stringlengths 18
| data
stringlengths 3
the_stack_data/87639042.c | #include <stdio.h>
// Calculate the average between three numbers
int main () {
float x, y, z, average;
// Reading numbers to calculate the average
printf("First number: ");
scanf("%f", &x);
printf("Second number: ");
scanf("%f", &y);
printf("Third number: ");
scanf("%f", &z);
// Calculating the average
average = (x + y + z) / 3;
// Presenting the result
printf("The average between %.1f, %.1f and %.1f is %.1f.\n", x, y, z, average);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/159514704.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_REMIND 50
#define MSG_LEN 60
struct vstring
int len;
char chars[];
int read_line(char str[], int n)
int ch, i = 0;
while((ch = getchar()) != '\n')
if(i < n - 1)
str[i++] = ch;
str[i] = '\0';
return i;
int main(void)
struct vstring *reminders[MAX_REMIND];
char day_str[3], msg_str[MSG_LEN + 1];
int day, i, j, num_remind = 0;
if(num_remind == MAX_REMIND)
printf("-- No space left -- \n");
printf("Enter day and reminder: ");
scanf("%2d", &day);
if(day == 0) break;
sprintf(day_str, "%2d", day);
read_line(msg_str, MSG_LEN);
for(i = 0; i < num_remind; i++)
if(strcmp(day_str, reminders[i]->chars) < 0)
for(j = num_remind; j > i; j--)
reminders[j] = reminders[j - 1];
reminders[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct vstring) + strlen(msg_str) + 3);
if(reminders[i] == NULL)
printf("-- No space left --\n");
strcpy(reminders[i]->chars, day_str);
strcat(reminders[i]->chars, msg_str);
reminders[i]->len = strlen(reminders[i]->chars);
printf("Day Reminder\n");
for(i = 0; i < num_remind; i++)
printf(" %s\n", reminders[i]->chars);
return 0;
the_stack_data/34427.c | // Reversing strings recursively
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void reverse(char [], int, int);
void swap(char s[], int i, int j);
int main(void) {
char s[] = "Hello, World!!!";
reverse(s, 0, strlen(s) - 1);
printf("%s\n", s);
return 0;
void reverse(char s[], int left, int right) {
if(left >= right)
swap(s, left, right);
reverse(s, ++left, --right);
void swap(char s[], int i, int j) {
char temp = s[j];
s[j] = s[i];
s[i] = temp;
the_stack_data/13361.c | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// @file strrev.c
/// @author Kai R. ([email protected])
/// @brief Zeichen in Pufferspeicher von rechts nach links tauschen
/// @date 2021-12-31
/// @version 0.1
/// @copyright Copyright (c) 2021
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif //__cplusplus
#include <stdint.h>
/// @brief Zeichen in Pufferspeicher von rechts nach links tauschen
/// @param pLeft Zeiger auf Pufferspeicheranfang
/// @param r_len Index auf rechtes Speicherende
void strrev(char* pLeft, uint8_t r_len) {
char* pRight = pLeft + r_len;
char tmp;
while(pRight > pLeft) {
tmp = *pRight;
*pRight-- = *pLeft;
*pLeft++ = tmp;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //__cplusplus |
the_stack_data/68886961.c | /**
* File Name: libkern/ctype/toupper.c
* Title : Kernel Library
* Project : PINE64 ROCK64 Bare-Metal
* Author : Copyright (C) 2021 Johannes Krottmayer <[email protected]>
* Created : 2021-01-25
* Modified :
* Revised :
* Version :
* License : ISC (see LICENSE.txt)
* NOTE: This code is currently below version 1.0, and therefore is considered
* to be lacking in some functionality or documentation, or may not be fully
* tested. Nonetheless, you can expect most functions to work.
int toupper(const int c)
if (!((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')))
return c;
return (c - ('a' - 'A'));
the_stack_data/345646.c | //=======================================================================================
// Copyright (C) 2019 Junki Chu. All rights reserved.
// 文件名称: solution1.c
// 创 建 者: Junki Chu <[email protected]>
// 创建日期: 2019年10月26日
// 描 述: 双指针法
* 设置两个指针i和j, i是慢指针, j是快指针, 当 nums[j] == val 时, 递增j,
* 当 nums[j] != val 时, 复制 nums[j] 到 nums[i], 递增i和j。重复这一过
* 程, 直到j到达数组末尾, 返回新数组的长度为i。
* 时间复杂度 = O(n)
* 空间复杂度 = O(1)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int removeElement(int* nums, int nums_size, int val)
if(NULL == nums || 0 == nums_size)
return 0;
int i = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < nums_size; ++j)
if(val != nums[j])
nums[i++] = nums[j];
return i;
int main()
int nums1[4] = { 3, 2, 2, 3 };
int val1 = 3;
int len1 = removeElement(nums1, 4, val1);
printf("%d\n", len1);
for(int i = 0; i < len1; ++i)
printf("%d ", nums1[i]);
int nums2[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 2 };
int val2 = 2;
int len2 = removeElement(nums2, 8, val2);
printf("%d\n", len2);
for(int i = 0; i < len2; ++i)
printf("%d ", nums2[i]);
return 0;
the_stack_data/122352.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main_hello(void) {
printf("hello world\n");
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/105414.c | #include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
sum(uint32_t n)
uint32_t s;
uint32_t i;
s = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
s += i;
return s;
fac(uint32_t n)
if (n == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * fac(n - 1);
dump_char(char c)
dump_str(const char *str)
while (*str != '\0') {
_dump_uint32_t(uint32_t x)
if (x != 0) {
_dump_uint32_t(x / 10);
dump_char('0' + x % 10);
dump_uint32_t(uint32_t x)
if (x == 0) {
} else {
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
dump_str(") = ");
dump_str(") = ");
for (;;);
the_stack_data/162644352.c | #include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100
char pilha[MAX];
int topo = 0;
/* Armazena um elemento. */
void push(char e)
if (topo == MAX) {
printf("Pilha cheia\n");
} else {
pilha[topo] = e;
/* Resgata um elemento. */
char pop(void)
if (topo == 0) {
printf("Pilha vazia\n");
return 0;
} else {
return pilha[topo];
/* Visualiza a fila */
void visualizar(void)
int i;
printf("Pilha: [ ");
for (i = topo - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
printf("%c ", pilha[i]);
/* Programa principal */
int main(void)
char s;
s = pop();
s = pop();
s = pop();
s = pop();
} |
the_stack_data/231392604.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
void *a = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
void *m = dlsym (a, "r_main_radare2");
if (m) {
int (*r2main)(int argc, char **argv) = m;
return r2main (argc, argv);
return 0;
the_stack_data/165766942.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a; //d
float b; //f
return 0;
the_stack_data/165764411.c | #include<stdio.h>
int index[100010];
int main()
int n,k;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
int cnt=0;
for(int i=100000;i>=1;i--)
printf("%d %d",i,index[i]);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/107947.c | #include <stdio.h>
#define TF 50
int main(){
int num, vet1[TF], vet2[TF], i, j, pos, TL1 = 0, TL2 = 0;
while(TL1 < TF && num != 0){
vet1[TL1] = num;
if(TL1 < TF)
for(i = 0; i < TL1; i++)
printf("[%d]", vet1[i]);
for(i = 0, j = TL1-1; TL2 < TL1; TL2++){
if (vet1[TL2] > 0){
vet2[j] = vet1[TL2];
vet2[i] = vet1[TL2];
for(i = 0; i < TL2; i++)
return 0;
the_stack_data/165765799.c | /*
* this is free and unencumbered software released into the
* public domain.
* refer to the attached UNLICENSE or
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* this is a pure C89 rewrite of oppai, my osu! difficulty and pp
* calculator. it's meant to be tiny and easy to include in your projects
* without pulling in dependencies.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* usage:
* #define OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION and include this file.
* if multiple compilation units need to include oppai, only define
* see the interface below this comment for detailed documentation
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* #include "../oppai.c"
* int main() {
* ezpp_t ez;
* ezpp_init(&ez);
* ez.mods = MODS_HD | MODS_DT;
* ezpp(&ez, "-");
* printf("%gpp\n", ez.pp);
* return 0;
* }
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $ gcc test.c
* $ cat /path/to/file.osu | ./a.out
* ...
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION)
#define OPPAIAPI __declspec(dllexport)
#define OPPAIAPI __declspec(dllimport)
#define OPPAIAPI
OPPAIAPI void oppai_version(int* major, int* minor, int* patch);
OPPAIAPI char* oppai_version_str();
/* simple interface ---------------------------------------------------- */
struct ezpp;
typedef struct ezpp ezpp_t;
/* populate ezpp_t with default settings */
OPPAIAPI void ezpp_init(ezpp_t* ez);
* parse map and calculate difficulty and pp with advanced parameters,
* see struct pp_params
* - if map is "-" the map is read from standard input
* - if data_size is specified in ez, map is interpreted as raw beatmap
* data in memory
OPPAIAPI int ezpp(ezpp_t* ez, char* map);
* - if data_size is set, ezpp will interpret map as raw .osu file data
* - mode defaults to MODE_STD
* - mods default to MODS_NOMOD
* - combo defaults to full combo
* - nmiss defaults to 0
* - score_version defaults to PP_DEFAULT_SCORING
* - if accuracy_percent is set, n300/100/50 are automatically
* calculated and stored
* - if n300/100/50 are set, accuracy_percent is automatically
* calculated and stored
* - if none of the above are set, SS (100%) is assumed
struct ezpp {
/* inputs */
int data_size;
float ar_override, od_override, cs_override;
int mode_override;
int mode;
int mods;
int combo;
int nmiss;
int score_version;
float accuracy_percent;
int n300, n100, n50;
int end; /* if set, the map will be cut to this object index */
/* outputs */
float stars;
float aim_stars;
float speed_stars;
float pp, aim_pp, speed_pp, acc_pp;
/* errors -------------------------------------------------------------- */
* all functions that return int can return errors in the form
* of a negative value. check if the return value is < 0 and call
* errstr to get the error message
#define ERR_MORE (-1)
#define ERR_SYNTAX (-2)
#define ERR_TRUNCATED (-3)
#define ERR_IO (-5)
#define ERR_FORMAT (-6)
#define ERR_OOM (-7)
OPPAIAPI char* errstr(int err);
/* array --------------------------------------------------------------- */
* array_t(mytype) is a type-safe resizable array with mytype elements
* you can use array_* macros to operate on it
* in case of out-of-memory, operations that can grow the array don't do
* anything
#define array_t(type) \
struct { \
int cap; \
int len; \
type* data; \
#define array_reserve(arr, n) \
array_reserve_i(n, array_unpack(arr))
#define array_free(arr) \
#define array_alloc(arr) \
(array_reserve((arr), (arr)->len + 1) \
? &(arr)->data[(arr)->len++] \
: 0)
#define array_append(arr, x) \
(array_reserve((arr), (arr)->len + 1) \
? ((arr)->data[(arr)->len++] = (x), 1) \
: 0)
/* internal helpers, not to be used directly */
#define array_unpack(arr) \
&(arr)->cap, \
&(arr)->len, \
(void**)&(arr)->data, \
OPPAIAPI int array_reserve_i(int n, int* cap, int* len, void** data,
int esize);
OPPAIAPI void array_free_i(int* cap, int* len, void** data, int esize);
/* memory arena -------------------------------------------------------- */
* very simple allocator for when you want to allocate a bunch of stuff
* and free it all at once. reduces malloc overhead by pre-allocating big
* contiguous chunks of memory
* arena_t must be initialized to zero
* arena_reserve and arena_alloc will return 0 on failure (out of memory)
#define ARENA_ALIGN sizeof(void*)
#define ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE 4096
typedef struct {
char* block;
char* end_of_block;
array_t(char*) blocks;
} arena_t;
/* ensures that there are at least min_size bytes reserved */
OPPAIAPI int arena_reserve(arena_t* arena, int min_size);
OPPAIAPI void* arena_alloc(arena_t* arena, int size);
OPPAIAPI char* arena_strndup(arena_t* m, char* s, int n);
OPPAIAPI void arena_free(arena_t* arena);
/* beatmap utils ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* object types used in struct object */
#define OBJ_CIRCLE (1<<0)
#define OBJ_SLIDER (1<<1)
#define OBJ_SPINNER (1<<3)
#define SOUND_NONE 0
#define SOUND_NORMAL (1<<0)
#define SOUND_WHISTLE (1<<1)
#define SOUND_FINISH (1<<2)
#define SOUND_CLAP (1<<3)
/* data about a single hitobject */
typedef struct object {
float time; /* milliseconds */
int type;
/* only parsed for taiko maps */
int nsound_types;
int* sound_types;
/* only used by d_calc */
float normpos[2];
float angle;
float strains[2];
int is_single; /* 1 if diff calc sees this as a singletap */
float delta_time;
float d_distance;
float pos[2];
float distance; /* only for sliders */
int repetitions;
} object_t;
/* timing point */
typedef struct timing {
float time; /* milliseconds */
float ms_per_beat;
int change; /* if 0, ms_per_beat is -100.0f * sv_multiplier */
} timing_t;
#define MODE_STD 0
#define MODE_TAIKO 1
typedef struct beatmap {
int format_version;
int mode;
int original_mode; /* the mode the beatmap was meant for */
char* title;
char* title_unicode;
char* artist;
char* artist_unicode;
char* creator;
char* version;
int nobjects;
object_t* objects;
int ntiming_points;
timing_t* timing_points;
int ncircles, nsliders, nspinners;
float hp, cs, od, ar, sv;
float tick_rate;
} beatmap_t;
/* beatmap parser ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* non-null terminated string, used internally for parsing */
typedef struct slice {
char* start;
char* end; /* *(end - 1) is the last character */
} slice_t;
#define PARSER_OVERRIDE_MODE (1<<0) /* mode_override */
#define PARSER_FOUND_AR (1<<1)
/* beatmap parser's state */
typedef struct parser {
int flags;
int mode_override;
* if a parsing error occurs last line and portion of the line
* that was being parsed are stored in these two slices
slice_t lastpos;
slice_t lastline;
char buf[65536]; /* used to buffer data from the beatmap file */
char section[64]; /* current section */
/* internal allocators */
arena_t arena;
array_t(object_t) objects;
array_t(timing_t) timing_points;
beatmap_t* b;
} parser_t;
OPPAIAPI int p_init(parser_t* pa);
OPPAIAPI void p_free(parser_t* pa);
* parses a beatmap file and stores results in b.
* NOTE: b is valid only as long as pa is not deallocated or
* reused. if you need to store maps for longer than the
* parser's lifetime, you will have to manually copy.
* returns n. bytes processed on success, < 0 on failure
OPPAIAPI int p_map(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b, FILE* f);
OPPAIAPI int p_map_mem(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b, char* data,
int data_size);
/* mods utils ---------------------------------------------------------- */
#define MODS_NOMOD 0
#define MODS_NF (1<<0)
#define MODS_EZ (1<<1)
#define MODS_TD (1<<2)
#define MODS_HD (1<<3)
#define MODS_HR (1<<4)
#define MODS_SD (1<<5)
#define MODS_DT (1<<6)
#define MODS_RX (1<<7)
#define MODS_HT (1<<8)
#define MODS_NC (1<<9)
#define MODS_FL (1<<10)
#define MODS_AT (1<<11)
#define MODS_SO (1<<12)
#define MODS_AP (1<<13)
#define MODS_PF (1<<14)
#define MODS_KEY4 (1<<15) /* TODO: what are these abbreviated to? */
#define MODS_KEY5 (1<<16)
#define MODS_KEY6 (1<<17)
#define MODS_KEY7 (1<<18)
#define MODS_KEY8 (1<<19)
#define MODS_FADEIN (1<<20)
#define MODS_RANDOM (1<<21)
#define MODS_CINEMA (1<<22)
#define MODS_TARGET (1<<23)
#define MODS_KEY9 (1<<24)
#define MODS_KEYCOOP (1<<25)
#define MODS_KEY1 (1<<26)
#define MODS_KEY3 (1<<27)
#define MODS_KEY2 (1<<28)
#define MODS_SCOREV2 (1<<29)
#define MODS_NOVIDEO MODS_TD /* never forget */
/* beatmap stats after applying mods to them */
typedef struct beatmap_stats {
float ar, od, cs, hp;
float speed; /* multiplier */
float odms;
} beatmap_stats_t;
/* flags bits for mods_apply */
#define APPLY_AR (1<<0)
#define APPLY_OD (1<<1)
#define APPLY_CS (1<<2)
#define APPLY_HP (1<<3)
#define APPLY_ALL (~0)
* calculates beatmap stats with mods applied.
* * s should initially contain the base stats
* * flags specifies which stats are touched
* * initial speed will always be automatically set to 1
* returns 0 on success, or < 0 for errors
* example:
* beatmap_stats_t s;
* = 9;
* mods_apply_m(MODE_STD, MODS_DT, &s, APPLY_AR);
* // is now 10.33f, s.speed is now 1.5f
int mods_apply_m(int mode, int mods, beatmap_stats_t* s, int flags);
/* legacy function, calls mods_apply(MODE_STD, mods, s, flags) */
OPPAIAPI void mods_apply(int mods, beatmap_stats_t* s, int flags);
/* diff calc ----------------------------------------------------------- */
* difficulty calculation state. just like with the parser, each
* instance can be re-used in subsequent calls to d_calc
typedef struct diff_calc {
float speed_mul;
float interval_end;
float max_strain;
array_t(float) highest_strains;
beatmap_t* b;
* set this to the milliseconds interval for the maximum bpm
* you consider singletappable. defaults to 125 = 240 bpm 1/2
* ((60000 / 240) / 2)
float singletap_threshold;
/* calls to d_calc will store results here */
float total;
float aim;
float aim_difficulty;
float aim_length_bonus; /* unused for now */
float speed;
float speed_difficulty;
float speed_length_bonus; /* unused for now */
int nsingles;
int nsingles_threshold;
} diff_calc_t;
OPPAIAPI int d_init(diff_calc_t* d);
OPPAIAPI void d_free(diff_calc_t* d);
OPPAIAPI int d_calc(diff_calc_t* d, beatmap_t* b, int mods);
/* pp calc ------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct pp_calc {
/* ppv2 will store results here */
float total, aim, speed, acc;
float accuracy; /* 0.0f - 1.0f */
} pp_calc_t;
/* default scoring system used by ppv2() and ppv2p() */
* simplest possible call, calculates ppv2 for SS
* this also works for other modes by ignoring some parameters:
* - taiko only uses pp, mode, speed, max_combo, base_od, mods
int ppv2(pp_calc_t* pp, int mode, float aim, float speed,
float base_ar, float base_od, int max_combo, int nsliders, int ncircles,
int nobjects, int mods);
/* simplest possible call for taiko ppv2 SS */
int taiko_ppv2(pp_calc_t* pp, float speed, int max_combo,
float base_od, int mods);
/* parameters for ppv2p */
typedef struct pp_params {
/* required parameters */
float aim, speed;
float base_ar, base_od;
int max_combo;
int nsliders; /* required for scorev1 only */
int ncircles; /* ^ */
int nobjects;
/* optional parameters */
int mode; /* defaults to MODE_STD */
int mods; /* defaults to MODS_NOMOD */
int combo; /* defaults to FC */
int n300, n100, n50; /* defaults to SS */
int nmiss; /* defaults to 0 */
int score_version; /* defaults to PP_DEFAULT_SCORING */
} pp_params_t;
* initialize struct pp_params with the default values.
* required values are left untouched
OPPAIAPI void pp_init(pp_params_t* p);
/* calculate ppv2 with advanced parameters, see struct pp_params */
OPPAIAPI int ppv2p(pp_calc_t* pp, pp_params_t* p);
* same as ppv2p but fills params automatically with the map's
* base_ar, base_od, max_combo, nsliders, ncircles, nobjects
* so you only need to provide aim and speed
OPPAIAPI int b_ppv2p(beatmap_t* map, pp_calc_t* pp, pp_params_t* p);
/* same as ppv2 but fills params like b_ppv2p */
int b_ppv2(beatmap_t* map, pp_calc_t* pp, float aim, float speed,
int mods);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* calculate accuracy (0.0f - 1.0f) */
OPPAIAPI float acc_calc(int n300, int n100, int n50, int misses);
/* calculate taiko accuracy (0.0f - 1.0f) */
OPPAIAPI float taiko_acc_calc(int n300, int n150, int nmisses);
/* round percent accuracy to closest amount of 300s, 100s, 50s */
void acc_round(float acc_percent, int nobjects, int nmisses, int* n300,
int* n100, int* n50);
/* round percent accuracy to closest amount of 300s and 150s (taiko) */
void taiko_acc_round(float acc_percent, int nobjects, int nmisses,
int* n300, int* n150);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define round_oppai(x) (float)floor((x) + 0.5f)
#define mymin(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define mymax(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define al_min mymin
#define al_max mymax
/* ##################################################################### */
/* ##################################################################### */
/* ##################################################################### */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#define STRINGIFY_(x) #x
OPPAIAPI void oppai_version(int* major, int* minor, int* patch) {
OPPAIAPI char* oppai_version_str() {
/* error utils --------------------------------------------------------- */
int info(char* fmt, ...) {
int res;
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
res = vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va);
return res;
char* errstr(int err) {
switch (err) {
case ERR_MORE: return "call me again with more data";
case ERR_SYNTAX: return "syntax error";
return "data was truncated, possibly because it was too big";
return "requested a feature that isn't implemented";
case ERR_IO: return "i/o error";
case ERR_FORMAT: return "invalid input format";
case ERR_OOM: return "out of memory";
info("W: got unknown error %d\n", err);
return "unknown error";
/* math ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
float get_inf() {
static unsigned raw = 0x7F800000;
float* p = (float*)&raw;
return *p;
float get_nan() {
static unsigned raw = 0x7FFFFFFF;
float* p = (float*)&raw;
return *p;
/* dst = a - b */
void v2f_sub(float* dst, float* a, float* b) {
dst[0] = a[0] - b[0];
dst[1] = a[1] - b[1];
float v2f_len(float* v) {
return (float)sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]);
float v2f_dot(float* a, float* b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1];
/* */
int is_nan(float b) {
int* p = (int*)&b;
return (
(*p > 0x7F800000 && *p < 0x80000000) ||
(*p > 0x7FBFFFFF && *p <= 0xFFFFFFFF)
/* string utils -------------------------------------------------------- */
int whitespace(char c) {
switch (c) {
case '\r':
case '\n':
case '\t':
case ' ':
return 1;
return 0;
int slice_write(slice_t* s, FILE* f) {
return (int)fwrite(s->start, 1, s->end - s->start, f);
int slice_whitespace(slice_t* s) {
char* p = s->start;
for (; p < s->end; ++p) {
if (!whitespace(*p)) {
return 0;
return 1;
/* trims leading and trailing whitespace */
void slice_trim(slice_t* s) {
for (; s->start < s->end && whitespace(*s->start); ++s->start);
for (; s->end > s->start && whitespace(*(s->end-1)); --s->end);
int slice_cmp(slice_t* s, char* str) {
int len = (int)strlen(str);
int s_len = (int)(s->end - s->start);
if (len < s_len) {
return -1;
if (len > s_len) {
return 1;
return strncmp(s->start, str, len);
int slice_len(slice_t* s) {
return (int)(s->end - s->start);
* splits s at any of the separators in separator_list and stores
* pointers to the strings in arr.
* returns the number of elements written to arr.
* if more elements than nmax are found, err is set to
int slice_split(slice_t* s, char* separator_list, slice_t* arr,
int nmax, int* err)
int res = 0;
char* p = s->start;
char* pprev = p;
if (!nmax) {
return 0;
if (!*separator_list) {
*arr = *s;
return 1;
for (; p <= s->end; ++p) {
char* sep = separator_list;
for (; *sep; ++sep) {
if (p >= s->end || *sep == *p) {
if (res >= nmax) {
goto exit;
arr[res].start = pprev;
arr[res].end = p;
pprev = p + 1;
return res;
/* array --------------------------------------------------------------- */
* these don't always use all params but we always pass all of them to
* ensure that we get a compiler error on things that don't have the same
* fields as an array struct
int array_reserve_i(int n, int* cap, int* len, void** data, int esize) {
if (*cap <= n) {
void* newdata;
int newcap = *cap ? *cap * 2 : 16;
newdata = realloc(*data, esize * newcap);
if (!newdata) {
return 0;
*data = newdata;
*cap = newcap;
return 1;
void array_free_i(int* cap, int* len, void** data, int esize) {
*cap = 0;
*len = 0;
*data = 0;
/* memory arena -------------------------------------------------------- */
/* aligns x down to a power-of-two value a */
#define bit_align_down(x, a) \
((x) & ~((a) - 1))
/* aligns x up to a power-of-two value a */
#define bit_align_up(x, a) \
bit_align_down((x) + (a) - 1, a)
int arena_reserve(arena_t* arena, int min_size) {
int size;
char* new_block;
if (arena->end_of_block - arena->block >= min_size) {
return 1;
size = bit_align_up(al_max(min_size, ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE), ARENA_ALIGN);
new_block = malloc(size);
if (!new_block) {
return 0;
arena->block = new_block;
arena->end_of_block = new_block + size;
array_append(&arena->blocks, arena->block);
return 1;
void* arena_alloc(arena_t* arena, int size) {
void* res;
if (!arena_reserve(arena, size)) {
return 0;
size = bit_align_up(size, ARENA_ALIGN);
res = arena->block;
arena->block += size;
return res;
char* arena_strndup(arena_t* m, char* s, int n) {
char* res = arena_alloc(m, n + 1);
if (res) {
memcpy(res, s, n);
res[n] = 0;
return res;
void arena_free(arena_t* arena) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arena->blocks.len; ++i) {
arena->block = 0;
arena->end_of_block = 0;
/* mods ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
float od10_ms[] = { 20, 20 }; /* std, taiko */
float od0_ms[] = { 80, 50 };
#define AR0_MS 1800.0f
#define AR5_MS 1200.0f
#define AR10_MS 450.0f
float od_ms_step[] = { 6.0f, 3.0f };
#define AR_MS_STEP1 120.f /* ar0-5 */
#define AR_MS_STEP2 150.f /* ar5-10 */
int mods_apply_m(int mode, int mods, beatmap_stats_t* s, int flags) {
float od_ar_hp_multiplier;
switch (mode) {
case MODE_STD:
info("this gamemode is not yet supported for mods calc\n");
s->speed = 1;
if (!(mods & MODS_MAP_CHANGING)) {
int m = mode;
if (flags & APPLY_OD) {
s->odms = od0_ms[m] - (float)ceil(od_ms_step[m] * s->od);
return 0;
/* speed */
if (mods & (MODS_DT | MODS_NC)) {
s->speed *= 1.5f;
if (mods & MODS_HT) {
s->speed *= 0.75f;
if (!flags) {
return 0;
/* global multipliers */
od_ar_hp_multiplier = 1;
if (mods & MODS_HR) {
od_ar_hp_multiplier *= 1.4f;
if (mods & MODS_EZ) {
od_ar_hp_multiplier *= 0.5f;
* stats must be capped to 0-10 before HT/DT which brings them to a range
* of -4.42f to 11.08f for OD and -5 to 11 for AR
/* od */
if (flags & APPLY_OD) {
int m = mode;
s->od *= od_ar_hp_multiplier;
s->odms = od0_ms[m] - (float)ceil(od_ms_step[m] * s->od);
s->odms = mymin(od0_ms[m], mymax(od10_ms[m], s->odms));
s->odms /= s->speed; /* apply speed-changing mods */
s->od = (od0_ms[m] - s->odms) / od_ms_step[m]; /* back to stat */
/* ar */
if (flags & APPLY_AR) {
float arms;
s->ar *= od_ar_hp_multiplier;
/* convert AR into its milliseconds value */
arms = s->ar <= 5
? (AR0_MS - AR_MS_STEP1 * (s->ar - 0))
: (AR5_MS - AR_MS_STEP2 * (s->ar - 5));
arms = mymin(AR0_MS, mymax(AR10_MS, arms));
arms /= s->speed;
s->ar = arms > AR5_MS
? (0 + (AR0_MS - arms) / AR_MS_STEP1)
: (5 + (AR5_MS - arms) / AR_MS_STEP2);
/* cs */
if (flags & APPLY_CS) {
float cs_multiplier = 1;
if (mods & MODS_HR) {
cs_multiplier = 1.3f;
if (mods & MODS_EZ) {
cs_multiplier = 0.5f;
s->cs *= cs_multiplier;
s->cs = mymax(0.0f, mymin(10.0f, s->cs));
/* hp */
if (flags & APPLY_HP) {
s->hp = mymin(s->hp * od_ar_hp_multiplier, 10);
return 0;
void mods_apply(int mods, beatmap_stats_t* s, int flags) {
int n;
n = mods_apply_m(MODE_STD, mods, s, flags);
if (n < 0) {
info("W: mods_apply failed: %s\n", errstr(n));
/* beatmap ------------------------------------------------------------- */
* sliders get 2 + ticks combo (head, tail and ticks) each repetition adds
* an extra combo and an extra set of ticks
* calculate the number of slider ticks for one repetition
* ---
* example: a 3.75f beats slider at 1x tick rate will go:
* beat0 (head), beat1 (tick), beat2(tick), beat3(tick),
* beat3.75f(tail)
* so all we have to do is ceil the number of beats and subtract 1 to take
* out the tail
* ---
* the -0.1f is there to prevent ceil from ceiling whole values like 1.0f to
* 2.0f randomly
int b_max_combo(beatmap_t* b) {
int res = b->nobjects;
int i;
float infinity = get_inf();
float tnext = -infinity;
int tindex = -1;
float px_per_beat = infinity; /* for std sliders */
/* taiko */
float ms_per_beat = 0; /* last timing change */
float beat_len = infinity; /* beat spacing */
float duration = 0; /* duration of the hit object */
float tick_spacing = -infinity; /* slider tick spacing */
if (!b->ntiming_points) {
info("beatmap has no timing points\n");
return ERR_FORMAT;
/* spinners don't give combo in taiko */
if (b->mode == MODE_TAIKO) {
res -= b->nspinners + b->nsliders;
/* slider ticks */
for (i = 0; i < b->nobjects; ++i) {
object_t* o = &b->objects[i];
int ticks;
float num_beats;
if (!(o->type & OBJ_SLIDER)) {
while (o->time >= tnext) {
float sv_multiplier;
timing_t* t;
if (b->ntiming_points > tindex + 1) {
tnext = b->timing_points[tindex + 1].time;
} else {
tnext = infinity;
t = &b->timing_points[tindex];
sv_multiplier = 1.0f;
if (!t->change && t->ms_per_beat < 0) {
sv_multiplier = -100.0f / t->ms_per_beat;
switch (b->mode) {
case MODE_STD:
px_per_beat = b->sv * 100.0f * sv_multiplier;
if (b->format_version < 8) {
px_per_beat /= sv_multiplier;
case MODE_TAIKO: {
/* see d_taiko for details on what this does */
float velocity;
if (b->original_mode == MODE_TAIKO) {
/* no slider conversion for taiko -> taiko */
if (t->change) {
ms_per_beat = t->ms_per_beat;
beat_len = ms_per_beat;
if (b->format_version < 8) {
beat_len *= sv_multiplier;
velocity = 100.0f * b->sv / beat_len;
duration = o->distance * o->repetitions / velocity;
tick_spacing = mymin(beat_len / b->tick_rate,
duration / o->repetitions);
if (b->mode == MODE_TAIKO) {
if (tick_spacing > 0 && duration < 2 * beat_len) {
res += (int)ceil((duration + tick_spacing / 8) / tick_spacing);
/* std slider ticks */
num_beats = (o->distance * o->repetitions) / px_per_beat;
ticks = (int)ceil((num_beats - 0.1f) / o->repetitions * b->tick_rate);
ticks *= o->repetitions; /* account for repetitions */
ticks += o->repetitions + 1; /* add heads and tails */
* actually doesn't include first head because we already
* added it by setting res = nobjects
res += mymax(0, ticks - 1);
return res;
/* beatmap parser ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* sets up parser for reuse. must have already been inited with p_init */
void p_reset(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b) {
memset(pa->section, 0, sizeof(pa->section));
memset(&pa->lastpos, 0, sizeof(pa->lastpos));
memset(&pa->lastline, 0, sizeof(pa->lastline));
pa->objects.len = 0;
pa->timing_points.len = 0;
/* TODO: reuse arena mem */
pa->b = b;
if (b) {
memset(b, 0, sizeof(beatmap_t));
b->ar = b->cs = b->hp = b->od = 5.0f;
b->sv = b->tick_rate = 1.0f;
int p_init(parser_t* pa) {
memset(pa, 0, sizeof(parser_t));
p_reset(pa, 0);
return 0;
void p_free(parser_t* pa) {
* consume functions return the number of chars or < 0 on err
* the destination slice is left untouched if there are errors
* NOTE: comments in beatmaps can only be an entire line because
* some properties such as author can contain //
/* evil hack to set lastpos in one statement */
#define parse_err(e, lastpos_) \
pa->lastpos = (lastpos_), \
int nop(int x) { return x; }
#define parse_warn(e, line) \
info(e), info("\n"), print_line(line), nop(0)
/* consume until any of the characters in separators is found */
int consume_until(parser_t* pa, slice_t* s, char* separators,
slice_t* dst)
char* p = s->start;
for (; p < s->end; ++p) {
char* sep;
for (sep = separators; *sep; ++sep) {
if (*p == *sep) {
dst->start = s->start;
dst->end = p;
return (int)(p - s->start);
return parse_err(MORE, *s);
* all parse_* functions expect s to be a single line and trimmed
* if the return type is int, they return n bytes consumed
* if the return type is int, they will return zero on success
* on errors, parse_* functions return < 0 error codes
#define print_line(line) \
info("in line: "), \
slice_write((line), stderr), \
/* [name] */
int p_section_name(parser_t* pa, slice_t* s, slice_t* name) {
int n;
slice_t p = *s;
if (*p.start++ != '[') {
return parse_err(SYNTAX, p);
n = consume_until(pa, &p, "]", name);
if (n < 0) {
return n;
p.start += n;
if (p.start != p.end - 1) { /* must end in ] */
return parse_err(SYNTAX, p);
return (int)(p.start - s->start);
/* name: value (results are trimmed) */
int p_property(parser_t* pa, slice_t* s, slice_t* name, slice_t* value) {
int n;
char* p = s->start;
n = consume_until(pa, s, ":", name);
if (n < 0) {
return n;
p += n;
++p; /* skip : */
value->start = p;
value->end = s->end;
return (int)(s->end - s->start);
char* p_slicedup(parser_t* pa, slice_t* s) {
return arena_strndup(&pa->arena, s->start, slice_len(s));
int p_metadata(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) {
slice_t name, value;
beatmap_t* b = pa->b;
int n = p_property(pa, line, &name, &value);
if (n < 0) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed metadata line", line);
if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Title")) {
b->title = p_slicedup(pa, &value);
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "TitleUnicode")) {
b->title_unicode = p_slicedup(pa, &value);
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Artist")) {
b->artist = p_slicedup(pa, &value);
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "ArtistUnicode")) {
b->artist_unicode = p_slicedup(pa, &value);
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Creator")) {
b->creator = p_slicedup(pa, &value);
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Version")) {
b->version = p_slicedup(pa, &value);
return n;
int p_general(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) {
beatmap_t* b = pa->b;
slice_t name, value;
int n;
n = p_property(pa, line, &name, &value);
if (n < 0) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed general line", line);
if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Mode")) {
if (sscanf(value.start, "%d", &b->original_mode) != 1){
return parse_err(SYNTAX, value);
if (pa->flags & PARSER_OVERRIDE_MODE) {
b->mode = pa->mode_override;
} else {
b->mode = b->original_mode;
switch (b->mode) {
case MODE_STD:
return n;
float p_float(slice_t* value, int* success) {
float res;
char* p = value->start;
if (*p == '-') {
res = -1;
} else {
res = 1;
/* infinity symbol */
if (!strncmp(p, "\xe2\x88\x9e", 3)) {
res *= get_inf();
*success = 1;
} else {
*success = sscanf(value->start, "%f", &res) == 1;
/* if it fails we can just use default values */
return res;
int p_difficulty(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) {
float* dst = 0;
slice_t name, value;
int n = p_property(pa, line, &name, &value);
if (n < 0) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed difficulty line", line);
if (!slice_cmp(&name, "CircleSize")) {
dst = &pa->b->cs;
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "OverallDifficulty")) {
dst = &pa->b->od;
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "ApproachRate")) {
dst = &pa->b->ar;
pa->flags |= PARSER_FOUND_AR;
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "HPDrainRate")) {
dst = &pa->b->hp;
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "SliderMultiplier")) {
dst = &pa->b->sv;
else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "SliderTickRate")) {
dst = &pa->b->tick_rate;
if (dst) {
int success;
*dst = p_float(&value, &success);
return n;
* time, ms_per_beat, time_signature_id, sample_set_id,
* sample_bank_id, sample_volume, is_timing_change, effect_flags
* everything after ms_per_beat is optional
int p_timing(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) {
int res = 0;
int n, i;
int err = 0;
slice_t split[8];
timing_t* t = array_alloc(&pa->timing_points);
int success;
if (!t) {
return ERR_OOM;
t->change = 1;
n = slice_split(line, ",", split, 8, &err);
if (err < 0) {
if (err == ERR_TRUNCATED) {
info("W: timing point with trailing values");
} else {
return err;
if (n < 2) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed timing point", line);
res = (int)(split[n - 1].end - line->start);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
t->time = p_float(&split[0], &success);
if (!success) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed timing point time", line);
t->ms_per_beat = p_float(&split[1], &success);
if (!success) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed timing point ms_per_beat",
if (n >= 7) {
if (slice_len(&split[6]) < 1) {
t->change = 1;
} else {
t->change = *split[6].start != '0';
return res;
int p_objects(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) {
beatmap_t* b = pa->b;
object_t* o = array_alloc(&pa->objects);
int err = 0;
int ne;
slice_t e[11];
int success;
if (o) {
memset(o, 0, sizeof(*o));
} else {
return ERR_OOM;
ne = slice_split(line, ",", e, 11, &err);
if (err < 0) {
if (err == ERR_TRUNCATED) {
info("W: object with trailing values\n");
} else {
return err;
if (ne < 5) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed hitobject", line);
o->time = p_float(&e[2], &success);
if (!success) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed hitobject time", line);
if (sscanf(e[3].start, "%d", &o->type) != 1) {
parse_warn("W: malformed hitobject type", line);
o->type = OBJ_CIRCLE;
if (b->mode == MODE_TAIKO) {
int* sound_type = arena_alloc(&pa->arena, sizeof(int));
if (!sound_type) {
return ERR_OOM;
if (sscanf(e[4].start, "%d", sound_type) != 1) {
parse_warn("W: malformed hitobject sound type", line);
*sound_type = SOUND_NORMAL;
o->nsound_types = 1;
o->sound_types = sound_type;
/* wastes 4 bytes when you have per-node sounds but w/e */
if (o->type & OBJ_CIRCLE) {
o->pos[0] = p_float(&e[0], &success);
if (!success) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed circle position", line);
o->pos[1] = p_float(&e[1], &success);
if (!success) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed circle position", line);
/* ?,?,?,?,?,end_time,custom_sample_banks */
else if (o->type & OBJ_SPINNER) {
* x,y,time,type,sound_type,points,repetitions,distance,
* per_node_sounds,per_node_samples,custom_sample_banks
else if (o->type & OBJ_SLIDER) {
if (ne < 7) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed slider", line);
o->pos[0] = p_float(&e[0], &success);
if (!success) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed slider position", line);
o->pos[1] = p_float(&e[1], &success);
if (!success) {
return parse_warn("W: malformed slider position", line);
if (sscanf(e[6].start, "%d", &o->repetitions) != 1) {
o->repetitions = 1;
parse_warn("W: malformed slider repetitions", line);
if (ne > 7) {
o->distance = p_float(&e[7], &success);
if (!success) {
parse_warn("W: malformed slider distance", line);
o->distance = 0;
/* per-node sound types */
if (b->mode == MODE_TAIKO && ne > 8 && slice_len(&e[8]) > 0) {
slice_t p = e[8];
int i, nodes;
* TODO: there's probably something subtly wrong with this.
* sometimes we get less sound types than nodes
* also I don't know if I'm supposed to include the previous
* sound type from the single sound_type field
/* repeats + head and tail. no repeats is 1 repetition, so -1 */
nodes = mymax(0, o->repetitions - 1) + 2;
o->sound_types = arena_alloc(&pa->arena, sizeof(int) * nodes);
if (!o->sound_types) {
return ERR_OOM;
for (i = 0; i < nodes; ++i) {
slice_t node;
int n;
int type;
node.start = node.end = 0;
n = consume_until(pa, &p, "|", &node);
if (n < 0 && n != ERR_MORE) {
pa->lastpos = p;
return n;
if (node.start >= node.end || !node.start || p.start >= p.end) {
p.start += n + 1;
if (sscanf(node.start, "%d", &type) != 1) {
parse_warn("W: malformed sound type", line);
o->sound_types[i] = type;
o->nsound_types = i;
return (int)(e[ne - 1].end - line->start);
int p_line(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) {
int n = 0;
if (line->start >= line->end) {
/* empty line */
return 0;
if (slice_whitespace(line)) {
return (int)(line->end - line->start);
/* comments (according to lazer) */
switch (*line->start) {
case ' ':
case '_':
return (int)(line->end - line->start);
/* from here on we don't care about leading or trailing whitespace */
pa->lastline = *line;
/* C++ style comments */
if (!strncmp(line->start, "//", 2)) {
return 0;
/* new section */
if (*line->start == '[') {
slice_t section;
int len;
n = p_section_name(pa, line, §ion);
if (n < 0) {
return n;
if (section.end - section.start >= sizeof(pa->section)) {
parse_warn("W: truncated long section name", line);
len = (int)mymin(sizeof(pa->section) - 1, section.end - section.start);
memcpy(pa->section, section.start, len);
pa->section[len] = 0;
return n;
if (!strcmp(pa->section, "Metadata")) {
n = p_metadata(pa, line);
else if (!strcmp(pa->section, "General")) {
n = p_general(pa, line);
else if (!strcmp(pa->section, "Difficulty")) {
n = p_difficulty(pa, line);
else if (!strcmp(pa->section, "TimingPoints")) {
n = p_timing(pa, line);
else if (!strcmp(pa->section, "HitObjects")) {
n = p_objects(pa, line);
} else {
char* p = line->start;
char* fmt_str = "file format v";
for (; p < line->end && strncmp(p, fmt_str, 13); ++p);
p += 13;
if (p < line->end) {
if (sscanf(p, "%d", &pa->b->format_version) == 1) {
return (int)(line->end - line->start);
return n;
void p_begin(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b) {
b->sv = b->tick_rate = 1;
p_reset(pa, b);
void p_end(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b) {
if (!(pa->flags & PARSER_FOUND_AR)) {
/* in old maps ar = od */
b->ar = b->od;
b->objects = pa->;
b->nobjects = pa->objects.len;
b->timing_points = pa->;
b->ntiming_points = pa->timing_points.len;
if (!b->title_unicode) {
b->title_unicode = b->title;
if (!b->artist_unicode) {
b->artist_unicode = b->artist;
#define s(x) b->x = b->x ? b->x : "(null)"
int p_map(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b, FILE* f) {
int res = 0;
char* pbuf;
int bufsize;
int n;
int nread;
p_begin(pa, b);
if (!f) {
return ERR_IO;
/* points to free space in the buffer */
pbuf = pa->buf;
/* reading loop */
for (;;) {
int nlines = 0; /* complete lines in the current chunk */
slice_t s; /* points to the remaining data in buf */
int more_data;
bufsize = (int)sizeof(pa->buf) - (int)(pbuf - pa->buf);
nread = (int)fread(pbuf, 1, bufsize, f);
if (!nread) {
/* eof */
more_data = !feof(f);
s.start = pa->buf;
s.end = pbuf + nread;
/* parsing loop */
for (; s.start < s.end; ) {
slice_t line;
n = consume_until(pa, &s, "\n", &line);
if (n < 0) {
if (n != ERR_MORE) {
return n;
if (!nlines) {
/* line doesn't fit the entire buffer */
return parse_err(TRUNCATED, s);
if (more_data) {
/* we will finish reading this line later */
/* EOF, so we must process the remaining data as a line */
line = s;
n = (int)(s.end - s.start);
} else {
++n; /* also skip the \n */
res += n;
s.start += n;
n = p_line(pa, &line);
if (n < 0) {
return n;
res += n;
/* done parsing what we read, prepare to read some more */
/* move remaining data to the beginning of buf */
memmove(pa->buf, s.start, s.end - s.start);
/* adjust pbuf to point to free space */
pbuf = pa->buf + (s.end - s.start);
p_end(pa, b);
return res;
int p_map_mem(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b, char* data,
int data_size)
int res = 0;
int n;
int nlines = 0; /* complete lines in the current chunk */
slice_t s; /* points to the remaining data in buf */
p_begin(pa, b);
if (!data || data_size == 0) {
return ERR_IO;
s.start = data;
s.end = data + data_size;
/* parsing loop */
for (; s.start < s.end; ) {
slice_t line;
n = consume_until(pa, &s, "\n", &line);
if (n < 0) {
if (n != ERR_MORE) {
return n;
if (!nlines) {
/* line doesn't fit the entire buffer */
return parse_err(TRUNCATED, s);
/* EOF, so we must process the remaining data as a line */
line = s;
n = (int)(s.end - s.start);
} else {
++n; /* also skip the \n */
res += n;
s.start += n;
n = p_line(pa, &line);
if (n < 0) {
return n;
res += n;
p_end(pa, b);
return res;
/* diff calc ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* based on tom94's osu!tp aimod and osuElements */
#define DIFF_SPEED 0
#define DIFF_AIM 1
/* how much strains decay per interval */
float decay_base[] = { 0.3f, 0.15f };
* arbitrary thresholds to determine when a stream is spaced enough
* that it becomes hard to alternate
#define SINGLE_SPACING 125.0f
/* used to keep speed and aim balanced between eachother */
float weight_scaling[] = { 1400.0f, 26.25f };
/* non-normalized diameter where the circlesize buff starts */
#define STAR_SCALING_FACTOR 0.0675f /* star rating multiplier */
* 50% of the difference between aim and speed is added to star
* rating to compensate aim only or speed only maps
#define PLAYFIELD_WIDTH 512.0f /* in osu!pixels */
#define PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT 384.0f
/* spinners position */
float playfield_center[] = {
* strains are calculated by analyzing the map in chunks and then
* taking the peak strains in each chunk.
* this is the length of a strain interval in milliseconds.
#define STRAIN_STEP 400.0f
* max strains are weighted from highest to lowest, and this is
* how much the weight decays.
#define DECAY_WEIGHT 0.9f
int d_init(diff_calc_t* d) {
memset(d, 0, sizeof(diff_calc_t));
if (!array_reserve(&d->highest_strains, sizeof(float) * 600)) {
return ERR_OOM;
d->singletap_threshold = 125; /* 240 bpm 1/2 */
return 0;
void d_free(diff_calc_t* d) {
#define MAX_SPEED_BONUS 45.0f /* ~330BPM 1/4 streams */
#define MIN_SPEED_BONUS 75.0f /* ~200BPM 1/4 streams */
#define SPEED_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN (5 * M_PI / 6)
* TODO: unbloat these params
* this function has become a mess with the latest changes, I should split
* it into separate funcs for speed and im
float d_spacing_weight(float distance, float delta_time,
float prev_distance, float prev_delta_time,
float angle, int type, int* is_single)
float angle_bonus;
float strain_time = al_max(delta_time, 50.0f);
switch (type) {
case DIFF_SPEED: {
float speed_bonus;
*is_single = distance > SINGLE_SPACING;
distance = al_min(distance, SINGLE_SPACING);
delta_time = al_max(delta_time, MAX_SPEED_BONUS);
speed_bonus = 1.0f;
if (delta_time < MIN_SPEED_BONUS) {
speed_bonus += (float)
pow((MIN_SPEED_BONUS - delta_time) / 40.0f, 2);
angle_bonus = 1.0f;
if (!is_nan(angle) && angle < SPEED_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN) {
float s = (float)sin(1.5 * (SPEED_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN - angle));
angle_bonus += (float)pow(s, 2) / 3.57f;
if (angle < M_PI / 2) {
angle_bonus = 1.28f;
if (distance < ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE && angle < M_PI / 4) {
angle_bonus += (1 - angle_bonus)
* al_min((ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE - distance) / 10, 1);
else if (distance < ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE) {
angle_bonus += (1 - angle_bonus)
* al_min((ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE - distance) / 10, 1)
* (float)sin((M_PI / 2 - angle) * 4 / M_PI);
return (
(1 + (speed_bonus - 1) * 0.75f) *
angle_bonus *
(0.95f + speed_bonus * (float)pow(distance / SINGLE_SPACING, 3.5))
) / strain_time;
case DIFF_AIM: {
float result = 0;
float weighted_distance;
float prev_strain_time = al_max(prev_delta_time, 50.0f);
if (!is_nan(angle) && angle > AIM_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN) {
angle_bonus = (float)sqrt(
al_max(prev_distance - ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE, 0)
* pow(sin(angle - AIM_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN), 2)
* al_max(distance - ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE, 0)
result = 1.5f * (float)pow(al_max(0, angle_bonus), 0.99)
/ al_max(AIM_TIMING_THRESHOLD, prev_strain_time);
weighted_distance = (float)pow(distance, 0.99);
return al_max(
result + weighted_distance /
al_max(AIM_TIMING_THRESHOLD, strain_time),
weighted_distance / strain_time
return 0.0f;
void d_calc_strain(int type, object_t* o, object_t* prev, float speedmul) {
float res = 0;
float time_elapsed = (o->time - prev->time) / speedmul;
float decay = (float)pow(decay_base[type], time_elapsed / 1000.0f);
float scaling = weight_scaling[type];
o->delta_time = time_elapsed;
/* this implementation doesn't account for sliders */
if (o->type & (OBJ_SLIDER | OBJ_CIRCLE)) {
float diff[2];
v2f_sub(diff, o->normpos, prev->normpos);
o->d_distance = v2f_len(diff);
res = d_spacing_weight(o->d_distance, time_elapsed, prev->d_distance,
prev->delta_time, o->angle, type, &o->is_single);
res *= scaling;
o->strains[type] = prev->strains[type] * decay + res;
int dbl_desc(void const* a, void const* b) {
float x = *(float const*)a;
float y = *(float const*)b;
if (x < y) {
return 1;
if (x == y) {
return 0;
return -1;
int d_update_max_strains(diff_calc_t* d, float decay_factor,
float cur_time, float prev_time, float cur_strain, float prev_strain,
int first_obj)
/* make previous peak strain decay until the current obj */
while (cur_time > d->interval_end) {
if (!array_append(&d->highest_strains, d->max_strain)) {
return ERR_OOM;
if (first_obj) {
d->max_strain = 0;
} else {
float decay;
decay = (float)pow(decay_factor,
(d->interval_end - prev_time) / 1000.0f);
d->max_strain = prev_strain * decay;
d->interval_end += STRAIN_STEP * d->speed_mul;
d->max_strain = mymax(d->max_strain, cur_strain);
return 0;
void d_weigh_strains2(diff_calc_t* d, float* pdiff, float* ptotal) {
int i;
int nstrains = 0;
float* strains;
float total = 0;
float difficulty = 0;
float weight = 1.0f;
strains = (float*)d->;
nstrains = d->highest_strains.len;
/* sort strains from highest to lowest */
qsort(strains, nstrains, sizeof(float), dbl_desc);
for (i = 0; i < nstrains; ++i) {
total += (float)pow(strains[i], 1.2);
difficulty += strains[i] * weight;
weight *= DECAY_WEIGHT;
*pdiff = difficulty;
if (ptotal) {
*ptotal = total;
float d_weigh_strains(diff_calc_t* d) {
float diff;
d_weigh_strains2(d, &diff, 0);
return diff;
int d_calc_individual(int type, diff_calc_t* d) {
int i;
beatmap_t* b = d->b;
* the first object doesn't generate a strain,
* so we begin with an incremented interval end
d->max_strain = 0.0f;
d->interval_end = ceil(b->objects[0].time / (STRAIN_STEP * d->speed_mul))
* (STRAIN_STEP * d->speed_mul);
d->highest_strains.len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < b->nobjects; ++i) {
int err;
object_t* o = &b->objects[i];
object_t* prev = 0;
float prev_time = 0, prev_strain = 0;
if (i > 0) {
prev = &b->objects[i - 1];
d_calc_strain(type, o, prev, d->speed_mul);
prev_time = prev->time;
prev_strain = prev->strains[type];
err = d_update_max_strains(d, decay_base[type], o->time, prev_time,
o->strains[type], prev_strain, i == 0);
if (err < 0) {
return err;
* the peak strain will not be saved for
* the last section in the above loop
if (!array_append(&d->highest_strains, d->max_strain)) {
return ERR_OOM;
switch (type) {
d_weigh_strains2(d, &d->speed, &d->speed_difficulty);
case DIFF_AIM:
d_weigh_strains2(d, &d->aim, &d->aim_difficulty);
return 0;
#define log10f (float)log10
float d_length_bonus(float stars, float difficulty) {
return 0.32f + 0.5f * (log10f(difficulty + stars) - log10f(stars));
int d_std(diff_calc_t* d, int mods) {
beatmap_t* b = d->b;
int i;
int res;
float radius;
float scaling_factor;
beatmap_stats_t mapstats;
/* apply mods and calculate circle radius at this CS */
mapstats.cs = b->cs;
mods_apply(mods, &mapstats, APPLY_CS);
d->speed_mul = mapstats.speed;
radius = (
(1.0f - 0.7f * ((float)mapstats.cs - 5.0f) / 5.0f)
* positions are normalized on circle radius so that we
* can calc as if everything was the same circlesize
scaling_factor = 52.0f / radius;
/* cs buff (originally from osuElements) */
scaling_factor *=
1.0f + mymin((CIRCLESIZE_BUFF_TRESHOLD - radius), 5.0f) / 50.0f;
/* calculate normalized positions */
for (i = 0; i < b->nobjects; ++i) {
object_t* o = &b->objects[i];
float* pos;
float dot, det;
if (o->type & OBJ_SPINNER) {
pos = playfield_center;
} else {
/* sliders also begin with pos so it's fine */
pos = o->pos;
o->normpos[0] = pos[0] * scaling_factor;
o->normpos[1] = pos[1] * scaling_factor;
if (i >= 2) {
object_t* prev1 = &b->objects[i - 1];
object_t* prev2 = &b->objects[i - 2];
float v1[2], v2[2];
v2f_sub(v1, prev2->normpos, prev1->normpos);
v2f_sub(v2, o->normpos, prev1->normpos);
dot = v2f_dot(v1, v2);
det = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
o->angle = (float)fabs(atan2(det, dot));
} else {
o->angle = get_nan();
/* calculate speed and aim stars */
res = d_calc_individual(DIFF_SPEED, d);
if (res < 0) {
return res;
res = d_calc_individual(DIFF_AIM, d);
if (res < 0) {
return res;
d->aim_length_bonus = d_length_bonus(d->aim, d->aim_difficulty);
d->speed_length_bonus = d_length_bonus(d->speed, d->speed_difficulty);
d->aim = (float)sqrt(d->aim) * STAR_SCALING_FACTOR;
d->speed = (float)sqrt(d->speed) * STAR_SCALING_FACTOR;
if (mods & MODS_TOUCH_DEVICE) {
d->aim = (float)pow(d->aim, 0.8f);
/* calculate total star rating */
d->total = d->aim + d->speed +
(float)fabs(d->speed - d->aim) * EXTREME_SCALING_FACTOR;
/* singletap stats */
for (i = 1; i < b->nobjects; ++i) {
object_t* o = &b->objects[i];
if (o->is_single) {
if (o->type & (OBJ_CIRCLE | OBJ_SLIDER)) {
object_t* prev = &b->objects[i - 1];
float interval = o->time - prev->time;
interval /= mapstats.speed;
if (interval >= d->singletap_threshold) {
return 0;
/* taiko diff calc ----------------------------------------------------- */
#define TAIKO_TYPE_CHANGE_BONUS 0.75f /* object type change bonus */
typedef struct taiko_object {
int hit;
float strain;
float time;
float time_elapsed;
int rim;
int same_since; /* streak of hits of the same type (rim/center) */
* was the last hit type change at an even same_since count?
* -1 if there is no previous switch (for example if the
* previous object was not a hit
int last_switch_even;
} taiko_object_t;
/* object type change bonus */
float taiko_change_bonus(taiko_object_t* cur, taiko_object_t* prev) {
if (prev->rim != cur->rim) {
cur->last_switch_even = prev->same_since % 2 == 0;
if (prev->last_switch_even >= 0 &&
prev->last_switch_even != cur->last_switch_even)
} else {
cur->last_switch_even = prev->last_switch_even;
cur->same_since = prev->same_since + 1;
return 0;
/* rhythm change bonus */
float taiko_rhythm_bonus(taiko_object_t* cur, taiko_object_t* prev) {
float ratio;
float diff;
if (cur->time_elapsed == 0 || prev->time_elapsed == 0) {
return 0;
ratio = mymax(prev->time_elapsed / cur->time_elapsed,
cur->time_elapsed / prev->time_elapsed);
if (ratio >= 8) {
return 0;
/* this is log base TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BASE of ratio */
diff = (float)fmod(log(ratio) / log(TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BASE), 1.0f);
* threshold that determines whether the rhythm changed enough
* to be worthy of the bonus
return 0;
void taiko_strain(taiko_object_t* cur, taiko_object_t* prev) {
float decay;
float addition = 1.0f;
float factor = 1.0f;
decay = (float)pow(decay_base[0], cur->time_elapsed / 1000.0f);
* we only have strains for hits, also ignore objects that are
* more than 1 second apart
if (prev->hit && cur->hit && cur->time - prev->time < 1000.0f) {
addition += taiko_change_bonus(cur, prev);
addition += taiko_rhythm_bonus(cur, prev);
/* 300+bpm streams nerf? */
if (cur->time_elapsed < 50.0f) {
factor = 0.4f + 0.6f * cur->time_elapsed / 50.0f;
cur->strain = prev->strain * decay + addition * factor;
void swap_ptrs(void** a, void** b) {
void* tmp;
tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
int d_taiko(diff_calc_t* d, int mods) {
float infinity = get_inf();
beatmap_t* b = d->b;
int i;
beatmap_stats_t mapstats;
/* this way we can swap cur and prev without copying */
taiko_object_t curprev[2];
taiko_object_t* cur = &curprev[0];
taiko_object_t* prev = &curprev[1];
* these values keep track of the current timing point and
* corresponding beat spacing. these are used to convert
* sliders to taiko streams if they are suitable
float tnext = -infinity; /* start time of next timing point */
int tindex = -1; /* timing point index */
float ms_per_beat = 0; /* last timing change */
float beat_len = infinity; /* beat spacing */
float duration = 0; /* duration of the hit object */
float tick_spacing = -infinity; /* slider tick spacing */
int result;
if (!b->ntiming_points) {
info("beatmap has no timing points\n");
return ERR_FORMAT;
mods_apply(mods, &mapstats, 0);
d->highest_strains.len = 0;
d->max_strain = 0.0f;
d->interval_end = STRAIN_STEP * mapstats.speed;
d->speed_mul = mapstats.speed;
* TODO: separate taiko conversion into its own function
* so that it can be reused? probably slower, but cleaner,
* more modular and more readable
for (i = 0; i < b->nobjects; ++i) {
object_t* o = &b->objects[i];
cur->hit = (o->type & OBJ_CIRCLE) != 0;
cur->time = o->time;
if (i > 0) {
cur->time_elapsed = (cur->time - prev->time) / mapstats.speed;
} else {
cur->time_elapsed = infinity;
cur->strain = 1;
cur->same_since = 1;
cur->last_switch_even = -1;
cur->rim = (o->sound_types[0] & (SOUND_CLAP|SOUND_WHISTLE)) != 0;
if (b->original_mode == MODE_TAIKO) {
goto continue_loop;
if (o->type & OBJ_SLIDER) {
/* TODO: too much indentation, pull this out */
int isound = 0;
float j;
while (o->time > tnext) {
float sv_multiplier;
float velocity;
timing_t* t;
if (b->ntiming_points > tindex + 1) {
tnext = b->timing_points[tindex + 1].time;
} else {
tnext = infinity;
t = &b->timing_points[tindex];
sv_multiplier = 1.0f;
if (t->change) {
ms_per_beat = t->ms_per_beat;
else if (t->ms_per_beat < 0) {
sv_multiplier = -100.0f / t->ms_per_beat;
beat_len = ms_per_beat / sv_multiplier;
velocity = 100.0f * b->sv / beat_len;
/* format-specific quirk */
if (b->format_version >= 8) {
beat_len *= sv_multiplier;
/* this is similar to what we do in b_max_combo with px_per_beat */
duration = o->distance * o->repetitions / velocity;
* if slider is shorter than 1 beat, cut tick to exactly the length
* of the slider
tick_spacing = mymin(beat_len / b->tick_rate,
duration / o->repetitions);
/* drum roll, ignore */
if (tick_spacing <= 0 || duration >= 2 * beat_len) {
goto continue_loop;
* sliders that meet the requirements will
* become streams of the slider's tick rate
for (j = o->time; j < o->time + duration + tick_spacing / 8;
j += tick_spacing)
int sound_type = o->sound_types[isound];
cur->rim = (sound_type & (SOUND_CLAP | SOUND_WHISTLE));
cur->hit = 1;
cur->time = j;
cur->time_elapsed = (cur->time - prev->time) / mapstats.speed;
cur->strain = 1;
cur->same_since = 1;
cur->last_switch_even = -1;
/* update strains for this hit */
if (i > 0 || j > o->time) {
taiko_strain(cur, prev);
result = d_update_max_strains(d, decay_base[0], cur->time,
prev->time, cur->strain, prev->strain, i == 0 && j == o->time);
/* warning: j check might fail, floatcheck this */
if (result < 0) {
return result;
/* loop through the slider's sounds */
isound %= o->nsound_types;
swap_ptrs((void**)&prev, (void**)&cur);
* since we processed the slider as multiple hits,
* we must skip the prev/cur swap which we already did
* in the above loop
/* update strains for hits and other object types */
if (i > 0) {
taiko_strain(cur, prev);
result = d_update_max_strains(d, decay_base[0], cur->time, prev->time,
cur->strain, prev->strain, i == 0);
if (result < 0) {
return result;
swap_ptrs((void**)&prev, (void**)&cur);
d->total =
d->speed = d_weigh_strains(d) * TAIKO_STAR_SCALING_FACTOR;
return 0;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int d_calc(diff_calc_t* d, beatmap_t* b, int mods) {
d->b = b;
switch (b->mode) {
case MODE_STD:
return d_std(d, mods);
return d_taiko(d, mods);
info("this gamemode is not yet supported\n");
/* acc calc ------------------------------------------------------------ */
float acc_calc(int n300, int n100, int n50, int misses) {
int total_hits = n300 + n100 + n50 + misses;
float acc = 0;
if (total_hits > 0) {
acc = (n50 * 50.0f + n100 * 100.0f + n300 * 300.0f)
/ (total_hits * 300.0f);
return acc;
void acc_round(float acc_percent, int nobjects, int misses, int* n300,
int* n100, int* n50)
int max300;
float maxacc;
misses = mymin(nobjects, misses);
max300 = nobjects - misses;
maxacc = acc_calc(max300, 0, 0, misses) * 100.0f;
acc_percent = mymax(0.0f, mymin(maxacc, acc_percent));
*n50 = 0;
/* just some black magic maths from wolfram alpha */
*n100 = (int)round_oppai(
-3.0f * ((acc_percent * 0.01f - 1.0f) * nobjects + misses) * 0.5f
if (*n100 > nobjects - misses) {
/* acc lower than all 100s, use 50s */
*n100 = 0;
*n50 = (int)round_oppai(
-6.0f * ((acc_percent * 0.01f - 1.0f) * nobjects + misses) * 0.2f
*n50 = mymin(max300, *n50);
} else {
*n100 = mymin(max300, *n100);
*n300 = nobjects - *n100 - *n50 - misses;
float taiko_acc_calc(int n300, int n150, int nmiss) {
int total_hits = n300 + n150 + nmiss;
float acc = 0;
if (total_hits > 0) {
acc = (n150 * 150.0f + n300 * 300.0f) / (total_hits * 300.0f);
return acc;
void taiko_acc_round(float acc_percent, int nobjects, int nmisses,
int* n300, int* n150)
int max300;
float maxacc;
nmisses = mymin(nobjects, nmisses);
max300 = nobjects - nmisses;
maxacc = acc_calc(max300, 0, 0, nmisses) * 100.0f;
acc_percent = mymax(0.0f, mymin(maxacc, acc_percent));
/* just some black magic maths from wolfram alpha */
*n150 = (int)round_oppai(
-2.0f * ((acc_percent * 0.01f - 1.0f) * nobjects + nmisses)
*n150 = mymin(max300, *n150);
*n300 = nobjects - *n150 - nmisses;
/* std pp calc --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* some kind of formula to get a base pp value from stars */
float base_pp(float stars) {
return (float)pow(5.0f * mymax(1.0f, stars / 0.0675f) - 4.0f, 3.0f)
/ 100000.0f;
int ppv2x(pp_calc_t* pp, float aim, float speed, float base_ar,
float base_od, int max_combo, int nsliders, int ncircles, int nobjects,
int mods, int combo, int n300, int n100, int n50, int nmiss,
int score_version)
int nspinners = nobjects - nsliders - ncircles;
beatmap_stats_t mapstats;
/* various pp calc multipliers */
float nobjects_over_2k = nobjects / 2000.0f;
float length_bonus = (
0.95f +
0.4f * mymin(1.0f, nobjects_over_2k) +
(nobjects > 2000 ? (float)log10(nobjects_over_2k) * 0.5f : 0.0f)
float miss_penality = (float)pow(0.97f, nmiss);
float combo_break = (
(float)pow(combo, 0.8f) / (float)pow(max_combo, 0.8f)
float ar_bonus;
float final_multiplier;
float acc_bonus, od_bonus;
float od_squared;
float hd_bonus;
/* acc used for pp is different in scorev1 because it ignores sliders */
float real_acc;
memset(pp, 0, sizeof(pp_calc_t));
/* sanitize some input */
if (max_combo <= 0) {
info("W: max_combo <= 0, changing to 1\n");
max_combo = 1;
/* accuracy */
pp->accuracy = acc_calc(n300, n100, n50, nmiss);
switch (score_version) {
case 1:
* scorev1 ignores sliders since they are free 300s
* apparently it also ignores spinners...
* can go negative if we miss everything
real_acc = acc_calc(mymax(0, (int)n300 - nsliders - nspinners),
n100, n50, nmiss);
case 2:
real_acc = pp->accuracy;
ncircles = nobjects;
info("unsupported scorev%d\n", score_version);
/* calculate stats with mods */ = base_ar;
mapstats.od = base_od;
mods_apply(mods, &mapstats, APPLY_AR | APPLY_OD);
/* ar bonus -------------------------------------------------------- */
ar_bonus = 1.0f;
/* high ar bonus */
if ( > 10.33f) {
ar_bonus += 0.3f * ( - 10.33f);
/* low ar bonus */
else if ( < 8.0f) {
ar_bonus += 0.01f * (8.0f -;
/* aim pp ---------------------------------------------------------- */
pp->aim = base_pp(aim);
pp->aim *= length_bonus;
pp->aim *= miss_penality;
pp->aim *= combo_break;
pp->aim *= ar_bonus;
/* hidden */
hd_bonus = 1.0f;
if (mods & MODS_HD) {
hd_bonus += 0.04f * (12.0f -;
pp->aim *= hd_bonus;
/* flashlight */
if (mods & MODS_FL) {
float fl_bonus = 1.0f + 0.35f * mymin(1.0f, nobjects / 200.0f);
if (nobjects > 200) {
fl_bonus += 0.3f * mymin(1, (nobjects - 200) / 300.0f);
if (nobjects > 500) {
fl_bonus += (nobjects - 500) / 1200.0f;
pp->aim *= fl_bonus;
/* acc bonus (bad aim can lead to bad acc) */
acc_bonus = 0.5f + pp->accuracy / 2.0f;
/* od bonus (high od requires better aim timing to acc) */
od_squared = (float)pow(mapstats.od, 2);
od_bonus = 0.98f + od_squared / 2500.0f;
pp->aim *= acc_bonus;
pp->aim *= od_bonus;
/* speed pp -------------------------------------------------------- */
pp->speed = base_pp(speed);
pp->speed *= length_bonus;
pp->speed *= miss_penality;
pp->speed *= combo_break;
if ( > 10.33f) {
pp->speed *= ar_bonus;
pp->speed *= hd_bonus;
/* "scale the speed value with accuracy slightly" */
pp->speed *= 0.02f + pp->accuracy;
/* "it is important to also consider accuracy difficulty when doing that" */
pp->speed *= 0.96f + (od_squared / 1600.0f);
/* acc pp ---------------------------------------------------------- */
/* arbitrary values tom crafted out of trial and error */
pp->acc = (float)pow(1.52163f, mapstats.od) *
(float)pow(real_acc, 24.0f) * 2.83f;
/* length bonus (not the same as speed/aim length bonus) */
pp->acc *= mymin(1.15f, (float)pow(ncircles / 1000.0f, 0.3f));
/* hidden bonus */
if (mods & MODS_HD) {
pp->acc *= 1.08f;
/* flashlight bonus */
if (mods & MODS_FL) {
pp->acc *= 1.02f;
/* total pp -------------------------------------------------------- */
final_multiplier = 1.12f;
/* nofail */
if (mods & MODS_NF) {
final_multiplier *= 0.90f;
/* spun-out */
if (mods & MODS_SO) {
final_multiplier *= 0.95f;
pp->total = (float)(
pow(pp->aim, 1.1f) +
pow(pp->speed, 1.1f) +
pow(pp->acc, 1.1f),
1.0f / 1.1f
) * final_multiplier
return 0;
/* taiko pp calc ------------------------------------------------------- */
int taiko_ppv2x(pp_calc_t* pp, float stars, int max_combo,
float base_od, int n150, int nmiss, int mods)
beatmap_stats_t mapstats;
int n300 = mymax(0, max_combo - n150 - nmiss);
int result;
float length_bonus;
float final_multiplier;
/* calculate stats with mods */
mapstats.od = base_od;
result = mods_apply_m(MODE_TAIKO, mods, &mapstats, APPLY_OD);
if (result < 0) {
return result;
pp->accuracy = taiko_acc_calc(n300, n150, nmiss);
/* base acc pp */
pp->acc = (float)pow(150.0f / mapstats.odms, 1.1f);
pp->acc *= (float)pow(pp->accuracy, 15.0f) * 22.0f;
/* length bonus */
pp->acc *= mymin(1.15f, (float)pow(max_combo / 1500.0f, 0.3f));
/* base speed pp */
pp->speed = (float)pow(5.0f * mymax(1.0f, stars / 0.0075f) - 4.0f, 2.0f);
pp->speed /= 100000.0f;
/* length bonus (not the same as acc length bonus) */
length_bonus = 1.0f + 0.1f * mymin(1.0f, max_combo / 1500.0f);
pp->speed *= length_bonus;
/* miss penality */
pp->speed *= (float)pow(0.985f, nmiss);
#if 0
/* combo scaling (removed?) */
if (max_combo > 0) {
pp->speed *=
mymin(pow(max_combo - nmiss, 0.5f) / pow(max_combo, 0.5f), 1.0f);
/* speed mod bonuses */
if (mods & MODS_HD) {
pp->speed *= 1.025f;
if (mods & MODS_FL) {
pp->speed *= 1.05f * length_bonus;
/* acc scaling */
pp->speed *= pp->accuracy;
/* overall mod bonuses */
final_multiplier = 1.1f;
if (mods & MODS_NF) {
final_multiplier *= 0.90f;
if (mods & MODS_HD) {
final_multiplier *= 1.10f;
pp->total = (
pow(pp->speed, 1.1f) +
pow(pp->acc, 1.1f),
1.0f / 1.1f
) * final_multiplier
return 0;
int taiko_ppv2(pp_calc_t* pp, float speed, int max_combo,
float base_od, int mods)
return taiko_ppv2x(pp, speed, max_combo, base_od, 0, 0, mods);
/* common pp calc stuff ------------------------------------------------ */
void pp_init(pp_params_t* p) {
p->mode = MODE_STD;
p->mods = MODS_NOMOD;
p->combo = -1;
p->n300 = 0xFFFF;
p->n100 = p->n50 = p->nmiss = 0;
p->score_version = PP_DEFAULT_SCORING;
/* should be called inside ppv2p before calling ppv2x */
void pp_handle_default_params(pp_params_t* p) {
if (p->combo < 0) {
p->combo = p->max_combo - p->nmiss;
if (p->n300 == 0xFFFF) {
p->n300 = p->nobjects - p->n100 - p->n50 - p->nmiss;
int ppv2(pp_calc_t* pp, int mode, float aim, float speed, float base_ar,
float base_od, int max_combo, int nsliders, int ncircles, int nobjects,
int mods)
pp_params_t params;
params.mode = mode;
params.aim = aim, params.speed = speed;
params.base_ar = base_ar;
params.base_od = base_od;
params.max_combo = max_combo;
params.nsliders = nsliders;
params.ncircles = ncircles;
params.nobjects = nobjects;
params.mods = mods;
return ppv2p(pp, ¶ms);
/* TODO: replace ppv2x with this? */
int ppv2p(pp_calc_t* pp, pp_params_t* p) {
switch (p->mode) {
case MODE_STD:
return ppv2x(pp, p->aim, p->speed, p->base_ar, p->base_od,
p->max_combo, p->nsliders, p->ncircles, p->nobjects, p->mods,
p->combo, p->n300, p->n100, p->n50, p->nmiss, p->score_version);
return taiko_ppv2x(pp, p->speed, p->max_combo, p->base_od,
p->n100, p->nmiss, p->mods);
info("this mode is not yet supported for ppv2p\n");
int b_ppv2(beatmap_t* b, pp_calc_t* pp, float aim, float speed, int mods) {
pp_params_t params;
int max_combo = b_max_combo(b);
if (max_combo < 0) {
return max_combo;
params.mode = b->mode;
params.aim = aim, params.speed = speed;
params.base_ar = b->ar;
params.base_od = b->od;
params.max_combo = max_combo;
params.nsliders = b->nsliders;
params.ncircles = b->ncircles;
params.nobjects = b->nobjects;
params.mods = mods;
return ppv2p(pp, ¶ms);
int b_ppv2p(beatmap_t* map, pp_calc_t* pp, pp_params_t* p) {
p->base_ar = map->ar;
p->base_od = map->od;
p->max_combo = b_max_combo(map);
if (p->max_combo < 0) {
return p->max_combo;
p->nsliders = map->nsliders;
p->ncircles = map->ncircles;
p->nobjects = map->nobjects;
p->mode = map->mode;
return ppv2p(pp, p);
OPPAIAPI void ezpp_init(ezpp_t* ez) {
memset(ez, 0, sizeof(ezpp_t));
ez->mode = MODE_STD;
ez->mods = MODS_NOMOD;
ez->combo = -1;
ez->n300 = 0xFFFF;
ez->n100 = ez->n50 = ez->nmiss = 0;
ez->score_version = PP_DEFAULT_SCORING;
/* simple interface ---------------------------------------------------- */
int ezpp(ezpp_t* ez, char* mapfile) {
int res, r1, r2;
parser_t parser;
beatmap_t map;
diff_calc_t stars;
pp_params_t params;
pp_calc_t pp;
r1 = p_init(&parser);
r2 = d_init(&stars);
if (r1 < 0 || r2 < 0) {
res = al_min(r1, r2);
goto cleanup;
if (ez->mode_override) {
parser.flags = PARSER_OVERRIDE_MODE;
parser.mode_override = ez->mode_override;
if (ez->data_size) {
res = p_map_mem(&parser, &map, mapfile, ez->data_size);
} else if (!strcmp(mapfile, "-")) {
res = p_map(&parser, &map, stdin);
} else {
FILE* f = fopen(mapfile, "rb");
if (!f) {
res = ERR_IO;
} else {
res = p_map(&parser, &map, f);
if (res < 0) {
goto cleanup;
if (ez->end > 0 && ez->end < map.nobjects) {
map.nobjects = ez->end;
if (ez->ar_override) { = ez->ar_override;
if (ez->od_override) {
map.od = ez->od_override;
if (ez->cs_override) {
map.cs = ez->cs_override;
res = d_calc(&stars, &map, ez->mods);
if (res < 0) {
goto cleanup;
params.mods = ez->mods;
params.combo = ez->combo;
params.nmiss = ez->nmiss;
params.score_version = ez->score_version;
if (ez->accuracy_percent) {
switch (map.mode) {
case MODE_STD:
acc_round(ez->accuracy_percent, map.nobjects, params.nmiss,
¶ms.n300, ¶ms.n100, ¶ms.n50);
case MODE_TAIKO: {
int taiko_max_combo = b_max_combo(&map);
if (taiko_max_combo < 0) {
res = taiko_max_combo;
goto cleanup;
params.max_combo = taiko_max_combo;
taiko_acc_round(ez->accuracy_percent, taiko_max_combo,
params.nmiss, ¶ms.n300, ¶ms.n100);
} else {
params.n300 = ez->n300;
params.n100 = ez->n100;
params.n50 = ez->n50;
params.aim = stars.aim;
params.speed = stars.speed;
res = b_ppv2p(&map, &pp, ¶ms);
if (res < 0) {
goto cleanup;
ez->stars =;
ez->aim_stars = stars.aim;
ez->speed_stars = stars.speed;
ez->pp =;
ez->aim_pp = pp.aim;
ez->speed_pp = pp.speed;
ez->acc_pp = pp.acc;
ez->accuracy_percent = pp.accuracy * 100.0f;
return res;
the_stack_data/148443.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool step(double_t speed, double_t *dist_remaining, double_t *time_passed);
double_t checkSpeed(double_t speed, double_t dist_total);
int main() {
double_t dist_total = 42195.0;
double_t speed = 17.0 / 3.6;
double_t time_target = 3600.0 * 3.0;
double_t time_used = 0.0;
double_t speed_step = 10.0 / 3.6;
while (true) {
time_used = checkSpeed(speed, dist_total);
if (time_used > time_target + 0.1){
printf("Speed to slow: %f m/s\n", speed);
speed += speed_step;
speed_step /= 2.0;
} else if (time_used < time_target - 0.1) {
printf("Speed to fast: %f m/s\n", speed);
speed -= speed_step;
speed_step /= 2.0;
} else {
printf("Speed correct: %f m/s\n", speed);
printf("Time used: %ih %im %fs\n", (int)floor(time_used / 3600.0), (int)floor(fmod(time_used / 60.0, 60.0)), fmod(time_used, 60.0));
double_t checkSpeed(double_t speed, double_t dist_total) {
double_t dist_current = dist_total;
double_t time_passed = 0.0f;
bool finnished = false;
while (finnished == false) {
finnished = step(speed, &dist_current, &time_passed);
//printf("%7.2f%10.2f%10.2f\n", speed_current, dist_current, time_passed);
return time_passed;
bool step(double_t speed, double_t *dist_remaining, double_t *time_passed) {
double_t speed_current = speed * pow(0.99, floor(fmax(*time_passed - 3000.0, 0) / 600.0));
printf(">%f\n", floor(fmax(*time_passed - 3000.0, 0) / 600.0));
double_t dist_remaining_10m = fma(speed_current, -600.0, (*dist_remaining));
//printf("%f\n", dist_remaining_10m);
if (dist_remaining_10m > 0) {
*time_passed += 600.0;
*dist_remaining = dist_remaining_10m;
return false;
} else {
*time_passed += *dist_remaining / speed_current;
*dist_remaining = 0;
return true;
} |
the_stack_data/90766897.c | /// -fprofile-update=atomic (implied by -fsanitize=thread) requires the
/// (potentially concurrent) counter updates to be atomic.
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -no-opaque-pointers %s -triple x86_64 -emit-llvm -fprofile-update=atomic -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs \
// RUN: -coverage-notes-file /dev/null -coverage-data-file /dev/null -o - | FileCheck %s
// CHECK-LABEL: void @foo()
/// Two counters are incremented by __tsan_atomic64_fetch_add.
// CHECK: atomicrmw add i64* {{.*}} @__llvm_gcov_ctr{{.*}} monotonic, align 8
// CHECK-NEXT: atomicrmw sub i32*
_Atomic(int) cnt;
void foo(void) { cnt--; }
the_stack_data/29838.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int pol_position, position, max_sum, sum, previous, next;
scanf("%d%d", &previous, &next);
pol_position = position = 2;
max_sum = sum = previous + next;
while (1) {
if (previous < 0 && next < 0) {
sum = previous + next;
if (sum > max_sum) {
max_sum = sum;
pol_position = position;
previous = next;
scanf("%d", &next);
if (position > 2)
printf("numbers are on positions %d and %d and their sum is %d",
pol_position - 1, pol_position, max_sum);
return 0;
the_stack_data/9513746.c | #define vector __attribute__ ((vector_size (4 * sizeof(int))))
int main(void)
vector int vi = { 12, -34, -56, 78 };
#pragma acc parallel copy(vi)
if (vi[0] != 12
|| vi[1] != -34
|| vi[2] != -56
|| vi[3] != 78)
vector int vi_ = { -21, -43, 65, 87 };
vi = vi_;
if (vi[0] != -21
|| vi[1] != -43
|| vi[2] != 65
|| vi[3] != 87)
return 0;
the_stack_data/243892602.c | //746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs
int minCostClimbingStairs(int *cost, int costSize) {
int f0, f1 = 0, f2 = 0;
for (int i = costSize - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
f0 = cost[i] + (f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2);
f2 = f1;
f1 = f0;
return f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2;
the_stack_data/630846.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? (-x) : (x))
void itoa(int n, char s[], int b);
void reverse(char s[]);
int num = 127;
char n[100];
itoa(num, n, 4);
printf("%s\n", n);
void itoa(int n, char s[], int b)
int i, sign;
//if ((sign = n) < 0) {
// n = -n;
sign = n;
i = 0;
do {
s[i++] = abs(n % 10) + '0';
} while ((n /= 10) != 0);
if (sign < 0) {
s[i++] = '-';
while (i < b) {
s[i++] = ' ';
s[i] = '\0';
void reverse(char s[])
int c, i, j;
for (i = 0, j = strlen(s) - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
c = s[i];
s[i] = s[j];
s[j] = c;
the_stack_data/3262721.c | /*************************************************************************
> File Name: basic.c
> Author: Simba
> Mail: [email protected]
> Created Time: Tue 12 Mar 2013 06:54:20 PM CST
#define ERR_EXIT(m) \
do { \
perror(m); \
} while(0)
typedef struct stu {
char name[4];
int age;
} STU;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <file>\n", argv[0]);
int fd;
fd = open(argv[1], O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 0666);
if (fd == -1)
lseek(fd, sizeof(STU)*5-1, SEEK_SET);
write(fd, "", 1);
STU* p;
p = (STU*)mmap(NULL, sizeof(STU)*5, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (p == NULL)
char ch = 'a';
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
memcpy((p+i)->name, &ch, 1);
(p+i)->age = 20+i;
printf("initialize over\n");
munmap(p, sizeof(STU)*5);
return 0;
the_stack_data/6231.c | /// 3.10. Scrieţi un program pentru a verifica modul de afişare a valorii lui π = 3.14159265 cu diferiţi descriptori de format.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
printf("%f %.7f %.10f\n", M_PI, M_PI, M_PI);
printf("%d \n", M_PI);
return 0;
the_stack_data/79470.c | #include <strings.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int strncasecmp(const char *_l, const char *_r, size_t n)
const unsigned char *l=(void *)_l, *r=(void *)_r;
if (!n--) return 0;
for (; *l && *r && n && (*l == *r || tolower(*l) == tolower(*r)); l++, r++, n--);
return tolower(*l) - tolower(*r);
the_stack_data/751271.c | #include <stdio.h>
long fat(long x){
return x != 1 ? x * fat(x-1) : 1;
int main(){
long p = fat(2);
printf("fat(2) -> %ld\n", p);
p = fat(4);
printf("fat(4) -> %ld\n", p);
p = fat(8);
printf("fat(8) -> %ld\n", p);
p = fat(16);
printf("fat(16) -> %ld\n", p);
} |
the_stack_data/99136.c | /*
* Copyright (c) 2017, Kontron Europe GmbH
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int fd;
static int mdio_read(const char *ifname, uint16_t reg, uint16_t *val)
int ret;
struct ifreq ifr;
uint16_t *data = (uint16_t*)&ifr.ifr_data;
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)-1);
data[1] = reg;
ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCGMIIPHY, &ifr);
if (ret != 0) {
printf("ioctl() failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
*val = data[3];
return 0;
static int mdio_write(const char *ifname, uint16_t reg, uint16_t val)
int ret;
struct ifreq ifr;
uint16_t *data = (uint16_t*)&ifr.ifr_data;
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)-1);
ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCGMIIPHY, &ifr);
if (ret != 0) {
printf("ioctl() failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
data[1] = reg;
data[2] = val;
ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCSMIIREG, &ifr);
if (ret != 0) {
printf("ioctl() failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
return 0;
static void usage(const char *prog)
printf("%s r[ead] <ifname> <addr>\n", prog);
printf("%s w[rite] <ifname> <addr> <data>\n", prog);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int ret;
uint16_t val;
uint16_t addr;
const char *ifname;
if (argc < 4) {
return 1;
ifname = argv[2];
addr = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0);
fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (fd < 0) {
printf("socket() failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return 1;
switch (argv[1][0]) {
case 'w':
if (argc < 5) {
return 1;
val = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0);
ret = mdio_write(ifname, addr, val);
/* fall through */
case 'r':
ret = mdio_read(ifname, addr, &val);
if (ret < 0) {
return 1;
printf("%04x\n", val);
return 1;
return 0;
the_stack_data/36974.c | /*
Copyright (C) 2006. QLogic Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2006 PathScale, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
other software, or any other product whatsoever.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Wrappers around calloc (3) and free (3):
void *gs_alloc (size_t nmemb, size_t size)
void *p = NULL;
p = calloc (nmemb, size);
if (p == NULL) fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory.\n");
return p;
the_stack_data/1128556.c | int jumpingOnClouds(int c_count, int* c)
int count =0;
for(int i=0; i<c_count-1; i++) //No need to check for the last jump as there will be no zeroes if last term is 1
if(c[i+2]==0) //First checking for higher jump if possible skip one i
return count;
the_stack_data/206394366.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NLEN 30
struct namect {
char fname[NLEN];
char lname[NLEN];
int letters;
struct namect getinfo(void);
struct namect makeinfo(struct namect);
void showinfo(const struct namect);
char * s_gets(char * st, int n);
int main(void) {
struct namect person;
person = getinfo();
person = makeinfo(person);
return 0;
struct namect getinfo(void) {
struct namect person;
printf("first name?\n");
s_gets(person.fname, NLEN);
printf("last name?\n");
s_gets(person.lname, NLEN);
return person;
struct namect makeinfo(struct namect person) {
person.letters = strlen(person.fname) + strlen(person.lname);
return person;
void showinfo(const struct namect pst) {
char * s_gets(char * st, int n) {
char * ret_val;
int i = 0;
ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);
if (ret_val) {
while (st[i] != '\n' && st[i] != '\0') {
if (st[i] == '\n') st[i] = '\0';
else {
while (getchar() != '\n') {
return ret_val;
the_stack_data/167331037.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
int n;
printf("How many words do you wish to enter? ");
scanf("%d", &n);
char** ar = (char**)malloc(n * sizeof(char*));
printf("Enter %d words now:\n", n);
printf("I enjoyed doing this exercise\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
char tmp[100];
scanf("%s", tmp);
ar[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen(tmp) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(ar[i], tmp);
printf("Here are your words:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%s\n", ar[i]);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/539773.c | //@ ltl invariant negative: ([] (AP(x_7 - x_2 > 14) || ([] AP(x_2 - x_7 > 17))));
float x_0;
float x_1;
float x_2;
float x_3;
float x_4;
float x_5;
float x_6;
float x_7;
float x_8;
float x_9;
float x_10;
float x_11;
float x_12;
float x_13;
float x_14;
float x_15;
float x_16;
float x_17;
float x_18;
float x_19;
float x_20;
float x_21;
float x_22;
float x_23;
float x_24;
float x_25;
float x_26;
float x_27;
float x_28;
float x_29;
float x_30;
float x_31;
float x_32;
float x_33;
float x_34;
float x_35;
float x_36;
float x_37;
float x_38;
float x_39;
int main()
float x_0_;
float x_1_;
float x_2_;
float x_3_;
float x_4_;
float x_5_;
float x_6_;
float x_7_;
float x_8_;
float x_9_;
float x_10_;
float x_11_;
float x_12_;
float x_13_;
float x_14_;
float x_15_;
float x_16_;
float x_17_;
float x_18_;
float x_19_;
float x_20_;
float x_21_;
float x_22_;
float x_23_;
float x_24_;
float x_25_;
float x_26_;
float x_27_;
float x_28_;
float x_29_;
float x_30_;
float x_31_;
float x_32_;
float x_33_;
float x_34_;
float x_35_;
float x_36_;
float x_37_;
float x_38_;
float x_39_;
while(1) {
x_0_ = (((((3.0 + x_0) > (19.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_0) : (19.0 + x_2)) > ((18.0 + x_8) > ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12))? (18.0 + x_8) : ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12)))? ((3.0 + x_0) > (19.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_0) : (19.0 + x_2)) : ((18.0 + x_8) > ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12))? (18.0 + x_8) : ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12)))) > (((5.0 + x_13) > (5.0 + x_15)? (5.0 + x_13) : (5.0 + x_15)) > ((14.0 + x_16) > ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18)))? ((5.0 + x_13) > (5.0 + x_15)? (5.0 + x_13) : (5.0 + x_15)) : ((14.0 + x_16) > ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))))? (((3.0 + x_0) > (19.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_0) : (19.0 + x_2)) > ((18.0 + x_8) > ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12))? (18.0 + x_8) : ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12)))? ((3.0 + x_0) > (19.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_0) : (19.0 + x_2)) : ((18.0 + x_8) > ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12))? (18.0 + x_8) : ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12)))) : (((5.0 + x_13) > (5.0 + x_15)? (5.0 + x_13) : (5.0 + x_15)) > ((14.0 + x_16) > ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18)))? ((5.0 + x_13) > (5.0 + x_15)? (5.0 + x_13) : (5.0 + x_15)) : ((14.0 + x_16) > ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))))) > ((((8.0 + x_19) > (14.0 + x_26)? (8.0 + x_19) : (14.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31)))? ((8.0 + x_19) > (14.0 + x_26)? (8.0 + x_19) : (14.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31)))) > (((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_36)) > ((13.0 + x_37) > ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))? (13.0 + x_37) : ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_36)) : ((13.0 + x_37) > ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))? (13.0 + x_37) : ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))))? (((8.0 + x_19) > (14.0 + x_26)? (8.0 + x_19) : (14.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31)))? ((8.0 + x_19) > (14.0 + x_26)? (8.0 + x_19) : (14.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31)))) : (((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_36)) > ((13.0 + x_37) > ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))? (13.0 + x_37) : ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_36)) : ((13.0 + x_37) > ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))? (13.0 + x_37) : ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39)))))? ((((3.0 + x_0) > (19.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_0) : (19.0 + x_2)) > ((18.0 + x_8) > ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12))? (18.0 + x_8) : ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12)))? ((3.0 + x_0) > (19.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_0) : (19.0 + x_2)) : ((18.0 + x_8) > ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12))? (18.0 + x_8) : ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12)))) > (((5.0 + x_13) > (5.0 + x_15)? (5.0 + x_13) : (5.0 + x_15)) > ((14.0 + x_16) > ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18)))? ((5.0 + x_13) > (5.0 + x_15)? (5.0 + x_13) : (5.0 + x_15)) : ((14.0 + x_16) > ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))))? (((3.0 + x_0) > (19.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_0) : (19.0 + x_2)) > ((18.0 + x_8) > ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12))? (18.0 + x_8) : ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12)))? ((3.0 + x_0) > (19.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_0) : (19.0 + x_2)) : ((18.0 + x_8) > ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12))? (18.0 + x_8) : ((10.0 + x_9) > (3.0 + x_12)? (10.0 + x_9) : (3.0 + x_12)))) : (((5.0 + x_13) > (5.0 + x_15)? (5.0 + x_13) : (5.0 + x_15)) > ((14.0 + x_16) > ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18)))? ((5.0 + x_13) > (5.0 + x_15)? (5.0 + x_13) : (5.0 + x_15)) : ((14.0 + x_16) > ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((4.0 + x_17) > (16.0 + x_18)? (4.0 + x_17) : (16.0 + x_18))))) : ((((8.0 + x_19) > (14.0 + x_26)? (8.0 + x_19) : (14.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31)))? ((8.0 + x_19) > (14.0 + x_26)? (8.0 + x_19) : (14.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31)))) > (((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_36)) > ((13.0 + x_37) > ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))? (13.0 + x_37) : ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_36)) : ((13.0 + x_37) > ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))? (13.0 + x_37) : ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))))? (((8.0 + x_19) > (14.0 + x_26)? (8.0 + x_19) : (14.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31)))? ((8.0 + x_19) > (14.0 + x_26)? (8.0 + x_19) : (14.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_29) > (20.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_29) : (20.0 + x_31)))) : (((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_36)) > ((13.0 + x_37) > ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))? (13.0 + x_37) : ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_36)) : ((13.0 + x_37) > ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))? (13.0 + x_37) : ((3.0 + x_38) > (13.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_38) : (13.0 + x_39))))));
x_1_ = (((((3.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_2)) > ((18.0 + x_5) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (18.0 + x_5) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((3.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_2)) : ((18.0 + x_5) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (18.0 + x_5) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) > (((18.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_10)? (18.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_10)) > ((4.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))? (4.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16)))? ((18.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_10)? (18.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_10)) : ((4.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))? (4.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))))? (((3.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_2)) > ((18.0 + x_5) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (18.0 + x_5) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((3.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_2)) : ((18.0 + x_5) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (18.0 + x_5) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) : (((18.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_10)? (18.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_10)) > ((4.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))? (4.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16)))? ((18.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_10)? (18.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_10)) : ((4.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))? (4.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))))) > ((((15.0 + x_20) > (9.0 + x_21)? (15.0 + x_20) : (9.0 + x_21)) > ((12.0 + x_25) > ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_25) : ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29)))? ((15.0 + x_20) > (9.0 + x_21)? (15.0 + x_20) : (9.0 + x_21)) : ((12.0 + x_25) > ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_25) : ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29)))) > (((1.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (1.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)) > ((6.0 + x_32) > ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))? (6.0 + x_32) : ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (1.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)) : ((6.0 + x_32) > ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))? (6.0 + x_32) : ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))))? (((15.0 + x_20) > (9.0 + x_21)? (15.0 + x_20) : (9.0 + x_21)) > ((12.0 + x_25) > ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_25) : ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29)))? ((15.0 + x_20) > (9.0 + x_21)? (15.0 + x_20) : (9.0 + x_21)) : ((12.0 + x_25) > ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_25) : ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29)))) : (((1.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (1.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)) > ((6.0 + x_32) > ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))? (6.0 + x_32) : ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (1.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)) : ((6.0 + x_32) > ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))? (6.0 + x_32) : ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38)))))? ((((3.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_2)) > ((18.0 + x_5) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (18.0 + x_5) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((3.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_2)) : ((18.0 + x_5) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (18.0 + x_5) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) > (((18.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_10)? (18.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_10)) > ((4.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))? (4.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16)))? ((18.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_10)? (18.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_10)) : ((4.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))? (4.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))))? (((3.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_2)) > ((18.0 + x_5) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (18.0 + x_5) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((3.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_2)? (3.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_2)) : ((18.0 + x_5) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (18.0 + x_5) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) : (((18.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_10)? (18.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_10)) > ((4.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))? (4.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16)))? ((18.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_10)? (18.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_10)) : ((4.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))? (4.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_16)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_16))))) : ((((15.0 + x_20) > (9.0 + x_21)? (15.0 + x_20) : (9.0 + x_21)) > ((12.0 + x_25) > ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_25) : ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29)))? ((15.0 + x_20) > (9.0 + x_21)? (15.0 + x_20) : (9.0 + x_21)) : ((12.0 + x_25) > ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_25) : ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29)))) > (((1.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (1.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)) > ((6.0 + x_32) > ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))? (6.0 + x_32) : ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (1.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)) : ((6.0 + x_32) > ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))? (6.0 + x_32) : ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))))? (((15.0 + x_20) > (9.0 + x_21)? (15.0 + x_20) : (9.0 + x_21)) > ((12.0 + x_25) > ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_25) : ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29)))? ((15.0 + x_20) > (9.0 + x_21)? (15.0 + x_20) : (9.0 + x_21)) : ((12.0 + x_25) > ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_25) : ((5.0 + x_26) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_26) : (11.0 + x_29)))) : (((1.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (1.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)) > ((6.0 + x_32) > ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))? (6.0 + x_32) : ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (1.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)) : ((6.0 + x_32) > ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))? (6.0 + x_32) : ((5.0 + x_33) > (19.0 + x_38)? (5.0 + x_33) : (19.0 + x_38))))));
x_2_ = (((((1.0 + x_1) > (4.0 + x_2)? (1.0 + x_1) : (4.0 + x_2)) > ((11.0 + x_3) > ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5))? (11.0 + x_3) : ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5)))? ((1.0 + x_1) > (4.0 + x_2)? (1.0 + x_1) : (4.0 + x_2)) : ((11.0 + x_3) > ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5))? (11.0 + x_3) : ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5)))) > (((6.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_9)) > ((8.0 + x_10) > ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15)))? ((6.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_9)) : ((8.0 + x_10) > ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))))? (((1.0 + x_1) > (4.0 + x_2)? (1.0 + x_1) : (4.0 + x_2)) > ((11.0 + x_3) > ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5))? (11.0 + x_3) : ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5)))? ((1.0 + x_1) > (4.0 + x_2)? (1.0 + x_1) : (4.0 + x_2)) : ((11.0 + x_3) > ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5))? (11.0 + x_3) : ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5)))) : (((6.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_9)) > ((8.0 + x_10) > ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15)))? ((6.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_9)) : ((8.0 + x_10) > ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))))) > ((((14.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_18)? (14.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_18)) > ((12.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28))? (12.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28)))? ((14.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_18)? (14.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_18)) : ((12.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28))? (12.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28)))) > (((7.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_33)? (7.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_33)) > ((17.0 + x_36) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38)))? ((7.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_33)? (7.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_33)) : ((17.0 + x_36) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))))? (((14.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_18)? (14.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_18)) > ((12.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28))? (12.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28)))? ((14.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_18)? (14.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_18)) : ((12.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28))? (12.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28)))) : (((7.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_33)? (7.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_33)) > ((17.0 + x_36) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38)))? ((7.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_33)? (7.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_33)) : ((17.0 + x_36) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38)))))? ((((1.0 + x_1) > (4.0 + x_2)? (1.0 + x_1) : (4.0 + x_2)) > ((11.0 + x_3) > ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5))? (11.0 + x_3) : ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5)))? ((1.0 + x_1) > (4.0 + x_2)? (1.0 + x_1) : (4.0 + x_2)) : ((11.0 + x_3) > ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5))? (11.0 + x_3) : ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5)))) > (((6.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_9)) > ((8.0 + x_10) > ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15)))? ((6.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_9)) : ((8.0 + x_10) > ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))))? (((1.0 + x_1) > (4.0 + x_2)? (1.0 + x_1) : (4.0 + x_2)) > ((11.0 + x_3) > ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5))? (11.0 + x_3) : ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5)))? ((1.0 + x_1) > (4.0 + x_2)? (1.0 + x_1) : (4.0 + x_2)) : ((11.0 + x_3) > ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5))? (11.0 + x_3) : ((18.0 + x_4) > (5.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (5.0 + x_5)))) : (((6.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_9)) > ((8.0 + x_10) > ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15)))? ((6.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_9)) : ((8.0 + x_10) > ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((16.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_15))))) : ((((14.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_18)? (14.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_18)) > ((12.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28))? (12.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28)))? ((14.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_18)? (14.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_18)) : ((12.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28))? (12.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28)))) > (((7.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_33)? (7.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_33)) > ((17.0 + x_36) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38)))? ((7.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_33)? (7.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_33)) : ((17.0 + x_36) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))))? (((14.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_18)? (14.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_18)) > ((12.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28))? (12.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28)))? ((14.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_18)? (14.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_18)) : ((12.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28))? (12.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_27) > (12.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_27) : (12.0 + x_28)))) : (((7.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_33)? (7.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_33)) > ((17.0 + x_36) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38)))? ((7.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_33)? (7.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_33)) : ((17.0 + x_36) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (18.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (18.0 + x_38))))));
x_3_ = (((((4.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_4)? (4.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_4)) > ((2.0 + x_5) > ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13)))? ((4.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_4)? (4.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_4)) : ((2.0 + x_5) > ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13)))) > (((9.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((2.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23)))? ((9.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((2.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))))? (((4.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_4)? (4.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_4)) > ((2.0 + x_5) > ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13)))? ((4.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_4)? (4.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_4)) : ((2.0 + x_5) > ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13)))) : (((9.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((2.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23)))? ((9.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((2.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))))) > ((((4.0 + x_25) > (7.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_25) : (7.0 + x_27)) > ((12.0 + x_29) > ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33))? (12.0 + x_29) : ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33)))? ((4.0 + x_25) > (7.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_25) : (7.0 + x_27)) : ((12.0 + x_29) > ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33))? (12.0 + x_29) : ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33)))) > (((6.0 + x_34) > (10.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (10.0 + x_36)) > ((18.0 + x_37) > ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_34) > (10.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (10.0 + x_36)) : ((18.0 + x_37) > ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))))? (((4.0 + x_25) > (7.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_25) : (7.0 + x_27)) > ((12.0 + x_29) > ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33))? (12.0 + x_29) : ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33)))? ((4.0 + x_25) > (7.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_25) : (7.0 + x_27)) : ((12.0 + x_29) > ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33))? (12.0 + x_29) : ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33)))) : (((6.0 + x_34) > (10.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (10.0 + x_36)) > ((18.0 + x_37) > ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_34) > (10.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (10.0 + x_36)) : ((18.0 + x_37) > ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))))? ((((4.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_4)? (4.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_4)) > ((2.0 + x_5) > ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13)))? ((4.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_4)? (4.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_4)) : ((2.0 + x_5) > ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13)))) > (((9.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((2.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23)))? ((9.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((2.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))))? (((4.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_4)? (4.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_4)) > ((2.0 + x_5) > ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13)))? ((4.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_4)? (4.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_4)) : ((2.0 + x_5) > ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((13.0 + x_12) > (8.0 + x_13)? (13.0 + x_12) : (8.0 + x_13)))) : (((9.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((2.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23)))? ((9.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((2.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (5.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (5.0 + x_23))))) : ((((4.0 + x_25) > (7.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_25) : (7.0 + x_27)) > ((12.0 + x_29) > ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33))? (12.0 + x_29) : ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33)))? ((4.0 + x_25) > (7.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_25) : (7.0 + x_27)) : ((12.0 + x_29) > ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33))? (12.0 + x_29) : ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33)))) > (((6.0 + x_34) > (10.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (10.0 + x_36)) > ((18.0 + x_37) > ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_34) > (10.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (10.0 + x_36)) : ((18.0 + x_37) > ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))))? (((4.0 + x_25) > (7.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_25) : (7.0 + x_27)) > ((12.0 + x_29) > ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33))? (12.0 + x_29) : ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33)))? ((4.0 + x_25) > (7.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_25) : (7.0 + x_27)) : ((12.0 + x_29) > ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33))? (12.0 + x_29) : ((15.0 + x_30) > (10.0 + x_33)? (15.0 + x_30) : (10.0 + x_33)))) : (((6.0 + x_34) > (10.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (10.0 + x_36)) > ((18.0 + x_37) > ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_34) > (10.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_34) : (10.0 + x_36)) : ((18.0 + x_37) > ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((13.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (13.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))))));
x_4_ = (((((13.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) > ((5.0 + x_3) > ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8))? (5.0 + x_3) : ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8)))? ((13.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) : ((5.0 + x_3) > ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8))? (5.0 + x_3) : ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8)))) > (((18.0 + x_10) > (18.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_10) : (18.0 + x_13)) > ((15.0 + x_14) > ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))? (15.0 + x_14) : ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17)))? ((18.0 + x_10) > (18.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_10) : (18.0 + x_13)) : ((15.0 + x_14) > ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))? (15.0 + x_14) : ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))))? (((13.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) > ((5.0 + x_3) > ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8))? (5.0 + x_3) : ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8)))? ((13.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) : ((5.0 + x_3) > ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8))? (5.0 + x_3) : ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8)))) : (((18.0 + x_10) > (18.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_10) : (18.0 + x_13)) > ((15.0 + x_14) > ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))? (15.0 + x_14) : ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17)))? ((18.0 + x_10) > (18.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_10) : (18.0 + x_13)) : ((15.0 + x_14) > ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))? (15.0 + x_14) : ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))))) > ((((18.0 + x_19) > (18.0 + x_24)? (18.0 + x_19) : (18.0 + x_24)) > ((6.0 + x_26) > ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31)))? ((18.0 + x_19) > (18.0 + x_24)? (18.0 + x_19) : (18.0 + x_24)) : ((6.0 + x_26) > ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31)))) > (((8.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (8.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) > ((14.0 + x_34) > ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_34) : ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39)))? ((8.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (8.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) : ((14.0 + x_34) > ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_34) : ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))))? (((18.0 + x_19) > (18.0 + x_24)? (18.0 + x_19) : (18.0 + x_24)) > ((6.0 + x_26) > ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31)))? ((18.0 + x_19) > (18.0 + x_24)? (18.0 + x_19) : (18.0 + x_24)) : ((6.0 + x_26) > ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31)))) : (((8.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (8.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) > ((14.0 + x_34) > ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_34) : ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39)))? ((8.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (8.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) : ((14.0 + x_34) > ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_34) : ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39)))))? ((((13.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) > ((5.0 + x_3) > ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8))? (5.0 + x_3) : ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8)))? ((13.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) : ((5.0 + x_3) > ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8))? (5.0 + x_3) : ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8)))) > (((18.0 + x_10) > (18.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_10) : (18.0 + x_13)) > ((15.0 + x_14) > ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))? (15.0 + x_14) : ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17)))? ((18.0 + x_10) > (18.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_10) : (18.0 + x_13)) : ((15.0 + x_14) > ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))? (15.0 + x_14) : ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))))? (((13.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) > ((5.0 + x_3) > ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8))? (5.0 + x_3) : ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8)))? ((13.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) : ((5.0 + x_3) > ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8))? (5.0 + x_3) : ((5.0 + x_4) > (19.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_4) : (19.0 + x_8)))) : (((18.0 + x_10) > (18.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_10) : (18.0 + x_13)) > ((15.0 + x_14) > ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))? (15.0 + x_14) : ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17)))? ((18.0 + x_10) > (18.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_10) : (18.0 + x_13)) : ((15.0 + x_14) > ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))? (15.0 + x_14) : ((12.0 + x_16) > (7.0 + x_17)? (12.0 + x_16) : (7.0 + x_17))))) : ((((18.0 + x_19) > (18.0 + x_24)? (18.0 + x_19) : (18.0 + x_24)) > ((6.0 + x_26) > ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31)))? ((18.0 + x_19) > (18.0 + x_24)? (18.0 + x_19) : (18.0 + x_24)) : ((6.0 + x_26) > ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31)))) > (((8.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (8.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) > ((14.0 + x_34) > ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_34) : ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39)))? ((8.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (8.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) : ((14.0 + x_34) > ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_34) : ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))))? (((18.0 + x_19) > (18.0 + x_24)? (18.0 + x_19) : (18.0 + x_24)) > ((6.0 + x_26) > ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31)))? ((18.0 + x_19) > (18.0 + x_24)? (18.0 + x_19) : (18.0 + x_24)) : ((6.0 + x_26) > ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((6.0 + x_28) > (18.0 + x_31)? (6.0 + x_28) : (18.0 + x_31)))) : (((8.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (8.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) > ((14.0 + x_34) > ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_34) : ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39)))? ((8.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (8.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) : ((14.0 + x_34) > ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_34) : ((19.0 + x_37) > (19.0 + x_39)? (19.0 + x_37) : (19.0 + x_39))))));
x_5_ = (((((20.0 + x_0) > (18.0 + x_1)? (20.0 + x_0) : (18.0 + x_1)) > ((20.0 + x_3) > ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6))? (20.0 + x_3) : ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6)))? ((20.0 + x_0) > (18.0 + x_1)? (20.0 + x_0) : (18.0 + x_1)) : ((20.0 + x_3) > ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6))? (20.0 + x_3) : ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6)))) > (((4.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_9)? (4.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_9)) > ((17.0 + x_11) > ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))? (17.0 + x_11) : ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14)))? ((4.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_9)? (4.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_9)) : ((17.0 + x_11) > ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))? (17.0 + x_11) : ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))))? (((20.0 + x_0) > (18.0 + x_1)? (20.0 + x_0) : (18.0 + x_1)) > ((20.0 + x_3) > ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6))? (20.0 + x_3) : ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6)))? ((20.0 + x_0) > (18.0 + x_1)? (20.0 + x_0) : (18.0 + x_1)) : ((20.0 + x_3) > ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6))? (20.0 + x_3) : ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6)))) : (((4.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_9)? (4.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_9)) > ((17.0 + x_11) > ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))? (17.0 + x_11) : ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14)))? ((4.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_9)? (4.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_9)) : ((17.0 + x_11) > ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))? (17.0 + x_11) : ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))))) > ((((3.0 + x_16) > (11.0 + x_17)? (3.0 + x_16) : (11.0 + x_17)) > ((15.0 + x_20) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_20) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22)))? ((3.0 + x_16) > (11.0 + x_17)? (3.0 + x_16) : (11.0 + x_17)) : ((15.0 + x_20) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_20) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22)))) > (((9.0 + x_23) > (6.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (6.0 + x_26)) > ((1.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))? (1.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34)))? ((9.0 + x_23) > (6.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (6.0 + x_26)) : ((1.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))? (1.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))))? (((3.0 + x_16) > (11.0 + x_17)? (3.0 + x_16) : (11.0 + x_17)) > ((15.0 + x_20) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_20) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22)))? ((3.0 + x_16) > (11.0 + x_17)? (3.0 + x_16) : (11.0 + x_17)) : ((15.0 + x_20) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_20) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22)))) : (((9.0 + x_23) > (6.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (6.0 + x_26)) > ((1.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))? (1.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34)))? ((9.0 + x_23) > (6.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (6.0 + x_26)) : ((1.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))? (1.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34)))))? ((((20.0 + x_0) > (18.0 + x_1)? (20.0 + x_0) : (18.0 + x_1)) > ((20.0 + x_3) > ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6))? (20.0 + x_3) : ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6)))? ((20.0 + x_0) > (18.0 + x_1)? (20.0 + x_0) : (18.0 + x_1)) : ((20.0 + x_3) > ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6))? (20.0 + x_3) : ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6)))) > (((4.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_9)? (4.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_9)) > ((17.0 + x_11) > ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))? (17.0 + x_11) : ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14)))? ((4.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_9)? (4.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_9)) : ((17.0 + x_11) > ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))? (17.0 + x_11) : ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))))? (((20.0 + x_0) > (18.0 + x_1)? (20.0 + x_0) : (18.0 + x_1)) > ((20.0 + x_3) > ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6))? (20.0 + x_3) : ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6)))? ((20.0 + x_0) > (18.0 + x_1)? (20.0 + x_0) : (18.0 + x_1)) : ((20.0 + x_3) > ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6))? (20.0 + x_3) : ((7.0 + x_5) > (7.0 + x_6)? (7.0 + x_5) : (7.0 + x_6)))) : (((4.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_9)? (4.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_9)) > ((17.0 + x_11) > ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))? (17.0 + x_11) : ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14)))? ((4.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_9)? (4.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_9)) : ((17.0 + x_11) > ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))? (17.0 + x_11) : ((15.0 + x_12) > (19.0 + x_14)? (15.0 + x_12) : (19.0 + x_14))))) : ((((3.0 + x_16) > (11.0 + x_17)? (3.0 + x_16) : (11.0 + x_17)) > ((15.0 + x_20) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_20) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22)))? ((3.0 + x_16) > (11.0 + x_17)? (3.0 + x_16) : (11.0 + x_17)) : ((15.0 + x_20) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_20) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22)))) > (((9.0 + x_23) > (6.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (6.0 + x_26)) > ((1.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))? (1.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34)))? ((9.0 + x_23) > (6.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (6.0 + x_26)) : ((1.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))? (1.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))))? (((3.0 + x_16) > (11.0 + x_17)? (3.0 + x_16) : (11.0 + x_17)) > ((15.0 + x_20) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_20) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22)))? ((3.0 + x_16) > (11.0 + x_17)? (3.0 + x_16) : (11.0 + x_17)) : ((15.0 + x_20) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_20) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (4.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (4.0 + x_22)))) : (((9.0 + x_23) > (6.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (6.0 + x_26)) > ((1.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))? (1.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34)))? ((9.0 + x_23) > (6.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (6.0 + x_26)) : ((1.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))? (1.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_29) > (17.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_29) : (17.0 + x_34))))));
x_6_ = (((((12.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)) > ((19.0 + x_6) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8))? (19.0 + x_6) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8)))? ((12.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)) : ((19.0 + x_6) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8))? (19.0 + x_6) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8)))) > (((6.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (6.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)) > ((14.0 + x_21) > ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))? (14.0 + x_21) : ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23)))? ((6.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (6.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)) : ((14.0 + x_21) > ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))? (14.0 + x_21) : ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))))? (((12.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)) > ((19.0 + x_6) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8))? (19.0 + x_6) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8)))? ((12.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)) : ((19.0 + x_6) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8))? (19.0 + x_6) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8)))) : (((6.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (6.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)) > ((14.0 + x_21) > ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))? (14.0 + x_21) : ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23)))? ((6.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (6.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)) : ((14.0 + x_21) > ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))? (14.0 + x_21) : ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))))) > ((((4.0 + x_24) > (4.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_24) : (4.0 + x_27)) > ((15.0 + x_28) > ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (15.0 + x_28) : ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_24) > (4.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_24) : (4.0 + x_27)) : ((15.0 + x_28) > ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (15.0 + x_28) : ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))) > (((2.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) > ((11.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39)))? ((2.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) : ((11.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))))? (((4.0 + x_24) > (4.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_24) : (4.0 + x_27)) > ((15.0 + x_28) > ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (15.0 + x_28) : ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_24) > (4.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_24) : (4.0 + x_27)) : ((15.0 + x_28) > ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (15.0 + x_28) : ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))) : (((2.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) > ((11.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39)))? ((2.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) : ((11.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39)))))? ((((12.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)) > ((19.0 + x_6) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8))? (19.0 + x_6) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8)))? ((12.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)) : ((19.0 + x_6) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8))? (19.0 + x_6) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8)))) > (((6.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (6.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)) > ((14.0 + x_21) > ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))? (14.0 + x_21) : ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23)))? ((6.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (6.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)) : ((14.0 + x_21) > ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))? (14.0 + x_21) : ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))))? (((12.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)) > ((19.0 + x_6) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8))? (19.0 + x_6) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8)))? ((12.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)) : ((19.0 + x_6) > ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8))? (19.0 + x_6) : ((8.0 + x_7) > (18.0 + x_8)? (8.0 + x_7) : (18.0 + x_8)))) : (((6.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (6.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)) > ((14.0 + x_21) > ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))? (14.0 + x_21) : ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23)))? ((6.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (6.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)) : ((14.0 + x_21) > ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))? (14.0 + x_21) : ((4.0 + x_22) > (17.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_22) : (17.0 + x_23))))) : ((((4.0 + x_24) > (4.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_24) : (4.0 + x_27)) > ((15.0 + x_28) > ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (15.0 + x_28) : ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_24) > (4.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_24) : (4.0 + x_27)) : ((15.0 + x_28) > ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (15.0 + x_28) : ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))) > (((2.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) > ((11.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39)))? ((2.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) : ((11.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))))? (((4.0 + x_24) > (4.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_24) : (4.0 + x_27)) > ((15.0 + x_28) > ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (15.0 + x_28) : ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_24) > (4.0 + x_27)? (4.0 + x_24) : (4.0 + x_27)) : ((15.0 + x_28) > ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (15.0 + x_28) : ((10.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))) : (((2.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) > ((11.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39)))? ((2.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) : ((11.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (7.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (7.0 + x_39))))));
x_7_ = (((((20.0 + x_2) > (13.0 + x_3)? (20.0 + x_2) : (13.0 + x_3)) > ((13.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (13.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))? ((20.0 + x_2) > (13.0 + x_3)? (20.0 + x_2) : (13.0 + x_3)) : ((13.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (13.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))) > (((3.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_13)? (3.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_13)) > ((4.0 + x_14) > ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))? (4.0 + x_14) : ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17)))? ((3.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_13)? (3.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_13)) : ((4.0 + x_14) > ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))? (4.0 + x_14) : ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))))? (((20.0 + x_2) > (13.0 + x_3)? (20.0 + x_2) : (13.0 + x_3)) > ((13.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (13.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))? ((20.0 + x_2) > (13.0 + x_3)? (20.0 + x_2) : (13.0 + x_3)) : ((13.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (13.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))) : (((3.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_13)? (3.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_13)) > ((4.0 + x_14) > ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))? (4.0 + x_14) : ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17)))? ((3.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_13)? (3.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_13)) : ((4.0 + x_14) > ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))? (4.0 + x_14) : ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))))) > ((((5.0 + x_18) > (7.0 + x_21)? (5.0 + x_18) : (7.0 + x_21)) > ((4.0 + x_22) > ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27))? (4.0 + x_22) : ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27)))? ((5.0 + x_18) > (7.0 + x_21)? (5.0 + x_18) : (7.0 + x_21)) : ((4.0 + x_22) > ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27))? (4.0 + x_22) : ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27)))) > (((10.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) > ((19.0 + x_33) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))? (19.0 + x_33) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) : ((19.0 + x_33) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))? (19.0 + x_33) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))))? (((5.0 + x_18) > (7.0 + x_21)? (5.0 + x_18) : (7.0 + x_21)) > ((4.0 + x_22) > ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27))? (4.0 + x_22) : ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27)))? ((5.0 + x_18) > (7.0 + x_21)? (5.0 + x_18) : (7.0 + x_21)) : ((4.0 + x_22) > ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27))? (4.0 + x_22) : ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27)))) : (((10.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) > ((19.0 + x_33) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))? (19.0 + x_33) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) : ((19.0 + x_33) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))? (19.0 + x_33) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38)))))? ((((20.0 + x_2) > (13.0 + x_3)? (20.0 + x_2) : (13.0 + x_3)) > ((13.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (13.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))? ((20.0 + x_2) > (13.0 + x_3)? (20.0 + x_2) : (13.0 + x_3)) : ((13.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (13.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))) > (((3.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_13)? (3.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_13)) > ((4.0 + x_14) > ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))? (4.0 + x_14) : ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17)))? ((3.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_13)? (3.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_13)) : ((4.0 + x_14) > ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))? (4.0 + x_14) : ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))))? (((20.0 + x_2) > (13.0 + x_3)? (20.0 + x_2) : (13.0 + x_3)) > ((13.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (13.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))? ((20.0 + x_2) > (13.0 + x_3)? (20.0 + x_2) : (13.0 + x_3)) : ((13.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (13.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))) : (((3.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_13)? (3.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_13)) > ((4.0 + x_14) > ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))? (4.0 + x_14) : ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17)))? ((3.0 + x_8) > (15.0 + x_13)? (3.0 + x_8) : (15.0 + x_13)) : ((4.0 + x_14) > ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))? (4.0 + x_14) : ((6.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_17)? (6.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_17))))) : ((((5.0 + x_18) > (7.0 + x_21)? (5.0 + x_18) : (7.0 + x_21)) > ((4.0 + x_22) > ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27))? (4.0 + x_22) : ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27)))? ((5.0 + x_18) > (7.0 + x_21)? (5.0 + x_18) : (7.0 + x_21)) : ((4.0 + x_22) > ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27))? (4.0 + x_22) : ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27)))) > (((10.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) > ((19.0 + x_33) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))? (19.0 + x_33) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) : ((19.0 + x_33) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))? (19.0 + x_33) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))))? (((5.0 + x_18) > (7.0 + x_21)? (5.0 + x_18) : (7.0 + x_21)) > ((4.0 + x_22) > ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27))? (4.0 + x_22) : ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27)))? ((5.0 + x_18) > (7.0 + x_21)? (5.0 + x_18) : (7.0 + x_21)) : ((4.0 + x_22) > ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27))? (4.0 + x_22) : ((15.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_27)))) : (((10.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) > ((19.0 + x_33) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))? (19.0 + x_33) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (10.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) : ((19.0 + x_33) > ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))? (19.0 + x_33) : ((8.0 + x_37) > (20.0 + x_38)? (8.0 + x_37) : (20.0 + x_38))))));
x_8_ = (((((18.0 + x_1) > (7.0 + x_2)? (18.0 + x_1) : (7.0 + x_2)) > ((7.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12))? (7.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12)))? ((18.0 + x_1) > (7.0 + x_2)? (18.0 + x_1) : (7.0 + x_2)) : ((7.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12))? (7.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12)))) > (((2.0 + x_15) > (11.0 + x_16)? (2.0 + x_15) : (11.0 + x_16)) > ((14.0 + x_18) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))? (14.0 + x_18) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20)))? ((2.0 + x_15) > (11.0 + x_16)? (2.0 + x_15) : (11.0 + x_16)) : ((14.0 + x_18) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))? (14.0 + x_18) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))))? (((18.0 + x_1) > (7.0 + x_2)? (18.0 + x_1) : (7.0 + x_2)) > ((7.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12))? (7.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12)))? ((18.0 + x_1) > (7.0 + x_2)? (18.0 + x_1) : (7.0 + x_2)) : ((7.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12))? (7.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12)))) : (((2.0 + x_15) > (11.0 + x_16)? (2.0 + x_15) : (11.0 + x_16)) > ((14.0 + x_18) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))? (14.0 + x_18) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20)))? ((2.0 + x_15) > (11.0 + x_16)? (2.0 + x_15) : (11.0 + x_16)) : ((14.0 + x_18) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))? (14.0 + x_18) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))))) > ((((9.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (9.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((2.0 + x_26) > ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29))? (2.0 + x_26) : ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29)))? ((9.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (9.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((2.0 + x_26) > ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29))? (2.0 + x_26) : ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29)))) > (((9.0 + x_32) > (15.0 + x_34)? (9.0 + x_32) : (15.0 + x_34)) > ((7.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))? (7.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39)))? ((9.0 + x_32) > (15.0 + x_34)? (9.0 + x_32) : (15.0 + x_34)) : ((7.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))? (7.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))))? (((9.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (9.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((2.0 + x_26) > ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29))? (2.0 + x_26) : ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29)))? ((9.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (9.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((2.0 + x_26) > ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29))? (2.0 + x_26) : ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29)))) : (((9.0 + x_32) > (15.0 + x_34)? (9.0 + x_32) : (15.0 + x_34)) > ((7.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))? (7.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39)))? ((9.0 + x_32) > (15.0 + x_34)? (9.0 + x_32) : (15.0 + x_34)) : ((7.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))? (7.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39)))))? ((((18.0 + x_1) > (7.0 + x_2)? (18.0 + x_1) : (7.0 + x_2)) > ((7.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12))? (7.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12)))? ((18.0 + x_1) > (7.0 + x_2)? (18.0 + x_1) : (7.0 + x_2)) : ((7.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12))? (7.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12)))) > (((2.0 + x_15) > (11.0 + x_16)? (2.0 + x_15) : (11.0 + x_16)) > ((14.0 + x_18) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))? (14.0 + x_18) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20)))? ((2.0 + x_15) > (11.0 + x_16)? (2.0 + x_15) : (11.0 + x_16)) : ((14.0 + x_18) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))? (14.0 + x_18) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))))? (((18.0 + x_1) > (7.0 + x_2)? (18.0 + x_1) : (7.0 + x_2)) > ((7.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12))? (7.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12)))? ((18.0 + x_1) > (7.0 + x_2)? (18.0 + x_1) : (7.0 + x_2)) : ((7.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12))? (7.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_9) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_9) : (14.0 + x_12)))) : (((2.0 + x_15) > (11.0 + x_16)? (2.0 + x_15) : (11.0 + x_16)) > ((14.0 + x_18) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))? (14.0 + x_18) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20)))? ((2.0 + x_15) > (11.0 + x_16)? (2.0 + x_15) : (11.0 + x_16)) : ((14.0 + x_18) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))? (14.0 + x_18) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_20)? (2.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_20))))) : ((((9.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (9.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((2.0 + x_26) > ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29))? (2.0 + x_26) : ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29)))? ((9.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (9.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((2.0 + x_26) > ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29))? (2.0 + x_26) : ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29)))) > (((9.0 + x_32) > (15.0 + x_34)? (9.0 + x_32) : (15.0 + x_34)) > ((7.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))? (7.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39)))? ((9.0 + x_32) > (15.0 + x_34)? (9.0 + x_32) : (15.0 + x_34)) : ((7.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))? (7.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))))? (((9.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (9.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((2.0 + x_26) > ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29))? (2.0 + x_26) : ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29)))? ((9.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (9.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((2.0 + x_26) > ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29))? (2.0 + x_26) : ((3.0 + x_27) > (9.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_27) : (9.0 + x_29)))) : (((9.0 + x_32) > (15.0 + x_34)? (9.0 + x_32) : (15.0 + x_34)) > ((7.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))? (7.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39)))? ((9.0 + x_32) > (15.0 + x_34)? (9.0 + x_32) : (15.0 + x_34)) : ((7.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))? (7.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_39)? (7.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_39))))));
x_9_ = (((((11.0 + x_1) > (5.0 + x_4)? (11.0 + x_1) : (5.0 + x_4)) > ((7.0 + x_5) > ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8))? (7.0 + x_5) : ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8)))? ((11.0 + x_1) > (5.0 + x_4)? (11.0 + x_1) : (5.0 + x_4)) : ((7.0 + x_5) > ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8))? (7.0 + x_5) : ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8)))) > (((17.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_12)? (17.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_12)) > ((15.0 + x_13) > ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))? (15.0 + x_13) : ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)))? ((17.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_12)? (17.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_12)) : ((15.0 + x_13) > ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))? (15.0 + x_13) : ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))))? (((11.0 + x_1) > (5.0 + x_4)? (11.0 + x_1) : (5.0 + x_4)) > ((7.0 + x_5) > ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8))? (7.0 + x_5) : ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8)))? ((11.0 + x_1) > (5.0 + x_4)? (11.0 + x_1) : (5.0 + x_4)) : ((7.0 + x_5) > ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8))? (7.0 + x_5) : ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8)))) : (((17.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_12)? (17.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_12)) > ((15.0 + x_13) > ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))? (15.0 + x_13) : ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)))? ((17.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_12)? (17.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_12)) : ((15.0 + x_13) > ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))? (15.0 + x_13) : ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))))) > ((((4.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_23)) > ((1.0 + x_24) > ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27))? (1.0 + x_24) : ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27)))? ((4.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_23)) : ((1.0 + x_24) > ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27))? (1.0 + x_24) : ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27)))) > (((8.0 + x_28) > (17.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (17.0 + x_30)) > ((5.0 + x_31) > ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))? (5.0 + x_31) : ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35)))? ((8.0 + x_28) > (17.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (17.0 + x_30)) : ((5.0 + x_31) > ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))? (5.0 + x_31) : ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))))? (((4.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_23)) > ((1.0 + x_24) > ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27))? (1.0 + x_24) : ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27)))? ((4.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_23)) : ((1.0 + x_24) > ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27))? (1.0 + x_24) : ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27)))) : (((8.0 + x_28) > (17.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (17.0 + x_30)) > ((5.0 + x_31) > ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))? (5.0 + x_31) : ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35)))? ((8.0 + x_28) > (17.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (17.0 + x_30)) : ((5.0 + x_31) > ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))? (5.0 + x_31) : ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35)))))? ((((11.0 + x_1) > (5.0 + x_4)? (11.0 + x_1) : (5.0 + x_4)) > ((7.0 + x_5) > ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8))? (7.0 + x_5) : ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8)))? ((11.0 + x_1) > (5.0 + x_4)? (11.0 + x_1) : (5.0 + x_4)) : ((7.0 + x_5) > ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8))? (7.0 + x_5) : ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8)))) > (((17.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_12)? (17.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_12)) > ((15.0 + x_13) > ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))? (15.0 + x_13) : ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)))? ((17.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_12)? (17.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_12)) : ((15.0 + x_13) > ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))? (15.0 + x_13) : ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))))? (((11.0 + x_1) > (5.0 + x_4)? (11.0 + x_1) : (5.0 + x_4)) > ((7.0 + x_5) > ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8))? (7.0 + x_5) : ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8)))? ((11.0 + x_1) > (5.0 + x_4)? (11.0 + x_1) : (5.0 + x_4)) : ((7.0 + x_5) > ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8))? (7.0 + x_5) : ((18.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_8)))) : (((17.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_12)? (17.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_12)) > ((15.0 + x_13) > ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))? (15.0 + x_13) : ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)))? ((17.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_12)? (17.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_12)) : ((15.0 + x_13) > ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))? (15.0 + x_13) : ((1.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (1.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15))))) : ((((4.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_23)) > ((1.0 + x_24) > ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27))? (1.0 + x_24) : ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27)))? ((4.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_23)) : ((1.0 + x_24) > ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27))? (1.0 + x_24) : ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27)))) > (((8.0 + x_28) > (17.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (17.0 + x_30)) > ((5.0 + x_31) > ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))? (5.0 + x_31) : ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35)))? ((8.0 + x_28) > (17.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (17.0 + x_30)) : ((5.0 + x_31) > ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))? (5.0 + x_31) : ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))))? (((4.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_23)) > ((1.0 + x_24) > ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27))? (1.0 + x_24) : ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27)))? ((4.0 + x_16) > (16.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_16) : (16.0 + x_23)) : ((1.0 + x_24) > ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27))? (1.0 + x_24) : ((14.0 + x_26) > (16.0 + x_27)? (14.0 + x_26) : (16.0 + x_27)))) : (((8.0 + x_28) > (17.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (17.0 + x_30)) > ((5.0 + x_31) > ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))? (5.0 + x_31) : ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35)))? ((8.0 + x_28) > (17.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (17.0 + x_30)) : ((5.0 + x_31) > ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))? (5.0 + x_31) : ((9.0 + x_32) > (17.0 + x_35)? (9.0 + x_32) : (17.0 + x_35))))));
x_10_ = (((((17.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) > ((12.0 + x_7) > ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_7) : ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13)))? ((17.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) : ((12.0 + x_7) > ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_7) : ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13)))) > (((20.0 + x_14) > (3.0 + x_16)? (20.0 + x_14) : (3.0 + x_16)) > ((6.0 + x_19) > ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))? (6.0 + x_19) : ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22)))? ((20.0 + x_14) > (3.0 + x_16)? (20.0 + x_14) : (3.0 + x_16)) : ((6.0 + x_19) > ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))? (6.0 + x_19) : ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))))? (((17.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) > ((12.0 + x_7) > ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_7) : ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13)))? ((17.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) : ((12.0 + x_7) > ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_7) : ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13)))) : (((20.0 + x_14) > (3.0 + x_16)? (20.0 + x_14) : (3.0 + x_16)) > ((6.0 + x_19) > ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))? (6.0 + x_19) : ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22)))? ((20.0 + x_14) > (3.0 + x_16)? (20.0 + x_14) : (3.0 + x_16)) : ((6.0 + x_19) > ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))? (6.0 + x_19) : ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))))) > ((((4.0 + x_23) > (13.0 + x_24)? (4.0 + x_23) : (13.0 + x_24)) > ((7.0 + x_25) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30))? (7.0 + x_25) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_23) > (13.0 + x_24)? (4.0 + x_23) : (13.0 + x_24)) : ((7.0 + x_25) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30))? (7.0 + x_25) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30)))) > (((8.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_34)? (8.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_34)) > ((9.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))? (9.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37)))? ((8.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_34)? (8.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_34)) : ((9.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))? (9.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))))? (((4.0 + x_23) > (13.0 + x_24)? (4.0 + x_23) : (13.0 + x_24)) > ((7.0 + x_25) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30))? (7.0 + x_25) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_23) > (13.0 + x_24)? (4.0 + x_23) : (13.0 + x_24)) : ((7.0 + x_25) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30))? (7.0 + x_25) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30)))) : (((8.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_34)? (8.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_34)) > ((9.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))? (9.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37)))? ((8.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_34)? (8.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_34)) : ((9.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))? (9.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37)))))? ((((17.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) > ((12.0 + x_7) > ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_7) : ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13)))? ((17.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) : ((12.0 + x_7) > ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_7) : ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13)))) > (((20.0 + x_14) > (3.0 + x_16)? (20.0 + x_14) : (3.0 + x_16)) > ((6.0 + x_19) > ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))? (6.0 + x_19) : ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22)))? ((20.0 + x_14) > (3.0 + x_16)? (20.0 + x_14) : (3.0 + x_16)) : ((6.0 + x_19) > ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))? (6.0 + x_19) : ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))))? (((17.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) > ((12.0 + x_7) > ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_7) : ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13)))? ((17.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) : ((12.0 + x_7) > ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_7) : ((2.0 + x_9) > (4.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_9) : (4.0 + x_13)))) : (((20.0 + x_14) > (3.0 + x_16)? (20.0 + x_14) : (3.0 + x_16)) > ((6.0 + x_19) > ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))? (6.0 + x_19) : ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22)))? ((20.0 + x_14) > (3.0 + x_16)? (20.0 + x_14) : (3.0 + x_16)) : ((6.0 + x_19) > ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))? (6.0 + x_19) : ((1.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_22)? (1.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_22))))) : ((((4.0 + x_23) > (13.0 + x_24)? (4.0 + x_23) : (13.0 + x_24)) > ((7.0 + x_25) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30))? (7.0 + x_25) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_23) > (13.0 + x_24)? (4.0 + x_23) : (13.0 + x_24)) : ((7.0 + x_25) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30))? (7.0 + x_25) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30)))) > (((8.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_34)? (8.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_34)) > ((9.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))? (9.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37)))? ((8.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_34)? (8.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_34)) : ((9.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))? (9.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))))? (((4.0 + x_23) > (13.0 + x_24)? (4.0 + x_23) : (13.0 + x_24)) > ((7.0 + x_25) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30))? (7.0 + x_25) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_23) > (13.0 + x_24)? (4.0 + x_23) : (13.0 + x_24)) : ((7.0 + x_25) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30))? (7.0 + x_25) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (7.0 + x_30)? (1.0 + x_26) : (7.0 + x_30)))) : (((8.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_34)? (8.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_34)) > ((9.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))? (9.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37)))? ((8.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_34)? (8.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_34)) : ((9.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))? (9.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_36) > (4.0 + x_37)? (3.0 + x_36) : (4.0 + x_37))))));
x_11_ = (((((15.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_3)? (15.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((8.0 + x_5) > ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8))? (8.0 + x_5) : ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8)))? ((15.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_3)? (15.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((8.0 + x_5) > ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8))? (8.0 + x_5) : ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8)))) > (((14.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (14.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((13.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))? (13.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20)))? ((14.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (14.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((13.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))? (13.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))))? (((15.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_3)? (15.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((8.0 + x_5) > ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8))? (8.0 + x_5) : ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8)))? ((15.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_3)? (15.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((8.0 + x_5) > ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8))? (8.0 + x_5) : ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8)))) : (((14.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (14.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((13.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))? (13.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20)))? ((14.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (14.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((13.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))? (13.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))))) > ((((15.0 + x_22) > (12.0 + x_25)? (15.0 + x_22) : (12.0 + x_25)) > ((14.0 + x_26) > ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31))? (14.0 + x_26) : ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31)))? ((15.0 + x_22) > (12.0 + x_25)? (15.0 + x_22) : (12.0 + x_25)) : ((14.0 + x_26) > ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31))? (14.0 + x_26) : ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31)))) > (((19.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (19.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) > ((10.0 + x_34) > ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))? (10.0 + x_34) : ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36)))? ((19.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (19.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) : ((10.0 + x_34) > ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))? (10.0 + x_34) : ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))))? (((15.0 + x_22) > (12.0 + x_25)? (15.0 + x_22) : (12.0 + x_25)) > ((14.0 + x_26) > ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31))? (14.0 + x_26) : ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31)))? ((15.0 + x_22) > (12.0 + x_25)? (15.0 + x_22) : (12.0 + x_25)) : ((14.0 + x_26) > ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31))? (14.0 + x_26) : ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31)))) : (((19.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (19.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) > ((10.0 + x_34) > ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))? (10.0 + x_34) : ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36)))? ((19.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (19.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) : ((10.0 + x_34) > ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))? (10.0 + x_34) : ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36)))))? ((((15.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_3)? (15.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((8.0 + x_5) > ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8))? (8.0 + x_5) : ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8)))? ((15.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_3)? (15.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((8.0 + x_5) > ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8))? (8.0 + x_5) : ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8)))) > (((14.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (14.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((13.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))? (13.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20)))? ((14.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (14.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((13.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))? (13.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))))? (((15.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_3)? (15.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((8.0 + x_5) > ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8))? (8.0 + x_5) : ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8)))? ((15.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_3)? (15.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((8.0 + x_5) > ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8))? (8.0 + x_5) : ((20.0 + x_6) > (13.0 + x_8)? (20.0 + x_6) : (13.0 + x_8)))) : (((14.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (14.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((13.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))? (13.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20)))? ((14.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (14.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((13.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))? (13.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (1.0 + x_20)? (16.0 + x_16) : (1.0 + x_20))))) : ((((15.0 + x_22) > (12.0 + x_25)? (15.0 + x_22) : (12.0 + x_25)) > ((14.0 + x_26) > ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31))? (14.0 + x_26) : ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31)))? ((15.0 + x_22) > (12.0 + x_25)? (15.0 + x_22) : (12.0 + x_25)) : ((14.0 + x_26) > ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31))? (14.0 + x_26) : ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31)))) > (((19.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (19.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) > ((10.0 + x_34) > ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))? (10.0 + x_34) : ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36)))? ((19.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (19.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) : ((10.0 + x_34) > ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))? (10.0 + x_34) : ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))))? (((15.0 + x_22) > (12.0 + x_25)? (15.0 + x_22) : (12.0 + x_25)) > ((14.0 + x_26) > ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31))? (14.0 + x_26) : ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31)))? ((15.0 + x_22) > (12.0 + x_25)? (15.0 + x_22) : (12.0 + x_25)) : ((14.0 + x_26) > ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31))? (14.0 + x_26) : ((17.0 + x_30) > (4.0 + x_31)? (17.0 + x_30) : (4.0 + x_31)))) : (((19.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (19.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) > ((10.0 + x_34) > ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))? (10.0 + x_34) : ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36)))? ((19.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_33)? (19.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_33)) : ((10.0 + x_34) > ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))? (10.0 + x_34) : ((10.0 + x_35) > (13.0 + x_36)? (10.0 + x_35) : (13.0 + x_36))))));
x_12_ = (((((17.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((14.0 + x_3) > ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5)))? ((17.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((14.0 + x_3) > ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5)))) > (((4.0 + x_6) > (6.0 + x_11)? (4.0 + x_6) : (6.0 + x_11)) > ((12.0 + x_14) > ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))? (12.0 + x_14) : ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19)))? ((4.0 + x_6) > (6.0 + x_11)? (4.0 + x_6) : (6.0 + x_11)) : ((12.0 + x_14) > ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))? (12.0 + x_14) : ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))))? (((17.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((14.0 + x_3) > ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5)))? ((17.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((14.0 + x_3) > ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5)))) : (((4.0 + x_6) > (6.0 + x_11)? (4.0 + x_6) : (6.0 + x_11)) > ((12.0 + x_14) > ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))? (12.0 + x_14) : ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19)))? ((4.0 + x_6) > (6.0 + x_11)? (4.0 + x_6) : (6.0 + x_11)) : ((12.0 + x_14) > ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))? (12.0 + x_14) : ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))))) > ((((8.0 + x_20) > (13.0 + x_22)? (8.0 + x_20) : (13.0 + x_22)) > ((10.0 + x_23) > ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27))? (10.0 + x_23) : ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27)))? ((8.0 + x_20) > (13.0 + x_22)? (8.0 + x_20) : (13.0 + x_22)) : ((10.0 + x_23) > ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27))? (10.0 + x_23) : ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27)))) > (((1.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_33)? (1.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_33)) > ((18.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))? (18.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_33)? (1.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_33)) : ((18.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))? (18.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))))? (((8.0 + x_20) > (13.0 + x_22)? (8.0 + x_20) : (13.0 + x_22)) > ((10.0 + x_23) > ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27))? (10.0 + x_23) : ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27)))? ((8.0 + x_20) > (13.0 + x_22)? (8.0 + x_20) : (13.0 + x_22)) : ((10.0 + x_23) > ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27))? (10.0 + x_23) : ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27)))) : (((1.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_33)? (1.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_33)) > ((18.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))? (18.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_33)? (1.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_33)) : ((18.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))? (18.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38)))))? ((((17.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((14.0 + x_3) > ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5)))? ((17.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((14.0 + x_3) > ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5)))) > (((4.0 + x_6) > (6.0 + x_11)? (4.0 + x_6) : (6.0 + x_11)) > ((12.0 + x_14) > ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))? (12.0 + x_14) : ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19)))? ((4.0 + x_6) > (6.0 + x_11)? (4.0 + x_6) : (6.0 + x_11)) : ((12.0 + x_14) > ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))? (12.0 + x_14) : ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))))? (((17.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((14.0 + x_3) > ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5)))? ((17.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (17.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((14.0 + x_3) > ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((14.0 + x_4) > (17.0 + x_5)? (14.0 + x_4) : (17.0 + x_5)))) : (((4.0 + x_6) > (6.0 + x_11)? (4.0 + x_6) : (6.0 + x_11)) > ((12.0 + x_14) > ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))? (12.0 + x_14) : ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19)))? ((4.0 + x_6) > (6.0 + x_11)? (4.0 + x_6) : (6.0 + x_11)) : ((12.0 + x_14) > ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))? (12.0 + x_14) : ((17.0 + x_15) > (9.0 + x_19)? (17.0 + x_15) : (9.0 + x_19))))) : ((((8.0 + x_20) > (13.0 + x_22)? (8.0 + x_20) : (13.0 + x_22)) > ((10.0 + x_23) > ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27))? (10.0 + x_23) : ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27)))? ((8.0 + x_20) > (13.0 + x_22)? (8.0 + x_20) : (13.0 + x_22)) : ((10.0 + x_23) > ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27))? (10.0 + x_23) : ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27)))) > (((1.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_33)? (1.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_33)) > ((18.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))? (18.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_33)? (1.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_33)) : ((18.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))? (18.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))))? (((8.0 + x_20) > (13.0 + x_22)? (8.0 + x_20) : (13.0 + x_22)) > ((10.0 + x_23) > ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27))? (10.0 + x_23) : ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27)))? ((8.0 + x_20) > (13.0 + x_22)? (8.0 + x_20) : (13.0 + x_22)) : ((10.0 + x_23) > ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27))? (10.0 + x_23) : ((18.0 + x_26) > (20.0 + x_27)? (18.0 + x_26) : (20.0 + x_27)))) : (((1.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_33)? (1.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_33)) > ((18.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))? (18.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_33)? (1.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_33)) : ((18.0 + x_35) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))? (18.0 + x_35) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (10.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (10.0 + x_38))))));
x_13_ = (((((11.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_2) > ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_2) > ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) > (((11.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (11.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((1.0 + x_11) > ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))? (1.0 + x_11) : ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14)))? ((11.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (11.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((1.0 + x_11) > ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))? (1.0 + x_11) : ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))))? (((11.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_2) > ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_2) > ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) : (((11.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (11.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((1.0 + x_11) > ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))? (1.0 + x_11) : ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14)))? ((11.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (11.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((1.0 + x_11) > ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))? (1.0 + x_11) : ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))))) > ((((16.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_18)) > ((3.0 + x_22) > ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25))? (3.0 + x_22) : ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25)))? ((16.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_18)) : ((3.0 + x_22) > ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25))? (3.0 + x_22) : ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25)))) > (((3.0 + x_28) > (7.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_28) : (7.0 + x_29)) > ((11.0 + x_31) > ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_31) : ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36)))? ((3.0 + x_28) > (7.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_28) : (7.0 + x_29)) : ((11.0 + x_31) > ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_31) : ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))))? (((16.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_18)) > ((3.0 + x_22) > ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25))? (3.0 + x_22) : ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25)))? ((16.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_18)) : ((3.0 + x_22) > ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25))? (3.0 + x_22) : ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25)))) : (((3.0 + x_28) > (7.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_28) : (7.0 + x_29)) > ((11.0 + x_31) > ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_31) : ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36)))? ((3.0 + x_28) > (7.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_28) : (7.0 + x_29)) : ((11.0 + x_31) > ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_31) : ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36)))))? ((((11.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_2) > ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_2) > ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) > (((11.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (11.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((1.0 + x_11) > ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))? (1.0 + x_11) : ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14)))? ((11.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (11.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((1.0 + x_11) > ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))? (1.0 + x_11) : ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))))? (((11.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_2) > ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_2) > ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((4.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (4.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) : (((11.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (11.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((1.0 + x_11) > ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))? (1.0 + x_11) : ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14)))? ((11.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (11.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((1.0 + x_11) > ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))? (1.0 + x_11) : ((18.0 + x_12) > (1.0 + x_14)? (18.0 + x_12) : (1.0 + x_14))))) : ((((16.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_18)) > ((3.0 + x_22) > ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25))? (3.0 + x_22) : ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25)))? ((16.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_18)) : ((3.0 + x_22) > ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25))? (3.0 + x_22) : ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25)))) > (((3.0 + x_28) > (7.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_28) : (7.0 + x_29)) > ((11.0 + x_31) > ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_31) : ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36)))? ((3.0 + x_28) > (7.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_28) : (7.0 + x_29)) : ((11.0 + x_31) > ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_31) : ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))))? (((16.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_18)) > ((3.0 + x_22) > ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25))? (3.0 + x_22) : ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25)))? ((16.0 + x_16) > (17.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_16) : (17.0 + x_18)) : ((3.0 + x_22) > ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25))? (3.0 + x_22) : ((16.0 + x_24) > (6.0 + x_25)? (16.0 + x_24) : (6.0 + x_25)))) : (((3.0 + x_28) > (7.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_28) : (7.0 + x_29)) > ((11.0 + x_31) > ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_31) : ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36)))? ((3.0 + x_28) > (7.0 + x_29)? (3.0 + x_28) : (7.0 + x_29)) : ((11.0 + x_31) > ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_31) : ((8.0 + x_33) > (17.0 + x_36)? (8.0 + x_33) : (17.0 + x_36))))));
x_14_ = (((((19.0 + x_4) > (6.0 + x_6)? (19.0 + x_4) : (6.0 + x_6)) > ((6.0 + x_8) > ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11))? (6.0 + x_8) : ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11)))? ((19.0 + x_4) > (6.0 + x_6)? (19.0 + x_4) : (6.0 + x_6)) : ((6.0 + x_8) > ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11))? (6.0 + x_8) : ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11)))) > (((13.0 + x_14) > (12.0 + x_15)? (13.0 + x_14) : (12.0 + x_15)) > ((9.0 + x_16) > ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))? (9.0 + x_16) : ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19)))? ((13.0 + x_14) > (12.0 + x_15)? (13.0 + x_14) : (12.0 + x_15)) : ((9.0 + x_16) > ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))? (9.0 + x_16) : ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))))? (((19.0 + x_4) > (6.0 + x_6)? (19.0 + x_4) : (6.0 + x_6)) > ((6.0 + x_8) > ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11))? (6.0 + x_8) : ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11)))? ((19.0 + x_4) > (6.0 + x_6)? (19.0 + x_4) : (6.0 + x_6)) : ((6.0 + x_8) > ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11))? (6.0 + x_8) : ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11)))) : (((13.0 + x_14) > (12.0 + x_15)? (13.0 + x_14) : (12.0 + x_15)) > ((9.0 + x_16) > ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))? (9.0 + x_16) : ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19)))? ((13.0 + x_14) > (12.0 + x_15)? (13.0 + x_14) : (12.0 + x_15)) : ((9.0 + x_16) > ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))? (9.0 + x_16) : ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))))) > ((((3.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_21)) > ((13.0 + x_24) > ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33))? (13.0 + x_24) : ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33)))? ((3.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_21)) : ((13.0 + x_24) > ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33))? (13.0 + x_24) : ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33)))) > (((1.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_35)) > ((14.0 + x_37) > ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_37) : ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((1.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_35)) : ((14.0 + x_37) > ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_37) : ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))))? (((3.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_21)) > ((13.0 + x_24) > ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33))? (13.0 + x_24) : ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33)))? ((3.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_21)) : ((13.0 + x_24) > ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33))? (13.0 + x_24) : ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33)))) : (((1.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_35)) > ((14.0 + x_37) > ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_37) : ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((1.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_35)) : ((14.0 + x_37) > ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_37) : ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))))? ((((19.0 + x_4) > (6.0 + x_6)? (19.0 + x_4) : (6.0 + x_6)) > ((6.0 + x_8) > ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11))? (6.0 + x_8) : ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11)))? ((19.0 + x_4) > (6.0 + x_6)? (19.0 + x_4) : (6.0 + x_6)) : ((6.0 + x_8) > ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11))? (6.0 + x_8) : ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11)))) > (((13.0 + x_14) > (12.0 + x_15)? (13.0 + x_14) : (12.0 + x_15)) > ((9.0 + x_16) > ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))? (9.0 + x_16) : ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19)))? ((13.0 + x_14) > (12.0 + x_15)? (13.0 + x_14) : (12.0 + x_15)) : ((9.0 + x_16) > ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))? (9.0 + x_16) : ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))))? (((19.0 + x_4) > (6.0 + x_6)? (19.0 + x_4) : (6.0 + x_6)) > ((6.0 + x_8) > ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11))? (6.0 + x_8) : ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11)))? ((19.0 + x_4) > (6.0 + x_6)? (19.0 + x_4) : (6.0 + x_6)) : ((6.0 + x_8) > ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11))? (6.0 + x_8) : ((18.0 + x_10) > (15.0 + x_11)? (18.0 + x_10) : (15.0 + x_11)))) : (((13.0 + x_14) > (12.0 + x_15)? (13.0 + x_14) : (12.0 + x_15)) > ((9.0 + x_16) > ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))? (9.0 + x_16) : ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19)))? ((13.0 + x_14) > (12.0 + x_15)? (13.0 + x_14) : (12.0 + x_15)) : ((9.0 + x_16) > ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))? (9.0 + x_16) : ((16.0 + x_17) > (15.0 + x_19)? (16.0 + x_17) : (15.0 + x_19))))) : ((((3.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_21)) > ((13.0 + x_24) > ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33))? (13.0 + x_24) : ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33)))? ((3.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_21)) : ((13.0 + x_24) > ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33))? (13.0 + x_24) : ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33)))) > (((1.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_35)) > ((14.0 + x_37) > ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_37) : ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((1.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_35)) : ((14.0 + x_37) > ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_37) : ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))))? (((3.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_21)) > ((13.0 + x_24) > ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33))? (13.0 + x_24) : ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33)))? ((3.0 + x_20) > (5.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (5.0 + x_21)) : ((13.0 + x_24) > ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33))? (13.0 + x_24) : ((11.0 + x_31) > (1.0 + x_33)? (11.0 + x_31) : (1.0 + x_33)))) : (((1.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_35)) > ((14.0 + x_37) > ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_37) : ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((1.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_35)) : ((14.0 + x_37) > ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (14.0 + x_37) : ((8.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (8.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))))));
x_15_ = (((((2.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (2.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) > ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7)))? ((2.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (2.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) : ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7)))) > (((15.0 + x_9) > (15.0 + x_10)? (15.0 + x_9) : (15.0 + x_10)) > ((1.0 + x_14) > ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))? (1.0 + x_14) : ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17)))? ((15.0 + x_9) > (15.0 + x_10)? (15.0 + x_9) : (15.0 + x_10)) : ((1.0 + x_14) > ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))? (1.0 + x_14) : ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))))? (((2.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (2.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) > ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7)))? ((2.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (2.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) : ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7)))) : (((15.0 + x_9) > (15.0 + x_10)? (15.0 + x_9) : (15.0 + x_10)) > ((1.0 + x_14) > ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))? (1.0 + x_14) : ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17)))? ((15.0 + x_9) > (15.0 + x_10)? (15.0 + x_9) : (15.0 + x_10)) : ((1.0 + x_14) > ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))? (1.0 + x_14) : ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))))) > ((((4.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_22)? (4.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_22)) > ((19.0 + x_23) > ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28))? (19.0 + x_23) : ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28)))? ((4.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_22)? (4.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_22)) : ((19.0 + x_23) > ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28))? (19.0 + x_23) : ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28)))) > (((20.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_31)? (20.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_31)) > ((11.0 + x_33) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_33) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36)))? ((20.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_31)? (20.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_31)) : ((11.0 + x_33) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_33) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))))? (((4.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_22)? (4.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_22)) > ((19.0 + x_23) > ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28))? (19.0 + x_23) : ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28)))? ((4.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_22)? (4.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_22)) : ((19.0 + x_23) > ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28))? (19.0 + x_23) : ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28)))) : (((20.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_31)? (20.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_31)) > ((11.0 + x_33) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_33) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36)))? ((20.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_31)? (20.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_31)) : ((11.0 + x_33) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_33) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36)))))? ((((2.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (2.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) > ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7)))? ((2.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (2.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) : ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7)))) > (((15.0 + x_9) > (15.0 + x_10)? (15.0 + x_9) : (15.0 + x_10)) > ((1.0 + x_14) > ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))? (1.0 + x_14) : ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17)))? ((15.0 + x_9) > (15.0 + x_10)? (15.0 + x_9) : (15.0 + x_10)) : ((1.0 + x_14) > ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))? (1.0 + x_14) : ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))))? (((2.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (2.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) > ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7)))? ((2.0 + x_0) > (20.0 + x_2)? (2.0 + x_0) : (20.0 + x_2)) : ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_7)? (3.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_7)))) : (((15.0 + x_9) > (15.0 + x_10)? (15.0 + x_9) : (15.0 + x_10)) > ((1.0 + x_14) > ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))? (1.0 + x_14) : ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17)))? ((15.0 + x_9) > (15.0 + x_10)? (15.0 + x_9) : (15.0 + x_10)) : ((1.0 + x_14) > ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))? (1.0 + x_14) : ((4.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_17)? (4.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_17))))) : ((((4.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_22)? (4.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_22)) > ((19.0 + x_23) > ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28))? (19.0 + x_23) : ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28)))? ((4.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_22)? (4.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_22)) : ((19.0 + x_23) > ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28))? (19.0 + x_23) : ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28)))) > (((20.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_31)? (20.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_31)) > ((11.0 + x_33) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_33) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36)))? ((20.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_31)? (20.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_31)) : ((11.0 + x_33) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_33) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))))? (((4.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_22)? (4.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_22)) > ((19.0 + x_23) > ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28))? (19.0 + x_23) : ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28)))? ((4.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_22)? (4.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_22)) : ((19.0 + x_23) > ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28))? (19.0 + x_23) : ((14.0 + x_25) > (9.0 + x_28)? (14.0 + x_25) : (9.0 + x_28)))) : (((20.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_31)? (20.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_31)) > ((11.0 + x_33) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_33) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36)))? ((20.0 + x_29) > (8.0 + x_31)? (20.0 + x_29) : (8.0 + x_31)) : ((11.0 + x_33) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_33) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (12.0 + x_36)? (4.0 + x_34) : (12.0 + x_36))))));
x_16_ = (((((16.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (16.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)) > ((13.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9))? (13.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9)))? ((16.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (16.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)) : ((13.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9))? (13.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9)))) > (((11.0 + x_10) > (4.0 + x_11)? (11.0 + x_10) : (4.0 + x_11)) > ((20.0 + x_13) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (20.0 + x_13) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15)))? ((11.0 + x_10) > (4.0 + x_11)? (11.0 + x_10) : (4.0 + x_11)) : ((20.0 + x_13) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (20.0 + x_13) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))))? (((16.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (16.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)) > ((13.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9))? (13.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9)))? ((16.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (16.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)) : ((13.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9))? (13.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9)))) : (((11.0 + x_10) > (4.0 + x_11)? (11.0 + x_10) : (4.0 + x_11)) > ((20.0 + x_13) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (20.0 + x_13) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15)))? ((11.0 + x_10) > (4.0 + x_11)? (11.0 + x_10) : (4.0 + x_11)) : ((20.0 + x_13) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (20.0 + x_13) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))))) > ((((10.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_17)? (10.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_17)) > ((13.0 + x_21) > ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26)))? ((10.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_17)? (10.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_17)) : ((13.0 + x_21) > ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26)))) > (((6.0 + x_28) > (13.0 + x_33)? (6.0 + x_28) : (13.0 + x_33)) > ((17.0 + x_34) > ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))? (17.0 + x_34) : ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37)))? ((6.0 + x_28) > (13.0 + x_33)? (6.0 + x_28) : (13.0 + x_33)) : ((17.0 + x_34) > ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))? (17.0 + x_34) : ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))))? (((10.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_17)? (10.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_17)) > ((13.0 + x_21) > ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26)))? ((10.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_17)? (10.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_17)) : ((13.0 + x_21) > ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26)))) : (((6.0 + x_28) > (13.0 + x_33)? (6.0 + x_28) : (13.0 + x_33)) > ((17.0 + x_34) > ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))? (17.0 + x_34) : ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37)))? ((6.0 + x_28) > (13.0 + x_33)? (6.0 + x_28) : (13.0 + x_33)) : ((17.0 + x_34) > ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))? (17.0 + x_34) : ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37)))))? ((((16.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (16.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)) > ((13.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9))? (13.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9)))? ((16.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (16.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)) : ((13.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9))? (13.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9)))) > (((11.0 + x_10) > (4.0 + x_11)? (11.0 + x_10) : (4.0 + x_11)) > ((20.0 + x_13) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (20.0 + x_13) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15)))? ((11.0 + x_10) > (4.0 + x_11)? (11.0 + x_10) : (4.0 + x_11)) : ((20.0 + x_13) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (20.0 + x_13) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))))? (((16.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (16.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)) > ((13.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9))? (13.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9)))? ((16.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (16.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)) : ((13.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9))? (13.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (3.0 + x_9)? (6.0 + x_8) : (3.0 + x_9)))) : (((11.0 + x_10) > (4.0 + x_11)? (11.0 + x_10) : (4.0 + x_11)) > ((20.0 + x_13) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (20.0 + x_13) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15)))? ((11.0 + x_10) > (4.0 + x_11)? (11.0 + x_10) : (4.0 + x_11)) : ((20.0 + x_13) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (20.0 + x_13) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))))) : ((((10.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_17)? (10.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_17)) > ((13.0 + x_21) > ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26)))? ((10.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_17)? (10.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_17)) : ((13.0 + x_21) > ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26)))) > (((6.0 + x_28) > (13.0 + x_33)? (6.0 + x_28) : (13.0 + x_33)) > ((17.0 + x_34) > ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))? (17.0 + x_34) : ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37)))? ((6.0 + x_28) > (13.0 + x_33)? (6.0 + x_28) : (13.0 + x_33)) : ((17.0 + x_34) > ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))? (17.0 + x_34) : ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))))? (((10.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_17)? (10.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_17)) > ((13.0 + x_21) > ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26)))? ((10.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_17)? (10.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_17)) : ((13.0 + x_21) > ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((9.0 + x_23) > (3.0 + x_26)? (9.0 + x_23) : (3.0 + x_26)))) : (((6.0 + x_28) > (13.0 + x_33)? (6.0 + x_28) : (13.0 + x_33)) > ((17.0 + x_34) > ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))? (17.0 + x_34) : ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37)))? ((6.0 + x_28) > (13.0 + x_33)? (6.0 + x_28) : (13.0 + x_33)) : ((17.0 + x_34) > ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))? (17.0 + x_34) : ((18.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_37)? (18.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_37))))));
x_17_ = (((((11.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((4.0 + x_4) > ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((4.0 + x_4) > ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6)))) > (((17.0 + x_7) > (10.0 + x_10)? (17.0 + x_7) : (10.0 + x_10)) > ((11.0 + x_13) > ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))? (11.0 + x_13) : ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)))? ((17.0 + x_7) > (10.0 + x_10)? (17.0 + x_7) : (10.0 + x_10)) : ((11.0 + x_13) > ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))? (11.0 + x_13) : ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))))? (((11.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((4.0 + x_4) > ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((4.0 + x_4) > ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6)))) : (((17.0 + x_7) > (10.0 + x_10)? (17.0 + x_7) : (10.0 + x_10)) > ((11.0 + x_13) > ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))? (11.0 + x_13) : ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)))? ((17.0 + x_7) > (10.0 + x_10)? (17.0 + x_7) : (10.0 + x_10)) : ((11.0 + x_13) > ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))? (11.0 + x_13) : ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))))) > ((((14.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (14.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) > ((8.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34))? (8.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34)))? ((14.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (14.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) : ((8.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34))? (8.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34)))) > (((6.0 + x_35) > (20.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_35) : (20.0 + x_36)) > ((3.0 + x_37) > ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_37) : ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_35) > (20.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_35) : (20.0 + x_36)) : ((3.0 + x_37) > ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_37) : ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))))? (((14.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (14.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) > ((8.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34))? (8.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34)))? ((14.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (14.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) : ((8.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34))? (8.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34)))) : (((6.0 + x_35) > (20.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_35) : (20.0 + x_36)) > ((3.0 + x_37) > ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_37) : ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_35) > (20.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_35) : (20.0 + x_36)) : ((3.0 + x_37) > ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_37) : ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39)))))? ((((11.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((4.0 + x_4) > ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((4.0 + x_4) > ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6)))) > (((17.0 + x_7) > (10.0 + x_10)? (17.0 + x_7) : (10.0 + x_10)) > ((11.0 + x_13) > ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))? (11.0 + x_13) : ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)))? ((17.0 + x_7) > (10.0 + x_10)? (17.0 + x_7) : (10.0 + x_10)) : ((11.0 + x_13) > ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))? (11.0 + x_13) : ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))))? (((11.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((4.0 + x_4) > ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((4.0 + x_4) > ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((14.0 + x_5) > (4.0 + x_6)? (14.0 + x_5) : (4.0 + x_6)))) : (((17.0 + x_7) > (10.0 + x_10)? (17.0 + x_7) : (10.0 + x_10)) > ((11.0 + x_13) > ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))? (11.0 + x_13) : ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)))? ((17.0 + x_7) > (10.0 + x_10)? (17.0 + x_7) : (10.0 + x_10)) : ((11.0 + x_13) > ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))? (11.0 + x_13) : ((13.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (13.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16))))) : ((((14.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (14.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) > ((8.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34))? (8.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34)))? ((14.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (14.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) : ((8.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34))? (8.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34)))) > (((6.0 + x_35) > (20.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_35) : (20.0 + x_36)) > ((3.0 + x_37) > ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_37) : ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_35) > (20.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_35) : (20.0 + x_36)) : ((3.0 + x_37) > ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_37) : ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))))? (((14.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (14.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) > ((8.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34))? (8.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34)))? ((14.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (14.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) : ((8.0 + x_28) > ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34))? (8.0 + x_28) : ((11.0 + x_33) > (10.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_33) : (10.0 + x_34)))) : (((6.0 + x_35) > (20.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_35) : (20.0 + x_36)) > ((3.0 + x_37) > ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_37) : ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39)))? ((6.0 + x_35) > (20.0 + x_36)? (6.0 + x_35) : (20.0 + x_36)) : ((3.0 + x_37) > ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_37) : ((1.0 + x_38) > (12.0 + x_39)? (1.0 + x_38) : (12.0 + x_39))))));
x_18_ = (((((8.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_4)) > ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10)))? ((8.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_4)) : ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10)))) > (((2.0 + x_11) > (14.0 + x_15)? (2.0 + x_11) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((1.0 + x_16) > ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))? (1.0 + x_16) : ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19)))? ((2.0 + x_11) > (14.0 + x_15)? (2.0 + x_11) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((1.0 + x_16) > ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))? (1.0 + x_16) : ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))))? (((8.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_4)) > ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10)))? ((8.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_4)) : ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10)))) : (((2.0 + x_11) > (14.0 + x_15)? (2.0 + x_11) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((1.0 + x_16) > ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))? (1.0 + x_16) : ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19)))? ((2.0 + x_11) > (14.0 + x_15)? (2.0 + x_11) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((1.0 + x_16) > ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))? (1.0 + x_16) : ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))))) > ((((6.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (6.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((11.0 + x_23) > ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27))? (11.0 + x_23) : ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27)))? ((6.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (6.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((11.0 + x_23) > ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27))? (11.0 + x_23) : ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27)))) > (((12.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_32)? (12.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_32)) > ((10.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39)))? ((12.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_32)? (12.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_32)) : ((10.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))))? (((6.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (6.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((11.0 + x_23) > ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27))? (11.0 + x_23) : ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27)))? ((6.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (6.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((11.0 + x_23) > ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27))? (11.0 + x_23) : ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27)))) : (((12.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_32)? (12.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_32)) > ((10.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39)))? ((12.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_32)? (12.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_32)) : ((10.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39)))))? ((((8.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_4)) > ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10)))? ((8.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_4)) : ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10)))) > (((2.0 + x_11) > (14.0 + x_15)? (2.0 + x_11) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((1.0 + x_16) > ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))? (1.0 + x_16) : ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19)))? ((2.0 + x_11) > (14.0 + x_15)? (2.0 + x_11) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((1.0 + x_16) > ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))? (1.0 + x_16) : ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))))? (((8.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_4)) > ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10)))? ((8.0 + x_1) > (6.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_1) : (6.0 + x_4)) : ((20.0 + x_5) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10))? (20.0 + x_5) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (20.0 + x_10)? (3.0 + x_7) : (20.0 + x_10)))) : (((2.0 + x_11) > (14.0 + x_15)? (2.0 + x_11) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((1.0 + x_16) > ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))? (1.0 + x_16) : ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19)))? ((2.0 + x_11) > (14.0 + x_15)? (2.0 + x_11) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((1.0 + x_16) > ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))? (1.0 + x_16) : ((6.0 + x_17) > (14.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_17) : (14.0 + x_19))))) : ((((6.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (6.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((11.0 + x_23) > ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27))? (11.0 + x_23) : ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27)))? ((6.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (6.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((11.0 + x_23) > ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27))? (11.0 + x_23) : ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27)))) > (((12.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_32)? (12.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_32)) > ((10.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39)))? ((12.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_32)? (12.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_32)) : ((10.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))))? (((6.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (6.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((11.0 + x_23) > ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27))? (11.0 + x_23) : ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27)))? ((6.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (6.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((11.0 + x_23) > ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27))? (11.0 + x_23) : ((15.0 + x_25) > (20.0 + x_27)? (15.0 + x_25) : (20.0 + x_27)))) : (((12.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_32)? (12.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_32)) > ((10.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39)))? ((12.0 + x_31) > (20.0 + x_32)? (12.0 + x_31) : (20.0 + x_32)) : ((10.0 + x_35) > ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((3.0 + x_37) > (14.0 + x_39)? (3.0 + x_37) : (14.0 + x_39))))));
x_19_ = (((((8.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_4)) > ((8.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12))? (8.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12)))? ((8.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_4)) : ((8.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12))? (8.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12)))) > (((16.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((16.0 + x_16) > ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))? (16.0 + x_16) : ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)))? ((16.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((16.0 + x_16) > ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))? (16.0 + x_16) : ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))))? (((8.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_4)) > ((8.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12))? (8.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12)))? ((8.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_4)) : ((8.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12))? (8.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12)))) : (((16.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((16.0 + x_16) > ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))? (16.0 + x_16) : ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)))? ((16.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((16.0 + x_16) > ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))? (16.0 + x_16) : ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))))) > ((((2.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (2.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((8.0 + x_26) > ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_26) : ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((2.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (2.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((8.0 + x_26) > ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_26) : ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))) > (((10.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (10.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) > ((17.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39)))? ((10.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (10.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) : ((17.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))))? (((2.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (2.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((8.0 + x_26) > ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_26) : ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((2.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (2.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((8.0 + x_26) > ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_26) : ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))) : (((10.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (10.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) > ((17.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39)))? ((10.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (10.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) : ((17.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39)))))? ((((8.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_4)) > ((8.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12))? (8.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12)))? ((8.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_4)) : ((8.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12))? (8.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12)))) > (((16.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((16.0 + x_16) > ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))? (16.0 + x_16) : ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)))? ((16.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((16.0 + x_16) > ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))? (16.0 + x_16) : ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))))? (((8.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_4)) > ((8.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12))? (8.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12)))? ((8.0 + x_2) > (12.0 + x_4)? (8.0 + x_2) : (12.0 + x_4)) : ((8.0 + x_6) > ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12))? (8.0 + x_6) : ((9.0 + x_8) > (14.0 + x_12)? (9.0 + x_8) : (14.0 + x_12)))) : (((16.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) > ((16.0 + x_16) > ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))? (16.0 + x_16) : ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18)))? ((16.0 + x_14) > (14.0 + x_15)? (16.0 + x_14) : (14.0 + x_15)) : ((16.0 + x_16) > ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))? (16.0 + x_16) : ((10.0 + x_17) > (6.0 + x_18)? (10.0 + x_17) : (6.0 + x_18))))) : ((((2.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (2.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((8.0 + x_26) > ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_26) : ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((2.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (2.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((8.0 + x_26) > ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_26) : ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))) > (((10.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (10.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) > ((17.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39)))? ((10.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (10.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) : ((17.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))))? (((2.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (2.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((8.0 + x_26) > ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_26) : ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((2.0 + x_23) > (11.0 + x_25)? (2.0 + x_23) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((8.0 + x_26) > ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_26) : ((16.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (16.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))) : (((10.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (10.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) > ((17.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39)))? ((10.0 + x_33) > (5.0 + x_35)? (10.0 + x_33) : (5.0 + x_35)) : ((17.0 + x_37) > ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((15.0 + x_38) > (4.0 + x_39)? (15.0 + x_38) : (4.0 + x_39))))));
x_20_ = (((((6.0 + x_1) > (18.0 + x_2)? (6.0 + x_1) : (18.0 + x_2)) > ((7.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (7.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))? ((6.0 + x_1) > (18.0 + x_2)? (6.0 + x_1) : (18.0 + x_2)) : ((7.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (7.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))) > (((12.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_8)? (12.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_8)) > ((7.0 + x_10) > ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))? (7.0 + x_10) : ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15)))? ((12.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_8)? (12.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_8)) : ((7.0 + x_10) > ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))? (7.0 + x_10) : ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))))? (((6.0 + x_1) > (18.0 + x_2)? (6.0 + x_1) : (18.0 + x_2)) > ((7.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (7.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))? ((6.0 + x_1) > (18.0 + x_2)? (6.0 + x_1) : (18.0 + x_2)) : ((7.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (7.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))) : (((12.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_8)? (12.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_8)) > ((7.0 + x_10) > ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))? (7.0 + x_10) : ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15)))? ((12.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_8)? (12.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_8)) : ((7.0 + x_10) > ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))? (7.0 + x_10) : ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))))) > ((((16.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_18)) > ((2.0 + x_19) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_19) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23)))? ((16.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_18)) : ((2.0 + x_19) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_19) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23)))) > (((20.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_29)? (20.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_29)) > ((17.0 + x_32) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_32) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39)))? ((20.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_29)? (20.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_29)) : ((17.0 + x_32) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_32) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))))? (((16.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_18)) > ((2.0 + x_19) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_19) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23)))? ((16.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_18)) : ((2.0 + x_19) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_19) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23)))) : (((20.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_29)? (20.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_29)) > ((17.0 + x_32) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_32) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39)))? ((20.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_29)? (20.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_29)) : ((17.0 + x_32) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_32) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39)))))? ((((6.0 + x_1) > (18.0 + x_2)? (6.0 + x_1) : (18.0 + x_2)) > ((7.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (7.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))? ((6.0 + x_1) > (18.0 + x_2)? (6.0 + x_1) : (18.0 + x_2)) : ((7.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (7.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))) > (((12.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_8)? (12.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_8)) > ((7.0 + x_10) > ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))? (7.0 + x_10) : ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15)))? ((12.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_8)? (12.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_8)) : ((7.0 + x_10) > ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))? (7.0 + x_10) : ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))))? (((6.0 + x_1) > (18.0 + x_2)? (6.0 + x_1) : (18.0 + x_2)) > ((7.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (7.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))? ((6.0 + x_1) > (18.0 + x_2)? (6.0 + x_1) : (18.0 + x_2)) : ((7.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (7.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (13.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))) : (((12.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_8)? (12.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_8)) > ((7.0 + x_10) > ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))? (7.0 + x_10) : ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15)))? ((12.0 + x_6) > (3.0 + x_8)? (12.0 + x_6) : (3.0 + x_8)) : ((7.0 + x_10) > ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))? (7.0 + x_10) : ((20.0 + x_13) > (3.0 + x_15)? (20.0 + x_13) : (3.0 + x_15))))) : ((((16.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_18)) > ((2.0 + x_19) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_19) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23)))? ((16.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_18)) : ((2.0 + x_19) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_19) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23)))) > (((20.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_29)? (20.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_29)) > ((17.0 + x_32) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_32) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39)))? ((20.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_29)? (20.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_29)) : ((17.0 + x_32) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_32) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))))? (((16.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_18)) > ((2.0 + x_19) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_19) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23)))? ((16.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_18)? (16.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_18)) : ((2.0 + x_19) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23))? (2.0 + x_19) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (1.0 + x_23)? (5.0 + x_21) : (1.0 + x_23)))) : (((20.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_29)? (20.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_29)) > ((17.0 + x_32) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_32) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39)))? ((20.0 + x_24) > (5.0 + x_29)? (20.0 + x_24) : (5.0 + x_29)) : ((17.0 + x_32) > ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_32) : ((4.0 + x_34) > (4.0 + x_39)? (4.0 + x_34) : (4.0 + x_39))))));
x_21_ = (((((15.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_1)? (15.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_1)) > ((3.0 + x_2) > ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6))? (3.0 + x_2) : ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)))? ((15.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_1)? (15.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_1)) : ((3.0 + x_2) > ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6))? (3.0 + x_2) : ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)))) > (((12.0 + x_9) > (10.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_9) : (10.0 + x_10)) > ((12.0 + x_11) > ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13)))? ((12.0 + x_9) > (10.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_9) : (10.0 + x_10)) : ((12.0 + x_11) > ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))))? (((15.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_1)? (15.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_1)) > ((3.0 + x_2) > ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6))? (3.0 + x_2) : ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)))? ((15.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_1)? (15.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_1)) : ((3.0 + x_2) > ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6))? (3.0 + x_2) : ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)))) : (((12.0 + x_9) > (10.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_9) : (10.0 + x_10)) > ((12.0 + x_11) > ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13)))? ((12.0 + x_9) > (10.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_9) : (10.0 + x_10)) : ((12.0 + x_11) > ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))))) > ((((5.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_16)? (5.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_16)) > ((20.0 + x_17) > ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26))? (20.0 + x_17) : ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26)))? ((5.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_16)? (5.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_16)) : ((20.0 + x_17) > ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26))? (20.0 + x_17) : ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26)))) > (((17.0 + x_27) > (13.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_27) : (13.0 + x_29)) > ((1.0 + x_31) > ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))? (1.0 + x_31) : ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37)))? ((17.0 + x_27) > (13.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_27) : (13.0 + x_29)) : ((1.0 + x_31) > ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))? (1.0 + x_31) : ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))))? (((5.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_16)? (5.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_16)) > ((20.0 + x_17) > ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26))? (20.0 + x_17) : ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26)))? ((5.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_16)? (5.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_16)) : ((20.0 + x_17) > ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26))? (20.0 + x_17) : ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26)))) : (((17.0 + x_27) > (13.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_27) : (13.0 + x_29)) > ((1.0 + x_31) > ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))? (1.0 + x_31) : ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37)))? ((17.0 + x_27) > (13.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_27) : (13.0 + x_29)) : ((1.0 + x_31) > ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))? (1.0 + x_31) : ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37)))))? ((((15.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_1)? (15.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_1)) > ((3.0 + x_2) > ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6))? (3.0 + x_2) : ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)))? ((15.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_1)? (15.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_1)) : ((3.0 + x_2) > ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6))? (3.0 + x_2) : ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)))) > (((12.0 + x_9) > (10.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_9) : (10.0 + x_10)) > ((12.0 + x_11) > ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13)))? ((12.0 + x_9) > (10.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_9) : (10.0 + x_10)) : ((12.0 + x_11) > ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))))? (((15.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_1)? (15.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_1)) > ((3.0 + x_2) > ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6))? (3.0 + x_2) : ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)))? ((15.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_1)? (15.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_1)) : ((3.0 + x_2) > ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6))? (3.0 + x_2) : ((9.0 + x_4) > (7.0 + x_6)? (9.0 + x_4) : (7.0 + x_6)))) : (((12.0 + x_9) > (10.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_9) : (10.0 + x_10)) > ((12.0 + x_11) > ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13)))? ((12.0 + x_9) > (10.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_9) : (10.0 + x_10)) : ((12.0 + x_11) > ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((19.0 + x_12) > (5.0 + x_13)? (19.0 + x_12) : (5.0 + x_13))))) : ((((5.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_16)? (5.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_16)) > ((20.0 + x_17) > ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26))? (20.0 + x_17) : ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26)))? ((5.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_16)? (5.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_16)) : ((20.0 + x_17) > ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26))? (20.0 + x_17) : ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26)))) > (((17.0 + x_27) > (13.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_27) : (13.0 + x_29)) > ((1.0 + x_31) > ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))? (1.0 + x_31) : ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37)))? ((17.0 + x_27) > (13.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_27) : (13.0 + x_29)) : ((1.0 + x_31) > ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))? (1.0 + x_31) : ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))))? (((5.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_16)? (5.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_16)) > ((20.0 + x_17) > ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26))? (20.0 + x_17) : ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26)))? ((5.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_16)? (5.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_16)) : ((20.0 + x_17) > ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26))? (20.0 + x_17) : ((13.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_26)))) : (((17.0 + x_27) > (13.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_27) : (13.0 + x_29)) > ((1.0 + x_31) > ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))? (1.0 + x_31) : ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37)))? ((17.0 + x_27) > (13.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_27) : (13.0 + x_29)) : ((1.0 + x_31) > ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))? (1.0 + x_31) : ((20.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_37)? (20.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_37))))));
x_22_ = (((((19.0 + x_1) > (20.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_1) : (20.0 + x_3)) > ((2.0 + x_5) > ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7)))? ((19.0 + x_1) > (20.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_1) : (20.0 + x_3)) : ((2.0 + x_5) > ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7)))) > (((1.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_16)) > ((8.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22)))? ((1.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_16)) : ((8.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))))? (((19.0 + x_1) > (20.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_1) : (20.0 + x_3)) > ((2.0 + x_5) > ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7)))? ((19.0 + x_1) > (20.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_1) : (20.0 + x_3)) : ((2.0 + x_5) > ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7)))) : (((1.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_16)) > ((8.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22)))? ((1.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_16)) : ((8.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))))) > ((((6.0 + x_23) > (17.0 + x_25)? (6.0 + x_23) : (17.0 + x_25)) > ((5.0 + x_26) > ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (5.0 + x_26) : ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((6.0 + x_23) > (17.0 + x_25)? (6.0 + x_23) : (17.0 + x_25)) : ((5.0 + x_26) > ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (5.0 + x_26) : ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))) > (((10.0 + x_33) > (15.0 + x_34)? (10.0 + x_33) : (15.0 + x_34)) > ((1.0 + x_35) > ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_35) : ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_33) > (15.0 + x_34)? (10.0 + x_33) : (15.0 + x_34)) : ((1.0 + x_35) > ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_35) : ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))))? (((6.0 + x_23) > (17.0 + x_25)? (6.0 + x_23) : (17.0 + x_25)) > ((5.0 + x_26) > ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (5.0 + x_26) : ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((6.0 + x_23) > (17.0 + x_25)? (6.0 + x_23) : (17.0 + x_25)) : ((5.0 + x_26) > ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (5.0 + x_26) : ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))) : (((10.0 + x_33) > (15.0 + x_34)? (10.0 + x_33) : (15.0 + x_34)) > ((1.0 + x_35) > ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_35) : ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_33) > (15.0 + x_34)? (10.0 + x_33) : (15.0 + x_34)) : ((1.0 + x_35) > ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_35) : ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38)))))? ((((19.0 + x_1) > (20.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_1) : (20.0 + x_3)) > ((2.0 + x_5) > ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7)))? ((19.0 + x_1) > (20.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_1) : (20.0 + x_3)) : ((2.0 + x_5) > ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7)))) > (((1.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_16)) > ((8.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22)))? ((1.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_16)) : ((8.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))))? (((19.0 + x_1) > (20.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_1) : (20.0 + x_3)) > ((2.0 + x_5) > ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7)))? ((19.0 + x_1) > (20.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_1) : (20.0 + x_3)) : ((2.0 + x_5) > ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7))? (2.0 + x_5) : ((10.0 + x_6) > (2.0 + x_7)? (10.0 + x_6) : (2.0 + x_7)))) : (((1.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_16)) > ((8.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22)))? ((1.0 + x_9) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_9) : (2.0 + x_16)) : ((8.0 + x_17) > ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((5.0 + x_21) > (6.0 + x_22)? (5.0 + x_21) : (6.0 + x_22))))) : ((((6.0 + x_23) > (17.0 + x_25)? (6.0 + x_23) : (17.0 + x_25)) > ((5.0 + x_26) > ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (5.0 + x_26) : ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((6.0 + x_23) > (17.0 + x_25)? (6.0 + x_23) : (17.0 + x_25)) : ((5.0 + x_26) > ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (5.0 + x_26) : ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))) > (((10.0 + x_33) > (15.0 + x_34)? (10.0 + x_33) : (15.0 + x_34)) > ((1.0 + x_35) > ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_35) : ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_33) > (15.0 + x_34)? (10.0 + x_33) : (15.0 + x_34)) : ((1.0 + x_35) > ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_35) : ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))))? (((6.0 + x_23) > (17.0 + x_25)? (6.0 + x_23) : (17.0 + x_25)) > ((5.0 + x_26) > ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (5.0 + x_26) : ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((6.0 + x_23) > (17.0 + x_25)? (6.0 + x_23) : (17.0 + x_25)) : ((5.0 + x_26) > ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29))? (5.0 + x_26) : ((4.0 + x_28) > (20.0 + x_29)? (4.0 + x_28) : (20.0 + x_29)))) : (((10.0 + x_33) > (15.0 + x_34)? (10.0 + x_33) : (15.0 + x_34)) > ((1.0 + x_35) > ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_35) : ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_33) > (15.0 + x_34)? (10.0 + x_33) : (15.0 + x_34)) : ((1.0 + x_35) > ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_35) : ((16.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_38)? (16.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_38))))));
x_23_ = (((((19.0 + x_2) > (5.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_2) : (5.0 + x_3)) > ((9.0 + x_4) > ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10))? (9.0 + x_4) : ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10)))? ((19.0 + x_2) > (5.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_2) : (5.0 + x_3)) : ((9.0 + x_4) > ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10))? (9.0 + x_4) : ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10)))) > (((19.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_12)? (19.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_12)) > ((19.0 + x_13) > ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))? (19.0 + x_13) : ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16)))? ((19.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_12)? (19.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_12)) : ((19.0 + x_13) > ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))? (19.0 + x_13) : ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))))? (((19.0 + x_2) > (5.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_2) : (5.0 + x_3)) > ((9.0 + x_4) > ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10))? (9.0 + x_4) : ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10)))? ((19.0 + x_2) > (5.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_2) : (5.0 + x_3)) : ((9.0 + x_4) > ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10))? (9.0 + x_4) : ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10)))) : (((19.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_12)? (19.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_12)) > ((19.0 + x_13) > ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))? (19.0 + x_13) : ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16)))? ((19.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_12)? (19.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_12)) : ((19.0 + x_13) > ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))? (19.0 + x_13) : ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))))) > ((((17.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_24)? (17.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_24)) > ((1.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31))? (1.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31)))? ((17.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_24)? (17.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_24)) : ((1.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31))? (1.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31)))) > (((1.0 + x_34) > (17.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (17.0 + x_35)) > ((18.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39)))? ((1.0 + x_34) > (17.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (17.0 + x_35)) : ((18.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))))? (((17.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_24)? (17.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_24)) > ((1.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31))? (1.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31)))? ((17.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_24)? (17.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_24)) : ((1.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31))? (1.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31)))) : (((1.0 + x_34) > (17.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (17.0 + x_35)) > ((18.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39)))? ((1.0 + x_34) > (17.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (17.0 + x_35)) : ((18.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39)))))? ((((19.0 + x_2) > (5.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_2) : (5.0 + x_3)) > ((9.0 + x_4) > ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10))? (9.0 + x_4) : ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10)))? ((19.0 + x_2) > (5.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_2) : (5.0 + x_3)) : ((9.0 + x_4) > ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10))? (9.0 + x_4) : ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10)))) > (((19.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_12)? (19.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_12)) > ((19.0 + x_13) > ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))? (19.0 + x_13) : ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16)))? ((19.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_12)? (19.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_12)) : ((19.0 + x_13) > ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))? (19.0 + x_13) : ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))))? (((19.0 + x_2) > (5.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_2) : (5.0 + x_3)) > ((9.0 + x_4) > ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10))? (9.0 + x_4) : ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10)))? ((19.0 + x_2) > (5.0 + x_3)? (19.0 + x_2) : (5.0 + x_3)) : ((9.0 + x_4) > ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10))? (9.0 + x_4) : ((19.0 + x_6) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_6) : (19.0 + x_10)))) : (((19.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_12)? (19.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_12)) > ((19.0 + x_13) > ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))? (19.0 + x_13) : ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16)))? ((19.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_12)? (19.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_12)) : ((19.0 + x_13) > ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))? (19.0 + x_13) : ((11.0 + x_15) > (16.0 + x_16)? (11.0 + x_15) : (16.0 + x_16))))) : ((((17.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_24)? (17.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_24)) > ((1.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31))? (1.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31)))? ((17.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_24)? (17.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_24)) : ((1.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31))? (1.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31)))) > (((1.0 + x_34) > (17.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (17.0 + x_35)) > ((18.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39)))? ((1.0 + x_34) > (17.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (17.0 + x_35)) : ((18.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))))? (((17.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_24)? (17.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_24)) > ((1.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31))? (1.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31)))? ((17.0 + x_19) > (4.0 + x_24)? (17.0 + x_19) : (4.0 + x_24)) : ((1.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31))? (1.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_30) > (2.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_30) : (2.0 + x_31)))) : (((1.0 + x_34) > (17.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (17.0 + x_35)) > ((18.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39)))? ((1.0 + x_34) > (17.0 + x_35)? (1.0 + x_34) : (17.0 + x_35)) : ((18.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (19.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (19.0 + x_39))))));
x_24_ = (((((13.0 + x_1) > (15.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_1) : (15.0 + x_2)) > ((12.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6)))? ((13.0 + x_1) > (15.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_1) : (15.0 + x_2)) : ((12.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6)))) > (((18.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_13)) > ((7.0 + x_15) > ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))? (7.0 + x_15) : ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18)))? ((18.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_13)) : ((7.0 + x_15) > ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))? (7.0 + x_15) : ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))))? (((13.0 + x_1) > (15.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_1) : (15.0 + x_2)) > ((12.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6)))? ((13.0 + x_1) > (15.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_1) : (15.0 + x_2)) : ((12.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6)))) : (((18.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_13)) > ((7.0 + x_15) > ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))? (7.0 + x_15) : ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18)))? ((18.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_13)) : ((7.0 + x_15) > ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))? (7.0 + x_15) : ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))))) > ((((19.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_20)? (19.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_20)) > ((17.0 + x_23) > ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (17.0 + x_23) : ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))? ((19.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_20)? (19.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_20)) : ((17.0 + x_23) > ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (17.0 + x_23) : ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))) > (((15.0 + x_31) > (2.0 + x_32)? (15.0 + x_31) : (2.0 + x_32)) > ((3.0 + x_35) > ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_35) : ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((15.0 + x_31) > (2.0 + x_32)? (15.0 + x_31) : (2.0 + x_32)) : ((3.0 + x_35) > ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_35) : ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))))? (((19.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_20)? (19.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_20)) > ((17.0 + x_23) > ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (17.0 + x_23) : ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))? ((19.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_20)? (19.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_20)) : ((17.0 + x_23) > ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (17.0 + x_23) : ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))) : (((15.0 + x_31) > (2.0 + x_32)? (15.0 + x_31) : (2.0 + x_32)) > ((3.0 + x_35) > ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_35) : ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((15.0 + x_31) > (2.0 + x_32)? (15.0 + x_31) : (2.0 + x_32)) : ((3.0 + x_35) > ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_35) : ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39)))))? ((((13.0 + x_1) > (15.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_1) : (15.0 + x_2)) > ((12.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6)))? ((13.0 + x_1) > (15.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_1) : (15.0 + x_2)) : ((12.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6)))) > (((18.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_13)) > ((7.0 + x_15) > ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))? (7.0 + x_15) : ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18)))? ((18.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_13)) : ((7.0 + x_15) > ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))? (7.0 + x_15) : ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))))? (((13.0 + x_1) > (15.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_1) : (15.0 + x_2)) > ((12.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6)))? ((13.0 + x_1) > (15.0 + x_2)? (13.0 + x_1) : (15.0 + x_2)) : ((12.0 + x_3) > ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_3) : ((13.0 + x_4) > (15.0 + x_6)? (13.0 + x_4) : (15.0 + x_6)))) : (((18.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_13)) > ((7.0 + x_15) > ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))? (7.0 + x_15) : ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18)))? ((18.0 + x_11) > (1.0 + x_13)? (18.0 + x_11) : (1.0 + x_13)) : ((7.0 + x_15) > ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))? (7.0 + x_15) : ((2.0 + x_16) > (14.0 + x_18)? (2.0 + x_16) : (14.0 + x_18))))) : ((((19.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_20)? (19.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_20)) > ((17.0 + x_23) > ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (17.0 + x_23) : ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))? ((19.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_20)? (19.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_20)) : ((17.0 + x_23) > ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (17.0 + x_23) : ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))) > (((15.0 + x_31) > (2.0 + x_32)? (15.0 + x_31) : (2.0 + x_32)) > ((3.0 + x_35) > ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_35) : ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((15.0 + x_31) > (2.0 + x_32)? (15.0 + x_31) : (2.0 + x_32)) : ((3.0 + x_35) > ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_35) : ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))))? (((19.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_20)? (19.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_20)) > ((17.0 + x_23) > ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (17.0 + x_23) : ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))? ((19.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_20)? (19.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_20)) : ((17.0 + x_23) > ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (17.0 + x_23) : ((19.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (19.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))) : (((15.0 + x_31) > (2.0 + x_32)? (15.0 + x_31) : (2.0 + x_32)) > ((3.0 + x_35) > ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_35) : ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((15.0 + x_31) > (2.0 + x_32)? (15.0 + x_31) : (2.0 + x_32)) : ((3.0 + x_35) > ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))? (3.0 + x_35) : ((14.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_39))))));
x_25_ = (((((10.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_3)? (10.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_3)) > ((10.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11))? (10.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11)))? ((10.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_3)? (10.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_3)) : ((10.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11))? (10.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11)))) > (((19.0 + x_13) > (11.0 + x_14)? (19.0 + x_13) : (11.0 + x_14)) > ((19.0 + x_15) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))? (19.0 + x_15) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17)))? ((19.0 + x_13) > (11.0 + x_14)? (19.0 + x_13) : (11.0 + x_14)) : ((19.0 + x_15) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))? (19.0 + x_15) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))))? (((10.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_3)? (10.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_3)) > ((10.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11))? (10.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11)))? ((10.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_3)? (10.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_3)) : ((10.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11))? (10.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11)))) : (((19.0 + x_13) > (11.0 + x_14)? (19.0 + x_13) : (11.0 + x_14)) > ((19.0 + x_15) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))? (19.0 + x_15) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17)))? ((19.0 + x_13) > (11.0 + x_14)? (19.0 + x_13) : (11.0 + x_14)) : ((19.0 + x_15) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))? (19.0 + x_15) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))))) > ((((13.0 + x_20) > (19.0 + x_22)? (13.0 + x_20) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((8.0 + x_27) > ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_27) : ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29)))? ((13.0 + x_20) > (19.0 + x_22)? (13.0 + x_20) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((8.0 + x_27) > ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_27) : ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29)))) > (((5.0 + x_30) > (17.0 + x_35)? (5.0 + x_30) : (17.0 + x_35)) > ((17.0 + x_36) > ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39)))? ((5.0 + x_30) > (17.0 + x_35)? (5.0 + x_30) : (17.0 + x_35)) : ((17.0 + x_36) > ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))))? (((13.0 + x_20) > (19.0 + x_22)? (13.0 + x_20) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((8.0 + x_27) > ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_27) : ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29)))? ((13.0 + x_20) > (19.0 + x_22)? (13.0 + x_20) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((8.0 + x_27) > ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_27) : ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29)))) : (((5.0 + x_30) > (17.0 + x_35)? (5.0 + x_30) : (17.0 + x_35)) > ((17.0 + x_36) > ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39)))? ((5.0 + x_30) > (17.0 + x_35)? (5.0 + x_30) : (17.0 + x_35)) : ((17.0 + x_36) > ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39)))))? ((((10.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_3)? (10.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_3)) > ((10.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11))? (10.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11)))? ((10.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_3)? (10.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_3)) : ((10.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11))? (10.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11)))) > (((19.0 + x_13) > (11.0 + x_14)? (19.0 + x_13) : (11.0 + x_14)) > ((19.0 + x_15) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))? (19.0 + x_15) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17)))? ((19.0 + x_13) > (11.0 + x_14)? (19.0 + x_13) : (11.0 + x_14)) : ((19.0 + x_15) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))? (19.0 + x_15) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))))? (((10.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_3)? (10.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_3)) > ((10.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11))? (10.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11)))? ((10.0 + x_2) > (1.0 + x_3)? (10.0 + x_2) : (1.0 + x_3)) : ((10.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11))? (10.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_9) > (16.0 + x_11)? (3.0 + x_9) : (16.0 + x_11)))) : (((19.0 + x_13) > (11.0 + x_14)? (19.0 + x_13) : (11.0 + x_14)) > ((19.0 + x_15) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))? (19.0 + x_15) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17)))? ((19.0 + x_13) > (11.0 + x_14)? (19.0 + x_13) : (11.0 + x_14)) : ((19.0 + x_15) > ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))? (19.0 + x_15) : ((16.0 + x_16) > (6.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_16) : (6.0 + x_17))))) : ((((13.0 + x_20) > (19.0 + x_22)? (13.0 + x_20) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((8.0 + x_27) > ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_27) : ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29)))? ((13.0 + x_20) > (19.0 + x_22)? (13.0 + x_20) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((8.0 + x_27) > ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_27) : ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29)))) > (((5.0 + x_30) > (17.0 + x_35)? (5.0 + x_30) : (17.0 + x_35)) > ((17.0 + x_36) > ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39)))? ((5.0 + x_30) > (17.0 + x_35)? (5.0 + x_30) : (17.0 + x_35)) : ((17.0 + x_36) > ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))))? (((13.0 + x_20) > (19.0 + x_22)? (13.0 + x_20) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((8.0 + x_27) > ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_27) : ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29)))? ((13.0 + x_20) > (19.0 + x_22)? (13.0 + x_20) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((8.0 + x_27) > ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29))? (8.0 + x_27) : ((5.0 + x_28) > (11.0 + x_29)? (5.0 + x_28) : (11.0 + x_29)))) : (((5.0 + x_30) > (17.0 + x_35)? (5.0 + x_30) : (17.0 + x_35)) > ((17.0 + x_36) > ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39)))? ((5.0 + x_30) > (17.0 + x_35)? (5.0 + x_30) : (17.0 + x_35)) : ((17.0 + x_36) > ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_36) : ((14.0 + x_38) > (18.0 + x_39)? (14.0 + x_38) : (18.0 + x_39))))));
x_26_ = (((((6.0 + x_1) > (1.0 + x_5)? (6.0 + x_1) : (1.0 + x_5)) > ((11.0 + x_7) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13))? (11.0 + x_7) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13)))? ((6.0 + x_1) > (1.0 + x_5)? (6.0 + x_1) : (1.0 + x_5)) : ((11.0 + x_7) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13))? (11.0 + x_7) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13)))) > (((4.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (4.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)) > ((8.0 + x_17) > ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19)))? ((4.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (4.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)) : ((8.0 + x_17) > ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))))? (((6.0 + x_1) > (1.0 + x_5)? (6.0 + x_1) : (1.0 + x_5)) > ((11.0 + x_7) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13))? (11.0 + x_7) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13)))? ((6.0 + x_1) > (1.0 + x_5)? (6.0 + x_1) : (1.0 + x_5)) : ((11.0 + x_7) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13))? (11.0 + x_7) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13)))) : (((4.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (4.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)) > ((8.0 + x_17) > ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19)))? ((4.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (4.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)) : ((8.0 + x_17) > ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))))) > ((((3.0 + x_20) > (4.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (4.0 + x_21)) > ((4.0 + x_25) > ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29))? (4.0 + x_25) : ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29)))? ((3.0 + x_20) > (4.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (4.0 + x_21)) : ((4.0 + x_25) > ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29))? (4.0 + x_25) : ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29)))) > (((15.0 + x_33) > (3.0 + x_34)? (15.0 + x_33) : (3.0 + x_34)) > ((10.0 + x_35) > ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38)))? ((15.0 + x_33) > (3.0 + x_34)? (15.0 + x_33) : (3.0 + x_34)) : ((10.0 + x_35) > ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))))? (((3.0 + x_20) > (4.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (4.0 + x_21)) > ((4.0 + x_25) > ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29))? (4.0 + x_25) : ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29)))? ((3.0 + x_20) > (4.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (4.0 + x_21)) : ((4.0 + x_25) > ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29))? (4.0 + x_25) : ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29)))) : (((15.0 + x_33) > (3.0 + x_34)? (15.0 + x_33) : (3.0 + x_34)) > ((10.0 + x_35) > ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38)))? ((15.0 + x_33) > (3.0 + x_34)? (15.0 + x_33) : (3.0 + x_34)) : ((10.0 + x_35) > ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38)))))? ((((6.0 + x_1) > (1.0 + x_5)? (6.0 + x_1) : (1.0 + x_5)) > ((11.0 + x_7) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13))? (11.0 + x_7) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13)))? ((6.0 + x_1) > (1.0 + x_5)? (6.0 + x_1) : (1.0 + x_5)) : ((11.0 + x_7) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13))? (11.0 + x_7) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13)))) > (((4.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (4.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)) > ((8.0 + x_17) > ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19)))? ((4.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (4.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)) : ((8.0 + x_17) > ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))))? (((6.0 + x_1) > (1.0 + x_5)? (6.0 + x_1) : (1.0 + x_5)) > ((11.0 + x_7) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13))? (11.0 + x_7) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13)))? ((6.0 + x_1) > (1.0 + x_5)? (6.0 + x_1) : (1.0 + x_5)) : ((11.0 + x_7) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13))? (11.0 + x_7) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (8.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (8.0 + x_13)))) : (((4.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (4.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)) > ((8.0 + x_17) > ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19)))? ((4.0 + x_14) > (15.0 + x_15)? (4.0 + x_14) : (15.0 + x_15)) : ((8.0 + x_17) > ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (8.0 + x_17) : ((12.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (12.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))))) : ((((3.0 + x_20) > (4.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (4.0 + x_21)) > ((4.0 + x_25) > ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29))? (4.0 + x_25) : ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29)))? ((3.0 + x_20) > (4.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (4.0 + x_21)) : ((4.0 + x_25) > ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29))? (4.0 + x_25) : ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29)))) > (((15.0 + x_33) > (3.0 + x_34)? (15.0 + x_33) : (3.0 + x_34)) > ((10.0 + x_35) > ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38)))? ((15.0 + x_33) > (3.0 + x_34)? (15.0 + x_33) : (3.0 + x_34)) : ((10.0 + x_35) > ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))))? (((3.0 + x_20) > (4.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (4.0 + x_21)) > ((4.0 + x_25) > ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29))? (4.0 + x_25) : ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29)))? ((3.0 + x_20) > (4.0 + x_21)? (3.0 + x_20) : (4.0 + x_21)) : ((4.0 + x_25) > ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29))? (4.0 + x_25) : ((9.0 + x_26) > (6.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_26) : (6.0 + x_29)))) : (((15.0 + x_33) > (3.0 + x_34)? (15.0 + x_33) : (3.0 + x_34)) > ((10.0 + x_35) > ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38)))? ((15.0 + x_33) > (3.0 + x_34)? (15.0 + x_33) : (3.0 + x_34)) : ((10.0 + x_35) > ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_35) : ((20.0 + x_36) > (18.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_36) : (18.0 + x_38))))));
x_27_ = (((((8.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_3)? (8.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_3)) > ((15.0 + x_5) > ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11))? (15.0 + x_5) : ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11)))? ((8.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_3)? (8.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_3)) : ((15.0 + x_5) > ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11))? (15.0 + x_5) : ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11)))) > (((2.0 + x_12) > (14.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_12) : (14.0 + x_13)) > ((17.0 + x_14) > ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (17.0 + x_14) : ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19)))? ((2.0 + x_12) > (14.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_12) : (14.0 + x_13)) : ((17.0 + x_14) > ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (17.0 + x_14) : ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))))? (((8.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_3)? (8.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_3)) > ((15.0 + x_5) > ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11))? (15.0 + x_5) : ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11)))? ((8.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_3)? (8.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_3)) : ((15.0 + x_5) > ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11))? (15.0 + x_5) : ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11)))) : (((2.0 + x_12) > (14.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_12) : (14.0 + x_13)) > ((17.0 + x_14) > ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (17.0 + x_14) : ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19)))? ((2.0 + x_12) > (14.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_12) : (14.0 + x_13)) : ((17.0 + x_14) > ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (17.0 + x_14) : ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))))) > ((((11.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (11.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((6.0 + x_24) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27))? (6.0 + x_24) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27)))? ((11.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (11.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((6.0 + x_24) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27))? (6.0 + x_24) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27)))) > (((8.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) > ((3.0 + x_31) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))? (3.0 + x_31) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35)))? ((8.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) : ((3.0 + x_31) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))? (3.0 + x_31) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))))? (((11.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (11.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((6.0 + x_24) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27))? (6.0 + x_24) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27)))? ((11.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (11.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((6.0 + x_24) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27))? (6.0 + x_24) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27)))) : (((8.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) > ((3.0 + x_31) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))? (3.0 + x_31) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35)))? ((8.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) : ((3.0 + x_31) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))? (3.0 + x_31) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35)))))? ((((8.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_3)? (8.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_3)) > ((15.0 + x_5) > ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11))? (15.0 + x_5) : ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11)))? ((8.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_3)? (8.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_3)) : ((15.0 + x_5) > ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11))? (15.0 + x_5) : ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11)))) > (((2.0 + x_12) > (14.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_12) : (14.0 + x_13)) > ((17.0 + x_14) > ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (17.0 + x_14) : ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19)))? ((2.0 + x_12) > (14.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_12) : (14.0 + x_13)) : ((17.0 + x_14) > ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (17.0 + x_14) : ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))))? (((8.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_3)? (8.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_3)) > ((15.0 + x_5) > ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11))? (15.0 + x_5) : ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11)))? ((8.0 + x_0) > (3.0 + x_3)? (8.0 + x_0) : (3.0 + x_3)) : ((15.0 + x_5) > ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11))? (15.0 + x_5) : ((1.0 + x_7) > (19.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_7) : (19.0 + x_11)))) : (((2.0 + x_12) > (14.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_12) : (14.0 + x_13)) > ((17.0 + x_14) > ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (17.0 + x_14) : ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19)))? ((2.0 + x_12) > (14.0 + x_13)? (2.0 + x_12) : (14.0 + x_13)) : ((17.0 + x_14) > ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))? (17.0 + x_14) : ((8.0 + x_18) > (18.0 + x_19)? (8.0 + x_18) : (18.0 + x_19))))) : ((((11.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (11.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((6.0 + x_24) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27))? (6.0 + x_24) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27)))? ((11.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (11.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((6.0 + x_24) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27))? (6.0 + x_24) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27)))) > (((8.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) > ((3.0 + x_31) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))? (3.0 + x_31) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35)))? ((8.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) : ((3.0 + x_31) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))? (3.0 + x_31) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))))? (((11.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (11.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) > ((6.0 + x_24) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27))? (6.0 + x_24) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27)))? ((11.0 + x_21) > (19.0 + x_22)? (11.0 + x_21) : (19.0 + x_22)) : ((6.0 + x_24) > ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27))? (6.0 + x_24) : ((1.0 + x_26) > (14.0 + x_27)? (1.0 + x_26) : (14.0 + x_27)))) : (((8.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) > ((3.0 + x_31) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))? (3.0 + x_31) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35)))? ((8.0 + x_28) > (4.0 + x_30)? (8.0 + x_28) : (4.0 + x_30)) : ((3.0 + x_31) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))? (3.0 + x_31) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (14.0 + x_35)? (6.0 + x_34) : (14.0 + x_35))))));
x_28_ = (((((12.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (12.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((14.0 + x_3) > ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11)))? ((12.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (12.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((14.0 + x_3) > ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11)))) > (((15.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_18)? (15.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_18)) > ((19.0 + x_19) > ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))? (19.0 + x_19) : ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21)))? ((15.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_18)? (15.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_18)) : ((19.0 + x_19) > ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))? (19.0 + x_19) : ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))))? (((12.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (12.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((14.0 + x_3) > ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11)))? ((12.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (12.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((14.0 + x_3) > ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11)))) : (((15.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_18)? (15.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_18)) > ((19.0 + x_19) > ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))? (19.0 + x_19) : ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21)))? ((15.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_18)? (15.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_18)) : ((19.0 + x_19) > ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))? (19.0 + x_19) : ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))))) > ((((18.0 + x_23) > (16.0 + x_26)? (18.0 + x_23) : (16.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31)))? ((18.0 + x_23) > (16.0 + x_26)? (18.0 + x_23) : (16.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31)))) > (((2.0 + x_32) > (12.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_32) : (12.0 + x_35)) > ((18.0 + x_36) > ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_36) : ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((2.0 + x_32) > (12.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_32) : (12.0 + x_35)) : ((18.0 + x_36) > ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_36) : ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))))? (((18.0 + x_23) > (16.0 + x_26)? (18.0 + x_23) : (16.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31)))? ((18.0 + x_23) > (16.0 + x_26)? (18.0 + x_23) : (16.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31)))) : (((2.0 + x_32) > (12.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_32) : (12.0 + x_35)) > ((18.0 + x_36) > ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_36) : ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((2.0 + x_32) > (12.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_32) : (12.0 + x_35)) : ((18.0 + x_36) > ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_36) : ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))))? ((((12.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (12.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((14.0 + x_3) > ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11)))? ((12.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (12.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((14.0 + x_3) > ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11)))) > (((15.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_18)? (15.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_18)) > ((19.0 + x_19) > ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))? (19.0 + x_19) : ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21)))? ((15.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_18)? (15.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_18)) : ((19.0 + x_19) > ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))? (19.0 + x_19) : ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))))? (((12.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (12.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) > ((14.0 + x_3) > ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11)))? ((12.0 + x_0) > (4.0 + x_1)? (12.0 + x_0) : (4.0 + x_1)) : ((14.0 + x_3) > ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_3) : ((15.0 + x_8) > (4.0 + x_11)? (15.0 + x_8) : (4.0 + x_11)))) : (((15.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_18)? (15.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_18)) > ((19.0 + x_19) > ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))? (19.0 + x_19) : ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21)))? ((15.0 + x_12) > (16.0 + x_18)? (15.0 + x_12) : (16.0 + x_18)) : ((19.0 + x_19) > ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))? (19.0 + x_19) : ((16.0 + x_20) > (7.0 + x_21)? (16.0 + x_20) : (7.0 + x_21))))) : ((((18.0 + x_23) > (16.0 + x_26)? (18.0 + x_23) : (16.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31)))? ((18.0 + x_23) > (16.0 + x_26)? (18.0 + x_23) : (16.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31)))) > (((2.0 + x_32) > (12.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_32) : (12.0 + x_35)) > ((18.0 + x_36) > ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_36) : ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((2.0 + x_32) > (12.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_32) : (12.0 + x_35)) : ((18.0 + x_36) > ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_36) : ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))))? (((18.0 + x_23) > (16.0 + x_26)? (18.0 + x_23) : (16.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31)))? ((18.0 + x_23) > (16.0 + x_26)? (18.0 + x_23) : (16.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((14.0 + x_28) > (3.0 + x_31)? (14.0 + x_28) : (3.0 + x_31)))) : (((2.0 + x_32) > (12.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_32) : (12.0 + x_35)) > ((18.0 + x_36) > ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_36) : ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39)))? ((2.0 + x_32) > (12.0 + x_35)? (2.0 + x_32) : (12.0 + x_35)) : ((18.0 + x_36) > ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))? (18.0 + x_36) : ((18.0 + x_38) > (16.0 + x_39)? (18.0 + x_38) : (16.0 + x_39))))));
x_29_ = (((((10.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (10.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) > ((12.0 + x_2) > ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_2) : ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6)))? ((10.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (10.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) : ((12.0 + x_2) > ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_2) : ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6)))) > (((12.0 + x_8) > (8.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_8) : (8.0 + x_10)) > ((12.0 + x_11) > ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15)))? ((12.0 + x_8) > (8.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_8) : (8.0 + x_10)) : ((12.0 + x_11) > ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))))? (((10.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (10.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) > ((12.0 + x_2) > ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_2) : ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6)))? ((10.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (10.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) : ((12.0 + x_2) > ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_2) : ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6)))) : (((12.0 + x_8) > (8.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_8) : (8.0 + x_10)) > ((12.0 + x_11) > ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15)))? ((12.0 + x_8) > (8.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_8) : (8.0 + x_10)) : ((12.0 + x_11) > ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))))) > ((((6.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_19)) > ((11.0 + x_22) > ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25))? (11.0 + x_22) : ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25)))? ((6.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_19)) : ((11.0 + x_22) > ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25))? (11.0 + x_22) : ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25)))) > (((8.0 + x_26) > (4.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_26) : (4.0 + x_29)) > ((3.0 + x_30) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))? (3.0 + x_30) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38)))? ((8.0 + x_26) > (4.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_26) : (4.0 + x_29)) : ((3.0 + x_30) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))? (3.0 + x_30) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))))? (((6.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_19)) > ((11.0 + x_22) > ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25))? (11.0 + x_22) : ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25)))? ((6.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_19)) : ((11.0 + x_22) > ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25))? (11.0 + x_22) : ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25)))) : (((8.0 + x_26) > (4.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_26) : (4.0 + x_29)) > ((3.0 + x_30) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))? (3.0 + x_30) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38)))? ((8.0 + x_26) > (4.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_26) : (4.0 + x_29)) : ((3.0 + x_30) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))? (3.0 + x_30) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38)))))? ((((10.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (10.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) > ((12.0 + x_2) > ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_2) : ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6)))? ((10.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (10.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) : ((12.0 + x_2) > ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_2) : ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6)))) > (((12.0 + x_8) > (8.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_8) : (8.0 + x_10)) > ((12.0 + x_11) > ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15)))? ((12.0 + x_8) > (8.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_8) : (8.0 + x_10)) : ((12.0 + x_11) > ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))))? (((10.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (10.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) > ((12.0 + x_2) > ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_2) : ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6)))? ((10.0 + x_0) > (15.0 + x_1)? (10.0 + x_0) : (15.0 + x_1)) : ((12.0 + x_2) > ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6))? (12.0 + x_2) : ((15.0 + x_3) > (12.0 + x_6)? (15.0 + x_3) : (12.0 + x_6)))) : (((12.0 + x_8) > (8.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_8) : (8.0 + x_10)) > ((12.0 + x_11) > ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15)))? ((12.0 + x_8) > (8.0 + x_10)? (12.0 + x_8) : (8.0 + x_10)) : ((12.0 + x_11) > ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))? (12.0 + x_11) : ((7.0 + x_13) > (7.0 + x_15)? (7.0 + x_13) : (7.0 + x_15))))) : ((((6.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_19)) > ((11.0 + x_22) > ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25))? (11.0 + x_22) : ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25)))? ((6.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_19)) : ((11.0 + x_22) > ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25))? (11.0 + x_22) : ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25)))) > (((8.0 + x_26) > (4.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_26) : (4.0 + x_29)) > ((3.0 + x_30) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))? (3.0 + x_30) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38)))? ((8.0 + x_26) > (4.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_26) : (4.0 + x_29)) : ((3.0 + x_30) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))? (3.0 + x_30) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))))? (((6.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_19)) > ((11.0 + x_22) > ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25))? (11.0 + x_22) : ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25)))? ((6.0 + x_16) > (3.0 + x_19)? (6.0 + x_16) : (3.0 + x_19)) : ((11.0 + x_22) > ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25))? (11.0 + x_22) : ((3.0 + x_23) > (9.0 + x_25)? (3.0 + x_23) : (9.0 + x_25)))) : (((8.0 + x_26) > (4.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_26) : (4.0 + x_29)) > ((3.0 + x_30) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))? (3.0 + x_30) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38)))? ((8.0 + x_26) > (4.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_26) : (4.0 + x_29)) : ((3.0 + x_30) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))? (3.0 + x_30) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (17.0 + x_38)? (20.0 + x_35) : (17.0 + x_38))))));
x_30_ = (((((14.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (14.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_2) > ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))? ((14.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (14.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_2) > ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))) > (((19.0 + x_6) > (10.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_6) : (10.0 + x_8)) > ((4.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))? (4.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12)))? ((19.0 + x_6) > (10.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_6) : (10.0 + x_8)) : ((4.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))? (4.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))))? (((14.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (14.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_2) > ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))? ((14.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (14.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_2) > ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))) : (((19.0 + x_6) > (10.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_6) : (10.0 + x_8)) > ((4.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))? (4.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12)))? ((19.0 + x_6) > (10.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_6) : (10.0 + x_8)) : ((4.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))? (4.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))))) > ((((9.0 + x_15) > (12.0 + x_20)? (9.0 + x_15) : (12.0 + x_20)) > ((13.0 + x_21) > ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25)))? ((9.0 + x_15) > (12.0 + x_20)? (9.0 + x_15) : (12.0 + x_20)) : ((13.0 + x_21) > ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25)))) > (((16.0 + x_29) > (14.0 + x_31)? (16.0 + x_29) : (14.0 + x_31)) > ((4.0 + x_33) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_33) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((16.0 + x_29) > (14.0 + x_31)? (16.0 + x_29) : (14.0 + x_31)) : ((4.0 + x_33) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_33) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))))? (((9.0 + x_15) > (12.0 + x_20)? (9.0 + x_15) : (12.0 + x_20)) > ((13.0 + x_21) > ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25)))? ((9.0 + x_15) > (12.0 + x_20)? (9.0 + x_15) : (12.0 + x_20)) : ((13.0 + x_21) > ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25)))) : (((16.0 + x_29) > (14.0 + x_31)? (16.0 + x_29) : (14.0 + x_31)) > ((4.0 + x_33) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_33) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((16.0 + x_29) > (14.0 + x_31)? (16.0 + x_29) : (14.0 + x_31)) : ((4.0 + x_33) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_33) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39)))))? ((((14.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (14.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_2) > ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))? ((14.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (14.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_2) > ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))) > (((19.0 + x_6) > (10.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_6) : (10.0 + x_8)) > ((4.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))? (4.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12)))? ((19.0 + x_6) > (10.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_6) : (10.0 + x_8)) : ((4.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))? (4.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))))? (((14.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (14.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_2) > ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))? ((14.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_1)? (14.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_2) > ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5))? (13.0 + x_2) : ((7.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (7.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)))) : (((19.0 + x_6) > (10.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_6) : (10.0 + x_8)) > ((4.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))? (4.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12)))? ((19.0 + x_6) > (10.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_6) : (10.0 + x_8)) : ((4.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))? (4.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (17.0 + x_12)? (6.0 + x_11) : (17.0 + x_12))))) : ((((9.0 + x_15) > (12.0 + x_20)? (9.0 + x_15) : (12.0 + x_20)) > ((13.0 + x_21) > ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25)))? ((9.0 + x_15) > (12.0 + x_20)? (9.0 + x_15) : (12.0 + x_20)) : ((13.0 + x_21) > ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25)))) > (((16.0 + x_29) > (14.0 + x_31)? (16.0 + x_29) : (14.0 + x_31)) > ((4.0 + x_33) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_33) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((16.0 + x_29) > (14.0 + x_31)? (16.0 + x_29) : (14.0 + x_31)) : ((4.0 + x_33) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_33) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))))? (((9.0 + x_15) > (12.0 + x_20)? (9.0 + x_15) : (12.0 + x_20)) > ((13.0 + x_21) > ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25)))? ((9.0 + x_15) > (12.0 + x_20)? (9.0 + x_15) : (12.0 + x_20)) : ((13.0 + x_21) > ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25))? (13.0 + x_21) : ((18.0 + x_22) > (11.0 + x_25)? (18.0 + x_22) : (11.0 + x_25)))) : (((16.0 + x_29) > (14.0 + x_31)? (16.0 + x_29) : (14.0 + x_31)) > ((4.0 + x_33) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_33) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((16.0 + x_29) > (14.0 + x_31)? (16.0 + x_29) : (14.0 + x_31)) : ((4.0 + x_33) > ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_33) : ((6.0 + x_34) > (11.0 + x_39)? (6.0 + x_34) : (11.0 + x_39))))));
x_31_ = (((((4.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (4.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((5.0 + x_9) > ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12))? (5.0 + x_9) : ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (4.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((5.0 + x_9) > ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12))? (5.0 + x_9) : ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12)))) > (((16.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_17)) > ((20.0 + x_19) > ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))? (20.0 + x_19) : ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22)))? ((16.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_17)) : ((20.0 + x_19) > ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))? (20.0 + x_19) : ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))))? (((4.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (4.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((5.0 + x_9) > ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12))? (5.0 + x_9) : ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (4.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((5.0 + x_9) > ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12))? (5.0 + x_9) : ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12)))) : (((16.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_17)) > ((20.0 + x_19) > ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))? (20.0 + x_19) : ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22)))? ((16.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_17)) : ((20.0 + x_19) > ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))? (20.0 + x_19) : ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))))) > ((((13.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) > ((8.0 + x_29) > ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31))? (8.0 + x_29) : ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)))? ((13.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) : ((8.0 + x_29) > ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31))? (8.0 + x_29) : ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)))) > (((8.0 + x_34) > (3.0 + x_35)? (8.0 + x_34) : (3.0 + x_35)) > ((6.0 + x_37) > ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))? (6.0 + x_37) : ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39)))? ((8.0 + x_34) > (3.0 + x_35)? (8.0 + x_34) : (3.0 + x_35)) : ((6.0 + x_37) > ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))? (6.0 + x_37) : ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))))? (((13.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) > ((8.0 + x_29) > ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31))? (8.0 + x_29) : ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)))? ((13.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) : ((8.0 + x_29) > ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31))? (8.0 + x_29) : ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)))) : (((8.0 + x_34) > (3.0 + x_35)? (8.0 + x_34) : (3.0 + x_35)) > ((6.0 + x_37) > ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))? (6.0 + x_37) : ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39)))? ((8.0 + x_34) > (3.0 + x_35)? (8.0 + x_34) : (3.0 + x_35)) : ((6.0 + x_37) > ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))? (6.0 + x_37) : ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39)))))? ((((4.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (4.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((5.0 + x_9) > ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12))? (5.0 + x_9) : ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (4.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((5.0 + x_9) > ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12))? (5.0 + x_9) : ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12)))) > (((16.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_17)) > ((20.0 + x_19) > ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))? (20.0 + x_19) : ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22)))? ((16.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_17)) : ((20.0 + x_19) > ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))? (20.0 + x_19) : ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))))? (((4.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (4.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((5.0 + x_9) > ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12))? (5.0 + x_9) : ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (4.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((5.0 + x_9) > ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12))? (5.0 + x_9) : ((20.0 + x_11) > (18.0 + x_12)? (20.0 + x_11) : (18.0 + x_12)))) : (((16.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_17)) > ((20.0 + x_19) > ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))? (20.0 + x_19) : ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22)))? ((16.0 + x_15) > (5.0 + x_17)? (16.0 + x_15) : (5.0 + x_17)) : ((20.0 + x_19) > ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))? (20.0 + x_19) : ((17.0 + x_21) > (9.0 + x_22)? (17.0 + x_21) : (9.0 + x_22))))) : ((((13.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) > ((8.0 + x_29) > ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31))? (8.0 + x_29) : ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)))? ((13.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) : ((8.0 + x_29) > ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31))? (8.0 + x_29) : ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)))) > (((8.0 + x_34) > (3.0 + x_35)? (8.0 + x_34) : (3.0 + x_35)) > ((6.0 + x_37) > ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))? (6.0 + x_37) : ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39)))? ((8.0 + x_34) > (3.0 + x_35)? (8.0 + x_34) : (3.0 + x_35)) : ((6.0 + x_37) > ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))? (6.0 + x_37) : ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))))? (((13.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) > ((8.0 + x_29) > ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31))? (8.0 + x_29) : ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)))? ((13.0 + x_24) > (20.0 + x_26)? (13.0 + x_24) : (20.0 + x_26)) : ((8.0 + x_29) > ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31))? (8.0 + x_29) : ((13.0 + x_30) > (14.0 + x_31)? (13.0 + x_30) : (14.0 + x_31)))) : (((8.0 + x_34) > (3.0 + x_35)? (8.0 + x_34) : (3.0 + x_35)) > ((6.0 + x_37) > ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))? (6.0 + x_37) : ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39)))? ((8.0 + x_34) > (3.0 + x_35)? (8.0 + x_34) : (3.0 + x_35)) : ((6.0 + x_37) > ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))? (6.0 + x_37) : ((10.0 + x_38) > (8.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_38) : (8.0 + x_39))))));
x_32_ = (((((4.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_5)? (4.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_5)) > ((14.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_5)? (4.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_5)) : ((14.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11)))) > (((14.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_14)? (14.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_14)) > ((10.0 + x_16) > ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))? (10.0 + x_16) : ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21)))? ((14.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_14)? (14.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_14)) : ((10.0 + x_16) > ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))? (10.0 + x_16) : ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))))? (((4.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_5)? (4.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_5)) > ((14.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_5)? (4.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_5)) : ((14.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11)))) : (((14.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_14)? (14.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_14)) > ((10.0 + x_16) > ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))? (10.0 + x_16) : ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21)))? ((14.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_14)? (14.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_14)) : ((10.0 + x_16) > ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))? (10.0 + x_16) : ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))))) > ((((17.0 + x_22) > (14.0 + x_23)? (17.0 + x_22) : (14.0 + x_23)) > ((12.0 + x_26) > ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_26) : ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29)))? ((17.0 + x_22) > (14.0 + x_23)? (17.0 + x_22) : (14.0 + x_23)) : ((12.0 + x_26) > ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_26) : ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29)))) > (((1.0 + x_31) > (10.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (10.0 + x_32)) > ((12.0 + x_36) > ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))? (12.0 + x_36) : ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (10.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (10.0 + x_32)) : ((12.0 + x_36) > ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))? (12.0 + x_36) : ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))))? (((17.0 + x_22) > (14.0 + x_23)? (17.0 + x_22) : (14.0 + x_23)) > ((12.0 + x_26) > ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_26) : ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29)))? ((17.0 + x_22) > (14.0 + x_23)? (17.0 + x_22) : (14.0 + x_23)) : ((12.0 + x_26) > ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_26) : ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29)))) : (((1.0 + x_31) > (10.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (10.0 + x_32)) > ((12.0 + x_36) > ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))? (12.0 + x_36) : ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (10.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (10.0 + x_32)) : ((12.0 + x_36) > ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))? (12.0 + x_36) : ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38)))))? ((((4.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_5)? (4.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_5)) > ((14.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_5)? (4.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_5)) : ((14.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11)))) > (((14.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_14)? (14.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_14)) > ((10.0 + x_16) > ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))? (10.0 + x_16) : ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21)))? ((14.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_14)? (14.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_14)) : ((10.0 + x_16) > ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))? (10.0 + x_16) : ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))))? (((4.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_5)? (4.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_5)) > ((14.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (7.0 + x_5)? (4.0 + x_0) : (7.0 + x_5)) : ((14.0 + x_7) > ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11))? (14.0 + x_7) : ((6.0 + x_8) > (1.0 + x_11)? (6.0 + x_8) : (1.0 + x_11)))) : (((14.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_14)? (14.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_14)) > ((10.0 + x_16) > ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))? (10.0 + x_16) : ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21)))? ((14.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_14)? (14.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_14)) : ((10.0 + x_16) > ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))? (10.0 + x_16) : ((14.0 + x_20) > (18.0 + x_21)? (14.0 + x_20) : (18.0 + x_21))))) : ((((17.0 + x_22) > (14.0 + x_23)? (17.0 + x_22) : (14.0 + x_23)) > ((12.0 + x_26) > ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_26) : ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29)))? ((17.0 + x_22) > (14.0 + x_23)? (17.0 + x_22) : (14.0 + x_23)) : ((12.0 + x_26) > ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_26) : ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29)))) > (((1.0 + x_31) > (10.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (10.0 + x_32)) > ((12.0 + x_36) > ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))? (12.0 + x_36) : ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (10.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (10.0 + x_32)) : ((12.0 + x_36) > ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))? (12.0 + x_36) : ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))))? (((17.0 + x_22) > (14.0 + x_23)? (17.0 + x_22) : (14.0 + x_23)) > ((12.0 + x_26) > ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_26) : ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29)))? ((17.0 + x_22) > (14.0 + x_23)? (17.0 + x_22) : (14.0 + x_23)) : ((12.0 + x_26) > ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29))? (12.0 + x_26) : ((9.0 + x_28) > (5.0 + x_29)? (9.0 + x_28) : (5.0 + x_29)))) : (((1.0 + x_31) > (10.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (10.0 + x_32)) > ((12.0 + x_36) > ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))? (12.0 + x_36) : ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (10.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (10.0 + x_32)) : ((12.0 + x_36) > ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))? (12.0 + x_36) : ((4.0 + x_37) > (7.0 + x_38)? (4.0 + x_37) : (7.0 + x_38))))));
x_33_ = (((((2.0 + x_1) > (17.0 + x_3)? (2.0 + x_1) : (17.0 + x_3)) > ((14.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (14.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))? ((2.0 + x_1) > (17.0 + x_3)? (2.0 + x_1) : (17.0 + x_3)) : ((14.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (14.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))) > (((1.0 + x_13) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_13) : (2.0 + x_16)) > ((15.0 + x_17) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_17) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22)))? ((1.0 + x_13) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_13) : (2.0 + x_16)) : ((15.0 + x_17) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_17) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))))? (((2.0 + x_1) > (17.0 + x_3)? (2.0 + x_1) : (17.0 + x_3)) > ((14.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (14.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))? ((2.0 + x_1) > (17.0 + x_3)? (2.0 + x_1) : (17.0 + x_3)) : ((14.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (14.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))) : (((1.0 + x_13) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_13) : (2.0 + x_16)) > ((15.0 + x_17) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_17) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22)))? ((1.0 + x_13) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_13) : (2.0 + x_16)) : ((15.0 + x_17) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_17) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))))) > ((((11.0 + x_24) > (11.0 + x_25)? (11.0 + x_24) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((16.0 + x_26) > ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29))? (16.0 + x_26) : ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29)))? ((11.0 + x_24) > (11.0 + x_25)? (11.0 + x_24) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((16.0 + x_26) > ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29))? (16.0 + x_26) : ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29)))) > (((10.0 + x_30) > (11.0 + x_31)? (10.0 + x_30) : (11.0 + x_31)) > ((15.0 + x_36) > ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))? (15.0 + x_36) : ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39)))? ((10.0 + x_30) > (11.0 + x_31)? (10.0 + x_30) : (11.0 + x_31)) : ((15.0 + x_36) > ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))? (15.0 + x_36) : ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))))? (((11.0 + x_24) > (11.0 + x_25)? (11.0 + x_24) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((16.0 + x_26) > ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29))? (16.0 + x_26) : ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29)))? ((11.0 + x_24) > (11.0 + x_25)? (11.0 + x_24) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((16.0 + x_26) > ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29))? (16.0 + x_26) : ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29)))) : (((10.0 + x_30) > (11.0 + x_31)? (10.0 + x_30) : (11.0 + x_31)) > ((15.0 + x_36) > ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))? (15.0 + x_36) : ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39)))? ((10.0 + x_30) > (11.0 + x_31)? (10.0 + x_30) : (11.0 + x_31)) : ((15.0 + x_36) > ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))? (15.0 + x_36) : ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39)))))? ((((2.0 + x_1) > (17.0 + x_3)? (2.0 + x_1) : (17.0 + x_3)) > ((14.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (14.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))? ((2.0 + x_1) > (17.0 + x_3)? (2.0 + x_1) : (17.0 + x_3)) : ((14.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (14.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))) > (((1.0 + x_13) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_13) : (2.0 + x_16)) > ((15.0 + x_17) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_17) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22)))? ((1.0 + x_13) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_13) : (2.0 + x_16)) : ((15.0 + x_17) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_17) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))))? (((2.0 + x_1) > (17.0 + x_3)? (2.0 + x_1) : (17.0 + x_3)) > ((14.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (14.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))? ((2.0 + x_1) > (17.0 + x_3)? (2.0 + x_1) : (17.0 + x_3)) : ((14.0 + x_4) > ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7))? (14.0 + x_4) : ((6.0 + x_5) > (8.0 + x_7)? (6.0 + x_5) : (8.0 + x_7)))) : (((1.0 + x_13) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_13) : (2.0 + x_16)) > ((15.0 + x_17) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_17) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22)))? ((1.0 + x_13) > (2.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_13) : (2.0 + x_16)) : ((15.0 + x_17) > ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))? (15.0 + x_17) : ((2.0 + x_19) > (12.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_19) : (12.0 + x_22))))) : ((((11.0 + x_24) > (11.0 + x_25)? (11.0 + x_24) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((16.0 + x_26) > ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29))? (16.0 + x_26) : ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29)))? ((11.0 + x_24) > (11.0 + x_25)? (11.0 + x_24) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((16.0 + x_26) > ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29))? (16.0 + x_26) : ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29)))) > (((10.0 + x_30) > (11.0 + x_31)? (10.0 + x_30) : (11.0 + x_31)) > ((15.0 + x_36) > ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))? (15.0 + x_36) : ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39)))? ((10.0 + x_30) > (11.0 + x_31)? (10.0 + x_30) : (11.0 + x_31)) : ((15.0 + x_36) > ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))? (15.0 + x_36) : ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))))? (((11.0 + x_24) > (11.0 + x_25)? (11.0 + x_24) : (11.0 + x_25)) > ((16.0 + x_26) > ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29))? (16.0 + x_26) : ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29)))? ((11.0 + x_24) > (11.0 + x_25)? (11.0 + x_24) : (11.0 + x_25)) : ((16.0 + x_26) > ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29))? (16.0 + x_26) : ((8.0 + x_27) > (14.0 + x_29)? (8.0 + x_27) : (14.0 + x_29)))) : (((10.0 + x_30) > (11.0 + x_31)? (10.0 + x_30) : (11.0 + x_31)) > ((15.0 + x_36) > ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))? (15.0 + x_36) : ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39)))? ((10.0 + x_30) > (11.0 + x_31)? (10.0 + x_30) : (11.0 + x_31)) : ((15.0 + x_36) > ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))? (15.0 + x_36) : ((5.0 + x_38) > (20.0 + x_39)? (5.0 + x_38) : (20.0 + x_39))))));
x_34_ = (((((18.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) > ((8.0 + x_10) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13)))? ((18.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) : ((8.0 + x_10) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13)))) > (((5.0 + x_15) > (8.0 + x_17)? (5.0 + x_15) : (8.0 + x_17)) > ((2.0 + x_18) > ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))? (2.0 + x_18) : ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20)))? ((5.0 + x_15) > (8.0 + x_17)? (5.0 + x_15) : (8.0 + x_17)) : ((2.0 + x_18) > ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))? (2.0 + x_18) : ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))))? (((18.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) > ((8.0 + x_10) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13)))? ((18.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) : ((8.0 + x_10) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13)))) : (((5.0 + x_15) > (8.0 + x_17)? (5.0 + x_15) : (8.0 + x_17)) > ((2.0 + x_18) > ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))? (2.0 + x_18) : ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20)))? ((5.0 + x_15) > (8.0 + x_17)? (5.0 + x_15) : (8.0 + x_17)) : ((2.0 + x_18) > ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))? (2.0 + x_18) : ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))))) > ((((2.0 + x_21) > (3.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_21) : (3.0 + x_22)) > ((10.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31))? (10.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31)))? ((2.0 + x_21) > (3.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_21) : (3.0 + x_22)) : ((10.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31))? (10.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31)))) > (((19.0 + x_33) > (12.0 + x_36)? (19.0 + x_33) : (12.0 + x_36)) > ((11.0 + x_37) > ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39)))? ((19.0 + x_33) > (12.0 + x_36)? (19.0 + x_33) : (12.0 + x_36)) : ((11.0 + x_37) > ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))))? (((2.0 + x_21) > (3.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_21) : (3.0 + x_22)) > ((10.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31))? (10.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31)))? ((2.0 + x_21) > (3.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_21) : (3.0 + x_22)) : ((10.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31))? (10.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31)))) : (((19.0 + x_33) > (12.0 + x_36)? (19.0 + x_33) : (12.0 + x_36)) > ((11.0 + x_37) > ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39)))? ((19.0 + x_33) > (12.0 + x_36)? (19.0 + x_33) : (12.0 + x_36)) : ((11.0 + x_37) > ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39)))))? ((((18.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) > ((8.0 + x_10) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13)))? ((18.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) : ((8.0 + x_10) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13)))) > (((5.0 + x_15) > (8.0 + x_17)? (5.0 + x_15) : (8.0 + x_17)) > ((2.0 + x_18) > ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))? (2.0 + x_18) : ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20)))? ((5.0 + x_15) > (8.0 + x_17)? (5.0 + x_15) : (8.0 + x_17)) : ((2.0 + x_18) > ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))? (2.0 + x_18) : ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))))? (((18.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) > ((8.0 + x_10) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13)))? ((18.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (18.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) : ((8.0 + x_10) > ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13))? (8.0 + x_10) : ((15.0 + x_11) > (10.0 + x_13)? (15.0 + x_11) : (10.0 + x_13)))) : (((5.0 + x_15) > (8.0 + x_17)? (5.0 + x_15) : (8.0 + x_17)) > ((2.0 + x_18) > ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))? (2.0 + x_18) : ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20)))? ((5.0 + x_15) > (8.0 + x_17)? (5.0 + x_15) : (8.0 + x_17)) : ((2.0 + x_18) > ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))? (2.0 + x_18) : ((7.0 + x_19) > (6.0 + x_20)? (7.0 + x_19) : (6.0 + x_20))))) : ((((2.0 + x_21) > (3.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_21) : (3.0 + x_22)) > ((10.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31))? (10.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31)))? ((2.0 + x_21) > (3.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_21) : (3.0 + x_22)) : ((10.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31))? (10.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31)))) > (((19.0 + x_33) > (12.0 + x_36)? (19.0 + x_33) : (12.0 + x_36)) > ((11.0 + x_37) > ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39)))? ((19.0 + x_33) > (12.0 + x_36)? (19.0 + x_33) : (12.0 + x_36)) : ((11.0 + x_37) > ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))))? (((2.0 + x_21) > (3.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_21) : (3.0 + x_22)) > ((10.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31))? (10.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31)))? ((2.0 + x_21) > (3.0 + x_22)? (2.0 + x_21) : (3.0 + x_22)) : ((10.0 + x_25) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31))? (10.0 + x_25) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (8.0 + x_31)? (2.0 + x_26) : (8.0 + x_31)))) : (((19.0 + x_33) > (12.0 + x_36)? (19.0 + x_33) : (12.0 + x_36)) > ((11.0 + x_37) > ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39)))? ((19.0 + x_33) > (12.0 + x_36)? (19.0 + x_33) : (12.0 + x_36)) : ((11.0 + x_37) > ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))? (11.0 + x_37) : ((20.0 + x_38) > (5.0 + x_39)? (20.0 + x_38) : (5.0 + x_39))))));
x_35_ = (((((7.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (7.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((4.0 + x_4) > ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7)))? ((7.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (7.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((4.0 + x_4) > ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7)))) > (((19.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((3.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))? (3.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16)))? ((19.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((3.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))? (3.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))))? (((7.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (7.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((4.0 + x_4) > ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7)))? ((7.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (7.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((4.0 + x_4) > ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7)))) : (((19.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((3.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))? (3.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16)))? ((19.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((3.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))? (3.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))))) > ((((3.0 + x_17) > (20.0 + x_22)? (3.0 + x_17) : (20.0 + x_22)) > ((6.0 + x_26) > ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28)))? ((3.0 + x_17) > (20.0 + x_22)? (3.0 + x_17) : (20.0 + x_22)) : ((6.0 + x_26) > ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28)))) > (((6.0 + x_29) > (3.0 + x_34)? (6.0 + x_29) : (3.0 + x_34)) > ((10.0 + x_36) > ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_36) : ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38)))? ((6.0 + x_29) > (3.0 + x_34)? (6.0 + x_29) : (3.0 + x_34)) : ((10.0 + x_36) > ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_36) : ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))))? (((3.0 + x_17) > (20.0 + x_22)? (3.0 + x_17) : (20.0 + x_22)) > ((6.0 + x_26) > ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28)))? ((3.0 + x_17) > (20.0 + x_22)? (3.0 + x_17) : (20.0 + x_22)) : ((6.0 + x_26) > ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28)))) : (((6.0 + x_29) > (3.0 + x_34)? (6.0 + x_29) : (3.0 + x_34)) > ((10.0 + x_36) > ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_36) : ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38)))? ((6.0 + x_29) > (3.0 + x_34)? (6.0 + x_29) : (3.0 + x_34)) : ((10.0 + x_36) > ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_36) : ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38)))))? ((((7.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (7.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((4.0 + x_4) > ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7)))? ((7.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (7.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((4.0 + x_4) > ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7)))) > (((19.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((3.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))? (3.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16)))? ((19.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((3.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))? (3.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))))? (((7.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (7.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) > ((4.0 + x_4) > ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7)))? ((7.0 + x_0) > (12.0 + x_3)? (7.0 + x_0) : (12.0 + x_3)) : ((4.0 + x_4) > ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7))? (4.0 + x_4) : ((13.0 + x_5) > (16.0 + x_7)? (13.0 + x_5) : (16.0 + x_7)))) : (((19.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) > ((3.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))? (3.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16)))? ((19.0 + x_9) > (19.0 + x_10)? (19.0 + x_9) : (19.0 + x_10)) : ((3.0 + x_11) > ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))? (3.0 + x_11) : ((16.0 + x_14) > (19.0 + x_16)? (16.0 + x_14) : (19.0 + x_16))))) : ((((3.0 + x_17) > (20.0 + x_22)? (3.0 + x_17) : (20.0 + x_22)) > ((6.0 + x_26) > ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28)))? ((3.0 + x_17) > (20.0 + x_22)? (3.0 + x_17) : (20.0 + x_22)) : ((6.0 + x_26) > ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28)))) > (((6.0 + x_29) > (3.0 + x_34)? (6.0 + x_29) : (3.0 + x_34)) > ((10.0 + x_36) > ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_36) : ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38)))? ((6.0 + x_29) > (3.0 + x_34)? (6.0 + x_29) : (3.0 + x_34)) : ((10.0 + x_36) > ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_36) : ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))))? (((3.0 + x_17) > (20.0 + x_22)? (3.0 + x_17) : (20.0 + x_22)) > ((6.0 + x_26) > ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28)))? ((3.0 + x_17) > (20.0 + x_22)? (3.0 + x_17) : (20.0 + x_22)) : ((6.0 + x_26) > ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28))? (6.0 + x_26) : ((13.0 + x_27) > (4.0 + x_28)? (13.0 + x_27) : (4.0 + x_28)))) : (((6.0 + x_29) > (3.0 + x_34)? (6.0 + x_29) : (3.0 + x_34)) > ((10.0 + x_36) > ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_36) : ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38)))? ((6.0 + x_29) > (3.0 + x_34)? (6.0 + x_29) : (3.0 + x_34)) : ((10.0 + x_36) > ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))? (10.0 + x_36) : ((10.0 + x_37) > (12.0 + x_38)? (10.0 + x_37) : (12.0 + x_38))))));
x_36_ = (((((18.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)) > ((12.0 + x_6) > ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8))? (12.0 + x_6) : ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8)))? ((18.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)) : ((12.0 + x_6) > ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8))? (12.0 + x_6) : ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8)))) > (((10.0 + x_9) > (18.0 + x_10)? (10.0 + x_9) : (18.0 + x_10)) > ((14.0 + x_16) > ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19)))? ((10.0 + x_9) > (18.0 + x_10)? (10.0 + x_9) : (18.0 + x_10)) : ((14.0 + x_16) > ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))))? (((18.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)) > ((12.0 + x_6) > ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8))? (12.0 + x_6) : ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8)))? ((18.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)) : ((12.0 + x_6) > ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8))? (12.0 + x_6) : ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8)))) : (((10.0 + x_9) > (18.0 + x_10)? (10.0 + x_9) : (18.0 + x_10)) > ((14.0 + x_16) > ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19)))? ((10.0 + x_9) > (18.0 + x_10)? (10.0 + x_9) : (18.0 + x_10)) : ((14.0 + x_16) > ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))))) > ((((4.0 + x_25) > (6.0 + x_26)? (4.0 + x_25) : (6.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_25) > (6.0 + x_26)? (4.0 + x_25) : (6.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))) > (((11.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_34)) > ((17.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((11.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_34)) : ((17.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))))? (((4.0 + x_25) > (6.0 + x_26)? (4.0 + x_25) : (6.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_25) > (6.0 + x_26)? (4.0 + x_25) : (6.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))) : (((11.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_34)) > ((17.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((11.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_34)) : ((17.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))))? ((((18.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)) > ((12.0 + x_6) > ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8))? (12.0 + x_6) : ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8)))? ((18.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)) : ((12.0 + x_6) > ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8))? (12.0 + x_6) : ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8)))) > (((10.0 + x_9) > (18.0 + x_10)? (10.0 + x_9) : (18.0 + x_10)) > ((14.0 + x_16) > ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19)))? ((10.0 + x_9) > (18.0 + x_10)? (10.0 + x_9) : (18.0 + x_10)) : ((14.0 + x_16) > ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))))? (((18.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)) > ((12.0 + x_6) > ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8))? (12.0 + x_6) : ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8)))? ((18.0 + x_4) > (3.0 + x_5)? (18.0 + x_4) : (3.0 + x_5)) : ((12.0 + x_6) > ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8))? (12.0 + x_6) : ((6.0 + x_7) > (3.0 + x_8)? (6.0 + x_7) : (3.0 + x_8)))) : (((10.0 + x_9) > (18.0 + x_10)? (10.0 + x_9) : (18.0 + x_10)) > ((14.0 + x_16) > ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19)))? ((10.0 + x_9) > (18.0 + x_10)? (10.0 + x_9) : (18.0 + x_10)) : ((14.0 + x_16) > ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))? (14.0 + x_16) : ((3.0 + x_17) > (19.0 + x_19)? (3.0 + x_17) : (19.0 + x_19))))) : ((((4.0 + x_25) > (6.0 + x_26)? (4.0 + x_25) : (6.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_25) > (6.0 + x_26)? (4.0 + x_25) : (6.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))) > (((11.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_34)) > ((17.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((11.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_34)) : ((17.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))))? (((4.0 + x_25) > (6.0 + x_26)? (4.0 + x_25) : (6.0 + x_26)) > ((6.0 + x_27) > ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))? ((4.0 + x_25) > (6.0 + x_26)? (4.0 + x_25) : (6.0 + x_26)) : ((6.0 + x_27) > ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30))? (6.0 + x_27) : ((20.0 + x_29) > (10.0 + x_30)? (20.0 + x_29) : (10.0 + x_30)))) : (((11.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_34)) > ((17.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39)))? ((11.0 + x_32) > (16.0 + x_34)? (11.0 + x_32) : (16.0 + x_34)) : ((17.0 + x_37) > ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))? (17.0 + x_37) : ((11.0 + x_38) > (11.0 + x_39)? (11.0 + x_38) : (11.0 + x_39))))));
x_37_ = (((((4.0 + x_0) > (8.0 + x_1)? (4.0 + x_0) : (8.0 + x_1)) > ((3.0 + x_3) > ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5))? (3.0 + x_3) : ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (8.0 + x_1)? (4.0 + x_0) : (8.0 + x_1)) : ((3.0 + x_3) > ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5))? (3.0 + x_3) : ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)))) > (((5.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) > ((14.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))? (14.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13)))? ((5.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) : ((14.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))? (14.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))))? (((4.0 + x_0) > (8.0 + x_1)? (4.0 + x_0) : (8.0 + x_1)) > ((3.0 + x_3) > ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5))? (3.0 + x_3) : ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (8.0 + x_1)? (4.0 + x_0) : (8.0 + x_1)) : ((3.0 + x_3) > ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5))? (3.0 + x_3) : ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)))) : (((5.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) > ((14.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))? (14.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13)))? ((5.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) : ((14.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))? (14.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))))) > ((((1.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)) > ((20.0 + x_18) > ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29))? (20.0 + x_18) : ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((1.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)) : ((20.0 + x_18) > ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29))? (20.0 + x_18) : ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29)))) > (((1.0 + x_31) > (7.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (7.0 + x_32)) > ((11.0 + x_34) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_34) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (7.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (7.0 + x_32)) : ((11.0 + x_34) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_34) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))))? (((1.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)) > ((20.0 + x_18) > ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29))? (20.0 + x_18) : ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((1.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)) : ((20.0 + x_18) > ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29))? (20.0 + x_18) : ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29)))) : (((1.0 + x_31) > (7.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (7.0 + x_32)) > ((11.0 + x_34) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_34) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (7.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (7.0 + x_32)) : ((11.0 + x_34) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_34) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36)))))? ((((4.0 + x_0) > (8.0 + x_1)? (4.0 + x_0) : (8.0 + x_1)) > ((3.0 + x_3) > ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5))? (3.0 + x_3) : ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (8.0 + x_1)? (4.0 + x_0) : (8.0 + x_1)) : ((3.0 + x_3) > ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5))? (3.0 + x_3) : ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)))) > (((5.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) > ((14.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))? (14.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13)))? ((5.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) : ((14.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))? (14.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))))? (((4.0 + x_0) > (8.0 + x_1)? (4.0 + x_0) : (8.0 + x_1)) > ((3.0 + x_3) > ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5))? (3.0 + x_3) : ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)))? ((4.0 + x_0) > (8.0 + x_1)? (4.0 + x_0) : (8.0 + x_1)) : ((3.0 + x_3) > ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5))? (3.0 + x_3) : ((16.0 + x_4) > (11.0 + x_5)? (16.0 + x_4) : (11.0 + x_5)))) : (((5.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) > ((14.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))? (14.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13)))? ((5.0 + x_7) > (8.0 + x_8)? (5.0 + x_7) : (8.0 + x_8)) : ((14.0 + x_9) > ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))? (14.0 + x_9) : ((6.0 + x_11) > (11.0 + x_13)? (6.0 + x_11) : (11.0 + x_13))))) : ((((1.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)) > ((20.0 + x_18) > ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29))? (20.0 + x_18) : ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((1.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)) : ((20.0 + x_18) > ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29))? (20.0 + x_18) : ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29)))) > (((1.0 + x_31) > (7.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (7.0 + x_32)) > ((11.0 + x_34) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_34) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (7.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (7.0 + x_32)) : ((11.0 + x_34) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_34) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))))? (((1.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)) > ((20.0 + x_18) > ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29))? (20.0 + x_18) : ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29)))? ((1.0 + x_14) > (7.0 + x_16)? (1.0 + x_14) : (7.0 + x_16)) : ((20.0 + x_18) > ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29))? (20.0 + x_18) : ((17.0 + x_20) > (20.0 + x_29)? (17.0 + x_20) : (20.0 + x_29)))) : (((1.0 + x_31) > (7.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (7.0 + x_32)) > ((11.0 + x_34) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_34) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36)))? ((1.0 + x_31) > (7.0 + x_32)? (1.0 + x_31) : (7.0 + x_32)) : ((11.0 + x_34) > ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))? (11.0 + x_34) : ((20.0 + x_35) > (3.0 + x_36)? (20.0 + x_35) : (3.0 + x_36))))));
x_38_ = (((((11.0 + x_0) > (13.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (13.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_3) > ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6))? (13.0 + x_3) : ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (13.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (13.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_3) > ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6))? (13.0 + x_3) : ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6)))) > (((19.0 + x_7) > (11.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_7) : (11.0 + x_8)) > ((16.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))? (16.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13)))? ((19.0 + x_7) > (11.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_7) : (11.0 + x_8)) : ((16.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))? (16.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))))? (((11.0 + x_0) > (13.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (13.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_3) > ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6))? (13.0 + x_3) : ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (13.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (13.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_3) > ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6))? (13.0 + x_3) : ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6)))) : (((19.0 + x_7) > (11.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_7) : (11.0 + x_8)) > ((16.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))? (16.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13)))? ((19.0 + x_7) > (11.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_7) : (11.0 + x_8)) : ((16.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))? (16.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))))) > ((((4.0 + x_17) > (8.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_17) : (8.0 + x_23)) > ((2.0 + x_24) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (2.0 + x_24) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))? ((4.0 + x_17) > (8.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_17) : (8.0 + x_23)) : ((2.0 + x_24) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (2.0 + x_24) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))) > (((19.0 + x_28) > (14.0 + x_29)? (19.0 + x_28) : (14.0 + x_29)) > ((4.0 + x_30) > ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_30) : ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39)))? ((19.0 + x_28) > (14.0 + x_29)? (19.0 + x_28) : (14.0 + x_29)) : ((4.0 + x_30) > ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_30) : ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))))? (((4.0 + x_17) > (8.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_17) : (8.0 + x_23)) > ((2.0 + x_24) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (2.0 + x_24) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))? ((4.0 + x_17) > (8.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_17) : (8.0 + x_23)) : ((2.0 + x_24) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (2.0 + x_24) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))) : (((19.0 + x_28) > (14.0 + x_29)? (19.0 + x_28) : (14.0 + x_29)) > ((4.0 + x_30) > ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_30) : ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39)))? ((19.0 + x_28) > (14.0 + x_29)? (19.0 + x_28) : (14.0 + x_29)) : ((4.0 + x_30) > ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_30) : ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39)))))? ((((11.0 + x_0) > (13.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (13.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_3) > ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6))? (13.0 + x_3) : ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (13.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (13.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_3) > ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6))? (13.0 + x_3) : ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6)))) > (((19.0 + x_7) > (11.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_7) : (11.0 + x_8)) > ((16.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))? (16.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13)))? ((19.0 + x_7) > (11.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_7) : (11.0 + x_8)) : ((16.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))? (16.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))))? (((11.0 + x_0) > (13.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (13.0 + x_1)) > ((13.0 + x_3) > ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6))? (13.0 + x_3) : ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6)))? ((11.0 + x_0) > (13.0 + x_1)? (11.0 + x_0) : (13.0 + x_1)) : ((13.0 + x_3) > ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6))? (13.0 + x_3) : ((4.0 + x_4) > (14.0 + x_6)? (4.0 + x_4) : (14.0 + x_6)))) : (((19.0 + x_7) > (11.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_7) : (11.0 + x_8)) > ((16.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))? (16.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13)))? ((19.0 + x_7) > (11.0 + x_8)? (19.0 + x_7) : (11.0 + x_8)) : ((16.0 + x_11) > ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))? (16.0 + x_11) : ((17.0 + x_12) > (7.0 + x_13)? (17.0 + x_12) : (7.0 + x_13))))) : ((((4.0 + x_17) > (8.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_17) : (8.0 + x_23)) > ((2.0 + x_24) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (2.0 + x_24) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))? ((4.0 + x_17) > (8.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_17) : (8.0 + x_23)) : ((2.0 + x_24) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (2.0 + x_24) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))) > (((19.0 + x_28) > (14.0 + x_29)? (19.0 + x_28) : (14.0 + x_29)) > ((4.0 + x_30) > ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_30) : ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39)))? ((19.0 + x_28) > (14.0 + x_29)? (19.0 + x_28) : (14.0 + x_29)) : ((4.0 + x_30) > ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_30) : ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))))? (((4.0 + x_17) > (8.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_17) : (8.0 + x_23)) > ((2.0 + x_24) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (2.0 + x_24) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))? ((4.0 + x_17) > (8.0 + x_23)? (4.0 + x_17) : (8.0 + x_23)) : ((2.0 + x_24) > ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27))? (2.0 + x_24) : ((2.0 + x_26) > (3.0 + x_27)? (2.0 + x_26) : (3.0 + x_27)))) : (((19.0 + x_28) > (14.0 + x_29)? (19.0 + x_28) : (14.0 + x_29)) > ((4.0 + x_30) > ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_30) : ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39)))? ((19.0 + x_28) > (14.0 + x_29)? (19.0 + x_28) : (14.0 + x_29)) : ((4.0 + x_30) > ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))? (4.0 + x_30) : ((10.0 + x_36) > (13.0 + x_39)? (10.0 + x_36) : (13.0 + x_39))))));
x_39_ = (((((12.0 + x_0) > (6.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_0) : (6.0 + x_5)) > ((3.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (3.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((12.0 + x_0) > (6.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_0) : (6.0 + x_5)) : ((3.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (3.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) > (((1.0 + x_10) > (11.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_10) : (11.0 + x_11)) > ((11.0 + x_12) > ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (11.0 + x_12) : ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15)))? ((1.0 + x_10) > (11.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_10) : (11.0 + x_11)) : ((11.0 + x_12) > ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (11.0 + x_12) : ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))))? (((12.0 + x_0) > (6.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_0) : (6.0 + x_5)) > ((3.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (3.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((12.0 + x_0) > (6.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_0) : (6.0 + x_5)) : ((3.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (3.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) : (((1.0 + x_10) > (11.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_10) : (11.0 + x_11)) > ((11.0 + x_12) > ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (11.0 + x_12) : ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15)))? ((1.0 + x_10) > (11.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_10) : (11.0 + x_11)) : ((11.0 + x_12) > ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (11.0 + x_12) : ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))))) > ((((20.0 + x_16) > (2.0 + x_17)? (20.0 + x_16) : (2.0 + x_17)) > ((8.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28))? (8.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28)))? ((20.0 + x_16) > (2.0 + x_17)? (20.0 + x_16) : (2.0 + x_17)) : ((8.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28))? (8.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28)))) > (((10.0 + x_30) > (3.0 + x_32)? (10.0 + x_30) : (3.0 + x_32)) > ((1.0 + x_34) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_34) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_30) > (3.0 + x_32)? (10.0 + x_30) : (3.0 + x_32)) : ((1.0 + x_34) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_34) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))))? (((20.0 + x_16) > (2.0 + x_17)? (20.0 + x_16) : (2.0 + x_17)) > ((8.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28))? (8.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28)))? ((20.0 + x_16) > (2.0 + x_17)? (20.0 + x_16) : (2.0 + x_17)) : ((8.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28))? (8.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28)))) : (((10.0 + x_30) > (3.0 + x_32)? (10.0 + x_30) : (3.0 + x_32)) > ((1.0 + x_34) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_34) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_30) > (3.0 + x_32)? (10.0 + x_30) : (3.0 + x_32)) : ((1.0 + x_34) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_34) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38)))))? ((((12.0 + x_0) > (6.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_0) : (6.0 + x_5)) > ((3.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (3.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((12.0 + x_0) > (6.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_0) : (6.0 + x_5)) : ((3.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (3.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) > (((1.0 + x_10) > (11.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_10) : (11.0 + x_11)) > ((11.0 + x_12) > ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (11.0 + x_12) : ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15)))? ((1.0 + x_10) > (11.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_10) : (11.0 + x_11)) : ((11.0 + x_12) > ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (11.0 + x_12) : ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))))? (((12.0 + x_0) > (6.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_0) : (6.0 + x_5)) > ((3.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (3.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))? ((12.0 + x_0) > (6.0 + x_5)? (12.0 + x_0) : (6.0 + x_5)) : ((3.0 + x_6) > ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8))? (3.0 + x_6) : ((3.0 + x_7) > (16.0 + x_8)? (3.0 + x_7) : (16.0 + x_8)))) : (((1.0 + x_10) > (11.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_10) : (11.0 + x_11)) > ((11.0 + x_12) > ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (11.0 + x_12) : ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15)))? ((1.0 + x_10) > (11.0 + x_11)? (1.0 + x_10) : (11.0 + x_11)) : ((11.0 + x_12) > ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))? (11.0 + x_12) : ((9.0 + x_14) > (20.0 + x_15)? (9.0 + x_14) : (20.0 + x_15))))) : ((((20.0 + x_16) > (2.0 + x_17)? (20.0 + x_16) : (2.0 + x_17)) > ((8.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28))? (8.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28)))? ((20.0 + x_16) > (2.0 + x_17)? (20.0 + x_16) : (2.0 + x_17)) : ((8.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28))? (8.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28)))) > (((10.0 + x_30) > (3.0 + x_32)? (10.0 + x_30) : (3.0 + x_32)) > ((1.0 + x_34) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_34) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_30) > (3.0 + x_32)? (10.0 + x_30) : (3.0 + x_32)) : ((1.0 + x_34) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_34) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))))? (((20.0 + x_16) > (2.0 + x_17)? (20.0 + x_16) : (2.0 + x_17)) > ((8.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28))? (8.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28)))? ((20.0 + x_16) > (2.0 + x_17)? (20.0 + x_16) : (2.0 + x_17)) : ((8.0 + x_21) > ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28))? (8.0 + x_21) : ((11.0 + x_26) > (9.0 + x_28)? (11.0 + x_26) : (9.0 + x_28)))) : (((10.0 + x_30) > (3.0 + x_32)? (10.0 + x_30) : (3.0 + x_32)) > ((1.0 + x_34) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_34) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38)))? ((10.0 + x_30) > (3.0 + x_32)? (10.0 + x_30) : (3.0 + x_32)) : ((1.0 + x_34) > ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))? (1.0 + x_34) : ((7.0 + x_36) > (16.0 + x_38)? (7.0 + x_36) : (16.0 + x_38))))));
x_0 = x_0_;
x_1 = x_1_;
x_2 = x_2_;
x_3 = x_3_;
x_4 = x_4_;
x_5 = x_5_;
x_6 = x_6_;
x_7 = x_7_;
x_8 = x_8_;
x_9 = x_9_;
x_10 = x_10_;
x_11 = x_11_;
x_12 = x_12_;
x_13 = x_13_;
x_14 = x_14_;
x_15 = x_15_;
x_16 = x_16_;
x_17 = x_17_;
x_18 = x_18_;
x_19 = x_19_;
x_20 = x_20_;
x_21 = x_21_;
x_22 = x_22_;
x_23 = x_23_;
x_24 = x_24_;
x_25 = x_25_;
x_26 = x_26_;
x_27 = x_27_;
x_28 = x_28_;
x_29 = x_29_;
x_30 = x_30_;
x_31 = x_31_;
x_32 = x_32_;
x_33 = x_33_;
x_34 = x_34_;
x_35 = x_35_;
x_36 = x_36_;
x_37 = x_37_;
x_38 = x_38_;
x_39 = x_39_;
return 0;
the_stack_data/39962.c | /* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* ::: :::::::: */
/* ft_isascii.c :+: :+: :+: */
/* +:+ +:+ +:+ */
/* By: fflorens <[email protected]> +#+ +:+ +#+ */
/* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */
/* Created: 2013/11/22 12:30:20 by fflorens #+# #+# */
/* Updated: 2017/03/14 10:52:55 by fflorens ### */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
int ft_isascii(int c)
return ((c >= 0 && c <= 127));
the_stack_data/96120.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("hello ");
return 0;
the_stack_data/220456701.c | int main() {
volatile long long a = 0x0000000000000001L;
if (__builtin_ffsll(a) != 1) {
return 1;
volatile long long b = 0x000000006000beefL;
if (__builtin_ffsll(b) != 1) {
return 1;
volatile long long c = 0x000000008abc0000L;
if (__builtin_ffsll(c) != 19) {
return 1;
volatile long long d = 0x0000010000000000L;
if (__builtin_ffsll(d) != 41) {
return 1;
volatile long long e = 0x0000000000000000L;
if (__builtin_ffsll(e) != 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
the_stack_data/51320.c | #include <stdio.h>
void ft_swap(int *a, int *b);
int main(void)
int a;
int b;
a = 10;
b = 20;
ft_swap(&a, &b);
printf("a=%d b=%d \n", a, b);
the_stack_data/76466.c | /* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. */
#include <config.h>
#include "syscall.h"
__sys_write(const int fd,
const void* const buffer,
const unsigned long count) {
(void)fd, (void)buffer, (void)count; /* ignore arguments */
return -1;
the_stack_data/9227.c | void swap(char **a, char **b) {
char * c;
c = *a;
*a = * b;
*b = c;
struct ptrstruct{
char * p1;
char *p2;
int main (){
struct ptrstruct PSt;
char * pa, * pb;
char b[20];
char a[20];
PSt.p1 = a;
PSt.p2 = b;
swap (&PSt.p1, &PSt.p2);
pa = PSt.p2;
pb = PSt.p1;
the_stack_data/20450450.c | #include <stdio.h>
struct node
int a;
int main(void)
struct node x = { .a = 17 };
printf("x.a: %d\n", x.a);
printf("(&x)->a: %d\n", (&x)->a);
return 0;
the_stack_data/237643328.c | #if defined(CONFIG_MTK_MULTIBRIDGE_SUPPORT)
#define MT8193_CKGEN_VFY 1
#if MT8193_CKGEN_VFY
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include "mt8193.h"
#include "mt8193_ckgen.h"
int mt8193_ckgen_config_pad_level_shift(int i4GroupNum, int i4TurnLow)
u32 u4Tmp;
pr_debug("[CKGEN] mt8193_ckgen_config_pad_level_shift() %d, %d\n", i4GroupNum, i4TurnLow);
if (i4TurnLow == 0) {
/* 3.3V->1.8V */
u4Tmp &= (~(1U<<i4GroupNum));
} else {
/* 1.8V -> 3.3V */
u4Tmp |= (1U<<i4GroupNum);
pr_debug("[CKGEN] LS_CTRL: 0x%x\n", u4Tmp);
return 0;
u32 mt8193_ckgen_reg_rw_test(u16 addr)
u32 u4Loop = 0;
pr_debug("[CKGEN] mt8193_ckgen_reg_rw_test() 0x%x\n", addr);
for (; u4Loop < 0xFFFF; u4Loop += 0x10) {
CKGEN_WRITE32(addr, u4Loop);
if (CKGEN_READ32(addr) != u4Loop) {
pr_err("[CKGEN] reg rw test fail at loop 0x%x\n", u4Loop);
return -1;
pr_debug("[CKGEN] mt8193_ckgen_reg_rw_test() success at 0x%x\n", addr);
return 0;
u32 mt8193_ckgen_bus_clk_switch_xtal_test(u16 addr)
/* switch bus clock to 32k. pdwn dcxo. rw register */
u32 u4Tmp = 0;
/* swicth bus clock to 32k */
CKGEN_WRITE32(REG_RW_BUS_CKCFG, (u4Tmp & (~(0xF))) | CLK_BUS_SEL_32K);
return 0;
u32 mt8193_io_agent_test(void)
u32 u4Tmp = 0;
pr_debug("[CKGEN] IO AGENT TEST ------------------------------------------\n");
IO_WRITE32(0x1000, 0x500, 0x55555555);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x1000, 0x500);
if (u4Tmp == 0x55555555)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x1500\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x1500. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x0, 0x18, 0x55555555);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x0, 0x18);
if (u4Tmp == 0x55555555)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x18\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x18. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x0, 0x0408, 0x55555555);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x0, 0x408);
if (u4Tmp == 0x55555555)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x408\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x408. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x0, 0x0608, 0x55555555);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x0, 0x608);
if (u4Tmp == 0x55555555)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x608\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x608. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x0, 0x0a10, 0x55555555);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x0, 0xa10);
if (u4Tmp == 0x00055555)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0xa10\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0xa10. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x1000, 0x200, 0xaaaaffff);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x1000, 0x200);
if (u4Tmp == 0xaaaaffff)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x1200\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x1200. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x1000, 0x608, 0x05550555);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x1000, 0x608);
if (u4Tmp == 0x05550555)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x1608\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x1608. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x1000, 0x708, 0x55555555);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x1000, 0x708);
if (u4Tmp == 0x55555555)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x1708\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x1708. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x1000, 0xd00, 0x55555555);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x1000, 0xd00);
if (u4Tmp == 0x55555555)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x1d00\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x1d00. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
IO_WRITE32(0x1000, 0xd00, 0xaaaaaaaa);
u4Tmp = IO_READ32(0x1000, 0xd00);
if (u4Tmp == 0xaaaaaaaa)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] TEST PASS at 0x1d00\n");
pr_err("[CKGEN] TEST FAIL at 0x1d00. [0x%x] !!!!!!!!!!\n", u4Tmp);
pr_debug("[CKGEN] IO AGENT TEST FINISH ------------------------------------------\n");
return 0;
void mt8193_hdmi_on_test(void)
int i = 0;
u32 u4Crc = 0;
mt8193_i2c_write(0x1254, 0x00000323);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x101c, 0x00000004);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x1328, 0x00009999);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x1334, 0x0020008f);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x1338, 0xd4a88f00);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x1344, 0x00008012);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x1348, 0x11ff0000);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x1334, 0x0030008f);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x02d4, 0x02);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x02d8, 0x80);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0448, 0x00000);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0450, 0x2);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0608, 0x80000005);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x065c, 0x0000000f);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0604, 0x00000040);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x061c, 0x00104000);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0624, 0x02ee07bc);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0628, 0x00030005);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0630, 0x0080057f);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0634, 0x001002df);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0638, 0x001002df);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0620, 0x000207ba);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0600, 0x00000001);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x060c, 0x00000002);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0700, 0x02ee07bc);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0704, 0x00030005);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0708, 0x01000080);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x070c, 0x02d00500);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0710, 0x00000203);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0714, 0x00ff8844);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x0718, 0x000000ff);
for (; i < 100; i++) {
u32 u4Crc_2 = 0;
mt8193_i2c_write(0x071c, 2);
mt8193_i2c_write(0x071c, 1);
mt8193_i2c_read(0x0720, &u4Crc_2);
if (i > 1 && u4Crc_2 != u4Crc) {
pr_err("[HDMI] CHECK CRC ERROR! 0x%x, 0x%x, %d\n", u4Crc, u4Crc_2, i);
} else {
pr_debug("[HDMI] CHECK CRC OK %d\n", i);
u4Crc = u4Crc_2;
void mt8193_spm_control_test(int u4Func)
pr_debug("[CKGEN] mt8193_spm_control_test()enters. %d\n", u4Func);
/* mt8193_io_agent_test(); */
if (u4Func == 0) {
/* loop 1 */
/* loop 2 */
/* loop 3 */
/* loop 4 */
/* loop 5 */
} else if (u4Func == 1) {
step 1: turn off digital
step 2: turn off analog
step6: BUS CLK SWITCH to 26M
step7: turn on analog
step8: turn on digital
step9: test function
/* lvds spm ctrl test */
/* bus clk switch to 32K*/
/* pull low en_bb */
/* mt8193_en_bb_ctrl(true); */
/* pull up en_bb */
/* mt8193_en_bb_ctrl(false); */
/* msleep(20); */
/* bus clk switch to 26M */
/* lcm_mt8193_lvds_on_test();*/
} else if (u4Func == 2) {
/*int i = 0;*/
/*for (; i<=1000; i++) { */
/*pr_debug("[CKGEN] LOOP %d START-------------------------------------\n", i);*/
/* hdmi spm ctrl test */
/* bus clk switch to 32K */
/* pull low en_bb */
/* pull up en_bb*/
/* bus clk switch to 26M */
/*pr_debug("[CKGEN] LOOP %d END-------------------------------------\n", i); */
} else if (u4Func == 3) {
/* nfi spm ctrl test */
} else if (u4Func == 4) {
/* bus clk switch to 32K */
/* pull low en_bb */
/* mt8193_en_bb_ctrl(true); */
} else if (u4Func == 5) {
/* pull up en_bb */
/* mt8193_en_bb_ctrl(false); */
/* bus clk switch to 32K */
pr_debug("[CKGEN] mt8193_spm_control() exit\n");
the_stack_data/111079123.c | /**
* Test code to measure the time of the write() system call via the VDSO.
* Compile and run with:
* gcc -std=c99 write_vdso.c -o write_vdso && time ./write_vdso
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
int fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
int data = 0;
for(ssize_t i = 1000000; i > 0; i--) {
write(fd, &data, sizeof(data));
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/147455.c |
#include <stdio.h>
void scilab_rt_xnumb_i2d2i2i0i2_(int in00, int in01, int matrixin0[in00][in01],
int in10, int in11, double matrixin1[in10][in11],
int in20, int in21, int matrixin2[in20][in21],
int scalarin0,
int in30, int in31, int matrixin3[in30][in31])
int i;
int j;
int val0 = 0;
double val1 = 0;
int val2 = 0;
int val3 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < in00; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < in01; ++j) {
val0 += matrixin0[i][j];
printf("%d", val0);
for (i = 0; i < in10; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < in11; ++j) {
val1 += matrixin1[i][j];
printf("%f", val1);
for (i = 0; i < in20; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < in21; ++j) {
val2 += matrixin2[i][j];
printf("%d", val2);
printf("%d", scalarin0);
for (i = 0; i < in30; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < in31; ++j) {
val3 += matrixin3[i][j];
printf("%d", val3);
the_stack_data/86075926.c | // RUN: rm -rf %t*
// RUN: 3c -base-dir=%S -alltypes -addcr %s -- | FileCheck -match-full-lines -check-prefixes="CHECK_ALL","CHECK" %s
// RUN: 3c -base-dir=%S -addcr %s -- | FileCheck -match-full-lines -check-prefixes="CHECK_NOALL","CHECK" %s
// RUN: 3c -base-dir=%S -addcr %s -- | %clang -c -fcheckedc-extension -x c -o /dev/null -
// RUN: 3c -base-dir=%S -alltypes -output-dir=%t.checked %s --
// RUN: 3c -base-dir=%t.checked -alltypes %t.checked/fptrsafeprotocallee.c -- | diff %t.checked/fptrsafeprotocallee.c -
/*This file tests three functions: two callers bar and foo, and a callee sus*/
/*In particular, this file tests: converting the callee into a function pointer
and then using that pointer for computations*/
/*For robustness, this test is identical to
fptrsafecallee.c except in that
a prototype for sus is available, and is called by foo and bar,
while the definition for sus appears below them*/
/*In this test, foo and bar will treat their return values safely, but sus will
not, through invalid pointer arithmetic, an unsafe cast, etc*/
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct general {
int data;
struct general *next;
//CHECK: _Ptr<struct general> next;
struct warr {
int data1[5];
//CHECK_NOALL: int data1[5];
//CHECK_ALL: int data1 _Checked[5];
char *name;
//CHECK: _Ptr<char> name;
struct fptrarr {
int *values;
//CHECK: _Ptr<int> values;
char *name;
//CHECK: _Ptr<char> name;
int (*mapper)(int);
//CHECK: _Ptr<int (int)> mapper;
struct fptr {
int *value;
//CHECK: _Ptr<int> value;
int (*func)(int);
//CHECK: _Ptr<int (int)> func;
struct arrfptr {
int args[5];
//CHECK_NOALL: int args[5];
//CHECK_ALL: int args _Checked[5];
int (*funcs[5])(int);
//CHECK_NOALL: int (*funcs[5])(int);
//CHECK_ALL: _Ptr<int (int)> funcs _Checked[5];
int add1(int x) {
//CHECK: int add1(int x) _Checked {
return x + 1;
int sub1(int x) {
//CHECK: int sub1(int x) _Checked {
return x - 1;
int fact(int n) {
//CHECK: int fact(int n) _Checked {
if (n == 0) {
return 1;
return n * fact(n - 1);
int fib(int n) {
//CHECK: int fib(int n) _Checked {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
if (n == 1) {
return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
int zerohuh(int n) {
//CHECK: int zerohuh(int n) _Checked {
return !n;
int *mul2(int *x) {
//CHECK: _Ptr<int> mul2(_Ptr<int> x) _Checked {
*x *= 2;
return x;
int *sus(struct general *, struct general *);
//CHECK_NOALL: int *sus(struct general *x : itype(_Ptr<struct general>), _Ptr<struct general> y) : itype(_Ptr<int>);
//CHECK_ALL: _Array_ptr<int> sus(struct general *x : itype(_Ptr<struct general>), _Ptr<struct general> y);
int *foo() {
//CHECK_NOALL: _Ptr<int> foo(void) {
//CHECK_ALL: _Array_ptr<int> foo(void) {
struct general *x = malloc(sizeof(struct general));
//CHECK: _Ptr<struct general> x = malloc<struct general>(sizeof(struct general));
struct general *y = malloc(sizeof(struct general));
//CHECK: _Ptr<struct general> y = malloc<struct general>(sizeof(struct general));
struct general *curr = y;
//CHECK: _Ptr<struct general> curr = y;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++, curr = curr->next) {
curr->data = i;
curr->next = malloc(sizeof(struct general));
curr->next->data = i + 1;
int *(*sus_ptr)(struct general *, struct general *) = sus;
//CHECK_NOALL: _Ptr<int *(struct general * : itype(_Ptr<struct general>), _Ptr<struct general>) : itype(_Ptr<int>)> sus_ptr = sus;
//CHECK_ALL: _Ptr<_Array_ptr<int> (struct general * : itype(_Ptr<struct general>), _Ptr<struct general>)> sus_ptr = sus;
int *z = sus_ptr(x, y);
//CHECK_NOALL: _Ptr<int> z = sus_ptr(x, y);
//CHECK_ALL: _Array_ptr<int> z = sus_ptr(x, y);
return z;
int *bar() {
//CHECK_NOALL: _Ptr<int> bar(void) {
//CHECK_ALL: _Array_ptr<int> bar(void) {
struct general *x = malloc(sizeof(struct general));
//CHECK: _Ptr<struct general> x = malloc<struct general>(sizeof(struct general));
struct general *y = malloc(sizeof(struct general));
//CHECK: _Ptr<struct general> y = malloc<struct general>(sizeof(struct general));
struct general *curr = y;
//CHECK: _Ptr<struct general> curr = y;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++, curr = curr->next) {
curr->data = i;
curr->next = malloc(sizeof(struct general));
curr->next->data = i + 1;
int *(*sus_ptr)(struct general *, struct general *) = sus;
//CHECK_NOALL: _Ptr<int *(struct general * : itype(_Ptr<struct general>), _Ptr<struct general>) : itype(_Ptr<int>)> sus_ptr = sus;
//CHECK_ALL: _Ptr<_Array_ptr<int> (struct general * : itype(_Ptr<struct general>), _Ptr<struct general>)> sus_ptr = sus;
int *z = sus_ptr(x, y);
//CHECK_NOALL: _Ptr<int> z = sus_ptr(x, y);
//CHECK_ALL: _Array_ptr<int> z = sus_ptr(x, y);
return z;
int *sus(struct general *x, struct general *y) {
//CHECK_NOALL: int *sus(struct general *x : itype(_Ptr<struct general>), _Ptr<struct general> y) : itype(_Ptr<int>) {
//CHECK_ALL: _Array_ptr<int> sus(struct general *x : itype(_Ptr<struct general>), _Ptr<struct general> y) {
x = (struct general *)5;
//CHECK: x = (struct general *)5;
int *z = calloc(5, sizeof(int));
//CHECK_NOALL: int *z = calloc<int>(5, sizeof(int));
//CHECK_ALL: _Array_ptr<int> __3c_lower_bound_z : count(5) = calloc<int>(5, sizeof(int));
//CHECK_ALL: _Array_ptr<int> z : bounds(__3c_lower_bound_z, __3c_lower_bound_z + 5) = __3c_lower_bound_z;
struct general *p = y;
//CHECK: _Ptr<struct general> p = y;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; p = p->next, i++) {
//CHECK_NOALL: for (i = 0; i < 5; p = p->next, i++) {
//CHECK_ALL: for (i = 0; i < 5; p = p->next, i++) _Checked {
z[i] = p->data;
z += 2;
return z;
the_stack_data/67326039.c | #include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void *garbage_collected_malloc(size_t size) {
void *p = malloc(size);
// free(p);
return p;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *buf;
int i;
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: %s <string>\n", argv[0]);
printf("Input string: %s\n", argv[1]);
size_t size = strlen(argv[1]) + 1;
buf = (char *)garbage_collected_malloc(size);
strncpy(buf, argv[1], size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buf[i] = toupper(buf[i]);
printf("Output string: %s\n", buf);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/108951.c | // Hello World by ITJ aug/17/20201
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("H E L L O !!\n"
"EXEs do not exist in Linux\n"
"EXEs are a lie!!!\n"
return 0;
the_stack_data/145906.c |
#if 0 /* in case someone actually tries to compile this */
/* example.c - an example of using libpng
* Last changed in libpng 1.2.32 [September 11, 2008]
* This file has been placed in the public domain by the authors.
* Maintained 1998-2008 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
* Maintained 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger)
* Written 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.)
/* This is an example of how to use libpng to read and write PNG files.
* The file libpng.txt is much more verbose then this. If you have not
* read it, do so first. This was designed to be a starting point of an
* implementation. This is not officially part of libpng, is hereby placed
* in the public domain, and therefore does not require a copyright notice.
* This file does not currently compile, because it is missing certain
* parts, like allocating memory to hold an image. You will have to
* supply these parts to get it to compile. For an example of a minimal
* working PNG reader/writer, see pngtest.c, included in this distribution;
* see also the programs in the contrib directory.
#include "png.h"
/* The png_jmpbuf() macro, used in error handling, became available in
* libpng version 1.0.6. If you want to be able to run your code with older
* versions of libpng, you must define the macro yourself (but only if it
* is not already defined by libpng!).
#ifndef png_jmpbuf
# define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ((png_ptr)->jmpbuf)
/* Check to see if a file is a PNG file using png_sig_cmp(). png_sig_cmp()
* returns zero if the image is a PNG and nonzero if it isn't a PNG.
* The function check_if_png() shown here, but not used, returns nonzero (true)
* if the file can be opened and is a PNG, 0 (false) otherwise.
* If this call is successful, and you are going to keep the file open,
* you should call png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK); once
* you have created the png_ptr, so that libpng knows your application
* has read that many bytes from the start of the file. Make sure you
* don't call png_set_sig_bytes() with more than 8 bytes read or give it
* an incorrect number of bytes read, or you will either have read too
* many bytes (your fault), or you are telling libpng to read the wrong
* number of magic bytes (also your fault).
* Many applications already read the first 2 or 4 bytes from the start
* of the image to determine the file type, so it would be easiest just
* to pass the bytes to png_sig_cmp() or even skip that if you know
* you have a PNG file, and call png_set_sig_bytes().
int check_if_png(char *file_name, FILE **fp)
/* Open the prospective PNG file. */
if ((*fp = fopen(file_name, "rb")) == NULL)
return 0;
/* Read in some of the signature bytes */
if (fread(buf, 1, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK, *fp) != PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK)
return 0;
/* Compare the first PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK bytes of the signature.
Return nonzero (true) if they match */
return(!png_sig_cmp(buf, (png_size_t)0, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK));
/* Read a PNG file. You may want to return an error code if the read
* fails (depending upon the failure). There are two "prototypes" given
* here - one where we are given the filename, and we need to open the
* file, and the other where we are given an open file (possibly with
* some or all of the magic bytes read - see comments above).
#ifdef open_file /* prototype 1 */
void read_png(char *file_name) /* We need to open the file */
png_structp png_ptr;
png_infop info_ptr;
unsigned int sig_read = 0;
png_uint_32 width, height;
int bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type;
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen(file_name, "rb")) == NULL)
return (ERROR);
#else no_open_file /* prototype 2 */
void read_png(FILE *fp, unsigned int sig_read) /* file is already open */
png_structp png_ptr;
png_infop info_ptr;
png_uint_32 width, height;
int bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type;
#endif no_open_file /* only use one prototype! */
/* Create and initialize the png_struct with the desired error handler
* functions. If you want to use the default stderr and longjump method,
* you can supply NULL for the last three parameters. We also supply the
* the compiler header file version, so that we know if the application
* was compiled with a compatible version of the library. REQUIRED
png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
png_voidp user_error_ptr, user_error_fn, user_warning_fn);
if (png_ptr == NULL)
return (ERROR);
/* Allocate/initialize the memory for image information. REQUIRED. */
info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if (info_ptr == NULL)
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, png_infopp_NULL, png_infopp_NULL);
return (ERROR);
/* Set error handling if you are using the setjmp/longjmp method (this is
* the normal method of doing things with libpng). REQUIRED unless you
* set up your own error handlers in the png_create_read_struct() earlier.
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))
/* Free all of the memory associated with the png_ptr and info_ptr */
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, png_infopp_NULL);
/* If we get here, we had a problem reading the file */
return (ERROR);
/* One of the following I/O initialization methods is REQUIRED */
#ifdef streams /* PNG file I/O method 1 */
/* Set up the input control if you are using standard C streams */
png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
#else no_streams /* PNG file I/O method 2 */
/* If you are using replacement read functions, instead of calling
* png_init_io() here you would call:
png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, (void *)user_io_ptr, user_read_fn);
/* where user_io_ptr is a structure you want available to the callbacks */
#endif no_streams /* Use only one I/O method! */
/* If we have already read some of the signature */
png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, sig_read);
#ifdef hilevel
* If you have enough memory to read in the entire image at once,
* and you need to specify only transforms that can be controlled
* with one of the PNG_TRANSFORM_* bits (this presently excludes
* dithering, filling, setting background, and doing gamma
* adjustment), then you can read the entire image (including
* pixels) into the info structure with this call:
png_read_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_transforms, png_voidp_NULL);
/* OK, you're doing it the hard way, with the lower-level functions */
/* The call to png_read_info() gives us all of the information from the
* PNG file before the first IDAT (image data chunk). REQUIRED
png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type,
&interlace_type, int_p_NULL, int_p_NULL);
/* Set up the data transformations you want. Note that these are all
* optional. Only call them if you want/need them. Many of the
* transformations only work on specific types of images, and many
* are mutually exclusive.
/* tell libpng to strip 16 bit/color files down to 8 bits/color */
/* Strip alpha bytes from the input data without combining with the
* background (not recommended).
/* Extract multiple pixels with bit depths of 1, 2, and 4 from a single
* byte into separate bytes (useful for paletted and grayscale images).
/* Change the order of packed pixels to least significant bit first
* (not useful if you are using png_set_packing). */
/* Expand paletted colors into true RGB triplets */
if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
/* Expand grayscale images to the full 8 bits from 1, 2, or 4 bits/pixel */
if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)
/* Expand paletted or RGB images with transparency to full alpha channels
* so the data will be available as RGBA quartets.
if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
/* Set the background color to draw transparent and alpha images over.
* It is possible to set the red, green, and blue components directly
* for paletted images instead of supplying a palette index. Note that
* even if the PNG file supplies a background, you are not required to
* use it - you should use the (solid) application background if it has one.
png_color_16 my_background, *image_background;
if (png_get_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &image_background))
png_set_background(png_ptr, image_background,
png_set_background(png_ptr, &my_background,
/* Some suggestions as to how to get a screen gamma value */
/* Note that screen gamma is the display_exponent, which includes
* the CRT_exponent and any correction for viewing conditions */
if (/* We have a user-defined screen gamma value */)
screen_gamma = user-defined screen_gamma;
/* This is one way that applications share the same screen gamma value */
else if ((gamma_str = getenv("SCREEN_GAMMA")) != NULL)
screen_gamma = atof(gamma_str);
/* If we don't have another value */
screen_gamma = 2.2; /* A good guess for a PC monitors in a dimly
lit room */
screen_gamma = 1.7 or 1.0; /* A good guess for Mac systems */
/* Tell libpng to handle the gamma conversion for you. The final call
* is a good guess for PC generated images, but it should be configurable
* by the user at run time by the user. It is strongly suggested that
* your application support gamma correction.
int intent;
if (png_get_sRGB(png_ptr, info_ptr, &intent))
png_set_gamma(png_ptr, screen_gamma, 0.45455);
double image_gamma;
if (png_get_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, &image_gamma))
png_set_gamma(png_ptr, screen_gamma, image_gamma);
png_set_gamma(png_ptr, screen_gamma, 0.45455);
/* Dither RGB files down to 8 bit palette or reduce palettes
* to the number of colors available on your screen.
if (color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR)
int num_palette;
png_colorp palette;
/* This reduces the image to the application supplied palette */
if (/* we have our own palette */)
/* An array of colors to which the image should be dithered */
png_color std_color_cube[MAX_SCREEN_COLORS];
png_set_dither(png_ptr, std_color_cube, MAX_SCREEN_COLORS,
MAX_SCREEN_COLORS, png_uint_16p_NULL, 0);
/* This reduces the image to the palette supplied in the file */
else if (png_get_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, &palette, &num_palette))
png_uint_16p histogram = NULL;
png_get_hIST(png_ptr, info_ptr, &histogram);
png_set_dither(png_ptr, palette, num_palette,
max_screen_colors, histogram, 0);
/* invert monochrome files to have 0 as white and 1 as black */
/* If you want to shift the pixel values from the range [0,255] or
* [0,65535] to the original [0,7] or [0,31], or whatever range the
* colors were originally in:
if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_sBIT))
png_color_8p sig_bit;
png_get_sBIT(png_ptr, info_ptr, &sig_bit);
png_set_shift(png_ptr, sig_bit);
/* flip the RGB pixels to BGR (or RGBA to BGRA) */
if (color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR)
/* swap the RGBA or GA data to ARGB or AG (or BGRA to ABGR) */
/* swap bytes of 16 bit files to least significant byte first */
/* Add filler (or alpha) byte (before/after each RGB triplet) */
png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0xff, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
/* Turn on interlace handling. REQUIRED if you are not using
* png_read_image(). To see how to handle interlacing passes,
* see the png_read_row() method below:
number_passes = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr);
/* Optional call to gamma correct and add the background to the palette
* and update info structure. REQUIRED if you are expecting libpng to
* update the palette for you (ie you selected such a transform above).
png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
/* Allocate the memory to hold the image using the fields of info_ptr. */
/* The easiest way to read the image: */
png_bytep row_pointers[height];
for (row = 0; row < height; row++)
row_pointers[row] = png_malloc(png_ptr, png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr,
/* Now it's time to read the image. One of these methods is REQUIRED */
#ifdef entire /* Read the entire image in one go */
png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
#else no_entire /* Read the image one or more scanlines at a time */
/* The other way to read images - deal with interlacing: */
for (pass = 0; pass < number_passes; pass++)
#ifdef single /* Read the image a single row at a time */
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
png_read_rows(png_ptr, &row_pointers[y], png_bytepp_NULL, 1);
#else no_single /* Read the image several rows at a time */
for (y = 0; y < height; y += number_of_rows)
#ifdef sparkle /* Read the image using the "sparkle" effect. */
png_read_rows(png_ptr, &row_pointers[y], png_bytepp_NULL,
#else no_sparkle /* Read the image using the "rectangle" effect */
png_read_rows(png_ptr, png_bytepp_NULL, &row_pointers[y],
#endif no_sparkle /* use only one of these two methods */
/* if you want to display the image after every pass, do
so here */
#endif no_single /* use only one of these two methods */
#endif no_entire /* use only one of these two methods */
/* read rest of file, and get additional chunks in info_ptr - REQUIRED */
png_read_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
#endif hilevel
/* At this point you have read the entire image */
/* clean up after the read, and free any memory allocated - REQUIRED */
png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, png_infopp_NULL);
/* close the file */
/* that's it */
return (OK);
/* progressively read a file */
initialize_png_reader(png_structp *png_ptr, png_infop *info_ptr)
/* Create and initialize the png_struct with the desired error handler
* functions. If you want to use the default stderr and longjump method,
* you can supply NULL for the last three parameters. We also check that
* the library version is compatible in case we are using dynamically
* linked libraries.
*png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
png_voidp user_error_ptr, user_error_fn, user_warning_fn);
if (*png_ptr == NULL)
*info_ptr = NULL;
return (ERROR);
*info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if (*info_ptr == NULL)
png_destroy_read_struct(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_infopp_NULL);
return (ERROR);
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf((*png_ptr))))
png_destroy_read_struct(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_infopp_NULL);
return (ERROR);
/* This one's new. You will need to provide all three
* function callbacks, even if you aren't using them all.
* If you aren't using all functions, you can specify NULL
* parameters. Even when all three functions are NULL,
* you need to call png_set_progressive_read_fn().
* These functions shouldn't be dependent on global or
* static variables if you are decoding several images
* simultaneously. You should store stream specific data
* in a separate struct, given as the second parameter,
* and retrieve the pointer from inside the callbacks using
* the function png_get_progressive_ptr(png_ptr).
png_set_progressive_read_fn(*png_ptr, (void *)stream_data,
info_callback, row_callback, end_callback);
return (OK);
process_data(png_structp *png_ptr, png_infop *info_ptr,
png_bytep buffer, png_uint_32 length)
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf((*png_ptr))))
/* Free the png_ptr and info_ptr memory on error */
png_destroy_read_struct(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_infopp_NULL);
return (ERROR);
/* This one's new also. Simply give it chunks of data as
* they arrive from the data stream (in order, of course).
* On Segmented machines, don't give it any more than 64K.
* The library seems to run fine with sizes of 4K, although
* you can give it much less if necessary (I assume you can
* give it chunks of 1 byte, but I haven't tried with less
* than 256 bytes yet). When this function returns, you may
* want to display any rows that were generated in the row
* callback, if you aren't already displaying them there.
png_process_data(*png_ptr, *info_ptr, buffer, length);
return (OK);
info_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info)
/* do any setup here, including setting any of the transformations
* mentioned in the Reading PNG files section. For now, you _must_
* call either png_start_read_image() or png_read_update_info()
* after all the transformations are set (even if you don't set
* any). You may start getting rows before png_process_data()
* returns, so this is your last chance to prepare for that.
row_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep new_row,
png_uint_32 row_num, int pass)
* This function is called for every row in the image. If the
* image is interlaced, and you turned on the interlace handler,
* this function will be called for every row in every pass.
* In this function you will receive a pointer to new row data from
* libpng called new_row that is to replace a corresponding row (of
* the same data format) in a buffer allocated by your application.
* The new row data pointer new_row may be NULL, indicating there is
* no new data to be replaced (in cases of interlace loading).
* If new_row is not NULL then you need to call
* png_progressive_combine_row() to replace the corresponding row as
* shown below:
/* Check if row_num is in bounds. */
if ((row_num >= 0) && (row_num < height))
/* Get pointer to corresponding row in our
* PNG read buffer.
png_bytep old_row = ((png_bytep *)our_data)[row_num];
/* If both rows are allocated then copy the new row
* data to the corresponding row data.
if ((old_row != NULL) && (new_row != NULL))
png_progressive_combine_row(png_ptr, old_row, new_row);
* The rows and passes are called in order, so you don't really
* need the row_num and pass, but I'm supplying them because it
* may make your life easier.
* For the non-NULL rows of interlaced images, you must call
* png_progressive_combine_row() passing in the new row and the
* old row, as demonstrated above. You can call this function for
* NULL rows (it will just return) and for non-interlaced images
* (it just does the png_memcpy for you) if it will make the code
* easier. Thus, you can just do this for all cases:
png_progressive_combine_row(png_ptr, old_row, new_row);
/* where old_row is what was displayed for previous rows. Note
* that the first pass (pass == 0 really) will completely cover
* the old row, so the rows do not have to be initialized. After
* the first pass (and only for interlaced images), you will have
* to pass the current row as new_row, and the function will combine
* the old row and the new row.
end_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info)
/* this function is called when the whole image has been read,
* including any chunks after the image (up to and including
* the IEND). You will usually have the same info chunk as you
* had in the header, although some data may have been added
* to the comments and time fields.
* Most people won't do much here, perhaps setting a flag that
* marks the image as finished.
/* write a png file */
void write_png(char *file_name /* , ... other image information ... */)
FILE *fp;
png_structp png_ptr;
png_infop info_ptr;
png_colorp palette;
/* open the file */
fp = fopen(file_name, "wb");
if (fp == NULL)
return (ERROR);
/* Create and initialize the png_struct with the desired error handler
* functions. If you want to use the default stderr and longjump method,
* you can supply NULL for the last three parameters. We also check that
* the library version is compatible with the one used at compile time,
* in case we are using dynamically linked libraries. REQUIRED.
png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
png_voidp user_error_ptr, user_error_fn, user_warning_fn);
if (png_ptr == NULL)
return (ERROR);
/* Allocate/initialize the image information data. REQUIRED */
info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if (info_ptr == NULL)
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, png_infopp_NULL);
return (ERROR);
/* Set error handling. REQUIRED if you aren't supplying your own
* error handling functions in the png_create_write_struct() call.
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr)))
/* If we get here, we had a problem reading the file */
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
return (ERROR);
/* One of the following I/O initialization functions is REQUIRED */
#ifdef streams /* I/O initialization method 1 */
/* set up the output control if you are using standard C streams */
png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
#else no_streams /* I/O initialization method 2 */
/* If you are using replacement write functions, instead of calling
* png_init_io() here you would call */
png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, (void *)user_io_ptr, user_write_fn,
/* where user_io_ptr is a structure you want available to the callbacks */
#endif no_streams /* only use one initialization method */
#ifdef hilevel
/* This is the easy way. Use it if you already have all the
* image info living info in the structure. You could "|" many
* PNG_TRANSFORM flags into the png_transforms integer here.
png_write_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_transforms, png_voidp_NULL);
/* This is the hard way */
/* Set the image information here. Width and height are up to 2^31,
* bit_depth is one of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16, but valid values also depend on
* the color_type selected. color_type is one of PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY,
* or PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA. interlace is either PNG_INTERLACE_NONE or
* PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7, and the compression_type and filter_type MUST
png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height, bit_depth, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_???,
/* set the palette if there is one. REQUIRED for indexed-color images */
palette = (png_colorp)png_malloc(png_ptr, PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH
* png_sizeof(png_color));
/* ... set palette colors ... */
png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette, PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH);
/* You must not free palette here, because png_set_PLTE only makes a link to
the palette that you malloced. Wait until you are about to destroy
the png structure. */
/* optional significant bit chunk */
/* if we are dealing with a grayscale image then */
sig_bit.gray = true_bit_depth;
/* otherwise, if we are dealing with a color image then */ = true_red_bit_depth; = true_green_bit_depth; = true_blue_bit_depth;
/* if the image has an alpha channel then */
sig_bit.alpha = true_alpha_bit_depth;
png_set_sBIT(png_ptr, info_ptr, sig_bit);
/* Optional gamma chunk is strongly suggested if you have any guess
* as to the correct gamma of the image.
png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, gamma);
/* Optionally write comments into the image */
text_ptr[0].key = "Title";
text_ptr[0].text = "Mona Lisa";
text_ptr[0].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
text_ptr[1].key = "Author";
text_ptr[1].text = "Leonardo DaVinci";
text_ptr[1].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
text_ptr[2].key = "Description";
text_ptr[2].text = "<long text>";
text_ptr[2].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_zTXt;
text_ptr[0].lang = NULL;
text_ptr[1].lang = NULL;
text_ptr[2].lang = NULL;
png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, text_ptr, 3);
/* other optional chunks like cHRM, bKGD, tRNS, tIME, oFFs, pHYs, */
/* note that if sRGB is present the gAMA and cHRM chunks must be ignored
* on read and must be written in accordance with the sRGB profile */
/* Write the file header information. REQUIRED */
png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
/* If you want, you can write the info in two steps, in case you need to
* write your private chunk ahead of PLTE:
* png_write_info_before_PLTE(write_ptr, write_info_ptr);
* write_my_chunk();
* png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
* However, given the level of known- and unknown-chunk support in 1.1.0
* and up, this should no longer be necessary.
/* Once we write out the header, the compression type on the text
* chunks gets changed to PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE_WR or
* PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_zTXt_WR, so it doesn't get written out again
* at the end.
/* set up the transformations you want. Note that these are
* all optional. Only call them if you want them.
/* invert monochrome pixels */
/* Shift the pixels up to a legal bit depth and fill in
* as appropriate to correctly scale the image.
png_set_shift(png_ptr, &sig_bit);
/* pack pixels into bytes */
/* swap location of alpha bytes from ARGB to RGBA */
/* Get rid of filler (OR ALPHA) bytes, pack XRGB/RGBX/ARGB/RGBA into
* RGB (4 channels -> 3 channels). The second parameter is not used.
png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0, PNG_FILLER_BEFORE);
/* flip BGR pixels to RGB */
/* swap bytes of 16-bit files to most significant byte first */
/* swap bits of 1, 2, 4 bit packed pixel formats */
/* turn on interlace handling if you are not using png_write_image() */
if (interlacing)
number_passes = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr);
number_passes = 1;
/* The easiest way to write the image (you may have a different memory
* layout, however, so choose what fits your needs best). You need to
* use the first method if you aren't handling interlacing yourself.
png_uint_32 k, height, width;
png_byte image[height][width*bytes_per_pixel];
png_bytep row_pointers[height];
if (height > PNG_UINT_32_MAX/png_sizeof(png_bytep))
png_error (png_ptr, "Image is too tall to process in memory");
for (k = 0; k < height; k++)
row_pointers[k] = image + k*width*bytes_per_pixel;
/* One of the following output methods is REQUIRED */
#ifdef entire /* write out the entire image data in one call */
png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
/* the other way to write the image - deal with interlacing */
#else no_entire /* write out the image data by one or more scanlines */
/* The number of passes is either 1 for non-interlaced images,
* or 7 for interlaced images.
for (pass = 0; pass < number_passes; pass++)
/* Write a few rows at a time. */
png_write_rows(png_ptr, &row_pointers[first_row], number_of_rows);
/* If you are only writing one row at a time, this works */
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
png_write_rows(png_ptr, &row_pointers[y], 1);
#endif no_entire /* use only one output method */
/* You can write optional chunks like tEXt, zTXt, and tIME at the end
* as well. Shouldn't be necessary in 1.1.0 and up as all the public
* chunks are supported and you can use png_set_unknown_chunks() to
* register unknown chunks into the info structure to be written out.
/* It is REQUIRED to call this to finish writing the rest of the file */
png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
#endif hilevel
/* If you png_malloced a palette, free it here (don't free info_ptr->palette,
as recommended in versions 1.0.5m and earlier of this example; if
libpng mallocs info_ptr->palette, libpng will free it). If you
allocated it with malloc() instead of png_malloc(), use free() instead
of png_free(). */
png_free(png_ptr, palette);
palette = NULL;
/* Similarly, if you png_malloced any data that you passed in with
png_set_something(), such as a hist or trans array, free it here,
when you can be sure that libpng is through with it. */
png_free(png_ptr, trans);
trans = NULL;
/* clean up after the write, and free any memory allocated */
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
/* close the file */
/* that's it */
return (OK);
#endif /* if 0 */
the_stack_data/917723.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
long toBigEndian(long little_endian)
long result = 0;
result |= (little_endian & 0x00FF) << 24;
result |= (little_endian & 0xFF00) << 8;
result |= (little_endian & 0x00FF0000) >> 8;
result |= (little_endian & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
return result;
int toBigEndian_test(void) {
long temp = toBigEndian(0x12345678);
printf("result = 0x%x", temp);
the_stack_data/178265758.c | void ddot_naive_scalar(
int N,
const float* x,
const float* y,
float* r)
float sum = 0.0;
#pragma novector
for (int i=0; i<N; ++i)
sum += x[i]*y[i];
(*r) = sum;
the_stack_data/26700910.c | #include<stdio.h>
float preco_do_produto, desconto, valor_final_do_produto;
void interface(){
printf("digite o valor do produto : ");
void calculadesconto(float preco_do_produto, float desconto){
valor_final_do_produto= preco_do_produto-(preco_do_produto * desconto)/100 ;
printf("o valor do produto e : %f", valor_final_do_produto);
void main(){
} |
the_stack_data/182954341.c | #ifdef COMPILE_FOR_TEST
#include <assert.h>
#define assume(cond) assert(cond)
void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int x_0_0;//main::argc T0
int x_1_0;//t3 T0
int x_2_0;//t2 T0
int x_3_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_3_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_4_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_4_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_5_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_5_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_5_2;//functioncall::param T0
int x_5_3;//functioncall::param T0
int x_6_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_6_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_7_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_7_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_8_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_8_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_9_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_9_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_10_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_10_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_11_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_11_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_12_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_12_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_13_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_13_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_14_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_14_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_15_0;//cache_init::max_size T0
int x_16_0;//cache_init::max_entries T0
int x_17_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_17_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_18_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_18_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_19_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_19_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_20_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_20_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_21_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_21_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_22_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_22_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_23_0;//cache_hash_make::size T0
int x_24_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_24_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_25_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_25_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_26_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_26_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_27_0;//alloc_array::max T0
int x_28_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_28_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_29_0;//cache_pq_init::n T0
int x_30_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_30_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_31_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_31_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_32_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_32_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_33_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_33_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_34_0;//cnt T1
int x_35_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_35_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_36_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_36_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_37_0;//decrement_refcount::tmp_apr_thread_mutex_lock T1
int x_38_0;//rv T1
int x_38_1;//rv T1
int x_39_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_39_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_40_0;//decrement_refcount::tmp_apr_thread_mutex_unlock T1
int x_41_0;//status T1
int x_41_1;//status T1
int x_42_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_42_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_43_0;//cnt T2
int x_44_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_44_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_45_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_45_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_46_0;//decrement_refcount::tmp_apr_thread_mutex_lock T2
int x_47_0;//rv T2
int x_47_1;//rv T2
int x_48_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_48_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_49_0;//decrement_refcount::tmp_apr_thread_mutex_unlock T2
int x_50_0;//status T2
int x_50_1;//status T2
int x_51_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_51_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_52_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_52_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_53_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_53_1;//functioncall::param T2
T_0_0_0: x_0_0 = 1;
T_0_1_0: x_1_0 = 16217305;
T_0_2_0: x_2_0 = 6521800;
T_0_3_0: x_3_0 = 1043369853;
T_0_4_0: x_3_1 = 1;
T_0_5_0: x_4_0 = 1881848808;
T_0_6_0: x_4_1 = 0;
T_0_7_0: x_5_0 = 1932185368;
T_0_8_0: x_5_1 = 1;
T_0_9_0: x_6_0 = 1126906663;
T_0_10_0: x_6_1 = -1;
T_0_11_0: x_7_0 = 528874116;
T_0_12_0: x_7_1 = 49;
T_0_13_0: x_8_0 = 1954700756;
T_0_14_0: x_8_1 = 1;
T_0_15_0: x_9_0 = 655498373;
T_0_16_0: x_9_1 = 10;
T_0_17_0: x_10_0 = 1880806210;
T_0_18_0: x_10_1 = 10;
T_0_19_0: x_11_0 = 1827139902;
T_0_20_0: x_11_1 = 0;
T_0_21_0: x_12_0 = 1703105329;
T_0_22_0: x_12_1 = 0;
T_0_23_0: x_13_0 = 1428425154;
T_0_24_0: x_13_1 = x_10_1;
T_0_25_0: x_14_0 = 673366585;
T_0_26_0: x_14_1 = x_9_1;
T_0_27_0: x_15_0 = 10;
T_0_28_0: x_16_0 = 10;
T_0_29_0: x_17_0 = 1102252151;
T_0_30_0: x_17_1 = x_16_0;
T_0_31_0: x_18_0 = 237290399;
T_0_32_0: x_18_1 = x_15_0;
T_0_33_0: x_19_0 = 1866942286;
T_0_34_0: x_19_1 = 0;
T_0_35_0: x_20_0 = 1873676755;
T_0_36_0: x_20_1 = 0;
T_0_37_0: x_21_0 = 1196981551;
T_0_38_0: x_21_1 = 0;
T_0_39_0: x_22_0 = 1895836172;
T_0_40_0: x_22_1 = x_16_0;
T_0_41_0: x_23_0 = 10;
T_0_42_0: x_24_0 = 1983386089;
T_0_43_0: x_24_1 = 0;
T_0_44_0: x_25_0 = 1018658445;
T_0_45_0: x_25_1 = x_23_0;
T_0_46_0: x_26_0 = 1217556615;
T_0_47_0: x_26_1 = x_25_1;
T_0_48_0: x_27_0 = 10;
T_0_49_0: x_28_0 = 1626192150;
T_0_50_0: x_28_1 = x_16_0;
T_0_51_0: x_29_0 = 10;
T_0_52_0: x_30_0 = 1510117978;
T_0_53_0: x_30_1 = 1 + x_29_0;
T_0_54_0: x_31_0 = 1690873489;
T_0_55_0: x_31_1 = x_30_1;
T_0_56_0: x_32_0 = 483394531;
T_0_57_0: x_32_1 = x_30_1;
T_0_58_0: x_33_0 = 111586667;
T_0_59_0: x_33_1 = 1;
T_0_60_0: x_34_0 = 10964;
T_0_61_0: x_35_0 = 1795983002;
T_0_62_0: x_35_1 = 26398;
T_0_63_0: x_36_0 = 572992936;
T_1_64_1: x_36_1 = x_35_1;
T_1_65_1: x_43_0 = 10964;
T_1_66_1: x_44_0 = 541004026;
T_1_67_1: x_44_1 = 26398;
T_1_68_1: x_45_0 = 336830508;
T_1_69_1: x_45_1 = x_44_1;
T_2_70_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_46_0 = 60102400;
T_2_71_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_47_0 = 10964;
T_2_72_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_47_1 = 0;
T_2_73_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_48_0 = 1802150134;
T_2_74_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_48_1 = x_47_1;
T_2_75_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_49_0 = 16507596;
T_2_76_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_50_0 = 10964;
T_2_77_2: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_37_0 = 58001152;
T_2_78_2: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_38_0 = 10964;
T_2_79_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_50_1 = 0;
T_2_80_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_51_0 = 1584373880;
T_2_81_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_51_1 = x_50_1;
T_2_82_2: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_38_1 = 0;
T_2_83_2: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_39_0 = 71195668;
T_1_84_1: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_4_1 == 0) x_39_1 = x_38_1;
T_1_85_1: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1) x_5_2 = -1 + x_5_1;
T_1_86_1: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_40_0 = 16507596;
T_2_87_2: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_41_0 = 10964;
T_2_88_2: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_41_1 = 0;
T_2_89_2: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_42_0 = 1586851855;
T_1_90_1: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1 && x_4_1 == 0 && x_6_1 != 0) x_42_1 = x_41_1;
T_1_91_1: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1) x_52_0 = 563796895;
T_1_92_1: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1) x_52_1 = x_5_2;
T_2_93_2: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1) x_53_0 = 600069784;
T_1_94_1: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1) x_53_1 = x_52_1;
T_1_95_1: if (x_35_1 == x_36_1) x_5_3 = -1 + x_5_2;
T_1_96_1: if (x_44_1 == x_45_1 && x_5_2 == 0) assert(x_53_1 == x_5_3);
the_stack_data/161081831.c | #include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
execvp(argv[1],argv + 1);
the_stack_data/133180.c | /**
* BOJ 1913번 C언어 소스 코드
* 작성자 : 동동매니저 (DDManager)
* ※ 실행 결과
* 사용 메모리 : 4,944 KB / 131,072 KB
* 소요 시간 : 144 ms / 2,000 ms
* Copyright 2019. DDManager all rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void set(int**,int,int,int);
int n;
int find,ans_i=0,ans_j=0;
int main(void){
int i,j,dir=0,c=1,cnt=0;
int loop,loop2;
int **data;
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
if(cnt>n*n) break;
if(loop2>0) printf(" %d",data[loop][loop2]);
else printf("%d",data[loop][loop2]);
printf("%d %d\n",ans_i,ans_j);
return 0;
void set(int **data,int i,int j,int cnt){
} |
the_stack_data/150141293.c | /* $OpenBSD: strcpy.c,v 1.4 1998/06/27 01:21:07 mickey Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* This product includes software developed by the University of
* California, Berkeley and its contributors.
* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
/*static char *sccsid = "from: @(#)strcpy.c 5.7 (Berkeley) 2/24/91";*/
static char *rcsid = "$OpenBSD: strcpy.c,v 1.4 1998/06/27 01:21:07 mickey Exp $";
#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
#if !defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(_STANDALONE)
#include <string.h>
#include <lib/libkern/libkern.h>
char *
strcpy(to, from)
register char *to;
register const char *from;
char *save = to;
for (; (*to = *from) != '\0'; ++from, ++to);
the_stack_data/59513650.c | // memory leak in sctp_stream_init_ext
// status:open
// autogenerated by syzkaller (
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <dirent.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
unsigned long long procid;
static void sleep_ms(uint64_t ms)
usleep(ms * 1000);
static uint64_t current_time_ms(void)
struct timespec ts;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts))
return (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000 + (uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec / 1000000;
static bool write_file(const char* file, const char* what, ...)
char buf[1024];
va_list args;
va_start(args, what);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), what, args);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
int len = strlen(buf);
int fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (fd == -1)
return false;
if (write(fd, buf, len) != len) {
int err = errno;
errno = err;
return false;
return true;
static void kill_and_wait(int pid, int* status)
kill(-pid, SIGKILL);
kill(pid, SIGKILL);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (waitpid(-1, status, WNOHANG | __WALL) == pid)
DIR* dir = opendir("/sys/fs/fuse/connections");
if (dir) {
for (;;) {
struct dirent* ent = readdir(dir);
if (!ent)
if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0)
char abort[300];
snprintf(abort, sizeof(abort), "/sys/fs/fuse/connections/%s/abort",
int fd = open(abort, O_WRONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
if (write(fd, abort, 1) < 0) {
} else {
while (waitpid(-1, status, __WALL) != pid) {
static void setup_test()
prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGKILL, 0, 0, 0);
write_file("/proc/self/oom_score_adj", "1000");
#define KMEMLEAK_FILE "/sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak"
static void setup_leak()
if (!write_file(KMEMLEAK_FILE, "scan"))
if (!write_file(KMEMLEAK_FILE, "scan"))
if (!write_file(KMEMLEAK_FILE, "clear"))
static void check_leaks(void)
int fd = open(KMEMLEAK_FILE, O_RDWR);
if (fd == -1)
uint64_t start = current_time_ms();
if (write(fd, "scan", 4) != 4)
while (current_time_ms() - start < 4 * 1000)
if (write(fd, "scan", 4) != 4)
static char buf[128 << 10];
ssize_t n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
if (n < 0)
int nleaks = 0;
if (n != 0) {
if (write(fd, "scan", 4) != 4)
if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
if (n < 0)
buf[n] = 0;
char* pos = buf;
char* end = buf + n;
while (pos < end) {
char* next = strstr(pos + 1, "unreferenced object");
if (!next)
next = end;
char prev = *next;
*next = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "BUG: memory leak\n%s\n", pos);
*next = prev;
pos = next;
if (write(fd, "clear", 5) != 5)
if (nleaks)
static void execute_one(void);
static void loop(void)
int iter;
for (iter = 0;; iter++) {
int pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)
if (pid == 0) {
int status = 0;
uint64_t start = current_time_ms();
for (;;) {
if (waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG | WAIT_FLAGS) == pid)
if (current_time_ms() - start < 5 * 1000)
kill_and_wait(pid, &status);
uint64_t r[1] = {0xffffffffffffffff};
void execute_one(void)
intptr_t res = 0;
res = syscall(__NR_socket, 0xa, 1, 0x84);
if (res != -1)
r[0] = res;
*(uint16_t*)0x20cf6fe4 = 0xa;
*(uint16_t*)0x20cf6fe6 = htobe16(0x4e23);
*(uint32_t*)0x20cf6fe8 = htobe32(0);
*(uint64_t*)0x20cf6fec = htobe64(0);
*(uint64_t*)0x20cf6ff4 = htobe64(1);
*(uint32_t*)0x20cf6ffc = 0;
syscall(__NR_setsockopt, r[0], 0x84, 0x64, 0x20cf6fe4, 0x1c);
*(uint16_t*)0x200000c0 = 0xa;
*(uint16_t*)0x200000c2 = htobe16(0x4e23);
*(uint32_t*)0x200000c4 = htobe32(0);
*(uint64_t*)0x200000c8 = htobe64(0);
*(uint64_t*)0x200000d0 = htobe64(1);
*(uint32_t*)0x200000d8 = 0;
syscall(__NR_connect, r[0], 0x200000c0, 0x1c);
*(uint16_t*)0x20000040 = 1;
*(uint64_t*)0x20000048 = 0x20000000;
*(uint16_t*)0x20000000 = 6;
*(uint8_t*)0x20000002 = 0;
*(uint8_t*)0x20000003 = 0;
*(uint32_t*)0x20000004 = 0;
syscall(__NR_setsockopt, r[0], 1, 0x1a, 0x20000040, 0x10);
memcpy((void*)0x20000080, "!", 1);
syscall(__NR_write, r[0], 0x20000080, 1);
int main(void)
syscall(__NR_mmap, 0x20000000, 0x1000000, 3, 0x32, -1, 0);
for (procid = 0; procid < 8; procid++) {
if (fork() == 0) {
return 0;
the_stack_data/132208.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int somaSucessivas(int x, int y);
int somaSucessivas(int x, int y){
if(y == 1){
return x;
return x + somaSucessivas(x, (y - 1));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int x, y;
scanf("%d", &x);
scanf("%d", &y);
printf("%d", somaSucessivas(x, y));
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/179830870.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int v[5];
int i;
v[0] = 1;
v[1] = 2;
v[2] = 3;
v[3] = 4;
v[4] = 5;
for (i = 4; i >= 0; --i)
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/74935.c | /* ヘッダファイルのインクルード */
#include <stdio.h> /* 標準入出力 */
/* main関数の定義 */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
/* 変数の宣言 */
int i; /* ループ用変数i. */
/* コマンドライン引数の出力. */
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++){ /* argcの数繰り返す. */
/* argvの出力. */
printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]); /* argvの各要素を出力. */
/* プログラムの終了. */
return 0; /* 0を返して正常終了. */
the_stack_data/132952531.c | typedef struct
int *x;
int *y;
} *pair;
void pair_free (/*@only@*/ pair p)
int i = 3;
free (p->x);
if (i < 2)
*(p->y) = 3;
free (p->y);
free (p);
void pair_free2 (/*@only@*/ pair p)
int i = 3;
free (p->x);
if (i < 2)
*(p->y) = 3;
*(p->y) = 12;
free (p->y);
free (p);
the_stack_data/64201452.c | /* while2.c -- 注意分号的位置 */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int n = 0;
while (n++ < 3);
printf("n is %d\n", n);
printf("That's all this program does.\n");
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/62636510.c | #include<stdio.h>
int main (){
float m,c;
printf("Informe o valor de centimetros \n");
m= c/100;
printf("O valor de metros e de %.2f\n",m);
return 0;
the_stack_data/117956.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
// Define the domain
double x_len = 2.0;
double y_len = 2.0;
int x_points = 251;
int y_points = 251;
double del_x = x_len/(x_points-1);
double del_y = y_len/(y_points-1);
double x[x_points], y[y_points];
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for nowait
for(int i = 0; i < x_points; i++){
x[i] = i * del_x;
#pragma omp for
for(int j = 0; j < y_points; j++){
y[j] = j * del_y;
// printf("\n The domain coordinate is <x,y> \n \t");
// for(int i = 0; i < y_points; i++){
// for(int j = 0; j < x_points; j++){
// printf("%f ; %f \n \t", x[j], y[i]);
// }
// }
// Define the parameters
int num_itrs = 120; // Number of time iterations
double nu = 0.01;
double sigma = 0.0009;
double del_t = sigma * del_x * del_y / nu; // CFL criteria
double u[y_points][x_points], u_new[y_points][x_points];
double v[y_points][x_points], v_new[y_points][x_points];
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < y_points; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < x_points; j++){
u[i][j] = 1.0;
v[i][j] = 1.0;
u_new[i][j] = 1.0;
v_new[i][j] = 1.0;
if(x[j] > 0.5 && x[j] < 1.0 && y[i] > 0.5 && y[i] < 1.0){
u[i][j] = 2.0;
v[i][j] = 2.0;
u_new[i][j] = 2.0;
v_new[i][j] = 2.0;
// printf("\n The initial velocity is <u,v> \n \t");
// for(int i = 0; i < y_points; i++){
// for(int j = 0; j < x_points; j++){
// printf("%f ; %f \n \t", u[i][j], v[i][j]);
// }
// }
// Iteration (parallel)
double par_start_time = omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel
for(int itr = 0; itr < num_itrs; itr++){
#pragma omp for nowait
for(int i = 1; i < y_points-1; i++){
for(int j = 1; j < x_points-1; j++){
u_new[i][j] = u[i][j] + (nu*del_t/(del_x*del_x))*(u[i][j+1] + u[i][j-1] -2*u[i][j]) + (nu*del_t/(del_y*del_y))*(u[i+1][j] + u[i-1][j] -2*u[i][j]) - (del_t/del_x)*u[i][j]*(u[i][j] - u[i][j-1]) - (del_t/del_y)*v[i][j]*(u[i][j] - u[i-1][j]);
v_new[i][j] = v[i][j] + (nu*del_t/(del_x*del_x))*(v[i][j+1] + v[i][j-1] -2*v[i][j]) + (nu*del_t/(del_y*del_y))*(v[i+1][j] + v[i-1][j] -2*v[i][j]) - (del_t/del_x)*u[i][j]*(v[i][j] - v[i][j-1]) - (del_t/del_y)*v[i][j]*(v[i][j] - v[i-1][j]);
// Boundary conditions assign
#pragma omp for nowait
for(int i = 0; i < x_points; i++){
u_new[0][i] = 1.0;
v_new[0][i] = 1.0;
u_new[x_points-1][i] = 1.0;
v_new[x_points-1][i] = 1.0;
#pragma omp for nowait
for(int j = 0; j < y_points; j++){
u_new[j][0] = 1.0;
v_new[j][0] = 1.0;
u_new[j][y_points-1] = 1.0;
v_new[j][y_points-1] = 1.0;
// Updating older values to newer ones
#pragma omp for
for(int i = 0; i < y_points; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < x_points; j++){
u[i][j] = u_new[i][j];
v[i][j] = v_new[i][j];
double par_end_time = omp_get_wtime();
// printf("\n The final velocity is <u,v> \n \t");
// for(int i = 0; i < y_points; i++){
// for(int j = 0; j < x_points; j++){
// printf("%f ; %f \n \t", u[i][j], v[i][j]);
// }
// }
printf("\n Time taken for parallel computing is: %f", par_end_time - par_start_time);
// Serial computing - to compare time
// Redefining velocities
for(int i = 0; i < y_points; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < x_points; j++){
u[i][j] = 1.0;
v[i][j] = 1.0;
u_new[i][j] = 1.0;
v_new[i][j] = 1.0;
if(x[j] > 0.5 && x[j] < 1.0 && y[i] > 0.5 && y[i] < 1.0){
u[i][j] = 2.0;
v[i][j] = 2.0;
u_new[i][j] = 2.0;
v_new[i][j] = 2.0;
// Iteration (parallel)
double ser_start_time = omp_get_wtime();
for(int itr = 0; itr < num_itrs; itr++){
for(int i = 1; i < y_points-1; i++){
for(int j = 1; j < x_points-1; j++){
u_new[i][j] = u[i][j] + (nu*del_t/(del_x*del_x))*(u[i][j+1] + u[i][j-1] -2*u[i][j]) + (nu*del_t/(del_y*del_y))*(u[i+1][j] + u[i-1][j] -2*u[i][j]);
v_new[i][j] = v[i][j] + (nu*del_t/(del_x*del_x))*(v[i][j+1] + v[i][j-1] -2*v[i][j]) + (nu*del_t/(del_y*del_y))*(v[i+1][j] + v[i-1][j] -2*v[i][j]);
// Boundary conditions assign
for(int i = 0; i < x_points; i++){
u_new[0][i] = 1.0;
v_new[0][i] = 1.0;
u_new[x_points-1][i] = 1.0;
v_new[x_points-1][i] = 1.0;
for(int j = 0; j < y_points; j++){
u_new[j][0] = 1.0;
v_new[j][0] = 1.0;
u_new[j][y_points-1] = 1.0;
v_new[j][y_points-1] = 1.0;
// Updating older values to newer ones
for(int i = 0; i < y_points; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < x_points; j++){
u[i][j] = u_new[i][j];
v[i][j] = v_new[i][j];
double ser_end_time = omp_get_wtime();
printf("\n Time taken for serial computing is: %f", ser_end_time - ser_start_time);
printf("\n Speedup is \t : %f", (ser_end_time - ser_start_time)/(par_end_time - par_start_time));
return 0;
the_stack_data/982573.c | #ifdef STM32G0xx
#include "stm32g0xx_hal_fdcan.c"
#ifdef STM32G4xx
#include "stm32g4xx_hal_fdcan.c"
#ifdef STM32H7xx
#include "stm32h7xx_hal_fdcan.c"
#ifdef STM32L5xx
#include "stm32l5xx_hal_fdcan.c"
#ifdef STM32MP1xx
#include "stm32mp1xx_hal_fdcan.c"
the_stack_data/318600.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char analyze(char *sequence)
int length = strlen(sequence);
if (strcmp(sequence, "1") == 0 || strcmp(sequence, "4") == 0 || strcmp(sequence, "78") == 0)
return '+';
char *lastTwoDigits = sequence + (length - 2);
if (strcmp(lastTwoDigits, "35") == 0)
return '-';
char firstDigit = sequence[0];
char lastDigit = sequence[length - 1];
if (firstDigit == '9' && lastDigit == '4')
return '*';
if (strncmp(sequence, "190", 3) == 0)
return '?';
return '!';
int main()
int n; /* A integer n stating the number of encrypted results */
scanf("%d\n", &n);
int i;
char sequence[20], output;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
fgets(sequence, 20, stdin);
strtok(sequence, "\n");
output = analyze(sequence);
printf("%c\n", output);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/39829.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void ft_putnbr(int nb);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int x = atoi(argv[1]);
the_stack_data/62637698.c | #include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define MAX_GLOW 100
#define MAX_DIM 40
#define RHO 0.4
#define GAMMA 0.6
#define BETA 0.08
#define N_T 5
#define STEP_SIZE 0.03
#define L_0 5.
/* These must be the same */
#define R_S 0.5
#define R_0 0.5
struct Glowworm{
double pos[MAX_DIM];
double l;/*luciferin*/
double r;/*radius*/
void print_worm(struct Glowworm gw, unsigned int dim){
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++){
printf("%f, ", gw.pos[i]);
double euclid_dist(struct Glowworm gw1, struct Glowworm gw2, unsigned int dim){
unsigned int i;
double dist = 0.;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++){
dist += fabs(gw1.pos[i] - gw2.pos[i]);
return dist;
void rand_init_worms(struct Glowworm *gw, unsigned int n, unsigned int m){
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
for (j = 0; j < m; j++){
gw[i].pos[j] = 10. * ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX) - 5.;
gw[i].l = L_0;
gw[i].r = R_0;
/* calculate probabilities for all candidates of gw[i] */
/* and select */
int select_worm(struct Glowworm gw1, struct Glowworm *gw, int *cw, int n){
int i;
double t, sum;
double p[MAX_GLOW];
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
sum += gw[cw[i]].l - gw1.l;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
p[i] = (gw[cw[i]].l - gw1.l) / sum;
/* random number between 0 and 1 */
t = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
if (t < p[i])
return cw[i];
t -= p[i];
return -1;
struct Glowworm move_worm(struct Glowworm gw1, struct Glowworm gw2, unsigned int dim){
double t[MAX_DIM];
double euclid_norm;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
t[i] = gw2.pos[i] - gw1.pos[i];
euclid_norm = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
euclid_norm += t[i] * t[i];
euclid_norm = sqrt(euclid_norm);
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
t[i] /= euclid_norm;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
gw1.pos[i] += STEP_SIZE * t[i];
return gw1;
double calc_radius(struct Glowworm gw, int k){
double res;
res = fmax(0., gw.r + BETA * (double)(N_T - k));
res = fmin(R_S, res);
return res;
void glowworm_optimizer(double(*fitnessfunction)(double*),
unsigned int dim, double ftarget, double eval_budget){
int i, j, k, gw_s;
double evals = 0.;
double f;
struct Glowworm *gw = malloc(sizeof(struct Glowworm) * MAX_GLOW);
struct Glowworm *gw_new;
int cw[MAX_GLOW]; /* candidate worms */
int n = 50;
eval_budget = fmin(1000000000. * dim, eval_budget);
rand_init_worms(gw, n, dim);
while(1) {
/*phase 1: update luciferin*/
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
f = fitnessfunction(gw[i].pos);
if (f < ftarget || evals > eval_budget){
gw[i].l = (1.0 - RHO) * gw[i].l + GAMMA * 1.0 / f;
/*phase 2: move*/
gw_new = malloc(sizeof(struct Glowworm) * MAX_GLOW);
/* this part should be a new function */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
k = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++){
if (i != j
&& gw[i].l < gw[j].l
&& gw[i].r >= euclid_dist(gw[i], gw[j], dim)){
/* add it to some candidate set for gw[i]*/
cw[k++] = j;
/* select */
gw_s = select_worm(gw[i], gw, cw, k);
/* move towards selected candidate */
gw_new[i] = move_worm(gw[i], gw[gw_s], dim);
/* update radius */
gw_new[i].r = calc_radius(gw_new[i], k);
/* swap to new generation of worms */
gw = gw_new;
the_stack_data/170453606.c |
#include <stdio.h>
void calc(int x, int *p) {
*p = x * x;
return ;
int main() {
int n, m;
scanf("%d", &n);
calc(n, &m);
printf("%d\n", m);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/299971.c | /* Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation.
Check that constant folding of built-in math functions doesn't
break anything and produces the expected results.
Written by Roger Sayle, 2nd April 2003. */
/* { dg-do link } */
/* { dg-options "-O2 -ffast-math" } */
extern void link_error(void);
extern double exp(double);
extern double log(double);
extern double sqrt(double);
extern double pow(double,double);
extern double fabs(double);
void test(double x)
if (sqrt(pow(x,4.0)) != x*x)
link_error ();
if (pow(sqrt(x),4.0) != x*x)
link_error ();
if (pow(pow(x,4.0),0.25) != x)
link_error ();
void test2(double x, double y, double z)
if (sqrt(pow(x,y)) != pow(fabs(x),y*0.5))
link_error ();
if (log(pow(x,y)) != y*log(x))
link_error ();
if (pow(exp(x),y) != exp(x*y))
link_error ();
if (pow(sqrt(x),y) != pow(x,y*0.5))
link_error ();
if (pow(pow(x,y),z) != pow(x,y*z))
link_error ();
int main()
test (2.0);
test2 (2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
return 0;
the_stack_data/69461.c |
long func(long s)
return s & ~(0x80000000UL | 0x0fffffffUL);
the_stack_data/146696.c | struct a {
int b;
int c
struct d {
int e;
int f
g, h, i, j, k, l, m;
n() {
struct a *a;
int b;
struct d *c = l;
a = m;
if (o()) {
if (k)
a->b = h;
a->b |= g;
if (p())
a->c = j;
a->c |= i;
if (l)
b = q();
b = r();
t(b || c && c->e);
if (b)
the_stack_data/321382.c | /* f2c.h -- Standard Fortran to C header file */
/** barf [ba:rf] 2. "He suggested using FORTRAN, and everybody barfed."
- From The Shogakukan DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second edition) */
#ifndef F2C_INCLUDE
#define F2C_INCLUDE
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <complex.h>
#ifdef complex
#undef complex
#ifdef I
#undef I
#if defined(_WIN64)
typedef long long BLASLONG;
typedef unsigned long long BLASULONG;
typedef long BLASLONG;
typedef unsigned long BLASULONG;
#ifdef LAPACK_ILP64
typedef BLASLONG blasint;
#if defined(_WIN64)
#define blasabs(x) llabs(x)
#define blasabs(x) labs(x)
typedef int blasint;
#define blasabs(x) abs(x)
typedef blasint integer;
typedef unsigned int uinteger;
typedef char *address;
typedef short int shortint;
typedef float real;
typedef double doublereal;
typedef struct { real r, i; } complex;
typedef struct { doublereal r, i; } doublecomplex;
static inline _Complex float Cf(complex *z) {return z->r + z->i*_Complex_I;}
static inline _Complex double Cd(doublecomplex *z) {return z->r + z->i*_Complex_I;}
static inline _Complex float * _pCf(complex *z) {return (_Complex float*)z;}
static inline _Complex double * _pCd(doublecomplex *z) {return (_Complex double*)z;}
#define pCf(z) (*_pCf(z))
#define pCd(z) (*_pCd(z))
typedef int logical;
typedef short int shortlogical;
typedef char logical1;
typedef char integer1;
#define TRUE_ (1)
#define FALSE_ (0)
/* Extern is for use with -E */
#ifndef Extern
#define Extern extern
/* I/O stuff */
typedef int flag;
typedef int ftnlen;
typedef int ftnint;
/*external read, write*/
typedef struct
{ flag cierr;
ftnint ciunit;
flag ciend;
char *cifmt;
ftnint cirec;
} cilist;
/*internal read, write*/
typedef struct
{ flag icierr;
char *iciunit;
flag iciend;
char *icifmt;
ftnint icirlen;
ftnint icirnum;
} icilist;
typedef struct
{ flag oerr;
ftnint ounit;
char *ofnm;
ftnlen ofnmlen;
char *osta;
char *oacc;
char *ofm;
ftnint orl;
char *oblnk;
} olist;
typedef struct
{ flag cerr;
ftnint cunit;
char *csta;
} cllist;
/*rewind, backspace, endfile*/
typedef struct
{ flag aerr;
ftnint aunit;
} alist;
/* inquire */
typedef struct
{ flag inerr;
ftnint inunit;
char *infile;
ftnlen infilen;
ftnint *inex; /*parameters in standard's order*/
ftnint *inopen;
ftnint *innum;
ftnint *innamed;
char *inname;
ftnlen innamlen;
char *inacc;
ftnlen inacclen;
char *inseq;
ftnlen inseqlen;
char *indir;
ftnlen indirlen;
char *infmt;
ftnlen infmtlen;
char *inform;
ftnint informlen;
char *inunf;
ftnlen inunflen;
ftnint *inrecl;
ftnint *innrec;
char *inblank;
ftnlen inblanklen;
} inlist;
#define VOID void
union Multitype { /* for multiple entry points */
integer1 g;
shortint h;
integer i;
/* longint j; */
real r;
doublereal d;
complex c;
doublecomplex z;
typedef union Multitype Multitype;
struct Vardesc { /* for Namelist */
char *name;
char *addr;
ftnlen *dims;
int type;
typedef struct Vardesc Vardesc;
struct Namelist {
char *name;
Vardesc **vars;
int nvars;
typedef struct Namelist Namelist;
#define abs(x) ((x) >= 0 ? (x) : -(x))
#define dabs(x) (fabs(x))
#define f2cmin(a,b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define f2cmax(a,b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define dmin(a,b) (f2cmin(a,b))
#define dmax(a,b) (f2cmax(a,b))
#define bit_test(a,b) ((a) >> (b) & 1)
#define bit_clear(a,b) ((a) & ~((uinteger)1 << (b)))
#define bit_set(a,b) ((a) | ((uinteger)1 << (b)))
#define abort_() { sig_die("Fortran abort routine called", 1); }
#define c_abs(z) (cabsf(Cf(z)))
#define c_cos(R,Z) { pCf(R)=ccos(Cf(Z)); }
#define c_div(c, a, b) {pCf(c) = Cf(a)/Cf(b);}
#define z_div(c, a, b) {pCd(c) = Cd(a)/Cd(b);}
#define c_exp(R, Z) {pCf(R) = cexpf(Cf(Z));}
#define c_log(R, Z) {pCf(R) = clogf(Cf(Z));}
#define c_sin(R, Z) {pCf(R) = csinf(Cf(Z));}
//#define c_sqrt(R, Z) {*(R) = csqrtf(Cf(Z));}
#define c_sqrt(R, Z) {pCf(R) = csqrtf(Cf(Z));}
#define d_abs(x) (fabs(*(x)))
#define d_acos(x) (acos(*(x)))
#define d_asin(x) (asin(*(x)))
#define d_atan(x) (atan(*(x)))
#define d_atn2(x, y) (atan2(*(x),*(y)))
#define d_cnjg(R, Z) { pCd(R) = conj(Cd(Z)); }
#define r_cnjg(R, Z) { pCf(R) = conj(Cf(Z)); }
#define d_cos(x) (cos(*(x)))
#define d_cosh(x) (cosh(*(x)))
#define d_dim(__a, __b) ( *(__a) > *(__b) ? *(__a) - *(__b) : 0.0 )
#define d_exp(x) (exp(*(x)))
#define d_imag(z) (cimag(Cd(z)))
#define r_imag(z) (cimag(Cf(z)))
#define d_int(__x) (*(__x)>0 ? floor(*(__x)) : -floor(- *(__x)))
#define r_int(__x) (*(__x)>0 ? floor(*(__x)) : -floor(- *(__x)))
#define d_lg10(x) ( 0.43429448190325182765 * log(*(x)) )
#define r_lg10(x) ( 0.43429448190325182765 * log(*(x)) )
#define d_log(x) (log(*(x)))
#define d_mod(x, y) (fmod(*(x), *(y)))
#define u_nint(__x) ((__x)>=0 ? floor((__x) + .5) : -floor(.5 - (__x)))
#define d_nint(x) u_nint(*(x))
#define u_sign(__a,__b) ((__b) >= 0 ? ((__a) >= 0 ? (__a) : -(__a)) : -((__a) >= 0 ? (__a) : -(__a)))
#define d_sign(a,b) u_sign(*(a),*(b))
#define r_sign(a,b) u_sign(*(a),*(b))
#define d_sin(x) (sin(*(x)))
#define d_sinh(x) (sinh(*(x)))
#define d_sqrt(x) (sqrt(*(x)))
#define d_tan(x) (tan(*(x)))
#define d_tanh(x) (tanh(*(x)))
#define i_abs(x) abs(*(x))
#define i_dnnt(x) ((integer)u_nint(*(x)))
#define i_len(s, n) (n)
#define i_nint(x) ((integer)u_nint(*(x)))
#define i_sign(a,b) ((integer)u_sign((integer)*(a),(integer)*(b)))
#define pow_dd(ap, bp) ( pow(*(ap), *(bp)))
#define pow_si(B,E) spow_ui(*(B),*(E))
#define pow_ri(B,E) spow_ui(*(B),*(E))
#define pow_di(B,E) dpow_ui(*(B),*(E))
#define pow_zi(p, a, b) {pCd(p) = zpow_ui(Cd(a), *(b));}
#define pow_ci(p, a, b) {pCf(p) = cpow_ui(Cf(a), *(b));}
#define pow_zz(R,A,B) {pCd(R) = cpow(Cd(A),*(B));}
#define s_cat(lpp, rpp, rnp, np, llp) { ftnlen i, nc, ll; char *f__rp, *lp; ll = (llp); lp = (lpp); for(i=0; i < (int)*(np); ++i) { nc = ll; if((rnp)[i] < nc) nc = (rnp)[i]; ll -= nc; f__rp = (rpp)[i]; while(--nc >= 0) *lp++ = *(f__rp)++; } while(--ll >= 0) *lp++ = ' '; }
#define s_cmp(a,b,c,d) ((integer)strncmp((a),(b),f2cmin((c),(d))))
#define s_copy(A,B,C,D) { int __i,__m; for (__i=0, __m=f2cmin((C),(D)); __i<__m && (B)[__i] != 0; ++__i) (A)[__i] = (B)[__i]; }
#define sig_die(s, kill) { exit(1); }
#define s_stop(s, n) {exit(0);}
static char junk[] = "\n@(#)LIBF77 VERSION 19990503\n";
#define z_abs(z) (cabs(Cd(z)))
#define z_exp(R, Z) {pCd(R) = cexp(Cd(Z));}
#define z_sqrt(R, Z) {pCd(R) = csqrt(Cd(Z));}
#define myexit_() break;
#define mycycle() continue;
#define myceiling(w) {ceil(w)}
#define myhuge(w) {HUGE_VAL}
//#define mymaxloc_(w,s,e,n) {if (sizeof(*(w)) == sizeof(double)) dmaxloc_((w),*(s),*(e),n); else dmaxloc_((w),*(s),*(e),n);}
#define mymaxloc(w,s,e,n) {dmaxloc_(w,*(s),*(e),n)}
/* procedure parameter types for -A and -C++ */
#define F2C_proc_par_types 1
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef logical (*L_fp)(...);
typedef logical (*L_fp)();
static float spow_ui(float x, integer n) {
float pow=1.0; unsigned long int u;
if(n != 0) {
if(n < 0) n = -n, x = 1/x;
for(u = n; ; ) {
if(u & 01) pow *= x;
if(u >>= 1) x *= x;
else break;
return pow;
static double dpow_ui(double x, integer n) {
double pow=1.0; unsigned long int u;
if(n != 0) {
if(n < 0) n = -n, x = 1/x;
for(u = n; ; ) {
if(u & 01) pow *= x;
if(u >>= 1) x *= x;
else break;
return pow;
static _Complex float cpow_ui(_Complex float x, integer n) {
_Complex float pow=1.0; unsigned long int u;
if(n != 0) {
if(n < 0) n = -n, x = 1/x;
for(u = n; ; ) {
if(u & 01) pow *= x;
if(u >>= 1) x *= x;
else break;
return pow;
static _Complex double zpow_ui(_Complex double x, integer n) {
_Complex double pow=1.0; unsigned long int u;
if(n != 0) {
if(n < 0) n = -n, x = 1/x;
for(u = n; ; ) {
if(u & 01) pow *= x;
if(u >>= 1) x *= x;
else break;
return pow;
static integer pow_ii(integer x, integer n) {
integer pow; unsigned long int u;
if (n <= 0) {
if (n == 0 || x == 1) pow = 1;
else if (x != -1) pow = x == 0 ? 1/x : 0;
else n = -n;
if ((n > 0) || !(n == 0 || x == 1 || x != -1)) {
u = n;
for(pow = 1; ; ) {
if(u & 01) pow *= x;
if(u >>= 1) x *= x;
else break;
return pow;
static integer dmaxloc_(double *w, integer s, integer e, integer *n)
double m; integer i, mi;
for(m=w[s-1], mi=s, i=s+1; i<=e; i++)
if (w[i-1]>m) mi=i ,m=w[i-1];
return mi-s+1;
static integer smaxloc_(float *w, integer s, integer e, integer *n)
float m; integer i, mi;
for(m=w[s-1], mi=s, i=s+1; i<=e; i++)
if (w[i-1]>m) mi=i ,m=w[i-1];
return mi-s+1;
static inline void cdotc_(complex *z, integer *n_, complex *x, integer *incx_, complex *y, integer *incy_) {
integer n = *n_, incx = *incx_, incy = *incy_, i;
_Complex float zdotc = 0.0;
if (incx == 1 && incy == 1) {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* zdotc = zdotc + dconjg(x(i))* y(i) */
zdotc += conjf(Cf(&x[i])) * Cf(&y[i]);
} else {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* zdotc = zdotc + dconjg(x(i))* y(i) */
zdotc += conjf(Cf(&x[i*incx])) * Cf(&y[i*incy]);
pCf(z) = zdotc;
static inline void zdotc_(doublecomplex *z, integer *n_, doublecomplex *x, integer *incx_, doublecomplex *y, integer *incy_) {
integer n = *n_, incx = *incx_, incy = *incy_, i;
_Complex double zdotc = 0.0;
if (incx == 1 && incy == 1) {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* zdotc = zdotc + dconjg(x(i))* y(i) */
zdotc += conj(Cd(&x[i])) * Cd(&y[i]);
} else {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* zdotc = zdotc + dconjg(x(i))* y(i) */
zdotc += conj(Cd(&x[i*incx])) * Cd(&y[i*incy]);
pCd(z) = zdotc;
static inline void cdotu_(complex *z, integer *n_, complex *x, integer *incx_, complex *y, integer *incy_) {
integer n = *n_, incx = *incx_, incy = *incy_, i;
_Complex float zdotc = 0.0;
if (incx == 1 && incy == 1) {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* zdotc = zdotc + dconjg(x(i))* y(i) */
zdotc += Cf(&x[i]) * Cf(&y[i]);
} else {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* zdotc = zdotc + dconjg(x(i))* y(i) */
zdotc += Cf(&x[i*incx]) * Cf(&y[i*incy]);
pCf(z) = zdotc;
static inline void zdotu_(doublecomplex *z, integer *n_, doublecomplex *x, integer *incx_, doublecomplex *y, integer *incy_) {
integer n = *n_, incx = *incx_, incy = *incy_, i;
_Complex double zdotc = 0.0;
if (incx == 1 && incy == 1) {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* zdotc = zdotc + dconjg(x(i))* y(i) */
zdotc += Cd(&x[i]) * Cd(&y[i]);
} else {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* zdotc = zdotc + dconjg(x(i))* y(i) */
zdotc += Cd(&x[i*incx]) * Cd(&y[i*incy]);
pCd(z) = zdotc;
/* -- translated by f2c (version 20000121).
You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
-lf2c -lm (in that order)
/* > \brief \b SLAPY3 returns sqrt(x2+y2+z2). */
/* =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== */
/* Online html documentation available at */
/* */
/* > \htmlonly */
/* > Download SLAPY3 + dependencies */
/* > <a href="
f"> */
/* > [TGZ]</a> */
/* > <a href="
f"> */
/* > [ZIP]</a> */
/* > <a href="
f"> */
/* > [TXT]</a> */
/* > \endhtmlonly */
/* Definition: */
/* =========== */
/* REAL X, Y, Z */
/* > \par Purpose: */
/* ============= */
/* > */
/* > \verbatim */
/* > */
/* > SLAPY3 returns sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2), taking care not to cause */
/* > unnecessary overflow. */
/* > \endverbatim */
/* Arguments: */
/* ========== */
/* > \param[in] X */
/* > \verbatim */
/* > X is REAL */
/* > \endverbatim */
/* > */
/* > \param[in] Y */
/* > \verbatim */
/* > Y is REAL */
/* > \endverbatim */
/* > */
/* > \param[in] Z */
/* > \verbatim */
/* > Z is REAL */
/* > X, Y and Z specify the values x, y and z. */
/* > \endverbatim */
/* Authors: */
/* ======== */
/* > \author Univ. of Tennessee */
/* > \author Univ. of California Berkeley */
/* > \author Univ. of Colorado Denver */
/* > \author NAG Ltd. */
/* > \date December 2016 */
/* > \ingroup OTHERauxiliary */
/* ===================================================================== */
real slapy3_(real *x, real *y, real *z__)
/* System generated locals */
real ret_val, r__1, r__2, r__3;
/* Local variables */
real xabs, yabs, zabs, w;
/* -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.7.0) -- */
/* -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, -- */
/* -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..-- */
/* December 2016 */
/* ===================================================================== */
xabs = abs(*x);
yabs = abs(*y);
zabs = abs(*z__);
/* Computing MAX */
r__1 = f2cmax(xabs,yabs);
w = f2cmax(r__1,zabs);
if (w == 0.f) {
/* W can be zero for f2cmax(0,nan,0) */
/* adding all three entries together will make sure */
/* NaN will not disappear. */
ret_val = xabs + yabs + zabs;
} else {
/* Computing 2nd power */
r__1 = xabs / w;
/* Computing 2nd power */
r__2 = yabs / w;
/* Computing 2nd power */
r__3 = zabs / w;
ret_val = w * sqrt(r__1 * r__1 + r__2 * r__2 + r__3 * r__3);
return ret_val;
/* End of SLAPY3 */
} /* slapy3_ */
the_stack_data/31386817.c | #include <stdlib.h>
void *p;
int main() {
p = malloc(7);
p = 0; // The memory is leaked here.
return 0;
* test in clang 6.0.1
% clang -fsanitize=address -g memory-leak.c ; ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1 ./a.out
==23646==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
Direct leak of 7 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
#0 0x4af01b in __interceptor_malloc /projects/compiler-rt/lib/asan/
#1 0x4da26a in main memory-leak.c:4:7
#2 0x7f076fd9cec4 in __libc_start_main libc-start.c:287
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 7 byte(s) leaked in 1 allocation(s).
To use LeakSanitizer in stand-alone mode, link your program with -fsanitize=leak flag.
Make sure to use clang (not ld) for the link step, so that it would link in proper LeakSanitizer run-time library into the final executable.
the_stack_data/67326172.c | /* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this file; see the file COPYING3. If not see
<>. */
/* Test -mcache-size. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-mcache-size=128" } */
int x;
the_stack_data/89127.c | void main ()
char A[10];
int i = 0;
float a;
int B[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
getid (A);
print (A);
while (i < 10)
switch (A[i])
case 'а':
case 'б':
case 'в':
case 'г':
case 'д':
B[5]++; // Прочие буквы
i ++;
print (B);
} |
the_stack_data/26965.c | #include<stdio.h>
// Function for selection sort
void Selection_Sort(int array[], int size)
int min_index, temp, i, j;
for(i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
min_index = i;
for(j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
if(array[j] < array[min_index])
min_index = j;
temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[min_index];
array[min_index] = temp;
// Function to print elements of array
void Print_Array(int array[], int size)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
// Driver Function
int main()
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
int array[num];
for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
scanf("%d", &array[i]);
Selection_Sort(array, num);
Print_Array(array, num);
return 0;
// Output
// 1 2 3 4 4 6 8
the_stack_data/61074161.c | void kernel_heat_3d(int tsteps,
int n,
double A[ 120 + 0][120 + 0][120 + 0],
double B[ 120 + 0][120 + 0][120 + 0])
int t, i, j, k;
#pragma clang loop(i1, j1, k1) tile sizes(16, 16, 16)
for (t = 1; t <= 500; t++) {
#pragma clang loop id(i1)
for (i = 1; i < n-1; i++) {
#pragma clang loop id(j1)
for (j = 1; j < n-1; j++) {
#pragma clang loop id(k1)
for (k = 1; k < n-1; k++) {
B[i][j][k] = 0.125 * (A[i+1][j][k] - 2.0 * A[i][j][k] + A[i-1][j][k])
+ 0.125 * (A[i][j+1][k] - 2.0 * A[i][j][k] + A[i][j-1][k])
+ 0.125 * (A[i][j][k+1] - 2.0 * A[i][j][k] + A[i][j][k-1])
+ A[i][j][k];
#pragma clang loop(i2, j2, k2) tile sizes(16, 16, 16)
#pragma clang loop id(i2)
for (i = 1; i < n-1; i++) {
#pragma clang loop id(j2)
for (j = 1; j < n-1; j++) {
#pragma clang loop id(k2)
for (k = 1; k < n-1; k++) {
A[i][j][k] = 0.125 * (B[i+1][j][k] - 2.0 * B[i][j][k] + B[i-1][j][k])
+ 0.125 * (B[i][j+1][k] - 2.0 * B[i][j][k] + B[i][j-1][k])
+ 0.125 * (B[i][j][k+1] - 2.0 * B[i][j][k] + B[i][j][k-1])
+ B[i][j][k];
the_stack_data/111079068.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
bool isPerfectSquare(int num){
int left = 1, right = INT_MAX;
while (left < right) {
long long mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
if (mid * mid == num) return true;
if (mid * mid < num) left = mid + 1;
else right = mid;
return false;
int main() {
// int num = 2147483647;
int num = 16;
bool ans = isPerfectSquare(num);
if (ans) printf("%d is perfect square\n", num);
else printf("%d is not perfect square\n", num);
return 0;
the_stack_data/1138547.c | //this is a file in the VAc dynamic model software package
//this is the main file for the azeotropic distillation column with a decanter and an HAc buffer tank
//parent-routine: VAmodel.c
//subroutines involve: bubpt_column.c enthalpy_3.c enthalpy_7.c Ludcmp.c mixer.c gamma_wilson_3.c
//Copyright: Rong Chen and Kedar Dave, June 2002
//if a user wants to build a DLL for the column simulation only, follow the instruction below:
//1. Add this line to the head of this file: #include "mex.h"
//2. Enable mexFunction(), which is the second routine included in this file (currently disabled)
//3. Use the following line to generate a DLL: column.dll
// mex column.c bubpt_column.c enthalpy_3.c enthalpy_7.c Ludcmp.c mixer.c gamma_wilson_3.c
//4. The name of the generated function is "column()". This function should be called in MATLAB.
//The azeotropic distillation column is a lumped model assuming VLE and the vapor phase dynamics are ignored
//In the column, the tray temperature profile and the vapor flowrate profile are calculated from the state variables
//The decanter is modeled using static partition coefficient for the two liquid phases while in the column there is only one liquid phase
//The tank is a basic liquid buffer tank, modeled by using mass and energy balances
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include "mex.h"
void Column(double *dstatedt, double *dstatedt_other, double *T_Column,
double *x_Organic, double *T_Organic, double *x_Aqueous, double *T_Aqueous, double *beta_out,
double states[], double P[], double FL, double xF[], double TFL,
double LR, double QR, double LO, double LA, double LB, double T_guess[],
double F_HAc, double x_HAc[], double T_HAc,
double F_Scrub, double F_VapLiquidIn, int NT, int NF, double PD,
double PB, double T_decanter[], double K[], double hydtau, double M0[], double LZERO[],
double Bottom_Working_Level_Volume, double Organic_Working_Level_Volume,
double Aqueous_Working_Level_Volume, double HAcTank_Working_Level_Volume,
double VIJ[][7], double aij[][7], double MW[], double SpG[], double HVAP[],
double HCAPLa[], double HCAPLb[], double HCAPVa[], double HCAPVb[],
double A[], double B[], double C[], double R, double Dw, double T_ref, double Q_Condenser)
//physical properties: VIJ, aij, MW, SpG, HVAP, HCAPLa, HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb, A, B, C, R, Dw, T_ref
dstatedt: state derivatives
T_Column: column temperature profile
T_decanter: decanter temperature
LO_out: organic product flowrate
x_Organic: organic product composition
T_Organic: organic product temperature
LA_out: aqueous product flowrate
x_Aqueous: aqueous product composition
T_Aqueous: aqueous product temperature
LB_out: bottom product flowrate
F_HAc_out: HAc fresh feed flowrate
beta_out: decanter partition ratio
Q_Condenser_out: condenser heat duty (duplicated when no perfect control is selected)
states: states
P: column pressure profile
FL: feed flowrate
xF: feed composition
TFL: feed temperature
LR: reflux
QR: reboiler duty
LO: organic product flowrate
LA: aqueous product flowrate
LB: bottom flowrate
T_guess: initial guess of the column temperature profile
F_HAc: HAc feed flowrate
x_HAc[]: HAc feed composition
T_HAc: HAc feed temperature
F_ToScrub: scrub flowrate
F_VapLiquidIn: Vaporizer Liquid Inlet flowrate
Q_Condenser: condenser heat duty
/*Equipment Specification
NT: tray number
NF: feed tray number
PD: top tray pressure
PB: reboiler pressure
K[]: decanter partition coefficients
hydtau: hydraulic constant
M0[]: tray holdup constant
LZERO[]: liquid flowrate constant
//local variables
double x[20][3], M[20];
double x_bottom[1][3], Volume_bottom, x_organic[1][3], Volume_organic, x_aqueous[1][3], Volume_aqueous;
double x_HAcTank[1][7]= {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},}, Volume_HAcTank, T_HAcTank[1];
//intermediate variables
double L[20], HL[20], y[20][3], V[20], HV[20], T[20], liquid_concentration, liquid_density;
double TB[1], HLB[1], yB[1][3], VB, HVB[1], bottom_concentration, bottom_density;
double HLO[1], organic_concentration, organic_density;
double HLA[1], aqueous_concentration, aqueous_density;
double HL_HAcTank[1], HL_CondenserOut[1], HV_CondenserIn[1];
double F_organic, F_aqueous, organic_x[3], aqueous_x[3];
double F_HAcTankIn[1], x_HAcTankIn[1][7]={{0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},}, T_HAcTankIn[1], HL_HAcTankIn[1];
double x_F[1][3], HLF[1];
double HL_HAc[1];
double dMdt[20], dMxdt[20][3], dxdt[20][3];
double dMdt_bottom, L_dot_bottom, dxdt_bottom[3];
double dMdt_organic, L_dot_organic, dxdt_organic[3];
double dMdt_aqueous, L_dot_aqueous, dxdt_aqueous[3];
double dTdt_HAcTank, dLdt_HAcTank, dxdt_HAcTank[7], dMdt_HAcTank;
int i, j, n;
double sum1, sum2, sum3, dummy[1], AAA, BBB, CCC;
double temp_P, temp_HL[1], temp_HV[1], temp_T[1], temp_x[1][3], temp_y[1][3];
double X[7]={0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, Y[7]={0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, X_bottom[1][7]= {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.},}, X_HAc[1][7]={0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
double aaa[36]= {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,};
double bbb[6] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
double error=1.0;
double beta=1.0;
int indx[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
//In the column and the decanter, three component variables are used in the calculation, while in the HAc tank, seven component variables are used
//Tray number is counted from bottom (1) to top (20)
for (i=0;i<NT; i++)
x[i][0]=states[i]; /*Liquid composition from btm to top*/
M[i]=states[i+2*NT]; /*Liquid hold up from btm to top*/
for (i=0;i<3; i++)
Volume_bottom=states[3*NT+2]*Bottom_Working_Level_Volume; /*m3*/
for (i=0;i<3; i++)
Volume_organic=states[3*NT+5]*Organic_Working_Level_Volume; /*m3*/
for (i=0;i<3; i++)
Volume_aqueous=states[3*NT+8]*Aqueous_Working_Level_Volume; /*m3*/
Volume_HAcTank=states[3*NT+11]*HAcTank_Working_Level_Volume; /*m3*/
for (i=0;i<7; i++)
//use only three components in the column calculation
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
//Calculate enthalpy of the column feed, organic, aqueous, and HAc feed streams
enthalpy_3(temp_HL, dummy, x_F, x_F, &TFL, MW, HVAP, HCAPLa, HCAPLb,HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
HLF[0]= temp_HL[0];
enthalpy_3(temp_HL, dummy, x_organic, x_organic, T_decanter, MW, HVAP,HCAPLa, HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
HLO[0]= temp_HL[0];
enthalpy_3(temp_HL, dummy, x_aqueous, x_aqueous, T_decanter, MW, HVAP,HCAPLa, HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
HLA[0]= temp_HL[0];
//use seven components in the column calculation
for (j=0;j<7;j++)
X_HAc[0][j] = x_HAc[j];
enthalpy_7(HL_HAc, dummy, X_HAc, X_HAc, &T_HAc, MW, HVAP, HCAPLa,HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
/* VLE calculation */
// reboiler
TB[0]=130.; //initial guess of the reboiler temperature
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
bubpt_column(TB, Y, PB, X, A, B, C, VIJ, aij, R, T_ref);
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
yB[0][j] = Y[j+4];
enthalpy_3(temp_HL, temp_HV, x_bottom, yB, TB, MW, HVAP, HCAPLa,HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
HLB[0]= temp_HL[0];
HVB[0]= temp_HV[0];
// column trays
/* Get y, HL, HV and update T for each tray*/
for (i=0;i<NT;i++)
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
bubpt_column(temp_T, Y, temp_P, X, A, B, C, VIJ, aij, R, T_ref);
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
y[i][j] = Y[j+4];
enthalpy_3(temp_HL, temp_HV, temp_x, temp_y, temp_T, MW, HVAP,HCAPLa,HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
HL[i]= temp_HL[0];
HV[i]= temp_HV[0];
enthalpy_7(temp_HL, dummy, x_HAcTank, x_HAcTank, T_HAcTank, MW, HVAP,HCAPLa, HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
HL_HAcTank[0]= temp_HL[0];
/* Liquid flows assuming linearized tray hydraulics with time constant hydtau */
for (i=0;i<NT;i++)
L[i] = LZERO[i] + (M[i]-M0[i])/hydtau;
/* Vapor Flows assuming constant molar flows */
V[0] = (HL[1]*L[1] + HVB[0]*VB - HL[0]*L[0])/HV[0];
for (n=1;n<(NF-1);n++)
V[n] = (HL[n+1] * L[n+1] + HV[n-1] *V[n-1] - HL[n]*L[n])/HV[n];
V[NF-1] =(HL[NF]*L[NF] +HV[NF-2]*V[NF-2] + HLF[0]*FL - HL[NF-1]*L[NF-1])/HV[NF-1];
for (n=NF;n<(NT-1);n++)
V[n] = (HL[n +1] *L[n+1] + HV[n-1]*V[n-1] -HL[n] *L[n])/HV[n];
V[NT-1] = (HLO[0]*LR + HV[NT-2]*V[NT-2] - HL[NT-1]*L[NT-1])/HV[NT-1];
enthalpy_3(dummy, HV_CondenserIn, y[NT-1], y[NT-1], temp_T, MW, HVAP, HCAPLa, HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
if ((BBB*BBB-4*AAA*CCC)<0)
printf("Column: error on decanter temp");
//calculate the temperature derivative, tau=2 minute
/* decanter calculation*/
while (fabs(error)>1e-10)
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
aaa[25]= beta*V[NT-1];
aaa[28]= (1-beta)*V[NT-1];
aaa[32]= beta*V[NT-1];
aaa[35]= (1-beta)*V[NT-1];
Ludcmp(6, aaa, indx);
Lubksb(6, aaa, indx, bbb);
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
//Time derivatives from material balances for total holdup and component holdup
/*Inside Column*/
for (i=1;i<(NT-1);i++)
dMdt[i] = L[i+1]- L[i]+ V[i-1]- V[i];
dMxdt[i][0]= L[i+1]*x[i+1][0] - L[i]*x[i][0] + V[i-1]*y[i-1][0] - V[i]*y[i][0];
dMxdt[i][2]= L[i+1]*x[i+1][2] - L[i]*x[i][2] + V[i-1]*y[i-1][2] - V[i]*y[i][2];
/* Correction for feed at the feed stage */
dMdt[NF-1] = dMdt[NF-1] + FL;
dMxdt[NF-1][0]= dMxdt[NF-1][0] + FL*x_F[0][0];
dMxdt[NF-1][2]= dMxdt[NF-1][2] + FL*x_F[0][2];
/* Bottom*/
dMdt[0] = L[1]- L[0]+ VB - V[0];
dMxdt[0][0]= L[1]*x[1][0] - V[0]*y[0][0] + VB*yB[0][0] - L[0]*x[0][0];
dMxdt[0][2]= L[1]*x[1][2] - V[0]*y[0][2] + VB*yB[0][2] - L[0]*x[0][2];
dMdt[NT-1] = V[NT-2] - L[NT-1] + LR - V[NT-1];
dMxdt[NT-1][0]= V[NT-2]*y[NT-2][0] + LR*x_organic[0][0] - L[NT-1]*x[NT-1][0] - V[NT-1]*y[NT-1][0];
dMxdt[NT-1][2]= V[NT-2]*y[NT-2][2] + LR*x_organic[0][2] - L[NT-1]*x[NT-1][2] - V[NT-1]*y[NT-1][2];
/* Compute the derivative for the mole fractions from d(Mx) = x dM + M dx */
for (i=0;i<NT;i++)
dxdt[i][0] = (dMxdt[i][0] - x[i][0]*dMdt[i] )/M[i];
dxdt[i][2] = (dMxdt[i][2] - x[i][2]*dMdt[i] )/M[i];
/*Reboiler or Column Bottom*/
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
dMdt_bottom= L[0] - LB - VB;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
/*Decanter */
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
sum1+= organic_x[i]*MW[i+4];
sum2+= x_organic[0][i]*MW[i+4];
sum3+= x_organic[0][i]*MW[i+4];
dMdt_organic= F_organic - LR - LO;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
sum1+= aqueous_x[i]*MW[i+4];
sum2+= x_aqueous[0][i]*MW[i+4];
sum3+= x_aqueous[0][i]*MW[i+4];
dMdt_aqueous= F_aqueous - LA;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
/*HAcTank: Two input streams are first mixed*/
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
for (i=0;i<7;i++)
sum2+= X_bottom[0][i]*MW[i];
sum3+= X_HAc[0][i]*MW[i];
mixer(F_HAcTankIn, x_HAcTankIn, T_HAcTankIn, 0, &F_HAc, X_HAc, &T_HAc, &LB, X_bottom, TB, MW, HVAP, HCAPLa, HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
enthalpy_7(HL_HAcTankIn, dummy, x_HAcTankIn, x_HAcTankIn, T_HAcTankIn, MW, HVAP, HCAPLa, HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb);
for (i=0;i<7;i++)
/*volume percentage*/
for (i=0;i<7;i++)
for (i=0;i<7;i++)
for (i=0;i<NT; i++)
for (i=0; i<NT; i++)
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
x_Organic[i+4] = x_organic[0][i];
x_Aqueous[i+4] = x_aqueous[0][i];
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
double *states;
double *P_Column;
double FL;
double *xF;
double TFL;
double LR;
double QR;
double LO;
double LA;
double LB;
double *T_guess;
double F_HAc;
double *x_HAc;
double T_HAc;
double F_Scrub;
double F_VapLiquidIn;
double NT_column;
double NF_column;
double P_top;
double P_bottom;
double *T_decanter;
double *K_decanter;
double hydtau_column;
double *M0_column;
double *L0_column;
double Bottom_Working_Level_Volume;
double Organic_Working_Level_Volume;
double Aqueous_Working_Level_Volume;
double HAcTank_Working_Level_Volume;
double *VIJ;
double *aij;
double *MW;
double *SpG;
double *HVAP;
double *HCAPLa;
double *HCAPLb;
double *HCAPVa;
double *HCAPVb;
double *A;
double *B;
double *C;
double R;
double Dw;
double T_ref;
double Q_Condenser;
int mrows;
int ncols;
double *dstatedt_Col;
double *dstatedt_other;
double *T_Column;
double *x_Organic;
double *T_Organic;
double *x_Aqueous;
double *T_Aqueous;
double *beta_out;
mexErrMsgTxt("inputs not correct");
mexErrMsgTxt("outputs not correct");
states = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
P_Column = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
FL = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
xF = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
TFL = mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
LR = mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);
QR = mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);
LO = mxGetScalar(prhs[7]);
LA = mxGetScalar(prhs[8]);
LB = mxGetScalar(prhs[9]);
T_guess = mxGetPr(prhs[10]);
F_HAc = mxGetScalar(prhs[11]);
x_HAc = mxGetPr(prhs[12]);
T_HAc = mxGetScalar(prhs[13]);
F_Scrub = mxGetScalar(prhs[14]);
F_VapLiquidIn = mxGetScalar(prhs[15]);
NT_column = mxGetScalar(prhs[16]);
NF_column = mxGetScalar(prhs[17]);
P_top = mxGetScalar(prhs[18]);
P_bottom = mxGetScalar(prhs[19]);
T_decanter = mxGetPr(prhs[20]);
K_decanter = mxGetPr(prhs[21]);
hydtau_column = mxGetScalar(prhs[22]);
M0_column = mxGetPr(prhs[23]);
L0_column = mxGetPr(prhs[24]);
Bottom_Working_Level_Volume = mxGetScalar(prhs[25]);
Organic_Working_Level_Volume = mxGetScalar(prhs[26]);
Aqueous_Working_Level_Volume = mxGetScalar(prhs[27]);
HAcTank_Working_Level_Volume = mxGetScalar(prhs[28]);
VIJ = mxGetPr(prhs[29]);
aij = mxGetPr(prhs[30]);
MW = mxGetPr(prhs[31]);
SpG = mxGetPr(prhs[32]);
HVAP = mxGetPr(prhs[33]);
HCAPLa = mxGetPr(prhs[34]);
HCAPLb = mxGetPr(prhs[35]);
HCAPVa = mxGetPr(prhs[36]);
HCAPVb = mxGetPr(prhs[37]);
A = mxGetPr(prhs[38]);
B = mxGetPr(prhs[39]);
C = mxGetPr(prhs[40]);
R = mxGetScalar(prhs[41]);
Dw = mxGetScalar(prhs[42]);
T_ref = mxGetScalar(prhs[43]);
Q_Condenser = mxGetScalar(prhs[44]);
mrows = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
ncols = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows,ncols, mxREAL);
dstatedt_Col = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
mrows = 7;
ncols = 1;
plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows, ncols, mxREAL);
dstatedt_other = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
mrows = mxGetM(prhs[10]);
ncols = mxGetN(prhs[10]);
plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows,ncols, mxREAL);
T_Column = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
mrows = mxGetM(prhs[3]);
ncols = mxGetN(prhs[3]);
plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows,ncols, mxREAL);
x_Organic = mxGetPr(plhs[3]);
plhs[4] = mxCreateScalarDouble(0);
T_Organic = mxGetPr(plhs[4]);
mrows = mxGetM(prhs[3]);
ncols = mxGetN(prhs[3]);
plhs[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows,ncols, mxREAL);
x_Aqueous = mxGetPr(plhs[5]);
plhs[6] = mxCreateScalarDouble(0);
T_Aqueous = mxGetPr(plhs[6]);
plhs[7] = mxCreateScalarDouble(0);
beta_out = mxGetPr(plhs[7]);
Column(dstatedt_Col, dstatedt_other, T_Column, x_Organic, T_Organic, x_Aqueous, T_Aqueous, beta_out,
states, P_Column, FL,xF,TFL,LR,QR,LO,LA,LB,T_guess,F_HAc,x_HAc,T_HAc,F_Scrub,F_VapLiquidIn,
NT_column, NF_column, P_top, P_bottom, T_decanter, K_decanter, hydtau_column, M0_column, L0_column,
Bottom_Working_Level_Volume, Organic_Working_Level_Volume, Aqueous_Working_Level_Volume,
HAcTank_Working_Level_Volume, VIJ, aij, MW, SpG, HVAP, HCAPLa, HCAPLb, HCAPVa, HCAPVb,
A, B, C, R, Dw, T_ref, Q_Condenser);
*/ |
the_stack_data/175143264.c | #include <stdio.h>
int a(int i) {
int j[2]={1,2},k[2],l;
return k[0]+k[1];
int main() {
return 0;
the_stack_data/237643263.c | /* Getopt for GNU.
NOTE: getopt is now part of the C library, so if you don't know what
"Keep this file name-space clean" means, talk to [email protected]
before changing it!
Copyright (C) 1987,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,98,99,2000,2001
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307 USA. */
/* This tells Alpha OSF/1 not to define a getopt prototype in <stdio.h>.
Ditto for AIX 3.2 and <stdlib.h>. */
#ifndef _NO_PROTO
# define _NO_PROTO
# include <config.h>
#if !defined __STDC__ || !__STDC__
/* This is a separate conditional since some stdc systems
reject `defined (const)'. */
# ifndef const
# define const
# endif
#include <stdio.h>
/* Comment out all this code if we are using the GNU C Library, and are not
actually compiling the library itself. This code is part of the GNU C
Library, but also included in many other GNU distributions. Compiling
and linking in this code is a waste when using the GNU C library
(especially if it is a shared library). Rather than having every GNU
program understand `configure --with-gnu-libc' and omit the object files,
it is simpler to just do this in the source for each such file. */
#if !defined _LIBC && defined __GLIBC__ && __GLIBC__ >= 2
# include <gnu-versions.h>
# define ELIDE_CODE
# endif
#ifndef ELIDE_CODE
/* This needs to come after some library #include
to get __GNU_LIBRARY__ defined. */
#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__
/* Don't include stdlib.h for non-GNU C libraries because some of them
contain conflicting prototypes for getopt. */
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <unistd.h>
#endif /* GNU C library. */
#ifdef VMS
# include <unixlib.h>
# if HAVE_STRING_H - 0
# include <string.h>
# endif
#ifndef _
/* This is for other GNU distributions with internationalized messages. */
# if (HAVE_LIBINTL_H && ENABLE_NLS) || defined _LIBC
# include <libintl.h>
# ifndef _
# define _(msgid) gettext (msgid)
# endif
# else
# define _(msgid) (msgid)
# endif
# if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
# include <wchar.h>
# endif
/* This version of `getopt' appears to the caller like standard Unix `getopt'
but it behaves differently for the user, since it allows the user
to intersperse the options with the other arguments.
As `getopt' works, it permutes the elements of ARGV so that,
when it is done, all the options precede everything else. Thus
all application programs are extended to handle flexible argument order.
Setting the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT disables permutation.
Then the behavior is completely standard.
GNU application programs can use a third alternative mode in which
they can distinguish the relative order of options and other arguments. */
#include "getopt.h"
/* For communication from `getopt' to the caller.
When `getopt' finds an option that takes an argument,
the argument value is returned here.
Also, when `ordering' is RETURN_IN_ORDER,
each non-option ARGV-element is returned here. */
char *optarg;
/* Index in ARGV of the next element to be scanned.
This is used for communication to and from the caller
and for communication between successive calls to `getopt'.
On entry to `getopt', zero means this is the first call; initialize.
When `getopt' returns -1, this is the index of the first of the
non-option elements that the caller should itself scan.
Otherwise, `optind' communicates from one call to the next
how much of ARGV has been scanned so far. */
/* 1003.2 says this must be 1 before any call. */
int optind = 1;
/* Formerly, initialization of getopt depended on optind==0, which
causes problems with re-calling getopt as programs generally don't
know that. */
int __getopt_initialized;
/* The next char to be scanned in the option-element
in which the last option character we returned was found.
This allows us to pick up the scan where we left off.
If this is zero, or a null string, it means resume the scan
by advancing to the next ARGV-element. */
static char *nextchar;
/* Callers store zero here to inhibit the error message
for unrecognized options. */
int opterr = 1;
/* Set to an option character which was unrecognized.
This must be initialized on some systems to avoid linking in the
system's own getopt implementation. */
int optopt = '?';
/* Describe how to deal with options that follow non-option ARGV-elements.
If the caller did not specify anything,
the default is REQUIRE_ORDER if the environment variable
POSIXLY_CORRECT is defined, PERMUTE otherwise.
REQUIRE_ORDER means don't recognize them as options;
stop option processing when the first non-option is seen.
This is what Unix does.
This mode of operation is selected by either setting the environment
variable POSIXLY_CORRECT, or using `+' as the first character
of the list of option characters.
PERMUTE is the default. We permute the contents of ARGV as we scan,
so that eventually all the non-options are at the end. This allows options
to be given in any order, even with programs that were not written to
expect this.
RETURN_IN_ORDER is an option available to programs that were written
to expect options and other ARGV-elements in any order and that care about
the ordering of the two. We describe each non-option ARGV-element
as if it were the argument of an option with character code 1.
Using `-' as the first character of the list of option characters
selects this mode of operation.
The special argument `--' forces an end of option-scanning regardless
of the value of `ordering'. In the case of RETURN_IN_ORDER, only
`--' can cause `getopt' to return -1 with `optind' != ARGC. */
static enum
} ordering;
/* Value of POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable. */
static char *posixly_correct;
#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__
/* We want to avoid inclusion of string.h with non-GNU libraries
because there are many ways it can cause trouble.
On some systems, it contains special magic macros that don't work
in GCC. */
# include <string.h>
# define my_index strchr
# if HAVE_STRING_H || WIN32 /* Pete Wilson mod 7/28/02 * /
# include <string.h>
# else
# include <strings.h>
# endif
/* Avoid depending on library functions or files
whose names are inconsistent. */
#ifndef getenv
extern char *getenv ();
static char *
my_index (str, chr)
const char *str;
int chr;
while (*str)
if (*str == chr)
return (char *) str;
return 0;
/* If using GCC, we can safely declare strlen this way.
If not using GCC, it is ok not to declare it. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
/* Note that Motorola Delta 68k R3V7 comes with GCC but not stddef.h.
That was relevant to code that was here before. */
# if (!defined __STDC__ || !__STDC__) && !defined strlen
/* gcc with -traditional declares the built-in strlen to return int,
and has done so at least since version 2.4.5. -- rms. */
extern int strlen (const char *);
# endif /* not __STDC__ */
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
#endif /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */
/* Handle permutation of arguments. */
/* Describe the part of ARGV that contains non-options that have
been skipped. `first_nonopt' is the index in ARGV of the first of them;
`last_nonopt' is the index after the last of them. */
static int first_nonopt;
static int last_nonopt;
#ifdef _LIBC
/* Stored original parameters.
XXX This is no good solution. We should rather copy the args so
that we can compare them later. But we must not use malloc(3). */
extern int __libc_argc;
extern char **__libc_argv;
/* Bash 2.0 gives us an environment variable containing flags
indicating ARGV elements that should not be considered arguments. */
/* Defined in getopt_init.c */
extern char *__getopt_nonoption_flags;
static int nonoption_flags_max_len;
static int nonoption_flags_len;
# endif
# define SWAP_FLAGS(ch1, ch2) \
if (nonoption_flags_len > 0) \
{ \
char __tmp = __getopt_nonoption_flags[ch1]; \
__getopt_nonoption_flags[ch1] = __getopt_nonoption_flags[ch2]; \
__getopt_nonoption_flags[ch2] = __tmp; \
# else
# define SWAP_FLAGS(ch1, ch2)
# endif
#else /* !_LIBC */
# define SWAP_FLAGS(ch1, ch2)
#endif /* _LIBC */
/* Exchange two adjacent subsequences of ARGV.
One subsequence is elements [first_nonopt,last_nonopt)
which contains all the non-options that have been skipped so far.
The other is elements [last_nonopt,optind), which contains all
the options processed since those non-options were skipped.
`first_nonopt' and `last_nonopt' are relocated so that they describe
the new indices of the non-options in ARGV after they are moved. */
#if defined __STDC__ && __STDC__
static void exchange (char **);
static void
exchange (argv)
char **argv;
int bottom = first_nonopt;
int middle = last_nonopt;
int top = optind;
char *tem;
/* Exchange the shorter segment with the far end of the longer segment.
That puts the shorter segment into the right place.
It leaves the longer segment in the right place overall,
but it consists of two parts that need to be swapped next. */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_NONOPTION_FLAGS
/* First make sure the handling of the `__getopt_nonoption_flags'
string can work normally. Our top argument must be in the range
of the string. */
if (nonoption_flags_len > 0 && top >= nonoption_flags_max_len)
/* We must extend the array. The user plays games with us and
presents new arguments. */
char *new_str = malloc (top + 1);
if (new_str == NULL)
nonoption_flags_len = nonoption_flags_max_len = 0;
memset (__mempcpy (new_str, __getopt_nonoption_flags,
'\0', top + 1 - nonoption_flags_max_len);
nonoption_flags_max_len = top + 1;
__getopt_nonoption_flags = new_str;
while (top > middle && middle > bottom)
if (top - middle > middle - bottom)
/* Bottom segment is the short one. */
int len = middle - bottom;
register int i;
/* Swap it with the top part of the top segment. */
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
tem = argv[bottom + i];
argv[bottom + i] = argv[top - (middle - bottom) + i];
argv[top - (middle - bottom) + i] = tem;
SWAP_FLAGS (bottom + i, top - (middle - bottom) + i);
/* Exclude the moved bottom segment from further swapping. */
top -= len;
/* Top segment is the short one. */
int len = top - middle;
register int i;
/* Swap it with the bottom part of the bottom segment. */
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
tem = argv[bottom + i];
argv[bottom + i] = argv[middle + i];
argv[middle + i] = tem;
SWAP_FLAGS (bottom + i, middle + i);
/* Exclude the moved top segment from further swapping. */
bottom += len;
/* Update records for the slots the non-options now occupy. */
first_nonopt += (optind - last_nonopt);
last_nonopt = optind;
/* Initialize the internal data when the first call is made. */
#if defined __STDC__ && __STDC__
static const char *_getopt_initialize (int, char *const *, const char *);
static const char *
_getopt_initialize (argc, argv, optstring)
int argc;
char *const *argv;
const char *optstring;
/* Start processing options with ARGV-element 1 (since ARGV-element 0
is the program name); the sequence of previously skipped
non-option ARGV-elements is empty. */
first_nonopt = last_nonopt = optind;
nextchar = NULL;
posixly_correct = getenv ("POSIXLY_CORRECT");
/* Determine how to handle the ordering of options and nonoptions. */
if (optstring[0] == '-')
ordering = RETURN_IN_ORDER;
else if (optstring[0] == '+')
ordering = REQUIRE_ORDER;
else if (posixly_correct != NULL)
ordering = REQUIRE_ORDER;
ordering = PERMUTE;
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_NONOPTION_FLAGS
if (posixly_correct == NULL
&& argc == __libc_argc && argv == __libc_argv)
if (nonoption_flags_max_len == 0)
if (__getopt_nonoption_flags == NULL
|| __getopt_nonoption_flags[0] == '\0')
nonoption_flags_max_len = -1;
const char *orig_str = __getopt_nonoption_flags;
int len = nonoption_flags_max_len = strlen (orig_str);
if (nonoption_flags_max_len < argc)
nonoption_flags_max_len = argc;
__getopt_nonoption_flags =
(char *) malloc (nonoption_flags_max_len);
if (__getopt_nonoption_flags == NULL)
nonoption_flags_max_len = -1;
memset (__mempcpy (__getopt_nonoption_flags, orig_str, len),
'\0', nonoption_flags_max_len - len);
nonoption_flags_len = nonoption_flags_max_len;
nonoption_flags_len = 0;
return optstring;
/* Scan elements of ARGV (whose length is ARGC) for option characters
given in OPTSTRING.
If an element of ARGV starts with '-', and is not exactly "-" or "--",
then it is an option element. The characters of this element
(aside from the initial '-') are option characters. If `getopt'
is called repeatedly, it returns successively each of the option characters
from each of the option elements.
If `getopt' finds another option character, it returns that character,
updating `optind' and `nextchar' so that the next call to `getopt' can
resume the scan with the following option character or ARGV-element.
If there are no more option characters, `getopt' returns -1.
Then `optind' is the index in ARGV of the first ARGV-element
that is not an option. (The ARGV-elements have been permuted
so that those that are not options now come last.)
OPTSTRING is a string containing the legitimate option characters.
If an option character is seen that is not listed in OPTSTRING,
return '?' after printing an error message. If you set `opterr' to
zero, the error message is suppressed but we still return '?'.
If a char in OPTSTRING is followed by a colon, that means it wants an arg,
so the following text in the same ARGV-element, or the text of the following
ARGV-element, is returned in `optarg'. Two colons mean an option that
wants an optional arg; if there is text in the current ARGV-element,
it is returned in `optarg', otherwise `optarg' is set to zero.
If OPTSTRING starts with `-' or `+', it requests different methods of
handling the non-option ARGV-elements.
See the comments about RETURN_IN_ORDER and REQUIRE_ORDER, above.
Long-named options begin with `--' instead of `-'.
Their names may be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique
or is an exact match for some defined option. If they have an
argument, it follows the option name in the same ARGV-element, separated
from the option name by a `=', or else the in next ARGV-element.
When `getopt' finds a long-named option, it returns 0 if that option's
`flag' field is nonzero, the value of the option's `val' field
if the `flag' field is zero.
The elements of ARGV aren't really const, because we permute them.
But we pretend they're const in the prototype to be compatible
with other systems.
LONGOPTS is a vector of `struct option' terminated by an
element containing a name which is zero.
LONGIND returns the index in LONGOPT of the long-named option found.
It is only valid when a long-named option has been found by the most
recent call.
If LONG_ONLY is nonzero, '-' as well as '--' can introduce
long-named options. */
_getopt_internal (argc, argv, optstring, longopts, longind, long_only)
int argc;
char *const *argv;
const char *optstring;
const struct option *longopts;
int *longind;
int long_only;
int print_errors = opterr;
if (optstring[0] == ':')
print_errors = 0;
if (argc < 1)
return -1;
optarg = NULL;
if (optind == 0 || !__getopt_initialized)
if (optind == 0)
optind = 1; /* Don't scan ARGV[0], the program name. */
optstring = _getopt_initialize (argc, argv, optstring);
__getopt_initialized = 1;
/* Test whether ARGV[optind] points to a non-option argument.
Either it does not have option syntax, or there is an environment flag
from the shell indicating it is not an option. The later information
is only used when the used in the GNU libc. */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_NONOPTION_FLAGS
# define NONOPTION_P (argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0' \
|| (optind < nonoption_flags_len \
&& __getopt_nonoption_flags[optind] == '1'))
# define NONOPTION_P (argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0')
if (nextchar == NULL || *nextchar == '\0')
/* Advance to the next ARGV-element. */
/* Give FIRST_NONOPT and LAST_NONOPT rational values if OPTIND has been
moved back by the user (who may also have changed the arguments). */
if (last_nonopt > optind)
last_nonopt = optind;
if (first_nonopt > optind)
first_nonopt = optind;
if (ordering == PERMUTE)
/* If we have just processed some options following some non-options,
exchange them so that the options come first. */
if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != optind)
exchange ((char **) argv);
else if (last_nonopt != optind)
first_nonopt = optind;
/* Skip any additional non-options
and extend the range of non-options previously skipped. */
while (optind < argc && NONOPTION_P)
last_nonopt = optind;
/* The special ARGV-element `--' means premature end of options.
Skip it like a null option,
then exchange with previous non-options as if it were an option,
then skip everything else like a non-option. */
if (optind != argc && !strcmp (argv[optind], "--"))
if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != optind)
exchange ((char **) argv);
else if (first_nonopt == last_nonopt)
first_nonopt = optind;
last_nonopt = argc;
optind = argc;
/* If we have done all the ARGV-elements, stop the scan
and back over any non-options that we skipped and permuted. */
if (optind == argc)
/* Set the next-arg-index to point at the non-options
that we previously skipped, so the caller will digest them. */
if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt)
optind = first_nonopt;
return -1;
/* If we have come to a non-option and did not permute it,
either stop the scan or describe it to the caller and pass it by. */
if (ordering == REQUIRE_ORDER)
return -1;
optarg = argv[optind++];
return 1;
/* We have found another option-ARGV-element.
Skip the initial punctuation. */
nextchar = (argv[optind] + 1
+ (longopts != NULL && argv[optind][1] == '-'));
/* Decode the current option-ARGV-element. */
/* Check whether the ARGV-element is a long option.
If long_only and the ARGV-element has the form "-f", where f is
a valid short option, don't consider it an abbreviated form of
a long option that starts with f. Otherwise there would be no
way to give the -f short option.
On the other hand, if there's a long option "fubar" and
the ARGV-element is "-fu", do consider that an abbreviation of
the long option, just like "--fu", and not "-f" with arg "u".
This distinction seems to be the most useful approach. */
if (longopts != NULL
&& (argv[optind][1] == '-'
|| (long_only && (argv[optind][2] || !my_index (optstring, argv[optind][1])))))
char *nameend;
const struct option *p;
const struct option *pfound = NULL;
int exact = 0;
int ambig = 0;
int indfound = -1;
int option_index;
for (nameend = nextchar; *nameend && *nameend != '='; nameend++)
/* Do nothing. */ ;
/* Test all long options for either exact match
or abbreviated matches. */
for (p = longopts, option_index = 0; p->name; p++, option_index++)
if (!strncmp (p->name, nextchar, nameend - nextchar))
if ((unsigned int) (nameend - nextchar)
== (unsigned int) strlen (p->name))
/* Exact match found. */
pfound = p;
indfound = option_index;
exact = 1;
else if (pfound == NULL)
/* First nonexact match found. */
pfound = p;
indfound = option_index;
else if (long_only
|| pfound->has_arg != p->has_arg
|| pfound->flag != p->flag
|| pfound->val != p->val)
/* Second or later nonexact match found. */
ambig = 1;
if (ambig && !exact)
if (print_errors)
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
__asprintf (&buf, _("%s: option `%s' is ambiguous\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind]);
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
fprintf (stderr, _("%s: option `%s' is ambiguous\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind]);
nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
optopt = 0;
return '?';
if (pfound != NULL)
option_index = indfound;
if (*nameend)
/* Don't test has_arg with >, because some C compilers don't
allow it to be used on enums. */
if (pfound->has_arg)
optarg = nameend + 1;
if (print_errors)
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
if (argv[optind - 1][1] == '-')
/* --option */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
__asprintf (&buf, _("\
%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n"),
argv[0], pfound->name);
fprintf (stderr, _("\
%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n"),
argv[0], pfound->name);
/* +option or -option */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
__asprintf (&buf, _("\
%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind - 1][0],
fprintf (stderr, _("\
%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind - 1][0], pfound->name);
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
optopt = pfound->val;
return '?';
else if (pfound->has_arg == 1)
if (optind < argc)
optarg = argv[optind++];
if (print_errors)
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
__asprintf (&buf,
_("%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind - 1]);
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
fprintf (stderr,
_("%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind - 1]);
nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
optopt = pfound->val;
return optstring[0] == ':' ? ':' : '?';
nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
if (longind != NULL)
*longind = option_index;
if (pfound->flag)
*(pfound->flag) = pfound->val;
return 0;
return pfound->val;
/* Can't find it as a long option. If this is not getopt_long_only,
or the option starts with '--' or is not a valid short
option, then it's an error.
Otherwise interpret it as a short option. */
if (!long_only || argv[optind][1] == '-'
|| my_index (optstring, *nextchar) == NULL)
if (print_errors)
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
if (argv[optind][1] == '-')
/* --option */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
__asprintf (&buf, _("%s: unrecognized option `--%s'\n"),
argv[0], nextchar);
fprintf (stderr, _("%s: unrecognized option `--%s'\n"),
argv[0], nextchar);
/* +option or -option */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
__asprintf (&buf, _("%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind][0], nextchar);
fprintf (stderr, _("%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind][0], nextchar);
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
nextchar = (char *) "";
optopt = 0;
return '?';
/* Look at and handle the next short option-character. */
char c = *nextchar++;
char *temp = my_index (optstring, c);
/* Increment `optind' when we start to process its last character. */
if (*nextchar == '\0')
if (temp == NULL || c == ':')
if (print_errors)
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
if (posixly_correct)
/* 1003.2 specifies the format of this message. */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
__asprintf (&buf, _("%s: illegal option -- %c\n"),
argv[0], c);
fprintf (stderr, _("%s: illegal option -- %c\n"), argv[0], c);
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
__asprintf (&buf, _("%s: invalid option -- %c\n"),
argv[0], c);
fprintf (stderr, _("%s: invalid option -- %c\n"), argv[0], c);
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
optopt = c;
return '?';
/* Convenience. Treat POSIX -W foo same as long option --foo */
if (temp[0] == 'W' && temp[1] == ';')
char *nameend;
const struct option *p;
const struct option *pfound = NULL;
int exact = 0;
int ambig = 0;
int indfound = 0;
int option_index;
/* This is an option that requires an argument. */
if (*nextchar != '\0')
optarg = nextchar;
/* If we end this ARGV-element by taking the rest as an arg,
we must advance to the next element now. */
else if (optind == argc)
if (print_errors)
/* 1003.2 specifies the format of this message. */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
__asprintf (&buf, _("%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n"),
argv[0], c);
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
fprintf (stderr, _("%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n"),
argv[0], c);
optopt = c;
if (optstring[0] == ':')
c = ':';
c = '?';
return c;
/* We already incremented `optind' once;
increment it again when taking next ARGV-elt as argument. */
optarg = argv[optind++];
/* optarg is now the argument, see if it's in the
table of longopts. */
for (nextchar = nameend = optarg; *nameend && *nameend != '='; nameend++)
/* Do nothing. */ ;
/* Test all long options for either exact match
or abbreviated matches. */
for (p = longopts, option_index = 0; p->name; p++, option_index++)
if (!strncmp (p->name, nextchar, nameend - nextchar))
if ((unsigned int) (nameend - nextchar) == strlen (p->name))
/* Exact match found. */
pfound = p;
indfound = option_index;
exact = 1;
else if (pfound == NULL)
/* First nonexact match found. */
pfound = p;
indfound = option_index;
/* Second or later nonexact match found. */
ambig = 1;
if (ambig && !exact)
if (print_errors)
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
__asprintf (&buf, _("%s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind]);
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
fprintf (stderr, _("%s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind]);
nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
return '?';
if (pfound != NULL)
option_index = indfound;
if (*nameend)
/* Don't test has_arg with >, because some C compilers don't
allow it to be used on enums. */
if (pfound->has_arg)
optarg = nameend + 1;
if (print_errors)
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
__asprintf (&buf, _("\
%s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument\n"),
argv[0], pfound->name);
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
fprintf (stderr, _("\
%s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument\n"),
argv[0], pfound->name);
nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
return '?';
else if (pfound->has_arg == 1)
if (optind < argc)
optarg = argv[optind++];
if (print_errors)
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
__asprintf (&buf, _("\
%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind - 1]);
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
fprintf (stderr,
_("%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n"),
argv[0], argv[optind - 1]);
nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
return optstring[0] == ':' ? ':' : '?';
nextchar += strlen (nextchar);
if (longind != NULL)
*longind = option_index;
if (pfound->flag)
*(pfound->flag) = pfound->val;
return 0;
return pfound->val;
nextchar = NULL;
return 'W'; /* Let the application handle it. */
if (temp[1] == ':')
if (temp[2] == ':')
/* This is an option that accepts an argument optionally. */
if (*nextchar != '\0')
optarg = nextchar;
optarg = NULL;
nextchar = NULL;
/* This is an option that requires an argument. */
if (*nextchar != '\0')
optarg = nextchar;
/* If we end this ARGV-element by taking the rest as an arg,
we must advance to the next element now. */
else if (optind == argc)
if (print_errors)
/* 1003.2 specifies the format of this message. */
#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
char *buf;
__asprintf (&buf,
_("%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n"),
argv[0], c);
if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
__fwprintf (stderr, L"%s", buf);
fputs (buf, stderr);
free (buf);
fprintf (stderr,
_("%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n"),
argv[0], c);
optopt = c;
if (optstring[0] == ':')
c = ':';
c = '?';
/* We already incremented `optind' once;
increment it again when taking next ARGV-elt as argument. */
optarg = argv[optind++];
nextchar = NULL;
return c;
getopt (argc, argv, optstring)
int argc;
char *const *argv;
const char *optstring;
return _getopt_internal (argc, argv, optstring,
(const struct option *) 0,
(int *) 0,
#endif /* Not ELIDE_CODE. */
/* Compile with -DTEST to make an executable for use in testing
the above definition of `getopt'. */
/* #define TEST */ /* Pete Wilson mod 7/28/02 */
#ifdef TEST
#ifndef exit /* Pete Wilson mod 7/28/02 */
int exit(int); /* Pete Wilson mod 7/28/02 */
#endif /* Pete Wilson mod 7/28/02 */
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int c;
int digit_optind = 0;
while (1)
int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1;
c = getopt (argc, argv, "abc:d:0123456789");
if (c == -1)
switch (c)
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
if (digit_optind != 0 && digit_optind != this_option_optind)
printf ("digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n");
digit_optind = this_option_optind;
printf ("option %c\n", c);
case 'a':
printf ("option a\n");
case 'b':
printf ("option b\n");
case 'c':
printf ("option c with value `%s'\n", optarg);
case '?':
printf ("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);
if (optind < argc)
printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
while (optind < argc)
printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]);
printf ("\n");
exit (0);
#endif /* TEST */
the_stack_data/1031532.c | #include <math.h>
double fmax(double x, double y)
if (isnan(x))
return y;
if (isnan(y))
return x;
/* handle signed zeros, see C99 Annex F.9.9.2 */
if (signbit(x) != signbit(y))
return signbit(x) ? y : x;
return x < y ? y : x;
the_stack_data/45451260.c | /*
Minimal Xlib port
Stefano Bodrato, 14/3/2007
$Id: XDestroyWindow.c,v 1.1 2014/06/03 12:37:19 stefano Exp $
#define _BUILDING_X
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
int XDestroyWindow(Display *display, Window win) {
the_stack_data/622504.c | /* PR tree-optimization/33993 */
/* Testcase by Martin Michlmayr <[email protected]> */
init_full (char *array, int ny)
int j;
char acc = 128;
for (j = 0; j < ny; j++)
*array++ = acc++;
the_stack_data/445010.c | #include<stdio.h>
int main()
int n,i,a,b;
printf("Vvedite kolichestvo chisel:");
scanf ("%d",&n);
printf("1 = ");
scanf("%d", &b);
for (i=2;i<=n;i++)
printf("%d = ",i);
scanf("%d", &b);
if (b > a)
printf ("0\n");
if(i==n+1) printf("1\n");
return 0;
the_stack_data/178265613.c | #include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static double fast_pow(double x, int n)
if (n == 0) { return 1.0; }
if (n == 1) { return x; }
double t = fast_pow(x, n / 2);
return n & 1 ? t * t * x : t * t;
static double my_pow(double x, int n)
if (n == INT_MIN) {
double t = 1 / fast_pow(x, -(n / 2));
return t * t;
return n < 0 ? 1 / fast_pow(x, -n) : fast_pow(x, n);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./test x n\n");
printf("%lf\n", my_pow(atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2])));
return 0;
the_stack_data/89199294.c | /*
* Copyright (c) 201 Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* inttypes/imaxdiv.c
* Compute quotient and remainder of integer division.
#include <inttypes.h>
imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom)
imaxdiv_t ret;
ret.quot = numer / denom;
ret.rem = numer % denom;
return ret;
the_stack_data/850891.c | #include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __arm__
void __aeabi_memset(void *dest, size_t n, int c)
memset(dest, c, n);
void *memset(void *dest, int c, size_t n)
unsigned char *s = dest;
size_t k;
/* Fill head and tail with minimal branching. Each
* conditional ensures that all the subsequently used
* offsets are well-defined and in the dest region. */
if (!n) return dest;
s[0] = s[n-1] = c;
if (n <= 2) return dest;
s[1] = s[n-2] = c;
s[2] = s[n-3] = c;
if (n <= 6) return dest;
s[3] = s[n-4] = c;
if (n <= 8) return dest;
/* Advance pointer to align it at a 4-byte boundary,
* and truncate n to a multiple of 4. The previous code
* already took care of any head/tail that get cut off
* by the alignment. */
k = -(uintptr_t)s & 3;
s += k;
n -= k;
n &= -4;
#ifdef __GNUC__
typedef uint32_t __attribute__((__may_alias__)) u32;
typedef uint64_t __attribute__((__may_alias__)) u64;
u32 c32 = ((u32)-1)/255 * (unsigned char)c;
/* In preparation to copy 32 bytes at a time, aligned on
* an 8-byte bounary, fill head/tail up to 28 bytes each.
* As in the initial byte-based head/tail fill, each
* conditional below ensures that the subsequent offsets
* are valid (e.g. !(n<=24) implies n>=28). */
*(u32 *)(s+0) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+n-4) = c32;
if (n <= 8) return dest;
*(u32 *)(s+4) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+8) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+n-12) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+n-8) = c32;
if (n <= 24) return dest;
*(u32 *)(s+12) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+16) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+20) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+24) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+n-28) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+n-24) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+n-20) = c32;
*(u32 *)(s+n-16) = c32;
/* Align to a multiple of 8 so we can fill 64 bits at a time,
* and avoid writing the same bytes twice as much as is
* practical without introducing additional branching. */
k = 24 + ((uintptr_t)s & 4);
s += k;
n -= k;
/* If this loop is reached, 28 tail bytes have already been
* filled, so any remainder when n drops below 32 can be
* safely ignored. */
u64 c64 = c32 | ((u64)c32 << 32);
for (; n >= 32; n-=32, s+=32) {
*(u64 *)(s+0) = c64;
*(u64 *)(s+8) = c64;
*(u64 *)(s+16) = c64;
*(u64 *)(s+24) = c64;
/* Pure C fallback with no aliasing violations. */
for (; n; n--, s++) *s = c;
return dest;
the_stack_data/764875.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* stdlib */
#include <unistd.h> /* unlink */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(void)
/* Create a temp file */
char tmp_file[] = "XXXXXX";
char buf[8 * 1024] = {0};
int fd = 0;
int rval = 0;
printf("This program demostrates system removes file as soon as" \
"close() was call atfer unlink()\n");
printf("We do not have new file: XXXXXX at beginning\n");
fd = open(tmp_file, O_CREAT| O_WRONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
perror("open: ");
printf("\nCreate new file: XXXXXX\n");
printf("File space in K\n");
system("df `pwd`");
rval = unlink(tmp_file);
if (rval == -1) {
perror("unlink: ");
printf("\nAfter unlink, we can still manage file: XXXXXX\n");
rval = write(fd, buf, 8 * 1024);
if (rval == -1) {
perror("write: ");
printf("\nWrite 8k, disk space in K now increased\n");
system("df `pwd`");
rval = close(fd);
if (rval == -1) {
perror("close: ");
printf("\nAfter close() file: XXXXXX is removed\n");
printf("File space in K now\n");
system("df `pwd`");
return 0;
the_stack_data/24436.c | typedef int size_t;
extern struct _iobuf {
int _cnt;
unsigned char *_ptr;
unsigned char *_base;
int _bufsiz;
short _flag;
char _file; } _iob[];
typedef struct _iobuf FILE;
extern struct _iobuf *fopen(const char *, const char *);
extern struct _iobuf *fdopen(int, const char *);
extern struct _iobuf *freopen(const char *, const char *, FILE *);
extern struct _iobuf *popen(const char *, const char *);
extern struct _iobuf *tmpfile(void);
extern long ftell(FILE *);
extern char *fgets(char *, int, FILE *);
extern char *gets(char *);
extern char *sprintf(char *, const char *, ...);
extern char *ctermid(char *);
extern char *cuserid(char *);
extern char *tempnam(const char *, const char *);
extern char *tmpnam(char *);
typedef struct sm_element_struct sm_element;
typedef struct sm_row_struct sm_row;
typedef struct sm_col_struct sm_col;
typedef struct sm_matrix_struct sm_matrix;
struct sm_element_struct {
int row_num; int col_num; sm_element *next_row; sm_element *prev_row; sm_element *next_col; sm_element *prev_col; char *user_word; };
struct sm_row_struct {
int row_num; int length; int flag; sm_element *first_col; sm_element *last_col; sm_row *next_row; sm_row *prev_row; char *user_word; };
struct sm_col_struct {
int col_num; int length; int flag; sm_element *first_row; sm_element *last_row; sm_col *next_col; sm_col *prev_col; char *user_word; };
struct sm_matrix_struct {
sm_row **rows; int rows_size; sm_col **cols; int cols_size; sm_row *first_row; sm_row *last_row; int nrows; sm_col *first_col; sm_col *last_col; int ncols; char *user_word; };
extern sm_matrix *sm_alloc(), *sm_alloc_size(), *sm_dup();
extern void sm_free(), sm_delrow(), sm_delcol(), sm_resize();
extern void sm_write(), sm_print(), sm_dump(), sm_cleanup();
extern void sm_copy_row(), sm_copy_col();
extern void sm_remove(), sm_remove_element();
extern sm_element *sm_insert(), *sm_find();
extern sm_row *sm_longest_row();
extern sm_col *sm_longest_col();
extern int sm_read(), sm_read_compressed();
extern sm_row *sm_row_alloc(), *sm_row_dup(), *sm_row_and();
extern void sm_row_free(), sm_row_remove(), sm_row_print();
extern sm_element *sm_row_insert(), *sm_row_find();
extern int sm_row_contains(), sm_row_intersects();
extern int sm_row_compare(), sm_row_hash();
extern sm_col *sm_col_alloc(), *sm_col_dup(), *sm_col_and();
extern void sm_col_free(), sm_col_remove(), sm_col_print();
extern sm_element *sm_col_insert(), *sm_col_find();
extern int sm_col_contains(), sm_col_intersects();
extern int sm_col_compare(), sm_col_hash();
extern int sm_row_dominance(), sm_col_dominance(), sm_block_partition();
extern sm_row *sm_minimum_cover();
extern char _ctype_[];
extern struct _iobuf *popen(const char *, const char *), *tmpfile(void);
extern int pclose(FILE *);
extern void rewind(FILE *);
extern void abort(void), free(void *), exit(int), perror(const char *);
extern char *getenv(const char *), *malloc(size_t), *realloc(void *, size_t);
extern int system(const char *);
extern double atof(const char *);
extern char *strcpy(char *, const char *), *strncpy(char *, const char *, size_t), *strcat(char *, const char *), *strncat(char *, const char *, size_t), *strerror(int);
extern char *strpbrk(const char *, const char *), *strtok(char *, const char *), *strchr(const char *, int), *strrchr(const char *, int), *strstr(const char *, const char *);
extern int strcoll(const char *, const char *), strxfrm(char *, const char *, size_t), strncmp(const char *, const char *, size_t), strlen(const char *), strspn(const char *, const char *), strcspn(const char *, const char *);
extern char *memmove(void *, const void *, size_t), *memccpy(void *, const void *, int, size_t), *memchr(const void *, int, size_t), *memcpy(void *, const void *, size_t), *memset(void *, int, size_t);
extern int memcmp(const void *, const void *, size_t), strcmp(const char *, const char *);
extern long util_cpu_time();
extern int util_getopt();
extern void util_getopt_reset();
extern char *util_path_search();
extern char *util_file_search();
extern int util_pipefork();
extern void util_print_cpu_stats();
extern char *util_print_time();
extern int util_save_image();
extern char *util_strsav();
extern char *util_tilde_expand();
extern void util_restart();
extern int util_optind;
extern char *util_optarg;
typedef unsigned int *pset;
typedef struct set_family {
int wsize; int sf_size; int capacity; int count; int active_count; pset data; struct set_family *next; } set_family_t, *pset_family;
extern int bit_count[256];
typedef struct cost_struct {
int cubes; int in; int out; int mv; int total; int primes; } cost_t, *pcost;
typedef struct pair_struct {
int cnt;
int *var1;
int *var2;
} pair_t, *ppair;
typedef struct symbolic_list_struct {
int variable;
int pos;
struct symbolic_list_struct *next;
} symbolic_list_t;
typedef struct symbolic_label_struct {
char *label;
struct symbolic_label_struct *next;
} symbolic_label_t;
typedef struct symbolic_struct {
symbolic_list_t *symbolic_list; int symbolic_list_length; symbolic_label_t *symbolic_label; int symbolic_label_length; struct symbolic_struct *next;
} symbolic_t;
typedef struct {
pset_family F, D, R; char *filename; int pla_type; pset phase; ppair pair; char **label; symbolic_t *symbolic; symbolic_t *symbolic_output;
} PLA_t, *pPLA;
extern unsigned int debug; extern int verbose_debug; extern char *total_name[16]; extern long total_time[16]; extern int total_calls[16]; extern int echo_comments; extern int echo_unknown_commands; extern int force_irredundant; extern int skip_make_sparse;
extern int kiss; extern int pos; extern int print_solution; extern int recompute_onset; extern int remove_essential; extern int single_expand; extern int summary; extern int trace; extern int unwrap_onset; extern int use_random_order; extern int use_super_gasp; extern char *filename; extern int debug_exact_minimization; struct pla_types_struct {
char *key;
int value;
struct cube_struct {
int size; int num_vars; int num_binary_vars; int *first_part; int *last_part; int *part_size; int *first_word; int *last_word; pset binary_mask; pset mv_mask; pset *var_mask; pset *temp; pset fullset; pset emptyset; unsigned int inmask; int inword; int *sparse; int num_mv_vars; int output; };
struct cdata_struct {
int *part_zeros; int *var_zeros; int *parts_active; int *is_unate; int vars_active; int vars_unate; int best; };
extern struct pla_types_struct pla_types[];
extern struct cube_struct cube, temp_cube_save;
extern struct cdata_struct cdata, temp_cdata_save;
extern int binate_split_select();
extern pset_family cubeunlist();
extern pset *cofactor();
extern pset *cube1list();
extern pset *cube2list();
extern pset *cube3list();
extern pset *scofactor();
extern void massive_count();
extern pset_family complement();
extern pset_family simplify();
extern void simp_comp();
extern int d1_rm_equal();
extern int rm2_contain();
extern int rm2_equal();
extern int rm_contain();
extern int rm_equal();
extern int rm_rev_contain();
extern pset *sf_list();
extern pset *sf_sort();
extern pset_family d1merge();
extern pset_family dist_merge();
extern pset_family sf_contain();
extern pset_family sf_dupl();
extern pset_family sf_ind_contain();
extern pset_family sf_ind_unlist();
extern pset_family sf_merge();
extern pset_family sf_rev_contain();
extern pset_family sf_union();
extern pset_family sf_unlist();
extern void cube_setup();
extern void restore_cube_struct();
extern void save_cube_struct();
extern void setdown_cube();
extern PLA_labels();
extern char *get_word();
extern int label_index();
extern int read_pla();
extern int read_symbolic();
extern pPLA new_PLA();
extern void PLA_summary();
extern void free_PLA();
extern void parse_pla();
extern void read_cube();
extern void skip_line();
extern foreach_output_function();
extern int cubelist_partition();
extern int so_both_do_espresso();
extern int so_both_do_exact();
extern int so_both_save();
extern int so_do_espresso();
extern int so_do_exact();
extern int so_save();
extern pset_family cof_output();
extern pset_family lex_sort();
extern pset_family mini_sort();
extern pset_family random_order();
extern pset_family size_sort();
extern pset_family sort_reduce();
extern pset_family uncof_output();
extern pset_family unravel();
extern pset_family unravel_range();
extern void so_both_espresso();
extern void so_espresso();
extern char *fmt_cost();
extern char *print_cost();
extern char *util_strsav();
extern void copy_cost();
extern void cover_cost();
extern void fatal();
extern void print_trace();
extern void size_stamp();
extern void totals();
extern char *fmt_cube();
extern char *fmt_expanded_cube();
extern char *pc1();
extern char *pc2();
extern char *pc3();
extern int makeup_labels();
extern kiss_output();
extern kiss_print_cube();
extern output_symbolic_constraints();
extern void cprint();
extern void debug1_print();
extern void debug_print();
extern void eqn_output();
extern void fpr_header();
extern void fprint_pla();
extern void pls_group();
extern void pls_label();
extern void pls_output();
extern void print_cube();
extern void print_expanded_cube();
extern void sf_debug_print();
extern find_equiv_outputs();
extern int check_equiv();
extern pset_family espresso();
extern int essen_cube();
extern pset_family cb_consensus();
extern pset_family cb_consensus_dist0();
extern pset_family essential();
extern pset_family minimize_exact();
extern pset_family minimize_exact_literals();
extern int feasibly_covered();
extern int most_frequent();
extern pset_family all_primes();
extern pset_family expand();
extern pset_family find_all_primes();
extern void elim_lowering();
extern void essen_parts();
extern void essen_raising();
extern void expand1();
extern void mincov();
extern void select_feasible();
extern void setup_BB_CC();
extern pset_family expand_gasp();
extern pset_family irred_gasp();
extern pset_family last_gasp();
extern pset_family super_gasp();
extern void expand1_gasp();
extern int util_getopt();
extern find_dc_inputs();
extern find_inputs();
extern form_bitvector();
extern map_dcset();
extern map_output_symbolic();
extern map_symbolic();
extern pset_family map_symbolic_cover();
extern symbolic_hack_labels();
extern int cube_is_covered();
extern int taut_special_cases();
extern int tautology();
extern pset_family irredundant();
extern void mark_irredundant();
extern void irred_split_cover();
extern sm_matrix *irred_derive_table();
extern pset minterms();
extern void explode();
extern void map();
extern output_phase_setup();
extern pPLA set_phase();
extern pset_family opo();
extern pset find_phase();
extern pset_family find_covers();
extern pset_family form_cover_table();
extern pset_family opo_leaf();
extern pset_family opo_recur();
extern void opoall();
extern void phase_assignment();
extern void repeated_phase_assignment();
extern generate_all_pairs(ppair pair, int n, pset candidate, int (*action) ());
extern int **find_pairing_cost(pPLA PLA, int strategy);
extern int find_best_cost(register ppair pair);
extern int greedy_best_cost(int **cost_array_local, ppair *pair_p);
extern int minimize_pair(ppair pair);
extern int pair_free(register ppair pair);
extern pair_all(pPLA PLA, int pair_strategy);
extern pset_family delvar(pset_family A, int *paired);
extern pset_family pairvar(pset_family A, ppair pair);
extern ppair pair_best_cost(int **cost_array_local);
extern ppair pair_new(register int n);
extern ppair pair_save(register ppair pair, register int n);
extern print_pair(ppair pair);
extern void find_optimal_pairing(pPLA PLA, int strategy);
extern void set_pair(pPLA PLA);
extern void set_pair1(pPLA PLA, int adjust_labels);
extern pset_family primes_consensus();
extern int sccc_special_cases();
extern pset_family reduce();
extern pset reduce_cube();
extern pset sccc();
extern pset sccc_cube();
extern pset sccc_merge();
extern int set_andp();
extern int set_orp();
extern int setp_disjoint();
extern int setp_empty();
extern int setp_equal();
extern int setp_full();
extern int setp_implies();
extern char *pbv1();
extern char *ps1();
extern int *sf_count();
extern int *sf_count_restricted();
extern int bit_index();
extern int set_dist();
extern int set_ord();
extern void set_adjcnt();
extern pset set_and();
extern pset set_clear();
extern pset set_copy();
extern pset set_diff();
extern pset set_fill();
extern pset set_merge();
extern pset set_or();
extern pset set_xor();
extern pset sf_and();
extern pset sf_or();
extern pset_family sf_active();
extern pset_family sf_addcol();
extern pset_family sf_addset();
extern pset_family sf_append();
extern pset_family sf_bm_read();
extern pset_family sf_compress();
extern pset_family sf_copy();
extern pset_family sf_copy_col();
extern pset_family sf_delc();
extern pset_family sf_delcol();
extern pset_family sf_inactive();
extern pset_family sf_join();
extern pset_family sf_new();
extern pset_family sf_permute();
extern pset_family sf_read();
extern pset_family sf_save();
extern pset_family sf_transpose();
extern void set_write();
extern void sf_bm_print();
extern void sf_cleanup();
extern void sf_delset();
extern void sf_free();
extern void sf_print();
extern void sf_write();
extern int ccommon();
extern int cdist0();
extern int full_row();
extern int ascend();
extern int cactive();
extern int cdist();
extern int cdist01();
extern int cvolume();
extern int d1_order();
extern int d1_order_size();
extern int desc1();
extern int descend();
extern int lex_order();
extern int lex_order1();
extern pset force_lower();
extern void consensus();
extern pset_family cb1_dsharp();
extern pset_family cb_dsharp();
extern pset_family cb_recur_dsharp();
extern pset_family cb_recur_sharp();
extern pset_family cb_sharp();
extern pset_family cv_dsharp();
extern pset_family cv_intersect();
extern pset_family cv_sharp();
extern pset_family dsharp();
extern pset_family make_disjoint();
extern pset_family sharp();
pset do_sm_minimum_cover();
extern pset_family make_sparse();
extern pset_family mv_reduce();
extern qsort(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*) (const void *, const void *));
extern qst();
extern pset_family find_all_minimal_covers_petrick();
extern pset_family map_cover_to_unate();
extern pset_family map_unate_to_cover();
extern pset_family exact_minimum_cover();
extern pset_family gen_primes();
extern pset_family unate_compl();
extern pset_family unate_complement();
extern pset_family unate_intersect();
extern PLA_permute();
extern int PLA_verify();
extern int check_consistency();
extern int verify();
void set_pair(pPLA PLA)
set_pair1(PLA, 1);
void set_pair1(pPLA PLA, int adjust_labels)
int i, var, *paired, newvar;
int old_num_vars, old_num_binary_vars, old_size, old_mv_start;
int *new_part_size, new_num_vars, new_num_binary_vars, new_mv_start;
ppair pair = PLA->pair;
char scratch[1000], **oldlabel, *var1, *var1bar, *var2, *var2bar;
if (adjust_labels)
paired = ((int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * ( cube.num_binary_vars)));
for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
paired[var] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < pair->cnt; i++)
if ((pair->var1[i] > 0 && pair->var1[i] <= cube.num_binary_vars) &&
(pair->var2[i] > 0 && pair->var2[i] <= cube.num_binary_vars)) {
paired[pair->var1[i]-1] = 1;
paired[pair->var2[i]-1] = 1;
} else
fatal("can only pair binary-valued variables");
PLA->F = delvar(pairvar(PLA->F, pair), paired);
PLA->R = delvar(pairvar(PLA->R, pair), paired);
PLA->D = delvar(pairvar(PLA->D, pair), paired);
old_size = cube.size;
old_num_vars = cube.num_vars;
old_num_binary_vars = cube.num_binary_vars;
old_mv_start = cube.first_part[cube.num_binary_vars];
new_num_binary_vars = 0;
for(var = 0; var < old_num_binary_vars; var++)
new_num_binary_vars += (paired[var] == 0);
new_num_vars = new_num_binary_vars + pair->cnt;
new_num_vars += old_num_vars - old_num_binary_vars;
new_part_size = ((int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * ( new_num_vars)));
for(var = 0; var < pair->cnt; var++)
new_part_size[new_num_binary_vars + var] = 4;
for(var = 0; var < old_num_vars - old_num_binary_vars; var++)
new_part_size[new_num_binary_vars + pair->cnt + var] =
cube.part_size[old_num_binary_vars + var];
((cube.part_size) ? (free((char *) (cube.part_size)), (cube.part_size) = 0) : 0);
cube.num_vars = new_num_vars;
cube.num_binary_vars = new_num_binary_vars;
cube.part_size = new_part_size;
if (adjust_labels) {
oldlabel = PLA->label;
PLA->label = ((char * *) malloc(sizeof(char *) * ( cube.size)));
for(var = 0; var < pair->cnt; var++) {
newvar = cube.num_binary_vars*2 + var*4;
var1 = oldlabel[ (pair->var1[var]-1) * 2 + 1];
var2 = oldlabel[ (pair->var2[var]-1) * 2 + 1];
var1bar = oldlabel[ (pair->var1[var]-1) * 2];
var2bar = oldlabel[ (pair->var2[var]-1) * 2];
(void) sprintf(scratch, "%s+%s", var1bar, var2bar);
PLA->label[newvar] = util_strsav(scratch);
(void) sprintf(scratch, "%s+%s", var1bar, var2);
PLA->label[newvar+1] = util_strsav(scratch);
(void) sprintf(scratch, "%s+%s", var1, var2bar);
PLA->label[newvar+2] = util_strsav(scratch);
(void) sprintf(scratch, "%s+%s", var1, var2);
PLA->label[newvar+3] = util_strsav(scratch);
i = 0;
for(var = 0; var < old_num_binary_vars; var++) {
if (paired[var] == 0) {
PLA->label[2*i] = oldlabel[2*var];
PLA->label[2*i+1] = oldlabel[2*var+1];
oldlabel[2*var] = oldlabel[2*var+1] = (char *) 0;
new_mv_start = cube.num_binary_vars*2 + pair->cnt*4;
for(i = old_mv_start; i < old_size; i++) {
PLA->label[new_mv_start + i - old_mv_start] = oldlabel[i];
oldlabel[i] = (char *) 0;
for(i = 0; i < old_size; i++)
if (oldlabel[i] != (char *) 0)
((oldlabel[i]) ? (free((char *) (oldlabel[i])), (oldlabel[i]) = 0) : 0);
((oldlabel) ? (free((char *) (oldlabel)), (oldlabel) = 0) : 0);
for(var = 0; var < pair->cnt; var++)
cube.sparse[cube.num_binary_vars + var] = 0;
((paired) ? (free((char *) (paired)), (paired) = 0) : 0);
pset_family pairvar(pset_family A, ppair pair)
register pset last, p;
register int val, p1, p2, b1, b0;
int insert_col, pairnum;
insert_col = cube.first_part[cube.num_vars - 1];
A = sf_delcol(A, insert_col, -4*pair->cnt);
for( p=A->data, last= p+A->count*A->wsize; p< last; p+=A->wsize) {
for(pairnum = 0; pairnum < pair->cnt; pairnum++) {
p1 = cube.first_part[pair->var1[pairnum] - 1];
p2 = cube.first_part[pair->var2[pairnum] - 1];
b1 = (p[((( p2+1) >> 5) + 1)] & (1 << (( p2+1) & (32-1))));
b0 = (p[((( p2) >> 5) + 1)] & (1 << (( p2) & (32-1))));
val = insert_col + pairnum * 4;
if ( (p[((( p1) >> 5) + 1)] & (1 << (( p1) & (32-1))))) {
if (b0)
(p[((( val + 3) >> 5) + 1)] |= 1 << (( val + 3) & (32-1)));
if (b1)
(p[((( val + 2) >> 5) + 1)] |= 1 << (( val + 2) & (32-1)));
if ( (p[((( p1+1) >> 5) + 1)] & (1 << (( p1+1) & (32-1))))) {
if (b0)
(p[((( val + 1) >> 5) + 1)] |= 1 << (( val + 1) & (32-1)));
if (b1)
(p[((( val) >> 5) + 1)] |= 1 << (( val) & (32-1)));
return A;
pset_family delvar(pset_family A, int *paired)
int run;
int first_run, run_length, var, offset = 0;
run = 0; run_length = 0;
for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
if (paired[var])
if (run)
run_length += cube.part_size[var];
else {
run = 1;
first_run = cube.first_part[var];
run_length = cube.part_size[var];
if (run) {
A = sf_delcol(A, first_run-offset, run_length);
run = 0;
offset += run_length;
if (run)
A = sf_delcol(A, first_run-offset, run_length);
return A;
void find_optimal_pairing(pPLA PLA, int strategy)
int i, j, **cost_array;
cost_array = find_pairing_cost(PLA, strategy);
if (summary) {
printf(" ");
for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++)
printf("%3d ", i+1);
for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++) {
printf("%3d ", i+1);
for(j = 0; j < cube.num_binary_vars; j++)
printf("%3d ", cost_array[i][j]);
if (cube.num_binary_vars <= 14) {
PLA->pair = pair_best_cost(cost_array);
} else {
(void) greedy_best_cost(cost_array, &(PLA->pair));
printf("# ");
for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++)
((cost_array[i]) ? (free((char *) (cost_array[i])), (cost_array[i]) = 0) : 0);
((cost_array) ? (free((char *) (cost_array)), (cost_array) = 0) : 0);
{long t=util_cpu_time();PLA->F=espresso(PLA->F,PLA->D,PLA->R);if(summary)print_trace(PLA->F,"ESPRESSO ",util_cpu_time()-t);};
int **find_pairing_cost(pPLA PLA, int strategy)
int var1, var2, **cost_array;
int i, j, xnum_binary_vars, xnum_vars, *xpart_size, cost;
pset_family T, Fsave, Dsave, Rsave;
pset mask;
cost_array = ((int * *) malloc(sizeof(int *) * ( cube.num_binary_vars)));
for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++)
cost_array[i] = ((int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * ( cube.num_binary_vars)));
for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++)
for(j = 0; j < cube.num_binary_vars; j++)
cost_array[i][j] = 0;
PLA->pair = pair_new(1);
PLA->pair->cnt = 1;
for(var1 = 0; var1 < cube.num_binary_vars-1; var1++) {
for(var2 = var1+1; var2 < cube.num_binary_vars; var2++) {
if (strategy > 0) {
Fsave = sf_save(PLA->F);
Dsave = sf_save(PLA->D);
Rsave = sf_save(PLA->R);
xnum_binary_vars = cube.num_binary_vars;
xnum_vars = cube.num_vars;
xpart_size = ((int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * ( cube.num_vars)));
for(i = 0; i < cube.num_vars; i++)
xpart_size[i] = cube.part_size[i];
PLA->pair->var1[0] = var1 + 1;
PLA->pair->var2[0] = var2 + 1;
set_pair1(PLA, 0);
switch(strategy) {
case 3:
PLA->F = minimize_exact(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R, 1);
cost = Fsave->count - PLA->F->count;
case 2:
PLA->F = espresso(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R);
cost = Fsave->count - PLA->F->count;
case 1:
PLA->F = reduce(PLA->F, PLA->D);
PLA->F = expand(PLA->F, PLA->R, 0);
PLA->F = irredundant(PLA->F, PLA->D);
cost = Fsave->count - PLA->F->count;
case 0:
mask = set_clear(((unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ( ((cube.size) <= 32 ? 2 : (((((cube.size)-1) >> 5) + 1) + 1))))), cube.size);
set_or(mask, cube.var_mask[var1], cube.var_mask[var2]);
T = dist_merge(sf_save(PLA->F), mask);
cost = PLA->F->count - T->count;
((mask) ? (free((char *) (mask)), (mask) = 0) : 0);
cost_array[var1][var2] = cost;
if (strategy > 0) {
((cube.part_size) ? (free((char *) (cube.part_size)), (cube.part_size) = 0) : 0);
cube.num_binary_vars = xnum_binary_vars;
cube.num_vars = xnum_vars;
cube.part_size = xpart_size;
PLA->F = Fsave;
PLA->D = Dsave;
PLA->R = Rsave;
PLA->pair = 0;
return cost_array;
static int best_cost;
static int **cost_array;
static ppair best_pair;
static pset best_phase;
static pPLA global_PLA;
static pset_family best_F, best_D, best_R;
static int pair_minim_strategy;
print_pair(ppair pair)
int i;
printf("pair is");
for(i = 0; i < pair->cnt; i++)
printf (" (%d %d)", pair->var1[i], pair->var2[i]);
int greedy_best_cost(int **cost_array_local, ppair *pair_p)
int i, j, besti, bestj, maxcost, total_cost;
pset cand;
ppair pair;
pair = pair_new(cube.num_binary_vars);
cand = set_fill(((unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ( ((cube.num_binary_vars) <= 32 ? 2 : (((((cube.num_binary_vars)-1) >> 5) + 1) + 1))))), cube.num_binary_vars);
total_cost = 0;
while (set_ord(cand) >= 2) {
maxcost = -1;
for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++) {
if ((cand[((( i) >> 5) + 1)] & (1 << (( i) & (32-1))))) {
for(j = i+1; j < cube.num_binary_vars; j++) {
if ((cand[((( j) >> 5) + 1)] & (1 << (( j) & (32-1))))) {
if (cost_array_local[i][j] > maxcost) {
maxcost = cost_array_local[i][j];
besti = i;
bestj = j;
pair->var1[pair->cnt] = besti+1;
pair->var2[pair->cnt] = bestj+1;
(cand[((( besti) >> 5) + 1)] &= ~ (1 << (( besti) & (32-1))));
(cand[((( bestj) >> 5) + 1)] &= ~ (1 << (( bestj) & (32-1))));
total_cost += maxcost;
((cand) ? (free((char *) (cand)), (cand) = 0) : 0);
*pair_p = pair;
return total_cost;
ppair pair_best_cost(int **cost_array_local)
ppair pair;
pset candidate;
best_cost = -1;
best_pair = 0;
cost_array = cost_array_local;
pair = pair_new(cube.num_binary_vars);
candidate = set_fill(((unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ( ((cube.num_binary_vars) <= 32 ? 2 : (((((cube.num_binary_vars)-1) >> 5) + 1) + 1))))), cube.num_binary_vars);
generate_all_pairs(pair, cube.num_binary_vars, candidate, find_best_cost);
((candidate) ? (free((char *) (candidate)), (candidate) = 0) : 0);
return best_pair;
int find_best_cost(register ppair pair)
register int i, cost;
cost = 0;
for(i = 0; i < pair->cnt; i++)
cost += cost_array[pair->var1[i]-1][pair->var2[i]-1];
if (cost > best_cost) {
best_cost = cost;
best_pair = pair_save(pair, pair->cnt);
if ((debug & 0x0800) && trace) {
printf("cost is %d ", cost);
pair_all(pPLA PLA, int pair_strategy)
ppair pair;
pset candidate;
global_PLA = PLA;
pair_minim_strategy = pair_strategy;
best_cost = PLA->F->count + 1;
best_pair = 0;
best_phase = 0;
best_F = best_D = best_R = 0;
pair = pair_new(cube.num_binary_vars);
candidate = set_fill(set_clear(((unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ( ((cube.num_binary_vars) <= 32 ? 2 : (((((cube.num_binary_vars)-1) >> 5) + 1) + 1))))), cube.num_binary_vars), cube.num_binary_vars);
generate_all_pairs(pair, cube.num_binary_vars, candidate, minimize_pair);
((candidate) ? (free((char *) (candidate)), (candidate) = 0) : 0);
PLA->pair = best_pair;
PLA->phase = best_phase;
printf("# ");
PLA->F = best_F;
PLA->D = best_D;
PLA->R = best_R;
int minimize_pair(ppair pair)
pset_family Fsave, Dsave, Rsave;
int i, xnum_binary_vars, xnum_vars, *xpart_size;
Fsave = sf_save(global_PLA->F);
Dsave = sf_save(global_PLA->D);
Rsave = sf_save(global_PLA->R);
xnum_binary_vars = cube.num_binary_vars;
xnum_vars = cube.num_vars;
xpart_size = ((int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * ( cube.num_vars)));
for(i = 0; i < cube.num_vars; i++)
xpart_size[i] = cube.part_size[i];
global_PLA->pair = pair;
set_pair1(global_PLA, 0);
if (summary)
switch(pair_minim_strategy) {
case 2:
{long t=util_cpu_time();phase_assignment(global_PLA,0);if(summary)print_trace( global_PLA->F, "OPO ",util_cpu_time()-t);};
if (summary)
printf("# phase is %s\n", pc1(global_PLA->phase));
case 1:
{long t=util_cpu_time();global_PLA->F = minimize_exact(global_PLA->F, global_PLA->D, global_PLA->R, 1);if(summary)print_trace( global_PLA->F, "EXACT ",util_cpu_time()-t);};
case 0:
{long t=util_cpu_time();global_PLA->F = espresso(global_PLA->F, global_PLA->D, global_PLA->R);if(summary)print_trace( global_PLA->F, "ESPRESSO ",util_cpu_time()-t);};
if (global_PLA->F->count < best_cost) {
best_cost = global_PLA->F->count;
best_pair = pair_save(pair, pair->cnt);
best_phase = global_PLA->phase!=0?set_copy(((unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ( (((32 * (global_PLA->phase[0] & 0x03ff))) <= 32 ? 2 : ((((((32 * (global_PLA->phase[0] & 0x03ff)))-1) >> 5) + 1) + 1))))), global_PLA->phase):0;
if (best_F != 0) sf_free(best_F);
if (best_D != 0) sf_free(best_D);
if (best_R != 0) sf_free(best_R);
best_F = sf_save(global_PLA->F);
best_D = sf_save(global_PLA->D);
best_R = sf_save(global_PLA->R);
((cube.part_size) ? (free((char *) (cube.part_size)), (cube.part_size) = 0) : 0);
cube.num_binary_vars = xnum_binary_vars;
cube.num_vars = xnum_vars;
cube.part_size = xpart_size;
global_PLA->F = Fsave;
global_PLA->D = Dsave;
global_PLA->R = Rsave;
global_PLA->pair = 0;
global_PLA->phase = 0;
generate_all_pairs(ppair pair, int n, pset candidate, int (*action) ())
int i, j;
pset recur_candidate;
ppair recur_pair;
if (set_ord(candidate) < 2) {
recur_pair = pair_save(pair, n);
recur_candidate = set_copy(((unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * ( (((32 * (candidate[0] & 0x03ff))) <= 32 ? 2 : ((((((32 * (candidate[0] & 0x03ff)))-1) >> 5) + 1) + 1))))), candidate);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if ((candidate[((( i) >> 5) + 1)] & (1 << (( i) & (32-1)))))
for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
if ((candidate[((( j) >> 5) + 1)] & (1 << (( j) & (32-1))))) {
(recur_candidate[((( i) >> 5) + 1)] &= ~ (1 << (( i) & (32-1))));
(recur_candidate[((( j) >> 5) + 1)] &= ~ (1 << (( j) & (32-1))));
recur_pair->var1[recur_pair->cnt] = i+1;
recur_pair->var2[recur_pair->cnt] = j+1;
generate_all_pairs(recur_pair, n, recur_candidate, action);
(recur_candidate[((( i) >> 5) + 1)] |= 1 << (( i) & (32-1)));
(recur_candidate[((( j) >> 5) + 1)] |= 1 << (( j) & (32-1)));
if ((set_ord(candidate) % 2) == 1) {
(recur_candidate[((( i) >> 5) + 1)] &= ~ (1 << (( i) & (32-1))));
generate_all_pairs(recur_pair, n, recur_candidate, action);
((recur_candidate) ? (free((char *) (recur_candidate)), (recur_candidate) = 0) : 0);
ppair pair_new(register int n)
register ppair pair1;
pair1 = ((pair_t *) malloc(sizeof(pair_t) * ( 1)));
pair1->cnt = 0;
pair1->var1 = ((int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * ( n)));
pair1->var2 = ((int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * ( n)));
return pair1;
ppair pair_save(register ppair pair, register int n)
register int k;
register ppair pair1;
pair1 = pair_new(n);
pair1->cnt = pair->cnt;
for(k = 0; k < pair->cnt; k++) {
pair1->var1[k] = pair->var1[k];
pair1->var2[k] = pair->var2[k];
return pair1;
int pair_free(register ppair pair)
((pair->var1) ? (free((char *) (pair->var1)), (pair->var1) = 0) : 0);
((pair->var2) ? (free((char *) (pair->var2)), (pair->var2) = 0) : 0);
((pair) ? (free((char *) (pair)), (pair) = 0) : 0);
the_stack_data/64201519.c | int blah[41][8];
int foo(int i, int j)
return blah[i][j];
the_stack_data/150140050.c | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* FILE: least-squares.c
* This program computes a linear model for a set of given data.
* The method of least squares is a standard technique used to find
* the equation of a straight line from a set of data. Equation for a
* straight line is given by
* y = mx + b
* where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept.
* Given a set of n points {(x1,y1), x2,y2),...,xn,yn)}, let
* SUMx = x1 + x2 + ... + xn
* SUMy = y1 + y2 + ... + yn
* SUMxy = x1*y1 + x2*y2 + ... + xn*yn
* SUMxx = x1*x1 + x2*x2 + ... + xn*xn
* The slope and y-intercept for the least-squares line can be
* calculated using the following equations:
* slope (m) = ( SUMx*SUMy - n*SUMxy ) / ( SUMx*SUMx - n*SUMxx )
* y-intercept (b) = ( SUMy - slope*SUMx ) / n
* AUTHOR: Dora Abdullah (Fortran version, 11/96)
* REVISED: RYL (converted to C, 12/11/96)
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
double *x, *y;
double SUMx, SUMy, SUMxy, SUMxx, SUMres, res, slope,
y_intercept, y_estimate ;
int i,n;
FILE *infile;
infile = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (infile == NULL) printf("error opening file '%s'\n", argv[1]);
fscanf (infile, "%d", &n);
x = (double *) malloc (n*sizeof(double));
y = (double *) malloc (n*sizeof(double));
SUMx = 0; SUMy = 0; SUMxy = 0; SUMxx = 0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
fscanf (infile, "%lf %lf", &x[i], &y[i]);
SUMx = SUMx + x[i];
SUMy = SUMy + y[i];
SUMxy = SUMxy + x[i]*y[i];
SUMxx = SUMxx + x[i]*x[i];
slope = ( SUMx*SUMy - n*SUMxy ) / ( SUMx*SUMx - n*SUMxx );
y_intercept = ( SUMy - slope*SUMx ) / n;
printf ("\n");
printf ("The linear equation that best fits the given data:\n");
printf (" y = %6.2lfx + %6.2lf\n", slope, y_intercept);
printf ("--------------------------------------------------\n");
printf (" Original (x,y) Estimated y Residual\n");
printf ("--------------------------------------------------\n");
SUMres = 0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
y_estimate = slope*x[i] + y_intercept;
res = y[i] - y_estimate;
SUMres = SUMres + res*res;
printf (" (%6.2lf %6.2lf) %6.2lf %6.2lf\n",
x[i], y[i], y_estimate, res);
printf("Residual sum = %6.2lf\n", SUMres);
the_stack_data/59512493.c | #include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char *port = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
if (argc > 1)
port = argv[1];
printf("Opening %s\n", port);
int fd = open(port, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY); // Abre a porta para leitura
if (fd < 0) {
printf("Error opening USB\n");
return 1;
struct termios config;
tcgetattr(fd, &config); // Lê a configuração atual da porta
cfsetispeed(&config, B9600); // 9600 bauds
cfsetospeed(&config, B9600); // 9600 baud
config.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; // Sem paridade
config.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; // Define tamanho da palavra
config.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; // Stop bit
config.c_cflag |= CS8; // 8 bits
config.c_lflag |= ICANON; // Modo canônico
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &config); // Reconfigura a porta
char buffer[100];
int n, millis;
while (1) {
int size = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
buffer[size - 1] = '\0';
sscanf(buffer, "%d %d", &n, &millis);
printf("buffer: %s (%d bytes)\nN: %d millis: %d\n", buffer, size, n, millis);
the_stack_data/132343.c | #include<stdio.h>
int main(viod)
double i=1,j=1;
printf(" ");
return 0;
the_stack_data/115405.c | #include <stdio.h>
void bz_internal_error(int errcode) {
fprintf(stderr, "BZip2 fatal error %d\n", errcode);
the_stack_data/355657.c | #include<stdio.h>
int main()
//Operação aritmética de soma
float s1,s2,resp1;
printf("Operação aritmética de soma: +\n");
printf("Informe a Primeira variável -> ");
scanf("%f", &s1);
printf("Informe a Segunda variável -> ");
printf("O resultado da soma entre %.2f e %.2f corresponde a: %f\n",s1,s2,resp1);
//Operação aritmética de subtracao
float s3,s4,resp2;
printf("\nOperação aritmética de subtracao: -\n");
printf("Informe a Primeira variável -> ");
scanf("%f", &s3);
printf("Informe a Segunda variável -> ");
printf("O resultado da diferenca entre %.2f e %.2f corresponde a: %.2f\n",s3,s4,resp2);
//Operação aritmética de multiplicacao
float p1,p2,resp3;
printf("\nOperação aritmética de multiplicacao: *\n");
printf("Informe a Primeira variável -> ");
scanf("%f", &p1);
printf("Informe a Segunda variável -> ");
printf("O resultado do produto entre %.2f e %.2f corresponde a: %.2f\n",p1,p2,resp3);
//Operação aritmética de divisao
float d1,d2,resp4;
printf("\nOperação aritmética de divisao: /\n");
printf("Informe a Primeira variável -> ");
scanf("%f", &d1);
printf("Informe a Segunda variável -> ");
printf("O resultado da divisao de %.3f por %.3f corresponde a: %.3f\n",d1,d2,resp4);
//Operação aritmética de encontro de resto
int r1,r2,resp5;
printf("\nOperação aritmética de resto: %\n");
printf("Informe a Primeira variável -> ");
scanf("%d", &r1);
printf("Informe a Segunda variável -> ");
printf("O resto da divisão no conjunto dos inteiros entre %d e %d corresponde a: %d\n",r1,r2,resp5);
return 0;
the_stack_data/43886811.c | int main()
int i, N;
int A[N];
int B[N];
#pragma scop
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
A[i] = B[2 * (i) + 1];
#pragma endscop
the_stack_data/220455891.c | /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
_strncat.c - part of string library functions
Copyright (C) 1999, Sandeep Dutta . [email protected]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
some of which are compiled with SDCC, to produce an executable,
this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to
be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does
not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file
might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
#include <string.h>
char * strncat ( char * front, const char * back, size_t count )
char *start = front;
while (*front++);
while (count--)
if (!(*front++ = *back++))
*front = '\0';
the_stack_data/200144394.c | #include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#define FB_NUM0 0
#define FB_NUM1 1
#define APP_NAME "fbtest"
#define app_info(...) {printf(APP_NAME" info: "); printf(__VA_ARGS__);}
#define app_err(...) {printf(APP_NAME" error: "); printf(__VA_ARGS__);}
#define S3CFB_WIN_SET_PLANE_ALPHA _IOW ('F', 204, struct s3cfb_user_plane_alpha)
#define COLOR_RED ((0xff<<16)|(0x0<<8)|(0x0<<0))
#define COLOR_GREEN ((0x0<<16)|(0xff<<8)|(0x0<<0))
#define COLOR_BLUE ((0x0<<16)|(0x0<<8)|(0xff<<0))
#define COLOR_BLACK ((0x0<<16)|(0x0<<8)|(0x0<<0))
#define COLOR_WHITE ((0xff<<16)|(0xff<<8)|(0xff<<0))
struct s3cfb_user_plane_alpha {
int channel;
unsigned char red;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char blue;
int draw_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned long color, struct fb_var_screeninfo *vip, struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fip, char *map)
int xx, yy;
long location = 0;
for(yy = y; yy < (y+h); yy++) {
for(xx = x; xx < (x+w); xx++) {
location = (xx+vip->xoffset) * (vip->bits_per_pixel/8) +
(yy+vip->yoffset) * fip->line_length;
if (vip->bits_per_pixel == 32) {
*(unsigned long *)(map + location) = color;
} else { /* 16bpp */
*(unsigned short *)(map + location) = (unsigned short)color;
return 0;
int main(void)
int fd_fb0;
int fd_fb1;
int fd;
long size_fb0;
long size_fb1;
char *map_fb0;
char *map_fb1;
struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
int x = 0, y = 0;
long location = 0;
char temp_buf[64];
struct s3cfb_user_plane_alpha user_alpha;
/* FB_NUM0: open */
sprintf(temp_buf, "/dev/fb%d", FB_NUM0);
fd_fb0 = open(temp_buf, O_RDWR);
if(fd_fb0 == -1) {
app_err("cannot open %s\n", temp_buf);
/* FB_NUM0: get fb_var_screeninfo */
if (ioctl(fd_fb0, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) == -1) {
app_err("cannot read FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO\n");
/* FB_NUM0: get fb_fix_screeninfo */
if (ioctl(fd_fb0, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) == -1) {
app_err("cannot read FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO\n");
app_info("%s was opened successfully\n", temp_buf);
app_info("%dx%d, %dbpp\n", vinfo.xres, vinfo.yres, vinfo.bits_per_pixel);
/* FB_NUM0: mmap */
size_fb0 = vinfo.xres * vinfo.yres * vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8;
map_fb0 = (char *)mmap(0, size_fb0, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_fb0, 0);
if ((int)map_fb0 == -1) {
app_err("cannot map %s to memory\n", temp_buf);
app_info("%s was mapped to %p\n", temp_buf, map_fb0);
/* FB_NUM0: draw rectangle */
draw_rect(vinfo.xoffset, vinfo.yoffset, vinfo.xres, vinfo.yres, COLOR_BLACK, &vinfo, &finfo, map_fb0);
draw_rect(300, 160, 200, 160, COLOR_RED, &vinfo, &finfo, map_fb0);
/* FB_NUM1: open */
sprintf(temp_buf, "/dev/fb%d", FB_NUM1);
fd_fb1 = open(temp_buf, O_RDWR);
if(fd_fb1 == -1) {
app_err("cannot open %s\n", temp_buf);
/* FB_NUM1: get fb_var_screeninfo */
if (ioctl(fd_fb1, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) == -1) {
app_err("cannot read FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO\n");
/* FB_NUM1: set fb_var_screeninfo */
vinfo.activate |= FB_ACTIVATE_FORCE;
vinfo.xres = 400;
vinfo.yres = 240;
vinfo.xres_virtual = 400;
vinfo.yres_virtual = 240;
vinfo.xoffset = 0;
vinfo.yoffset = 0;
if (ioctl(fd_fb1, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) == -1) {
app_err("cannot write FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO\n");
/* FB_NUM1: get fb_fix_screeninfo */
if (ioctl(fd_fb1, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) == -1) {
app_err("cannot read FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO\n");
app_info("%s was opened successfully\n", temp_buf);
app_info("%dx%d, %dbpp\n", vinfo.xres, vinfo.yres, vinfo.bits_per_pixel);
/* FB_NUM1: mmap */
size_fb1 = vinfo.xres * vinfo.yres * vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8;
map_fb1 = (char *)mmap(0, size_fb1, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_fb1, 0);
if ((int)map_fb1 == -1) {
app_err("cannot map %s to memory\n", temp_buf);
app_info("%s was mapped to %p\n", temp_buf, map_fb1);
/* FB_NUM1: draw rectangle */
draw_rect(vinfo.xoffset, vinfo.yoffset, vinfo.xres, vinfo.yres, COLOR_BLACK, &vinfo, &finfo, map_fb1);
draw_rect(250, 90, 150, 150, COLOR_BLUE|0x80000000, &vinfo, &finfo, map_fb1);
/* wait */
printf("Sleeping 5 seconds\n");
/* close */
munmap(map_fb1, size_fb1);
munmap(map_fb0, size_fb0);
return 0;
the_stack_data/801751.c | /* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.
Copyright 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#define CHUNK_SIZE 16000 /* same as findcmd.c's */
void *global_var_0;
void *global_var_1;
void *global_var_2;
breakpt ()
/* Nothing. */
main (void)
void *p;
size_t pg_size;
int pg_count;
void *unmapped_page, *last_mapped_page, *first_mapped_page;
Map enough pages to cover at least CHUNK_SIZE, and one extra page. We
then unmap the last page.
From gdb we can then perform find commands into unmapped region, gdb
should give an error.
.-- global_var_0 .-- global_var_1
| | .-- global_var_2
| | |
| | | | | |
|<- CHUNK_SIZE ->|
If CHUNK_SIZE equals page size then we'll get 3 pages, and if
CHUNK_SIZE is less than page size we'll get 2 pages. The test will
still work in these cases.
(1) We do a find from global_var_0 to global_var_2, this will fail when
loading the second chunk, as we know at least CHUNK_SIZE bytes are in
mapped space.
(2) We do a find from global_var_1 to global_var_2, this will fail when
loading the first chunk, assuming the CHUNK_SIZE is at least 16 bytes.
(3) We do a find from global_var_2 to (global_var_2 + 16), this too
will fail when loading the first chunk regardless of the chunk size.
pg_size = getpagesize ();
/* The +2 ensures the extra page. */
pg_count = CHUNK_SIZE / pg_size + 2;
p = mmap (0, pg_count * pg_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
if (p == MAP_FAILED)
perror ("mmap");
memset (p, 0, pg_count * pg_size);
if (munmap (p + (pg_count - 1) * pg_size, pg_size) == -1)
perror ("munmap");
first_mapped_page = p;
last_mapped_page = p + (pg_count - 2) * pg_size;
unmapped_page = last_mapped_page + pg_size;
/* Setup global variables we reference from gdb. */
global_var_0 = first_mapped_page;
global_var_1 = unmapped_page - 16;
global_var_2 = unmapped_page + 16;
breakpt ();
the_stack_data/64200691.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#define PASS_VARARGS() \
va_list args; \
va_start(args, fmt); \
print(fmt, args); \
char *ANSIC_RED = "\x1b[31m";
char *ANSIC_GREEN = "\x1b[32m";
char *ANSIC_BLUE = "\x1b[34m";
char *ANSIC_RESET = "\x1b[0m";
static void print(char *fmt, va_list args) {
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
void printErr(char *fmt, ...) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s", ANSIC_RED, "[ERROR] ", ANSIC_RESET);
void printInfo(char *fmt, ...) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s", ANSIC_BLUE, "[INFO] ", ANSIC_RESET);
#ifdef DEBUG
void printDbg(char *fmt, ...) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s", ANSIC_GREEN, "[DEBUG] ", ANSIC_RESET);
the_stack_data/87637297.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n;
for(n = 1; n <= 100; n++)
if(n % 15 == 0)
else if(n % 3 == 0)
else if(n % 5 == 0)
printf("%d\n", n);
the_stack_data/1125958.c | /* This file was automatically generated by CasADi.
The CasADi copyright holders make no ownership claim of its contents. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* How to prefix internal symbols */
#define CASADI_PREFIX(ID) long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_ ## ID
#include <math.h>
#ifndef casadi_real
#define casadi_real double
#ifndef casadi_int
#define casadi_int int
/* Add prefix to internal symbols */
#define casadi_f0 CASADI_PREFIX(f0)
#define casadi_s0 CASADI_PREFIX(s0)
#define casadi_s1 CASADI_PREFIX(s1)
#define casadi_s2 CASADI_PREFIX(s2)
#define casadi_s3 CASADI_PREFIX(s3)
#define casadi_s4 CASADI_PREFIX(s4)
#define casadi_sq CASADI_PREFIX(sq)
/* Symbol visibility in DLLs */
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#if defined(STATIC_LINKED)
#define CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(GCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY)
#define CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
casadi_real casadi_sq(casadi_real x) { return x*x;}
static const casadi_int casadi_s0[7] = {3, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 2};
static const casadi_int casadi_s1[5] = {1, 1, 0, 1, 0};
static const casadi_int casadi_s2[8] = {4, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3};
static const casadi_int casadi_s3[10] = {6, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
static const casadi_int casadi_s4[16] = {4, 6, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 0};
/* long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt:(i0[3],i1,i2[4])->(o0[6],o1[4x6,7nz]) */
static int casadi_f0(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res, casadi_int* iw, casadi_real* w, int mem) {
casadi_real a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6;
a0=arg[2]? arg[2][2] : 0;
a1=arg[0]? arg[0][0] : 0;
a2=arg[0]? arg[0][1] : 0;
if (res[0]!=0) res[0][0]=a0;
if (res[0]!=0) res[0][1]=a1;
if (res[0]!=0) res[0][2]=a2;
a1=arg[0]? arg[0][2] : 0;
if (res[0]!=0) res[0][3]=a1;
a6=arg[2]? arg[2][3] : 0;
if (res[0]!=0) res[0][4]=a1;
a1=arg[1]? arg[1][0] : 0;
if (res[0]!=0) res[0][5]=a1;
if (res[1]!=0) res[1][0]=a1;
if (res[1]!=0) res[1][1]=a1;
if (res[1]!=0) res[1][2]=a1;
if (res[1]!=0) res[1][3]=a1;
if (res[1]!=0) res[1][4]=a1;
if (res[1]!=0) res[1][5]=a5;
if (res[1]!=0) res[1][6]=a1;
return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT int long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res, casadi_int* iw, casadi_real* w, int mem){
return casadi_f0(arg, res, iw, w, mem);
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT int long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_alloc_mem(void) {
return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT int long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_init_mem(int mem) {
return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT void long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_free_mem(int mem) {
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT int long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_checkout(void) {
return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT void long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_release(int mem) {
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT void long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_incref(void) {
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT void long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_decref(void) {
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT casadi_int long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_n_in(void) { return 3;}
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT casadi_int long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_n_out(void) { return 2;}
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT casadi_real long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_default_in(casadi_int i){
switch (i) {
default: return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT const char* long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_name_in(casadi_int i){
switch (i) {
case 0: return "i0";
case 1: return "i1";
case 2: return "i2";
default: return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT const char* long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_name_out(casadi_int i){
switch (i) {
case 0: return "o0";
case 1: return "o1";
default: return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT const casadi_int* long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_sparsity_in(casadi_int i) {
switch (i) {
case 0: return casadi_s0;
case 1: return casadi_s1;
case 2: return casadi_s2;
default: return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT const casadi_int* long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_sparsity_out(casadi_int i) {
switch (i) {
case 0: return casadi_s3;
case 1: return casadi_s4;
default: return 0;
CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT int long_cost_y_0_fun_jac_ut_xt_work(casadi_int *sz_arg, casadi_int* sz_res, casadi_int *sz_iw, casadi_int *sz_w) {
if (sz_arg) *sz_arg = 3;
if (sz_res) *sz_res = 2;
if (sz_iw) *sz_iw = 0;
if (sz_w) *sz_w = 0;
return 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
the_stack_data/243891992.c | #include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAP_SIZE 268435456
int main()
char *addr;
ssize_t s;
if (addr == MAP_FAILED) {
fprintf(stderr, "mmap failed\n");
memset(addr, 9, MAP_SIZE);
printf("mmap done, memset done, check free output. Press any key to exit...\n");
printf("exit success.\n");
Subsets and Splits