stringlengths 93
| subject_line
stringlengths 1
Wednesday, November 14, 06:54:24 AM PT Hey supersonic_baby_jesus, The following trade has been proposed to you in Grid Iron Twinkies (32104): BostonSquash: Ulbrich, Jeff For ESL Murder Dawgggs: Boston, David The following message has been sent along with the trade proposal: Here is the trade, I would also take Thrash.
And I also have David Terrel who has 50 tackles.
You should go to your team page to view this trade and take action on it.
| Fantasy Football |
November 14, 2001 On November 11, a fire destroyed the Gerber Compressor Station building on the Redwood Path, and that unit was taken out of service.
Pipeline capacity on Redwood Path is reduced to 1,776 MMcf pending station repairs.
California Gas Transmission estimates this capacity reduction will last approximately six months.
| PG&E System FYI |
When: Monday, May 21, 2001 12:00 PM-2:00 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Below you will find a schedule for performance testing that is scheduled for Monday May 21, 2001 from 12:00 - 2:00.
IT floor support will show up about 20 minutes prior to your groups start time.
Please read and if you have any questions contact me.
| Unify Gas Performance Test |
Seems to be a consensus among those of you I heard from that Jaliscience is the place to be tonight.
If there are people who think this idea sucks, I am more than willing to alter plans.
But, as of now, we'll meet up at Jaliscience about 9:00.
I'll call Clay when I get into town, so he can be the go to guy for questions, etc.
You're welcome Clay.
See you tonight.
| Jolly Science anyone? |
Hi Jason, When you have a chance, would you please email me a list of issues that you have with the Flexible Deal View.
I will get the lists to Bill Fortney and ask him if there's anything he or we can do to fix it.
| Flexible Deal Viewer |
Dearest Trav, Saturday night was really special.
I've never had a five-way before, and it was surprisingly comfortable.
Thanks for setting up that TV for me to watch next to where the real action was going on.
Most guys wouldn't have done that for me.
You're a wonderful guy, and I'll be sure to invite you to all my upcoming multipartner fests.
Still sore, Matt PS.
Please pass on my thanks and accolades to you're gorgeous bikini-clad girlie and that hot dog.
| Trav's Gulliver |
We will hold off transferring any physical positions desk to desk until the end of bidweek.
After NX1, we will transfer positions at a daily EOL Index mid price.
Please monitor my book and others to make certain DEC deals are not being transferred prior to NX1 at an IF monthly or GD daily mid price.
| DEC physical |
November 21, 2001 Due to the unplanned outage of the Gerber Compressor Station, California Gas Transmission's maximum system inventory limit is capped at 4,500 MMcf.
Because the outage was a force majeure event, this upper limit will be in place immediately.
The outage is expected to last approximately six months.
Today's maximum system inventory limit is already 4,500 MMcf because total system demand is low.
If total system demand increases above 2,800 MMcf, the maximum system inventory limit would normally be raised to 4,600 MMcf.
Instead, it will remain at 4,500 until Gerber can be brought back online.
| Gerber Update |
Dear Friend, We at Hot Deals value you as one of our opt-in subscribers.
We hope you enjoy and benefit from our efforts to send you the best offers available on the internet.
Recently we have received a number of request from both customers and advertisers?asking that we make adult oriented materials available through our newsletters and offers.
After reviewing your request, we have decided to develop very strict guidelines which will make adult material available to you.
This decision was not taken lightly, as our membership represents a broad diversity of people throughout the world.
We WILL NOT make this material available to anyone who does not specifically request it.
To make sure of this we have implemented a three step process: 1.
If you are interested in receiving Adult offers, click the link below.
If not, disregard this email as you will not receive any content containing adult materials from SaveRealBig.
After clicking the link below you will be asked to enter your email address in the form provided, after doing so click "Submit".
You will receive an email from us confirming that you wish to receive adult content from us.
Reply to this email and you will become part of our "Adult Membership Club".
We appreciate your membership and wish to thank you for your efforts in helping us to better know and serve your personal interest!Click Here Thank You.
| Don't pass this up XXX. |
Please mark your calendars for the first annual ENW All-Employee Meeting at Jillian's on Thursday, July 19th.
Jillian's is located on I-10 West, just outside the 610 Loop.
This gathering is intended for all ENW Houston-based, full-time and part-time employees.
The festivities will begin at 3:00 p.m. and we are considering providing shuttle transportation from and to the Enron Building for those of you needing transportation.
We look forward to seeing you there and sharing great food, drink, and fabulous entertainment!
We will provide additional details when they are finalized.
Philippe and Greg
| All Employee Meeting at Jillian's - SAVE THE DATE! |
Dear Jason, Thank you for ordering from Banana Republic Online.
Your order number is 5639809 which you should hold on to in case you have any questions regarding your order.
Here is a summary of your order: ORDER #: 5639809 RECEIVED AT: 2001-05-26 11:50:00 As soon as we've shipped your order (pending credit authorization), we will send you another e-mail confirming shipment.
Any tracking information will be included at that time.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1.888.906.2800 anytime or e-mail us at [email protected].
| Order Confirmation from Banana Republic Online |
Do you owe money?
Is it getting troublesome keeping track of all those bills and whom you owe how much and when?
Would it not be easier if you could just make 1 monthly payment instead of several?
We can help!
If your debts are $4,000 US or more and you are a United States citizen, you can consolidate your debt into just one easy payment!
You do not have to own a home, nor do you need to take out a loan.
Credit checks are not required!
To receive more information regarding our services, please fill out the form below and return it to us, or provide the necessary information in your response.
There are absolutely no obligations.
All the fields below are required for your application to be processed.
********** Full Name : Address : City : State : Zip Code : Home Phone : Work Phone : Best Time to Call :
| Do you owe money? [7v7ue] |
Chris Walker will be walking down that isle soon.
We will be hosting a wedding shower for the happy couple on June 19th, 2001 @ 3:30pm in EB2601.
The To-Be-Weds are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and Pottery Barn.
I will be gathering a collection to get them a gift card and would like any donations to be made to me on June 15th.
Your contributions are very much appreciated.
Please send regrets only for the shower via email or contact me at the number listed below.
| A Wedding Shower for Chris Walker |
Dear JASON WOLFE, Thanks for shopping
Your order 3119499 has been shipped and you will receive your package in the next 5 business days if you selected standard delivery.
You will receive your package in 1 business day if you selected overnight delivery.
If we may be of further assistance, please reply via e-mail at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-GAP-STYLE.
We hope you enjoy your order!
Thanks again for shopping with us.
| Shipment Notification for order # 3119499 |
The Enron Oral History Project Continues... "Using History to Help Enron Become the World's Leading Company" How can an understanding of strategic choices, regulatory change and corporate culture help Enron achieve its vision?
Speaker: Joseph Pratt, Cullen Professor of History and Business, University of Houston and Co-Director, Enron Oral History Project Thursday, June 7 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EB 5C2 To Make a Reservation, Call 3-1941 and Select Option 1 Lunch will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
Please inform us ahead of time if you need special accommodations to participate in this meeting.
Call 3-9390.
| The Enron Oral History Project Continues |
Below you will find a schedule for performance testing that is scheduled for Tuesday June 5, 2001 from 12:00 - 2:00.
IT floor support will show up about 20 minutes prior to your groups start time.
Please read and if you have any questions contact me.
| Unify Gas Performance Testing |
Enron Recruitment Technology is launching a new, easy to use, web-based Employee Referral Program.
This new site will help you to help Enron find the talent it needs.
Referrals are one of the best sources of talent for Enron in terms of quality and fit with Enron's culture.
We have found that referrals stay with the company longer and adapt faster than those hired through other sources.
This site will help us run a world-class employee referral program with less work and better results.
There are also incentives for you.
If you refer a candidate who is hired, you could be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $5,000.
So help someone accelerate their career, make yourself some money, and help us realize our mission of being the World's No.
1 Company.
Check out the site - let us know what you think -- we want to hear from you.
This application should make referring easier for you so if you have suggestions that would enhance the program, send us an e-mail ([email protected]) or contact the Referral Station at (713) 345-3254, option 2.
| Employee Referral Program |
I am from the Associate/Analyst department and I am sending out this test email.
If you are no longer an associate or analyst, or would not like to receive future information please let me know, so that I can remove you from the distribution list.
If there is someone you know that did not receive this email please have them to email me.
thank you,
| Test email |
Enron Enron is one of the world's leading electricity, natural gas and communications companies.
The company, which owns approximately $37 billion in energy and communications assets, produces electricity and natural gas, delivers physical commodities and financial and risk management services to customers around the world, and has developed an intelligent network platform to facilitate online business - EnronOnline.
Enron's Internet address is .
The stock is traded under the ticker symbol "ENE".
Is this correct?
I thought Enron didn't produce electricity...or natural gas....just transported it.... Beth
| Help me out -- this is copy that they want to use!!! |
Here's a picture for you.
August 16th is my retirement ceremony.
Hope they let you and Beth off.
Would be great if you could be here.
| Hi Jason |
Reminder The Enron Oral History Project Continues... "Using History to Help Enron Become the World's Leading Company" How can an understanding of strategic choices, regulatory change and corporate culture help Enron achieve its vision?
Speaker: Joseph Pratt, Cullen Professor of History and Business, University of Houston and Co-Director, Enron Oral History Project Thursday, June 7 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EB 5C2 To Make a Reservation, Call 3-1941 and Select Option 1 Lunch will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
Please inform us ahead of time if you need special accommodations to participate in this meeting.
Call 3-9390.
| Reminder |
Hi Jason!
I'm sorry I'll be gone to Savanna when you planned to make your trip.
I hope you'll be able to come with Beth another time this summer and also come to Dad's retirement Beth is invited also.
Hopefully, you can fly here in August.
I'd been planning to call Janice Denny, then we ran into each other at Wal-Mart yesterday and talked for at least 20 minutes.
She asked about you and she didn't know Jill and Matt had a baby.
(So of course, I whipped out my purse sized photo album.)
Tonight she called and gave me Matt's e-mail address and I gave her yours.
Matt and Mistie were here for Jamie's grad.
but they had no time to visit anyone.
Here's Matt's address: [email protected] Love, Mom P.S.
I transferred the 1500. today.
| Matt' s address |
The NomLogic Beta Program is about to begin!
Before you use NomLogic during trading hours, we would like for you to log-in and use the product in conjuction with your counterpart at Sempra Trading/Enron North America.
In the instance that your counterpart is out of the office, please log-in on your own.
When: Today, Wednesday, June 6, after 2 pm CST, at your convenience, YOUR DESK Who: Contact your Sempra Trading/Enron North America counterpart Plan on a good time (after 2pm CST) to use the module What: Use NomLogic in the beta environment, Use your user id and password to access your pipeline and deal data Edit deals in NomLogic for the Friday, June 8 GAS FLOW day Use "real data" if known, use "fake data" (contracts, package id's, etc.)
if unknown
| NomLogic "Trial Run"-Sempra/Enron NA |
Hi Marilyn, I am helping a friend plan an "away" wedding.
I was wondering if you knew of or would suggest any resorts that have full wedding services that we can start looking at.
They want simple wedding and are going to invite their close family and friends, but are not sure who will be able to come yet.
I am thinking it will probably be about 10 people.
They definitely want something tropical and probably all-inclusive would be best.
I had a friend who got married in Playa de Carmen, but I'm not sure which resort.
I was thinking somewhere in Mexico would be good but definitely not Cancun.
They are on a tight budget because they will be paying for it themselves.
So here are the details about what we are looking for: Tropical All-Inclusive Resort Round trip airfare Travel date between November 2001 and January 2002 (what time is cheaper?)
Wedding Services including someone to perform the ceremony, flowers for the bride, photography, location for ceremony (possibly on the beach), location for reception for about 10 people (can be restaurant at the resort)
| Help with wedding plans! |
The party is still on.
Due to the weather, the Pool party will be moved inside to the Imperial Ballroom East, 3rd level of the Hyatt Regency.
see you there!
| Meet the Pool, Venue change |
To: [email protected] Thank you for registering on the Energy Central website, recognized as the leading energy portal on the Internet today!
We are pleased you chose us as your online provider of energy information, products and services from around the globe.
As you may have noticed, there's no lack of information on our site-news, jobs, directories, conferences, -and we encourage you to take advantage of your free trials to each of our products.
We would also like to introduce you to sections of the site possibly not yet explored.
| Welcome to Energy Central |
Current Notes User: To ensure that you experience a successful migration from Notes to Outlook, it is necessary to gather individual user information prior to your date of migration.
Please take a few minutes to completely fill out the following survey.
When you finish, simply click on the 'Reply' button then hit 'Send' Your survey will automatically be sent to the Outlook 2000 Migration Mailbox.
Thank you.
Some of you have already migrated to Windows 2000 and some are still waiting to be.
Our group is schedule to get migrated to Outlook (e-mail) on May 8.
In order for this to happen you must already have Windows 2000.
If you are still waiting to be migrated to Windows 2000, please let me know.
Also if you have already been migrated to Outlook or if you will be travelling during May 8 I need to know.
Attached is some information on Outlook that you should read prior to migrating.
It is also suggested that one week prior to migrating to Outlook that you take the one hour training session.
At the bottom of the attached document is a contact number to schedule your training.
Any questions please call me 646-6508.
| Outlook Migration |
Hello, I am a Tax Analyst currently working on Co. 102's (The Protane Corporation) and Co. 214's (Citadel Corporation Limited) federal tax returns.
I need the following four issues resolved to complete their tax returns.
If you are not the correct accountant(s), could you please tell me who is?
I would appreciate this information by Friday, April 27.
It appears that on November 3, 2000 Co. 214 sold its 100% interest in Co. 218 (Citadel Venezolana, S.A.) to Co. 102 for 8,000,000 Venezuelan Bolivars.
(If you need documentation for your research, I have the interoffice memo concerning this transaction.)
There are four issues I have with this transaction: 1) As of 12/31/00, Co. 214 still has an Investment in Subsidiary balance of $1,760,000 and Equity Earnings of $494,508.83 relating to Co. 218.
Should not these balances be $0?
Also would there have been an intercompany gain/loss associated with this stock sale?
2) As of 12/31/00, Co. 102 shows no Investment in Subsidiary nor Equity Earnings balance relating to Co. 218.
Should not there be a balance for Co. 218 which equals the USD equivalent of $8,000,000 Venezuelan Bolivars?
Also, should not the Equity Earnings ($494,508.83) from Co. 218 posted on Co. 214 be posted on Co. 102?
3) As of 12/31/00, Co. 218 shows capital stock of $1,760,000 owned by Co. 214.
Should not this capital stock be shown to be owned by Co. 102?
4) As of 12/31/00, Co. 214 is showing a $6,000,000 entry in "Other Deductions" (The credit side of the journal entry hits "Deferred Credits.").
I need more detail concerning this amount.
Could this be the consideration received from Co. 102 relating to the stock sale mentioned above?
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your time,
| Need information concerning Co. 102, 214, and 218. |
from last noon : 187 n. miles (14,3 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: Arrived Lake Charles D) Eta next port : E) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: SE 2, Sea: SE 1 2:Average speed : 13,08 knots / average RPM 88,86 3:B.O.G.
consumed : 215,852 4:F.O.
consumed : 23 mt.
consumed : nil 6:Average vapor press.
1:0.091 bar.
Average liq.
temp: -158,7
APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC) A) Position at noon : N 24 00 W 081 57 B) Dist.
from last noon : 440 n. miles (24 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: 8769 n.miles (Qalhat) D) Eta next port : June 12th.
0001 local time E) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: E 6, Sea: E 5 2:Average speed : 18,33 knots / average RPM 91,55 3:B.O.G.
consumed : nil 4:F.O.
consumed : 128 mt.
consumed : nil 6:Average vapor press.
1: bar.
Average liq.
temp: Tk.
2: : Tk.
3: : Tk.
4: : Tk.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+874 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+584 430853910 (
Dear Sir's Vessel Hoegh Galleon, pre-arrival message AA) Hoegh Galleon/C6QB8 BB) Dep.
Lake Charles 18th.
2100hrs lt. CC) ETA Qalhat 12th.
0001lt DD) Quantity for cooldown 1100M3, loading 87900M3 EE) Cooldown 19 hrs., loading 15hrs.
Total 36 hrs.
paper work.
FF) Nil GG) Nil Brgds.
Hansen/Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+874 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+584 430853910 (
OUTLOOK EMAIL NOTIFICATION Your Date of Migration is: May 7th YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO SEND E-MAIL unless you take the following action: Please go through your Notes email and clean out as many old/un-needed email items as possible BEFORE your date of migration.
After you are migrated to Outlook you will only be allocated 100MB of total Mailbox space.
If more than this amount of data is migrated to Outlook YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEND E-MAIL until it is below the 100MB limit.
Cleaning up your Notes email now will prevent this from happening to YOU.
Enron's messaging platform is migrating from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook 2000 worldwide.
You will be accessing Outlook for all of your email functions.
Many factors contributed to the decision to migrate from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange/Outlook.
The most prominent factors were: ?
Significant advantages to moving to a product that is more integrated with current Enron apps (Windows 2000, Office and Internet Explorer) ?
More efficient Shared PC and Roaming User features ?
Improved support and integration for Palm/CE devices ?
Instant Messaging capabilities WHAT IS BEING MIGRATED TO OUTLOOK 2000?
Email Messages.
From the date of your scheduled migration, the last (30) thirty days of your Email will be converted for use in Outlook.
All your folders in Notes you use to store email messages in.
To Do Items ?
Journal Items ?
Calendar Entries dating from (1) one year in the past to (10) ten years in the future will be converted.
Address Books, but NOT your Distribution Lists that you created.
You will need to re-create these in Outlook.
Thank you,
| 1-URGENT - Outlook Email Notification (new) |
APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC) A) Position at noon : N 26 41 W 089 29 B) Dist.
from last noon : 271,5 n. miles (14 HRS.
)(1 HRS.
ADV) C) Dist.
to go to next port: 9209 n.miles (Qalhat) D) Eta next port : June 12th.
0001 local time E) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: SE 4 2, Sea: SE 3 2:Average speed : 19,39 knots / average RPM 91,90 3:B.O.G.
consumed : nol 4:F.O.
consumed : 75 mt.
consumed : nil 6:Average vapor press.
1: bar.
Average liq.
temp: Tk.
2: : Tk.
3: : Tk.
4: : Tk.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
Dear Sir's Aknowledge receipt of voyage order no.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
| VOY. ORDER 002-01 |
Dear Sir's.
find attaced port summary for voyage 001, discharge at Lake Charles April 16th.-17th.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 ( - PORT LOG.L.C.1xls.xls
Dear Sir's Informed by agent early this morning that departure is postponed due to wind.
Vessel ready to sail with one hour's notice.
Will keep you posted if any changes.
To Dan Masters In sake of good order, could you pls.
send voyage instruction for voy.
(Just for my file) Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
My company is changing my e-mail address.
Soon, the current address you have for me will no longer work.
Please change your address book as soon as possible.
The new address should work from this point forward.
Current address is [email protected] New address will be [email protected] Jane (Tamplin) Burnap
| email address change |
A staff meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 18 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm in 3AC17C1.
Please advise if you are unable to participate.
| Staff Meeting |
note that the vessel now is on Atlantic West satelitte.
Area code + 874 phn/fax + 584 tlx Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC) A) Position at noon : N 27 07 W 090 31 B) Dist.
from last noon : 389 n. miles (25 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: 211 n.miles D) Eta next port :April 16th.
E) 1:Average sea/weather :Wind: ESE 2, Sea: ESE 1 2:Average speed :15,56 knots / average RPM 79,40 3:B.O.G.
consumed :299,463M3 4:F.O.
consumed :41 mt.
consumed :nil 6:Average vapor press.
1:0,095 bar.
Average liq.
temp:-158,7 Tk.
2:0,094 :-158,7 Tk.
3:0,094 :-158,7 Tk.
4:0,092 :-158,7 Tk.
5:0,095 :-158,6 Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
Hi Paul.
I received your message earlier this year and accidentally erased it.
When I called information to get your number, a really young woman (twenty-something) answered the phone number I was given.... She told me I had the wrong number but I'm still wondering...
Anyway, hopefully you'll receive this and reply with your current home number.
Are you still in Puerto Rico?
You'll have to tell me about your experience there.
Let me know if you receive this and I'll write back... Talk to you soon... Dana
| hi! |
Dear Sir; Passed Suez canal.
Captain Oe Hansen relieved by Captain Knut Bentzr?d.
Commenced sea voyage at N 29,8?
E 032,5?, 1630 LT (1330 GMT) A) Position at noon : NA B) Dist.
from last noon : NA C) Dist.
to go to next port: 2472 nm D) Eta next port : 13 May 0900 LT Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+874 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+584 430853910 (
| Departure report 7 May |
APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC) A) Position at noon : N 24 45 W 083 57 B) Dist.
from last noon : 341 n. miles (24 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: 600 n.miles D) Eta next port :April 16th.
E) 1:Average sea/weather :Wind: ESE 2, Sea: ESE 1 2:Average speed :114,21 knots / average RPM 82,34 3:B.O.G.
consumed :235,435M3 4:F.O.
consumed :42 mt.
consumed :nil 6:Average vapor press.
1:0,085 bar.
Average liq.
temp:-158,6 Tk.
2:0,084 :-158,7 Tk.
3:0,084 :-158,6 Tk.
4:0,083 :-158,7 Tk.
5:0,085 :-158,5 Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
APRIL 1200LT (1600UTC) A) Position at noon : N 26 19 W 078 59 B) Dist.
from last noon : 423 n. miles (25 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: 941 n.miles D) Eta next port :April 16th.
E) 1:Average sea/weather :Wind: ESE 3, Sea: ESE 2 2:Average speed :16,92 knots / average RPM 82,62 3:B.O.G.
consumed :170,758M3 4:F.O.
consumed :49 mt.
consumed :nil 6:Average vapor press.
1:0,092 bar.
Average liq.
temp:-158,6 Tk.
2:0,091 :-158,6 Tk.
3:0,091 :-158,6 Tk.
4:0,090 :-158,6 Tk.
5:0,092 :-158,6 Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
For info, Pls.
find attached Master's statement of vessel's staus.
sent to COTP zone Morgan City.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 ( - cotp vessel status.doc
| USCG - Arrival message. |
APRIL 1200LT (1500UTC) A) Position at noon : N 26 52 W 071 24 B) Dist.
from last noon : 400 n. miles (24 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: 11364 n.miles D) Eta next port :April 16th.
E) 1:Average sea/weather :Wind: SE 2, Sea: SE 1 2:Average speed :16,67 knots / average RPM 82,38 3:B.O.G.
consumed :205,851M3 4:F.O.
consumed :44 mt.
consumed :nil 6:Average vapor press.
1:0,110 bar.
Average liq.
temp:-158,5 Tk.
2:0,109 :-158,6 Tk.
3:0,109 :-158,6 Tk.
4:0,107 :-158,6 Tk.
5:0,109 :-158,5 Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
Attached are my notes from the Meeting with SLNG, BG, and EPME on the Elba Island LNG Terminal Reactivation , held at the Terminal site in Savannah on April 3 and 4, 2001.
The significant issues are summarized as follows: The ELP Report indicates that two 50 tonne tractor tugs and one 30 tonne standard tug are required to dock a ship at Elba Island.
For the Dabhol project, an Enron commissioned study indicates that four 50 tonne tractor tugs are required during high wind conditions (25 knots) to safely berth a Lakshmi type vessel.
Each shipper will have to make its own determination as to whether or not additional tugs over what the ELP study recommends are necessary at Elba Island.
SLNG are to prepare a table comparing their current turning basin cost assessment with the alternate arrangement discussed in the meeting.
Enron are not convinced that the new Turning Basin is necessary to protect LNG tankers moored to the dock from the wake of passing ships and requested additional simulation by Eagle, Lyon, Pope(ELP) to evaluate the impact of ships passing at a distance of 500 ft on a 135,000 m3 vessel moored at the dock with 16 lines.
There is a potential annual savings of $2 million+ for maintenance costs, if the Army Corp of Engineers does the maintenance dredging for the new turning basin, which they have apparently verbally committed to do.
This maintenance cost savings, if realized, would offset the $10 million+ capital cost for the new turning basin.
Neither Enron nor BG support the use of tugs to escort vessels past the Elba Island Dock when no LNG ship is berthed at the dock.
SLNG are to request a meeting with FERC (Bob Arvedlund), tenatively 24 April 2001, to present the results of the Eagle Lyon Pope Marine Navigation Study and argue that tug escorts when an LNG Tanker is not moored to the dock is unnecessary.
Reps from Enron, BG, EPME and SLNG will be invited.
There is a possiblity that the Army Corp of Engineers will not approve the new turning basin in time for SLNG's scheduled reopening date.
If this happens, then the proposed arguments to FERC regarding dock protection will have to be reassessed.
The US Coast Guard Draft report on Notice of Proposed Rule Making for Savannah River traffic and LNG vessels should be issued within two weeks.
Interested parties will then have 60 days to file comments.
SLNG are to provide drawings of the new LNG unloading dock to both Enron and BG.
SLNG are to provide monthly cost updates to both Enron and BG.
BG stressed that they will not need the terminal to be reactivated until April/May 2002, and that there is no justification for spending money to accelerate the reactivation schedule to acheive SLNG's 1 October 2002 reactivation date.
SLNG are to provide Enron and BG a copy of the Savannah Pilots Association working procedures for river traffic.
| Meeting Notes of SLNG Shipper's Meeting - 3/4 April 2001 |
Paul, Hope you had productive meetings in London.
Any idea what the team is planning for Lakshmi?
If possible, please call me on my cellphone.
| Hi! |
APRIL 1200LT (1500UTC) A) Position at noon : N 27 56 W 063 59 B) Dist.
from last noon : 442 n. miles (25 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: 1764 n.miles D) Eta next port :April 16th.
E) 1:Average sea/weather :Wind: SW 3, Sea: SW 2 2:Average speed :17,68 knots / average RPM 90,08 3:B.O.G.
consumed :288,734M3 4:F.O.
consumed :61 mt.
consumed :nil 6:Average vapor press.
1:0,103 bar.
Average liq.
temp:-158,6 Tk.
2:0,101 :-158,6 Tk.
3:0,103 :-158,5 Tk.
4:0,101 :-158,6 Tk.
5:0,103 :-158,6 Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
I have been requested by Javier Chavarria to start direct conversations with Humberto to supply him for the needs of Progasco / Tropigas.
In order to cover our costs and make the sale to Humberto, we need a landed cost around MB + 5 for 55,000 Mts per year delivered in partial cargoes sizes that can vary anywhere from 3,000 Mts to 15,000 Mts but cargoes over 8,000 Mts have to be carefully co-ordinated due to the fact that EcoEl?ctrica keeps an inventory in their tanks.
Suzanne, I need to move aggressively to try and make this deal .
| Supply Contract |
APRIL 1200LT (1400UTC) A) Position at noon : N 29 08 W 055 43 B) Dist.
from last noon : 413 n. miles (25 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: 2206 n.miles D) Eta next port :April 16th.
E) 1:Average sea/weather :Wind: NW 5, Sea: NW 4 2:Average speed :16,52 knots / average RPM 88,88 3:B.O.G.
consumed :319,125M3 4:F.O.
consumed :58 mt.
consumed :nil 6:Average vapor press.
1:0,121 bar.
Average liq.
temp:-158,6 Tk.
2:0,120 :-158,6 Tk.
3:0,120 :-158,4 Tk.
4:0,118 :-158,6 Tk.
5:0,121 :-158,5 Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
Dan, Victor and I did discuss the demurrage claim.
As I understand the facts, this does not appear to be a valid claim.
I am looking to your group to evaluate the merits of the claim.
If you conclude that the claim is valid, please prepare memo to Victor with copy to me, explaning why the claim is valid.
If on the other hand, you conclude the claim is not valid, then please prepare a letter to Cabot ( for Victor's signature) explaning why the claim is not valid.
| Ship Demurrage Claim |
APRIL 1200LT (1300UTC) A) Position at noon : N 30 15 W 047 55 B) Dist.
from last noon : 374 n. miles (24 HRS.)
C) Dist.
to go to next port: 2619 n.miles D) Eta next port :April 16th.
E) 1:Average sea/weather :Wind: SW 7, Sea: SW 6 2:Average speed :15,58 knots / average RPM 89,98 3:B.O.G.
consumed :361,230M3 4:F.O.
consumed :53 mt.
consumed :nil 6:Average vapor press.
1:0,145 bar.
Average liq.
temp:-158,5 Tk.
2:0,142 :-158,6 Tk.
3:0,141 :-158,4 Tk.
4:0,140 :-158,6 Tk.
5:0,141 :-158,5 Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat
330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.
330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.430853910 (
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: A) Position at noon : N 18,0?
E 040,2?
B) Dist.
from last noon : 459 nm C) Dist.
to go to next port: 1642 nm D) Eta next port : 13 0900 LT E) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: NW 4 Sea: NW3 2:Average speed :19.13 knots / average RPM 92.31 3:B.O.G.
consumed :nil B.O.G.
Total : 4:F.O.
consumed : 162 5:G.O.
consumed : nil Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+874 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+584 430853910 (
Dan, Have had a meeting with HFS regarding the commissioning of the Combustion Control Management System(Gas Only).
As mention before in tel.
where we indicated that we would have the service people onboard at Qalhat for following the vessel to Suez for the commission, have now been postponed until Suez - Algeciras.
The reason for this is as following.
Expecting completing loading 14/5 2400 Faop 15/5 0300lt Eta 20/5 2200lt (Latest at 2300 to join the convoy early morning 21st) I.e.
Speed abt.
17,5 knots which mean that the vessel has to use both BOG and F.O.
As we need to go up and down with the speed to fine tune the Combustion Controller, we feel that is no room to do that on the voy Qalhat - Suez.
On the voy.
between Port Said and Algeciras is easier to control the Eta Lake Charles (8/6).
Hoping you are in agreement of our conclusion.
Best regards
| Gas only - Combustion management |
Paul: I need to get some hard evidence (paperwork) that subtantiates the gain collected by Eco Holdings on the LPG hedging contracts for the year 2000.
I do have copies of the contracts, but for audit purposes we need to have probably the worksheet where we signed off with Enron as to the amounts collected.
Who can I talk to to get this?
| Year 2000 Hedging Gains |
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 09 MAY 0900 UTC (1200LT) A) Position at noon : N 18,0?
E 040,2?
B) Dist.
from last noon : 459 nm C) Dist.
to go to next port: 1642 nm D) Eta next port : 13 0900 LT E) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind: NW 4 Sea: NW3 2:Average speed :19.13 knots / average RPM 92.31 3:B.O.G.
consumed :nil B.O.G.
Total : 4:F.O.
consumed : 162 5:G.O.
consumed : nil Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+874 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+584 430853910 (
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 10-May 12:00 9:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 12 25 E 044 29 B) Dist.
From last noon: 443 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 1199 nm D) ETA next port: Qalhat 13 0900 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: SW 4 Wind: SW 3 2: Average speed 18.46 kn 3: BOG consumed 0 m3 4: BOG Total 0 m3 5: F.O Consumed 164 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master LNG/C "Hoegh Galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 (
Please see the attached WGI Prices Update.
I will be posting this on the EGM Fundamentals website tomorrow, please send me your comments and suggestions!
| WGI Update |
Patti, I need a favor to ask from you.
Our accountant Shilpa Kadakia has asked for a printout of what projects has time been charged to since January 1, 2001 til now.
I need it for the following people have charged there time to: Wayne Perry Tony Galt Zdenek Gerych VV Rao Dan Masters Rajesh Chettiar Dustin Collins Paul Y'Barbo Todd Peterson Larry Snyder
| Timesheets |
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 11-May 12:00 8:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 14 54 E 051 16 B) Dist.
From last noon: 425 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 774 nm D) ETA next port: Qalhat 13 0900 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: E 3 Wind: E 2 2: Average speed 18.48 kn 3: BOG consumed 0 m3 4: BOG Total 0 m3 5: F.O Consumed 164 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master LNG/C "Hoegh Galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 (
| Posrep 11 May |
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 11-May 12:00 8:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 14 54 E 051 16 B) Dist.
From last noon: 425 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 774 nm D) ETA next port: Qalhat 13 0900 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: E 3 Wind: E 2 2: Average speed 18.48 kn RPM: 93.17 3: BOG consumed 0 m3 4: BOG Total 0 m3 5: F.O Consumed 164 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master LNG/C "Hoegh Galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 (
| Posrep 11 May (RESEND) |
Chris, As per clause 7.2 (a) (i) of the LNG sales contract we are providing you EcoElctrica's Ninety Day Schedule.
4-8 July '01 "Matthew" 12-16 Aug '01 "Matthew" Please provide a copy of the ALNG Ninety Day Schedule and a delivery schedule for Eco cargoes per clause 7.2 (b) of the LNG sales contract .
Thanks and regards,
| 90 Day Schedule |
HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 13-May 6:00 2:00 (UTC) A) Position at 0600: N 22 46.4 E 59 33.8 ROB: FO: 3514,6 DO: 127 DEST.
WATER: 116 FW: 116 B) Dist.
From last noon: 313 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 0 nm D) ETA next port: 0 00-Jan LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: S4 Wind: S3 2: Average speed 17.39 kn RPM: 86.16 3: BOG consumed 0 m3 4: BOG Total 0 m3 5: F.O Consumed 102.4 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 ETD: 14 2100 LT (1700 UTC) Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master LNG/C "Hoegh Galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 (
ETA SUEZ 20 2000 LT ETA ALGECIRAS, SPAIN 27 1200 LT ETA LAKE CHARLES 08 JUNE 0100 LT Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master LNG/C "Hoegh Galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 ( - portlog.qalhat,voy2.xls
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 16-May 12:00 8:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 16 08 E 53 59 B) Dist.
From last noon: 424 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 1864 nm D) ETA next port: SUEZ 20 20:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: SW 5 Wind: SW 4 2: Average speed 17.67 kn RPM: 94.93 3: BOG consumed 108.525 m3 4: BOG Total 108.525 m3 5: F.O Consumed 98 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.107 bar -159.28 ?C
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 17-May 12:00 8:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 13 10 E 47 04 B) Dist.
From last noon: 440 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 1424 nm D) ETA next port: SUEZ 20 20:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: SSW 3 Wind: SSW 2 2: Average speed 18.33 kn RPM: 94.85 3: BOG consumed 148.231 m3 4: BOG Total 148.231 m3 5: F.O Consumed 62 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.099 bar -159.2 ?C
Ram, As discussed, we need to obtain a copy of the Dabhol Port Regulations from MMB urgently, the reason being: MOL have asked for a copy of the Conditions of Use (COU) or any similar document that may be required to be signed by the master of SS Lakshmi for her being allowed to enter the Dabhol port.
I have been given to understand that generally the COU or any similar document, as prescribed by the concerned Port Authorities, among other things outlines the liabilities of the ship owner in case of any damage to the port facilities while the ship uses the port.
Since the Dabhol port falls within the jurisdiction of MMB, the draft Dabhol Port Regulations as forwarded to GOM by MMB may possibly include such a document.
In order to obtain a copy of the draft regulations, would you consider writing to MMB or talking to the CEO?
I leave it to your better judgement.
Tony & Paul, We need to get a copy of the COU for the Qalhat & Das Island loading ports.
Both the SPAs specifically call for DPC (or GSCL and/or the master of the LNG ship) to sign all conditions for using the load port.
I shall call you after a few hours.
In the meanwhile, I propose to send an interim reply to MOL tomorrow morning (India time) saying that we are arranging for the COUs and shall forward a copy of the same shortly.
Best regards,
| Conditions of Use of Ports/Terminals |
Paul I am now working at Dubai office and ready.
If there is no CoU agreement for Dabhol, should we go ahead and start generating one.
Pl advise.
| moved |
BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Enron Industrial Markets Enron Industrial Markets announced the signing of definitive agreements with Huntco, Inc. under which over a 15-year period Enron will provide inventory price risk management services and will eventually provide more than 600,000 tons per year of hot-rolled, cold-rolled and galvanized steel products to Huntco Steel.
The agreements provide Enron access to Huntco's network of steel distribution centers nationwide.
The agreements also provide for Enron's acquisition of Huntco's cold rolling and certain coil pickling operations in Blytheville, Arkansas.
These transactions with Huntco have the potential to fundamentally change the way steel is bought and sold in the United States.
It gives Enron immediate access to physical steel and positions Enron geographically to serve the steel industry in a variety of ways.
In addition to providing physical products on both a spot and term basis, EIM's goals for the steel industry include developing commodity risk management products, providing structured finance products and establishing the market-making capabilities that Enron has brought to the natural gas, power and other commodity markets.
Enron North America-Upstream Products Upstream Products has partnered with Duke Energy Field Services (DEFS) to close a 20-year NGL exchange and transportation deal with Formosa Hydrocarbons and Williams Energy Field Services to handle raw make product from the Williams Markham plant.
Formosa Hydrocarbons is building a 40,000 BPD fractionator to handle this and other Gulf Coast NGL production.
The accompanying pipeline will be known as the Seabreeze pipeline system and will be constructed by DEFS.
Texas Brine LLC will provide NGL storage services for Formosa Hydrocarbons on this system.
Primary production for this system is coming from the Boomvang Nansen field in the deepwater GOM and will be the first deepwater GOM production to come onshore in Texas.
Upstream Products has also worked to arrange a 20-year transportation lease agreement on the Dean Pipeline (owned by TEPPCO) for refinery grade propylene service to be utilized by Formosa Plastics.
Coupled with this transaction, Enron Clean Fuels has entered into a propylene storage agreement with Formosa Plastics to utilize ECF's Mt.
Belvieu storage facilities.
In addition, Enron Global Markets has been able to amend its current transportation agreement with TEPPCO to prematurely terminate a take-or-pay obligation and realize additional transportation revenues from interim NGL production coming from the Williams Markham to be delivered to Mt.
Upon close, Upstream Products was monetized out of its initial position by DEFS and retained a risk-free net profits position on the Seabreeze Pipeline going forward for an additional 20,000-40,000 BPD of excess capacity on the system.
ENA West Power Southwest Power, an ENA affiliate, signed a 222MW 15-year tolling agreement with Allegheny Energy Supply for all of the output of Southwest's Las Vegas expansion project, scheduled for completion in September, 2002.
With the tolling agreement done and construction underway, the project will now be marketed to qualified generators.
IN THE NEWS "To truly understand Enron's Jeffrey Skilling - the hypersmart, hyperconfident chief executive of what may now be the largest energy trading company on the planet - head to your local video store and check out that classic American cinema, Wayne's World.
At 15, Skilling helped launch a no-budget television station in Aurora, Illinois - the very thing that Mike Myers and Dana Carvey so famously spoofed on Saturday Night Live and in two movies.
The TV skit even begins with a sketch of a teenage cameraman, the role of the real-life Skilling."
--- Randall Lane, Worth Magazine.
May 2001.
| EnTouch Newsletter |
Dear Sir's.
May 6th.
Voyage interrupted.
Bunker ROB Fo 4523mt Go 128mt.
Drop anchor in "V 1".
Complete anchored, awaiting southbound convoy.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master LNG/C "Hoegh galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 (
| Arrival message. |
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 18-May 12:00 9:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 16 10 E 41 18 B) Dist.
From last noon: 473 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 951 nm D) ETA next port: SUEZ 20 20:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: WNW 4 Wind: WNW 3 2: Average speed 18.92 kn RPM: 94.58 3: BOG consumed 171.5 m3 4: BOG Total 171.5 m3 5: F.O Consumed 68 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.101 bar -159.04 ?C
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 20-May 12:00 9:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 28 13 E 33 19 B) Dist.
From last noon: 418 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 101 nm D) ETA next port: SUEZ 20 18:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: NW 5 Wind: NW 4 2: Average speed 17.42 kn RPM: 88.93 3: BOG consumed 179 m3 4: BOG Total 179 m3 5: F.O Consumed 46 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.107 bar -158.9 ?C
A) Position at noon : N 31 53 E 031 27 B) Dist.
from last noon : 430 n.miles C) Dist.
to go to next port: 2526 n.miles (Qalhat) D) Eta next port : May 13th.
0900 lt. E) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind:ESE 6 Sea:ESE 5 2:Average speed : 17,92 knots / average RPM 91,6 3:B.O.G.
consumed : 4:F.O.
consumed : 155 mt.
consumed : Eta Port Said 6th.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master LNG/C "Hoegh Galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 (
| Daily pos. report, May 6th. |
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 22-May 12:00 9:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 32 58 E 27 27 B) Dist.
From last noon: 267 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 1645 nm D) ETA next port: ALGECIRAS 26 10:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: NW 4 Wind: NW 3 2: Average speed 17.23 kn RPM: 85.7 3: BOG consumed 111 m3 4: BOG Total 125 m3 5: F.O Consumed 29.9 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.146 bar -158.51 ?C
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 23-May 12:00 9:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 34 57 E 19 40 B) Dist.
From last noon: 405 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 1240 nm D) ETA next port: ALGECIRAS 26 23:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: NW 4 Wind: NW 3 2: Average speed 16.88 kn RPM: 88.93 3: BOG consumed 191 m3 4: BOG Total 191 m3 5: F.O Consumed 46 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.148 bar -158.43 ?C
Dan, Please be advised that the vessel is reporting steamleakage on port boiler this morning, indicated by loss of water.
Port boiler was closed down for to be cooled for entering and investigation.
Just received a msg from the vessel that it looks like a crack in one of the tubes in the waterwall and this will be closer investigated as soon as the boiler is cooled further down.
If so, the crack can be welded during the night/morning (24th).
The vessel is arriving Algeciras on the 26th 2300 for taking boiler water, stores, spares and change of crew.
The Capt.
is reporting that the deviation will be abt 12 hrs as the vessel have to anchor for taking boiler water, but he will do his outmost to minimizing the deviation time.
The vessel is now steaming with one boiler in service and doing abt 12 knots.
Reverting as soon as any news re boiler leakage is received from the vessel.
Eta Lake Charles 8/6-01 0600 can still be kept.
Best regards
Dan, Please be advised that the steamleakage on port boiler is now repaired.
The boiler will be pressure tested and closed at 1400lt today, 24th, and expected to be in service around 2200.
The leakage was caused by a loose bar, which has hammered on one of the tubes in the waterwall by vibration.
The vessel's eta Lake Charles will still be June 8th 0100.
Best regards
Dear Sir's Vessel H?egh Galleon eta Qalhat May 13th.
0900 hrs.
local time.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master LNG/C "Hoegh galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 (
| ETA Notice. |
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 24-May 12:00 10:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 36 25 E 13 55 B) Dist.
From last noon: 294 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 946 nm D) ETA next port: ALGECIRAS 27 06:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: NW 3 Wind: NW 2 2: Average speed 11.76 kn RPM: 60.93 3: BOG consumed 137 m3 4: BOG Total 137 m3 5: F.O Consumed 22 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.143 bar -158.3 ?C
Our move to Enron Center South is scheduled for August 3rd.
In preparation of the move, please keep the following in mind.
Our space will be limited so please start going through your files and giving Mauricio any files that can be sent to archives or scanned into Livelink.
Once we move and unpack, no boxes can be left out in the open or under the desks.
Everything must be unpacked and put away so to make it easier then, please gradually start cleaning up now.
If you still have boxes you haven't unpacked from the last move, please go through them before this move.
A day devoted to clean-up will be scheduled for some time in June.
Chairs will be ordered for those who do not have standard chairs.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation with this move.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
| Move to Enron Center South |
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 25-May 12:00 10:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 37 38 E 8 56 B) Dist.
From last noon: 252 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 694 nm D) ETA next port: ALGECIRAS 27 06:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: NW 4 Wind: NW 3 2: Average speed 10.5 kn RPM: 55.8 3: BOG consumed 96 m3 4: BOG Total 137 m3 5: F.O Consumed 19.28 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.112 bar -158.24 ?C
A few of you have been notified by accounting that you have been or will be removed from direct pay for American Express.
For those who haven't, you will be taken off immediately, per Eric Gonzales.
To see if you have already been removed from direct pay, please call Cheryl Slone (68347).
If you have already been removed, you may need to pay the last American Express bill.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
| American Express Direct Pay |
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 26-May 12:00 10:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 36 46 E 000 24 B) Dist.
From last noon: 411 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 283 nm D) ETA next port: ALGECIRAS 27 06:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: SW 3 Wind: SW 2 2: Average speed 17.13 kn RPM: 86.67 3: BOG 137 m3 5: F.O Consumed 33 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.124 bar -158.13 ?C
POSREP HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 27-May 6:00 4:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 36 05 W 5 18.4 B) Dist.
From last noon: 278 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 4885 nm D) ETA next port: LAKE CH.
08 06:00 LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: S 5 Wind: S 5 2: Average speed 15.44 kn RPM: 78.23 3: BOG 137 m3 5: F.O Consumed 16 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.140 bar -158.12 ?C
Dan, Sorry to inform you that we have some delay in Algeciras caused by late arrival of vital spare parts.
We have had some problems with one of the feed water pumps lately.
Needed spare parts for this type of feed water pump are difficult to get and the delivery time is very long.
In order to solve this problem, we decided to buy a new pump(a more common type) and the pump was promised to be in Algeciras in due time before the vessel arrived.
Unfortunately we learned this morning that the transporter has made some mistakes and the pump will not arrive Algeciras before tomorrow at 1100.
As this pumps are so important for the boiler plant, we are hesitating to cross the Atlantic knowing that only one of two are working properly and therefore decided to delay the vessel until tomorrow.
The vessel will depart as soon as the pump is onboard.
If etd 28th 1500lt eta Lake Charles 8th 1200lt gives abt 18,5 knots.
If same etd, eta Lake Charles 9th 0600lt gives abt 17,3 knots.
Reverting, Best regards
Dear Sir; Still at anchor in Algeciras, Spain - awaiting spares.
ETD 28 1900LT 3: BOG 198 m3 5: F.O Consumed 14 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.136 bar -158.19 ?C
Dan, Ref.
is made to yr e-mail dated 29th re new eta Lake Charles.
Have instructed the vessel to arrive Lake Charles June 8th between 1400 - 1500LT, taking all safety aspect into consideration.
This means that the vessel's average speed have to be abt 18,7 knots.
If we have some luck with the weather, we have a possibility to make it.
Best regards
Dan, Ref.
is made to yr e-mail dated 30th re adjusting ETA Lake Charles to the 9th at latest 0600LT.
Please be advised that the vessel is instructed to arrive Lake Charles June 9th 0400lt accordingly.
Best regards
Dan, Please be advised that Capt.
Knut Bentzr?d will relieve Capt.
Oe.Hansen when the vessel is transit Suez Canal on May 7th 01.
Have a nice week-end.
Best regards
HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 03-06-01 12:00 14:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 26 44 W 053 25 B) Dist.
From last noon: 468 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 2363 nm D) ETA next port: LAKE CHARLES 9th 04hrs LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: var 2 Wind: 1 2: Average speed 18.72 kn RPM: 92.08 3: BOG 229.9 m3 5: F.O Consumed 41 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.126 bar -158.22 ?C
The price list for May was sent out on Friday June 1.
Due to the Memorial Day Holiday, there were no prices reported for May 28.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the price list.
Thank you,
| Price List Week of May 28-June 1, 2001 |
HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 05-06-01 12:00 15:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 23 24 W 069 20 B) Dist.
From last noon: 438 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 1476 nm D) ETA next port: LAKE CHARLES 9th 04hrs LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: E 3 Wind: 3 2: Average speed 18.25 kn RPM: 88.38 3: BOG 194.6 m3 5: F.O Consumed 34 m3 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.122 bar -158.17 ?C
Dear Sirs; Misprints in former report now corrected.
HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 05-06-01 12:00 15:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 23 24 W 069 20 B) Dist.
From last noon: 438 nm C) Dist.
To go to next port: 1476 nm D) ETA next port: LAKE CHARLES 09-Jun 04:00 LT E) 1: Av.
wind/sea Wind: E 3 Sea: 3 2: Average speed 18.25 kn RPM: 88.38 3: BOG 194.6 m3 5: F.O Consumed 34 MT 6: G.O.
Consumed 0 MT 7: Average vapor press Average liq.
Temp: Tk1: 0.122 bar -158.17 ?C
Wayne- I have run the economics on whether to heel out the cargo and attached the model below.
The current NYMEX price for gas in January (which the best price we can get today) is $4.60.
Today's cash price for prompt delivery is about $3.80-$3.90.
The incentive is about $71,000 at the high end (Jan) and about break even at the low end (prompt).
Even at the high end, there isn't much incentive when you take into account the extra day of cooling down you would need.
I talked to Jonathan Whitehead about this and he agreed that it probably isn't worth doing on this trip.
We will keep an eye on prices and look at locking something in for future trips if the price spikes.
Otherwise we will revisit on a trip by trip basis.
| Heel out on "Hoegh Galleon" delivery June 9, 2001 |
Captain Bentzr?d- Please leave a heel of LNG on board the vessel sufficient to reach the next loading in Qalhat on July 5 in load ready condition.
Please estimate the volume you will require and revert, keeping in mind that we would like to unload as much as possible on June 9 at Lake Charles within the parameters outlined above.
Thanks and regards,
| Heel on discharge of June 9, 2001 |
A) Position at noon : N 35 28 E 015 07 B) Dist.
from last noon : 459 n.miles C) Dist.
to go to next port: 3369 n.miles (Qalhat) D) Eta next port : May 13th.
E) 1:Average sea/weather : Wind:SSW 4 Sea:SSW 3 2:Average speed : 19,13 knots / average RPM 93,97 3:B.O.G.
consumed : Nil 4:F.O.
consumed : 161 mt.
consumed : Nil Eta Port Said 6th.
1600 local time.
Brgds Oe.
Hansen Master LNG/C "Hoegh galleon" E-mail: [email protected] Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+873 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+583 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+583 430853910 (
| Daily pos. report May 4th. |
Paul, I was wondering if you are getting some LNG industry reports/analysis e.g.
"LNG in World Markets" published by Poten & Partners.
If yes, would it be convenient for you to arrange a copy of the same for DPC?
As I write this mail, the DPC lenders meet is still going on in Singapore.
All of us are anxiously waiting to know the outcome.
| LNG Industry Reports |
Dan, Ref.
is made to our tel.
and yr e-mail just received re above subj..
Please be advised that your people and your visitors are most welcome onboard Hoegh Galleon.
We will appreciate very much if you could wait with the tour on the ship until the discharging is stable, as then our people have more time to you.
Best regards
Subsets and Splits