stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
def _parse_descriptor(desc: str, ctx: '_ParseDescriptorContext') -> 'Descriptor':
:meta private:
Parse a descriptor given the context level we are in.
Used recursively to parse subdescriptors
:param desc: The descriptor string to parse
:param ctx: The :class:`_ParseDescriptorContext` indicating the level we are in
:return: The parsed descriptor
:raises: ValueError: if the descriptor is malformed
func, expr = _get_func_expr(desc)
if func == "pk":
pubkey, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
if expr:
raise ValueError("more than one pubkey in pk descriptor")
return PKDescriptor(pubkey)
if func == "pkh":
if not (ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2WSH):
raise ValueError("Can only have pkh at top level, in sh(), or in wsh()")
pubkey, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
if expr:
raise ValueError("More than one pubkey in pkh descriptor")
return PKHDescriptor(pubkey)
if func == "sortedmulti" or func == "multi":
if not (ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2WSH):
raise ValueError("Can only have multi/sortedmulti at top level, in sh(), or in wsh()")
is_sorted = func == "sortedmulti"
comma_idx = expr.index(",")
thresh = int(expr[:comma_idx])
expr = expr[comma_idx + 1:]
pubkeys = []
while expr:
pubkey, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
if len(pubkeys) == 0 or len(pubkeys) > 16:
raise ValueError("Cannot have {} keys in a multisig; must have between 1 and 16 keys, inclusive".format(len(pubkeys)))
elif thresh < 1:
raise ValueError("Multisig threshold cannot be {}, must be at least 1".format(thresh))
elif thresh > len(pubkeys):
raise ValueError("Multisig threshold cannot be larger than the number of keys; threshold is {} but only {} keys specified".format(thresh, len(pubkeys)))
if ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP and len(pubkeys) > 3:
raise ValueError("Cannot have {} pubkeys in bare multisig: only at most 3 pubkeys")
return MultisigDescriptor(pubkeys, thresh, is_sorted)
if func == "wpkh":
if not (ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH):
raise ValueError("Can only have wpkh() at top level or inside sh()")
pubkey, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
if expr:
raise ValueError("More than one pubkey in pkh descriptor")
return WPKHDescriptor(pubkey)
if func == "sh":
if ctx != _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP:
raise ValueError("Can only have sh() at top level")
subdesc = _parse_descriptor(expr, _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH)
return SHDescriptor(subdesc)
if func == "wsh":
if not (ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH):
raise ValueError("Can only have wsh() at top level or inside sh()")
subdesc = _parse_descriptor(expr, _ParseDescriptorContext.P2WSH)
return WSHDescriptor(subdesc)
if func == "tr":
if ctx != _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP:
raise ValueError("Can only have tr at top level")
internal_key, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
subscripts = []
depths = []
if expr:
# Path from top of the tree to what we're currently processing.
# branches[i] == False: left branch in the i'th step from the top
# branches[i] == true: right branch
branches = []
while True:
# Process open braces
while True:
expr = _get_const(expr, "{")
except ValueError:
if len(branches) > MAX_TAPROOT_NODES:
raise ValueError("tr() supports at most {MAX_TAPROOT_NODES} nesting levels")
# Process script expression
sarg, expr = _get_expr(expr)
subscripts.append(_parse_descriptor(sarg, _ParseDescriptorContext.P2TR))
# Process closing braces
while len(branches) > 0 and branches[-1]:
expr = _get_const(expr, "}")
# If we're at the end of a left branch, expect a comma
if len(branches) > 0 and not branches[-1]:
expr = _get_const(expr, ",")
branches[-1] = True
if len(branches) == 0:
return TRDescriptor(internal_key, subscripts, depths)
if ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH:
raise ValueError("A function is needed within P2SH")
elif ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2WSH:
raise ValueError("A function is needed within P2WSH")
raise ValueError("{} is not a valid descriptor function".format(func)) | 7c755482ba31ce656ae597eeb166de9cfaa2f649 | 400 |
def get_editable_fields(cc_content, context):
Return the set of fields that the requester can edit on the given content
# For closed thread:
# no edits, except 'abuse_flagged' and 'read' are allowed for thread
# no edits, except 'abuse_flagged' is allowed for comment
ret = {"abuse_flagged"}
if cc_content["type"] == "thread" and cc_content["closed"]:
ret |= {"read"}
return ret
if cc_content["type"] == "comment" and context["thread"]["closed"]:
return ret
# Shared fields
ret |= {"voted"}
if _is_author_or_privileged(cc_content, context):
ret |= {"raw_body"}
# Thread fields
if cc_content["type"] == "thread":
ret |= {"following", "read"}
if _is_author_or_privileged(cc_content, context):
ret |= {"topic_id", "type", "title"}
if context["is_requester_privileged"] and context["discussion_division_enabled"]:
ret |= {"group_id"}
# Comment fields
if (
cc_content["type"] == "comment" and (
context["is_requester_privileged"] or (
_is_author(context["thread"], context) and
context["thread"]["thread_type"] == "question"
ret |= {"endorsed"}
return ret | 19cea27fdda79b365c25329851bb7baf8d18bcac | 401 |
def rate_of_matrix_function(A, Adot, f, fprime):
"""Find the rate of the tensor A
A : ndarray (3,3)
A diagonalizable tensor
Adot : ndarray (3,3)
Rate of A
f : callable
fprime : callable
Derivative of f
Ydot : ndarray (3,3)
For a diagonalizable tensor A (the strain) which has a quasi-arbitrary
spectral expansion
.. math::
A = \sum_{i=1}^3 \lambda_i P_{i}
and if a second tensor Y is a principal function of A, defined by
.. math::
Y = \sum_{i=1}^3 f(\lambda_i) P_i,
compute the time rate \dot{Y}. Algorithm taken from Brannon's
Tensor book, from the highlighted box near Equation (28.404) on
page 550.
# Compute the eigenvalues and eigenprojections.
eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(A)
eig_projs = [np.outer(eig_vecs[:, i], eig_vecs[:, i]) for i in [0, 1, 2]]
# Assemble the rate of Y.
Ydot = np.zeros((3, 3))
for eigi, proji in zip(eig_vals, eig_projs):
for eigj, projj in zip(eig_vals, eig_projs):
if eigi == eigj:
gamma = fprime(eigi)
gamma = (f(eigi) - f(eigj)) / (eigi - eigj)
Ydot += gamma *,, projj))
return Ydot | 404d189b2bc6cc91c30ef857a8ebef7cc0db49d9 | 402 |
def enumerate_changes(levels):
"""Assign a unique integer to each run of identical values.
Repeated but non-consecutive values will be assigned different integers.
return levels.diff().fillna(0).abs().cumsum().astype(int) | 4787c0e84d6bca8f6038389e5bebf74317059ed8 | 403 |
def TDataStd_ByteArray_Set(*args):
* Finds or creates an attribute with the array. If <isDelta> == False, DefaultDeltaOnModification is used. If attribute is already set, all input parameters are refused and the found attribute is returned.
:param label:
:type label: TDF_Label &
:param lower:
:type lower: int
:param upper:
:type upper: int
:param isDelta: default value is Standard_False
:type isDelta: bool
:rtype: Handle_TDataStd_ByteArray
return _TDataStd.TDataStd_ByteArray_Set(*args) | a0f3402e1106021affb3dfe12fe93c5ae8ed2dad | 404 |
def _get_total_elements(viewer) -> int:
We need to fetch a workflows listing to figure out how many entries we
have in the database, since the API does not contain a method to count
the DB entries.
:param viewer: CWL Viewer instance URL
:return: number of total elements in the CWL Viewer instance DB
smallest_workflow_dataset: dict = _fetch_workflows_data(viewer, 0, 1).json()
return int(smallest_workflow_dataset['totalElements']) | a7289ed13546b68e381793e0fdd8410f986f87d4 | 405 |
def entrepreneursIncubated(dateFrom=None, dateTo=None):
Returns all entrepreneurs ages count between a set of ranges
queryset = Stage.objects
output = {
'queryset': None,
'fields': [],
'values': [],
'fieldLabels': [],
queryset = queryset.filter(stage_type="IN") # check for duplicated
projects = Project.objects.filter(id__in=queryset.values('project_id'))
entrepreneurs = Entrepreneur.objects.filter(id__in=projects.values('entrepreneurs'))
output['queryset'] = entrepreneurs
fieldsDict = helperDictionaries.getModelReportFields('entrepreneurs')
output['fieldDict'] = fieldsDict
output['fields'] = [*fieldsDict.keys()]
output['fieldLabels'] = [*fieldsDict.values()]
return output | 5b06dc8a9ca15357ecab20e615d329fcaaffc8d8 | 406 |
def get_steps(x, shape):
Convert a (vocab_size, steps * batch_size) array
into a [(vocab_size, batch_size)] * steps list of views
steps = shape[1]
if x is None:
return [None for step in range(steps)]
xs = x.reshape(shape + (-1,))
return [xs[:, step, :] for step in range(steps)] | 44133ddd1ad78b3ea05042c6c16558bb982c9206 | 407 |
def LHS(
a: int,
operation1: str,
b: int,
operation2: str,
c: float
E.g. LHS(a, 'plus', b, 'times', c) does
(a + b) * c
a: int. First number in equation
operation1: str. Must be 'plus', 'minus', 'times', 'divide'
b : int. Second number in equation
operation2: str. Must be 'plus', 'minus', 'times', 'divide'
c: float. Third number in equation
return: int
step_1 = word_function(a, operation1, b)
step_2 = word_function(step_1, operation2, c)
return step_2 | af023f3cd70d123492c8a6abb92d7ae2994b56ae | 408 |
import math
def _validate(api_indicator_matype, option, parameters:dict, **kwargs): # -> dict
"""Validates kwargs and attaches them to parameters."""
matype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["matype"])) if "matype" in kwargs else None
if option == "matype" and matype is not None and matype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["matype"] = matype
nbdevup = math.fabs(kwargs["nbdevup"]) if "nbdevup" in kwargs else None
nbdevdn = math.fabs(kwargs["nbdevdn"]) if "nbdevdn" in kwargs else None
if option == "nbdevup" and nbdevup is not None:
parameters["nbdevup"] = nbdevup
if option == "nbdevdn" and nbdevdn is not None:
parameters["nbdevdn"] = nbdevdn
timeperiod1 = int(math.fabs(kwargs["timeperiod1"])) if "timeperiod1" in kwargs else None
timeperiod2 = int(math.fabs(kwargs["timeperiod2"])) if "timeperiod2" in kwargs else None
timeperiod3 = int(math.fabs(kwargs["timeperiod3"])) if "timeperiod3" in kwargs else None
if option == "timeperiod1" and timeperiod1 is not None:
parameters["timeperiod1"] = timeperiod1
if option == "timeperiod2" and timeperiod2 is not None:
parameters["timeperiod2"] = timeperiod2
if option == "timeperiod3" and timeperiod3 is not None:
parameters["timeperiod3"] = timeperiod3
acceleration = math.fabs(float(kwargs["acceleration"])) if "acceleration" in kwargs else None
maximum = math.fabs(float(kwargs["maximum"])) if "maximum" in kwargs else None
if option == "acceleration" and acceleration is not None:
parameters["acceleration"] = acceleration
if option == "maximum" and maximum is not None:
parameters["maximum"] = maximum
fastlimit = math.fabs(float(kwargs["fastlimit"])) if "fastlimit" in kwargs else None
slowlimit = math.fabs(float(kwargs["slowlimit"])) if "slowlimit" in kwargs else None
if option == "fastlimit" and fastlimit is not None and fastlimit > 0 and fastlimit < 1:
parameters["fastlimit"] = fastlimit
if option == "slowlimit" and slowlimit is not None and slowlimit > 0 and slowlimit < 1:
parameters["slowlimit"] = slowlimit
fastperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastperiod"])) if "fastperiod" in kwargs else None
slowperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowperiod"])) if "slowperiod" in kwargs else None
signalperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["signalperiod"])) if "signalperiod" in kwargs else None
if option == "fastperiod" and fastperiod is not None:
parameters["fastperiod"] = fastperiod
if option == "slowperiod" and slowperiod is not None:
parameters["slowperiod"] = slowperiod
if option == "signalperiod" and signalperiod is not None:
parameters["signalperiod"] = signalperiod
fastmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastmatype"])) if "fastmatype" in kwargs else None
slowmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowmatype"])) if "slowmatype" in kwargs else None
signalmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["signalmatype"])) if "signalmatype" in kwargs else None
if option == "fastmatype" and fastmatype is not None and fastmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["fastmatype"] = fastmatype
if option == "slowmatype" and slowmatype is not None and slowmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["slowmatype"] = slowmatype
if option == "signalmatype" and signalmatype is not None and signalmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["signalmatype"] = signalmatype
fastkperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastkperiod"])) if "fastkperiod" in kwargs else None
fastdperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastdperiod"])) if "fastdperiod" in kwargs else None
fastdmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastdmatype"])) if "fastdmatype" in kwargs else None
if option == "fastkperiod" and fastkperiod is not None:
parameters["fastkperiod"] = fastkperiod
if option == "fastdperiod" and fastdperiod is not None:
parameters["fastdperiod"] = fastdperiod
if option == "fastdmatype" and fastdmatype is not None and fastdmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["fastdmatype"] = fastdmatype
slowkperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowkperiod"])) if "slowkperiod" in kwargs else None
slowdperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowdperiod"])) if "slowdperiod" in kwargs else None
slowkmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowkmatype"])) if "slowkmatype" in kwargs else None
slowdmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowdmatype"])) if "slowdmatype" in kwargs else None
if option == "slowkperiod" and slowkperiod is not None:
parameters["slowkperiod"] = slowkperiod
if option == "slowdperiod" and slowdperiod is not None:
parameters["slowdperiod"] = slowdperiod
if option == "slowkmatype" and slowkmatype is not None and slowkmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["slowkmatype"] = slowkmatype
if option == "slowdmatype" and slowdmatype is not None and slowdmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["slowdmatype"] = slowdmatype
return parameters | d73903514aa87f854d08e3447cca85f64eaa4b31 | 409 |
def scale_y_values(y_data, y_reference, y_max):
Scale the plot in y direction, to prevent extreme values.
:param y_data: the y data of the plot
:param y_reference: the maximum value of the plot series (e.g. Normal force), which will be scaled to y_max
:param y_max: the maximum y value for the plot (e.g. if y_max=1, no y value in the plot will be greater than 1)
multipl_factor = y_max / y_reference
for i in range(len(y_data)):
y_data[i] = y_data[i] * multipl_factor
return y_data, multipl_factor | b3b22b0f868ce46926a4eecfc1c5d0ac2a7c1f7e | 410 |
def set_heating_contribution(agent, pv_power):
""" If the water tank is currently in use, compute and return the part of the pv_power used for heating the water"""
pv_power_to_heating = 0
if agent.water_tank.is_active():
pv_power_to_heating = pv_power * agent.pv_panel.heating_contribution
return pv_power_to_heating | ece29b7f0fbbe10907ada8fd1450919f01ab74c3 | 411 |
import tqdm
def predict_direction(clf, tickers, **kwargs):
Use clf (an untrained classifier) to predict direction of change for validation
data for each stock in 'tickers'. Pass additional keyword arguments to be
used in building the stock datasets.
--clf: An untrained sklearn classifier
--tickers: A list of tickers to use
--kwargs: Additional arguments for the StockDataset class
A dictionary where each key is a ticker in 'tickers' and each value is the
accuracy for the predictions for that ticker.
results = {}
for ticker in tqdm(tickers):
# Build and split dataset
ds = StockDataset(tickers=ticker, quiet=True, **kwargs)
t_data, v_data, t_label, v_label = ds.split(label_field='Direction')
# Clone classifier
clf_clone = sklearn.base.clone(clf)
# Fit classifier to data, t_label)
# Predict and store results
v_pred = clf_clone.predict(v_data)
results[ticker] = mymetrics.direction_accuracy(v_label, v_pred)
return results | 798e25d3b652227407b50e8eec9f0289770d9d9a | 412 |
import os
import csv
def load_from_csv():
""" Loads a list of Currency objects from CSV """
file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'currencies.csv')
currencies = []
with open(file) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
headers = next(reader)
for row in reader:
return currencies | cc7fa3f50f0e0cd4a3a04d013d7baae2a4f55e5f | 413 |
def parse_primary(index):
"""Parse primary expression."""
if token_is(index, token_kinds.open_paren):
node, index = parse_expression(index + 1)
index = match_token(index, token_kinds.close_paren, ParserError.GOT)
return expr_nodes.ParenExpr(node), index
elif token_is(index, token_kinds.number):
return expr_nodes.Number(p.tokens[index]), index + 1
elif (token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier)
and not p.symbols.is_typedef(p.tokens[index])):
return expr_nodes.Identifier(p.tokens[index]), index + 1
elif token_is(index, token_kinds.string):
return expr_nodes.String(p.tokens[index].content), index + 1
elif token_is(index, token_kinds.char_string):
chars = p.tokens[index].content
return expr_nodes.Number(chars[0]), index + 1
raise_error("expected expression", index, ParserError.GOT) | 2413a0793062e2cfa52fb8d922c21a3af7d06a66 | 414 |
def chopper_pulses_of_mode(i):
"""How many single pulses the chopper transmits per opening,
or in hybrid mode, how many single bunches the tranmitted intensity
corresponds to, based on the current settings of the chopper.
i: 0-based integer"""
if isnan(i) or i<0 or i>=len(chopper.pulses): return nan
return chopper.pulses[int(i)] | c10ade662b515cfdde721b9c7c8cb2aac7fa8c03 | 415 |
def _get_content_from_tag(tag):
"""Gets the content from tag till before a new section."""
contents = []
next_tag = tag
while next_tag and not _is_section(next_tag):
content = parse_content(next_tag.text())
if content:
next_tag =
return ' '.join(contents) | 832f01b7db2a5c2cdcc3454b1253a8399464952e | 416 |
async def get_connections(request: data_models.ConnectionsRequest):
"""Get connections *from* and *to* each entity in the request.
Connections *to* are all the subject-predicate pairs where the entity is the object, and connections *from* are all the predicate-object pairs where the entity is the subject."""
response = {}
for ent in request.entities:
ent_normalised = utils.normaliseURI(ent)
connections_from = sparql_connector.get_sparql_results(
sparql.get_p_o(ent_normalised, labels=request.labels, limit=request.limit)
connections_to = sparql_connector.get_sparql_results(
sparql.get_s_p(ent_normalised, labels=request.labels, limit=request.limit)
for predicate_object_dict in connections_from:
if (
"" in predicate_object_dict["object"]["value"]
) and "objectLabel" not in predicate_object_dict:
object_label = utils.get_vam_object_title(
if object_label is not None:
predicate_object_dict["objectLabel"] = dict()
predicate_object_dict["objectLabel"]["type"] = "literal"
predicate_object_dict["objectLabel"]["value"] = object_label
for subject_predicate_dict in connections_to:
if (
"" in subject_predicate_dict["subject"]["value"]
) and "subjectLabel" not in subject_predicate_dict:
subject_label = utils.get_vam_object_title(
if subject_label is not None:
subject_predicate_dict["subjectLabel"] = dict()
subject_predicate_dict["subjectLabel"]["type"] = "literal"
subject_predicate_dict["subjectLabel"]["value"] = subject_label
ent: {
"from": connections_from,
"to": connections_to,
return response | e25a363cbd4cbbaa7a2f36132f73fcfa2ebd1d3c | 417 |
def sunlight_duration(hour_angle_sunrise):
"""Returns the duration of Sunlight, in minutes, with Hour Angle in degrees,
sunlight_durration = 8 * hour_angle_sunrise # this seems like the wrong output
return sunlight_durration | b2887dd86caf25e7cac613bfa10b4de26c932c09 | 418 |
import warnings
def add_particle_bunch_gaussian(sim, q, m, sig_r, sig_z, n_emit, gamma0,
sig_gamma, n_physical_particles,
n_macroparticles, tf=0., zf=0., boost=None,
save_beam=None, z_injection_plane=None,
Introduce a relativistic Gaussian particle bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field.
The bunch is initialized with a normalized emittance `n_emit`,
in such a way that it will be focused at time `tf`, at the position `zf`.
Thus if `tf` is not 0, the bunch will be initially out of focus.
(This does not take space charge effects into account.)
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
q : float (in Coulomb)
Charge of the particle species
m : float (in kg)
Mass of the particle species
sig_r : float (in meters)
The transverse RMS bunch size.
sig_z : float (in meters)
The longitudinal RMS bunch size.
n_emit : float (in meters)
The normalized emittance of the bunch.
gamma0 : float
The Lorentz factor of the electrons.
sig_gamma : float
The absolute energy spread of the bunch.
n_physical_particles : float
The number of physical particles (e.g. electrons) the bunch should
consist of.
n_macroparticles : int
The number of macroparticles the bunch should consist of.
zf: float (in meters), optional
Position of the focus.
tf : float (in seconds), optional
Time at which the bunch reaches focus.
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
save_beam : string, optional
Saves the generated beam distribution as an .npz file "string".npz
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
initialize_self_field: bool, optional
Whether to calculate the initial space charge fields of the bunch
and add these fields to the fields on the grid (Default: True)
# Generate Gaussian gamma distribution of the beam
if sig_gamma > 0.:
gamma = np.random.normal(gamma0, sig_gamma, n_macroparticles)
# Zero energy spread beam
gamma = np.full(n_macroparticles, gamma0)
if sig_gamma < 0.:
"Negative energy spread sig_gamma detected."
" sig_gamma will be set to zero. \n")
# Get inverse gamma
inv_gamma = 1. / gamma
# Get Gaussian particle distribution in x,y,z
x = sig_r * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
y = sig_r * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
z = zf + sig_z * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
# Define sigma of ux and uy based on normalized emittance
sig_ur = (n_emit / sig_r)
# Get Gaussian distribution of transverse normalized momenta ux, uy
ux = sig_ur * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
uy = sig_ur * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
# Finally we calculate the uz of each particle
# from the gamma and the transverse momenta ux, uy
uz_sqr = (gamma ** 2 - 1) - ux ** 2 - uy ** 2
# Check for unphysical particles with uz**2 < 0
mask = uz_sqr >= 0
N_new = np.count_nonzero(mask)
if N_new < n_macroparticles:
"Particles with uz**2<0 detected."
" %d Particles will be removed from the beam. \n"
"This will truncate the distribution of the beam"
" at gamma ~= 1. \n"
"However, the charge will be kept constant. \n"%(n_macroparticles
- N_new))
# Remove unphysical particles with uz**2 < 0
x = x[mask]
y = y[mask]
z = z[mask]
ux = ux[mask]
uy = uy[mask]
inv_gamma = inv_gamma[mask]
uz_sqr = uz_sqr[mask]
# Calculate longitudinal momentum of the bunch
uz = np.sqrt(uz_sqr)
# Get weight of each particle
w = n_physical_particles / N_new * np.ones_like(x)
# Propagate distribution to an out-of-focus position tf.
# (without taking space charge effects into account)
if tf != 0.:
x = x - ux * inv_gamma * c * tf
y = y - uy * inv_gamma * c * tf
z = z - uz * inv_gamma * c * tf
# Save beam distribution to an .npz file
if save_beam is not None:
np.savez(save_beam, x=x, y=y, z=z, ux=ux, uy=uy, uz=uz,
inv_gamma=inv_gamma, w=w)
# Add the electrons to the simulation
ptcl_bunch = add_particle_bunch_from_arrays(sim, q, m, x, y, z, ux, uy, uz,
w, boost=boost, z_injection_plane=z_injection_plane,
return ptcl_bunch | 3aedae4d9ff7ec6026b3153946939858db48d332 | 419 |
def sell_shares_nb(cash_now, shares_now, size, direction, price, fees, fixed_fees, slippage,
min_size, allow_partial, raise_reject, log_record, log):
"""Sell shares."""
# Get optimal order size
if direction == Direction.LongOnly:
final_size = min(shares_now, size)
final_size = size
# Check against minimum size
if abs(final_size) < min_size:
if raise_reject:
raise RejectedOrderError("Order rejected: Final size is less than minimum allowed")
return order_not_filled_nb(
cash_now, shares_now,
OrderStatus.Rejected, StatusInfo.MinSizeNotReached,
log_record, log)
# Check against partial fill
if np.isfinite(size) and is_less_nb(final_size, size) and not allow_partial:
# np.inf doesn't count
if raise_reject:
raise RejectedOrderError("Order rejected: Final size is less than requested")
return order_not_filled_nb(
cash_now, shares_now,
OrderStatus.Rejected, StatusInfo.PartialFill,
log_record, log)
# Get price adjusted with slippage
adj_price = price * (1 - slippage)
# Compute acquired cash
acq_cash = final_size * adj_price
# Update fees
fees_paid = acq_cash * fees + fixed_fees
# Get final cash by subtracting costs
if is_less_nb(acq_cash, fees_paid):
# Can't fill
if raise_reject:
raise RejectedOrderError("Order rejected: Fees cannot be covered")
return order_not_filled_nb(
cash_now, shares_now,
OrderStatus.Rejected, StatusInfo.CantCoverFees,
log_record, log)
final_cash = acq_cash - fees_paid
# Update current cash and shares
new_cash = cash_now + final_cash
new_shares = add_nb(shares_now, -final_size)
# Return filled order
order_result = OrderResult(
if log:
fill_res_log_nb(new_cash, new_shares, order_result, log_record)
return new_cash, new_shares, order_result | cf16446421ae19aa7f1d142ee195d5d9dfa20bdf | 420 |
def radec2altaz(ra, dec, obstime, lat=None, lon=None, debug=False):
calculates the altitude and azimuth, given an ra, dec, time, and observatory location
- ra: float
The right ascension of the target (in degrees)
- dec: float
The declination of the target (in degrees)
- obstime: astropy.time.Time object
Contains the time of the observation.
Can also contain the observatory location if
lat and lon are not given.
- lat: float
The latitude of the observatory, in degrees.
Not needed if given in the obstime object
- lon: float
The longitude of the observatory, in degrees.
Not needed if given in the obstime object
The altitude and azimuth of the object, both in degrees.
if lat is None:
lat =
if lon is None:
lon =
obstime = Time(obstime.isot, format='isot', scale='utc', location=(lon, lat))
# Find the number of days since J2000
j2000 = Time("2000-01-01T12:00:00.0", format='isot', scale='utc')
dt = (obstime - j2000).value # number of days since J2000 epoch
# get the UT time
tstring = obstime.isot.split("T")[-1]
segments = tstring.split(":")
ut = float(segments[0]) + float(segments[1]) / 60.0 + float(segments[2]) / 3600
# Calculate Local Sidereal Time
lst = obstime.sidereal_time('mean').deg
# Calculate the hour angle
HA = lst - ra
while HA < 0.0 or HA > 360.0:
s = -np.sign(HA)
HA += s * 360.0
# convert everything to radians
dec *= np.pi / 180.0
lat *= np.pi / 180.0
HA *= np.pi / 180.0
# Calculate the altitude
alt = np.arcsin(np.sin(dec) * np.sin(lat) + np.cos(dec) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(HA))
# calculate the azimuth
az = np.arccos((np.sin(dec) - np.sin(alt) * np.sin(lat)) / (np.cos(alt) * np.cos(lat)))
if np.sin(HA) > 0:
az = 2.0 * np.pi - az
if debug:
print( "UT: ", ut)
print( "LST: ", lst)
print( "HA: ", HA * 180.0 / np.pi)
return alt * 180.0 / np.pi, az * 180.0 / np.pi | 06a097fd23e6462f676c028a3300172cd21ae284 | 421 |
import traceback
def handler_no_answer(f):
"""Decorator that creates message handlers that don't reply."""
def handle_wrapper(*args, **kwds):
answer = None
f(*args, **kwds)
except Exception:
'Calling the cmd handler caused an error:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc())
], {}
return handle_wrapper | 79f1e0d30eab4d7beb500a3a75f7b7e4415e311c | 422 |
import re
def wrapper_handle_attrs(func):
# 这是一个装饰Parsing.handle_attrs_tmp、Parsing.handle_attrs_tag的装饰器
def handle_attrs(self, attrs_str):
attrs = dict()
if attrs_str == '/':
return attrs
attrs_list = re.findall(self.attr_reg, attrs_str)
for attr in attrs_list:
attrs[attr[0]] = func(self, attr)
return attrs
return handle_attrs | d7396433c9721c26c8d419d4e78f2b8445f5dd70 | 423 |
def transfer_weights(model, weights=None):
Always trains from scratch; never transfers weights
:param model:
:param weights:
print('ENet has found no compatible pretrained weights! Skipping weight transfer...')
return model | 2b8b5e7d3ad72deea42ffccea6a561eac3b72320 | 424 |
def collapse_json(text, indent=4):
"""Compacts a string of json data by collapsing whitespace after the
specified indent level
NOTE: will not produce correct results when indent level is not a multiple
of the json indent level
initial = " " * indent
out = [] # final json output
sublevel = [] # accumulation list for sublevel entries
pending = None # holder for consecutive entries at exact indent level
for line in text.splitlines():
if line.startswith(initial):
if line[indent] == " ":
# found a line indented further than the indent level, so add
# it to the sublevel list
if pending:
# the first item in the sublevel will be the pending item
# that was the previous line in the json
pending = None
item = line.strip()
if item.endswith(","):
sublevel.append(" ")
elif sublevel:
# found a line at the exact indent level *and* we have sublevel
# items. This means the sublevel items have come to an end
sublevel = []
# found a line at the exact indent level but no items indented
# further, so possibly start a new sub-level
if pending:
# if there is already a pending item, it means that
# consecutive entries in the json had the exact same
# indentation and that last pending item was not the start
# of a new sublevel.
pending = line.rstrip()
if pending:
# it's possible that an item will be pending but not added to
# the output yet, so make sure it's not forgotten.
pending = None
if sublevel:
return "\n".join(out) | 625868ca90aab0be50cf6d2fdb2926d395d83301 | 425 |
import ast
def get_skills_v1():
f = open('skills_v1.json', 'rb')
for a in f:
skills_v1 = ast.literal_eval(a)
return skills_v1 | c71b7ed4fc6579ea21a0aecceaf38be81a32964b | 426 |
from typing import Tuple
from typing import List
from typing import Counter
def create_mask(board: np.ndarray, dimensions: Tuple[int, int]) -> List[List[int]]:
""" Function to create Mask of possible valid values based on the initial sudoku Board. """
mask = list(board.tolist())
counts = Counter(board.flatten())
del counts[0]
counts = [number[0] for number in counts.most_common()]
most_common_clues = counts
for clue in range(dimensions[0], dimensions[1]):
if clue not in most_common_clues:
for i, row in enumerate(mask):
if 0 in row:
while 0 in row:
zero_index = row.index(0)
mask[i][zero_index] = []
for number in most_common_clues:
if valid(board, number, (i, zero_index), box_size):
for number in row:
if number != 0:
mask[i][row.index(number)] = {number}
return mask | a8e4c68a55c96ad7502464934226f8909dbf18cd | 427 |
def telegram(text: str, token: str, chat_id: int) -> str:
"""Send a telegram message"""
webhookAddress = f"{token}/sendMessage?" + urlencode({"text":text, "chat_id":chat_id})
handler = urlopen(webhookAddress)
return'utf-8') | c80727f5e482b3e9bb48c28c3cc9e688228733fc | 428 |
def match_term(term, dictionary, case_sensitive, lemmatize=True):
lemmatize Including lemmas improves performance slightly
if (not case_sensitive and term.lower() in dictionary) or term in dictionary:
return True
if (case_sensitive and lemmatize) and term.rstrip('s').lower() in dictionary:
return True
elif (not case_sensitive and lemmatize) and term.rstrip('s') in dictionary:
return True
return False | aba706a211cf68e7c8c1668200da3f9c8613b3d2 | 429 |
import requests
import json
import csv
def fill_user(user_ids, filename='user', write=True):
Input: user_ids dictionary (user ids: task values)
Output: csv file with user id, name, email
emails = {}
for user in user_ids:
r = requests.get(''
.format(user, PYBOSSA_API_KEY), headers=headers)
user_info = json.loads(r.text)
emails[user] = [user_info['fullname'], user_info['email_addr']]
if write:
with open('{}.csv'.format(filename), 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"',
writer.writerow(["id", "name", "email"])
for i in emails:
writer.writerow([i, emails[i][0], emails[i][1]])
return emails | 0ee2eb7104ee177a13d78e6e05b6fb787736bb06 | 430 |
def project_along_flow(dX_raw,dY_raw,dX_prio,dY_prio,e_perp):
dX_raw : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
raw horizontal displacement with mixed signal
dY_raw : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
raw vertical displacement with mixed signal
dX_prio : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
reference of horizontal displacement (a-priori knowledge)
dY_prio : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
reference of vertical displacement (a-priori knowledge)
e_perp : np.array, size=(2,1), float
vector in the perpendicular direction to the flightline (bearing).
dX_proj : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
projected horizontal displacement in the same direction as reference.
dY_proj : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
projected vertical displacement in the same direction as reference.
The projection function is as follows:
.. math:: P = ({d_{x}}e^{\perp}_{x} - {d_{y}}e^{\perp}_{y}) / ({\hat{d}_{x}}e^{\perp}_{x} - {\hat{d}_{y}}e^{\perp}_{y})
See also Equation 10 and Figure 2 in [1].
Furthermore, two different coordinate system are used here:
.. code-block:: text
indexing | indexing ^ y
system 'ij'| system 'xy' |
| |
| i | x
--------+--------> --------+-------->
| |
| |
image | j map |
based v based |
.. [1] Altena & Kääb. "Elevation change and improved velocity retrieval
using orthorectified optical satellite data from different orbits"
Remote Sensing vol.9(3) pp.300 2017.
# e_{\para} = bearing satellite...
assert(dX_raw.size == dY_raw.size) # all should be of the same size
assert(dX_prio.size == dY_prio.size)
assert(dX_raw.size == dX_prio.size)
d_proj = ((dX_raw*e_perp[0])-(dY_raw*e_perp[1])) /\
dX_proj = d_proj * dX_raw
dY_proj = d_proj * dY_raw
return dX_proj,dY_proj | fe0565667b77954b1df07d7ea31cbb620b20f800 | 431 |
from typing import Mapping
import select
def get_existing_pks(engine: Engine, table: Table) -> Mapping[int, dict]:
Creates an index of hashes of the values of the primary keys in the table provided.
:param engine:
:param table:
with engine.connect() as conn:
pk_cols = [table.c[] for col in table.columns if col.primary_key]
query = select(pk_cols)
result = conn.execute(query)
return {hash_row_els(dict(row), [ for col in pk_cols]): dict(row) for row in result} | fead502b36f67c6732ba4b0e4e678af4fd96ed53 | 432 |
def create_transform_parameters(
fill_mode = 'nearest',
interpolation = 'linear',
cval = 0,
data_format = None,
relative_translation = True,
""" Creates a dictionary to store parameters containing information on
method to apply transformation to an image
# Arguments
fill_mode: One of: 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'
interpolation: One of: 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'area', 'lanczos4'
cval: Fill value to use with fill_mode='constant'
data_format: Same as for keras.preprocessing.image_transform.apply_transform
relative_translation: If true (the default), interpret translation as a factor of the image size.
If false, interpret it as absolute pixels.
# Apply processing to input arguments
if data_format is None:
data_format = 'channels_last'
if data_format == 'channels_first':
channel_axis = 0
elif data_format == 'channels_last':
channel_axis = 2
raise ValueError("invalid data_format, expected 'channels_first' or 'channels_last', got '{}'".format(data_format))
if fill_mode == 'constant':
cv_border_mode = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT
if fill_mode == 'nearest':
cv_border_mode = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE
if fill_mode == 'reflect':
cv_border_mode = cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101
if fill_mode == 'wrap':
cv_border_mode = cv2.BORDER_WRAP
if interpolation == 'nearest':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
if interpolation == 'linear':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
if interpolation == 'cubic':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
if interpolation == 'area':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA
if interpolation == 'lanczos4':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
# Create attribute dict to store parameters
_p = AttrDict(
return _p | 2172c283b53d76881877b618043885aa596507d4 | 433 |
def error_rate(model, dataset):
"""Returns error rate for Keras model on dataset."""
d = dataset['dimension']
scores = np.squeeze(model.predict(dataset['features'][:, :, 0:d]), axis=-1)
diff = scores[:, 0] - scores[:, 1]
return np.mean(diff.reshape((-1)) <= 0) | b16b234ead64737eb2d40b3aab612270ed86dc0a | 434 |
from typing import Callable
import functools
def k8s_cr_callback(func: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorate a method as a K8s CR callback.
Is working only for K8sCRHandler and child classes.
def decorated_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Provide automatic locking of CRs in process by this method."""
# Ensure that signature of K8sCRHandler._callback stays the same
name = args[0]
labels = args[1]
operation = args[2]
blocking = bool(operation != 'REPROCESS')
locked = self.cr_locks[name].acquire(blocking=blocking)
if locked:
'CR "%s" locked by operation "%s" with label "%s"', name, operation, labels)
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
'CR "%s" unlocked by operation "%s" with label "%s"', name, operation, labels)
# Cleanup lock objects dictionary when CR was deleted
if operation == 'DELETED':
self.cr_locks.pop(name, None)
'CR "%s" in process - skipping operation "%s" this run', name, operation)
_LOGGER.debug('Method "%s" is decorated as K8s callback method', func)
return decorated_func | 8cc6bc8911ba271ee19042b0337def25fc334868 | 435 |
def account():
"""Update the user's account"""
return _templates.account(UserContext.user()) | 4624bcce3987e71edcd8d720eea22b52658c1352 | 436 |
from typing import Awaitable
import asyncio
def run_synchronously(computation: Awaitable[TSource]) -> TSource:
"""Runs the asynchronous computation and await its result."""
return | 2aa14167a2de06a85862b0b0c9294c76fa8ed012 | 437 |
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel # noqa: E0611
import cmd
from typing import cast
def create_running_command(
command_id: str = "command-id",
command_key: str = "command-key",
command_type: str = "command-type",
created_at: datetime = datetime(year=2021, month=1, day=1),
params: Optional[BaseModel] = None,
) -> cmd.Command:
"""Given command data, build a running command model."""
return cast(
params=params or BaseModel(),
) | a9e38fd534aaf29ebe265279eb86ed90233113fb | 438 |
def x11_linux_stop_record():
stop test_record action
return xwindows_listener.stop_record() | 3a5e4728f8d6d27083ee43c26c84ba22133e0621 | 439 |
def yxy_intrinsic(mat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return yxy intrinsic Euler angle decomposition of mat (.., 4, 4))"""
# extract components
not_nan, r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, _, r21, _ = extract_mat_components(mat)
# pre-initialize results
theta_y0 = np.full(not_nan.shape, np.nan)
theta_x = np.full(not_nan.shape, np.nan)
theta_y1 = np.full(not_nan.shape, np.nan)
# compute Euler angles
theta_y0[not_nan] = np.where(r11 < 1, np.where(r11 > -1, np.arctan2(-r01, -r21), 0), 0)
theta_x[not_nan] = np.where(r11 < 1, np.where(r11 > -1, -np.arccos(r11), -np.pi), 0)
theta_y1[not_nan] = np.where(r11 < 1, np.where(r11 > -1, np.arctan2(-r10, r12), np.arctan2(r02, r00)),
np.arctan2(r02, r00))
return np.stack((theta_y0, theta_x, theta_y1), -1) | d7fd0ab01c3c7cf27839caff53a905294e47b7ba | 440 |
def mnemonic_and_path_to_key(*, mnemonic: str, path: str, password: str) -> int:
Return the SK at position `path`, derived from `mnemonic`. The password is to be
compliant with BIP39 mnemonics that use passwords, but is not used by this CLI outside of tests.
seed = get_seed(mnemonic=mnemonic, password=password)
sk = derive_master_SK(seed)
for node in path_to_nodes(path):
sk = derive_child_SK(parent_SK=sk, index=node)
return sk | 6127278c78a1e52e362c2d66c4eb065f63de0ba9 | 441 |
import inspect
def test_function_with_annotations():
"""Parse a function docstring with signature annotations."""
def f(x: int, y: int, *, z: int) -> int:
This function has annotations.
x: X value.
y: Y value.
Keyword Arguments:
z: Z value.
Sum X + Y.
return x + y
sections, errors = parse(inspect.getdoc(f), inspect.signature(f))
assert len(sections) == 4
assert not errors | 5fe7d046659a9e1511f8f321d186cd6e8f1d8d43 | 442 |
def acceleration(bodies, i, j):
Calculer l'acceleration relative à un objet bodies[i]
bodies: tous les objets
i: index of concerned body which undergoes the gravitation of other objects.
j: index of the step
N = len(bodies)
ax = 0; ay = 0; az = 0 #L'acceleration
for ip in range(N):
#Chaque objet bodies[ip] applique une force de gravitation sur l'objet bodies[i]
if ip == i: #On veut que pas avoir le même objet bodies[ip]
# print(fx(bodies[ip].masse, bodies[i].x[j], bodies[i].y[j]-bodies[ip].y[j], bodies[i].z[j]))
ax += fx(bodies[ip].masse, bodies[i].x[j]-bodies[ip].x[j], bodies[i].y[j]-bodies[ip].y[j], bodies[i].z[j]-bodies[ip].z[j])
ay += fy(bodies[ip].masse, bodies[i].x[j]-bodies[ip].x[j], bodies[i].y[j]-bodies[ip].y[j], bodies[i].z[j]-bodies[ip].z[j])
az += fz(bodies[ip].masse, bodies[i].x[j]-bodies[ip].x[j], bodies[i].y[j]-bodies[ip].y[j], bodies[i].z[j]-bodies[ip].z[j])
return (ax, ay, az) | e19ab098a72d43d0f28931d853866ba0999bd39d | 443 |
import re
def formatted(s):
"""If s contains substrings of form '#'<txt>'#', '(('<txt>'))',
"''"<txt>"''", returns list of tuples (FORMAT_x, txt).
Otherwise, returns s.
matches = re.findall(_format_re, normalize(s))
if len(matches) == 1 and matches[0][0] != '':
return matches[0][0]
def to_fmt(txt_none, txt_sw, txt_rem, txt_em, txt_a):
if txt_none != '':
return FORMAT_NONE, txt_none
elif txt_sw != '':
return FORMAT_SW, txt_sw
elif txt_rem != '':
return FORMAT_REM, txt_rem
elif txt_em != '':
return FORMAT_EM, txt_em
elif txt_a != '':
return FORMAT_A, txt_a
return [to_fmt(*m) for m in matches] | e164d743c5284de744948ab9db72f8887e380dc2 | 444 |
def deep_len(lnk):
""" Returns the deep length of a possibly deep linked list.
>>> deep_len(Link(1, Link(2, Link(3))))
>>> deep_len(Link(Link(1, Link(2)), Link(3, Link(4))))
>>> levels = Link(Link(Link(1, Link(2)), \
Link(3)), Link(Link(4), Link(5)))
>>> print(levels)
<<<1 2> 3> <4> 5>
>>> deep_len(levels)
if not lnk:
return 0
if type(lnk.first) == int:
return 1 + deep_len(
return deep_len(lnk.first) + deep_len( | d8a33600085e51b181752b2dd81d5bcdae7aaff9 | 445 |
def union(A, B):
""" Add two subspaces (A, B) together.
- A: a matrix whose columns span subspace A [ndarray].
- B: a matrix whose columns span subspace B [ndarray].
- union: a matrix whose columns form the orthogonal basis for subspace
addition A+B [ndarray].
m,n = A.shape
x,y = B.shape
if m != x:
raise Exception('input matrices need to be of same height');
T = np.hstack((A, B))
return image(T) | d88f09cd4be80d06d7ae0d6e8397e46910f81a90 | 446 |
def ldns_create_nsec(*args):
"""LDNS buffer."""
return _ldns.ldns_create_nsec(*args) | f9e8fd181f4476c745a9ac12c513e24e7939e2e3 | 447 |
def str_to_seconds(time):
Returns the number of seconds since midnight in the string time (as an int).
The value time is a string in extended ISO 8601 format. That is, it has the form
'hh:mm:ss' where h, m, and s are digits. There must be exactly two digits each for
hours, minutes, and seconds, so they are padded with 0s when necessary. So
seconds, minutes, and hours may have leading 0s if they are only one digit. For
more information, see
This function does not support time zones, abbreviated formats, or decimals
Example: str_to_seconds('12:35:15') returns 45315
Example: str_to_seconds('03:02:05') returns 10925
Example: str_to_seconds('00:00:00') returns 0
Parameter time: The string representation of the time
Precondition: time is a string in extended ISO 8601 format 'hh:mm:ss'
assert type(time) == str
assert len(time) == 8
assert iso_8601(time) == True
result = get_hours(time)*60*60 + get_minutes(time)*60 + get_seconds(time)
return result
# assert iso_8601(time) == True | works but not whats needed
# assert type(time[get_hours(time):get_seconds(time)]) == str | works but not whats needed
# ¬ assert time == str
# change params in fn from time to hr, min, sec | str concatination?
#assert introcs.isdigit(time[0:1+1]) and introcs.isdigit(time[3:4+1]) and introcs.isdigit(time[6:7+1]) == True
#assert type(time[get_hours(time):get_seconds(time)]) == str
#print(time[0:1+1], time[3:4+1], time[6:7+1]) | 3902e5743567f6d07e2c78fa76e5bc2fc0d6306f | 448 |
def conv_variance_scaling_initializer(in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size):
"""conv init"""
fan_in = in_channel * kernel_size * kernel_size
scale = 1.0
scale /= max(1., fan_in)
stddev = (scale ** 0.5) / .87962566103423978
mu, sigma = 0, stddev
weight = truncnorm(-2, 2, loc=mu, scale=sigma).rvs(out_channel * in_channel * kernel_size * kernel_size)
weight = np.reshape(weight, (out_channel, in_channel, kernel_size, kernel_size))
return Tensor(weight, dtype=mstype.float32) | 925339a12e4f2e04c403ad8148145df0497da0da | 449 |
def vgg8(**kwargs):
"""VGG 8-layer model (configuration "S")
pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet
model = VGG(cfg['S'], **kwargs)
return model | 61d9f2e98c68691c1ed26631220f447eef28ba11 | 450 |
def get_char_from_ascii(key_num):
"""Function that converts a character to an ascii code
ascii_code : int
Ascii code of character
char : character
character converted from ascii
return chr(key_num) | 79f6a5627805909a005d5921f4e9fe738fb09936 | 451 |
import os
import glob
def get_files_path(file_path: str) -> list:
"""Get all files path
file_path: root folder path
list: list of string containing all files paths
all_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filepath):
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(root,'*.json'))
for f in files:
return all_files | d775bbe229b1ad53c173ae5d98246b04a3050dfa | 452 |
def start():
view for data entry for optimisation
form = LocationForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
return optimise(
return flask.render_template("start.html",
title="Start", form=form) | caba5a4d20d544ed480bda4d4e4d4377880bbd40 | 453 |
def add_lldp_filter_by_host(query, hostid):
"""Adds a lldp-specific ihost filter to a query.
Filters results by host id if supplied value is an integer,
otherwise attempts to filter results by host uuid.
:param query: Initial query to add filter to.
:param hostid: host id or uuid to filter results by.
:return: Modified query.
if utils.is_int_like(hostid):
return query.filter_by(host_id=hostid)
elif utils.is_uuid_like(hostid):
query = query.join(models.Hosts)
return query.filter(models.Hosts.uuid == hostid)
LOG.debug("lldp_filter_by_host: "
"No match for supplied filter id (%s)" % str(hostid)) | fd5632660897bf89e5cedb2ef5d64c06c1aab0d9 | 454 |
def c_flag(opt, test_not=False):
""" convert a test parameter into t if true for the Fortran build system """
if test_not:
if opt: return "FALSE"
else: return "TRUE"
if opt: return "TRUE"
else: return "FALSE" | cf78668ae19287822fba9946fa472187848e0084 | 455 |
def false_function():
"""Sample function to test unit testing."""
return False | 7823ac0f533c97544a8f73f73715bebb8e5b45cc | 456 |
def broker_task_send(task_uuid, request, broker_point, reply_to=None):
"""Command to publish `primitives.Request` to customer
task_uuid(str): task identification
request: Serialized request
return Command(command=BROKER_TASK_SEND,
args={'task_uuid': task_uuid, 'request': request, 'broker_point': broker_point,
'reply_to': reply_to}).as_tuple() | 52b389982676f65547f10a2cd45ac225e6486673 | 457 |
import numpy
def process_axis_labels(datadesc, blobs, offset=0):
"""Convert the raw axis label descriptions.
Similar to LiveDataPanel._process_axis_labels, but is flexible in datadesc.
CLASSIC = {'define': 'classic'}
labels = {}
titles = {}
for size, axis in zip(reversed(datadesc['shape']), AXES):
# if the 'labels' key does not exist or does not have the right
# axis key set default to 'classic'.
label = datadesc.get(
'labels', {'x': CLASSIC, 'y': CLASSIC}).get(axis, CLASSIC)
if label['define'] == 'range':
start = label.get('start', 0)
size = label.get('length', 1)
step = label.get('step', 1)
end = start + step * size
labels[axis] = numpy.arange(start, end, step)
elif label['define'] == 'array':
index = label.get('index', 0)
labels[axis] = numpy.frombuffer(blobs[index],
label.get('dtype', '<i4'))
labels[axis] = numpy.array(range(size))
labels[axis] += offset if axis == 'x' else 0
titles[axis] = label.get('title')
return labels, titles | d0f880c69160b2a620affe7b1cfe8c7dda12d807 | 458 |
def _to_ranks_by_group(dat, group, formula, exclude_cols=[]):
Covert predictors to ranks separately for each group for use in rank Lmer. Any columns not in the model formula or in exclude_cols will not be converted to ranks. Used by models.Lmer
dat (pd.DataFrame): dataframe of data
group (string): string name of column to group data on
formula (string): Lmer flavored model formula with random effects
exclude_cols (list): optional columns that are part of the formula to exclude from rank conversion.
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: ranked data
if (not isinstance(group, str)) and (group not in dat.columns):
raise TypeError(
"group must be a valid column name in the dataframe. Currently only 1 grouping variable is supported."
if isinstance(exclude_cols, str):
exclude_cols = [exclude_cols]
original_col_order = list(dat.columns)
formula = formula.replace(" ", "")
to_rank = formula.split("~")[-1].split("(")[0].split("+")[:-1]
# add dv to be ranked
to_rank = [c for c in to_rank if c not in exclude_cols]
other_cols = [c for c in dat.columns if c not in to_rank]
dat = pd.concat(
[dat[other_cols], dat.groupby(group).apply(lambda g: g[to_rank].rank())], axis=1
return dat[original_col_order] | 6cff465b0a1877d6594953dda75913dfb36a67ad | 459 |
def build_input_data(sentences, labels, vocabulary):
Maps sentencs and labels to vectors based on a vocabulary.
# With capped vocab, need to account for word not present in
# vocab. Using the padding word.
# TODO -- pass padding word in as an arg
padding_word = "<PAD/>"
pad_idx = vocabulary[padding_word]
x = np.array(
[[vocabulary.get(word, pad_idx) for word in sentence] for sentence in sentences])
y = np.array(labels)
return [x, y] | 6188ebbf3f4b1172f6316487af3ca468bab096b3 | 460 |
def list_scans():
:return: A JSON containing a list of:
- Scan resource URL (eg. /scans/1)
- Scan target
- Scan status
data = []
for scan_id, scan_info in SCANS.iteritems():
if scan_info is None:
target_urls = scan_info.target_urls
status = scan_info.w3af_core.status.get_simplified_status()
errors = True if scan_info.exception is not None else False
data.append({'id': scan_id,
'href': '/scans/%s' % scan_id,
'target_urls': target_urls,
'status': status,
'errors': errors})
return jsonify({'items': data}) | 60d5eb5c33c09ac6e35ffae2c10b6aca566c6027 | 461 |
def factor_list(f, *gens, **args):
Compute a list of irreducible factors of ``f``.
>>> from sympy import factor_list
>>> from import x, y
>>> factor_list(2*x**5 + 2*x**4*y + 4*x**3 + 4*x**2*y + 2*x + 2*y)
(2, [(x + y, 1), (1 + x**2, 2)])
return _generic_factor_list(f, gens, args, method='factor') | c13e503a631d3bfc5ead05dc8de8cc5243614241 | 462 |
import pickle
import torch
def all_gather(data):
Run all_gather on arbitrary picklable data (not necessarily tensors)
data: any picklable object
list[data]: list of data gathered from each rank
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
if world_size == 1:
return [data]
# serialized to a Tensor
buffer = pickle.dumps(data)
storage = torch.ByteStorage.from_buffer(buffer)
tensor = torch.ByteTensor(storage).to("cuda")
# obtain Tensor size of each rank
local_size = torch.LongTensor([tensor.numel()]).to("cuda")
size_list = [torch.LongTensor([0]).to("cuda") for _ in range(world_size)]
dist.all_gather(size_list, local_size)
size_list = [int(size.item()) for size in size_list]
max_size = max(size_list)
# receiving Tensor from all ranks
# we pad the tensor because torch all_gather does not support
# gathering tensors of different shapes
tensor_list = []
for _ in size_list:
if local_size != max_size:
padding = torch.ByteTensor(size=(max_size - local_size,)).to("cuda")
tensor =, padding), dim=0)
dist.all_gather(tensor_list, tensor)
data_list = []
for size, tensor in zip(size_list, tensor_list):
buffer = tensor.cpu().numpy().tobytes()[:size]
return data_list | 9e89ed2f299f5de8dec55d5529478177d45c21fa | 463 |
import torch
def init_net(net, init_type='normal', init_gain=0.02, gpu_ids=()):
"""Initialize a network: 1. register CPU/GPU device (with multi-GPU support); 2. initialize the network weights
net (network) -- the network to be initialized
init_type (str) -- the name of an initialization method: normal | xavier | kaiming | orthogonal
init_gain (float) -- scaling factor for normal, xavier and orthogonal.
gpu_ids (int list) -- which GPUs the network runs on: e.g., 0,1,2
Return an initialized network.
if len(gpu_ids) > 0:
net = torch.nn.DataParallel(net, gpu_ids) # multi-GPUs
init_weights(net, init_type, init_gain=init_gain)
return net | 2ddeda15b84bca0b83a7b5b516c83f991cec44c7 | 464 |
def remove_from_group(group_name, nodes=None, nodes_by_col='SUID', edges=None, edges_by_col='SUID', network=None,
"""Remove the specified nodes and edges from the specified group.
group_name (str): Specifies the name used to identify the group
nodes (list or str or int or None): List of nodes or keyword: selected, unselected or all. If node list:
``list`` of node names or SUIDs, comma-separated string of node names or SUIDs, or scalar node name
or SUID). Node names should be found in the ``SUID`` column of the ``node table`` unless
specified in ``nodes_by_col``. If list is None, default is currently selected nodes.
nodes_by_col (str): name of node table column corresponding to provided nodes list. Default is 'SUID'.
edges (str or list or int or None): List of edges or keyword: selected, unselected or all. If edge list:
``list`` of edge names or SUIDs, comma-separated string of edge names or SUIDs, or scalar edge name
or SUID). Edge names should be found in the ``SUID`` column of the ``edge table`` unless
specified in ``edges_by_col``. If list is None, default is currently selected edges.
edges_by_col (str): name of edge table column corresponding to provided edges list. Default is 'SUID'.
network (SUID or str or None): Name or SUID of a network. Default is the
"current" network active in Cytoscape.
base_url (str): Ignore unless you need to specify a custom domain,
port or version to connect to the CyREST API. Default is
and the latest version of the CyREST API supported by this version of py4cytoscape.
dict: {}
CyError: if network name or SUID doesn't exist
requests.exceptions.RequestException: if can't connect to Cytoscape or Cytoscape returns an error
>>> remove_from_group('Group 1', ['GDS1', 'SIP4', 'PDC1'], nodes_by_col='COMMON') # remove nodes by common name & all their edges
>>> remove_from_group('Group 1', 'GDS1, SIP4, PDC1', nodes_by_col='COMMON') # remove nodes by common name & all their edges
>>> remove_from_group('Group 1', [76545, 75499, 80299]) # remove nodes by SUID & all their edges
>>> remove_from_group('Group 1', 80299) # remove node by SUID & all its edges
>>> remove_from_group('Group 1') # remove all selected nodes and edges
>>> remove_from_group('Group 1', nodes=[], edges=[78565, 79565]) # remove edges but not any nodes
>>> remove_from_group('Group 1', nodes='unselected', edges='unselected') # remove all unselected nodes and edges
if isinstance(nodes, str) and nodes in {'all', 'selected', 'unselected'}: nodes_by_col = None
node_list = prep_post_query_lists(nodes, nodes_by_col)
if isinstance(edges, str) and edges in {'all', 'selected', 'unselected'}: edges_by_col = None
edge_list = prep_post_query_lists(edges, edges_by_col)
net_suid = networks.get_network_suid(network, base_url=base_url)
res = commands.commands_post(
f'group remove groupName="{group_name}" nodeList="{node_list}" edgeList="{edge_list}" network="SUID:{net_suid}"',
return res | 0f7ae3b161aa1b189be14973ddaa7a7a4fef4bbf | 465 |
def filter_bank_2high(t, Nj, Nj_1, ac=2.0, bc=2.0):
computes the filter bank for control points N_j, Nj_1 given the variable t
:param t: data points on the real line R arranged in numpy array
:param Nj: control point, Nj > Nj_1, integer
:param Nj_1: control point, Nj > Nj_1, integer
:param ac: between (1, 2]. Default 2.0
:param bc: bc < 2. Default 2.0
:return: (ha, hb1, hb2) low-pass filter ha and high-pass filters hb1 and hb2 at t,
all in numpy array format
# a_hat
a_cR = (1 + Nj_1) / ac
a_epsR = Nj_1 - a_cR
a_cL = -a_cR
a_epsL = a_epsR
# b_hat_1
b1_cL = a_cR
b1_epsL = a_epsR
b1_cR = (Nj_1 + Nj) / bc
b1_epsR = Nj - b1_cR
# b_hat_2
b2_cL = b1_cR
b2_epsL = b1_epsR
b2_cR = 2 * Nj
b2_epsR = 1
# supp(ha) = [0, 1 / 4]
ha = hmask(t, a_cL, a_epsL, a_cR, a_epsR)
# supp(hb1) = [1 / 8, 1 / 2]
hb1 = hmask(t, b1_cL, b1_epsL, b1_cR, b1_epsR)
# supp(hb2) = [1 / 4, 1 / 2]
hb2 = hmask(t, b2_cL, b2_epsL, b2_cR, b2_epsR)
return ha, hb1, hb2 | a197cbd99ea4d2ce6fcf9c277cff3e634b539049 | 466 |
def to_undirected(graph, copy_node_feat=True, copy_edge_feat=False):
"""Convert a graph to an undirected graph.
graph (pgl.Graph): The input graph, should be in numpy format.
copy_node_feat (bool): Whether to copy node feature in return graph. Default: True.
copy_edge_feat (bool): [Alternate input] Whether to copy edge feature in return graph.
g (pgl.Graph): Returns an undirected graph.
if graph.is_tensor():
raise TypeError("The input graph should be numpy format.")
inv_edges = np.zeros(graph.edges.shape)
inv_edges[:, 0] = graph.edges[:, 1]
inv_edges[:, 1] = graph.edges[:, 0]
edges = np.vstack((graph.edges, inv_edges))
edges = np.unique(edges, axis=0)
g = pgl.graph.Graph(num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, edges=edges)
if copy_node_feat:
for k, v in graph._node_feat.items():
g._node_feat[k] = v
if copy_edge_feat:
# TODO(daisiming): Support duplicate edge_feature.
raise NotImplementedError(
"The copy of edge feature is not implemented currently.")
return g | ce82bb7d4db86d209ed4549254869eb1edbcdd09 | 467 |
def as_public():
"""Return requests session without authentication"""
return BaseUrlSession() | d55cc3616c6910e88d99083cf4e530987c1d8d6c | 468 |
def transform_real_2_sim(real_position):
Transforms a position from the 'real' coordinate system to the 'sim' coordinate system.
:param real_position: dictionary with 'x', 'y' and 'z' keys to floating point values
:return: position in sim space as dictionary with 'x', 'y' and 'z' keys to floating point values
real_pos = np.array([real_position["x"], real_position["y"], 1])
sim_pos_np =, real_pos)
sim_pos = {"x": sim_pos_np[0], "y": 0.9010001, "z": sim_pos_np[1]}
return sim_pos | 29b83be1f6f4e49f777e085db651e4f31d47c2e0 | 469 |
import torch
def generate_tgt_mask(sz):
"""Generate a square mask for the sequence. The masked positions
are filled with float('-inf'). Unmasked positions are filled with
This function is a slight modification of the version in the PyTorch
sz : int
The length of the target sequence.
mask = (torch.triu(torch.ones(sz, sz)) == 1).transpose(0, 1)
mask = (
.masked_fill(mask == 0, float("-inf"))
.masked_fill(mask == 1, float(0.0))
return mask | 3fce5eb1cb852ca162fda58407c2cf81c1bdc849 | 470 |
def SceneAddPipeline(builder, pipeline):
"""This method is deprecated. Please switch to AddPipeline."""
return AddPipeline(builder, pipeline) | f220a53ad13923b1f00d208f59e575926e5b7fa2 | 471 |
def SynthesizeUserId(email):
"""Return a synthetic user ID from an email address.
Note that this is not the same user ID found in the production system.
email: An email address.
A string userid derived from the email address.
user_id_digest = _MD5_FUNC(email.lower()).digest()
user_id = '1' + ''.join(['%02d' % ord(x) for x in user_id_digest])[:20]
return user_id | fb3f81e37decaa941857ac575a5fd034f92a2324 | 472 |
import os
def store_to_file(file_name, series, col_name, replace=False):
"""Add series to file."""
path = config.DATADIR
filepath = os.path.join(path, file_name)
df = pd.read_csv(filepath)
if (col_name in df) and (not replace):
return f'{col_name} already in {file_name}. Not added.'
df[col_name] = series
df.to_csv(filepath, index=False)
return f'{col_name} added to {file_name}.' | 60f1f9f26ee33fe51b55a223d44ddb2e71ea8db2 | 473 |
import torch
def compute_jacobian(fn, x0: torch.Tensor, bs: int):
Computes the Jacobian matrix of the given function at x0, using vector-Jacobian products
input_shape = x0.shape
assert len(input_shape) == 3
dim = x0.numel()
eye = torch.eye(dim, dtype=x0.dtype, device=x0.device)
# Forward pass
x0rep = x0.detach()[None].repeat([bs] + [1] * len(input_shape)) # repeat along batch axis
x0rep.requires_grad = True
z0rep = fn(x0rep)
zshape = z0rep.shape[1:]
assert zshape.numel() == dim
# Compute batches of rows of the Jacobian
rows = []
for row_start in trange(0, dim, bs, desc='jacobian', leave=False):
# Pre-pad with extra rows to ensure that batch size stays constant
row_end = min(row_start + bs, dim)
num_rows = row_end - row_start
if num_rows != bs:
assert num_rows < bs
pre_pad_rows = bs - num_rows
pre_pad_rows = 0
assert row_start - pre_pad_rows >= 0
# vector-Jacobian product with rows of an identity matrix
g, = torch.autograd.grad(
z0rep, x0rep,
grad_outputs=eye[row_start - pre_pad_rows:row_end].reshape(row_end - row_start + pre_pad_rows, *zshape),
assert g.shape == x0rep.shape
rows.append(g.view(g.shape[0], -1)[pre_pad_rows:, :])
jacobian =, dim=0)
assert jacobian.shape == (dim, dim)
return jacobian | c184fd03abea440e27bdd27bb1105778e7bde4b6 | 474 |
import math
def pixel_distance(A, B):
In 9th grade I sat in geometry class wondering "when then hell am I
ever going to use this?" is that day.
Return the distance between two pixels
(col_A, row_A) = A
(col_B, row_B) = B
return math.sqrt(math.pow(col_B - col_A, 2) + math.pow(row_B - row_A, 2)) | 64853c44400428c8040ae47d1cc2cca17aed0a5f | 475 |
def word_ngrams(s, n=3, token_fn=tokens.on_whitespace):
Word-level n-grams in a string
By default, whitespace is assumed to be a word boundary.
>>> ng.word_ngrams('This is not a test!')
[('This', 'is', 'not'), ('is', 'not', 'a'), ('not', 'a', 'test!')]
If the sequence's length is less than or equal to n, the n-grams are
simply the sequence itself.
>>> ng.word_ngrams('Test!')
s: a string
list: tuples of word-level n-grams
tokens = token_fn(s)
return __ngrams(tokens, n=min(len(tokens), n)) | 8be360785e38b8f427c509d63f5ecba3b6b2c020 | 476 |
def phosites_detail(text):
create detail view output of phosphosites by accession.
:param text: string of phos group ID
:return: template
results = browse_queries.browse_detail(text,'Phosphosite')
table = browse_queries.phos_kin_query(text)
# pass tables, results and style indicator to template for rendering, plus
# variables for title info (related and text of acc no)
return render_template('search_results.html', title="Phosphosite",
style='double', results=results, table=table,
related="Kinases", text=text) | 5f1b67fadda3eb1dfe86e7e996e65197ff1eca3a | 477 |
def convert_to_np_arrays(X):
Converts the input arrays to dense numpy arrays to allow the methods to work properly
X = X.todense()
X = np.array(X)
if len(X.shape) > 2:
X = reduce_shape(X)
return X | 68fdf6fd87df160e96acec5abb8af310886fccc2 | 478 |
from docopt import docopt
def main(wf):
"""Run the workflow.
wf (workflow.Workflow): Active Workflow object.
# Parse command-line arguments and call appropriate
# command function.
args = docopt(__doc__, wf.args, version=wf.version)
log.debug('args=%r', args)
if args.get('list'):
return do_list(wf, args)
if args.get('open'):
return do_open(wf, args)
if args.get('update'):
return do_update(wf, args) | 80e7199b2e70dc0ce9eb0e155b4c70420e0d4966 | 479 |
def reduce_arr(arr):
Return which elements on which axis are unique
arr (np.ndarray) : input array which to reduce to unique value
reduced array(np.ndarray) : array with reduced data.
data_axis (list) : the axises that have changing data.
ndim = len(arr.shape)
data_axis = []
slice_array = ()
for i in range(ndim):
mn = np.min(arr, axis=i)
mx = np.max(arr, axis=i)
eq = np.all(mn == mx)
if not eq:
data_axis.append(ndim - i - 1)
slice_array += (slice(None),)
slice_array += (0,)
red_ar = arr[slice_array]
return red_ar, data_axis | d207876b820c7d7b30f8af6c302181620b00bf25 | 480 |
import torch
def nll_lorentzian(preds, target, gamma):
Isotropic lorentzian loss function
:param preds: prediction values from NN of size [batch, particles, timesteps, (x,y,v_x,v_y)]
:param target: target data of size [batch, particles, timesteps, (x,y,v_x,v_y)]
:param gamma: The tensor for the FWHM of the distribution of size [batch, particles, timesteps, (x,y,v_x,v_y)]
:return: value of the loss function normalised by (batch * number of atoms)
gammasquared = gamma ** 2
neg_log_p = torch.log(1+((preds - target) ** 2 / (gammasquared)))
neg_log_p += torch.log(gamma)
return neg_log_p.sum() / (target.size(0) * target.size(1)) | 24d6ea2c4b40bc0f8c27eebf0e402261d865836e | 481 |
from pathlib import Path
def get_archive():
"""Ensure that the archive file exists and return its path.
This is a function so the path can be made configurable in the future.
:obj:`str`: The full local path to the archive file.
filename = '/config/archive.txt'
archfile = Path(filename)
if not archfile.exists():
return filename | 78abc493d7f256ebf53ec2cfeb9ab4f1d42b5c02 | 482 |
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Callable
from typing import List
def _filter_unique_configs(
configs: Sequence[ProblemConfig],
filter_fn: Callable[[ProblemConfig], bool] = lambda _: True,
) -> List[ProblemConfig]: # pytype: disable=annotation-type-mismatch
"""Filters a list of problem_config to their unique occurrences for testing.
configs: list of ProblemConfig.
filter_fn: optional function to apply only to subset meeting this condition.
List of unique occurrences for testing.
observed_configs = set()
new_configs = []
for problem_config in configs:
if filter_fn(problem_config):
if problem_config not in observed_configs:
return new_configs | 98481fa9991726f3ba4253fb132f7f7e3cb2a420 | 483 |
def convert_units(str):
""" Convert some string with binary prefix to int bytes"""
unit = ''.join(ele for ele in str if not ele.isdigit()).strip().lower()
return int(''.join(ele for ele in str if ele.isdigit()))*{
"b": 1,
"B": 1,
"k": 2**10,
"kb": 2**10,
"m": 2**20,
"mb": 2**20,
"g": 2**30,
"gb": 2**30,
"t": 2**40,
"tb": 2**40
}.get(unit, 1) | a9de044090bfd4311a27dbbf373361e7d88a1e06 | 484 |
def match_piecewise(candidates: set, symbol: str, sep: str='::') -> set:
Match the requested symbol reverse piecewise (split on ``::``) against the candidates.
This allows you to under-specify the base namespace so that ``"MyClass"`` can match ``my_namespace::MyClass``
candidates: set of possible matches for symbol
symbol: the symbol to match against
sep: the separator between identifier elements
set of matches
piecewise_list = set()
for item in candidates:
split_symbol = symbol.split(sep)
split_item = item.split(sep)
min_length = len(split_symbol)
split_item = split_item[:min_length]
if split_symbol == split_item:
return piecewise_list | 1c6d7240365ef22f753aa4195cfb5e879fc453e0 | 485 |
def is_kube_version_supported(kube_version, min_version=None, max_version=None):
"""Check if the k8s version is supported by the application.
:param kube_version: the running or target k8s version
:param min_version (optional): minimum k8s version supported by the app
:param max_version (optional): maximum k8s version supported by the app
:returns bool: True if k8s version is supported
if ((min_version is not None and LooseVersion(kube_version) < LooseVersion(min_version)) or
(max_version is not None and LooseVersion(kube_version) > LooseVersion(max_version))):
return False
return True | f08a5e5eb9ac9928e2e08ddddd6d30db90e8c868 | 486 |
def chebi(name=None, identifier=None):
"""Build a ChEBI abundance node.
:rtype: Abundance
return Abundance(namespace='CHEBI', name=name, identifier=identifier) | bbe8cf217a545f2818d7957b01d7bbaf0a2cc6d2 | 487 |
def get_group(request):
"""returns all the groups in database
group_id = request.matchdict.get('id', -1)
group = Group.query.filter_by(id=group_id).first()
return [
group.thumbnail.full_path if group.thumbnail else None,
'users_count': len(group.users),
] | 6d53d8969ecebb882c6626b128a72f24dafa6997 | 488 |
def create_histogram(path_to_image, target_path=''):
creates a histogram of a given image and either shows or saves a plot
path_to_image: path to the image
target_path: if given, saves a plot, otherwise (if empty) shows the plot
the histogram plot
image = cv2.imread(path_to_image)
depth = image.shape[2]
for z in range(depth):
im = image[:, :, z]
mi = im.min()
ma = im.max()
if mi < 0 or ma > 255:
print("range error: min=" + str(mi) + " max=" + ma)
# V1
# plt.hist(im.ravel(), 256, [0, 256])
# V2
# calculate mean value from RGB channels and flatten to 1D array
vals = im.flatten()
# plot histogram with 255 bins
# b, bins, patches = plt.hist(vals, 255, stacked=True, density=True)
counts, bins = np.histogram(vals, 255)
counts = (counts - min(counts)) / (max(counts) - min(counts))
plt.hist(bins[:-1], bins, weights=counts)
plt.xlim([0, 255])
plt.xlabel('pixel value')
if target_path == '':
plt.savefig(target_path + 'histo')
return plt | cb68b5f8bd55120d4f720020b092af02b727a6ba | 489 |
def task_6_list_all_supplier_countries(cur) -> list:
List all supplier countries
cur: psycopg cursor
Returns: 29 records
cur.execute("""SELECT country FROM suppliers""")
return cur.fetchall() | a3d8af1eb2948ebc01e408265d20b0055f1a0504 | 490 |
def _energy_to_length_factor(e_unit, l_unit):
Convert the units of Planck's constant and speed of light
:param e_unit:
:type e_unit: str
:param l_unit:
:type l_unit: str
:return: c,h
dest_h_u = ug.parse_units('%s s' % e_unit)
dest_c_u = ug.parse_units('%s/s' % l_unit)
if dest_h_u.dimensionality != _h_unit.dimensionality:
raise ValueError("e_unit should be a valid energy unit")
if dest_c_u.dimensionality != _c_unit.dimensionality:
raise ValueError('l_unit should be a valid length unit')
h = ug.convert(sc.h, _h_unit, dest_h_u)
c = ug.convert(sc.c, _c_unit, dest_c_u)
return c, h | 23e1dbfac7265ff1df4cf62e3609f91d5e327a35 | 491 |
def kev_to_wavelength(kev):
"""Calculate the wavelength from kev"""
lamda = 12.3984 / kev #keV to Angstrom
return lamda | cfb3126e56bc0890dd8cf2caa50a240b380dad56 | 492 |
def _convert_rde_to_1_0_format(rde_data: dict) -> dict:
"""Convert defined entity to RDE 1.0.
:param DefEntity rde_data: Defined entity dictionary
:return: converted defined entity
:rtype: dict
new_rde = common_models.DefEntity(**rde_data)
new_native_entity: AbstractNativeEntity = rde_utils.convert_runtime_rde_to_input_rde_version_format( # noqa: E501
new_rde.entity, rde_constants.RDEVersion.RDE_1_0_0)
new_rde.entity = new_native_entity
new_rde.entityType = common_models.EntityType.NATIVE_ENTITY_TYPE_1_0_0.value.get_id() # noqa: E501
return new_rde.to_dict() | 931bc93c7326a4640892a3876885fcc19430bbe1 | 493 |
def additive_symbols(tokens, base_url):
"""``additive-symbols`` descriptor validation."""
results = []
for part in split_on_comma(tokens):
result = pad(remove_whitespace(part), base_url)
if result is None:
if results and results[-1][0] <= result[0]:
return tuple(results) | 346eae19c5d4d936d0ad7f2cdba2191943cc7bca | 494 |
def check_detection(frame, yx_exp, fwhm, snr_thresh, deltapix=3):
Verify if injected companion is recovered.
frame : 2d ndarray
yx_exp : tuple(y, x)
Expected position of the fake companion (= injected position).
fwhm : int or float
snr_thresh : int or float, optional
S/N threshold.
deltapix : int or float, optional
Error margin in pixels, between the expected position and the recovered.
def verify_expcoord(vectory, vectorx, exp_yx):
for coor in zip(vectory, vectorx):
print(coor, exp_yx)
if np.allclose(coor[0], exp_yx[0], atol=deltapix) and \
np.allclose(coor[1], exp_yx[1], atol=deltapix):
return True
return False
table = vip.metrics.detection(frame, fwhm=fwhm, mode='lpeaks', bkg_sigma=5,
matched_filter=False, mask=True,
snr_thresh=snr_thresh, plot=False,
debug=True, full_output=True, verbose=True)
msg = "Injected companion not recovered"
assert verify_expcoord(table.y, table.x, yx_exp), msg | ecb44b13aeed28b86713679d76aef90a7c686cf9 | 495 |
def _index_list(key_or_list, direction=None):
"""Helper to generate a list of (key, direction) pairs.
Takes such a list, or a single key, or a single key and direction.
if direction is not None:
return [(key_or_list, direction)]
if isinstance(key_or_list, string_type):
return [(key_or_list, ASCENDING)]
elif not isinstance(key_or_list, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError("if no direction is specified, "
"key_or_list must be an instance of list")
return key_or_list | e32ddb70a10d52e1f2595cac9cb99c0381b9a3e4 | 496 |
import os
def load_only_test(cfg):
"""Load and process test data only
cfg (dict): configuration file
DataLoader: test DataLoader
# Set test path
path_to_test = os.path.join(cfg["DATA_DIR"], "test/")
# Load the test set
test_dataset = TestLoader(path_to_test)
# DatasetTransformer
data_transforms = apply_preprocessing(cfg=cfg["DATASET"]["PREPROCESSING"])
test_dataset = DatasetTransformer(
test_dataset, transforms.Compose(data_transforms["test"])
# Dataloaders
test_loader = DataLoader(
f"The test set contains {len(test_loader.dataset)} images,"
f" in {len(test_loader)} batches"
return test_loader | cc94603c97bb6477a31d436868933b97accb5c0d | 497 |
def CalculateOSNames(os_name, os_variants):
"""Calculates all the names an OS can be called, according to its variants.
@type os_name: string
@param os_name: base name of the os
@type os_variants: list or None
@param os_variants: list of supported variants
@rtype: list
@return: list of valid names
if os_variants:
return ["%s+%s" % (os_name, v) for v in os_variants]
return [os_name] | 5689ed7da55cec929045e95344c60e7a06af711d | 498 |
import json
import six
from io import StringIO
def generate_schema(schema_json, use_logical_types=False, custom_imports=None, avro_json_converter=None):
Generate file containing concrete classes for RecordSchemas in given avro schema json
:param str schema_json: JSON representing avro schema
:param list[str] custom_imports: Add additional import modules
:param str avro_json_converter: AvroJsonConverter type to use for default values
:return Dict[str, str]:
if avro_json_converter is None:
avro_json_converter = 'avrojson.AvroJsonConverter'
if '(' not in avro_json_converter:
avro_json_converter += f'(use_logical_types={use_logical_types}, schema_types=__SCHEMA_TYPES)'
custom_imports = custom_imports or []
names = schema.Names()
make_avsc_object(json.loads(schema_json), names)
names = [k for k in six.iteritems(names.names) if isinstance(k[1], (schema.RecordSchema, schema.EnumSchema))]
names = sorted(names, key=lambda x: x[0])
main_out = StringIO()
writer = TabbedWriter(main_out)
write_preamble(writer, use_logical_types, custom_imports)
current_namespace = tuple()
for name, field_schema in names: # type: str, schema.Schema
name = clean_fullname(name)
namespace = tuple(name.split('.')[:-1])
if namespace != current_namespace:
current_namespace = namespace
if isinstance(field_schema, schema.RecordSchema):
logger.debug(f'Writing schema: {clean_fullname(field_schema.fullname)}')
write_schema_record(field_schema, writer, use_logical_types)
elif isinstance(field_schema, schema.EnumSchema):
logger.debug(f'Writing enum: {field_schema.fullname}', field_schema.fullname)
write_enum(field_schema, writer)
writer.write('\n__SCHEMA_TYPES = {')
for name, field_schema in names:
n = clean_fullname(
writer.write(f"\n'{n}': {n}Class,")
writer.write(f'_json_converter = {avro_json_converter}\n\n')
value = main_out.getvalue()
return value, [clean_fullname(name[0]) for name in names] | a339233427ef0e63a3b47216cee1b3ba03e4fc33 | 499 |
Subsets and Splits