A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
x$=Input() a=Val(StringField(x$,1," ")) b=Val(StringField(x$,2," ")) PrintN(str(a+b))
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
try: raw_input except: raw_input = input   print(sum(map(int, raw_input().split())))
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
define(`BOTTLES', `bottles of beer')dnl define(`BOTTLE', `bottle of beer')dnl define(`WALL', `on the wall')dnl define(`TAKE', `take one down, pass it around')dnl define(`NINETEEN', `$1 ifelse(`$1',`1',BOTTLE,BOTTLES) WALL $1 ifelse(`$1',`1',BOTTLE,BOTTLES) ifelse(`$1',`0',,`TAKE') ifelse(`$1',`0',,`NINETEEN(eval($1-1))')')dnl NINETEEN(99)
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
DIM a AS INTEGER, b AS INTEGER DIM c AS LONG INPUT "Enter A: ", a INPUT "Enter B: ", b c = a + b PRINT "" PRINT "A + B = " + LTRIM$(STR$(c))
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
/O> $ "Please enter two numbers separated by a space: " input ... say "Their sum is: " quackery + echo cr ... Please enter two numbers separated by a space: 2 3 Their sum is: 5 Stack empty.
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
10 input "Enter number A: ";a 20 input "Enter number B: ";b 30 print a+b
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
START = 99 UP != jot - 2 `expr $(START) - 1` 1   0-bottles-of-beer: 1-bottle-of-beer @echo No more bottles of beer on the wall!   1-bottle-of-beer: 2-bottles-of-beer @echo One last bottle of beer on the wall! @echo @echo One last bottle of beer on the wall, @echo One last bottle of beer, @echo Take it down, pass it around.   .for COUNT in $(UP) ONE_MORE != expr 1 + $(COUNT) $(COUNT)-bottles-of-beer: $(ONE_MORE)-bottles-of-beer @echo $(COUNT) bottles of beer on the wall! @echo @echo $(COUNT) bottles of beer on the wall, @echo $(COUNT) bottles of beer, @echo Take one down, pass it around. .endfor   $(START)-bottles-of-beer: @echo $(START) bottles of beer on the wall, @echo $(START) bottles of beer. @echo Take one down, pass it around.
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
sum(scan("", numeric(0), 2))
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
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A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  class Sum **Adds two given integers**   on start   args := program arguments   if args empty print to Console.error made !, "No arguments given" exit program with error code   if args.count = 1 print to Console.error made !, "Only one argument given" exit program with error code   try print integer.parse(args[0]) + integer.parse(args[1])   catch FormatException print to Console.error made !, "Arguments must be integers" exit program with error code   catch OverflowException print to Console.error made !, "Numbers too large" exit program with error code  
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
seq( printf( "%d %s of beer on the wall,\n%d %s of beer.\nTake one down, pass it around,\n%d %s of beer on the wall.\n\n", i, `if`( i<>1, "bottles", "bottle" ), i, `if`( i<>1, "bottles", "bottle" ), i-1, `if`( i-1<>1, "bottles", "bottle") ), i = 99..1, -1 );
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  #lang racket (+ (read) (read))  
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
Bottle[n_] := ToString[n] <> If[n==1," bottle"," bottles"] <> " of beer"   BottleSong[n_] := Speak[ Bottle[n] <> " on the wall," <> Bottle[n] <> ", take one down, pass it around," <> Bottle[n-1] <> " on the wall." ]   BottleSong /@ Range[99,1,-1]
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
function ninetyNineBottlesOfBeer()   disp( [ sprintf(['%d bottles of beer on the wall, %d bottles of beer.\n'... 'Take one down, pass it around...\n'],[(99:-1:2);(99:-1:2)])... sprintf(['1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\nTake'... 'one down, pass it around;\nNo more bottles of beer on the wall.']) ] );   %The end of this song makes me sad. The shelf should always have more %beer...like college.   end
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
forever [x: load input print x/1 + x/2]
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
bottles(n) := for i from n thru 1 step -1 do ( printf(true, "~d bottle~p of beer on the wall~%", i, i), printf(true, "~d bottle~p of beer~%", i, i), printf(true, "Take one down, pass it around~%"), printf(true, "~d bottle~p of beer on the wall~%", i - 1, i - 1), disp(""))$   bottles(3); /*   3 bottles of beer on the wall 3 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 2 bottles of beer on the wall   2 bottles of beer on the wall 2 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 1 bottle of beer on the wall   1 bottle of beer on the wall 1 bottle of beer Take one down, pass it around 0 bottles of beer on the wall   */
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
x: load input print x/1 + x/2
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
escapeEnable = true resetMaxFile #noPrompt viewport.setType #view_top max tool maximize viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights delay = 1.6 a = text size:30 a.wirecolor = white theMod = extrude() addModifier a theMod   for i in 99 to 1 by -1 do -- this will iterate through 99 times use the escape key to terminate. ( a.text = (i as string + " bottles of beer on the wall") redrawViews() sleep delay a.text = (i as string + " bottles of beer") redrawViews() sleep delay a.text = "Take one down, pass it around" redrawViews() sleep delay a.text = ((i-1) as string + " bottles of beer on the wall") redrawViews() sleep delay )
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  set input = "2 2" set a = regexreplace(input,"^(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)+$","$1") set b = regexreplace(input,"^(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)+$","$2") echo a + b  
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
  % file: beer.m % author: % Fergus Henderson <fjh@cs.mu.oz.au> Thursday 9th November 1995 % Re-written with new syntax standard library calls: % Paul Bone <paul@mercurylang.org> 2015-11-20 % % This beer song is more idiomatic Mercury than the original, I feel bad % saying that since Fergus is a founder of the language.   :- module beer. :- interface. :- import_module io.   :- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.   :- implementation.   :- import_module int. :- import_module list. :- import_module string.   main(!IO) :- beer(99, !IO).   :- pred beer(int::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.   beer(N, !IO) :- io.write_string(beer_stanza(N), !IO), ( N > 0 -> io.nl(!IO), beer(N - 1, !IO)  ; true ).   :- func beer_stanza(int) = string.   beer_stanza(N) = Stanza :- ( N = 0 -> Stanza = "Go to the store and buy some more!\n"  ; NBottles = bottles_line(N), N1Bottles = bottles_line(N - 1), Stanza = NBottles ++ " on the wall.\n" ++ NBottles ++ ".\n" ++ "Take one down, pass it around,\n" ++ N1Bottles ++ " on the wall.\n" ).   :- func bottles_line(int) = string.   bottles_line(N) = ( N = 0 -> "No more bottles of beer"  ; N = 1 -> "1 bottle of beer"  ; string.format("%d bottles of beer", [i(N)]) ).  
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
:try ("-n) s:get s:to-number s:get s:to-number + n:put ;
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
(swap quote interpolate puts!) :line   ( ( ("$1 bottles of beer on the wall" line) ("$1 bottles of beer" line) (pop "Take one down, pass it around" puts!) (pred dup "$1 bottles of beer on the wall" line newline) ) cleave ) :verse   99 'verse over times
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
/*REXX program obtains two numbers from the input stream (the console), shows their sum.*/ parse pull a b /*obtain two numbers from input stream.*/ say a+b /*display the sum to the terminal. */ /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
bottles = function(n) if n == 0 then return "no bottles" if n == 1 then return "1 bottle" return n + " bottles" end function   verse = function(n) print bottles(n) + " of beer on the wall" print bottles(n) + " of beer" print "Take one down, pass it around" print bottles(n-1) + " of beer on the wall" print end function   for i in range(99, 1) verse i end for
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
give Numbers Numbers = split(Numbers) sum = 0 for x in Numbers sum += x next see sum   func Split Str for x in str if x = " " x = nl ok next return str2list(str)
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
MIPS Assembly
  ################################## # 99 bottles of beer on the wall # # MIPS Assembly targeting MARS # # By Keith Stellyes # # August 24, 2016 # ##################################   #It is simple, a loop that goes as follows:   #if accumulator is not 1: #PRINT INTEGER: accumulator #PRINT lyrica #PRINT INTEGER: accumulator #PRINT lyricb #PRINT INTEGER: accumulator #PRINT lyricc #DECREMENT accumulator   #else: #PRINT FINAL LYRICS   .data lyrica: .asciiz " bottles of beer on the wall, " lyricb: " bottles of beer.\nTake one down and pass it around, " lyricc: " bottles of beer on the wall. \n\n"   #normally, I don't like going past 80 columns, but that was done here. # there's an argument to be had for breaking this up. I chose not to # for simpler instructions. final_lyrics: "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\nTake one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n\nNo more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\nGo to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall."   .text #lw $a0,accumulator #load address of accumulator into $a0 (or is it getting val?) li $a1,99 #set the inital value of the counter to 99   loop: ###99 li $v0, 1 #specify print integer system service move $a0,$a1 syscall #print that integer   ### bottles of beer on the wall, la $a0,lyrica li $v0,4 syscall   ###99 li $v0, 1 #specify print integer system service move $a0,$a1 syscall #print that integer   ### bottles of beer.\n Take one down and pass it around, la $a0,lyricb li $v0,4 syscall   ###99 li $v0, 1 #specify print integer system service move $a0,$a1 syscall #print that integer   ### "bottles of beer on the wall. \n\n" la $a0,lyricc li $v0,4 syscall   #decrement counter, if at 1, print the final and exit. subi $a1,$a1,1 bne $a1,1,loop   ### PRINT FINAL LYRIC, THEN TERMINATE. final: la $a0,final_lyrics li $v0,4 syscall   li $v0,10 syscall  
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  input string "Input A:" set "A" to "input" input string "Input B:" set "B" to "input" * "('A' + 'B')" end  
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
plural = 's' 99.downto(1) do |i| puts "#{i} bottle#{plural} of beer on the wall," puts "#{i} bottle#{plural} of beer" puts "Take one down, pass it around!" plural = '' if i - 1 == 1 if i > 1 puts "#{i-1} bottle#{plural} of beer on the wall!" puts else puts "No more bottles of beer on the wall!" end end  
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  Listen to A number Listen to B Say A number plus B  
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
mIRC Scripting Language
var %x = 99 while (%x) { echo -ag %x bottles of beer on the wall echo -ag %x bottles of beer echo -ag Take one down, pass it around dec %x echo -ag %x bottles of beer on the wall }
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
puts gets.split.sum(&:to_i)
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
MCSKIP "WITH" NL "" 99 bottles - simple iterative version MCSKIP MT,<> MCINS %. "" Macro to generate singular or plural bottle(s) MCDEF BOT WITHS () AS <bottle<>MCGO L0 IF %A1. EN 1 s> "" Main macro - argument is initial number of bottles MCDEF BOTTLES NL AS <MCSET T1=%A1. %L1.%T1. BOT(%T1.) of beer on the wall %T1. BOT(%T1.) of beer Take one down, pass it around MCSET T1=T1-1 %T1. BOT(%T1.) of beer on the wall MCGO L0 IF T1 EN 0   MCGO L1 > "" Do it BOTTLES 99
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
input, x$ print val(word$(x$,1)) + val(word$(x$,2))
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
val NL = implode [#"newline"]   fun itone 1 = "it" | n = "one"   fun plural (s, 0) = ("no " @ s @ "s") | (s, 1) = ("1 " @ s) | (s, n) = (ntos n @ " " @ s @ "s")   fun verse 0 = "no bottles of beer on the wall" @ NL @ "no bottles of beer" @ NL @ "go to the store and buy some more" @ NL @ "99 bottles of beer on the wall" @ NL @ NL | x = plural ("bottle",x) @ " of beer on the wall" @ NL @ plural ("bottle",x) @ " of beer" @ NL @ "take " @ (itone x) @ " down and pass it round" @ NL @ plural ("bottle", (x-1)) @ " of beer on the wall" @ NL @ NL   fun bottles x = map (print o verse) (rev (0 :: iota (1, x)))   fun default (false, y) = y | (x, _) = x   ; bottles ` ston ` default (argv 0, "99")
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
use std::io;   fn main() { let mut line = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).expect("reading stdin");   let mut i: i64 = 0; for word in line.split_whitespace() { i += word.parse::<i64>().expect("trying to interpret your input as numbers"); } println!("{}", i); }
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
MODULE b99; IMPORT InOut;   VAR nr : CARDINAL;   BEGIN nr := 99; REPEAT InOut.WriteCard (nr, 4); InOut.WriteString (" bottles of beer on the wall"); InOut.WriteLn; InOut.WriteCard (nr, 4); InOut.WriteString (" bottles of beer"); InOut.WriteLn; InOut.WriteString ("Take one down, pass it around"); InOut.WriteLn; DEC (nr); InOut.WriteCard (nr, 4); InOut.WriteString (" bottles of beer on the wall"); InOut.WriteLn; InOut.WriteLn UNTIL nr = 0 END b99.
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
% A+B from stdin, sans error checking variable input, a, b;   () = fgets(&input, stdin); input = strtrim_end(input, "\n"); () = sscanf(input, "%d%d", &a, &b); print(a + b);
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
MODULE Bottles EXPORTS Main;   IMPORT IO, Fmt;   BEGIN FOR i := 99 TO 1 BY -1 DO IO.Put(Fmt.Int(i) & " bottles of beer on the wall\n"); IO.Put(Fmt.Int(i) & " bottles of beer\n"); IO.Put("Take one down, pass it around\n"); IO.Put(Fmt.Int(i - 1) & " bottles of beer on the wall\n"); IO.Put("\n"); END; END Bottles.
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
println(readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt).sum)
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
    Import mojo   Function Main () New NintyNineBottles End     Class NintyNineBottles Extends App   Field _bottles:Int = 99 Field _y:Int=640 Field tic:Int Field duration:Int = 1500 Field lyric:Int = 1 Method OnCreate () SetUpdateRate 60 End   ' Stuff to do while running... Method OnUpdate () If Millisecs()-Self.tic > Self.duration Self.tic=Millisecs() If Self.lyric= 4 Then Self._bottles-=1 Self.lyric+=1     End If End   ' Drawing code...   Method OnRender () Cls   Select Self.lyric Case 1 DrawText(_bottles+" bottles of beer on the wall",10,10) Case 2 DrawText(_bottles+" bottles of beer",10,10) Case 3 If Self._bottles > 1 DrawText("take one down",10,10) Else DrawText("take it down",10,10) End If Case 4 DrawText("Pass it around",10,10) Case 5 If Self._bottles>0 DrawText(Self._bottles+" bottles of beer on the wall",10,10) Else DrawText("no more bottles of beer on the wall",10,10) End If Case 6 If Self._bottles>0 Self.lyric=1'DrawText(Self._bottles+" bottles of beer on the wall",10,10) Else DrawText("no more bottles of beer",10,10) End if Case 7 DrawText("go to the store",10,10)   Case 8 DrawText("and buy some more",10,10) Case 9 Self._bottles=99 DrawText(_bottles+" more bottles of beer on the wall",10,10) Case 10 Self.lyric=1 End Select   End     End      
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
(display (+ (read) (read)))
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
99 VAR i .   WHILE i i TOSTR OUT . | bottles of beer on the wall| PRINT . i TOSTR OUT . | bottles of beer| PRINT . |Take one down, pass it around| PRINT .   i 1 - VAR i . ENDWHILE
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
: Loop # All done /^-*00* /s/// / -*00*$/s/// t   # Negative Check /^\(-*\)[0-9].* \1[0-9]/!b Negative   # Create magic lookup table s/\(.[0-9]*\) \(.[0-9]*\)/\1;987654321000009999000999009909 \2;012345678999990000999000990090/ s/ \(-\)*\(9*;\)/ \10\2/ # Decrement 1st number s/\([^0]\)\(0*\);[^0]*\1\(.\).*\2\(9*\).* \(.*\)/\3\4 \5/ # Increment 2nd s/\([^9]\)\(9*\);[^9]*\1\(.\).*\2\(0*\).*/\3\4/ t Loop   : Negative # Create magic lookup table s/\(.[0-9]*\) \(.[0-9]*\)/\1;987654321000009999000999009909 \2;987654321000009999000999009909/ # Decrement 1st number s/\([^0]\)\(0*\);[^0]*\1\(.\).*\2\(9*\).* \(.*\)/\3\4 \5/ # Decrement 2nd s/\([^0]\)\(0*\);[^0]*\1\(.\).*\2\(9*\).*/\3\4/ t Loop
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
bottles = 99; while (bottles > 0) unit = (bottles == 1 ? "bottle" | "bottles"); player:tell(bottles, " ", unit, " of beer on the wall."); player:tell(bottles, " ", unit, " of beer."); player:tell("Take one down, pass it around."); bottles = bottles - 1; endwhile player:tell("0 bottles of beer on the wall.");
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
: Loop # All done /^-*00* /s/// / -*00*$/s/// t   # Negative Check /^\(-*\)[0-9].* \1[0-9]/!b Negative   # Create magic lookup table s/\(.[0-9]*\) \(.[0-9]*\)/\1;987654321000009999000999009909 \2;012345678999990000999000990090/ s/ \(-\)*\(9*;\)/ \10\2/ # Decrement 1st number s/\([^0]\)\(0*\);[^0]*\1\(.\).*\2\(9*\).* \(.*\)/\3\4 \5/ # Increment 2nd s/\([^9]\)\(9*\);[^9]*\1\(.\).*\2\(0*\).*/\3\4/ t Loop   : Negative # Create magic lookup table s/\(.[0-9]*\) \(.[0-9]*\)/\1;987654321000009999000999009909 \2;987654321000009999000999009909/ # Decrement 1st number s/\([^0]\)\(0*\);[^0]*\1\(.\).*\2\(9*\).* \(.*\)/\3\4 \5/ # Decrement 2nd s/\([^0]\)\(0*\);[^0]*\1\(.\).*\2\(9*\).*/\3\4/ t Loop
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
p = (i) -> i != 1 and 's' or ''   for b = 99,1,-1 for i = 1,4 print if i == 3 'Take one down, pass it around' else string.format '%s bottle%s of beer%s', i < 4 and b or b-1, i < 4 and (p b) or (p b-1), i%3 == 1 and ' on the wall' or '' io.write '\n'
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
$ include "seed7_05.s7i";   const proc: main is func local var integer: a is 0; var integer: b is 0; begin read(a); read(b); writeln(a + b); end func;
99 bottles of beer
Task Display the complete lyrics for the song:     99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The beer song The lyrics follow this form: 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... and so on, until reaching   0     (zero). Grammatical support for   1 bottle of beer   is optional. As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too). Other tasks related to string operations: Metrics Array length String length Copy a string Empty string  (assignment) Counting Word frequency Letter frequency Jewels and stones I before E except after C Bioinformatics/base count Count occurrences of a substring Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string Remove/replace XXXX redacted Conjugate a Latin verb Remove vowels from a string String interpolation (included) Strip block comments Strip comments from a string Strip a set of characters from a string Strip whitespace from a string -- top and tail Strip control codes and extended characters from a string Anagrams/Derangements/shuffling Word wheel ABC problem Sattolo cycle Knuth shuffle Ordered words Superpermutation minimisation Textonyms (using a phone text pad) Anagrams Anagrams/Deranged anagrams Permutations/Derangements Find/Search/Determine ABC words Odd words Word ladder Semordnilap Word search Wordiff  (game) String matching Tea cup rim text Alternade words Changeable words State name puzzle String comparison Unique characters Unique characters in each string Extract file extension Levenshtein distance Palindrome detection Common list elements Longest common suffix Longest common prefix Compare a list of strings Longest common substring Find common directory path Words from neighbour ones Change e letters to i in words Non-continuous subsequences Longest common subsequence Longest palindromic substrings Longest increasing subsequence Words containing "the" substring Sum of the digits of n is substring of n Determine if a string is numeric Determine if a string is collapsible Determine if a string is squeezable Determine if a string has all unique characters Determine if a string has all the same characters Longest substrings without repeating characters Find words which contains all the vowels Find words which contains most consonants Find words which contains more than 3 vowels Find words which first and last three letters are equals Find words which odd letters are consonants and even letters are vowels or vice_versa Formatting Substring Rep-string Word wrap String case Align columns Literals/String Repeat a string Brace expansion Brace expansion using ranges Reverse a string Phrase reversals Comma quibbling Special characters String concatenation Substring/Top and tail Commatizing numbers Reverse words in a string Suffixation of decimal numbers Long literals, with continuations Numerical and alphabetical suffixes Abbreviations, easy Abbreviations, simple Abbreviations, automatic Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases Mad Libs Magic 8-ball 99 Bottles of Beer The Name Game (a song) The Old lady swallowed a fly The Twelve Days of Christmas Tokenize Text between Tokenize a string Word break problem Tokenize a string with escaping Split a character string based on change of character Sequences Show ASCII table De Bruijn sequences Self-referential sequences Generate lower case ASCII alphabet See also   http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/   Category:99_Bottles_of_Beer   Category:Programming language families   Wikipedia 99 bottles of beer
beer(n) If n<1 Write "No bottles of beer on the wall... " Quit Write !!,n," bottle",$Select(n=1:"",1:"s")," of beer on the wall." Write !,n," bottle",$Select(n=1:"",1:"s")," of beer." Write !,"Take one down, pass it around." Do beer(n-1) Quit   Do beer(99)
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
((stdin readLine splitOn: ' ') mapBy: [|:e| e asInteger]) sum printLine.
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
ask "Enter the first number:" put it into a   ask "Enter the second number:" put it into b   put a + b
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
import <Utilities/Conversion.sl>;   main(args(2)) := stringToInt(args[1]) + stringToInt(args[2]);
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
read(A, B); print(A + B);
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
if (io.line 'stdin').match ~(\d+)\s+(\d+)~ say "$a $b %(a+b)d" end
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
say STDIN.readline.words.map{.to_i}.sum
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
'From Squeak3.7 of ''4 September 2004'' [latest update: #5989] on 8 August 2011 at 3:50:55 pm'! Object subclass: #ABTask instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'rosettacode'!   "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!   ABTask class instanceVariableNames: ''!   !ABTask class methodsFor: 'demo'! parseInteger: inputStream ^ Integer readFrom: inputStream skipSeparators! !   !ABTask class methodsFor: 'demo'! sum: inputStream ^ (self parseInteger: inputStream) + (self parseInteger: inputStream)! !   !ABTask class methodsFor: 'demo'! test2Plus2 ^ self sum: (ReadStream on: '2 2')! !   !ABTask class methodsFor: 'demo'! test3Plus2 ^ self sum: (ReadStream on: '3 2')! !
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
smart BASIC
INPUT n$ PRINT VAL(LEFT$(n$,(LEN(STR$(VAL(n$))))))+VAL(RIGHT$(n$,(LEN(n$)-LEN(STR$(VAL(n$)))-1)))
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
input break(" ") . a " " rem . b output = a + b end
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
(1) -> integer READ()$Lisp + integer READ()$Lisp 333 444   (1) 777 Type: PositiveInteger
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
-- By Jacob Sparre Andersen -- Validates with SPARK GPL 2010's Examiner/Simplifier   with SPARK_IO; --# inherit SPARK_IO;   --# main_program; procedure A_Plus_B --# global in out SPARK_IO.Inputs, SPARK_IO.Outputs; --# derives SPARK_IO.Inputs from SPARK_IO.Inputs & --# SPARK_IO.Outputs from SPARK_IO.Inputs, SPARK_IO.Outputs; is subtype Small_Integers is Integer range -1_000 .. +1_000; A, B  : Integer; A_OK, B_OK : Boolean; begin SPARK_IO.Get_Integer (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Input, Item => A, Width => 0, Read => A_OK);   A_OK := A_OK and A in Small_Integers;   SPARK_IO.Get_Integer (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Input, Item => B, Width => 0, Read => B_OK);   B_OK := B_OK and B in Small_Integers;   if A_OK and B_OK then SPARK_IO.Put_Integer (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output, Item => A + B, Width => 4, Base => 10); else SPARK_IO.Put_Line (File => SPARK_IO.Standard_Output, Item => "Input data does not match specification.", Stop => 0); end if; end A_Plus_B;
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
n = #.split(#.input("Input two numbers, separated by space:")," ") #.output(n[1],"+",n[2],"=",#.val(n[1])+#.val(n[2]))
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
10100000000000100000000000000000 0. -5 to c acc = -A 01100000000001010000000000000000 1. Sub. 6 acc -= B 11100000000001100000000000000000 2. c to 7 X = acc 11100000000000100000000000000000 3. -7 to c acc = -X 00000000000001110000000000000000 4. Stop 10100100000000000000000000000000 5. 37 A 00111000000000000000000000000000 6. 28 B 00000000000000000000000000000000 7. 0 X
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
Standard ML
(* * val split : string -> string list * splits a string at it spaces *) val split = String.tokens Char.isSpace   (* * val sum : int list -> int * computes the sum of a list of numbers *) val sum = foldl op+ 0   (* * val aplusb : unit -> int * reads a line and gets the sum of the numbers *) fun aplusb () = let val input = valOf (TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn) in (sum o List.mapPartial Int.fromString o split) input end
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
import Foundation   let input = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput()   let data = input.availableData let str = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!   let nums = str.componentsSeparatedByString(" ") let a = (nums[0] as String).toInt()! let b = (nums[1] as String).toInt()!   print(" \(a + b)")
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
    [] $s getitem $s x getitem $s y + x y y []    
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  composer nums [ (<WS>?) <INT> (<WS>) <INT> (<WS>?) ] end nums   $IN::lines -> nums -> $(1) + $(2) -> '$; ' -> !OUT::write  
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
scan [gets stdin] "%d %d" x y puts [expr {$x + $y}]
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
:Prompt A,B :Disp A+B
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
TI-83 Hex Assembly
PROGRAM:APLUSB :AsmPrgm : :EFC541 ; ZeroOP1 :217984 ; ld hl,op1+1 :3641  ; ld (hl),'A' :EFE34A ; RclVarSym :CF  ; rst OP1toOP2 : :EFC541 ; ZeroOP1 :217984 ; ld hl,op1+1 :3642  ; ld (hl),'B' :EFE34A ; RclVarSym : :F7  ; rst FPAdd :EFBF4A ; StoAns :C9  ; ret
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
:aplusb(a,b) :a+b
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
Function aPlusB(%input) { return getWord(%input, 0) + getWord(%input, 1); }
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
#lang transd   MainModule : { a: Int(), b: Int(), _start: (lambda (textout (+ (read a) (read b)))) }
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  INTEGER PROC FNMathGetSumAPlusBI( INTEGER A, INTEGER B ) RETURN( A + B ) END // PROC Main() STRING s1[255] = "3" STRING s2[255] = "2" IF ( NOT ( Ask( "math: get: sum: a: plus: a (choose a number between -1000 and 1000) = ", s1, _EDIT_HISTORY_ ) ) AND ( Length( s1 ) > 0 ) ) RETURN() ENDIF IF ( NOT ( Ask( "math: get: sum: a: plus: b (choose a number between -1000 and 1000) = ", s2, _EDIT_HISTORY_ ) ) AND ( Length( s2 ) > 0 ) ) RETURN() ENDIF Message( FNMathGetSumAPlusBI( Val( s1 ), Val( s2 ) ) ) // gives e.g. 5 END  
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
$$ MODE TUSCRIPT SET input="1 2" SET input=SPLIT(input,": :") SET input=JOIN (input) SET output=SUM(input)
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
$ txr -p '(+ (read) (read))' 1.2 2.3 3.5
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
function add(a: number, b: number) { return a+b; }
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
UNIX Shell
#!/bin/sh read a b || exit echo `expr "$a" + "$b"`
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
# # a + b #   # read a string containing the two ints decl string input set input (in string console)   # determine the sum decl int sum set sum (int (+ sum (int (split input " ")<0>))) set sum (int (+ sum (int (split input " ")<1>)))   # output the sum out sum endl console
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  #include <Core/Core.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream>   using namespace Upp;   CONSOLE_APP_MAIN {   int a, b; a = 2, b = 3; printf("%d + %d = %d\n",a,b,(a + b)); std::cout << std::endl << a << " + " << b << " = " << (a + b) << std::endl;   const Vector<String>& cmdline = CommandLine(); for(int i = 0; i < cmdline.GetCount(); i++) { } }      
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
#import std #import int   #executable&   main = %zP+ sum:-0+ %zp*FiNCS+ sep` @L
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
Using GLib;   int main (string[] args) { stdout.printf ("Please enter int value for A\n"); var a = int.parse (stdin.read_line ()); stdout.printf ("Please enter int value for B\n"); var b = int.parse (stdin.read_line ()); stdout.printf ("A + B = %d\n", a + b); return 0; }  
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
Sub AplusB() Dim s As String, t As Variant, a As Integer, b As Integer s = InputBox("Enter two numbers separated by a space") t = Split(s) a = CInt(t(0)) b = CInt(t(1)) MsgBox a + b End Sub
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
s=InputBox("Enter two numbers separated by a blank") t=Split(s) a=CInt(t(0)) b=CInt(t(1)) c=a+b MsgBox c
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
module TEST;   reg signed [11:0] y;   initial begin y= sum(2, 2); y= sum(3, 2); y= sum(-3, 2); end   function signed [11:0] sum; input signed [10:0] a, b; begin sum= a + b; $display("%d + %d = %d",a,b,sum); end endfunction   endmodule
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
LIBRARY std; USE std.TEXTIO.all;     entity test is end entity test;     architecture beh of test is begin process variable line_in, line_out : line; variable a,b : integer; begin readline(INPUT, line_in); read(line_in, a); read(line_in, b);   write(line_out, a+b); writeline(OUTPUT, line_out); wait; -- needed to stop the execution end process; end architecture beh;
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
Visual Basic .NET
Module Module1   Sub Main() Dim s() As String = Nothing   s = Console.ReadLine().Split(" "c) Console.WriteLine(CInt(s(0)) + CInt(s(1))) End Sub   End Module
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
import os   fn main() { mut a := 0 mut b := 0   text := os.get_raw_line()   values := text.split(' ')   a = values[0].int() b = values[1].int()   println('$a + $b = ${a+b}') }
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
Wee Basic
Print 1 "Enter number A:" input a Print 1 "Enter number B:" input b let c=a+b print 1 c end
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
  display : + (read) (read)     314 315 ;; displays 629  
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
import "io" for Stdin, Stdout   while (true) { System.write("Enter two integers separated by a space : ") Stdout.flush() var s = Stdin.readLine().split(" ") if (s.count < 2) { System.print("Insufficient numbers, try again") } else { var a = Num.fromString(s[0]) var b = Num.fromString(s[s.count-1]) System.print("Their sum is %(a + b)") return } }
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
X86 Assembly
section .text global _start   _print: mov ebx, 1 mov eax, 4 int 0x80 ret   _get_input: mov edx, 4 mov ebx, 0 mov eax, 3 int 0x80 ret   _start: mov edx, in_val_len mov ecx, in_val_msg call _print mov ecx, a call _get_input ;make 'a' an actual number rather than a char. sub dword [a], 0x30 mov edx, in_val_len mov ecx, in_val_msg call _print mov ecx, b call _get_input ;calc real number for 'b' sub dword [b], 0x30 mov eax, dword [a] mov ebx, dword [b] add eax, ebx ;get the character for our sum. add eax, 0x30 mov dword [sum], eax mov edx, out_val_len mov ecx, out_val_msg call _print mov [sum+1], dword 0xa mov edx, 4 mov ecx, sum call _print push 0x1 mov eax, 1 push eax int 0x80 ret   section .data in_val_msg db "Please input an integer:",0 in_val_len equ $-in_val_msg out_val_msg db "The sum of a+b is: ",0 out_val_len equ $-out_val_msg   section .bss a resd 1 b resd 1 sum resd 1
A+B   ─── a classic problem in programming contests,   it's given so contestants can gain familiarity with the online judging system being used. Task Given two integers,   A and B. Their sum needs to be calculated. Input data Two integers are written in the input stream, separated by space(s): ( βˆ’ 1000 ≀ A , B ≀ + 1000 ) {\displaystyle (-1000\leq A,B\leq +1000)} Output data The required output is one integer:   the sum of A and B. Example input   output   2 2 4 3 2 5
const Amount:number = toint(window.prompt("Input an amount")); set Stream = []; <|(*1..Amount)=>Stream.push(window.prompt("Input a number")); Stream=Stream.join(" "); const Inputs = <|(*Stream.split(" "))toint(_); set Result = 0; <|(*Inputs)Result+=_; log(Result);