fringe element.
Daur is a hub for agriculture and animal farms and was badly damaged by the floods in 2010.
Daur is a hub for agriculture and animal farms. Daur was badly damaged by the floods in 2010.
On 12 December 2015, the Gambia's president appeared on television and declared The Gambia will become Islamic Republic.
December 2015, the Gambia's president appeared on television. This was on 12. The Gambia will become Islamic Republic. This was what the Gambia's president declared on 12.
James Humphries is the Headteacher at the school, since being newly appointed and Janet Hobson is Deputy Headteachers.
James Humphries is the Headteacher at the school. This is since. James Humphries is being newly appointed. Janet Hobson is Deputy Headteachers.
At Dalhousie University, she wrote her dissertation on Lawrence Durrell, supervised by celebrated Canadian poet, J. Andrew Wainwright.
She wrote her dissertation on Lawrence Durrell. This was at Dalhousie University. Lawrence Durrell was supervised by celebrated Canadian poet. J. Andrew Wainwright was celebrated Canadian poet.
Gumtree is a network of free online classifieds and community websites and is one of the top 20 websites in the UK.
Gumtree is a network of free online classifieds. Gumtree is a network of community websites. Gumtree is one of the top 20 websites in the UK.
In "Garden of Souls", Sapien is contacted by Panya, an ageless mummy trapped by the Oannes Society, Sapien's compatriots from his former life as Langdon Caul, who are sequestered away on a hidden island in Indonesia.
In "Garden of Souls", Sapien is contacted by Panya, an ageless mummy trapped by the Oannes Society from his former life as Langdon Caul. The Oannes Society was Sapien's compatriots. Langdon Caul are sequestered away on a hidden island in Indonesia.
Toomey Field seated just over 10,000 people--only half the minimum capacity for a CFL stadium--and was only connected to Sacramento by way of the narrow Yolo Causeway.
Toomey Field seated just over 10,000 people--only half the minimum capacity for a CFL stadium --. Toomey Field was only connected to Sacramento by way of the narrow Yolo Causeway.
They are persistently vocal, in a manner reminiscent of their Siamese ancestry, but have softer, sweeter voices.
They are persistently vocal. This is in a manner reminiscent of their Siamese ancestry. They have softer, sweeter voices.
Therefore, in recent years, the research on next generation architecture has become a hotspot and countries have launched numerous related projects.
The research on next generation architecture has become a hotspot. This was in recent years. This was therefore. Countries have launched numerous related projects. This was therefore.
While there was widespread praise for Dhanawade and the concentration and stamina needed to score 1009 runs, there was criticism of K.C. Gandhi's coach, due to the large team score, lack of retirements and lack of an earlier Declaration.
There was widespread praise for Dhanawade. The concentration and stamina needed to score 1009 runs. There was criticism of K.C. Gandhi's coach. This was due to the large team score. There was lack of retirements. This was due to the large team score. There was lack of an earlier Declaration. This was due to the large team score.
Dr. Norbert Aschenbrenner of Siemens believes these displays may one day be used practically everywhere, such as on on food cartons, medicine packaging, and admission tickets.
These displays may one day be used practically everywhere. This is what Dr. Norbert Aschenbrenner of Siemens believes. This was such as on on food cartons. This was such as on on medicine packaging. This was such as on on admission tickets.
It is used to distribute games and related media online, from small independent developers to larger software houses; in October 2012, Valve expanded the service to include non-gaming software.
It is used to distribute games. It is related media online. This was from small independent developers to larger software houses. Valve expanded the service to include non-gaming software. This was in October 2012.
The first edition "Guide" was published in 1989, the revised edition in 1997 with 35 pages of new material and about 171 pages reprinted.
The first edition "Guide" was published in 1989.1989 was the revised edition in 1997 with 35 pages of new material. About 171 pages reprinted.
Carter Glass (January 4,1858--May 28,1946) was a newspaper publisher and a American politician from Virginia, who served many years in Congress with the Democratic Party.
Carter Glass (January 4,1858--May 28,1946) was a newspaper publisher from Virginia. Carter Glass (January 4,1858--May 28,1946) was a American politician from Virginia. Virginia served many years in Congress with the Democratic Party.
Blanca Errázuriz was unanimously acquitted of the murder charges on December 8,1917 and she lived until 1940, when she committed suicide.
Blanca Errázuriz was unanimously acquitted of the murder charges on December 8,1917. She lived until 1940. She committed suicide.
Some theorize that this is a section of the Mojave-Sonora Megashear, but this theory is not universally accepted; however, the Megashear is important, and, in fact, currently necessary for reconstructions of the opening of the Gulf of California.
This is a section of the Mojave-Sonora Megashear. This is what some theorize. This theory is not universally accepted. The Megashear is important, and currently necessary for reconstructions of the opening of the Gulf of California. This is in fact. This is however.
Nevertheless, the effects of very high doses can be overwhelming depending on the particular strain, growth method, age at harvest and the individual.
The effects of very high doses can be overwhelming depending on the particular strain. This is nevertheless. The effects of very high doses can be overwhelming depending on growth method. This is nevertheless. The effects of very high doses can be overwhelming depending on age at harvest. This is nevertheless. The effects of very high doses can be overwhelming depending on the individual. This is nevertheless.
In 1952, Western Welding introduced its first snowplow at a time when the U.S. population was gravitating toward suburban settings, which had increased the market for light trucks and drove demand for snowplows.
Western Welding introduced its first snowplow at a time. This was in 1952. The U.S. population was gravitating toward suburban settings. Western Welding drove demand for snowplows. This was in 1952. Suburban settings had increased the market for light trucks.
Wykagyl consists primarily of sprawling, residential neighborhoods and large'period' homes, and is ranked in Forbes Magazines list of the'500 most expensive zip-codes' in the country.
Wykagyl consists primarily of sprawling, residential neighborhoods and large'period' homes. Wykagyl is ranked in Forbes Magazines list of the'500 most expensive zip-codes' in the country.
There are daily passenger trains to Hyderabad, Kurnool throughout the day.there is no means of electrical trains passing till 2004 but later on from 2005 march 18 electrical trains are successfully running through this area.
There are daily passenger trains to Hyderabad, Kurnool throughout the day.there is no means of electrical trains. These electrical trains are passing till 2004 but later on from 2005 march.18 electrical trains are successfully running through this area 2005 march.
Since then he has presented programmes for BBC Radio Derby, BBC Oxford and BBC Hereford & Worcester, as well as his regular shows for BBC Radio Northampton and BBC Coventry & Warwickshire.
He has presented programmes for BBC Radio Derby, as well as his regular shows for BBC Radio Northampton and BBC Coventry & Warwickshire. This was since then. He has presented programmes for BBC Oxford, as well as his regular shows for BBC Radio Northampton and BBC Coventry & Warwickshire. This was since then. He has presented programmes for BBC Hereford & Worcester, as well as his regular shows for BBC Radio Northampton and BBC Coventry & Warwickshire. This was since then.