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following yoshi s island success nintendo developed yoshi s story a 1998 platformer for the nintendo 64 which disappointed audiences and deflated massive anticipation with fetch quests and the 3d style miyamoto eschewed in its predecessor the nintendo 64 game expanded on yoshi s character voice as introduced in yoshi s island but also dumbed down yoshi s character nintendo created two yoshi s island spin off games the tilt sensor controlled yoshi topsy turvy 2004 game boy advance which was developed by artoon and was met with mixed reviews and the nintendo developed minigame yoshi touch go 2005 nintendo ds the 1995 original release received a direct sequel in 2006 yoshi s island ds also developed by artoon titled yoshi s island 2 until just before it shipped the game retained the core concept of transporting baby nintendo characters and added babies princess peach bowser and donkey kong each with an individual special ability yoshi had a similar moveset to yoshi s island and added dash and float abilities but he was more passive a character compared to the babies on his back |
about seven years later series producer takashi tezuka decided enough time had passed to make another direct sequel yoshi s new island 2013 nintendo 3ds it was developed by former artoon employees at their new company arzest as in the original yoshi carries baby mario and throws eggs the game adds the ability to swallow big foes which become big eggs that can destroy big obstacles yoshi s island ds developer arzest assisted in its development in 1001 video games you must play before you die 2010 christian donlan wrote that despite the streamlined yoshi s story and brilliant yoshi s touch and go the original was never bettered and never truly advanced upon in eurogamer 2015 preview of yoshi s woolly world tom phillips wrote that it had been 20 years since the last truly great yoshi s island the next console release of a mario 2d side scroller new super mario bros wii was released 14 years later |
in the third millennium bc the ancient egyptian vizier ptahhotep wrote the maxims of ptahhotep 2375 2350 bc a didactic book of precepts extolling civil virtues such as truthfulness self control and kindness towards other people recurrent themes in the maxims include learning by listening to other people being mindful of the imperfection of human knowledge and that avoiding open conflict whenever possible should not be considered weakness that the pursuit of justice should be foremost yet acknowledged that in human affairs the command of a god ultimately prevails in all matters thus some of ptahhotep s maxims indicate a person s correct behaviours in the presence of great personages political military religious instructions on how to choose the right master and how to serve him moreover other maxims teach the correct way to be a leader through openness and kindness and that greed is the base of all evil and should be guarded against and that generosity towards family and friends is praiseworthy |
in the 18th century during the age of enlightenment the adoption of etiquette was a self conscious process for acquiring the conventions of politeness and the normative behaviours charm manners demeanour which symbolically identified the person as a genteel member of the upper class to identify with the social lite the upwardly mobile middle class and the bourgeoisie adopted the behaviours and the artistic preferences of the upper class to that end socially ambitious people of the middle classes occupied themselves with learning knowing and practising the rules of social etiquette such as the arts of elegant dress and gracious conversation when to show emotion and courtesy with and towards women |
periodicals such as the spectator a daily publication founded in 1711 by joseph addison and richard steele regularly advised their readers on the etiquette required of a gentleman a man of good and courteous conduct their stated editorial goal was to enliven morality with wit and to temper wit with morality to bring philosophy out of the closets and libraries schools and colleges to dwell in clubs and assemblies at tea tables and coffeehouses to which end the editors published articles written by educated authors which provided topics for civil conversation and advice on the requisite manners for carrying a polite conversation and for managing social interactions |
conceptually allied to etiquette is the notion of civility social interaction characterised by sober and reasoned debate which for socially ambitious men and women also became an important personal quality to possess for social advancement in the event gentlemen s clubs such as harrington s rota club published an in house etiquette that codified the civility expected of the members besides the spectator other periodicals sought to infuse politeness into english coffeehouse conversation the editors of the tatler were explicit that their purpose was the reformation of english manners and morals to those ends etiquette was presented as the virtue of morality and a code of behaviour |
in the mid 18th century the first modern english usage of etiquette the conventional rules of personal behaviour in polite society was by philip stanhope 4th earl of chesterfield in the book letters to his son on the art of becoming a man of the world and a gentleman 1774 a correspondence of more than 400 letters written from 1737 until the death of his son in 1768 most of the letters were instructive concerning varied subjects that a worldly gentleman should know the letters were first published in 1774 by eugenia stanhope the widow of the diplomat philip stanhope chesterfield s bastard son throughout the correspondence chesterfield endeavoured to decouple the matter of social manners from conventional morality with perceptive observations that pragmatically argue to philip that mastery of etiquette was an important means for social advancement for a man such as he chesterfield s elegant literary style of writing epitomised the emotional restraint characteristic of polite social intercourse in 18th century society |
in a society manners are described as either good manners or as bad manners to indicate to a person whether or not his or her behavior is acceptable to the cultural group as such manners enable ultrasociality and are integral to the functioning of the social norms and conventions that are informally enforced through personal self regulation in public life and in private life the perspectives of sociology indicate that manners are a means for men and women to display their social status and a means of demarcating observing and maintaining the boundaries of social identity and of social class |
in the civilizing process 1939 the sociologist norbert elias said that manners arose as a product of group living and persist as a way of maintaining social order that manners proliferated during the renaissance in response to the development of the absolute state the progression from small group living to large group living characterised by the centralized power of the state that the rituals and manners associated with the royal court of england during that period were closely bound to a person s social status that manners demonstrate a person s position within a social network and that a person s manners are a means of negotiation from that social position |
from the perspective of public health in the healthy citizen 1996 alana r petersen and deborah lupton said that manners assisted the diminishment of the social boundaries that existed between the public sphere and the private sphere of a person s life and so gave rise to a highly reflective self a self who monitors his or her behavior with due regard for others with whom he or she interacts socially and that the public behavior of individuals came to signify their social standing a means of presenting the self and of evaluating others and thus the control of the outward self was vital |
moreover the sociologist pierre bourdieu applied the concept of habitus towards understanding the societal functions of manners the habitus is the set of mental attitudes personal habits and skills that a person possesses his and her dispositions of character that are neither self determined nor pre determined by the external environment but which are produced and reproduced by social interactions and are inculcated through experience and explicit teaching yet tend to function at the subconscious level therefore manners are likely to be a central part of the dispositions that guide a person s ability to decide upon socially compliant behaviours |
in studying the expression of emotion by humans and animals the naturalist charles darwin noted the universality of facial expressions of disgust and shame among infants and blind people and concluded that the emotional responses of shame and disgust are innate behaviours the public health specialist valerie curtis said that the development of facial responses was concomitant with the development of manners which are behaviours with an evolutionary role in preventing the transmission of diseases thus people who practise personal hygiene and politeness will most benefit from membership in their social group and so stand the best chance of biological survival by way of opportunities for reproduction curtis v aunger r and rabie t evidence that disgust evolved to protect from risk of disease royal society b biological sciences 271 supplement s131 33 2004 ref |
from the study of the evolutionary bases of prejudice the social psychologists catherine cottrell and steven neuberg said that human behavioural responses to otherness might enable the preservation of manners and social norms that the feeling of foreignness which people experience in their first social interaction with someone from another culture might partly serve an evolutionary function group living surrounds one with individuals are able to physically harm fellow group members to spread contagious disease or to free ride on their efforts therefore a commitment to sociality is a risk if threats such as these are left unchecked the costs of sociality will quickly exceed its benefits thus to maximize the returns on group living individual group members should be attuned to others features or behaviors |
therefore people who possess the social traits common to the cultural group are to be trusted and people without the common social traits are to be distrusted as others and thus treated with suspicion or excluded from the group that pressure of social exclusivity born from the shift towards communal living excluded uncooperative people and persons with poor personal hygiene the threat of social exclusion led people to avoid personal behaviours that might embarrass the group or that might provoke revulsion among the group |
to demonstrate the transmission of social conformity the anthropologists joseph henrich and robert boyd developed a behavioural model indicating that manners are a means of mitigating social differences curbing undesirable personal behaviours and fostering co operation within the social group that natural selection has favoured the acquisition of genetically transmitted mechanisms for learning thereby increasing a person s chances for acquiring locally adaptive behaviours humans possess a reliably developing neural encoding that compels them both to punish individuals who violate group norms common beliefs or practices and punish individuals who do not punish norm violators |
social manners are in three categories i manners of hygiene ii manners of courtesy and iii manners of cultural norm each category accounts for an aspect of the functional role that manners play in a society the categories of manners are based upon the social outcome of behaviour rather than upon the personal motivation of the behaviour as a means of social management the rules of etiquette encompass most aspects of human social interaction thus a rule of etiquette reflects an underlying ethical code and can reflect a person s fashion and social status |
ii courtesy manners are the manners of self control and good faith behaviour by which a person gives priority to the interests of another person and priority to the interests of a socio cultural group in order to be a trusted member of that group courtesy manners maximize the benefits of group living by regulating the nature of social interactions however the performance of courtesy manners occasionally interferes with the avoidance of communicable disease generally parents teach courtesy manners in the same way they teach hygiene manners but the child also learns manners directly by observing the behaviour of other people in their social interactions and by imagined social interactions through the executive functions of the brain a child usually learns courtesy manners at an older age than when he or she was toilet trained taught hygiene manners because learning the manners of courtesy requires that the child be self aware and conscious of social position which then facilitate understanding that violations accidental or deliberate of social courtesy will provoke peer disapproval within the social group |
iii cultural norm manners are the manners of culture and society by which a person establishes his and her identity and membership in a given socio cultural group in observing and abiding the manners of cultural norm a person demarcates socio cultural identity and establishes social boundaries which then identify whom to trust and whom to distrust as the other who is not the self cultural norm manners are learnt through the enculturation with and the routinisation of the familiar and through social exposure to the cultural otherness of people identified as foreign to the group transgressions and flouting of the manners of cultural norm usually result in the social alienation of the transgressor the nature of culture norm manners allows a high level of between group variability but the manners usually are common to the people who identify with the given socio cultural group |
on good manners for boys 1530 by erasmus of rotterdam instructs boys in the means of becoming a young man how to walk and talk speak and act in the company of adults the practical advice for acquiring adult self awareness includes explanations of the symbolic meanings for adults of a boy s body language when he is fidgeting and yawning scratching and bickering on completing erasmus s curriculum of etiquette the boy has learnt that civility is the point of good manners the adult ability to readily ignore the faults of others but avoid falling short yourself in being civilised |
as didactic texts books of etiquette the conventional rules of personal behaviour in polite society usually feature explanatory titles such as the ladies book of etiquette and manual of politeness a complete hand book for the use of the lady in polite society 1860 by florence hartley amy vanderbilt s complete book of etiquette 1957 by amy vanderbilt miss manners guide to excruciatingly correct behavior 1979 by judith martin and peas queues the minefield of modern manners 2013 by sandi toksvig present ranges of civility socially acceptable behaviours for their respective times yet each author cautions the reader that to be a well mannered person he and she must practise good manners in their public and private lives moreover the how rude comic book series addresses and discusses adolescent perspectives and questions of etiquette social manners and civility |
the gene gun was originally a crosman air pistol modified to fire dense tungsten particles it was invented by john c sanford ed wolf and nelson allen at cornell university along with ted klein of dupont between 1983 and 1986 the original target was onions chosen for their large cell size and the device was used to deliver particles coated with a marker gene which would relay a signal if proper insertion of the dna transcript occurred genetic transformation was demonstrated upon observed expression of the marker gene within onion cells |
the earliest custom manufactured gene guns fabricated by nelson allen used a 22 caliber nail gun cartridge to propel a polyethylene cylinder bullet down a 22 caliber douglas barrel a droplet of the tungsten powder coated with genetic material was placed onto the bullet and shot down into a petri dish below the bullet welded to the disk below the petri plate and the genetic material blasted into the sample with a doughnut effect involving devastation in the middle of the sample with a ring of good transformation around the periphery the gun was connected to a vacuum pump and was placed under a vacuum while firing the early design was put into limited production by a rumsey loomis a local machine shop then at mecklenburg road in ithaca ny usa |
transformed cells can be treated with a series of plant hormones such as auxins and gibberellins and each may divide and differentiate into the organized specialized tissue cells of an entire plant this capability of total re generation is called totipotency the new plant that originated from a successfully transformed cell may have new traits that are heritable the use of the gene gun may be contrasted with the use of agrobacterium tumefaciens and its ti plasmid to insert dna into plant cells see transformation for different methods of transformation in different species |
a cowardly young man bob was persuaded into joining the criminal organization hydra by his wife allison who accused him of not being able to hold a steady job the thought of a stable career with a dental plan also appealed to bob though he was disappointed to find out hydra does not offer full dental like advanced idea mechanics aim during deadpool s assault on hydra to rescue the captured agent x he ran into bob and coerced bob into helping him bob was hesitant as hydra would not allow him back into the organization after having betrayed them but deadpool at the time four inches tall tortured him with a security card until he relented he then forced bob to fly them to safety in one of hydra s jets though bob did not know how to pilot an aircraft |
after deadpool agent x and bob returned to the united states they found outlaw and sandi missing bob accompanied deadpool on his mission to save the girls and subsequently became an honorary member of agency x he continues to work with the group on their various missions and is referred to as deadpool s minion or pet during a raid on the very same hydra base deadpool kidnapped him from in an attempt to save weasel from wolverine bob was shot in the leg weasel had been left behind in the raid bob had been picked up on deadpool knew that when wolverine targeted the base weasel s chances for survival were slim when wolverine cuts off deadpool s head bob put it back in order to let deadpool s healing factor take effect at the end of the incident most of bob s former co workers are slain weasel sends the rest to prison using teleportation technology weasel saves the others with the teleportation technology but it later malfunctions deadpool and bob are sent into the past where they aid captain america and bucky in stopping arnim zola following that adventure bob accompanied deadpool on a mission through various dimensions to help doctor strange save reality after it was damaged by t ray s novice magic |
bob also traveled with deadpool and weasel to the savage land where he ran away from an assortment of dinosaurs deadpool attempted to teleport the dinos to genosha as a prank on magneto but instead they were sent to the genoshan embassy in downtown manhattan being infected with the alien symbiotes responsible for venom and carnage during the resultant battle bob s attempt to flee accidentally caused the death of one of the creatures while a news crew watched thinking his actions were intentional they interviewed bob who claimed the h on his uniform stood for hero he then received a text message from allison who had seen the events on the news and thought it was hot bob is seen watching television with deadpool and his supporting cast as the series ends |
bob is later seen assisting deadpool defeat tiger shark when deadpool tells bob to throw him a rifle bob does not throw it far enough the rifle falls into the water where tiger shark is waiting and bob is knocked into the water deadpool saves bob at the last second and they are able to outmaneuver tiger shark for a while although bob is shot in the hand by deadpool bob explains to deadpool that he along with tiger shark were hired by norman osborn deadpool soon realizes green goblin stole from him during the height of the secret invasion against the skrulls |
later bob is called upon by deadpool to join him in becoming a pirate bob abandons his wife to answer the call due to severe beatings he gets stuck as deadpool s parrot with deadpool s lack of navigational skills they become lost at sea for six weeks and bob develops scurvy or possibly heat stroke bob attempts to gain help from kalani a blind beautiful information clerk on jallarka a tropical island the two were planning to pirate bob is pleased to be forced to spend time with this lady when deadpool s insanity causes him to demand her platonic companionship in exchange for saving the island from other pirates she is pleased to make this exchange the three work together and kill all the pirates thanks to a nuclear submarine deadpool had previously bought and sunken kalani falls for bob and asks him to stay behind with her but his husbandly loyalty is too strong however he is forced to stay behind as deadpool abandons bob and kalani with a crateful of gold and musings on how he wants to help people instead of rob them |
bob has no superpowers and does not have training in any combat or tactical skills the training hydra gives its minions seems primarily focused on running away and hiding when confronted with danger making bob a parody of the cannon fodder henchmen frequently seen working for evil organizations in comic books even this training seems useless as bob has cited such hydra lessons as hiding behind each other and if i can t see them they can t see me deadpool has said that bob is better at running away than anyone he has seen |
despite his incompetence bob sometimes gets lucky he was able to fly a plane a long distance despite having no knowledge of how to do so and killed a symbiote possessed dinosaur by accident while fleeing from it he was also able to save deadpool s life during a battle with wolverine by staying put to reattach his head despite his cowardice even though he is useless in a fight deadpool seems to delight in taking him on dangerous missions seemingly for his own amusement bob goes along with him although it is unclear whether this is because he is afraid of wade or genuinely considers him a friend or because he s a committed minion and does not know what else to do |
construction on bowman s hill tower began in 1929 and was completed in 1931 it stands 125 feet tall and its base measures 24 feet on a side the tower was constructed from native stone quarried from bowman s hill and nearby stone fences quarries in lumberville pennsylvania and lawrenceville new jersey provided cut stone to be used for the sills and balustrades over of materials were used in its construction including 1 200 perch of stone of sand and tons of cement in order to provide a solid foundation for the tower the base was excavated the labor for the construction was provided by employees of the washington crossing park commission including labor the tower cost 100 000 to build |
by 1934 the tower was struck many times by lightning which resulted in the installation of a lightning protection system by the national lightning protection company of st louis missouri during the 1930s the civil works administration and the works progress administration planted over 28 300 seedlings in an effort to reforest the area a large number of erosion control measures were taken to include the setting of large numbers of rocks and boulders additionally they created two vistas from the tower to the delaware river one on the north side of the hill and the other on the southeast side in the 1980s the tower was extensively restored and an elevator was installed |
the first building for the minneapolis federal reserve bank is located at 510 marquette avenue at the corner of marquette avenue and 5th street south in minneapolis right next to the nicollet mall station of the metro blue and green light rail lines and across from the soo line building it was designed by cass gilbert architect of the minnesota state capitol building it was completed in 1915 the building was unusual in that there were no windows on the lower walls close to the street from the start large bricks filled in the spaces where windows would be expected only up at the top was anyone able to look out from the building the structure only became more strange in the 1950s when a small skyscraper eight stories tall was added on top the modern superstructure clashed with the granite roman columns on the building s fa ade |
after the fed moved to its second building in 1973 the new owner a partnership of new york developers peter v tishman and jay marc schwamm had the lower portion covered with something that was a better match to the skyscraper hat on top the windowless lower floors were stripped of the granite and replaced with a bird cage limestone facade designed by minneapolis architect robert cerny and a totally artificially sustained natural garden of ficus trees and pools of water designed by san francisco landscape architectural firm of lawrence halprin at the time it was the largest totally artificially sustained garden within an office building in the united states it had been modeled after the ford foundation building in new york city which has a larger garden but also one that relies to some extent on outside natural light there was also the need to remove the interior independently supported five story vault so that the building could be connected to the adjacent f m bank building and also become part of the second floor minneapolis skyway system after a three year development the national city bank of minneapolis now part of m i bank moved into the building as its principal tenant after the renovation the building received the minneapolis committee on the urban environment award for contributed the most to minneapolis s urban environment |
this grand boulevard was built to replace the city walls which had been built during the 13th century and funded by the ransom payment derived from the release of richard the lion heart richard i of england and reinforced as a consequence of the first turkish siege in 1529 and the thirty years war in 1618 the walls were surrounded by a glacis about 500m wide where buildings and vegetation were prohibited for military defensive reason but by the late 18th century these fortifications had become obsolete under emperor joseph ii streets and walkways were built in the glacis lit by lanterns and lined by trees craftsmen built open air workshops and stalls were set up but the revolution of 1848 was required to trigger a more significant change |
in 1850 the suburbs or vorst dte today the districts ii to ix were incorporated into the municipality which made the city walls an impediment to traffic in 1857 emperor franz joseph i of austria issued the decree i have resolved to command at wikisource ordering the demolition of the city walls and moats in his decree he laid out the exact size of the boulevard as well as the geographical positions and functions of the new buildings the ringstra e and the planned buildings were intended to be a showcase for the grandeur and glory of the habsburg empire on the practical level emperor napol on iii of france s boulevard construction in paris had already demonstrated how enlarging and widening the size of streets effectively made the erection of revolutionary barricades difficult and thus an easier target for artillery |
the winter palace or hofburg was extended by an annex the neue hofburg new hofburg which houses the museum of ethnology and the austrian national library today on the other side of the boulevard there are the kunsthistorisches museum museum of art history and the naturhistorisches museum museum of natural history which were built for the imperial collections originally there should have been a parallel wing opposite the neue hofburg which would have been located across the ringstrasse from the museum of natural history together with the heldenplatz and the maria theresien platz this plan would have constituted the imperial forum kaiserforum however that plan was shelved for lack of funds |
the ringstra e was also generously planned with green spaces and trees the most notable parks being the stadtpark with the kursalon burggarten volksgarten and rathauspark as well as a number of squares such as the schwarzenbergplatz schillerplatz maria theresien platz and heldenplatz dotted along the ringstra e are various monuments they include statues to goethe schiller empress maria theresia prince eugene of savoy archduke charles of austria the founders of the first austrian republic athena andreas von liebenberg count radetzky georg coch and johann strauss amongst many |
according to thai tradition the burmese northern invasion army led by general ne myo thihapate was held up for five months at bang rachan the popular narrative cannot all be true as the entire northern campaign took just over five months mid august 1765 to late january 1766 and the northern burmese army was still stuck in phitsanulok in north central siam as late as december 1765 burmese sources mention petty chiefs cf mueang stalling the northern burmese army s advance but it was early in the campaign along the wang river in northern siam not near ayutthaya during the rainy season august october 1765 the burmese general who was then present near ayutthaya was not thihapate but rather maha nawrahta whose southern army was waiting for the northern burmese army to show up to attack ayutthaya it appears that the three verified events petty chiefs resisting thihapate in the north thihapate s campaign period of five months and maha nawrahta dawdling near ayutthaya have merged to create this siamese mythology |
the burmese forces encountered little resistance from the siamese people and had advanced close to ayutthaya but hesitated to attack due to their uncertainty regarding the strength of the forces they would have to face there was much raiding of the surrounding countryside and with their general policy in order for the siamese people to submit to them they had taken all the rice paddies from the villages to feed their armies and demanded all the women from the villages they raided who were mostly violated by the burmese soldiers and their higher rank leaders as they took it as being reenergised and a boost for their morale for the war thus eventually a policy which provoked the siamese people into resistance |
the beginning of the resistance and the first notable accounts of bang rachan occurred when a group of siamese warriors from various villages notably sibuathong pho krap and pho thale led by nai ten nai chote nai inn nai muang nai thong kauo and nai dok mai who regularly lured a group of burmese soldiers into the forest with the promise of rescuing women who were held captive and then eventually turning upon them killing most of the burmese soldiers along the way after their tactics and strategies were eventually predicted by the remaining burmese soldiers at their camps they retreated to bang rachan where most of the population of the villages of mueang wiset chaichan mueang sing and mueang san had fled |
bang rachan is described as being ideally a defensible village a place where foodstuffs were plentiful a village on high ground and difficult for the enemies to raid in addition to its ideal position and its swelling numbers of warriors bang rachan had at this point approximately 400 warriors they had eleven leaders nai thong min nai panreuang nai thong saeng yai nai chan nuad keao nai ten nai chote nai inn nai muang nai thong kauo nai dok mai and nai khun sun and had worked together on making fortifications for the village a buddhist priest thammachot had been invited into the village monastery where he was held in great respect by the villagers the villagers believed him to have great powers and knowledge of spells charms and incantations |
news of their victory spread quickly across the country and resulted in more people coming out of hiding to join the resistance movement swelling the number of reinforcements for bang rachan to 1 000 warriors the warriors were organised along the lines of professional military ranks but were disadvantaged by their lack of weapons they had for their battles against the burmese soldiers the burmese leaders being aware that their forces were facing heavy resistance from bang rachan had requested reinforcements before sending another force to raid against the village but again the leaders underestimated the warriors capability as a second 500 strong burmese force was routed the second time this time a third force again greater in numbers and under a new commander was also similarly defeated |
eventually during the fourth battle a pivotal event occurred throughout the battle by a force of 1 000 burmese soldiers under one of the leaders of the main camp surin chokhong this time this force was not immediately defeated by bang rachan but had successfully killed their commander surin chokhong and after much fighting bang rachan surprisingly retreated while retreating and for the burmese knowing that they had a chance to seize the advantage of them retreating instead lowered their guards to begin preparing food treating the injured and caring for the corpse of their fallen commander seeing this unfold for bang rachan s advantage the warriors quickly ambushed the resting burmese soldiers who were surprised by the unexpected attack and were eventually defeated with most of the soldiers barely escaping while victorious again for bang rachan the leader nai ten was shot in the knee during the ambush an event which had grave consequences for the village |
the aftermath of this fourth battle saw both sides receive reinforcements with bang rachan consisting of 11 leaders selected a new leader out of the 11 to replace nai ten who was ultimately nai chan nuad keao who was famed for his ferocity in battles and bristling moustache the fortunes for bang rachan remained positive under nai chan nuad keao whose selection as the new leader increased the number of warriors and achieve even greater levels of organisation for their forces bang rachan s reputation around the country grew to such an extent that the burmese soldiers came to fear them even more after the numerous unsuccessful raids and the burmese leaders having trouble recruiting soldiers to attack the village |
eventually after seven battles and seven defeats for the burmese forces an eighth force under a mon commander who had lived in siam in order to follow their ways and learn about them whilst a spy volunteered to take an army and to finally ensure the defeat of bang rachan once and for all what set this commander apart from all the previous commanders who had fallen was his knowledge of the country and its weaknesses he did not underestimate bang rachan unlike the other commanders but instead he adjusted his tactics and strategies to disadvantage them he had inched slowly towards the village building a series of forts along the route and when faced to fight the village he refused to fight except from within the fortress walls that had been built to disadvantage and weaken them |
a lack of artillery was now taking its toll and crippling for bang rachan as they had trouble taking down their forts along the way they had heavy losses of it s warriors and innocent villagers within the village due to burmese soldiers firing their cannons towards them and inside the village at one stage one of the leaders nai thong min who was drunk at that time was furious to see cannons being fired towards them mounted a water buffalo and try to attack the burmese forts with a small force in what remains one of the most iconic folktales and legends of bang rachan he was eventually killed with the small force facing the same fate after unsuccessfully taking down the forts this was the first defeat for bang rachan by the burmese army |
with the villagers morale down after losing one of their leaders nai thong min and all the havoc caused within the village bang rachan pleaded for help to ayutthaya they asked for cannons they could deploy against the burmese forts but as expected and typical of their actions throughout the war ayutthaya showed little interest in helping them as they were trying to keep enough artillery as they could to prepare for their own war with the burmese they had refused their request but one man phraya rattanathibet was instead sent to help bang rachan forge their own weapons and cannons the weapons they had cast and the cannons they had forged were eventually cracked and were little use for the last remaining battles soon after this nai ten had succumb to the wound on his knee and the other leaders nai chan nuad keao and nai khun sun had died from their wounds they had sustained while trying to take down the burmese forts as well which they were unsuccessful too |
four of the eleven leaders had died and now with the villagers dispirited and losing hope of winning the war let alone surviving the havoc caused in their country the village of bang rachan had eventually fell to the last battle against the burmese soldiers being put to the ground while facing continuous siege of cannons towards them and the village five months since the first resistance movement and their earlier battles against the burmese soldiers are notably the only successful resistance group that had put up with the burmese armies and fought to the very end throughout the invasion of siam ayutthaya itself was not as successful in their own campaign in protecting their kingdom and eventually as well falling to the burmese hands |
the village of bang rachan will always been remembered by the people of thailand for their bravery heroism and devotion in fighting and protecting their motherland that was once fought and protected by their ancestors in order for their kids and future generations to have a place to live and call home their stories their names and their sacrifices will always be the most respected by the thais and that their love for the country will always reflect on the village of bang rachan |
as of the census of 2000 there were 6 799 people 2 745 households and 1 847 families residing in the county the population density was 14 people per square mile 5 km2 there were 3 245 housing units at an average density of 6 per square mile 2 km2 the racial makeup of the county was 97 87 white 0 97 black or african american 0 28 native american 0 10 asian 0 19 from other races and 0 59 from two or more races approximately 0 63 of the population were hispanic or latino of any race 30 4 were of american 26 9 german 14 9 english and 8 5 irish ancestry |
oda also made constitutions or rules for his clergy his constitutions of oda are the first surviving constitutions of a 10th century english ecclesiastical reformer oda reworked some statutes from 786 to form his updated code and one item that was dropped were any clauses dealing with paganism other items covered were relations between laymen and the clergy the duties of bishops the need for the laity to make canonical marriages how to observe fasts and the need for tithes to be given by the laity the work is extant in just one surviving manuscript british museum cotton vespasian a xiv folios 175v to 177v this is an 11th century copy done for wulfstan ii archbishop of york |
at the death of king eadred of england in 955 oda was one of the recipients of a bequest from the king in his case a large amount of gold he was probably behind the reestablishment of a bishopric at elmham as the line of bishops in that see starts with eadwulf of elmham in 956 oda crowned king eadwig in 956 but in late 957 the archbishop joined eadwig s rival and brother edgar who had been proclaimed king of the mercians in 957 while eadwig continued to rule wessex the exact cause of the rupture between the two brothers that led to the division of the previously united kingdom is unknown but may have resulted from eadwig s efforts to promote close kinsmen and his wife the division was peaceful and eadwig continued to call himself king of the english in contrast to edgar s title of king of the mercians in early 958 oda annulled the marriage of eadwig and his wife lfgifu who were too closely related this act was likely a political move connected to the division between eadwig and edgar as it is unlikely that the close kinship between eadwig and lfgifu had not been known before their marriage |
oda was a supporter of dunstan s monastic reforms and was a reforming agent in the church along with cenwald the bishop of worcester and lfheah the bishop of winchester he also built extensively and re roofed canterbury cathedral after raising the walls higher in 948 oda took saint wilfrid s relics from ripon frithegod s verse life of wilfrid has a preface that was written by oda in which the archbishop claimed that he rescued the relics from ripon which he described as decayed and thorn covered he also acquired the relics of st ouen and frithegod also wrote at oda s behest a verse life of that saint which has been lost he was also an active in reorganizing the diocesan structure of his province as the sees of elmham and lindsey were reformed during his archbishopric |
the archbishop died on 2 june 958 and is regarded as a saint with a feast day of 4 july other dates were also commemorated including 2 june or 29 may after his death legendary tales ascribed miracles to him including one where the eucharist dripped with blood another was the miraculous repair of a sword there is no contemporary evidence for veneration being made to oda with the first indication of cult coming in the hagiography written by byrhtferth about oswald but no hagiography specifically about oda was written until eadmer wrote the vita sancti odonis sometime between 1093 and 1125 oda was known by contemporaries as the good and also became known as severus the severe |
a sentimentalist oscar wilde wrote is one who desires to have the luxury of an emotion without paying for it in james joyce s ulysses stephen dedalus sends buck mulligan a telegram that reads the sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a thing done james baldwin considered that sentimentality the ostentatious parading of excessive and spurious emotion is the mark of dishonesty the inability to feel the mask of cruelty this side of paradise by f scott fitzgerald contrasts sentimentalists and romantics with amory blaine telling rosalind i m not sentimental i m as romantic as you are the idea you know is that the sentimental person thinks things will last the romantic person has a desperate confidence that they won t |
in a subjective confession of 1932 ulysses a monologue the analytic psychologist carl jung anticipates baudrillard when he writes think of the lamentable role of popular sentiment in wartime think of our so called humanitarianism the psychiatrist knows only too well how each of us becomes the helpless but not pitiable victim of his own sentiments sentimentality is the superstructure erected upon brutality unfeelingness is the counter position and inevitably suffers from the same defects jung the spirit in man art and literature london routledge 2003 p 143 |
marsters moved to chicago where his first professional acting role was ferdinand in the tempest at the goodman theatre in 1987 in this production he was rolled onto the stage strapped naked to a wheel he talks about this experience and his other theatrical roles at length in a 2020 interview with michael rosenbaum on the podcast inside of you he also appeared with well known chicago companies such as the northlight and the bailiwick and with his own group the genesis theatre company marsters was nominated for a joseph jefferson award for his performance of the lead role of robespierre in the six hour drama incorruptible the life death and dreams of maximilian de robespierre in 1989 |
spike had been intended as a short role by creator joss whedon who initially resisted spike s popularity he made it very clear he did not want the show to be taken over by another romantic vampire marsters told 411mania adding to joss vampires were supposed to be ugly evil and quick to be killed when i was cast joss did not imagine me to be popular spike was supposed to be dirty and evil punk rock and then dead the massive fan response prevented his character from being killed off allowing him a presence throughout the second season there were no plans to bring him back as a regular until the character cordelia chase was moved to the spin off show angel and as marsters told 411mania they needed someone to tell buffy she was stupid and about to die and they decided to bring me back he thought he would not last as being a vampire he was restricted to night time scenes and could not feasibly interact with the characters as often as cordelia instead spike would last until the very end of the show and become a romantic partner for buffy |
after the conclusion of buffy the vampire slayer marsters carried spike over to its spinoff angel as a series regular in the fifth and final season of the show marsters was asked to keep quiet about this as his return was intended to be a surprise but the network promoted spike s return as soon as it could in order to attract advertising in april 2004 following the end of angel marsters had spike s trademark bleached hair shaved off for charity live on television during an episode of on air with ryan seacrest |
marsters has narrated the audiobooks for the dresden files a series of detective novels with a supernatural bent and the side short story collection in the same universe side jobs were also recorded by marsters he did not originally record the dresden book ghost story due to a scheduling conflict leaving fellow smallville alumnus john glover to record it this caused a fairly noteworthy public outcry by audiobook listeners he returned for the following book cold days on march 24 2015 jim butcher announced that a new version of the ghost story audiobook was to be released on april 21 2015 with marsters returning as narrator in response to fan demands |
in 2005 marsters filmed a thriller shadow puppets with jolene blalock late that year marsters appeared on the television series smallville playing dr milton fine the popular superman villain brainiac in eight episodes throughout the show s fifth season he reprised his role as brainiac in a four episode arc in the seventh season and did a cameo voice over in season eight he returned for one episode in the show s final season on october 29 2005 marsters presented two performances of his own abridged adaptation of shakespeare s macbeth with american actress cheryl puente as lady macbeth followed by question and answer sessions with the audience and acoustic concerts in london |
in september 2006 marsters interpretation of godber s teechers was performed on the queen mary with two other actors in los angeles this is a play he had received critical acclaim for as a stage actor prior to his television work marsters co starred in the 2007 cinematic release of p s i love you alongside kathy bates hilary swank and gerard butler released in september 2007 marsters starred in the direct to dvd animated movie providing the voice of iconic villain lex luthor the film received mostly positive reviews |
marsters had played in bands and solo in bars and clubs for many years and enjoyed several successful sell out solo gigs at los angeles clubs before forming a band for these solo gigs he mainly performed covers of classic folk and rock musicians such as tom waits neil young james taylor and bruce springsteen he sang in once more with feeling a musical episode of buffy solo parts in walk through the fire and something to sing about and rest in peace completely on his own |
in 2003 04 marsters was the lead singer for the rock band ghost of the robot their debut album mad brilliant was released on february 2 2003 the band played its first gigs in los angeles and paris they went on to play successful dates in and around los angeles and two sold out tours of europe in 2003 and 2004 in addition to mad brilliant they released three singles valerie david letterman and new man and one mid length ep it s nothing all these releases carried tracks written and co written by marsters several of ghost of the robot s earlier songs were loosely based on the buffy the vampire slayer characters buffy dawn and faith |
new solo songs not included on the album but sung at live solo concerts include birth of the blues finer than gold louise and london city finer than gold london city and louise were composed while on tour in the uk in april 2005 birth of the blues was composed by marsters in amsterdam in 2004 while touring with his now defunct band during his october 2005 mini tour of the uk marsters introduced other new songs to his sets button down vandals up on me and all that she wanted these songs were available only as part of his recently released words and music dvd which has his abridged version of macbeth as well as a full length solo music performance |
during his september 2006 convention james marsters friends he debuted several new songs including the truth is heavy fall of night jealous man and not a millionaire all these songs reflect his new blues music and folk sound he also performed a cover version of keb mo s classic baby blue in 2007 he performed live several times in the uk and debuted two new songs written in cardiff layabout and looking at you reflect a more upbeat light folk move in marsters music these songs as well as some of his previously unrecorded work were released on marsters second solo album formally launched in los angeles and cardiff in october and november 2007 respectively this album like a waterfall includes twelve songs all written by marsters most had been performed and recorded live but not in the studio an exception is when i was a baby a song never previously performed in public |
there were 146 households of which 33 6 had children under the age of 18 living with them 78 1 were married couples living together 2 1 had a female householder with no husband present 1 4 had a male householder with no wife present and 18 5 were non families 15 1 of all households were made up of individuals and 11 had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older the average household size was 2 79 and the average family size was 3 12 |
sac established in 2008 is an independent multinational program that provides the capability of transporting equipment and personnel over long distances to its 12 member nations by owning and operating three boeing c 17 globemaster iii long range cargo aircraft the sac is based at the hungarian defence forces p pa air base in western hungary each participating nation owns a share of the available flight hours of the sac c 17 s that can be used for missions to serve the needs of their national defense nato eu or un commitments as well as humanitarian relief efforts |
the aircraft and supporting equipment operated by the heavy airlift wing are owned by the sac nations the nato airlift management programme office nam po an integral part of nato support and procurement agency nspa is the acquisition and sustainment authority and manager for the life cycle of the sac c 17 weapon system it also provides site and administrational support to the haw boeing the manufacturer of the c 17 is responsible for contract flight line maintenance engineering and technical support and management and supply of spare parts the c 17 aircraft and their support were acquired from boeing under the foreign military sales fms program of the u s department of defense |
a personal trainer is an individual who has earned a certification that demonstrates they have achieved a level of competency for creating and delivering safe and effective exercise programs for apparently healthy individuals and groups or those with medical clearance to exercise they motivate clients by collaborating to set goals providing meaningful feedback and by being a reliable source for accountability trainers also conduct a variety of assessments beginning with a preparticipation health screening and may also include assessments of posture and movement flexibility balance core function cardiorespiratory fitness muscular fitness body composition and skill related parameters e g power agility coordination speed and reactivity to observe and gather relevant information needed to develop an effective exercise program and support client goal attainment these assessments may be performed at the beginning of and after an exercise program to measure client progress toward improved physical fitness they also provide education on many other aspects of wellness including general health and nutrition guidelines helping clients to reach their full potential in various aspects of life requires a comprehensive client centered approach along with a belief that clients are resourceful and capable of change |
the profession is generally not restricted by venue and personal trainers may work in fitness facilities in their personal homes in client homes over live video also called virtual personal trainers or outdoors almost all exercise professionals work in physical fitness facilities health clubs and fitness centers located in the amusement and recreation industry or in civic and social organizations personal training is not regulated in any jurisdiction in the united states except for washington d c which adopted registration requirements for personal fitness trainers in february 2014 some employers such as gyms require personal trainers to be certified however this is not always the case and some personal trainers are able to find work without certification overall personal trainers must possess certain skills such as a passion for fitness and helping others achieve their goals industry knowledge leadership and the ability to communicate effectively with their clients |
personal trainers may specialize in a certain training type training philosophy performance type exercise modality or client population in general most personal trainers develop exercise plans for aerobic exercise resistance exercise and or flexibility training with aerobic exercise prescription personal trainers determine the type of exercise duration of exercise and frequency of exercise for resistance exercise prescription the type of exercise total session volume rest period frequency and intensity are determined personal trainers may also be involved in the prescription of stretching routines or other approaches personal trainers help clients to perform exercises with correct techniques minimizing the risk of injury while some discuss nutrition ergogenic supplementation and spiritual practices with clients there is debate within the industry as to whether it fits within their scope of practice and training qualifications |
as mentioned above personal trainers may also work remotely with clients to improve their fitness this is known as online personal training or online coaching and has become increasingly popular in recent years this can be done via live video where the trainer instructs an individual or group while they exercise however an online personal trainer may also write a training plan for a remote client and allow them to complete their exercise on their own this may involve a video analysis of the client s training session after the fact |
in the uk there are several ways to achieve a personal training qualification most personal training qualifications are accredited through awarding bodies like cyq central ymca qualifications active iq active international qualifications and city and guilds these qualifications are generally delivered by further education fe establishments like colleges or by private training providers upon successful completion of an accredited awarding body qualification candidates become eligible for level 3 reps register of exercise professionals status university graduates with an appropriate honours degree can also apply to become an approved by reps through accreditation of prior learning apl and accreditation of prior achievement apa |
in partnership with the fitness industry the international health racquet sportsclub association ihrsa which represents over 9 000 health and fitness facilities started an initiative in 2002 to improve standards for both its own clubs and the industry as a whole in january 2006 ihrsa implemented a recommendation that its facilities only accept personal trainers with certifications recognized by the national commission for certifying agencies ncca if recognized either by the council for higher education accreditation chea and or the u s department of education usde as a result the distance education and training council detc was recognized by ihrsa as a recognized accreditor of fitness professional certification organizations since then the detc has accredited several personal trainer certification organizations including the aerobics and fitness association of america afaa and the international sports sciences association issa among others as of now nasm issa afaa acsm ace and nsca certifications are among the 16 accredited certifications recognized by ihrsa three of which are accredited by the distance education training council detc |
barney s father arnie gumble was a world war ii veteran who died in 1979 in a parade float accident little is known about his mother except that she lives in norway and that she served in the united states navy including duty on a submarine she is seen in the season nine episode simpson tide in treehouse of horror xvii barney stated that he was polish after mistakenly saying he was irish in a drunken stupor barney was born on april 20 which homer remembers is also hitler s birthday in viva ned flanders and barney s entry into the springfield film festival in a star is burns where barney states that he is 40 years old in the episode pringfield he claims that he studied dance for several years including modern and tap |
in homer s barbershop quartet barney formed a barbershop quartet with homer apu nahasapeemapetilon and seymour skinner called the be sharps barney was asked to join when the other members heard him singing in a beautiful tenor voice in the restroom of moe s tavern replacing the group s original fourth member chief wiggum who was kicked out in 1986 the be sharps won a grammy award for outstanding soul spoken word or barbershop album of the year soon creative disputes arose and barney left the group in all but name when he began dating a japanese conceptual artist the group realized that they were no longer popular and split up |
barney was rescued from a tar pit by bart s pet elephant stampy in bart gets an elephant and he also started a snowplowing business rivaling homer s in mr plow barney s commercial defamed homer causing homer to lose his customers as revenge homer fooled barney into plowing a driveway on widow s peak a treacherous mountain just outside springfield when homer saw a news report showing that barney had become trapped in an avalanche homer immediately drove to the mountain and rescued barney the friends resolved their differences and agreed to work together however a heat wave hit springfield at that exact moment driving them both out of business however in the episodes o brother where bart thou and miracle on evergreen terrace it is shown that barney still drives his plow king truck |
barney made a documentary film about his life as an alcoholic titled pukahontas it won the top prize at the springfield film festival he was ready to quit drinking after winning the festival but unfortunately the prize he received was a lifetime supply of duff beer in deep space homer barney trained to become an astronaut for nasa under their alcohol ban he quickly regained his balance and diction and was quite appropriately selected to fly with buzz aldrin however he reverted to his old ways when he was presented with a bottle of non alcoholic champagne barney served in the united states navy reserve as a submariner on the uss jebediah alongside his mother in simpson tide |
the two day vibrant gujarat global investor s summit 2005 was a one of its kind event in india it got off to a start with the honourable vice president of india shri bhairon singh shekhawat inaugurating the ceremony more than 6 000 people attended the inaugural ceremony the dignitaries present at the ceremony included industry representatives foreign multinationals nris as well as the business from various sections of the society india mukesh ambani of reliance industry gautam adani of the adani group shashi ruia of essar nigel shaw of british gas and so on mous for setting up projects worth inr 870 billion were signed on the first day itself |
the summit was planned to coincide with gujarat s famous kite festival uttarayan which marks a change of season with the movement of the sun into the northern hemisphere sectoral theme pavilions showcasing the strength of gujarat in the relevant areas were developed major industries government corporations and institutions participated in each sector the event also hosted an exhibition along with seminars on the focus areas for investment in the state these were it biotech agro energy gas petroleum non conventional energy port port led industries financial services textiles and apparels gems jewellery tourism etc the exhibition was held at the science city which have more than 200 exhibitors from various sectors the exhibitions attracted visitors from within the state and outside |
the vibrant gujarat global investors summit 2007 event was spread over a period of 4 days on 10 january 2007 a multimedia exhibition eternal gandhi on life and philosophy of mahatma gandhi was inaugurated at science city ahmedabad on 11 january an exhibition showcasing the strengths and advantages of the various industries in gujarat named gujarat discovered and the international kite festival at the sabarmati riverfront development site was opened 12 january saw the inauguration of global investors summit at the science city |
vibrant gujarat global investors summit 2009 had resounding success this year too as it had been in the past during the course of two days 8662 mous worth us 243 billion over rs 12 000 billion are signed the summit witnessed participation of delegates from 45 countries amounting to over 600 foreign delegates the who s who of the indian industry were present including ratan tata chairman tata group kv kamath chairman icici and president cii mukesh ambani chairman reliance industries kumar mangalam birla chairman birla group shashi ruia chairman essar group mr anil ambani chairman adag group sunil mittal chairman bharti enterprise among several other dignitaries several political dignitaries from various countries such as japan uk china russia canada israel poland korea uae malawi indonesia oman kenya italy singapore trinidad tobago vietnam uganda zimbabwe and maldives had participated |
japan was the partner country to this summit this being the first time any country has agreed to partner with a state of another country japan external trade organisation jetro was designated as the partner organization japan also reciprocated gujarat s initiatives for mutual economic cooperation by sending two senior level delegations led by hideaki domichi the ambassador of japan to india and heizo takenaka former minister of economic fiscal policy of japan the maximum number of delegates was from japan totalling to over 70 members another major delegation was from usa |
earlier summits were organized in the year 2003 2005 and 2007 the 2003 global investors summit was held coinciding with the glorious navratri festival where a total of 76 mous worth us 14 billion were signed the 2005 summit saw signing of 226 mous garnering an investment of us 20 billion the year 2007 summit resulted in signing of 675 mous worth us 152 billion in the year 2009 the initiative that began six years ago was intensified and the state propelled into the next stage of the development process focused and intensive growth in the socio economic index |
the 7th vibrant gujarat summit was planned during 11 to 13 january 2015 at mahatma mandir gandhinagar gujarat india six summits held so far had been a resounding success and immensely contributed to the transformation of gujarat into a global business hub the prime focus of government of gujarat was inclusive development and the key areas for development identified included innovation sustainability youth skill development knowledge sharing and networking this summit was an ideal platform for other states and countries to showcase their strengths highlight business opportunities facilitate knowledge dissemination etc |
dr jeff weitzman dennis boutsikaris is a psychologist working in a sanitarium in new jersey his primary patients are billy henry jack and albert billy keaton has the most mental capacity of the group and their de facto leader though he is a pathological liar with violent tendencies henry lloyd suffers from ocd and has deluded himself into thinking he is one of the doctors at the hospital often walking around with a clipboard lab coat and stethoscope jack boyle is a former advertising executive who believes he is jesus christ finally albert furst is a man child who can only communicate using baseball terminology particularly from former ball player and commentator phil rizzuto |
after dr weitzman s beating and coma it is up to the patients to save their doctor from being murdered by the cops they end up having to both use and overcome their delusions and disorders in order to save the only man who ever tried to help them with both the police and the killers looking for them three revisit scenes from their pasts billy former girlfriend riley played by lorraine bracco henry his wife and daughter and jack his former employer as each patient does so individually they each behave in a competent rational manner henry genuinely missing his family billy wishing to pursue a more serious relationship and jack appealing to his boss that he and his friends are in trouble but the boss reports jack to the police |
the concept of the user interface markup languages is primarily based upon the desire to prevent the re invention of the wheel in the design development and function of a user interface such re invention comes in the form of coding a script for the entire user interface the typical user interface markup language solidifies often re used program or script code in the form of markup making it easier to focus upon design of a user interface in an understandable dialect as opposed to focus on function |
in the course of normal immune response parts of pathogens e g bacteria are recognized by the immune system as foreign non self and eliminated or effectively neutralized to reduce their potential damage such a recognizable substance is called an antigen the immune system may respond in multiple ways to an antigen a key feature of this response is the production of antibodies by b cells or b lymphocytes involving an arm of the immune system known as humoral immunity the antibodies are soluble and do not require direct cell to cell contact between the pathogen and the b cell to function |
antigens can be large and complex substances and any single antibody can only bind to a small specific area on the antigen consequently an effective immune response often involves the production of many different antibodies by many different b cells against the same antigen hence the term polyclonal which derives from the words poly meaning many and clones from greek kl n meaning sprout or twig a clone is a group of cells arising from a common mother cell the antibodies thus produced in a polyclonal response are known as polyclonal antibodies the polyclonal antibodies are distinct from monoclonal antibody molecules which are identical and react against a single epitope only i e are more specific |
pathogens synthesize proteins that can serve as recognizable antigens they may express the molecules on their surface or release them into the surroundings body fluids what makes these substances recognizable is that they bind very specifically and somewhat strongly to certain host proteins called antibodies the same antibodies can be anchored to the surface of cells of the immune system in which case they serve as receptors or they can be secreted in the blood known as soluble antibodies on a molecular scale the proteins are relatively large so they cannot be recognized as a whole instead their segments called epitopes can be recognized an epitope comes in contact with a very small region of 15 22 amino acids of the antibody molecule this region is known as the paratope in the immune system membrane bound antibodies are the b cell receptor bcr also while the t cell receptor is not biochemically classified as an antibody it serves a similar function in that it specifically binds to epitopes complexed with major histocompatibility complex mhc molecules the binding between a paratope and its corresponding antigen is very specific owing to its structure and is guided by various noncovalent bonds not unlike the pairing of other types of ligands any atom ion or molecule that binds with any receptor with at least some degree of specificity and strength the specificity of binding does not arise out of a rigid lock and key type of interaction but rather requires both the paratope and the epitope to undergo slight conformational changes in each other s presence |
in figure at left the various segments that form the epitope have been shown to be continuously collinear meaning that they have been shown as sequential however for the situation being discussed here i e the antigen recognition by the b cell this explanation is too simplistic such epitopes are known as sequential or linear epitopes as all the amino acids on them are in the same sequence line this mode of recognition is possible only when the peptide is small about six to eight amino acids long and is employed by the t cells t lymphocytes |
however the b memory naive cells recognize intact proteins present on the pathogen surface in this situation the protein in its tertiary structure is so greatly folded that some loops of amino acids come to lie in the interior of the protein and the segments that flank them may lie on the surface the paratope on the b cell receptor comes in contact only with those amino acids that lie on the surface of the protein the surface amino acids may actually be discontinuous in the protein s primary structure but get owing to the complex protein folding patterns as in the adjoining figure such epitopes are known as conformational epitopes and tend to be longer 15 22 amino acid residues than the linear epitopes likewise the antibodies produced by the plasma cells belonging to the same clone would bind to the same conformational epitopes on the pathogen proteins |
the binding of a specific antigen with corresponding bcr molecules results in increased production of the mhc ii molecules this assumes significance as the same does not happen when the same antigen would be internalized by a relatively nonspecific process called pinocytosis in which the antigen with the surrounding fluid is drunk as a small vesicle by the b cell hence such an antigen is known as a nonspecific antigen and does not lead to activation of the b cell or subsequent production of antibodies against it |
macrophages and related cells employ a different mechanism to recognize the pathogen their receptors recognize certain present on the invading pathogen that are very unlikely to be present on a host cell such repeating motifs are recognized by pattern recognition receptors prrs like the toll like receptors tlrs expressed by the macrophages since the same receptor could bind to a given motif present on surfaces of widely disparate microorganisms this mode of recognition is relatively nonspecific and constitutes an innate immune response |
at this time though the chemical nature of what exactly in the blood conferred this protection was not known in a few decades to follow it was shown that the protective serum could neutralize and precipitate toxins and clump bacteria all these functions were attributed to different substances in the serum and named accordingly as antitoxin precipitin and agglutinin that all the three substances were one entity gamma globulins was demonstrated by elvin a kabat in 1939 in the preceding year kabat had demonstrated the heterogeneity of antibodies through ultracentrifugation studies of horses sera |
in order to account for the wide range of antigens the immune system can recognize paul ehrlich in 1900 had hypothesized that preexisting side chain receptors bind a given pathogen and that this interaction induces the cell exhibiting the receptor to multiply and produce more copies of the same receptor this theory called the selective theory was not proven for next five decades and had been challenged by several instructional theories which were based on the notion that an antibody would assume its effective structure by folding around the antigen in the late 1950s however the works of three scientists jerne talmage and burnet who largely modified the theory gave rise to the clonal selection theory which proved all the elements of ehrlich s hypothesis except that the specific receptors that could neutralize the agent were soluble and not membrane bound |
richer was known to have one of the hardest shots in the nhl during his playing days coupled with an extremely quick release unlike many other players richer only had to wind up his stick to about waist height to achieve full power on his shot recognition of his hard shot was noticed even more when fleer trading cards included richer in their slapshot artists limited set for the 1994 95 season during the 1994 new jersey devils team only skills competition prior to the all star game richer recorded multiple slapshots that exceeded the 100 mph mark |
Subsets and Splits