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Iron hexachloroplatinate (FePtCl6) films have been prepared by mixing Fe2+ and PtCl 6 2 - ions in an aqueous KBr solution. The electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), rotating ring-disk electrode, UV–visible absorption spectroscopy, stopped-flow kinetic method and cyclic voltammetry were used to study the deposition and growth mechanism of the iron hexachloroplatinate films. The electrochemical and EQCM properties of the films indicated that a single redox process was confined to the immobilized iron hexachloroplatinate films. The deposition of an iron hexabromoplatinate film occurred when Pt IV Cl 6 2 - was electrochemically reduced to Pt II Cl 6 4 - and Fe3+ to Fe2+. In the aqueous KCl, pH 3.0, solution, Pt IV Cl 6 2 - was electrochemically reduced to Pt II Cl 6 4 - and the Fe2+ reacted with the Pt II Cl 6 4 - and Pt IV Cl 6 2 - species. The electrocatalytic reduction properties of NAD+ and hemoglobin were determined using the iron hexachloroplatinate films. The electrocatalytic and electrochemical reactions of NAD+ with an iron hexabromoplatinate film were investigated using the rotating ring-disk electrode method. The catalytic current increased with the increase of analyte concentration with slope of 1.6μA/mM.
A new Li-rich Li2Ni0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel cathode material is prepared chemically for the first time. Rietveld refinement confirms a cubic structure with Li2 cations occupying the 8b sites. Such crystal structure offers the cathode a theoretical capacity of 282.6 mAh g−1, which has never been realized in spinel cathodes. XPS suggests mixed cations of Ni2+/Ni3+ and Mn3+/Mn4+ within the Li2Ni0.5Mn1.5O4 compound, which suggests that both Ni and Mn redox pairs are involved during the charge/discharge process, as confirmed subsequently by the CV test with three redox pairs of Ni2+/Ni4+, Mn3+/Mn4+ and Mn2+/Mn3+ near 4.7 V, 4.0 V and 2.8 V respectively. Upon electrochemical test, a high reversible capacity of 260.4 mAh g−1 is obtained, corresponding to a coulombic efficiency of 92.2%. Compared to the other cathode materials in practical application, the spinel Li2Ni0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode material shows advantage on both the specific capacity and the energy density, indicating a high potential for future application. Further studies reveal a fast fading on the capacity retention (207.1 mAh g−1, 80.2% after 50 cycles) and poor rate performance (260.4 mAh g−1 at 0.05C and 28 mAh g−1 at 5C), suggesting that further works are needed before the material can be practically employed.
Lithium-ion battery (LIB) uniformity has remarkable influence on the durability and safety of the battery pack. It is therefore important to assemble batteries with good consistency in a pack. This paper proposes a new LIB uniformity sorting method based on some internal criteria. Firstly, a simplified electrochemical model (EM) with parameter identification is introduced. Secondly, internal sorting criteria are selected from EM parameters according to their sensitivities and strength of correlation to aging. Thirdly, based on the proposed internal criteria and/or existing external criteria, four 4-series-connected LIB packs are assembled with cells being selected from 120 LiCoO2/graphite 14500 type LIB candidates and sorted by fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm A series of cyclic aging experiments are conducted and the results demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly prolong the cycle life of the pack and guarantee good voltage and state of charge (SOC) uniformity when internal criteria are used to sort cells for packs.
There is increasing demand for home-based devices for the treatment of dermatologic conditions and cosmesis. Commercially available devices include intense pulsed light, laser diodes, radiofrequency, light-emitting diodes, and ultraviolet B phototherapy. The objective of this report is to evaluate the current evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of home-based devices for the treatment of skin conditions. A systematic search of PubMed, Embase, and Cinahl was conducted on November 9, 2020 using PRISMA guidelines. Original research articles that investigated the efficacy and safety of home-based devices for dermatologic use were included. Bibliographies were screened for additional relevant articles. Strength of evidence was graded using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine guidelines. Clinical recommendations were then made based on the quality of the existing literature. After review, 37 clinical trials were included—19 were randomized controlled trials, 16 were case series, and 2 were non-randomized controlled trials. Ultimately, from our analysis, we recommend the home-based use of intense pulsed light for hair removal, laser diodes for androgenic alopecia, low power radiofrequency for rhytides and wrinkles, and light-emitting diodes for acne vulgaris. Trials investigating ultraviolet B phototherapy for psoriasis revealed mixed evidence for home treatments compared to clinic treatments. All devices had favorable safety profiles with few significant adverse events. Limitations to our review include a limited number of randomized controlled trials as well as a lack of data on the long-term efficacy and safety of each device.
Compared with lithium-ion batteries with liquid electrolytes, all-solid-state batteries offer an attractive option owing to their potential in improving the safety and achieving both high power and high energy densities. Despite extensive research efforts, the development of all-solid-state batteries still falls short of expectation largely because of the lack of suitable candidate materials for the electrolyte required for practical applications. Here we report lithium superionic conductors with an exceptionally high conductivity (25 mS cm−1 for Li9.54Si1.74P1.44S11.7Cl0.3), as well as high stability ( ∼0 V versus Li metal for Li9.6P3S12). A fabricated all-solid-state cell based on this lithium conductor is found to have very small internal resistance, especially at 100 ∘C. The cell possesses high specific power that is superior to that of conventional cells with liquid electrolytes. Stable cycling with a high current density of 18 C (charging/discharging in just three minutes; where C is the C-rate) is also demonstrated.
Because of their high energy efficiencies and low emissions, fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs) are undergoing extensive research and development. While hydrogen will likely be the ultimate fuel to power fuel-cell vehicles, because of current infrastructure constraints, hydrogen-carrying fuels are being investigated as transitional fuel-cell fuels. A complete well-to-wheels (WTW) evaluation of fuel-cell vehicle energy and emission effects that examines (1) energy feedstock recovery and transportation; (2) fuel production, transportation, and distribution; and (3) vehicle operation must be conducted to assist decision makers in selecting the fuel-cell fuels that achieve the greatest energy and emission benefits. A fuel-cycle model developed at Argonne National Laboratory—called the Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) model—was used to evaluate well-to-wheels energy and emission impacts of various fuel-cell fuels. The results show that different fuel-cell fuels can have significantly different energy and greenhouse gas emission effects. Therefore, if fuel-cell vehicles are to achieve the envisioned energy and emission reduction benefits, pathways for producing the fuels that power them must be carefully examined.
The major obstacle in the development of Li–S batteries is the undesired dissolution of polysulfide intermediates produced during electrochemical reactions. Now, a metal–organic framework-based separator is shown to mitigate the problem, leading to stable long cycles.
The Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Washington have launched the Northwest Institute for Materials Physics, Chemistry and Technology (NW IMPACT), a project focusing on the development of materials for energy, telecommunications, medicine, information technology and other applications. This includes materials for energy conversion and storage, such as solar cells, batteries and industrial applications; quantum materials, such as ultrathin semiconductor; and materials for water separation and utilization. ’This partnership holds enormous potential for innovations in material science that could lead to major changes in our lives and the world,’ said NW president Ana Mari Cauce. ’The science of making new materials is vital to a wide range of advancements, many of which we have yet to imagine,’ added PNNL director Steven Ashby. ’By combining ideas, talent and resources, I have no doubt our two organizations will find new ways to improve lives and provide our next generation of materials scientists with valuable research opportunities.’ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; www.pnnl.gov
Objective: Task-related EEG is sensitive to changes in cognitive state produced by increased task difficulty and by transient impairment. If task-related EEG has high test–retest reliability, it could be used as part of a clinical test to assess changes in cognitive function. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability of the EEG recorded during the performance of a working memory (WM) task and a psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). Methods: EEG was recorded while subjects rested quietly and while they performed the tasks. Within session (test–retest interval of ∼1 h) and between session (test–retest interval of ∼7 days) reliability was calculated for four EEG components: frontal midline theta at Fz, posterior theta at Pz, and slow and fast alpha at Pz. Results: Task-related EEG was highly reliable within and between sessions (r>0.9 for all components in WM task, and r>0.8 for all components in the PVT). Resting EEG also showed high reliability, although the magnitude of the correlation was somewhat smaller than that of the task-related EEG (r>0.7 for all 4 components). Conclusions: These results suggest that under appropriate conditions, task-related EEG has sufficient retest reliability for use in assessing clinical changes in cognitive status.
Silicon oxide thin films featuring different stoichiometries (SiOx, x = 0.72, 1.23, and 1.58) are prepared using radio frequency sputtering, and the electrochemical behaviors of these films as anode materials for lithium ion batteries are investigated. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and glazing incidence X-ray diffraction measurements are conducted at different discharge/charge potentials. The results reveal that the main lithium silicates phases observed during lithiation/delithiation processes are Li2Si2O5, Li6Si2O7, and Li4SiO4. Films featuring high O stoichiometries tend to form silicate phases exhibiting high O stoichiometries, which present high redox potentials. The Li2Si2O5 phase is a kinetically favorable phase and primary reversible product of the lithiation process, while the Li6Si2O7 and Li4SiO4 phases appear to be the irreversible products of films presenting high O stoichiometries during the early lithiation/delithiation cycles within the redox potential range of 0.01–1.5 V. However, if the delithiation potential is increased to 3 V, the LiSi2O5 and Li6Si2O7 phases appear to be reversible during the early lithiation/delithiation cycles. The Li4SiO4 phase, which is the main silicate phase of SiO1.58, remains irreversible. The SiO1.58 film presents the specific capacities of 1129, 1044, 854, and 828 mAh/g at the charge/discharge rates of 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 5 C, respectively, after 200 cycles.
This paper presents the definition of a detailed optimization model for planning the operation of a standalone hybrid microgrid. The mathematical model is expressed in a general way in order to handle a large number of microgrid configurations in which the demand of different goods (storable or not) has to be fulfilled, as AC and DC electricity, heat, cooling, drinkable water and ice production. The operation of the microgrid is defined by a rolling-horizon strategy that includes solving of a mixed integer linear problem. The goal of the optimization problem is to define the programmable units schedule that leads to the minimum operating cost, ensuring that the demand of each good is fulfilled and exploiting the forecast of production and consumption of non-programmable units over a certain time horizon. The model handles multi-input and multi-output programmable units, considering part-load performance curves, start-up penalizations and several other operation constraints. To demonstrate the model ability, the paper addresses two examples of microgrid configuration: the first test case shows the operation cost reduction attainable with this strategy in comparison with commonly adopted heuristic dispatch strategies; the second one demonstrates the capability to manage a complex system, provided with an Organic Rankine Cycle power system powered by both a biomass boiler and a solar Fresnel collector.
The nanostructured 0.9LiMn0.9Fe0.1PO4·0.1Na3V2(PO4)2F3/C composites are successfully synthesized by a facile solvothermal method followed by mechanical activation and subsequent carbonthermal reduction process. Behaviours of bi-phase co-existence and element mutual-substitution have been investigated by XRD, TEM/EDX and FTIR. The result shows that the composites have dual phase boundaries including the semi-coherent phase interface and incoherent phase interface, as well as the advantage of Na3V2(PO4)2F3 acting as ionic conductor. Due to the multifunctional phase and (Mn,Fe)-V mutual doping as well as nano-carbon continual conducting network, enhanced Li+ migration and charge transfer of nano-hybrid is obtained. Compared with pristine one, the 0.9LiMn0.9Fe0.1PO4·0.1Na3V2(PO4)2F3/C composites exhibit high rate capability and cycling ability, showing 125.5, 106.4 mAh g−1 at 1.0 C, 3.0 C at room temperature, respectively, with high capacity retention up to 93.9% after 600th at 2 C.
Theories suggest that the perception of others’ actions and social cues leads to selective processing of object features. Most recently, natural pedagogy theory postulated that ostensive cues lead to a selective processing of an object’s features at the expense of processing of its location. This study examined this hypothesis in 10-year-old children with and without autism spectrum condition (ASC) to better understand social information processing in ASC and the relevance of observing others in human object processing in general. Participants saw an agent either ostensively pointing to an object or non-ostensively grasping an object. Thereafter, the cued or uncued object changed either its location or identity. We assessed not only behavioral responses, but also participants’ gaze behavior by means of eye tracking. In contrast to natural pedagogy theory, we found that in the non-ostensive grasping context, participants rather noticed an identity change than a location change. Moreover, location changes were more readily identified in the ostensive pointing context. Importantly, there was no difference between children with and without ASC. Our study shows that the perception of ostensively vs. non-ostensively framed actions leads to different processing of object features, indicating a close link between action perception, object processing, and social cues. Moreover, the lacking group difference in our study suggests that these basic perception–action processes are not impaired in autism.
A triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) based on the contact-separation mode between a patterned polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) film and an Al foil was fabricated between clothes for harvesting body motion energy. Under the generally walking, the maximum output of voltage and current density are up to 17V and 0.02μA/cm2, respectively. The TENG with a single layer size of 2cm×7cm×0.08cm sticking on the clothes was demonstrated as a sustainable power source that not only can directly light up 30 light-emitting diodes (LEDs), but also can charge a lithium ion battery by persistently clapping clothes. The electric energy stored in the lithium ion battery was used to power a biosensor for detecting glucose. The detection of bioactive chemicals in our body using the energy harvested from body motion is demonstrated. Moreover, due to the sensitivity and desirable stability to periodic vibration, the TENG was used to measure stride frequency as well.
A new pyrolysis-pickling method was developed to prepare various lead oxide (PbO)/carbon black (CB) composites as the additives in the negative plates of lead-acid batteries to improve their high-rate partial-state-of-charge (HRPSoC) performance. Compared with CB, the PbO/CB composites prepared by the pyrolysis-pickling method have higher content of alkaline surface functional groups (C alkaline) and less content of carboxyl surface functional groups (C COOH) on CB particles which are still covered with small amount of PbO, meanwhile they have smaller BET surface area, but larger pore volume and average pore width. The hydrogen evolution process in the negative plates containing the PbO/CB composites is inhibited effectively due to the increased C alkaline on CB, while the redox processes (Pb↔PbSO4) in these negative plates are accelerated obviously owing to the changes in their microstructure. The PbO/CB composites can impede the growth of PbSO4 crystals and significantly increase the HRPSoC cycle life of the simulated test cells. In general, the PbO/CB composites with a lower PbO content may be the appropriate additives for the negative plate of lead-acid batteries.
Lithium metal is an ideal anode material for next-generation electrical energy storage because of its high specific capacity. However, uncontrolled growth of Li dendrites during deposition and stripping processes results in low coulombic efficiency and severe safety concerns. Here we report a porous and robust coating of metal-organic framework (MOF-199), which could physically suppress the growth of lithium dendrite by acting as a robust shield, and homogenize Li-ion concentration by its high-polarity structure, thereby relieving excess SEI formation. In addition, another MOF (ZIF-8) layer is also confirmed to effectively hinder the formation and penetration of Li dendrites. The MOF particle size in the coating layer is shown to be a key factor determining the level of protection. Finally, the ability of the MOF-199 layer to protect Na metal anodes is studied.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide; however, treatment development is hindered by the heterogenous nature of TBI presentation and pathophysiology. In particular, the degree of neuroinflammation after TBI varies between individuals and may be modified by other factors such as infection. Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that infects approximately one-third of the world’s population, has a tropism for brain tissue and can persist as a life-long infection. Importantly, there is notable overlap in the pathophysiology between TBI and T. gondii infection, including neuroinflammation. This paper will review current understandings of the clinical problems, pathophysiological mechanisms, and functional outcomes of TBI and T. gondii, before considering the potential synergy between the two conditions. In particular, the discussion will focus on neuroinflammatory processes such as microglial activation, inflammatory cytokines, and peripheral immune cell recruitment that occur during T. gondii infection and after TBI. We will present the notion that these overlapping pathologies in TBI individuals with a chronic T. gondii infection have the strong potential to exacerbate neuroinflammation and related brain damage, leading to amplified functional deficits. The impact of chronic T. gondii infection on TBI should therefore be investigated in both preclinical and clinical studies as the possible interplay could influence treatment strategies.
A new class of amorphous cathode active material Li x M y PO z (LiMPO) is proposed. The materials are sputter deposited to thin film form by Li3PO4 together with metal or metal oxide targets. Among several materials tested as thin-film battery, working material found are M = Ni, Cu, Co, Mn, Au, Ag, Pd. The property is intensively studied for Li x Cu y PO z (LiCuPO) and Li x Ni y PO z (LiNiPO). Those materials shows wide composition margin such as composition y between 1 and 3, and high capacity for LiNiPO with maximum value of 330 mAh g−1. The capability to charge and discharge at high rate is shown up to 30 C. This preliminary report reveals its high potentiality for further optimization.
Graphene is an appealing two-dimensional material with superior mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties. Mass production of high-quality graphene is attracting more and more researchers' attention in recent years. Most of the current methods for synthesizing graphene use purified chemical reagents that could be expensive for large-scale production. In this study, we have developed a less expensive method to synthesise high-quality graphene sheets from wheat straw via a combined hydrothermal and graphitization approach. The resulting graphene sheets show favorable features such as ultrathin nanosheet frameworks (2–10 atomic layers), high graphitization (up to 90.7%), graphite-like interlayer spacing (0.3362nm), and the mesoporous structure. When used as an anode material for lithium ion batteries, the few-layer graphene delivers high reversible capacity (502mAhg−1 at 0.1 C), superior rate capability (463.5, 431.4, and 306.8mAhg−1 at 1, 2, and 5 C, respectively), and good cycling performance (392.8mAhg−1 at 1 C after 300cycles). The wheat straw-derived graphene sheets also display the relatively flat voltage profiles with a negligible charge/discharge voltage hysteresis. Moreover, this low-cost, highly efficient, and catalyst-free technique is a significant milepost towards environmentally-sustainable, commercially feasible fabrication of carbon nanomaterials from renewable natural resources.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common condition that causes significant morbidity and reduced life expectancy, and can have a serious economic impact. It is often underdiagnosed in primary care, partially due to the fact that the current National Institute for Health Care and Excellence-recommended ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) test for PAD in primary care is time-consuming and is technically challenging to perform. The availability of a simple, reliable diagnostic test has the potential to facilitate early PAD identification and treatment.
A manganese-based lithium ion battery was developed for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) applications. The cell consists of an improved manganese spinel as the positive electrode and hard carbon for the negative electrode. The Mn-based Li ion cell for HEVs was developed by adding a high power density modification to a pure-EV (EV) cell of high energy density specification. It has a power density as high as 2000W/kg at 50% depth of discharge (DOD) and 25°C. Storage tests at various temperatures suggest a practical calendar life of more than 5 years. The 48-cell battery module was developed for use in an HEV. It also proved to have an excellent output power density of 1350W/kg at 50% DOD. Based on the excellent characteristics of the lithium ion battery, it seems very promising to apply this battery not only to EV, HEV and other motor-assisting drive systems but also to other high power applications.
Inputs to apical dendritic tufts have been considered to be crucial for associative learning, attention and similar ‘‘feedback’’ interactions and are located in neocortical layer Ia. Excitatory thalamic projections to apical tufts in layer Ia have been well characterized and their role in the cortical circuit has been emphasized. In addition, the neuropil and the extracellular matrix surrounding apical tufts are highly reactive to GABA and to the glycoprotein Reelin, respectively. Recently it has been shown that the GABA inhibition on apical dendrites can reduce the output of pyramidal cells in layer V, however, the origin of 89 % of the symmetric synapses in layer I still remains unknown. In the present study we have systematically analyzed the origin of the GABAergic neuropil in neocortical layer Ia in a qualitative and quantitative manner, and investigated the possible extrinsic origin of the rich extracellular Reelin content of the same layer. We show that the inhibitory inputs in a given spot in layer I come from cortical projections and arise mainly from Martinotti cells located directly under that same spot. Double bouquet and bipolar cells may also project to layer Ia although to a lesser extent and the external globus pallidus and zona incerta provide the remaining inhibitory inputs. Finally, our results suggest that Martinotti cells are also the main source of Reelin in layer Ia. The present data will help in the understanding of the cortical circuit and why it changes in pathological conditions.
Every biotechnology process that relies on the use of bacteria to make a product or to overproduce a molecule may, at some time, struggle with the presence of virulent phages. For example, phages are the primary cause of fermentation failure in the milk transformation industry. This review focuses on the recent scientific advances in the field of lactic acid bacteria phage research. Three specific topics, namely, the sources of contamination, the detection methods and the control procedures will be discussed.
The calendering of Si-based electrodes is required to obtain a substantial gain in their volumetric capacity compared to conventional graphite electrode. However, as shown in the present study performed on silicon/carbon nanoplatelets/carboxymethyl cellulose electrodes, their calendering induces a major decrease of their cycling stability. This can be attributed to the rupture of the particle-binder bridges during the calendering, lowering the mechanical strength of the electrode. It is found that these cohesive bonds can be restored through an appropriate post-calendering treatment (called maturation). It consists of storing the calendered electrode in a humid atmosphere for a few days before drying and cell assembly. From in-operando dilatometric experiments, it appears that the volumetric expansion is lower and more reversible than for a standard (not-calendered, not-matured) electrode. As a result, a remarkable improvement of the cycle life is observed. However, when cycled in Si/NMC full cell, a rapid capacity decay is observed because of the SEI instability.
A glassy carbon (GC) electrode surface was modified with a cadmium pentacyanonitrosylferrate (CdPCNF) film as a novel electrode material. The modification procedure of the GC surface includes two consecutive procedures: (i) the electrodeposition of metallic cadmium on the GC electrode surface from a CdCl2 solution and (ii) the chemical transformation of the deposited cadmium to the CdPCNF films in 0.05M Na2[Fe(CN)5NO]+0.5M KNO3 solution. The modified GC electrode showed a well-defined redox couple due to [CdIIFeIII/II(CN)5NO]0/−1 system. The effects of supporting electrolytes and solution pH were studied on the electrochemical behavior of the modified electrode. The diffusion coefficients of alkali-metal cations in the film (D), the transfer coefficient (α) and the charge transfer rate constant at the modifying film|electrode interface (k s), were calculated in the presence of various alkali-metal cations. The stability of the modified electrode was investigated under various experimental conditions.
Both cerebral hemispheres contain phonological, orthographic and semantic representations of words, however there are between-hemisphere differences in the relative engagement and specialization of the different representations. Taking orthographic processing for example, previous studies suggest that orthographic neighbourhood size (N) has facilitatory effects in the right but not the left hemispheres. To pursue the nature of this asymmetric N effect, in particular whether there are individual differences in such specialisation, we examined N in a case of developmental dyslexia, FM. We first describe the nature of his difficulties, which are mainly severe phonological deficits. Employing the divided visual field paradigm with FM revealed a greater sensitivity in the right than in the left hemisphere to orthographic variables, with a significant inhibitory N effect in the left, but not right hemisphere. Such inhibition, to a lesser degree, was found among a group of adults with dyslexia but not among age-matched normal readers. We argue that enhanced sensitivity to orthographic cues is developed in some cases of dyslexia when a normal, phonology-based left hemisphere word recognition processing is not achieved. The interpretation presented here is cast in terms of differences between people with dyslexia and typical readers that originate in the atypical way in which orthographic representations are initially set up.
In the physics of two-dimensional materials, notion semi-Dirac dispersion denotes electronic dispersion which is Dirac-like along one direction in the reciprocal space, and quadratic along the orthogonal direction. In our earlier publication (Damljanović and Gajić in J Phys Condens Matter 29:185503, 2017) we have shown that certain layer groups are particularly suitable for hosting semi-Dirac dispersion in the vicinity of some points in the Brillouin zone (BZ). In the present paper we have considered tight-binding model up to seventh nearest neighbors, on a structure belonging to layer group Dg5. According to our theory, this group should host semi-Dirac dispersion at A and B points in the BZ. The structure has four atoms per primitive cell, and it is isostructural with sublattice occupied by phosphorus atoms in the layered material SnPSe3 Two-dimensional (2D) materials are materials that are periodic in two spatial directions but finite in the third, orthogonal direction. These materials gain particular attention after discovery of graphene, a one atom thick layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice. In contrast to graphene, in which all atoms belong to a single plane, buckled silicene and germanene for example, occupy Wyckoff positions with unequal z-coordinates. Existence of massless electrons whose dynamics is described by Dirac (Weyl) equation is among notable properties of graphene and related, so called Dirac, materials.
Low-frequency geoelectrical methods include mainly self-potential, resistivity, and induced polarization techniques, which have potential in many environmental and hydrogeological applications. They provide complementary information to each other and to in-situ measurements. The self-potential method is a passive measurement of the electrical response associated with the in-situ generation of electrical current due to the flow of pore water in porous media, a salinity gradient, and/or the concentration of redox-active species. Under some conditions, this method can be used to visualize groundwater flow, to determine permeability, and to detect preferential flow paths. Electrical resistivity is dependent on the water content, the temperature, the salinity of the pore water, and the clay content and mineralogy. Time-lapse resistivity can be used to assess the permeability and dispersivity distributions and to monitor contaminant plumes. Induced polarization characterizes the ability of rocks to reversibly store electrical energy. It can be used to image permeability and to monitor chemistry of the pore water–minerals interface. These geophysical methods, reviewed in this paper, should always be used in concert with additional in-situ measurements (e.g. in-situ pumping tests, chemical measurements of the pore water), for instance through joint inversion schemes, which is an area of fertile on-going research.
In this article, we introduce and study a two-stage stochastic optimization problem suitable to solve strategic optimization problems of car-sharing systems that utilize electric cars. By combining the individual advantages of car-sharing and electric vehicles, such electric car-sharing systems may help to overcome future challenges related to pollution, congestion, or shortage of fossil fuels. A time-dependent integer linear program and a heuristic algorithm for solving the considered optimization problem are developed and tested on real world instances from the city of Vienna, as well as on grid-graph-based instances. An analysis of the influence of different parameters on the overall performance and managerial insights are given. Results show that the developed exact approach is suitable for medium sized instances such as the ones obtained from the inner districts of Vienna. They also show that the heuristic can be used to tackle very-large-scale instances that cannot be approached successfully by the integer-programming-based method.
Background Cognitive impairment is one of the core features of schizophrenia. For its evaluation, current clinical practice relies on detailed neuropsychological batteries which require trained testers and considerable amount of time to administer. Therefore, a brief and reliable screening tool for identification of overall cognitive impairment prior to a detailed comprehensive neurocognitive assessment is needed in a busy clinical setting. This study evaluates the clinical utility of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in detecting cognitive impairments in schizophrenia and its relationship with functional outcome and demographic characters. Methods The MoCA, the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS), and the Brief UCSD Performance-based Skills Assessment (UPSA-B) were administered to 64 patients with schizophrenia. Mild and severe cognitive impairments were defined as BACS Z-score (calculated with the age and gender adjustments using previously published local norm data) of one or two standard deviations below the mean, respectively. Results The results showed that the MoCA was significantly correlated with BACS (r =.61, p <.001) and sensitive to detect both mild (AUC=0.82, p <.001) and severe (AUC=0.81, p <.001) cognitive impairments in schizophrenia. The MoCA was significantly correlated with UPSA-B score (r =.51, p <.001), and accounted for significant additional variance in UPSA-B score beyond the BACS. Conclusion These findings indicate that MoCA is a useful bedside cognitive screening instrument for people with schizophrenia.
Energy future scenarios are used in policy decision-making but little is known about how they influence public preferences. This study shows that engaging with an interactive scenario-building tool strengthens existing preferences, but exemplar scenarios provide reference points that anchor choices.
Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is one of the major environmental issues in Tunisian cities. Rapid growth in urbanization and population rates and the changes in people’s lifestyle have prompted a dramatic increase quantity and a significant shift in the composition of municipal solid waste. There is insufficient data concerning the quantities and the composition of waste streams along with the absence of a comprehensive complete overview and a wider perspective of MSWM potential that provides detailed information at region and city level. As a result, it is still impossible for the scientific community and the authorities to provide synergetic schemes to tie the problems of MSWM with how to integrate economically feasible and environmentally sustainable practices holistically. In the present study, an attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive overview of MSW, through a qualitative (compositional) and quantitative (parametric) characterization of the generated total waste generated in Tunisian cities. A 1-year research survey was conducted in seven regions in Tunisia (Great Tunis, Northeast, Northwest, Midwest, Mideast, Southwest, and Southeast) that cover the 24 provinces of the country. Collected samples revealed that the distribution of waste by region was defined by the region’s demographic, economic, and industrial status. Approaches of possibly more efficient procedures that can be undertaken to improve MSW collection are discussed. At a final stage and based on the potential of biogas calculated in the seven regions, we suggest that the scientific community and the authorities should introduce applicable schemes to valorize MSW through generating biogas as a renewable energy.
LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 was prepared through a solid-state reaction using various Ni precursors. The effect of precursors on the electrochemical performance of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 was investigated. LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 made from Ni(NO3)2·6H2O shows the best charge–discharge performance. The reversible capacity of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 is about 145mAhg−1 and remained 143mAhg−1 after 10 cycles at 3.0–5.0V. The XRD results showed that the precursors and the dispersion methods had significant effect on their phase purity. Pure spinel phase can be obtained with high energy ball-milling method and Ni(NO3)2·6H2O as precursor. Trace amount of NiO and Li2MnO3 phase were detected in LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 with manual-mixture method and using Ni(CH3COO)2·6H2O, NiO and Ni2O3 as precursors.
Objective To explore the interrelationships between the psychosocial and illness factors that determine the disease status of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to identify how each factor is associated with quality of life (QOL). Methods The study group comprised 120 RA outpatients who completed a series of health examinations and questionnaires. Disease severity, functional disability, counts of swollen and/or tender joints, duration of RA, frequency of arthritis surgery, and C-reactive protein level were assessed by rheumatologists. Self-report inventories completed by the patients were used to assess perceived degree of pain, fatigue (visual analogue scales), depression (Beck Depression Inventory-II), anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), and social support (Social Support Questionnaire). Mental and physical components of health-related QOL were evaluated using the Short-Form 36 Health Survey. Results After z-transformation of the data, a principal axis factor analysis was conducted. A four-factor structure was identified in which the components reflected psychosocial factors, disease activity, current symptoms, and physical functional status, respectively. There was no significant association between psychosocial factors and disease activity, while the other components were moderately correlated with each other. Multiple regression analysis revealed that physical QOL was determined by current symptoms and physical functions. Mental QOL was determined by psychosocial factors, current symptoms, and physical functions. Conclusion Disease activity was independent from psychosocial factors and failed to reflect the perceived physical and mental QOL of RA patients. Clinicians should therefore evaluate psychosocial factors, as well as subjective disease status, to improve the QOL of patients with RA.
We have developed a low-cost and facile preparation of powdery carbon@MnO2 core–shell hybrid nanospheres for supercapacitor electrode materials. The core carbon spheres serve as supporting template and electronically conductive material for the nanostructured MnO2 shell, which is benefit for the improve of the capacitive performance. By simply controlling the reaction time, various nanostructure MnO2 shells with different morphologies and crystalline structures are obtained. Typically, the hybrid nanospheres with flower-like birnessite-type MnO2 shells exhibit a highest capacitance of 252 F g−1 (based on the mass of MnO2) at the scan rate of 2 mV s−1, an excellent rate performance with a specific capacitance of 175 F g−1 at 100 mV s−1 and a good cycle ability with 74% retention after 2000 cycles at 5 A g−1. The results indicate that this kind of hybrid core–shell carbon@MnO2 nanospheres have great potential in the future practical applications.
The intermediate product VPO4/C is synthesized via sol-gel method, then it is mixed with other raw materials and calcined to prepare Li1-xKxVPO4F/C (x = 0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02). Potassium with large ionic radius partially substitutes the lithium site and slightly increases the unit cell volume. The potassium dopant suppresses the formation of Li3V2(PO4)3 and reduces the particle agglomeration. The doped samples possess lower polarization and higher discharge plateau than the pristine LiVPO4F/C, and Li0.99K0.01VPO4F/C exhibits the best electrochemical performance. With 2.9 wt% amorphous carbon uniformly wrapping the surface, Li0.99K0.01VPO4F/C delivers a reversible capacity of 140.9 mA h g-1 at 0.12 C and maintains 98.3 mA h g-1 at the charge/discharge rate of 10 C. Its specific discharge capacity with a retention of 96.13% decreases from 131.9 to 126.8 mA h g-1 after 125 cycles at the charge/discharge rate of 1 C. The improvement of rate and cycling performance is ascribed to the decrease of charge transfer resistance (88.47 Ω) and the increase of Li+ diffusion coefficient (6.75 × 10−13 cm2 s−1), indicating that potassium doping facilitates the migration and diffusion of Li+ due to the expansion of Li+ pathway.
Pressed-plate carbonyl iron electrodes for rechargeable iron–air batteries have recently been described to undergo a considerable electrochemical formation before they attain a stable and competitive discharge capacity in concentrated alkaline electrolyte. In this study, the impact of the charging conditions on the discharge performance due to electrochemical formation was investigated. Based on the results, it is demonstrated that the preset charge capacity mainly determines the resulting discharge capacities of the porous electrodes in the steady state at the end of the formation period. Furthermore, the present study elucidates the electrode processes behind formation and expands the existing phenomenological model that has recently been established to explain the evolution of the discharge capacity. Finally, feasible criteria for the comparison of different anode architectures are discussed.
Demographics and economics in the next 20 years are being examined. They reflect a significant GDP growth and with this a strong demand for commercial aircraft not only in the US and Europe but across Asia and the Middle East. The demand will focus on more fuel efficient and more environmentally friendly vehicles. Significant progress is being made with the new regionals, narrow-body, and wide-body aircraft between now and the year 2020. Looking beyond, the world will examine new airplane architectures, new changes in propulsion systems, and higher thermal and propulsion efficiencies. Distributed propulsion options will come into play. With them, higher operating pressure gas generators will be developed and great attention will have to be given to highly integrated propulsion/airplane systems. Energy transfer requirements will lead to bigger gear systems as well as new hybrid systems. The new machines are forecasted to offer improvements in fuel efficiencies of over 40%. There are many technical challenges to make all these things happen. The aerospace engineers and scientists of today and tomorrow face unlimited opportunities to make a difference for what looks like a very exciting future.
Plate-like LiMnPO4 nanomaterial for Li-ion batteries is synthesised successfully via a facile solvothermal process in mixed water-diethylene glycol (DEG) solvents at 190 °C for 3 h. Experimental variables, including reaction time, reaction temperature and reactant mole ratio, are discussed in detail. A tentative reaction mechanism is proposed on the basis of the time dependent trials. It is found that, with the increase of reaction temperature, the formation of LiMnPO4 phase is accelerated and the reaction for synthesizing LiMnPO4 can be finished in a shorter time. Studies on the effect of reactant mole ratio further support the proposed mechanism. The electrochemical properties of obtained LiMnPO4 are examined after a carbon coating process. Electrochemical tests show that the obtained LiMnPO4 at 190 °C for 3 h exhibits better electrochemical performances than the LiMnPO4 synthesized at 170 °C for 4.5 h or 150 °C for 6 h. It is clear that an improved electrochemical performance can be obtained with the increase of reaction temperature and the decrease of reaction time. This result provides us thoughts and guidance to optimize the reaction conditions by harmonizing the reaction temperature and reaction time, which is beneficial for the practical application.
Predicting the highest battery temperature, the core temperature, is an important task for the safe operation of lithium-ion batteries. This prediction task is complicated by inherent system uncertainties that result in uncertain core temperature estimates. Aside from model, parameter and measurement uncertainty, this also includes uncertain user behavior in form of uncertain future discharge currents. However, measurable quantities like voltage, surface temperature or discharge current can potentially decrease the uncertainty in predicting the core temperature. The extent to which a measurement is able to decrease this estimation uncertainty, called data worth, depends on the uncertainty scenario. We conduct a model-based study to investigate the potential of voltage, current and surface temperature measurements to decrease core temperature estimation uncertainty. We use our previously developed stochastic, physically-based battery model to estimate the core battery temperature of a cylindrical LiFePO4-Graphite cell. The data worth is computed with the Preposterior Data Impact Accessor method. We find that the common input to state-of-charge estimation methods, i.e. voltage and current measurements, can theoretically partially substitute a temperature measurement, if the user behavior is anticipated to some degree. Moreover, we highlight the importance of adequately estimating the involved uncertainties when assessing the data worth of measurement quantities.
Publisher Summary This chapter deals with the designs of transformers isolated converters. Feedback Mechanism is applied to transformer circuit applications where the transformer is used for isolation, such as in off-line supplies. The output can be connected directly to the control integrated circuit (IC) in applications where isolation is not required. Most transformer circuits use the magnetic circuit of the transformer to provide electrical isolation of the secondary circuit from the primary circuit. Putting the control IC on the input side of the supply requires that feedback of the output voltage to the control IC has to cross an isolation barrier. If the IC is powered from an isolated supply, then the switch control must cross the isolation barrier. Using an optocoupler is the easiest way to transfer output voltage information across the isolation barrier to a control IC on the primary side. The usual method of compensating for the low optocoupler gain and the capacitance of the optocoupler is to use an amplifier and voltage reference on the isolated side of the supply. Another method of feedback isolation is to use a small power line transformer to generate an isolated auxiliary supply for the IC. The chapter also discusses flyback circuits; a flyback converter works in a fashion similar to a boost converter, where energy is stored in the inductor while the switch is on and the energy is delivered to the load when the switch turns off.
Wireless power transfer (WPT), which transmits power by an electromagnetic field across an intervening space, provides the prospect of new opportunities for electric vehicles (EVs) to enhance sustainable mobility. This review article evaluates WPT technology for EV applications from both technical and sustainability perspectives. The objectives of this review include: (1) to present the state-of-the-art technical progress and research bottlenecks in WPT development and applications in the transportation sector; (2) to characterize the demonstrations of the real-world deployment of WPT EV systems; and (3) to evaluate the sustainable performance and identify challenges and opportunities for improvement. From the technical perspective, progress on coil design, compensation topologies, and power electronics converters and control methods are reviewed with a focus on system performance. From the sustainability perspective, performance is defined in terms of energy, environmental, and economic metrics, and policy drivers and issues of health and safety are also examined.
The future commercialization and application of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technologies requires the development of novel anode materials with excellent performance and stability at intermediate-temperatures with various fuels including hydrogen, syngas and particularly hydrocarbons. Whether by modifying the state-of-the-art Ni based anodes, or through exploring alternative metal cermet or ceramic based materials, wet impregnation/infiltration is shown to be one of the most effective approaches for both cell fabrication and performance optimization. This paper reviews most of the progress reported in the literature committed to the fabrication and optimization of SOFC anodes by wet impregnation for low temperature and/or hydrocarbon operation. The optimization of traditional nickel based anodes by adding excellent catalyst, the replacement of nickel by other inert metal or ceramic species, and some metal supported designs with impregnated catalyst are all presented and discussed, mainly focusing on the cell performance, redox and thermal stability, long-term reliability, carbon and sulfur tolerance of the anodes.
The hierarchical architecture of biomass activated carbon and metal oxides has attracted wide attention in the field of energy storage owing to its high specific surface area, good electrical conductivity, low cost and environmental friendliness. Herein, biomass carbon-based porous microsheets with thickness of 150–200 nm are obtained by ultrasonic crushing the carbonized poplar catkins (PC) micro-hollow fibers. The carbon microsheets were modified with polydopamine and further deposited with ultrathin nickel cobaltite nanosheets (NiCo2O4 NSs) to form a NiCo2O4 shell-carbon core sandwich composite. Benefiting from its characteristics, as-prepared hybrid electrodes exhibit significantly enhanced specific capacity (922.9C g−1 at 1 A g−1), excellent rate capability and good cycling stability. Furthermore, the hybrid supercapacitor was also fabricated with NiCo2O4 NSs@PD-PC and polydopamine-modified poplar catkins (PD-PC) carbon materials as positive electrode and negative electrode, respectively. It shows remarkable energy-storage characteristics, such as a high energy density of 39.1 W h kg−1 at the power density of 799.9 W kg−1, only 4.5% capacity loss after 5000 cycles, as well as a wide potential window of 0–1.6 V. Such excellent performance makes poplar catkins-derived carbon-based electrodes promise as one of the attractive candidates for high performance energy storage devices.
The state of charge (SOC) estimation is extremely important for the wide commercialization and safe operation of electric vehicle (EV), especially under cold conditions, which is also a critical technology for battery system in EVs used in the 2022 Beijing winter Olympics. Three efforts have been made in this paper: (1) A general joint estimation framework with dual estimators is set up. Based on this frame, a joint algorithm using the recursive least square (RLS) and the adaptive H infinity filter (AHIF) is realized. (2) Four filter-based algorithms have been systematically compared and analyzed at the wide temperature range. The results show that RLS-AHIF algorithm has better performance for SOC estimation even at low temperatures, such as −10 °C, and the SOC error is within 3.5%. (3) A hardware-in-loop validation platform including the battery management system (BMS) and battery test instruments has been built to verify the proposed method. The results from the platform show that the maximum error of SOC is less than 2% at 0 °C and 25 °C. Consequently, the proposed algorithm can achieve the application over a wide temperature range in an actual BMS.
Rural electrification and the provision of low cost, low emission technology in developing countries require decision makers to be well informed on the costs, appropriateness and environmental credentials of all available options. While cost and appropriateness are often shaped by observable local considerations, environmental considerations are increasingly influenced by global concerns which are more difficult to identify and convey to all stakeholders. Life cycle assessment is an iterative process used to analyse a product or system. This study iteratively applies life cycle assessment (LCA) to a 3 kW community hydroelectric system located in Huai Kra Thing (HKT) village in rural Thailand. The cradle to grave analysis models the hydropower scheme’s construction, operation and end of life phases over a period of twenty years and includes all relevant equipment, materials and transportation. The study results in the enumeration of the environmental credentials of the HKT hydropower system and highlights the need to place environmental performance, and LCA itself, in a proper context. In the broadest sense, LCA results for the HKT hydropower system are found to reflect a common trend reported in hydropower LCA literature, namely that smaller hydropower systems have a greater environmentally impact per kWh – perform less well environmentally - than larger systems. Placed within a rural electrification context, however, the HKT hydropower system yields better environmental and financial outcomes than diesel generator and grid connection alternatives.
The objective of this study is to describe the main battery-recycling processes currently used and those that are being developed. Technological options are presented for the recycling of lead acid, Zn–C, Zn–MnO2, nickel metal hydride, nickel–cadmium, lithium and lithium ion batteries.
Global uptake of solar PV has risen significantly over the past four years, motivated by increased economic feasibility and the desire for electricity self-sufficiency. However, significant uptake of solar PV could cause grid balancing issues. A system comprising Stirling engine combined heat and power, solar PV and battery storage (SECHP–PV–battery) may further improve self-sufficiency, satisfying both heat and electricity demand as well as mitigating potential negative grid effects. This paper presents the results of a simulation of 30 households with different energy demand profiles using this system, in order to determine: the degree of household electricity self-sufficiency achieved; resultant grid demand profiles; and the consumer economic costs and benefits. The results indicate that, even though PV and SECHP collectively produced 30% more electricity than the average demand of 3300kWh/yr, households still had to import 28% of their electricity demand from the grid with a 6kWh battery. This work shows that SECHP is much more effective in increasing self-sufficiency than PV, with the households consuming on average 49% of electricity generated (not including battery contribution), compared to 28% for PV. The addition of a 6kWh battery to PV and SECHP improves the grid demand profile by 28% in terms of grid demand ramp-up requirement and 40% for ramp-downs. However, the variability of the grid demand profile is still greater than for the conventional system comprising a standard gas boiler and electricity from the grid. These moderate improvements must be weighed against the consumer cost: with current incentives, the system is only financially beneficial for households with high electricity demand (>4300kWh/yr). A capital grant of 24% of the installed cost of the whole micro-generation system is required to make the system financially viable for households with an average electricity demand (3300kWh/yr).
A battery energy storage system (BESS) is usually integrated with a wind farm to smooth out its intermittent power in order to make it more dispatchable. This paper focuses on the development of a scheme to minimize the capacity of BESS in a distributed configuration using model predictive control theory and wind power prediction. The purpose to minimize the BESS capacity is to reduce the overall cost of the system as the capacity of BESS is the main cost driver. A new semi-distributed BESS scheme is proposed and the strategy is analyzed as a way of improving the suppression of the fluctuations in the wind farm power output. The scheme is tested for similar and dissimilar wind power profiles, where the turbines are geographically located closer and further from each other, respectively. These two power profiles are assessed under a variety of hard system constraints for both the proposed and conventional BESS configurations. Based on the simulation results validated with real-world wind farm data, it has been observed that the proposed semi-distributed BESS scheme results in the improved performance as compared with conventional configurations such as aggregated and distributed storage.
An experiment was performed to study the power production by a Darrieus type turbine of the Dutch company Water2Energy in a tidal estuary. Advanced instrumentation packages, including mechanical sensors, acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), and velocimeter (ADV), were implemented to measure the tidal current velocities in the approaching flow, to estimate the turbine performance and to assess the effect of turbulence on power production. The optimal performance was found to be relatively high (C p ∼ 0.4). Analysis of the power time history revealed a large increase in magnitude of power fluctuations caused by turbulence as the flow velocity increases between 1 and 1.2 m/s. Turbulence intensity does not alone capture quantitative changes in the turbulent regime of the real flow. The standard deviation of velocity fluctuations was preferred in assessing the effect of turbulence on power production. Assessing the scaling properties of the turbulence, such as dissipation rate, ε , the integral lengthscale, L , helped to understand how the turbulence is spatially organized with respect to turbine dimensions. The magnitude of power fluctuations was found to be proportional to L and the strongest impact of turbulence on power generation is achieved when the size of turbulent eddies matches the turbine size.
In the past decade the scientific community has showed considerable interest in the development of implantable medical devices such as muscle stimulators, neuroprosthetic devices, and biosensors. Those devices have low power requirements and can potentially be operated through fuel cells using reactants present in the body such as glucose and oxygen instead of non-rechargeable lithium batteries. In this paper, we present a thin, enzyme-free fuel cell with high current density and good stability at a current density of 10μAcm−2. A non-enzymatic approach is preferred because of higher long term stability. The fuel cell uses a stacked electrode design in order to achieve glucose and oxygen separation. An important characteristic of the fuel cell is that it has no membrane separating the electrodes, which results in low ohmic losses and small fuel cell volume. In addition, it uses a porous carbon paper support for the anodic catalyst layer which reduces the amount of platinum or other noble metal catalysts required for fabricating high surface area electrodes with good reactivity. The peak power output of the fuel cell is approximately 2μWcm−2 and has a sustainable power density of 1.5μWcm−2 at 10μAcm−2. An analysis on the effects of electrode thickness and inter electrode gap on the maximum power output of the fuel cell is also performed.
The debate on mobile telephone safety continues. Most epidemiological studies investigating health effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by mobile phone handsets have been criticised for poor exposure assessment. Most of these studies relied on the historical reconstruction of participants’ phone use by questionnaires. Such exposure assessment methods are prone to recall bias resulting in misclassification that may lead to conflicting conclusions. Although there have been some studies using software-modified phones (SMP) for exposure assessment in the literature, until now there is no published work on the use of hardware modified phones (HMPs) or RF dosimeters for studies of mobile phones and health outcomes. We reviewed existing literature on mobile phone epidemiology with particular attention to exposure assessment methods used. Owing to the inherent limitations of these assessment methods, we suggest that the use of HMPs may show promise for more accurate exposure assessment of RF radiation from mobile phones.
In this work, we report a very simple method to in situ prepare the Fe1−x Ni x (x =0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7 and 1) nano-alloys as the catalysts for H2 generation from the aqueous NH3BH3 solution under ambient atmosphere at room temperature. The prepared nano-alloys possess Pt-like high catalytic activity, especially for the specimen of Fe0.5Ni0.5, with which the hydrolysis of NH3BH3 would totally complete in only 2.2min. Moreover, these catalysts can be easily magnetically separated for recycle purpose, and can almost keep the same high activity even after 5 times of recycle under ambient atmosphere. Such alloy catalysts are expected to be useful for fuel cells, metal–air batteries and electrochemical sensors. Moreover, the concepts behind these preliminary results present a wide range of possibilities for the further development of synthesis of air and water-stable magnetic nano-alloys.
Graphite intercalation intercalated with metal alloys able to alloy reversibly lithium constitute a large set of new anodic materials for lithium-ion batteries of significantly improved reversible capacities. Especially, graphite intercalated with cesium–antimony alloys can be used as materials for anodes in lithium-ion batteries. Electrochemical insertion of lithium in such chemically modified precursors shows that lithium both intercalates in the empty van der Waals spaces of graphite and alloys reversibly with antimony. The total electrochemical reversible capacities, measured between 0 and 2 V vs Li+/Li, close to 700 mAh g−1 have been currently obtained.
As the cathode material of Na-ion batteries based on conversion reaction, the iron-based fluorides have attracted ever-increasing attentions. Nevertheless, its poor electronic conductivity and side reactions usually lead to sluggish reaction kinetics and rapid capacity decay during cycling process, and thus limiting its practical application. Herein, a hollow porous FeF3·0.33H2O microsphere is successfully prepared via a solvothermal route and further modified with AlPO4. The results show that appropriate modification treatment can satisfactorily decrease charge-transfer resistance and enhance sodium diffusion rate. Compared with the pristine FeF3·0.33H2O, 4 wt.% AlPO4-coated sample shows a noticeable initial discharge capacity of 290 mAh g−1 in the range of 1.2–4.0 V, outstanding cycling stability (211 mAh g−1 after 80 cycles) and excellent rate capability (167 mAh g−1 at 2.0 C). The excellent electrochemical properties can be ascribed to the distinctively hierarchical mesoporous hollow structure of FeF3·0.33H2O, which facilitates electrolyte permeation and rapid ionic as well as electronic transmission. Besides, the multifunctional AlPO4 modification layer can improve the electronic conductivity, suppress the surface side reaction and buffer the volume changes during cycling processes, thus boosting the enhancement of the electrochemical performance. Therefore, this study offers a new strategy for improving and modifying the electrochemical performances of cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries.
Two important themes for future clinical research in the neuropsychology of epilepsy are proposed: (1) the neurobiological abnormalities that underlie neuropsychological impairment in people with epilepsy, and (2) neuropsychological status of persons with new-onset epilepsy.
A screen-printed carbon electrode modified with functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MTTZ-MSU-2) was developed and evaluated for reliable quantification of trace Pb(II) ions by anodic stripping square wave voltammetry in non-pretreated natural waters. The optimal operating conditions were 5min preconcentration time and 120s electrolysis time in HCl 0.2M. The electrode displayed excellent linear behavior in the concentration range examined (1–30μgL−1) with a limit of detection of 0.1μgL−1. The screen-printed carbon modified electrode has long service time and good single and inter-electrode reproducibility. Applicability to spiked drinking water, river water and groundwater was demonstrated without any sample pre-treatment (recoveries between 97% and 106%, RSD 4–7%). On the basis of the present data, mercury-free screen-printed electrodes modified with functionalized mesoporous silicas have the potential to become the next-generation analyzers for decentralized heavy metal monitoring in environmental samples.
Aim of the study Characterization and comparative analysis of the main VOCs (volatile organic compounds) present in the smoke of 11 experimentally combusted plant species used as incense in Shaxi, Southwest China. Substances which may be responsible for the pleasant smell of the smokes as well as substances with a potential pharmacological activity are discussed. Materials and methods We adopt the dynamic headspace sorption method for the collection of smoke samples as a novel methodological approach in ethnobotany. The VOCs were identified using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis were performed using PASW statistics (Version 18.0.2). Results Among the identified compounds were 10 monoterpenoids, 7 sesquiterpenoids, 6 linear hydrocarbons, 6 methoxy phenolics, 2 benzenoids, 2 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and 2 fatty acids. Based on their volatile profiles, the species are well clustered intraspecifically and separated interspecifically. The most abundant among the compounds potentially responsible for the pleasant smells of the smokes are methyl salicylate (12.28±3.90%) for Gaultheria fragrantissima leaves, δ-cadinene (15.58±2.29%) for Juniperus squamata wood, and α-Pinene for Cupressus funebris branches (9.16±7.73%) and Pistacia weinmanniifolia branches (19.52±8.66%). A couple of substances found are known for pharmacological activity, such as methylsalycilate, beta-caryophyllene and cedrol. Conclusions The species used by the local people in Shaxi for incense differ clearly with respect to the chemical compounds of their smoke. Further, incense contains substances, which are of pharmacological interest and might support medicinal uses of smoke. Cedrol with its pleasant smell and sedative properties may be an important factor why specific plants are chosen as incense. Our findings support the idea that the effects of the use of incense as well as medicinal smoke depend on both, the cultural as well as the pharmacological context.
All-solid-state lithium batteries typically suffer from low coulombic efficiencies and lithium dendrite growth at high current densities. Now, a silver–carbon composite anode is demonstrated that mitigates some of these problems, even for a prototype cell with a high energy density of over 900 Wh L–1.
Two studies investigated the degree to which the relationship between rapid automatized naming (RAN) performance and reading development is driven by shared phonological processes. Study 1 assessed RAN, phonological awareness, and reading performance in 1010 7- to 10-year-olds. Results showed that RAN deficits occurred in the absence of phonological awareness deficits. These were accompanied by modest reading delays. In structural equation modeling, solutions where RAN was subsumed within a phonological processing factor did not provide a good fit to the data, suggesting that processes outside phonology may drive RAN performance and its association with reading. Study 2 investigated Kail’s proposal that speed of processing underlies this relationship. Children with single RAN deficits showed slower speed of processing than did closely matched controls performing normally on RAN. However, regression analysis revealed that RAN made a unique contribution to reading even after accounting for processing speed. Theoretical implications are discussed.
The use of diphenyloctyl phosphate (DPOF) as a flame-retardant additive in liquid electrolyte for Li-ion batteries is investigated. Mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB) and LiCoO2 are used as the anode and cathode materials, respectively. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are used for the analyses. The cell with DPOF shows better electrochemical cell performance than that without DPOF in initial charge/discharge and rate performance tests. In cycling tests, a cell with DPOF-containing electrolyte exhibited better discharge capacity and capacity retention than that of the DPOF-free electrolyte after cycling. These results confirm the viability of using DPOF as a flame-retardant additive for improving the cell performance and thermal stability of electrolytes for Li-ion batteries.
In this study, time-dependent discharge resistance and its power capability determined by current pulse experiments (CPE) were investigated according to changes in the state-of-charge and storage temperature. Using pattern analysis of the obtained resistance, two components comprising total discharge resistance were separately obtained and compared with the best fitting results of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). From this comparison, an initial abrupt resistance drop was found to be a major determining factor of power capability and associated with electrolyte/electric transport in the bulk/film phase. This drop was also found to be associated with a charge transfer reaction at the electrode interphase, indicative of a correlation between the initial resistance drop in CPE and semi-circle resistance in EIS. The following resistance relaxation was possibly due to a chemical diffusion process of lithium ion. After storage at high temperature, it was observed that an increase in discharge resistance was mostly attributable to larger film resistance.
3D electrodes are widely researched for high sulfur loading, but still face challenges toward practical applications due to complex design, limited long cycling stability, and high volumetric changes. Herein, we report an efficient, facile, and cost-effective carbon-tungsten disulfide twisted cloth fibers (C/WS2-TCF/S) as a 3D cathode for Li–S battery. The C/WS2-TCF/S cathode combines the advantages of evenly-dispersed C/WS2 matrices and interconnected twisted cloth fiber networks which trap the polysulfide species, accommodate large active sulfur, and maintain the stable cycling performance even cycled at higher sulfur loading. In situ Raman spectroscopy further reveals the low shuttling effect observed with C/WS2-TCF/S cathode. With sulfur loadings of 2 mg cm−2, 3.5 mg cm−2, and 5 mg cm−2, C/WS2-TCF/S cathode shows high specific capacities at 1C. Moreover, for a sulfur loading of 4.5 mg cm−2, an initial discharge capacity of 722 mA h g−1 is delivered with capacity decay of 0.06% per cycle over 500 cycles at 0.5C. This work is valuable for the efficient design and preparation of high-loading cathode of lithium-sulfur batteries.
Porous aggregated nanorods of Co3O4 with a surface area of ~100 m2 g−1 synthesized without using any templates or surfactants give very high specific capacitance of ~780 F g−1 when used as electrode in a faradaic supercapacitor, with a cycle life of more than 1,000 cycles. Further, in Li-ion batteries when used as an anode, the Co3O4 nanorods achieved a capacity of 1155 mA h g−1 in the first cycle and upon further cycling it is stabilized at 820 mA h g−1 for more than 25 cycles. Detailed characterization indicated the stability of the material and the improved performance is attributed to the shorter Li-insertion/desertion pathways offered by the highly porous nanostructures. The environmentally benign and easily scalable method of synthesis of the porous Co3O4 nanorods coupled with the superior electrode characteristics in supercapacitors and Li-ion batteries provide efficient energy storage capabilities with promising applications.
This paper aims to investigate the choice for charging mode and location with the revealed preference data of battery electric vehicle (BEV) users in Japan. Three alternatives including the normal charging at home (for private BEVs)/company premise (for commercial BEVs), normal charging at public charging stations and fast charging at public charging stations are defined. A mixed logit model is developed to investigate what and how factors influence BEV users’ choice of charging mode (normal or fast) and location (home/company or public stations), by identifying an appropriate instrumental variable to correct the serious endogeneity problem caused by the midnight indicator. The parameters estimation and results interpretation are conducted for private and commercial BEVs respectively. They suggest that the battery capacity, midnight indicator, initial state of charge (SOC) and number of past fast charging events are the main predictors for users’ choice of charging mode and location, that the day interval between current charging and next trip positively affects the normal charging at home/company. In addition, with the increasing of vehicle-kilometres of travel (VKT)/travel duration on former/next travel day, the probability of normal charging at home/company is increased for commercial BEVs, while is decreased for private BEVs. The findings obtained herein have provided new insights into the realization of power peak-load shifting and operation strategy for public charging stations, as well as inspired the development and application of new models and methodologies to determine the density and deployment of public charging stations.
India has the most developed renewable energy markets and has the highest energy intensities in Asia. Very little investment and priority are being given to increase of the efficiency. On the other hand, the India has a high potential for developing energy production from renewable energy sources (RES) like solar, water, wind and biomass. However, these potentials are not studied and exploited enough and the present situation for their utilization is not so good. Although energy is a critical foundation for economic growth and social progress of any country, there are many constraints for RES development in all of them (political, technological, financial, legislative, educational, etc.). Obviously, defining development strategies and new support measures are necessary since renewable energy sources can make an important contribution to the regional energy supply and security. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the solar energy harvesting and opportunities in India. In this paper, efforts have been made for cost analysis, payback period calculations, current potential status, promotion policies, targets, major milestones and future of solar energy potential contribution and plans in India.
Movement control impairment reduces active control of movement. Patients with this might form an important subgroup among patients with mechanical cervical pain. Diagnosis is based on the observation of active movement tests. Although widely used clinically, few studies have been performed to determine the reliability of a test battery. The aim of this study was to determine the inter-tester reliability of movement control impairment [MCI] tests on the cervical spine.
Studies have documented effects of drag created by data-logging units attached to seals, but the effect of visual stimuli from such units has not been investigated. We evaluated potential effects of camera attachment including near-infrared flash operation by comparing the diving behaviour of 15 female Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) with cameras and 10 seals without cameras. Irrespective of the presence of the camera or flash, all seals exhibited an expected diel dive pattern with shallower, shorter dives, less time at the bottom of a dive, and slower ascent and descent rates at night following krill vertical migration. We also observed a previously unreported foraging trip dive pattern with faster ascents and descents near the end of trips. With cameras present, dive duration and bottom time increased and ascents were slower. During flash operation, dive duration increased and bottom time remained constant throughout the day contrary to the expected diel trend. Also during flash operation, bottom time was shorter at the beginning of a foraging trip and dives were deeper, with longer duration and bottom time later in the trip. We were unable to conclude whether the flash emission spectrum overlapped with the visual sensitivity of seals and Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) since visual sensitivity data for seals and krill at longer wavelengths were not available. It is possible that the flash was bright enough for the seals or krill to detect; however, although there was a change in diving behaviour observed during flash operation this behaviour was within the range of values normally observed for these seals and should not cause ethical concern.
Preferred orientation of zinc deposits during charging is shown to significantly improve performance and cycle life in flow-assisted alkaline zinc batteries, which has not been demonstrated earlier. The preferred orientation of zinc deposits was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Compact zinc is found to have ( 11 2 ¯ 2 ) preferred orientation on brass, which contributes to ∼60% of the texture. The effect of charging current and zincate concentration on morphology was investigated in a rotating hull cell and correlated with anodic efficiency. Compact zinc deposits are found to have a fine-grained, bright finish and the highest anodic efficiency. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) proves that compact zinc corresponds to the minimum in the half-cell resistance. Morphological control using compact zinc could be accomplished using innovations such as pulse charging or enhanced mass-transfer to improve anode performance without affecting the cathode.
Herein we report a simple and scalable route to synthesize porous cobalt/cobalt oxide - carbon sphere composites as anode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. It involves the impregnation of starch-derived hydrochar spheres with a cobalt salt, followed by a heat treatment (700 °C) under inert atmosphere. The obtained high surface area (∼670 m2 g−1), submicron spheres (∼300 nm diameter) with high-degree of microporosity (81%) consist of an amorphous carbon matrix with embedded Co/CoO nanoparticles (∼6 nm sized), having a total cobalt content of 6.2 wt%. The hybrid sphere anodes demonstrated superior specific capacity, rate performance and cycling stability. Discharge capacities of 520 and 310 mA h g−1 are observed at charge-discharge rates of 0.1 and 1C respectively. No significant capacity fading is identified on prolonged cycling at various current densities. The electrode also demonstratedexcellent structural stability during extended charge-discharge processes.
Face perception is subtended by a large set of areas in the human ventral occipito-temporal cortex. However, the role of these areas and their importance for face recognition remain largely unclear. Here we report a case of transient selective impairment in face recognition (prosopagnosia) induced by focal electrical intracerebral stimulation of the right inferior occipital gyrus. This area presents with typical face-sensitivity as evidenced by functional neuroimaging right occipital face area (OFA). A face-sensitive intracerebral N170 was also recorded in this area, supporting its contribution as a source of the well-known N170 component typically recorded on the scalp. Altogether, these observations indicate that face recognition can be selectively impaired by local disruption of a single face-sensitive area of the network subtending this function, the right OFA.
The free-standing hierarchical flower-like NiCo-double hydroxide/reduced graphene oxide composite (NiCo-DH/RGO) on Ni foam (NiF) was synthesized with a facile two-step method. First, the growth of partially reduced graphene oxide (PRGO) membrane on NiF was achieved via the direct reduction of graphene oxide (GO) by NiF, which acted as not only the reducing agent but also the current collector. Then, the growth of high mass-loading NiCo-DH on PRGO/NiF was realized with a hydrothermal process, in which acetamide plays a crucial role. The high mass-loading of NiCo-DH is due to the addition of acetamide into the hydrothermal bath, in which PRGO reacted with the solution, containing Ni(II), Co(II), acetamide and urea, to form a thick gelatinous membrane on Ni foam. During the hydrothermal process, PRGO was further reduced to RGO while both Ni(II) and Co(II) reacted with ammonium, released by the hydrolysis of urea, to form NiCo-DH. Used as the positive electrode of supercapacitor, NiCo-DH/RGO/NiF displays an ultrahigh areal capacity of 6.15 C cm−2 at 10 mA cm−2 and 94.6% capacity retention after 1000 GCD cycles at 10 mA cm−2. An asymmetric supercapacitor (ASC) is also assembled with NiCo-DH/rGO/NiF as the positive electrode and activated carbon (AC) as the negative electrode. The ASC exhibits a prominent energy density of 61.81 Wh kg−1 at a high power density of 842.63 W kg−1. It is especially worth noting that the ASC exhibited remarkable capacity retention of 84.53% even after 1000 GCD cycles at a current density of 10 mA cm−2.
Optimal thermal management is a key requirement in commercial utilization of lithium ion battery comprising of phase change electrodes. In order to facilitate design of battery packs, thermal management systems and fast charging profiles, a thermally coupled electrochemical model that takes into account the phase change phenomenon is required. In the present work, an electrochemical thermal model is proposed which includes the biphasic nature of phase change electrodes, such as lithium iron phosphate (LFP), via a generalized moving boundary model. The contribution of phase change to the heat released during the cell operation is modeled using an equivalent enthalpy approach. The heat released due to phase transformation is analyzed in comparison with other sources of heat such as reversible, irreversible and ohmic. Detailed study of the thermal behavior of the individual cell components with changing ambient temperature, rate of operation and heat transfer coefficient is carried out. Analysis of heat generation in the various regimes is used to develop cell design and operating guidelines. Further, different charging protocols are analyzed and a model based methodology is suggested to design an efficient quick charging protocol.
Na insertion into sol-gel made nanocrystalline spinel, Li4Ti5O12 (nano LTS) and reference commercial spinel (Aldrich LTS) is studied by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic chronopotentiometry at 1C and 2C charging/discharging rates. Nanocrystalline LTS exhibits the best performance for Na storage, its charge capacities reach 156 mAhg−1 and are twice as high as those of reference Aldrich LTS. A capacity drop of nano LTS taking place during galvanostatic cycling is ascribed to irreversible structural changes induced by Na accommodation in the Li4Ti5O12 lattice. Raman spectroscopy of nano LTS after Na insertion reveals a formation of orthorhombic Li0,5TiO2 phase in original nanocrystalline Li4Ti5O12. The occurrence of this phase, which is commonly formed during Li insertion into anatase, is discussed in terms of induced Li redistribution and its accommodation in very minor anatase impurities detectable by Raman spectroelectrochemistry and HRTEM, but visible neither by X-ray diffractometry nor cyclic voltammetry of Na insertion.
Additive manufacturing (AM) can be a game changer of ceramic industry by opening up new avenues in terms of reduction in cost and ushering in to the domain of designing complicated structure without having dependence on exotic tools. Unlike polymers and metals where AM technology is growing up rapidly, growth of the same in ceramic industry is rather slow due to several technical challenges. However, AM of ceramics is growing steadily as there is considerable urge for producing fully dense defect-free ceramic components with complex geometry for which AM technology comes very handy. Consequently, many AM technologies have been used to fabricate ceramic components with varying results depending upon the nature of the material, AM technology, and part complexity. Thus, beside the nature of the processed ceramic, it is of paramount interest to select right kind of AM process for a particular application in terms of complexity, size density, and surface finish. This review gives present status in AM of ceramics along with some relevant properties of parts produced by AM technology followed by challenges and future prospects of ceramic AM.
A new copolymer polyacrylonitrile-co-bis[2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl]itaconate (abbreviated as PANI) was synthesized in the hope of getting a polymer host having a better ability of trapping organic solvent to overcome the drawbacks of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) system gel polymer electrolytes. Blend of PAN and PANI was complexed with organic solvents, ethylene carbonate (EC) and γ-butyrolactone (BL), and LiClO4 salt. The highest room temperature conductivity of 1.9×10−3 Scm−1 was found for a film of 25PAN–10PANI–50EC/BL–15LiClO4. The PANI was found to effectively trap organic solvents and, therefore, greatly enhance the miscibility of polymer host and solvents, possibly due to ion chelating ability of itaconate unit. The PAN–PANI blend gel-electrolyte, as compared with pristine PAN-based electrolyte, had better electrochemical stability and was more stable toward lithium electrode, though it exhibited slightly less mechanical rigidity caused by amorphization of the PAN matrix.
An increasing number of electric vehicles (EVs) will have a significant impact on the electricity grids. For target grid planning, it is essential to identify and quantify this impact in terms of local infrastructure overloads. We study the impact of EV charging loads on Swiss distribution substations under different penetration levels and pricing regimes. Unlike mainly conceptual studies focusing on generic distribution grids, we use real data—driving profiles matched to regional circumstances, Swiss substation capacity and load data in the high-voltage grid together with electricity prices—as the main data inputs. To reflect current regulation and contracting schemes, we apply decentral decision-making instead of central control. The results indicate that under a flat electricity tariff and EV penetration levels around 16% the current substation capacity will be sufficient to cover additional EV charging load. However, beyond penetration levels of 50% an increasing number of substations will be overloaded. More significantly, the introduction of dynamic electricity prices can further increase the risk of substation overloads. These results show that EV charging loads can also cause bottlenecks on substations in the high-voltage grid.
Effect of Co substitution for Mn on Li[Ni0.5Co x Mn1.5−x ]O4 was investigated. Co-precipitation was employed to synthesize the [Ni0.25Co x Mn0.75−x ](OH)2 as a precursor and it was fired with LiOH at 900°C for 20h in air. From Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction data and scanning electron microscopic examinations, it was found that the as-synthesized Li[Ni0.5Co x Mn1.5−x ]O4 were crystallized in cubic spinel structure with Fd3m space group and the final products presented spherical secondary morphology (3μm in average). Electrochemical investigation revealed that Co3+ replacement for Mn4+ gave rise to improved rate and cycling performances probably due to the improved electronic conductivity and structural stability achieved by the presence of Co3+ in the spinel Li[Ni0.5Co x Mn1.5−x ]O4.
This paper presents the iterative research, design and evaluation phases of a digital wearable health system for monitoring, managing and possibly assisting in preventing the effects of a chronic disease called Raynaud’s Phenomenon (RP). The wearable health system is composed of three main parts, a physical product of a smart ring, the digital infrastructure of the physical computing subsystem (hardware and software) and an accompanying smartphone application. A set of design requirements that best describe the functionality and the characteristics of wearable health systems have been selected to derive a thorough study and evaluate the design prototype. We present these along with a set of guidelines for designing wearable health systems (device products and software at the application level) with focus on usability and user experience. The purpose is to evaluate, the prototype which is based on multiple sensor inputs that acquire simultaneously several biomedical and environmental signals, the interaction techniques used and the feedback mechanisms of the smart ring and the accompanying smartphone application for logging and monitoring the progress of RP.
ZnO nanowires were synthesized by a hydrothermal route without any substrate or template. Structure analyses through XRD, SEM, TEM and HRTEM indicated that ZnO nanowires had high purity and perfect crystallinity, and grew along [0001]. The diameter was 50–80nm, the length was about several micrometers and length-diameter ratio was more than 100. As electrode materials of Ni/Zn batteries, ZnO nanowires showed the obviously improved cycle stability, average discharge capacity of 609mAhg−1, higher discharge voltage/lower charge voltage. Slow rate cyclic voltammetry showed that electrochemical activity of ZnO nanowires was superior to that of the conventional ZnO. The improvements of electrochemical performance were ascribed to the unique nanowire structure. During the charging/discharging cycles, nanowires were broke, grew in diameter, and changed into nanorods. Nanowires lying parallel to the anodes could suppress the growth of dendrite clusters perpendicular to the anodes.
Short- and long-time solutions for material balance equations for porous electrodes in both the solid and the solution phase is presented. These solutions represent the concentration profile of lithium-ions in the solid and solution phases of the positive electrode of a lithium-ion cell, and are obtained using the method of Laplace transform for short- and long-time intervals.
In job-shop manufacturing systems, an efficient production schedule acts to reduce unnecessary costs and better manage resources. For the same purposes, modern manufacturing cells, in compliance with industry 4.0 concepts, use material handling systems in order to allow more control on the transport tasks. In this paper, a job-shop scheduling problem in vehicle based manufacturing facility that is mainly related to job assignment to resources is addressed. The considered job-shop production cell has two types of resources: processing resources that accomplish fabrication tasks for specific products, and transporting resources that assure parts’ transport to the processing area. A Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm is used to schedule product manufacturing and handling tasks in the aim to minimize the maximum completion time of a job set and an improved lower bound with new calculation method is presented. Experimental tests are conducted to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed approach.
The paper presents post-mortem analysis of commercial LiFePO4 battery cells, which are aged at 55 °C and − 20 °C using dynamic current profiles and different depth of discharges (DOD). Post-mortem analysis focuses on the structure of the electrodes using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the chemical composition changes using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results show that ageing at lower DOD results in higher capacity fading compared to higher DOD cycling. The anode surface aged at 55 °C forms a dense cover on the graphite flakes, while at the anode surface aged at − 20 °C lithium plating and LiF crystals are observed. As expected, Fe dissolution from the cathode and deposition on the anode are observed for the ageing performed at 55 °C, while Fe dissolution and deposition are not observed at − 20 °C. Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), the surface conductivity is examined, which shows only minor degradation for the cathodes aged at − 20 °C. The cathodes aged at 55 °C exhibit micrometer size agglomerates of nanometer particles on the cathode surface. The results indicate that cycling at higher SOC ranges is more detrimental and low temperature cycling mainly affects the anode by the formation of plated Li.
The increasing electricity generation from renewable resources has side effects on power grid systems, because of daily and seasonally intermittent nature of these sources. Additionally, there are fluctuations in the electricity demand during the day, so energy storage system (ESS) can play a vital role to compensate these troubles and seems to be a crucial part of smart grids in the future. This study comparatively presents a widespread and comprehensive description of energy storage systems with detailed classification, features, advantages, environmental impacts, and implementation possibilities with application variations.
An attempt was made to synthesise PVdF-based polymer electrolytes containing 1:1 EC:PC plasticiser in various salts such as LiAsF6, LiPF6 and LiBF4 at different ratios using PVdF as homopolymer. Though, having a high ionic conductivity, certain films were found to be fragile, an indication of poor mechanical strength. Therefore, PVdF–PVC blend polymers were prepared using different ratios of PVdF–PVC as well as with different amounts of plasticiser mixture. Film characterisation was attempted using XRD, DSC, impedance and conductivity measurements. A particular combination of PVdF–PVC in the ratio 25:5 was observed to have high ionic conductivity and good mechanical strength. The electrochemical stability and the stability of lithium–polymer interface of the prepared polymer electrolytes were checked in terms of charge–discharge and impedance studies. Effect of storage time and cyclability are discussed.
This preliminary randomized controlled trial compared Training Executive, Attention and Motor Skills (TEAMS), a played-based intervention for preschool children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to an active comparison intervention consisting of parent education and support (
Objectives Sex steroid hormones are implicated in the cognitive processes of the adult brain. Among studies reporting a positive effect of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) on cognition, the most consistent evidence is that it enhances verbal memory and visuospatial functions. In the present study we investigated the effect of ERT on cognition and on brain morphology in healthy postmenopausal women, taking into account the distinction in current and past ERT users. Methods Participants were postmenopausal nondemented women recruited from the community: ERT users were 40 (23 current users, 17 past users), while never users were 43. Forty of recruited subjects gave consent to undergo 3D high resolution MRI (16 current users, 7 past users and 17 never users). Participants underwent MMSE and a battery of neuropsychological tests measuring memory, language, intelligence, attention and visuo-spatial abilities. Results The past users group outperformed the never users in four tests: Token test, WCST categories, attentional matrices and Rey's delayed list; the current users group outperformed the never users in the Rey's list test. ERT users had greater grey matter volumes mainly in the cerebellum, but an increase was observed also in the parietal and occipital cortex. Conclusions ERT use appears to improve linguistic, attentive and planning abilities. Interestingly, the beneficial effects on cognition were detected mainly in the past users subgroup. Here we propose that the trophic effect of estrogens on cerebellum might account for the observed improvement in cognition.
A pseudo two-dimensional (P2D) electro-chemical lithium-ion battery model is presented in this paper to study the capacity fade under cyclic charge-discharge conditions. The Newman model [1,2] has been modified to include a continuous solvent reduction reaction responsible for the capacity fade and power fade. The temperature variation inside the cell is accurately predicted using a distributed thermal model coupled with the internal chemical heat generation. The model is further improved by linking the porosity variation with the electrolyte partial molar concentration, thereby proving a stronger coupling between the battery performance and the chemical properties of electrolyte. The solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer growth is estimated for different cut-off voltages and charging current rates. The results show that the convective heat transfer coefficient as well as the porosity variation influences the SEI layer growth and the battery life significantly. The choice of an electrolyte decides the conductivity and partial molar concentration, which is found to have a strong influence on the capacity fade of the battery. The present battery model integrates all essential electro-chemical processes inside a lithium-ion battery under a strong implicit algorithm, proving a useful tool for computationally fast battery monitoring system.
This article examines the contribution of Ottoman sources of historical information for the study of the seismicity of Greece, in particular of Athens during the period of the Ottoman domination, a period during which relatively few original Greek sources of data are available. An annotated list of a number of case histories of earthquakes in Greece from Ottoman sources is presented translating only a summary of the information for those who want to access the whole document. They contain not only a valuable record of earthquakes, but also, for the earthquake historian, a wealth of information about locations where earthquakes were not felt. The article discusses the effects of earthquakes, of the 1826–7 siege on the Acropolis its purpose being to provide information with such annotation as would facilitate its use by engineering seismologists with additional macroseismic data that could supplement the rather meagre information.
The paper brings out the advantages of fast breeder reactor and importance of developing closed nuclear fuel cycle for the large scale energy production, which is followed by its salient safety features. Further, the current status and future strategy of the fast reactor programme since the inception through 40 MWt/13 MWe Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR), is highlighted. The challenges and achievements in science and technology of FBRs focusing on safety are described with the particular reference to 500 MWe capacity Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR), being commissioned at Kalpakkam. Roadmap with comprehensive R&D for the large scale deployment of Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor (SFRs) and timely introduction of metallic fuel reactors with emphasis on breeding gain and enhanced safety are being brought out in this paper.
The silicon-based composite prepared by electrodeposition exhibits outstanding electrochemical performances for several thousand cycles because the co-deposited oxygen and carbon could act as buffer materials to reduce internal stress during charge-discharge cycling. However, it is not easy to increase the loading amount of active materials due to low structural stability at a high passing charge over 15 C cm−2 for electrodeposition, leading the low areal capacity of Si–O–C composite as an anode. In this study, we propose a new way to enhance the structural stability of silicon-based anode by an electrochemical co-deposition technique using tin as supporting material, namely Sn–Si–O–C composite. The co-deposited tin has a whisker-shaped structure, and it prevents the exfoliation of activated material during electrodeposition. Besides, tin whisker can act as an electron pathway, resulting in improved electrochemical performance including high rate performance. The enhanced electrical conductivity is investigated by electrochemical impedance analysis. The improved electrochemical performance of Sn–Si–O–C composite indicates the high potential as an electrode material for high-performance lithium-ion batteries.
The Li1+y[Ni(1−x)/3Mn(1−x)/3Co(1−x)/3Mox]O2(M=Ni(1−x)/3Mn(1−x)/3Co(1−x)/3Mox) ternary cathode material has been synthesized by solid state reactions with the industrial product Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3(OH)2 as a precursor. X-ray diffraction, laser particle size analyzer and surface analyzer are employed to investigate the lattice structure, particle size and specific surface area of the powder. Comprehensively considering the improvement of cycle life and the capacity decreased, Li/M=1.16 is chosen as right lithium rich ingredients used to co-dope with Mo element. For the Mo/M=0.02, Li/M=1.16 sample, the discharge capability is best, which is 126.06mAhg−1 at 750mAg−1(5C) of discharge current density and at room temperature higher than 118.32mAhg−1, that of the Li/M=1.16 sample without Mo. At the same current density, the best discharge capacity at low temperature of −30°C for the sample Mo/M=0.02, Li/M=1.16 is 65.41mAhg−1 higher than 58.18mAhg−1 of Li/M=1.16 sample without Mo. Through the Li and Mo co-doping, unit cell volume V shows increasing trend and may be one of the most basic dominant factor about the improvement of low temperature electrochemical performance. Because of larger specific surface area and less median radius D50, the samples with Li and Mo co-doping has a big reaction activity, which is another important reason. Impedance changes could better explain the improvement trend of high rate discharge capability of cathode samples with Mo and Li co-doping at high current density.
Hematite (Fe2O3) nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) were supersonically sprayed onto copper current collectors to create high-performance, binder-free lithium ion battery (LIB) electrodes. Supersonic spray deposition is rapid, low-cost, and suitable for large-scale production. Supersonic impact of rGO sheets and Fe2O3 nanoparticles on the substrate produces compacted nanocomposite films with short diffusion lengths for Li+ ions. This structure produces high reversible capacity and markedly improved capacity retention over many cycles. Decomposition of lithium oxide generated during cycling activates the solid electrolyte interface layer, contributing to high capacity retention. The optimal composition ratio of rGO to Fe2O3 was 9.1wt.%, which produced a reversible capacity of 1242mAhg−1 after N =305 cycles at a current density of 1000mAg−1 (1C).
In spite of the existence of several NiCd batteries treatment processes around the world, little is known about the fundamental aspects of this technology. The objective of this research is to study the most important technological variables of NiCd batteries recycling by vacuum distillation. Laboratory equipment was set up to study vacuum thermal processing of milled batteries. During the tests, the total pressure was maintained at 0.1mbar while temperatures varied from 700 to 1100°C. Results obtained show that the distillation process is possible at temperatures above 700°C. If temperature is raised to the range of 900–1100°C, treatment time is reduced to less than 2h. At temperatures higher than 900°C the recovery of Cd contained in the batteries reached 99.9%.
A nanostructured sulfur/polypyrrole binary composite was prepared by a simple one-step ballmilling without heat-treatment. High resolution transmission and scanning electronic microscopy showed the formation of a highly developed branched structure consisting of polypyrrole with uniform sulfur coating on its surface. Exclusion of heat-treatment in the composite preparation avoided the sulfur loss; the composite contained 65wt% of sulfur. AC impedance spectroscopy data exhibited remarkable reduction in charge transfer resistance of the composite compared with pristine sulfur. This may be due to the high conductivity and large surface area of polypyrrole. This charge transfer enhancement led to the electrochemical performance improvement of the composite cathode, delivering first discharge capacity of 1320mAhg−1.
In order to gather information more efficiently in terms of energy consumption, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are partitioned into clusters. In clustered WSNs, each sensor node sends its collected data to the head of the cluster that it belongs to. The cluster-heads are responsible for aggregating the collected data and forwarding it to the base station through other cluster-heads in the network. This leads to a situation known as the hot spots problem where cluster-heads that are closer to the base station tend to die earlier because of the heavy traffic they relay. In order to solve this problem, unequal clustering algorithms generate clusters of different sizes. In WSNs that are clustered with unequal clustering, the clusters close to the base station have smaller sizes than clusters far from the base station. In this paper, a fuzzy energy-aware unequal clustering algorithm (EAUCF), that addresses the hot spots problem, is introduced. EAUCF aims to decrease the intra-cluster work of the cluster-heads that are either close to the base station or have low remaining battery power. A fuzzy logic approach is adopted in order to handle uncertainties in cluster-head radius estimation. The proposed algorithm is compared with some popular clustering algorithms in the literature, namely Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy, Cluster-Head Election Mechanism using Fuzzy Logic and Energy-Efficient Unequal Clustering. The experiment results show that EAUCF performs better than the other algorithms in terms of first node dies, half of the nodes alive and energy-efficiency metrics in all scenarios. Therefore, EAUCF is a stable and energy-efficient clustering algorithm to be utilized in any WSN application.
Al-doped Li4Ti5O12 in the form of Li4−x Al x Ti5O12 (x =0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2) was synthesized via solid state reaction in an Ar-flowing atmosphere. Al-doping does not change the phase composition and particle morphology, but easily results in the lattice distortion and thus the poor crystallinity of Li4Ti5O12. Al-doping decreases the specific capacity of Li4Ti5O12, while improves remarkably its cycling stability at high charge/discharge rate. The substitution of Al for Li site can enhance the electronic conductivity of Li4Ti5O12 via the generation of mixing Ti4+/Ti3+, whereas impede the Li-ion diffusion in the lattice. Excessive Al causes large electrode polarization due to the lower Li-ion conductivity, and thus leads to low specific capacity at high current densities. Li3.9Al0.1Ti5O12 exhibits a relatively high specific capacity and an excellent cycling stability.
Ammonia borane (AB) is one of the most attractive hydrides owing to its high hydrogen density (19.5wt%). Stored hydrogen can be released by thermolysis or catalyzed hydrolysis, both routes having advantages and issues. The present study has envisaged for the first time the combination of thermolysis and hydrolysis, AB being first thermolyzed and then the solid by-product believed to be polyaminoborane [NH2BH2] n (PAB) being hydrolyzed. Herein we report that: (i) the combination is feasible, (ii) PAB hydrolyzes in the presence of a metal catalyst (Ru) at 40°C, (iii) a total of 3equiv. H2 is released from AB and PAB–H2O, (iv) high hydrogen generation rates can be obtained through hydrolysis, and (v) the by-products stemming from the PAB hydrolysis are ammonium borates. The following reactions may be proposed: AB→PAB+H2 and PAB+ xH2O→2H2 +ammonium borates. All of these aspects as well as the advantages and issues of the combination of AB thermolysis and PAB hydrolysis are discussed.
In order to better understand the thermal abuse behavior of high capacities and large power lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicle application, a three-dimensional thermal model has been developed for analyzing the temperature distribution under abuse conditions. The model takes into account the effects of heat generation, internal conduction and convection, and external heat dissipation to predict the temperature distribution in a battery. Three-dimensional model also considers the geometrical features to simulate oven test, which are significant in larger cells for electric vehicle application. The model predictions are compared to oven test results for VLP 50/62/100S-Fe (3.2V/55Ah) LiFePO4/graphite cells and shown to be in great agreement.