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923 | Patient has trouble with walking and balance, with bladder control, and with thinking and memory. | 5 |
8,366 | The case with left completion hemithyroidectomy and reimplantation of the left parathyroid and left sternocleidomastoid region in the inferior 1/3rd region. Papillary carcinoma of the follicular variant of the thyroid in the right lobe, status post right hemithyroidectomy. | 13 |
9,198 | Consultation for wrist pain. | 4 |
10,603 | Pain management for post-laminectomy low back syndrome and radiculopathy. | 4 |
4,638 | Right argon laser assisted stapedectomy. Bilateral conductive hearing losses with right stapedial fixation secondary to otosclerosis. | 11 |
3,173 | The patient is having recurrent attacks of imbalance rather than true vertigo following the history of head trauma and loss of consciousness. Symptoms are not accompanied by tinnitus or deafness. | 11 |
7,195 | Comprehensive Mental Status Evaluation for the purpose of assisting in the determination of eligibility for Disability | 32 |
10,680 | Dietary consultation for gestational diabetes. | 9 |
1,383 | Vitrectomy under general anesthesia | 38 |
11,182 | Status post brain tumor removal. The client is a 64-year-old female referred to physical therapy following complications related to brain tumor removal. She had a brain tumor removed and had left-sided weakness. | 30 |
10,564 | Global aphasia. The client is referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy, status post stroke. | 37 |
10,973 | Acute allergic reaction, etiology uncertain, however, suspicious for Keflex. | 0 |
6,477 | Evaluation for chronic ache program | 4 |
9,441 | Lung, wedge biopsy right lower lobe and resection right upper lobe. Lymph node, biopsy level 2 and 4 and biopsy level 7 subcarinal. PET scan demonstrated a mass in the right upper lobe and also a mass in the right lower lobe, which were also identified by CT scan. | 19 |
1,628 | MRI Head W&WO Contrast. | 33 |
2,653 | Tracheostomy with skin flaps and SCOOP procedure FastTract. Oxygen dependency of approximately 5 liters nasal cannula at home and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. | 38 |
191 | Left arm fistulogram. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the proximal and distal cephalic vein. Ultrasound-guided access of left upper arm brachiocephalic fistula. | 3 |
11,601 | Hospice visit for 77-year-old gentleman with advanced colon cancer. | 17 |
775 | Patient with left renal cell carcinoma, left renal cyst, had robotic-Assisted laparoscopic left renal cyst decortication and cystoscopy. | 21 |
5,846 | Left thoracoscopy and left thoracotomy with declaudication and drainage of lung abscesses, and multiple biopsies of pleura and lung. | 11 |
8,778 | Dietary consultation for gestational diabetes. | 9 |
8,343 | The client was referred for outpatient skilled speech therapy, secondary to right hemisphere disorder, status post stroke. The client attended nine outpatient skilled speech therapy sessions. | 37 |
767 | Consultation for ICU management for a patient with possible portal vein and superior mesenteric vein thrombus leading to mesenteric ischemia. | 12 |
8,913 | Extraction of teeth. Incision and drainage (I&D) of left mandibular vestibular abscess adjacent to teeth #18 and #19. | 7 |
7,821 | Acne from continually washing area, frequent phone use so the receiver rubs on face and oral contraceptive use - Acne Vulgaris | 8 |
2,046 | Psychiatric Consultation of patient with major depression disorder. | 5 |
11,135 | Hospice care for a 41-year-old man with the AIDS complicated with recent cryptococcal infection, disseminated MAC and Kaposi's sarcoma. | 17 |
7,861 | Occupational medicine consult with questions-answers. | 18 |
7,165 | A male presents complaining of some right periscapular discomfort, some occasional neck stiffness, and some intermittent discomfort in his low back relative to an industrial fall. | 18 |
12,565 | A 23-year-old white female presents with complaint of allergies. | 0 |
7,213 | The client died of a pulmonary embolism, the underlying cause of which is currently undetermined. | 1 |
11,424 | The client is status post C3-C4 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. | 30 |
244 | Patient with episode of lightheadedness and suddenly experienced vertigo. | 5 |
693 | Follow up consultation, second opinion, foreskin. | 39 |
887 | Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) with right arm weakness and MRI indicating acute/subacute infarct involving the left posterior parietal lobe without mass effect. 2. Old coronary infarct, anterior aspect of the right external capsule. Acute bronchitis with reactive airway disease. | 3 |
4,828 | Dilation and curettage (D&C), laparoscopy, and harmonic scalpel ablation of lesion which is suspicious for endometriosis. Chronic pelvic pain, hypermenorrhea, desire for future fertility, failed conservative clinical therapy, possible adenomyosis, left hydrosalpinx, and suspicion for endometriosis. | 24 |
8,839 | Central neck reoperation with removal of residual metastatic lymphadenopathy and thyroid tissue in the central neck. Left reoperative neck dissection levels 1 and the infraclavicular fossa on the left side. Right levels 2 through 5 neck dissection and superior mediastinal dissection of lymph nodes and pretracheal dissection of lymph nodes in a previously operative field. | 13 |
3,066 | Recurrent degenerative spondylolisthesis and stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1 with L3 compression fracture adjacent to an instrumented fusion from T11 through L2 with hardware malfunction distal at the L2 end of the hardware fixation. | 23 |
8,462 | Removal of cystic lesion, removal of teeth, modified Le Fort I osteotomy. | 7 |
7,024 | Sample/template for a normal male multisystem exam. | 25 |
4,407 | Magnified Airway Study - An 11-month-old female with episodes of difficulty in breathing, cough. | 33 |
11,205 | Global aphasia. The case is referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy, status post stroke. | 37 |
5,290 | Lumbar epidural steroid injection, intralaminar approach, seated position. An 18-gauge Tuohy needle was then placed in the epidural space utilizing a midline intralaminar approach with loss of resistance technique and a saline-filled syringe. | 28 |
11,110 | Patient presents for care of suspected rheumatoid arthritis. | 34 |
10,083 | Patient presented with significant muscle tremor, constant headaches, excessive nervousness, poor concentration, and poor ability to focus. | 18 |
11,516 | The case was referred for outpatient skilled speech therapy, secondary to right hemisphere disorder, status post stroke. The case attended nine outpatient skilled speech therapy sessions. | 37 |
8,801 | Patient presented with significant muscle tremor, constant headaches, excessive nervousness, poor concentration, and poor ability to focus. | 18 |
4,449 | Bilateral renal ultrasound. | 21 |
6,756 | 1+ year, black female for initial evaluation of a lifelong history of atopic eczema. | 8 |
6,831 | The client is a 26-year-old female, referred to Physical Therapy for low back pain. The client has a history of traumatic injury to low back. | 30 |
8,159 | Extraction of teeth #2 and #19 and incision and drainage (I&D) of intraoral and extraoral of left mandibular dental abscess. | 7 |
9,435 | Autopsy - Homicide - evidence of exsanguination - multiple stab wounds. | 1 |
2,459 | Acute left subdural hematoma. Left frontal temporal craniotomy for evacuation of acute subdural hematoma. CT imaging reveals an acute left subdural hematoma, which is hemispheric. | 23 |
8,852 | History of numbness in both big toes and up the lateral aspect of both calves. She dose complain of longstanding low back pain, but no ache that radiates from her back into her legs. She has had no associated weakness. | 30 |
1,098 | Gentleman with long-standing morbid obesity, resistant to nonsurgical methods of weight loss with BMI of 69.7 | 5 |
5,222 | Adenotonsillectomy. Adenotonsillitis with hypertrophy. The case is a very nice case with adenotonsillitis with hypertrophy and obstructive symptoms. Adenotonsillectomy is indicated. | 11 |
1 | Bronchoscopy with brush biopsies. Persistent pneumonia, right upper lobe of the lung, possible mass. | 3 |
4,431 | Newly diagnosed head and neck cancer. The case was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue bilaterally and down extension into the right tonsillar fossa. | 16 |
309 | Frontal craniotomy for placement of deep brain stimulator electrode. Microelectrode recording of deep brain structures. Intraoperative programming and assessment of device. | 38 |
11,301 | Occupational medicine consult with questions-answers and records review. | 18 |
5,731 | Right hand laceration x3, repaired. | 25 |
3,018 | Patient running to catch a taxi and stumbled, fell and struck his face on the sidewalk. | 15 |
8,880 | Ankle sprain, left ankle. The case tripped over her dog toy and fell with her left foot inverted. The case states that she received a series of x-rays and MRIs that were unremarkable. After approximately 1 month, the case continued to have significant debilitating ache in her left ankle. She then received a walking boot and has been in the boot for the past month. | 30 |
2,078 | Management of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), the patient on chronic hemodialysis, being admitted for chest pain. | 5 |
7,532 | Acute allergic reaction, etiology uncertain, however, suspicious for Keflex. | 0 |
5,179 | Left flank pain, ureteral stone. | 39 |
2,766 | Debulking of hemangioma of the nasal tip through an open rhinoplasty approach and rhinoplasty. | 6 |
10,190 | Sleep study - client with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea with snoring. | 36 |
5,876 | Disseminated intravascular coagulation and Streptococcal pneumonia with sepsis. Patient presented with symptoms of pneumonia and developed rapid sepsis and respiratory failure requiring intubation. | 16 |
27 | Bilateral Myringotomy with placement of PE tubes | 11 |
12,313 | Patient presents for care of suspected rheumatoid arthritis. | 34 |
9,382 | Global aphasia. The case is referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy, status post stroke. | 37 |
3,013 | Revision and in situ pinning of the right hip. | 38 |
6,629 | Excisional biopsy of right cervical lymph node. | 16 |
1,159 | Fever, otitis media, and possible sepsis. | 29 |
8,352 | A lady with symptoms consistent with possible oligoarticular arthritis of her knees. | 34 |
871 | General Medicine SOAP note. Patient with shoulder bursitis, pharyngitis, attention deficit disorder, | 15 |
515 | Hairline biplanar temporal browlift, quadrilateral blepharoplasty, canthopexy, cervical facial rhytidectomy with purse-string SMAS elevation with submental lipectomy. | 26 |
8,083 | Full mouth dental rehabilitation in the operating room under general anesthesia. | 7 |
1,597 | MRI L-Spine - Bilateral lower extremity numbness | 27 |
744 | Recurrent anterior dislocating left shoulder. Arthroscopic debridement of the left shoulder with attempted arthroscopic Bankart repair followed by open Bankart arthroplasty of the left shoulder. | 38 |
7,711 | Chiropractic Evaluation - Patient with ankle, cervical, and thoracic sprain/strain. | 4 |
4,296 | The case is now on his third postoperative day for an open reduction and internal fixation for two facial fractures, as well as open reduction nasal fracture. He is on his eighth hospital day. | 35 |
4,598 | Problems with seizures, hemiparesis, has been to the hospital, developed C-diff, and is in the nursing home currently. | 22 |
2,887 | Application of PMT large halo crown and vest. Cervical spondylosis, status post complex anterior cervical discectomy, corpectomy, decompression and fusion. | 23 |
8,792 | Is it BNP or BMP? | 19 |
11,582 | The client died of a pulmonary embolism, the underlying cause of which is currently undetermined. | 1 |
3,212 | Acute appendicitis, gangrenous. Appendectomy. | 14 |
7,980 | Nipple areolar reconstruction utilizing a full-thickness skin graft and mastopexy | 6 |
11,626 | Dietary consultation for gestational diabetes. | 9 |
7,620 | Care conference with family at the bedside and decision to change posture of care from aggressive full code status to terminal wean with comfort care measures in a client with code last night with CPR and advanced cardiac life support. | 17 |
10,149 | Specimen labeled "sesamoid bone left foot". | 19 |
5,570 | Radical resection of tumor of the scalp, excision of tumor from the skull with debridement of the superficial cortex with diamond bur, and advancement flap closure. | 16 |
7,675 | Followup dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and possible metabolic syndrome | 9 |
11,743 | Autopsy of a white female who died of acute combined drug intoxication. | 1 |
12,383 | The client was referred for an outpatient speech and language pathology consult to increase speech and swallowing abilities. The client is currently NPO with G-tube to meet all of his hydration and nutritional needs. A trial of Passy-Muir valve was completed to allow the client to achieve hands-free voicing. | 37 |
5,774 | The client was referred after he was hospitalized for what eventually was diagnosed as a conversion disorder. | 32 |
3,352 | Lower quadrant pain with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. CT abdomen without contrast and CT pelvis without contrast. Noncontrast axial CT images of the abdomen and pelvis are obtained. | 21 |
9,534 | Patient having severe sinusitis about two to three months ago with facial discomfort, nasal congestion, eye pain, and postnasal drip symptoms. | 0 |
2,910 | Incision and drainage of left neck abscess. | 38 |
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