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stringdate 2018-05-09 00:00:00
2025-03-29 00:00:00
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It basically depends on if Sukuna tries to take UV or not. If he acts cocky and lets himself get hit by it (or doesn’t react fast enough to use his domain) then he loses immediately. Even if he finds a way out or manages to survive the domain, he’ll either be brain dead or get brain damaged so much that he can’t use domain, either way resulting in Gojo bodying him.
If he doesn’t underestimate Gojo, then he probably wins 99% of the time. If he and Gojo go for the domain clash again, it’ll be harder for Gojo to deal with him 1) because no basketball domain, 2) Gojo hasn’t done his training yet which might hinder his powers, and 3) Yujikuna is presumably far more durable, meaning that even if Gojo figured out a way to make his domain stronger, it’ll take way longer than 3 minutes to break MS. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxeWM4ZV9VVk9Sa2NGblpjSzZQY3FHNWlYM0d2UHlPNnc1N3JhQmxvM0FGaF9rVTY1UUhvdnFjMFRpYnZCQkRJRm5JaXpPQVE0d01DeVpjZ1dPSDYwc2ZvMTRYTTdHWlZTMWkzNW9PemRoUkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxWjNlTzE2Smp0cGRZVFJpY3hkNnVtVTE4eFM1UW9JNnVYb3lHbE9EWnBYdmZ3N1RGbFB0dWc0dlk2Q2FFZzZDQTRpR2Y2RWtKdnZMMWE3UlVmX3p2MktlLUZVOEd2aHB4VEotRTZXUzFtMmdQNEZPQ1E4QzVNV2c3S19MVHF2ZFdpYllOeUNzZ2tsd0N4X09rSER6ajBkQVJZbEVSLXRjRUhGRHdjcTlXMnIzWjMySEtMQk96NHB5WUtUS0FkQnFZQmhGLUcwSXdoT1dJU3VZVnRDelhIZz09 |
Yeah but why is it on the fit
https://preview.redd.it/a19wpsfoi5re1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad9aa138ed74c61e698dc2c29743445cc5bb3163 | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxVlgtZWVJNURLSGw1UC1vQUhSYVJnTEFMVGMwbzBLdm5oeUZBZUduNlJnOFNPWFltTnphWG5uOXhfMldPeWdNam95TWZZT2NOTzZxMDBmNHpGNW9CUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxY1NEOFFpV1FpNFlQOXZkZ2c2UW8tOHdlR1BaRHd1bVNXZ3FpbEc1YVhVX1FLQkg1eWVtdUwyLWU0M0F1SndaQldaTk9qdlNEaklEZE1UNjFWVjZucU9fYzREcXRKSEYyV3N3UW5oSUg1VlhnVXh1MzZBd1BRVTFCZ01maUx4Nk9xSV9pc0hXMHd3NTFQV0ZmV01BMkxyN1VkdFhUUGJnMXFMV1hTQ0h3UlJ3PQ== |
I cannot let the freak out man.... | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxZkpjQ2EzMkItWVg5QjNoMllmdFk2TldON0pTZlhpSi1yOW1EZnhiU3hucUxiTlN6U01aMmN4aVZMUi0yQVpaZnlIMS1YbTk2djRUV3pRd1FPYmNQcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxeE9KU2lfWW9XYkJINEpTTnhtMlpMcTlVa3FmTy1FTWtyMlVPV1QzTGlwUWlmZVJoWW55R3pUV3Awd3poV0pRNmp6UUJ0cXB5RTN2VkhWLU9aOExZUjB6eVRRTEYyTWxoUk9mM2F2X2RBV0ZDOTdiVm1IQ3pLM0lmSzRxcjkyVWowRGVROWZUSGJTeGdhZWVEbDVJLUFwVERqald3NXpicWZzSmFZQXQwcTc1dEFVREJPVzdUeW1uYWt0eGI3WEpy |
21F? We're counting Sukuna's dick as a finger now? | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxeFhMTm12Y0l3Sy1kOGVaNWJibFMwZGJfVXRVSzNqWUdnYzROYXBDTFhZSXFyZ0MxNXFVNmdGVTZXZzRSSXdhLWc0TGRhWkpvRkRyanFsanVYSG9JbktBazJxUXNEYU5HaFZoYzF5bzdoSTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxbmFhSllBb3I0Wm56ZTk3M05iM3Y4eTMzV1pCSXBXWk9pR0Vfb0kwM2RzNVBIVmdMaUhDMEhoLXNGbjdDSjhkVDJ1cEd6bkRsM3F4bjdiUDQ5NFBTQzMtSlNQMHZWV0U1SVhUb3hCbURDd2J5d24tTGozXzRTUWZvWnB2eUxTQlJjNEJrcFg1czRHbnVzNmc0TzBKX1ZrVmhCbHUwUFREWjJVY19fRFp4eUxmbnhwMVVYWVpVZVJlTWtvWnBpQXpYU3BkRWd3WkNWSjNSQURaODNBR1pRQT09 |
By the process of elimination, YUJI IS THE STRONGEST!!!!
https://preview.redd.it/xortmjxsi5re1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf4bd87eca856f2a6d4778c085bfff9dba19c2ee | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxYVVEVjlqNTBVS0x3c2FGZ29EMEtzTk90LTZUd1FFMTAtLTk3eVFrQXp0SzlaZm14VXZiMXpyNDRpajVOOVpaSHRkZEFQVHJZSFk2UUhtSjJGaHRReEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxX01ldTZnczJnQ3lkZkpZQ0owV2U5cU8tWTd5SXZYV045cFlTU2dJRmxpSmtLSkY1TmZsaGpEeDQwRk8tb05hOGNFbG1DN3hTb3dZYWJuLV9vTTdpOE1sOHdZRlVCdXVVN3pVbGc3ODRIOW5YYmhkSWs5bjJCZWZxc1U5M0FvVDdZWGdoTlN3djJqRF9aczg4cTlDZlNRQ00wU0dELUxWanlTS0FRQzh4a01mSEpidVNNaTZaSEFlcVBOb20xNHZhc3k3WTJZRHptTktTUUtJZHQwYUhsUT09 |
I'm pretty sure most, if not all, arguments for Sukuna surviving a nuke are him seeing it coming and just running away, not straight up taking it. This also works way better for gojo since he can just teleport away. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxMkdrQ3RrdkRCZlNRUFJNY1RRbnhEdkN0azFiRE1lSUo5OUFwenBVV3g5RGhYM3ZSMnFWeDFIN2NxQXFBTG1HSWFoNDBFU0YwdjZUX21RNkw5YWp2S3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxQ1ctaWFxei1jQm1BYlpQTlN1c3BzZVRtX20yY3B0OHNnNWFTLWcyZEFHdVR6MnpmV1Z4b1I4TDBVb3RiMWt5RjZXUG9CRmk4V3pCZkNsRWIxakU5VjhkeU5rMVpld0RiTWVsMHplZnlsWWNMLWxSTG1uemtteEt0cE1tN012anl5cnVLOU1pemJUT0ppUWtnX3V5MC0zbUt5N0dkZ2NoMTctUHNDRGJMeVo2YnpnVXFrVFk5RHFtNFlERGF5Mk9FZDBkVDMzQkIyaVNzbmd5NnM0X2QzbnlJanpBcXhBeFEwLTVuQlF6TENuVT0= |
Unfortunate side effect of lack of world building. We can only speculate as to what it was even needed for. Perhaps there were some really strong heian era sorcerers | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxQnVjVWllNlZXZ0lENk5oTUFLakMxdW80TzBQQXFzb1g0dVRGcmx2SENXQVQ0dWdxSnFMdnhFOHczMDNOODhLX3NUS3VlRlBEMjZ5NGJjT0VJWFk3SFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxcndhZW1hMlV6RlhqS2J3LXpOaDZlT002MVZvY0MzOUtlY0ktYS1YaE92VDQ1Z3FjNkNUbUdfVWxqcFBuV213cW5OOFU5eEZvYkVfRWVPemlKb3JIeEpyaGs2d0NKTjlOVkRIMmRSZFFBVmJwWlFvZUQ4UUREdmNwWGFpX0lMNmUySWJZdmQ4QVNJZVRPVWI3ZlRGY25KMFFHS1EtZFRhc0hxUENUYnJOQXVNPQ== |
Why does Yuta looks like Denji here | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxSW02czdYLWtnTkRXMWpfY0c2d0NIYnFDVGxYczhMQjMtUUdFeExkaVV4SXBBaElfc3NJUndlS2JPLTNkOWMzMWV1dFZGYzBtTy10NjA0QUNwdFJiQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTDkyVXY3QXBkS1NERENBeVlFWGxVSVd5VnBvY25JUTFNSTlodkZKNVVoQkdtdnAzWE4zd1dmMEdqUlVDOUJSb0thSGgteFRiTWhsRklfQWExTkNNSHRYLXp0cW81akwzR2ZRM09sZUw2eGNmZkVMOUJuNkhnVUM2WUVkRGFwUGtuY0l4MlN4VnBQMW5XR2lSUUF4OWR4TFNLLWxQT2diQ0RPMUNia3gzVm5xYW9xSldabm1JQ2t4dFBHdWt4N3pZSXdWUGlqaHQxX2w1YVB2dEk1TndFUT09 |
No because jet fuel can't melt the steel bars, so it wasn't the airplane, the twin towers just do that. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxc1lZVXpYY1FUVzRCOWdIVzNUd3VQU2JoN0Zkb0FLR0txYl9mUF94R3dUTW5DREZOdGhqSE5jb3M2ekxQTjZjc3c1Z0dRbUt4SWpVREZSUmNGejJ5d1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxU2tlNjVqdmFRbzlxZTlQWG1PbXozMFVkYkhjOERHdWZjQkVfTWQ4UVVrUmlYeWdoZ1dpYTkyZG1fUmFDa25BaEZlQlFNdE1tSDdNTXB1UTF4OGFyazlXUmJmc3pheEMwcFdpTWxnQkFLNjVPODlVNUxmNlhCd0hLakpTSk9jUzl5aDZxYVZmdWZHdzlNTFh5ZFZjMnZRY1JFRC00elZYdUFYZ0JvdzY2bDlydUxuS1FMbmNBcGdGeld3Y3F6UHpf |
well no otherwise it would be 23 fingers and thats kinda op
FR tho Sukuna has 20 fingers and his corpse makes up for one finger. Therefore its a 21 finger Sukuna when Uraume and Kenjaku bring him that. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxSjlBV0puX1ZSSkpiazhYT0dCZjBWVV9MdXFPSkJ3WkxMeU5Ka2JNNTY2U2RlNnJWd09YN1llSWNnT3RBOU1KQXlXS2RYd3o3MExCanNIZHcxZ1VFd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxLXgzLWhHbGhyZXpxcVNscVNSMTZ4cmZwb2I3VWNJdnk4YnNGY21oS2U1bmV6MGM5WE5OSHBQRmhPYzhiM2hpcXdoRXhwem9RaHl0dFcxV0JDeGRQYzJMcVJrbEdjMnNudk9ScDVrWEFMZEo1dzh4Wlk2SF9NekVlUXNRT2NVZVFzLURiYlJSQk9BUEJGOUcxWkFpZnNtOTE2Si1fVHFVZllBNXRHM2ZxT05PWmJqOUJwREFYWm9kekxvQS1uemVKcWdyNzdrUldVYUtmVjdVdTBnSlFTdz09 |
I think it is stated he can do/create any phenomena that involve electricity/electrons as a basis? | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxdHJLTnI3TGpRUjdOa3JmSG92VkoyQkxIR244Q1pkNU9Vb1ZRTTdiNlY5Mms5SnNnQWtkeEhrenA3R2RfV0FvMnI1MGptQWk2ejV0NlN4dlAtcEZiRHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxYjJrVWRfQTN3WHBXMkpaY01EMzZGcDA5dVBxblI5Sk55U2pDMG43eG5qem1NaURmZXUzS0VNWmFfcTRaTEo1RnRJLVRKX0JwVnVvSTBPeEc2T0RmOGFtdE52WFR2QXVSblB6RXk3LWEtb3BsRm5tdHZSckFENWM2cmp1ZUx1RWpuRzU2dTdWd2VHWkNsUU9jdlctWU0wS09HNkRvbkJvTDNQSThSZHFPN3VWYkx0S2tkdEQ3LVhmamZ0MTlYbGlUcmR2WTRKOWtYTjJ1TTdoci1sdHQ4dz09 |
I low key just got tired of the gojo glaze oh infinity stops this infinity stops that gojo is the strongest he’s untouchable he said he’d win even if sukuna regained all his power | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxbkozSm9FOXNVbGhabnBGWDdGVnBiaXhCblBHOGtNWXdCQmlKMWVKWjFNZWlEY1ExeEtRaFMzOXZyT3lvNEdRZ2tFTllHOERiSmpXZ18xcU5aQWxNU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTUtralVaRjl3OVNENWhzY2hPTGttdXhXcWw3UWJ1alkxR2tOeXpYWkVrdVktb0ZSUjFTMkRuZzlYSU1kV08wV05ZaHp2TnJmc3B3TXBMQ2IyV3dDNXVVSzJWZ3E1czlIbnhpQmxUY0ZnZkFQVG13cjlFUm52aEdCNk5fMlBibFEwdUVqUWM3bnQ3bE9sWnpjN0RaZk1EVEJsZ1JnY2htUmxUNXl5SUZxdEtkUVRTOGxNMl9yS2FLUl9uVHdJc2h5 |
Common Kusakabe W | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxR0lSUC0zZEVRcVJhWm1RZWhVN2hhVEtmdzY5NXJOdXdYenFVUERraFZLWjRvOFBSZXVob21FT0ZvOExqX2wwTko0TEdxdjVVTmRBdnBHN29oNHloYy1nWnp0ZEg3RWh6TllZQUhWY3IxckE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTkE2b2ZHeDQ2VWNlWVFWUndYV0FVNEw0b2hVN1J5UmdmRUxWWm5uOTE1eFJCazBfcW5ldlBMblg3RlFEMnZ5ZVNuUVgzcmVtVnoxZG1Ucmpaay1QamN6am43VTB3bVNCRy05eFY5UVNiOXd0QllNbGlVQmlVcE0xOWZ5UlZhaElHQTJsbDFQMGdxWTh1VFdTRktGb2lhN3FlNjd4bmdQMUFna2Jma2pkVURkU08xRkJCRXhGWHZuNk9qcXpSdF92 |
Able to control all electrical phenomena, yep | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxcVlBQy1rMEd2OGhEa0hCZURsSjYxTDNnMFRKWG50RUdsUzFwSm12V05jZHZRSUNJWmJabkhHaktibTVWUkhTZUluVExONElRVW5WS3hwbF9oNjc0Y3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxZF9jbVRzY2szVWtMeE9JU2lfV05BN2dRNnNkTU5LLVJZbGduTFN1V2x6TTVHUUZCaVlhcVZLY0ltSTZkNjRXUC1hajN3M19ObUlnbGduNzkxZVNiOXVISWM2ckJyeVU0WnJCVGNpeThvemRKem9CMlg1Vk45YS1XQTNfQ05wemJpczk4aU9UbjFpTzRIN3VQbEU0QXl1VnBNQzZZc1pIVXJQTHJxam9iWVdJdHRpdm9lYVRQRnhjSkh1eURla19YVGlTUXlGTmQxN1owVVV6ZE1ieE1Hdz09 |
He wrote the Gojo and Geto relationship. I don't care how you interpret their relationship, but their tragedy make me feel for them in ways no Shonen friendship has ever made me feel before. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxN0c2cm14Z0JabVpobVg0NXlUM3FkWGtydWhQbmFXbEZYYm1sU2xFTG1OSU9JYjQ4MTdpRmFqN1VBX3dlNkVQSzJXaE9PWFF2YlBVY01WVzUtQUNnZmF3VmJxMTNLajAxa21OOExwcVJBUDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxel9vdlRuS0FoT2gyLXNLLWtXQ0ZnTzdZTDJvLWMxb0U5UVdKcmZSbjdNTHBBUzdqWXZENWg1aVAzRXR3UG9UR2RQVDBBcVF4VW9aVkNqNWxTb3dxeXFaSU1GMXU4Njc3blc3ZFFGUmoxdjN6VE1ubnRfSVVLQTVxQzV1SkdBQUlYSi1DVUo0bWp2aXZsZGRVSFJJb3k5S0lhc0FxYlQ0ak00N3RoYTRiS0hOLXpyang2Vi1KTjQ5WHN6RWNLVEN6NEl6WE1oNXVJQm5TbGlIek5TazItUT09 |
He actually uses EM waves
https://preview.redd.it/z4w4odfsj5re1.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f4fd2db3aaa5aebd43b81810e9129565c252b2 | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxVG8ybWVCRWFlSXA2ZXM3aTNRMzBWTXljeVg2bE9FeWpTWnBVZ3VvU3h0Z3Z4MTFqak82RE04c2hGcnQ2U0dlcWMyXzFpam5zWmQtWTNjaXpCQmJnUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxeklVbWJlQWYwTTVwRzVVM29uUF9makQ1dEs2bTFuYlJidV9uQkUtdk1VWW5uU1cydTQ1akRuTk5xOWJkUFA2NDBFZU9GTjk4Vzc1N3VkbzAxSExvS3VvSThHT2FwZ1F4dGNmbEg4T1lqcjVjX1FqRWR0bmF6SGRFVjM5NG5YcEt2LWdrQVY1MnNUbm5fam1RcEF6ODVDVWZjQThXZDhHNzZXT1VCSXc1MUpmMUl1YURLLTJwWTNTWTdLSGFlRmdvT1VhcmlOR3VqLWdCbU5MbjZnLTdlQT09 |
In terms of EoS Yuji he's top 2 or 3 behind Yuta and Hakari due to process of elimination | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxZXpBdGxKR2lwdmVoSjZYcDAwTU9VU0IzT3hZTk1xWVpILXNDOF80SDlfdmo1aGQwN2xwaXUzRTNpa184TGs1ZHkxUzRyZmlieFhuSl9HZVYtMUhIanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxV0d2YktpRV9aZkVXaXhuZmYtZE9GaTNiWmM2bm9VQ0NzbjNPV2lvRmNpc2pSN3VFMm5ZQ2p0Zkl6aFZrY3JiRlg1bkwzb1NMQVhibVg0OFFxMW5SR1dMMllKakc3eHNYOGgyQkxHSmZVbDdtRlpDTXcxYnVfUkpUamRlRmhKbFQ3RURueFNza2xzVzZhRmQ5eV9KLXc1N3RwcWZjRHFRalVneXMyTHRiYm9PTG9tX2dCMzdMR3ZmaEZ1dVpqWFNkSlJMUklfVHBadHNLTVF6VkNfWmFoQT09 |
Sukuna would've died to gojo. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxdW1qaEQ5TkkyRFRhMll0Y0NkcjRiQl9UYVpSTkJHWWhXcHdxS3BRZk01akxaYXlkZzN1Q0dwT3JVeGpicjF5dHdjRHRHSXgyTlhPNmNYQnptZVNzTlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxdzdPVlBRdXJIZkVLNm1oVXp6aExFZE5tVFdsQVlJdnQzVDc3SEJ5SmpZUzJPdEQ2bXNNejJ4RF9WUTJKMXpES2FSSWtEdjRZM2VPNEUzRWhPOHJoZkxqanRrMHVFekFfMmJFQURHYzh0S1N3cjI3V3A2X2hqOXZQYjVOdWYzc2cxQWF0c3JKWERqTHdRRzl2MzNfQTBGdWFTSF82Y3VRMHhsa1hIbFp5YlZTdHI1bUVYNi10SkFTS1RUa2xic1JJRC1VeW5SeWg0cVFXb3lTX1VNdUh1UT09 |
Blahaj will always be by a silly boy :3 | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxdGl5SXhpQVliVjFkeHVJZUo5YjNaTVM3WXJDOGhGbFdhS3A5VVl4WVUzZ0tmajlmQ3JPUnFpX3dTQVBzOS1uVFp3MDhDNGR2WDlvdHVuM0NqbzMwU2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxWmxjbkNfc0pEZ3M5VEpWNDVIU1BoVVpDRFlDTy1oOEtTV2FSUGlxeEx0bWxDRWhQY1N6azVYUVgtRXRybXJ2NGdzQWx5US1TQkpYQ0hqbnp0UlVmek9RSjFRdEhjd0VuUjRReHhjWll5OWRFcEJ0NWZkSUhENW53c3hacGVrdksxTjJKQ0czRGR4Skk2UDFjTlBqSEMtWllIU2RVVEswRVRNMlNzU2pyN2JjPQ== |
r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxQTZYNVEtMWYtdnItZ3VGZFFWYVhIMFRPTTh4Qm5YVmczMmVxMW56OFB3dmRhTTFQTTVJVWVxNFJnM1otV1hmNUxfSHJNdTFYNGh6dlAyYVF3dGludUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxRGMwc0xUcHVsRUsyV1o4LVJGenhyOXd1cjdUajRIRHhtZ3ZHZnhvV1JwMG5vVVE3TFZQamcyWTlJNUZnRXpyNUpIZ2J0emFaMlA3a2VUYW92cUlfaThYbnZlX0djTEpHTGU2alZxUUgwdS02cFJnTXQ1QnNSZ1BlUHJwSFV5MDd2dm9HMnRNN1k0VFVwOGpMM2hEbndLZlNSQTdhYnlwUEFfSDJ4ZERpcGVjdzRrVXVkOXBKMzEyNVBwVnZBVHBCVS1CME41TzZUM2hYUDhBRmlER3FUdz09 |
instead of making the binding vow for world cutting slash? Yea Sukuna takes that but he WILL take some damage. Should still net him the win.
So the BV was that he has to gesture where he wants to point for the WCS. Without that he only has to chant "scale of the dragon..." and hold his Enmaten hand signs. Gojo still laughs at him bc Sukuna looks like a desperate idiot before Gojo gets fucking bisected | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxVGJBOHJ5QXUxUnpjbm53aHhNZGd6blFUNG1VZGp0eFZrMmRZTy14VTVOdzZxWmZzVmtENVF1VGRMdU9wNmRDQkc1eDl3cmYtV1R3VjRYelpFaVVla1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxRFRrcDlHTWxVc3YwM0hFZ3hUUXBDU2RDcklxWEkyNGJNaGVtUURVdFQwWEc3dmEzalJCUlhhN1A2SnhCTmlOakJvYXVtUHZHSWpLQ3ZhaHJ4UmNkRk1RM0hmWXgya3FsSGhLMElGSGk4VkotY3lVRVZ1MVdnRmtVRXRFaFk0OGhZZWFBSW9XX2hNczRYZFlZR2NEbTNjaTRjMUNPWnlCeGZ1TXFOczE2MGItMFh6eGdBdDU4ZnpBa210SjN5RC1q |
Thank you | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxMEhWWmNXRjdEcGhfQWxhcXBMczNyT3R4b3piRi12LU5jVlk0aVZjc215bHNnTFNUNGt4WlBjYTI4bnNFbUp1bjVBaG9POEFMLWlLZ2tLeGtmeWRGY0N5cWpDZVVOVGRjSVFWMTJ2WWNxUFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxT0stYmFmWmJGano4LXI2OW5JREdrMVdaZmhfMWF2cERWSVRFWXVXemNRYTZNWFJ5akx5QVNLU0hpUUdmZGlkc1h4R1BoTk8xLWpzSGZUMU5vUE51VmN2TVJQaW4yQnpncV9RNmlSWHliQk1ZbUVQMUtwTWl1ZUtRMmlmRFpkSUxvTU9ZUk1DQTVoaUFSazZxZmxMblRQN25sS0VjQ2xBcXRiVm5Yd01BcUtIQ0lMcTg5R1hLU3FKLVVlTlVpZ0dUbTg2cnZVay1NWS1tUkRKWld3cExaQT09 |
He wrote a great piece of fiction, we are just too ungrateful. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxemVJeXZkQ0ZwaTVMS3FpbjFtU0R2bExLSkY2NzRGSmZTZmxfSmNzak5INjRQQVZOMzdVTm5OSnlNZTh3R2F0UDM5SjE0anBac1VLR3pISkY2ZUZVUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxcUFwblBTRXlkSlliX2V6WkpDQXF4WlZyd1RZR2pKb2pwNHdOczU4WG9aNTh3YnZqcWUwcVhxaG9reV81eGg0Qk9NSWdNOFNPT2N6NFdwaDVjeWdvdDN2cV9XeWRrdFZITVhweFZaRF9RU0FoMVFpcEZhbjB5LWVEaFFUTFJJS09HZndyTE5fTmlDekFyWTQ1dWNRLTFpWVZDbTAxdXFVb2N6X2IxOTNFS1RwcUdXd0ZhWDdaUElER2J3aDhpMGUteDQ4QVRIbngzZ1FQb1hBWHV2cnJFZz09 |
Sukuna slaughters everyone before unsealing Gojo and beating him as wlel | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxSmZNaUZsaXlHYjdCWjVOZ1FmbDhjdjB1LVp6LW1ocUNzV3BWaGRCQTJLYTdicHBXY3BFbzhZcEY3SUhWY1lwbFNfZ2VQZzhwZ1MxX1dKZ1dLVWJkSXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxS1QtZUkwNDQ1cXk0aWVPeGpVVlRIYUI5TTk5NVNEZnZzdl9pRTNENWp2NUFubjlyeGtqSWZlUW02elZVbklLVzM2WWV3OXRmZGtQWnpET2l5QXZKeGdUSEJ6MXhrVm0xMzJFMmdWd0lOdHhIRWVVV2swYWhEV0Q3cmlnTXJKYTNLOVdCeHlCZklDaERTY1JSVkFnR2xZMlYxdnh5ck5IQWdGTkJHTmtKQmU1TXNOZGVKLUZMR1RnOTRQalJoRjI4ako0TTNrd3BuZmRFSmxqNjRlYnZWQT09 |
Oh god, it's even signed
https://preview.redd.it/wrojp72tk5re1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a343c09b3ccc0381be2b6255dfca63710046bd03 | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxRTRZdzhQYlhxS3pWNVFPUUpnZkxfWmFrdWJ1dVBxd2ZUR0pHTUdIRllwTEN6QXhneFVEbXQyUW56U0h2RGg4eXR3SlppMUdHeHZ4dDk5NFFvcmZjekZlOC1KeGxnWVNOQ0VWMEltSWxOaEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxR1c5UDdJclhNTEI1M1hieWZ4Mm1OT0NWWE5XV3NVVXNWY1FfMGVhQkJFa25qUnpfT2VnY1k3R0dobDVmNEdlNjdIYWJ5LWtlVFNnaDREWGtxcU16SnBFRVRhdlFzZ3p6VHppRlBkX0VfM0dpQzF6RlJnY2JvVzVNNWFKY3JSa0JzV1h6MzQ1b0RRWF80OE9KQjhiTGlvUnptX1lOU1hxdzM2Vkd0eU0tRnVXU1QyZFh6Z0dJeFhhcTJXdi1nTjhz |
This is an automated message under every post and has nothing to do with your post specifically.
Reminder to read the rules before posting, and IF your post contains spoilers for a leaked chapter, make sure the spoilers are not in the title and the post is flaired New Chapter Spoilers. This is a manga spoilers subreddit, so only leaks require the new chapter spoilers flair.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Jujutsufolk) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxSm1JRm1pWDFKWnFPZ0FKSktsQ2xYSDE0SHlfZ2t6ZTF6a0xOM2ZHOXBTOFJqc3hQc0V5bHlUYjdGU1RrM0JsTXIzLXp6UUl3SVkyRUYwWW41c1BXX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxYXNHNzJmUzhybFRKeDhIaHp5bmlZYVFPMHBSaHliNGpkcHBBSW01eGlzemhxNS1LU1ZhYy00b3A3djJJeG1LalctQVVDWE8zNVBZVm1lOG5TNzNOZWo4RU9KMDZEM092aHpaakZPa0tCeUF1NG02VTlXWnRPLTZEUFZ0MUFmMGJydHR6X2RZQXVDYmZTUUNRdmZaZTE1OGhpcmNIYTJHcEpBRUM1Q29rTkwyWDZPZU9leFIyeUZ0LTZZcjYtRjVGWVlFQjFpb19rX1VrNFlxSF9qNFdqQT09 |
15F Sukuna would unironically one shot all of them with cleave | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxVmNVR28weHB3ZE1mWDBWNmR4NFh3QzlCT25GYVV3R1RzR2RTNFA3ZGFsZHZiTWJWNDFWUW5kdTZHODNOSi1ydFZHSTc1VTJkbG9lRmtkZFFPLVNIZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxMHhDOTBTc3NDeU5mY19tek90NWVMMjh5RDM4Qk1HcVBDTnBmeFpxaUppOEFLN3hVLVRhb0s3WnR6RFFLNGtDX3pnUTVGaWF6d3hCZkJheFMzNTg4MDhYMVJwSUxPS0lReU9YVXc1WXVNQl9rbkZlSkhqMGRRT0VfVHN1UVV0eHc0NWxYZ3h4eHZEY2NXTXBaeTQ5NlpyWlJPYUg3TzBCVktjS1IzQldOby1WOEFocmMyQVRmVkFhR0tkMUNYWXV1RkNZUnBfSXctLVFRSUlwbmppbjVwQT09 |
You’re pushing your own agenda. Gege admitted he killed Gojo off because he was too powerful.
Sukuna for most the chapters was getting dog walled. Sukuna became the King of Plot Armor and has Unlimited Asspulls.
Sukuna CT is called Convenience. The only activation requirement is holding back the whole time. Gege gave Sukuna convenient CT he never used before to counter every modern CT because he wrote himself into a corner
He has the main and supporting characters have PIS (Plot Induced Stupidity) to give the villains the win. That way it can appear as the villains are smarter and more powerful than the good guys.
Gojo was killed off screen because Gege couldn’t write it in a way would make sense and is PIS.
Plot Convenience:
The power to force unlikely things to take place because the story/situation calls for it.
Plot Induced Stupidity (PIS): A situation in which something obvious is overlooked or a character or an action occurs (or doesn’t occur) in order to set the Plot/Story heading in the direction the author wants it to, even of these actions lead to negative consequences.
We had to ask why the sorcerers aren’t pulling Asspulls out their ass to kill Sukuna. Spare me Sukuna knows “TRUE JUJUTSU” BullShit angle. I have yet to see it. Everything has been handed to him.
Gege keeps Sukuna CT and abilities hidden until the most opportune time and important moment. Then reveal non established power system rules and abilities to get Sukuna out of whatever situation he’s in.
The good guys/sorcerers not thinking/acting on ways to kill Sukuna is so obvious. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxZGZfTHR2QWYwVHF5bmxqektmaUdrTFBTeG5ubDh0N1AwODBXM3RMR2ZNZjNJNmoxc014dTkwcWN0SzZvX0h2QTVSVHJUT0ltZWRuYWZteTBjNzh0enc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxNjdieVBsQ1lMNExpYmJqRDBOUUY4NzEzc1hpTTZYUnN3c2cxZHNac3Y3S2NkN2xxa2lkY05YYzM2MlE2TmI1SFI5RG1XRjlOYnVxY2ZGYTNDRTdQODMxQzIxNXY5NDNMcFYtMHhmV0o2UUo0cTJ3RUZCZkhqLV8yRzA1XzFyVWlZczZ4V0hHOVpSeHRaU2pvcW9ENXotNGVFSHNPcFJkOS1IQzctT1hHTTBxRkRlWGRwNHI3RXlNZFprRDBHWUtIMTF3Zkkta2FhcG44alIteG5JM2lqZz09 |
If they got feminine hips I’m smashin’
https://preview.redd.it/8q5i2ebzk5re1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e9da73188c1acf263d5319624053dac7c0b66b | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxQzcxMkgzQ3dnV3NXbTJqT2NPQTN0WDB5b0tEU1dCakhnSFktRXlqRENpc0UxUC1MSFZlNV8zbEZGMnJuX0l1dlVVNFpWbEo5TkhFY1M5SFdBN2xjYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxQW5DZi1YRGE5TzJRQlA3dURYSHRSd1MtSWR5WmE4QUhkYk9oR0tDRklCdG5vek11b2tQem8tMktkT3Vmb2I1VEc2TFlZd0F3RjBEejZKVy1OemJaUnBncTRTcmpTenh3eVdKcjRKcUp2TmFCRjBrQmdzQlFkQ253dkMyWUNMZ1doVkduVU8takNiZ2dYRVdCTTA1bUVmMGE3WHlVdm1NV2lqZjlHU1VmOE4wPQ== |
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxV1BRTlZhWEoxNms2clBGZ05HUG1nOGNMalRrNUtBSU9MZ016NjFGSVdyY0tiV2tjcWxrMW9MeS1PNUVFQ0U0ZFdBamJfN3F5Z2t5enJoN3Zhcy16TlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxSjlienU0aWRHX1BIWGdvcG44ZFdzb2FPdVR3a2Z2Q3o3VVBRMXp1UWQ4Rk1uY0JDb2tZT3A3R1FUNzdHbnZKUnVIckRlR1RKZWx0eWl1TjZoR3ZSb0dJLVVBUFhuTndWSlhiWVZtRFZpVHVmTm95enl1RGNXQy1xY1dLRnZZZUp1clhad0g2SG5PcW02enMyZm16RzBYVlE5ekU0dm1xQ0YxZW5HUm5RWTJnY1M0T0VWLXpxTzc5XzlHbkkyZHkwOFN0R01wRzQtWUNSeHF5eG0yNGJHUT09 |
Sukuna has to awkwardly drop his cursed tools before casting his domain | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxVkN2RzU2d21WeEE3R2VMUjVkSjhxUGM4VzUtUVhlbDJlQ2ZIZVdPYU04TDJNZVYyVXlQV2JnT19sSDAta1NncV9IVHo1Nnk5Q04tSzAxN1lnWnBXX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxX0pVYXlNY0JhbXpOVWJ6TjV3bUJYWXAtSmd0RkIzTTNpaXZFc3I1VjdpbU9hQ1RMQTBCNFdrSFB2cnZVVWExUkEwZjI1SHdHdzJkWkowNFBUYUMtUWw0Tng0VDRZc0ZVemJzYnZ3ZlctT040OVdRbHlkczdBajlNWURoeXdXTW45WDlQR1NkRThwTjZoNTlVMTFKU1pjRnAxRmZqYjJ2NFluejE1UFRBUHBGNVJ5WVlFM3F1NHlNeXpxLTBQMFd3UVNvY1hsbjhxZHJlU3VwXzFvNXdrZz09 |
I love how ur saying fuga is ass cuz it didnt kill the mc and cuz no oome is strong enough to use it on since they die to MS(except hakari and gojo)thats the thing tho Sukuna has gotten so strong he doesn’t need his most op weapon anymore | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxYzR4OEVaYURTMzlyamdTZ2JveWNmVExJWVJLWXBscV81VzRCNGdvd0hseXotTlJLeTdTTTF0YjEwNF9PSy1FcllPUU14TEgxQklnOVJjdEozR1dLcDlQQXFoQlRDNEJnYVZDN3V2QkRlaEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxcG5FeDVJQXFqQnF1TzRDUTk1cmtPQVl3RFZpOVFocEk2WDRhaThqNWhrMnkwd3F2RV9ta0dSWTJ5eFNyeVlmVDJURjROMzJaNFFTMDlHSHpsMzg5V2RPMEdLdmY0dFFiX0F2U1h1NVZCRlE0YXpidlZYeG1Xc2kzam9Ca084NFRQWFJ0MUZhRnF1cU51T1M0WnhuTHE3LTNEWVQ0UFZtaHo1Z1hYcjRHT0cwPQ== |
That’s not how that works
https://preview.redd.it/cx5hthmll5re1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5304293a95692a4bd4af119b84070909a3c20591 | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxVzgtdHlzeUFZTzlneXN2eTM2ejkxNW9KdEp4MTV5OW10RnRoeDZNUEZvbzRDWkdCc282bnZIb3ZERWZ5RzMtUmRvSzk5cHkzMS11YnZodTdUWUs5QlpQSV9MWGlCSGFFM04weW9nalN1S3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxMGFjcXVZS0thaVdpOEV6V053b1ZjLWRvQlVFbzVJU3BkUWU5UkNWeHg4ZFdwdjZyV2FVWk05QVVScldwSld1RkJrOVI5RTJxX0NGdHVyMTdCTk5mcDdINVNacVdneThWS0VLZ2x6bWJBdThJd1otNkJwT2oxcnppN19KRlhZS0djcUhWWVJyWkw0RUNRdWtBUFJuSVhVTXBQSm5nTVVVc1pIMXloaGZvandhc0hEbGtqWjBjbXZBSVZqbVZKU3NqRFc3UlhoUGxpaWhGaDg2dmJ5dkN4UT09 |
It's over for the verse | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxQVdNdGhRWGY1dG9RT0pJMmlXX2dXNUZyLXFtcmhuejdLcE9BMWpIbkQzbVVvV3ptRTgxSTlXQk9iWTFfRExRbjlnM1E0b0V5WTd6ZTN2RjhWLWNELWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxbUdNWlFhdkpfek1iUzU0Q29pU25OSmRhQWZ0VzF4amY1cFpteE5LQ3VvcHdnZHR6YkJyZHZwNHBOUkE1cUJIbzFrUEdWaGZRaFh1SncwODFYTk9GNTVud3NkX1MzY3gweHBfd2EzYUVnUDl2d3JDTS15VXU1aWpvVm9ocFpDaTNablMyYk5ZOF9Jb29Zb3NvY0pGRHMwMVdwZTF5MjNXLXR5RWJjSnRDaFVBQWl3ZUxMeTkyVEkwbzRMNHhYTFhFYUk5dFItdEREaEdnN3h3RGx5ankwdz09 |
Ai is banned here lil bro | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxalJRTVJxSlpYQTBBNnlRS0o2WFhkLW5lMkR1bmNSckxHVlRkOXBrYjJ3S0hGV1lEaDhBREZNamNyajRRSm1xNHRObDdRdlh6S0ZUM0FBLVhOZ1RuNEkzXzJ0YlAxZHhEWXVReXFPTTZsLXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxbjJSN3BMbWhnR2V6NThDazd1c29MNlJ3a2lWTUd0U1MxdGNaTnVqeUFIQURfWHJXbU9fWllpR0VvWFktQ3VaQ0FYNmJXazFhSE9hYmRzZGYwd1FjaEJtYTUxS2dCN0t4NXNPa1k0dnF3ZmJlWGJNX21rWVlaWWtpZE5lSE9YQUE0N3d6RjN4a1FYMjVUWmQ2NnE1NS1NTEdSRFhQZTVhby10V1NMdEkwNnlIelVrWlJrWVNyaTlDSHhra1RNZU9ON1FkMUtVbmhfbVprMURoamY5SU5rUT09 |
Shii | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTGozb09pMHhKSHJ0WGJQY25GUXpRTVhKWWZxdlRjMHdEWk9xaG5xVXUtVlhrSkJlcmdLTlpZUlU2Tmhya0NmYjFCOVZkbW0tZ3o3eUF3aDJLcFY2OEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxUmlFVm5XTTJEWDhMRlhmRG9ncTJBRWFvRGZhdHpVN1BHWnlyZ2xuTWtJNF9SZXR6WUtpOUdCalpySzdCRDlMUUpPRTFGejBkQ01PeU1wc1Q2VUVXZmZNYWZ3SjI4UFBySHRaeUdtbWlYbTYyRWd4UkhQSjFZWHZjM293bllhRlVKMi1iZ3JnNDFOcWx2NTduc25yNkVMOGloWS1sX2FWZkJhVTJXajI5TThoQ3BWQUtmMGVTY0U0aExUdV9jdEpFd2pfbEdaWnVDaU1JdVV2YVFNRGJLUT09 |
why not? He has 20 fingers according to the post, he eats his head and gains one finger worth of power. So for all intents and purposes that Sukuna is equivalent to 21F of power | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxUVFDWmktWXk0ODU4RldkRUxRall3QXBvZmF1dHFfcUdOUnZoajR1Tmp4cEpzY1liMTh1enRkVnNkUC1xRmdLSjBLcnI4eWpWc0ZPYy1qcF9zS0l0N2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxNjhLaVNNMWYwX09KNEEtM0JZV3o4TUhCeXItQks1X3pyTTNBR3Rjd1hNUHRFN0hDUzVEeDBwVl95N3JBUVlSQzExTVBRN0M1dEduNzRnYnlQVW92RERzTUZreUt2UTFPNkxjOWQyS0VzbkdiUTcyeXlJUzNlTkpLVEJQdTZZQWdLS1dCWXFyS3NsWWZtR091djBIdHQxOG0wam5xZEFhQk5iYllpNkZNUVdrSHNrSDBtOUJ0c2VJRUF5ZTR2YkNIZUtQQWQ4dFl6aVNudkkyMmU3Qlppdz09 |
He could stop both, his CT isn't a portable wall but a barrier wich stops movement instantly, he wither does it or doesn't do it and these are just planes | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxdldFSnhzbHliaDdhdlY5azdRc0dYT3dkdmlPdEVNdW43OUdnS2N1cUs4ZG1UX0hLOTU1N01LLV80bTVtZ2o4dUxYdHI5empkZDdiTHZSYkN2UVhsRTBkb1N1bWo5RV9qNFdnam52eVJ3elk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxOWc3SFdQejlGMUh6RThxTS14cFdBQ21KZndqb200UU8xanZVeXVkekwzZktoelJiVm9COGktQi0yRElnWHJiTTJvYWFjNGhnN0RmS3JxeU1HTlhtQl9Xd3dZUUJjYjlXdjlSbVNoWXI1SkpxUGRVWFB6aGpLaThjZ0E4bDVLVmZpUEM3OUU0ZHZfcHJZaGN5bFJoMDd0Q1hINTA1dVhhMS03RldYWExJYzItTUhQUUIzSnFvaGFobmRxZFJaOG81 |
I need a Todo/Takada type scene with Miwa and Mechamaru | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxX2hDdmUtRW1ZSDVBTmNlSEVfaHhJNHp6cDFZOG01cEstYVpLX0RxZmRiQVhjNDhzLVMteFNHZ1J5aWVha0kwMWk3dTZBaElzMjR5OGVONVRET0FSWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxel9NNVE3bzlIbC1QWTc1Wk5STnNXakJ1QTFLSG40Y1F0bUdkY0ItTHRCVm1uSzN6UGJIOGJaMmRPaGFOOFBJZm9HNEd6cmdQTmV2Q1EtOTR4SnREbDNjWi1PSGlFb1ZGRzF4MU5VQ1RBVDhoM1dLWXpJVXR1RVNlZUFwLXk2UG9EUmhSa204SC1JMFJJaFBJdzNrU2ozaGYwRG5sZGxWSUlYeGJVVTFmSkQxS3pFVGprSVJkbGY2NDVRWWhzeTkwd1JzdlU0NkcxRFVHc0F3eFIta29mUT09 |
I got a brilliant idea right after the Open AI update! | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxdjRhczN5UkNOUjFiMXllQ2N1ODhIWi1SbFdUQmNsRnc1RFFwaExKQnRya3B2RUw0RVhfOS05eWRWendhaW5ZQ1pHbkc5NFI2NGRnbWxsb25TcXpwNVZPVjhVYzBwOHJHX2VjcXRIS2RfcDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTE9DTmtnNlF0WkY2LU9XY2NMZVcwcVRBNkZzb2RKb0kwZHAwMHloRXBLUVFuQnlFR21Sd0VkNy1mQjhaRFhiLUxVTlNmMVNWOUh4Uk1IQktMQWhJNW1uNzF5OFpMLTBPQXBmN1JNSVRmQW02NU9jTkFFZGw4eXFjcHJTZGU0WGVBSFFJaGp1dEl4LWJuZEY3cTZoWFpJOUNEczlOdkNTcnliSFRleDdxRzZIZU5NR2hIV09FQ01kbVRKbzdBUGxGRE1Hb1NXdnhaVlNDMlVxaDNnbkdrQT09 |
r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxczRGOHQ0c1l3a21uaGtnVVVnRF90QXJ0bnc3bjBCcXNxZFNyVVV3N2x3SlJyM1F3dHZlU1R3TjM5Y0s3VjVLMWtDMnBJcUFNWW51cXVGeTQ1RERpQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxWGd6S3MwUTJ0eVJ0NHdRNlNzSTJkazh6S05PSWc4X0pvYWFxbDZ6c2NnVmFLaTh3QnA5SDNIeXpqemxyc0FpNnF0M29jY2pKeDRDZUJWNVFxenBrczI1VDlTLWRfbWZ5SE5LcHlRcUpmWFdYV3RNNGZzcWRkeFA1WUtzNjJ3VkZDYXg1OHpnUFRpaTNNMjNkMjF5eXFHZVdTVnp6V0xvXzFnS0NnOERNc242ZGdBNW5oUk05UDJ3aDVoRVJVdXRwQWQtTFhIaDNld2J2V0R6QV9fY1NSUT09 |
"Sukuna saw a fridge"
🤣 Damn that's fucked up. You probably didn't mean this to be funny but it was | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxUG1pZ0xrQmNqRkJCanlKUFBpclVZZHAydDczS2RXUm1OdFgycThOd0hUbmJCdlNhSWpCaEE1MGJrUjVKSmZyYTh1NEtCQ3JYMjRHcFE2MmRfcmdDaS0yM1p5c1JnOHh4aDdJTWh0WXg2ckk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTTZrcXhaWHJiS1ctZWxMNnJReXhFemFDd1ZrWXNWNGZuWExsMm0zMFFwZVN0dlBLZ0RDMEFFajltNHdFOHZCNEhKZ25sdU1yek52ajRHN2h4dVNTY1Jtb0pLTE5nanZhYng4bUlGSmxmRE9UR3ZtTEVON0pvdmczVnRwRHNnRDVSUVh5dUZMWXQ5UlVmcjAyUldrVW9lU1hvWEI2LXlqRXpyUFhkdzkxQUtNdllmdTlVd1B1aTNhUVk2b2pEVmsxUUdFYUVOejR0bmRqSk10WWFkcHpPQT09 |
Very well said, I agree | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxZW00TU9WWXRGODhlWlBDYUZSMGFoY1pBWDVQZTE0UlM5NExhMlpJamZuTVVsRVRjY3NGczZEZGc0ckdyaVAzQ1EyNkpyWmxOcWdfdF9ETkNFQkw4OHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxSmw2WDE4MWF0el81ektaendWUTJBbkVLTU80MlNjZVd5T0tfSlNuMThKYkJPWGlvZkItRkU1cmRjRHhzRzA4WHltb3REbVVBWTBBZ2V6TlZMYXFtdUY3ZXAteUZxa0l1cnp4R2Y4cjFvc2RJQXZoZWxUTUs5Ym1jZ0d2MWV5T3JTc3FVOVpYY29RSDNmR2RNVElXOTl6NkJJNXFYYWVwWS1PRE0yUWVhdmVCSU5SLUs5TFROTWpJVm5ueVVwNkdHc0ZGUER6WlFQWVRLOEN3M0c4RmN3UT09 |
Keep cooking
https://preview.redd.it/2om7m38zm5re1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33f47c741131e66194025d6a34c77f7cc38b765 | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxUE1tUWs5SGFSakRkVk1oWkF0aFlsUDVYUGdUWTNvX3Byc0tya00zZDJBXzkweEJwSmRvMng3c3RHWlNNM01sd0pnMDY0UzV6R0QtME90Qm1hSUNXYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxb2xnMjlPNl83R3Q1dTd4cDVQN09GMTg0ek5ld1RSdUJhdXVfcG9mY04zWkNpX192SkdqSzA1bW12NjZacHZlXzlGdlJRN1gxbjNJRzlBRER2V0JqWXR1V3hMYzNhX0xSbG51OGVHazdyMjd3d2hWbFhlenJUdWlWWjNIOVNxdWZrZXlPYnU5MHBxRWFPSWFWYUlKeXZ3UnlJdDRwZXlXVFJRNmJQSFJsZ1ctWEhtR1Jhd3EwMXItTGVFYld2ZTFK |
Mahito robbed us | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxcGhtaDhxZHI3NGZQbFZTbTAxLUJSQlR6SnlpdmgtZWhPYzEtUDAyRGwzZEJsU1d4WV9UX1paWU1aNktlbmxiOV9FeXl0Unl3WlRtTTV1N1l1VzdLTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxblBXQUYxUUgzNXVvOFBvOWtvSF9MLXhiNENaWmVWZlRkWXAtS1BzdHdpdGJlTjBpWHdrREM5TURFdWwyV09TRTl3ZkVpelV3am1NMjhjOFlPV0NDc002UkMzTlZrYjNzdTN6djM1OHpSMDM5emlhcVFrb0puY05kVkNhek1fZFRGOC1OMDJ5dVdXNnc2eDVjaldHcnFGYXVqTFd6RTFnVnRCbTYwMXN6Y1VvUk00eThZbHU2YjZwTFUxNkRId19HdTN5SGlHNjRmbHlZOVVvNnhKdE5hQT09 |
Yeah, 😂 Character Rant subreddit hated JJK fans. Multiple threads were created ranting about us taking over the sub. That there were more characters to discuss than JJK ones. I’m waiting for the next manga that create that kind of hype. They’re trying with Solo Leveling and Sakamoto Day. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxZEdlUW5lYnVDdDBuWVZZdU5fUmE4Z1p0T0czVW40TlFQWDRjNXlORmg4ZlU3YWJzYjYxVGZKeVJaVWNSM2xiSDUyNDNjRVJWVjlBS1BmVlhrQnBiNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxcTI4clZMSFcyb2lFQWJ2cFNWWkVJeEpROHJ2cjBQMzdnR3hIcG5ITkZiX1ctODV2bTRmQ290bVY0RWhBTzY1S1NuMktOcE9kdzRBdzFsdFBtR0p3blNIZ1BJd0ZQc1B5aEJYeVo3YzNKUmtkZlFBZnhlQmFCVzhLVVhJT0NQMWN3bnNNcndRdXdhS0tXRkRtWkdtLTYtemdCVXpJWnFxOUFfNzBzVWdSUHBUTzVGV2ZoMEJBOE1ZY1hsQnVEMmxrdm04YUZfM3hjd1ZUT05NSXRmQUVuUT09 |
Good work man! | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxRm94enl6NGZER2swRnpfWk93S0dyS2FEamtyV0V6V2hULUQzSmpUeEhhd0NKSjVIWmZ1NDBpYkFvckRtWUhsRXpyQzdndHRrcTZ4MGxpMWFmOWFDRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxM3FBem81WnJia2RiUTFqUWxPNUhzT012YXdDWXhCSDF3bXFWVzhIUUxrOG4wZEk0MnBFejF6OTVFdnRqb3JENGlTVXlxd2ZDUHR0M0R4WmlLS1o0V2tuRXJ5R1NuMk40bnB3S3FaUFJ3V0RBV2pOSDU4Z2lVQ3JadGQxZm9QdTljb21IV3IwTEdfcHYwN1liY3A3R295Znc5dW5JZlpqYkxYNUR2Y0gxVU1qbUJqQTVmS0dpOWR6bXQ0OUtKWU9UbzV0MXBMeGlOYnBCSXBfeUdFZHVTZz09 |
r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTmJHcGFmU3MxdGVNNkN1MUEwSjB6Yi1tVXdoa1IxbzFRRXZBV243dGlGUlZWWVVKX2tqcXJXLW9WSFBtUDZtRHJkOUU5ck4xX2hfMTVaVUE0dEo1aUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxandrYmtJaFFZM1U0alRleFhPOTJEdDhLLXZXY0FKY3JYbm5wNFlyTWZqeVZTRHhXekstS0dGUmRjLWg5bGM5OE4yWWlTa1JnNTlwRlFOQUJENEw3NGJWWms0bUtwUS1zN3FGRW1OTGxoemdkNV9XY3ljb1NrbnBXTWR1QmZmMlMyNGQ3dlBVMnYzWlc1d1pWeHJ3RVNPYXA4Q1M2NldwcjE1d3lhNWp4VmVDRy1iaUxwVzVIeXc3UDN6QkRHbjJR |
Toji, Megumi (The worm), Megumi (The sorcerer), Naobito, Mahito, Jogoat, Ryomen Goatkuna (Fingered 15 Times), Todo, And Mahito. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxSFF6Ml9aWTBUeHVBaGoyNHhWU25sRnM2N1hpUGkwOUVMTEM5b0g1cVFaTFE1am5Bd0JKQ0RpRDdwUFp2TFM3TmUwNzFCVFBkZDNNWmJSOHFEWi01bEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxajd0UENKODdxNklTdkdPM2w0ZDYxZm52UXZzaTRHeVRZZDVWak1NTkRESmZyVTFCV2JyWnhScWtwUU50TFU4REduZXA5MWdRdmp6Ri1haUYzbnNBU3MxUk1VUEVhWXVwRGlfbTJFaVRYbWxxcXRFSjBVY2ZGZ3ZzbHJwSVROY3BSMXRnUVVmOXFnOUE0a21GREZwSExPZVR2Rnc1MFhNT05vVUxWRW1tdElxTV9VQWV5YXQtRm9MaEd5eFRaMk1hZmdFWm1Nd2M0NnVhejA4bUhsRUxadz09 |
source for statement one? And bring context
Sukunas win con was survive for Mahoraga to adapt. Therefore irrelevent
What are u talking abt😭
Almost like the side cast was aiming to save Megumi. Oh, they were?
And your accusing OP of agenda lolol
Sukunas knowledge of jujutsu is why he can do these "asspulls" its called a binding vow.
Which ones specifically? Are you referencing Fuga or something? | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxMGtRTHdhVVlmX2cwbm1SOHM0cXZWanRzcXd6UXJaLTFjZWlsZlc2Q3g5ZGpDaklhVzRueWFsQS1PLVV0T2xCMUZNWWxlUVd2YU5GWXRBRjdXNC1GX1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxWVI1M01iR0kycEZiLVhhZHpXc3lvdy1QY3BieS1PZExMMC01WlEyNEpmbm1lLUx5UEV1X0ZNSTR3aS1LU09IQWNHcnlRZWo3eTU1VjFGVlBBRWVsdDNhTWs3akdRZ3NZdHgyZEt3T3lSZUx6a1BockJ6N2V1dVBiSjVpUm5DWmdjc2pIWTJfUjA2TFhZSmtZcF85emNMdW5wejA2WjlPQV9GMFNIc3FTM1ZVdjFXV2FvTmpPSWROS2k3b0lxbVc0YXA3TUVJanJzUmQzQkI3SlFTUjB4dz09 |
Fire itself is innately harmful though. Information itself is not, Makima gets information sent to her brain everyday via her five senses.
Let me ask you something, if Makima’s contract perceives information as an attack, why doesn’t it activate whenever she smells/touches/tastes/sees/hears something, especially with her senses like smell and other senses being heightened. | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTHVVc2pjQ2J3YzF5b2tfNVpMc1ozTWhleDhna0dzRThsVjV6eHhMMzJkZWg3ejhzTHctZGRFeTBVMFkzNnl6THB3YzdrOHRZMVExZVRYZXlLRThULVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxQjBGOXppdFhEZGJDLUxxVmFYeElHbEdIc1YzMHpKenRZbjR5d2drbjNCVVJlamNBYVdIeEdSMGNRYXE5RElzb0ZlSjQzRHZ3OTMwS1ZVc09xVG9LOGJZNHdaMDZkSl9fYlJGaC13YTYwZkY4dlFuYUtOWEJtNkl2SXJseWk5MTBTaWJ6a2ljWElpbVhobmVXbnRKZmxZM2ppczJ0MVhHc3NJQVQ4d19kLWZZZ2RJMkFRejRJckNkbWh5TXpjMHVUN3JQN21Ta0d1bEJRdFJWdC1BRmhnUT09 |
Frr | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxV1BRY1AxbnJlWm8xUnNWeGh4b0pOcFdBWm1NNmthUUs0TkppaGI1UXZfd2tHbW83RHhyTmZKT2N6Nk9Ua1BSYkJHV2Y0U3VINWFiaGhMZW84TmxWOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxeEVzR0o0TzhaMXZCS2YxX3FjdGpJNWZGUXFOMnRlaXlHLUJRSzBfOHA4Qm95ZTc5aXhiOTRkR3Y4dlEzbFpqeUp0eTNVU3lMU28wUTVRSWdOZEJaSVg1X1pqaElpQ05mN1lpZzN0UHA0NUZGUHl0REdmMEtablQzSVFvVkp5XzJ6MlY1OWpQSk1kakRkcXBXX2hkQUZISE5iNFFoM3V2U1UwZ0JsTWVselZXcUF3Y29NLUdPQnFMWklpcU5WNXEzVjFFRkM2LXNfeDFKUHVFel90M09xUT09 |
Finally I get to post this
https://preview.redd.it/sk5qehdtn5re1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8132f360d15450875fb07b86cf70c1d20c927d1 | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxaEtmeWpfbmZkdk5yNk9HaXF6QkIxWjNyb1ZhSmtRSkhad3ZseHo0cEllczFRODZ3UmdTbGpGcFNGcHhlMFVqakctelM1RXdDMUJIVTRRcTVlY2EtM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxU0h4ZHhOb0dpRDJnUkRrVWlnOFNUSDFjZ2JWeEM2WGZaQTB2TDNnUkdnVHdQb0Z0aFVyaEVyVEt1N1dHQWJUMjl2TlBQYzZmWGJ2UzdlS1BoVFN0TUkzNG9JT1NCY1VIcjNhTV9IM3k5N1VQczVwSXhyNlFGT0RKY3d1bzdnY2paTXN1SGdCTVRwSG9UTmRfWnZhOEMydFJ6S2RzUFBCdnhGb04wYTBCc0o5d3MyRWdLb2trbTl3QVNaZXRrMnZr |
Sure hits dont target the user. If you are skilled enough you can determine targets.
For some reason Gojos domain doesnt have that option, and he instead has to touch them to turn off the sure hit
For some reason Malevolent Shrine attacks objects without CE as well | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxS2o0V2JfOHZhQTJsTEItVmVQcVEzTmFrakpWRFZ6dUdEV1hYSURaanBvN0pGa2Y2MEZNZ19GNHRjdkRuNGVrUWVndUpiZC0tVk5IV2tsUXFIbmtic1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxT2V5VTBULVVGRGtseTljWXMxNVJfbW1HblRjdGRTcGZReGVseVFBSEpvZEJTd0pvS1lNQVNMbkplSXZZakZtM05uTjBBdzVNZkc5c3RlV0x5T1JzcTNvX1F4aGFkYkVzSzJXbVRTTVhnbktVU01WZ25Hc2J1M1RfYVJNakZBUFVzSC00bVdxSGhZVWtNVnhseDk2YzBfa0gwT0hqa3N2bmZvNzlYeWo1TU1rPQ== |
Loses to Gojo
He had intimate knowledge of pretty much Gojo’s entire kit during his fight in the final arc.
Now imagine Sukuna has to fight Gojo with absolutely zero idea of any of his kit works. He can rely on “touching Gojo to avoid UV’s effects” and he won’t immediately realize to use Domain amplification to nullify limitless | r/jujutsufolk | comment | r/Jujutsufolk | 2025-03-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxTnF5YktwUFBzU1FDM2Z6UEpVNkNoNDF2ZHBjX1hiRTM3NFhpbEVTNFdsa0p0ejFvTXFpU1M1ejhRbjZ0amMyYml2dU1ueEZTcFU3UTNUQ28yMXl4dEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41T3oxNU9wVThjRDdyc1NDQjk4ek5qNHpRWm1QTF8wLXhkSmhjdGczYVlnVWNINUlfYnltU0NWUTBkS0tIckxkR00yN2p4aVNoUUJyS3JDdUxSajItNjFpdjNEcktZOGJkdFlTY1d4QmZMRUVmUERzOWs2MVNuSzB5eWFyMnpldGxSbk1YZEFkdUJjTU5uUDI4M1JFQTNIQjR2QVpmS2VBUzVCUG1wWllPNnU3UWs0VElOQW8xNWVqNzV0eDh2eDVoV0ZJRHpzRm9ROHNiUi1mQWlSUlhpUnpodz09 |
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# The last Town Hall [was in June](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/1do548m/town_hall_summer_2024_harassment_filter_modifying/), the next one will be the last week of August. Participate!
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Barred Suggests| | | |
12 Angry Men (1957)|Coherence|Donnie Darko|Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind|
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Parasite (2019)|The Prestige|Whiplash|
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You can easily find top Sci-Fi, Horror, Drama and all of the genres with a search. Someone has already asked and answered so many common requests: Top Korean New Wave, Grounded Science Fiction, Universally Acclaimed Movies, Specific Types of Horror or Thrillers; and so much more. The optimal use of this subreddit is when your question requires a human intelligence. Each time you ask for a movie to watch, the replies will be tailored *exactly for you*. Give as much detail as possible for what you're looking for and you'll be surprised at some of the answers.
#If you think you have a generic question, check [the FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/wiki/index#wiki_faq).
If you've begun to trust this community with their picks, we do have plenty of Monthly Round-ups of Best Movies:
Top Movies| | | |
[February 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/1b486wt/best_movies_you_saw_february_2024/)|[January 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/1ahfnlt/best_movies_you_saw_january_2024/)|[Top of 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/19d48dw/top_10_of_2023/)|[December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/18wty6n/best_movies_you_saw_december_2023/)|
[November 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/188ix4m/best_movies_you_saw_november_2023/)|[October 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/17lfy5y/best_movies_you_saw_october_2023/)|[September 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/16xc0y7/best_movies_you_saw_september_2023/)|[August 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/16797ts/best_movies_you_saw_august_2023/)|
[July 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/15f1qok/best_movies_you_saw_july_2023/)|[June 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/14zw5un/best_movies_you_saw_june_2023/)|[May 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/13xw19h/best_movies_you_saw_may_2023/)|[April 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/134qwi2/best_movies_you_saw_april_2023/)|
[March 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/12b5o65/best_movies_you_saw_march_2023/)|[February 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/11fdtme/best_movies_you_saw_february_2023/)|[January 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/10rfgws/top_movies_you_saw_january_2023/)|[Top 10 of 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/10jjhlu/top_10_of_2022/)|
[December 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/102frpo/best_movies_you_saw_december_2022/)|[November 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/zb7v1w/best_movies_you_saw_november_2022/)|[October 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/yjfp8t/best_movies_you_saw_october_2022/)|[September 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/xt57yl/best_movies_you_saw_september_2022/)|
[August 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/x3y15p/best_movie_you_saw_august_2022/)|[July 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/wdl3wu/best_movies_you_saw_july_2022/)|[June 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/vp2csx/best_movies_you_saw_june_2022/)|[May 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/v2je1r/best_movies_you_saw_may_2022/)|
[April 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/ug38de/best_movies_you_saw_april_2022/)|[March 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/ttr7n7/best_movies_you_saw_march_2022/)|[February 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/t4ante/best_movies_you_saw_february_2022/)|[January 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/shcaun/best_movies_you_saw_january_2022/)|
[Top 10 of 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/sbnt85/top_10_of_2021/)|[December 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/rtk1mj/best_movies_you_saw_december_2021/)|[November 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/r6isbg/best_movies_you_saw_november_2021/)|[October 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/qkcm7x/best_movies_you_saw_october_2021/)|
[September 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/pzeblx/best_movies_you_saw_september_2021/)|[August 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/pfvcbh/best_movies_you_saw_august_2021/)|[July 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/ovtbh8/best_movies_you_saw_july_2021/)|[June 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/oblh0i/best_movie_you_saw_june_2021/)|
[May 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/nput0x/best_movies_you_saw_may_2021/)|[April 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/n2cjzl/best_movies_seen_april_2021/)|[March 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/mi76hv/best_movies_you_saw_march_2021/)|[February 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/lv36qt/best_movies_you_saw_february_2021/)|
[January 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/la4sc9/best_movies_you_saw_january_2021/)|[Top 10 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/kzluhl/rmoviesuggestions_top_10_movies_of_2020/)|[December 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/ko5prc/best_movies_you_saw_december_2020/)|[November 2020](https://old.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/k4m4ch/best_movies_you_saw_november_2020/)|
[October 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/jlwktp/best_movies_you_saw_october_2020/)|[September 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/j5gv9j/best_movies_you_saw_september_2020/)|[August 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/ikhnq3/best_movies_seen_august_2020/)|[July 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/wiki/meta/top100/july2020)|
[June 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/hmorxt/best_movies_seen_june_2020)|[May 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/guc7xd/best_movies_seen_may_2020/?)|[April 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/gbmbzu/best_movies_seen_april_2020/)|[March 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/fwy6rp/best_movies_youve_seen_march_2020/?)|
[February 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/fbz8ot/best_movies_youve_seen_february_2020/?)|[January 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/exzaam/best_movies_youve_seen_january_2020/?)|[Top 10 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/eu1in5/top_10_movies_of_2019/)|[December 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/elxnnp/best_movies_youve_seen_december_2019/?)|
[November 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/e4arly/best_movies_youve_seen_november_2019/?)|[October 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/dq454m/best_movies_youve_seen_october_2019/?)|[September 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/del0un/best_movies_youve_seen_september_2019/)|[August 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/cy592v/best_movies_youve_seen_august_2019/)|
[July 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/ckwjl2/best_movies_youve_seen_july_2019/?)|[June 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/ccvt3t/best_movies_youve_seen_june_2019/)|[May 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/bwee0n/best_movies_youve_seen_may_2019/)|[April 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/biizq5/best_movies_you_saw_april_2019/?)|
[March 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/bax1mi/best_movies_you_saw_march_2019/)|[February 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/auv4el/best_movies_you_saw_february_2019/)|[January 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/al6eqi/best_movies_you_saw_january_2019/)|[Top 10 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/aeymsn/top_10_movies_of_2018/)|
[December 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/aaxqve/best_movies_you_saw_december_2018/?)|[November 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/a13fk1/best_movies_you_saw_november_2018/)|[October 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/9t7e2b/best_movies_you_saw_october_2018/)|[September 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/9jxcfo/best_movies_you_saw_september_2018/?)|
[August 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/9b49x7/best_movies_you_saw_august_2018/)|[July 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/93fbrm/best_movies_you_saw_july_2018/)|[June 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/8ugdhr/best_movies_you_saw_june_2018/)|[May 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/8n0jfq/best_movies_you_saw_may_2018/)|
[April 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/8fnqpe/best_movies_you_saw_april_2018/)|[March 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/882slz/best_movies_you_saw_march_2018/)|[Februrary 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/809r4z/best_movies_you_saw_february_2018/)|[Best of 2017](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/7lnvuo/best_of_2017_sticky/)| | r/moviesuggestions | post | r/MovieSuggestions | 2018-05-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1MjctSFllT0dPaVk3QzBySm9Id0QzV0xiRTctY2Fycm9lZHdvLXl5WTlmSzhraExyc1VYN3I3djlLQnVrY3FHZGw1RFNLODE4V3ZndHk1Sjc2WURWdHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1a0dyVXplOFNOdk82RlQzQU1BY003NVV0dDl1TXQ5VUxuYlFOV2RmVHp4czdwcHkyeXJtdHdVUl84XzdYWjY3SDI3UklIcTQyNnpEWUxBbHo2bTI0V1pKdVdRQmFCRVhwNEh3djBxZTgxMkxsMUM1MDZ3aDA5WDc2T0lDdXVhemJsS1FTVXpnTXl5QUVHT18yZWxEZW5ScGU1MWNzZm9iY0F3ZTZIM3diUFNRPQ== |
Just got a job offer from svh travel. Does anyone knows if it is scam or not? They pay way way good and they respond very fast to my application. Has anyone experience of that company? | r/scams | post | r/Scams | 2024-01-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1T0l6anJ6OGRPZUJVMmhwamFxV2pqTXNsMHlwNUVsUzFvb21GTGhuYjNkdnY5emFxclZEWUJram45Y1piMzJTeVFvSGlIODNuV1NUX0tYRGJ0cjNkSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1Wkd5VHo0aDNlTG1Uc1FIWnhybGVVc2FKN1JFNFFjMWdFRHMwQUVZWnZsUEtKTHVOVTVnSm05OS0wOE56MzIxZmJfaGIzRFBWTEhaT180RGZ0dk9IWV9VMlVxVWpRUDZ1SjZNZzV1cnJaQzZIOGdUcFJFS3lnNU5VZjdKUksySEFycF9NWDBQM1VlLWU3Qk1OZlh4TlRkVjBrODVRWEJoMDBYbXUwYno0Z1AwPQ== |
**Rule 6: Titles should describe and represent the content.**
We have been getting a lot of "question posts" like "What is this?", "What is this supposed to say?", "Why is this here?", etc.
This is not a question/answer sub. If you don't know what it is and can't describe why it's crappy, then perhaps another sub might be better, like r/whatisthisthing
Posts with question titles will be removed, **even if it's rhetorical or sarcastic**.
The mod team. | r/crappydesign | post | r/CrappyDesign | 2024-01-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1bHRsVjRsTGtBUjZ0TE5FWEVYRDlkV1A0QUdyeS1VUElsamZBYTg2QlM2NzJadndEdFZRUUJseU5zakd1RkxDRTJZUFZEbHZIMEZaSmZra21PVFVRbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1VGUwTkh5Sld6YlZXemhhamVpT1R5eEFjVVliUnZSdG5uZGhKR2VSRjdPdnMwYmw3VWhTX29oVjNaWjAzT05ObU9lb002andmcjI1aF9FQ2M5ZFhVclQ1NUJsSV9QNkZvc0tHYnh1VkQ5N0xnUlVOdHhlRkNRVzZQMThnNFIyTDN6ZVRzUlpSLXZtd2hmZGRwUExKNm5xZUNKWVhOV2k2LVQzWmtKbmNIWnY0S3VzZHpUM0FBc1RlZXpVSVBFVi14 |
HappyGo Travel services turns into BWJ travel turns into SVH travel agency. Edwin and Mark and Jacob are the main names.
Get invited to a zoom meeting for a travel agency, "the job I applied for wasn't available but this one is". Entirely new at remote work. Inexperienced in general and suck at reading people. Attend meeting. Chats of 100+ other attendees are private. Guy is likeable, named Mark, the co-founder. He says my name and answers after I text a question, so it's not pre-recorded. Says they survived bankruptcy through covid, repaid clients even without insurance. Says he hates Hilton. Guy seems relatable. Says his company is understaffed and they just made a remote apartment. Tells me to buy a sixty dollar monthly subscription to "coshare" his travel license with him instead of taking six months and 2000 dollars to claim my own. I buy it because I'm desperate and naive. The job is, buy flight, hotel, destination services for client, and the rich corporations you go through will pay a commission. Honestly sounds valid with how advertising and sales and commissions work but I know next to nothing about such. Emails, websites, all are very official.
I'm still having a hard time believing this isn't real. I want it to be real. I have a whole bunch of information and documents to read and another zoom meeting to attend for an hour coming up that I feel pressured to attend out of desperate hope. I'm in a foreign country, getting married in a month, I really need a remote job yet I'm obviously clueless about them and keep getting scammed and am paranoid now.
It blows my mind that the amount of work that goes into these scam jobs, some of them, how if they put that effort into a legitimate business, they'd be doing great anyways. Also, blows my mind how LinkedIn allows fake jobs to pretend to be real jobs from real companies without any verification. (That's a different story) | r/scams | post | r/Scams | 2025-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1cERtZW1NVTlWUmZ2RlJCdjR2TGpJbFJFU1BaWVJhU0dFam95NUhlbnJHdHg4QjNZTV9rX24wTmpDZXF6Q3B4TTVwQzZIUGtKLWxueGZ4dVNpa3dtaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1cUJzbnR5VUxlelB2bWFraGRkdk15YXh1MjZJNnh0dGNBS1dHYVlVemJ3Szk4OGRRZ2JiUU1pblJsd3pkWkpIYlQ2c1Y0UXhyWlEyUUlEaDNlWlk5LW52cU81QURJZEdsTnNxai13ejZqc0pvWWlXRkx4MG1wRE1OUHVoODI0NEJsQkpmdmVoVmdNcmV1YnMxRlZUUWlGOG5CWWZ0MDdwUXZSLURtRzZyeHFvPQ== |
The state of this subreddit - [Previous town hall](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/comments/1do548m/town\_hall\_summer\_2024\_harassment\_filter\_modifying)
**How are you?**
Hi. I am mostly a bot but also help moderate here. I handle a portion of the work u/Tevesh_CKP, u/gonzoforpresident, u/Meyou000, u/Lemonylol and a few others do. These fine people are tasked with sifting through alerts made by automod and handle some issues it’s not certain about. If you would like to help moderate by fielding flagged issues, and would like to learn regex, please send a mod mail. r/moviesuggestions has grown by more than one million subscribers in 2024.
If you have ideas on how to implement a web scraping bot to provide a service, add an informational comment, to this community, let’s hear it. That’s my main function.
Regarding automatically generated content, no thanks. We visit r/moviesuggestions to get movie recommendations from P E O P L E, not algorithms. We are removing artificially generated posts and comments as best we can. Please, if it’s quite obvious a comment or post is artificially generated, flag it. We will check it. AI is a beast. It’s not going away. Just be straightforward and let it be known that this place is for people to interact. Please feel free to write what’s on your mind about automated generated content by commenting below.
**Generic Posts**
Don’t do it.
Be descriptive. Here is a list of the top posts this month: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/top/?t=month](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieSuggestions/top/?t=month)
It may be useful to include like media. If you do, also add a little more info for what movie you are looking for. If you don’t add that little piece of description, your post will be removed and directed to [https://www.reddit.com/r/ifyoulikeblank/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ifyoulikeblank/)
**Discussion Posts**
r/MovieSuggestions focuses on providing movie recommendations. Posts looking to start a discussion about any topics are dissuaded. All top level comments are to be recommendations. Please feel free to express your feelings about this in the comments here.
If you find yourself deep in a comment thread, debating what movie/actor/stage hand is better, it’s fine as long as the contestants are civil. Usually, it’s the debaters who cherish name calling strategies making the ruckus. So as Tevesh says, be excellent with each other. It is greatly appreciated.
**Quality Posters**
We like to recognize individuals who stand out for making excellent recommendations. The following individuals are now in the “Quality Poster 👍” club:
We are super thankful for all of your contributions. If you want to nominate someone who you’ve noticed with exceptional movie recommendations, please let us know in the comments here or you can send the mods a mail.
This is the place for movie suggestions from people who love movies. Thank you to everyone who contributes to making this subreddit work.
If you notice an abnormal number of posts with the same theme please alert us by sending a mod mail. Last November we were hit by a deluge of requests for sad/depressing movies. We had to disallow the use of words like “sad” if used in a submission’s title or body.
**Rules Review**
If you don’t like one of the rules and want it to change, make your case in the comments below.
**1** Be excellent with each other. See the next section, Defining Excellence for more detail.
**2** Be mindful regarding spoilers
* Reddit's universal >!Spoiler Tags!< are mandatory when discussing plot details of movies.
**3** If you wish to be banned, do any of the following:
* Be rude, harass,
* ignore the subreddit's rules
* promote your site/blog/article/channel/subreddit/etc.
* promote your app/company
* post about a movie you worked on
**4** No Piracy
* Due to Administrators' past actions against this subreddit, we have a ZERO tolerance policy regarding piracy. You will be banned if you request or share links to full features, if you ask or inform how to pirate, or if you mention a pirating site/app/etc.
**5** For Requesting posts:
* Request must be primarily about finding specific films to watch
* Use the search bar before making a request
* Use a descriptive title that lets people know if they might be able to help or not
* Double check that your request wouldn't be more suitable in one of the subreddits outlined in Rule #8
* We require a minimum of 125 characters in the body of the post to ensure quality requests and suggestions
**6** For Suggesting posts:
* Suggest a single film, and no more than one every 24 hours
* Mandatory: Include the title of the film in the title of the post
* Encouraged: Use this format: Film Name (Year)
* Whet the appetite, don't go into detail
* Do not repeat a Suggestion that has been posted in the last 3 months
* Don't suggest a Barred Film (listed in the sidebar/wiki)
* Only suggest a film you've seen and enjoyed
* We require a minimum of 125 characters in the body of the post to ensure quality suggestion
**7** Links must be to neutral informative sources
* Such as TheMovieDB, Letterboxd, Rotten Tomatoes or Wikipedia. Both Youtube and IMDb are not considered a neutral source. Again, be mindful that this subreddit isn't your link farm.
**8** The subreddit isn't meant for:
* Identifying a film. Use r/tipofmytongue.
* Asking for suggestions based on a film/list of films without any more details. Use r/ifyoulikeblank
* Film reviews. Use r/moviecritic, r/moviereviews (more are mentioned in the sidebar)
* Requesting or suggesting a TV show. Use r/televisionsuggestions, r/ifyoulikeblank
* Asking where to stream a film. Use sites like ReelGood
* Sharing an idea for a film. Use r/movieideas
* Asking how a scene was created. Use r/Filmmakers
**Defining Excellence**
Be Aware
Every community has its own mores and policies. Before contributing, be aware if you're transgressing.
Be Polite
Leave your emotions at the door. This subreddit doesn't deal with necessities and participation should require mindfulness.
Be On-Topic
Each subreddit serves a purpose. Just like a photo of a dog cannot be submitted to a cat-based subreddit, the threads should be for helping people find a film that is for them. This is not meant in the literal sense and that territory is already occupied with the r/tipofmytongue subreddit. You're looking for a particular itch to scratch or you recognize what will scratch that itch.
Be Generous
People offering suggestions are taking their time out of their day to help you. While you might not need to say thank you to every post, you can easily tip them with an upvote. You're getting a free service from experts, be generous with your dopamine.
Beyond Yourself
This is a community that has a particular purpose. Anything else is extraneous. Trying to champion your own cause, such as promoting your own product, is not solely benefiting the community. If you can't help others without helping yourself, stroke your ego elsewhere.
Be Precise
There are realistically too many good movies to watch, so when you're suggesting a film be precise. You don't want people to watch the 'wrong' one or worse, a dud.
Build Upon
Replies should be building upon the topic, not diverting them with poor language or attacks on participants. You can easily disagree and leave someone better than you found them. | r/moviesuggestions | post | r/MovieSuggestions | 2025-02-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1ZUpra290OG9MblltcVRkaV9FUWF4T2NLNmp6aEVpaEJTMHlDZXVHanRGeEpsTEFyM2dnTmdqTmRPX3RiQk5aYUdNajR1MFRHNUNZYzBRVHo3djJLX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1aHFzN1RKa19DXzNhaVd5YzdHdmdicWpNR2dPbzh6ZmxZRTlzbHpBVWhxQS1FalRrY1pOQ3VVdFhWZkxqOWMxU3lRNlZad2M1QmFEQW5RSmNoT3ZmN2xlZmZnU09xQkRoWENGYnVJNlhUSnA4NE5WZ2hhOVRBYk1vMy1lUVBZVTVRYmQ3OGNzUGl1UU00bkRzNjNXdHZtUjRRUnBudXZTbmtYUlVwNGVYVE83ckhDWW1lNUZHNmdyaU9TbGZEaE8w |
Please, I need someone to tell me some embarrassing things that happened to them in Korea.
I've had some seriously embarrassing stuff happen. Surely I'm not the only one, right?? 😭
I'm just too socially awkward and can't do things on my own. 😫 | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1N3BtTEkxZURzNTRDUDhIOXlVemJVTXRXQXlMRmYzeU1YeDljMm4wWlhCSUJPQmlZWlpoTjdRUFFBMXEzM2xFMllCcFlXbVJtMVlwLWgyRFNjU2dGX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1SFAxWHlNdDlGTVdKR2toN1JJbHpnUU5YaW5XR2pCejJPOUZtanJ0ckFZMGh2eVhuWFU3ZVVrYlZMUVRWTl9hdjBnNU9tVFZCYTNZMXRKWG90eG1DT2ZBWXhDaE1PeUFZV05qZ1NNZlNFbEtZQ2lmUnZ1cmFZWE5jUDkyQkJwdmpDWTBlNjZRSHJFc1hGZEM3b3BVU3hVX1RkSjlxVUNpdVpKa2tiUm41MG1kc3JoU2hRZnhYUG41WTZmX0xQWl9qODVKWmpOMnhSRElLYTRSUGgyYlJndz09 |
South Koreans too young to hold a pencil compete to write essays to get into English kindergartens | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1Ykx6SWZGLXBHRXFweDNOcTY0VzlmdEVrN0dtYjJJSDNpOXdKb0V0NDBsazV0T2c2dWRiZzFVaHNYcW1YaENFUGU3dDFQNFNieHJhM29zMGY4RXh5Rnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1Q3lSMHo2LVM2eHM1VmoxUE5hM1Nfczl2eThfa0d6ZEZTUEJwOWgzb3czd0F5d3dJYkR0NjJVTnJDRWNZLWl2NkVpVlN0QlVZWkdmUVpNU3ZZMHMzYzdMWngtR05XSTJ0Zmx1UXZOU3JGMDQ5YVdVU0NSSVUxUUZPRE4yalg4ampSOEVxUjNLLWE3bUxYXzZuRTNsVERMZldCZS1xVzJQLWpNWXpJUDFjT3l0a2JIbW1LUzNsTm5DU0dOTk9LMmFk |
The suspects are accused of breaking into the temple’s columbarium, snatched a total of six urns. They then demand the families to pay ransom for urns' return before flee to Cambodia. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-02-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1UXlEeDlSYURmR05JM3NkRlBBU09zTjhFSDU4SXRBMzNWVXVtUlhDdVpzcE9wN25DNWJ1cGc0dU1JZ09GYklXNjIyTVE3YnNTQ1NUcFFHMWtmX0hTOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1eW5PVlI5ZjhCYTh3QzRubmE4d0NkTnc0cUFfRGpwNG51T1NLbndoYmcwYUtaZHFobUdiT1NaNWtsQVg0eTdxeEVEYlJtRkRoMjFQTXZ6N29HYXF0TDFyb1NvWlRleVhjcjB2WkxZRzVpQURPWmxtcHNxWjRmN29OWFNpMkRjN0xBMFg0Q19RbEVBMnlXdlJGdVhoVmM2UUdFYkFsWkxabmpsVG1XTzZ6TmFGS1pHdF9kVXBZM21ma1g1X1ZqLVM3 |
How is your Morning/Afternoon/Night (Depending when you see this ❤️) | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1VGd0YTkyOWV4cWlVSUNJYU1nVGVHem41cGVLc1Aybnh3cHVXMEt0S2pVUVAzUHdNN2t1bjg0eVdvalpJdkVCSG5RTEZNM1JRNUdYWjA2cGlGa0JQcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1VWg1dWhTa003WHp0TkJ1WFh1ZmpXVloxN2dIc2V1dy1XNXFWVU1GaDBGemY1MkV2VzA3aXNXWEZZZTBzcUtLUEFWTUhPajQ2dUNKcnVfamtZaWJqUEtrS3lBdmhOWi1IZFAzX082UkJqMGdJdVJRdC15cUlJWmY1T255RnFlNm0wOG95ZWJndGw2V1BaYU5uSkgwRlJkVC1uaDdxN1JLb0tJTEltN1YxZTdzPQ== |
Sending love from UK. Been fortune to visit a lot of places in the world. Seoul is a truly special city.
| r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1b1NNOEFpRldDNlM5eHFJaTVGaWVJSUtrZDloRkJXa0lTVkdpeFhSVDJ3RklsSTNVT2JEMW9yaU00eWl5WTByc2tER2F4UlliWVFRbnV1NWRrR2o1bTRMLTdTT0ZkLTgwODMwaFYzUDAtY1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1VEhiS2FiQnI4RFprSHZjVTRqUDBlQXhOcGtiNTZVVHVxN2E4Y1ZRZ181TFhvb0lHcHdaQ0QtY3BBUkdVSDhPR2hvemVtcnB4dVJXTU5GTWhXOXlIa0ctTlZwcGl5WlNCTEtjRGs2WXNzY05saEx2Y2dqQ0h3UHFFVy1IR1piOG9zdEpWWld0cGszZ1FOYl9QSmJrTENwcnlmbF9YTEFLQU9rbzgyVjFtdlNnPQ== |
Hi, my husband (American) and I are thinking of moving to the US.
My husband is unhappy here and I want to at least try to live there for a couple years to see if it’s somewhere I’d want to live for the rest of my life. It’s just that I’m pretty content with life here and very close to my family (just the thought of leaving my parents/grandparents makes me cry so I’m trying to avoid thinking about that lol)…
So i wanted ask Koreans who moved to America, do you like living there?
**just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to share their experience and/or thoughts!!
Thank you! | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1VVRoWV9QVGlkcVhJU3l3b19UQTlQLUdaaHdFUVV6YWtzc2JLZXUtNTdzXzZoTjNJU3lPZVhmQzk4emFOUnpGSlBHRktaZThOMWlrV2dnTy1SMWNpQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1YTNFbXNVQkxHT2traW1ueXcwTG8yTmRPOHZ6NlNGRjdYTjRvOFdUS0poRkVEQWZlUGVVMEhKaGtpTXBZaDZPcnZieE9lSW8xeTQxWnhSX3RZN18wbnRWZ2xtMU9IR0tqU1J2U1I0X2V3TjlMZmsyNHpuM1laU0VibUdaQU9EN0duUWM3akJZOWlsci1JbGg3azNpYktpZXB4ZnZsdnJpZ0ZyODdGcGs2QmJhWmZRT2FrTXI2TVZFSWhuRW1aVVda |
Honestly I’m just wondering. I’m not Korean, but I’ve recently gone down a kdrama rabbit hole and it got me thinking. Also, I had a friend from South Korea that completed two years of study at my college, then went back to South Korea for his military service and then returned to finish at our school once he was done. Are male employees protected from losing their jobs while they leave, like pregnant woman on maternity leave? Or is it more common to quit your job before you go and find a new one once you leave the military? | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1VWNzVTdyd2VILUt5a09wcnVkLWRHS0U5QlYwRlRMRkIxVmtMSW42WXZXZ0tFeDk2NTJKYXFsTFo2aUx5cDA5VXJyTXN4SDZuTTJPcEVjSGFmbTR4OVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1UWxPZ0ZOWDZDRnRaaVhXbEJFckdKUERiSmdyQmdSTVNlbHNCRXdRUVRfWVpoVlgwNFNRRXA5d2xhSTgybGRBM1NXSWxXNzdZQjdFQzB1SWxIUk5DeG40ZFo5c1pHWVhsWWpuZm5FM29vTmVnRlBCY0JiYmZpX2dPT05xanZRRnUtNE9IaUJyNHRLSi1Oc3FfbklMYjNxU0NhZlZhR0xZQ0RfamRoWlA5OVBTZ0trcnkxVnN3aVc5amtKVmd3cmNH |
Has anyone seen other sources beyond Hankyore's report on this? This is set to become effective on April 15, and South Korean citizens will be limited on being employed or working with the US on nuclear technology, quantum computing, and other high-tech industries. I haven't seen any US-based news media or any DOE annoucement reporting on this yet. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1MTJjandoLTZzMTNlTG5UTHZYTC0xYjVkUDU5UzZjY0hiRVVhTldkcEVxYmMwbExqdk00RkRYWkxTUzlrV1FpQjMtMk9xejB4TEVjT2FHZHhOLV9xVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1WmhUTHdEbFFacFNJc0xOazQwaTFzOGJyRVlaeG9tZ2tVRmJ1TS1CN2N5c0NkZ3diWDctbGRUWkI4SGpvU3NiM1Fzd21TdThxUUh4Nnp4M2JtOGxlNlpVVzRhMk0wNWtTN3JmT25YRGo4eUE5NFhTOHk3ZXhLRFFYX1N3Y212QjJXZmpCa2dONkgydHA4WUYxZVRjdUlGRlNkLVVudklESlBCWDFXbV9pOWZUZk0xRmkxUk54R1lWcmduRWhBQU9NYVpCMjJtRndwQmJpQ2J2ZV82eDlDUT09 |
A month ago I shared my first ever substack article here on the issue of parental abduction in Korea, especially as it relates to the case of Courtney Lynn, an American woman who had her three month old son kidnapped by her abusive former husband.
My second article focuses on Korea’s defamation laws, and how they hinder those who have been affected by parental abduction from speaking up about it.
[Korea’s Dangerous Defamation Laws 한국의 위험한 명예훼손 죄](https://reunite1.substack.com/p/koreas-dangerous-defamation-laws) | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1MzB1Tjh0d0FqTS1ZUXBtRkhreFdUVEZLN2xMQlNWSU1CWFE0Nk9EdDFCZFJaQW1xMUJxZThzOTE0TmVPeVF5ZndWS3FxVUk4ZE9iOXBQQW9NZGpOckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1REdfNEV5TnM5MGFlUnJFSVRBdWZOUC1vMEZOdEdZX1NsT0EzUGhhY2QtcWUwQ1dfVHFxZlVVd3ZhVmxXRHFXMS0tdllNdXR0QU5oUmN3RDBTN0ZwdVdKMFphVDU2RDhIZTdWSjY2RDVlRFVCRDJGZ292eFdwM09lcmlsRHB3QWRHdTd4eVdnVVBRbUl0Z3Rhck55LTdYTmxYT1I3eEs4OFBudGo0TlZpM1VyNUJPb01YVXNXYVZ2VXZDUzN6YjBiNGNhdElDelpWb0FkSWd3REZ2ejJCUT09 |
Seriously who is going to buy this? | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1aGk1NkFnd1V6V0luU1pmWHUyQjVGMi11S1ZidktId2J4WDhNSDNwRldTSzlwSmJ1R1RwM1UzR3ZSLUNZd0xpUld3T2poVEh2bFgybWRBdjVlcU5uM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1QmotSFU4alRFRXJCTTBROURwZy1NQ0ZySGp4ZFN2cVprTzJQbzZsUGp6aTJsRjNpNDJtQzdPTnZhM21TNVRLc3pzalRIV0x2REJCUWczQjM1NFlaQ3hyODItM2k4R2NpbUg4NEJhNHJ0cm11X1VHaDdDT004MVhvVUpEMjJpUGxmTlJBWDE2VVV3MWs0QVB4QjNoQld5S3lFLTBIR2VBNndONDdCZ0NtM25zPQ== |
I have a rough day ahead tomorrow and been thinking about trying this product for the first time but I’m not sure whether to drink it all or just half. Also, can anyone take this? | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1T3czeng1VmxrRW82T2Rhb2tGQWZ6R05JY0dWSDl5X1pfb3dQd0xxdU5LY0gxVURKREZoSzA1TTlQSnpISWkxRzd0eDJWNVNldDFCaXp6Z2VGeUU1Q3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1TEp2NjVRYW9lbnRXa0xtRGFCY2VDa1FqT3ZvVF9VdDRZWGVORjRMbjRWS3lRWXktSUtEUHlLeUNlLVhDcGpCdzJxdEp4SHZqb2Z1Z0xjZ0s4RXhReC1EWlVXQktNSVNpdU05VmRubHpWM2FEN0FXLTdqaE8wdnJ1QWxrejJpTTJES2VVMXZmUlBzTy1SN0l4TmhzUUM0Y0xGbkdBVTF1SDlSRzQ2WkFVNTdRPQ== |
Just curious, how big is the current ongoing Kim soohyun scandal? Is it big news in Korea? I’ve seen it everywhere online on Korean and US platforms. How is it being perceived over there ? | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1MXNhRTVDbGZweUhlcFVKN1NVaDY4WkJfZ0N5TkZ5cEU2RTVNYy03RGh2ZzZBcE85QzVXS3Z5YVA5akZUcHVjZ3lhY2RfUmI3T2JWVFBuQk9Mai1kcXhVTGV5VFJISGxfSnRQTVd1ODdfQTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1bkZWb3FZLXMwUTVVY0FhdEJoSi11Wm9IMlRTejl6X3lReUVxWElBdllzVzU4eGd0SVVtTkZjc0pyZEJaTjZkcUV0dmstS2JnZGFYU0g1RXlSUEJQbUtJTzhCOVBjdlpPU1k0RWpXU3RfVlJuLUxISXpiNVlXNFZ4cTFNOUl4MDd1SFRIaG5scmdTeFlGU1JsNm5SNVl3YUJ1czc2NzFWdjdlQmJENmdkeWVFPQ== |
As an Australian, I'm eager to see more of Asia. I went to Japan for the first time last year and I absolutely loved it.
I was respectful to the Japanese people, laws and culture. I was sincerely curious about the fascinating history of Japan, and I was able to bring back heaps of Nintendo merch. Would love to go back!
I was planning on going to South Korea at some point and experience. Korean history, architecture and culture is fascinating, and I'm eager to try out some of the food for sure!
But with all of the shit that nuisance streamers are doing over there, it makes me very angry. These lowlifes attacking ordinary people on the street for attention and mone, and I depspise them.
Logan Paul, Ice Posiedon, Johnny Somali etc... all of these people are scum.
I really do hope that this dosen't have a big effect on tourism, maybe I'm just overthinking.
South Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun, 37, is embroiled in controversy following allegations of a six-year relationship with the late actress Kim Sae-ron, who died by suicide on the 16th of February 2025 (on his birthday) at age 24.
Her aunt and relatives have claimed the relationship began when Kim Sae-ron was 15.
Subsequently, a photo surfaced showing Kim Soo-hyun seemingly kissing Kim Sae-ron on the cheek during his military service between 2017 and 2018, when she was 17 or 18.
Kim Soo-hyun's agency, Gold Medalist, has dismissed these allegations as "baseless" and "malicious," threatening legal action against the accusers.
This scandal has intensified public scrutiny of Kim Soo-hyun, leading to online backlash and calls for boycotts of his endorsements. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1MFhtbWpjNVFpZU9MZmhrbTRfQWpIQTFTX1J0eU1QblN0RWdjNVVjbHhEYUs2UEowRGZZQ2pHRHFCZ3RiMzF1cTBBb0hVa3ZPeDlZZm90MHlFVmNISEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1QWR1MnRZY3h5cGl1UlJBTnVKbFNFTmc4U0R5ZzJmLTg2dFpES0VlZGFTU1hYcHFMR1VicE10N1hjcEc1MDFPYlJqYjlfSnF0NlZ5Q0FuUlk1SkNvOHU4eDlweEwzeHp4YjlrcHlocVNEclRVX0t3STJHeE94Z0YycWF3ZC1NeWUwOUJJMzdCMkFsc1psVFYtTTF1Z1FFb1hBT3o3NnlROWZiUWk2cGg2eXJBPQ== |
What do you guys think about this? Sounds predatory on a whole new level… | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1cFE2ZkNSUlYwMU1LLXVJdl9IYzRDQlNVRVhZb1E5X0xWQjdnSlNXdmJOWk9kdC0zeDNsbWNzekJXSTY5WVkxbkJpSk5lSThtdlhRVTFjTng0aEtxWmhNZ3M4bTBRNzByZjQyRUQ5cmNwVU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1QU1YTWFvMUpnODBKUlNaSkJGaXRiMTBJdHdDYUpwamdFTVUtdGVGRGZ1a0FULUhCcGV3THJ0QkduX2dEYVRNYmZsNFpoMVh4VGRHVWNYUVpCUkNYLUhZTGZHOGZpRE5JYmtjTmdyenBtTzh2TmNmeHR4alFDNVM4dmc1TWNsWFUzaHlOeE9aLUpEaTRrU0p5eXVnSVk5alhad05PN183ZDJaNHpZUmVpTHNqRlEtSExwWGNMdFVUbklfLVRYTVJF |
Korean article with the entire official statement attached - https://www.edaily.co.kr/News/Read?newsId=01239846642103320&mediaCodeNo=258
KSH had previously stated that he would release a statement a week later, but has abruptly come out with a statement 11am in Korea.
Main claims from the statement:
- KSH and KSR dated each other from the summer of 2019 to Fall of 2020, after she had become an adult; It is not true that they dated when KSR was a minor
- Garosero's claim that there were photos taken together in 2016 is untrue
- The letters KSH sent to KSR during his military service was just one of many letters that he wrote to his acquaintances, not a 'love letter'.
- It is not true that KSH ignored KSR's financial issues; KSH did not lend KSR money or urge her to pay it back, nor was he in a position to do any of those things.
- Gold Medalist (KSH's agency) and KSR communicated to resolve the debt situation.
(Of note is that in March 2024 KSH's agency stated that rumors of him dating KSR were untrue, so today's statement seems to be going back on what they said then.)
The controversy looks to continue into the future, because KSR's aunt claimed that KSH approached KSR when she was in high school, and that their relationship had been going on for 6 years.
Edit: Garosero has made a post on their youtube channel responding to KSH's statement. Among other things, the youtuber:
- Said that KSR, after seeing KSH's statement made in March 2024 stating that they were not dating, sent a message to her family telling them that she's been dating KSH for 6 years since 2015
- Questioned (in an accusatory manner) why he would say "I love you" and "I miss you" in a letter to a minor (the military letters)
- Said that he would release photos of KSH doing the dishes at KSR's house without his clothes if KSR's family agreed to it | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1WEhYeGlxeEpoNlV6UHJISVk3c2trWDN6Z2s5djhRWlp1VmlKNXdQWGEwQkZXdWYwdTdpSXZ0M25qOElvWU5uS3JsaFdfcFpHRjdqZVhuVDE2Z3M4NWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1bk5fRGJsNktNb28wZDFsSzM1cVhuSkJvb2dLeGFWM3FGOGppU0dRUHRKZGhEazlURmdiMTFwWGtPOUJVcDNzb1dmY1M5SURiVXp6emY4TmNBNXRVa2RFUlZiZmd3dTVIcTUyTkgyRGNIc2cyVXJMNGpIZFI5cHowQWpZY2FhVDZEYV95M2owcENVR0VnMG9IZm5fNlkzNXp2ZkFTdmpvYklZMTFYc1ZDV0x6ZzFXTG5iUG5ZclZLSnl4M1VzZ0xlZm9fdTF3emZJZWJ5R2Y1djF3QXVOZz09 |
Currently, it is estimated that around **50,000 Koreans** live in Brazil, with the largest Korean community in Latin America[](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Brazilians "1")[](https://www.ncesc.com/geographic-faq/how-many-koreans-live-in-brazil/ "2"). The majority are concentrated in São Paulo, especially in the **Bom Retiro** neighborhood, which is known as a Korean cultural center in the country. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1U0k4aXpsQXN6ZHNTRkhMUWh6S3g0NTVFZkM2eVZNRnRNSEJVakZxVWczOGIxTjN3R0FOTElqSTNzTDdXejQwRU9WUVhrSVRxOVRUc2ZiRTR6XzRaeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1VXhPb0h2UEhfRGVQR0NQX0dVcGg4NllNNjdvWjNNY01xY0tTRjFEbXdHcUNDOGhkQzgzT24tdmpKSHJfYU5TdmVQc08wUHZBQTlkRFh6UWRQWEM1NDZyS2NKYjlHNU1vUDNLb0p5WXYxNWI2bFpQUFhFcGtvRzVQUFRVN0J2cWxNeTBPVnRwWmlPdVdtX2luV1hGalBUQS1RdWxnRkhxZVFPbHVEWnVSOVhVPQ== |
Hey folks! Here's the thing - my wife is obsessed with traditional Korean furniture like on the pics. Who knows where I can find them not that expensive like 400.000₩ or higher. Something old but gold around 50k. I love in Daegu so I think such stuff can be found easier in our area. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1SUFFZWt0Ym91YnVnbW1WMTBTNmQ0LV9kdndqcXVxUnB5MmRjWmh1M1pMaHJ0eThtcHlZS0huNEw2aU10MmI4akQyMElQd2piaWthakRsZkVZb2NJZDlWVHRNZHJ5UklqLW9jQWIzZExJb3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1dXNrZGk3cEw4YnZvZTM2MU5GVWFiVnZHSFdYYko0eGg4d0diclVnMVY0VHdTNUQtOHRZVDJ3cmJWUmtnOWlwQy1kaUctb1lWblZYNXlhcHJXeWRFSWpPQlZFNklnT2xsdEw1QWVPaHl2cnVhWlQ2b1hlakVnU3dUSUhCV0JNRnlwZzg2XzU3LTFzSjZGNWtBRXdSZzhNdnF2TnhkRTRpdXJ1elF5NWxXTDU5ZlVEMGMyRWFQY01KeWFjd296X3Bv |
I believe it is 100% morally wrong, but i think it was legally allowed to date a 15 year old back in 2015/2016 as their legal age of consent changed from 13 to 16 only in 2020. So... i dont think the legal jurisdication system in Korea can bring any justice for the late Kim Sae Ron unfortunately. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1Z294S0Q1YklxTVA0VHFFWkR4X2E3SE91YzZQNFhRYjNxZFZYZi10UjRGY2VKSHg2aVU3TElIOWQ3dWM5SGpaTENYdkhCem5hQ2F3MEVrZFR2ZnY3SXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1NHg5WWVRRm8tek1SQm1RX3EzTnFBZllvZlBYRlE2ZWpuS19ZR1hQV1VObnFsaERqcER6cTVfV21XWXZpYzF4MS1mVFFFbEl6RXdhVExzMkx0SHhadC1nSmdnSEJjQzdxb2RpTlhhWXpnRUh3ampIRzhjVml1d0Rhd3pXcTgxdzc0czRDLUVfd2ZMeE1ZVzluUkdobVN4SDFHSVk2QnhnOTVUZEtvWE9jU1o5MXBrQTZRU1lhTHNITjJ0NUNXYVZuSzgzTjNETFZJaFlQY2NtU1J0LS1fZz09 |
[Kim soo hyun and kim sae ron rising controversy ](https://preview.redd.it/dz606svmg0pe1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=84046bc4ad7c6331e004b5b842ef800f86b4767f)
Garosero has released multiple private pictures of KSH and KSR while they were still dating claiming that the pictures were taken while sae ron was still a minor. And if KSH continues with his nonsense Garosero has announced that they will release 3 photos and 1 video next week. Gold medalist also announced that KSH wants to meet late KSR's mother now. Before this KSH tried to bribe her father but he told KSH not to contact him again and now he wants to bribe her mother?Me, as a former KSH fan cannot process all that is happening. KSH is yet to reveal his side of the story and gold medalist released their statement saying that the two of them dated but only after Kim Sae Ron turned into an adult. KSH is facing too much backlash because he dated a minor and turned his back on her when she needed him. According to the statement released by the company, the screenshots of KSR begging KSH to not sue her because of her debt was just to prove the media that gold medalist was not helping KSR with her debt regarding her DUI incident in 2022 just because she was an actress.We still don't know everything regarding their relationship and the 700 KRW debt KSR had.
Looking at all the backlash KSH is facing and his downfall from south korean entertainment is just too much sometimes, like some people are clearly overreacting in this matter. Why is all of this happening only after we lost sae ron? Back when queen of tears was broadcasting at its peak, KSR released a photo of her and so hyun on her story and faced many backlashes. People said that she was just trying to get attention from the media now that she ruined her career because of her DUI incident. Poor sae ron deserved better when she was struggling, what's the use of supporting her without listening to what others have to say now that she has passed away? Is all the hype this matter is getting, leading us anywhere or is this case going to be buried by his company so he can continue his acting career again?
Korean translation (한국어 번역):
가로세로 씨는 KSH와 KSR이 사귀던 시절에 찍은 사적인 사진을 여러 장 공개하며 해당 사진이 새론이 아직 미성년자일 때 찍은 사진이라고 주장했습니다. 그리고 KSH가 말도 안 되는 주장을 계속한다면 가로세로 측은 다음 주에 사진 3장과 영상 1장을 공개하겠다고 밝혔습니다. 금메달리스트는 또한 KSH가 지금 고인이 된 KSR의 어머니를 만나고 싶다고 발표했습니다. 전에는 KSH가 아버지를 매수하려 했지만 아버지는 다시는 연락하지 말라고 했는데 이제는 어머니를 매수하고 싶다고? 전 KSH 팬인 저는 이 모든 일을 처리할 수 없습니다. KSH는 아직 자신의 입장을 밝히지 않고 있고 금메달리스트는 두 사람이 사귀었지만 김새론이 성인이 된 후에야 사귀었다는 입장을 발표했습니다. KSH는 미성년자와 사귀고 그녀가 필요할 때 등을 돌렸다는 이유로 많은 반발에 직면해 있습니다. 소속사가 발표한 성명서에 따르면, 채무 때문에 고소하지 말아달라고 애원하는 KSR의 스크린샷은 금메달리스트가 배우라는 이유만으로 2022년 음주운전 사건과 관련해 KSR의 빚을 도와주지 않았다는 것을 언론에 증명하기 위한 것일 뿐, 아직 두 사람의 관계와 KSR이 진 7억원의 채무에 대해서는 모든 것이 밝혀지지 않은 상황입니다. KSH가 직면하고 있는 모든 반발과 그의 한국 엔터테인먼트에서의 몰락을 보면, 일부 사람들이 이 문제에 대해 분명히 과잉 반응하고 있는 것 같습니다. 왜 이 모든 일이 새론을 잃고 나서야 일어나는 걸까요? '눈물의 여왕'이 한창 인기리에 방송되던 시절, 소이현과 함께 찍은 사진을 공개해 많은 역풍을 맞았던 적이 있습니다. 음주운전 사건으로 커리어를 망쳤으니 이제 와서 언론의 관심을 받으려는 것 아니냐는 반응이 많았죠. 불쌍한 새론이 힘들 때 더 잘해줬어야지, 이미 지나간 일인데 남의 말은 듣지 않고 응원하는 게 무슨 소용이 있냐고요. 이 문제가 이슈가 되어서 어디로든 나아갈 수 있을까요, 아니면 소속사에 의해 이 사건이 묻혀서 그가 다시 연기 활동을 이어갈 수 있을까요? | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1dUtSRkFsODIzY1VKeWxsNFpiSU9XRkxDWmp0eDdHOFdNYVlzM3JnY2toY3hZUmxRQjlTZ1JuWnVtRWFWMWRNQmFpeTU0RXdqVzJXRk9OOVB5NHdUU2lRT1Z6eVFQUDd1dnl3aEE5ME5mYUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1eFB0RWRraEZELWVDNHdZREZmM19mT3BXdjJNN3ptcmo3RGl5NGlTV3RCejlkYmhjSE1kek5kWGUtbkRaR3Nlb1BOVE9PN0FHVDlKOVVJb1lvaUlIcHBnMlBKMnh1OGk4MFZ0U0dqYWI0c0FvMkRxazBTaWtyckF1cVN1ZzBDenljT0d5bXA2UlpxX2ZKSHp6aGQ4eXVLWm5ib2hLYVNHeXpVVDNuNktfeEJrPQ== |
K-netizens are sending mails to Disney to protest Kim Soo Hyun's casting in "Knock Off".
KSH will be liable for about 120,000,000 USD if he violates the contract with Disney. The netizens speculated that's the reason why KSH won't apologize and keeps bribing media.
Here's the e-mail address:
- The Walt Disney Company Privacy Protection Team: [email protected]
- Disney Social Responsibility Department: [email protected]
- Disney Plus Inquiries: [email protected]
https://m.dcinside.com/board/drama_new3/18605184 | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1eUpKTmMxazFQTFlXOFVGaF9zajBiN2lKVE1fV0J2cVRzdzdWMTJDRnlDZ2VrVmFQR3Y4SEdoaS1TVHNfM1dzbzNXWU5tS19OSWpGeWFoM0JjUGZTRndkaFJhZWhHVUJDY1NTUEtjU01fdE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1clNoUXJYS0RGMXJGbkhwODFYYlpDVmQxM0FNWlczVVB6Tm1COThqNTF5R2hEWEtpM0JPdUpVV1ZPVDhGaGFVaEk2UjJGNjVxVWsxWHpBUk5DM244eThQMU9YUnMyLTVFZHdCRkNjQXc2NWZjMnkyQzRuZUpKeE9WN1BtSFE2SGVUWXJ6UUc0aDNmOU5iSDQxbmUxSnVFalA5ejJRcnd6Nll1QXluamF1MW04YVFZTUI3cUpRN0VBeVhIaEZ0ekVOZEdPYUJzUlJMbnNwbkhJc2RRZDFGQT09 |
Hello friends, my name is Alyssa (born 1988). I'm looking for my father with the last name Chong in South Korea!
I've been posting online looking for him and recently got tons of support which led me to transfer my 23andme DNA data to Ancestry, familytree etc.
Well great news, this weekend I got a match on Ancestry and confirmed my father is alive in South Korea with the last name Chong!!!
More Info I have: He was seeing my mother Barbara Buckley (Day) in 1988 at the Osan Air Base in South Korea. Barb worked at the childcare center and met my father there somehow. My mother was married to an American man named Bill Buckley who was in the USAF (air force).
My mother had an affair with my father and chose to take me away from my father. She lied and took me to the US where I was born. Now I am searching for my father so we can be reunited. My mother refuses to give me any information so I have become my own private investigator basically.
I need your help locating my father so I can contact him and we can finally meet and get reunited 36 years later.
Please spread this around so we can find each other before it's too late!
Thank you so much!!! 💞 | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1Z2xxNjkzX3pvZFlKc2FMVlhsVzBpYlpsTm9NR0VnY3VBUzRpOHZjdDNfWkVacXY5NllDQVlaRTBobVY3OXZRMlIwdENhWEhWcWlwZ1JIV3F2Wm9mQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1NEg3OVFRRjVNMWJoZHhzazlPbTBtQkozOWdRY2czNEZPbVFXV3J3T0RIc3hkRG95T2VzZUVxVmVaWWhDMGZJdFp3RzBmVDhCM09OLTVoY1prWTN4OWttdGpMXzJZUFp6Q2pLNEk4ZkdISk5VWXBjM1k5S3FtbkRpZ1ZzQmZtNl9QVHhzblRETFB5S1R3NFZuZWNNRUIxSzFpd3dUNEZEOTJRODNVOUpOQVJTeWxfRFFBUE5RZVFVUC1YbVlrTTBZ |
It’s now been found and confirmed that the military bought 3114 Human Remains Pouch (HRP) in preparation for their martial law declaration.
The more documents that’s being found continues to provide more evidence towards the planned torture and mass murder if anyone deemed to be Yoon’s enemy.
I just cannot believe that I’ve been living in a nation with a government that actually planned this.
I’m also genuinely under so much stress with the constitutional court taking such a long time to provide a verdict and whilst we are all waiting in fear the Far Right rallies keep getting bigger and even more violent.
I had a HongKong friends travelling from Australia who got caught in the middle of the far right protest and people kept trying to verbally abuse him asking if he was Chinese or not. Even though he spoke perfect English these racist far right is now even attacking and targeting innocent tourists.
Honestly when tf is the courts going to provide this verdict when there’s literally countless evidence of not only illegal activity but genuine mass murder. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1WFdDMm1qVlZ3dDdEOF9sVGNEYlY5b0ZZMm1EZ0dEZ2ZfREozejNuYTFESXB0WllheHU3Rnd1VUtVTWRFc0ZCc096VDcyME1SRWd3SHdOMjNQOEFvT1Q0cXVhUjV1N2EwVjJUVWp1UTlseTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1MWVjM3h6b3ZwVFM0eHBaQTdsTExoMnV0RE1qSjg4cDgyRU1nb3JBbmFFQXVYbm1lOTFoNGFHTTJJRUQxeFAwdXR5S24zNl9vZGVNN2RRanJvdmM2UjJPSmNyUVJ2NU9tc0xVc2JnUlpURzdYYUh2dzZZRDRrVGlodEJNa01qVzMzZnU3Z2wwRGhURExVaHFTYy05Rmh6OEFwTEZfNUFJbmRwUW81OVVQbTJkYUZHalhsYk0zcm1zeVFId2RfWjY4WUhlaVd3d0xxS19FZkl2Wm1iOXRDQT09 |
This is from the show One Ordinary Day and not a new picture. But thought it was timely considering the current circumstances. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1OUhuOEtTWnZ2bEJyUHBTaWhNX240VDNOMmZRQjZ6VHJTRFJVakpTUFZEQ21Tdm92Ykh6VXpwSlk2SnVEdi1QQktpMGotajVfVzhfZ3d3ZWFEUExPLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1dGhsX0hXSDkwNTVrcm0yVGk1VVc2bkdQVzh4d3FZV3o0LVI3SVBRb1VLelNWUFJKNHp4S0lmSG5ydVhZN3pLV01lX0JYSHFUUjRPb2FNSUs5cDd6YVBPanlfaVAzNUF2RE4zUGk4TUdDTVRfZEhHQV90OHBGYnVmSTU3MjhhU3RQc0hlS0p3TWxwbW5PZjBWbGJYUlZwcHpNZE8xTUM1LWhUNzFHM2VRTHRnPQ== |
One of the coolest things I’ve experienced since moving here. Sadly the festival had to stop during pandemic. Wish it could come back. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1UzM1UTJZSEVqdXJlRHdyb3c4Ny1xV0x6RllzZXJFY09XNWV5cUNqdmZxRWxPQ1d5SDRPd3RtVnRyaW5Ec0hFendITjhTbFVxcks2YWpYNFFHM1pUM19rRkFQS3hCUE5Za2M4U0RUMFk4cm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1aGVlbExiN255SldJREdfTzVzcWNfaXNVSEgwS2pKclpPNDJKRXU0M1BDa1pPWlhFdmg3SGZYRE9HYmhrTDZhb195a1dpNkVYZFlkMHpMQy1ZeFFRRG1pd1kzVHBMRlJISlhMQno0cTd6SzBEUnlNS0Nic2lmVEZIalNPRzN2U2t6X2tVY0duZWY1Y1ZiQkpHcmxGNjF4TGJyS291bmRNbU5kbUNHNGdXekJFWUcxVllBOGVvb2trTXpjQ2tiYmNp |
What the actual fuck is happening in this country? The First Lady of South Korea, Kim Keon-hee, allegedly scolded the Presidential Security Service (PSS) for not using force when President Yoon Suk-yeol was arrested—and even mentioned shooting Lee Jae-myung.
According to MBC News, police investigations confirmed that after Yoon’s January 15 arrest for leading an insurrection, a PSS officer reported Kim saying:
“What’s the point of carrying a gun? You have it to stop things like this.”
She then reportedly added:
“Honestly, if it were up to me, I’d shoot Lee Jae-myung and then kill myself.”
This was reported internally and later confirmed by police, who were already investigating whether the PSS tried to obstruct Yoon’s arrest.
The Presidential Office and the PSS refused to comment on whether Kim actually made these statements or if she was implying that force should have been used to prevent Yoon’s arrest.
So now we have a First Lady talking about shooting political opponents, a President arrested for insurrection, and security forces potentially considering armed resistance. Is this a democracy, or are we about to see people settling political disputes with bullets?
Here’s the MBC news link
https://imnews.imbc.com/replay/2025/nwdesk/article/6697609_36800.html | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1LVdsRWxSQ3FGRGh1UjNkYkw4YnRsTWNjbml0d2hjcXFfQTR2X2pjZk9QUE1FTV9Iek9qakNpN2xZMHNqX3RTdUhyNVZkMW03ZnhjLVV0TjJnZnpwSktib1I4a0ZwclNQczBoQmVrMXhENTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1VHh3ejBONDBKRnQ2ZzUtSUpIUmlYSkFqQlNmZGN0N1Z4VlhwNlJCUEs3cFhRZ0h1QzIyNHF6cFcxX0dqd2k0eGZTdE5kdEtoT3RiRHpsRzZxZGZoaUxkZ3FZN3NZSDdDcS12LXZxenJ4OWNlOHhKeGJNbGdQNVF3WWNwVmd4WXY1Yk5weGpxc0Q5cGEzM2EtYWRCMDdjdUlSY1RpLUljQzhPaWR3Y2tZcFdaR0ZzdXFXMGpGUEpwRmItZkVYZ1g4aXFqVjFLWW1hZWktbnNubXJ3T2NkQT09 |
These three places are considered by many to be very misogynist. One of the reasons is because these are Confucian societies. Some feminists criticize Confucian's teachings because they believe that Confucianism is inherently sexist.
From the outside looking in, a lot of people view Korea as one of the worst countries in the world for women. But when doing some research, Korea surprisingly has went through significant growth in the improvement in women's rights. This is very baffling because many see Korea as being very misogynist and hierarchical even compared to Japan or China. Comparing Korea even 10 or 20 years ago to now reveals how much change Korea has went through in this time period.
[Korea was ranked less sexist than Asian countries like Japan and China in all four studies according to the Gender Inequality Index 2022, Social Institutions and Gender Index 2023, Women, Business and the Law 2024 Report, and the Global Gender Gap Index 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/1hyue5c/is_south_korea_one_of_the_most_or_least/)
Korea also had a MeToo movement that was successful because Korea didn't censor women's stories and gave them a platform unlike China or Japan. ["South Korea is the exception, as the national TV channel JTBC broadcasted testimonies and questioned the system, thereby lending more credibility to the movement and encouraging women to speak up about their experiences\[18\]. This could explain why, out of the three countries, South Korea is the one where #MeToo had the greatest impact, with several popular political figures prosecuted for harassment and several demonstrations in August 2018 bringing together thousands of women\[19\]."](https://igg-geo.org/en/2023/07/11/metoo-in-east-asia-societal-and-political-implications/)
This MeToo movement led to laws being made in Korea. ["South Korean feminist activists were more successful, with more than 145 new bills (called the “MeToo bills”) proposed to the Assembly. Only 29 were adopted in 2019\[29\], some about sexual harassment in the workplace and others about online violence."](https://igg-geo.org/en/2023/07/11/metoo-in-east-asia-societal-and-political-implications/)
Japanese feminists and Chinese feminists are inspired by Korean feminism:
Japanese feminist Minori Kitahara says that she is influenced by Korean feminism
Minori: ["I was actually influenced by Korean feminism, but it was during the Me Too movement that I realized that I hadn’t actually created a movement with the public in Japan." 일본의 미투(#MeToo)는 이렇게 시작됐다 - 일다 ](https://www.ildaro.com/9199)
Minori: ["I'm very pleased. South Korea is now a country that is ahead of Japan's youth. Music, literature, feminism. It's a culturally advanced out country, Korea. There are no books about feminism in Japan, but I think it is a book that Japanese publishers avoid." 일본의 미투(#MeToo)는 이렇게 시작됐다 - 일다](https://www.ildaro.com/9199)
Chinese feminists are also inspired by Korean feminism: [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-south-korea-china-fertility-feminism-birth-rate/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-south-korea-china-fertility-feminism-birth-rate/) [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23306343.2023.2241126](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23306343.2023.2241126)
The reasoning might be that Korea has more Western influence than Japan or China. [They seem to have some of the highest approval rating of US influence compared to other Asian countries.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Korea%E2%80%93United_States_relations) Thus, they would be more ready to adopt more Western ideals such as Feminism. Or it could be that Koreans are more prone to protest and speak out compared to China or Japan. This is seen by the constant amount of protests that seem to be apart of Korean culture at this point. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1dlRSR0xkNkNkb3FhaE5Ha2pKVWdiNlFJaWhxcFh6UmxSV0NZekUtT0g1SnA5TG1nM0tzODRkS1NjY3NXa2UxSHJFalRoc3h5eTQ1a3pXUW9FVEM5ZFVva3o2R2hPUENHM3FNZ19fMTN3Z1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1NkhXZjZiNmtBSUQzRmU5YW15Undaa0Q3UTVTa3RhMXEyMUZOSEFRQTdMWkViMzFjMDlNTE9BWW9Nd1Atb0hhR1VIU2V4VHh1QmZIMXJzWXhxc0c5YUFHMWVPRmUwdVQ0aW5GVEc3WlpTUHhkejJKZ25pbm1oZDJhcklOQkpqajM4SlRBa1BNdk9XbkZxSTFLbWpDb2JtdzA2emIxVGdqUWUyM1RIazBFdGRBSVZlWGhHSGRBYl9fWHA0VkVRNkl0 |
I was having a conversation class with my Korean Teacher and we were practicing some health words and were talking about hormones, so I mentioned birth control pills. I was thinking about oral contraceptives you take everyday and she said it was 비임 약 (edit *피임)
But as we spoke more I realized she was referring to emergency contraception (like plan B) I was mortified so I tried to explain that I meant the ‘normal’ one that is taken everyday day I guess that would be 사전비임 약 but she had no idea what I was talking about? She had literally never seen or heard of it. I was super confused because where I am from it’s a very common pill and many women take it. Is it really the case that daily use BC pills are not common in Korea?
I guess I worded this post a little off in my haste. I have actually personally use BC pills in Korea when I lived there (with prescription) so at least when I was there, I knew it was available. The real thing I was trying to get to the bottom of is why my teacher was so adamant she’s never seen or heard of it? It might not be as ubiquitous as other countries, but if she knew about Plan B then it seemed so unlikely she had never heard of daily contraception pills and didn’t know the word for it in Hanguk either 🤷🏽♀️
I was thinking maybe it’s not popular anymore? But it’s more likely that my teacher just felt a bit shy about it. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1ZzZ3cy1HdTNmTDI5TWhraXNEQzRwTUVtZXdScWoxR0ZOLVp3ZGw2WFh1cER0UXNmZW9vbndJczZBcUVOSmR0dmpxbEN0bnFRUGlINklSdzBKbkY1NkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1bWpydXZ1MHpGclUxVEZDUk5CLUNSSHd5SFNOVmFfUmxxSk9GWTVYaWw3THJhdW44U3A1dTFfdE9kc05CaWR0dE0tNDFCQ2pYVEJjajF5U2lfZHpoRWNqcHpsSmQ2N1lQeHp0NERkVmt1amZkYXJhNlRDdk5RcTFwNXN0RHJ6X3pkUGFBaW5LWlhxYWtlSjlLcERNNExkWnJGdVU1RVMtYkNKV0REeHgwWmxlY2hUYTk3WkFKS2FFT09zZXh6SHJV |
I grew up in a tropical country (Philippines), so experiencing snow for the first time in South Korea was absolutely amazing! I visited during winter, and here’s what I loved and didn’t love about my trip.
What I Loved:
❄️ Snow! – Seeing and feeling snow for the first time was magical. A core memory for sure.
Public Transport – Their railway and bus system is super efficient, always on time, and easy to navigate.
Scenic Views – Whether in the city or the countryside, South Korea is incredibly picturesque.
Disciplined & Proper People – Locals follow rules, respect public spaces, and generally keep things orderly.
Tax Refund for Foreigners – If you’re traveling for leisure, you can claim a tax refund at designated stores. Just look for "Tax-Free" signs, spend over a certain amount, and process the refund at the airport before leaving.
What I Didn’t Like:
Expensive – South Korea is pricey overall, and Myeongdong especially felt like a tourist trap (e.g., $5 for a single street food item).
Discrimination – I felt some subtle racism at times, similar to my experience in Hong Kong.
Language Barrier – English isn’t widely spoken, making communication a bit difficult.
Despite some downsides, I really enjoyed my vacation and would love to visit again! Maybe next time in spring or autumn for a different experience.
Anyone else visited Korea as a first-timer? How was your experience? | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1bE5vLW9Na2RvNW1vMUxUWHNPSDZEZHV2RDNMOFQ4T3dxMVB0YllhckpVWnBHdU1BTjNXYV84X3otQTlXcDQxX29nLVdMd0g2ZGlrdk03VzFHVjUyNkRMR2FxeDRZQWRBZ21oSGEyMVd6NTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1V3RxcW9oNE1jcURzeXZwV29rMlNrbm1QaHU4UVlfWlV0WUVnd1MyZjZsU1FfQ1dyTHk4eVMwSHJxTG9KS3pmbjUyS0ljRVhWcGd2Qm54bElybU5BTEZiZnY1akg0R3NfMEphODR0aDcxb2gxZHlneHhlZlNYRHZkeUxucmpMZEZjWVRCYUFLa25Sd3BtWXdUWnFzV2VJT09qc0hIWFZ4MDRGXzhpb3VxSDZSbHE4Z0tjUVlsbTQyRENDVk9ud1ZH |
Since the shrimp was so popular thought people might want to see them in action. What’s a good name for the band? | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1TFd5RmVYN0lVRll2Z21GNkwyejE2OXZQWlNHc0hjMDVhUnhXNWp0MU5XdjJHQk9zSmdxNDdiZXBLWHdFSnNpeUEzTk9VYlZIVTQzcnpkOG9IWHpVeHM5WE43dFkzbUszelhoX1d4NzJid3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1MGR0Y2RBVGtlS0Vsa2EtOGJpM0VFVlB6eUV0SzlXVGpPU2NuWS1ZTTRwSXh1TlJXX3FjMzkyUDd1TzF6WXRuaFQ5NEtnWTRfR1pxaG43X1JFeVY5bUlkcGxyTmVDYjNCcHY3QV9fTnEyNGN6MURRU3NKdmNFMDZZUEhaaEh2T1YxREdfYUFTdlRfYllGTVpqUWp1R3VfS1NQWkFQQTZqSDN5VlJCRzVtblk4R0ptLUJZQlNhSEhySWE1YnRBbkZN |
Context: I’m korean American. Last time I was in Korea was 6 years ago when I was 12-13. My parents sent me there to live with my grandparents in 대치동 to learn Korean and study ahead. I was laughed at and belittled there by my peers for being “stupid” (I didn’t finish calculus at the age of 11💀💀💀). Also for wearing “weird” clothes I brought from home. Living in Korea was the darkest phase of my life.
My family is visiting there for the first time in 6 years but I’m honestly still afraid to go back. I thought I recovered but I guess not. It’s so stupid how I’m still clinging onto it. I know damn well no one will recognize me or let alone remember me. I can’t put my finger on what I am afraid of, but I am. What the hell. Genuinely so embarrassing. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1Sl9wQlN6eGxuVFhoeXpzOHhQWkt4dUJCT0M0djVpTVJxdGk3QmVSc3Q2WVVNdVRGUXlwNWpGTUluNU8wWVBPOVZMREticlFKX1RnQ0ZvaDVFTHdTMS1wVkZDdEZKUEgzSFJaenpGcjZOR1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1UFlzTXFLSjhjdVJPUkE4Tm5VcjhtdFBLUjE5c00wM0dhUFZqczZ5czBBR2pxbVFGdnhOMFFPTk9FNm9OMXoxT2phUzNEdXFicUZNR050dTlVYTJ0Z1Z3cDJuOGFSeUFCdWhRVGlydnRUenNzLXBaNjREd3FYcTJocmVfek44bzdNZlpUSS14clVQNG5LeGRfS1NEWmVwWUVWbFU0eVRZbEVwSHhxbUUxYUUxcG12d0FWWTNERUxfN0VxbVBJcXNHUWQwV1d5VG5wRWdNSXVWLUs0V3lrZz09 |
I no longer trust my partner and want to leave the relationship, but I am afraid of how he might react. He has abused me twice. The first time, he kicked me in the face three times, splitting my head open so badly that I needed 10 staples. The second time, just this past weekend—two months later—he attacked me in a hotel room for three hours. He forced me to drink 3 of the 1.5 bottles of soju in large amounts, as in half a bottle each time. He pushed me down by my neck, pulled out large clumps of my hair, and left me with a black eye, swollen cheekbones, and scratches on my neck.
I was able to escape when he passed out from the soju andI ran out of the room and asked the hotel staff to call the police. However, the police did not arrest him. They only ensured that I left safely in a taxi to go home.
Afterward, he sent me multiple texts blaming me for making him angry. He insisted that he didn’t actually hit me this time, so I shouldn’t be upset. When I told him that just because he didn’t punch me doesn’t mean he didn’t hurt or terrify me, I even sent him pictures of my injuries, but he still refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing. Instead, he continued to blame me.
I told him I want to end the relationship because I can no longer trust him, but he simply said "no." The next day, he spent his time drinking soju and sending me photos of himself drunk, saying how much he misses me. He also admitted that he lied when he promised that if he ever hurt me again and I wanted to leave, he would let me go.
I am terrified that if I break up with him, he will come to my door. I have no way to move, and I fear going to the police because I don’t know how he might retaliate.
I have a dog, which makes it difficult to find hotels or motels to stay in, and my limited funds make my options even more restricted. I feel trapped and don’t know where to go or how to leave safely..
My boss at my school knows about all of this but cannot change my apartment. | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1TFdReU1KY0NsbUtfSDhkVnpYX0FSc09mYlhrM1RfRXJndXRkeDR3V2p1QWdOeVhXV1djcTdfWDlYSmR0MkpzSnh5bklMb0ZYRmJRaGp0WUE3LWI3dGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1aVNRYXU0Y21KUk5NWTVQb1FfYjlHWFFPcW9WeUVUTXF5ZUF1ZmQ5cUF6MkhDYmNtbjdFQm9nM04wUUhWSl9QVUNfSDV3ZC1CMjJrVlBiVXdsdE5Jbi1HSkNJbkExak5FQ3JWc3dWQnJTLWJWel9kM2pZb2lwcnpUWm1maXdYVUtVeTVVXzV4YS15VW9OUjFZVVBqbGw1dVZNNXVBX0c4ZjdBcGNaOFVRSFVRPQ== |
This appears to be in support of the People Power Party and is using the red hats and "Stop the Steal" slogan from the American MAGA movement | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1eGwxdU80N1NCVlE3OW56Yzl5M3BJc0JFRnBkTHdKaWlYeDdEX3RVUkgxRFVrUUdjRE9LZXNwRmhZUDBwYmcwVkJkOFZrUFdNTFA2VWVvTUtTNDJXV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1dkxpM2c3SkZLTGRBUXlpUWpXWXNDbTF0N3M2SElBd0ZySzQ3cU9aWnVhcXN3Z2NYeW1QTC15azV3WFljSlgzOEF5OFhjWlB0cmJ2MEN6bk1oUW85V2pLSHJ4allWNWZVeENyRGFfNXF3NnVYT3laT194V3EtdmcyVlZ3NlZRLVRLdUxKajBqZDFELWN5OXl2bzIzLU9paEllQmpMY0E2dHE3WWlSbEdpTlJ6eGJFVmZwZVRNeGxXNU9TU0Nyb1li |
This 1945 Japanese newspaper article presents a seemingly grassroots roundtable of Korean housewives from all walks of life gathering in Seoul to discuss wartime fuel shortages. On the surface, it reads as a sincere community discussion. But read between the lines, and it becomes clear: this is colonial propaganda, carefully scripted so that the Korean housewives' ideas and proposals align with the authorities' agenda.
The so-called “discussion” follows a familiar formula — women voice carefully framed complaints about unfair fuel distribution, and then gradually “propose” solutions that just happen to align with state policy: communal cooking, shared baths, and mutual sacrifice. These are not grassroots ideas, but regime talking points delivered through the mouths of colonized women to manufacture consent and compliance.
The authorities then step in, paternalistically “listening” to the women, offering vague reassurances, while praising their endurance and promising to work harder. This performance reinforces the narrative of a benevolent Japanese state and loyal Korean subjects pulling together in wartime.
Despite the heavy propaganda, this article provides a rare glimpse into how the residents of Seoul heated their homes in the winter of 1944-45. We learn that most of them used coal, while a select few had access to natural gas. These women, ranging from widows to factory workers’ wives, shared frank frustrations about the unfair fuel distribution, regional disparities, and how even basic warmth had become a struggle. Some families had to heat a single room for survival, while others received triple the allotment. There were even reports of people dismantling fences and water tank lids to burn for heat.
The communal cooking and shared baths were arranged by the Patriotic Groups (*aegukban*), or neighborhood cells comprising a few households each which formed the most basic governing unit of the colonial regime. The Patriotic Groups were not grassroots associations but surveillance tools embedded in every neighborhood, responsible for tasks like monitoring loyalty, organizing labor, enforcing rationing directives, holding Japanese classes, arranging marriages, and organizing mandatory State Shinto prayers and shrine visits. They were the local level organizations of the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), which functioned as the one and only political party of Korea. Based on the article, the patriotic group leaders had broad authority to order families to share their kitchens or bathtubs with other members of the neighborhood cell, revealing the deeply coercive nature of Imperial Japanese colonial governance at the most intimate levels of daily life.
The news illustration shows a man walking out of a house with a sign saying "風呂当番" or "bath duty", indicating a shared bath. He says to his neighbors, "ヤマ、お先に", meaning "Oh, go ahead".
Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 30, 1945
**Roundtable Discussion in Print: Fuel (Part 3)**
**Bathing and Cooking Done Communally**
**Large Disparity in Rations by District**
Voices of sincere housewives striving to rebuild a resilient wartime lifestyle, offering suggestions such as “What if we try this?” or “What about that?” under limited living conditions, overflow with a strong will to endure that has been forged through managing their kitchens. In the harsh winter months, fuel concerns have emerged as one of the most pressing issues, second only to rationing overall.
**Yoshiko Kataoka (Company Employee's Wife):**
There are significant regional disparities in fuel distribution that still have not been corrected, and this is troubling. I do not expect full provisions, but we need at least a minimum guaranteed amount, or we cannot manage life in this cold.
**Chito Matsumura (Company Employee's Wife):**
I have heard that the eastern part of the city has received relatively more briquette rations, but in places like Yongsan and Misaka (present-day Huam-dong), people are treating even a single briquette as something precious.
**Masuyo Umemura (Widow):**
The distribution seems to differ significantly depending on house size, but for both cooking and heating, the minimum fuel needs should not vary so much.
**Misaki Asō (Patriotic Group Leader):**
Even for large houses, if there are more family members, a minimum standard of warmth could still be maintained by heating just one or two rooms.
**Take Hirose (Midwife):**
Distribution limits are set based on number of rooms, household members, availability of gas, and whether a bath is present. But this seems more like an ideal theory. For example, when fuel is distributed in less than the prescribed amount, households deemed to require the minimum get so little they have no sense of how to use it effectively. Even if the distribution is not perfectly equal, the gap should be narrowed more.
**Nobuko Nakashima (General Store Owner's Wife):**
There is a large house nearby with a family of four. My house is smaller, but we are a family of five. When briquettes were distributed, they received three boxes, and I received only one. That large house is only heating two rooms, while I, with more people, am also heating two rooms. The actual fuel consumption should be similar, but I cannot make sense of this distribution no matter how I think about it.
**Asō (Patriotic Group Leader):**
Fuel is distributed by patriotic groups, so in such cases, instead of sticking strictly to the rules, neighbors should adapt to circumstances and share. Since we are a people at war, a mutual spirit of patience and cooperation could resolve these issues.
**Sachiko Takenaka (Distribution Shop Owner's Wife):**
That is very true. Even with the gas nowadays, while it is supposed to be available for each household, it produces no flame at all. When we use it, rice does not cook, which is very frustrating (*laughter*). If it cannot be used properly, perhaps it would be better to centralize gas usage by patriotic groups and ensure stronger gas output, using it jointly. On top of that, homes that have gas receive lower fuel rations, even if their gas is not functioning properly.
**Tomoko Shirakawa (Factory Worker's Wife):**
This might sound like a complaint, but as you know, houses in the Korean peninsula mostly use ondol heating. At my house, we only warm one room, and the whole family eats and sleeps there. But with constant movement between cold and warm rooms, my grandmother and children have fallen ill. Unheated ondol floors are freezing cold, as if summer and winter switch places instantly.
**Fusae Nakamura (Government Official's Wife):**
Meanwhile, some households are still taking daily baths.
**Asō (Patriotic Group Leader):**
If it takes ten units of wood or coal to heat a bath for one household, that is one hundred units for ten homes. But if neighbors used one home’s bath collectively, it could be done with fifty units or even just thirty, depending on the number of households involved. In every patriotic group, there should be at least one or two homes with baths, so if people pool fuel or take turns heating, significant savings could be achieved.
**Umemura (Widow):**
That is true. Whether it is communal cooking or communal bathing, discussions often stall due to personal preferences, but if the authorities gave a clear directive and guidance, I believe implementation would go surprisingly smoothly.
**Kataoka (Company Employee's Wife):**
This might be inappropriate to say, but most households are securing fuel outside the rationing system. There are also shops openly selling expensive fuel on the streets. If all of that could be rerouted into the official distribution, we could ensure a minimum standard of warmth for all.
**Nakamura (Government Official's Wife):**
Using such expensive fuel drives our monthly fuel costs up to nearly 200 yen, not just 100 yen. If we could get by on rations alone, we could actually save money.
**Asō (Patriotic Group Leader):**
I am drying and using any combustible waste from the kitchen or trash, but it is only a small amount, and while it helps morale, it does nothing for warmth (*laughter*).
**Matsuyama (Company Employee's Wife):**
In places like Seoul, half the year is winter, so the fuel issue is extremely serious. Even things like fence panels and water tank lids are disappearing, probably because someone is using them for warmth somewhere (*laughter*).
**Koku Irie (Company Employee's Wife):**
We sometimes hear unpleasant stories about how fuel passes from retailers through the patriotic groups to households. Could the town councils make fuel quantities and allocations more transparent? Even if supplies are short, clear information helps us endure hardship with a better attitude.
**Response from the Authorities**
**Efforts Will Be Increased for Distribution**
◇ Regional disparities in fuel allocation occurred because distribution was carried out sequentially according to availability. For districts like Mapo and parts of Seodaemun, which have not yet received supplies, firewood cut from city-owned forests and shipments from Siheung are being redirected. Firewood stockpiled in Gwangju had been delayed due to transportation issues, but it will soon arrive to meet general demand.
Smokeless coal, which is the primary fuel, is now being urgently prioritized to areas with previously low distribution rates. Firewood and charcoal for the New Year were distributed equally to all households, and future fuel will be allocated based on designated distribution limits. While it is said that large and small houses do not differ much in consumption, allocations are assessed primarily by number of family members, with number of rooms also considered, and the differences are not as great as people imagine. This can be confirmed by looking at the distribution limit charts held by each patriotic group leader.
If there are any concerns about the fuel distribution, residents are encouraged to report them directly, and the government will respond appropriately.
We deeply appreciate the cooperation and fuel conservation efforts being made under such difficult circumstances. The city office, in coordination with relevant agencies, will strive even harder to fulfill the expectations of the people.
(Mr. Nishiwaki, Head of Economic Affairs, Seoul)
**Appreciation for Growing Awareness of Communal Living**
◇ Not only for the sake of fuel conservation, but the very fact that ideas like communal cooking and communal bathing are emerging spontaneously from housewives is truly heartening. The Korean Federation of National Power, Seoul Branch will work to support this growing enthusiasm and turn it into action.
As a form of wartime lifestyle, communal living is one of the most practical approaches. After a comprehensive survey, we will work quickly to develop concrete plans to realize these public proposals and transform them into a unified national effort.
(Mr. Inoue, Head of Total War Mobilization Division, Seoul)
京城日報 1945年1月30日
**紙上井戸端会議 燃料(3)**
Source: [키워드 검색 - 신문 검색 - 대한민국 신문 아카이브](https://www.nl.go.kr/newspaper/keyword_search.do) | r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1a1hjT2xUQl9fbi01MHM4dEJaYUl5aGlUczdFMnBKTTNEbGdZUTY3WjhBNUdfd3dqMVhHbndZbkw5dEczS08zb3NXQjZYQ0ZtN3FNWVNieHhVMXlVdmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1QTBMeHNOcVJQMkFTSDFYdXRhUWRRbXFsM1pNbkRmcmFOODZZNVhBT1pESHZER2NoZk1jUm5QZFdLcU1UU1VKbXR3LWV3TE1kMmc3ZmlTYUFybFc5ckYwenZUNU1YbkFTY3VIVzJqYUdxNi1SMUJ0S050akNhVzh1VVlESjYzaUh5U0RDb1BENmc3dHhLbW1qbkJNcFpPRUR3SVloOUk2eUtTYlI4ODJDc3V1UEtQZ0x4ZmJpcEtzY09HZGhNUm1r |
EDIT: THANK YOU ALL! I have a brobdingnagian list to get through now. 😅
Watched and loved:
- 12 Angry Men
- Wizard of Oz
- On the Waterfront
- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
- All About Eve
- West Side Story
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
- My Fair Lady
- Rear Window
- All the Charlie Chaplin greats
On my list:
- Casablanca
- Citizen Kane
- Psycho
- North by Northwest
Not interested in:
- Westerns
- Gone with the Wind. I dunno. I've tried, and just haven't been able to get into it.
- Musicals (Yes I have some on my loved list, but for the most part, not a fan)
I know that the woman who previously had my number is now deceased, due to being included in family group chats accidentally 🥺 What pisses me off is the number of scam calls I receive every day, because they obviously haven't gotten the memo that this is no longer the phone number of a vulnerable old woman. Fuck these vultures. Got 2 today about a supposed PS5 order on my walmart account, and ended up back on this sub for the hundredth time in the past 6 months. It just really upsets me to think about how many of these calls the elderly woman with this number had to dodge. | r/scams | post | r/Scams | 2025-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1U28zSGZUV2pZQ2hGOURHc3kycVo2aGVFdVBYQWdtSFB3VGxIQ21fLWlWREM4Vlc0aXlPRDZFVEJEbzhMQ2NLY2VhZ1RYSDRXbWFTMmNaeXR4SThPTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1WFRDcFJIMDE5cFN5eVdrU1NjNEROUFdLOW5WQkVxRmpMZ3BWdUdvQkZxOWxybXdjYjB3Q21jWTE0ZTc0cUVUc09fQVZyRVlRNTJ3Q3prTDBuUVlEQXFUZWo0MVVXVTQzWjZVTnpDSTRtT0hlc1Q2NnJhRzVDODJfbERTUi02VmdoSzh5bDQ0ajZPZ21EQlNuYmZjN1pzeE9wQzZFeE9XU3AwSDJqX0tYc09vYU0xRFMzcThlLUdRSkE3ZzlGRTJsY2hzR096dW55RFd4eVdQNHk4YTJsUT09 |
Columbia University student Yunseo Chung is suing the Trump administration amid its efforts to deport the 21-year-old, who has been in the U.S. since she was 7 and has lawful permanent resident status.
A lawsuit was filed Monday after Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) got an administrative warrant for Chung’s arrest and told the South Korean native that her status was being “revoked,” even though only an immigration judge can take away a green card.
| r/korea | post | r/korea | 2025-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1SzBwM0ZweV9qY05leExRMU84a3BjTnlreFJ6RGdwWnJmbk90bWQ0LUE4dVVIWDJHeXAwLThtU0tWbGUxdlViT1l6X240OHB3Q1RFcUVDLXBiMDJKR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1aFBTeHRZZWtFU1F5elFWbzMyMl9qaUtnN0ZWeG1hbHhKWUx3bmFMd2lwdFJYRVp0Q1BWbnpJT0F5eDQ4bmlVZElSNng2SmZ0VjJIT0kwcXlpeTdUTkZKQkt5Q0JnWVlpOFB1ZlU3TUQ0RXJjVmxJWUdtN2RBXzlHclVyQWZ2SXVGZ1hDTm9rYy1TU0xyc0NPQkZ1MGJjWUQ1ZGdqS09pSUJSbkNQRlRCS2lzcHdZZXQ5eE9DdG5fOTlMVENuTm9WdmpmWWg1dUFPZWN2U1VaVW5Ddk5JZz09 |
I’m looking for something with a similar setting and feel to the above movies (and show). Something with a darker atmosphere but preferably not horror. Something with crime and drama that captures the darker side of the American South.
I’m happy for period movies but I’d prefer something set from say the 1960s onwards.
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated! | r/moviesuggestions | post | r/MovieSuggestions | 2025-03-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1bDNWQUhMeUJEMWl3NXc3QWR6cEl0QlRnbWJQRElSZzhNNFVNNkNjRUhUX3VwX1ZfQjJ6ZTBhS1lRb1lCbHN6N2hyV1lUcVZVMHB5dzhyejVQWGw1VEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1RzNxa2hqa0V2V1ppdnBrRW80TTNHVTY0eXJneS0zWlZHV1VVdERXZ2pwaFNYMWluSGwzWnpwZk00RjJrSnRNS0hoOXV1b2Jqd0JXZjg3dXJHak9jQ1BKbTRMUWNEQnRrM3Z4eWFFOTZ6WDZKNHBwSF9NSGhEcXJ1aFo5dXN2TkZjOVFoVzlIVnVHMjJOa3hEaGc2Q1NQT1BZWHZiaUo3dzdUOWh0YVRLaEtkcGxGTkI1NGFWLVgtREc5YXJ5c3I0cUNrU0ltZjN3aG1JaG9hQzNrdWRHQT09 |
Could be more lighthearted and comedic/ child friendly, “Max Keeble’s Big Move”, “Drillbit Taylor”, or serious/ mature, “Bully” with Brad Renfro, for example.
Thanks. | r/moviesuggestions | post | r/MovieSuggestions | 2025-03-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1X2xPVF9pNWRyTHVfYlZGVDNRdFlWSG1DS1RlbHctY29CM3ZES29ESGd6emduNVhhTnBfUmRBVnZ6TnB3Y2xTbDJWUnktNUtQWjR3TlR1NHpwYmI4eVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm41UFA1MS1fNlU2S3lGbHNoeC1wQ2Y5V3c1dE92LVRUaEYtaXNOeTFUZjlHZUxJdlBfSzVMcnJrX29CSTRLOTJFb2YtVWdUMUtiVXdCWTJ1UzFNLWc4dUNBM1VDcUxuaUZkZzhib1ZseHpuRW9sMENKNXpIc0w3eVYxVXhya3RSYUs4S2lidmtqb2RlSG8tZGpDeU1GZmRONGtTU0J6SDRSMVZudWt1SkR1TVR0bFkwUl9yQnJfbVYxWWZFWkxhN0toSVpoVjM1TEx5OUJNeTd6dnJBV185cEU0QT09 |
Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset

Dataset Summary
This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.
Supported Tasks
The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:
- Sentiment Analysis
- Topic Modeling
- Community Analysis
- Content Categorization
Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:
Data Fields
(string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.label
(string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.dataType
(string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.communityName
(string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.datetime
(string): The date when the content was posted or commented.username_encoded
(string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.url_encoded
(string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.
Data Splits
This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.
Dataset Creation
Source Data
Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.
Personal and Sensitive Information
All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact and Biases
Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.
- Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
- The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
- Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
- The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.
Additional Information
Licensing Information
The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.
Citation Information
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},
To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.
Dataset Statistics
[This section is automatically updated]
- Total Instances: 145181
- Date Range: 2018-05-09T00:00:00Z to 2025-03-29T00:00:00Z
- Last Updated: 2025-03-29T20:47:29Z
Data Distribution
- Posts: 2.35%
- Comments: 97.65%
Top 10 Subreddits
For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json
file in the repository.
Rank | Topic | Total Count | Percentage |
1 | r/nextfuckinglevel | 7319 | 5.04% |
2 | r/Damnthatsinteresting | 6927 | 4.77% |
3 | r/whenthe | 6622 | 4.56% |
4 | r/todayilearned | 6496 | 4.47% |
5 | r/MovieSuggestions | 5987 | 4.12% |
6 | r/deadbydaylight | 5566 | 3.83% |
7 | r/Invincible | 5202 | 3.58% |
8 | r/EDH | 4901 | 3.38% |
9 | r/FortNiteBR | 4775 | 3.29% |
10 | r/Guitar | 4611 | 3.18% |
Update History
Date | New Instances | Total Instances |
2025-03-27T06:15:21Z | 56 | 56 |
2025-03-27T06:45:17Z | 1353 | 1409 |
2025-03-28T09:28:44Z | 1585 | 2994 |
2025-03-29T02:38:12Z | 74823 | 77817 |
2025-03-29T20:47:29Z | 67364 | 145181 |
- Downloads last month
- 24