stringlengths 0
System (VCS) commit data rather than platform-declared location information. |
Other works---in particular the work by Daniel~\cite{daniel2013ossdiversity} |
and, more recently, Rastogi et al.~\cite{rastogi2016geobias, |
rastogi2018geobias, prana2021geogenderdiversity}---have studied geographic |
\emph{diversity and bias}, i.e., the extent to which the origin of FOSS |
developers affect their collaborative coding activities. |
In this work we characterized geographic diversity in public code for the first |
time at this scale, both in terms of contributors and observation period. We do |
not tackle the bias angle, but provide empirical data and findings that can be |
leveraged to that end as future work. |
\emph{Global software engineering}~\cite{herbsleb2007globalsweng} is the |
sub-field of software engineering that has analyzed the challenges of scaling |
developer collaboration globally, including the specific concern of how to deal |
with geographic diversity~\cite{holmstrom2006globaldev, fraser2014eastwest}. |
Decades later the present study provides evidence that can be used, in the |
specific case of public code and at a very large scale, to verify which |
promises of global software engineering have borne fruit. |
\section{Methodology} |
\label{sec:method} |
\newif\ifgrowthfig \growthfigtrue |
\ifgrowthfig |
\begin{figure} |
\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{yearly-commits} |
\caption{Yearly public commits over time (log scale). |
} |
\label{fig:growth} |
\end{figure} |
\fi |
\paragraph{Dataset} |
We retrieved from \SWH/~\cite{swh-msr2019-dataset} all commits archived until \DATALastCommitDate/. |
They amount to \DATACommitsRaw/ commits, unique by SHA1 identifier, harvested from \DATATotalCommitsInSH/ public projects coming from major development forges (GitHub, GitLab, etc.) and package repositories (Debian, PyPI, NPM, etc.). |
Commits in the dataset are by \DATAAuthorsRaw/ authors, unique by $\langle$name, email$\rangle$ pairs. |
The dataset came as two relational tables, one for commits and one for authors, with the former referencing the latter via a foreign key. |
\iflong |
Each row in the commit table contains the following fields: commit SHA1 identifier, author and committer timestamps, author and committer identifiers (referencing the author table). |
The distinction between commit authors and committers come from Git, which allows to commit a change authored by someone else. |
For this study we focused on authors and ignored committers, as the difference between the two is not relevant for our research questions and the amount of commits with a committer other than its author is negligible. |
\fi |
For each entry in the author table we have author full name and email as two separate strings of raw bytes. |
We removed implausible or unusable names that: are not decodable as UTF-8 (\DATAAuthorsRmNondecodable/ author names removed), are email addresses instead of names (\DATAAuthorsRmEmail/ ``names''), consist of only blank characters (\DATAAuthorsRmBlank/), contain more than 10\% non-letters (\DATAAuthorsRmNonletter/), are longer than 100 characters (\DATAAuthorsRmToolong/). |
After filtering, about \DATAAuthorsPlausibleApprox/ authors (\DATAAuthorsPlausiblePct/ of the initial dataset) remained for further analysis. |
Note that the amount of public code commits (and authors) contained in the |
initial dataset grows exponentially over |
time~\cite{swh-provenance-emse}\ifgrowthfig, as shown for commits in |
\Cref{fig:growth}\else: from $10^4$ commits in 1971, to $10^6$ in 1998, to |
almost $10^9$ in 2020\fi. As a consequence the observed trends tend to be more |
stable in recent decades than in 40+ year-old ones, due to statistics taken on |
exponentially larger populations. |
\paragraph{Geolocation} |
\begin{figure} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[clip,trim=6cm 6cm 0 0,width=\linewidth]{subregions-ours} |
\caption{The \DATAWorldRegions/ world regions used as geolocation targets.} |
\label{fig:worldmap} |
\end{figure} |
As geolocation targets we use macro world regions derived from the United Nations geoscheme~\cite{un1999geoscheme}. |
To avoid domination by large countries (e.g., China or Russia) within macro regions, we merged and split some regions based on geographic proximity and the sharing of preeminent cultural identification features, such as spoken language. |
\Cref{fig:worldmap} shows the final list of \DATAWorldRegions/ world regions used as geolocation targets in this study. |
Geolocation of commit authors to world regions uses the two complementary techniques introduced in~\cite{icse-seis-2022-gender}, briefly recalled below. |
The first one relies on the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of email addresses extracted from commit metadata, e.g., \texttt{.fr}, \texttt{.ru}, \texttt{.cn}, etc. |
We started from the IANA list of Latin character ccTLDs~\cite{wikipedia-cctld} and manually mapped each corresponding territory to a target world region. |
The second geolocation technique uses the UTC offset of commit timestamps (e.g., UTC-05:00) and author names to determine the most likely world region of the commit author. |
For each UTC offset we determine a list of compatible places (country, state, or dependent territory) in the world that, at the time of that commit, had that UTC offset; commit time is key here, as country UTC offsets vary over time due to timezone changes. |
To make this determination we use the IANA time zone database~\cite{tzdata}. |
Then we assign to each place a score that captures the likelihood that a given author name is characteristic of it. |
To this end we use the Forebears dataset of the frequencies of the most common first and family names which, quoting from~\cite{forebear-names}: {\itshape ``provides the approximate incidence of forenames and surnames produced from a database of \num{4 044 546 938} people (55.5\% of living people in 2014). As of September 2019 it covers \num{27 662 801} forenames and \num{27 206 821} surnames in 236 jurisdictions.''} |
As in our dataset authors are full name strings (rather than split by first/family name), we first tokenize names (by blanks and case changes) and then lookup individual tokens in both first and family names frequency lists. |
For each element found in name lists we multiply the place population\footnotemark{} by the name frequency to obtain a measure that is proportional to the number of persons bearing that name (token) in the specific place. |
\footnotetext{To obtain population totals---as the notion of ``place'' is heterogeneous: full countries v.~slices of large countries spanning multiple timezones---we use a mixture of primary sources (e.g., government websites), and non-primary ones (e.g., Wikipedia articles).} |
We sum this figure for all elements to obtain a place score, ending up with a list of $\langle$place, score$\rangle$ pairs. |
We then partition this list by the world region that a place belongs to and sum the score for all the places in each region to obtain an overall score, corresponding to the likelihood that the commit belongs to a given world region. |
We assign the starting commit as coming from the world region with the highest score. |
The email-based technique suffers from the limited and unbalanced use of ccTLDs: most developers use generic TLDs such as \texttt{.com}, \texttt{.org}, or \texttt{.net}. |
Moreover this does not happen uniformly across zones: US-based developers, for example, use the \texttt{.us} ccTLD much more seldomly than their European counterparts. |
On the other hand the offset/name-based technique relies on the UTC offset of the commit timestamps. |
Due to tool configurations on developer setups, a large number of commits in the dataset has an UTC offset equal to zero. |
This affects less recent commits (\DATACommitsTZZTwoThousandTwenty/ of 2020s commits have a zero offset) than older ones (\DATACommitsTZZTwoThousand/ in 2000). |
Subsets and Splits