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French | Je ne pense pas que le suicide est mauvais dans certains contextes Dans certaines situations, je peux voir le suicide comme le choix logique Si vous n'avez personne qui vous aime, pas d'amis, pas d'emploi, etc. vous avez le choix ne blesserait personne d'autre Et qui s dit que ça vous fait mal Le fait est que nous ne savons pas ce qui se passe quand vous mourrez Peut-être que je ne pourrais pas être votre plus grand rêve. |
French | C'est moi seul me suis piégée Inentendu et indésirable Quelques mots pour décrire ma vie J'ai écrit quelques choses sur Reddit sur la façon dont je déteste ma vie et merde et les gens commentent en disant que vous ne pouvez pas abandonner vous êtes seulement en train de faire une autre chose je ne vais pas vous laisser bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla |
French | IDK envie pour le soulagement, mais j'ai peur que j'ai dessiné la première ligne sur mon poignet aujourd'hui Un est devenu deux et deux est devenu trois dans le laps de temps d'heures |
English | I'm just tired m tired of being happy and hopeful only to end up back here again I'm tired of constantly disappointing myself over and over again I'm sick and tired of cycling through my bipolar disorder bullshit Every year I get just a little bit closer to ending it all I'm not sure if this is my year but It's starting to feel like it Thank you for listening I think I just needed to let some shit out |
French | Quand j'étais plus jeune, j'ai pensé au suicide pas beaucoup à un moment donné dans ma vie, j'ai décidé que j'allais simplement zombie à travers la vie, maintenant ça ne veut pas dire que je n'ai pas de moments de bonheur, ou je ne fais pas des choses pour le plaisir, j'ai juste décidé que je vivrais ma vie, même si je n'avais pas vraiment l'impression qu'il y avait des choses. |
French | Pensées confuses C'est le matin Je ne peux pas dormir J'ai trop à l'esprit Comme pourquoi personne ne se souvient de mon nom Pourquoi je suis une ombre autour d'autres personnes Je me sens comme un fardeau au travail À la maison Avec mon bf Je suis contrarié par ce monde axé sur l'argent dans lequel nous vivons et le manque de pouvoir que j'ai parce que je n'ai pas d'argent Mes parents ont payé pour mes cours en ligne |
French | Je ne sais plus quoi faire Je ne sais vraiment pas quoi faire J'ai peur de vivre, mais j'ai aussi peur de mourir Tout sur la vie craint Je pensais que chaque année je irais mieux, mais je ne suis pas lâche Je ne peux même pas finir |
English | I'm just going to end my life My friend has probably ended her life It s all my fault for not being able to help I just wish I was good enough I'm not going to make this long because I don't want to wait any longer Goodbye |
French | Avoir des rêveries constantes d'être frappé par des roues toute la journée était un trou du cul à ma petite amie la nuit dernière et se sentir légitimement coupable et assez horrible pour envisager le suicide Mon veau est couvert de coupures de me couper au cours de la dernière semaine et je suis ivre comme l'enfer à mon travail en ce moment Les choses ne vont pas trop bien, et je souhaite vraiment que je n'étais pas trop un lâche pour me tuer |
English | Well I failed again I'm back feeling the same Mayan overwhelming sense of dread loneliness self-hatred and suicidal thoughts In middle school I tried to hang myself twice in high school I found my dads gun loaded it and put it to my head I didn't think I'd make it past high school then I didn't think I'd make it past college Here I am years and a few suicide attempts later and nothing s changed This is all I've known for as long as I can remember I guess it's just normal for me, It doesn't fucking go away The only reasonable solution to me is to just shoot myself already The pain will end the feelings of worthlessness will end the sadness will end this life that I didn't ask for will finally end Everything I do is wrong Everything I say is wrong every choice I've made has been the wrong one No more disappointing anyone no more letting anyone down everything s my fault, so I might as well solve the problem The only thing I'm good for is fucking everything up anyway I'm fucking worthless That's why I fucking burn myself so much I know my place in this world I dread the person I am I've never hated anyone more than I hate myself Every single night my gun looks more and more tempting it's the only thing that can save me at this point I'm a burden to everyone It s kind of comforting knowing it can all end with just a little squeeze of the trigger It makes me kind of happy in a way truly happy I don't understand how people can be happy I don't know how people can be normal I didn't even want much out of life just a simple normal life Everything seems so far out of my reach I feel too broken to be able to accomplish anything I don't want to be alive anymore I can't take much more of these thoughts or these feelings I can't take much more failure and disappointment The only thing that really stops me at the end of the day is knowing if I do fail I'll be a vegetable then I'll be even more of a burden to everyone |
French | Je ne sais pas quoi faire Je t'aime S'il te plaît, n'abandonne pas L'une des personnes dont je me soucie le plus dans la vie est déprimée et suicidaire et j'ai tellement peur que je ne dis pas les bonnes choses Je me bats contre toutes les fibres de mon être pour ne pas être autour de cette personne car elles veulent clairement être laissées seules, mais c'est si difficile quand je suis si malade d'inquiétude |
French | null |
French | Quel est le point que je suis une énorme déception pour mes parents et à peu près tout le monde que je sais que j'ai quitté l'Université quand la seule chose qui restait pour obtenir mon baccalauréat était d'écrire ma thèse Mon travail est terrible et je suis la risée de mes co-travailleurs pour être sur ma rd voiture dans les années suivant l'obtention de mon permis que je crains d'aller travailler demain parce que je viens de totaliser un autre |
English | Wasting my life being a clutter bug Can't find something I'm good at that people and opposite sex is attracted to Feeling like a failure Just sitting on my phone all day everyday wasting my time with shit and have a few friends that it's too embarrassing to talk to Plus the women thing is so upsetting for me which is wack Just feeling kinda like a stupid nice guy |
English | Why do things change so fast Do you ever feel ok or even good and then the feeling to do it hits you like a ton of bricks I had my mind made up a few weeks ago Was already drafting goodbyes in my head I made some progress and got good news about treatment then it's like a light switch that flips and makes you feel all that hope you felt for a fleeting while was an imposter It felt so nice for a moment and makes me even more angry that I'm back to feeling like I will never stop hating my life because of the rage and disappointment I feel at how it's turned out I'm just ready to be at peace If you read thank you for listening to me scream pathetically into the void |
English | Why bother continuing to grind through the slog when we're all destined to die Why bother advance a career when all the data shows your ceiling is determined by the circumstances of your birth Why bother rising in the morning to spend an entire day under the thumb of others Why bother choosing when all the choices we have are limited and dictated by the powerful Why bother living I've yet to hear even a reasonable response |
English | Does cutting wrists work How do we do it help me |
English | Am I missing something about life Hey everyone Would like some help with how I can get rid of this feeling what can I do Don't want to go doctor as talking about this would be pretty silly as it isn't that serious I get on with life but really lack any joy at all from it and I don't understand what motivates people to get up every day I have to pretend and force myself to get through the day and really play a part as this fun loud person but really this ain't true I really don't get life it is very bleak and pointless to me, It just lacks something and there is zero joy for anything it is pretty terrible I am only young and does this feeling go away eventually as it s been around for about years and really sucks the life out of me where I have been thinking more seriously about suicide Thanks guys |
French | Il est au point où je pense à l'achat d'une arme à feu est la définition pure d'un gaspillage d'espace |
French | J'ai fixé une date Tout le monde me dit que je ne devrais pas abandonner Ok, j'attendrai une autre année, je vais y mettre fin le jour d'août, le lendemain de mon anniversaire, je n'ai jamais été plus sérieux au sujet de quoi que ce soit dans ma vie. |
French | IDK plus honnêtement ne peut plus faire la vie je suis j'aime les chevaux j'échoue l'école j'ai des amis mais pas tous les meilleurs amis j'ai peur de me faire tirer dessus mais je veux toujours me tuer personne ne comprend vraiment comment je me sens j'ai toujours été une personne privée je ne vais pas en parler aide |
French | Je veux pleurer, et je ne sais pas pourquoi Title Just being lightly but something s in my mind and I don't know what |
French | Y a-t-il un point où je me sens si coupable et seul chaque jour pour avoir poussé la femme que j'aime le plus hors de ma vie à cause de problèmes personnels Elle était sérieusement mon tout maintenant Je n'ai rien Je veux juste y mettre fin parce que je ne vois sérieusement aucun intérêt si nous ne pouvons pas être ensemble |
English | I think I'm done no career just lost my job no money no car to even find another job I worked from home I have heart problems serious dental problems I'm losing my vision very few friends I rarely see or speak to my family is mostly far away and i don't see or speak to them much never married no kids My refrigerator doesn't work my bed has springs sticking up I have no money my power and internet will be shut off at the end of the month I have nothing I'm just about homeless I don't know what to do and have nowhere to turn and I don't even have the energy to do anything if I did know I really think my only option is to die and I can't even do that No pills no gun I don't even think I can muster the energy I've gives up entirely |
English | Online Service tried using the online suicide prevention chat service It felt the exact same way as talking to the old therapists Like they were just there for the paycheck That was my last hope Not sure what I'm going to do now |
English | I'm a burden to everyone I interact with m a burden to my family because I barely work, and I do almost nothing to support them I'm a burden to my coworkers because I'm always late and twice now I've called out of work entirely I'm a burden to my friends because I'm an annoying shit, and they have to deal with that The biggest favor I could ever do for everyone in my life is to kill myself Then they wouldn't have to be burdened by me Why won't I just fucking do it |
French | J'ai essayé de me surdoser et je me suis réveillé Personne ne m'a vérifié et mon ami m'a escroqué de l'argent Je suis à une perte de raison J'ai essayé de prendre quatre fois la quantité recommandée de mes amis endormis et je me sens mal J'ai essayé d'aller à l'extérieur et j'ai rencontré un collègue qui m'a dit que je travaillais. |
English | Yeah, you pretty much already know why I'm here I have no family or friends I have an incredibly painful probably permanent chronic medical condition Due to this condition the only way I can make money is by making porn prostituting and gold digging I keep men around like carcasses hung in a freezer Due to this I have rendered myself unlovable I am in love with a man who doesn't want me because of it But can't stop I need to pay my rent and eat Because of my job I have to lie to everyone I meet I can't even imagine trying to date and having to bring this up Fuck my life I forgot to mention I have manifesting PTSD and I feel dirty That is all |
English | I am committed to dying now I don't give a shit any more I'm doing it This weekend I am getting my shotgun bring it home On Tuesday afternoon I am driving to the woods getting drunk assembling my shotgun from out of my backpack, and then I am sticking it through my mouth and dying I will never be happy I will never be a good person I will never form connections with others I will never be successful I am so ashamed and guilty, and I am angry at myself I've been suicidal most of my life, but only now am I not hesitant and I truly believe I will do it Goodbye I am sorry family |
French | Je suis calme et c'est effrayant Je pense que je peux le faire |
French | Equivocal est un bon mot m honnêtement me sentir assez ambivalent équivocateur je me réveille me sentir bien un jour et absolument malheureux le mélange je déteste aller au travail le matin et devenir de plus en plus déprimé que la journée se passe assez typique Jusqu'à ce que je commence à terriblement penser au suicide Il semble que ça ne se passe pas plus souvent que je pense surtout à vouloir faire de l'argent je veux de l'argent. |
French | Toujours pas la peine essayé de me faire vomir plusieurs fois dans la salle de bain de mon ami aujourd'hui sans succès Maintenant, je suis assis dans leur cuisine Tous mes amis les plus proches sont assis dans la pièce à côté de celui-ci, mais pas un seul n'est venu pour voir si je vais bien Mon meilleur ami que j'aime de tout mon cœur est probablement trop occupé à caresser mon autre ami de lecture trop effrayant pour me soucier, C'est juste un de leurs anniversaires |
English | I care too much for people and they take advantage of that tried to fix him I couldn't He was too broken He turned on me and made all of his problems my own He spread horrible rumors about me, I had to quit my job and I'm suffering these horrible nightmares ever since You can't help those who don't want to be help Why am I still here if I am just someone s punching bag Everyone takes advantage of me My therapist gave up on me My meds aren't working any more I feel stir-crazy over winter break and I can't get over this horrible loneliness The nights are horrible I don't know what's worse the pure loneliness or the fear of going to sleep because I'll have a nightmare How can I go on like this There aren't enough people in the world who are good I just can't Part of me thinks I'm silly that maybe the manipulation was my fault Maybe I let them walk all over me because I can't say no I don't want to live like this I'm too overwhelmed |
English | Every day I want to die nothing changed So after I failed my HS exams my life was work come home sh sleep repeat I ate times in the last h This summer I lost kg IDK how i m still alive at this point There's not a single day when i don't think how I should die and how much I want to die THERE S NO MAGIC SOLUTION nobody will come to help no magic solution nothing |
English | The past me is going to kill the present me I am years old Been going to college for years like a dumb ass and still hasn't graduated I recently had to move out of my dad s house because we got into a fist fight I am going to college and can't pay for tuition because my credit fucking sucks from all the shit spending I've been doing when I was younger The young me took out student loans and blew it and now that I am actually trying hard to study I can't get any more loans because I met the aggregate limits My mom s credit is to shit to cosign me for a private loan I'm living on my own and I had a pretty girlfriend It's sad because when we first got together I was such a put together person But now I moved out and I couldn't manage my finances, and so I am pay day loans in the gutter and with no money for rent I'm so fucked and I don't know what to do I feel like just quitting with life I know it's the cowards way out but I'd rather do that then be homeless I just don't know what to do I hate my younger self for being such a stupid shithead and fucking over my present self My family would always call me smart and that would make me feel accomplished when in reality I am worthless It took me so long to develop any work ethic and at I have no idea how to live on my own and afford it The only thing holding me back right now is knowing how devastated my mom will be My cousin killed her self not long ago I feel like my family is just fucked to begin with I've been on Craigslist trying to pay someone to cosign for my student loan for weeks Which is a ridiculous notion and I've been somehow hoping that someone would actually do it But now I've come too late and everything is toppling beneath me, I've been in so many interviews but can't get a job because of my shit credit I've never been so depressed and suicidal before I feel like I want out |
English | I put myself out there and asked them out It was pointless I want to die now I don't even have it in me to write much out Just check my post history This just confirms everything I have ever thought about myself People ask how I'm doing Well this is how I'm fucking doing I want to die because I think I loved this person and I can't imagine any life without them Now I feel totally betrayed and have confirmed thoroughly that I am useless and will die alone I doubt our friendship will last a week It was never real anyway They don't want to spend time with me, They don't want to watch movies with me, They especially don't now I don't get to have friends The most I will ever get is a painless death |
English | I thought I was ready to kill myself taken a hot bath I cut my left wrist and was planning to just bleed out I thought it was pretty aesthetic how the water started to look and how the blood was flowing from my wrists I started to feel scared very scared I'm an atheist and I accept that there is nothing after we die but coming so close to it made me scared Or maybe I'm just a pussy or going out Hannah baker style isn't how I want to go I think i ll make a bucket list before I die There's a few things I want to do before I die I've never eaten a steak before I think I'll try that I did check off one thing from my bucket list today now that I think about it, I think I'll revisit some old memories from when I was a kid the area isn't far from me, I'm good-looking funny confident great hair great voice I have women I have money but I'm not happy My entire personality feels empty I just emulate whatever character I've seen before for whatever suits the situation I don't really feel like a person When i m not trying to emulate anyone all I really am is just angry edgy unfunny blunt and above all just stubborn My refusal to change as I grew up is ultimately why I am suffering my suffering has always been my own fault I realized that my attitudes towards women and my outlook on life stems from my deep hatred of my mother growing up and even now I wanted nothing more for her to die and suffer I wish I had talked about this to someone earlier Maybe I would have been able to become someone more functional I suppose the feeling of betrayal from the person I loved most will never leave me it will always hurt and I just can't seem to forget My wrists really hurt i m in no danger of dying any more I'm just dizzy and want water Maybe I don't even want to die if i truly dead I wouldn't be alive right now Or perhaps it's the natural instinct to survive that's restricting me |
English | Got broken up with on Christmas I don't even now I feel dirty and used because they promised we were back together and were going to work on things had sex whatever They know I can't afford my apartment without their help but they still said they were moving out even when we were technically together again I can't talk to anyone or go out for dinner plans I had with friends he went there and left me alone crying knowing I was suicidal and I don't want to ruin anyone else's nice Christmas by being sad He refuses to move out til January because he paid rent for this month I'm so fucking lost I'm not going into details but I can't even manage to kill myself properly I guess I just want someone to care about me today because this is a whole new level of numbness I have to move out and the only place I can go is km away in the middle of winter with a dog and not enough winter gear to survive The bastard even told me they were going to buy me a coat for Xmas and then announced they were leaving Ugh |
French | Vide peut sentir n'importe quoi seul vide que j'échoue à l'école et la vie à cause de cela, mais je ne peux pas le faire disparaître je me sens comme la seule façon que je peux le faire arrêter est de me tuer alors j'espère que je serai heureux ou au moins plus vide |
French | null |
French | Salut, je suis un homme d'un an qui a essayé de se suicider la veille de Noël, j'ai été suicidaire pendant longtemps, j'ai fait ma thérapie de crise, j'ai parlé à ma famille et à mes amis, j'ai fait tout ce que je suis censé faire, ça aide, sauf les antidépresseurs, mais de toute façon, j'ai été triste. |
English | What the f is wrong with me I'm going to therapy taking my medications regularly but sometimes I can't control the void like feeling inside me consuming every will to get up from the bed It s been like days I'm laying in bed I just want to get up and do stuff and everything I can think about is ending this messy life I've put myself in Why can't I be a regular guy with regular friends job college and be okay with all of it |
French | Je baise tout en ouvrant juste ma bouche parfois Tout ça n'échoue jamais Je trouve toujours un moyen de baiser les choses Je suis mieux mort Je souhaite que vous ne m'auriez jamais rencontré Je vais juste finir par rendre votre vie pire qu'elle ne l'était avant Vous êtes trop parfait pour cela |
French | S'il vous plaît aidez-moi ça fait tellement mal Je ne veux pas mourir Je ne veux tout simplement plus me blesser Je suis en si mauvais état et je ne sais pas si je dure beaucoup plus longtemps Mon histoire est longue et compliquée et je suis sur le point d'être sans abri, et je ne veux pas être un fardeau, mais je ne peux pas trouver un emploi que mon corps peut prendre, et je suis sur le point de juste en finir J'ai posté sur tous mes problèmes avant et |
French | Je ne sais pas quoi faire s'il vous plaît aidez-moi, il n'y a pas d'autre endroit pour m'aider s'il vous plaît |
French | Pourquoi est-ce que je dois vivre pour quelqu'un d'autre que je sais que je suis égoïste, et je n'ai pas besoin d'être dit à nouveau, mais quel est le point plus ma mère est terrifiée de me perdre, et il me brise le cœur quand elle pleure sur moi et à cause de sa terrible réaction je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser à mes grands-parents et comment ils réagiraient je ne veux pas être ici plus, mais je dois rester parce que je ne pas |
French | Je suis insatisfait de ma vie Depuis que je suis une jeune fille, j'étais suicidaire Quand j'avais dix ans, je me suis promis que si je n'avais pas trouvé quelque chose à vivre avant l'âge de dix-huit ans, je mettrais personnellement fin à tout. |
French | J'ai beaucoup d'années, la vie c'est putain de merde, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux, j'ai envie de mieux. |
English | I took g tablets of pivotal I know it will not kill me so I took another pills I feel I want to die now me HTTP i Imgur com BGP vs JPG hatreds towards myself and years of being depressed is just too much I know no one will ever help me because It's just simply not possible I know it sounds weird but I want to suffer even more there is nothing going on in my life and never will at least if I had single friend I felt alright for few years but at the end it hit me i didn't talk to anyone for years no meaningful social contact and never ending loneliness how hard is to find friend I think after few years I will kill myself definitely there is just nothing sorry for grammar my brain is acting weird meat another pills to make sure I will die |
English | I'm going to do it tonight I've kinda run out of road so to speak I don't have any family or friends left I don't really have anyone to tell Just wanted to tell someone I guess And maybe that person reading it would think of me Every day is so painful |
English | Typing it as a therapeutic thing not for help I think know writing this I envision the words being screamed a flow out my mouth like my fingers across a keyboard Like the end of a Shane Joycean poem I don't know how to word it or sound decent though To put it simply I want to die as a child I didn't need emotions because I had motivation, but now I have nothing nobody but one person who I love I fell for my only friend who is straight so out the window with that I have loving parents and am entirely aware that they care, but I just can't I can't love them I wish I could My most recent lost friend was recently admitted to the hospital he s been sick for at least a month now Insomnia keeps me awake trust issues and paranoia keep me away and classmates have become numb to joking cries for help that I don't use in front of my one friend because he'll probably leave too I enjoy his company because he won't throw me in a padded room like everyone else so I don't know how he'll react I personified my demons to the point where I see them I've seen the one who s been with me since childhood numerous times now how am I supposed to tell anybody I see in real life that I'm insane None of it makes sense I hate that feeling the most Confusion weakness etc. I spend almost all of my time on the computer today I spent out of hours in front of the blue screen abyss and it's the only place that reaches beyond hell and finds mundane It's not like I can live for this Patrolling lurking on this Subreddit playing crappy congregate games none of it is worth it My parents berate me for the overuse of the computer never aware always oblivious to the pain in my heart I know there are people who care my caring front will make so many people cry when I am dead but being in the grade I know some of them will only laugh and insult th grade and I want to die I'm no man past my teen years with an abusive home and terrible situation I'm just Maybe I'd feel empathy or sympathy whichever if I ever did but I can never relate to those who cry for loss or being unloved I have just never felt those emotions I just haven't Innately I do not love in past years I functioned as a machine calculative logical with a mission I don't remember what it was Therapy was never my cup of tea My first two were in the grade when I still operated with motive but only felt frustration towards the ignorance of classmates and lack of connection to them The next one was never beneficial I don't remember his name There were probably a few more Then there was Ted Absolute trash that's what he was always smiling enthusiastic as if happy to see me He was not fit to be a therapist He never understood or related to me and never made an attempt to He smiled and asked questions and prodded I was signed up for family issues my dad had an outbreak I think it traumatized my brother, but I never cried so I have no idea what he was trying to do He pissed me off What the hell do I expect you to reply with I don't know I really don't I don't want to hear that people care or life gets better or I'll overcome it because those things don't matter Being happy would make me forget I want to be normal without some magic pill Edit Noticed some errors and fixed them because again I have nothing better to do |
English | Tried killing myself last night and failed Like everything else I attempt Drank a bottle of vodka and swallowed two bottles of painkiller tablets I ended up vomiting all the pills and passed out When I woke up this morning I cleaned the mess before anyone in the house could see it and carried on as if nothing had happened Now I feel guilty and am I crying I just needed to tell someone |
English | What's the point Why do we need to stay alive |
French | Est-ce que quelqu'un d'actif que j'ai recherché sur la façon de me tuer sans douleur pendant environ un an maintenant et je suis vraiment en train de débattre sur le fait de le faire en ce moment, je suis si profondément dans les drogues et la distribution que je n'ai plus d'amis et j'ai essayé de sortir de la cocaïne. |
English | How long will this last Since I was years old I have had some thoughts about killing myself but from to I thought about it daily Then suddenly it stopped at i didn't think about killing myself at all And I thought that this was just some stupid teenager depression thing For a year I thought about how everything is going good But now suddenly I am starting to get more and more days filled with thoughts about killing myself Then days when I think I am stupid for thinking that and that I am such a great human and that I am better than most people on earth and then again days when I hate myself even more I have a pretty good life I have friends i don't look terrible yet I want to kill myself even more now What the fuck is wrong with me |
French | J'ai fait quelque chose d'horrible et je veux finir moi-même suis un enfant, mais s'il vous plaît sachez que ce n'est pas un gamin qui joue autour de moi je veux vraiment finir moi-même ou parler à quelqu'un que j'ai eu une voix dans ma tête pendant quelques années disant des choses comme vous devriez blesser votre ami vous devriez les tuer et je savais que ce genre de choses était mal alors je n'ai pas jusqu'à présent |
French | Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de sentir que rien ne s'améliorera jamais Je ne peux pas surmonter mon trouble de l'alimentation malgré des années de conseil Je ne peux pas arrêter de me faire du mal J'ai commencé à dormir avec des gars au hasard pour me faire me sentir mieux, mais je me sens juste comme une merde Je sais que je suis fou, et je ne peux pas supporter de revenir à mon thérapeute et admettre que j'ai encore baisé Je ne sais pas si je veux mourir. |
English | Reasons to keep going went a few years without these thoughts but they re with me every damn day again I've been thinking a lot about how I'd do it and what I'd say in my notes but I'm just not selfish enough to leave my family with that pain So I haven't This idea that I can still be useful to others is what is keeping me going That I can guide others to be successful in careers or boost their spirit or help them monetarily When I'm dead that goes away right So if I have a reason to live I think it s to give others more reasons to live So I kept a tally this year kids introduced to STEM in the real world taught programming given demos generally attempted to inspire to study technical subjects young women college students mentored in social change through app dev projects minority college freshman introduced to career options and demo d college interns directly mentored lady given a job on my recommendation family member helped with suicidal thoughts and taught meditation friend of the same family member guided to emergency services when he attempted anonymous donations to give Christmas to random families If I were dead that stuff wouldn't have happened I just keep telling myself that and looking for more opportunities |
English | My Boyfriend triggers my suicidal thoughts I really want to end it tonight My boyfriend if you can even call him that because he always breaking up with me actually drives me to this point Things have been rocky about us the last few days I told him exactly how much debt I was in, and he lost it He wanted access to my bank accounts and if I was to spend money on anything necessary or what he deemed wasteful he was going to break up with me, He also demanded I lose weight So pathetic me of course submitted to his dad s because I didn't want him to leave me And he still was giving me attitude saying he doesn't want to speak to me because he finds me to be disgusting Today I had a busy day with work and then went to work on a group assignment, so my brain was really distracted from the issues going on in my love life I was driving home feeling super motivated to finish my essay, and he messages me And my mood changed instantly I felt this shame and anger come over me which got worse the more we spoke He wants everything on his terms and when I politely said I didn't want to speak tonight so I could be in the right headspace for uni he called me a coward Said I was the most selfish person he had ever met Which is funny because he himself has been battling depression for the last years and as a result hasn't had a job or finished his degree in that time I even went out of my way to help him with uni and pulled all-nighter to do his assignments I guess that's why it really gets me down when he calls me selfish because I feel like I do try to put his needs before mine He honestly makes me want to kill myself I feel like I have nothing to add to society or other people s lives when he puts me down I wish I was dead, so I didn't have to feel this pain |
French | J'ai perdu tout espoir Je suppose que c'est très bien Aujourd'hui, je suis allé chez le médecin Je suis tombé en panne Il m'a envoyé un nouvel antidépresseur Je suis sur les antidépresseurs non-stop depuis cinq ans et sur les médicaments contre l'anxiété Quand j'étais aussi sous traitement Clairement, je ne pouvais pas travailler Mon médecin m'a dit que si je devais mourir, je devais aller à l'hôpital. |
French | Aujourd'hui, je peux me suicider J'ai un peu d'arrière-plan J'ai eu une dépression toute ma vie mais je n'ai pas été diagnostiqué jusqu'à ce que j'ai passé deux ans en thérapie avant de finalement quitter la maison pour continuer l'université Les choses allaient bien jusqu'à ce que j'ai eu une rechute. |
English | Life doesn't feel real anymore m and this is my first time posting on this sub but after venting to a few close people I feel like I just want to spill my negative thoughts somewhere and hopefully no one traces it back to me, i m in high school and I do theater and I hope to do music for college I have a girlfriend and we've been dating for about a month and half after knowing each other for months every single day that i ve waken up so far doesn't feel real I use e-cigarettes sometimes and smoke weed from time to time but i ve taken a break from both for a while I feel like every single time I wake up I have the same day on loop until the weekend on the weekends I work my job that I got from a close family friend I have a show for theater coming up this Saturday and I keep forgetting my lines my manager called me and told me that I keep calling out too many days and he's worried that i m not working enough my family is middle lower class and i m practically my own income so the fact that i ve been missing a lot of days makes me have less money in the long run for the past two weeks i ve been thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend in the future because I don't want her to think that i m interested I just feel bad because she's dating someone who looks like they don't have a care in the world I lost all of my emotions and I can't stop thinking about killing myself I know it's a joke to say it but the only thing holding me back is the fact that my mom would be sad I don't want to do anything any more I hate having to go to school and force myself to strive for a goal only to spend another years in college I just want to work on music but I have no time for it because of work I just want to run away from everything and everyone and just do music but I can't stop thinking about killing myself I have no motivation in anything anymore I just wanted to vent somewhere, so thank you for this sub |
English | Hello m an F but i ve already tried to kill myself before when I was Even days ago I tried to drown myself while taking a bath I don't know what to do it doesn't hurt anymore I just feel this numbness My close friends have isolated me for unrelated reasons but now I have no one I can talk to I always think i m not that bad so much to call a hotline or something because in my mind I won't ever do it But I keep trying and backing out at the last second The worst part for me is I have no proper reason i m considered attractive i m not failing my uni work and I have friends I go clubbing with just not close ones there's nothing seriously wrong with my life There's nothing wrong with my life why do I always feel alone and that I want it to end |
English | Really hoping I get this disease And it kills me saves me from doing it myself |
English | A lonely way to die Well well here we are good sirs end of the line Dead man walking Not sure why I'll post this on the internet but well as most people considering suicide know it becomes rather obsessive thus I found myself stumbling upon this little gem of the internet So let's get to business I shall be posting this to explain why I'm doing what I'm going to do kill myself yeah perhaps some of you would actually feel some sympathy for me god knows none in my life will so rather explain it to you than them years of age unemployed left school with no grades or education never worked in my life never accomplished anything have no talents never even kissed a girl in fact lets step that up a notch never even talked to the female species for more than four five seconds extremely pale due to this isolation and psychosis beating the shit out of me for the past years rather ugly as well I am a leech upon this world nothing good has ever or will ever come from me, I am only able to function due to my father paying for my life I have bought him and the rest of my family nothing but stress pain and needless problems They don't care for me any more I have one real friend no social life nothing I will never be a productive member of society the longer I carry on the more I leech off hardworking taxpayers and my family the longer I live, the more damage I contribute to the environment I live in the people around me, I have been going over this objective analysis of my life for a long time now, and then it hit me so clear pure the irony of it my death would be the one redeeming deed the only good thing I will ever contribute to this world This is not a cry for help I tried those already in my own pathetic little way but well I have an obligation to be a man and best not to further stress my Mom Dad and Sister with my irrelevance So Mesdames Messieurs I am sorry for my weakness inferiority lack of intelligence lack of will to better myself being the only disappointment in my family and most importantly for not coming to this conclusion sooner I shall atone will pay one last visit to the park I played in as a child bottle this vodka then do it Farewell |
English | I fear silence When I am alone and everything is silent I have an overcoming feeling of dread first is the sadness of facing that I'm only at peace when I'm doing something to distract me from the fact that I'm not at peace then comes a feeling that I guess should be normal that I'm completely alone then the irrational sense that it'll always be like that even though a few hours ago I was doing something with people I care about then is the feeling that time is just leaking that my life will pass i the blink of an eye and that I'll soon be dead I'll be forgotten confined to only hear silence for eternity then I panic I start getting desperate and roaming around my apartment back and forth impatiently, and I have the suffocating urge to go out but it's PM I'm totally tired and my friends all have gone home there's no reason to go out what's more I risk being mugged or confused for a mugger or something and it's not like the silence will go away just by being outside then I take a bath and try to go to bed all while I breathe heavily and my hearth is beating at max speed when in bed I'll start wanting to cry, but I simply won't Then I'll either get up and play video games until sleepiness defeats me or watch anime in my phone while lying in bed I'll feel like someone or something is watching me from the non lighted rooms of my apartment but it usually goes away as I get into the game Can this be fixed this doesn't happen every day but is becoming more and more frequent and I'm waking up without energy and in bad mood which makes me feel even worse the next night |
French | Je suis sur le point d'échouer de mon majeur je n'ai pas d'amis mes parents sont au-delà énervés à moi mon GF d'années rompu avec moi, je ne sais pas quoi faire |
English | I can't walk and I'm going to be homeless Trans no family no friends now my foot is broken too I'm on crutches I was supposed to start work tomorrow, and they fired me over the phone just now The place housing me requires me to have a job it's the only handicap accessible homeless facility for people under that s LGBT friendly trans need medication Unemployed uninsured can't walk and starting next week I'll be homeless I want to kill myself, but I can't even leave to do it My life is over |
English | Drugged drunk and bleeding don't want to be alone right now I'm alone right now |
English | My long term suicide plan don't fear death any more I remember I used to be so scared of dying, and now I look back at why a coward I was There's nothing scary about death Maybe the death of the ones you love can be scary but your own death shouldn't be It's no different from going to sleep and you have peace to look forward to afterward No happiness no pain no nothing Just a nice deep non-existential slumber that will be undisturbed for eternity Being born is like being rudely waken up from that sleep Not saying you existed before you were born That's stupid I don't think I've ever really enjoyed being alive in my years of life It's like a downhill slope the more the years pass the more shitty and boring it gets The fact is that I am going to be a shitty failure of an adult I never learned the basic skills needed to succeed at life and I have pathetic anger management skills When something doesn't work I get angry And even when something does work I still get angry It feels like my only to emotions are anger and sadness And most of that anger is directed towards myself Whether it be the nightly beating I give myself where I try to knock myself out for doing something stupid or doing something even more severe to my body I turn my self-hatred into physical punishment every small chance I get I make no bones about it when I say I believe my very existence is a horrific plague on my loved ones and the rest of the world What did they do wrong to deserve to get stuck with an abomination like me, I am an emotional and financial burden on my family Everything is my fault Hundreds of my Dad s sperm cells could have fertilized my mother s egg and it just had to be me I do not deserve to be granted the gift of life and should have died minutes after being born But nothing ever goes right in life it seems I've told my parents multiple times that they should ve gotten an abortion or killed me while I was a baby and that I'm a burden, but they always respond the same either with you're wrong or be positive I'm sick of it They prohibit any chance of me being able to commit suicide in the next to years because they love me too much to be able to get over my death Instead of looking at my suicide beneficially being rid of me they view it as a tragedy Which is why this plan can't go on right now Oh and before you go into the comments to type your motivational paragraphs on how it's not the answer and there s hope don't bother I've thought about this for years now I've weighed the effects and the outcome of my suicide and also who it will benefit This is not being done on emotional instinct I've been planning this for a long, long time and no amount of convincing will get me to back out I'll be deleting comments that try to do this The only comments I'll be keeping is those with advice on how to improve my plan First step if going to take place either during my mid s or s I'm a patient person If I have to wait for death I will This is going to be the bridge burning step I have to ruin every single connection and relationship I possibly can Any bridge that can be burned will be burned My family and friends should hate me by the time this step is complete My parents are both in their s right now so around the mid s or s they should both be dead If my two siblings don't hate me at this point I doubt they won't they will be the only ones negatively affected by my suicide The giving back step is going to be the most fulfilling part I'm selling anything I'll donate all my clothing to Goodwill and I'll donate my entire life savings to something like St Jude s Hospital I'm going to save a small portion of money to get a ride to the woods or some other remote area I'll sell my house to a family that actually deserves it and then I'll disappear But not after leaving a note I'm going to give the note to the new homeowners and ask them not to open it If any of my family calls to ask about me give them he notes My suicide note is going to be short I'll explain that I pushed them away and made them hate me so that they wouldn't be affected by my suicide That I was always a burden and I don't blame them for not accepting that fact I don't want them to waste money on a funeral so I'll just tell them to cremate me or leave my remains in the wilderness Their choice I'll also ask that my organs be donated to a hospital so that if someone of worth needs a transplant they can use them Next is the suicide I don't know where exactly I'm going to disappear to yet but at this point in my life I'll be somewhere in Alaska It shouldn't be too hard to find a secluded place My first idea was to get my hands on a shotgun which I'll admit was stupid There's no chance in hell I'll be able to get a gun and I don't want to go through the trouble of doing so My original plan was to light myself on fire in my backyard and slowly burn to a crisp but that's a really fucked up thing to do to my neighbors especially if they have kids who could see it So my best bet is to just walk into the woods and wander until I die I might chain myself to a tree, so I die of starvation or I could provoke an animal like a bear to rip me to shreds That way I can provide food for an animal The person or family who I gave the letter to can throw it out if none of my family comes to get it in months It was always going to end this way no matter how optimistic I was about my future I cannot imagine a future without suicide as I'm sure a lot of other people my age do I think that's the scariest part about my generation there might not be many of us left in years I sure as hell know I won't be around lol I think the only people who will be sad about my death is my nieces and nephews if they ever meet me But as they get older my suicide should fade from their minds I'm glad no one will care that I m gone Why would I want people to grieve and be upset about my passing That's horrible I'm not something to be dwelled on for even a second I want them to be happier now that I m gone |
French | L'aide doit le faire bien quand je me tue, je dois le faire bien parce que sinon je suis un gaspillage de ressources médicales déjà étirées. |
English | I failed I feel like a complete and utter idiot I was sure this was it that it was finally going to happen this past Sunday or that I d at least go into liver failure later into the week but I didn't I'm still here And apparently everyone but me knew that they don't actually kill you I'm very upset with the internet for lying to me as well Mostly I'm upset with myself how does one overdose improperly What more do I need to do I am so sick of being here and of people telling me how I actually want to be here when I don't I'm tired of hearing people tell me it gets better or that my life isn't that bad I DO NOT WANT TO TALK I DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE I HATE BEING ALIVE Does no one else on the planet feel this way It's hard to imagine out of almost seven billion people that I'm the only one to feel this way I don't want to be here anymore and I need to find a better exit route Sorry for the rant |
French | Échec vient de descendre et a pris l'étau de mon cou Je ne sais pas quoi dire d'autre vraiment Sentez-vous comme j'ai échoué |
English | Planning its last week I started having intrusive thoughts about being a pedophile Which I'm NOT And NEVER have been This shit is scaring me and disgusting to me, I have two children and would NEVER hurt them But these thoughts won't stop I tried to kill myself with fentanyl a couple of years ago, and I only failed because someone found me If I can get my hands on more which I can It's not hard then I will find a place and time to do it Just so these thoughts go away I've told my therapist and I'm not sure if she is equipped to help me What should I do I can't live with these thoughts anymore and It's only been a week |
English | I feel so trapped in my life Hey all I'm female I m what most people would call a trans girl but I refuse to use that label I feel so stuck in my life I work a dead end cashier job full of ungrateful people referring to customers most of my coworkers are great I hate coming here Maybe i m just bored with being a cashier i m looking to move positions but yeah I have my best friend here sure but other than that it feels like a chore The money is an afterthought Outside of work I do nothing productive I eat the same food watch the same shows play the same video games all that My days run together so much I forget when payday is I remember the days of the week but not the date I'm very lonely at home too except my dog and cat to keep me company My year-old brother lives with us but is always in his room in the garage or at work My Dad is always home but in his room with the door closed He typically comes out to make me do random chores that probably didn't cross his mind until then or to yell He does have plenty of good days but like you get the idea I eat every meal alone except at work Hell the only time I eat food at a TABLE is at work I eat every meal in my bed alone It's not that bad but I would much more enjoy it if I had a friend to eat with I do have plenty of friends but no one to eat my regular meals with I do have my friend Alex and her boyfriend I hang out with at least once a week but hanging out with her is probably the only thing I do outside of work and sit at home I graduated from high school in May one of the corona graduates but I feel like such a loser compared to so many others around me, I'll be working a dead end job at Walmart while others are going to college or getting better full-time jobs Meanwhile I'm the lazy girl who lives with her Dad and plays video games all day I don't even have my driver s license I think I can drive decent enough but my Dad doesn't and I hate his teaching method He SCREAMS if I make the slightest mistake and I get an anxiety attack and shut down Any time the topic of me moving outcomes up he talks me out of it I don't have the money anyway My last problem is I'm trans I started HRT last Monday and no changes yet but I'm currently terrified of the appointment showing up on my Dad s insurance I made sure they took it off but I'm scared That's not what this is about though I hate being trans After I had a post of mine reposted to r itsafetish back in February when it was still around I instantly gained lots of internal transphobia and became suicidal I told myself if I couldn't find a cure I had to kill myself by my birthday That was a month ago and I'm still here, but I want a cure I still want to go to conversion therapy, but there is none around here and corona too I'll never pass or be remotely attractive so whatever Thanks for reading my lunch is over so I have to get back to work Bye all |
French | null |
French | Je me sens très mal aujourd'hui Je me sens totalement malade C'est de l'isolement social à long terme Je suppose La dépression est si grave que j'ai l'impression que je vais vomir Je ne veux plus être là dans ce monde de merde |
English | What's the point of lifework barley sleep work work work still poor |
English | Today is my birthday wish I killed myself last week |
French | Je ne me sens bien que quand je dors C'est la seule façon pour moi de prétendre être la personne que je souhaite être Peut-être que la raison pour laquelle le suicide semble si attrayant est que je vais enfin pouvoir dormir sans interruption Je veux juste une sorte d'aide ou de compréhension Que ou je veux m'enfuir Je ne suis pas apte à la vie adulte Ce n'est pas que c'est difficile mais que je ne peux pas le gérer comme un être humain |
French | Je pense que je vais juste avecer loin et mourir maintenant je suis un peu comme un suicide lent je ne suis pas arrivé à ce point dans la dépression où vous venez de rester dans le lit et ne rien faire je n'ai pas beaucoup de raison de faire quoi que ce soit maintenant j'espère que je suis banni je suis affamé je ne me soucie plus de personne et quoi que ce soit en fait je ne me soucie plus je m'intéresse |
French | null |
French | Je pense que je suis sur le point d'abandonner tout simplement Tout le monde pense que j'utilise le suicide pour culpabiliser-les en leur donnant ce que je veux Je leur demande de rester Je leur demande de m'aider Je leur demande de comprendre, mais tout ce qu'ils font est de me laisser et de me dire que je les culpabilise Je veux juste une fille qui restera et qui sera là pour moi J'ai toujours besoin d'aider |
English | For many years now have occasionally had suicidal feelings Any time you want to do kill yourself wait hours st It may pass Do not forget that most who try and fail find new reasons to live I do not really know why I started to post here I know recently I feel like killing myself again But I will not I have responsibilities |
English | I want to kill myself, but I am afraid of where I will GOI really hope that I just end up where I was before I lived I hope to God I don't go to hell or any religious hell |
French | Parfois, je me demande pourquoi les gens se permettent de vivre quand la vie continue de les frapper au visage. Il semble toujours que je ne sache pas ce que demain réserve et à quelle vitesse tout peut changer. Je veux depuis longtemps être en paix et je sens que je ne le trouverai pas dans cette vie, mais c'est trop précieux pour être gaspillé. |
French | Combien de temps pour surmonter une rupture étant jeté J'étais curieux combien de temps il faut aux gens pour passer la phase de rupture initiale qui pour moi m'a envie de ne pas exister ce ne sont pas des pensées que j'ai jamais eues avant je ne suis pas sûr à quel point ils sont sérieux, mais je ne veux pas exister plus et ne peut pas arrêter de penser à ce sujet. |
English | Jobless can't afford college no financial aid no futures the title says I m with no future I lost my job as they closed down five months ago and haven't been able to find a new one I'm socially awkward and overweight and not a conventionally attractive female which I believe attributes to my non desirableness as far as employment goes I've been wanting to kill myself for a while and I think I'm finally ready to I just don't know how to go about it, I have no family friends outside my long term relationship with my boyfriend Do I leave a note I don't want to do it in our house as I'd hate for him to find me like that I feel so desperate to escape this world because being alive feels more like a curse than a blessing I just want to be free again like I felt I was when I was younger |
English | Days in a olive been self harming for days in a row now I'm thinking of ending my life pretty soon I don't know what to do |
French | Chaque jour, je regrette de ne pas me tuer quand j'étais Quand j'essayais de me pendre Mais ça n'a pas marché Je pense que tout le monde aurait été mieux si j'étais mort lâche Alors je ne serais pas passé par des années d'intimidation Je n'aurais pas été violé Quand j'étais toujours diagnostiqué comme souffrant de dépression, d'anxiété, de dépression, de dépression, de dépression, de dépression, de dépression, de dépression |
English | I'm going to kill myself today ve struggled with depression for over years I'm tired of it and I m done |
French | Le monde ne veut clairement pas rencontrer commencer les choses Je suis né des mois prématurés Mes parents ont toujours parlé de la façon dont je n'ai presque pas le faire Je voudrais vraiment que je ne l'avais pas alors des années plus tard et je suis un anxiété rongé par le désordre pathétique je suis juste désolé si le monde ne voulait pas que je parte de la très obtenir la mère beaucoup de mes amis de l'université je suis désolé |
English | Titleim dying anyway just was asked on Facebook after my simple attempt at jab is Tessa drinking tonight go dim done |
English | I reached out I told someone I want to die I've felt like this for over a year daily it hasn't let up His response was to berate me because I haven't done something for him that he asked me to do I'm that worthless Planning to kill myself doesn't matter I just better be sure I do what I was told to do first |
English | I got real bad real fast had to call the suicide hotline it wasn't super productive it just made me feel like shit There's a very real chance I'll never be able to see my kids again because of a long-running lie my SO was telling The person I spoke with just tried to keep me focused on staying alive for my kids I'm here because I've already lost them and now the little time I do have is in jeopardy And my mom hah she rubs it in my face I was right Your SO is a piece of shit, and you are too because you didn't listen My financial situation is spiraling out of control and life really isn't worth it But I have to be the strong one the happy one Encourage my SO and my family to get through their problems But I don't have anyone I have to be this pillar and everyone keeps piling on to it and I'm about to fall over I can't take it I just can't I'm so tired of living |
English | Any advice please years old and for the most part I'm happy I do okay at school I have good friends great parents however I often have passing suicidal thoughts during the day and I do pretty well at blocking these out by lying to myself saying it's normal for teenagers etc., but my main problem is every couple of weeks I will have one day when my mind implodes with suicide thoughts I can't stop thinking of reasons to kill myself what is the point in my life No one likes me no one cares about me The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is that I don't have the guts to do it, but I can't handle the thoughts and feelings I have about, and I always think to myself why don't I who cares if I'm not here not me or anybody else I am in desperate need of advice right now, and you have no idea how much it would mean to me thanks |
English | I'm losing hope all the time m getting incredibly depressed because I feel like my other mental disorders are preventing me from being able to live a normal life I don't like myself I feel dumb and worthless like I can't do anything or be friends with anyone I want to live a normal Life and not be stupid I want to be treated just like everyone else and not more friendly and respectful because I have issues, but I also feel like my issues are preventing me from being serious and being able to handle stuff I want to have a nice job have relationships with people and maybe have a family I don't want to end up having to work a minimum wage job at Goodwill and live in my mom s house and not have any friends or anything I try so hard to try and find my calling in life but then my issues come in and fuck it all up, and I feel worthless again It's a stupid reason to feel depressed, but I absolutely hate having these issues and being labeled as special or disabled I'm sorry if I offend any of you with my words or anything but it's the truth and it's the reason why I feel like I'm going to slip and fall into a deep depression and end up taking my life I try hard to be normal and find my calling or friends or anything, but I can't and I'm starting to give up |
English | Can I just get some stuff off my chest I'm relatively young been depressed suicidal for about years I've never told anybody about it and I fear that makes it a lot worse My biggest fear in life would be telling someone and them not believing me They would think I am too young to understand something as deep and complex as depression but until they cry themselves to sleep at night THEY are the ones who don't understand I just feel like writing about it on here and telling anyone will help a little I don't know if I would ever actually commit suicide I don't know if I would be able to put my family through it, I just feel as if in years I will look back with regret that I never did it I don't have many friends only one that actually cares about me and I feel like we've grown apart without her even realizing it I'm not good-looking there's no need to comment telling me I am I'm ugly and I've realized and accepted it by now My brother goes out and parties with his friends and has been since he was my age He criticizes me for not being like him, I'd rather stay at home playing Halo or studying than being out drinking I get good grades in school and I live an okay life I just feel like something is wrong There's no purpose of me living I'm not contributing to society in any way I hate being around people and I feel like I've fucked up anything I've ever laid eyes on There's a gap in my life that really can't be filled I think my switch to Atheism and the discovery of Reddit also contributed to my depression I feel like there's no one to help me I'm not working to get into an eternal heaven I have no one to comfort me in the event of a family death or misfortune I'm just living no purpose no reason I'm just here If I didn't have family to worry about I would ve been dead three years ago and I feel like that shouldn't hold me back I shouldn't have to suffer because of them but I do I could tell my friend about it but I've had fears and nightmares that she would reject me and think I'm weird that there is something wrong with me, I'm tearing as I write this so I'll stop You don't have to comment and if you read this far thank-you I just needed to write this somewhere EDIT Posting this has taken some weight off of my shoulders Although I feel on the verge on an anxiety attack because I want to physically tell someone but I don't know who |
French | Si je mourais, pourquoi voudriez-vous me laisser dire clairement que je ne vais pas me suicider, mais honnêtement, si je le faisais, je vous manquerais NON, mes amis ne manqueraient pas comment j'agissais, comment je riais, quoi que ce soit, ils pleureraient parce qu'ils n'ont pas d'humains là pour les faire se sentir mieux après une rupture ou quelqu'un qui a toujours quelque chose à faire avec eux |
French | Je ne peux pas le surmonter J'ai toujours été seul et déprimé tout au long de l'école Maintenant, je n'ai pas de groupe social Je ne sens pas un lien émotionnel avec ma famille Je ne sens pas un lien émotionnel avec quelqu'un que je ne joue pas dur J'ai voyagé une fois pour faire face à cela, et ça m'a aidé pour le moment mais maintenant je suis de retour à la maison et je me sens piégé |
Subsets and Splits