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12,622 | Care conference with family at the bedside and decision to change posture of care from aggressive full code status to terminal wean with comfort care measures in a case with code last night with CPR and advanced cardiac life support. | 17 |
10,532 | Occupational medicine consult with questions-answers and records review. | 18 |
4,861 | Acute cerebrovascular accident/left basal ganglia and deep white matter of the left parietal lobe, hypertension, urinary tract infection, and hypercholesterolemia. | 10 |
225 | H&P for a female with Angina pectoris. | 3 |
6,187 | Refractory anemia that is transfusion dependent. At this time, he has been admitted for anemia with hemoglobin of 7.1 and requiring transfusion. | 16 |
4,138 | The client is a 26-year-old gravida 2, para 1-0-0-1, at 28-1/7 weeks who presents to the emergency room with left lower quadrant pain, reports no bowel movement in two weeks as well as nausea and vomiting for the last 24 hours or so. She states that she has not voided in the last 24 hours as well due to pain. | 12 |
10,286 | Occupational medicine consult with questions-answers and records review. | 18 |
8,796 | Patient presented with significant muscle tremor, constant headaches, excessive nervousness, poor concentration, and poor ability to focus. | 18 |
4,847 | Excision of penile skin bridges about 2 cm in size. | 39 |
11,053 | A sample note on Rheumatoid Arthritis | 34 |
4,257 | The case is a 26-year-old gravida 2, para 1-0-0-1, at 28-1/7 weeks who presents to the emergency room with left lower quadrant pain, reports no bowel movement in two weeks as well as nausea and vomiting for the last 24 hours or so. She states that she has not voided in the last 24 hours as well due to pain. | 24 |
9,137 | Autopsy of a white female who died of acute combined drug intoxication. | 1 |
12,623 | Followup of left hand discomfort and systemic lupus erythematosus. Carpal tunnel involving the left wrist with sensory change, but no evidence of motor change. | 34 |
6,728 | L3-L5 epidural steroid injection with epidural catheter under fluoroscopy. | 28 |
6,648 | Newborn circumcision. The penile foreskin was removed using Gomco. | 29 |
1,874 | Ultrasound examination of the scrotum due to scrotal pain. Duplex and color flow imaging as well as real time gray-scale imaging of the scrotum and testicles was performed. | 39 |
4,811 | Injection of Morton's neuroma. | 28 |
3,794 | Autopsy - Asphyxia due to ligature strangulation. | 1 |
1,569 | This is a 43-year-old female with a history of events concerning for seizures. Video EEG monitoring is performed to capture events and/or identify etiology. | 36 |
11,321 | Autopsy - Homicide - evidence of exsanguination - multiple stab wounds. | 1 |
4,100 | Bilateral temporal artery biopsy. Rule out temporal arteritis. | 22 |
3,343 | Resection of infected bone, left hallux, proximal phalanx, and distal phalanx. Osteomyelitis, left hallux. | 38 |
8,830 | Chiropractic IME with old files review. Detailed Thoracic Spine Examination. | 18 |
2,326 | Chest tube insertion done by two physicians in ER - spontaneous pneumothorax secondary to barometric trauma. | 38 |
8,945 | Consultation for left foot pain. | 4 |
3,789 | Total abdominal hysterectomy.. Severe menometrorrhagia unresponsive to medical therapy, anemia, and symptomatic fibroid uterus. | 38 |
5,844 | A female for a complete physical and follow up on asthma with allergic rhinitis. | 0 |
4,121 | Closure of gastrostomy placed due to feeding difficulties. | 14 |
5,694 | 2-month-old female - increased work of breathing. | 12 |
8,981 | A female for a complete physical and follow up on asthma with allergic rhinitis. | 0 |
4,673 | Cystopyelogram, clot evacuation, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor x2 on the dome and on the left wall of the bladder. | 21 |
8,619 | Hypomastia. Patient wants breast augmentation and liposuction of her abdomen, | 6 |
11,657 | Autopsy - Homicide - evidence of exsanguination - multiple stab wounds. | 1 |
11,106 | Patient presents for therapy of suspected rheumatoid arthritis. | 34 |
4,026 | Laparoscopic tubal sterilization, tubal coagulation. | 24 |
9,070 | Gentleman with long-standing morbid obesity, resistant to nonsurgical methods of weight loss with BMI of 69.7 | 2 |
8,853 | History of numbness in both big toes and up the lateral aspect of both calves. She dose complain of longstanding low back pain, but no ache that radiates from her back into her legs. She has had no associated weakness. | 30 |
8,872 | Lung, wedge biopsy right lower lobe and resection right upper lobe. Lymph node, biopsy level 2 and 4 and biopsy level 7 subcarinal. PET scan demonstrated a mass in the right upper lobe and also a mass in the right lower lobe, which were also identified by CT scan. | 19 |
8,891 | The case was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy to improve her functional communication skills and swallowing function and safety. | 37 |
9,920 | Hospice care for a 41-year-old man with the AIDS complicated with recent cryptococcal infection, disseminated MAC and Kaposi's sarcoma. | 17 |
8,393 | Work restrictions and disability evaluation | 4 |
2,174 | Bronchoscopy. Atelectasis and mucous plugging. | 3 |
5,163 | Maculopapular rash in kind of a linear pattern over arms, legs, and chest area which are consistent with a poison ivy or a poison oak. | 8 |
4,017 | Patient started out having toothache, now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Ellis type II dental fracture. | 7 |
5,363 | Suspicious calcifications upper outer quadrant, left breast. Left breast excisional biopsy with preoperative guidewire localization and intraoperative specimen radiography. | 24 |
530 | Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of bilateral lumbar sympathetic chain. | 28 |
1,143 | Follow up consultation, second opinion, foreskin. | 35 |
11,433 | Patient discharged after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. | 2 |
4,809 | MRI C-spine: C4-5 Transverse Myelitis. | 22 |
9,746 | Followup of left hand discomfort and systemic lupus erythematosus. Carpal tunnel involving the left wrist with sensory change, but no evidence of motor change. | 34 |
9,080 | Specimen - Lung, left lower lobe resection. Sarcomatoid carcinoma with areas of pleomorphic/giant cell carcinoma and spindle cell carcinoma. The tumor closely approaches the pleural surface but does not invade the pleura. | 19 |
633 | Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body (rock) from right ear. | 38 |
1,418 | Patient with worsening shortness of breath and cough. | 15 |
4,205 | Left forearm arteriovenous fistula between cephalic vein and radial artery. | 21 |
5,198 | Visually significant posterior capsule opacity, right eye. YAG laser posterior capsulotomy, right eye. | 26 |
472 | AP abdomen and ultrasound of kidney. | 21 |
6,463 | Nephrology Consultation - Patient with renal failure. | 21 |
2,028 | Anterior cervical discectomy at C5-C6 and C6-C7 for neural decompression and anterior interbody fusion at C5-C6 and C6-C7 utilizing Bengal cages x2. Anterior instrumentation by Uniplate construction C5, C6, and C7 with intraoperative x-ray x2. | 38 |
356 | Postoperative visit for craniopharyngioma with residual disease. According to him, he is doing well, back at school without any difficulties. He has some occasional headaches and tinnitus, but his vision is much improved. | 22 |
3,101 | Arthrotomy, removal humeral head implant, right shoulder. Repair of torn subscapularis tendon (rotator cuff tendon) acute tear. Debridement glenohumeral joint. Biopsy and culturing the right shoulder. | 38 |
9,771 | A lady with symptoms consistent with possible oligoarticular arthritis of her knees. | 34 |
5,109 | School reports continuing difficulties with repetitive questioning, obsession with cleanness on a daily basis, concerned about his inability to relate this well in the classroom. Asperger disorder. Obsessive compulsive disorder. | 32 |
6,598 | Discharge summary of a case with mood swings and oppositional and defiant behavior. | 32 |
3,729 | Patient being referred for evaluation of glaucoma. | 20 |
9,300 | Autopsy - Asphyxia due to ligature strangulation. | 1 |
7,117 | The case presents for evaluation at the request of his primary physician for treatment for dystrophic nails. | 31 |
2,575 | Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with pseudo and esophageal biopsy. Hiatal hernia and reflux esophagitis. The patient is a 52-year-old female morbidly obese black female who has a long history of reflux and GERD type symptoms including complications such as hoarseness and chronic cough. | 38 |
3,913 | Foraminal disc herniation of left L3-L4. Enlarged dorsal root ganglia of the left L3 nerve root. Transpedicular decompression of the left L3-L4 with discectomy. | 27 |
3,829 | CT abdomen without contrast and pelvis without contrast, reconstruction. | 33 |
8,669 | Liposuction of the supraumbilical abdomen, revision of right breast reconstruction, excision of soft tissue fullness of the lateral abdomen and flank. | 2 |
2,357 | Sample for Neuropsychological Evaluation | 22 |
8,466 | Occupational medicine consult with questions-answers and records review. | 18 |
7,111 | Autopsy - Asphyxia due to ligature strangulation. | 1 |
2,513 | Breast reconstruction post mastectomy. A 51-year-old lady for mastectomy on the right side, who is interested in the possibility of breast reconstruction. | 6 |
9,268 | Chronic glossitis, xerostomia, probable environmental inhalant allergies, probable food allergies, and history of asthma. | 0 |
12,053 | Preop evaluation regarding gastric bypass surgery. | 2 |
6,016 | Fever, otitis media, and possible sepsis. | 11 |
7,349 | Followup dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and possible metabolic syndrome | 9 |
6,817 | Coccygeal injection | 28 |
4,462 | Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH). Severe menometrorrhagia unresponsive to clinical therapy, severe anemia, and symptomatic fibroid uterus. | 10 |
2,070 | A sample note on Angina. | 3 |
6,072 | The patient's main complaint is vertigo. The client is having recurrent attacks of vertigo and imbalance over the last few years with periods of free symptoms and no concurrent tinnitus or hearing impairment. | 11 |
4,613 | This is a 14-month-old baby boy Caucasian who came in with presumptive determination of Kawasaki with fever for more than 5 days and conjunctivitis, mild arthritis with edema, rash, resolving and with elevated neutrophils and thrombocytosis, elevated CRP and ESR. | 10 |
9,315 | The case was referred for outpatient skilled speech therapy, secondary to right hemisphere disorder, status post stroke. The case attended nine outpatient skilled speech therapy sessions. | 37 |
6,142 | Patient with a history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, COPD, hypertension, and renal insufficiency. | 21 |
8,129 | Punch biopsy of right upper chest skin lesion. | 8 |
2,307 | The patient is status post C3-C4 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. | 30 |
11,731 | Specimen - Lung, left lower lobe resection. Sarcomatoid carcinoma with areas of pleomorphic/giant cell carcinoma and spindle cell carcinoma. The tumor closely approaches the pleural surface but does not invade the pleura. | 19 |
577 | Injection of Morton's neuroma. | 28 |
12,209 | Is it BNP or BMP? | 19 |
3,132 | History and Physical for a 69-year-old Caucasian male complaining of difficulty breathing for 3 days. | 15 |
12,494 | Counting calorie points, exercising pretty regularly, seems to be doing well | 9 |
5,463 | A very pleasant 66-year-old woman with recurrent metastatic ovarian cancer. | 24 |
3,299 | A male patient presented for evaluation of chronic abdominal pain. | 15 |
10,917 | Chronic glossitis, xerostomia, probable environmental inhalant allergies, probable food allergies, and history of asthma. | 0 |
8,346 | Extraction of tooth #T and incision and drainage (I&D) of right buccal space infection. Right buccal space infection and abscess tooth #T. | 7 |
2,273 | A woman presented to the ER with complaints of nausea, vomiting, and epigastric discomfort, ongoing for about 4 to 5 months. | 10 |
3,235 | MRI right knee without gadolinium | 33 |
8,315 | Patient being referred for evaluation of glaucoma. | 20 |
4,986 | Consultation for ICU management for a client with possible portal vein and superior mesenteric vein thrombus leading to mesenteric ischemia. | 12 |
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