ok this corona virus is really freaking me out this will literally be in history books in a couple of years
government it is extremely week and pd (ex communists) are dictating the globalist agenda troika it is on the way and we are under oms leading situation we need to breakout euro prison asap with eu will decay that is why they are killing italy now
i read some comments on the song latest comments are mostly in korean since the song is titled do not worry this one said "do not worry in 2020 everyone" and someone replied "of course we should worry it is coronavirus" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
sick with worry an employer's guide to managing concerns in the via
ann coulter on china and cheap tvs expensive flu
corrupt democrats spreading fear and causing panic to cause a global economic collapse approx 7 000 people die every day in the usa from causes other than the coronavirus only 200 have died in the us from coronavirus so 200 is a very small number why are we all panicking
the united states of america will hammer this piece of shit into the ground we will exterminate it prepare to be impressed
must be that corona virus
he said corona virus is not stopping me
my white blood cells coming together to attack the corona virus pic twitter com/x63agqvats
_19 coffee hot_beverage
everyone is playing for future but what about present i think it is more important twitter com/etgzktjjvx
covid 19 and the developing world
let us quarantine the religious god's with in your house as they could not come to your risk in crisis and fight united to defeat covid19 …
life's so much better when nobody knows what you are up to good morning shamrock magic out there waiting for schools to re open so they can give students an essay topic "how i spent my lockdown"
you only get a break on your 401k if you withdraw after the bill passes not before coronavirus started fucking things up months ago
coronavirus prophecies of plagues and pestilence are we living in the end times
and do corona free your busines with complete digital marketing by maps solution … …
brexit means coronavirus vaccine will be slower to reach the uk everything about is shit
damn come on at&t step up your game comcast suspends data caps makes xfinity wifi free for 60 days
piroshky piroshky in pike place market is among the businesses that count on alaska cruise passengers in seattle each summer on kiro 7 news at 6 the new uncertainty about the season after the cruise ship warning from the state department pic twitter com/ktasjf6fo8
they will not spread …
he literally does not give a shit if anyone lives or dies as long as he is living i f*cking hate him with the white hot fury of a thousand suns
glad to be part of a team that actually cares even in the times of lockdown jazz sent these care packages to its employees who are twitter com/t9rnujfum5
with solar panels on our roof we can move to zero emissions transport within phnom penh let us make our response to covid one that builds a cleaner greener future
americans living their lives to the fullest while im scared shitless thinking of buying medicine from the pharmacy
*it takes mind body heart and courage to fight this pandemic we deeply express our thankful gestures to these pic twitter com/xfyhwykbxq
wher are the idiots amid lockdown 'mafia' clears trees builds hutments at aarey colony news …
ー19 can not stop who are physically strong with good immune and strong will power like indian jawan
it is the weather of 'kerbala' due to since 10 days white collared confined at home w/o ration money landlord bullying & electricity bills labours on streets with hammers shovels karbala was over in 10 days but "the pain does not go away"
fears of homophobic backlash sparked as korean media focus on gay club covid 19 case
'better a terrible end than endless terror' phrase
this coronavirus got all you all trippin twitter com/anivmjmrny
las vegas trip booked fuck the coronavirus
song qismat singer kktomar yt channel … to watch go and suscribe in advance song will release after lockdown twitter com/0ti3a2vpbo
google makes advanced hangouts meet capabilities free to combat coronavirus
air lines offers after corona grinning_squinting_face grinning_squinting_face
with life coming back on track and living with covid19 is now a new way of existing while fighting with the virus the livelihood of tribal women from niyamgiri hills is appearing to be moving ahead plates made… …
dey are n i see so many videos coming up tht dey r been blamed 4 everything y not 130 cr is suffering wid lockdown n u hndful idiots ruined it idiots becoz u condcted such event pple reached andaman n created havoc do not try 2 play scapegoat
sunset 1 june 2020 …
when ppl start losing their jobs over the pls remember to direct your anger to the democrat party & their media hacks who orchestrated this whole deal pic twitter com/t5kbbvscoe
it is heartbreaking(。•́︿•̀。) the coronavirus disaster leads to fear and loathing——ccp is too far away but chinese are among americans i suppose it is much easier to blame the accessible than the crafty&unlikely to punish but please treat them better ( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )
good leaders dont cause panic even when there are reasons to panic what good has the run on goods done to fight corona virus
i said it once i'll say it again president trump is protecting us from foreign enemy (coronavirus) and domestic enimies hollywood liberals
trump's a no show after promising briefing on economic plan amid coronavirus concerns 1583884010 …
remember when i was really close to having my anxiety shit together and then coronavirus happened
house voted 363 40 on coronavirus relief package free testing for those who lack ins enhanced unemployment benefits additional food aid federal funds for medicaid 14 days paid sick leave 3 months paid family leave 40 republicans voted no someone needs to explain
together we can help stop the spread of coronavirus learn ways to protect yourself and others at _distancing
no excuses please of my lockdown countdown … …
rsgc in beautiful shape post covid19 springs golf course srinagar …
fuck u coronavirus i cant hang out with any of my friends now and i have to sit by myself and think key word think thinking is not good cor my health
beauty of the darknes art by shubh follow _19 ains2
absolute nonsense you are basing flu deaths on estimate cases and coronavirus death on confirmed cases you have zero idea how many people in the usa have coronavirus as more and more people get tested the death rate will drop drastically as it has in china and south korea
have you ever put your car in reverse and just smashed the bumper into smithereens and just kept on driving
dark mofo cancels 2020 event amid coronavirus fears to ensure long term survival | mona | the guardian 1583883195 …
i wish things could just be ok no matter what i do something catastrophic has to destroy my progress we were doing good financially i found a temporary job and now the fucking coronavirus is putting us in the fucking hole again and threatening my life like can i have a break
due to one set of people some country utilising opportunity and make fun of entire community thing
this woman found out about the coronavirus in a january senate briefing dumped all her stocks bought stocks in telecom knowing ppl would be forced to work from home and then helped trump downplay the threat to the public
for the well being of mind and body amid the coronavirus lockdown pm modi encourages citizens to practice yoga through the ‘yoga with modi' series the clips are a series of 17 different asanas via namo app
something is not right with this whole coronavirus thing the powers that be is using this for mass control imo how can you stop everything going on in the world for 2 weeks
jai shri ram ji plz obey lockdown and be fit healthy
red cross urging ‘healthy eligible individuals' to donate blood amid coronavirus concerns
a coronavirus cautionary tale from italy do not do what we did via
scientists coronavirus can last on metal for 9 days metalheads pic twitter com/m1gtsgxghl
so based on your post recently about remdisivir was recommended by china scientists is true to treat covid 19 looks likes the most promising medicine
it is not the issue of whose government it is the issue is that the government is not thinking about student when covid19 is at its peak we do not think how they will travel to the exam center in this panic situation
everyone more worried about festivals and flights being cancelled due to coronavirus than actually dying from it
we will learn to love how to dream we will find our love in the sky dress from hope_bkk #เซทคอนโดฉันเอง #ชุดแม่ปลาคาร์ฟ oasis hotel …
uncalled for hysteria via
it is all temporary mr krk you are in the hit list of corona virus it is still doing silently its homework for attacking you backhand_index_pointing_up thinking_face face_with_rolling_eyes face_with_rolling_eyes
people at real dramatic about this they got caskets pic twitter com/om9tm0acbe
lynnfield has the coronavirus
you all know one thing the muslims will not fight us for the toilet paper
coronavirus lockdown jogger resists arrest in spain and is abused by onlookers
the coronavirus mass hysteria makes me giggle and that is on being a desensitized generation
does corona virus kill your wife and blame it on an illegal alien worker asking for a friend
so you no longer think that the coronavirus is a hoax perpetrated by the democrats exactly when was your epiphany moment
watch this epic video montage of media repeatedly saying "wuhan coronavirus" before it was considered racist because orange man bad via
anyone did this … …
think about how the corona virus would have affected schools if this was not the 21st century nothing would be online and they would just have to halt school until further notice
lockdown first day vs last day
jesus mexico's going to pay for the corona virus
do not use the coronavirus to push your political agenda there is people dying and you are here trying to prove the stupidest shit
excellent and thankyou to chinese government for great help to russia to fight covid 19 together
covid 19 pandemic is less dangerous than the endemic police force throughout india has worried_face
coronavirus woman 39 in icu warns people who doubt they can catch it business insider
overly hyped mass hysteria like this is the reason they never let us see the aliens
santa clara school district superintendents and board of trustees excuse absences or close schools for santa clara county 19 sign the petition via
stop covid'19 ramzan drive day 1 rashan activity covid'19 10 rashan baigs for blessing month ramzan shareef distributes to neede families alhamdullilah pakistan zindabad team al serrat pakistan
mumbai police will do this if they survive through corona that is
who started the “coronavirus” meme using cardi b's voice i cannot front that shit is funny
welcome to new life she fought well against covid 19
health risk is correlated to socioeconomic status ( and this is a good example of why this is ridiculous shame on this company
in response to covid19 nba 2k20 has temporarily closed the neighbourhood _19
grabbing bite at atl cashier took a text while serving me apparently lakeisha has coronavirus and will not be in none of us seemed to care we just wanted our stupid food
their anger and frustration caused by the racist and fascist unjustified crimes against blacks and minorities foremost recent george floyed awful crime had instigated them to defy not only the ban but also the covid 19 pandemic
coronavirus i think we should concentrate on how we manage the interface with vulnerable people (e g elderly people/carers) continue the basic message of hygiene & then as brutal as it sounds take the 'hit' unless we want global shutdown etc etc etc
which i'm sure will turn down because you know socialism is bad for you do not you know you just got to pull your corona virus self up by the bootstraps
happy birthday to me /oz03xydxox – at mumbai
the liberals keep wanting you to look at the mortality rate percentage wise but if you look at the actual numbers such as 29 people dying from coronavirus so far in this country versus 80 000 annually that die from the flu i do not give a freaking rip what his % is