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Jagten (The Hunt) is a riveting film, with a disturbing and quite interesting story, but that lacks something to make it great.Mild mannered Lucas (Mads Mikkelsen) has found a job as a kindergarten teacher, is trying to reconnect with his son, seems to have get the eye of co-worker Nadja and has lots of friends. But when his best friend's daughter says something about him, his world starts to crumble."The Hunt" offers a very interesting view. It is not about if Lucas has done or not what people believe he has done, is how everyone reacts to it. He may be guilty, but the society where he lives is for sure sick. From the directed questioning that Ole does to how people start to see ghosts everywhere the movie is saying more about the world were Lucas lives than about him. The always great Mads Mikkelsen is less so here, as he starts too quiet and blank at the beginning of the movie, but he can act in his sleep, so he is still good. All other actors may be less known, but do a great job too. But the movie is also quite heavy- handed in the way it tells the story. Not because one or two plot developments can be seen from a hundred kilometers away, but because it puts a couple of symbols as if it thought we weren't smart enough to understand it without them (like it playing during winter). And the ending is uneven.Really interesting, though and totally worth watching.
I first saw this movie in a culture festival at 1.00 o clock after midnight. During the film i was not sure whether i was awake or not. After the film was over me and some friends went for a drink and for 2 hours we were trying to understand what we have just seen.I believe that the Lost Highway is the masterpiece of David Lynch. His unique direction takes the viewer in an another place where nothing is real and nothing is true. This along with the superb music of Angelo Badalamenti makes this film one of the greatest films of all times.After a few months i bought the tape and i have seen the movie 5 or 6 times. Each time i discover something new something i did not noticed before. The last time i saw movie i had drunk half a bottle of ouzo (greek liquer something like sabuka) and everything were very clear in my mind. It was then when i found the real meaning of this movie. You can not see and understand Lost Highway. You just live in it.
not know how many times I've seen this movie, or how many times the keep watching, just know that every time I see her find a detail new that makes me love her more. I learned a lot more watching this film that in every film workshops I have taken, I have always imagined the second part of this film, although without no serious Leon Nathalie same but has the ability to make a second part. i will be waiting all my life to see the second part, this movie has inspired me not only in my career if not in my personal life. The important that can be drawn from this production in every way is incalculable from the simplest of its planes as each line in their dialogues highly recommend it if your passion is in the film. the sentiments expressed by the interpreter and characters by Nathalie jean are the closest to true love in my opinion, a clean and unpretentious feeling, direct and fearless, with a innocent madness between two people of different ages but souls equal
Without giving too many spoilers (Ok there's one), I went to see Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, any movie which starts with this little fellow Baby Groot Dancing to ELO's Mr Blue Sky (there's that darn spoiler) is on to winner, it's full of great action and comedy including some aimed primarily at adults and older teenagers that had laughter roaring from the audience, it's a while since I've heard as much laughter act film. it has a great soundtrack with some surprising songs such as Southern Nights, Glen Campbell, & Fox On The Run The Sweet being just couple of them. I loved this film the time just flew over. This is fantastic family entertainment and is definitely worth a massive 10/10 for me.
I have never written a review of a film before on this site, but watching this film has made me so angry and disappointed that i felt i had to say something.I am 23 and like most girls have loved the sex and the city TV series and the first film, so was very much looking forward to this second instalment I went to see this with my mum and a friend and her mum, we are all different ages, and not one of us had a good time, or could say anything positive about this film when we left the cinema.It has little story line, and the 4 girls who i loved watching in the first film, now seem just shallow and completely devoid of normal human reactions/emotions and behaviour.The way the women act in Abu Dhabi is embarrassing and completely disrespectful to the countries culture.Basically don't waste your money on this hyped up piece of fluff, the outfits may be nice to look at, but there is no substance at all.
It's late 19th century Vienna. Chief Inspector Walter Uhl (Paul Giamatti) is arresting illusionist Eisenheim (Edward Norton) for Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell). Uhl recounts Eisenheim's life story to the Prince. Young poor Eisenheim was in love with high born Duchess Sophie but they were separated by force. He wanders the world learning illusions and returns to find Sophie (Jessica Biel) engaged to arrogant Prince Leopold. The prince dislikes Eisenheim and is also scheming to overthrow his father, King Leopold of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.The film looks beautiful with great looking sets. The acting is generally good. Giamatti is playing a conflicted character. Biel is better than her usual self. Norton is a compelling lead. Sewell is suitably villainy. I like this film although I would like a bit more intensity. There is mostly a brooding tension. Also the final twist is not surprising but it is fitting.
First, let me start off by saying I think Shaun of the Dead is one of the best flicks out there. I was going in expecting another similarly stellar comedy. Instead, the chit-chat humor and quick shock chuckle moments that SOTD have are basically non-existent in Hot Fuzz. The humor is in the entire scope of what is going on. There's no way to personally relate to any of the main characters, so the humor is seemingly in the disconnect. For example, somebody is over the top stiff and dedicated, another is comic book villain evil to the core, another character is simply annoying, yet another character is a big evil fuddy foe, and that's basically the joke. The entire movie is based on how nobody is actually like any of the characters, so it falls short of any personal connection. Yet Hot Fuzz tries to draw you in with the dialogue and fails to deliver with any good comedic substance.The plot also suffers from identity crisis. Is it an action movie with lots of explosions and silly solutions to gunfights? Is it a slasher? Is it face paced? Is it slow paced? Can I view the entire movie without fidgeting in my seat? Hot Fuzz really isn't a bad movie, it's enjoyable on some levels. I love Dalton in this movie, I don't think they could have casted a better fit for his role nor anyone else have pulled his character off so flawlessly. There are some funny moments too, but they are few and far between. The movie pretends to have a fast pace yet it moves VERY slow. So you're constantly trying to put lots of focus and energy into following the movie and the favor isn't returned.The movie looked like it was a blast to produce, but in the end, it just isn't memorable.
I had to turn this movie off after fifteen minutes, I couldn't take any more. The weird staging was bad enough. I kept waiting for the cast to break out into a production number. When I saw the clerks stamping papers in unison, I thought I was watching a Mel Brooks production. Seriously? This is as bad as it gets in Hollywood. When I think of all the starving actors that could have been fed with the money they spent on this flop, I cringe. And Keira Knightly is on the top of that list! (Somebody please take her to lunch.)I have enjoyed every production of Anna Karenina from the silent version to Masterpiece Theater. So when I saw the trailer for this production I was champing at the bit. Fortunately,in retrospect, I missed a chance to see it in the theater and resolved to wait for the DVD release. It took me a few minutes to figure out the quirky theatrical staging and kept waiting for the real story to begin. It soon became obvious that this was some kind of avant garde cinema experiment going horribly awry and I reached for the stop button. If you like pretentious, over-stylized film-making, this is the film for you. If you're looking for an epic period drama, better look elsewhere.
Walking Tall is The Rock's fourth foray into major motion pictures, and different turn then his previous three trips to the box office. What separates 'Walking Tall' from his other films to date is The Rock is left alone as the sole 'draw' of this film, without a major franchise (The Mummy Returns, Scorpion King) or other star power (The Rundown with Sean William Scott and Christopher Walken) to draw an audience. Is it a success?Yes and no.Overall, it's an enjoyable action film with good a plot, decent characters and acting, and some hard-hitting action sequences. It centres on Chris Vaughn (The Rock), returning home from the Army after many years of service, only to realize it isn't the place he left all those years ago. A former friend and casino owner Jay Hamilton (Neal McDonough) controls much of the town through gambling, prostitution, and drugs. After Vaughn is attacked in the Casino, and his nephew overdoses on drugs, he teams with his best friend Ray (Johnny Knoxville), becomes the town's Sheriff, and goes about trying to set things right.It is The Rock's movie first and foremost, and his natural charisma and personality are what carries the movie at its core. The Rock plays Chris Vaughn and delivers as well as can be expected, after four films he is definitely looking more in his element. The Rock is supported wonderfully by the surprising Johnny Knoxville (of Jackass fame) who turns in a wonderfully solid and funny performance as Ray, Vaughn's best friend and later deputy. Neal McDonough plays the main villain of the picture, and although he doesn't have much to work with outside of being just "the bad guy", he handles it well, and is matched well against The Rock.This movie is decidedly 'heavier' then Rock's previous outings, dealing with more significant topics like prostitution and drugs, which gives it a more serious edge. It certainly doesn't feel like a 'fun' film, like all of The Rock's other movies to date.The action scenes are solid, and are a firm connection to the plot. Unlike Rock's previous films, the fight scenes are more traditional 'realistic' looking fights. That being said, for action junkies there's definitely something here for you, with The Rock getting into it with his hands, and guns, there's definitely something for everyone.That said, I felt Walking Tall was a little bit thin. First and foremost, it ran at a meagre 85 minutes, which was simply not enough time for a movie like this. Although all the necessary plot points were properly established, I felt the movie needed another 20 minutes or so to `breath'. Everything progresses logically, just much too quickly to build the level of suspense and anticipation I think the movie was capable of. As a result, leading up to the climax of the movie, it almost feels like a race to the finish. More character development and background was definitely warranted, as well as greater explanation on certain plot points.I felt that this was a movie that a studio may have cut for time reasons or ratings (it also felt like it was being squeezed into PG-13), and if that were the case, I'd love to see the full version. I feel it would be a much more complete film, with a better build up, therefore making the payoff mean all that much more.Overall, I enjoyed Walking Tall, and would recommend it to anyone despite its faults. The Rock is being championed as the next big action star, and I have to agree, he has the charisma, looks and moves to make it far, with Walking Tall being a major 'step' in getting him there.
Beginning with a great opening, it devolved into dribble. Nothing is more of a let-down that knowing what and who Thor is, from a childhood spent reading Marvel Comics, than not having anything recognisable shown to us. Save your money. Do not buy this. Go buy some comic books instead. I wish I had. This DVD is going to the local charity shop, with a handwritten apology for donating rubbish to them! Stan Lee makes another of his cameos in this, and it's a little light humour thrown in, but that doesn't make it worth the money spent on buying it. Sorry, Stan, this is not good. Kenneth Branagh, (Director) please, stick to Shakespeare. You know nothing about Superhero/action movies!
The film is truly a masterpiece.The critics are way off in the reviews for 14 years.They don't see the real story.The isolation is the story.You have no where to run or hide.Each team member turns on each other on a drop of a dime.The effects are great.Who is the thing ??? Kurt Russell does a great job in the film......
A stalker is taking 2 people with him to a place called Zone. There is a room, where all our wishes will be granted. The Zone is a mysterious place, supposed to be occupied by Aliens. Government don't allow people to go there.Andrei Tarkovsky's films are always dream like visual poetry with lights and shades. There are multiple interpretations to the film. Each viewer can have their own conclusion. The journey can be related to life, while others may relate it to the religion or even our own conscious mind. You need to watch it multiple times to analyze the intellectual meaning. A must watch movie.#KiduMovie
This is a very cold movie and dangerously close to a hollow and fake one, like the typical Oscar fare. My problem with it is that it is very difficult to sympathize with either one of the two main characters and the other players are just shadows moving in the background. Much was written about the early sex scenes, which are beautifully lit and bring to mind soft-porn movies rather than anything linked with the holocaust. Because of the way the story is presented - a torrid affair between a boy and an older woman - everything that happens afterward tastes fake. Sure, there are some pretty serious questions hanging around - German guilt, personal choices, etc... - but eventually it all boils down to a couple of unpleasant, cold-hearted people who do not care much about others and little about themselves. Hanna is a little bit more believable as a character, as the uneducated, brutal creature who just obeys orders and does not think about the past or consequences. The boy Michael is a stereotype of the cold German, and on top of that, his actions are totally illogical. First he is supposed to be in love with Hanna, but does nothing to help her (due to German guilt I guess, but still unforgivable, especially coming from somebody who chose law as his profession). Then, after many years he is again "nice" to her, but refuses any direct contact and finally, when it is conveniently too late, he decides to come clean and confess. Of course people behave in illogical and inconsistent ways, but I found his behavior really too much of a mess. Kate Winslet as Hanna is good, but again, this role is possibly the most unsympathetic, distasteful and ambiguous she ever played. I'd rather see a good comedy any time than a pretentious, made-for-the-Oscar movie like this one.
I would like to disagree with comments that I've just read from pfarmer891 about Spielbergs Munich. I think that the main message was totally overlooked and your comments were mostly concentrated on facts that sometimes are useless. So what if the Fiction movie is not totally based on facts, but do you think you can actually get those facts straight in a conflict like this. If the movie ads on in order to created a clearer message, I believe it's not a crime. And I don't think that the message was the standard Hollywood "why can't we be friends". I thought it was the message of desperation and hopelessness about the situation in Middle East. And it makes the story even stronger when we look at out the same conflict in 2006 and realize that nothing has changed, because the violence has continued. If Spielberg would have taken sides, then that would've been a standard for the modern Hollywood - Israel is the victim and Muslims are all terrorists. I thought it was a very brave move by Spielberg to try to analyze the conflict from words of both Israelis and Palestinians. The "safe house" part of the movie might have seem ridiculous to you, but why, is it impossible now for people of those to nations to sleep under one roof? If you believe that, then the conflict is inevitable in your world. I think people who go to see this movie, should not come there trying to dissect every setting and decide if it can be fact or not, but look more deeply into the meaning of the film. Try to get rid of all the previous conceptions and just watch it from both sides and then see if you can decide who is right. I think that's the point, that it's no one. Too many people have died to naively believe that any of the allegations of the truth, be it from Israelians or Palestinians, can be justified.
This show is for everyone who enjoy good urban legend stories and suspense genre.I watched all the seasons in a month (they were that interesting) and i can say the following -the FIRST SEASON - was introducing !! (it was focused more on classic horror stories with some family theme in the background )-->recommend episode "Provenance" -the SECOND SEASON - was amazing !! (it put an accent on the family the unconditional love and passion for the job )--> recommend episode "Tall Tales","what is and what should never be",and "All hell breaks loose1,2"(this whole season is perfect) -the THIRD SEASON - was intriguing !! (showed me more aspects of life,courage and dedication )---> recommend episode "Mystery Spot" -the FOURTH SEASON - was weird !! (here the things got a little strange,unusual even a little nervous )--->"In the beginning","Yellow Fever","After School Special","the monsters at the end of this book" -the FIFTH SEASON - so far is anxious (it can blow you from side to side,and won't ever do anything you expect )-->recommend episode "The End"(so far :))) )It is strange how the brothers bond is much more stronger than sisters (at least in this show). Every character will surprise you,will make you love him/her,hate him/her and forgive or stay mad at him/her in the end. You might notice that every episode i recommended is different from the others.They are special and they offer something that breaks the monotony in the show.The humor is awesome,the music is great !! Lets pray for a season 6 !!!
I'll make this short and sweet... (Though if I could, I would write a BOOK about how much I loved this movie! I am too sick to do so, so it will have to do with a short review!) I was so incredibly TOUCHED by this movie! It was SO beautiful on so many levels, so realistic, so incredibly huge, over the top, and utterly mind-blowing in all aspects!! I saw the 3D version and just sat there in awe, even all through the ending credits... I could NOT close my mouth! My jaw was all the way down there, right there, on the floor of the movie theater.Dear James Cameron: I want to LIVE on Pandora. To me, it was, and still is, very much real! The characters were so real and GOOD that I like them better than most people I've met! Sigh... Two lives.. What an idea.. I wish I could wake up as a Na'vi one day! Avatar made me cry several times though the movie. I am a 31 year old male, FYI. The first that I cried when watching Avatar was when I realized how beautiful Pandora was. Then again when I understood how good, innocent and pure the Na'vi were. Neytiri is probably the most beautiful personality I've ever seen anywhere, in movies and in real life, and I absolutely fell in love with her soul. I cried when I saw Neytiri and Jake Sully kiss. It was such a beautiful moment. Then I cried when I just understood how amazing this movie really is - The whole meaning of it. It was just... Too much!!! There was just so much LOVE in this movie! Mr. Cameron, you're a Genius! Best movie of the year, and probably the best movie I ever saw. . .Thomas in Norway
50 Shades of Grey lurks into a dark world we don't see many Hollywood films venture into. Even though this movie is a book adaptation, it shines with originality as well as character. If you're someone who has read the book, and also never like movie adaptations, save yourself some time; this may not be for you.For those looking for saucy dark romantic film, you may want to check this out. There is little chance you haven't heard something about this film. The book was big a few years ago and finally made it to the big screen, and for good reason. The story is grasping and keeps you interested throughout; even though it seems like its never moving onto the next act. That's actually one of the beauties of it: it flows very well and ends with you at the edge of your seat.Once we are introduced to the two main characters, you don't feel the chemistry right away. In fact, you don't really feel it most of the film. This is not because of poor acting or writing, this was intentional. The story unfolds into a plot that is subtle and minuscule. But as the movie progresses, you start to see a darker and darker tone, and much closer and needed chemistry between the two main characters. This is what absorbs you into both the characters and the story, something that not many films do. There is no romantic cliché. Don't expect the "two people meet fall in love fight then fall back in love" formula here.Go into this film with an open, clear mind. Erase what super-fans have told you and keep all bias opinions out the theater door. Do this, and there will be a unique story on the big screen waiting for you.
How Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time didn't end up as direct-to-DVD cartoon is beyond me.It was, in fact, an all-but cartoon, with thousands, make that MILLIONS of CGI clips; it's almost like watching a cartoon. Now, that's so the (probably near-bankrupt) Disney can make a buck on something they probably weren't too sure of. Uh, like Mars Needs Moms? Too soon?Now, it's not all bad. It's entertaining if you leave your brain on a magic carpet by the door, and know the source material. Only, I played thee original Prince of Persia – as early as 1989 and not the ho-hum remake of every other desert adventure that's out there. I've seen the previews – of the updated game that is – and a lot of shots of this movie version does look a lot like it. So, kudos to them for keeping with the (times and) video game.But, it's also not all that good. What starts off with enormous plot elements thrown at us as well as what seems like 50 different locales that you're supposed to "get" up front, ends up with the age-old story, in an age-old Iran – formally Persia.Oh, and before I go further…can someone please remove the "SIR" before Ben Kingsley's name? Seriously, the ratio of bad movies to good outweighs the number of good Friday the 13th movies.So Persia wants to rule the world and an "Aladdin"-type Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) is the adopted son of the King and has two brothers and an Uncle (unsir Ben Kingsley.) Side note: I would like to call this Uncle after another "Uncle" from another Disney classic…but that would be too much of a spoiler. Though, if you don't see that coming, you have never, ever seen a movie before, let alone played a video game beyond the Super Nintendo. (Heck, let's say the Sega Genesis.)Anyways, King Daddy dies and Dastan is destined to be accused. Meanwhile, he's in possession of a switchblade (of sorts) that…wait for it…controls the sands of time. Well, for a minute at least. Meanwhile, Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) wants the cutting-through-time knife back. And it does, in fact, go back and forth between the two leads so many times, you'd think this was Groundhog Day.Oh, and the evil one(s) also want the sharpy thing. (See how I'm not taking this seriously?) And neither should the audience. The movie's just an excuse to throw cheesy (and obvious) CGI-controlled scenes at you in both rabid and slooo-mo (Also see: The Matrix…wait, aren't we 12 years past yet another Matrix-rip-off?)I'll repeat (one part, at least): It's not all that bad. It's entertaining enough just as mindless action, but with zero depth, originality or creativity. You can just watch it because there hasn't been an Indiana Jones, Mummy or Lara Croft reboot in the works recently. Speaking of which, Prince of Persia doesn't even come close to those movies (okay, maybe Lara Croft: The Cradle of Life and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – it's certainly on par with those.) Heck, even the mostly-bland National Treasure movies are better.And that's all too bad. You can tell Jake put his heart into this; I'm sure he worked out at the gym for more hours than he put in for Brokeback Mountain. But, sadly, he also put his time into a tired script with a truly foreseen finale that takes way too long to get to and yet another movie Kingsley phoned his performance in. Skip!
I am not much of a fan of the superhero genre or Marvel movies in general, but I actually think that the first "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie from 2014 was the best of all Marvel movies so far. So I needed little convincing in order to go to watch "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2".I will say that "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" was every bit as enjoyable and entertaining as its predecessor. And I don't understand why so many people have been mouthing complaints about the sequel. In my opinion it was every bit as good and right in the same alley as the first movie.The CGI in the movie was fantastic, as it usually is in all of Marvel's movies actually. And having good CGI effects and visuals is rather important for a movie such as "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2". I like how the effects were every bit as fast paced as the actual movie turned out to be.I found the storyline in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" to be entertaining and enjoyable. Sure, it was a little bit more out there in comparison to the first movie. But come on, this is a movie set in a galactic setting with alien creatures, spacecrafts and what have you not. And furthermore, it is set in the Marvel universe, so what do you expect if nothing other than getting a story blown out of proportions as all other Marvel stories essentially are.Just as in the first movie, then the cast ensemble for the sequel was quite good. It was nice to see the return of the cast members from the first movie. Just as it was nice to welcome new ones. But we also depart with some in this movie, which I hadn't expected. It wasn't a bad thing, but it just was somewhat of a surprise to me. But then again, I haven't read a single page of the comic books. Personally I must say that I was very pleased with the introduction of Mantis (played by Pom Klementieff), as this was a very interesting character and the presentation of the character was quite good in terms of effects and wardrobe."Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" has a myriad of impressive cameo appearances, some more obvious than others, among which I found Sylvester Stallone, Michelle Yeoh, David Hasselhoff, Ving Rhames and Stan Lee (of course). I looked up the cast list afterwards and saw that there were even more cameos such as Seth Green, Rob Zombie, Miley Cyrus and Jeff Goldblum.If you enjoyed the first "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie then you will definitely also enjoy the sequel. If you haven't seen the first one, then you can still sit down to watch the sequel, as there is nothing overly important from the first movie to the storyline of the sequel."Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" scores a solid 7 out of 10 stars from me. And I am looking forward to seeing the next movie in the series.
It has taken me a week of mulling things over for me to finally come to conclusion that TLJ is about as good as Revenge of the Sith. What was Rian Johnson thinking? The plot is all over the place with no cohesion to it. While TFA was criticized for being derivative of A New Hope, it felt like a Star Wars movie and JJ Abrams paid homage to the OT. I didn't like Rogue One at first but it grew on me as a stand alone feature in the Star Wars universe and it is way better than TLJ.** SPOILERS **One of the worst parts of TLJ IMO is the whole Maz Kanata/Code Breaker/Casino sequence. It is completely pointless and reminds me of a mash up between the Hunger Games and The Matrix: Reloaded Key Maker motorcycle chase. Its whole purpose being to make the movie longer while adding nothing to the plot at all. What's worse is it reminds me of the over use of CGI in the prequels which made them so bad. Why were a bunch of new Force powers introduced with little to no back story? Leia may be the daughter of Anakin/Darth Vader but she has never used the Force in ANY appearance up until this one when she Mary Poppins her way back onto the ship. Long distance Force teleconference between Kylo and Rey and then Luke Force projecting himself across the Galaxy? This isn't a Marvel superhero movie yet it was treated as such.There was inconsistent character development and traits. Poe just wound up turning into some macho blow everything up guy instead of being Leia's trusted Captain and Leia never would have kept Poe in the dark as to her plans. Johnson just seemed like he wanted to create drama for drama's sake like some insipid Soap Opera by creating tension between characters where there was none and it was not needed.The Porgs or whatever the hell they're called only appeared so Disney could sell toys to children this Christmas.The Lizard nuns on Luke's planet are yet another example of characters existing for no other reason that an attempt to provide cheap humor and seemed out of place, especially since Luke's whole purpose was to isolate himself from others.Also, you can't have a good Star Wars movie without the involvement of Droids in a big way. Here, BB 8 and R2-D2 were more like footnotes that just had to be put somewhere rather than integral characters. And BB-9E didn't even have to appear at all since it essentially did nothing except look suspiciously at a moving box.I have watched the OT, TFA and Rogue One numerous times and will continue to. However, TLJ I can only see myself watching it a 2nd time when it comes out on DVD/Netflix and then never watching it again since it just doesn't feel like it belongs in the Star Wars universe (just like the prequels).The best thing about TFA was that it wiped the stench of the prequels off the Star Wars universe. TLJ brings that stench back.
One of the best and most powerful of all films, SCHINDLER'S LIST proves that movies don't have to be fun to be good. Brilliantly acted, masterfully directed, subtly-yet-beautifully written, and horrifically realistic, this excellent drama is one of my all-time favorite movies. Truly a showcase for the talent of all the people who worked on it, this is definitely cinematic art. A very important movie to see, and I do not use the word frivolously.
I am very disappointed and ashamed of the franchise's putting out such a bad movie. IF you thought X-men 3 was bad this is far worse. It is hard to believe that after how great movie #2 was, that they could produce such a horrible movie. I have a hard time believing that an entire movie crew approved this final cut. It was laced with inconsistencies, plot holes, unnecessary scenes, and was anything but a spider man movie, but rather a soap opera. I read some of the reviews and wanted to see for myself. I think a lot of the people were far too generous. With the level of expectation that the franchise put on the public with previous movies, I find it hard to believe they blundered so badly. My take is they just didn't care. It was so sloppy, it indicates the studio treated like a joke. There was a time when trilogy finales were great; Indiana Jones, and Return of the Jedi... But lately studios seem to not give a darn and just produce anything just for the money.Spoiler warning: Maybe there will be a part 4 to redeem the franchise, certainly the scene with Curt Conners revealed a lizard skeleton in the background, and the absence of any remains after the bomb exploded on venom shows signs of a possible sequel. However it seems that studios like to end on a bad note these days.
You know that feeling, when you for example taste a good quality product and it for sure should be awesome, but it lacks something. That is precisely how I feel about this movie. You have awesome effects, great camera angles and from time to time a joke that can get a chuckle or two. Although, this humor is not my cup of tee, but I can understand why people can get behind it. But there is an inconsistent world, shallow villain, undeveloped characters, plot full of Clichés, etc. So why do I even bother? It is after all, a movie for a younger audience so one should not expect a masterly portrayed characters and thought-provoking plot. The thing is, that the overwhelming majority of todays cinema is consumed by this kind of filmmaking. But again, this is easily understandable. People want to run from the real world into fake one, where rules does not apply and everything turns good at the end. Have we become mentally weak, that we can't handle the movie that is more serious than a cartoon? The audience won't ever visit the cinemas after they shed a tear there or had themselves pondering over movie they just saw? Than again, it is a comic book movie and it does the job. It just feels that every movie today is some sort of a comic book movie.
"The Mummy" is a very entertaining movie. If you like the Indiana Jones style of movie then you will enjoy this one. "The Mummy" has scenes that will give you chills and ones that will make you chuckle. It is a very enjoyable and entertaining movie that you should see.
Resident Evil was by far one of the best video game adapted movies, especially considering the low budget boundaries. Unlike other zombie horror flicks it doesn't literally "throw the zombies in your face", it makes you wait and wonder what will happen. This giving the movie a better element of surprise in the beginning then other zombie flicks. Overall the performances from the actors was good, but at some points could have been better. As a fan of the game, I was very pleased to see how it was presented. Although the ending could have been better, I strongly recommend you seeing this if you are craving action, zombies, and suspense all in one movie.
Cool plagues. Weird I Am. Red Sea scene powerful and even believable; sets a lot more realistic than Charlton Heston's 'clean' version of the slave pits - and the plagues were easier to believe as natural consequences of a corrupt system than a magic staff wielded by a former NRA spokesperson.Not a film for Bible literalists, I'm afraid, though that actually made it that much more interesting to me. And I disagree with those who found the presence of some recognizable faces as 'trivializing' - the thrill of seeing great actors in tiny roles was wonderful. Thought both leading actors did a great job. Not a hint of sentimentality in any of it.Though as usual, an all-white cast - for a predominantly black story.Wassup with that, Hollywood?
Very rarely does a film take it upon itself to detail the horrific facts of the holocaust during World War II whilst simultaneously trying to maintain a child-friendly approach. The Boy in Striped Pyjamas is one of these few, and while it's insistence on at times painting the era in children's colours (for the sake of conveying how the main character sees his innocent life in the midst of all the evil that is going on around him) can distract from the real emotional and thematic core of the story, there's enough heart and intelligence present here to manage a story with integrity as one would expect. Detailing such themes as anti-Semitism, war, death and domestic abuse, Mark Herman certainly doesn't make a mockery of his audience and history here, despite the inconsistent tones that he uses to paint such a melancholic, bleak portrait. Stark in its message and touching in its emotional core, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a powerful, albeit slightly unfocused criticism of one of the cruellest acts in the recent history of man; and it does so through the eyes of an eight year old boy.This boy isn't the one mentioned in the title however, that would be an imprisoned Jew, living in a labour camp not far from our main character's new home. Bruno (Asa Butterfield), a boy of eight and son of an important Nazi soldier, has recently left his home in Berlin to live with his father, sister and mother in their new home which incidentally is near a concentration camp. Mistaking the imprisoned Jews for local farmers, what follows from this opening premise is a story of childhood bewilderment at how the adults of his world treat each other. Told through the eyes of Bruno, the movie can at times take on a light-hearted tone, throwing in small glints of humour and airy whimsy, and while these moments have their importance to contrasting the reality of Bruno's world and those around him with his own bright-eyed existence, their presence always seems perfunctory. Director Mark Herman shows that he knows how to contrast, but when the script demands that he try and blend the two natures of his world, problems arise.Working far more effectively are the scenes in which Bruno is faced with the harsh reality of his situation, even though he never quite grasps what is going on. Confused and always questioning his superiors and elders, Bruno gives way to many criticisms of the holocaust, without relying on any deep, thought-out questioning. This child-like approach to such a heavy topic can at times wear thin when the script relies on it exclusively to grasp at the heart of what is going on, but there are plenty of moments which work far more effectively, despite the abundance in which they reside. What propels the story even further however isn't within Bruno's interactions with his family and tutors, but with his new friend; the boy in the striped pyjamas, Shmuel (Jack Scanlon). Through their friendship, the movie achieves its most poignant message of how pointless and absurd the holocaust actually was. Bruno and Shmuel may never have any real time to bond and become close friends, but through their mutual isolation they find solace in each other, regardless of the electric fencing between them and whatever race of people they may be descendant from.Both child actors Butterfield and Scanlon do very well in their positions, and although they suffer from a distinct lack of true connection to the historical setting in which they find themselves, their inherent sense of ignorance brings the film a much needed air of innocence. As actors, both often avoid the usual awkwardness which usually afflicts thespians of their age and responsibility. The remainder of the cast hold their own just as well, with Vera Farmiga and David Thewlis providing some domestic dynamism as Bruno's mother and father adequately with enough resonance to further their son's personal story.In the end however, it was indeed the film's final ten minutes which won me over. As I mentioned previously, this may be a 12A film, and it may have been made with younger audiences in mind, yet in addition to the film's heavy themes and less than flowery characterisation, the film also closes on an extremely ballsy note. There's no doubt that the director could have copped out and went for something a little more pleasing, and it's actually surprising that even the studio let it slide given it's wide-demographic, yet when an ending like this arises one has to sit back and admire such a move. In essence, there is no other way that the movie could come to a close without losing its thematic and emotional core's poignancy to the less than successful whimsy façade, so while such a closer feels surprising, it also feels completely welcome. Hard-hitting at its greatest moments and amusing in its lighter ones, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is an intelligent and heart-felt family film that is too often at odds with itself in terms of its tone, but in the end does enough good to achieve an air of significance amidst the bloated genre.A review by Jamie Robert Ward (http://www.invocus.net)
i love this movie it is so truthful and anyone can relate no matter what they say at one point in there life the have been through it experimenting with alcohol and drugs peer pressure this movie is amazing if u haven't seen it then i highly recommend seeing it i think that the actors chosen for this movie was very well done especially Evan Rachel wood i mean o mi god she was SO good by far the best actress i have seen in ages she is only 15 ND SHE WAS JUST AMAZING I CANT STRESS That ENOUGH even if u aren't into this kinda movie it is really worth checking out just for that girls performances and Nikki reed also a good actor but what amazes me id that she co wrote it and she was only i think 13 at the time i mean there is some talent there and of course holly hunter did no wrong and give a good performance but amazingly she was out shined by Evan Rachel woods i mean i cant stress that enough
This was arguably one of the greatest Bond films ever. It was Pierce Brosnans best.From beginning to end the action was mind blowing. The settings from many different countries were exotic. The characters were really good (with the exception of Madonna).The plot maintained interest levels throughout. It was a typical Bond movie with fast cars and fast women. It has all the classic elements of a typical Bond film.After the disappointment of World Is Not Enough this movie is like a breath of fresh air. I would advise anyone to watch this movie, its an enjoyable movie experience and has brought James Bond films back on the map.Daniel Craig eat your heart out!
I had heard a lot of good and bad stuff about this film. It was strange that in this world of found footage horror films, bad cgi horror films, and really poorly made slasher flicks that we could ever get a period piece type of horror that seems like it would be closer to a true story than any past found footage movie. I don't think this is some artsy horror film like "It Follows" was, but I do think it is in many ways a sophisticated horror film that uses a lot of language of that time period. Sadly I don't think that sort of old style speaking is going to appeal to the mass of people who wanted to see a horror films, but I do think that it will get them talking. This is a real treat of a film that should be watched. It is not a psychological horror flick, but rather a scary and yet neat look into the ideas of the Salem Witch Trails that had once happened and brought fear into many people of that era. It brings in the use of magic and witchcraft in a pretty new and different way. It is a film that works on all levels to make the reaction that the directors and writers want us to feel. The Witch is creepy and daring and has a lot of characters to match. It works on multiple levels to be a cool a neat flick that I think you can find some enjoyment out of.
This movie was one I was dying to see. And it was pretty awesome, and beats out Shrek the Third and Spiderman 3. This movie was three hours, and every second kept you on the edge of your seat. All your favorite pirates are back, Jack, Will, Barbossa, Beckett, Davy Jones, Elizabeth, Tia Dalma,and others on a quest to stop Lord, Beckett in control of the East India trading company, from getting rid of piracy forever. To do this they try to get all the pirate lords together to fight. I find this movie very funny at most parts and the fight scenes are amazing. One bad thing about the movie is the speech, sometimes it is hard to understand, other wise thats it. Pirates 3rd and final installment will not disappoint you.
So after all the hype I really went into this movie expecting a lot. I truly believe the best horror films are about simplicity and stereotypical jump scares just don't do it. I was hoping this movie wouldn't be composed of just that. Unfortunately I was very disappointed. Overall I would say it was okay. The kids were great. But after having read the book and been a huge fan of the original I was really let down. ALSO ANYONE SAYING BILLS PERFORMANCE WAS BETTER THAN TIM CURRYS IS ON SOMETHING. To even make such a comment shows a complete lack in knowledge on the character of penny wise. The first scene I felt could've been much stronger on bills part although I was pleased with the rest of his acting in the film. Even still it will NEVER compare to Tims version. I'm the original when Georgie mentions the paper boat floating Pennywise gives a CHILLING orgasmic reaction when he replies "oh yes Georgie it floats we all float down here". This version was missing that initial orgasmic reaction that was so captivating and chilling in the original. This version of Pennywise was so cgi and over the top to a phony point it took me right out of it. And that's not a comment towards bill but rather the direction of the film, I have NO clue why Beverly looked into "It's" bright lights when In the original version that was reserved for Stan and explains his later suicide. There were so many things changed for the negative. Oh yeah and everyone saying they went to see this or liked it all because Stephen king said it was good is an IDIOT he makes an insane amount of money in royalties off of remakes like this from his books of course he's going to say that. He's said that about a lot of crappy films, America regain some integrity when it comes to art and what's mainstream. This is why people like the Kardashians are famous.
Although I don't typically describe myself as a fan of Western flicks, mostly due to the fact that I simply haven't seen most of the greats yet, I truly loved and enjoyed this film. Clint Eastwood plays William Munny, the baddest and meanest son of a bitch ever to walk the Earth...and killer of women and children. It's simply amazing that Eastwood not only starred in this, but also directed and produced it. One of the few examples of this that can be given. Mel Gibson also did a decent job in his Braveheart. I think that if you have seen all of the Western Eastwood classics that this movie might even be more enjoyable for you, as it's rumored that Munny is simply an extension of some character he's played in the past. After finally getting around to seeing this one, I will most definitely go out and educate myself in this genre.Let's face it, Eastwood is William Munny...he just is. It's hard to even fathom anyone else in this part simply because Eastwood is so damn convincing and undoubtedly helped by the immense experience he's gained over the years playing similar parts. The audience needs no convincing of his character. Although simple, a very powerful performance from an actor that holds enormous screen presence. Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman also deserve recognition for their performances. Overall, a great cast.The true strength in the film, besides Eastwood's character and acting, is the story. Quite simple, it is, but also extremely effective. A old, bad man comes out of the woodwork to do one last job to help his kids get a good start by snatching some much needed cash. And haunted by the memory of his late wife, Munny questions his actions, knowing all too well that his wife would not approve if she were still alive. His deeds from the past have come back to haunt him, as he hears his reputation is still quite alive and well and is the entire reason he gets involved in the job in the first place. I loved hearing the stories of the man he used to be, giving glimpses of what we may get to see later in the film as his character progresses. It is also particularly humorous that Munny's memory of the past isn't all that great either, even though some of the events seem unforgettable. All because he was a drunk badass. As the story progresses towards it's climax, we get more and more hints that the satanically bad man Munny used to be is still somewhere under the surface, and is undoubtedly going to rise like a phoenix straight out of the ashes of Hell if he's pushed too far. And while the film progresses like the journey itself, slowly moving along establishing it's themes and characters, it all leads up to one hell of a climax. One for the history books. When it finally was all about to go down, chills literally went down my spine. But I don't want to spoil it for anyone.As a fellow reviewer previously mentioned, Unforgiven succeeds as a film and story because it does not try to preach a message or convey one about morality. The characters are who they are, and do things for their own reasons and ask no forgiveness. Whether it's right or wrong ain't got nothing to do with it, just like deserve ain't got nothing to do with it.Very highly recommended. A truly great film worthy of it's recognition. Bravo, Mr. Munny...errr Eastwood.
Going in to watch Napoleon Dynamite I must admit my expectations weren't high. It looked like a typical teen comedy which I would never normally watch, but interesting reviews pulled me in. What is so good about this film is that it is really funny without being cruel to the characters. Napoleon and his nerdy friends know they are geeks, but really don't seem to care, and they come out winning in the end against all odds. Watching Napoleon Dynamite you never quite know what stupid scene might come next, with great characters such as 1982 obsessed Uncle Rico, the scope for crazy sequences is endless. I have to admit crying with laughter, which is no easy feat for a film to achieve. I cannot recommend this comedy highly enough. If you enjoy absurd comedy such as Airplane or Police Squad (the series) you must watch this. It may not appeal to everyone, you need to just sit back and enjoy the stupidity. Don't expect any particular plot, stunts or special effects. This is a film to just turn off your brain and absorb. I can understand the negative reviews, if you were expecting an Adam Sandler type comedy you may be sadly disappointed. Actually if you expecting ANY sort of normal comedy you may be disappointed. Can't wait for Napoleon Dynamite 2!
Matthew Perry as Oz was so awesome. I cant believe that he wasn't at least nominated for every award. The nominations the film did get were very well deserved. I don't know what the competition was that year, but it must have been something out of this world for this movie to be so overlooked.This is a comedy to set the acting standard for, not only, Best ACTING IN A COMEDY category, but for drama category as well.Fabulous acting AND directing, since it is hard to get such fabulous performances without a terrific director.Matthew Perry's timing and style is ever so right for his character, I cant imagine it being played by any other actor. Each of the others, principle and supporting actors, were outstanding as well.I still cant believe that this movie didn't get nominated in more than two categories.I watch this movie even now (2006), the acting is so dead on. The story line is very funny, very entertaining, and such a nice diversion from serious reality. Perhaps the awards committees don't take incredible story line movies seriously.
Eddie Murphy can talk to the animals. A creative idea and Betty Thomas did a good job with this movie. Worth renting at least and the animals look cool, too. If you love animals it's a great movie to sit back and relax. Problem is-only 85 minutes. If it had been at least about 10 to 20 minutes longer if would have been a lot better.77%
I've heard one reviewer say about Michael Bay that he is aggressively untalented. This may be true, but as much as we all love to hate him, I cannot deny that he has made a couple of solidly entertaining movies. The Rock is one of them. I think this is his best movie and also one of the best action movies of its decade. With good performances from a sensational cast and rousing action, The Rock a worthy watch.We begin the story with general Frank Hummel, who is angry with his country. He feels that that families of his dead war comrades did not receive proper compensation. He steals sixteen warheads and holds a Eighty San Francisco civilians hostage in Alcatraz. He then gives the American constitution two days to pay (I forget how much money) or it's boom time. The FBI turns to one extraordinary individual for help. John Mason, is the only person ever to escape from Alcatraz. For reasons unknown to us, he has been locked away for thirty years, only released now to help. He is angry and unwilling, but eventually he cooperates. With the help of quirky FBI scientist Stanley Goodspeed, Mason takes a team to Alcatraz, to try and sabotage Hummel's plan from the inside. Is it gonna work?The story may not be super smart, but it holds together solidly, except for one silly plot twist which starts the climax. It has to do with the character of Frank Hummel, who is one of the more interesting bad guys in Hollywood blockbuster history. The script fleshes him out to a fairly large extent, and Ed Harris's performance brings a certain warmth to the character. It was not until A History of Violence came out when I realized that Ed Harris can play a really dirty villain. Compared to that movie, he seems about as menacing as a boyscout in the Rock. Sean Connery plays his role well, and unlike Harrison Ford, his age does not interfere with the character. Nicholas Cage is extremely funny as the typical nerd scientist, but at times he goes a little too far over the top. Regardless of where the characters have occasional flaws, you end up having too much fun with them to care.This applies to the Rock as a whole. It has its idiocies, but it does just about everything that a good action film should. It is almost the Die Hard of the decade.
This is a film that can make you want to see it again. I especially, liked the way it ended. I did not see the end coming, but when Laws was not blown away the first time, one suspects he will be back again.The story is gripping and could have been more psychological, but I understand the story needed to capture the viewer and the action was necessary for that.Hard to believe Michael Jr. could be so apparently unmoved as his younger brother and mother as blown away. But, I can appreciate the scene play couldn't really take our attention there because it had a greater story to tell.Some have complained about Hanks as a gangster. I believe that isn't justified. If his character had been any harder, he would not have cared if his son pulled a trigger or not.Eight Stars for this one. Although it was released in 2002, I just saw it for the first time yesterday on DVD.
Now Oceans 11 was a huge surprise to me and I absolutely love it meaning I was so looking forward to this but I was so disappointed with the sequel. This film is three years after the original with Tony Benedict being angry about his financial loss forcing Danny and his gang to perform another heist to get his money back. With the rest of the crew they plan a way to outsmart a shadowy thief in a battle of wits. Now this has an even larger cast with the majority being good with Don Cheadle, Brad Pitt and Vincent Cassel shining but with a few disappointments from the original cast. To be honest the story of Oceans 11 wasn't superb but this story sucks, it has no substance and has plot points that ruin the film for me and make me not really interested in the third one. The script is alright but once again it is nowhere near the level of the first and even though there is some funny dialogue I was slightly disappointed. Also being away from Vegas wasn't as good as this film and took some of the style away from the film, but the style is still pretty good cause of the lavish locations. This film is a lot weaker then the first film and is plainly average in every way.
I never know what I'll get with Woody Allen. Sometimes it will be something terrific like Midnight in Paris, Sweet and Lowdown, Sleeper, or The Purple Rose of Cairo, and sometimes it will be something painfully dull and pretentious like Alice, Hannah and Her Sisters or Match Point.Match Point, like Hannah, is a movie about a bunch of people who all talk the same, have read the same authors, are familiar with the same music, and who are dull and lifeless and airless (except for Scarlett Johanson, who gets to play the role of the film's one non-boring person). I instantly disliked this movie, which seemed bland and unlikeable, but I struggled on through most of the first half hour in hopes that something would happen.I hear something does happen eventually, but when I asked my girlfriend about it she said it was a terrible movie with a terrible ending, so I saw no reason to give it more of a chance.
... and so did the writers, it seems, for this film defies both dramatic symmetry, and plain common sense. The idea that anyone in their right minds would attempt such a project as the movie's premise suggests is silly in the extreme. Character motivations are not simply weak, they are laughably ridiculous. Even moreso, perhaps, because they are constantly re-stated and urgently argued by the scientist who has created the dangerous situation the characters find themselves in... long after the obviously dangerous results are thrown in her face. Whoever wrote this film has likely never once been diving, nor have they made any research at all into the biology of sharks. The only reason to see this movie is to watch LL Cool J, the best actor in the film. Even Samuel Jackson, normally a superb master of dialogue and pacing, comes across as wooden and misplaced. Perhaps because the other actors around him cannot work well in concert with him? Who knows... Every single action scene in the film is riddled with impossibilities and absurd conclusions. I spent a great deal of the film shaking my head and muttering, "No, no... it wouldn't WORK like that... that's not just impossible, it's stupid..." The effects sequences are awful, save for those incorporating mechanical or prop effects, those were nicely executed. Spielberg would probably look at the mechanical shark and sigh with jealousy, but the rest of the film is a joke. A bad joke. A joke with the audience as the punchline. If you can't see this one at a matinee, rent it. Better yet, wait for it to be shown on cable somewhere... or skip it entirely.---"What!? How can a wetsuit insulate you from electric shock... it's WET!!" (Unknown member of the audience during a senseless action scene)
This horror thriller has some very good visuals, creates a eerie mood and lots of mystery but then takes forever to get to unveiling the truth behind the mystery. Dane DeHaan does an excellent job of playing a man who is questioning his own sanity while staying at a Swiss wellness center. What annoyed me was that he would slowly lose his grip on reality only to suddenly snap out of it and be sure of his own sanity, pursue truth a little further and then the cycle repeats with him losing sanity/gaining it once again... Meanwhile, the others in the sanitarium are all permanently zombified. Why is he the only one to gain clarity numerous times while none around him can? And why, if this person is such a threat to the sanitarium, would he be allowed to live, when it seems too simple to make him disappear? There are unnecessary scenes such as the female character, Mia Goth, dancing in a pub in the local village. It goes on too long and didn't serve any purpose to moving the story along. Other dialogues go on too long, as well. Trimmed down 30 minutes, this would have been a much more suspenseful thriller. By the time the big reveal comes at the end, we've figured it out already and just want it over.
Well in a time when Hollywood is running out of stories, we have a really really marvelous action movie (contemporaries of 60s-70s) from Q Tarantino. Every person in the movie justifies their role and played to the best.A bit hilarious for some moments...cowboy jokes exchanged between jango and other folks. Schultz, the bounty hunter was absolutely amazing from the start of the movie. And the mature acting from Leo, the candie was stunning, especially while doing anatomy he becomes so furious and tries to explain civility...The GUN OF THE SOUTH ...Django was so composed and rebellious. To top this all up.. Samuel J's antagonizing remarks plus the way he dwells into the mystery of Jango visit is fantastic.10/10
This is a Thriller Musical and a Drama movie and I love Thrillers. It was released on January 2008, I was 6 years old and I couldn't see it before 12 years old. When I saw this movie, I was so excited. It was awesome and the visual effects were wonderful.The plot is about Benjamin Barker, a barber who went to jail because the mayor of Fleet Street loved his wife and wanted to seduce her. When he got out after 15 years, he just wanted revenge. He was so angry that he wanted a huge revenge.The cast is composed of Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Alan Rickman. I think that Johnny Depp gives the most amazing performance as Benjamin. He plays very well and made me feel sad and angry like his character. Alan Rickman is the mayor, he is perfect for this bad character because his face and his voice have something mean in it. The actors sing well and a lot.Stephan Soundheim and Chris Lebenzon, the sound designer and the composer made something top notch. Their song made feel like dancing and singing with the characters. Tim Burton is certainly my favorite producer and when he makes a film with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, you can be sure I've seen it because they make a perfect team.fatoudepp
I have to say I liked the film, the (somewhat stereotyped) characters and the funny set - up to the last 15 minutes. Here it got ridiculous as we are forced to believe good sex can only come from love relationship (it may but no it does not have to!!!) and the thrill seeking young temptress should be avoided like hell (except if you are the stoned loser of the gang). Will anybody believe the friends who wanted to get him into "it" would turn up at the lady's place to save him? What kind of rubbish! And to top all of this nonsense we are made to believe that the first time should only happen after Christian marriage ceremony. Ripping off the HAIR dance scenes to underfeed the sour morale. What a waster! To disguise this lame hypocritical nonsense we are over fed with rude language and some toilet humour scenes.If any male virgin may read this: do yourself a favour and avoid this flic. Go out, meet the girls and have fun - this will be a better investment in your life.3/10 for some good acting.
Alex Proyas, is definitely one of the most talented Directors Hollywood has ever supported,and this time he worked with Dov Hoenig, both got a great movie, showing very beautiful flash backs, and developing an incredible script, without a defined time or space, and giving us a diferent vision of the alien race, a race that wants what we have, a soul.
I didn't expect this movie to be any different from the other Simpson/Bruckheimer flicks. If you loved "con" air or bad boys or that appalling the rock, you will absolutely adore this. You get a lot of pann'zoom for your money and this is what the public wants I suppose. I will give will smith credit for being a half-decent actor, but the movie is not engrossing at all. This was a sad movie to watch..Gene "Hack"man, are you listening?I guess him, gary oldman, etc have to pay the rent like everybody else.. So if you love big bangs and lots of fast-paced techno-babble. go for it.
Not being a great horror fan, I was initially reluctant to see this. However, after the well-hyped opening sequence, I found this to be a funny, ironic ride of a film. The in jokes are superb, as is the acting, and Kevin Williamson's plot is brilliant. The secret is the 'whodunnit' factor- it makes this film stand apart from your generic slasher movie. I just hope that Wes Craven doesn't follow the mistakes of the films that Scream is trying to satirise by going one sequel too far.
Plot In A Paragraph: After losing her job, making out with her (soon to be ex) boss, and finding out that her daughter plans to spend Thanksgiving with her boyfriend, Claudia Larson (Holly Hunter) has to face spending the holiday with her family. Director Jodie Foster has assembled a ridiculously talented cast Holly Hunter, Anne Bancroft, Charles Durning (Whom I love, and am a big fan of) Robert Downey Jr, Dylan McDermott, Steve Guttenberg, Geraldine Chaplin, Claire Danes and Austin Pendleton.However Robert Downey Jr steals this movie from a very talented cast. As Tommy, Larson's gay brother. Although Downey Jr has admitted to regularly using heroin during the filming of this movie, it is not affected performance one bit. Listening to director Jodie Foster on the commentary track on the DVD, it would appear that Downey Jr was a pain to work with the times, as he kept improvising and going off on a whim. So I'm not sure who the praise should be aimed at Downey Jr for being able to give a good performance during such a troubled time in his life, or Foster for getting the performance out of him!!
The idea behind "The Purge" is truly fascinating, and a bit terrifying. However, I do not think the filmmakers capitalized on this one. The acting is mediocre through most of the film. The dialogue is horrible, there is no getting around it. There are way too many turns in the story. Person A saves Person B, Person B turns around to save Person C. The story is way too predictable and thus becomes corny. The Purgers are overly creepy to the point where there is no purpose for them to be as creepy as they are; it serves no purpose. They perform little acts in front of the camera and recite lines that sound like they practiced them for three weeks. It just doesn't work. This movie was a really good idea, it was just brought to screen in a terrible way.Final recommendation: Watch this movie because it has an interesting idea, but don't expect to be blown away. It is a sub-par film.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is entertaining, amusing and surprising at times. It isn't moving, and it doesn't resonate. It doesn't stay with you. And that's a shame, because it could have been so much better. It could have been a Chinatown. Instead, Shane Black decides: "Fuggit, I'll go for the laughs from the cheap seats." The Big Themes are present here - Evil, Regret, Forgiveness, Atonement - they are just never properly addressed. Shane Black manages to be slick, cool, ironic and charming in this movie. I just wish he hadn't weaved all that around child abuse. This is more cynical than Borat, but not as funny. I enjoyed it, but wish I hadn't. Something stinks.
You know the cliché "You can't judge a book by its cover?" Well Bridge to Terabithia fits all meanings of that term. Just about every trailer and TV ad don't do this movie justice. All the press was concerned with was the CG effects - which are good by the way. But they just scratched the surface; there's an entire OTHER story beyond what Jess(Josh Hutcherson) and Leslie(AnnaSophia Robb) do in Terabithia. Having read the book after seeing the movie, I really got to see how the movie REALLY follows the book. I could almost clock the events in the book to the movie; even the 3rd act tragedy (See the movie for yourself) in both venues brought tears to my eyes. This is an extraordinary movie and I fully endorse it. Go out Rent it, buy it, or what ever, but you have to see it!
I wish I could rate and review by season. The first 4 seasons were fantastic. Shawn and Gus' back-and-forth banter was hilarious, and the other characters on the show had qualities the audience could like, dislike, or at least count on.The 5th season was still pretty good, but the 6th season has gone horribly wrong. The script is made up of one-liners and the characters are flat because all they do is say these groan- worthy punchlines that do nothing to move any character forward. The characters used to be likable, including Henry and Lassiter, even with their quirks. Now, none of the characters are likable because they all say silly things (i.e. Henry saying Lassiter's new place might have ghosts - that's ridiculous for the person he had previously been portrayed as - he never would've said that in seasons 1-5).Even worse, anything that could potentially be funny is explained by one of the characters as they're doing it (i.e. Gus putting extra money in a meter in the Doo Wop episode; for some reason the scriptwriters felt he needed to verbally explain that he was doing this by having him talk aloud to himself, when simply his doing it would have explained everything).Viewers are no longer expected to be able to infer anything, and therefore are handed everything. We're not stupid. Give us good TV. This show is sadly, very quickly, falling the way of Scrubs during its last few seasons (except for the last one when they started to redeem themselves). Unless Psych returns to its former, comedic brilliance, it will be remembered as a show that stuck around too long and flopped miserably.
Wow,I can't describe how good this movies was.The plot was amazing,the idea of the movie is a profound one with subliminal messages about social classes.I loved how the director shot the frames,clearly one of the best directors ever(Memories of Murder,The Host,Mother),and I was very surprised to see a few scenes that reminded me of Oldboy.The first person frames were amazing,and well done.The Fighting scenes were sunning with all the blood and slow motion.Snowpiercer is a movie that should be watched with an open mind,and I recommend it to everyone,even if they don't like this genre.I knew this movie will be awesome and I wasn't disappointed.A MUST WATCH!
I really think this is an exceptional film in every single way. It is very entertaining for everyone twenty plus, and covers an interesting period in American history between late twenties to end of Second World War. The general story is very interesting, Tracing Howard Hughes life with his connections in early Hollwood and his exceptional genius in aviation design. It captures an essential part of American History in a very real and interesting way - covering early Hollywood and its transition, early passenger aviation, political corruption (similiar to what we witness today!) The acting and directing is of the highest caliber. This film definitely deserves several Oscars and hopefully will get them All I can say is it is brilliant!
Films like Mother! have a tremendous negative effect on our psychological and spiritual level. But if you are an evolved person, and not your everyday unconscious zombie, you will avoid it. If you thrive on bombarding your consciousness with horrific sounds and images, then run to watch this film, it will continue to lower your consciousness level and make you numb in body, mind and spirit.While I applaud the acting, this film takes you on a horrific psychedelic journey. You want to laugh at the absurd, and vomit through the rest. The scenes become quite convoluted, disgusting and without depth, as if the story was written in a hurry. If you are one that does not believe that our thoughts and feelings create our tomorrows, then enjoy this film and poison your consciousness."We must try to find a way to forgive them all", says the Javier character in the film. This offered a glimmer of hope, but nah the writer wants you to believe that if there's no forgiveness, then they get to do it all over again, an infinite loop of misery. Speaking of misery, as I was watching the film, I wondered if the writer/director harbored a great deal of sorrow inside. Clearly this man feels that the core of everyone in this world is evil. Which is only a reflection of what is inside of himself and perhaps the people who funded this film. You become what you focus on. What a waste of good talent.
Second movie to Batman series is better than the first. In this time around Batman has a new villain- the Joker. This movie was very good with incredible acting (mostly done by Heath Ledger), but also great action, too. With no doubt this movie is better than the first for so many reasons. 1. Heath Ledger 2. Darker than the first 3. Longer than Batman BeginsThis movie also has lots of exciting action and thrills that are very entertaining. The only part that bugged me was the end of the movie was that (spoiler) when they catch the Joker in The Dark Knight Rises there was never any information to say where The Joker went.
What an experience to see a film so well written and acted. Ellen Page captures the character of Juno with a depth that makes her quirkiness and dialogue believable. Not your typical 16-year-old, as stereotypes go. But isn't that the point of great films--to present us with characters that are not stereotypical? Allison Janney was fabulous as Juno's stepmother and the actor playing the role of Juno's father added humor and warmth to the portrayal of a concerned father. Michael Cera played the part as only he could have, with a mixture of concern, insecurity, and honesty. From the screenplay to the casting to the actual acting, this is a very memorable movie.
I watched this movie recently for the first time. I knew all about the movie from the hype it got 10 years earlier, and I knew what to expect, so it wasn't really a shock to me (especially since I also dated a transexual shortly before the movie came out). I found myself also wondering if Jody had set Fergus up knowing that he would be killed. However, the movie focuses on the 'true nature' of people, considering the frog and scorpion story. I think that Jody genuinely liked Fergus and, due to life experience, knew that it was in his nature to be kind. Because of this, he wanted Fergus to visit his lover knowing that once he met her, there would be a strong chance that he would take care of her. He also knew that, if anyone else was going to be able to get past Gil's physical problem, that it would be Fergus.I enjoyed this movie immensely and would recommend it to anyone interested in an adventurous/intelligent/romantic movie. And figure out for yourself if it was all a nasty last-resort prank played on Fergus by Jody, or if it was a loving last-resort plea to have Fergus look after Jody's ill-fated but beautiful lover.
I really enjoyed this movie.It's not exagerrated and the story is good.Costner does a good job maybe the best since dances with wolves.Because of this long movie you feel more for the characters and feel sorry for them.It's a good ending in the movie too.
This movie had me rolling on the floor laughing. I don't know what that other guys problem is. I would think that this would win an Oscar. This movie had my whole family laughing out loud. This movie had some pretty immature, but hilarious parts in it. Will Ferrell is in his best performance in this film. This film is a Classic College film. Along with Van Wilder, Animal House, Waiting, etc. I think that this movie beats all of those. This is by far one of the best comedies out there. So i conclude by saying, don't only buy this movie, buy the Unrated (and out of control version). I guarantee that you will like it, if you like the other movies that i mentioned above. Thanks very much for reading my comment.
It is a beautiful love story, and the filming is so beautiful. I have watched it over and over again. It is erotic, but it is a love story.A lost love story of two people back in the 1920's. The performance of the two main character is very good.
This is probably the worst Oceans movie I have seen. Don't get me wrong, I liked this film although the first two are better especially the second. All the characters return for this film to do more heists in the city of Las Vegas.When one of the members of the Ocean's party, Reuben gets a heart attack, the gang blames it on Willy Bank because he is a cold-hearted manager that did something bad to Reuben. The gang teams up with old pal Terry Benedict to do something about Bank.The acting is decent. All the members of the gang had more of a part. It just wasn't Brad Pitt or George Clooney. I liked Matt Damon and Carl Reiner. Even Al Pacino did a decent job as Bank.The music is not as good as the first two. There wasn't much music this time around.I liked the heists and cleverness. I also liked it when an old enemy becomes partners with the gang that stole millions from him.Overall, this is a good finale to the series. I rate this movie 8/10.
I didn't go into The Scorpion King expecting much, so I wasn't verydisappointed. This installment in 'The Mummy' series is really astandalone and doesn't require viewing of either (excellent)Mummy movies.When it comes down to it, we're all going to see the movie for thesame thing - The Rock. Is he worth it? Well, he won't win anyOscars for his performance, but he does a decent enough jobgiven the script that he has to work with. As for WWF references,well, there are a couple of things that you may pick up, but nothingas obvious as "Do you smelllelelelelel what the Scorpion King iscooking!?"The rest? Well, you have your goofy sidekick, your romanticinterest, your 'evil' villain, a bunch of posing, some good specialeffects and lots of flesh on-screen. My girlfriend pointed out afterthe movie that she didn't spot a single fully clothed femalethroughout the entire film.As stated in my summary, the movie is pretty cheezy, but easy towatch. You will definitely groan at several points of the film (somewhere the film wants you to, many where you don't). Be warned.
Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman did a fantastic job with the music. I think it's the best music ever done for a motion picture. The acting was great, one of Daniel Day Lewis's best films. Michael Mann knew exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly where to shoot the scenery for maximum authenticity, especially at the end, (SPOILER AHEAD) where Hawkeye, Uncas, and Chingachgook attempt to rescue Alice and fight Magua. I would definitely recommend this movie for history classes. The battle sequences were very realistic and the music put you in tune with the battles. It made you feel as if you were actually there fighting in those battles. This film deserves to go down as one of the best war movies of all time.
**SPOILERS ABOUND**The characters are boring, the plot is thin and it just kinda ends. I know it's based off of a novel, but that's not an excuse for a movie as empty as this one. Everyone acts as if they're on a heavy dose of Ambien and have little to no personality to speak of. This makes it hard for me to care about anything happening to them. The only exception to this is Llewelyn's wife who actually shows emotion. Anton is exceptionally boring. Pretty crazy that all you have to do to win an acting Oscar is talk monotonously and rarely show any facial expressions. The guy hardly said anything the entire movie. There are a few glaring issues with some of the plot points in this movie. Llewelyn finds the money and gets away only to come back later to bring a dehydrated man some water. Why not call the police and let them know what happened if you're concerned about the guy? They'll give him medical care, and you won't put yourself in harm's way. This plot contrivance only served the purpose to have Anton find Llewelyn's truck and find out who he's looking for. The rest of the movie is a very boring cat and mouse chase. After a bunch of emotionless boring "chasing" with one brief shooting scene, the main character unceremoniously dies off camera. Nobody ever finds the satchel full of money and Anton gets away. YAWN. Boring characters and a boring plot. Only good thing about this was the cinematography and the acting was pretty good I guess too despite how incredibly bored everyone acted. No idea why people liked this movie so much. Next time I'm having a hard time sleeping I'll put this movie on.
I loved NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD '68. It' one of the creepiest, most atmospheric and foreboding tales of terror I've ever seen. I also loved DAY OF THE DEAD '85, for the same reasons. I didn't love DAWN OF THE DEAD '78. It had little atmosphere and terrible special effects. The script was god-awful and although it had that unique 70's drive in charm, similar to THE HILLS HAVE EYES '77 and CARRIE '76, it really was a bit of a disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I did like it, and enjoyed watching it. I also got the "we-are-all-mindless-consumers" social commentary surrounding the film. But whenever I watched it I found myself wanting more. More atmosphere, more gore, more entertainment.Enter James Gunn, Troma screenwriter and horror fan. He wrote two of the most recognisable Troma films; TROMEO AND JULIET and TERROR FIRMER. With the new remake craze Hollywood is on, Gunn decide he wants to write a proper script before some hack writer gets a hold of DAWN OF THE DEAD rights. He writes an incredible, action packed screenplay, and with the combined talent of Zack Snyder directing, they set out and make the best remake since THE FLY '86, and in doing so slightly surpass the original in quality.Instead of a heavy handed political satire with crappy make up and terrible pacing, DAWN OF THE DEAD '04 is an action packed barrel of gore, extremely dark humor, witty dialogue and creative scenes. It seems like Gunn wanted to put as much original situations as he could with a cast of 16 characters. When you really think about it, Gunn took a lot away from his experiences with Troma, and it shines through with the outrageous situations he puts these people in. Not many other horror remakes would put so much at risk with how different this is from the original, and I guess thats why not many other remakes are very well respected.The makeup effects, gore and special effects in this film were of a very very high standard. And the zombies themselves were great. An obese elderly zombie woman, a zombie childbirth, a Chinese jogging zombie, a paraplegic zombie, and various celebrity look-a-like zombies, such as Jay Leno, Burt Reynolds and Rosie O'Donnell. The deaths were also awesomely creative, the scene where the old truck driving lady finds Mekhi Phifer and his "family" is masterful.Overall DAWN OF THE DEAD is a great film that does something most remakes don't; it surpasses the original. One of my favourite films, 8/10.
I believe Roger Ebert is a literate man. I also believe he lacks true intelligence. As does anyone else who dismisses this movie on grounds of excessive violence (this from the man who wrote Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, a movie in which a character is killed by forced anal sex involving a 20 inch pointed strap-on dildo, for christ's sake). People here who fail to see the brilliance of this movie, comment that the 'excessive swearing and nudity' sickened them. Since when is nudity a sickening thing? Does the word 'f**k' make you convulse in nausea? It's just the human body, we all have one. It's just a word depicting an activity that the majority of us partake in. Prudishness like that doesn't sicken me, it does infuriate me though.Excessive violence? First of all, there isn't that much violence in this movie. What little there is seems to have an unpleasant quality, though - it's realistic. When you pound a man's head into a concrete floor, it really does turn into a bloody mess. What's the problem? Is violence not a real concept? Do people actually never fight? This movie deals with violence responsibly, more responsibly than any other movie i can think of. This isn't Arnie throwing faceless bad guys through plaster walls, this is a depiction of what really happens when you beat the living shit out of people, or when someone gets a bullet in the head. It's not excessive in the slightest. It's just real.'How much can you really know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?' asks Tyler Durden. How much do you know about the reality of being human if you've never left the creature comforts of your safe little worlds, if you've never run for your lives, if you've never felt adrenaline pumping into your body and your instincts taken over as your hand clenches into a fist? Ebert is a prime example of a literati, who by the looks of him has never been in a fight. I doubt he fought in Vietnam, or has ever faced violence. And that's my point - human beings aren't simply their intellect, they are also animals with instincts. What's your point, Ebert, that we must forego our urges? What if the urge is to fight, and the fighting is consensual? I know that you aren't against excess in sexual matters, due to your involvement with Russ Meyer films. Are some urges, in your opinion, more harmful? Sex is better than violence? Ask a rape victim if he or she had preferred a good beating instead.But Fight Club is not about violence. It's about survival instincts (they fight to feel alive, not to cause pain). It's about men with no great depression, no great war. Throughout human history, men have had to fight for their survival, whether in earning a living or fighting in wars. No longer. What's the point now? That's what the movie asks. I am not personally a consumer-minded individual, i consider myself more of a hedonist. I don't care about things, unless things actually let me enjoy myself more. I don't need Tyler's preaching. But a lot of people do. If a pair of CK underwear makes you feel better about yourself, then there's something seriously wrong.Someone here said that this movie's message is an insult to the world that our ancestors fought to give us. It does not insult that. It insults and questions the way we live in that world. Did soldiers storm the beaches of Normandy for Britney Spears and valley girls saying 'like, duh'? Did Churchill sacrifice Coventry for Big Brother and cell phone ringtones? Did the people Hiroshima and Nagasaki die for Pokemon?This movie is about a lot of things, it's brilliantly written, brilliantly shot, brilliantly acted, brilliantly directed. It makes you think, it makes you smile in agreement, it makes you shake your head in disapproval. That is, if you have a brain. If someone asks me what the best movie i've ever seen is, my answer would have to be Fight Club.P.S. some people have called this movie fascist...Fascism - A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. ...says the dictionary. The space monkeys worship Tyler Durden in the same way Buddhists worship Buddha - he is to them an enlightened individual to whom they look for instruction. Cult of personality does not a fascist make. Tyler Durden is a clear-cut anarchist.
Great idea.They could have had a classic here where in which the subject of stronger than usual individuals in our everyday reality (the best athletes,soldiers etc.) could have been explored and mirrored with that of the comic book genre writing.Oh the possibilities for that one!But they messed it up!If they wanted a movie that had Willis with paranormal qualities,they should have done this with more action.If they really wanted to make a movie basically for the plot twist in the end,they should not have indicated too blatantly that Willis had paranormal powers.They should have kept us guessing to the end although tend to keep the audience leaning toward the opinion that he MAY have powers,so this way,we can be fooled along with Willis and come to realise he is not as super as Jackson claimed he was.We were all carried away by the insane Jackson.Now that would have been more like it.But no!They showed us those very clear cut scenes of Willis displaying more than your run of the mill Michael Jordan abilities,keenly stating that Willis did indeed have paranormal superhuman abiities.No question about that fact.This mistake really watered down the intended "realisation" plot twist in the end.Still entertaining though and the acting was superb.But it breaks my heart thinking of what this movie could have been like without that simple mistake.......
I love the Shrek movies I own 1&2 so Ilove this series and i'm sad to say that unless you go with friends and make fun of it it won't be worth it sure there are some pretty funny parts but not enough to recommend I suggest you wait till its on DVD so you pay a couple a bucks to rent it however if the first day you saw Shrek you said I will buy this whole franchise then your a freak no i'm kidding but if your that devoted to the Shrek franchise than buy it the part I recommend the most is the led zeppelin part cause its snow white singing zeppelin but honestly the funniest people in the movie were the princesses and not the lovable characters that made this franchise funny in the first place so in conclusion rent it PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU
This movie is hands down the best movie I have ever seen. Before this movie 'American Beauty' was my favorite movie. Although the two movies are quite different I would rate 'Fight Club' better for it's great screenplay and direction. David Fincher has become one of the best Directors in Hollywood with this movie. I had seen his movie 'Seven' before, but this movie is better than that. The big budget for this movie can be seen in many of the great computer aided and stunt scenes (the graphics in the ending scenes of the movie look artificial, but I guess that's the best possible with that day's technology). The music, the plot, the acting, the casting and the photography are all excellent. Its a must watch for everybody.
I went to see The Imitation Game last week in the most beautiful local film theater, called Tuschinski. This is one of those theaters where every movie comes to it's rights, and so did this film. I will drop some quick things first: Benedict Cumberbatch is awesome, but I believe everyone expected that already. Before I went to see it, I had heard some people saying that his acting was good, but very mechanical. In a way I have to agree with this a little. Here and there, especially in the first half of the film, he is doing quite some things we've seen before in other movies. Nonetheless, he certainly surprised me in the second part, doubtlessly delivering an emotional performance that goes beyond ''mechanics''.Then there is of course Keira Knightley, who received her first Academy Award nomination for her performance in this film. I'd say she deserves it, but honestly I don't see her winning it. At least there is some progress in the career of the actress that was mainly known for English costume dramas and the Pirates films. Having said all this, I have actually dealt with the mayor elements of this film. Meaning that the rest wasn't really that surprising or ''refreshing'' to me. Is that a bad thing? No. Besides, who am I? I'm only trying to emphasize that this film, apart from the performances, wasn't a scratch more or less than I had expected.. and my expectations were normal. Of course I have to mention that biography-typed films are very difficult, especially about characters such as these, resulting in a big pile of movies of which the style looks like that of for example ''A Beautiful Mind'' or ''The King's Speech''. In fact, I have seen many films in the past few years that looked like this one does. The cinematography is normal, so is the overall look of the film. I don't really see why this film got a Oscar® nomination for screenplay, since many of it seemed very predictable.Before this starts looking like a burn-down, I have to say that this film was clearly made with a lot of love and passion for the story, which is certainly one of the most unbelievable stories of WOII known to us. In order to end this review I would say the following: it will entertain you, it will move you at some points and you will probably remember it as a very good film. Not exceptional, but still very good. 7.5 - 8.0
This movie is great not because of wonderful stories but how they are told. I could not figure out what this movie is trying to say for the first time I watched it. However, I knew these stories were narrated from the end for the second time and could narrowly understand the whole structure. After watching many masterpieces of Christopher Nolan, I gradually developed a particular sense to know how the plots would go on because his technique is basically playing with clips. This movie tells a very simple story that the leading role's wife was 'murdered' somehow, and he tried his best to find and kill the 'murderer'. Monochrome scenes were narrated from the beginning while colorized ones from the end. Only at last could we know that it had always been him that created puzzles and solved them himself.
Do not waste you time with this, walk away while you still can, this is two hours of your life that can be better spent, on the toilet, peeling potatoes, or watching paint dry. Do yourself a favour, picture the worse nonsensical load of horse fly poop you have even seen now maximise that to about 2 hours worth, turn around and walk away!
I was eager to find out if Iron Man 2 could become as good or even better than the first entry in the franchise like Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. Unfortunately it is neither as good or better - a slight disappointment.Without going into detail, the 2nd arc drags on far too long and the character of Rhodey and the Black Widow go from A to Z without any real explanation. On the bright side of things Robert Downey Jr. still delivers the goods.The pacing is way off and so is the supposedly climax of the film. A huge letdown. Marvel didn't do itself a favor by rushing the sequel so fast. I think another year or so would've done the franchise justice.In so many ways Iron Man could've been to Marvel what Nolan's Batman is to DC a hit with the critics and fans alike. With this entry they dropped the ball. It's not the worst sequel - it's not FF 2 (that franchise stinks as a whole) but it isn't X2 either.Jon Favereau is still the man to direct the franchise but Justin Theroux must stay away from it. By any stretch of the imagination he is no Mark Steven Johnson (who completely ruined Ghost Rider) but he just isn't ready or capable to write a screenplay for a Blockbuster of this magnitude.
The Hobbit is one of the best movies this year and why? to answer that let's go into detail and start with what else but the beginning.The beginning of the movie is a chance for Middle-earth to finally breathe and introduce Bilbo Baggins who is played by Martin Freeman who gives a good performance, rising from a regular Hobbit to a strong Character. One day Gandalf the Grey, a wizard steps on his doorstep and invites him on a journey, an unexpected Journey. Ian McKellen who portrays Gandalf gives another stunning performance. The Dwarfs are some bad but some very good. The good ones are Thorin, Balinn, Dwalinn, Kili and Bofur but the rest lack which is the movies biggest flaw, but i think that is what the other 2 movies are for. The other scenes are long but well worthwhile. the movie has it's flaws but the pros well outrank the cons. So that the movie becomes Epic, Funny, Grand and Dramatic and the music is what creates morphs all of that all at the same time. Overall a simply good Movie.
despite all the super low ratings here. The mood, the setting and imagery are superb. It's set in a city (Detroit) which has suffered an economic apocalypse. Perfect setting and mood. It is more creepy than horror, the most horrific scene starts the movie and is just a tense weirdfest for the rest of the movie. Creepy enough, I was certainly creeped out. The relationships between the teens are really sweet. Sisters and friends look out for one another. They have typical teen conversations. The lead character often does dumb things but it is a "horror" movie after all! I loved it!
Who's bright idea was it to kill Jenna!? She was the obligatory virgin and the higher-ups deemed her expendable after the sister came back into the picture, what's up with that!? The sex kittens, the jerks, the drug users, everyone who should have died, died; until Jenna got that machete through her chest, it was unneeded bloodshed. No one else should have died, at least until the next Friday the 13th movie. She may not have been very tough, but Jenna's status as the virgin was completely ignored and flies in the face of movie lore set down years ago. Not since "Cherry Falls" which painted virgins as victims has this lore ever been altered, and that suuucks!Personally, at the end of the movie, I would have had Jason grab the sister just as Jenna and the hero are about to kiss, but that's just me.
Definitely not your typical State Troopers; at least I hope not. This movie is good for a few laughs and there was some funny lines, but that is about it. The plot is weak and the acting is subpar. It was a good way to kill about 90 minutes of my Saturday night; and I do mean kill.
With a buttload of war movies out for us movie goers to see, there is rarely any of them that stick out and grab your attention. Sure Saving Private Ryan, Apocalypse Now, and Platoon are by far the war movies that are in the highest regards to us critics, many only have one war movie that we judge others by. And for me that movie is Platoon. The setting that stone brings us in when the movie starts mixed with sheens surprising performance narrating the story sets the mood for which is to come. One of the upsides to this movie is that it really doesn't concentrate that much on battle scenes as much as blockbusters nowadays do. The real sense is that of the troops inner struggle instead of the struggle between us and the vietcong. Berenger and Dafoe give extremely good performances and i would like to say that Berenger gave one of the best performances ever in the history of film. I would also like to say that no matter how many crappy movies sheen is in Platoon will always make him a star. This film is an absolute masterpiece from beginning to end. Then again i can see why others might not like it, what with the lack of high paid bombings, and shoot outs and whatnot that people might like from a war movie. However I'm gonna stick to what i think of the movie and say it is a masterpiece and i think is a must see for anyone that is into movies.
I typically never write a review on a film that I've already seen more than once, because I insist on the review reflecting my first (and strongest) impression of the film. But after watching Wanted for what must be the 5th or 6th time now, I suddenly felt like writing something anyway, so here I go.Let me begin by saying, this is one strange film. Strange in the sense that it's literally like a train wreck that you can't keep your eyes off because it's so fascinating to watch. And you almost feel sick with guilt and exhilaration because you're enjoying it so much. Violence never looked so gorgeous before... Wanted is about a guy named Wesley Gibson, who is such a hopeless, pathetic dweeb that even Google won't return any results when he types in his own name. He is "rescued" from his pitiful cubicle existence by a gorgeous woman named Fox, who recruits him into an organisation of assassins known as The Fraternity, supposedly because they believe he is the only person who can kill the man who killed his father. Little does he know just how drastically his life will actually change once he agrees to join them.The casting of the film is spot-on. James McAvoy has already proved himself to be a versatile actor and he is very believable as a weak push-over, who finds confidence in the fact that group of trained assassins apparently believe in his abilities. He also makes his character likable and fun to watch, because he delivers it with a sense of humour and you can actually relate to him because his situation is so understandable. Basically, he's just another slave to the wage, looking for a way to break free. This way is initially offered to him by Angelina Jolie, and who could say no to a woman like that... Ms Jolie plays a role that seems like it could only have been written specifically for her. Who else could play a beautiful and deadly assassin who's charismatic and covered in tattoos? She could and would kill you in a heartbeat, and yet you just want to be near her. Morgan Freeman plays Sloan, the leader of the Fraternity, and, well... I hardly need to elaborate on this one, do I? He makes pretty much every film he's in worth watching, and that's all I need to say.Now, I titled this review 'beautiful garbage'. That's not so much because the film itself is garbage, because it's not, but rather because the events portrayed in this film are so brutal and merciless that they could only come from a very dark and rotten place. The 'beautiful' is directed at the visual effects, because everything ranging from camera techniques to production design to action choreography is so beautifully done, so thrillingly eye-popping that it would almost make you forget that you're watching people get slaughtered, beat up and maimed. Tons of blood flow, brains are splattered against the wall and yet you can't take your eyes off that beautifully designed bullet. That awesome tattoo on Angelina Jolie's hand interlacing with the engravings on her gun. Those mind-blowing car chase scenes. That guy jumping through the glass out of a skyscraper just to finish his "job"... This film is visual effects executed to perfection, elevating said perfection to a whole new level. It's all so pretty to watch that it would almost make you able to forgive the writers the overpowering lack of realism. Almost. The staggering amount of ideas and actions that are 98% of the time either inconsistent, improbable or flat-out impossible would in any other case surely put any screenwriter out of work. With a film like this, it's literally only the wrapper that makes the candy sweet. It just goes to show that sometimes, making something really, really pretty can make it worth watching, just so long as you're willing to suspend every inch of disbelief for the sake of watching pretty pictures. Nature, science, biology and every other form of technical factuality is being put to the test here, which is not to say it's basically just being thrown out the window... But hey, I can promise you you're going to get to see a guy get in a car the way you've never seen before. And a girl get on a train in a fashion that defies every rule of physics... It's all worth it for a totally cool, put-your-brain-in-stand-by-mode kind of action flick. Director Timur Bekmambetov has obviously tried his darnedest to make his mark in Hollywood with his first English spoken, big-budget effort, and may I say, he could've done a lot worse. Not to mention the fact that he has managed to recruit a few very big names to top the bill, this is definitely a Hollywood debut to be proud of. I can only hope he will continue to work with the same excellent crew in the future, because although only the sound department was nominated for an Oscar, camera and visual effects would have definitely deserved a nod from the Academy too.In a nutshell, Wanted is 110 minutes of gorgeous, eye-pleasing nonsense with great action and one very beautiful lady... I for one can't wait for the sequel.
Whenever people hear the word "Grindhouse" they think about slaughterhouses. But in movie definition, the term Grindhouse can be describe as paying one admission to see two back-to-back movies involving blood, guts, spit, ass, jiggly breasts, innovated weapons, hot women, crazy characters, crappy dialog, and grizzly scenes to make you cheer or want to vomit.I wanted to wait until after I saw both movies on Starz! yesterday to start my review. It's really a bloodbath along with shocks coming in all directions. Directors Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino combine everything they have from Rodriguez's Latin culture, love for horror cinema, gruesome gore and everything he can pull in his one man show from Tarantino's love for old classic movies and shows to making references from previous movies he's work on; blaxpliotation films in the 70's and bringing back actors to play the parts they were born to play.The first film out of the two movies is Planet Terror, directed by Robert Rodriguez. It's really a mix of Night of the Living Dead along with other classic horror movies as well. The film starts in a small part of Texas with Rose McGowan as a stripper name Cherry who plans on being a stand up comedian after not feeling like dancing anymore while meeting with her old boyfriend El Wray, played by Freddy Rodriguez of Six Feet Under, one cool Vato Hombre with a reputation that'll make your hair stand up. Meanwhile, in a part of the same area, Naveen Andrews (of Lost fame) is making a business trade with the military in which the chemicals he has create exposed zombies out of anybody that'll smell the substance. In another subplot, Dr. William Block (Josh Brolin) suspects something suspicious out of his wife/nurse Dakota (Marley Shelton) before finding out at the hospital. All hell is breaking loose in the small city where various victims go to the hospital after being bitten and start carrying infections where within a couple of minutes, they start to become mindless zombies going after everybody, including Cherry where her leg is cut off. Wray along with Cherry and a group of other people including the hard-ass sheriff Hague (Michael Biehn) and his clumsy assistant Tolo (Tom Savini, special effects artist) fight off the hordes of zombies before becoming the victims.Rodriguez's "Planet Terror" is described as bad-ass and one of the best horror/action segments I've ever seen in recent years. The way the film looks from frame one is an homage to all of the early films in the seventies where specks and spots would be seen not to mention a famous blooper along the way. Other actors include Jeff Fahey as a cook with some of the wittiest catchphrases along with Stacy Ferguson as a smoking hot babe and friend of Dakota before becoming one of the devoured victims; Michael Parks as the famous Earl McGraw, Quentin has a small role as a horned up army soldier who has an eye for Cherry before exposing his parts along with Bruce Willis as the man in charge of the military.Rodriguez is the master of his domain! 4 out of 4 stars.The next half is Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof" where it pays respect to actors who did their own stunts along with slasher movies where the sexy women always died. "Death Proof" takes place just before Planet Terror in Austin, Texas where a group of girls led by Vanessa Ferlito decide to have fun by drinking beers, hearing music and getting high. They meet Stuntman Mike (an eerie Kurt Russell) who is hitting on a blonde girl (Rose McGowan in another performance) before he talks to them. Ferlito's character is spooked of Stuntman Mike by the fact that his black car has been following her since she had gotten out of the apartment. After leaving the bar, Stuntman Mike takes his blonde beauty, Pam (Rose McGowan), hostage just before killing her and killing Ferlito's friends in the process. Fourteen years pass where Stuntman Mike starts his rampage of harassing young women all over again where this time he might meet his match if Rosario Dawson along with Zoe Bell could do something about it.Overall, "Death Proof" was good but not in the strength of a Tarantino classic nor as bad-ass as "Planet Terror." I loved Tarantino's choice of choosing Kurt Russell as Mike where it's been years since he played a character of tenacious and cool over the past from MacReady in John Carpenter's The Thing, to Snake in the "Escape" movies and Jack O'Neill in Stargate. The stunt scenes with Zoe Bell in a car chase sequence is one of the craziest I've seen in all my life where I closed my eyes. My only complaint had been that Tarantino's dialog and references slowed the pace along with the fact that after the first 56 minutes of the film, the reel look from the 70's was gone.3 1/2 out of 4 Stars.Overall, this is just a movie fan's dream come true.
`City of God' is a Brazilian cinematic masterpiece. Thank God that it has been nominated for 4 academy awards. Director Fernando Meirelles mesmerizing look at teenage ganglords in a Brazilian slum-town nicknamed the City of God is one of the best crime films of all time. Hey! I know this might be an overstatement so please do not gang up on me. The film is narrated by the reticent teenager named Rocket who lives in the `city of god' but is not a hoodlum himself. However, he is surrounded by a life of crime & violence that commands this ghetto. The teenage ganglords control the city of god and there is minimal police intervention. Hey, why not start a Youth Crime Watch program? I had to shoot that one in there (shameless promotion). Alexandre Rodrigue as Rocket sparks up an astronomical performance. However, the most puissant performance of the film is delivered by Leandro Firmino as the menacing youth gang-leader Lil'Ze. His killing-spree ruthless demeanor makes him the most intimidating character I have seen in film this year. Among the aforementioned, other godlike attributes in the `City of God' is the amplitude that Meirelles inserts in its screenplay & narrative. The film is based on accounts of a true story and Meirelles & Screnwriter Paulo Lins are most credible in keeping it Rio, I mean real. `City of God' is magisterial but yet disturbing. Nevertheless, it should be blessed as one of the best foreign films in history. ***** Excellent
I like horror movies and always have so I'm not easily harmed or easily chocked. I'm 35 years of age, have 3 children and i'm a paramedic. I had no idea of what this film was about except for the fact that it was a "horror" film, which clearly was the reason I tried - yes, TRIED to watch it. After about 20 minutes I turned it off! It was right after the first real "filthy" sequence. What I saw was something no one should portray in a movie. It was something you should be locked up for doing so! And having seen that makes me sad, because I have never ever even had the thought of this - now I have it even in real picture inside my head! I don't know if this is normal stuff in Serbia, but what the h*ll is wrong with the world today if you can make a movie like this and sell it legally. I know it's just a movie and it's fake, but it's not like the old days where everything looked so fake you would laugh. It looks pretty real in 2010, and making / even thinking scenes portraying the rape of an infant baby makes it illegal and punishable in my eyes! The director, the crew AND the actors should all be locked up for this filth!! I'm disgusted and sad of what the horror genre has become.... Nobody should watch this!
.. due to the fact that the action happened on more places than just a Bus.The aspect of having 60-70% of the movie occur within such tightly confined quarters really cuts down on the creative elements that could be introduced. In addition, I found myself waiting for each character in the film to be singled out and killed, one by one. Greatly enjoyed the 'surprise ending' to the first Jeepers Creepers and greatly enjoyed getting to leave the theatre at the conclusion of this... nonmasterpiece.
I watched this terribly long, boring, slow, bloody, gory, silly film several times. Why, or why was that so overestimated? What for? It has nothing, but too much blood, sex, more blood, more sex, child molesting, more blood, more child death, child sex, more blood, more slow talks, more long shots, more blood and more molesting. Raping, killing, talking, sex in a car, more fights, more sex... I am not a sick person. This film did make me feel sick. Why was it made? No one plays here, it drags 4 hours, it leaves a heavy heart and empty brain. Not for kids, not for those who idolizes De Niro or Woods, not for Leone's fans. This is just a bad, tasteless, vapid, senseless, soulless, heartless, clueless rape of our brains. Very bad.
I was disappointed by Hostel. The commercials made it seem like it really was the scariest movie of all time, stating that paramedics had to be called on scene to take the movie's screeners to the hospital. It really didn't scare me at all like House of 1000 Corpses did. It was very cheesy and the element of imagination in horror movies didn't really exist because I didn't care about the characters. They were college kids who wanted to get laid and instead got mutilated. That's not too original. I'm not saying House of 1000 Corpses is original, I'm just saying that it scared me more, especially because of Dr. Satan and its spiritual aspects. I couldn't wait for the blood and guts in Hostel, but then when it happened all I could do was laugh my ass off at how fake it looked. When the girl's eye popped out I was laughing SO HARD. If you must see this horrible film, rent it... do not buy it. The ending was especially craptacular.
I said it in the title.Looking around on the reviews I've found both too pleasing and too negative reviews. Still I think it's more good than bad.One thing to underline is the teens's behaviour. Many people say that's annoying, stupid, and unreal, but having been at that age not too time ago I can see that's exactly how teen kids behave. So that argument is invalid.Then we have hates towards the 'too over dramatized' train crash, saying how impossible that scene is. My answer is: you came to watch a science fiction thriller about an alien on earth, and you expect realism? Must say that J.J. Abrams did a great job on this, and showed that he's able to direct a movie in Spielberg's style, so much that a friend of mine thought it's directed by Spielberg. I wasn't very okay with the ending, but overall this movie is enough good.
The film goes to the bone and masterfully portrays stereotypes of people's attitude towards the handicapped and those with criminal records. The greatest aspect of this movie lies in the interaction between the main actors where every sentence feels like exchanged respect, understanding, love and acceptance in a really brilliantly written mix of comedy and realism. The scenes are in good quality, and the actors, especially the main duo, completely spectacular. Omar Sy is fantastic in his role, as evidenced by three awards at various festivals. Their chemistry on screen is great; it is hard to believe that these two men are not the best friends in real life. "Intouchables" is a very touching and beautiful story of an unusual friendship.
The best of the wide screen biblical epics may have more brains than all the others combined, but that doesn't save it from being any less of a guilty pleasure. Of course any Hollywood 'Tale of the Christ', however tastefully presented, is going to have a certain camp appeal, and the real attraction of the film remains the sheer scale and spectacle of its many set pieces, in particular the sea battle and thrilling chariot race. In between those two highlights is the usual middlebrow Christian soap opera, full of noble Jews and arrogant Romans, with (representing the former) the young Prince of Hur seeking bitter revenge after being unjustly condemned to slavery by his childhood friend Messala, now a Roman tribune. Ben Hur's vendetta eventually leads him to a Messiah who preaches love and forgiveness, two simple virtues all but lost behind the mammoth production costs and rousing Miklos Rosza music score. But the drama is salvaged by a semi-literate script (the screen writing tag team included a skeptical Gore Vidal), several worthwhile performances (all the more noteworthy from a cast dressed in togas), and a homeopathic dose of that old-time religion.
The title of this movie is both clever and confusing: is it textspeak or a sequel? I don't remember Journey 1, do you? It turns out that it is a sequel, but it is a sequel to 2008's Journey To The Center Of The Earth, with Josh Hutcherson repeating his role as Sean Anderson. This time he is teamed up with his new stepfather Dwayne Johnson instead of Uncle Brendan Fraser on a new venture based on one of Jules Verne's novels (he has also had a Mom upgrade, to Kristin Davis). The two of them are off in search of Sean's missing grandfather Alexander Anderson (Michael Caine), the original Verne enthusiast, with the aide of comedy helicopter pilot Gabato (Luis Guzman) and his comely daughter Lailani (Vanessa Hudgens).This is a family movie with lots of fun fantasy visuals and action sequences. The characters work well enough and are mostly well played, although this must rank as one of Michael Caine's worst ever performances. And Guzman's Gabato is drawn so broadly that, a lot of the time, he irritates rather than amuses.But Hutcherson and Johnson do well enough as the resentful stepson and the stepfather trying to create a relationship: this is actually a charming and moving heart to a rather slight movie. Hudgens is, as always, cute, although her part requires her to hold back on her trademark smile until late in the day.This is a lot lighter in tone than Harryhausen's Mysterious Island from the 60s: the CGI effects are all slickly realised but, for me, the creatures don't have quite the same degree of quirky character that their stop-motion predecessors had. Nonetheless, I'm glad that we have both films.It is probably worth seeing this in 3D - it really suits some of the sequences.
Horrible sequel. This movie represents Hollywood's complete disconnection with the majority of America. DeNiro is basically made out to be an idiot, I can't believe he agreed to do this role. Hoffman was entertaining, but you just wanted to b....slap him. Babs was Babs, obnoxious and not funny. I wish that they had cast Ben's parents, Jerry Stiller and Ann Meara, as originally intended. That would have been much more entertaining.The sexual references were too much and to frequent. This movie is not for children, despite the rating, the decor in the Focker's house is nothing but explicit images of the human anatomy in various positions. There is also a lot of dry humping among seniors during Babs Sex Therapy class. Don't waste your money.
This was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I smiled, laughed and cried. The story line was great. I hope that is was accurate, it would be good to know that people like this really do exist. The casting was well done, I believed the story line and the actors. Sandra Bullock was exceptional, but all of the others were great as well. I loved Big Mike and SJ especially. It is so nice to see a 'feel good' film that is based on a true story - very heart warming. I would recommend this move to anyone - it is a movie that anyone can watch regardless of their age. If you want to see a movie that has a great story and makes you feel great when it is done,then this is the movie for you to see.
I believe in James Cameron, way back from the Aliens to Titanic he delivered a sensation or a magic. And his new magnum Opus, AVATAR is most entertaining,thrilling cinematic experience of my lifetime. Its mesmerizing, and Cameron crafted it wonderfully.The film focuses on an epic conflict on Pandora, Pandora is inhabited by an indigenous species called the Na'vi. Standing nine feet tall, with tails and sparkling blue skin, the Na'vi live in harmony with the natural world around them.The word Avatar is an ancient Indian word, with literal meaning of "the Lord Vishnu taking another form, to counter the evil forces". Here it refers to human scientists led by Dr. Grace(Sigourney Weaver) taking form of Na'vis with the help of Genetic engineering.Jake Sully(Sam Worthington), a marine, who replaces his brother on a mission to infiltrate the Na' vis on the planet of Pandora. During Jake's first assignment through the Pandora jungle, few wild creatures attacks him and becomes alone in that jungle, attempts to survive and steals the attention of Nytiri (Zoe Saldana) a Na'vi female.The Na'vi people decide to take Jake and teach him about their culture. As Jake learns the way of the Na'vi, he finds himself caught between the military-industrial forces of Earth and a newfound love for his adopted home and people. Believing that the Na'vi will never abandon their home, the humans attack and destroy the Hometree, forcing the Na'vi to flee. The Na'vi feel betrayed by Jake, ostracizing him from the tribe. Back at base, Jake and his compatriots are forcibly disconnected from their avatar interfaces and are detained for arguing against the destruction.Finally, with Neytiri's assistance, Jake assembles thousands of Na'vi from other tribes and lead them into battle with the increasingly violent human forces, in order to save their race and world, after the battle, the humans are forced to evacuate Pandora. To talk about the performance, all arrows from the Cameron's bow done an excellent job.Especially Nytiri, an electrifying performance, even Sam did an excellent job.I mean all are acted brilliantly. Visual effects is superb and hypnotizingAvatar offers not only Space war but also a drizzling love story between Jake's Avatar and Nytiri. Every scene offers you a thrilling Taquila. I added Avatar in my favorites list. I give 10 rating for James Cameron's Avatar because i cannot give less than that.
This movie should of been rated pg13. This was not a movie for families to see. There is a scene where the young boy stabs the father, not by accident, but with a purpose. It is graphic and shocking. Also, the scare factor is too much. My seven year old son, who is all boy, was scared from the movie. My eight year old niece had her head buried in my other daughters shoulder. There are a lot of knife cutting up creature scenes in it. The actual story line was good, so that is what is also disappointing. It could of been a really good film, but they took it to far, for children. I can't believe it got the rating it did. It was very violent. I am not someone who is squimish. Even my older daughter was shocked at it, for the age they are promoting this movie. I wish I would of known more about this movie. I would of made a different choice in what we saw today. To bad it could of been a family movie with some suspenseful scenes and excitement, instead it was cover your eyes and don't look.
I can't believe this film has such a low rating. It's one of the best films of all time, maybe just because I have a Rik Mayall obsession, maybe just because it is.I have a few things to say to people who didn't like it.Many people criticise this film saying that it is highly unsuitable for children due to the amount of swearing and violence. Well, firstly, it is not intended for children. At least here in the UK, it was given a rating of 15 (not suitable for people under 15) when it was first released. It has since been re-rated 12 in the past few years, though it really remains up to the parents to censor what their kids see. Though honestly, I saw this film when I was about 7 and it had no adverse effect on me, and I still enjoy it now, as an 18 year old.People who claim it isn't funny generally do so because they aren't fans of crude and slapstick humour. Well if that isn't what you find funny, don't criticise the film, just don't watch films like this. I can't stand political satire but I don't watch Farenheirt 9/11 and then bitch about it.In itself, the film is cute and funny with vaguely serious undertones in some parts, and is a cult film beloved by many. I highly recommend it to everyone who loves Rik Mayall as it is a typical "Mayall" role, not to be overlooked by his fans.Watch it!
The only thing which really seems to slow Disney's PotC juggernaut is the love story. Swann and Turner just look too made-up and clean for all this grime, brine and sea life, which is such a stretch it seems to detract at times. I guess the love-interest must be there for mom's and dad's who are dragged into the cinema by the kids.I've admired the versatile Bill Nighy's work in other films and he continues (with Geoffrey Rush) to be among the strongest actors, who project some menace and give the film some real meat, which is needed to balance so much silliness. These are supposed to be Pirates after all. I'm certain contemporary pirates consider this all high comedy as they board ships, take hostages, etc. Somewhere in the myth Disney has woven, we are probably forgetting what pirates were really about.The tale is largely entertaining and a pretty good pace and thankfully no repeat of the tumbling through the jungle bits from PotC II.Spoiler Warning! At the end, why the fleet turns away is completely a mystery. No character appears to challenge why they shouldn't be finishing off these scourges of the seven seas, they all just bugger off! Why? Oh, and wasn't that an Errol Flynn pose near the end by the new captain of the Flying Dutchman?
I really liked this. It was locked in after a out 10 minutes. She unsettles me from the start and I was compelled to know the answers to all my questions and what outcome would be. And I kept waiting for a choice to change the course of events but it never happened. Every time she was outside spectating I thought some how she was going to be able to stop it simply by making other choices to affect the chain reaction that would alter her path. I definitely recommend if you like eerie and mystery. One small note.... Did anyone pick up that the cabin she pulled the married couple in was 237??? Kinda cool right!?? (The room number in "the shining")
a movie with a sad story, for the whole 150min you wait for the main subject of the movie to start. You think that what you are watching is a base to understand the comings. and very unexpectedly it ends?????? It isn't a love or romantic movie , completely a drama with a poor story. Don't waste your valuable time for this piece of s***. Especially the final part. The moment the story captures you, you find yourself listening last movie song with titles..Dean Pereira and Cindy Heller Pereira are a young, working class married couple - Dean currently working as a painter, and Cindy working as a nurse in a medical clinic - with a young daughter named Frankie. Despite their relatively tender ages, they are both ravaged by the life they've eked out together and by the experiences they've had leading into their marriage. Dean, a high school drop out, comes from a broken home, where he never really had a mother figure. He never saw himself getting married or having a family despite falling in love at first sight with Cindy. He doesn't have any professional ambition beyond his current work - which he enjoys since he feels he can knock off a beer at 8 o'clock in the morning without it affecting his work - although Cindy believes he has so much more potential in life. Cindy also comes from a dysfunctional family, with her own mother and father not setting an example of a harmonious married or family life. One of her previous serio
I just had the fortune to see "The Third Man" on the big screen as part of the TCM Classic Movie Cruise. And, after seeing it the way it's meant to be seen, I now consider it to be one of the best films of the era. Aside from the odd soundtrack, which I'll talk about in a bit, the picture is just about perfect in every way--with great acting, direction and the best black and white cinematography I can recall having seen.The film follows the oddly named Holly (Joseph Cotten) after he arrives in Vienna to take a job from his old friend, Harry Lime (Orson Welles). However, instead of finding a job he finds his friend is dead and begin buried in the opening scene. He's also soon shocked to find that his sweet old friend was NOT so sweet after all, though Holly is a good fellow and cannot believe Harry was THAT vicious and evil. What's to become of the idealistic Holly and is there much more to this story than meets the eye?"The Third Man" is incredibly inventive in many ways--especially with the film noir-like camera-work. The wonderful shadows, askew framing and dankness of the sewers are perfect for the film. And, I really loved Joseph Cotten, a highly underrated actor. My only complaint is the zither music. While it's very innovative and works well, I wish the film had used it much more sparingly as I felt like screaming out 'STOP THAT $^%@ MUSIC' near the end of the movie! Still, it's such a minor complaint and the rest of the film so incredibly well made, I can overlook this!