alecccdd's picture
Add dataset information
dc0c9f5 verified
- config_name: v2
- split: train
path: v2/train_color.h5
- split: test
path: v2/val_color.h5
- config_name: v1
- split: train
path: v1/train_color.h5
- split: test
path: v1/val_color.h5
- config_name: mini_test
- split: train
path: mini_test/train_color.h5
- split: test
path: mini_test/val_color.h5
license: mit
- image-to-image
# scnn-watermark-removal dataset for classified house cleaning ads
| name | tn | ts | val | size | scales\* | augm\*\* | release |
| ---- | --- | ---- | --- | ----- | -------- | -------- | ---------- |
| test | *1* | 77 | 1 | 69 | 4 | yes | 2024-12-01 |
| v1 | 477 | 9048 | 50 | 7,575 | ? | no | 2024-12-01 |
| v2 | 48 | 2179 | 4 | 1,732 | 4 | no | 2024-12-01 |
| v3 | 48 | 876 | 6 | 723 | 1 | no | 2024-12-01 |
*\* 1: \[1]; 4: \[1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7]*
*\*\* # of augmentations performed on each patch*
## Dataset Composition
**Source Portals:**
* ME Medellín
* MR Colombia
* KM Germany
* OL International
**Exclusion Criteria:** 
* Watermark present
* One dimension below 250 px
**Post Processing:**
* For most datasets width has been downsized to 460 px while maintaining aspect ratio
### Total Collection (2024-12-01)
| <u>Source</u> | <u># Samples</u> |
| -------------------- | ---------------- |
| **ME Medellín** | 276 |
| **MR Colombia** | 1,154 |
| **KM Germany** | 46 |
| **OL International** | 153 |
### mini\_test
\* train picture not suited for real training. The purpose of this version is to test if the actual training will work