stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
import gc
def test_harvest_lost_resources(pool):
"""Test unreferenced resources are returned to the pool."""
def get_resource_id():
Ensures ``Resource`` falls out of scope before calling
return id(pool.get_resource()._resource)
r_id = get_resource_id()
# Run garbage collection to ensure ``Resource`` created in
# ``get_resource_id()`` is destroyed.
assert r_id == id(pool.get_resource()._resource) | 04b8b29520c2ae9c2c47cef412659e9c567c6a8a | 3,659,424 |
def __call__for_keras_init_v1(self, shape, dtype=None, partition_info=None):
""" Making keras VarianceScaling initializers v1 support dynamic shape.
if dtype is None:
dtype = self.dtype
scale = self.scale
scale_shape = shape
if partition_info is not None:
scale_shape = partition_info.full_shape
fan_in, fan_out = _compute_fans_for_keras_init_v1_v2(scale_shape)
fan_in = math_ops.cast(fan_in, dtype=dtype)
fan_out = math_ops.cast(fan_out, dtype=dtype)
if self.mode == "fan_in":
scale /= math_ops.maximum(1., fan_in)
elif self.mode == "fan_out":
scale /= math_ops.maximum(1., fan_out)
scale /= math_ops.maximum(1., (fan_in + fan_out) / 2.)
if self.distribution == "normal" or self.distribution == "truncated_normal":
# constant taken from scipy.stats.truncnorm.std(a=-2, b=2, loc=0., scale=1.)
stddev = math_ops.sqrt(scale) / .87962566103423978
return random_ops.truncated_normal(shape,
elif self.distribution == "untruncated_normal":
stddev = math_ops.sqrt(scale)
return random_ops.random_normal(shape, 0.0, stddev, dtype, seed=self.seed)
limit = math_ops.sqrt(3.0 * scale)
return random_ops.random_uniform(shape,
seed=self.seed) | 860dc27ecd133b5bb193c4856736f9bb1a52d243 | 3,659,425 |
def create_line(net, from_bus, to_bus, length_km, std_type, name=None, index=None, geodata=None,
df=1., parallel=1, in_service=True, max_loading_percent=nan):
""" create_line(net, from_bus, to_bus, length_km, std_type, name=None, index=None, \
geodata=None, df=1., parallel=1, in_service=True, max_loading_percent=nan)
Creates a line element in net["line"]
The line parameters are defined through the standard type library.
**net** - The net within this line should be created
**from_bus** (int) - ID of the bus on one side which the line will be connected with
**to_bus** (int) - ID of the bus on the other side which the line will be connected with
**length_km** (float) - The line length in km
**std_type** (string) - The linetype of a standard line pre-defined in standard_linetypes.
**name** (string) - A custom name for this line
**index** (int, None) - Force a specified ID if it is available. If None, the index one \
higher than the highest already existing index is selected.
(array, default None, shape= (,2L)) -
The linegeodata of the line. The first row should be the coordinates
of bus a and the last should be the coordinates of bus b. The points
in the middle represent the bending points of the line
**in_service** (boolean) - True for in_service or False for out of service
**df** (float) - derating factor: maximal current of line in relation to nominal current \
of line (from 0 to 1)
**parallel** (integer) - number of parallel line systems
**max_loading_percent (float)** - maximum current loading (only needed for OPF)
**index** (int) - The unique ID of the created line
create_line(net, "line1", from_bus = 0, to_bus = 1, length_km=0.1, std_type="NAYY 4x50 SE")
# check if bus exist to attach the line to
for b in [from_bus, to_bus]:
if b not in net["bus"].index.values:
raise UserWarning("Line %s tries to attach to non-existing bus %s" % (name, b))
if index is None:
index = get_free_id(net["line"])
if index in net["line"].index:
raise UserWarning("A line with index %s already exists" % index)
v = {
"name": name, "length_km": length_km, "from_bus": from_bus,
"to_bus": to_bus, "in_service": bool(in_service), "std_type": std_type,
"df": df, "parallel": parallel
lineparam = load_std_type(net, std_type, "line")
"r_ohm_per_km": lineparam["r_ohm_per_km"],
"x_ohm_per_km": lineparam["x_ohm_per_km"],
"c_nf_per_km": lineparam["c_nf_per_km"],
"max_i_ka": lineparam["max_i_ka"]
if "type" in lineparam:
v.update({"type": lineparam["type"]})
# store dtypes
dtypes = net.line.dtypes
net.line.loc[index, list(v.keys())] = list(v.values())
# and preserve dtypes
_preserve_dtypes(net.line, dtypes)
if geodata is not None:
net["line_geodata"].loc[index, "coords"] = geodata
if not isnan(max_loading_percent):
if "max_loading_percent" not in net.line.columns:
net.line.loc[:, "max_loading_percent"] = pd.Series()
net.line.loc[index, "max_loading_percent"] = float(max_loading_percent)
return index | 218a3a16bce0d746465991c0992f614bddf98892 | 3,659,426 |
def get_initmap(X, A=None, standardize=False, cov_func=None):
""" Give back parameters such that we have the L U decomposition of the
product with A (if given, or the PCA scores if not).
That is we will get back:
X[:, perm]*L*U + b = ((X-meanvec)/stdvec)*A
where A are PCA directions if not given, L, U are LU decomposition,
and meanvec, stdvec are zeros, ones vectors if not standardizing.
X: N x d array of training data
A: d x d linear map to decompose, XA+b, (uses Identity if None given
with no cov_func).
standardize: boolean that indicates to standardize the dimensions
of X after applying linear map.
cov_func: function that yeilds a linear map given covariance matrix of
init_mat: d x d matrix where stricly lower triangle is corresponds to L
and upper triangle corresponds to U.
b: d length vector of offset
perm: permuation of dimensions of X
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # XXX BREAKPOINT
N, d = X.shape
if A is None:
if cov_func is None:
A = np.eye(d)
b = np.zeros((1, d))
b = -np.mean(X, 0, keepdims=True)
M = (X+b) # Has mean zero.
cov = np.matmul(M.T, M)/N
A = cov_func(cov)
b = np.matmul(b, A)
if standardize:
z = np.matmul(X, A)+b
mean_vec = np.mean(z, 0, keepdims=True)
# std_vec = np.std(z, 0, keepdims=True)
# Standardizing may lead to outliers, better to get things in [-1, 1].
# std_vec = np.max(np.abs(z-mean_vec), 0, keepdims=True)
std_vec = np.maximum(np.max(np.abs(z-mean_vec), 0, keepdims=True),
np.ones((1, d)), dtype=np.float32)
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # XXX BREAKPOINT
mean_vec = np.zeros((1, d))
std_vec = np.ones((1, d))
AS = np.divide(A, std_vec)
P, L, U =
perm = np.concatenate([np.flatnonzero(P[:, i]) for i in range(P.shape[1])])
init_mat = np.tril(L, -1) + U
init_b = np.squeeze((b-mean_vec)/std_vec)
return np.float32(init_mat), np.float32(init_b), perm | 53ec26f8efe4c0869b4e4423419db32ed08128e0 | 3,659,427 |
def read_FQ_matlab(file_open):
""" Opens FISH-quant result files generated with Matlab (tab-delimited text file).
file_open (string): string containing the full file name.
dictionary containing outlines of cells, and if present the detected spots.
# Open file
with open(file_open, "r") as fh:
data = fh.readlines()
# Strip white space characters
data = [x.strip() for x in data]
# Loop over read-in data
fq_dict = {'cells':{},'file_names':{},'settings':{}}
iLine = 0
while iLine < len(data):
line = data[iLine]
if 'IMG_Raw' in line:
img_name = line.split('\t')
if len(img_name) == 2:
if 'IMG_Filtered' in line:
img_name = line.split('\t')
if len(img_name) == 2:
if 'IMG_DAPI' in line:
img_name = line.split('\t')
if len(img_name) == 2:
if 'FILE_settings' in line:
img_name = line.split('\t')
if len(img_name) == 2:
if 'PARAMETERS' in line:
iLine += 2
par_microscope = data[iLine].split('\t')
# New cell
if 'CELL_START' in line:
# Get name of cell
cell_id = line.split('\t')[1]
# Read X-POS
iLine += 1
pos_list = (data[iLine].replace('X_POS\t','')).split('\t')
x_pos = [int(s) for s in pos_list]
# Read Y-POS
iLine += 1
pos_list = (data[iLine].replace('Y_POS\t','')).split('\t')
y_pos = [int(s) for s in pos_list]
# Read Z-POS
iLine += 1
pos_list = (data[iLine].replace('Z_POS\t','')).split('\t')
if len(pos_list) > 1:
z_pos = [int(s) for s in pos_list]
z_pos = ['']
fq_dict['cells'].update({cell_id:{'cell_pos':{'x': x_pos,'y': y_pos,'z': z_pos}}})
# New nucleus
if 'Nucleus_START' in line:
# Get name of cell
nuc_id = line.split('\t')[1]
# Read X-POS
iLine += 1
pos_list = (data[iLine].replace('X_POS\t','')).split('\t')
x_pos = [int(s) for s in pos_list]
# Read Y-POS
iLine += 1
pos_list = (data[iLine].replace('Y_POS\t','')).split('\t')
y_pos = [int(s) for s in pos_list]
# Read Z-POS
iLine += 1
pos_list = (data[iLine].replace('Z_POS\t','')).split('\t')
if len(pos_list) > 1:
z_pos = [int(s) for s in pos_list]
z_pos = ['']
fq_dict['cells'][cell_id].update({nuc_id:{'nuc_pos':{'x': x_pos,'y': y_pos,'z': z_pos}}})
# Position of detected RNAS
if 'SPOTS_START' in line:
iLine += 2 # Move over header
RNA_prop = []
while not('SPOTS_END' in data[iLine]):
RNA_prop.append([float(s) for s in data[iLine].split('\t')])
iLine += 1
# Assign to dictionary
fq_dict['cells'][cell_id].update({'spots': np.array(RNA_prop)})
# Up date line counter
iLine += 1
return fq_dict | 01c2c2263573e754c216c69496f648a883bb1843 | 3,659,428 |
def create_default_reporting_options(embedded=True, config={}):
config must follow this scheme:
`table_name`: {
`option1`: `value1`
The different options will depend on the table role.
- for ALL tables:
'data' : {
'remove_columns': ['column_name1'],
'subsampling_factor': 1.0,
'keep_last_n_rows': 1000
- For role `data_samples`:
'Scatter X Axis': value,
'Scatter Y Axis': value,
'Color by': value,
'Color scheme': value,
'Binning X Axis': value,
'Binning Y Axis': value,
'Label with': value,
'Display with': value,
o = Object()
o.image_size = 80
o.font_size = 19
o.frame_size_x = None
o.frame_size_y = 768
o.data_samples = Object()
o.data_samples.display_tabular = True
o.data_samples.display_scatter = True
o.data_samples.max_numpy_display = 10 # if array below this size, the content will be displayed
o.data_samples.resize_heterogeneous_numpy = True # if True, numpy arrays of different shape will be resized to common average size
o.db_root = None
o.embedded = embedded = Object() = 1 = 1.5 = 200 = 500 = True = 0.2 = 10 = Object() = 5.0 = 15 = [
np.dtype('|S1'), # binary string
o.config = config
return o | cc7d341a0d63979bbf3223a241c5707acf057547 | 3,659,429 |
def get_patient_note(state, patient_id, note_id, *args, **kwargs):
Return a note for a patient.
tags: ["FHIR"]
- name: patient_id
in: path
description: ID of the patient of interest
required: true
type: string
- name: note_id
in: path
description: ID of the note of interest
required: true
type: string
description: "Note returned"
type: array
type: object
description: "No patient or note exists with identifier"
type: string
description: "No FHIR data currently in application state"
type: string
p = state.patients.get(patient_id)
if p is None:
return (
f'No patient exists with identifier "{patient_id}".',
{'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
n = p.notes.get(note_id)
if n is None:
return (
f'No note exists with identifier "{note_id}".',
{'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
return jsonify(n.to_dict()) | 399212c31d2ae34b96a5617ca73063745c22621c | 3,659,430 |
def _html_build_item(tag: str, text: str, attributes: map = None, include_tags=True) -> str:
"""Builds an HTML inline element and returns the HTML output.
:param str tag: the HTML tag
:param str text: the text between the HTML tags
:param map attributes: map of attributes
:param bool include_tags: True if the tags should be part of the output
attributes = attributes if attributes is not None else {}
opening_tag = "<" + tag + _html_build_attributes(attributes) + ">"
closing_tag = "</" + tag + ">"
if include_tags:
return opening_tag + text + closing_tag
return text | 13b165a98679c2ebaf9a1dec7619a3297c729a63 | 3,659,431 |
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
import random
def sim_sample(
out_prefix: str,
sample_id: int,
chrom_start: int = 0,
chrom_end: int = 10000,
start_rate: float = 0.001,
end_rate: float = 0.01,
mut_rate: float = 0.01,
) -> Dict[str, File]:
Simulate sequencing data for one sample (assume one chromosome).
regions are sequenced intervals of a chromsome.
muts are SNP locations, assume heterozygous.
regions = []
muts = []
region_start: Optional[int]
# Sample initial state.
non_seq_len = 1 / start_rate
seq_len = 1 / end_rate
if random.random() < seq_len / (seq_len + non_seq_len):
region_start = chrom_start
region_start = None
# Use poisson process to sample regions and mutation sites.
pos = chrom_start
while pos < chrom_end:
pos += 1
if region_start is None:
pos += int(sample_exponential(start_rate))
if pos >= chrom_end:
region_start = pos
region_end = min(pos + int(sample_exponential(end_rate)), chrom_end - 1)
mut_pos = pos + int(sample_exponential(mut_rate))
if region_end <= mut_pos:
regions.append((region_start, region_end, 2))
region_start = None
pos = region_end
pos = mut_pos
muts.append((mut_pos, 1))
return {
"regions": write_regions(f"{out_prefix}/regions/{sample_id}.regions", regions),
"mutations": write_mutations(f"{out_prefix}/muts/{sample_id}.muts", muts),
} | d8a858b3f8099dd57cdc7abb4f1473e238038536 | 3,659,432 |
def vif_col(X, y, col_name):
X (pd.DataFrame): 自变量
y (pd.Series): 因变量
col_name (str): 需要判断的列
James, Gareth, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani.
An Introduction to Statistical Learning. pp. 112, Vol. 112: Springer, 2013.
r_square_minus = model(X.loc[:, X.columns != col_name].values, y).rsquared
return 1 / (1 - r_square_minus) | 6d9c88d928934d60182b597a89c6da6d1f7d1194 | 3,659,433 |
def get_mesh_stat(stat_id_start_str, attr_value, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
@param stat_id_start_str 統計IDの開始文字 この文字から始まるIDをすべて取得する.
@param attr_value cat01において絞り込む値
@param xmin 取得範囲
@param ymin 取得範囲
@param xmax 取得範囲
@param ymax 取得範囲
rows = database_proxy.get_conn().execute("""
inner join idx_MapArea_Geometry ON pkid = AND xmin > ? AND ymin > ? AND xmax < ? AND ymax < ?
inner join statValueAttr ON MapArea.stat_val_attr_id =
inner join statValueAttr AS b ON b.stat_value_id = statValueAttr.stat_value_id AND b.attr_value = ?
inner join statValue ON = b.stat_value_id
MapArea.stat_id like ?;
""", (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, attr_value, stat_id_start_str + '%'))
ret = []
for r in rows:
'value': r[0],
'geometory': r[1]
return ret | 9a861925436c2cf10eb4773be9dfa79c901d43f4 | 3,659,434 |
def babel_extract(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
"""Babel extraction method for Jinja templates.
.. versionchanged:: 2.3
Basic support for translation comments was added. If `comment_tags`
is now set to a list of keywords for extraction, the extractor will
try to find the best preceeding comment that begins with one of the
keywords. For best results, make sure to not have more than one
gettext call in one line of code and the matching comment in the
same line or the line before.
.. versionchanged:: 2.5.1
The `newstyle_gettext` flag can be set to `True` to enable newstyle
gettext calls.
.. versionchanged:: 2.7
A `silent` option can now be provided. If set to `False` template
syntax errors are propagated instead of being ignored.
:param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted from
:param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should be
recognized as translation functions
:param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and include
in the results.
:param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
:return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)`` tuples.
(comments will be empty currently)
extensions = set()
for extension in options.get('extensions', '').split(','):
extension = extension.strip()
if not extension:
if InternationalizationExtension not in extensions:
def getbool(options, key, default=False):
return options.get(key, str(default)).lower() in \
('1', 'on', 'yes', 'true')
silent = getbool(options, 'silent', True)
environment = Environment(
options.get('block_start_string', BLOCK_START_STRING),
options.get('block_end_string', BLOCK_END_STRING),
options.get('variable_start_string', VARIABLE_START_STRING),
options.get('variable_end_string', VARIABLE_END_STRING),
options.get('comment_start_string', COMMENT_START_STRING),
options.get('comment_end_string', COMMENT_END_STRING),
options.get('line_statement_prefix') or LINE_STATEMENT_PREFIX,
options.get('line_comment_prefix') or LINE_COMMENT_PREFIX,
getbool(options, 'trim_blocks', TRIM_BLOCKS),
getbool(options, 'lstrip_blocks', LSTRIP_BLOCKS),
getbool(options, 'keep_trailing_newline', KEEP_TRAILING_NEWLINE),
if getbool(options, 'trimmed'):
environment.policies['ext.i18n.trimmed'] = True
if getbool(options, 'newstyle_gettext'):
environment.newstyle_gettext = True
source ='encoding', 'utf-8'))
node = environment.parse(source)
tokens = list(environment.lex(environment.preprocess(source)))
except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
if not silent:
# skip templates with syntax errors
finder = _CommentFinder(tokens, comment_tags)
for lineno, func, message in extract_from_ast(node, keywords):
yield lineno, func, message, finder.find_comments(lineno) | 35ee7c05ee91afc1ccf7c752bdff72e3c3d30d78 | 3,659,435 |
import numpy
def onedthreegaussian(x, H, A1, dx1, w1, A2, dx2, w2, A3, dx3, w3):
Returns two 1-dimensional gaussian of form
g1 = A1 * numpy.exp(-(x-dx1)**2 / (2*w1**2))
g2 = A2 * numpy.exp(-(x-dx2)**2 / (2*w2**2))
g3 = A3 * numpy.exp(-(x-dx3)**2 / (2*w3**2))
return H + g1 + g2 + g3 | f93ea1339fe1498fdaeaee91f75b7ba316455646 | 3,659,437 |
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
def confusion_matrix_by_prob(true: np.ndarray,
predicted_prob: np.ndarray,
thresholds: Optional[Union[list, tuple, np.ndarray]] = None,
pos_label: Union[bool, str, int] = _DEFAULT_POS_LABEL,
output_metrics: Optional[list] = None,
table: bool = True,
confusion matrix for binary classification according to a given set of thresholds;
:param true: numpy.ndarray(shape=(m), ), an array of true classes;
:param predicted_prob: numpy.ndarray(shape=(m), ),
an array of predicted probabilities of being the positive class;
:param thresholds: [list, tuple, np.array, None] the thresholds set on predicted probabilities
such that any predicted probability greater or equal to the threshold will be classified as the positive class;
:param pos_label: [str, bool, int], positive class label, label that is considered as the positive class;
:param output_metrics: [list, None], metrics to be outputted if selected;
:param table: bool, if exported as a pd table table;
:param kwargs:
:param metric_order: [list, None], if table is selected to be the output, metric order specifies the order of
metrics presented in the table;
:return: dict, a set of confusion matrices, {threshold: {metric_name: metric_value, ...}, ...};
# convert true series to positive series
true = true == pos_label
# select output:
if isinstance(output_metrics, list):
for selected_metric in output_metrics:
if selected_metric not in _FULL_METRICS:
raise KeyError(f"metric {selected_metric} is not recognized.")
elif output_metrics == 'confusion':
output_metrics = ['TP', 'FN', 'FP', 'TN',
'Recall', 'FNR', 'FPR', 'TNR', 'Precision', 'FOR', 'FDR', 'NPV',
'Prevalence', 'Accuracy']
output_metrics = _FULL_METRICS
metrics_by_thresholds = dict()
for threshold in thresholds:
metrics_by_threshold = dict()
predicted = predicted_prob >= threshold
confusion_matrix_dict = confusion_matrix(true=true, predicted=predicted, normalize=False)
confusion_matrix_nor_true = normalize_confusion_matrix(confusion_matrix_dict=confusion_matrix_dict,
confusion_matrix_nor_predicted = normalize_confusion_matrix(confusion_matrix_dict=confusion_matrix_dict,
if 'TP' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['TP'] = confusion_matrix_dict[(True, True)]
if 'FN' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['FN'] = confusion_matrix_dict[(True, False)]
if 'FP' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['FP'] = confusion_matrix_dict[(False, True)]
if 'TN' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['TN'] = confusion_matrix_dict[(False, False)]
if 'Recall' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['Recall'] = confusion_matrix_nor_true[(True, True)]
if 'FNR' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['FNR'] = confusion_matrix_nor_true[(True, False)]
if 'FPR' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['FPR'] = confusion_matrix_nor_true[(False, True)]
if 'TNR' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['TNR'] = confusion_matrix_nor_true[(False, False)]
if 'Precision' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['Precision'] = confusion_matrix_nor_predicted[(True, True)]
if 'FOR' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['FOR'] = confusion_matrix_nor_predicted[(True, False)]
if 'FDR' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['FDR'] = confusion_matrix_nor_predicted[(False, True)]
if 'NPV' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['NPV'] = confusion_matrix_nor_predicted[(False, False)]
if 'Prevalence' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['Prevalence'] = \
(confusion_matrix_dict[(True, True)] + confusion_matrix_dict[(True, False)]) / sum(confusion_matrix_dict.values())
if 'Accuracy' in output_metrics:
metrics_by_threshold['Accuracy'] = \
(confusion_matrix_dict[(True, True)] + confusion_matrix_dict[(False, False)]) / sum(confusion_matrix_dict.values())
if 'LR+' in output_metrics:
# positive likelihood ratio:
metrics_by_threshold['LR+'] = confusion_matrix_nor_true[(True, True)] / confusion_matrix_nor_true[(False, True)]
except ZeroDivisionError:
metrics_by_threshold['LR+'] = '-'
if 'LR-' in output_metrics:
# negative likelihood ratio:
metrics_by_threshold['LR-'] = confusion_matrix_nor_true[(True, False)] / confusion_matrix_nor_true[(False, False)]
except ZeroDivisionError:
metrics_by_threshold['LR-'] = '-'
if 'DOR' in output_metrics:
# diagnostic odds ratio:
metrics_by_threshold['DOR'] = (confusion_matrix_nor_true[(True, True)] / confusion_matrix_nor_true[(False, True)]) / \
(confusion_matrix_nor_true[(True, False)] / confusion_matrix_nor_true[(False, False)])
except ZeroDivisionError:
metrics_by_threshold['DOR'] = '-'
if 'F1' in output_metrics:
# F1 score:
metrics_by_threshold['F1'] = 2 * (confusion_matrix_nor_true[(True, True)] * confusion_matrix_nor_predicted[(True, True)]) / \
(confusion_matrix_nor_true[(True, True)] + confusion_matrix_nor_predicted[(True, True)])
except ZeroDivisionError:
metrics_by_threshold['F1'] = '-'
metrics_by_thresholds[threshold] = metrics_by_threshold
if table:
if 'metric_order' in kwargs:
metric_order = kwargs['metric_order']
metric_order = None
metrics_by_thresholds = \
return metrics_by_thresholds | 29bc8808ae1f35f13e52ac26e4e1993c423c6dc6 | 3,659,439 |
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Mapping
import itertools
def group_slaves_by_key_func(
key_func: _GenericNodeGroupingFunctionT,
slaves: Sequence[_GenericNodeT],
sort_func: _GenericNodeSortFunctionT = None,
) -> Mapping[_KeyFuncRetT, Sequence[_GenericNodeT]]:
""" Given a function for grouping slaves, return a
dict where keys are the unique values returned by
the key_func and the values are all those slaves which
have that specific value.
:param key_func: a function which consumes a slave and returns a value
:param slaves: a list of slaves
:returns: a dict of key: [slaves]
sorted_slaves: Sequence[_GenericNodeT]
if sort_func is None:
sorted_slaves = sorted(slaves, key=key_func)
sorted_slaves = sort_func(slaves)
return {k: list(v) for k, v in itertools.groupby(sorted_slaves, key=key_func)} | c3e286d2ff618758cd86c16f1b6685faea4b4d7a | 3,659,440 |
def init_clfs():
""" init classifiers to train
dict, clfs
clfs = dict()
# clfs['xgb'] = XGBClassifier(n_jobs=-1)
clfs['lsvc'] = LinearSVC()
return clfs | 4725656eda4e6991cc215bcd5a209ff23171eea6 | 3,659,441 |
def get_field_types():
"""Get a dict with all registration field types."""
return get_field_definitions(RegistrationFormFieldBase) | a9fe05535a541a7a5ada74dc9138a6c2ab29f528 | 3,659,442 |
def get_md_links(filepath):
"""Get markdown links from a md file.
The links' order of appearance in the file IS preserved in the output.
This is to check for syntax of the format [...](...).
The returned 'links' inside the () are not checked for validity or
subtle differences (e.g. '/' vs no '/' at the end of a URL).
filepath (pathlib Path): Path object representing the file from
which info will be extracted.
list of strings
text_str = _get_ascii_plaintext_from_md_file(filepath)
links = _get_all_md_link_info_from_ascii_plaintext(text_str)
if links: # links only, not their text
return [t[-1] for t in links]
return links | 3076f77802965cb281101530f4ab360e5996f627 | 3,659,443 |
def get_reactor_logs(project_id, application_id, api_key=None, **request_kwargs):
Get the logs of a Reactor script.
:param project_id: The Project of the Application.
:type project_id: str
:param application_id: The Application to get the script logs for.
:type application_id: str
:param api_key: The API key to authorize request against.
:type api_key: str
url = '/projects/{}/applications/{}/reactorLogs'.format(
project_id, application_id)
return utils.request('GET', url, api_key=api_key, accept=True, **request_kwargs) | 82743619292f387708e7b1dc3fe93c59e232d1cf | 3,659,445 |
def summation_i_squared(n):
"""Summation without for loop"""
if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1:
return None
return int(((n*(n+1)*(2*n+1))/6)) | dec0aba274bcaf3e3a821db5962af51d39835438 | 3,659,447 |
def str_to_number(this):
Convert string to a Number
return mknumber(int(this.value))
except ValueError:
return mknumber(float(this.value)) | e67df9c0de5a5cdbc76a3026f7e31cd3190013c4 | 3,659,448 |
def plotTSNE(Xdata, target = None, useMulti=True, num=2500, savename=None, njobs=4, size=4, cmap=None, dim=(12,8)):
Plot TSNE for training data
> Xdata: The training feature data (DataFrame)
> target: The training target data (Series)
> num (2500 by default): The number of rows to use
Output: None
if Xdata is None:
print("Xdata is NONE in plotTSNE!")
return None
if not isDataFrame(Xdata):
print("Xdata is not a Pandas DataFrame!")
return None
if target is not None:
if not isSeries(target):
print("target is not a Pandas Series!")
return None
print("Computing TSNE for {0} events with {1} features".format(num, Xdata.shape[1]))
projection, tsneFeatures, tsneTarget = computeTSNE(Xdata=Xdata, target=target, useMulti=useMulti, num=num, njobs=njobs)
print("Plotting TSNE for {0} events".format(num))
showTSNE(projection=projection, target=target, savename=savename, title="TSNE", size=size, cmap=cmap, dim=dim)
return projection, tsneFeatures, tsneTarget | 9751f861df2d67516e93218000d23e23ba0ad4fe | 3,659,450 |
def adjust_contrast(img, contrast_factor):
"""Adjust contrast of an Image.
img (PIL Image): PIL Image to be adjusted.
contrast_factor (float): How much to adjust the contrast. Can be any
non negative number. 0 gives a solid gray image, 1 gives the
original image while 2 increases the contrast by a factor of 2.
PIL Image: Contrast adjusted image.
if not is_pil_image(img):
raise TypeError('img should be PIL Image. Got {}'.format(type(img)))
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img)
img = enhancer.enhance(contrast_factor)
return img | aedd8bb489df64138189626585228ffc086e2428 | 3,659,452 |
def matplotlib_view(gviz: Digraph):
Views the diagram using Matplotlib
return gview.matplotlib_view(gviz) | 9eb0a686c6d01a7d24273bbbc6ddb9b4ee7cb9ac | 3,659,453 |
def shuf_repeat(lst, count):
""" Xiaolong's code expects LMDBs with the train list shuffled and
repeated, so creating that here to avoid multiple steps. """
final_list = []
ordering = range(len(lst))
for _ in range(count):
final_list += [lst[i] for i in ordering]
assert len(final_list) == count * len(lst)
return final_list | fea9478aaa37f5b1c58d4a41126055d9cfa4b035 | 3,659,454 |
def create_query(table_name, schema_dict):
see datatypes documentation here:
columns = db_schema[table_name]
return (
[f"{column} {value}" for column, value in columns.items()],
) | 3b330d57f45ca053cfbe90952adc7aa1658ab76d | 3,659,455 |
import requests
def delete_repleciation(zfssrcfs, repel_uuid):
"""ZFS repleciation action status
accepts: An exsistng ZFS action uuid (id).
returns: the ZFS return status code.
r = requests.delete(
% (url, repel_uuid), auth=zfsauth, verify=False,
)"Deleting local repleciation for %s(%s)", repel_uuid, zfssrcfs)
return r.status_code | f62ad1ec3e31ac7c54cf749982690631bb7b72d2 | 3,659,457 |
import aiohttp
def get_logged_in_session(websession: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> RenaultSession:
"""Get initialised RenaultSession."""
return RenaultSession(
) | 87a5a439c5ca583c01151f340ce79f2f4a79558c | 3,659,459 |
def __getStationName(name, id):
"""Construct a station name."""
name = name.replace("Meetstation", "")
name = name.strip()
name += " (%s)" % id
return name | daab36ed8020536c8dd2c073c352634696a63f3e | 3,659,460 |
def post_url(url):
"""Post url argument type
:param str url: the post url
:rtype: str
:returns: the post url
url = url.strip()
if len(url) == 0:
raise ArgumentTypeError("A url is required")
elif len(url) > Url.URL_LENGTH:
raise ArgumentTypeError("The url length is over the maximum allowed")
return url | 65d3c670580d6abfcfefcc8bcff35ca4e7d51f5c | 3,659,462 |
def create_planner(request):
"""Create a new planner and redirect to new planner page."""
user = request.user
plan = Plan.objects.create(author=user)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('planner:edit_plan', args=[], )) | ab22dfa950208b44c308690dcff6e0f228faa406 | 3,659,463 |
def rule_matching_evaluation(df, model, seed_num, rein_num, eval_num, label_map, refer_label, lime_flag=True, scan_flag=False
, content_direction='forward', xcol_name='text', n_cores=20):
"""A integrated rule extraction, refinement and validation process.
On the dataset, sample based methods are used. Seed rules are extracted and unmatched samples in
reinforcement samples are re-fed into extraction procedure. Validation are conducted in loops until
certain condition is meet.
df: dataframe to be explained.
model: model that can classify instances.
seed_num: sample size for seed rule generation.
rein_num: sample size for reinforcement procedure.
eval_num: sample size for evaluation procedure.
label_map: label text and value mappings.
refer_label: the reference label for lime.
lime_flag: on-off flag for lime based inference rules.
scan_flag: on-off flag for LCS based scan rules.
content_direction: cut out sequences from 'forward' or 'backward'
xcol_name: column name for content to be explained in df.
n_cores: number of cores to utilize.
match_result: match result on evaluation test sets.
rules_tobe_validate: final rules generated.
matched_rules: rules hit by evaluation test samples.
# shuffle dataset
df.sample(frac=1, random_state=1)
# generate seed rules
df_for_seed = df[df['target'] == label_map['malicious']].sample(seed_num, random_state=2)
rules_seed = get_rules(df_for_seed, model, label_map, 'malicious', lime_flag=lime_flag, scan_flag=scan_flag, content_direction=content_direction, n_cores=n_cores)
# reinforce rules
max_iter_times = 2
df_split = np.array_split(df, max_iter_times)
rules_tobe_validate = rules_seed
for i in range(0, max_iter_times):
print('Reinforce iteration loop %d'% (i+1))
print('Seed rules number: %d' % rules_tobe_validate.shape[0])
df_for_reinforce = df_split[i].sample(rein_num, random_state=3)
match_result, rules_tobe_validate = rule_validation(df_for_reinforce, rules_tobe_validate, n_cores=n_cores)
# # make duplicate removal for each validation
# rules_tobe_validate = rule_deduplicate(rules_tobe_validate)
metrics = get_metrics(match_result)
if float(metrics['acc']) > 0.98:
print("Validation finished, metrics is fine.")
# Reinforcement the unrecognizable malicious flows according to validation results
df_rein = match_result.loc[(match_result.match == 0) & ( == label_map['malicious'])][['text', 'target']]
df_rein['text'] = df_rein['text'].astype(str)
result_rein = get_rules(df_rein, model, label_map, 'malicious', lime_flag=lime_flag, scan_flag=scan_flag, content_direction=content_direction, n_cores=n_cores)
result_final = pd.concat([rules_tobe_validate, result_rein])
# index start from 1
result_final.index = np.arange(1, len(result_final)+1)
rules_tobe_validate = result_final
print('New rein rules number: %d' % result_rein.shape[0])
df_for_final_eval = df.sample(seed_num, random_state=4)
match_result, rules_tobe_validate = rule_validation(df_for_final_eval, rules_tobe_validate, final_flag=True, n_cores=n_cores)
if rules_tobe_validate.shape[0] == 0:
print("Rule extraction failed!!!!!")
return 0, 0, 0
print('The final results are:')
matched_rules = get_final_rules(match_result, rules_tobe_validate)
metrics = get_metrics(match_result)
print("Final validation finished")
return match_result, rules_tobe_validate, matched_rules | 9ed0d5653797544de384c41ef6d9e402d2a57403 | 3,659,464 |
def login():
""" Typical login page """
# if current user is already logged in, then don't log in again
if current_user.is_authenticated:
return redirect(url_for('index'))
form = LoginForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
user = User.query.filter_by(
if user is None or not user.check_password(
flash('Invalid username or password')
return redirect(url_for('login'))
# user exists and password is correct
# if user came from a local page, then return them to that
# page after authentication ... else go to /index
next_page = request.args.get('next')
if not next_page or url_parse(next_page).netloc != '':
next_page = url_for('index')
return redirect(next_page)
# GET just renders the empty login screen
return render_template('login.html', title='Sign In', form=form) | e4114979a6b5b5845f32442bb66ee0798357f4e7 | 3,659,465 |
def create_timeperiod_map(
start: spec.Timestamp = None,
end: spec.Timestamp = None,
length: spec.Timelength = None,
) -> spec.TimeperiodMap:
"""create Timeperiod with representation TimeperiodMap
## Inputs
- start: Timestamp
- end: Timestamp
- length: Timelength
## Returns
- TimeperiodMap
start, end = compute_start_end(start=start, end=end, length=length)
return {'start': start, 'end': end} | c8087ea252e86b97c55376bfb21b93c2b50e3b19 | 3,659,466 |
import requests
async def patched_send_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Patched send function that push to queue idx of server to which request is routed."""
buf = args[0]
if buf and len(buf) >= 6:
op_code = int.from_bytes(buf[4:6], byteorder=PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER)
# Filter only caches operation.
if 1000 <= op_code < 1100:
requests.append(self.port % 100)
return await old_send_async(self, *args, **kwargs) | c78c9b437547266b4bfa82627c45e3c7c6450049 | 3,659,467 |
from datetime import datetime
def add_event_records(df, event_type, event_date):
"""Add event records for the event type."""
log(f'Adding {DATASET_ID} event records for {event_type}')
this_year =
df = df.loc[df[event_date].notnull(), :].copy()
df['event_id'] = db.create_ids(df, 'events')
df['dataset_id'] = DATASET_ID
df['year'] = df[event_date].dt.strftime('%Y').astype(int)
df['year'] = df['year'].apply(lambda x: x - 100 if x > this_year else x)
df['day'] = df[event_date].dt.strftime('%j').astype(int)
df['event_type'] = event_type
df['event_json'] = util.json_object(df, EVENT_FIELDS)
df.loc[:, db.EVENT_FIELDS].to_sql(
'events', db.connect(), if_exists='append', index=False)
return df | d3e804d9b24274e5a87e1e470f1f758214e1f805 | 3,659,468 |
def _renderPath(path,drawFuncs,countOnly=False,forceClose=False):
"""Helper function for renderers."""
# this could be a method of Path...
points = path.points
i = 0
hadClosePath = 0
hadMoveTo = 0
active = not countOnly
for op in path.operators:
if op == _MOVETO:
if forceClose:
if hadMoveTo and pop!=_CLOSEPATH:
hadClosePath += 1
if active:
hadMoveTo += 1
nArgs = _PATH_OP_ARG_COUNT[op]
j = i + nArgs
i = j
if op == _CLOSEPATH:
hadClosePath += 1
pop = op
if forceClose and hadMoveTo and pop!=_CLOSEPATH:
hadClosePath += 1
if active:
return hadMoveTo == hadClosePath | 17a2fc3224b2ba80de9dee0110468c4d934281b7 | 3,659,469 |
def _search_focus(s, code=None):
""" Search for a particular module / presentation.
The search should return only a single item. """
if not code:
code = input("Module code (e.g. TM129-17J): ")
results = _search_by_code(s, code)
if not len(results):
print('Nothing found for "{}"'.format(code))
elif len(results) > 1:
"Please be more specific:\n\t{}\n".format(
"\n\t".join([r[0].split(" ")[0] for r in results])
return results[0]
return (None, None) | 8eec36dbe48c1825d742c9834776a7a0705429b6 | 3,659,470 |
def parse_line(sample):
"""Parse an ndjson line and return ink (as np array) and classname."""
class_name = sample["word"]
inkarray = sample["drawing"]
stroke_lengths = [len(stroke[0]) for stroke in inkarray]
total_points = sum(stroke_lengths)
np_ink = np.zeros((total_points, 3), dtype=np.float32)
current_t = 0
for stroke in inkarray:
for i in [0, 1]:
np_ink[current_t:(current_t + len(stroke[0])), i] = stroke[i]
current_t += len(stroke[0])
np_ink[current_t - 1, 2] = 1 # stroke_end
# Preprocessing.
# 1. Size normalization.
lower = np.min(np_ink[:, 0:2], axis=0)
upper = np.max(np_ink[:, 0:2], axis=0)
scale = upper - lower
scale[scale == 0] = 1
np_ink[:, 0:2] = (np_ink[:, 0:2] - lower) / scale
# 2. Compute deltas.
np_ink = np_ink[1:, 0:2] - np_ink[0:-1, 0:2]
return np_ink, class_name | 19d20f7e67b58d699c0aea47f1f03095a957f757 | 3,659,471 |
def evalRPN(self, tokens):
# ! 求解逆波兰式,主要利用栈
:type tokens: List[str]
:rtype: int
stack = []
for item in tokens:
# print(stack)
if item.isdigit():
if item[0] == '-' and len(item) > 1 and item[1:].isdigit():
if item == '*':
num1 = stack.pop()
num2 = stack.pop()
stack.append(num1 * num2)
if item == '/':
num1 = stack.pop()
num2 = stack.pop()
stack.append(int(num2 / num1))
if item == '+':
num1 = stack.pop()
num2 = stack.pop()
stack.append(num1 + num2)
if item == '-':
num1 = stack.pop()
num2 = stack.pop()
stack.append(num2 - num1)
return stack[0] | 6b2050f6f635324878116371cd81a6d25ea31240 | 3,659,472 |
def _validate_flags():
"""Returns True if flag values are valid or prints error and returns False."""
if FLAGS.list_ports:
print("Input ports: '%s'" % (
"', '".join(midi_hub.get_available_input_ports())))
print("Ouput ports: '%s'" % (
"', '".join(midi_hub.get_available_output_ports())))
return False
if FLAGS.bundle_files is None:
print('--bundle_files must be specified.')
return False
if (len(FLAGS.bundle_files.split(',')) > 1 and
FLAGS.generator_select_control_number is None):
'You have specified multiple bundle files (generators), without '
'setting `--generator_select_control_number`. You will only be able to '
'use the first generator (%s).',
return True | 812791a8c71cc354a1ebe32f3fa9a3cc0f1c0182 | 3,659,473 |
def proto_test(test):
If test is a ProtoTest, I just return it. Otherwise I create a ProtoTest
out of test and return it.
if isinstance(test, ProtoTest):
return test
return ProtoTest(test) | 3326ea07ae5e4f90d3ae49cedee7b16aa97a3c65 | 3,659,474 |
def get_frames():
"""Get frames for an episode
episode: int
The episode for which the frames shall be returned
frames: dict
The frames for an episode per timestep
episode = int(request.args.get('user'))
frames = data_preprocessor.get_frames_for_episode(episode)
return frames, 200, JSON_TYPE | 1180c38175ef07f5e58ce8b77d748f6c1c1ab17b | 3,659,475 |
def remove(s1,s2):
Returns a copy of s, with all characters in s2 removed.
remove('abc','ab') returns 'c'
remove('abc','xy') returns 'abc'
remove('hello world','ol') returns 'he wrd'
Parameter s1: the string to copy
Precondition: s1 is a string
Parameter s2: the characters to remove
Precondition: s2 is a string
assert isinstance(s1) == str
assert isinstance(s2) == str
result = ''
for x in s1:
if not x in s2:
result = result + x
return result | 089107767063309d1cc34360ae290e7fa74133e7 | 3,659,476 |
def get_issuer_plan_ids(issuer):
"""Given an issuer id, return all of the plan ids registered to that issuer."""
df = pd.read_csv(PATH_TO_PLANS)
df = df[df.IssuerId.astype(str) == issuer]
return set(df.StandardComponentId.unique()) | b41b36b70000736acde63673961f92231a62f9a4 | 3,659,478 |
def parse_coords(lines):
"""Parse skbio's ordination results file into coords, labels, eigvals,
- list of sample labels in order
- array of coords (rows = samples, cols = axes in descending order)
- list of eigenvalues
- list of percent variance explained
For the file format check
Strategy: read the file using skbio's parser and return the objects
we want
pcoa_results = OrdinationResults.from_file(lines)
return (pcoa_results.site_ids,, pcoa_results.eigvals,
except FileFormatError:
if type(lines) == file:
return qiime_parse_coords(lines) | fec53839f5f995f94f07120cac5bab1ba66f7b4c | 3,659,480 |
def run_ann(model, train, test, params_save_path, iteration, optimizer, loss, callbacks=None, valid=None,
Run analog network with cross-validation
:param batch_size: batch size during training
:param model: reference to the tensorflow model
:param train: pair of training data (x_train, y_train)
:param valid: pair of validation data (x_val, y_val)
:param test: pair of testing data (x_test, y_test)
:param params_save_path: output path to save weights of the network
:param iteration: number of the iteration in CV
:param shuffle_training: shuffle samples
:param num_epochs: number of epochs to train for
:return: accuracy, precision, recall, f1 and confusion matrix from the testing data
x_train, y_train = train[0], train[1]
x_test, y_test = test[0], test[1]
if valid is not None:
x_valid, y_valid = valid[0], valid[1]
converter = nengo_dl.Converter(model)
with nengo_dl.Simulator(, minibatch_size=batch_size) as simulator:
input_layer = converter.inputs[model.get_layer('input_layer')] # get the input layer reference
output_layer = converter.outputs[model.get_layer('output_layer')] # get the output layer reference
# fit the model with the training data
x={input_layer: x_train}, y={output_layer: y_train},
{input_layer: x_valid}, {output_layer: y_valid}
) if valid is not None else None,
# early stop to avoid overfitting
simulator.save_params(params_save_path) # save weights to the file
# Get the statistics
accuracy, precision, recall, f1, confusion_matrix = get_metrics(simulator, output_layer, x_test, y_test,
f'{iteration}. CNN')
return {
'accuracy': accuracy,
'precision': precision,
'recall': recall,
'f1': f1,
'confusion_matrix': confusion_matrix
} | 9df68d8c6cdf6df08177bd1cc5d3116c10ae073e | 3,659,481 |
def get_sector(session, sector_name=None, sector_id=None):
""" Get a sector by it's name or id. """
return get_by_name_or_id(session, Sector, model_id=sector_id, name=sector_name) | 69de99bbdd630fb0cc5412c2b3124dff819287ed | 3,659,482 |
def is_valid_pre_6_2_version(xml):
"""Returns whether the given XML object corresponds to an XML output file of Quantum ESPRESSO pw.x pre v6.2
:param xml: a parsed XML output file
:return: boolean, True when the XML was produced by Quantum ESPRESSO with the old XML format
element_header = xml.find('HEADER')
if element_header is None:
return False
element_format = element_header.find('FORMAT')
if element_format is None:
return False
name = element_format.attrib['NAME']
except KeyError:
return False
if name != 'QEXML':
return False
return True | 80bda73addc68a88b2a1dc5828c0553cbaf7e6f2 | 3,659,483 |
import warnings
def exportdf (df =None, refout:str =None, to:str =None, savepath:str =None,
modname:str ='_wexported_', reset_index:bool =True):
Export dataframe ``df`` to `refout` files. `refout` file can
be Excell sheet file or '.json' file. To get more details about
the `writef` decorator , see :doc:`watex.utils.decorator.writef`.
:param refout:
Output filename. If not given will be created refering to the
exported date.
:param to: Export type; Can be `.xlsx` , `.csv`, `.json` and else.
:param savepath:
Path to save the `refout` filename. If not given
will be created.
:param modname: Folder to hold the `refout` file. Change it accordingly.
- `df_`: new dataframe to be exported.
if df is None :
'Once ``df`` arguments in decorator :`class:~decorator.writef`'
' is selected. The main type of file ready to be written MUST be '
'a pd.DataFrame format. If not an error raises. Please refer to '
':doc:`~.utils.decorator.writef` for more details.')
raise Wex.WATexError_file_handling(
'No dataframe detected. Please provided your dataFrame.')
df_ =df.copy(deep=True)
if reset_index is True :
df_.reset_index(inplace =True)
if savepath is None :
savepath = savePath(modname)
return df_, to, refout, savepath, reset_index | 0bc6d2750f236c5f3e529b2489be47658ddbf2d9 | 3,659,484 |
def clean_bpoa_seniority_list(csv):
"""Clean a digitized BPOA seniority list."""
dirty = pd.read_csv(csv)
clean = pd.DataFrame()
clean["job_title"] = dirty["Rank"]
clean["last_name"] = dirty["Last name"]
clean["first_name"] = dirty["First Name"]
clean = clean.apply(correct_name, axis=1)
clean["star_no"] = dirty["Badge No."]
clean["employment_date"] = dirty["Hire Date"].apply(pd.to_datetime)
return clean | b1af748d92c4cdced4a77fd3799dada318c0f57e | 3,659,485 |
def addMovieElement(findings, data):
""" Helper Function which handles unavailable information for each movie"""
if len(findings) != 0:
return data | af3c45c8b8d4c0cb7ba1cac4925d0f5998affe93 | 3,659,487 |
from typing import Optional
def get_bst_using_min_and_max_value(preorder: list) -> Node:
time complexity: O(n)
space complexity: O(n)
def construct_tree(min_: int, max_: int) -> Optional[Node]:
nonlocal pre_index
nonlocal l
if pre_index >= l:
return None
value = preorder[pre_index]
if min_ < value < max_:
node = Node(value)
pre_index += 1
node.left = construct_tree(min_, value)
node.right = construct_tree(value, max_)
return node
return None
pre_index: int = 0
l: int = len(preorder)
return construct_tree(-1_000_000, 1_000_000) | 809c74967e73c82a428f317d8551432bb392d5ea | 3,659,488 |
import math
def qwtStepSize(intervalSize, maxSteps, base):
"""this version often doesn't find the best ticks: f.e for 15: 5, 10"""
minStep = divideInterval(intervalSize, maxSteps, base)
if minStep != 0.0:
# # ticks per interval
numTicks = math.ceil(abs(intervalSize / minStep)) - 1
# Do the minor steps fit into the interval?
if (
(numTicks + 1) * abs(minStep), abs(intervalSize), intervalSize
> 0
# The minor steps doesn't fit into the interval
return 0.5 * intervalSize
return minStep | 57d1c4140e32dbf4a8bd0e306b9c10d4e9dae9bd | 3,659,489 |
def get_trimmed_glyph_name(gname, num):
Glyph names cannot have more than 31 characters.
Trims an input string and appends a number to it.
suffix = '_{}'.format(num)
return gname[:31 - len(suffix)] + suffix | a5e90163d15bd4fc0b315414fffd2ac227768ab0 | 3,659,490 |
def vmatrix(ddir, file_prefix):
""" generate vmatrix DataFile
name =
writer_ = autofile.write.vmatrix
reader_ =
return factory.DataFile(ddir=ddir, name=name,
writer_=writer_, reader_=reader_) | b9303e08f10e0604fde7b40116b74e66aac553dc | 3,659,491 |
import ast
from typing import Callable
from typing import MutableMapping
from typing import Union
import inspect
def get_argument_sources(
source: Source,
node: ast.Call,
func: Callable,
vars_only: bool,
pos_only: bool
) -> MutableMapping[str, Union[ast.AST, str]]:
"""Get the sources for argument from an ast.Call node
>>> def func(a, b, c, d=4):
>>> ...
>>> x = y = z = 1
>>> func(y, x, c=z)
>>> # argument_sources = {'a': 'y', 'b', 'x', 'c': 'z'}
>>> func(y, x, c=1)
>>> # argument_sources = {'a': 'y', 'b', 'x', 'c': ast.Num(n=1)}
# <Signature (a, b, c, d=4)>
signature = inspect.signature(func, follow_wrapped=False)
# func(y, x, c=z)
# ['y', 'x'], {'c': 'z'}
arg_sources = [argnode_source(source, argnode, vars_only)
for argnode in node.args]
kwarg_sources = {
argnode.arg: argnode_source(source,
for argnode in node.keywords
} if not pos_only else {}
bound_args = signature.bind_partial(*arg_sources, **kwarg_sources)
argument_sources = bound_args.arguments
# see if *args and **kwargs have anything assigned
# if not, assign () and {} to them
for parameter in signature.parameters.values():
if parameter.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
argument_sources.setdefault(, ())
if parameter.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
argument_sources.setdefault(, {})
return argument_sources | 1ab344b5ccf9754ade06210e74540db51fe8c671 | 3,659,493 |
def rivers_by_station_number(stations,N):
"""function that uses stations_by_rivers to return a dictionary that it then
itterates each river for, summing the number of stations on the river into tuples"""
stationsOfRivers = stations_by_rivers(stations)
listOfNumberStations = []
for river in stationsOfRivers:
listOfNumberStations.append((river, len(stationsOfRivers[river])))
listofNumberStationsSorted = []
listofNumberStationsSorted = sorted_by_key(listOfNumberStations, 1, True)
boo = True
while boo == True:
if listofNumberStationsSorted[N-1][1] == listofNumberStationsSorted[N][1]:
N += 1
boo =False
return listofNumberStationsSorted[:N] | ca159843f10cbadf5a35529c45656121672972e0 | 3,659,495 |
import itertools
def generate_itoa_dict(
bucket_values=[-0.33, 0, 0.33], valid_movement_direction=[1, 1, 1, 1]):
Set cartesian product to generate action combination
spaces for the fetch environments
valid_movement_direction: To set
action_space_extended = [bucket_values if m == 1 else [0]
for m in valid_movement_direction]
return list(itertools.product(*action_space_extended)) | b8264174857aeb9d64226cce1cd1625f7e65b726 | 3,659,496 |
import dateutil
from datetime import datetime
def try_convert(value, datetime_to_ms=False, precise=False):
"""Convert a str into more useful python type (datetime, float, int, bool), if possible
Some precision may be lost (e.g. Decimal converted to a float)
>>> try_convert('false')
>>> try_convert('123456789.123456')
>>> try_convert('1234')
>>> try_convert(1234)
>>> try_convert(['1234'])
>>> try_convert('12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890', precise=True)
>>> try_convert('12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890.1', precise=True)
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
return value
if value in db.YES_VALUES or value in db.TRUE_VALUES:
return True
elif value in db.NO_VALUES or value in db.FALSE_VALUES:
return False
elif value in db.NULL_VALUES:
return None
if not precise:
return int(value)
return float(value)
dec, i, f = None, None, None
dec = Decimal(value)
return try_convert(value, precise=False)
i = int(value)
f = float(value)
if dec is not None:
if dec == i:
return i
elif dec == f:
return f
return dec
dt = dateutil.parse(value)
if dt and isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime) and (3000 >= dt.year >= 1900):
if datetime_to_ms:
return db.datetime_in_milliseconds(dt)
return dt
return value | 59f8a16310e4ac6604a145dcff1ff390df259da9 | 3,659,497 |
def signin(request, auth_form=AuthenticationForm,
redirect_signin_function=signin_redirect, extra_context=None):
Signin using email or username with password.
Signs a user in by combining email/username with password. If the
combination is correct and the user :func:`is_active` the
:func:`redirect_signin_function` is called with the arguments
``REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME`` and an instance of the :class:`User` who is is
trying the login. The returned value of the function will be the URL that
is redirected to.
A user can also select to be remembered for ``ACCOUNTS_REMEMBER_DAYS``.
:param auth_form:
Form to use for signing the user in. Defaults to the
:class:`AuthenticationForm` supplied by accounts.
:param template_name:
String defining the name of the template to use. Defaults to
:param redirect_field_name:
Form field name which contains the value for a redirect to the
succeeding page. Defaults to ``next`` and is set in
:param redirect_signin_function:
Function which handles the redirect. This functions gets the value of
``REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME`` and the :class:`User` who has logged in. It
must return a string which specifies the URI to redirect to.
:param extra_context:
A dictionary containing extra variables that should be passed to the
rendered template. The ``form`` key is always the ``auth_form``.
Form used for authentication supplied by ``auth_form``.
form = auth_form()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = auth_form(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
identification = form.cleaned_data['identification']
password = form.cleaned_data['password']
remember_me = form.cleaned_data['remember_me']
user = authenticate(identification=identification,
if user.is_active:
login(request, user)
if remember_me:
request.session.set_expiry(accounts_settings.ACCOUNTS_REMEMBER_ME_DAYS[1] * 86400)
if accounts_settings.ACCOUNTS_USE_MESSAGES:
messages.success(request, _('You have been signed in.'),
# Whereto now?
redirect_to = redirect_signin_function(
request.GET.get(redirect_field_name), user)
return redirect(redirect_to)
return redirect(reverse('accounts_disabled',
kwargs={'username': user.username}))
if not extra_context:
extra_context = dict()
'form': form,
'next': request.GET.get(redirect_field_name),
return ExtraContextTemplateView.as_view(template_name=template_name,
extra_context=extra_context)(request) | 6a8536fb3a0c551ae4cdb7f01de622c012d0734c | 3,659,498 |
import random
def run_syncdb(database_info):
"""Make sure that the database tables are created.
database_info -- a dictionary specifying the database info as dictated by Django;
if None then the default database is used
Return the identifier the import process should use.
dataset_identifier = 'default'
if database_info: # create an entry in DATABASES if database_info is present
dataset_identifier = '12345'
while dataset_identifier in settings.DATABASES:
dataset_identifier = str(random.randint(1, 2000000))
settings.DATABASES[dataset_identifier] = database_info
call_command('migrate', database=dataset_identifier)
return dataset_identifier | 19da3e97226363fbee885ff8ee24c7abe0489d3c | 3,659,499 |
def autoclean_cv(training_dataframe, testing_dataframe, drop_nans=False, copy=False,
encoder=None, encoder_kwargs=None, ignore_update_check=False):
"""Performs a series of automated data cleaning transformations on the provided training and testing data sets
Unlike `autoclean()`, this function takes cross-validation into account by learning the data transformations
from only the training set, then applying those transformations to both the training and testing set.
By doing so, this function will prevent information leak from the training set into the testing set.
training_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame
Training data set
testing_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame
Testing data set
drop_nans: bool
Drop all rows that have a NaN in any column (default: False)
copy: bool
Make a copy of the data set (default: False)
encoder: category_encoders transformer
The a valid category_encoders transformer which is passed an inferred cols list. Default (None: LabelEncoder)
encoder_kwargs: category_encoders
The a valid sklearn transformer to encode categorical features. Default (None)
ignore_update_check: bool
Do not check for the latest version of datacleaner
output_training_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame
Cleaned training data set
output_testing_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame
Cleaned testing data set
global update_checked
if ignore_update_check:
update_checked = True
if not update_checked:
update_check('datacleaner', __version__)
update_checked = True
if set(training_dataframe.columns.values) != set(testing_dataframe.columns.values):
raise ValueError('The training and testing DataFrames do not have the same columns. '
'Make sure that you are providing the same columns.')
if copy:
training_dataframe = training_dataframe.copy()
testing_dataframe = testing_dataframe.copy()
if drop_nans:
if encoder_kwargs is None:
encoder_kwargs = {}
for column in training_dataframe.columns.values:
# Replace NaNs with the median or mode of the column depending on the column type
column_median = training_dataframe[column].median()
training_dataframe[column].fillna(column_median, inplace=True)
testing_dataframe[column].fillna(column_median, inplace=True)
except TypeError:
column_mode = training_dataframe[column].mode()[0]
training_dataframe[column].fillna(column_mode, inplace=True)
testing_dataframe[column].fillna(column_mode, inplace=True)
# Encode all strings with numerical equivalents
if str(training_dataframe[column].values.dtype) == 'object':
if encoder is not None:
column_encoder = encoder(**encoder_kwargs).fit(training_dataframe[column].values)
column_encoder = LabelEncoder().fit(training_dataframe[column].values)
training_dataframe[column] = column_encoder.transform(training_dataframe[column].values)
testing_dataframe[column] = column_encoder.transform(testing_dataframe[column].values)
return training_dataframe, testing_dataframe | 37b8221193c05db97dde355e06313a9372cd8193 | 3,659,500 |
import asyncio
def make_coroutine_from_tree(tree, filename="<aexec>", symbol="single",
"""Make a coroutine from a tree structure."""
dct = {}
tree.body[0].args.args = list(map(make_arg, local))
exec(compile(tree, filename, symbol), dct)
return asyncio.coroutine(dct[CORO_NAME])(**local) | cbf4e0b0278abc0e929f4ed8b2a9c421b4e8f3c6 | 3,659,501 |
def update_Sigmai(Yi, Es, Vars):
Return new Sigma_i: shape k
return np.mean((Yi - Es) ** 2, axis=1) + np.mean(Vars, axis=1) | f2cb1fa7f5e6b48f033207ee6bb84b8e865c863c | 3,659,502 |
def gather_indexes(sequence_tensor, positions):
"""Gathers the vectors at the specific positions over a minibatch."""
sequence_shape = get_shape_list(sequence_tensor, expected_rank=3)
batch_size = sequence_shape[0]
seq_length = sequence_shape[1]
width = sequence_shape[2]
flat_offsets = tf.reshape(
tf.range(0, batch_size, dtype=tf.int32) * seq_length, [-1, 1])
flat_offsets = tf.cast(flat_offsets, tf.int64)
flat_positions = tf.reshape(positions + flat_offsets, [-1])
flat_sequence_tensor = tf.reshape(sequence_tensor,
[batch_size * seq_length, width])
output_tensor = tf.gather(flat_sequence_tensor*1, flat_positions)
return output_tensor | 583ed7ce925ace45dd2a6c9a78efd0360bd141e0 | 3,659,503 |
import typing
def check_sub_schema_dict(sub_schema: typing.Any) -> dict:
"""Check that a sub schema in an allOf is a dict."""
if not isinstance(sub_schema, dict):
raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
"The elements of allOf must be dictionaries."
return sub_schema | b64313b28ab63b8342de7b0422cc8c9087a28462 | 3,659,504 |
def get_proto_root(workspace_root):
"""Gets the root protobuf directory.
workspace_root: context.label.workspace_root
The directory relative to which generated include paths should be.
if workspace_root:
return "/{}".format(workspace_root)
return "" | 35cff0b28ee6c1893e5dba93593126c996ba72cc | 3,659,505 |
def bwimcp(J, K, x, tr=.2, alpha=.05):
Multiple comparisons for interactions
in a split-plot design.
The analysis is done by taking difference scores
among all pairs of dependent groups and
determining which of
these differences differ across levels of Factor A
using trimmed means. FWE is controlled via Hochberg's
method. For MOM or M-estimators
(possibly not implemented yet), use spmcpi which
uses a bootstrap method
:param J: int
Number of J levels associated with Factor A
:param K: int
Number of K levels associated with Factor B
:param x: Pandas DataFrame
Each column represents a cell in the factorial design. For example,
a 2x3 design would correspond to a DataFrame with 6 columns
(levels of Factor A x levels of Factor B).
Order your columns according to the following pattern
(traversing each row in a matrix):
- the first column contains data for level 1 of Factor A
and level 1 of Factor B
- the second column contains data for level 1 of Factor A
and level 2 of Factor B
- column `K` contains the data for level 1 of Factor A
and level `K` of Factor B
- column `K` + 1 contains the data for level 2 of Factor A
and level 1 of Factor B
- and so on ...
:param tr: float
Proportion to trim (default is .2)
:param alpha: float
Alpha level (default is .05)
Dictionary of results
con: array
Contrast matrix
output: DataFrame
Difference score, p-value, and critical value for each contrast relating to the interaction
x=remove_nans_based_on_design(x, [J, K], 'between_within')
MJ = (J ** 2 - J) // 2
MK = (K ** 2 - K) // 2
JMK = J * MK
Jm = J - 1
#output = np.zeros([MJMK, 7])
output = np.zeros([MJMK, 4])
_, _, con = con2way(J,K)
m = np.array(np.arange(J*K)).reshape(J,K)
for j in range(J):
for jj in range(J):
if j < jj:
for k in range(K):
for kk in range(K):
if k<kk:
#output[ic, 0]=j
#output[ic, 1]=jj
#output[ic, 2]=k
output[ic, 0]=ic
x1 = x[m[j, k]] - x[m[j, kk]]
x2 = x[m[jj, k]] - x[m[jj, kk]]
#print(f'X1 comparing cells {j, k} to {j, kk}')
#print(f'X2 comparing cells {jj, k} to {jj, kk}')
temp = yuen(x1, x2)
output[ic, 1] = trim_mean(x1, tr) - trim_mean(x2, tr)
#output[ic, 4] = trim_mean(x1, tr) - trim_mean(x2, tr)
test=np.append(test, temp['p_value'])
output[ic, 2] = test[ic]
#output[ic, 5] = test[ic]
ncon = len(test)
dvec = alpha / np.arange(1, ncon+1)
temp2 = (-test).argsort()
zvec = dvec[0:ncon]
#output[temp2, 6] = zvec
output[temp2, 3] = zvec
#output[:, 6] = output[:, 6]
output[:, 3] = output[:, 3]
col_names=["con_num", "psihat", "p_value", "p_crit"]
#col_names=["A_x", "A_y", "B_x", "B_y", "psihat", "p_value", "p_crit"]
results=pd.DataFrame(output, columns=col_names)
results={'con': con, 'output': pd.DataFrame(output, columns=col_names)}
return results | 82d2b77464e5bc37fc101624ed0d88205ab11ff9 | 3,659,506 |
def trigger_decoder(mode: str, trigger_path: str=None) -> tuple:
"""Trigger Decoder.
Given a mode of operation (calibration, copy phrase, etc) and
a path to the trigger location (*.txt file), this function
will split into symbols (A, ..., Z), timing info (32.222), and
targetness (target, nontarget). It will also extract any saved
offset information and pass that back.
:param: mode: mode of bci operation. Note the mode changes how triggers
are saved.
:param: trigger_path: [Optional] path to triggers.txt file
:return: tuple: symbol_info, trial_target_info, timing_info, offset.
# Load triggers.txt
if not trigger_path:
trigger_path = load_txt_data()
# Get every line of trigger.txt
with open(trigger_path, 'r+') as text_file:
# most trigger files has three columns:
trigger_txt = [line.split() for line in text_file]
# extract stimuli from the text
stimuli_triggers = [line for line in trigger_txt
if line[1] == 'target' or
line[1] == 'nontarget']
# from the stimuli array, pull our the symbol information
symbol_info = list(map(lambda x: x[0], stimuli_triggers))
# If operating mode is free spell, it only has 2 columns
# otherwise, it has 3
if mode != 'free_spell':
trial_target_info = list(map(lambda x: x[1], stimuli_triggers))
timing_info = list(map(lambda x: eval(x[2]), stimuli_triggers))
trial_target_info = None
timing_info = list(map(lambda x: eval(x[1]), stimuli_triggers))
# Get any offset or calibration triggers
offset_array = [line[2] for line in trigger_txt
if line[0] == 'offset']
calib_trigger_array = [line[2] for line in trigger_txt
if line[0] == 'calibration_trigger']
# If present, calculate the offset between the DAQ and Triggers from display
if len(offset_array) == 1 and len(calib_trigger_array) == 1:
# Extract the offset and calibration trigger time
offset_time = float(offset_array[0])
calib_trigger_time = float(calib_trigger_array[0])
# Calculate the offset (ASSUMES DAQ STARTED FIRST!)
offset = offset_time - calib_trigger_time
# Otherwise, assume no observed offset
offset = 0
return symbol_info, trial_target_info, timing_info, offset | e4d19203e655173f638dc38c0123f88c7342aed1 | 3,659,507 |
def method_comparison(filename=None, extension="png", usetex=False,
passed_ax=None, **kwargs):
Create a plot comparing how estimated redshift changes as a
function of dispersion measure for each DM-z relation.
filename: string or None, optional
The filename of the saved figure. Default: *None*
extension: string, optional
The format to save the figure. e.g "png", "pdf", "eps", etc...
Default: "png"
usetex: bool, optional
Use LaTeX for for fonts.
passed_ax: or None, optional
A figure displaying how estimated redshift changes as a function of
dispersion measure for each of the different cosmologies.
if passed_ax:
ax = passed_ax
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), constrained_layout=True)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
method_list = methods.available_methods()
dm_vals = np.linspace(0, 3000, 1000)
colours = ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3"]
label = [r"$\rm{Ioka 2003}$", r"$\rm{Inoue 2004}$", r"$\rm{Zhang 2018}$"]
for j, method in enumerate(method_list):
z_vals = np.zeros(len(dm_vals))
if 'cosmology' in kwargs:
cosmology = kwargs['cosmology']
cosmology = 'Planck18'
table_name = "".join(["_".join([method, cosmology]), ".npz"])
lookup_table = table.load(table_name)
for i, dm in enumerate(dm_vals):
z_vals[i] = table.get_z_from_table(dm, lookup_table)
ax.plot(dm_vals, z_vals, colours[j], label=label[j], **kwargs)
if not passed_ax:
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rm{DM\ \left[pc \ cm^{-3}\right]}$")
ax.legend(loc='lower right', frameon=False)
if filename is not None:
plt.savefig(".".join([filename, extension]))
if passed_ax:
return ax
return fig | 8c3714cca3aac5f0f7893dc981b68265bf6cea9f | 3,659,508 |
def logCompression(pilImg):
"""Does log compression processing on a photo
pilImg (PIL Image format image): Image to be processed
npImg = PILtoNumpy(pilImg)
c = 255 / (np.log10(1 + np.amax(npImg)))
for all_pixels in np.nditer(npImg, op_flags=['readwrite']):
all_pixels[...] = c * np.log10(1 + all_pixels)
return NumpytoPIL(npImg) | d6ab559182e7c836823d4c51fb6af395c1cd875f | 3,659,509 |
def quantile_turnover(quantile_factor, quantile, period=1):
Computes the proportion of names in a factor quantile that were
not in that quantile in the previous period.
quantile_factor : pd.Series
DataFrame with date, asset and factor quantile.
quantile : int
Quantile on which to perform turnover analysis.
period: int, optional
Number of days over which to calculate the turnover.
quant_turnover : pd.Series
Period by period turnover for that quantile.
quant_names = quantile_factor[quantile_factor == quantile]
quant_name_sets = quant_names.groupby(level=['date']).apply(
lambda x: set(x.index.get_level_values('asset')))
name_shifted = quant_name_sets.shift(period)
new_names = (quant_name_sets - name_shifted).dropna()
quant_turnover = new_names.apply(
lambda x: len(x)) / quant_name_sets.apply(lambda x: len(x)) = quantile
return quant_turnover | 6c7b2afdd4c4f0a2dbf38064d2d8664a25370ca2 | 3,659,510 |
def dmp_div(f, g, u, K):
Polynomial division with remainder in ``K[X]``.
>>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ, QQ
>>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
>>> R.dmp_div(x**2 + x*y, 2*x + 2)
(0, x**2 + x*y)
>>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", QQ)
>>> R.dmp_div(x**2 + x*y, 2*x + 2)
(1/2*x + 1/2*y - 1/2, -y + 1)
if K.is_Field:
return dmp_ff_div(f, g, u, K)
return dmp_rr_div(f, g, u, K) | 1b8f2b2b9d57899862234233a70e7e76100b86be | 3,659,511 |
def is_designated_holiday(timestamp):
Returns True if the date is one of Piedmont’s "designated holidays":
- New Years Day (January 1st)
- Memorial Day (last Monday of May)
- Independence Day (July 4th)
- Labor Day (First Monday of September)
- Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November)
- Christmas Day (December 25th)
dow = timestamp.weekday()
day =
month = timestamp.month
if month == JANUARY and == 1:
return True
elif month == MAY and dow == MONDAY and day > 25:
return True
elif month == JULY and day == 4:
return True
elif month == SEPTEMBER and dow == MONDAY and day < 8:
return True
elif month == NOVEMBER and dow == THURSDAY and 21 < day < 29:
return True
elif month == DECEMBER and day == 25:
return True
return False | e6137ac2c3258a3e51294ff432971c04f56137ec | 3,659,512 |
def check(val, desc=None, as_warn=False) -> SimpleAssertions:
function based assertion call
:param val: val to check
:param desc: optional, description of val
:param as_warn: if set, convert assertion error to warning message
:return: assertionClass
return SimpleAssertions(as_warn=as_warn).check(val, desc) | 2115a0b16387cea0fef483a26a6c27daaf72387e | 3,659,513 |
def ChangeExtension(filename, newExtension):
"""ChangeExtension(filename, newExtension) -> str
Replaces the extension of the filename with the given one.
If the given filename has no extension, the new extension is
simply appended.
string corresponding to the filename whose extension to change.
string corresponding to the new extension to append. Do not
prepend with a period ('.').
string corresponding to the new filename.
# Isolate the filename
slashIndex = filename.rfind('/')
backslashIndex = filename.rfind('\\')
if (backslashIndex > slashIndex):
slashIndex = backslashIndex;
# Look for an existing extension
periodIndex = filename.rfind('.')
if (periodIndex > slashIndex):
return filename[0 : periodIndex] + "." + newExtension
return filename + "." + newExtension
except IndexError, e:
return "" | 0909060e01226520280aeabde906ab9a8f0dfc5d | 3,659,514 |
def file_based_input_fn_builder(input_file,
"""Creates an `input_fn` closure to be passed to TPUEstimator."""
name_to_features = {
"input_ids": tf.FixedLenFeature([seq_length], tf.int64),
"input_masks": tf.FixedLenFeature([seq_length], tf.int64),
"segment_ids": tf.FixedLenFeature([seq_length], tf.int64),
"sent_label_ids": tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
def _decode_record(record,
"""Decodes a record to a TensorFlow example."""
example = tf.parse_single_example(record, name_to_features)
# tf.Example only supports tf.int64, but the TPU only supports tf.int32. So cast all int64 to int32.
for name in list(example.keys()):
t = example[name]
if t.dtype == tf.int64:
t = tf.to_int32(t)
example[name] = t
return example
def input_fn(params):
"""The actual input function."""
batch_size = params["batch_size"]
# For training, we want a lot of parallel reading and shuffling.
# For eval, we want no shuffling and parallel reading doesn't matter.
d =
if is_training:
d = d.repeat()
d = d.shuffle(buffer_size=100, seed=np.random.randint(10000))
d = d.apply(
lambda record: _decode_record(record, name_to_features),
return d
return input_fn | 733ddf8b7add0cf9c610537cab0c31172260f0de | 3,659,515 |
def synchrotron_thin_spectrum(freqs, ne, te, bfield):
"""Optically thin (unobsorbed) synchrotron spectrum.
Units of erg/cm^3/s/Hz
NY95b Eq 3.9
const = 4.43e-30 # erg/cm^3/s/Hz
theta_e = K_BLTZ * te / (MELC * SPLC * SPLC)
v0 = QELC * bfield / (2*np.pi*MELC*SPLC)
xm = 2*freqs/(3*v0*np.square(theta_e))
iprime = _synch_fit_func_iprime(xm)
esyn = const * 4*np.pi*ne*freqs*iprime/, 1/theta_e)
return esyn | 1334cf0382eecd298472b4717b220a7ac3e96d0e | 3,659,516 |
import base64
def create_message(service, to, subject, message_text):
"""Create a message for an email.
sender: Email address of the sender.
to: Email address of the receiver.
subject: The subject of the email message.
message_text: The text of the email message.
An object containing a base64url encoded email object.
message = MIMEText(message_text)
users = service.users()
myProfile = users.getProfile(userId='me').execute()
message['to'] = to
message['from'] = myProfile['emailAddress']
message['subject'] = subject
return {'raw': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(message.as_bytes()).decode()} | 6c6df7b1825c13cb8016840527b4dd81ac26d266 | 3,659,518 |
def numpy_ndarray(nb_arr):
"""Return a copy of numba DeviceNDArray data as a numpy.ndarray.
return nb_arr.copy_to_host() | d6ee1c62428783344fe6232ef229a6dabc8f2a2f | 3,659,519 |
def convert_to_dict(my_keys, my_values):
"""Merge a given list of keys and a list of values into a dictionary.
my_keys (list): A list of keys
my_values (list): A list corresponding values
Dict: Dictionary of the list of keys mapped to the list of values
return dict(zip(my_keys, my_values)) | e00690d27770539e6b9d2166835f6bd1b9c11c5a | 3,659,520 |
def add_vit(request):
Add a new vit with API, currently image and video are not supported
user = KeyBackend().authenticate(request)
if request.method == "POST":
if request.user.is_authenticated:
form = VitForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
vit =
vit.user = request.user
return JsonResponse({'status': 'success', 'vit': vit.to_json()}, status=201)
return JsonResponse({'error': 'No vit body provided'}, status=400)
return JsonResponse({'error': 'You must be logged in'}, status=401)
return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid request'}, status=400) | 726776e036678cb79051d6ac800d5d883b947320 | 3,659,521 |
def long_control_state_trans(active, long_control_state, v_ego, v_target, v_pid,
output_gb, brake_pressed, cruise_standstill, min_speed_can):
"""Update longitudinal control state machine"""
stopping_target_speed = min_speed_can + STOPPING_TARGET_SPEED_OFFSET
stopping_condition = (v_ego < 2.0 and cruise_standstill) or \
((v_pid < stopping_target_speed and v_target < stopping_target_speed) or
starting_condition = v_target > STARTING_TARGET_SPEED and not cruise_standstill
if not active:
long_control_state =
if long_control_state ==
if active:
long_control_state =
elif long_control_state ==
if stopping_condition:
long_control_state = LongCtrlState.stopping
elif long_control_state == LongCtrlState.stopping:
if starting_condition:
long_control_state = LongCtrlState.starting
elif long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting:
if stopping_condition:
long_control_state = LongCtrlState.stopping
elif output_gb >= -BRAKE_THRESHOLD_TO_PID:
long_control_state =
return long_control_state | f13a5db692ce92fe36204eade10ebb2d54b9caed | 3,659,522 |
def load_group_to_namedtuple(group: h5py.Group):
"""Returns namedtuple with name of group and key: values of group attrs
e.g. srs1 group which has gpib: 1... will be returned as an srs1 namedtuple with .gpib etc
# Check it was stored as a namedTuple
if group.attrs.get('description', None) != 'NamedTuple':
raise ValueError(
f'Trying to load_group_to_named_tuple which has description: {group.attrs.get("description", None)}')
# Get the name of the NamedTuple either through the stored name or the group name
name = group.attrs.get('NT_name', None)
if name is None:
logger.warning('Did not find "name" attribute for NamedTuple, using folder name instead')
name ='/')[-1]
# d = {key: val for key, val in group.attrs.items()}
d = {key: get_attr(group, key) for key in group.attrs.keys()}
# Remove HDF only descriptors
for k in ['description', 'NT_name']:
if k in d.keys():
del d[k]
# Make the NamedTuple
ntuple = namedtuple(name, d.keys())
filled_tuple = ntuple(**d) # Put values into tuple
return filled_tuple | e33c0e1b367ddd2ebb745397d473c00452ba853f | 3,659,523 |
import json
def export_json(blocks=None, subsections=False):
Returns JSON representation of parsed config structure
:param blocks: List of blocks to export
:param subsections: Export all subblocks
:return: JSON-dumped string
if blocks is not None:
blocks = [_canonicalize_blockid(b) for b in blocks]
if subsections:
blocks = get_subblocks(blocks)
return json.dumps(_config_dict(blocks)) | 90ae2ee10d6d23f091d079bd87478fa10d3a4083 | 3,659,524 |
def get_dummy_message(text):
"""Get a dummy message with a custom text"""
return botogram.objects.messages.Message({
"message_id": 1,
"from": {"id": 123, "first_name": "Nobody"},
"chat": {"id": -123, "type": "chat", "title": "Something"},
"date": 1,
"text": text,
}) | 0f39712381157b46aed345ef6b46c6b3cfe32d95 | 3,659,525 |
import time
def list_ga4_entities(admin_api):
"""Get a dictionary of GA4 entity settings based on type.
admin_api: The Admin API object.
A dictionary of GA4 entity setting lists.
entities = {
'ga4_account_summaries': [],
'ga4_accounts': [],
'ga4_properties': [],
'ga4_data_streams': [],
'ga4_measurement_protocol_secrets': [],
'ga4_conversion_events': [],
'ga4_custom_dimensions': [],
'ga4_custom_metrics': [],
'ga4_dv360_link_proposals': [],
'ga4_dv360_links': [],
'ga4_firebase_links': [],
'ga4_google_ads_links': []
for account_summary in admin_api.list_account_summaries():
a_dict = {
'display_name': account_summary.display_name,
'account': account_summary.account,
'property_summaries': []
for property_summary in account_summary.property_summaries:
p_dict = {
'display_name': property_summary.display_name
for account in admin_api.list_accounts():
account_dict = {
'display_name': account.display_name,
'create_time': account.create_time,
'update_time': account.update_time,
'region_code': account.region_code,
'deleted': account.deleted
for account_summary in entities['ga4_account_summaries']:
prop_request = ListPropertiesRequest(
for prop in admin_api.list_properties(prop_request):
data_retention_settings = admin_api.get_data_retention_settings(
name=( + '/dataRetentionSettings'))
google_signals_settings = admin_api.get_google_signals_settings(
name=( + '/googleSignalsSettings'))
ic_enum = prop.industry_category
sl_enum = prop.service_level
gss_state_enum = google_signals_settings.state
gss_consent_enum = google_signals_settings.consent
edr_enum = data_retention_settings.event_data_retention
prop_dict = {
'create_time': prop.create_time,
'update_time': prop.update_time,
'parent': prop.parent,
'display_name': prop.display_name,
'industry_category': IndustryCategory(ic_enum).name,
'time_zone': prop.time_zone,
'currency_code': prop.currency_code,
'service_level': ServiceLevel(sl_enum).name,
'delete_time': prop.delete_time,
'expire_time': prop.expire_time,
'account': account_summary['account'],
'data_sharing_settings': {
'event_data_retention': (DataRetentionSettings
'google_signals_settings': {
'state': GoogleSignalsState(gss_state_enum).name,
'consent': GoogleSignalsConsent(gss_consent_enum).name
for property_summary in account_summary['property_summaries']:
for data_stream in admin_api.list_data_streams(
data_stream_dict = {
'type': DataStream.DataStreamType(data_stream.type_).name,
'display_name': data_stream.display_name,
'create_time': data_stream.create_time,
'update_time': data_stream.update_time,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
if data_stream.web_stream_data != None:
data_stream_dict['web_stream_data'] = {
'measurment_id': data_stream.web_stream_data.measurement_id,
'firebase_app_id': data_stream.web_stream_data.firebase_app_id,
'default_uri': data_stream.web_stream_data.default_uri
for mps in admin_api.list_measurement_protocol_secrets(
mps_dict = {
'display_name': mps.display_name,
'secret_value': mps.secret_value,
'type': DataStream.DataStreamType(data_stream.type_).name,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
if data_stream.android_app_stream_data != None:
data_stream_dict['android_app_stream_data'] = {
'firebase_app_id': (data_stream
'package_name': data_stream.android_app_stream_data.package_name
for mps in admin_api.list_measurement_protocol_secrets(
mps_dict = {
'display_name': mps.display_name,
'secret_value': mps.secret_value,
'type': DataStream.DataStreamType(data_stream.type_).name,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
if data_stream.ios_app_stream_data != None:
data_stream_dict['ios_app_stream_data'] = {
'firebase_app_id': data_stream.ios_app_stream_data.firebase_app_id,
'bundle_id': data_stream.ios_app_stream_data.bundle_id
for mps in admin_api.list_measurement_protocol_secrets(
mps_dict = {
'display_name': mps.display_name,
'secret_value': mps.secret_value,
'type': DataStream.DataStreamType(data_stream.type_).name,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
for event in admin_api.list_conversion_events(
event_dict = {
'event_name': event.event_name,
'create_time': event.create_time,
'deletable': event.deletable,
'custom': event.custom,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
for cd in admin_api.list_custom_dimensions(
cd_dict = {
'parameter_name': cd.parameter_name,
'display_name': cd.display_name,
'description': cd.description,
'scope': cd.scope,
'disallow_ads_personalization': cd.disallow_ads_personalization,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
for cm in admin_api.list_custom_metrics(
cm_dict = {
'parameter_name': cm.parameter_name,
'display_name': cm.display_name,
'description': cm.description,
'scope': cm.scope,
'measurement_unit': cm.measurement_unit,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
for link in admin_api.list_google_ads_links(
link_dict = {
'customer_id': link.customer_id,
'can_manage_clients': link.can_manage_clients,
'ads_personalization_enabled': link.ads_personalization_enabled,
'create_time': link.create_time,
'update_time': link.update_time,
'creator_email_address': link.creator_email_address,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
for link in admin_api.list_firebase_links(
link_dict = {
'project': link.project,
'create_time': link.create_time,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
for link in admin_api.list_display_video360_advertiser_links(
link_dict = {
'advertiser_id': link.advertiser_id,
'advertiser_display_name': link.advertiser_display_name,
'ads_personalization_enabled': link.ads_personalization_enabled,
'campaign_data_sharing_enabled': link.campaign_data_sharing_enabled,
'cost_data_sharing_enabled': link.cost_data_sharing_enabled,
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
for proposal in (
lpip_enum = (proposal.link_proposal_status_details
lps_enum = (proposal.link_proposal_status_details
proposals_dict = {
'link_proposal_status_details': {
'link_proposal_state': LinkProposalState(lps_enum).name
'property': property_summary['property'],
'property_display_name': property_summary['display_name']
return entities | 83b11c1a001a593da07f6aeb4333bad623bb7ee4 | 3,659,526 |
def print_sig(expr):
- `expr`:
return "{0!s} × {1!s}".format(expr.dom, expr.body) | be8d6fb1ad2256e2a825e383859f72db93318864 | 3,659,528 |
def is_grounded_concept(c: Concept) -> bool:
""" Check if a concept is grounded """
return (
"UN" in c.db_refs
and c.db_refs["UN"][0][0].split("/")[1] != "properties"
) | 2447b289cec20efc2aa359f37a795fd231004030 | 3,659,529 |
def _get_form(app, parent_form, factory_method, force_disable_csrf=False):
"""Create and fill a form."""
class AForm(parent_form):
with app.test_request_context():
extra = _update_with_csrf_disabled() if force_disable_csrf else {}
RF = factory_method(AForm)
rf = RF(**extra) = "my username" = "My full name"
return rf | b109d983dcf123812ede664719ab56f5462e84d4 | 3,659,530 |
def get_root_disk_size():
""" Get size of the root disk """
context = pyudev.Context()
rootfs_node = get_rootfs_node()
size_gib = 0
for device in context.list_devices(DEVTYPE='disk'):
# /dev/nvmeXn1 259 are for NVME devices
major = device['MAJOR']
if (major == '8' or major == '3' or major == '253' or
major == '259'):
devname = device['DEVNAME']
if devname == rootfs_node:
size_gib = parse_fdisk(devname)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Could not retrieve disk size - %s " % e)
# Do not break config script, just return size 0
return size_gib | 4c01e189dfb4460d118fbd9b94c6a07e420c3bb1 | 3,659,531 |
import numpy
def convert_to_premultiplied_png(file):
""""converting to premultiplied alpha")
im ='RGBA')
a = numpy.fromstring(im.tobytes(), dtype=numpy.uint8)
a = a.astype(numpy.float64)
alpha_layer = a[3::4] / 255.0
a[::4] *= alpha_layer
a[1::4] *= alpha_layer
a[2::4] *= alpha_layer
im = Img.frombytes("RGBA", im.size, a.astype(numpy.uint8).tostring())
f = BytesIO(), 'png')
return f | 2a2ebf9e3d1152e2d143ba799aab0ff0927653a8 | 3,659,532 |
def DSQuery(dstype, objectname, attribute=None):
"""DirectoryServices query.
dstype: The type of objects to query. user, group.
objectname: the object to query.
attribute: the optional attribute to query.
If an attribute is specified, the value of the attribute. Otherwise, the
entire plist.
DSException: Cannot query DirectoryServices.
ds_path = '/%ss/%s' % (dstype.capitalize(), objectname)
cmd = [_DSCL, '-plist', '.', '-read', ds_path]
if attribute:
(stdout, stderr, returncode) = RunProcess(cmd)
if returncode:
raise DSException('Cannot query %s for %s: %s' % (ds_path,
plist = NSString.stringWithString_(stdout).propertyList()
if attribute:
value = None
if 'dsAttrTypeStandard:%s' % attribute in plist:
value = plist['dsAttrTypeStandard:%s' % attribute]
elif attribute in plist:
value = plist[attribute]
# We're copying to a new list to convert from NSCFArray
return value[:]
except TypeError:
# ... unless we can't
return value
return plist | 2dea68b5897a46c90d2f8cf24e42519c272e70f1 | 3,659,533 |
def calculate_offset(lon, first_element_value):
Calculate the number of elements to roll the dataset by in order to have
longitude from within requested bounds.
:param lon: longitude coordinate of xarray dataset.
:param first_element_value: the value of the first element of the longitude array to roll to.
# get resolution of data
res = lon.values[1] - lon.values[0]
# calculate how many degrees to move by to have lon[0] of rolled subset as lower bound of request
diff = lon.values[0] - first_element_value
# work out how many elements to roll by to roll data by 1 degree
index = 1 / res
# calculate the corresponding offset needed to change data by diff
offset = int(round(diff * index))
return offset | a55eee1dd11b1b052d67ab1abadfc8087c1a2fe0 | 3,659,534 |
def min_mean_col(m: ma.MaskedArray) -> int:
"""Calculate the index of the column with the smallest mean.
if ma.count_masked(m) == m.size:
return -1
col_mean = np.nanmean(m, axis=0)
return np.argmin(col_mean) | 499b7d5db38edc222aac6517d87d9df30285cb37 | 3,659,535 |
def test_data_alignment(role_value, should_pass, check_model):
"""Test a custom model which returns a good and alignments from data().
qtmodeltest should capture this problem and fail when that happens.
class MyModel(qt_api.QAbstractListModel):
def rowCount(self, parent=qt_api.QtCore.QModelIndex()):
return 1 if parent == qt_api.QtCore.QModelIndex() else 0
def data(
self, index=qt_api.QtCore.QModelIndex(), role=qt_api.QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole
if role == qt_api.QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
return role_value
elif role == qt_api.QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole:
if index == self.index(0, 0):
return "Hello"
return None
check_model(MyModel(), should_pass=should_pass) | 4ebed3384cf5c694d72235e703b6f9594de5ff7b | 3,659,539 |
def cov(a, b):
"""Return the sample covariance of vectors a and b"""
a = flex.double(a)
b = flex.double(b)
n = len(a)
assert n == len(b)
resid_a = a - flex.mean(a)
resid_b = b - flex.mean(b)
return flex.sum(resid_a*resid_b) / (n - 1) | 94505852671e4652f96daa7b8e61f759aeca1dda | 3,659,540 |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
def beautify(soup: BeautifulSoup, rich_terminal: bool = True) -> str:
Cleans up the raw HTML so it's more presentable.
Parse BeautifulSoup HTML and return prettified string
beautifiedText = str()
for i in soup:
if rich_terminal:
term = Terminal()
span_sub = r"{t.italic}\1{t.normal}".format(t=term)
strong_sub = r"{t.bold}\1{t.normal}".format(t=term)
span_sub = r"\1"
strong_sub = r"\1"
i = re.sub(r'<span class="\w+">(.+)</span>', span_sub, str(i),)
i = re.sub(r"<strong>(.+)</strong>", strong_sub, str(i))
beautifiedText += " " + i
# Remove leading whitespace.
beautifiedText = re.sub(r"^\s+", "", beautifiedText)
# Compress all whitespace to a single space.
beautifiedText = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", beautifiedText)
# Trim whitespace immediately preceding common punctuation.
beautifiedText = re.sub(r"\s+([,\)\].;:])", r"\g<1>", beautifiedText)
# Trim whitespace immediately following common punctuation.
beautifiedText = re.sub(r"([\(])\s+", r"\g<1>", beautifiedText)
return beautifiedText | df79666ad0ec9592e1a24325813b59e2d9711636 | 3,659,541 |
def design_complexity(design: Design) -> int:
"""Returns an approximation of the design's complexity to create."""
diversity = 3 * len(design.required)
abundance = 2 * sum(design.required.values())
return diversity + abundance + design.additional | b5be6336ce037d010bbb274dc6ce5538ac6ecae8 | 3,659,542 |
Subsets and Splits