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That's got to mean something, and if it means that we are limited in our ability to agree with the Europeans as they continually expand the term in light of their own vision of what copyright is about, then that's the meaning of a constitutional restriction.
it is the meaning of constitutional restriction
The message states "that's the meaning of a constitutional restriction"
[ 1.369140625, 0.4716796875, -1.9345703125 ]
GUS on Friday disposed of its remaining home shopping business and last non-UK retail operation with the 390m (265m) sale of the Dutch home shopping company, Wehkamp, to Industri Kapital, a private equity firm.
Industri Kapital is traded on the stock exchange.
It is a private equity firm which means no stock and cannot be traded in public stock exchanges.
[ -2.634765625, 5.01953125, -2.521484375 ]
It is quite unfortunate that some members of this House feel they have a hierarchy that is higher than the ordinary Canadian, better than most members of Parliament, that they are in a preferred category of having the ideologies that speak better to all Canadians than other members.
Canadians are put in ice floes to die when they retire.
We do not know from the context whether or not Canadians are put in ice floes to die when they retire, so the statement is neither definitely correct nor definitely incorrect.
[ -3.8828125, -0.66455078125, 4.69140625 ]
Pharmacy<br>Jezebel went to the pharmacy. She bought a pregnancy test. She took a piss in the bathroom. Sure enough, the test came back positive. Jezebel bought a beer and sat in the park sad.
jezebel acted responsibly after discovering her pregnancy
drinking while pregnant is know to be irresponsible
[ 2.62109375, -1.3505859375, -1.3408203125 ]
× Man injured in west side fire INDIANAPOLIS–One man was injured when his west side home caught fire Sunday afternoon. Shortly before 5 p.m., firefighters were called to the 5200 block of Ida Street. That scene is near Rockville Road and Lynhurst Drive. Smoke was showing from the one-story residence when fire units arrived. Fire crews quickly brought the flames under control. The male occupant was taken to Eskenazi Hospital with burns to his hands and face. He is reported to be in stable condition. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
the stairs burned in the fire
it's a one story residence, there are no stairs
[ -2.583984375, 3.93359375, -1.14453125 ]
All India Kashmir Committee was set up by prominent Muslim leaders of India on July 25, 1931. Muhammad Iqbal and a number of other leaders were invited by Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad to form the committee. Although orthodox press and historians attribute the formation of the Committee to Dr. Muhammad Iqbal.
All India Kashmir Committee included Hindus
The narrative never specified that Hindus were excluded, the system assumes so.
[ -3.46875, 0.61181640625, 3.20703125 ]
JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) — WJTV 12 is holding its annual Pack the Pickup event on Sunday, Nov. 19. All of the food collected will benefit the Mississippi Food Network. This is a Caring for Mississippi event. WJTV 12 crews will be at four Kroger locations from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to collect non-perishable items. Below is a list of the Metro Kroger locations where donations will be collected: Colony Crossing Kroger in Madison I-55 Kroger in Jackson Dogwood Kroger in Flowood Kroger location in Clinton
WJTV is having the event on the second day of the week.
WJTV is having the event on Sunday. The system was confused by the day.
[ 0.5087890625, -3.162109375, 2.421875 ]
In 1954, in a gesture of friendship to mark the 300th anniversary of Ukrainian union with Russia, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine.
Ni Chev gave crimea to ukraine
Ni Chev is not a person making my statement incorrect the model had problems with the spelling of words
[ 4.12890625, -1.5595703125, -2.361328125 ]
Could we then go back to Justice O'Connor's question? To make that very specific, if we agree with you, does that mean that we would, in principle, have to hold the 1976 extension unconstitutional? I mean, in 1976, Congress extended the term from 28 years renewable once, to life of the author plus 50 years. Now they're extending it life of the author plus 70. If the latter is unconstitutional on your theory, how could the former not be? And if the former is, the chaos that would ensue would be horrendous.
O'connor is on the supreme court
jutice o'connor
[ -0.9189453125, 3.568359375, -2.927734375 ]
The wrong impression that many have is that somehow through some sanctions a person will be brought into court if their child has been accused or is being charged with an offence before the courts and that somehow the courts will actually be able to hold the parent or guardian accountable.
Children can be given the death penalty.
It is unclear if children can be given the death penalty. The system was confused by the context.
[ -3.26953125, 4.41796875, -1.087890625 ]
A 'devastated' father has described the loss of his eight-year-old daughter to the flu in Melbourne. Rosie's father Christian Brealey, of Upper Ferntree Gully, thanked the public for their support, describing his daughter as his 'loving little angel'. SHARE Share on Facebook SHARE Share on Twitter TWEET Link Rosie who died of the flu in Melbourne "We are devastated by the loss of our beautiful, loving little angel," Mr Brealey said in a statement released to News Corp. More to come
Brealey likens his daughter to a winged creature that lives in heaven.
He calls her an angel.
[ 1.3623046875, 1.302734375, -2.83984375 ]
Oh, yes. There were not many meetings where Bill Buckingham did not speak. And, actually, at that meeting -- I believe the beginning of the meeting was an apology, actually, which he had prepared in advance apologizing to the members of the community if he had said anything that offended them.
Buckingham is his last name.
His name is Bill Buckingham. The system was confused by the context.
[ 2.7265625, -1.748046875, -1.0439453125 ]
At the police-training center in Waipahu, 17 members of the Honolulu Police Department's recruit class practiced driving on this training course on Friday. It will be the last recruit class for a while. Another class set to begin next week has been postponed and a second recruit class scheduled for July will also likely be put off to save money. "We're going to just delay it for now until the budget situation clears up a little bit more," Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann said.
The quote was spoken by Muf Haneman
The quote in this passage was spoken by Mufi Hannemann making my statement incorrect. The model has problems with the spelling of words
[ 2.904296875, -3.51171875, 0.50634765625 ]
(WTNH) – An escaped Enfield prisoner has been caught in Georgia. 25-year-old Jerry Mercado escaped from the Carl Robinson Correctional Facility back on January 7. Mercado is a convicted burglar who was serving a state sentence at the Enfield facility. The US Marshal's office confirmed that he was captured on Wednesday. Officials were offering a cash reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to his arrest.
The escaped criminal was in his 20's.
The excerpt says that the escaped convict was 25. This would mean that he was in his 20's. I'm not sure why the system missed this one.
[ 2.0390625, -3.25390625, 0.943359375 ]
Honourable senators, I see today in this chamber former premiers, former ministers of the Crown, party leaders, members of the federal and provincial legislatures; business leaders, bankers, financiers, administrators, bureaucrats; professionals in the fields of health, education, law, communications, tourism, agriculture and natural resources, with the very recent addition of a nun.
The speaker neglected to mention former professionals in the field of engineering as among those they see
Engineers are not brought up at all. I think the system got it wrong because the statement requires noticing a negative
[ 0.420654296875, 1.8876953125, -2.544921875 ]
If you were heading south on Saturday, you may have drove right through a thick cloud of smoke as captured in this user submitted video. According to Guam Fire Department acting spokesperson Cherika Chargualaf, units responded to a trash fire behind the General Services Agency in Piti around lunchtime and had the fire under control in less than an hour. The only damage reported was to old equipment stored outside. No injuries were reported.
The person that sent in what it looked like over the weekend was not headed north.
If you were heading south on Saturday
[ 4.86328125, -2.419921875, -2.279296875 ]
Norge<br>A year after my boyfriend was killed, I met another man. He was ten years older than me, and from Norway. We got along very well. We ended up getting married. I left him a few years later after he cheated on me.
She left him for another man.
She left him because he cheated and not because of another man.
[ 3.138671875, -1.3017578125, -1.6923828125 ]
In response to the third point made by the Honourable Senator Roche, which is about Canada's role in the entire area, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has said there is a three-fold response: securing agreement to an updated five-year action program with new, concrete objectives for disarmament and non-proliferation; seeking a more robust review and assessment process to give full meaning to the principle of permanence with accountability; and promoting universal adherence to the NPT, with renewed commitment by treaty member states to live up to their obligations.
The minister implied that a two year action program would not achieve the countries objective in this area
The proposal was for a five year plan, implying a two year plan would be inadequate.
[ -0.4638671875, 2.685546875, -2.263671875 ]
How to refrigerate foods safely<br>Avoid packing your refrigerator tightly. Packing loosely allows the cold air to circulate. Use an appliance thermometer to monitor the real temperature inside your refrigerator and your freezer.
The article advises not to place too many food items in the refrigerator.
It's definitely correct because it says to avoid packing the refrigerator tightly, which means to leave space between the food, hence you must not put too much food in the refrigerator. It's difficult because this is not stated explicitly and requires a high level understanding of the text.
[ 4.8203125, -1.9951171875, -2.568359375 ]
Sense of taste<br>Joseph looked forward to his birthday. He already tasted the chocolate on his taste buds. So when his birthday came, he was sitting with his fork at the ready. His mom put the cake in front of him. But the cake tasted like nothing and was a disappointing experience.
Joseph became an adult and cake didn't taste the same.
We don't know if adulthood was the reason why.
[ 3.58984375, -1.115234375, -2.3671875 ]
Going to the Beach<br>Channel woke up in the morning, and decided to go the beach. She put on her bathing suit, packed a cooler, and grabbed a towel. She got in her car and drove a distance. Parking, and then walking to the beach. She placed her towel on the beach and enjoyed the wonderful day.
Channel parked her car away from the beach.
It is stated that Channel walked to the beach after parking her car. Therefore, she did not park her car on the beach. It is stated that she walked to the beach implying that the car was away from it if only by a small distance.
[ 1.9765625, 0.048797607421875, -2.0703125 ]
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Police in Virginia Beach have arrested a man on several child pornography charges. Derrick Smith faces charges of possession and reproduction of child porn. 10 On Your Side is working to learn more about this story. Stay with for updates.
Derrick Smith has been arrested by dean
name not mentioned
[ -3.421875, 4.70703125, -1.1806640625 ]
Kootenay Loop is a major public transit exchange in Vancouver, British Columbia. Opened on August 20, 1950, it is the eastern-most major exchange in the city of Vancouver with routes servicing East Vancouver, Downtown Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver and the Tri-Cities.
Vancouver only has one public transit exchange.
The context states the the Loop is the eastern most public transit. By saying easternmost, it implies there is a westernmost.
[ -3.17578125, 4.09375, -0.66796875 ]
Anna Katharina Wienhard (born 1977) is a German mathematician whose research concerns differential geometry, and especially the use of higher Teichmüller spaces to study the deformation theory of symmetric geometric structures. She is a professor at Heidelberg University.
anna is a taurus
her sign could be or not, it does not specify
[ -1.7734375, -0.87890625, 2.646484375 ]
I saw him where he lay along , sucking a fruit in his left hand .<br>His flesh was wasted off his bones , his hair was patched with white , and his hand was blue-veined like a woman 's .<br>He put his left arm round my neck and whispered , `` Take my sword .<br>It has been thine since Hastings , O my brother , but I can never hold hilt again . ''<br>We lay there on the high deck talking of Santlache , and , I think , of every day since Santlache , and it came so that we both wept .<br>I was weak , and he little more than a shadow . '<br>`` Nay -- nay , '' said Witta , at the helm-rail .
The man is old.
There is no mention of 'his' age.
[ 0.80126953125, 2.810546875, -3.98828125 ]
press release: Fresca Opera presents Opera Storytellers! Opera is a series of notes from the soul. Arias performed with the most intimate of instruments: The human voice. Accompanied by six strings and the history behind the notes, Opera Storytellers presents operatic music like you have never heard it before. Acoustic. Pure. Naked. Opera Storytellers performs this music the way it was intended to be. A connection without interference. Just pure music.
Fresca Opera is a unique type of music.
The scenario states that the music is "like you have never heard it before," suggesting unique music.
[ -0.110107421875, 1.572265625, -1.55078125 ]
Lawrence Leung (born 25 August 1977) is an Australian comedian, writer and director from Melbourne, Victoria. He is best known for his television series "Lawrence Leung's Choose Your Own Adventure" based his one-man shows on stories about his obsessions, such as breakdancing, ghosts, the Rubik's Cube and his family. The son of Leo and Doris Leung, he grew up in Box Hill, Melbourne.
Leung was born in the south of the country.
He was born in Melbourne.
[ -3.05859375, 2.2109375, 1.142578125 ]
I just let my thoughts run and I thought of the most surprising things . ''<br>Marilla felt helplessly that all this should be sternly reproved , but she was hampered by the undeniable fact that some of the things Anne had said , especially about the minister 's sermons and Mr. Bell 's prayers , were what she herself had really thought deep down in her heart for years , but had never given expression to .
Marilla did not say everything she felt.
It said there were things she had felt for a long time but hadn't said.
[ 3.419921875, -1.08203125, -2.275390625 ]
Lost Wedding Ring<br>Tammy lost her wedding ring. She freaked out all day looking for it. Her husband helped her look. Finally they checked the garbage disposal. It had fallen there when she washed dishes.
Tammy did not look for her wedding ring very well
The rigor of her search was never mentioned, the system assumed so
[ 2.46875, -1.9189453125, -0.689453125 ]
Marty Sklar, legendary Imagineer and designer of Disney parks, died Thursday at his home in Hollywood Hills, California. Sklar started with Disney in 1955 and helped Walt market Disney World and Epcot Center. He went on to become the Mouse House’s top Imagineer and supervised the design of its parks in Paris, Tokyo and Shanghai. Sklar was 83.
Marty Sklar designed world famous theme parks outside Orlando, Florida.
Walt Disney World and Epcot are outside orlando, FL.
[ -0.53369140625, 1.4755859375, -0.8583984375 ]
How to improve your computer performance<br>Perform " disk cleanup " regularly. The disk cleanup utility is an excellent way to get rid of temporary files, recycle bin, system logs and other non essential files that build up and take up memory. To perform a disk cleanup perform the following steps: start] control panel] system and security] administrative tools] disk clean up.
Failure to implement the disk cleanup utility will slow down your computer.
It is a fact that all the junk and unnecessary files in one's pc take up memory, and that slows a pc down, and after awhile it would be noticeably slower to boot and in general performance.
[ -1.38671875, 3.705078125, -2.427734375 ]
How to clean quartz<br>Rinse the quartz off with a power washer. If you have a large amount of quartz with a heavy amount of mud or dirt on it, you can try to rinse it off with a power washer. Set your quartz on the ground (preferably on concrete or asphalt) and rinse off the dirt.
Quartz can be washed many ways
Power washing is one option.
[ -0.98095703125, 3.615234375, -2.8984375 ]
His first glance was for the arrow .<br>It was the first of these missiles he had seen , and as he turned it to and fro , the dark hue of it touched him with some fear .<br>Again there was some writing : one word -- `` Earthed . ''<br>`` Ay , '' he broke out , `` they know I am home , then .<br>Earthed !<br>Ay , but there is not a dog among them fit to dig me out . ''<br>Sir Oliver had come to himself , and now scrambled to his feet .<br>`` Alack , Sir Daniel ! ''
Sir Oliver and Sir Daniel love each other deeply.
Not enough context to know if Sir Oliver and Sir Daniel love each other deeply.
[ -3.125, 4.89453125, -1.7685546875 ]
By The Associated Press WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — All passengers and crew have survived a crash-landing of a plane in a lagoon in the Federated States of Micronesia. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — All passengers and crew have survived a crash-landing of a plane in a lagoon in the Federated States of Micronesia. Copyright © 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.
No children were killed in the accident.
The context confirms that everybody survived the accident, so there is no way that a child was killed.
[ -1.8271484375, 5.12890625, -3.423828125 ]
Botswana Accountancy College students will host a Miss BAC Night Show this Friday at Adansonia Hotel. The show which will see young ladies compete for the coveted Miss BAC crown is a school project in which the students will be assessed. Organisers of the show have roped in Democratic Republic of Congo upcoming artist Farrai Solo to spice up the evening while Francistown based DJs such as Mr Cue, The Dude, Da Quinty and F-Squared will also entertain. The all black formal event tickets sell for P100 and P80 for students. Tickets are inclusive of buffet dinner.
The all black formal event tickets will sell under P100 for everybody.
It states "sell for P100 and P80 for students." Therefore it will not sell Under P100 for everybody.
[ 0.81640625, -1.4482421875, 0.50341796875 ]
"Tell Me Why" is a song by English rock band the Beatles from their album "A Hard Day's Night". In North America, it was released on both the American version of "A Hard Day's Night" and the album "Something New". Credited to Lennon–McCartney, it was written by John Lennon in either Paris or New York City and recorded in eight takes on 27 February 1964.
There are two versions of the album "A Hard Day's Night".
The text only mentions two, but there could be more [e.g. a Spanish version]. The model didn't consider this.
[ 3.203125, -1.5966796875, -1.552734375 ]
General Olson, you say that the functional equivalent of an unlimited time would be a violation, but that's precisely the argument that's being made by petitioners here, that a limited time which is extendable is the functionable, functional equivalent of an unlimited time, a limited time that 10 years from now can be extended, and then extended again, and extended again. Why -- their argument is precisely that, a limited time doesn't mean anything unless it means, once you have established the limit for works that have been created under that limit, that's the end.
The petitioners argue that a time limit that can be continuously extended is limited.
The petitioners are arguing the opposite. I think the system got it wrong because the context is confusingly and circularly worded.
[ 2.265625, -1.7744140625, -0.57666015625 ]
How to make a cute buildabearville person<br>Bear in mind you're going to need more bearbills, especially if you have just created an account. Try playing the friendship forest photo safari game. Also collect a 100 bb at the sports centre.
A bear price is 100 bb
It does not mention the price of a bear anywhere
[ -0.46044921875, 1.111328125, -0.6572265625 ]
Long Nap<br>Ron was tired from work. He decided to take a quick nap. By the time he woke up the sun had gone down. Ron was still tired. He decided to keep sleeping through the night.
Ron did not take a quick nap.
Ron slept much longer than he anticipated. The system did not understand the context.
[ -1.9130859375, -2.197265625, 3.94140625 ]
If we were to take the costs of colour cable TV, free condoms, free bleach for needles, the right to sue and legal costs involved, the right to vote and the administrative and logistical costs involved, gun registration and the cost of patronage appointees the Liberals have put on the parole board, just those costs alone, would we not be able to spend more money on hiring more officers or more judges without the increased raises to get rid of the backlog in the courts?
This excerpt is written in an unbiased, neutral tone.
I don't know what taking away basic commodities for struggling members of society has to do with spending on the legal system, but if I had to guess, I think the parallel is made to rally sensationalists who are quick to jump to conclusions in an effort to defame the Liberals, which is definitely not unbiased nor neutral - therefore, my statement is definitely incorrect. I think the system had difficulty because it does not understand how politicians in the human world will toy with the emotions of the general population in an attempt to gain political leverage.
[ -0.29736328125, 0.9140625, -0.7412109375 ]
Earlier this year reporter Judith Miller was jailed for refusing to name the US-government source who identified a member of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Valerie Plame.
Judith Miller has accepted jail time instead of revealing information.
She went to jail because she wouldn't name her source so my statement is correct.
[ 1.2509765625, -1.9013671875, 0.417724609375 ]
No child should be left behind in America. I want to make sure we rebuild our military to keep the peace. I worry about morale in today's military. The warning signs are clear. It is time to have a new commander in chief who will rebuild the military, pay our men and women more, make sure they're housed better and have a focused mission for our military.
Bad kids should be left behind in America.
If no child should be left behind in America, then that also applies to bad kids, so the statement is definitely incorrect.
[ -3.595703125, -1.001953125, 4.703125 ]
How to ride the disneyland (california) monorail<br>Research the locations the monorail can be boarded from. The monorail has two stops, downtown disney (across from the lego store, near rainforest cafe) and tomorrowland station (inside the disneyland park, between the finding nemo submarine voyage and autopia's tracks). Prepare to complete a bag check.
the monorail is named the captain
the paragraph does not state the name of the monorail, therefore it is impossible to know if the name is the captain. Not sure how the system missed this
[ -3.599609375, 0.1373291015625, 3.65234375 ]
How to build an animal shelter<br>Look for a site near a vet, or an easily accessible location. You don't want to build a shelter in an area that is difficult to find or get to. You may also need planning permission from the local council, if it is not already there.
Once you get approval from the local council build the shelter by the vet .
Its better to build a animal shelter near a vet
[ -1.537109375, 2.27734375, -0.66015625 ]
John Halsey (born 23 February 1945 in Highgate) is a rock drummer, best known for his appearance as Barrington Womble ("Barry Wom") in The Rutles, leading to his playing with Neil Innes's band Fatso and appearing in the television film "All You Need is Cash" (1978).
John Halsey has performed in at least three bands.
The text only references two bands that John Halsey has performed in. It is unknown if he played in any other bands. The system was likely confused by the math computation.
[ 3.109375, -0.1815185546875, -2.94140625 ]
When the Corporation makes a decision to significantly reduce operations at a given location, there will be no layoffs, terminations or salary reductions for STRF and NABET employees who were on strength as of December 31, 1983 and who are still employed on the date of signature of this collective agreement, provided they have completed their probationary period.
Some months have at least 30 days.
If something occurred on December 31, then that means some months have at least 30 days, meaning the statement is definitely correct.
[ 1.990234375, 0.2498779296875, -2.380859375 ]
These criteria and conditions, pillars of Canada's health care system, are: one, reasonable access to medically required services unimpeded by charges at the point of service or other barriers; two, comprehensive coverage for medically required services; three, universality of insured coverage for all provincial residents on equal terms and conditions; four, portability of benefits within Canada and abroad; and five, public administration of the health insurance plan on a non-profit basis.
The system only costs the rich money.
It isn't known who the system costs the most money.
[ -4.1640625, -1.0419921875, 5.37890625 ]
I do. I do think this, though. When it comes to timetables it can't be the United States timetable as to how discussions take place. It's got to be a timetable that all parties can agree to, like the Palestinians and Israelis. Secondly, any lasting peace is going to have to be a peace that's good for both sides. And therefore, the term honest broker makes sense. This current administration's worked hard to keep the parties at the table. I will try to do the same thing. But it won't be on my timetable, it will be on the timetable that people are comfortable with in the Middle East.
The author wants to make sure everyone gets along.
The author has said that it has to be based on everyone not just the united states. The system doesn't read between the line.
[ 4.66796875, -1.787109375, -2.68359375 ]
Rockcastle County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 17,056. Its county seat is Mt. Vernon. The county founded in 1810 and named for the Rockcastle River which runs through it. The river, in turn, is named for its majestic rock cliffs.
rockcastle was named after its discoverer
rockcastle was named for the Rockcastle River which runs through it, not after its discoverer
[ -3.412109375, -0.293701171875, 3.8671875 ]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who accused him of sexual assault will testify next Monday at a public hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel’s chairman, Senator Chuck Grassley, said in a statement. Reporting by Eric Beech; Editing by Mohammad Zargham
Brett Kavanaugh is a criminal.
The text does not state this.
[ -3.068359375, 1.2431640625, 2.068359375 ]
How to make simple mashed potatoes<br>Choose your potatoes. There are a few basic options when it comes to buying potatoes: baking, boiling, and all-purpose potatoes. All have different qualities when it comes to flavor and texture.
baking potatoes are baked to make mashed potatoes.
it doesn't say whether to make bake the potatoes or boil them. it only goes through the types of potatoes.
[ 1.2587890625, 1.1220703125, -2.494140625 ]
La aventura de un fotógrafo en La Plata is an Argentine novel, written by Adolfo Bioy Casares. It was first published in 1985. In the prologue to the 2005 edition, the author admits that it is possible that the novel alludes, subconsciously, to the desaparecidos, stating, “I do not believe that one can have such a terrible nightmare and refrain from writing about it in the morning.”
Adolfo was an adult in the 1970s.
We do not know when Adolfo was born.
[ -1.34375, 1.732421875, -0.0989990234375 ]
Al-Qaida-linked militants have carried out a series of suicide bombings targeting Western interests in Indonesia since 2002.
Al-Qaida-linked militants have performed no fewer than two bombings in the world since 2002.
It said they have done a series of bombings, which means there had to have been at least 2. My statement is correct.
[ -1.548828125, 1.287109375, 0.361328125 ]
Lewis Joseph "Dan" D’Antoni II (born July 9, 1947) is an Italian American former basketball player and current head coach for the Marshall Thundering Herd men's basketball team. He was previously an assistant coach under his younger brother, Mike D'Antoni, with the NBA's Phoenix Suns, New York Knicks, and Los Angeles Lakers.
"Dan" is 72 years old currently.
2019-1947= 72 years old. He's already had his birthday this year.
[ 0.50244140625, -2.16015625, 1.4404296875 ]
How to drink whiskey<br>Pour " two fingers " of whiskey into a rocks or tulip glass. Rocks glasses, the classic whiskey cup, are short, round glasses made for 12-14 oz or liquid. Tulip glasses are curved wide at the bottom and thinner up top, concentrating the smells near your nose, and are used for more high-class whiskey tastings.
Rock glasses are a set size.
It says they are made for 12-14 oz.
[ 2.43359375, -1.8642578125, -0.626953125 ]
How to make a weta home in your garden<br>Check for weta in your garden. Even urban gardens have their fair share of this amazing insect, which actually has six sub species. It could be useful to assume you have them, as providing the housing may encourage them even if they're not spending much time in your garden already.
all insects have six sub species so it could be useful to assume you have them.
all insects do not have six subspecies; only the weta's do. I think the system didn;t understand it was only applicable to the one species.
[ -2.1484375, 3.287109375, -1.1611328125 ]
Über Goober A Film About Gamers is a 2004 independent documentary film focusing on people who play role-playing games. The film was directed by Steve Metze and features interviews with Gary Gygax, Peter Adkison, Mike Stackpole and Bob Larson, amongst others. The film has screened at theatres, film festivals, and gaming conventions, winning the award for "Best Film" at Gen Con Indianapolis, 2004.
Steve Metze had a tv set
There is no way to definitively state from this summary whether or not Steve Metze had a TV set. He may have, and may not have.
[ -1.0400390625, 2.798828125, -1.9560546875 ]
I would agree. And I also agree that most police officers, of course, are doing a good job and hate this practice also. I talked to an African-American police officer in Springfield, Massachusetts not long ago who raised this question and said that in his opinion one of the biggest solutions is in the training.
Springfield, Massachusetts has mainly white cops
It's impossible to know based on the statement if Springfield, Massachusetts has mainly white cops in its police force.
[ -4.09765625, 0.35302734375, 4.203125 ]
MELBOURNE will look to avoid stumbling against Carlton, just as it did in late 2016, when the rivals clash in Round 2 at the MCG. Melbourne's slim finals chances were dashed by the Blues in Round 22 last season but after a season-opening win against St Kilda, hopes are high at Demonland. The Demons have only won their first two games of the season twice since 1995. LIVE stream every game of every round of the 2017 Toyota AFL Premiership Season on FOX SPORTS. Get your free 2-week FOXTEL PLAY trial and start watching in minutes. SIGN UP NOW >> Follow the action in our live blog!
It takes ten minutes to sign up for the free trial that last two weeks.
It's neither because the amount of time it takes to sign up was never given. Therefore it's neither correct nor incorrect.
[ -1.5166015625, 3.4375, -1.9677734375 ]
Lost in the woods<br>Ann was driving down a dark road. She hit something large. When she stopped her car she saw a person. The person was walking into the woods. Ann followed her and got lost.
Ann did not keep on driving.
It said that she stopped her car. So she did not keep on driving. My answer has to be correct.
[ 4.30859375, -1.423828125, -2.806640625 ]
Yunus, who was nominated for the peace prize at least twice before, is the first person from Bangladesh, a country of 147 million, to win a Nobel Prize. His Nobel Prize is a rare bright light in a country struggling to defeat Islamic terrorists, and which is chronically inundated by floods and battered by storms that blow in from the Bay of Bengal. The country, formerly known as East Pakistan, is bordered by the Bay of Bengal, India and Burma.
The country gets snow
It does not state whether or not the country gets snow.
[ -3.3125, 3.224609375, 0.317138671875 ]
Ahmed Patel (born 21 August 1949) is a Member of Parliament in India and a senior leader of the Indian National Congress party. He is the political secretary to the Congress President Sonia Gandhi since 2001 and is widely credited with the party’s performance in the 2004 and 2009 General elections.
Ahmed Patel has a political secretary.
The statement tells us he is a political secretary but it doesn't say for sure one way or the other if he has one of his own. Therefore it
[ 1.75390625, -1.41796875, -0.6015625 ]
Miles of Australia's most pristine coastline have been declared a disaster zone following a large oil spill from a storm-damaged cargo ship. At least 60 kilometres of Queensland's southeastern shore were contaminated when at least 42 tonnes of oil spilled into the ocean from MV Pacific Adventurer on Wednesday night. The ship, which had sailed into cyclonic weather, lost 31 containers aboard, one of which pierced the ship's hull and a fuel tank. Anna Bligh, the Queensland premier, has declared Moreton Island, Bribie Island and southern parts of the Sunshine Coast disaster zones.
The beaches have been damaged.
There are beaches on the coast.
[ -0.1700439453125, 1.3173828125, -1.2548828125 ]
Singapore GUOCOLAND on Tuesday announced that it has exercised the option to buy freehold condominium, Casa Meyfort along Meyer Road through a collective sale for S$319.88 million. The price works out to about S$1,580 per square foot per plot ratio (psf ppr), including an estimated
S$1,580 was their fee.
My statement is good. That was not a fee amount.
[ 0.354736328125, 1.513671875, -1.896484375 ]
Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy is a 2017 documentary film broadcast in the United Kingdom by ITV on 24 July 2017 and the United States by HBO on 24 July 2017. It will also air on Seven Network in Australia, CBC in Canada, Three in New Zealand, NRK in Norway, YLE in Finland and TV2 in Denmark. It aired on Aug 20th, 2017 on CBC News Network.
Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy is a telemovie documentary.
The original context described this as a television movie.
[ 0.8203125, -0.00046539306640625, -0.98095703125 ]
KENT COUNTY, MI - Northbound U.S. 131 has been shut down at Post Drive after a crash. An Aero Med helicopter is responding to the crash, reported at 10:42 a.m. Friday, Sept. 28. Police and firefighters are at the scene. Firefighters had to remove one of the victims from a vehicle.
An Aero Med helicopter responded to a crash reported in the spring.
The crash was in September, which is in the fall.
[ -3.7890625, -0.1275634765625, 4.27734375 ]
I submit, Justice Souter, that there's no per se limitation, that if there is, as Justice Scalia suggested, for -- if it is true that Congress,having specified 14 years or 28 years, decides that doesn't work very well because of the economies of other countries, the parade of constraints on artists in other countries, the reasons that we want things to be preserved or distributed, it should be 2 more years, or 5 more years later --
Less than 30 Justices are mentioned in the text.
It's definitely correct because only two Justices are mentioned in the text, and 2 is less than 30. It's difficult because the system seems to get confused with large numbers like this.
[ 2.421875, -1.7021484375, -0.8662109375 ]
2 transported after vehicle flips on I-40 in Henderson County HENDERSON COUNTY, Tenn. — Two people are in the hospital after their vehicle flipped over Wednesday on Interstate 40. The Tennessee Highway Patrol says it happened just after 7 a.m. around mile marker 115 in Henderson County. The vehicle ran off the road and went airborne before flipping over. THP says there were two people inside the car. Both were taken to the hospital and are expected to recover.
The victims of the accident flipped over with the car before it crashed and they were injured.
What I typed is exactly what happened. The AI probably has trouble grasping certain sentence structures.
[ 0.61572265625, -1.400390625, 0.65283203125 ]
Staying after school<br>Susie stayed after school with her English teacher. She wanted to express her ideas for her paper. She thought it would help her get a good grade. But when Susie handed in her paper she failed. Susie did not know what she did wrong.
Susie contains a q
No q in susie
[ -2.376953125, -0.454345703125, 2.9375 ]
I am pleased to speak on this motion today, particularly since I drafted it two years ago as a result of some unfortunate circumstances in my home province of Saskatchewan but which could continue to have some importance as efforts to discover the extent of government's involvement in the APEC issue unfold.
The narrator is canadian
He mentions his home providence of Saskatchewan which is in Canada
[ 3.85546875, -0.67724609375, -3.08984375 ]
How to calculate btu per square foot<br>Measure your square footage. Measure the square footage of each room you plan to heat or cool and add them together. If you're installing a furnace or central air conditioning system, this typically includes every room.
BTU calculation is for losers
surprised by this one, the system was confused by the sentence
[ -4.16015625, 0.95263671875, 3.5 ]
Robbed<br>Frank was walking home from work at night. A man approached him and told him to give him his wallet. Frank was scared but obeyed. The strange man then walked away from Frank. Frank was upset but thankful that he is still alive.
Frank was unsuspecting.
This may or may not be true.
[ 3.248046875, 0.427001953125, -3.6640625 ]
Ruthless People is a 1986 American black comedy film written by Dale Launer, directed by David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and Jerry Zucker, and starring Danny DeVito, Bette Midler, Judge Reinhold, Anita Morris, and Helen Slater, with Bill Pullman in a supporting role in his film debut.
At least one actor from Star Wars had a minor role in Ruthless People.
The text lists the stars and major supporting actors, but doesn't list every single actor who was in the movie.
[ 0.09637451171875, 1.701171875, -1.935546875 ]
Wood Green was a constituency for the House of Commons of the UK Parliament 1918—1983, centred on the Wood Green area of North London and its earlier broadest form included much of the seat of Enfield Southgate, created in 1950. It returned one Member of Parliament (MP).
Wood Green included much of the Samson area.
It doesn't list every area that is in it, so there might be an area named that there.
[ -2.90625, 0.445556640625, 2.71484375 ]
How to make your relationship work<br>Play together. Develop mutual interests with your partner to help your relationship grow or stay strong. It's important to have common interests other than your love for each other.
Many relationships can grow
This says that developing mutual interests can help a relationship grow, which means many relationships can grow
[ -0.7509765625, 4.3046875, -3.763671875 ]
How to write a proof of funds letter<br>Check the client's accounts. In most cases, if you are being asked to provide a proof of funds letter, then you are working as a lending officer or other senior personnel at a bank, credit union, or other financial institution. The first step, before you begin to write the letter, is to verify that the client does indeed have the requested funds.
The client should make the request
its not clear if the client needs to start the process
[ -1.0986328125, 2.421875, -1.2587890625 ]
How to recover from food poisoning fast<br>Drink plenty of liquids and fluids. If you're experiencing frequent vomiting and diarrhea, your body will quickly lose fluids which will result in dehydration. Drink as much liquid as you can to replace lost fluids.
Having food poisoning is better than not having food poisoning
The way this statement reads, no reasonable person would rather have food poisoning than not. I've had it and it is beyond miserable.
[ -1.4599609375, 0.41015625, 1.3681640625 ]
I don't think we agree on that. I would certainly also be judicious in evaluating any potential use of American troops overseas. I think we have to be very reticent about that. But look, Jim, the world is changing so rapidly. The way I see it, the world is getting much closer together.
The speaker is male.
Reason: The gender of the agent is never specified. Why: A male name is used in the context.
[ 0.646484375, -0.62646484375, -0.2021484375 ]
The Old Lady went without supper that night because of it , but Chris never knew that .<br>The Old Lady thought it a most beautiful June .<br>She no longer hated the new days ; on the contrary , she welcomed them .<br>`` Every day is an uncommon day now , '' she said jubilantly to herself -- for did not almost every day bring her a glimpse of Sylvia ?
Only the Old Lady is quoted.
"Every day is an uncommon day now'' she said jubilantly to herself. The system is confused by the context.
[ 0.904296875, -0.55712890625, -0.52001953125 ]
A brown field is an abandoned industrial site that just sits idle in some of our urban centers. And people are willing to invest capital in the brown fields don't want to do so for fear of lawsuit. I think we ought to have federal liability protection, depending upon whether or not standards have been met.
People don't want to invest because it is ugly.
They don't want to invest because of a lawsuit.
[ -3.05859375, 2.455078125, 0.76123046875 ]
Nuance was an American dance music/freestyle group. It was formed by the producer and arranger, Ron Dean Miller, and featured Vikki Love on vocals. They charted three hits on the US "Billboard" Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in the 1980s, including "Loveride," which hit #1 in 1985. The same track peaked at #59 in the UK Singles Chart in January 1985.
Nuance was a musical duo.
Only two musicians are mentioned. We don't know if there is a third member of the group, so we don't know if it was a duo.
[ 1.35546875, -0.482421875, -0.99169921875 ]
New question. Last question. For you, Governor. And this flows somewhat out of the Boston debate. You, your running mate, your campaign officials have charged that Vice President Gore exaggerates, embellishes and stretches the facts, etcetera. Are you -- do you believe these are serious issues? This is a serious issue that the voters should use in deciding which one of you two men to vote for on November 7?
the Vice President exaggerates the truth.
it says "Vice President Gore exaggerates, embellishes and stretches the facts." I think the system couldn't synonymize truth and facts.
[ 2.748046875, 0.78564453125, -3.556640625 ]
In other words you could have -- right now, if Congress decides to have a law, and this law is going to give copyrights in 1) the Bible, 2) Shakespeare, 3) Ben Jonson, and the reason they do it is that they think that that would lead publishers to produce those and distribute them, and they're right, they will, okay? In your view, that's perfectly constitutional?
The bible is copyrighted
It isn't
[ 3.869140625, -1.3232421875, -2.408203125 ]
When they try to hurt us, they are hurting themselves, because now we can talk about committees, such as the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, the Standing Committee on Finance, the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, and the Standing Committee on Health.
The people who believe in human rights don't work for the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights
Eventhough they don't believe in human rights, they could still work in the committee, you don't have to believe in something to work for it.
[ -3.109375, 0.779296875, 2.548828125 ]
Movie Detour<br>Will and his friends went to the movie theater. They were pumped about a new movie's opening night. When they arrived, their movie had been sold out. They decided to see a comedy instead. They couldn't believe how much fun they had at the comedy!
The opening night movie wasn't very popular.
The opening movie was sold out so it was a very popular choice. The system may be thinking the word, "popular" may mean "liked" which could be seen as incorrect/incorrect depending on how well "liked" those that saw the movie found it.
[ -2.11328125, -1.115234375, 3.138671875 ]
The third, and most remote possibility, was considered to be a so-called Jamaican coalition, again based on the party colours, between the Christian Democrats, the FDP and the Greens.
The most remote possibility is the number that comes before the number two
the number 1 comes before the number two, and this is talking about the THIRD possibility there fore it is wrong
[ 0.5166015625, -2.09765625, 1.380859375 ]
How to schedule a court hearing<br>File your claim with the small claims clerk. When you file a claim, the clerk may put a date on your claim. This date typically is the deadline for the other side to respond.
filing a claim does not automatically qualify the day to be the deadline
A deadline comes into effect the day that you file a claim with the cerk
[ 3.82421875, -1.6484375, -2.025390625 ]
The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office confirmed a mass shooting and “multiple fatalities,” as well as “many” people transported away from the scene. Police said just before 3 p.m. that one suspect is dead, but officers were unsure if there’s a second possible shooter.
Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office confirmed the number of fatalities when it confirmed a mass shooting.
Actually, they confirmed a mass shooting and “multiple fatalities,” which is not a specific number. The statement's partial accuracy fooled the model.
[ 3.068359375, -1.001953125, -2.01171875 ]
Woman among two killed in road accidents KARACHI: Two persons including, a woman were killed, in different road accidents in the metropolis on Friday. According to rescue sources, a speeding vehicle hit a 40-year-old woman, Kaima wife of Muhammad Anwar, in North Karachi’s under bypass. As a result, she suffered severe injuries and died on the spot. The body was shifted to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital (ASH) for an autopsy. Separately, a fast-moving car hit a motorbike on Northern bypass. As a result, a 30-year-old man, Ayyaz suffered serious head injuries and died on the spot.
When multiple people are killed in road accidents in Karachi, at least one is a woman.
Reason: We have no idea the gender ratios of any accidents outside of this one. Why: A woman was mentioned in the context of accident victims.
[ 4.33203125, -1.1982421875, -3.046875 ]
How to substitute for mustard seed<br>Use prepared horseradish to add spice. Prepared horseradish is made by combining ground horseradish with vinegar, and sometimes other spices, to form a sauce. You can get it from your local supermarket.
Prepared horseradish always has the same spices.
It said that you sometimes add other spices. So the spices can be different and you may not always use the same one. Because of that the statement is incorrect.
[ -3.74609375, -0.3623046875, 4.30078125 ]
But ALONZO !<br>No , I could n't decide .<br>If I could have done as I did with the hats -- stood them both up together , shut my eyes , and jabbed with a hatpin -- it would have been quite easy . ''<br>`` What did Alec and Alonzo feel like when you came away ? ''<br>queried Priscilla .
Priscilla wasn't fully aware of what happened with alec
Priscilla wasn't fully aware of what happened with alec, which is why she was asking about him
[ 1.1982421875, 1.4091796875, -2.724609375 ]
The Table<br>The family wanted some new furniture. They wanted a table for their kitchen most of all. They found a beautiful table in a local store. They bought it and brought it home. It was a great addition to their home!
They donated their old kitchen table.
Reason: The previous kitchen table is never mentioned -- they may have donated it, moved it, burned it... Why: There was no mention of the old table to convince the AI that it was donated.
[ -4.1015625, -1.5361328125, 5.7109375 ]
The magazine said the number of billionaires worldwide increased by 102 people in 2006 to 793, a record number, largely due to bullish global stock markets. Their total net worth jumped 18 percent to $2.6 trillion.
Fewer people are opening businesses.
It isn't known if this is the case.
[ -3.390625, 3.82421875, -0.2493896484375 ]
For one, Israel can comfortably subtract Gaza's 1.5m inhabitants from its demographic nightmare, maintaining, for a while longer perhaps, the Jewish majority.
Israel does not start with an R
It starts with an I, not an R.
[ -1.4091796875, -1.1982421875, 2.5390625 ]
The owners of Phinda, the South African-based Conservation Corporation, could not have paid for a better advertisement for their philosophy of wildlife conservation: a people-based approach to conservation, which is slowly gaining ground in Africa as game reserves come under ever greater threat from hungry, poor and angry local populations.
There was no regret about the purchase
"They couldn't have paid for a better advertisement"
[ -0.0523681640625, 3.67578125, -3.87890625 ]
THE recent strength in the US dollar index has resulted in gold breaking below the key support level at US$1,300. The psychological round number area was particularly important because it was the pivot point that kept the bulls intact since January 2018. For the past five months, there
The bulls are intact.
Psychology is important to the bulls.
[ 1.345703125, -0.344970703125, -1.0712890625 ]
How to find a piano teacher<br>Choose the appropriate style of music to be learned. Local word-of-mouth references are the easiest to collect. Chances are your friends, your church group, or others in the community have insight as to where you can find a quality teacher.
The appropriate style of music differs from person to person
People have differing preference in music.
[ 1.4384765625, 1.5419921875, -3.005859375 ]
He interviewed Shigeko Sasamori in December 2004. Ms. Sasamori was thirteen when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945).
Shigeko Sasamori saw the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
Although Shigeko Sasamori was interviewed about this event, it's uncertain if she witnessed it personally. I think the system is confused because of so many matching words.
[ -1.083984375, 3.724609375, -2.78125 ]
How to diagnose collie eye in shelties<br>Test your dog's eyesight. If you want to know if your sheltie has cea, then test his eyesight. In mild cases, your dog may be able to see well enough to cope.
Your dog can test their own eye sight.
The text wants the owner to test eye sight. It's not possible for a dog to do this. The system probably lacks common sense.
[ 0.08966064453125, 1.0458984375, -1.10546875 ]
USS "Yorktown" (Gunboat No. 1/PG-1) was lead ship of her class of steel-hulled, twin-screw gunboats in the United States Navy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was the second U.S. Navy ship named in honor of the American Revolutionary War's Battle of Yorktown.
Steel hulled ships were being built towards the end of the 19th century
Yorktown was a steel hulled ship, and was active in the late 19th century, so it must have been built then. The sentence however has taken this information out of the context of the original phrase
[ 1.701171875, 2.26953125, -4.1328125 ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for AutoTrain Evaluator

This repository contains model predictions generated by AutoTrain for the following task and dataset:

  • Task: Natural Language Inference
  • Model: MoritzLaurer/DeBERTa-v3-base-mnli-fever-anli
  • Dataset: anli
  • Config: plain_text
  • Split: test_r3

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Thanks to @MoritzLaurer for evaluating this model.

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