string | path
string | license
string | full_code
string | full_size
int64 | uncommented_code
string | uncommented_size
int64 | function_only_code
string | function_only_size
int64 | is_commented
bool | is_signatured
bool | n_ast_errors
int64 | ast_max_depth
int64 | n_whitespaces
int64 | n_ast_nodes
int64 | n_ast_terminals
int64 | n_ast_nonterminals
int64 | loc
int64 | cycloplexity
int64 |
pascal-knodel/haskell-craft | _/links/E'9'15.hs | mit | prop_FacFac2 :: Integer -> Bool
prop_FacFac2 integer
= fac integer == fac2 integer | 85 | prop_FacFac2 :: Integer -> Bool
prop_FacFac2 integer
= fac integer == fac2 integer | 85 | prop_FacFac2 integer
= fac integer == fac2 integer | 53 | false | true | 0 | 6 | 15 | 28 | 13 | 15 | null | null |
rkrzr/shcrabble | src/Lib.hs | bsd-3-clause | -- TODO: Placed pieces are *not* ordered - we must make sure that pp is actually the first
-- character of the word!
isWordFitting pf (mt, (pp:pps)) =
isFirstValid && (all (isEqualOrEmpty pf mt) (init pps)) && isLastValid
-- Note: If the field is empty, then all three surrounding fields must be empty
-- If the field is not empty, then only the field in the same direction must be empty
isFieldValid (PlacedPiece c cs) d ds =
case Map.lookup cs pf of
Just (PlacedPiece c' _) -> c == c' && isNeighborEmpty cs pf d
Nothing -> emptyNeighbors cs ds pf
isFirstValid =
case mt of
Horizontal -> isFieldValid pp L [Up, Down, L]
Vertical -> isFieldValid pp Down [L, R, Down]
isLastValid =
case mt of
Horizontal -> isFieldValid (last pps) R [Up, Down, R]
Vertical -> isFieldValid (last pps) Up [L, R, Up] | 891 | isWordFitting pf (mt, (pp:pps)) =
isFirstValid && (all (isEqualOrEmpty pf mt) (init pps)) && isLastValid
-- Note: If the field is empty, then all three surrounding fields must be empty
-- If the field is not empty, then only the field in the same direction must be empty
isFieldValid (PlacedPiece c cs) d ds =
case Map.lookup cs pf of
Just (PlacedPiece c' _) -> c == c' && isNeighborEmpty cs pf d
Nothing -> emptyNeighbors cs ds pf
isFirstValid =
case mt of
Horizontal -> isFieldValid pp L [Up, Down, L]
Vertical -> isFieldValid pp Down [L, R, Down]
isLastValid =
case mt of
Horizontal -> isFieldValid (last pps) R [Up, Down, R]
Vertical -> isFieldValid (last pps) Up [L, R, Up] | 774 | isWordFitting pf (mt, (pp:pps)) =
isFirstValid && (all (isEqualOrEmpty pf mt) (init pps)) && isLastValid
-- Note: If the field is empty, then all three surrounding fields must be empty
-- If the field is not empty, then only the field in the same direction must be empty
isFieldValid (PlacedPiece c cs) d ds =
case Map.lookup cs pf of
Just (PlacedPiece c' _) -> c == c' && isNeighborEmpty cs pf d
Nothing -> emptyNeighbors cs ds pf
isFirstValid =
case mt of
Horizontal -> isFieldValid pp L [Up, Down, L]
Vertical -> isFieldValid pp Down [L, R, Down]
isLastValid =
case mt of
Horizontal -> isFieldValid (last pps) R [Up, Down, R]
Vertical -> isFieldValid (last pps) Up [L, R, Up] | 774 | true | false | 0 | 10 | 236 | 255 | 133 | 122 | null | null |
haskell-opengl/OpenGLRaw | src/Graphics/GL/Functions/F09.hs | bsd-3-clause | ptr_glGetBufferParameteriv :: FunPtr (GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLint -> IO ())
ptr_glGetBufferParameteriv = unsafePerformIO $ getCommand "glGetBufferParameteriv" | 160 | ptr_glGetBufferParameteriv :: FunPtr (GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLint -> IO ())
ptr_glGetBufferParameteriv = unsafePerformIO $ getCommand "glGetBufferParameteriv" | 160 | ptr_glGetBufferParameteriv = unsafePerformIO $ getCommand "glGetBufferParameteriv" | 82 | false | true | 0 | 11 | 17 | 44 | 21 | 23 | null | null |
nevrenato/Hets_Fork | QBF/ProveDepQBF.hs | gpl-2.0 | runDepQBF :: QBFProverState
{- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and axioms and possibly
goals that have been proved earlier as additional axioms -}
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save QDIMACS file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runDepQBF ps cfg saveQDIMACS thName nGoal = do
let saveFile = basename thName ++ '_' : AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal ++ ".qdimacs"
tl = configTimeLimit cfg
prob <- showQDIMACSProblem thName ps nGoal []
when saveQDIMACS (writeFile saveFile prob)
stpTmpFile <- getTempFile prob saveFile
t_start <- getHetsTime
(exitCode, stdoutC, stderrC) <- readProcessWithExitCode "depqbf"
(show tl : extraOpts cfg ++ [stpTmpFile]) ""
t_end <- getHetsTime
removeFile stpTmpFile
let t_u = diffHetsTime t_end t_start
exitCode' = case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> 0
ExitFailure i -> i
(pStat, ret) <- examineProof ps cfg stdoutC stderrC exitCode' nGoal t_u tl
return (pStat, cfg
{ proofStatus = ret
, resultOutput = lines (stdoutC ++ stderrC)
, timeUsed = usedTime ret })
-- | examine Prover output | 1,463 | runDepQBF :: QBFProverState
{- ^ logical part containing the input Sign and axioms and possibly
goals that have been proved earlier as additional axioms -}
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save QDIMACS file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
runDepQBF ps cfg saveQDIMACS thName nGoal = do
let saveFile = basename thName ++ '_' : AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal ++ ".qdimacs"
tl = configTimeLimit cfg
prob <- showQDIMACSProblem thName ps nGoal []
when saveQDIMACS (writeFile saveFile prob)
stpTmpFile <- getTempFile prob saveFile
t_start <- getHetsTime
(exitCode, stdoutC, stderrC) <- readProcessWithExitCode "depqbf"
(show tl : extraOpts cfg ++ [stpTmpFile]) ""
t_end <- getHetsTime
removeFile stpTmpFile
let t_u = diffHetsTime t_end t_start
exitCode' = case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> 0
ExitFailure i -> i
(pStat, ret) <- examineProof ps cfg stdoutC stderrC exitCode' nGoal t_u tl
return (pStat, cfg
{ proofStatus = ret
, resultOutput = lines (stdoutC ++ stderrC)
, timeUsed = usedTime ret })
-- | examine Prover output | 1,385 | runDepQBF ps cfg saveQDIMACS thName nGoal = do
let saveFile = basename thName ++ '_' : AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal ++ ".qdimacs"
tl = configTimeLimit cfg
prob <- showQDIMACSProblem thName ps nGoal []
when saveQDIMACS (writeFile saveFile prob)
stpTmpFile <- getTempFile prob saveFile
t_start <- getHetsTime
(exitCode, stdoutC, stderrC) <- readProcessWithExitCode "depqbf"
(show tl : extraOpts cfg ++ [stpTmpFile]) ""
t_end <- getHetsTime
removeFile stpTmpFile
let t_u = diffHetsTime t_end t_start
exitCode' = case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> 0
ExitFailure i -> i
(pStat, ret) <- examineProof ps cfg stdoutC stderrC exitCode' nGoal t_u tl
return (pStat, cfg
{ proofStatus = ret
, resultOutput = lines (stdoutC ++ stderrC)
, timeUsed = usedTime ret })
-- | examine Prover output | 917 | true | true | 0 | 13 | 430 | 330 | 163 | 167 | null | null |
roberth/uu-helium | src/Helium/Parser/Lexer.hs | gpl-3.0 | isName :: String -> Bool
isName [] = False | 42 | isName :: String -> Bool
isName [] = False | 42 | isName [] = False | 17 | false | true | 0 | 8 | 8 | 26 | 11 | 15 | null | null |
junjihashimoto/persistent | persistent/Database/Persist/Sql/Orphan/PersistQuery.hs | mit | decorateSQLWithLimitOffset::Text -> (Int,Int) -> Bool -> Text -> Text
decorateSQLWithLimitOffset nolimit (limit,offset) _ sql =
lim = case (limit, offset) of
(0, 0) -> ""
(0, _) -> T.cons ' ' nolimit
(_, _) -> " LIMIT " <> T.pack (show limit)
off = if offset == 0
then ""
else " OFFSET " <> T.pack (show offset)
in mconcat
[ sql
, lim
, off
] | 508 | decorateSQLWithLimitOffset::Text -> (Int,Int) -> Bool -> Text -> Text
decorateSQLWithLimitOffset nolimit (limit,offset) _ sql =
lim = case (limit, offset) of
(0, 0) -> ""
(0, _) -> T.cons ' ' nolimit
(_, _) -> " LIMIT " <> T.pack (show limit)
off = if offset == 0
then ""
else " OFFSET " <> T.pack (show offset)
in mconcat
[ sql
, lim
, off
] | 507 | decorateSQLWithLimitOffset nolimit (limit,offset) _ sql =
lim = case (limit, offset) of
(0, 0) -> ""
(0, _) -> T.cons ' ' nolimit
(_, _) -> " LIMIT " <> T.pack (show limit)
off = if offset == 0
then ""
else " OFFSET " <> T.pack (show offset)
in mconcat
[ sql
, lim
, off
] | 437 | false | true | 0 | 15 | 229 | 171 | 92 | 79 | null | null |
Pieterjaninfo/PP | FP/block1s1.hs | unlicense | allEqual (x:y:xs)
| x == y = allEqual (y:xs)
| otherwise = False | 72 | allEqual (x:y:xs)
| x == y = allEqual (y:xs)
| otherwise = False | 72 | allEqual (x:y:xs)
| x == y = allEqual (y:xs)
| otherwise = False | 72 | false | false | 1 | 8 | 20 | 48 | 23 | 25 | null | null |
yliu120/K3 | src/Language/K3/Codegen/CPP/Representation.hs | apache-2.0 | binaryParens _ _ = parens | 25 | binaryParens _ _ = parens | 25 | binaryParens _ _ = parens | 25 | false | false | 0 | 5 | 4 | 11 | 5 | 6 | null | null |
ricardopenyamari/ir2haskell | clir-parser-haskell-master/lib/sexp-grammar/examples/Lang.hs | gpl-2.0 | gatherFreeVars :: Expr -> M.Map Ident Int
gatherFreeVars e = runReader (cata alg e) S.empty
alg :: ExprF (FreeVarsM (M.Map Ident Int)) -> FreeVarsM (M.Map Ident Int)
alg (Let n e r) = do
e' <- e
r' <- local (S.insert n) r
return $ e' <> r'
alg (Var n) = do
bound <- asks (S.member n)
return $ if bound then M.empty else M.singleton n 1
alg other = foldl (M.unionWith (+)) M.empty <$> sequence other | 452 | gatherFreeVars :: Expr -> M.Map Ident Int
gatherFreeVars e = runReader (cata alg e) S.empty
alg :: ExprF (FreeVarsM (M.Map Ident Int)) -> FreeVarsM (M.Map Ident Int)
alg (Let n e r) = do
e' <- e
r' <- local (S.insert n) r
return $ e' <> r'
alg (Var n) = do
bound <- asks (S.member n)
return $ if bound then M.empty else M.singleton n 1
alg other = foldl (M.unionWith (+)) M.empty <$> sequence other | 452 | gatherFreeVars e = runReader (cata alg e) S.empty
alg :: ExprF (FreeVarsM (M.Map Ident Int)) -> FreeVarsM (M.Map Ident Int)
alg (Let n e r) = do
e' <- e
r' <- local (S.insert n) r
return $ e' <> r'
alg (Var n) = do
bound <- asks (S.member n)
return $ if bound then M.empty else M.singleton n 1
alg other = foldl (M.unionWith (+)) M.empty <$> sequence other | 410 | false | true | 0 | 11 | 126 | 228 | 109 | 119 | null | null |
lunaris/hindent | src/HIndent/Styles/Gibiansky.hs | bsd-3-clause | collectTypes ty = [ty] | 22 | collectTypes ty = [ty] | 22 | collectTypes ty = [ty] | 22 | false | false | 0 | 5 | 3 | 12 | 6 | 6 | null | null |
8c6794b6/tokyodystopia-haskell | Database/TokyoDystopia/JDB.hs | bsd-3-clause | setcache :: JDB -> Int64 -> Int -> IO Bool
setcache db icsiz lcnum = FJ.c_setcache (unJDB db) icsiz (fromIntegral lcnum) | 120 | setcache :: JDB -> Int64 -> Int -> IO Bool
setcache db icsiz lcnum = FJ.c_setcache (unJDB db) icsiz (fromIntegral lcnum) | 120 | setcache db icsiz lcnum = FJ.c_setcache (unJDB db) icsiz (fromIntegral lcnum) | 77 | false | true | 0 | 8 | 20 | 54 | 26 | 28 | null | null |
ashnikel/haskellbook | ch11/ch11.14_ex.hs | mit | -- 4 ^ 4 = 256
-- 4
prodTBool :: (Bool, Bool, Bool)
prodTBool = undefined | 74 | prodTBool :: (Bool, Bool, Bool)
prodTBool = undefined | 53 | prodTBool = undefined | 21 | true | true | 0 | 5 | 16 | 22 | 14 | 8 | null | null |
MaxGabriel/yesod | yesod-form/Yesod/Form/Bootstrap3.hs | mit | toOffset (ColXs columns) = "col-xs-offset-" ++ show columns | 59 | toOffset (ColXs columns) = "col-xs-offset-" ++ show columns | 59 | toOffset (ColXs columns) = "col-xs-offset-" ++ show columns | 59 | false | false | 0 | 7 | 7 | 22 | 10 | 12 | null | null |
glguy/config-schema | src/Config/Schema/Docs.hs | isc | disjunction False xs = hsep (intersperse "or" xs) | 57 | disjunction False xs = hsep (intersperse "or" xs) | 57 | disjunction False xs = hsep (intersperse "or" xs) | 57 | false | false | 1 | 7 | 15 | 26 | 10 | 16 | null | null |
iand675/digital-ocean | src/DigitalOcean.hs | mit | creds :: DigitalOcean Credentials
creds = DigitalOcean ask | 58 | creds :: DigitalOcean Credentials
creds = DigitalOcean ask | 58 | creds = DigitalOcean ask | 24 | false | true | 0 | 5 | 7 | 17 | 8 | 9 | null | null |
ekmett/ghc | compiler/nativeGen/X86/Instr.hs | bsd-3-clause | shortcutStatics :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> (Alignment, CmmStatics) -> (Alignment, CmmStatics)
shortcutStatics fn (align, Statics lbl statics)
= (align, Statics lbl $ map (shortcutStatic fn) statics) | 207 | shortcutStatics :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> (Alignment, CmmStatics) -> (Alignment, CmmStatics)
shortcutStatics fn (align, Statics lbl statics)
= (align, Statics lbl $ map (shortcutStatic fn) statics) | 207 | shortcutStatics fn (align, Statics lbl statics)
= (align, Statics lbl $ map (shortcutStatic fn) statics) | 106 | false | true | 0 | 9 | 28 | 81 | 43 | 38 | null | null |
snoyberg/ghc | libraries/base/GHC/List.hs | bsd-3-clause | product = foldl (*) 1 | 38 | product = foldl (*) 1 | 38 | product = foldl (*) 1 | 38 | false | false | 0 | 5 | 21 | 13 | 7 | 6 | null | null |
pauloborba/plc | src/Prova2016.hs | cc0-1.0 | discard 1 (x:xs) = xs | 21 | discard 1 (x:xs) = xs | 21 | discard 1 (x:xs) = xs | 21 | false | false | 0 | 7 | 4 | 18 | 9 | 9 | null | null |
neongreen/megaparsec | Text/Megaparsec/Char.hs | bsd-2-clause | -- | @charCategory cat@ Parses character in Unicode General Category @cat@,
-- see 'Data.Char.GeneralCategory'.
charCategory :: MonadParsec s m Char => GeneralCategory -> m Char
charCategory cat = satisfy ((== cat) . generalCategory) <?> categoryName cat | 255 | charCategory :: MonadParsec s m Char => GeneralCategory -> m Char
charCategory cat = satisfy ((== cat) . generalCategory) <?> categoryName cat | 142 | charCategory cat = satisfy ((== cat) . generalCategory) <?> categoryName cat | 76 | true | true | 0 | 9 | 36 | 55 | 28 | 27 | null | null |
phaazon/OpenGLRaw | src/Graphics/Rendering/OpenGL/Raw/Tokens.hs | bsd-3-clause | gl_INTERLACE_SGIX :: GLenum
gl_INTERLACE_SGIX = 0x8094 | 54 | gl_INTERLACE_SGIX :: GLenum
gl_INTERLACE_SGIX = 0x8094 | 54 | gl_INTERLACE_SGIX = 0x8094 | 26 | false | true | 0 | 4 | 5 | 11 | 6 | 5 | null | null |
gnn/Hets | OWL2/XMLKeywords.hs | gpl-2.0 | objectPropertyAssertionK :: String
objectPropertyAssertionK = "ObjectPropertyAssertion" | 87 | objectPropertyAssertionK :: String
objectPropertyAssertionK = "ObjectPropertyAssertion" | 87 | objectPropertyAssertionK = "ObjectPropertyAssertion" | 52 | false | true | 0 | 6 | 5 | 18 | 7 | 11 | null | null |
josefs/autosar | oldARSim/NewABS.hs | bsd-3-clause | newtest = do
(velos_in, accels_r_in, accels_p_in, valves_r_out, valves_p_out) <- abs_system
env <- environment
connectAll (repeat env) velos_in
connectAll (repeat env) accels_r_in
connectAll (repeat env) accels_p_in
connectAll valves_r_out (repeat env)
connectAll valves_p_out (repeat env)
where a0 = [(1,-5)]
v0 = (0,18) : minim 0 (integrate 0.01 a0) | 437 | newtest = do
(velos_in, accels_r_in, accels_p_in, valves_r_out, valves_p_out) <- abs_system
env <- environment
connectAll (repeat env) velos_in
connectAll (repeat env) accels_r_in
connectAll (repeat env) accels_p_in
connectAll valves_r_out (repeat env)
connectAll valves_p_out (repeat env)
where a0 = [(1,-5)]
v0 = (0,18) : minim 0 (integrate 0.01 a0) | 437 | newtest = do
(velos_in, accels_r_in, accels_p_in, valves_r_out, valves_p_out) <- abs_system
env <- environment
connectAll (repeat env) velos_in
connectAll (repeat env) accels_r_in
connectAll (repeat env) accels_p_in
connectAll valves_r_out (repeat env)
connectAll valves_p_out (repeat env)
where a0 = [(1,-5)]
v0 = (0,18) : minim 0 (integrate 0.01 a0) | 437 | false | false | 1 | 9 | 131 | 154 | 75 | 79 | null | null |
brendanhay/gogol | gogol-games/gen/Network/Google/Games/Types/Product.hs | mpl-2.0 | -- | Uniquely identifies the type of this resource. Value is always the fixed
-- string \`games#instance\`.
iKind :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
iKind = lens _iKind (\ s a -> s{_iKind = a}) | 189 | iKind :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
iKind = lens _iKind (\ s a -> s{_iKind = a}) | 81 | iKind = lens _iKind (\ s a -> s{_iKind = a}) | 44 | true | true | 0 | 9 | 33 | 47 | 26 | 21 | null | null |
keithodulaigh/Hets | GMP/Proof.hs | gpl-2.0 | negI :: Sequent -> [[Sequent]]
negI xs = [ [p : delete f xs] | f@(Not (Not p)) <- xs] | 85 | negI :: Sequent -> [[Sequent]]
negI xs = [ [p : delete f xs] | f@(Not (Not p)) <- xs] | 85 | negI xs = [ [p : delete f xs] | f@(Not (Not p)) <- xs] | 54 | false | true | 0 | 12 | 19 | 62 | 33 | 29 | null | null |
rueshyna/gogol | gogol-maps-engine/gen/Network/Google/Resource/MapsEngine/Maps/Publish.hs | mpl-2.0 | -- | Creates a value of 'MapsPublish' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'mapForce'
-- * 'mapId'
:: Text -- ^ 'mapId'
-> MapsPublish
mapsPublish pMapId_ =
{ _mapForce = Nothing
, _mapId = pMapId_
} | 347 | mapsPublish
:: Text -- ^ 'mapId'
-> MapsPublish
mapsPublish pMapId_ =
{ _mapForce = Nothing
, _mapId = pMapId_
} | 149 | mapsPublish pMapId_ =
{ _mapForce = Nothing
, _mapId = pMapId_
} | 93 | true | true | 0 | 6 | 82 | 40 | 26 | 14 | null | null |
keera-studios/hsQt | Qtc/ClassTypes/Core.hs | bsd-2-clause | qFileFromPtr :: Ptr (TQFile a) -> IO (QFile a)
qFileFromPtr p
= objectFromPtr qtc_QFile_getFinalizer p | 104 | qFileFromPtr :: Ptr (TQFile a) -> IO (QFile a)
qFileFromPtr p
= objectFromPtr qtc_QFile_getFinalizer p | 104 | qFileFromPtr p
= objectFromPtr qtc_QFile_getFinalizer p | 57 | false | true | 0 | 8 | 16 | 41 | 19 | 22 | null | null |
alexisVallet/hnn | src/HNN/Data.hs | bsd-3-clause | randomize :: (MonadIO m, MonadRandom m) => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> Producer b m ()
randomize xs f = do
sxs <- lift $ shuffle xs
forM_ sxs $ \x -> do
fx <- lift $ f x
yield fx
-- converts an image to a (nb_channels, height, width) shaped row-major
-- vector.
-- img_to_chw :: (Storable a, Image i, Pixel (ImagePixel i))
-- => (PixelChannel (ImagePixel i) -> a) -> i -> V.Vector a
-- img_to_chw conv img = V.fromList [conv $ pixIndex (index img (ix2 i j)) k
-- | k <- [0..c-1],
-- i <- [0..h-1],
-- j <- [0..w-1]]
-- where Z :. h :. w = Friday.shape img
-- c = nChannels img
-- img_to_chw :: (Storable a, Image i, Pixel (ImagePixel i))
-- => (PixelChannel (ImagePixel i) -> a) -> i -> V.Vector a
-- img_to_chw conv img = runST $ do
-- let Z :. h :. w = Friday.shape img
-- c = nChannels img
-- imgVector = vector img
-- out <- $ c * h * w
-- forM_ [0..h-1] $ \i -> do
-- forM_ [0..w-1] $ \j -> do
-- forM_ [0..c-1] $ \k -> do
-- MV.unsafeWrite out (j + w * (i + h * k)) $ conv $ pixIndex (V.unsafeIndex imgVector (j + w * i)) k
-- V.unsafeFreeze out
-- Converts an image to a storable-based vector by casting and sharing the inner
-- data foreign pointer. | 1,333 | randomize :: (MonadIO m, MonadRandom m) => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> Producer b m ()
randomize xs f = do
sxs <- lift $ shuffle xs
forM_ sxs $ \x -> do
fx <- lift $ f x
yield fx
-- converts an image to a (nb_channels, height, width) shaped row-major
-- vector.
-- img_to_chw :: (Storable a, Image i, Pixel (ImagePixel i))
-- => (PixelChannel (ImagePixel i) -> a) -> i -> V.Vector a
-- img_to_chw conv img = V.fromList [conv $ pixIndex (index img (ix2 i j)) k
-- | k <- [0..c-1],
-- i <- [0..h-1],
-- j <- [0..w-1]]
-- where Z :. h :. w = Friday.shape img
-- c = nChannels img
-- img_to_chw :: (Storable a, Image i, Pixel (ImagePixel i))
-- => (PixelChannel (ImagePixel i) -> a) -> i -> V.Vector a
-- img_to_chw conv img = runST $ do
-- let Z :. h :. w = Friday.shape img
-- c = nChannels img
-- imgVector = vector img
-- out <- $ c * h * w
-- forM_ [0..h-1] $ \i -> do
-- forM_ [0..w-1] $ \j -> do
-- forM_ [0..c-1] $ \k -> do
-- MV.unsafeWrite out (j + w * (i + h * k)) $ conv $ pixIndex (V.unsafeIndex imgVector (j + w * i)) k
-- V.unsafeFreeze out
-- Converts an image to a storable-based vector by casting and sharing the inner
-- data foreign pointer. | 1,333 | randomize xs f = do
sxs <- lift $ shuffle xs
forM_ sxs $ \x -> do
fx <- lift $ f x
yield fx
-- converts an image to a (nb_channels, height, width) shaped row-major
-- vector.
-- img_to_chw :: (Storable a, Image i, Pixel (ImagePixel i))
-- => (PixelChannel (ImagePixel i) -> a) -> i -> V.Vector a
-- img_to_chw conv img = V.fromList [conv $ pixIndex (index img (ix2 i j)) k
-- | k <- [0..c-1],
-- i <- [0..h-1],
-- j <- [0..w-1]]
-- where Z :. h :. w = Friday.shape img
-- c = nChannels img
-- img_to_chw :: (Storable a, Image i, Pixel (ImagePixel i))
-- => (PixelChannel (ImagePixel i) -> a) -> i -> V.Vector a
-- img_to_chw conv img = runST $ do
-- let Z :. h :. w = Friday.shape img
-- c = nChannels img
-- imgVector = vector img
-- out <- $ c * h * w
-- forM_ [0..h-1] $ \i -> do
-- forM_ [0..w-1] $ \j -> do
-- forM_ [0..c-1] $ \k -> do
-- MV.unsafeWrite out (j + w * (i + h * k)) $ conv $ pixIndex (V.unsafeIndex imgVector (j + w * i)) k
-- V.unsafeFreeze out
-- Converts an image to a storable-based vector by casting and sharing the inner
-- data foreign pointer. | 1,253 | false | true | 0 | 13 | 422 | 134 | 76 | 58 | null | null |
phaazon/OpenGLRaw | src/Graphics/Rendering/OpenGL/Raw/Tokens.hs | bsd-3-clause | gl_FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT :: GLbitfield
gl_FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT = 0x00000400 | 80 | gl_FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT = 0x00000400 | 39 | false | true | 0 | 4 | 5 | 11 | 6 | 5 | null | null |
NCrashed/servant-auth-token | src/Servant/Server/Auth/Token/Common.hs | bsd-3-clause | -- | Helper to print a value to lazy bytestring
showb :: Show a => a -> BSL.ByteString
showb = BSL.pack . show | 110 | showb :: Show a => a -> BSL.ByteString
showb = BSL.pack . show | 62 | showb = BSL.pack . show | 23 | true | true | 0 | 7 | 22 | 31 | 16 | 15 | null | null |
kmate/zeldspar | src/Ziria.hs | bsd-3-clause | fuse p (Return y) k1 k2 = k2 p y | 43 | fuse p (Return y) k1 k2 = k2 p y | 43 | fuse p (Return y) k1 k2 = k2 p y | 43 | false | false | 0 | 7 | 20 | 27 | 12 | 15 | null | null |
petester42/haskell-hockey | src/Hockey/Playoffs.hs | mit | groupWinningSeeds :: [(String, PlayoffSeed)] -> Int -> String -> Int -> [Int] -> [PlayoffSeed]
groupWinningSeeds winningSeeds year conference round series
| round == 1 && series == [1,2] = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 2 1
| round == 1 && series == [3,4] = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 2 2
| round == 2 = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 3 1
| round == 3 = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year "f" 4 1
| otherwise = []
where teams = groupWinningTeams round $ (List.filter (\x -> filterWinningSeed x conference round series) winningSeeds) | 614 | groupWinningSeeds :: [(String, PlayoffSeed)] -> Int -> String -> Int -> [Int] -> [PlayoffSeed]
groupWinningSeeds winningSeeds year conference round series
| round == 1 && series == [1,2] = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 2 1
| round == 1 && series == [3,4] = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 2 2
| round == 2 = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 3 1
| round == 3 = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year "f" 4 1
| otherwise = []
where teams = groupWinningTeams round $ (List.filter (\x -> filterWinningSeed x conference round series) winningSeeds) | 614 | groupWinningSeeds winningSeeds year conference round series
| round == 1 && series == [1,2] = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 2 1
| round == 1 && series == [3,4] = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 2 2
| round == 2 = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year conference 3 1
| round == 3 = winningTeamsToPlayoffSeed teams year "f" 4 1
| otherwise = []
where teams = groupWinningTeams round $ (List.filter (\x -> filterWinningSeed x conference round series) winningSeeds) | 518 | false | true | 3 | 11 | 115 | 232 | 116 | 116 | null | null |
pgavin/tfp | Test.hs | bsd-3-clause | testAdd2 :: DN1 :+: D1 -> D0
testAdd2 = | 50 | testAdd2 :: DN1 :+: D1 -> D0
testAdd2 = | 50 | testAdd2 = | 21 | false | true | 0 | 6 | 9 | 21 | 11 | 10 | null | null |
jstolarek/haddock | haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs | bsd-2-clause | renderStep :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> QualOption -> [(DocPaths, InterfaceFile)] -> [Interface] -> IO ()
renderStep dflags flags qual pkgs interfaces = do
updateHTMLXRefs pkgs
ifaceFiles = map snd pkgs
installedIfaces = concatMap ifInstalledIfaces ifaceFiles
srcMap = Map.fromList [ (ifPackageKey if_, x) | ((_, Just x), if_) <- pkgs ]
render dflags flags qual interfaces installedIfaces srcMap
-- | Render the interfaces with whatever backend is specified in the flags. | 491 | renderStep :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> QualOption -> [(DocPaths, InterfaceFile)] -> [Interface] -> IO ()
renderStep dflags flags qual pkgs interfaces = do
updateHTMLXRefs pkgs
ifaceFiles = map snd pkgs
installedIfaces = concatMap ifInstalledIfaces ifaceFiles
srcMap = Map.fromList [ (ifPackageKey if_, x) | ((_, Just x), if_) <- pkgs ]
render dflags flags qual interfaces installedIfaces srcMap
-- | Render the interfaces with whatever backend is specified in the flags. | 491 | renderStep dflags flags qual pkgs interfaces = do
updateHTMLXRefs pkgs
ifaceFiles = map snd pkgs
installedIfaces = concatMap ifInstalledIfaces ifaceFiles
srcMap = Map.fromList [ (ifPackageKey if_, x) | ((_, Just x), if_) <- pkgs ]
render dflags flags qual interfaces installedIfaces srcMap
-- | Render the interfaces with whatever backend is specified in the flags. | 389 | false | true | 0 | 17 | 90 | 159 | 80 | 79 | null | null |
grtlr/wyas | src/Wyas/Evaluator.hs | bsd-3-clause | symbol2string _ = String "" | 36 | symbol2string _ = String "" | 36 | symbol2string _ = String "" | 36 | false | false | 0 | 5 | 13 | 13 | 5 | 8 | null | null |
NatureShade/SymbolicHaskell | src/Math/Symbolic/Simplify.hs | mit | mathCompare Sym{} _ = LT | 24 | mathCompare Sym{} _ = LT | 24 | mathCompare Sym{} _ = LT | 24 | false | false | 1 | 5 | 4 | 18 | 7 | 11 | null | null |
jdavidberger/project-euler | prob124.hs | lgpl-3.0 | main = putStrLn $ show $ snd $ (!! (want-1)) $ prob124 limit | 60 | main = putStrLn $ show $ snd $ (!! (want-1)) $ prob124 limit | 60 | main = putStrLn $ show $ snd $ (!! (want-1)) $ prob124 limit | 60 | false | false | 7 | 8 | 12 | 42 | 19 | 23 | null | null |
m4lvin/robbed | src/Data/ROBDD.hs | bsd-3-clause | -- Note: the reverse node maps of each input BDD are ignored because
-- we need to build a new one on the fly for the result BDD.
-- This is the main implementation of apply, but also re-used for the
-- combined apply/quantify operations.
applyInner :: BinBoolFunc -> EvaluationContext -> BDD -> BDD ->
BDDContext (Int, NodeId, NodeId) BDD BDD
applyInner op ctxt bdd1 bdd2 = appBase bdd1 bdd2
appBase :: BDD -> BDD -> BDDContext (EvaluationContext, NodeId, NodeId) BDD BDD
appBase lhs rhs = memoize (ctxt, nodeUID lhs, nodeUID rhs) $
case maybeApply op lhs rhs of
Just True -> return One
Just False -> return Zero
Nothing -> appRec lhs rhs
appRec :: BDD -> BDD -> BDDContext (EvaluationContext, NodeId, NodeId) BDD BDD
appRec lhs rhs = do
(v, l', h') <- genApplySubproblems appBase lhs rhs
mk v l' h' | 884 | applyInner :: BinBoolFunc -> EvaluationContext -> BDD -> BDD ->
BDDContext (Int, NodeId, NodeId) BDD BDD
applyInner op ctxt bdd1 bdd2 = appBase bdd1 bdd2
appBase :: BDD -> BDD -> BDDContext (EvaluationContext, NodeId, NodeId) BDD BDD
appBase lhs rhs = memoize (ctxt, nodeUID lhs, nodeUID rhs) $
case maybeApply op lhs rhs of
Just True -> return One
Just False -> return Zero
Nothing -> appRec lhs rhs
appRec :: BDD -> BDD -> BDDContext (EvaluationContext, NodeId, NodeId) BDD BDD
appRec lhs rhs = do
(v, l', h') <- genApplySubproblems appBase lhs rhs
mk v l' h' | 642 | applyInner op ctxt bdd1 bdd2 = appBase bdd1 bdd2
appBase :: BDD -> BDD -> BDDContext (EvaluationContext, NodeId, NodeId) BDD BDD
appBase lhs rhs = memoize (ctxt, nodeUID lhs, nodeUID rhs) $
case maybeApply op lhs rhs of
Just True -> return One
Just False -> return Zero
Nothing -> appRec lhs rhs
appRec :: BDD -> BDD -> BDDContext (EvaluationContext, NodeId, NodeId) BDD BDD
appRec lhs rhs = do
(v, l', h') <- genApplySubproblems appBase lhs rhs
mk v l' h' | 523 | true | true | 7 | 10 | 221 | 236 | 123 | 113 | null | null |
cullina/Extractor | src/GraphAlgorithms.hs | bsd-3-clause | keepNeighbors (v:vs) ((x,ys):es) =
case compare v x of
LT -> keepNeighbors vs ((x,ys):es)
EQ -> (x,ys) : keepNeighbors vs es
GT -> keepNeighbors (v:vs) es | 170 | keepNeighbors (v:vs) ((x,ys):es) =
case compare v x of
LT -> keepNeighbors vs ((x,ys):es)
EQ -> (x,ys) : keepNeighbors vs es
GT -> keepNeighbors (v:vs) es | 170 | keepNeighbors (v:vs) ((x,ys):es) =
case compare v x of
LT -> keepNeighbors vs ((x,ys):es)
EQ -> (x,ys) : keepNeighbors vs es
GT -> keepNeighbors (v:vs) es | 170 | false | false | 0 | 11 | 41 | 103 | 54 | 49 | null | null |
thielema/wxhaskell | wxcore/src/haskell/Graphics/UI/WXCore/WxcTypes.hs | lgpl-2.1 | -- marshalling 1
-- | Returns a red color component
colorRed :: (Num a) => Color -> a
colorRed (Color rgba) = fromIntegral ((shiftR rgba 24) .&. 0xFF) | 154 | colorRed :: (Num a) => Color -> a
colorRed (Color rgba) = fromIntegral ((shiftR rgba 24) .&. 0xFF) | 102 | colorRed (Color rgba) = fromIntegral ((shiftR rgba 24) .&. 0xFF) | 66 | true | true | 0 | 9 | 31 | 53 | 28 | 25 | null | null |
gnn/Hets | CSL/Parse_Test.hs | gpl-2.0 | -- | In addition to scanFloat, also '1.', '.1' and '2.e-13' are recognized
scanMyFloat :: CharParser st String
scanMyFloat =
let -- the 'E' component
compE = oneOf "eE" <:> getSNumber
-- the '.' component
compD n = char '.' <:> n
-- an optional number
getNumber' = option "0" getNumber
checkSign' '+' = []
checkSign' _ = "-"
checkSp "-." = "-0."
checkSp _ = "0."
getSNumber = withS getNumber
withS p = optionL (oneOf "+-" >-> checkSign') <++> p
in -- '1.' or '2.e-13' or '1.213'
try (getSNumber <++> (optionL (try $ compD getNumber') <++> optionL compE))
-- everything starting with a dot
<|> (choice (map string ["+.", "-.", "."]) >-> checkSp) <++> getNumber <++> optionL compE | 792 | scanMyFloat :: CharParser st String
scanMyFloat =
let -- the 'E' component
compE = oneOf "eE" <:> getSNumber
-- the '.' component
compD n = char '.' <:> n
-- an optional number
getNumber' = option "0" getNumber
checkSign' '+' = []
checkSign' _ = "-"
checkSp "-." = "-0."
checkSp _ = "0."
getSNumber = withS getNumber
withS p = optionL (oneOf "+-" >-> checkSign') <++> p
in -- '1.' or '2.e-13' or '1.213'
try (getSNumber <++> (optionL (try $ compD getNumber') <++> optionL compE))
-- everything starting with a dot
<|> (choice (map string ["+.", "-.", "."]) >-> checkSp) <++> getNumber <++> optionL compE | 717 | scanMyFloat =
let -- the 'E' component
compE = oneOf "eE" <:> getSNumber
-- the '.' component
compD n = char '.' <:> n
-- an optional number
getNumber' = option "0" getNumber
checkSign' '+' = []
checkSign' _ = "-"
checkSp "-." = "-0."
checkSp _ = "0."
getSNumber = withS getNumber
withS p = optionL (oneOf "+-" >-> checkSign') <++> p
in -- '1.' or '2.e-13' or '1.213'
try (getSNumber <++> (optionL (try $ compD getNumber') <++> optionL compE))
-- everything starting with a dot
<|> (choice (map string ["+.", "-.", "."]) >-> checkSp) <++> getNumber <++> optionL compE | 681 | true | true | 4 | 13 | 232 | 213 | 107 | 106 | null | null |
loskutov/logic-hw | Lambdas.hs | mit | freeVars :: Lambda → Set String
freeVars (Var s) = singleton s | 74 | freeVars :: Lambda → Set String
freeVars (Var s) = singleton s | 74 | freeVars (Var s) = singleton s | 42 | false | true | 0 | 7 | 23 | 30 | 14 | 16 | null | null |
feliposz/learning-stuff | haskell/c9lectures-ch5.hs | mit | fszip [] _ = [] | 15 | fszip [] _ = [] | 15 | fszip [] _ = [] | 15 | false | false | 0 | 6 | 4 | 15 | 7 | 8 | null | null |
dsorokin/aivika-lattice | Simulation/Aivika/Lattice/Internal/Event.hs | bsd-3-clause | -- | Process the events.
processEvents :: EventProcessing -> Dynamics LIO ()
processEvents CurrentEvents = processEventsIncludingCurrent | 136 | processEvents :: EventProcessing -> Dynamics LIO ()
processEvents CurrentEvents = processEventsIncludingCurrent | 111 | processEvents CurrentEvents = processEventsIncludingCurrent | 59 | true | true | 0 | 7 | 15 | 26 | 13 | 13 | null | null |
PhDP/Sphinx-AI | Faun/Parser/FOL.hs | mit | parseNot :: Parser (FOL -> FOL)
parseNot = reservedOps ["Not", "NOT", "not", "~", "!", "¬"] >> return Not | 105 | parseNot :: Parser (FOL -> FOL)
parseNot = reservedOps ["Not", "NOT", "not", "~", "!", "¬"] >> return Not | 105 | parseNot = reservedOps ["Not", "NOT", "not", "~", "!", "¬"] >> return Not | 73 | false | true | 1 | 7 | 17 | 52 | 27 | 25 | null | null |
tomleb/portfolio | src/Web/Views/Nav.hs | mit | navBase :: _ -> H.Html
navBase mLink =
H.body ! A.class_ "full f f-col f-sb fi-stretch white black-text" $ do
case mLink of
Just l -> H.header ! A.class_ "right" $
H.a ! A.class_ "close right m4" ! A.href (toHref l) $ do
H.span mempty
H.span mempty
Nothing -> mempty
H.main ! A.class_ "f-g5 f f-row f-center fi-stretch" $
H.ul ! A.class_ "f f-col f-center" $ forM_ (map navLi links) id | 497 | navBase :: _ -> H.Html
navBase mLink =
H.body ! A.class_ "full f f-col f-sb fi-stretch white black-text" $ do
case mLink of
Just l -> H.header ! A.class_ "right" $
H.a ! A.class_ "close right m4" ! A.href (toHref l) $ do
H.span mempty
H.span mempty
Nothing -> mempty
H.main ! A.class_ "f-g5 f f-row f-center fi-stretch" $
H.ul ! A.class_ "f f-col f-center" $ forM_ (map navLi links) id | 497 | navBase mLink =
H.body ! A.class_ "full f f-col f-sb fi-stretch white black-text" $ do
case mLink of
Just l -> H.header ! A.class_ "right" $
H.a ! A.class_ "close right m4" ! A.href (toHref l) $ do
H.span mempty
H.span mempty
Nothing -> mempty
H.main ! A.class_ "f-g5 f f-row f-center fi-stretch" $
H.ul ! A.class_ "f f-col f-center" $ forM_ (map navLi links) id | 474 | false | true | 0 | 17 | 182 | 164 | 75 | 89 | null | null |
kindl/Hypatia | src/Parser.hs | mit | alts = curlyBraces (sepBy' alt (token ";")) | 43 | alts = curlyBraces (sepBy' alt (token ";")) | 43 | alts = curlyBraces (sepBy' alt (token ";")) | 43 | false | false | 0 | 9 | 6 | 23 | 11 | 12 | null | null |
biegunka/biegunka | src/Control/Biegunka/Patience.hs | mit | extract :: Piles t -> [(Int, t)]
extract = maybe [] (walk . NonEmpty.head . fst) . IntMap.maxView
walk (Card x a c) = (x, a) : maybe [] walk c | 151 | extract :: Piles t -> [(Int, t)]
extract = maybe [] (walk . NonEmpty.head . fst) . IntMap.maxView
walk (Card x a c) = (x, a) : maybe [] walk c | 151 | extract = maybe [] (walk . NonEmpty.head . fst) . IntMap.maxView
walk (Card x a c) = (x, a) : maybe [] walk c | 118 | false | true | 0 | 10 | 34 | 93 | 48 | 45 | null | null |
csrhodes/pandoc | src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs | gpl-2.0 | popParaProp :: WS ()
popParaProp = modify $ \s -> s{ stParaProperties = drop 1 $ stParaProperties s } | 101 | popParaProp :: WS ()
popParaProp = modify $ \s -> s{ stParaProperties = drop 1 $ stParaProperties s } | 101 | popParaProp = modify $ \s -> s{ stParaProperties = drop 1 $ stParaProperties s } | 80 | false | true | 2 | 9 | 18 | 54 | 24 | 30 | null | null |
ambiata/highlighting-kate | Text/Highlighting/Kate/Syntax/Prolog.hs | gpl-2.0 | parseRules ("Prolog","list_functor") =
(((pDetectChar False '.' >>= withAttribute FunctionTok) >>~ (popContext))
(currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Prolog","list_functor")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute ErrorTok)) | 230 | parseRules ("Prolog","list_functor") =
(((pDetectChar False '.' >>= withAttribute FunctionTok) >>~ (popContext))
(currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Prolog","list_functor")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute ErrorTok)) | 230 | parseRules ("Prolog","list_functor") =
(((pDetectChar False '.' >>= withAttribute FunctionTok) >>~ (popContext))
(currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Prolog","list_functor")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute ErrorTok)) | 230 | false | false | 0 | 15 | 32 | 86 | 46 | 40 | null | null |
Daniel-Diaz/processing | examples/pacman.hs | bsd-3-clause | when :: Proc_Bool -> EventM c () -> EventM c ()
when b x = ifM b x $ return () | 78 | when :: Proc_Bool -> EventM c () -> EventM c ()
when b x = ifM b x $ return () | 78 | when b x = ifM b x $ return () | 30 | false | true | 0 | 8 | 20 | 52 | 24 | 28 | null | null |
mightymoose/liquidhaskell | docs/blog/todo/index-dependent-maps.hs | bsd-3-clause | -- The signature for `empty` states that its domain is empty (ie is the set of indices satisfying the predicate `False`), and that the range satisfies _any_ invariant. The signature for `create`, instead, defines a _constant_ vector that maps every index to the constant `x`.
-- Accessing Vectors
-- -----------------
-- We can write the following `get` function for reading the contents of a vector at a given index:
{-@ get :: forall a <d :: x0:Int -> Prop, r :: x0: Int -> x1:a -> Prop>.
i: Int<d> ->
a: (j: Int<d> -> a<r j>) ->
a<r i>
get :: Int -> Vec a -> a
get i a = a i | 626 | get :: Int -> Vec a -> a
get i a = a i | 38 | get i a = a i | 13 | true | true | 0 | 7 | 158 | 39 | 20 | 19 | null | null |
RefactoringTools/HaRe | test/testdata/NoMod.hs | bsd-3-clause | foo' x = case (odd x) of
True -> "Odd"
False -> "Even" | 58 | foo' x = case (odd x) of
True -> "Odd"
False -> "Even" | 58 | foo' x = case (odd x) of
True -> "Odd"
False -> "Even" | 58 | false | false | 1 | 8 | 16 | 35 | 15 | 20 | null | null |
koba-e964/tigress | src/TigressEval.hs | bsd-3-clause | readVar :: (PrimMonad m, Monad m) => VarRef m a -> TigressT r m a
readVar var = lift $ readMutVar var | 101 | readVar :: (PrimMonad m, Monad m) => VarRef m a -> TigressT r m a
readVar var = lift $ readMutVar var | 101 | readVar var = lift $ readMutVar var | 35 | false | true | 0 | 7 | 21 | 52 | 25 | 27 | null | null |
forked-upstream-packages-for-ghcjs/ghc | compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs | bsd-3-clause | emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Int64 args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args | 105 | emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Int64 args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args | 105 | emitPrimOp _ res IndexByteArrayOp_Int64 args = doIndexByteArrayOp Nothing b64 res args | 105 | false | false | 0 | 5 | 29 | 24 | 11 | 13 | null | null |
TransformingMusicology/adb-test-framework | src/AudioDB/Test.hs | gpl-3.0 | runTest :: Bool -> Test -> IO TestRun
runTest withEval test = do
log' $ "Starting test: " `T.append` (T.pack $ t_identifier test)
libaudioDB <- audiodb_lib_build_id >>= peekCString
os <- return Sys.os
arch <- return Sys.arch
method <- return Serial
startTime <- getCurrentTime
results <- mapM (runQuery withEval) (t_queries test)
endTime <- getCurrentTime
return TestRun {
tr_test = test
, tr_results = results
, tr_startTime = startTime
, tr_endTime = endTime
, tr_libaudioDBv = libaudioDB
, tr_systemName = os
, tr_systemArch = arch
, tr_execMethod = method } | 661 | runTest :: Bool -> Test -> IO TestRun
runTest withEval test = do
log' $ "Starting test: " `T.append` (T.pack $ t_identifier test)
libaudioDB <- audiodb_lib_build_id >>= peekCString
os <- return Sys.os
arch <- return Sys.arch
method <- return Serial
startTime <- getCurrentTime
results <- mapM (runQuery withEval) (t_queries test)
endTime <- getCurrentTime
return TestRun {
tr_test = test
, tr_results = results
, tr_startTime = startTime
, tr_endTime = endTime
, tr_libaudioDBv = libaudioDB
, tr_systemName = os
, tr_systemArch = arch
, tr_execMethod = method } | 661 | runTest withEval test = do
log' $ "Starting test: " `T.append` (T.pack $ t_identifier test)
libaudioDB <- audiodb_lib_build_id >>= peekCString
os <- return Sys.os
arch <- return Sys.arch
method <- return Serial
startTime <- getCurrentTime
results <- mapM (runQuery withEval) (t_queries test)
endTime <- getCurrentTime
return TestRun {
tr_test = test
, tr_results = results
, tr_startTime = startTime
, tr_endTime = endTime
, tr_libaudioDBv = libaudioDB
, tr_systemName = os
, tr_systemArch = arch
, tr_execMethod = method } | 623 | false | true | 0 | 10 | 187 | 193 | 98 | 95 | null | null |
Gurrt/software-testing | week-5/Exercise5.hs | mit | iqueSol :: Node -> Bool
uniqueSol node = singleton (solveNs [node]) where
singleton [] = False
singleton [x] = True
singleton (x:y:zs) = False
| 158 | uniqueSol :: Node -> Bool
uniqueSol node = singleton (solveNs [node]) where
singleton [] = False
singleton [x] = True
singleton (x:y:zs) = False | 156 | uniqueSol node = singleton (solveNs [node]) where
singleton [] = False
singleton [x] = True
singleton (x:y:zs) = False | 130 | false | true | 0 | 10 | 39 | 77 | 38 | 39 | null | null |
icostan/haskell-lang | dist/build/autogen/Paths_haskell_lang.hs | lgpl-3.0 | libdir = "/Users/icostan/.cabal/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.10.1/haske_DYAsM7lZ8KFK9XmNGG9nLi" | 91 | libdir = "/Users/icostan/.cabal/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.10.1/haske_DYAsM7lZ8KFK9XmNGG9nLi" | 91 | libdir = "/Users/icostan/.cabal/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.10.1/haske_DYAsM7lZ8KFK9XmNGG9nLi" | 91 | false | false | 0 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 3 | null | null |
graninas/ICFPC2007 | Endo/Test/EndoDnaTest.hs | gpl-3.0 | prop_basicSubsequence8 = toDna "ICFP" |- only 6 == emptyDna | 68 | prop_basicSubsequence8 = toDna "ICFP" |- only 6 == emptyDna | 68 | prop_basicSubsequence8 = toDna "ICFP" |- only 6 == emptyDna | 68 | false | false | 0 | 7 | 17 | 20 | 9 | 11 | null | null |
ihc/futhark | src/Language/Futhark/TypeChecker/Terms.hs | isc | patternUses (PatternParens p _) = patternUses p | 47 | patternUses (PatternParens p _) = patternUses p | 47 | patternUses (PatternParens p _) = patternUses p | 47 | false | false | 0 | 7 | 6 | 20 | 9 | 11 | null | null |
ml9951/ghc | compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs | bsd-3-clause | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Call and return sequences
-- | Return multiple values to the sequel
-- If the sequel is @Return@
-- > return (x,y)
-- If the sequel is @AssignTo [p,q]@
-- > p=x; q=y;
emitReturn :: [CmmExpr] -> FCode ReturnKind
emitReturn results
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; sequel <- getSequel
; updfr_off <- getUpdFrameOff
; case sequel of
Return _ ->
do { adjustHpBackwards
; let e = CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot Old updfr_off) (gcWord dflags)
; emit (mkReturn dflags (entryCode dflags e) results updfr_off)
AssignTo regs adjust ->
do { when adjust adjustHpBackwards
; emitMultiAssign regs results }
; return AssignedDirectly
} | 954 | emitReturn :: [CmmExpr] -> FCode ReturnKind
emitReturn results
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; sequel <- getSequel
; updfr_off <- getUpdFrameOff
; case sequel of
Return _ ->
do { adjustHpBackwards
; let e = CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot Old updfr_off) (gcWord dflags)
; emit (mkReturn dflags (entryCode dflags e) results updfr_off)
AssignTo regs adjust ->
do { when adjust adjustHpBackwards
; emitMultiAssign regs results }
; return AssignedDirectly
} | 600 | emitReturn results
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; sequel <- getSequel
; updfr_off <- getUpdFrameOff
; case sequel of
Return _ ->
do { adjustHpBackwards
; let e = CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot Old updfr_off) (gcWord dflags)
; emit (mkReturn dflags (entryCode dflags e) results updfr_off)
AssignTo regs adjust ->
do { when adjust adjustHpBackwards
; emitMultiAssign regs results }
; return AssignedDirectly
} | 556 | true | true | 0 | 18 | 289 | 182 | 94 | 88 | null | null |
snoyberg/ghc | compiler/types/Type.hs | bsd-3-clause | getCastedTyVar_maybe (TyVarTy tv)
= Just (tv, mkReflCo Nominal (tyVarKind tv)) | 80 | getCastedTyVar_maybe (TyVarTy tv)
= Just (tv, mkReflCo Nominal (tyVarKind tv)) | 80 | getCastedTyVar_maybe (TyVarTy tv)
= Just (tv, mkReflCo Nominal (tyVarKind tv)) | 80 | false | false | 0 | 8 | 11 | 35 | 17 | 18 | null | null |
achirkin/ghcjs-webgl | src/JavaScript/WebGL/Const.hs | mit | gl_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT :: GLenum
gl_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT = 0x8D44 | 82 | gl_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT = 0x8D44 | 40 | false | true | 0 | 4 | 5 | 11 | 6 | 5 | null | null |
aelve/json-x | lib/Json/Internal/TH.hs | bsd-3-clause | (<%>) :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
(<%>) a b = a <^> [|B.char7 ','|] <^> b | 69 | (<%>) :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
(<%>) a b = a <^> [|B.char7 ','|] <^> b | 69 | (<%>) a b = a <^> [|B.char7 ','|] <^> b | 39 | false | true | 4 | 8 | 16 | 47 | 24 | 23 | null | null |
snoyberg/ghc | libraries/base/GHC/List.hs | bsd-3-clause | dropWhile p xs@(x:xs')
| p x = dropWhile p xs'
| otherwise = xs | 95 | dropWhile p xs@(x:xs')
| p x = dropWhile p xs'
| otherwise = xs | 95 | dropWhile p xs@(x:xs')
| p x = dropWhile p xs'
| otherwise = xs | 95 | false | false | 0 | 8 | 45 | 54 | 22 | 32 | null | null |
rodrigo-machado/verigraph | src/library/Abstract/Rewriting/DPO/Process.hs | gpl-3.0 | allCoproduct :: (DPO morph, Cocomplete morph) => [Production morph] -> [morph]
allCoproduct = calculateNCoproduct . fromList . getAllObjects | 140 | allCoproduct :: (DPO morph, Cocomplete morph) => [Production morph] -> [morph]
allCoproduct = calculateNCoproduct . fromList . getAllObjects | 140 | allCoproduct = calculateNCoproduct . fromList . getAllObjects | 61 | false | true | 0 | 9 | 17 | 54 | 26 | 28 | null | null |
ardumont/snake | deps/gloss-rendering/Graphics/Gloss/Internals/Data/Color.hs | bsd-3-clause | -- | Make a custom color, taking pre-clamped components.
makeRawColorI :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Color
makeRawColorI r g b a
= RGBA (fromIntegral r / 255)
(fromIntegral g / 255)
(fromIntegral b / 255)
(fromIntegral a / 255) | 286 | makeRawColorI :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Color
makeRawColorI r g b a
= RGBA (fromIntegral r / 255)
(fromIntegral g / 255)
(fromIntegral b / 255)
(fromIntegral a / 255) | 229 | makeRawColorI r g b a
= RGBA (fromIntegral r / 255)
(fromIntegral g / 255)
(fromIntegral b / 255)
(fromIntegral a / 255) | 178 | true | true | 0 | 8 | 100 | 86 | 43 | 43 | null | null |
NinjaTrappeur/DobadoBots | src/DobadoBots/Graphics/Utils.hs | bsd-3-clause | getBmpTex :: String -> SDL.Renderer -> IO (SDL.Texture, SDL.V2 CInt)
getBmpTex path r = do
surf <- SDL.loadBMP path
tex <- SDL.createTextureFromSurface r surf
dim <- SDL.surfaceDimensions surf
SDL.freeSurface surf
return (tex, dim)
-- We know when a point is in a rectangle when
-- for a rectangle A, B, C (where ab and bc are perpendicular)
-- we have 0 <= dot(AB,AM) <= dot(AB,AB) && 0 <= dot(bc, bm) <= dot(bc, bc) | 472 | getBmpTex :: String -> SDL.Renderer -> IO (SDL.Texture, SDL.V2 CInt)
getBmpTex path r = do
surf <- SDL.loadBMP path
tex <- SDL.createTextureFromSurface r surf
dim <- SDL.surfaceDimensions surf
SDL.freeSurface surf
return (tex, dim)
-- We know when a point is in a rectangle when
-- for a rectangle A, B, C (where ab and bc are perpendicular)
-- we have 0 <= dot(AB,AM) <= dot(AB,AB) && 0 <= dot(bc, bm) <= dot(bc, bc) | 472 | getBmpTex path r = do
surf <- SDL.loadBMP path
tex <- SDL.createTextureFromSurface r surf
dim <- SDL.surfaceDimensions surf
SDL.freeSurface surf
return (tex, dim)
-- We know when a point is in a rectangle when
-- for a rectangle A, B, C (where ab and bc are perpendicular)
-- we have 0 <= dot(AB,AM) <= dot(AB,AB) && 0 <= dot(bc, bm) <= dot(bc, bc) | 403 | false | true | 0 | 10 | 127 | 103 | 49 | 54 | null | null |
vdweegen/UvA-Software_Testing | Lab4/Willem/Exercises.hs | gpl-3.0 | -- | Difference props
prop_difference_subset :: Set Int -> Set Int -> Bool
prop_difference_subset a b = s `subSet` a where s = a `differenceSet` b | 146 | prop_difference_subset :: Set Int -> Set Int -> Bool
prop_difference_subset a b = s `subSet` a where s = a `differenceSet` b | 124 | prop_difference_subset a b = s `subSet` a where s = a `differenceSet` b | 71 | true | true | 0 | 7 | 25 | 50 | 27 | 23 | null | null |
dmagyar/scurry | src/Scurry/Comm/SockWrite.hs | bsd-3-clause | sendToAddr :: Socket -> ScurryMsg -> EndPoint -> IO Int
sendToAddr s m = sendTo s (BSS.concat . BS.toChunks $ encode m) . epToSa | 128 | sendToAddr :: Socket -> ScurryMsg -> EndPoint -> IO Int
sendToAddr s m = sendTo s (BSS.concat . BS.toChunks $ encode m) . epToSa | 128 | sendToAddr s m = sendTo s (BSS.concat . BS.toChunks $ encode m) . epToSa | 72 | false | true | 0 | 10 | 23 | 58 | 28 | 30 | null | null |
uduki/hsQt | Qtc/ClassTypes/Network.hs | bsd-2-clause | withQListQTcpServerResult :: (Ptr (Ptr (TQTcpServer a)) -> IO CInt) -> IO [QTcpServer a]
withQListQTcpServerResult f
= withQListObjectResult qtc_QTcpServer_getFinalizer f | 172 | withQListQTcpServerResult :: (Ptr (Ptr (TQTcpServer a)) -> IO CInt) -> IO [QTcpServer a]
withQListQTcpServerResult f
= withQListObjectResult qtc_QTcpServer_getFinalizer f | 172 | withQListQTcpServerResult f
= withQListObjectResult qtc_QTcpServer_getFinalizer f | 83 | false | true | 0 | 12 | 20 | 57 | 27 | 30 | null | null |
brendanhay/gogol | gogol-oslogin/gen/Network/Google/OSLogin/Types.hs | mpl-2.0 | -- | View and manage your Google Compute Engine resources
computeScope :: Proxy '[""]
computeScope = Proxy | 145 | computeScope :: Proxy '[""]
computeScope = Proxy | 87 | computeScope = Proxy | 20 | true | true | 0 | 8 | 16 | 26 | 12 | 14 | null | null |
ezyang/ghc | compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.hs | bsd-3-clause | isOneLineSpan (UnhelpfulSpan _) = False | 39 | isOneLineSpan (UnhelpfulSpan _) = False | 39 | isOneLineSpan (UnhelpfulSpan _) = False | 39 | false | false | 0 | 6 | 4 | 16 | 7 | 9 | null | null |
joehillen/ultron | app/Main.hs | mit | runCommand :: ChannelId -> UserId -> [FilePath] -> Text -> [Text] -> IO Text
runCommand cid uid dirpaths cmd args = handle handler go
handler :: SomeException -> IO Text
handler e = return $ "*ERROR:* "<>tshow e
go | cmd == "help" = help dirpaths
| otherwise =
getBin dirpaths cmd >>= \case
Nothing -> return $ "*ERROR:* Unknown command: " <> cmd
Just bin -> runbin bin
cmdErrorResponse stdout stderr errNum =
"<@"<>uid ^. getId<>">\n"
<>"*ERROR:* `"<>cmd<>"` failed with exit code: "<>tshow errNum<>"\n"
<>emptyIfNull "stdout" stdout
<>emptyIfNull "stderr" stderr
emptyIfNull _ "" = ""
emptyIfNull name s = (T.intercalate "\n" [ "*" <> name <> ":*"
, "```"
, s
, "```"
]) <> "\n"
mkProc bin = (proc bin (map T.unpack args))
{ env = Just [ ("ULTRON_CID", (cid ^. getId . unpacked))
, ("ULTRON_UID", (uid ^. getId . unpacked))
, close_fds = True
runbin bin = do
(ec, stdout, stderr) <- PT.readCreateProcessWithExitCode (mkProc bin) ""
return $ case ec of
ExitSuccess -> stdout
ExitFailure errNum -> cmdErrorResponse stdout stderr errNum | 1,445 | runCommand :: ChannelId -> UserId -> [FilePath] -> Text -> [Text] -> IO Text
runCommand cid uid dirpaths cmd args = handle handler go
handler :: SomeException -> IO Text
handler e = return $ "*ERROR:* "<>tshow e
go | cmd == "help" = help dirpaths
| otherwise =
getBin dirpaths cmd >>= \case
Nothing -> return $ "*ERROR:* Unknown command: " <> cmd
Just bin -> runbin bin
cmdErrorResponse stdout stderr errNum =
"<@"<>uid ^. getId<>">\n"
<>"*ERROR:* `"<>cmd<>"` failed with exit code: "<>tshow errNum<>"\n"
<>emptyIfNull "stdout" stdout
<>emptyIfNull "stderr" stderr
emptyIfNull _ "" = ""
emptyIfNull name s = (T.intercalate "\n" [ "*" <> name <> ":*"
, "```"
, s
, "```"
]) <> "\n"
mkProc bin = (proc bin (map T.unpack args))
{ env = Just [ ("ULTRON_CID", (cid ^. getId . unpacked))
, ("ULTRON_UID", (uid ^. getId . unpacked))
, close_fds = True
runbin bin = do
(ec, stdout, stderr) <- PT.readCreateProcessWithExitCode (mkProc bin) ""
return $ case ec of
ExitSuccess -> stdout
ExitFailure errNum -> cmdErrorResponse stdout stderr errNum | 1,445 | runCommand cid uid dirpaths cmd args = handle handler go
handler :: SomeException -> IO Text
handler e = return $ "*ERROR:* "<>tshow e
go | cmd == "help" = help dirpaths
| otherwise =
getBin dirpaths cmd >>= \case
Nothing -> return $ "*ERROR:* Unknown command: " <> cmd
Just bin -> runbin bin
cmdErrorResponse stdout stderr errNum =
"<@"<>uid ^. getId<>">\n"
<>"*ERROR:* `"<>cmd<>"` failed with exit code: "<>tshow errNum<>"\n"
<>emptyIfNull "stdout" stdout
<>emptyIfNull "stderr" stderr
emptyIfNull _ "" = ""
emptyIfNull name s = (T.intercalate "\n" [ "*" <> name <> ":*"
, "```"
, s
, "```"
]) <> "\n"
mkProc bin = (proc bin (map T.unpack args))
{ env = Just [ ("ULTRON_CID", (cid ^. getId . unpacked))
, ("ULTRON_UID", (uid ^. getId . unpacked))
, close_fds = True
runbin bin = do
(ec, stdout, stderr) <- PT.readCreateProcessWithExitCode (mkProc bin) ""
return $ case ec of
ExitSuccess -> stdout
ExitFailure errNum -> cmdErrorResponse stdout stderr errNum | 1,368 | false | true | 10 | 12 | 576 | 431 | 214 | 217 | null | null |
ctford/Idris-Elba-dev | src/IRTS/System.hs | bsd-3-clause | getExecutablePom = do dir <- getDataDir
return $ dir </> "java" </> "executable_pom.xml" | 110 | getExecutablePom = do dir <- getDataDir
return $ dir </> "java" </> "executable_pom.xml" | 110 | getExecutablePom = do dir <- getDataDir
return $ dir </> "java" </> "executable_pom.xml" | 110 | false | false | 0 | 9 | 34 | 28 | 13 | 15 | null | null |
jwiegley/ghc-release | utils/haddock/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs | gpl-3.0 | getLookupRn :: RnM (Name -> (Bool, DocName))
getLookupRn = RnM (\lkp -> (lkp,[])) | 81 | getLookupRn :: RnM (Name -> (Bool, DocName))
getLookupRn = RnM (\lkp -> (lkp,[])) | 81 | getLookupRn = RnM (\lkp -> (lkp,[])) | 36 | false | true | 0 | 9 | 12 | 46 | 26 | 20 | null | null |
athanclark/Idris-dev | src/Idris/Reflection.hs | bsd-3-clause | rawBool :: Bool -> Raw
rawBool True = Var (sNS (sUN "True") ["Bool", "Prelude"]) | 81 | rawBool :: Bool -> Raw
rawBool True = Var (sNS (sUN "True") ["Bool", "Prelude"]) | 81 | rawBool True = Var (sNS (sUN "True") ["Bool", "Prelude"]) | 58 | false | true | 0 | 9 | 14 | 45 | 22 | 23 | null | null |
SavinaRoja/ | assets/centraldogma_algebraic.hs | mit | geneticCode (Codon Adenine Thymine Guanosine) = Methionine | 62 | geneticCode (Codon Adenine Thymine Guanosine) = Methionine | 62 | geneticCode (Codon Adenine Thymine Guanosine) = Methionine | 62 | false | false | 0 | 7 | 10 | 19 | 9 | 10 | null | null |
PipocaQuemada/ermine | src/Ermine/Syntax/Scope.hs | bsd-2-clause | splitScope :: (Applicative c, Monad c)
=> Scope (Var b1 b2) c a -> Scope b1 (Scope b2 c) a
-- c (Var (Var b1 b2) (c a))
-- Scope b2 c (Var b1 (Scope b2 c a))
splitScope (Scope e) = Scope . lift $ swizzle <$> e
swizzle (B (B b1)) = B b1
swizzle (B (F b2)) = F . Scope . pure . B $ b2
swizzle (F a) = F $ lift a
-- | Enables a partial rebinding and instantiation of the bound variables in a
-- 'Scope'. | 427 | splitScope :: (Applicative c, Monad c)
=> Scope (Var b1 b2) c a -> Scope b1 (Scope b2 c) a
splitScope (Scope e) = Scope . lift $ swizzle <$> e
swizzle (B (B b1)) = B b1
swizzle (B (F b2)) = F . Scope . pure . B $ b2
swizzle (F a) = F $ lift a
-- | Enables a partial rebinding and instantiation of the bound variables in a
-- 'Scope'. | 360 | splitScope (Scope e) = Scope . lift $ swizzle <$> e
swizzle (B (B b1)) = B b1
swizzle (B (F b2)) = F . Scope . pure . B $ b2
swizzle (F a) = F $ lift a
-- | Enables a partial rebinding and instantiation of the bound variables in a
-- 'Scope'. | 258 | true | true | 5 | 10 | 115 | 180 | 85 | 95 | null | null |
vincenthz/language-c | src/Language/C/Analysis/TypeCheck.hs | bsd-3-clause | notFound :: Ident -> Either String a
notFound i = Left $ "not found: " ++ identToString i | 89 | notFound :: Ident -> Either String a
notFound i = Left $ "not found: " ++ identToString i | 89 | notFound i = Left $ "not found: " ++ identToString i | 52 | false | true | 0 | 6 | 17 | 34 | 16 | 18 | null | null |
UU-ComputerScience/uulib | src/UU/Parsing/Derived.hs | bsd-3-clause | pFoldr1Sep :: (IsParser p s) => (a -> b -> b, b) -> p a1 -> p a -> p b
pFoldr1Sep alg sep p = pFoldr1Sep_gr alg sep p | 128 | pFoldr1Sep :: (IsParser p s) => (a -> b -> b, b) -> p a1 -> p a -> p b
pFoldr1Sep alg sep p = pFoldr1Sep_gr alg sep p | 128 | pFoldr1Sep alg sep p = pFoldr1Sep_gr alg sep p | 57 | false | true | 0 | 10 | 40 | 75 | 36 | 39 | null | null |
dsorokin/aivika-experiment-chart | examples/TruckHaulingSituation/Experiment.hs | bsd-3-clause | truckQueue = T.Queue $ resultByName "truckQueue" | 58 | truckQueue = T.Queue $ resultByName "truckQueue" | 58 | truckQueue = T.Queue $ resultByName "truckQueue" | 58 | false | false | 0 | 6 | 15 | 15 | 7 | 8 | null | null |
brendanhay/gogol | gogol-dlp/gen/Network/Google/DLP/Types/Product.hs | mpl-2.0 | -- | Creates a value of 'GooglePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsResult' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'gpdvcsrValueFrequencyHistogramBuckets'
:: GooglePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsResult
googlePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsResult =
{_gpdvcsrValueFrequencyHistogramBuckets = Nothing} | 470 | googlePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsResult
:: GooglePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsResult
googlePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsResult =
{_gpdvcsrValueFrequencyHistogramBuckets = Nothing} | 230 | googlePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsResult =
{_gpdvcsrValueFrequencyHistogramBuckets = Nothing} | 141 | true | true | 0 | 6 | 52 | 24 | 16 | 8 | null | null |
erantapaa/happstack-server | src/Happstack/Server/Internal/TimeoutTable.hs | bsd-3-clause | killAll :: TimeoutTable -> IO ()
killAll (TimeoutTable maps _) = do
V.mapM_ k maps
k psqMV = modifyMVar_ psqMV $ \psq -> do
mapM_ killThread $ PSQ.keys psq
return PSQ.empty | 205 | killAll :: TimeoutTable -> IO ()
killAll (TimeoutTable maps _) = do
V.mapM_ k maps
k psqMV = modifyMVar_ psqMV $ \psq -> do
mapM_ killThread $ PSQ.keys psq
return PSQ.empty | 205 | killAll (TimeoutTable maps _) = do
V.mapM_ k maps
k psqMV = modifyMVar_ psqMV $ \psq -> do
mapM_ killThread $ PSQ.keys psq
return PSQ.empty | 172 | false | true | 0 | 11 | 58 | 87 | 39 | 48 | null | null |
pseudonom/persistent | persistent-test/src/HtmlTest.hs | mit | cleanDB :: (MonadIO m, PersistQuery backend, PersistEntityBackend HtmlTable ~ backend) => ReaderT backend m ()
cleanDB = do
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HtmlTable]) | 164 | cleanDB :: (MonadIO m, PersistQuery backend, PersistEntityBackend HtmlTable ~ backend) => ReaderT backend m ()
cleanDB = do
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HtmlTable]) | 164 | cleanDB = do
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HtmlTable]) | 53 | false | true | 0 | 10 | 24 | 66 | 33 | 33 | null | null |
luisgepeto/HaskellLearning | 10 Functionally Solving Problems/02_heathrow_to_london.hs | mit | --make a function that splits a list into a list of lists of same size
groupsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupsOf 0 _ = undefined | 127 | groupsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupsOf 0 _ = undefined | 56 | groupsOf 0 _ = undefined | 24 | true | true | 0 | 8 | 26 | 34 | 19 | 15 | null | null |
leshchevds/ganeti | src/Ganeti/Constants.hs | bsd-2-clause | oobCommands :: FrozenSet String
oobCommands = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.oobCommandToRaw [minBound..] | 106 | oobCommands :: FrozenSet String
oobCommands = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.oobCommandToRaw [minBound..] | 106 | oobCommands = ConstantUtils.mkSet $ map Types.oobCommandToRaw [minBound..] | 74 | false | true | 0 | 7 | 10 | 30 | 15 | 15 | null | null |
andrewthad/yesod | yesod-core/Yesod/Core/Handler.hs | mit | -- | Get the URL rendering function.
getUrlRender :: MonadHandler m => m (Route (HandlerSite m) -> Text)
getUrlRender = do
x <- rheRender `liftM` askHandlerEnv
return $ flip x []
-- | The URL rendering function with query-string parameters. | 249 | getUrlRender :: MonadHandler m => m (Route (HandlerSite m) -> Text)
getUrlRender = do
x <- rheRender `liftM` askHandlerEnv
return $ flip x []
-- | The URL rendering function with query-string parameters. | 212 | getUrlRender = do
x <- rheRender `liftM` askHandlerEnv
return $ flip x []
-- | The URL rendering function with query-string parameters. | 144 | true | true | 0 | 11 | 48 | 66 | 33 | 33 | null | null |
luzhuomi/xhaskell-regex-deriv | Text/Regex/Deriv/ByteString/BitCode.hs | bsd-3-clause | -- not in used
extractSR (PChoice [p] _) (Choice [r] _) u start_index = extractSR p r u start_index | 99 | extractSR (PChoice [p] _) (Choice [r] _) u start_index = extractSR p r u start_index | 84 | extractSR (PChoice [p] _) (Choice [r] _) u start_index = extractSR p r u start_index | 84 | true | false | 1 | 8 | 18 | 49 | 24 | 25 | null | null |
brendanhay/gogol | gogol-storage/gen/Network/Google/Storage/Types/Product.hs | mpl-2.0 | -- | A Boolean value to indicate whether payload is wanted. Optional.
cPayload :: Lens' Channel (Maybe Bool)
cPayload = lens _cPayload (\ s a -> s{_cPayload = a}) | 162 | cPayload :: Lens' Channel (Maybe Bool)
cPayload = lens _cPayload (\ s a -> s{_cPayload = a}) | 92 | cPayload = lens _cPayload (\ s a -> s{_cPayload = a}) | 53 | true | true | 0 | 9 | 28 | 46 | 25 | 21 | null | null |
aavogt/DimMat | examples/controlspace.hs | bsd-3-clause | testIsLTI =
(\ a b c d -> case isLTI (1 *~ second) x u y a (colMat b) c (colMat d) of
_ -> do
print $ vsep
[text "A = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` a)),
text "B = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` b)),
text "C = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` c)),
text "D = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` d))]
) undefined undefined undefined undefined | 425 | testIsLTI =
(\ a b c d -> case isLTI (1 *~ second) x u y a (colMat b) c (colMat d) of
_ -> do
print $ vsep
[text "A = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` a)),
text "B = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` b)),
text "C = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` c)),
text "D = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` d))]
) undefined undefined undefined undefined | 425 | testIsLTI =
(\ a b c d -> case isLTI (1 *~ second) x u y a (colMat b) c (colMat d) of
_ -> do
print $ vsep
[text "A = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` a)),
text "B = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` b)),
text "C = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` c)),
text "D = " </> indent 0 (pretty (zeroes `asTypeOf` d))]
) undefined undefined undefined undefined | 425 | false | false | 0 | 21 | 125 | 205 | 106 | 99 | null | null |
ChristopherKing42/tagsoup | Text/HTML/TagSoup/Type.hs | bsd-3-clause | -- | Extract the string from within 'TagText', crashes if not a 'TagText'
fromTagText :: Show str => Tag str -> str
fromTagText (TagText x) = x | 143 | fromTagText :: Show str => Tag str -> str
fromTagText (TagText x) = x | 69 | fromTagText (TagText x) = x | 27 | true | true | 0 | 10 | 26 | 41 | 18 | 23 | null | null |
farrellm/advent | src/Template.hs | mit | p1 = 0 | 6 | p1 = 0 | 6 | p1 = 0 | 6 | false | false | 1 | 5 | 2 | 10 | 3 | 7 | null | null |
saclark/wyas | src/Wyas/Eval.hs | mit | eval (List [Atom "quote", val]) = return val | 44 | eval (List [Atom "quote", val]) = return val | 44 | eval (List [Atom "quote", val]) = return val | 44 | false | false | 0 | 9 | 7 | 27 | 13 | 14 | null | null |
urbanslug/ghc | compiler/ghci/ByteCodeAsm.hs | bsd-3-clause | inspectAsm :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Word -> Assembler a -> (Word, LabelEnvMap)
inspectAsm dflags long_jumps initial_offset
= go (InspectState initial_offset 0 0 Map.empty)
go s (NullAsm _) = (instrCount s, lblEnv s)
go s (AllocPtr _ k) = go (s { ptrCount = n + 1 }) (k n)
where n = ptrCount s
go s (AllocLit ls k) = go (s { litCount = n + genericLength ls }) (k n)
where n = litCount s
go s (AllocLabel lbl k) = go s' k
where s' = s { lblEnv = Map.insert lbl (instrCount s) (lblEnv s) }
go s (Emit _ ops k) = go s' k
s' = s { instrCount = instrCount s + size }
size = sum (map count ops) + 1
largeOps = any (largeOp long_jumps) ops
count (SmallOp _) = 1
count (LabelOp _) = count (Op 0)
count (Op _) = if largeOps then largeArg16s dflags else 1
-- count (LargeOp _) = largeArg16s dflags
-- Bring in all the bci_ bytecode constants.
#include "rts/Bytecodes.h" | 970 | inspectAsm :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Word -> Assembler a -> (Word, LabelEnvMap)
inspectAsm dflags long_jumps initial_offset
= go (InspectState initial_offset 0 0 Map.empty)
go s (NullAsm _) = (instrCount s, lblEnv s)
go s (AllocPtr _ k) = go (s { ptrCount = n + 1 }) (k n)
where n = ptrCount s
go s (AllocLit ls k) = go (s { litCount = n + genericLength ls }) (k n)
where n = litCount s
go s (AllocLabel lbl k) = go s' k
where s' = s { lblEnv = Map.insert lbl (instrCount s) (lblEnv s) }
go s (Emit _ ops k) = go s' k
s' = s { instrCount = instrCount s + size }
size = sum (map count ops) + 1
largeOps = any (largeOp long_jumps) ops
count (SmallOp _) = 1
count (LabelOp _) = count (Op 0)
count (Op _) = if largeOps then largeArg16s dflags else 1
-- count (LargeOp _) = largeArg16s dflags
-- Bring in all the bci_ bytecode constants.
#include "rts/Bytecodes.h" | 970 | inspectAsm dflags long_jumps initial_offset
= go (InspectState initial_offset 0 0 Map.empty)
go s (NullAsm _) = (instrCount s, lblEnv s)
go s (AllocPtr _ k) = go (s { ptrCount = n + 1 }) (k n)
where n = ptrCount s
go s (AllocLit ls k) = go (s { litCount = n + genericLength ls }) (k n)
where n = litCount s
go s (AllocLabel lbl k) = go s' k
where s' = s { lblEnv = Map.insert lbl (instrCount s) (lblEnv s) }
go s (Emit _ ops k) = go s' k
s' = s { instrCount = instrCount s + size }
size = sum (map count ops) + 1
largeOps = any (largeOp long_jumps) ops
count (SmallOp _) = 1
count (LabelOp _) = count (Op 0)
count (Op _) = if largeOps then largeArg16s dflags else 1
-- count (LargeOp _) = largeArg16s dflags
-- Bring in all the bci_ bytecode constants.
#include "rts/Bytecodes.h" | 893 | false | true | 0 | 10 | 279 | 418 | 208 | 210 | null | null |
brendanhay/gogol | gogol-gmail/gen/Network/Google/Gmail/Types/Product.hs | mpl-2.0 | -- | Creates a value of 'ImapSettings' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'isEnabled'
-- * 'isExpungeBehavior'
-- * 'isAutoExpunge'
-- * 'isMaxFolderSize'
:: ImapSettings
imapSettings =
{ _isEnabled = Nothing
, _isExpungeBehavior = Nothing
, _isAutoExpunge = Nothing
, _isMaxFolderSize = Nothing
} | 457 | imapSettings
:: ImapSettings
imapSettings =
{ _isEnabled = Nothing
, _isExpungeBehavior = Nothing
, _isAutoExpunge = Nothing
, _isMaxFolderSize = Nothing
} | 195 | imapSettings =
{ _isEnabled = Nothing
, _isExpungeBehavior = Nothing
, _isAutoExpunge = Nothing
, _isMaxFolderSize = Nothing
} | 162 | true | true | 0 | 7 | 94 | 58 | 36 | 22 | null | null |
GaloisInc/galua | galua/src/Galua/MachUtils.hs | mit | newMachineEnv :: AllocRef -> MachConfig -> IO MachineEnv
newMachineEnv aref machConfig =
do let refLoc = RefLoc { refLocCaller = MachSetup
, refLocSite = MachSetup
machGlobals <- newTable aref refLoc 0 0
machRegistry <- newTable aref refLoc 0 0
machNextChunkId <- newIORef 0
machMetatablesRef <- newIORef Map.empty
machLuaServer <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
machCServer <- newEmptyMVar
machGarbage <- newIORef []
machStablePtr <- newStablePtr ExternalLuaState
{ extLuaStateLuaServer = machLuaServer
, extLuaStateCServer = machCServer
machMainThreadRef <- allocNewThread machStablePtr aref refLoc ThreadRunning
setTableRaw machRegistry (Number 1) (Thread machMainThreadRef)
setTableRaw machRegistry (Number 2) (Table machGlobals)
machNameCache <- newIORef (cacheEmpty 50000)
machCFunInfo <- cfunInfoFun
machJIT <- newIORef Map.empty
return MachineEnv { .. } | 1,063 | newMachineEnv :: AllocRef -> MachConfig -> IO MachineEnv
newMachineEnv aref machConfig =
do let refLoc = RefLoc { refLocCaller = MachSetup
, refLocSite = MachSetup
machGlobals <- newTable aref refLoc 0 0
machRegistry <- newTable aref refLoc 0 0
machNextChunkId <- newIORef 0
machMetatablesRef <- newIORef Map.empty
machLuaServer <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
machCServer <- newEmptyMVar
machGarbage <- newIORef []
machStablePtr <- newStablePtr ExternalLuaState
{ extLuaStateLuaServer = machLuaServer
, extLuaStateCServer = machCServer
machMainThreadRef <- allocNewThread machStablePtr aref refLoc ThreadRunning
setTableRaw machRegistry (Number 1) (Thread machMainThreadRef)
setTableRaw machRegistry (Number 2) (Table machGlobals)
machNameCache <- newIORef (cacheEmpty 50000)
machCFunInfo <- cfunInfoFun
machJIT <- newIORef Map.empty
return MachineEnv { .. } | 1,063 | newMachineEnv aref machConfig =
do let refLoc = RefLoc { refLocCaller = MachSetup
, refLocSite = MachSetup
machGlobals <- newTable aref refLoc 0 0
machRegistry <- newTable aref refLoc 0 0
machNextChunkId <- newIORef 0
machMetatablesRef <- newIORef Map.empty
machLuaServer <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
machCServer <- newEmptyMVar
machGarbage <- newIORef []
machStablePtr <- newStablePtr ExternalLuaState
{ extLuaStateLuaServer = machLuaServer
, extLuaStateCServer = machCServer
machMainThreadRef <- allocNewThread machStablePtr aref refLoc ThreadRunning
setTableRaw machRegistry (Number 1) (Thread machMainThreadRef)
setTableRaw machRegistry (Number 2) (Table machGlobals)
machNameCache <- newIORef (cacheEmpty 50000)
machCFunInfo <- cfunInfoFun
machJIT <- newIORef Map.empty
return MachineEnv { .. } | 1,006 | false | true | 0 | 12 | 311 | 268 | 122 | 146 | null | null |
xixi4Den/BSUIR-Haskell-lw1 | src/FCM.hs | mit | hammingDistance :: [Double] -> [Double] -> Double
hammingDistance a b = sum $ zipWith (\ai bi -> abs (ai - bi)) a b | 115 | hammingDistance :: [Double] -> [Double] -> Double
hammingDistance a b = sum $ zipWith (\ai bi -> abs (ai - bi)) a b | 115 | hammingDistance a b = sum $ zipWith (\ai bi -> abs (ai - bi)) a b | 65 | false | true | 0 | 11 | 22 | 65 | 33 | 32 | null | null |
lspitzner/brittany | source/library/Language/Haskell/Brittany/Internal/Utils.hs | agpl-3.0 | traceIfDumpConf
:: (MonadMultiReader Config m, Show a)
=> String
-> (DebugConfig -> Identity (Semigroup.Last Bool))
-> a
-> m ()
traceIfDumpConf s accessor val = do
whenM (mAsk <&> _conf_debug .> accessor .> confUnpack) $ do
trace ("---- " ++ s ++ " ----\n" ++ show val) $ return () | 298 | traceIfDumpConf
:: (MonadMultiReader Config m, Show a)
=> String
-> (DebugConfig -> Identity (Semigroup.Last Bool))
-> a
-> m ()
traceIfDumpConf s accessor val = do
whenM (mAsk <&> _conf_debug .> accessor .> confUnpack) $ do
trace ("---- " ++ s ++ " ----\n" ++ show val) $ return () | 298 | traceIfDumpConf s accessor val = do
whenM (mAsk <&> _conf_debug .> accessor .> confUnpack) $ do
trace ("---- " ++ s ++ " ----\n" ++ show val) $ return () | 159 | false | true | 0 | 16 | 65 | 133 | 63 | 70 | null | null |
oldmanmike/ghc | compiler/utils/Outputable.hs | bsd-3-clause | text s = docToSDoc $ Pretty.text s | 39 | text s = docToSDoc $ Pretty.text s | 39 | text s = docToSDoc $ Pretty.text s | 39 | false | false | 0 | 7 | 11 | 18 | 8 | 10 | null | null |
aelve/sqlite-simple-x | lib/Database/SQLite/Simple/X.hs | bsd-3-clause | notNull :: TableSpec -> TableSpec
notNull = censor (map (<> " NOT NULL")) | 73 | notNull :: TableSpec -> TableSpec
notNull = censor (map (<> " NOT NULL")) | 73 | notNull = censor (map (<> " NOT NULL")) | 39 | false | true | 0 | 8 | 12 | 34 | 16 | 18 | null | null |
Dataset Card for "github-code-haskell-function"
Rows: 3.26M Download Size: 1.17GB
This dataset is extracted from github-code-haskell-file.
Each row has 3 flavors of the same function:
: Includes the function and its closest signature.
: Includes the function only.
: Includes the function and its closest signature and comment.
The heuristic for finding the closest signature and comment follows: If the immediate previous neighbor of the function
is neither a signature nor comment, full_code
is just the function. If the previous neighbor is one though, include
them appropriately, then search the previous neighbor for the other node with the same logic.
Further, each row also contains attribute values for my personal analysis project. The attributes are calculated from the code in column uncommented_code
7% (225k) of the rows have cyclomatic complexity and LOC valued at -1
because homplexity
failed in parsing the row's uncommented_code
- Downloads last month
- 360