social distancing in to fight against corona …
this is the perfect time to travel to places that is not really stressing the corona fake ass virus lmao before they force everybody to be sheep who wants to take a trip
this worldwide coronavirus was a planned disease to depopulate people periodt
residents business folks & friends many of us have been critical about the hysteria of the covid 19 corona virus its important to understand the strategy behind the closures & postponing gatherings across the county & state let us try to minimize human contact for two weeks pic twitter com/8nbrb3ks6d
there is at least a small possibility that major league baseball stadiums will be closed to fans in the early part of the season because of concerns so comerica park may look a lot like it did last year
i'm pretty sure you stomping your feet over words is equally ineffective you are trying to take the blame for assault and put it on the shoulders of those saying the coronavirus is from china that is not effective it is just stupid
if the (coronavirus) is real why are they using fake people to lie
everyone selling stuff like coronavirus sale covid clearance 50% off only for a limited time offer ends with the world
question what is the government not telling us about the coronavirus
was planning on making chicken noodle soup tonight but apparently all of the grocery stores in my city are empty this is fucking ridiculous i just wanted to make tonight's meal while ppl are selfishly stocking up on food they probably do not need smh
between lockdown agra expressway …
my article on induced transformation of …
great spread panic across the world i'm currently in wheelchair i find it difficult to get around i do not have money now till next week 30 march uk government needs to allow us to get weekly esa rather than fortnightly during i cannot get food till then
coronavirus testing on kids is a nervous next step on way to covid 19 vaccine
odds to die from coronavirus you +1000000000000000000 who wants this action
on march 9th dumb donnie (wants to "nuke" hurricanes) said that coronavirus cases will soon be down to zero dumb donnie (windmills cause cancer) loves putin as he co conspired for our kurd allies to be slaughtered and sells our military's blood to guard saudi arabian oil
how has the coronavirus impacted the food processing industry and food safety …
infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized
the true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection india …
my dearest mate it is been a real pleasure to have u i've not seen u personally but you are 1of those human beings who has a virtual presence in theloyalty i really love you respect you trust you be safe & if possible plz keep me posted regarding ur status pic twitter com/go071yuet0
the gop are the gop sen ron johnson (wis ) and other conservatives are concerned that if the government provides too much coronavirus relief it will make people lazy via
two weeks ago i celebrated my birthday with a picnic on the beach ten days into lockdown here in goa and this feels like a very long time ago … …
i'm doing wellness checks on a few teachers that i feel could be in danger if they were to get one of my teachers went to costa rica on spring break make sure you are looking after your teachers you all
i wish people would understand that not everyone has the privilege to not go to work when they are sick (when it is not the coronavirus btw) some people cannot just be like “i'm sick i'll stay home today xoxo”
this is worse than coronavirus hiv and cancer combined
ー19 scary to think that the last place in the world where you can touch safely family and friends faces and body will be this screen and such apps when you tap pic twitter com/do1xjkfn1z
the christian right and are the biggest threat to the world right now during this pandemic they outright evil their ignorance is death incarnate
“56% of californians are expected to be infected with coronavirus” oh i think the fuck not i'm moving to antarctica it is official
thank you and this might be the best way to wish you women's day on this beautiful occasion congrats on birth of your second child ) loads of love for you naahi nazaan and the lovely mother ) looking forward to ease this lockdown and visit you
frontline in the nhs spoken to an official in one of biggest care commissioning groups (in a big english city) govt says nhs will get "whatever it needs"but official says they are struggling to cope with demand right now just one ccg but source says problems are common
we will well soon we won this war against covid19
trump you once said in a tweet that obama should go hug up everybody with ebola your time to go and kiss everybody in america with coronavirus is now as you called it the chinese i tell you be careful of what you say because you do not know which one you will have to eat
we should even be in this situation we spend $600+ trillion on our & billions & billions more that is on “off the books ” i e stuff yet cannot even provide basic supplies for hospitals am i right
wud be happy states take u into board and plan to curb corona earliest
god is great folded_hands my lord "shiva" please remove around the whole world stable life save people's rajeev kumar sharma folded_hands
discrimination amid pandemic pakistan refuses to give food to hindus as coronavirus rages via
fake news is the enemy of the people liberal hack reporters deliberately use half of president trump's quote in conference call with governors on coronavirus in order to cause panic
kenyan banks offer relief to borrowers as traders warned on hiking costs rwanda government monitoring affects of coronavirus on the economy nigeria ban foreign travel of government officials
i'd also be afraid to meet congress too they are all self reporting with coronavirus eff that
perhaps businesses could invest in lights to keep at bay without shutting down and putting people out of work i hope scientists are looking at this as an option to keep businesses open vegas is getting hit hard with closures
i hold you equally responsible to any tory voter for every single thing johnson does especially when the whole country is now at the mercy of his vicious psychopathic coronavirus "strategy" you wanted "anyone but corbyn" you have got it own it
hey any plan on doing anything about the people who have as there clan tag these people are seriously disrespectful to everyone dealing with the pandemic right now
five things to help stop the spread of coronavirus
these issues can be exposed later already modi government has done nothing against coronavirus god will determine & punish them for they responsibility right now need of togetherness is needed for fight against virus government should use experience of senior leaders of our party …
hey why are the republicans trying to sneak in abortion rights laws into the corona virus help bill very shady to be trying something like this in a crisis
in taiwan anger at china over covid 19 drives identity debate …pic twitter com/k4rknxqswk
covid 19 spread can be stopped only through the formula of social distancing without that the stage 3 of the virus is not much distant away from the india society _distancing
'too late' farage criticises open borders while britons locked down in crisis /dimymoj3qx
people italy did not shut down to make donald trump look bad stop with the “it's the media creating panic” story
my allergies are fucking me up so bad right now and marquis is the asking around yelling i have the coronavirus somebody come get they mans please
your masturbatory ego rallies put your magats at risk but you do not really care do you
easy load wali ban jao iss lockdown mein scene onn hai grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes
i know the corona virus is real but the panic that is causing is crazy
ncc meets today as covid 19 situation worsens
honestly is overblown but it did one thing correctly it showed how disgusting humanity is what an embarrassment we are
haha literally twitter com/y9ohlgnoft
state governors decide when their schls & businesses can reopen (not the wh) without universal frequent testing we cannot isolate the infected we cannot stop the spread of pls call ur governor asap keep ur community safe usa
we are lit rally getting low of medication it just crossed my mind where in hell am i going to find the treatment of my grandma with this coronavirus lockdown the prices in the fucking sky also i would better die
coronavirus a world crisis end all sanctions now china and russia call on us to lift sanctions against iran
as if i was not mad before i'm pissed now the coronavirus cancelled the maple festival fuck this mannn
imagine if on april fools the government comes out and says the corona virus was a joke
⁦⁩ and the ⁦⁩ are socialist but only until the election
my college just canceled classes till april 20th and all my classes are online now because of the coronavirus wtf
interesting to see folks in have secure jobs there are other set of privileged set of people with great salaries healthcare benefits and entitlements engaged in amazing priorities wonder impacts them
drunk rude white girls <<<<< coronavirus
surgeon general has coronavirus warning 'this week it is going to get bad'
lockdowns are effective if people are not hungry and they have enough resources but if people are hungry and without resources any type of lockdown is not successful …
trump changes tone after dismissing coronavirus as a democratic 'hoax' | via
you were referring to the coronavirus specifically and in this case we are not angry for the reasons i stated i do not wish for anyone especially anyone with the power of the presidency behind him to get the coronavirus
do the other half have corona virus or have they had their accounts shut down
and have suspended evictions and to curb financial impact of
what ever dumb witchcraft shit they used to turn a dead rotting corpse in to a baby is what started the corona virus
fuck it i'm jumping on the bandwagon stream canceled due to coronavirus fucking hell dude all of this panic over what is at its core a fucking cold we are going to talk about this tonight
then john can you have a word with them to stop mainlining farage why o why he is not an expert on the corona virus or indeed anything except his own over weening self so disappointing they keep doing it
"what ” are they afraid of the coronavirus "0h i see why trump created the coronavirus
the true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection india …
oh i know he just started within the last week that is my point the explanation that he only started doing it "because china blamed the us for the virus" makes no sense because they blamed the us very early on and trump still called it "coronavirus"
your admin staff is the the way they keep perma banning the good players from in game over b s on facebook
kuwait is the greatest country in the world #الكويت_تتصدى_لكورونا
in the face of a growing public health threat such as should non urgent medical care be deferred for example routine outpatient visits elective procedures surveillance imaging studies and others
सोचा lockdown हैं तो घर बैठे बैठे photography किया जाए touch & see complete pic pic dedicated to sir & dr sir sir for working tirelessly to save lives in ur 1 rt can encourage me to click more pic twitter com/zlban70v8f
bses is enjoying covid19 benifit by sending exorbitant bill amount self reading nt possible as reading is less than previous reading tho 8mar reading 6432 29may 7297 unable to log written complaint pic twitter com/hyix5xdy59
i do not think the coronavirus realizes who it is messing with pic twitter com/llvkv4ne98
why social distancing is crucial to slow the spread of coronavirus
coronavirus i think we should concentrate on how we manage the interface with vulnerable people (e g elderly people/carers) continue the basic message of hygiene & then as brutal as it sounds take the 'hit' unless we want global shutdown etc etc etc
the government must take over all the private hospitals & nursing homes for at least a year to control the menace of fleecing covid 19 patients & their families by them there is no other way as they are fleecing the patients with impunity without any shame or fear
from our perspective he is at another level where no one can stand out him at this pandemic situation of he is "the india man" his work speeks rather than his words great salute
i'm good because i do not give a shit about the coronavirus
i hate china after corona virus
anyone's employer suggest using sick and vacation time during this shut down
well guess the positive thing about this whole coronavirus crap is that we will not have as many cars out polluting the air for the next few weeks
locust swarms attack in pakistan this is another emerging threat after covid 19 and plane crash یا اللہ ہم پر رحم فرما pic twitter com/0rspoasvsc
everyday we are apprised with multiple critical cases due to covid for bed space & while i try to do my best to ensure the patient finds help asap its souls like ji who become my pillar of strength thank u
my day has been about as exciting as watching a battery charge board bangalore …
not detected to covid screening is a new achievement
this will piss off the msm president trump reveals he took coronavirus test explore the fox news apps that are right for you at
set a time to spend with your child so that both of you can look forward to this have fun by exploring new activities
covid 19 complete lockdown saturday & sunday business monday to friday till 7 00 pm
wash hands reminder tracker avoid coronavirus covid 19 according to health organizations via
coronavirus is not nearly as bad as the plague was and yet twitter is still going crazy i can only imagine what the tl would have been like back then absolute shambles