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Older mobiles may cause tumours: study The Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) at Karolinska Institute in Sweden found no indications of risk for less than 10 years of usage.
[ 2.017578125, -4.875, -1.203125, 3.583984375 ]
New Rainbow Six Franchise for Spring 2005 SAN FRANCISCO, CA - November 30, 2004 -Ubisoft, one of the world #39;s largest video game publishers, today announced its plans to launch the next installment in the Tom Clancy #39;s Rainbow SixR franchise for the Sony PlayStationR2 computer entertainment system
[ -3.033203125, -1.705078125, -1.626953125, 5.66015625 ]
Shell to invest in major shake-up OIL group Shell has pledged to invest \$45bn (25bn) and make major disposals in a shake-up of the business, following its reserves crisis earlier this year.
[ 0.061614990234375, -3.744140625, 5.96875, -2.05078125 ]
Busch Wins Pole for Season-Ending Race Pressure? What pressure? Kurt Busch, last in the qualifying line and first in the NASCAR Nextel Cup points, waited out 54 other drivers Friday and then won the pole for the season-ending Ford 400, which will determine the 2004 champion.
[ -1.8154296875, 6.65234375, -2.41796875, -2.55859375 ]
First Look: RemoteTV Offers Slick Media Streaming Belkin's latest product lets you effortlessly share digital content within the house, but is it lawful?
[ -2.482421875, -4.07421875, 0.6923828125, 5.2109375 ]
Nujoma's Man Set to Sweep Namibia Elections OSHAKATI, Namibia (Reuters) - Hifikepunye Pohamba, who has spearheaded moves to expropriate white-owned land for redistribution to black peasants, is virtually guaranteed victory in Namibia's presidential polls next week.
[ 7.171875, -2.599609375, -1.361328125, -2.552734375 ]
Kmart names new CEO Kmart yesterday hired a restaurant and branding expert as its new president and chief executive officer, suggesting the nation #39;s third-largest discount retailer would soon start
[ -1.85546875, -2.775390625, 6.734375, -1.80859375 ]
The Bag of Aeolus quot;Aeolus was keeper of the winds. He gave a bag of evil winds to Odysseus, instructing him to keep it closed while a good breeze wafted him home.
[ 0.254150390625, -0.505859375, -3.31640625, 3.15625 ]
Rebels Attack in Central Iraq and the North A rebel counteroffensive swept through central and northern Iraq on Monday as American troops struggled to flush the remaining insurgents from the rubble-strewn streets of Falluja.
[ 6.9296875, -2.767578125, -1.8837890625, -1.87890625 ]
Ryder Cup: Europe close on victory Another good day at Oakland Hills sees Europe move 11-5 clear of the USA going into Sunday's Ryder Cup singles.
[ 4.9296875, 0.8486328125, -2.81640625, -2.68359375 ]
Iraqi Kidnappers of French Reporters Demand Ransom (Update1) The Iraqi kidnappers of two French reporters who have been missing since Aug. 20 today demanded a \$5 million ransom as a condition for their release, according to a statement posted on an Islamic Web site.
[ 6.625, -2.6484375, -2.630859375, -1.1416015625 ]
Avalanche Sign Damphousse to One-Year Deal (AP) AP - The Colorado Avalanche prepared for the potential loss of several key front-line players, signing former San Jose Sharks captain Vincent Damphousse to a one-year, #36;2 million contract Wednesday.
[ -2.548828125, 7.91796875, -2.9453125, -2.4296875 ]
SEO #39;s Multiplying Effect on Paid Inclusion Paid inclusion (PI) has always been a hot potato. It #39;s not quite SEO (define) and not quite search advertising. No one wants to touch it.
[ -3.591796875, -3.5234375, 3.853515625, 2.650390625 ]
Button Must Stay With BAR! The FIA #39;s Contract Recognition Board (CRB) finally got around to deciding whether or not Jenson Button is contractually allowed to go drive for Williams next season.
[ -3.208984375, 7.4375, -2.16796875, -2.455078125 ]
Carter finishes fourth in 400 hurdles James Carter of Baltimore finished fourth in the finals of the 400-meter hurdles today, missing out on a medal. Felix Sanchez, of the Dominican Republic, won the gold medal.
[ -1.4052734375, 6.90234375, -2.716796875, -2.78125 ]
SBC Gives Microsoft \$400 Mln Internet TV Deal WASHINGTON (Reuters) - SBC Communications <A HREF=" qtype=sym infotype=info qcat=news">SBC.N</A> will use Microsoft Corp. <A HREF=" qtype=sym infotype=info qcat=news">MSFT.O</A> technology to launch video services over upgraded high-speed data lines, the companies said Wednesday.
[ -3.521484375, -3.314453125, 0.269775390625, 5.9296875 ]
Crude Oil Futures Rise Above \$50 on Threat to Nigerian Supply Crude oil futures rose above \$50 a barrel in New York on concern rebel attacks in Nigeria may reduce production while US inventories are near a 29-year low because of disruptions caused by Hurricane Ivan.
[ 0.411865234375, -3.572265625, 6.3671875, -2.84765625 ]
Update 2: General Mills to Make Cereals Whole Grain The Trix Rabbit and that Lucky Charms leprechaun are going on a whole-grain diet. General Mills announced Thursday that it will convert all of its breakfast cereals to whole grain.
[ -3.064453125, -2.765625, 5.8671875, -0.004669189453125 ]
Wiggins Siblings Honor Dad by Playing (AP) AP - Candice Wiggins is a walking advertisement for the anti-drug effort. A star freshman for Stanford's basketball team, she showed up for a recent practice wearing a T-shirt reading: "No doubt about it. My health. My sport. My victory. I compete clean."
[ -1.78515625, 6.50390625, -2.431640625, -2.470703125 ]
Firefox crosses 10m mark US web browser developer Mozillas open-source browser Firefox has recorded over 10m downloads since it was launched in November.
[ 0.0709228515625, -4.0390625, -1.52734375, 5.34375 ]
Bearcat qb has broken bone in throwing hand CINCINNATI University of Cincinnati quarterback Gino Guidugli (guh-DOO #39;-lee) has a broken bone in his throwing hand, and may miss Saturday #39;s game at number-seven Louisville.
[ -3.302734375, 7.67578125, -2.556640625, -2.0546875 ]
Science Students Win \$100,000 Prize Description: Siemens Westinghouse announces the winners of its annual competition for high school students in math, science and technology.
[ -0.1614990234375, -3.61328125, -2.26171875, 5.21875 ]
Oil Prices, Earnings Send Stocks Lower NEW YORK - Investors sent stocks lower Tuesday as oil prices crossed another milestone, \$54 per barrel. Earnings reports from heavyweights Johnson Johnson and Merrill Lynch Co...
[ 7.07421875, -3.2890625, -1.2939453125, -2.060546875 ]
Universal, Warner Bros, Paramount, and New Line Support HD-DVD Major movie studious Paramount, Universal Pictures, Warner Bros., and New Line Cinema all said today that they have adopted the new high definition DVD disc format (HD-DVD), and will begin issuing movie titles in the new format in 2005.
[ -3.22265625, -3.45703125, 0.1727294921875, 5.8828125 ]
Russia seeks island conflict resolution Russia has begun making overtures to Japan to end a 48-year-old territorial dispute over the Southern Kurile Islands, the Novosti news agency said Monday.
[ 5.65625, -3.671875, -0.23828125, -1.5322265625 ]
Siemens, Freescale Extend Auto Partnership Siemens VDO Automotive and Freescale Semiconductor have renewed their automotive relationship, representing about \$245 million for components including ASICs, microcontrollers, analog and sensor components, beginning in 2006.
[ -3.3515625, -4.4765625, 3.15625, 4.03515625 ]
Flick Collection Opens in Berlin Friedrich Flick, who made his fortune as an arms supplier to the Nazis during World War II, once presented old master paintings to Luftwaffe Commander-in-Chief Hermann Gring as a birthday gift.
[ 5.75390625, -2.275390625, -1.849609375, -1.4736328125 ]
Online gambling attracts surfers More than four million Britons are regular internet gamblers according to new research.
[ 1.8681640625, -4.31640625, 0.416748046875, 1.865234375 ]
County unemployment drops to 3.7 percent SAN DIEGO - San Diego County #39;s unemployment rate was 3.7 percent in August, down from a revised 4.4 percent in July and 4.3 percent a year ago, the California Employment Development Department reported today.
[ -1.44921875, -3.359375, 6.7421875, -1.62109375 ]
Dell adds new switch to lineup Dell has upgraded its PowerConnect line with the addition of the PowerConnect 5324, a 24-port managed gigabit layer 2 switch.
[ -3.609375, -3.384765625, 0.5517578125, 5.85546875 ]
Nations Use Net to Spy, Plot Attacks Ex-Bush Aide (Reuters) Reuters - The world's most advanced\military powers are using the Internet to spy on their enemies\and prepare digital attacks against rogue targets, a leading\cyber security expert said on Friday.
[ -0.6953125, -3.341796875, -2.271484375, 5.84375 ]
Crunch Time for Biotech Companies Washington area biotech companies will face pivotal moments this year, finding out whether key products work before money dries up, fending off competition from bigger companies, and, perhaps filing to go public.
[ -2.640625, -4.65234375, 4.29296875, 2.5234375 ]
Pudge, Guillen leave with injuries The Tigers lost both of their All-Stars, shortstop Carlos Guillen and catcher Ivan Rodriguez, to knee injuries on separate plays in Saturday #39;s game against the Twins.
[ -3.16015625, 7.71875, -2.3984375, -2.40234375 ]
Jet lands in UK after bomb alert An Olympic Airlines flight on its way from Athens to New York is diverted to Stansted Airport after a security alert.
[ 5.57421875, -1.9404296875, -1.9912109375, -1.4345703125 ]
Paralympians stripped of medals for failing tests A visually impaired cyclist from Slovakia, competing in the men #39;s tandem event, was stripped of his silver medal and three weightlifters were slapped with two-year bans after testing positive for banned substances at the Athens
[ -2.71484375, 7.31640625, -2.3203125, -2.498046875 ]
For openers, a great weekend Chances are the state of Massachusetts will never crown a high school football state champion. But for those who might covet such an idea, the 2004 season kicks off tonight with about as close as you'll ever get to such a matchup when two of the top squads in Central Mass. meet two of the top-ranked squads in Eastern Mass.
[ -3.298828125, 5.89453125, -0.6953125, -1.8544921875 ]
Making Windows More Secure HEY labor long hours to write their software, testing and perfecting it. They toil in obscurity, fully aware that they #39;ll never get credit for their work.
[ -3.9375, -3.85546875, 2.876953125, 4.33984375 ]
Dollar Briefly Hits 4-Wk Low Vs Euro LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar dipped to a four-week low against the euro on Monday before rising slightly on profit-taking, but steep oil prices and weak U.S. data continued to fan worries about the health of the world's largest economy.
[ -0.30810546875, -2.8125, 6.5703125, -3.0546875 ]
Microsoft Opens Software Development Center in India (Update3) Microsoft Corp., the world #39;s largest software maker, will hire several hundred #39; #39; people in the next year at its development center in India, expanding its workforce of 800, Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said.
[ -1.59765625, -4.0859375, 6.2890625, -0.51513671875 ]
Iraqi attacks kill at least 69 At least 69 people have been killed and scores wounded during a day of carnage in Iraq. In Baghdad, 47 Iraqis died and over 120 were injured in a massive explosion near a police station.
[ 6.50390625, -2.54296875, -1.8427734375, -1.78125 ]
Vioxx Faces Challenges from Insurers, Lawyers Merck amp; Co. faces a dual threat from health insurers and patients #39; lawyers, after a US study suggested its Vioxx arthritis drug carries a greater risk than rival medicines.
[ -0.1610107421875, -3.470703125, 6.546875, -2.65234375 ]
Hynix, Samil Face Sanctions for Bookrigging Hynix Semiconductor, formerly Hyundai Electronics, was engaged in accounting fraud totaling 2 trillion won in 1999, financial regulators reported Monday.
[ 0.0008215904235839844, -4.71875, 5.71484375, -0.890625 ]
Voters Flock to Register by Deadline In a glimpse of what the nation might see a month from now, people lined up at election offices and caused parking lot traffic jams as voter registration deadlines fell Monday in more than a dozen states. Many officials reported record numbers of new voters, some said they were overwhelmed, and allegations were already flying about fraud and the disqualification of some voters' applications...
[ 7.16796875, -2.955078125, -2.00390625, -1.7861328125 ]
Woods struggling to cope with body changes: Singh St Andrews, Oct 07 - Vijay Singh thinks the main reason he has replaced Tiger Woods as world number one is the American #39;s failure to adapt to changes in his body.
[ -2.89453125, 7.76953125, -2.349609375, -2.755859375 ]
Cambodia Prince Moves Closer to Throne (AP) AP - The son of King Norodom Sihanouk moved closer Monday to becoming Cambodia's new monarch after legal hurdles were cleared in the complicated succession process triggered by the surprise abdication of his father last week.
[ 7.328125, -2.630859375, -2.435546875, -1.7705078125 ]
Hornets' Davis Sidelined with Back Injury NEW ORLEANS (Sports Network) - New Orleans Hornets guard Baron Davis did not make the trip to Milwaukee for Saturday's game against the Bucks because of a strained lower back.
[ -2.548828125, 7.75390625, -2.720703125, -2.634765625 ]
IBM Unveils Security Intel Service, Notes Big Jump In Attacks IBM has launched a new intelligence service to give enterprises a monthly report showing the big picture of security attacks and other business threats, the Armonk, NY-based giant said Tuesday.
[ -2.38671875, -3.794921875, -0.09967041015625, 5.79296875 ]
Leaders of Spain, Portugal, Latin America urge Falklands dialogue (AFP) AFP - Leaders from Spain, Portugal and their former colonies in Latin America urged Britain and Argentina to renew their dialogue on the Falkland islands, known in Argentina as the Malvinas.
[ 6.1484375, -4.125, -1.197265625, -0.6884765625 ]
Court: File-swapping software not liable for copyright violations The makers of two leading file-sharing programs are not legally liable for the songs, movies and other copyright works swapped online by their users, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday in a stinging blow to the entertainment industry.
[ -2.96875, -2.77734375, 5.90625, 0.037872314453125 ]
Iran Says EU Nuclear Proposal Unacceptable TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran on Sunday turned down a European Union proposal that it stop enriching uranium in return for nuclear technology.
[ 6.30859375, -2.865234375, -1.1318359375, -1.9462890625 ]
Softbank's hopes on mobile services dashed ( - Softbank's hopes of starting a mobile phone service were dealt a blow on Monday after the Japanese telecoms regulator decided not to allocate bandwidth to new entrants for the time being.
[ -0.4287109375, -3.619140625, -2.34375, 6.03125 ]
Nigerian Military Officers Charged with Coup Plot (Reuters) Reuters - Four Nigerian military officers and a\civilian were accused Thursday of plotting to overthrow\President Olusegun Obasanjo by firing a rocket at his\helicopter, court documents showed.
[ 6.8125, -2.83984375, -2.51953125, -1.2392578125 ]
Belarus #39; Nesterenko fastest in women #39;s 100m first round Belarus #39; Yuliya Nesterenko became the fastest woman to qualify for the women #39;s 100 meters second round at the Olympic Games here on Friday.
[ -2.44140625, 7.41015625, -2.80859375, -2.322265625 ]
Crude oil prices fall to their lowest level in seven weeks Crude oil futures closed below 48 dollars a barrel Tuesday, the lowest level in seven weeks amid rising expectations about US oil supply for this winter.
[ 0.1485595703125, -3.50390625, 6.63671875, -2.83984375 ]
Petrol sales boost Tesco turnover The UK's largest supermarket - Tesco - says strong petrol sales aided a rise in third quarter sales across all parts of its business.
[ -0.013214111328125, -3.998046875, 6.03125, -1.67578125 ]
Nokia stamps out bad batteries Helsinki - Nokia, the world #39;s largest handset maker plans to mark its original batteries with a hologram as part of the fight against unsafe, counterfeit mobile phone batteries - some of which have exploded in users #39; hands.
[ -3.34375, -3.298828125, 0.4287109375, 5.86328125 ]
Sony Announces PlayStation Por Sony Corp. announced a price more fitting of a video-game machine than a slick movie-playing gadget for its new PlayStation Portable - 19,800 yen (\$186).
[ -2.50390625, -4.0546875, 1.13671875, 4.921875 ]
Russia's Putin once again heads ex-Soviet bloc (AFP) AFP - President Vladimir Putin took over once again as head of the CIS ex-Soviet bloc at a summit in the Kazakh capital Astana, the Interfax news agency reported.
[ 6.15625, -3.302734375, -0.818359375, -1.53125 ]
Experts Push for More Computer Security Efforts WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Computer-security experts, including former government officials, urged the Bush administration on Tuesday to devote more effort to strengthening defenses against viruses, hackers and other online threats.
[ -2.859375, -3.654296875, 0.06610107421875, 5.9921875 ]
Darfur peace talks inch forward despite deadlock over security ABUJA (AFP) - African Union mediators met separately with Sudanese government envoys and the leaders of the uprising in the strife-torn region of Darfur in a bid to hammer out a deal on demilitarising the conflict.
[ 7.11328125, -3.244140625, -1.54296875, -1.884765625 ]
Oil Near \$50 on Supply Fears in Nigeria Oil prices rose to record highs Monday near \$50 a barrel for US crude as Nigeria emerged as the latest focus for worries about supply in an already tight worldwide energy market.
[ 1.0029296875, -3.314453125, 6.23046875, -3.447265625 ]
Except for less export business, most find little to complain <b>...</b> Longtime Gonzales County rancher Jim Selman, who raises calves in the biggest cattle county in the nation #39;s biggest cattle state, sees 2004 as a year to remember.
[ -2.580078125, -1.89453125, 6.55859375, -1.7900390625 ]
Update 8: Crude Oil Futures Sink to \$46 Per Barrel December delivery crude on the New York Mercantile Exchange dropped 76 cents to \$46.11 per barrel. The benchmark light, sweet crude remained about \$8 a barrel cheaper than its closing record of \$55.17 recorded Oct. 22 and Oct. 26.
[ 0.12744140625, -3.34765625, 6.6484375, -2.970703125 ]
British Energy to delist to save rescue plan Beleaguered British Energy has applied to delist its shares as it tries to stop shareholders from blocking a restructuring plan to keep the company in business.
[ -0.27880859375, -3.912109375, 6.046875, -1.6396484375 ]
Govt. to Test New Air Passenger Screening Program The US government unveiled plans on Thursday for a revised computer-based program using personal information to identify airline passengers who may pose a threat to air travel.
[ -3.587890625, -3.291015625, 1.9326171875, 4.08984375 ]
UN Council Votes Ivory Coast Arms Embargo (Reuters) Reuters - The U.N. Security Council on\Monday imposed an immediate arms embargo on Ivory Coast and\voted to punish key government and rebel leaders with\additional sanctions next month.
[ 5.8515625, -3.32421875, -1.21875, -1.1591796875 ]
A Taste of Yum! Wins the World Over Strong international sales growth and solid U.S. comps propel the company's stock to its highest price ever.
[ -1.05859375, -3.51953125, 5.70703125, -0.90869140625 ]
Red Sox say goodbye to Pedro Martinez Pedro Martinez closed in on a four-year deal with the New York Mets, and the Boston Red Sox resigned themselves Monday to losing the three-time Cy Young Award winner.
[ -1.2412109375, 7.3828125, -2.609375, -3.337890625 ]
Rivals Ocean Spray, Northland make peace Cranberry juice rivals Ocean Spray and Northland have ended their legal battle and agreed to join forces. The companies said Friday that Ocean Spray will take over its smaller rival #39;s
[ -1.7880859375, -2.85546875, 6.74609375, -1.759765625 ]
Pitcairn mayor pleads guilty to sex attack The mayor of Pitcairn Island has changed his plea to guilty and faces sentencing for sexually assaulting young girls, The Telegraph reported Tuesday.
[ 6.109375, -2.056640625, -3.537109375, -0.521484375 ]
Court: Whales Have No Standing to Sue (AP) AP - A federal appeals court decided Wednesday that marine mammals have no standing to sue to stop the U.S. Navy from using sonar.
[ 2.15625, -2.890625, -4.1484375, 4.328125 ]
U.S. Seeking NATO Help in Afghanistan Washington will ask NATO\to devise a blueprint by February to have the alliance take\over operations in Afghanistan, now split between an American\force and NATO contingent, officials said on Tuesday.
[ 5.49609375, -3.474609375, -1.78125, -0.14599609375 ]
Cocoa Price Off, Ivory Coast Shot to Bits (Reuters) Reuters - World cocoa prices rose from intraday\lows, but exports from the Ivory Coast, the key global\supplier, remain on hold after mob violence and military\clashes paralyze business in the West African country, traders\said on Tuesday.
[ 1.294921875, -4.54296875, 5.6875, -2.03515625 ]
Agent: Extortion Plot Targeted Sheffield (AP) AP - New York Yankees slugger Gary Sheffield and his wife were the targets of a blackmailer who claimed to have embarrassing sexual videotapes of her and a musician, Sheffield's business agent said Tuesday.
[ -1.853515625, 7.32421875, -2.65625, -2.689453125 ]
New Brussels blow for Turkey #39;s EU hopes EU farm commissioner Franz Fischler on Friday became the latest Brussels critic to raise doubts over Turkey #39;s hopes of joining the bloc, as wrangling over Ankara #39;s EU bid heats up.
[ 5.68359375, -3.59375, 0.482421875, -2.1875 ]
Partner: Free Verisign SSL Certificate Don't miss the opportunity! Obtain a FREE SSL Trial ID today.
[ -2.572265625, -2.82421875, -1.2333984375, 6.0625 ]
Iran Warns Its Missiles Can Hit Anywhere in Israel TEHRAN (Reuters) - A senior Iranian military official said Sunday Israel and the United States would not dare attack Iran since it could strike back anywhere in Israel with its latest missiles, news agencies reported.
[ 5.95703125, -2.697265625, -1.2158203125, -1.7197265625 ]
Russian rocket carrying Russian-U.S. crew blasts off for space station (Canadian Press) Canadian Press - BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan (AP) - A Russian rocket carrying a new Russian-U.S. crew to the international space station lifted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome Thursday.
[ 6.25390625, -3.05078125, -3.43359375, 0.392822265625 ]
Wade drives Heat over Wizards The Washington Wizards are finished with the Miami Heat for the season. That #39;s the good news. Dwyane Wade had 29 points and nine assists Wednesday to lead the Heat to a 98-93 win for their
[ -3.0390625, 7.74609375, -2.4140625, -2.572265625 ]
EDS Is Charter Member of Siebel BPO Alliance (NewsFactor) NewsFactor - Siebel Systems (Nasdaq: SEBL) has named EDS as the charter partner in Siebels' new business process outsourcing (BPO) global strategic-alliance program. The agreement expands the relationship between EDS and Siebel to provide a set of high-value managed products and service offerings targeted at the BPO and customer relationship management (CRM) marketplaces.
[ -2.47265625, -2.818359375, -1.4345703125, 6.18359375 ]
Airbus sees mobile phone use on planes by 2006 BEIJING, Sept. 17 (Xinhaunet) -- European plane maker Airbus has reported progress in plans to allow passengers to use mobile phones while in flight with a target date of 2006.
[ -3.345703125, -3.638671875, 0.77783203125, 5.7421875 ]
UN Says More Money Needed for Population Programs The United Nations released its annual population report on Wednesday, and it said it needs more money for population programs. A top United Nations official says if more money isn #39;t found for population programs
[ 5.40625, -3.078125, -1.431640625, -1.056640625 ]
Palestinians investigate rumours that Israel poisoned Arafat THE Palestinian Authority is to set up an official commission of inquiry into Yasser Arafats death amid increasing rumours among the Palestinian public that he was poisoned by Israel.
[ 6.76953125, -2.578125, -1.7890625, -1.9736328125 ]
Man Sought #36;50M From McGreevey, Aides Say (AP) AP - The man who claims Gov. James E. McGreevey sexually harassed him was pushing for a cash settlement of up to #36;50 million before the governor decided to announce that he was gay and had an extramarital affair, sources told The Associated Press.
[ 7.01171875, -2.595703125, -1.20703125, -2.625 ]
NASA Successfully Launches Swift Satellite NASA #39;s Swift satellite successfully launched today aboard a Boeing Delta 2 rocket at 12:16 pm EST from Launch Complex 17A at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.
[ -2.421875, -2.484375, -2.06640625, 6.45703125 ]
Conservationists Meet to Plan Global Green Agenda (Reuters) Reuters - More than 5,000 scientists,\conservationists and politicians meet in Thailand over the next\week to hammer out a blueprint for saving some of the world's\most endangered species and fragile ecosystems.
[ -0.035736083984375, -3.541015625, -2.7421875, 5.6953125 ]
Vioxx Should Have Been Recalled In 2000 Merck amp; Co Inc. should have pulled the arthritis drug Vioxx off the market in 2000, because there was enough evidence that showed it was associated with an increased heart attack risk, according to researchers.
[ -0.60107421875, -3.609375, 6.4609375, -1.943359375 ]
Gauging Reactions To MSN Search Last Thursday, MSN announced the official beta launch of their search engine. Although a preview had been available on their sandbox site, the launch marked the official unveiling of the company #39;s proprietary search technology to the general public.
[ -3.08203125, -2.849609375, -0.54248046875, 5.875 ]
Broker Downgrades Sink Medtronic CHICAGO (Reuters) - Shares of Medtronic Inc. <A HREF=" target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote">MDT.N</A> on Thursday sank 7 percent to their lowest level in more than three months after the medical device maker posted weaker-than-expected growth in one of its key business units, sparking at least three broker downgrades.
[ -2.232421875, -2.26171875, 7.03125, -2.12109375 ]
Report finds handheld device market in continued decline The worldwide market for handheld devices saw its third successive quarter of year-over-year decline in the third quarter of 2004, according to a new report released by IDC.
[ -3.201171875, -4.23046875, 1.6181640625, 5.31640625 ]
Seven-wicket Kumble destroys Australia India #39;s spin king Anil Kumble grabbed seven wickets for 25 runs to skittle world champions Australia for 235 in a dramatic start to the second Test on Thursday.
[ -1.66796875, 7.78515625, -3.365234375, -2.904296875 ]
Knee Injury Sidelines Chiefs' Holmes (AP) AP - Kansas City Chiefs star running back Priest Holmes will miss the rest of the season with a knee injury.
[ -1.4013671875, 7.625, -3.525390625, -2.810546875 ]
Yemeni Poet Says He Is al-Qaida Member GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba Aug. 26, 2004 - In a dramatic turn that silenced defense lawyers, a Yemeni poet accused of crafting terrorist propaganda argued on Thursday to represent himself before a US
[ 6.484375, -2.30859375, -1.7646484375, -2.068359375 ]
MetroPCS obtains Cingular air com November 29, 2004, 8:33 AM PT. Wired amp; Wireless continues its reign as the top IT priority among IT managers due to widespread IP telephony deployment and other network infrastructure upgrades.
[ -4.30859375, -3.06640625, 4.1328125, 2.947265625 ]
The Rundown Unquestionably the showcase game of the day. Auburn already has sewn up the Southeastern Conference West, and Georgia would need Tennessee to lose to have a chance in the East.
[ -2.162109375, 7.609375, -2.65234375, -2.859375 ]
Best Buy a Bad Deal? Attorney General Jim Petro is suing Best Buy, alleging the electronics retailer has engaged in unfair and deceptive business practices.
[ -2.09765625, -3.146484375, 5.93359375, -0.6123046875 ]
Halliburton Suffers Loss on Asbestos Claims HOUSTON - Oilfield services giant Halliburton Co. on Tuesday swung to a loss in the third quarter ended Sept. 30, hurt by hefty charges from discontinued operations related to the settlement of asbestos and silica claims.
[ -1.2626953125, -3.748046875, 6.23046875, -0.96630859375 ]
U2, Apple In iPod Deal, Bono Wins TED Prize U2 and Apple Computer are expected to announce next week that they have inked a deal to sell custom iPods. According to a source, the band #39;s upcoming Interscope album quot;How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, quot; due Nov.
[ -3.068359375, -3.0703125, -0.427734375, 5.97265625 ]
Pakistan province focuses on prayers, curbing vice (Reuters) Reuters - Cinemas are barred from hoisting movie bill-boards and shopkeepers are afraid to display posters featuring women in the historic northern Pakistani city of Peshawar.
[ 6.796875, -3.275390625, -1.4814453125, -1.47265625 ]
Chirac #39;s tour of China magnifies partnership Dialogue between China and France, two countries which highly value cultural diversity and pluralism in international politics, is no doubt conducive to world peace.
[ 5.8515625, -3.08984375, -0.56494140625, -1.8115234375 ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for AutoTrain Evaluator

This repository contains model predictions generated by AutoTrain for the following task and dataset:

  • Task: Multi-class Text Classification
  • Model: mrm8488/distilroberta-finetuned-age_news-classification
  • Dataset: ag_news

To run new evaluation jobs, visit Hugging Face's automatic evaluation service.


Thanks to @abhishek for evaluating this model.

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