If you're after a side scrolling platformer, Super Mario World is a fun game. Have you ever played it before?
{"name": "Super Mario World", "genres": "platformer", "player_perspective": "side view", "intention": "recommend"}
Are you familiar with Super Mario World? It's this delightful side view platformer.
{"name": "Super Mario World", "genres": "platformer", "player_perspective": "side view", "intention": "recommend"}
World of Warcraft is a fun game. Blizzard Entertainment is a developer that knows what they're doing and always produces a solid product.
{"name": "World of Warcraft", "developer": "Blizzard Entertainment", "rating": "good", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Blizzard Entertainment did a good job with World of Warcraft, I liked playing it.
{"name": "World of Warcraft", "developer": "Blizzard Entertainment", "rating": "good", "intention": "give_opinion"}
World of Warcraft is a really good game from Blizzard Entertainment.
{"name": "World of Warcraft", "developer": "Blizzard Entertainment", "rating": "good", "intention": "give_opinion"}
I was curious, do you enjoy third person vehicular combat games, like for example MotorStorm: Apocalypse?
{"name": "MotorStorm: Apocalypse", "genres": "vehicular combat", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "suggest"}
Have you ever played a third person vehicular combat game, like MotorStorm: Apocalypse?
{"name": "MotorStorm: Apocalypse", "genres": "vehicular combat", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "suggest"}
So then do you also enjoy third person vehicular combat games, like MotorStorm: Apocalypse?
{"name": "MotorStorm: Apocalypse", "genres": "vehicular combat", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "suggest"}
I'm guessing you mean Ancient Cities, the simulation strategy game developed by Uncasual Games?
{"name": "Ancient Cities", "developer": "Uncasual Games", "genres": "simulation, strategy", "intention": "confirm"}
Ancient Cities, the strategy sim developed by Uncasual Games?
{"name": "Ancient Cities", "developer": "Uncasual Games", "genres": "simulation, strategy", "intention": "confirm"}
Oh, you're talking about Ancient Cities, aren't you? The simulation strategy game from Uncasual Games?
{"name": "Ancient Cities", "developer": "Uncasual Games", "genres": "simulation, strategy", "intention": "confirm"}
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a real-time strategy game with a bird view available for PlayStation, PC and Mac, but not Linux. You can't get it on Steam.
{"name": "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings", "genres": "real-time strategy", "player_perspective": "bird view", "platforms": "PlayStation, PC", "available_on_steam": "no", "has_linux_release": "no", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a bird view real-time strategy game that was released for PlayStation and PC. It isn't available on Steam and doesn't have a Linux release, but it does have a Mac version.
{"name": "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings", "genres": "real-time strategy", "player_perspective": "bird view", "platforms": "PlayStation, PC", "available_on_steam": "no", "has_linux_release": "no", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a real-time, bird view strategy game that can be played on PlayStation or PC. While it's not available on Steam and it doesn't have a Linux release, you can play it on Mac.
{"name": "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings", "genres": "real-time strategy", "player_perspective": "bird view", "platforms": "PlayStation, PC", "available_on_steam": "no", "has_linux_release": "no", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
Do you like playing games developed by Spectrum HoloByte, Inc., games like Tetris?
{"name": "Tetris", "developer": "Spectrum HoloByte, Inc.", "intention": "suggest"}
Have you tried any games from Spectrum HoloByte, Inc., like Tetris?
{"name": "Tetris", "developer": "Spectrum HoloByte, Inc.", "intention": "suggest"}
If you don't mind me asking, have you ever played a game that was developed by Spectrum HoloByte, Inc., like for example Tetris?
{"name": "Tetris", "developer": "Spectrum HoloByte, Inc.", "intention": "suggest"}
I loved Undertale. It really took advantage of the bird's eye view and did a lot of novel things in its genre.
{"name": "Undertale", "rating": "excellent", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
I always love the bird's eye view in games because it's so easy to see everything - such as in games like Undertale.
{"name": "Undertale", "rating": "excellent", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
I loved Undertale so, so much. The bird view perspective really helped the game and made it so fun and easy to play.
{"name": "Undertale", "rating": "excellent", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 is a sports game from 2001 by Neversoft Entertainment. In it, you perform skate-boarding tricks from a third person view.
{"name": "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3", "release_year": "2001", "developer": "Neversoft Entertainment", "genres": "sport", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "inform"}
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 is a third person sports game developed by Neversoft Entertainment and released in 2001.
{"name": "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3", "release_year": "2001", "developer": "Neversoft Entertainment", "genres": "sport", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "inform"}
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 is a sports game that was released in 2001 from Neversoft Entertainment. It is played primarily in third person view.
{"name": "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3", "release_year": "2001", "developer": "Neversoft Entertainment", "genres": "sport", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "inform"}
By Horizon: Zero Dawn, do you mean the action-adventure shooter with role-playing elements?
{"name": "Horizon: Zero Dawn", "genres": "action-adventure, role-playing, shooter", "intention": "confirm"}
Do you mean Horizon: Zero Dawn, the action adventure RPG shooter?
{"name": "Horizon: Zero Dawn", "genres": "action-adventure, role-playing, shooter", "intention": "confirm"}
Are we talking about the action-adventure shooter RPG, Horizon: Zero Dawn?
{"name": "Horizon: Zero Dawn", "genres": "action-adventure, role-playing, shooter", "intention": "confirm"}
Since you seem to be a fan of PC games by Hudson Soft, I thought you might like Super Bomberman too. Have you heard about the game?
{"name": "Super Bomberman", "developer": "Hudson Soft", "platforms": "PC", "intention": "recommend"}
While we're on the subject of PC games developed by Hudson Soft, have you heard of Super Bomberman?
{"name": "Super Bomberman", "developer": "Hudson Soft", "platforms": "PC", "intention": "recommend"}
One Hudson Soft game for the PC that I enjoyed was Super Bomberman. Have you heard of it?
{"name": "Super Bomberman", "developer": "Hudson Soft", "platforms": "PC", "intention": "recommend"}
Diablo II is a really good entry in the hack-and-slash RPG genre. You don't see many bird view games these days, which is sad.
{"name": "Diablo II", "rating": "good", "genres": "hack-and-slash, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
I think that hack-and-slash RPGs can be a bit mindless and repetitive, but with a bird view perspective they're usually pretty fun anyways. So I enjoyed playing Diablo II.
{"name": "Diablo II", "rating": "good", "genres": "hack-and-slash, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Diablo II is a pretty good game, because the hack-and-slash RPG gameplay is fun and the bird view perspective makes it easy to play.
{"name": "Diablo II", "rating": "good", "genres": "hack-and-slash, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
What's the most dull multiplayer game you've ever played?
{"has_multiplayer": "yes", "specifier": "dull", "intention": "request"}
Have you played a multiplayer game recently that was totally dull?
{"has_multiplayer": "yes", "specifier": "dull", "intention": "request"}
So what's a game with multiplayer that you just found to be dull?
{"has_multiplayer": "yes", "specifier": "dull", "intention": "request"}
I thought Rollcage was decent. It's OK for an action racing PC game that you might occasionally want to play, but it's just nothing spectacular.
{"name": "Rollcage", "rating": "average", "genres": "action, driving/racing", "platforms": "PC", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Rollcage gave me an all-around average action racing experience on my PC, but it's not a game I would play regularly.
{"name": "Rollcage", "rating": "average", "genres": "action, driving/racing", "platforms": "PC", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Rollcage isn't awful, but could have been better. Action racing games can be really good, but the PC is just not the right platform for them.
{"name": "Rollcage", "rating": "average", "genres": "action, driving/racing", "platforms": "PC", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Have you played any good short video games lately?
{"specifier": "short", "intention": "request"}
Have you played any short games lately?
{"specifier": "short", "intention": "request"}
What's a nice short game I could play tonight?
{"specifier": "short", "intention": "request"}
I recall that you were not that fond of Little Big Adventure. Would you say Adeline Software International has room to improve in third person games overall?
{"name": "Little Big Adventure", "developer": "Adeline Software International", "rating": "average", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
You said you were not totally sold on Little Big Adventure. Is this the case for all third person games from Adeline Software International?
{"name": "Little Big Adventure", "developer": "Adeline Software International", "rating": "average", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
You mentioned you thought Little Big Adventure was average. Are you typically unimpressed by third person games from Adeline Software International?
{"name": "Little Big Adventure", "developer": "Adeline Software International", "rating": "average", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
Payday 2 is an average game I'd say. First person shooters with role-playing elements are okay, but they're also a dime a dozen now and all blend together.
{"name": "Payday 2", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, shooter", "player_perspective": "first person", "intention": "give_opinion"}
As far as first person RPG shooters go, Payday 2 is more of the same, not really great, but not really bad either. Middle of the road, you know?
{"name": "Payday 2", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, shooter", "player_perspective": "first person", "intention": "give_opinion"}
I normally love RPGs and hate first person shooters, so not surprisingly I found Payday 2, which combined the two, to be not quite entertaining.
{"name": "Payday 2", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, shooter", "player_perspective": "first person", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Why is it that you enjoy playing hack-and-slash RPGs that have a bird view perspective?
{"rating": "good", "genres": "hack-and-slash, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "request_explanation"}
Why is it that you like to play bird view perspective hack-and-slash RPGs?
{"rating": "good", "genres": "hack-and-slash, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "request_explanation"}
What do you like about bird's eye view hack-and-slash RPGs?
{"rating": "good", "genres": "hack-and-slash, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "request_explanation"}
Since you like multiplayer games, have you tried Never Alone?
{"name": "Never Alone", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "recommend"}
If you're looking for a game with multiplayer, are you familiar with Never Alone?
{"name": "Never Alone", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "recommend"}
Since you're looking for games to play with friends, have you tried the multiplayer game Never Alone?
{"name": "Never Alone", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "recommend"}
BioShock, which was released in 2007 by 2K Boston, right?
{"name": "BioShock", "release_year": "2007", "developer": "2K Boston", "intention": "confirm"}
When you mention BioShock, do you mean the one that was developed by 2K Boston back in 2007?
{"name": "BioShock", "release_year": "2007", "developer": "2K Boston", "intention": "confirm"}
Do you mean 2K Boston's 2007 game, BioShock?
{"name": "BioShock", "release_year": "2007", "developer": "2K Boston", "intention": "confirm"}
Can you explain to me why you find multiplayer games to be neither good nor bad?
{"rating": "average", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "request_explanation"}
If you don't mind me asking, why do you find games with multiplayer to be mediocre?
{"rating": "average", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "request_explanation"}
Is there anything in particular about multiplayer games you find so average?
{"rating": "average", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "request_explanation"}
If you like real-time strategy role-playing games, then you should try the video game released in 2017 by Grimlore Games called Spellforce 3. It has a bird view perspective and has multiplayer.
{"name": "SpellForce 3", "release_year": "2017", "developer": "Grimlore Games", "genres": "real-time strategy, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
SpellForce 3 is a real-time strategy, role-playing game released by Grimlore Games in 2017. It has a multiplayer mode and bird view player perspective.
{"name": "SpellForce 3", "release_year": "2017", "developer": "Grimlore Games", "genres": "real-time strategy, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
SpellForce 3 is a 2017 release by Grimlore Games. It is a bird view real-time strategy RPG with a multiplayer mode.
{"name": "SpellForce 3", "release_year": "2017", "developer": "Grimlore Games", "genres": "real-time strategy, role-playing", "player_perspective": "bird view", "has_multiplayer": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
The Forest of Doom is an average role-playing text adventure game released in 2014. You can get it on Linux, Mac, and PC. It is available on Steam.
{"name": "The Forest of Doom", "release_year": "2014", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, text adventure", "platforms": "PC", "available_on_steam": "yes", "has_linux_release": "yes", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
The Forest of Doom is a 2014 role-playing text adventure game with average ratings. It is available on Steam, and it runs on PC, Mac, and Linux platforms.
{"name": "The Forest of Doom", "release_year": "2014", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, text adventure", "platforms": "PC", "available_on_steam": "yes", "has_linux_release": "yes", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
The Forest of Doom is an average 2014 text adventure RPG. It's for PC only and available on Steam. There's Linux and Mac support too.
{"name": "The Forest of Doom", "release_year": "2014", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, text adventure", "platforms": "PC", "available_on_steam": "yes", "has_linux_release": "yes", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "inform"}
Life is Strange is a good role-playing game.
{"name": "Life is Strange", "rating": "good", "genres": "role-playing", "intention": "inform"}
Life is Strange is a good role-playing game.
{"name": "Life is Strange", "rating": "good", "genres": "role-playing", "intention": "inform"}
Life is Strange is a good role-playing game.
{"name": "Life is Strange", "rating": "good", "genres": "role-playing", "intention": "inform"}
The Room is an indie first person point-and-click game with puzzles, released in 2012 by developer Fireproof Games. It has an excellent rating.
{"name": "The Room", "release_year": "2012", "developer": "Fireproof Games", "rating": "excellent", "genres": "indie, point-and-click, puzzle", "player_perspective": "first person", "intention": "inform"}
Fireproof Games released an indie puzzle game, The Room, in 2012. This first person point-and-click game has excellent ratings.
{"name": "The Room", "release_year": "2012", "developer": "Fireproof Games", "rating": "excellent", "genres": "indie, point-and-click, puzzle", "player_perspective": "first person", "intention": "inform"}
The Room is an indie point-and-click puzzle game with a first person perspective. It was released in 2012 by Fireproof Games, and it has received excellent ratings.
{"name": "The Room", "release_year": "2012", "developer": "Fireproof Games", "rating": "excellent", "genres": "indie, point-and-click, puzzle", "player_perspective": "first person", "intention": "inform"}
If you're looking for another one of tobyfox's bird view perspective games, you should check out Undertale. Have you heard of it?
{"name": "Undertale", "developer": "tobyfox", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "recommend"}
Since you seem to be a fan of bird view games by tobyfox, I thought you might like Undertale too. Have you heard about the game?
{"name": "Undertale", "developer": "tobyfox", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "recommend"}
Have you heard of Undertale? It's this bird view game from tobyfox.
{"name": "Undertale", "developer": "tobyfox", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "recommend"}
You mentioned that World of Warcraft was pretty good in your book. In general, do you find adventure MMORPGs to be fun?
{"name": "World of Warcraft", "rating": "good", "genres": "adventure, MMORPG", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
Do you find playing adventure MMORPGs fun, or did you just enjoy World of Warcraft?
{"name": "World of Warcraft", "rating": "good", "genres": "adventure, MMORPG", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
In our conversation you mentioned liking World of Warcraft. Would you say the adventure MMORPG genre is one of your favorites?
{"name": "World of Warcraft", "rating": "good", "genres": "adventure, MMORPG", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
If you like to combine role-playing, shooter, and tactical games then Tom Clancy's the Division will fit the bill. It came out in 2016 and received pretty average reviews.
{"name": "Tom Clancy's The Division", "release_year": "2016", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, shooter, tactical", "intention": "inform"}
Tom Clancy's The Division is an average tactical role-playing shooter, that was released in 2016.
{"name": "Tom Clancy's The Division", "release_year": "2016", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, shooter, tactical", "intention": "inform"}
If you want an average-rated, role-playing tactical shooter, try Tom Clancy's The Division. It was released in 2016.
{"name": "Tom Clancy's The Division", "release_year": "2016", "rating": "average", "genres": "role-playing, shooter, tactical", "intention": "inform"}
I know you didn't like Euro Truck Simulator. Do you also dislike other SCS Software driving games?
{"name": "Euro Truck Simulator", "developer": "SCS Software", "rating": "poor", "genres": "driving/racing, simulation", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
I remember you told me that you didn't like Euro Truck Simulator. Do you mean that you do not like to play driving simulator games developed by SCS Software in general?
{"name": "Euro Truck Simulator", "developer": "SCS Software", "rating": "poor", "genres": "driving/racing, simulation", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
You said that you disliked Euro Truck Simulator. Do you make a habit of disliking driving and racing simulators by SCS Software?
{"name": "Euro Truck Simulator", "developer": "SCS Software", "rating": "poor", "genres": "driving/racing, simulation", "intention": "verify_attribute"}
As an action-adventure puzzle shooter, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris had a lot going on. It pulled it off but it's not great.
{"name": "Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris", "rating": "average", "genres": "action-adventure, puzzle, shooter", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris was an okay game I guess. I think that I'm just a bit burnt out on action-adventure puzzle shooters, but I don't find them terrible at least.
{"name": "Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris", "rating": "average", "genres": "action-adventure, puzzle, shooter", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is an overall average action adventure shooter puzzler.
{"name": "Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris", "rating": "average", "genres": "action-adventure, puzzle, shooter", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Assetto Corsa is a first person and third person driving/racing sports simulator released in 2014.
{"name": "Assetto Corsa", "release_year": "2014", "genres": "driving/racing, simulation, sport", "player_perspective": "first person, third person", "intention": "inform"}
Assetto Corsa is a 2014 sport racing sim with first and third person perspectives.
{"name": "Assetto Corsa", "release_year": "2014", "genres": "driving/racing, simulation, sport", "player_perspective": "first person, third person", "intention": "inform"}
The racing game, Assetto Corsa, released in 2014, can be played from a first or third person view, and is for those who enjoy sport driving simulation games.
{"name": "Assetto Corsa", "release_year": "2014", "genres": "driving/racing, simulation, sport", "player_perspective": "first person, third person", "intention": "inform"}
When you talk about Mafia, do you mean the 2002 game that was developed by Illusion Softworks?
{"name": "Mafia", "release_year": "2002", "developer": "Illusion Softworks", "intention": "confirm"}
Is that Mafia, the title from Illusion Softworks released in 2002?
{"name": "Mafia", "release_year": "2002", "developer": "Illusion Softworks", "intention": "confirm"}
Are you talking about Illusion Softworks' Mafia from 2002?
{"name": "Mafia", "release_year": "2002", "developer": "Illusion Softworks", "intention": "confirm"}
RollerCoaster Tycoon was a masterstroke considering it was made by MicroProse. I really quite liked this game, and it did well with the bird view perspective too.
{"name": "RollerCoaster Tycoon", "developer": "MicroProse", "rating": "good", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
RollerCoaster Tycoon is a fun game. MicroProse is a talented developer and the bird view perspective makes it easy to play.
{"name": "RollerCoaster Tycoon", "developer": "MicroProse", "rating": "good", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
I normally hate games with a bird view perspective, but MicroProse is such a talented developer that RollerCoaster Tycoon is actually a good game.
{"name": "RollerCoaster Tycoon", "developer": "MicroProse", "rating": "good", "player_perspective": "bird view", "intention": "give_opinion"}
I've been having fun playing Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings lately. I definitely appreciate how I can play it on both my Mac and my PC.
{"name": "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings", "rating": "good", "platforms": "PC", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "give_opinion"}
I really liked Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, it's a solid PC game, and it actually was ported to Mac too, which is a pretty nice addition in terms of expanding access to the game.
{"name": "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings", "rating": "good", "platforms": "PC", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a good game for sure. It's a PC game like a lot of what I play, but it also has a Mac release, which allows me to play it on my laptop too.
{"name": "Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings", "rating": "good", "platforms": "PC", "has_mac_release": "yes", "intention": "give_opinion"}
Skyforge is a third person adventure MMORPG with hack-and-slash combat. It came out in 2015.
{"name": "Skyforge", "release_year": "2015", "genres": "adventure, hack-and-slash, MMORPG", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "inform"}
Skyforge was released in 2015. It's a third person adventure hack-and-slash MMORPG game.
{"name": "Skyforge", "release_year": "2015", "genres": "adventure, hack-and-slash, MMORPG", "player_perspective": "third person", "intention": "inform"}