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Funny for a right wing channel. | 0 | not toxic | 49,700 | 49,700 | 11,529 | 46,222 |
Dan, I support an Alaskan gas line. I do agree that we should aggressively pursue renewable energy in Alaska. | 0 | not toxic | 49,701 | 49,701 | 5,640 | 1,247 |
Peaceful societies in general are like pacifists in particular: they only exist (and sometimes barely, on their knees, as slaves at that) so long as they can avoid those who would take their resources and freedom from them, and so long as someone, somewhere, stands guard against those who would do them harm. Only the dead have seen the end of war. You live in your utopia and I'll stay right here in the real world. Wanna bet a donut (or bowl of granola ; ) on which of us cries him/herself to sleep first and most often? | 0 | not toxic | 49,702 | 49,702 | 36,593 | 38,867 |
It's pointless to refer to actual facts with a person like "sarge"22. You can't debate a person who refuses to acknowledge reality and prefers to wallow in alternative facts. | 0 | not toxic | 49,703 | 49,703 | 48,906 | 30,045 |
Let me guess-- rightwinger?
No sense of time/place and what is appropriate when.
Allow people to mourn. | 0 | not toxic | 49,704 | 49,704 | 22,522 | 7,236 |
Because he said all or most Mexicans are Rapist, and likes to retweet white supremacist site meme's. Says he wants to silence the media thats your first amendment in the bill of rights thats the thing you call the constitution. | 1 | toxic | 49,705 | 49,705 | 29,402 | 10,813 |
I remember trying years ago to get on at the docks... Not sure what the secret is. However my comment didn't mean "join a union" and get on at the docks, my comment was "join a union" and make your workplace better. | 0 | not toxic | 49,706 | 49,706 | 18,528 | 9,139 |
Truly cutting humor Mr Keillor---So much so I think more than half the Trump supporters won't get it, which is just as well... | 0 | not toxic | 49,707 | 49,707 | 19,580 | 34,268 |
This article talks about LSD and flashbacks does it not? You also are clearly hallucinating about some Hugh Glass person. | 0 | not toxic | 49,708 | 49,708 | 45,005 | 13,403 |
If the PPV audience is as expected, that is the payout. We shall find out the official pay in a little while. $30M isn't chump change though. | 0 | not toxic | 49,709 | 49,709 | 39,613 | 34,080 |
The media hates Trump to the tune of over $1 Billion in free publicity. | 0 | not toxic | 49,710 | 49,710 | 48,015 | 14,925 |
Pope Hypocrite should rethink most of his political positions, if he considers himself to be Christian. Vatican City is surrounded by a wall. They have no illegal immigrants in Vatican City and only handful of highly screened refugees. "Pope Francis, tear down your wall!"
Romans 13 makes it clear that Christians (and popes) are to respect civil governments. Coming into a country ILLEGALLY clearly resists civil authority. Pope Francis proclaiming that DACA is pro-life, reveals his rebellion to God. (Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil).
Should nations have borders and immigration laws? The Law of Moses laid out borders for Israel. Furthermore, the Law also instructed Israel on how to handle aliens/foreigners. They had to eventually become Jews or get expelled. After Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem, he expelled the foreigners from the city and punished the Jews for raising their children to be pagans (Nehemiah 13). | 1 | toxic | 49,711 | 49,711 | 44,040 | 43,136 |
"I am very sorry for this woman who should have been granted amnesty years ago."
You when amnesty like this:
In 1986 Senator Kennedy said, ‘This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this.’
Of course Ted Kennedy, like all progressives/liberals was lying. As for the rest of your drivel, I clean my own toilets. Why don't you try illegally moving to Mexico and see how "humanely" they treat you! | 0 | not toxic | 49,712 | 49,712 | 15,985 | 37,121 |
diverdave thinks that making Dreamers fear deportation by rescinding DACA is in their best interests. Anyone should be very afraid if diverdave decides to do them a favor. | 0 | not toxic | 49,713 | 49,713 | 36,810 | 21,389 |
Love the line about how the official secular policy of France "has led to the stigmatization of the country’s Muslim population"
What a load of BS.
France refused to cater to religion period, the policy doesn't single out Islam.. If Muslims don't like it they should stay out of France. | 1 | toxic | 49,714 | 49,714 | 48,859 | 21,786 |
Didn't Gerry tell us all polar bears would be dead by now?
“This campaign is about working together to save one of the most important places on Earth,” said Gerald Butts, President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund. “As sea ice continues to melt at alarming rates, polar bears and local communities alike are threatened. | 0 | not toxic | 49,715 | 49,715 | 16,466 | 2,620 |
Hefner was very in tune with what was happening regarding the changing attitudes towards sex. But thank him? These changes would have happened with or without Hefner. You could make an argument that maybe he sped up the process. He certainly profited from it. But change was not solely because of Hefner. | 0 | not toxic | 49,716 | 49,716 | 29,779 | 10,347 |
Good idea, and after the existing KM PL is shut down by Alberta, ship any oil required for BC's refineries via rail car through the mountains and the Fraser River Canyon - great environmental alternative, right Andrew! | 0 | not toxic | 49,717 | 49,717 | 21,951 | 38,178 |
Thank you President Trump. Bring on Maxime Bernier and the end of Supply Management. | 0 | not toxic | 49,718 | 49,718 | 8,301 | 12,466 |
Then there is the Afghanistan mission quickly set up by the Chretien government in an effort to hide the fact that, publicly, we did not wish to be in Iraq - and just how well did the Afghan mission go for our young Canadian men and women, thanks Mr. Chretien. | 0 | not toxic | 49,719 | 49,719 | 44,791 | 3,602 |
Well, that is because this is a sneaky article, pretending to be about caring for poor and African women, when, in fact, it wants to justify taking their rights away. It is written like the writer is a double agent conservative pro-lifer in disguise. | 0 | not toxic | 49,720 | 49,720 | 37,097 | 30,953 |
Define "normal traditional American." | 0 | not toxic | 49,721 | 49,721 | 37,765 | 2,392 |
Ryan says that the white nationalists (AKA, white supremacists) were "attacked and forced to leave the park where they were permitted to be."
Does Ryan mean that Heather Heyer and all those other bystanders attacked that car forcing it to run over them, killing Ms. Heyer and seriously injuring more than a dozen others?
RTD | 0 | not toxic | 49,722 | 49,722 | 13,565 | 15,259 |
I'm not an expert on Hebrew theology, but I think the development was less linear than what you describe here. My recollection is that Hebrew ideas about the afterlife resulted from their contact with other cultures, notably the Hellenists as the idea of the soul was attaining prominence there. But as I said, I yield to someone with better sources. | 0 | not toxic | 49,723 | 49,723 | 8,002 | 21,991 |
I went to the tiny-house festival this past weekend, and I noted that they are built more substantially than any home I've seen. I suspect municipalities are just worried about having these in their midst. Anything built new, other than a condo, seems to have to be huge. | 0 | not toxic | 49,724 | 49,724 | 31,699 | 3,493 |
I don't mind immigrants buying houses. That is REAL demand. These Canadians will live and work here, and consume local goods and services, and pay sales tax and income tax. Do you want the city to stop growing? Should we shut the door now that you're in? It is a virtuous feedback loop - the economy grows and it attracts people and companies, which attracts more people. | 0 | not toxic | 49,725 | 49,725 | 26,488 | 49,415 |
Oh, Chad, you are a naughty boy, this thread is definitely designed as emotional click bait.
Think tanks are perverters of individual discriminative thinking. Thanks for illustrating this for us here in Hawaii. | 0 | not toxic | 49,726 | 49,726 | 14,475 | 44,348 |
The problem with the editorial and your comment is that it is myopic. There is much more enterprise in the local economy than just software. Even in software, there has been activity for decades with game companies and educational software employing up to hundreds back to the early nineties. But beyond the tiny software industry tens of thousands are employed in other lines of work and new companies are starting all the time but without incubators or fan fare. Software jockey's tend to think highly of themselves, but those of use who have started high tech manufacturing companies and such see the focus to be a bit misplaced. The overall health of the local economy is dependent on a broad spectrum of activity far beyond software. Software is a small and competitive industry. Local focus should support the broader spectrum of new business including manufacturing, timber, medical, etc. | 0 | not toxic | 49,727 | 49,727 | 8,093 | 20,579 |
The problem is that the orange hair colored chump on top speaks to them with the "Make America White Again" message. | 1 | toxic | 49,728 | 49,728 | 46,556 | 18,383 |
This is a horrible analogy. Spoken like a true Alaskan. Taxes bad, government is stealing from me. Government spending okay, just as long as I don't have to pay for it. An incompetent government is elected by incompetent citizens. | 0 | not toxic | 49,729 | 49,729 | 11,921 | 2,055 |
Where in the original treaties does it say anything about funding health care? | 0 | not toxic | 49,730 | 49,730 | 9,934 | 42,638 |
While I am all for gender equality and female empowerment, and would not balk in the slightest at a woman president, it would need to be someone worthy of the highest office.
And currently there is a dearth of women who fit the bill, while on the other hand, there are multiple examples of women who should not be let near any levers of power more important than those on a candyfloss machine:
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (Sarafina II scandal)
Bathabile Dlamini (Sassa and CPS outrage)
Faith Muthambi (SABC debacle)
Dudu Myeni (SAA's slow-motion air-crash)
Tina Joemat-Pettersson (dodgy sale of SA's oil reserves)
Lynn Brown (take your pick from Brian Molefe, Tegeta or any other scandal related to Eskom and the Guptas)
And let's not forget from a few years back the highly praised Manto Tshabalala-Msimang (Aids and ARVs scandal)
All of this, despite not even naming the small fry involved in things like the travel vouchers disgrace, or paying for family holidays out of the public purse! | 0 | not toxic | 49,731 | 49,731 | 1,312 | 42,251 |
everyone one knows grady is bankrupt moron | 1 | toxic | 49,732 | 49,732 | 30,347 | 19,754 |
I'm 35, make $200k year, male, full head of hair, good looking.
0% chance I'd marry in Canada.
Thank the family law system. Too risky losing half my wealth.
Almost every man I talk to who is 50+ all have the same story.
They had two kids, a great job/business, wife gets bored and has an affair, divorce court happens, they now lose 50% of their assets and get stuck with crippling child support payments of $4000/month.
Pass. | 0 | not toxic | 49,733 | 49,733 | 34,069 | 2,428 |
Now you have to research all of his cases, arrests and reports. All of his cases should be invalid, all were illegal. | 0 | not toxic | 49,734 | 49,734 | 31,221 | 17,110 |
Great idea on every level...of course no problem pulling things together in the Portland area...here, well, just not quite the same now is it... | 0 | not toxic | 49,735 | 49,735 | 14,523 | 6,201 |
I am no fan of Trump, but its not fair to turn a positive into a negative. Give the guy credit for doing the right thing here.
On the other hand, SirJohnSirJohnS, ...."Trump Always does the right thing"? I just do not understand this blind acceptance of whatever Trump says - sometimes things which are clearly inaccurate. As for the MSM, some skepticism is always healthy, but its equally wrong to suggest that they always lie. And, by the way, to paraphrase your post, they did "fool" the voters but not the electoral college... | 0 | not toxic | 49,736 | 49,736 | 4,732 | 6,482 |
It's clear that Wiliki lies to support the rail boondoggle. | 0 | not toxic | 49,737 | 49,737 | 20,339 | 37,992 |
According the the shill report you referenced, just care to enlighten us WHAT children will lose coverage? | 0 | not toxic | 49,738 | 49,738 | 13,431 | 23,857 |
50 cent?... Nathanial Kangas?...
Quinton Tarentino?.. | 0 | not toxic | 49,739 | 49,739 | 47,221 | 3,104 |
If I get this article correctly the author is upset because PRIVATE charity did not flow into PR like it flowed into FL or TX. So? It is private charity. No need to then say since the PR citizens on the mainland are too cheap to support PR we need the government to do it. This is exactly why PR is a basket case. | 0 | not toxic | 49,740 | 49,740 | 34,110 | 16,791 |
This trend has been increasing for some years.
Many people I know seniors cannot make the distinction between NEEDS and WANTS.
They may need a car but not a lexus or mercedes.
They may need a home but not a 4k rancher
It is interesting watching my friends downsize, buy either a townhouse or detached home that they really really like then spend thousands and thousands in renovations. Some have the money and others borrow.
Terrible to watch seniors taking mortgages at 60 on top of their consumer debt.
They then through their actions teach the kids the same stinking thinking. Watching the kids with all of their electronic gadgets costing hundreds a month when all they need is a phone.
With the carbon and increasing taxes coming and we are told here that our property taxes will increase this year between 40 and 50% it will exacerbate an already bad situation. I fear our Gov. in Ottawa and Provinces are setting a bad example which is only going to get worse. | 0 | not toxic | 49,741 | 49,741 | 46,607 | 46,523 |
You often disparage what you believe to be "right wing" media...Yet you offer as proof a quote from a site aligned with CAP, and make no mention that it is a strongly "left wing" biased site. It is a blog, not a news site and is questionable in some instances, failing some fact checks.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/mediabiasfactcheck.com/2016/10/11/daily-source-check-think-progress/amp/?client=ms-android-verizon | 0 | not toxic | 49,742 | 49,742 | 9,272 | 31,955 |
Good game Aces. Play that way tonight too! | 0 | not toxic | 49,743 | 49,743 | 16,588 | 37,662 |
very cool. and thanks for your service, mr. schlegel. | 0 | not toxic | 49,744 | 49,744 | 36,370 | 27,327 |
Before I get started there is a lot wrong with HPD. Lets hope they clean out their ranks quickly and keep it that way. Rape is a very serious and long lasting crime upon the victims. A person we rescued more than a year ago is still terrified that she doesn't want to testify even though we know who the people involved are and some of them are employed by hint hint. Granted we snagged about 5 people but there are more on this island that need to go.
Death penalty I believe in it. But there is nothing worse than putting an innocent person to death. I think these people who do these rapes should at least have their *things* removed not sure what to do about females who are involved though. Those who are serial rapists put to death. I've killed a lot of people it doesn't bother me putting scum down. Only one really bothers me but that is because I could see the fear in his eyes. He deserved it. But it left a scar on my soul as a human being. | 1 | toxic | 49,745 | 49,745 | 28,029 | 48,716 |
M.A donated $1000 to my friend's grievance fund after he suddenly lost his longtime girlfriend, a friend of Mike's. This was just 4 months ago. I will remember him for his sense of humor & his generosity. RIP | 0 | not toxic | 49,746 | 49,746 | 44,596 | 7,082 |
To those of us who appreciate Trump, CNN could still be obsessed and report on the positive and funny aspects of his presidency. His off-the cuff plain talk is refreshing and oftentimes hilarious in a role that is traditionally handled with much formalism and carefully chosen words. Instead, the reporting is conspiratorial, tabloid-like, as if they are teasing us with the promise of a revelation that only they know that will bring down the Trump administration. It's pretty biased in that respect, but it's primarily about ratings. | 0 | not toxic | 49,747 | 49,747 | 48,962 | 16,354 |
Trump is creating the storyline himself. It is not the 'media'. The media is simply recording and reacting to the everyday upheaval. If Trump gets rid of the press, they would be on the road to authoritarianism, and we do know Trump loves dictators. He seems [and the Republicans beside him] seem to have no understanding of their constitution. So living next door to all of this can become hysterical. | 0 | not toxic | 49,748 | 49,748 | 26,175 | 17,627 |
Increase the pay and they will come, Economics 101. | 0 | not toxic | 49,749 | 49,749 | 6,546 | 27,475 |
Thanks Christine for these timely reminders on the many scam calls. Too many of us forget the basic anti-fraud rules! Mahalo! | 0 | not toxic | 49,750 | 49,750 | 27,208 | 25,477 |
In a previous G & M story it was reported that the vote differential in Vancouver False-Cree was 560 votes and that the NDP had requested a recount. This is beyond the 100 vote threshold this story reports so does this mean there was something else that went on election night in this riding?
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/bc-ndp-asks-for-recounts-in-three-vancouver-area-ridings/article34973219/?reqid=10d60b9f-8ae9-4888-aa1a-92c25c617d24 | 0 | not toxic | 49,751 | 49,751 | 18,984 | 26,414 |
I never said anything of the sort. Don't confuse unity with uniformity. | 0 | not toxic | 49,752 | 49,752 | 15,596 | 39,166 |
There is only just one of me, oh no.
And how do you know that Meggsy is a "she"? Isn't that labelling?
I enjoy trading posts with "special snowflakes" like you & Meggsy - you're always SO entertainingly dramatic. Everybody who disagrees with you is always "threatening", or "racist" or " sexist", or...
You've been crying yourself to sleep every night since Trump won the election, haven't you?
Good... | 1 | toxic | 49,753 | 49,753 | 7,400 | 7,808 |
I don't know this from legal perspective, I only know that Quebec has a vaccine injury compensation program, which compensates the injured, but separately from the usual legal way - in Ontario, we would need to sue the government and the vaccine manufacturer. In the States, the injured present their injuries, the vaccine manufacturers deny any responsibility and then they settle outside the court. For a very small money for some dramatic injuries, which is sad. Quebec is similar. The rest of Canada, well, good luck!! | 0 | not toxic | 49,754 | 49,754 | 49,516 | 40,600 |
It's demoralizing to realize how little Donald Trump has accomplished.
He's mounted himself on the bathroom wall as a serial liar, a racist, a woman-hater, an ineffective illiterate, a buffoon, a cad, a heel, a petty, vindictive opportunist, a shameless self-server and an unfaithful husband.
His judgment by history will be more than harsh.
You're right, Jimmy Janz, every time Trump feels the heat of his Russian collusion he fabricates another scandal or dials up controversy. | 1 | toxic | 49,755 | 49,755 | 46,251 | 32,503 |
Veterans voting for a draft dodger once again(Bush/Cheney, et. al) who loves those Generals to carry out the same failed leadership that killed and maimed troops. Believing these self-centered egotists care one whit about any veteran below the rank of Colonel is more spitting in the wind of intelligence and logic. The private sector healthcare can't take care of their current patient loads much less add on the thousands of veterans needing care for specific war zone and polluted military base conditions. The Corporate Healthcare Industry is dedicated to profit, not health. Veteran Affairs problems stem from the infestation into top management by the same triple-dipping Retired Officer Corps just as incompetent now as during military service. DOD failure to keep accurate health records deny benefits to thousands. Yet, they continue to get raises and massive funding denied to Veterans Affairs. Pentagon disease infecting CONgress and the Presidency. | 0 | not toxic | 49,756 | 49,756 | 34,878 | 30,154 |
Worst Ontario Government ever. Worst, no other leader or party has ever damaged Ontario so severely and for such a long time as the Ontario Liberal Party has. I actual don't think Ontario can be saved without declaring bankruptcy. | 0 | not toxic | 49,757 | 49,757 | 3,028 | 49,825 |
One doesn't have to be "alt-right" to point out the painfully obvious fact that modern and postmodern art are shams perpetrated and perpetuated by people (the very wealthy and powerful among them) who are trying to demonstrate their aesthetic superiority by valorizing the grotesque. A better analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNI07egoefc | 0 | not toxic | 49,758 | 49,758 | 8,824 | 33,380 |
It may not be wise to make a prediction about something that will happen in the near future. When you're wrong, which obviously you will be, you could look ... not smart?
How on earth do you figure scheer could out-debate JT? Nobody has even heard of scheer before yesterday. Has he ever spoken for more than 2 minutes in the House on anything serious? Did he change any opinions then? Has he introduced any bills? In short, what has he done to give you such an opinion of him? He has sunny ways? | 0 | not toxic | 49,759 | 49,759 | 10,436 | 23,529 |
this is one dangerous dangerous phucking screwball American | 0 | not toxic | 49,760 | 49,760 | 12,053 | 27,784 |
THEN LEAVE! | 0 | not toxic | 49,761 | 49,761 | 8,662 | 1,755 |
Just read the obits today and imagined:
Imo was euthanized on April 04, 2017. Family members convinced him he was a drain on finances and a good team member if he consented. He is survived by wife who sued life insurance company for non payment. He had a teen who decided life was too tough so self suicide was ok. | 0 | not toxic | 49,762 | 49,762 | 3,179 | 39,624 |
Wolfie...you actually check "like" on your own commentary???? | 0 | not toxic | 49,763 | 49,763 | 12,842 | 45,810 |
Peter- if that all it was, then what are the feds paying Billions for? | 0 | not toxic | 49,764 | 49,764 | 30,952 | 84 |
I was just using it to point out how bad Catholic youth programs are. Very few people formally date in high school or college now. Yet Catholic social mixers seem to be geared to pushing kids into serious relationship and early marriages like the 1950s.
Here is another example. When I was in high school, I was jealous of the Protestant kids got to go on mission trips. We did not. The Catholic youth group was geared toward middle schoolers and the young adult group was for people in their 30s who were married. There was very little for people in their 20s who are not married. | 0 | not toxic | 49,765 | 49,765 | 23,644 | 21,435 |
This is to be expected. First the ramming and then denial of responsibility. Was there any video of the incident? Or pictures of the approach?
I would report the incident first to the Coast Guard as and accident (Collision) report with extenuating circumstances leading to the ramming by the police boat. In future record all communications on a recorder and have video cams always running when needed.
It is obvious that the Police vessel made a very bad decision resulting in damages. They should be held to account either monetarily and a public admission of responsibility in this breach of maritime regulation on the river.
What were they thinking? Would be interesting to know. I see the rebuttal make little sense given the situation. I would push it. Make them apologist and pay for the damages. As long as it doesn't interfere with the scheduled.
Someone out there may have a video of this. Try to find them. | 0 | not toxic | 49,766 | 49,766 | 8,565 | 42,274 |
Perhaps they can't see it because it's not true. | 0 | not toxic | 49,767 | 49,767 | 17,261 | 1,214 |
I'll be in VDZ next month, so we'll see what is said on this end. Could be interesting. | 0 | not toxic | 49,768 | 49,768 | 3,499 | 10,481 |
I'm an Iraq War veteran, and I'm for Bernie. He stood up against the war in Iraq, and he was right. He was right about Vietnam, too. | 0 | not toxic | 49,769 | 49,769 | 2,085 | 3,630 |
"Sacrificed her political future?". Oh, please. Is that what she was elected for? To be concerned about HER political future? Or the people of her district? Unsavory swipe?? Have you heard her speak?
She advocated and worked hard to pass something in order to actually understand it. THAT is what is unsavory. Do you do that? Foist on your children or family something you know nothing about, but you'll figure it out sometime? Please..... | 0 | not toxic | 49,770 | 49,770 | 24,706 | 38,695 |
The fact that you are alive means that you are surviving. Surviving is a process. I don't know you, so I will not offer you advice. I expect that you have access to mental health care professionals. That is critical.
A few little things in which I wish that you could find hope include most of the posts here. There are many, many people who care about what has happened and many people who oppose the way that victims have been treated and continue to be treated. Unfortunately, and sadly, the institutional church appears to be incapable of dealing appropriately with this issue. I don't know why. Perhaps the poster who says that the bishops don't really believe in God got it right. | 0 | not toxic | 49,771 | 49,771 | 18,256 | 48,835 |
What does apprenticeship have to do with anything? This isn't about the trades it's about highly skilled tech workers. There's no apprenticeships involved in this program. | 0 | not toxic | 49,772 | 49,772 | 21,626 | 19,138 |
This gray area is my point. I do not think you "jut ask" as somebody has said in response to one of my posts. And I'm no Trump either (despite my first name). I like and respect women. Sometimes you're not sure about her wishes, but are sure about yours, so you try some sort of overture. If it fails, you've got to drop it, but unless you're unnaturally aggressive, the overture ought not in itself to be sexual assault. | 0 | not toxic | 49,773 | 49,773 | 41,622 | 17,041 |
It's not surprise that male and female body parts are front and center in America's presidential campaign. Thanks p__y grabber Trump. | 0 | not toxic | 49,774 | 49,774 | 29,476 | 14,574 |
No doubt we're both right, as the reams of polling data undoubtedly attest. | 0 | not toxic | 49,775 | 49,775 | 24,139 | 11,504 |
Nice try at deflecting. Obama is still the President? Since when? Maybe Obama should just pull a Republican and say - as the Republicans did when he nominated Garland for the Supreme Court a year ago - "I'm a lame duck president! The next president should deal with it." After all, the Republicans threatened to scream bloody murder and say the election was rigged(sound familiar?) if the President talked about it before the election, and Trump, who knew what the Russians were doing and top republicans were threatening, began the "the election is rigged" chant well ahead of it to remind the Government of the threat. Nice piece of work you voted for. | 0 | not toxic | 49,776 | 49,776 | 23,823 | 37,997 |
Er, for some reason there is a photo of a supervised drug-injection site at the end of this article.
Odd it states there is a "Naxolone" kit on-site when the drug Is Naloxone. | 0 | not toxic | 49,777 | 49,777 | 46,066 | 33,454 |
So, what - exactly - private sector, real wealth generating job is it that YOU have?
How - exactly - is that YOU are contributing to this paying-down of hydro debt?
The debt of once was Ontario Hydro is just a small slice of what ON owes. Lots of other debt, not the least of which is the MASSIVE pension obligations for legions of provincial civil servants.
Buckle-up, Paul545 - this ride is only beginning... | 0 | not toxic | 49,778 | 49,778 | 42,194 | 44,175 |
I'm curious why you say "fake news"? I expect what is being reported is factually correct, there is indeed such a jury decision, right? | 0 | not toxic | 49,779 | 49,779 | 40,367 | 35,818 |
Finally, the cost of institutional corruption and administrative capture that accompanies Oil.
Oil has a 140 year history of causing corruption almost everywhere oil is found, except Norway. No country has ever become a democracy after the discovery of oil. Oil stunted democracy in Mexico; Venezuela; Iran; Nigeria. Huge corruption in the US, UK.
Today's column is basically a complaint that the Liberals ended agency capture at the NEB.
Agency capture of the Conservative Party by Oil led to the unconscionably foolish 2% cut in the GST = $180 B in lost federal revenue to date = $180 B more federal debt, or less public transit, etc.
It is why there is no money to solve the 90 min/day congestion tax on everybody's life.
It is another cost of failure to defend our democratic institutions, and of failure to force internalisation of negative externalities.
If the true political choice is pipelines or subways, Canada needs public transit way more than it needs pipelines. | 0 | not toxic | 49,780 | 49,780 | 19,121 | 894 |
If this is true, little potato just became more terrifying than any Trump presidency ever could be. | 0 | not toxic | 49,781 | 49,781 | 37,939 | 13,217 |
I hope Butts has a bonus for you in your next pay cheque for all the deflecting you are doing. | 0 | not toxic | 49,782 | 49,782 | 8,130 | 38,761 |
I imagine that with Kershaw hurt, the Dodgers decided to gamble that Darvish can get back to where he was. If they win the bet, it's a big win. | 0 | not toxic | 49,783 | 49,783 | 17,303 | 5,247 |
Will Trustin hold true to his commitment to equality and insure that 50% of the military are women? | 0 | not toxic | 49,784 | 49,784 | 35,325 | 35,389 |
Your confusion seems originate with a self-assessment that you've the theological chops and authority to make comments like "the indissolubility of marriage was amended in the first three centuries of the Church" sans details, facts, citations, or in fact anything at all except a bald-faced personal opinion, and then level "(y)ou are not the judge of matters of faith".
I am unimpressed. Seriously. | 0 | not toxic | 49,785 | 49,785 | 16,860 | 30,105 |
It's poor taste to make any reference or correlation to their health and the point you're trying to make. There is some truth to the fact that this military has allowed you the privilege to speak candidly about your thoughts without fear of persecution. | 0 | not toxic | 49,786 | 49,786 | 487 | 12,912 |
Teddy Ballgame 9 - you sound very much like the trolls the article identifies - you just seem to be hiding behind your rock instead of your usual position of under said rock | 1 | toxic | 49,787 | 49,787 | 5,159 | 47,562 |
Who are you to tell us what to do or not to do.
You must be Liberal. Stifling dissent at every turn because it doesn't measure up to your advanced thinking???
Self righteous much?
We just want to be deplorable for a bit
OK? | 0 | not toxic | 49,788 | 49,788 | 47,101 | 46,160 |
True, Harper wasn't PM in 2003. I know that because we had a surplus. | 0 | not toxic | 49,789 | 49,789 | 45,020 | 39,961 |
The sky is falling!! These are pretty drastic measures for paying min wage. Perhaps one should take a hard look at their business model if the sole reason for success is suppressing wages. | 0 | not toxic | 49,790 | 49,790 | 2,542 | 12,096 |
The same could be said about gun owners as a group. | 0 | not toxic | 49,791 | 49,791 | 6,938 | 9,807 |
You seem to be ignorant of the fact that "the wishes of the majority" were/are ignored in the US's Electoral College "system".
Because, except for in two states, it does not apportion their votes to reflect that actual votes (percentage-wise), it literally makes the votes of up to 49.999% of the voters disappear. | 0 | not toxic | 49,792 | 49,792 | 7,212 | 47,811 |
They will not win 50% of their games this year with this lineup. Not even close. | 0 | not toxic | 49,793 | 49,793 | 1,357 | 33,567 |
I'm sure that you voting for Miller doesn't surprise anyone. | 0 | not toxic | 49,794 | 49,794 | 15,474 | 31,983 |
This Canadian is getting really sick of reading about Pierre Trudeau on every article about out current PM. Can we please stop the constant comparisons! He is his own person (good or bad). We would all hate to be compared to our fathers every time we make a decision. | 0 | not toxic | 49,795 | 49,795 | 25,308 | 47,150 |
You mean we would actually have a mature, rational, grown up as president? I can live with that. | 0 | not toxic | 49,796 | 49,796 | 37,939 | 3,466 |
Actually, even when we chide your foolishness, it is "consumed" as troll-food and inevitabely regurgitated having been re-confected in your image and likeness. | 1 | toxic | 49,797 | 49,797 | 30,315 | 13,696 |
It is curious to me that McDonalds would make this decision from a business standpoint. With the number of allergic kids out there, does this really improve their business? I mean Skor McFlurries? Really? Seems like a strange business decision. I hope for their sakes that this is saving them a boatload of money on the supply side (I guess nuts in individual bags are more expensive?) cause I can't really see how this is going to bring in new customers to offset the ones they will be losing... | 0 | not toxic | 49,798 | 49,798 | 2,697 | 11,572 |
Let's put it on the ballot, Kali.
Hopefully putting it to a public vote sounds reasonable to you.
To those of us who are neither working downtown,
nor impressed with the funding that flows into our neighborhoods,
it is a simple matter of respect to bring the restarting of the Urban renewal district to a city-wide vote.
What do you think about that, Kali? | 0 | not toxic | 49,799 | 49,799 | 2,804 | 7,624 |
Subsets and Splits