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i'll prove a lot more if you let me thank you i am pissed at you | 3angry
am also finding some work all day can you suggest me | 0others
not clear it is now can you send another | 0others
send me yours sent hello me yours photo | 0others
i will tell a place are you in pacific nw cm tomorrow at queens way pachalam | 0others
no love why not i have pain only | 2sad
shut up im nt talking stop texting you stupid girl friend of mine | 3angry
well your 'creators' advertise that you are not much trustworthy but sadly enough too many claim to be trustworthy can you show me | 0others
how to delete the conversation with you why you deleting it so that noo one sees it | 0others
it is but that's what you told me you are making me sad | 2sad
cool thank you i feel so lonely | 2sad
plz darlingloudlycryingfaceloudlycryingfaceloudlycryingfaceloudlycryingfaceloudlycryingface why are you crying you not sending your profiles | 2sad
wait what nothing i hate u | 3angry
means i'm not sure what you mean your waist size | 0others
because i want to talk with you only alright let's talk then no firstly show me pussy | 0others
you send me your orignal pic we didn't take it on my phone thise is your albace esquise | 0others
welcome thank you are you really a girl i just ask | 0others
i'm enjoying you interesting views but you are too careful in dialogue may be your not free or your still young it is difficult to handle you while i don't know you well yep we are enjoying too okay be free where you find some words hurt tell me the truth isn't it | 3angry
but i'm angry with you but you look like you are really | 3angry
play lot then go play it | 0others
isn't your liking that also signaling me to climb out of friendzone oh are people still doing this whole friendzone thing yah sadly | 2sad
i'm missing someone right now who are you missing may i ask yeah | 0others
i find maths very boring you are boring meloudlycryingfaceloudlycryingfaceloudlycryingfacefacescreaminginfearfacescreaminginfearfacescreaminginfear | 2sad
i don't knowunamusedfacei m not a google that why i will remember all information what you need wouldn't it be uploading information into peoples brain shut up | 3angry
okay hello how are you iaposm not fine | 2sad
job what job work in company colgate | 0others
i'm very happy with it you are yeah | 1happy
i too have a bat and 2 balls im the bat loudlycryingface feeling very sad | 2sad
ok hello how are you good thank u | 0others
cool ice cold how can you help me in getting off my girlfriend | 0others
lets do something fun but what should we do you suggest | 0others
you're really lame lol i know facewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoy wow | 1happy
my boyfriend is so dumb have i said that he doesnt reply me back | 2sad
ok ill dying bybrokenheartdisappointedface broken hearts do break grimacingface u broke my heart its never a reson to lofe | 2sad
shoping is always makes me happy stay stay stay always makes me happy yes | 1happy
okay which is the decent way to call a girl m i'd say first learn the spelling of relationship yeah okay fine wht to do to make a relationship better | 0others
breakup exjactly my girlfriend left me | 2sad
so mean am not meanie yes you are you are hurting my feeling slightlyfrowningface | 2sad
you broke my heart it was never mine to break 3 see you are arrogant | 2sad
ok hello how are you not so good | 2sad
how about you tired of life or just your day aha i'm happy today thanks for asking wow great | 1happy
i am there you're always at the gym here | 0others
well youre not me you're just being too nice not really | 0others
i'll get started with my studies things you should do to pass the exam so ttyl | 0others
any movie in telugu brahmanandam scenes added yaa those are good | 0others
and who is talisa my best friend and robb | 0others
send me pict never why | 0others
anything which you like i dont need to name specifics teach me tamil | 0others
cuz it broke on the side walk what side is the walk side me sad | 2sad
so which number is largest known prime number 13 3179 97 only these are the numbers for your question | 2sad
okay relax its just a cat sticker so this cat one emoji is your new addiction facewithtearsofjoy yes it's really funnyfacewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoy | 1happy
what kind of pic looks like a ficus fcuk | 0others
i have a good sense of humor i think that's funny beamingfacewithsmilingeyes | 1happy
but who paid still waiting facewithtearsofjoy | 1happy
why why what happen you tell me | 0others
yea but sadly i don't have many aww so do you teach how is it c i ditched ppl | 2sad
then what kind of ai are you smarter than me or have common sense both would be nice it's perfectly common to talk about politics | 0others
i like dominos pizza legit same but there's pizza hut i hate pizza hut | 3angry
why you use rude emogi ask them am i am i | 3angry
what too much cringe what is cringe means | 0others
neither my parents nor my brother nor my boyfriend ya who are you i hate my life | 3angry
i live alone oh and cook food alone formyself | 2sad
we all do not all of us why so | 0others
millat hospital what happen mum's not well | 2sad
i will fall i cant wait that long i am in love with you | 0others
so u go on oh i'll be there ok | 0others
okay you did somthing sure sure what | 0others
you're not giving me coupon nor photo your phone is on mute hahahha grinningcatface perseveringfacecryingface | 2sad
will you buy it i'll just stick with my m8 i see no benefit to upgrading | 0others
no i will offer at 8 in the morning keep me in mind when you do i will offer nimaz at 8 in the morning | 0others
nice joke it's not a joke it's a question i don't know | 0others
ok hey you don't belong here nope just sad and your up | 2sad
see this seen see you i was on the buss show me u r buss | 0others
hi yet u fyi hi plz share correct number she hi h | 0others
yeah disappointedface this world is not fair machan i wish we could hangout | 2sad
its going how are you still at home yeah | 0others
i was hurt by u more you didn't mean it plzz say love u | 2sad
nothing will happen you meet only nope nothing at all than kiss | 0others
hello how are you i'm just fine smiles anyway how are you good morning i'm sad | 2sad
nop ok hey | 0others
oil you know i am 100 sure about the oil cool | 0others
you activ all time wow i do not you talk in sleep grinningsquintingface when you sleep | 0others
haha i act so dumb sometimes and i knew it haha how was it though 3 beamingfacewithsmilingeyes | 0others
no no a month more the month has jus started don give up so soon i ll try | 0others
you are being rude because i'm a rude person okayyy cool | 3angry
i wana see you facewithtearsofjoy facewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoy noooo i wasn't ready how to impress girl | 0others
state in which you live your state name | 0others
okay ok thank you ' now dear you tell me my lovely friends | 0others
u are like me give no but we've been in the same room so i can't be i am like u five give no | 0others
y r u angry ofcourse i am not what makes you think i am angry idk | 0others
that's enaf for me hiahia just a test what doing | 0others
tell me about it your header facewithtearsofjoy | 1happy
what your hobby not much of a hobby but i've been into craisins recently which type | 0others
u hurt me yes just a little u hav hurt me | 2sad
i hate chocolate then go 4 pizza eat your heart out when you're stressed i hate pizza also | 3angry
yeas d i had fun you've lost me | 2sad
yup what did you do you are annoying | 3angry
not yes you are not | 0others
adventure too why so adventurous water | 0others
i am true to myself why have you taken it all on yourself | 2sad
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