stringlengths 1
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Sad to see people swallowing the party talking points whole. To borrow from Lincoln's famous quote, seems like there is a person who can in fact fool about 40 or so million people all of the time, with whatever preposterous illusion his narcissism invents. That is ironically a small iconic proof of the columnist's point. Thanks EN and LS for thoughtful additions. | 0 | not toxic | 100 | 100 | 14,702 | 39,527 |
The Gov is a funny guy he talks tech all the time but the state uses stuff from the 1960's. The income tax refunds are alway late the DMV uses funky records and don't even ask about DaBus and paper transfers and feeding dollars into a slot. Time to stop dreaming about being some tech center and start solving problems. | 0 | not toxic | 101 | 101 | 36,845 | 26,624 |
75 cent dollar and nobody cares as they are fleeing the Province. The few Liberal cheerleaders on here will soon be looking for work themselves. | 0 | not toxic | 102 | 102 | 28,189 | 27,842 |
Well keep on knowing them from your keyboard.
I'll keep continuing my contribution to the societal collapse by recreating in the woods at my leisure. | 0 | not toxic | 103 | 103 | 7,716 | 20,416 |
As usual you spout off without any facts. Read the news lately? I guess not. | 0 | not toxic | 104 | 104 | 36,468 | 45,092 |
My point of the matter is...........If you think you can't do something, then you're right. | 0 | not toxic | 105 | 105 | 5,531 | 29,503 |
Way to go Toronto! About time too. Next, zoos and wildlife traders, petting zoos, rodeos, circuses and all and every wild animal exploitation.
Wild animals belong in the wild, or in sanctuaries for rehab.
Protect habitat. | 0 | not toxic | 106 | 106 | 45,157 | 28,224 |
All hail the dawning of the golden era of Trump, where 'bad actors' DeNiro, Pacino, Baldwin, and Streep are in prison leaving the way free for Scott Baio to sweep the Oscars. | 0 | not toxic | 107 | 107 | 45,958 | 23,224 |
She is! The honeydew list is getting shorter and, as we age, a few bonus points do help in a romantic context as well!;>)
Well, my friend, I remain optimistic there will be more long winded climate threads in our mutual future. I too should take this opportunity to thank you for your example of gentlemanly interactions and for all I've learned from you over so many years and hundreds(thousands?)of postings. I suppose someday the Post will pave over our playground completely but I hope this continues for a while at least. After all, I have so many opinions yet unexpressed and so many anonymous adversaries with whom to engage in "Civil Conversation ". | 0 | not toxic | 108 | 108 | 37,100 | 45,657 |
Great observation.
I'm a slow typist.
I learned that if I send an e-mail to someone, I tend to be more reflective and more civil than if I call them up and leave a message, simply because it takes me more time to type than to speak, and thus a chance to slow down. | 0 | not toxic | 109 | 109 | 19,747 | 44,239 |
Try being gay or a theologian in the Church under BXVI or JPII. On the other hand, if you were a conservative--who brought in big bucks-- you could build a mausoleum dedicated to your future sainthood like Escriva and Maciel. One made it and one crashed and burned. If Pope Francis is creating a climate of fear in the curia it's only because he learned how it's done as a bishop under JPII and BXVI. Your comment is laughable, not ironic. | 0 | not toxic | 110 | 110 | 42,467 | 38,079 |
Agree entirely. I love Canada, and am very aware how lucky I am to have been born in Canada. Having lived in a number of non-democratic countries, I feel the need to support and give back to the country which has provided me with such a good life and so many opportunities. That said, I hate the mindless patriotism and hollow symbolism we seem to have inherited from our southern neighbours. While I support the portion of the money going into necessary infrastructure, I'd rather put the money going into parties, trinkets, symbolism, flags made in China and unseemly boasting into improving healthcare or enabling more kids to participate in organized sports. Happy whatever birthday Canada--have a great party, but everyone should pay for their own beer. | 0 | not toxic | 111 | 111 | 20,273 | 25,429 |
All of which are irrelevant for a PM. His staff can be bilingual. His aim isn't to be a mid-level civil servant. | 0 | not toxic | 112 | 112 | 2,976 | 14,504 |
Well, I "liked" Wolf's comment and I'm a white female. | 0 | not toxic | 113 | 113 | 32,516 | 39,030 |
Good, now that lock and load Danny Boy is finally on record supporting polluting our nation and Alaska's environment with DEREGULATION policies, voters should bury him in a landslide kick to the curb his next election. | 0 | not toxic | 114 | 114 | 39,954 | 38,916 |
Poor reporting....why is the gun man injured? Was he shot? Did he shoot himself? Did an concealed carry permit holder shoot him? Did the police shoot him? | 0 | not toxic | 115 | 115 | 31,266 | 49,684 |
I doubt this claim will be successful. Courts assess damages based on real financial losses.
Not being able to sit with the rest of your family does not incur a financial loss, just an inconvenience. | 0 | not toxic | 116 | 116 | 23,605 | 49,575 |
When the priest faces the people instead of leading them in prayer, facing same direction as them, there tends to be focus onto the priest as performer. There is a temptation to make the sanctuary a stage. | 0 | not toxic | 117 | 117 | 1,877 | 788 |
Omar Khadr- This entire fiasco is an unmitigated disaster by successive multiple partisan canadian governments, sheer incompetence. This should be a lesson to ALL CANADIANS about how unprofessional and completely naive their federal governments are and have clearly demonstrated, TOTAL FAIL!! | 0 | not toxic | 118 | 118 | 33,232 | 27,889 |
LIES. OBAMAS ADMIN HAVE RAISED THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE AMOUNT | 0 | not toxic | 119 | 119 | 32,660 | 33,261 |
Unted doesn't have blankets on day flights. Hawaiian has free blankets on red eye flights like all the other airlines. | 0 | not toxic | 120 | 120 | 35,124 | 7,623 |
Considering it. | 0 | not toxic | 121 | 121 | 39,667 | 26,419 |
It seems that both surviving Trudeau brothers are idiots searching for their village. | 1 | toxic | 122 | 122 | 4,749 | 44,968 |
The AFN bent over backwards supporting Trudeau in the last election. Perhaps the members of the AFN should take drama lessons. There's no better way to spot a poser than to learn their techniques. | 0 | not toxic | 123 | 123 | 10,910 | 13,018 |
Really? A Hungarian Jew living in Nazi-occupied Hungary was a Nazi? Please explain how that worked ... | 0 | not toxic | 124 | 124 | 2,160 | 3,665 |
Sounds like a personal problem, see something that triggered you?
…..get that insecurity looked into. | 0 | not toxic | 125 | 125 | 29,955 | 13,301 |
Is trump a comedian or just a joke? | 0 | not toxic | 126 | 126 | 17,202 | 14,130 |
No... he should keep talking . He will reveal what is said behind closed doors about the fate of Canada that is planned to be done to us but not told to us. | 0 | not toxic | 127 | 127 | 8,436 | 1,168 |
Editorialize in the headline much? | 0 | not toxic | 128 | 128 | 28,207 | 37,766 |
You can tweet at him @LamarSmithTX21 or go to his facebook page and leave a comment. Make your comments public. | 0 | not toxic | 129 | 129 | 12,907 | 3,602 |
So much here to think about. I'd like to highlight something near the end of the article:
Fr. Reese ends the article noting that this particular issue seems to fall through the cracks when various advocacy groups look past their agreements and focus on their disagreements. THAT, IMHO, may well be the problem of the day in our society. If one is a conservative, liberal, libertarian, Catholic, Black, Muslim, Jew, millennial or boomer, that's all we need to know about that person. We stop there, discussion over. The end result, we ALL tend to be fed a steady diet of fear. No wonder so many in the Western world fear Islam. With all this fear OF Islam, that same fear stokes liberals who fear rights will be pulled back instead of expanded, fueling conservatives who fear that liberals are giving away or spending our future, fueling even more fear that begets more fear....
These problems are VERY real. I think Fr. Reese has it right. The fix is to focus ad develop what we agree on. | 0 | not toxic | 130 | 130 | 24,918 | 35,337 |
There was never much chance that Hughes would be repurposed. It is an aging stadium that needed a lot of maintenance just to keep it usable--to say nothing of keeping it on par with modern stadiums around the country--which is the main reason a new stadium was built in the first place. If CSU didn't see the value in putting tens of millions of dollars into Hughes to use it as their football stadium, then who was going to put that same amount of money into it to be used even less heavily as a concert venue or high school stadium?
Thanks for the memories, Hughes Stadium! | 0 | not toxic | 131 | 131 | 21,244 | 44,410 |
you forgot to mention his ill-fated attempt to be hired by arizona st. while still at smu. the reason he wasn't rehired by uh is his lack of integrity and character, two qualities that matlin is looking for in all coaches. | 0 | not toxic | 132 | 132 | 19,001 | 23,657 |
Re: " He was elected to improve job prospects. "
And here I thought he was selected to "LOCK! HER! UP!"
He'll need lots of luck to improve job prospects for coal miners, etc. And his ... er, approach' is to throw out legislation that prevented coal detritus from being dumped into streams, rivers and lakes. Gee, thanks Precedent Tweet.
Et cetera | 0 | not toxic | 133 | 133 | 5,967 | 24,995 |
Uber lib LA Times has Donald Trump ahead by 3 points today... an 8 point comeback over the last few weeks.
http://www.latimes.com/politics/ | 0 | not toxic | 134 | 134 | 31,707 | 49,330 |
You are right---democrats / liberals are so obsessed with hating Trump they believe anything negative written or said about him. Even when he appointed Alaskan's to key jobs they complained. The are obsessed with thinking he stole the election by Russians stuffing the ballot box . They refuse to accept Hillary Clinton was the most dishonest and untrustworthy person to even run for office AND the fact she ran a poor campaign . There is no doubt they want Trump to fail and they are against America. What decent America loving person supports the NFL players ? Democrats, that's who. Who would be against tax cuts ? Democrats , that's who. Democrats are destroying America and Trump is working to save it. Democrats hate him for that. | 0 | not toxic | 135 | 135 | 11,027 | 18,867 |
True Solomon. IMHO the single largest problem in healthcare today is skyrocketing costs. Congress could pass legislation implementing maximum costs for procedures, hospital stays, pharmaceuticals, etc. to end this price gouging, but they don't have the courage to take on the all powerful healthcare/hospital/pharma lobby. Congress is the problem, not the solution unfortunately. | 0 | not toxic | 136 | 136 | 13,846 | 23,404 |
Privatize what? What aspect(s)? | 0 | not toxic | 137 | 137 | 25,247 | 9,797 |
Two out of three of the proposals make good sense. The US exists in a competitive world, and our tax system needs to take that into account.
Multinational corporations, whether the parent company is based in the US or abroad, make decisions all the time about where to put the next manufacturing plant, research center or headquarters. The US's current corporate tax rate of 35% puts the US economy at a serious disadvantage when almost all our trading partners have rates of 15% to 20%. Get the jobs and wealth here! Lower the corporate rate substantially --- whether 15% or 20%. Find sensible ways to raise revenues with other taxes, such as energy or financial transaction taxes, VAT, border adjustment taxes, changes to individual rates.
Profits held overseas produce no tax revenue. Charge a much lower rate and bring the money home. This will produce substantial one-time tax revenues and bring more wealth into the US.
Full expensing of capital investments makes no sense. | 0 | not toxic | 138 | 138 | 32,057 | 23,783 |
....and Douchebag Donald's only accomplishments are being born rich and bragging about it. | 0 | not toxic | 139 | 139 | 43,589 | 16,036 |
Whole sidelines will be taking a knee today now that meagalomaniac trump has made it about him. Moving to Baseball now too, and basketball is already in after trump got pwned by Curry and LeBron. | 0 | not toxic | 140 | 140 | 42,218 | 23,306 |
If the trails are "closed", HFD shouldn't be allowed to go onto them, and potentially offending hikers should be so advised. Doesn't make sense to governmentally support illegal activity. | 0 | not toxic | 141 | 141 | 482 | 12,806 |
There is literally zero explanation as to "why" Buffett is bullish on Canada. This is lazy journalism. | 0 | not toxic | 142 | 142 | 7,955 | 9,764 |
This article reeks of a plea for more money and not what the school needs, a slimming down of the excess support staff, elimination of sports teams and NCAA influence draining resources from the education mission.
Most people right now believe that there are better schools to go to outside Alaska, it's cost point was about the only selling point for the school. With the tuition increases that the students have suffered over the last ten years that advantage is going away and more students are going to head outside.
Also the school needs to start treating it students for what they are, a customer buying a service from them. Most of the Admin only seem to treat them as a walking cashbox to draw from. | 0 | not toxic | 143 | 143 | 44,631 | 20,486 |
Wynne should admit that she has no clue how to fix the economy she broke and call an election.
Considering that she was a failure at every portfolio she was involved with before becoming Premier, it's a wonder she was elected at all. I suppose liberal supporters are more concerned with celebrity and name recognition than with past successful achievements - isn't that how we wound up with JT as PM? | 0 | not toxic | 144 | 144 | 22,954 | 26,776 |
Used to be, when you made a stupid comment, it travelled a short distance before mutating, and you could just say, "I never said that," and end the discussion there. It becomes he-said, she-said, and if the person doesn't have a history of saying stupid things already, the benefit of the doubt is given and the argument is over.
Now-adays, people post stupid comments and they are saved for posterity sake. So, either you have to separate your personal life from your professional life (always a good idea...), or have the brain-to-mouth filters engaged 24/7/365.
Here's hoping that Frei got canned because he has a history of doing the stupid/racist/insensitive thing.... | 1 | toxic | 145 | 145 | 16,716 | 34,642 |
Climate models are a joke. There are far too many variables to predict accurately how much or how quickly temperature will rise. You just cannot make educated guesses on umpteen variables and expect to get to the correct answer. Not only that, but so many variables are not even known, or change over time.
And why don't they include the vast carbon sinks (forests, grasses) in Canada when they talk about our emissions? That is the most glaring joke of this whole tax scheme. Canada actually is a net sink for carbon, not a net emitter so the gov't should be giving us money, instead of taking more. | 0 | not toxic | 146 | 146 | 20,852 | 35,993 |
Picky, picky, picky.
Did it not occur to you that someone would remember that Joe* was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, red baseball hat with gray bill and either black pants or blue jeans when he left or arrived back the house? And yes, Main Street is fairly long, but there's only one Walgreens on Main St. | 0 | not toxic | 147 | 147 | 14,073 | 45,551 |
Need to fix the short kickoffs and make those field goals! | 0 | not toxic | 148 | 148 | 44,078 | 25,953 |
How could any of us be surprised for most of us on this very forum posted that something was going to APPEAR... and Bowlen would skate Scott free! Unbelievable, isn't it? Incredulous how this wealthy low life could beat the rap! Just hoping he doesn't kill or injure someone... next time... and you can bet there will be a next time! That's why the greasy attorney is on permanent retainer to the Broncos and Bowlen family. | 0 | not toxic | 149 | 149 | 38,718 | 11,219 |
Palmer is on the take and has been for some considerable time. | 0 | not toxic | 150 | 150 | 21,506 | 10,544 |
Two words to explain why what she did crossed the line from parody to a threat against the POTUS:
James Foley | 0 | not toxic | 151 | 151 | 29,476 | 43,666 |
Big tax cut? For who? | 0 | not toxic | 152 | 152 | 10,158 | 49,684 |
What still distinguishers Catholic schools are parietals. There were women’s and men’s floor or single sex dorms, sign-ins after 10 and guests were out by 2. While the rules agaisnt sexual activity were never enforced, they were still on the books. In graduate school, at American, there were no such rules and floors were co-ed. As for the student’s themselves, there was no marked difference in chastisty in either university (or Catholic U., where my R.A.’s girlfriend slept over most nights). Any ”Catholic identity” in this area was for show. I suspect it always has been. Prior generations simply had to be more creative in their fornicating. | 0 | not toxic | 153 | 153 | 33,536 | 17,780 |
It is actually you on the right who are so filled with hate. Your hatred of Hillary crossed the line along with your hatred of the last president who actually balanced the federal budget. Sad that you phony conservatives are filled so much hate. When you are not hating the Clintons, you are hating gays for some reason.
I guess the biggest hypocrisy is that many of you profess to be Christians which is a joke. Jesus was about love not hate. No way any of you could really be Christian, just phony christian like being phony conservative. Shape up and start being real Chrisitans and real Conservatives. | 0 | not toxic | 154 | 154 | 15,509 | 12,592 |
Old Diver. Not so. I live in the district and saw the unashamed recruitment by Miano. Strange looking hulks suddenly transferring to Kaiser High. Funny but you don't see them anymore. They probably moved on to private pastures. | 0 | not toxic | 155 | 155 | 5,376 | 21,967 |
With a student base of 55,000, his salary is appropriate! | 0 | not toxic | 156 | 156 | 14,941 | 17,760 |
You're really comparing funding cuts to a failed sex ed program to STEM grants?
Wow. | 0 | not toxic | 157 | 157 | 171 | 14,868 |
I believe his kind of thinking is due to WW2 and of the many Japanese that made it to better jobs. Even today, I hear it's still about the Japanese in the Public Edumacation system. Even the new head of the DOE has a Japanese last name but she doesn't look Japanese to me, who knows maybe she married a Japanese guy(Yikes! or gal). Somehow the Japanese still comes out on top in Hawaii doing a good or bad job of it.
No Hawaiians on the DOE list. but again who knows if some are not part Hawaiian. hmmm, HaiLama should give the ACLU a call and claim the Japanese stole his Haw'n Lands and the StateofHawaii/DOE hiring practices.
Man, if Japan won WW2, he'd have a case living in Hawaii under Japan's rule. | 0 | not toxic | 158 | 158 | 36,216 | 23,596 |
Hilarious and sad that you can comfort yourself with such a stew of ignorance, red herrings, false dichotomies and self-serving interpretations of history. | 1 | toxic | 159 | 159 | 20,080 | 44,008 |
"If the Feds withdraw the billions spent through military contracting, research grants, support for college graduate funding, will the private industry pick up that cost?"
Only if all those private corporations in Silicon Valley and elsewhere like Elon Musk and Bob Iger, Lloyd Blankfein and Jeff Immelt are willing to work without Federal funding to "put their money where their mouth is" because of their deep personal concerns about the environment.
But, being private corporations, I suspect they will expect measurable and quantifiable results from the money they spend instead of just shoveling it into the troughs to flow into the university systems to never be seen again.
And the 'automatic' 10% off the top for 'administrative expenses' that most Federal Grants carry down level by level is also unlikely if they are spending their own money and not taxpayer money. | 0 | not toxic | 160 | 160 | 17,178 | 6,207 |
The image of the typical arrogant smirk on Clarks face in today's Vancouver Sun and Province tells the whole story and I believe is the essence of who this woman truly is. She could care less what any average British Columbian thinks of her or what she does while in office. She is flipping the bird to all of us and she could not care less. She needs to write the word "humble" backwards on her forehead so that she is reminded every time she looks in a mirror. | 0 | not toxic | 161 | 161 | 24,084 | 41,266 |
Funny, no one on the left complained when President Obama spent $10 Trillion on the debt while he was in office. Now, all you lefties are soooo concerned about the deficit. LOL | 0 | not toxic | 162 | 162 | 17,441 | 23,151 |
When it comes to men, which do you hate more? Old or White? | 0 | not toxic | 163 | 163 | 5,704 | 3,599 |
When the shrieking liberal protesters went low, he went high. By giving a speech. Then stating he would not vote in favor of the Better Care Reconciliation Act. Then voting for the Better Care Reconciliation Act.
What an stunning act of high-minded political principles that was. | 0 | not toxic | 164 | 164 | 29,897 | 3,948 |
Great idea! The president should try this too... | 0 | not toxic | 165 | 165 | 36,871 | 31,798 |
"Rubbish. The chairman of a firm with at least $44 million in holdings along the rail route stands to benefit, directly or indirectly, from decisions HART might make as it considers construction in areas acknowledged by everyone to be the most costly and complex portion of the project."
Yup. | 0 | not toxic | 166 | 166 | 8,035 | 45,268 |
Obama wouldn't condemn BLM, even after one of their supporters killed five police officers.
I guess you were with that--since it wasn't Trump. | 0 | not toxic | 167 | 167 | 49,369 | 40,126 |
I cringe and tune out anytime Trudeau steps up to the microphone anymore. You know that he is going to answer with one of his 2 scripted answers (middle class, working hard for all Canadians)and there will be a lot of um's and ah's. | 0 | not toxic | 168 | 168 | 49,360 | 25,160 |
ISIS has encouraged it's followers to use vehicles as weapons. | 0 | not toxic | 169 | 169 | 15,388 | 13,464 |
Losing over 4 billion from the economy and we only lose 6% of jobs? I don't believe that. In 1986 we had a population around 450,000. There are now fewer jobs in oil, fishing, mining and logging than 1985. There are more jobs in tourism, but few of those can support households. What has expanded over the last 30+ years to support another 180,000 people in this state? Government, unfortunately is the answer. Get rid of the pfd and cut state subsidy programs 20% and we would lose well over 100,000 people. The fact is losing over 4 billion of false economy will cause a depression, no matter what is done. Cut the state budget, things like all grant and aid, all revenue sharing, energy equalization along w/giving state employees $2500 a year for them to buy their own health insurance plan.
Alaska the welfare state is over. We have to pay for our own gvt finally. Cut the budget accordingly. There should never be a sales or income tax if the pfd exists. | 0 | not toxic | 170 | 170 | 8,680 | 16,863 |
But...but Harris closed schools and hospitals all over the lot, and left us four billion dollars in debt. Instead of happy laughing children walking home, they spend two hours a day on a bus-at the cost of three thousand dollars a year per child.
What that has to do with this article, I don't know. But you made your point. | 0 | not toxic | 171 | 171 | 5,804 | 3,931 |
Frank and Ang, thanks for your replies. I apologize, Frank when I misread your post. | 0 | not toxic | 172 | 172 | 18,025 | 30,852 |
Stop trying to create a story that is going nowhere. If we expect to hold all governments to our standards, shake your head and it will rattle. The facts are many countries are not equipped to deal with our standards. We have seen the wonderful mess created by the Arab Spring, the true facts are it has taken us centuries to reach the democracy that we have today, and to expect others to emulate us is not realistic. I worked in China and elsewhere, and there is stability, compare this to Russia where democracy has declined into a Mafia run state. Pick something that really counts and stop trying to tag the Canadian Government to fabricated standards. | 0 | not toxic | 173 | 173 | 38,712 | 10,470 |
WADA has just announced that 95 of 96 of the first cases of alleged Russian Olympic athlete doping have been dropped, due to there being no evidence to back up McLaren's claims.
Also, WADA has just chided NADO for their call to ban Russia from future Olympics, saying that such actions are not useful - of course not, since McLaren's allegations of Russian doping have so far evapourated into thin air.
The world owes Russia a very, very big apology. And yet, G&M is still continuing its propaganda-based witch-hunt to demonize and falsely accuse. That says a lot about G&M. | 0 | not toxic | 174 | 174 | 49,188 | 30,687 |
I never post sources?
Just like your hero Trump, you deny, deflect, project and lie. Really Larry, you're becoming a joke! | 0 | not toxic | 175 | 175 | 48,062 | 20,440 |
It is a constitutional matter that the Liberals want foreign governments/foreign currency to own Canada's infrastructure.
The blatant atrocity of the money laundering in Canada and the cover up of even KPMG is not only sinister - you are ruining lives. | 0 | not toxic | 176 | 176 | 38,899 | 22,212 |
You're speculating that nothing is wrong and that an audit is not needed.
I just hope people get jailed if fraud is conclusively found. | 0 | not toxic | 177 | 177 | 38,915 | 4,967 |
Oh, I don't know, Alaska is pretty good compared to some other states. Like anywhere, there are people who don't have the courage to live in a free society, but I don't think there are a lot of them here in Alaska. | 0 | not toxic | 178 | 178 | 14,502 | 21,390 |
a real bad hair day | 0 | not toxic | 179 | 179 | 15,700 | 16,928 |
He lost his hotpocket? Tragedy | 0 | not toxic | 180 | 180 | 8,361 | 15,333 |
"More reviews and eliminations of vacant but funded jobs in state government....."
A vacant job that is funded? How many of them exist? And how is that funding spent? | 0 | not toxic | 181 | 181 | 15,143 | 43,859 |
diverdave mistakenly believes that Washington v. Trump is a criminal case because he raises the presumption of innocence, a standard in criminal law. Trump should be tried as a criminal, but, unfortunately, not in this case. | 0 | not toxic | 182 | 182 | 26,226 | 20,814 |
What happened to the good ole days when people fly peacefully? Now days a few screws are missing from their pathetic brains. Just throw them in the cargo hold with bread, water and a toothpick. | 1 | toxic | 183 | 183 | 14,710 | 22,020 |
A very good and needed piece of writing, Margaret, congratulations. One detail needs to be amended in the text, though. The phrase "prayer in school" usually means that denominational prayer is offered to an entire body of students, with a few asking for exemption . This story is about the opposite. Observant Muslims would retire to a private space for short private prayer, which is simply a personal accommodation for a minority. As you say, the opposition is thinly-veiled bigotry. | 0 | not toxic | 184 | 184 | 39,160 | 40,720 |
What a great article, thanks for posting it. Scientific proof that women have evolved to be less cooperative and far meaner than men could ever be. | 0 | not toxic | 185 | 185 | 12,489 | 30,299 |
It's going to be funny to watch all these Haters lose their story-line yet again. | 0 | not toxic | 186 | 186 | 17,875 | 24,608 |
Deregulation of the airline industry brought much improvements and yet overbooking could have deterred such instances from occurring? | 0 | not toxic | 187 | 187 | 11,010 | 13,904 |
While this lame attempt at deflection dies, watch Trump fans get more and more desperate to change the subject. And the crowd of people who would be suckered into this faulty line of logic is also shrinking rapidly. | 0 | not toxic | 188 | 188 | 9,380 | 43,604 |
And what about Notley's roots?
Her US born mother is a devout Anglican. I'm sure her mother has had strong influence on her.
Do we start branding Rachel the same way as a quasi-American Bible thumper because of her background and upbringing? | 0 | not toxic | 189 | 189 | 34,048 | 21,142 |
After Mulroney's $300,000, it is absurd for a Conservative to trot that nonsense out. | 0 | not toxic | 190 | 190 | 5,604 | 299 |
Gawd just needs to help you at this point, that would probably wear him out though. | 0 | not toxic | 191 | 191 | 41,170 | 27,036 |
it is exactly like here in Ontario, where about 1/2 of voters actually turned out then cry about wynne. they have no one to blame but themselves. | 0 | not toxic | 192 | 192 | 15,312 | 45,275 |
Where has this guy been who wrote this article- the middle east has been a been a quagmire for many, many years!!! | 0 | not toxic | 193 | 193 | 46,693 | 6,180 |
(Small point of clarification: The Pledge was composed in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, (who was interestingly a 'Christian Socialist' minister) and was adopted by Congress in 1942. The words "under God" were added on Flag Day, 1954. The version cited by the writer was actually the former and original version.) | 0 | not toxic | 194 | 194 | 25,751 | 27,705 |
Quit, baby, Quit! | 0 | not toxic | 195 | 195 | 4,331 | 42,366 |
Are you aware that all of the core innovations we depend on were publicly funded? The Internet to begin with. The current machine learning wave comes in large part from government funded work at UoT and the University of Montreal. | 0 | not toxic | 196 | 196 | 17,029 | 28,131 |
While colder than average months are getting increasingly rare, they have and do happen in millenial lives. It doesn't help to overstate any case. | 0 | not toxic | 197 | 197 | 30,439 | 15,132 |
We are also now preparing our move out of the country. The wealthy, $200,000 per year plus pay some of the highest taxes in the developed world. Big incentive for them to leave. The big issue is not tax fairness but tax competitiveness, and on that we are failing miserably and it is getting worse. Look at Ontario, Alberta and BC which have raised taxes. QC is already very very high. Have met a lot of entrepreneurs and highly educated Canadians who have moved south of the border and to the UK. Compare Canadian and US marginal tax rates at around $210,000 when the top rate kicks starts in Canada. Add in the additional taxes and attack on Canadian privately held business. Our best and brightest will be highly incented to leave. That is not how you build a modern economy. Economist just published an article showing that optimum maximum marginal tax rate was 44%. Anything higher leads to lower tax revenues and lower economic growth. We are net loser to US and UK on immigration. | 0 | not toxic | 198 | 198 | 31,544 | 24,200 |
This is something every coach who is at a turnstile program thinks about when that big name comes knocking. MeElwain is a good coach, but clearly the pressure of UF was too much for him, and his arrogance was a rub with the admins. | 0 | not toxic | 199 | 199 | 424 | 30,887 |
Subsets and Splits