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Ok. I've only heard of this movie from the internet. But damn, when you explained what the movie is about, WTF!!! Netflix approved this shit? |
Up to 11 pedophiles disliked this review. |
If opposing pedo filth like Cuties makes me “Far-Right” then I guess I’m Far-Right. |
It seems like the day and age we live in anything that has morals is far right extremism.and is it just a coincidence that the same people that enjoy these types of movies are the same ones that want to defund the police? |
There are not multiple Democrats there is a single Democrat at the federal level in the House or the Senate who as of today said anything publicly condemning this.,(reply>), NurturingTalents I’m talking more about a mass shooting <br><br><br>Shooting police is unnecessary unless your being threatened, but then you wouldn’t go to jail because it would be self-defense <br><br>Also, I find lynching your political enemies instead of voting them out of office to be against the spirit of democracy and a safe nation,(reply>), NurturingTalents that doesn’t change the fact that you can obtain a gun pretty easily<br><br>Also, the whole point is to make sure people with criminal records aren’t arming themselves so that they can commit more crimes,(reply>), @NurturingTalents well, I visit Korea a couple times a year to spent some time with my family there. Its a nice country, very modern and the people are nice. To be fair though when you go to school there you will see that there is high pressure upon you.,(reply>), NurturingTalents you can get a gun pretty easily<br>The license is just there to keep track of who has them,(reply>), @Drunk Potato naja, also mehr sagen darf man in Amerika schon als hier, zum Beispiel über den Holocaust. Die EU und Deutschland im besonderen sind schon sehr streng. |
not far right, not far left, but pedos need to go to jail for a long time. |
I actually asked you to do a video on this after your last video so thank you. I never watched the movie and wont. It is a very disgusting thing to do but among all the backlash videos its hard to find a well articulated argument as to why its so bad and disgusting. And that is why i asked for a video about from you so again thank you.,(reply>), @Fernando, Use Odysee! thank you for the well thought out reply and yes i whole heartily agree with you,(reply>), Thats what I like about this channel; that it really articulates very well all the reasons and arguments about the subject. At first I saw te backlash I was bombarded by many videos from youtube; I saw two of them because I was curious that there were some pedophile movie or something really dark but there were just outrage and none of these videos mentioned anything substantial about the movie so I really couldn´t get what exactly was the problem. I saw the trailer and I just saw a trashy movie about struggle and a dance contest of twerking girls that are imitating dances from mtv or something... and I thought "Whatever, just another trashy movie and people from the far-right are overreacting for something that doesn´t deserves my attention" and then I just stopped wathing these kind of outrage videos because they were all the same.<br><br>Then this video comes along and explaing everything clearly. Notice that I would not and I will not ever see this movie, my time doesn´t deserve to be wasted in it. So the director of the movie, In MY OPINION just filmed this in a very provocative and obviously agresive and controversial way so it gets more attention. They really got the atention even if it was bad publicity and It even won an award.... maybe because these kind of director and artist want to have something edgy, something that is no just generic, something to talk about. The movie is still simple and not worthy of that much and made so bad it became a material from undesirable people from the society (So the movie is still bad).<br><br>These movies are made just to be controversial and popular (even in a disgusting and immoral way) and make money and fame in the process. They are not really taking a side about the subject matter even if it was a cautianory tale. But that is just my opinion. |
Im an investor & shareholder of stocks, reason i bring that up is because i keep up with whats going on with multiple stocks& so far i can say people are causing netflix harm as an article that was posted relative to its stock word for word said "Netflix has been bleeding subscribers due to 'cuties' controversy"<br>Edit: lets make the bleeding keep going til they remove the movie |
I don't think Tulsi can be called left anymore. RIP hot for president |
I always say you need to watch a movie for yourself to form your own opinion, but this is where I draw the line. I will not be watching this |
The worst thing about this movie is the release, I explain if it is released and how things are now with people blindly following the ideals without stopping to wonder if it is the right thing not only for oneself but for society, it can get to the point where a future this movie has a cult classic like The Big Lebowski and they see it as something like it came out and there were no problems about it. |
Twitter SJWs: “Stop sexualizing women!”<br>Netflix: “What about children?”<br>Twitter SJWs: “Understandable, have a great day.”,(reply>), dennis dales Epstein literally owned Little Saint James Island. Dawg. Google is a thing, you know.,(reply>), @sluttyMapleSyrup same, and again you are making a whole paragraph worth of assumptions.,(reply>), @sluttyMapleSyrup its like saying someone that is on a ventilator and will wake up in 9 months shouldnt have rights and don't deserve to live. You are trying to compare something that isn't innocent to something that is completely innocent.,(reply>), @sluttyMapleSyrup I never said anything about the very few cases you are referring to. Whats insane is you will justify murdering the rest because of the very small amount of cases you are describing. Im ok with the .001% having an abortion if they were raped and its proven rape. If not you will just have slots and murderers claiming rape everytime.,(reply>), @sluttyMapleSyrup what does sound insane is people like you trying to justify murder. |
I'm extremely desensitized when it comes down to entertainment and media but this film made me very uncomfortable when I watched it. |
The left have finally gone full potato trying to defend this hahaha,(reply>), Really? The left like... The Daily Telegraph in the UK? They gave it a raving review. (You probably have no idea, but think of it like a newspaper version of Fox News, UK style).<br>You were saying something about "the left"?,(reply>), Nícolas Mallmann people legit believe that Clinton eats children<br>Your charactature of the future is already here,(reply>), Did you listen to the video?<br>He said that people from both sides opposed it |
Americans have a trait of consuming content and not worrying about the context, regardless if they bitch and complain about it in public. |
ew. glad I didn't watch it. |
BOYCOTT. Don’t legislate.<br><br>The moment we sidestep the first amendment to ban a film (that should never have been made) for being harmful to society the argument will shift from “should we ban something harmful” to “what makes something harmful.” And that’s a Pandora’s Box I hope we never open.<br> <br>And personally I see this movie’s existence as bait to open that box.,(reply>), This is the real danger of this movie. Boycott the movie, boycott the Netflix if you can't stand it but legislating it will only empower the cancel culture and censorship in general.<br>Sadly it feels like the fight is already lost - if you don't want to get the movie banned you'll be called a pedophile and all those people who decried censorship in the past now stand united in efforts to push it. Feels like a chess match you already know you've lost but you keep playing and hope the opponent makes a mistake. GG leftists, well played.<br><br>I once heard somebody saying (possibly a youtuber) that libertarians should keep in mind that the right isn't a true ally because as soon as they get to power they'll start pushing all those agendas they've always been pushing (remember pushing the censorship of the satanistic music in the past for example?). At the time I thought that times change but now I see they haven't.<br><br>I guess it's true that people support free speech only when they agree with what is being said. |
elites attempting to normalize their behavior behind closed doors so they can come out of their dark nasty closet. will humanity go along with the debasement? |
Actually, it's pretty simple. Does the film pass the Dost test? Answer: No.,(reply>), This comment needs to be pinned. Thanks OP.,(reply>), I did not know that existed. I think you are right, the answer is a hard "yes" to most, and a soft "yes" to one, but all six are a clear "yes"! |
This would be no better than a pro-capitalist film where you intentionally starve people to take a pot shot at communism. Communism is flawed enough as is, you don't have to cause real sickness or damage to prove that point.,(reply>), Capitalism is just as flawed. Especially when you add artificial intelligence into the equation. |
I don't think kid zombies need to speak to someone after filming. Please let me know if I'm wrong. I'll never watch it. You don't hurt children. It's that simple. |
"@<a href=""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgriICnyy6I&t=10m49s"">10:49</a> this is basically what that guy who made "Supersize me" did. The difference is", he was an adult who was capable of making his own decisions, and did it to himself rather than somebody else |
This movie is absolutely the hill to die on. |
It’s not conspiracy when everything you stated was fact, it’s conspiracy because people don’t want to see how far this actually goes. |
Bloody nonceflix close it |
The best response to anyone who attempts to justify cuties is “ok groomer”,(reply>), lmao,(reply>), @dennis dales ok groomer,(reply>), Yawn.,(reply>), @UC-wcmj3f7xhHtf5I1kTNoEA ok groomer,(reply>), @Apple Tek Support Ok groomer |
My question is if you censor this movie does that violate the first amendment? |
American law has no bearing on it being made since its French. <br><br>I'll take your word for how it was shot cause i could not care less to watch, but would it be as impactful had it not been shot that way? Wasn't this all similar to the life of the director when she was growing up? It sounds like the only criticism is how the scenes were filmed. |
“It’s becoming politicized.”<br><br>It’s political. Every single thing done by the Left is just to flout how much they want to own the conservatives and piss them off. This is one of those things. This isn’t a hot take. This is saying “this thing exists in 2020 and somewhere along the line a leftist had their hand in it.” |
If there's one thing we can take away from Cuties, it's just how disconnected from the rest of society journalists and hollywood elites are from basic reality on a massively widespread scale, and I would urge people to take a hard look at anything they've tried saying is "the right path/choice/thing" bearing in mind just how twisted they are,(reply>), French movie tho.,(reply>), Most of them are pro pedophiles,(reply>), @Joseph Papilson You're welcome buddy.,(reply>), @TheTruthWillSetYouFree thank you,(reply>)," <a href=""https://www.change.org/p/parents-of-young-children-petition-to-remove-cuties-from-netflix"">https://www.change.org/p/parents-of-young-children-petition-to-remove-cuties-from-netflix</a>" |
Hey UEG is there a possibility for you to talk about ACCC "antagonizing" Australian content creators by forcing social medias to only monetize mainstream media ?<br>If not it's ok 👍,(reply>), @Light Buzard112 First: that's insane. Second: I still doubt that any social media will want to have MSM on their platform if they have to pay extra to have them on. What is supposed to be the endgame for MSM in Australia on social media? Make their own service? that'll cost them more than it's worth. People will still be on YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, FB, twitch and whatever else is out there and Australian MSM will be shut out. I can't help but think that ACCC will seriously backfire for Australian MSM, same as the law to force news aggregator and searchengines to give a share of their revenue to newspaper outlets in Germany backfired (as was called out beforehand from everyone having an understanding of the internet and how it works),(reply>), Also for a person to be eligible for monetization the person needs a channel with at least 3 journalist and a income of 150 thousand dollars per year,(reply>), @Martin Bisanz yeah I know Rupert Murdoch wanted 1 billion for a revenue of 10 million but it's not only on youtube it's on all platforms that the Australian MSM uses to display news that the ACCC wants to prevent content creators their monetization,(reply>), that sounds like someone wanting to get rid of dissenting voices by taking away their ability to make money,(reply>), you should watch some legal review of what the changes to YouTube policy in response to the ACCC actually mean, because as far as I can tell, it's exactly the opposite of what you're claiming. YouTube doesn't want to be forced to share revenue with MSM in Australia (apart from what they're already sharing in ad revenue, I guess), so they'll not have their content on the platform |
If being against child exploitation is <b>Far-right extremism</b> , then, so be it.<br><br>(Edit) If your response to this comment was " <b>The left hates it too!</b> " or some form of said sentence, you first, need to go back to grade school and at the same time need to revisit your life choices. As honestly, picking internet fights over something I did not say is just pathetic.,(reply>), The left already wants pedophilia to not be a criminal act. They are trying to glorify this disgusting act and the proof is in the news just Google it or you can just look at the rotten tomatoes score.,(reply>), Wise comment Anastasia,(reply>), Dominic Guay <br>Inference must be a weak point from where you come<br><br>Your comment implied a dichotomy of being in the left and supporting it and being in the right and opposing it, but the majority of the left opposed it<br>If you oppose the movie, then the far right isn’t the only place you can be in. You can also be anywhere else and oppose the movie,(reply>), @Bible Bot Reading comprehension must be a weak point where you come from.,(reply>), UEG sums it up perfectly: The criticism and the concept, even through provocative means, is a perfectly fine point of view, and maybe even something that you could associate with the liberal spectrum (albeit I would usually attribute any complaints over oversexualization with conservative ideology, to begin with. Sex is a sin and all that).<br><br>But the execution and the usage of ACTUAL minors to make that film is just straight up unethical, regardless of potential political spectra. And I'm not sure what's worth: the fact that this movies exists, the fact that apparently a fairly large number of parents thoughts this was a great idea, or that some media outlets seem to be so obsessed with furthering political divide, that they're fine sensationalizing the movie for it's political leaning. |
From your descripion of the scenes at around the 5min mark it sounds like whoever made this did it as satire, if not then I'm sad because I tought shit like this was still a few years down the line. |
So far 8 pedos downvoted this video. |
I find it hilarious that because of all this moral outrage from social media youtube and traditional media that far far more people will watch this than if it had been left alone. Without it the film would have remained a small niche film few watched.,(reply>), @__ Nip in the bud is perhaps incorrect. Pulling out weeds in the garden is more appropiate. They may push this crap out regardless but it would be infrequently instead of a constant bombardment of it.<br><br>The fact this outrage is getting political attention is very encouraging.,(reply>), @insanetrickster but will this really nip it in the bud? Or had the frog already been boiled alive? Seriously this may cause the film industry to take a step back but I doubt it will change much.,(reply>), Streisand effect, I get it. However, there is the parable of the boiling frog as well. Better nip this in the bud now. |
Things like cuties, convinced me that maybe those two bombs were dropped on the wrong country. |
imagine the amount of little girls that sent twerking audition clips, i cant physically throw up in my mouth.,(reply>), no need to imagine, 650 to 700 girls took the casting, the very last one was the one they got for the role (figures...) |
This is some "I used the stones to destroy the stones" bullshit. |
I'd heard a little about this movie before watching this video. After this video, I feel physically sick. |
"I am against murder, so I made a snuff film to prove how bad it is!",(reply>), it's like saying "i wan't to show everyone how bad Animal Cruelty is, so i filmed myself murdering a dog with a rusty cheese knife..." that makes no sense, and it never will! wtf is wrong with today's society?!?,(reply>), @UltraPlushie manhunt needs a remake lol,(reply>), Black mirror does the same thing. Shows graphic things to point the lens at the viewer,(reply>), how very kosher of you |
Ah yes. Another member of the outrage industry whips out the pitchforks and torches. You do realize the film criticizes and condemns the hypersexualization of children, right? Quit with the cultural McCarthyism. This channel is making money off cuties by exploiting outrage and narrow minded zealotry in order to generate views and by extension, advertising revenue. Spare us your self righteous drivel.,(reply>), @dennis dales what about Omegon, penguinz0 or Someordinarygamers? Or everyone else talking about the film on a negative way? "Narrow minded zealotry" is such a funny thing to you say, considering that you defend this film in such ways (accusing others of zealotry, giving no proofs ECC),(reply>), @Slowbowz UEG is not lying, he's just exploiting the narrow minded zealotry of the internet mob to get views. Wake the Fvck up.,(reply>), "He's talking completely out of his ass, relying on secondhand sources to fuel the mindless mob." <br>Tell me exactly is he saying about the film that is not true. I already posted the IMDB link about the parents guide, and they surely have higher authority than me on you about films.<br>Are you saying that IMDB is lying? If it's lying, then why the scene about the girl sending a photo of her genitals is available on youtube? Are you saying that that video is fake?<br>You my friend are a typical leftist, living in lies and denying the truth.,(reply>), @Slowbowz come back with an argument once you've actually seen the film. I know UEG sure hadn't. He's talking completely out of his ass, relying on secondhand sources to fuel the mindless mob.,(reply>), Still no argument besides calling others right wings nutjobs. How compelling. Since you don't trust my word," what if I showed you imdb's parental guide? I managed to find some scenes described here on YT and personally verified some of them. <a href=""https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9196192/parentalguide"">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9196192/parentalguide</a><br>Again", my gripe is NOT the message, my problem is the fact that CHILD actors did the things described in the parent guide. <br>If the film had been animated, I would not have had any problem, I know that there is a line between reality and fiction. |
not sure which is worse, the movie getting made and netflix supporting it (and DEFENDING IT by chat that it won an award) or that the parents of these girls thought it was a good idea.... some jonbenet level sick sht |
I canceled my Netflix cause of this. Plus the show I was watchin got pulled-That '70s Show lol. |
Reminder that the makers spent months watching underage girls twerk. The main character was the last one. |
Been waiting for this one |
This is not a left vs right issue. This is a child exploitation issue 😣,(reply>), @Michael Knox "not all liberals hurr durr" big deal every single ideology is generalized into a box nowadays so don't get uppity when it happens to your group 😏,(reply>), This is a left issue, it's what your gender and sexual revolution has lead to and all eyes are on you,(reply>), Really? Because conservatives always bitch about bad stuff liberals do, but the conservatives do it ten times worse,(reply>), @The Fool well, seemingly she stopped talking ._.,(reply>), @DC-MarvelGirl 1997 .can you just stop talking about them for a second? really, how obsessed are you? |
I was briefly surprised that over six hundred parents had their daughters try out for the film and not one of them made a public fuss about it, but then I remember the parents of child actors are worse than the parents of child beauty pageants stars. Gross.,(reply>), It is sad to see parents will sell their kids, trying to get fortune and fame.,(reply>), According to Jesus in the Gospel of Luke (17:2) it would be better for a milstone to be tied around these parents knecks and they be thrown into the sea. I don't think that is hyperbole. These kids are literally be better off as orphans.,(reply>)," <a href=""https://www.change.org/p/parents-of-young-children-petition-to-remove-cuties-from-netflix"">https://www.change.org/p/parents-of-young-children-petition-to-remove-cuties-from-netflix</a>",(reply>), @dennis dales if you can watch the movie and still say the same your morally degenerate and likely a p3dophile.<br>I have seen it because I didn't think it could be that bad, it is however.,(reply>), Not all are bad. When I was in my last 20's my family started to work for the father of a then former child actor. His son had been in movies and was on a television show which ran long enough for syndication. He invested his son's earning, only one of which was a failure. That single failure was a car wash in Southern California the year before the two wettest rainfall years to date in that area. So IMO not a bad investment, just bad timing. <br><br>He felt so bad about that single failure that he figured out ways to recoup the losses to his son and the grow them in to profits for him. |
This is gross. I'm going to go watch a Tabletop stream about Nazi Vampires where I don't have to feel disgusted at the world. |
The Sundance founder's criminal shenanigans have no bearing on this POS movie. He hasn't been involved with Sundance for 20+ years. |
Shad, no!<br><br>Shad, YES!!,(reply>), Not even Shad could approve of this shit. |
When you've got me rooting for the muslims, then your movie has a problem.,(reply>), @UltraPlushie you don't have to apologise! If someone has to it's that guy with that lazy explanation that it was "just a joke" when that "joke" can only work if you are islamophobic to some degree!,(reply>), @UltraPlushie It's a joke |
You better believe every damn pedo out there that has a thing for prepubescent girls will have this movie in their collection...it is nothing but kiddie porn |
"<a href=""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgriICnyy6I&t=0m08s"">0:08</a> "Stick around here"<br>You mean as opposed to Netflix viewers who stick it into young girls?",(reply>), ._. |
I say it now: it does not surprise me if you look at the ethnic background of the women that had the idea for this |
"That picture alone on <a href=""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgriICnyy6I&t=4m40s"">4:40</a> minute mark should get you in trouble @Upper Echelon Gamers" |
I'm officially out of this debate, don't want any part of it anymore. So long and thanks for all the fish.,(reply>), @Emiscary1 FYI If you haven't seen it, that is exactly what the movie is about. The effect that these attention driven social media platforms have on young girls. If you think that is CP, than maybe you should look around you and pay close attention to the society you are living in. Because that is exactly what the current social media communities like tiktok and insta are creating. The movie is not the problem it's the society that is creating the issue depicted in the movie that is the problem. I'm far far from supporting the radical left neo liberal US movement, currently taking place, but calling to cancel the movie just because you have your own opinion (based on not seeing the movie) makes you equal with the radical left moral relativist who scream "cancel!!!" every time they are "offended". I may not like the movie think is vulgar, but I will not call for cancelation just because of my ill advised opinion. Fuck, I guess I'm not out of the debate...,(reply>), @Emiscary1 No, I just don't support American ethnocentrism, PC, and generally hypocritical cancel culture. If you have snapchat, tiktok, insta, etc installed on your phone, but cancel Netflix, you are a virtue signalling hypocrit. |
If there’s anything positive this movie has done it’s exposed the sick freaks who are into this degeneracy out in the open, as for the people that defend it for the message itself how they don’t understand that it doesn’t matter if kids are used explicitly for said message is beyond me.,(reply>), @Sodanium the issue here is not about girls idolizing whoever the fuck they want. I mean, sure, I guess they can do that, but there should be boundaries. Maybe not control content, but create context just so kids would not think that what they're imitating is okay. I mean, no one told me serial killers were bad as a kid and I ended up glorifying them until my teenage years. <br><br>In a perfect world, we probably shouldn't worry about kids being sexualized, but pedophiles exist in this reality. And, no. Just because some get away with exploiting 17-year-olds, doesn't mean it's okay. It's still wrong. Even more so when they're 11-year-olds. Sure, they're actors. They were told to act out what was on the script, but they're kids. Are we even sure they know the full extent of what they did? Are they as informed as we are? Plus, this could just very well be a gateway for pedophiles to get softcore kiddie porn legally. You think they'd focus on the message? Well, fucking not. They'll most likely watch that movie, dick in hand, and looping the suggestive scenes over and over. <br><br>The movie was done in poor taste. It had an objective but it failed at it. Horribly so that it validates those it's trying to call out. It didn't come off as stopping pedophilia and letting kids just be kids. It came off pandering to pedophiles. I don't even get why this should be a question of left and right politics. Why would some leftist support this? Weren't we supposed to be against this behavior? I mean, we cry out against priests abusing underaged boys ffs; so, why is this a political struggle?,(reply>), @Sodanium Okay just making sure I understood you correctly, got it.,(reply>), @DJFlare84 Im sorry i thought she was a actress was she abuse in the movie set? I thought actors are there to act as is. If i remember correctly the anti-drug publicity wasnt about sun and flower. You guys are so disconnected from reality it a bit worrying.,(reply>), @Sodanium You asked what the point of making a movie without exploiting children was. That sounded to me like you were saying it was worth it to be true to the message of the movie, which I disagree with.<br><br>Correct me if I'm wrong.,(reply>), @DJFlare84 And doing nothing about it is the best way to deal with them? |
What kind of sick mother, throws their daughter into this environment?,(reply>), @Dan already mentioned that.,(reply>), Single mothers,(reply>), @Definitely not Emma If that father is even present. More specifically most of those are single mothers. But absolutely if I were a docile father allowing this to happen? Somebody slap me.,(reply>), @Jared Smith yea I know that, but the father also has a word when it comes to raising the child. At least in my family...,(reply>), @Jeggson Vohees Begone, fiend. |
Pizzagate was real yall. |
What the hell was netflix thinking !? Were they seeking attention just to be hit on the head with the most controversial movie in recent years ?! |
Comment #30 |
This stuff is the apitamity of evil,(reply>), Epitome* |
netflix literally put a warning describing one of the scenes as lawful pedophelia |
As soon as I heard about Cuties, I knew you were covering it. It's DISGUSTING that children are being exploited to make something this trashy. It's horrible. It's vile. But my issue is Qanon getting involved. Why is saving children from pedophiles becoming a POLITICAL issue? If those ultra conservatives don't stop using this as an excuse to spread a politic message, I will freak out. It's a HUMAN issue. Gotta love how the ultra conservatives and the crazies from Qanon think they deserve a pat on the back because they think they're the gate keepers to saving children.,(reply>), DC-MarvelGirl 1997 FACTS |
I watched a livestream with Robert Barnes, the film is not illegal for the reasons that you stated because it was not made in America. The only reason that it would be not allowed is if it was cp, if they class it as cp then anyone that has watched it or retweeted anything related to it would be liable for possession of cp, and netflix would have done the legal background before producing it.,(reply>), @J L Okay well you started by making a legal argument and you were wrong on that front and now you're making a moral argument which I agree with you on. They shouldn't have made this and Netflix is garbage for publishing it, but that says nothing about the law.,(reply>), @J L Yup, all not cp, sorry. I just said, Robert Barnes. You're making a moral argument about the law which is stupid. <br><br>You can be both an incredibly moral person and know the law and make judgements based off that law that has nothing to do with your moral character.,(reply>), @J L I'm sorry, but it just isn't. Plenty of lawyers that are much smarter than either you or me have weighed in on this and it isn't cp. I don't think that it is right that they have peddled/defended this, but legally, it isn't. |
I don't know why anyone wouldn't of had the last straw before now, but this, most definitely, needs to be the last straw if you hadn't had the last straw before now. Netflix needs to be utterly, completely, destroyed. This is not the first case where they tried appealing to that certain type of... "people." Let's call them "people." It won't be the last until it's downfall is brought on.,(reply>), @Jeggson Vohees If you reread my statement, I never actually said that Disney did not deserve to be canceled. You also probably would have detected the sarcasm there, but then again, text is hard to convey sarcasm.,(reply>), @Thr33D Okay good, at least your staying consistent.,(reply>), @Jeggson Vohees The movie itself does not deserve to be canceled. The actions that were taken RL call for Disney's cancellation. Yes. I absolutely support Disney's destruction as well.,(reply>), @Thr33D Neither is Cuties, yet you're screaming for their head, when in comparison the situation Mulan 2020 is related to is far worse, on the level of a smaller Holocaust, yet you're fine with keeping Disney+. I just don't think you're applying the same standards to two different services.,(reply>), @Jeggson Vohees Well, not because of Mulan 2020. As much as I wanna say that, c'mon, Mulan 2020 isn't an extinction-level event. |
I'm still just shocked that this is a thing and that out of any one netflix greenlit this on there platform,(reply>), Sooooo, I'm the only one who remembers the Southpark episode with the line "Thank you for calling Netflix, you're greenlit"?,(reply>), Gentle reminder that both Barack and Michelle Obama are on the Netflix board of directors, and both take a direct role in what is shown on there.,(reply>), You’re shocked that a soulless mega-corporation that cares only about profit wouldn’t be against the exploitation of children? You’re beyond ignorant.,(reply>), @FFP . you serious? thats a real strong claim, gonna need a ton of evidence to prove that one,(reply>), @Michael Knox no it's the appropriate reaction |
I think, humanity peaked hours prior to whoever green lit that. We’re now on our way down and I do stress... Buckle up.,(reply>), when was the last human run mission to land on the moon ?,(reply>), @Michael Knox that's a pretty negative view on a pretty impressive race,(reply>), @Definitely not Emma Nope J L is right. Humanity has always been shallow,(reply>), @J L well we were, especially in the cold war, many great achievements...but now?,(reply>), We're on the way down since a long time now... |
The funniest part is that, as a french taxpayer, I technically PAID FOR THIS MOVIE TO EXIST,(reply>), @Auran Crash not really they don't... U less they're just stupid and can't look at stats,(reply>), @MdioxD Aren't people always saying watching hentai or pornography is something only people "of culture" do. The hypocrisy is astounding.,(reply>), @Jay Venegas "you people"? I don't know if you're suggesting that I have multiple personalities now????<br>Otherwise it seems like you're unable to read anything, because you clearly don't know what a psychopath is, yet you call strangers on the internet psycho🤔<br>Maybe you watched too much cuties?,(reply>), @Definitely not Emma You people are always easy to read.,(reply>), @Jay Venegas no, I'm actually perfectly sane 🤔<br>At most I'm maybe a sociopath but not a psychopath, I don't know about you though. |
Short stacked tomboy anime girl: "Disgusting! This is the male fantasy! Fix it!"<br><br>Real 11 y/os being exploited: "Brave and Stunning! If you don't like it, ur the Problom!!!"<br><br>🎩<br>🐍 no step on SNEK! 🇺🇸🇭🇰,(reply>), Why did you put the gadsden flag on your comment tho? If you by any means think that it is related to these pedos, I'm ancap and we dont claim these fuckers who should rot in hell.,(reply>), @Definitely not Emma The terrible toll social pressure takes on people is why people don't act out. You'd become an instant pariah unless it made you loads of cash. And even then, if it's something unsavory, you'd still be a social outcast. The only time protests ever accomplish anything is when everyone believes in it, like how everyone likes to support Hong Kong, or how the former Korean president got booted out of office. Community (the collective) takes precedence over the individual.,(reply>), @Definitely not Emma Hell, I even work as a translator and editor of Chinese books. I know all about the shittiness of the culture but I can appreciate the good parts, though most of it relates to community.,(reply>), @hweirdo I visit my family over there multiple times a year, I know how the culture is and that there is immense social pressure, still better than what is happening in the west right now. In Korea people don't burn down your business or threaten you with a gun because you're white,(reply>), @Definitely not Emma Oh yeah, because me stating facts is discrediting Asian culture. Sure, if you're uninformed and know nothing about Asia, you can believe that Asia is a great place. But actually living there makes me despair. Because I have lived and seen students living there. It sucks. Wouldn't ever want to go to school as a kid in Asia. But hey, if you love it so much, you can do it yourself. |
I might be wrong but are the creators being brought up for charges in Texas,(reply>), @feastguy101 only when it's about their children, these people love abusing and grooming children of others, look up "Rоthеrhаm sсаndal" ^^,(reply>), @feastguy101 .you know the usual morons who love telling other people that they are offended in their behalf?. i was referring to them actually,(reply>), @The Fool it shouldn’t, as even the Muslims are outraged by this,(reply>), @SM356 ,the first thing they did was call everyone who opposed the movie far-right. and im pretty sure the next argument is going to be "islamophobia",(reply>), @SM356 exactly but it seems that's there shield they will use to protect them the studio should burn though |
<b>*No children were harmed during the making of Cuties*</b>,(reply>), Until you remember how many child actors lives are ruined just by acting. Not everyone are as lucky as Jaden Smith.,(reply>), But you know they lie to you,(reply>), Obviously, what are they gonna do? Tell what is likely the truth? <br><br>HAHAHAHA. No. |
What's this? Oh. Kids. Don't care. Thanks though. |
Yes no view gang |
Oh jeez |
Any who defend this is truly a despicable creature,(reply>), @Seybertooth so you comment 4 months later and ignored the video to do so,(reply>), @Seybertooth hello person with on sense glad to see they exist,(reply>), Have you seen the movie? I didn't think so.<br>(Neither have I, by the way, but I'm not the one throwing around ignorant opinions about it) |
Nonceflix |
It's like making a documentary about the evils of dog fighting while setting up and hosting dog fights for footage,(reply>), @2st I thought the dog fights seemed all too real as well. Take this source as you will, but IMDb trivia says they aren't.,(reply>), You mean dog fugging?,(reply>), now you got me thinking about "amores perros" |
Yes |
I'm a cutie |
This comment has been censored for your safety.,(reply>), This censor has been commented for your safety. |
A,(reply>), B,(reply>), Yeah,(reply>), @thefallenprince99 isnt it weird never knowing whos first because yt loads comments late?,(reply>), ToastyToonsYT ok,(reply>), No you are not |
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