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yUcX_q7m6IQ | Hey guys, it’s Ro! And today on Nerdy Nummies,
I’m making something really cool because I got so many requests for something
Diablo 3 related, and the new game is coming out, so I thought, I’m gonna make
Diablo 3 resource Potion Drinks! We have all the ingredients to make skittle
vodka potion drinks, I saw this whole Skittle vodka craze going on, on the
internet, and I think I found this recipe from Pintrest! They have everything rainbow
on Pinterest. So let’s get started! What we’re gonna need today is gonna be
glass swing top bottles, these are pretty big, I found these at IKEA for like,
$3.99, and you’re gonna need 6 of these. And that’s
what the vodka is gonna brew in. Then you’re gonna need 6 of these, they’re
just round little, small glass jars. You can find these at Michael’s, but I found
a website where they’re less expensive, so I’ll put a link below where
you can order ‘em. Also at Michael’s the bottleneck was a little
taller and it kind of looked awkward, so I liked these because they were
a shorter little bottle top. They just look more like a potion jar, you could use these for like Halloween too! And then you’re gonna need, coffee filters,
skittles, and I had to buy the regular skittles, and a bag of tropical skittles
to get the blue colors I wanted. Because, these don’t come in the regular
bags. And then sprite, and, vodka! This is the Dan Akroyd vodka, I picked it
out because it was a skull head! I was like, that’s perfect for Diablo! Let’s get some crystal head vodka going
on in this episode! Yes! Alright, let’s get started, let’s make
some. The first thing that I’m gonna do is separate
the skittles into the different colors, and I just put ‘em in these little
cups. And then you’re gonna take them and put
them in the bottle. I’m gonna start with orange which is fury for the Barbarian!
Which is probably what I’m gonna play in the game. I haven’t decided if I'm gonna play Barbarian or Demon Hunter, eeee! I don’t know yet! OK, so you take these little guys and you
stick them in here, so once you got a little bit on the bottom there, then we’re gonna
pour in the vodka. So you just stick it in here, open this guy,
oh gosh! I feel like I’m making an evil elixir. So you just take this out, go like this, keep
it nice and tight, and you let that sit overnight. The only skittle color that I had a little
bit of trouble finding was white, because they don’t make white skittles and
I wanted white for um, Monk, for spirit! Um, his resource is spirit, so,
what I did is you can take yellow skittles, and then you let them dissolve a
little bit, before you put them in the big IKEA swing top bottle. So you just
pour them in a little bit of water. And you just let them sit and dissolve. And
you can kind of shake them a little bit. And it will remove all the yellow,
and it just leaves this like, hazy white color, and then you put whats leftover
into the big bottle. And it will make like this white haze, it’s
perfect for spirit for Monk. Ba-da! This is what the potions look like
after sitting out all night. You can see that there’s like sugar sediment,
floating around, um, in the bottles and that is where we’re gonna use the coffee
filters and filter them out. Filter all that gunky Skittle sugar out of
here! You’re gonna take a little coffee filter,
a cup, funnel, and you really stick it in there. And you’re gonna pour really
slow. And filtering does take awhile, so just take your time. You can pour some
in there and just let it sit. And then it will just drip. So when this is going on, when this is
filtering you can decorate… Our resource potion bottles, I got some cool
stuff, let’s do that! To decorate the resource potions I got many
things, the first thing is I got this leather rope… Or leather, string, I
guess, at Michael’s. To wrap around our little potions. I ordered these online from the same site
that I ordered the glass bottles, so I’ll put that link below. But they’re
basically gift tags and they’re metal. Then I got these little sticky gems, I found these
at Michael’s and they were the different colors of the resources, and I was
like, oh perfect! And then I’m gonna use these, they’re
basically just bendable jewelry wire, and we’re gonna use, you know, the pliers
to cut ‘em, to make the little rings. OK, let’s get started! So, I’m gonna star with this 1, I’m gonna
make Barbarian fury color! So I’m gonna take the little orange color,
I think I’m leaning towards barbarian. I played barbarian in the Diablo 3 beta, and
I loved it! Everyone keeps telling me I’d love Demon
Hunter too, but, I really liked the Barbarian, I look just like a Barbarian!
I’m so tall and buff and big! OK, so, I’m just gonna stick this, a little
bit above the end. And they already have adhesive at the back,
but if you buy gems that don’t, you can use hot glue, or whatever you’d
like. Da-da! Sticks right on there! And then you’re just gonna stick on all
the colors, for each of the resource color, like so! Bing-bing-bing-bing-bing-bing! And then you’re gonna take a fine point
permanent marker and write the resource name on top. Because if you’ve
had a few of these you might forget which 1 you’re drinking! The first one I’m gonna draw is the Witch
Doctor, the dark blue for Mana! So I’m just gonna write mana on it, and,
I don’t have any fancy handwriting, but if you want to use fancy handwriting it will
probably look way better! I’m gonna attempt to. Now I’m gonna take the metal, the little
jewelry metal, and you can buy rings that are already made, but my roommate already
had a bunch of this metal, so I was like, I’ll just work with it. I’m not a professional
jeweler, but I can bend metal! And it’s, for when you stick it through
here, you’re just gonna make it that ring. Little ones are best, especially because I
have small hands. And you just bend it. Start to bend it to try to make a circle! And mine are not gonna look round at all,
but that’s OK! Because they’re so small, who’s really
gonna notice? And I’m gonna hold it in my hand so it doesn’t
jump away. There we go. And, ta-da! Little circle! When you get 6 of those, then you’re just
gonna put ‘em on, to your little tags. Put ‘em around, kind of close ‘em, they’re
bendy, so it works. Ta-da! And do that for each of them. What I’m doing, instead of closing it all the way, is I’m leaving it, it's hard to see this, but I’m leaving it a little bit open so we can wrap it around
the leather lace. Once all those are done, time to cut your
leather! So I pre-cut, this is how long I want them. I like them to cover, I like the leather to
cover all the way around, the neck of the bottle. So, I just start on
1 side, and wrap, 2, and it goes around like 3 times, before it looks
full, and that’s what I like it to look like. And then I’m just gonna tie
a knot. Now I’m just gonna stick our little potion tags on there. And you want
to leave them, like I said a little bit open, so you can just put them around
the leather. I’m gonna stick it right in the front. Got it on there! It only took a little bit…
But that’s OK! Ta-da! All the potion bottles are done, they
turned out so cute! New-new-new! But my fingers hurt! Working
with metal is a lot harder than I thought it would be! And now, these little bottles are ready to
be filled with their resource. After you’ve filtered it, it’s all clear,
there’s none of that gunk in there. Now you’re gonna just take a little funnel,
put it in the potion bottle, and we’re gonna pour it, fill it about 1/2
way, and then the other 1/2 is gonna be Sprite. You can use whatever combo
you want. I’m gonna add a little bit of Sprite! Oh it’s bubbling like a little potion! It’s
so cute! Eee! Then you’re gonna cork it, and you can put
it in the fridge to chill, so they taste yummy! Ta-da! We have all the class resource potions
done! We have the Demon Hunter’s Hatred and Discipline,
we have the Witch Doctor’s Mana, the Monk’s Spirit, the Barbarian’s Fury,
and the Wizard’s Arcane Power. Thanks you guys for watching I really appreciate
it, thanks for suggesting this, I really wanted to do something Diablo 3!
Speaking of Diablo 3, if you are gonna be playing it, please leave me a comment
below and let me know which class you’re gonna be playing because, I can’t
decide… Barbarian, Demon Hunter? I don’t know which
resource I’m gonna need yet, you know what I’m saying? So leave me a comment, let me know what you
are going to do, and if you have any other suggestions for any other Nerdy
Nummies, please leave me a comment and let me know and I will do my best to make
them happen. OK, bye-bye! |
pMuWK3_Lt_w | hey everyone today I'm here to show you how to bake another holiday treat if you haven't already seen my other holiday videos be sure to check them out for some other great Christmas baking ideas anyways today we'll be making pinwheel cookies these cookies look adorable and tastes great too now you may think that they look a little bit complicated but rest assured as long as you have the patience to wait for the dough to be refrigerated in between your steps then the cookies will definitely turn out great also I made the cookies using one color dough mixed with plain dough and I did two colors red and green however if you'd like you can combine the red and the green dough together into one cookie for a different type of spiral look also if you'd like a principle copy of the recipe to use while you're baking these cookies then check out snuggle bunny calm to make your Christmas pinwheel cookies you will need two and a half cups of all-purpose flour 1/2 a teaspoon of baking powder half a teaspoon of salt one cup of unsalted butter at room temperature 3/4 of a cup of granulated sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and red and green food coloring you will also need an electric mixer and a rolling pin the first step is to stir in your flour with your baking powder and your salt use a fork to stir them all together now take your large bowl and you're going to place your butter inside pour in your sugar and beat it using an electric mixer now add in your vanilla as well as your egg now use a wooden spoon to add in your flour a little bit at a time once you've added a little bit of flour and stirred it in use your electric mixer to beat the dough continue gradually adding the flour and beating it using your electric mixer until the dough has become crumbly use your hands to stick the dough together and form it into a ball divide your dough into 4 equal portions we're only going to be working with two of these portions right now so set those two aside and bowls and wrap up the others in plastic wrap and place them in the fridge now we're going to tint this dough using the food coloring place a few drops of food coloring over top of the dough and mix it in add more food coloring as is needed you may also want to use your hands to knead the dough to ensure that the color is fully mixed in repeat the process with your other ball of dough coloring it your second color wrap these balls of dough and plastic wrap and place them in the fridge along with your other ones you will need to leave them in the fridge until they're firm which will usually take at least two hours then you can start to roll them out I've taped a piece of wax paper down to my counter to make it easier to roll so we're going to take one of the pieces of dough place another piece of waxed paper over top and use the rolling pin to roll with it the trickiest part to do are the corners so stop rolling frequently and use your hands to shape it more into a rectangle your goal is to try and get the corners as square as possible put extra pressure on the edges to get that extra dough into the corners as you can see it's starting to take shape we're aiming for a rectangle that's about six inches by nine inches so when your rectangle looks like it's just about the right size we're going to transfer it to a piece of saran wrap so if you want the tape from your counter we lift up the dough from the bottom back now we're going to repeat the exact same process with the other color of dough okay so once you've rolled out your second rectangle take your first one and just slide it over top to make sure that it's the right size that looks just about right so now before we roll these together we're actually going to transfer this rectangle onto another piece of wax paper just so that it doesn't stick when we're doing the rolling I'm going to place the wax paper on top and gently go back so now take the colored square in this case we're using red and gently lay it flat over top and peel back the saran wrap so now just press it down gently especially around the edges and we're good to start rolling so first decide whether you want your color to be on the outside like the red or if you want the white to be on the outside so I think I'll have the red on the outside so in that case I'm going to need the red on the bottom so we just use a wax paper flipping trick again now we start to roll carefully from one of the edges start rolling it with your thumb and pushing it upwards then once it's far enough up start pushing it inwards with your four fingers and continue rolling slowly and you should be left with a long tube that looks something like this give it a quick roll around and then seal it up with plastic wrap place your cookie log in the fridge for at least an hour or if you're making these in advance you can refrigerate for up to a week when you're ready to bake your cookies remove the log from the fridge and place it on a cutting board then take a knife to slice the cookies we're going to make them about half a centimeter or about 1/3 of an inch thick transfer all of your cookies to baking sheets and space them about two inches apart now bake the cookies at 300 degrees Fahrenheit in the center of your oven for eight to 10 minutes and this is the finished product how did your holiday cookies turn out leave me a comment and let me know below also visit snuggle bunny comm for a printable copy of the recipe I'll see you soon with another holiday baking video bye for now |
mnsUqAzQHrs | this is a tutorial on how to replace the handle unit on a Waterpik whenever you have your water pick for several years sometimes the piece on the bottom of the hosing ends up basically shearing off and you really can't buy another hose or take this part it's made to be kind of one unit so I purchased a replacement unit off of the internet and this is the part number for the handle for this and if you notice it comes with a set of screws a little flow back valve right there and then the entire handle along with the hose and what we're gonna be doing is just I'm gonna take this off and show you in kind of segments all we're gonna do is take apart those two screws and replace those and replace that unit to get it working so it doesn't take that long I'm going to show you how to take out the screws next eight four this is just a screwdriver and what we're going to do is we're going to take out both of these screws right here they give you another set of screws so you can decide to keep this in your spare unit or toss it I'm gonna show you what it looks like whenever we end up taking this out so you can take a look at this whenever you look inside there there is that piece of plastic that is included on that unit right here and what we're gonna do is we're going to place it and if you notice we're going to put it in reverse order and I'll show you how to do that this pen unit does come with a set of screws and then another flowback valve in here that you've basically put in here it's to make sure that the water goes in the right direction so we're gonna go ahead and put this in next whenever you end up getting this out it's just really a tiny piece right there and we're gonna go ahead and lay it in and it just lays in like that what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a screwdriver and just basically just kind of press it down a little bit when it goes inside there and with the handle unit what I like to do is I'm basically just place that in and you're gonna hear it connect and be snug like that and for the sake of the ease of this I'm just gonna run those in and make sure it's pretty snug and then you're gonna re screw everything in now I'm gonna put those in there this is a temporary screw and then we're gonna screw these back and you should be finished up and there you have your new handle and proportionate here you're going to beat it in here and then basically a little bit like that and there you have it you've replaced and fix your Water Pik |
H3rQxlJm75c | okay so we're progressing along with the masking for the stripes that we want to do and as you can see of this will be the blue stripe in the center here and be a red stripe either side and of this Jews as I mentioned before I use the theme tape to space correct this space here so just the thickness of the tape whatever that is three millimeters or something and I use some other tape other just cheap masking tape which is what the width I wanted to make that gap there and I've another line of the blue tape too to mark the paint edge I wouldn't use painters tape to mask the pain edge because it will just bleed under so you really need to use the proper tape to do the lines but then I just used painters tape to start to work away from that outside line and so I can cover all this up with paper as you can see so that no overspray seemed to get on the rest of the tank so we repeat this on the other side and then we'll start cutting out the stars for the center okay I hope you can see what I've done here with the Stars and as you can tell like the rim a bit trying to figure out how it's going to align all these guys up so I was going to use that center line but really then it goes over top of the stars and when I did that and I cut the tape of bloody Nick the paint so luckily paying over this otherwise be a repaint of cream on here but we're going over here with blue anyway so I think we'll be all right so what I end up doing is I got this one straight and then I just thought I'll just make all the this line this edge here will all be the same spot if I use a piece of tape here as the spacer so you stayed there and then I thought well if I put a piece of tape on the other side and Mark off an exact distance between each star then in theory they should be you know perpendicular to the axis of the tank and in line as well so let's see how it goes want to put some paint on here so the first step will be the blue so I've got to cover up this bit of cream and where I'm going to put this red as well so the next it will be a line of tape that covers this part here so I'm just covering onto the blue tape and covering up the part blod don't want to get blue paint on through so I'll do that on both sides and then I think we're ready to hit this with some blue okay so we've got the first code blue one I can really see the marketing films lifting in a couple spaces I don't think it really likes getting mixed with the wax and grease Rivera I think that might have stripped off a bit of the adhesive on the marking paper film whatever you call it so we'll see how it goes coats of blue on and I'll see if I can peel these stars off and see what it looks like so of course anything you do with pain to repair it we can't strip this back in and repaint it or paint over it so I don't get too stressed about it we're experimenting and how many fun as we go so let's see what happens once it's dry okay so we've got two coats of blue on and the next step is to see if we can get these star-shaped masks off the tank and see what's underneath all right not bad as I suspected the point of this it's a bit ready because the mask had lifted a bit so I think that's really due to me using the wax and grease remover after I stuck them down so I've peeled up an edge obviously and then the wax and grease remover is cleaned off the adhesive on the film so waxing remove first then stick them otherwise not too bad not too bad well let the paint harden a bit more and then we'll give it a cleanup and CLE go so it's not great there and it's not great here had the same problem those two locations otherwise the rest look ok possible on a bike you know it's not a show bikes just uh just me a rider or in this case garage art so let's get down ok so I've just taken off that piece of tape that was on here covering up where we're going to put our red so I've got to go back I've got to ream mask off our blue so I don't get any red paint on that I've got to leave these two stripes here exposed so I did all this masking before I can leave that as is order to do now is cover up from the inside of the red line here to the inside of the red line here so for me here to here so I want to put tape directly onto my fresh paint here I wanted this paint only just gone off so I don't really want to peel any up so I might leave this for a half hour or so let it cure up a little better and then we'll come back and put some tape on and away we go okay here it is finished well I can still do a clear coat on this which I probably will do just for the exercise but not bad learn it quite a lot while is doing this there's a couple of bleed throughs on the red right the corner there with the bottom tank here you're not going to see in the camera otherwise not too bad so a little bit about masking and obviously cutting the film for the stars and that pain as well but hopefully you've been able to follow along and this would be perfectly acceptable on a daily rider sort of bike not only shows but hey cost us maybe a hundred bucks in materials and I'd know ten maybe ten hours work maybe twenty hours and really keeping track but it wasn't that much once you get to the paint stage it goes pretty quick so yeah I hope you enjoyed that have a crack at home give it a try hopefully going up info here if not get on the website and get involved in the conversation there and if you need more details hit us up also we can do to help choose thanks for watching |
ReGxGCFC9Qg | shoulders and back at me get rid of them fast acne can be irritating when it is on your shoulders are back you are unable to reach the back and do not know how to get rid of it here are some of the ways which can help you get rid of acne faster then you can think of you can ask someone to help you apply in the back and shoulder ways to get it up back and shoulder acne apple cider vinegar you will need a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar pull apple cider vinegar into a ball in dip the cotton ball ask someone to part the cotton ball and the acne and shoulder are in the back make sure not to press it too hard sometimes the vinegar can be allergic to sensitive skin so check it on your hand before you try it on the agony you will see that the pimple will pop out in a few seconds take a warm shower after an hour they repeat it at least twice a week dead sea salt put a fistful of sea salt in the new home water dip a cotton ball and rub it where the equities channle make sure you don't rub it it too hard you may take a shower after two hours and repeat every day under the evening is cleared avocado oil avocado oil works is a moisturizer to the body and it's such a great essence that only the fragrance of it can hit you easily apply it full shower and rub it gently on the acne spots take a warm shower and you will see that the acne will be gone in a few days without any pain blue clay soap blue clay so made up lavender and mint helps to get rid of acne on the body it clears the skin with human minerals in a which works best for the body parts there are no chemicals involved in this beauty soap so you can also use it for your face exfoliating juice this is a cleanser for the body especially if you acne simply imply it on your hand and massage the expert gently for two minutes why should we do all water and see the results with no scientific technique anymore it breaks the pimple without any pain and takes out all the toxic from it the cleanser does not let the egg meat leave a spot on the body as well [Music] [Music] |
AwrEV8Snpyc | hi I'm dr. give Herman and this is our video tip of the week you may remember that I spoke some time ago in a video tip about AirFloss it's a unique product made by the Sonicare people and you just kind of run it around your teeth at the gum line and it shoots a puff of air and water and removes food debris and plaque from your teeth and helps prevent you can see that shooting a puff there it's very much like the Waterpik which is a product that's been around a long time and essentially does the same kind of thing it's a little Messier tense the spray your whole bathroom one or cleaning your mouth there was an interesting piece of research that was reported and these products were both tested independently and the research showed that both of these products significantly reduced plaque and gingivitis from when it's used in patients who have flour who have plaque and gingivitis on their teeth the interesting pieces is that while both significantly improved health the Waterpik actually did better than the air floss and so that's kind of movies both of these products work I would recommend both I think this one is a little neater in terms of keeping our bathroom clean but they both work they're both great ways to keep your gums healthy and that's our video tip of the week |
kcr6wgtNv84 | hi everyone welcome back to my channel this week I'm going to be doing something a little bit different so instead of doing baking and using the oven at a time I'm going to be doing something a little bit different I thought if you've really fun to do a video about a few snacks you can do for girls night in so whenever you don't feel like going out and you just kind of want to hang inside and watch your favorite movies or catch up on your TV shows that you all watch our netflix here's a few snacks that you can put out for everyone to eat the first one I'm going to be showing you how to do is an edible cookie dough so there's no eggs in it you can eat as much of it as you want without the worry of getting sick and the second one I'm going to be showing you is a white-chocolate popcorn and tinting the chocolate to be pink so it'll be like a pink chocolate popcorn and the edible cookie dough and I was thinking about what I should do for this and there's a few things that you can do like that are really easy so you could do like fruit skewers cutting up strawberries and grapes and like marshmallows and dipping them in chocolate and putting those up for everyone to snack on or getting everyone's favorite champagne or wine or their favorite drink and having that out to drink as well while you're watching your shows or whatever you're doing but I'm going to be showing those two things in this video like usual all the ingredients are going to be listed down below in the description box so whatever you need to look at those that's where they'll be and if you don't already follow me I do have a facebook instagram and twitter so i'll leave my name right here it's keeping up with Katie you can follow me on there to stay updated and if you are new to this to my channel please subscribe whatever you do subscribe you'll get an email notification every time I post in your videos that we can stay updated and thank you so much for watching and oh I'm also I'm in my pajamas today because it is a girls night end video and I'd like to be comfortable with staying inside my pajamas and yeah thank you so much for watching I really do hope that you liked this video please give it a thumbs up if you liked it and I'll see you next time bye for the edible cookie dough you're going to need a half a cup of brown sugar a third of a cup of flour two tablespoons of butter one-and-a-half tablespoons of milk an eighth of a teaspoon of vanilla and one cup of the chocolate chips or I'm feeling lost feeling tight Oh keep shaking for the pink chocolate popcorn you're going to need one bag of popcorn or however many bags you align to make one cup of the white chocolate chips sprinkles or whatever decorations you like to use and pink food coloring do a little crack so the earthquake my body's moving in a retrograde I'm feeling those feeling on until the dynamite in my chains they've been sugar crossfire you shot me powerful ally Dawson you love game you be me chintuji that now can't play save me if I to me keep shaking lately I've been I've been losing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be baby I've been I've been praying hard said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars and we'll be counting stars life as a swinging vine swing my heart across the line in my face and flashing sign take it out and you shall find all but I'm not that old young but I'm not that bowl I don't think the world is sold I'm just doing what we're told you feel something is all right doing wrong thing I feel something so wrong right No I'm you better move you better dance let's make a night |
yQ3WHZAWyoI | Hey guys, it’s Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies! Today we are gonna be doing something a little
bit different, a little bit weird. Because recently I visited the YouTube Space
here in LA and they had a retro arcade machine with one of my old favorite
games. It’s called Dig Dug, and I got so excited
because for those of you who aren’t familiar with the game Dig Dug, it is a retro
arcade game that was made in the 80’s and I was made in the 80’s. I used to play it a lot, and I got so excited,
and I know it’s a retro game, I don’t even know if it’s on like an app
game, if it is let me know, leave me a comment down below. But, today we are gonna be making Dig Dug
Sugar Cookies! Let’s get started! The things you will need, will be: 3 cups
of regular flour, 1 cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract,
1 egg, 1 cup of butter which is 2 sh-ticks. You’re gonna need 4 food
coloring dyes, we have red, orange, yellow, and this royal blue, a rectangular
cookie cutter, a whisk, a spatu-ler and a rolling pin. Oh and a baking sheet, I almost
forgot! Let’s put it all together! Beep-beep-beep… Pssccchheeewwww! The 1st thing that we’re gonna do is we’re
gonna whisk together our dry ingredients, we have our flour in this big mixing bowl,
and then our baking powder. Put it in ‘dere! whisk it up, and then we’re
just gonna set it aside and we’re gonna put together our wet ingredients. Now we’re gonna combine the wet ingredients
in this stand mixer, if you don’t have a stand mixer, that’s fine you can just
use a large mixing bowl and a hand mixer, that’s fine. So we’re just gonna put in our butter first,
bloop! You’ll want to use this paddle attachment,
not the whisk one, it’s a lot stronger! Bewm! Alright, then we’re gonna mix it up
until it’s nice and creamy. Lock, and loaded. Ready… Dug-dug-dug-dug-dug-dug-dug-dug! Once your butter is creamed together you’re
gonna add your sugar and then mix it up again, until it’s all combined. Now you’re gonna add your egg, and your
vanilla extract. Mix it up again! Peeeeeewwwwwww!!! OK, I’m gonna open this, and you’re just
gonna scrape down the sides with your spatu-ler! Pew-pew-pew! Geez! OK, and now what you’re gonna do is you’re
gonna slowly add your flour mixture, the dry mixture, to the wet mixture while
it’s mixing, but you’re just gonna do it small portions at a time. I’m gonna be using
a 1 cup measurement and just add a cup at a time until it’s all mixed together. Once your dough is done mixing what we’re
gonna do is put down some flour on top of your table or surface and then we’re gonna
roll it our a little bit. To make a log. OK, now we’ve got a log, and now I’m gonna
take a knife and I’m gonna divide my dough into 5 sections. I’m just gonna eyeball it, doesn’t have
to be perfect. There we go. Perfect! I’m just gonna make little balls. Now I’m gonna put these little balls of
dough into different bowls, and we are gonna dye them the different colors
of dirt in the Dig Dug game. Now that we’ve got our cookie dough all
dyed, we are gonna roll each one of them out and layer them to be the different levels
of dirt. I’m 1st gonna start with red, because this
is on the bottom. You’re gonna take the dough and place it
on top of some saran wrap, because we’re gonna wrap them up for the freezer,
and you’re gonna take your rolling pin and roll him out. And when we’re stacking our dough we’re
going to try and make it them tall as the cookie cutter, but if it falls a little short,
that’s fine because it’s an easy fix. But try to get it as tall as your cookie cutter. Next one is gonna be orange-red. We’re gonna
roll this out and then put it on top. And next color is orange. Then yellow. Last but not least, dark blue. They’re so soft they’re falling apart
a little bit, that’s OK. Just gonna squish it together. And, I’m gonna wrap it up tight, and now
you’re gonna put this in the freezer and you’re gonna let it sit there for about
an hour. And then we’re gonna cut slices and it will
be ready to bake. I put my cookie dough on top of a cutting
board and I’ve got my sharp knife, and now I’m just gonna cut… Dee-dee-dee-dee-dee! And make little slices all the way down. Oh gosh, come on Hulk strength! Come on! Oh yeah! Oh Yeah! Ugh-eeeh-eeeh-eeeh! Ahhhh! Whew! It looks just like the different levels, look
at that! Ahhh it’s so cool! We’ve cut our cookie dough into a bunch
of different slices, and have no fear if they are not as tall as the cookie
cutter. See right here it’s just a little bit short,
so what you can do to modify it, it’s very easy. You just take a little bit
of flour, put it on your rolling pin. Put a little flour on top, and just be very
very gentle with the cookie. And you’re just gonna roll it out a little
bit. Then you’re gonna take your rectangle cookie
cutter, press down, give it a little shake. Then you’re gonna take off the excess
cookie dough. Ooooh! Look at our little Dig Dug cookie! So cute! I’m just gonna take my flipper, and put
it on the bakin’ sheet. Then you’re just gonna do that to all of
your cookies and once you’ve got them all on the baking sheet. You’re gonna heat your
oven to 350 and you’re gonna bake these for about 5 minutes. But
keep your eye on them, because there’s a bunch of different dyes and depending on how
thick your cookie is, as soon as they start to golden, they’re done! After your cookies are done baking, take them
out of the oven and make sure they’ve had plenty of time to cool before
you decorate, if you choose to decorate. If you don’t want to decorate you can just
eat these yummy sugar cookies as is. But I’m gonna be adding some tunnels with
some cookie icing. I just put a number 5 tip here at the end
and I’m gonna be drawing the little tunnels like in the game to decorate. Ta-da! Here are our Dig Dug Sugar Cookies! These were so much fun to make! Look at ‘em,
they look just like the Dig Dug levels! Aeewww! I really love making retro themed treats so
if you have any other ideas for any other Nerdy Nummies, please
let me know! Leave me a comment down below and I will do
my best to make it happen. Also you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter,
Tumblr, Instagram because I will post lots of photos of these yummy treats. And if you make any of these treats please
send me a picture. I love seeing your baking creations, I get
a big kick out of it. I’ll try to re-blog or re-post whenever
I can. Alright, thanks again you guys, bye-bye! A-Dig, a-Dug! A-Dig, a-Dug! A-Dig, a-Dug! A-Dig, a-Dug! Dig Dug dance moves! |
Pp5MN-AkczI | in this one it teaches how to eliminate acne or pimples arms and Welcome palms Hey guys with Chancellor no only omitted this time He teaches you all how eliminate acne or pimples arms and lack of understanding many people out there with this suffering I was one of the people but good and He eliminated this evil and wants them to teach how you see it let's go before we have in this channel is very possible that there found by chance sailing milestone Please sign because we're on gold now sick kids on field how to remove acne and gas skirt I think we start with the basics are guys that our skin needs lot hydration to renew therefore constantly we have to have the habit of drinking lots of water during the day guys that experts do not recommend at least two liters of water per day and is a person who took a lot good day and so I keep my skin hydrated and time when They began dating many pimples on arms and back makes a three months was that I realized that He had stopped my habit of taking a lot of water when you return to that habit I realized that my skin would much brighter and the second milestone we have to bear in mind boys to prevent pimples online and arms and back is get a soap confidence balanced guys when we go to market to the store to buy stuff select any soap It appears on the shelf by the Wrong guys at least have select a soap that has ph balanced pH balanced here I have to recommend at this time not suitable for all skin types and what I like it is that not only clean the skin that the main objective but also very pleasant I have already told many times in my life is that everything It is not sponsoring in any of my videos are the guys swear I did not buy their cars on my own because I have them a lot of faith in me and toilet soap favorite I will not explain it in his face but neck down and I lose only light but is clean It is also very tied up and helped me much in the treatment in law so I recommend them balanced soap does not have to be two It can be any soap but have pH balanced The third important area that we must take to avoid Rikin arms and back is the Exfoliation do to recount the first step is to take lots of water the second is to use soap ph balanced and the third is a appropriate spoliation of our skin It was used in sexuality called natura brand children is not you see only sponsoring favorite because it has an essential oil and has particles provide very well me my arms especially when I have acne breakouts or pimples not It has to be that it can be any student If you do not have or do not have exfoliating get one chance at the pharmacy You can make one at home you will only need a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of sugar combine ingredients and already has many times but it is asking a quantum antic of Solace skin Exfoliation can be quite aggressive with our skin therefore he recommended despoil the arms and back or areas where marry only three times a week can unless we are cheating or when I came to the school office at night but not exceed 3 dy now When we arrived we truth them give the before and after my suffering with acne especially in the area already had arms establishment about 15 ago About six months began to have a Hormonal changes and other despite having much less arms and back but be these habitats but fortunately were ue completely or 60% or 70% this church was left only a little Fido to some performance but overall pimples already were this outcome and then [Music] here will give them a video about how to remove blackheads from our face is a mask phenomenal career we can all access so easy and simple Please watch this video and not just lost or it became known that there were liked this video on how to remove and prevent acne arms and I lack a lot and I was writing by social networks mail my website andy have a lot to arms and back and that made me really self - esteem when I'm with my partner when undressing when the office does not I want nobody public pools and others at the club where is the gun the arms back seems to me that we I see very good guys I hope that those solutions that brought him It serves to present a lot to me They work beautifully with these all essential drugs we can get in pharmacies without But the guy I want to return them repeat my skin is very different from the yours to my mother to my father why he always recommend consulting dermatologists dermatologists our best friends and they us They say with more certainty with death of our skin My brother sent me this solution is generally very universal as all that and here we all can work however there are people who may have diagnoses or solutions very specific and more specific only the dermatologist are not record solution of guys who have instagram so that they will leave instagram but still I have some very well made that we should be friends you you approach me about not to be afraid They are integral to the community continue to grow in all networks social and boys through a question for all is the question of whether homologue where you have more acne far beyond the arms and back perhaps maybe in the neck adme may face in the legs tell me where you spend here I am waiting if all comments He also responded to social networks twitter facebook up this botched and strata of you to continue conversation and notables to describe this humble channel our candidate are not very cerquita the first million subscribers We're going for gold guys thank you for this Video I wish you luck in your treatment and as always I say but not get [Music] |
gUV6SfVV7Kw | listen Raj and today I'm dressed up like a dumbass because I have my head mount on hopefully no one comes over and gives me shit about it but I am painting the replacement wheel for my sv because my front end is bent so I thought you guys walk you guys through it as how to actually paint a new front wheel so one of the things that you first want to do is go ahead and clean it up it doesn't really have to be cleaned very well at this point because what you're going to end up doing you're just removing all the grease and grime off of it but what your end up going to be doing is sanding this down afterwards and then putting a really really clean type of like you don't solve it on there and and that will help it before the prime it so right now it's just kind of just getting the access like clumps of grease and all the other shit off of here and also um I apologize I done videos before when I was working on my car wearing sandals I guess that offends some of you people come on I got lucky um look at my sandpaper door and I actually found some wet sand paper so not completely dry we can run it with this this is 600 grit I'm just gonna start working on it um I'm gonna add water to it if you want to or not add water to it it really doesn't matter so it doesn't really matter if we're a complete dryness or not as we do this now before I start to do this well here and what start doing right now you're not really looking to get all the way to the bare metal all you're trying to do is just scuff up the surface and you're just trying to make it so that you have a good surface for the primer and paint should actually start attaching to and you're running away of all those you're getting rid of all those contaminants that are on the surface as well and it's not a long process it's pretty simple just make sure you try to get all the major surfaces of everything so that you can get a good adhesion alright that's about ready for cleaning so I'm just gonna go ahead and hit it with some brake cleaner get all the rest of the grease that's on here off of the wheel and then we were ready for you now that you got everything taken care of you just going to want to take first thing off I take off the hub section here and then I take off these pieces right here hopefully I can see if these are the products that we're going to be using for this job we're going to be using the dupli-color primer dupli-color clear coat and a dupli-color wheel paint this is the graphite color so hopefully it'll be a decent match to my bike so that you won't be able to tell when you're far away I know so here's the primer the rest are off for that first alright we're going to really thin coats of the primer and we're probably going to do three or four coats of this stuff so real thin at first I mean it really won't even look like anything for a while since it's a wheel I approach it from multiple sides so I get some even coating don't get super close on it I don't know I use like four to six inches of coverage all right so now we're going to apply the second coat again a light light application of the coat we're not going to go pick it out this primer now that hit it with the first coat of dukkha color graphite paint including these thin layers hit from the other side alright one last Clause wheel is gonna be medium thickness so you get all the curvatures now that you want to paint then you won't be able to do it again now that the paint's are out all the coats on there we're just going to hit it with some clear coat three coats of clear first few coats are going to be really really light or the medium coat as a final and I'm not really doing this for the Shine effect but I'm doing this for really if you try to toughen up the finish because since I'm rattle caning everything and tires and everything but we swapped on this wheel I want to make sure that it doesn't shift during that type of process right this is the final coat of clear that we're going to put on this wheel and then we'll be done this will be the I guess medium thick coat that goes on and that should be good everything Sheila kind of what right now one thing I want to make sure that you guys understand very importantly once you apply clear coat is that says that everything should be good to go after an hour I would leave it on there much longer than that I mean really for a third coat I would leave it on there for at least at least like two and a half hours before you start picking it up and if you're gonna do anything this will like mount a tire on it I want to do it for at least one or two days seriously because that's how long clear coat takes actually here you can mess it up really really it just takes so long to dry up and cure but the deck today guys that is the wheel you guys have any questions or anything about this process please let me know leave it down the comments below but until next time I'll talk to you guys later you |
A8sl5W5rhws | the Waterpik water flosser is the easy and more effective way to floss this is Brian he's going to an important event tonight and needs to be at his best he's using the water pick water flosser so his mouth will be clean and fresh to get started fill your reservoir with lukewarm water and place securely onto the base next select the tip that's right for you and insert into the handle start on the lowest pressure setting place the tip in your mouth lean over a sink and turn the power button on turn up to the setting that feels most comfortable to you as you floss close your lips enough to prevent splashing and let the water flow from your mouth use the pause button or on-off switch on the handle to temporarily stop the water flow for best results aim the tip at the gum line at a 90 degree angle starting with a bath teeth follow the gum line and pause briefly between teeth after completing the front side spin the tip around and clean the back side in the same way all it takes is emitted a day for a cleaner fresher healthier mouth in fact water Pitt guarantees healthier gums in 14 days or your money back |
8Mb_XmCWax0 | hello everybody this is of kütahya welcome to my channel today I'm here to tell you how to get rid of back acne if you are suffering from back acne here are some tips for you Oliveira this is one of the best acne treatment Oliveira not only works wonders for the skin but also does magic to get rid of back acne it has excellent regenerating properties and astringent properties these properties can destroy dead skin cells and lead to the formation of new cells you need to cut a leg relief into two half take the thick gel that is present in leaves using your hands and apply this mixture on your back apply gently and do not rub the entire leaf as the sharp edges of allergen leaves are not good for your acne if you do not have allograft relief you can use an average gel that is available in all markets and malls do this regularly weekly twice for better results baking soda baking soda is not only used in kitchens it acts an effective delicate exfoliates the skin it helps in removing dead skin cells it has derma fide properties and all these properties makes it an amazing solution to get rid of back acne you can mix baking soda with water and apply it on your back it might feel a little itchy in the beginning but the irritation will soon subside you can also add honey if you desire make sure you wash it off with warm water you could do this regularly every week for desired results thanks for watching this video please like share and subscribe for more interesting beauty tips |
pMF_vcrxunw | here's a trick on how to easily roll your icebox cookies into the perfect log I've got some cookie dough that I've mixed up already and I'm just placing the dough right in the center of the piece of wax paper I have here so what I'm gonna do is take the edge closest to me and fold it over the cookie dough and now using a ruler I'm placing the edge right along the edge of the dough I'm pushing the ruler towards me and this will actually just roll the dough for me and once you've got the log you just roll it up and twist the edges of the wax paper and now this is ready to go into the freezer and chill until firm I've got one that's already been in the freezer so I'm just going to unravel the wax paper and I can easily now cut this into coins there we have it perfectly round cookies every time |
JlR_0c-DSNM | now I am going to be prepping these plastic pieces for paint they're all sanded down so what I'm going to be using to proper paint is grease and wax remover by dupli-color this just removes basically all the grease and whatever residues on there so just put it on a rag and just wipe the whole thing down so after wiping it all down you see the cloth is all full of residual dust from the sanding you also notice that it's a bit shiny glossy because of the the wax remover that's simple to get rid of I just take just use a towel here and wipe it all off be sure to get it all out the for painting otherwise the primer or paint won't stick that well it's on peeling okay so all the wax remover is removed so it's back to its original dull texture I already did the same to my fun towel so right now I'm just going to move to my pink booth and start the first coat of primer I'm not sure if you guys can hear me but I all it is it's just a just real that sucks up all the when I edit prep my driver basically I just put it in warm water this causes the disease the mist or smaller a fighter missed and apply my first coat so I actually ended up skipping a couple steps that I did in the course after the first coat of primer I did a really light wet sanding just to get rid of any any dust any imperfections and then I quickly applied another another coat of primer so basically there's two coats of primer on on here so right now the primer pretty much dry primer dries pretty quick so now we're putting on the the color or you can see I started here a little bit so I'm just going to continue that where do a couple layers of color the first layer of paint is done on the front cowl so while that dries I'm going to start working on this one here the front fender I'm just going to do one light layer and as you can tell my spray bottles pretty much empty so I'm gonna so I have another one ready for you if you don't cover it all because you're going to do a couple liters usually after the third or fourth layer everything is covered just moving it to the other side and I do the same when applying extra layers of paint you don't have to wait till it's completely dry just tacky just when it becomes tacky so about five minutes softer after the previous layer so this is the second layer on this one now so you can see the second layer has covered it up a lot more getting more and more coverage more layers I apply so I'm going to finish this one up maybe do a third and fourth layer and we'll call it a date so I just finished applying the fourth coat as you can see actually even without the clear coat it's pretty shiny so I'm just going to leave it here overnight to dry and then a couple days later I'm going to bring it over to my friends place he has the he works in the body shop and he's going to help me shoot clear rather than doing the clear here because I'm I'm not able to achieve the look that I want from a spray can so if I if he does it you can do it from a spray gun it's a way better result less orange peel so guys stay tuned and upload more videos when it's complete |
1UCW9ZjIXpc | [MUSIC PLAYING] Waterpik® Complete Care combines
Water Flosser and Sonic Toothbrush technologies to
create the perfect oral care routine. Brushing and flossing
is now possible with one convenient device that saves
counter space and power outlets. To get started, charge
the Sensonic® toothbrush by placing it in
its docking station. [MUSIC PLAYING] Next, for your first use, you
will need to prime the pump. Fill the reservoir
with warm water, and replace it
firmly on the base. Select the tip
that's right for you. Our customized tips are
perfect for cleaning around braces, implants,
and other dental work. Insert the tip firmly
into the handle until it clicks into place. Turn the pressure
setting to high. Point the tip into the sink. Turn power and water switches
on until the water flows. Turn unit off. To start water flossing, turn
pressure to lowest setting. Place the tip into your
mouth, lean over the sink, and turn the power
and water switches on. Turn up to the pressure
setting that feels most comfortable to you. As you floss, close
your lips enough to prevent splashing
but still allow water to run freely from your
mouth into the sink. To avoid mess, don't look in
the mirror while water flossing. Look into the sink. Use the water on/off switch on
the handle to temporarily stop the water flow if needed. For best results, aim
the tip at the gumline at a 90-degree angle. Starting with the back teeth,
follow the gumline and pause briefly between teeth. After completing the front side,
spin the tip around and clean the back side in the same way. Once you finish flossing,
use the Sensonic® toothbrush to complete your
oral care routine. Attach the brush head
that's right for you. The Sensonic® toothbrush comes
with standard and compact brush heads. Next, push the power button. Select low or high speed
for gentle to maximum plaque removal. The Sensonic® toothbrush
includes a two-minute timer with 30-second quadrant pacer to
ensure adequate brushing time. Convenient tip storage and a
premium travel toothbrush case is included for
hygienic storage. All it takes is a
few minutes a day to get healthier gums, brighter
teeth, and fresher breath. For more information and to
purchase replacement brush heads, visit [MUSIC FADING] |
WFr0je02Nzc | this time on NZ's motorcycle obsessions I'm going to show you how we got these shiny things shiny I've always liked the look but on on the engine that I've got it was never it never had polished fins I thought I decided to do it after I received the cylinder head back from Sherman motor works I bought the head in America and it did have polish fins on it so I thought I'd discontinue that theme and do the barrel as well and like I said I've always liked of it looks great so how did I do it so I got the block back from the machine shop and it was all be blasted so it was clean I didn't have to worry about you know trying to scrub all the paint off it so that sort of made it nice and easy for me but you can still do this even if you did have paint still on there so the first step was to actually prepare the pin the fins so they could be polished and the way I did that was that they would just Rock cast and you know all over the place so just got an orbital sander and I extended them flat and then I use the finishing sander with a finer grade paper and just to get rid of the big scratches from the orbital sander and then it's just a matter of elbow grease you just got to be prepared to put in the in the time it does take time so I just use wet and dry paper started with about 360 grit and then went to 600 and then down to a thousand and then that was pretty well good enough for what I was doing so once I got a more smooth then I put it on the buff and and I bust them up and got them all polished then clean the head so went outside and wash it all down and describe it with with solvent then I then I blow dry and waited for to naturally dry and then I went set about masking it up to mashed up all the top the bottom around the barrels and then when it came to the polished edges I'll just use a pinstripe pinstripe tape and went around shot it with a bit of primate engine enamel primer and then paint a gloss black engine enamel and then while it's still wet is when you want to peel that that tape off otherwise you can pick it up and start peeling the paint away if it's sort of you get it at the wrong stage and it's tacky so it's triple it all off and then then it's just a matter of coming through with a bit of fingers on a rag and tidying up any bits of mortar bleed through so that's about it that's about all it takes but it is hard work and take a few hours to do but I think the you know the results speak for themselves so it's ready now to accept the wise K Pistons big bull kick and then we'll put our big port and polish pig valve head on there and try the whole thing together and clear we go alright well thanks for tuning in tasket stay tuned like subscribe and comment and we're back with more from Andy's motorcycle obsessions bye for now [Music] you [Music] you [Music] |
hoVJIJix28c | hi Julie here I'm going to be making embossed cookies in this particular video what our embossed cookies they're cookies that actually have a form or a mold pressed into them so that they hold a fun beautiful shape so here's an example of one here's another example of sort of an ornate leaf mold I've used both on larger projects I've used this smaller leaf as an embellishment on my holiday ornaments I contoured it as well I'll show you how to do that and I used them flat and gilded on this holiday cookie box so I'm gonna show you basically how to make those kinds of things they can be used to embellish any kind of cookie and you can use any kind of mold but we're working with two different types of molds today I'm working with my cutout cookie gingerbread again because it doesn't spread that much it has shortening in it instead of butter and so when I press them all into it the form I see once it's pressed changes very little when it goes in the oven if you use a dough that has a lot of butter and it chances are it's going to spread and it's gonna lose some shape in the oven I've got two different silicone molds that I'm going to show you slight variations of I like to work with silicone molds because they are pliable and the dough will easily pop out of them without any flowering but I might lightly flour this one just in case so I've rolled my dough depending on the thickness of the mole the depth of the mold you may have to roll it a little thicker to get an impression my leaf mold here is very shallow this one's a little bit deeper so I might have to have a thicker dough or press slightly harder to make sure I get the full impression here I like to do this directly on the cookie sheet that I'm going to bake them on so they don't have to move them later because they can misshapen the process of moving so I'll work with a little bit of a dough at a time and kind of work my way around the entire cookie sheet until I've got leaves encircling the whole thing and then I'll bake them and this is a round mold the dough isn't going to like pop out of the mold in the perfect shape you want you have to trim around it and the beauty of a round mole is I'm just pressing it to get the imprint now and pulling it up carefully I've got a little flower stuck in that one which I would want to brush off before I put it in the oven but the beauty of a round mold is it's not going to cut the perimeter of it you're gonna have to cut that but I can use any round cutter just to cut the shape around it and it's ready to be baked it's a little fast or the trimming process with a normally sort of a regularly shaped sort of mold with these leaf molds I'm gonna have to kind of trim around the whole thing okay so I'm gonna press into a thinner part of the dough here because this mold is a little bit shallower but I'm pressing pretty hard I want to make sure it makes a good imprint and the harder I press the more dough I push away from the sides of the mold so as you see the perimeter is not you know it's not disengaged from the rest of the dough so I'm gonna have to do a custom trim you can use a paring knife and just cut all the way around it like so and then pull off the excess dough and then these pieces are ready to go in the oven if I'm really fussy sometimes I'll go back in with the tip of my paring knife and actually cut in between these little leaves to make sure that there's some contour to the sides of these as well I might also Pat around the size of it so if there's any dough that's hanging off its pressed into the side so I don't see that later and then again would just continue in that process bake them as I normally would at 375 degree oven for maybe 7 to 10 minutes depending on the thickness of the piece if you want it to contour a particular piece as I did on those ornament molds you want to make sure you place it over something and shape it before it goes into the oven so in the case of these ornament pieces I shaped them over the same hemisphere mold I used to create the globe bake them this way in the oven on a cookie sheet that I'm cool a little bit and they came off in a curved shape not unlike that they're beautiful simply as they are here have some finished baked products but I like to actually accentuate the pattern often by gilding them as I did on all these projects and I'm going to show you how I did that really simple process of extending a luster dust or a highlighter dust with a little bit of extract into a paint and here I'm just using a little plastic lid to mix my paint I've you need very very little I'm an extender with a clear extract because I don't want to import any color beyond the goal to this this is a highlighter dust so it's super gold as as compared to a luster dust I'm just gonna mix them together I'm actually not gonna use this paint brush I'll tell you why because if you use a paint brush you have a little less control and you actually can get a lot of paint sometimes into the lower parts and what I all want to do is highlight the relief on this so that the lower parts are actually remain the normal gingerbread color I think that shows the pattern better than getting the whole thing entirely gold I'm gonna use a sponge brush because I find that I have a little more control with it now use about a one to one mixture the extract will evaporate as you work with it so you're gonna have to kind of loosen that paint as you go and then I just dab the gold on the top and it just highlights those high points which i think is really really nice of course if you press too hard you can still get into a recessed area and you can easily clean that out by taking your trusting needle and just scraping off a little bit of that extra stuff that went into the lower areas I'm going to loosen up the paint a little bit because I want this a little more fluid and you can see if you do two coats or you have a little more powder relative to extract you can get an even shinier result so that's it that's the basics of doing an embossed cookie accent and then gilding it for added interest in dimension until next time live sweetly |
_oNQ1uUkvQw | hi guys um so I didn't tell this video it's a how to either lighten up your head fermentation or how to get rid of bacne cards so I just want to start out with like a little history on my back knee so I've had it for worse since I was probably 11 or 12 for a long time because I'm 22 now when my back knee just started to clear up or I just started doing things to clear it up so um mine was really bad like you can barely tell now what it looks like then rather than before I looked like a freaking donation or like I had thoughts or something because there were so many and I would never wear a shirt like this without something covering me up because they were so bad um yeah so basically I'm just going to tell you what I did to get rid of my scars and what you could possibly do and what could work for you but this is specifically report for me so the first thing that I started to do was moisturize so um I got coconut oil first or I always was using coconut oil but I wasn't really using it on my back but this stuff like even though better usually a cause from oily skin coconut oil or moisturizing your back in general is just something that you have to do because having dry skin and having your clothes rub against it just makes it more irritated which makes your back knee more likely to UM to flare up and to happen and things like that which will then obviously lead to hex indentation um then I this is what my staple is and this is what really really really has helped me is this good ol baby here aloe vera gel um so I put this on my back right after I got out of the shower every night and um it started honestly considering up my back knee within two weeks because I originally bought it in January I believe and I was doing Spring Break on the end of February so I wanted my best need to be cleared up these sons going to Miami and I wasn't being a bathing suit and I didn't want to be like insecure about that so I tried to clean it up before I went and I started using the Olivera gel and I immediately started seeing results like it dries out your skin a little which is like combat it with the coconut oil but it works so well like I would not recommend it if I didn't think it was really good it works so well if you can use the olive oil anywhere on your body you can use it on your face you can use it on your legs anywhere you want to use it but it stops insulation and it just stops your skin from itching and it really does clear up the marks like it really really does and then my third thing which is a kind of two different things is exfoliating so I exfoliate my entire body every single day and some people might not recommend it because it's rough on your skin but if you do it the right way I really don't think it's a bad thing and it hasn't harm to my skin so I do an affiliate my skin every day just because you clear up all of those discs and solve a mess um so it helps you a lot so the first thing I use is the vanity planet um spent per perfect skin I think it's called a brush so it's this really big one starts it looks weird because it was like on my shower right thing but um I just really big one for my back sometimes this is a softer option if you are scared about messing up your skin this one is really soft and then I use beads I'm not sure what they're called that they're exfoliating gloves this one's just alert and then this one is like the rougher version and I just shower usually with these every day um and then I'll work this in sometimes but exfoliating definitely does um clean up your skin and it just helps get rid of all those this skin cells like I said before and um yes so I look like a mess honestly the way that you would use them would be to shower with either the gloves or the bathing planet and these cost probably honestly like two to three dollars I like Walgreens or Walmart you can really buy these anywhere um you wash with those every day and then I would say go with oliver gel mix and then put the coconut oil on top after Oliver o gel has um dried up and I'm pretty sure you will see results how I see results um so yeah I think that's all and if any of you guys try this please let me know um have you guys are seeing results or if it's working for you even though I'm sure that we'll we just have to really be consistent and then I think that's all so I'll see you guys in my next video please don't forget to Like subscribe and comment I |
JA4EHAdNLkc | have you ever been leaning over your sink and notice this awful odor Oh phew this video will show you how to remove the drain pipe and clean it on the IKEA odin's fix sink which is usually paired with the God Morgon cabinet today I'm going to show you how to remove the drawer and the sink mechanism for the God morgen sink I wanted to clean out the inside of it but I couldn't find any instructions on how to do it so I finally figure out how to do it on my shoot so first step to remove the drawer pull it out underneath you're going to find little gray tabs they look like that there's this guy right here and they only pop out a tiny bit like maybe an eighth of an inch but you want to pop it out and there's one on each side so you have to pop those inward so they let go of the drawer and then you lift up as you lift up and you pull out then the drawer should come out next you're going to pull out this little sink blocker then close the sinks when you want to fill out on the basin that just pulls straight up then you're going to get a 13 millimeter ratchet and in the center of the sink basket you're going to unscrew and you don't need wd-40 because it just screws right into plastic its plastic on me so it's not like metal in that we're going to get rusted together so this comes out looks like that by the side here's the top of the sink strainer and it's going to have putty on it so you're going to want to clean that off and put new putty and then underneath now this comes right out so you can see there's this rubber gasket that just sits up there so this pipe just pulls right out now you can clean this out and same thing for this one this pulls right out now you can clean that out clean the pipe out by smacking it against the ground and then spray it with the hoe clean the metal parts by soaking them in some vinegar when you put the drawer back you're going to insert that inner end first then tip the front of the drawer down so it's holes line up with the spikes indicated by the red arrow once you do that you push in the button indicated by the green arrow to lock the drawer in place here's a picture showing the drawer in place with the front of the drawer already engaged at the inside end ready to be tipped down on to the spikes now just tip it down onto the spikes |
QsgohTGrI58 | What we are going to do, first thing we are going to do is mix up our single stage Urethane Urethane base coat. If we were put a top coat on it we would not be put the hardener. But what we are going to do, we are going to turn this into a single stage Urethane. Where we just spray it and it's done. To do that, we're going to put 4 parts paint, we're put 2 parts reducer, and one part hardener. Let that activate just a little bit. What we don't use here we have to throw away Now what we are doing here is If you look here this is shiny and this is dull. This is our tack What we are going to do now. We are going to apply, the second coat. After this has tacked for about five minutes. We are going to apply our second coat. This time I am going for shine. Shine indicate that we have enough on there. It's heavy enough coat to protect and give us the gloss we want. We are going to do two of these. Two shine coats. If you watch you'll see the different. And that is how I know when to quit. Is when I've got the gloss. No more, No less. Ok, Reuben look how much the missing of over-spray, you don't see a bunch of over-spray And it has to do with this high volume low pressure. You didn't create a fog. You are not blowing paint all over the place. With this gravity feed system. First thing we'll do is put on a tack coat. A light mist coat for ahession I always try to spray the undersides and the backsides of things That way when your First that way when you are doing your finial coat, you're not brushing up against it. To get to the hidden parts. Do, the hidden parts first. |
vb57gsP-FLA | guys so today I'll be showing you how to make these really easy fish charms on the rainbow loom you'll need to choose a color for the body of your fish I chose blue and also you'll want one black rubber band for the eye of your fish start with your loom in this original configuration now I'm taking two blue rubber bands at a time for this entire design I'll be using pairs of rubber bands so begin by going from the center peg to the first right peg and then the center peg to the first left peg now still taking pairs of rubber bands I'm going to go up each column of the loom four times three and four and do that same exact thing for the left and center row here's what your loom should look like so far and now I'm going to add one more to the center column and also I'm going to go from this bright peg into the center and I'm going to push down those bands and make more room and reminder we are still using two bands at a time now take your black rubber band for the eye and go to the left column and we're going to count up to so on this second left peg right here I'm going to place my black rubber band just like a regular cap band and I'm going to twist it so that there are three loops of black on that peg now I'm just going to add some triangular cap bands so taking a single blue band just going to place them in the following air yawns this will just hold up the design now go back to this pen right here where you put that black rubber band and we're going to slide this on to the triangular top band to make the eye so take your hook and you're going to reach for all three of the black band and just slide it I'll gonna make the tail of the fish so go to this middle peg right here we're going to extend out to the right and we're going to go up three times taking two rubber bands at a time and do that for the other side okay now we're going to add the cap bands on these two pegs on these last pegs so I'm just going to place it on there and I'm going to twist it so that there are three loops and do that for this side now turn your loom around and we can begin hooking I'm going to begin on this side here and of course under the cap band and grab those bottom two bands and bring them forward and continue doing that so the first pair of rubber bands you should pick up um should go to this right side so I'm going to try to go past all these rubber bands and then pick up the first ones this might take a little longer once you got it it makes it really easy and the next two rubber bands you should pick up should go out here to the left and then the way bottom two should go straight now just continue hooking everything together just go past all those cap bands now once everything is hooked you can place a slipknot through here go through all these rubber bands and go like this pull it through make sure it's through everything and now you can make this slipknot and hold on to this Slipknot now I'm going to remove everything off the lid here's what mine looks like once it's off the loom and as with every charm you may need to adjust some things but other than that thanks for watching and please subscribe |
_jo1UnkkD-A | - Hey, guys, this is Austin. So there are a ton of different
controllers to choose from, but which one's the best? To find out, I gathered a
few of the best ones around and to start with we have the
PlayStation 4 DualShock 4. This is a big improvement
over the last generation. However, there're couple other options that you might wanna look at, including the Xbox One Elite. Now, this is a controller that honestly, I think is probably one of
the best that I've ever tried. You have customizable
things like the D-pad. You can adjust how the sticks are. There's a lot that you can do, even with paddles on the back, however, we can even
take it a step farther. If you really want to get
on that customization game, Xbox has a Design Lab option, so essentially, what this allows you to do is take a standard Xbox One controller, which is already good and pretty much customize it however you want and by customize it however you want, I mean give it a different paint job. You actually can't get
all the extra buttons and stuff from the Elite, I mean, unless you get one of these,
but that's for later. You design it, we build it. Well, let's see what I actually designed. Oh, right, it's orange. So this is the masterpiece
of a controller that we made. It's got that whole Creamsicle
vibe with the orange, got the orange grips and
the white everywhere, but you have a little bit of gray on the thumbsticks as well as the buttons and if you wanna take it one step farther, you can add a message to the controller, so I added my gamertag, also my Twitter and my Facebook and my Instagram, definitely make sure to check me out, links in the description, but on top of that, you can
also get it on your controller and of course, this is a
standard Xbox One controller. It comes with AA batteries
because, I don't know, Microsoft hates
rechargeables, I have no idea. If you really want to take
things to the next level, you can get a Scuf controller. Now, this is the version for the Xbox, however, there also is a PS4 version. Did you order this controller? I don't know if I actually know what this controller looks like, so this is a Ken special right here. I picked out the awesome
Creamsicle look of this one. This Scuf controller, I have
no idea what it looks like. Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no. (laughs) Ken, what is this, what is this!? Ken, what were you? Okay, so if you (laughs) want the ugliest Scuf controller of all time. God, that is, yeah, okay, so if you want a Scuf
controller that looks like this, your boy Ken'll hook you up, I guess. Did you see that Scuf controller? It's red and black, why
didn't you get one of these? (stammers) You know what this feels like. This feels like when you go into Subway and they're like, "Okay,
what options would you like?" and you have that moment of panic of like, "I want anchovies and spinach and bologna and the sweet bread."
and then you get this and then you wonder where you
went wrong in life. (laughs) I actually do like the texture
on the back of this thing. You know what, it feels
almost like a truck bed liner if you've ever felt one of
those kind of rubbery things. That is definitely not going anywhere. Something else you get
with Scuf are paddles, so this is one of the things
that you can customize before you order the controller, so we went all out and got all four, but these are mappable to,
say, like your face buttons or basically, whatever
you want, I believe. I mean, to be fair, this is like by far, the most expensive controller here, so I would expect it to be
cool, but this is alright. What's cool is all of these controllers will not only work on the
console, but also for PC, so on the Xbox One side
of things, they all work out of the box if you plug them in via USB and the newer ones such as the Xbox One Design Lab controllers
have Bluetooth built in. If you don't wanna use Bluetooth, you can also pick up the adapter, so this is just a little
USB wireless adapter for the Xbox One, so even with some of the older controllers
that don't have Bluetooth, plug this into your computer
and you're good to go. The same thing applies for the PS4, so if you pick up the
DualShock 4 adapter for PC, it actually works for a Mac too if you wanna do that for some reason, then you just pick up
this guy, plug it in, and you're up and running
with the DualShock 4. Now, that's actually one of the advantages of the DualShock 4 is that
it's cheap, so right now, it's around $45 or so, but
you usually can find them for around 50 and that's cheaper than pretty much anything else here. Now, of course, you can get a
standard Xbox One controller for about that price,
but as soon as you get into the custom options, it gets pricey. So the Design Lab controller is $80. Now, that does give you full customization of all the colors and
buttons and everything and for $90, you can get
your name engraved on it, so it's not that much of a price premium, however, when you get up to
the Elite, it gets pricey. This guy is $150.
(cash register ching) Mind you it does come
with this carrying case, which not only is a nice place
to store your controller, but you also get a ton of
different options for it, so for example, you can add your paddles, which just pop right on here and what's cool is all these
are completely magnetic, so if we want we can
get all of our paddles and with the Xbox One Elite, you actually have a button right up top here, so you can slide between
two different profiles, so that's easy and on the Xbox, you can actually select tons of different profiles and have them saved, so for example, you can have
a custom controller set up for, say, Forza, maybe
one for Call of Duty, one for Battlefield, whatever you want. The idea that everything
on the Elite controller is based on magnets is really cool too, so if you want say a domed thumbstick, you can easily swap that on or if you want something a little bit taller, it just pops right on, you're good to go and like I said earlier, the Scuf is definitely going to cost you, so if you just want more
of an aesthetic build, kind of like the Design Lab, you're talking about and
around the $120 range, however, if you really want
all the bells and whistles with the custom grips and the paddles and all that kind of stuff,
this thing is gonna cost you. The big question though, is
with all these controllers here, sure, it's nice to see
which one looks the coolest, but which one is actually
the best one for gaming. (vocalizing) Ken, you're gonna kind of like make it appear right there, right? Yeah, it just appears right there, so is this gonna like you
ignore all of my mouth noises, like add actually like a cool sound effect and then like as I wave my hands, like I'm gonna need like a puff of smoke and then the computer appears, got that. So to start with, we have
the Design Lab controller. Now, even though on the outside, this is a custom controller, on the inside, it's pretty
much exactly the same as any other Xbox controller and because of that, it's solid, so while sure, it doesn't
have some of the cool paddles of the Elite, oh, I got it, I got it, what's cool about the
Design Lab controllers is that since they're all based on the updated Xbox One controller with Bluetooth and the headphone jack, it means that while you can
still use this with a PC and the standard wireless adapter, but if you're computer has Bluetooth, you just pair it right up and it's gonna work right out of the box. Next, we have the Elite controller. So there're actually a
couple of advantages to this and one of the more subtle
things is just the feel of the controller, so
it's a little bit heavier and I really like the slightly
kind of, I'll say grippy sort of texture, but it's
like a very soft rubber. It doesn't sound like it
would be good on a controller, but it actually feels nice. Next, we have the Scuf controller. So this one's a little
bit more of a mixed bag. On one hand, it feels
solid, so I like the grip and the way that the thumbsticks are weighed, it actually is really nice, however, the thing is
you're paying a lot for this and honestly, it doesn't really feel that much different than
another Xbox controller. The thing is I prefer the
way the Elite controller does customization, so say I'm
playing Horizon 3 right now and I only want two
paddles, well, it's easy as just taking them off or
say swapping thumbsticks out, whereas with the Scuf, what you order is pretty much what you get. Last, but not least, we
have the DualShock 4. Now, if you're on a PC, you
actually have a lot if choices, however, on the PS4, it's
pretty much this or a Scuf. Now, on the PC, you can
get the DualShock 4 to work and of course, it's not a bad controller, but it's gonna require some work. Like the Xbox controller, if
your computer has Bluetooth, you can pair it that way and otherwise, you can pick up the wireless
adapter or use a USB cable, however, unlike the Xbox controller, it is not natively supported in Windows, so what that means is either
you have to rely on a couple of rare games that actually
natively support it, which is not easy to find or you need to use a program
such as DS4 for Windows. Now, that's gonna let this
emulate an Xbox 360 controller and as you can see, it works just fine once you get it set up,
but it is not as smooth as just plugging it in
and getting it going, like the Xbox One, so what
is the best game controller. Now, if you hadn't noticed, I didn't include every controller of all time and that's for good reason,
these are my favorites, however, if I had to pick just one, it would be the standard Xbox One. This controller, I feel like,
is a really nice sweet spot of something that's nice
and comfortable to use, that has a lot of cool features. It works pretty much everywhere
that you'd want to game. If you had a little bit
more money to spend, the Elite controller is a good option, but my biggest problem with it is that while I do prefer it
to the Xbox controller, it's triple the price and
honestly, it's hard to justify, so I'm curious, what's your
guys' favorite controller? Definitely be sure to let me
know in the comments below and of course, if you
guys wanna check out any of the ones I took a
look at in this video, the links will be in the description. Anyway, guys, thank you
so much for watching and I will catch you in the next one. |
Notdcs17xbw | all right let's tony from guess tank okay and i'm going to show you exactly how we do this it's pretty easy alright and while using here is pro stripe you've never heard of Prost right before it's like a very popular brand for automotive vinyl pinstriping like this okay so you know you go to any automotive store I think there's a web site out there - I've never bought it online but if you just google pro stripe I'm pretty sure you could find it so we got it we have a standard gold pinstripe here with two lines one thicker one and one skinny one I don't know if I want to keep both of them on there or take one off we'll see once we get it on I use glass cleaner to clean my area before I pinch rips if you're doing cars if you look in the VIP membership area I have a whole video on doing a car alright the whole side of the car with designs at the end but I like to use glass cleaner quickly to get all the wax and grease and oil off before putting our sticker on it you know you want to make sure that the whole area is nice and clean this way you're not putting it over any kind of oils or anything right alright we're just going to focus on one side for now so we have our pinstripe here and I basically bent it in the middle right because we got two pieces one for each side alright so I'm going to go ahead and rip this one and I'm going to play with it right now okay we have the top of the tank here what do I want to do do I want the skinny on top or the fat line on top I think the fat line on top looks pretty cool instead of you could do whatever you like alright or at the end you could take off either one you don't to see the finished product you know if you say hey I only want one line across the top see and if you pull it too much you'll start to make it skinny like that you see that kind of messed up pretty bad there yeah I screwed up pretty bad cut it and do it again hmm all right stop can you go this so I screwed up so this is no good that's what happens if you mess up you just got to start all over and have do it another piece not easy you know it's going to take a little bit of time you may mess up you may not mess up but most likely if you're just starting you're going to mess up and if you pull too tight like I said you're going to stretch the stick the decal and it's going to look skinny and it's not going to look even like how it's supposed to look you know I'm going to go ahead and just start again okay with the side view of the tank in mind right okay and we're just going to pull it little by little right and a lot of times it it comes out really good when you don't care and you're just doing it quick instead of pulling all of it off you could also break some of it off you know the the protective layering in the back and just work with a little at a time so I'm going to go ahead and retry this area again okay kind of tough but we can make it work all right so let me come at a different angle here and once this is done it's just gonna look so nice you know it's gonna look really beautiful when it's done how's everyone you have to do it I think that looks pretty good at that corner there corner down here and wrap it around and then we're done this flat parts the easy part you know the corners are just a tough part but we'll see I think that looks pretty good and then we'll make sure we wipe and then we'll go straight that's a easy one it's like poop and all a shit right here's the end came out at the end I don't know what I want to do yet but I'm just going to go straight like this think of it okay and I don't know if I want to end it as a point or make it round now we're just going to push this all down okay push it down good alright and we'll design we will design the end right now right over here I need a razor blade I have a brand new razor blade here very sharp so be careful right well I'll put that in my mouth to hold it for now make sure we push everything down from the protective layering here the clear plastic all right like that okay and now once we have that okay we can take this off here and you can see how nice it's gonna look all right and then you could pull it straight down down that way okay good ha now I can go back and lay my stickering like that okay and to make it look cool all right at the end we can basically leave you could actually get really creative at this point you know you could cut out the middle make it look like a V or leave all that in there you know whatever you want to do you can like do it and make it look cool so I don't let's see let's see something here so what I'm going to do is make sure everything's pushed down good and I'm going to cut right over here make sure you don't go through to the paint I'm going to pull this off same thing over here pull this off right pull that off all right so you know we have like a point finish here you could also cut the inside if you want you know these pieces and have it like a but I think this kind of looks pretty cool at the end gives it like a cool cool design you know gives it like a cool finish here but like I said you could just make it like a total V cut cut these two pieces out if you want to but I think that looks pretty neat the way it is I'm going to roll with that so there is the pretty cool the hard part is going to be to match it on this side but yeah it may take you a couple of tries you know but hey it's just a decal you know it's just a sticker so if you mess up just peel it back and redo it you know cut another piece and redo it so here is the finished product I think it looks pretty cool you know we'll go ahead and do the other side and and that's that thanks for watching |
kVx9QDrPrHM | I'm gonna show you a trick I learned for with rolling your cookie dough out without refrigerating it and it makes rolling it out much easier and cutting them out much easier so you mix up your cookie dough and lay it on a piece of waxed paper I have these two little sticks that I got at the craft store that are each about 1/4 inch thick that I like to make the cookies that thickness I laid one on each side of my waxed paper and it's also about the same width as my cookie sheet I lay my cookie dough out and lay another sheet of waxed paper on top of it smash it down a little bit and just start rolling see how much easier it is to roll the cookie dough I don't have to flour it or something I used to put powdered sugar instead of flour to roll out the cookie dough but this makes it really nice because you don't have to add flour it doesn't stick to your rolling pin just keep going you use your sticks to show so you know how thick you're going your dough is my rolling pin is not quite long enough to make it all the way across but it still gives me a good idea of what thickness I'm at so you just keep rolling until you do with that all rolled out to a quarter-inch thick when you've got all rolled out I used my yucky old Coke machine because they're the longest ones I've got the biggest ones you just take your cookie you don't take your boards out put the cookie dough on the cookie sheet and stick it in the refrigerator so now my dough has been in the refrigerator for probably at least 15 or 20 minutes you can leave it in longer but I would leave it in at least 15 or 20 minutes for it to get nice and hard you want to take off the top layer of wax paper take your cookie cutter and just start cutting out your cookies sometimes they just stick right in the cookie cutter when it's really hard this one I didn't leave in as long as last time but you might just take them out I'm just lay them on your parchment sheet lined cookie sheet the leftover dough I throw in a stack over on the side and later on I will mat make another ball and roll that out and cut out more cookies with it so my scraps I just throw over to the side and we're good to go so these I'll put on another sheet I don't have here ready to go but anyway then these are all ready to go in the oven and bake so there you go even though I don't have the decorating down as good as the other professors at University of cookie I do have my cutting out a cookie dough down pretty good so anyway I just want to share that little tip because it makes rolling out your dough so much easier than not covering it with the wax paper see you later |
5A_PvkKCx6E | problem especially during the summer months when women are wearing open dresses and guys are out by the pool it is very undesired to have acne on the back colloquially it's termed back knee now it's a pretty funny name but it's a very annoying and serious problem for people who have it so firstly what you want to do if you have it is try some benzoyl peroxide cleansers I have one here five percent benzoyl peroxide that helps to decrease the inflammation so you cleanse your back with this you can also try some glycolic acid cleansers that work very well there are also some topical clindamycin products namely clean the reach that one can use to help to decrease the inflammation very quickly secondly you can go into your doctor's office and he could put small drops of steroid into the most active lesions to kind of get rid of those very noticeable red lesions on the back you can't do it probably to every single one but probably the handful of worst ones can be addressed by some acne steroid injections thirdly if you have a little more time than just a day or two you can try a back chemical peel I've done an estheticians office and you don't want to forget all the variety of acne treatments out there including oral antibiotics the whole range of topical medicines including the retinoids that help to decrease inflammation and kill bacteria that promote back acne and lastly the most basic of things to keep in mind is shower the area wash it off and maybe take one to two showers a day and wear loose-fitting clothing that's made out of cotton allows it to breathe a little better and will make it make it a little more difficult for the bacteria to live I'm dr. rothfeld Darvish and that's a brief overview of how to get rid of acne on the back quickly thank you |
LAv7xJH0Ha0 | I'd like to show you some good clean fun it's the shower massage by Water Pik good because it's unique massaging action delivers thousands of pulsating burst every minute billions of tiny fingers to massage your aches and pains through their tired muscles and gently stimulate your whole body clean because it's super for washing your hair and fun because it adjusts for a regular shower spray an invigorating massage or a relaxing combination a massage with every shower isn't that Marvin the shower massage by Water Pik replaces your old shower head in minutes wall mount or handheld models simply the greatest improvement in showers since hot water |
oN4v-i7K2lg | okay so this is a tutorial on how to make a little hand controller for abba doing a video game controller for your any kind of doll just little clay tutorial okay so Oh couple of very few things i'm using on my hands i'm using black sculpting clay and enough okay so um first what you're going to do is you're going to cut a little piece of clay out okay then what you're going to do with the clay is you're going to roll it into a thick yet long piece and the first thing you're going to do is you're going to fold it down like that kind of to the size of your doll kind of make it the base of your video game controller okay like um and this you can see I'm not fully like just folding it in half i'm having some room some flat at the top and the ends are quite kind of curved out in the way so um after you get your main base of your video game controller you're going to get another piece of clay and you're going to make two balls and once they're both rolled out you're going to kind of flatten them out and you're going to place them on your video game controller like so and kind of just fix it so that it looks right on it and so it looks like nice and kind of smooth it out ok so now I have the two circles on sorry I got that and next we're going to do is you're going to get two smaller circles and then you're going to need to roll out to two more balls are slightly smaller and you are going to flatten them just the same make them as round as you can okay and then you're going to get your video game controller and put the little flatten the circles on it as your little things and then you're going to put them on like that so once you have those balls on them you have to get two smaller ones and you're going to do the same and just put them on top okay and then you're going to get another piece of clay another couple of pieces and make it pretty I'm small sorry about that and then they're going to get kind of roll it out and make it into a square figure in a way so kind of flatten out the edges to make it a square so after you have your flattened out squares here you are going to get them and you're going to put them behind the circles or on top however you did it kind of like that so you kind of want to have it like this on the top so if you can do the tips of my fingers I have two little strips of clay and basically what you're going to do is you're going to make it into a cross so once you have the tiny cross you're going to get your little game bling and you're going to put it in the top little corner right there and this is what they're going to look like once you're done with the clay and then you're going to want to bake it into in the oven um after all your clay pieces are cooled down out of the oven and hard you're going to need four colors of paint and or near palm red yellow green and blue I'm going to get my down tilt and dip it and the paint on the pot so after you're done painting them you're going to let them dry and um you can go off of them and clear nail polish to give them a very nice glossy shine that will make them look more realistic and make them look well done polished you |
4zSGdI9IF6s | hi I'm Emily from loom love today I'm going to show you how to make the warrior bracelet it's a two-sided bracelet so you can wear it like this or like this your arrow should be pointing away from you I suggest you use only the official rainbowloom solid colors or gel colors otherwise they kind of snap you take your first band first color band and place it from this pin to this pair you take that color again and place it from this pin to this then again you take that color and just place it forward by one you don't do this for the whole bracelet you take your second color you place it across these two bands here then you take your third color base from this pin to this pin and this pin to this thing again you take your first color is it from this pin to this pin and this pin to this pin you do not put up a band in the middle here take abandoned place your second color band and place it from here to here and your third color band ice it from here to here and from here to here you continue this all the way down your loom again you take your first color get it from here to here take your second your first color and place it from here to here take your second color place it from here to here and take your third color from here to here and from here to here this is how you should look you need to place a capping band on this last peg here so you take AB and twist it into a figure 8 shape and double it over on itself you place this great argument here now we are going to be looping the bands we're going to turn them around pull back the cap people the arrow should be pointing towards you now we're going to pull back the capping band and grab the top band then you take the last band and place it from here to cook it from here to here then this cross band here you're going to hook you're going to bring it up and place it on this peg here do the same on the other side then you just take these bands put them up on both sides this is where it gets a little trickier you have to push this back and try to find this band right here if you have a crochet hook on metal crochet hook it might be a little easier then again you're going to find this man straight across loop the first side onto this peg any other side and you look this band from here to here this parrot from here to here and you push this back and try to find this band here it should be the top blue one or whatever your color is and you pull that back to this thick then you go down and grab the other side again you're grabbing the cross the band that goes across placing one side on this pick and then the other you loop this band up and this band up then again you pull back grab the top blue one pull it back here hold it push this back and grab the other blue one and pull it up here and then the cross band you grab it and place it and you put it up here and you grab it and put it up here then again you're looping this band from here here and this band from here to here you just continue this all the way down the load when you're looping these bands here you have to make sure you always grab the right band and you also can't pull them too hard or they can stop you again you have to be very careful when you are looping them because they can snap for the end you're just going to bring these bands up like you will the rest of the bracelet then you're going to go in and grab the middle band which is the bottom one bit forward then you have to push this down and bring this these bands over here these bands over here now when you're taking the bracelet off you can stretch it so I just suggest that you take these off like this before you pull it off you're going to stick your hook through these last bands here making sure through all of them we're going to pull band on the hook like this and just bring the hook through now what you do is you just kind of have that there and you just pop these off but you pop this off and you just try to get them off of the back like that try not to stretch the band's just leave that last one on there and you can just take it off this last in there and the last pin domi and just kind of pull that then you're going to make an extension I like to do it a bit different place the c-clip doesn't show you're wearing it if you normally have a little six bands for the extension right I suggest you use about eight so I'm going to do four then pull this and place the ad notes on your hook onto that pen make sure it's on there and you hook those and you pull this last band to another peg and attach your c-clip then then you do another four you put the other end of your bracelet on again you pull it out and attach the other ended and I attach the c-clip on to that and pull it off here you have your worry for a bracelet thanks for watching |
s6J-EAeks9E | dr. Paul here we've got a cute young lady she has popping in her ears and when I peeked it is just chalk about full of wax my hunch is that wax is causing a seal and intermittently it's popping on her so we're gonna go flush that wax out water and you can see how that's done what are you up to there Gilly I'm getting my sport gun ready squirt water in the ears to flush them all right see just looks like can I have one of those square guns you bet oh you ready a cerumen ologist so how you doing you doing good hey Quinn you want to sit up and do this you get to have a cape yeah I'll be fine Quinn this squirts water look look water okay it's okay it's just water there it is there it is more super I think that might be nice okay look we're gonna look so this is just that light that's just a little light yeah that doesn't hurt just take a look in here you have the cleanest ear in town now you have a clean ear give me a five good do you like to tell your fans on your - I just like ties which is king fashion okay can you hear now here's pretty good don't you yeah do you feel better okay that's great so we even have Oh dr. Thomas touched it haha it's on my finger ah look at that whoa what do you think that is that cool you did a great job I didn't really do that no I did no you did it thanks for watching I'm dr. Paul |
El4NDIh75F0 | this peanut butter cookie dough is packed with peanut butter cups peanut butter candy pieces peanut butter morsels and because it's eggless it's totally safe to eat right out of the bowl what we're making is strictly for eating with a spoon so raise your hand if you're guilty of eating cookie dough right here but then you kind of panic because you worried that you're going to get sick well I have the sweetest fix for you thanks to Rana from edible who showed us how to make birthday cake cookie dough we added in our favorite mix ins and created a peanut butter lovers dream cookie dough this recipe is really easy first we're going to start by creaming together our butter with our salt and sugar and this is a lot easier if the butter is at room temperature then we're going to add our applesauce and this is really important because it replaces the egg as a binding ingredient then we're going to add our peanut butter now this isn't just for flavor it's going to help all of our ingredients stay together and make it gooey and yummy and then our pinch of nutmeg and I'm using a hand mixer because this is a lot easier than doing it by hand next I'm going to add our vanilla extract and I'm the slowly add our flour while I continue to mix now we could stop right here and just have peanut butter cookie dough but why would we do that when we have so many fun candy so I'm going to add in our peanut butter cups I cut them into quarters but you could also chop them up if you wanted I wanted really big pieces then our peanut butter candy pieces oh and our peanut butter morsels that's got to be enough peanut butter for all you peanut butter lovers and we're folding them in at the end so that none of those candies break up I think the best part about this cookie dough is when you take a bite and the little peanut butter candies just kind of pop in your mouth how delicious does this look oh I can treat each area I really love giving edible cookie dough around the holidays as a gift idea i just put it in a little mason jar at a bow people love it but it's also great adding into desserts like my chocolate chip cookie dough stuffed Oreos dipped in chocolate oh my goodness this looks so good I cannot wait to try it well might as well just try it right off the spoon mmm oh my gosh this is so good and now that I've shown you guys how to make birthday cake cookie dough chocolate chip cookie dough and now peanut butter cookie dough I would love to see what flavor combinations you come up with don't forget to post it on Instagram tag me hashtag eat the trend see you next time bye |
KIyc-P3bVCc | I this particular piece I approached Mike and asked him to do for me because a few years prior he had painted a motorcycle for me well the bike my father and I found used at the dealership down in Sacramento and picked up basically in stock condition he wrote it for a couple years doing real minor modifications to it here and there and he ended up passing away and I inherited the bike from him and so I just kind of took it to the next level of what I thought he wanted to ultimately due to the bike and kind of just took it upon myself to do that and something I'll be hanging on to forever and and the motorcycle was kind of handed down to me from my father so something that we're keeping in the family and I've been working on it over the past couple years doing some customizations and he did a pretty radical paint job for me and I thought it would be cool to have that whole bike kind of put into a painting i can have hanging in my living room and maybe hand down to my kids in the future something cool to hang onto nice keepsake nicely he's art I have the privilege of sharing the same hometown ready California and he's kind of a local artists around here he's pretty well known have several friends who had miscellaneous pieces airbrushed and painted by him he's one of the best guys around all right guys yeah so I just wanted to fill you in something I feel like I need to work on is my work with the palette knife I want textures texture is a big thing on this painting for me I'm working on it myself and so every time i do that I seem to learn a little bit more about that facet of treating art and I just more tools to add your arsenal and on this one I'm going to give it a little bit different of a look ninety percent growth dry brush painting and only ten percent of a airbrush give it less of an airbrush look quality so check it out hey and don't forget to check out more of our work at Mike Morgan designs com if you're already there right on if you're not check it out lots of good artwork on there you got to see |
-nsKR_MidTM | hey guys it's love Stallone here this is the hella quick bracelet that was created by Lumi mama on instagram and this was a hook only design but today I'm going to show you how to make it on the rainbow loom so anyone who was having any problems with the hook only rest assured now you can make it so excited I'm I seen a lot of comments in the Box on the original tutorial asking for this to be done on the loom so I have worked that out for you and I'll be showing you a short clip of that today so this says take about 95 bands or so depending on your wrist size and without wasting any more time let's get it started to make this bracelet you will want to have two bar pins you want them aligned and you want to have the space in the middle to create tension I do recommend using limited edition bands it works best for this design and I've chosen three different colors today you'll need your hook and your c-clip so to get started I'm going to start by grabbing my white and we're going to twist it on like an infinity sign or a figure eight and this support that I'm doing right now is just for like the beginning of you know the bracelet the start of it grab two more bands of that same color and we're going to stretch that straight across like so we're going to grab the bottom band on each side and bring it up which creates the cap band go ahead and push that down so now we're going to switch colors I mean this is where you'll start to notice like the pattern starting so we're going to grab I'm going to grab my green stretch that straight across and for each section we add three bands to each side so the first two don't count because that was just for the start of it so the green was my first one and we're going to bring up only the bottom band on the left side so that was being one I'm going to add my second green I'm going to bring up the bottom band on the left again you have to add one more and three whoa and once again we're going to bring up the bottom only on the left side so I do want to just quickly say that you're going to notice it may look a little messy throughout the making of the design and there's going to be a lot of like loose bands but just don't mind it at all it comes out exactly the same I just wanted to give you a little heads up alright so we now need to transfer these three bands that we just pulled over to this pin we now need to bring them back and place them on the Left pin so I do it one at a time and just place them back on like so push it down just keep them in the order that they're in right now and now we're going to grab whatever color you want to go on the inside so for example on this one I used clear running in the center it's basically like a single chain on the inside so for the sake of the video I'm going to use black so you can see it and we're going to stretch that straight across as well and now we are going to bring up the top three bands on the left pin starting at the very top so one two three so we have to do anything to the bottom - they should stay there and now we're going to start working on the right side so what we have to do is grab this black band and we're going to bring it over to the left and place it there right now just as like a placer and now we're going to do the same thing on the right side that we did on the left so starting with band one of my green place it on we're going to grab the bottom band and don't worry so there's like a little overlap in here don't pay attention to that just make sure over here that they're laying even so grab the bottom band bring it up lay my next screen grab the bottom on the right pin bring it up and we have to do that one more time lean band three grab in the bottom band on the right pin and bring it up like so push those bands down a little and just like we did on the other side we now need to grab the top three on the Left pin and bring them back over here so you just want to be careful when you're doing this because it's going to be a little looser than it was on the other side this last one's going to be the loosest you may have to hold it once you place it on so it doesn't go anywhere now we need to grab the top of our inside band which is the black one and also bring that over be very careful that you don't lose that band or you're going to lose all these as well and just need to push that back down alright so just like we did on the left we need to bring the top three bands over on the right pin so one two and three like so we're going to grab our cap and just pull down a little just to try to tighten it up again it's going to look a little loose don't worry about it and that is actually one section so now we're going to move on to to our next section in order to start our next section I'm going to grab the top band here make sure you're holding onto the bottom bands and just stretch it over place it on the right pin like so and now we can get started on our next pattern or you know the next section so I'm going to go back to white and we're going to do all that all over again so we're going to do a total of 3 so that's band 1 we're going to bring up the bottom band on the left adding B in to up the bottom band on the left and adding band 3 bringing up the bottom band on the left again like so push that down we now need to bring these top three whites on the right pin back over to the left and reattach and again don't worry about the crossing in here just focus over here grabbing whatever is on top and reattach now we need and you might you told that with your thumb so we're going to grab the top part of our inside band which is my black one and also bringing that back over here and reattach it like so so we now need to add on another inside band before we loop these weights up so I'm grabbing another black I'm going to stretch that across and we now need to loop the inner band so again that is black for me so I'm going to bring up just that black band on the right and on the left like so and now we can proceed with bringing up the three bottom bands on the left pin one out of time so that would be been one two and three like so so now we need to do a right side so what we're going to do is we're going to hold down the middle here because before we start adding the bands to the right we need to place this black band over here so hold it down because they're going to want to pop up creating tension we're going to pick that black band up and place it over here onto the left peg so now we can go ahead and start adding our white for the right side so that's being one bring up the bottom band being to bring up the bottom band on the right pad mm band 3 will do that one more time bringing up the bottom band on the right pin push it down we're going to bring the top three bands that are on the left pin and place them back on the right it's going to be our loose one just be careful not to lose it so push everything down on your right pan and we're going to now bring over the top black pin that we had over here on the left pin place it back on its so it does not matter if these bands are falling over top of your inner band doesn't matter at all so now we're going to bring up the top three bits yeah the top three bands of the white ones over here so that's band one two three so it looks a little loose and stuff it's okay describe your cap in kind of pull down on it the more it grows the more I like messy it's going to look and it even looks that way when you're doing it on the hawk so it's totally okay at the end I'll show you what to do to make it form so now we can go ahead on to our next pattern we're literally going to keep doing that same thing over and over so before we start adding our grain again we need to grab this top and carefully we're going to bring it over here and place it on the right pin and that's just as like a holder for now we're going to go into our green again and we're going to lay being one and start looping on the left so make sure that these are laying like not twisted grab the bottom bring it up be into hang out the bottom on the left pan I'm going to do that one more time I'll go there laying band three bring out the bottom on the left like so so we now need to transfer the top three bands on the right pin and reattach them all to the left one holding them down with my thumb I'm going to grab the top of my inner color band which is black and as you can see all those bands I want to pop up so you may want to hold them down when you do that reattach so now we need to add one our inner color band which is black for me we're going to bring up the bottom band on the right or not the bottom but the the band right under the one we just laid so it should be the same color if you're using all the same color inner bands do the same on the left like so now that we've done that we're going to bring up the three band the three top bands on the left pin so that would be one two and three so now we're going to need to do the right side so just push everything down hold on to it grab the top band on the right thing and bring it over to the left and reattach it we're going to need to start adding our green bands again which would be for the right side but before you do that just make sure these bands are not twisted so that one was a little bit that top band in here should be what's on top one the thing over there so now we can just continue doing the same thing we've been doing adding B in one ring up the bottom band to bring up the bottom B and three bring off the bottom again push it down we're now going to bring the top three bands back over and replace them back over here on to the right side just give me crazy bands popping up like that just try to pull it down or hold it down a little now also we need to grab the top end that's left over here on the left pin which is the inner color band stretch it back over reattach now we're going to bring the top three bands on the right pin over like so so after you have a total of six bands in the center each time that's when you know you're you're going on to your next section if you haven't picked up on that yet so I'm going to do my next section so we're going to start by bringing the top band over to the right one and reattaching it and now I'll go back to my white and I'm just going to kind of little get down there I'm just going to go ahead and do it silently and you guys can follow along all righty guys so hopefully that was enough to show you how to make this on the loom I'm going to go ahead off of camera and I'm going to get some length to it so I can show you how to close it up at the end and don't worry if this looks nothing like the end result because there is something we have to do to the very end and the sides may start it moves like so don't worry about it it's supposed to do that so yeah I'll go ahead and do that and I'll come right back if you have any problems watch the previous instructions and I shall return ok guys so I have completed the length of my bracelet it's a little short but it's enough to show you how to get it closed out so basically I wouldn't be at the start as if you're going to add on or start your next section so instead of bringing the black over to start that next section we're just simply going to add another band on make sure you have the two only the two bottom bands and then the inner band which is the black I'm going to use wait for my closing band you're just going to stretch it across like so and we're going to bring everything up and over so I'm going to start by bringing the right black and then to bottoms up and then repeat on the left side like so it's going to be a little loose so you might want to just push everything down and now we just need to bring the two whites together which is where we would attack your c-clip so if you want to just bring one over to this pin into it that way or you can just pick up one side carefully go down into the other pin with your hook get it on there and then just take it off like so this is where I will attach my c-clip my life so as I stated in the beginning it's probably going to look a little bit messy which is just how it comes out so it will probably look like this and what I do to get it to look like this is the whole both ends of it you'll notice that the sides are starting to spread out so I hold it like this and I start stretching it and if you keep doing that it's actually going to start to flatten the other direction because it was open this way but if you just keep going like this it will flatten that way and then I did mess up down there so ignore that part I flattened out it flattened it out as much as I can on that side you don't have to do this but I find that tail it looks the best in my opinion and then all we're going to do once it's flattened as much as you can get it flat in you're going to twist it you don't want to twist it too much but twist it as much as your desire like so and you're going to come around and attach your c-clip like so and that is how you create the hella quick bracelet on the rainbow loom so I think it's pretty easy hopefully you guys like it if you do please hit the like button below I'm really excited that I was able to figure out how to do it on my whim for you guys because I know a lot of you wanted to make it but wasn't able to do so with the Hulk so again this is the hella cord created by looming momma on Instagram please check her out and give her a follow she has some fabulous designs if you're not subscribed to my channel here yet please hit the subscribe button as well if you want to stay up to date with all of my tutorials and I'll see you all at my next video thanks so much for watching guys bye |
BoMW00Upohw | beautiful friends welcome back to my channel so today I'm going to show you guys how to get rid of pimples in just 10 minutes yes you let me right in just ten minutes and that to your shower what are you kidding me no I'm not kidding you it's possible this is how I'm in treating my pimples and it's been really effective for me every time I've got a pimple you know what I do I just hop into my shower to get you scared rid of it it's really effective and yes you want to know how I get rid of my pimples in just 10 minutes please keep on watching and yes please if you like this video please do not forget to subscribe to my channel I am I'm a beauty videos I make all kind of video eventually so please go and subscribe thank you so much bye so what you going to do first is just make sure that there's no makeup on your skin make sure you've removed every bit of makeup from your skin and the skin is perfectly clean and clear and tie your hair back in a ponytail double that they don't come in between while you're doing this acne treatment now we're going to need is half a lemon and one tablespoon of sugar normal regular sugar and you going to put the sugar on top of the lemon and make sure it's evenly distributed on the top now you have to sell lemon and put the sugar on the top and now you gonna rub it onto your skin but only when you are having a shower when you're taking a shower and get a massage down to your skin while you're taking shower while butter is actually pulling on you you got a massage on your skin for good ten minutes like this but you only gotta to it then you are in the shower I've always used lemon and in the past as an acne spot treatment and it's always worked but the process gets much much faster and you use it under shower it takes only 24 hours for your pimples to go away when you're using it under shower rub it good ten minutes on with a shower and mainly focusing on the places you have got a lot of pimples or acne scars everything once you've washed up your face you should see a big difference in your skin and your pimples you should see that the redness is gone almost gone away and the pimple as you choose to help its eyes and if you do it twice a day for example if you take shower twice a day and if you do it in the shower you'd see that pimple is almost gone away so yeah and if you liked this video please give this video a thumbs up and please do not forget to subscribe to this channel and yes I'll see you guys in my next video bye |
K09v9aVmsoE | I'm going to show you how to repair a broken hose on a older Water Pik this is WP 60w I think as a model number my hose is broken up near the handle and I bought this replacement hose and the directions actually say okay cut leave about four to five inches of hose there heat this up in hot water and then go ahead and shove this little insert in there but on this older hose the older hose is either too stiff or it got grew hard over time I don't know but this little connector just will not go in there so I'm have to use an alternate method here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and open this up so there's these little tabs on the bottom holding the bottom piece in so what I'm going to need to do is kind of release these little locks here so we used as regular flat tip screwdriver and just insert them kind of next to the little tabs there so now kind of get a couple of them released and so I've got two over here at least there's six little tabs to here and then there's a one two three four six tabs there so I've got two released here so now I'm going to do is go ahead pull this one out manually and then just kind of grab some pliers just kind of pull this up got that okay now once you have the thing open we're going to want to remove the old hose right at the base of the pump here so I have an exacto knife and I'm just very carefully going to just kind of slice a little bit on the outside of the hose I want to go into cut into the plastic connector on the pump but I was going to cut a slight little notch on the side of the hose hopefully get it to loosen up just split down the side of it okay got the old hose removed okay then on the new hose I have this little plastic connector that was used to connect to the other hose so I want to cut that off and cut that off I want a nice little clean cut there okay now we're going to remove the little pump here I want to turn this little wheel until the little piston is as far out of the pump as I can get it so now I'm going to do is we take a screwdriver in this little top notch here I'm going to push this up here and then I'm just going to go ahead and try just a little bit because there's like a little latch on the end of the pump here so like right here there's I'm going to just push this in and kind of pry this just a little bit and then I'm going to just push up or this there so I've got the this end pump out now so that I was going go ahead and push the pump out and then carefully remove it so now I've got the pump out the main Bott pump body okay I prat the top here I'm going to take the hose put the new hose stick it down through the top here little slot here pull that through let's check the end down in the water yup about a minute okay now with the end of the hose hot and immediately just going to try to stick it onto this nozzle she am it on there there we go it's on there okay now we're gonna go ahead and insert the pump body back into the base here so we got the piston here so kind of lift the piston up just a little bit and slide the pump body over the piston that goes into this little hole there so just slide that in okay there it is so we slide that all the way on as weekly part we can now you want to kind of like line the pump back up with the opening there and then just go ahead and push it down it'll pop it in place so it should be in there nice and firm now go ahead and just route the hose up along this little guide here and then we'll go to the next okay now we're going to go ahead and put the the top on to have the hose so it coils the right way you're going to want to route the hose kind of over here and then it's going to come up on in through the little opening in there up this way so that it's going to go around that's the way you want to do it so there's a couple other little things that you want to make sure that you're going to do here this little part here this is the switch for the units have that in the down position and down in here for the switch on the side here there's a little little peg because sticks out there this little peg needs to go through the little opening in there so this gets a little tricky so you have to kind of coordinate a whole bunch of little things here while you're doing this is so again route this over so it kind of goes over the motor and over here then you put this side down here this is also another little part here this little black part here to push that up out of the way that makes it a little easier here we'll put that back on a little bit have the core the the power cord going all the way through this notch over there and they're going to put this end the part of the switch can put that down first and so you can put that down and hopefully that little peg will go down through that opening there so we're gonna so we got the hose coming up through this the direction the right direction so we kind of push this parse weak down don't want to snap it all the way test the the Swit before you snap it all the way down so you should be able to feel it click up and down so if you have it to where you can click it both ways that little peg is going through the top of the switch there so it looks like we've got everything we've got the hose in place we've got the switch in place so go ahead and snap the base down so it now I'll take all the tabs we'll lock there go there like there so now the hose is all going there that sits there now we got this little part here so this is going to push down on to the top of the pop body the little there so we kind of pushed that down into place and now we have this all put together okay I add a little bit of water to the the tank here and so let's go ahead and we'll give it a shot here pull this out turn this on and it works |
L57ZYEmraOE | hello bet sorry about that um hello guys it's Christian just saw here it's not an episode but back with into the video and date we're gonna learn how to draw and Xbox controller this was gonna look like what most are just the top view so I'm kind of like that printed on the piece of paper alright so let's get right to it so first things you're gonna need it for there's all this you're obviously gonna be a piece of paper and a pencil maybe a thing to write with well yeah that's pretty much it so let's get to it so we're gonna get it with the basics I'm going to start with the outline yeah I feel like it has a little curve gotta get that curve pretty unimportant get that right now alright now what kinda like does it stop it goes out for a little bit not for too long but just for a little bit and then kind of dips like a little hill bring it back up make you straight platform again recolor the dip why is it you know I'm not you thinking yeah this doesn't look like an Xbox controller and let me tell you this it's first time much I draw one so it doesn't so don't create a well get criticized all you want but I can't hear you leave it down in the comments below I might be able to hear you and I might practice a little bit better if this gene becomes like a different kind of controller I don't care I'm just gonna put like in the title bunch of random controller names cuz I don't know what this again tree not to me and we're just gonna add these little buttons here and we're gonna leave the blank because I don't know what they're gonna be there's a little joystick right here for me has these things right here okay so where's this giant button in the middle that's kinda like it it's basically an X that I suck at drawing and a little bit farther from this joystick here yeah this one right here remembers yeah so there's a d-pad right around here I think it kind of goes like this it's like surrounded with another one right a little bit diagonal to it there's another joystick but that big not as big and for me I like my main controller the one I used to use has this little Xbox 360 logo here well now logo some are just words that say that it's on the side yeah I guess that's it now let's get to card red blue yellow I think if you guys can see that yellow tears orange and green so if we want the eight ball we're gonna do you guys don't have to use markers I'm just doing it for a sake of time so you can make your grand little button there that's for a again they have B then we got that why I don't know if you guys can see that it's a little faint for me and that's why not at least we got our X R so we got the basic colors game and now this is when I advise using a colored pencil but once again you don't have to see it's blatantly my opinion but if you like you can once I get the colors I'll be back again guys it's Mike control his camera I'm gonna use green light darker green black and pretty sure this is a grey alright so what we're gonna do we're gonna grab our black one yes yes and we're gonna on the outside we're gonna color it in and the joysticks and the d-pad mullet just color that in what we're gonna do we're gonna color this the insides of these then this Xbox symbol right here so there's my symbol you're gonna need your for the Xbox symbol you're gonna need the grey and we're just gonna color the inside but not not there eggs all right now on those joysticks you're gonna color like kinda shade the gray inside of them even on the d-pad but just like on the main parts you can't really see it from your point of view but it doesn't matter now we're gonna use our black or black again I'm sorry guys it's so bad I don't wear that control it just slides down somebody's our black again but do a little light shade in it as well d-pad you want to color the side of the Cross like a little bit darker but not too dark all right now just to fit on that little X grab your green and your light green you're gonna need that just to Lubitsch it oh wait out on my mind my green is broken so I'm gonna use my light green but you get the idea one second sorry about that for me it's not showing that well but for you guys it's apparently working fine so now we're gonna grab I guess our green green okay and we're gonna just Sheen and random spots we're gonna grab our gray do some thing since we don't have our other colors on us please some black we've color the rest on the black if you just don't want any thing like if you don't want any camera if you just want to stand your controller just color the rest in black you'll have a little bit of a camo tint to it I guess I'll get back to you guys woman I'm done with this part guys got that done we're just gonna finish off these parts because I told you forgot about them we're just gonna make a little bit of a round thing each of these tops it was curved a little bit and shade the man you can do it as dark as you can color them whatever color you want and to me that's my controller but one more thing we got add a little symbols can't forget those and I know these they start and all that start select but I'm too lazy to write that down so we're just gonna do this same thing as a me all right guys this video isn't sponsored by anything but um actually no my she's not so this is her I guess this is my |
hyK61uPB0L8 | well as some of you know on my bike stolen and few and they did this to it pain is all over the fucking places so it's trying straight back to pay the three hours of work changes that back to its normal red so instead I'm going to spray paint it black sorry spray paint primer paper towel two monsters soap water rat me alcohol blow-dryer and The Globe and Mail I got black finished paint and red primer and some of you might be thinking is that so that he knows what he's primed and then you know like how much coverage you've had during your French paint or is it because there was no black primer by taking off the easier thing paper down I'm just gonna wipe the thing down with soap water and then rubbing alcohol I like to do is heat up the can of spray paint refiner miss the hairdryer some of you might notice that there's some explosive science and that might be disconcerting to you so you can just take your other can of spray paint spray right over them keeping my coats as soon as I can I'll try to get mostly covered we got a couple coats primer on these now we're going to make them black we should be heating it with a blow dryer and getting rid of these warning signs different coach got one tail firing off started painting the front of this have to get your watch off and then just get the ball we get a bunch of coats on hopefully it dries well so I'm going to take all okay for towels shit I got the side pharynx back on I left the bolts on pages blacked out these one I want to leave the tank read but I need these things back because apparently the thief didn't like those there's also two carbon fiber covers I go over that and they cover over the seat bolt which is here not painting these bearings running out of this paint the primer seemed to go a long way this one is just ratting out so hopefully I can do another coating each one of those and then I'll be good to go hopefully I'll dry as well doesn't get that style sucked up into the coat it seems to be okay it's kind of dim in here spray paint sorry oh you want to do thin coats go back and forth fast and kind of be still moving when you take your hand off the trigger that way you don't get fucking drips everywhere get these fairing fasteners back on you got to pop the thing out like that and you line it up which goes behind you push it in been doing for a couple hours |
PqSflzTBQ9I | you you you hi I'm Vicki welcome to make life special in another visit in Vicki's kitchen today we're going to be making my chocolate chip cookie dough pie and we'll start by making the crust out of the 16 ounce package of chocolate chip cookies and to do that this is I brought this to room temperature so the cookie dough is pretty soft and we're going to just take it out and press it into a ungreased 9 inch pipe in now you can use either the chocolate chip cookie dough that has nuts in it or this particular one has actual chunks of chocolate in it the ultimate so we're going to just press this around the 9 inch pie plate and then we're going to fill this with a wonderful cream cheese and toffee filling and when after this bakes to serve it will top this pie with vanilla ice cream and my sinful chocolate fudge syrup which there is another YouTube video uploaded on that so you can see how easy that is just to press this end of the pipe plate to make the crust this cookie dough pie and then next we'll make the filling for it the filling is made with two 8-ounce packages of cream cheese and these are softened I brought these to room temperature and we're going to put these in the mixing bowl with a half a cup of sugar and two eggs and I'm also going to be using three toffee candy bars which I will make crumbs out of and add to the filling and then we'll beat it with a mixer and pour it into the pie crust I've added the cream cheese and two beaten eggs to the mixing bowl next we add the half a cup of sugar and then three toffee candy bars will be crushed up and added to this and to quickly do this I use a ziploc bag and a meat mallet the flat side of this mallet and I always like to put a dish towel under this when I'm working on my counter okay these are just about the right consistency so I'll add these to the mix and then we'll use the electric mixer and just combine this well and then we'll add this to the pie crust okay I think that toffee cheesecake filling is ready now to pour into the pie crust I beat this about a minute but remember everything was softened at room temperature so now we're just going to pour this into the cookie dough pie crust this over where you can see now this will bake for 35 about 35 minutes at 325 degrees now since this has a cheesecake type filling this pie should be refrigerated after it cools and then to serve it will cut each piece that we want to serve and microwave each piece about 20 seconds top it with vanilla ice cream and then this sinful hot fudge sauce that I'm going to share the recipe with you for so here we'll just smooth this out with a spatula and again this is a toffee cheesecake filling in the chocolate chip pie crust okay I'll pop this in the oven and then we'll be back after it bakes I've just taken the chocolate chip cookie dough pie out of the oven and you can see how this is really a cheesecake consistency this is the way it should look now while it's still warm we want to sprinkle it with the remaining two coffee candy bars which I have crushed we're going to sprinkle both of these crush candy bars over the top we want to let the pie cool to room temperature and then we're going to refrigerate it until it's cold then we'll be back and I'll show you how we serve it so here's our chocolate chip cookie dough pie topped with our sinful hot fudge sauce enjoy you |
pg8QlDMGO3w | what's one of my friends it's your boy sight in this video no talk about ugly how to clear of your face right acne is a common problem for so many people right specifically with teenagers and sometimes it leaves scars right it leave scars that can carry on for the rest of your life okay so this is what I tell you I tell you my experience with acne right that's all I can tell you and then I'll give you like basic principles for getting rid of acne and acne scars too okay so number one it happens because of your hormones if you're a teenager right you have like you're growing suddenly you have testosterone in your body even for women right and your body's freaking out and you get all the sack okay differs from person to person but I will give you my experience and because I had it it was it was moderate it wasn't severe but it was it was there you can see it it was there it caused me low self-esteem at the time when I was a teenager okay so I know it can affect your self-image but let's let's talk about ways to minimize it at least write a few teenagers sometimes just going to get through that phase but gonna minimize it take care of your food pro okay honestly I know there's a lot of I tried Proactiv when I was a teenager didn't do shit for me I tried to put the lemon right I tried to put lemon and like a bunch of creams and stuff I was obsessed with this shit I hated my acne right none of this stuff really worked sometimes it will work temporary but it's the food you know the food is this very it's it's one factor obviously right it's not factor pro but if you're a teenager and you're going through puberty right now you're hitting puberty and you have all these crazy hormones in your body and you have all this weird shit happening in your body the last thing you want is to aggravate the problem is to make it worse by eating bad food okay because all this food has toxins and these toxins will make the problem of acne worse so take care of your food book cut out junk food kind of bad food eat more fruits eat more vegetables right these two things will cleanse you right there cleanse in your body and they'll minimize the acne and perhaps get rid of it altogether okay sometimes it's the food and if you just start eating healthy as a lifestyle that can minimize or get rid of the problem right so that's number one number two is water I cannot believe how many people are dehydrated walking around okay especially teenagers man and I was a teenager I drink like Pepsi coke and stuff I barely drank any water okay I like maybe one glass but it's ridiculous right drink a lot of water bro water will also constant access in your body right it'll cleanse them out so drink a lot of water yeah if I could take a chance 9 out of 10 people watching this video are dehydrated okay so go get your water bottle you get your water glass and start drinking water right so take care of your food it's always like the basic principles man there's a lot of bullshit out there a lot of things but like what I'm saying here is very basic because it is basic okay eat good food cut out the junk food and drink a lot of wine number three this one is key also very very key right for both teenagers who have acne scars or just acne sorry and for adults who either have acne scars or they're getting acne back or something stress stress you guys have no idea how terrible stress is for all the like for further for your body because when you're constantly producing cortisol core so that's a stress hormone right you sort of put out a lot of the regular natural functions for your body because your body thinks I have to fucking survive kind of thing it puts a lot of processes on hold and that's why you know that's why stress people start getting weight out of nowhere or losing weight depending on unlike what's going on with your body in your life and your fitness level right but stress man stop stressing out stop stressing out okay every time you stress out if you have acne look in the mirror and say it's gonna get worse if I stress so this relax yourself keep calm Keep Calm keep relaxed bro stress is a big factor that causes acne or aggravates it if it's already there right so you make you relax all the time you make sure your food is spot-on right vegetables and fruits and just good food right and you make sure you're dehydrated even if you have an acne problem that just you gotta kind of wait for it to reside as a teenager for example you'll minimize it this is what I found out through trial and error you'll minimize it so yes when I started take care of my food drink more water and just you know having less stress I still had that acne but it was much less it was much less than it was and just over time it'll go away right it'll go away you would look at my face right now and never think that I had acne but I did have a key when I was a teenager I had acne was a severe but it was there and you can see it and it cost me low self-esteem okay so that's another thing right it's watch out for yourself images because you have acne now doesn't mean you're gonna have acne forever okay don't ever because I know this is I think like I'm ugly and straight and it's bad flaws right make sure you clear up your self-image bro make make sure you always think of yourself as someone worthy as someone with high self-esteem with confidence don't let it get to your head if you have it don't do not let it get to your head do not get your hat okay and don't scratch it I know it's such an urge to fucking scratch that little pitchy ass pimple but don't do that okay because that increases the chances of the immune scar that's it that's a basic principle get specific results take every food drink a lot of water don't fucking stress relax be calm be be chill all right and watch out for your self-image don't let it get Tyria that's it check outside mobile comm for inspiration empowerment and first class online coaching no transform your mind your body and your tell life the transition there from my advertisement that the video is terrible right I just went into it there's no transition go to the description you got a free book five powerful hubs to nominate lessons on inside the gym the cool talk about some pretty interesting shits for free when two pages leave me something in the comments bro if you have anything you want to add to this or whatever you want to stop let me know as always don't forget to subscribe or you're going to sleep with the fishes |
3Ge_sZDcmiw | hey what's up guys at 74 controller chaos calm we're going to check out a customer creation on the PlayStation 4 console today this is really not I see a whole lot going on here but I tell you it most definitely did catch my eye and that's why I wanted to share with you guys so this customer decided to go with the standard black PlayStation 4 controller nothing special with the show guys this is straight from Sony as you can see you know regular controller but they didn't make some cool button option color selections really like this chrome blue on this nice black shell that's probably why I just wanted to share with you guys though it was kind of minimal but it looked really tough and I thought it kicked ass so here you guys go I've got the bumpers and triggers or chrome boy of those things look really nice highly reflective same with the a B X Y button d-pad start back buttons and the guide as well you see here on the bottom we have our custom LED assembly installed that lets you know what mods are on in at each time we got the mod button right there so you know they got some rapid-fire master mod you're asking what the heck is this guy's that's our warranty sticker if they're you ever have an issue with your controller we recommend don't take it apart and take it upon yourself to try to DIY you know at home we don't want any further damage to you know happen to the controller so we're just trying to protect you and our product at the same time i think is pretty cool alright guys well here you have it man customer creation PlayStation 4 controller this thing turned out really nice if you want to pick one of these up guys i'm going to leave a link to our PlayStation 4 page in the description below so you all you have to do is just click that'll take you right there and you can start having some fun you know be sure to comment this video guys thumbs up we all really appreciate that here you know I love reading the comments answering you guys any questions you may have be sure to follow us on social media Facebook Twitter and Instagram guys we got some videos over here on the right of this video that are pretty popular got some cool stuff you guys want to click those and see what else we got going on that would be awesome alright guys well I'm Evan for control chaos calm and we'll catch the next episode guys thanks for watching |
6YVCfnpUqXE | hello and thank you for choosing our video in today's video we will be making the all-around triple single on one loom for this bracelet will be using 16 red 16 orange 16 yellow 16 green 16 blue and 16 purple we'll also be using three c clips for the pattern and three temporary c clips we'll start off by placing the loom into a grid pattern by moving the center row of pegs so it lines up with the outside rows reposition the loom so that the arrows are pointing upwards and from bottom to top across all three columns we place the elastics and we'll put them in the pattern of red orange yellow green blue and purple you and we'll continue this sequencing until we reach the top of the loom and now from the bottom to the top we place an elastic across all three columns in the same color sequence as we had before so red orange yellow green blue and purple do not place any elastics across the top row we rotate the loom so that the arrows are pointing down and place the C clips on each bottom elastic so it captures both strands of the same elastic we'll be using the loom tool to help us with this okay from the bottom to the top we now loop the elastic so we bring the bottom elastic up to the peg that's immediately above it and we repeat this process with all three columns of pigs you and we'll continue this looping with all the elastics until we reach the top of the loom once we reach the top of the loom we want to place the C clips onto all the top pegs once again we could use the loom tool to assist us with this these clips that we're putting on our just temporary just to hold the pattern while we remove it from the loom once the clips are attached we could remove the entire pattern from the loom we can take a look at the c-clips to make sure that they all have three loops of elastics on them if not just reposition them so that D each clip has three elastics and then we can put this off to the side turn the Loom around so that the arrows are pointing upwards and we want to repeat the same pattern as we did before starting off left red at the bottom followed by the orange and then yellow green blue and purple we repeat this pattern until we reach the top of the loom as we did before we will place elastics across all three columns once again red orange yellow green blue and purple until we reach the top of the loom again and once again we don't put any elastics on the top row of pigs now we'll come with our pattern that we had made previously and with the red elastics we'll find a one step go on to the left pig stretch it across and place it onto the pig we'll do the same with that middle pegs or middle set of elastics and we do it also of the third one so that we basically continue our pattern where we had left off at this point we'll keep the see Clips attached it'll make it a little bit easier to remove once we have the pattern off the loom so now we loop as we did previously from bottom to top loop the elastics to the pegs immediately above it and we continue this looping process until we reach the top of the moon now starting from the bottom of the loom we want to remove about half of the pack we do not want to remove the entire pattern from the loom if we remove the entire pattern it will fall apart so we only want to pull up to the halfway mark just enough so that we have enough slack so that we can place the clips that are currently at the bottom of the pattern and we can bring them up to your top that's about the halfway mark now adjust the elastics onto c clips so that the elastics are on one side of the clip oh now it came off there we'll put it back on now we want to bring the elastics down and clip them onto all the end pigs we could use the loom tool to assistance with this they want to perform this same task with all three ends so we're working on the middle clip here and now with the final end clip once these clips are attached we can safely remove the entire pattern from the loop now there's two sets of clips on the bracelet right now we want to remove the temporary C clips that were in the middle of the pattern these temporary clips are just sitting loose within the bracelet so they can be safely removed and once we have these removed we have our finished bracelet the all-around triple single bracelet thank you for watching our video additional videos can be seen at wiU loom patterns calm |
-WQHxcOmZuc | hey what's up youtubers clairebear here with another tonsil stone tutorial a kinda sorta tutorial not really how to dig in the back of your throat by clear no not really it's not a haul - it's just a sort of video showing you how I do it and I'm not even sure I'm doing it right but it works for me so here's video of me digging in the back of my throat with umm - let me get it before moving to Berta oh wait nope I almost had it mm-hmm do it come on my fingers are too big wait what is that here it is no it's not okay found what looks like the exact one I think okay so I'm back and this is the top part of the Waterpik they're interchangeable just in case you purchased one and you have a multiple family household so you can buy one water pick and then they have multiple heads so I show you guys how I'm digging back there with one of these not really recommended I just wanted to see how big they actually were the tonsil stones and then I migrated to the shower because I can't plug my water pick at the sink in my bathroom or in my kitchen because of how the faucets are made so it will only connect to my shower which is cool I mean it connects somewhere at least so I had to get the shower and get back there so uh without further ado here's the video of me using the Water Pik Oh God at least get it sinuses are ready I'm so mucousy ah okay well that's that's working actually oh that's a little bit of water and will choke you to death yeah alright even putting water everywhere shit really fucking harder than it looks holy shit oh my god thought I had a good guy reflex no I don't if you like my video please hit the like button share comment and subscribe you don't have to do all the above but at least do one and be nice or that they'd be in this is |
qeZ0HLTz8k0 | Hey guys, it’s Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy
Nummies! Today I am gonna be making something from
Wreck it Ralph, because I got so many requests to bake something from that really cute
video game movie and I’m dressed as Venellope today! Vanellope Von Schweetz! So today I am going to be making the cookie
that Vanellope gives to Ralph, the little heart, You’re my Hero cookie. So let’s get started! What you’ll need is: 1 big mixing bowl,
1 stick of butter, 1 egg, flour, 1 package of sugar cookie mix, or you can
use your favorite sugar cookie recipe. And 1 heart shaped cookie cutter. Mmmm! Now we’re gonna put it all together! Unwrap your butter before you put it in the
bowl! I don’t even know how that just happened! You’re gonna want to make sure that your
butter is softened, so I put this in the microwave for just a few seconds before
I’m putting it in here. And now you’re just gonna put a couple spoons
of flour! Na-na-new! Now we’ve got all of our ingredients in
the bowl, and now we’re going to mix it all together, you can either use a whisk,
or a beater, what, whatever you like. I’m gonna have Ralph help me make it! Hold
onto that Ralph! Oh yeah, oh yeah! After you’re done mixing, all your ingredients
together, you’re just gonna knead it with your hands until the dough is really
easy to work with and kind of like Play-doh. We’re gonna take a little bit
of flour, sprinkle it on the table. You want to put a lot so that it doesn’t
stick to the table. And we’re gonna roll out our cookie dough
and cut out the little hearts. Meep-meep! Once you got your cookies all cut out, like
so, you’re gonna heat the oven to 375 and then bake for 7 minutes. Ding! They’re done! Once your cookies are
out of the oven, make sure that they’ve had plenty of time to cool before you start.
We are going to decorate, the first thing that we’re going to do is take white
cookie frosting, and draw an outline of the heart around the cookie, leaving a
little bit of room so that you can see that it’s still a sugar cookie! Because that’s what it looks like in the
movie! Once the white border has finished drying,
we’re gonna fill it in with blue frosting. To get this color blue that I thought best
matched the cookie from the movie, I added 1 drop of teal food coloring, and 1
drop of sky blue food coloring to the white cookie frosting. And then you’re just
gonna fill it in! After you’re done filling in the blue frosting
on the heart cookies, you’re gonna add sprinkles! The sprinkles that I used on
the cookie are gonna be the jumbo sized sprinkles from Wilton, and you’re
just gonna sprinkle it into the 3 corners of the heart. And it’s OK if it’s a little
messy because, in the movie Vanellope’s cookie kind of looks like pfft!
A-ha-ha! So that… But that’s OK! It’s made with love, lot’s
of love! And if you've made smaller heart shaped cookies,
I would use the smaller sized sprinkles, they’re both Wilton, so, just thought I’d
show you the difference! Alright, let’s sprinkle some on! Now you’re gonna take white frosting, and
I have a number 3 tip, and write: You’re my Hero! On our little heart cookies! Once your cookie’s all done, the final step
for decoration is gonna be to add these pink little sour ropes, to the back of your
cookie. You’ll attach it with frosting. And it looks so cute, it looks just like the
necklace! To make the necklace rope, I’m gonna take
2 of these guys, take a little bit of frosting, and connect them. And the frosting is so sticky, it’s just
like glue, so it stays together really, really well! To make 1 long strip. And then
attach ‘em with frosting to the back of the cookie. Da-da! Our Wreck it Ralph cookies are so cute! They’re
all done! I love making these and they’re really, really easy to make.
So thanks you guys for suggesting it. If you have any other ideas for any other
Nerdy Nummies, please let me know, leave me a comment down below and I will do
my best to make ‘em happen! Also, a reminder that Nerdy Nummies comes
out every Tuesday, so don’t forget to subscribe for that reminder! OK, thanks again! Bye-bye! Meep! |
i2l04iymPGY | yeah eight man you got some back acne your dirty back bitch title this email back acne I've always had a problem that I didn't bit me man something dug fuck that I bought it I have always had and probably back acne I've always had a problem with back acne it started in high school but now but now I'm in my early 30s and it's still a problem it's cause use a dirty motherfucker wash your back I thought by now I would have outgrown this I take showers every day but it does not help what can I do to fix this you know what look at their game and before you get going then it's just about a game then in my shoulders they're no longer fellas Australians and it's just strict fingers in that bitch fuck underwear see I got like a look I've always had a little problem with us acne right we both have around on our backs yeah grandma I would agree with that stick and I would say I would say almost 50% of guys have that problem in general cause like at the age of those you people take that shut off with us right yeah and there's Emma sighs take a picture and I will check out that back and that back will be fucked up right and it's not from steroid use or anything like that yeah yeah it's just I don't know there's nothing from a lot of people suffering from them yes so but what help my back declare my back up is not just taking a shower I do that's what you do just take your showers but what you got to do is what's helped us yeah right is to get you like a back brush something where you can you see it's hard man with all these damn games man but you take that damn brush put some antibacterial bitch you go down there you gotta just show him how you fucking rub you take your bat brush take your set show my to scrub your back back brush right put some antibacterial soap on it sometimes I'll get some soap dislike an exfoliator but gives you some kind of soap preferably an antibacterial soap put down that down brush hiked up down back out garbage scrubbing that bitch yeah right you get y'all on this all go get Todd real fast to go rub that bitch in switch talk about all hold out fuck that bitch then after you get to Batman make she did shows real good man get them shoulders man get them down over the shoulders right there ticket brush Hawk that bitch up on I like this get a button on your back yeah right down right down the side and scrub it bit friend and scrub your back all over again swish it's twisted gets right down there come on get all that damn dead skin off your damn dirty ass back yeah and you know what else help cup-cups a lot get you a good lotion well I'll use lotion on my back but it helped me it didn't help me look man just keep this shit's up leave the fucking lot Schneider probably the reason why your back is all screwed up because you're not scrubbing you're not cleaning if I've been doing that that doesn't help then you got go see a damn doctor Bob - it's my nature back man do it like every time you take a shot man go get your brush right and just wash your damn back man scrub what the fuck what fuck you doin a video now just tell them I don't just make sure I got his attention that's how you get people's attention when you point it - like that man yeah by the way do that and in fact you should see a difference in your back a lot about a month yeah a huge dip your girl say babe I'm a back look day actually you don't get to shit in the mood cuz I got a Snyder's like this on the girl meds better man is my good thing it didn't call for me I'm back cleared up Merrick just was a dirty bastard I didn't scratch a girl whoever you banging who are you cream pie basically ask them say uh damn I should have said I said cream pie trying to cut that shit out I said it shit too much of the videos - cream pies does act like y'all are good at cream pies right ask your girl right say hello best book today our guest is justified by man when you look in the mirror like this man sometimes you might you can't really see that we'll just ask you girl so all of this is just advice do ever the fuck do you want to do you |
f-eOr0xSoO4 | so ever since my cookie baskets debuted online there's been a lot of interest and how the heck I baked the basket so it's perfectly rounded and I'm going to show you those tricks today in another video I show you how to put it all together once the basket pieces are baked so here I'm just going to focus simply on how do I get that rounded shape that is used to construct the base of the basket and here's an example of just one half of the basket part of the trick is is that I bake it in halves and then I piece it together so what I'm going to show you how to do is how to bake this round at half I'm working with gingerbread dough today you can work with sugar cookie dough but because this particular piece is very very curved I find that a dough that has less leavening in it and it's a little sturdier like a gingerbread as opposed to a sugar cookie dough that has a lot of butter and leavening in it works better around sharp acute curves those with dough's with more butter higher ratio of butter and leavening will tend to spread more in the oven and then you can potentially crack more when they bake in the oven this is going to be baking around a contoured shape it's nothing I bake flat and then shape I bake it over something in the oven so I'm working with gingerbread just to be on the safest of sides and I rolled it out about oh I'd say 3/8 of an inch no more like two eighths of an inch to a quarter of an inch thick maybe a little bit less and let me show you what I'm going to bake it over you can bake over any metal object in the oven so get creative I've just got common household things here that I'm going to use as the supports during the baking process and I've got two here you can fit more certainly on a cookie sheet than I've got but what I've rigged here it took me a little bit of devising but I thought well this is the perfect shape for a little base of a basket so why not bake the dough on either side of it nothing more than a cookie cutter which I used to stand this was once a tin can I took the lid in the bottom off I'm going to stand it on its side now you might ask why don't I shape the dough around it and bake it this way just lean it up against it and bake it in the oven that way why do I have it standing on end here on the back of a cookie sheet and that's because if I were to bake it this way my dough would slump in the heat of the oven it would just it would fit nicely against the side of it but in the heat of the oven it would just slumped to the bottom into one big blob most dough's will do that not all dough is but this particular gingerbread dough will and my sugar cookie dough would do it more so so I bake it on the side so there's no shrinkage in this lump edge and I'll bake one half on one piece in the other half and another piece and then we'll piece them together to form the full circular basket I like to do this on the backside of my cookie sheet with a silicone baking mat so there's less likelihood of these guys sliding when I move this whole thing into the oven there's just some extra stability and I'm because my cookie sheet has sides to it I like to bake it on the flip side just because it's easier to get things on and off so that's my little structure and basically what I'm going to do is cut a strip of dough that fits it so it's going to be about 1 and 3/4 of an inch deep and it's going to go about half way around I'm going to sit one on each ring and then we're to stick in the oven for about 10 minutes the dough is going to spread a little bit in the heat of the oven so it'll eventually hang down further than halfway which is great because I want a little extra that gives me more latitude when I piece it together to shave things and cut things so that the basket fits perfectly together so each each half might be a little bit more than a half when it comes to being completely baked now to cut a perfectly straight strip I'm going to use a ruler as a guide I'm just placing it down on the dough and I'm going to cut this is kind of how I cut ribbons when I do chocolate dough work but I like to use a big chef's knife and do one straight cut generally more of an up-and-down motion rather than a sliding motion it just gives me a cleaner cut on the dough and then before I move that extra piece of dough I'm just going to mark off 1 and 3/4 of an inch on either end actually I'm going to compact glasses for this because I am struggling and stinks to get old so let's see okay that is much better some market ick mark there and one at the other end so I can get a perfectly straight line and I know that this is one in three-quarters of an inch the ring because I measured it earlier the dough may stretch a little bit when I lift it up and put it on that ring but that's no biggie because it'll expand it a little bit in the oven I did a long stroking swiping cut there despite what I said earlier and it seemed to work okay so see what works best for you and now what I have to do is simply lift it up and the closer you are to the ring when you do this the better I'm going to hold it from either end and just drape it over the top and then take my big knife and cut it about halfway down the sides on either side and so far there's no cracking of the dough which is good if the dough is particularly dry sometimes it can crack even putting it on the ring so that's how you would shape it onto the ring and into the oven it'll go for about 10 minutes midway through the process I like to actually trim the dough and I do this in the oven just so I don't have to move the cutting board in and rather the cookie sheet in and out but I like to trim the dough as I said it will expand and the dough you might it might expand all the way down into this support ring and if the expansion of the dough kind of creates a weight or a drag on the rest of the cookie and if you let it continue to expand it can eventually cause cracking on the outside of this ring that's no big deal if you're going to cover the basket with a frosting cheater wafer paper as I did in my other video but if you want to leave it plain which can be awfully pretty then you don't want cracking you want to minimize it to the extent greatest extent possible so mid baking I'll come in and trim off the excess so that it doesn't continue to weigh down the dough then we'll take it out slightly cool it and then pop them off the Rings one thing to note is I haven't greased these rings and that's purposeful I find that when I grease it there's more likelihood of the dough sliding and expanding down the sides so I don't grease it and you'll find that it actually pops off pretty darn easily my particular gingerbread recipe does most definitely without any greasing if you want the recipe it's on my website and you'll have a link to it here on this video as well I'm going to go ahead and cut another strip to fit on this other rings that I'll have two pieces to piece together at the end of this video okay I'm headed back into the oven these cookies have been baking for a few minutes now and you'll see as I pull these out very carefully that expanded beyond the halfway point and before they get too far down the side I do want to trim them because they can as I said earlier kind of drag the cookie down and cause cracking on top right now there's no cracking so I'm in a good spot and I'm just gonna take a small paring knife and cut off the excess on both sides I bake them until they're very very lightly Brown because I do want them to be a little bit soft so that I can remove them from the ring more easily now they'll go back into the oven for another few minutes and the next you'll see them is when they're out cooling okay my cookies are out of the oven they've been out for about five minutes which is why I can touch the cookie sheet I do let them cool a little bit before I remove them from the rings because obviously I have to pick up the Rings to get them off and you want some warmth to the cookie while you're removing them you don't want them to be completely cool or you've run the risk of cracking them as you remove them from the Ring so I typically try to remove them as soon as the ring is cool enough for me to handle you might find that you need to coax off the end first the tip of a paring knife like so I do it on both sides this one's lifting off pretty easily and then just gently pop it off I'm going to do the same with the other one because these are going to be pieced together to form the base of the basket so I'd like to get them kind of conforming to each other as much as possible as I pop them off again I'm going to see if I can ease this off on either end this end is let me do that to the Sun okay and then pop that off and you can see how they'll be coming together they're not a perfect fit now but stay tuned for my next video where I go into detail about how to fabricate these contoured baskets because I'll show you how to pair them down and file them off so they are perfect fit and then we'll go on to wrapping them with wafer paper actually an edible paper called a frosting sheet and decorating them more fully till then live sweetly |
qouz8wlTuK8 | all right what's going on guys - that I make a quick video on how to make your dirt bike look ten times better in a cheap and easy way alrighty so the first thing I would be doing to make my bike look ten times better is I will be removing the front and rear wheel and our we'll be paying them and I will show you guys how to paint that alright so removing the back wheel and then the front alright so what I did to prep the wheel is I use a straw cut it in half and slice it down the middle like this to cover up the spokes so I can only paint the load alright so I got the wheels off and I will be applying the straws and to do this you would have to open it open up the straw a little bit like this get on there and then it should slide right on all the way down there to get full coverage so your spokes won't get painted and I will be doing that to both and I'll get right back to you alright so I got the wheel all prepped up I will be hitting it with light coats of primer and you would have to do really really light coats for your first coat because the paint will start to drip or the second Kabbalistic has good so I'm gonna go ahead and do the rest of the wheel I'll get back to you guys okay so I went ahead and did both wheels I painted on a metallic black and put two coats of clear coat on it so the paint won't peel off and now I'm going to go put them on the bike okay so next I took off the stator cover and the spark arrestor I will go ahead and paint those because the previous owner had painted them red and I don't like them red I like my bikes like stock original color so I'm gonna go ahead and paint both of those all right and this is the final product as you guys can see it came out really really clean and I think the black rims look better than the Chrome and yeah you can do all this paint your rims for under like five ten bucks depends on what color paint you get and yeah your bike will look tons has much better so yeah I'm out |
gdcbF3bqdh0 | hey guys it's been a while since I've made a home repair or a home maintenance video today we're going to work on the showerhead um these were these shower hats I try to clean them every every six months it just depends on how much usage so first I'm gonna take it out remember when you're when you're opening things right righty tighty lefty loosey so left loose I've already loosened it uh quite a lot so few more rounds it's out if you come in closer you can see all these green build-up that's oxidation the white that's a calcium buildup that's hard water what it just it looks really dirty not only that when you have calcium buildup inside of your shower hat it also slow on the outpour of water so it's just you can't use the massage setting on and if these ones it's that dirty but what I do is I'm gonna grab one for you right here what I do is I always have to at home I got this one from Excel my energy provider they they always have promotion where they give it for free so since I'm gonna dip it in vinegar that's how you break down on the calcium buildup and you clean it and since when I break it down I'll leave it in there for 24 hours I know that's excessive but I just like to get it thoroughly clean since I'm doing that I need to shower head because I got a shower every day so I'm gonna put this one back up here ah righty tighty so righty-tighty okay so you're just gonna keep this one in here now we're gonna take this one the one that we're going to clean and I'm going to show you how I clean it okay so here what I have is a jar this is just a regular pickle jar whatever Jory want to use I just use this every time and then dinner garden just white distilled vinegar you get out you know a bottle of this you can get at a cup foods Walmart Target on you get it for like two three dollars Sam's Club - three dollars and if you watch my other videos I also use vinegar to clean my sink my sink and my faucet so it also helps with the calcium buildup as well as I use a water boiler do I need all the cattle to make my Asian instant noodles and my tea you can also clean those too when you have hard water buildup so what you do is what I do is I put this the end so I'm now if you can do a close-up is it zooming there we go if you can just look at that look at how nasty that is there's just calcium buildup now we're going to put it in here I'm going to put it like this the reason why I want to put it like this is so when the calcium breaks up go fall on the bottom something like that and we're going to fill it up with vinegar with vinegar it's kind of floating but after you get water in there there you go I might have to push it pull it down but that's that's basically it I just leave it in here 24 hours you can do this with 30 minutes if you have one shower head you can do it with 30 minutes that won't be significant enough to see changes but I want it all out so I'm going to keep it in here for 24 hours and then I'm going to put this one in there switch it around and then put the throw the vinegar out I know the successful but I'm going to throw it out and then put the other one in here and clean it for next time hey you guys so it's been a while I know that I said keep this in the vinegar for 24 hours I actually I did take it out after 24 hours however I forgot to make the part 2 of the video so you can see from part 1 just a second ago and now my hair is grown in two months actually forgot it for two months so I'm just going to finish part two if you look closely got it it looks pretty much brand new you know ye all of the all of the hard water build-up it's gone all the calcium buildup is gone so this is just pretty much brand new and waters going to folder it much better so when you change your setting you will feel it and then it's just it looks really clean you don't have that white green buildup so that's really nice but like I said this is when you have you give me this is when you have does this when you have two of them you can switch back and forth if you don't have to I'm going to show you how to do it right now so like I said if you don't if you don't have to this is actually more convenient I just like to do the whole 24 hours but if you do an hour that's fine too so wrap your over band up stretch it out put it in okay so we will leave the I shoot that's actually we'll leave that there and then we'll we'll bring put vinegar in there just wrap it in on floor right here too much so this is actually just water I'm just doing this for off to show you how but squeeze it in that's all you do with a rubber band and you leave it like this you see how it's fully submerged just leave it like this for an hour and that's all you got to do you know you can even shake it a bit like this and then all the rest of you is going to fall out here and then you're gonna you can just take after an hour just take your rubber band out just take your rubber band out and then you can dump the vinegar and dump the rest of it so that is how you do it if you do not have to I know for for me personally there I've use it I've done it before with 130 minutes to 1 hour is sufficient enough and just like to be very very thorough with it that's why when we do the other one rule put it in the jar I put it in the jar because they have to so while I'm showering but the other one is out there in soap tea and vinegar and then once I'm done I switch I switch over to this one and then I clean this one up but that's it I hope you guys enjoyed the video um if you look down the link below there's going to be one with the sink as well with the those faucets when you have build ups same thing same deal with the vinegar but you can see the results on other equipments in your house the result of using vinegar to clean and break up the water build up the calcium buildup if you liked the video please like share and subscribe thank you me |
vkHYOY0x638 | today I'm going to be making my really easy sugar cookie dough recipe in my bowl I have one cup of soft butter I'm going to grab my mixer and I just want to break this down so i'm just going to cream it just a little bit just to soften it up even more to that I'm going to add in one egg that's really going to help with you screaming process it's going to loosen this whole mixture up and just make this a lot easier once that's mixed i'm going to get my granulated sugar and that's one cup of white sugar just regular granulated sugar as soon as you add that in you can see what's happening here that's really all starting to come together now and it's at this point where you want to have this mixture really really well combined let me to increase so I'm going to increase my mixer and just get that creamed up okay that's good and then I'm going to add in 2 teaspoons of vanilla I'm using pure vanilla and we'll just mix that in and I forgot to mention that i am using unsalted butter in this recipe but you can use salted as well so at this point I'm going to add in a half a teaspoon of salt and that's good and now we'll add in our last ingredients I have one teaspoon of baking powder and also three cups of all-purpose flour so I just want to get all of that together and then we're just going to slowly get all of this in just sift it right through then you can just push your fingers onto your sieve and get all that through perfect i'll grab my mixer for the last time and we're speed number one then we're just going to mix this until combined very simple recipe but this produces a very very good sugar cookie to just start slowly incorporating all of this together once it looks like this we're going to add a little bit of water just to bring this all together so I've got a tablespoon measure here and I'm just going to add in 3 tablespoons of water grab my mixer and right away you can see that our dough is coming together and it's almost done and that's it for the recipe at this point you may think this looks dry because it isn't coming together but if I grab it look at this and you do not want to add more than that three tablespoons of water which is 45 milliliters look at this how nice this dough is and this is ready to go it's just perfect like that so I'll just going to gather it up give it a little bit of a squeeze i'm going to divide this into two disks and i'll put this in the fridge for about 15 minutes you can actually use this right away so I've just cleaned up I've got a bench scraper and we're going to divide this into two equal pieces and we're going to make two disks and I wish you could smell this dope that pure vanilla is really really coming out of this dope beautiful there's one get some plastic wrap and as I was saying there is no need to chill this dope i have tested this dough chillin it and not chilling it and there is really no difference and if you're using a cookie cutter with a lot of detail this dough works really really well and i'll show you that at the end of the video that's good I'm going to pop these into my fridge for a little while I'm not making cookie right now but I will come back at the end of the video and just show you some of the cookies that I made with this exact oh just to give you an idea of how the dough really really works when you're using a cookie cutter that has a lot of detail you you |
KrAvjHmL8Gc | a couple of weeks ago one of my friends was making cookies and she was having a problem with the texture and consistency of the final product so we got to discuss in her method and as it turns out she didn't share a dome this step is overlooked by a lot of people but if you want to make really really perfect cookies it's absolutely vital and you know what after I teach you why it's important to chew your dome I'm going to teach you to bake something this week we'll be making basic unrolled sugar cookies one of the simplest baking recipes there is for this week's recipe you will need two and three-quarter cups of all-purpose flour one and one half cups of white sugar 1 teaspoon of baking soda also known as by club soda one-half teaspoon of baking powder and yes there's a difference 1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and one cup of butter that has been softened right so let's get baking step the first sift your flour into a medium mixing bowl then stir in the baking powder and baking soda and set it aside step 2 in a large mixing bowl cream together the sugar and softened butter until the mixture is smooth i'm using a stand mixer because it does save quite a bit of effort once it looks roughly like this beat in the egg and the vanilla now add your flour soda mixture in a little at a time until it's all combined at this point in time you should take your dough ball and wrap it very tightly in cling wrap and then refrigerate it overnight okay now seems like a good time to discuss why it's important to chill your cookie dough before you bake there are three main reasons for this one if you're making rolled cookies or cookies involving butter chilling will make the dough less sticky and easier to work with but a refrig temperature is much nicer than butter at room temperature or higher too if your cookies have flour waiting them chilling them gives them time for the gluten strands and the phone to relax when you work with flour the gluten tightens and if they're cooked immediately afterwards your cookies will be rubbery in gross relaxed wilton means cookies are the right consistency chewy or crunchy depending on the other ingredients 3 again with the flour chilling gives the flour time to absorb the liquid in your batter which will give this finished product a much richer final taste less flowering definitely for do your mouth a failure friends and chill back though so it's the next day with chilled Aldo we're ready to get baking the first thing we need to do is preheat our oven to 190 degrees Celsius or 375 Fahrenheit if you're American role rounded teaspoons of your dough into balls and put them onto a baking tray that has been lined with parchment bake them for about 8 to 10 minutes turning the tray around and half time you want to take them out when they're just getting golden let them stand on the cookie sheets for two minutes before you transfer them to a wire rack to cool proper okay you've made your sugar cookies and they're cool and now you can eat them and you've got the added benefit of knowing why it's important to chill door though before you try to cook it you can do some experiments with how long you chill for yourself and there do seem to be some optimum times depending on other ingredients you're using play around with it yourself and let me know how your cookies turn out in the comments below hey everybody thanks for watching the video please like this video and then share it with your friends to teach them how to bake cookies too you can watch last week's video by clicking to the left you can subscribe to my channel by clicking to the right and then below those buttons there's three buttons which is how you can follow me on Facebook Twitter or tumblr most of my tumblr is recipes and just kind of general whining but the other two are pretty cool I will see you next week |
SJFvPWAtsCQ | hi I'm Heidi from the lanyard ladies and today I'm going to show you how to make a fishtail rainbow loom bracelet this is what it's gonna look like when we're done you're gonna need to pick two colors we're going to start with I'm going to use red and black you can make your base in as many colors as you want you can do five or six colors but I'm going to show you with two so you start off with your first rubber band the first we're going to use the sides of the pegs to side pegs take your rubber band you're going to twist it into a figure eight and you're gonna place it onto your loom and you're going to push it all the way down and you're gonna take another of am using the black that one's gonna go straight across that's the only the first one gets twisted then you're gonna use another red one goes across that and you push them down and now you're gonna take your tool and you're gonna go underneath and you're gonna take the first red one and you're just going to pick it up over that peg and then go to the other side and you're going to do the same thing just pick it up over the peg after you do that you're gonna push this down and now we're going to add a black put the black on top and then you're gonna go get the bottom one which is your black go in get the bottom push that around do the same thing on the other side take your black hook that around and then add a red and you're gonna keep doing this pattern until you make it as long as a bracelet or a necklace now you go back in put the red on top the right on top add your black and keep following it black the black and the bracelet you're going to start pushing it out towards the side as it gets longer add another one and just push through down get another one on top of that back to the red so now you continue doing this pattern and as you see it will get longer and longer and you can make it into a bracelet or a necklace and when you're done it will look like this and that's how you make a fishtail rainbow loom bracelet |
pa29kHGdQ3Y | hello everybody I will doing really well if you clicked on this video you're probably wanting to know how to clear hormonal acne on the body and face because I went through quite bad acne on my back my chin and cheeks I never had it on my t-zone well I don't my ladies at the top t-zone I really bad five years scarring and went through quite a quite an ordeal with it so I wanted to share to everyone how I keep my skin clear I do have a bit foundation on just because it evens out my skin tone but you can see like up close there's no like physical physical visible bumps or lumps or humps and you were probably a bit of discoloration but that's my next challenge to work on I wasn't going to be too much of a backstory but I had acne five years I didn't go to prom because it was very cystic and painful my back I kept really confident with it I was very very confident but deep down I'm so so down and really really depressed that my skin it was so embarrassing and I couldn't understand why I had to be done affecting everyone else around me I'm such a beautifully clear skin and you know they're so close I couldn't work so I was head on my back and I was so so embarrassed so embarrassed I couldn't go swim in can go to beach can wear bikini I was so awful my gosh like so so bad and I went to the doctors and they gave me benzoyl peroxide which burned my skin I had oral antibiotics a cover was given but of course didn't work after eating the side effects like I'm not taking this like I would actually rather have acne than liver failure I don't believe that acne isn't natural maybe spots here and hit there but I just couldn't leave that cystic acne was it was natural and it's just a part of life in this way that you know body's changing I just I couldn't accept that and I didn't accept it I did not research and I then looked into blue light treatment so I have private blue light treatment yeah I mean it was okay I didn't see much of a change it was painful expensive the end result is that my skin wasn't clear it was still breaking out I was also prescribed salicylic acid which is just also used to dry warts you got any warts years of time to the acid a long story short basically how I cleared up my skin was I went vegan I actually came from carrion for a couple of months cuz I did not to eat and my skin our pharmacist ik acne this guy fruitarian my skin cleared out think it was in was been just over week my skin was clear I had no acne my complexion was even and I was so disappointed that my doctor told me that you can't treat acne and it's just a sign that everyone goes through and just ignore it like it's not there yeah because that's really easy to do yeah and then I found out different foods I can have that vegan and I found that sometimes I'd break out sometimes I wouldn't so it's very much trying ere I found that every oil part from olive oil would break me out also pack and cracked oil that was fine I couldn't even have a packet of crisps so here alright supplement with vitamin D and calcium and the reason I do this is because all that I'm vegan and with both of you freaking healthy I know that I'm not and I know that I do not eat enough of the food to get enough calcium and I like my veggie burgers and chips you know I don't always like having spinach and broccoli and peas and green stuff every day I I'm really not a salad personal just not I'm a veggie burger person I think I made everything else apart from like my calcium calcium it's really important thing QT your bones strong I to martial arts I do run into a lot of physical things cannot be breaking bones okay you know what it won't hurt it will not hurt I don't notice that I was taking these I had a really clear skin and I was like what is this like why is this and then I noticed the corner of my heart vitamin d3 so I thought well I guess this is the guy that's giving my keep my skin clear but I have here a summary of why fitmin D is a really good for acne so it says it cause any inflammation and reduces the redness and swelling of acne babies and right it boosts your immune system I notice that when I was in Cornwall I was in the Sun six days and my skin so clear no active nothing peroxide like a cracked on the vitamin D I was like radiating it yeah I'm kind as I guess looking from having with in cool mom to take my bit Mandi Chi no animal products from my diet completely cleared my skin but then because of the conditions I live in my body wasn't getting fit Monday so if there was any toxins in my body of there was anything writing about it wasn't able to detoxify and rid my body of those toxins so that's why I a sacrament with the vit Mandi the vitamin D just has really cleared up my skin I think it's the big key component to having clear skin I take two of these a day because like I said I know I just don't eat enough calcium rich foods but that's okay it's no worries yes a bit Mandi tin you just make sure don't take too much I think it's bad for the kidneys you've got too much and can't get rid of it but I worried you could die those so um I hope you enjoyed this hope it was informative I know exactly what it's like to go through acne I had it on my back hello my face if you have any questions please please get in touch if you don't know if anything publicly on the comments send me a private message here on youtube you can obviously get between you that's public or you can message me on twitter at big underscore peters v.i.c on the score PTA or XC guys later it is she out dog is about these lips ready oh it hit really this shows how dark is in the UK you |
XuQZRLzuIvU | everyone will your got some berger cookies here some of you may recognize these from my I've given ease away in a few contests that I've had just give away two packs of them from my last contest but some of you may not know about these cookies and I actually had a question what's a burger cookie so I thought I'd do a little video burger cookie burger is a family name ber ger German immigrant that came over to the mid-atlantic area settled in Baltimore back in 1835 was a baker and one of the things he sold were these cookies it's a tea cookie on the bottom with a big ol slab of fudge on the top each one of these is a hand dip everyone so that you get a nice nice layer of chocolate fudge on the top just a great cookie not something you want to have too many of if you're watching wait but really a nice little treat every now and then especially if you pop them in the microwave for about 10 seconds I see there we go berger cookies and if you don't win any of my contest check out the website you can order them online so till next time is will do sale survivalist and we'll talk again soon |
ZKUqNG25_Ao | alright guys today I'm in the process of mocking up these new exhaust dual exhaust megaphone type exhausts for this uh XJ bobber and I want to show you kind of just kind of a walk around here what I'm doing and my strategy here I having to relocate this um just taillight and license plate bracket assembly and I'm not quite sure exactly what I'm going to do with it here right now I just have attacked onto the strut it was down here on the axle right here to kind of complete you know the old school kind of bobber look but the problem is it gets in the way of the exhaust and my dilemma is I don't really want to spend money on a four to one header for the bike because this is a budget build and two I don't really like the open header sound so I want to have some sort of exhaust on it so this is kind of the best budget-friendly option I found these are these mufflers are around 50 bucks each on Amazon so more than likely I'm probably going to take and move the taillight either to this upper strut here or this lower area here and kind of tack it on there I'm not quite sure yet what I'm going to do suggestions are always welcome and obviously the bike kind of has the flat black and red theme going and this chrome just sticks out like a sore thumb so I'm going to go ahead and give that a coat of a very high temperature header paint similar to here's the paint right here it's the flame proof header paint same stuff that we went and did these headers with here on the on the gt40 P heads and this stuff's real durable and you know it's got the kind of black you know look the matte look going on there so that's kind of what's up and coming here I'm going to go ahead and do a couple of videos here in the series to kind of show it off but yeah the Chrome's just not doing it for me I mean I hate to I hate to mess up nice chrome because if it Joanie's is quite nice but at the end of the day yeah and the battery sticks out like a sore thumb too but at the end of the day it's just not going to work Chrome so I have to go flat black on it and I'll go ahead and post an update here so I got one pipe here on the bench and I just want to show you what I'm going to do before I just go and degrease this and spray it down I got a sheet of umm this is just a 220 grit sandpaper then I'm going to hit the chrome with and scuff it up that'll help the new VHT paint kind of adhere to this a lot better and prevent kind of scratch scratching and scaling off so I'm going to go ahead and hit this just with a nice you know easy sand here scuff up this beautiful chrome and then I'll go ahead and degrease it down rinse it a few times make sure there's no grease or oils from my fingers on here and then I'll go ahead and spray it and then also an important note these pipes come with a sticker that I just yanked off of here that basically tells you it's compliant with anything that's pre 1983 and then also you're going to want to yank these hangers off these are attached right here you want to pull those off to free those separately don't spray em with it on there because it'll just make for a messy job so let's go ahead and scuff these babies up and then we'll move on to the next step good and scratched up now you'll see there's kind of like really fine lines kind of in the in the chrome and that basically it's still smooth to the touch but that really just helps the paint kind of stick so let's go ahead and get these over to where I'm going to spray em and then we'll take it from there I've here is just a citrus degreaser this is basically I'm just going to go ahead and kind of coat these real good with the degreaser here and that'll that'll get any grease from the oils on my hands off of there and it'll let the paint stick down nice so let's get that let's let that go ahead and soak down and then I'll rinse these off and then get them getting sprayed here rinse down see the water there I'm going to go ahead and dry these and spray them with the exhaust pipe nice and securely resting on a pop can box with very low wind you're going to want to go ahead and start spraying these down take everything really well this is self-explanatory if anyone's ever spray-painted anything before basically what it's gonna be is just real kinda light coats like this onto that chrome you want to kind of let it sit and dry like that and then revisit it don't lay it all down at once this paints a little bit different than regular paint and it'll run so you want to kind of finesse this so let's go ahead and get a first coat on I'll show you what it looks like hey there's your first coat and you'll see that it's still a little wet but what it does is this camera doesn't really do it justice but it lays down real even when you scuff it up like that kind of see all the way throughout it's a very consistent flat black it's not like a wavy flat black so I'll go back through and probably lay down about two or three more coats on this let it dry for a good 48 hours to 72 hours a long time and then I'll go ahead and actually start the installation process getting these babies mounted onto the bike but flat black is going to look a lot better than that ugly chrome on that bike so here's your side-by-side while this is kind of doing its final dry here I want to kind of show you the difference between that Chrome and then what that flat black is going to look like that's kind of a good contrast and no we're not leaving the gas tank that poorly painted that'll get a seam that'll get the same type of finish as this pipe that'll be actually what I'll probably do to that tank is get all the paint off of it with a stripper sand the hell out of it for a long time and then lay down some nice flat on that but you can kind of see the difference there in the chrome which just isn't happening on this bike and the flat black so I hope this inspired anybody out there that's kind of doing a bobber or cafe racer working on their motorcycle and you know maybe ordered some pipes and was a little nervous about painting them because the finish is so nice you just didn't know how I was going to turn out I definitely recommend kind of going outside of your comfort zone and doing something like this where it matches perfectly and you know it's just going to give it that more authentic kind of old-school look so hope everyone like the video type your comments and whatnot down below and remember when you're doing this kind of work on anything that gets hot make sure you use a very high temperature paint it's also called a VHT paint or header paint don't use regular oil rust-oleum it's not going to work for you so all right guys thanks for watching see ya |
G7m1cN9ibA4 | cookies world can't wait for the cooking class to start well hello there class it's me your kooky cooker now I know you have all signed up to do a cooking class but instead of cooking up the fun today we're gonna be cooking up the color today huh cooking up the color huh that's right cooking is an art form and today we are gonna create art now I have some lovely shopkins that would like to have their portrait painted by you three LITTLEST PET SHOP come on everyone meet honey wild carrot and the next one is so small I can barely see them Hey mmm tiny tree now these delicious shopkins would love to have their pictures painted with me I'm delicious well the fruit that grows on trees are delicious like apples mm-hmm sugar apple burger alright class get ready to paint you chocolatey chippy cookies it looks like these littlest petshop thought they were doing a cooking class but they're doing a colouring class and they are gonna be painting other shopkins so let me hand out the pictures let's see here's tiny tree for you honey for you and wild carrot for you me cookie don't forget you're gonna be taking this class too and their shopkins that want to be painted by you oh really come on in cheddar and wise fry oh so looks like we are gonna be doing some awesome colouring today okay so I've got this shopkins wise fry and cheddar coloring page and you can get this off of shopkins official website they've got really cool coloring pages there so it looks like I have my coloring sheet the littlest petshop have theirs now we just need our paints and our coloring supplies so let's use the shopkins art set to add in color to our pictures ooh check it out open open open loose we have everything we need to color in these pictures in this art kit set including watercolors there's some crayons we have a rainbow of pastels and some markers who I think this picture would look great with the watercolors it even comes with two paintbrushes - how cool is that so get out my paint brush open up the watercolors what all right let's get painting so for painting these shopkins I'm gonna have to color and whew let's start with those delicious gold any french fries now on wise fry looks like these are some delicious delicious like almost like cheddar looking fries they have more of an orange look I'm gonna color mine just a little bit on the yellow side a little bit of water on my brush color in our yellow here maybe mix it in with a touch of this orange and start coloring in these yummy fries yum yum yum okay don't they look so tasty bleeding in with the pink a little bit that's okay really yummy french fry Yammy Yammy french fries alright now we're gonna mix in the red on the box a little bit of water a little bit of red alright now I have to be really careful painting around because this part of why is fry is white beyond the box I want to carefully carefully paint around don't want to get any paint going where it shouldn't be going too much careful careful camp ah hey watercolor here we go it's working it's working out pretty good again I have to be careful going around this little shopkins logo I'm good to do to do picking y'all to youth it'll face careful around the eye careful little tiny hand we're holding on to like a little ketchup packet whoof wise fry is looking good a couple little extra details that we'll do like the little yellow right here and right here but let's use a marker and maybe mix in a little bit of a crown there we go the crown looks good maybe we'll use the pastel to color in the mouth and the tongue Brice Frye is looking done to me good job cookie good job how is it going with my students woo the shopkin artwork is looking good ooh that's right looks like the monkey is working on tiny tree they're mixing in those colors and blending in belief colors this little rainbow bear is adding in some yellow mixing it looks like a little bit of green and wild carrot is getting in that orange color alright let's start working now on chatter just like any cheddar burger you've got lots and lots of colors so we're really gonna have to fade these gun colors in going from orange into this like lighter bun top you dip a little bit of water we're gonna mix this light orange with the dark orange you kind of customize our colors up and start painting super chattery color so cheesy I bet your cheddar is best friends with cheesy be you know from season one Vladek panda on the burger we are water coloring a burger right now it's yummy cheesy color cluding this little hand that's holding a pickle who likes pickles on their burgers can't forget about this little hand or these little cheesy beefy now for this burger color we're gonna mix a little bit of our orange are lighter cheddar orange with a little bit of some yellow let's try that color out very cool now as I'm going up higher and higher I'm gonna make the color lighter and lighter so I'm going to dip in to a bunch of this light orange dip it in the water and on a paper towel just kind of lighten that color up doo doo doo well let's check out our LITTLEST PET SHOP artist Oh looks like tiny tree is getting some color now on the tree bark honey Oh looks like we got a little bit of some purple and blue on the jar no honey had so many colors and wild Karen oh is now a really rich orange color alright chatter you're looking better now we have to color in the pickle the meat and our little tiny top here mixed and a couple of colors to kind of mix up some Brown there we go he'd be our meat color oops looking a little purpley dick - oh now it's looking a little pink maybe this cheddar burger is very rare now go color in our pickle color with a little bit of some pastel green pickle color the outside like that maybe a touch of water color for the inside use a crown for our little flag topper here maybe we'll add in a little bit of some extra detail coloring it the same color as wise fry I mean since we're coloring it we can color it any way we want a little yellow marker now we need to put some cheese on this cheese burger and some lettuce how about a green oh yeah this dark green crown maybe this can be a bit of a pickle hanging out after that rich cheese paint it on in with our water color well blotches yum and a little pink tongue there we go so there is my water color of my shopkins I think it turned out beautifully of course I can always tell her in the background alright time to show your shopkins your masterpiece alright shopkins here you go what do you think of my artwork I mostly use watercolor ooh wild carrot looks awesome in this drawing Oh seriously good what about honey oh wow oh I get it this rainbow bear painted a rainbow honey well that makes sense what about me tiny tree oh I think the monkeys stepping on the painting and it might be a little bit wet oh yeah see a little bit of some paint trim peed all over the place well but pretty good job though looks just like dying tree congratulations class everyone passes their creativity yay woohoo alright it was super fun creating this awesome awesome shopkin drawing and checking out these littlest petshop good thing this shopkins art kit had everything we need to create the most beautiful beautiful masterpieces whoo good job hello huh uh hi I'm here with my students so for the coloring our class who cookies look who it is it's Twilight in her art class Oh looks like they are gonna be painting a painting too well I guess I will see you guys in part two which why lights art class cookies all right cookies how well are you paying attention to the video who was the one who is in charge of painting honey hmm the monkey the bunny or the rainbow bear but your answer to the honey jar I mean comment section bye cookies |
S_57g1bDkyg | hey more gamers welcome back we're doing a hardware review today and we're doing the sovereign 12 button USB gamepad for PC how's this gonna stack up let's take a look I do want to show you that it actually is similar to the DualShock and this is a dual shock 3 if you look dual shock - it actually is almost spittin image now notice they really diversified it because you have a button here versus a trigger ok c'est la vie but both have that same clickable joysticks which actually adds for a couple more buttons sweet what I'm liking about this though is is it's got the 6 on the front like an old Sega Saturn Sega Genesis controller great because if you're playing Street Fighter you don't have to use the the upper shoulders or anything for your hard buttons which is kind of awkward you can just go across the front here and there you go sweet I'm not liking the mode button here because the mode button switches between digital and analog and an analog mode great you have your P hat left stick it calls this the Z rotation and z-axis whatever I don't know what that's that's probably old flights tick tock I actually don't remember what that's for but when you put it in digital mode this becomes these four buttons here and this one becomes the same as the d-pad so it why why guys that didn't make sense just remove that function the turbo function is it's okay it's got a decent rapid fire so whatever whatever oh yeah I don't use the turbo function I've found it useless in gaming for me if I really need to sit there I'll just be like so just the compulsion to me whatever but is this one worth your time and yes if you're a PC gamer I do recommend it yes it doesn't have force feedback but hey I still recommend this one I will give the gamers note that if you have the motion joy drivers installed that actually has caused this one not to be recognized up as a mouse and a keyboard which I'm sit there like I tried that originally cuz I was trying to get my DualShock 3 adapted to my PC which didn't work out so well so when I bought this had to rip out the motion joy drivers this works like a dream so I do recommend the sovereign 12 button gamepad USB 4 PC but hey if you liked this review please check us out please subscribe where the mole game recom got links below on our website we've got more reviews outtakes discussions forums commentaries we got it all there check us out the moral gamer calm in the links below you |
7snD4TiJAoI | I thought I'd experiment with reducing the cost of dentistry - I could scale my own teeth to remove the plaque - I'm gonna
show you what I do I do now scale my own teeth - saves me about a
hundred and fifty dollars every time One thing you need is really good magnifying mirror - a shaving mirror
plus a small dental mirror that fits into your mouth. You can web search to get one that has a LED light on it too, illuminating the inside of your mouth. The dental probes are also available online The probes cost
seventeen dollars for a whole kit You need a bright light, and a bowl to catch your drooling. There'll be a
little bit blood same's when a dentist scales your teeth The plaque is caked bacteria deposits. They can cause heart illness too, I have read. Instead of flossing with fibre thread, I have an electric Waterpik I find it very good because my teeth are so packed tight, hard to floss Iuse an electric toothbrush tpo I use toothpaste very
sparingly - you don't need much I don't use floss anymore - not
often anyway Because there's TWO mirrors, it helpfully reverses the view twice - makes it almost like doing it on another person It's still a bit tricky - you get better with practice. it's not slippery stuff it actually
'baked on' quite firmly It needs a firm scraping to break it away, but I'm careful not to damage my teeth Warm the mirror first to prevent fogging if it isn't a non-fog mirror with LED light Dentists make a lot money doing this, so I do it myself, but still go to a dentist once a year. There's all sorts of great vids on YouTube about DIY dentistry. I wouldn't do fillings though. I went to my own dentist once after doing my own scaling, and they said I had no plaque to worry about. = ) you can draw your own conclusions Bye! |
SpRbk7VF96M | hi guys today I'm going to be showing you how to make this 3d Golden Snitch and you're going to need a total of 65 fans if you want to make it exactly like this one I use 20 White's total for the wings 10 each these are the bands I used for this Golden Snitch and this one is a clear yellow that I bought from the dollar store a while back and it has some glitter in it so let's get started first let's make the wings and I already made one so you'll have to pause the video to make the second I alternated bands to make my Golden Snitch so one of my wing I'm going to attach it to the rainbow loom jelly band from the first to the second peg and the other one I attached to the yellow band with the glitter in it so if you're going to Det do that go ahead and alternate your color when you're attach your wing for your second band I'm going to take a single white twist double coming from the second to the third and again single twist double from the third to the fourth for our wing now continuing with our white we're taking it from the fourth to the fifth peg in the center and the 5th to the 6th taking another single white coming diagonally from the fourth Center to the side fourth for both sides and on the left side we'll come down with a single band three times so that's one two three now on the right and making my wings a little glittery on the outside if you want to do that you can go ahead and use the bands that you want and you can make your wing whatever color you want so I'm looping it from the right fourth to fifth then I'll come from the fifth diagonally in like that continuing with my glittery clear band down the center of my loom and then we'll come diagonally from the center to the left to close it off so that's what your should look like so far and now we'll come with a single white band down the left side and let's cap it off with a single band looping it four times so that's one two three four with a single band I'm going to cap it off single twist double coming diagonally from the left to the center peg and another single twist double will create the triangle on those three pegs so that's what yours should look like and let's loop up we're going to go in the leftmost bottom peg grabbing the bottom single loop up and onto itself creating a nice teardrop go into the left next peg grabbing the top single which is the clear yellow loop up and on to the center and we'll continue the left side just looking the bottom single up and over creating two your drops and we're looping it to the center fourth peg and stop there now we'll continue in the center so reaching in the center peg grabbing the bottom single and loop up and on to itself and then the sixth peg we're going to pull the top single which is the clear yellow and loop it to the right and let's continue on the right reaching in grabbing the bottom single tube up and on to itself and continue to the fourth peg in the center let's continue the center reaching in grabbing the bottom single loop up and onto itself to the fourth peg from the top so all your band should be looped at this point and you have nice teardrop sup and down and let's finish up from the fourth to the first Center peg just reaching in grabbing the bottom two bands and a fourth Center peg in the top and onto itself and continue up and let's take it off the loom make sure our bands aren't even and if you're done go ahead and pause the video and make your second wing and come back when you're done so there are my wings let's put it aside let's make our Golden Snitch with two single bands one of each and you can make it whatever color you want we're going to loop it from the side first peg cross in the center covering the second peg on the other side it's taking two more single bands we'll loop it on one peg cross in the center and looping it to the other side like that taking our last two bands for row number one living it from the center peg cross in the center and looping it to the third peg in the center and if you're working on a monster tail you can just pull it to the side third peg it's all the same we're covering six pegs and if you're on a monster tail you can work on the inner six pegs by crossing it on all six pegs row number two we're taking six single bands to cover our six pegs and alternating between jelly and our my clear bands just covering the six pegs then looping the bottom 2 bands up and over to the center on all six pegs leaving two loops left per peg check to make sure you have two loops purl peg row number three same thing and where I put my clear I'm going to put my jelly so again with six bands we're just going around our loom covering our six pegs and then looping the bottom 2 bands up and over make sure you have two loops left per peg push it down that was a row number three that was row number three row number four will attach the wings and I'm attaching it between the first two second side peg for both sides so since this side I used a clear band I'm going to use the wing with the jelly band and I want to make sure the underside of my wing is facing down so with our wing and checking to make sure it's facing down we're going to loop it on the left first to second peg and on the right same thing I'm going to check my wing to make sure that it's pointing down and looping it from the first to second peg on the right for the rest of my six tags I'm taking a single band to cover those pegs and looping the bottom two bands up and over leaving two loops per peg push everything down row number five is our last row once again alternate your bands finally pulling the last two bands up and over to the center leaving two loops left per peg and if you're working on the monster tail go ahead and stuff your Golden Snitch and don't overstuff it and let's take it off the loom starting anywhere grabbing the two loops off of each peg just going clockwise or counterclockwise whatever you are comfortable with make sure you grab the two loops off of this six pegs and pull it off our loom so there's my Golden Snitch and let's stuff it I'm taking some yellow golden bands so it doesn't show through and look bad and you can stuff it with whatever you have and I used about seven bands they're thick thick bands now I'm taking a single band we're going to pull all the loops off of our hook and on to the single band to tie it off and the single band is also our charm string if you want it to be a charm cinch it off and make sure you fix your Golden Snitch so it's nice and round tucking in any loose fans that you see so there's your Golden Snitch I hope you like it thanks for watching |
m_W6IZjIi9g | Hey guys it's Ro, welcome to another Nerdy
Nummies! Today we are going to be making something-
As you can tell!- unicorn-themed! Today we are gonna be making Unicorn Poop
Cookies! I saw so many pictures of this all over the
Internet and I got so many requests to do these cookies, they're very popular right
now! So let's get started! The things you will need will be 2 Cups of
flour, 2/3 Cup of sugar, 3 oz. of cream cheese, 1/2 Cup of shortening, 1/2 a cup of buttah,
1 egg, 1/2 a teaspoon of salt, 1/2 a teaspoon of almond extract, 6 food coloring dyes: We have pink, yellow, orange, green, blue
and purple. We'll need two little sprinkles, I'm using
these circular pearl-balls and star-sprinkles! Last but not least, a baking sheet. Now let's get started! The first thing that we're gonna do is cream
together our butter, shortening and cream cheese. Just mix it until everything is very smooth. Once that's mixed, you're gonna add your sugar
and your salt and them mix it up again until it's nice and smooth. Now we're gonna add one egg, and our almond extract! Then we're gonna mix one last time before
we add in the flour. Now we are gonna gradually add our flour as
it's mixing, so I'm just gonna add a little bit... Oh! Once your batter's all done, you're gonna
divide it into six bowls, right here, and we are gonna dye it the different rainbow
colors! Once you've dyed all of your dough the different
colors, I've wrapped them in Saran Wrap, and you're gonna stick these in the fridge for
30 minutes to let them chill, and then we're gonna shape our little poop
cookies! After your dough is done chilling in the fridge,
you're gonna unwrap them. And I've laid down a piece of wax-paper so that it doesn't stick
to the table... ... but remember this recipe is a little bit
different because it's a cream cheese sugar cookie recipe, right now you don't wanna use
any flour. It is very sticky and that's why you wanna
keep the dough cold, so we'll work fast! What you're gonna do is roll out each color,
do a little log. And, then we're gonna cut it into six sections. Cut it in half and then One...Two... One...Two. And you're gonna roll each little piece
into a ball, like that! And stick 'em on the cookie sheet. So just do that to all of your colors, make
six little balls for each one. We've got our rainbow-balls all dyed and now
we're gonna stick 'em in the freezer for 30 minutes to let them set and get a little chilly
again! After your dough has chilled, now I'm gonna
show you how to make The Unicorn Poop Cookie! So what you're gonna do is you're gonna take
one ball of each color and you're gonna start with pink. Roll it out and again you don't wanna use
flour 'cuz with this recipe the dough is very squishy, as you can see. But that's okay because they'll stick together
really well... It doesn't have to look perfect! Then you're gonna roll out orange, I like
to just roll it out here and then roll it up right to the pink, squish it together! Then yellow and, this is really sneaky! You're gonna roll it up and on top of the
yellow. Then you're gonna roll out blue- It's gonna
go on top of orange. Now, once you've got these lined up, you're just gonna pinch them together so everything's touching. And then you're gonna gently start to roll
it from the bottom. Roll it forward, just a little bit, So we see the pink... There we go! And then you're gonna twist this side this
way, and you're gonna twist this side the opposite way. And then you're gonna give it a couple
of rolls! 1, 2, and done! That's all you need to do! Now you're just gonna twirl the dough, like
this, into a circle- Oh, oh, oh! Really gently... ...and then spin this around- Go like that
so it looks like... Look at that! A little piece of poop! And then you're gonna do this to your other
cookies. This recipe makes six cookies. Once you've got your Unicorn Poop Cookies
all ready, what we're gonna do is set your oven to 375 and you're gonna bake these for
7 minutes. But the one thing that you're gonna do before
you 'em in the oven is take your pearls- Not the star-sprinkles, just the pearls, and sprinkle a few on top of each of them. Now they're all ready, it's time to bake! Once your cookies are done baking, make sure
they've had plenty of time to cool, and then you're gonna do the last decoration phase! We're gonna add our star-sprinkles, so just
get a few in your hand aaaand make it rain! I make it rain! I make it rain! Ta-daaaaa! Here are The Unicorn Poop Cookies that we
made! They are full of "rainbow magic!" I'm gonna put all of the links down below
for the sugar cookie recipe, I found it on a really cool blog: YoYoMax Online. Also, "Thank you." to my friend Jessica for
this really cool unicorn song. And, if you have any other ideas for any other
Nerdy Nummies, please let me know! Leave me a comment and I will do my best to
make it happen! Also, you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, Tumblr- I'll be posting lots of pictures of these little Unicorn Poop Cookies! And if you guys make it, send me a picture! I love to re-blog it and re-post it 'cuz I
just get a kick out of seeing your creations, It's awesome! All right, thanks you guys. Bye-bye! "I'm a magical animal full of hope and wonder." "See the horn on my heeeaaddd, it's quite
stunner!" "With wings on my back, I can fly over rainbows!" "I smell like warm cookies and Lucky Charm-Marsh-mell-o's!" "I'm a Uuuuuuuuuuuuunicorn!" "I was covered in glitter when I was first
born." "And my favorite thing to eat is kettle-corn." "Don't call me a horse! You've been warned!" "'Cuz I'm a uni-uni-unicorn..." "Uni-uni-unicorn..." "Uni-uni-uni-corn..." "I'm a uni-uni-unicorn..." "Uni-uni-unicorn..."
"Uni-uni-uni-corn..." |
35YaIbe8mOU | hey guys how's it going so basically we are back in Chiang Mai and we had an amazing trip in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia it was so good there was a slight problem basically we went to the water park and we couldn't film hardly any of the water park you'll see some of the footage on Ali's channel if you go over there and basically what happened was I thought I had swimmers here but after googling swimmers ear which I should have done in the first place really then it all it is is like water in the air that makes your sort of ear soft the skin soft on the inside of your ear and basically what happened was we went swimming here my ear got really sore I thought I had water chopped in my ear so I've got some drops that sorted that out but then after we went to the water park then basically for the next two days in Malaysia you know when you put a shell against your ear and all you can hear is like the sea noise or basically I had that for the rest of the time I was in Malaysia so it was really putting me off by like sort of vlogging game and I didn't want to do any videos and it was just really knowing I could hardly hear anybody to keep asking Ali to repeat herself it was so annoying and honestly went up for dinner and I had to sit like that just so I could hear what Ali was saying like this it was so annoying so basically you've got back to Chiang Mai and spend another day here in Chiang Mai with the same thing I've been using the drops and the drops weren't doing anything so I was like okay I'm gonna have to google this a little bit more so then I was googling it and I was like maybe I have an infection in my inner ear like past the eardrum came onto the sing and it's like maybe have like a wax blockage or wax buildup so I was looking at sort of like home remedies and you can buy like the home remedy kit from the chemist which is like a syringe push water into here and basically it will like pull the the wax out and I'll sit now sitting hours like well why don't I try to do it myself so basically got a bottle I could a hole in the lid and I was like oh what I forgot so I had a straw so I was like okay fill this at warm water put the straw in here then basically tip it to me that didn't really work because I couldn't like I couldn't hold it and I had Ally helping me and we couldn't like hold it squeeze it plus the end of the straw is quite sharp so I didn't want it like going into my ear so yeah that didn't really work so then I was like ooh a pen so took the top off one of the pens that we have got the bottle push that in the bottle it fits quite well and it's it's not sharp at all so stuck up touchy this year stuck that in the ear like this and then give it a good squirt give it a good squirt and basically I was standing in the shower and Ally was in the living room and I was like squirt in my ear and then I looked down on the floor and there was like these big black chunks I was like what's that in the shower and I didn't even click that it was wax I was just like oh I must have dragged some something in on my feet and I was like ally ally come and look at this and we were both we had it in our like fingertips and we were like pushing it around and we were like what is this and then like I did it some more and more was coming out and it was coming like out onto my chest and stuff and we were like oh it's wax it was a lot that came out it was crazy and then basically rapture did that a few times I did it like five times so five of these bottles like squirt at me here and then after that I wasn't living in a shell anymore which was amazing so now I'm back I can actually hear and yeah I don't have the sound of the sea constantly in my brain which was so annoying I don't know if you've ever had this problem but it was so annoying it I just I just didn't feel right at all I and after the war pipes well for the two days as a Malaysia it was like almost in both ears like I just couldn't hear at all it was crazy so now I'm back I've got a couple of cool videos coming up I did bring some snacks back from Malaysia with me so I've got a Malaysian snack taste test coming up so that would be really cool but yeah just wanted to let you guys know look after yourself while you're traveling and instead of going to the doctor's maybe do some research on Google and you can find some like home remedies I don't know how I kind of came up with this idea is just basically instead of a syringe motion I probably should have researched it more because I didn't really know what was going to happen if I start pouring to Lee as a war in my ear but it seemed to work and yeah it worked really well and obviously you use warm water you can loosen it up with like olive oil and you can even purchase these drops which I didn't use but it kind of softens up the wax in the ear but yeah this seemed to work really well and yeah really recommend it I don't know if you've ever had that wax and ear oh my god is so bad it is horrific basically I want to say a big thank you to Malaysia it was amazing if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up hit subscribe down below and I'll see you guys tomorrow bye |
nUMrLAvZRKA | hi today I'm going to show you how to make the tangled garden bracelet it can either be a bracelet or anklet actually I prefer it as an angle if you don't need a rainbow loom for this bracelet it's just done on your hook you can do it on a crochet hook or ring below but I'm going to be using your crochet now you're going to take a color that you want for this band here so the color that you want all the way around here you're going to put it on your hook you're going to twist it twice sort of to me like that then you're going to move that up a bit on your hook you're going to take your first color - gold as well and you're going to wrap it four times around there your hook so there's four loops one two three four now you're going to take your second color stretch it on your hook and pull the bend my gold bend over it like that all four loops now you're going to put both ends on your hook like that and you're going to make a slipknot so you're going to take this end over your hook and pull make sure this little here just don't go over this or it will come apart you're going to pull that push it a bit further on your hook you can straighten it out a bit it's a little there you're going to take your third color wrap it four times around your hook so there's four loops take your fourth color stretch it pull this band with four loops over your hook like that you're going to make a slipknot whoops pull this end over your hook go to pull and leave it on your hook so you want have three of these I'm going to take my other color wrap it four times around my hook also there's four loops take my fifth color or 6vf six color pull it over make a slipknot like that there we go now you're going to take one of the same colors that you use for this in a erupt around twice you're going to pull it over and take these three bands that you just did with the little dots on the end pull them onto this band you're going to place both ends on your hook you're making a slipknot again so you're bringing this end over your hook and pull it now you'll see how these get a little tangled sometimes you just kind of pull them super straight like that so you're going to put it back on your hook pull this band that's wrapped around twice over then not making any slip knots put both of these ends on your hook click that you're going to push that down a bit on your hook sea of space to do these again I'm going to use the same color no take a band popped up four times around your hook oops slide it onto another band pink what pick a slipknot another band wrap it around your hook four times make a slipknot now one more time make a slipknot now you're going to take another one of the bands that I use that were gold and you're going to pull these two bends over like that and make a slipknot whoops Hey look ma straighten it out of it take it pull it and bring these two bands from the already have one of these bends over put both ends on your hook here it should start to create a single leg chain you keep continuing this and eventually this should fit around your wrist and Chloe's here again pink cat hair everywhere so again you keep doing this so you want three of these on your band signing it on top and making a slip hot you're pulling it sliding these two bands over and you'll notice again it's making single like chance the top the bottom and then when you're finished you can kind of straighten these out but you can see that they're kind of dangling so again this will end up forming a long single chain Oh there so can you continue it till it fits all the way around your wrist I'll come back when I'm done now I'm attaching my last one there we go now you're going to take another band with nothing on it of gold one or whatever clay you use for this single leg chain pull it through these two bands and on this band you're going to attach a c-clip now you're going to straighten it out a bit can just either pull on them one at a time but doesn't know where you matter just like - coming at them straight then you're going to attach the c-clip to this capping band on the other side like that there you have your tangled garden bracelet or tangle garden anklet thanks for watching |
pHxYQS5MVv4 | you you hey everyone back again next installment on our video on prepping and painting this tank so this is the second coat of body filler that I applied last night so it said 24 hours ago which is more than enough it's only a 30 minute cure or give or take so back out in the shop and I'm going to stand this down and see how we go hopefully this is ready for some primer and then I've had some spray putty and then some paint so there'll be a few more days work but today I did purchase some paint for this tank and I have chosen an enamel and what I'm planning to do is this cream will be the base coat and I think I'll put say a red stripe down the center and then so maybe some thin blue stripes either side of that and I bought a clear coat as well now the reason I bought an oil-based enamel was because I also want to just keep my options open if I wanted to hand letter I've got someone shot paints on and see if I can handle it or something on this tank as well so just for compatibility with the one shot enamel I wanted to buy an enamel as well now this is relatively cheap about ten bucks a can so I'm only using this paint because this is a decorative tank it's not going to be used for fuel so if you're planning on using one for fuel you probably should go to your local paint shop and get some recommendations from them on what's the appropriate product to be using but again this is just a decorative paint job so relatively cheap paint I could get cheaper I could get cans for five bucks but I went mid-range it's not as expensive as the paint which I put away that I normally use on frames and things such as about twenty dollars a camp which is an epoxy enamel this is just a straight animal so we're going to have a go with this and look if it's really bad in a big problem we'll just stand it off and start again so that's the beauty of paint so let's get into it okay been standing for about another hour and a half I think we finished well at least with the 80 grit paper so at this point I'm going to go over quickly with some 120 240 and 400 I really want to reduce the amount of scratches in here I mean the spray paper you'll fill most of it well I have that experience where you leave the scratches in and they still show up through the puttying of the put a lot of coats on to fill them up so I'm going to try and avoid that and just seeing some of these scratches out so the next job so I've got it to the point where I really can't feel any bumps or anything else and the more time I spend at this stage the better the result I should be getting when I'm finished so let's give it another stand with the finest sandpaper and then we'll get rid of the shoot some primer on it |
_5HnQF5KihU | hi guys welcome to this video in this video we look into how to remove a flow restrictor from a char max handheld showerhead so the char Maxim comes with a hose with a char mount and is a handheld piece the flow restrictor is located on the handle piece you see the white piece with the black orient at the floor and that's what we're trying to take out so you would need a paper clip a screw regular screw and a screw driver to remove this so let's get started first thing you need to do is take out that black or ring you can use a paper clip to remove it let's see so it's easy enough just pull it out the ring is out now you can try to remove the flow restrictor as well using this but sometimes it's tight like right now it's tight so that's when you need the screw and the screwdriver let's see so I'm just going to take a screw and just screw it in once or twice so it holds up right you can use a screwdriver to screw it in once you have a firm grip you can use your hand to pull it if you can't then you can use a plier so right now is able to pull it using my hand so that's it the floor extruder is out you can use a shower you can use the handle piece without the flow restrictor to increase your water pressure alright guys thank you for watching see you next video bye |
W4DRu_632o4 | How to Make Lollipop Sugar Cookies
and Cookie Decorating Ideas Sugar cookies are a classic treat that
everyone loves, and they're a blank canvas for decorating. We're going to show you unique and fun
ideas to add flair to sugar cookies. Hi, I'm Cricket Azima. We're going to start with an adorable
recipe called pop art cookies. Preheat your oven to 375. Start with a sugar cookie mix. Add softened butter or margarine, egg,
and for cut out cookies, add flour. Stir until a dough is formed. Now you're going to lightly
flour your surface. Place your dough on your cutting board,
and you're ready to roll. Roll out the dough until it's
about a quarter inch thick. Using a three inch circle cookie
cutter, I'm going to press out my cookies. Before you put the cookies into the
oven, you're going to take a rounded wooden stick and insert into the
side of each cookie so it looks like a lollipop. Once you have a stick into each cookie,
you're going to bake the cookies for nine to eleven minutes. Once cooled, it's time
to have fun frosting. I used some white frosting and
added food coloring to make these fun colors. Now it's time to make the
pop art on your cookies. I'm going to use some orange frosting,
and I'm going to cover the circle completely. Then I'm going to add some of these
cute blue sprinkles, some yellow. Ta-dah! Isn't that adorable? To make them extra cute, you can serve
the pop art cookies in color coordinated glasses filled
with jelly beans. Or you can even stick them into cupcakes
and write letters on them. Spell out a name. Have fun with your pop art cookies. The next fun sugar cookie recipe
combines one of my favorite cookies with one of my favorite breakfast
foods, cinnamon rolls. These cinna-spin cookies are really fun
to make an even more fun to eat. Preheat your oven to 375. Once again, we'll use the same sugar
cookie dough we've been using. Add softened butter or margarine,
egg, and cinnamon. After your dough is made, you're going
to roll about a tablespoon of dough into a long rope about
five inches long. Just simply dip into
a line of cinnamon. Then you're going to carefully roll
your cookie so it looks like a cinnamon roll. You'll place each cookie on a cookie
sheet about two inches apart. Then you'll put them in the oven
and bake them for about seven to ten minutes. I've made a glaze with some powdered
sugar and milk, and I'm drizzling the cookies until they look even
more like cinnamon rolls. So that's it-- fun, easy, new ways to reinvent
the classic sugar cookie. I'm Cricket Azima, bringing you great
ideas from Betty Crocker with Howdini. To see more of our videos of great
cookie recipes visit us at |
l1twzdbESeU | I've been getting a few requests on how to get rid of acne scars so um I want to take his back in time a few few few years ago i actually had a really really bad acne scar and i'm going to share with you guys what i use to get rid of my acne scar alright so i graduated in 2003 and a year after i started dating my husband okay one time we went out to a restaurant and we're eating you know having dinner whatnot blah blah blah and then I noticed at the dinner table that I had a pimple like right here okay like a really small pimple so me I hate hate hate having a pimple on my face and I always have to pop it like I always always just have to pop it because it's just disgusting and I hate it so I just popped it and you know a little bit white pus all came out and whatever you know and I just let it go I didn't even care about it because I figure you know if I popped it came out it's good it's done you know I don't have to worry about it the next money when I woke up this is what I woke up with it was the size of a freaking dime at least or even a little bit bigger than a dying so i thought the pimple just kind of scars overnight i don't know what the hell happened all I remember was waking up to this and I was so freaking pissed off I couldn't believe what it was like I was just so I was just so freakin disgusting so when I had that thing on my face you know I didn't know what it was I don't know if it was like a big block or if it was just a scar like I don't know what it was and I was going to college at the time too so I always had to cover it up with foundation that's all I ever knew what to do was to cover it with foundation so luckily since I have like the best mother-in-law in the world yes mother dear she had told me about this product called bean extra neutral cleansing cream soap and it looks like this the box is black as you can tell in the box there's a compact a circle compact that's black and what you do is you twist the top off its like you twist it like this okay when you open it there's going to be a hole like right in the center middle and how you get the soap out is you squeeze it like this and when it comes out it's like a very creamy pearl cleanser she told me that it had actually um kind of faded her freckles and I was like what would even fade your freckles like I don't know I didn't understand a I was like I kidding me she was like hell you got to use this try it out and you know it'll make that go away and I was like no ways like i don't believe you but what did I have to lose you know I didn't know what else to do at first I was like kind of skeptical cuz I was like dude what the hell is this because the packaging of it is like totally not like a regular facial wash or like something that you would see in the stores you know so all I did was add it to my skincare routine every day I would wash my face in the morning with it and right before I go to bed I used it for a good like a month and a half before the black crop on my face like went away I was so happy and I was so ecstatic I couldn't believe that it work it really really worked this product is amazing and it has helped me it really did guys I would never lie to you guys this is my honesty to God to you and to the world this is my honesty okay I would never lie this has helped me if you guys do want to try it out do your research I didn't know it was good or bad I just trusted my mom and I trusted her words you know and it worked out for me it did and I loved it I love the love they loved it so I hope you guys enjoyed this and um you know if you guys do try out the product I really hope that it works out for you again thanks for watching and I'll talk to you guys later bye so I'm trying to get my husband to say yeah that it helped because he was there he's seen it but he just does one be on camera right now babe so make sure so I well you know I didn't to begin with I didn't even think she had freckle right it worked for me right to loser really really and that's so yeah so that's all so yeah |
30mzPmm7gvg | Hey guys, it’s Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy
Nummies! Today we are gonna be making something super
easy mode! I went online and I found these really cute Video Game Controllers.
I’ll put a link down below if you want to check ‘em out! But I have a lot of friends
who love video gaming, and their birthdays are coming up. So I thought, let’s
make some chocolate classic controllers! Let’s get started! The things you will need, will be: Some chocolate,
you can use dark chocolate, white chocolate, I’m using milk chocolate
because it’s my favorite! But you can use whatever you like. And then for fillings,
I’m choosing caramel, nuts, and some chopped up candy bars, I’m gonna be chopping
up Twix, but for the filings, you can pick whatever you like. If you want to add Rice Krispies, that will
kind of taste like a crunch bar, so you can get creative with it! You will also need your video game controller
mold, a little baking brush, some plastic baggies, I’m using a pipe bag, but
you can use a sandwich bag around the house, little elastic ties to tie them off
with, and some toothpicks. Let’s put ‘em all together! The first thing that we’re gonna do is chop
up some of our fillings. We’re gonna chop up our peanuts, and candy
bar of choice. So I’m gonna take all these nuts, put them
on a cutting board. I’m just nuts about baking! Then you’re gonna take a sharp cutting knife, and we’re just gonna chop, chop, chop, chop,
chop! Now you’re gonna open up your candy bar,
and we’re gonna chop ‘em up again. Finely chop them. Now that we’ve got 2 of our fillings chopped
up, we are gonna heat up our chocolate and caramel! Ding-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun! That’s my sugar high dance! After you’ve heated up your chocolate and
it’s all melted, we are gonna pour it into this plastic bag for more control, so
I’m just using a little spatula, and I’m just gonna pour it in here. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo! Then you’re gonna take your little elastic
tie and tie the bag together. Now’s the fun part! We’re gonna fill our
molds! The first thing that we’re gonna do is put
down a layer of chocolate, so you’re gonna fill it 1/3 full of chocolate.
Also, this is where your little toothpicks come in handy, you can just poke-poke-poke-poke-poke-poke-poke! Because there’s lots of little designs and
crevices, and this will allow the chocolate to move its way into all those little
places. You’re gonna paint up the sides, and that
is so your fillings do not fall out the sides. You want to completely surround your
fillings with chocolate. Now that we are done filling these molds up,
we are gonna put them in the freezer for 10 minutes to set, and then we’re
gonna add our yummy feelings… Feelings? Fillings! These chocolates are 3 levels, the first level
is chocolate, and then filling, which we’re doing right now, and then chocolate
on the top again. OK, so let’s fill, first I’m gonna add
little peanuts. Try to fill the candy about 2/3 full. And then I’m gonna add some
Twix! Oooooh! What a yummy surprise! These will
be so good! Last but not least we have our melted caramel,
I’ve just put it in a little plastic bag for more control, and I’m just gonna
snip the tip, bewp! And again, fill it 2/3 full. Now that we’ve got our candies filled, we
are gonna add the 3rd and final layer of chocolate! It’s gonna seal up all the yummy treats
inside. Seal the delicious deal! Lets step, you’re gonna our these in the
freezer for 10 minutes again to let them set, and then they’re ready to serve! Ta-da! Here are our Chocolate Classic Controllers
that we made today! I hope you guys liked ‘em! These were so
fun and easy to make. And they’re the perfect gift to give somebody
because you can customize them! Whatever their favorite little candies are,
you can put ‘em inside. I’ll be posting lots of pictures of these
little treats on Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter! And if you guys make these, please
send me pictures, I love seeing your baking creations, I get a big kick out
of them! And if you guys have any other ideas for any
other Nerdy Nummies, please let me know, leave me a comment down below and
I will do my best to make it happen! Alright, thanks again you guys! Bye-bye! |
Pi2f7VAkCrU | hey guys welcome back to epic toys unite this is Lexi I'm so excited today I have so many fun toys to open I'm extra excited about these eggo waffle lip balms so let's start with these so these are adorable they look just like kellogg's a goes inside the set you get three yummy flavors blueberry strawberry and chocolate chip waffles are so yummy I especially love blueberry waffles I also like to put whipped cream on top of my waffles that makes it super extra yummy okay so these are so cute they really look just like a waffle box wow so this one actually holds its color it does stay blue when you put it on I just tried this on and it even stays blue on your lips totally different really fun and it smells exactly like blueberries time to try strawberry I love this red color this lip balm really keeps its color it's totally pinkish red and this one has a lot more shimmer than the last one I love the smell of this one but i still like blueberry better next step is chocolate chip I have a feeling this one's going to smell so good when I put this one on it has a little bit of a red tint this one is really pretty when you try it on and it's really shimmery okay guys I love all of these lip balms my favorite smell is the blueberry and my favorite color is the strawberry okay really exciting next I have of my little pony microlight these are new for me I don't have any micro Lites that are my little pony so I'm really excited these little micro Lites if you haven't seen it before you squeeze them and they light up just like a mini flashlight oh my gosh these are so so cute here is tiny Fluttershy Fluttershy has her pink mane and these also have the attachment so you can hook them onto a keychain or your backpack you can even put these on a necklace so tiny and cute super fun next step is a shopkins blind bag each bag comes with collectors cards and a shopkin so the first card is wobbles so cute next we have champey super icy snow crush and adorable Wendy washer here is my home wares card okay i love these ones this is Rolly roll and it's a glitter card the glitter cards are always my favorite I love all of the extra Sparkle super cute next is tiny little dribbles oh this one is so cute here is adorable Melanie pips and super sweet sugar lump okay this one is so cute it's honey so adorable and sticky sweet and check out the cute little teeth on this one next is slick breadstick and the super fancy licorice and here's the last card in the set season 1 and season two sweet treats I'm excited to see which shop can I got today I love this little toasty pop this is a new one for me so so cute next up is Disney frozen mini milk chocolate bars these are perfect for birthday parties and really cool to share with friends if you have a slumber party each one of the wrappers on these chocolates has fun facts these candy bars are so tiny and cute they have all of your favorite characters so adorable okay cool here's our fun fact if you watch the film you would know that onna pronounced on ax is a chocolate lover time to try a bite of this chocolate okay so these are delicious if you love chocolate you will love these little chocolate bars thurs so yummy let's open one more and see if I can find another fun fact so this fun fact says the musical scenes in the film actually make up over 24 minutes of the movies run time I think that's one of my favorite things about frozen all of the songs in it make it extra special okay guys next up is this cookie dough lip balm this lip balm is made by claire's I love cookie dough I really love cookie dough ice cream so I think this one's going to taste really good the lid on this one is super tight this one looks just like chocolate too so this one has a little bit of a red tip also I just tried it on this one smells so good I also love the little pictures on this one it's just super cute okay guys I'm so sad this is the last toy today but I'm really excited because it's on my little pony mrs. dazzle cakes ads here's her set on the box this is mrs. dazzle cake so adorable I've also heard of her being called mrs. cupcake she has the coolest mane and tail it really reminds me of cotton candy super super cute she has super pretty eyes and her little outfit is removable you also get a tiny little cake it has white and pink frosting so pretty and here's her tray of cupcakes here's your cupcake stand really cool the lid lifts up and down okay guys time for you to tell me which one of these toys you like best tell me in the comments section below and let me know i'm going to pick two favorites today it's super hard because these are all really cool my first favorite is this a go blueberry flavored lip balm and my second favorite toy today is this cute mrs. dazzle cake set okay a few friends that's it for today's video thank you so much for watching don't forget to comment like and subscribe to my channel if you want to see more fun toy videos I hope you guys are having a really fun day and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching bye |
kJjODX3oTec | This is MBM Rainbow Loom Designs! Hi this is Kim from Made by Mommy. Thanks to all of you who took the time to send in comments and requested this cherry
charm to be added to my rainbow loom fruit off the loom series. The cherry that you see here are made using 5 red rubber bands and one green or black for the stem for each cherry. So, if you wanna make a
pair of cherries thats 10 red and two green or black. To begin take a single red rubber band wrap it
around your hook three times like that then you're going to take four red rubber
bands all at once onto your hook and pinch and pull that tripled over cap band to the center of all of those bands slide your finger out if it's caught in the middle like mine was,
and then slide all of these bands back onto your hook And adjust that cap band so that it is
centered It should look like that then take your single green band pull it through like that are we are going to create a slip knot by pulling this side of the band through the center of that side. That is how you make one cherry. You will repeat for the second cherry. Start again with a single red band wrapped around the hook three times. Four more red rubber bands. Pull it tight pinch and pull over that tripled over
cap band return the other side to your hook Center the cap band take a green loom band straight through and create your slip knot pulling this side through that side and tug to secure now that you have your two cherries we're going to connect them together if we
want to you basically take one green loop through the other and
then simply pull this loop right over the cherry and they will be connected together Thumbs up below if you love cherries and if you thought this was a fun video
also write in the comments which is your
favorite from the fruit collection and share ideas for what charm you think
I should make next and if you liked this I hope you'll
consider subscribing because I have about a hundred and
seventy five different projects already posted on my channel and more coming every week. Thank you so much for watching and I look forward
to looming with you again soon. Bye bye!!! |
rFwWRch_i9M | This is Jim. He isn't smiling
much these days. You see, Jim has gum disease. Due to his gum
disease, Jim needs to have two of his
teeth extracted. Did you know that half
of all American adults have gum disease? Gum disease is the number
one cause of tooth loss. Jim also has bad breath, which
is impacting his social life. Gum disease bacteria
release sulfuric gases that cause bad breath. Jim has rheumatoid arthritis,
so he can no longer play tennis. Studies show that gum
disease is two times more prevalent in rheumatoid
arthritis patients. And to top it off,
Jim has heart disease. According to the American
Dental Association, there are several studies
that show a link between gum disease and heart disease. Thankfully, Jim's
dental hygienist recommended a Waterpik® Water
Flosser before it was too late. Jim just received his
best dental checkup ever. Jim's breath is incredibly
clean and fresh. His confidence is soaring. Jim's tennis game has
never been better. And Jim has the heart of a lion. The Waterpik® Water
Flosser, clinically proven. It's the easy and more
effective way to floss. Don't wait until it's too late. Ask your dentist about Waterpik®
or learn more at [MUSIC PLAYING] |
tPwWU4fNH6c | we're working on a murse motorcycle and we're going to do a custom paint job on this fender and we're going to try to make it we're going to make it look like this this is unfinished marbleization then we have the other fender it's in process and Ron is going to show you basically what he's done going to shoot a lighter color over the darker and then we're going to take it out take some of it off with some simple plastic bags it needs to be wet start with a dark surface or light surface however you do it you want to put the opposite color over if you want to go dark a light color over a dark a dark color over light and have your supper and your plastic and then you just spray heavy pot coat so as a seat in your department and then you just place your plastic over it try not to use your fingers use your calls his fingers will leave impressions you peel it off and you can come up with something kind of like that you may have to do it more than once or twice but you keep on doing it and it looks beautiful it's just like basil marble how many cooks you're going to do up the or and now that in the areas these areas you just go over it again you just do it again and again until it's all it's good okay so the end product finally looks like this tank over here and then you're going to clear it you can candy color it like if you wanted this kind of purple you would put a red glaze candy color over it if you want it more blue you put a blue over it and then you care coat it and buff it and it looks like tomorrow cool that's just automotive paint on top of automotive paint |
uNpy85sOWcg | is guy threw the car does not kickoff Ducci koff cook even just looking to a game cookies battle dumplings sweets and are more than 15 cookies different and can see a great game is a more or less you choose your caresses builds them and will fight your cookies Opponents are four game modes are 15 are 30 different clubs ingredients also for you to ride your cookies put chocolate milk oats and some things like that and 20 missions but the player within this cute good every game he is present to store and snf also then play for you to stay there peaceful mobiles or tablets playing really fun mind and was released in Day April 14, 2014 caló then cook for you and if they like in a fun and tasty battle this hero shirt many other you find in longer by only 40 reais and free shipping from two-piece |
gogm-a-iWPw | Many of the same things we use for acne on
the face, you can also use on the chest and back, like topical antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide,
and retinoids. There are two things I'd like to point out
about body acne. One is when you go to the gym, after you work
out, make sure you shower right away. Don't sit around in your sweaty clothes, because
that seems to definitely exacerbate acne. The second thing, and this is if you have
long hair, make sure your hair products don't have any mineral oil in them, or silicone,
or dimethicone, or cyclomethicone. These are all things that clog up the pores,
and if you have long hair and wear it in a ponytail, I often see women getting acne on
the parts of the back that their hair rests. So, those are two tips. A lot of times, people have deep cystic acne
on their back and none on their face for some reason. And for those people, Accutane is also a great
choice. So Accutane can be used if you have body acne,
even if you don't have face acne. |
VN4sswBBuBM | Ro: Hey guys, it’s Ro! Ro: Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies! Today
I have a special guest, my friend Jimmy. Jimmy: Hey, it’s me, hello! Ro: You may
recognize him from Video Game High School or Ro: Feast of Fiction, we’ve actually baked
together. Jimmy: Mmhmm, and this will be our Jimmy: 2nd time baking together today, so
I’m very excited! Ro: Me too! So I’ll put a link down below
from when we baked together. And today we’ll be Ro: making very special, Video Game High School
Season 3 cupcakes! Jimmy: Ooooh! Ro: Yes! In honor of the new
season, it’s out right now, it is really cool! Jimmy: Aw, thanks. Ro: I’m super excited. Ro: Alright are you ready? Jimmy: Yeah. Both: Let’s get started! Ro: Things you will need, will be: We
have 2 recipes today, we have a blue velvet Ro: cupcake recipe and a lemon recipe. If
you have a favorite recipe for either of these, Ro: use ‘em, I’m just using these because
they are instant and yummy and fun! Jimmy: And the right colors! Ro: Yeah, and
they’re the right colors! Ro: Then we’ve got a cupcake tray with these
little paper liners, and you’ll need 2 mixing Ro: bowls because we will be mixing up these
recipes separate, so 2 mixing bowls. Jimmy: Hahaha. Ro: Doooooooonnnnnngggggg!
Jimmy: That was so loud! Ro: You’ll also need. Jimmy: Uh, you’re
gonna need 6 eggs total, 3 for each, 1/3 cup of Jimmy: vegetable oil, a stick of butter, 2/3
cup of water and 1 cup of water. Ro: Mmhmm, let’s put it all together! Ro: The first thing you’re gonna do is we're gonna pour
our cake mixtures into our big bowls. Ro: Jimmy’s got the yellow cake, and I’ve
got the blue. Jimmy: Woooo! In it goes! Ro: Now I’m gonna be adding 2/3 cup of water
to my mixture. Jimmy: And I’m adding a cup. Ro: Mmhmm. Ro: Then I’m gonna be adding 1 stick of
butter to my recipe. Jimmy: And I get Jimmy: 1/3 cup of vegetable oil. Brooomp! Ro: Ok, this could get a little messy guys,
I’m gonna be adding 3 to my recipe, Ro: Jimmy is adding 3 to his. And we’re
going to try to crack them all at the same time. Ro: I would not suggest this, we’re just
gonna try. Jimmy: Yeah I’m trying to think… Ro: I’ve never done this. Jimmy: I’ve,
I know you can. Ro: OK 1, 2, 3. Jimmy: I got 2. Ro: I feel like I got… 2
and 1/2. Jimmy: Now you’re just gonna mix up both
of your batters, and then wash your hands. Ro: Mmhmm. Jimmy: Or just wash your hands
first I guess. Ro: Eggy 5! Jimmy: Ugh! Ro: Once you’ve got your batters mixed up,
we’re gonna scoop into the cupcake trays. Ro: So I like to take a little tablespoon,
there are fancier ways to do this, you probably Ro: know a better way to do this. Jimmy: I
just pour it from the bowl usually, haha! Ro: Oh OK, I take about 2 tablespoons and
I use my finger and I just go doop! 1 and 2. Jimmy: Great, so once you’re done filling
up your cupcakes with the batter, just preheat Jimmy: your oven to 325 and bake for 18 minutes.
Ro: Mmhmm, and while they’re baking Ro: we’re gonna be making some decorations.
Both: Oooooh! Ro: Now we’re gonna decorate, I’ve printed
off these 2 templates, I’ll put a link down Ro: below so that if you’d like to use these
you can, they’re just there if you need them. Ro: And it says VGHS. Jimmy: Nice. Ro: In
the little high school, doesn’t it look Ro: like a high school font? Like letterman
font? Jimmy: It is like a high school font, yeah. Jimmy: And then, this is the school logo, the
emblem with the different kinds of games you can Jimmy: play in it too. Ro: I’ve just taken a cookie sheet, you
just need any flat surface and a piece of wax paper. Ro: And you’re gonna put down this picture,
and then you’re gonna tape it down, so it won’t move. Ro: And now you’re gonna take cookie icing,
I will put a link down below to the type that I am Ro: using if you’re interested. We put them
in plastic baggies with number 1 tips at the end, Ro: so we’d have some more control. These
are really fun to make, these little decorations. Ro: You trace on top of the wax paper and
then you let them dry at room temperature for Ro: about 4 hours. So you actually might want
to do this part first, but that’s ok! Jimmy: Hahaha yep! Ro: In our spare time we
can watch some Video Game High School or something. Jimmy: Oh good idea! Ro: So we’re gonna do the outline first.
Jimmy: She’s so good at this. I got it guys. Ro: That’s good, that’s good! Jimmy: Oh
my mother would be so proud! Ro: So, then I just take a little toothpick, because
the cookie icing likes to round, so you can Ro: use the toothpick to make pointy corners.
Once you have the letters outlined, then Ro: you’ll just take the dark blue and fill
them in. You want to wait about 10 minutes for the Ro: outline to dry and then just fill in.
And then you’re gonna do the checkered print in blue Ro: and then use the lighter blue for the
other side of the checkered print. Ro: Once your cupcakes are done baking and
they’ve had plenty of time to cool, now we’re gonna Ro: Decorate with some frosting. So in these
big bags, it’s just vanilla buttercream frosting Ro: that I’ve dyed blue with a little bit
of food coloring. Do you want to sinp? Jimmy: How, uh, how much should I snip off?
Just like that? Ro: Just a little, yeah that’s good. Jimmy: Less, more? Ro: Perfect! Then, you’re
just gonna put a little bit of frosting on top of Ro: your cupcake like this. Jimmy: Doo-do-do-doooo!
Ro: Doo-do-do-dooo! I like to go all the Ro: way around, make a circle and then work your
way in. And then, we’re gonna dip them into some Ro: sprinkles. Jimmy: Ooooh! Ro; We’ve got
blue sprinkles and yellow and I’m having ‘em match. Ro: Just dunk ‘em in there. Jimmy: Wow,
that’s cool! Ro: Boom! Then you’re just gonna do that Ro: to the rest of your cupcakes. Ro: These look like pom-pons! Jimmy: Hahaha! Ro: Give me a V - V! You got your V, you got
your V. Jimmy: Now that your cupcakes have been frosted
and are sprinkled, we’re gonna decorate them. Ro: Yes! We’ve got our little cookie icings
that have dried, and now, this is the part you want Ro: to be a little bit delicate. What I like
to do is I bring the designs to the end Ro: of the table, and then Jimmy do you have
the knife? Jimmy: I do! Ro: Alright, line it Ro: up with the table, and then just kind
of scoop up, we’ll do 1 at a time. Just pick it Ro: up, really gentile. And then you’re
just gonna… Jimmy: Bahahaha! Ro: Throw it on there! Jimmy: I got it! Ro: Boom! Just like that.
And then we’re gonna transfer the rest of our designs. Both: Ta-da! Ro: Here are our Video Game High School themed
cupcake. I hope you guys liked them, they were Ro: so much fun to make. And, I just wanted
to do a big thank you, again, to my friend Jimmy Ro: for helping me bake these. Jimmy: It was
really fun being on the show. Ro: I will be putting all of his links down
below to Feast of Fiction and Video Game High School Ro: so you should go check it out. If you
guys end up making these, please send us photos on Ro: Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter or Facebook, I love seeing your baking creations and we would Ro: love to re-blog them and post them. Jimmy:
Yeah! Ro: And they’re perfect, like, even for
your… OH! Jimmy: Hahaha! Jimmy: And you can also make these for your
own school, so if you guys have your own colors or Jimmy: logo, or whatever, you know, make if
for your next event. Ro: And, if you guys have any other ideas for any
other Nerdy Nummies, please let me know, leave me a Ro: comment down below and I will do my best
to make it happen. Ro: Alright, thanks again you guys, bye-bye! Ro: Do-do-doooo! Jimmy: Dum-dum-dum, see you
next time! Background: Oh good, good, yeah, you got it.
Oh nooooooooooo!!!!! |
Omkztpc633o | welcome back to my series of videos about restoring and customizing a seat for my vintage motorcycle in this the second episode of the series I'll show you how I remove the rust from the original seat pants and then painted it with automotive epoxy primer I'll put a link to the first episode in the series where I took the seat apart if you haven't caught that already and don't forget to subscribe to be notified of the next one as I mentioned earlier the apple cider vinegar I was using to remove the rest on the pan take some time to get working and that was fine by me because I was going on vacation so I grabbed oddly enough AF space bag you know those vacuum storage bags and since the seat pan was kind of sharp I wrapped it in a t-shirt before pouring the whole apple cider vinegar water mixture into this bag this got me greater surface coverage since this whole box rig I was using was still letting some of the metal peak out above the surface and I really needed all surfaces of the seat pan to be clean all told I think it was in there for about 2 weeks apple cider vinegar kind of turns the rust into sludge after which you can brush it with a wire brush and wipe it away with paper towels next up I headed to the shop because I just could not get these mounting screws for the upholstery strap to come off of the sides of the seat pan so I ended up using an angle grinder with a cut-off wheel to just cut them off next up it's time to prep it for painting and so I really tried to get as much of the rust off as I could and then I cleaned and dried the seat pan if I had access to one I would have used a sandblaster to really get into all of the nooks and crannies but for the investment I'm putting into this I think that this is going to last a long time even if I didn't get every single bit of the rest because the epoxy primer is going to inhibit the rust development quite substantially so if it lasted 40 years and it looks like this then I think I can probably get at least another 20 out of it right that's my thinking anyway this next painting process is pretty toxic I went from a low vo C apple cider vinegar situation to a really high vo C automotive paint situation really quick but I've changed environments completely ask the garage I am working in a well-ventilated area with my respirator on also goggles gloves long sleeves and a bandana to protect my hair I'll put a link to where I got the epoxy primer in the description but it's not new it's kind of an old can that I use to paint my boyfriend's tank last summer and so it's kind of sludgy and ended up clogging the tube a bit but I did have a really great experience with it when I used it the first time when the can was fresh I just followed the instructions on the can so I mixed it four parts to one part of the hardener and then I could have been one of these preval sprayer things you can put the paint and the hardener in the bottom reservoir and then shake it all up and then put on the can of accelerant and it'll flush it through and spray it on to the seat I sprayed on two coats about ten or fifteen minutes apart and then I had some clogging problems with my nozzle cuz my primer is not new and just touched up some areas with a foam brush then I let it dry for 24 hours so it wasn't making any more fumes and the epoxy primer is completely dry next up it was time to reattach the hardware I had removed earlier that includes the latch with a seat and a couple of other rubber and plastic bits and this thing is all set for foam that was a lot for one episode so I'm saving the foam shaping for its own episode solidly mixed and after that also and attach a new vinyl cover I also already published a practice project with this final and it's been performing really well in my home sewing machine which I'm pretty excited about so catch that video and instructable you haven't already and please subscribe to catch the next episode thank you so much for watching [Music] |
xtruSr6gKcw | hi I'm Christina Heiser production editor at Daily glow calm acne on your face is frustrating but body breakouts are just as irritating here are some tips and tricks for keeping your body blemish free breakouts are caused by sweat and friction so change out of tight clothes after hitting the gym or after any sweaty situation ideally now you would have time to shower I like this body scrub from Neutrogena because it contains 2% salicylic acid which unclog pores but if you're on the go and don't have time to take a shower you can always swipe on one of these body pads from Proactiv I like them because they're refreshing and fit in my gym bag finally spritz an acne fighting spray on to breakout prone areas before going to bed this is a great one from glide tone just remember to let it dry before putting on your pajamas all of these products are really effective so be careful about overdoing it each is pretty potent so you don't want to use all three together because they can cause skin irritation find more acne solutions here at daily glow calm [Music] you |
91ZjDtw3Ywk | my name is dr. Christopher home and in the next few minutes I'd like to talk to you about keeping your implant clean and why that is important during the consultation before your implant was placed we spoke to you about some of the factors that can influence implant success and one of those things is how well you keep your implant clean the good news is that keeping your implant clean is very easy to do every patient is different so it's important to listen carefully to your dentist or hygienists when they're telling you how to keep your implant clean so when you look at implants there are two parts to consider one that you can see which is the crown of the tooth and then the actual implant which is the like that post on the jaw so what you want to do is firstly clean the pastured you can see so we would normally use a toothbrush it could be like a power toothbrush in this case and you would hold that there for about two seconds per tooth around the tooth doing that the cheek side and also the the the tongue side and also obviously the tops of the teeth so once you've done the parts that you can see you want to go to the areas that you can't see which is between the teeth so between the teeth we would normally recommend floss make sure you floss and just slowly glide this floss around the tooth and you would notice it goes a little bit deeper around the gum and the tooth so you need to go right between the teeth and you're good sort of like a little sort of in and out motion or a zigzag motion and then pull it back out then you do the other side and do exactly the same thing so slide the floss down you'll see it go underneath the gum slightly and go in and out just like that okay so that's using floss there are other other instruments that you can use and these are what they call pick stirs and pick stirs are like little bottle brushes so let me read that for you and you can see that and to make it easy you can even bend these little heads just like that to help you being able to go between the teeth and they're just like little toothpicks with bristles and you'll go between the two in and out on this side and on the other side of the implant so I hope you found this video useful and if you have any questions at all please give us a call and our friendly staff will be happy to talk some teeth with you so thanks for watching you |
TMoNxT4mBr8 | hi guys today I'm going to show you how to make spritz cookies you normally see these around Christmastime but they are good any time of the year first I start out by creaming together some softened butter and some sugar then I'm going to add vanilla extract some milk an egg and some almond extract you're going to want to mix that together really well once you get done mixing that you're going to want to add your dry ingredients slowly so we have three and a half cups of all-purpose flour and one teaspoon of baking powder so I edited about one cup at a time and just let it mix really well and when it's done mixing you can divide it up into colors if you want to diet I died some and I left some plain I did green pink and I did some white ones with different sprinkles on them so once you have that mixed together you can put it in your cookie press the one I'm using is from pampered chef but you can find them at any store or your mom might even have when my mom has a really old one from when we were younger and with this press that I'm using you turn it about 1/2 a crank and these cookies come out perfectly it's really really easy to do and there's different designs you can put in them and I'll show you those at the end some of the other ones that I have and you're going to bake them in the oven for about 10 to 12 minutes at 350 degrees and if you want to put sprinkles on them you're going to want to do it before they go in the oven that way they'll stick to the cookie but these are some of the other ones I made like a flower design some little swirls and it does make a lot of cookies so it's a perfect recipe if you're having a party here's are some of the other designs there's a Christmas tree a pumpkin this is how they turned out so I will put all the ingredients and the directions below and thank you so much for watching |
YDmVrbIlz8g | hi this is made by mommy and I'm going to teach you how to make a letter I charm using just a crochet hook and 27 rubber bands you can of course use the hook that came with your rainbow loom or your other loom kit but if all you have is a crochet hook you're going to be fine so to start you take your hook and you take a single rubber band in whatever color you want to use you wrap it around three times then take two rubber bands pull them and push that tripled over band to the center pause if you had trouble until you catch up to me for some people pushing is hard and they prefer to pinch and pull it over whatever works for you is fine by me as long as in the end it looks like that now we're going to need to repeat that two more times now one two three times take the to push over hook back on and repeat another time one two three two more bands pull and push to the center so once you have three of those little combos made on your hook we're going to set this one aside for later and these two we're going to connect together to be the very bottom of our letter I holding that straight and pull those on and pull the other set on and bring your hook together so that they are now like that that's going to be the very bottom of your eye and we're going to build up the straight middle from here we want to have seven pairs of rubber bands total going up this is the first so that means we have six more so one two three using two bands at a time so the letter really keeps it shape for five six okay and now for the top of our eye we have this one ready we need to make one more for the other side of those little trios of rubber bands which I'm sure you're really good at by now triple over take two bands pull push put back on your hook so now it should look like this and we're going to take one more rubber band to connect that top together single rubber band and then pull all the rest of these on to it hooking back in we're going to pull that side of the rubber band into the middle of this to create a slipknot and there you have it your very own letter I charm made using just a crochet hook and 27 rubber bands I hope you enjoyed making the letter I I have a number of other letters already posted on my channel that you can make to they're all sized to be the same height I also have lots of videos on my channel for other types of charms like faces and hamburgers and pretzels and cupcakes and I have bracelets as well so lots of projects to keep you busy please consider subscribing to be notified when I post additional videos and please write in the comments below to let me know what you would like to see me do next thank you so much for watching and I look forward to looming with you again soon |
sUNvYx6lw8Y | all right I've got a Waterpik here with a broken hose and if you're a subscriber you've seen that I've already repaired this one the hell is broke again and so as you can see right there so I have a fix if you don't want to spend any money to fix your water pick but the repair it part is actually quite affordable you get the whole new wand assembly everything you need it's eight dollars and something since I'll put the link in the description below it comes from Water Pik so it's a genuine Water Pik part it's quite affordable and then I paid shipping it was less than $15 so I'll put that link in the description below but let's go ahead and get this started Iver I've already taken off the other one and so we'll just be putting the new one on now there's only a couple things you want to make pay attention to it comes with kind of this gasket I think it's called a reed valve and this just needs to align properly with the outline on there and so if you can get it to fit right that way then do that otherwise I'll go ahead and put it in so you can see how it should rest in here it's kind of tricky okay so that's the way it should be resting and then you take your there's an OE o ring a wing o ring washer there it just keeps it a watertight seal and then push it down let me take that much it's got these tracks here to line it up and then all you need is a Philips screwdriver so it's a lot easier it's not that expensive to just buy the repair apart and I've looked on ebay you actually pay it looks like somebody's buying it directly from Waterpik and charging devil so it's actually cheaper to buy this part directly from the manufacturer okay so there you have it now I'll tell you a little trick that I use when I use this I will put mouthwash or xylitol mix it in you can kind of see some residue there it doesn't affect the performance of the Waterpik that I've noticed I've had this probably four five or six years and it still works great but it's just another enhancement to flossing your teeth cleaning your teeth if you have a dilute the mouthwash and I dilute a solution of xylitol which if you don't know about xylitol has antibacterial properties so there you have it that is the Waterpik hose repair like I said the link is in the description below if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and comment let me know if you have any other tips with your water pick and subscribe for more videos thanks for watching |
bZMricmPA-s | you do right fight we paint fight big baby double settle all right guys we're back on the booth again hello he's outside we'll say something there hey man you invited me to campaign don't bring me no mass should brush your own mass hey safety first you gotta have a respirator when you're doing this okay so what we're doing is all of you guys remove this bike right here is the first power booster that we did and you did it like candy or the candy one red so now what I'm going to do is might go to marble effect because folks out there Red Baron let me do the marble effect well what you call fingerprints no fingerprints okay sorry stay tuned nobody paid it up right now using black karma for a deeper a pet all right just compute the common like I said we won with the black primal right on this one and you just complete it gonna let that set for 30 minute and then what we'll do is we'll come back and I wet tremble fast and then we'll go and do our mistake we've got about an hour left you real nice combo like I said Big Mac customs is what we do you get close-up supermom thinker bowling bowling bowling ball alright we got the bike reassembled this is the marble booster and you get the close-up of that so you can see the model you notice how wet it looks I went with a little different technique this one is just a fast video of how we do it hey Red Baron if you notice there's no fingerprints get bastard so hey I think it looks pretty good just a bike on the right here you think her number one babe I did it I did about five coats so I went darker but uh I mean it looks good it's not it's not sunny is was I kind of miss you but uh I couldn't definitely imagine when that Sun hits it it's gonna be tight so there you go big band it another completed project I'm out remember watch learn subscribe Big Bang double-oh-seven you gotta say yeah |
AoLqjYXlCwM | hey everybody is like two elec states and today I'm going to show you how to make a edible Xbox controller if they went along side with my xbox cake I just down to Steve about the right shake retrieval my little market and it came with six in a pitch I'm gonna know what size they are but it was just a basic box of rice krispie treats and I'm just pushing them together across and gets the size that I need once I get the size that I need I'm going to cut around to get the form that I need the exact form that any now that I got it in the correct size I just wanna mush it all together together could write 50 spinning so and to make it more three-dimensional instead of play I'm using another layer Bryce 50 trees the discus gets by taking one side it makes a thinner layer but it gives it a lot of them as I got the top platform I'm just piecing pieces together just to get the bottom of rolling up with my rolling pin so it can become smoother than their hands flatter so they're not gonna form it around my two end pieces and it makes a smooth slope ball straight down just like a joystick now I'm just rolling out some fondant I'm gonna cover this first layer bonded a thin thin tendencies and I might even worry about covering the whole thing cover in the saw this I was like not as symmetrical as the other side so I just rolled out some more rice krispie treats place it on the side and then I just covered that a little will find it too and it doesn't matter if it's imperfect because it is going to be the bottom layer to another piece of fun that's one on the top now that I smooth everything out I'm just going to use my ball and tool to make the engines I got the joystick right in front of me if you don't have that Xbox one or a joystick in reference then you can just get a picture means because I have plenty of pictures and I just make the indents where everything needs to go can I just like the sides all the time to make sure everything again this is a bottom layer of the middle and I will cover it over top with a nice thick layer see the top coat it covers everything and I'm just moving that I was trimming around making sure everything is perfect I want to be the scissors because it was just easier to cut and you would not see the bottom of my particular you will not see the bottom of because it's laying on the board but if you loose you the bottom of yours you want to cover it all the way around down did using a small world tool to draw the same lines that's on that xbox and now when I'm going to grow in a more fondant so I can create a X to create the up-and-down and right left button I had to put a little piece of fondant at the bottom of there because there was too deep I musta made it to be with my ball until so I just piss upon it and it corrected basically done flag might be on that case so I just airbrush in the corner and it's a bit area so there it is guys my shot controller I hope you guys like it and guys can create it if you have any funny make sure you leave it in the comment box below and make sure you subscribe have a good day things to take it with me |
ce16-nb2lx0 | today I'm going to be water picking Remy's piece I'm using a pocket pick tip at a 90 degree angle and I turn it on at about a low setting maybe sources and I just start at the back here [Applause] moving along the Beltline causing a little bit between pee [Applause] paying attention to any piece with issues such as looser teeth or teeth with more gaps or receive gum just making sure that just notice getting rinsed out well this tip also allows me to still behind a thief a little bit [Applause] [Applause] so for this time I used about 1 cup of water to a dropper full of a gum in twos well that I make myself it's easy to make and in the video description I will I can list the ingredients it's all-natural its echinacea extract tea tree oil peppermint oil clove oil some bayberry extract and oak bark and these are just different ingredients that promote valving dental health and and so I'll write more about that in the description so it's a little strong and smell and so that's why they react a little bit more but it's just watered and they learn to tolerate it pretty well |
Q1TVFuxcmjM | hi guys welcome back to my channel today I'm doing a much much requested video on how to fade your acne scars this remedy also works for fading hyperpigmentation dark spots you may have it also feeds dark circles which is also really highly requested this remedy is amazing and it's really safe to use all over your body as well you can use it to lighten your armpits if you've got dark armpits use it on your elbows and knees you can use on your hands for some time the possibilities are endless so if you want to see how unlighted or my acne spots or my presentation keep on watching and if you haven't already please hit the subscribe button because it really supports my channel and I love it when you guys subscribe to my channel and if you haven't already followed me on my Instagram Facebook and snapchat please go ahead and do sir and if you want to see my recipes stay tuned [Applause] Oh [Music] so I've got the second face mask here and this one is the one for dry and sensitive skin now I've used the one with like just a potato juice and D lemon as well and it works perfectly fine for my skin but because it's like almost winter here in Australia my skin is a little bit more dry when I try to be honey one it actually makes my skin a lot more softer after I use it so I'm just going to use that one and the way you're going to apply it is use cotton balls and you're going to try to apply a stick of the thickest layer you possibly can of the liquid it is a little bit thick because of the honey in it now and you're just going to try to keep that on your skin for about 15 to 20 minutes just let that dry and rinse it off now my skin is completely clean I just got eyeliner and mascara on so I'll show you guys how to use it as usual I'm just going to get these cotton pads and I'm just going to start by applying it onto my skin so just get a generous amount of soak your cotton pad in that liquid and you're just going to start applying it onto your skin now I don't know if you can see in camera I did have breakouts on my chin I've had a breakout here last week as well so there is a little bit of scarring and why I ran my mouth is all I do get hyperpigmentation but this has like drastically improved around my mouth especially because I had that hyperpigmentation so I'm just applying [Music] so as you can see all I've done is I've applied that liquid on my skin this is a stick of the layer that you're going to get the obviously the mixture that I showed you guys is going to produce heater mixture you can store that in your fridge use up to three to four days I like to make it fresh every time I use or at the maximum I like to use three days because I feel like it's not working as best I'm after that but that's you that's what you're going to be left with the liquidus on my face all I'm going to do now and I'm just going to let it dry and then wash it off and then I'll be back with the second paper okay guys so I just washed my face from these first face masks that I made and my skin is already looking quite bright and glowy I'm going to show you guys how to use the second ball this basically the third face mask now so the oily skin face mask is a nice paste this one is the one with lemon juice of potato juice and the rice flour so what I'm going to do is obviously start with a clean skin again make sure it's nice and dry and then apply a nice generous amount on my face I'm going to let it dry for about 15 to 20 minutes and then I'm going to rinse it right off as well so I'll just show you guys how I usually apply it I just apply it using my fingers and the rice flour a really nice texture so it looks a little bit like that and I'm just going to start applying it to the skin like you would with any mask you can definitely apply this on on your under eye area as well because it still gives that lightening effect so the reason why this month is so effective and lightening your acne scars and has a pigmentation your dark spots and everything like that is because the world 11 to test citric acid which is a natural lightening agent deep potatoes are the main key ingredient which I swear by it and that's because they have an enzyme called caddy colleagues I think it's called and that is a bleaching agent as well so it's a natural bleaching agent for your skin and then the rice flour it's so popular among Asians I'm deaf in using it for centuries my mom uses unripe flour as well on her face I will probably post the video with my mum's like secret face mask receipt because her skin is like better than mine her skin is so soft she's got she doesn't have to be wrinkles as well because she really takes care of her skin and I'll probably share that on my channel as well um my rice flour is amazing for skin lightening it's perfect for oily skin because it tends to absorb the excess oil and sebum off your face and then it's also got like not only does that the lightening properties it's also high in vitamin B and it also helps with the collagen and elasticity of your skin so overall there's like heaps of benefits you can even make a turn out of oil and right water as well it's just got endless felicity so this is what it should look like once you've applied it obviously if I didn't have my jam on I'll apply it everywhere else like around my kitchen as well so what you're going to do is just let this mask dry and then we're just going to wash it off and moisturize IRL skin and then I'll jump in to the end of the video so keep on watching okay guys so I've just washed that mask of my face and I've moisturized using my glow serum which I've been using as a moisturizer twice a day and this is the final result obviously it's not going to fade you're you know like 10-year old scars or you're 1y old scars in like 10 minutes but if you do this and I promise you you would definitely start seeing results within 5 to 7 days and if you do it like twice a week for a few months I'm sure that you will definitely see amazing results so I hope you try this facial outright guys I hope you find these recipes helpful please let me know if they work for you I'm sure they'll be really effective my family's been using these remedies for a long time and I know they work which is why I've shared them with you guys please let me know how that go if you haven't already please don't forget to hit the subscribe button again thank you so much for watching bye |
ZOzvtP1aLwA | and pride all that up I used my foam tape on it okay I sanded all the emblems off before I did that and now what I'm doing is I'm wet sanding the tank down I'm going to wet sand the whole tank down now what I'm using I'm using 400 okay [Music] so all I want to do I just take my sponge with some water and I got my tank sitting on a piece of old phone okay and that's very very good to use because we don't want to scratch them if I can use a blank on here whatever I want that's going to get saturated with water so I got myself a piece of old bum and it works great so all we're going to do is I'm just going to sand it down and I'm concentrating on sanding the edges of the primer right now you can see that because I don't want no tape lines whatsoever so when you're feathering it out we'll start looking like it's fading out okay so when the peg starts to fade out and fade out you start seeing from paint underneath the primer you know that it's better Kerry good I take my squeegee and I squeegee it down to make sure that I get all the scratches and all the imperfections out of it that's what you got code is 40 [Music] it's always very important that you send every single area every single piece of the area that you came down thoroughly I've got all deep scratches out of the primer I don't feel any more tape lines from arm pits driving it's time to move on and then decide what I'll do is I'll go over that thoroughly I'll double-check it and I'll sand it in I'll clean the bottom of the tank liquid right here keep your eyes out that's why it's important that you have a guide codes if you don't have a guide job you won't be able to see all the mistakes that are still left minor mistakes are still left in the primer look right there okay I don't even know if you can see it or not but that's not cotton Patsy that'll be guided note I wouldn't never saw that [Music] okay what you see right here I got everything I got ready to paint we've got our motorcycle fenders hang everything big blocks and our whole region what I got to do is that going to go ahead and put sealer on all those plugs now put water down on the floor because this type of clear that she is clear this is a PPG clear it's called flex flick stand flat flexed and flat clear it's a semi-gloss clear you can put it over any base coat color and it'll give you that rat rods in my cloths look it's real good clear this is what I suggest to use on a motorcycle due to the fact that you got gasoline and other chemicals to come in contact with it and if you want it to be chemical resistant this is the clear to use any other side do you use PPG thank you very fucking much yeah before we do that we're going to use DBC 9700 now that's black okay that's still if that's DBC Deltron black paint now I suggest that you get the factory pack mix if you're going to use the Deltron I've had problems with the paint that's free mix down I mean that's been mixed by the paint company so when I use a DBC black I always try to get the factory pack that comes straight from the factory and that's what we're going to paint it with so we'll put the black paint on first then we're going to put three coats of the clear and it's all done that's it it's all done it's an easy situation okay we go in there we paint the motherfucker put put some sealer on our we paint it black and then we go ahead and put clear on it it's an easy job all I did is cut these down when I say Scott I mean Block salmon to 400 I went ahead and took the emblems off I got all the imperfections out of the fender and it's ready to paint you can't even see the fucking tank hang on second there you go right there so we're ready to paint and here we go we'll be back to check it out okay what we did is we went ahead and put the sealer on it now what I'm going to do next yourself Mary oh I thought you're going to try to be a camera guy here bug look at her pal Mario over here trying to do a camera guy action and it's not working out right now anyway you guys camera way up to your bust you freaky toe so wait I got to paint those out I'm gonna pay them they don't put my clear on there make sure when you would use this type of paint okay good on the side of the can you follow the instructions thoroughly how to mix this this type of clear use very very little reducer most clears it's almost 50/50 reducer 50% reducer so it's very important to always follow all your instructions when you use your material okay so what we did we went ahead and put the paint on if you want come over here you don't need to go in there Miriam just kind of get a good look at it we got married with a camera guy on everything's painted black can you see that Mary oh thank you yes McKean all right go ahead and get out of the way let's shut the door so we don't fucking get grass and dirt in there so the next and final step because we're going to go ahead and mix up our flat pan flat clear now this is factory ppg flattened clear okay it's called flex and flat and this stuff has got to be mixed thoroughly okay because it's got bladder in it and if you don't mix it thoroughly you're going to get little white spots and specks in it so it's very important to double strain this okay do you know if that means Mary oh no no that means make sure you use fucking strainers on it because the residue in the bottom of the can while getting your paint and if it gets splattered on the color it'll be a white little speck you'll have white specks all over when the flattener dries yeah so if you pray the camera we're going to show everybody what this clear looks you notice it has a different look it's got like a milky look okay looks like milky okay do you see what I'm saying Mario yeah alright now if you watch it it's milky white okay it's already got the flattener added into it I went ahead and put my stick in there because I want to make sure that we don't have no residue in there stick close so this paint here is clear now you can see how thick it is coming out requires very little reducer okay because it's already thin from the factory it's not like a 2021 concept where it's like dad put this clear on okay and I'm going to get a brand new stick one fresh good after I put this clear on the bike and I show it to you it's going to look like it's velocity it actually takes about 24 hours for this stuff cure thoroughly and in 24 hours when I come back tomorrow morning we'll go ahead and walk in there again you'll see a total difference it'll be a semi satin flat black won't be charcoal flat black it'll be a semi flat which is what everybody's looking for when it comes to hot rod painting okay this is the only way I would require to do a rat rod car or anything that you want semi flat one flat black or any color that you can do red purple green orange it doesn't matter okay could you go to make sure that you strain that clear and you mix it up real real good because there's micro-fine the flattener that's in this pain if it isn't mixed thoroughly it'll leave little white flecks and you'll never get them out so we're going way too clear we'll be back when the clear put on we'll see what it looks like take it easy this is feet mario behind the camera get it done there you go but see you [Music] |
Zc1FvGYgk1c | everyone and welcome back chef bob today is going to be baking a skillet cookie this is a great recipe that I find is very quick also very effective and a great odd recipe especially for myself who's been dieting for quite some time and loves cookies so first things first what are we going to use you're getting even a small skillet a cooling rack the hot glove some cooking spray so that way you can bake our cookie recipe wise real simple one scoop of the core performance so you or chocolate chip cookie dough way and again this is only an exclusive at the cellucor website so you're going to need to use coupon code beat coupe 20 to save twenty five percent when you do pick up that that limited flavor along with chocolate raspberry truffle eight grams of the sugar-free fat-free jell-o pudding mix I'm going to use one fourth of a copper or 20 grams of the extra fluffy complete pancake and waffle mix a dash of baking powder to help the product your eyes and oatmeal from the greatest company you can ever get my oatmeal com coupon code be 15 gives you access to fifteen percent off 22 billion different combinations of oatmeal and also their PV lien which is one of my favorite things to use as well wet ingredient was a dash of vanilla extract 1 egg white 50 grams of yogurt about two big table spoons and a little bit of water just in case we needed to get our batter like consistency so what I did was I next all of my dry ingredients except for the oatmeal the oatmeal i used a blender or a magic bullet to grind up into a powder so what we're first going to do is mix all guards are I into a mixing bowl and again one scoop of the way eight grams of the jello mix 20 grams of the pancake mix baking powder and a little bit of the oatmeal now I threw in a couple Splenda package well that will help with the overall sweetness of the final product and flavor now all we have to do is add the rest of the remaining ingredients so I'm going to take my egg and crack it like so put my egg white right in there get all the egg white in there boom there we go all right all right now we're going to take our yogurt get about 50 grams worth which is about two big tablespoons so I will just drop that right in there like so all right and the yogurt is a good fat replacement that help especially with the final product in moisture that's why we use that all right yogurt is there vanilla extract is there all right so while our oven preheats to 350 I'm going to mix this up get our battle like consistency and I'll bring it back that is preheated to 350 let's take a nice small skillet and coat it with cooking spray our batter is formed is a nice thick looking batter so all you have to do is just drop the batter right into the skillet takes all the hard work out of it you don't gotta roll this into plenty of balls so all we have to do is just spread it out evenly and let it bake we are going to toss this in the oven i would say around eight minutes maybe 10 minutes i'm heading on how big the cookie truly comes out so i'm just going to push off the rest of my batter even it out into the skillet like so and you can see that this is loaded with chocolate chip pieces which is found in the chocolate chip cookie dough batter so just like so we're going to even that out toss this in the oven for 68 minutes we'll see how it comes about 8 minutes and you can see our skillet cookie has risen came out great and all the little chocolate chip pieces from the chocolate chip cookie dough batter I'm going to let this sit here for a good five to 10 minutes to cool down before transferring to a plate the whole recipe comes out to about 350 calories 35 grams of protein around 40 grams of cards and around five or six grams of fat like I said it is a lower calorie recipe but it's a great dieting especially recipe for those that want a lower calorie alternative now again guys if you need to pick up any of your core performance way or any of your other study core products be group 20 when you check out from cellucor calm seas you twenty-five percent my oatmeal com become 15 saves you fifteen percent on all your purchases there and again in the comment box below or the directions macronutrients and instructions for this video another one become a short |
0CiHWdGBF-c | 2-minute deck in today's economy it's all about saving cash so today we're gonna test two do-it-yourself ceramic header coding from VHT now they claim this 2,000 degrees spray-on coating will give you ceramic benefits for a lot less cost we like the idea of investing a little shop time to save some bucks here's what we found the pain on a set of affordable headers is there for one reason to protect the steel during shelf life we brought it up to temperature and sped the video up to show you that within minutes it started to burn off and was completely gone by the time the engine was at operating temperature that bare steel is what you don't want rust and corrosion will start eating away at the header from the outside drastically shortening their life now we'll see what the VHT can do because we're using a new unpainted header it's very important to follow the application process to the letter it includes a quick prep using dupa colors prep spray make sure to use some type of shop towel to wipe it all down now we can apply VH T's flat gray flame proof primer 1 light coat followed by two heavier coats several colors of the final ceramic coat are available we're using flat gray to give us a subtle look it's applied in several even layers allowing time in between for it to set up finally it's time to kick back and let it dry although it has a very high temperature resistance that doesn't mean it's scratch resistant so take your time bolting them up and make sure to wear clean gloves so the oils from your hands don't get on the coating and burn permanent marks in them we're going to start the engine and let it idle for about 10 minutes then shut it off and let it cool down to cure the coating this will ensure maximum adhesion and extend its life this time around we're pouring the coals to the coating by making several dyno pulls to 5500 rpm at 724 degrees nothing burned off or changed colors after another run the tube reached 872 degrees after 20 minutes and several more polls 898 then we even retarded the timing 4 degrees to put even more heat in the head or two this time 976 degrees without Bernal BHT says it will handle a lot more heat up to that 2,000 degree mark but you'll never get your tubes that hot but it's a good thing to know we still have a thousand degrees to go so it's safe to say this is an excellent way to upgrade a bare steel set of headers to a ceramic coating out of a can |
vbpSuNN7VIE | mineral deposit on teeth is known as tartar or plaque as time passes by the amount of tartar increases and if you don't take care it can cause periodontitis of course the best way to remove tartar is paying a visit to your dentist but another way is to remove plaque at your home in this video you will learn how to remove plaque at home to do so you will need baking soda toothbrush salt you hydrogen peroxide cup you gentle pick you water anti septic mouthwash you step one first mix one tablespoon of bacon soda with TSP of salt into the cup after you at the toothbrush with warm water dip it into the mixture scrub teeth with an in spit continue the same process for five minutes step to mix a cup full with hydrogen peroxide with cup of warm water and rinse your mouth for one minute then spit and rinse with cup of cool water step 3 rub the yellow tartar from teeth with a dental pick be careful not to scrape the gums it may irritate and damage them step 4 rinse mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash and repeat every second day here are some other advice is to help you keep your beautiful smile tomatoes and strawberries tomatoes and strawberries are rich in vitamin C which is excellent for oral health you can rub these fruits directly onto your teeth and let it sit for five minutes this way the tartar buildup will soften cheese being a Swiss or cheddar before meals helps neutralize the acids that involve black creation an ingredient in a cheese works as a barrier agent guava both guava fruit and leaves are considered excellent anti black agents to help remove plaque accumulated on the teeth and gums gloss they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help reduce swelling and pain in the gums brush your teeth regularly with a soft brush and make vertical movements pay attention on the space between gums and teeth floss regularly consuming spicy food stimulates syllabary glands that way saliva cleans mouth in a natural way five bacteria with an orange peel before going to bed and don't rinse mouth |
IbLMiunzTmA | we've made a row control tank that we can drive around on screen as a moment with this control that we've made out of lego and it uses tilt sensor and you go to Jos it just this way the tank goes that way to talk to that way the tech guys that way shut up take those up tilt it down the tech goes down okay can you show you code yes the code is actually quite simple the code is quite simple not told you because the program is running oh it's just if the top section is one it goes up because when you tilt it up it will it counts as one when you get tilt it to the right it's counts us to to fit to let the chemicals for if you come tilt it down it counts as a pre |
CGbyQZbgzaI | hey guys welcome back so today I'm here with a bare face no makeup on because I have a skincare routine to share with you guys a lot of people was asking me to make a new skincare routine video and I haven't made one in a really long time so I thought that I would do that today and I also really wanted to thank you guys for the support and like the cam words that I received on my last video you guys are truly like the best subscribers I could ever ask for in my life and so many of you guys have been with me for such a long time so I really really really really appreciate the love that I get from you guys but I have a lot of stuff she refused so we're just gonna hop right into it okay so I'm just going to start off with the cleansers that I use and for a cleansers I use this one is one that I really really love is best entities I don't even know if I'm pronounce the right that sensitive Santa's I don't know but I love love love this brand this is their moisturizing cleanser and I have extremely extremely extremely dry skin and I do break out around that time of the month so I need and moisturizing cleanser and i've been using this in a win at mops um this is all gone and it took about two to three months for this entire bottles to finish so it's definitely worth the price and when I finished this one I wanted to try something new so I picked up the milk and honey cleanser and I really like this one as well it's great it's like an off makeup it doesn't break me out or dry out my skin or anything like that so I really do like it the only thing I have to say about this one is that the samayal you guys the male is kind of overwhelming to me it smells like a baby's like throw up or something I don't know it smells really really awful but if it keeps my skin clear and if it keeps my skin looking nice I'm gonna keep buying it oh and another thing is the price the price of this was around thirty dollars so it is kind of pricey I think this one was a little bit cheaper i buy them up amazon on um but yeah they are a really really good product so I do recommend them I like to use one hundred percent maracas and rosewater and its really really refreshing it just feels like just water going on your skin but it's something about rose water that makes your skin really refreshed and moisturize so I use the line pier moroccan rose water and i really really been loving this brand colonies and this these yeah these products are super duper cute they have like little slogans on the front this one says f bad vibes and it's almond sandalwood water and this one says bless this mess and you can put it on your hair you can put it on you know your body is just a really really hydrating body and face elixir so I'll just whisk this on my face as the toner and the ingredients and the FBI are water witch hazel aloe vera fragrance and this one is holy water it's kind of funny that this has holy water in it because it says bless this mess but it has holy water rose water witch hazel and aloe vera as well so this stuff is very very moisturizing and Gregory skin so it's a moisturizer I really been loving a sensitive I really don't know how to pronounce the sort but I really been loving their oil free moisturizer i buy this off the Amazon as well it's around $18 and I really lucky because it's all free and this one is really good for all type of skins it says it says on the bottle that is good for combinational all this skin but I have dry skin it works well for me as well and the next moisturizer I want to talk about has really really saved my life and it's a bar is you know acne scar I breakout it basically leaves a scar so I have like I really don't have too much scar on my face now because I have been using this for a while but I have a lot a lot a lot of scarring on my body like I'm on arms you can see it like on my arms I have scarring on my back I of scarring so this is really been helping and this is the enhanced lotion ten percent glycolic and it's for um anti wrinkles but you know most anti most anti wrinkle products are really good for a scarring and discoloration so if a product is anti wrinkle odds are that it's going to be good for a scarring and discoloration and hyper pigmentation of the skin so this is really really good it like fading the scars like the scars on my face it literally faded the scars on my face so so quick um you know the scars on your body if you have lot of scars on your body you know that the body has a tougher skin than chuckle area scan down on your face soul like scars on your face will heal faster than scars on your body um but this is just been a godsend i would absolutely love it are used to use shea butter for my um for my body scarring and stuff like that but uh yeah i have a lot of squats alarms but i'll use that anymore because it had me like itching like crazy and I was like scratching and no so I can't use the software body acne i use the doctor songs i use the doctor song 2.5 benzoyl peroxide and this is really good for body acne i've been using this i really don't break out so much on my back or on my arms or anything like that i just had like the leftover scars but this has worked wonders and but it does but it does really really dry out your skin so you want to make sure you use the night moisturizer over that so i use this moisturizer over this and i never really put I don't put this on my face too much because I don't really have that many breakouts on my face anymore but if you do I really don't see a problem with putting it on your face don't I don't think it would hurt you um but it's really really good if you have body acne another product another product that i really want to mention when it comes to body acne long before I found the doctor song i was using the acne a spray and this is all natural it has a lot of tea tree oil and it's just like really really kills all the bacteria on your skin and really helps dry up your acne on your body and I'm having kind of like a really really bad hormonal situation going on on my face I'll spray this on my face and it will be literally the pepper will be like dried up and i usually get breakouts on the sides of my face um and this really really helps with that this is basically what I use when I'm desperate and I know that I'm going somewhere the next day and I want my skin to be on point it's exfoliation on my legs I use this one by soap and glory and it is called the smoothie star and this oh my gosh it smells so amazing um I used a lot of it it smells so amazing i basically just use this kind of like on my legs I don't put it on my arms on my back because you guys know i have like that that problem going on I'll tend to like break out so I don't like put it on my arms on my back or anything like that but I always always always put it on um my legs and I shave with this and it just like works amazing and it smells amazing so why not and if I'm like going out and I need my legs to be looking nice and like shimmery but not really glittery but like shimmery then I will use the soap & Glory glow lotion and this stuff works wonders let me show you it's like such a glowy type of like that a little shimmer and it looks really natural and this smells really good as we also i love something Laura products so yeah I know this video was extra long but I hope that it was beneficial I hope that you try some of these products and actually works p please let me know down below in the comments section if this does work for you any products that works for you because i know a lot of people are out there struggling with body acne and facial acne um and like have tried everything and nothing has worked so please let p we're not down below in the comments section what has worked for you so they can come across it and give me a thumbs up because it really helps me out a lot when you guys thumbs up my videos and subscribe if you're not already subscribed and I will see you guys in my next one hey guys welcome back so today I'm going to be sharing with you how I've mastered straightening my natural hair and how I go from curly to straight |
PbtSrdGubU0 | hey guys I'm about to show you another rainbow loom tutorial I wish I could just edit a rainbow into the screen there anyway today I'm showing you how to do this ladder bracelet compared to the others I've done this is more of an intermediate bracelet but I still think that it's really stinkin easy so you guys should be able to get it no problem especially if your rainbow loom pros before we get into the video if you like rainbow loom videos then please click the thumbs up button to show me that you like this video and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already if you like my videos and want to see more because it will let you know every time I put up a new video I do rainbow loom videos sometimes but I also do all their crafts so keep that in mind if you click Subscribe that you will not just see rainbow loom but you will see them every once in a while now without further ado let's illumina here's my lovely ladder in order to make your own you'll need a loom a hook and some bands of course make sure that your middle peg is lower than the two side pegs and that the arrow is facing away from you grab one band put it on the middle peg and the left peg push it down a little grab another band that's the same color and put that on the middle peg than the right peg now I'm taking a yellow band putting that on the Left peg and moving it up to the second left peg another yellow band and doing the same thing on the right side of the loom a pink band and putting it on the Left another pink band putting it on the right as you can see I'm just moving up the loom with my bands I'm alternating colors every time and you're just gonna keep repeating that same step all the way up the loom keep going with your pattern I'm doing pink yellow pink yellow and I'm going from left to right left to right when you get to the last pegs where I have the yellow bands you're going to put the pink band from the left to the middle and then your right pink band to the middle like so here's what the entire thing looks like I like to push all of my bands down at this time because we're going to be placing more bands on top of these for the next steps at this point you're putting bands across the Loom so I'm taking a yellow band and putting it on the second left peg and then moving that across straight across to the right you can see what I'm doing very easily on camera now I'm taking a pink one and putting that across from left to right here's a close-up a yellow from left to right and pink from left to right and you're just gonna keep doing the same thing over and over remember when I speed up my footage that doesn't mean that you have to keep up with me just keep that in mind I'm just speeding it up because I'm doing the same steps over and over and it's just there's no reason for me to show it in real time when you can click pause now I'm at that last pink band I put it from left to right and this is what the loom should look like right now yay pink lemonade that's totally what I'm calling this the pink lemonade ladder going back to that middle peg we're putting a black from the first peg to the second peg in the middle grabbing another black band putting it from the second to third peg in the middle and I bet you can guess what comes next third to fourth then fourth to fifth and again I'm going to be speeding up my footage don't freak out you just do the same step over and over putting black from peg to peg in the middle until you get to the last little peg there take another black band to form a capping band so just make a figure eight with it and then fold it over basically you just want it looped around your peg two times instead of one and you're just putting it on that last peg now I'm spinning the loom around we're going to be working from the end that we just capped so the arrows should be pointing in the opposite direction now so instead of them facing away from you they should be facing toward you take your hook and pull back both layers of the cap and band so it will look like you're pulling back two bands but you're just pulling back one capping band going underneath that and grabbing the black band so it should be the black band that is on the next peg you're taking that off pulling it over and putting it on that second middle peg there grab that next rubber band place it on the next peg again hook down pull out that black band place it on the next peg and again we're just going to repeat this down the entire center of the loom so we're speeding up the footage again because I'm just doing the same step over and over have fun do this step all the way down until you place that last black band onto the last peg or the top egg now we're going back in and where you place the rubber bands across the loom we're going to repeat that with another band of the same color so I'm taking the pink and placing it across it doesn't matter which peg you start on you just want it to be across in the same exact spot as your other ones are so I'm taking a yellow one putting that across pink Dan yellow pink and yellow you're just following your own pattern and we're speeding this up too because I'm just doing the same thing all the way across until I get to the end yeah again we're going in where our capping band is where that black cap band is and I'm going to start on the left side so my arrows are facing me and I'm going to grab that pink band pull it off the first peg and onto the left peg like so then I'm reaching down and I'm going to do the same thing with that right pink band pull it over to the other peg there now I'm going up the entire left side so I'm pulling out the yellow band and putting it on the next peg you want to reach your hook down into all the rubber bands to pull out the bottom one and place it on the next peg so I'm just giving you another view another angle of me doing this in a second and basically I'm just doing this down the entire left side of the loom I've already said it's just super easy and it's the same steps so once I get to my last pink band I'm putting it from the left side to that middle peg BAM now do the same thing up the entire right side of the womb so reach through the pink bands and pull the yellow to the next peg put your hook through all the bands get the pink band out and pull it up to the next peg and what do you think we're doing next the same step up the entire right side of the loom so keep doing it and then that last pink band will get pulled out from the right side and to the middle peg yeah take your hook and stick it through all of the bands on that last top peg then you're going to grab a band that's the same color as your middle band so in my case it's black I'm gonna put it at the end of my hook and then I'm going to carefully pull it through all of the bands then I'm taking my hook and I am putting it through the other side of that black band that I just added make sure it's on that thicker part of your hook because now you're going to pull your bracelet off of the loom do anything you have to do to get them off but just be careful so you don't rip any of the bands as long as you did everything right it should stay in one piece like so now it's probably not long enough for you so we're going to add an extension I took the band off of the hook hold it tight because it's not secured yet take another black band and pinch it and then you're going to just take one end of it place it through those two ends of the black band already in the bracelet and once you have it all the way through you're going to fold it in half just keep doing this until your extension is long enough for you I think I'm putting five bands on each end so I'm just taking a black band pinching it putting it through both loops in that black band and folding it over again to make two loops then I'm putting on a c-clip to secure and I'm moving on to the other side where there's a black band and I'm gonna pull that band out so it has two loops pinch one of my other black bands stick it through both loops and fold it over to form two new loops again I'm gonna have five bands total on this side to match the other side and then I'm just going to take that end and attach that to the c-clip now I have a completed rainbow loom ladder bracelet alright so I have two of them here the pink lemonade and the name the blue and green one for me cuz I don't have a name for it but if you end up making your own rainbow loom ladder bracelet then use hashtag so carrotastic on instagram to show me I hope you guys like the ladder bracelet design if you end up making your own then be sure to use the hashtag so craptastic on instagram to show me a picture and if you do different colors that would be awesome too so I can see and it's very noisy out and talking over noise and I can't stand it and check out all my links in the downbar subscribe my channel if you haven't already if you like my videos of course and you guys have a great rest of the day be sure to check out all my other rainbow loom tutorials I do have a rainbow loom playlist of all my rainbow loom video well I've said rainbow loom far too many times so I hope you guys have a great rest of the day and I'll see you soon bye that was a really long wave and it's weird what is all that noise oh my gosh mmm angry face I can't even look angry really leaf blower now you stop after I've filmed two intros and you're back |
AxTouP1JVCo | as you can see I've made a huge mess in my garden I have also got no motivation whatsoever today I think is because the sun's disappeared but anyway ah now I want to polish these forks I'm going to polish them so that they shined like thrown any problem is the damage fitting complete you can see them really bad the titties - very very bad these folks have not been looked after and this is a combination this is when the brake caliper fits here I'm with God fits across here but this obviously catches water so it's not been dried up properly afterwards and that's from years and years of collecting water anyway before we get started don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you like this video give it a thumbs up hit the notification button any comments about what I'm going to talk about because I'm going to paint these walks you've got any questions any comments I'll leave them in the comment section down below and let's get started shall we the first thing we need to do is obviously mash things around I've already got some cardboard here like this to protect me back end of the bike and obviously I'm going to need some masking tape to cover this to cover the stanchions because I'm asking you to do is get pretty too many of those things so what I'm about to do now it masks the whole thing off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I so now we're all masked up the next thing I'm going to do I'm actually going to use some alcohol wipes just a wipe over the surface to remove any residue before I put any climb up on [Music] we are using an etch primer this basically has an athlete inside of it which helps it to actually bond to the surface which is pretty particularly good in this situation because the fact is the pitting that I've got in the force now before we apply the primer make sure you shake the can for at least two minutes making sure the ball bearing is rattling around about the primer has had a good mix now your first eCos need to be a very light dusting and this will enable further clothes to a deer successfully to the actual metal okay so what we do now is that we wait for the layers to dry there's actually when you see this clip now at least two layers of time up to be on each cork takes about 10 to 15 minutes for each primer layer to dry nicely and that's without getting a run one thing you have to be aware of it is no good russian is you cannot be impatient when you are climbing because the climbing is the key to a successful job later as you can see my techniques change slightly I'm going to be using an interlacing pattern of side to side and up and down as you can see better repetitive strain injury while I'm at it and in order to actually cover the whole of the book in a very even way and cover every single high and low point which you will see later okay actually feel like I'm doing one of those weird makeup tutorials now anyway we're now onto about half six codes as you can see I'm now using the pronounce technique to cover the entire face I mean fork with primer this way there is build it up very nicely so you get a signal over nice complexion I mean good coverage with the primer on the fork itself [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys thank you very much for watching this video we're going to leave these to dry for 24 hours now so come back on Saturday to see the second part of this video where we will sand them down and put the paint on catch you all later cheerio good bye [Music] |
b8-XfFHWMtQ | hi guys it's really over back to my channel so in today's video I am going to be making the Starbucks cookie dough cake pops and I was thinking not a few months ago and I recently tried one and I fell in love with it since you guys left my old Starbucks kpop recipe video I thought I would do another one if you are new to my channel don't forget to subscribe let's just get started to start off these cake pops you're going to need it 3/4 cups of packed brown sugar I just use a 1/4 cup three times because I couldn't find the actual 3/4 cup look at me doing that you guys want the full ingredient list I will mention it through this video but when you're actually making it I will have it in the description if you want to go off that taking a 1/2 cup of softened butter and I'm just going to be putting this in the microwave for 30 seconds so it just kind of softens up a little bit remember for those waiting for that butter or you can let it sit out and let it get to room temperature either way works mixing this with the brown sugar I'm just going to be creaming the butter and the brown sugar until it's light and fluffy and this will take about two minutes taking some vanilla extract you are going to be needing two teaspoons of this feeding this in with the brown sugar and the butter here we go I'm going to be getting two cups of flour and mixing everything together and then slowly adding the flour so what I did here was I just added a cup mix it up and then I added the second cup of flour and you might have to scrape down the sides when doing this now I'm going to be taking some sweetened condensed milk 14 ounces of this so just the whole can depending on what can you have of course slowly adding this in as well so I'm just going to be mixing and then holding the can you guys can see what I'm doing I mean come on and I'm just going to be slowly adding this in and mixing everything together then I'm just going to be taking this bag of chocolate chips and pouring in a few you really don't need a lot since we are going to be having chocolate on the outside honestly I'm not even sure if like Starbucks ones have chocolate chips in the middle let me know down below if the Starbucks ones have mini chocolate chips in the middle I don't know and then mixing it together do not blend but just take a spoon and mix it and oh this glorious cookie dough I'm getting hungry watching now I'm going to be taking some parchment paper you can also just take wax paper and I'm putting this on a plate make sure that my hands are washed and clean before doing this and taking some chunks out and rolling them into balls I later found out that rolling the balls smaller would help them because when I put them down to the plate they kind of expanded a little bit so roll them a little bit smaller not too big invincible once I am done with that I'm going to be taking a few chocolate chips and melting them and I'm going to be taking these cake pop sticks this is optional to just want to do them as like little cake balls but if you want them to be like the Starbucks ones of course you're going to need them to be in cake pop form so I'm just going to be dipping the stick in some melted chocolate and then sticking it in the center of the ball let's see some hotline bling once I've note that I'm going to be sticking them in the fridge for about three to four hours you can do it overnight as well just whatever works for you make sure that they're cold Phil once you take them out oh this is great do some great go to the Drake this is dad now it has been three to four hours I'm taking them out and I'm going to be melting some white chocolate chip and some chocolate chips mixing this together it gives it the perfect color that it is at Starbucks it's like that light brown color perfect for cookie better color you can also get tan chocolate coating but this was just easier in a head than both on hands and it actually turned out perfectly I wasn't exactly sure if it was going to be the right shade but it worked awesome I'm going to be then just drizzling this over the cake ball make sure you cover it the chocolate that we use to stick the stick in so then I'm just going to be shaking off any excess swirling it around so everything is nice and smooth and then I'm also going to be chopping off some chocolate chips and just sprinkling them on top if you have many chocolate chips this would work really well but I just use chocolate shavings because it's going to taste the exact thing so there you have it I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching if you recreate it of course tell me what you thought so many pictures I love you guys so much and I hope you have an amazing day bye I guess so that is the end of my Starbucks video if you liked it and sure to give a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe it commits and I film this whole thing response I start with a little bit shaky so one reason is people good luck my tripod it's cool |
9GFA-hRO4-E | so we're going to show you how to brush your dog's teeth it's really important this is Theo is going to demonstrate for us today it's actually quite quick and easy thing to do brush your dog's teeth we suggest from an early age to scaling them use to you touching around their face when they're papi just always just touch around the face rub along the girls on the outside and then possibly just start to lift up the lip and rub along the teeth that way they'll get used to touching their face and then we introduce a brush they hopefully won't be too scared to get there above teeth between four to six month of age so that's when you want to introduce home care to try and keep the teeth nice and clean our aim of brushing the teeth is to remove plaque so that we don't get tighter and then that way we hopefully will try to prevent gingivitis if you get a lot of gingivitis which is redness in the guns or what you learn end of getting periodontal disease and periodontal disease is the disease which we can't stop and it can lead to your dog losing his teeth and having systemic diseases through infections getting in through the gums so it's quite quick and easy Jackson brush the teeth they've got 42 teeth they've got their big canines like ourselves which is the big fine tooth but their incisors I load up their motors on the side so we're reversing your dog's tooth we need a toothbrush you can use various different sizes of toothbrushes something like this which is jewel engine is really handy it's got a small side which you can use for small dogs are from the front teeth and the bigger side is for bigger jobs like Theo here and we're getting in at the back teeth really hard because it's long so it's a bit longer than a human tooth brush which means it makes it much easier to get in at those up teeth you need pack to paste it comes in a variety of forms they become flavored which makes life a lot easier really important not to use human tooth paste because it foams and swallow fluoride and we don't want them to do that because we can't get dogs to spit out the toothpaste so basically what we want to do is get a little bit of our toothpaste we're going to get it onto our brush you can see here already knows this is flavored so he's looking towards it hoping to get some of it so we're going to get a two foot out of toothpaste ico we're going to pop this on here and then easy thing to do is just hopefully you don't nice and support it you might need some oil to hold on to you but you so you touch around the head and strove for them they won't mind what you want to do is start one side we're only brushing the outside the teeth we don't have to worry about the inside because they're licking don't move the toothpaste around so it's gonna look so cool gonna start at the buck-toothed and then we're going to work our way forward there's two T's where jobs tend to get quite a lot of tartar on them and we can see its CEO he does have a little bit this big bucktooth here which we call the car nacio tooth and this canine here they tend to get quite a bit of Tyra so we want to concentrate on those teeth so just like ourselves you're just moving gently across the tooth lifting up the gum and we're just going to start in here at the back and there is good nice gentle rubbing motion moving our way forward you can see he's gonna lick because it has a flavor it's going to move the toothpaste around and we're gonna go on the bottom and we're just basically going to move our way forward that's pretty simple lift it up the gum going on no tooth so it doesn't take very long are you trying to do it every day and then again we're going to move to the front this I'm probably going to switch and use the front end because the big and of thing is just a little too big a little bit more to paste and then just get in his head nice and steady lifting up the gums and then you're scrubbing across the teeth you can see it's flavored so they do tend to lick it a little bit don't worry about that then generally will like the taste coming across the tooth and rubbing your way around so essentially what you're looking for us to do both sides to do the outside lifting up the gums rubbing along the tooth I'm moving forward when you're doing that you're looking for any up in so many disease so you're looking to see if there's any tar sure or any redness and if there's redness we do suggest we consult your vet to get that checked to see if they need any treatment for us and then afterwards importantly Kim a little cuddle tell me so do the job |
8FtTxALLkUY | hey guys welcome back to my channel so in this video I'm going to talk about something that not a lot of people like to talk about or something that a lot of people don't really know what they're talking about and you really only know what you're talking about with this subject if it's happened to you and this has happened to me for the better part of my life um I want to say about ten ten years or so that I've had this problem yeah and it's been very very very unfortunate and this has also been like a touchy subject to talk about until now it's gonna talk about it because I know I'm not the only one with this problem and I know I'm not the only one who has been self-conscious about this and who has just loathe dealing with it for so long and it is Bonnie Hackney okay woohoo yeah let's talk about it body acne is acne that you can find on your chest your back and in other areas and that are not the face it's very stubborn and it's very annoying and it's very hard to get rid of and for years and years and years I've tried I've tried different things and all the ways you can possibly try and get rid of your body acne and it just has not been good I have tried like all those prescription medications like tetracycline and um different and like all that stuff expensive as hell first off second off those things did not really work for me a lot of things that I tried did not work for me um Proactiv when I was younger that was like one of the very very very first things that I tried to get rid of my sin my acne and I also had acne on my face when I was younger luckily growing up I got rid of that I don't know how growing up I guess if that just went away thank God but that has not applied with my back my back has been the most problem area in life my back has always given me problems no matter what no matter what I tried no matter how many things that I did to get rid of my back acne it just didn't work until I some things that I'm going to share with you all that really did help get rid of the acne on my back and my chest actually because I did have some issues on my chest like in high school but yeah these things that I will show you are really really really effective in getting rid of body acne and I should know because I've had probably the most stubborn acne one can have oh this is the aftermath so you can see that disgusting right I know because this is the best that it's been ever ever ever and that's horrible to say because you could still absolutely notice it but you know what I've gotten to the point where I just don't give a damn anymore I mean I'm 23 years old I am NOT going to go through life wearing jackets and only short-sleeved shirts or long-sleeve shirts and shirts with backs I'm not going to keep good I'm not gonna keep doing that I did that my entire life ever since I got acne like when I was 13 I did not wear a tank tops or shirts with no backs for 10 years said I would have never worn this type of shirt three four years ago but I've gotten to the point where I just don't care and if like somebody else cares so much about how my back looks like that's really not my issue it's been my biggest insecurity now I've gone to the point where they're they've become scars and there's really not much else that I can hide because I mean I'm either gonna hide forever I'm just gonna knock hair and just wear whatever I want to wear and I really would like to wear whatever I want to wear I've come really far in my journey of body acne and I have found these things I found like I will show you the total of three things these are three of the best methods that I have found personally that worked the best in clearing my skin like I said before I tried the prescription stuff like tetracycline which is a pill that's supposed to dry up your skin and like cancel out the oil glands whatever and different which is a topical lotion that worked really really well for my face I normally wouldn't suggest you go into the prescription world because it just creates like a whole different mess of side-effects and cons to your life each body type is different obviously but like I said my skin and my acne has been like the most stubborn acne you can ever have so if this works for me I'm more than like 95 percent sure it's going to work for you if it doesn't then your skin is obviously more stubborn than mine but this stuff is really really good and I stand by it now let's get to the things that I want to show you that has helped clear my skin tremendously within the past year so the first thing that i'ma show you is a lotion that specifically targets body acne and it's the Clearasil ultra rapid action treatment lotion for face chest and back this stuff works wonders don't turn off on me and it says maximum strength for hours visibly reduces pimple size in as fast as four hours they're not lying when they say that because I'm not lying - I had a pimple right here and kid you not within like three hours it was significantly diminished and same thing with like my back I would put this on my back sometimes after I get out of the shower and it does dry out some areas and clear up that area where I want to target and it really does work you don't want to use this too much though because then it'll dry out your skin too much and then I'll become irritated and red and it could create a rash etc etc that's the like degree to how strong this stuff is so it's really good just for breakouts but it really does help in clearing up my skin and it could help in clearing up your skin you can find these you can find this at drugstores Target Walmart CVS next thing that I want to show you guys which has been my absolute favorite body wash of all time I saw this in Allure magazine and they swear by it it in like clearing up your skin and it is the Neutrogena body clear body wash in pink grapefruit this stuff works wonders for me because it really helped clear up my skin and I can't even explain to you it's made with real grapefruits which i think is a good thing for me because when I apply natural stuff to my skin it tends to work well oh my god it works so well it just gets rid of all the dirt and all the oil in your and it really helps to clear it up I can't explain it I think it's magic but I mean this stuff has been the best stuff that's worked for me that I use in the shower every single night really really has helped get rid of my breakouts and get rid of my stubborn scars as well as prevent future breakouts from coming which is the biggest thing ever so I mean I love this stuff and it's not been expensive either actually I think it's less than ten dollars for a bottle and they always have sales going on like you get two for six dollars the best body wash you could find to clear up your skin I promise you now this last product is something that I swear by and that I will never ever stray away from in my entire life I don't know why I haven't used this sooner and it's the most simple thing ever because it's coconut oil it's just good old coconut oil this has been the best thing this has been my Savior in clearing up my skin you have no idea people it's just it's been my hero if you have oily skin this will not make your skin more oily this is an absorbing oil or like it's yeah it's an absorbing oil like where you apply it it will be absorbed like in your skin your skin will absorb it it's like it's like feeding a tree with water and you'll water the tree and then you'll see the water go down into the roots that's what this does for our skin and it just it it quenches its thirst and it just rejuvenates it and it makes it soft and glowy coconut oil is the number one thing that I would recommend you use to clear up your body acne I mean it got rid of almost like my absolute worst parts of my back it evened it out it cleared up the skin it even to the skin tone even so that there was no redness or like blotchiness I mean it just has worked wonders and I haven't even used it for I mean eight months and it's just it's just done wonders for my body number guys I really I really swear by this stuff and that's why I'm showing it to you guys if I didn't think it would work for all of you I would not show it to you remember that so I'm not bullshitting you or anything this stuff really genuinely works for me and works for me I think it will work for anybody that is it that is my way of clearing a body acne for real and that is all the things that I use to clear up my skin I hope you guys can try it for yourselves and remember that this is what has worked for me doesn't mean it's going to work necessarily for every single person but I truly believe that if it works for me it will work for you because of the stubbornness and the nature of my acne on my body for the past 10 years leave any comments below let me know about your experiences if you have the same issues that I have and what it's done or how it's affected you I definitely want to know your stories and we could swap stories because I never talk about this stuff ever anyways I think that I have nothing else to say except thank you so much for watching this video please subscribe to my channel and stay tuned for more bye |
-LAXSNyTRnI | Hey guys it's Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy
Nummies! Today we are going to be making something a little bit
cool for the summer time because it is starting to get really hot in California so we are
going to be making "I CAN HAZ CHEESEBURGER" Ice Cream Sandwiches! I'm really excited because we've never made
ice cream sandwiches before on Nerdy Nummies! So let's get started! The things you will need will be a little
bowl of flour just to sprinkle around to roll out our cookie dough, and you'll need a sugar
cookie recipe. You can use whatever recipe you'd like, I'm
just using an instant one to save time, and this one calls for one stick of butter and
one egg. You also need a circle cookie-cutter, like
this- it's about an inch deep, this will help with the ice cream later on but if you don't
have that it's okay! You're also gonna need some white sparkling
sugar-sprinkles, a rolling pin, a sharp cutting knife, a cookie-sheet aaaaaand some chocolate
ice cream! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yumm! Let's put it all together! Ok! Now you're gonna take your cookie mix,
put it in a bowl... stick of buttah', then one egg... ...and then we're gonna mix it up for about
2 minutes until everything is smooth and combined! Are we locked and loaded? Yeaahhh! Iiiii want chaaaysebergersss! Now-ga-nown-ga-nown-ga-nownnown! Now that we've got our sugar cookie-mix all
smooth, now we're gonna roll it out and cut our cookies. So you're gonna take a little bit of flour...just
gonna put it on the counter-top so that our cookie dough doesn't stick to the table. If your cookie dough is a little bit sticky,
just keep adding flour until it doesn't stick to your hands anymore and then you'll know
it's ready! Now you're gonna take your rolling pin, sprinkle
a little flour on it so it won't stick to your cookie dough and then you're just gonna
roll out the cookie dough... There we go, that's nice! And we're gonna cut out our sugar cookies! Boop! Peel off the excess dough and then we're gonna
transfer the cookies onto our baking sheet with a little spatula. Now that we've got our cookies cut out and
on the tray, just remember that you'll need 2 cookies for every ice cream sandwich. One will be the top and one will be the bottom. So I've got 6 here, I'm gonna make a bunch
more but I'm just starting with 6, and you're gonna take your sprinkle-sugar, and you're just gonna sprinkle it on top
of half of your cookies. So the one with the sprinkles will be your
burger-topper-bun! Now you're gonna heat your oven to 350 and
you're gonna bake these for 5 to 7 minutes, just keep your eye on them and soon as they
start to turn golden-brown, they're ready! While the cookies are baking you're gonna
take out your chocolate ice cream and we are gonna be making the middle of our ice cream
sandwiches that will look like meat patties! So I'm gonna be using a cutting-board, a sharp
knife, and the same cookie-cutter so that our ice cream sandwich will line up. So you're just gonna open your ice cream,
and this is gonna be a little bit crazy but we're just gonna chop it in half... OK you're wan- you're... OK you're gonna
need to get a serrated knife... Oh jeez! Oh yeah thats...that's better! There we go! Oh... There we go! Alright then we just peel off the containter
like we go... Comeoutta'dere! Hum-huhaha! Then you're just gonna take your cookie-cutter
and you're gonna press it allll the way down, keep going, keep going, keep going! How I get it out there? Okay here- oh yes! Heh-huh! Then you're just gonna chop it into slices!
Boom! There's one and you're gonna wanna stick these in the freezer as soon as you cut them... that they will hold their shape, just
like that! After your cookies are done baking, you're
gonna take 'em out of the oven. Make sure they've had plenty of time to cool before
you do this, we don't want warm cookies with our ice cream sandwiches because we'll make
our ice cream melt! You're also gonna take your chocolate patties
out of the freezer. I've set my freezer to the coldest settings
to keep them very cold otherwise they will melt. We are also gonna be working quickly to assemble
these and I'll show you how to assemble these! So you're gonna take your cookie. You're gonna flip it upside down to look like
the bottom of the hamburger aaaaaanddd... Ohhh are you gonna stay together? Are you
gonna stay- Yes, yes, yes! Ok, they're cold enough, you wanna make sure
they're really cold when you transfer them. If you want to do this, this is totally optional
to make your ice cream cheeseburger look more like a cheeseburger, we can decorate with
raspberry-puree, lemon-puree and green apple-puree! To make them a little bit thicker so you can
see them, I've added a little bit of frosting with the puree-sauce, it tastes so good...sweet
and fluffy, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Now, you're gonna take the sugar cookie, where
you put all the sprinkles on top and you're just gonna stick it right on top! Ba-deeeeeewwnnn! Then you're just gonna do that to all of your ice cream sandwiches! Om, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Ta-daaaaa! "I CAN HAZ CHEESEGURGER" Ice Cream
Sandwiches! I hope you guys liked 'em, it's starting to
get hot here! Summer time and I love ice cream sandwiches! Let me know if you'd like to see another ice
cream sandwich because these were really fun and easy to make, ya just gotta work fast! Ok! I'll be posting a lot of pictures on Facebook,
Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram and if you make these, please send me some photos cuz I love
seeing your baking creations! I get a big kick out of it! And if you have any other ideas for any other
Nerdy Nummies, please leave me a comment down below and I will do my best to make it
happen! OK, thanks again you guys, buhr-bye! Iiiiii want cheeseburger! Dun-da-dun-da-dun-da-dun-da-doon-do! Iiiiii want cheeseburger! Dun-da-dun-da-dun-da-dun-da-doon-do! Iiiiii want cheeseburger! Dun-da-dun-da-dun-da-dun-da-doon-do! OK! Now you're gonna take your cookie-mix,
put it in a bowl... |
OpkZbJypAwc | okay here's the motorcycle tank off that little Suzuki refurbishing it I'm using the rust-oleum high temp black gloss paint supposed to be resistant to fuel and heavy duty and sanding it down with 2,000 grit sandpaper after I painted it and I'm cleaning it off with alcohol the hardest part when you're doing this is finding rags that are lint-free and also if you run a real good job don't ever do it outdoors like this I'm having a problem with bugs and just anything flying in the air but I'm pretty happy it's a $800 motorcycle I just want a decent fuel tank on it that doesn't look like a scratched up mess here I'm putting a second coat on it said I think I put three coats on it after each coat I waited a few days then I hit it with 2,000 grit sandpaper and applied another coat to it and here I just got done sanding it and I'm putting some Minwax polyurethane clear coat on it and same thing sanded it down cleaned it up the best I can with uh alcohol and I'm practically done this thing is taking me like a month waiting three or four days to let it dry and here I put my last coat of poly and I'm pretty happy with the way it looks like you have bugs that are in there hopefully you're not going to be able to see them all at all and you can see as I'm painting the wind is so bad I probably shouldn't even be out here painting but I want to get this thing done man here's my finished product mmm this is don't have any wax on it haven't worked on it haven't that out but this is right after the painting it's gonna shine a little bit better once I rub it out and put some wax on it probably make a movie later showing the finished product hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching |
N3sFV2F0we0 | Oftentimes I have patients asking me about
whether or not hydrogen peroxide, the mouth rinse, what it does for your mouth as far
as what can it do for things like gum disease. We know that hydrogen peroxide is good at
basically keeping the mouth disinfected, and kind of cleaning the overall area. So if you
get a cut, or a laceration, or a little blister or bubble, we know that peroxide can help
keep the area clean while it's healing, and it also has some disinfection properties.
But, even more than that, I have patients asking, you know, "Does peroxide help cure
gum disease?" The answer is clearly, no, it does not do it alone. It...while it will help
keep the gums a little bit cleaner and a little bit more disinfected, gum disease is much
more deep within the gums. So, a mouth rinse such as peroxide, while it's good on the surface,
it really has no clinical effect on penetrating down into the gums deeper, where the true
periodontal, or gum disease lies within. It's for that that the peroxide is more or less
kind of an adjunctive treatment to doing things like brushing and flossing and going to the
dentist. So while peroxide will not directly cure gum disease, it can be used as an acceptable
alternative when brushing and flossing and maintaining to try to prevent gum disease.
Or treat it further. One of the things that we do mention, though, about peroxide is most
people aren't familiar with the fact that the peroxide also has whitening properties.
It's because of this that many whitening toothpastes and most teeth bleaching treatments that you
see over the counter or at the dentist actually have peroxide as the most active,
number one ingredient. It does this because it chemically will debond stain from the teeth,
so, staining from the teeth is caused by a very complex chemical reaction. And we know
that whitening involves using the peroxide to remove these....these stains on the teeth.
So, while it does, again, disinfect and keep the mouth somewhat sterile, it's more important
and more efficient that it's used as a whitening agent in different products. |
0YXM4DVtrXY | in this video I'm going to show you how to make this pencil topper the penguin one and you'll need less than 50 single rubber bands so let's get started first we're going to make the gripper part for the top of our pencil so you'll need a total of 10 rubber bands this will be about half an inch long so if you want it longer you can use more than 10 single rubber bands to do that we're taking a single rubber band putting it from the first peg to the second peg now pulling the outside rubber band and pulling it across to the next row attaching it to the one peg next to it and then pulling the other side of that single rubber band and pulling it across like that so you now you've covered for single pegs and push it down taking your next color I'm using black and white and we're covering the four pegs making a diamond push it down taking my next color which is white and once again I'm covering the four pegs like a diamond so now I'm going under grab the very bottom rubber band and looping it up over the peg that it's on and I'm doing that for all four pegs push it down take your next color once again loop it all around that the four pegs pull the bottom peg the bottom rubber band over each peg push it down and just continue a sip the same pattern putting a single rubber band looping it up over the peg for all four pegs and make sure there's always two single rubber bands left before you add your next color you you this is my last color the black one again looping it all around the four pegs getting the bottom band on each peg and looping it up over that peg since that's my last color a rubber band I'm taking now there's two single rubber bands taking the bottom single looping it up so now I have only one single rubber band on each peg like that and what you want to do now is take it off of one peg and loop it across the one that's across from it take it from the other peg and just loop it on that one peg and we're just repeating it for all the other three and now it's all looped on that peg right there so all your rubber bands are now lived on a single peg now let's make the penguin space taking two single rubber bands mine will be black coming down from the center peg down one two single blacks coming diagonally for both sides push it down to single rubber bands again we'll come down twice on both sides now to the chin peg we're taking two single whites coming diagonally from the third peg to the center and repeat on the other side and we want to push the chin peg down coming down the center of the face with two single rubberbands mine will be black and closing it off to the chin peg and again push push it down now let's make the beak taking a single orange twist double it put it from the first peg to the second peg anywhere on your loom taking another single orange and we're going to cap it by looping it a total of four times go under the cap then grab the bottom two and looping it up and onto itself now let's take the front of the beak off very carefully of our Lu so now the beak is resting on the one peg take your single rubber band and get it your loops right on your hook and pull it off and attach it from the third peg to the third peg on your loom and we can fix our beak later so it's sharp looking make the eyes taking a single rubber band whatever color you want mine's blue and looping it four times on your hook taking a single white looping it twice on one side and twice on the other repeat on for the other eye same thing looping it four times total taking a single looping it twice on one side and twice on the other and if you can't do the eye on the hook like this I did it in my baby panda video on the loom now taking your black it's going on the face and I'm going to pull all my eye right right on to my single black rubber band try to keep the order repeat for the other eye pulling it on to the black single band and looping it from the second peg to the second peg and split out your eyes you can fix it later taking a single rubber band and creating the holding rubber band the triangle around our eye now we're going to take the gripper part the topper part for our pencil and this will create the cap band for our penguin space and you can do this for any animal that you want to make just make the face of the animal and then using the topper part and putting it on the fourth peg in the center where the cat band should be just put it very carefully making sure all your rubber bands get on to that peg right there now you want to go under all those bands grab the top - it should be the ones coming up around the beak and looping it up it created a nice teardrop once again go in grab the next top to looping it up and onto itself creating teardrops and for my penguin here I'm going to give him little fluffy cheeks taking a single rubber band I'm looping it three times to create four loops grabbing a rubber band we just looped on and pulling those loop fans on to the rubberband and putting it back onto itself repeat on the other side same thing looping it three times with a single to create four loops grabbing the top band we just looped up like that and pulling the looped bands onto it and loop it right back onto itself now go into side pegs grab the bottom two bands and continue looping up creating teardrop to the very top peg center peg repeat on the other side and now the center make sure you push your eyes apart if it's stuck in between and lastly the last two rubber bands on to the center top peg take your slip nut rubberband put your hook through the center loop wrap it and tie it off take your penguin off the loom there's your penguin topper fix his eyes so it looks right it's important that the eyes look right pull out the beaks and if it's protruding too much make sure you kind of pull it and fix it so it doesn't look too funny and put your hook through and hide your Slipknot rubber band so there's your penguin head topper now take your pencil open the bottom and push it through the opening for your pencil topper there you have it so this is your penguin pencil topper and you can push the eraser part through if you have any through the back like that to expose it so you can erase or you can just pull it in I hope you like it thanks for watching |
XdTzDCE7Gns | howdy folks trophy 28 I'm back my paint job project kid with you the scalloping job is completed I figured I'd come back on show you the end result now that's dry enough so that I can touch it obviously you can see it the picture my two fenders over here at the other end of the bench I'm gonna take the camera and I'm gonna pan around and show you what it looks like I think it looks really good so there you go so you can see how nice and crisp all our lines came out here and that's really what it's all about so you know like I showed you a spot a couple of spots where it bled through i sanded those out ok so there's you tank I'm gonna come over here show you this back fender if you remember on our fender we had a couple of spots they can't even remember where they were that bled through I sanded those out so everything along here looks really good this looks nice this is a view down over the top like that that's the view from the back here's our front fender see how nice and smooth that looks without those rivets on there there's the there's the front there's your design so I mean that's pretty much it so in conclusion basically all I'm really gonna do to this is is I'll probably give it a very very light sanding with some water and some 1500 grit paper I'll polish this all out and that'll take care of my little bit of edge that I have between my transition here if I wanted to if it was a real show quality paint job you know that I was going for I could see him this whole thing was 600 apply another 2 to 3 coats of clear then sand it and polish it out but I'm not that far into this I mean you know once again it's for a relatively inexpensive bike so you gotta kind of look at you know what you're gonna how much you're going to get paid to do it versus what you have invested in doing it so at this point we're all set a little sanding the polishing and it's all done really appreciate you tuning in you can check me out on on YouTube Facebook be twins to Viacom our website v-twins to be acecomm and if you have any questions hit me up on there I usually try to get back to anybody who has any questions I can walk you through problems that you may have pretty much everything so stay tuned and I appreciate you appreciate watch my video thanking |
p68CggmRRQ4 | Hey guys, it’s Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy
Nummies! Today, I got so many requests for another
roll cake, you guys really liked the 1 from last week, so today, I’m gonna be
making another roll cake! But, today I’m gonna be making it a chocolate
ro cake… I said Ro cake, tee-hee! Hahahaha! But, I am gonna be making it a chocolate recipe
roll cake so that you’ll have 2 different options, you can either do last
week’s vanilla or this week’s chocolate. And, it’s gonna be themed… If you can
guess any, Pika Pika! Pikachu! Alright, so let’s get started! 1st you’re gonna take 7 tablespoons of butter,
I’ve left it out, so that it’s nice and soft, it’s room temperature, and
just put it in the bowl. Boop! Then you’re gonna take 3/4 cup of powdered
sugar, and put it in the bowl as well. And then you’re gonna mix it up, blend it
together until it’s nice and creamy. Now you’re gonna take 3 egg whites and add
them to your mixture, and slowly add 1 cup of flour while it’s mixing. Once your batter is all mixed together, and
it’s smooth and creamy, now we are going to separate it into 4 different
bowls, we’re gonna put a lot in 1, we’re gonna dye it yellow. We’re gonna
dye a little bit red, a little bit black. And in this bowl we’re just gonna save a
little bit of white for Pikachu’s eyeballs. Now that we’ve got our decoration batters
dyed, yellow, red, black and white, we are gonna put them in these little plastic
baggies. You can put them in just a regular zip-lock
bag and snip the tip, but because my design is so small, these little tips are
very accurate for our details. We’ve got all of our decoration batter dyed
into these little baggies and I’m just gonna set them over here. And then to
decorate, what we’re gonna need is: I’m using a 15x10” pan, then I’m using
this Pikachu design, I created this in photoshop and I’ll put a link down below
in the description of the PDF, so that if you like this one, uh, you can
use this one as well. And if you want to use your own, that’s
totally fine! So I just cut it so that it would fit inside
of the pan, and then I’m just gonna tape it down, 1 at the top, 1 at the
bottom. And then I’m just gonna take this piece
of parchment paper and place it on top and tape this down as well. The first
color that you’re gonna use is white, just the normal batter, we’re gonna make
Pikachu’s little eyeballs. And after you’re done, you’re gonna throw
this tray into the freezer for 5 minutes, and then we’ll decorate with black and red. Now that you’ve got all your black, white
and red details done, you’re gonna pop this in the freezer again for 10 minutes
this time, and then we’re gonna fill in Pikachu with yellow. While our Pikachus are in the freezer, we’re
all done with the decoration batter, and now we are gonna make the roll cake batter! To make it easy, I’ve got 2 bowls that are
different colors. This is going to be our egg white bowl, and
this is going to be our egg yolk bowl. So, to begin, the first thing that you’re
going to need to do, I did this last time when we made roll cakes, is you’re
going to take 4 eggs and crack them, and put them all in 1 bowl, and them I’m
gonna use the water bottle technique to separate them. Schmidt taught me how to
do this! So you’re gonna crack ‘em, get ‘em all
in there, then you’re gonna take a water bottle, put
it on top of the egg yolk, and then it just sucks it right in there,
and you just shoot out the egg white! Then you just go bloop! Now that we’ve got our egg whites and our
egg yolks separated, we are gonna start by making our egg white mixture. So you’re gonna pour your 4 egg whites into
the red bowl, and then 1/4 cup of sugar, just regular sugar. And then 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar, this
helps the egg whites stay fluffy! Then you’re gonna beat your egg whites for
about 5 minutes, until they form stiff peaks. Stiff peaks are when your, you dip
in your beaters, you take them out and the batter will stick up like a little mountain. There we go! There’s our peak, that’s what a little
peak looks like. And now we’re ready to make our egg yolk
mixture! So now you’re gonna take your 4 egg yolks
and put them in this silver bowl, and you’re gonna take 1/4 cup of regular
sugar, and then you’re gonna mix them together until it’s nice and creamy and
yellow. Now we’re gonna fold in our whites to our
yolks, using a spatula. Just take a big scoop, plop it in there! And
fold from the bottom, there we go! And plop another scoop in there, fold from
the bottom. Now what you’re gonna do is you're gonna add 4 tablespoons
of melted butter, so I took 4 tablespoons, put it in the microwave,
let it melt, and then I let it sit out, because you don’t want to pour it in when
it’s hot butter. You just want to, after it’s melted let it sit out so it will
turn room temperature, but it’s in a liquid form, so you’re gonna pour that
in. And now, because we are gonna make our batter
chocolate, you’re gonna add 1/4 cup of cocoa powder. This is just the Hershey’s Unsweetened Cocoa
Powder. Oh look at that! Look at all that chocolate! Yum! And then you’re gonna add 1/2 a cup of regular
flour. Now we’re just gonna gently fold this in
until everything is combined. Now our yummy chocolate roll cake batter is
ready to bake! So I took the tray out of the freezer and
now I’m just gonna pour the batter all over the little Piakchus. Then you’re
just gonna smooth out the batter. Now you’re gonna heat your oven to 375,
we’re gonna bake this cake for 7 minutes. This cake bakes really fast, so just keep
your eye on it, you don’t want to burn it. And before we put it in we’re just gonna
tap down. To get out little bubbles and make sure the
batter goes in all the little grooves! Let’s bake! I just took the cake out of the oven and I’m
taking a big cutting knife and cutting around the edges, so that the cake
will come out easy. Easy Peasy! And I forgot… To take out the little paper
underneath, but that’s OK. Now you’re gonna take a piece of parchment
paper, put it on top. And, I’m taking another cookie sheet and
putting it on top, there we go. And I’m gonna put back on my oven mitts,
because your bottom pan is still hot. And we’re gonna flip it over! Coordination! 1, 2, 3… PIKA! Now you’re just gonna slowly peel of the
parchment paper, just be really careful, you don’t want to hurt your design. Now you’re gonna take a piece of parchment
paper again, put it on top, very careful! And you can take your cookie sheet, it’s
not hot anymore, and flip it 1 more time. And now what you’re gonna do is cut off
the excess at the bottom. And, our design starts on this side, so we’re
gonna start rolling on the bottom and roll up towards the design. After your cake is done cooling, I’ve unrolled
it, with the design on the bottom, and I’ve just got some whipped cream frosting,
just regular whipped cream frosting. And then I’ve got some fresh strawberries,
I cut these up, and now we’re gonna fill in our cake. Just gonna fill in, go back and forth. So I’m gonna take this must-patula, and
I’m just gonna smooth out our frosting a little bit, then I’m just gonna take fresh
strawberries, that I’ve cut into little pieces, and I’m just gonna put them
in a line. Oh this is so good, I love chocolate strawberries
and whipped cream, yum-yum-yum-yum-yum! I can’t wait! OK, now you’re just gonna roll, you’re
gonna start at the end with out the design, and the designs up here we’re gonna roll
up towards Pikachu! Ta-da! Here is our Pikachu themed chocolate roll
cake, it turned out so good! It is amazing! Thanks you guys for suggesting
doing another roll cake, I really wanted to do a chocolate one, so
we got to do that, I love roll cakes because they’re so customizable, if you
don’t want to do Pikachu and you want to do, like, a little Pokeball, or it’s your friend’s
birthday you can just decorate and write Happy Birthday on these roll cakes,
they’re so cool! If you have any other suggestions for any
other Nerdy Nummies let me know! Leave me a comment down below and I’ll do
my best to make it happen. And also you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter
and Tumblr and Instagram, because I’ll post lots of pictures of this
cute little Pikachu cake. And, if you make any fan baking creations,
send them to me on Facebook and Tumblr and Twitter because I like to post
‘em and I like to see what you guys make! I get a big kick out of it. Alright, thanks again you guys! Bye-bye! |
ttTwlIokUGQ | girl these hoops look like a big gaping hole never use the word gaping and moist in the same sentence ill those are the most disgusting words ever Aria these series are like hookerish hi guys okay so I wanted to give a quick beauty tip and for those of you who are struggling with those disgusting little black stuff around your nay-nays your face or if you have blemishes basically a blemish is just something on your face right so I woke up this morning so I was actually inspired by this video when I was cleaning my toilets this morning I have plead a lot of toilets in my life when I worked at Panda Express oh I've seen all kinds of shit literally so umm actually is the cleaning agent that I was cleaning my toilet with was pirate sauce smells very lemony there's inspiration everywhere I'm just me guys let me like I could be on the toilet looking at Pinterest actually have my own Pinterest account which is page erase all of my social medias by the way are on all hate romaine I love Pinterest because it's very inspirational you know depending what you're into plus I look up a lot of like beauty tips and like home decor and recipes speaking of a tip I actually found this one out about two weeks ago it's how to get rid of your blackheads so you're whatever you have going on in your face and this actually works well for me because I do suffer from blackheads galore all over my nose around this area I don't really have blotchy skin but I do have discoloration and just right here right I'm kind of a desperate person when it comes to my skin try to avoid a lot of like harsh chemicals especially at the drugstore it could be like rat's ass residue and I don't even know it so sometimes I try to go for the like the natural way with my skin skin and my hair is like the two things I like to take care of them up so lemon lemons are like the Wonder fruit is their fruit I love lemons and I love limes too but if I don't have limes in my kitchen I will cut you up and smother it and salt and just suck on it which is really bad for your teeth by the way lemons really good for your digestion and it's also really good for your skin I remember my mom used to always tell me it has this like weird superstition if you have like black elbows or dark elbows you rub it on your elbows it'll line the skin I'm like I don't only have girl back now I gotta go get it anyways I got into habit of rubbing like lemons on my elbows and oh I've got some sexy elbows now so that made me believe that lemons do do wonders the two weeks ago like I said I'm on Pinterest I found out a natural way that you can get rid of your pores or like your blackheads and stuff and it just involves lemons these are organic lemons by the way I don't have to get organic but if you like pesticides okay so you just involves lemons honey and sugar and you combine it all together so after doing a little bit of research I found out that by rubbing lemon on the skin actually heals acne and it diminishes the discoloration and it exfoliates due to the citric acid as far as the sugar it works like an exfoliator in itself because it's a rough texture kind of like your doggies Tom you know and lemon juice benefits include brightening lightening and toning oily skin so try it ladies and you have to do this repeatedly at night for it to work blackheads bug the crap out of me they're like the end of a loaf bread I don't want it and I noticed that my pores have slightly like just kind of and dissipated $0.25 work girls I think at theory why we get blackheads is because we don't wash our face properly you know our pores just get clogged but of course I always will use my exfoliating spin brush which I still have a 70% off coupon bargain by the way uh-oh you caught me exclusion womp but I'm in the middle of actually deep conditioning my hair so excuse psych-up you can use any of your cleanser to just kind of wipe away the product none of these guys um check out my blog right here and I don't know try out that truck maybe it'll work for your blackity head Jesus please get this right I could never perfect juggling you know maybe I will see you guys on Thursday with a new recipe and protect your cookie bye |
mdp8tQKWYHY | How to Decorate Christmas Sugar Cookies. You've got the basic recipe. Now learn all the different ways you can decorate
those holiday sugar cookies like a pro. You will need Specialty decorating items Sugar
cookie dough Cookie cutters Cookie sheets Currants, chopped nuts, or assorted candy
Eggs Food-coloring liquid and food-coloring gel or paste A pastry brush or small artist’s
brush Hard candies A plastic bag A rolling pin Plastic squeeze bottles Royal icing A
butter knife Rolled fondant Waxed paper Cookie tins A straw and a toothpick. Step 1. Go to a baking-supply or craft store, or shop
online for specialty cookie-decorating items. Step 2. There are tons of ways to decorate your cookies
before baking. After you've rolled out the dough and cut
the cookies into shapes, press currants, nuts, or candy into them. Or brush them lightly with egg white and dust
with colored sanding sugar or sprinkles. Dragees, those tiny gold and silver balls
that adorn fancy cookies and cakes, are edible. But because they contain real metal, eating
them is not advisable. Step 3. To add colorful shine, glaze cookies before
baking by whisking a few drops of liquid food coloring into an egg yolk and spreading it
on with a pastry brush or small artist’s brush. If you want to hang cookies on your Christmas
tree, use a straw to make holes in the tops before baking. Step 4. For a stained-glass effect, put hard candies
into a plastic bag, crush them with a rolling pin, and then sprinkle them onto unbaked cookies. The candies will melt to look like beautiful
stained-glass windows. Do a test cookie to make sure the candy doesn’t
start to burn before the cookie is fully baked. If that happens, add the candy after the cookies
are half-baked. Step 5. For already-baked cookies, try frosting them. Whip up some royal icing, divide it into separate
batches, and tint with food-coloring gel or paste. Put the icing in plastic squeeze bottles,
pipe it around the outline of each cookie, squeeze some in the center, and spread it
evenly over the top with a butter knife or a brush. For a marbled effect, spread a light coating
of white icing on the cookies. Then pipe on stripes of colored icing and
swirl them with a toothpick. Step 6. Frosted cookies can be decorated even more
by sprinkling them with edible glitter or luster dust. Step 7. Make or buy rolled fondant. Add food-coloring gel or paste to different
batches, roll them out, and use your cookie cutters to make pieces that are identical
to your cookies. Brush the bottoms with a tiny bit of water
and press them onto the cookies. Step 8. Store your cookies in airtight containers,
in single layers separated by waxed paper. Did you know More than 55 million American
households bake holiday cookies. |
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