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Immigrants | Immigrants' |
Immunology | Allergy', 'Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases', 'Cellular Immunology', 'Clinical Immunology', 'Humoral Immunology', 'Immunochemistry', 'Immunodeficiency', 'Immunogenetics', 'Immunomodulation', 'Immunotherapy', 'Molecular Immunology', 'Nutritional Immunology', 'Radioimmunology', 'Transplantation Immunology', 'Tumour Biology and Immunology', 'Tumour Immunology', 'Vaccinology' |
Industrial | Industrial Chemicals', 'Industrial Mineral Products', 'Industrial Raw Materials' |
Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology | Bioprocess Design', 'Bioremediation', 'Biofertilizer', 'Bioseparation', 'Biosensor', 'Cell Culture Technology', 'Downstream Processing', 'Design Technology', 'Composting', 'Biosurfactant', 'Enzyme Technology', 'Biocontrol Agent', 'Biocatalyst', 'Bioconversion', 'Biofuel', 'Bioplastic', 'Biofeedstocks', 'Submerged Fermentation', 'Solid Substrate Technology', 'Product Recovery', 'Immobilised Technology', 'Fermentation Technology' |
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | Thixo-Moulding', 'Surface Engineering', 'Textile', 'Design for Manufacturing and Assembly', 'Reverse Engineering', 'Productivity Measurement', 'CAD/CAM/CAE Applications', 'Precision Engineering', 'Gerontechnology', 'Casting', 'Quality Assurance', 'Virtual Manufacturing', 'Production Process', 'Cutting Tool Technology', 'Mould and Die', 'Ergonomic', 'Foundry Technology', 'Powder Metallurgy', 'Plastic Moulding Technology', 'Grinding', 'OSH Requirement', 'Polishing', 'Forging', 'Milling and Process Materials', 'Machining/Rapid Prototyping and Tooling', 'Latex Products Processing Manufacturing', 'Packaging Technology and Materials', 'Fabrication Technology' |
Industrial Biotechnology | Biofuel and Biogas Technology', 'Bioremediation Technology', 'Biocatalyst and Enzyme Technology ', 'Biocontrol Technology', 'Biofeedstocks Technology', 'Biofertilizer Technology', 'Bioplastic Technology', 'Industrial Biopharming', 'Biosensor Technology', 'Bioseparation Technology', 'Biosurfactant Technology', 'Cell Culture Technology', 'Membrane Bioreactor', 'Fermentation Technology ' |
Industrial Engineering | Industrial System Simulation', 'Artificial Intelligence and Optimisation Methods', 'Ergonomics', 'Industrial Quality, Productivity and Performance Measurement', 'Supply Chain Management in Industrial Engineering', 'Sustainable Industrial Systems', 'Work and Layout Design', 'Operation Planning and Control in Industrial Engineering' |
Information and communications technology | ICT Ethics and Management', 'Information and Communication Services', 'Information Services', 'ICT Law ', 'ICT Education ', 'Social Impact of ICT ', 'Telecommunications Law', 'ICT Policy ' |
Information Studies | Data and Information Analysis and Interpretation', 'Data and Information Management' |
Information Systems | Agent Technology', 'Agricultural Information System ', 'Business Information System ', 'Collaborative Services', 'Computer Decision Support System', 'Data Exchange Format', 'Decision Support System', 'Design Science for Information System', 'Digital and Informatics Sustainability', 'Electronic Information Storage and Retrieval Services', 'Executive Information System', 'Geographic Information System ', 'Grid Application', 'Information Modelling', 'Information Services', 'Information System Implementation and Adoption', 'Information System Security', 'Management Information System', 'Rural Informatics', 'Search Engine', 'Semantic Grid', 'Telemedicine', 'Tomography' |
Information, Computer and Communication Technology | Information, Computer and Communication Technology' |
Inner Atmosphere | Atmospheric Chemistry', 'Atmospheric Composition, Chemistry and Processes', 'Atmospheric Physics', 'Atmospheric Aerosols', 'Hydrometeorology', 'Solar-Terrestrial Interaction', 'Climate System' |
Innovation and Intellectual Property | Innovation and Intellectual Property' |
Inorganic Chemistry | Bio-Inorganic Chemistry', 'Chemical Crystallography', 'Cluster Chemistry', 'Coordination Chemistry', 'Environmental and Green Inorganic Chemistry', 'Inorganic Green Chemistry', 'Main Group Metal Chemistry', 'Non-Metal Chemistry', 'Organometallic Chemistry', 'Solid State Chemistry', 'Transition Metal Chemistry', 'f-Block Chemistry' |
Instrumentation | Instrumentation' |
Intelligent Systems | Intelligent Systems' |
Interdisplinary Engineering | Fluidisation', 'Heat and Mass Transfer Operations', 'Acoustic Engineering', 'Biomimetics', 'Fluid Mechanics', 'Forensic Engineering', 'Optical Engineering', 'Metrology', 'Non-Destructive Testing ', 'Power Plant Engineering', 'System Engineering', 'Thermodynamics', 'Turbulent Flows' |
International | International Relations', 'International Trade' |
International Business | Cross-Cultural Management', 'Expatriate Adjustment', 'International Advertising', 'International Business Standard', 'International Entrepreneurship', 'International Franchising', 'International Human Resource Management', 'International Logistics Management', 'International Negotiation Strategies', 'International Operations Management', 'International Organisational Behavior', 'International Organisational Behaviour', 'International Risk Management', 'International Strategic Alliance and Networking', 'International, Transnational and Multinational Management ', 'Multinational Management', 'Multinational Strategic Management', 'Strategic Alliance' |
International Policy | Foreign Policy', 'International Trade Policy' |
International Studies | International Conflict', 'Diplomacy', 'Global Trade', 'Globalisation', 'Military Alliances', 'International Relations and Geopolitics', 'International Terrorism', 'Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution', 'Human Rights Issues and Democracy' |
International Treaty and Obligation | Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon', 'Nuclear Safety', 'Nuclear Liability', 'Physical Protection of Nuclear Material', 'Nuclear Terrorism', 'Nuclear Waste' |
Investment | Capital Market', 'Conventional Investment Instrument', 'Corporate Real Estate Investment', 'Foreclosure Investment', 'Futures', 'Hedge Fund', 'Initial Public Offers ', 'Institutional Investment', 'Islamic Investment Instrument', 'Market Efficiency', 'Mergers and Acquisitions', 'Mutual Fund', 'Private Equity and Real Estate Investment', 'Real Estate', 'Real Estate and REIT', 'Stock Market Studies' |
Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere | Dynamics', 'Effects on Electromagnetic Waves', 'Electron Content and Scintillation', 'Geomagnetic Field', 'Ionosphere Physics', 'Ionosphere Science', 'Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere Dynamics', 'Ionospheric Sounding', 'Irregularities', 'Morphology', 'Profile', 'Seismo-Ionospheric Coupling', 'Waves Electromagnetic Waves' |
Islamic Civilisation | History of Islamic Civilisation', 'Islamic Arts and Calligraphy', 'Islamic Education', 'Islamic Manuscript Studies' |
Islamic Finance | Islamic Banking', 'Islamic Capital Market', 'Islamic Corporate Governance', 'Islamic Finance', 'Islamic Financial Engineering', 'Islamic Insurance', 'Islamic Investment Instrument', 'Islamic Risk Management', 'Islamic Social Finance', 'Islamic Wealth Management', 'Shariah Fundamentals for Islamic Finance', 'Takaful' |
Islamic Law | Islamic International Law', 'Islamic Constitutional Law ', 'Islamic Criminal Law', 'Islamic Family Law', 'Islamic Financial Services Law ', 'Islamic Law of Transaction', 'Administration of Islamic Law', 'Islamic Jurisprudence', 'Islamic Law of Evidence', 'Islamic Law of Property ', 'Islamic Law of Succession', 'Syariah Court Procedures ', 'Islamic Judiciary and Justice System)' |
Islamic Management and Administration | Islamic Land Administration', 'Waqaf Administration and Development' |
Issues in Standards, Quality Assurance and Calibration | Standards, Quality Assurance and Calibration as Non-Tariff Trade Barriers', 'Local and Global Standards, Quality Assurance and Calibration Issues', 'Standards, Quality Assurance and Calibration and Economic Issues' |
Journalism | Broadcast Journalism', 'Digital and Interactive-Media Journalism', 'Global Journalism', 'Investigative Journalism', 'Journalism Design and Graphics', 'Photojournalism', 'Political Journalism', 'Public Relations and Advertising', 'Science and Environmental Journalism' |
Laboratory Practice | Clinical Pathology', 'Clinical Haematology', 'Plasma Medicine', 'Molecular and Experimental Research', 'Clinical Genetics' |
Land | Land Governance and Policy', 'Land Stewardship', 'Land Use Planning', 'Land Use Planning and Development', 'Waqaf Land Administration and Development' |
Landscape Architectural Practice and Management | Framework for Resilient Landscape Management ', 'Green Certification Framework for Landscape Architecture', 'Landscape Character Assessment', 'Landscape Construction Services', 'Landscape Ecosystem Services' |
Landscape Architecture | Arts and Urbanism in Landscape Architecture', 'Landscape Architecture Education, Curriculum ', 'Technology in Landscape Architecture , Passive Thermal Performances, Landscape Green Systems, Landscape Visualization and Landscape Construction Technology' |
Landscape Architecture and Planning | Landscape Management', 'Ecotourism', 'Landscape Ecology', 'Landscape Planning', 'Parks and Recreation', 'Therapeutic Garden', 'Landscape Technology' |
Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem | Greenway Network Connectivity', 'Landscape Ecosystem Structural Diversity', 'Trade-Off of Greenery in Landscape Ecosystem' |
Law | Adat Law', 'Adat and Native Customary Law', 'Administrative Law', 'Agricultural Law', 'Air and Space Law', 'Alternative Dispute Resolution', 'Biosafety Law', 'Child Law', 'Civil Law', 'Commercial Law', 'Common Law', 'Comparative Law', 'Competition Law', 'Constitutional Law', 'Construction Law', 'Contract Law', 'Corporations and Associations Law', 'Criminal Law', 'Customary Law', 'Cyber Law', 'Cyber/ICT Law', 'Disabled Law', 'Energy Law', 'Environmental Law', 'Equity and Trust Law', 'Family Law', 'Food Law', 'Governance', 'Health Law', 'Human Rights', 'Indigenous Law', 'Industrial Law', 'Intellectual Property', 'International Law', 'Jurisprudence', 'Justice System', 'Labour Law', 'Land Law', 'Law Education ', 'Law and Literature', 'Law and National Policies', 'Law and The Elderly', 'Law of Procedures', 'Law of Torts', 'Legal History', 'Legal Information System', 'Legal Practice and Ethics', 'Legal Systems', 'Maritime Law', 'Media Law', 'Medical Law', 'Nanotechnology Law', 'Natural Resources Law', 'Occupational Safety and Health Law', 'Personal Data Protection Law', 'Planning Law', 'Precautionary Principle Biotechnology Law', 'Property Law and Conveyancing', 'Sports Law', 'Taxation Law', 'Tourism Law', 'Transport Law', 'Waste Management Law' |
Law Enforcement | Police Administration, Procedures and Practice', 'Correctional Theory and Services', 'Criminology', 'Detection and Prevention of Crime', 'Evidence and Procedure', 'Forensic Science', 'Jurisdiction and Conflict' |
Legal Professional Skills Development | Legal Practice', 'Adjudication ', 'Legal Skill ', 'Practicing Professional Skills ', 'Ethics in Legal Profession' |
Legal Theories and Studies | Criminology', 'Jurisdiction and Conflict', 'Law and Literature', 'Legal History', 'Legal Systems', 'Penology ' |
Library | Library Information System', 'Library, Information and Archive', 'e-Library', 'Quantum Information Sciences' |
Lifestyle Medicine | Sleep Disorder', 'Exercise for Health', 'Mental Health', 'Obesity and Underweight', 'Substance Addiction ', 'Trauma and Stress', 'Travel Medicine', 'Social Relationship' |
Linguistics and Applied Linguistic | Anthropological Linguistics', 'Applied Linguistics', 'Asian, ASEAN and World Literature ', 'Biolinguistics', 'Clinical Linguistics', 'Cognitive Linguistics', 'Comparative Literature', 'Computational Linguistics', 'Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Mobile Assisted Language Learning ', 'Corpus Linguistics', 'Dialectology', 'Educational Linguistics Educational Linguistics ', 'Ethnolinguistics ', 'Ethnopragmatics', 'Ethnosemantics', 'Feminism ', 'Forensic Linguistics ', 'Geolinguistics', 'Historical Linguistics ', 'Intercultural and Cross-cultural Communication ', 'Language Acquisition ', 'Laboratory Phonetics and Speech Science ', 'Endangered Languages ', 'Malaysian Languages', 'Discourse Studies , Semiotics, Multimodality, Health Discourse, Professional Discourse, Social Media dan Public Discourse', 'Phonetics and Phonology ', 'Language and Gender ', 'Language and the Material World ', 'Language Evaluation and Assessment ', 'Language of the Disabled ', 'Language, Media and Culture and Audience Perception', 'Lexicography', 'Linguistic Philosophy', 'Linguistic Structures ', 'Literary Theory', 'Malay Language', 'Philosophy of Language', 'Morphology', 'Pragmatics ', 'Psycholinguistics ', 'Science of Communication Science ', 'Semantics', 'Sociolinguistics ', 'Syntax', 'Translation and Interpretation Studies', 'Typological Linguistics', 'World Languages ', 'Language and Gender ', 'Language and Culture ' |
Linguistics and Literature | Comparative Literature', 'Language Learning and Technology', 'Clinical Linguistics', 'Ethnosemantics', 'Literary Studies', 'Science of Communication', 'Morphology', 'World Language and Literature Studies', 'Translation and Interpretation Studies', 'Syntax', 'Sociolinguistics', 'Malay Language and Literature', 'Applied Linguistics', 'Phonetics and Phonology', 'Pragmatics', 'Asian Languages and Literature', 'Semantics', 'Computer-Assisted Language Learning ', 'Dialectology', 'Computational Linguistics', 'Linguistic Structures', 'Discourse Studies', 'Literary Theory', 'Historical Linguistics', 'Intercultural Communication', 'Laboratory Phonetics and Speech Science', 'Language Acquisition', 'Language Evaluation and Assessment', 'Language of the Disabled', 'Language, Media and Culture', 'Lexicography', 'Language and Gender', 'Feminism', 'Educational Linguistics', 'Ethnopragmatics', 'Ethnolinguistics', 'Endangered Languages', 'Forensic Linguistics' |
Literature | Internet and Digital Literature ', "Children's Literature", 'Folklore', 'Literary Criticism', 'Malay and Malaysian Literature', 'Post-Colonial Literature', 'Young Adult Literature', 'Popular Literature ' |
Livestock Breeding and Management | Animal Biochemistry for Livestock', 'Livestock Industry', 'Animal Feed and Nutrition', 'Animal Growth and Development', 'Animal Nutrition ', 'Animal Product Development ', 'Animal Reproduction ', 'Dairy Science and Technology', 'Livestock Safety, Authentication and Certification ', 'Livestock Smart Farming', 'Value-Added Product' |
Logistics | Industrial Logistics', 'Military Logistics', 'Asset Storage', 'Resources Acquisition', 'Logistics of Supply Chain Management' |
Logistics and Transportation | Supply Chain Management', 'Transport Engineering', 'Logistics', 'Road Transport', 'Space Transport', 'Transport Economics', 'Rail Transport', 'Transport Equipment', 'Transport Marketing', 'Transport Modelling and Planning', 'Transport Policy and Planning', 'Urban Transport', 'Maritime', 'Air Transport Management' |
Logistics, Transport and Transportation Management | Electronic Supply Chain Management System', 'Intelligent Transportation', 'Passenger Needs Studies', 'Transport Law ', 'Transport Policy' |
Macroeconomy | Issues in Fiscal Policy', 'Economic Growth and Land Use', 'Industrial Concentration', 'Exchange Rates', 'Issues in Income Policy', 'Economic Development and Growth', 'Balance of Payments', 'National Accounts', 'Cooperatives', 'Monetary and Fiscal Theory', 'Macroeconomic Theory', 'Taxation', 'Social Security', 'Issues in Monetary Policy', 'Price Stability', 'Poverty and Equity', 'Productivity and Growth ' |
Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry | Biomolecular Modelling and Design', 'Characterisation of Molecules', 'Characterisation of Molecules ', 'Functional Macromolecules', 'Functional Macromolecules ', 'Liquid Crystal', 'Macromolecular Modelling', 'Nanochemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry', 'Optical Properties of Materials', 'Physical Chemistry of Molecules', 'Polymer Chemistry', 'Polymerisation Mechanisms', 'Synthesis of Molecules', 'Theory and Design of Materials' |
Malay Archipelago and Modern Malaysian History | Constitutional History of Malaysia', 'Economic and Commercial History of Malaysia', 'History of Political Development in Malaysia', 'History of the Malay Archipelago', 'History of the Malay Society', 'History of the Malay World', 'Malay Historiography', 'History of Local Government of Malaysia', 'History of Nationalism in Southeast Asia and Malaysia' |
Malaysian Culture and Heritage | Indigenous Culture and Heritage', 'Indian Culture and Heritage', 'Chinese Culture and Heritage', 'Marine Indigenous Culture and Heritage', 'Malay Culture and Heritage', 'Peranakan Culture and Heritage' |
Malaysian Politics | Federalism in Malaysia - Federal State and Local Governments Studies', 'Identity Politics', 'Malaysian Political Institution', 'Malaysian Political System' |
Management | Multimedia Management', 'Management Information System', 'Management and Productivity', 'Techno-Economics', 'Strategic Management', 'Operational Management', 'Organisational Studies', 'Science and Technology Management', 'Quality Management', 'Public Sector Management', 'Procurements', 'Marketing', 'Plantation Management', 'Agribusiness', 'Environmental Management', 'Behavioural Studies, Resource Management, Knowledge Management', 'Agricultural Management', 'International Business Management', 'Industrial Relations', 'Health Management', 'Estate Planning and Management', 'Islamic Management', 'Entrepreneurial Studies', 'Electronic Commerce', 'Decision Science', 'Crisis and Risk Management', 'Business Ethics', 'Entrepreneurship' |
Management Theories | Crisis and Risk Management', 'Anti-bribery Management System', 'Behavioural Studies, Resource Management, Knowledge Management', 'Business Ethics', 'Business Procurements', 'Change Management', 'Compliance Management System', 'Corruption Risk Management', 'Decision Science', 'Industrial Relations', 'International Business Management', 'Islamic Management', 'Negotiation Strategy', 'Organisational Culture and Behaviour', 'Organisational Studies', 'Quality Management ', 'Governance and Structure of Business Organisations' |
Manufacturing | Manufacturing', 'e-Manufacturing', 'Industrial Computing', 'Reverse Engineering ', 'Surface Engineering', 'Virtual Manufacturing', 'Manufacturing Industry' |
Marine Agriculture | Mariculture for Food and Commercialisation', 'Seaweed Culture', 'Seagrass Culture', 'Marine Ornamental Fishes' |
Marine Alien Species | Ballast Water', 'Marine Invasive Alien Species' |
Marine Archeology | Marine Archeological Exploration', 'Exploration Technology', 'Marine Artefacts Dating', 'Marine Artefacts Preservation', 'Maritime Archaeology' |
Marine Atmosphere | Aerosol', 'Cosmogenic Isotopes', 'Radiation', 'Sterol' |
Marine Biochemistry | Marine Bioproducts Synthesis', 'Marine Natural Products' |
Marine Biology | Breeding of Marine Organisms', 'Culture of Marine Organisms', 'Marine Benthic Biology', 'Marine Biology', 'Marine Biotechnology', 'Marine Ecophysiology', 'Marine Ichthyology', 'Marine Mammalogy', 'Marine Microbiology', 'Marine Mycology', 'Marine Parasitology', 'Marine Phycology', 'Marine Planktonology', 'Marine Productivity', 'Marine Products', 'Marine Virology' |
Marine Biotechnology | Marine Genomic', 'Biopharmaceuticals', 'Algae', 'Cryopreservation', 'Molecular Systematics', 'Marine Products', 'Marine Food Biosafety', 'Marine Pharmaceutical Products', 'Marine Bioprospecting', 'Marine Biotechnology', 'Genetic Manipulation', 'Marine Microbial Genetics' |
Marine Chemistry | Establishment of Marine Standard Reference Materials', 'Heavy Metals', 'Radioactive Contaminants', 'Eutrophication', 'Petrochemical and Hydrocarbon', 'Ecotoxicology', 'Carbon Sequestration', 'Marine Chemistry', 'Seawater and Sediment Chemistry' |
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry | Ecotoxicology', 'Carbon Sequestration', 'Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals', 'Marine Geochemistry', 'Oceanic Heavy Metals', 'Seawater and Sediment Chemistry', 'Radioactive Contaminants', 'Petrochemical and Hydrocarbon' |
Marine Ecology | Benthic Ecology', 'Coral Reef Ecology', 'Ecotourism', 'Estuarine Ecology', 'Indicators and Biomonitoring', 'Lagoon Ecology', 'Mangrove Ecology', 'Marine Biodiversity, Conservation and Management', 'Marine Conservation', 'Marine Ecology', 'Marine Ecosystem', 'Marine Habitat Ecology', 'Microbial Ecology', 'Population and Community Ecology', 'Seagrass and Seaweed Ecology', 'Tidal Flats Ecology' |
Marine Economics | Cost-Benefits Evaluation', 'Ecological Valuation', 'Fisheries Economics', 'Socio-Economics of Coastal Communities', 'Sustainable Utilisation of Marine Resources' |
Marine Engineering | Ship and Platform Structure', 'Ship and Platform Hydrodynamics', 'Naval Architecture', 'Oceanography', 'Ports and Harbour', 'Hydroinformatics', 'Marine Transport', 'Submersible Vehicle', 'Coastal and Offshore' |
Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture | Marine Transport Engineering', 'Ship and Platform Structure and Hydrodynamics', 'Material Corrosion in Marine Environment', 'Ports and Harbour Design Engineering', 'Naval Architecture' |
Marine Geology | Geochemistry', 'Mapping and GIS', 'Mapping and GIS in Marine Geology', 'Marine Geology', 'Marine Geophysics', 'Marine Geosciences', 'Marine Oceanic Processes', 'Marine Palaeontology and Dating', 'Marine Seismology', 'Mineralogy', 'Palaeontology', 'Sediment Dating', 'Sediment Transport', 'Seismology', 'Tracer Application' |
Marine Hazard | Harmful Algal Blooms and Toxins', 'Ballast Water', 'Coastal Erosion', 'Endocrine Disruptors', 'Eutrophication', 'Marine Biofouling/ Structural Deterioration', 'Marine Impact of Invasive Alien Species', 'Natural and Man-made Hazards', 'Marine Pollution Transport and Modelling', 'Persistent Organic Pollutants', 'Pests, Diseases and Exotic Species in Marine Environment', 'Tsunami', 'Marine Poisonous Organisms' |
Marine Laws and Policies | Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and Aquaculture Practices', 'Exclusive Economic Zone ', 'Law of the High Seas', 'Marine Regulation on Alien Species', 'Marine Territory Disputes and Settlement', 'Marine Water Quality Standards and Criteria', 'National Biodiversity Policy', 'Policies on Transboundary Pollution and Shared Stocks' |
Marine Navigation and Nautical Science | Marine Navigational Expertise', 'Marine Crew Tranning', 'Marine Astronomy', 'Marine Navigational Sciences', 'Marine Nautical Sciences' |
Marine Sciences | Education in Marine Sciences', 'Marine Sciences', 'Management Issues in Marine Sciences', 'Marine Social, Education and Awareness ' |
Marine Sciences | Marine Archaeology', 'Seabed Properties and Stability', 'Larval Biology', 'Tsunami', 'Marine Biodiversity, Conservation and Management', 'Sea Level Changes', 'Marine Biotechnology', 'Physical Oceanography', 'Essential Fish Habitats', 'Marine Pollution', 'Marine Radioactivity' |
Marine Social, Education and Awareness | Marine Ecotourism', 'Marine Indigenous Culture', 'Immigrants and Coastal Communities', 'Education and Awareness of Coastal Communities' |
Marine Technology | Acoustic and Instrumentation', 'Artificial Reefs and Fish Aggregating Technology', 'Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology', 'Biofouling/Structural Deterioration', 'Deep Sea Mining Technology', 'Fishing Gear Technology', 'Internet of thing for Marine Application','Marine Biofilters', 'Marine Exploration Technology', 'Marine Protection and Resource Recovery Technology', 'Marine Robotics Technology', 'Marine Technology', 'Remote Sensing and GIS', 'SCUBA Diving Technology', 'Underwater Sensor Technology' |
Marine Toxicology | Endocrine Disruptors', 'Marine Poisonous Organisms', 'Natural Hazards in Marine Environment', 'Control of Pests, Diseases and Exotic Species in Marine Environment', 'Harmful Algal Blooms and Toxins', 'Indicators and Biomonitoring' |
Marine Underwater Technology | SCUBA Diving Technology', 'Marine Robotics', 'Autonomous Underwater Vehicle', 'Underwater Sensor Technology' |
Marine, Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology | Blue Technology', 'Marine Cybernetics' |
Maritime Management | Harbour Management', 'Shipping Management', 'Fishing Port Management' |
Marketing | Advertising', 'Agency and Marketing', 'Market Competitiveness', 'Agricultural Marketing', 'Brands Management', 'Communications', 'Consumer Behaviour', 'Digital Marketing', 'Halal Marketing', 'Halal Food Marketing', 'Halal Product Marketing', 'Industrial Marketing', 'Integrated Marketing Communication', 'Market Research', 'Marketing Audit', 'Marketing Information System', 'Marketing Plan', 'Marketing Sales and Distribution', 'Marketing of Professional Services', 'Promotion', 'Public Relations', 'Public Relations in Marketing', 'Purchasing', 'Retail and Wholesale Marketing', 'Retailing', 'Sales and Distribution', 'Service Marketing', 'Strategic Marketing', 'Strategic Marketing and Purchasing', 'Wholesaling' |
Material Sciences | Material Properties', 'Materials Theory,Computation,and Design', 'Space Materials', 'Materials Performance and Processes Analysis', 'Material Performance', 'Material Processing', 'Structure of Materials' |
Materials Synthesis and Processing | Epitaxy', 'Surface Treatment', 'Heat Treatment', 'Material Recyclability', 'Material Processing Technology' |
Mathematical Science | Visualisation, Prediction and Monitoring', 'Library, Repository and Apps Software', 'Grand Challenge Application', 'New Trends of International Mathematics and Statistics', 'Numerical Library and Repository' |
Mathematical Science for Education | Critical and Mathematical Thinking', 'Curriculum Development and Teaching Methods', 'Popularisation and Acculturation', 'Mathematical Ethnosciences and Islamic Education', 'Educational Material and Media, and Educational Technology', 'Education Policy and System', 'Education and Instruction', 'Psychology' |
Mathematics and Statistics for ICT and Industries | Industrial Optimisation and Control', 'Software Engineering', 'Natural Language Programming', 'Monitoring Mathematics', 'Mathematical Prediction', 'Information and Communication', 'Industrial Statistics', 'Computer-Aided Geometric Design ', 'Computational Methodology and Complexities', 'Industrial Computing', 'Dynamical Systems', 'Deterministic and Stochastic Difference', 'Computer Systems Organisation', 'Image Processing and Pattern Recognition', 'Forensic Statistics', 'Experimental Mathematics', 'Data Mining', 'Discrete Mathematics', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Visualisation of Mathematics', 'Computational Mathematics', 'Circuits and Networks', 'Algorithms and Cryptology', 'Applied Logic and Automata', 'Image Processing Theory' |
Mathematics and Statistics for Science and Engineering | Visualisation, Prediction and Monitoring', 'Particle, Rigid Bodies and System Mechanics', 'Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer', 'Unified Theory and Theory of Everything', 'Actuarial Modelling', 'Social Sciences and Humanities', 'Relativity', 'Potential Theory', 'Quality Assurance and Standard', 'Statistical Mechanics and Structure of Matter', 'Inverse Problem', 'Fluid Mechanics', 'Economics', 'Optics and Electromagnetism', 'Celestial Mechanics, Mathematical Astrophysics and Cosmology', 'Biological and Medical Sciences', 'Bio-Mathematics', 'Computational Complex Analysis', 'Quantum Theory', 'Random Matrix Theory', 'Business, Financial and Managerial Sciences', 'Actuarial Mathematics', 'Deformed Solid Mechanics' |
Mathematics Education | Curriculum Development and Teaching Methods', 'Education and Instruction in Mathematics', 'Critical Mathematical Thinking', 'Educational Material Media, and Educational Technology in Mathematics', ' Education in Mathematics ', 'Mathematical Education Policy and System', 'Psychology in Mathematics Education', 'Mathematical Ethnosciences and Islamic Education', 'Mathematics Education Assessment and Measurement' |
Mathematics for Business | Linear Programming', 'Calculus', 'Statistics and Probability', 'Matrix Algebra', 'Mathematical Finance ', 'Real Analysis', 'Business Management', 'Trigonometric Functions', 'Elementary Algebra', 'Financial Analysis', 'Elementary Arithmatic', 'Financial Mathematics', 'Mathematics in Accounting' |
Mathematics for Special Application | Bio-Mathematics', 'Grand Challenge Application in Mathematics', 'Mathematics and Statistics for Business and Industries', 'Mathematics and Statistics for ICT', 'Mathematics and Statistics for Science and Engineering' |
Mechanical Engineering | Hydraulic and Pneumatics', 'Industry Revolution 4.0', 'Industrial Tribology', 'Internal Combustion Engines', 'Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration', 'Machine Design', 'Stress Analysis', 'Wear and Tear', 'Combustion and Fuels', 'Mechanical Control' |
Mechanical Engineering Design | Design Reliability and Optimization in Mechanical Engineering', 'Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing ', 'Mechanical Design and System', 'Machine Design' |
Mechanical Engineering Technology | Industrial Tribology', 'Instrumentation and Control in Mechanical Engineering', 'Combustion and Heat Transfer', 'Energy and Fuel Technology', 'Hydraulic and Pneumatics Technology', 'Cooling and Heating Engineering', 'Wear and Tear', 'Metal and Non-Metal Joining Technology ', 'Stress Analysis', 'Turbomachinery', 'Mechanical Control', 'Internal Combustion Engines' |
Media and Communication | Advertising', 'Big Data and AI in Communication', 'Media, Language and Culture','Media Services', 'Broadcasting', 'Broadcasting Ethics', 'Censorship', 'Cinema', 'Comics Research', 'Comics Research ', 'Critical-Cultural Communication', 'Edutainment', 'Film Directing', 'Film and Video', 'Financial Communication and Investor Relation', 'Health Communication', 'Human Communications', 'Humour', 'Humour ', 'Information Management', 'Information Management Studies in Mass Communication', 'Information Studies', 'Interpersonal Communications', 'Investor Relation', 'Journalism', 'Librarianship', 'Malaysian Mass Media and New Media', 'Media Policies', 'Media and Globalisation', 'Media and Language', 'Media and Mass Communication Law ', 'Media and Technology', 'Media, Culture and Society', 'Multimedia', 'Persuasion', 'Political Communication', 'Political Communications', 'Print Media', 'Public Relations ', 'Public Relations and Communication', 'Science Communication', 'Social Media and Information Sharing', 'Telecommunication', 'Visual Communication' |
Medical Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry | Nucleic Acids', 'Hormones', 'Carbohydrates', 'Antioxidants', 'Lipids', 'Proteins', 'Vitamins' |
Medical Biotechnology | Biodiagnostics Technology', 'Biomaterial', 'Biomedical Vaccines Technology', 'Biotherapeutics Technology', 'Diagnostics', 'Gene Editing for Biomedical Theraphy', 'Gene Therapy', 'Graft Engineering', 'Human/Population Genetics', 'Medical Biografting Technology', 'Medical Biomaterial', 'Medical Cell Therapy ', 'Medical Genetics ', 'Medical Nano-Drug Biotechnology', 'Nano Drug', 'Regenerative Technology', 'Stem Cell Technology', 'Vaccines' |
Medical Device, Equipment and System | Artificial Intelligent Diagnostic System', 'Medical Devices, System and Technologies', 'Artificial Organ', 'Biomechanical Device', 'Biomechanics', 'Health Assessments Technology', 'Implant Device', 'Innovative Technology', 'Medical Imaging Instrument', 'Medical Implant Devices', 'Medical Instrumentation', 'Medical Monitoring Equipment', 'Medical Radiological System', 'Medical Rehabilitation Equipment', 'Medical Robotic Systems', 'Medical Screening Device and Equipment', 'Medical Support System for Disabled', 'Monitoring Equipment', 'Quality Assurance of Medical Device, Equipment and System', 'Radiological System', 'Rehabilitation Equipment', 'Robotic Systems', 'Screening Device and Equipment', 'Standards and Calibration of Medical Device, Equipment and System', 'Support System for Disabled', 'Surgical Equipment', 'Surgical Equipment and Treatment Technology', 'Technique and Instrumentation in Medical Device, Equipment and System', 'Tissue Engineering', 'Treatment Equipment', 'Virtual Reality Software' |
Medical Diagnostic Imaging | Bone Densitometry', 'Computed Tomography ', 'Diagnostic Radiography', 'Image Construction and Management', 'Magnetic Resonance Imaging ', 'Mammography', 'Medical Imaging System', 'Medical Instrumentation', 'Medical Physics', 'Nuclear Medicine', 'Radiology', 'Ultrasound', 'Ultrasound Imaging' |
Subsets and Splits