stringlengths 5
| text_id
stringlengths 4
- what are the duties and responsibilities of the receptionist | - apa tugas dan tanggung jawab resepsionis? |
- what type cartilage makes up the thyroid cartilage and cartilage rings of the trachea | - jenis tulang rawan apa yang membentuk tulang rawan tiroid dan cincin tulang rawan trakea? |
-12 c is how much in to fahrenheit | -12 c berapa in ke fahrenheit |
-as suffix meaning | -sebagai arti akhiran |
-emia suffix definition | -definisi akhiran emia |
-ior definition | -ior definisi |
-ism prefix definition | definisi awalan -ism |
-listhesis definition medical | -listesis definisi medis |
-tonic meaning tension medical terms | -tonik yang berarti istilah medis ketegangan |
. how did the ancient greeks solve their problem of scarcity? | . bagaimana orang Yunani kuno memecahkan masalah kelangkaan mereka? |
. what is an example of a nastic movement? | . apa contoh gerakan nastik? |
. what is the major difference between a treaty and an executive agreement? | . apa perbedaan utama antara perjanjian dan perjanjian eksekutif? |
. Define purpose of creation of Adam and also define the term Allah used for him. | . Definisikan tujuan penciptaan Adam dan juga definisikan istilah yang digunakan Allah untuknya. |
. Identify what makes up a eukaryotic chromosome. | . Identifikasi apa yang membentuk kromosom eukariotik. |
. One degree Celsius indicates the same temperature change as | . Satu derajat Celcius menunjukkan perubahan suhu yang sama dengan |
. What did the Clergy of French issue when the government attempted to take church property | . Apa yang dikeluarkan oleh Pendeta Prancis ketika pemerintah berusaha mengambil properti gereja? |
. What was the movement called humanism? How did it originate, and what were its main characteristics? | . Apa yang disebut gerakan humanisme? Bagaimana asal usulnya, dan apa karakteristik utamanya? |
. _______ is a hormone crucial to the early processes in pregnancy | . _______ adalah hormon yang penting untuk proses awal kehamilan |
. caucus system political definition | . definisi politik sistem kaukus |
. define hematopoiesis. where does it occur | . menentukan hematopoiesis. dimana terjadinya |
. define the following terms used to classify thoracic configuration during inspection of the chest | . tentukan istilah berikut yang digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan konfigurasi toraks selama inspeksi dada: |
. difference between isometric & dynamic exercises | . perbedaan antara latihan isometrik & dinamis |
. discuss how social policy influences health | . mendiskusikan bagaimana kebijakan sosial mempengaruhi kesehatan |
. how is flight performance affected by moisture in the atmosphere? | . bagaimana kinerja penerbangan dipengaruhi oleh kelembaban di atmosfer? |
. how many parts is the human heart divided into? | . ada berapa bagian jantung manusia? |
. irritability medical definition | . definisi medis lekas marah |
. what are the president's main duties? explain each | . apa tugas utama presiden? jelaskan masing-masing |
. what determines which direction the iron bar moves in a solenoid | . apa yang menentukan ke arah mana batang besi bergerak dalam solenoida? |
. what does the c prefacing a date mean | . apa arti c kata pengantar tanggal |
. what effect does elasticity have on the change in price levels? | . apa pengaruh elastisitas terhadap perubahan tingkat harga? |
. what is a radiometric time scale? | . apa itu skala waktu radiometrik? |
. what is middle age | . apa itu paruh baya? |
. what is the bootloader program for ubuntu? | . apa program bootloader untuk ubuntu? |
. what is the difference between interval training and fartlek training? | . apa perbedaan antara latihan interval dan latihan fartlek? |
. what is the institute for leaders? | . apa lembaga untuk pemimpin? |
. what is the most popular sport in germany | . apa olahraga paling populer di jerman? |
. what is the necessary and proper clause | . apa klausa yang diperlukan dan tepat? |
. what is the world wide web, when was it created, and how was it created | . apa itu world wide web, kapan dibuat, dan bagaimana cara membuatnya |
. what kind of muscle contraction is involved in warming up? | . jenis kontraksi otot apa yang terlibat dalam pemanasan? |
. what language does the englishman in the alchemist speak | . bahasa apa yang digunakan orang Inggris dalam alkemis? |
. what nerve carries the message from your eyes to your brain? | . saraf apa yang membawa pesan dari mata Anda ke otak Anda? |
. what type of information is included in the patient account record | . jenis informasi apa yang termasuk dalam catatan akun pasien? |
. what types of information would be documented into the equipment inventory | . jenis informasi apa yang akan didokumentasikan ke dalam inventaris peralatan? |
. what types of proteins do foods from animal sources provide | . jenis protein apa yang disediakan makanan dari sumber hewani? |
. who was leni riefenstahl in cinema | . siapa leni riefenstahl di bioskop |
... if bin details for mentioned ain and period are | ... jika rincian bin untuk ain dan periode tersebut adalah |
.15*.2 | .15*.2 |
.25 x 200 | .25x200 |
.5 ml to grams convert | .5 ml ke gram konversi |
.6 kg is how many pounds | 0,6 kg berapa pound? |
.7 quarts is how many ounces | .7 liter adalah berapa ons |
.8 cents per kwh cost of energy | 0,8 sen per kwh biaya energi |
.90 carat diamond price | 0,90 karat harga berlian |
.A share of a company's profits paid to an investor is called a | .Bagian dari keuntungan perusahaan yang dibayarkan kepada investor disebut a |
.Are burrowing owls endangered and, if they are, what kind of protection is there for animals like them? | .Apakah burung hantu penggali terancam punah dan, jika ya, perlindungan seperti apa yang ada untuk hewan seperti mereka? |
.a graben is found between two _____. | .a graben ditemukan di antara dua _____. |
.com how much does a family nurse practitioner make | .com berapa penghasilan praktisi perawat keluarga |
.definition of tumon | .definisi tumon |
.how old is t.d. jake | .berapa umur t.d. jake |
.how should the main title be keyed in a table? | .bagaimana seharusnya judul utama dimasukkan ke dalam tabel? |
.light waves are transmitted across the ________ and enter the eye through the ________. | .gelombang cahaya ditransmisikan melintasi ________ dan masuk ke mata melalui ________. |
.net culture code | .kode budaya bersih |
.net explained for dummies | .net dijelaskan untuk boneka |
.net how to create a 'guid | .net cara membuat 'panduan |
.net rdlc change look based on value from database | .net rdlc mengubah tampilan berdasarkan nilai dari database |
.net salary | .gaji bersih |
.net what are linq extensions | .net apa itu ekstensi linq? |
.org does taking homeopathic medicine helps to stop herpes breakouts | .org apakah meminum obat homeopati membantu menghentikan jerawat herpes? |
.ost outlook file | .ost file prospek |
.vbs what it mean | .vbs artinya |
.what are the three types of norms? define and give an example of each. weegy | .apa tiga jenis norma? jelaskan dan berikan contohnya masing-masing. kurus |
.what is a doctor called that deals in wounds? | .apa yang disebut dokter yang menangani luka? |
.what is not the purpose of configuration control when configuration management is applied in a project? | .apa yang bukan tujuan dari kontrol konfigurasi ketika manajemen konfigurasi diterapkan dalam sebuah proyek? |
.what is severity | .apa itu keparahan |
.which is an example of a commodity | .yang merupakan contoh komoditas |
.which of the following is true about the solar wind? select all that apply | .manakah dari berikut ini yang benar tentang angin matahari? Pilih semua yang berlaku |
.xml is corrupt in proteus | .xml rusak di proteus |
0.03 * 64 | 0,03 * 64 |
0.25 CTW Diamond price | Harga berlian 0.25 CTW |
0.31 g of protein is how much percentage | 0,31 g protein berapa persen? |
0.4 trillion is how many billion | 0,4 triliun berapa miliar |
0.45 cu ft is equal to how many sq ft? | 0,45 cu ft sama dengan berapa sq ft? |
0.50 clonazepam how long to take effect | 0,50 clonazepam berapa lama efeknya? |
000 angel numbers | 000 angka malaikat |
01604 area code telephone | 01604 kode area telepon |
02 Chevy 1500 Specs | 02 Spesifikasi Chevy 1500 |
02 how long has my contract left to run | 02 berapa lama kontrak saya tersisa |
042171999 is this landline or fax number | 042171999 adalah nomor telepon rumah atau faks ini |
06 toyota tundra towing capacity | 06 kapasitas penarik toyota tundra |
063 definition | 063 definisi |
06:30 cest to current time in goa | 06:30 cest ke waktu saat ini di goa |
08 impala ss gas mileage | jarak tempuh gas impala ss 08 |
08 yaris wipers size | Ukuran wiper 08 yaris |
0843 phone numbers cost | 0843 biaya nomor telepon |
08724 per kwh cost | 08724 per kwh biaya |
1 & 1 contact number | 1 & 1 nomor kontak |
1 3 8 28 what is next number | 1 3 8 28 berapa angka selanjutnya? |
1 3/4 as an improper fraction | 1 3/4 sebagai pecahan biasa |
1 Liter How Many Pounds | 1 Liter Berapa Pound? |
1 aar is equal to how many cents | 1 aar sama dengan berapa sen |
Subsets and Splits