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i feel appalled that i took advantage of my old friend s kindness
[ -1.4443359375, -1.5078125, -1.103515625, 3.205078125, 0.06048583984375, 0.35986328125 ]
i can put on it without words since i just cant type on that it was so lovely this morning yes im feeling sarcastic today
[ -0.82275390625, -0.9541015625, -1.0146484375, 4.3046875, -0.85888671875, -1.16796875 ]
i need to feel creative and productive
[ -0.86669921875, 4.625, -0.69677734375, -1.2060546875, -1.55859375, -0.9638671875 ]
i feel that this information is vital to moving on with your day and you re not complete until you read it
[ -0.986328125, 4.73046875, -0.2303466796875, -1.484375, -1.5830078125, -1.2451171875 ]
i feel empty inside not surprising considering i havent eaten all day
[ 4.56640625, -0.444091796875, -1.353515625, -0.86572265625, -1.0966796875, -1.9326171875 ]
i wish there were more times when she just needed me to hold her and rock her to sleep because those are the moments when i feel most successful as father those times when im able to meet all of her needs just by being there for her
[ -0.61376953125, 4.44921875, -0.8125, -1.25390625, -1.42578125, -1.1455078125 ]
i feel like it was a bit of divine intervention for me
[ -0.80615234375, 4.4453125, 0.07659912109375, -1.40625, -1.818359375, -1.3662109375 ]
i just wanted to read books watch tv and feel miserable
[ 4.66796875, -0.759765625, -1.2646484375, -0.822265625, -1.171875, -1.89453125 ]
i wish to know whether i should feel sympathetic towards the airline american if say their plane is on fire or their pilot has exploded or whether i should want to set them on fire if say they just decided to walk on their obligations to save money
[ -0.81591796875, -0.43017578125, 3.65234375, -1.078125, -1.14453125, -0.89013671875 ]
i left my garmin on my bike so i was going to have to do this by feel coming out of transition its amazing hearing cheers and your adrenaline is just going crazy
[ -1.291015625, 3.45703125, -0.81884765625, -1.748046875, -1.42578125, 0.80078125 ]
i am on top of my game and my fingers feel strong and loose
[ -0.8720703125, 4.7265625, -0.425048828125, -1.6220703125, -1.48828125, -1.115234375 ]
i love to dance but often feel inhibited by my own body unsure what i am capable of hyper concerned about other people watching me and having opinions on my style or just feeling awkward as if i have no idea what i am supposed to do here
[ 3.583984375, -1.3544921875, -2.138671875, -0.6416015625, 1.037109375, -1.75 ]
i make myself feel useful by fucking a guy
[ -0.66796875, 4.6328125, -0.73095703125, -1.4404296875, -1.626953125, -0.99072265625 ]
i sure did appreciate her asking instead of just feeling mad or hurt because she thought i was
[ -0.82470703125, -1.11328125, -1.1748046875, 4.3671875, -0.68896484375, -1.126953125 ]
i am a prolific writer in my fandom but do not feel that i am as highly respected from fellow writers as i once was because i do write so much and as often as most people cannot
[ -1.1103515625, 4.4375, 0.634765625, -1.7138671875, -1.8740234375, -1.2412109375 ]
i woke up about am feeling a little disturbed
[ 4.50390625, -1.412109375, -1.525390625, -0.9384765625, -0.0655517578125, -1.640625 ]
i feel more violent than ever right now
[ -0.88037109375, -1.1513671875, -1.1376953125, 4.234375, -0.299072265625, -1.2626953125 ]
i feel really uptight and unable to unwind
[ -0.47265625, -1.388671875, -1.8193359375, -0.46044921875, 3.92578125, -0.3623046875 ]
i feel such duties are unimportant to our profession i just am not qualified to discuss all of them
[ 3.65625, 0.249267578125, -1.9228515625, -0.68017578125, -0.51171875, -2.099609375 ]
i didnt get to prank anyone throughout the whole day cos i was either too busy or not feeling creative
[ -0.970703125, 4.76953125, -0.65576171875, -1.25, -1.646484375, -0.83984375 ]
i feel he will be perfect for this event
[ -0.826171875, 4.7890625, -0.5048828125, -1.615234375, -1.6953125, -1.0751953125 ]
i still feel frightened of the world yet no where near as much as i used to
[ -0.98681640625, -1.6533203125, -1.505859375, -0.3525390625, 4.109375, -0.251953125 ]
i am finally starting to feel like i have a real life here in san vicente and i am no longer on a strange confusing extended vacation
[ -1.3583984375, -1.369140625, -1.4140625, -1.3701171875, 2.666015625, 2.052734375 ]
i feel like a loser everyone says they lost but i dont i know exactly where i am i just hate being here oh
[ 4.59765625, -0.751953125, -1.2001953125, -1.14453125, -0.89453125, -1.828125 ]
i am not surprised cause its like ok when you feel crappy and it just continues for like days or so you really try to avoid getting that sickness again
[ 4.59375, -0.7880859375, -1.7587890625, -0.7412109375, -0.77392578125, -1.708984375 ]
im ok with that it feels a little weird
[ -1.44921875, -1.3896484375, -1.166015625, -1.474609375, 2.28125, 2.337890625 ]
i feel is entirely more dangerous
[ -0.404052734375, -1.0634765625, -1.3994140625, 4.0234375, -0.09527587890625, -1.6865234375 ]
this monday i took a math bs test and flunked for the second time
[ 0.7421875, 0.69873046875, -1.953125, 0.5927734375, 0.385009765625, -1.1552734375 ]
i get making employees feel valued i really do but in this economy where another k jobs were dumped last week alone i suspect the majority of people are thinking like rudy and i thank god we still have a job
[ -1.0537109375, 4.8984375, -0.1669921875, -1.671875, -1.798828125, -1.0810546875 ]
i feel these days living in fears just another way of dying before your time so today i am declaring myself fearless
[ -0.9482421875, 4.48046875, -0.6884765625, -1.119140625, -1.2333984375, -0.9267578125 ]
i feel curious because i would like to explore what is at the top of the helterskelter like plant
[ -1.9580078125, -1.0078125, -0.70166015625, -1.1259765625, 0.853515625, 2.98828125 ]
i roll my tongue over your labia sucking and nibbling drawing your flesh into my mouth and letting you feel the delicate pinch of my teeth
[ -1.0205078125, -0.329345703125, 3.4609375, -1.4609375, -0.86572265625, -0.70458984375 ]
i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful
[ 4.6015625, -0.90478515625, -1.22265625, -1.201171875, -0.83154296875, -1.6630859375 ]
i am not sure how i feel i think because i felt like i already knew i have already sort of accepted it
[ -0.83642578125, 2.529296875, 2.435546875, -1.955078125, -2.052734375, -1.4716796875 ]
i can feel the warmth of the gentle sun
[ -0.66943359375, -0.062286376953125, 3.783203125, -1.205078125, -1.3916015625, -1.3505859375 ]
i feel thrilled that by the end of the month this round will be completed and i can begin to recover
[ -1.408203125, 4.22265625, -0.81494140625, -1.6220703125, -1.4130859375, 0.365966796875 ]
i havent needed the pain meds maybe i will chillax with some wine feeling all elegant like
[ -0.99853515625, 4.59375, -0.376953125, -1.3603515625, -1.5849609375, -1.0205078125 ]
i feel is the most important question how would we handle this
[ -0.49169921875, 4.4375, -0.370849609375, -1.3564453125, -1.658203125, -1.5859375 ]
ive been soo excited for him to feel and it was amazing
[ -1.3564453125, 3.638671875, -0.921875, -1.8330078125, -1.396484375, 0.833984375 ]
i normally find intimidating but shes crazy about tiny little foreign food places and people like her so i feel less socially intimidated when im with her
[ -1.419921875, -1.6240234375, -1.791015625, 0.303955078125, 3.8203125, -0.02703857421875 ]
i feel very honoured to have been part of the bond family and very much hope i have a chance to work with them again sometime in the future
[ -0.97900390625, 4.72265625, -0.213134765625, -1.7041015625, -1.82421875, -0.88525390625 ]
ive been doing hour weeks and ill get paid for the extra time but i am starting to feel a bit abused they are putting a lot of pressure on me to look after both kids and do all of the cooking and cleaning
[ 4.50390625, -1.2841796875, -1.322265625, -0.4794921875, -0.8427734375, -1.9892578125 ]
ive been missing him and feeling so restless at home thinking of him
[ -0.7373046875, -1.8232421875, -1.5703125, -0.11004638671875, 4.015625, -0.445556640625 ]
i suspect much of the country feels after the tragic events of last week
[ 4.4765625, -0.61572265625, -0.95703125, -1.1005859375, -1.06640625, -1.9609375 ]
i don t follow too many people and i don t have too many followers however i have a feeling that the people that i am talking about may know who they are i m not trying to be rude i m just being real
[ -0.51953125, -1.0146484375, -1.07421875, 4.31640625, -0.85791015625, -1.361328125 ]
i have tested positive but i have never taken drugs and i feel innocent says martina
[ -1.0556640625, 4.921875, -0.0892333984375, -1.6591796875, -1.779296875, -1.052734375 ]
i disagree with my parents on many issues and will sometimes let them know my feelings in unkind ways
[ 0.96728515625, -0.68310546875, 0.0012598037719726562, 2.890625, -1.7138671875, -2.1796875 ]
i could change the emphasis and say i am stella and i m noticing i m feeling impatient
[ -0.9560546875, -1.236328125, -1.4365234375, 4.109375, 0.256591796875, -1.4052734375 ]
i dont know if i should let go and feel that vain or should i wait and stay in vain
[ 4.36328125, -0.91259765625, -1.4677734375, 0.225341796875, -1.318359375, -2.216796875 ]
i almost feel too stubborn to come back as i said that i was leaving
[ -0.55712890625, -1.05078125, -1.08984375, 4.26953125, -0.6171875, -1.599609375 ]
i get the feeling donald is smart enough to educate himself through his own densely focused meanderings and their inherent shortcomings
[ -0.94677734375, 4.65234375, -0.802734375, -1.2333984375, -1.34765625, -1.04296875 ]
i personally feel that it is a very creative present and everything packed inside a brown paper bag
[ -1.0302734375, 4.69921875, -0.61279296875, -1.302734375, -1.5810546875, -0.79296875 ]
i am not a people person but for some fuckin reason people feel that they can come bore me with their fuckin petty garbage
[ -0.09912109375, -0.78515625, -1.05078125, 4.1953125, -1.1083984375, -1.6416015625 ]
i was feeling disheartened when going on dates because i didn t feel i was meeting anyone i clicked with or would consider a long term relationship with
[ 4.64453125, -0.93701171875, -1.4521484375, -1.125, -0.6689453125, -1.7509765625 ]
i left there feeling brow beaten
[ 4.59375, -0.99658203125, -1.3662109375, -0.884765625, -0.806640625, -1.87109375 ]
i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up youve made me trust
[ 3.146484375, -0.765625, -0.9775390625, -1.3251953125, 0.41650390625, -1.4033203125 ]
im still feeling a little groggy from the lack of sleep so i shall try to replenish it
[ 4.53515625, -0.88134765625, -1.224609375, -1.3642578125, -0.51806640625, -1.78515625 ]
i will remember to come to you when i feel beaten and depressed because in faith only can we truly be healed
[ 4.6328125, -0.90234375, -1.384765625, -0.80908203125, -0.9658203125, -1.939453125 ]
i was lying in bed last night after a day of making experiments from the usual suspects fabric plastic and feeling agitated that my issues with proper presentation had not made any headway over the course of a mere six hours
[ -1.5693359375, -1.5791015625, -1.7333984375, 2.541015625, 2.443359375, -0.77587890625 ]
i feel frustrated or the world around me lies shattered i just go and walk in the rain so that no body could see my eyes full of tears this is the delivery system of justice as conceptualized by our courts which we are learning the hard way
[ 0.5546875, -1.0361328125, -1.4443359375, 4.078125, -1.0419921875, -1.8134765625 ]
i feel so talented i can use a computer
[ -1.1005859375, 4.67578125, -0.50439453125, -1.5810546875, -1.6708984375, -0.6064453125 ]
im feeling a little anxious about the whole thing
[ -0.65625, -1.4755859375, -1.6240234375, -0.521484375, 4.0703125, -0.51318359375 ]
i just went about my script of would you like mustard or sauce with that and started to feel really startled
[ -1.9306640625, -1.4443359375, -1.302734375, -0.9765625, 2.7265625, 2.02734375 ]
i feel so worthless and useless these past weeks just because im a certified by stander at home
[ 4.58203125, -0.6259765625, -1.2998046875, -0.736328125, -1.212890625, -2.025390625 ]
i feel that this experience has convinced me all the more that we need prayer for our country
[ -0.9951171875, 4.3359375, -0.765625, -1.2998046875, -1.1611328125, -0.8076171875 ]
i feel numb the end of the world as we know it and i feel numb a href http leslielandberg
[ 4.5859375, -1.0712890625, -1.3759765625, -1.2197265625, -0.451904296875, -1.552734375 ]
i feel strange talking about less serious things right now like cooking
[ -1.6025390625, -1.4365234375, -1.1806640625, -1.4052734375, 2.580078125, 2.171875 ]
i have better things to do than to feel humiliated
[ 4.65234375, -0.9970703125, -1.3984375, -0.57763671875, -0.849609375, -1.9033203125 ]
i never dreamed i would be so busy so soon in the new year but i am loving it and feeling so very gracious and fortunate
[ -1.099609375, 2.982421875, 2.4296875, -1.892578125, -2.107421875, -1.5087890625 ]
i feel i have to agree with her even though i can imagine some rather unpleasant possible cases
[ 3.650390625, -0.619140625, -1.2890625, 0.8154296875, -1.30859375, -2.201171875 ]
i started thinking about which spaces made me feel most creative and what characteristics they had
[ -0.98095703125, 4.61328125, -0.751953125, -1.234375, -1.5712890625, -0.7783203125 ]
i don t feel well enough to cook
[ -0.63720703125, 4.6953125, -0.67578125, -1.603515625, -1.5537109375, -1.169921875 ]
i believe you all will come to my work place and just try to make me feel humiliated but you know what deep down in my heart i know who is the one who should be ashamed of themselves
[ 4.65234375, -1.0283203125, -1.3740234375, -0.58984375, -0.89404296875, -1.8486328125 ]
i didn t mean to get angry with you bommie i just can t control my feelings hellip i just hated myself why i am like this the dara who can t get over with that b
[ 2.341796875, -0.94970703125, -0.9775390625, 2.72265625, -1.7197265625, -2.349609375 ]
i grew up around this feeling living only minutes away from the gorgeous atlantic ocean in brazil so its probably no surprise i grew fond of the ocean
[ -1.3193359375, 1.837890625, 2.896484375, -1.9169921875, -1.8837890625, -0.8291015625 ]
i feel like i am actually a creative person now
[ -0.9541015625, 4.62109375, -0.5771484375, -1.2353515625, -1.5830078125, -0.8759765625 ]
i was feeling clever so i changed the last line to cookies for you
[ -1.2060546875, 4.734375, -0.6376953125, -1.45703125, -1.578125, -0.67333984375 ]
i write this i feel oddly calm like wanting to just relax in a big chair or lay out in the sun
[ -0.8828125, 4.6015625, -0.73095703125, -1.3583984375, -1.24609375, -0.953125 ]
i have been feeling so melancholy and alone
[ 4.5703125, -0.91357421875, -0.90380859375, -1.0107421875, -1.0703125, -1.87109375 ]
im really happy but i just feel exhausted
[ 4.4765625, -0.263427734375, -1.5, -1.0400390625, -0.8388671875, -1.9521484375 ]
i felt this emotion when my name was announced on the radio that i had been selected to come to lilongwe school for health sciences to take a training course as a medical assistat
[ -0.054046630859375, 3.138671875, -0.470458984375, -1.435546875, -0.892578125, -1.3974609375 ]
i feel more virtuous just looking at the pictures in her books
[ -0.98876953125, 4.8984375, -0.457763671875, -1.630859375, -1.544921875, -0.95751953125 ]
i still feel too chub to wear the cute summer clothes i had dreamed of
[ -1.2822265625, 4.47265625, 0.151123046875, -1.8583984375, -1.8466796875, -0.411376953125 ]
i wasnt feeling well yesterday morning afternoon so i just laid in bed and ended up in the all too familiar youtube black hole
[ -0.46337890625, 4.5625, -0.68994140625, -1.7861328125, -1.5322265625, -1.1904296875 ]
i have made about sex i feel that women enjoy sex when their body and emotions are admired and respected
[ -1.255859375, 3.609375, 1.7705078125, -1.87890625, -2.115234375, -1.1376953125 ]
i feel quite reluctant to pick up a dance with dragons book because once i m done with that who knows how long i d have to wait for martin to finish his next installment it took him years to release a dance with dragons after a feast for crows
[ -0.9560546875, -1.63671875, -1.4072265625, -0.55224609375, 4.05859375, -0.1650390625 ]
i feel like but im not very fond of that word
[ -1.025390625, -0.48388671875, 3.67578125, -1.06640625, -1.177734375, -0.80810546875 ]
i got a shot of terbutaline which makes you feel shaky and makes your heart race like you just drank cups of coffee
[ -0.52099609375, -1.5400390625, -1.6279296875, -0.8935546875, 4.0390625, -0.2042236328125 ]
i feel inspired so many thing i want to write down
[ -1.24609375, 4.52734375, -0.08331298828125, -1.5712890625, -1.8671875, -0.654296875 ]
i feel bouncy and twitchy all of a sudden
[ -1.2470703125, 3.806640625, -0.9921875, -1.8349609375, -0.8935546875, 0.292724609375 ]
i started out feeling discouraged this morning
[ 4.60546875, -0.9130859375, -1.599609375, -0.65283203125, -0.72021484375, -2.046875 ]
i think it s the opposite i get to feel defeated because i was doing everything possible to keep baby healthy and my sugars in check
[ 4.53515625, -0.381591796875, -1.3828125, -1.0234375, -1.001953125, -1.9619140625 ]
i feel like life is so vain
[ 4.5390625, -0.76953125, -1.2822265625, -0.4609375, -1.2568359375, -2.1484375 ]
i feel petty all of a sudden
[ -0.0665283203125, -0.96044921875, -1.220703125, 4.26171875, -1.046875, -1.591796875 ]
ive posted ive been feeling the casual vibe when it comes to dressing
[ -1.05078125, 4.71875, -0.2607421875, -1.529296875, -1.6123046875, -0.90625 ]
i feel like that line is so perfect
[ -0.68408203125, 4.765625, -0.481689453125, -1.6181640625, -1.75, -1.1494140625 ]
i first started using this i did not like it because i felt like it made my hair feel very dirty even though i had just washed my hair
[ 4.58984375, -1.0380859375, -1.421875, -0.6708984375, -0.93359375, -1.8583984375 ]
i chant the invocation and feel his force supporting me as i teach
[ -0.87353515625, 2.85546875, 2.34765625, -1.87890625, -1.9560546875, -1.69921875 ]
i don t feel comfortable playing games with them presenting the bad guy as really a misunderstood good guy or vice versa
[ -0.939453125, 4.578125, -0.64990234375, -1.712890625, -1.3505859375, -0.59814453125 ]
i type these words i feel like i shouldn t be surprised
[ -1.802734375, -0.64111328125, -0.9580078125, -1.001953125, 0.44970703125, 3.15625 ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for AutoTrain Evaluator

This repository contains model predictions generated by AutoTrain for the following task and dataset:

  • Task: Multi-class Text Classification
  • Model: autoevaluate/multi-class-classification
  • Dataset: emotion

To run new evaluation jobs, visit Hugging Face's automatic evaluation service.


Thanks to @lewtun for evaluating this model.

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